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Prepared under the Direction of the
Committee on the Compendium of Meteorology
H. G. HOUGHTON, Chairman

Edited by


All rights reserved. This book, or
parts thereof, may not be reproduced
without the permission of the pub-
lisher and the sponsoring agency.

ISBN 978-1-940033-70-9 (eBook)

DOI 10.1007/978-1-940033-70-9




The purpose of the Compendium of Meteorology is to take stock of the present position of meteorology, to sum-
marize and appraise the knowledge which untiring research has been able to wrest from nature during past years,
and to indicate the avenues of further study and research which need tobe explored in order to extend the frontiers
of our knowledge. Perhaps it is appropriate that this stocktaking should be made as we enter the second half of
the twentieth century, for surely no one can read the pages which follow without experiencing the feeling that
we are on the threshold of an exciting era of meteorologica! history in which significant advancements are possible
toward a better understanding of the physicallaws which govern the workings of the atmosphere. That this progress
will not be made without some difficulty is quite apparent from the number of unsolved problems which stiH
remain as a challenge to the research worker in spite of the centuries of study which have been devoted to the
nature and behavior of the atmosphere. If this book will have clarified and defined these problems, it will have
fulfilled the purpose of those who planned it.
The desirability of a survey of the current state of meteorology became apparent during the years following
World War II, when research effort was being greatly intensified not only in meteorology but also in other fields
of pure and applied science in which the importance of meteorologica! factors was coming into recognition. The
idea that meteorologists and atmospheric physicists from all over the world might combine their efforts to prepare
a work of this nature took definite shape in 1948 when the Geophysics Research Division of the Air Force Cam-
bridge Research Center invited the American Meteorologica! Society to draw up plans for a book in which special-
ists in the several fields of meteorology would appraise the state of knowledge in their respective specialties. The
general scope of the work was decided upon by representatives of the Society and the Geophysics Research Divi-
sion, and support and sponsorship was provided by the latter under Contract N o. W 28-099 ac-399 with the So-
ciety. It is understood, however, that the recommendations and conclusions presented in the articles which follow
do not necessarily represent those of the sponsoring agency.
Capt. H. T. Orville, U.S.N. (Ret.), president of the Society from 1948 to 1950, appointed the Committee on
the Compendium of Meteorology, under the chairmanship of Professor H. G. Houghton, to organize and supervise
this undertaking. This committee sought and obtained suggestions from many eminent meteorologists and, in a
series of meetings in the latter part of 1948, formulated the specific nature of the present work. One hundred and
two authors were commissioned in 1949 to prepare the one hundred and eight articles which comprise this book.
In most cases, more than one author was invited to contribute on a single broad topic. This was done intentionally,
despite some slight duplication, to insure the presentation of specialized aspects of certain general subjects and to
provide ample opportunity for the exposition of different viewpoints.
A logical grouping of papers on related topics has resulted in a division of the book into twenty-five sections.
Since the composition and physics of the atmosphere are fundamental to a consideration of meteorologica! prob-
lems, the first part of the book is concerned with the field generally referred to as physical meteorology. Then comes
a discussion of the upper atmosphere-a topic in which the interests of meteorologists and physicists are now con-
verging-followed by a section which deals with extraterrestrial effects on the atmosphere and with the meteorology
of other planets. The section in which is presented a general discussion of the dynamics of the atmosphere is fol-
lowed by three sections which treat various aspects of the primary, secondary, and tertiary circulations, respec-
tively. These papers provide a logical introduction to the treatment of synoptic meteorology and weather fore-
casting and to the discussions of the meteorology of the tropical and polar regions and the section on climatology.
Hydrometeorology, marine meteorology, biologica! and chemical meteorology, and atmospheric pollution are fields
in which the interests of meteorologists meet those of hydrologists, oceanographers, biologists and chemists, and
engineers, and these topics are treated in that order. The topics of clouds, fog, and aircraft icing have been in-
cluded in a single section because of their obvious relationship to one another. The discussions of meteorologica!
instruments and laboratory investigations and the theory of radiometeorology and microseisms and their applica-
tions to meteorologica! problems constitute the final sections.
References to the literature are indicated by bracketed numbers in the text. A list of references is given at the
end of each article. Some care has been exercised to insure complete and accurate bibliographic information. Ab-
breviations for the titles of periodicals have, with a few minor modifications, followed the convenient system used
in the second edition of A World List of Scientific Periodicals, published by the Oxford University Press in 1934.
When successive entries have one or more authors in common, dashes have been used to replace the name, or
names, given in the preceding entry.
It is a pleasure to acknowledge the interest and cooperation, quite apart from the financial support, of the Geo-

physics Research Division in this undertaking. The Division's library was kindly made available for use in the
editorial work and the friendly counsel and suggestions of Division personnel have been most helpful. Sincere ap-
preciation is due to Professor Hans Neuberger for carefully checking and editing the papers translated from the
German. Miss Eleanor Richmond and Mr. W. Lawrence Gates have labored long and faithfully in systematizing
and checking the lists of references and in assisting with the editing and proofreading. The assistance of Mr. Jean
Le Corbeiller in the editorial work and proofreading is also gratefully acknowledged, as is the careful proofreading
by Mrs. William Greene and Mrs. Israel Kopp. Mr. Kenneth C. Spengler, executive secretary of theAmericanMete-
orological Society, his assistant, Mrs. Holt Ashley, and their staff have capably handled all of the administrative
matters connected with this work. Preparation of the illustrations for publication has been efficiently accomplished
by Mr. Chester Jancewicz.


August 1951


The Composition of Atmospheric Air by E. Glueckauf. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

Solar Radiant Energy and Its Modification by the Earth and lts Atmosphere by Sigmund Fritz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Long-Wave Radiation by Fritz Moller......................................................................... 34
Actinometric Measurements by Anders Angstriim. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

General Meteorologica! Optics by Hans Neuberger. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Polarization of Skylight by Zdenek Sekera. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
Visibility in Meteorology by W. E. Krwwles Middleton......................................................... 91

Universal Aspects of Atmospheric Electricity by O. H. Gish ...... ................................................ 101
Ions in the Atmosphere by G. R. Wait and W. D. Parkinson . .................................................... 120
Precipitation Electricity by Ross Gunn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128
The Lightning Discharge by J. H. Hagenguth .................................................................. 136
lnstruments and Methods for the Measurement of Atmospherir Electricity by H. Israel. ............................ 144
Radioactivity of the Atmosphere by H. Israel. ...... . , ......................................................... 155

On the Physics of Clouds and Precipitation by Henry G. Houghton ... ............................................. 165
Nuclei of Atmospheric Condensation by Christian Junge .. ...................................................... 182
The Physics of Ice Clouds and Mixed Clouds by F. H. Lud/am .................................................. 192
Thermodynamics of Clouds by Fritz Moller .................................................................... 199
The Formation of Ice Crystals by Ukichiro N akaya. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207
Snow and Its Relationship to Experimental Meteorology b!} Vincent J. Schaefer . ................................... 221
Relation of Artificial Cloud-Modification to the Production of Precipitation by Richard D. Coons and RoS Gunn. 235


General Aspects of Upper Atmospheric Physics by S. K. Mitra ................................................... 245
Photochemical Processes in the Upper Atmosphere and Resultant Composition by Sidney Chapman ................... 262
Ozone in the Atmosphere by F. W. Paul Giitz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................................................... 275
Radiati ve Temperature Changes in the Ozone Layer by Rirhard A. Craig. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 292
Temperatures and Pressures in the Upper Atmosphere by Homer E. Newell, Jr..................................... 303
Water Vapour in the Upper Air by G. M. B. Dobson and A W Brewer ............................................ 311
Diffusion in the Upper Atmosphere by Heinz Lettau ....... ...................................................... 320
The Ionosphere by S. L. Seaton .............................................................................. 334
Night-Sky Radiations from the Upper Atmosphere by E. O. Hulburt .............................................. 341
Aurorae and Magnetic Storms by L. Harang. . . . . . . . . . . . . ..................................................... 347
Meteors as Probes of the Upper Atmosphere by Fred L. Whipple . ................................................ 356
Sound Propagation in the Atmosphere by B. Gutenberg . ............................. ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 366

Solar Energy Variations As a Possible Cause of Anomalous Weather Changes by Richard A. Craig and H. C. Willett.. 379
The Atmospheres of the Other Planets by S. L. Hess and H. A. Panojsky .......................................... 391


The Perturbation Equations in Meteorology by B. Haurwitz ..................................................... 401
The Solution of Nonlinear Meteorologica! Problems by the Method of Characteristics by John C. Freeman ............. 421
Hydrodynamic Instability by Jacques M. Van Mieghem ......................................................... 434
Stability Properties of Large-Scale Atmospheric Disturbances by R FjPrtojt ........................................ 454

The Quantitative Theory of Cyclone Development by E. T. Eady. . ............. . 464

Dynamic Forecasting by Numerica! Process by J. G. Charney .... . 470
Energy Equations by James E. Miller ........................ . 483
Atmospheric Turbulence and Diffusion by O. G. Sutton .... . 492
Atmospheric Tides and Oscillations by Sydney Chapman. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ . . ........ 510
Application of the Thermodynamics of Open Systems to Meteorology by Jacques M. Van Zlfieghem 531


The Physical Basis for the General Circulation by Victor P. Starr . ............................ . 541
Observational Studies of General Circulation Patterns by Jerome Namias and Philip F. Clapp ........ . 551
Applications of Energy Principles to the General Circulation by Victor P. Starr ................. . 568


Extratropical Cyclones by J. Bjerknes . ............................................................ . . ... 577
The Aerology of Extratropical Disturbances by E. Palmen . ................ . 599
Anticyclones by H. Wexler ........................................... . 621
Mechanism of Pressure Change by J ames M. Austin . ................................. . . ... 630
Large-Scale Vertical Velocity and Divergence by H. A.. Panofsky . ........ . 639
The Instability Line by J. R. Fulks ..................................... . 647

Local Winds by Friedrich Defant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......... . 655
Tornadoes and Related Phenomena by Edward M. Brooks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................. . . . 673
Thunderstorms by H orace R. Byers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........... . 681
Cumulus Convection and Entrainment by James M. Austin..................... . ............... . 694


World Weather Network by Athelstan F. Spilhaus. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 705
Models and Techniques of Synoptic Representation by J ohn C. Bellamy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 711
Meteorologica! Analysis in the Middle Latitudes by V. J. Oliver and M. B. Oliver................................ 715

The Forecast Problem by H. C. Willett . ................................................................... . 731
Short-Range Weather Forecasting by Gordon E. Dunn.......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .................. . 747
A Procedure of Short-Range Weather Forecasting by Robert C. Bundgaard ............................... . 766
Objective Weather Forecasting by R. A. Allen and E. M. Vernon .............. . 796
General Aspects of Extended-Range Forecasting by Jerome Namias ............. . 802
Extended-Range Weather Forecasting by Franz Baur . ......................... . . .. 814
Extended-Range Forecasting by Weather TypeR by Robert D. Elliott.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............... . . ........ 834
Verification of Weather Forecasts by Glenn W. Brier and Roger A. A!len........... . . ................ . 841
Application of Statistica! Methods to Weather Forecasting by George P. Wadsworth ..................... . 849

Tropical Meteorology by C. E. Palmer . ............................................................. . 859
Equatorial Meteorology by A. Grimes.......................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................ . 881
Tropical Cyclones by Gordon E. Dunn ........................................ ....................... . 887
Aerology of Tropical Storms by Herbert Riehl. ....................................................... . 902

Antarctic Atmospheric Circulation by Arnold Court . ........................................... . 917
Arctic Meteorology by Herbert G. Dorsey, Jr..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............... . 942
Some Climatological Problems of the Arctic and Sub-Arctic by F. Kenneth Hare. . ................ . 952

Climate-The Synthesis of Weather by C. 8. Durst ............................................................. 967
Applied Climat.ology by H el mut E. Landsberg and Woodrow C. J acobs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 976
Microclimatology by Rudolf Geiger. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 993

Geological and Historical Aspects of Climatic Change by C. E. P. Brooks .. ....................................... 1004

Climatic Implications of Glacier Research by Richard Foster Flint ..... ........................................... 1019
Tree-Ring Indices of Rainfall, Temperature, and River Flow by Edmund Schulman ................................ 1024

Hydrometeorology in the United States by Robert D. Fletcher. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1033
The Hydrologic Cycle and Its Relation to Meteorology-River Forecasting by Ray K. Linsley. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1048

Large-Scale Aspects of Energy Transformation over the Oceans by Woodrow C. J acobs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1057
Evaporation from the Oceans by H. U. Sverdrup. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1071
Forecasting Ocean Waves by W. H. Munk and R. S. Arthur . ................................................... 1082
Ocean Waves as a Meteorologica! Tool by W. H. Munk ........................................................ 1090


Aerobiology by Woodrow C. Jacobs ........... ................................................................ 1103
Physical Aspects of Human Bioclimatology by Konrad J. K. Buettner . ........................................... 1112
Some Problems of Atmospheric Chemistry by H. Cauer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H26

Atmospheric Pollution by E. Wendell H ewson. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1139


The Classifi,cation of Cloud Forms by Wallace E. Howell.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1161
The Use of Clouds in Forecating by Charles F. Brooks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1167
Fog 'Qy Joseph J. George .................................................................................... 1179
Physical and Operational Aspects of Aircraft Iring by Lewis A. Rodert . .......................................... 1190
Meteorologica! Aspects of Aircraft Icing by William Lewis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1197

Instruments and Techniques for Meteorologica! Measurements by Michael Ference, Jr .............................. 1207
Aircraft Meteorologica! Instruments by A lan C. Bemis . ........................................................ 1223

Experimental Analogies to Atmospheric Motions by Dave Fultz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1235
Model Techniques in Meteorologica! Research by Hunter Rouse . ................................................ 1249
Experimental Cloud Formation by Sir David Brunt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1255

Radar Storm Observation by Myron G. H. Ligda . ............................................................. 1265
Theory and Observation of Radar Storm Detection by Raymond Wexler................................. . . . . . . . . 1283
Meteorologica! Aspects of Propagation Problems by H. G. Booker............................................... 1290
Sferics by R. C. Wanta................................................................................... 1297

Observations and Theory of Microseisms by B. Gutenberg ....................................................... 1303
Practica! Application of Microseisms to Forecasting by James B. Macelwane, S. J .................................. 1312

INDEX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1317

The Composition of Atmospheric Air by E. Glueckauf. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3


Atomic Energy Research Establishment, Harwell, England

For many reasons it is desirable to have a complete former originated from minute variations in the sam-
knowledge of the composition of the atmosphere as pling procedure.
regards both the molecular species present and their Similar precision was obtained by Krogh [c. 16]
absolute quantities. This applies not only to the main whose analyses from October 4, 1917, to January 25,
components, but also to rare species of polyatomic 1918, showed a standard deviation of 0.005 per cent
molecules whose importance in the radiation balance for 02, 0.0025 per cent for co2, and 0.0020 per
is often quite out of proportion to their actual quantity. cent for 02 plus C02, all in uncontaminated air. The
Any observed variation in the composition of air-with absolute values for 02 and co2 in dry air obtained by
time, with geographicallocation, with height, with the Krogh after careful calibrations are shown in Table II.
seasons, or with meteorologica! conditions-seriously This last figure-or the corresponding figure of 79.0215
affects our conception of the processes in the atmos- per cent for the content of "atmospheric nitrogen"
phere. It follows from this that the present article must (i.e., N2 +
rare gases)-is considered by Krogh to be
lay its emphasis on facts in order to see where our a geophysical constant which does not vary more than
knowledge is stiU inadequate. indicated by the standard deviation observed (0.0020
per cent).
(After Krogh [c. 16])
Content {per cent)
Oxygen (02). The first "international" investigation Constituent
of the 02 content with adequate equipment was carried Experiment 1 Experiment II
out as early as 1852 by Regnault [18] (see Table I). 0.0300
C02 ......................... 0.0305
He concluded that atmospheric air presents only small 02. 20.9480 20.9485
-- --
o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o

o2 + co2 ................. 20.9785 20.9785
(After Regnault [18]) The absolute value of the 02 content of air obtained
Location Average o, (per cent) by Benedict, taking into account a small correction
resulting from the formation of CO from the pyrogal-
Montpellier ............................ . 20.95 0.00 late, was later computed by Benedict and by Haldane
Lyon ................................. .. . 20.94 0.01
Normandy ............................. . 20.95 as 20.952 per cent and by Krogh [c. 16] as 20.954 per
Berlin .................................. . 20.96 0.01 cent.
Mediterranean* ........................ . 20.94 0.01 While Benedict's experiments prove conclusively that
Atlantic ................................ . 20.94 0.01
East Indian Ocean ..................... . t only changes occur in air observations at one
Arctic Ocean ........................... . 20.91 0.01 locality, it is more diffi.cult to show that there is uni-
Paris .................................. . . 20.96 0.01
formity over all the earth's surface. For such a survey
Average ............................ . 20.944 it is necessary to bottle air samples, and changes of one
* Two samples from Algiers have been omitted.
or two parts in ten thousand can easily occur during
t Greatly varying, mostly low. transit of the air sample. Table III gives a summary of
Benedict's analyses of air of various origins. It is not
Sixty years later, in a survey involving many hun-
dreds of precision analyses, Benedict [c. 16)1 proved (After Benedict [c. 16])
conclusively that during a period of about two years,
which involved a great variety of weather conditions, No. of o.
Origin of air samples (corrected)
no material variations occurred in the 02 content of (per cent)
air at the Nutrition Laboratory of the.Carnegie Insti- 20.952
Boston, Mass ............................ 212
tution of Washington. A statistica} analysis of Bene- Ocean air (Montreal to Liverpool) ....... 7 20.950
dict's data gives a standard deviation of 0.006 per Ocean air (Genoa to Boston) ............. 36 20.946
cent, while the repeated analysis of a bottled air sample Pikes Peak* ............................. 5 20.945
gave a standard deviation of only 0.0025 per cent. * The data for August 14, 1911 which showed abnormally
It is likely that the higher standard deviation of the low values have been omitted.

1. A "c" is used in front of reference numbers to indicate likely that significance can be attached to these small
that detailed reference is given in the paper cited. variations.

An oxygen deficiency in antarctic air, claimed by carbonate ions, the quantities being roughly of the
Lockhart and Court [c. 12], cannot yet be regarded as order 1:8:150. The result of this is that one litre of sea
well established, since no check analyses with normal water contains about 150 times as much co2 as the
air were carried out. same volume of air.
In spite of Paneth's conservative estimate [16] that For a given content of total C0 2, the equilibrium
the second decimal is stiH not exactly known, the author pressure varies considerably with the water tempera-
feels inclined, in view of the agreement of the two best ture. To give an example: For water with a chloride
surveys with a recent redetermination by M. Shepherd content of 1.95 per cent and a total C02 of 2.07 X 10-3
[c. 16] which gave 20.945 per cent, to recommend an mol I-t, the C02 pressures 2 in air at equilibrium at
absolute value of 20.946 0.002 per cent as the most OC, lOC, 200, and 300 are 1.6, 2.5, 3.6, and 5.1 X
likely figure for the 02 content of uncontaminated air, I0- 4 atm, respectively. Thus, far from having an equal-
in combination with an average C02 value of 0.033 per izing effect on the co2 content of the air, as was be-
cent. lieved during the last century and the earlier part of
Apart from possible minor changes resulting from this century, changes in the surface temperature of the
the greater solubility of 02 than of N2 in ocean water, sea upset the otherwise comparatively constant co2
all major variations of the 02 content must result content of air. This explains the low values of the C0 2
from the combustion of fuel, from the respiratory ex- content found miar the polar regions. The lowest value
change of organisms, or from the assimilation of co2 in (1.52 X I0- 4 atm) was observed near Spitsbergen by
plants. The first process does not result in more than Buch [c. 5]. This value corresponds roughly to the
local changes of the 02 content, while the latter two equilibrium value at OC.
processes, though locally altering the C02/02 ratio, In the most northerly regions, particularly over polar
leave their sum unchanged. ice, the co2 content is again normal, a feature which
Carbon Dioxide (C02). Though the extensive in- was explained by Buch on the hasis of Bjerknes' scheme
vestigations of Benedict and of Krogh suggest that the of the air circulation over the Atlantic. According to
co2 content of atmospheric air over land does not vary the latter, air in the Arctic is more or less constantly
except within very narrow limits, significant variations descendi:p.g, and since it has by-passed at great height
of the co2 content have been observed by workers the cold-water regions on its way from the south, its
both before and after them. co2 content would be expected to be near that of the
In particular, Callendar [5] has drawn attention to temperate zones. Buch found 2.57 and 2.91 X I0- 4
an increase in the co2 content during the last fifty atm.
years which is best demonstrated in Fig. 1. This in- Equally complicated is the situation in regions where
masses of water rise to the surface from greater depths.
The C02 content of sea water, after falling slightly in
the first 50 m below the surface (due to co2 assimila-
~ 320 tion), rises to a maximum at about 500-m depth where
the C02 pressure may be as much as 11 X 10- 4 atm
1- 31
o (obviously due to decay of organic matter). If these
w C02-rich water masses rise to the surface (as observed
near the west coast of Africa), the co2 content of air
~ 300
O +
+ + may locally rise to 7 X I0- 4 atm. Similarly high values
(,.) 290 +
+ have been observed by Krogh [14] in the vicinity of
West Greenland, and by Moss [c. 14] at latitude
8227'N, though in these two cases the origin of the
1860 1900 1925 1950

Fig. 1.-Increase of C02 in air. (After Callendar [5].)

co2 was not traced, and the effect may possibly, but
not necessarily, be spurious.
These phenomena apparently do not affect the air
crease in the total atmosphere of about 30 ppm (parts masses to a very great depth. Near Petsamo, Finland,
per million) represents a quantity of C02 (2 X 10 11 arctic air (range 297 to 313 ppm) differs unmistakably
tons) which is approximately equal to the amount re- from continental and tropical air (range 319 to 335
sulting from the combustion of fuels produced during ppm), so that in this tegion the co2 content can serve
this period. This implies that not much of this excess as an indicator for the origin of the air masses. How-
co2 has been lost to the ocean water, an assumption ever, these differences become smaller as we go farther
which is justified in view of the fact that, apart from a south. Thus the difference is stiH appreciable at Kew,
thin agitated surface layer, the transport of co2 inside England, where, on the average, subtropical air con-
the water proceeds by diffusion and is very slow. tains 19 ppm more co2 than polar and maritime air;
Variations of the C02 Content over the Bea. The vari- but the mean difference is only 8 ppm near Dieppe,
ations of co2 over the sea are now well understood France, and Gembloux, Belgium [c. 5].
(Buch, Wattenberg [c. 5]). Because of an excess of
strongly basic cations over strongly acid anions in sea 2. The C02 pressure in atmospheres is very nearly, but not
water, co2 is soluble in sea water not only as dis- quite, identica! with the "parts per volume" unit, i.e., 10-
solved co2, but also in the form of carbonate and bi- atm ~ 100 ppm.

The contaminations of C02 caused by large towns (as is 0 3), or are simply the result of some industrial
are also fairly localised. At Kew, about 6 miles west activity (as are so2 and !2).
of the centre of London, on the average only 27 ppm Nitrogen (N2). For the analysis of N2 no direct pre-
more co2 are found in easterly than in westerly winds. cision method has been discovered. However, as the
Argon (A). The constancy of the composition of air sum of nitrogen and rare gases (called "atmospheric
with respect to its minor constituents has been investi- nitrogen" by Krogh) has a constant value of 79.0215
gated in the cases of A and He. The former was in- per cent, and as this sum is constant to at least 0.002
vestigated by Moissan [c. 16], who, after chemical per cent, N 2 too must be constant to the same degree.
removal of 0 2, N 2, and C02 by calcium metal, measured Neon (Ne). The most reliable data for the Ne content
the remaining rare gases and obtained for the A content of air are (1) a single analysis by Watson [c. 11] who
the figures shown in Table IV. The standard deviation found 18.2 ppm, (2) three analyses by Glueckauf [11]
of these analyses (excepting the value of 0.949 over who found a mean of 18.21 0.04 ppm, and (3) recent
the Atlantic Ocean which must be considered errone- analyses by Chackett, Paneth, and Wilson [6] who
ous) is 0.002 per cent, or 0.2 per cent of the A con- found 18.1 0.08 ppm.
tent, and within these limits there are no significant K.rypton (Kr) and Xenon (Xe). Of the figures in the
variations. literature [c. 16], those by Moureu and Lepape and
by Damkohler appear to be the most reliable. As
TABLE IV. SURVEY OF ARGON CONTENTS OF AIR these values are accurate only to 10 per cent of their
(After Moissan [c. 16]) value, the Kr and Xe contents have recently been re-
Location A (per cent) determined with a much higher accuracy by the author
of this article. The figures in parts per million by
Odessa .................................. . 0.935 volume are:
St. Petersburg (Leningrad) .............. . 0.933
Athens .................................. . 0.935 Moureu + Lepape (1926) Kr: 1.0 0.1, Xe: 0.09 0.01
Ionian Sea (37N, 15E) ................. . 0.936
Vienna .................................. . 0.938 Damkohler (1935) Kr: 1.08 0.1, Xe: 0.08 0.01
Berlin .................................. . 0.932 Glueckauf + Kitt (unpub-
Venice .................................. . 0.936 lished) Kr: 1.14 0.01, Xe: 0.087 0.001
Mt. Blanc ............................... . 0.935
Paris ................................... . 0.934 Nitrous Oxide (N20). The presence of nitrous oxide
London ................................. . 0.933.
Atlantic Ocean (37N, 24W) ............ . 0.932 in atmospheric air was discovered by Adel [15, Chap.
Atlantic Ocean (43N, 22W) .......... . (0. 949) 10] by means of an absorption hand at 7.8 J.L in the
Average (omitting the last value) .... 0.9343 0.0006 solar spectrum. Since then further atmospheric ab-
sorption bands have been discovered at 3.9 p., 4.5 J.L,
and 8.6 J.L. The recent chemical analysis by Slobod and
Helium (He). Similar results were also obtained with Krogh [20] of N20 in air at ground level gave a value
H e in spite of the fact that vast quantities of H e of 0.5 0.1 ppm, which is in agreement with the
constantly escape from the earth's crust, particularly spectroscopic data.
from oil fields in the United States. It has been esti- Methane (CH4). Methane was found by spectro-
mated that between eight and thirty million cubic scopic identification of its absorption hand in sunlight
metres of H e are generated annually by radioactive modified by the passage through the earth's atmosphere
processes. The amounts of He added to the atmosphere over Columbus, Ohio (Migeotte), over Flagstaff, Ari-
in this way are balanced by losses of H e into the void zona (Adel), and over Pontiac, Michigan (McMath
of the uni verse, because H e, owing to its lightness, is Observatory) [15, Chap. 10]. From the latter data the
not permanently retained by the gravitational field of CH4 content of air has been estimated to be about 1.2
the earth. ppm (by weight), that is, about 2.2 X I0-6 by volume.
A world survey covering all continents and oceans It is possible that this figure is somewhat high, as
from the Arctic to the Antarctic [12] showed no sig- during the process of distillation of air it is found that
nificant deviations even comparatively near oil fields the Kr and Xe fraction contains only an amount of
in the United States. The value obtained was 5.239 CH4 roughly equal to that of these gases (1.2 X I0- 6
0.002 ppm with a standard deviation of 0.008 by volume).
ppm [11]. It is apparent that the turbulence of the We are faced with the question of the origin of this
troposphere quickly eliminates any nonuniformity re- CH4 which is constantly destroyed by the ozone in
sulting from locali sed H e discharge. atmospheric air. As a constant source of this CH4 we
may consider either decay of biologica! products, or
ATMOSPHERIC GASES OF CONSTANT gas escaping from oil wells, or both. The question of
PERCENTAGE the relative extent of these two processes can be decided
While surveys over large areas have been carried by determining the content of radiocarbon (1 4G) in the
out only for the four gases 0 2, C0 2, A, and H e, the CH 4 of air. Methane from biologica! sources contains
constaucy in the total percentage of these gases makes 0.95 X I0- 12 g of 14G per g of C, while mineral CH4
it plausible that other gases too must have a constant is inactive.
total percentage, unless they are subject to vapour- At the suggestion of the author, Prof. F. W. Libby
pressure equilibria (as is H20) or to radiation equilibria at the University of Chicago analysed the 14G content of

atmospheric methane and found it to coincide with that M ethods of Determination. The main difficulty in the
of biologica! methane. The analysis also places an upper determination of 0 3 in atmospheric air lies in the fact
limit of about 200 years on the mean lifetime of the that simple chemical reactions are not specific for 0 3
methane in the atmosphere and suggests an annual and that gases like H202, N02, and S02 interfere with
production of upwards of 107 tons of methane from the chemical determination, the first two by increasing,
biologica! sources. the last by decreasing the analytical result. However,
Hydrogen (H2). The H2 content of air is known these gases occur only in the vicinity of human habi-
only approximately. Paneth [16] concludes that it is a tation. On the other hand, the spectroscopic investiga-
constant constituent of atmospheric air and that its tion of surface air [7, 13], though accurate, is so time-
amount can be assumed tobe about 5 X 10-7 by vol- consuming (due to the necessary photometry of the
ume. Recent analyses by the author and G. P. Kitt gave spectrograms) that it does not lend itself to routine
varying amounts of H 2 upwards of 0.4 ppm, and in- observations. This also applies to the chemical method
vestigations are in progress to see whether these varia- of Edgar and Paneth [c. 12] which relies on the separa-
tions occur in the free air or are due to local contam- tion of 0 3 from ali other gases by low-temperature
ination. adsorption on silica gel. However, two accurate methods
Summary. The figures believed to be most reliable have been evolved which give reliable results in a
for the constituents of dry air are listed in Table V. comparatively short time and thus make possible large
numbers of determinations under quickly changing me-
TABLE V. NoNvARIABLE CoMPONENTS OF ATMOSPHERrc Am teorologica! conditions. (See V. H. Regener [c. 17] and
Constituent Content (per cent) Conten t (ppm)
Glueckauf, Real, Martin, and Paneth [c. 12].)
The results obtained so far can generaliy be explained
N ................. ... 78.084 0.004 on the hasis that 0 3 which is produced in the higher
o.................... 20.946 0.002 regions-mostly in the stratosphere and possibly some
co.* .......... ...... . 0.033 0.001
just below the tropopause-reaches the ground level
A ................... . 0.934 0.001
Ne .................. . 18.18 0.04 through the turbulence of the air, and on its way down
He .. ................ . 5.24 0.004 is gradualiy diminished and eventualiy destroyed by
Kr .. ................ . 1.14 0.01
Xe .. ................ . 0.087 0.001 oxidisable materials of an organic and inorganic char-
H ......... ........... 0.5 acter.
CH.. ................ 2
N20 . ................ . 0.5 0.1
Diurnal V ariations. On days with little turbulence,
the ground Oa found during the day usualiy disappears
* Extrapolated to 1950 according to Fig. 1. at nightfali because of the increased stability of the air,
but it remains unaffected at higher wind velocities.
CONSTITUENTS OF VARIABLE Annual Variations. Pronounced maxima (7 X 10-s
CONCENTRATIONS by volume about May) and minima (2 X 10-s about
(Excluding Water Vapour) November) of the ground 0 3 have been found by many
observers. The fact that these annual variations are
A rough survey of some of these constituents is
given in Table VI. greater than those of the total 0 3 may be due to the
greater instability of the atmosphere during the sum-
mer months. There are some indications that at higher
ATMOSPHERIC AIR latitudes (e.g., Abisko, Lapland) the high summer
values of ground 0 3 appear later, if at ali.
Constituent Origin Proportion in ground air (range)
Geographic Variations. Next to nothing is known
03 .......... Ultraviolet radia- {O to 0.07 ppm (summer) about the geographical distribution of 0 3 over conti-
tion O to O. 02 ppm (winter) nents and oceans. Almost ali determinations have been
so......... Industrial O to 1 ppm carried out between the latitudes 45N to 68N over
NO . ....... Industrial O to 0.02 ppm
CH.O ....... Biologica! or oxy- Un cert ain laud. Usher and Rao [22], however, reported the ab-
dat ion of CH 4 sence of ground 0 3 in India. This result may not be
I .......... Industrial Up to I0-4 g m-3
NaCl. ...... Sea spray Order of I0- 4 g m-3 reliable, but there is obviously wide scope for further
NH3 ... Industrial O to trace investigations.
co . ........ Industrial O to trace Ozone during Depressions. The usualiy high wind
velocity and atmospheric turbulence during depressions
Ozone (Oa). The bulk of atmospheric 0 3 is con- result in high 0 3 contents (subject to the seasonal
tained in the stratosphere, where it is produced by the variations). However, low values of 0 3 were found
ultraviolet radiation from the sun. The problems con- at Durham, England [10], even at high wind velocities
nected with its production and occurrence there form in advance of warm fronts, and during occlusions of
the subject of a separate article in this Compendium. 3 the cold-front type. Apparently under these conditions
W e shali deal here only with observations of 0 3 near inversions are formed which restrict the turbulent inter-
the surface. change of air masses near the ground with the 0 3
produced in higher regions. It is to be expected that
3. Consult "Ozone in the Atmosphere" by F. W. P. Gotz, such phenomena wili be greatly reduced in regions
pp. 275-291. with low industrial contamination (e.g., over the

oceans), but no experimental data are available to height. This would be expected if the mixing ratio is
check this argument. kept constant by turbulence. Much less obvious is the
Ozone during Thunderstorms. Dobson [c. 10] has ob- fact that the 0 3 content is high in cloudy regions and
served many cases where the total 03 increases during reaches a maximum just below cloud level. Regener
thunderstorms and during the passage of thunder- [17] explains these maxima as produced by advection,
clouds. There can be little doubt that these changes which may sometimes be the case. However, the re-
occur in the tropospheric air and are caused by electric peated occurrence of stratified clouds near such an 0 3
phenomena. A continuous measurement [10] during a maximum seems to indicate that under these conditions
thunderstorm gave no indication of any abnormal in- 0 3 may be produced by phenomena of an electrica!
crease of 0 3 near the ground and on this occasion, at nature.
least, the 0 3-bearing air masses did not reach ground Sulphur Dioxide (SOz). The quantities of SOz found
level. Other observers [13], however, found abnormally in air vary greatly according to the nearness of towns
high 0 3 values in ground air on some thundery days. and the turbulence of the air. To give a few examples:
Vertical Distribution of Ozone in the Troposphere. An An average of 0.033 ppm was found at the Boyce
increase of the 0 3 content with height in the troposphere Thompson Institute (about 15 miles from New York
is shown by the data of Chalonge, Gotz, and Vassy [7], City); at Chicago an average of from 0.06 to 0.27 ppm
who found an average of 1.7 X 10-s at Lauterbrunnen, was found in residential districts and from 0.4 to 0.5
Switzerland (800 m), and 3.0 X 10-8 at Jungfraujoch, ppm in manufacturing districts. In the presence of 03,
Switzerland (3450 m). air may be expected to be free of SOz.
Nitrogen Dioxide (N0 2 ). No systematic determina-
tions of this constituent seem to have been made. This
is largely because of the small quantity present in air
AUG 21,1942
AUG 24,1942
and the difficulty of analysis. A very reliable method
of N0 2 analysis in air, based on the use of 2:4 xylen-
1-ol was used by Edgar and Paneth [c. 12]. From the
fact that on a large number of days the NOz content
found in this way was below the threshold of sensitivity
(5 X 10- 10 ), one is tempted to conclude that NOz is
nota normal constituent of air. This may be due essen-
tially to its high solubility in water. In large towns,
however, where N0 2 occurs as a by-product from the
combustion of nitrogenous matter, varying quantities
up to 2 X 10-s were found by a number of authors.
Ammonia (NH 3 ). The presence of minute amounts
of NH 3 in atmospheric air over Michigan has been
claimed by Mohler, Goldberg, and McMath [c. 15,
Ac + Chap. 10] from absorption bands in the 2-J.L region.
As But, as Migeotte and Chapman [c. 15, Chap. 10] have
:r: pointed out, the 10.5-J.L fundamental band of NH3 is
4 much more suitable for testing the presence of atmos-
pheric N H 3, and no evidence could be found in this
region of absorption either above Flagstaff, Arizona,

~ or above Columbus, Ohio. Moreover, NH3 is very

soluble in water and thus is not likely to be retained
in the air for any lengthy period.
Carbon Monoxide (CO). This gas was observed spec-
troscopically by Migeotte [c. 1] over Columbus, Ohio,
as well as on the Jungfraujoch (3580 m altitude) but,
as none could be found by Adei over Flagstaff, Ari-
zona [1], it is not yet certain whether it is a permanent
constituent of the atmosphere.
IN I0-8 PER VOL. The composition of air in the upper atmosphere is of
Fig. 2.-Vertical distribution of ozone in the troposphere. considerable interest as an indicator of whether or not
(Ajter Ehmert [c. 17].) large-scale mixing of air masses takes place in the
stratosphere. It is often assumed that the absence of a
Ozone determinations made in aircraft by Ehmert systematic temperature gradient in the stratosphere is
[c. 17] show a variety of features (see Fig. 2). In one incompatible with large-scale mixing. In the absence
case the air above cloud level has 0 3 contents which, of turbulent mixing, however, diffusive separation of
if measured in volume per volume, are independent of the gases should take place and the lighter gases should

become relatively more abundant with increasing very similar to that found in the same atomic species
height. in other parts of the earth's crust 4 (see Table VIII).
The most direct method of finding the level where Water Vapour. Because of differences in the vapour
diffusive separation begins is the chemical analysis of pressures, mainly of 1H 2 160, 1H 2 180, and 1H 2H 160, the
air samples taken at great heights, since the gravita- density of atmospheric water should be slightly less
tional equilibrium should cause the 0 2 content to de- than that in the oceans from which it originates. This
crease by 2 per cent per kilometre and the He content was confirmed by Riesenfeld and Chang [19] who found
to increase by 14 per cent per kilometre. Air samples a deficit of 3.8 'Y in the density of snow water, and of
from the stratosphere have been obtained by manned 2.5 'Y for rain water (1 'Y = 10-6 g ml- 1). These figures
and unmanned balloon flights. The results of these are approximately what would be expected from the
analyses are shown in Table VII. known vapour pressures.
Oxygen. The differences in the composition of the
TABLE VII. CoMPOSITION OF AIR IN THE STRATOSPHERE oxygen in (liquid) water, gaseous oxygen, and carbon
Height Helium variation Oxygen varia tion dioxide are much smaller, the densities being in the
Source of data
(km) (per cent) (per cent) ratio 1:1.0000073:1.0000116 [23]. From this follows a
slight enrichment, of the 180 isotope in the ratio
9-17 o c
1:1.0033:1.0053. The difference of the oxygen density
14.5 -0.14 d
16.5 +0.5 0.5 e
18.5 +0.7 0.3 o e,a ATMOSPHERIC GASES
18.5 -0.38 d
19.0 +0.55 0.15 -0.24 e,d Atomic mass numbers (in parentheses) and percentages
21.0 +6.9 0.7 e (in italics) of isotopic species
21.5 -0.24 b
22.0 +4.1 0.2 e HinH20 (1) 99.98 (2) o. 02
22.0 +1.95 0.15 e He (3) 1.1 X I0- 4 (4) 100

c co2
in (12) 98.9 (13) 1.1 (14) 0.95 X 1o-- 12
N (14) 99.62 (15) 0.38

o (16) 99.757 (17) 0.039 (18) 0.204
Ne (20) 90.00 (21) 0.27 (22) 9.73
24 -0.86 d A (36) 0.307 (38) 0.061 (40) 99.632
25 +2.1 0.3 e
28-29 -2.5 d
* Manned balloon flights Unmanned balloon flights for atmospheric co2 and for that tJf carbonate rocks
(a) Prokofiev, 1933 (c) Lepape and Colange, 1935 is negligible [9].
(b) Explorer II, 1936 (d) E. Regener, 1936
(e) Glueckauf and Paneth,1946 Hydrogen. The difference in the isotopic composition
between atmospheric H2 and water vapour in air has
It appears from this table that there is no significant not been determined, but if the two are in equilibrium
change in either the He content or the 0 2 content below (which is not necessarily the case), one would expect
20 km. The H e surplus observed between 21 and 25 a considerably reduced deuterium-hydrogen ratio in the
km averages 3.3 per cent, an enrichment which should (D-1-
gaseous h y d rogen, a s H)water
- - - -vapour
-- = 3 . 6 (S uess [21)) .
be found at the top of a column of still air only 250 m (D 1H) hydrogen
high. The biggest 02 deficit, at about 28 km, corre- Helium. 5 Much g reater differences are observed for
sponds to a column of still air only 1100 high. It is m the 3He content of helium found in air, in rocks, and
therefore apparent that at the heights reached by in oil wells (Aldrich and Nier [2], and Coon [8]), the
sounding balloons there is sufficient turbulence to reduce ratios 3Hei 4He being 1.2 X 10-5, 1.5 X 10-7 , and
the changes in the H e content to about X o of what 3 X 10-8 , respectively. This clearly points to a differ-
one would expect from a gravitational equilibrium start- ent mode of origin of the two H e species in the three
ing at the tropopause. The recent analysis by Chackett, cases. The 3H e in the atmosphere is suspected to arise
from the reaction of nitrogen with neutrons derived
Paneth, and Wilson [6] of three air samples collected
from cosmic radiation. The 3He in the lithosphere is
by a V-2 rocket from a height of 50 to 70 km, gave
presumably due to the action of neutrons on Li where
variations of +0.3 to -4 per cent for He, variations of the neutrons arise from known reactions of small atomic
-0.3 to -0.7 per cent for Ne, and variations of -0.4 nuclei with the a particles of the natural radio-ele-
to + 1.0 per cent for A. These results make it certain
that no diffusive separation is maintained even at these
4. The questions of the origin and development of the at-
great heights. mosphere, though of interest to meteorologists, cannot be
adequately dealt with in this paper. Attention is drawn to
ISOTOPIC COMPOSITION OF THE detailed articles by Chamberlin, Brown, and Kuiper [15,
ATMOSPHERIC GASES Chaps. 8, 9, 12], and by Wildt [24] where further references
may be found.
Increased attention to the isotopic composition of 5. (Added in press) See also the recent note by P. Harteck
the atmospheric gases is likely to throw light on a and V. Faultings on "The 3He-Problem of the Atmosphere.'!
number of problems. The composition in most cases is N ature, 166:1109 (1950).

