Clil Unit Air Karolina Owczarek V 1 0

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Template for CLIL Unit Plan for TEYL

Unit name: Air

Subject/Course: Unit of inquiry (How the world works)
Teacher: Karolina Owczarek (mentor teacher: Ewa Domaska)
School Year: 2016/2017
Grade: 2
Possible start/end dates: 22.05 - 26.05
Addressing Learners Diversified Needs: addressing multiple intelligences, providing
scaffolding, providing additional tasks for fast-finishers and for students who struggle,
providing various activities matching diverse learning styles, offering additional support (for
both content and language)
Connections with National Curriculum (both language and content):
Content: students know the harmful effects of air pollution (PYP: students can understand
air properties in order to use it for their own sake)
Language: students can ask and answer questions, cooperate with peers, understand and
processes different kind of input (audio, written, spoken, videos)

Unit Aims: The aim of this unit is to learn about air, its composition and
properties. It also aims to show pupils how they can prove that air
exists through a series of experiments. It underpins the importance of
air in our life and the significance of the issue of air pollution.
Students will discover the effects of air pollution both on a global and
local scale and will try to change the current situation through a
project. This unit also aims to develop students critical thinking skills
through challenging their existing knowledge, providing them with
tasks requiring the use of higher-order thinking skills as well as
constant, on-going discussions .

Unit Objectives : By the end of the unit students will be able to:
content Content: describe composition of air, describe air properties, provide
thinking reasons why we need air in our everyday life, conduct and/or
language describe experiments proving the existence of air, describe what is air
culture pollution and what are its consequences

Thinking: compare the composition of air people breathe in and out,

analyse a map with air quality markers, discuss a project from
different perspectives, reflect on their learning, summarise
knowledge, hypothesise, predict the outcome of the experiment,
brainstorm possible ideas or solutions, build on their background

Language: use vocabulary connected with air pollution, name air

elements, use vocabulary connected with hypothesising, use
structures expressing assumptions
Culture: describe situation in Poland when it comes to the quality of
air, name places in the world with the cleanest and most polluted air

Summary of the This unit concerns the topic of air. It comprises of eight lessons which
unit deal mostly with the proof that air exists through exploring its
properties and the issue of air pollution. Each lesson builds on
students background knowledge on the topic and aims to build their
understanding in both their L1 and L2. Lessons are supported with a
series of experiments carried out in the classroom by the teacher
with students support when possible. Throughout the lessons, there
is heavy emphasis on teaching critical thinking skills through various
strategies (not all of which are explicitly stated in the lesson plans).
The unit is concluded with a project, summary of gained knowledge
and self-assessment combined with reflection.

Unit Materials pictures, graphic representations, word flashcards (labels), learning

and Resources: journal log, realia needed for the experiments (transparent bowl,
water, glass, jars, tissue, balloons, lighter, candles, straw, ruler, plastic
bottle, plastic bottle cut in half, piece of paper), KWL chart, empty pie
chart, PowerPoint presentations, digital pictures, digital maps, videos,
poster paper, self-assessment grids, Kahoot! quiz, computers

Instructional Building background knowledge, predicting, visualising,

Strategies: brainstorming, using graphic organizers (KWL chart), using learning
phases, providing scaffolding, addressing multiple intelligences,
eliciting information, self-assessment, elaboration of prior
knowledge, making inferences, cooperation (in pairs and in groups),
imagery, deduction

Unit Assessment: Students knowledge is assessed at the beginning of every lesson

through short recap of the most important things theyve learnt so
far as well as at the end of the unit through series of activities aiming
at synthesising the knowledge. Learners also get the chance to
evaluate their knowledge via self-assessment grid.
Unit Evaluation: This unit was designed as a part of action research exploring the
methods of teaching critical thinking strategies to young learners of
English. Thus, there is an emphasis on discussion, allowing students
to arrive at conclusions on their own, hypothesising, making their
thinking explicit and other activities involving higher-order thinking.
For this reason, a LOT of time is devoted to discussions and there is
not much place for writing tasks. The literacy skills, however, are
being worked on in terms of interpretation of graphic information
(charts, maps, graphic representation of an experiment). Theres no
time devoted to working on purely linguistic aspects, but theres
reinforcement of already acquired structures expressing ones
assumptions, hypotheses and expectations. Also, frequent
interactions between the teacher and students aim not only at
assessing the content but also at correctness of the output.
The content of this unit goes beyond of what is presented in the
national curriculum, but is in line with attainment targets of the
Primary Years Programme.

Summary of Lessons
Lesson 1: What is air? Air properties: smell, taste, colour
Lesson 2: Air properties: mass + occupying space
Lesson 3: Air properties: pressure + air can move
Lesson 4: Why do we need air?
Lesson 5: Air pollution - introduction
Lesson 6: Air pollution in our city
Lesson 7: Air pollution - what can we do? A project
Lesson 8: CLIL unit summary

Notes: Lessons 1 - 5 will be conducted in a PYP class. Lessons 1 and 2 as well as 3-4-5 will be
conducted in blocks (one after another).
T teacher
S(S) student(s)
Content-Thinking-Language Organization for TEYL CLIL Unit

Content Thinking Language (Intercultural

What language do they

need to work with the
Which tasks will I develop to What specialized
Relevant, academic, real- What are the cultural
encourage higher order vocabulary and phrases?
life, deep content implications of the
thinking? What kind of talk will
Content is the starting topic?
What are the language they engage in?
point for the planning What are the familiar
(communication) as well as Will I need to check out
What will I teach? cultural concepts?
the content implications? key grammatical
What will they learn? What are the
Which thinking skills will we coverage of a particular
What are my teaching unfamiliar cultural
concentrate on which are tense or feature e.g.
aims/objectives? concepts?
appropriate for the content? comparatives and
What language tasks and
classroom activities?

