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April 2017

The class newsletter written and published

TEST-PREP MONTH by Mr. Phams Fifth Grade Students - Class of 2017
For past newsletters, please go to
Class Academic Challenge
In preparation for the CAASPP testing, Room C7 students
participated in an in-class academic challenge to review reading
skills weve learned throughout the year. In Math, we reviewed
all topics from addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division
to fractions and geometry. In true game show style,
contestants from four groups (Earth, Wind, Fire, H2O) pitted
their knowledge against one another using buzzards to answer
The winning group will be presented with the Academic
Challenge 1st place trophy and a special prize for the whole
group. Each group member will also receive class money for
their effort.

We are having a great time playing.

Hopefully, this review will refresh our
memories and help us to do well on the
coming test.
After 2 weeks of heated competition, the
groups current standings:
Earth 178 pts. Wind 238 pts.
H2O 179 pts. Fire 197 pts.
April Character Counts!
Do your share to make your school and
community better. Cooperate. Get involved in
Dear Parents, community affairs. Stay informed.
Be a good neighbor. Obey laws and rules.
Respect authorities. Help people in need.

California Assessment of Student

Performance and Progress Alexander and Giselle were
The annual state testing (CAASPP) recognized in our class for
have begun this, the final week of showing the Character
April and continues for the next 2 Alexander Giselle
weeks. These are important tests
given in grades 3-8 and 11 for ELA
and Math. Our class has been doing a
lot of preparation for the tests
including class reviews, class work, Celebrating
homework, and
academic challenge.
also a group

Please help your child to get ready

and be successful by encouraging
them to do their best, finish all Cambodian New Year was celebrated on April 14, 15, 16.
assigned work, and make sure have
PERFECT ATTENDANCE by not Wed like to wish Daniel, Jaden, Liyah,
scheduling any appointments during Evan, Mike George and all their families
the testing days.
a Happy New Year!
Testing Schedule
ELA April 27, May 2, 3, 4
Math May 9, 10, 11

End-of-Year Activities
We are reaching a point when the
year starts winding down. In our
class, after testing, we will be
starting the bridge building project,

Class Yearbook 2017

class talent show, as well as
continuing with our state report,
solar system report, and our theme
This is the last newsletter of the year!!! In the month of May, we
park project. We will also be working
on our Class Yearbook. Students will
will be working on our last class writing project:
be kept busy until the end of the THE CLASS YEARBOOK 2016-2017
school year.
Please remind your child to end This year has been memorable to all of the students and the
the year well and remember that the teacher. Most of these memories will be treasured in our own Class
learning continues until the end of Yearbook which will include writings and reflections from all the
the year. We will have a lot of fun in students in class. Especially, there will be lots and lots of pictures of
class but always be mindful of class the activities we did this year. We all met new friends and like it or
and school rules. The school will not not, all of us had spent this year together. We stayed together as a
tolerate any acts of unruly behavior,
class. The Class Yearbook will help us remember our class
especially in the last few weeks.
memories big or small since the first day of school to the very last.
Thank you for your support
We are really excited and are looking forward to publish this year-
Toan Pham
end yearbook. We cant wait to start.
Were Ready! Suggestions:

Beginning on Thursday, April 27, Rio Calaveras How old
5 grade students will be involved in CAASPP
th Ciara?

Testing. Our class is preparing and doing

everything we can to be ready.
Please help your child to be successful by
encouraging them to do their best, have PERFECT
ATTENDANCE during the testing days, and Be at school Focus on Reviewing
following these suggestions.
Thank you for your support. ZZzzz MAY

2017 Testing Schedule
Thursday - April 27 ELA
May 2
May 3
Get a Have a
Thursday - May 4 ELA
good nights sleep healthy breakfast
Tuesday - May 9 Math
Wednesday - May 10 Math Im
Thursday - May 11 Math Ready!

INCENTIVE Approach the test Try your best.
Rio Calaveras Principal Mrs. Hall sent home a
with a positive attitude Dont give up!
letter last week with some information below.
- Once testing has started, classrooms will not be We will try our best!
interrupted for any reason. If students are late or
tardy, they will have to make up testing which
We will be successful!
may cause them to lose a field trip, etc. because We can do it!
of limited time getting all the make up testing
done. Room C7 Students
- Students will be given a picture of an ice cream
sundae to color a part of every day for showing
up on time, and doing their best on the test.
Those with a completed coloring pictures will be Class Note: Homework will NOT be assigned for
invited to an Ice Cream Sundae Party at the the duration of the CAASPP test. However, the
conclusion of testing. students will be in the middle of the on-going
- However, please dont force your child to go to State Report, Solar System, Theme Park project,
school if they are ill. They can take the tests and the daily 30-minute Accelerated Reading
when they are better. Please call (209) 933-7270 assignment.
if you have any questions.
The students in class are busy creating a Theme
Park on graph paper using their math and drawing skills.
Classroom Creativity and accuracy are the keys to complete this
project well. After deciding on a park name, each group
MAY Updates of 2 students will create a blueprint of their theme park
with various theme park facilities using different
SOLAR SYSTEM REPORT - Our class is studying polygon shapes and ordered pairs. This project helps
the different planets in our solar system to put together a students in knowing how to classify polygons and
digital flipbook. Students are researching facts about plotting points on a coordinate plane.
planets and using Google Slides to complete the flipbook.
STATE REPORT - Our class started the State Report
research assignment in April. The State Report consists of
4 parts: Research and writing, drawings of the state map,
logo, seal, and other symbols, a website to display state May 2-4 ELA TESTING
information, and finally, the students will produce a video May 5 Cinco de Mayo
summarizing what theyve learned. May 8 Bridge Project Begins
The report is due on May 17. May 9-11 MATH TESTING
TALENT SHOW Its the time to prepare for the May 14 Mothers Day
annual Room C7 Class Talent Show. The students will May 17 State Report Due
choose a talent they would like to perform like singing, May 19 AR Ends!!!
dancing, poetry reading, cheerleading, playing an May 21 Gissele Ts Birthday
instrument, do a comedy, tell jokes, juggling etc Even May 26 Class Talent Show
Mr. Pham will be showcasing his wonderful talents for May 29 Memorial Day No School
the class. The performance will be at the end of May.
May 30 Class Birthday Party
time in May, Room C7 students will be involved in a fun
May 31 Class Carnival
and exciting Math application activity: Bridge Building! June 1 Yearbook Signing Party
We will be constructing bridges out of toothpicks! At the 4th Quarter Report Card
end of the activity, each bridge will be tested for strength 1:45 Awards Assembly
to see how much weight it can hold before collapsing. Last day of school
This will be a fun learning experience for all.

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