Dr. Zhivago's Last Poem

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Zhivago‘s Last Poem

For Lara
Inspired by the 1965 film classic Dr. Zhivago

Lara departing from a Winter retreat, Dr. Zhivago and Lara would never be together again.

Dr. Zhivago‘s Last Poem

For Lara
Ricardo Saúl LaRosa

It has been an eternity,

Since I last held you in my arms,
Since I last kissed your warm lips,
That used to shower me with its love,

Remembering our last day,

We spent together,
Lost and away from the world,
In our secret Winter retreat,

Winter’s frost covering the landscape,

What seemed like a barren, desolate place,
Was only a Paradise to me,
For you were there, my Lara!

The cruel years have passed,

You fled to another distant land,
It seems as though forever,
Since I last embraced my only true love,

Why! O’ why did Destiny,

Separate our sacred Love,
A love and faith more powerful,
Than life itself,

And what of that despicable, gutless and parasitical tyrant,

That evil piece of trash husband from the pits of damnation,
Where you able to escape, my love,
From his tormenting chains of Hell?

Lara, my love,
I used to believe in songs and poems,
That inspired my heart,
Just thinking of you…

But I am afraid that our dreams are fading,

As the Winter snow we left behind,
Melting by the rays of Fate’s cruel Sun,
In our Winter Paradise near the forest,

The Hope of Spring that once consoled,

My dying heart, no longer dwells,
In my broken Spirit, that once shined,
With tender thoughts of you,

Blossoms of roses and love,

And all the dreams we once shared,
Have become far-away memories, of our past,
Never to return,

There are no more tears,

That my eyes can shed,
There are more dreams of love,
Dreaming just for us, my Lara!

My heart can not hold anymore this hurt,

This loneliness without you, my love,
My Lara! My Lara! My Lara!
Where are you, my love!

Today, loneliness is my only friend,

As I cry myself asleep, crying,
As a child cries for his mother,
As a baby turtle races towards the safe sea,

And in my peaceful slumber,

My dying Spirit seeks your Spirit,
As it finds you, my Lara,
We are together again, my love,

Your Spirit has come to mine, heavenly,

Where the happiest days of my life,
Warm as were your hands’ gentle touches,
Upon my Soul that is dying now for you, my Lara!

Soft as the kisses of your willing lips,

Were once upon mine, powerless, and in love,
For I love you as I have never loved anyone before,
In this lifetime, or all previous ones,

Somehow, someday, somewhere, my love,

We shall be together, again,
If not in this lifetime,
Than it shall be in the next one, I know!
This poem is for you, my darling,
And only you,
My love,
My Lara!

Yuri Zhivago
Yuri Zhivago
Russia, Winter 1931

© 28 July 2010 by Ricardo Saúl LaRosa

Dr. Zhivago and Lara arriving at their secret Winter retreat, not knowing than that it would
the last time they would ever spend together…

Dr. Zhivago and Lara together and so in love…

Lara wondering where Dr. Zhivago is; as Dr. Zhivago was dying for her…
Dr. Zhivago and Lara as they were falling in love…

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