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Type Name :


Spec. No. AMR-NP-05229-04

Notes :
Application model Sankyo Model Diebold P/N.
MCT1Q8-1R0761 49-209537-000E
ICT3Q8-3A0761 49-209540-000D
ICT3Q8-3A2761 49-209542-000E
MCT3Q8-3A0763 49-209544-000D
No. of sheet

Sym. Revision Page Cha. No. Date By Appr.

Reference Document
Design R.Nishikawa May.31.2013

T.Watanabe May.31.2013 AMR-NP-05229-01

Type Name Appro.
No. S39Z-032-00-02E
No AMR - NP -05229 04 1 / 65


1. Introduction ...........................................................................................................................................................3
1.1 Applicable models .........................................................................................................................................3
1.2 Applicable limit of this maintenance manual ................................................................................................3
2. Name of parts on Magnetic card reader.................................................................................................................3
3. Periodical Maintenance .........................................................................................................................................4
3.1 Maintenance by user......................................................................................................................................4
3.1.1 R/W Head cleaning................................................................................................................................4
3.1.2 LTI cover cleaning.................................................................................................................................4
3.2 Maintenance by Field service ........................................................................................................................4
4. Replacement steps of Maintenance parts...............................................................................................................6
4.1 R/W Amp. Board Ass'y Replacement ............................................................................................................7
4.1.1 Adjustment and check of Chip detect sensor..................................................................................................14
4.1.2 Adjustment and check of Skimmer sensor ..............................................................................................15
4.2 LTI PCB replacement ..................................................................................................................................24
4.2.1 To remove the front cover ...................................................................................................................24
4.2.2 To remove the diffusion cover.............................................................................................................25
4.2.3 To detach the Skimmer sensor cable from Bezel and remove the LTI PCB .......................................26
4.2.4 To detach the LTI cable from Bezel and remove the LTI PCB...........................................................28
4.2.5 To remove the LTI PCB ......................................................................................................................28
4.2.6 To insert the LTI cable of New PCB through the hole of the bezel ....................................................29
4.2.7 To insert the Skimmer sensor cable through the hole of the bezel ......................................................29
4.2.8 To put the LTI cable to the bezel.........................................................................................................29
4.2.9 To put the Skimmer sensor cable to the bezel .....................................................................................30
4.2.10 To attach the diffusion cover ...............................................................................................................30
4.2.11 To attach the front cover......................................................................................................................31
4.3 Motor Ass'y Replacement ............................................................................................................................33
4.4 R/W Head Guide Block Ass'y Replacement................................................................................................34
4.5 Guide Ass'y Replacement ............................................................................................................................37
4.6 Pre-Head Ass'y Replacement .......................................................................................................................38
4.7 Stripe-up Bracket .........................................................................................................................................39
4.8 Timing Belt & Roller Replacement .............................................................................................................40
4.9 Capture Roller #1 to #3 Replacement..........................................................................................................40
4.10 Circuit boards replacement ..........................................................................................................................42
4.10.1 Two extension cables are added to connecting with BEZEL Assy....................................................42
4.10.2 Change S44A456A01 and mounting plate ..........................................................................................44
4.11 BEZEL ASSY replacement ........................................................................................................................44
4.12 Gate lock replacement .................................................................................................................................46
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4.12.1 Change gate lock into hedgehog..........................................................................................................46

4.12.2 Change old hedgehog into new hedgehog ...........................................................................................47
4.13 Hedgehog replacement ................................................................................................................................47
5. SW1 Replacement (Micro Switch for card detector)...........................................................................................48
6. SW2 Replacement (Micro Switch for shutter) ...................................................................................................50
7. Shutter Solenoid Replacement (Including Bezel Ass'y Replacement) ................................................................52
8. Pad-Roller Gap Adjustment.................................................................................................................................54
9. IC contact block Ass'y Replacement ...................................................................................................................55
10.Trouble Shooting Flow Chart .............................................................................................................................57
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1. Introduction
1.1 Applicable models

Sankyo P/N Diebold P/N Description

ICT3Q8-3A0761 49-209540-000D 3TK R/W / 8 Contacts / Chip Sensor /EAF / Skimmer sensor
ICT3Q8-3A2761 49-209542-000E 3TK R/W Hi-Co / 8 Contacts / Chip Sensor /EAF / Skimmer sensor
MCT3Q8-3A0763 49-209544-000D 3TK R/W / EAF/ Skimmer sensor
MCT1Q8-1R0761 49-209537-000E TK2 Read only/ Skimmer sensor
EAF: Enhanced anti-fishing
1.2 Applicable limit of this maintenance manual
This manual is designed only for those who maintain the listed products at a
maintenance service center or equivalent location.

2. Parts of magnetic card reader

R/W AMP Board

DC Motor

IC Contact Block


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3. Periodical Maintenance
3.1 Maintenance by user
3.1.1 R/W Head cleaning
(1) The cleaning card (Specification #68-76-02-51-8 DWG.No. EGCMC01881)
specified by Sankyo must be used.
(2) Cleaning should be done with a cleaning card when R/W errors often occur.
(3) If R/W errors still occur after Head cleaning, clean the rollers.

Working time : 1 minute

Tool : EGCMC01881 (This card is provided separately. )
Cleaning frequency: approx. 6 month intervals (normal condition : Indoor use )

3.1.2 LTI cover cleaning

(1) Cloth dampened with some alcohol liquid should be used for cleaning the LTI cover.
(2) Cleaning should be done when the Skimmer sensor value with object decreases significantly.

Working time : 1 minute

Tool : alcohol liquid(ethanol etc.) , cloth (Felt, Swab)
Cleaning frequency: approx. 6 month intervals (normal condition : Indoor use )

3.2 Maintenance via Field service

Rubber roller cleaning
(1) A cloth dampened with some alcohol liquid should be used for cleaning the rollers
when a cleaning card is not effective.
(2) Cleaning should be done during periodical inspections.

1) If alcohol was used during the cleaning process, please wait until the alcohol dries off before resuming operation.

Working time : 2 minutes

Tool : alcohol liquid(ethanol etc.) , cloth (Felt, Swab)
Cleaning frequency: approx. 1 year intervals (normal condition : Indoor use )
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Cleaning point of rollers and LTI cover

#2 Roller

#1 Roller

LTI cover #3 Roller

DC Motor


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4. Replacement steps of Maintenance parts

(1) All maintenance parts are listed in the spare parts list and Exploded View drawing indicated below.

