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(Social News)

iix%nu (social News) h i i ~ d ~ ~ m K u f i i l n 3 3 uqc i idi ~ f i m r Y u ~ n nqa k ~

(Dignitaries) ~ ? o ~ i l u d ~ < n n i i ~ u ? i ~ u a(Celebrities)
~g~nu maaaauii~d~6mrYu~
n i r & k - n t n n i h u l ~oarRon3ruiir q luknudds:aiauk2ld~u'bo k t u i i - r r i ~ n u i ~
~ i l u i i 2 d" L L ~ (inform)
J" ~ ~ 3 ~ ~ i ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

lfina:~r$u m r m i d t m d ~ dd~a ' b ~ d r : T i a u n n ~ ~ m i u ~ i l u ~ d u a ~riraldH ~nna~~u

lisniruataaiud~~afionnubq r i i ~ r i ~ n u n ~ a u n ~ u i 1 2 ~ i 0 2 r ~ ~ f i ~ ~ ~ ( i l ~ ~ a : ~ m ~ i u
(Opening and ,Closing ceremonies) fi~lnrr~L~mg2a~R"i'bMi (Launching a new product
or campaign) ni3wudtriJmr6 (get together) ~iu?UM~iimua~nug~q '(A socialite's
birthday) ~ i ~ ~ Y d : d l l n i l d M ? ~ T l or tea party) JIWLRLIJ&U?U (Welcome party)
~ l u ~ n ~ ~ (Farewell
d l n l Party) ~ i u w ~ d : u a ~(Class ~ u meeting) J I ~ Q A ~ J ~ ~ L I ~ ~ U ~ ?
(Anniversaries) JlManaJ (Celebrations) J I M L L N ~ J ~ M (Expositions)~I Jlu$n33Fln13
(Exhibitions) Jlunl3?Fln (Charity fair) J I U I I - I R W L ~ ~ ~ I (Charities ~RR and fund
raising) R D U L ~(Concerts)
? ~ F I n136%y (Invitations) k.Juu1 (Scminass) L L ( ~ ~ J J(Wedding)
JluMxfu (Engagement) J I W I R [ ~ J ~ ~ U ?(Receptions)
i i ~ r i ~ n u ~ ~ m n s i l ~ a la(n i 2i ~dr:nir?ia
iu~ 'iaini.rdauii2~~nuu"n~~e,nciii~
oinni.rliouii2iuq lwai~uanoino:~iluni3riu~iuu'a~n"oo^r~b~k2 ~lduuais~am~~n3n
n 2 1 u ~ ~ l r ; i u e i 2 ~ ~ 2 ~ u ' i ~ d ~ u i l ~ r i u~~1~6lmndl~~nd3:ni3~il,~ua~i12t~nu?ia
i i ~ k n u a : l ~ d a i n g l u m i i ~q~ rvna ~ ~ t 3 a l u mw n' d ~ i n g a { ~ u ~ l i iqn ariraa{lu
nciunm disonii supplementary r i r a u ~ r u i u F i ? u m w u a : ~ n ~ ~ i n ~ i ~ u K ~ ] ~ ] n n ~ i u d
Prunii feature ~~tl:~Zinsji~'buunciia~d
~nuo:urr~liu~CnZUni3~Quuii~~~nu G ~ ? ~ L ~ I J ~ I~~ ~ JmU~J oF I~Ui i 2LLB:ri~nu