ments. The connection of 3He in minerals with Li is detailed investigation, including a study of its possible
borne out by the abnormally high 3He/ 4He ratio in mode of generation under such conditions.
spodumene, a lithium aluminium silicate. Upper Atmosphere. It now seems certain that the
Carbon. Another isotope which owes its existence to upper atmosphere has essentially the same composition
the neutrons from cosmic radiation is the radioactive as that found at the ground, at least up to heights of
14C, which is produced by 14N + n ~ 1H + 14C. 70 km, though further confirmation of the rocket data
As cosmic ray neutrons are produced mainly in the is desirable and will no doubt be obtained in the near
upper atmosphere, the 14C starts its career as C0 2 and future. This uniformity means that turbulent mixing
enters into all organic matter by the process of plant in the stratosphere is considerably greater than was
assimilation. Mter the death of the plant the radio- formerly expected. An explanation for this turbulence
active carbon decays with a half-life of 5720 years, so has been suggested by Brewer [4] who assumes an air
that old coal and oil deposits are no longer radioactive. circulation involving a movement of air into the strato-
The proportion of radiocarbon was found to be 0.95 sphere at the equator followed by slow poleward move-
X 10- 12 g of 14C -per g 12C in living matter [3]. ment in the stratosphere, accompanied by a slow sinking
movement in the temperate and polar regions. As this
hypothesis requires the abandonment of the idea of a
Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide. Our best values of the stratosphere which is in radiative equilibrium, many
Oz content or, for that matter, of the 02 and C02 new and interesting problems arise which require ex-
content of air date from 1912. Since then a number of . perimental eonfirmation.
improvements in the control of thermostats and in all
manner of measuring devices have been made, which REFERENCES
should render possible an increased accuracy. A re-
determination is particularly desirable in order to get 1. ADEL, A., "Concerning the Abundance of Atmospheric
an idea of any long-term variations of the 02 content Carbon Monoxide." Phys. Rev., 75:176&--1767 (1949).
of air. 2. ALDRICH, L. T., and NIER, A. C., "The Occurrence of
3 He in Natural Sources of Helium." Phys. Rev., 74:159~
There are, moreover, the unexplained 0 2 values of
1594 (1948).
Lockhart and Court in the Antarctic which should be
3. ANDERSON, E. C., and others, "Natural Radiocarbon from
either confirmed or refuted. This applies also to the Cosmic Ratliation." Phys. Rev., 72:931-936 (1947).
high C02 values observed by Krogh in certain arctic 4. BREWER, A. W., "Evidence for a World Circulation Pro-
regions, where the observed variations were very large, vided by the Measurements of Helium and Water Vapour
and further investigations are likely to bring to light Distribution in the Stratosphere." Quart. J. R. meteor.
some interesting phenomena responsible for such Soc., 75:351-363 (1949).
changes. Callendar's suggestion of a C0 2 increase during 5. CALLENDAR, G. S., "Variations of the Amount of Carbon
this century due to industrial co2 production requires Dioxide in Different Air Currents." Quart. J. R. meteor.
that the C02 content of the N orthern Hemisphere should Soc., 66:395-400 (1940).
6. CHACKETT, K. F., PANETH, F. A., and WrLsON, E. J.,
be slightly larger than that of the Southern Hemi-
"Chemical Analysis of Stratosphere Samples from 50
sphere, a feature which should be subject to experimen- to 70 Km. Height." J. atmos. terr. Phys., 1:49-55 (1950).
tal verification by modern techniques. 7. CHALONGE, D., GoTz, F. W. P., et VAssY, E., "Mesures
The results of Buch and of Wattenberg make it simultanees de la teneur en ozone des basses couches de
fairly certain that there is a co2 circulation in the oceans l'atmosphere a Jungfraujoch et a Lauterbrunnen."
involving uptake of COz at high latitudes and its re- C. R. Acad. Sci., Paris, 198:1442 (1934).
lease at low latitudes. Some light on the time scale of 8. CooN, J. H., "Isotopic Abundance of 3 He." Phys. Rev.,
this cycle might be thrown by a 14C analysis of the 75:1355-1357 (1949).
co2 released from the sea at low latitudes, which, if 9. DoLE, M., and SLOBOD, R. L., "Isotopic Composition of
Oxygen in Carbonate Rocks and Iron Oxide Ores."
the cycle exceeds 10 3 years, would result in a noticeable
decrease of 14C activity. J. Amer. chem. Soc., 62:471-479 (1940).
10. GLUECKAUF, E., "The Ozone Content of Surface Air and
Methane. The CH4 in the atmosphere, discovered Its Relation to Some Meteorologica! Conditions." Quart.
only recently, still offers a few problems. Its percentage J. R. meteor. Soc., 70:13-19 (1944).
in air requires more accurate determination, and the 11. - - "A Micro-analysis of the Helium and Neon Contents
question of its production requires further study. of Air." Proc. roy. Soc., (A) 185:98-119 (1946).
Hydrogen. Our knowledge of the H 2 content of the 12. - - and PANETH, F. A., "The Helium Content of Atmos-
air is so far inadequate. pheric Air." Proc. roy. Soc., (A) 185:89-98 (1946).
Ozone. Large gaps still exist in our knowledge of the 13. GoTz, F. W. P., ScHEIN, M., und STOLL, B., "Messungen
atmospheric Oa near the ground. Its geographical dis- des bodennahen Ozons in Ziirich." Beitr. Geophys.,
tribution at ground level is quite unexplored; its de- 45:237-242 (1935).
pendence on weather conditions has only been touched 14. KROGH, A., "Abnormal Carbon Dioxide Percentage in the
Air in Greenland .... " Medd. Grpnland, 26:407-435
on, and requires much more systematic investigation, (1904).
particularly with reference to its vertical distribution. 15. KuiPER, G. P., ed., Atmospheres of the Earth and Planets.
The increased occurrence of 0 3 near cloud levels and Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1949. (See Chaps.
its connection with thunder clouds also require more 8, 9, 10, and 12.)

16. PANETH, F. A., "The Chemical Composition of the Atmos- 21. SuEss, H., "Isotopen Austauch Gleichgewichte" in FIAT
phere." Quart. J. R. meteor. Soc., 63:433-438 (1937). Rev. of German Sci., 1939-1946, Vol. 30, Physical Chemis-
17. REGENER, E., "Ozonschicht und atmosphrische Turbu- try, pp. 19-24. Off. Milit. Govt. Germany, Field Inform.
lenz." Meteor. Z., 60:235-269 (1943). Agencies, Tech. Wiesbaden, 1948.
18. REGNAULT, M. V., "Recherches sur la composition de l'air 22. UsHER, F. L., and RAo, B. S., "The Determination of
atmospMrique." Ann. Chim. (Phys.), 3 ser., 36:385- Ozone and Oxides of Nitrogen in the Atmosphere."
405 (1852). J. chem. Soc., 111:799-809 (1917).
19. RrESENFELD, E. H., und CHANG, T. L., "Die Verteilung 23. VrNOGRADOW, A. P., and TErs, R. V., "Isotopic Composi-
der schweren Wasser Isotope auf der Erde." Natur- tion of Oxygen of Different Origins." C. R. (Doklady)
wissenschaften, 24:616-618 (1936). Acad. Sci. URSS, 33:490-493 (1941).
20. SLOBOD, R. J., and KROGH, M. E., "Nitrous Oxide as a 24. WrLDT, R., "The Geochemistry of the Atmosphere and the
Constituent of the Atmosphere." J. Amer. chem. Soc., Constitution of the Terrestrial Planets." Rev. mod.
72: 1175-1177 (1950). Phys., 14:151-159 (1942).
Solar Radiant Energy and Its Modification by the Earth and
lts Atmosphere by Sigmund Fritz............................................................ 13

Long-Wave Radiation by Fritz Moller...................................................... . . . . . . 34

Actinometric Measurements by Anders Angstrom.................................................. 50


U. S. Weather Bureau, Washington, D. C.

The sun is the principal source of the energy which, tively thin reversing layer, so called because the spectral
by devious means, becomes the interna!, potential, and lines ordinarily seen as dark absorption lines in the
kinetic energy of the atmosphere. The solar irradiation photospheric spectrum appear as bright emission lines
of a unit horizontal surface at the outer limits of the when examined in the reversing layer; stiH farther from
earth's atmosphere can be evaluated, at least in relative the photosphere is the chromosphere; and beyond that
units, from astronomical and trigonometrical considera- is the corona [4]. The sun's "surface" and its surround-
tions [61]; thus on a relative scale, the diurnal and ing atmosphere are by no means static. The presence
seasonal variations of this solar irradiation above the of short-lived photospheric grains, dark sunspots, bright
atmosphere are known. On the average, variations simi- areas (faculae and flocculi), and erupting prominences
lar to these occur also at the earth's surface, and the indicate that the entire observable sun is in a state of
associated diurnal and seasonal changes in atmospheric considerable turmoil. This turmoil is associated with
temperature are commonplace knowledge [52]. variations in the quantity and spectral intensity dis-
There are, however, additional changes in effective tribution of the solar energy which subsequently irra-
solar irradiation of the planet Earth which are super- diates the outer limits of the earth's atmosphere.
posed on the trigonometrical variations. These are of Average Spectral Distribution of Sunlight. To calcu-
two kinds. The first is due to the change in the quality late the solar energy available for meteorologica! proc-
and quantity of energy which leaves the sun. The second esses, it is desirable to measure the amount of solar
is caused by changes in the reflectivity of the atmo- energy Io (the so-called solar constant) which reaches
sphere (including clouds) and of the earth's surface; the the outer atmosphere of the earth. To determine the
solar energy which is immediately reflected to space interaction between our atmosphere and the sun's
cannot be meteorologically effective. energy, the distribution of spectral intensity Iox of the
In contrast to the regular, astronomically induced extraterrestrial solar energy is also required. For both
changes in meteorologica! parameters (notably diurnal of these quantities we are largely indebted to the Astro-
and seasonal atmospheric temperature changes), the physical Observatory of the Smithsonian Institution,
large-scale meteorologica! consequences of these irregu- whose determinations of ! 0 and l 0x are monuments to
lar changes in solar irradiation are far from obvious, the work of the Observatory.
if, indeed, any such meteorologica! effects can be shown Until recently, the sun's energy had not been directly
tobe induced at all by them. For example, changes of observed below wave lengths of about 2900 A because
the first kind (i.e., in solar output) have been invoked of the absorption of energy of shorter wave lengths by
as possible causes of abnormal heating in the ozone the envelope of ozone which surrounds the earth up to
layer with subsequent pressure changes at the earth's about 50 km. For wave lengths greater than 2900 A,
surface [44]; changes of the second kind (i.e., in reflec- selective scattering and absorption, mainly by air, dust,
tion by the earth or clouds) are important, for instance, and water vapor, modify the solar spectrum; these
in local turbulence of the air near the ground, but are troublesome modifications must be eliminated from
rarely used to explain widespread meteorologica! phe- measurements made at the ground under cloudless skies
nomena. These as well as other solar-induced meteor- to obtain the extraterrestrial spectrum. In the region
ologica! phenomena are discussed elsewhere in this from about 0.29 f.L to 2.5 f.L numerous measurements and
Compendium. In this article we shall, for the most part, extrapolations have been made. The Smithsonian Insti-
examine the solar energy itself and shall mention its tution [3] is the main source of spectral information for
meteorologica! effects only incidentally. the region above 3400 A, but its latest summary of data
was compiled in 1923 [2]. Recently, V-2 rocket observa-
SOLAR RADIATION OUTSIDE THE EARTH'S tions have extended the measured spectrum down to
ATMOSPHERE 2200 A [47].
The Sun. The sun, located about 93,000,000 miles V isible and N ear I nfrared Radiation. Both the total
from the earth, is a large, hot, gaseous mass. When amount and the spectral distribution of the radiant
viewed through a smoked glass it appears as a smooth energy emitted by a black body are determined by its
circular disk which is called the photosphere, but when temperature. It is therefore convenient to describe the
examined with the aid of more refined techniques, the radiant energy from a source in terms of the black-body
photospheric surface appears highly granulated and is temperature which would most nearly produce the ob-
surrounded by a gaseous envelope which is commonly served energy. The sun does not radiate as a black
divided into three layers for descriptive purposes. Of body. Despite this fact, the average dbserved energy
these the one just outside the photosphere is the rela- curve from about 0.45 f.L to about 2.0 f.L closely approxi-

mates tbe spectral-energy distribution of a black body km in wbicb no ozone could be detected and was one
(Fig. 1). It is tberefore not unusual to speak of tbe of a series of spectra observed at levels up to 88 km.
black-body temperature of tbe sun as 6000K, altbougb Otber measurements from rockets up to 155 km [20]
tbis numerica! value may vary by severa! bundred show results similar to those at 55 km and indicate that
degrees depending upon tbe metbod used to calculate the energy is less than that of a black body at 6000K.
it (4]. For example, tbe total energy emitted by a black A recent curve by Gotz and Schonmann [35], based
body per unit area per unit time is given by uT 4 , wbere on fi ve observations in tbe region from 3300 A to 5000
T is its temperature in degrees absolute and u is tbe A, lies far below (by a factor of 2 or more at 3400 A)
Stefan-Boltzmann constant. Tbe solar constant is com- Moon's curve of Fig. 1; this is also true of Hess's data
monly taken as 1.94 ly min-1 (wbere ly = langley = [55, p. 324]. Perbaps tbese lower values are due to tbe
g cal cm-2), and considering tbe distance from tbe fact tbat tbe Smitbsonian observations were troubled
eartb to tbe sun, we can calculate tbe total energy by scattered ligbt at sbort wave lengtbs. If tbe rocket
emitted by tbe sun. Tben, by introducing tbe sun's data (Fig. 2) bad been joined to tbe data of Gotz and
Scbonmann, tbe resultant spectral curve would ob-

700 - - - - - - - - - ~--------l



~ 200

!: 100
w > 1
> 70
i= 1 ~~.-
. --t----1 t-
<1 ~---+-~r-~-~---+----~ : 1
w 50 w / SUNLIGHT
0:: 1 \\
l -- 7""'f - - - + - - - + - l - 35 KM

30 1 1

20 1i- ';;':~~(li
6 1903 -1910
}z. . '
z~~ l:
,/ -----+---+--~

, :m : :;2~
~;:. 1
- BLACK BOOV 6000 K i~

~ ~~
~ ~~~~~-~~~--~
~ ~L_~~ 2200 2400 3400
0 .3 0 .4 0.5 0.7 1. 0 1.5 2.0 3.0 WAVELENGTH !ANGSTROMSl
FIG. 2.-Bpectral intensity distribution of ultraviolet solar
FIG. 1.-Spectral intensity distribution of solar radiation radiation measured from a rocket. (Ajter Hulburt [47].)
outside the earth's atmosphere. (Ajter Moon [63] .)
viously bave been mucb farther below tbe 6000K curve.
area, we calculate tbe energy radiated per square centi- Future measurements will decide tbe true state of af-
meter of solar surface. Placing tbat energy equal to uT 4, fairs.
we get T = 5770K. Injrared Radiation. Tbe near infrared bas been ob-
Anotber temperature estimate results from Wien's served many times by tbe Smitbsonian Institution.
displacement law for black bodies: Amax T = const, Abbot and otbers [2] considered tbeir 1920-22 curve as
wbere Amax is tbe wave lengtb of maximum intensity. tbe best estimate. Their data exceed t he black-body
Abetti (4] takes Amax = 4740 A and finds T = 6080K. curve (Fig. 1) in tbe region near 2 f.J., but Moon, also
It sbould be empbasized tbat at wave lengths out- accepting the earlier data, adopted the 6000K black-
side tbe region 0.45 fJ. to 2.0 f.1. solar energy departs body curve as tbe true one beyond 1.25 f.J.. Beyond 2.5 f.J.,
markedly from tbat of a black body at 6000K. Moon Adei [5] bas observed tbe spectrum up to about 24 f.J..
[63] bas combined tbe results of severa! autbors and ob- Re finds that the solar temperature is about 7000K in
tained Fig. 1, wbicb shows tbe relative intensity Iox the far infrared.
of tbe energy as a function of wave lengtb. Short-W ave Radio Radiation. Measurements up to
Ultraviolet Radiation. The energy in the ultraviolet 24 f.1. have been made by optica! means. Recently the
spectrum is well below tbat of a black body at 6000K; observations have been extended by radio detection
this has been establisbed by severa! investigators [35, instruments into wave lengths of the order of a few
37, 72]. Hulburt's curve [47] in Fig. 2 contains the centimeters to a few meters [39, 62]. Tbese observations
Naval Research Labora.tory rocket measurement at 55 indicate black-body temperatures of tbe order of 106K

or more. It should be pointed out, however, that the radio waves of certain frequencies. The approximate
black-body energy is so small at those wave lengths- heights [38, 62] and pressures of those layers are given
even during disturbed sun conditions-that radiation in Table I.
from a black body at 10 6K can contribute only a very
small amount of thermal energy by comparison with TABLE l. APPROXIMATE HEIGHTS LAYERS

the principal solar energy [39].

Height Approximate pressure
The Unmeasured Radiation. We turn now to an im- Layer (km) (mb)
portant region of unmeasured radiation, namely, the
ultraviolet energy below 2200 A. F, 300 5 X I0- 7
From a consideration of the ionized states of certain F1 200 1 X I0- 5
E 100 5 X w-a
elements observed in the sun and from the considera- D 80 to 50 5 X I0- 2 to 1
tion of the state of ionization of the earth's ionosphere,
severa! investigators have concluded that in the region The highest frequency radio signal which can be re-
below 1000 A the sun radiates energy corresponding to flected is called the critica[ frequency fo for the reflecting
temperatures above 6000K Greenstein [37] mentions layer, and it can be shown that under certain assump-
the uncertainty regarding the need for assuming such tions [64, p. 59]
excess ultraviolet radiation and concludes that at least
for A > 1215 A the temperature corresponding to solar (1)
energy is probably less than 6000K and is near 5000K.
For A ~ 900 A he discusses a suggestion by Kiepen- and that
heuer and W aldmeir that corona temperatures of 10 6K (2)
enhance the photospheric radiation by a factor of 2 at
900 A and by 2 X 106 at 600 A. For A > 900 A no ap- where N; is the maximum ion density of an ionized
preciable radiation is contributed by the corona. Super- layer. Hence on combining equations (1) and (2),
posed on the average radiations, measured and un- (3)
measured, are the radiations from the "cool," dark
sunspots (temperature about 4800K [4]), and the in- The critica! frequency foF 2 of the F 2-layer fluctuates
creased radiation from the bright areas, that is, from considerably from day to day. When the measured
faculae and flocculi. daily value of foF 2 at noon is plotted against the daily
In addition to the electromagnetic radiation de- sunspot number, no significant correlation can be found
scribed above, the sun also emits particles which are [69]; on a monthly hasis a small correlation may be
responsible for such effects as the aurorae and some present [13]. However, if a twelve-month running aver-
types of magnetic and ionospheric storms. age of noon foF 2 is plotted against the twelve-month
Summary. It appears then that in the optically running averages of sunspot numbers, a linear relation
measured spectrum, from about 0.45 JL to 24 J..t the sun results with very little scatter of the points [64], and
radiates as a black body whose temperature is close to foF, increases by a factor of about 2 from sunspot
6000K, perhaps increasing to 7000K towards the higher minimum to sunspot maximum. Similar results appear
wave lengths. For shorter wave lengths, at least down for the Fr- and E-layers; but for these latter layers, fo
to 0.22 J..t, the mcasured radiation corresponds to a con- increases by a factor of about 1.2 from sunspot mini-
siderably lower temperature of about 4000K to 5000K. mum to sunspot maximum [9]. The D-region variation
For 1000 A < A <2200 A this lower temperature may is apparently similar to the E and Fr variation [64].
also apply [37]. But for A < 1000 A the hot corona may If equation (3) is applied to the smoothed data over
dominate, resulting in much higher effective black- the sunspot cycle, Iox (which may be in a different wave-
body radiation. In the comparatively long wave lengths length region for each layer) increases by a factor of
from 1 cm to 30 m, high temperatures (10 6K) are again approximately 2 for the E- and Fr-regions [9, 64]. But
indicated. In the region from 24 J..t to 1 cm, no measure- since !oF, increases by a factor of 2, Iox would increase
ments seem to have been made. sixteenfold in the F 2-region [64]. However, other rela-
Fluctuations of Emitted Radiation. The bright and tions have been mentioned for the F 2 -layer. Mitra [62]
dark markings and other manifestations of changes on indicates that instead of equation (2), N; cx: Iox applies
the sun can be expected to produce spectral emissions here; this leads to Iox cx: f~. Allen [9] prefers Iox cx: fo.
which differ from the average solar emission. These Mitra's relation leads to a fourfold increase in Iox, while
spectral variations are indeed observed directly or in- Allen's relation leads to a twofold increase. W e may
directly in nearly all parts of the solar spectrum. conclude therefore that l 0x, which produces the F2-
Far Ultraviolet. That there are marked changes in the layer, surely increases from sunspot minimum to sun-
far ultraviolet emission from the sun is evident from spot maximum and that the amount of the increase is
measurements of the reflection of radio waves by the at least twofold.
ionospheric layers in the earth's upper atmosphere. What is the significance of ionospheric heating for
These layers are regions where solar ultraviolet energy tropospheric meteorology? Since very little clired rela-
(A < 1000 A) has ionized the atmospheric gases, with tion exists between the critica! frequencies and the
the result that they have the property of reflecting unsmoothed sunspot data, some effect (possibly solar)

other than sunspots must produce these ionospheric offer an interesting explanation of this ionization. Ozone
variations; only on the average is the ultraviolet in- absorbs very strongly in the region 2300 A to 2800 A,
tensity correlated with sunspots. W e should expect but this spectral region is transmitted readily by the
therefore that the meteorology of the troposphere would atmosphere above 60 km. They suggest that partial ab-
not be correlated with sunspots on a daily hasis if sorption at the top of the ozone layer ionizes the ozone
ionospheric variations were used as a criterion. What there. Increased solar emission at those wave lengths
about longer periods? The wave lengths involved are may therefore be responsible for the increased D-region
of the order of 1000 A or less, so that the amount of ionization and hence for SID's. It should be pointed
energy is small and the pressure (about I0-3 mb or less) out however that the recent V-2 rocket measurements
and density of the absorbing layers are so small that it [47] could not detect any ozone above 55 km. Probably
seems unlikely that heating in the ionosphere by the an amount of ozone smaller than could be detected by
increased ultraviolet energy can directly affect the me- the rocket exists above 55 km and this is sufficient to
teorology of the lower atmosphere; at least that is the produce the observed ionization. 1
view of one school of thought [71, p. 504]. Therefore According to some writers, the increased emission
for longer periods also, if only the ionosphere were in- during solar fiares is contributed largely by specific ele-
volved in variable ultraviolet absorption, no tropo- ments, hydrogen and calcium, for example [25], al-
spheric effect would be noticed. though emissions from other elements have been meas-
At present, one cannot specify the height at which ured. Hydrogen does not radiate in the wave lengths
anomalous heating in the upper atmosphere can affect 230G-2800 A. Calcium and some of the other elements,
the troposphere through dynamic processes. However, on the other hand, do emit monochromatic radiation
if in addition to an increase in the radiation which heats there, so that some increase in lo1. occurs during solar
the ionosphere, increases also occur in the ultraviolet fiares in this region-how much of an increase is still
energy which can penetrate to lower layers, for example, unknown.
to the top of the ozone region (4G-50 km) where the Mitra [62] discusses some other SID explanations and
pressure is of the order of 1 to 3 mb, then dynamic prefers 973 A as the wave length of the ionizing radia-
pressure changes caused by additional heating are more tion. Heating by such radiation in a narrow spectral
likely [44; 71, p. 504]. And indeed such ultraviolet hand may be small and should not extend very far into
energy increases may occur, but it is not certain at the ozonosphere. But if, as Wulf and Deming suggest,
present that significant increases occur at wave lengths increased radiant energy in the broad hand 230G-2800
which can heat the ozonosphere. A is emitted, then the resulting increased heating, not
There are several solar-induced effects in the iono- only at and above 60 km but also lower in the ozono-
sphere, as revealed by magnetic and radio data, and sphere, may have important implications for tropo-
from the ozone-heating viewpoint at least one of these spheric meteorology [44]. It would therefore be highly
ionospheric phenomena deserves further mention. That desirable to measure the distribution of spectral in-
phenomenon is the radio fade-out or sudden ionospheric tensity in this region at frequent intervals. Hulburt [47]
disturbance (SID). SID's are caused when radio waves reports that the solar spectrum near 2200 A was de-
transmitted upward from the ground are strongly ab- tected at 34 km from the V-2 rocket, and Brasefield [16]
sorbed in the D-layer, so that they cannot be refiected has described some temperature measurements from an
back to the ground by the higher ionospheric layers. unmanned balloon up to 140,000 ft (42 km). If such
The increased absorption of the radio waves is caused balloons' could be equipped for constant-level fiights at
by a sudden increase in the ionization of the D-layer; 40 km or higher and designed to carry spectral measur-
the increased D-layer ionization is caused by a sudden ing equipment, it would be possible to determine the
large increase in the solar ultraviolet energy which solar spectrum near 2200 A and for X > 2700 A at
reaches and is absorbed by the layer. In short, SID's frequent intervals during days of both disturbed and
are caused by sudden increases in ultraviolet solar undisturbed solar conditions. Such measurements may
radiation and occur simultaneously with the appear- determine whether current ideas regarding solar con-
ance of visible bright solar fiares on the sun (chromo- trol of weather through heating of ozone have any hasis.
spheric eruptions). N ear Ultraviolet. In a series of optica! measurements
Moreover, it is found that during SID's the F-layers during the years 1924-32, Pettit [68] determined the
are practically unaffected and the E-layer is only intensity at 3200 A relative to the intensity at 5000 A
slightly affected. Hence the upper ionospheric regions and extrapolated in the usual manner to the "top" of
are apparently transparent to the ionizing radiations the atmosphere. Presumably the intensity at 5000 A
in this case, while the lower D-region absorbs them changed rather little, so that the variation in the ratio
strongly. The duration of SID's is of the order of a few refiects the time variation in the intensity at 3200 A.
minutes to a few hours, and their intensity is of course His averaged data show a rather good agreement with
variable. the smoothed sunspot numbers, low sunspot numbers
Here then is a phenomenon which produces short-
lived intense ionization, and hence heating in the vicin- 1. At the January 1950 meeting of the American Mete-
ity of 60 km. Since the upper layers are unaffected, the orologica! Society in St. Louis, Missouri, R. Tousey of the
radiation must be of wave lengths such that the air Naval Research Laboratory reported a rocket measurement of
above 80 km is transparent. Wulf and Deming [79] small amounts of ozone up to 70 km.

corresponding to low ultraviolet radiation, as in the ever, these areas are small and the variations in the
ionosphere, but at times the correlation was negative visible and near-infrared radiation represent only a
(June 1928 to June 1929). Since the intensity at sun- small percentage of the average radiation from the
spot maximum was about 1.5 times that at sunspot entire sun.
minimum, he felt that in general the range of the ob- The Solar Constant. So far we have discussed the
served variations at 3200 A was too great and that an relative spectral distribution of intensity in solar radia-
atmospheric effect might have been partly responsible tion. To describe the radiation it is also necessary to
for the range. specify the amount of radiation on an absolute hasis.
In support of Pettit's doubts, Bernheimer [15] found The "solar constant" is a measure of the total amount
an annual trend in Pettit's data, and indicated that the of heat which reaches the outer atmosphere of the earth.
observed variations may have been due to changes in Specifically, it is often expressed as the amount of
atmospheric transmission, rather than to increased energy which, in one minute, reaches a square centi-
solar emission. As we shall see later, this difficulty of meter of plane surface placed perpendicular to the sun's
extrapolating through the earth's atmosphere is also a rays outside our atmosphere when the earth is at its
continuai vorry in determinations of variations in the mean distance from the sun.
solar constant. M ethods of M easurement. To clarify the following dis-
Visible and lnfrared Radiation. The fluctuations in cussion let us review the hasis for the fundamental (or
ultraviolet radiation seem to be related to hot, bright "long") method of the Smithsonian Institution for
areas, for example, faculae and flocculi [9]. These areas, measuring the solar constant [3, Voi. 6, p. 30]. The
which can be seen visually, cover rather small portions intensity Ix of parallel monochromatic energy trans-
of the sun. As the temperature of a body increases, the mitted through the earth's cloudless atmosphere is
intensity of the emitted radiation increases at all wave given by
lengths, but the wave length of maximum intensity
shifts towards shorter wave lengths. Hence, since the (4)
maximum intensity occurs at a wave length of about or
4700 A in the average solar spectrum (Fig. 1), it might
be expected that, as the sun's temperature increases, In h = In Iox + m ln ax,
the relative increase of intensity at :A < 4700 A will be
greater than in the longer wave length visible or infra- where kx is the extinction coefficient, ax is the atmo-
red regions. Such is indeed the case; the intensity of the spheric transmission with the sun in the zenith, and m
radiation in the visible and infrared changes by small is the optical air mass or the path length of the parallel
amounts in response to the dark and bright markings light through the atmosphere measured in terms of the
on the sun. zenith path as unity. 2
Abbot [3, Voi. 6, p. 165] found that, on days with Except for large zenith angles Z, the value of m is
high solar constant, lox at 0.35 J..L increased by about 5 given by sec Z. Hence m can be readily determined; h
per cent over its value on days with low solar constant. is measured in relative units. If ax remains constant,
At 1.7 J..L, l 0x decreased by about 1 per cent under the then by equation (4) a graphical plot of ln h against
same circumstances. It should be noted, however, that m will yield a straight line whose slope is In ax and
solar-constant variations are not well correlated with whose intercept for m = O (outside the atmosphere) is
sunspots [8]. In / 0x; h is measured nearly simultaneously for the
Radio W aves. As stated earlier, radio-wave emission spectral region 0.34 J..L < A. < 2.5 J..L. This is repeated for
from the sun (from a few centimeters to a few meters in severa! values of m, so that by the graphical method
wave length) indicates temperatures of 10 6K; under just mentioned lox can be evaluated at several wave
disturbed conditions, radiation corresponding to 109K lengths in the region. From the measurement and
can be observed [60, p. 328]. However, the amounts of graphical extrapolation, a plot of Ix vs. :A, and another
these energies are very small. plot of l 0x vs. A. can be made in relative units for the
Summary. There is good evidence from radio meas- region 0.34 J..L to 2.5 J..L. We desire to find the areas ~lx11A.
urements that large fluctuations in solar radiation occur and ~lox !::..A., respectively, under these graphs in abso-
at A. < 1000 A and at A. = 10 to 103 cm. The variations lute units. Therefore, by means of a pyrheliometer, a
seem to appear in daily measurements and also appear nonspectral measurement in absolute energy units is
systematically in the sunspot cycle. In the meteorologic- made of the total radiation I; 1 includes not only the
ally important spectral region of 2000-2800 A there is a energy which reaches the observer for A. between 0.34 J..L
suggestion that at least short-lived large fluctuations
may occur (SID) [79]; direct measurements of these 2. The value of m is ordinarily specified as unity for zenith
fluctuations to determine their magnitude would be path length at sea level. Values of mat sea level are given by
very desirable. At somewhat longer wave lengths, for sec Z for values of Z (sun's zenith distance) up to 70; for larger
Z, Bemporad's formula [56) is commonly used. To compute the
example 3200 A [68], measurements indicate solar- air mass mp for elevated stations where the pressure is p, the
controlled fluctuations, but doubts have been raised sea-level value of m is multiplied by p/po where Po is the sea-
about the reality of their magnitude. That variations in level pressure. When h is measured at one station, however, it
the visible spectrum from parts of the sun occur can be is not necessary to correct m for pressure to find IoA from
seen from the bright and dark areas on the sun. How- equation (4).

aud 2.5 p,, but also the energy for 0.29 p, < h < 0.34 p, energy ordinarily added for A < 0.34 p, is about right.
aud h > 2.5 p, (since energy below 0.29 p, does not reach We have assumed here that the 55-km rocket observa-
the ground). Hence, if to the area "1:.fx!l;\ under the tion represents Io>. for A < 0.34 p,.
spectral curve is added the energy e in the wave lengths In the infrared, 2 per cent is added for radiation be-
which reach the ground but are not measured spectrally yond 2.5 p, during Io determinations. For a black body
(namely 0.29 p, < h < 0.34 p, aud h > 2.5 p,) then the at 6000K this should amount to about 3.1 per cent.
area under the curve, e +'i:,h._!l;\, will be proportional Hence if the energy beyond 2.5 p, is that of a black body
to the corresponding pyrheliometric measurement I. at 6000K or more [5, 63], it would appear that a some-
The area Ioa under the curve of Io>. versus h (for what greater amount than 3.1 per cent is the necessary
0.34 p, < h < 2.5 p,) can now be converted to energy correction.
units, since The area 1:.hflA is adjusted to agree with I by esti-
mating the unmeasured spectral energy. In this process
I 'i:,h._!:!,.;\ + E
(5) of adjustment, errors in the estimated correction are
Ioa - "1:.Io>.flh offset somewhat by the adjustment mechanism itself.
It remains to add to Ioa the energy e0 for h < 0.34 p, This adjustment process, however, does not account for
aud h > 2.5 p, in order to obtain I 0 , the solar constant. errors in eo in the spectral regions which cannot be ob-
This "long" method implies that a>. is constant dur- served at the ground. It is difficult therefore to say
ing the period of measurements (2-3 hr), aud also that exactly what effect the substitution of new corrections
would have on Io. As a first approximation we might
.I, the pyrheliometrically measured radiation , is known assume that the ultraviolet correction is about right
m absolute units (langleys per minute). In practice the
corrections for aii unmeasured spectral regions are aud that the infrared correction is too Iow by 1 or 2
applied together. per cent, so that the computed solar constant can tenta-
Equation (4) requires that the atmospheric trans- tively be given by 1.90 < I 0 < 1.94, the range making
mission a>. be constant during a series of spectral meas- some allowance for the uncertainty of the corrections.
urements which are performed during a period of a few On the hasis of the Smithsonian measurements there
hours (from air mass 5.0 to 1.5). To the extent that a>. does not seem to be much justification for a solar con-
is not constant, errors will be introduced in Io>. aud stant of more than 2.0 Iy min- 1.3
hence in the solar constant. Partly for that reason, the Variation of the Solar Constant. We turn now to a
Smithsonian Institution devised a "short" method for consideration of the following questions: (1) Does the
meas_uring the solar constant. In this method, a>- is de- "solar constant" vary with time? aud (2) Do the
termmed by a measurement of the brightness of the sky measurements of Io indicate the actual variation? The
in the vicinity of the sun aud from an empirica! rela- controversy regarding these questions has been raging
tion between the brightness aud the transmission coef- for a long time, aud a definite answer to the second
ficient a>.. question cannot yet be given. The state of the con-
The Numerical Value of the Solar Constant. Let us troversy is shown in a criticism by Paranjpe [67] aud a
consider I. The standard of pyrheliometry adopted by reply by Abbot [1]; Waldmeir [77] has summarized
the Smithsonian Institution in 1913, when applied to some of the earlier arguments. Two main points have
solar-constant measurements, Ieads to 1.94 ly min-1 as been at issue: (1) Do the measured values at two or
the average value for Io. This is the value most often more widely separated stations vary in the same way
used at present. The Smithsonian standard was known with time? aud (2) Do the 10 measurements or the
to be about 3.5 per cent higher than the .ngstrom transmission coefficients a>. vary seasonally? If so, one
standard, but in 1932 aud on subsequent occasions would expect that the earth's atmosphere is introducing
Abbot aud Aldrich redetermined their standard aud the variations aud that they are not true solar changes.
found that their 1913 standard was too high by 2.3 Abbot has pointed out on severa! occasions that the
~er cent [12], thus decreasing the disagreement with the data from the various stations do agree for monthly
Angstrom scale. The new Smithsonian standard scale means, but that daily values show appreciable de-
reduces the value of the average solar constant from partures. Paranjpe [67] states, however, that the data
1.94 to 1.90 ly min-1 from the stations undergo statistica! adjustment in such
Before accepting this new value we should examine a way as to make the data between stations comparable.
the corrections applied to the solar constant for the From this view, of course, interstation correspondence
unmeasured spectral radiation [3, Vol. 5, p. 103]. In would have no significance. Abbot [1] states definitely
practice a correction is made for the unmeasured radia-
tion in the interval 0.34 p, > h > 0.27 p,, and for this 3. Karandikar [50] assumed a value of more than 2.0 ly
spectral region about 3.4 per cent of the total measured min- 1 At the Ionospheric Physics Conference held at State
radiation is added. Apparently no energy is added for College, Pennsylvania, in July, 1950, Dr. M. O'Day announced
that a measurement from a rocket indicated a value of more
radiation below 0.27 p,. A composite curve of the 55- than 2.0 ly min- 1 This measurement has apparently not yet
km rocket measurement and Smithsonian surface meas- been completely checked. See Discussion of the pa per "Physical
urements indicates that the region from 0.34 p, to 0.27 p, Characteristics of the Upper Atmosphere" by T. R. Burnight
comprises 2.9 per cent of the area between 0.34 p, and in "Proceedings of the Conference on Ionospheric Physics
2.5 p, and that about 0.5 per cent of the total radiation (J uly 1950)." Geophys. Res. Pap., Air For ce Cambridge Research
is included between 0.22 p, and 0.27 p, [56]; hence the Laboratories, Cambridge, Mass. (1951) (in press).

that this is not the case, but that the data are inde- absorbed energy. This is to be compared with a pos-
pendent. It should be pointed out, however, that ques- sible change of 1 per cent in the solar constant.
tions regarding the accuracy of data from all solar- Extraterrestrial Solar Energy on a Horizontal Sur-
constant stations except Montezuma have been raised face. Of fundamental importance for meteorology is
from time to time by Abbot and his colleagues, es- the energy Q which reaches a horizontal area at the
pecially regarding the data prior to 1920 [8]. earth's surface. For purposes of comparison and to
With regard to the seasonal variation of solar con- permit certain computations of Q, Milankovitch [61]
stants, Abbot has made comparisons of differences be- computed QE, the extraterrestrial value of Q, from the
tween solar-constant measurements at Southern Hemi- relation
sphere and N orthern Hemisphere stations on a monthly
hasis and finds no seasonal variation in the differences. QE = J t2 lo

