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The Role of the

School Counselor

school counselors are certified/ School counselors serve a vital role in experiences for all students. School coun-
licensed educators with a minimum maximizing student success (Lapan, Gys- selors support a safe learning environ-
of a masters degree in school coun- bers, & Kayson, 2007; Stone & Dahir, ment and work to safeguard the human
seling, making them uniquely qualified 2006). Through leadership, advocacy and rights of all members of the school com-
to address all students academic, career collaboration, school counselors promote munity (Sandhu, 2000) and address the
and social/emotional development needs equity and access to rigorous educational needs of all students through culturally
by designing, implementing, evaluating relevant prevention and intervention pro-
and enhancing a comprehensive school grams that are a part of a comprehensive
counseling program that promotes school counseling program (Lee, 2001).
and enhances student success. School The American School Counselor Associa-
counselors are employed in elementary, tion recommends a school-counselor-to-
middle/junior high and high schools; in student ratio of 1:250.
district supervisory positions; and coun-
selor education positions. The School Counselors Role
School counselors have a minimum of
a masters degree in school counseling,
meet the state certification/
licensure standards and abide by the
laws of the states in which they are
employed. They uphold the ethical and
professional standards of ASCA and
other applicable professional counseling
associations and promote the develop-
ment of the school counseling program
based on the following areas of the
ASCA National Model: foundation, de-
livery, management and accountability.

School counselors create comprehensive
school counseling programs that focus
on student outcomes, teach student com-
petencies and are delivered with identi-
fied professional competencies.
Program Focus To establish pro-
gram focus, school counselors identify
personal beliefs that address how all
students benefit from the school counsel-
ing program. Building on these beliefs,
school counselors create a vision state-
ment that defines what the future will
look like in terms of student outcomes.
In addition, school counselors create a
mission statement that aligns with their
schools mission and develop program
goals that define how the vision and mis-
sion will be measured.
Student Competencies Enhancing advisory councils made up of students, systemic activities designed to assist
the learning process for all students, the parents, teachers, school counsel- students in establishing personal goals
ASCA Mindsets & Behaviors for Student ors, administrators and community and developing future plans.
Success guide the development of effec- members to review and make recom- Responsive Services Responsive
tive school counseling programs around mendations about school counseling services are activities designed to
three domains: academic, career and program activities and results meet students immediate needs and
social/emotional development. School use of data to measure the results of concerns. Responsive services may
counselors also consider how other stu- the program as well as to promote sys- include counseling in individual or
dent standards that are important to state temic change within the school system small-group settings or crisis response.
and district initiatives complement and so every student graduates college and
Indirect Services for Students
inform their school counseling program. career ready
Indirect services are provided on behalf
curriculum, small-group and closing-
Professional Competencies The of students as a result of the school
the-gap action plans including devel-
ASCA School Counselor Competencies counselors interactions with others
opmental, prevention and intervention
outline the knowledge, attitudes and including referrals for additional as-
activities and services that measure
skills that ensure school counselors are sistance, consultation and collaboration
the desired student competencies and
equipped to meet the rigorous demands with parents, teachers, other educators
measure the impact on achievement,
of the profession. The ASCA Ethical and community organizations.
behavior and attendance
Standards for School Counselors specify
annual and weekly calendars to keep
the principles of ethical behavior neces- ACCOUNTABILITY
students, parents, teachers and ad-
sary to maintain the highest standard of To demonstrate the effectiveness of the
ministrators informed and to encour-
integrity, leadership and professionalism. school counseling program in measur-
age active participation in the school
They guide school counselors decision- able terms, school counselors analyze
counseling program
making and help to standardize profes- school and school counseling pro-
sional practice in order to protect both gram data to determine how students
students and school counselors. are different as a result of the school
School counselors provide services to
counseling program. School counsel-
students, parents, school staff and the
MANAGEMENT ors use data to show the impact of the
community in the following areas:
School counselors incorporate organi- school counseling program on student
zational assessments and tools that are Direct Services with Students achievement, attendance and behavior
concrete, clearly delineated and reflective Direct services are in-person interactions and analyze school counseling program
of the schools needs. Assessments and between school counselors and students assessments to guide future action and
tools include: and include the following: improve future results for all students.
The performance of the school coun-
school counselor competency and School Counseling Core Curriculum
selor is evaluated on basic standards of
school counseling program assess- This curriculum consists of structured
practice expected of school counselors
ments to self-evaluate areas of strength lessons designed to help students at-
implementing a comprehensive school
and improvement for individual skills tain the desired competencies and to
counseling program.
and program activities provide all students with the knowl-
use of time assessment to determine edge, attitudes and skills appropriate
the amount of time spent toward the for their developmental level. The
School counselors are certified/licensed
recommended 80 percent or more of school counseling core curriculum
educators with the minimum of a mas-
the school counselors time to direct is delivered throughout the schools
ters degree in school counseling and are
and indirect services with students overall curriculum and is systemati-
uniquely qualified to address the devel-
annual agreements developed with cally presented by school counselors in
opmental needs of all students through
and approved by administrators at collaboration with other professional
a comprehensive school counseling
the beginning of the school year ad- educators in K-12 classroom and
program addressing the academic, career
dressing how the school counseling group activities.
and personal/social development of all
program is organized and what goals Individual Student Planning School
will be accomplished counselors coordinate ongoing

Lapan, R. T., Gysbers, N. C., & Kayson, M. A. (2007). Missouri school counselors benefit all students. Jefferson City, MO: Mis-
souri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education.
Lee, C. (2001). Culturally responsive school counselors and programs: Addressing the needs of all students. Professional School
Counseling, 4, 163-171.
Sandhu, D. S. (2000). Alienated students: Counseling strategies to curb school violence. Professional School Counseling, 4, 81-85.
Stone, C. B. & Dahir, C. A. (2006). The transformed school counselor. Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin Company.

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