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Mr/Mrs Director of LTC

LTC UKSW (Language Training Center)

UKSW, 6th floor of the library

Salatiga, 2017

Dear Mr/Mrs Directur of LTC ,

I was very exited to see your vacancy for a Receptionist, which was advertised on the
website. I am a well qualified for this position.

As you will see from my CV, I have considerable administrations experience through my
position at last company i was worked. These posts gave me experience of working quickly
and efficiently in a busy environment and I enjoyed the face-to-face contact with public.

I very much hope that you will look favourably upon my application by recognizing my
enthusiasm. I would dearly like to further discuss of this position, with you in person, and
would welcome the chance of meeting.

Thank you in advance for you time and consideration.

Ayu Valentina
Handphone : +82-280-361-859
Email :

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