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1) They said the Titanic was unsinkable (so/but) it sank on its first voyage/journey.

2) Skunks smell (since/because of) a chemical they emit/give off from their bottoms.
3) When rabbits want to give a warning to other rabbits, they stamp their feet
(and/but) this alerts them to danger.
4) (Because/When) a mosquito lands on you, it inserts/puts its beak into your skin.
5) Lia tried to catch the fish, (if/but) she failed.
6) Jan wanted to go to the park, (however/since) David wanted to go to town.
7) Julie texted Jim (because/but) she wanted to cancel their meeting.
8) The teacher told me to ask her (although/if) I needed help.
9) (Because/When) I was younger, I loved playing with my lego.
10) (Since/Even though) I had a bad foot, I ran the race, (as/however), I didnt win.
11) (As soon as/Whenever) Julia saw Miroslav, she fell in love with him.
12) (Besides/Although) lions can be kept as pets, you must remember they are wild
animals at heart.
13) James worked very hard and (initially/finally) he completed his task.
14) Rachels mum told her to wait (except/until) her birthday for her special treat.
15) (Even though/however) owls are nocturnal, I saw one when the sun was up!
16) I love English (but/because) its interesting and (even though/also), the teacher is
really nice. (Whats more/because) I like science and maths (if/but) my favourite
subject is Art. (However/since), I really dont like Technology (if/even though) the
teacher is really nice. (In conclusion/as well as), I have mixed feelings about my school
17) (After/while) riding my bike along a country road, I hit a rock and fell off!
18) We decided to go on a picnic (despite/although) the bad weather.
19) The grass is far too long, (but/so) I need to cut it.
20) He was late this morning (but/because) he missed the bus.
21) (Although/as well as) Jim is shy, he was the life and soul of the party.
22) The cardinal gave the sermon in Latin (because/even though) nobody could
understand it.
23) (If/when) you dont listen, you will not learn.
24) Joseph couldnt really afford a new car, (nevertheless/since) he still bought one.
25) Your hair is far too long, (if/so) you need a haircut!

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