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17/5/2017 GettingStartedwithC++inVisualStudio| MicrosoftDocs

Getting Started with C++ in Visual Studio

2016114 4 min to read Contributors

In this article

Sign In to Visual Studio

Create a simple application
Add Code to the Application
Debug and Test the application
Build a release version of the app
See Also

By completing this walkthrough, you'll become familiar with many of the tools and dialog boxes
that you can use when you develop applications with Visual Studio. You'll create a simple "Hello,
World"style application while you learn more about working in the integrated development
environment IDE.

This topic contains the following sections:

Sign In to Visual Studio

Create a simple application

Add Code to the Application

Debug and Test the application

Build a release version of the app

Sign In to Visual Studio

When you start Visual Studio for the first time, you are given the chance to sign in using a
Microsoft account such as Live or Outlook. Signing in allows your settings to be synchronized
across all your devices. For more information, see Signing in to Visual Studio

Figure 1: Visual Studio IDE 1/15
17/5/2017 GettingStartedwithC++inVisualStudio| MicrosoftDocs

After you open Visual Studio, you can see the three basic parts of the IDE: tool windows, menus
and toolbars, and the main window space. Tool windows are docked on the left and right sides of
the app window, with Quick Launch, the menu bar, and the standard toolbar at the top. The center
of the application window contains the Start Page. When you open a solution or project, editors
and designers appear in this space. When you develop an application, you'll spend most of your
time in this central area.

Create a simple application

When you create an app in Visual Studio, you first create a project and a solution. For this example,
you'll create a Windows console application.

To create a console app

1. On the menu bar, choose File, New, Project. 2/15
17/5/2017 GettingStartedwithC++inVisualStudio| MicrosoftDocs

2. In the Visual C++ category, choose the Win32 Console Application template, and then
name the project GreetingsConsoleApp .

Your dialog box may have different choices, depending on what you've installed. If you
don't see Visual C++ project templates, you need to go back to the installer and install a
C++ workload.

3. When the Win32 Application Wizard appears, choose the Finish button. 3/15
17/5/2017 GettingStartedwithC++inVisualStudio| MicrosoftDocs

The GreetingsConsoleApp project and solution, with the basic files for a Win32 console
app, are created and automatically loaded into Solution Explorer. The
GreetingsConsoleApp.cpp file is opened in the code editor. The following items appear in
Solution Explorer:

Figure 4: Project items

Add Code to the Application

Next, you'll add code to display the word "Hello" in the console window.

To display "Hello" in the console window 4/15
17/5/2017 GettingStartedwithC++inVisualStudio| MicrosoftDocs

To display "Hello" in the console window

1. In the GreetingsConsoleApp.cpp file, enter a blank line before the line return0; and +

then enter the following code:

Code Copy


A red squiggly line appears under cout . An error message appears if you point to it.

The error message also appears in the Error List window. You can display the window by
choosing View, Error List on the menu bar.

cout is included in the <iostream> header file.

2. To include the iostream header, enter the following code after #include"stdafx.h" :

Code Copy


You probably noticed that a box appeared as you entered code, providing suggestions for
the characters that you entered. This box is part of C++ IntelliSense, which provides
coding prompts, including listing class or interface members and parameter information.
You can also use code snippets, which are predefined blocks of code. For more
information, see Using IntelliSense and Code Snippets.

The red squiggly line under cout disappears when you fix the error. 5/15
17/5/2017 GettingStartedwithC++inVisualStudio| MicrosoftDocs

3. Save the changes to the file.

Debug and Test the application

You can debug GreetingsConsoleApp to see whether the word "Hello" appears in the console

To debug the application

Start the debugger. 6/15
17/5/2017 GettingStartedwithC++inVisualStudio| MicrosoftDocs

The debugger starts and runs the code. The console window a separate window that
looks like a command prompt appears for a few seconds but closes quickly when the
debugger stops running. To see the text, you need to set a breakpoint to stop program

To add a breakpoint

1. Add a breakpoint from the menu bar at the line return0; . You can also just click in the
left margin to set a breakpoint. 7/15
17/5/2017 GettingStartedwithC++inVisualStudio| MicrosoftDocs

A red circle appears next to the line of code in the far left margin of the editor window.

