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Dear All,

First i just give you a brief introduction about Quickviewer and SAP Query

Quickviewer : QuickViewer is a simple tool to design custom reports without the need for any programming.You
can use it to design and run QuickViews (reports designed using QuickViewer) and export them to spreadsheets.
Note that these reports are user specific and cannot be shared with other users.

SAP Query: SAP Query is another tool to create reports without any programming. Query has more features than
QuickView. The main advantage is that a query can be shared with a group of users.

Now the business requirement is to create a report which consists of following tables





Here i will try to explain how to link this table in one report. you can create this special report with Quickviewer and
SAP Query.

Creating reports with the quickviewer:

To access this tool, the path is SAP Menu > Tools > ABAP Workbench > Utilities >
QuickViewer (SQVI)

1. Go to tcode SQVI and specify desired quickviewer name and create.

2. A popup will appear than select table join option in data source field and enter.

3. Go to menu bar edit > insert tables. maintain table name and enter

4. If you want to insert a one more table follow the step 3.

5. Go back and select the field which you want in available fields.

6. finally save the record and execute.

7. you can change the report layout by using layout mode push button before saving the quickviewr.
Creating reports with SAP Query:

Step 1 Infosets:

1. Create infosets with tcode SQ02 and specify desired infoset name and create.

2. A popup will appear than select table join using basis table radio button and maintain one table name in white

3. Go to menu bar edit > insert tables. maintain table name and enter

4. If you want to insert a one more table follow the step 3.

5 .Go back and select create empty field groups radio button on popup.

6. select the required fields in data fields tab and drop into field groups.

7. click on Generate button on top left.

Step 2 User Groups:

8. create the user groups with tcode SQ03 and specify desired user group name and create.

9 enter the user group name on popup and save the group.

10 .on the same screen click on assign users and info sets

11, enter the user names who is going to be use this particular record and click assign infosets on top

12 , select your infosetand save the user group.

Step 3 Queries:
13 create Query with tcode SQ01 and specify desired query name and create.

14 select your infoset and click copy.

15 enter the title /notes and click Next screen (f6) button.

16 select all your tables and click same next screen(f6) button.

17 select all the field witch you want and again click same next screen(f6) button.

18 select the all fields and enter. so now you can assign the number sequence to the field

Note: The fields SV and 1Z allow you to further control the selection parameters. If you select the
SV box next to a selection field, you cannot specify a range of values in the selection screen for
that field (that is to say, the To Value box is suppressed). On the other hand, if you select the 1Z
box, you cannot specify multiple values in the selection screen.

19. now you can change the layout design by selecting Basic list button.
20. In the selection basic list while we enter we get the above screen, which enables you to add colours to your report ,
and the column adjustments, etc. Do not forget to see the whole view on data fields on top left hand side so as to enter tick
marks finally to select fields which should come, in what priority come etc. You also need to add header text and footer
text in the above pane, which is present as push buttons.

21 save the query and you can test the query by selecting Test button on top left.

22.Now you are ready to generate the report depends on your selection criteria as above.

Hope you like the document.


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