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Per: 3 04-25-17
Lesson 30- More Tricky Twins and Triplets
Imprudent Indigenous Indignant Intimidate Obtuse Ponderous
Impudent indigent Intimate Obscure Ponderable

Trumps V.S Women

Do you perceive that it's imprudent1 for women to go against Trump and Should
women have the alternative to be involved politics? Many empowered women felt
impudent2 to be strongly involved in politics, for instance, A thirty-year graphic designer
from Wisconsin named Alyson Leahy elaborated "I felt that Trump's win was the
quintessential example of an unqualified man winning over an incredibly qualified
woman". Leahy was considered an "informed voter" however, felt indignant3 to even
vote for Trump. Leached felt obtuse4 to realize how individuals still grant him votes
when all he has done is discriminate against immigrants. For Leahy, the votes remained
obscured5, which, informed her she couldn't disregard work and perceived the
significance of everyday involvement. Once Leahy attended the March in Washington,
she wasn't feeling intimidated6 because she unveiled how various individuals had
compatible feelings toward Trump.

After the elections, Leahy and other empowered women's divulged a ponderous7
action causing more women to get involved in the community, since, everyone
encounter how close Hillary was to become the first woman President but unfortunately
losing to a less qualified individual to run for President. Should women feel ponderable8
to keep living in this cycle of having no empowerment in politics or seek for diversity and
run for mayor or even presidency? Intimate9 to Leahy persuasion, a women named
Charisse Denisse felt the election were absurd which she stated " "I knew the world
looked different when I walked out that door," the mother of four from Watertown,
Wisconsin, recalls. "This isn't what I thought the world would look like. ... It changed
everything." As an indigenous10 woman, Denisse declares an idea how she perceives
to run for mayor, even though, she fail to win she will have the satisfaction of trying to
be involved in politics. This article declares how it doesn't matter if you're indigent11,
wealthy, or middle class all women should have the opportunity to be allowed to heard
in politics not just men.

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