2. Choose the F5 key to start debugging.

The debugger starts, and a console window appears showing the word Hello.

3. Press SHIFT + F5 to stop debugging.

For more information, see Console Projects.

Build a release version of the app

Now that you've verified that everything works, you can prepare a release build of the application.

To clean the solution files and build a release version 8/15
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1. From the menu bar, delete intermediate files and output files that were created during
previous builds.

2. Change the build configuration for GreetingsConsoleApp from Debug to Release.

3. Build the solution. 9/15
17/5/2017 GettingStartedwithC++inVisualStudio| MicrosoftDocs

Congratulations on completing this walkthrough! If you want to explore more examples,

see Visual Studio Samples.

See Also
Using the Visual Studio IDE for C++ Desktop Development
Walkthrough: Create a Simple Application with Visual C# or Visual Basic
Productivity Tips for Visual Studio
Visual Studio Samples
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17/5/2017 UsingtheVisualStudioIDEforC++DesktopDevelopment| MicrosoftDocs

Using the Visual Studio IDE for C++

Desktop Development
2016114 1 min to read Contributors

In this article

Get Started
Next Steps
See Also

The Visual Studio Integrated Development Environment IDE offers a set of features that help you
manage large and small code projects, write and refactor your code, and detect and correct errors
by using both static analysis and powerful debugging tools. This set of articles is designed to walk
you through each step you'll need to manage your projects, write, test, and debug your code, and
then deploy it to another computer.

If you haven't installed Visual Studio yet, now is the time. To get Visual Studio, you can download it 2

from Visual Studio Downloads. Be sure to include the Visual C++ development tools when you
install Visual Studio, because they are not installed by default. For more information about how to
install Visual Studio, see [].

These walkthroughs assume that you have installed Visual Studio and the Visual C++ language
and components required for Windows Desktop development. We also assume you understand
the fundamentals of the C++ language. If you need to learn C++, there are many books and web
resources available. One good place to start is the Get Started page of the Standard C++
Foundation website.

Once your Visual Studio installation is complete, you are ready to continue.

Get Started
To get started using the Visual Studio IDE to build C++ apps, work through each of these topics in
order. Each one builds on the work you completed in the previous topics:

Walkthrough: Working with Projects and Solutions C++ 1/5
17/5/2017 UsingtheVisualStudioIDEforC++DesktopDevelopment| MicrosoftDocs

Walkthrough: Working with Projects and Solutions C++

Walkthrough: Building a Project C++

Walkthrough: Testing a Project C++

Walkthrough: Debugging a Project C++

Walkthrough: Deploying Your Program C++

Next Steps
Once you've completed these walkthroughs, you're ready to start building your own projects. For
more information and resources for Visual C++ development, see Visual C++ in Visual Studio.

See Also
Application Development in Visual Studio + 2/5
17/5/2017 UsingtheVisualStudioIDEforC++DesktopDevelopment| MicrosoftDocs 3/5
17/5/2017 UsingtheVisualStudioIDEforC++DesktopDevelopment| MicrosoftDocs 4/5
17/5/2017 UsingtheVisualStudioIDEforC++DesktopDevelopment| MicrosoftDocs 5/5
17/5/2017 Walkthrough:WorkingwithProjectsandSolutions(C++)| MicrosoftDocs

Walkthrough: Working with Projects and

Solutions C++
2016114 5 min to read Contributors

In this article

Creating a Project
Organizing Projects and Files in a Solution
Adding a Source File
Building and Running a Project
Next Steps
See Also

Here's how to create a C++ project in Visual Studio, add code, and then build and run the project. +

The project in this walkthrough is a program that tracks how many players are playing different
card games.

In Visual Studio, work is organized in projects and solutions. A solution can contain more than one
projectfor example, a DLL and an executable that references that DLL. For more information, see
Solutions and Projects.

To complete this walkthrough, you must understand the fundamentals of the C++ language.

Creating a Project
To create a project, first choose a projecttype template. For each project type, Visual Studio sets
compiler settings anddepending on the typegenerates starter code that you can modify later.

To create a project

1. On the menu bar, choose File, New, Project. 1/20
17/5/2017 Walkthrough:WorkingwithProjectsandSolutions(C++)| MicrosoftDocs

2. In the left pane of the New Project dialog box, expand the Installed Templates node,
expand the Visual C++ node, and then select Win32.

