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Project 3.1.

1 History of Automation
Your parents may have describe the time of their youth where they did not have
access to a computer, smartphone, the internet. How did we advance from a time
with relatively limited technology to what is available today?

In this project you will research a topic of your choice that relates to automation and
share your findings with your class.

Computer with presentation software
Access to research resources
Adhesive notes

1. Choose a topic from one of the lists below or ask your teacher to approve an
independent topic. Remember that the topic must relate to automation.

Artificial Intelligence MIT

Dante Punch Cards
"Fast, Cheap and Out of Control: The Robotics Institute
A Robot Invasion of the Solar RoboTuna
System" The Stanford Arm
The Gastrobot The Stanford Cart
The International Space Station The Unimate


Battlebots (event) Star Trek (television show)
Blade Runner (movie) Star Wars (movie)
LEGO (manufacturer) The Furby (toy)
Metropolis (movie) VEX Robotics, Inc.
Silent Running (movie) (manufacturer)

2013 Project Lead The Way, Inc.

Computer Integrated Manufacturing Project 3.1.1 History of Automation Page 1

2013 Project Lead The Way, Inc.

Computer Integrated Manufacturing Project 3.1.1 History of Automation Page 2
Alan Newell and Herbert Simon Joseph Jacquard
Alan Turing Josephine Garis Cochran
Archytas ('ahr 'ky tuhs') of Karel Capek
Tarentum Leonardo DaVinci
Aristotle Marc Thorpe
Arthur C. Clarke Mary Anderson
Bessie Blount Mary Shelley
Charles Babbage Nikola Tesla
Ctesibus ('ti sib ee uhs') of Pierre Jaquet-Droz
Alexandria Randice-Lisa Altschul
George Boole Richard Greenblatt
George Devol Shigeo Hirose
Heinrich Ernst Takeo Kanade
Issac Asimov Temple Grandin
Jacques de Vaucanson Victor Scheinman

2013 Project Lead The Way, Inc.

Computer Integrated Manufacturing Project 3.1.1 History of Automation Page 3

2. Prepare a page (2 5 paragraphs) on your topic that answers the following
a. If you chose a person, when did they live? How did they affect
b. If you chose something other than a person, when did it impact people?
Who was responsible for this occurrence?
c. How does the person or item affect you personally?
3. Write your topic on an adhesive note and place it on the timeline.
4. Report your findings to the class.

1 Describe how automation has changed during your lifetime?
5. Describe how the entertainment industry advanced automation and the positive
and negative impacts.

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