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Trigonometric Values

In this unit angles are measured in radians. Recall that radians= 180 degrees.
Degree 0 30 45 60 90
Radian 0 /6 /4
sin 0 = 0/2 1/2
= 1/2 2/2 3/2 1 = 4/2
cos 1 = 4/2 3/2 2/2 1/2 = 1/2 0 = 0/2
The values outside the first quadrant can be deduced from these, by looking at the
trigonometric circle.

Trigonometric Identities

Formulae to know by heart

cos2 x + sin2 x = 1
cos(x) = cos(x) and sin(x) = sin(x)
cos(x y) = cos x cos y sin x sin y
sin(x y) = sin x cos y cos x sin y
sin(2x) = 2 sin x cos x
cos(2x) = cos2 x sin2 x = 1 2 sin2 x = 2 cos2 x 1

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