1. ~ a ' n ' l w n i r r i t l w u ' i a ~ ~ ~ ~ u

rPI .
I -a PI
2 a n u u i l 2 i J n u u m n ~ 1 J o 1 n 2 a L 2 1 u M i 1 2 k 2a! ~
(Headlines) u n J i
d d U d
i i 2 (Leads) llt3:~2~17 ( ~ o d y )udii~~~nudr:nauZi2u
~ a ~ 3 a ~ v n ~ r a ~ u(Titles)
~~n:m.1n:~6umua~ii2 (Detail)
I .
n. d o ~ iili~dounnlK$diunnui~~iludo~~~u~Culn~
a o ~ 3 o ~ ~ i o $ 2(Titles)
drl a"niaolJ.r:lunn"l6 udlin2.rui2ou~RulolJolJnG~ilu2nn~nulon7iu;~~um
~ udGu m m ~ u
- Health training for the public
- All about mushrooms
- Getting together over coffee
- Camps for children
- Krathong-making contest
- Guide training course
- Architectural drawing exhibit
- UN-Canon photography contest
- An evening of dining and music
- Society marks anniversary
u. ~ i u n : ~ t i u ~ u (Detail)
a ~ i i ~o~FiaolnL3o~
t: J
(WholWhat) L R ~ D : ~ ~ M ~ ~ Q : L E ~ ~ : I ~ $L&uS! (When)
(Where) O ~ I J ~ S (HOW) d l l u (Why) L L R : ~ ~ ~ ~ L I $ Luualou
! anwniud~"ra~ua~n3~wn'
n. niw1lui12~T~nu
u i ~ n ~ ~ n i o i ~ ?(Lifeliness)
n i 7 1 d~o:~iil<$iiu~nl6n"u$ii
I '
L U U ~
au 7 rdu i i 7 a i a ~ i n ii-~qu>~~cij
J. -im~oulmu~awi:ni~6u~n"
ii~knun~.ririun:~tiumn~un"7u ~bu
I Ju,
~ I S L L R ~
J .n:nisolJ.r:au ~wan~aiuo:!~~nd~n6a~lunia
fn~:?um i o
u ? n i s ! ' o d i ~ ~u'oynd4i~ilulurli7olJ3:~nn~~l6~~ri
~ &ynnn ~ n i u dn n i n n i

n. World Exhibition of Photography

An exhibition not to be missed is the World Exhibition of Photography which
consists of 434 photos from 86 countries by 170 expert photographers. This exhibition
will be held at the National Museum for seven days beginning on the first of next month.
ri d
aarsoJ go knA~ni.mwriiu3:6ulnn
3iun:~tium go Qn.r.r~rni~niudit~~:6ulnnd~iluQn3~~rni3n"olJ3::aiau~in~~
a:r~uil An
cu'on7l~n~nUukA~Jn7l~~nLM'~~ 9 nexhibition
ul69 not to be
missed J I M ~ W ~ I F I L~ ~L ~ ~~ ~ 3 l ~ ~ ~ l ~ ~ ~ 2 1 0 ~ ~ l ~ l tL d~a l T~ ~ ~ l f l l ~ ~ l ~

Beginner's classes in Portuguese

The Cultural Service bf the Portuguese Embassy In
Bangkok in conjunction with the Faculty of Arts.
ChulalongkornUniversity will offer Partugueselanguage
courses on the premises of the Embassy to the general
public and students.
A beginner'scourse sill s&tomorrow and end on Oct
3, running every Tuesday. Another course will start on
June 22 and end on Sept 28, running every Thursday. The
two classes are from 6-8pn.The courses will take place
at the Embassy of Portugal, 26 Capt Bush Lane.
Chrrrwnkunp 30. Bangrak
Registration is Btl,XX) for 30 hours (discount for stu-
For further information. call Ihe Cultural Services, Em-
bassy of Portugal at 238 3928 or fax 236 8144.
Holiday camp for foreign kids
The Little Rofessor Youth Club is organizing a boli-
day camp for international children between six and
10 yeas old. Thewmpis beginning today and will run
from hionday ib Friday, 10-3 pm, and end on July 7,
The programme includes five different courses:
discovery, drama, sights and sounds. adventure,and'
swhnming. Each come is designed to dcvelop
commuucation skills in Ftlglish. The caurses will
also teach speaal skills and encourage teamwork and
Children of all nationalities m welcome.
For dcfds, conroct the Little Professor nt 25 A Soi
31,Bangkok 10110, or by calling 661 23 16-1.

3. mriitaaoadi?iXmu{Types of soclal news)

l i i ? ~ ~ n u o i a i i r r u n 2~ 'b$(il6a
6 ~ ~ u ~ 7 7 ~ u ~ ~ : r i (Royal
a f i ~ news)
n bba:2ii7

~ J R ~ ~ L (General
? I ~ J social news) I

n. ~~I?~wwT:JI~J~M"~I(Royal news)

2ii~luwr:riafiM"n (Royal news) L ~ u ? ) I ? J I ~ J I ~ w ~ E ~ ' ~WJ~W

'I YI IJ ~ ~ ~ ~ Y ~ J

w r ~ u i n n u b d a w r i oHis Majesty the King (HM Kirlg Bhumibhol)

wur6awrrurun%CuinHer Majesty .the Queen (HM Queen Siriklt)
wu~8ow.rrusuIas15~1aaui~~ U15 His Royal Highness Crown Prince
H U L ~ F ~ W ~ : L ~ W ? arr1uu5usla~ul"ser
~U~~TI~~~ Royal Highness Princess
Maha Chakri Sirindhorn
~ U r f i s w 5 r L d i ~ n r a a r < 1 ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 n ~ d 3 rHer
s ' 0 Royal
6 $ n wHighness
slb" Princess
d d U
KU L ~ ~ Q W ~ Z I I T ~ U U ~ N J ~ I H