Language functions:
- informing
Levels of Thinking (Blooms):
- comparing
lower-order thinking skills: 1.
- analysing
- synthesising
2. comprehension
Topic: - asking questions
3. application
AIR - answering questions Cultural concepts
higher-order thinking skills:
- explaining - Air pollution is a
4. analysis
- making assumptions global problem.
5. synthesis
- exploring possible - We can check the
6. evaluation
reasons quality of air around
- hypothesising the world thanks to
Verbs: special stations.
Facts (nouns): recall, explain, describe, - Air tends to be
Air, oxygen, nitrogen, memorise, understand, more polluted in the
carbon dioxide, dust, define, locate, observe, cities.
water vapour, mass, remember, discuss, Key language structures: - Countries known
pressure, transparent, summarise, choose, illustrate, - I think that /In my for having the
space, vacuum, notice differences, predict, opinion biggest factories,
atmosphere, pollution, analyse, make assumptions, - It will/It would companies, etc. tend
pollutant, global warming, notice cause and effect, to be the most
greenhouse effect, acid group, make inferences, polluted (China,
rain, heart disease question, compare, create, India, etc.)
decide, interpret, etc. - In Poland the most
Big understandings Key vocabulary: polluted region is
(Students will Questions: air, oxygen, nitrogen, Silesia (lsk).
understand that): How can we prove that? carbon dioxide, mixture of
- Air is essential for people Why? gases, no smell, no taste,
to live not only because What is the reason behind ..? no colour (transparent),
we need oxygen. What will happen when? space, vacuum,
- Air pollution is a global atmosphere, pollution,
problem. pollutant, global warming,
- Air pollution has harmful, greenhouse effect, acid
long-term and short-term rain, heart disease

Essential Question (high

level thinking questions):
Modes of
- Can we run out of air?
- Are people the only
- presentational,
source of air pollution?
- interpersonal
- Can we prove that air
Targeted strategies:
- using background
knowledge of the world,
- making learning process
- justifying,
- explaining,
- hypothesising,
- sharing opinions/
thoughts/ predictions
CLIL Lesson Plan Template for TEYL
Date: 22nd May 2017
School: Monnet International School
Teacher: Karolina Owczarek (mentor teacher: Ewa Domaska)
Subject: Unit of inquiry (How the world works)

Lesson title What is air? Air properties: smell, taste, colour

Class length 45 min.

Class/ student 2nd grade, 14 students, L1 Polish, L2 English


Overall By the end of this lesson students will be able to discuss basic
properties of air (matter of state, colour, taste, smell), name air
components and represent them graphically using a pie chart, name
aims other components of air, such as dust, describe how the air we
breathe in and out is different.

Objectives content Topics: air basic properties (matter of state,

smell, taste, colour), air components, air we
breathe in and out

-air is a mixture of gases,
-its colourless, tasteless and transparent,
-its composed of nitrogen (78%), oxygen (21%)
and other gases (1%),
-there are other elements in air which we cant
-the air we breathe in and out is different.

New understandings:
Students will understand that:
- air is not only composed of oxygen but also
other gases and elements like dust or water
- the air we breathe in and out has different
composition (theres more carbon dioxide in the
air we breathe out)
language Content-obligatory language objectives
Learners will be able to:
name components of air, describe basic
properties of air.
Content-compatible language objectives
Learners will be able to: express their thoughts
and predictions.

Language functions: explaining, hypothesising,

sharing thoughts/opinions, asking questions
Key language structures: I think, In my
opinion, It will/would
Key vocabulary: gas, oxygen, nitrogen, carbon
dioxide, transparent

cognition Lower-order thinking skills: recalling,

memorising, understanding
Higher-order thinking skills: hypothesising,
making assumptions, drawing conclusions,

Building background knowledge, predicting, visualising,

brainstorming, using graphic organizers (KWL chart), using learning
phases, providing scaffolding, addressing multiple intelligences,
eliciting information, self-assessment, elaboration of prior
knowledge, making inferences, cooperation (in pairs and in groups),
using learning
imagery, deduction
modalities, using
scaffolding, etc.)
Describe briefly

It is vital to know what actually is the gas that surrounds us all the
Justification for
time and its components. Its also a part of national curriculum to get
to know airs properties and elements (oxygen, nitrogen and other
(why is it gases).
important to your
Feedback will be given immediately in a verbal form (praising the
Assessment for/
effort, appreciating active participation, etc.)
as learning

jar, KWL chart, PowerPoint presentation with necessary digital

pictures and charts, empty pie chart

Stages and Lesson procedure (describe the Justification for the activity
time activities and instructional (content, language, cognition,
strategies) culture)

Introduction Lead-in: T comes in with an Content: activation of background

3 min. empty jar and asks SS questions: knowledge about the world
Is there anything in the jar?
T might let SS take a closer look Language: activation of language
inside the jar and put their hands
inside. Cognition: sparking interest, making
T asks questions (Can you see SS curious about the lesson
anything? Maybe you can smell
something?, etc.) and elicits the
answer Air.

7 min. Building the background Content: activation of background

knowledge T and SS create a knowledge
mind-map on the blackboard
through brainstorming what they Language: activation of already
know about air. T challenges SS known vocabulary items
knowledge through asking
questions demanding Cognition: challenging SS existing
explanations or proof and puts assumptions
questions on the board.

In this part, Polish is allowed.

T provides SS with language
items, which are necessary
throughout the unit.