2 COS Z dt,
The season being opposite in the two hemispheres, this
would indicate lack of seasonal variation in Io. Although where t1 is the time of sunrise, t2 the time of sunset, Z
he found no twelve-month period in ! 0 variations, the sun's zenith distance, and p the radius vector of
Abbot has found fourteen other different periods in the the earth. If we take ! 0 = 1.94ly min-1 , QE, in langleys
solar-constant variations. Paranjpe questioned the ex- per day, is given in Fig. 3.
istence of these periods, but Sterne [73], while sup-
porting Abbot's claim as to the statistica! significance
of some of his periods, found a strongly significant
period of twelve months, suggesting a possible terres-
trial effect.
We see therefore that there has been considerable
controversy regarding the reality of the variations
shown by the solar-constant measurements, and nu-
merous additional arguments, pro and con, could be
unearthed. But the present state of affairs can be
summed up as follows: The energy emitted by the sun
does change from time to time. This is indicated by the
changes which can be seen in the sun's surface and by
the changes revealed by the ionospheric and radio
measurements. However, the percentage change in the
total energy output is small, amounting at most to 1
or 2 per cent [3], and whether the solar-constant meas-
urements as observed from the earth's surface are
sufficiently accurate to reveal the time and/ or magni-
tude of such variations is still a debatable question.
This controversy may be resolved in severa! ways.
The surest way would be to make the measurements
from a satellite stationed outside the earth's atmo-
sphere. If rockets could be adequately equipped, fre-
quent measurements from them would also be
satisfactory. Perhaps balloons may serve for this pur-
pose. But if these methods are economically or experi-
mentally remote, the establishment of a few additional TERRESTRIAL EFFECTS ON SOLAR RADIATION
surface stations might help. ,In science, important
results ordinarily are not finally accepted until they Having considered the amount and the spectral in-
have been corroborated by independent observers. Here tensity of extraterrestrial solar energy, we turn now to
the effect which the earth and its atmosphere have
too, if the questions raised as to the amount and time
upon the incident radiation. In general the atmospheric
variations of the solar constant are to be answered, any
elements absorb and scatter part of the incident solar
additional stations should be operated by independent energy.
observers, as was long ago suggested by Marvin [58]. Absorption. At the outset it should be noted that X
However, there is a more important parameter to < 2900 A (approximately) is not observed at the
measure than the variation of ! 0 ; that parameter is ground; nearly ali energy of X < 2900 A is absorbed
the earth's albedo. From the meteorologica! viewpoint, and a small part is scattered back to space by the gases
the predominant interest is not in / 0 variations as such, of the atmosphere.
but in the amount of energy absorbed by the earth and The I onosphere and Ozonosphere. Energy of X <
its atmosphere, and in the variations of this amount. 1000 A is highly absorbed by O, 02, or N2 [62]; such
As will be shown later, the solar energy reflected by the energy is responsible for the ionization and heating of
planet Earth varies so much that the energy absorbed the ionospheric regions. For energy in the region from
may vary by 15 per cent or more from the mean 1300 A to 3500 A, Craig [21] has made a thorough study

of the available absorption-coefficient measurements oxygen absorption; Fig. 5 shows the fractional trans-
for 02 and 03; these absorption coefficients appear mi88ion of energy in the band widths indicated by
elsewhere in this Compendium. 4 broken arrow-headed lines at the bottom of Fig. 4.
In equation (4), k).. is the extinction coefficient; it In addition to the bands shown in Fig. 4, several weak
includes the effect of both absorption and scattering. lines appear below O. 7 JL, and very strong absorption
We can write bands appear beyond 2 J.l. and particularly near 6 J.l..
o o
where a).. is the absorption coefficient and 8).. is the scat- <t <O <O N
"'o "'"'r-- "'
o r-- o
tering coefficient. In places where 8).. is small, such as
...: "' "'<t...: <O
...: "' q

at high elevations in the atmosphere, the transmission
can be written approximately

\ \\ \

where a~ is the decimal absorption coefficient, and x \,

is the path length through the absorbing gas. The /VI
amount of absorbed energy is ""
In the case of ozone, computations of Ia have usually
1 ~ -- ............

been based on the distribution of Io).. in a black body at

6000K and give Ia ~ 0.06 fo. However, as indicated
V \ A lrV-- "'2

above, Io).. in the ultraviolet is considerably less than a" p n

the value for a black body at 6000K. Therefore, Ia is FIG. 4.-Location of absorption bands of oxygen (A and B)
correspondingly smaller. If one accepts the 55-km V-2 and of water vapor. (Ajter Fowle [26].)
rocket and Smithsonian spectral measurements for Io)..,
then Ia ~ 0.02 I 0 [30]. Should further measurements
verify stilllower values of Io).. [35, 55]; Ia for ozone will r.oo ,,
have to be reduced even more.
Obviously, the assumption of 6000K black-body in- z
2 .90
tensities will also yield values for the absorption at <J)
specific altitudes in the ozonosphere which are too large. ::;;;

Thus computations such as Karandikar's yield values ~

that are too high for ultraviolet absorption [50]; Gowan f-

[36] shows the effect of the lower absorption on the ...J

<l .70
temperature of the air. ~
In addition to its absorption in the ultraviolet, ozone -
~ .60
absorbs small amounts of solar energy in other spectral "'~
regions. One of these, the Chappuis band, extends
through the visible region from 4400 A to 7600 A and .so
has a peak at 6000 A. The absorption coefficient is,
however, so much smaller than that in the ultraviolet .40
that, despite the much higher solar intensity, the total o 2 3 4 5 6 7 6
absorption in the Chappuis band is about 0.007 fo.
In the infrared, absorptions are centered at 4.75 J.l., Fw. 5.-Fractional transmission of solar radiation by
water-vapor absorption bands as a function of precipitable
9.6 J.l., and 14.1 J.l., but Io).. is so small at those wave lengths water vapor. (After Fowle [26].)
that almost no energy is absorbed [50].
Spectral Ab8orption by Water Vapor. Among the at-
mospheric gases, water vapor absorbs the largest Fowle [27] measured the absorption in the regions 2-9 J.l.
amount of solar energy, and for the most part our and some of his results are given in Table II.
knowledge regarding these water-vapor absorptions is Fowle's data were measured at atmospheric pressure.
due to Fowle [26, 27]. For 'A > 0.9 J.l., energy is absorbed It has long been recognized that the fractional absorp-
by water vapor with varying intensity in wide bands. tion by a water-vapor band depends on the total pres-
Figure 4 shows the position8 of these bands5 up to sure of the air; and laboratory pressure measurements
about 2.1 J.l. and includes two bands (B and A) for on two water-vapor absorption bands have recently
been made, although the two sets of measurements
4. Consult "Radiative Temperature Changes in the Ozone
lead to somewhat different results. Drummeter and
Layer" by R. A. Craig, pp. 292-302. Strong [24] examined the maximum and minimum ab-
5. The band labelled n really includes three bands, namely, sorption points in the 1.85-p, band and found that ab-
O plus two small bands w1 and wz. sorption at the maximum points (1.82 J.l. and 1.88 p,) in-

creased linearly with py.. For the minimum points by water vapor as a function of the water vapor in the
(1.87 J.l. and 1.90 JL) the same pressure relation existed up sun's spectral path, that is, as a function of mw. By
to p = 400 mm Hg; for higher pressure the absorption using data similar to these absorptions, Tanck [74]
increased more slowly as p~2 increased. For each of computed temperature rises of about 0.1-0.7 centi-
the entire bands at 1.35 J.l. and 1.85 J.l., Chapman, Howard, grade degrees per day at Hamburg depending on the
and Miller [19] find that the fractional transmission in- season and the height (up to 6 km). The order of magni-
creases as a nonlinear function of (p + Pw)~' where tude of the absorptions given by Tanck's equation
Pw is the partial pressure of the water vapor. They do agrees with airplane measurements [29].
not graph thei1: functional absorption relation explicitly Clouds. Thanks to Fowle and to some recent studies
as a function of pressure. [19, 24], the status of water-vapor absorption is fairly
well known; however, the absorption of solar energy by
TABLE II. PER CENT ABSORPTION OF RADIATION BY WATER clouds is comparatively unknown. A few theoretical
(After Fowle [27])
estimates have been published [45], but very few meas-
urements have been roade.
Wave-length interval
Precipitable water vapor One method of measuring the amount of energy ab-
0.008 cm 0.082 cm sorbed is to measure simultaneously, with pyrheliom-
eters, the energy leaving and entering the cloud layer
% %
1.3 -1.75 6.1 18 both at its upper and lower surfaces; the difference be-
1. 75-2.2 13.6 29 tween the energy which enters the cloud and that
2.2 -3.2 23.6 41 which leaves it is the amount absorbed. Neiburger [66],
3.2 -4.0 21.7 37
4.0 -4.9 32.5 50 using one blimp on which to mount two pyrheliometers,
one facing upward and the other downward, made
4.9 -5.4 18 42 many vertical traverses through stratus clouds. When
5.4 -5.9 47 85
5.9 --6.4 64 97 the blimp was below the clouds, he estimated the up-
6.4 -7.0 68 97 ward- and downward-flowing radiation at the top of
7.0 -8.0 25 62 the cloud. Because he lacked a second blimp, simul-
taneous measurements could not be made both below
The amount of solar energy beyond 3 J.l. is of course and above the cloud, and since the albedos of clouds
very small, and hence the absorption of that energy vary appreciably over short distances and times, errors
cannot greatly affect the temperature of the atmo- may have been introduced because of the lack of simul-
sphere. Karandikar [50] shows the amount of absorp- taneity. At any rate, N eiburger's measurements, which
tion in langleys per second in the various wave-length were probably the first absorption measurements made,
bands as a function of precipitable water vapor w for indicate that in the mean about 5 to 9 per cent of the
values of w from 10- 4 cm to 1 cm and for bands in the incident radiation is absorbed in stratus clouds, and
region from 0.9 J.l. to 8 JL; he also gives the total amount that there may be large variations from the mean.
of energy absorbed by water vapor in the stratosphere To measure the absorption in other types of clouds,
and shows that above 40 km the absorption is practic- especially over extensive cloud decks, the United States
ally zero, but that at 30 km it approaches absorption by Weather Bureau, through the cooperation of the Air
ozone (especially since the ozone absorption given is Force and the Oftice of Naval Research, has made
probably too high). measurements using B-29 airplanes as platforms for
It should be pointed out that the data of Fig. 5 may the two pyrheliometers. On a few occasions two air-
not be used with Beer's law in the customary absorp- planes, each equipped with two pyrheliometers, have
tion computations, since the bands are too wide to be been flown, one vertically above the other, with the
considered as monochromatic; the empirica! data of cloud deck between them. When only one airplane was
Fig. 5 must be utilized. However, for many purposes available, the plane, carrying two pyrheliometers, was
the use of Beer's law will lead to practica! results [63]. flown above the cloud deck and above a pyrheliometer
A few transparent regions exist in the far infrared. which was located on the ground. In the absence of
The region near 10 J.l. is relatively transparent with re- ground snow cover, a good estimate can be made of the
gard to water-vapor absorption, and although very albedo of the ground; or if the ceiling is not too low,
little solar energy is available in this region, it has been the albedo of the ground can be measured by flying the
used to measure atmospheric ozone which has an ab- airplane below the clouds. Preliminary results from
sorption hand near 9.6 J.l.. Adei has found that the 17-24 J.l. these measurements indicate that the absorption by
region is also relatively transparent. these deep widespread systems averages about 20 per
Total W ater-V apor A bsorption. In order to determine cent of the solar radiation incident on the cloud. 6 These
the temperature change in the atmosphere produced by measurements are still few in number and should be
absorption of radiation by water vapor, a summation of verified by additional determinations.
absorption over all wave lengths is required, and such
summations have been computed by severa! authors.
For example, using Fowle's absorption data, Kimball 6. Reported by T. H. MacDonald at the January 1950 roeet-
[52] computed the total absorption as shown in curve ing of the American Meteorologica! Society in St. Louis,
(16), Fig. 6. The curve shows the fraction of 10 absorbed Missouri.

This amount of absorption is much higher than the atmospheric density at that height, by far the largest
maximum of 6 per cent which Hewson's theoretical amount of energy which potentially becomes available
computations indicate [45]. If it is assumed that the for atmospheric processes is absorbed by the earth's
measurements are correct, the discrepancy can be at- surface itself.
tributed to severa! factors. Clouds are complex aniso- Miscellaneous Absorptions. Severa! gases absorb
tropic physical entities, and the theory must make minor amounts of solar energy. Oxygen, in addition to
numerous assumptions to handle even isotropic clouds the important absorptions in the ionosphere and ozono-
of liquid water drops. In particular, the theory does not sphere, bas some minor absorptions in the near infrared
include absorption by water vapor in clouds. A cloud (Fig. 4). Nitrogen compounds and C0 2 absorb small
whose liquid-water content is 0.5 g m-3 could easily amounts. Carbon dioxide is, of course, of great im-
contain 5 g m-3 of water vapor, and 10 g m- 3 or more portance in long-wave terrestrial radiation, but plays a
are quite possible. Hence with the radiation undergoing minor role in solar radiation absorption [50]. The pres-
numerous reflections by the liquid water drops, the ence of methane bas recently been announced by severa!
path length of a ray through the water vapor could authors [54]. Its role in the beat balance of the atmo-
easily be 10 to 20 times that of its path through liquid sphere bas not yet been considered.
water. Furthermore, the fractional absorption of water Scattering. In the absence of clouds, energy is de-
vapor is by no means negligible by comparison with pleted from the direct solar beam through absorption
that of liquid water [6]. The absorption by the water and scattering by air molecules, water vapor, and dust.
vapor might therefore be comparable with that by Where absorption is negligibly small the scattering coef-
liquid drops. Such an effect would bring computations ficient may be expressed as
such as Hewson's more in line with the measurements.
Another factor is absorption by the ice and snow par- (10)
ticles which exist in cirrus and altostratus clouds. The
mechanism of such absorption is unknown and has not where sax, sU'x, and sax are the scattering coefficients of
pure dry air, water vapor, and dust, respectively.
been included in theoretical discussions. In view of these
Spectral Afolecular Scattering. When the isotropic par-
and other theoretical complexities, measurements for
ticles which cause scattering of energy are very small
many types of clouds are required to establish firmly
by comparison with the wave length of the light ( <
the magnitude of absorption by clouds. Apparently,
0.1 X), the theory developed by Rayleigh [34] shows that
relatively diffuse thick clouds (such as altostratus) will
the scattering coefficient depends on x- 4 or, if the mass
reflect a smaller amount of energy than less diffuse
of air in the vertical at sea level is taken as unity,
thick clouds, such as stratus or stratocumulus clouds
of the same or even smaller vertical thickness [18, 32]. 327r3 (nx - 1) 2 HX - 4
Mecke [59] bas pointed out that, for infinitely thick Sax = (11)
clouds, high reflection will be associated with low ab-
sorption and vice versa. These ideas are in qualitative where n)... is the index of refraction of air for light of
agreement with the relatively low absorption in thick wave length X, Na is the number of molecules per cubic
stratus with its high albedo [66] and with the relatively centimeter of air, and H is the height of the homogen-
high absorption in thick altostratus of extensive cloud eous atmosphere.
systems with its low albedo. If scattering by air molecules alone is considered, the
The Earth's SU1jace. The energy which reaches the monochromatic energy which reaches sea level as the
surface of the earth is either absorbed or reflected. The original parallel beam is given by
albedo of the earth's surface will be discussed later; it
is the order of magnitude of the absorbed energy which h = Io)... exp(- Sa)... sec Z). (12)
should be emphasized here. In middle latitudes, at
least, during cloudless conditions about 80 per cent of Values of Sa)... and of the transmission aa !).../ Io)... for
the energy QE incident in a day at the outer atmosphere the Rayleigh scattering law are given by List [56].
reaches the ground. Except for snow-covered areas, an For air molecules which are not spherical it might be
albedo of 10 per cent may be assumed for purposes of necessary to multiply those values of Sa)... by 1.04 [76].
rough evaluation. Hence under these conditions, about Total Molecular Scattering. We are often interested
72 per cent of QE is absorbed by the earth's surface. not in the spectral transmissions but in the total trans-
This is very much larger than the absorption of 2 per mission I/ ! 0 If equation (12) is integrated, we see that
cent by ozone, or of about 8 per cent by water vapor,
or even of the 20 (?) per cent by extensive cloud sys-
tems. Of course, in overcast areas, the energy which is
I/Io = (1/Io) 1"' h dX
absorbed by the ground is smaller than 70 per cent and
may be equal to or less than the energy absorbed in the = (1/Io) 1"' Io)... exp( -Sa)... m) dX.
cloud. But with average cloudiness, the ground ab-
sorption approaches about 50 per cent of the extra- The data for Io)... are available from Smithsonian Insti-
terrestrial radiation. tution measurements (Fig. 1), and severa! authors have
Therefore, although absorption by ozone may cause computed I/ ! 0 from equation (13). Figure 6 shows such
large temperature changes at 40 km because of the low a computation by Kimball [52]. Curve (1), for w = O,

is in excellent agreement with Linke's results [55, p. flicting views indicate, the wave-length dependency of
248]. water-vapor scattering is not very well known.
Spectral Scattering by Water Vapor. The atmosphere Total Water-Vapor Scattering. Here again t he total
is, however, never pure nor dry; both dust and water transmission is often desired in lieu of the spectral
vapor are ever present in varying degree. Fowle [28] transmission. With the aid of Fowle's data for aax and
examined the transmission of the atmosphere at wave awx, Kimball [52] computed the fractional transmission
lengths where water vapor does not absorb. At those of solar energy at normal incidence through a dustless
wave lengths, if dust is neglected, atmosphere for various values of w. The computations,
which include scattering but exclude absorption, are
lx = lox exp(-saxm) exp(-swxwm) shown in Fig. 6 by the dashed curves (1) through (8)
for values of w up to 6.0 cm. By adding the depletion
due to water-vapor absorption, Kimball computed the
Here the transmission coefficient through one dry at- transmissions shown in curves (9) t hrough (15); the
mosphere at vertical incidence is given by aax = latter curves include the effect of both scattering and
exp(- sax) and through one centimeter of precipitable absorption.
water vapor by awx = exp( -swx) . From equation (14)
AIR MASS, m ( PRESSURE-76.0 cm.)
(15) 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0

In ax = ln aax + w In awX (16)

A plot of In ax against w should yield a straight line

whose slope is In awx and whose intercept at w = O is
In aax Hence, awx and aax can be determined.
As might be expected, for a given A the observed cor-
responding values of In ax and w do not fall exactly on
a straight line. In order to remove random fluctuations
Fowle compiled average values, but it is not clear 0::

whether he averaged values of ax or of In ax. At any ~ .12I- - - ----1P-...:;:::=-c-=;=;-:;TJ:::l

rate, Fowle plotted his average In ax against w. The
~ . 14 r----~r---------1,--~~-i-=~~~~
points stiU scatter quite a bit, but the "best" straight
line was drawn through the data, and the correspond- ~ .16 L---~----~-~-~~-~--~:--~-~
ing aax and awx were determined. His values of awx are o 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
given by List [56]. wm
Fowle [28] assumed that the A- 4 law (equation (11)) FIG. 6.-F ractional t ra nsmission of solar e nergy through
applied also for scattering by water vapor and found the earth's atmosphere. Curves (1)-(8), scattering only;
curves (9)- (15), scattering plus absorption by precipitable
that his transmission coefficients awx were such that water vapor (w) a mounts shown on curves; curve (16), frac-
the scattering is greater than might be expected from tional absorption by water vapor as a function of wrn. (After
Kirnball [52].)
the number of water-vapor molecules. He concluded
from this that the water vapor existed as aggregates of
water-vapor molecules (see also [76]). Moon, however, Dust. There remains the scattering from the direct
using Fmvle's data, plotted the logarithm of the average solar beam by dust. Angstrom [11] has derived a law
for dust extinction/
awx against In A, and found that
where {3 is a constant representing the number of scat-
Any relation between awx and A (such as equation tering particles, and 'Y another constant representing
(17)) should apply for a single set of measurements of the size of t he scattering particles. Angstrom describes
awx . It seems necessary t herefore to plot In A against graphical methods for obtaining {3 either from a total
In awx and not against ln awx Differences in their pro- radiation measurement or by filter measurement . By
cedure perhaps account for the difference in the wave- analyzing the spectral measurements of the Smith-
length laws obtained by Moon and by Fowle. sonian Institution, he found 'Y = 1.3 on t he average.
It should be pointed out t hat Angstrom [11] ques- From laboratory measurements of the relation between
tioned t he validity of assuming t hat the water vapor 'Y and t he size of scattering particles, he showed t hat
was the actual scattering agent. If dust and water- the average size of the scattering particles was 1 J.l.. Ives
vapor advection usually occur together so that an in- and his co-workers [48), however, have found from ac-
crease in one accompanies an increase in t he other, it t ual particle measurements near the ground in cities
may be t he dust which is actually performing t he scat- that the most frequent diameter size is near 0.5 J.l. Their
tering. However, Fowle evaluated the effect of dust in
his data, and found it to be only about one-half of 1 per 7. Angstrom's extinction coefficient, here designated by sdx,
cent for ax and 2 per cent for awx [28]. As these con- includes scattering by water vapor, but not absorption.

findings are valid only for particles larger than 0.2 iJ. in and thus was not a reliable measure of turbidity. To
diameter because their microscope could not detect overcome this defect, Linke [55] decided to relate r, not
smaller particles. Recently Crozier and Seely [22], mak- to a dry air mass, but to a dustless air mass containing
ing measurements from airplanes, found the greatest 1 cm of precipitable water vapor. Instead of I~ in
frequency of partiele diameter in the free air tobe 3-6 iJ.; equation (21), we therefore introduce I~.w=l The
their instruments could not catch the smaller particles new turbidity factor becomes
efficiently. Linke and von dem Borne [55] showed that
'Y varied with the altitude of the observing station and e = <Pm In Ual I) (22)
from place to place. In general, for higher altitude and
less smoky areas, 'Y was larger than elsewhere, and
hence the average particle size was smaller. 1
<Pm = ---------,,--
All these are average values, and both {3 and 'Y vary Jn Ia - In I~.w=l
with time even at one observing station, for the num-
ber, size, and shape of the scattering particles vary con- Linke's values of <Pm are given in Table III.
tinually. Also, at any time the whole spectrum of par-
ticle sizes ranging from below 0.2 iJ. to 1 iJ. and larger are TABLE III. VALUES OF <I>m IN EQUATION (22)
to be expected. (After Linke [55])
This complex scattering by particles which are larger
than molecules is a serious problem in spectral measure- m 1 0.5 1 1 11.5j 2 13 4 1 6 1 8 110
---;:- 2~3513.5719.60:~:6JM;~i3~ ~o -i63

ments. In particular, dust is troublesome in ozone

measurements which ordinarily utilize light at 30Q0-
4000 A where differential spectral scattering usually be- With the aid of a single pyrheliometric measurement,
comes an important problem. Ramanathan and Kar- e
can be computed. According to Linke, it will vary
andikar [70] found that peculiar ozone effects can easily relatively little with air mass; any observed diurnal
be produced by improper assumptions regarding dust. variation of e will be a real variation in turbidity.
They also found, as might be expected, that 'Y is not Turbidity factors for portions of the spectrum have also
really constant and that in India it lies on the average been designed and can be measured with filters [55].
between O and 1.3 in the region 3000-4450 A. Neither ngstrom nor Linke attcmpted to separate
Another measure of the dust parameter, the "tur- scattering by water vapor from scattering by dust, and
bidity factor," was designed by Linke. He defines the indeed, as ngstrom pointed out, it may not be valid
turbidity factor r from to do so. However, Kimball [52] assumed that scatter-
(19) ing by dust could be separated. He estimated w from
either surface vapor pressure or radiosonde data. He
where measured I and computed the transmission a = I /Ia.
kaxT>. = kax + kwxW + kdxd, From Fig. 6, he found am,w, the transmission through
a dustless atmosphere containing w cm of precipitable
kax, kwx, and kdx are the extinction coefficients of air, water vapor. Then am,w - a = dd, the fraction of Ia
water vapor, and dust, respectively, and d represents which is depleted by the dust. The value of dd, of course,
the "quantity" of dust [55, p. 266]. He uses an "appro- varies with m. Klein [53] gives some values of dd which
priate" average value and integrates equation (19), so vary from O to 0.09 for m = 1, and from O to 0.13 for
that m = 2.
I = Io exp( -karm), (20) Wexler [78] and Haurwitz [42] have discussed the
turbidity factors of ngstrom and Linke and conclude
where k .. and r now represent mean values over wave
that neither is wholly satisfactory. These factors are,
length. Such averages cannot really be obtained, so
however, among the best simple methods available at
that the discussion which follows represents an ap-
present for determining the atmospheric turbidity quan-
titatively. Although expressions of the total turbidity
Let I~ designate the intensity of light transmitted
such as e may have some specialized uses, for spectral
through a pure dry atmosphere; then e-kam = !~/Ia.
measurements such as those involved in ozone and solar-
Equation (20) can now be written
constant measurements we shall have to know more
In Ia - In I about the way dust affects light of various wave lengths.
7 = ln Ia - ln I~ (21 ) This will probably involve determination of the size
and number of dust particles above an observer, which
By means of equation (21), r can readily be computed in turn may be helpful in studies of condensation nuclei.
from a single measurement of I, for I 0 is a constant Scattering by Liquid W ater Droplets. Scattering of
(generally taken as 1.94) and I~ can be obtained from light by spherical particles which are not very small in
graphs such as Fig. 6. comparison with the wave length is given by the well-
In equation (20), r can be interpreted as the number known Stratton-Houghton curve. Recently Houghton
of pure, dry air masses which would produce the ex- and Chalker [46] have extended the earlier computa-
tinction observed in the moist, dusty atmosphere. It tion; their results appear in Fig. 7. The extinction by
was found, however, [42, 55] that r was a function of m spherical water particles (refractive index 1.33) is re-

lated to 1rr2NKs, or Ks times their geometrica! cross For instantaneous values, Kimball found the ratio of
section, so that the direct sunlight component on a horizontal surface
h to the total solar and sky radiation on a horizontal
(23) surface Q to be a function of the zenith distance of the
where ris the radius of the drops and N is their number. sun (Table IV).
Figure 7 shows K. as a function of the parameter X TABLE IV. VALUES oFlh/Q As A FuNcTroN oF SuN's ZENITH
= 21rrj"A. Equation (23) holds for nonabsorbing par- DISTANCE Z
ticles and is valid at wave lengths where water ab- (Ajter Kimball [51])
sorption is negligibly small; the summation is required
over drop radii when the drop sizes are not uniform.
z !30.0 !48.3 60.0 66.5 70.7 173.6 75.7 177.4 78.7 79.8

(deg): 1
For particles where nx ~ 1.33, K. will differ from the - - 1--- --- - - - --- ---- - - ---- -
values of Fig. 7; van de Hulst [76] shows some varia- h!Q 1 0.84 0.84 0.80 0.78 0.76 0.72 0.69 0.6i 0.65 0.113
tions. From Fig. 7 it is important to note that for some
ratios of particle size to wave length the scattering does Similar values have also been found by other observ-
not always increase with decreasing wave length. ers [55, p. 356]. If we designate the diffuse sky radiation
by D, then D = Q - h. As might be expected, the
4.0 ratio D/Q increases where the atmospheric turbidity is
high [55). Measurements illustrating this point (e.g.

~ illumination measurements) have often been made with

instruments for relatively narrow spectral bands. It
would be desirable to measure the ratio for nonspectral

\ (\ 1\
radiation with varying atmospheric transmissions or
turbidity factors.
IV !'""
~ ~
- Albedo. By the albedo of a body we mean the fraction
of the incident energy which is reflected by the body.
Thus the albedo A of the planet Earth is the fraction cf
the energy incident at the "outer limits" of the at-
mosphere which is returned to space; the albe do of a
1.0 cloud "surface" is the fraction of the energy incident
upon the cloud which is reflected by the cloud.
The terrestrial entities which reflect solar energy are
j_ (1) the cloudless atmosphere, (2) clouds, and (3) the
o 10 20 30 40 50 earth's surface. The sum of these three reftections is the
X= 2.-r/X total energy reflected by the Earth. Expressed as a
FIG. 7.-Scattering-area coefficient Ks for liquid-water fraction of the extraterrestrial solar energy intercepted
drops in nonabsorbed spectral regions as a function of A and by the Earth, this sum determines A.
of drop radius r. (After Houghton and Chalker [46].)
The Albedo of the Cloudless Atmosphere. 1. Pure Dry
Air. We have seen that within a few per cent the frac-
Multiple Scattering. In the case of pure Hayleigh scat- tional spectral depletion of solar energy by molecular
tering (if it ever can be said to exist in the atmosphere) scattering is represented by the Hayleigh scattering
the scattering is symmetrical about the particle so that, law, and the summation over wave length is readily
for example, the forward- and backward-scattered given as a function of air mass from curve (1) of Fig. 6.
energy are equal. But as the particles become larger the The earth as seen from the sun can be considered as
scattering increases in the forward direction [34; 55, p. made up of narrow concentric circular rings centered
161). Calculations of the effect of such particles, es- about the subsolar point. To an observer in a particular
pecially for multiple scattering, become rather complex; ring the sun is at a specified zenith distance, and hence
however they have been undertaken by severa! authors in each ring the optica! air mass m is known. From m
[76). and the area of the rings, together with the above-
The energy which is scattered from the original solar
mentioned relation between scattering and air mass,
beam will in general be scattered more than once on its
the amount of energy scattered by the entire atmo-
way down to the earth's surface or else out to space.
sphere can readily be calculated and found to be about
From an empirica! viewpoint, regar;ding the contribu-
tion of the cloudless sky radiation to the total radiation 15 per cent of the incident energy [30]. This was calcu-
on a horizontal surface, Kimball [52) states that of the lated using Fowle's data; Fig. 6 gives a slightly smaller
radiation scattered from the direct solar beam, half value. However, this energy is scattered in all direc-
will be scattered down and half up. In a pure Rayleigh tions. To determine the fraction scattered upward
atmosphere this would be the case. But for the actual (away from the earth's surface) it is necessary to assume
conditions of the atmosphere, it serves only as a useful something about the angular scattering by each par-
approximation for average daily values of cloudless- ticle. Scattering by small particles, such as molecules,
sky radiation after the total scattering from the direct is symmetrical about the particle [34). Hence as much
beam bas been evaluated. energy is scattered up as is scattered down. Even for

multiple scattering this rule is closely obeyed. Conse- dition of 0.54 cloudiness, calculation indicates that the
quently from 7 to 8 per cent of the incident solar energy cloudless portions of the atmosphere reflect about 6 or
would be scattered back by the pure, dry, cloudless 9 per cent of the incident solar energy, depending on the
atmosphere. assumptions made, when about 2.7 per cent is included
2. W ater Vapor. The scattering by water vapor and for the reftection by the air above the clouds.
questions concerning it were discussed earlier. If one Clouds. Most of the solar energy reftected to space is
accepts 1 - aw as the depletion by water vapor due to reftected by clouds. However, the albedo of clouds is so
scattering, then scattering for the total spectrum can
be computed as a function of air mass, as was done by TABLE V. ALBEDO OF VARIOUS CLOUD TYPE[';
Fowle, and also by Kimball (Fig. 6). From this func- "-

tional relation, the scattering by water vapor over the Source Cloud type (per
whole earth can be computed. But for this, of course,
data on the distribution of water vapor with latitude Luckiesh [57] (vis- Very dense clouds of extensive 78
are necessary. From a rough estimate of w, obtained ible light) area and great depth
from the distribution of surface vapor pressure, and Dense clouds, quite opaque 55-62
Dense clouds, nearly opaque 44
after weighting the areas of the earth involved, it is Thin clouds 36-40
found that 10 per cent of the incoming solar energy is -" --
reflected by water vapor [30]. Fritz [32] (total ra- Stratocumulus, overcast 56-81
diation, exten- Altostratus, occasional breaks 17-36
This, again, represents the energy scattered in all sive systems; Altostratus, overcast 39-59
directions, but the portion which is scattered back to cloud types be- Cirrostratus and altostratus 49--{}4
low measured Cirrostratus, overcast 44-50
space is not so readily ascertained as it is for air mole- clouds not speci-
cules. Fowle believed that the scattering particles were fied)
aggregates of water-vapor molecules; Angstrom sug- --
Aldrich [7] Stratus, 600-1000 ft thick 78
gested that dust might be the scattering agent. In either
case, it is recognized that if the size of the particles
approaches the wave length, the forward scattering variable, even for one type of cloud, and our informa-
exceeds the backward scattering. At any rate, two ex- tion about the spatial distribution of cloud types is so
tremes can be postulated: (1) Either half the scat- poor that it is impossible, from individual cloud-albedo
tered energy (5 per cent) is directed upward; or (2) measurements, to specify an average value over time
none of the scattered energy is directed upward. and space for the total reftection by clouds. Hence, in
3. Dust. Concerning dust our knowledge is most order to estimate the average albedo of clouds, it is
meagre. N ot only is the transmission coefficient for
dust in doubt, but the distribution of dust over the
world is inadequately known. Klein [53] gives a com-
pilation of some values which serve as a guide, but even
these "measured" values may be inaccurate in view of
. :
V'tV V

the inadequate understanding of dust depletion. From u.

Klein's data one may estimate a depletion of about 5 o 15
per cent of the initial radiation on a world-wide hasis. <Il

... ."" . .
In view of the probable greater forward scattering and a::
some absorption, less than 2.5 per cent is scattered a
z V f'Vv
back. An estimate of 1 per cent might be about right.
.. .
4. Total Atmospheric Refiection. A summation of the -10

. . .. .
reftection by atmospheric elements gives a reftection <Il

. .

. ... ..
lying between 8 and 13 per cent, depending on how z

much is allowed for upward scattering by water vapor ""
1-l ce
9 v99v-v w ..,

. .
and dust. There are not very many direct measure- :r: 8 a
1- 5 a a
ments which yield the reflection by the atmosphere.
.. . J"" ;.r,pw
a "!P a a

c ce P'h~
In the lower layers of the atmosphere, some airplane :::>
o_J a
a c o..o orv
measurements [29] indicate that about 5 per cent of "' aa c aR:~v a

u c a "..

the energy incident at 10,000 ft is scattered upward by "'li'~

the air below 10,000 ft. These measurements were made o
with a solar zenith distance Z of 53 on a rather smoky o 20 40 60 80 100
day. At greater heights and zenith distances greater ALBEDO OF CLOUD ('Yol
reftection presumably would ha ve been measured. Teele FIG. 8.-0bserved albedo of stratus clouds. (After Nei-
[75] measured the visible energy scattered back at burger [66].)
72,000 ft. He interpreted his measurements as indi-
cating that 6 per cent of the incident energy is reflected necessary to measure the albedo of the whole earth
by the air when Z is 60. first and then to subtract the contributions by the
These measurements and calculations are valid for atmosphere and by the ground. The remainder is the
the cloudless atmosphere only. For the average con- albedo of clouds.

Such a computation [30], based on lunar measure- that the albedo for solar and sky radiation becomes as
ments (tobe described later), indicates that the average much as 10 per cent. Under overcast skies the albedo
albedo of clouds is about 5G-55 per cent of the energy of the sea surface is about 10 per cent, but changes a
incident on the clouds. This value may be compared little even then with solar altitude and cloud thickness
with severa! series of measurements given in Table V [65]. When the wind velocity is large enough to cause
and in Fig. 8. whitecaps, the albedo of the water increases, and Brooks
It will be noted that 80 per cent seems to be a very [17, p. 460] gives 31 per cent as the albedo when the
high value, and that the 78 per cent which Aldrich [7] water surface is rough. Angstrom states, however, that
measured over a single stratus cloud is not a suitable in ordinary geophysical problems the data of Table
average. According to Bullrich [18], for average clouds VI are applicable.
of infinite thickness the albedos by cloud types will be The low albedo of water and, in general, of land
as follows: stratocumulus, 0.78; stratus, 0.74; and alto- means that the contributions of the earth's surface to
stratus, 0.46. A low albedo (39 to 59 per cent) for the the total albedo of the planet Earth must be small.
altostratus type of cloud can be seen in the measure- As a rule, areas which are snow-covered receive little
ments in Table V. sunlight; the same may be said for water areas which
Albedo of the Earth's Surface. The albedo of the have a high albedo (low solar altitudes). The net result
ground has a very wide range of values also. In general, is that, when the average cloudiness is considered, the
the lowest albedos occur over water. Forests or other earth's surface contributes less than 4 per cent of the
configurations which can trap solar energy act nearly incident energy to the total albedo of the earth; this
as black bodies and therefore likewise have low albedos. contribution is probably between 2 and 3 per cent [30].
On the other hand, snow-covered terrain has a very The Albedo of the Planet Earth. The sum of the al-
high albedo; values up to 90 per cent have been meas- bedos of the various entities is the albedo A of the
ured over fresh snow. As the snow becomes older or planet Earth. As stated earlier, since there is a vari-
turns to iee, its albedo decreases markedly, and it ability of the albedo of clouds, and since clouds con-
absorbs more energy. Data for severa! types of terrain tribute most to the albedo of the planet Earth, A can
are given in Table VI. It will be noted that general be found only by measurements from or on bodies out-
terms such as "grass" give only an approximate esti- side the earth.
mate of the albedo, so that for investigation of such Danjon [23] has made such measurements by viewing
quantities as local turbulence near the ground, the the moon with a suitable photometer. The moon is
albedo at the time and near the place in question will illuminated by two sources of light. The light side of
have to be measured. the moon is illuminated directly by the sun; the dark
TABLE VI. ALBEDO OF VARIOUS SURFACES side, by the earth. The light from the earth is sunlight
(After List [56]) which has been reflected by the earth to the dark side
of the moon. Consequently, the brightness on the dark
Sur face Albedo (per cent)
side of the moon, as compared with the brightness on
Desert ................................. . 24-28 the light side, is a measure of the sunlight reflected by
Fields, various types .................... . 3-25 the earth, that is, it is a measure of A. Of course, such
Forest, green ............................. . 3-10 measurements involve many difficulties, in addition to
Grass, various conditions ................ . 14-37
Ground, bare ............................ . 7-20 observational ones. For example, the spectral distribu-
Mold, black ............................. . 8-14 tion of the earth's light is different from that of sun-
Sand, dry ............................... . 18
Sand, wet.. .. ...... . 9 light and doubtless changes with the albedo itself.
Snow orice. . .................... . 46-86 Hence, any selective reflectivity by the moon would
Water (direct sun* only) Z (degrees)
introduce errors. Another problem is the stellar magni-
o 2.0 tude of the moon. When his paper was already in press,
20.. . ..................... . 2.1 Danjon learned of a new value of the moon's brightness
40. . ....................... . 2.5 which would somewhat alter his calculations. However,
50. . ................... . 3.4
60.. . .................... . 6.0 the value which Danjon originally used for the moon's
70.. . ................... . 13.4 brightness is still quoted in some astronomy textbooks,
80 ............................... . 34.8
85.. . ..................... . 58.4 so his calculations may be correct. Danjon's average
90.. . ........................ . 100.0 value of the earth's albedo for visible light (about 0.4 p.
to 0.74 p.) is 39 per cent. But visible light comprises only
* For reflection of sun plus sky radiation Angstriim [10]
gives: about half, or even a little less, of the total extrater-
Z (deg) ............ 43.0 46.9 70.5 77.9 84.5 restrial solar energy. Hence, to determine the total
A (per cent) ....... 3.9 5.7 13.8 30.0 46.5 albedo, adjustments to his measured values must be
The albedo of large water surfaces depends very made for the ultraviolet and infrared portions of the
largely on the angle of incidence of the light, or the solar energy. Calculation of the corrections gives an
sun's zenith distance Z. Under cloudless conditions, the albedo of about 28 per cent for the infrared, about 50
direct solar radiation follows Fresnel's law of reflection per cent for the ultraviolet, and 35 per cent for the total
very closely even when the wind is 10 mph [10]. For sunlight. The reflection in some portions of the ultra-
small values of Z (sun overhead) the reflectivity is very violet where ozone does not absorb energy, as at 0.36 p.
low, and it is not until the angle reaches about 65 for example, may be considerably higher than 50 per

cent, which is the calculated refiection for the whole scattered radiation also arrives at the ground as radia-
ultraviolet radiation (A < 0.4 J.L). tion from either clear or cloudy skies.
Severa! other estimates of A have been computed by Cloudless Sky. Figure 6 shows the fractional trans-
assuming some value for the average refiection by mission at normal incidence to the sun as a function of
clouds and/ or by studying the average transmission to air mass and of water-vapor content for a moist, dust-
the earth's surface and the amount of energy less atmosphere. Multiplication by the solar constant
absorbed by the atmosphere and clouds. N otable among will give the transmission in absolute units. For many
these calculations of A are the 43 per cent of Aldrich [7] purposes it will be of greater interest to determine the
and the 41.5 per cent of Baur and Philipps [14]. cloudless-sky energy Qo which reaches the horizontal
In addition to the average value of the earth's albedo,
Danjon found large fiuetuations of the albedo from -:;;: 5.0
season to season and among his individual measure- 1.5
~ 4.51-1-1-HI-
~ tl.3 11-+l-+1-+-+-+-+1-+1
.2 _'\.LI.\-0- 0 .4 1 0.3

ments. Some average values of the visual albedo varied ~ 4.0 -- -t---h-:-:\fH!- 1-t--t-- r--1-

!~:~ -*~ '

from 30 per cent in August to 50 per cent in October. ~ 3.5 1-t-h!~i-!f. \-f--\1
This large variation is not too surprising. Nor does
absence of a relation either to snow cover or cloud
- 1 L1 -H-+_-ll-++
amount cast serious doubt on this albedo variability. ~ 2.0 ~1 11 -tll-r--
1-t-H-i -~
The amount of solar energy incident on the sno\v-
~ 1.5 11 1
covered areas is small so that they contribute little to
~ 1.o 1 1 \ \ l\ \ \ r: 11 ' ' .

the total albedo. As for cloud amount, even if this latter ~0-~ =~ ~~~;~{ ~ 1~ 0.71 \1(1\;:~ ::~
quantity were known on a world-wide hasis, it would 8 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1. 6 1.0 2.0 3~0 4~0 5 .0
not uniquely determine the contribution of clouds to 0::
the earth's albedo because the albedos of individual
cloud types themselves are extremely variable. FIG. 9.-Intensity of solar radiation on a hori zontal surface
The meteorologica! significance of this large albedo (ly min- 1) as a function of air mass m p and precipitable water
variation is obvious. If there is any possibility, as vapor w for a cloudless, dustless atmosphere. For elevated
stations where pressure is pin millibars, multiply radiation by
severa! authors believe, that variations in the solar p/ 1013. Dashed lines represent extrapolatetl va lues. (Ajter
constant of about 1- 2 per cent could infiuence the state Frilz [31).)
of the weather, then the much larger changes in the
refiected energy and hence in the absorbed energy must ground. Figure 9 shows the radiation on a horizontal
be significant indeed. Only the absorbed energy can surface during dust-free conditions, as a function of
affect the atmosphere. Perhaps short-period ehanges in optica! air mass and precipitable water-vapor content.
the solar constant cause ehanges in the earth's albedo, The computations are based on Fig. G and a combina-
but sueh a causal relationship is not obvious a priori tion of equations from Klein [31, 53]; it is assumed that
and would have to be established before it could be ae- half the scattered radiation reaches the ground. Much
cepted. At any rate, whatever the cause of its change, of the scattered radiation does reach the ground, but
measurements of the earth's albedo would indicate the obviously this final result is only an approximation
large changes in the solar energy which is absorbed and which agrees fairly well with observations and with
potentially becomes available for meteorologica! proc- other calculations. Summations over 24 hours (with the
esses. aid of Fig. 9) furnish daily totals which, when cor-
The best way to measure the albedo, as with other reeted by comparison with observations at several lo-
solar-variation effects, is to mount instruments on a cations, show the geographic and seasonal variation of
satellite stationed outside the earth. In the absence of cloudless-day radiation over large areas [31]. Such com-
such a satellite, techniques similar to Danjon's must putations indicate that in t he U nited States about 80
suffice and his results will have tobe verified. Danjon's per cent of the incident extraterrestrial energy reaches
technique would require a little elaboration. For ex- the ground during cloudless days.
ample, from measurements in France, refiections from Some variations from average values are naturally
the Pacific Ocean area would not infiuence the moon's to be expected. In cities particularly, one would expect
dark-side illumination. Hence, measurements from marked average decreases of t he order of about 20 per
widely separated regions would be needed to determine cent [40]. For snow-covered terrain, increased radiation
the albedo of the whole earth. Also, as stated pre- will be measured because the strongly reflecteci radia-
viously, an estimate of the ultraviolet and infrared tion will be partially scattered back to the ground by
albedo would also be required. However, the main the atmosphere.
changes in albedo from day to day would be given by Transmission through Clouds. Clouds, however, will
visual albedos alone if the corrections should prove generally introduce the largest variations of the solar
difficult to obtain. energy which reaches the ground. Haurwitz [43] has
Solar Energy at the Earth's Surface. We have con- given the average solar energy transmitted to a hori-
sidered the depletion of solar energy through scattering zontal surface through various types of clouds at Blue
and absorption by the various constituents of the at- Hill, Massachusetts, and also t he percentage of cloud-
mosphere. The remainder of the direct radiation reaches less-sky radiation transmitted. His data are shown in
the ground, and of course, a considerable portion of the Fig. 10 and in T able VII. Large variations about these

average values are of course to be expected for indi- will give average values of Q; here a and bare constants
vidual cases. such that a + b = 1, S is the percentage of possible
The effect of snow in increasing the solar radiation sunshine, and Q0 is the value of Q when S = 100 (clear
will be particularly pronounced for overcast conditions skies). This was really already assumed implicitly by
because the energy which is reflected by the snow will Kimball in 1919 [51]. From examination of the radiation
be strongly reflected towards the ground by the base of on individual days, average values of a have been
the cloud. This is shown for visible radiation in Fig. 11 found for S = O and/or for c = 10 (overcast) by many
[49]. For wider application the data of Table VII and



0: 1:1':
"'1 V'
1 20

::;: --- ---
::::> 15
.J /: :/
"'~ ::-: ~
10 ----
- - ~~- -.-
.......................... j:: V:
OL----L--~~--~--~----~--~----~--~ z
1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 -
::;: 5
AIR MASS ::::> /:
FIG. 10.-Solar radiation on a horizontal surface through -
the types of clouds indicated. (After Haurwitz [43].)
~ ~
V: :/
o ~
St 'm
(in per cent) SOLAR ALTITUDE 7
(After Haurwitz [43])
Air mass Ci 1 Cs Ac As 1 Se St Ns Fog 5

u- Mls:tt-:52 41 ~ ---;s """15 -u

1 1

r%% -
1 - ~ ~
1.5 84 81 51
41 34 25 17 17 ~~ /:
% ~
1 1
2.0 84 i 78 50 1 41 1 34 25 19 17 ~
o '--v---''--v---''--v---'..___...'----r--'.._ V:
2.5 83 74 '1 49 ! 41 1 33 25 21 18 __,'--v---''-..--''-..--'
3.0 82 71 47 !1 41 ! 32 24 25 18 0- Ci As Ce Ac Se Cb St Nb
3.5 81 68 46 . 41 31 24 18
4.0 80 65 45 41 31 18 FIG. 11.-Diffuse visible skylight for different types of
clouds (10/10 sky cover) above ground with snow cover

4.5 30 19
(hatched bars) and without snow cover (clear bars) for solar

5.0 29 19
altitudes of 7 and 30. Dashed horizontal lines apply for clear

skies. (Ajter Kalitin [49].)

