Collective Motion

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Collective motion

arXiv:1010.5017v2 [cond-mat.stat-mech] 26 Jan 2012

Tamas Vicsek1,2 & Anna Zafeiris1,3

Department of Biological Physics, E
otvos University - P
azmany Peter stny. 1A, Budapest, Hungary
Statistical and Biological Physics Research Group of HAS - P
azmany Peter stny. 1A, Budapest, Hungary
Department of Mathematics, National University of Athens - Panepistimioupolis 15784 Athens, Greece

We review the observations and the basic laws describing the essential aspects of collective motion being
one of the most common and spectacular manifestation of coordinated behavior. Our aim is to provide
a balanced discussion of the various facets of this highly multidisciplinary field, including experiments,
mathematical methods and models for simulations, so that readers with a variety of background could get
both the basics and a broader, more detailed picture of the field. The observations we report on include
systems consisting of units ranging from macromolecules through metallic rods and robots to groups of
animals and people. Some emphasis is put on models that are simple and realistic enough to reproduce
the numerous related observations and are useful for developing concepts for a better understanding of
the complexity of systems consisting of many simultaneously moving entities. As such, these models allow
the establishing of a few fundamental principles of flocking. In particular, it is demonstrated, that in
spite of considerable differences, a number of deep analogies exist between equilibrium statistical physics
systems and those made of self-propelled (in most cases living) units. In both cases only a few well
defined macroscopic/collective states occur and the transitions between these states follow a similar scenario,
involving discontinuity and algebraic divergences.

Contents 5 Modeling actual systems 52

5.1 Systems involving physical and chem-
1 Introduction 2 ical interactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
1.1 The basic questions we address . . . . 3 5.1.1 The effects of the medium . . . 52
1.2 Collective behavior . . . . . . . . . . . 3 5.1.2 The role of adhesion . . . . . . 54
1.3 The main difference between equilib- 5.1.3 Swarming bacteria . . . . . . . 56
rium and self-propelled systems . . . . 3 5.2 Models with segregating units . . . . . 59
1.4 Goals to be achieved . . . . . . . . . . 5 5.3 Models inspired by animal behavioral
patterns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
2 Basics of the statistical mechanics of 5.3.1 Insects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
flocking 5 5.3.2 Moving in three dimensions
2.1 Principles and concepts . . . . . . . . 5 fish and birds . . . . . . . . . . 63
2.2 Definitions and expressions . . . . . . 7 5.4 The role of leadership in consensus
2.3 Correlation functions . . . . . . . . . . 8 finding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
5.5 Relationship between observations
3 Observations and experiments 10 and models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
3.1 Data collection techniques . . . . . . . 11
6 Summary and conclusions 68
3.2 Physical, chemical and biomolecular
systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
3.3 Bacterial colonies . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 1 Introduction
3.4 Cells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19
3.5 Insects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23 Most of us must have been fascinated by the eye-
3.6 Fish schools and shoals . . . . . . . . . 25 catching displays of collectively moving animals.
3.7 Bird flocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27 Schools of fish can move in a rather orderly fash-
3.8 Leadership in groups of mammals and ion or change direction amazingly abruptly. Under
crowds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 the pressure from a nearby predator the same fish
3.9 Lessons from the observations . . . . . 32 can swirl like a vehemently stirred fluid. Flocks of
hundreds of starlings can fly to the fields as a uni-
4 Basic models 33 formly moving group, but then, after returning to
4.1 Simplest self-propelled particles (SPP) their roosting site, produce turbulent, puzzling aerial
models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 displays. There are a huge number of further exam-
4.1.1 The order of the phase transition 35 ples both from the living and the non-living world for
4.1.2 Finite size scaling . . . . . . . . 36 the rich behavior in systems consisting of interacting,
permanently moving units.
4.2 Variants of the original SPP model . . 36
Although persistent motion is one of the conspic-
4.2.1 Models without explicit align-
uous features of life, recently several physical and
ment rule . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
chemical systems have also been shown to possess
4.2.2 Models with alignment rule . . 39 interacting, self-propelled units. Examples in-
4.3 Continuous media and mean-field ap- clude rods or disks of various kinds on a vibrat-
proaches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 ing table [Blair et al., 2003, Kudrolli et al., 2008,
4.4 Exact results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Deseigne et al., 2010, Narayan et al., 2006, 2007,
4.4.1 The Cucker-Smale model . . . 46 Yamada et al., 2003, Ibele et al., 2009].
4.4.2 Network and control theoreti- The concept of the present review is to on one hand
cal aspects . . . . . . . . . . . 48 introduce the readers to the field of flocking by dis-
4.5 Relation to collective robotics . . . . . 49 cussing the most influential classic works on collec-
1.2 Collective behavior 3

tive motion as well as providing an overview of the ments during interactions)?

state of the art for those who consider doing research In Fig. 1, we show a gallery of pictures representing
in this thriving multidisciplinary area. We have put a few of the many possible examples of the variety
a special stress on coherence and aimed at presenting of collective motion patterns occurring in a highly
a balanced account of the various experimental and diverse selection of biological systems.
theoretical approaches.
In addition to presenting the most appealing re- 1.2 Collective behavior
sults from the quickly growing related literature we
also deliver a critical discussion of the emerging pic- In a system consisting of many similar units (such
ture and summarize our present understanding of as many molecules, but also, flocks of birds) the in-
flocking phenomena in the form of a systematic phe- teractions between the units can be simple (attrac-
nomenological description of the results obtained so tion/repulsion) or more complex (combinations of
far. In turn, such a description may become a good simple interactions) and can occur between neigh-
starting point for developing a unified theoretical bors in space or in an underlying network. Under
treatment of the main laws of collective motion. some conditions, transitions can occur during which
the objects adopt a pattern of behavior almost com-
pletely determined by the collective effects due to the
1.1 The basic questions we address other units in the system. The main feature of col-
Are these observed motion patterns system specific? lective behavior is that an individual units action is
Such a conclusion would be quite common in biol- dominated by the influence of the others the unit
ogy. Or, alternatively, are there only a few typical behaves entirely differently from the way it would
classes which all of the collective motion patterns be- behave on its own. Such systems show interesting or-
long to? This would be a familiar thought for a sta- dering phenomena as the units simultaneously change
tistical physicist dealing with systems of an enormous their behavior to a common pattern (see, e.g., Vicsek
number of molecules in equilibrium. In fact, collec- [2001b]). For example, a group of feeding pigeons
tive motion is one of the manifestations of a more randomly oriented on the ground will order them-
general class of phenomena called collective behavior selves into an orderly flying flock when leaving the
[Vicsek, 2001a]. The studies of the latter have iden- scene after a big disturbance.
tified a few general laws related to how new, more Understanding new phenomena (in our case, the
complex qualitative features emerge as many simpler transitions in systems of collectively moving units)
units are interacting. Throughout this review we con- is usually achieved by relating them to known ones:
sider collective motion as a phenomenon occurring in a more complex system is understood by analyz-
collections of similar, interacting units moving with ing its simpler variants. In the 1970s, there was
about the same absolute velocity. In this interpreta- a breakthrough in statistical physics in the form of
tion the source of energy making the motion possible the renormalization group method [Wilson, 1975b]
(the ways the units gain momentum) and the condi- which gave physicists a deep theoretical understand-
tions ensuring the similar absolute velocities are not ing of a general type of phase transition. The theory
relevant. showed that the main features of transitions in equi-
There is an amazing variety of systems made of librium systems are insensitive to the details of the
such units bridging over many orders of magnitude interactions between the objects in a system.
in size. In addition, the nature of the entities in such
systems can be purely physical, chemical as well as 1.3 The main difference between equi-
biological. Will they still exhibit the same motion
librium and self-propelled systems
patterns? If yes, what are these patterns and are
there any underlying universal principles predicting The essential difference between collective phenom-
that this has to be so (e.g., non-conservation of mo- ena in standard statistical physics and biology is

that the collision rule is principally altering in the

two kinds of systems: in the latter ones it does not
preserve the momenta (the momentum of two self-
propelled particles before and after their interaction
is not the same), assuming that the we consider only
the system made of the self-propelled particles ex-
clusively (i.e., we do not consider the changes in the
environment). Here the expression collision rule
stands for specifying how the states (velocities) of two
individual units change during their interaction. In
particular, the momentum dissipated to the medium
and within the medium itself in the realistic systems
we consider cannot be neglected. In equilibrium sys-
tems, according to standard Newtonian mechanics
the total momentum is preserved and that is how the
well known Maxwellian velocity distribution is being
built up from arbitrary initial conditions in a closed
Galilean system. The mere condition of the units
maintaining an approximate absolute velocity can be
realized in an open system only and drives away the
driven particles from any kind of equilibrium behav-
Energy, sustaining self-propulsion, can be intro-
duced into the system in various ways: uniformly in
the bulk, for example in the case of or Janus par-
ticles, where the motion is ensured by a laser beam
which causes self-thermophoresis [Jiang et al., 2010],
at the boundaries (shaken rods), or at specific spatial
points in space and time (fish).
Figure 1: (Color) A gallery of images related to col-
Currents are bound to be generated and the overall
lective behavior. Among others, it illustrates the pos-
momentum is gradually increasing if the initial state
sible existence of very general behavioral patterns.
is random (in this case the initial momentum is very
(a) Wingless Locusts marching in the field. (b) A ro-
small because the moments of the oppositely mov-
tating colony of army ants. (c) A three-dimensional
ing particles cancel out). However, for this overall
array of golden rays. (d) Fish are known to produce
ordering to occur the random perturbations (acting
such vortices. (e) Before roosting, thousands of star-
against ordering) have to be small enough.
lings producing a fascinating aerial display. They are
also trying to avoid a predator bird close to the cen- Most remarkably, however, in spite of this princi-
tral, finger-like structure. (f) A herd of zebra. (g) pal difference, a number of deep analogies can still be
People spontaneously ordered into traffic lanes as observed between equilibrium statistical physics sys-
they cross a pedestrian bridge in large numbers. (h) tems and those made of self-propelled (living) units.
Although sheep are known to move very coherently, In both only a few well defined macroscopic/collective
just as the corresponding theory predicts, when sim- states occur and the transitions between these states
ply hanging around (no motion), well developed ori- follow a similar scenario as well (discontinuity, alge-
entational patterns cannot emerge. braic divergences, etc).
2.1 Principles and concepts 5

1.4 Goals to be achieved give a somewhat more detailed list of features char-
acterizing flocking in general. Thus we assume that a
The approach of treating flocks, or even crowds, as system exhibiting collective motion is made of units
systems of particles naturally leads to the idea of ap-
plying the successful methods of statistical physics, that are rather similar
such as computer simulations or theories on scaling,
to the detailed description of the collective behavior moving with a nearly constant absolute velocity
of organisms. Naturally, for better progress, obser- and are capable of changing their direction
vations/experiments and modeling have to be inti-
interacting within a specific interaction range by
mately related. Indeed, over the past few decades, an
changing their direction of motion, in a way in-
increasingly growing number of significant attempts
volving an effective alignment
have been made to both observe and describe flocking
as well as modeling (simulation) the most conspicu- which are subject to a noise of a varying magni-
ous features of the observed natural systems ranging tude
from molecules to groups of mammals.
It would be quite an achievement if we could es-
tablish a systematic chart of the types of collective
2.1 Principles and concepts
motion, since many times understanding is achieved In a general sense, phase transition is a process, dur-
through classification. There are reasons and argu- ing which a system, consisting of a huge number of
ments for thinking that the same patterns of collec- interacting particles, undergoes a transition from one
tive motion apply to the collection of molecules up phase to another, as a function of one or more exter-
to groups of humans. There must be some still to nal parameters. The most familiar phases in which
be discovered laws of such systems from which the a physical system can be, are the solid, liquid and
above observation follows. gaseous phases, and the best known example for a
phase transition is the freezing of a fluid when the
temperature drops. In this case the temperature is
2 Basics of the statistical me- the external or control parameter.
chanics of flocking Phase transitions are defined by the change of one
or more specific system variables, called order param-
Throughout this overview the notion of flocking is eters. This name, order parameter, comes from the
used as a synonym of any kind of coherent motion observation that phase transitions usually involve an
of individual units. However, the notion of coher- abrupt change in a symmetry property of the system.
ent motion needs some further elaboration since, as For example, in the solid state of matter, the atoms
it turns out, it can be manifested in a number of have a well-defined average position on the sites of an
specific ways. In any case, coherent or ordered mo- ordered crystal lattice, whereas positions in the liq-
tion is assumed to be a counterpart of disordered, uid and gaseous phases are disordered and random.
random motion. In the various models of flocking it Accordingly, the order parameter refers to the degree
emerges through a kind of transition (from disorder of symmetry that characterizes a phase. Mathemat-
to order) as a function of the relevant parameter(s) of ically, this value is usually zero in one phase (in the
the models. To demonstrate more clearly this aspect disordered phase) and non-zero in the other (which is
of collective motion the best approach is to adopt a the ordered phase). In the case of collective motion
few related definitions motivated mainly by statisti- the most naturally (but not necessarily) chosen order
cal mechanics or statistical physics (the physics of parameter is the average normalized velocity ,
many interacting molecules).

However, before we turn to the discussion of the 1 X
= ~vi , (1)

N v

statistical mechanics aspects of collective motion we 0 i=1


where N is the total number of the units and v0 is that the investigations on the various universal be-
the average absolute velocity of the units in the sys- haviors that can be associated with non-equilibrium
tem. If the motion is disordered, the velocities of the systems have by now grown into a sub-discipline with
individual units point in random directions and av- its own language and formalism including specific
erage out to give a small magnitude vector, whereas processes the related research concentrates on.
for ordered motion the velocities all add up to a vec- In particular, most of the representative reviews
tor of absolute velocity close to N v0 (thus the order
on non-equilibrium phase transitions (see, e.g., Odor
parameter for large N can vary from about zero to [2004] or Henkel et al. [2009], Non-Equilibrium Phase
about 1). Transitions: Volume 1: Absorbing Phase Transi-
If the order parameter changes discontinuously tions) are centered on such features as i) absorbing
during the phase transition, we talk about a first or- states of reaction-diffusion-type systems, ii) mapping
der transition. For example, waters volume changes to the universal behavior of interface growth mod-
like this (discontinuously) when it freezes to ice. In els, iii) dynamical scaling in far-from-equilibrium re-
contrast, during second order (or continuous) phase laxation behavior and ageing, iv) extension to non-
transition the order parameter changes continuously, equilibrium systems by using directed percolation as
while its derivative, with respect to the control pa- the main paradigm of absorbing phase transitions.
rameter, is discontinuous. Second order phase tran- On the other hand, there are some specific features
sitions are always accompanied by large fluctuations of collective motion such as giant number fluctuations
of some of the relevant quantities. (GNF, see below) or various unusual transitions (e.g.,
During a phase transition a spontaneous symme- to jamming) which obviously do not occur in systems
try breaking takes place, i.e., the symmetry of the at equilibrium, but we still have to consider them in
system changes as we pass the critical value of the this review. On balance, we find that the language
control parameter (e.g., temperature, pressure, etc.). and the spectrum of the various aspects of equilib-
In the case of one of the simplest representations of rium phase transitions is surprisingly suitable for in-
a continuous phase transition (the Ising model), the terpreting most of the observed phenomena in the
spins are placed on a lattice, interact with their clos- context of collective motion; and this is an important
est neighbors and can point up or down. For high point we intend to make.
temperatures the spins point in random directions A further important aspect of the phenomena tak-
(with a probability 1/2 either up or down), while ing place during collective motion is that in contrast
for low temperatures (way below the critical point) with the standard assumptions of statistical mechan-
most of them point in the same direction (which is ics, the number of units involved in the collective be-
either up or down), selected spontaneously. This is havior typically ranges from a few dozens to a few
an example for the up and down symmetry (high thousands (in rare cases tens of thousands). On the
temperatures) breaking during the transition (one of other hand, for example, phase transitions in the
the directions becomes dominant). If there are in- framework of statistical mechanics are truly mean-
finitely many possible directions (continuous symme- ingful only for very large system sizes (consisting a
try), during a transition a single preferred direction number of units approaching infinity). Quantities like
can still emerge spontaneously. critical exponents cannot be properly interpreted for
Phase transitions can occur in both equilibrium flocks of even moderate sizes. However, a simple tran-
and non-equilibrium systems. In the context of col- sition from a disordered to an ordered state can take
lective motion although it is a truly non-equilibrium place even in cases when the number of units is in
phenomenon there are reasons for the preference the range of a few dozens. Most of the real-life ob-
of the possible analogies with the equilibrium phase servations and the experiments involve this so called
transitions rather than with those studied in the mesoscopic scale. The states (e.g. rotation) and
framework common in the interpretation of non- the transitions (e.g., from random to ordered motion)
equilibrium phenomena. One important reason is we later describe can be associated with the phenom-
2.2 Definitions and expressions 7

ena taking place in such mesoscopic systems. equation is

(1 /c ) for < c
2.2 Definitions and expressions
0 for > c
As for the definitions used in the statistical mechan-
ics approach, phenomena associated with a continu- Regarding the relation between the order parame-
ous phase transition are often referred to as critical ter and the external bias field h (wind), scales
phenomena because of their connection to a critical as a function of h according to the power law
point at which the phase transition occurs. (Criti- h1/ (7)
cal, because here the system is extremely sensitive to
small changes or perturbations.) Near to the critical for > c , where is the relevant critical exponent.
point, the behavior of the quantities describing the Various similar expressions can be formulated in-
system (e.g., pressure, density, heat capacity, etc.) volving further quantities as well as critical expo-
are characterized by the so called critical exponents. nents. Interestingly, very different physical systems
For example the (isothermal) compressibility T of exhibiting seemingly different kind of phase transi-
a liquid substance, near to its critical point, can be tions follow similar laws. For example the magne-
expressed by tization M of a ferromagnetic material subject to a
phase transition near to a critical temperature called
T |T Tc | , (2) Curie point, obeys M (Tc T ) .
where T is the temperature, Tc is the critical tem- Another surprising observation is that these criti-
perature (at which the phase transition occurs), cal exponents are related to each other, that is, ex-
denotes proportionality and is the critical expo- pressions like + 2 + = 2 or = 1 + can be
nent. In systems of self-propelled particles, noise formulated, which hold independently of the physical
() plays the role of temperature (T ): an external system the critical exponents (, , , ) belong to.
parameter that endeavors to destroy order. Corre- Note that this is a far from trivial observation! For
spondingly, more details on this topic see [Isihara, 1971, Pathria,

the 2fluctuation of the order parameter, 1996, Cardy, 1996], and for further analogies and dif-
2 = 2 hi , is described as
ferences between ferromagnetic models and systems
|1 /c |

, (3) of self-propelled particles see [Czirok et al., 1997].
Since from a mathematical point of view, many
where is the noise, c is the critical noise that sep- of the results of statistical mechanics are exact only
arates the ordered and disordered phases, and is for infinitely large systems, structures are often de-
again the susceptibility critical exponent. By intro- scribed and analyzed in their thermodynamic lim-
ducing = 2 L2 , where L is the linear size of the its. This limit means that the number of particles
system, we get constituting the system tends to infinity. Accord-
ingly, finite structures do not have well defined phases
( c ) (4) but only in their thermodynamic limit, where the
state-equations can develop singularities, and sharp
T in Eq. (2) corresponds to in Eq. (4).
phase transitions can exist between these well-defined
An other descriptive expressing the change in the
density between the liquid and the gas phases, l g ,
Another phenomenon accompanying phase tran-
obeys to
sitions is the formation of clusters of units behav-
ing (e.g., being directed or moving) in the same
l g (Tc T ) , (5)
way. Units which can be reached through neighboring
where is the critical exponent. For systems of self- units belong to the same cluster, where neighboring
propelled particles, when L , the corresponding stands for a predefined proximity criterion. Thus,

the behavior of units in the same cluster is usually Z

highly correlated. In general, correlation functions c( ) = f1 (t)f2 (t + )dt (9)
represent a very useful tool to characterize the level =
of order in a system. Equation (9) shifts f2 along the horizontal axis
(which is in this example the time-axis), and cal-
2.3 Correlation functions culates the product at each time-step of the two
functions. This value is maximal when f1 and f2
Generally speaking, two series of data (X and Y ) are congruous, because when lumps (positives areas)
are correlated if there is some kind of relationship are aligned, they contribute to making the integral
between their elements. A correlation function mea- larger, and similarly, when the troughs (negative ar-
sures the similarity between the data-sequences, or, eas) align, they also make a positive contribution to
in the continuous case, the similarity between two sig- the expression, since the product of two negative val-
nals or functions. Auto-correlation is the correlation ues is positive.
of a signal with itself, typically as a function of time. With this introduction we can now formulate some
This is often used to reveal repeating patterns, such specific correlation functions that are often used in
as the presence of a periodic signal covered by noise. the field of collective motion.
If the two signals compared are different, we consider The velocity-velocity correlation function, cvv , is an
cross-correlation. auto-correlation function that shows how closely the
For example, let us consider two real-valued data- velocity of a particle (unit, individual, etc.) at time
series f1 and f2 , which differ only by a shift in the t is correlated with the velocity at a reference time.
element-numbers, e.g., the 5th element in the first It is defined as follows:
series is the same than the 12th in the second, the 6th
corresponds to the 13th, etc. In this case the shift is 1 X h~vi (t) ~vi (0)i
cvv (t) = , (10)
s = 7, that is, the first series has to be shifted with N i=1 h~vi (0) ~vi (0)i
7 elements in order to be congruous with the second
one. The corresponding (cross) correlation function where ~vi (0) is the starting (reference) time and N is
will show a maximum at 7. Formally, for discrete the number of particles within the system and h. . .i
data-sequences f1 and f2 , the correlation function is denotes taking an average over a set of starting times.
defined as: The way cvv (t) decays to zero shows how the veloci-
ties at later times become independent of the initial

X ones.
c(s) = f1 [n] f2 [n + s] , (8) The pair correlation function, cp (r), (or radial dis-
n= tribution function, g(r)), depicted on Fig. 2, de-
scribes how the unit density varies as a function of
where refers to the complex conjugate opera-
the distance from one particular element. More pre-
tion1 .
cisely, if there is a unit at the origin, and if n = N/V
Accordingly, in continuous case, when f1 and f2 is the average number density (N is the number of
are continuous functions (or signals), the cross- units in a system with volume V ), then the local den-
correlation function will reveal how much one of the sity at distance r from the origin is ng(r). It can
functions must be shifted (along the horizontal axis) be interpreted as a measure of local spatial ordering.
to become congruous with the other one. Formally, Equation 11 gives the exact formula.
1 A pair of complex numbers are said to be complex conju- * +
gates if their real part is the same, but their imaginary parts V XX
cp (r) = (r rij ) (11)
are of opposite signs. For example, 2 + 3i and 2 3i are com- 4r2 N 2 i
plex conjugates. It also follows, that the complex conjugate of j6=i
a real number is itself.
2.3 Correlation functions 9

Figure 2: Radial distribution function for the so

called Lennard-Jones model. It describes how the
unit density varies as a function of the distance from
one particular element in the case of an interaction
potential having both a shorter range, a strong re-
pulsive and a longer range attractive part.

The directional correlation function,

cij ( ) = h~
vi (t) v~j (t + )i , (12)
tells to what degree the velocity of the ith particle
at time t is correlated with that of particle j at time
t + . h. . .i denotes averaging over time, and v~i (t) Figure 3: (Color online) Illustration for the direc-
is the normalized velocity of the ith SPP. (Note that tional correlation function, which is a tool for de-
cij ( ) = cji ( ).) The directional correlation de- termining the leader-follower relationships within a
lay is primarily used to determine the leader-follower flock or swarm. This example shows the case of a
relationship within a flock of birds, fish, or more gen- bird-flock. (a) Determining the projected distance
eral, in a swarm of self-propelled particles (SPPs), dij (t) of birds i and j onto the direction of motion of
as illustrated on Fig. 3 [Nagy et al., 2010]. The di- the whole flock at time step t. Bird i is light gray on
rectional correlation delay for a pair of SPPs (i and the draw, and bird j is dark. The v~j (t) arrows indi-
j, where i, j = 1, 2, . . . , N and N is the number of cate the direction of bird j at each time step t. The
SPPs within the flock) is calculated according to Eq. center of mass of the flock is denoted with a cross,
12. Then the maximum value of the cij ( ) correla- which moves with vf ~lock (t), the average velocity of
tion function is allocated, ij . Negative value means the flock. The relative position of the birds i and j is
that the direction of motion of the ith SPP is falling projected onto vf~lock (t). The directional correlation
behind that of the jth one, so this can be interpreted function for each i 6= j pair is defined by Eq. (12).
as j is leading. The directional correlation function (b) Scalar products v~i (t) v~j (t + ) of the normalized
for an SPP with respect to the rest of a given flock velocity vectors of bird i at time t, and that of bird j
or swarm, is ci ( ) = h~
vi (t) v~j (t + )ii,j . at time t + . On this example bird j follows bird i
Further useful correlation functions were suggested with correlation time ij . (c) The directional correla-
in Cavagna et al. [2010] in order to characterize the tion functions cij ( ) during the flock flight depicted
response of a flock to external perturbation. on Fig. 28. For better transparency only five of the
items are shown, the data belonging to birds A, M,
G, D and C. The solid symbols indicate the maxi-
mum value of the correlation functions, which have
been used to determine the leader-follower network,
depicted on 28 b. From Nagy et al. [2010].

