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Chapters 12-18

1.) Different elements are used in radioactive dating because they have different:
a. half-lives. c. isotopes.
b. compositions of DNA. d. sedimentation rates.

2.) During his voyage on the Beagle, Darwin noticed that similar environments in different parts of the world contained:
a. the same plants and animals. c. different plants and animals.
b. no identifiable plants or animals. d. similar fossils.

3.) Natural selection depends on:

a. competition but not inherited differences. c. inherited differences but not competition.
b. both competition and inherited differences. d. either competition or inherited differences.

4.) Darwin drew support for his theory of evolution from the idea that fossils demonstrate that:
a. many ancient species are now extinct. c. dinosaurs once existed on Earth.
b. species change gradually over millions of years. d. all species share a common ancestor.

5.) Based on its name, the organism Malus sylvestris is in the:

a. genus sylvestris. c. species Malus.
b. genus Malus. d. species sylvestris.

6.) In addition to Animalia, Plantae, and Fungi, the six-kingdom system of classification includes:
a. Protista, Archaebacteria, and Eubacteria. c. Protista, Bacteria, and Monera.
b. Monera, Archaebacteria, and Eubacteria. d. Monera, Protista, and Eubacteria.

7.) Homo habilis and Homo erectus do NOT belong to the same:
a. genus. c. species.
b. order. d. family.

8.) The third smallest taxon in the Linnaean system of classification is the:
a. species. c. order.
b. family. d. genus.

9.) What can you infer about these structures?

a. they are vestigial structures c. they are analogous

b. they are homologous d. they have nothing to do with each other

10.) Which of these statements is true?

a. A higher percentage of dark moths were recaptured in the country compared to dark moths recaptured in the
b. A higher percentage of light and dark moths were recaptured in the country compared to light and dark moths
recaptured in the city.
c. A higher percentage of light moths were recaptured in the city compared to dark moths recaptured in the city.
d. A higher percentage of light moths were recaptured in the country compared to dark moths recaptured in the

11.) Ecology is:

a. the study of environmental pollution and overpopulation.
b. the study of relationships between organisms and their environment.
c. the attempt to control environmental pollution and overpopulation.
d. another name for the science of biology.

12.) An example of a population is all the:

a. field mice living in a barn c. field mice and owls living in a barn
b. animals in a barn and their food d. animals in the barn and their surroundings

13.) As a population approaches the carrying capacity of its environment, the:

a. death rate may rise. c. birthrate may rise.
b. death rate and birthrate may both fall. d. death rate and birthrate may both rise.

14.) Populations experience exponential growth:

a. following logistic growth. c. under extreme stress.
b. under ideal conditions. d. when deprived of nutrients.

15.) Each of the following is an abiotic factor in the environment EXCEPT:

a. plant life. c. soil type.
b. rainfall. d. temperature.

16.) An undersea volcano in the Hawaiian Islands chain erupts, forming a new island in the Pacific Ocean. Over the course of time,
which of these would most likely be the first species to survive on the new island?
a. mammals c. grasses
b. birds d. lichens

17.) Which of the following does NOT affect Earth's climate zones?
a. difference in latitude c. unequal heating of Earth's surface
b. differences in altitudes d. angle at which the sun's rays strike Earth

18.) Most of the energy that supports life on Earth comes from:
a. animals. c. protein.
b. chemicals. d. sunlight.

19.) An example of a producer is a(an):

a. grass plant in a lawn. c. chicken raised on a farm.
b. farmer who raises corn. d. earthworm in a cornfield.

20.) Which of these organisms breaks down and releases nutrients from other dead organisms?
a. carnivores c. producers
b. herbivores d. decomposers

21.) A population includes all:

a. members of one species in an area. c. living organisms in an area.
b. members of a certain species. d. species that occur in an area.

22.) In which biome would the caribou and snowy owl be most likely to live?
a. savanna c. temperate deciduous forest
b. tropical rain forest d. tundra

23.) Which of these is a characteristic of a tropical rain forest?

a. short, mild summers c. location close to the Equator
c. populated with squirrels, bears, and deer d. relatively few trees per hectare

24.) A relationship between organisms in which one species benefits and the other is not affected is:
a. mutualism. c. predation.
b. parasitism. d. commensalism.

25.) The difference between an ecosystem and a community is that a(an):

a. community includes both living and nonliving parts of the environment.
b. community includes both natural and artificial parts of the environment.
c. ecosystem includes both living and nonliving parts of the environment.
d. ecosystem includes both natural and artificial parts of the environment.

26.) Barnacles often attach themselves to whales and receive free transportation to parts of the ocean. The whales are not affected
by this activity. This is an example of:
a. mutualism. c. predation.
b. parasitism. d. commensalism.

27.) Although three different bird species all inhabit the same type of tree in an area, competition between the birds rarely occurs.
The most likely explanation for this lack of competition is that these birds:
a. are unable to interbreed c. have a limited supply of food
b. share food with each other d. have different ecological niches
28.) Which of these statements is true?
a. The soils in tundras usually have a large humus content.
b. Grasslands are identified by their permanently frozen ground called permafrost.
c. Deciduous forests are populated with broad-leaved hardwood trees that lose their foliage every year.
d, Tropical rain forests are communities that occur in climates that have a defined dry season with rainfall totals
less than 50 cm of rain per year.

29.) Rhinoceroses have a symbiotic relationship with several bird species, including the oxpecker and the egret. These birds feed off
insects that are found on the animal's back after its mud-wallowing. In return, the birds warn of approaching dangers, compensating
for the poor eyesight of the rhinoceros. This is an example of:
a. mutualism. c. predation.
b. parasitism. d. commensalism.

30.) Animals and humans take in the nitrogen they need by:
a. taking it in through the soil. c. breathing in the air.
b. eating plants or other animals. d. turning nitrogen from the air into nitrates

31.) Energy flows through an ecosystem:

a. in a cycle between organisms and chemicals. c. in one direction from autotrophs to heterotrophs.
b. in one direction from heterotrophs to autotrophs. d. only when it is interrupted by humans.

32.) Any species that is threatened with extinction:

a. lives in only one habitat. c. is an endangered species.
b. cannot be saved. d. will be killed by severe weather.

33.) Which is an example of a renewable resource?

a. coal c. natural gas
b. land d. fresh water

34.) The release of carbon dioxide during the burning of fossil fuels contributes to:
a. the destruction of ozone. c. ultraviolet radiation.
b. global warming. d. soil erosion.

35.) Which is an example of a nonrenewable resource?

a. air c. oil
b. wood d. whales

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