3. In the list of installed templates in the center pane, select Win32 Console Application.

4. Enter a name for the project in the Name box. For this example, enter Game.

You can accept the default location in the Location dropdown list, enter a different
location, or choose the Browse button to browse to a directory where you want to save
the project.

When you create a project, Visual Studio puts the project in a solution. By default, the
solution has the same name as the project. You can change the name in the Solution
name box, but for this example, keep the default name.

Choose the OK button to start the Win32 Application Wizard.

5. On the Overview page of the Win32 Application Wizard, choose the Next button.

6. On the Application Settings page, under Application type, select Console

Application. Under Additional options, clear the Precompiled header setting, and
then select the Empty Project setting. Choose the Finish button to create the project.

You now have a project, but it does not yet have source code files.

Organizing Projects and Files in a Solution

You can use Solution Explorer to organize and manage the projects, files, and other resources in
your solution.

This part of the walkthrough shows how add a class to the project. When you add the class, Visual
Studio adds the corresponding .h and .cpp files. Next, you add a new source code file for the main
program that tests the class.

To add a class to a project

1. If Solution Explorer is not displayed, on the menu bar, choose View, Solution

2. In Solution Explorer, open the shortcut menu for the Header Files folder and then
choose Add, Class. 2/20
17/5/2017 Walkthrough:WorkingwithProjectsandSolutions(C++)| MicrosoftDocs

In the left pane of the Add Class dialog box, expand the Visual C++ node and select
C++, and then in the list of installed templates in the center pane, select C++ Class.
Choose the Add button.

3. In the Generic C++ Class Wizard, enter Cardgame in the Class name box. Don't
modify the default file names and settings. Choose the Finish button.

4. The Cardgame.h file is opened in the editor. Make these changes:

Add two private data members after the opening brace of the class definition.

C++ Copy


Modify the default constructor that Visual Studio generated. After the public:
access specifier, find the line that looks like this:


Modify it to take one parameter of type int , named players.

C++ Copy


After the default destructor, add an inline declaration for a static int member
function named GetParticipants that takes no parameters and returns the
totalParticipants value.

C++ Copy


5. The Cardgame.h file should resemble this after you change it:

C++ Copy

staticinttotalParticipants; 3/20
17/5/2017 Walkthrough:WorkingwithProjectsandSolutions(C++)| MicrosoftDocs

The line #pragmaonce tells the compiler to include the file only one time. For more
information, see once.

For information about other C++ keywords in this header file, see class, int, static, and

6. Choose the Cardgame.cpp tab in the editing pane to open it for editing.

7. Delete everything in the file and replace it with this code:

C++ Copy







You can use autocompletion when you are entering code. For example, if you were entering
this code, you could enter pl or tot and then press Ctrl+Spacebar so that autocompletion
finishes entering players or totalParticipants for you.

For information about #include , see #include Directive C/C++.

Adding a Source File 4/20
17/5/2017 Walkthrough:WorkingwithProjectsandSolutions(C++)| MicrosoftDocs

Now, add a source code file for the main program that tests the class.

To add a new source file

1. In Solution Explorer, open the shortcut menu for the Source Files folder and then
choose Add, New Item.

In the Add New Item dialog box, in the left pane, expand the Installed node, expand the
Visual C++ node, and then select Code. In the center pane, select C++ File .cpp.

2. Enter TestGames.cpp in the Name box, and then choose the Add button.

3. In the TestGames.cpp editing window, enter the following code.

C++ Copy






Building and Running a Project

Now, build the project and run the application.

To build and run the project

1. On the menu bar, choose Build, Build Solution.

Note 5/20
17/5/2017 Walkthrough:WorkingwithProjectsandSolutions(C++)| MicrosoftDocs

If you are using an Express edition that does not display a Build menu, on the menu bar,
choose Tools, Settings, Expert Settings to enable it.