We end this Section with a brief discussion of two of the main points in this review is that the kinds of
characteristic phenomena which occur in systems of systems and the types of collective motion patterns
self-propelled particles but have no direct analogy in have a greater variety than originally thought of. Be-
processes occurring in equilibrium. Firstly, we point low we give a naturally incomplete list of systems
out that in a confined geometry any group of persis- in which collective motion has been observed (with
tently moving units having a finite size have a chance only some of the representative references included):
to be trapped or jammed. The presence of walls
or even a too narrow exit would inevitably lead Non-living systems: nematic fluids, shaken
to this phenomenon (see, e.g., [Kudrolli et al., 2008, metallic rods, nano swimmers, simple robots,
boats, etc. [Kudrolli, 2010, Ibele et al., 2009,
Helbing et al., 2000]).
Suematsu et al., 2010, Narayan et al., 2007]
Another interesting feature is a very specific form
of density changes called as giant number fluctua- Macromolecules [Schaller et al., 2010,
tions or GNF.This expression stands for the follow- Butt et al., 2010]
ing property of a system of self-propelled units: The
fluctuation of the number of units in an increasing Bacteria colonies [Czirok et al., 1996, 2001,
area of the system scale with the number of units (N) Sokolov et al., 2007, Cisneros et al., 2007]
in this area linearly. In addition, these fluctuations
Amoeba [Kessler and Levine, 1993, Nagano,
relax anomalously slowly. This is in sharp contrast
1998, Rappel et al., 1999]
with a theoretical result valid for equilibrium systems
according to which (along with the law of large num- Cells [Szab
o et al., 2006, Friedl and Gilmour,
bers) the fluctuations in the number of units grow as 2009, Arboleda-Estudillo et al., 2010,
a square root of N . This interesting feature was first Belmonte et al., 2008]
pointed out in Narayan et al. [2007] for a system of
shaken elongated rods and subsequently commented Insects [Buhl et al., 2006, Couzin and Franks,
upon by Aranson et al. [2008] showing that inelastic 2003]
collisions can lead to GNF even for spherical parti- Fish [Hemelrijk and Kunz, 2005, Parrish et al.,
cles. 2002, Becco et al., 2006, Ward et al., 2008]
Since shaking introduces an average velocity and
nematic or inelastic collisions involve a tendency for Birds [Heppner, 1997, Ballerini et al., 2008,
the particles to align, all these findings are expected Hayakawa, 2010, Bajec and Heppner, 2009]
to occur (and will be later discussed) in a variety of
Mammals [Fischhoff et al., 2007,
systems with collective motion.
Sueur and Petit, 2008, King et al., 2008]
Humans [Faria et al., 2010b, Helbing et al.,
3 Observations and experi- 1997, 2000, Moussad et al., 2011]
ments Although throughout the present review we pri-
It seems that collective motion (or flocking: these two marily classified the observations and experiments
notions will be used synonymously in this review al- based on the organizational complexity of the units
though in principle there are some subtle differences constituting the systems, there are various other as-
in their meanings) is displayed by almost every living pects as well, by which valid and meaningful catego-
system consisting of at least dozens of units. 2 One rizations can be made, such as:
2 In such small systems, we associate with flocking a state The patterns the units form (coherently moving
of the group in which the units assume an approximately com- clusters, mills, stripes, etc)
mon direction (or orientation) developing through local com-
munications among the entities. From an energetic viewpoint:
3.1 Data collection techniques 11

The way it is introduced to the system (uni- particles. These particles are assumed to follow
formly, at the boundaries, at special points, the flow dynamics accurately, and it is their motion
etc.) that is then used to calculate velocity information.
if the particles can preserve it (animals) Cisneros et al. [2007] applied this method in order to
or they dissipate it almost immediately evaluate the velocity filed of thousands of swimming
(shaken rods) bacteria. The task of tracing cells share many similar-
ities with the challenge of tracing the motion of bac-
The way the units interact with each other. This teria. Czirok et al. [1998] used computer controlled
can be phase contrast video microscope system in order to
physical, chemical (chemotaxis), visual or follow the collective motion of cells. The trajecto-
medium-mediated ries were recorded for several days to determine the
velocities of each cell of the types.
isotropic or anisotropic
The movement of vertebrate flocks has been
polar or apolar tracked mainly by camera-based techniques. Here,
short or long-range (regarding its temporal the observed animals are bigger, but the space in
characteristics) which they move is often unconfined. The simpler
through metric or topological distance case is when the group to be observed moves only
in two dimensions. In the 70-es Sinclair [1977] used
aerial photos to investigate the individuals spatial
3.1 Data collection techniques
positions within grazing African buffalo herds. Ex-
The main challenge during the implementation of ob- actly because of the difficulties of analyzing three
servations and/or experiments on collective motion, dimensional group motions, Becco et al. [2006] con-
is to keep a record on the individual trajectories of fined the motion of fish to two dimensions by putting
the group-members. This can easily turn out to be a them into a container which was basically two di-
difficult task, since (i) most of the colonies or groups mensional (in the sense that it was very shallow):
being investigated consist of many members which 40cm X 30cm X 2cm. This arrangement was con-
(ii) usually look very much alike (iii) and are often venient to track fish with a single video recorder. A
moving fast just think of a flock of starlings. The homogeneous light source was placed above the con-
applied technology is chosen by considering two fac- tainer and a CCD camera recorded the fish from be-
tors: (i) the size of the moving units, and (ii) the size low. (Obviously, the usage of the container confined
and dimension of the space in which the group can the area of motion as well.)
move. Both parameters range through many scales: In order to reconstruct the three-dimensional posi-
bacteria and cells are subjects of such experiments as tions and orientations of the fish, Cullen et al. [1965]
well as African buffalos or whales. Also, the area in used the so called shadow method. With this tech-
which the observation is carried out can range from nology, Partridge et al. [1980] investigated position-
a Petri dish [Keller and Segel, 1971] to the Georges ing behavior in fish groups of up to 30 individuals.
Bank (a region separating the Gulf of Maine from the Parrish and Turchin [1997] recorded the trajectories
Atlantic Ocean, [Makris et al., 2009]). Accordingly, of fish in three dimensions with three orthogonally
there is a variety of technologies that have been ap- positioned video cameras.
plied during the last decades. Major and Dill. [1978] were the first to apply the
The method called Particle Image Velocimetry, stereo photography technique in order to record the
(PIV) [Raffel et al., 2002] is used to visualize the three dimensional positions of birds within flocks
motion of small particles moving in a well-confined of European starlings and dunlins. By using the
area. Originally it is an optical technique used to pro- same technique, recently Ballerini et al. [2008] recon-
duce the two dimensional instantaneous velocity vec- structed the three-dimensional positions of hundreds
tor field of fluids, by seeding the media with tracer of starlings in airborne flocks with high precision.

The stereo photography method allowed the detailed lective motion in deionized water under UV illumi-
and accurate analysis of nearest neighbor distances nation. The autonomous motion these particles ex-
in large flocks, but still did not make the trajectory hibit under the above circumstances (deionized wa-
reconstruction of the individual flock members possi- ter and UV light) is due to their asymmetric photo-
ble. decomposition, and the spatial self-organization is
As technology advances, newer and newer methods due to the ions which are secreted by the AgCl par-
and ideas show up with the purpose of studying col- ticles as they move.
lective motion. Here we mention two of these: The re- Various experiments on non-living self propelled
cently developed OWARIS (Acoustic Waveguide Re- particles (SPPs) possessing diverse features advo-
mote Sensing) exploits the wave propagation prop- cate that the shape and symmetry of the SPPs
erties of the ocean environment [Makris et al., 2006], play an important role in their collective dynam-
and makes the instantaneous imaging and continu- ics, and that large-scale inhomogeneity and coher-
ous monitoring of fish populations possible, covering ent motion can appear in a system in which parti-
thousands of square kilometers, that is, an area tens cles do not communicate except by contact. Sym-
of thousands to millions of times greater than that metric (or apolar) rods on vibrating surfaces have
of conventional methods. The other new method is been observed to form nematic order and under cer-
based on the usage of the Global Positioning Sys- tain conditions found to exhibit persistent swirling
tem, commonly known as GPS. The idea is to put as well [Narayan et al., 2006, Galanis et al., 2006].
small GPS devices on moving animals by which the Narayan et al. [2007] have also investigated symmet-
problem of trajectory-recording is basically solved. ric macroscopic rods and have found giant number
With this method the trajectory of flock members fluctuations lasting long, decaying only as a logarith-
can be collected with high temporal resolution in mic function of time (see Fig. 6). This finding is
their natural environment. The limits of this tech- in obtrusive contrast with the expected behaviour,
nique at this moment are on the one hand the grow- since the the central limit theorem predicts number
ing cost of the research with the growing number of fluctuations proportional to the square root of the
tracked flock members, and on the other hand the particle number, in the homogeneous ordered phase
limited accuracy of the devices. Biro et al. [2006] of equilibrium systems, away from the transition. By
and Nagy et al. [2010] analyzed GPS logged flight conducting complementary experiments with spheri-
tracks of homing pigeon pairs in order to investigate cal particles, Aranson et al. [2008] demonstrated that
hierarchical leadership relations inside the group and the giant number fluctuation phenomenon can arise
DellAriccia et al. [2008] used this method to study either from dynamic inelastic clustering or from per-
the homing efficiency of a pigeon group consist of 6 sistent density inhomogenity as well.
birds. Periodically, vertically vibrated granular rods form
vortex patterns [Blair et al., 2003]. Above a critical
3.2 Physical, chemical and biomolec- packing fraction, the ordered domains consisting of
nearly vertical rods spontaneously form and coex-
ular systems
ist with horizontal rods (see Fig. 4). The vortices
Along with the accumulating observations and exper- nucleate and grow as a function of time. Exper-
iments clarified the recognition, that flocking collec- iments performed in an annulus with a single row
tive motion emerges not only in systems consisting of rods revealed that the rod motion was generated
of living beings, but also among interacting physical when these objects were inclined from the vertical,
objects, based on mere physical interactions without and was always in the direction of the inclination (see
communication. A very simple system has been de- Fig. 5). The relationship between the covered area
scribed by Ibele et al. [2009] who reported about sim- fraction and the diffusion properties in the case of
ple autonomous micromotors, which are micrometer- self-propelled rods was also studied [Kudrolli, 2010].
sized silver chloride (AgCl) particles exhibiting col- Kudrolli et al. [2008] have made experiments with
3.2 Physical, chemical and biomolecular systems 13

Figure 4: Periodically, vertically vibrated granular

rods spontaneously form vortices which grow with
Figure 6: A snapshot of the nematic order assumed
time. From Blair et al. [2003]
by 2820 rods which are sinusoidally vibrated perpen-
dicularly to the plane of the image. The large density
fluctuations take several minutes to relax and to form
elsewhere. From Narayan et al. [2007].

ordered and ordered motion, depending on the noise

level. They also found that a few steerable boats
acting as leaders were able to determine the di-
rection of the group. For this end, it was enough
to manipulate 5 10 % of the boats. In a some-
Figure 5: Experiments performed in an annulus with what similar experiments, the collective motion of
a single row of rods reveal that the rod motion is camphor boats were studied, interacting through the
generated when these objects are inclined from the chemical field, swimming in an annular water chan-
vertical, and is always in the direction of the inclina- nel. Here too, several patterns were observed, such as
tion. From Blair et al. [2003] homogeneous state, cluster flow and congestion flow
[Suematsu et al., 2010].
Tinsley et al. [2008] presented an experimen-
polar (non-symmetric) rods on a vibrating surface. tal study on interacting particle-like waves (see
Their rods had a symmetric shape, but a non- more about the design of wave propagation in
symmetrical mass distribution which caused them to Sakurai et al. [2002]) and suggested this method
move toward their lighter end. They have observed as an opportunity to investigate small groups of
local ordering, aggregation at the side walls, and clus- SPPs in laboratory environment. The stabilized
tering behavior. Apolar, but round-shaped disks have wave-segments they have used were those appearing
also been studied [Deseigne et al., 2010]. By shaking in the light-sensitive Belousov-Zhabotinsky reaction
a monolayer of these small objects with variable am- [Zaikin and Zhabotinsky, 1970]. These constant-
plitude, large-scale collective motion and giant num- velocity chemical waves can be interpreted as self-
ber fluctuations could be observed. propelled particles which are linked to each other via
Another experiment studying inanimate objects appropriate interaction potentials.
used radio-controlled boats moving in an annular Along with the accumulation of the experimental
pool, interacting through inelastic collisions only results, the assumption that only a few parameters
[Tarcai et al., 2011]. The team recorded various and factors play a crucial role in the emergence of
kinds of patterns, such as jamming, clustering, dis- the ubiquitous phenomena of collective motion has

Figure 7: (Color online) The setup of the experiment

designed to investigate the effect of density on the
collective motion of actin filaments. (a) Filament- Figure 8: (Color online) Motion of actin filaments
motion is visualized by the usage of fluorescently la- in a motility assay. (a) The individual filaments
beled reporter filaments. The ratio of labeled to unla- were tracked automatically and the positions (de-
beled molecules is around 1:200. (b) For low filament noted by circles) were used to estimate their (color
densities a disordered structure is found, where the coded) direction of motion. (b) The color coded (as
bio-molecules perform persistent random walk with- above) paths plotted as a continuous track to high-
out directional preference. Scale bar represents 50 light the trajectory of each filament. The tracks
m. From Schaller et al. [2010]. shown are from a 100-frame video sequence recorded
at 25 frames/s. Adapted from Butt et al. [2010].

been increasingly supported. Particledensity turns

out to be one of these parameters, or more precisely, randomly oriented myosin molecules (Fig. 8). Ac-
the density of the objects or living beings that exhibit cording to their observations, domains of oriented fil-
collective motion. aments formed spontaneously and were separated by
The essential role of the density has been demon- distinct boundaries. The authors suggested that the
strated in a set of elegant experiments on persis- self-alignment of actin filaments might make an im-
tently moving biomolecules. In these investigations portant contribution to cell polarity and provide a
involving the smallest, experimentally realized self- mechanism by which cell migration direction might
propelled particles so far the so called in vitro motil- respond to chemical cues. At almost the same time,
ity assay is utilized to study the emergence of collec- Schaller et al. [2010] undertook a very similar study,
tive motion on a molecular level. In such an assay but in a somewhat different context of active mat-
actin filaments and fluorescently labeled reporter fil- ter and using extensive evaluation and computational
aments are propelled by immobilized molecular mo- techniques to characterize the phenomenon. They
tors (myosin molecules) attached to a planar surface, also found that the onset of collective motion was
as depicted on Fig. 7. In a recent study, Butt et al. a result of increased filament density. In particu-
[2010] were the first to observe the bulk alignment lar, for low filament densities a disordered phase has
of the actin filaments sliding movement for high con- been discerned, in which individual filaments per-
centration values even though they were powered by formed random walk without any directional pref-
3.3 Bacterial colonies 15

3.3 Bacterial colonies

Since microorganism colonies (such as bacteria
colonies) are one of the simplest systems consist-
ing of many interacting organisms, yet exhibiting a
non-trivial macroscopic behavior, a number of stud-
ies have focused on the experimental and theoretical
aspects of colony formation and on the related collec-
tive behavior [Shapiro and Dworkin, 1997, Alt et al.,
Figure 9: (Color online) The typical behavior of the 1997, Vicsek, 2001a].
bio-molecule actin filament in the function of den- The first investigations date back to the early
sity. The disordered structure (a) becomes ordered 1970-es, when Keller and Segel [1971] studied the
(b) above a certain density , which is around 0.8 motion of Escherichia coli bands and developed
filaments per m2 . In this high density regime, wave- a corresponding phenomenological theory as well.
like structures can be observed. Above 0.2 filaments They used partial differential equations describ-
per m2 , spirals or swirls can be observed as well ing the consumption of the substrate and the
(c), which are characterized by huge angular velocity change in bacterial density due to random mo-
gradients destabilizing the swirl. This limited stabil- tion and to chemotaxis. Since than, many ob-
ity is visible near to the central region of the pat- servations have been made [Childress et al., 1975,
tern, where crushing events of the filament current Fujikawa and Matsushita, 1989, Vicsek et al., 1990,
are likely to develop. Scale bar is 50 m. Adapted Ben-Jacob et al., 1994], and it has become evident
from Schaller et al. [2010]. that the bacteria within the colonies growing on wet
agar surfaces produce an exciting variety of collec-
tive motion patterns: among others, motions sim-
erence. Above a certain density, which was around ilar to super-diffusing particles, highly correlated
0.2 filaments per m2 , in an intermediate regime, turbulent as well as rotating states have been ob-
the disordered phase became unstable and small clus- served, and colony formations exhibiting various pat-
ters of coherently moving filaments emerged. Further terns including those reminiscent of fractals. A spe-
concentration-increase caused growth in the cluster- cial category are those studies which contain not
sizes, but the bunches remained homogeneous. Then, only an observation or a theoretical model, but
above 0.8 filaments per m2 (signed with on Fig. a matching pair of them: detailed description of
9), persistent density fluctuations occurred, leading an observation together with a computational or
to the formation of wave-like structures. The au- mathematical model that accounts for the obser-
thors also identified the weak and local alignment- vations [Keller and Segel, 1971, Czirok et al., 1996,
interactions to be essential for the formation of the Wu et al., 2009, 2007, Czirok et al., 2001].
patterns and their dynamics. A simulation model Czirok et al. [1996] were the first to interpret an
was used to interpret the interplay between the un- experimentally observed complex behavior through a
derlying microscopic dynamics and the emergence of many-particle-type simulation, incorporating realis-
global patterns in a good agreement with the obser- tic rules. They have investigated the intricate colony
vations. formation and collective motion (formation of rotat-
The collective behavior and pattern formation ing dense aggregates, migration of bacteria in clus-
in granular, biological, and soft matter sys- ters, etc.) of a morphotype of Bacillus subtilis using
tems have been reviewed by Aranson and Tsimring control parameters, such as the concentration of agar
[2006], and more recently in their book as well, and peptone, which was the source of nutrient. Under
[Aranson and Tsimring, 2009], including both exper- standard (favorable) conditions bacterium colonies
iments and theoretical concepts. do not exhibit a high level of organization. How-

Figure 10: (Color online) A typical colony of the vor-

tex morphotype of Bacillus subtilis. The black discs Figure 11: Swimming Bacillus subtilis cells exhibit-
contain thousands of bacteria circling together as the ing collective dynamics. On a large scale, response to
discs themselves glide outward on the surface during chemical gradients (oxygen, in this case) can initiate
colony growth. Courtesy of E. Ben-Jacob. behavior that results in striking hydrodynamic flows.
From Cisneros et al. [2007].

ever, under certain hostile environmental conditions ticity field. By simultaneously measuring the posi-
(like limited nutrient source or hard agar surface) the tions, velocities and orientations of around one thou-
complexity of the colony as a whole increases, charac- sand bacteria, Zhang et al. [2010] demonstrated that
terized by the appearance of cell-differentiation and under specific conditions, colonies of wild-type Bacil-
long-range information transmission [Shapiro, 1988]. lus subtilis exhibit giant number fluctuations. More
For describing the observed hydrodynamics (vortex- specifically, they found that the number of bacteria
formation, migration of clusters) of the bacteria in per unit area shows fluctuations far larger than those
an intermediate level, Czirok et al. [1996] proposed for populations in thermal equilibrium.
a simpler model of self-propelled particles, and more The collective behavior of motile aerobic bacte-
complex ones taking into account further biologi- ria (aerobic are those bacteria which need the
cal details to capture the more elaborated collective presence of oxygen for their survival), primarily in
behaviors, like the vortex and colony formation (see high cell-concentration, is governed by the inter-
Sec. 5.1.3). Figure 10 depicts a typical bacterium play between buoyancy, oxygen consumption, mix-
colony formed by the vortex morphotype. ing and hydrodynamic interactions. The pattern-
This kind of bacterium, Bacillus subtilis, when formation of these bacteria is often governed by an-
the cells are very concentrated (nearly close-packed), other physical mechanism as well, called bioconvec-
forms a special kind of collective phase called Zoom- tion [Pedley and Kessler, 1992], which appears on
ing BioNematics (ZBN) [Cisneros et al., 2007]. This fluid medium having a surface open to the air. The
phase is characterized by large scale orientational co- authors argued that the patterns appear because bac-
herence, analogous to the molecular alignment of ne- teria, which are denser than the fluid they swim
matic liquid crystals, in which the cells assemble to- in, gather at the surface creating a heavy layer on
gether into co-directionally swimming clusters, which the top of a lighter medium. When the density of
often move at speeds larger then the average speed the bacteria-cells exceed a certain threshold, this ar-
of single bacteria. Figure 11 shows a snapshot of rangement becomes unstable resulting in a large-scale
swimming Bacillus subtilis cells exhibiting collective cell circulation (or convection).
dynamics, and Fig. 12 depicts the corresponding vor- Sokolov et al. [2009] have investigated the onset of
3.3 Bacterial colonies 17

Figure 12: (Color) A snapshot of the vorticity field of

the swimming bacteria Bacillus subtilis (depicted on Figure 13: The edge of the expanding colony of bacte-
Fig. 11). The small arrows indicate the correspond- ria M. xanthus. Some individual cells and slime traits
ing velocity field. The color bar indicates vorticity in are labeled, along with some multicellular rafts and
seconds1 . The turbulent motion of the suspension mounds. The colony is expanding in the radial di-
is well-observable. The regions of aligned motility are rection, which is to the right in this image. From
hundreds of times larger than the size of the bacteria, Wu et al. [2009].
remaining coherent for the order of magnitude of a
second. From Cisneros et al. [2007].
authors constructed a detailed computational model
that took into account both the behavior and the cell
large-scale collective motion of aerobic bacteria swim- biology of the bacteria M. xanthus. The most in-
ming in a thin fluid, a film, which had adjustable teresting result was revealed by the model, namely,
thickness. They have demonstrated the existence of that these reversals generate a more orderly swarm
a clear transition between a quasi-two-dimensional with more cells oriented in parallel, making the cells
collective motion state and a three-dimensional tur- less likely to collide with each other. Without these
bulent state that occurs at a certain fluid-thickness. turn-backs the cells would become disordered and as
In the turbulent state which is qualitatively differ- a whole, would move at a slower rate while finally
ent from bioconvection an enhanced diffusivity of coming to a standstill. The model predicts that the
bacteria and oxygen can be observed, which suppos- swarm expands at the greatest rate when cells reverse
edly serves the better survival of bacteria colonies their direction approximately every eight minutes
under harsh conditions. which is in exact match with the observations. Fig-
In another remarkable recent paper, while seeking ure 13 shows a snapshot of the expanding colony of
to understand how certain bacteria colonies are able bacteria M. xanthus.
to spread so efficiently, Wu et al. [2009] reported on Wild-type (normal) Myxococcus xanthus has two
a completely unexpected phenomenon: they found different kinds of engines to move itself: a pilus at
that members of a certain kind of bacteria (Myxococ- its front end which pulls the cell, and a slime se-
cus xanthus) regularly reverse their direction, head- cretion engine at its rear that pushes the bacterium
ing back to the colony which they have just came forward. Wu et al. [2007] have investigated the coor-
from, which is seemingly only a waste of time dinated motion and social interactions of this bacteria
and energy. Motivated by these observations, the by using mutants: bacteria that were void of either

described in detail a model has been developed as

well, which is in excellent agreement with the ob-
servations. Yamazaki et al. [2005] investigated the
above described periodic change between the motile
and the immotile cell states experimentally, and con-
cluded that the change between the two states was
determined neither by biological nor by chemical fac-
tors, but by the local cell density.
Many papers deal with the effects of cell-density
on the collective behavior of a bacterium colony.
Dombrowski et al. [2004] artificially created regions
in which a given type of bacteria-cells are strongly
Figure 14: The colony of Bacillus subtilis which concentrated. In these regions the authors found
similarly to P. mirabilis grow in a peculiar concen- striking collective effects with transient, reconstitut-
tric ring-like pattern, which is the result of a special ing, high-speed jets straddled by vortexes, and sug-
swarming cycle reported by Czirok et al. [2001] and gested a corresponding modification for the Keller-
Yamazaki et al. [2005]. From Yamazaki et al. [2005]. Segel model which takes into account the hydrody-
namic interactions as well. (The Keller-Segel model
is probably the most prevalent model for chemical
one or the other type of engine. Based on their ob- control of cell movements, which has been originally
servations they have introduced a cell-based model introduced by Keller and Segel [1971].) The rele-
to study the role of the two different kinds of engines vance of the hydrodynamic effects was highlighted
and to show how the interactions between neighbor- by Sokolov et al. [2007] as well, who presented ex-
ing cells facilitate swarming. perimental results on collective bacterial swimming
Czirok et al. [2001] reported on swarming cycles in thin, two-dimensional fluid films by introducing
(exhibited by many bacterial species) resulting in a novel technique that made it possible to keep
a colony with concentric rings (see Fig. 14). (Al- bacterium-cells in condensed populations exhibiting
though the phenomenon had been known for some adjustable concentration.
time, in their study both the quantitative measure- Zhang et al. [2009] related the characteristic veloc-
ments and the theoretical interpretation have been ity, time and length scales of the collective motion of
the subject of research.) These zones develop as a given type of swarming bacteria colonies.
the bacteria (Proteus mirabilis in their experiments) The effects of the biomechanical interactions (aris-
multiply and swarm following a periodically repeat- ing from the growth and division of the bacteria cells)
ing scenario: when the bacteria cells are applied to on the colony formation although being ubiquitous
the surface of a suitable hard agar medium, they have received little attention so far. Volfson et al.
grow as short, immotile vegetative rods. Then, [2008] addressed this issue by observing and sim-
after a certain time, cells start to differentiate at ulating the structure and dynamics of a growing
the colony margin into long motile swarmer cells two-dimensional colony of non-motile bacteria, Es-
which then migrate rapidly away from the colony un- cherichia coli. They found that growth and division
til they stop and revert by a series of cell fissions in a dense colony led to a dynamic transition from
into the vegetative cell form again. These cells then a disordered phase to a highly ordered one, charac-
grow normally for a time, until the swarmer cell dif- terized by orientational alignment of the rod-shaped
ferentiation is initiated in the outermost zone again, cells (see Fig. 15). The authors highlighted, that this
and the process continues in periodic cycles result- mechanism differed fundamentally from the one ar-
ing into the concentric ring-structure. For this pro- ranging the particles of liquid crystals, polymers or
cess every step of which has been observed and vibrated rods, since this latter one was due to the
3.4 Cells 19

combination of fluctuation and steric exclusion.