Fig. 10 should be separated for conditions of snow- observers. Kimball found a 0.22 for Washington,
covered and snow-free ground. Also similar data should D. C., and obtained
be computed for areas in which the climate is different
from that of Blue Hill. Q/Qo = (0.22 + 0.788). (25)
Average Conditions. We turn now to the estimation
of the average solar radiation Q which reaches the ..ngstrom found a = 0.235 for Stockholm; for annual
earth's horizontal surface on the average for all days. values at Blue Hill, Haurwitz found a = 0.22 or 0.30,
It is commonly assumed that depending on the assumptions; Mosby obtained a =
0.54 for the Arctic [42]. Recently severa! other authors
Q = Qo (a+ bS) (24) have found values of a which vary considerably. Never-

theless, when Q for average cloudiness conditions is GENERAL SPECULATION AND CONCLUSION
desired, equation (25) is commonly used. From the thoughts implied or expressed earlier, we
In equation (24), a is usually determined from meas- can extract a few for amplification and emphasis.
urements of Q for individual days on which S = O and Solar Radiation at the Ground. The solar energy Q
S = 100. Very few places have an average of S = O absorbed by a unit area of the earth's surface is by far
or S = 100 for a period of a month, and it is not cer- the largest portion of the absorbed energy. It is cus-
tain that equation (24) will yield average values of Q tomary when discussing the average general circulation
for periods which are made up of a mixture of clear, to consider that the greatest heating occurs at the
partly cloudy, and overcast days. A study of all suit- equator where the air rises and that a whole chain of
able data in the United States [33] in which only events takes place as a consequence. This equatorial
monthly mean values of Q and Qo were used gave the heating is supposed to represent an average condition.
equation Actually, even as an average condition, it is not a true
pic ture for the summer hemisphere. In the N orthern
Q = Qo (0.35 + 0.618), (26) Hemisphere summer, average Q is distributed rather
uniformly with latitude, so that there is no pronounced
with a correlation coefficient of +0.88 between Q/Qo maximum of radiation near anv one latitude, and the
and S. Here Q0 is the cloudless-day radiation. An ex- maximum, such as it is, probably occurs near lat 40N
amination of the data (unpublished) revealed that in rather than at lower latitudes. The maximum surface
the western part of the country a was higher than in temperatures occur in the middle of the large cloudless
the eastern part. land masses, not necessarily at the equator.
That a should vary is to be expected from Haur- Let us speculate somewhat on the possible signifi-
witz's data (Fig. 10). The frequency of cloud types is cance of the fairly uniform surface heating in summer in
not often available, but it can be seen that areas with middle latitudes. In the annual cycle of temperature it
greater frequencies of high clouds will have higher is well known that in inland areas the maximum of the
values of a than areas with high frequency of low clouds. average surface air temperature lags the maximum solar
Hence, the application of one equation such as equation radiation by about four to eight weeks. Since advection
(25) or (26) everywhere should be expected to lead to in summer is generally small, the heat balance at the
some inaccuracies even when the amount of cloudiness ground in situ may be an important factor in deter-
or of sunshine is known. Fortunately, for a considerable mining the future average air temperature over a period
range of S, equation (25) or equation (26) will give very of time such as a week or a month. In effect the ground
similar results for Q/Q0 Only in very cloudy or rela- acts as a heat reservoir; it gets hot to a considerable
tively clear areas will there be a difference in the result. depth under the influence of the solar radiation which
For lack of more detailed information, Kimball applied it receives, and it gives up its heat gradually to the
equation (25) to the best cloud-amount data available atmosphere.
to him and computed maps showing the distribution of The lag between the average surface air temperature
radiation over the ocean area [52]. However, if the fre- and the solar radiation at the ground occurs in the mean
quency of cloud types in some ocean areas is different or normal situation. What happens in any particular
from the average for the eastern United States, results summertime week or month? As indicated earlier, the
different from those of Kimball should be expected. amount of solar radiation which reaches the ground in
The computations from any of these formulas can a period of a week or month may differ markedly from
approximate only long-term average values. At any the normal value of solar radiation. Suppose the solar
one place and time large fluctuations from the normal radiation received during a particular June is much
value occur. For example, at Washington, the total higher than normal. Perhaps we can assume that the
radiation on a horizontal surface for a particular Febru- ground would get hotter (over and above its normal
ary, say, may vary by as much as 20 per cent from rate of heating) than it had been in the previous May
the average for all Februaries and bear very)ittle re- and that the effect of the hotter ground would be to
lation to S for that particular February. Angstrom modify the air temperature towards higher temperature
[11] notes that in the short interval 1923-28 the annual in the following July.
total of radiation at Stockholm varied hy 10 per Actually, we should of course examine the heat bal-
cent from the mean for the six-year period. There is ance at the ground and not the incoming solar energy
ample evidence therefore of large variations in the ra- alone. The solar energy is regularly measured in many
diation that reaches the ground at particular points on places, and in the United States the network of such
the earth's surface. If the variations which Danjon measurements is now nationwide. But the heat losses
found in the earth's albedo are verified, large fluctua- at the ground are not regularly measured as universally.
tions also occur in the total radiation that reaches the In the face of such an observational deficiency, is it
entire earth's surface in a period of a month or even of a justifiable as a first approximation to assume that the
year. Except for regions where clouds are rare, areas of variation of incoming solar energy in summer predomin-
below or above normal radiation (or surface heating) ates over other effects, such as variations in outgoing
may occur anywhere, being influenced predominantly radiation? If this assumption is justified, and summer-
by the prevalence of the amount and type of clouds. time advection is not a predominant effect, an ano-

malous solar energy Q might influence the air tem- Absorption by Clouds. Since some of the measure-
perature in inland areas with a lag in the same way ments suggest large absorption of solar energy by
as the normal surface air temperature lags the normal clouds, it would be desirable to investigate the absorp-
solar radiation. If such an effect could be found, the tion further. This can be done from airplanes, as de-
forecasting value of the observed solar radiation would scribed earlier; but it may also be feasible to investigate
be obvious. the absorption from the ground. This might be ac-
Other studies involving the observed anomalous ra- complished by spectroscopic measurements on clouds
diation may be profitable. The average annual cycle of from X = 0.5 J.L to X = 2.5 J.L. On the hasis of the data of
atmospheric circulation is of course related to, if not Fig. 1 and our knowledge of the spectral distribution
entirely caused by, the change in the gradient of solar of clear-sky light [55], we can approximate the spectral
heating of the earth's surface. Here again perhaps study distribution of the solar energy which irradiates the
of the observed anomalous radiation distribution for a tops of clouds. Furthermore, Fig. 7 shows the extinc-
week or a month may reveal it to be a factor in the tion of parallel light by droplets in the absence of ab-
cause of large-scale weather changes. sorption, and shows that if the droplets are large (27rr/X
The Albedo of the Earth. To a certain extent the > 50), K. becomes nearly independent of X for the
previous remarks concerning the significance of the dis- spectral region between 0.5 J.L and 2.5 J.L. This ought to
tribution of surface heating apply also to the heating be true also for diffuse radiation such as that produced
of the entire planet. The planet-wide heating cannot be by clouds. At 0.5 J.L the absorption coefficient of liquid
observed at present from surface observations. How- water is in reality very small, so that the extinction by
ever, by Danjon's technique the earth's albedo can be clouds at 0.5 J.L is caused wholly by scattering. Conse-
observed, although corroborating independent observa- quently 10 .5 , the measure of spectral intensity at 0.5 J.L,
tions are highly desirable. Furthermore, by making can serve as a standard against which to compare the
observations from severa! longitudes it may even be spectral intensities at longer wave lengths such as 2.0 1-L
possible to estimate the longitudinal distribution of the From Fig. 7, together with some reasonable assump-
albedo and therefore of the heating. The variations of tion about the droplet sizes in the cloud and the relative
these albedos from their average values may be related spectral irradiation of the cloud top, we can calculate
to the subsequent exchange of heat and of masses of the 12 0 relative to 10 .5 on the assumption that no absorp-
atmosphere between latitudes and between longitudes. tion is present. The difference between the calculated
Upper-Atmospheric Heating. The uncertainties re- ho and the observed 12 .0 might serve as a first approx-
garding the extent of heating in the ozone layer were imation to the absorption. Greater refinement can prob-
discussed earlier and a quasi-practical experiment to ably be obtained from Mecke's theoretical discussions
determine the fluctuation of radiation during SID's was [59].
proposed. It is, of course, possible to attempt correla- Conclusion. We have discussed the state of our knowl-
tions of numerous solar parameters with meteorologica! edge in the field of solar radiation and speculated about
parameters. The number, size, shape, and polarity of some of the deficiencies in that knowledge and in its
sun spots, as well as faculae, flocculi, prominences, and application to meteorology. On the question of the solar
coronal lines are but a few of the parameters which energy potentially available for "use," the suggestions
have been or could be used. However, it seems to the (1) that the albedo (35 per cent) of the earth is smaller
author that if any relation does exist between solar than the value (43 per cent) which has often been ac-
variability and tropospheric meteorology over a period cepted, and (2) that the absorption by clouds is higher
of a few days or longer, those solar parameters which than formerly assumed may require a re-evaluation of
are known to produce effects somewhere in the upper the disposition of the radiation received by the earth
atmosphere would offer the greatest promise, and it in the mean. That the long-term average radiative bal-
would be better to seek correlations not with the solar ance controls the average weather pattern is, of course,
variation itself but rather with the known terrestrial not subject to question. The excess or deficit of ab-
effect which has been produced. Prominent among such sorbed solar radiation by comparison with the normal
solar-induced terrestrial effects are SID's and magnetic absorbed radiation should also significantly influence
variations. the weather elements averaged over relatively short
The suggestion then is that we measure the variation periods. Whether a week, a month, a season, or longer
of solar ultraviolet radiation which reaches the top of is the required "relatively short period" remains to be
the ozone layer, and the variation of temperature there. investigated.
Until such measurements are made we cannot be sure
that solar variation is heating the ozone layer signifi-
cantly above its normal temperature. After the magni- An attempt has been made to limit the number of references.
tude of ozone heating has been established, correlations Many of those listed here contain additional useful ones. A
relatively large number of references are contained in severa!
of tropospheric effects with solar parameters which
of the items listed below; these have been marked with an
produce the ozone heating would obviously be indi- asterisk.
cated. In the meantime, the SID seems to be a par- 1. ABBOT, C. G., "The Variations of the Solar Constant and
ameter which is likely to be related to abnormal ozone Their Relation to Weather. Reply to Paranjpe and
heating; as such it may be related to surface pressure Brunt." Quart. J. R. meteor. Soc., 65:215-236 (1939).
changes. 2. - - FowLE, F. E., and ALDRICH, L. B., "The Distribu-

tion of Energy in the Spectra of the Sun and Stars." 25. ELLISON, M. A., "Characteristic Properties of Chromo-
Smithson. misc. Coll., Voi. 74, N o. 7, 30 pp. (1923). spheric Flares." Mon. Not. R. astr. Soc., 109:1-27 (1949).
3. - - and HoovER, W. H., Ann. astrophys. Obs. Smithson. 26. FowLE, F. E., "The Transparency of Aqueous Vapor."
Instn., 6 Vols. (1900-1942). Astrophys. J., 42:394-411 (1915).
4. ABETTI, G., The Sun, trans. by A. ZrMMERMAN and F. 27. - - "Water-Vapor Transparency to Low-Temperature
BouRGHOUTS. London, C. Lockwood and Son, 1938. Radiation." Smithson. misc. Coll., Voi. 68, No. 8 (1917).
New York, Van Nostrand, 1938. 28. - - "The Atmospheric Scattering of Light." Smithson.
5. ADEL, A., "Selected Topics in Infrared Spectroscopy of misc. Coll., Voi. 69. No. 3, 12 pp. (1918).
the Solar System." (In [54], pp. 269-283.) 29. FRITZ, S., "The Albedo of the Ground and Atmosphere."
6. ALBRECHT, F., "Eine einheitliche Darstellung des Ab- Bull. Amer. meteor. Soc., 29:303-312 (1948).
sorptions-spektrums von wasserdampfhaltiger Luft und 30. - - "The Albedo of the Planet Earth and of Clouds."
fiussigem Wasser." Z. Meteor., 1:194-196 (1947). J. Meteor., 6:277-282 (1949).
7. ALDRICH, L. B., "The Refiecting Power of Clouds." 31. - - "Solar Radiation during Cloudless Days." Heat.
Smithson. misc. Coll., Voi. 69, N o. 10, 9 pp. (1919). & Ventilating, 46:69-74 (1949).
8. - - "The Solar Constant and Sunspot Numbers." Smith- 32. - - "Measurements of the Albedo of Clouds." Bull.
son. misc. Coli., Voi. 104, No. 12 (1945). Amer. meteor. Soc., 31:25-27 (1950).
9. ALLEN, C. W., "Variation of the Sun's Ultra-Violet Ra- 33. - - and MAcDoNALD, T. H., "Average Solar Radiation
diation as Revealed by Ionospheric and Geomagnetic in the United States." Heat. & Ventilating, 46:61-64
Observations." Terr. Magn. atmos. Elect., 51:1-18 (1946). (1949).
10. ANGSTRGM, A., "On the Albedo of Various Surfaces of *34. GAERTNER, H., The Transmission of lnfrared in Cloudy
Ground." Geogr. Ann., Stockh., 7:323-342 (1925). Atmosphere. NAVORD Rep. 429, 67 pp. Washington,
11. - - "On the Atmospheric Transmission of Sun Radia- D. C., Gov't Printing Oftice, 1947.
tion. II." Geogr. Ann., Stockh., 12:130-159 (1930). See 35. GoTz, F. W. P., und ScnoNMANN, E., "Die spektrale
also "On the Atmospheric Transmission of Sun Radi- Energieverteilung von Himmels- und Sonnenstrah-
ation and on Dust in the Atmosphere." Ibid., 11:156-166 lung." Helv. phys. Acta, 21:151-168 (1948).
(1929). 36. GowAN, E. H., "Ozonosphere Temperatures under Ra-
12. - - "Survey of the Activities of the Radiation Commis- diation Equilibrium." Proc. roy. Soc., (A) 190:219-226
sions of the IMO and of the IUGG." Tellus, Voi. 1, No. (1947).
3, pp. 65-71 (1949). 37. GREENSTEIN, J. L., "The Upper Atmosphere Studied
13. APPLETON, E. V., and NAISMITH, R., "Normal and Ah- from Rockets." (In [54], pp. 112-122.)
normal Region E Ionization." Proc. phys. Soc. Lond., 38. GRIMMINGER, G., "Analysis of Temperature, Pressure,
52:402-415 (1940). and Density of the Atmosphere Extending to Extreme
14. BAuR, F., und PHILIPPS, H., "Der Wrmehaushalt der Altitudes." Project Rand. Santa Monica, Calif., The
Lufthulle der Nordhalbkugel in Januar und Juli und Rand Corp., 1948.
zur Zeit der quinoktien und Solstitien." Beitr. 39. HAEFF, A. V., "On the Origin of Solar Radio Noise."
Geophys., 42:160-207 (1934). Phys. Rev., 75:1546-1551 (1949).
15. BERNHEIMER, W. E., "On the Solar Radiation in the 40. HAND, I. F., "Atmospheric Contamination over Boston,
Ultraviolet Region of the Spectrum" in Quatrieme Massachusetts." Bull. Amer. meteor. Soc., 30:252-254
rapport, Relations entre les phenomenes solaires et ter- (1949).
restres. Florence, Conseil Intern. Union Sci., 1936. 41. --"Weekly Mean Values of Daily Total Solar and Sky
16. BRASEFIELD, C. J., "Exploring the Ozonosphere." Sci. Radiation." U. S. Wea. Bur. Tech. Pap. No. 11, Wash-
Mon., 68:395-399 (1949). ington, D. C. (1949). See also "Review of U. S.
17. BRooKs, C. F., "Oceanography and Meteorology" in Weather Bureau Solar Radiation Investigations." Mon.
Physics of the Earth. V-Oceanography. Bul!. 85, pp. Wea. Rev. Wash., 65:415-441 (1937); and "A Summary
457-519, Washington, Nat. Res. Council of the Nat. of Total Solar and Sky Radiation Measurements in the
Acad. Sci., 1932. United States." Ibid., 69:95-125 (1941).
18. BuLLRICH, K., "Lichtdurchlssigkeit in Wolken." Z. 42. HAURWITZ, B., "Daytime Radiation at Blue Hill Observa-
Meteor., 2:321-325 (1948). tory in 1933 with Application to Turbidity in American
19. CHAPMAN, R. M., HowARD, J. N., and MrLLER, V. A., Air Masses." Harv. rneteor. Stud., No. 1 (1934).
Atmospheric Transmission of lnfra-Red. Rep. N o. 18, 43. - - "Insolation in Relation to Cloud Type." J. Meteor.,
Ohio State Univ. Res. Found., Contract W 44-099-eng- 5:110-113 (1948).
400, Engineer Center, Ft. Belvoir, Va., 1949. 44. - - "Solar Activity, the Ozone Layer and the Lower
20. CLEARMAN, H. E., "The Ultraviolet Solar Spectrum." (In Atmosphere" in "Centennial Symposia, Dec. 1946."
[54], pp. 125-134.) Harv. Obs. Monogr., No. 7, pp. 353-368 (1948).
*21. CRAIG, R. A., "The Observations and Photochemistry of 45. HEwsoN, E. W., "The Refiection, Absorption and Trans-
Atmospheric Ozone and Their Meteorologica! Signifi- mission of Solar Radiation by Fog and Cloud." Quart.
cance." Meteor. Monogr., Voi. 1, No. 2 (1950). J. R. rneteor. Soc., 69:47-62 (1943). See also "Piscus-
22. CROZIER, W. D., and SEELY, B. K., Airborne Particles Col- sion," ibid., pp. 227-234.
lected an a Transcontinentai Airplane Flight. New Mexico 46. HouGHTO:-r, H. G., and CHALKER, W. R., "The Scattering
School of Mines Tech. Rep. No. 1-NR, ONR Proj. No. Cross Section of Water Drops in Air for Visible Light."
NR-{}82-D13, 1949. J. opt. Soc. Amer., 39:955-957 (1949).
23. DANJON, A., "N ouvelles recherches sur la photometrie de 47. HuLBURT, E. 0., "The Upper Atmosphere of the Earth."
la lumiere cendree et l'albedo de la terre." Ann. Obs. Stras. J. opt. Soc. Amer., 37:405-415 (1947).
bourg, 3:139-180 (1936). 48. IvEs, J. E., and Co-woRKERs, "Atmospheric Pollution of
24. DRUMMETER, L. F., and STRONG, J., lnfrared Absorption American Cities for the Years 1931 to 1933." Publ.
of Water Vapor at 1.8 Microns. Johns Hopkins Univ. Hlth. Bull. Wash., No. 224 (1936).
Rep., ONR Contract N5-ori-166, T.O. V, 1949. 49. KALITIN, N. N., "Einfiuss der Bewolkung auf die Hellig-

keit der Erdoberflche durch diffuses Licht der At- 65. NEIBURGER, M., "The Reflection of Diffuse Radiation by
mosphre." Strahlentherapie, 39:717-728 (1931). the Sea Surface." Trans. Amer. geophys. Un., 29:647-
50. KARANDIKAR, R. V., "Radiation Balance of the Lower 652 (1948).
Stratosphere. Part I-Height Distribution of Solar 66. - - "Reflection, Absorption and Transmission of Insola-
Energy Absorption in the Atmosphere." Proc. Ind. tion by Stratus Clouds." J. Meteor., 6:98-104 (1949).
Acad. Sci., Sect. A, 23:7o-96 (1946). 67. PARANJPE, M. M., "The Variationsofthe Solar Constant
51. KrMBALL, H. H., "Variations in the Total and Luminous and Their Relation to Weather." Quart. J. R. meteor.
Solar Radiation with Geographical Position in the Soc., 64:459-476 (1938).
United States." Mon. Wea. Rev. Wash., 47:769-793 68. PETTIT, E., "Measurements of Ultraviolet Solar Hadia-
(1919). tion." Astrophys. J., 75:185-221 (1932).
52. - - "Solar Radiation and Its Role" in Physics of the 69. PHILLIPS, M. L., "The Ionosphere as a Measure of Solar
Earth. III-Meteorology. Nat. Res. Coun., Nat. Acad. Activity." Terr. Magn. atmos. Elect., 52:321-332 (1947).
Sci., Washington, D. C., 1931. (See pp. 35-66) 70. HAMANATHAN, K. H., and KARANDIKAR, H. V., "Effect
53. KLEIN, W. H., "Calculation of Solar Radiation and the of Dust and Haze on Measurements of Atmospheric
Solar Heat Load on Man." J. Meteor., 5:119-129 (1948). Ozone Made with Dobson's Spectrophotometer." Quart.
*54. KurPER, G. P., ed., The Atmospheres of the Earth and J. R. meteor. Soc., 75:257-267 (1949).
Planets. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1949. 71. HossBY, C.-G., ''The Scientific Basis of Modern Meteorol-
*55. LINKE, F., Handbuch der Geophysik, Bd. 8, Lief. 1 u. 2. ogy" in Handbook of Meteorology, F. A. BERRY, E.
Berlin, Gebr. Borntraeger, 1942, 1943. BOLLAY, and N. H. BEERs, ed., pp. 502-529. New York,
*56. LrsT, H. J., ed., Smithsonian 11Ieteorological Tables, 6th McGraw, 1945.
ed. Washington, Smithson. Instn. (in press). 72. STAIR, H., "Measurement of Ozone over the Organ Moun-
57. LucKIESH, M., "Aerial Photometry." Astrophys. J., tains, New Mexico." J. Res. nat. Bur. Stand., 40:9-19
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58. MARVIN, C. F., "On the Question of Day-to-Day Fluctua- 73. STERNE, T. E., "On Periodicities in Measures of the Solar
tions in the Derived Values of the Solar Constant." Constant." Proc. nat. Acad. Sci., Wash., 25:559-564
Mon. Wea. Rev. Wash., 53:285-303 (1925). (1939).
59. MECKE, R., "Die Gesetze der Lichtausbreitung in optisch 74. TANCK, H.-J., "Die tgliche Erwrmung der Atmosphre
trilben Medien und das Sichtweiteproblem." Meteor. infolge der Absorption der direkten Sonnenstrahlung
Z., 61:195-199 (1944). durch den atmosphrischen Wasserdampf." Ann. Hy-
60. MENZEL, D. H., "Earth-Sun Relationships" in "Cen- drogr., Berl., 68:47-64 (1940).
tennial Symposia, Dec. 1946." Harv. Obs. Monogr., No. 75. TEELE, R. P., "Insolation, Earth and Sky Brightness"
7, pp. 319-329 (1948). in Nat. Geogr. Soc.-U. S. Army Air Corps Stratosphere
61. MrLANKOVITCH, M., Phenomimes Thermiques. Paris, Flight of 1935 in the Balloon "Explorer Il." Nat. Geogr.
Gauthier-Villars et Cie, 1920. (See also "Mathematische Soc., Washington, D. C., 1936. (See pp. 133-138)
Klimalehre und astronomische Theorie der Klima- *76. VAN DE HuLST, H. C., "Scattering in the Atmospheres of
sch wankungen,'' H andbuch der Klimatologie, W. Ki:iPPEN the Earth and the Planets." (In [54], pp. 49-111.)
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*62. MITRA, S. K., The Upper Atmosphere. Calcutta, The 78. WEXLER, H., "A Comparison of the Linke and Angstriim
Royal Asiatic Society of Bengal, 1948. Measures of Atmospheric Turbidity and Their Applica-
63. MooN, P., "Proposed Standard Solar-Radiation Curves tion to N orth American Air Masses." Trans. Amer.
for Engineering Use." J. Franklin Inst., 230:583-617 geophys. Un., 14th Annual Meeting, pp. 91-99 (1933).
(1940). 79. WuLF, O. R., and DEMING, L. S., "On the Production of
64. NATIONAL BuREAU OF STANDARDS, Ionospheric Radio Ionospheric Regions E and F and the Lower-Altitude
Propagation. Nat. Bur. Stand. Circ. 462, Washington, Ionization Causing Hadio Fade-outs." Terr. Magn.
D. C., 1948. atmos. Elect., 43:283-298 (1938).
Gutenberg University at Mainz

Introduction The Absorption Laws

Long-wave radiation occupies a peculiar position in From the beginning, the theoretical calculations were
the science of meteorology in that its effects in the free set up in such general terms that it became possible to
atmosphere are known only through theoretical cal- investigate the radiation properties of any atmosphere
culations and not through measurements. These calcula- with any temperature distribution and any possible
tions are, nevertheless, based on experiments in the arrangement of radiating and absorbing media. This
laboratory and in the atmosphere. The atmospheric was done by the development of special radiation dia-
radiation is very seldom measured from balloons [3] grams or radiation charts. This approach was justified
or from aircraft [17], but quite frequently on the ground by two facts: (1) The intensity of the radiation which
where the radiation from above is observed. It appears is emitted by an element for a given wave length is
that part of the measurements from airplanes are in proportional to the black-body radiation and is thus
error; and the measurements on the ground have seldom a function only of the absolute temperature; (2) this
found an evaluation that went beyond the formulation radiation is proportional to the mass of the radiating
of empirica] equations to approximate their average medium, which means, in the troposphere, to the
values. The theoretical deductions concerning the radia- amount of water vapor. It is of particular importance
tion in the atmosphere are much more extensive, and that the proportionality constant, that is, the absorp-
it would be most desirable to support them by careful tion coefficient k, is really a constant in its first ap-
measurements, especially since the experimental tools proximation and not a function of any other quantities.
are available. However, in reality such a dependence of k on the air
Initially, much was expected from the investigations pressure and on the temperature does exist and gives
of long-wave radiation in the free atmosphere. It was rise to particular difficulties in advanced investigations.
hoped that they would furnish an explanation for the It should immediately be pointed out that the con-
latitudinal differences in the temperature and altitude struction and application of radiation diagrams become
of the tropopause, an interpretation of the variations impossible if there exist in the atmosphere two different
of these values from day to day, and a physical elucida- media whose masses in a given volume element vary
tion of the origin of the inversions in the free atmos- independently of each other from case to case, but
phere. In ali these problems the solutions at times whose emissive power at the same wave length is of
seemed to be near at hand, but then they receded. It the same order of magnitude so that the effect of the
appears to the author that today the emphasis of one medium cannot be neglected as compared to that
research is directed more toward the investigation of of the other. Such conditions prevail in the stratosphere,
the radiative balance and heat budget in the atmos- for instance in the case of ozone and carbon dioxide.
phere. It is possihle to consider two media in the same space
In the following, the techniques of measurement are element of the atmosphere only when one of the radia-
omitted and little will be said concerning the mathe- tors is a gray radiator, that is, when its absorption
matical-physical hasis of the calculations, since two coefficient k is the same for all wave lengths [31].
detailed treatises which are still up to date are available Parallel Radiation. If an absorbing rnedium m is
[14, 28]. They cover these subjects very thoroughly. penetrated by a beam of parallel rays, absorption takes
On the other hand, we shall discuss in great detail the place according to an exponential law. The emergent
number of instances where long-wave radiation is in- radiation h is
volved in the problems of general meteorology. (1)
. Long-wave radiation is a heat radiation; its energy
IS derived from the kinetic energy of the molecules.
where the subscript A indicates monochromatic radia-
The radiators of this energy are those atmospheric tion, and 10 is the incident radiation. The absorbed
gases that have absorption bands in the temperature portion is
radiation range of 4 to approximately 100 J.l., that is, A = (!o - I)/ lo = 1 - e-kxm. (2)
water vapor, carbon dioxide, and ozone. The effect of The length of the path which the radiation follows in
the water vapor is restricted almost exclusively to the penetrating m does not appear in this equation. This
troposphere, in which carbon dioxide and ozone are means that the absorption is only a function of the
of little significance. The latter two gases become of penetrated mass m, or that the absorption coefficient
great importance in the stratosphere between 15 and k>. is independent of the density of m throughout the
35 km. In addition, heat is radiated by the ground and penetrated cylinder. If Io is black-body radiation at a
the clouds.
temperature T, whose value is given by Planck's law,
* Translated from the original German. lo = &(A, T) dw,

(where dw is the solid angle), and if the mass m has the tion of k>.. at a ratio of 1 : 100. This is most easily done
same temperature T, then m radiates, according to by determining once and for ali the absorption function
Kirchhoff's law, the same amount of energy as it ab- of a line. The form of a spectral line, that is, the law of
sorbs; that is, it emits the decrease of the absorption coefficient from the
center towards the edges, is known as the dispersion
E = &(X, T) dwA = &(X, T) dw (1 - e-kAm). (3)
A mass element dm of temperature T therefore sends
through the absorbing mass m the radiation
dE= Gi(X, T) dwdA = &(X, T) dwe-kAmk> (4) (Instead of X, t.he frequency ." = 1/X cm- 1 is used;
lf the mass element has a different temperature T~, 8 is also given in cm- 1.) The significant values in this
the radiation is simply law are (1) the absorption coefficient in the center k0,
(2) the half-value width 8 of the line, and (3) the dis-
Gi(X, Tt) dw e-kAmk> (5) tance between two adjacent lines Llv. The ratio 8/~~~
in which it is assumed that k>.. is not a function of the determines to what fraction of ko the absorption coeffi-
temperature of the mass m. cient k decreases between two lines. N either 8 nor ~~~
Diffuse Radiation. The simple basic law represented has the same value in one hand, let alone in different
by equations (3) and (4) holds essentialiy for ali com- bands, of the same spectrum. The distance between
lines ~~~ varies irregularly, because of the overlapping
plications that appear in the atmosphere. First of ali
we must take into consideration the fact that the radia- of differing laws for the various spectral lines. Only
tion is not paraliel. Let us consider the radiation of a very few values have been determined for 8, because
the measurements are extremely difficult to make.
layer of air of infinite horizontal extent which is part
of a uniformly stratified air mass and which is to con- Therefore, it is usualiy assumed that 8, as well as ~~~.
is constant for the entire spectrum. Although this as-
tain the radiating mass dm over an area of one square
sumption is only an expedient, there is no possibility
centimeter. Then the radiation emitted from this mass
of a more exact evaluation at the present time.
will arrive on a receiving surface at ali angles of inci-
If we integrate the absorption laws for paraliel or
dence 0~ 'P ~90. The integrat:on of equation (4)
diffuse radiation over such a dispersion form of a
over 'P can be reduced to known functions and the
spectral line, we arrive at new laws, that is, new absorp-
radiation of the layer element is
tion functions, which can be expressed by
dS = 1r& (X, T) 2Hlk>..m) k> (6)
The radiation of a layer of finite thickness with a tem-
perature T is then = -1 1+.:1/
1 - 2Ha ( k0mo2/4 )] dv (9)
S = 1r& (X, T) [1 - 2H3 (k>..m)]. (7) .,:lp -.:1/2 (11 - Po) 2 + 02/4
for the radiating layer m, and by
The functions H2 and H 3 ( calied Ei2 and Ei 3 by Elsasser)
are tabulated [27], so that t.hey can be used for exact L(kom)
calculations. The expression Ad = [1 - 2H 3 (k,.m)]
can be considered as an absorption function of diffuse = -1 1+a.t 2
1 - exp (
- k 0mo 2/4
(11 - Po) 2 02/4
)] dv (10)
radiation, and its differential is accordingly ~~~ -.:1./2

dA = 2H2 (k>..m) k> for the radiating column. As before, the radiation of a
layer element is the first derivative of this function with
Within a large range the foliowing approximations can . aL (kom)
be roade: respect to m, that 1s, dm for parallel or diffuse
2H2(x) ~ 1.66e-L66" and 2H2(x) ~ e-L66z, radiation. It is of no consequence whether this integral
which means that the laws for diffuse radiation between can be solved analytically or numerically. If it can be
atmospheric layers are replaced by the laws for paraliel tabulated, it can be used for any further calculations.
radiation in which, however, the absorption coefficient The two new equations, (9) and (10), contain as a
is multiplied by %. parameter the ratio between the half-value width and
Radiation from a Spectral Line. A further modifica- . the distance between lines, a = ~v/8.
tion of the simple absorption laws is required by the An approximate solution for L may be obtained, if
physical processes that take place when gas masses we assume 82/4 in the denominator to be negligible
radiate. The absorption bands of the multimolecular compared to (v - v0 ) 2 In that case
gases are not continuous, but are resolved into numer- L (kom) ~ V ko1rm/ a 2
ous closely spaced absorption lines. The absorption
coefficient is extremely high in the center of each of This indicates that the radiation of a gas layer of
these lines, while it is smalier by about two orders of finite thickness m is proportional to the square root of
magnitude between two lines. Thus, even if we consider m if the absorption occurs in individual lines. If, on
only a very small spectral hand ~X which contains only the other hand, we were dealing with continuous absorp-
a single line, we must take into consideration a varia- tion, we would arrive at an exponential function. Thus,

simply by plotting experimental absorption values and the radiation of a layer m of finite thickness upon a
against the square roots of m, or by the usual repre- surface element situated in the one boundary surface
sentation of ln (1 - A), we can determine whether we of the layer m becomes
are dealing with a continuous distribution of the absorp-
tion coefficient, or with a resolution into individual s = 71' lm
dm L
&(A, T) aLd;kom)
~A. (13)
lines. It i::; important to realize that this method is
applicable even if the apparatus is not sufficiently This is the radiation of an atmospheric layer upon a
sensitive to resolve the individual lines. Strong [48] unit area, for instance the radiation of the entire atmos-
applied this method to entire bands whose separate phere upon the unit area of the sensitive surface of a
lines may have very different values for ko. 1 measuring instrument placed on the ground. The inte-
gration over m is difficult at first, because the tempera-
Radiation Diagrams ture T is in general not constant but a function of m,
The knowledge of the absorption of a spectral line that is, a function of the radiating mass situated be-
gives us one hasis for the calculation of atmospherie tween an altitude above ground and the surface of the
heat radiation. The second hasis is the distribution of earth. If we consider an isothermal atmosphere of
the values for k 0 over the various wave lengths. For temperature T 0 , then
water vapor, which is most effective in the troposphere,
the available measurement::; have been tabulated by (13a)
Elsasser [14] and Moller [34]. Callendar and Cwilong
give analogous figures. The absorption shows very great will be a function X of m. If we now plat the absorption
differences. In the rotation spectrum, ko is of the order
of 104 cm 2 g- 1 ; in the rotation-oseillation spectrum at LO .8 .6 .4 .2 o
6 fJ. it is about 103 cm 2 g-1; whereas it decreases in the
"window" of the water vapor to 1 cm2 g- 1 or below. In A
2 co
spite of these large differences we can never neglect one o .05 .1 .2 .5
spectral range as eompared to another, because the in- o .05 .1 .2 .5 2 co
tensive radiation in the range of large values of k 0 is c
0.01 .05 .1 .2 .5 2 5 00
readily absorbed even by very thin layers, whereas the D
low radiation intensities at small values of ko are searcely O .OI .05 .1 .2 .5 2 5 10 00
absorbed. However, thick and distant layers can parti-
cipate in the emission of this radiation. Therefore we o .2 .4 .6 .8 1.0

need the cumulative effect of all wave lengths for com- FIG. 1.-Absorption functions. The linear scale at the top
gives the transmitted radiation. The linear scale at the bottom
parison with measurement::;. Mtigge and Moller [37] gives the absorptive or emissive power. Numbers on the func-
were the first to use a graphical method in which the tion scales from A to D are the absorbing mass rn.
integration over all wave lengths is computed in ad- (A) 1 -e-km for k = 1.66. Parallel radiation.
(B) 1 -2 ll 3 (m). Diffuse radiation.
vance and represented in diagrammatie form. Elsasser (C) Lda ~ ,_,, (k0 m) for k 0 = 6.5. Diffuse radiation of a
[14] developed a similar diagram, which is the same in spectral line with a = 5.5.
(D) Lda ~" (k 0 m) for k 0 = 20. Diffuse radiation of a spec-
principle, but which differs somewhat in arrangement. tral line with a = 12.
According to the foregoing discussion, the radiation The values of k and k 0 are chosen so that for the same mass
at wave length A of a thin layer of gas of temperature rn the absorption will be 0.5 in each case.
T is given by
function X as the abscissa and provide it \Vith a scale of
dS).. = 7r&(A T) aLd(kom) dm (11)
m, as in Fig. 1, we can read at the scale division m, the
' am ,
radiation intensity emitted by the isothermal layer of
where ko varies from line to line. Even larger spectral temperature T 0 However, X also indicates the amount
ranges that comprise a number of lines can be com- absorbed by this layer when an infinite surface of
bined as long as k 0 varies less than k. in the range of temperature 7' 0 transmits black-body radiation through
one line, that is, less than 100: 1. Then the total radia- this layer. lf ko does not vanish for any v:ave length,
tiau of a layer element dm is obtained by summation an infinitely thick layer (m = oc) will have total
over all wave lengths, absorption. Accordingly, the radiation emitted by an
infinitely thiek layer of gas is equal to the black-body
dS = 1l'dm L &(A, T) aLd;kum) ~A, (12) radiation: the point m = oo of the scale lies at X =
).. m CJ1'o4.
1. (Note added July, 1950.) Callendar [11] used an empirica! It can be seen immediatelv that the radiation of a
absorption law L(w) = w/(w + w 0) in which wo is a constant layer element dm of temperat~1re To is also given by the
characterizing the degree of absorption; this law is easily differential of X:
applicable in theoretical investigations and covers the observa-
tions well. Using ali experimental data of water vapor, Cwilong
dS =
- X r 0 (m) dm.
[12] recently deduced an empirica! absorption function, but he am
gives numerica! values only and not an analytic expression.
The values of the function are available for narrow frequency In order to tind the radiation of a layer element of a
intervals of the whole long-wave water-vapor spectrum. tempera ture other than T 0, a new evaluation of the

summation over X in (12) or (13) with Tasa parameter nate are interchanged by comparison with Moller's
becomes necessary. Let the ratio of the radiation of diagram.
the two layer elements be y; then

y(T, To, m) (14)

