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What are the different types of Analysis

The term CAE (Computer Aided Engineering) includes the following types of analyses:
1) Linear static analysis 6) Fatigue analysis
2) Non linear analysis 7) Optimization
3) Dynamic analysis 8) CFD analysis
4) Buckling analysis 9) Crash analysis
5) Thermal analysis 10) NVH analysis

Linear Static Analysis

Linear : Linear means straight line. In linear analysis, the FE solver will therefore always follow a
straight line from base to deformed state.
Static:There are two conditions for static analysis:
1) The force is static i.e. there is no variation with respect to time
(dead weight ).
2) Equilibrium condition forces (Fx, Fy, Fz) and Moments (Mx, My, Mz) = 0.
Copyright 2012 Altair Engineering, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential. All rights reserved.

What are the different types of Analysis

Non linear analysis

Material based non-linearity:
Force (stress) vs. Displacement (strain)
curve is non linear (polynomial)

Geometric non-linearity: In real life,

the stiffness [K] is a function of
displacement [d] (remember: for linear
Analysis [K] is constant, independent
of [d]). This means in a geometric
non-linear analysis, the stiffness K is
re-calculated after a certain predefined
displacement .

Contact non-linearity: In Contact analysis, the Stiffness K also changes as a function of displacement
(when parts get into contact or separate).

Non-linear analysis deals with true stress and strain (unlike engineering stress and strain in linear static
Copyright 2012 Altair Engineering, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential. All rights reserved.

What are the different types of Analysis

Dynamic Analysis
Copyright 2012 Altair Engineering, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential. All rights reserved.

What are the different types of Analysis

Linear Buckling Analysis

Some key aspects:

Applicable for only compressive load
Slender beams and sheet metal parts
Bending stiffness <<< Axial stiffness
Large lateral deformation

Thermal Analysis
Copyright 2012 Altair Engineering, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential. All rights reserved.

What are the different types of Analysis

Fatigue Analysis

In materials science, fatigue is the progressive and localized structural damage that occurs
when a material is subjected to cyclic loading. The nominal maximum stress values are less than the ultimate
tensile stress limit, and may be below the yield stress limit of the material. Fatigue occurs when a material is
subjected to repeated loading and unloading. If the loads are above a certain threshold, microscopic cracks will
begin to form at the surface. Eventually a crack will reach a critical size, and the structure will suddenly fracture.
The shape of the structure will significantly affect the fatigue life; square holes or sharp corners will lead to
elevated local stresses where fatigue cracks can initiate. Round holes and smooth transitions or fillets are
therefore important to increase the fatigue strength of the structure analysis.

Copyright 2012 Altair Engineering, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential. All rights reserved.

What are the different types of Analysis

Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)

A fluid is a substance that continuously deforms under an applied shear stress regardless of the magnitude
of the applied stress. Gas and liquids are both fluids. Fluid mechanics deals with the study of fluid, its
properties, and its behaviour. Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) is the branch of fluid mechanics which uses
numerical methods to analyse fluid dynamics problems. It is based on the Navier Stokes equations (Mass,
Momentum, and Energy conservation equilibrium equations).
Copyright 2012 Altair Engineering, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential. All rights reserved.

What are the different types of Analysis

Crash Analysis

Noise Vibration and Harshness, NVH

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