5 min. Organizing learning SS fill in a Content: summarising and

KWL chart (only the parts What I organizing already existing
know and What I want to knowledge
Language: reinforcement of
SS share their wonders with the necessary language items
Cognition: making SS knowledge
explicit, making learning process

Through Air components T asks SS Content: air is a mixture of different

whether air is one gas only or a gases
1 min mixture of gases. SS use their
background knowledge to make Cognition: use of background
assumptions. knowledge to infer new information
Arrival at conclusion: air is a
mixture of many gases

4 min. Names of air components -- T Language: learning the English

introduces names of air names of air components
components both in L1 and L2
using visual representations and Cognition: memorization
labels. Proper pronunciation is

6 min. Air proportions T shows an Content: SS find out that nitrogen is

empty pie chart and names of the biggest component of air,
gases (oxygen, nitrogen, other oxygen takes 21% and other gases
gases). SS vote on which gas takes are just 1% + interpretation of data
which share (comments on why visualised on a pie chart
they think so encouraged). T
takes tally on the board. Language: reinforcement of names
SS compare their assumptions of air components + reinforcement
with a filled chart and share their of superlatives and comparatives
opinions (What surprised you?,
Why it surprised you?). Cognition: challenging ones
assumptions, making thinking

4 min. Pie chart colouring SS fill in the Content: reinforcement of new

empty pie chart with necessary information
Language: reinforcement of new

3 min. Composition of air What else Content: SS learn what else is there
is there in air? SS are in the air (although often invisible):
encouraged to look around, look dust, pollen, water vapour
through the windows. T cues
information with additional Language: learning new vocabulary
questions (expected answers: (dust, pollen, water vapour)
water vapour, dust, pollen, Cognition: memorising, using
pollutants). background knowledge

10 min. Air we breathe in and out Is Content: learning that the air we
the air we breathe in and out the breathe in and out has different
same or different?. SS composition, the air we breathe out
hypothesise using their is richer in carbon dioxide
background knowledge. T
prepares the experiment: Cognition: hypothesising, making
Step 1. Light a candle and ask SS assumptions, drawing conclusions,
what will happen if the jar is put experimenting
on top of it.
Step 2. Show and recap why this Language: using structures expressing
probabilities and expectations
happened with additional
explanations that fire needs
Step 3. Ask SS what will happen if
I breathe out air into one of jars.
SS hypothesise whether there will
be any difference.
Step 4. T lights two candles and
breathes out air into one of the
jars (preferably using a straw). At
the same time puts jars on top of
candles. SS observe.
Step 4. T and SS draw conclusions.

Note: There is no summarising activity as lessons 1 and 2 are conducted in a

block with just a short break between them.
CLIL Lesson Plan Template for TEYL
Date: 22nd May 2017
School: Monnet International School
Teacher: Karolina Owczarek (mentor teacher: Ewa Domaska)
Subject: Unit of inquiry (How the world works)

Lesson title Air properties: mass + occupying space

Class length 45 min.

Class/ student 2nd grade, 14 students, L1 Polish, L2 English


By the end of this lesson students will be able to name air properties
(it has mass and occupies space) and prove it through an experiment.

Objectives content Topics: air properties

- air has mass,
- air occupies space.

New understandings:
Students will understand that:
- although we cant weight air and we cant feel
airs weight, air indeed has mass,
- despite we cant see it, we can prove that air
occupies space.

language Content-obligatory language objectives

Learners will be able to: name and describe
properties of air connected with mass and
Content-compatible language objectives
Learners will be able to: express assumptions
and hypotheses as well as provide explanations
behind their thinking.
Language functions: explaining, hypothesising,
sharing thoughts/opinions, asking questions
Key language structures: I think, In my
opinion, It will/would
Key vocabulary:
mass, occupying space

cognition Lower-order thinking skills: recalling,

memorising, understanding, describing
Higher-order thinking skills: hypothesising,
analysing, imagining, brainstorming, predicting
outcomes, drawing conclusions, formulating
concepts, summarising, analysing, assessing
information, creating, grouping, evaluating

Building background knowledge, predicting, visualising,

brainstorming, using learning phases, providing scaffolding, eliciting
information, elaboration of prior knowledge, making inferences,
cooperation (in pairs and in groups), imagery, deduction,
summarising information
using learning
modalities, using
scaffolding, etc.)
Describe briefly

It is vital for students to be aware that air has mass and occupies
Justification for
space as these properties are not visible and easily measured. This
lesson provides easily replicable experiments proving that air
(why is it possesses these properties.
important to your

Feedback will be given immediately in a verbal form (praising the

Assessment for/
effort, appreciating active participation, etc.)
as learning

realia needed for the experiment (balloons, ruler, plastic bottle,

plastic bottle cut in a half), poster paper
Stages and Lesson procedure (describe the Justification for the activity
time activities and instructional (content, language, cognition,
strategies) culture)

Introduction Revision -- Short summary of all Content: activation of knowledge

the things SS learnt during last gained during last classes
2 min. lesson through elicitation (air has
no colour [is transparent], no Cognition: recalling of information
smell and no taste, is a mixture of
gases: oxygen, nitrogen and Language: reinforcement of
other, there are also dust, pollen vocabulary connected with air
and water vapour in it, the air we properties and its components
breathe in and out is different)

3 min. Air properties T adds two new Cognition: hypothesising, analysing,

questions to the mind-map on the imagining, brainstorming
blackboard: Can air have mass?,
Can air occupy space?. Language: SS express their opinions
Brainstorming. and thoughts using specific
vocabulary and structures (e.g. I
think that)

Through Experiment no.1 -- T represents Content: proof that air has mass
on the blackboard (drawing) what
7 min. will be done and asks SS about Cognition: hypothesising, analysing,
their hypotheses. imagining, predicting outcomes,
Step 1 . T blows two balloons (the drawing conclusions, formulating
same size) and attaches them to concepts
both ends of a long ruler.
Step 2. T puts the middles of the Language: SS express their opinions
ruler on her finger. SS observe. and thoughts using specific
Step 3. T and SS hypothesise what vocabulary and structures (e.g. I
will happen when one balloon is think that/It will)
taken off.
Step 4. T takes off one balloon, SS
Step 5. SS draw conclusions about
air mass.

