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Teach the nations is the last command of the Creator Redeemer to

His followers according to Matthew 28:18-201. There are many
approaches to this great command; but this is according to the Heart.

We want to use Matthew to grasp this key:



Matthew was Levi.

If we are to understand the ministries of the Almighty we need to do

our best to understand the revelation of Levi in the pure original
Covenant. This will involve the best of spirituality, morality and

It was the Almighty who manifested the standard for making disciples
of all the nations using a set-apart nation as a standard. This was in the
pure original Covenant. There were twelve tribes of the Hebrew nation;
but it was only the tribe of Levi that received the grace to faithfully lead
the set-apart nation out of spiritual and moral decadence. Levi
ministered to the Ark of Testimony. Throughout the wilderness journey,

For lack of any better Bible version, we use King James Version of the Bible in this writing.
the Ark was carried as a Testimony to the nations. Who carried it? It
was not for every Jack and Harry. It was the Levites. These Levites were
real people who were demonstrating heavenly sacrosanct patterned
Ministry in real socio-cultural context.

The Almighty is not to be mocked.

The Almighty raised up the Ancient Hebrew nation as a pattern set-

apart nation. The Almighty raised up the Ancient Hebrew nation as a
pattern standard for our thinking, speech, singing and other aspects of
national culture.

Look at Levi:

Malachi 2. verse 6. "The law of truth was in his mouth, and

injustice was not found on his lips. He walked with Me in peace
and equity, and turned many away from iniquity."

We dare not speak or think or sing any how! We dare not say,
Hallowed be thy Name just because English people speak like that.
It is time to repudiate the Rosicrucians who are leading the English
people. It is time to live in right relationship with the Almighty.
Matthew, as Levi, gives us a key to the pure ultimate Ministry according
to the HEART of the Almighty. It was the Almighty who graciously chose
Levi to stand before IM; and minister in His Name. Hence it was to the
Levi that the sacrosanct Pattern for the fulfillment of the HEART of the
Almighty was bequeathed. It was not carried by just anybody will-nilly.
Matthew helps us to understand the standard pattern of making
disciples of a nation the Hebrew nation.

The true Hebrew nation started with Moses. Moses had to be spiritually
resurrected from the Egypt Grave by means of a peculiar Vision. He had
to come out of the old creation before he could receive the set-apart
Witness Testimony, Name and Scriptures that could not and cannot be
consumed by fire, death and time. What was/is that Name? There is a
KEY in the set-apart Witness Testimony, Name revealed to Moses. You
can see the Name in Exodus. That book should have been called
Shemoth; not Exodus. It is time to get out of Mystery Babylon. You
get the revelation of the Testimony of the Almighty only if you come
out of the Sheol of Mystery Babylon. Then you can grasp the Almighty
as HE gave them the Feasts of Unleavened Bread and of Passover.
You see the Almighty demonstrating His Name and Testimony in
Matthew; just as HE raised the Ancient Hebrew from Death as an
Overcomer Nation. Such a nation can arise and shine; shine with life of
indestructibility because of incorruptibility and faithfulness of the
Almighty! In the midst of darkness and all kinds of judgments and
plagues and Death; The Almighty spared the Hebrew firstborn by the
blood of the lamb.

This is a Ministry which only the Almighty can fulfill.

This is subjective, supreme and sovereingn. It can be demonstrated in
witbesses, scriptures, names and other aspects of His Testimony.

The set-apart nation was disciplined and chastened to be committed to

sacrificing all things to HIM; so that HE would be all in all.

However, the earthly nation of Hebrew was not that commited to the
Almighty. The Beast succeeded in seducing them in worshipping the
Golden Calf. This was after the giving of the Ten Commandments on
Mount Sinai. It was only Levi tribe that did not participate in that sin.
They were committed to His Name and Testimony. They carried His
Conception, Burden, Yoke and Presence. It was on this occasion that
the Almighty chose Levi to replace the firstborn2.

The Levites thus began to give leadership to the set-apart nation in

terms of spirituality. Whenever the twelve tribes were camped round
the Tabernacle of Testimony, the tribe of Levi was situated in the
center of that Pattern. The prophetic pointer of this is that Levi was the
soul of the nation. Levi became the spiritual leader in the advancement
of this nation.

This Mystery Pattern of the Ultimate Authority was ruled by the Throne
of HIS Supreme Sacrifice in the Ark of Chabod. The Sacrifice had to be
accurate and perfect for Effulgence Clod to come. The scrutiny was

According to the (Numbers 8:1618), Scriptural description of the induction
of Levi,
Levi was center of the nations.

This key is the Ultimate Authority within the Presence of the Almighty,
through His Son by the Anointing of indestructibility of His LIFE. The
perspective of this writer is that mankind in all the nations are created
by and for this Presence.

It was the specially chosen High Priest who brought forth the
acceptable Sacrifice that procured this awesome Presence. This
specially chosen High Priest ministers according to an inexorable
sacrosanct Pattern given to the Ancient Hebrew nation.

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