Model No. Spare parts List No. Exploded view No. Remarks
ICT3Q8-3A0761 AMP-NP-05229-02 T12A368A01 Maintenance only
ICT3Q8-3A2761 AMP-NP-05229-02 T12A368A01 -
MCT3Q8-3A0763 AMP-NP-05229-02 T12A368A03 Maintenance only
MCT1Q8-1R0761 AMP-NP-05229-02 T12A368A02 -

(2) Notes for maintenance

There are two different kinds of values indicated in this manual;
one is for adjustment and the other is for inspection.
The adjustment value is more rigid than the inspection value. Please be sure to distinguish between the values.
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4.1 R/W Amp. Board Ass'y Replacement

Working time : 20 minutes (includes inspection and adjustment)

Tool : Screw Driver (M2.5), PC ( Tool that can send the commands ),
Developer (Magnetic viewer), Gauge (M03A483A03), Speed Master Card (EGC201001)
Label on the main PCB

First 2 digits PCB P/N Type

15 S44A456A01 For 3Q8
27 S44A456A02 For 1Q8
The first 2 digits represent the type


Barcode label
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Remove screws, "I" shown in the Fig.4.1-1 from the board (Ref.No.112).
Disconnect all connectors from the board.
Replace the R/W Amp. Board Ass'y.

Sankyo P/N. Mylar Sheet Board Assy + Case Remarks

ICT3Q8-3A0761 Maintenance only
ICT3Q8-3A2761 M53A184A01 S44A456A01 -
MCT3Q8-3A0763 Maintenance only
MCT1Q8-1R0761 M33A918A01 S44A456A02 -

For the Pass counter:

If it is possible to communicate with the old board, read the Pass counter for Life check and Head wear and save the
data. The data is used after assembling.

(1) Read the Pass counter command "CGA"

Mylar Sheet Screw(I)


AMP Board Ass'y

(1) Assemble in the reverse order of the above disassembling.
(2) Fasten screw, "I" at 35 cN.m (
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About Back up RAM Error

If Back up RAM Error (Error code B1) is detected, send Revive command "Cy0" twice.
The first time, "N" response is returned. The 2nd time, check if "P" response is returned.
Then follow procedure A~E. For details, see Back up RAM diagnosis (P.64)

<Check Points after assembling>

A. Sensitivity of the detectors

(1) Send Sensor standard value setting Command "C>3".

(1) Send Sensor Level transmit Command "C>1".
(2) Receive response.
"P>100v1h v1l v2h v2l v3h v3l v4h v4l"
Comparison of vi and each sensor is as follows.
PD1:v1 PD2:v2 PD3:v3 PDI:v4
Convert to the Voltage Data
4.5V -> vih=34(H),vil=35(H)
*Standard: Sensor Voltage >1.2V

Note: 1) Adjustment and Check must be done without the presence of a card.
2) For detailed procedures if sensor check failed, please refer to Page 9.

B. Card Speed Check

(1) Send Enable Command "C:2".

(2) Insert "Speed Master Card" (No. EGC201001).
(3) Send card speed Command "C82".
(4) Receive response at card forward.
XXXX = 0DEC+- 67hex (190mm/s +- 3%).
If XXXX is out of 0DEC +- 67hex, replacement R/W Amp. Board Ass'y.
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C. Start sentinel Position Check and Adjustment

(1) SS Position Check by magnetic pattern on card

To write magnetic data on 3 tracks.
To put the gage on the card that the data were written as Fig.4.1-2.
To check that the 1st bit on Track 1 and 2 locates within Line A (6.94-7.94).
To check that the 1st bit on Track 3 locates within Line B (6.44-8.44).
Standard L = 7.44mm +- 0.5mm (Track 1 & Track 2)
L = 7.44mm +- 1.0mm (Track 3)

In case the 1st bit is not located within the above-mentioned position, the following re-adjustment should
be done.


In case of failure, please calculate the quantity
for the shift guessing from the space of the
gauge (0.5 mm).
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(2) SS Position Adjustment

i) Send next Commands in sequence for initializing SS Position.
In "CB0##" or "CB1$$", "##" and "$$" is the value for adjusting SS position.
When "CB1xx" is executed, the value "$$" is compared the data which is sent by "CB0##"
just before. If the value "$$" is same as "##", the value is written in F-ROM, and this value take effect for adjusting SS
So, these commands must be a set and you must send these commands in this sequence above.
If the value "$$" is not same as "##", the response is "NB104".
If ICRW fails writing the data in F-ROM, the response is "NB115"(F-ROM Error). In this case, please execute
"CB1$$" again.

ii) Write magnetic data on a card. You should write the data to one track using "C71..", "C72..", "C73..".
Must not use "C79" (All three tracks simultaneous write)

iii) If SS Position of each Track is out of standard written above, adjustment is necessary.

iv) Calculate reference value: x = (7.44 - L)/0.12

(Use any SS position that is out of standard value for calculating reference value)
Transfer hex code
x>0 x -> ab
x<0 |x| -> cd . ab = 100h cd

v) Send next Commands in sequence.

"CBO ab"
"CB1 ab"

vi) Write magnetic data on a card. You should write the data to one track using "C71..", "C72..", and "C73..".
Must not use "C79" (All three tracks simultaneous write)

vii) If SS Position of each Track is out of standard written above, adjustment is necessary again.
We recommend returning the step i) to avoid increasing error
(If not succeeded, the different R/W amp board is required since the board might be damaged.)
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SS Position Adjustment

Send Command "CB000"

Must be a set and "PB000"

Must send in this sequence

Send Command "CB100"

Negative Response
"NB115"(F-ROM error)

Write magnetic data on a card
(Three tracks)

Check SS Position in each track

Finish Adjustment
N SS Position is out
of Standard?

Calculate reference value (using any SS Position
which is out of standard value).
ex. Reference value is 26 (1Ah)

Send Command "CB0xx"

ex. "CB01A"

Must be a set and "PB000"

Must send in this sequence

Send Command "CB1xx"

ex. "CB11A"
Negative Response
"NB115"(F-ROM error)

Write magnetic data on a card
(Three tracks)

Check SS Position in each track

Finish Adjustment
N SS Position is out
of Standard?

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D. Set the Pass counter

If there is the Pass counter of the old board, set it in the New board.
Set the Pass counter command "CGBxxxxxxxx" (counter data length is 8 byte)
"xxxxxxxx" is the counter of old board.

If there is not the Pass counter of the old board, reset it in the New board.
(1) Reset the Pass counter command "CGB00000000".
(The pass counter is "00000000" when the board is provided)

E. Set the Serial number

Set the Serial number that is in the label of the model.
(1) Set Serial number command
"Ce0 ZYMMxxxx".
"Ce1 ZYMMxxxx".
The data that is transmitted by ASCII code is set with "Ce0".
Subsequently the same data is set with "Ce1".
(The serial number is "00000000" when the board is provided)

Serial number structure:

The length of data = 8 bytes
The meaning of each data is as follows. (in ASCII code)
model Year Month Unit number

Ex.) S/N. J2050003

K 2 0 5 0 0 0 3
model 2012 May #3 of May. production

Model Sankyo Model Diebold P/N.