Further studies also suggest that the local align-
ment among Escherichia coli cells is accomplished
by cell body collisions and/or short-range hydrody-
namic interactions [Darnton et al., 2010]. According
to this experiment the directional correlation among
the cells is anisotropic, and the speeds and the orien-
tations are correlated over a short, several cell-length
scale. The orientations of the bacteria were continu-
ally, randomly modified due to jostling by neighbors.
Cells at the edge of the swarm were often observed
to pause and swim back towards the swarm or along
its edge.
In a recent paper Drescher et al. [2011] also chal-
lenge the models that explain the motion of these
bacteria based on long-range hydrodynamic effects.
They argue that noise, due to intrinsic swimming
stochasticity and orientational Brownian motion ba-
sically eliminates the hydrodynamic effects between Figure 15: (Color online) The growth and ordering
two bacteria beyond a few microns, that is, short- of the bacteria E. coli in a quasi 2D open microflu-
range forces and noise dominate the interactions be- idic cavity. Originally, at the beginning of the test,
tween swimming bacteria. the cells are distributed evenly and sparsely. The
The web-page maintained by the Weibel lab, three snapshots are taken at (a) 60, (b) 90, and (c) 138 minutes from the beginning of the experiment,
lab/gallery/movies.aspx contains movies of respectively. Growth and division in a dense colony
several types of swarming bacteria, among others, leads to a dynamic transition from a disordered phase
Escherichia coli. to a highly ordered one, characterized by orienta-
tional alignment of the rod-shaped cells. Adapted
Tokita et al. [2009] studied the morphological di- from Volfson et al. [2008].
versity of the colonies of the same type of bacteria,
Escherichia coli, as a function of the agar and nu-
trient concentration. Various colony shapes were ob- Copeland and Weibel [2009] published a very
served, classified into four fundamental types based useful review on bacterial swarming from a biological
on the main characteristics of the patterns. point of view.
Wu and Libchaber [2000] investigated a new situ-
ation, involving two types, active and passive par- 3.4 Cells
ticles moving in a fluid. The active particles were
Escherichia coli bacteria, and the passive units were The basic observations and experiments regarding
micron-scale beads. The aim was to study the ef- unicellular organisms (also, cells) have been dis-
fects of bacterial motion on inactive particles on a cussed in the previous section (3.3) since many kinds
quasi-two-dimensional geometry. They found large of bacteria-stems proved to be good subject for var-
positional fluctuations for beads as large as 10m in ious experiments. However, some interesting exper-
diameter and measured mean-square displacements iments regarding the collective motion of unicellular
indicating superdiffusion in short times and normal beings, have not been made on bacteria, but other
diffusion in long times. kind of cells.
Here we would like to note that Here we only shortly mention some studies investi-

gating the collective motion of the cells Dictyostelium neurons to the olfactory bulb (RMS) and neural crest
discoideum (commonly referred to as slime mold ). (NC) cells migrating from the developing neural tube
In order to describe the dynamics of these cells, to many distant locations in the embryos of mam-
Rappel et al. [1999] took into account their shape mals; sperm cells. Although the collective motion
and plasticity. Based on the observations regard- of these cells are often guided by chemical signals, in
ing how these amoeba cells aggregate into rotat- some cases they can also form patterns based on mere
ing pancake-form structures, the authors built a hydrodynamic effects [Riedel et al., 2005].
model of the dynamics of self-propelled deformable ii) Other migrating groups are more tightly asso-
objects (see also in Sec. 5.1.2). According to ciated and the cells normally never dissociate. Ex-
the experiments, these cells tended to form round amples are the fish lateral line, structures perform-
structures which rotated around the center clock- ing branching and sprouting morphogenesis such as
wise or counterclockwise (depending on some ini- trachea or the vasculature and finally moving sheets
tial conditions) often persisting for tens of hours. of cells in morphogenesis or wound healing. These
Using the same genus, Dictyostelium discoideum, groups have an additional feature, in that the mov-
McCann et al. [2010] conducted experiments in order ing structure has an inherent polarity, a free front
to elucidate the role of signal relay a process during and an attached back.
which the individual cells amplify chemotactic signals iii) Drosophila border cells are a group or clus-
by secreting additional attractants upon stimulation ter of cells performing a directional movement dur-
in the collective motion of these cells. They found ing oogenesis. These migrating cells are associ-
that this process enhances the recruitment range, but ated tightly but the cluster is free, without an in-
does not effect the speed or directionality of the cells. herent back. A particularly nice visualization of
Next we discuss the collective motion of cells in the collectively moving cells during the develop-
highly structured, multi-cellular organisms, in which ment of zebra fish (by three dimensional tracing
cell migration plays a major role in both embry- of live-stained cell nuclei) very well demonstrates
onic development (e.g. gastrulation, neural crest the relevance of collective motion during morpho-
migration) and the normal physiological or patho- genesis [Schoetz, 2008]. Lecaudey et al. [2008] in-
physiological responses of adults (e.g. wound heal- vestigate the mechanism that organize cells behind
ing, immune response or cancer metastasis). In these the leading edge. In particular, they study the
mechanisms cells have to be both motile and adhere role of the fibroblast growth factors (Fgfs) a sig-
to one other. In order to describe these features, naling method known to regulate many types of
Szab o et al. [2010] expanded the cellular Potts model developmental processes [Affolter and Weijer, 2005,
by including active cell motility, and studied a cor- Ciruna and Rossant, 2001] during the formation of
responding computer simulations as well, which was sensory organs in zebrafish. The role of chemokine
compatible with the experimental findings. signaling in regulating the self-organizing migration
In living organisms different strategies exist for of tissues during the morphogenesis of zebrafish is
cell movement, including both individual cell mi- investigated by Haas and Gilmour [2006].
gration and the coordinated movement of groups of By using an interdisciplinary approach,
cells [Rorth, 2007]. Figure 16 summarizes the basic Diz-Munoz et al. [2010] identified MCA (membrane-
types of collective cell migrations with respect to the to-cortex attachement) as a key component in
strength of the contact among the cells moving to- controlling directed cell migration during zebrafish
gether. gastrulation. They showed that reducing MCA in
i) Groups can be associated loosely with occasional mesendoderm progenitor cells during gastrulation
contact and much of the apparent cohesion might reduces the directionality of the cell migration as
come from essentially solitary cells following the same well. By investigating the same process, zebrafish
tracks and cues. Examples are germ cells in many gastrulation, Arboleda-Estudillo et al. [2010] found
organisms; the rostral migratory stream supplying that individually moving mesendoderm cells are
3.4 Cells 21

capable of normal directed migration on their own,

but for moving coherently, that is, for participating
in coordinated and directed migration as part of a
group, cell-cell adhesion is required.
In order to distinguish individual, cell-autonomous
displacements from convective displacements caused
by large-scale morphogenetic tissue movements
Zamir et al. [2006] have developed a technique. Us-
ing this methodology, they have separated the active
and passive components of cell displacement directly,
during the gastrulation process in a warm-blooded
embryo. Czirok et al. [2008] provided an excellent
review on cell-movements and tissue-formation dur-
ing vasculogenesis in warm-blooded vertebrates. As
the key mechanism for this process, the authors iden-
tified the formation and rapid expansion of multicel-
lular sprouts, by which the originally disconnected Figure 16: (Color online) The basic types of collec-
endothelial cell clusters join and form an intercon- tive cell migrations with respect to the strength of
nected network. the contact among the cells moving together. The
A quantitative analysis of the experimentally ob- schematic drawing of the cells are white with gray
tained collective motion and the associated ordering circles within them, which are the nuclei. The dark
transition of co-moving fish keratocites was carried lines on (a) and (c) are migration-permissive tracks in
out by Szab o et al. [2006]. They have determined the substrate. The movement is from left to right. (a)
the phase transition as a function of the cell density and (b) depict loosely associated cells which contact
(Fig. 18) and, motivated by their experimental re- rarely (a), or more frequently, (b). Although these
sults, have constructed the corresponding model as kind of motions are sometimes restricted by tracks,
well (see Sec. 5.1.2). Figure 17 shows the typical col- the cells mostly contact the substrate with a high
lective behavior of the keratocite cells for three differ- degree of freedom. Neural-crest cells and germ-line
ent densities, and Fig. 18 depicts the phase transition cells belong to these categories. The cell-structure
(described by the order parameter) as a function of depicted in (c) has a well-defined front and back part.
the normalized cell density. Other aspects of collec- An example is the neuromast cells of the fish lateral
tive cell motion for example the relation between line. (d) shows an example of tracheal or vascular-
the viscosity of the substrate and the velocity of the type branch outgrowth, during which the cells remain
cells were also studied [Murrell et al., 2011]. associated through the the central bud growing out
Further interesting examples for the collective mo- from the existing epithelium cells. (e) shows an ep-
tion of tissue cells are related to the following two ithelial sheet moving to close a gap. These cells most
processes: probably have only a small degree of freedom. (f)
Tissue repair and wound healing. In tissue repair, A border-cell-cluster moves among giant nurse cells
collective migration is seen in vascular sprouts pen- which are depicted by the surrounding squares. From
etrating the wound or the horizontal migration of Rorth [2007].
epithelial cell-sheets across 2d substrates upon self-
renewal of keratinocytes migrating across the wound
[Friedl, 2004]. In epithelial tissue, the opening of a artificially mechanically injured astrocytes (a charac-
gap induces the proliferation and movement of the teristic star-shaped glial cell in the central nervous
surrounding intact cells, which eventually closes the system) in vitro. In particular, the changes in the
gap. Kornyei et al. [2000] studied the responses of cell-motility, proliferation and morphology were an-

Figure 18: Order parameter versus the normalized

cell density. The order parameter is a measure de-
Figure 17: Phase contrast images showing the col- scribing the level of coherency of the motion (for more
lective behavior of fish keratocites for three differ- details see Eq. 1 in Seq. 2.1) and the normalized cell
ent densities. The normalized density, is defined density is the measured density divided by the max-
as = /max , where max is the maximal ob- imal observed cell density. The error bars show the
served density, 25 cells/100 100m2. (a) = 1.8 standard error of the density and order parameter.
cells/100 100m2 corresponding to = 0.072 (b) From Szab o et al. [2006].
= 5.3 cells/100 100m2 which is = 0.212, and
(c) = 14.7 cells/100 100m2, = 0.588. The
scale bar indicates 200m. As cell density increases
cell motility undergoes to collective ordering. The
speed of coherently moving cells is smaller than that
of solitary cells. (d)-(f) on the bottom panel de-
picts the corresponding velocities of the cells. From
Szabo et al. [2006].

alyzed. Their data suggested that the mechanical

Figure 19: (Color) Traction forces generated by a
injury (basically a scratch) was not sufficient to in-
sheet of collectively moving cells. (a) is the phase
dicate changes in the motility of the astroglia cell,
contrast image and (b) depicts the tractions normal
but did result in a local enhancement in the cell pro-
to the edge. Adapted from Trepat et al. [2009].
As discussed above, the widely accepted approach
regarding the nature of the migration of groups of gued that traction forces driving collective cell mi-
cells in organisms has assumed that leading cells gration did not arise only (or primarily) in the leader
situated at the front edge of the group guide the cells which were at the front of the traveling cell sheet,
motion of all the cells. This is suggested by many but, as it can be seen on on Fig. 19, in many cell
studies [Vaughan and Trinkaus, 1966, Friedl, 2004, rows behind the leading front edge cells as well. Al-
Gov, 2007], among others by the ones carried out though, like some kind of tug of war, the cell sheet
on zebrafish, a genus whose morphogenesis and or- as a whole moved in one direction, many cells within
gan formation is the subject of many experiments the cluster pulled the sheet in other directions.
[Lecaudey et al., 2008, Haas and Gilmour, 2006]. Cancer metastasis. Two morphological and func-
However, in a recent paper Trepat et al. [2009] ar- tional variants of collective migration have been de-
3.5 Insects 23

scribed in tumors in vivo. The first results from readers can find abundant literature on the topic, for
protruding sheets and strands that maintain contact example [Holldobler and Wilson, 2008].
with the primary site, yet generate local invasion. Many species of butterflies (e.g. Red Admiral,
The second shows detached cell clusters or cell files, Painted Lady) and moths (Humming-bird Hawk-
histologically seen as nests, which detach from their moth, Silver-Y moth) migrate twice a year between
origin and frequently extend along interstitial tissue the two hemispheres: when it is autumn on the
gaps and paths of least resistance, as seen in epithe- Northern hemisphere they form huge clouds and
lial cancer and melanoma [Friedl, 2004]. Collective fly to south and come back only when spring arrives.
migration represents the predominant mode of tissue Other insects being famous for exhibiting collective
invasion in most epithelial cancers. motion are ants. Many of them create tracks between
Furthermore, recently it has been argued that the nest and the food sources very efficiently, using
malignant tumor cells may be capable of devel- pheromone trails. For example New World army ant
oping collective patterns that resemble to evolved Eciton burchelii whose colonies may consist of mil-
adaptive behaviors like collective decision-making lion or more workers stage huge swarm raids with
or collective sensing of environmental conditions. up to 200 thousand individuals forming trail systems
Deisboeck and Couzin [2009] presented a concept as that are in length up to 100 m or even more, and 20
to how these abilities could arise in tumors and why m wide [Gotwald, 1995, Franks et al., 1991]. Based
the emergence of such sophisticated swarm-like be- on the observations Couzin and Franks [2003] have
havior would endow advantageous properties to the investigated the formation of these elaborated traffic
spatio-temporal expansion of tumors. lanes, and created a corresponding model exploring
In a recently published review article the influences of turning rates and local perception on
Friedl and Gilmour [2009] draw attention on traffic flow. Furthermore, Beekman et al. [2001] have
the presumed common mechanistic themes under- investigated another fundamental question regarding
lying the different collective cell migration types by these formations, namely what is the minimum num-
comparing them at the molecular and cellular level. ber of workers that are required for this kind of self
This review paper summarizes the topic from a more organization to occur. They have observed Pharaoh
biological point of view. ants and they actually discovered that small groups
forage in a disorganized way while larger ones are
organized. Thus for the first time they have
3.5 Insects
provided experimental evidence on a behavioral first-
Insects are one of the most diverse animal groups order phase-transition exhibiting hysteresis between
on Earth including more than a million described organized and disorganized states.
species which makes them represent more than half of Traditionally, an aggregate is considered to be an
all known living organisms [Chapman, 2009]. They evolutionarily advantageous state for its members: it
can move about by walking, flying or occasionally provides protection, information and choice of mates
swimming. Some of their species (like water strid- on the cost of limited resources and increased prob-
ers) are even able to walk on the surface of water. ability for various infections [Wilson, 1975a]. How-
Most of them live a solitary life, but some insects ever, according to some recent studies, in the case
(such as certain ants, bees or termites) are social of some insect-species the depletion of nutritional re-
and are famous for their large and well-organized sources may easily lead to cannibalism among group-
colonies. Some of these so called eusocial insects members. Simpson et al. [2006] reported how the lo-
have evolved sophisticated communication system, cal availability of protein and salt influenced the ex-
such as the round dance and waggle dance of tent to which Mormon cricket bands marched, both
Western honey bee, Apis mellifera. However, motion- through the direct effect of nutrient state on loco-
patterns based on such highly developed communica- motion and indirectly through the threat of canni-
tion are out of the scope of our review, but interested balism by resource-deprived specimens. Similarly,

Figure 21: Locust swarm. From

Bazazi et al. [2008] demonstrated that coordinated

mass migration in juvenile desert locusts (see Fig. 21)
was influenced strongly by cannibalistic interactions:
Individuals in marching bands tended to bite each
other but also risk being bitten themselves. Surgical
reduction of individuals capacity to detect the ap-
proach of others from behind decreased their proba-
bility to start moving, dramatically reduced the mean
proportion of moving individuals in the group and
significantly increased cannibalism as well, but it did
not influence the behavior of isolated locusts. They
also showed that while abdominal biting and the sight
Figure 20: The alignment of the motion of locusts in
of others approaching from behind triggered move-
the function of animal density. The alignment is de-
ment, the occlusion of the rear visual field inhibited
fined as the normalized average of the orientation for
individuals propensity to march.
all moving animals, which means that values close to
-1 and 1 indicate strong alignment (all locusts move In a field study Bazazi et al. [2010] found that
in the same direction) whereas values close to zero adult Mormon crickets were more likely to attack a
indicate uncoordinated motion. At low densities (a), stationary conspecific that was on the side-on than ei-
the alignment among individuals - if it occurs - is ther head- or abdomen-on, from which it follows that
sparse and sporadic, following a long initial period an individual can reduce the risk of being attacked by
of disordered motion (5.317.2 locusts/m2 , equating aligning with its neighbors. The team also revealed
to 27 moving locusts). (b) Intermediate densities a social effect on the cannibalistic behavior, namely
(24.661.5 locusts/m2 , equating to 1025 moving lo- that the more individuals were present around a sta-
custs) are characterized by sharp and abrupt changes tionary cricket, the higher the probability was for an
in direction, separating long periods of correlated mo- encounter resulting in an attack.
tion. (c) At densities above 73.8 locusts/m2 (equat- Other characteristics of the collective motion of
ing to 30 or more moving locusts) the alignment of locusts have also been studied: Yates et al. [2009]
the motion is strong and persistent, individual locusts investigated the sudden coherent switches in direc-
quickly adopt their motion to the others, and sponta- tion, and Buhl et al. [2006] their behavior with re-
neous changes in the direction do not occur. Adapted
from [Buhl et al., 2006].
3.6 Fish schools and shoals 25

spect to the effect of the animal-density on the tran- other in a looser manner than in a school, and they
sition between disordered and ordered states. The might include fish of various species as well [Pitcher,
experimental results are depicted on Fig. 20, which 1983]. Shoals are more vulnerable to predator at-
shows the alignment of the motion in the func- tack. In contrast, in a school fish swim in a more
tion of locust density, for three different cases: (a) tightly organized way considering their speed and di-
low density ( = 0.26 0.86 103 expressed in rection, thus a school can be considered as a spe-
terms of normalized density), (b) intermediate den- cial case of shoal [Helfman et al., 1997]. At the same
= 1.23 3.1 103 ) and (c) high density
sity ( time, from one second to the other a shoal can or-
= 3.7 103 ). Normalized density is calculated
( ganize itself into a disciplined school and vice versa,
as usually, = /max , where max is the maximal according to the changes in the momentary activ-
hopper density estimated to be 20000 hopper/m2 af- ity: avoiding a predator, resting, feeding or traveling
ter [Murphy, 1967, Symmons and Cressman, 2001]. [Moyle and Cech, 2003, Hoare et al., 2004].
As it can be seen, coordinated marching behavior Schooling is a very basic feature of aquatic species
strongly depends on the animal-density. With these and may have appeared in a very early stage of verte-
experiments they also confirmed that the transition brate evolution [Shaw, 1978]. Over 50 percent of bony
followed the theoretical predictions of the SPP-model fish species school and the same behavior has been
[Vicsek et al., 1995], and identified the critical den- reported in a number of cartilaginous fish species as
sity for the onset of coordinated marching as well. well [Shaw, 1978, Benoit-Bird and Au, 2003]. Since
Although zooplankton are not insects, here we the large-scale coherent motion of fish is also very
briefly mention an interesting study in which important from a practical point of view (fishing in-
Daphnia-swarms were artificially induced to carry dustry), the observational and simulational aspects of
out vortex motion by using optical stimulus. When fish schools have played a central role in the studies
the density of these tiny creatures is small, they ex- of coherent motion.
hibit circular motion around a vertical shaft of light, Becco et al. [2006] recorded the trajectories of
to which they are attracted. Ordemann et al. [2003] young fish in a school (see Fig. 22). Both individ-
found that above a density-threshold a swarm-like ual and collective behavior were studied as a func-
motion emerges in which all Daphnia circle in the tion of fish-density, and a transition from disor-
same randomly chosen direction. In order to dered to correlated motion was found. Also by tra-
reproduce the observed behavior, the authors devel- jectory analysis, Katz et al. [2011] inferred the struc-
oped a self-propelled agent based model based on ran- ture of the interactions among schooling golden shin-
dom walks. They found that with two ingredients of ers, Notemigonus crysoleucas. They found that it is
the model the observed circular motion can be repro- not an alignment rule but a speed regulation which
duced: (i) a short-range temporal correlation of the is the key aspect during interaction, i.e., changes
velocities (which is in the experiment the short-range in speed effecting conspecifics both behind and in
alignment resulting from the water drag), and (ii) front of the fish are essential. They argue that align-
an attraction to a central point proportional to the ment only modulates the strength of speed regulation,
agents distance from it (which is in the experiment rather than being an explicit force itself. Another
the attraction generated by the light beam.) important claim of the study is that the observed
interactions can not be decomposed into the sum of
two-body interactions, but rather three-body interac-
3.6 Fish schools and shoals
tions are necessary in order to explain the observed
The largest groups of vertebrates exhibiting a rich set dynamics.
of collective motion patterns are certainly fish shoals Using a novel technique called Ocean Acoustic
and schools. Although these two terms cover very Waveguide Remote Sensing, OAWRS [Makris et al.,
similar behaviors and thus are often mixed their 2006], which enables instantaneous imaging and con-
meaning slightly differs: in a shoal fish relate to each tinuous monitoring of oceanic fish shoals over tens of

Figure 22: Becco et al. [2006] recorded the trajecto-

ries of young Tilapia fish in a school. (a) The photo
of a Tilapia together with her offsprings. (b) The tra-
jectory of 20 fish (equating to 350 fish/m2 ) recorded
for 41 seconds. (c) Same as the previous one, but with
905 fish/m2 . The bar scale on subpictures (b) and Figure 23: (Color) OAWRS snapshots showing the
(c) represents 1cm5cm. From Becco et al. [2006]. formation of vast herring shoals, consisting of millions
of Atlantic herring, on the northern flank of Georges
Bank (situated between the USA and Canada) on 3
thousands of square kilometers, Makris et al. [2009] October 2006. Adapted from Makris et al. [2009].
observed vast herring populations during spawning
(see Fig. 23). The team observed a rapid transi-
tion from disordered to highly synchronized behavior does the size of the school influence decision making?
at a critical density, followed by an organized group [Grunbaum, 1998]
migration (see Fig. 24). Furthermore, in agreement Regarding the connotation of consensus deci-
with other studies (see Sec. 3.8), they also found that sion, most scholars follow the definition proposed
a small set of leaders can significantly influence the by Conradt and Roper [2005], who interpreted it as
actions of a much larger group. the process in which the members of a group chose
One of the most fundamental question regarding between two or more mutually exclusive actions with
gregarious animals thus fishes as well is how the the aim of reaching a consensus, and leadership
common decision is reached. If they are to stay to- was the initiation of new directions of locomotion by
gether, they constantly have to face questions like: one or more individuals, which were then readily fol-
which direction to swim, where to stop and forage, lowed by other group members [Krause et al., 2000].
how to guard against predators, etc. Is it governed In a recent experiment Ward et al. [2008] discov-
by a leader or by some kind of consensus? [Reebs, ered that individual fish responded only when they
2000, Sumpter et al., 2008, Biro et al., 2006] How saw a threshold number of conspecifics to perform a
3.7 Bird flocks 27

particular behavior (quorum responses). They ex-

perimentally investigated (and also modeled) the de-
cision making process about movements of a school
in the case of a specific kind of fish. Reebs [2000]
trained twelve golden shiners to expect food around
midday in one of the brightly lit corners of their tank
and investigated whether these informed individuals
were able to lead their shoal-mates to the site of the
food source later or not. He found that a minority of
informed individuals (even one) can lead a shoal to
the food-site. He also observed that the shoals never
split up and were always led by the same fish.
Some of the experiments suggesting these results
utilized replica fish or fish robots in order to study
the decision-making behavior [Sumpter et al., 2008,
Faria et al., 2010a].

