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Process safety
Safety plays an important part in any manufacturing sectors,
negligence in the safety issues can result in drastic consequence
including life threatening injuries and finical damages which may
compromise the entire business. To determine the potential hazards
and risks in the proposed lotion manufacturing process, a hazard
and operability study is carried out. In this HAZOP study, the overall
process was divided into several systems according to the
respective functions of the units and the potential failures and
corresponding mitigation measures are discussed.

4.2.1. Process systems and description

Figure 1 Proposed schematic diagram of lotion process

The adopted lotion production process involves mainly mixing and
heating. With the ingredients of oil phase heated and mixed in one
mixer while two mixers and one separator are used for the water
phase. Emulsification of the two phases is then carried out in the
homogenizer. The heating of the oil phase is performed by the
steam generated by the on-site boiler.

The first system defined is the piping connecting to vessels and

pumps, excluding the piping related to the heating utilities. The
major purpose of the pipes in this system is to deliver the raw
materials and the lotion mixture to the subsequent process units.

The second system focuses on the storage tanks, mixers and the
homogenizer. Frequent inflow and outflow of materials are expected
in these vessels.

Last but not least the heating utilities are treated as one system
which include the boiler, connections pipes and a water tank. Heat is
provided to heat up and melt the oil phase so the steam
temperature will only be around 150oC and at a relatively low

4.2.2. Highlighted issues

In section 4.2.3 a HAZOP table is presented, listing the possible
hazards that can possibly occur in this process. However, there are
some hazard that deserves extra attention as they can either be
catastrophic or be conveniently neglected.

Firstly, the heating system requires additional concerns. Although

electricity is used to power the boiler instead of naked flame,
accidents can still be disastrous. For example, if the valve for steam
is closed or blocked, the steam generated might accumulate in the
pipe, increasing the pressure. The pipes may rupture or even
explode, releasing the heated steam which could be life threatening.
Due to accidents or failures, the boiler may run out of water, the
heating coil can become overheated and melt. The melted coil
might be able to penetrate the boiler frame owning to its extreme
temperature. If water is suddenly exposed to the overheated coil, an
explosion of steam may occur, breaking the boiler and
compromising the plant. In order to enforce the safety of the heating
utilities, pressure reliefs can be installed to lower the system
pressure in case of emergency. The boiler should also be equipped
with an inter-lock system such that when the heating can only be
switched on only if the water pump is on. The water pipe should also
adopt fail open valves to maintain water flow in case of failure to
reduce the risk of overheating. Flowmeters and pressure sensors
should also be installed at both the inlet and outlet of the boiler, to
closely supervise the operation condition. Warnings signals are
given out when abnormal values are detected to ensure a safe

The noise emitted from the process might be overlooked. The

proposed process involves the use of 3 mixers, which can be
operated at the same time. During the mixing process, noises may
emit form the motor that drive the mixer blades. The noise may not
be intense enough to cause physical discomfort and immediate
hearing damage to workers, however it is possible that it can still
induce hearing loss under prolonged exposure. The occupational
noise exposure limit in various developed countries for an 8-hour
average is 85 dB [**]. The noise emitted from the machineries
should be measured thus allowing the design of working shift that
comply with the WHO exposure limit. Workers are advised to stay
away from the operating mixers to avoid non-essential noise
exposure. The room where the equipment are located should have
good noise isolation design such as rubber paddings and noise
absorption foams. Personal noise reduction devices such as ear
plugs and earmuffs are required should employees stay near to the
equipment during operation. Regular hearing check are provided to
workers to discover any symptoms of hearing impairment.

Besides noise, there are some other safety concern posed by the
mixer. For example, the mixer propeller may not be connected
properly and it can fall off during operation and damage the mixer.
Workers can also be damaged by the mixing blade if they do not
follow the operation code strictly, for example, the blade have to be
completely stopped and removed from the power source before
washing and inspection to prevent moving blades from damaging
the workers. The mixer should only be turned on after the materials
are filled into the container and sealing the container to avoid
splashing of the materials.

