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DATE DUE: MONDAY 15-05-2017 (15H00)

EXAMINER: Mr. Kalaluka Kanyimba





Instructions to candidates:

1. Attempt all the questions in this paper.

2. All solutions must be accompanied by sketches/drawings.
3. All writing and sketches/drawings must be in ink (any work written in pencil will not be marked).
4. All working and all steps must be shown clearly. Marks will be lost for skipped steps.


Consider a three-phase induction motor wound for

two poles and suppose the three-phase winding to
have only one slot per pole per phase, as shown in
Figure Q1.1. Let R and R1 represent the start and the
finish of the red phase, Y and Y1 to represent the
start and the finish of the yellow phase and B and
B1 to represent the start and the finish of the blue
phase (see also Figure Q1.2). With reference to Figure
Q1.3, use phasor analysis and appropriate diagrams,
to show that the magnitude of the rotating magnetic
field due to a set of balanced armature winding
currents is given by 1.5Fm and that it will rotate
through 60 from d to f. Fm is the maximum m.m.f. Figure Q1.1. A simplified diagram of a
Assume also that the current is positive when it is three-phase induction motor. The Figure Q1.2. A single-turn two-
flowing inwards in conductors R, Y and B and stator has only one slot per pole per conductor coil.
therefore outwards in R1, Y1 and B1. phase.

Figure Q1.3. Three-phase balanced currents fed to the three-phase induction motor of Figure Q1.1.


The following data apply to a star-connected, 7.5-hp, 220-V, 19-A, 60-Hz, 4-pole, three-phase induction motor of design class C
(high-starting-torque, low-starting-current type):
(i) Motor running without load at rated voltage and rated frequency: Current = 5.70 A; Power input = 380 W.
(ii) Motor running with rotor blocked: Frequency = 15 Hz; Applied voltage = 26.5 V; Current = 18.57 A; Power input = 675 W.
(iii) Average d.c. resistance per stator phase = 0.262 .

(iv) For a class C motor: Xs = 0.3XBR and Xr = 0.7XBR.
Compute the equivalent-circuit parameters and draw a fully-labelled exact equivalent circuit diagram of the above motor.


You are the section engineer in the electrical section in a glass-making factory where wide use of three-phase induction motors is
made. Your artisan has reported to you that every time a certain three-phase squirrel-cage induction motor is started the other
pieces of equipment trip on under-voltage. The installation for the motor in question is designed for direct-on-line switching. You
decide to solve the problem by applying reduced-voltage starting for the motor. From your calculations you find out that if the
starting line current can be reduced by at least 20% of its current level then the problem will be solved. However, you also find out
that the developed starting torque must be at least 20% of full-load torque; otherwise the motor will not be able to start at all.
The available reduced-voltage starting methods at the factory are autotransformer starting method (with a 75% tap) and the
star-delta starting method.

The information about the motor is as follows: Stator-delta-connected (running); stator resistance per phase = 0.5 ; rotor
resistance per phase, referred to the stator, = 0.5 ; total stand-still reactance per phase, referred to the stator, is 4.92 ; ratio of
maximum torque to full-load torque = 2:1.

(a) With the aid of complete three-phase diagrams (to show the three-phase connections in each case), determine, through
calculation, the percentage (%) change in starting current and the corresponding percentage (%) change in starting torque, for
each of the two reduced voltage starting methods that are available at the factory. Explain, very clearly, any assumptions made.

(b) Which of the two reduced-voltage starting methods, autotransformer starting (with a 75% tap) or star-delta starting, would
you recommend to your artisan for implementation and why?


(1) Using the equation of the developed torque in a three-phase induction motor, show that for small values of slip, the developed
torque is approximately proportional to the slip, s. (4.0 marks)

(2) It is desired that the V/f ratio should be kept constant. Modify your equation derived in (1) above to include V/f in the
expression. (3.0 marks)

(3) A 480V, 60Hz, 4-pole motor has a rated speed of 1750 rpm and a rated torque of 10 Nm. If a torque of 10 Nm is needed at a
mechanical speed of 1500 rpm, with V/f held constant and the assumption that the developed torque is proportional to the slip,
calculate (i) the synchronous speed, (ii) the supply frequency and (iii) the line-line supply voltage. (5.0 marks)


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