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So today we're going to talk about the data science process.

And in particular we'll give historical notes on the KDD

process, the CRISP-DM process.
Big Data and Data Science and
their relationships to Data Mining and Machine Learning.
And I'll go through an example of the knowledge
discovery process.
Okay, let's start with some historical notes.
So the term Big Data was coined by these two
astronomers in 1997.
So it's an old term that got a bit hyped up a few years ago
after the CCC Whitepapers on big data came out.
Now, I'm just showing you here the CCC BIg Data Pipeline from
the white paper in 2012.
It's nice, it's a nice effort to formalize the scientific
process that goes into discovering knowledge from data.
It's not just data mining,
data mining, there's a lot more steps to it.
In fact data mining is actually in here,
it's actually in the fourth step out of five.
And the major steps in the analysis of big data are shown
in this flow at the top.
But then these are big data needs that make these tasks up
here challenging.
So let me go through the five steps.
So perhaps first you have to through a process of actually
obtaining the data.
And perhaps that involves recording how users behave on
different websites or something.
So you have to write a script to collect the data properly.
Then the second step is extraction or
cleaning or annotation.
Where you try to reduce the noise a bit, and
get rid of the data you don't directly need.
Or if you're working with free text that's easy to annotate,
you might be able to turn it into a structured table.
So basically at this step,
you're turning the data from what is potentially a pile of
rubbish into something you might actually be able to work with.
Now this third step, which is integration, aggregation, and
You're gonna set up the data in a way that's directly conducive
to data mining.
So all the text documents are gonna be linked properly to
other structured tables.
And you've got one central database where all that
information is stored nice and neatly.
And then this is the analysis and modeling step,
which is where all of the great machine learning and
data mining takes place.
And then the interpretation step is where at the end you see what
you've got and you really interpret it.
Okay so this is the big data pipeline.
And now I'm gonna show you another separate big
data pipeline constructed by a separate group
of people at a separate time.
And the second group of people, these are also people trying to
formalize the process of knowledge discovery, you ready?
Okay, so this is what's called the KDD Process,
Knowledge Discovery in Databases,
which was published way back in 1996.
And it has these five steps, so selection, preprocessing,
transformation, data mining, interpretation,
does it look familiar?
It should, because these are the same five steps that appeared on
the previous slide.
The same exact steps, so
you're probably not surprised, you say, so what,
two groups of people they come up with the same diagram.
But, look, this diagram's from 1996.
And an interesting piece of this whole story is that the CCC
people, in 2012,
they actually didn't cite the original KDD paper.
So, it's actually possible that they
didn't know about each other.
Two completely separate groups of people coming together and
producing exactly the same thing, several years apart.
Perhaps there's something fundamental about this process.
Maybe it's like an important number like pi or
the golden ratio or something.
Maybe this is a universal process that maybe
anyone who works with data will discover.
Anyway, so this is the KDD process.
Now, it seems so abstract, but there might actually be
something fundamental about this.
By the way, reading both of these articles is really
One thing I wanna point out, again, is that in both cases,
data mining is only a part of this process, one part,
not all of it.
Granted, it's like the climax of a story, but like any story,
the set up of the story really makes the whole thing work.
Now, KDD wasn't the only game in town before the CCC white
So this CRISP-DM, the CRoss Industry Standard Process for
Data Mining.
And these guys were really serious about formalizing
the knowledge discovery process.
They wrote a 77 page manual on how to do this stuff.
And I actually like CRISP-DM's process the best.
Because it includes business understanding and
data understanding, which I think are important.
And I also love all of these backward arrows.
That show how many iterations you realistically do
within this process on a regular basis.
So anyway this is the process that I tend to think of when I
think of the data science process.
So just to summarize, the stages are basically the same.
No matter who invents or
reinvents this knowledge discovery, data mining,
big data or data science process.
You may not always need all the stages, and
data science is an iterative process.
There is backward arrows on most of those process diagrams.
And those backward arrows are really part of the process,
you never end up doing it just once.
Let's go through an example of the knowledge discovery process.
And in particular I'm gonna walk you through an example that I
worked on.
Which is the process of predicting
power failures in Manhattan.
So, the motivation of this example is that in New York city
the peak demand for electricity is rising.
But the infrastructure that's supporting New York actually
dates back to the 1880s from the time of Thomas Edison.