4.2.3. HAZOP Table
Table1 HAZOP table
System Process Deviation Possible Causes Possible Action Required
Parame (Guide consequences
ters Word)
1 (Pipes) Flow No flow Blockage of pipes No transport of No flow alert signals
Pumps not functioning materials Frequent inspection
Backup pumps
Install by pass
More Pump malfunctioning Breakage of pipes Installation of
Backup pumps
Flow relief pipes
Install by pass
Less Pump malfunctioning Waste/Loss of Installation of flow
Blockage of pipes materials meter
Leakage of pipes Failure of lotion Backup pumps
production Frequent inspection
Backup pipes
- Corrosion Long term usage Leakage of material Frequent checking
Breaking of pipes
2 (Mixers) Flow No flow Closed valves No production Installation of flow
Pump not functioning formation meter
Pipes blockage Idling of mixer blades Low level alert
Over Failed valves Overflow of mixer Overflow pipes
Pump malfunctioning content Installation of check
Reverse flow into valves
Less Leakage of mixer Insufficient materials Frequent inspection
Low flow/blockage in for lotion Flow meter
Agitation None No power supply No mixing Backup cables and
No content in vessel Shocking Hazard power
Damaged blades Broken blade maybe Low level alert
Loose propellers in lotion
The propeller may fall
off, breaking the mixer
More Incorrect set up Damage of motors Install rpm monitor
and mixer blades Limit the maximum
Overheated motors rotation speed
Less Incorrect setup Poor mixing Install rpm monitor
Clogging of materials Frequent inspection
(Separator) Separati None Breaking of filter No separation Frequent inspection
on Complete blockage of
Other than Partial damage of filter Incomplete separation Frequent inspection of
both separator and

(Homogeni Mixing Later Oil and water phase Poor emulsifying Equalizer of flow
zer) flow at very different process
Absent Blockage of pipes No emulsification Flow meter of both
Malfunction of pumps inlets
3 (Boiler) Flow No Closed valve Heat coiling melt Interlock the water
Pump not functioning down supply with the power
Water service failure of heating coil.
Less Low water level in Temperature too high Flow meter, Water level
water tank sensor
Water supply failure Auto-shut down device
Blockage of pipes Back up water supply
Heating No Loss of power No heat is provided to Temperature sensors
the process
More Incorrect setting of Too much heating Temperature sensors
boiler Cooling backups
Too little water flowing
Less Incorrect setting of No enough heat to Temperature sensors
boiler melt the oil phase
Water flow to high
Pressure Higher Closed valves Rupture of pipes/boiler Pressure sensors
Explosion Pressure relief
Fail open valves
4.2.4. Other safety issues Good Housekeeping
Good housekeeping can prevent certain workplace accidents and
help improving the overall efficiency and safety of the plant son it is
crucial to pay attention to housekeeping in the plant.
First of all, the environment of the factory should be kept clean and
tidy. Raw materials should be stored in designated areas with clear
signs and labeling to avoid blockage of aisles and staircases and
tripping. If stacking of materials is required, the stacked materials
should not interfere with the emergency systems such as smoke
detectors and fire sprinkles [*]. Firm supports should also be
provided to prevent the stacked materials from collapsing. In case of
spillage, signs should be placed to warn workers of slipping hazard
and the spilt material should be removed as soon as possible.
Regular cleaning and waste disposal should also be implemented to
maintain a hygienic workplace that is to clean up any accumulation
of dirt and waste in the factory.
The main waste generated in the process is the used grains, the
used grains are to be transported in a specific waste collection area
with proper storage. The wasted grains are expected to be emptied
once a day to avoid accumulation in the plant.
Moreover, the factory should provide sufficient facilities for the
employees. For example, Slip-proof mat or materials should be used
in the construction of the factory as the process involves liquids that
may trigger slipping hazard. The factory should also be equipped
with adequate emergency equipment such as fire extinguishers and
first aid boxes with regular checking to ensure the functionality of
the equipment so that employees can respond to accidents swiftly.
Any damaged facilities such as broken lights and cracks on floor
should be mended to provide a good working environment as many
hazards can arise from non-functioning amenities.

[*] Plant layout

During the construction of the factory, the layout and the
arrangement of the facilities should be considered for safety
concerns. For instance, a wide and unobstructed area should be
provided to hold the process vessels which allow efficient operations
of the process while also aiding easy inspections and repairing of
the equipment. The boiler should be placed at an isolated location
with buffer area to prohibit placing any materials or equipment near
the proximity of the boiler. As malfunctioning of the boiler can lead
to explosion and fire which lead to severer damage to life and
properties, raw materials and other flammable materials should not
be stored in the same room as the boiler.
In designing the plant, the path connecting different facilities should
have sufficient width and be unobstructed to provide swift and safe
access to employees and also emergency services. Emergency
escape route or assembly point should be clearly displayed to
A control room which monitor the production process and other
sections of the plant should be built to identify hazards and give
immediate warning and instructions to the workers within the plant
via broadcasting system and warning signals. Only authorized
persons are allowed in the operation room. Besides controlling the
operation of equipment, the operation room also serves as security
center with installation of monitors paired with CCTV installed in
different location of the plant to ensure accidents are identified
A preliminary design of the plant, with the dimension 8m X 12m, is
enclosed below.

Figure 4.2.1 Preliminary design of the plant

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