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Foundatien Types Deslgn Cusiderathns

1, $imof fuolings,

Foolings must bo desisrsd h eary the column
h6ds and fanunittrem t0 he soil safdy. Stm frc so$ mpclty odorhlirxr slfl usirg
The pooedure musi hke tha fuiloring
Ah'xem sEtsdr Do$Un {ASD), tE sma of tE
sm$Uh re+*cmstrh lrb cdrslderailioru
.Tte ana of tn hdirg b6ed 0n he alode hcar*ng sfll fuotinp en be deMnirred tur' [B a*El adamal
loads {unffiqd mac ard momonh) stdt tut
.Two*hy eher, or prdtg shar. fte ahrah $il prmre b not ueedd. ln
eruku rtomentand $el reffrreenent Gqdmd. gfisd,bretialha&.
"Beslltg cepscfy d cohmms ct hol bsse ild ftwd
r ll .0echpcenthr$r dnos lma of ftSiq =dr + Ly(mMilprss$ue)
Silrb nx,.m foo$mi Ol gn*aad ftodmi (a) MGd Soothci (d) "Dftrcnlid seffiennnt
ln his eoum rm mll emklr fre ffi 4 poinh ooly"

&e 3. R*e,uary $rear (Punchlng shegr)

1. o'f foofings. 2. 0n*uay shear tBsam $uad I Tw*ay almr {Funchiq $w}
Eased on fie$maeding ltuee valuas sf, the

ffi'H,ffiffii,ilm'*h trW
Pr' 1 rD + r.61. by tte aE6 ol Ste bothg. Ttds
il* b6s 69 tre cdul tg****h$h*d&*hncrry*ds
efiactva defh. d, lqguird b. slc,vray sllear b th
hlgnet obbersd tsn tta hilodng Sormde
essuming vr = lvc, (+ = 0.75)
to dsign hefuolingby tn itlfltgtr hbn cas" lr ec,a h " 6y,,

\ = Bodrretrof fie {rilicals0dion h[Gn atdn ftarn

Tl a0ordle$il prE$ra. &, b ohfiaind tnm eofl
4=|;r,fir,;=o.rr,rf,1tr,"a fffim"n*r-
cdrff'q ird
ts$ and b based m Gervis load eonditons. Sili20il:ltlS Eq. (tll itfuconrocolumn ' ai./Fh

2. On*umy ehear{Beam Ehear} 3. Tueway sheu {Puncting shearl & Flexural s$ength &footing reinforcernent
Th6 hetomd shearbrm at
Ihc SNllACl Code, Soct 11.11.2 alloum a shoar The critieal scdons br moment occur at tho fam of
sedion m.m ean be
straqd1 V", in fuotirs nttBrt $ar rcinftreetHt the column (aeetion n-n)"Tho bending marnent in
fur tnro-way shmr aciion, ttu stmllcot of oach diroqtion of the fiooting must ba cfieckad and
ealzulatad asdbws:
-lrl-- *n appropiab {sln$olmrnent rrusf bo pm\rided.
,.=*o(l-;-r) 1W
HT I I ?\
i. i-

lf no shearminfoiusmant is l+'+-i ".:itt*ilolto*
b be usd, hen d can be
determined, assuming
Vr=0% t_
n = r^*#:"'

4. Flexunl s$engh & footing rulnhrcement 5. Transftr of Load tuom Column h FootiW
Ittlhen studural s&el osturnns or masanry w*s aro Tho domlsextond lnto ltto fuoting *dkhncaqd
uscd, thcn the criliml sactions br msmenb in b the mmpessirxr develoBment lerqh sf a D22: The maximum baadrq had on
hotings are taken at hali,wy beturmen tlre middlc l.the ectUres$ion lQ.splkD lengh hra DA2 b076 mm. Sto conseh h defined in SNUACI
and he edgo of masonry walls ard halfimy 2. llrc corngecsion de\,ehgrEnt longtr of a 022 is 433 rm Code Sadisn 10"14 as
betri,aon tha hce of the mlumn and the adge of the (uso 500mm). t(0.85fid4).lf fi' bad
stcol base place (SNUAel eode, $oction 15.4.2). sombinations ftom SNI/ACI CIode

Sedion 9"2 ana usod, SNUACI
Code $ectut 9.32.4 $rro 1=
0.65 hr bearing and & is ha arca
of thcmnlactsurhe.

{alFsaolflsrh otliloiffiitt (3lrffilNrb.

iltm GrH)SltDac 0l*(ltmdtsa
mrraadsn CrillraIfr
6. Bearing Stnength
ulnmR tGd fttng on the {ihc
P.", : Q{lud {nm stnRttR)+
liJhcn the sqpporting surface is on all r *
'^,ider Two wap(pun*riRS) shdar skfl!|th. W,,+rwithln pundrtns
1x iotter -
than lhe loaded area, the meximum bearing load The crltiel sction klr pumhing is t:eaed at rll2 from iate of - P4,ircirie perimeter
may ba taken as tolumn tt will asumed tlut ports of tIE piles localel inside dr in whidu
pumhirg prilireer shall partkipa$ la Rducirq the purxlring Pu"" * Uttimat slGu 6!re &t ffiuat stim
n', . tNd frsm skrEture{P{ = l.2Pn + l.6Pr.}.

+(0.BsfJAr )
{; Iood,
Wor+ = I,lbisht of cap insi& primeter (t8q,.-a,, r l.XlV.?)
Prr = Rsktare of piles iGide tErircter
VE {{*'=i{I.}Pr+l.oPr}}
Tln punching kud c.rn be calculat*l rs: . Corete pumhi&E stMgth is givs at &dEt ttp [ollowinlF trl@s
,_ hadred orea o{ pile
** tff nornurethan2' "- Bffi;fifEite
v. = trrz (t *
|) ,r6;.tur

Fm S.II./ACI tl.l I - PBviric fff flll fq*ngs
BlnbB Loads
lt.l t:.'t * tur no.$Etl@d.Lr rd tdrE.,
Vcrnrl !r hrsdGt ol (.1, O), l,rll (q:
Stalr slaba arB usuaily &sQned to restst gravlty bads,
(r) r.. arrir.$rJqo,.d (il{til mrmrtslng dead loads and live liDads.
Doad Loads:
sfgs ,io iE nto ot h.g lur ro ,Efr 9&b ol tE "sen-s,sight of siair slab (readh,ea*.rise. dabrh,aist
a![itn, ffiFtrd loril6 radoar tili alab);
.se$-udghtof step (n ca*eof \mabr shb'qne staiB}
r". am($.{rg4}od fllse} .sem-r.r,elght of head ftnbh (ueually 0.5
- f .0 kNrm2)
'Live LoEds;
slm q h lO la hrb alnmq C, lo{ dl. .ln geneml a unibrmly dishihrted had of 5.0 kNrme
crlffn aOtrffi@hml rid .ln residenca liva load of 9^0 kNrrf
{d r. r cltlJqD.d 0l{01 "On lread slab a concanualad li\,e load of 1.3 kN
applied atfree end.

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