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ME4202501 Thermodynamics I, Fall term 2015

Practice 1 2015/9/15

1. A stone whose mass is 16 kg is subjected to an upward force of 66.7 N. The only other force acting on
the stone is the force of gravity. Determine the net acceleration of the stone, in m/s2, assuming
g 9.81 m/s2.

2. A closed tank having a volume of 1 L holds 5 kg of oxygen. For the oxygen, determine
(1) the amount, in kmol, and (2) the specific volume, in m3/kg and m3/kmol.

3. A 2.5-m-tall steel cylinder has a cross-sectional area of 1.5 m2. At the bottom,
with a height of 0.5 m, is liquid water, on top of which is a 1-m-hight layer of
gasoline. The atmospheric air pressure is 101 kPa. Determine the pressure at

the bottom of the tank, in kPa. ( gasoline 650 kg/m 3 , water 997 kg/m 3 )

4. A pipe flowing light oil has a manometer attached as shown. What

is the absolute pressure in the pipe flow, in kPa? Use

oil 910 kg/m3 , water 997 kg/m3

5. The vacuum pressure reading of a tank is given. Determine the absolute

pressure in the tank, in kPa.

6. Determine the absolute pressure P1 measured by the manometer, in

kPa. (Patm = 760 mmHg)

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