J MCT1Q8-1R0761 49-209537-000E
D ICT3Q8-3A0761 49-209540-000D
L ICT3Q8-3A2761 49-209542-000E
H MCT3Q8-3A0763 49-209544-000D
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4.1.1 Adjustment and check of Chip detect sensor

Working time : 10 minutes (includes inspection and adjustment)

Tool : Screw drivers(for adjusting trimmer)
PC( Tool that can send the commands )
(1) Supply power to the card reader.
(2) Send the Initial command"C030"
(3) Send chip detect sensor command "CQT".(Drive the sensor coil)
(4) Adjust the VR3 until the sensor output becomes minimum value.
The value after adjustment must be less than 0.17V.
(5) Send chip detect sensor command "CQU".(Stop driving the sensor coil)
(6) After adjustment, paint the VR3 for marking.

Note. Adjustment must be done without the presence of a card.

Test pin is TPS2
Ground pin is TSWG

(1) Send chip detect sensor command "CQT".(Drive the sensor coil)
(2) Insert the IC card into card throat slowly.
(3) Check whether the chip detect sensor output max voltage is more than 1.9V.
(4) Without the IC card, check whether the chip detect sensor output voltage is less than 0.17V.
(5) Send chip detect sensor command "CQU".(Stop driving the sensor coil)

Note. Test pins are the same as the case of adjustment.



Fig4.1-3. R/W Amp Board Assy (Inside)

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4.1.2 Adjustment and check of Skimmer sensor

This procedure is applicable for 49-209537, 542-000E or later

Working time : 15 minutes (Including inspection and adjustment)

Tool : PC( Tool that can send the commands )
Test tool (49-230926-000B)
Insulation component.

4.1.2-1 How to handle the test tool

A) Insert the tool on the side 1 with the splitter wall.

Slide 1

Fig2a. Measure the sensor resading values of side 1

B) Remove or insert the splitter wall from the tool.

Splitter wall

Fig2b. Remove or insert the splitter wall

C) Insert the tool on the side 2.

Slide 2

Fig2c. Measure the sensor reading values of side 2

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4.1.2-2 Adjustment and check of Skimmer sensor

KGS16: Sensor value (LED ON) of test tool (Side 2 +alpha). (See 4.2.4-1-C and fig6)
Side 1: Sensor value (LED ON) under the condition of 4.2.4-1-A.

< Check before operation and periodical calibration of the test tool>
It is necessary to check the following test tool before operation and periodical calibration.
See the ASD Diebold Test Tool Daily Inspection.
1) Master reader: JMM-365
2) Test tool: 49-230926-000B
3) Program tool: EAF-EB-00317

Perform the adjustment using the program tool that we provide. For more details, please refer to the following.
In addition, please also refer to Chart of Adjustment section below.

1) Set the Ambient light to be less than 600Lux, Temperature: from 20 to 30 deg C.
2) Use the card reader without fascia.
3) Supply the power to the card reader.
4) Launch the Program tool (EAF-EB-00317).
5) Select the 2:Ajustment anti-skimmer. (See Fig2d)
6) Enter the value of .(See Fig2e, Fig6)
7) Set Test tool (Slide1) to the gate. (See Fig2f)
8) Next, set Test tool (Slide2) to the gate. (See Fig2g)
9) At the end, set Test tool (Slide1) to the gate. (See Fig2h) Fig2e



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10) If it is displayed as shown in Fig2i, adjustment is complete.

If it is displayed as shown in Fig2j, it is no good. Adjust from 7), again.

Fig2i The adjustment value Fig2j

1) Complete until 1-5 of adjustment procedure.
2) Enter the value of and name of input Note.
input Note is the file name of the result that is created after this check. (See Fig2k)
e,g) Sankyo1
3) Set Test tool (Slide1) to the gate. (See Fig2m)
4) The results are displayed as shown in Fig2n.



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<Chart of Adjustment>
ASD adjustment Command
1.Offset adjustment
CQy + Gain(1digit) + VR value(3digit)
Gain: 1(H gain)
0(L gain)
VR value:001-255
Response: Gain(1digit) + OFF value(4digit) + ON value(4digit)

2.Offset adjustment save

CQp + VR value(3digit)
VR value:001-255
Response: non

3.Gain adjustment
CQz + Gain(1digit) + VR value(3digit)
Gain: 1(H gain)
0(L gain)
VR value:001-255
Response: Gain(1digit) + OFF value(4digit) + ON value(4digit)

4.Gain adjustment save

CQp + VR value(3digit)
VR value:001-255
Response: non
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1) Offset adjustment Chart1 (without the tool) (for example)



Yes ON value is v2 e,g)v2=200

70 <=LED OFF value <= 100 CQp*** (end) OFF value is v1 e,g)v1=83
e,g)Offset target value=
No v2-v1+50=200-83+50=167

LED OFF value < 70 CQy1***
No (***: current + alpha)
100 < LED OFF value CQy1***
(***: current alpha)

2) Offset adjustment Chart2 (for example)



Offset target value5 < LED ON value < Offset target value+5 CQp*** (end)
LED ON value < Offset target value5 CQy1***
No (***: current + alpha)
Offset target value+5 < LED ON value CQy1***
(***: current alpha)
3) Calculation (A, B, C and B)
1.Calculation of A
with slide1, CQy1*** (this *** is same of CQy1*** of 2) Offset adjustment Chart2)
e,g) Response:100430170 170=A

2.Calculation of B
with slide2, CQy1*** (this *** is same of CQy1*** of 2) Offset adjustment Chart2)
e,g) Response:100430620 620=B (=value of KGS16)

3.Calculation C and B (B is the target value)

C=(480+) / (BA) is correction value shown on the test jig(See Fig6)
e,g) C=(480+1) / (620-170)=1.07
e,g) B=1.07*620=663.4
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4) Gain adjustment Chart (for example)



B 5 <= the value of after adjustment (B) <=B+5 CQq*** (end)
the value of after adjustment (B) < B 5 CQz1***
No (***: current + alpha)
B+5 < the value of after adjustment (B) CQz1***
(***: current alpha)

<Procedure of Check>
1) Send the Read Anti skimmer sensor command"Ck1"
2) The command "Ck1"is executed continuously every second.
3) Insert the Test Tool (49-230926-000B). (See Fig 5a-5c)
4) Measure the sensor reading values of Side1. (with Slide1)
5) Measure the sensor reading values of KGS16. (with Slide2)
Check the SNR as below
SNR=(KGS16) / Side1 > 2.5 (Tentative value .It is discussed separately.) (Note1)

Note1. This does not include any dirt or scratches on the front cover.
This does not include deterioration from LED product life.
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Fig5a. Test tool setting direction

Set the Test tool as the side with projection to the reader bottom.
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Fig5b .Good

Test tool must be inserted in the gate without space between tool and front cover.

There is a space between Tool and front cover.

Fig5c .Incorrect
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Fig6.Correction value of test tool

Correction value alpha

<Trimmer potentiometer list>

Table1.Trimmer potentiometer
Symbol Explanation
VR3 Chip detect sensor adjustment

Table2.Measurement terminal
Symbol Explanation
TP92 Chip detect sensor output
TSWG Analog Ground for Chip sensor measurement
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4.2 LTI PCB replacement

Working time: 15 minutes (including inspection and adjustment)

Tool : Driver(M3) ,nipper, tweezers and bind .