And power failures occur in New York fairly often,
enough to do statistics on, and
they're actually somewhat expensive to repair.
So our goal was to figure out how to prioritize which manholes
were gonna be inspected.
In order to optimally reduce the number of manhole events in
the future.
And a manhole event is a either a fire or an explosion, or
a smoking manhole.
And this is a real problem,
this is something I actually worked on.
So let's go through the stages in the knowledge discovery
And, of course, so they're opportunity assessment and
business understanding, tjis is CRISP-DM's process.
Data understanding and data acquisition, preparation,
including model building and policy construction.
And if you want the 77 page description,
you're welcome to look at the CRISP-DM manual.
Okay, so evaluation and then model deployment.
So what do you really want to accomplish in opportunity
assessment and business understanding, the first step.
What do you really want to accomplish?
What are your constraints, what are your risks?
And how are you gonna evaluate the quality of the results?
And these goals are concrete, we can form concrete assessments of
how well we did with these tasks.
So for manhole events, our goal was just
generally predict fires and explosions before they occur.
And so we tried to make that more precise.
So the first goal was to assess predictive accuracy for
predicting manhole events in the year before they happen.
So we specified a particular timeframe, and
we defined what a manhole event was.
And then the second goal was to create a cost-benefit analysis
for the inspection policies.
These new inspection policies that take into account the cost
of doing the inspection, but also the cost of a fire.
So these trade off with each other cuz if you do more
inspections you have less fires.
And if you do less inspections you have more fires.
And that will help you optimally determine how often
the manholes need to be inspected.
So this is the second step, data understanding and
data acquisition.
Now the data that we had were trouble tickets.
Which are free text documents that were typed by
the dispatchers in the power company.
While they were directing the action of
what to do about the problem.
And they were taping these all in while this was going on.
We had also a lot of records of information about the manholes.
Where they were located, and what type of cover they had, and
other basic information about manholes.
Whether it was a manhole proper or a service box.
We also had a lot of records of information about underground
And one major challenge in all of this was
that the cable data was not matched to the manhole data.
We had to do it ourselves, and so what happened was when we
tried to match up which cables was match with which manholes.
We actually lost about half the cable records in the process.
So we had to do a lot of data cleaning to try to make that
do that data integration properly.
And then we also had electrical shock information tables,
and information about, extra information,
about these serious events.
There was a separate table that had that information.
We had inspection reports and also vented cover data.
Which manholes had special vented covers and
which ones had solid covers?
The inspection report data was interesting because
the inspection program was relatively new.
They weren't inspecting manholes up until almost the start of
when we started working on this project.
So this was brand new data that we were working with, and
its quality was evolving over time.
Now you probably have heard of the four Vs of big data.
So velocity, variety and volume and veracity.
So two of those, variety and
veracity, those are challenges that we had to face.
There was a huge variety of different data,
it was in all different formats and veracity also was an issue.
So veracity means, how trustworthy is the data?
And we had different data with different levels of trust
worthiness that we had to be very careful about how exactly
we used the data.
And made sure that we depended on the right data, and
didn't depend too much on the wrong data.
So that just boils down to the question,
well how do you know what data that you should trust?
So the next step in the process is data cleaning and
And obviously sometimes that is actually 99% of the work.
The machine learning gets to take all of the credit, but
actually the data cleaning is a huge amount of work.
Before this effort, you might have a giant pile of garbage,
and you're supposed to turn it into gold.
So for us we had to turn all of the free text
into structured information.
So we had trouble tickets, and we had to turn each
trouble ticket into a vector that looks something like this.
So it s a collection of,
a vector is a collection of numbers,
and we had to turn it into something that looked like this.
So was the manhole,
was the trouble ticket representing a serious event or
less serious event or was it just not an event?
What year, month, day was it in?
What manholes were involved in it?
And all this other kind of information.
And then again, [LAUGH] as I mentioned,
trying to integrate the tables is particularly difficult.
And so, just to try to join the manholes to what
cables they fit into, we just lost half the cable records.
And so we had to do a lot of work trying to
make sure the integrity of that table join was good.
So I like to
think of the knowledge discovery process sort of like alchemy.
Alchemy is where you try to turn lead into gold,
except that alchemy doesn't work, but data often does.
