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At the end of the Given some At the end of the At the end of the lesson,
LC6. Responds lesson, the students locutionary acts by lesson, the the students should be
appropriately to a speech should be able to: the teacher, the students should be able to:
act students should be able to:
a. Identify from given able to: a. Dramatize the written
dialogues the literal a. Brainstorm skits to show effective
utterance of the a. Determine the experienced responses to certain
speaker, the intention intention of what the communication speech acts
of saying so, and how teacher says situations where
the listener perceived b. Respond speech acts were b. Check whether the
what was said through appropriately to evidently present responses to certain
a T-chart what was said b. Write a 3- speech acts were
b. Define speech acts c. Cite effective minute skit that appropriate or not using
based from the ways of responding shows the a T-chart evaluation
accomplished T-chart to certain speech appropriate form
c. Explain the acts responses to
relationship among speech acts c. Explain the
locutionary acts, importance of
illocutionary acts and appropriate responses to
perlecutionary acts certain speech acts

II. TOPICS Speech Acts: Types & Responding to Speech Acts: Speech Acts: Situations
Concepts Speech Acts Situations & & Responses
III. MATERIALS T-chart Students written
Dialogues skits
written/flashed T-chart
Powerpoint evaluation form
presentation Performance-
Manila paper based rubric
Cut outs
clouds and
raindrops, cut
outs of T-
a. Warm-Up/ Review Recall concepts on Students recall effective
speech styles and ways of responding to
language forms certain speech acts
through Fact or Bluff through teachers
b. Introduction/Motivation Teacher presents Teacher processes
dialogues and students students responses and
accomplish the given points out the
T-chart importance of
considering ones role as
effective communicators
for effective
communication to
c. Presentation of the Based from the Teacher presents the
lesson accomplished T-chart, rubric for assessing their
the students present role play presentation
their findings and and asks them to
come up with a very evaluate each others
good definition of the performances
speech acts

d. Practice Clouds of Speech Acts Students dramatize their

Students are written skits effectively.
grouped into three and
provided with the
materials needed in
the activity wherein
they are given the
written locutionary
acts (literal
significance of the
utterance) in the cut
cloud-shaped cartolina
and they are going to
write on the cut outs
of raindrops the
possible illocutionary
acts (intention of the
speaker) and the
perlecutionary acts
(how the listener
perceives the
utterance) in the cut
outs of T-shirts
hanged in a
e. Evaluation Students explain the 1. Students
relationship among evaluate each
locutionary, others
illocutionary and performance
perlocutionary acts through the
through a graphic performance-
organizer based rubric
2. Other members
of the group
evaluate whether
the responses to
certain speech
acts were
appropriate or
not using a T-
chart evaluation
3. Explain the
importance of
responses to
certain speech
V. Remarks
Given video clips At the end of the lesson, At the end of the lesson,
LC7. Engages in a showing different the students should be the students should be
communicative situation communicative able to: able to:
using acceptable, polite situations, the
and meaningful students should be a. Cite examples of a. Execute a dialogue
communicative strategies able to: communication situations showing appropriate,
where communicative acceptable, polite and
a. Define strategies are appropriately meaningful
communicative used communicative strategies
strategy through b. Identify communicative to given communicative
Think-Pair-Share strategies inappropriately situations.
b. Determine the types used in a given
of communicative communicative situation b. Evaluate whether used
strategies c. Write dialogues using communicative strategies
(Nomination, appropriate, acceptable, in role plays were
Restriction, Turn- polite and meaningful appropriate or not.
taking, Topic control, communicative strategies
Topic shifting, Repair to given communicative c. Explain the importance
and Termination) used situations of using appropriate,
c. Explain the function acceptable, polite and
of each meaningful
communicative communicative strategies
strategy through to different
situational analysis communication
chart situations.

II. TOPICS Communicative Features of Acceptable, Importance of Using

Strategy: Types & Polite and Meaningful Acceptable, Polite and
Concepts Communicative Strategies Meaningful
Strategies to Variety of
III. MATERIALS video clips Communicative Dialogues written
powerpoint situations written in by students
presentation strips of paper/flashed Performance-
situational based rubric
analysis chart Powerpoint
IV. PROCEDURE Students recall the
a. Warm-Up/ Review Recall concepts on functions of Recall features of
speech acts through communicative strategies acceptable, polite and
Fact or Bluff or any in the communication meaningful
similar activity process through a game communicative strategies
show- type activity

Teacher prompts The teacher presents a Teacher presents a video

b.Introduction/Motivation sample video showing various clip showing the
communicative speeches of different importance of
situations then elicits
famous personalities. The acceptable, polite and
students way of teacher then asks the meaningful
responding to such. students how the speakers communicative strategies
have made their speeches in effective
powerful. communication
c. Presentation and 1. Given video The teacher will take note 1. Teacher asks the
Discussion of the clip of the responses of the students to work in pairs
lesson presentations student and use them as and execute a dialogue
of different springboard to the lesson showing acceptable,
communicative about different polite and meaningful
situations, communicative strategies. communicative strategies
teacher asks to given situations.
students to 2. Students are given 3
work in pairs minutes to prepare
and come up 2.Teacher presents and
with a discusses with the
definition of students the rubric for
communicative assessing their
strategy with performances
instruction of
the teacher.
2. Teacher
leading for the
students to
determine the
types of
Topic control,
Topic shifting,
Repair and

d. Practice 1. Teacher divides The students will write Students perform their
the class into three their own speeches using assigned tasks applying
groups and assigns the different the appropriate,
them different dialogs communication strategies. acceptable, polite and
showing various meaningful
communicative communicative strategies
2. Students identify
which type of
strategy is used from
the assigned
e. Evaluation Students explain the The students will deliver Students evaluate
function of each their speeches and will be whether used
communicative assessed using product- communicative strategies
strategy through and performance-based in role plays were
situational analysis rubric. appropriate or not.
Students xplain the
importance of using
appropriate, acceptable,
polite and meaningful
communicative strategies
to different
communication situations
through oral discussion.
V. Remarks

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