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OPN Hyperion Planning 11.1.

Implementation Bootcamp
Activity Guide

Edition 1.0
December 2009
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Title of Presentation
Oracle Hyperion Planning
Presenters Name
Presenters Title
Implementation Boot Camp
Lab Guide

Developed in Partnership With:

Table of Contents
Oracle Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp
Lab Guide

Housekeeping & Case Study Introduction 3

Section Objectives ...................................................................................................................................... 3
Exercise 1.1 Copy Distributed Files ........................................................................................................ 4
Exercise 1.2 Launch the Essbase Services .............................................................................................. 5
Exercise 1.3 Introduce Case Study and Discuss Plans for building Essbase application ....................... 6
Essbase Modeling 11
Section Objectives .....................................................................................................................................11
Exercise 2.1 Create new Essbase Application and Database.................................................................12
Exercise 2.2 Create a New Database from Files ....................................................................................28
Exercise 2.3 Add Essbase Spreadsheet Add-in for Excel and update Options .......................................34
Exercise 2.4 Essbase Spreadsheet Add-in for Ad-hoc Queries and Reports ...........................................42
Exercise 2.5 Smart View for Office for Ad-hoc Queries and Reports.....................................................47
Exercise 2.6 Essbase Data Loads ...........................................................................................................54
Exercise 2.7 Essbase Dense/Sparse Settings and Database Properties: Dimensions, Statistics and
Storage ......................................................................................................................................................62
Exercise 2.8 CALC DIM command and review of block creation and Database Statistics....................63
Exercise 2.9 Review Blocks, Index, Dense/Sparse, Compression and Fragmentation concepts ............71
Exercise 2.10 Member Calculations and Member Set Functions ...........................................................72
Exercise 2.11 Correct Percent, Rate and Variance Calculations...........................................................74
Exercise 2.12 Dynamic Calculations......................................................................................................77
Classic Planning Application Creation 78
Section Objectives .....................................................................................................................................78
Exercise 3.1 Create Hyperion Planning Relational Database Repository, Create Planning Application
and Data Source ........................................................................................................................................79
Exercise 3.2 Model Planning Application Dimensions ........................................................................106
Exercise 3.3 Outline Load Utility .........................................................................................................120
Data Form Design 121
Section Objectives ...................................................................................................................................121
Exercise 4.1 Forms Designer ...............................................................................................................122
Exercise 4.2 Business Rules..................................................................................................................135
Exercise 4.3 Additional Form Components ..........................................................................................148
Security and Administration 121
Section Objectives ...................................................................................................................................121
Exercise 5.1 - Planning Security..............................................................................................................171
Exercise 5.2 - Life Cycle Management ...................................................................................................183
Appendices 189
Section Objectives ...................................................................................................................................189
Appendix A.1 Copy Files to Virtual Image ...........................................................................................189
Appendix A.2 Troubleshooting Shared Services Issues ........................................................................189
Housekeeping & Case Study Introduction

Section Objectives
In this section, you:
Copy the distributed required files for completion of the exercises
Launch the services required to run Essbase Server, Essbase
Administration Services (EAS) and Smart View
1 Housekeeping & Case Study Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp

Exercise 1.1 Copy Distributed Files

In this exercise, you copy the distributed files to be used for the
exercises in this workbook to your version of BIC2g (Business
Intelligence Challenge 2 Go) EPM Demo Image

Copy exercise
1. Insert the thumb drive that is distributed by instructor.
2. See Appendix A-1 for details on copying files saved on your Host
system to various Virtual systems.
3. Start your Virtual Image.

Following Dialog Box displays:

This is a known issue and not a concern, click OK button

4. Copy and expand the files Planning_Training folder of the thumb drive
to a new folder on the VM image: c:\BootCamp
Eject the thumb drive.

4 Enablement 2.0
Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp Housekeeping & Case Study 1
Exercise 1.2 Launch the Essbase Services
In this exercise, you launch the services necessary to access Essbase
Server, Essbase Administration Services and Smart View.

See Appendix A.1 for specific instructions for starting the necessary

Start Services
1. For the exercises in this section, the following services are needed.
(see Appendix A.1 for specific instructions on starting the necessary


Hyperion Foundation OpenLDAP

Hyperion Foundation Shared Services

Hyperion Essbase Services 11.1.1 - hypservice_1

Hyperion Administration Services - Web Application
Hyperion Provider Services - Web Application

At end of Day, Stop Services in reverse order before Shut Down

of virtual image to help avoid Shared Services corruption issues.

Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp 5

1 Housekeeping & Case Study Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp

Exercise 1.3 Introduce Case Study and Discuss Plans for

building Essbase application
In this exercise, you will be introduced to the case study that we will use
for the entire boot camp. You will be provided with reports and a
sample input data format and asked to plan out the application structure
in terms of dimensions and members.

Review the reports

provided by the
1. Review the following reports provided by the client and with the rest
of the attendees in an interactive session, agree on the Dimensions and
Members that will need to be included in Essbase to produce the

6 Enablement 2.0
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Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp 7

1 Housekeeping & Case Study Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp

2. What Dimensions are required in Essbase to build reports?

3. What are the Members Hierarchies in the Dimensions?
4. What questions should we ask the client?
5. What recommendations can we make to the client?
6. Review the Sample Data file provided by client IT Department.

8 Enablement 2.0
Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp Housekeeping & Case Study 1

7. Does this answer any questions?

8. Does it raise additional questions?
9. Lets ask the client our questions and see what we learn.

Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp 9

Essbase Modeling

Section Objectives
At the end of this section, you will be able to:
Create new Essbase Application and Database
Build new Essbase Database Outline
Use Essbase Spreadsheet Add-in to do ad-hoc queries and create
Use Smart View for Office to do ad-hoc queries and create reports
Build and Run Essbase Data Load Rules
Understand Essbase Architecture: Dense, Sparse, Blocks and Index
Learn Calculation Fundamentals
2 Essbase Modeling Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp

Exercise 2.1 Create new Essbase Application and Database

In this exercise, you log in to Essbase Administration Services and
create a new Application and Database.

Log in to Essbase
1. From the Windows Start button select All Programs >
Oracle EPM System > Essbase > Administration Services >
Start Administration Services Console

After selecting this path once, Start Administration Services

Console should be added to your program favorites.

The Administration Services console window appears and a Login

dialog box displayed:

2. Under Username, type demoadmin

Under Password, type Demov52
Click OK.
3. Expand Essbase Servers so that demodrive appears
Create Application
and Database
4. From the Windows Start button select All Programs >
Oracle Right-click on demodrive and select Create > Application
> Using block storage

12 Enablement 2.0
Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp Essbase Modeling 2
(you can also Create Application with demodrive Server selected and
by selecting menu bar item Actions > Create > Application for
demodrive > Using block storage)

The Create Application dialog box displays:

5. Under Application name:, type AutoDemo and click OK.

Be patient! This may take about 30 seconds as Essbase creates

new file structure for new Application and related objects and
allocates additional memory as new Application is started.

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2 Essbase Modeling Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp

6. Expand demodrive node (or double-click) so that Applications

appears in next level.
7. Expand Applications node so that AutoDemo appears in next level.
8. Right-click on AutoDemo and select Create database

14 Enablement 2.0
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The Create Database dialog box displays:

9. Under Database name: type New and click OK.

10. Expand AutoDemo node so that New appears in next level.
11. Expand New node so that Outline appears in next level.
12. Right-click on Outline and select Edit.

The Outline Editor displays:

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2 Essbase Modeling Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp

13. Hide/Unhide the Navigation Pane on the left by selecting View and
then uncheck/check Navigation.
14. Select the Maximize button to display Outline Editor in a larger view.

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15. Click on button to Add a child to selected member button (see
above) and enter the Dimensions: Measures, Time and Scenario.

16. Press Enter to close the input box.

17. Select Time and click on button to Add a child to selected
18. Enter Time dimensions members: Year, M1, M2, M3, M12, Q1,
Q2, Q3 and Q4 and press Enter to exit Input box
19. Select M10, M11 and M12 (Crtl-click each M11 and M12 or Shift-
click M12) and click on button to Mark the selected member to
be cut.

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20. Select Q4 and click on button to Paste the marked member as a

child of the selected member.

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The Outline Confirmation dialog box is displayed.

21. Click Yes.

Confirmation is useful to avoid making inadvertent changes, but

can be turned off by selecting Tools > Console Options and
then selecting Outline Tools tab in the Options dialog box as
displayed below.

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Following the Paste, the Outline Editor shows the members in the
new position:

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22. Repeats steps 19-21 to move the other Month members as children of
appropriate Quarter members
23. Select the Year member, right-click and select 1 option Edit
member properties
24. The Member Properties dialog box displays, enter Default Alias of
Calendar Year and click Next button to Save modifications and
change selection to the next member

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25. Update remaining Aliases for Time dimension using Quarter 1,

January, February, March, Quarter 2, April

The Time dimension in Outline Editor should appear as follows:

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26. Add Members for Measures dimension through Total Gross Sales
(refer to page 6), hint: change Consolidation properties by using
right-click option to Edit member properties

27. Tag Measures dimension as Accounts and Time dimension as

Time using Member Properties dialog box and Dimension type:

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2 Essbase Modeling Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp

28. Select one of Account members and Edit member properties ,

Notice new properties under Account information
29. Select Time dimension, right-click and select Dynamic time
30. Enable Y-T-D as Gen1 and Q-T-D as Gen2 and click OK

31. After Time dimension you will now see (Active Dynamic Time
Series Members: Q-T-D). Why isnt Y-T-D included? Year is the
predefined generation name for the Y-T-D Dynamic Time Series.
Since Year already exists as member in the Time dimension, Essbase

24 Enablement 2.0
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wont allow adding a Dynamic Times Series with generation name of
32. Rename the Year member to Full Year and enable Enable Y-T-D
dynamic time series as Gen1

The Measures dimension in Outline Editor should appear as follows:

33. Add Scenario members Actual (~), Budget (~) and Actual vs
Budget (~) with appropriate Consolidation properties.
34. While in the Member Properties dialog box for Actual vs. Budget,
select the Formula tab.
35. Check the checkbox for Insert Arguments and under Math
category (or near bottom of Alphabetical listing), select @VAR
function, double-click @VAR to move it to the Script pane.
36. Expand the Scenario dimension and with mbrName1 highlighted,
double-click on Actual, then with mbrName2 highlighted, double-
click on Budget.

Script should show @VAR (Actual, Budget) as shown below:

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2 Essbase Modeling Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp

37. Click on the Verify button. Member Formula dialog box displays -

38. Click OK button. The message indicates unexpected end of

expression. All formulas and calc script commands need to end
with a semi-colon (;). Add a semi-colon at end of formula and click
on the Verify button. Member Formula dialog box displays -

26 Enablement 2.0
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39. Click OK button, then click OK button in Member Properties dialog


The Scenario dimension in Outline Editor should appear as follows:

40. What are two other ways to calculate Actual Budget?

What are the pros and cons of each approach?

41. Save Outline and remain in Essbase Administration Services for

following exercise.

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2 Essbase Modeling Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp

Exercise 2.2 Create a New Database from Files

In this exercise, you create new AutoDemo:Auto database, upload
Outline from file in BootCamp folder, save Outline to server, load data
from file in BootCamp folder and calculate database to be used in
subsequent exercises.

Create new
1. Repeat steps 8 and 9 from exercise 2.1 to create new database in
AutoDemo Application called Auto

2. From the menu bar, select File > Open and in Open dialog box,
with tab on File System, navigate to C:\BootCamp\Calcs\calcbeg.otl
and press OK button.

28 Enablement 2.0
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3. The outline will appear in the Outline Editor. From the menu bar,
select File > Save as and in Save As dialog box, with tab on
Essbase Server, double-click on Auto, select Auto.otl and click OK

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2 Essbase Modeling Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp

A Confirmation dialog box displays:

4. Click Yes button.

A Outline Editor dialog box displays:

5. Click No button.
6. In Navigation pane, select the new AutoDemo:Auto database. Right-
click and select Load data

30 Enablement 2.0
Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp Essbase Modeling 2
7. In the Load Data dialog box, click on Find Data File button and in
Open dialog box, with tab on File System, navigate to
C:\BootCamp\Calcs\explev0.txt and click OK button.
8. Back in Load Data dialog box click OK button to start data load.

The Data Load Results dialog box displays:

9. After confirming Status of Success, click Close button.

In Navigation pane, select the AutoDemo:Auto database. Right-click
and select Execute calculation

The Execute Database Calculation dialog box displays:

Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp 31

2 Essbase Modeling Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp

10. Click OK button to initiate the default calculation which will take
about 10 seconds to complete.
11. In Navigation pane, select the AutoDemo:Auto database. Right-click
and select Preview data

The Data Preview Grid displays:

12. If you see data, this confirms data has been successfully loaded and
calculated at the top level of each dimension. The number shown is
followed by E8, so it is 205,939,054.

