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Casss Sweet Revenge

Krizzia Mae P. Tabangcura

I saw light peeping through my window as if it struggles to get in and touch the wall of my
room. I stood up and went straight to my bathroom. Theres the man who stood in front of me.
Under his eyes are bags as dark as the night. His hair uncombed which looks like the sea urchins
spikes. I turned around and left him with his trembling eyes. Afraid? Why would he be afraid?
I immediately took a bath, packed my things and walked to the school. I was a hundred
meter away from home when I felt that someone is following me. It gives me chills to my spine.
Seven nights without sleep came rushing through my mind. It was so hard that I had to swallow
three tablets of sleeping pills just to calm down my system and make it rest but my mind resists
because she might come back and scare me to death. Oh well, I wouldve liked it better if Im dead
by now. Anyway, Im half dead since that horrible thing happened.
She was Cass a bullied, nerd girl in our campus. She has mole under her lower lip, long and
curly hair, she wears big eyeglasses, she wears retainer and she always carries books. One night,
she was tripped by school boys from other campus. I remember how pitiful she was, but she has no
strength to fight for herself. I ended up helping her get out of the situation. Getting a black eye
was the consequence.
Thank you for saving me. Youre not like them after all, Cass told me when we were walking
home. That started our friendship. But because shes one of the low classes in our school, I decided
not to tell my peers about our friendship. Well, I was afraid that if I tell them the truth, Im gonna
be a laughing stuff. Its absurd, right?
Why dont you try to fix yourself? I mean, be a woman. Youre beautiful, Cass. Its true, I
said when we decided to go out and eat ice cream. I couldnt forget how she curved her lips just to
give me a smile. She has sexy lips, I must admit. The next day, someone I dont know came rushing
through me smiling. All the eyes of the boys followed her as she danced with the wind.
Hey, its I, Cass.
My eardrums seem numb at that time. The beautiful goddess in front of me is Cass? I mean,
with her long, straight hair, white teeth, almond eyes and well-chiseled nose, who would think that
she is Cass? And she left me there, standing with the jaw dropped. To cut it short, we became
boyfriend and girlfriend without the knowledge of our schoolmates.
It was February 7, 8 p.m. when my barcadas, Jim, King and John were on high. To my
surprise, Cass was their subject and in a single snap, Cass was already kidnapped.
I saw her eyes pleading, telling me to help her. The woman I love is in danger! But a part of
me says not to interfere. Theyre my friends. They might kill me if I tried to impede them. There
she lies on the ground with King on top of her. Then, John replaced King one after the other. She
was naked. Her eyes met mine. I saw tears flooding. I saw tears in her lovely eyes like a chain
nonstop. But I cant do anything. Her cries echoed at the whole place and the laughter of my
barcadas filled the gaps between her cries. On one second, there was silence. I saw her shook he
head. Anger reigns in those almond eyesI cant bear. I thought my barcadas would stop, but I saw
something shiny on the hand of Jim. Before I knew it, blood is dripping from the blade of the
knife. Her blood stained the ground. Bloodbloodit floods. Theyve slain her! I glanced at her once
more before King pushed me to the car. And there, I saw her eyes turned into a tigers eye ready
to attack. Im sorry, I sighed.
After a day, the news about a young lady being raped and killed broke the silence of our
community. Guilt, then overrides me. The next three days, I heard about Jims death. I was
terrified. I saw clothes full of blood on my bed. I tried to remember what happened but there was
emptiness in my head as if a dark night resides in my brain. The next day, I was in Kings
residence. In front of me is King filled with blood. On my handsmy bare handsis a knife filled
with the stain of flooding blood. I ran awaybewildered. What is happening to me? Am I a
murderer already? What am I doing? I killed King! I killed him!
I was sitting on my bed crying when I felt something cold went inside me. The next thing I
knew, Im holding a knife heading to Johns. I tried to fight with the urge but my feet seem to
have its own brain. They never stop. I grinned. Why am I grinning? ThereI saw John standing,
thinking deeply. I approached him quietly, he didnt notice. I ran towards him and afterwards, I
saw him lying on the ground the knife buried in him. I ran back home with my mind still confused.
I entered my bathroom with great speed, washed my hands and face. I looked at the
mirror and she looked at me. She is still filled with anger. I punched the mirror but the woman is
still there.
It has been 8 days since Cass died and I havent had my proper sleep yet. Everywhere I
look, her face is flashedangry, vengeful. Her dim eyes seem to slice my flesh.
I am about to close my eyes, finally, when a shadow passed me by. I abruptly stood straight
and I saw her standing next to me holding a shiny familiar thing. I ran away. I reached the
kitchen. I grabbed the knife next to me. Im tired of this. My life is already messed up. If I need
to kill her twice, I would just to make her stop. I didnt do anything, why would she hunt me?
There againshe stood in front of megetting closer. Her eyes are full of rage, she grinned.
Stop! Go away! I exclaimed at the top of my lungs. Please.
Did you throw a bite of pity on me when your dudes raped me? she asked.
Cass, Im sorry. Stop this, I pleaded.
There was silence. She still comes closer. And now, shes an inch away from me. I raised the
knife to bury it in her body, in her back, in her chestin her heart. I stabbed her! But I felt
something painful in my chest. I slowly looked down andandI saw blood dripping from my chest
chains chains and chains of blood. I tried to pull the knife in my chest but it hurts even more.
My blood is being drained like water from a sprinkler. Tears trickled down my cheeks and I saw
her. I saw the beautiful goddess, Cass. And she smileda smile of victory. The next second, shes
fadingfadingand fading. And it was all black.

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