Output from a build is displayed in the Output window. If your build is successful, the
output should resemble this:

Output Copy


The Output window can show different steps, depending on the edition and the build
configuration, but if the project build succeeds, the last line should resemble the output

If your build did not succeed, compare your code to the code that is given in the earlier

2. To run the project, on the menu bar, choose Debug, Start Without Debugging. The
output should resemble this:

Output Copy


Next Steps
Previous: Using the Visual Studio IDE for C++ Desktop Development. Next:Walkthrough: Building
a Project C++.

See Also
Visual C++ Guided Tour 6/20
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17/5/2017 Walkthrough:WorkingwithProjectsandSolutions(C++)| MicrosoftDocs 8/20
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17/5/2017 Walkthrough:BuildingaProject(C++)| MicrosoftDocs

Walkthrough: Building a Project C++

2016114 1 min to read Contributors

In this article

Next Steps
See Also

In this walkthrough, you deliberately introduce a Visual C++ syntax error in your code to learn
what a compilation error looks like and how to fix it. When you compile the project, an error
message indicates what the problem is and where it occurred.

This walkthrough assumes that you understand the fundamentals of the C++ language.

It also assumes that you have completed the earlier related walkthroughs that are listed
in Using the Visual Studio IDE for C++ Desktop Development.

To fix compilation errors

1. In TestGames.cpp, delete the semicolon in the last line so that it resembles this: +


2. On the menu bar, choose Build, Build Solution.

3. A message in the Error List window indicates that there was an error in the building of
the project. The description looks something like this:


To view help information about this error, highlight it in the Error List window and then
choose the F1 key.

4. Add the semicolon back to the end of the line that has the syntax error:

return0; 1/5
17/5/2017 Walkthrough:BuildingaProject(C++)| MicrosoftDocs

5. On the menu bar, choose Build, Build Solution.

A message in the Output window indicates that the project compiled successfully.

Output Copy


Next Steps
Previous: Walkthrough: Working with Projects and Solutions C++ | Next:Walkthrough: Testing a
Project C++

See Also
Visual C++ Guided Tour
DELETE_PENDING_Building and Debugging 2/5
17/5/2017 Walkthrough:BuildingaProject(C++)| MicrosoftDocs 3/5
17/5/2017 Walkthrough:BuildingaProject(C++)| MicrosoftDocs 4/5
17/5/2017 Walkthrough:BuildingaProject(C++)| MicrosoftDocs 5/5
17/5/2017 Walkthrough:TestingaProject(C++)| MicrosoftDocs

Walkthrough: Testing a Project C++

2016114 2 min to read Contributors

In this article

Next Steps
See Also

When you run a program in Debug mode, you can use breakpoints to pause the program to
examine the state of variables and objects.

In this walkthrough, you watch the value of a variable as the program runs and deduce why the
value is not what you expect.

This walkthrough assumes that you understand the fundamentals of the C++ language.

It also assumes that you have completed the earlier related walkthroughs that are listed
in Using the Visual Studio IDE for C++ Desktop Development.

To run a program in Debug mode

1. Open TestGames.cpp for editing. +

2. Select this line of code:


3. To set a breakpoint on that line, on the menu bar, choose Debug, Toggle Breakpoint, or
choose the F9 key. A red circle appears to the left of the line; it indicates that a breakpoint
is set. To remove a breakpoint, you can choose the menu command or the F9 key again.

If you're using a mouse, you can also set or remove a breakpoint by clicking in the left

4. On the menu bar, choose Debug, Start Debugging, or choose the F5 key. 1/9
17/5/2017 Walkthrough:TestingaProject(C++)| MicrosoftDocs

When the program reaches the line that has the breakpoint, execution stops temporarily,
because your program is in Break mode. A yellow arrow to the left of a line of code
indicates that it is the next line to be executed.

5. To examine the value of the Cardgame::totalParticipants variable, move the pointer over
Cardgame and then move it over the expansion control at the left of the tooltip window.
The variable name totalParticipants and its value of 12 are displayed.

Open the shortcut menu for the Cardgame::totalParticipants variable and then choose
Add Watch to display that variable in the Watch 1 window. You can also select a
variable and drag it to the Watch 1 window.

6. To step to the next line of code, on the menu bar, choose Debug, Step Over, or choose
the F10 key.

The value of Cardgame::totalParticipants in the Watch 1 window is now displayed as


7. Open the shortcut menu for the return0; statement and then choose Run to Cursor.
The yellow arrow to the left of the code points to the next statement to be executed.