Item P/N Applicable procedure Check point (P.32)

LTI PCB with skimmer sensor S45A914A02 4.2.1 - 4.2.11 A~D

4.2.1 To remove the front cover
1) Remove the two screws attaching the front cover.

Fig 4.2.1-1 Fig 4.2.1-2

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4.2.2 To remove the diffusion cover

1) Remove the diffusion cover.

Diffusion cover

Fig 4.2.2-1

A: Front cover
B: Diffusion cover
C C: Screws

Fig 4.2.2-2
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4.2.3 To detach the Skimmer sensor cable from Bezel and remove the LTI PCB:
1) Disconnect the skimmer sensor cable and LTI cable.

Skimmer sensor cable (CN33)

LTI cable (JM)

Fig 4.2.3-1

2) Cut the five binds and one cable tie.


Cable tie

Fig 4.2.3-2

3) Remove two screws fixing the micro switch. See procedure 6 SW2 Replacement.


Fig 4.2.3-3
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4) Remove the micro switch and bring out the 5wires(red, brown, yellow, orange and purple)
from the bezel.

Fig 4.2.3-4

5) Bring out the Skimmer sensor cable through the hole of the bezel.

Hole of the bezel

Fig 4.2.3-5
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4.2.4 To detach the LTI cable from Bezel and remove the LTI PCB
1) Disconnect the LTI cable. (See Fig 4.2.3-1)
2) Remove the Shutter solenoid .See Procedure 7 Shutter solenoid Replacement.
3) Cut off the LTI cable with nipper. Bring out the LTI cable from the slot of the bezel.
(Note: In ICT3Q8-3A0761 and ICT3Q8-3A2761, Remove the Teflon Tape, before bringing out
the LTI cable.)

Cut LTI cable

Fig 4.2.4-1

LTI Cable


Teflon Tape


Fig 4.2.4-2

4.2.5 To remove the LTI PCB

Remove the LTI PCB

Fig 4.2.5
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<Replacement of LTI PCB >

4.2.6 To insert the LTI cable of New PCB through the hole of the bezel
1) To insert the LTI cable through the hole of the bezel, pick up the connector housing
carefully with tweezers and remove the 3 wires. (Black, Green and Red)

Fig 4.2.6-1

2) Insert the 3 wires of LTI cable through the hole of the bezel. (See Fig4.2.6-2)

Hole of the bezel

Fig 4.2.6-2
4.2.7 To insert the Skimmer sensor cable through the hole of the bezel
1) Insert the Skimmer sensor cable through the hole of the bezel. (See Fig 4.2.3-5)

4.2.8 To put the LTI cable to the bezel

1) Put the LTI cable through the slot of the bezel. (See Fig 4.2.4-2)
2) Attach the 3 wires (Black, Green and Red) to the connector housing of LTI. (See Fig 4.2.8)
(Note: In ICT3Q8-3A0761 and ICT3Q8-3A2761, attach the Teflon Tape, after attaching
the 3 wires to the connector housing of LTI. (See Fig 4.2.4-2)

Pin4 Black

Pin2 Green

Pin1 Red

Fig 4.2.8

3) Attach the Shutter solenoid .See Procedure 7 Shutter solenoid Replacement.

4) Connect the LTI cable. (See Fig 4.2.3-1)
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4.2.9 To put the Skimmer sensor cable to the bezel

1) Put the 2 wires (red, brown) under the micro switch. Put 3 wires (yellow, orange and purple)
through the slot of the bezel. (See Fig 4.2.3-4, 4.2.3-5)
2) Attach the micro switch. See procedure 6 SW2 Replacement. (See Fig 4.2.3-3)
Be careful not to clamp the cable between the bezel and micro switch.
3) Bind the 3wires (yellow, orange and purple) of skimmer sensor cable. Clamp the 2wires (red, brown)
with the other cables. (See Fig 4.2.9-1)
4) Connect the skimmer sensor cable. (See Fig 4.2.3-1)


Fig 4.2.9-1

4.2.10 To attach the diffusion cover

1) Attach the diffusion cover. (See Fig 4.2.10-1, 4.2.10-2)
Note: Make sure the diffusion cover is facing the proper direction.

Fig 4.2.10-1
Cover 4 Emitters with diffusion cover

Round shape facing up

Reader facing up

Fig 4.2.10-2
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4.2.11 To attach the front cover

1) Fasten two screws to affix the front cover. (See Fig 4.2.11-1,4.2-11-2,4.2-11-3)
Note. Make sure the Front cover is facing the proper direction


Fig 4.2.11-1 Fig 4.2.11-2

Upside: Flat surface

Reader facing up

Downside: Round surface

Fig 4.2.11-3
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<Check Points>
A. LTI function
1) Supply the power to the card reader.
2) Send the Initial command"C030"
3) Send Light indicator command "CZ11".(Turn on the Red LED). Check if Red LED is lighted.
4) Send Light indicator command "CZ21".(Turn on the Green LED). Check if Green LED is lighted.
B. Re-adjustment of the Anti skimmer sensor
See the procedure of 4.1.2 Adjustment and check of Skimmer sensor
C. Re-adjustment of the Micro Switch
See the procedure of 6 SW2 replacement.
D. Re-adjustment of the Shutter solenoid
See the procedure of 7 Shutter solenoid replacement.
No AMR - NP -05229 04 33

4.3 Motor Ass'y Replacement

Working time: 8 minutes (including inspection and adjustment)

Tool : Screw Driver (M3), Scale and Tension gauge
(In case of no tension gage, please refer to the note below.)

(1) Remove the R/W Amp. board per the instruction of 4.1.
(2) Remove screws, "e" fixing the motor and replace the motor.
(3) Replace Motor Ass'y

Motor Ass'y S35A210A01



10~30gf :AB

Screw(e) Timing belt P/N.KYG214502 Fig.4.3

(1) Assemble in the reverse order of the above Disassembling.
<Check Points>
A. Belt Tension
(1) Loosen screws, "e" to adjust belt tension.
At this time, the belt must have flexibility, b by 0.6mm at the
mid-point (A=B) and its flexibility b requires the load ranging
10-30gf. (0.1 0.3N )
(2) Fasten screws, "e" at 74cN.m ( and check if the belt
has appropriate flexibility or not.
If flexibility is insufficient or excessive, readjustment is required.
If appropriate, put any kind of mark on the screw heads indicating
adjustments have been made.
B. R/W operation
(1) Check if R/W operation has been done without any problems.
If a problem occurs, readjust belt tension.
If problems still occur, a different motor may be required. (Possibility of motor malfunction)

Note) In case of no tension gage for adding pressure, mark the fixing position
before replacement and fix screw to fit the position of the mark after replacement.
No AMR - NP -05229 04 34

4.4 R/W Head Guide Block Ass'y Replacement

Working time : 15minutes (include of check and adjustment)

Tool : Screw Driver (M3) , Scale and PC ( Tool that can send the commands )
Developer (Magnetic viewer). Gauge ( M03A483A03)

(1) Remove the R/W Amp. board (Ref.No.112) per the instruction of 4.1.
(2) Remove 2 screws from R/W Head guide block (see Fig.4.4-1).
(3) Replace R/W Head Guide Block Ass'y (Ref.No.4).


