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Application Form

TAFE English Language Centre (TELC)

See Street, Meadowbank
NSW 2114, Australia
Please complete the application form in English. PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY IN CAPITAL LETTERS.
Part 1 Student details
Surname or Family Name

Given Name(s)

Date of Birth (DD/MM/YYYY) / / Male Female Nationality

Country of Birth Passport Number

If you are currently living outside of Australia, please provide your overseas address. If you are already living in Australia, please provide your Australian address.

Number and Street

Suburb / Town / City Postcode / Zipcode

Home Phone Number Mobile Phone Number +
(including country code) + (including country code)

Student Email Address

Part 2 Emergency contact details

Please provide the contact details of a family member or friend whom we can contact in an emergency. Students under 18 years must provide parent contact details.

Surname or Family Name Given Name(s)

Number and Street

Suburb / Town / City Postcode / Zipcode

Country Relationship
Home Phone Number + Mobile Phone Number +
(including country code) (including country code)

Email Address

Part 3 Visa and Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC)

Do you hold a current Australian visa? Yes No If yes, what visa type? Expiry Date / /

Where will you lodge your student visa application? City Country

Do you already have OSHC cover? Yes No If yes, current provider / policy number Expiry Date
(DD/MM/YYYY) / /

If no, please tick the type of OSHC that you require: Single Couple Family (one or both parents with one or more children)

Part 4 Accommodation and arrival services

(a) Students 18 years of age and over
Please tick if you require: Homestay Airport pickup If you have ticked either box, further information will be sent to you.

(b) Students under the age of 18 years

International students under 18 years of age must have appropriate accommodation and welfare arrangements for the period of study in Australia. Students under
18 years must have a NSW resident guardian/carer. Parents must nominate one of the following accommodation and welfare options:
I will nominate a guardian who is a suitable relative resident in NSW who will act in matters relating to the welfare and progress of the child.
For further details, please refer to the Australian Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP) website
I request that NSW Department of Education & Communities (DEC/TAFE NSW) arranges homestay, guardianship and airport pickup.
Fees apply for these services.

Part 5 English language (b) Enrolment in the TAFE English Language Centre Meadowbank Campus
Please indicate the English program you are applying for:
(a) English proficiency
(All programs run for 20 hours per week unless otherwise stated)
Please tick if the following options apply: English Language Program Certificate III in Advanced English
for Further Study (AEFS)
1. I have taken a recognised English language test in the last English for Hospitality Ryde Campus
two years (e.g. IELTS, TOEFL, STEP) Certificate IV English for Academic
TAFE Entry English Test (2.5 hours)
Purposes (EAP)
Name of test Score
When you arrive at TELC, we will assess your English and place you in the best class for
Date of test / / your level. For details of our courses and fees, please see our brochure.
How many weeks of English do you want to study?
2. I will take a recognised English test on:
5 weeks 10 weeks 15 weeks 20 weeks 25 weeks
30 weeks 35 weeks 40 weeks 45 weeks 50 weeks
Please attach documentation if you selected option 1 or 2 above
Other Start month (MM/YYYY) /

Part 6 Disability support

Do you have a disability that requires TAFE NSW to assist you in your learning environment? Yes No Please refer to Terms and Conditions