32 Enablement 2.0
Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp Essbase Modeling 2
13. From Navigation Pane expand AutoDemo node so that Auto appears
and expand Auto node so that Outline appears, right-click on Outline
and select View. Notice the following items:
- Measures: many Metrics, but no formulas, just examples
- Time: PTD members using shared members, No Time member
- Scenario: ScenarioCalculations members
- Total Dealers: Regions alternate hierarchy, No Dealer member
- Department: No Department member
- Products: No Product member
- US Regions: Attribute dimension, go back to Total Dealers and
select AW 001, notice UDA, right-click and View Member
Properties, notice attribute of West US, right-click and Remove
split view, to close Member Properties pane
14. Leave the Essbase Administration Services console open to review
the outline as we work through other Day 1 exercises.

Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp 33

2 Essbase Modeling Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp

Exercise 2.3 Add Essbase Spreadsheet Add-in for Excel and

update Options
In this exercise, you add the Essbase Spreadsheet Add-in to copy of
Excel on the Demo image using file from EssbaseClient\bin directory.

Add Essbase
Spreadsheet Add-
1. From the Windows Start button select All Programs >
Microsoft Office > Microsoft Office Excel 2007

After selecting this path once, Microsoft Excel should be added

to your program favorites.

2. Select Microsoft Office button (in upper left hand corner) and
select Excel Options at bottom of dialog box.

The Excel Options dialog displays:

34 Enablement 2.0
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Select Add-ins on the left pane.

The Add-ins pane displays on the right:

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2 Essbase Modeling Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp

15. With Manage: Excel Add-ins selected in the dialog box at the
bottom, click on adjacent Go button.

A new Add-Ins dialog box displays:

36 Enablement 2.0
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16. Click on Browse button to the right.

Browse to C:\ORCL\HYSL\products\Essbase\EssbaseClient\bin and
select essexcln.xll file

The Add-ins pane will be redisplayed showing the new add-in:

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17. Press OK button.

The Add-Ins menu bar option will now show Essbase as an option:

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Update the Default
7. Select Essbase > Options

The Essbase Options dialog box is displayed:

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8. On Display tab, under Cells, select Adjust Columns.

9. Clink on Global tab.

40 Enablement 2.0
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10. Close Excel

Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp 41

2 Essbase Modeling Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp

Exercise 2.4 Essbase Spreadsheet Add-in for Ad-hoc Queries

and Reports
In this exercise, you will familiarize yourself with using the Essbase
Spreadsheet Add-in to create ad-hoc queries and reports in Excel.

Connect to an
1. From the Excel 2007 Add-Ins ribbon, select Essbase >
The Essbase System Login dialog box displays.

2. Enter Username: demoadmin, Password: Demov52 and click OK

3. Select Application/Database: AutoDemo:Auto and click OK
4. Do default Retrieve using Essbase > Retrieve or double-click in
the Excel grid. The value of 205,939,054 represents one cell in the
cube at the Dimension level of each of the 6 dimensions represented
in the Auto database. Notice that this is the exact same number as
shown in the Data Preview Grid.

42 Enablement 2.0
Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp Essbase Modeling 2
5. Double-click on Measures (or use Essbase > Zoom In). You will
see the 2 Gen1 members under Measures.
6. Do Essbase > Flashback and then Essbase > Options and
on Zoom tab, change Zoom In to All Levels and click OK.
7. Again zoom in on Measures. Now you will see all levels of the
Measures dimension, similar to a P&L statement. Be careful not to
use the All Levels or the Bottom Level settings when doing zoom
in on a large dimension as it will bring back more data than you can
reasonably analyze and may take a long time to complete or error out
if there are more rows than Excel can accommodate.
8. Select Essbase > Options and on Zoom tab, change Zoom In
back to Next Level and click OK.
9. Select Fleet Units Sales and Essbase > Keep Only.
10. Double-click on Total Dealers and Pivot the Measure member
Fleet Unit Sales from Rows to a Column using Essbase > Pivot
or by drag and drop. Double-click on North America. Double-click
on Dealers. Double-click on Auto World. Double-click on Regions.
Double-click on Western US. Double-click on Regions. Double-
click on Western US. You can see the Regions alternate hierarchy
uses shared members.
11. Select Total Dealers and Essbase > Keep Only and then
Essbase > Member Selection, in the Member Selection dialog
box select member Total Dealers and click Add-> button so that
Total Dealers appears under Rules:
The Essbase Member Selection dialog box should be as below:

Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp 43

2 Essbase Modeling Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp

12. Right-click on Total Dealers under Rules: and select Subset,

click on the Add as AND Condition button.
The Subset Dialog box should be as below:

13. Click on OK. On Member Selection dialog box, under Rules:, under
Total Dealers, you will now see Attribute of UDAWest, click on
OK. The 5 members of Total Dealers dimension with UDA of
UDAWest will be in each row. Retrieve to see data.
14. Right double-click on AW 001 (or use Essbase > Zoom In),
continue zooming out to North America, then zoom in and zoom in
again on Regions.
15. In new column (cell G1), enter the Attribute dimension US Regions
(or use Essbase > Member Selection, and select Dimension
US Regions), then zoom in on US Regions and pivot the attribute
dimension to columns.

You would not typically include both alternate hierarchies AND

attribute dimensions for the same members. Discuss why you
might use one of the other.

16. Delete row 2 attribute dimension members, zoom-in on Dealers,

zoom-in on Auto World, select AW 001 and Essbase > Keep

44 Enablement 2.0
Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp Essbase Modeling 2
17. In place of Departments, type cc6350 and do a Retrieve. If you know
the names of members, you can simply type them in. Notice that the
data value doesnt change. CC6350 is the only department with Fleet
Unit Sales data.
18. In place of Products, type 155 and do a Retrieve.
The Essbase Error dialog box displays:

Essbase only recognizes Text members and Excel be default

recognizes number strings as Numbers.
19. In place of 155, type 155 (with single quote in front) and do a
Retrieve. Now Essbase recognizes 155 as a member. In place of 155,
type 155-1000-10 (without single quote in front) and do a Retrieve.
With dashes in the string, Excel now recognizes this as a Text
20. Zoom In on Time and Pivot the Total Dealers member AW 001
from Rows to a Column.
21. Why does PTD have no value? Check the outline for an explanation.
22. Type PTDApr in place of PTD and do a Retrieve.
23. In new row below Time, type y-t-d(apr) and do a Retrieve. This uses
Dynamic Time Series to generate the same values as created by using
the PTD members. Why use PTD members versus Y-T-D Dynamic
Time Series?
24. Select Calendar Year and Essbase > Keep Only.
25. Zoom In on Calendar Year and each of the Quarters so all months are
26. Select Essbase > Options and on Display tab under Aliases,
select checkbox to Use Aliases, click OK and do a Retrieve to
display member aliases.
27. Select Scenario, and use Alt + double-click to Zoom In across Rows,
select 2003 and Scenario (Ctrl+click) and Essbase > Remove
28. Zoom In on 2004 and ScenarioCalculations.
Why does Actual/Budget only have values for the months?
See Outline to find an answer. What are options to fix this?
29. Keep Only 2004 Actual, 2004 Budget and 2004 Forecast

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2 Essbase Modeling Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp

30. Copy the values of Jan:Jul from 2004 Actual to 2004 Forecast
and add new value for Aug -> 2004 Forecast of 48. Then do
Essbase > Lock, Essbase > Send and do a Retrieve.
31. Create Report1 (see page 6) using Essbase Spreadsheet Add-in.
32. Select Essbase > Disconnect

Click on the Disconnect button and then click on the Close button.

46 Enablement 2.0
Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp Essbase Modeling 2
Exercise 2.5 Smart View for Office for Ad-hoc Queries and
In this exercise, , you will familiarize yourself with using the Smart View
for Office to create ad-hoc queries and reports in Excel.

Connect to an
1. From the Excel 2007 Hyperion ribbon, select Data Source Manager.
The Smart View Data Source Manager window displays.
2. Use the Switch button (on left) to select Common Provider
Connections in lieu of Independent Provider Services.

The click on Connect to Provider Services

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2 Essbase Modeling Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp

Then under Pre-defined drop-down, select All in lieu of Pre-defined

3. Select the Oracle Essbase connection and expand to display the

demodrive node, select demodrive.

The Connect to Data Source dialog box displays:

48 Enablement 2.0
Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp Essbase Modeling 2

4. Enter Username: demoadmin, Password: Demov52 and click the

Connect button.
5. Expand AutoDemo node, right-click on Auto and select Ad-Hoc

You can also Add to Favorites (for End-Users) or Add To Pre-

defined (for Administrators).

6. The default query (Measures and Time) displays, with the top level in
the other dimensions included in the Point of View (POV).

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7. Zoom In on Time using double-click (or use the Zoom In button).

8. Select Calendar Year and use the Keep Only button.

9. Type Fleet Unit Sales in place of Measures and click on Refresh
10. Click on Total Dealers drop down in POV and select

The Member Selection dialog box displays:

11. Select Total Dealers, AW 001, AW 002, AW 003 and AW 004 and
click the Add button and then the OK button.

50 Enablement 2.0
Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp Essbase Modeling 2
The values are added to POV as displayed below:

12. Select AW 001 and click Refresh button.

13. Left-click on Products in POV and drag to a colum.

14. Use Select Calendar Year and Pivot button to switch it to row
and select Fleet Sales Units and Pivot button to switch it to
15. Zoom In on Calendar Year, Q1, Q2, Q3 and Q4.

16. Click on Undo button 4 times (to Zoom Out from quarters) and
click on Redo button 3 times to Zoom In on Q1 thru Q3. Undo is
enabled on the Options dialog box and the Ad Hoc tab In Number
of Undo Actions, specify the number of permissible Undo operations
2 through 100.
17. Right-click on any cell and select Hyperion > Ad Hoc Analysis >
Change Alias Table.

The Select Alias Table dialog box displays:

Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp 51

2 Essbase Modeling Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp

18. Select Default alias and click OK button.

Notice that aliases are displayed in grid as well as in the POV.

19. Select Products in grid and Member Selection button

20. In Member Selection dialog box, 1st click Remove button to
remove Products from under Selection, then expand Total Products,
SUV and Bump Jumper, select Bump Jumper EUV and click the
Add button and then the OK button.
21. Right-click and drag Bump Jumper EUV from grid back to the
POV (or use Hyperion > Ad Hoc Analysis > Pivot to POV)
22. Left-click and drag Scenario from the POV to a column and Right-
click and drag Fleet Unit Sales from grid back to the POV
23. In the POV, select Department CC6350 (under Functional > Sales
and Mktg > Sales)

24. Select Scenario in grid, Member Selection button, select 2004

Actual, 2004 Budget and 2004 Forecast (exclude Scenario) and
Refresh. You should recognize 2004 Forecast data entered earlier.
25. Revise Aug -> 2004 Forecast from 48 to 51, notice cell changes to
yellow to indicate value has been updated.
26. Click on Submit Data button (this combines Lock and Send into
one step), notice cell changes back to white to indicate there are no
outstanding updates.
27. Create Report1 (see page 6) using Smart View for Office.
28. In Smart View Data Source Manager, right-click on
AutoDemo:Auto, click on Disconnect > Data Source
Connection followed by Disconnect > Common Provider

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2 Essbase Modeling Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp

Exercise 2.6 Essbase Data Loads

In this exercise you will create new Data Load Rules for loading a text
files to Essbase.

Log in to Essbase
1. Log on to Essbase Administration Serices (follow steps from Exercise
2.1, page 11)
2. Expand Essbase Servers node, demodrive node, Applications node,
and AutoDemo node, right-click on AutoDemo and select Create
The Create Database dialog box displays:
Under Database name type AutoPlan and click OK.
3. Repeat steps 2 through 5 from exercise 2.2 to open
C:\BootCamp\Model\FinishedAutoplan.otl from File Server and Save
to AutoPlan.otl on Essbase Server.
4. Review AutoPlan outline making note of dimensions and format of
5. Right-click on AutoPlan and select Create > Rules file, the Date
Prep Editor pane displays.
6. From menu bar select File > Open data file (NOT Open), select
File System tab and select C:\BootCamp\Load\LoadACT.txt file
7. Select Options > Associate outline (or use Associate outline
shortcut button) and confirm AutoDemo:AutoPlan is selected and
click OK button.
8. Select Options > Data source properties (or use Data source
properties shortcut button). The Delimiter tab has Delimiter set as
Tab (the default), for this tab delimited file. If appropriate, you can
select other delimiter including Custom delimiters like | (pipe) or
specific Column width.
9. Select the Header tab. Since the data file has some month number
labels in Row 1, we want to ignore it under Header lines change
Number of lines to skip from 0 to 1.

