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How To Use This Document

In this document, Ive included a number of email templates that I use with
my own clients.

My goal isnt to get you to wholesale copy and paste the scripts Ive in-
cluded. After all, you have your own voice and your own wit.

Instead, you should take what Ive included and create your own arsenal
of swipe material that you can use on your future projects. And when
youre ready to start automating, Id encourage you to check out my guide
to automating how you qualify and prepping new project leads.

Initial Qualifying Email

Initial Qualifying Email

In this first email, we want to let our clients know that we care chiefly about
the why behind this project. Why did they reach out to someone like us?
Why is it so important that they execute on this project? What resources
(budget) have they allocated and is it at or above our minimum?

I like this email because youre not just casually saying, Sure - lets meet.
Rather, youre taking charge and owning the sales process.


Thanks for reaching out. Id love to talk to you about PROJECT

and try to see if theres a good fit between our two companies.

Can I get you to answer a few questions for me so I can learn

a bit more about this project before we schedule a consulta-

1) Tell me a little about why youre looking to start this

project? And what business goals do you have in mind
after you successfully execute this?
2) Do you have a budget youve set aside for this project?
And is it over $XX,XXX?
3) When are you looking to get started on this project?

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Initial Qualifying Email

4) Are you the owner of this project? And should we plan

on inviting other members of your team to the initial
5) Is this a new type of project for your company, or have
you done something like this before?

The next steps would be to pencil in a time where we can meet

and go over your business and ways I could help this project
fulfill your business goals.

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Not A Good Fit Email

Not A Good Fit Email

There can be a number of reasons for why you deem a prospect as being a
bad fit: they cant afford you, they dont have a strong business need behind
their project, or lets face it they come off a bit crazy.

The email below gives you an idea of something you could use to turn
somebody away while not entirely bailing on them.


Thanks for taking the time to write back with answers to my

questions above.


However, I still want to make sure that youre able to move

forward with PROJECT its obviously important to your busi-
ness, otherwise you wouldnt have reached out :-)

Typically, the first step of an engagement of mine is to sched-

ule a Roadmapping session, a $XXXX engagement where I
spent the time to really dig into your business and determine
the viability of the project and how you can get to where you
need to as quickly as possible.

This is a pre-requisite of working with me, but I could offer

this to you without the need to move forward to a broader

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Not A Good Fit Email

paid engagement. If anything, this will give you the clarity

and direction necessary to secure the funding to support the
potential that this project would bring to your business. If
youre interested, reply back and Ill send you more informa-
tion about my Roadmapping offering.

Otherwise, Id encourage you to check out the following: LIST

IDEALLY YOU WROTE THESE. Theres definitely potential here,
and these resources should help you get a better idea of
how to execute. If you have any questions whatsoever after
reading, please dont hesitate to reach out.

To find out more about Roadmapping, read this: https://

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The Lets Schedule A Call Email

The Lets Schedule A Call Email

If a new lead does seem like a good fit, you should probably schedule an
free initial consult.

I dont offer more than 20-minutes of time for free. If someone wants to
pick my brain for an hour, they can pay me for that. My goal with this
initial consult is to establish over-the-phone communication with this new
prospect and sell them on Roadmapping, a pre-requisite to working with

Where most freelancers focus on learning as much as they can about a

project (in sales meetings and for free), I want to move a prospect im-
mediately toward Roadmapping. This provides me with an outlet to do
the due diligence required for me to determine if I can guarantee a return-
on-investment for this project, and forces me and the client to actually
focus on the business problem at hand and how to best solve it. (Without
Roadmapping, Id rush through a proposal as 1) Im not getting paid to write
it and 2) theres no guarantee Ill ever get paid. This has me skimping on
really understanding the project, which has left me with a bad estimate that
bites me in the end. Roadmapping has fixed this.)

Hi , thanks for writing back!

I think theres a ton of potential here that I could help with.

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The Lets Schedule A Call Email

The first step is to schedule a 20-minute free consult. Here

well really dive into the project and talk about how I can help
you best succeed in fixing . So that I can learn as much
as possible about your business, your goals, and how I can
best help you reach those goals, Ive attached a few questions
below. Could you send those over to me at least a day prior
to our scheduled call?

Next steps: 1) Schedule a time for our call. Heres a link to my


2) Please reply with answers to the following questions:

Below youll also find a rough schedule of how these consult

calls are structured:

The questions I ask at this stage are lightweight versions of my

pre-Roadmapping questionnaire:

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The Im Not Going To Send You Back Those Answers Email

The Im Not Going To Send You

Back Those Answers Email

I saw that you scheduled a time for our free consult, but
wanted to send you a little nudge to send over the answers
to the survey I sent you the other day. Its important to me
that we maximize our time during the consult, and the more
I can know about your business and your goals, the better.
Could you get these answers sent my way by ? If thats not
possible, let me know and we can reschedule our session for
a later date.

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The No Show Email

The No Show Email

Some clients wont make it to the free consult. Either they legitimately
forgot, they were busy, or they blew it off. Because its free and perceived
as a sales call, people often flake out.

Instead of just letting people go, follow-up. Dont be afraid of following up.
Dont forget: they reached out to you first. (If youre cold emailing people,
_dont be a jerk and follow-up relentlessly!)


Sorry we missed each other today!

I know that life often gets in the way, but I want to really make
sure that were able to talk about . I have a few ideas I want
to share with you based off the answers to my questions you
sent over:



To reschedule, just use this link to rebook:

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The Email To Send After A Successful Free Consult

The Email To Send After A Success-

ful Free Consult

It was great speaking with you yesterday, and thanks again

for sending over those questions. That information helped
me come up with some of the ideas that I shared with you
during our call.

As we discussed, the next stage of the process is to schedule

a Roadmapping engagement. This will allow us to really focus
on the goal of this project, and put together a concrete plan of
action to get us there. After all, I only want to work on projects
that are investment projects if we cant figure out how well
make an ROI off this project, I dont want to take it on.

Heres a link to book your Roadmapping session:

Once you schedule, Ill send you the invoice for Roadmapping
along with my Master Services Agreement contract.

Additionally, Ive attached an overview PDF of what to expect

out of Roadmapping. Please let me know if you have any

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The Email To Send After A Successful Free Consult

Notice how Ive owned the sales process from the beginning? Here are
the questions I need answered first. Heres what I need to prepare for
our free consult. Heres the structure of the call. The next step is now

By owning this process, Im able to productize the way that I sell. Clients
hate risk, and lacking structure is a huge risk. Without a process in place,
your clients have no idea if you can actually succeed. And I dont just
mean succeeding in the technical sense. Can you work within constraints?
Budget? Timeline? Are you a professional through-and-through? By provid-
ing your clients structure, youre demonstrating that you know what youre
doing which is exactly what your clients want, especially if theyre going
to spend a lot of money on you.

Need some help with Roadmapping?


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Hope this helps!
I hope these emails help you better qualify and prepare new leads for
working with you.

If youd like more information on how to best qualify and learn

about projects so that you can value-price your projects, Id
invite you to join my free email course, Charge What Youre Worth:


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