15 min. Experiment no. 2 Content: proof that air occupies

Step 1. T puts a balloon (flat) space
inside the bottle so that she could
blow it by blowing air to the Cognition: hypothesising, analysing,
bottle. T asks SS whether the imagining, predicting outcomes,
balloon can be fully blown or not.
SS hypothesise what will happen. drawing conclusions, formulating
Step 2. T tries to blow the concepts
Step 3. SS try to blow the balloon. Language: SS express their opinions
Step 4. SS and T draw conclusions and thoughts using specific
about air occupying space in the vocabulary and structures (e.g. I
bottle. think that/It will)
Step 5. T puts a balloon (flat)
inside the bottle which is cut in a
half. SS hypothesise whether the
balloon can be blown now.
Step 6. SS try to blow the balloon.
Step 7. SS draw conclusions.

Expansion Running Quiz -- T and SS go to Content: reinforcement of

the back of the classroom. SS knowledge connected with air
5 min. stand in the middle. One side of properties
the room represents Yes, its
true., the other No, its false. T Language: reinforcement of
reads sentences and SS run to the vocabulary connected with air
correct side of the room. The last properties
or mistaken person sits down and
works as an expert (tells who was Cognition: summarising, analysing,
wrong or the slowest). assessing information

13 min. Poster SS are divided into 3 Content: summarising acquired

groups. Each group gets a piece of knowledge
paper on which they need to
make their own mind-map Cognition: recalling, summarising,
representing everything theyve representing, creating, evaluating
learnt about air in two lessons. (choosing the most important
information), grouping

Language: reinforcement of
vocabulary connected with air
CLIL Lesson Plan Template for TEYL
Date: 22nd May 2017
School: Monnet International School
Teacher: Karolina Owczarek (mentor teacher: Ewa Domaska)
Subject: Unit of inquiry (How the world works)

Air properties: pressure + air can move

Lesson title

Class length 45 min.

Class/ student 2nd grade, 14 students, L1 Polish, L2 English


By the end of this lesson students will be able to name air properties
(it puts pressure and can move), prove it through an experiment,
explain what is pressure and how the differences in its pressure make
aims wind.

Objectives content Topics: air properties

- air has mass and hence puts pressure,
- air can move (wind),
- wind is created through differences in air
- we can see and feel air when it moves (wind)

New understandings:
Students will understand that:
- although we cant weight air it has mass,
- air can move and this movement is perceived
as wind.

language Content-obligatory language objectives

Learners will be able to: name and describe air
Content-compatible language objectives
Learners will be able to: describe the
experiments, justify their thinking.
Language functions: explaining, hypothesising,
sharing thoughts/opinions, asking questions
Key language structures: I think, In my
opinion, It will/would
Key vocabulary: pressure

cognition Lower-order thinking skills: recalling,

memorising, understanding, explaining
Higher-order thinking skills: hypothesising,
experimenting, discovering, synthesising, making
inferences, discussing, exploring possibilities,
drawing conclusions, deciding, prioritizing,
grouping, self-reflecting, evaluating

Building background knowledge, predicting, visualising,

brainstorming, using graphic organizers (KWL chart), using learning
phases, providing scaffolding, addressing multiple intelligences,
eliciting information, self-assessment, elaboration of prior
knowledge, making inferences, cooperation (in pairs and in groups),
using learning
imagery, deduction
modalities, using
scaffolding, etc.)
Describe briefly

It is vital for students to be aware that air puts pressure as this

Justification for
property is not visible and easily measured. Especially, that air
pressure might be useful while interpreting weather forecasts. Also, it
(why is it is essential to know that we can actually feel and see air as a wind.
important to your This lesson provides easily replicable experiments proving that air
students) possesses these properties.

Feedback will be given immediately in a verbal form (praising the

Assessment for/
effort, appreciating active participation, etc.)
as learning

Learning journal log, video, realia needed for the experiments (piece
of paper, glass container, water, jar, tissue), poster paper, poem Who
materials has seen the wind by Christina Rosetti
Stages and Lesson procedure (describe the Justification for the activity
time activities and instructional (content, language, cognition,
strategies) culture)

Intro Revision of knowledge group Content: activation of knowledge,

3 min brainstorming, putting ideas into summarising
mind-map on the blackboard Language: reinforcement of
(additional scaffolding through vocabulary items connected with air
cueing meaning, elicitation Thinking: recalling, memorising,
through questioning) grouping, choosing the most
important facts

2 min Building on background Content: activation of background

knowledge What is PRESSURE? knowledge about the world
(Building on knowledge in L1, Language: defining pressure
facilitating it into L2) Group Thinking: recalling

Practice Experiment no.1 proof that air Content: proof that air puts pressure
15 min puts pressure
Stage 1: T demonstrates what is Cognition: hypothesising,
going to be done, SS predict what experimenting, discovering,
will happen synthesising already acquired
Stage 2: T notes down possible knowledge and making inferences
effects on the board and takes (air has mass = it puts pressure),
tally discussing, exploring possibilities
Stage 3: T with help of a volunteer
carries out the experiment Language: SS express their opinions
(Procedure: Pour water into a and thoughts using specific
glass container. Put a tissue in a vocabulary and structures (e.g. I
smaller glass container (e.g. jar). think that/It will)
Put the jar into the small
container perpendicularly. Take
out the jar. Is the tissue wet or
dry? Why?)
Stage 4: Draw conclusions (air
occupies space and so puts

4 min Experiment no.2 proof that air Content: proof that air puts pressure
puts pressure
Stage 1: T hypothesises out loud: Cognition: hypothesising,
What will happen when I put a experimenting, discovering,
piece of paper on my belly? What synthesising already acquired
will happen if I walk very fast? knowledge and making inferences
Stage 2: Brainstorming. (air has mass = it puts pressure),
Stage 3: T demonstrates, SS try on discussing, exploring possibilities
their own
Stage 4: Drawing conclusions. Language: SS express their opinions
and thoughts using specific
vocabulary and structures (e.g. I
think that/It will)

Intro pt.2 Poem read aloud T reads the Content: moving air makes wind
3 min poem (one word is partially Cognition: making inferences on the
covered), SS can look at the text basis of the text
displayed at the board. Language: expressing opinions
SS in pairs decide what the poem
is about.