~ ~ L ~ ~ W S : ~ M ~ J L ~ O L < I ~ ~ I ~r R U Royal
I Highness Princess
Highness Princess Soamsawali
6.I Y
wst.~Fi7~RluLaaw'r:0~fi~~lw'115fi~~1lnl Royal Highness Princess
d u -
w s : ~ $ 1 ~ ~ i u ~ a n w ~ e o ~ f i ~ o i ~ 3 n l ~ ~Her
0 7 n Royal
3& Highness Princess
Her Royal Highness Princess

Her Royd Highness Princess Siriwanwalee Mahidol

~ w dmc~il4u
hniudwiw 9 ~ ~ $ ~ 3 u r i m a 1 < w n ~ u n i w i ~ ~ n"royal"
r~~or"uuds:rnpr..... . To pay a royal visit to.. ....
a royal ceremony
by royal command
under royal patronage
a member of the royal family ,
the royal pressentation of degreesldiplomasl
the royal-sponsored wedding ceremony
the royal-sponsored funeral ceremony
the royal palace
to preside over a royal ceremony
the members of the royal family
visit / to pay a visit
~~#a?i~8niqnd to lay a foundation stone
w a r a i ~ n i u m o n ! f i uulu' to pive flowers to the ill
wrrai~?~rn I royal charity
bdamr !$t.u'.i 121 to grant an audience
~ 3 : a i ~ n i ~ nUdpiata~aci~6
a'~ donate

2) 62 o l i i ~ z i i a ~ u w a r m ' ~ ~ h M ' n
6aliii14 1
Orchld Contest on the Queen's Birthday
On the occasion of Her Majesty the Queen's birthday, August 12, the Orchid
Association of Thailand and the Tourist Authority of Thailand will jointly organize an
orchid contest to commemorate this auspicious occasion, from Augllst 10 to 12.
The contest will be held in Chiangmai to promote tourism there and to popularize orchid
culture. The proceeds will go towards Royal charities.
~ ' d ~ u ~ : w u i i ~ i a k n u u ~ ~ n n d i ~mr~d~ilurii~~6lnn'um~iuoi,i^uu~
ainiia~u~ n2iumo
~ i nua i u < u r u d m w d d a u n c k i n % a a u u s : n s ~ d x ~ i i u$ d i u m u i a n u e n l 2 i v i u I
~ s r o i i636
i i z i i a 6 ~ i ( u ? u " o ~ % t a : l~~ d 0 ~ 1 u b o n i ~~4I 0n1 3~ ) ~ Y~I M ~la
1. !na<a(il~iuu (Who) the orchid Association of Thailand the Tourism Authority
of Thailand
2. fil~l:!3 (What) will jointly organize an Orchid Contest to commemorate this
auspicious ovvasion
3. ~nrdo'Ia (When) from August 10 to 12
4. L%~dubOnl~O:l3(Why) on the occasion of her Majesty the Queen's
birthdaylto commemorate this auspicious occasion/to promote tourism there and to
popularize orchid culture
5.. ' J ~ ~ ~ (Where)
Y I U in Chiangmai

n o a r i d o n . t o d 1 ks: 2 G a ~ u i h u n i i u i u s nh u n o s r t d a a t 3.4 us: 5 i j i i u u o i o a i ~

! ~ d f i l J7 ~ I U f l 2 I U L H ~ I ~ R ~
~ ~ a d i ~2 i !
Thai Cotton Exhibition
Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn will preslde over the
Thai Cotton Exhibition organized by Thai Women's Association on this coming
Wednesday at The Erawan Hotel. The proceeds will go toward the construction of
artedian wells for the villagers of Tung Din Daeng district, Kalasindhu Province.

~ ~ 3 r h a (\Who)
d3 Her Royal Highness princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn
$iatIr (What) will precide over the Thai Cotton Exhibition
doh (When) on this coming Wednesday
AIMU (where) at the Erawan Hotel I

n'1b.l (why) all the proceeds will go to ction of artesian wells for the villagers
of Tung Din Daeng District of Kalysindhu Province