3.7 Bird flocks

Flocking of birds have been the subject of specula-
tion and investigation for many years. Some of the
nearly paradoxical aspects of the extremely highly-
coordinated motion patterns were pointed out al-
ready in the mid 1980-es [Potts, 1984]. In this pa-
per Potts discussed how the flock movements were
initiated and coordinated, through a frame-by-frame
analysis of high-speed film of sandpiper flocks. He
argued that any individual can initiate a flock move-
ment, which then propagates through the flock in a
wave-like form radiating out from the initiation site.
Research has investigated various features of
the group flight of birds, including positional ef-
fects on vigilance (mainly anti-predatory) [Elgar,
Figure 24: (Color online) The results obtained 1989, Beauchamp, 2003], flock size, positional ef-
from evaluating the data recorded by the technique fects and intra-specific aggression in European star-
called Ocean Acoustic Waveguide Remote Sensing lings [Keys and Dugatkin, 1990], landing mechanisms
(OAWRS), see Fig. 23. (a) The length of the three [Bhattacharya and Vicsek, 2010]. Skeins of wild
forming shoals (on the left, depicted by red, blue and geese are famous for their characteristic V-shaped
black colors online) and the migration distance (bot- formations, which was spatio-temporally analyzed
tom of the picture, green online) in the function of by Hayakawa [2010]. By performing field mea-
time. The solid lines are the best-fit slopes to the sures, he observed long-term fluctuations with single-
recorded data. (b) and (c) population density ver- sided propagation through the string, and proposed
sus time for shoal 1 (blue data online) and shoal 2 a corresponding model as well. Parrish and Hamner
(red data online). A slow growth in population den- [1997] published a remarkable collection of papers
sity is followed by a rapid increase immediately af- about the state of the art of the research on animal
ter the critical fish-density is reached (0.18f ish/m2 congregations in three dimensions. The most recent
corresponding to approximately = 0.027 normal-
ized density. The normalized density is defined as
= /max , where max is the maximal observed
density, approximately 6.6 fish/m2 according to sub-
figure b). Adapted from Makris et al. [2009].

and impressive experimental observational study was

carried out within the framework of a EU FP6 NEST
project (Starflag, 2005-07). In this project the team
measured the 3D positions of individual birds (Euro-
pean Starlings, Sturnus vulgaris) within flocks con-
taining up to 2,600 individuals, using stereometric
and computer vision techniques (see Fig. 25). They
characterized the structure of the flock by the spa-
tial distribution of the nearest neighbors of each bird.
Given a reference bird, they measured the angular
orientation of its nearest neighbor with respect to the
flocks direction of motion, and repeated this process
for all individuals within a flock as reference bird.
Figure 26 depicts the average angular position of
the nearest neighbors. The important main observa-
tion of the research team in Rome was that starlings
in huge flocks interact with their 6-7 closest neigh-
bors (topological approach) instead of those being
within a given distance (metrical approach). Thus,
they argued, the effect of density was quantitatively
different in these (and probably most) flocks from
that one would expect from models assuming a spa-
tially limited interaction range [Ballerini et al., 2008].
A topological flock model based on the above findings
was recently considered by Bode et al. [2011a].
On the other hand, other experiments concerning Figure 25: (Color online) A typical starling flock and
various other species rendered the opposite view its 3D reconstruction. (a) and (b) is the photograph
also probable, namely that the range of interaction of one of the analyzed flocks. The pictures were made
did not change with density [Buhl et al., 2006]. This at the same moment by two different cameras, 25 me-
question is still the subject of investigations, and it ters apart. For reconstructing the flocks in 3D, each
may easily lead to the conclusion that this mechanism birds image on the left had to be matched to its cor-
differs from species to species. responding image on the right. The small red squares
Cavagna et al. [2010] obtained high resolution spa- indicate five of these matched pairs. (c-f) The 3D re-
tial data of thousands of starlings using stereo imag- constructions of the analyzed flock from four different
ing in order to calculate the response of a large flock perspectives. (d) The reconstructed flock from the
to external perturbation. They were attempting to same view-point as (b). From Ballerini et al. [2008].
understand the origin of collective response, namely
the way the group as a whole reacts to its environ-
ment. The authors argued that collective response in much larger than the direct inter-individual interac-
animal groups may be achieved through scale-free be- tion range. Further simulations are needed to clarify
havioral correlations. This suggestion was based on the origin of the experimental findings.
measuring to what extent the velocity fluctuations A very recent direction (made possible by techno-
of different birds are correlated to each other. They logical advances) is to obtain information about the
found that behavioral correlations decay as a power position of individual birds during the observations
law with a surprisingly small exponent, thereby pro- using ultra light GPS devices (see Fig. 27). Although
viding each animal with an effective perception range the present technology is still not suitable for large
3.8 Leadership in groups of mammals and crowds 29

individually. Employing high-precision GPS track-

ing of pairs of pigeons Biro et al. [2006] found that
if conflict between two birds directional preferences
was small, individuals averaged their routes, whereas
if conflict arose over a critical threshold, the pair split
or one of the birds became the leader.
Using a similar method, track-logs obtained from
high-precision lightweight GPS devices, Nagy et al.
[2010] found a well-defined hierarchy among pigeons
Figure 26: (Color online) The average angular den- belonging to the same flock by analyzing data con-
sity of the birds nearest neighbors. The map shows a cerning leading roles in pairwise interactions (see Fig.
striking lack of nearest neighbors along the direction 28). They showed that the average spatial position
of motion, thus the structure is strongly anisotropic. of a pigeon within the flock strongly correlates with
(A possible explanation for this phenomenon might its place in the hierarchy.
lie in the anatomical structure of this generas visual One of the long standing questions about the col-
apparatus.) According to the authors, the observed lective behavior of organisms is the measurement and
anisotropy is the effect of the interaction among the interpretation of their positions relative to each other
individuals. Adapted from Ballerini et al. [2008]. during flocking. Precise data of this sort would make
the reconstruction of the rules of interaction between
the individual organisms possible. In a very recent
paper Lukeman et al. [2010] carried out an investiga-
tion with this specific goal. They analysed a high-
quality dataset of flocking surf scoters, forming well
spaced groups of hundreds of individuals on the wa-
ter surface (Fig. 29). Lukeman et al. [2010] were
able to fit the data to zonal interaction models (see,
e.g., Couzin et al. [2002]) and characterize which in-
dividual interaction forces suffice to explain observed
spatial patterns. The main finding is that impor-
tant features of observed flocking surf scoters can
Figure 27: (Color online) A pre-trained homing pi- be accounted for by zonal models with specific, well-
geon with a small GPS device on his back, a recent defined rules of interaction.
technology to obtain information about the position
of the individual birds. From Nagy et al. [2010]. 3.8 Leadership in groups of mammals
and crowds
scale, high-precision studies (only a couple of birds Many insect, fish and bird species live in large groups
per experiment and a resolution of the order of me- in which members are considered to be identical
ters have been achieved yet), this method has already (from the viewpoint of collective motion), unable to
called to forth important results [Roberts et al., 2004, recognize each other on an individual level (although

Akos et al., 2008]. not all, [Nagy et al., 2010]). Such groups might reach
Applying GPS data-loggers in six highly pre- a consensus either without leader (by quorum re-
trained pigeons, the efficiency of a flock was investi- sponse, mean value, etc.) or with a leader. However,
gated by DellAriccia et al. [2008]. They found that even in this latter case, leadership is temporal since
the homing performance of the birds flying as a flock it is based on temporal differences, such as pertinent
was significantly better than that of the birds released information of food location or differences in some

Figure 29: (Color online) A flock of surf scoter (M.

perspicillata) swimming on the water surface (A).
The actual coordinates and velocities after correc-
tion for perspective and drift currents effects. After
Figure 28: (Color online) The route of a flight and the Lukeman et al. [2010].
corresponding leadership-network of a pigeon flock.
(a) A two-minute segment of the trajectory of ten
pigeons recorded by small GPS devices (as depicted inner states (hunger, spawning inducement, etc). As
on Fig. 27). The different letters (and colors on- an important difference, most mammals do have the
line) refer to the different individuals. The small dots capacity for individual recognition enabling the emer-
on the lines indicate 1 second, the triangles indicate gence of hierarchical group structures. Although the
5, and they point in the direction of the flight. (b) assumption that the dominant individuals are at the
The leadership-network for the flight depicted on sub- same time the ones that lead the herd seems quite
figure (a). Each node (letter) represent a bird, among plausible, in fact, recent biological studies reveal that
which the directed edges point from the leader to the in many cases there is no direct relationship between
follower. The numbers on the edges indicate the time dominance and leadership. Most probably it is an in-
delay (in seconds) in the two birds motion. For those teraction among kinship, dominance, inner state and
bird-pairs which are not connected directly with each some outer conditions.
other with an edge, directionality could not be re- Zebras, like many other mammals, need signifi-
solved by means of the applied threshold. Adapted cantly more water and energy during the lactation
from Nagy et al. [2010]. period than they need otherwise. Fischhoff et al.
[2007] investigated the effect of two factors, iden-
tity and inner state, on leadership in herds of ze-
3.8 Leadership in groups of mammals and crowds 31

bras, Equus burchellii. Identity covers both dom- members are needed to lead the group. Dyer et al.
inance and kinship, while the inner state was inter- [2008] tested these predictions on human groups in
preted as the reproductive state (if the individual is which the experimental subjects were nave and they
in its lactation period or not). Zebra harems consist did not use verbal communication or any other ac-
of tightly knit individuals in which females were ob- tive signaling. The experiments indeed supported the
served to have habitual roles (personal differences) predictions. Other experiments investigated the re-
in the initiation of group movements. The authors lationship between the spatial position of informed
also found that lactating females initiate movements individuals and the speed and accuracy of the group
more often than non-lactating ones, thus lactation, motion [Dyer et al., 2009]. The results proved valid
as inner state, plays an important role in leader- in larger crowds as well (100 and 200 people) which
ship. Others find more direct relationship to hier- can have important implications on plans aiming to
archy. S arova et al. [2010] recorded the motion of a guide human groups for example in case of emer-
herd of 15 beef cows, Bos taurus, for a three-week gency.
period using GPS devices. They found that short- Faria et al. [2010b] studied the effect of the knowl-
distance travels and foraging movements are not lead edge regarding the presence and identity of a leader in
by particular individual, instead, they are rather in- small human groups, and also investigated those in-
fluenced in a graded manner, i.e., the higher an in- advertent social cues by which group members might
dividual was in the group hierarchy, the bigger influ- identify leaders. With this object they conducted 3
ence it exerted on the motion of the herd. Accord- treatments: in the first, participants did not know
ing to the observations, Rhesus macaques (Macaca that there was a leader, in the second treatment they
mulatta) preferred to join related or high-ranking in- were instructed to follow the leader but they did
dividuals too, whereas Tonkean macaques (Macaca not know who it was, while in the third they knew
tonkeana) exhibited no specific order at departure who the leader was. The experiments took place in
[Sueur and Petit, 2008]. In a recent review article a circular area with 10m diameter labeled by num-
Petit and Bon [2010] interpreted the process of col- bers from 1 to 16. These marks were spaced equally
lective decision making (regarding group movements) around the perimeter, as shown in Fig. 30. In all the
as a combination of two kinds of rules: individual- trials, participants were instructed (i) not to talk or
based and self-organized. The first one covers the to make any gesture, (ii) to walk continuously, and
differences of the [mostly inner] states of the an- (iii) to remain together as a group. Further instruc-
imals, that is, differences in social status, physi- tions were provided on a piece of paper: a (randomly
ology, energetic state, etc. The second one, self- chosen) person was asked to move to a (randomly
organization, corresponds to the interactions, simple chosen) target but stay with the group. She/he was
responses among individuals. the informed individual, the leader. The rest of
Regarding the case when leadership emerges solely the group was uninformed whose instructions differed
from differences in the inner states of the group mem- from treatment to treatment: In the first one, they
bers (those ones lead who have pertinent informa- were only asked to stay with the group. In the sec-
tion), Couzin et al. [2005] suggested a simple model ond treatment they were told to follow the leader, but
to show how a few informed individuals can lead a they did not know who it was. In the third one, they
whole group. In this model (which is detailed in Sec. were asked to follow the leader whose identity was
5.4) group members do not signal and do not know provided (by the color if his/her sash). Although the
which of them (if any) has information regarding the accuracy of the group movement significantly differed
desired direction. This model predicts that even if from treatment to treatment, the leader always suc-
the portion of the informed individuals within the ceeded to guide the group to the target. The least ac-
group is very small, the group as a whole can achieve curate group motions were measured during the first
great accuracy in its movement. In fact, the larger treatment, while the second and third ones resulted
the group size, the smaller the portion of informed group motions whose accuracy were close to the pos-

timate reason for group formation. However, when

reaching a consensus, if individuals differ in state and
experience which is reasonable to assume then
some individuals will have to pay bigger consensus
costs than others (which is the coast that an individ-
ual pays by foregoing its optimal behavior to defer to
the common decision [King et al., 2008]). Theoretical
models estimate democratic decisions less costly
(in terms of average consensus cost) than despotic
decisions [Conradt and Roper, 2003] which estima-
tion is supported by a number of observations as well
[Conradt and Roper, 2005]. However, many animal
groups (including primates and humans) often fol-
low despotic decisions. Field experiments (for ex-
ample on wild baboons [King et al., 2008]) highlight
the role of social relationships and leader incentives
in such cases. From a more theoretical viewpoint,
Conradt and Roper [2010] discussed the cost/benefit
ratio during group movements, separately for timing
and spatial decisions.
In his recent book on collective animal behavior,
Sumpter [2010] dedicated a whole chapter to decision
Figure 30: (Color online) Orientations (arrows) and making.
walking trajectories (lines) of the eight participants
during the second treatment. The colors identify the 3.9 Lessons from the observations
participants. The leader marked by a * on sub-
The main, commonly assumed advantages of flocking
picture (a) was instructed to reach the randomly
selected target which is marked by a . (a) depicts
the situation at the beginning of the trial and (b) 25 1. Defense against predators
s later. Adapted from Faria et al. [2010b].
2. More efficient exploration for resources or hunt-
sible maximum value. Three main factors were ex- 3. Improved decision making in larger groups (e.g.,
posed as inadvertent social cues that might help un- where to land)
informed group members to identify the leader(s): (i)
time to start walking informed individuals usually In general, it can be argued that with the increas-
started walking sooner, (ii) distance from the group ing size of a group the process of decision making
center leaders were farther from the center than is likely to become more efficient [Camazine et al.,
others, and (iii) proportion of time spent following 2001, Conradt and List, 2009, Krause et al., 2010].
informed people spent significantly less time follow- In addition, based on the numerous observations the
ing. following hypotheses can be made about the nature
of the patterns of motion arising:
Many authors study animal groups from the view-
point of a cost-benefit interpretation. They highlight 1. Motion and a tendency to adopt the direction of
that for an individual, living in a group brings more motion of the neighbors is the main reason for
benefit than disadvantage, which is after all the ul- ordered motion.
4.1 Simplest self-propelled particles (SPP) models 33

2. Apparently the same, or very similar behaviors

occur in systems of very different origin. This
suggests the possibility of the existence of uni-
versal classes of collective motion patterns.

3. Boundary conditions may significantly affect the

essential features of flocking. Figure 31: (Color online) The three basic steering be-
haviors determining the motion of the objects (called
4. Collective decision making is usually made in boids). (a) Separation, in order to avoid crowding
a globally highly disordered, locally moderately local flock-mates. (Each boid reacts only to flock-
ordered state (associated with a relatively slowly, mates within a certain neighborhood around itself,
but consistently decaying velocity correlation they are the local flock-mates.) (b) Alignment :
function) in which large scale mixing of the local objects steer towards the average heading direction
information is enhanced. of their local flock-mates. (c) Cohesion: objects
move toward the average position of their neighboring
boids. From
4 Basic models
4.1 Simplest self-propelled particles of fish: (a) avoidance, (b) parallel orientation move-
ments and (c) approach. The speed and direction of
(SPP) models
the individuals were considered to be stochastic, but
Modeling of flocks has simultaneously been consid- the direction of the units was related to the location
ered by the, initially somewhat divergent communi- and heading of the neighbors (the velocity compo-
ties of computer graphics specialists, biologists and nent, for the sake of simplicity, was considered to be
physicists. Perhaps the first widely-known flocking independent of other individuals). In this pioneering
simulation was published by Reynolds [1987], who paper of the field it was already stated that collective
was primarily motivated by the visual appearance of motion can occur without a leader and the individ-
a few dozen coherently flying objects, among them uals having information regarding the movement of
imaginary birds and spaceships. His bird-like ob- the entire school.
jects, which he called boids, moved along tra- In order to establish a quantitative interpretation
jectories determined by differential equations tak- of the behavior of huge flocks in the presence of
ing into account three types of interactions: avoid- perturbations, a statistical physics type of approach
ance of collisions, heading in the direction of the to flocking was introduced in 1995 by Vicsek et al.
neighbors and finally, trying to stay close to the [1995], which nowadays is widely referred to as Vic-
center of mass of the flock, as illustrated on Fig. sek Model (VM) e.g., [Baglietto and Albano, 2008,
31. The model was deterministic and had a num- 2009a, Kulinskii and Chepizhko, 2009, Chate et al.,
ber of relatively easily adjustable parameters. The 2008a, ZhiXin and Lei, 2008, Jadbabaie et al., 2003,
website, cre- Ginelli et al., 2010]. In the present paper we will
ated and maintained until 2001 by Reynolds, is a refer to this approach as the SVM, correspond-
unique source of links to all sorts of information (pro- ing to Standard Vicsek Model as suggested in
grams, demos, articles, visualizations, essays, etc.) [Huepe and Aldana, 2008, Bertin et al., 2009]. In
related to group motion. this model the perturbations, which are considered
Reynoldss model shares features with an earlier to be a natural consequence of the many stochas-
simulation carried out by Aoki [1982], who used tic and deterministic factors affecting the motion of
the following rules (similar to those assumed by the flocking organisms, are taken into account by
Reynolds) in order to simulate the collective motion adding a random angle to the average direction (Eq.

15). In this cellular-automaton-like approach of self-

propelled particles (SPP-s) the units move with a
fixed absolute velocity v0 and assume the average di-
rection of others within a given distance R. Thus, the
equations of motion for the velocity (~ vi ) and position
(x~i ) of particle i having neighbors labeled with j are

hv~j (t)iR
v~i (t + 1) = v0 + perturbation (13)
hv~j (t)iR

x~i (t + 1) = x~i (t) + v~i (t + 1) (14)

Here h. . .iR denotes averaging (or summation) of the
velocities within a circle of radius R surrounding par-
hv~ (t)i
ticle i. The expression |hv~jj (t)i|R provides a unit vector
pointing in the average direction of motion (charac-
terized by its angle i (t) ) within this circle. It should
be pointed out that the processes accounted for by
such an alignment rule can be of very different origin
(stickiness, hydrodynamics, pre-programmed, infor-
mation processing, etc). Perturbations can be taken
into account in various ways. In the standard ver- Figure 32: Order parameter () versus noise () in
sion they are represented by adding a random angle the SVM. (a) The different kind of points belong to
to the angle corresponding to the average direction of different system sizes. (b) The different curves belong
motion in the neighborhood of particle i. The angle to different v0 velocities, with which each particles
of the direction of motion i (th + 1) at itime t + 1, ismove. As it can be seen, the concrete value of v0
<v >R
obtained from i (t) = arctan <vj,x j,y >R
, as does not effect the nature of the transition (except
when v0 = 0, that is, when the units do not move at
i (t + 1) = i (t) + i (t), (15) all). (a) is adapted from Czirok et al. [1997] and (b)
where vj,x and vj,y are the x and y coordinates of is from Baglietto and Albano [2009b].
the velocity of the jth particle in the neighborhood
of particle i, and the perturbations are represented an ordered (particles moving in parallel) state as the
by i (t), which is a random number taken from a level of perturbations is decreased (see Fig. 32). At
uniform distribution in the interval [, ] (i.e., the point of the transition features of both order and
the final direction of particle i is obtained after ro- disorder are simultaneously present leading to flocks
tating the average direction of the neighbors with a of all sizes (and an algebraically decaying velocity
random angle). The only parameters of the model correlation function).
are the density (number of particles in a volume Shimoyama et al. [1996] proposed a mathematical
Rd , where d is the dimension), the velocity v0 and model (neglecting noise) from which they obtained
the level of perturbations < 1. For order param- a categorization of the different types of collective
eter , the
P normalized
average velocity is suitable, motion patterns and determined the corresponding
N1v0 i=1 ~vi , as defined by Eq. (1).

phase diagrams as well.
This extremely simple model allows the simulation As we shall see in the upcoming sections, by vary-
of many thousands of flocking particles and displays a ing some parameters, initial conditions and settings,
second order type phase transition from disordered to the simulations exhibit a rich variety of collective mo-
4.1 Simplest self-propelled particles (SPP) models 35

tion patterns, such as marching groups, mills, rotat- favor of their picture that L diverges in various lim-
ing chains, bands, etc. (see Sec. 4.2 and 4.3). In some its: both the low and high density limits, as well as
cases (i.e. by applying some certain parameter and in the small velocity limit. In particular, an extrap-
initial condition settings) these ordered phases can olation of their estimates towards the small velocity
exhibit some remarkable features as well, such as gi- regimes considered in prior works gives values of L
ant number fluctuations (GNF, see for example page so large that do not make the corresponding simula-
40, 52) or band formation. According to the studies, tions feasible.
noise, density, the type of interaction (attractive or Studies aiming to reveal the nature of the above
repulsive, polar or apolar, the range of the interac- phase transition (whether it is first or second or-
tion) and the boundary conditions (in case of finite der) find that the noise (more precisely, the way it
size models) all proved to play an important role in is introduced into the system), and the velocity with
the formation of certain patterns. which the particles move, play a key role. Accord-
ingly, while simulations show that for relatively large
4.1.1 The order of the phase transition velocities (v0 > 0.5) the transition is discontinuous,
Baglietto and Albano [2009b] demonstrated that for
In the paper introducing the original variant (OVM) smaller velocities, even in the limit when the veloc-
of the SVM [Vicsek et al., 1995], a second order phase ity goes to zero (except when it is exactly equal to
transition from disordered to ordered motion was zero), the transition to ordering is continuous (is in-
shown to exist. In particular, in the thermodynamic dependent of the actual value of the velocity, as it
limit, the model was argued to exhibit a kinetic phase can be seen in Fig. 32 b). Very recently Ihle [2011]
transition analogous to the continuous ones in equi- and Mishra et al. [2010] were able to see band-like
librium systems, that is, structures in their solutions obtained from a contin-

uum theory approach. Bands usually signal first or-
[c () ] der phase transition, however, Ihle [2011] found them

[ c ()] (16) for a large velocity case, while Mishra et al. [2010]
assumed throughout their calculation that the tran-
which defines the behavior of the order parameter sition from disorder to order was continuous.
at criticality, in the case of a standard second order Aldana et al. [2007] demonstrated that the type of
transition. and are critical exponents, is the the phase transition depends on the way in which the
noise (in the form of random perturbations), is the noise is introduced into the system. They analyzed
particle density, and c () and c () are the critical two network models that capture some of the main
noise and critical density, respectively, for L . aspects characterizing the interactions in systems of
(L is the linear size of the system.) self-propelled particles. In the so called vectorial
However, the continuous nature of this transition noise model the perturbation (in the form of a ran-
has been questioned [Gregoire and Chate, 2004] re- dom vector) is first added to the average of the veloc-
sulting in a number of studies investigating this fun- ities and the final direction is determined only after
damental aspect of collective motion. Chate and this [Gregoire and Chate, 2004]. When the average
coauthors [Chate et al., 2008b], in their extensive velocity is small (disordered motion) this seemingly
follow-up study, presented numerical results indicat- subtle difference in the definition of the final direction
ing that there exists a crossover system size, which leads to a qualitatively different ordering mechanism
they call L , beyond which the discontinuous char- (sudden first order-type transition to the ordered
acter of the transition appears independent of the state).
magnitude of the velocity. They demonstrate that Correspondingly, Aldana et al. [2009] analyzed the
this discontinuous character is the true asymp- order-disorder phase transitions driven by two dif-
totic behavior in the infinite-size limit. Importantly, ferent kinds of noises: intrinsic (the original form,
Chate et al. [2008b] showed and presented results in perturbing the final angle) and extrinsic (the vec-

torial one, perturbing the direction of the individ- Similarly, the fluctuation of the order parameter,
ual particles before averaging). Intrinsic is related = 2 L2 , takes the form
to the decision mechanism through which the par-
ticles update their positions, while extrinsic affects (, L) = L/ ((
c )L1/ ), (18)
the signal that the particles receive from the environ-
ment. The first one calls continuous phase transitions where is a suitable scaling function,
the sus-
forth, whereas the second type produces discontinu- ceptibility critical exponent, and 2 2 hi is
ous phase transitions [Pimentel et al., 2008]. Finally, the variance of the order parameter. In the thermo-
Nagy et al. [2007] showed that vectorial noise results dynamic limit, obeys ( c ) . (See also Eq.
in a behavior which can be associated with an insta- (4))
bility. Equations (17) and (18) are convenient to deter-
mine the critical exponents within the framework of
finite size scaling theory. As a crucial result, the au-
4.1.2 Finite size scaling thors found that the exponents they calculated satisfy
So far, the most complete study regarding the scaling the so-called hyperscaling relationship
behavior of systems of self-propelled particles exhibit-
d 2 = (19)
ing simple alignment plus perturbation, has been car-
ried out by Baglietto and Albano [2008]. They per- which is, in general, valid for standard (equilibrium)
formed extensive simulations of the SVM, and ana- critical phenomena. d denotes the dimension, d = 2.
lyzed them both by a finite-size scaling method (a The nature of intermittency intermittent
method used to determine the values of the criti- bursts during which the order is temporarily lost in
cal exponents and of the critical point by observing such systems has also been a subject of investiga-
how the measured quantities vary for different lat- tions recently [Huepe and Aldana, 2004].
tice sizes), and by a dynamic scaling approach. They
observed the transition to be continuous. In addi-
tion they demonstrated the existence of a complete 4.2 Variants of the original SPP
set of critical exponents for the two dimensional case model
(including those corresponding to finite size scaling ) Several variants of the above-introduced, simplest
and numerically determined their values as well. In SPP model have been proposed over the years. One
particular, within the framework of finite-size scaling of the main directions comprises those studies that
theory, the scaling ansatz for the order parameter investigate systems in which the particles (units) do
of the SVM has been rewritten as not follow any kind of explicit alignment rule, only
collisions occur between them in the presence of some
(, L) = L/ (
c )L1/ , (17) kind of interaction potential. We shall overview this
where L is the finite size of the system, is a suitable approach in Sec. 4.2.1. Models assuming some kind
scaling function, and finally, and are two of the of alignment rule for the units, will be dealt with in
critical exponents in question: is the one belonging Sec. 4.2.2.
to the order parameter, and is the correlation length
critical exponent. 4.2.1 Models without explicit alignment rule
3 Numerical simulations carried out on systems having fi- As mentioned in Sec. 4.1, in the most simple SPP
nite size L in at least one space dimension exhibit so called models, an alignment term is assumed. However,
finite size effects, most importantly rounding and shifting ef- according to very recent studies (see Sec. 3.2), the
fects during second-order phase transitions. These artifacts are
particularly emphasized near the critical points, but they can
motion of particles may become ordered even if no
be accounted for by means of the so called finite-size scaling. explicit alignment rule is applied, but alignment is
See more on this topic in [Cardy, 1996, Brankov et al., 2000]. introduced into the collision in an indirect way by
4.2 Variants of the original SPP model 37

the local interaction rules. The simplest (most min-

imal) model of ordered motion emerging in a system
of self-propelled particles looks like this: The parti-
cles are trying to maintain a given absolute velocity
and the only interaction between them is a repulsive
linear force (F~ ) within a short distance (i.e., they do
not calculate the average of the velocity of their
neighbors, and the only interaction is through a pair-
wise central force). The corresponding equations are:
d~vi v0
= ~vi 1 + F~i + ~i (20) Figure 33: (Color online) Probability density dis-
dt |~vi |
tribution of the order parameter versus noise for
where ~i is noise (random perturbations, typically 1200 particles. The first order nature of the tran-
white noise) sition is indicated by the behavior of the order
parameter, depicted on the vertical axis, which
F~i = F~ij + F~i (wall)
(21) abruptly falls, in this case at noise level 0.007. From

