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MUIDS Social Studies

Imperialism: Study Guide

Name: Pichayathida Siriwechdaruk (Bee1) Group #: 1004


Section 1: Imperialism Maps (slides 2 6)

1. What two economic reasons did Europe have for imperialism? (What did they want from the
colonies, and what did they want the colonies to do)
1) Want from colonies: raw materials
2) Want colonies to do: buy finished products from England

2. What are the 6 European empires which seem to appear on each of the maps?
England(UK), France, Portugal, Spain, Russia, Netherlands

3. What are some major changes in the territories of empires between the years 1660 and 1914? Identify
at least 3 major changes or trends.
1) The Russia empire drastically grow in size (they conquered the colony/country next to them) from
2) by WWI, France colonized the north western Africa, which they didnt before.
3) by WWI, England Empire grows drastically, they control Australia .

4. What are a few non-European empires included in the last map showing the world in 1914?
Japan, USA, Ottoman (Turkey)
Section 2: Imperialism Graphs (slides 7-9)

5. According to the graphs, which empire controls most of the world by the year 1914?

Great Britain
6. About how many square miles of territory does France control? Great Britain?

France controls 4 million square miles and Great Britain controls 13 million square miles.
7. About how many people does the British Empire control?

About 450 million people.

8. According to the chart, what percentage of Africa was conquered by European countries and/or the
United States? 90%

What percentage of Asia was conquered? About 55%

What percentage of Polynesia? About100%

9. Which continent (1) was mostly free from European rule by 1914?
South America
MUIDS Social Studies
Imperialism: Study Guide

10. Which continents (2) were almost completely controlled by European empires by 1914?
Africa, Australia Oceania

Section 3: Imperialism in China (slides 10-15)

11. Who do the people sitting around the table represent?

The major European empires

12. What does the pie on the table represent?

The power and the wealth of the Chinese Empire.

13. Who does the person in the background represent? What do you think he wants?
The person in the background represents the Chinese Empire. I think he wants to protect his own wealth and
power from the Europeans.

14. What two countries fought in the Opium Wars?

China-Great Britain

15. What was the main reason for this conflict?

The Chinese economy collapsed from buying too much Opium from Great Britain.

16. Examine the chart. Why do you think the war began in 1839?
The amount of opium brought into China increase rapidly, made the sale of Chinese goods to European no
longer balanced Chinese.

17. What problems did opium cause for the people of China?
They run on trade deficit with the British.

18. What type of rebellion was the Boxer Rebellion?

Its a peasant uprising.

19. What did the Boxers hope to accomplish?

They hope to drive out all foreigners form China.

20. What were the results of the uprising?

The Boxers were defeated. Chinese were forced to sign a peace treaty, which lead them to have a lot of
disadvantages towards Westerners and Japanese.

21. What had happened to China by 1912 as a result of the failed Boxer Rebellion?
The foreigners influence in China increased. Manchurias influence had drop.

22. What nations set up spheres of influence in China?

Japan, Russia, German, Britain, France
MUIDS Social Studies
Imperialism: Study Guide

Section 4: The Scramble for Africa (slides 16-18)

23. Why did many European powers seek to conquer Africa?

They seek for cheap labor, raw material, and new markets. Africa has all of the things Europeans wants.

24. What was the result of the Berlin Conference?

The land sharing agreement to lessen the conflict between European empires has been made.

25. About how much of Africa was controlled by European powers in 1880?

26. Why do you think these colonial powers are only along the coast?

Its easy to go there and attack or get some goods there. (easy transportation)
27. What percentage of Africa remained independent following the Scramble for Africa (Berlin

28. Which two European countries held the most territory?

France and Great Britain

Section 5: Imperialism in India (slides 18-25)

29. According to the reading, what is the main reason that the British were interested in India?
British want to obtain Indians goods to be able to trade.

30. Who were the Sepoys?

They are the Indian army which was trained by the British.

31. How did the British begin to irritate the Indian people (give at least 3 examples)
1) The British made English the official language.
2) The British prohibit the Indian traditions.
3) The British allow Christian missionary activities.

32. Based on the reading, why did the Sepoys rebel?

They are not satisfied with the British rules. Also, they heard that the rumor that their new rifle is now spoiled
with pork lard and beef fat, which is disgusting to them.
33. Based on the reading and the picture, what ways did the British use to punish those responsible for the
Fire them from cannon, bayonet, sown up in carcasses of pigs or cows.

34. What did the British do in response to the Sepoy Rebellion?

The British recaptured New Delhi and Kanpur, which the Sepoy took over during the rebellion. Also, the British
punished the Sepoys.
MUIDS Social Studies
Imperialism: Study Guide

35. How did the opening of the Suez Canal affect Britains control of India?
The British can control and invade India more. The British came to live in India and make the natives into
farmers. Also, they have destroyed many of the Indian crafts and bring in a lot of new technologies in the
process of living and invading India.

36. What was a negative effect of the British takeover?

The native Indian crafts were destroyed. Most of the native Indians have to be a farmer. Also, a lot of goods and
resources are used and wasted by the British.

37. What were some positive effects for the Indian people?
New technologies have been spread to India during the British takeover. This increased the well-being of the
people living in India.(even though that most of the people that gets the benefits are British)

38. What is the message of this cartoon? How does it relate to imperialism?
The cartoon conveys that the British takes over India and wasted the Indian resources. It tries to say something
like the British was violating their power towards Indians to make the native people miserable. In imperialism,
the country or empire that took over the colony or other countries usually violate their own power and make the
natives lives miserable to feed and satisfy their own citizens.

Cause of imperialism:
1) the empires need raw materials or resources from the colonies.
2) the empires wanted to sell their finished products to their colonies.
3) the empires waned power.
4) the empires wanted new trade routes.
5) the empire wanted to improve their economy (esp.from trading with Asian countries where they have deficit)

Effects of imperialism:
1) the empire gets what they wanted from their colonies.
2) The native tradition and crafts were destroyed.
3) Most native people were forced to be a farmer.
4) The resources were wasted
5) new technologies were brought to the country.

Responses from imperialism:

1) rebel, start wars
2) use the language that the empire wants them to use
3) believe in the religion brought in by the empire (mostly Christianity)
4) work for the empire (a lot of natives have died from this)
5) change their traditions according to the empire.
to be able to get the
wanted resources/raw
MUIDS Social Studies
be able to sell their
finished products to
the colonies

to gain new trade


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