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THE TIMES OF INDIA. Terror attacks in London: What we know so far 1. Police said the first reports of a "vehicle in collision with pedestrians on London Bridge" came at 10:08pm local time and were quickly followed by “reports of stabbings in Borough Market, at the south end of the bridge. 2, Witnesses on London Bridge reported seeing a van mounting the pavement and hitting pedestrians and a man with a knife running. An eyewitness said about five people were being treated for injuries after the vehicle mounted the pavement and hit them. 3. allan photographer Gabriele Sciotto, who was at the scene of the attack in Borough Market, said he saw three men being shot Just outside a pub. In his picture, a man weating combat trousers, with a shaved head and what looked like a belt with canisters attached to it could be seen on the ground with two more bodies behind him. 4, Armed police rushed to the scene where shots were heard and authorities urged Londoners on Twitter to "run, pide, tell" f they were caught in the attack. Britain's Sun newspaper said two attackers were shot dead by police near Londor Bridge; but there was no immediate confirmation of this, 5. London Police later said that six people were killed in Saturday's incidents. There were no more than three attackers, an all of them were shot down by the police. The attackers wore fake suicide vests, the police added. 6. Prime Minister Theresa May confirmed the ferible incident in London" was being treated as 'a potential act of terrorism, eed atime comroihre-tckn edn whe ow rit SBBT cnt te Ina statement issued shorty after midnight, May said, "Following updates from police and security officals, I can confirm that the terrible incident in London is being treated as a potential act of terrorism” ‘She will hold an emergency ministerial meeting later on Sunday, 7. The London ambulance service said at least 30 people had been taken to six hospitals across the city. Three major London hospitals said that they were on lockdown to keep patients and staff safe. & Islamic State earlier on Saturday sent out a call on instant messaging service Telegram urging its followers to launch attacks with trucks, knives and guns against "Crusaders" during the Muslim holy month of Ramzan, 9. US President Donald Trump took to Twitter to offer assistance to Britain "Whatever the United States can do to help out in London and the UK, we will be there -we are with you. God bless!" ‘The White House said he had been briefed on the incidents by his national security team, French President Emmanuel Macron too expressed his solidarity with the UK and said, "Inthe face of this new tragedy, France 's more than ever at Britain's side, My thoughts go out to the victims and their loved ones." 10. The attack came more than a week after a suicide bomber killed 22 people at a concert in the northern city of Manchester and days ahead of the June 8 election, where national security is a major theme. epee aimee corto ack nnn aan rlahwgSHBET are (With inputs from Agencies) epee aimee coca aac enna an rlahwgSHBEST are

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