1 3

Princess Mother undergoes surgery

Tiu Narion The Princess Mother was recovering
from the operation under medical supervi-
SURGEONS operated on Her Royd High- sion. the statement i d .
ness the Princess blother yesterday to re- The Princess Mother was visited by
movea damagedpart of her colon. theRoyal Their Lfajesties the King and Queen. His
Household Bureau announced Royal Highness hIaha Vajiralongkorn.
The 59-minute-long operation was sue- HRH Princess Miha Chakri Sirindhorn,
cessful and there were no complica!ions, ac- HRH Rincess Chulabhm and HRHPrin-
cording to the ninth statement from the 'bu. cess Soamsawali at 2.30 am. before the
reauon theconditionof the PrincessMolhcr. operalion began.
Her Royal Highness was admitted to The Royd Family stayed at the hmpital
Siriraj Hospital on June 2. during the operation and left at 9.20 am.
The statement said the d a m a to~ her co- The Suprcnle Patrivch yesterday visit-
Ion was caused by poor blood circulation. ed the hospitaland signed the visitors book
ThePrincessMother had problemsinside at 2.30 pm. He left 10 minutes later.
her stomach on Saturday afternoon which Aboul the same time, Police Director
alTected the workings of her heartand lungs. General Pol Gen Pochnna Boonyachinda
the statement said. also visited and signed the book to wish the
Doctors had monitored the Princess Princess Mother well.
Mother's candition closely and sought her Prime Minister Chuan Leekpai's son
permission to perform the operation. Surabot Leekpai accompanied his mother
The operation began at 5.45 am in a sur- Pakdipo~Sujrvitkul to the hospital to sign
gery in the Sayamin Building. the visitors book
Princess given FDR
Her Royat
p&cas Ma ha
award in New Y0rk The arvard lncluded a bronze bust o l
Afwzafl 1azddsnation Roosew,! and a $50,000 grant, .I he
pi'hrres given to Rarchasuda College tor the
pwardra busc for making progress Thailand also received a donation of
ofF*nk'in Unrted Nationr, Rerrters 1,000 wheelchairs from Kenneth Bchr-
!R@SmIt@er hdland was honoured on Monday ing, founder of the Wheelchair Foun-
'ndvingthe T f o r helping its disabled at a cer- dation.
PphfianUin emony at UN headquarters where it Accepting the award. t Icr Royal
Delano was given the fifth annual Franklin Hlgh~iessPrincess Mal~aChakrl Sirind-
Resewlt Delano Roosevelt International Dis- horn,said her country's aim was "to
intmwional. ability Award- promote full participauon of people
Wsabllity "In the past decade. Thailand has with disabilities, of people with special
haLnlon made remarkable progress in support- needs, in the process of national devel-
&~dof: ing persons'with disabilities and'id glv-, opment toward peace and prosperity."
#iIandftoM ing this issue~pmrninentplace in the , ~Rooseveltseh'ed as US president

&*-nor national ,agenda." UN secretary- from11933 until hL death in 1945, the

k e y e l $ $ h & general Kofi,@an said in presenting unly USpresiderit to be elected to office
@nddaughter the-prize. more thaq.twice. He ,helped pull Lhe
, + p w t The government :of hailand has country. ,out of the Great Depreision
'dfthe~wsevelt adopted innoqtive policies that will go and led It +rough World War Two after
j + ~ t e i a t r b along way'toward crearlnga.society In being paralysed by polio in 1921.
B@~~dNatldmwhich persons with. disabilities .enjoy Rooseveltts granddaughter A h a
equal opportunlt), includingtheir right Eleanor ,Rooseuelt attended the cer-
&- to:employmepr,': he said;; ernp_)!,and made the presentation.

FDR (Franklin Delano Roosevelt International
Award) ~ ~ ~ ~ \ ~ ~ ~ ~ H ~ J I ~ ~ ~ $ I L ~ " ~ J J T ~ ~ ~ ' I I ~ ~ Q ~ ~ Q U I
W.R. 2544 R ~ ~ ~ O W ~ ~ ~ ~ W ? ~ U ~ ~ ' I I ~ ~ ~ BFDR
U ~ U ~ T ~ T ~ T ~
d u d
drrii.ild 5 ~b~ilmns~drrm~ii2uunr~auo~n
~ ~ ~ ~ \ u k n u ~ ~ ~ ~ i o ~ f i m ~ u ~ n i ~ b ~