R/W Head Guide Block Ass'y

R/W Head Guide Block Ass'y P/N.

SBW247604 (ICT3Q8/MCT3Q8, LoCo)
S31A644A08 (ICT3Q8, HiCo)

Read Head Guide Block Ass'y P/N.

S04A115A02 (MCT1Q8)

(1) Assemble in the reverse order of the above Disassembling.
(2) Fasten screw, "m "at 25 cN.m( and "M3"at 74 cN.m(
No AMR - NP -05229 04 35

A. Sensitivity of the detectors
(1) Send Sensor standard value setting Command "C>3".
(1) Send Sensor Level transmit Command "C>1".
(2) Receive response.
"P>100v1h v1l v2h v2l v3h v3l v4h v4l"
Comparison of vi and each sensor is as follows.
PD1:v1 PD2:v2 PD3:v3 PDI:v4
Convert to the Voltage Data
4.5V ->vih=34(H),vil=35(H)

*Standard: Sensor Voltage >1.2V

Note: Adjustment and Check must be done without the presence of any card.

Procedures when sensor check fails

1) When Sensor Voltage = 0V
Check the connections of the flat cables from Guide Ass'y and R/W Head Guide Block Ass'y.
(Connector, B and C in the exploded view T12A368A01. )
2) When 0 < Sensor Voltage < 1.2V
The area around the photo sensors (PD1, PD2, PD3,PDi) might be dirty.
Clean the portions around the sensors with the cleaning card (EGCMC01881)
or clean the portion shown in the below dismounted R/W Head Guide Block Ass'y
according to the article( Page 10 ).


R/W Head Guide Block Ass'y P/N.
SBW247604 (ICT3Q8/MCT3Q8, LoCo)
S31A644A08 (ICT3Q8, HiCo)

R/W Head Guide Block Assy Read Head Guide Block Ass'y P/N.
Fig.4.4-2 S04A115A02 (MCT1Q8)

B. Track Skew
Track Skew is checked in R/W Head Guide Block Ass'y testing at Sankyo and the checked R/W Head Guide
Block Ass'y is provided. As long as it is mounted correctly, Track Skew is guaranteed.

In order to verify mounting, Track 2 position shall be checked with the gauge.
1) Write magnetic data on Track 2 only.
2) Put the gage on the card that the data was written on as Fig. 4.4-3.
3) Check the written data located within line C.
4) In case failure, disassemble R/W Head Guide Block Ass'y and check whether there is a problem
in mounting or not.
If the test still fails, please change R/W Head Guide Block Ass'y.

<For reference>
TR.2 Read only models (MCT1Q8)
After replacement of Read Head Guide Block Ass'y, please check ISO TR. 2 reading with a card.
No AMR - NP -05229 04 36


C. Start sentinel Position Check

Please refer to P6.

D. R/W operation
(1) Check if R/W operation succeeds without any problem.

If a problem occurs, please check Connector connection.

If still unsuccessful, please take action according to the Trouble Shooting Chart.

E. Reset the Pass counter

Reset the Pass counter for Life check and Head wear.
(1) Reset the Pass counter command "CGB00000000".
No AMR - NP -05229 04 37

4.5 Guide Ass'y Replacement

Working time : 20 minutes (including inspection and adjustment)

Tool : Screw Driver (M3) and PC (Tool that can send the commands)
Developer (Magnetic viewer). Gauge ( M03A483A03)

(1) Remove the board (Ref.No.112) per the instructions of 4.1.
(2) R/W Head guide block Ass'y (Ref.No.4) per the instructions of 4.2.
(3) In case IC Contact Block is mounted, Remove the Bezel Ass'y(Ref.No105)
(4) Remove screws shown in the Fig.4.5 from the Guide Ass'y upper side (Ref.No.108).
(5) Replace Guide Ass'y.


Guide Ass'y
P/N. SBW244902


(1) Assemble in the reverse order of the above Disassembling.
(2) Fasten screws at 74 cN.m(7.5

A. Sensitivity of the detectors
(see P35 4.4, check points A)
B. Track Skew
(see P35 4.4, check points B )
C. Start sentinel Position Check
(Please refer to P10)
D. R/W operation

Check if R/W operation succeeds without any problems.

If a problem occurs, please check Connector connection.
If still unsuccessful, please take the action according to Trouble Shooting Chart.
No AMR - NP -05229 04 38

4.6 Pre-Head Ass'y Replacement

Working time : 7 minutes (including inspection and adjustment)

Tool : Screw Driver (M2), Card encoded on only track #2 (Sankyo P/N TMD-MS-043-02),
PC (Tool that can send the commands), and Oscilloscope

(1) Remove screws shown in the Fig.4.6-1.
(2) Replace Pre-Head Ass'y.

Screw "a" Pre-Head Ass'y




Leaf Spring:
P/N. M02A139A01
P/N. MFA330001

(1) Assemble in the reverse order of the above Disassembling.

A. Head mounting
(1) Adjust Pre-Head position to be set as indicated below and fix the screw, "a".

B. Amplifier output
(1) Confirm if the Amplifier output of Pre-Head is more than 100mVo-p when the card is ejected.
Amp. output
*Standard (All Model) more than 100mVo-p (Check Point TP AMP :P)
*Required tool: card encoded on only track #2
No AMR - NP -05229 04 39

4.7 Stripe-up Bracket

Working time : 3minutes

Tool : Screw Driver (M3)

1. Remove Screw-C and disassemble Cover

2. Rotate Cover to fit "R" shaped part to Solenoid side and mount it with Screw-C.
3. Mount Stripe-up Bracket.

Screw-C Stripe-up Bracket

P/N S01A478A01

No AMR - NP -05229 04 40

4.8 Timing Belt & Roller Replacement

Working time: 10 minutes (including inspection and adjustment)

Tool: Screw Driver (M3), Scale and Tension gauge ( In case of no tension gage,
please refer to the note below. ), E-Clip Tool (E5), CE-Clip Tool (CE6)

1) Remove the R/W Amp.Board Ass'y per the instruction of 4.1(p.7).
2) Lose "Screw" and decrease the tension of Belt
3) Remove Timing Belt "7".
4) Remove the screw "g" fixing capture roller "2".
5) Remove the retaining rings "I" and "k" fixing shaft.
6) Pull out Pulley Ass'y to the direction shown with the arrow in the figure.
7) Remove Timing Belt 6 and Roller2 and Roller5
8) Replace Belt or Roller, and then assemble in the reverse order of the above disassembling.

Note 1) Pay attention to the insert locking pin in Roller "5".

