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Before she could process what was happening, his hand tangled in her hair, tugging

at the strands at the base of her skull all while holding her in place.
She wanted more. Craved more.
But he was in control and she had given herself freely. Her submission was his.
His lips hovered over hers, teasing. His breath brushing against her flushed face.
He chuckled and nipped at her lower lip.
She shivered as she felt the wetness seeping through the lace of her panties. She
tried to inch closer, he smiled and held firm giving her a bit more of what she
craved. His teeth grazed her exposed neck while his other hand found purchase on
her ass kneading it and pulling her lower half closer to him.
It was a symphony of tongue and teeth. The feeling of it all overwhelmed her. They
had barely even started and she could feel herself starting to let go. She hadnt
even realized that her eyes drifted closed until she felt a sharp smack on her
Eyes open he demanded in that husky voice of his that did wondrous things to

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