( u l o l n n r i J ~ o f i u v j u i ~ n a n ~aCuiuw~$
w~d 4-nsnalnu 2544)
Y. l i i a k n u h l d (General social news)
I J t o ~1ad~~~a6urnlu~ndou~~a~~n~~onrru~o~q~nn
1 r n : ~ n i u d d i 6 q & l d ~ o ~ ~~~ ni nirSiDuT'u
uu ~ISL~UIIJ?UIDJ,niqi]u~Gimwn i r ~ ~ u r
1iiqnnauarwkn"m6Mb nirrrriu~yuniroouiu ~ I X L R ~ Jnirkurui'nu~i/uanunir%
diuwudrrv'~rnn'n i r f i o i n nirdaqa nirliJm~iunini]udrrmu\uwmao~~~1nai~a"'~
I) I u W ~ ~ r n ~ ~ : I ~ i n , u ~ huau~&M~"uLiuuiiaq~mfimuLawit
u i l ~ ~ r i i d ~ ~njd
n n ~ ~ ~ o ~
approve , T"erros ~Gu6-l~ l
1 !PLfl@L$
7 !L
r6LLURUCttL$PLfl@ (2
L r ~ y o ~ k g \ ~ p y r wap n
b yr~un~~~~~bjng~ ~osuods
n;rn#r uo 1 uo lla[oJd luo w e ~ 6 o ~luo
d uo!ssnDs!pluo a1eqappo q l e ~
n~rui Ploll 01
n~rb: az!ue6~o
I;LpL$2kp2lr(nMILU 6u!~aaulenuue ue
- PnrrriLLyPrgr RLF kurol rots u!o[ 01
npoy auoqam 01
~lp01 n e s n l u h e s ~ e ~ ! u u e
lsl & n e r n r ~
01 g I. rtnrnsu he s~e~!uue hesle~!uue
( ~ p r r u ~ ~ ~ u n o ~ i ~ u r~e sao r ~ u ~ r ~ ~ e ~ ra ~) e ~ o u a w u o013
601Q ateJqala3 03
noypqn asnoplnnyrpqn ~ S ! eA Led 01
u~n&ns~u/u~cgn uo!~euop/e1euop
srrrbr~uu;~mo u ue~uo3&!~eq3e
PU~P?~~U~~&PWVLLU moqs (eqsnu pue~6e
..... ....ronnLn:rp (ufg n u L w r ~ u y m o g40) tuap!sud aw
n~ r n l n u x p t ~ l J ~ A Oeppe~d01
rorn~ro~rn~r~~u~$rngr uo!~da3e~
o p o q 01
ururppfLkiPtLe!+ b e d ~aq1a6ot-$a6
e a6~eJJelploLI01
r onro~ ~ r n l q
40 ~ 4 a uo
~~uol%\r@gi 40 uo!se330 eq1 uo
...,...ylr LaLproarnLPca$ 01 b e d l(ema~e4B e ~ ! 601
,........y r r n ~ n o ~ r f l $ m t ~ w $ 01 b e d awoqem B a46 01
"Paulinian Night" on Friday a the Dusit Thani Hotel. Highlights are performances by
member schools and a fashion show by Evita Boutique, with proceeds benefiting needy
rural schools.
Old and present students, don't forget to mark the date on your calendar.


h s f l i a r 1 s (who) St. Paul de Chartres Students' Society

fl10t13 (what) will celebrate its 10 anniversary with a "Paulinian' night

r i a l s (when) on Friday
d1vu (where) at the Dusit Thani Hotel
ad1~1s (how) performances by member schools and a fashion show by Evita Goutique
(why) with proceeds benefiting needy rural schools

6 3 a i i ~ d2
Getting together over coffee's '

The American Women's Club of Thailand welcomes all members and

newcomers to join them for coffee and conversation at their October Hospitality Coffee
tomorrpw at 9 a.m. at the AWC Clubhouse Juqgle baskets, silk-like orchids and other
Fall decorations will be on sale.
For more information, call the AWC at 252-9948 or 252-1698.
ada r
Iuiiil?ifi2 a y ~ a no y t a n d 1 ~ ~ u s ~ v ~ t t i i a~y ~~ an ni d2
i l ui a n I n s ~ w n ~ ~ u n s m n u ~
d d o 2
m1onsiunsa:rdsm nsa:tdonluoyrann 1 URJU
h s i i a f 1 s (who) The American Women's Club of Thailand
flint13 (what) welcomes all members and newcomers to join them for coffee and
conversation at their Octobdr Hospitality Coffee
~Uo1.r(when) tomeorrow at 9 a.m.
d1Hu (where) at the AWC Clubhouse rrat~YiMUierlall~ns$wn'

