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1. Did your school develop your own K-12 Curriculum?

According to Mrs. Camara, he K-12 curriculum is developed by the

Department of Education, handed down to them. However, they
enhance the curriculum to concentrate on the goals of the school.
Careful deliberation of the School Board is important.

2. How do you modify the curriculum? Who are the people or

committees that modify the curriculum?

Mrs. Camara stated that he curriculum is assessed before the

beginning of the academic year by experts in various fields. These
experts are chosen and appointed based on their capabilities. These
experts form part of a team that will review the curriculum.

When the need arises for modifications, these experts meet and
present their modifications to the School Board.

3. Are the teachers using the curriculum to guide decisions about

instruction and assessment?

According to Mrs. Camara, the teachers use the curriculum to guide

them in their instructions and assessment.

4. Does the amount of information in the curriculum fit

comfortably and realistically into the number of hours that the
students meet each week, and the number of weeks in a school

Mrs. Camara replied that before the beginning of the academic year,
the teachers create their course syllabus and the coordinators make a
thorough verification of the course syllabus.

They make sure that the information in the curriculum is well-prepared.

The schedules made are to be followed by the teachers with possible
adjustments along the school year.

5. Do teachers submit written lesson plans based upon the

Mrs. Camara repeated her previous answer where each teacher
prepares the syllabi for the subjects that they will be handling.

6. Do teachers have or receive their own copy of the entire

curriculum to see where their grades and responsibilities fit
into the whole?

Mrs. Camara answered in the affirmative. Stating that it is important

that the teachers have a copy of the curriculum to guide them with
their responsibilities.

7. Does the curriculum include skills which prepare students for

college-readiness and the 21st century workforce?

Mrs. Camara answered that the curriculum mainly focuses on

preparing the students for college-readiness as well as employability.
After the completion of the curriculum, the students will be able to face
the painstaking life of adulthood.

8. Does the curriculum include suggestions for ways to

differentiate learning for diverse learners?

Mrs. Camara replied that it is one of the objectives of the curriculum, to

focus not only on one type of learner but to the different types of
learners. It is important to understand them and their learning styles.
Hence, different tasks and activities are included to cater to the

9. Are the year end goals and objectives for each grade level
realistically achieved?

Mrs. Camara answered in a positive tone. Despite the limitations and

constraints, she is proud that the school continuously produces
students that eventually enroll in prestigious universities such as
University of the Philippines and University of Santo Tomas.

10. If you have a son/daughter, would you enroll him or her in

this school?

Mrs. Camara said that many parents wanted their children to be

enrolled in this school. She said that her daughter is already enrolled in
the school.

Mrs. Elizabeth R. Camara


Lorma Colleges Special Science High School

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