Nswers of Mcqs Virology-2

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nswers of MCQs Virology-2

1. c (Retroviruses)
2. b (20-40 minutes)
3. e (Temperate phages)
4. c (Retroviruses)
5. d ( Any of these)
6. a (have no capsid protein or envelops)
7. d (Prions)
8. d (Epistein-Barr Virus)
9. Viruses that contain two complete copies of positive strand RNA and the enzyme
reverse transcriptase are:
Toga viruses b. Rhabdoviruses c. retroviruses d. Reoviruses e. Enteroviruses
10. The time from adsorption of a bacteriophage to release of newly synthesized
bacteriophage is generally
1-5 minutes b. 20-40 minutes c. 1-4 hours d. 6-24 hours e. 1-2 days
11. Bacteriophages that can enter into stable, long-term relationships with their hosts are
Lytic phages b. Defective phages c. virulent phages d. lazy phages e. Temperate
12. The positive strand of certain viruses does not act as a message but becomes
converted into DNA and integrated into the host cellular DNA. These viruses are
Rhinoviruses b. Enteroviruses c. retroviruses d. Reoviruses e. Picornaviruses
13. Infants infected with cytomegaloviruses (CMV) in utero may suffer from:
Mental retardation b. enlarged spleen c. liver damage d. any of these
e. none of these
14. Viroids are unusual in that they:
have no capsid protein or envelops b. contain RNA c. are barely visible with the light
microscope d. can cause disease in plants e. are retroviral
15. Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) , kuru, scrapie, and Mad Cow disease are caused
Viroids b. Retroviruses c. DNA viruses d. Prions e. RNA viruses
16. The human virus that has been associated with Burketts lymphoma ( a malignant
tumor of the jaw) is:
Cytomegalovirus b. human papilloma virus c. retroviruses d. Epstein- Barr virus e.

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