2) Fit the tooth form of Timing Belt "6" and Timing Pulley when assembling.
3) There is the possibility of deformation of Retaining Ring "I" and "k" during remova.
If deformed, the part(s) should be replaced by new ones.

i E-Clip
g k i
g 2

Capture Roller

7 screw
4.9 Capture Roller #1 to #3 Replacement

(1) Remove screw g and fixing capture roller 2.
(2) Remove the retaining rings i and k and Poli-Slider "h" fixing shaft.
(3) Pull out Pulley Assy to the direction shown with the arrow in the figure (Fig.4-9-1).
(4) Remove #1Roller2 to #3Roller2.
(5) Replace Capture Roller, and then assemble in the reverse order of the above disassembling.

(1) There is the possibility of deformation of Retaining E-Ring i during removal.
If deformed, the part(s) should be replaced by new ones.
(2) Please tighten screw "g" with 54Ncm(5.5kgfcm) when you exchange capture roller "2" .
(P/N.S28A731A01 #1Roller to #3Roller)
No AMR - NP -05229 04 41

i E-Ring
Screw tightening torque54Ncm g h Poli-Slider

k CE-Ring
2 #3 Roller
P/N.S28A731A01 g
Capture Roller
#1 to #3

2 #2 Roller

Pull out Pulley Assy 2 #1 Roller


1) Loosen Screw and add pressure between 400 and 450 gf to the position of the Tension Pulley shown
in Fig. 4.9-2.
2) Attach Screw under the conditions that the above-mentioned pressure added.

Note) In case of no tension gage for adding pressure, mark the fixing position
before replacement and fix Screw to fit the position to the mark after replacement.

3.9-4.4N (400-450gf)

No AMR - NP -05229 04 42

4.10 Circuit boards replacement

Has the consolidated circuit board?

No. Yes.
Mounted Anti fishing unit?

Yes. Yes. No. Change to New S44A456A01.

Gatelock. Hedgehog.

Change to S44A456A01 and change mounting plate.

Two extension cables are added to connect with BEZEL ASSY. ( S39A914A01 , S39A915A01)

Change to S44A456A01.
An extension cable is added to connect with BEZEL ASSY. ( S39A914A01 )

4.10.1 Two extension cables are added to connect with BEZEL Assy

Working time : 15 minutes (including inspection and adjustment)

Tool : Screw Driver (M2) , Scale and PC ( Tool that can send the commands )

(1) Disconnect the connector from the External PCB.

(2) Remove screws, "I" shown in the Fig.4.1-1 from the board (Ref.No.112)
(3) Cut a tube.
(4) Connect the extension cables. (S39A914A01,S39A915A01)
(5) Bind BEZEL ASSY and cables with tubes. (Without chip detect and led)
(6) Connect all cables.
(7) R/W operation
Check if R/W operation has been done without any problem.
If a problem occurs, please check Connector connection.
If still unsuccessful, please take the action according to the Trouble Shooting Chart.



No AMR - NP -05229 04 43

Extension cables.( S39A914A01 LTI)

Extension cables.( S39A915A01 Gatelock)


Gatelocks cables.

LTI boards cables. LTI boards cables.

Red, Brown. Yellow, Purple, Orange.
No AMR - NP -05229 04 44

4.10.2 Change S44A456A01 and mounting plate

(Refer to page 4-2.)

New mounting plate (M47A921A01)

AMP Board ASSY + Case

4.11 BEZEL ASSY replacement

Has the consolidated circuit board?

No. Yes.
Mounted Anti fishing unit? Mounted Anti fishing unit?

Yes. Yes. No. Yes. Yes. No.

Gatelock. Hedgehog. Gatelock. Hedgehog.

Change S28A643A09 Change S28A643A04.

(with Skimmer sensor and Chip Detect). (with Skimmer sensor and Chip Detect).
Change Gatelock into Hedgehog. (S45A981A01)
Change S28A643A05

Change S28A643A09. (with Skimmer sensor , without Chip Detect).

(with Skimmer sensor and Chip Detect).

Change S28A643A08
(with Skimmer sensor , without Chip Detect).
No AMR - NP -05229 04 45

Working time : 10 minutes (includes inspection and adjustment)

Tool : Screw Driver (M3) , Scale and PC ( Tool that can send the commands )

(1) Disconnect the FPC cable from the sensor PCB.

(2) Disconnect the connector from the External PCB and AMP Board ASSY
(3) Remove screws f.
(4) Replace the BEZELAss'y.( S28A643A09, S28A643A08 , S28A643A04 S28A643A05 )
(5) R/W operation
Check if R/W operation occurs without any problem.
If problem occurs, please check Connector connection.
If still unsuccessful, please take the action according Trouble Shooting Chart.

(2) (2) (1) (2)


S28A643A04 or S28A643A05 S28A643A08 or S28A643A09

No AMR - NP -05229 04 46

4.12 Gatelock replacement

Has the consolidated circuit board?

No. Yes.
Change Gatelock into hedgehog. Change old Hedgehog into new hedgehog.

4.12.1 Change gate lock into hedgehog.

Working time : 10 minutes (including inspection and adjustment)

Tool : Scale and PC ( Tool that can send the commands )

(1) Disconnect the gate locks connector from the External PCB.
(2) Bind BEZEL ASSY and gate locks cables with tube.
(3) Add Hedgehog to card reader.(Refer to page 55)
(4) Connect hedgehogs cables.
(5) Bind BEZEL ASSY and Hedgehogs cables with tubes.
(6) R/W operation
Check if R/W operation occurs without any problem.
If problem occurs, please check Connector connection.
If still unsuccessful, please take action according to the Trouble Shooting Chart.



4.12.2 Change old Hedgehog into new hedgehog

No AMR - NP -05229 04 47
Working time : 10minutes (including inspection and adjustment)
Tool : Screw Driver (M2) , Scale and PC ( Tool that can send the commands )

(1) Cut tubes.

(2) Remove screws, "I" shown in the Fig.4.1-1 from the board (Ref.No.112)
(3) Disconnect the Hedgehogs connector from the AMP board.
(4) Change old Hedgehog into new hedgehog.
(5) Connect Hedgehogs cables
(6) Bind BEZEL ASSY and Hedgehogs cables with tube.
(7) R/W operation
Check if R/W operation has been done without any problem.
If problem happens, please check Connector connection.
If still NG, please take the action with Trouble Shooting Chart according to the content of the error.

(1) & (6)

4.13 Hedgehog replacement

Has consolidated circuit board?

No. Yes.
Change a new Hedgehog.(Refer to 4.12.2) Change a new Hedgehog.(Refer to 4.12.2)
No AMR - NP -05229 04 48

5. SW1 Replacement (Micro Switch for card detector)

Working time : 3minutes

Tool : Screw Driver(M 2) and ST-SW card (No. EGCMC0119) and Soldering iron

1. Disassemble Bezel Ass'y
2. Remove Screw D and Screw P
3. Remove lead wires along the ditch
4. Remove the soldered 2 parts for the wires by a soldering iron. (Lead wires/ red and brown )
5. Replace Micro Switch and solder the lead wires as shown in Fig. 5.1, 5.2.
(Thermal Shrink Tube has to be inserted. )
6. Assemble in the reverse order of the above 1., 2. and 3. ( 3. -> 2. -> 1.)

