HSP Issue 3

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Christian Meditation every Tuesday at The community of Nabukavesi will be hav-
10.00 am in Wainividio Chapel. ing their fundraising on Friday the 9th of
Bible Study for children at 4.00pm and June 2017 at the Parish Hall, Delana. This
Small Christian Community (SCC) gospel is to raise funds for their soli. PENTECOST Next week, Holy Trinity
sharing on Sundays at 5.00pm. First Reading: Acts 2:1-11 First Reading: Ex 34:4b-6,8-9/Dn
Ps 104: 24,29-30,31,34/1 3:52,53,54,55,56
Monday 5th June, ST BONIFACE Praemonstratensians or the Norbertines. His Second Reading: Cor:12:3b-7.12-13 Second Reading: (52b)/2 Cor 13:11-13,
Boniface, who was founding of the Order was a monumental task: Gospel:Jn 20:19-23 Gospel: Jn 3:16-19
baptized Winfrid, combating rampant heresiesparticularly re-
lived in the eighth garding the Blessed Sacrament, revitalizing Issue No.3 REFLECTION 04th, June 2017
century. He was a many of the faithful who had grown indifferent

Pentecost Sunday
brilliant monk in a and dissolute, plus effecting peace and reconcil-
Benedictine monas- iation among enemies.
tery in England. He Norbert entertained no pretensions about his
was the head of a own ability to accomplish this multiple task.
school, but he thought God wanted him to be a Even with the aid of a goodly number of men Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of Your Faithful and
missionary. He went to Frisia (Northern Nether- who joined his Order, he realized that nothing enkindle in them the fire of Your Love .Send forth Your
lands and Germany) to begin his work. A war could be effectively done without Gods power.
forced him to return to England for a few years, Finding this help especially in devotion to the Spirit and they shall be created and You shall renew
but he did not give up. Next, he journeyed to Blessed Sacrament, he and his Norbertines the face of the earth.
Rome to ask the pope to tell him where to serve. praised God for success in converting heretics,
Pope Gregory II changed Winfrids name to reconciling numerous enemies, and rebuilding
Boniface, which means a man who does good faith in indifferent believers. Many of them
Pentecost is one of the most joyful feasts in the Christian liturgical calendar, the birthday
deeds. Then he sent Boniface to eastern Ger- lived in central houses during the week and of the Church and it is also the feast day of our Parish. For fifty days the Church has been
many. served in parishes on weekends. celebrating the great mysteries of Easter, most notably the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
For nearly 35 years, Boniface traveled all over Reluctantly, Norbert became archbishop of Pentecost is the conclusion of the Easter season. Today, the familiar story of Pentecost
Germany, preaching, teaching, and building Magdeburg in central Germany, a territory half will be the first reading. The Spirit blows through the upper room where the disciples are
schools, monasteries, and convents. He went to pagan and half Christian. In this position he
Rome to report to the pope about his work. zealously and courageously continued his work hiding and, according to tradition, resides over each of them as tongues of fire. The disci-
There, the pope ordained him bishop and told for the Church until his death on June 6, 1134. ples burst forth from that upper room to preach, teach, baptize, and celebrate the Eucha-
him to return to Germany to continue mission- rist. Most of them were martyred for their faith. Courage, strength, love, resolve, faith,
ary work. Boniface invited monks and sisters and conviction were the marks of the apostles as they began their ministry to the known
from England to come and help him. The mon- Friday 9th June, ST EPHREM was a
astery at Fulda is probably the most famous one major poet and theologian. world after that experience of the Holy Spirit in the upper room.
started by Boniface. The liturgical worship con- On this Pentecost Sunday, let us ask the Spirit to blow through our Churches and commu-
As an old man, Boniface returned to Frisia to tains deep reflections, truth, nities. Let us open our hearts, minds, and souls to the presence of the Spirit as tongues of
work among the pagans. One morning, while he and beautiful poetic hymns fire over our heads. The call of the early disciples is our call! Lets stop hiding and commit
was waiting to confirm a group of converts, a written by St Ephrem. ourselves to living our faith with joy and with the same courage and resolve as did the
band of angry natives rushed into the church Though he was asked to
and murdered Boniface and early Church. The point of this column is to call each individual Christian to live his or her
become a priest, St Ephrem
about 50 converts. Today chose to remained a life faith as did the apostles after Pentecost. From the Spirit each person seeks courage,
Saint Boniface is the patron of long deacon of the church. strength, love, resolve, faith, and conviction. As the apostles burst forth with love and
Germany He used song and meter to joy, so todays Christians are in desperate need of the same energy that inspired the
instill the doctrines and teachings of the apostles
Tuesday 6th June, Church in the minds and heart of the faith-
ST NORBERT ful. His prolific poetry of liturgical hymns
In the 12th century in the Lets pray that at this Pentecost the Spirit will blow through the homes of Christians eve-
French region of Premontre,
is incomparable which is why the church rywhere inspiring them to live their faith with joy and courage. The values that come
Saint Norbert founded a reli- gives hime the title the harp of the Holy
Spirit. through Christian faith have the potential of transforming the world into a place of love,
gious Order known as the peace, and joy.
4 HOLY SPIRIT PARISH BULLETIN, Veivatuloa NamosiIssue No.03 HOLY SPIRIT PARISH BULLETIN, Veivatuloa NamosiIssue No.03 1
Sunday Masses (Year A) Sunday Mass Roster
10.00am - Holy Spirit Parish Church The PPC Meeting will be held on Sun-
day, 11th June 2017 at the Parish Hall. 11th June 2017, Solemnity of Holy Trinity - St Mark, Wailoaloa

