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Possible impact-structures visual research Updated: May 18, 2017

Diameter Age Looking like Target

Working Name Country Latitude Longitude
(km) (Ma) Impact str. other Rock

Tin Bider, volcano,

Western Sahara 1 Morocco N 2525 O 1215 2.76 <70 Ouarkiz Richat structure
* Abbreviations: C - Crystalline; C-Ms - Metasedimentary; M - Mixed (i.e.sedimentary strata overlying crystalline basement); S -
sedimentary (i.e. no crystalline rocks affected by the impact event). From PASSC Earth Impact Database.
conviction scale Impact Parei Other or
Eruptive Plutonic Tectonic Hydraulic Artefact
structure dolia mixed
(1 to 5 + allocated among
the different hypothesis)
+++ + + - - -
- = Excluded hypothesis

Location: About 40 km N-NE from Galtat Zemmur.

Description: isolated crater eroded and partly filled with sand. An outwardly (reverse from Richat)
pointing scales ring betrays the concave shape of the masked structure in the sand

Geology: Paleozoic Metasedimentary outcropping. No comparable igneous structure identified nearby.

Google Earth M. SAADI - Structural Map of

Morocco 1/2000000e, 1982

Google Earth

J-M. Mazaleyrat February 16, 2014 Page 1/5

Possible impact-structures visual research Updated: May 18, 2017

Looking like:
Impact structures

OUARKZIZ (Algria) D= 3.5km: TIN BIDER (Algria) D= 6km

Non impact structures

RICHAT Structure (Mauritania) D= 40km

J-M. Mazaleyrat February 16, 2014 Page 2/5

Possible impact-structures visual research Updated: May 18, 2017

Sketchup processing:

Relief extension x3 + flooding.

J-M. Mazaleyrat February 16, 2014 Page 3/5

Possible impact-structures visual research Updated: May 18, 2017

Relief x3 + false colors

Intersection with cylinders Scales ring


J-M. Mazaleyrat February 16, 2014 Page 4/5

Possible impact-structures visual research Updated: May 18, 2017

Cross section E - W

J-M. Mazaleyrat February 16, 2014 Page 5/5

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