L @(X, To) am
_!_ Ld(kom)t.X
W e are now able to determine the radiation of the
layer element dm of temperature T from the product
dST = y (T, To,m)-XT 0 (m) dm. (15)
From (15) follows the key equation of the radiation

S = 1m y(T, To, m) dX To(m), (16)

where T may now be any function of m, that may be

given by observation or assumption. If we now plot y
on the ordinate against X on the abscissa, we obtain a
FIG. 2b.-Radiation chart according to Elsasser. The heavy
graph with curves for every value of T, in which y = lines correspond to those in Fig. 2a.
1 signifies that T = To, and T < To gives values of y
less than 1 (Fig. 2a). The radiation of an isothermal Even though the principle of the two radiation dia-
40 40~----~------r----,------,---, grams is the same, there are certain numerica! differ-
co 2 ences. These are best illustrated by a comparison of
the functions X 40 c and X-suc in the two charts. The
values T = +40C and -SOC are the highest and
lowest temperatures shown. Table I shows that there



w (g cm-2)
Tempera ture
o rco2l
~~-~--~-o_ ""
% % % % %
% %

17.0 26.8 41.1 57.8 75.9 91.!) 100.0

+40C 13.3 24.4 41.5 58.3 72.7 8!l.O 100.0
o 10 ro
w 16.6 38.1 58.0 76.1 88.8 96.61 100.0
FIG. 2a.-Radiation dia gram according to Moller. The heavy
-SOC {~ 13.1 32.7 56.4 75.0 85.2 93.3 100.0
lines refer to downcoming radiation of the atmosphere at the '
ground (I), the radiation at 7 km recei ved from below (II),
and the radiation at 7 km received from above (III). is good agreement with differences of less than 1 per
atmospheric layer is then given by the area bounded cent in the middle rangc of amounts of water vapor
laterally by parallels to the y-axis through m = O and between 3 X I0-3 and 3 X I0- 1 g cm- 2 In the range of
m = m, by the X-axis at the bottom, and the line T smaller or larger amounts of water vapor M6ller's
at the top. The radiation of a nonisotherma atmos- values are about 2 per cent lower than Elsasser's. (The
pheric layer in which T is a function of m can be found first edition of Elsasser's chart, as well as the earlier
by plotting the temperature distribution T(m) in the edition of the chart hy Miigge and M6Iler both showed
network of curves for m and T, and integrating. This is radiation values 10 to 15 per cent lower in the middle
the basic principle of ali radiation diagrams. Aside from range of water-vapor amounts. The agreement of the
the use of different absorption values, ko, Elsasser's revisions made by both authors independently during
chart is an authalic transformation of this principle, the war is rather remarkable.)
in which the isotherms are made rectilinear, and, as There is more of a difference in the evaluation by the
a result, the Iines of equal m-values becomc curved. two authors of the radiation of carbon dioxide. For the
The curvature is hardly noticeable, because the lines amount of co2 normally present in the atmosphere,
for m = O and m = OCJ, which, as the boundaries of the there is almost complete absorption in the extraordi-
graph, remain straight lines, intersect at the point narily intense band around 14.9 J..l. even by only very
T = O. Thus the diagram assumes triangular or trape- thin layers. The weak extreme boundaries of the band
zoidal shape (Fig. 2b). Furthermore, abscissa and ordi- extend to 12.5 J..l. and 17.5 J..l., respecti vely. Elsasser now

assumes that in the region from 13.1 JJ. to 16.9 JJ. the found that on the average the calculated outgoing
co2 always absorbs so strongly that we can assume radiation values were about 0.035 cal cm-2 min-1 higher
total absorption, and that therefore the radiation than the observed values. This deviation, for which
emitted in that range by an atmospheric layer is equal Wexler has no explanation, must probably be ascribed
to the black-body radiation at a temperature existing to the use of the earlier edition of Elsasser's diagram
at the surface of such a layer. Moller [35] assumes a which, in the range of water-vapor content in ques-
width of only 3 JJ. for this range, that is, from 13.5 to tion, furnishes a value for downcoming radiation ap-
16.5 JJ., and estimates that within these wave lengths proximately 10 per cent lower than the later edition
the absorption by water vapor is equal to that by of this chart.
co2 only when the specific humidity is 100 g kg-1 or F. A. Brooks [7] and Robinson [43] carried out com-
more. Outside of these boundaries, however, the ab- parative calculations for some cases of their numerous
sorption by H20 is greater than that by C02. Accord- observations, but used them essentially to compute a
ingly, the C02 absorption at 273K is 18.4 per cent radiation diagram on an empirica! hasis (see p. 40).
according to Elsasser and 14.6 per cent according to However, in part of these observations in the free
Moller. In addition, Moller gives a scale in his chart atmosphere only the total water-vapor content was
which permits determinat-ion of the radiation effect of used. So far, in most cases, no aerological measurements
co2 for large temperature variations at low altitude were made concurrently with the radiation measure-
(close to the ground) or for very low co2 content of the

-- -- --- -------
.... -
air (stratosphere). .9
Another point of comparison consists of the numerica!
values assigned to the absorption coefficient ko by "",...,
Elsasser and by Moller. In the 6-JJ. hand Moller's values /
/ "'
are somewhat higher. The same applies to the absorp- / ""
tion increase from 10 JJ. to the rotation hand, while in .8 /

the core of this hand the values are lower. Elsasser /

first calculated his graph with the coefficients of his .., 1

-- --- --- ------

table. Later, however, he corrected it according to b 1
...... 1
measurements of total absorption and concluded from 0::
these measurements that the k 0 values around 6 JJ. .7 ,."~,.",..
were originally too low, while those for 50 JJ. were too /

high. This makes the agreement of the ko values even /


better than a comparison of the numerica! values would /


indicate. 1
Lately, an important objection has been raised .6 1
against both radiation diagrams. The absorption func- o 24
tions for a spectral line, U(kom), which are used by
Fra. 3.-Scattering of the relative atmospheric radiation
both authors, contain the assumption that a = D.v/o = R/<TT 4 according to Bolz and Falckenberg l6]. Seventy per cent
5.6, wherein o was set at 0.5 cm- 1 and the distance of all measured values lie in the hatched rcgion, and
between lines, D.v, was assumed to be 2.8 cm-1 as the ninety-eight per cent of all values lie within the region bounded
by the dashed line.
mean of thc range investigated by Randall and his
collaborators. According to recent measurements by
ments. Therefore only the variables measured on the
Adel [1] on two lines near 16 and 18.6 JJ., it was found
that o = 0.23 cm- 1 ; from this it follows that a = 12. ground such as pressure, temperature, vapor pressure,
The absorption function for a line La is also shown in and cloudiness were used to organize the measurements
Fig. 1 for a = 12. The author suspects that the applica- and to develop interpolation formulas. The best known
tion of the new function will not lead to any important are those by .ngstrom and Brunt which give the
differences from the previous radiation charts, since ratio R/uT 04 as a function of the vapor pressure at
ground level only where T 0 is the air temperature at
the differences of k 0 at 10 JJ., as compared to those at
the point of observation. Numerous authors have
6 JJ. and 50 JJ., are so large as to render all refinements
derived the constants of this formula from their meas-
urements, but the scattering of the constants given by
the different authors is as great as the scattering of the
The Downcoming Radiation of the Atmosphere
individual measurements around the curves plotted by
The simplest possible application of the radiation each author [28]. Only recently Bolz and Falckenberg
charts arises in the calculation of the downcoming [6] gave constants for .ngstrom's formula which re-
radiation R of the atmosphere and of the effective suit in values for the downcoming atmospheric radia-
nocturnal radiation E = uT04 - R of the ground. tion which are 7 per cent higher than the constants so
Only a few direct comparisons of the measured and the far assumed as best values (Fig. 3).
calculated values are available. If we assume a relative humidity that does not vary
Wexler [50] compared measurements made in Alaska with height and a normal lapse rate of 6C km-1, we
and N orth America under winter conditions with radia- obtain the values for R (at T 0 = 283K) given in Table
tion values calculated from Elsasser's diagrams and II, according to Moller. These figures are higher than

comparative values [28] that can be calculated ac- tion measurements are made there exists a ground
cording to inversion, the magnitude and temperature of which are
usually unknown. However, the layers next to the
RA = uTo4 (0.79 - 0.174 X 10-0041 ' 0) (.ngstrom) ground also furnish a considerable portion of radiation
RB = uTo4 (0.48 + 0.60 v~). (Brunt) from above. (The values in parentheses in the following
statement are percentages of the black-body radiation.)
Three influences may cause the discrepancies and According to an estimate by Moller [28] for a normal
also the large scattering of individual measurements atmosphere, 37 (28) per cent of the radiation proceeds
around the interpolation formulas. They are (1) the from the layer Q-10 m, 71 (53) per cent from Q-100 m,
consideration of temperature, which is all too inac- and 88 (66) per cent from Q-500 m. Accordingly the
curate, (2) the neglect of ground inversions, and (3) the effect of a ground inversion is great; an attempt at
additional effect of absorbers other than H20 and C02. estimating this effect is shown in Table III. The down-
These three influences will now be considered in turn. coming atmospheric radiation R and the effective ter-
1. The formulas of Angstrom and Brunt give the restrial radiation E are given for an atmosphere of
radiation of the atmosphere as proportional to T 04 T 0 = 273K and W = 1.12 g cm- 2
This law is taken into account in Moller's diagram by This table indicates that a ground inversion can
the fact that the area under a given isotherm T, which reduce the effective terrestrial radiation to % its nor-
represents the radiation of an isothermal atmosphere mal valuc, and under the extreme conditions found by
with w = <X:J and C0 2-content = <X:J, is equal to the Mosby during the polar night, to as low as Yz. There-
black-body radiation uT4 An isothermal atmosphere fore, any comparison between calculation and observa-
of OC with the limited vapor content 3 g cm- 2 has a tion becomes impossible if the vertical temperature
radiative power R = 0.826 uT04 ; a layer of equal con-
tent at +40C gives R/uT04 = 0.804 and at -40C, TABLE III. DowNCOMING ATMOSPHERrc RADIATION R AND
R/ uT04 = 0.866. The variation of this factor, frequently EFFECTIVE TERRESTRIAL RADIATION E IN RELATION TO


Inversion thickness R E
AND EFH;CTIVE TERRESTRIAL RADIATION E (m) increase (cal cm-2 min-I) (cal cm-2 min-I)
(For T 0 = +lOC, ground-level vapor pressure <o, and (deg C)
total water-vapor content W)
100 9.4 .360 .099
<o(mb). ...... ....... 1.23 3.7 6.1 8.6 17.3 20.0 200 8.8 .356 .103
W (g cm- 2). ........ 0.224 0.67 1.12 1.56 2.24 3.64 300 8.2 .353 .106
R (cal cm- 2 min- 1). .. 0.334 0.369 0.385 0.396 0.408 0.425 400 7.6 .351 .108
E (cal cm- 2 min- 1). .. 0.196 0.161 0.145 0.134 0.122 0.10 5 500 7.0 .350 .109
E/uTt (per cent). 37 30 27 25 23 20 1000 0.0 .344 .115
Lapse rate { 6C km- 1
called emissivity, is caused by the changes of the
ordinates of the T-lines in the diagram with w. The distribution, especially that part close to thc ground,
variation may also be expressed by the assumption is not known. Frequently, the temperature immedi-
that the radiation of such a limited vapor mass in- ately contiguous to the ground will increase with alti-
creases more slowly with T than with T 4 Accordingly, tude even more rapidly than assumed in the examples
it appears that we can set in Table III, and can thus cause an even larger positive
R/uTo4 = C [1 - -y(To - 273)], deviation of the atmospheric radiation. Generally there
will be no inversion over mountain stations, although
in which To observed temperature near the earth's so-called mountain inversions do occur. The diurnal
surface, and variation of the temperature gradient may also explain
C = (R/uTo4 )r, = 273
the diurnal variation of the atmospheric radiation and
its dependence on the air mass as demonstrated by
is a function of the water content W of the atmosphere. Falckenberg [16].

W g cm- 2
'Y w- 4 deg- 1 1
-2.0 1
l 7.0
2 l 3
l 49.5
3. Robinson [43] has carried out very careful evalua-
tions of the measurements at Kew which included
soundings of the free atmosphere. He found that on
only few of the clear nights could the radiation values
It can be seen that measurements at high atmos- easily be fitted on a smooth curve that represented
pheric temperatures, when they are taken as represen- the relationship between radiation and the vapor con.
tative for OC, yield too low a downcoming radiation, tent of the atmosphere. For other nights R rose to 0.03
except when the vapor content of the atmosphere is cal, that is, more than 10 per cent higher. Such supple
exceptionally low. Brunt prefers presentation by an mentary radiation appeared at times within an hour,
exponentiallaw and finds the radiation as proportional It is impossible to seek an explanation in the variation.
to T3 6 without indication of the vapor content. In the of the content of C0 2 or 0 3 It is rather more plausible
little-known formula of Robitzsch [45] for atmospheric to conc!iJive a sudden development or advection of
radiation, R varies as uT03 ground inversions or of very thin invisible cloud veils.
2. On nearly all cloudless nights during which radia- Robinson suspects, rather, an additional radiation

caused by smoke or combustion gases from the chim- the ground by its effective radiation, and the distribu-
neys of London. Quite similarly, Falckenberg [16] tried tion of this heat loss through conduction into the
to explain the deviations he found for different air ground and through convection into the air. In the
masses not by temperature gradients, but by the haze theoretical treatment of this problem the effective ter-
content which is not indicated by the water vapor. restrial radiation E = uT04 - R was often assumed to
Volz [49] attempted to measure the emissivity of various be constant. However, uT04 decreases with progressive
substances in the laboratory. cooling, and R decreases with the development of a
Robitzsch [45] pointed out another as yet unex- ground inversion, but somewhat more slowly. Groen
plained relationship. He established the formula [21, 22] pointed out the necessity as well as the possi-
bility of considering the change of E with T 0 by means
R = rrTo3 (0.135p + 6.0eo) of the radiation diagram in such a way that the equa-
which includes not only the vapor pressure eo but also tions for the nocturnal cooling continue soluble. His
the air pressure p. This formula permits, in particular, final equation represents an important step forward
the use in the interpolation equations of measurements in the theory of nocturnal cooling, especially since he
on mountains or in the free atmosphere. Whether the can include in his equation the different disturbing
term containing the air pressure can be attributed to influences such as initial temperature distribution, con-
an effect of the co2 content or to a diminution of ground densation, and the influence of the wind on turbulent
inversion with decreasing values of p (anticyclonic and heat exchange.
cyclonic conditions) would have to be determined by The Absorption Coeffi.cient as a Function of Pressure
future research.
F. A. Brooks [7] and Robinson [43] developed radia- So far we assumed the absorption coefficient k. to
tion diagrams based upon observational data exclu- be independent of pressure and temperature. However,
sively. The above-mentioned law for monochromatic that is not exactly the case. True, the variation is so
radiation, according to which the radiation of an at- small that the downcoming atmospheric radiation at
mospheric layer is equal to that of a cylindrical column the ground is not materially changed, because 88 per
of air with % times the water-vapor content, applies cent of it originates in the lower 500 m of the atmos-
also to the "chromatic" radiation of the natural co2 phere where the pressure differs little from that at
plus H20 atmosphere. Therefore, a radiation diagram ground level. At higher altitudes, however, the varia-
for diffuse radiation can be used also for the investiga- tion is more effective. The individual absorption line in
tion of linear or parallel radiation arriving from a a band spectrum increases its half-value width with
definite zenith distance if we multiply the vapor scale increasing air pressure and tempera ture. Y et the "total
by 1.66. The authors cited above proceeded conversely
and developed from the measurements of a zonal sky
intensity" of the line, that is, r k.dv, is not changed.
radiation a graph that was then adapted to the use of Only the shape of the line is altered. With increasing
hemispheric radiation. 2 pressure it becomes wider and less intensive, with de-
Atmospheric radiation finds an important applica- creasing pressure it becomes narrower and more in-
tion in the theoretical investigation of the nocturnal tensive. This means that, as the pressure decreases,
cooling process and in the prediction of frost. It has the absorption increases even more in the narrow center
been shown by various authors that the nocturnal of the line with a large value of k., whereas k. becomes
cooling cannot bc traced essentially to a heat emission even smaller on the >vings of the line [14]. As to the
of the air by radiation (see the objections raised to this absorption by a line, it is found that, in thin layers,
on page 45). The decisive factor is the heat loss from the radiation is absorbed almost completely in the core,
whereas only in the case of thicker layers is the radia-
2. (Note added July, 1950.) Robinson [44] recently published tion also absorbed in the wings. With decreased pressure,
a detailed test of his diagram and of the Elsasser chart, for the absorption in the core is increased and is very effec-
which he used numerous radiation measurements made at tive over the first part of the optica! path length. How-
Kew. He found considerable differences which, to a great ex-
ever, subsequent absorption over the remainder of the
tent, are caused hy the change in the emissivity of a vapor
path is diminished because of the small amount of
layer with temperature. According to his measurements, the
emissivity increases with increasing temperature, whereas radiant energy left to be absorbed. Since the initial
according to calculations by means of the Elsasser chart, it segment can hardly be observed, the measurements
decreases by an amount half that of the measured increase indicate only that the mean absorption coefficient is re-
(see numerica! data on page 39). The prerequisites for the duced [46] in proportion to VPIPo In the absorption
explanation of this discrepancy are as follows: (1) new experi- formulas le appears only in the product k m. Therefore,
mental investigations are needed which would furnish the it is customary to apply the factor J.1. = V p / po not to
variat ion of absorption by vapor layers of finite thickness; (2) k, but to the radiating mass m or to the densities of
the theoretical computations must be checked; the change in water vapor anei C02. This correction is very important
radiation with temperature is derived (a) from the displace- for aU investigations into the radiation phenomena of
ment according to Planck's radiation law, (b) from the change
the free atmosphere.
in the width Il of a spectral line withvT, aud (c) from the
change in the line intensity S with temperature. It appears
that the last two influences have, to date, not been sufficiently
The intensity S of a line, S = J k.dv, remains un-
considered. changed with a change of the line width o because of

the simultaneous change in lco. Hence for investigations of the free atmosphere. For a given
level z1, we ean calculate the downward radiation R 1
St:,.v = ko1ro.
from the atmospheric layers above it and, eorrespond-
If this expression is inserted into the square-root for- ingly, the upward radiation U1 from the ground and
mula (page 35), we obtain from tbe atmospheric layers helow this level. In the
radiation diagram the ground is treated as an isothermal
L = ySmo/!::,.v. gas stratum having the temperature 7' 0 of the ground
The theory of line broadening by atomic collisions and an infinitely great content of water vapor and
demands a simple proportionality of o with p. Conse- C02. The difference Et = U1 - R1 is then the net
quently, the absorption L must vary as yp. Schnaidt radiation which penetrates the reference level in an
[46] emphasizes that the measurements by Falcken- upward direction. The same calculation for another
berg show a proportionality of the absorption coefficient level z2 furnishes E2. The excess radiation E 2 - E 1 ,
k with yp. This means that, when an exponential law emitted hy the air column /::,.z = z; - z1 with air den-
is used for absorption, v'p appears as a factor of m in sity p, causes a cooling
the exponent. However, if the square-root law is used,
aT 1 E2 - E1
the logica! result is that L a:. ym:;}p or L a:. yp.
()t pCp Z2 - Zt
Thus, there exists a contradiction between theory and
observation. l'\owadays the tendency is to place more which becomes for the limiting case:
confidence in theory than in measurements. N everthe-
less, a repetition of the measurements would be desir- aT 1 aE (16)
able. at pCp ()z
At the various wave lengths the transition from the
Hoberts' first studies [42] of the radiation flow E
absorption in the center to that on the flanks occurs
indicated that it increases with altitude. Normally this
with entirely differing thicknesses of vapor strata, be-
cause of the extraordinarily great differences of the increase is very uniform with altitude in a cloudless
atmosphere having a continuous vertical distrihution
absorption eoefficient;;; in the water-vapor spectrum.
This leads to a complicated interspersion of absorption of temperature and water vapor. However, tht air
density decreases with altitude so that the cooling rate
amplification and attenuation by the air pressure at
which amounts to about 1C per day near the ground
the same level of the atmosphere. However, Moller
increases to two or three times that amount higher up
[35] bas shown by a rough calculation that, even on
in the troposphere. Only close to the ground and near
the assumption that o a:. p, the factor that must be
the tropopause do special conditions prevail (see be-
applied to the vapor density of the atmosphere for use
of the standard absorption equations (9), (13), and low).
(15) has a value within the limits of p and yp up to
It seems logica! to interpret the cooling of the free
atmosphere as a radiation into space. That, however,
100 mb (16 km). At still greater altitudes this factor
is not possible, for the shielding hy the layers of water
increases again, because at the extremely low vapor
vapor above it is too great. It is, rather, a process simi-
content of the stratosphere only the center of the very
lar to heat conduction. Basieally, radiation, just as heat.
strongest lines absorb. Moller proposes, instead of the
conduction, tends to equalize temperature differences.
factor JJ. = pfpo, a more complicated one, namely
Therefore, we may also try to set up for radiation an
JJ. 1 = 0.985 (p/po) 0 8 + 0.015 (p/po)- 1 equation that has a form similar to that for heat con-
duction, namely
This factor has a minimum at around 100 mb and
increa~>es at higher levels. However, in the practica! (17)
calculation of the cooling it is found that at these alti-
tudes the radiation effect of water vapor becomes where K is a "virtual eoefficient of conduction of 1he
negligible owing to the greatly diminished vapor con- heat radiation," tv is the mass of water vapor
tent, and that the radiation of other absorbers pre-
dominates. Therefore, the rigorous application of the 1V = J Pwdz, (18)
correction factor JJ. 1 is unneeessary, as long as there are
no better observations available for altitudes above and Pw the density of the water vapor. This possibility
100 mb which would require more accurate calculations. was long ago developed theoretically hy Falckenberg
N evertheless, calculations to determine the effect of and Stoecker [18], and was !ater used as the hasis of
air pressure on changes of the shape of tbe lines have practica! estimates hy Brunt [9, 10]; here we shall use it
not heen in vain; for, during the past few years, critics, only for an interpretation of the cooling. Suhstitution
on the hasis of the necessary simplifications regarding of equation (18) into (17) gives
this eft'ect, questioned repeatedly the validity of cal- aTjat = K'YPw- 3 8pw/8z, ('Y = -aTjaz)
culations hy means of the radiation diagrams [39].
which is negative, hecause ()pw/8: < O. In othcr words:
Outgoing Atmospheric Radiation The vapor masses at an equal geometrica! distance
By the use of the correction factor JJ. for the effect of ahove and below a given altitude are, to he sure, colder
tbe air pressure, the radiation diagrams become sui table or warmer by. the same tempera ture difference: but the

colder vapor masses are "nearer" than the warmer ones Cloud Radiation
in terms of radiation, because the vapor density is The great effect of clouds on atmospheric radiation
lower above that altitude than below it. Therefore, is also based on the fact that they radiate like black
more heat is emitted upward than is received from bodies in the wave-length range of heat radiation.
below. Thus, the cooling in the free atmosphere exists Therefore, the upper cloud surfaces emit a very great
by virtue of the fact that T is not proportional to w. quantity of heat in the range from 9 to 12 fJ. at eve~y
This behavior of radiation, which is similar to heat altitude of the atmosphere where they may occur; m
conduction, is also clearly revealed by a break in the these intervals there is almost no downcoming radiation
curve of vertical temperature distribution. There is an from above. This produces an intensive heat loss, con-
abrupt transition (schematically) from aT1az = -'Y centrated in a very thin layer. Naturally, this heat loss
to aT1az = O at the tropopause. Hence the vapor can become effective only if it is not counteracted by
particle at this point receives radiant heat from the another process-as, conceivably, by an approximately
mass below, but cannot emit anything to the masses at equal absorption of radiant solar heat. However, 50 .to
equal temperature above. Therefore, in the absence of 70 per cent of the solar radiation is reftected \Fn~z
other inftuences, it should become warmer. [19]) and of the remainder only a very small portwn IS
However, at higher altitudes the cooling does not abso~bed, whereas the greater portion traverses the
depend only on a process similar to heat conduction, clouds as a diffuse radiative flux and reaches the earth
but in this case true emission occurs, that is, heat is as scattered sky radiation (daylight). There is almost
radiated to space. Therefore, the amount of cooling is no absorption of solar radiation in the clouds and thus,
only partially due to the vertical temperature gradient the heat emission from cloud surfaces is not compen-
and for the remainder to the mass of water vapor sated by the solar radiation, but acts unimpeded as a
above and its screening effect on any heat radiation heat sink in the atmosphere. Indeed, the higher such a
to space. The smaller this mass is, the greater the cool- cloud surface lies, the lower is the black-body radiation
ing. It was formerly assumed that the stratosphere had corresponding to its temperature. However, the at-
a high vapor content, or that the specific humidity re- mospheric radiation which impinges on the clon~ sur-
mained constant with altitude. 3 This assumption leads face from above is diminished even more, for It de-
to vapor contents that are too large and to contra- creases not only with temperature but also with the
dictions between the magnitude of outgoing radiation vapor content of the air situated above. Thus, the
and the actual temperature distribution. Today it is effective emission of the cloud increases with altitude.
known from measurements by Regener [41] and by A different process takes place at the lower boun-
Dobson and others [13] that the relative humidity dary of the cloud. This surface receives from the under-
decreases sharply just above the tropopause. A more lying atmosphere, which is generally warmer, an~ from
recent publication by Barrett and collaborators [5] also the ground, which is likewise warmer, a quant~ty. of
confirms these results. They found a decrease in hu- radiation that is greater than the black-body radmtwn
midity from about 10 per cent at the tropopause to emitted by the cloud in a downward direction. For this
about one per cent at 30-km altitude, but with a thin reason the under surface of the cloud is heated by
saturated layer interposed. Therefore, these altitudes radiation from below. In this case there is also no com-
are already close to the upper boundary of the "water- pensation by other processes. The heating increases
vapor sphere" and the radiation of the intensive ab- with increased altitude of the cloud, because of the
sorption bands proceeds to space almost completely increasing temperature difference between cloud and
unscreened. Hence, the maximum of cooling lies at ground.
altitudes between 8 and 10 km. A calculation based on For a very thin cloud layer whose vertical extent
Elsasser's chart would shift this emitting layer to a must not exceed 100 m, both processes, the heat loss
somewhat lower level. above and the heat gain below, can be considered to-
Probably, as a third facto7, the radiation by haze ~t gether. Usually, the former is dominant, especially with
the tropopause must be cons1dered. The troposphere IS low clouds such as stratus, and with middle clouds such
always filled with haze, whereas the stratosphere, con- as altostratus. If we assume that the heat budget of a
tiguous to this hazy stratum, contains very dry and thin cloud at an altitude of 5 km is distributed by tur-
extremely clear air (as has been confirmed by numerous bulence and similar processes over a layer of air 1 km
observations from aircraft). To be sure, the nature of thick, we find a cooling of this mass of about 5C per
this haze is not definitely known; but, whether minute day. A high cloud in the upper troposphere does not
droplets or solid particles constitute this haze, both are cool the air, because the radiation from below is rela-
capable of emitting thermal radiation, even in the range tively greater. In a tropical atmosphere, however, the
from 9 to 12 f..l., where the efficient "window" for out- conditions are quite different. The temperature differ-
going radiation exists. Thus the haze boundary at the ence between ground and cloud increase continuously
tropopause causes an additional cooling which may up to about 18 km because of the normal decrease ~f
reach several degrees per day. Similar effects appear temperature with height in the troposphere. Even 1f
also at haze boundaries within the troposphere [31]. the assumption of a closed cloud cover is discarded and
3. In the troposphere the decrease of the specific humidity a scattered cloud cover of only 71 o is assumed, the heat
with altitude indicates that vapor is lost and liquefied through balance of the cloud becomes positive at about 14 km.
cloud formation in the ascending currents of water vapor. This means that even a thin cirrus cloud at this altitude

receives more heat than it emits. Thus it cannot exist lower by a cooling of almost 2C per day, the upper by
as a cloud and must evaporate. This is probably the more than 5C per day, for at this level the heat loss by
reason for the phenomenon observed in the tropics, the radiating upper cloud surface becomes more effec-
namely, that the highest cirrus clouds are not found tive because of the reduced density of the air. The hori-
near the stratosphere, but at an altitude of about 14 km. zontal distribution in the low-pressure system cannot
Also the diurnal variation in the cirrus clouds (i.e., dis- be distinguished, because the various factors are aver-
solution toward noon, re-formation toward evening), aged over the entire area. However, the cooling rate
which has been occasionally observed in the subtrop- must be about three times as great in the advance
ical deserts, can probably be ascribed to the fact that portion of the cyclone where the upgliding cloud screen
the ground temperature is very high at noon [36]. lies as a closed, though loose and diffuse, cover at 8 km
A fnrther consequence of the interaction between altitude. It is obvious that such a cooling of 15C per
absorption of radiation from below and emission upward day will noticeably influence the weather development
is the fact that a cloud layer must develop its own in- and the cloud dynamics. Further investigations of this
terna! convection system. The absorption of heat in the kind should yield valuable insight into the thermo-
lower portions will lead to an evaporation of t.he drop- dynamics of weather.
lets, while the emission from the upper portions willlead
to increased condensation and a descent of the heavier
cloud. Thereby, the stratified cloud is resolved into
individual convection cells, stratus is turned into strato-
cumulus and altostratus into altocumulus. This process
may take place fairly rapidly. A stratified cloud Y2 km
thick, at an altitude of about 5 km, is converted and
"destabilized" from the isothermal state to one with
a temperature gradient of 0.5C per 100 m in approxi-
mately twenty minutes, whereas a similar cloud at a
height of 2 km requires three quarters of an hour to
complete the same change [32]. Keeping this in mind,
it seems scarcely credible that an ordinary cloud layer
can exist unchanged in the atmosphere for any length of l-
time without being dissolved. If, in spite of the fore- <!l
going discussion, thin, closed, and stable altostratus J:

cloud layers are observed, it becomes clear from the

radiation calculations to what degree they must be sus-
tained by a process which constantly re-forms them
by new condensation. This process may be vertical
austausch or upgliding, and its effectiveness must be
considerable even in a cloud that appears to be stable
and unchanging.

Synoptic Situations and Radiation of the Free Atmos-

It is easy to survey schematically the radiation proc-
esses of an individual cloud. However, conditions be- FIG. 4.-Cooling of the atmosphere by water-vapor radia-
tion in degrees per day. The dashed line applies to a cloudless
come more complicated if it is desired to calculate atmosphere and the solid line to an average distribution of
approximately the effect of the clouds under different clouds in a low-pressure area.
weather conditions or in different climatic regimes.
N evertheless, such calculations are necessary, since they In 1935 the author tried to give a balance of all beat-
offer the first possibilities for surveys. An attempt in ing and cooling processes in the free atmosphere and
this direction [36] is reproduced in Fig. 4. In this figure their vertical distribution [29], in which not only the
the average cloud conditions of a low-pressure area in outgoing radiation but also the incoming solar radiation
middle latitudes are assumed, that is, 10 per cent of the and the liberation of the latent beat of condensation
area is clear, 20 per eent has clouds resting on the were considered. The calculations for long-wave radia-
ground, 50 per cent has clouds with the lower level tion will be revised here.
between O and 2 km, and 20 per cent has clouds with A normal temperature and humidity distribution for
the lower level between 2 and 8 km. Correspondingly, middle latitudes was assumed as a hasis for the calcu-
in 40 per cent of the totallow-pressure area, the upper lations. The cooling of the cloudless atmosphere, as now
cloud boundary is assumed to lie between O and 3 km, computed, differs from the earlier calculation. At that
in 20 per cent hetween 3 and 8 km, and in 30 per cent time, the cooling of the entire troposphere was found
between 8 and 10 km. In the average cooling curve to be constant at 1C per day. In the new calculation
shown in Fig. 4, the heat loss of the most important (Fig. 5, curve A) it increases with altitude to 2%C
cloud levels at 2 and 9 km is distinctly noticeable, the per day (at 9 km). The cause of this difference lies in

part in the use of the improved radiation diagram, but average of 5C per day (Fig. 5, curve D). Aloft the
principally in the realization that the water-vapor con- cooling is comparatively slight. Thus the vertical ar-
tent of the stratosphere is much lower than was formerly rangement of the heat balance in this continental winter
assumed. For this reason-as mentioned above-the climate deviates considerably from that of our middle
main emission level is shifted down to the altitude of the latitudes under maritime influence.
tropopause. The importance of reliable measurements As a third example, a tropical atmosphere is repre-
of the water-vapor content of the stratosphere for these sented (Fig. 5, curve C). There is little difference up to
investigations cannot be over-emphasized, for a higher 7 km as compared to the temperate latitudes. The
water-vapor content sharply reduces the emission at the maximum of the outgoing radiation lies at an altitude
level of the tropopause. So far only two or three meas- of 13 km and is not affected by processes resembling
urements of the frost point have been published. They heat conduction as in the temperate tropopause at
show an unchanged decrease above the tropopause 10 km. This appears tobe an approach to a solution of
[13] sometimes interrupted by thin saturated layers
[5]; however, we do not know whether, for example, the
water-vapor content over low-pressure areas is higher
than shown by these measurements. There is consider-
able evidence for this supposition, for otherwise how
should the mother-of -pearl clouds observed in N orway
develop in the rear portion of cyclones at an altitude of
28 km, if the relative humidity remains at 1 per cent
and less from an altitude of 14 km upward? If the
humidity is greater, the radiation processes of the 10
tropopause are reduced considerably.
It is also very difficult to make any reasonable state-
ments concerning the distribution with altitude of the
upper cloud boundaries. It is here assumed that this
boundary lies between O and 2 km in 15 per cent of all I
cases, between 2 and 5 km in 45 per cent, between 5 and w
8 km in 30 per cent, and between 8 and 10 km in 10 per I

cent of ali cases. For the lower cloud boundaries, 80 per

cent are assumed to lie between O and 3 km, and 20
per cent between 3 and 10 km. Consideration of these
values gives a cooling of the free atmosphere on com-
pletely overcast days as shown in Fig. 5, curve B, that
is, there is a "radiation screen" in the lowest layers,
but above 2 km there is an increase of heat loss of about
0.8 to 1 degree per day as compared to a cloudless at-
mosphere. On the whole, however, the difference be- ~5~-----L----~~----~~--~-~~--~--~~--~TI
tween the cloudy and the clear atmosphere is small.
The calculation made in 1935 (under the assumption
of a somewhat different cloud distribution) gave the FIG. 5.-Temperature change of the atmosphere by water-
vapor radiation in degrees per day.
greatest cooling at an altitude of 4 km. This might well (A) Normal atmosphere in middle latitude, cloudless.
be taken as an indication of the importance for these (B) The same with an average distribution of clouds.
(C) Tropical atmosphere, cloudless.
investigations of more accurate data respecting the (D) Temperature and cloud distribution at the cold pole.
distribution of the clouds in the atmosphere not only
on the average, but also for specific weather situations. the old problem concerning the origin of the tropo-
An example from an altogether different climatic pause. In middle latitudes we tind the maximum of
regime also shows this very clearly. An entirely differ- heat loss in the region of the tropopause. There, it may
ent temperature and eloud distribution must be as- be a fair assumption to consider the water-vapor radia-
sumed for a winter month at the earth's cold pole tion as the cause of the tropopause. In the tropics,
situated approximately in northeastern Siberia. On the layer of strongest cooling lies about 4-5 km below
cloudless days (50 per cent of all days) the temperature the tropopause. Thus, it is most probable that the
at ground level is assumed tobe -50C, rising to -25C tropopause is produced in a different manner in the
at 1.5 km, and decreasing to - 60C at 8-km altitude. tropics than in temperate latitudes. Whether steady-
In the presence of a cloud cover, the temperature be- state dynamic phenomena play a role here, or whether
tween O and 2 km is taken to be constant at -30C. the C0 2-radiation becomes important, remains as yet
The clouds, which are seldom very massive (there are unexplained. Explanations whieh distinguish between
only two days of precipitation per month), are assumed the tropopause in temperate and in tropieal regions ha ve
to be restricted to the layer between 0.5 and 2 km. also been developed by Goody [20]. Finally, further
On clear, as well as on cloudy days, an extremely strong indieation is given by the abrupt discontinuity in the
cooling layer results between 1 and 2 km, with an altitude of the tropopause at lat 30, whieh was sus-

pected as early as 1935 [30] aud which was recently question whether long-wave radiation can produce in-
demonstrated by Hess [23]. versions is decided partially in favor of the negative
Radia~ion cannot be responsible for day-to-day [4]. For the maintenance of existing inversions, some
changes m the tropopause of the temperate latitudes processes must be constantly active that recreate the
since its effect is much too slow, as. shown by Jung~ inversion continuously against the equalizing effects of
[26]; in this case dynamic processes are certainly im- the radiation. Such processes are partly the additional
portant. On the average, however, radiation of water radiation from the haze layers below the inversion which
vapor is as responsible for the low temperature at the overcompensate the heating (see p. 42) and partly the
tropopause, as is the decrease of solar radiation from dynamic processes of shrinking and subsidence. The
t~e ~qua~or to the pole for the meridional temperature intensity of these dynamic processes can then be esti-
d1stnbutwn of the troposphere, although in the latter mated from the calculations of radiation.
case, day-to-day variations are likewise considerable. An especially significant level is the earth's surface.
For radiation effects, the ground may be conceived as
Numerica! and Analytical Radiation Calculations replaced by an infinitely extended isothermal layer of
AU calculations of radiation processes mentioned so water vapor OI' co2. In such a case the corresponding
far are based on the method of the radiation diagrams. characteristic temperature curve extended into the
There is no doubt that these are somewhat cumber- ground has a break at the ground surface. If there is a
some. The determination of the heating and cooling temperature decrease with altitude above the ground,
processes via the radiation fluxes and their differentia- there must be strong cooling directly at the ground
tion. with respect to alti tu de seems especially laborious. surface, whereas there is strong heating at the base of a
Brumenberg [8] has made a valuable contribution here ground inversion. Such radiative processes will scarcely
toward attaining the objective directly. He puts the become operative, since all observations disprove them.
differentiation with respect to altitude, which can also However, in every case, they will tend toward an iso-
be replaced by differentiation with respect to tempera- thermal state near the ground as an equilibrium con-
d.itio~. Even if this equilibrium is not reached, its quan-
ture, under the integral of the radiative flux in equation
(13) or (15). Thus, after calculations of a scope analo- titative consideration will possibly lead to a revision of
gous to those required for the construction of a radia- the assumptions concerning the magnitude of the aus-
tion diagram, he arrives at expressions which are suit- tausch near the ground as far as has been disclosed by
able for numerica! integration or summation. However, measurements of the temperature gradient. 4
these equations are less suitable for a graphical treat- Although the graphical and numerica! calculation
~ethods are carefully worked out, an analytical equa-
ment. Therefore, Bruinenberg has calculated tables
which permit very simply the determination and addi- twn can be very advantageous at times because it per-
tion of the cooling or heating effects exerted on a given mits combination of the radiation process with others
element by all atmospheric layers above and below it. that can be approached theoretically. Such a possi-
The principal advantage of the individual calcula- bility is offered by the quasi-conduction of radiation
tion is the fact that the cooling for points closely spaced introduced by Brunt [9]. However, this method will not
al?ng the vertical can be determined independently and include the processes at the ground surface which were
w1th great accuracy. This leads to a result which, though discussed above. The complicated construction of a
not unexpected, has thus far been underestimated in radiation diagram makes it apparent that a complete
its implications. Every break in the vertical tempera- description by a single convenient equation is impos-
sible. Simplifications must be made. One such simplifi-
t~re _dist~ibution is manifested as a sharp peak in the
d1stnbutwn of the cooling rate. Thus cooling peaks up cation consists of running the temperature lines hori-
to 3C per day project from the average cooling level zontally in the Moller diagram (in the water-vapor
of 1C per day in the lower troposphere at every break section). This means that we do not change the distribu-
of the characteristic temperature curve directed toward tion of the absorption coefficients over the wave lengths,
higher temperatures, and heating peaks up to + 1C but that we do assume th::tt the energy curve has the
or +2C per day where the characteristic curve breaks same shape for all temperatures, instead of assuming
toward lower temperatures. Heating of +5C per day Planck's formula for black-body radiation. This would
occurs below an inversion, whereas there is a cooling imply, for example, that, if we take the shape of the
energy distribution at 273K, the radiation for a differ-
of 15C per day at its upper boundary. However all this
ent temper;tture would be given by multiplying this
holds true only in very thin layers. (Bruinenberg's
method is so far applicable only to calculations in the curve by the factor T 4/273 4 which is not a function of
the wave length. In the Elsasser chart this assumption
lower and middle troposphere; for the tropopause, see
would mean that the w-lines would be rectilinear and
p. 42.) At these points the radiation simply acts as a
convergent to the point where T = OK. If, in addition,
temperature equalizer in a manner similar to heat con-
duction. Every break in the characteristic temperature we approximate the abscissa scale X of the Moller chart
with any convenient function, new problems can be
curve is equalized at an accelerated rate. From the fore-
going discussion it follows again that if inversions or solved.
more or less sharp discontinuities in the temperature 4. (Note added July, 1950.) In his newest publication, Rob-
gradient persist for days, the ordinary radiation proc- binson [44] also comes to the conclusion that radiation processes
esses of the water vapor cannot be the cause. Thus the are very important near the earth's surface.