Weekdays Masses (Year 1)

LITURGY COMMITTEE 18th June 2017, Solemnity of Corpus Christi - Parish Youth
Meeting will be held in Delana on Sat-
6.00am - Adoration & Benediction urday 10th June, at 10.00am. Please
6.30am - Mass (Parish Church) be advised that every Community
Tuesday should have a representative (rep) in
6.00am - Adoration & Benediction this meeting. Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit
6.30am - No Mass in the morning
6.00pm - Mass (Veivatuloa) FIRST HOLY COMMUNION
Candidates for the First Holy Commun-
Fear of the Lord: With this gift the Christian becomes keenly aware of anything
ion to produce their Baptismal Certifi-
6.00am - Adoration & Benediction that may hurt his/her relationship with God. There is a holy fear of hurting this
cate so that they are eligible for the
6.30am - Mass (Parish Church) relationship and grace is given to avoid these things at all cost.
6.30pm - Mass (Mau)
Wisdom: With this gift the Christian is given a special grace to ponder divine reali-
ties in his/her speculative reason. We are able to see the big picture and know
6.00am - Adoration & Benediction Na marama e via gole I Namosi, me
how best to be an instrument of peace and harmony in our world.
6.30am - Mass (Parish Church) soli mai na yacamu ni bera ni cava na
6.00pm - Mass (Nabukavesi) vula o Jiune.
Understanding: This is the ability to have a supernatural assurance of the matters
Friday E gadrevi na keda I wiliwili mai of faith. Life makes sense. We can make sense of the deeper parts of revelation,
Namosi. $40 me vakarautaki. AGM - make sense of suffering and understand those things that tempt us to doubt. With
6.00am - Adoration & Benediction
17th - 21st Aug 2017. $20 - Vodovo- this gift we come to see how everything in life can work for good in accordance
6.30am - Mass (Parish Church) do. $20 - Kana. with Gods plan.
Saturday 9 ni Jiune veisiko vei ira na baraca e
7.00am - Adoration & Benediction Wainadoi 5 na kaloko ena yakavi. Knowledge: With this gift the Christian knows, more in the practical intellect,
7.30 am Mass (Parish Church) Nai tavi sa tiko vei ira nai liuliu ni vei what Gods will is in this or that situation. We know how to live, how to discern
wasewase. Gods will and what decision to make in our daily life. It also enables us to learn
Na lori ena vakarautaki me kauti from our past mistakes.
Counsel: With this gift the Christian sees him/herself as a link in a chain which
Sundays Collection: Month of May makes up the entire Church. God uses each one of us to help and support one an-
other on our journey. We know what to say and how to act so as to do our part to
Dates Pledge Sunday Soli Total build up one another.
7/05/2017 316.15 230.25 $ 546.40
Fortitude: Simply put, it is a firmness of mind and spirit to do good and avoid
14/05/2017 413.7 228.7 $ 642.40 evil. Its a sort of Christian courage. The Gospel will call all of us to a radical life of
21/05/2017 297 223.8 $ 520.80 love. Fortitude gives us the strength we need to follow through.
28/05/2017 329.7 248.5 $ 578.20
Piety: This gift enables us to first reverence and love God, but also to see the dig-
Total Bal 1356.55 931.25 $ 2,287.80 nity of one another and reverence each other as children of God.

2 HOLY SPIRIT PARISH BULLETIN, Veivatuloa NamosiIssue No.03 HOLY SPIRIT PARISH BULLETIN, Veivatuloa NamosiIssue No.03 3

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