Data source header records can be used if a header row

contains all the Data Load or Dimension Build field names.

Click OK button.

54 Enablement 2.0
Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp Essbase Modeling 2
10. Are all dimensions represented in data?
Select Options > Data load settings (or use Data load setting
shortcut button). Leave Data Load Values tab with default -
Overwrite existing values. On Header Definition tab, expand
Dimension > Scenarios and double-click on Actuals member so that
Actuals appears after Header > Name, then expand Dimension >
Versions and double-click on Final member so that Final appears
after Header > Name

Data Load Setting dialog box should look as follows:

Click OK button.
11. Select View and make sure Data load fields is checked. This is a
toggle, with either Data load fields or Dimension build fields
checked (or use Data load fields shortcut button).
12. Select Field > Properties and the Field Properties dialog box
displays for Field number:1.
13. Select the Data Load Properties tab and double-click on
Dimension > Year so that Year appears after Data load > Field

Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp 55

2 Essbase Modeling Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp

Field Properties dialog box should look as follows:

14. Click Next >> button and proceed to map fields to dimensions:
Field2 Total Dealers
Field3 Entity
Field4 Products
Field5 Account
Field6 M1 (expand Period > YearTotal > Q1)
Field6 M1
Field7 M2
Field8 M3
Field9 M4
Field10 M5
Field11 M6
Field12 M7
Field13 M8
Field14 M9
Field15 M10
Field16 M11
Field17 M12

56 Enablement 2.0
Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp Essbase Modeling 2
15. What do we do with Field18?
Select checkbox to Ignore field during load

16. Click OK button.

In Data Prep Editor pane all columns should now show corresponding
Dimension or Member name, or in case of Field18, the values (No
Time in row 1) should be grayed out
17. Are any changes needed to map data to outline members?
18. Select Feild1 and then select Field > Properties. On the Global
Properties tab, enter Replace 20 and With FY as shown

Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp 57

2 Essbase Modeling Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp

19. Click OK button.

In Data Prep Editor pane all values under Field1/Year should now
appear as FY04.
20. Change Field Properties for Field3/Entity to include prefix of CC
and click OK button.

58 Enablement 2.0
Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp Essbase Modeling 2

21. Select Options > Validate (or Validate shortcut button)

The Validate Rules File confirmation box should be displayed.

Click OK button.

22. Select File > Save As and save in Essbase Server, Look in:
AutoPlan as File name: LoadAct

Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp 59

2 Essbase Modeling Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp

23. Right-click on AutoPlan, select Load data and the Data Load
dialog box displays.
24. Click on Find Data File button and select File System tab and
select C:\BootCamp\Load\LoadACT.txt file and click OK button.
25. Click on Find Rules File button and select Essbase Server tab
and select LoadAct.rul file and click OK button.

Data Load dialog box should look as shown below:

26. Click the OK button to initiate the data load.

Data Load Results dialog box should be displayed indicating Status

of Success:

60 Enablement 2.0
Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp Essbase Modeling 2

Click Close button.

27. On your own, create a new data load rule for AutoDemo:Auto using
C:\BootCamp\Load\datafield.txt file.
What is different? What do we do?
28. Keep Essbase Administration Services Console open for following

Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp 61

2 Essbase Modeling Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp

Exercise 2.7 Essbase Dense/Sparse Settings and Database

Properties: Dimensions, Statistics and Storage
In this exercise you will review Dense/Sparse settings of the
AutoDemo:Auto database, calculate the block size and review
Database Properties.

Review Essbase
1. From the Essbase Administration Services Console Navigation Pane,
select AutoDemo:Auto Outline (under Auto), right-click and select
Edit, the Outline Editor pane displays.
2. Select Properties tab and scroll down to bottom to review
Dimension Storage Types
3. Select Outline tab and expand the dense dimensions by selecting
dimension name and then Outline > Expand to descendants.
4. Count the stored members for each dense dimension remembering to
ignore Shared Members and Dynamic Calc Members and Implied
Shared Members.
5. Calculate the Block Size (Dense Dimension1 stored members x
Dense Dimension2 stored members x x 8 bytes/member).
6. From the Essbase Administration Services Console Navigation Pane,
select AutoDemo:Auto Database, right-click and select Edit >
Properties, the Database Properties pane displays.
7. Select Dimensions tab and review Type, Members and Member
Stored columns. Notice that no members are stored for Attribute
Dimensions. Do values of Members Stored for Dense dimensions
match your calculations from step 4?
8. Select Statistics tab, does Block Size match your calculations from
step 5?

Average clustering ratio of 1.0 indicates no fragmentation. If you

experience fragmentation that degrades performance, consider
a database restructure or alternatively, Export Lev0 data, Clear
database, Load Export file and Calculate.

9. Select Storage tab and review information. When is RLE or ZLIB

compression appropriate?
10. Based on understanding of Dense and Sparse, how should data load
files be formatted to optimize performance?

62 Enablement 2.0
Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp Essbase Modeling 2
Exercise 2.8 CALC DIM command and review of block creation
and Database Statistics
In this exercise you will create a Rollup Calc script using CALC DIM
command and iteratively add additional dimensions to gain better
understanding of how CALC DIM command works and when blocks are

Start by Clearing
1. From the Essbase Administration Services Console Navigation Pane,
select AutoDemo:Auto database, right-click and select Clear > All
data. The Confirm Database Clear dialog box displays. Clink Yes
button. Database Clear dialog box will then be displayed. Click OK
2. Right-click on Auto database and select Create > Calculation
script, the Calculation Script Editor pane displays.
3. On bottom left-hand side of Calculation Script Editor pane, make
sure Insert Arguments is checked and with Categorical tab
selected, expand Functional and scroll down and double-click on SET

Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp 63

2 Essbase Modeling Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp

Edit command to be SET UPDATECALC OFF; and press Enter to go

to 2nd line. Review Essbase Technical Reference to understand details
for this command.
nd rd
4. Add 2 command SET MSG DETAIL; and press Enter to go to 3
line. Review Essbase Technical Reference to understand details for
this command.
5. Add 3 command CALC DIM(dimlist); with dimlist highlighted,
right-click on Measures and select Insert member name.

64 Enablement 2.0
Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp Essbase Modeling 2

6. From menu bar select Syntax > Check syntax (or use Check
syntax shortcut button).

The Calculation Script Editor confirmation box should be displayed:

If there are any errors, they should be displayed in the Messages pane.

7. From menu bar select File > Save as, and save in Essbase
Server, Look in: Auto as File name: Rollup and click OK button.
8. Before we go to Excel, delete the Application log file. Right-click on
AutoDemo Application and select Delete > Log.

Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp 65

2 Essbase Modeling Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp

A confirmation dialog box displays:

Click OK button.

9. Open new Excel workbook, from Hyperion ribbon 1st confirm that
for Options on Ad Hoc tab that the checkbox Suppress Rows No
Data/#Missing is not checked. Select Data Source Manager,
Connect to Provider Services, navigate to AutoDemo:Auto database,
right-click and select Ad-Hoc Analysis.
10. Configure the following grid, enter data values shown below and
Click on Submit Data button.

11. On the Add-Ins ribbon, select Hyperion > Calculation options

> Calculate.

The Calculation Scripts dialog box displays:

66 Enablement 2.0
Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp Essbase Modeling 2

12. Select Calculation Script Rollup and Cube Auto and click the
Launch button.

Calculation Script confirmation dialog box should be displayed:

Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp 67

2 Essbase Modeling Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp

Click OK button.
13. From Hyperion ribbon, click on Refresh button. New values for
Fleet Sales and Auto Sales are displayed.

14. How many blocks exist in the database? From Essbase

Administration Services Console, right-click on AutoDemo
Application and select View > Log.
15. Modify adding Time to CALC DIM command -
CALC DIM ("Measures","Time");
Save revised Calc Script, right-click on Auto database and select
Execute Calculation .

The Execute Database Calculation dialog box is displayed:

68 Enablement 2.0
Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp Essbase Modeling 2

Select Rollup and click OK button.

16. In Excel, click on Refresh button. New values for Q1 and
Calendar Year are displayed.

17. How many blocks exist in the database? From Essbase

Administration Services Console, right-click on AutoDemo
Application and select View > Log.

Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp 69

2 Essbase Modeling Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp

18. Modify adding Total Dealers to CALC DIM command.

Save revised Calc Script, and execute calculation. How many blocks
exist in the database? View the Outline and the Total Dealers
hierarchy to help determine the correct answer. Remember to
consider Shared Members. Then view log file to confirm results.
19. Modify adding Products to CALC DIM command. Save
revised Calc Script, and execute calculation. How many blocks exist
in the database? View the Outline and the Products hierarchy to help
determine the correct answer. Then view log file to confirm results.
20. Modify adding remaining Scenario and Department
dimensions and save revised Calc Script. This will be used later in
subsequent exercises.
21. Clear All data from AutoDemo:Auto database (see step 1 for details).
22. Load data from C:\BootCamp\Calcs\explev0.txt file and calculate
database using (default) calculation (see steps 6-10 in Exercise 2.2 for
23. In Excel, start with query for Measures and Time and Sparse
dimensions 2004 Actual, AW 001, CC6350 and 155-1000-
10. Change Options on Ad-Hoc tab to Zoom-In All Levels and
Zoom In on Measures and Time. Notice that 12 of 18 Stored Time
members have data and 19 of 55 Stored Measures members have
data. The block density based on this one block would be 12/18 *
19/55 or 23%. Check AutoDemo:Auto Database Statistics and see
that it shows average Block Density of 25.46%. This is actually a
reasonable value for many applications.
24. Reset Options back to Zoom-In Next Level

70 Enablement 2.0
Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp Essbase Modeling 2
Exercise 2.9 Review Blocks, Index, Dense/Sparse,
Compression and Fragmentation concepts
In this exercise you will review a series of worksheets to reinforce the
concepts discussed earlier regarding Essbase Architecture, with
specific related to the AutoDemo:Auto database.

Open Excel
1. Open C:\BootCamp\Calcs\123Arch.xls.
2. Review and discuss the initial 5 worksheets:
- Our Block View
- Our Index View
- Basic Consolidation D-S Stats
- Compression
- Fragmentation
3. Prepare for next exercise by leaving 123Arch.xls open and from the
Essbase Administration Services Console Navigation Pane, select
AutoDemo:Auto database, right-click and select Clear > All data.
The Confirm Database Clear dialog box displays. Clink Yes button.
Database Clear dialog box will then display. Click OK button.

Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp 71

2 Essbase Modeling Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp

Exercise 2.10 Member Calculations and Member Set Functions

In this exercise you will be introduced to Member Calculations and
Member Set Functions

Open Excel
1. Open C:\BootCamp\Calcs\123Arch.xls and select Member Calc
2. Right-click on Member Calc worksheet name, select Move or
Copy and select Before sheet: Member Calc and make sure to
select Create a copy checkbox as shown below.

3. Select Data Source Manager and connect to AutoDemo:Auto

database using right-click and selecting Ad-hoc Analysis.

A Smart View dialog box displays:

Select No button so that the contents of the sheet are NOT cleared.

72 Enablement 2.0
Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp Essbase Modeling 2
4. Copy the data values from original Member Calc worksheet to the
Member Calc (2) worksheet and Click on Submit Data button.
5. From Administration Services Console Navigation Pane, right-click
on Auto database and select Create > Calculation script, the
Calculation Script Editor pane displays.
6. On bottom left-hand side of Calculation Script Editor pane, make sure
Insert Arguments is checked and with Alphabetical tab selected,
expand Functional and scroll down and double-click on SET
7. On top left-hand hand side of Calculation Script Editor pane, make
sure Use Aliases is checked, expand Measures and Net Sales and
right-click on Total Cost of Sales (Alias: COS) and select Insert
member name. Validate/Check syntax and File > Save As in Essbase Server.
8. Execute
9. In Smart View click on Refresh to see results of calculation.
Why are there no results for Total Cost of Goods Sold?
10. Revise adding the children of Total Cost of Goods
"Incentives & Rebates";
11. Save and execute revised do Smart View Refresh.

You could also use Member Set function @ICHILDREN(COS);

For more than one level use @IDESCENDANTS. Member
Calcs provide finer level of detail than available with CALC DIM;

Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp 73

2 Essbase Modeling Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp

Exercise 2.11 Correct Percent, Rate and Variance Calculations

In this exercise you will fix issues related to incorrect Percent, Rate and
Variance calculations resulting from default consolidation of results.