3 min Discussion about the text: Content: ways of seeing/feeling that

--How can we see wind? air exists
--How can we see air? Cognition: making inferences on the
basis of the text

Practice How the wind is made Video Content: wind is made through
5 min ( differences in air pressure
and discussion (making sense of Cognition: drawing conclusions,
the video together with SS) explaining, using already existing
knowledge to make inferences,

Expansion Expanding the poster -- Filling in Content: summarising the

5 min the posters with new information. knowledge
Afterwards, each group decides Cognition: synthesising, evaluating,
on two aspects which were the grouping, deciding, prioritizing
most interesting for them and
presents their opinions.

5 min Self-reflection Filling in the Cognition: self-reflection, evaluating

learning journal: What interesting ones knowledge, recognizing lacks
thing Ive learnt today?/What I of understanding or puzzling
still dont understand?/What I questions
want to know?
CLIL Lesson Plan Template for TEYL
Date: 22nd May 2017
School: Monnet International School
Teacher: Karolina Owczarek (mentor teacher: Ewa Domaska)
Subject: Unit of inquiry (How the world works)

Lesson title Why do we need air?

Class length 45 min.

Class/ student 2nd grade, 14 students, L1 Polish, L2 English


By the end of this lesson students will be able to explain why we need
air in our life (humans and animals need it to breathe/live, plants
need it to grow, air is needed to transmit sound and light as well as to
aims regulate the temperature).

Objectives content Topics: the importance of air in our life

- humans and animals need air to breathe
- plants need air to grow,
- air is needed to transmit sound,
- air is needed to transmit light,
- atmosphere helps to regulate body

New understandings:
Students will understand that:
- without air we wouldnt hear anything
(because air is the medium for sound),
- without air we wouldnt see anything (because
air is the medium for light).
language Content-obligatory language objectives
Learners will be able to:
describe why air is important in our life
Content-compatible language objectives
Learners will be able to:
explain the rationale behind their thinking,
express their assumptions

Language functions: explaining, hypothesising,

sharing thoughts/opinions, asking questions
Key language structures: I think, In my
opinion, It will/would
Key vocabulary: transmitting sound, transmitting
light, regulation of body temperature

cognition Lower-order thinking skills: recalling,

memorising, understanding, explaining,
Higher-order thinking skills: discussing,
brainstorming, hypothesising, summarising,

culture Unfamiliar concepts:

- Antarctica is at risk because of the global
warming which is one of the effects of air

Building background knowledge, predicting, visualising,

brainstorming, using learning phases, providing scaffolding,
addressing diverse learning styles, eliciting information, elaboration
of prior knowledge, making inferences, cooperation (in pairs),
using learning
modalities, using
scaffolding, etc.)
Describe briefly
It is within Polish national curriculum to learn about the reasons why
Justification for
air is essential in our life. It is also an important basis for the next
lesson, which tackles the issue of air pollution (it build an important
(why is it background). Raising awareness of the importance of air in peoples
important to your life might influence SS thinking about the importance of the issue of
students) air pollution.

Feedback will be given immediately in a verbal form (praising the

Assessment for/
effort, appreciating active participation, etc.)
as learning

balloon, board, projector, paper


Stages and Lesson procedure (describe the Justification for the activity
time activities and instructional (content, language, cognition,
strategies) culture)

Intro Energizer: SS bump a balloon to This tasks aims at allowing SS to

3 min each other. Every person to get move around in order to energize
the balloon has 5 seconds to say a them (especially that most of the
word connected with air. following activities will be seated).

Practice Why do we need air? Content: exploring the reasons why

25 min Brainstorming in pairs, then as a air is essential for our functioning
whole class. Ideas are put in a form
of a mind-map on the board. Cognition: discussing, explaining,
describing, brainstorming, recalling,
a) to live (breathing) humans & making thinking explicit, making
animals OXYGEN sense of big numbers, hypothesising,
b) to grow plants CO2
How much oxygen produces one Language: reinforcement of specific
tree? guess how much vocabulary (transmitting sound,
(voting); depends on the transmitting light, regulation of body
species of the tree, its age, health temperature)
and surrounding; mature leafy
tree in season produces oxygen
for 10 people for a year, on
average produces 260 pounds
(118 kg) oxygen a year

c) transmitting sound
?v=a7EP6Om99qc (till 1:30)
knowledge recap after

d) transmitting light (air is


e) keeping the temperature

(atmosphere) CO2 drawing on
the board to explain

Expansion Peer tutoring One S pretends Content & Cognition: summarising

8 min to be an alien, the other an the knowledge, convincing
expert. Try to convince your Language: asking questions
partner that we need air. Aliens
task is to ask questions. Role
change after 2-3 minutes.

9 min Fast art task: Imagine a world Cognition: creating, imagining,

without air, draw a picture. envisioning, synthesising, visualising
Presentation of the drawings with
additional explanations as to SS
CLIL Lesson Plan Template for TEYL
Date: 22nd May 2017
School: Monnet International School
Teacher: Karolina Owczarek (mentor teacher: Ewa Domaska)
Subject: Unit of inquiry (How the world works)

Lesson title Air pollution - introduction

Class length 45 min.