All about Mushrooms

Knowing polionous mushrooms from edible ones could save your life and those
of your loved ones. Gary Lincoft, author of Audubon Guide to North American
Mushrooms and former president of the North American Mycological Society, and Dr.
Emanuel Salzman, co-editor of Mushroom Poisoning, Diagnosis and Treatment, will talk
on poisonous mushrooms in the auditorium of the Thailand Institute of Scientific and
Technological Research tomorrow at 9 a.m.
The talk will be illustrated with slides. The public are welcome.
I d 1 ~ h o d 1 ~ f i ~ &2 wu. ~U n a u ~ ~ w m ~ ~ 1 ~ 1 u ~ M " u i 1 n 1 3 ~M"miiiubi'o~o
my ifo J I R ~ ~ M ~ ~ ~ : ~ ~ ~ o J A ~ I Y nlru.rms
' u ~ I ~ T $ ~ ~ I A
lnfi1arl3 (who) Gary Lincofi and Dr. Emanuel Salzman
610rl3 (what) will talk on poisonous mushrooms
d h u (where) in the auditorium of the Thailand lnstitute of scientiic and Technological
LdaIf {when) tomorrow at 9 a.m.

Seminar on raising children

Modern parents, take note. "Rak Lunkn Magazine will hold a seminar titled "No
time, how can one effectively bring up children?" from 1 to 5 p.m. on Saturday,
November 2, at the Asia Hotel's Rachathevee 2 Room.
The event, aimed to provide helpful ideas on childrearing in today's hectic
society, will feature such speakers as Dr. Chanida Tuchinda, Sophon Supapong and Dr.
Wanpen Boonprakob. To reserve a seat, call 237-0080.
h361azl3 (who) "Rak Luuk" Magazine
.iilorl.r (what) will hold a seminar titled .....
~ual3(when) from 1--5 p.m. on Saturday, November 2
d l ~ (where)
u at the Asia Hotel's Rachathevee 2 Room
$ L ! ~ ~ ~ ~ R J ~ ? I ~ R R L~dnnso.snahlnri
M " ~ ~ M K ~~~dI. m d n ' n ? ~ u d o d o ~ d a l d ~ ~ ~ n r o u
~ I H ~ u Y o O J ~ ~ J ~ ~ O

4. rruu?InGadi?~a~u
n. ~ ~ u l i l n ~In d
~da~~u?~3niaa'uriluiuw3:31nwunwua9 b ~ 3 ~ 1 ^ n 3 1 ~ ~ ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ ~
I iu# 28 nmginu n m : i ; u u ~ i ~ a r u s r m ~ U ' i a ~ n n ~ ~ n u $ ~ ~ ~ ~ n ~ ~ u ~ ~ u ~ i u ~ u
soo,ooo uin daImawRow3:nn?wa
nm:?$uum: the Cabinet
U'i3inni3$u$~@ senior offcialslhigh-ranking officials
lmuLsr6owrr3inqwn to go to the royal charities
u. l~~u4nKmd
n u ~ 6 o w . r r ~ u i ~ ~ n o ~ i i ~ i n 'FaIu: iL~ Ni ~~~Fi I ~ ~ L U U ~ J ~ ~ ~ : ~ I U ~ U ~ ~ L ~
d3:guliuuuiniiifoJ ~mui~ums:~a~dLum~~~:ni'13iwi~mT",, m rr'o~d3:guau 3 nmr
a a
Q R w i ~ mui n i i n u i ~ u n u r i i ~luiud
m ~ 7 yawu u wiou~uo:n.r~w.r:nnni~7l~niw
7 ~U'iil~~i~~anu~~uun~i~im~$uG~u
n. L L Y Y ~ ~ 3M ' ~ ~

nnu. ~ d o ~ l u i u t 6 n u r i ~16a iunnnu
i m ~sds:guln
iruuAsindrr ~ o ~ 9 ~ ~ ~ m r w i n a i i ~ u u ~ o i n a i ~ i ~ ~ ~ ~ : ~ n ~ a ~ ~ u l m u w i a u ~ w " T u ~
J, u u u g n ~ d4 ,

- nu3unufdMaj u~1"7ul<Ll31~~lllMJ
The New Generation Club, Ramkhamhaeng
- ~ J l u u N n J u d h n l qorganize
~~ a charity fashion show
- tbl~~~uu~lJl%tJ
guest models
- fiu31~)16the proceeds
- a?iJd$nLfiuL~uthe construction of more homes
- ~inuinsu~unuunuoJnin~mu Poor children in the rural areas of Isarn.
TI. ~~uu4nKm6
5 .
a ~ ~ B u u i i q t d?~~g~i u
*A' 4. v
" J I ~ L ~ U J W ~ ~ ~ ~ ? J N T T ~~ M
~ I~~ J~ ~L I~~ ~ ~~ ~WI UI ~~'~)~AI'US.~~MOJM~~I<U
~ JI " 134