Reload Data
1. Load data from C:\BootCamp\Calcs\explev0.txt file and calculate
database using (default) calculation (see steps 6-10 in Exercise 2.2 for
2. Open C:\BootCamp\Calcs\123Arch.xls, select Rates and
consolidations worksheet and connect to AutoDemo:Auto database
using right-click and selecting Ad-hoc Analysis.
Is anything wrong with the calculations?
3. Select AW 001 and Zoom Out, select Auto World and Zoom In.
Is there anything else that is wrong with the calculations?
1 lets fix Rebate
% of Sales
4. What should the calculation for Rebate % of Sales be?
Is it obvious or do we need to ask the client?
Think about this carefully from a business perspective.
5. From Administration Services Console Navigation Pane, right-click
on Outline under Auto:Demo:Auto database and select Edit.
6. In Outline Editor, expand Measures, Metrics and Sales Metrics.
Right-click on Rebates % of Sales and select Edit member
properties. In Member Properties dialog box, select Formula tab
and enter formula - "Rebates" % "Auto Sales";
7. Click Verify button, click OK button for Member Formula success
dialog box , click OK button for Member Properties dialog box and
Save button in Outline Editor.
8. Recalculate database using (default) calculation and in Smart View
click Refresh. Did the results for Rebate % of Sales change? Why
9. Recalculate database using calculation (note: SET
UPDATECALC OFF; turns Intelligent Calculation off) and in Smart
View click Refresh. Are results now correct? Why not?
10. In Outline Editor, right-click on Rebates % of Sales and select Edit
member properties. In Member Properties dialog box, select
Information tab and change Two-Pass calculation: from false
to true, click OK button for Member Properties dialog box and Save
button in Outline Editor.

74 Enablement 2.0
Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp Essbase Modeling 2
Restructure Database Options dialog box is displayed:

Select All data (default) and click OK button.

11. Recalculate database using calculation and in Smart View
click Refresh. Are results now correct? Why not?
12. Revise adding CALC TWOPASS; and This explicitly
forces Two-Pass calculations. Recalculate database using
calculation and in Smart View click Refresh. Are results now correct?
Note that CALC ALL; automatically forces any Two-pass
calculations. Are there other options to make correct calculation?
13. In Outline Editor, right-click on Rebates % of Sales and select Edit
member properties. In Member Properties dialog box, select
Information tab and change Two-Pass calculation: from true to
false, change DataStorage from Store Data to Dynamic Calc,
click OK button for Member Properties dialog box and Save button
in Outline Editor. For Restructure Database Options dialog box,
select All data (default) and click OK button.
14. Revise by commenting out CALC TWOPASS -
/* CALC TWOPASS; */. Save and recalculate database using calculation and in Smart View click Refresh. Are results
correct? Dynamic Calc using a different calculation order that often
resolves percent and rate calculation issues. In some cases you may
also need Dynamic Calc and Two-Pass calculation.
Now lets fix the
Price roll-up
15. Any ideas? Dynamic Calc wont work, because then the Lev0 Price
input data is lost. Two-Pass wont work because ???? Seems to work!
16. The solution is something called a Back Calc, recalculating after the
Main Rollup.
17. Revise by adding:
(Fleet Price = Fleet Sales / Fleet Unit Sales;
Dealer Price = Dealer Sales / Dealer Unit Sales;)
Note: the set of parentheses are necessary to force a 2nd pass for the

Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp 75

2 Essbase Modeling Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp

Back Calc. Save and recalculate database using calculation

and in Smart View click Refresh. Are results correct?
Finally lets fix
2004 Actual vs
2004 Budget
18. Select the Dynamic Retrieve worksheet and click Refresh. Is anything
19. In Outline Editor, expand Scenario and ScenarioCalculations, right-
click on 2004 Actual vs 2004 Budget and select Edit member
properties. In Member Properties dialog box, select
Information tab and change DataStorage from Store Data to
Dynamic Calc, click OK button for Member Properties dialog box
and Save button in Outline Editor. For Restructure Database Options
dialog box, select All data (default) and click OK button.
20. When changing member(s) to Dynamic Calc there is no need to
recalculate the database. Select the Dynamic Retrieve worksheet and
click Refresh. Is the data still wrong? Think about the calculation
21. In Outline Editor, right-click on 2004 Actual vs 2004 Budget and
select Edit member properties. In Member Properties dialog
box, select Information tab and change Two-Pass calculation:
from false to true, click OK button for Member Properties dialog
box and Save button in Outline Editor. For Restructure Database
Options dialog box, select All data (default) and click OK button.
22. Select the Dynamic Retrieve worksheet and click Refresh. Is the data
correct? Select Dynamic Variance worksheet to confirm numbers are
correct. Anything else that needs to be fixed? Are higher Rebates
23. In Outline Editor, expand Measures, Net Sales, Total Costs of
Sales and Incentives and Rebates, right-click on Rebates and
select Edit member properties. In Member Properties dialog
box, select Information tab and change Variance reporting
expense: from false to true, click OK button for Member
Properties dialog box. Repeat for Rebates % of Sales and click
Save button in Outline Editor. For Restructure Database Options
dialog box, select All data (default) and click OK button.
24. Select the Dynamic Retrieve worksheet and click Refresh.
25. From Data Source Manager, disconnect from Data Source
Connection and Common Provide Connection (see end of
Exercise 2.5 for details).

76 Enablement 2.0
Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp Essbase Modeling 2
Exercise 2.12 Dynamic Calculations
In this exercise you will learn how to set Dynamic Calc Members and
understand their impact on database block size.

Change Time
consolidations to
Dynamic Calc
1. In Outline Editor, expand Time and Calendar Year, select Q1, then
Q2, Q3 and Q4 using Ctrl+click, right-click and select Edit member
properties. In Member Properties dialog box, select
Information tab and change DataStorage from Store Data to
Dynamic Calc, click OK button for Member Properties dialog box.
Repeat for Calendar Year and click Save button in Outline Editor.
For Restructure Database Options dialog box, select All data
(default) and click OK button.
2. From the Essbase Administration Services Console Navigation Pane,
select AutoDemo:Auto Database, right-click and select Edit >
Properties, the Database Properties pane displays.
3. Select Dimensions tab and notice that Members Stored decreased
from 18 to 13. Select Statistics tab, notice that Block Size has
decreased by almost 30%. Select the Dynamic Retrieve worksheet
and click Refresh. Notice that query response time hasnt noticeably

Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp 77

Classic Planning Application Creation

Section Objectives
At the end of this section, you will be able to:
Create new Planning Database, Application and Data Source
Model Dimensions and Members in new Planning Application
Use Outline Load Utility to load Metadata to Planning Application
Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp Classic Planning Application Creation 3
Exercise 3.1 Create Hyperion Planning Relational Database
Repository, Create Planning Application and Data Source
In this exercise you will create the Hyperion Planning Relational
Database Repository which stores Planning metadata and security and
then a Data Source. Each Planning application must be associated with
a Data Source, which links the relational database and the Essbase

Start Services
1. For the exercises in this section, start following services (see
Appendix A.1 for specific instructions on starting the necessary


Hyperion Foundation OpenLDAP

Hyperion Foundation Shared Services
Hyperion Apache 2.0
Hyperion Workspace - Web Application
Hyperion Workspace - Agent Service

Hyperion RMI Registry

Hyperion Planning - Web Application

Hyperion Essbase Services 11.1.1 - hypservice_1

Hyperion Administration Services - Web Application
Hyperion Provider Services - Web Application

Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp 79

3 Classic Planning Application Creation Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp

At end of Day, Stop Services in reverse order before Shut Down

of virtual image to help avoid Shared Services corruption issues.

Start at Demo
Drive Homepage
2. Double-click on the Demo Drive Homepage shortcut found on the
Demo Drive desktop (see below)

3. On the left-hand side of page, expand Oracle Database
DemoUtilities and click on Create Tablespace to display
C:\Home\CreateTablespace.html page on right as shown below.

4. Click on Create Tablespace link at the bottom of page on the right

to open

80 Enablement 2.0
Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp Classic Planning Application Creation 3

Double-click on RunCreateTablespace.exe

Create Tablespace Utility dialog box displays:

5. Enter Tablespace Name - AutoPlan and click OK button.

OK Pressed dialog box displays:

Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp 81

3 Classic Planning Application Creation Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp

Click OK button and wait several seconds.

Process finished dialog box displays:

Click OK button and leave Create Tablespace Utility dialog box


6. Return to C:\Home\CreateTablespace.html page and click on Logs

link on the right to open
C:\DemoUtilities\3PS\Database\Oracle\create_tablespace\Logs folder

Double-click on log.txt to open file in Notepad.

7. Scroll down to end of file and confirm that Tablespace created


82 Enablement 2.0
Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp Classic Planning Application Creation 3

8. Close the log.txt file and

C:\DemoUtilities\3PS\Database\Oracle\create_tablespace\Logs folder
9. Create EPMa tablespace repeating steps 4-7 using EMPaPlan instead
of AutoPlan.
10. Click on Quit button to close Create Tablespace Utility dialog box.

Quit Pressed dialog box displays:

Click OK button
11. Close the
Create User
12. Back on Homepage, on the left-hand side of page, expand Oracle
Database DemoUtilities and click on Create User to display
C:\Home\CreateUser.html page on right as shown below.

Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp 83

3 Classic Planning Application Creation Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp

13. Click on Create User link at the bottom of page on the right to open
C:\DemoUtilities\3PS\Database\Oracle\create_user\Admin folder

14. Double-click on RunCreateUser.exe

Create Tablespace Utility dialog box displays:

84 Enablement 2.0
Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp Classic Planning Application Creation 3

15. Enter Oracle user AutoUser and User password

Demov52. Leave default entries USERS and TEMP unchanged and
click OK button.

OK Pressed dialog box displays:

Click OK button and wait several seconds.

Process finished dialog box displays:

16. Return to C:\Home\CreateUser.html page and click on Logs link on

the right to open
C:\DemoUtilities\3PS\Database\Oracle\create_user\Logs folder

Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp 85

3 Classic Planning Application Creation Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp

Double-click on log.txt to open file in Notepad.

17. Scroll down to end of file and confirm that Grant succeeded..and
Commit complete messages displayed. Do not be concerned about
error - ORA-30041: Cannot grant quota on the tablespace

18. Close the log.txt file and

C:\DemoUtilities\3PS\Database\Oracle\create_user\Logs folder

86 Enablement 2.0
Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp Classic Planning Application Creation 3
19. Click on Quit button to close Create User Utility dialog box.

Quit Pressed dialog box displays:

Click OK button
20. Close the C:\DemoUtilities\3PS\Database\Oracle\create_user\Admin
Create Data
21. On the left-hand side of Home page, collapse Oracle Database
Utilities and click on Home

22. On right, select Oracle EPM Workspace link under Workspace

Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp 87

3 Classic Planning Application Creation Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp


- you can also access Oracle EPM Workspace directly from

Internet Explorer Favorites
- 1 time you access Workspace, you should see message
Pop-up blocked. To see this pop-up or additional options click
here . Select Always Allow Pop-ups from This Site or
Setting > Turn Off Pop-up Blocker

http://demodrive:19000/workspace/index.jsp page displays:

Enter User Name: demoadmin and Password: Demov52

23. Click on Navigate menu (in upper left-hand corner), select

Administer > (scroll down) Classic Application
Administration > Planning Administration

88 Enablement 2.0
Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp Classic Planning Application Creation 3

Classic Application Wizard page displays:

Click Manage Data Source button.

New page displays:

Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp 89

3 Classic Planning Application Creation Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp

Collapse pane on left and click Create Data Source button.

24. Data Source definition page displays:

Enter values as shown above:

Data Source Name *: AutoPlan
Select Database Platform Oracle
Application Database
Server *: demodrive
Port *: 1521

90 Enablement 2.0
Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp Classic Planning Application Creation 3
Database *: ORCL
User *: AutoUser
Password *: Demov52
Essbase Server
Server *: demodrive
User *: demoadmin
Password *: Demov52
25. Click Validate Database Connection button on bottom left.
Message at top should be displayed:
The database connection was successful.
Click the after message to clear message.
Click Validate Essbase Connection button on bottom right.
Message at top should be displayed:
The Essbase connection was successful.
Click the after message to clear message.
Click Finish button in bottom right-hand corner.
The previous page with message at top should be displayed:
Data source AutoPlan was created successfully
Click the after message to clear message.
26. From Classic Application Wizard page, following successful creation
of the AutoPlan Data Source, click the Create Application button
in the bottom right-hand corner.

Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp 91

3 Classic Planning Application Creation Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp

27. Page displays with 5 tabs starting with Select tab;

92 Enablement 2.0
Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp Classic Planning Application Creation 3

Enter values as shown above:

Data Source AutoPlan
Application AutoPlan
Shared Services Project Planning
Instance PLN
Sample Application unchecked

Click the Next button.

28. Page displays with Calendar tab:

Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp 93

3 Classic Planning Application Creation Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp

Enter values as shown above:

Base Time Period 12 Months
Fiscal Start Year 2004
Fiscal Start Month January
Weekly Distribution 4-4-5 Distribution
Total Years 3

Click the Next button.

29. Page displays with Currencies tab:
Under Will your application support multiple currencies? Select
Click the Next button.
30. Page displays with Plan Types tab:

94 Enablement 2.0
Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp Classic Planning Application Creation 3

Enter values as shown above:

Plan Type 1 AutoFin
Plan Type 2 AutoHR
Plan Type 3 unchecked and Name deleted

Click the Next button.

31. Page displays with Finish tab displaying summary of selected


Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp 95

3 Classic Planning Application Creation Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp

Click the Finish button.

Be patient! This process will require ~ 1 minute.

Congratulations page displays:

96 Enablement 2.0
Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp Classic Planning Application Creation 3

Click on 1st link to refresh workspace Navigate->Applications


32. At this point the Planning tables will be created in the Planning
Relational Database Repository. To view tables, click Start > All
Programs > Oracle Client > SQL Developer.

Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp 97

3 Classic Planning Application Creation Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp

Right-click on Connections and select New Connection

33. The New / Select Database Connection dialog box displays:

98 Enablement 2.0
Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp Classic Planning Application Creation 3

Connection Name AutoPlan
User AutoUser
Password Demov52
Change SID from xe to ORCL

Click Save button and then Connect button

34. On left-hand pane, expand AutoPlan and Tables.
Select HSP_CALENDAR table and on right-hand pane select the
Data tab.

Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp 99

3 Classic Planning Application Creation Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp

You will see information entered during the Create Application

process such as FIRST_YEAR - 2004 and NUM_YEARS 3

Close SQL Developer.

35. Click on Navigate > Applications > (scroll down) Planning
> AutoPlan

The 1 time it will take a number of seconds for applications to
appear after you select Applications.

100 Enablement 2.0

Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp Classic Planning Application Creation 3

The AutoPlan page displays.

36. From menu bar on AutoPlan page, select Administration >
Register Application G

Register Application page displays:

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3 Classic Planning Application Creation Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp

Select AutoPlan and click Register Application button.

Register Application pop-up window displays:

102 Enablement 2.0

Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp Classic Planning Application Creation 3
For Select Shared Services Project: select Planning and click
OK button.

Back on Register Application page message at top should be

Applications successfully registered.
Click the after message to clear message.
Click Finish button in bottom right-hand corner.
Create Database
37. Click on Navigate > Applications > (scroll down) Planning
> AutoPlan. From menu bar on AutoPlan page, select
Administration > Manage Database B

Manage Database page displays:

Select Database checkbox and click Create button.

WARNING message displays:

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3 Classic Planning Application Creation Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp

Click Create button.

Cube Refresh/Create in Progress displays:

When Create Complete message displayed, click Finish button.

38. At this point the Essbase databases related to AutoPlan application

have been created. Open Essbase Administration Services Console
and View AutoPlan:AutoFin Outline to see Dimensions and

104 Enablement 2.0

Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp Classic Planning Application Creation 3

Close Outline Viewer.

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3 Classic Planning Application Creation Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp

Exercise 3.2 Model Planning Application Dimensions

In this exercise you will learn how to change member names and
aliases, add members to existing dimensions, add Account members
and understand Account Types, add Custom Dimensions and add
Attribute Dimension.

Update Period
names and
1. From menu bar on AutoPlan page, select Administration >
Dimensions D. On Dimensions tab and from Dimensions drop
down list select Period. Note: Begbalance is primarily used for
Balance Sheet accounts. Expand YearTotal and Q1, select Jan and
click Edit button. Change Name: to M1 and Alias: to Jan and click
Save button. An error message displays - An object with the
name Jan already exists. In order to change Alias to an existing
Name, you need to Edit and Save the member twice. Close the error
message and with just Name: of M1 click Save button. Now for M1,
click Edit button. Add Alias: Jan and click Save button.
2. Repeat step 1 for remaining months M2/Feb through M12/Dec

3. From menu bar on AutoPlan page, select Administration > Alias

Tables A. On Alias Tables page click Add button.

Explorer User Prompt dialog box displays:

106 Enablement 2.0

Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp Classic Planning Application Creation 3

Enter name for new Alias Table French

4. Repeat step 3 for M2/Fevrier and M3/Mars.
5. From menu bar on AutoPlan page, select Administration >
Dimensions D. On Dimensions tab and from Dimensions drop
down list select Period. Expand YearTotal and Q1, select M1 and
click Edit button. Change value for Aliases drop down list from
Default to French and enter Alias: of Janvier and click Save button.
6. From menu bar on AutoPlan page, select Administration >
Manage Database B. On Manage Database page, Select
Database checkbox and click Refresh button. When Refresh
Complete message displayed, click Finish button.
7. Open Essbase Administration Services Console and Edit
AutoPlan:AutoFin Outline to confirm changes to Period member
Names and Aliases. To change Alias table, go to Properties tab,
under Alias tables right-click on French and select Set as Active.
Return to Outline tab and confirm French aliases for M1, M2 and M3.
Return to Properties tab and reset Default as the Active alias table.
Close Outline Editor.
Add Scenario
8. From menu bar on AutoPlan page, select Administration >
Dimensions D. On Dimensions tab and from Dimensions drop
down list select Scenario. Select Current and click Edit button.
Change to Name: Actuals, Start Yr.: FY06, Alias: Act, unselect
checkbox next to Enabled for Process Management and click
Save button.

Click Add Sibling button and enter following values:

Scenario: Budget
Start Yr.: FY06
Start Period: M1
End Yr.: FY06
End Period: M12
Alias: Bud
Enabled for Process Management: checked
Click Save button.

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Click Add Sibling button and enter following values:

Scenario: Forecast
Start Yr.: FY06
Start Period: M1
End Yr.: FY06
End Period: M12
Alias: Fcst
Enabled for Process Management: checked

Click Save button.

Click Add Sibling button and enter following values:

Scenario: Act vs Bud
Start Yr.: FY06
Start Period: M1
End Yr.: FY06
End Period: M12
Data Storage: Dynamic Calc
Enabled for Process Management: unchecked

Click on Member Formula tab and

Enter Member Formula: @VAR(Actuals,Budget);

Click Save button.

Validate Member Formula does not provide accurate


Click Add Sibling button and enter following values:

Scenario: Act vs Fcst
Start Yr.: FY06
Start Period: M1
End Yr.: FY06
End Period: M12
Data Storage: Dynamic Calc
Enabled for Process Management: unchecked

Click on Member Formula tab and

Enter Member Formula: @VAR(Actuals,Forecast);

Click Save button.

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Add Version
9. From menu bar on AutoPlan page, select Administration >
Dimensions D. On Dimensions tab and from Dimensions drop
down list select Version. Select BU Version_1 and click Edit
button. Change Name: to Current and Alias: to Working and click
Save button.

Click Add Sibling button and enter Version: Final and click
Save button.
Click Add Sibling button and enter Version: R1, Alias:
Round1 and click Save button.
Click Add Sibling button and enter Version: R2, Alias:
Round2 and click Save button.
Click Add Sibling button and enter Version: R3, Alias:
Round3 and click Save button.
Click Add Sibling button and enter Version: WhatIf1 and click
Save button.
Click Add Sibling button and enter Version: WhatIf2 and click
Save button.
Add Account
10. From menu bar on AutoPlan page, select Administration >
Dimensions D. On Dimensions tab and from Dimensions drop
down list select Account. Create the Account hierarchy based on
worksheet below from C:\BootCamp\Model\123Model.xls (you may
want to open worksheet in order to cut and paste Account member

Use Multiplication for both price members after Plan Types: for
both AutoFin and AutoHR

For appropriate higher level Account members (e.g. Total Cost of

Sales, Allocated Costs, Operating Expenses and Taxes) change
Account Type: to Expense (Variance Reporting: will also
change to Expense) and use Subtraction after Plan Types: for
both AutoFin and AutoHR.

When you add descendants of these members, they will

default to Expense.

Leave default of Source Plan Type: AutoFin

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11. Also add Metric accounts:

Select Net Sales, click Add Sibling button and enter:

Name: Metrics
Plan Types: Ignore (for both AutoFin and AutoHR)
Click Save button.

Click Add Child button and enter:

Name: Headcount
Account Type: Saved Assumption

110 Enablement 2.0

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Plan Types: Ignore (for both AutoFin and AutoHR)
Click Save button.

Click Add Sibling button and enter:

Name: Average Inventory
Account Type: Asset
Plan Types: Ignore (for both AutoFin and AutoHR)
Click Save button.

Click Add Sibling button and enter:

Name: Rebate % Sales
Account Type: Expense
(Variance Reporting: will also change to Expense)
Plan Types: Ignore (for both AutoFin and AutoHR)
Select the Member Formula tab and Enter member Formula:
"Rebates" % "Auto Sales";
Click Save button.

12. From menu bar on AutoPlan page, select Administration >

Manage Database B. On Manage Database page, Select
Database checkbox and click Refresh button. When Refresh
Complete message displayed, click Finish button.
13. Open Essbase Administration Services Console and View
AutoPlan:AutoFin Outline to confirm Account hierarchy Member
Names, Consolidations and Expense Reporting properties. Close
Outline Editor.
14. Right-click on AutoPlan:AutoFin and select Set > Default
calculation , add SET UPDATECALC OFF;

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Click OK button.
15. Open C:\BootCamp\Model\123Model.xls and Copy the LOAD
worksheet to worksheet Before sheet: LOAD (remember to select
Create a copy checkbox).
16. Select Data Source Manager and connect to AutoPlan:AutoFin
database using right-click and selecting Ad-hoc Analysis.

A Smart View dialog box displays:

Select No button so that the contents of the sheet are NOT cleared.

17. Copy the data values from original LOAD worksheet to the LOAD (2)
worksheet and click on Submit Data button.
18. Right-click on cell and select Hyperion > Calculation Options >
Calculate, select the Default Calculation Script for AutoFin Cube
and click Launch button.

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Calculation Script has been processed dialog box displays.

Click OK button and click Close button to close Calculation Scripts
dialog box.
19. Select Validate worksheet and connect to AutoPlan:AutoFin database
using right-click and selecting Ad-hoc Analysis. Select No button so
that the contents of the sheet are NOT cleared.
Confirm that value for Net Sales in cell B45 is 130,000,000.
If there are differences, compare with MeasuresModel worksheet to
identify differences, make corrections to Account members, Refresh
Database and revalidate.
20. Copy the ScenVariance worksheet to worksheet Before sheet:
ScenVariance (remember to select Create a copy checkbox).
21. Select Data Source Manager and connect to AutoPlan:AutoFin
database using right-click and selecting Ad-hoc Analysis. Select No
button so that the contents of the sheet are NOT cleared.

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22. Copy the Actuals and Budget values from original ScenVariance
worksheet to the ScenVariance (2) worksheet and click on Submit
Data button.
23. Click Refresh button, both variances should be 100 indicating that
Expense Reporting for Rebates and @VAR formula is set correctly.
24. Copy the TimeBalanceInput worksheet to worksheet Before sheet:
TimeBalanceInput (remember to select Create a copy checkbox).
25. Connect to AutoPlan:AutoFin database using right-click and selecting
Ad-hoc Analysis. Select No button so that the contents of the sheet
are NOT cleared.
26. Copy the data values from original TimeBalanceInput worksheet to the
TimeBalanceInput (2) worksheet and click on Submit Data button.
27. Right-click on cell and select Hyperion > Calculation Options >
Calculate, select the Default Calculation Script for AutoFin Cube
and click Launch button.
28. Select TimeBalanceBefore worksheet, connect to AutoPlan:AutoFin
database using right-click and selecting Ad-hoc Analysis. Select No
button so that the contents of the sheet are NOT cleared. Data should
roll up across time in standard manner.
29. From menu bar on AutoPlan page, select Administration >
Dimensions D. On Dimensions tab and from Dimensions drop
down list select Account.
30. Select Headcount, click Edit button, set Time Balance: Balance
and Skip: Missing and click Save button.
Select Average Inventory, click Edit button, set Account Type:
Asset, Time Balance: Average (default for Asset accounts is
Balance) and Skip: Missing and click Save button.
31. From menu bar on AutoPlan page, select Administration >
Manage Database B. On Manage Database page, Select
Database checkbox and click Refresh button. When Refresh
Complete message displayed, click Finish button.
32. Select TimeBalanceAfter worksheet, connect to AutoPlan:AutoFin
database using right-click and selecting Ad-hoc Analysis. Select No
button so that the contents of the sheet are NOT cleared. Data should
now reflect appropriate Time Balance calculations across time.
33. Review TimeBalanceSkipMiss worksheet.
Create Custom
34. From menu bar on AutoPlan page, select Administration >
Dimensions D. On Dimensions tab click Add Dimension

Add Dimension window displays:

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Enter Dimension: Total Dealers, check Apply Security: and

click Save button.