Class/ student 2nd grade, 14 students, L1 Polish, L2 English


Overall By the end of this lesson students will be able to explain what is air
pollution, name causes and effects of it, name two natural pollutants,
explain what will happen when we cut out all the trees, interpret the
aims data displayed by a map of air pollution.

Objectives content Topics: air pollution, natural pollutants, causes

and effects of air pollution

- air pollution occurs when fumes, dust and
gases are introduced into the atmosphere and
bring harm to people and the world,
- factories, cars and mines are the main
producers of air pollution,
- there are natural pollutants (volcanoes, forest
- air pollution affects negatively people and the
world (diseases, acid rain, global warming,
abnormal growth of algae)
- we cant run out of air generally, but we can
pollute it to the extent its not survivable

New understandings:
Students will understand that:
- air pollution is an important issue on a global
- not only humans are responsible for this
phenomenon (but we are the major reason).
language Content-obligatory language objectives
Learners will be able to: explain what is air
pollution and name few of its consequences.
Content-compatible language objectives
Learners will be able to: share their
opinions/thoughts, hypothesise.

Language functions: explaining, hypothesising,

sharing thoughts/opinions, asking questions
Key language structures: I think, In my
opinion, It will/would
Key vocabulary: air pollution, to pollute,
pollutant, fumes, dust, heart disease, global
warming, greenhouse effect, acid rain, growth of

cognition Lower-order thinking skills: recalling,

memorising, understanding, explaining
Higher-order thinking skills: comparing,
analysing, interpreting, hypothesising, deciding,
evaluating, analysing, classifying, synthesising,
drawing conclusions, summarising

culture Unfamiliar concepts:

- The quality of air around the world differs.
- The most polluted areas are those where are
many manufactures, mines, factories, etc.
(usually cities).
- The most polluted countries (at the time of
checking) are China, India and Mexico.

Building background knowledge, predicting, visualising,

brainstorming, using learning phases, providing scaffolding,
addressing multiple intelligences, eliciting information, elaboration of
prior knowledge, making inferences, cooperation (in pairs and in
groups), imagery, deduction
using learning
modalities, using
scaffolding, etc.)
Describe briefly
It is vital to understand and recognize air pollution as a global issue
Justification for
that can be treated also locally. Having in mind recent situation in
Warsaw, it is vital for SS to know what are the causes and effects of
(why is it given situation. This lesson will deepen SS understanding of the issue
important to your and make the aware of the situation on the global scale.

Feedback will be given immediately in a verbal form (praising the

Assessment for/
effort, appreciating active participation, etc.). Learners knowledge
as learning
will be assessed through a fun activity at the end demanding from
them to decide whether the sentence is true or false.

PowerPoint presentation with necessary pictures, videos, digital map,


Stages and Lesson procedure (describe the Justification for the activity
time activities and instructional (content, language, cognition,
strategies) culture)

Introduction Lead-in: T shows pictures of air Content: activation of background

pollution, SS guess the topic of knowledge
2 min. the lesson. Language: learning the word
SS learn the word pollution and pollution and to pollute
to pollute (T reinforces correct Cognition: understanding

3 min. Air pollution definition SS Content: air pollution explanation

discuss in pairs what they think is Cognition: understanding,
air pollution and present their comparing, explaining
ideas. The confront their ideas Language: giving explanations
with official definition. T provides
additional explanations.

Through Air pollution in the world T Content: recognizing areas of the

shows the digital map displaying most polluted air and the cleanest
5 min. real-time air pollution markers in air in the world
the world
( Cognition: analysing, interpreting
SS interpret the data: Where air is the data on the map, hypothesising
the cleanest? Where air is the
most polluted? Language: making assumptions
Hypothesising about the reasons
(elicitation of potential causes of
air pollution).

10 min. Natural air pollutants T asks an Content: learning about natural air
essential question: Will the air pollutants in the world
be absolutely clear if we, people,
stop polluting it? Language: explaining, naming
SS make assumptions and explain natural pollutants
their thinking.
T shows the video: Cognition: explaining, making inferences on the basis of video
(0:50 1:16). SS say what natural
air pollutants there are.

15 min. Effects of air pollution T Content: learning about effects of air

displays the pictures and asks SS pollution on people and the world
whether this can be an effect of
air pollution. Additional Language: learning English names of
explanations provided when the most important consequences
needed. (heart disease, global warming,
a) heart & lung diseases greenhouse effect, acid rain, growth
b) global warming & greenhouse of algae)
effect (additional explanation
with the use of drawing on the Cognition: deciding, evaluating,
board) + analysing, classifying, remembering, understanding
c) volcano eruptions (false)
d) acid rain (elicitation of water
cycle process + additional cues for
SS to arrive at what is acid rain)
e) earthquakes (false)
f) algae growth (eutrophication)

Expansion Can we run out of air? Content: learning about sources of

SS and T discuss what produces oxygen
5 min. oxygen (plants, marine plants,
ocean). Cognition: synthesising knowledge,
SS hypothesise what will happen hypothesising, drawing conclusions
when we get rid of all the plants
(taking all the acquired Language: expressing assumptions
knowledge into consideration). and hypotheses
5 min. True/False statements T reads Content & Cognition: summarising
sentence and SS decide whether acquired knowledge
its true or false. They jump for
true and sit on the floor for Language: reinforcement of new
false. language vocabulary items
CLIL Lesson Plan Template for TEYL
Date: 22nd May 2017
School: Monnet International School
Teacher: Karolina Owczarek (mentor teacher: Ewa Domaska)
Subject: Unit of inquiry (How the world works)

Lesson title Air pollution in our city

Class length 45 min.