31 ninnuu Cm~nnil~la:500 u i n ~i~alddiudaai
guwUM6 inibCn~iuo^nni~u:$u 4 u ~ i ? n u i ~ u s i u i i t+t~~u~~ d ~ u a ~ ~ i u l G o : ~ i l d

Photo-prlnt show opens at Chula
All of the most advanced photography and printing technology (display)............... for
the public (at, near, around) ..................the Photo-print191 Exhibition (hold)...............
Chulalongkorn University's Sala Phr . from, about) until
October 30.
The (show, exhibition, pr ct). belrlg presented by the
University's Department of (Photo, Photography, Photographic)..................
science and Printing Tedhnology in cooperation with the Thai Printing Association, the
Federation of Thai Industries's Printing Industry Section, and the Photographic Business
(In, On, For)................display will be the latest model cameras, electronic
flashes, and photographic enlargers as well as mini-labs and dark room equipment.
Printing equipment, computers used in preparing final drafts for printing, paper cutting
machines, and color scanners will be among the (pieces, objects, items) ................on
display. There will be a (box, seat, desk, booth)...............of vintage cameras for sale
or exchange.

5. n1Tl~uMuTfulunlw (Photo description or caption)

n. ~R'n'l~n~sus+uiuniw
1) 6 a ~ ~ 1 l ~ nz i ~ u ~ ~ ~ a m d a i 6 ~ u n ~ ~ l % n i ~naun~u6uiyln?ni3d
2) 6o'o~urrcliurn~ni~ni~uniwiir~uan"uo:'ba
~iu%tAmn u r i ~ ~ i u muaaoJmiu
h i i o ~iuwulJrkn336riluriu u a n n n ~ u ~ u r r o i ~ l m w ~ ~ ~ a ~hamr w
y ~a do v~ n n a
g n l o ~ m i o i i n ~ d ~ d r ~ i ~ ~ d~ i?~o ui hdau{ a {
4-4 p. CY
21. ~ ~ T U T S U I bl?B@lJM
2 z
1) la' present participle ' U U ~"i~u
Celebrating her birthday among friends at the Landmark Hotel was. ............., managing
director of ......................The birthday lady (standing center) is seen with her guests
and close friends. Among them are ....................and .............
d . Znd , 3d,
and 4'hfrom left respectively.)
2) la' past participle h $ u
2.1 Seen in the middle of the picture with a radiant smile is ...................
who just came back from a world tour. Beside her is her son ....................a graduate
in Computer Science from AU.
2.2 American fighter F-18 seen at the Paris Air Show at Le Bourget as people
crowded to see the aircraft on Saturday. The show was scheduled to end yesterday. -
Reuters (1 participle phrase and 1 simple sentence)
3) ~s~oiurOobds:bunrnmqrdu
Japanese Minister of ~ i n a k eRyutaro ~Ashimotowas spotted upon his arrival at the
Hilton Bangkok Hoted last week to attend financial meetings of the Group of Seven (G-
7) industrialized countries. The minister (center) was welcomed by the hotel's executive
assistant manager Richard Dusome (seconcj right).
4) ~ 1 ~ ~ 6 ' C f l l ~ n d l k ~ ~ ~ ? 1 0 J ~1hn
f i f seated UJO!
l W ~ ~ b n l ~ standing E l l
center nW1J left ~ U V a l respectively rnluii~u
I right
16 TZP N3
- djv 'an-skauunk PUODaS pue isj!) aJaM 'Ual jay 18 'selels pagun ayt )c
33U2L6AEl~ ( I J ) ~ U I ) ( P U '146!~
kBq 18' 'e!sArleyyJOqe!e~a6eA!ylB U ~ ! *az!kd
A J ~ 000'PS 8 laylod 01 s1uelsa)uol J ~ ~ I C
02 lzaq SUS keple1saA jndwnl epny u! iuee6edAlneaq 936 (euo!ieuJalul~ea~ a41 10 uaano eq) 6u!uu!m JaUt
sjaydel6oioyd oi SaAsm Puelu!j j0 ' e ~ i ~ 'ylaqWl3 ol ~uUe~W"'lVNOILVNtj3lNI HV3A 3 H l 3 0 N33flC
+oyad~ilu$oqnna $ o ~ i u l u d d ~ o n i . r d . r t n a m u ~ ~fl~ ~1995
u u ~a~:$oi-~uwri~
uor@nur oiZLt5~1-i~ i J ~ l ~ ~ l ~ l ~ l r ~h ~ bi u fLi d ~d 1 B : ~~k . ~l ~ ~~ ~ l 9 ~ l ~ ~ ~

lo pocket n?iuwu-lu5o ~Qir'ul~u.ria?'n(b.ii7nacrili)

to wave to photographers n a ~ u ~ u ~il Jun ~ a~l I h w d T d ' l ~ n ? ~
beat UR:: win naia~wuiuiionu:: (nifdfznaa) ,
runners-up ' n ~ i u r u i u R o. ~ J o " ~ ~ ~ ~lfl6funi.rd.rtn?n
H ~ J H A J