~rij = ~xi ~xj (22)

C~rij ( |~rrij0 | 1) ,if |~rij | r0 , and

F~ij = (23)
0 ,otherwise

Simulations of the above minimal model result in

a first order transition from disordered to coherent
collective motion [Derzsi et al., 2009], as it can be Figure 34: (Color online) Vortex formation in a re-
seen in Fig. 33. flective round boundary. Reflecting boundaries cause
Analogous results were recently obtained for particles to move parallel to them. Both clockwise
another simple model assuming only a specific and counter clockwise vortices can form according to
form of inelastic collisions between the particles the randomly chosen initial direction. (a) A snap-
[Grossman et al., 2008]. In their numerical exper- shot of the particles (N = 900). (b) Their movement
iments, self-propelled isotropic particles move and within a short period of time. (c) Coarse graining
collide on a two-dimensional frictionless flat surface. average velocity. From Grossman et al. [2008].
Imposing reflecting boundary-conditions produce a
number of collective phenomena: ordered migration,
the formation of vortices (see Fig. 34) and random particles induce alignment, resulting in an increased
chaotic-like motion of subgroups. Changing the par- overall velocity correlation (it can be shown that the
ticle density and the physical boundary of the system collisions do not preserve the momentum, but lead to
for example from a circular to an elliptical shape at least a slight increase each time). Such numerical
again results in different types of collective motion; experiments are fundamental in clarifying the ques-
for certain densities and boundary-types the system tion regarding the minimal requirements for a system
exhibits nontrivial spatio-temporal behavior of com- to exhibit collective motion, based solely on physical
pact subgroups of units. The reason why coherent interactions.
collective motion appears in such a system is that Strombom [2011] also considered an SPP model
each of these inelastic collisions between isotropic in which only one kind of social interaction rule was

multaneous presence of volume exclusion and self-

propulsion for an effective alignment of the particles
was published by Peruani et al. [2006]. They stressed
the importance of the particle shape by showing that
self-propelled objects moving in a dissipative medium
and interacting by inelastic collision, can self-organize
into large coherently moving clusters. Their simu-
lations have direct relevance to the experiments on
shaken rods [Kudrolli, 2010] and on the collective
motion patterns by mixobacteria [Wu et al., 2009].
Furthermore, Peruani et al. [2006] showed that self-
propelled rods exhibit non-equilibrium phase transi-
tion between a monodisperse phase to an aggregation
phase that depends on the aspect ratio and density
of the self-propelled rods. To see all this, no specific
boundary conditions had to be applied due to the
Figure 35: (Color online) (a) A mill, (b) a rotating elongated shape of the particles.
chain without intersection, (c) with one junction, In a similar spirit, Ginelli et al. [2010] investigated
and (d) with two self-intersections. From Str ombom in more detail the properties of a collection of elon-
[2011]. gated, asymmetric (polar) units moving in two di-
mensions with constant speed, interacting only by
nematic collisions, in the presence of noise. Ne-
taken into account: attraction. By using simulations matic collision, illustrated on Fig. 36, means the
he found a variety of patterns, such as swarms (a following: if the included angle of the two veloc-
set of particles with low and varying alignment), ity vectors belonging to the colliding rod-like units
undirected mills (a group in which the particles was smaller than 180 before they impinge on each
move in a circular path around a common center) other, they would continue their motion in the same
and moving aligned groups (in which the units direction, in parallel, after the collision. If this an-
move in a highly aligned manner). Importantly, gle was bigger than 180, then they would continue
these structures were stable only in the presence their travel in parallel, but in the opposite direc-
of noise. Introducing a blind angle (which is the tion. Four phases were observed, depending on the
region behind each unit in which other particles strength of the noise (labeled I to IV by increasing
are invisible, and which, accordingly, incorpo- noise-values, see Fig. 37). Phase I is spatially ho-
rates some sort of alignment into the system) had mogeneous and ordered, from which phase II differs
a fundamental effect on the emergent patterns: in low-density disordered regions, which appear in
undirected mills become directed, and rotating the steady state. The order-disorder transition oc-
chains appeared (see Fig. 35). In these chains curs between phases II and III. Both of these phases
the units move on a closed curve having zero (Fig. (II and III) are characterized by spontaneous segre-
35b), one (Fig. 35c) or two (Fig. 35d) junctions. gations into bands, but in phase III these bands are
These formations are called rotating, because the thinner and are more unstable, constantly bending,
chains with zero or two intersections often rotate breaking, reforming and merging, displaying a persis-
around a slowly moving axis. (Some correspond- tent space-time chaos. Phase IV is spatially homoge-
ing videos can be seen on the authors webpage, neous with global and local disorder on small length and timescales.
research.) In the large scale experiments of Schaller et al.
The first work in which the relevance of the si- [2010] propagating density waves were observed and
4.2 Variants of the original SPP model 39

such a way that crossing cannot occur (this limit cor-

responds to the low velocity case), the waves do not
show up any more (Schaller, private communication).
A swarm of identical self-propelled particles inter-
acting via a harmonic attractive pair potential in two
Figure 36: Nematic collision means that, if the in-
dimensions in the presence of noise was also con-
cluded angle of the two velocity vectors belonging to
sidered. By numerical simulations Erdmann et al.
the colliding rod-like units was smaller than 180 be-
[2005] found that, if the noise is increased above a
fore they impinge on each other, they would continue
certain limit, a transition occurs during which the
their motion in the same direction, in parallel, after
translational motion breaks down and instead of it,
the collision. If this angle was bigger than 180 , then
rotational motion takes shape.
they would continue their travel in parallel, but in
the opposite direction. From Ginelli et al. [2010].
4.2.2 Models with alignment rule
Units in every system exhibiting any kind of collec-
tive motion (or more generally, collective behavior)
interact with each other. In the original SVM, this
interaction occurs in the so called metric way, that
is, each unit interacts only with those particles which
are closer than a pre-defined distance, called range
Figure 37: Steady-state snapshots for the four dif- of interaction. An alternative to this approach is
ferent phases observed by Ginelli et al. [2010]. The the topological representation, in which each par-
linear size is L = 2048. Arrows show the orienta- ticle communicates with its n closest neighbour (a
tion of particles (except in (d)). The phases belong typical value for n is around 6-7.) These approaches
to different noise values: (a) = 0.08, (b) = 0.1, are closely related, since by varying the range of in-
(c) = 0.13, (d) = 1.168 and (e) = 0.2. The teraction (or if it is set to be unit, as in most cases,
order-disorder transition occurs between phases II then by varying the particle density) the number of
and III. Both of these phases are characterized by the nearest neighbours, with whom a unit communi-
spontaneous segregations into bands, but in phase cates, can be at least in average adjusted. The
III these bands are thinner and are more unstable. important difference here is that since in the met-
From Ginelli et al. [2010]. ric approach the density can be prescribed, thus, the
number of the particles falling in the range of inter-
action might change as well. There is a reoccurring
produced by the related simulations as well (see also subtle point here. Ginelli and Chate [2010] compared
Sec. 3.2). Such waves are also generated by the the two approaches and pointed out the main differ-
model of Vicsek et al. [1995] in the large velocity limit ence, because in the topological distance model they
(see Nagy et al. [2007]), where large means that the obtain a second order phase transition to order, while
jumps made by the particles between two updates they claim that in the SVM model the nature of the
are compatible or larger than the interaction radius. transition is of first order. We have discussed this
For these parameter values the trajectories of two point in Sec. 4.1.1 and argued that the resolution
particles can cross each other without an interaction for the controversy lies in the very specific feature of
taking place. And, indeed, this is what happens in the SVM, i.e., in the metric model for low velocities
a large number of cases in the motility assay. Some- the transition is continuous (like in the topological
times the filaments align, some other times they sim- model), while for large velocities it is of first order
ply cross each others trajectories. Furthermore, if in (see [Nagy et al., 2007]).
the simulational model the parameters are chosen in Compared to the original SVM, an important addi-

Figure 39: (Color online) A snapshot of the sim-

ulations with point-like particles, but subject to a
Figure 38: (Color online) The SVM augmented with nematic-type interaction, performed by Chate et al.
cohesive interactions among the particles. A snap- [2008a]. The behavior of the system is qualitatively
shot of a flock consisting of 16,384 particles, moving different from those with isotropic particles and ex-
cohesively. Adapted from Chate et al. [2008a]. hibits characteristic density and velocity fluctuations.
Color code refers to the local denseness from blue
(low density) to yellow (high density). Adapted from
tional feature has been introduced by Gregoire et al. Chate et al. [2008a].
[2003] who added adhesion between the particles to
avoid evaporation of isolated clusters in simula-
tions with open boundary conditions. Adding this of the original SPP model.
new feature has changed the universality class (order
of transition) and the observed ordering was discon- One might interpret the particles of the SVM as po-
tinuous as a function of perturbations. lar units, since they carry a velocity vector. Accord-
The most common way to introduce cohesion to ingly, Chate et al. [2006] consider a bipolar version of
a system without resorting to global interactions, the SVM, in which after the angle corresponding to
is to complement the interaction rules defining the the local average velocity is determined, the particles
units behavior with some kind of pairwise attraction- can decide whether they move along this direction
repulsion mechanism. In this spirit, Chate et al. or in a direction opposite to it. Such a model arises
[2008a] have added a new term to Eq. (13), which from the consideration of the self-propelled motion
determines a pairwise attraction-repulsion force be- of elongated particles preferably moving along their
tween the particles (See Fig. 38). main axis. The authors find a distinctively differ-
Another generalization has been considered by ent disorder-order transition involving giant density
Szabo et al. [2009]. By extending the factors in- fluctuations (GNF), compared to the previously con-
fluencing the ordering, the model assumes that sidered cases. According to Chate et al. [2008a], the
the velocity of the particles depends both on the expression hv~j (t)iSi appearing in the interaction rule
velocity and the acceleration of neighboring parti- of the SVM (Eq. (13)) expression which is in close
cles. (Recall, that in the original model it depends relation to the local order parameter around parti-
solely on the velocity). Changing the value of a cle i in its neighborhood S can be replaced by the
weight parameter determining the relative influence eigenvector of the largest eigenvalue belonging to the
of the velocity and acceleration terms, the system nematic tensor calculated on the same neighborhood.
undergoes a kinetic phase transition. Below a critical Denoting the angle defining the direction of ~vj by j ,
value the system exhibits disordered motion, while this eigenvalue, which is also directly related to the
above the critical value the dynamics resembles that local order parameter, for uniaxial nematics in two
4.3 Continuous media and mean-field approaches 41

space dimensions is calculated as | hexp(2ij (t))iSi |.

j denotes those particles that are within the neigh-
borhood S of particle i, Si , at time-step t. Since each
particle i chooses the direction defined by i or the
opposite direction i + with the same probability
1/2, Eq. (14) gets the form Figure 40: (Color online) As the particles in the
model exhibit an increasing tendency to align, dif-
x~i (t + 1) = x~i (t) v~i (t + 1) ferent pattern arise: (a) orientational disorder, while
particles self-segregate. (b) traffic jam, (c) glider, and
A snapshot of the resulting collective motion pat- (d) band. The colors code the four possible orienta-
tern can be seen in Fig. 39. tion: red is for right, left is depicted with black
By using a novel set of diagnostic tools related to color, green marks down, and up is coded with
the particles spatial distribution Huepe and Aldana blue. From Peruani et al. [2011].
[2008] compared three simple models qualitatively
reproducing the emergent behavior of various ani-
mal swarms. The most important aim of introduc- and also the rotational symmetry is broken which
ing the above measures is to unveil previously un- otherwise characterizes all models assuming contin-
reported qualitative differences and characteristics uum spatial dimensions. The units had the tendency
(which were unclear) among the various models in to align ferromagnetically. As the susceptibility of
question. Comparing only the standard order pa- the particles to align to their neighbors increased,
rameters (measuring the degree of alignment), the the system went through some distinct phases (see
authors find very similar order-disorder phase transi- Fig. 40): first, for weak alignment strength the units
tions in the investigated models, as a function of the self-segregated into disordered aggregates (Fig. 40a),
noise. They demonstrated that the distribution of which then, by strengthening the alignment, turns
cluster sizes is typically exponential at high noise- into locally ordered, high density regions, which the
values, approaches a power-law distribution at re- authors call traffic jams (Fig. 40b). By further
duced noise levels, and interestingly, that this trend enhancing the susceptibility of alignment, triangu-
is sometimes reversed near to the critical noise value, lar high density aggregates emerge (called gliders)
suggesting a non-trivial critical behavior. that migrate in a well-defined direction (Fig. 40c).
Smith and Martin [2009] used a Lagrangian indi- Finally, these structures self-organize into highly-
vidual based model with open boundary conditions to ordered, elongated high density regions: bands (Fig.
show that the Morse and the Lennard-Jones poten- 40d).
tials (coupled with an alignment potential) are also
capable to describe many aspects of flocking behav- 4.3 Continuous media and mean-field
With the accumulation of experimental data and
modeling results within this field, it is becoming more Self-propelled particles, during their motion, con-
and more clear that very simple local interaction rules sume energy and dissipate it in the media they move
can produce a huge variety of patterns within the in, meanwhile performing rich collective behavior at
same system in a way that the type of the emerg- large scales. Recent studies devoted to deriving hy-
ing pattern depends only on a few parameters. Re- drodynamic equations for specific microscopic mod-
cently Peruani et al. [2011] recorded various kinds els have led to new ideas and approaches within this
of self-organized spatial patterns by using a simple field.
model: a two-dimensional lattice with volume exclu- The continuous media approaches to collective mo-
sion. In a lattice, volume exclusion means that tion have been carried out, on one hand, in the con-
a node could be occupied by at most one particle, text of giving a macroscopic description of SPP sys-

tems, however, at the same time, also to interpret the In Eq. (24), the terms , > 0 give v a nonzero
so called active matter systems associated mainly magnitude, DL,1,2 are diffusion constants and ~ is an
with applications from physics, such as active nemat- uncorrelated Gaussian random noise. The terms on
ics and active suspensions. the left hand side of the equation are the analogs of
The first theory describing the full nonlinear the usual convective derivative of the coarse-grained
higher dimensional dynamics was presented in velocity field ~v in the Navier-Stokes equation. Here
[Toner and Tu, 1995, 1998]. Tu and Toner followed the absence of Galilean invariance allows all three
the historical precedent [Forster et al., 1977] of the combinations of one spatial gradient and two veloci-
Navier-Stokes equation by deriving the continuum, ties that transform like vectors; if Galilean invariance
long-wavelength description not by explicitly coarse did hold, it would force 2 = 3 = 0 and 1 = 1.
graining the microscopic dynamics, but, rather, by However, Galilean invariance does not hold, and so
writing down the most general continuum equations all three coefficients can be non-zero phenomenolog-
of motion for the velocity field ~v and density con- ical parameters whose values are determined by the
sistent with the symmetries and conservation laws of microscopic rules. Eq. (25) reflects the conservation
the problem. This approach allows to introduce a of mass (birds). The pressure P depends on the local
few phenomenological parameters (like the viscosity density only, as given by the expansion
in the Navier-Stokes equation), whose numerical val-
ues will depend on the detailed microscopic behavior X
P = P () = n ( 0 )n (26)
of the particles. The terms in the equations describ- n=1
ing the large-scale behavior, however, should depend
only on symmetries and conservation laws, and not where 0 is the mean of the local number density and
on the microscopic rules. n is a coefficient in the pressure expansion.
The only symmetry of the system is rotation invari- It is possible to treat the whole problem analyt-
ance: since the particles lack a compass, all direction ically using dynamical renormalization group and
of space are equivalent to other directions. Thus, show the existence of an ordered phase in 2D,
the hydrodynamic equation of motion cannot have and extract exponents characterizing the velocity-
built into it any special direction picked a priori; all velocity and density-density correlation functions
directions must be spontaneously selected. Note that [Toner and Tu, 1998]. The most dramatic result is
the model does not have Galilean invariance: chang- that an intrinsically non-equilibrium and nonlinear
ing the velocities of all the particles by some constant feature, namely, convection, suppresses fluctuations
boost ~vb does not leave the model invariant. of the velocity ~v at long wavelengths, making them
To reduce the complexity of the equations of mo- much smaller than the analogous fluctuations found
tion still further, a spatial-temporal gradient expan- in ferromagnets, for all spatial dimensions d < 4.
sion can be performed keeping only the lowest order In other words, the existence of the convective term
terms in gradients and time derivatives of ~v and . makes the dynamics non-potential and further sta-
This is motivated and justified by the aim to con- bilizes the ordered phase. Heuristically, this term
sider only the long distance, long time properties of accounts for the stabilization effect resulting from
the system. The resulting equations are the feature that the actual neighbours of each unit
continually change due to the local differences in
2 the direction. Thus, particles (birds) which initially
t~v + 1 (~v )~v + 2 (~v )~v + 3 (|~v | ) =
were not neighbours, and thus did not interact with
~v |~v |2~v P +DL (~v )+D1 2~v +D2 (~v )2~v +~ each other, at a later time-step might be within each
(24) others interaction range.
Further predictions of the above model were tested
and by numerically studying a discrete model very sim-
t + (~v ) = 0. (25) ilar to the SVM. Compared to the original model,
4.3 Continuous media and mean-field approaches 43

an extra interaction term was introduced, in order to for all transport coefficients as a function of the three
prevent cluster formation: main parameters, noise, density and velocity.
 3  2 ! Over the last 4 years, the hydrodynamic equations
l0 l0 became increasingly precise by including higher order
~gij = g0 (~
ri r~j ) (27)
rij rij terms and more precise coefficients. Very recently
Mishra et al. [2010] solved the equations describing
This expression sets the average distance between the collective motion of self-propelled polar rods mov-
boids in the flock to be l0 by creating an attraction ing on an inert substrate. From their theoretical con-
force between particles i and j if the rij distance be- siderations and numerical analysis, the authors ob-
tween them is bigger than than l0 , and making them tained a remarkable phase diagram for this system
repel each other if rij < l0 . g0 is a model param- (Fig. 41). They showed that the same physics that
eter, defining the strength of the above mentioned leads to global ordering destabilizes the homogeneous
attraction-repulsive force. The linear size L of the ordered state above a critical value of self-propulsion
simulated system was L = 400 with N = 320, 000 speed and allows the nonlinear equations to admit
boids moving in it. The range of interaction was set a propagating front solution that yields the striped
to be unit (1), g0 = 0.6, the velocity v0 = 1.0 and phase identified numerically. The two phases they
l0 = 0.707. In finite size systems, the average direc- observed, namely, the striped phase and the fluctu-
tion of the flock < ~v > slowly changes in time, due ating flocking phase, have been identified earlier in
to the noise. In contrast, analytic results assume in- the context of numerical studies of the SVM model,
finite systems size in which the direction < ~v > is thus, the approach of Mishra et al. [2010] identified
constant. In order to handle this disagreement, the the origin of these phenomena in the model indepen-
boundary condition in one direction (say the x) was dent framework of the dynamics of conserved quan-
set to be periodic, while in the other (the y) a re- tities and broken symmetry variable.
flective boundary condition was applied. Hence, the It is important to point out that the above
symmetry broken velocity was forced to lie along the mentioned equations [Bertin et al., 2009, 2006,
x direction. As an interesting phenomenon, in the Mishra et al., 2010] obtained as a result of detailed
direction y (the one perpendicular to < ~v >) the in- derivations based on microscopic dynamics have an
dividual boids exhibit an anomalous diffusion. Fur- analogous structure and contain the same major
thermore, as an even more surprising result, in the terms as the ones (Eqs. 24 and 25) proposed by Toner
flocks moving direction (x), the fluctuations of the and Tu inspired by general considerations.
velocity and the that of the density were propagating A further important approach involving contin-
with different velocity. uum mechanics is based on considering the hydro-
Bertin et al. [2006, 2009] made a very important dynamic properties of systems consisting of micro-
step towards a fundamental theory of collective mo- scopic swimmers (see also Sec. 5.1.1). By develop-
tion by deriving the hydrodynamic equations for the ing a kinetic theory, Saintillan and Shelley [2008b]a
density and velocity fields of a gas of self-propelled and Saintillan and Shelley [2008a]b studied the col-
particles with binary interactions from the corre- lective dynamics and pattern formation in suspen-
sponding microscopic rules. They gave explicit ex- sions of self-propelled particles. They investigated
pressions for the transport coefficients as a function the stability both of aligned and isotropic sus-
of the microscopic parameters. Comparison with pensions, and by generalizing the predictions of
numerical simulations on a standard model of self- Simha and Ramaswamy [2002] they showed that
propelled particles (SVM, see Sec. 4.1) resulted in aligned suspensions of self-propelled particles are al-
an agreement as well as in a demonstration of the ways unstable to fluctuations. Furthermore, they
robustness of the phase diagram they obtained. Ihle showed that in the case of initially isotropic suspen-
[2011] showed how to explicitly coarse grain the mi- sions an instability for the particle stress takes place
croscopic dynamics of the SVM to obtain expressions for pushers particles propelled from the rear but

Figure 42: (Color online) Snapshots of the simula-

tions performed to study the long-time dynamics and
pattern formation of suspensions of pushers. The left
column shows the concentration field c and the right
column depicts the mean director field ~n at three dif-
Figure 41: (Color online) (A) Phase diagram of the ferent times: (a) t = 0, (b) t = 60 and (c) t = 85.
solutions of the Eqs. (24) and (25) in the (v0 , 0 ) From Saintillan and Shelley [2008b]a.
plane. At v0 = 0 the system exhibits a continuous
mean-field transition at 0 = c from an isotropic (I)
to a homogeneous polarized (HP) state. For 0 > c not for pullers.
there is a critical vc (0 ) separating a polarized mov- Figure 42 shows three snapshots of the simulations
ing state with large anomalous fluctuations, named they performed in order to study the long-time dy-
the fluctuating flocking state, at low self-propulsion namics and pattern formation of suspensions of push-
speed from a high-speed phase of traveling stripes. ers. The left column shows the concentration field
The circles denote the values of vc (0 ) obtained nu- c, and the right column depicts the mean director
merically. The dashed-dotted line (purple online) field ~n at various times. The instability develops at
is the longitudinal instability boundary vc1 (0 ) ob- t = 60, when short-scale fluctuations disappear and a
tained in the calculations. The dashed line is the smooth director field appears with correlated orienta-
splay instability boundary vcS (0 ). (B) shows a snap- tions over the size of the box. The dense regions that
shot of the density profile in the striped phase. The can be observed on Fig. 42 (b) typically form bands,
stripes travel horizontally. (C) shows a snapshot of and as time passes by, they become unstable and fold
the density profile in the coarsening transient leading onto themselves, the bands break up and reorganizes
to the fluctuating flocking state at v0 < vc . Density in the transverse direction. These dynamics repeat
values grow from dark to light. After Mishra et al. quasi-periodically.
[2010]. Starting with a simple physical model of in-
teracting active particles (swimmers) in a fluid,
4.3 Continuous media and mean-field approaches 45