Class/ student 2nd grade, 14 students, L1 Polish, L2 English


Overall By the end of this lesson students will be able to describe the
situation connected with air pollution in Warsaw and point out to
probable reasons behind it.

Objectives content Topics: quality of air in our city and its probable

- the quality of air changes, its not a static thing,
- Warsaw is a big city with a lot of cars that are
one of the reasons for the bad air quality,
- we can check air quality with the dust counter.

New understandings:
Students will understand that:
not only factories and manufactories chimneys
are responsible for the bad air quality, but so are
people (too many cars).

language Content-obligatory language objectives

Learners will be able to: describe situation in
Warsaw when it comes to air pollution and point
to probable causes.
Content-compatible language objectives
Learners will be able to: share their opinion and
thoughts, hypothesise, formulate a conclusion.
Language functions: explaining, hypothesising,
sharing thoughts/opinions, asking questions
Key language structures: I think, In my
opinion, It will/would
Key vocabulary: air pollution, to pollute, dust
counter, quality

cognition Lower-order thinking skills: recalling,

memorising, understanding
Higher-order thinking skills: comparing,
interpreting data, making inferences,
hypothesising, grouping, analysing, synthesising
knowledge, drawing conclusions

culture Familiar concepts used in a new way:

air pollution is a serious issue in Warsaw.
Unfamiliar concepts:
too many cars might be one of the reasons of
critical situation regarding air quality in Warsaw.

Building background knowledge, predicting, visualising,

brainstorming, using learning phases, providing scaffolding, eliciting
information, elaboration of prior knowledge, making inferences,
cooperation (in pairs and in groups), imagery, deduction
using learning
modalities, using
scaffolding, etc.)
Describe briefly

This lesson is vital for SS as it discusses the issue of air pollution with
Justification for
the special regard to situation in Warsaw.
(why is it
important to your

Feedback will be given immediately in a verbal form (praising the

Assessment for/
effort, appreciating active participation, etc.). Learners knowledge
as learning
will be assessed through an on-going discussion of the topic.
digital map, projector, paper

Stages and Lesson procedure (describe the Justification for the activity
time activities and instructional (content, language, cognition,
strategies) culture)

Introduction Discussion -- What is the quality Content: activation of background

of air in Warsaw? SS and T discuss knowledge
2 min. what was happening recently in Language: activation of language
Warsaw. Cognition: recalling information,
noticing causes and effects

Through Air pollution in Poland T shows Content: learning about the situation
a digital map displaying real-time in Warsaw
5 min. air pollution
( Cognition: interpreting the data
SS interpret the data on the map: from maps, making inferences,
How clean is the air in Warsaw? hypothesising
Where the air is the cleanest?
Where the air is the dirtiest? Why
is it this way?

25 min. Cars as main sources of air Content: checking if cars might

(including pollution T (preferably with constitute the reason for the current
walking to and help of a Teacher Assistant) takes situation in Warsaw
from the SS out to the nearby road (theyre
location) seated in a safe distance). SS try Cognition: grouping, classifying
to record over a certain period of
time how many cars have passed
them and how many of them had
only 1 person inside. Also, SS note
how many cyclists have passed

5 min. Representing data SS represent Content: creating bar graphs on the

graphically in a form of a bar basis of gathered information
graph their findings considering
cars in total vs cars with only 1 Cognition: comparing, analysing
passenger and cars vs bikes.
Expansion Conclusions -- Drawing Cognition: drawing conclusions,
5 min. conclusions about the situation in making inferences, synthesising
Warsaw and its possible causes. knowledge
CLIL Lesson Plan Template for TEYL
Date: 22nd May 2017
School: Monnet International School
Teacher: Karolina Owczarek (mentor teacher: Ewa Domaska)
Subject: Unit of inquiry (How the world works)

Lesson title Air pollution: what can WE do? Project.

Class length 45 min.

Class/ student 2nd grade, 14 students, L1 Polish, L2 English


By the end of this lesson students will be able to propose a way of

fighting or preventing air pollution in their city through a project.

Objectives content Topics: air pollution around us, fighting and

preventing air pollution

- effects of air pollution might be limited
through certain actions,

New understandings:
Students will understand that:
they can influence the situation in Warsaw
through small actions and spreading the
knowledge about air pollution

language Content-obligatory language objectives

Learners will be able to:
name ideas connected with air pollution
prevention and express their opinion.
Content-compatible language objectives
Learners will be able to:
participate in a discussion.
Language functions: explaining, hypothesising,
sharing thoughts/opinions, asking questions
Key language structures: I think, In my
opinion, It will/would
Key vocabulary: to prevent, clean energy

cognition Lower-order thinking skills: recalling,

memorising, understanding
Higher-order thinking skills: brainstorming,
analysing, evaluating, deciding, creating, using
background information

Building background knowledge, predicting, visualising,

brainstorming, using learning phases, providing scaffolding, eliciting
information, elaboration of prior knowledge, making inferences,
cooperation (in pairs and in groups), imagery, deduction
using learning
modalities, using
scaffolding, etc.)
Describe briefly

Its important to know what can we do to fight air pollution in order

Justification for
to improve situation in our city and prevent its harmful effects.
(why is it
important to your

Feedback will be given immediately in a verbal form (praising the

Assessment for/
effort, appreciating active participation, etc.). Students knowledge
as learning
will be assessed through discussion and presentation of the project.

arts & crafts materials of different kind, paper hats (yellow, green,
black, red, white, blue)
Stages and Lesson procedure (describe the Justification for the activity
time activities and instructional (content, language, cognition,
strategies) culture)