2)n i a u n u i ~ n i ~ ( i ? ~ l n 1 5 past
2 6 participle ~~a:m~hud.r::~Unna::n'w?a
~?otii.?n7wui~di~u I

American tighter F-18 seen at the Parls Alr Show at Le Bourget as people crowd lo see the a~rcraftcn
Saturdav The show was scheduled to end veslerdav - Re~~fers

mwud.rmouhtld3:slu + past participle 'luC/d$o American fighter F-18 +
seen M ~ I J F-18 ~Jln&lLlAnJYl
J Paris Air Show b%J~a~Jaudlw?~
uin15s~dauLeProJijuiiG n i w ~ ~ i l u ~ ~ o t i i ~ ~ ~ n i a u . r . r u i o n i w d n a t ~ " a ~ ~ ~ ~ a ~ ~ ~ u
~ w ~ i : d r t n o u ~ ? u i i n f u{a7 seen, crowd uat was scheduled
,*jua2unuo~ h i o j ~ ~OJ/ ia ~ v n b ~
t u v ! ~uro~JsaJmys-JalloJ s!y uo Buglanv~$uaas s! uvur a u *surv[ ~adurnq
-01-~ahrnqs, Xlp a y Jo~ sapsay ayJp!onv or ur!y M O ~ ~y D3 y ~ S~J~S-J~~IOJ
M Juap!saJuv3paury
S, yqzuvg 4vaq 'gg 'Jawaos p v ~ g
SOJ ! Vv~~ J ! 3gv.1~
Happy birthday Princess
Her Royal High~iessPrincess Cllulabhonl, the youugest child ofTheir
hlajesties the King and Qucen celebrates her 38thbirthday today.
The Princess will mark her birtiiday by making riierit with her hus.'
band Groi~pCaptVeerayudh Didyasarin and tlleir two dairghters I-iRt1
Princess Siribha Chudhabiioni and HRI-I Princcss Adi~yadornkitrikhtu)
iri tilt: Unitcd States wl~ereGroupCapt Vcrrayudh is m i l i ~ a yattache
in \Vashington D.C.
The R n r ~ k o kPostjoins people througlrout the kingdom in wish-
ing HRH Princess Chulabllorn a vcry happy hirthda'!: good heal111
a ~ i dlong lifc.

5 1 7 ~ 9 i n Bangkok Post
1) Write a caption for the following picture

YOU may use the following words in your caption

- to open an exhibition
- to cut the ribbon
2) How many sentences in the following caption? What kind of sentences. are they ?
Single out each sentence

> Seventeen-year-old bullfight sensation, Julian Lopez, who is better known as "El Juli, "performs a cape
pass during a bullfight on sunday in Pontevedra, Spain. He went on to win two ears and was carTied out
o f the bullring on the shoulders o f fellow bullfighters. He has been fighting bul!s since the age o f lo- -
2) Take a picture depicting life on RU campus, then journalistically write a caption for
the picture.

Happy Birthday
Her Royal Highness Princess Chulabhorn t u r n
44 today. m e Bangkok Postjolns people thmugh-
out the kingdom to wish her Q Happy BirrMay.

Write a caption of your own to wish the princess a happy birthday.

Father of modern China
People walk beneath a sculpture of China's late paramount leader Deng Xiaopeng
yesterday, at an exhibition in his hometown of Guangan, in southwest Sichuan
province. Deng, who died in February 1997 at the age of 92, is revered as the father
of modem China.
Hong Kong rejects Lee Kuan Yew's assertion
Hong Kong- Hong Kong has hit out at accusations by the elder statesman
of Asian rival Singapore that the former British colony's days as a leading international
commerce centre were numbered.
A government spokesman rejected remarks by the founder of modem
Singapore Lee Kuan Yew that Hong Kong, which returned to Chinese sovereignty
in 1997, would eventually lose its unique trading status as it was overwhelmed by
the rest of China.
"As a leading financial and commercial centre, Hong Kong is well positioned
to develop as Asia's World City," a government spokesman said in a statement.
In comments made at a meeting in Singapore, Mr Lee reportedly said Hong
Kong, unlike Singapore, would be powerless to guide its own destiny. AFP

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