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Unit 3:

Content: During this unit, we will examine the first footsteps of the United States. We will
discuss its early hardships, the battles with the British in the War of 1812 to the Jacksonian Era.
We will talk about political policy during this time frame. From the start of the Democratic party,
to the Indian Removal Act.

Unit Outlook:
1. Unit 3: Chapter One- The Tecumseh War
a. Tecumsehs Confederacy
b. Northwestern United States
2. Unit 3: Chapter Two- The War of 1812
a. Sacking of Washington D.C
3. Unit 3: Chapter Three- The Federal Bank
a. First Federal Bank
b. Second Federal Bank
4. Unit 3: Chapter Four- Jacksonian Democrats
5. Unit 3: Chapter Five- The Start of Expansion.

This Unit will take us about a week and a half to complete. We will have our two unit quizzes
after Chapter Three and one on Chapter 4. Unit test 3 will be all information in Unit 3.

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