In business understanding, it's like,
am I really going to get gold out of this?
What constitutes gold here?
And, data understanding is sort of like,
what are my raw materials that I'm going to collect?
And then data preparation over here, that's an important step.
That's where you purify all the raw ingredients and
you get rid of all the junk and the contaminants.
And then modeling, the modeling step, that's where you actually
do the transformation of the raw ingredients into gold.
And that's why people are obsessed with it, and
that's why other people think it's magic.
It really, as long as you did the data processing right,
this stuff is generally pretty easy.
And it does work like magic, but
you'll see it's definitely not magic.
Now for the evaluations step, that's where appraiser comes and
tells you how much gold is worth.
And then of course deployment is where the whole village comes to
buy your gold.
Okay, back to the modelling step.
Now, predictive modeling means machine learning or
statistical modeling.
It doesn't necessarily mean prediction in the future
time wise.
It could just mean prediction of a new circumstance that you
haven't seen before.
Now if your goal is to answer yes or no questions,
then this is classification.
So for instance if you're asking questions like,
will a manhole explode next year yes or no?
This is a classification problem.
If you wanna predict the numerical value,
this is regression.
If you wanna predict how many bicycles are going to be
rented next year, that's a regression problem.
And then, if you want to group observations into similar
looking groups, that's actually a clustering problem.
If you wanna recommend someone an item, like a book or
a movie or a product based on ratings from other customers.
Then this is a recommendation system.
And I should mention to you that there are many,
many other machine learning problems out there.
I've just told you four important categories of machine
learning problems, but there are many, many other ones.
Okay, so policy construction,
how's your model gonna be used to change policy?
So for manholes, how should we recommend changing
the inspection policy based on our model?
How can we construct something that's actionable?
So for example let's consider using social media and
customer purchase data.
To determine customer participation, if Starbucks,
say, moves into a new city.
After the model's created,
how do you do that optimization where the shops are located?
How big they should be, and
where the warehouses are located?
That's an optimization problem.
So, this is a policy construction problem.
To model building that part the last that's predictive,
policy construction is prescriptive.
So policy construction usually involves solving some
complicated optimization problems.
Evaluation, so
how do you measure the quality of the results?
Evaluation can be difficult if the data don't actually provide
ground truth.
But luckily for the manhole problem,
we were working with engineers at Con Edison.
And what they did was they withheld a lot of high quality
recent data.
So they could use it to test our predictive models to see whether
we had predicted events that happened.
Between when the model was built and when they actually happened.
And that's how they knew that they could trust us,
cuz this was a blind test.
So deployment is the last step,
this is like, hey, I turned lead into gold.
And I will warn you that getting a working proof of concept
deployed, it actually stops, I would say 95% of projects.
Cuz it's like, hey I turned lead into gold, and
the reaction is, well that's nice.
You need to actually get it implemented.
So my suggestion is just don't even bother
doing it in the first place if nobody plans to deploy it,
unless of course it's actually fun.
So you should keep a realistic timeline in mind.
And then I think also you should add several months to
that timeline,
because the goals might change, the data itself might change.
The data might change as the reaction to your new policy.
You might observe something that you didn't expect,
you put it in and so on and so forth.
And while the model is deployed,
it will need to be updated and improved.
Just keep that in mind when you're doing this,
it's not a one shot thing.
You're always gonna need to go and follow those backward arrows
back to the beginning and update things and improve things.
So as I mentioned,
knowledge discovery is an iterative process.
You gotta do things over and over again.
And it might be helpful of keep pieces of code around to have
for the whole process.
So that you can run things through the process
without having to look for
little bit of codes that you wrote a couple of years ago.
Now at least if you have this outline it helps you to figure
out what to charge people for
your services if you are a contractor or something.
It is not like you can charge them for doing some modelling.
You actually have to charge them for
all parts of this knowledge discovery process.
And the iterations that you're gonna do to continue to fix
up the system and keep it updated and get it deployed.
So a proposal to work
might actually include each of these steps in the process
within the proposal to actually do the work.
All right, so let's summarize.
There have been several attempts to
make the process of discovering knowledge scientific.
And those attempts are called the KDD process,
the CRISP-DM process, and the CCC Big Data Pipeline.
They all have very similar steps, and
data mining is only one of those steps.
However, it is an important one.

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