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Fairness and Equality

Global citizenship

Equality means having a balanced social, economic, and political standing among all individuals
in society despite differences in race, religion, gender, status and culture. It refers to providing
every individual the same opportunities without expecting the same results as another
Fairness is defined as the quality of something or someone without bias. It means treating
everyone without discrimination or unfair preference.
With all of these meanings and laws, you would think that all people around the world would be
treated equally. This is not the case because for example in Saudi Arabia, women are not
allowed to drive a car, this is an example of gender inequality. Another example of this is that,
also in Saudi Arabia, homosexuals are executed in front of the family, friends and neighbours
(their heads are cut off using a large curved sword). Jews make up less than 1% of the
population, yet experience discrimination in 85 countries.

Everyone is equal
You cannot say you've achieved equality until EVERYONE is equal and
has equal opportunities!
This is an important quote: We do not care about if you are Muslim or Dutch or German, we are
all equal and we should all have the same rights. We should also have the same rights whether
we are man or woman. In the Middle Ages women were treated like nothing, they were thought
only to be in the world to make babies and to take care of them, while men were given
opportunities to have a job, learn to write, fight wars etc. There was also a difference between
poor and rich people. The poor people had nothing and were treated like so, while the rich
people were extremely wealthy and were treated well. Wealthy people would also treat the less
fortunate with no respect and malice. THESE ARE EXAMPLES OF INEQUALITY. Nowadays the
fairness and equality in the world is much better in most countries. While some countries are
more equal, others are not. For example in Saudi Arabia there are still a lot of problems. If you
are gay in Saudi-Arabia, you will be executed. This is a tactic to make sure that people are too
scared to be different.

So you should do your part to respect every person, gender, religion, culture and race.

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