Screw D

Plate Ass'y
Screw P

Detect lever

Micro Switch
P/N. E11A255A01




Brown wire
Micro Switch
P/N. E11A255A01

102 Tube b

Connector Ass'y
Red wire Fig.5.2
No AMR - NP -05229 04 49

< Adjustment>

(1) Insert the ST-SW card (No. EGCMC0119) into card throat slowly.
When the position B of ST-SW card contacts micro switch actuator (see Fig.5.1),
a click sound will come from the switch.
This sound shows the SW1 detected the card (SW1 ON).
At this position, fasten the adjusting screws for SW1.
(2) Next, draw out the ST-SW card a little bit. A click sound will come from the SW1 again when position A
of the ST-SW card comes by the micro switch actuator.
This sound indicates the switch turned OFF.
(3) Confirm if the SW1 works correctly at each ST-SW card position.

ST-SW Card

Adjusting Screw for SW1

SW1 Lever

Position A (52.7mm)
Position B (53.5mm)

No AMR - NP -05229 04 50

6. SW2 Replacement (Micro Switch for shutter)

Working time : 3 minutes

Tool : Screw Driver(M2) and Shaft(1.5mm Diameter) and Soldering iron

1. Disassemble Bezel Ass'y
2. Remove Screw D and Screw P
3. Remove lead wires along the ditch
4. Remove the soldered 2 parts for the wires with a soldering iron. (Lead wires/ green and blue)
5. Replace Micro Switch and solder the lead wires as shown in Fig. 6.2.
(Thermal Shrink Tube has to be inserted. )
6. Assemble in the reverse order of the above 1., 2. and 3. ( 3. -> 2. -> 1.)
Screw P

Micro Switch
P/N. E11A255A01

Screw D


Green wire

Micro Switch

P/N E11A255A01

102 Tube b

Connector Ass'y
Blue wire

Fig.6.2 Micro Switch detail

No AMR - NP -05229 04 51

1) Insert the shaft of 1.5mm diameter into the bezel hole A through plate hole P.
2) Loosen Screw B.
3) Set micro switch (SW2) ON (OFF -> ON) and fix it with Screw B.
4) Checkpoint: After setting SW2 OFF (ON -> OFF) by moving the solenoid plunger, the shutter should fully
close the card entry gate of the bezel.
In addition, after returning the solenoid plunger, SW2 should be set ON

Bezel Hole "A"

Micro Switch

Shaft Screw B Plate Hole "P"


No AMR - NP -05229 04 52

7. Shutter Solenoid Replacement (Including Bezel Ass'y Replacement)

Working time : 5 minutes

Tool : Screw Driver (M3) and Shaft(2mm diameter)

Refer to the exploded view (T00A527A01) and the next page for replacement.
Remove Screws "L" (3 screws) for disassembling Bezel Ass'y. (Refer to Fig.7-1)

< Shutter Solenoid Replacement (SBE413301(old TYPE) -> Lead wire TYPE:S28A328A01)>
1. Disassemble Bezel Ass'y
2. Remove Screw M
3. Remove Lead wires (Orange and Yellow) from connector of old solenoid
4. Insert Lead wires (White) in the connector of new solenoid
(Refer to Fig.7-2 at the next page )
5. Replace Solenoid and lead wires
6. Assemble in the reverse order of the above 1., 2. ( 2. -> 1.)

1) Remove Screw L and disassemble the shutter gate assembly.
2) Loosen Screw M and, when the solenoid is fully plunged, adjust the solenoid so that Plate hole P
coincides with Bezel hole B. (Insert the shaft of 2mm diameter into the bezel hole B through plate hole P.)
After this adjustment is done, fix the solenoid with Screw M.
3) Checkpoint: When the solenoid is plunged, the shutter shall be fully open.

Note. If you change the whole Bezel Ass'y , it is necessary to adjust the "chip detect sensor" and
"skimmer sensor". (See 4.1 R/W Amp. Board Ass'y Replacement)

Screw M Screw L

Shutter Solenoid Ass'y

P/N. SBE413301(old)
P/N. S28A328A01(new)

Screw L

fully plunged

Bezel Ass'y Connector Ass'y


Sankyo P/Ns of Bezel Ass'y

S28A643A09(for ICT)
S28S643A08(for MCT)

With effect from the consolidation of the circuit board.

S28A643A04(for ICT)
S28A643A05(for MCT)
No AMR - NP -05229 04 53

Connector Ass'y

SW1 and Lead Wire

From White Both are

Soleniod (twe) acceptable
Yellow Orange

Yellow & Orange Removes White Wire Insert


Bezel Hole "B"

Plate Hole "P"

No AMR - NP -05229 04 54

8. Pad-Roller Gap Adjustment

Working time : 8 minutes

Tool : Screw Driver(M3),Thickness Gauge(0.1mm) ,0.25mm Card(Sankyo P/N EGC203501)

(1) Loosen the attachment screws, "e", then fasten screws, "e" at the position
where Gap A and Gap C looks equal to each other.
(2) Adjust Gap A and C with nut "b" to be at 0.0mm- 0.1mm.
(3) Confirm if a card (of thickness = 0.25mm) can transport back and forth.

How to check the gap (Min. over 0 mm / Max. less than 0.1 mm)
Max. less than 0.1 mm: 0.1 mm thickness gauge cannot be inserted GAP A and GAP C.
Min. over 0 mm: Pad Roller M can rotate smoothly when rotated by hand.

Gap C Gap A

Screws(e) Nut(b)


PAD Roller "M"

No AMR - NP -05229 04 55

9. IC contact block Ass'y Replacement

Working time : 10minutes (including inspection and adjustment)

Tool : Screw Driver (M3,M4) and Adjustment card and PC( Tool that can send the commands )

(1) Remove the R/W Amp.Board (see 4.1) Stay;
Tamper Protect Type (P/N.SBM945601)
(2) Dismount lock machine unit(hedgehog) by removing screw 1 Applicable Model ICTxQx
(3) Dismount Stay (Tamper Protect) by removing screw 2.
(4) Remove screws 3 from IC Contact Block Ass'y. Non Tamper Protect Type (P/N MBE454001)
Applicable Model MCTxQx
(5) Replace IC Contact Block Ass'y.
Hedgehog (P/N.S45A981A01)


IC Contact Block Ass'y

P/N. SBM947802



(Tamper Protect)

(1) Assemble in the reverse order of the above Disassembling.
(2) Attach the Block at the very right side of positioning.
(3) Connect Cables to connector of PCB.
No AMR - NP -05229 04 56


(1) Preparation for IC contact position adjustment card

Stick the sheet with the holes that those fit in the minimum specification of EMV IC contact
position as shown in the drawing on IC card. The sheet shall be stacked on the card to fit in the edge
of the card.
( less than +/- 0.1 from the edge of the card )

Sankyo P/N:BVS224801

Stick (adhesive)

IC Card



(2) Send Enable Command "C:0".

