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1. What is mean by motivational conflict and what relevance does it have for marketing
Answer :
A motivational conflict is a situation in which a person is driven to make a decision
based on conflicting goals. A goal has valence, which means that it can be positive or
negative. Therefore goals can be sought or avoided. The relevance to marketing
manager is : the resolution of motivational conflict often affects consumption pattern.
In this case, the marketing manager can analyze the result from the motivational
conflict and provide the solution for the conflict and attract the patronage of those
consumers facing motivational conflict. Example, when i have to choose to buy a pair
of new shoes and a trip to Bali, but my money only enough for one thing. In this case,
I face approach to approach conflict. The conflict can be resolved by if one of the
product or service provider offers an intallment program for the payment method.

2. What is personality? Give an example!

Personality is an individuals characteristic response tendencies across similar
situations. For example, competitive, aggressive, introvert, etc.

3. How can knowledge of personality be used to develop marketing strategy?

Answer :
For marketers personality is a useful concept as it enables consumers to be
categorised into different groups on the basis of the characteristics they exhibit. Its
essential for marketer in knowing the knowledge of personality because personality
will determine what kind of product that will be produced and in what kind of market
the company will sell its product.
For example :
Puma released fenty puma as a product collaboration with Rihannas Fenty label, a
sporty puma goes girly in lustrous satin, pinky, with a big bowtie in some products.
The products target market is for someone that has a girly personality.

4. What is emotion? Give an example!

Answer :
Emotion is a strong, relatively uncontrolled feelings that affect behaviour . For
example , angry, sad, etc.

5. What physiological changes accompany emotional arousal?

Answer :
Physiological changes accompany emotional arousal are eye pupil dilation, increased
perspiration, more rapid breathing, increased heart rate and blood pressure, enhanced
blood sugar level.

6. How marketer use emotions in product design and positioning?

Answer :
Marketers use emotions to guide product positioning, sales presentation and
advertising. So in order to position a product or brand in a customer mind by giving a
right treatment based on their emotions.
For example is emotion in advertising. As we know that Volvo wants their product to
be positioned in a customer mind as a safest car, to bring it into reality Volvo shows
a video advertisement in their website to show that the car is giving an incredible
standard of protection, the video will give an emotions to people that watch the video
with a goal taht the emotions will lead to posistion the volvos cas as a safest car

7. What is the role of emotional content in advertising?

Emotional content in advertisement enhances customers attention attraction and
maintenance capabilities. Emotional ads may be remeberred that neutral

8. Do marketers create needs? Do they create demand? What ethical issues are relevant?
Answer :
Marketers do not create needs, because marketing and advertising are not the cause
of the basic human motives. But marketes do create demand. By giwing messages
through the advertisements, marketers suggest that using a certain brand is essential
for satisfying a certain need. In so doing, the marketer hopes to create demand for the
It rises an ethical issue where critics feel that creating demand by emphasizing threats
to consumers esteem afiliation is unetchical. For example, the advertisement in
advertisement of sariayu that said we have a dull and dark skin . That kind of
advertising play insecurities of young women and saying like having a dark skin is

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