8. The Cardgame::totalParticipants number should decrease when a Cardgame

terminates. At this point, Cardgame::totalParticipants should equal 0 because all
Cardgame instances have been deleted, but the Watch 1 window indicates that
Cardgame::totalparticipants equals 18. This indicates that there's a bug in the code,
which you can detect and fix by completing the next walkthrough, Walkthrough:
Debugging a Project C++.

9. To stop the program, on the menu bar, choose Debug, Stop Debugging, or choose the
Shift+F5 keyboard shortcut.

Next Steps
Previous: Walkthrough: Building a Project C++ | Next:Walkthrough: Debugging a Project C++

See Also
Visual C++ Guided Tour
DELETE_PENDING_Building and Debugging 2/9
17/5/2017 Walkthrough:TestingaProject(C++)| MicrosoftDocs 3/9
17/5/2017 Walkthrough:TestingaProject(C++)| MicrosoftDocs 4/9
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17/5/2017 Walkthrough:DebuggingaProject(C++)| MicrosoftDocs

Walkthrough: Debugging a Project C++

2016114 2 min to read Contributors

In this article

Next Steps
See Also

In this walkthrough, you modify the program to fix the problem that you discovered when you
tested the project.

This walkthrough assumes that you understand the fundamentals of the C++ language.

It also assumes that you have completed the earlier related walkthroughs that are listed
in Using the Visual Studio IDE for C++ Desktop Development.

To fix a program that has a bug

1. To see what occurs when a Cardgame object is destroyed, view the destructor for the +

Cardgame class.

On the menu bar, choose View, Class View.

In the Class View window, expand the Game project tree and select the Cardgame class
to display the class members and methods.

Open the shortcut menu for the ~Cardgamevoid destructor and then choose Go To

2. To decrease the totalParticipants when a Cardgame terminates, add the following code
between the opening and closing braces of the Cardgame::~Cardgame destructor.

C++ Copy

<<totalParticipants<<"playersintotal."<<endl; 1/7
17/5/2017 Walkthrough:DebuggingaProject(C++)| MicrosoftDocs

3. The Cardgame.cpp file should resemble this after you change it:

C++ Copy






4. On the menu bar, choose Build, Build Solution.

5. When the build completes, run it in Debug mode by choosing Debug, Start Debugging
on the menu bar, or by choosing the F5 key. The program pauses at the first breakpoint.

6. To step through the program, on the menu bar, choose Debug, Step Over, or choose the
F10 key.

Notice that after each Cardgame constructor executes, the value of totalParticipants
increases. When the PlayGames function returns, as each Cardgame instance goes out of
scope and is deleted and the destructor is called, totalParticipants decreases. Just
before the return statement is executed, totalParticipants equals 0.

7. Continue stepping through the program until it exits, or let it run by choosing Debug,
Run on the menu bar, or by choosing the F5 key.

Next Steps
Previous: Walkthrough: Testing a Project C++ | Next:Walkthrough: Deploying Your Program

See Also 2/7
17/5/2017 Walkthrough:DebuggingaProject(C++)| MicrosoftDocs

See Also
Visual C++ Guided Tour
DELETE_PENDING_Building and Debugging 3/7
17/5/2017 Walkthrough:DebuggingaProject(C++)| MicrosoftDocs 4/7
17/5/2017 Walkthrough:DebuggingaProject(C++)| MicrosoftDocs 5/7
17/5/2017 Walkthrough:DebuggingaProject(C++)| MicrosoftDocs 6/7
17/5/2017 Walkthrough:DebuggingaProject(C++)| MicrosoftDocs 7/7
17/5/2017 Walkthrough:DeployingYourProgram(C++)| MicrosoftDocs

Walkthrough: Deploying Your Program

2016114 4 min to read Contributors

In this article

Next Steps
See Also

Now that you've created your application by completing the earlier related walkthroughs, which
are listed in Using the Visual Studio IDE for C++ Desktop Development, the last step is to create an
installer so that other users can install the program on their computers. To do this, you'll add a new
project to your existing solution. The output of this new project is a setup.exe file that will install
your app on another computer.