The dynamics of a swimming particle is given by

t~rL = ~u(~rL ),
t~rS = ~u(~rS ), (28)

where ~rS and ~rL denote the position of the small

and large heads of swimmer , respectively, with
respects to a fixed pole. ~u(~r) is the flow velocity of the
Figure 43: (Color online) The simplified physical fluid at point ~r which is determined by the solution
model of the active self-propelled particles in the pa- of the Stokes equation, that is,
per of Baskaran and Marchetti [2009] are basically
asymmetric rigid dumbbells. Two different size of 2 ~u(~r) = p F~active + F~noise , (29)
spheres (S and L) are connected with an infinitely
rigid rod having a length l. The radii of the smaller where Fnoise describes the effect of the fluid-
and larger spheres are aS and aL respectively. The fluctuations, and Factive is the active force exerted
geometrical midpoint of the swimmer is depicted by by swimmer on the fluid.
M , while the hydrodynamic center is marked with C, Closed formulas can be obtained for the transla-
at which the propulsion is centered. The orientation tional and rotational motion, and for the hydrody-
of these asymmetric particles are characterized by a namical force and the torque between two swimming
unit vector . |f | denotes the force they exert on particles as well. Baskaran and Marchetti [2008] ana-
the fluid they swim in. With this notation, pullers lyzed a simple model that captured two crucial prop-
correspond to f < 0 and pushers to f > 0. From erties of self-propelled systems: the orientable shape
Baskaran and Marchetti [2009]. of the particles and the self propulsion. Using the
tools of non-equilibrium statistical mechanics they
derived a modified Smoluchowski equation for SPP
and used it to identify the microscopic origin of sev-
eral observed or observable large scale phenomena.
Baskaran and Marchetti [2009] derived a continuum Peruani et al. [2008] suggested a mean-field theory
description of the large-scale behavior of such ac- for self-propelled particles which accounted for fer-
tive suspensions. They differentiated shakers from romagnetic (F) and liquid-crystal (LC) alignment.
movers. Both of them are active, but a mover, in The approach predicted a continuous phase transi-
contrast with a shaker, is self propelled. Shakers are tion with the order parameter scaling with an expo-
also active, but they do not move themselves. Fur- nent of 1/2 in both cases. The critical noise ampli-
thermore pushers are propelled from the rear (like tude below which orientational order emerges found
most bacteria), while pullers are propelled by flag- to be smaller for LC-alignment than for F-alignment.
ella at the head of the organism. Csah ok and Czirok [1997] presented a hydrodynamic
approach to describe the motion of migrating bacte-
The simplified physical model of a swimmer is ba- ria as a special class of SPP systems.
sically an asymmetric rigid dumbbell, as depicted in As a novel application of the hydrodynamic equa-
Fig. 43. Each of these units has a length l, and tions, Alicea et al. [2005] used this approach in
their orientation is characterized by a unit vector , order to describe a recently observed electromag-
directed along its axis from the small sphere (hav- netic phenomenon. According to the observa-
ing radius aS ) to the large sphere (having radius aL ). tions ([Mani et al., 2002, Zudov et al., 2003]) high-
They exert a force dipole of strength |f | on the fluid mobility two-dimensional electron systems subject to
they swim in, which has a viscosity . The velocity a perpendicular magnetic field exhibit zero-resistance
of the particles are ~vSP = 0 . states, when driven with microwave radiation. By

studying the transition from normal state (with non- common direction which is in this case the topic of
zero resistance) to the zero-resistance phase, the au- consensus. The position of the ith bird is given by
thors find analogy with flocking systems. In partic- xi ( 3 ). (Of course, xi = xi (t).) Let us define the
ular, the two frames become identical in the limit of adjacency matrix A = (aij ), where the element aij
zero magnetic field and short range electron-electron measures the ability of birds i and j to communicate
interactions. with each other, or one could say, the influence they
The equations of motion for the current and den- exert on each other. The elements of A should take
sity fluctuations are constructed based on symmetries values from the interval (0...1], and the closer unit
and conservation laws. Two cases were analyzed: a i is to unit j, the bigger aij should be (since they
model valid for small length scales (on which the den- influence each other stronger). is a tuning pa-
sity does not vary noticeably) characterized by an im- rameter, effecting the strength of the influence. An
posed symmetry under a global uniform shift of the appropriate expression for the above requirements is
density, and a description argued to be appropriate
for describing the system on long length scales. In aij = , (30)
the first case, the type of the phase transition is pre- (1 + kxi xj k )
dicted to be continuous in case of short-range inter-
actions and first order otherwise (long-range), while where 0 (not to be confused with the critical ex-
the second model predicts first order phase transition ponent introduced in Sec. 2.1). The main advantage
in both cases. of this form of the distance dependence of the interac-
tion is that it is a smooth function allowing analyt-
This is a quickly growing field of its own has re-
ical treatment. Importantly, this adjacency matrix
cently been reviewed by Lauga and Powers [2009].
A changes with time, since the positions of the birds
change with time.
4.4 Exact results For the more manifest usage of graphs the authors
introduce the Laplacian matrix of A as well, L =
By exact results here we mean results obtained
D A, where D is a k k diagonal matrix
Pk whose ith
with a minimum or completely missing amount of
diagonal element is defined as di = j=1 aij . The
any kind of assumptions or approximations concern-
Laplacian matrix a form by which a graph can be
ing the behavior of the moving units (beyond the
represented in matrix-form is often used to find
rules/definitions they obey). Originally most results
various properties of a graph. In particular, as we will
in this area were obtained only for systems in which
see, the eigenvalues of L bear important information.
the noise (an otherwise essential aspect of flocking)
Denoting the velocity of bird i at time t by vi (t)(
was completely neglected. Thus, one could consider
3 ),
the related systems as fully deterministic. However,
it has recently been shown (see later) that the the- k
orems we review below are in most cases valid for vi (t + h) vi (t) = h aij (vj vi ) (31)
systems with a low level of perturbations as well. j=1

Recall, that the aij value measures the strength of

4.4.1 The Cucker-Smale model
the communication between birds i and j, thus the
An exact formulation of the convergence to con- right hand side of Eq. (31) signifies a local averaging
sensus in a population of autonomous agents around bird i.
was achieved by Cucker and Smale [2007a]a and The equations of flocking are obtained by letting h
Cucker and Smale [2007b]b based on their model tend to zero:
(CS). Following their train of thought, let us consider
birds, denoted by i = 1, . . . , k, moving in 3 dimen- x = v
sional (Euclidean) space, 3 , endeavoring to reach a v = Lv (32)
4.4 Exact results 47

on (3 )k (3 )k , where L gives the local averaging. of the conditions needed to be satisfied for the emer-
(Note that the matrices A and L are acting on (3 )k gence of flocking.
by mapping (v1 , . . . , vk ) to (ai1 v1 + . . . + aik vk )ik .) Importantly, in the case of flocking, F = F (t) (it
is a function of time), because the elements of G de-
After the above preparations, one can ask that pend on the xi positions of the individual birds. By
under what conditions does a system (described by using the Fiedler-number, we can say that one ob-
the above equations) exhibit flocking behavior? Or in tains flocking, if and only if
other words, when do the solutions of vi (t) converge
to a common v ( 3 )? 0 < const F = F (x(t)). (35)
One of the most important results of
Cucker and Smale [2007a]a is that the emer- Otherwise the flock disperses.
gence of the flocking behavior depends on ; namely The above definitions can be extended to weighted,
if is small enough ( < 1/2) then flocking always general matrices as well.
emerges. Formally,
Theorem: For the equations of flocking (Eqs. 32) In addition, Cucker and Dong [2010] extended the
there exists a unique solution for all t . model by adding to it a repelling force between par-
If < 1/2 then the velocities vi (t) tend to a com- ticles. They showed that, for this modified model,
mon limit v ( 3 ) as t , where v is indepen- convergence to flocking is established along the same
dent of i, and the vectors xi xj tend to a limit-vector lines while, in addition, avoidance of collisions (i.e.,
ij for all i, j k, as t , that is, the relative po- the respect of a minimal distance between particles)
sitions remain bounded. is ensured.
If 1/2 dispersal, the split-up of the flock is The main differences between the systems de-
possible. But, provided that some certain initial scribed by Cucker and Smale and by the SVM are,
conditions are satisfied, flocking will occur. from the one hand, the definition of the range of in-
teraction, and from the other hand, the existence (or
To obtain more general results for the conditions absence) of noise. The SVM comprises noise, while
of flocking, one can investigate the eigenvalues of the the original Cucker-Smale model does not. Regard-
corresponding Laplacian matrix L. Let G denote a ing the range of interaction, in the present model it is
graph and A be the corresponding adjacency matrix a long-range effect decaying with the distance accord-
defined as usually, that is, ing to (see Eq. (30)), while in the SVM it has the
 same intensity for all the neighboring units around a
1 if i and j are connected,
aij = (33) given particle, but only within a well-defined range
0 if not (see Eq. (13)).
Very recently perturbations have also been consid-
Let D be a diagonal matrix P with the same dimensions ered in the CS model. This has been done with var-
as A, defined by d(i, i) = j a(i, j). Then the general
ious forms of noise by Cucker and Mordecki [2008],
form of the Laplacian matrix of G, is given as L =
Shang [2009], modeled with stochastic differential
L(G) = DA. The eigenvalues of L can be expressed
equations by Ha et al. [2009], and taking into ac-
count random failures between agents connections
0 = 1 2 3 . . . (34)
by Dalmao and Mordecki [2009].
1 , the first eigenvalue is always zero. The second Other works developing the Cucker-Smale (CS)
one in ascending order, 2 , is the so-called Fiedler- model in several directions include an extension to
number, F , which is zero if the graph G is separated fluid-like swarms [Ha and Liu, 2009, Ha and Tadmor,
(in this case the flock disintegrates to two or more 2008, Carrillo et al., 2010], collision avoiding flocking
smaller flocks), and non-zero if and only if G is con- [Cucker and Dong, 2010], the inclusion of agents with
nected. This number is a crucial descriptive measure a preferred velocity direction [Cucker and Huepe,

2008], and its proposal as a control law for the space- spite the absence of centralized coordination and de-
crafts of the Darwin mission of the European Space spite the fact that each agents set of nearest neigh-
Agency [Perea et al., 2009]. bors changes in time. By addressing the question of
global ordering in models analogous to Eqs. (13) and
4.4.2 Network and control theoretical as- (15) they presented some rigorous conditions for the
pects graph of interactions needed for arriving at a consen-
Networks have recently been proposed to repre- Several further control theory inspired papers dis-
sent a useful approach to the interpretation of cussed both the question of convergence of the
the intricate underlying structure of connections simplest SPP models as well as the close re-
among the elements of complex systems. A lation of flocking to such alternative problems
number of important features of such networks as consensus finding, synchronization and gossip
have been uncovered [Albert and Barab asi, 2002, algorithms[Blondel et al., 2005, Boyd et al., 2005].
Watts and Strogatz, 1998]. It has been shown that Ren and Beard [2005] considered the problem of
in many complex systems ranging from the set of consensus finding under the conditions of limited
protein interactions to the collaboration of scientists and unreliable information exchange for both discrete
the distribution of the number of connections is de- and continuous update schemes. They found that
scribed by a power law as opposed to a previously in systems with dynamic interaction-topologies con-
supposed Poissonian. Most of the networks in life and sensus can be reached asymptotically, if the union
technology are dynamically changing and are highly of the directed communication network across some
structured. In particular, such networks are typically time intervals has spanning trees frequently enough,
made of modules that are relatively more densely con- as the system evolves. Similarly, Xiao and Wang
nected parts within the entire network (e.g., interact- [2006] found the existence of spanning trees to be
ing flocks) [Newman, 2004, 2006, Palla et al., 2005, crucial in the directed graphs representing the inter-
Scott, 2000]. The evolution of these modules plays a action topologies, in systems in which the topology,
central role in the behavior of the system as a whole weighting factors and time delays are time-invariant.
[Palla et al., 2007]. They studied the consensus-problem for dynamic net-
In these terms, a dynamically changing network works with bounded time-varying communication de-
can be associated with a flock of collectively moving lays under discrete-time updating scheme, based on
organisms (or robots, agents, units, dynamic systems, the properties of non-negative matrices.
etc.). In such a network two units are connected if An efficient algorithm controlling a flock of un-
they interact. Obviously, if two units are closer in manned aerial vehicles (UAVs) is considered by
space have a better chance to influence the motion of Ben-Asher et al. [2008]. The units are organized into
each other, but their interaction can also be disabled a minimal set of rooted spanning trees (preserving
by environment or internal disturbances. Since the the geographical distances) which can be used for
units are moving and the environment is also chang- both distributed computing and for communication
ing, the network of momentarily interacting units is as well, in addition to computation and propagation
evolving in time in a complex way. Using the con- of the task assignment commands. The proposed
ventional terminology of control theory, this kind of protocol continually attempts to keep the number of
topology (that is, when certain number of edges are trees minimal by fusing separate adjacent trees into
added or removed from the graph from time to time), single ones: as soon as radio connection between two
is called switching topology. nodes belonging to separate trees occurs, the cor-
Jadbabaie et al. [2003] investigated a theoretical responding networks fuse. This arrangement over-
explanation for a fundamental aspect of the SVM, comes the typical deficiencies of a centralized solu-
namely, that by applying the nearest neighbor rule, tion. The motion of the certain UAVs is coordinated
all particles tend to align into the same direction de- by Reynoldss algorithm [Reynolds, 1987] (see also
4.5 Relation to collective robotics 49

Sec. 4.1). to converge asymptotically to an agreement (defined

Tanner et al. [2003a] proposed a control law for by Eq. 36) via local communication.
flocking in free-space. Dynamically changing topol- Let A = (aij ) denote the adjacency matrix, which
ogy of the interacting units has also been considered defines the communication pattern among the agents:
[Tanner et al., 2003b]. Lindhe et al. [2005] suggested if i and j interact with each other, then aij > 0, oth-
a flocking algorithm providing stable and collision- erwise aij = 0. Notably, in the case of flocks A = A(t)
free flocking in environments with complex obstacles. and G = G(t), that is, they vary with time. Such
Holland et al. [2005] proposed a flocking scheme for graphs called dynamic graphs are useful tools
unmanned ground vehicles similar to Reynolds algo- for describing the (time-dependent) topology of flocks
rithm based on avoidance, flock centering and align- and mobile sensor networks [Olfati-Saber, 2006].
ment behaviors, where the units receive the range, Assuming a simple protocol, the state of agent i
bearing and velocity information from the base sta- can change according to
tion based on pattern recognition techniques. Very X
recently, many further papers have appeared both on x i (t) = aij (xj (t) xi (t)) (37)
the original flocking problem as well as on interest- jNi
ing variants including the role of leaders, delays in
communication, convergence time, etc. which linear system always converges to a collective
One of the most general theoretical frameworks decision, that is, it defines a distributed consensus
for design and analysis of distributed flocking algo- algorithm [Olfati-Saber and Murray, 2004].
rithms was discussed by Olfati-Saber [2006]. Three In the case of undirected graphs (when aij = aji
algorithms were investigated in detail: two for free- for all i, j V ) P
the sum of the sate-values does not
flocking (one fragmented and one not) and one for change, that is, i x i = 0. Applying this condition
constrained flocking. The basic driving rules and for t = 0 and t = ,
principles and their relation to specific underlying
network structures were discussed. = xi (0), (38)
Formally, from a control theoretical view-point, the n i
problem looks as next: given a set of agents, who
want to reach a consensus, which, in this terminology, that is, the collective decision () is the average of
means a common value (an agreement) regarding the initial state of the nodes.
a certain quantity that depends on the state of the In fact, regarding the protocol defined by Eq.
agents. (For example, this certain quantity can be (37), a more strict statement can also be formulated
the direction of motion.) The interaction rule that [Olfati-Saber et al., 2007]:
defines the information exchange between a unit and Lemma: Let G be a connected undirected graph.
its neighbors is called the consensus algorithm (or Then, the algorithm defined by Eq. (37) asymptoti-
protocol ). cally solves an average-consensus problem for all ini-
This system can be represented by a graph G = tial states.
(V, E), in which the agents are the nodes V =
{1, 2, . . . , n}. Two nodes are connected with an edge 4.5 Relation to collective robotics
e E if, and only if, they communicate with each
The collective robotics literature is on the one hand
other. In this case they are neighbors. Accordingly,
about mathematical questions concerning the con-
the neighbors of node i are Ni = j V : (i, j) E.
trol theoretical aspects of coherently moving devices
If the state of the ith agent (regarding the quantity
whereas, on the other hand, it represents important
of interest) is denoted by xi , then the agreement is
efforts to eventually produce and describe the collec-
x1 = x2 = x3 = . . . = xn . (36)
tive patterns of behavior of a collection (ranging from
Within this framework, reaching a consensus means 5 to a few dozen) of robots moving on a plane surface.

Experimental attempts to produce flocking of aerial

devices have been very limited.
In one of the earliest attempts towards obtaining
flocking in a group of actual robots, Mataric [1994]
combined a set of basic behaviors; namely safe-
wandering, aggregation, dispersion and homing. In
this study, the robots were able to sense the obstacles
in the environment, localize themselves with respect
to a set of stationary beacons and broadcast the po-
sition information to the other robots in the group.
Kelly and Keating [1996] used a group of ten robots,
which were able to sense the obstacles around them Figure 44: (Color online) A photo of seven mobile
through ultrasound sensors, and the relative range robots (called Kobots) moving in a swarm. Accord-
and bearing of neighboring robots through the use ing to Turgut et al. [2008], the main factor defining
of a custom-made active infra-red (IR) system. The the size of the swarm (the number of Kobots flock-
proximity sensors on most mobile robots (such as ul- ing together) is the range of communication, and it is
trasound and IR-based systems) can sense only the highly independent from both the noise (encumbering
range to the closest point of a neighboring robot and the sensing systems) and from the number of neigh-
multiple range-readings can be returned from a close bors each robot had. Adapted from Turgut et al.
neighboring robot. Furthermore, as Turgut et al. [2008].
[2008] pointed out, the sensing of bearing, velocity
and orientation of neighboring robots is still difficult
with off-the-shelf sensors available on robots. Hence, ing the distance from obstacles and detecting other
there exist a major gap between the studies that pro- robots) and an other appliance sensing the relative
pose flocking behaviors and robotics. direction of the neighboring units. The group inves-
An interesting experiment on flocking in 3D was tigated the behavior of the flock in the function of:
carried out by Welsby et al. [2001] using motorized (1) the amount and nature of the noise encumbering
balloon-like objects. The slow coherent wondering of the sensing systems (2) the number of neighbors each
3 of the robots was observed. Model (toy) helicopters unit had, and (3) the range of the communication.
were also proposed to observe flocking in three dimen- They found that the main factor defining the size of
sions [Nardi and Holland, 2006]. the swarm (number of units that can flock together)
Several major efforts have been documented about is the range of communication, and that this size is
the collective exploration of swarms of robots. A va- highly robust against the other two parameters. The
riety of algorithms have been published about the op- motion of such robot swarms can be influenced by
timal strategy to locate a given object or uncover the externally guiding some of their members towards a
details of an area (in which the robots could move) desired direction [Celikkanat and Sahin, 2010].
having a complex shape. Recent papers have demon- Only a few examples are known about trying to
strated that, using an appropriate algorithm, such combine robots and animals into a single system and
tasks can be achieved effectively. The largest collec- monitor the joint behavior. In a beautiful paper
tion of swarming robots has now over 100 miniature Halloy et al. [2007] investigated whether the behav-
devices ( ior of a population of cockroaches can be influenced
Turgut et al. [2008] examined the spatial self or- by micro-robots imitating cockroaches (these micro-
ganization properties of robot swarms using mobile robots had about the same size and had the same
units (called Kobots, see Fig. 44). Every unit odor than the cockroaches). It turned out that it was
were equipped with a digital compass, an infrared- possible to increase the number of cockroaches hid-
based short range sensing system (capable of measur- ing under a given shelter if the mini-robots were
4.5 Relation to collective robotics 51

moving there upon switching on the light. Jij is introduced to account for the observation
In a more theoretical work, Sugawara et al. [2007] that animals tend to align with each other [Hunter,
investigated the formations of motile elements 1966] through an interaction which is supposed to
(robots) as a function of various control parameters. decrease in the linear function of distance between
Their kinetic model inspired by living creatures, individuals i and j:
such as birds, fishes, etc. is defined by Eqs. (39)  1
and (40). |~rj ~ri |
Jij = k , (42)
ij f~ij + ~gi
m = ~vi + a~ni + (39) where k is the control parameter and rc is the pre-
dt ferred distance between neighbors. The term gi is a
force directed towards the center of the group, and fi-
nally, fij denotes a mutual attractive/repulsive force
di X between elements i and j, in analogy with the inter-
= sin(i i ) + Jij sin(j i ), (40)
dt molecular forces, as suggested by Breder [1954].

where ~ri is the position, ~vi is the velocity, and ~ni is ( 3 2 )

the heading unit vector of the ith element of a swarm

|~rj ~ri | |~rj ~ri |
consisting of N units (i 1, 2, . . . , N ), respectively. f~ij = c
rc rc
The velocity ~vi is relative to the medium (air, fluid,  
etc.) in which the motion occurs. The last quantity, ~rj ~ri |~ ri |
rj ~
e rc , (43)
~ni is parallel to the axis of unit i, but not necessarily rc
parallel to its velocity ~vi . For example, bigger birds
often glide, during which the heading direction ~ni and where c is the control parameter defining the magni-
the velocity ~vi encloses an angle, which is assumed to tude of the interaction.
disappear within a relaxation time . In other words, Using numerical simulations and experiments with
is the time needed to ~ni and ~vi to relax to parallel.small mobile robots (called Khepera, a popular de-
i and i are the angles between the x axis and the vice for such experiments), the authors observed vari-
vectors ~ni and ~vi , respectively. m is the mass of the ous formations, depending on the control parameters
elements (of all the elements apart from the initial (see Fig. 45). They classified the observed collective
conditions, every unit is identical in this model). a motions into four categories: (1) Marching. Ob-
is the motile force acting in the direction of ~ni , and tained when the value of the anisotropy of mutual at-
is a quantity proportional to the relaxation time in traction is kept small. This state exhibits only small
velocity. The term ij denotes a direction sensibility velocity-fluctuations and it is stable against distur-
factor which is introduced to account for the possible bance. (Fig. 45 a) (2) The category called Oscilla-
anisotropy of the interaction. For example, if the tion includes motions exhibiting regular oscillations,
robots gather information about the motion of their such as the wavy motion of the swarm, along its lin-
mates through vision (that is, with camera), than ear trajectory, depicted on Fig. 45 b. The stability
the interaction is strong towards the visual field that of this state is weaker than that of the marching,
is covered by the camera, and zero elsewhere. It is and these two phases (1 and 2) may coexist for some
defined as parameters. (3) Wandering. When d 6= 0 (see
Eq. (41)), the mutual positions of the units abruptly
ij = 1 + d cos , (41) vary, according to stochastic changes in the direction
of motion. Such a phase is often exhibited by for
where is the angle enclosed by ~ni and ~rj ~ri , and example small non-migratory birds. (Fig. 45 c)
d is the sensitivity control parameter, 0 d 1. (4) Swarming. Irregularly moving units within a

mention a few. For a more engineering viewpoint of

the topic, see also [Eberhart et al., 2001].