Confirmation dialog box displays:

Click OK button.

35. With Total Dealers selected, click Custom Dimensions button.

The Manage Attributes and Value window displays:

Click Create button at top of left-hand pane to create new Attribute

dimension related to Total Dealers.

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Enter Name: US Regions, leave Data Type: Text (default), click

Save button and then click on in upper right-hand corner to close
Create Attribute dialog box.
36. Click Create button at top of right-hand pane to create new Attribute
dimension Values.

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Enter Name: East US and click Save button. Also add Central US
and West US and then click on in upper right-hand corner to close
Create Attribute Value dialog box and click Close button to close the
Manage Attributes and Value window.
37. On Dimensions tab click Add Child button and enter Name: AW

Plan Types which were left checked (Valid) for AutoFin

and AutoHR now have to be valid for every member of
Total Dealers All or Nothing.

Click on Attribute Values tab.

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Select West US on left and click on Add button to assign Attribute

Value to member. Click Save button. We will be adding members
later using Outline Load Utility.
38. On Dimensions tab click Add Dimension button and enter
Dimension: Products, check Apply Security: and click Save
button. We will be adding members later using Outline Load Utility.
39. Click on the Performance Setting tab. The default settings appear
to be reasonable for this application.
40. From menu bar on AutoPlan page, select Administration >
Manage Database B. On Manage Database page, Select
Database checkbox and click Refresh button. When Refresh
Complete message displayed, click Finish button.
41. Open Essbase Administration Services Console and View
AutoPlan:AutoFin Outline to confirm Custom Dimensions and
Attribute Dimension. Right-click on AW 001 member, select View
member properties and confirm Attribute Value assigned.
Plan Types
42. View AutoPlan:AutoHR Outline and expand Accounts dimension. For
Accounts, AutoFin was set as Source Plan Type. @XREF formulas
then bring values from the AutoFin cube to the AutoHR cube.

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Load Data
43. Right-click on AutoFin, select Load data and the Data Load dialog
box displays. Click on Find Data File button, select File System
tab, select C:\BootCamp\Load\LoadACT.txt file and click OK button.
Click on Find Rules File button and select Essbase Server tab.
Look in: demodrive:AutoDemo:AutoPlan, select LoadAct.rul file and
click OK button.

Data Load dialog box should look as shown below:

Click the OK button to initiate the data load.

Data Load Results dialog box should be displayed indicating Status

of Success:

Click Close button.

44. Right-click on AutoFin database, select Execute Calculation and
select the (default) calculation.

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Exercise 3.3 Outline Load Utility

In this exercise you will learn how to use the Outline Load Utility
including setting up Password Encryption and to load dimension
members to Planning Application.

Load members
using utility
1. Open C:\BootCamp\ODIDIM\OutlineLoadCommands.txt to use as
reference for this exercise. You can Copy commands to the clipboard
and within Command Prompt window do right-click and select Paste.
2. Open Command Prompt Window by selecting shortcut.
3. Paste cd orcl\hysl\products\planning\bin and press Enter.
4. The PasswordEncryption utility creates a file that stores the password
in encrypted form and is used to suppress password prompts for
Planning utilities using the [- f:passwordFile] option as the first
parameter in the command line.
Paste PasswordEncryption \orcl\hysl\password.txt and press
Enter. After prompt to Enter password to encrypt, enter
Demov52. You should see message Password has been
encrypted and written to the file successfully
5. Paste 1st OutlineLoad command for Entity dimension and press Enter.
This uses the /N parameter at end of command to perform a dry run
by parsing the load file without loading data or metadata. To confirm
that the load file parses without any errors, check the
C:\BootCamp\OutlineLoadEntity.log file to be sure no error messages
were generated. Then paste command again, backspace 3 spaces past
/N and press Enter.
6. Repeat step 5 using 2nd OutlineLoad command for Products dimension
and C:\BootCamp\OutlineLoadProduct.log file
7. Repeat step 5 using 3rd OutlineLoad command for Total Dealers
dimension and C:\BootCamp\OutlineLoadDealer.log file. It appears
there is an error. Hint what is correct format for Dimension Property
Aggregation? See hp_admin.pdf. Make correction and redo.
8. From menu bar on AutoPlan page, select Administration >
Dimensions D. Review new members for Entity, Products and
Total Dealers dimensions. Select Administration > Manage
Database B and Refresh Database.
9. [Optional - if the Account dimension in Exercise 3.2 is incomplete]
Repeat step 5 using 4th OutlineLoad command for Account
dimension and C:\BootCamp\OutlineLoadAccount.log file.

120 Enablement 2.0

Data Form Design

Section Objectives
At the end of this section, you will be able to:
Design new data forms including Asymmetric and Composite
Create new Business Rules with Run-time Prompts and link them
to Data Forms
Use additional Data Form Components including Adjust Data,
Grid Spread, Account Annotations, Planning Unit Annotations,
Cell Text, Cell Level Documents, Supporting Detail and Menus
4 Data Form Design Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp

Exercise 4.1 Forms Designer

In this exercise you will design basic forms provided by client and then
learn how to design Asymmetric and Composite forms.

Create Data
1. Start services (see Exercise 3.1 for details).
2. Client has provided us with two initial forms that they want to use for
the new Planning application: 1) for entering Unit Sales and Prices and
2) for entering Operating Expenses.

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3. Start Services (see Exercise 3.1)

4. Access Planning Web Client using Internet Explorer Favorite Oracle
EPM Planning

Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp 123

4 Data Form Design Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp

5. From menu bar on AutoPlan page, select Administration >

Manage Data Forms F. Click on Create button above Data
Form Folders

You may receive message This website is using a

scripted window to ask you for information. If you trust this
website, click here to allow scripted windows proceed
by clicking on message and selecting Temporarily Allow
Scripted Windows, then click again on Create button.

You will be prompted to enter new folder name.

Enter - BootCampForms

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6. Click on Create button above Data Forms.

Create window displays starting with Properties tab:

Enter Data Form name 1Unit Sales and Price, Enter Instructions
and click on Next button.

Plan Type defaults to 1st Plan Type AutoFin. This

determines the data form's valid Account and Entity
members. Accounts included on data form with a source
plan type other than the assigned data form plan type are
read-only on that data form.
You can NOT change the Plan Type for Data Form after it
is assigned

7. Create window displays on Row/Column Layout tab:

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4 Data Form Design Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp

Under Column Dimension(s) select Period and click on Select

Members button to the left.

Member Selection Period window displays:

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Select checkbox next to YearTotal, select Level 0 Descendants

from dropdown box and click on Add button.
ILvl0Descendants(YearTotal) should be displayed under
Selected Members. Click on Submit button.
8. Follow same steps as above for Row Dimension(s) selecting
Account dimension and members: Fleet Unit Sales, Fleet Price,
Dealer Unit Sales, Dealer Price and Auto Sales. Click on Next
9. Create window displays on Page/Point of View Layout tab:

Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp 127

4 Data Form Design Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp

For Page Dimension(s) enter Dimension/Members:

- Products: 155-1000-10, 155-1000-20
- Total Dealers: AW 001, AW 002

Dimensions not selected as Row, Column or Page

dimensions will automatically be included as Point of View

For Point of View Dimension(s) enter Dimension/Members:

- Entity: CC6350
- Scenario: Budget
-Version: Current
-Year: FY06

Click on Preview tab.

10. The Preview should appear as follows:

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Click on Save button and Click OK button to return to the Data Form
Management page.
11. In left-hand pane, under Folders, expand Forms, select
BootCampForms and select 1-Unit Sales and Price data form
and wait several seconds for the form to be rendered.
12. From menu bar, select View > Instructions I and click the Close
13. Enter sample data into the form as shown below.

As data is entered, cell background color changes from

white (default) to yellow indicating dirty cells, whose
values changed but are not yet saved. Cells in the Auto
Sales row have background color of light blue indicating
read-only cells.

Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp 129

4 Data Form Design Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp

14. Select cells Fleet Unit Sales > M1 thru Dealer Price > M3 and select
Edit > Copy O (or Ctrl+C).

Internet Explorer dialog box displays:

Click on Allow access button. Change product to 155-1000-20 and

click the Go button. Select cell Fleet Unit Sales > M1 and select Edit
> Paste P (note: Ctrl+V wont work). Again, the above Internet
Explorer dialog box displays, click on Allow access button.

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Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp Data Form Design 4
15. Select File > Save from the menu bar (or click on the Save shortcut
16. From menu bar, select Administration > Manage Data Forms
F. Expand Forms folder, select BootCampForms folder and follow
above steps to Create data form - 2-Operating Expenses.
Column Dimension(s) enter Dimensions/Members:
- Period: IChildren(Q1)
Click on Dimension Properties button to right of Period and after
Display: uncheck Member Name and check Member Alias
- Scenario: Budget, Actuals

Row Dimension(s) enter Dimensions/Members:

- Account: IDescendants("Operating Expense")

Page Dimension(s) enter Dimension/Members:

- Products: 155-1000-10, 155-1000-20
- Total Dealers: AW 001, AW 002
-Year: FY05, FY06
Properties - Display: Alias

Point of View Dimension(s) enter Dimension/Members:

- Entity: CC6350
-Version: Current
Properties - Display: Alias

note: Preview does not show aliases

Click on Save button.
17. In left-hand pane, under Folders, expand Forms, select
BootCampForms and select 2-Operating Expenses data form.
Change Year to FY05 and click Go button. You will see Actuals data
that was loaded previously and notice that Budget columns are read-
only. This ties back to initial Application set-up when we defined Start
Yr.: FY06, Start Period: M1, End Yr.: FY06 and End Period: M12 for
Asymmetric Data
18. After reviewing the Operating Expenses form with client, they indicate
that they would like a form that has Actual columns for FY05 Final
Version by quarter and Budget columns for FY06 Current/Working
Version by month.
19. From menu bar on AutoPlan page, select Administration >
Manage Data Forms F. Expand Forms folder, select
BootCampForms folder and follow above steps to Create data form -
Column Dimension(s) enter Dimensions/Members:

Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp 131

4 Data Form Design Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp

- Scenario: Actuals
-Version: Final
click Add Dimension button
-Year: FY05
click Add Dimension button
- Period: Children(YearTotal)
select checkboxes for Read-only: and Show separator:

click Add Column button and enter Dimensions/Members:

- Scenario: Budget
- Version: Current
- Year: FY06
- Period: ILvl0Descendants(YearTotal)

Row Dimension(s) enter Dimensions/Members:

- Account: IDescendants("Operating Expense")

Page Dimension(s) enter Dimension/Members:

- Products: 155-1000-10, 155-1000-20
- Total Dealers: AW 001, AW 002

Point of View Dimension(s) enter Dimension/Members:

- Entity: CC6350

Click on Save button.

20. In left-hand pane, under Folders, expand Forms, select
BootCampForms and select 3 - Asymmetric data form.
Composite Data
21. Client likes the new Asymmetric Form, but would like to see if they
could have one form to enter both Sales Units and Prices as well as
Operating Expenses.
22. From menu bar on AutoPlan page, select Administration >
Manage Data Forms F. Expand Forms folder, select
BootCampForms folder and click on Create Composite button to
create data form - 4-Composite.

Edit Composite Window displays:

On Properties tab enter Data Form name Composite and click

Next button.

132 Enablement 2.0

Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp Data Form Design 4

On Row/Column Layout tab, select checkboxes for Combine

POV and Combine Page. Where the two forms use same Point of
View or Page definitions, these displays once and apply to both data
forms. Select Unit Sales and Price and Asymmetric forms, click
on Add button to move them under Selected Data Forms and
click Save button.
23. In left-hand pane, under Folders, expand Forms, select
BootCampForms and select Composite data form.
24. The client likes the new forms that have been created. However, they
are concerned that Price values wont be correct for consolidated
25. Calculate the AutoPlan:AutoFin database using (default) calc script.
26. Select 1-Unit Sales and Price data form, change product to 155-
1000 and click the Go button.

Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp 133

4 Data Form Design Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp

Notice that prices are adding up across Lev0 Product members. This is
the same issue we had before. How can we make it easy for Data Form
users to get correct results?

134 Enablement 2.0

Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp Data Form Design 4
Exercise 4.2 Business Rules
In this exercise you will learn how to create a new Business Rule from
Essbase Administration Services, add Run-time Prompts and link
Business Rule to a Data Form.

Start a New
1. In Essbase Administration Services, expand Business Rules and
Repository View, right-click on Rules and select New Rule.

Rule Editor displays in right pane.

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4 Data Form Design Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp

From Associated Outline dropdown box, click on Select


The Select Database Outline dialog box displays:

Select AutoPlan:AutoFin database.

2. Before designing Rule, add Local Variables that will be used in the
Rule. Click on the Variables tab, underneath click the Local
Variables tab and click Add button.

136 Enablement 2.0

Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp Data Form Design 4

A new dialog box will display:

Enter values for YearPrompt as shown above and click the Apply
button. A Save As dialog box displays, click OK button, then click
Close button.

Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp 137

4 Data Form Design Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp

3. Add Local Variable for Scenario with: Name ScenarioPrompt, Type

Members, Dimension Scenario, Default Value Budget, Usage
Type Run-time prompt, Prompt String Enter Scenario: and check
checkbox next to Do not save value
4. Add Local Variables for VersionPrompt (Default Value Current)
and EntityPrompt (Default Value CC6350).
5. Click on Graphical tab and with left pane set to BR Language tab,
navigate under Graphical > Actions, select Aggregate Data icon
and drag it next to Global Range on the right.

On bottom pane on right, under Value type, and next to Account,

click on Not specified and change to User defined, click on the
Member Select button that will appear at the right.

The Multiple Select dialog box displays:

138 Enablement 2.0

Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp Data Form Design 4

Select Auto Sales and Descendants (inc), click > button to move
under Selected and click the OK button.
6. On bottom pane on right, under Value type, scroll down and next to
Totals Dealers and Products, click on Not specified and change to
7. In middle pane on right, select the Range tab.

Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp 139

4 Data Form Design Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp

From bottom pane on right, click on Member Select button to the

right of Dimension Year.

The Multiple Select dialog box displays:

Click on Local Variables tab, select YearPrompt, click > button to

move [YearPrompt] under Selected and click the OK button.
8. Repeat for Scenario, Version and Entity using appropriate Local
Variable, note: you can also type in [LocalVar], but the editor is
somewhat finicky.
9. On left pane, navigate under Graphical > Formulas > Units-Rates,
select Rates = Amount/Units icon and drag it next to Aggregate
Data on the right.
10. In lower right-hand pane, make following selections:
Destination: Account Fleet Price, Year [YearPrompt], Scenario
[ScenarioPrompt], Version [VersionPrompt] and Entity
Amounts: Account Fleet Sales and same values as above for Year,
Scenario, Version and Entity
Units: Account Fleet Unit Sales and same values as above for Year,
Scenario, Version and Entity

140 Enablement 2.0

Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp Data Form Design 4
11. Repeat steps 9 and 10 adding 2nd Graphical formula - Rates =
Amount/Units using Dealer Price, Dealer Sales and Dealer Unit
12. Click the Save button.

Save As dialog box displays:

Enter Name - FixPrice and click OK button.

13. Select the Locations tab

Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp 141

4 Data Form Design Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp

Click Allow All Locations button.

14. Select the Access Privileges tab and click the Add button.

Add Privilege dialog box displays:

142 Enablement 2.0

Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp Data Form Design 4

Select demoadmin and click > button to move under Selected, then
click OK button.
15. On Rules Editor window, click on Save button and then Validate

Validate dialog box displays:

Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp 143

4 Data Form Design Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp

Click on Validate button.

Message dialog box displays:

Click on OK button.
16. Select the Source tab to see the underlying Business Rule script.
Click somewhere in script as though you were going to edit script.

Select an Option dialog box displays:

Click No or Cancel button and on Rule Editor pane click Close

17. Return to Planning Web Client, Edit 1-Unit Sales and Price data
form and select Business Rules tab.

144 Enablement 2.0

Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp Data Form Design 4

Select AutoFin Rule FixPrice, click button to move it under

Selected Business Rules on right and click Properties button
in lower right-hand corner. Check the checkbox under Use Member
on Data Form.

Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp 145

4 Data Form Design Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp

Hide Prompt selection doesnt apply as it requires that

No dimensions are repeated in the runtime prompt.

Click OK button in lower left-hand corner. Click Save button and

click subsequent OK button.
18. Open 1-Unit Sales and Price data form and from menu bar select
Edit > Launch Rules L.

Launch Business Rules window displays:

Select AutoFin FixPrice and click the Launch button.

Runtime Prompts window displays:

146 Enablement 2.0

Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp Data Form Design 4

Click the Launch button. Launch Business Rules window

displays with information message FixPrice was successful.
Click to close information message and click Close button to
close dialog box.
19. From menu bar, select View > Refresh R (or use Refresh shortcut
button). Confirm that Price values for Product 155-1000 are correct.

Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp 147

4 Data Form Design Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp

Exercise 4.3 Additional Form Components

In this exercise you will gain experience using Data Form capabilities
and components including Adjust Data, Grid Spread, Account
Annotations, Planning Unit Annotations, Cell Text, Cell Level
Document, Supporting Detail and Menus.

Adjust Data
1. Open 1-Unit Sales and Price data form. Highlight cells for Fleet
Unit Sales and M1 through M3 and from menu bar select Edit >
Adjust Data J.

Adjust Data dialog box displays:

You can adjust data by values or percent, select By Percentage and

Increase by - 10 and click Adjust Data button.

148 Enablement 2.0

Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp Data Form Design 4

Close Adjust Data dialog box.

Grid Spread
1. The client indicates they would like to be able to spread Operating
Expense data from quarters and Total Operating Expense down to
months and accounts that are descendants of Operating Expense. How
can we address this requirement?

Grid Spread is only available with Versions defined as

Standard Target Values are entered from the parent
level down. Versions defined for AutoPlan were all
Standard Bottom Up Values are entered at the lowest
member level and aggregated upward.

2. Add new Version member named Target with Type: of Standard

Target and Refresh database. Notice that for Standard Target
Version, the Enabled for Process Management: checkbox is
grayed out only Standard Bottom Up Version can be Enabled
for Process Management:
3. Edit 2Operating Expenses data form by adding Version to Page
Dimension(s) (this will automatically delete Version from Point of
View Dimensions) and Select Members Current and Target. Save the
data form.
4. Open 2Operating Expenses data form, select version - Target
and click Go button.

Enter data as shown below:

Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp 149

4 Data Form Design Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp

Save data.
5. Calculate the AutoPlan:AutoFin database using (default) calc script.
6. Return to data form and from menu bar select View > Refresh R
(or the Refresh shortcut key). From menu bar select Edit > Grid
Spread G. Select the Operating Expense > Q1 > Budget cell.

150 Enablement 2.0

Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp Data Form Design 4

Enter Spread Value of 144, with default Spread Type of

Proportional Spread selected, click the Spread button.
Proportional Spread Spreads the value proportionally, based on the
existing values in the target cells. All the Budget values will double in
proportion to the change to Expense > Q1 > Budget cell.
7. Select the Operating Expense > Q1 > Actuals cell.

Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp 151

4 Data Form Design Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp

Enter Spread Value of 192, with Spread Type of Evenly Split

and click the Spread button. Evenly Split Spreads the value evenly
among the target cells. All the Actuals values will appear as 8 ( 192 / 3
months / 8 Lev0 descendants).

152 Enablement 2.0

Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp Data Form Design 4

8. Explore behavior when you select cells and lock them, Edit >
Lock/Unlock Cell K, prior to doing an Adjust or Grid Spread.

Locked cells will have a tan background to indicate they

are locked. Fill behavior with does not appear
to be working as expected.

Planning Unit
1. Open Unit Sales and Price data form. Notice that POV for this
form defines a specific Planning Unit (combination of Scenario-
Version-Entity). From menu bar select Edit > Annotate Planning
Unit N. You should see an error message The planning unit you
selected is not started. Please select a planning unit that has
been started. Click the Close button. We will discuss Workflow
Management later, but for now lets go through steps to start a
Planning Unit.
2. From menu bar select File > Workflow W > Manage Process
M. You will 1st be prompted to Select a valid scenario and

Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp 153

4 Data Form Design Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp

Enter Scenario Budget and Version Current and click the Go

button. The Entity dimension displays.

Expand Entity dimension until CC6350 is displayed and click on the

radio button next to CC6350 under Start column. Message displays
at top of window - The planning unit has been started. Notice

154 Enablement 2.0

Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp Data Form Design 4
that the entitys ancestors (Sales, Sales and Mktg and
Functional) are automatically started. Click the after the message.
3. Click on Unit Sales and Price in left pane and from menu bar select
Edit > Annotate Planning Unit N. As
4. Enter an annotation in box under Enter Text box on left and click
Submit button.

Message displays at top of window - The annotation has been

saved. And the annotation is displayed in the Existing Annotation
box on right. Click the after the message and click the Close
5. From menu bar select File > Workflow W > Manage Process
M. Enter Scenario Budget and Version Current and click the
Go button. Click on the Details link to right of CC6350 under
Action column.

The View Details window displays:

Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp 155

4 Data Form Design Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp

Notice that you can also add annotations from this window.
6. Click the Change Status bottom and the Change Status dialog
box is displayed. This is where Planners promote the Planning Unit
and Approvers Approve it. Click the Cancel button to close Change
Status dialog box and click the Done button.

1. Open Unit Sales and Price data form. From menu bar select View
> View Account Annotations A. This option is grayed out, by
default Account Annotations are NOT enables for data forms.
2. From menu bar, select Administration > Manage Data Forms
F. Expand Forms folder, select BootCampForms folder, select Unit
Sales and Price data form and click Edit button.
3. Select Other Options tab and under Display Properties, click on
checkbox for Enable account annotations:
Click on Save button and on next screen click OK button.
4. Open Unit Sales and Price data form. From menu bar select View
> Edit Account Annotations A.
5. Enter annotations as shown below:

156 Enablement 2.0

Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp Data Form Design 4

Save form, select different Page settings and click Go button. Notice
that Account Annotations remain with form across all Page
Cell Text and Cell-
Level Document
1. Open Unit Sales and Price data form. From menu bar select Edit >
Cell Text T.

Cell Text window is displayed:

Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp 157

4 Data Form Design Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp

Enter text and click on Submit button. Cell Text indicator will appear
in upper right-hand corner of cell and message This cell has cell
text displays when cursor hovers over cell.

158 Enablement 2.0

Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp Data Form Design 4

2. Right-click on the cell and select Add/Edit Document

Before you add a cell-level document, the document must

be added to the Workspace repository.

Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp 159

4 Data Form Design Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp

The Add/Edit Document window displays:

Click the Browse to Workspace button and browse to Eden

/Planning and Forecasting/Support Files/Laptop Specification.pdf

Browse button in only available in the Workspace client,

NOT the Planning Web Client.

From Planning Web Client you can type in the URL:

dcontent&repository_path=/Eden/Planning and
Forecasting/Support Files/Laptop Specification.pdf

160 Enablement 2.0

Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp Data Form Design 4

Make sure Type: is All Files or Standard > PDF file

Click the OK button.
3. The Add/Edit Document will be redisplayed with the link to

Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp 161

4 Data Form Design Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp

Click the Submit button.

4. Cell Document indicator will appear in lower right-hand corner of cell
and message This cell has a document attached displays when
cursor hovers over cell.

5. Right-click on the cell and select Open Document

162 Enablement 2.0

Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp Data Form Design 4

After several seconds the document displays:

1. The client has asked how Planners can provide details for their Fleet
Unit Sales by Vehicle Model Year. This is only a requirement for the
155-1000 product line. Open Unit Sales and Price data form.
Highlight cells for Fleet Unit Sales M1 through M3 and from menu bar
select Edit > Supporting Detail S.

Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp 163

4 Data Form Design Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp

Supporting Detail window displays:

Enter 2008 Model Year and click on Add Sibling button, enter
2009 Model Year and click on Add Sibling button and enter 2010
Model Year. Then enter data values for M1, M2 and M3 and click the
Save button.
2. The Unit Sales and Price form will be redisplayed with the new
values for Fleet Unit Sales:

Cells change to a teal background color indicating cells

have supporting details. The cell values can no longer be
changed on the data form, values can only be changed by
updating the Supporting Detail.