This walkthrough shows how to use Windows Installer to deploy your application. You can also use
ClickOnce to deploy an application. For more information, see ClickOnce Deployment for Visual
C++ Applications. For more information about deployment in general, see Deploying Applications,
Services, and Components.

This walkthrough assumes that you understand the fundamentals of the C++ language.

It also assumes that you have completed the earlier related walkthroughs that are listed
in Using the Visual Studio IDE for C++ Desktop Development.

This walkthrough cannot be completed in Express editions of Visual Studio.

If you havent already done so, download InstallShield Limited Edition ISLE, as described
in the steps later in this article. ISLE is free for Visual Studio developers and replaces the
functionality of the setup and deployment project templates in earlier editions of Visual

To install the ISLE setup and deployment project template 1/18
17/5/2017 Walkthrough:DeployingYourProgram(C++)| MicrosoftDocs

1. When you are connected to the Internet, on the menu bar, choose File, New, Project to
open the New Project dialog box.

2. In the left pane of the dialog box, expand the Installed, Templates, and Other Project
Types nodes, and then select Setup and Deployment. In the center pane, select Enable
InstallShield Limited Edition and then choose the OK button.

3. Follow the instructions to install InstallShield Limited Edition for Visual Studio ISLE.

4. After you have downloaded, installed, and activated ISLE, close Visual Studio and reopen

5. On the menu bar, choose File, Recent Projects and Solutions, and then choose the
Game solution to reopen it.

To create a setup project and install your program

1. Change the active solution configuration to Release. On the menu bar, choose Build,
Configuration Manager. In the Configuration Manager dialog box, on the Active
solution configuration dropdown list, select Release. Choose the Close button to save
the configuration.

2. On the menu bar, choose File, New, Project to open the New Project dialog box.

3. In the left pane of the dialog box, expand the Installed, Templates, and Other Project
Types nodes, and then select Setup and Deployment. In the center pane, select
InstallShield Limited Edition Project.

4. Enter a name for the setup project in the Name box. For this example, enter Game
Installer. In the Solution dropdown list, select Add to solution. Choose the OK button
to create the setup project. A Project Assistant Game Installer tab opens in the editor

5. At the bottom of the Project Assistant Game Installer tab, choose the Application
Information link.

6. On the Application Information page, specify your company name as you want it to
appear in the installer. You can use your own company name, or for this example, use
Contoso. Specify your application name; in this example, specify Game. Specify your
company web address, or for this example, use 2/18
17/5/2017 Walkthrough:DeployingYourProgram(C++)| MicrosoftDocs

7. At the bottom of the Project Assistant Game Installer tab, choose the Installation
Interview link.

8. On the Installation Interview page, under Do you want to display a License

Agreement Dialog, select the No option button. Under Do you want to prompt users
to enter their Company Name and User Name, select the No option button.

9. In Solution Explorer, expand the Game Installer project, expand the Organize Your
Setup node, and then open the General Information page.

10. On the General Information Game Installer tab in the editor window, specify a Tag
Creator ID, for example,

11. In Solution Explorer, under the Game Installer project, expand the Specify
Application Data node, and then open the Files page.

12. On the Files Game Installer tab in the editor window, under Source computers files,
open the shortcut menu for Primary Output From Game and choose Copy.

13. Open a shortcut menu in the space under the Name column in Destination computers
files, and choose Paste. A new item named Game.Primary Output appears.

14. In Solution Explorer, under the Specify Application Data node, open the
Redistributables page.

15. On the Redistributables Game Installer tab in the editor window, select the Visual
C++ 11.0 CRT x86 check box.

16. On the menu bar, choose Build, Build Solution to build the Game project and the Game
Installer project.

17. In the solution folder, locate the setup.exe program that was built from the Game Installer
project, and then run it to install the Game application on your computer. You can copy
this file to install the application and its required library files on another computer.

18. You can set many options in the setup project to suit your requirements. For more
information, in Solution Explorer, under the Game Installer project, open the Getting
Started page and then choose the F1 key to open the ISLE help library.

Next Steps
Previous: Walkthrough: Debugging a Project C++

See Also 3/18
17/5/2017 Walkthrough:DeployingYourProgram(C++)| MicrosoftDocs

See Also
Visual C++ Guided Tour
Deploying Desktop Applications 4/18
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