(3) Insert "Adjustment card " (Fig.7-2).
(4) Send IC set Command "C@0" .
(5) Send ICC Power on Command "CI0"
(6) Receive response.
Positive response "PI0 " *** OK
Negative response "NI0 " *** NG (9) Readjustment
(7) Send IC release Command "C@2" .
(8) Send Eject Command "C30".
(9) Readjustment
i) Shift the Block about 0.2mm to the left then attach the Block.
ii) Follow the instruction (2) - (8) again.
O.K.**** finish (Set PCB to fasten screws.)
N.G.**** exchange the Block and readjustment

Normally, the position of IC Contact Block decides the default position (Assembly position).
However, in case degradation of the lighting sensors occurs, the ICC feed position moves and
readjustment is required.
No AMR - NP -05229 04 57

10. Trouble Shooting Flow Chart

START Encoded card (Recover Rate: **%: For Reference only)

Standard card

Card Insertion

1. Shutter open? Go to Bezel Ass'y diagnosis


2. Card captured? Go to card Transport diagnosis


3. Data read? Go to data Read diagnosis


4. Data written? Go to data Write diagnosis


5. Card ejected? Go to card Transport diagnosis


6.IC contact ? IC contact block Ass'y Diagnosis


Skimmer sensor is OK? Go to Skimmer sensor diagnosis


LTI function is OK? No Go to Bezel Ass'y diagnosis


No AMR - NP -05229 04 58

Bezel Ass'y Diagnosis


SW1 signal (point A)

No SW1 needs adjustment fail
Check ON/OFF
or replacement
(see p.48)
Recovered 65%

Pre-Head signal (point Gp No Pre-Head needs fail

Check ON/OFF adjustment or
Replacement (see P.50)

Recovered 42%

Solenoid No Sol. needs adjustment fail

section signal (point D) or replacement
Check ON/OFF (see p.52)

Recovered 44%

SW2 signal (point C) No SW2 needs adjustment fail

Check ON/OFF or replacement
(see p.50)


LTI function is OK? No LTI PCB replacement fail

(See P.24)


Chip detect sensor adjustment Bezel Ass'y

(See p14) Replacement
Skimmer sensor adjustment (see p.52)
(See p15)

EAF: Enhanced anti-fishing

No AMR - NP -05229 04 59

Transport Diagnosis

Recovered 94%

Sensor ON/OFF Check

Points: No Sensor No R/W Amp. Board Ass'y
F1 for PD1 adjustment Replacement
F2 for PD2 (see p.9) (see p.7)
F3 for PD3 Guide Ass'y Replacement and/or
Fi for Pdi (see p.37) R/W Head Guide Block Ass'y

Yes Recovered 94%

Motor ON No Motor Replacement No R/W Amp. Board Ass'y

Check and adjustment Replacement
Point E (see p.33) (see p.7)

Yes Recovered 85%

Slipping No Cleaning roller No Roller Gap adjustment

Roller #1- #4 (see p.4) (see p.54)


No AMR - NP -05229 04 60

Read Diagnosis

Recovered 67%

Amplifier Output
Point: R/W Amp. Board Ass'y
G1 for TR#1 Replacement
G2 for TR#2 (see p.7)
G3 for TR#3 And or R/W Head Guide
Internal specification within Block Ass'y Replacement
TR#1 and #3 :510mV0-p +-43% (see p.37)
TR#2 : 560mV0-p +-43%
at Standard Card all"1"

Amplifier output level No

Check OK ?


Card Speed No
Check 190mm/s +- 3%
(see p.9)


No AMR - NP -05229 04 61

Write Diagnosis

Recovered 85%

Write Current Check R/W Amp. Board Ass'y

Point: No Replacement
H1: for TR#1 (See p.7)
H2: for TR#2
H3: for TR#3

Recovered 95%

Read after Write R/W Head Guide

Amplifier Output No Block Ass'y
Lever Check Replacement
More than (See p.37)
G1 for TR#1: 120mVo-p
G2 for TR#2: 120mVo-p
G3 for TR#3: 120mVo-p

Recovered 48%

Card Speed No R/W Amp. Board Ass'y

190mm/s 3% Replacement
(See p.7)

Recovered 90%

SS Position No SS No R/W Amp Board Ass'y

7.44 0.5mm Adjustment Replacement
(See p.10) (See p.7)

No AMR - NP -05229 04 62

IC contact block Ass'y Diagnosis

Recovered 97%

R/W Amp Board Ass'y replacement

(See p.7)

Solenoid No IC contact block Ass'y
Section signal(Point H)
Check ON/OFF
(See p.55)
Recovered 78%

IC contact position No IC contact block Ass'y No Sensor ON/OFF Check

Check (See p.56) adjustment Point:
(See p.55) Fi for PDi

Yes No

End Go to card Transport Diagnosis

No AMR - NP -05229 04 63

Skimmer sensor diagnosis

"Received command was
undefined" is received?
Download the applicable Yes (Error code"00")
F/W for skimmer sensor
R/W Amp. Board
R/W Amp. Board is broken

Correct the skimmer sensor cable connection


Cable connection is OK? Yes

Yes No

"LED wire broken" "Command to the

Skimmer sensor read Command
No No hardware that does not
response is positive? is returned? exist" was received?
(Error code"03")

Yes LTI cover is

Following value is OK? No LTI cover cleaning
1.KGS#16-Xtalk=(480+)+/-30mV (See p.4)
2.LED OFF value is about 50mV

Test jig is clean Yes
Photo sensor is
and not scratched?

Check the Test jig Bezel Ass'y Replacement
Sensor adjustment (See p.15 Check before
operation and periodical (See P.52)
is OK? calibration)


END Skimmer sensor

(See p.15)
No AMR - NP -05229 04 64

Back up RAM diagnosis

Back up RAM Error?

No (Error code "B1)


Send Revive command "Cy0"twice.

Send Initial command "C000".

Yes R/W Amp Board Ass'y replacement

Back up RAM Error?
(see p.7)
(Error code "B1)


Follows Procedure A~E.

A. Sensor adjustment
B. Card speed check
C.SS adjustment
D. Set the pass counter
E. Set the Serial number
(See P.7 About Back up RAM error)

No AMR - NP -05229 04 65

Appendix: Outside view of R/W Amp. Board *For reference

Model No. Parts List No. S44A456A01 for ICT3Q8-3A0761
ICT3Q8-3A2761 S44A456A01 ICT3Q8-3A2761
Other Model
S44A456A02 for MCT1Q8-1A0761

Note: ICT3Q8-3A0761 and MCT3Q8-3A0763

Inside View of R/W Amp. Board are only maintenance.

Point D(2pin)
Point C(4pin)
R/W Amp Board Point A(6pin)



Point H

Point E (FWD)
Point E (BWD)

GND Point Fi
Point GP Point F1
Point G3 Point F3 Point H(12pin)
Point G2 Point F2
Point G1 J6 Point H(8pin)

Point H(3pin)

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