Introduction Brainstorming -- SS and T Content: exploring the ideas helping

together come up with as many to fight the air pollution
4 min. ideas as possible how to
fight/prevent air pollution in Cognition: brainstorming, analysing
Crucial question: What can WE
T should elicit answers (beside SS
own ideas): use public transport
instead of a car, ride a bike, use
clean energy, make others aware
of the problem, make others
aware of ways of changing the
situation, dont use fireworks,
dont use freons (deodorants)

5 min. Pyramid discussion SS Language: practicing language

individually pick 5 ideas they like needed for discussions
the best, in pairs decide on 3, in
groups decide on 1. Between Cognition: recalling, using
each formation of new groups, SS background information, evaluation,
are asked about their choices. deciding

Through Project -- SS in groups create a Content: representing ideas

project (form is up to them: can concerning fighting air pollution
20 min. be a poster, a plan of a new
device, a plan of action, and Cognition: creating, visualising,
advertisement, etc.) deciding
T monitors the group, makes sure
that everybody is on the task,
checks if everybody is involved
and has their share of work.

Expansion Evaluation of the project -- Cognition: evaluation, shifting of

T explains how the method of Six perspectives, making thinking
10 min. Thinking Hats works (displays the explicit
rules on the board). SS draw a
picture of a hat from the bag. Language: sharing thoughts,
Each of them has 1-2 minutes to opinions and feelings
express their
according with the hat about their
2 min. Adjustment -- SS have additional
time to adjust their project after
the discussion.

4 min. Presentation SS present their Cognition: synthesising, explaining,

idea, how they believe it will describing
change the situation. Other SS are
free to ask questions. The
projects are put on a display in
the classroom.
CLIL Lesson Plan Template for TEYL
Date: 22nd May 2017
School: Monnet International School
Teacher: Karolina Owczarek (mentor teacher: Ewa Domaska)
Subject: Unit of inquiry (How the world works)

Lesson title Summary of the unit

Class length 45 min.

Class/ student 2nd grade, 14 students, L1 Polish, L2 English


By the end of this lesson students will be able to describe what they
have learnt throughout the whole unit, summarise their learning
experience, recognize the areas in which they lack understanding.

Objectives content Topics:

- properties of air,
- air components,
- air pollution, its causes and effects,
- reasons why we need air,

- air is transparent, has no smell or no taste, has
mass, occupies space, puts pressure, can move
and thus creates wind,
- air components are nitrogen, oxygen and other
- air components are also dust, pollen and water
- wind is made when masses of air with different
pressures meet,
- humans and animals need oxygen to
live/breathe, plants need carbon dioxide to
grow, air is a medium for transmitting the sound
and light, atmosphere helps us regulate body
- air pollution occurs when harmful gases, dust
and fumes are introduced to the atmosphere
and affect negatively humans and the
- the causes of air pollution are usually factories
chimneys, cars and mines,
- there are natural air pollutants like volcanoes
or fire forests,
- the effects of air pollution are i.a. heart and
lung diseases, global warming, greenhouse
effect, acid rain, growth of algae,
- air pollution is a global issue which can be
fought against.

language Content-obligatory language objectives

Learners will be able to: recognize, understand
and use language items connected with the unit.
Content-compatible language objectives
Learners will be able to: express what theyve
learnt using correct grammar structures.

Language functions: explaining, hypothesising,

sharing thoughts/opinions, asking questions
Key language structures: I think, In my
opinion, It will/would
Key vocabulary: air, transparent, occupying
space, mass, pressure, oxygen, nitrogen, carbon
dioxide, transmitting, pollution, to pollute

cognition Lower-order thinking skills: recalling,

memorising, understanding
Higher-order thinking skills: synthesising,
summarising, evaluating, choosing, analysing,
deciding, assessing

Using learning phases (preview, focused learning, expansion), using

scaffolding (verbal and non-verbal), using advanced organizers to
manage learning process
using learning
modalities, using
scaffolding, etc.)
Describe briefly
This lesson is important as it summarises all the knowledge gathered
Justification for
throughout the unit. It helps students to synthesise and arrange all
the gathered information, check their understanding and self-
(why is it evaluate acquired skills. It also serves as a repetition of the most
important to your important aspects discussed throughout the 7 lessons.

Feedback will be given immediately in a verbal form (praising the

Assessment for/
effort, appreciating active participation, etc.). Students get the
as learning
chance to self-evaluate themselves and their knowledge. All of the
presented tasks aim at assessing if pupils acquired new content.

Self-assessment grid, KWL chart (from lesson 1), Kahoot! game,


Stages and Lesson procedure (describe the Justification for the activity
time activities and instructional (content, language, cognition,
strategies) culture)

Introduction Energizer SS join their hands Cognition enhancing problem-

according to Ts instructions (so solving thinking, getting students
3 min. that they are entangled). Their energized and ready for cognitively
task is to disentangle themselves challenging tasks
without letting go of other
peoples hand under 3 minutes.

Focused Kahoot! quiz (done in the Content revising all the knowledge
learning computer room) SS work in pairs acquired throughout the unit
or individually and log in to the Cognition analysing, deciding,
32 min. Kahoot! quiz. T manages and recalling
(including time monitors SS work. After each Language: reinforcement of
for technical question, the answers are language items learnt throughout
issues) discussed with the whole class. the unit

Expansion Advanced organizer -- SS fill in Content: summarising the

the last column in their KWL knowledge, making it explicit
5 min. charts: What Ive learnt. They Cognition: synthesising, evaluating
share their findings. ones knowledge
(They are encouraged to answer Language: reinforcement of
the questions theyve posed in language items learnt throughout
the I want to know column). the unit

5 min. Self-evaluation SS fill in a chart Content: summarising the

evaluating the unit, the knowledge
knowledge they acquired as well Cognition: evaluation of ones
as themselves. knowledge in the topic, assessing
the learning process, making the
learning process explicit

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