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Project #2: The Potential Impact of Class Type on Completion in MOOCs

I have done this project to explore how class type may have influences on completion in

MOOCs. The two type of MOOCs I had were (1) the Auto correction group and (2) the peer

correction group. The data for this study were collected by means of filtering charts showing

completion rates, tables displaying plotted figures of completion and length of courses. The

sample of this study was divided into two groups in terms of correction procedures. One group

was called the Auto group which means that the correction of learning tasks and quizzes was

done automatically through use of computers and software. The other group was named as the

peer group which indicates that the correction for learning tasks and assessment was done by

peers inside the group. However, I have learned how to find public data and use it in my project.

I could come up with an appropriate research question. I could use SPSS app to analyze the data

and I used the independent sample test to answer the project question which was that Does the

type of group, in MOOCs, have the potential of affecting completion rates?.

Artifact #2

Evidence of Mastery of Objectives :

#1: Design a study of an educational research problem or phenomenon using appropriate


This objective has been met because the project is concentering on one of MOOCs issues

which is completion. In addition, it is an attempt to explore the relationship between the

completion of MOOCs and type of class. In addition, I used an existed data that related directly

to the completion and class type which are the variables of the project. Also, I used independent
sample test. The following is the research question of the study: Does the type of group, in

MOOCs, have the potential of affecting completion rates?

#2: Select appropriate analyses for a given research question.

This objective has been met because I used the appropriate analyses based on the project

question. Because the question was that does the type of group, in MOOCs, have the potential of

affecting completion rates?, I use independent sample test. I think that this type analyses is

appropriate and helped me to answer the project question. I could find that there was a slightly

significant influence of types of class on the students rates of course completion in MOOCs

#3: Apply appropriate technology to conduct analyses of educational data

This objective has been met because I used SPSS app as an appropriate technology to

conduct the project. I could insert data into SPSS and then conduct independent sample test

correctly via SPSS to find the answer of the study question.

#5: Distinguish between ethical and unethical behavior when conducting educational

research or evaluations

This objective has been met. I was in need for data, so I found public data that we can use

for this project. Research must use real data as an ethical behavior when he or she wants to

conduct a study. As a research, I can collect data or I can use someones data as long as they are

public and matching my study purpose.

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