An initial attempt of this type was made by approxi- esses participate in the heat balance with their thermal
mating the function X by the sum of two exponential implications. Therefore, the radiation processes in the
functiona. This would mean that the absorption spec- stratosphere cannot be separated from the multitude of
trum of the water vapor is not gray but "bichromatic." physical atomic processes at those altitudes. If, in spite
The investigation of the radiation equilibrium of the of this, such an attempt is made, it will necessarily be
atmosphere was carried out by Emden [15] for gray in full consciousness of the unreliability involved.
radiation and led to an isothermal stratosphere of Above 10-km alti tu de the importance of water vapor
-68C. The calculation of the same problem for bi- as a decisive absorbing medium decreases more and
chromatic absorption of water vapor does not lead to more, and C0 2 and Os become significant. The water-
an isothermal stratosphere but yields a steady decrease vapor content of the air in the stratosphere is extremely
in temperature with altitude down to -144C at the small according to measurements by Dobson [13), Bar-
boundary of the atmosphere [31]! If it stiH were at all rett [5], and others. For several kilometers above the
necessary to deal the death blow to the untenable tropopause the frost point falls steadily at the rate of
theory of the radiation equilibrium of the water vapor its decrease with altitude in the troposphere, so that
in the stratosphere, this calculation would do so. the relative humidity at 2 km above the tropopause
Another approximation of X is fundamentally more has decreased to below 1 per cent. However, if we
accurate. If we set X = a ln(w + b), where a and b accept this low humidity as a generally valid fact, the
are numerica! values, we obtain an approximation radiation effect of the water vapor in the stratosphere
that is especially good for small values of w and small no longer exerts any notable effect, since its total
amounts of C02. Then dX = adwj(w + b), and from content drops to IQ-4 g cm-s. Dobson, however, thinks
this simple formula the radiation equilibrium can be that its effect is to be considered equivalent to that of
developed as a kind of integral equation and can be co2, but gives no numerica} values for the amount of
brought closer to numerica} solution. This method absorbed radiation.
appears important especially for the temperature Carbon dioxide has a very intensive absorption hand
distribution in immediate proximit.y to the ground be- around 15 p.. An extremely weak band around 10 p.
cause, under conditiona of both midday adiabatic strat- absorbs only one per cent for layer thicknesses that
ification and nocturnal ground inversion, this tempera- equal the content of the whole atmosphere. An addi-
ture distribution is a function not only of the austausch tional hand at 4 p. lies at the boundary of the spectrum.
but also of radiation. Results of these calculations are The absorption curve in the 15-p. hand is known. The
not yet available. dependence on pressure is usually estimated by the
effect on the 4-p. hand which is known from measure-
Radiation in the Stratosphere ments by Wimmer [51]. From this Moller has derived
Investigation of radiation phenomena in the strato- a reduction factor p. = (p/p 0 ) 014, whereas Elsasser uses
sphere is more diffi.cult than in the troposphere for sev- the VPIPo law in the same manner as for the water
eral reasons. First of all, the absorbing media are under vapor, and Goody a proportionality to p. A calculation
very low pressure, and therefore a check must be made of the processes is possible by means of the Moller dia-
in every case to ascertain to what extent the absorption gram. Moller calculated the C02-radiation emitted by
coefficients, as measured in the laboratory, may be an isothermal stratosphere and found a maximum effect
used. In the second place, the concentration of the at an altitude of 26 km with a cooling of 1.5C to 2C
various gases is not known exactly. Finally, the radia- per day. Since his assumption of a C02-content of 0.03
tion cannot be considered any longer as an individual per cent is somewhat too high, the maximum lies prob-
process out of the context of the general physical phe- ably a little lower.
nomena. In the troposphere also, radiation participates In this calculation it was assumed that the ozone has
everywhere, tobe sure, in the general weather pattern, no effect. But, as mentioned already, ozone has a very
and in the presentation above, emphasis has been on intensive absorption band around 14 p. which is situated
showing that radiation participates decisively in all at the same point as that of co2 and shows a curve
meteorologica! processes. However, the substances with respect to wave length which is similar to that of
themselves are not changed in their molecular struc- C0 2 The line structure of ozone which probably differs
ture by absorption or emission. If, for instance, water from that of co2, is unknown, however, and probably
vapor is brought to condensation and fog forms as does not enter into the calculations. Since half of the
a result of strong radiational cooling, it changes only ozone lies at altitudes above 20 km, the radiation of the
its aggregate state, not its chemical structure. In the co2 is extensively shielded by its absorption, and the
stratosphere, however, ozone offers an example of more outgoing radiation in this range of wave lengths takes
drastic changes. It is only by the absorption of the solar place only at higher altitudes and then as an emission of
radiation in the ultraviolet bands that the formation of the ozone. Thus, these processes interact strongly with
Os from 02 becomes possible, and it is under the in- each other, and for this reason scarcely any attempts
fluence of longer waves in the ultraviolet that the ozone have been made to investigate them in greater de-
again dissociates. It is indeed true that it is not the tail [33].
long-wave heat radiation but the short-wave solar radi- Furthermore, the experimental bases for the ozone
ation that controls the formation and dissociation of the spectrum are not yet suffi.cient. In addition to the
absorbing medium. In addition, however, both proc- 14-p. band, there is another hand around 9.6 p., which

lies exactly in the "window" of the water vapor and gradient, namely from 60 per km in the troposphere
which therefore can contribute to the effectiveness of to isothermal conditiona in the stratosphere. By means
the outgoing radiation emitted by the earth's surface of separate calculations of the individual bands of the
despite the weak absorption l!-nd the small amount of three absorbers, water vapor, carbon dioxide, and ozone,
ozone. Adel [2] measured the intensity of the solar he investigated the radiation balances and their de-
spectrum at this wave length in an excellent experi- pendence on barometric pressure and temperature at
mental investigation and was able to detect the absorp- the tropopause. He found that in middle and high
tion in this band. Its maximum is about 50 to 70 per latitudes an equilibrium exists between the heating
cent. The old laboratory measurements by Hettner effect. of carbon dioxide and the cooling effect of water
and collaborators [24] were roade on large amounts of vapor; in the tropics, however, water vapor, because of
ozone under high pressure. From their absorption co- its extremely small concentration, no longer has any
efficients and the normal amount of ozone in the atmos- effect. There, an equilibrium exists between the effects
phere the maximum absorption found at 9.6 p. is only of carbon dioxide and ozone. At the great heights and
14 per cent. This contradiction was explained by Strong the low temperatures of the tropical tropopause, how-
[47], who roade measurements with ozone under low ever, carbon dioxide has a cooling effect, ozone a very
total pressures. He was able to show that the supple- faint heating effect. This led Goody to the remarkable
mentary atmospheric pressure greatly broadens the concept that radiative equilibrium always depends on
absorption lines of ozone, whereas an increased partial the contrast between two different absorbers, and that
pressure causes only a minor broadening of these lines. in the tropics the participating media are different from
It is for this reason that the absorptions measured in those in middle latitudes. The quantitative bases of
pure ozone without admixture of air are much too small these computations appear to be stiH inadequate. For
in spite of large quantities of ozone. The application of this reason, verification would be most desirable. Also,
the absorption values as measured by Strong leads to it appears to this writer that the selection of the tropo-
a maximum absorption at 9.6 p., equal to that found in pause for these calculations is somehow not quite suit-


h (km) 15 20 25 30 35 38 41 44 47
--- --- --- --- --- ---
T /t (deg C per day) .................... 0.1 -0.6 -0.5 3.1 (-44) (-120) (-172) -98 3.3
T /t (deg C per hour) ................... - - - - -1.8 -5.0 -7.2 -4.1 -

the solar spectrum. Though these processes are ex- able because of the peculiarities of radiative processes
plained for the 9.6-p. hand, this is not true for the 14-p. at points of discontinuity in the temperature gradient.
band for which similar measurements are completely However, it is difficult to suggest altitudes that would
lacking. In this case we must depend on analogous con- be more suitable for such computations.6
Through numerous investigations we are well in- Suggestions for Future Research
formed concerning the amount of ozone in the atmos- Though the foregoing exposition touched only briefly
phere and its vertical distribution. Only recently were on the experimental foundations, it has nevertheless
the optical determinations of this vertical distribution been shown that the most important lines along which
excellently confirmed by direct measurements. Pre- research must now proceed are of an experimental or
vious calculations of the radiation phenomena in the observational nature. The following appear to the au-
ozone (Gowan, Penndorf) are based on the uncorrected thor to be of particu!ar importance:
laboratory measurements of the absorption by Hettner. 1. Absorption or emission of water-vapor layers of
The results are therefore incorrect. Recently, a new limited thickness must be checked by laboratory and
calculation was roade by Oder [38]. He uses values for free-air experiments. The available measurements seem
the absorption coefficient which in each case give only insufficient to explain the variation with temperature
an average for the whole band. This incorrectly distorts that results from the variation of the observed atmos-
the absorption funct.ion, and his results are therefore pheric radiation. Such measurements are a very impor-
apparently inaccurate. However, the numerica! values, tant hasis for radiation diagrama and for ali conclusions
which are presented in Table IV, are noteworthy. drawn from them regarding the free at.mosphere.
At an altitude of about 40 km the emission of radiant 2. Long-wave radiation, particularly in the free at-
heat producea a cooling of abo~t 80 per hour. It will mosphere, must be measured. Since there are filter
not be very easy to explain what processes compensate substances available which are not only very good in
for this large cooling, but they must be compensated the long-wave range but which are uniform for all wave
somehow if the assumption that the temperature dis- lengths [25), there should be no basic difficulty in con-
tribution remains stationary is correct. Goody. [20]
roade the most important contribution to the theory 5. (Note added July, 1950.) A recent investigation by Plass
of radiation of the tropopause. He assumed that in this and Strong [40] may clarify this problem. However, only an
region a discontinuity exists in the vertical temperature abstract of this work has been published thus far.

structing instruments to be mounted in aircraft. This 13. DoBSON, G. M. B., BREWER, A. W., and CWILONG, B. M.,
would shift investigations into entirely new channels. "Meteorology of the Lower Stratosphere." (Bakerian
3. Adequate data concerning the content of water Lecture) Proc. roy. Soc., (A) 185: 144-175 (1946).
vapor and carbon dioxide of the upper troposphere and 14. ELSASSER, W. M., "Heat Transfer by lnfrared Radiation
in the Atmosphere." Harvard meteor. Stud., No. 6 (1942).
the lower stratosphere are needed for investigation of
15. EMDEN, R., "Uber Strahlungsgleichgewicht und atmos-
tropospheric radiation by means of the familiar graphical phrische Strahlung." S. B. bayer. Akad. Wiss., 43: 55-
methods. Spot checks are inadequate. Measurements H2 (1913).
are needed in such numbers that radiation changes 16. F ALCKENBERG, G., "Uber die Abhngigkeit der Gegen-
with the weather situation become clear. The inftu- strahlung der Atmosphre vom Temperaturgradienten
ences of the geographical latitude and of continents und vom Wetter." Meteor Z., 57: 241-249 (1940).
and oceans on the content of water vapor and carbon 17. - - und HECHT, F., "Messung der infraroten Eigen-
dioxide must also be determined. The same holds true strahlung der Atmosphre vom Flugzeug." Meteor. Z.,
for the determination of the upper cloud boundary 58:415-417 (1941).
for various weather patterns and various types of cli- 18. FALCKENBERG, G., und STOECKER, E., "Bodeninversion und
atmosphrische Energieleitung durch Strahlung."
mate. Radiosonde observations are not sufficient for
Beitr. Phys. frei. Atmos., 13: 246-269 (1927.)
this purpose; direct observations from aircraft are 19. FRITZ, S., "Measurements of the Albedo of Clouds." Bull.
needed. W e must consider such observations as the Amer. meteor. Soc., 31: 25-27 (1950).
principal demand which radiation research makes on 20. GoonY, R. M., "The Thermal Equilibrium at the Tropo-
the field of observational aerology. pause and the Temperature of the Lower Stratosphere."
4. The influence of pressure on the absorption by Proc. roy. Soc., (A) 197:487-505 (1949).
co2 and 03 in the 15-J.L band must stiU be investigated 21. GROEN, P., "Note on the Theory of N octurnal Radiational
in the laboratory for application to the study of the Cooling of the Earth's Surface." J. Meteor., 4: 63-66
radiation processes in the region of the tropopause. (1947).
Only then can we approach an explanation of the radi- 22. - - "On Radiational Cooling of the Earth's Surface
ation processes at these altitudes with any hope of suc- during the Night, Especially with Regard to the Pre-
diction of Ground Frosts." Meded. ned. meteor. Inst.
cess. (B) Deel 1, Nr. 9 (1947).
REFERENCES 23. HEss, S. L., "Some New Mean Meridional Cross Sections
1. ADEL, A., "Absorption Line Width in the Rotation Spec- through the Atmosphere." J. Meteor. 5: 293-300 (1948).
trum of Atmospheric Water Vapor." Phys. Rev., 71: 24. HETTNER, G., PoHLMANN, R. und ScHUMACHER, H. J.,
806-808 (1947). "Die Struktur des Ozon-molekiils und seine Banden im
2. - - and LAMPLAND, C. 0., "Atmospheric Absorption of Ultrarot." Z. Phys., 91:372-385 (1934).
Infrared Solar Radiation at the Lowell Observatory; 25. J o os, G., "Optische Eigenschaften der fes ten Ki:irper."
5.5-14/L." Astrophys. J., 91:1-7 and 481-487 (1940). Naturforschung und Medizin in Deutschland, 1939-1946
3. ANGSTROM, A., "Messungen der nchtlichen Ausstrahlung (FIAT Rev.). Wiesbaden, Dieterich Verlag, 1948. (See
im Ballon." Beitr. Phys. frei. Atmos., 14: 8-20 (1928). Voi. 9, Pt. 2, pp. 164-184)
4. AsHBURN, E. V., "The Vertical Transfer of Radiation 26. JuNGE, C., "Zur Strahlungswirkung des Wasserdampfes
through Atmospheric Temperature Inversions." Bull. in der Stratosphre." Meteor. Z., 54: 161-164 (1937).
Amer. meteor. Soc., 22: 239-242 (1941). 27. LrNKE, F., Meteorologisches Taschenbuch, 4. Aufl. Leipzig,
5. BARRETT, E. W., HERNDON, L. R., JR., and CARTER, H. J., Akad. Verlagsges., 1939. (See p. 262)
"A Preliminary Note on the Measurement of Water- 28. - - und MLLER, F., "Langwellige Strahlungsstri:ime in
Vapor Content in the Middle Stratosphere." J. M eteor ., der Atmosphre und die Strahlungsbilanz," Handbuch
6: 367-368 (1949). der Geophysik, Bd. 8, Kap. 11. Berlin, Gebr. Borntrger,
6. BoLZ, H. M., und FALCKENBERG, G., "Neubestimmung der 1943. (See pp. 668-721)
Konstanten der ngstri:im'schen Strahlungsformel." Z. 29. MLLER, F., "Die Wrmequellen in der freienAtmosphre."
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ocean. Instn., Voi. 8, No. 2 (1941). 31. - - "Die Wrmestrahlung des Wasserdampfes in der
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Meteorologica! and Hydrological Institute of Sweden

ACCURACY OF ACTINOMETRIC variations of the incoming direct solar radiation Qm

MEASUREMENTS at a given solar elevation (air mass = m) may be re-
In actinometry, as in every other field of science garded as due to four principal causes:
founded upon some kind of direct measurement, the 1. The variable distance between sun and earth.
instrumental accuracy and the method of observation 2. Molecular scattering.
must be closely related to the character of the scien- 3. Scattering and absorption by liquid and solid
tific problem under consideration. particles in the atmosphere.
Determination of the Solar Constant. Some scientists 4. Selective absorption by the gases of the atmos-
maintain that this so-called "constant" is subject to phere.
short periodic variations amounting to approximately The variations resulting from the first cause are well
0.2 per cent on the average, with a maximum amplitude known and easily computed. The scattering by the
of about 1-2 per cent. It is evident that in order to molecules may be computed from the theory of Ray-
investigate these variations our measuring devices must leigh; the scattering coefficient thus determined is a
be sufficiently accurate to measure amounts of radia- continuous function of the wave length, being inversely
tion below the smallest amplitude of the variations proportional to its fourth power.
which we intend to determine, in other words, the Scattering by the solid and liquid particles in the
instrument must measure accurately to at least 0.2 atmosphere may, as a first approximation, also be
per cent. regarded as a continuous function of the wave length.
Heat Exchange at the Earth's Surface. Considerably Strictly speaking, if the physical nature of the particles
less accuracy is required in many other problems closely is known in detail, the scattering coefficient may be
connected with actinometry. Suppose, for instance, computed as a function of the wave length, according
that >ve wish to investigate the heat exchange at the to the classical theory of Mie. However, since we seldom
earth's surface through radiation, convection, conduc- or never ha ve a complete knowledge concerning the
tion, evaporation, etc. Here, the radiation enters into variable nature of the scattering particles in the at-
an equation in which the other factors involved can mosphere, it seems allowable to introduce a simplifica-
hardly be determined to an accuracy greater than tion based on empirica! results. From Abbot's extensive
5-10 per cent. Even if we could measure them more observations in various parts of the world the present
accurately, it would be of little benefit, since the values author found that the scattering coefficient S due to
have no general applicability. Convection, conduction, liquid and solid particles in the atmosphere may, in
reflection from the earth's surface, and evaporation are general, be expressed by
all highly variable from place to place. Local measure- (1)
ments are seldom representative for more than very
limited areas. An accuracy of 3 per cent seems in where {3 has a value proportional to the number of
general quite sufficient for such purposes as actino- particles, and a no longer has a value of 4.0 as in the
metric measurements aiming at an evaluation of the case of the molecules but varies between 0.5 and 2.0,
heat balance at the earth's surface, ablation studies on according to the size of the particles. The smaller the
glaciers and snow covers, and studies of similar geo- particles, the larger is the value of a. In general, an
physical problems. acceptable average value for a, that holds for ordinary
Analysis of the Atmosphere. Actinometric measure- conditions, seems to be 1.3. When the atmosphere has
ments are, however, also an important means for the been polluted with larger particles, as after violent
ana.lysis of the content of the various atmospheric con- volcanic eruptions or through dust storms over deserts,
stituents. Through rather simple measurements of the the value of a is sometimes as low as 0.5 or even less.
total direct solar radiation and of the same radiation The particles influencing the visibility in the atmosphere
within a few selected regions of the spectrum, an evalua- near the ground are also evidently larger than the
tion can be made of the total water content in the path average particle causing the scattering of the solar
of the solar beam as well as of the turbidity (i.e., the beam. For these lower layers Schmolinsky [10] found
content of solid or liquid particles which scatter light in an average value of about 0.9 for a.
the atmosphere). The principles on which such deter- These considerations hold approximately for the
minations of the turbidity and water content are visible part of the solar spectrum, that is, for wave
founded will be briefly summarized in the following lengths in the range from 0.4 to 0.8 fl. They are, how-
paragraphs. ever, not applicable to the ultraviolet and the far
If the solar "constant" is regarded as a true constant infrared. Finally, the incoming solar beam is weakened
and its relatively small variations are neglected, the also by the selective absorotion by the various atmos-

pheric gases, especially by water vapor and carbon and collaborators) ;1 q, the transmitted fraction of the
dioxide. This absorption is not a simple function of the incident energy for unit air mass (if only molecular
wave length, but is concentrated in certain spectral scattering is considered), is computed from the theory
regions. The conditions are, however, simplified by the of Rayleigh, 2 the air mass m is computed from the
fact that the selective absorption by the variable gases observed elevation of the sun (m is unity for zenith
is almost entirely confined to the far red and the infra- position of the sun). If we assume a to have a given
red, where the principal water-vapor and carbon dioxide value, the only unknown quantities are {1 and F. The
bands occur. Only a small part, about 1-2 per cent of total selective absorption F has been expressed by
Fowle through the linear equation
F = 0.10 + 0.0054ecm, (3)
where eo is the water-vapor pressure (mm Hg) at the
surface of the earth, and m is the air mass. It is evident
from several considerations that Fowle's equation must
include rather rough approximations. However , if we
accept it as a first approach, it is evident that the
quantity {3, which is a measure of the dust content, may
be determined flom equation (2) and a single pyrhelio-
metric observation. In practice this determination is
made by a graphical evaluation of the integral for
various values of e0 and m-made once and for all. The
value of {3 which makes the value of the integral equal
to the measured value of the radiation increased by
Fis then obtained from a diagram or from tables. We
may effect the computation most simply by plotting
"- t he observed radiation, increased by F, on the diagram
+ shown in Fig. 1 and interpolat ing the value of {3.
\Ve can, however, derive a similar result more ac-
curately if we add another pyrheliometric measure-
ment to the one covering the total solar spectrum. By
using a colored glass filter-RG 2 or OG 1 for instance-
we can examine separately a part of the spectrum cover-
ing all wave lengths longer than a given limit ing value.
The filter RG 2, for instance, lets through all radiation
of wave lengths longer than about 0.6 p.. With due
0. 3~-+--~~---r--+-~--~--~-+--+--;--~ regard to the nearly constant reflection (1 - -y) by the
0. 2~-+--+-~--~--+-~--~--~-+--+-_,--~
filter (where 'Y is the fraction of incident radiation trans-
mitted by the filter, that is, its transmission coefficient),
~~ ~-+---r-1--~--+-~--~--~-+--+-_,--~ we obtain for the observed filter radiation Qr, in per-
fect analogy with equation (2),
2 3 4 5 6
Qr = 'Y [ " lox 1/;(m, {3, ) d - -yF, (4)
FIG. 1.- Atmospheric turbidity (3 according to Angstrom- 0.6
Hoelper. Ordinate: total radiation measured (Qm), with addition
of water vapor absorption (F). Abscissa: air mass (unit vertical where
air mass at seu level and 760 mm). Actinometric scale: Smith- 1/1 = qm exp ( - {Jm/a).
The value of F may here be assumed with good ap-
the total energy is subject to a variable absorption proximation t obe the same as in (2). Hence, from equa-
within the visible and the ultraviolet. tions (2) and (4), we obtain
Consequent ly, the total incoming solar radiation
Qm, as measured for instance with a pyrheliometer, may Qm-! Qr [' l ox l/1 d- [' foxl/;d, (5)
be expressed as ')' O OA

(2) 1
Qm - - Qr =
10.6 lox 1/1 d. (6)
' o
In this equation we may assume Qm to be known from 1. Given for instance in F . Linke, Meteorologisches Taschen-
measurements; lox, the radiation out side the atmos- buch, IV, Table 109, p. 238 (Akad. Verlagsges.) Leipzig, 1939.
phere at the wave length , is known from the elaborate 2. See F. Linke, Meteorologisches Taschenbuch, IV, Table
investigations by the Smithsonian Institution (Abbot 113, p. 240.

On the hasis of this simple theory, the present author, addition, a number of other factors, of which as a rule
and later Hoelper [6], Tryselius [11], and Olsson [8], we have a rather incomplete knowledge, are generally
among others, have computed values for {3 and the effective in producing the observed results on, for in-
total selective absorption from simple pyrheliometric stance, photosynthesis or growth. Therefore, if we ask
observations. for the equipment which ought tobe recommended for
This method for treating actinometric observations meteorologica! stations when we have biologica! or
has been discussed in some detail because considerations agricultura! needs in mind, it seems more important
in the foregoing discussion are apt to provide an answer that the instruments should be characterized by a
to the question which follows. Suppose we wish to use certain simplicity and stability and that their results
the simple actinometric measurements of Qm and Qr to should be easily comparable with those from other
obtain some idea of the scattering and absorbing prop- stations, than that the instruments should be given some
erties of the atmosphere (such a purpose is certainly an elaborate form in a rather vain attempt to imitate what
important justification for actinometric measurements can hardly be reproduced. Instruments which measure
in general), what is the accuracy that we should or record the radiation from the sun and sky on a hori-
demand? It is perfectly clear from the simple theory zontal surface and on a surface perpendicular to the
presented here that, in order to make progress and ob- solar beam thus seem to be able to satisfy more general
tain conclusions of importance, we are forced to intro- needs. An accuracy of 5 per cent seems sufficient,
duce some simplifications in our assumptions concern- provided that the instruments are not subject to sys-
ing the laws governing atmospheric scattering. Such a tematic errors or systematic changes.
simplification has been made in assuming a simple
exponential expression for the dependence of the scat- INSTRUMENTS AND MEASUREMENTS
tering on wave length. This simplification represents a Determination of the Solar Constant for the Purpose
rather rough approximation, and because of this there of Ascertaining lts Variations. From what has been
is very little use in attempting to determine values of said above concerning the accuracy which must be
{3 and a with an accuracy greater than about 5-10 per demanded from the instruments for determining the
cent. This corresponds to accuracies in the values for solar constant, it must be concluded that none of the
the solar radiation Qm and Q, of about 1-2 per cent. For standard types of pyrheliometers in current use strictly
determinations of the scattering and absorption in the satisfies these requirements. The two instruments which
atmosphere by simple actinometric methods, this ap- should be given first consideration are the compensa-
pears tobe the desirable accuracy. 3 tion pyrheliometer of K. .ngstrom and the silver-disk
Actinometry with Regard to Biologica! Problems. pyrheliometer of the Smithsonian Institution (Abbot).
The importance of solar radiation for a number of Both ha ve been subjected to rather elaborate investiga-
phenomena of biologica! character, such as plant growth tion and critica! examination by various scientists and
and photosynthesis, and the health of man, has to a lately, in a very systematic way, by the International
large extent led to the organization of actinometric Radiation Commission. On the initiative of this Com-
measurements in connection with research concerning mission, Courvoisier [5] at the Observa tory of Davos
such phenomena. has made a complete theoretical survey of the principles
What accuracy is here required from the actinometric of their construction, supplemented to some extent by
instruments? In trying to answer this question, we experimental studies. o
must keep certain facts in mind. It is evident that, in With regard to the Angstrom compensation pyrheli-
general, the radiation which we are able to measure or ometer, in the form in which it has been delivered by its
record is very seldom the radiation that is effective in manufacturers in Uppsala (Rose, now discontinued) and
the biological processes under investigation. N either Stockholm (A. Lindblad), the following can be said
the radiation on a horizontal surface, recorded for in- of earlier as well as of more recent researches.
stance by a pyranometer, nor on a spherical surface, As shown by the present author in 1914, the instru-
nor on a surface perpendicular to the solar beam as in ment is subject to a small error called the "edge effect"
pyrheliometers, is equal or strictly proportional to the arising from certain features in its construction. The
radiation falling on a given plant or other organism. "edge effect" is caused by the fact that one of the strips
Furthermore, it is seldom of much use to try to con- which constitute the sensitive part of the instrument is
struct a perfect model of a plant or organism since the heated electrically throughout its entire length, while
effectiveness of the radiation is, in general, quite dif- the other strip is illuminated by the solar radiation only
ferent at different J'larts of the plant's surface. In to about %o of its length on account of the screening
of a diaphragm inside the instrument. The error which
3. For a more detailed presentation of the methods for de- thus arises is of the order of 2 per cent. It is, however, to
termining atmospheric turbidity on the basis of actinometric
measurements along the lines indicated above, reference may
some extent dependent on the convection in the air
now be made to a valuable treatise by Dr. Walter Schiiepp, over the heated strips. Taking into account the condi-
published after the present article was written: Die Bestim- tions occurring in practice, we must conclude, from
mung der Komponenten der atmospharischen Tritbung aus Ak- theoretical considerations supported by actual measure-
tinometermessungen. Inaugural Dissertation, Wien, Springer, ments, that the error arising from the edge effect may
1949. vary between the limits 2 0.5 per cent.

To obtain measurements for computing the solar limit of the atmosphere where no diffuse radiation is
constant Abbot has constructed a special ngstrom added to the direct radiation, aud f (q, (3, a, m) is a
pyrheliometer in which the edge effect is reduced to function of the quantities q, etc. (notation as given
practically zero. However, a detailed survey of the earlier). The function f (q, (3, a, m) is equal to zero when
factors influencing measurements with this type of q equals unity aud (3 vanishes. According to experience
instrument leads one to conclude that errors of the recently acquired, this function seems to vary, at
order of 0.3 per centcanhardlybe avoidedcompletely. stations near sea level, between about 0.01 cal cm- 2
The silver-disk pyrheliometer has been extensively min- 1 for low values of (3 to about 0.02 cal r,m- 2 min- 1
used, especially in connection with Abbot's earlier work for high values of (3. The difference S - A therefore
on the solar constant. Courvoisier has subjected it to a seems to vary between about 1.5 aud 4.0 per cent,
very thorough theoretical examination, with due regard where the upper aud lower limits correspond to extreme
to the physical constants of the instrument. Some minor conditions (ngstrom-uncorrected for edge effect; sil-
corrections must be applied to Abbot's theory on which ver-disk-Smithsonian scale, 1934).
the method of measurement is founded. These correc- With due regard to recent investigations, we may,
tions may affect the absolute values obtained. What chiefly according to Morikofer [7], give the following sur-
interests us here especially are the variable errors aris- vey on the status of absolute actinometry. Setting
ing from the variation of different physical aud me- the indication of the ngstrom pyrheliometer equal to
teorologica! factors. Strictly speaking, Abbot's theory 100 per cent, we have:
holds true only when the instrument is maintained at Instrument Per cent
semiconstant temperature during the periodica! tem- 4ngstrom (uncorrected) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100. O
perature variation to which it is subjected when alter- Angstrom (corrected for edge effect). 101.3 0.5
Smithsonian scale, 1913 . 103.5
nately exposed to and screened from solar radiation. Solar Radiation Commissions (preliminary re-
This puts a rather high demand on the precautions to sults) 1936 (see [3]). . .... 101. O
be taken during exposure. Guild, Physical Laboratory, 1934 .......... 101.3
Abbot (Smithsonian scale, 1934). . . . . . . . . . . 101.2
Further effects arise from the unavoidable fluctua-
tions of the temperature of the surrounding air, which Actinometric Equipment at Meteorologica! Stations.
in turn affect the tempera ture of the cylindrical wooden It would be futile to attempt actinometric measure-
cover by which the silver disk is protected. Courvoisier ments, even at selected meteorologica! stations, for
concludes that errors up to 0.3 per cent are possible on the purpose of computing the solar constant, and stiU
that account. Morikofer [7] estimates the average error more so for determining its possible variations. The
from various causes tobe about 0.5 to 1.0 per cent. required elaborateness aud quality of the actinometric
Among the instruments rather widely used, the equipment are such that measurements for this purpose
Michelson actinometer is especially convenient, since must be reserved for observatories with very high
it is rapidly read aud does not require auxiliary instru- standards, at locations carefully selected with regard
ments. Its accuracy is less than that of the ngstrom to atmospheric conditions.
or the silver-disk instruments, the average error prob- On the other hand, the chief problems which actino-
ably amounting to 1.0-1.5 per cent. The Michelson metric observations from a meteorologica! network
actinometer should be checked at regular intervals might help to solve are those which we have briefly
since it is sometimes subject to deterioration. As the discussed in the first section of this article. Thus, the
accuracy of the instrument seems sufficient for general measurements should (1) furnish data for an evaluation
meteorologica! purposes, it would be highly desirable of the heat exchange at the surface of the earth and
that instruments of a similar construction should be enable us to treat, on this basis, the fundamental prob-
built in greater number aud at moderate cost. lem of the energy transport within the atmosphere;
Small differences exist between the indications of ali (2) provide the means for a general optical analysis of
actinometers in practica! use for measuring direct solar absorption aud scattering in the atmosphere; and (3)
radiation. They arise from the fact that the instruments furnish the hasis for correlation studies of the relation-
receive not only direct solar radiation but also diffuse ship between the radiation processes at the earth's
radiation from the sky in the immediate neighborhood surface aud a number of biologica! phenomena such
of the sun, within certain aperture angles which vary as the growth of plants, crop conditions, the health of
with the instrument. Thus the silver-disk pyrheliometer man, aud the incidence aud spread of certain diseases.
has an aperture of 6 (formerly 10.5), while the ng- It is clear from what has been said above that the
strom compensation pyrheliometer has a rectangular accuracy required of our actinometric equipment for
aperture with plane angles of 24 aud 6 (more recently these purposes is much less than that for the determina-
10 aud 3), respectively. The ngstrom instrument tiau of the solar constant. The accuracy and ease of
consequently receives in general somewhat more scat- operation of our present instruments are undoubtedly
tered light, aud the difference between the readings of satisfactory for these general purposes.
the ngstrom (A) aud the silver-disk (S) instruments The details of the organization must be based on a
can be approximately expressed by realization of the main problems, on experience or
A- S = - ~ + f(q, (3, a, m), (7)
knowledge, otherwise gained, concerning actinometric
instruments aud their qualities, aud finally on some
where ~ is the difference which is to be expected at the acquaintance with meteorologica! observations in gen-

eral and with what can reasonably be demanded from upon the correctness of a standardization carried out
the observers. On the hasis of such considerations the prior to delivery of the instrument. It is clear, especially
following general pattern for the actinometric stations since the construction is rather delicate, that reliance
within a meteorologica! network is recommended. The on a single calibration involves the serious risks of
proposed organization is based partly on the author's collecting observational data of greatly reduced value.
own experience, but is, to a very large extent, the result For this reason, a standardization, either through com-
of discussions with colleagues. parison with a central standard or through a physical
Central Actinometric Observatory (CAO). It seems de- determination of the constants of the compensation
sirable that at least one such observatory should be pyrheliometer, should be carried out at regular inter-
established within every large country. Among its main vals. A central actinometric observatory would be the
objectives would be scientific investigations of actino- proper place for that purpose.
metric problems of a geophysical character, or those Second Order Actinometric Stations. Provided that
with geophysical applications. A plan for such investi- absolute standardizations are carried out at a central
gations will not be discussed here, since it must be observatory, second order stations do not need to be
based chiefly on the personal initiative and scientific provided with absolute instruments. On the other hand,
ideas of the observatory personnel. Among the prob- it seems advisable that they be furnished with double
lems deserving general attention are especially the dis- sets of actinometers for measuring direct solar radia-
tribution of ozone and its determination by actino- tion, in order that one instrument can, to some extent,
metric methods and also special investigations of serve as a check on the other. The following measure-
ultraviolet radiation. The former problem is at present ments are proposed.
being vigorously pursued by G. M. B. Dobson at Ox- 1. Measurements of the direct total solar radiation
ford, and it seems probable that in the near future his at least three times a day when the sky is clear.
investigations will result in the construction of appara- Instruments: Smithsonian silver-disk pyrheliometer,
tus which can be generally accepted for ozone measure- ngstrom compensation pyrheliometer, or an instru-
ments. The work at the Bureau of Standards by W. ment of the Michelson type. These are the instruments
Coblentz and later by R. Stair and his collaborators which have been most carefully examined with respect
will probably lead to similar results with respect to the to various errors. However, other instruments may also
measurement of ultraviolet radiation. be used, provided they are carefully standardized.
First we shall discuss the relation which should exist 2. Measurements of direct solar radiation within
between the activities of the central actinometric ob- special regions of the spectrum with the aid of colored
servatory and the actinometric stations of the mete- glass filters of the type RG 2 or OG 1, through which
orologica! network, as they will be described below. The the infrared radiation may be separated from the visible
CAO must form a center for calibration, standardiza- and ultraviolet (at least three times a day with a clear
tion, and checking of secondary instruments, and for sky).
this purpose such a central observatory should be Instruments: Same as under 1.
equipped with absolute instruments. The actinom- 3. Continuous measurements of the total incoming
eter perhaps most widely used for measuring direct radiation from the sun and sky.
solar radiation, the Michelson actinometer, is a second- Instruments: Moll-Gorczynski actinograph with re-
ary instrument and, because of a certain delicacy in its cording galvanometer, Kimball-Eppley actinograph,
construction, it seems desirable that it be compared ngstrom pyranometer with photographic recorder, Ro-
at regular intervals with an absolute instrument or at bitzsch actinograph, or instruments of similar construc-
least with other instruments of greater stability. The tion.
silver-disk pyrheliometer of the Smithsonian Institu- Screening these instruments from direct solar radia-
tion is also a secondary instrument. Its construction is tion and comparing the reduction of their reading with
much less delicate than that of the Michelson actinom- the direct solar radiation, measured simultaneously,
eter, and in severa! instances the instrument has provides a check on these recording instruments. With
retained its calibration unchanged during rather long this method, the first three instruments mentioned
periods. However, as a precaution against error, if the above will easily yield results accurate to about 5
instrument is to be used daily, it should be compared per cent for individual days and 3 per cent for longer
from time to time with an absolute instrument or a periods.
secondary standard, preferably at least once a year. With regard to the Robitzsch actinograph, the con-
The ngstrom compensation pyrheliometer is strictly struction of which is similar to a common thermograph
an absolute instrument. Its "constant," which is ap- with bimetallic elements, the following remarks may
plied to the direct reading in order to yield the cor- be made. The instrumental "constant" (the factor by
responding radiation values, can be determined through which the deflection on the recording drum must be
simple physical measurements of resistance, dimensions, multiplied in order to give radiation values) is highly
etc., on the instrument. But in practice such measure- dependent on temperature. A temperature rise of one
ments are very seldom roade, and they can hardly be centigrade degree generally corresponds to an increase
carried out without rather elaborate physical equip- in the constant of about 1 per cent. Furthermore, the
ment. Therefore, the instrument is actually used at sensitivity is to some extent dependent on the elevation
most stations simply as a secondary instrument. relying of the sun as well as on the orientation of th6 instrument

relative to the sun. Most important in the use of the occasions. The frequency of these check measurements
instrument is a careful examination of its dependence must, to some extent, be chosen on the hasis of ex-
on temperature. Under all circumstances, rather fre- perience concerning the constancy of the recording
quent comparisons with actinometers for solar radia- device, which probably depends on the climat~'.
tion measurements must be made. It is difficult to Regular M eteorological Stations Equipped with Sun
avoid errors of less than about 10 per cent for in- shine Recorders. In general, it seems advisable that all
dividual days and less than 5 per cent in monthly actinometric stations of the second and third orders
means. should also be meteorologica! stations of at least the
4. Measurements of the outgoing "effective" radia- second order. This will facilitate studies of the relation
tion. between radiation and other meteorologica! elements.
Instruments: .ngstri:im pyrgeometer with electrica! A rather wide network of stations recording simply
compensation. Some of the errors inherent in this in- sunshine duration is desirable so that they may act as
strument are the same as for the compensation pyr- interpolation stations with respect to the radiation
heliometer. A variable edge effect introduces errors up balance. However, it is also recommended that other
to about 3 per cent in single measurements. No meteorologica! observations be made at such stations,
recording device of suitable design can yet be recom- at least observations of cloudiness, temperature, and
mended for general use. Some theoretical investigations precipitation.
by Prohaska and Wierzejewski [9] on the Bellani instru-
ment for measuring incoming radiation seem to support CONCLUSIONS
the view that the .ngstri:im "tulipan" instrument Critique of Routine Actinometric Measurements as
founded on a similar principle, that is, overdistillation Hitherto Organized. It is generally realized that actino-
of ether under the influence of outgoing heat radiation, metric measurements are stiU in a state in which an
may adequately serve its purpose of performing time organization according to systematic and generally ac-
integration of "effective" radiation. The necessary pre- cepted rules is lacking. The observations are, as a rule,
cautions seem, however, tobe too numerous to allow a limited to certain single observatories, and there is, in
more general use. general, no possibility for a synoptic treatment of the
5. Records of hours of sunshine. It is recommended results. Only very seldom are the observations made in
that the duration of sunshine be recorded at all stations a manner which permits separation of scattering and
where the total radiation from sun and sky is recorded. absorption in the atmosphere.
Special studies of the relationship between the duration The recording devices, such as the Moll-Gorczynski
of sunshine and the incoming radiation at various instrument or the Robitzsch instrument, when used
stations will then provide a possibility of computing at field stations, are in many cases too infrequently
the incoming radiation from the hours of sunshine checked, a fact which especially for the latter instru-
Q. according to some formula, for instance, Q. = ment is rather fatal, since its indications are highly
Qo[a + (1 - a)S], where the constants Q0 and a must dependent on the manner of exposure, and its constant
be determined. Such studies may give us a means of is highly variable with temperature. Many obser-
interpolating radiation values for localities between ac- vational data of no value have been collected in this
tinometric stations from the number of hours of sun- way.
shine recorded ata much larger number of places. Measurements of the effective radiation, important
Instruments: Most widely used are the sunshine as they may seem, are almost totally lacking, with the
recorders of Campbell-Stokes and the recording black- exception of the results from only a few observatories.
bulb thermometer used by the United States Weather Regular checks of the instruments in use are seldom
Bureau. It should be emphasized that these instruments made.
can under no circumstances be considered as instru- It is my opinion that our knowledge and experience
menta of precision. It is more important to correlate of the instruments available are such, after the work
the data from the various types of sunshine recorders on the subject particularly by the Smithsonian Institu-
with the radiation balance than to attempt to stand- tion and the International Radiation Commission in
ardize or correct the instruments so that a precise close collaboration with the Observatory of Davos,
measurement of the loosely defined "hours of sunshine" that the time is ripe for a systematic organization of an
may be obtained. With this guiding principle in mind, international actinometric station network within the
one may allow rather wide variations in the type of meteorologica! organization. The technical and instru-
instrument. mental problems which still need to be solved and the
Third Order Actinometric Stations. These stations improvements to be expected need not delay an organi-
should be equipped with sunshine recorders as well as zation which now seems highly desirable.
with simple recording instruments such as the Moll- Special Problems. We have already briefly indicated
Gorczynski, Kimball-Eppley, or the Robitzsch type. the problems which such an actinometric network would
The pyranometers should, however, be checked at regu- primarily help to solve. They include the important
lar intervals by comparison with secondary standard problem concerning the energy exchange within the
actinometers, either brought to the stations during earth's atmosphere and the factors influencing it. If we
inspection or kept at . the station for use on special consider a given vertical column extending from the

earth's surface to the upper limit of the atmosphere, the Hemisphere stations investigated for an annual varia-
temperature of the air within this column is determined tion of {3, the scattering coefficient reaches a pronounced
primarily by the incoming and outgoing radiation, by maximum in the spring (April or May). The values of
the transfer of energy through horizontal advection, {3 obtained at Spitsbergen by Olsson [8] and at Abisko
and, to some extent, by evaporation and condensation (northern Lapland) by Tryselius [11] are so low that
processes. If we take a column of a sufficiently large the scattering there must be almost totally due to the
cross section and consider a sufficiently long time inter- molecules. Therefore, if we consider only the effect of
val, our problem of analyzing the factors influencing scattering, the ultraviolet radiation at, for instance,
the temperature coincides with the problem of finding 30 solar elevation in Lapland, must be almost as in-
the causes for climatological temperature changes in tense as at about 2000-m height in Switzerland for the
general. Here, incoming and outgoing radiation are the same solar elevation. Only a few of the problems re-
most fundamental elements. Without a thorough knowl- lated to a more detailed synoptic investigation of scat-
edge of these factors, their distribution and variations, tering in the atmosphere have been indicated here.
ali speculations on climatic variations are reduced to The outgoing "effective radiation" should be the
rather vague guesses. object of a closer investigation especially with respect
Another equaliy important problem, closely con- to its distribution over the earth's surface. In general,
nected with the climatic variations, concerns the trans- it seems to be very closely related to two factors: (1)
mission of the atmosphere and its fluctuations. A clear the temperature at the place of observation and the
temperature distribution in the atmosphere, and (2)
the content of water vapor in the atmosphere. This rela-
tionship is so close that it is doubtful whether there
0.12 are any other factors whose effects do not fali within