5 Modeling actual systems

Figure 45: Trajectories with various control parame- 5.1 Systems involving physical and
ters, obtained from numerical simulations. The solid chemical interactions
line shows the center of mass. (a) marching, (b) os-
5.1.1 The effects of the medium
cillation, (c) wandering, and (d) swarming. Adapted
from Sugawara et al. [2007]. In the case of microorganisms swimming in a
medium, the hydrodynamic effects are often signif-
icant enough to generate collective motion passively,
persistent cluster. The mobility of the entire clus- that is, various coherent structures (e.g., clusters,
ter is small. For example mosquitoes travel in such vortices, etc.) arise merely as a result of hydrody-
swarms. (See Fig. 45 d ). namic interactions. One of the first general meth-
In general, the point of organizing robots into ods for computing the hydrodynamic interactions
a swarm is to accomplish tasks (preferably with- among an infinite suspension of particles under some
out centralized control), that are too challenging well-defined conditions was presented by Brady et al.
for an individual agent. The fields of the possi- [1988], Brady and Bossis [1988]. Their method was
ble applications are extremely wide, including prac- accurate and computationally efficient forming the
tical applications (such as the localization of haz- basis of the Stokesian-dynamics simulation method,
ardous emission sources in unknown large-scale areas a technique used in order to yield approximate ex-
[Cui et al., 2004], the surveillance in hostile or dan- pressions for the velocities of hydrodynamically in-
gerous places [Marshall, 2005], the optimization of teracting particles.
telecommunication networks [Lipperts and Kreller, Simha and Ramaswamy [2002], Hatwalne et al.
1999]) as well as theoretical topics (like dis- [2004] constructed hydrodynamic equations for sus-
crete optimization [Dorigo et al., 1999] or providing pensions of SPPs suitable for making testable pre-
new heuristics for the Traveling Salesman Problem dictions for systems consisting of bacteria, cells with
[Dorigo and Gambardella, 1997]). motors or artificial machines moving in a fluid.
Furthermore, within these robot swarms, the Based on similar studies, in particular exper-
appearance of the most variable forms of collec- iments on living cells moving on a solid sur-
tive behavior (like co-operative, altruistic, selfish, face ([Gruler et al., 1999, Kemkemer et al., 2000])
etc.) can be studied as well through various and studies on vertically vibrated layers of rods
genetic algorithms, conditions and tasks. Many ([Neicu et al., 2003]), further continuous equations
homepages maintained by research groups work- were formulated by Ramaswamy et al. [2003]. They
ing on this field contain further information for considered systems of active nematogenic particles
those who are interested (for example Labo- without total momentum conservation (the momen-
ratory of Autonomous Robotics and Artificial tum was assumed to being damped by friction with
Life:, Laboratory the substrate). The two most important predictions
of Intelligent Systems:, implied by their results are: (i) Giant number fluctu-
Distributed Robotics Lab of MIT: http:// ations (GNF): the standard deviation in the number, N of particles is enormous: it scales as N in the entire
or the web-page of the Swarm-bots nematic phase for two dimensional systems, which is
Project: and in deep contrast with N (in the limit of N ),, to characterizing equilibrium systems being not at the
5.1 Systems involving physical and chemical interactions 53

point of continuous phase transition. (ii) for d 2

spatial dimensions, the autocorrelation of the parti-
cle velocity of a tagged element decays with time t as
td/2 , despite the absence of a hydrodynamic veloc-
ity field. Importantly, the above results imply that
the nematic phases of rod-like powders can not be
described by equilibrium statistical mechanics.
Another approach, the so called slender-body the-
ory was used by Saintillan and Shelley [2007] in order
to numerically study the dynamics and orientational
order of self-propelled slender rods. This method was
used to obtain an approximation to the field sur- Figure 46: (Color online) The scheme of a pusher
rounding a slender object and to get an estimation and the fluid disturbance it causes. Each SPP is rep-
for the net effect of the field on the body [Cox, 1970, resented by two spheres connected by a rod. The
Batchelor, 1970]. They found local nematic ordering propulsion is provided by a phantom flagellum
over short length scales as well having a significant (phantom, because it is not treated explicitly, only
impact on the mean swimming speed. Rose et al. through the effect it exerts to the swimming body and
[2009] investigated the role of hydrodynamic interac- to the fluid.) The force exerted by this flagellum acts
tions in case of metal rod-like particles in the presence at the center of the first sphere. A puller produces the
of an externally applied electric field, both by simu- same streamlines (dark gray curves) but the arrows
lations and experiments. In both cases the particles point in the opposite direction. From Underhill et al.
were observed to experience repeated pairing interac- [2008].
tions in which they come together axially, approach-
ing one other with their ends, slide past each other
until their centers approach, and then push apart. pullers are distinguished by the direction of Ff : if it
Sankararaman and Ramaswamy [2009] showed that points from bead 1 to bead 2, then it is a pusher,
polar self-propelled particles were prone to exhibit and if it points in the opposite direction, then it is a
various types of instabilities through the interplay of puller. The motion of the particles is calculated by
polarity, activity and the existence of a free surface, solving the force balance for each bead, as given by
by using a thin-film hydrodynamic model. Eq. (44):
The motion of the fluid generated by the par-
ticles swimming in it seems to depend strongly Ff + Fh1 + Fc1 + Fe1 = 0, (44)
on the way these organisms propel themselves
[Lauga and Powers, 2009]. Underhill et al. [2008] where Fc1 is the force exerted by the rod (connecting
simulated pushers (organisms propelled from the the two beads), Fh1 is the hydrodynamic drag force
rear, like most bacteria) and puller s (creatures that and Fe1 is the excluded volume force on the bead.
are propelled at the head of the organism) separately The force balance defining the motion of bead 2 is
to capture the differences in the effects of the forces the same as Eq. (44), but without the Ff flagellum
these creatures exert on the fluid while swimming in force.
it. Figure 46 shows the scheme of their self-propelled Using this model, Underhill et al. [2008] observed
swimmers. Each of them consists of two beads con- qualitative differences between the effects of push-
nected by a rod. They propel themselves by a phan- ers and pullers, exerted on the fluid they move
tom flagellum. (Phantom, because its physical in: SPPs that are pushed from the behind show
appearance is not taken care of, only its effect on the greater enhancement than particles that are pulled
swimmer and on the fluid.) It exerts an Ff force on from the front. This model supported by
bead 1, and Ff force on the fluid. Pushers and Mehandia and Nott [2008] as well describes the far-

field behavior of interacting swimming particles.

The notion of squirmer has also been introduced
in order to apprehend the most important features
of swimming microorganisms (with respect to their
motion in a fluid) [Lighthill, 1952]. These are neu-
trally buoyant squirming spheres with a tangential
surface velocity and with anisotropic structures, that
is, their center of mass and geometric center do not
necessarily coincide.
Ishikawa and Pedley [2008] simulated the motion
of such squirmers in a monolayer, that is, in two di-
mensions. In order to do so, they included not only
the far-field fluid dynamics, but the near-field compo-
nents too, which gave the novelty of their approach. Figure 47: The velocity correlation function among
These simulations demonstrated that various types the particles (IU ) as a function of the distance among
of processes resulting in coherent structures (such the units r for three different sphere-sizes. In the
as aggregation, band formation or mesoscale spatio- region r < 6, IU is positive, denoting that nearby
temporal motion) can be generated by pure hydro- particles tend to swim together in similar direction.
dynamic interactions. Accordingly, Fig. 47 shows In the region r > 10, the correlation turns into
the velocity correlation function among the particles anti-correlation, since IU is negative, meaning that
IU = IU (r), as a function of the distance r separating squirmers at least 10 radii apart tend to swim in op-
the squirmers. ca is the areal fraction of the parti- posite direction. From Ishikawa and Pedley [2008].
cles in the monolayer, thus it refers to their sizes:
bigger ca denotes larger sphere. However, these sim-
ulations did not show vigorous coherent structures around such organisms [Short et al., 2006].
in fully three-dimensional cases, that is, when the
particles were not restricted to move on a monolayer 5.1.2 The role of adhesion
[Ishikawa et al., 2008].
Subramanian and Koch [2009] examine the stabil- The problem regarding the mechanisms determin-
ity properties of a bacteria suspension, in which ing tissue movements dates back to the beginning of
the the bacteria execute a run-and-tumble motion, the 20th century. In 1907 Wilson discovered that
that is, after swimming in a given direction, the runs sponge cells which have been previously squeezed
are interrupted by tumbles, leading to an abrupt mo- through a mesh of fine bolting-cloth are able to re-
tion. Due to the features of the force field produced unite again reconstituting themselves into a func-
by the bacteria, instability is predicted to occur in tioning sponge [Wilson, 1907]. Early studies mainly
suspensions of pushers. They argue that for speeds envisioned cell sorting as a resultant of inhomo-
smaller than a critical value, the destabilizing stress geneities (for example of pressure) in the immedi-
remains minor and a dilute suspension of such swim- ate environment. Since then many theoretical and
mers responds to long-wavelength perturbations in a experimental studies have been dedicated to this
similar way than suspensions of passive rigid particles question supporting the idea that the movements
would respond. are due to intrinsic properties of the individual tis-
An interesting example of collective motion is the sues themselves (landmarked by, among many oth-
synchronized beating of flagella on the surface of uni- ers Wilson and Penney [1930], Bronsted [1936], Weiss
cellular, or simple multicellular organisms. It was [1941], Moscana [1952], Trinkaus and Groves [1955],
shown that such a coherent motion of flagella leads Weiss and Taylor [1960]).
to a highly increased exchange rate of the nutrients To explain the phenomenon of cell sorting,
5.1 Systems involving physical and chemical interactions 55

Steinberg [1963] developed the hypothesis that the

local rearrangement behavior (characterizing cells
during the process of sorting out and tissue recon-
struction) follows directly from their motility and
quantitative differences in adhesiveness. (This the-
ory is often referred to as differential adhesion
hypothesis, DAH). Based on the basic ideas of
DAH, Belmonte et al. [2008] introduced a simple self-
Figure 48: Computer simulations obtained by solv-
propelled particle model to study cell sorting (see Sec.
ing Eqs. (45) and (46) for different particle densities.
In agreement with the observations, the model ex-
Regarding the collective motion and phase tran- hibit a continuous phase transition from disordered
sition observed in migrating keratocyte cells (cells to ordered phase. From Szab o et al. [2006].
taken from the scales of goldfish), Szab o et al. [2006]
constructed a model describing their experimental
observations (see also Sec. 3.4). Using long-term
Figure 48 shows the typical simulation results ob-
video-microscopy they observed kinetic phase tran-
tained by solving Eqs. (45) and (46) with periodic
sition from disordered to ordered state, taking place
boundary conditions. The model in good agree-
as the cell density exceeds a relatively well-defined
ment with the observations exhibit a continuous
critical value. Short-range attractive-repulsive inter-
phase transition from disordered to ordered phase.
cellular forces are suggested to account for the orga-
(For the corresponding observations see also Fig. 17
nization of the motile keratocyte cells into coherent
in Sec. 3.4.)
Instead of applying an explicit averaging rule Some authors put much emphasis on the actual
(which would not be realistic), the model-cells (self- shape and plasticity of the cells as well, since these
propelled particles) adjust their direction toward the properties also play an important role in the emer-
direction of the net-force acting on them (see Eq. gent behavior of the system [Graner and Glazier,
(45)). In this two-dimensional flocking model, N 1992, Glazier and Graner, 1993, Savill and Hogeweg,
SPPs move with a constant speed v0 and mobility 1997, Maree and Hogeweg, 2001]. Following this line,
in the direction of the unit vector ~ni (t) while the Rappel et al. [1999] suggested a model consisting of
i and j particles experiences the inter-cellular force self-propelled deformable objects to explain their ex-
F~ (~ri~rj ). The motion of cell i( 1, . . . , N ) in the po- perimental results on the dynamics of Dictyostelium
sition ~ri (t) is described by discoideum (see also in Sec. 3.4). Their model repro-
duces the observed self-organized vortex states (the
N pancake-structures), as the resultants of the cou-
d~ri (t)
F~ (~ri ~rj ).
= v0~ni (t) + (45) pling between the self-generated propulsive force and
dt j=1 the cells configuration, and of the cohesive energy
between the cells.
The direction ~ni (t) can be described by in (t) as A number of recent interdisciplinary studies fo-
well, which attempts to relax to ~vi (t) = d~ri (t)/dt cus on the detailed mechanisms by which organ-
within a relaxation time . Denoting the noise by isms from bacteria to vertebrates generate so-
and the unit vector orthogonal to the plane of motion phisticated multicellular patterns (for example or-
by ~ez , gans) during ontogenesis. We mention a representa-
tive example by Czirok et al. [2008] who investigated
the formation and regulation of multicellular sprout-
din (t)
1 ~vi (t) ing during vasculogenesis. Based on in vivo and in
= arcsin ~ni (t) ~ez + (46)
dt |~vi (t)| vitro observations and experiments, they suggested

a general mechanism that builds on preferential at- neighboring segments i and i + 1. Kb and K are the
traction/attachment to elongated structures. The stretching and the bending coefficients, respectively,
proposed interactive particle model exhibits robust defining the extent to which the length of the seg-
sprouting dynamics and results in patterns that are ments and the angles between them can vary. Both
similar to native primordal vascular plexuses with- of them are dimensionless values, and are the same
out any assumptions involving mechano-chemical sig- for all the segments and angles.
naling or chemotaxis. Regarding the active motion of the certain cells,
Wang and Wolynes [2011] proposed a model for first the head-node moves in a particular direction,
structures like the cytoskeleton, that is, for systems followed by the other nodes which take positions so
consisting of many interacting bio-macromolecules that the Hamiltonian function belonging to the new
driven by energy-consuming motors. Readers inter- configuration is minimal. Since according to the ob-
ested in the models of active polar gels will find more servations, Myxococcus xanthus cells do not have any
details in [J
ulicher et al., 2007]. kind of long-range communicating systems [Kaiser,
2003], the model takes the interactions only among
5.1.3 Swarming bacteria neighboring cells into account.
The experimentally-observed reversals (sudden
By using models and simulations, experimentally ob- changes in the direction with 180o) are most proba-
served behaviors which are seemingly unintelligible bly regulated by an internal biochemical clock, which
might also be elucidated. Recently, as described in is independent of the actual interactions of the given
Sec. 3.3, bacteria belonging to Myxococcus xanthus cell. Therefore, the model takes into account these
swarms were observed to reverse their gliding di- reversals by simply switching the roles of the head-
rections regularly, while the colony itself expanded nodes and the tail-nodes, according to an internal
[Wu et al., 2009]. To compass this seemingly energy- clock.
wasting behavior, the authors simulated the observed Simulations based on the above model did not re-
phenomena using a cell-based model, taking into ac- sult in swarming of the non-reversing cells in contrast
count only the contact-mediated, local interactions to the simpler models by Peruani et al. [2006] and
[Wu et al., 2007]. The individual cells are represented Ginelli et al. [2010]. On the other hand, it was found
by a flexible string of N nodes, consisting of N 1 that the expansion rate of the colony depends on the
segments, as depicted on Fig. 49 (basically a bend- length of the reversal period. Notably, the biggest
able rod, bended in N 2 points, being able to move expansion is obtained within the same time-period
in 2-D space). Each segment has the same length that was experimentally observed, that is 8 min.
r. In the simulations N was chosen to be 3, thus The cellular motion and the emerged patterns deep
each cell had two segments, as the rod was blended inside the colony was also modeled. As it can bee
in one point, in the middle. The orientations of the seen on Fig. 50, the considered social interactions
cells are defined by the vectors directed from the tail result an enhanced order regarding the collective cel-
nodes to the head nodes. In order to keep the shapes lular motion. It should be noted, that in a very re-
of the cells within an interval that agrees with the cent preprint Peruani et al. [2010] found signs of both
observations, a Hamiltonian function was defined to ordering and clustering in experiments with a non-
characterize the certain node-configurations, as given reversing, genetically modified mutant of a myxobac-
by Eq. (47). teria strain.
One of the earliest works on the collective motion of
N 1 N 2
X X bacteria pointing out the reason why such models are
H= Kb (ri r0 )2 + K i2 , (47) important, is done by Czirok et al. [1996]. The au-
i=0 i=0
thors emphasized that the study of bacterial colonies
where ri is the length of the ith segment, r0 is its can lead to interesting insights into the functioning of
target length and i is the angle enclosed by the self-organized biological systems which rest on com-
5.1 Systems involving physical and chemical interactions 57

the bacterial length to width ratio (the interaction

is stronger for longer bacteria), and indicates an
uncorrelated noise. The term h(t)ii, represents the
average direction of the cells in the neighborhood of
Figure 49: Each cell is represented by a string of
particle i, in the radius .
N nodes. In the simulations N = 3, thus the cells
For the simulations, a more simple, time-
consist of two segments, enclosing the angle . The
discretized form of Eq. (48) was used (Eq. 13),
orientation is defined by the vector directed from the
which is valid if the rotational relaxation time is fast
tail node to the head node. From Wu et al. [2007].
compared to the change of the locations, that is, if

<< v 1 / . ( denotes the average bacterium
Eq. (13) can be interpreted as a starting-point
which is to be refined according to the specific sys-
tems. Here the noise takes values from the inter-
val [/2, /2] randomly, with uniform distribution.
The xi positions of particle i is updated in each time-
step according to Eq. (14).
Modifying the above model to be more system-
specific, two changes were introduced: (i) the peri-
odic boundary conditions were replaced with reflec-
tive circular walls, and (ii) a short-range hard-core
Figure 50: Simulational results of the bacteria motion repulsion was introduced, in order to prevent the cells
and pattern formation deep inside the colony. (a) In to aggregate in a narrow zone. In other words, if the
the initial setup the cells are randomly distributed. distance among cells decrease under a certain value
(b) The inner area of the colony after 3 h of evolution. , then these cells will repel each other, and their
Adapted from Wu et al. [2007]. direction of motion will be given by

plex networks of regulation systems, since these are

perhaps the simplest living systems exhibiting collec- i (t + t) =
~ (x~j (t) x~i (t)) ,
tive behavior, governed by interactions that are sim- j6=i,|x~j x~i < |
ple enough to be captured by mathematical tools. (49)
In this paper the authors, on the one hand, re- where (~r) gives the angle between its argument
ported on their experiments with Bacillus subtilis vector and a predefined direction (for example the x
(see also Sec. 3.3 and Fig. 10) and on the other hand ~ = ~u/|~u|. Simulations with low noise and
axis), and N
introduced a step-by-step elaborated model, which is
high density show correlated rotational motion (see
capable to describe the increasingly elaborated com-
Fig. 51), in which the direction of the vortices can
plex collective behavior. The simplest expression de-
be either clockwise or anti-clockwise, as it is selected
scribes the collective migration of the cells, which
by spontaneous symmetry breaking.
move with a fixed-magnitude velocity v in the di-
The above constraint (reflective circular wall) is an
rection characterized by , according to Eq. (48)
externally imposed coercion to the bacterium colony.
di 1h i At the same time, in real colonies vortices often can
= h(t)ii, i (t) + (48) be observed far from the boundaries as well, thus the
confinement of the bacteria must be the resultant of
where i (t) is the direction of the ith bacterium at some kind of interactions among the cells. Accord-
time t, is the relaxation time, which is related to ingly, the model can be further elaborated by adding

Figure 51: A stationary state of the system char-

acterized by short-range repulsion among the cells Figure 52: The discretized concentration field: a
(defined by Eq. (49)) using reflective circular walls. hexagonal lattice defined by the lattice vectors
From Czirok et al. [1996]. e~1 , e~2 , . . . , e~6 . The open circles in the middle of the
hexagons are those points where the concentration
level of the diffusing chemoattractants are calculated
chemoattractants to the system, which are inter- at each time-step. The thick line shows the boundary
preted in a broad sense: they can be reactions on of the system, which reflects the particles (filled dots)
passive physical forces as well (like surface tension, which can move off-lattice. To define the average di-
efficiency of the flagella-motors) which depend on the rection h~v ii, for the bacterium i in lattice-cell A, the
deposited extracellular slime. Cells slightly alter their averaging involves all the particles in cells A G.
propulsion forces according to the local concentration From Czirok et al. [1996].
of the attractant, which results in a torque acting
on the colony. To simulate the system that includes
the above introduced attractants, the concentration and A is the rate by which bacteria produce the
field, cA (describing the concentration level of the se- chemoattractant material. The first term represents
creted chemoattractants in each point of the field) the diffusion.
is discretized by a hexagonal lattice (see Fig. 52). Figure 53 depicts a typical snapshot of the simula-
Supposing that a group of bacteria, a raft, is held tions. The secretion of chemoattractants is a process
together by intercellular bonds, it can be treated as a with positive feedback effect, which breaks down the
rigid body of size d. In this case, the velocity differ- originally homogeneous particle distribution and re-
ence v at the opposite sides of the raft, in a linear sults denser clusters in sparser regions.
approximation, is proportional to that component of In dense colonies of Bacillus subtilis in which
cA which is orthogonal the velocity ~v : hydrodynamical effects (the effect of the medium
through hydrodynamic interactions) play a signifi-
d ~
v |~v cA |. (50) cant role a surprising behavior can be observed:
v in regions of high bacterium concentration (having at
By neglecting the convective transport caused by least 109 cells per cm3 ) transient jet-like patterns and
the motion of bacteria, the chemoattractant fields vortices appear. The latter ones persist for timescales
time evolution can be written as of 1s [Mendelson et al., 1999, Dombrowski et al.,
2004]. The speed of the observed jets are typically
cA 2
= DA cA + A A cA , (51) larger than that of the individual bacteria. To eluci-
t date these observations, Wolgemuth [2008] developed
A is the constant rate of the decay, denotes the a two-phase model in which the fluid and the bacteria
local density (number of particles in a unit area) were modeled by two independent, but interpenetrat-
5.2 Models with segregating units 59

Figure 53: Typical vortices formed by the model in-

volving chemoattractants. The originally homoge- Figure 54: (Color online) Four snapshots of the model
neous particle distribution is destroyed by the pos- reproducing the onset of the experimentally observed
itive feedback effect of the attractants. Arrows show jets and vortices. The color map indicates the bac-
the coarse grained velocity of the bacteria, while terial volume fraction, and the little arrows denote
the corresponding distribution of the chemoattrac- the fluid velocity field. According to the initial con-
tant concentration is depicted in the upper left cor- ditions (t = 0), the bacteria are distributed uni-
ner. From Czirok et al. [1996]. formly and the fluid velocity field is directed (with a
small random perturbation) along the x axis. From
Wolgemuth [2008].
ing continuum phases. Since their propulsive motors
(the flagella) do not act on the center of mass, the
rod-shaped bacteria exert a dipole force on the fluid. tions to describe experimentally observed patterns
For reasonable parameter-values, the model (a sys- of bacterial colonies. With such a method, they
tem of partial differential equations) reproduces the captured the periodic growth of Proteus mirabilis
observed behavior qualitatively. Figure 54 represents colonies (see Fig. 14 in Sec. 3.3). Volfson et al.
the onset of the observed turbulent behavior with the [2008] emphasized the role of bio-mechanical inter-
jets and vortices. actions arising from the growth and division of the
The interaction between these organisms under cells (see also Fig. 15 in Sec. 3.3), and developed
similar circumstances (namely, closely packed pop- a continuum model based on equations for local cell
ulations of Bacillus subtilis) with one other and density, velocity and the tensor order parameter.
with the boundaries (walls) is in the focus of Readers interested in this field will find more de-
Cisneros et al. [2007]. Their model swimmer consist tails in [Lauga and Powers, 2009] and in [Ishikawa,
of a sphere (which is the body of the cell) and a 2009].
cylinder representing the rotating bundle of helical
flagella (see Fig. 55). The occurrence of the turbu-
5.2 Models with segregating units
lent states at small Reynolds numbers (at Re << 1)
is explained by the energy that the bacteria insert Cell sorting denotes a special type of collective mo-
into the fluid as they swim in it. tion during which an originally heterogeneous mix-
Czirok et al. [2001] used coupled differential equa- ture of cells segregate into two (or more) homoge-

new orientation nt+1 of particle n is

" #
X t

t+1 ~vm t t t
n = arg nm + nm fnm~enm + ~un ,
where the summation refers to those particles (m)
which are within a radius r0 . These cells exert a
force fnm ~etnm on n, along the direction ~etnm . The
noise is taken into account by ~utn , which is a random
unit vector with uniformly distributed orientation.
nm and nm are the control parameters: controls
the relative weights of the alignment interaction, and
shows the strength of the radial two-body forces
fnm , which is defined as

if rnm < rc ,
fnm = 1 re if rc < rnm < r0 , (53)
0 if rnm > r0 ,

that is, for distances smaller than a core radius rc ,

it is a strong repulsive force, around the equilibrium
Figure 55: (Color online) Streamlines of the fluid ve- radius re it is a harmonic-like interaction, and for dis-
locity field surrounding a group of five bacterium near tances bigger than the interaction range r0 it is set
to the walls. As it can be seen, there is little front-to- to zero. For modeling the observations regarding Hy-
end penetration of the fluid into the group. Remark- dra cells [Rieu et al., 2000], the authors defined two
ably, as the authors point it out, this circumstance kinds of particles, endodermic and ectodermic,
can lead to the split-up of a group because, as it denoted by 1 and 2, respectively. Accordingly, 11
follows, the oxygen supply for the organisms within and 22 stand for the cell cohesion within the two
a phalanx consisting of many bacteria will be insuf- cell-types, while 12 and 21 account for the inter-
ficient, thus the inner cells will alter their velocity cell -type interactions. These latter ones are assumed
according to the gradient of oxygen concentration. to be symmetric, that is, 12 = 21 . For the sake of
From Cisneros et al. [2007]. simplicity, all the cells have the same value. Figure
56 shows how a group of 800 cells evolve in time. The
proportion is 1:3 of endodermic (black) to ectodermic
(gray) cells, and =0.01.
Segregation occurs in various 3D systems as well,
neous cell clusters without any kind of external field. such as in flocks of birds or schools of fish. Mostly,
This can be observed, for example, during the devel- models assume identical particles to simulate col-
opment of organs in an embryo or during regenera- lective motion. At the same time, those simula-
tion after tissue dissociation. To simulate this phe- tions which suppose diverse particles, exhibit sort-
nomena, Belmonte et al. [2008] considered two kinds ing [Romey, 1996, Couzin and Krause, 2003]. This
of cells, differing in their interaction intensities. Ac- means that behavioral and/or motivational differ-
cording to the model, N particles move in a two- ences among animals effect the structure of the group,
dimensional space with constant v0 velocity. The ve- since individuals change their positions relative to the
locity and the angle of the orientation of particle n others according to their actual inner state. This in-
at time t is denoted by ~vnt and nt , respectively. The volves that if the individual variations are persistent
5.2 Models with segregating units 61