If yes, please provide details

Part 7 Terms and Conditions / Declaration (If you are under the age of 18 this declaration must also be signed by your parent or guardian)
PAYMENT OF TUITION FEES: Tuition fees for study periods of 24 weeks or less must be paid in full If you complete your full English program of study (the full program and its maximum length of study
before course commencement. For study periods of more than 24 weeks, initial payment will be no more is stated on your eCoE) earlier than expected, the remainder of your fees will not be refunded if there
than 50% of total tuition fees, which will be invoiced in installments. TAFE NSW will not be responsible is a further course of study available at TELC. There is no refund for public holidays or leave taken.
for any money paid directly to an agent. Tuition fees cover the charges for tuition and administration. Application fee, accommodation placement, guardianship and airport reception fees are not refundable.
Tuition fees are listed in the accompanying brochure. Contact us for information of current special offers. A processing fee of AUD100 applies to all refunds and transfers. There is no processing fee where a
ADDITIONAL TELC COSTS: A material fee of AUD100 per course will be introduced from student visa is refused or a course is cancelled by TAFE NSW. Refunds of course fees will be calculated
30 June 2014. from the date written application is received, on the following basis only:
OTHER COSTS: You should allow approximately AUD18,000 per year for living expenses and Student visa refused: 100%
accommodation and AUD200 for textbooks and excursions. Course cancelled by TAFE: 100%
APPLICATION FEE (non refundable): Student visa applicants must pay a non-refundable application fee If student notifies withdrawal in writing:
of AUD150 by credit card, bank draft or bank cheque made payable to TAFE NSW. The fee for other More than 4 weeks (28 days) before commencement date of English study: 90%
applicants is AUD75. Students with packaged offers for Le Cordon Bleu do not pay an application fee. 4 weeks or less before commencement date of English study: 80%
OVERSEAS STUDENT HEALTH COVER (OSHC): All International Students are required to pay On or after commencement date of English study: No refund
Overseas Student Health Cover for themselves and all members of their family included in their REFUND ARRANGEMENTS: No refund will be paid to a third party unless you indicate below the
application. This fee is not a TAFE NSW fee. It is your responsibility to understand the conditions of this name and address of the person to whom any refunds should be paid. Otherwise any refund will be
cover. sent to the students home address as indicated on the front of this form.
ATTENDANCE: Regular attendance is a requirement for all students. You must attend a minimum
of 80% of classes to qualify for a certificate. For student visa holders, the Australian Department of Name
Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP) must be notified if you cannot achieve 80% attendance for
any 20 week period in your program of study. DIBP must also be notified if progress is unsatisfactory.
LEAVE: All leave must be approved in advance and requests must be made on a Leave Application
form. If you are sick, you must bring a doctors certificate from a registered medical practitioner as soon
as you return. Holiday leave will be approved only after 15 weeks of study. Holiday leave can be made up I agree that information about my attendance and progress can be given to:
in study time. There is no refund for time taken as leave. Fees for time lost on leave cannot be refunded
or transferred. My parents/guardian Yes No
ADDRESS DETAILS: Students must provide their Australian address on arrival at TELC and then notify The education agent whose name appears on this form Yes No
us of any change of address and contact details within seven days of the change. I declare that the information on this form and the supporting documentation are complete and correct.
DISCLAIMER: TAFE NSW reserves the right to review prices and class times without notice. Students I have read, understood and accept the above terms and conditions.
who defer enrolment will be charged the fees applying to their course at the time they begin study. TAFE
NSW reserves the right to cancel an advertised course if enrolments are insufficient. Students who I acknowledge that the provision of incorrect information or documentation or the withholding of
are not at entry level for their requested course may be required to undertake additional study prior to information or documentation relating to this application may result in the cancellation of enrolment and
commencement. loss of money paid.
INFORMATION REGARDING A DISABILITY (PART 6 OF THE APPLICATION): If you have a disability, Where student is under 18: I accept that the welfare and supervision of my child outside school hours is
relevant information is requested to establish whether you require the provision of additional services or the responsibility of myself and the guardian I nominate.
facilities not required by students who do not have a disability. After consideration of your requirements, This agreement does not remove any right to take action under Australias consumer protection laws.
if the provision of these services or facilities would impose unjustifiable hardship, for example, a The registered providers dispute resolution procedures do not circumscribe the students right to
very high cost on TAFE NSW, your enrolment may be refused or additional fees may apply. You will be pursue other legal remedies.
advised in writing of our decision. The provision of additional services or facilities should not be seen as
a guarantee of successful completion of a course. TAFE NSW reserves the right to terminate a students
enrolment if the provision of reasonable adjustment is unsuccessful and further provision of services or Student
facilities is determined as unjustifiable hardship.
TRANSFER OF FEES: If you complete your full English program of study (the full program and its
maximum length of study are stated on your eCoE) earlier than expected, and you are to immediately Print Name
commence study of a TAFE NSW vocational course or a TAFE NSW Higher Education course, the
remainder of your paid fees (as at the end of the English Centre session in which you are enrolled at the
time of transfer) can be transferred to that TAFE course. No fees will be transferred to other institutions Date (DD/MM/YYYY) / /
or persons. DIBP will be notified of any change to your enrolment.
REFUND PROCEDURES: All applications for refunds must be made in writing and must contain the Parent
Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE) Form, receipt for course fees and certified copies of any supporting Signature
documentation. If you provide TAFE NSW with false or misleading information or documents, or
breach your visa conditions, no refund will be made. You must complete a Refund Application Form. If Print Name
approved, your refund will be processed within 4 weeks of receipt of your completed refund application
if it includes all the documents. However if TAFE NSW withdraws a course the refund will be processed
Date (DD/MM/YYYY) / /
within 2 weeks. A written statement will be provided to explain how the refund is calculated.

Part 8 Agent details

I confirm that I have briefed the applicant and the applicants parents (if applicant is under 18) on the Terms and Conditions relating to this application and that I have
provided the applicant with relevant information on TAFE NSW and the course consistent with the requirements of the ESOS Act 2000 and the National Code 2007.

Date (DD/MM/YYYY) / /
Are you a registered agent with TAFE NSW? Yes No

Agent Name
Phone Number +
(including country code)
Fax Number


NOTE: The information provided on this application form is being obtained for the purpose of educational administration and marketing. It will be used by the NSW Department of Education and Communities for
purposes related to course provision and marketing within this English language centre. Information may also be made available to Commonwealth and State agencies in accordance with obligations under the
Educational Services for Overseas Students (ESOS) Act 2000 and the National Code of Practice for Registration Authorities and Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students. The ESOS Act 2000
requires advice to be provided to relevant agencies about details of and certain changes to a students enrolment, and any breach of visa conditions relating to unsatisfactory attendance or academic performance.
All information will be stored securely. You may correct any personal information at any time by contacting the TAFE English Language Centre The Northern Sydney Institute.

Course Dates
SESSION 2014 2015 * Includes an intake for the
English for hospitality program
Session 1 6 January 7 February* 5 January 6 February*

Session 2 10 February 14 March 9 February 13 March* Save Form

Session 3 17 March 17 April* 16 March 17 April*

Session 4 22 April 23 May 20 April 22 May*

Print Form
Session 5 26 May 27 June 25 May 26 June*

Session 6 30 June 1 August* 29 June 31 July*

Session 7 4 August 5 September 3 August 4 September* SUBMIT Form

Session 8 8 September 10 October 7 September 9 October*
DISCLAIMER: If submitting this form
Session 9 13 October 14 November* 12 October 13 November*
electronically, you must be over 18 years
old. If you are under 18, the form must
Session 10 17 November 19 December 16 November 18 December*
140264 June 2014

be printed and signed by a parent.

Send application forms and certified documents to: Admissions Officer, TAFE English Language Centre
The Northern Sydney Institute, See Street, Meadowbank NSW 2114 Australia. Phone: + 61 2 9942 3322. Email:
TAFE NSW Technical and Further Education Commission CRICOS Code: 00591E. The information contained within this application form is correct as at June 2014.

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