0.10 1 '\ the errors of observation. On the other hand, there are
some indications of a variation during the night, which

1 ___ J - - - - -

\ might not be explained by a variation of the previously

mentioned elements. Here is an important field of


Q_Q6 1 _1 \ research from which perhaps some factor influencing the
climatic variations may be discovered.
Finaliy, for the important studies of the relation
~ ~ between biologica! phenomena and radiation, an actino-
metric network has an essential task to fulfill. In ali
these studies in which special portions of the spectrum
0.02 1

must be considered effective, a clear separation between

scattering and absorption is necessary. \Vhen we know
so 60 3o o 3o 60 so the scattering coefficient and its variations, we will be
able to give a much more detailed picture of the varia-
Fw. 2_-Preliminary curve showing variation of scattering tions in the different spectral regions of the sun's
coefficient {1 with latitude. radiation. Such a detailed knowledge is probably neces-
sary before the relation between biologica! pheno-
separation between scattering and absorption is neces- mena and solar radiation can be investigated with
sary. The simplest way of accomplishing this is indi- success.
cated above. If we take the coefficient {3 as a measure of
the scattering of the atmosphere, the foliowing remarks REFERENCES
may be made. A rather summary treatment of avail-
1. ANGSTRM, A., "On the Atmospheric Transmission of
able pyrheliometric data already shows that {3 is on the
Sun Radiation and on Dust in the Air." Geogr. Ann.,
whole much larger in tropical and subtropical regions
Stockh., 11 :156-166 (1929).
than at higher latitudes. The graphical representation 2. - - "On the Atmospheric Transmission of Sun Radiation,
in Fig. 2, taken from a previous paper by the author II." Ibid., 12:13(}-159 (1930).
[2], shows this, but it may be taken only as a very rough 3. - - "Survey of the Activities of the Radiation Commis-
indication of the general conditions. More extensive sions of the International Meteorologica! Organisation
observational data, systematically treated, must be and of the International Union of Geodesy and Geo-
available before the distribution of {3 over the whole physics." Tellus, Voi. 1, No. 3, pp. 65-71 (1949).
globe can be mapped. Intensive investigations may 4. - - "Atmospheric Circulation, Climatic Variations and
here solve the problem concerning the dust-producing Continentality of Climate" in Glaciers and Climate
(Geophysical and geomorphological essays dedicated to
centers at the earth's surface, the nature of the scatter-
Hans W:son Ahlmann). Geogr. Ann., Stockh., Voi. 31,
ing particles, and their origin under various conditions.
Nos. 1 and 2, pp. 316--320 (1949).
Investigations near desert regions seem to show that 5. CouRVOISIER, P., und WIERZEJEWSKI, H., "Beitrge zur
the scattering particles directly produced by storms Strahlungsmessmethodik. I-Die physikalischen Grund-
over the desert are much larger than those which lagen der kalorischen Strahlungsmessmethoden." Arch.
generally occur in the atmosphere. At ali N orthern Meteor. Geophys. Biokl., (B) 1:45-53 (1948). "II-Die

Berechnung der Wirkungsweise kalorischer Strahlungs- 1932-33." Medd. meteor.-hydr. Anst., Stockh., Voi. 6,
messinstrumente." Ibid., (B) 1:156-199 (1949). No. 5, 83 pp. (1936).
6. HoELPER, 0., "Der atmospharische Triibungszustand iiber 9. PROHASKA, F., et WrERZEJEWsKr, H., "Theorie et pratique
Aachen nach kalorischen Strahlungsmessungen im Polar- du pyranometre spherique de Bellani." Ann. Geophys.,
jahr." Dtsch. meteor. Jb. Aachen (1933). Aachen, 1935. 3:184-221 (1947)o

7. MoRIKOFER, W., "Meteorologische Strahlungsmessmetho- 10. ScHMOLINSKY, F., "Die Wellenlangenabhangigkeit derSicht-
den." Handb. biol. Arbl'>feth., E. ABERHALDEN, Hsgbr., weite und des Koeffizienten der Dunstextinktion." Me-
2.4005-4245 (1939)o teor. Z., 61:199-203 (1944).
8. 0LSSON, H., "Meteorologica! Observations at Mt. Norden- 11. TRYSELIUs, 0., "On the Turbidity of Polar Air." Medd.
skiold, Spitzbergen, during the International Polar Year, meteor.-hydr. Anst., Stockh., Voi. 5, No. 7, 10 pp. (1936).

General Meteorologica! Optics by Hans Neuberger.............. ............................. ..... 61

Polarization of Skylight by Zdenek Sekera. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79

Visibility in Meteorology by W. E. Knowles Middleton. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91



The Pennsylvania State College

The phenomena of meteorologica! optics are not as nary arc ZH from zenith to horizon. The half-arc angle
generally well known as those of other branches of a is then a measure of the flatness of the sky, becoming
meteorology. For this reason, the subsequent sections smaller as the sky appears flatter. Another method for
are introduced with a brief description of the major expressing the sky flatness numerically is the estima-
phenomena and a summary of known facts. For ah- tion of the ratio of the apparent distances OH jOZ,
normal variations the reader is referred to the multi- which increases with increasing flatness of the sky.
tude of meteorologica!, astronomical, and general The estimation of this ratio is a more difficult task than
science periodicals. Visible sound waves in the sky, bisecting the arc ZH and is a much coarser measure.
frequently observed du ring W orld W ar II,! could not Assuming, for example, a circular sky profile, we can
be considered here. compute corresponding values of OH/OZ and a [c. 42];
In order to keep the number of references within OH/OZ = 1, 2, 3, 4, corresponds to a = 45, 33, 25,
space limits, authors whose contributions have been 20, respectively. Since most observations fali in the
discussed in standard works are, where possible without range 20 < a < 40 and are reproducible within 1,
ambiguity, cited from these works; this is indicated by while OH jOZ can be estimated, at best, only in whole
a "c" preceding the respective reference number. numbers, OH /OZ is obviously an inadequate measure.
Various authors have deduced the curvature of the
sky profile as circular, elliptic, parabolic, hyperbolic, or
helmet-shaped [8, 9, 22, 23, c. 42]. The angle at which
The Apparent Shape of the Sky. When scanning the the sky appears to meet the horizon plane is one
daytime sky, an observer perceives a more or less criterion of the geometric form. This angle would be 90
flattened vault. For some observers, this impression only in the cases of elliptic anei parabolic shapes, but
persists even at night, although the multitude of stars more or less acute in aii others. A parabolic profile would
in their different magnitudes tends to convey the idea of also be clistinguished by the pointed appearance of the
a rather undefinable space. The variety of impressions zenith sky. Another criterion is derived from compari-
is the result of a complex psychometric coordination of son of observed overestimation of elevation angles of
the visual and the physical space. This coordination is objects with those computed under the assumption of
not a simple transformation of a geometric reality such various sky shapes [42]. Variations of a psychological
as obtains for an overcast sky, because, in the case of nature among different observers and physical varia-
the clear daytime sky, we look into an indefinite depth tions of sky conditions undoubtedly preclude the as-
of the luminous atmosphere. Indeed, if we fix our sight sumption of any unique sky shape. For the discussion
in any elevated direction, we fail to perceive a "surface" of observational results, consideration of the half-arc
on which our eyes may rest. However, if we let our angle a may suffice.
eyes wander between zenith and horizon, the impression Table I shows the effect of general sky brightness and
of such a surface is inescapable. The problem of the sky cloudiness on the depression of the sky as seen by vari-
shape, although some of its aspects lie within the realm ous observers. Although the large differences among
of psychophysics, is of meteorologica! interest because
of its beming on the practice of estimating cloudiness. TABLE l. AVERAGE HALF-ARC ANGLES FOR VARIOUS
Smith [c. 42] introduced a method by which a numeri- SKY CoNDITIONS

cal value can be assigned to the apparent flatness of the Daytime Clear night
sky, by measuring the elevation angle a (Fig. 1) of the Observer 1 Twilight
clear _j
cloudy ~ -~!-~!~: moonless
Dember and Uibe [8] .. 29.0 32.0 32.2 36.7 40.1
Miller [37] ... ...... 29.\J 3-1.0 - - -
Reimann [c. 42] ....... 21.0 - 26.6 :30.0
Mendelssohn and Dem- 1 22.5
ber [33] ............. - 31.9 - 36.6 -

H0 H1 H2
observers reflect the strong subjectivity of the phe-
nomenon, the same trend appears in the effect of the
Fw. 1.-Half-arc angle a as a measure of the apparent shape
of the sky. various sky conditions. The cloudy daytime sky looks
flattest, the moonless night sky most arched. Some of
estimated position of point Jl-1 that bisects the imagi- the individual differences may be due to effects of
1. For example, see W. E. K. Middleton, J. R. astr. Soc. locality, since the observations cited were made at
Can., 38: 432 (1944). different places and altitudes.

The effect of the amount of cloudiness is demon- than is the St-group, whereas the reverse should be true
strated in Table II by the most recent observations according to Fig. 2 if the visual space were a simple
[37]. In qualitative agreement with observations by Rei- transformation of the physical space. A comparison
mann [c. 42], these data show that even a few clouds in between Table III and the last three columns of Table
the sky materially increase its apparent fiatness, whereas II shows that the type of clouds has a greater effect than
with sky covers of > ~'o, the observer refers chiefiy the ainount of clouds.
In contrast to Dember and Uibe [9], Miller [37] found
OF CLOUDINESS that the visual range has only a minor influence on the
apparent shape of the sky, whereas the effect of the
Clouds tenths o <1 1-3 4-7 8-9 >9 distance to the terrestrial horizon is very strong, as
-- - - - - - - - - --
shown in Table IV. The differences in a between various
a (o) 34.0 32.6 31.5 30 .6 30 .2 29.9
to the cloud layer in forming his impression of the sky
shape. Therefore, for cloudiness > :Ko, the increase V (km) D = 0.4 km a( 0 ) D = 12 k ma( 0)

in fiatness becomes practically negligible.

Miller [37, 38] seems tobe the only observer to investi- <6 33 .3 30.7
6--10 32 .1 28 .8
gate the effect of cloud types (and ceiling height) on the >10 32 .6 28.9
apparent sky shape. Table III shows his results for
Mean 32.6 29.2
various cloud types arranged in order of increasing
average cloudiness for these types. The groups Ac and
groups of visual range are considerably smaller than
As,2 and Se make the sky appear flatter than would
between different horizon distances. This result was
result from the implicit cloudiness effect. This has been
confirmed by measurements of a at various distances
attributed to the structure of the underside of Ac and
from a mountain range [38]. In addition to the actual
Se, which facilitates depth perception and makes the
distance of the horizon, the facilities for subconscious
observer aware of the extension of these cloud layers
estimation of this distance, such as is offered by suitable
beyond the terrestrial horizon. This apparent increase
of the horizontal extent of the cloud layers causes a foreground configuration, have also proven of strong
influence on the perceived sky shape [23, 37, 38]. For
decrease in a.
this reason, the sky dome cannot generally be considered
HALr--ARc ANGLE Related Phenomena. Closely related to the shape of
Cloud type Average cloudiness, tent!Js Average a{") the sky is the well-known enlargement of sun or moon
when near the horizon [23, 42]. As can be seen from the
Cu, Fc 4 30.0 shaded angles in Fig. 3, the same angular subtense in-
Ci, Cs 5 29.1
Ac, As 7 27.8 tersects a greater portion of the flattened sky near the
Se 8 28.4
St 10 29.0 z

From Table III it is also obvious that the cloud

height does not influence the apparent flatness of the
sky, m the manner which might be expected from

Fw. 3.- R clation hip between true unei app:uent (slanted
numbers) elevation angles and angles of subtcuse (bracketed

horizon than ~t higher elevations, and this portion be-

comes greater as the sky becomes flatter. The same
holds true for the angular distance between stars. Jef-
freys [25] raised an objection to this projection theory
F I G. 2.- Geomctric relation between cloud heigh t and half-arc
on the grounds that the sun or moon should appear
angle. elliptical with a long vertical axis, because only this
axis would be distorted by the shape of the sky . How-
purely geometric considerations (Fig. 2). The Ac- and
ever, the angular subtense is too small to permit de-
A.s-group, for example, is associated with a smaller a
tection of such a deformation; moreover, this effect is
2. Ac and As occurred simultaneously in almost ali cases. probably compensated by an opposite effect of the

physical distortion owing to astronomical refraction. The regions of the sky. While this effect is undoubtedly
size variation can also be explained by the general present, its magnitude has been shown in Table IV to
overestimation of angular elevations of terrestrial and be of secondary order only. Purely psychophysiological
celestial objects. On the left side of Fig. 3 the flat arc explanations are similarly unsatisfactory. Gauss and
of the sky is divided into six equal segments correspond- others [c. 42] were of the opinion that, because our line
ing to 15-intervals of estimated elevations (slant num- of sight is habitually horizontal and normal to the body
bers). The true elevations show by comparison that axis, the illusion of a variable moon size should disap-
the relative overestimation is > 100 per cent for small pear when the direction of sight is changed by mirrors
elevation angles and decreases to zero at 90. The abso- or the body orientation altered. N ot ali results of perti-
lute overestimation reaches a maximum at true eleva- nent experiments supported this theory. Also, the ef-
tions between 30 and 40 [23, 42]. The right side of Fig. fects of physical variables would remain unexplained.
3, showing true 15-intervals and their estimated equiv- Various attempts at a combination of geometric and
alents (in brackets), indicates that a given angular psychophysical explanations have also been made. For
subtense is overestimated when below roughly 30 ele- example, v. Sterneck based his transformation of physi-
vation, underestimated when above 30. Accordingly, cal into visual space on the underestimation of dis-
the Y2o - subtense of sun or moon appears larger near tances according to a hyperbolic function, while Witte
the horizon, smaller at higher elevations. assumed that a straight line in physical space also ap-
The overestimated height and steepness of moun- pears rectilinear in yisual space [c. 42]. According to
tains [22, 42] and the apparent ellipticity of circular Exner [42], the moon's visible area is compared to that
halos [23, 34] are also related to this phenomenon, as of the fovea when the moon is high, but at low moon the
is the incorrect estimation of the amount of clouds. The respective linear dimensions are compared because of
latter is of practica! significance, because an observer the attention commanded by the horizon line. This
tends to underestimate the amount of clouds overhead hypothesis, however, is incapable of explaining the sky
and to overestimate the amount of clouds near the shape or the variations in the moon's apparent size
horizon. This fact is qualitatively known, and in the caused by externa! physical factors. Isimaru [23] com-
observer's manual, measurements of angular elevations bined, in his theory of the shape of the cloudy sky, the
of clouds are suggested to eliminate this error for ad- underestimation of distances with the overestimation
vancing or receding cloud layers and those surround- of elevation angles. The same idea was followed by
ing the station. However, no such expedient is avail- Hiittenhain [22] who reverted to v. Sterneck's theory.
able for estimations of the more frequent nonuniform Both authors [22, 23] make the implicit assumption
states of sky. This problem can be summarized as fol- that the overestimation of angular elevations is in-
lows: The estimates of cloud covers of O and 10 tenths dependent of the sky shape, because it can also be ob-
are usually correct. For ali other cloud amounts, the served in rooms [22]. However, since both phenomena
error made by the observer is a function of subjective are due to the properties of our visual space, they can-
factors (experience, etc.), of the amount and type of not be independent.
the clouds, the distance of the terrestrial horizon, and Fundamentally, ali of the theoretical approaches to
the general brightness level (Tables I-IV). the general problem have hitherto been hased on the
Theories and Problems. AII attempts to formulate assumption that the visual space is Euclidean and can
an all-inclusive theory of the apparent shape of the sky be obtained by some unique transformation of the
have thus far been unsuccessful, chiefly because of the three-dimensional manifold of the physica.l space. How-
simultaneous involvement of physical and psychophysi- ever, Luneburg [30] has recently shown that the sensa-
ological factors. Although physical and geometrica! vari- tions produced by hinocular vision represent a Rie-
ables modify our impression of the sky shape, they do mannian manifold. From the analysis of certain optica!
not suffice, in themselves, to explain the observed facts. illusions he concluded that the geometry of our visual
The simple consideration of the geometric properties space is the hyperbolic geometry of Lobachevski as
of a cloud layer at 2000 m, for example, would result in had already been indicated by Skreb [49]. With this
an a = 1, whereas a is actually observed between 20 theory a differential equation for the apparent size of
and 30, that is, the sky does not appear as flat as it a line element in the horizontal plane was developed,
should. A similar discrepancy arises for the clear sky which is, however, not immediately applicable to the
[38]. From a physical standpoint, Dember and Uibe [9] problem of the apparent shape of the sky; at any rate,
attribute the sky shape to the distribution of sky bright- an extension of this theory to include this group of
ness. They assume that the maximum distance from phenomena appears desirable. The major physical fac-
which scattered light reaches the observer is propor- tors whose effects must be explained by such a theory
tional to the square root of brightness. However, their may be tabulated as follows:
theory not only implies that the brighter objects appear 1. General brightness of the visual field and bright-
to be farther away, which is not true [42] (e.g., brighter ness distribution over the sky.
stars appear nearer), but also precludes any variations 2. Cloud types and amounts.
of the sky shape with the distance of the terrestrial 3. Distance of terrestrial horizon, and facilities for
horizon. Similarly, Humphreys [21] believes that the estimating this distance.
greater haziness near the horizon produces the impres- In addition, there are severa! phases of the problem
sion of greater distance than is the case at more elevated that have been insufficiently explored or are entirely

unknown as yet. For example, the practica! problem where r is the distance of an isopycnic surface from the
of the mutual influence of sky shape and cloudiness es- earth's center, i the angle of incidence, and the refrac-
timation needs further exploration. Simultaneous photo- tive index n (for white light) is a function of r, n(r). In
graphic records of the sky, estimation of cloudiness, Fig. 4, ro = CO is the earth's radius; an observer at O
and determination of the shape of the sky (under ali sees a light ray L, that enters the atmosphere at P
possible states of sky) may furnish an individual cor- with the angle of incidence i, at the apparent zenith
rection factor for adjustment of cloudiness estimates. distance o. instead of the true zenith distance O. The
In particular, the quality of cloudiness estimations for difference O - o. = R, the astronomical refraction. In
individual cloud layers in the presence of other cloud its general form, the equation of the ray curve PO in
decks needs special attention, as does the effect of the polar coordinates is
configuration of the terrestrial horizon on such estima-
tions. More observations are also needed on the follow- l)-
- jr (nz-rz- 1)-! dr- (2)
ing effects: possible seasonal variations; the terrestrial ro k2 r '
horizon distance in conjunction with the configuration or expressed in terms of astronomical refraction:
of the visual field between horizon and observer; the
measured brightness level and brightness distribution
over the sky.
R = f n

n.r. sin o.

nv n r2 - nor~ Sln2 8
2 dn.
Wholly unexplored is the possible effect of an observ-
The integrals, tobe taken between the upper limit of the
er's altitude above the earth's surface on his impression
atmosphere (where n = nH) and the earth's surface
of the sky shape and consequently the accuracy of his
cloudiness estimation; this phase is especially of in-
terest for meteorologica! observers on mountains or in 1
airplanes. In this connection, the apparent shapes of ZENITH

the terrestrial surface and of cloud layers, as seen from

above, deserve attention, because the quality of es-
timations of cloudiness below an aerial observer hinges
on this problem.
In the subsequent discussions reference is made only
to the visible portion of the electromagnetic spectrum,
although analogous phenomena occur with other wave
lengths. The refractive index m, of air for various wave
lengths and its dependence on the air density is well
known from laboratory determinations [31, 42]. An
example of the magnitude of the dispersion and tem-
perature effect on the refractive index in air at normal
pressure (760 mm Hg) is given in Table V. Obviously, c
Fw. 4.-Schematic diagram of astronomical refraction.
(After Meggers and Peters [31]) (index o), have no general solutions, because t he change
- of n with altitude must first be known.
>.(A) oc 15C JOC Various authors made different assumptions regard-
297 282 268
ing the function n(r) and computed the astronomical re-
5569 293 278 263 fraction for various apparent zenith distances. Wiinsch-
7664 290 275 261 mann [59], who compared severa! of the results, prefers
Gylden's refraction data, because they are based on
a hypothesis which agrees closely with data obtained
the effect of dispersion is small in comparison with that
from aerological ascents. Recently Link and Sekera
of temperature. The refractive indices of the various
gaseous constitu~nts of air differ even more significantly [28] computed tables of various characteristics of the
from each other, but since the composition of air varies ray path for zenith distances from 7.5 to 90 and alti-
only slightly, this effect is negligible for ali practica! tudes up to 60 km. They considered t he vertical density
distribution separately for summer and winter, using
Phenomena due to Average Density Gradient. When average density conditions as revealed by balloon
penetrating the atmosphere, which is assumed to con- soundings, sound propagation, and twilight phenomena .
sist of concentric, equidistant isopycnic surfaces, an Correction tables for the effect of deviations from nor-
extraterrestrial light ray describes a curve whose well- mal in local conditions of pressure, temperature, and
known equation is humidity have also been variously computed [31 , 42].
These corrections are important chiefly for apparent
nr sini = k = const, (1) zenith distances up to 70, for which the values of R

are sensibly independent of the assumption regarding by water vapor (42] or other gases contributes to this
the vertical density distribution and the concentricity phenomenon is stiH undecided.
of isopycnic surfaces [28, 42, 59]. Court3 pointed out the The curvature of the rays from artificial lights is
inadequacy of these correction tables particularly for due to terrestrial refraction. In Fig. 5, an observer at A
cold climates; he suggests the use, instead of air tem- sees a point B in the direction of incidence AC of the
perature, of "refractive temperature," i.e., that tem- curved light ray; the angle a between the straight line
perature for which the correction obtained from tables AB and the tangent AC is the terrestrial refraction.
is the one actually required, and he presents rules for Similar conditions obtain for an observer at B sighting
estimating these refractive temperatures. point A; in this case the terrestrial refraction is meas-
For zenith distances > 70, Esclangon [12] attributes ured by angle {3. The sum a +
{3 = e is called the total
the greatest optica! effect to the layer up to about 15 refraction. For an average density gradient the terres-
km, whereas according to Wtinschmann [59] the mass trial refraction increases roughly from 2" to 42" when
distribution in the stratosphere between 15 and 45 km the distance between the two points increases from 1 to
height and the orientation of the isopycnic surfaces in 20 km [42]. The curve of the light ray can, in most cases,
this layer play a dominant role. More frequent and a
be assumed as circular arc, so that a = {3 = e/ 2. The
systematic soundings of the upper atmosphere with path of the light ray is then determined by its radius of
modern equipment would enable us to solve this prob- curvature rL. In Fig. 5 the angular distance between
lem and to obtain more direct values of stratospheric points A and B is 'P at the earth's center, and e is the
density variatio ts. central angle of the arc AB. Since the heights of A and
Wunschmann, by means of upper-air soundings, con- B above the earth's surface are small as compared to the
structed charts showing the topography of the optica!
surfaces. He found that the influence of density varia-
tions in the lower troposphere up to 6.5 km is generally
compensated by an opposite influence in the upper
tropospheric region between 6.5 and 15 km, leaving an
insignificant net effect of the troposphere. The inclina-
tions of isopycnic surfaces owing to local horizontal
temperature gradients, fronts, or orographic features,
generally change the astronomical refraction by only a
fraction of a second of arc.
The large astronomical refraction for zenith dis-
tances of 90 or more generally lengthens the day, sin ce
it causes the sun to rise somewhat earlier and set some-
what !ater than is computed from purely geometrica!
Fw. 5.-Schematic diagram of terrestrial refraction.
considerations. This is of practica! importiwce for the
prediction of illumination conditions in polar regions, earth's radius ro, and the angles E and <p are small, the
where the strong density gradient, built up in the lower ratio
atmospherc during the winter night, may advance the
date of sunrise by severa! days [42]. The great decrease E E
or (4)
in normal refraction with slight elevation above the 2
horizon causes a deformation of the sun's or moon's
disk; for the difference in refraction between the lower As cp and ro are known, the terrestrial refraction can be
limb, touching the horizon, and the upper limb amounts comput.ed from the radius of curvature of the light
to 6', so that the vertical axis of the disk appears shorter ray. Its reciproca!, the curvature of the ray, is (ac-
by ~5. The large refraction is connected with a rela- cording to W egener [56]) determined by
tively large prismatic dispersion which is of the order 1 p 273 1
of 20 to 40 seconds of arc between blue and red wave Tz. = (nx - 1) T';, 760 (-y - -y), (5)
lengths [19, 42]. This dispersion occasionally causes the
last segment of the setting sun or planets [54] to appear where nx is the refractive index, p the barometric pres-
green for a few seconds, the so-called green flash [21] sure in mm Hg, Tv the virtual temperature in K, 'Y
or green segment [19]. Sometimes the color is blue or it the temperature lapse rate (counted as negative in case
changes continuously from yellow to violet. This phe- of inversions), and -y' the autoconvective lapse rate.
nomenon can occur only when the atmosphere is so The curvature of the light ray is proportional to the
clear that the shorter wave lengths are not attenuated. barometric pressure and inversely proportional to the
Whereas Hulburt [19] believes that normal dispersion square of the virtual temperature, showing the dominat-
is sufficient to cause this phenomenon, most observa- ing influence of temperature on refraction. The curva-
tions seem to be associated with refractions in excess of ture decreases as the lapse rate increases, and the light
the normal [35, 54] . To what extent selective absorption ray becomes rectilinear for a homogeneous atmosphere
(-y = -y'). For large lapse rates, however, the convective
3. See A. Court, "Hefractive Temperature," J . Franklin activity causes scintillation. For strong inversions
lnst., 247:583-595 (1949). (-y < < O) the curvature of the light rays approaches

that of the earth's surface, which ordinarily is several angle s, that the object subtends at the observer O,
times larger, and total reflection (mirages) may occur. appears changed. Exner (42] has shown that a linear
The expansion of the horizon and the decrease of its change in refractive index n with height cannot lead to a
angular depression is a usual consequence of terrestrial noticeable change in the angle of subtense. When thE>
refraction. In Fig. 5, an observer at A whose horizontal decrease of n with height is slower than it would be ac-
plane is AH would, in case of rectilinear light rays, see cording to a linear function as shown by case (A), the
the horizon at D, where his line of sight is tangent to curvature of the ray LOis greater than that of UO, and
the earth's surface and the geodetic depression is ~. the apparent angle of subtense s' between the tangents
Because of terrestrial refraction he normally sees the to the respective rays becomes smaller. This phenom-
horizon at D' in the direction AD" (tangent to the enon, in which the object also appears elevated, is
curved ray AD'), that is, at the depression ~'. The called stooping. An enlargement of s' combined with an
difference ~ - ~' represents the terrestrial refraction, apparent lifting takes place, when the decrease of n
and equations (4) and (5) apply to this case also. How- with height is more rapid than according to a linear
ever, ~ is generally determined by direct observation function, as shown by case (B) which represents tower-
rather than computed from meteorologica! data and the ing. Whereas these phenomena result from vertical
known geometric quantities, because temperature and density gradients (drop in density per unit height) that
lapse rate in the air layer below the observer vary with decrease (A) and increase (B), respectively, with height,
the nature and contour of the underlying surface. The case (C) shows a negative density gradient that de-
effects of these variables for air layers not in immediate creases, and case (D) one that increases with height,
contact with the ground were investigated by Brocks causing s' to be enlarged and diminished, respectively.
[2, 3, 4] who found that the terrestrial refraction can be
quite accurately computed from meteorological data
a.nd that, in turn, the average lapse rate can be deter-

mined from the observed curvature of light rays. For
a ray-path length of 30 km, a change in zenith distance
of 1" corresponds to a lapse-rate change of 0.04C/100
m. By means of mutual sighting from both ends of a
ray path the absolute values of the lapse rate can be ~C-.=.==]s.Js~::----ce~,----.......-oo
determined. However, this method is of limited prac-
tica! value, because for steep lapse rates, with their at-
tendant convection currents, the image fluctuations of
the light beam would considerably decrease the accuracy
of measurement.
Phenomena Due to Special Density Gradients. When
the decrease in density upwards is greater than normal,
a condition which may be caused by smaller than nor-
mal lapse rates, terrestrial refraction is increased and .....o
objects that are usually beyond the horizon come into
view. This excessive extension of the normal horizon is
called Zooming. The opposite phenomenon of sinking is
~( s~CD)
FIG. 6.-Effect of abnormal density gradients on the
due to an abnormally small vertical density gradient. curvature of light rays.
As can be seen from application of equation (5) to
the average conditiona between observer and horizon Because of the increase in density with height, the rays
point, thecurvature 1/rL ofthelightray (AD' in Fig. 5) are convex toward the ground, anrl the objects appear
becomes smaller with increase in lapse rate 'Y; for depressed. The mathematical theory for these phenom-
'Y = 'Y', the curvature becomes zero and the ob- ena, as well as for the corresponding ones involving
server sees horizon at D; for 'Y > 'Y', his horizon would horizontal objects, was developed by Exner [42].
further shrink and end at a point between D and E, In case the density distribution in the lower layers is
while the curvature becomes negative (ray convex to- such that the rays from an object reach the observer
ward surface). In this case it is not necessary that along two or more different paths, so that he sees one
'Y > 'Y' over the whole range, although this often occurs or more images of the object, we speak of superior,
over strongly heated surfaces; it is sufficient that the inferior, or lateral mirages, depending on whether the
isopycnic surfaces be inclined upwards toward the ob- image appears above, below, or to the side of the ob-
server, so that the air density is greater there than at ject. The latter case can occur only when the isopycnic
the distant point on the horizon [42]. The great in- surfaces are vertical or nearly so, for example, in prox-
creases in, or the reversals of, the normal vertical den- imity to strongly heated walls. This phenomenon was
sity gradients are generally confined to the air layers theoretically treated by Hillers [17]. In case of a com-
near the ground. plicated density distribution in the lower layers, com-
When the light rays from the upper portion of a plex distorted images of distant objects, the Fata Mor-
distant object LU in Fig. 6 (A) have a different curva- gana, may appear. General theories of mirages were
ture than those from the lower portion, the geometric developed by Nolke, A. Wegener, and others [c. 42], and
more recently by Fujiwhara and others [c. 21]. There has frequency characteristics similar to those of direc-
is, however, st.ill a thermodynamic problem connected tional vibrations, was given by Montigny [c. 42] and
with inferior mirages such as can be observed over is briefly outlined (Fig. 7). The difference in refractive
heated highway surfaces. There, the vigorous stirring index for the extreme visible wave lengths causes a white
of the air by passing vehicles apparently has little ef- light ray Lt, entering the atmosphere at A, to send its
fect on the existing density distribution. It would be red component toward Ot at the ground, its violet com-
interesting to study the "tenacity" of the mirage- ponent toward an observer at O. Another light ray
producing air layer. Ives [24] has investigated larger- L2, which is lower than Lt by a distance D and enters
scale mirages of this nature and found that phenomena
caused by steep lapse rates re-form, after disturbance,
within a few minutes, while mirages produced by low
inversions are more readily disturbed and "heal" much
more slowly. Laboratory experiments, which permit
control of the variables, and theoretical study of the
heat transfer rate seem desirable to expand our knowl-
edge of mirages.
Scintillation. Scintillation is due to temporal and
spatial variations of density in the atmosphere. It FIG. 7.-Dispersion of ligbt rays by the atmospbere.
consists of one or more of the following characteristics,
depending on the nature of the object viewed. If the the atmosphere at B, sends its red beam toward O, while
object is a point source, scintillation causes (1) apparent its violet beam falls at 0 2 Other rays between L1 and
directional vibrations (unsteadiness in position of fixed L2 send the intermediate colors toward O, so that the
objects), (2) apparent intensity fluctuations (light observer there sees the entire color mixture as white,
source may even appear to flash on and off), or (3) because the angular subtense of the spectrum is gener-
color changes (white light shows alternately its in- ally too small tobe resolved by the eye. The distance D
dividual chromatic components). For extended objects, between rays of the extreme colors varies with the
inhomogeneities in air density will cause (1) varying angular elevation of the light source and the height
distortions of the contours or of interna! line-structure above the earth's surface. Table VI represents an ab-
of distant objects, thereby producing apparent expan- stract of the corresponding table by Exner (42]. The
sion, contraction, or even disruption of the visible area;
or (2) inhomogeneous brightness distribution, so-called TABLE VI. V ARIATION OF THE DISTANCE BETWEEN VIOLET
shadow bands, over t he surface of an object that is il- AND RED RAYS (IN CM) WITH ZENITH DISTANCE (8)
luminated by a collimated light beam. AND HEIGHT (After Exner)

Astronomical scintillation involves extraterrestrial Height in km

light sources. Its effect, in general, decreases with in- e(l
0.1 1 5 10 40
crease in angular elevation of the source. The amplitude
of the vibratory motion of stars (or of the edge of the 50 - - 2 3 5
sun's or moon's disk) amounts to a few seconds of 60 - - 5 8 12
70 - 3 14 22 31
arc at the most, with a frequency of roughly 2 to 30 80 - 15 58 92 127
sec-1, although the vibrations are seldom of truly peri- 84 4 37 142 224 311
odic nature [7, 42, 55]. The relationship between the 88 17 151 580 91.5 1273
90 50 442 1698 2680 3727
quality of star images in telescopes and weather ele-
ments has long been recognized (42]; the image quality
deteriorates as wind speed, turbulence, or temperature color separation for zenith distances of < 50 is ex-
lapse rate in the lower atmosphere increase [2, 55]. tremely small so that chromatic scintillation of stars is
Respighi [c. 42] ascribed a greater effectiveness to the generally not perceptible. For greater zenith distances
rotation of the earth than to wind, because he observed and for increasing heights, the rays' separation rapidly
spectroscopically that stars on the western horizon increases. Any air parcel that has a density different
pass through the spectral color sequence from red to from that of its environment (density schlieren) and a
violet, while those on the eastern horizon show the diameter less t han the rays' separations, will be capable
reverse. Pozdena [43] shares this opinion, stating that of diverting individual color components into a different
the linear speed of the earth's rotation is much greater direction at different instants, thus causing chromatic
than the relative speed of the winds. Exner [42], how- scintillation. The size of these air parcels was variously
ever, pointed out that the observed phenomenon was determined as of the order of a few centimeters to a few
due to the prevailing westerlies at higher altitudes and decimeters [36, 42]. The size of the schlieren in relation
suggested that the argument could be decided by means to altitude, and the schlieren velocity, obviously deter-
of observations in regions with prevailing easterly cir- mine the possibility and the frequency, respectively, of
culation. There, t he phenomenon observed by Respighi color fluctuations. For example, in order to produce
should appear reversed if wind is the dominant factor. chromatic scintillation of a star at 80 zenith distance,
Such a test has apparently not yet been roade. an air parcel must have a diameter of < 15 cm if at 1 km
The explanation of chromatic scintillation, which height, < 58 cm if at 5 km height, etc., whereas near

the ground such a parcel must have an extremely small density discontinuities near the receiver are optically
diameter to cause scintillation. the most effective. Brocks [2] similarly found that the
The mechanism of intensity fluctuations was ex- atmospheric conditions in the first tenth of a horizontal
plained by K. Exner [c. 42] as follows: In Fig. 8, density ray path (counting from the observer) are nineteen
schlieren around S are embedded at certain intervals times as effectual in producing scintillation as the same
in an otherwise more or less homogeneous field of density conditions in the last tenth of the path. This seems to
and cause concavities (or convexities) in an originally be the reason why various meteorologica! elements,
plane wave-front of light and, thus, divergence of the observed near the receiver, correlate so well with the
rays at A and A' and convergence at B and B'. If the degree of terrestrial (and to a certain extent, astronomi-
system of schlieren moves horizontally, an observer- cal) scintillation that predictions of atmospheric optica!
say at B-will perceive alternate increases in flux dense conditions are possible [4, 24, 42, 55]. Such predictions
ity where the rays converge, and decreases where they may not hold where, for example, thermal turbulence
diverge. He will also see the light come from slightly is present near the light source but not near the receiver.
varying directions, that is, apparent vibratory motiom; In this case, scintillation presumably could stiU occur,
of the star. It is easily envisioned that the same varia- if, at the receiver, the angular subtense of the responsible
tions occur if the schlieren system moves vertically. air parcels were large as compared to that of the light
K. Exner measured the radius of curvature r of the source. Also, in cases in which the central portion of very
wave-front deformation to be roughly between 2 and long rays grazes the earth's surface, this portion is
20 km. In addition to discrete schlieren, we may also particularly exposed to density discontinuities that may
consider the wavy structure of surfaces of temperature not exist at the elevated end points of the rays.
or wind discontinuity as a cause of variations in flux The optica! distortions by the atmosphere of non-
density. luminescent, diffusely reflecting sources are generally
referred to as shimmer, or atmospheric boil. Riggs and
~ ~e> <MS others [46] measured photographically the apparent