164 Enablement 2.0

Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp Data Form Design 4
1. From menu bar select Administration > Manage Menus M.

Manage Menus window displays:

Select the Create button and a dialog box displays

Enter TestMenu and click OK button.

2. On Manage Menus window, select checkbox next to TestMenu click
on Edit button.

Edit Menu window will be dislayed:

Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp 165

4 Data Form Design Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp

Click on the Add Child button.

Add Menu Item window displays:

Enter values as shown above and click the Save button. On Edit
Menu window, select checkbox next to menu Item 1.0 Form1 and
press Add Sibling button.

166 Enablement 2.0

Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp Data Form Design 4

Enter values as shown above and click the Save button. On Edit
Menu window, click the Close button.
3. Manage Data Forms and select the 1-Unit Sales and Price data form,
click Edit button and go to Other Options tab. Notice at bottom left
under Available Menus is TestMenu. Select TestMenu and click the
Add button to move it under Selected Menus. Click the Save

Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp 167

4 Data Form Design Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp

4. Select 1-Unit Sales and Price data form and right click on a row or
column. Notice the 2 menu options now available in addition to thew
default right click options. Select Operating Expenses.

168 Enablement 2.0

Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp Data Form Design 4

The display will be immediately open to 2-Operating Expenses form.

If we had added TestMenu to 2-Operating Expenses data form, you
would be able to select Unit Sales and Price and return the 1-Unit
Sales and Price form.

Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp 169

Security and Administration

Section Objectives
At the end of this section, you will be able to:
Add new users and groups, provision them with appropriate role(s)
and set up appropriate access to Forms and Data
Use Life Cycle Management
Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp Security and Administration 5
Exercise 5.1 Planning Security
In this exercise, based on requirements provided by client, you will add
a new user, provision user as a Planner and set up appropriate Form
and Data access.

Create New User

1. Client has requested that we add a User, Joseph Blow, a Planner for
Auto World Los Angeles (AW 001) and Bump Jumper EUV (155-
1000-10) that will only be able to enter Budget data for Units and
2. From Planning Web Client menu bar select Administration > User
Management N.

Shared Services Console displays:

Expand User Directories > Native Directory, right-click on

Users and select New.

Create User window displays:

Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp 171

5 Security and Administration Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp

Enter values as shown above, Password Demov52 and click

Finish button.

3. The Status Message window displays - User 'jblow' created. Click

OK button.
Create New
4. On Shared Services Console follow same procedure to create a new
Group Auto World Planners. Create Group window displays.
After entering Name on the 1. General tab, click Next button. The 2.
Group Members tab allows creating Groups within Groups nested
Groups, click Next button to go to 3. User Members tab. Click the
Go button to display Available Users.

172 Enablement 2.0

Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp Security and Administration 5

Select checkbox next to jblow and click Add button to Add jblow
under Assigned Users, click Finish button.
5. The Status Message window displays - Group 'Auto World
Planners' created. Click OK button.
Provision Group
6. On Shared Services Console, right-click on Auto World Planners
group and select Provision.

Provision pane displays:

Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp 173

5 Security and Administration Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp

Expand Planning and AutoPlan, select Planner and click Add

button to move under Selected Roles. Click the Save button.

Provision Summary displays:

174 Enablement 2.0

Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp Security and Administration 5
Click OK button.
7. From Shared Services Console menu bar, select File > Log Off.
Shared Services Log On window displays.
Select Oracle EPM Planning (Planning Web Client) from Internet
Explorer Favorites.
Log On as new
8. Log On using new User Name and Password

An error message displays:

Application is in maintenance mode. New logins are not


Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp 175

5 Security and Administration Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp

Click the button to right or error message.

9. Log On as demoadmin and from menu bar select Administration >
Application Settings S.

Application Setting window displays:

176 Enablement 2.0

Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp Security and Administration 5

With Show Advanced Settings and System Setting tab

selected, change value in dropdown box for Application
Maintenance Mode Enable Use of the Application for: to
All Users and click the Save button.

Message will be displayed - Application settings have been

saved. Click the button.

10. Log Off and Log On as with User Name jblow

Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp 177

5 Security and Administration Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp

Notice that no Forms are available and that the Administration menu
bar option is not available. This is expected behavior. There is No
Access to Forms for Planners or Interactive Users unless the
Administrator specifically assigns access.
Add Form
11. Log On as demoadmin and from menu bar select Administration >
Manage Data Forms F and select 1-Unit Sales and Price form.
12. Click on Assign Access button and then the Add Access button.

Select jblow, radio button next to Write and click the Add button.

178 Enablement 2.0

Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp Security and Administration 5
Message will display - Adding of Users/Groups succeeded
Click the button.
13. Log Off and Log On as with User Name jblow
Notice that now 1-Unit Sales and Price forms is available, but
when you select it an error is displayed. Again, this is expected
behavior. Planners can select only members to which they have read or
write access and can edit data forms only if they have access to at least
one member of each secured dimension.
Add Data
14. Log On as demoadmin and from menu bar select Administration >
Dimensions D. Select Accounts dimension and Auto Sales
member, click Assign Access button. Assign Access for Auto
Sales window displays, click the Add Access button.

Select jblow, radio button for Write and Descendent (inclusive)

from dropdown box. Click Add button, then Close button. On the
Assign Access for Auto Sales window click Close button.
15. Repeat process providing Write access to following dimensions and
members (selecting Member from drop down):
Entity CC6350
Products 155-1000-10
Scenario Budget
Total Dealers AW 001
Version Current
Notice Assign Access is NOT available for Period and Year

Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp 179

5 Security and Administration Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp

Refresh Security
16. From menu bar, select Administration > Manage Database B

Select checkbox for Security Filters and click the Refresh button.
17. Log On to Essbase Administration Services Console, select
AutoPlan:AutoFin database, right click and select Edit > Filters. On
Filters pane, select fjblow and click the Edit button.

180 Enablement 2.0

Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp Security and Administration 5

Click Close button and click Close button on Filters pane.

18. From Planning Web Client, Log Off and Log On as with User
Name jblow. Select 1-Unit Sales and Price form

Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp 181

5 Security and Administration Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp

Notice that 155-1000-10 is only member available in Products

dropdown box and AW 001 is only member available in Total
Dealers dropdown box.

Change data and save. Attempt to Launch FixPrice business rule,

notice it is unavailable.
19. Return to Essbase Administration Services Console, select add
Access for FixPrice business rule to jblow.
20. Return to form and now launch FixPrice business rule defaults to
Actual which is unavailable to jblow user, change to Budget (only
member available to jblow), Validate and then Launch. Refresh
data to confirm data recalculated.

182 Enablement 2.0

Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp Security and Administration 5
Exercise 5.2 Life Cycle Management
In this exercise you will gain experience using Shared Services,
exploring Planning application artifacts and migrating artifacts.

Log On to Shared
1. Select ORACLE EPM Shared Services from Internet Explorer
Favorites (http://demodrive:28080/interop/index.jsp) and Log On as
User Name: demoadmin.

Review Planning
2. Navigate to Application Groups > Planning > AutoPlan.

Artifact List tab displays:

Expand categories such as Data, Global Artifacts and Plan Type

to explore level of detail available for Planning application artifacts.
3. Click Select All button and then the Define Migration button.

Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp 183

5 Security and Administration Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp

Migration Wizard Source Options window displays:

Select checkbox for Include dependent dimensions: and click

the Next button (it is unclear what the purpose of this option is).

Destination window displays:

184 Enablement 2.0

Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp Security and Administration 5

Expand File System, enter AutoPlan and click the Next button.

The default destination on the Shared Services computer is


Destination Options window displays:

Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp 185

5 Security and Administration Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp

Click the Next button.

Summary window displays:

Click Execute Migration button. Hyperion Shared Services

Information dialog box displays:

186 Enablement 2.0

Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp Security and Administration 5

Wait several seconds and click Launch Migration Status Report


Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp 187

5 Security and Administration Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp

Confirm status of Success, select View Details and click on

Cancel button several times.
4. From Explore, navigate to
Directory\AutoPlan\resource\Data, select Cell Texts.xml, right-click
and Open With > Notepad. You will see the Cell Text that we entered
in previous exercise as part of this Boot Camp.

188 Enablement 2.0


Section Objectives

Copy Files to Virtual System

Update Application from Life Cycle Management artifacts
Troubleshoot Shared Services Issues
A Appendices Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp

Appendix A.1 Copy Local Files to Virtual System

This appendix provides details for copying files from your local physical
system to various Virtual systems.

When using Remote Desktop to connect to hosted Oracle image

How to gain access to local files in a remote desktop session to a Windows

XP-based or to a Windows Server 2003-based host computer

You can gain access to your disk drives on the local computer during a Remote Desktop
session. You can redirect the local disk drives, including the hard disk drives, CD-ROM
disk drives, floppy disk drives, and mapped network disk drives so that you can transfer
files between the local host and the remote computer in the same way that you copy files
from a network share. You can use Microsoft Windows Explorer to view the disk drives
and files for each redirected disk drive. Alternatively, you can view the files for each
redirected disk drive in My Computer. The drives are displayed as "drive_letter on
terminal_server_client_name" in both Windows Explorer and My Computer.

To view the disk drives and files for the redirected disk drive:

1. Click Start , point to All Programs (or Programs), point to

Accessories, point to Communications, and then click Remote Desktop

190 Enablement 2.0

Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp Security and Administration 5
2. Click Options, and then click the Local Resources tab.

Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp 191

A Appendices Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp

3. Under Local devices and resources, click the More button.

4. Expand Drives and select drive the USB Flash Drive the BootCamp folder is
assigned to (e.g. H:)
5. Click OK button to return to Local Resources tab and then click Connect

192 Enablement 2.0

Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp Security and Administration 5
When using local Microsoft Virtual Server 2005 image
Option 1
Add a Microsoft Loopback adapter to the host machine, give it an IP address
in the same subnet as the guest machines. Then tie the guest machines'
adapter to the loopback adapter.

Option 2

The simple solution I've found is IsoRecorder ... this provides a Windows Explorer shell
extension that enables a folder to be quickly converted to an ISO format disk image
which can then be attached 'on the fly' to the CD Drive running within the VS virtual

Attach ISO file to the CD drive inside virtual server using options in the Virtual Server

Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp 193

A Appendices Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp

When using local Microsoft Virtual PC image

Option 1
To Do this

Point to the file or folder on the host operating system to be

Copy a file or folder
copied, and then drag the file or folder to a location on the
to a virtual machine
virtual machine.

Dragging and dropping large files will cause Virtual PC to temporarily stop responding until the
process is complete.

As an alternative to copying a file or folder, you can use shared folders to make a file or folder
available to both the host and virtual machine. For more information, see Share a folder between a
virtual machine and the host operating system.

Option 2
1. After the image has been started, return to Virtual PC Console and
click the Settings button.

If you havent previously selected checkbox to Dont show this

message again, the following Note will display:

194 Enablement 2.0

Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp Security and Administration 5

Click OK button.
2. The Settings window displays:

3. Select the Shared Folders setting on left pane and click on Share
Folder... button in right. The Browse for Folder window displays:

Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp 195

A Appendices Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp

Expand the drive assigned to the USB Flash Drive and select the
BootCamp folder. Make note of the drive letter assigned (e.g. Z, or
alternatively you can select a specific drive letter).
4. Press the OK button and when you return to the Setting window, press
the OK button.

196 Enablement 2.0

Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp Security and Administration 5
Appendix A.2 Troubleshooting Shared Services Issues
This appendix provides details for troubleshooting Shared Services

If Shared Services service does not startup, try to start the OpenLDAP service
manually from the Services control panel. If it fails then it is possible that Shared
Services is corrupt. To resolve this issue, shut down all services except the
Oracle database, open Windows Explorer and go to c:\prods\ss\batch and run
Repair_OpenLDAP.bat. Then restart Shared Services and test the login to
Shared Services UI before starting other services.

If Shared Services does not start up even after running Repair_OpenLDAP

script, shutdown all services except the Oracle database. Ensure that no process
is connected to the Oracle database. If you are unsure of this, reboot the
machine and start the Oracle database only. Now open Windows Explorer and
go to c:\prods\ss\batch and run Refresh_app.bat. This will restore Shared
Services to the state of the image at its release. Any work done with user
provisioning since obtaining the image will be lost.

If Shared Services is started without the Oracle database starting up completely,

issues may be encountered with logins of products or services not starting up.
When this happens use the shortcut to the Shared Services UI in the Internet
Explorer favorites to login to Shared Services using Demoadmin/Demov52 or
admin/password. If you get an error, restart Shared Services and then restart
other services to fix this issue.

Hyperion Planning Implementation Boot Camp 197

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