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Describe a time when you overcame adversity. How did you learn from it?

did it make you a better person?
The debate captain called for another volunteer. I tentatively raised my hand and came to the front
of the room. Legs shaking, I began to speak in front of the entire club.

For most of my life, up until the beginning of high school I loathed speaking in public settings and
even hesitated to participate in class discussions. As I matured, I realized that talking and sharing ideas is
important to achieve my goals. When I heard that my high school had a debate team I became determined
to face my fears. At the first meeting, I volunteered to debate and my experience slowly transformed from
terror to enjoyment of the intellectual challenge inherent in debating. Looking back, joining the debate
team was one of my best decisions. By metaphorically jumping into the deep end, I experienced how
ambition, motivation and courage can defeat fear and self-doubt. I have been with the debate team since
that first meeting and I am now in a leadership role as team vice-president. I am proud to say that I have
grown to the point that I can confidently express my thoughts and ideas rather than letting a common and
irrational anxiety silence me.

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