ulation and the level of the motivational synchroniza-

tion, different systems emerged regarding its mor-
phology and dynamics. Similar motivational levels
resulted in an integrated school, whereas diverse in-
ner states produced a system with frequent split-offs.
More complex structure appeared by an intermediate
degree of synchronization characterized by layers con-
nected with vertical cylindrical shaped schools (see
Fig. 57) allowing ovulating and spent herring to move
across the layers, in agreement with the observations
[Axelsen et al., 2000]. These findings suggest that
the level of motivational synchronization among fish
determines the unity of the school. Furthermore, this
study also demonstrates that larger populations can
Figure 56: Cell sorting of 800 cells. The endoder-
exhibit such emergent behaviors that smaller ones
mic cells are represented by black, and the ectoder-
can not (for example the cylindrical bridges men-
mic ones by gray circles, respectively. (a) The initial
tioned above).
cluster with mixed cell types. (b) the cluster after
3000 time step, and (c) is taken at t = 3 105. Clus- More general simulations also support these re-
ters of endodermic cells form and grow as time passes sults. You et al. [2009] investigated the behavior of
by. (d) t = 2 106 . A single endodermic cluster is two-component swarms, consisting of two different
formed, but some isolated cells remain within the ec- kinds of particles, varying in their parameters, such
toderm tissue, in agreement with the experiments of as mass, self-propelling strength or preferences for
Rieu et al. [1998]. From Belmonte et al. [2008] shelters. The units, having different parameter-set,
were observed to segregate from each other.
Other experiments focus on the emergent patterns
of particles having different kinetic parameter set-
then the group will reassemble to its original state
tings (preferred speed, the range of perception in
after perturbations [Couzin et al., 2002]. The sorting
which a particle perceives the velocity vectors of other
phenomenon depends primarily on the relative differ-
particles, etc.). The study of Sayama et al. [2009] was
ences among the units.
prompted by an in-class experiment aiming to test
In a similar spirit, Vab and Skaret [2008] showed a new version of a software called Swarm Chem-
that differences in the motivational level can cause istry,4 which is an interactive evolutionary algo-
segregation within a school of spawning herrings. rithm.
They used an individual based model in which the The software assumes that the particles move in
parameters describing the states of the individuals an infinite two-dimensional space according to kinetic
were varied and they measured a range of parame- rules resembling to the ones introduced by Reynolds
ters at system level. The motion of each individual [1987] (see Sec. 4.1). The strength of these kinetic
was determined by the combination of five behavioral rules, as well as the preferred speed and the local per-
rules: (1) avoiding boundaries, (2) social attraction, ception range, differ from particle to particle. Those
(3) social repulsion, (4) moving towards the bottom units that (accidentally) share the same parameter-
to spawn and (5) avoiding predation. The motiva- set, are considered to be of the same type. Some
tional level was controlled by a parameter. To cap- snapshots of the emergent dynamic patterns that
ture how the system as a whole reacts on changes in these particles produce with their various parameter-
the individual level, various metrics were recorded,
like the size and age of the school, its vertical and hor- 4 it can be downloaded from the authors website,

izontal extension, etc. By varying the size of the pop-


Figure 57: (Color online) Simulational results, in

which the motivational level of the individuals are
taken into account. Large herring populations with
small motivational synchronization tend to form
multi-layered schools in which the layers are con-
nected by cylindrical shaped bridges. The moti-
vational level depends primarily on the age of the
fish: mature herrings are denoted with yellow color Figure 58: (Color online) Some snapshots of
(online), ovulating ones are orange to red, spawning the emergent patterns that particles with differ-
individuals are black and white color registers spent ent parameter-set (preferred speed, range of percep-
herring. Adapted from Vab and Skaret [2008]. tion and strength of the kinetic rules) can produce.
sets, can be seen on Fig. 58.
According to the simulations, these mixtures of
multiple type units usually spontaneously undergo toior in case of the depletion of nutritional resources
some kind of segregation process, often accompanied [Simpson et al., 2006, Bazazi et al., 2008]. Motivated
by the appearance of multilayer structures. Further-by these observations, it can be shown that individu-
more, the formed clusters may exhibit various dy- als with escape and pursuit behavior-patterns (which
namic macroscopic behaviors, such as oscillation, ro-
special kind of repulsive and attractive behaviors can
tation or linear motion. be correlated with cannibalism) exhibit collective mo-
Interestingly, simulations of hunting showed segre-
tion. [Romanczuk et al., 2009]. The escape reaction
gation as well [Kamimura and Ohira, 2010]. Here the is triggered in an individual if it is approached from
two kinds of particles were the chasers (or predators)
behind by another one; in this case the escaping an-
and the targets (or preys) which differed in their be-
imal increases its velocity in order to prevent being
havior. attacked from behind. In contrast, if the insect per-
ceives one of its mates moving away, it increases its
velocity in the direction of the escaping one; this is
5.3 Models inspired by animal behav- the pursuit behavior. Other cases do not trigger any
ioral patterns response. According to the simulations, at moder-
5.3.1 Insects ate noise intensity and high particle density, these
interactions (pursuit and escape) lead to global col-
As mentioned in Sec. 3.5, Mormon crickets and lective motion, irrespective of the detailed model pa-
Desert locusts tend to exhibit cannibalistic behav- rameters (see Fig. 59). Both interaction-types lead
5.3 Models inspired by animal behavioral patterns 63

lective locust motion is their sudden, coherent

switches in the direction of motion. Yates et al.
[2009] suggested to use Fokker-Plank equations in
order to describe these observations. They found
a seemingly counterintuitive result, namely that the
individual locusts increased their motional random-
ness as a reaction for a loss of alignment in the
group. This reaction thought to facilitate the group
to find a highly aligned state again. They also
found that the mean switching time increased expo-
nentially with the number of individuals. Recently
Escudero et al. [2010] suggested that these ergodic
directional switches might be the resultants of the
small errors that the insects make when trying to
adopt their motion to that of their neighbors. These
errors usually cancel each other out, but over expo-
nentially long time periods they have the possibility
of accumulating and producing a switch.

Figure 59: The global collective motion emerging 5.3.2 Moving in three dimensions fish and
from escape and pursuit behaviors. s is the rescaled birds
density, which is defined as s = N ls2 /L2 , where N
The main goal of the first system-specific models aim-
is the total number of the individuals, ls is their
ing to simulate the motion of animals moving in 3
interaction range and L is the size of the simula-
dimensions (primarily birds and fish) was to pro-
tion field. The simulations were carried out by us-
duce realistically looking collective motion [Reynolds,
ing periodic boundary conditions. The column de-
1987], to give system-specific models taking into
noted by p shows the typical spatial configurations
account many parameters [McFarland and Okubo,
for the pursuit-only case, e for the escape-only case,
1997], or to create systems in which some charac-
and p + e when both interactions are present. The
teristics (for example nearest neighbor distance or
large arrows indicate the direction and speed of the
density) resembles to an actual biological system
mean migration. As it can be seen on the top row, at
[Huth and Wissel, 1994]. Later various other aspects
low rescaled densities the emergent patterns strongly
and features were also studied, such as the func-
vary according to the strength of the escape and pur-
tion and mechanism of line versus cluster forma-
suit interactions. From Romanczuk et al. [2009].
tion in bird flocks [Bajec and Heppner, 2009], how
the fish size and kinship correlates with the spatial
characteristics (e.g., animal density) of fish schools
to collective motion, but with an opposite effect on [Hemelrijk and Kunz, 2005], the effect of social con-
the density distribution. Whereas pursuit leads to nections (social network) on the collective motion
density-inhomogeneities (that is, to the appearance of the group [Bode et al., 2011b], the cohort depar-
of clusters, as it can be seen on the first column on ture of bird flocks [Heppner, 1997], the collective be-
Fig. 59), escape calls to forth homogenization. Thus, havior in an ecological context (in which not only the
the collective dynamic in which both behavior-types external stimuli, but the internal state of the individ-
are present, is a competition between the two oppo- uals are also taken into account) [Vab and Skaret,
site effects. 2008], or the effect of perceived threat [Bode et al.,
Another often observed phenomena regarding col- 2010]. This latter circumstance was taken into ac-

count by relating it to higher updating frequency, and lective motions as the function of the system pa-
it resulted a more synchronized group regarding its rameters. In this framework, the individuals obey
speed and nearest neighbor distribution. The book to the following basic rules: (i) they continually at-
of Parrish and Hamner [1997] provides an excellent tempt to maintain a certain distance among them-
review on this topic. selves and their mates, (ii) if they are not performing
Models proposed by biologists tend to take into ac- an avoidance manoeuvre (described by rule i), then
count many of the biological details of the modeled they are attracted towards their mates, and (iii) they
animals. A good example for this kind of approach is align their direction to their neighbors. Their percep-
the very interesting work of Heppner and Grenander tion zone (in which they interact with the others) is
[1990], who proposed a system of stochastic differen- divided into three non-overlapping regions, as illus-
tial equations with 15 parameters. Huth and Wissel trated in Fig. 60. The radius of these spheres (zone of
[1992] used a similar approach for schools of fish. repulsion, zone of orientation and zone of attraction)
Some other models included a more realistic represen- are Rr , Ro and Ra , respectively. Thus, the width
tation of body size and shape [Kunz and Hemelrijk, of the two outer annulus are Ro = Ro Rr and
2003]. Ra = Ra Ro . denotes the field of perception,
Regarding the methodology of most of the simula- thus, the blind volume is behind the individual,
tions, the agent-based (or individual-based ) approach with interior angle (360 ).
proved to be very popular (although there are al- In order to explore the global system behavior, the
ternative approaches as well, e.g., Hayakawa [2010]). authors analyzed the consequences of varying certain
The reason behind this is that this approach pro- system parameters, like the number of individuals,
vides a link between the behavior of the individuals preferred speed, turning rate, width of the zones, etc.
and the emergent properties of the swarm as a whole, For every case, the following two global properties
thus appropriate to investigate how the properties of were calculated:
the system depend on the actual behavior of the in-
dividuals. The most common rules applied in these

1 X

models are: (i) short-range repulsive force aiming to (t) = vi (t) , (54)


avoid collision with mates and with the borders, (ii)

adjusting the velocity vector according to the direc-
where N is the number of individuals within the
tion of the neighboring units, (iii) a force avoiding
group, (i = 1, 2, . . . , N ), and v~iu (t) is the unit direc-
being alone, e.g., moving towards the center of the
tion vector of the ith animal at time t. (Since v~iu (t)
swarms mass, (iv) noise, (v) some kind of drag force
is a unit vector, the expression defined by Eq. (54) is
if the medium is considered in which the individuals
equivalent with the order parameter defined by Eq.
move (which is usually not taken into account, in case
of birds and fish). Then, the concrete models differ in
the rules they apply (usually most of the above ones), The other measure, group angular momentum,
in their concrete form and in the system parameters. is the sum of the angular momenta of the group-
Some biologically more realistic, yet still sim- members about the center of the group, ~rGr . This ex-
ple individual-based models were also suggested pression measures the degree of rotation of the group
[Couzin et al., 2002, Hemelrijk and Hildenbrandt, about its center
2008]. In a computer model called StarDisplay,
Hildenbrandt et al. [2010] combined the above men- 1 X
mGr (t) = ~riGr (t) v~i (t) ,
u (55)

tioned usual rules with system specific ones in or- N

der to generate patterns that resemble to the aerial
displays of starlings, recorded by the Starflag project where ~riGr = ~ri ~rGr , is the vectorial difference of
(see Sec. 3.7). the position of individual i, r~i , and the position of
Couzin et al. [2002] categorized the emergent col- the group-center, ~rGr .
5.3 Models inspired by animal behavioral patterns 65

Figure 60: The interaction zones, centered around

each individual. The inner-most sphere with radius
Rr is the zone of repulsion (zor). If others en-
ter this zone, the individual will response by moving
away from them into the Pnopposite direction, that is,
it will head towards j6=r i (~rj ~ri )/|~rj ~ri |, where
nr in the number if individuals being in the zor. The Figure 61: The basic types of collective motions
interpretation of this zone is to maintain a personal exhibited by the model, according to the various pa-
space and to ensure the avoidance of collisions. The rameter setups. The denominations are: (a) swarm,
second annulus, zoo, represents the zone of orien- (b) torus, (c) dynamic parallel group, (d) highly par-
tation. If no mates are in the zor, the individual allel group. Adapted from Couzin et al. [2002].
aligns itself with neighbors within this zoo region.
The outermost annulus, zoa, is the zone of attrac-
tion. The interpretation of this region is that group- but ro is small. (Fig. 61, (b) sub-picture.)
living individuals continually attempt to join a group Dynamic parallel group: Occurs at intermediate
and to avoid being alone or in the periphery. From or high values of ra and intermediate values of ro .
Couzin et al. [2002]. This formation is much more mobile than either of
the previous ones. The order parameter () is high
but the angular momentum (mGr ) is small. (Fig. 61,
N (c) sub-picture.)
1 X
rGr (t) = r~i (t) (56) Highly parallel group: By increasing ro , a
N i=1
highly aligned formation emerges characterized by
Figure 61 summarizes the four basic types of col- very high order parameter () and low angular mo-
lective motions emerged according to the various pa- mentum (mGr ). (Fig. 61, (d) sub-picture.)
rameter setups. However, the approach of individual (or agent)
Swarm: Both the order parameter () and the based modeling has its own limitations or traps as
angular momentum (mGr ) are small, which means pointed out by Eriksson et al. [2010]. Namely, that
little or no parallel orientation. (Fig. 61, (a) sub- different combinations of rules and parameters may
picture.) provide the same (or very similar) patterns and col-
Torus or milling: Individuals rotate around an lective behaviors. Accordingly, in order to prove that
empty core with a randomly chosen direction. The the emergent behavior of a certain biological system
order parameter () is small, but the angular mo- obeys given principles, it is not enough to provide a
mentum (mGr ) is big. This occurs when ra is big, rule and a parameter set (modeling these principles)

and demonstrate that they reproduce the observed within the interaction range . If so, the desired di-
behavior. (On the other hand, Couzin et al. [2002] rection is defined as
demonstrated that vice versa the same rule and
parameter set may result in different collective behav-
X ~rj (t) ~ri (t) X ~vj (t)
ior in the very same system, depending on its recent d~i (t + t) = + . (58)
past, history.) Yates et al. [2009] note that many |~rj (t) ~ri (t)| |~vj (t)|
j6=i j6=i
models have weak predictive power concerning the
various relevant aspects of collective motion, includ- We will use the corresponding unit vector, di (t) =
ing, for example, the rate at which groups suddenly ~
di (t)/|d~i (t)|.
change their direction.
Until this point the algorithm is very similar to
the one described in Sec. 5.3.2. In order to study
5.4 The role of leadership in consen- the influence of informed individuals, a portion of
the group, p, is given information about a preferred
sus finding
direction, described by the unit vector ~g . The rest of
Animals traveling together have to develop a method the group is naive, without any preferred direction.
to make collective decisions regarding the places of Informed individuals balance their social alignment
foraging, resting and nesting sites, route of migration, and their preferred direction with the weighting fac-
etc. By slightly modifying (typically extending) mod- tor
els (such as the one described in Sec. 5.3.2), a group
of individuals can get hold of such abilities. Accord- di (t + t) + ~gi
d~i (t + t) = . (59)
ingly, Couzin et al. [2005] suggested a simple model di (t + t) + ~gi

in which individuals were not required to know how
many and which individuals had information, they ( can exceed 1; in this case the individual is influ-
did not need to have a signaling mechanism and no enced more heavily by its own preferences than by
individual recognition was required from the group its mates.) The accuracy of the group (describing
members. Informed individuals were not necessitated the quality of information transfer) is characterized
to know anything about the information-level of their by the normalized angular deviation of the group di-
mates either and that how the quality of their infor- rection around the preferred direction ~g, similarly to
mation was compared to that of others. The model the term given in Eq. 55.
looks as follows: The authors found that for fixed group size, the
N individuals compose the group. The position accuracy increases asymptotically as the portion p of
of the ith particle is described by the vector ~ri , and the informed members increased, see Fig. 62. This
it is moving in the direction ~vi . The group mem- means, that the larger the group, the smaller the por-
bers endeavor to continually maintain a minimum tion of informed members is needed, in order to guide
distance, , among themselves, by turning away from the group towards a preferred direction.
the neighbors j which are within this range towards However, informed individuals might also differ in
the opposite direction, described by the desired di- their preferred direction. If the number of individuals
rection d~i preferring one or another direction is equal, than the
group direction will depend on the degree to which
X ~rj (t) ~ri (t)
di (t + t) = (57) these preferred directions differ from each other: if
|~rj (t) ~ri (t)| these preferences are similar, then the group will go
in the average preferred direction of all informed in-
This rule has the highest priority. If there are dividuals. As the differences among the preferred di-
no mates within this range, than the individual will rections increase, individuals start to select randomly
attempt to align with those neighbors j, which are one or another preferred direction. If the number of
5.5 Relationship between observations and models 67

Figure 63: (Color online) Collective group direction

when two groups of informed individuals differ in
their preferences. The vertical axis shows the de-
gree of the most probable group motion. The first
group (consisting of n1 informed individuals) prefers
Figure 62: (Color online) SPPs following simple rules the direction characterized by 0 degrees (dashed line),
can compose systems in which a few informed individ- while the second group (consisting of n2 informed in-
ual is capable to guide the entire group towards a pre- dividuals) prefers a direction between 0 180 degrees
ferred direction. The accuracy of the group (follow- (horizontal axis). The group consists of 100 individ-
ing the rules given by Eqs. 57, 58 and 59) increases uals altogether, of which the numbers of informed in-
asymptotically as the portion of the informed individ- dividuals are (a) n1 = n2 = 5, (b) n1 = 6 and n2 = 5
uals increases. Adapted from Couzin et al. [2005]. (c) n1 = 6 and n2 = 4. Adapted from Couzin et al.

informed individuals preferring a given direction in-

creases, the entire group will go into the direction ers without anything in the rule-set or in the initial
preferred by the majority, even if that majority is conditions that would have prompted or predicted it.
small (see Fig. 63). In addition, even simpler models can lead to con-
Freeman and Biro [2009] extended this model by sensus decisions. For example, the severe quorum
including a social importance factor, h, describing rule (in which the probability that an individual fol-
the strength of the effect of a given individual on the lows a given option, sharply increases when the num-
group movement. That is, h varies with each agent, ber of other group members making that very de-
and the higher this value is, the bigger influence the cision reaches a threshold) resulted accurate group
given unit exerts on the group. Equation 58 is mod- decisions as well [Sumpter et al., 2008].
ified accordingly Despite many attempts, the research of human de-
cision making is still in its infancy. Castellano et al.
~rj (t) ~ri (t) X ~vj (t) [2009] give a nice review of the state of the art regard-
d~i (t+t) =
hj + hj (60)
|~rj (t) ~ri (t)| |~vj (t)| ing the physical and mathematical models which have
j6=i j6=i
been proposed throughout the years in the field of so-
These models show that leadership might emerge cial dynamics. [Ramaswamy, 2010] and [Toner et al.,
from the differences of the level of information pos- 2005] provide general informative reviews of the mod-
sessed by the group members. Importantly, since els and approaches of collective motion.
the information can be transient and different group
members may have pertinent information at different 5.5 Relationship between observa-
times or in different contexts, leadership can be tran-
tions and models
sient and transferable as well. Other studies also sup-
port these results. Quera et al. [2010] used an other Throughout this review, we have discussed two kinds
kind of rule-set by which their agents moved, and of models: one of them, reviewed in Sec. 4, consti-
observed the same: certain agents did become lead- tutes the ones addressing the basic laws and charac-

teristics of flocking. In fact, the aim of these models theoretical/modeling interpretations can be estab-
is to give a minimal model, i.e., a description, includ- lished.
ing those and only those rules which are inevitable
for the emergence of collective motion. All other as-
pects are neglected, by design. The question these 6 Summary and conclusions
studies aim to clarify is the following: What are the
necessary conditions for collective motion to appear From the continuously growing number of exciting
and how the emergent behavior is affected by these new publications on flocking we are tempted to con-
terms? clude that collective motion can be regarded as an
On the other hand, Sec. 5 comprises models which emerging field on the borderline of several scientific
aim to apprehend a well-described observation as disciplines. Thus, it is a multidisciplinary area with
adequately as possible. In fact, a model is con- many applications, involving statistical physics, tech-
sidered to describe a phenomenon properly if it is nology and branches of life sciences. Because of the
capable of giving predictions, that is, the behav- nature of the problem (treating many similar enti-
ior of the observed system can be foretold by ap- ties) studies in this field make quantitative compari-
plying the model. Since models ensure a deep in- son with observations possible even for living systems
sight into the observed phenomenon, many authors and there is a considerable potential for constructing
prefer to propose straight away a model accompa- theoretical approaches.
nying their experimental findings ([Keller and Segel, The results we have presented support a deep anal-
1971, Czirok et al., 1996, Wu et al., 2009, 2007, ogy with equilibrium statistical physics. The essen-
Czirok et al., 2001, Rappel et al., 1999, Szabo et al., tial deviation from equilibrium is manifested in the
2006, Couzin and Franks, 2003, Buhl et al., 2006, collision rule: since the absolute velocity of the par-
Rose et al., 2009]) while other models give account ticles is preserved and in most cases an alignment of
for previously reported observations. As such, the direction of motion after interaction is preferred,
Wolgemuth [2008] developed a two-phase model in the total momentum increases both during individ-
order to describe the jet-like patterns and vor- ual collisions and, as a result, gradually in the whole
tices appearing in dense colonies of Bacillus subtilis system of particles as well.
([Mendelson et al., 1999, Dombrowski et al., 2004]), The observations we have discussed can be suc-
Belmonte et al. [2008] proposed a model which gives cessfully interpreted in terms of simple simulational
account for the cell-sorting phenomenon observed in models. Using models based on simplified units (also
Hydra cells by Rieu et al. [2000], or we can men- called particles) to simulate the collective behavior
tion Vab and Skaret [2008] who modeled the unique of large ensembles has a history in science, especially
forms of herring schools observed by Axelsen et al. in statistical physics, where originally particles rep-
in 2000. resented atoms or molecules. With the rapid increase
Sometimes the theoretical calculations come be- of computing power and a growing appreciation for
fore the observations, i.e., the given model predicts understanding through simulations, models based
a previously unreported phenomenon. As an exam- on a plethora of complex interacting units, nowadays
ple, Toner and Tu predicted the phenomenon of giant widely called agents, have started to emerge. Agents,
number fluctuation in their 1995, 98 paper, which was even those that follow simple rules, are more complex
observed more than a decade later by Narayan et al. entities than particles because they have a goal they
[2007]. These cases lend strong support for the mod- intend to achieve in an optimal way (for example,
els giving the predictions. using as little amount of resources as possible).
Overall, we conclude that a considerable number As a rule, models of increasing complexity are
of evidences have accumulated each demonstrating bound to be born in order to account for the inter-
that both qualitative and quantitative agreements esting variants of a fundamental process. However,
between observations (of collective motion) and their there is a catch. A really good model must both re-

produce truly life-like behavior and be as simple as Critical (flocks of all sizes moving coherently in
possible. If the model has dozens of equations and different directions. The whole system is very
rules, and correspondingly large numbers of param- sensitive to perturbations)
eters, it is bound to be too specific and rather like
an imitation than a model that captures the few Quasi-long range velocity correlations and rip-
essential features of the process under study. ples
Thus, if a model is very simple, it is likely to be ap- Jamming
plicable to other phenomena for which the outcome is
dominated by the same few rules. On the other hand, A few further, less widely-occurring patterns are also
simplification comes with a price, and some of the possible, for example in systems made of two or more
exciting details that distinguish different phenomena distinctively different types of units.
may be lost. But, as any fan of natural life movies The following types of transitions between the
knows, collective behavior in nature typically involves above collective motion classes are possible:
sophisticated, occasionally amazing techniques aimed
Continuous (second order, accompanied with
at coordinating the actions of the organisms to max-
large fluctuations and algebraic scaling)
imize success. The art of designing models of reality
is rooted in the best compromise between oversimpli- Discontinuous (first order)
fication and including too many details (eventually
preventing the location of the essential features). No singularity in the level of directedness
On the basis of the numerous observations and Jamming (transition to a state in which mobility
models/simulations we have discussed above, the fol- is highly restricted)
lowing conclusions can be made concerning the gen-
eral features of systems exhibiting collective motion: The above transitions usually take place as i) a
function of density, or, ii) the changing magnitude
Most patterns of collective motion are universal of perturbations the units are subject to. The role of
(the same patterns occur in very different sys- noise is essential; all systems are prone to be strongly
tems) influenced by perturbations. In some cases noise can
have a paradoxical effect and, e.g., facilitate ordering.
Simple models can reproduce this behavior
This could be understood, for example, as a result of
A simple noise term can account for numerous perturbations driving the system out from an inef-
complex deterministic factors ficient deterministic regime (particles moving along
trajectories systematically (deterministically) avoid-
Global ordering is due to non-conservation ing each other) into a more efficient one, character-
of the momentum during individual colli- ized by an increased number of interactions.
sions/interactions of pairs of units After reviewing the state of the art regarding col-
lective motion, we think that some of the most ex-
The universally occurring patterns can be divided citing challenges in this still emerging field can be
into a few classes of motion patterns: summarized as: i) Additional, even more precise data
about the positions and velocities of the collectively
Disordered (particles moving in random direc-
moving units should be obtained for establishing a
well defined, quantitative set of interaction rules typ-
Fully-ordered (particles moving in the same di- ical for most of the flocks. ii) the role of leadership
rection) in collective decision making should be further ex-
plored. Is it hierarchical? Can a leadership-driven
Rotational (within a rectangular or circular decision-making mechanism be scalabe up to huge
area) group sizes? iii) The problem of a coherently-moving,

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