~t~t+ lateral displacement of vertical linear targets and the

distortion of rectangular grids at severa! hundred meters

,~ri 1\ 11 1 \ 1
A B A' B'
distance. They found angular deviations from the mean
position of line elements of the order of 1" to 5". For
targets separated by more than 3' to 5', there was no
appreciable coherence of the observed deviations, that
Fra. 8.-Scintillation resulting from density schlieren
(after K. Exner). is, the horizontal dimensions of the sehlieren subtended,
at the camera, angles of less than 3' to 5'. Unfortunately,
The short-term fluctuations of images received from no exact linear dimensions of the experimental arrange-
terrestrial light sources or objects, or terrestrial scin- ment are given, so that only the minimum size of the
tillation, is of great practica! importance; in particular, air parcels can be estimated (roughly 10 cm). In general,
strong scintillation may interfere with blinker signaling. the charaeteristics of terrestrial scintillation appear to
Scintillation also limits the precision of telescope point- be very similar to those of astronomical scintillation;
ing and the useful magnification of telescopic devices this faet indicates that the cam;e of the latter must lie
[46]. Siedentopf and Wisshak 4 recently investigated the predominantly in the lower layers of the atmosphere.
case of collimated light sources over a range 1 km long N evertheless, the extent to which the upper atmosphere
and 1 m above the ground, employing an objective contributes to astronomical seintillation must stiU be
receiver. With strong scintillation, the frequency of considered an open question, whose answer must come
apparent intensity fluctuations was most oft.en observed from direct exploration of the properties of the upper
between 5 and 9 sec- 1, with lesser scintillation between mr.
1 and 3 sec- 1 The whole range covered the frequencies The theories of scintillation by Montigny, K. Exner,
between 1 and 50 sec- 1 The relative variability of the and others [c. 42] explain qualitatively the observed
apparent intensity ranged between O and 100 per cent phenomena. However, an exact mathematical expres-
and did not materially increase with lengthening of the sion of the relationship between the frequency and
ray path5 beyond 1 km. The mean frequency of intens- amplitude of apparent object motion, apparent intensity
ity fluctuation was found to be independent of the path fluctuations, and chromatic effects on the one hand, and
length. Shadow bands of from 5 to 10 cm width and periodic time-space variations of meteorologica! factors
severa! seconds duration were also observed moving on the other, remains undeveloped. There are also
horizontally with the wind across a screen severa! experimental problems as follows: The scintillatory be-
hundred meters from the searchlight. havior of uncollimated and diffuse light sources needs
The fact that an air column of 1 km length produces further investigation, although it is to be expected that
almost the entire effect of scintillation shows that the diffuse sources will show a much lesser degree of scintil-
4. H. Meyer [36] cites their paper as unpublished and gives lation than do collimated sources. Of particular interest
a concise summary of their results. would be an investigation into the size, shape, spacing,
5. According to K. Exner's results, the minimum source and transport velocity of schlieren in relation to the
distance that chromatic terrestrial scintillation is observable size, distance, and optica! characteristics of the light
is about 10 km [c. 42]. source for various degrees of scintillation. Such studies

could be made, for example, with the aid of a spatial On the sky opposite the sun, the anthelion, a bright spot
arrangement of a field of light sources and receivers in on the parhelic circle, is sometimes obliquely crmsed by
connection with a dense micrometeorological network. anthelic arcs. Also rings of unusual radii, 8-9, 17-19,
For recording the apparent vibration of objects, motion 23-24, etc., have been observed on rare occasions, as
picture cameras could be employed, whereas photo- well as skewed forms such as inclined pillars and par-
electric devices seem to be preferable for measuring the helic circles, and secondary phenomena caused by reflec-
apparent intensity fluctuations. The variation of scintil- tion or refraction of light emitted from primary halos.
lation with the altitude of the ray path above the The geometrica! optics of the various halo phenomena
ground, as well as with oblique upward and downward was theoretically treated by various authors [21, 34,
direction of the rays, is another problem which seems 42, 44, 58]. In general, most phenomena can be ex-
of practica! interest for flight operations. plained by refraction with minimum deflection and/or
by reflection involving simple hexagonal ice crystals of
PHENOMENA DUE TO ATMOSPHERIC columnar or platelet shape, with various attitudes and,
SUSPENSIONS in some cases, oscillating motion while falling. The
In this section, the sun is considered as the source of principal genetic features of the major halo phenomena
light, although the moon or artificial luminants may are summarized in Table VII, in which the optica!
also produce the phenomena. relationship, for example, between the circumzenithal
Halos. The term "halo," although implying ring arc and the infralateral arcs of the 46 -hal o, becomes
shape, is generally applied to ali optica! phenomena evident. There are, however, many phenomena that
that are produced by ice crystals suspended in the have been explained by different patterns of ray paths,
atmosphere and, occasionally, hy those deposited on or by more complicated crystals or crystal aggregates.
the ground (34, 36]. Thus, for example, the optica! origin of the anthelion,
In Fig. 9, the sun is roughly 25 above the horizon its oblique arcs [53], Hevelius' parhelia at about 90
HH; ring A represents the 22-halo (radius 22), ring B
the 46-halo. The two parhelia CC lie to the right and
left of the sun at the same elevation, but at angular
distances from the sun that vary between 22 and 32
for sun's elevations between 0 and 50, respectively.
The parhelic circle D D through the sun and parallel to
the horizon is rarely seen as a complete ring; often only
short segments of it extend outward from the parhelia.
Tangent to the 22-halo are the upper and lower tangent

arcs EE and E'E', respectively, which are only one of -H-\' E'' tE'

the metamorphic forms of the circumscribed haZo. This K '-... 'v' /

halo is truly circumscribed only for sun's elevation of
> 30. For the various forms of this halo see pertinent Fra. 9.-Schematic view of major halo phenomena.
litera ture [21, 34, 42]. The lateral tangent arcs of the
22-halo, or Lowitz-arcs, FF, curve concavely toward from the sun, and other phenomena, is still uncertain;
the sun from the parhelia and touch the 22-halo below Bouguer's halo, a white ring of about 38 radius around
its equator. The vertex (in the sun's meridian) of the the anthelic point, may even be a fogbow produced by
Parry-arc G has an angular distance from the sun that very small supercooled water droplets [34, 47]. Decisive
decreases from 43 at 0 sun's elevation to tangency explanations will not come from additional theories,
with the 22-halo for sun's elevations between 40 and but from an accumulation of better observations. In
60, and then increases again for higher sun's elevations. particular, sampling of the ice crystals producing rare
The circumzenithal arc J is centered around the zenith halos or those of uncertain origin would be most desir-
and very near, or even tangent to, the 46-halo. The able. Many halos, theoretically established, ha ve never
infralateral tangent arcs of the 46-halo are represented been observed [58]; on the other hand, some phenomena,
by KK; these arcs also are metamorphosed as their such as those observed by Arctowski [c. 42], are still
points of tangency move downward and meet ata sun's unexplained. Meyer (34] discusses the various geometric
elevation of 68, while at the same time their curvature problems of halo phenomena, and outlines as prerequi-
(convex toward the sun) decreases and reverses itself sites for a complete theory the various physical aspects,
for sun's elevations > 58. The single arc separates from such as the concentration of ice crystals in the clouds,
the 46-halo when the sun is higher than 68. The and the brightness and polarization of the halos relative
sun pillar LL lies in the sun's meridian and is, like the to those of the clouds in the environment. The physical
parhelic circle, generally white because of its origin optics of hal os is almost entirely unexplored; in addition
by reflection, whereas the other halos are produced by to refraction and/or reflection by ice crystals, diffrac-
refraction and thus more or less colored. tion plays a role in the formation of halos [34, 42].
There are also other halos, such as the circumhori- Photometric observations, that have been introduced
zontal arc that corresponds to the circumzenithal arc, into halo investigations by E. and D. Bruche [5], would
but lies about 46 below the sun. Supralateral tangent advance our pertinent knowledge of halos and the
arcs of the 46-halo correspond to the infralateral arcs. constitution of ice clouds [34}.

The frequency of different halos, their diurnal and rainbow, whose radius to the red inner border is about
annual or seasonal variations, and their relation to 51. Inside the primary and outside the secondary bow,
weather situations, have been investigated [1, c. 34, 52]. supernumerary bows showing fewer and fainter colors
The similarities or differences in the results can generally are often visible. When the sun's rays are reflected by a
be ascribed to climatic characteristics. The relationship smooth water surface before striking the suspended
between halo occurrence and solar activity is, however, droplets, primary andsecondary refiection rainbows may
still quite problematic. Visser [52] found a decrease in appear whose center lies as much above the horizon as
halo frequency with increasing relative number of sun- that of the regular bows lies below it. Thus, the reflec-
spots6 up to 90 and then an increase for higher sunspot tion bows intersect the respective regular ones at the
numbers. Archenhold [1] arrived at a direct linear horizon. When the reflecting water surface is undulated
relationship, and a hal o periodicity of 27-28 days, which by a smooth swell, the reflection bow may deform into
he associates with the rotation of the sun. This periodic- vertical shafts [57]. Droplets of radii < 30 J.l. may pro-


Orientation of
Hal o Refracting angle principal crystal Special characteristics (s = sun's elevation)

22 60 Random Incident ray at 90 to principal axis.

Parhelia 60 Vertical Intensity rapidly decreases for s > 50.

Circumscribed to 22-halo 60 Horizontal Upper and lower tangent arcs join at s ;S; 30.
At s ;S; 55 elliptic with long horizontal axis.
At s = 90 circular and coincides with 22-halo.

Parry-arcs 60 Horizontal Pair of crystal si des vertical for s < 30, horizontal
for 30 < s < 50.

46 90 Random Incident ray at 90 to principal axis.

Circumzenithal arc goo Vertical Ray entrance at crystal base; limited to s ~ 32;
also possible with horizontal axis and pair of
sides horizontal, but rare.
Cricumhorizontal arc goo Vertical Ray entrance at crystal si de; limited to s ;s; 58;
also possible with horizontal axis and pair of
sides horizontal.
Lateral tangent arcs of 22-halo (Lowitz- 60 Oscillating Oscillation < 30 about vertical in plane that is
arcs) parallel to sun's meridional plane. Limited to
25 < s < 55.
Infralateral tangent arcs of 46 -hal o goo Horizontal Ray entrance at crystal base. Limited to 0 < s
< 68.
Supralateral tangent arcs of 46-halo goo Horizontal Ray entrance at crystal side. Limited to 0 < 8
< 32.

ity was shown tobe spurious [39]. Although a certain duce a broad white band with faintly tinted borders,
degree of correlation with solar activity seems to exist, the fogbow, between about 37 and 40 distance from
there is hardly a direct relationship (e.g., corpuscular the antisolar point. Rainbows or fogbows produced by
solar radiation furnishing sublimation nuclei), consider- drops in a horizontal plane appear in the form of conic
ing the prerequisites that must be fulfilled for a halo to sections, that is, hyperbolic, elliptic, or parabolic arcs,
be observable [34, 39]. depending on whether the sun's elevation is respectively
Rainbows. The colorful arcs around the antisolar smaller than, larger than, or equal to, the aperture of the
point that appear on sheets of water droplets are called cone (42 or 51).
rainbows, although these phenomena may be produced The well-known explanation by Descartes considered
by dew droplets on the ground or water sprays. The geometrica! optics alone. Airy, basing his theory on
primary rainbow has an angular radius to the red outer wave optics, explained the variation of colors with
border of roughly 42; concentric to it is the secondary droplet size and the supernumeraries as interference
6. According to Schindler [c. 36], a relationship between rings. His rainbow integral was also solved by others.
sunspots and halos begins only at a spot number of 35 to 40. The distribution of intensity, color, and polarization of

the light after refraction and reflection by the droplets where N is the order of the minimum counting from the
was computed, notably by Pernter and Mobius [c. 42). center, a = 0.22 for spherical, a = O for nonspherical
Bucerius [6] developed an asymptotic method (in anal- particles. Ramachandran (45] based his new corona
ogy to Debye's treatment of cylindric functions) by theory on wave optics and included the wave-front
means of which Mie's theory of scattering of electromag- portion that is transmitted through the droplets. In
netic waves by dielectric spheres [c. 29] can be extended Fig. 10 the results of his calculation of intensities
to large waterdrops. Applying this general theory to the ( = 0.5 J.L) at various diffraction angles (8) for small
rainbow phenomenon, he showed that it contains the droplets (radii in J.L ascribed to the curves) are repro-
older rainbow theories as approximations, and that the duced. These curves indicate that the ring systems
rainbow is an areal phenomenon that actually covers oscillate as the small droplets increase in size. Only
the entire region between the antisolar point and the relatively large droplets diffract like opaque disks of
first ring. Meyer [36] considers the classical diffraction the same size, which explains some of the discrepancies
theory still adequate, particularly for the intense rain- formerly noted between the classical theory and
bows that originate from comparatively large droplets. observations. The position of the ring systems appears
He developed this theory further to permit the deter-
mination of the luminous density of rainbows. He takes
into consideration the total optica! -effect of ali droplets
contained in a surface element of the cloud deck, the
thickness of the cloud, and the attenuation of the rays
to and from the cloud. He finds the luminous density
of the primary rainbow to be twelve times that of the
secondary bow.
The theoretical advancement of our knowledge of
rainbows appears to ha ve surpassed our fund of observa-
tional data. Aside from older visual measurements, there
are, to my knowledge, no results of up-to-date colori-
metric photometry of rainbows available for application
to the theoretical findings. In this connection an almost
forgotten problem may be recalled, the fluctuations of
colors during lightning and thunder [42], an observation
requiring objective verification and explanation.
Corona and Related Phenomena. The sun shining
through relatively thin clouds often produces one or
more sets of colored rings, the corona, having diameters
of a few degrees. When poorcy developed, only an aureole,
a bluish-white disk with brownish rim, may be visible.
After violent volcanic eruptions, a broad reddish-brown
ring of large radius (20 and more), Bishop's ring, has
been observed in dust clouds [11]. We speak of iridescent o o
10 . 2o 40
clouds, when the colors are not arranged concentrically -a
around the sun, but are irregularly distributed over, or FIG. 10.-Intensity of diffracted light as function of angular
follow the contours of, the cloud. This group of coronal distance from light source. (Ajter Ramachandran. Ordinate
scale presumably in relative units; numbers on curves are
phenomena around the sun is paralleled around the drop radii in microns.)
antisolar point by a similar group: An observer, seeing
his slightly enlarged shadow, the Brocken-specter, on unaffected by the thickness and density of the clouds.
a fog bank or cloud, often finds the shadow of his head Bucerius' work [6], mentioned above, also includes the
surrounded by one or more sets of colored rings, the application of the rigorous diffraction theory by Mie
anticorona or glory, well-known to pilots. If the shadow [c. 29] to both corona and anticorona. The anticorona
falls on a bedewed surface on the ground at some dis- was similarly treated by van de Hulst [20]. This theory
tance from the observer, the shadow of his head may be yields the intensity and polarization of the diffracted
rimmed by a narrow white sheen, the heiligenschein, light and the position of intensity maxima and minima.
which also can be observed around one's head-shadow Table VIII gives a comparison of the values for the
on a beaded projection screen. argument of the Bessel function at which corona
The classical diffraction theory applied to the corona, maxima occur according to the old and the newer
under the assumption that the droplets are opaque, has theories. It is noteworthy that in Ramachandran's
been found to be in fair agreement with observations theory the location and intensity of the maximum for
[42]. The well-known approximation formula by K. small drops also depends on the value of (sin~)/~, where
Exner [c. 42] for the angular radius (} of the circular ~ is a function of dj. For this reason the maxima
intensity minima produced by particles of the diameter oscillate as shown in Fig. 10. According to Bucerius
din light of wave length , is [6, equation (47)], the argument contains twice the sine
sin (} = (N + a)Ajd, (6) of half the angle between primary and diffracted rays,

instead of the sine of the whole angle 6. This is also true Unfortunately, none of the new theories considers dif-
for the anticorona [6, equation (48)], the theory of which fraction by nonspherical particles, so that no final
shows that it is produced by rearward diffraction, not decision can be made.
by reflection of the primary ray with subsequent for- Iridescence of clouds is explained as diffraction pat-
ward diffraction [Richarz, c. 42]. Bucerius' results may terns produced by groups of uniform droplets that vary
be summarized as follows: The intensity of the corona in size in different portions of the cloud. In view of the
is x2 = (1rd/X) 2 times as great as that of the anticorona; great sensitivity of the diffraction patterns to slight
the intensity at the center of the anticorona is a mini- differences in size of small droplets [45] (Fig. 10), it is no
mum, that of the corona a maximum. Values for the longer difficult to explain the occurrence of iridescence
angle 6 of the successive intensity maxima of the anti- at relatively large angular distances from the sun [c. 42].
corona7 are determined by 2x sin (6/2) = 3.05, 6.7, The heiligenschein is considered the result of externa!
10.0, 13.2, ; the minima are located at relatively reflection by the dew droplets [21, 42]; to what extent
the same position as are the corona maxima (Table diffraction plays a role in this phenomenon is not
VIII). This explains why the application of the classical known. Experimental data or intensity measurements
corona formula (6) to the minima of the anticorona are completely lacking.
yielded values of the drop diameter d, that varied with The corona and anticorona have been widely em-
the order of the minimum [c. 42, 47]. Also the decrease ployed in the study of cloud and fog elements. Measure-
in intensity of successive maxima is much greater for ments were largely confined to the angular radius of
the corona than for the anticorona; therefore, multiple prominent rings and subsequent evaluation in terms of
glories are more frequently observable than multiple droplet radius. In view of recent theoretical develop-
coronas. ments [6, 20, 45] this geometric method seems unre-
The old controversy regarding the possibility of cor- liable; also the difficulty in visually locating diffuse
onas and glories in ice-crystal clouds [21] now stands as rings, produced by inhomogeneous fogs or clouds, causes


Order of Maximum
Author Argument of Bessel Function 1

1 2 3 4 1

Mascart [c. 21]

Ramachandran [45] } 1r d(sin IJ) /X
11.62 1
1 17.98
Bucerius [6] 21r d(sin IJ/2)/X 5.1 8.4 11.6 14.8 -
1 1 1 1

follows: Multiple-colored rings generally indicate the considera bie uncertainties (see [5]). In the fu ture it
presence of water droplets; however, the production of would be preferable to resort to objective monochro-
faintly colored glories by ice clouds has been established matic photometry of the entire zone around the light
[47]. A statistica! survey by Peppler [41] revealed that source (or shadow center), and perhaps, to determine
78 per cent of glories were simultaneously observed with the intensity of the diffracted light separately for the
fogbows at temperatures between OC and -4C; a two components of polarization. Simultaneous deter-
maximum frequency of glories occurs at about -4C, mination of the droplet size by other means could serve
that of halos at about -12C. Nevertheless, the fre- as a check of the theory by making possible a compari-
quency curves of anticoronas and halos overlap in a son between observed and theoretical intensity dis-
wide range of temperatures from about -2C to < tributions, rather than a comparison of only the minima
-20C. At any rate, this problem cannot be considered or maxrma.
solved. Statistica! analyses of the occurrence of diffrac- Considering the rarity of homogeneous fogs, a theo-
tion rings simultaneously with halos or fogbows reveal, retical and experimental study of inhomogeneous fogs
at best, the relative frequency of diffraction rings in ice appears of particular practica! importance. Also, a final
and water clouds, respectively, but are entirely incon- answer to the question of the possibility of coronas in
clusive regarding the physical possibility of these phe- ice clouds would give the observer on the ground a tool
nomena in ice clouds. Moreover, Stranz [c. 36] by means for the identification of the physical state of the clouds.
of photronic cells, detected multiple coronas that were TWILIGHT PHENOMENA
invisible to the eye. The theoretical objections to the
The investigation of twilight phenomena is closely
possibility of diffraction phenomena produced by ice
connected with the study of the optica! properties of
clouds were mainly based on the optica! properties and
the upper atmosphere, at least to a height of 60 km
orientation of ice needles, but other possible crystal
[18] and, thus, indirectly with the study of its density
forms must also be considered. Moreover, the occurrence
and dust content. The discussion of the temporal de-
of Bishop's ring in dust clouds shows that nonspherical
velopments of the various phenomena is based on the
particles are capable of producing diffraction rings.
sunset and the sun's meridian. Figure 11 shows the
7. Bucerius (also [36]) gives here 21rx sin (IJ/2), but refers nomenclature for the significant astronomic-geometric
to it as the argument of the Bessel function which, however, features pertaining to the half-space above the observer
appears as 21rd(sin IJ/2)/X = 2x sin (IJ/2). and a schematic view of the major phenomena.

Description. At, or shortly after, sunset, the anti- For the measurements of twilight phenomena the
twilight arch, a purplish hand of some 3 or more in following spatial and temporal aspects are generally
width, can be seen to rise above the solar counterpoint considered: The elevation angle of the upper boundary
on the eastern horizon. At about 1 sun's depression, of the antitwilight arch, of dark and bright segments,
the gray-blue dark segment or earth's shadow begins to and of purple light; and the sun's depression at the
rise beneath the antitwilight arch. At approximately 2 time of beginning, end, and maximum intensity of the
sun's depression, the purple light appears as a purplish purple light. In addition, photometric measurements of
area above the solar point in the western sky. This area the light intensity in various spectral ranges along sig-
has a vertical angular extent of 10 to 50, a lateral ex- nificant portions of the sun's meridian are of major
tent of 40 to 80. Its upper boundary, which has an interest.
elevation of about 50 at the beginning, descends stead- Results of Observations. The development pattern
ily to the horizon. The purple light reaches its maxi- of the purple light has been found to be practically
mum intensity at about 4 sun's depression and usually the same everywhere except at altitudes above 2000
disappears at about 6 sun's depression. The rising anti- m where the purple light ends at some\vhat greater sun's
twilight arch usually fades from view when the purple depressions and where its upper boundary reaches
light is at its height, and shortly afterwards, the dark greater elevations. A greatly detailed analysis of visual
segment becomes indistinguishable from the rest of the observations, such as made by Gruner [14] and Dorno
darkening sky. Its transit through the zenith generally [11], seems hardly warranted in view of the fact that
cannot be observed, but it reappears as the bright seg- the sun's depressions are computed without regard to
ment8 or twilight arch above the solar point, when t he the variable refraction, that the intensity is estimated
sun's depression is about 7. The bright segment disap- according to a memory scale, and that the measurement
pears below the western horizon at about 16 sun's of elevation of the diffuse boundary of the delicately
depression. tinted phenomenon is affected by subjective factors
[50]. In Europe, a maximum frequency of bright purple
lights occurs in autumn, a minimum in spring; this
fact has been attributed to the corresponding frequency
of anticyclones with clear skies in that area [51]. Other-
wise no significant rclationship betwcen weather and
purple lights has been found.
Secular variations of intense purple lights have been
observed associated with dust produeed by volcanic
eruptions [c. 42, 50]. There exists, however, a t ime lag;
for example, after the Katmai eruption in summer 1912,
purple lights did not reach their maximum intensity
until summer 1913 [11]; this delay was obviously due
to the time involved in the sedimentation of dust parti-
FIG. 11.-Schematic diagram of major twilight phenomena
(elevation a ngles are a = antitwilight arch, (3 = maximum des necessary to produce the optimum concentration
purple ligh t intensity, -y and -y' = upper and Jo" er boundary and size distribution for the formation of the purple
of purple light, Il = antisolar point , and = dark segment) . light. For this reason, an absence of dust layers cannot
be deduced from an absence of intense purple lights
When thc sun's rays are partially obstructed by [50].
clouds or mountain peaks, the purple light may assume Although visual observations have long been recog-
a ray-strueture because of the interruption by the sha- nized as inadequate, objective methods have been em-
dow bands (crepuscular rays) whieh seem to eonverge ployed 'only in relatively recent times [13, 14, 32]. The
towards thc sun. Similarly, the continuation of these techniques involved still need improvement and stand-
shadow band:s (anticrepuscular rays) cn thc eastern sky ardization. The results obtained at different stations
may give the antitwilight arch a fanlike appearanee. from photoelectric [13] and photographic [32) intensity-
Colored illustrations of the various twilight phenomena measurements with color filters show a maximum red
can be found in [Hi]. eontent of the sky light between 4 and 5 sun's depres-
During brilliant twilight phenomena, a secondary sion, corresponding to the visually observed maximum
purple light may become visible after the main purple
relative intensity of the purple light. The absolute
light has disappeared. Also a secondary antitwilight
arch and dark segment may develop within the primary luminous density of the sky light decreases steadily in
dark segment. These seeondary phenomena are much ali spectral ranges with increasing sun's depression in
more diffuf!e in outline and show fainter colors. contrast to the visual impression (14]. Whereas t he re-
sults from visual observations were essentially con-
3. The descriptive term "bright segment " is preferable firmed by objective methods [13], the latter have shown
because of its fund amental identity with the dark segment and the presence of the purple light when the spectral dif-
the basic difference from t he "antitwilight arch." The term
" earth's shadow " is physically incorrect [40] and does not ferences in intensity were below the threshold of visual
readily permit differentiation between the phenomena on perception [32].
either side of the zenith . Gruner [14] has indicated a method for determining

the height of the layer responsible for the purple light. Of the many observations on the movement of the
By graphical approximation he arrived at values be- dark and bright segments, only the averages of two
tween 25 and 31 km for the upper boundary of the series obtained at Piz Languard (3280 m) and Steck-
layer, and 18 km for the thickness of the generating ray born (430 m) in Switzerland, as reported by Gruner
beam, that is, a thickness of the layer of roughly the [14], are shown as examples in Fig. 12. As the sun sinks
same magnitude. Smosarski [c. 14, 50] estimated the below the horizon, the dark segment rises more rapidly
lower boundary at 8 km and the upper boundary at than does the antisolar point; the ascent rate increases
17 km. The relationship between purple lights and with the sun's depression, until the segment fades from
high dust layers of volcanic origin seems to confirm at view between 5 and 6 depression. Between 7 and 8
least the order of magnitude of these values. The pos- depression the bright segment appears at an elevation of
sibility of a connection with the ozone layer is an un- roughly 25 above the solar point and descends, first
explored question. Incidentally, Gruner [14], assuming rapidly then more slowly, to the western horizon. Ac-
the purple light to be a corona, also determined the cording to the interpolated (dashed) portions of the
order of magnitude of the partide diameter as between curves, the invisible transit through the zenith occurs
1 and 1.5 J.L. For these small particles, however, the at a sun's depression between 6 and 7. This agrees
classical diffraction theory fails [45] as was shown in the well with observations of the zenith brightness by
preceding section. Brunner [c. 14] and Hulburt [18], and of global illumi-
nation by Siedentopf and Holl [48]; these authors pre-
sent curves of brightness and illumination, respectively,
versus sun's depression, that show a definite inflection
point between 6 and 7 sun's depressions. This fact is
involved in the problem of the height at which this
phenomenon occurs. In this connection the change in
relative variability of the dark segment's elevation at
various sun's depressions deserves attention. It has
been shown [26, 40] that the variability decreases rap-
idly until the sun's depression is about 2.5, then more
slowly, although the opposite trend was tobe expected
in view of the decreased accuracy of measurement at
greater sun's depressions. This fact was interpreted as
being caused by a transition of the dark segment at
about 2.5 sun's depression into the stratosphere, where
marked changes in turbidity from day to day are less
LANGUARD ;.1 /STECKBORN frequent [40].
\ V LAR POINT -- The sun's depressions at which the last traces of the
ANTISO. - . - -
- -
bright segment disappear below the horizon have been
o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 e 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 variously used to compute the height at which the
SUN' S DEPRESSION ( 0 ) density of the atmosphere is sufficiently great to produce
Fw. 12.-Average course of dark a nd bright segments at two visible scattering of the direct sunlight. However, the
Swiss stations. resulting values of 50- 65 km [14] are still quite prob-
lematic because of subject ive factors involved in the
Several series of geometric measurements of the ele- perception of faint light and of the effects of attenua-
vation of the upper boundary and the width of the anti- tion of the direct light rays at various altitudes. Ex-
twilight arch have been made. The course of its angular cept for a slight increase in elevation of the -dark seg-
elevation is similar to that of the dark segment (Fig. ment in summer and with diminished transparency of
12). Mendelssohn and Dember [33] made a few spectral the lower layers of the atmosphere, no clear-cut rela-
measurements by photographic photometry, but their re- tionships between the turbidity of the air and the
sults confuse, rather than elucidate, the visual observa- bright segment, nor a definite seasonal variation of
tion. The annual and secular variations of antitwilight- either segment have been established [14, 16, 18, 26,
arch occurrence were determined by Smosarski [50] who 40].
found, in Poland, a maximum frequency in autumn and Theories and Problems. Although many theoretical
winter, a minimum in summer, and a good correlation approaches to the problems of twilight phenomena
with volcanic activities. A direct connection with the have been made, no complete theory exists as yet. The
occurrence of purple lights does not seem to exist. Ac- theories of the dark and bright segments and of the
cording to computations by Smosarski [c. 14], as the antitwilight arch [15, 16] agree qualitatively with, but
sun's depression increases, the antitwilight arch is pro- differ quantitatively from, t he observations. For exam-
duced by the rearward scattering of sunlight by smaller ple, the elevations of the dark segment, computed from
particles at higher altitudes. However, according to the spectral intensities of light scattered by a Rayleigh
Mendelssohn and Dember [33], t he antitwilight arch atmosphere (disregarding multiple scattering), were
is supposedly fixed in a layer between 4 and 9 km. This considerably smaller than the observed ones [14, 15].
problem will be discussed below. The principal ideas underlying the explanations of

the segments and antitwilight arch are schematically is contrary to observation. N evertheless, the basic idea
demonstrated with the aid of Fig. 13 as follows: Ro to of including the attenuation of light along the line of
R 3 are sun's rays passing through the atmosphere whose sight is correct. This was suggested by Exner [42] who,
optically effective height may be EsDs. The lowest ray however, based his formula on Rayleigh scattering alone
Ro touches the earth's surface at Oo. Owing to scatter- and disregarded secondary scattering which undoubt-
ing and absorption on their way through the air, any edly plays a role in the brightness of the sky below the
rays between Ro and R 1 Iose part of their short-wave ray envelope [18].
components and their intensity is depleted, so that Ro
may not reach much beyond Oo, the next higher ray a TABLE IX. HEIGHT OF DARK SEGMENTAT VARIOUS
little farther, and so on. The envelope of the end points
of all these rays is represented by the curve OoD1DzDa. W) Mohn [c. 14] (km) Neuberger [40] (km)
Consequently, the atmosphere to the right of this curve
lies in the shadow of the earth. An observer 01, for 1 - 2
2 11 8
whom the sun's depression is ~~. sights the vertex of the 3 21 17
dark segment at D 1, the point of tangency of his line 4 31 27
5 40 38
of sight 0 18 1 to the ray envelope. If he raises his line of
sight slightly, he perceives light scattered from the still
illuminated portion of the atmosphere near the enve- The major problematic factors pertaining to the seg-
lope. This prevalently reddish light constitutes the anti- ments and antitwilight arch are as follows: Two in-
twilight arch. Its upper boundary is seen when the line fiuences on the ray envelope must be considered, that
of sight at 0 1 is further raised so that the diminishing of atmospheric refraction which causes a vertical di-
light from the zone of red rays is compensated by the vergence of the sun's rays (shown as parallels in Fig.
increasing light of shorter wave lengths from the higher 13), and that of atmospheric attenuation of the rays
near the ground. This attenuation tends to counteract
the effect of refraction by eliminating the lowest, most
refracted rays [27]. The position and shape of the ray
envelope is, thus, primarily a function of the trans-
parency of the atmosphere at and above the point of
tangency with the earth's surface. As regards the in-
tensity and color of the scattered light, most computa-
tions have been based on an idealized atmosphere in
which Rayleigh's theory with its symmetric scattering
function is valid [14, 15, 18]. However, the real atmos-
phere contains a large number of particles, especially
in the lower layers. For this reason, the agreement
layers of the atmosphere. When the sun sinks further, between theory and observations is not satisfactory,
the relative position of the observer shifts to 0 2, where and, in particular, the variations from day to day ob-
the line of sight OzS2 touches the envelope at D 2 For served in dark and bright. segments and antitwilight
an observer at E 3 , the passage of the dark segment arch remain unexplained. Aecording to Linke [29], the
through the zenith is imperceptible, because there is rigorous theory by Mie-Debye is more suitable for
not enough contrast between the sky brightness to the the theoretical approach to the twilight colors. How-
right and left of the line of sight E 3 D3 Finally, the ah- ever, this theory is difficult to apply to the problems
server at 0 3 sees the bright segment at an elevation E. at hand, because it still involves the assumption of
The geometric aspects of this problem have been spherical particles. In view of the new theories of the
studied by various authors [c. 14, 40]. The results of anticorona [6, 20], the consideration of rearward dif-
computations of the heights of points D at various fraction should be extended to the theory of the anti-
sun's depressions, although based on different assump- twilight arch.
tions, agree fairly well as shown by the examples in The theory of the purple light which was recognized
Table IX. According to these heights, point D moves as a diffraction phenomenon by Kiessling [c. 42] was
into t he stratosphere at a sun's depression between 2 established by Gruner [14] along the lines suggested by
and 3, in agreement with the deductions made from Pernter (42] and others. This theory adequately de-
the variability of the dark segment. However, the prob- scribes the temporal and spatial development of the
lem is essentially a photometric one [42]. An attempt at purple light; the basic ideas may briefiy be outlined
a physical solution was made by Dember and Uibe with the aid of schematic Fig. 14. The sun's rays Ro to
[10], who took into consideration the visibility as pro- R 3 pass through a dust layer D D' in which they are
portional to the square root of the measured sky bright- deprived of their short-wave components. While Ro,
ness. Application of this theory by Mendelssohn [33] passing through the dense lower layers, and Ra, hav-
to photometric measurement yielded a constant height ing the longest path through the dust layer, may be
of the dark segment between 2 and 4 km. However, the completely extinguished, the rays around R 1 will emerge
transit of the dark segment would then have to occur as a reddish beam of light and enter the lower boundary
not later than at about 3.5 sun's depression [40], which of the dust layer again at Px, where the particles will

be relatively large. These partides may diffract the tional material by means of which the available theories
light dominantly at the angle <Pt toward the observer O, may be checked more adequately. In order to eliminate
whose horizon is HH', and for whom the sun's depres- from such material ali the subjective variables that, are
sion is o. At the higher points P2 and Pa, the prevailing involved in visual observations, only objective methods
sizes of the dust particles become successively smalier of observation should be employed. The design of the
and the diffraction angles 1P2 and <Pa correspondingly spectrophotometric equipment should incorporate the
larger. Since the incident beam is reddish, the dif- features of very high sensitivity, to enable the use of
fracted rays converging toward O will outline a reddish filters with narrow transmission bands, and of rapid
area in the sky. The observer sees only those diffracted response, so that the major port ions of the sky area
rays that fali in his cone of vision (and are sufficiently could be scanned within a few minutes. By means of a
intense); for example, a partide at P 1' of the same size wide station network, the question regarding the cause
as that at P 1 and one at P/ of the same size as the one of asymmetric twilight phenomena that have been var-
at P2, will also diffract light toward O. It may be noted iously attributed to the ;;hape of the atmosphere as a
that an observer, for whom the sun is still aboye the whole or the slope of the tropopause [14] could be an-
horizon, may see Bishop's ring around the sun. Also, swered. The problem of the height of the effective layers
the light scattered and diffracted by the dust layer in of the atmo~phere and of the shape of the ray envelope
the region of the purple light is sometimes sufficiently could be approached by means of airborne photometric
intense to cause a secondary purple light for an ob- instruments to furnish vertical cross sections of the light
server located farther on the night side of the earth flux at various altitudes along a latitudinalline to repre-
(i.e., tothe rightof observer O in Fig. 14). The red light sent various sun's depressions. Spectrophotometry of
diffracted by the dust layer and augmented by blue douds of known height may furnish information on the
light scattered by the air in the region StS2Sa above geometrica! and optica! properties of the sun's rays
gives rise to a purplish tone. tangent to the earth's surface.
As regards determination of the terrestrial or possibly
cosmic origin of dust layers [11, 14] that periodically
produce striking twilight phenomena, only a long-range
observational project on an international basis wili lead
to success.
Scattering is the defiection of light quanta in a trans-
parent medium such as the atmosphere. The atoms and
molecules of the gaseous constituents cause t he quanta
of the incident light beam to be scattered more or less
FIG. 14.- ch mat.ic diagmm for t.h purplc liv;ht.. in ali directions. In addition, there is scattering by
minute particulate suspensions such as condensation
From the geometric aspects we can see that the areal nuclei. When a beam of this scattered light encounters
extent of the purple light depends on the partide size further matter, it is again subj ect to (multiple) scat-
distribution, the thickness of the layer, and absorption. tering; however, the contribution of multiple scattering
The latter generally prevents the purple light from to the total intensity of scattered light is small, except
appearing as a circular arc. The theory does not predict in very turbid air or in the absence of primarily scat-
the exact color and intensity of the phenomenon; these tered light, (e.g., in the case of the darle segment) .
depend on the modification of the incident beam by its The dassical theory by Rayleigh [c. 21] was found to
first passage through the dust layer, its further fate in be only in approximate agreement with pertinent ob-
the air below this layer, the specific effect of the dust on servations [c. 42]. The !ater theory by Mie and Debye
the beam after re-entrance into the layer, and, finally, [c. 29], which contains Rayleigh's theory as a limiting
the modification of the diffracted light on the way to case, is more general, but difficult to apply to atmos-
the observer, in conjunction with the sky light from pheric scattering because it requires a knowledge of
above. For a homogeneous dust layer, an optimum specific constants, the distribution, and concentration
particle concentration and size distribution must exist, of the scattering substances. For a thorough summary
whereby the red component of the incident sunlight of the theories of scattering as well as of methods and
experiences a minimum depletion on its first passage results of observations, the reader is referred to the work
through the dust layer and produces maximum in- by Linke [29).9
tensity of diffracted light when again penetrating the It was shown that the scattering process was involved
layer. in some of the previously discussed optica! phenomena;
In general, there are too many unknown variables, in its more immediate manifestations are much less spec-
particular the scattering function of the dust particles tacular, but nevertheless of great practica! importance.
and attenuation of the direct rays, to render the problem The essential consequences of scattering are: The restric-
as a whole accessible to an analytical solution, especialiy
when multiple dust layers are involved. For the present, 9. See also Chap. 7 on "Die kurzwellige Himmelsstrahlung"
it appears most expedient to provide reliable observa- in the same volume, pp. 339-415.
tions in visual range; the polarization of sky light; the 11. DoRNO, C., "Dammerungsbeobachtungen Herbst 1911 bis
depletion of direct sunlight; and the luminance of the Anfang 1917." Meteor. Z., 34: 153-165 (1917).
sky in daytime. Only some aspects of sky luminance 12. EscLANGON, E., "Sur les refractions geodesiques." C. R.
Acad. Sci., Paris, 216: 137-139 (1943).
will be briefty mentioned here, as the other topics are
13. GRUNER, P., "Photometrie des Purpurlichtes." Beitr.
treated elsewhere in this Compendium. 10 Geophys., 50: 143-149; 51: 174-194 (1937).
The luminance of the sky represents a considerable 14. - - "Dammerungserscheinungen," Handb. Geophysik, Bd.
portion of that direct sunlight which has been depleted 8, Kap. 8, SS. 432-526. Berlin-Zehlendorf, Gebri.ider
in its passage through the atmosphere. A practica! Borntrager, 1942.
aspect of this luminance is the resultant illumination 15. - - und KLEE, T., "Numerische Berechnung der Helligkeit
without which the earth's surface would be in darkness des Himmels im Sonnenvertikal." Helv. phys. Acta,
except where reached by direct or reftected sunlight. 11: 513-530 (1938).
The most obvious characteristic of the sky's luminance 16. GRuNER, P., und KLEINERT, H., "Die Dammerungser-
is its blue color which is caused by the preference of the scheinungen." Probl. kosm. Physik, Bd. 10. Hamburg,
H. Grand, 1928.
scattering process for the shorter wave lengths of the
17. HrLLERs, W., "Uber eine leicht beobachtbare Luftspie-
incident radiation. Far from being a pure blue, the color gelung bei Hamburg und die Erklarung solcher Erschein-
is composed of other wave lengths to an extent that ungen." UnterrBl. Math. Naturw., 19: 21-38 (1913).
varies with the state of atmospheric turbidity, because 18. HuLBURT, E. 0., "The Brightness of the Twilight Sky and
with increase in size of the scattering particles the longer the Density and Temperature of the Atmosphere."
wave lengths increasingly participate in the scattering J. opt. Soc. Arner., 28: 227-236 (1938).
process. In the sky light, the ultraviolet component, 19. - - "The Green Segment Seen from an Airplane." J.
whose intensity may exceed that of the direct sunlight, opt. Soc. Amer., 39: 409 (1949).
has biologica! (erythematous and bactericidal) and tech- 20. HuLST, H. C. VAN DE, "A Theory of the Anti-coronae."
nological (dye-fading, photographic) effects. J. opt. Soc. Amer., 37: 16-22 (1947).
21. HuMPHREYS, W. J., Physics of the Air, 3rd ed. New York,
The luminance of the sky is significant from a meteo-
McGraw, 1940. (See pp. 451-556)
rologica! viewpoint because it enters as a factor in the 22. HUTTENHAIN, E., "Zur scheinbaren Gestalt des Wolken-
appraisal of the atmospheric radiation balance and himmels." Himrnelswelt, 46: 94-101 (1936).
serves as a criterion of the turbidity of the air. In this 23. IsrMARu, Y., "On the Form of the Firmament, Apparent
respect, even mere estimations of the variations in the Shape of Cloud and Visual Magnitude of the Sun and
sky blue have been shown to be of practica! value.U Moon." J. meteor. Soc. Japan, 4: 3-10 (1926).
24. IvEs, R. L., "Meteorologica! Conditions Accompanying
REFERENCES Mirages in the Salt Lake Desert." J. Franklin lnst.,
1. ARCHENHOLD, G., "Untersuchungen liber den Zusammen- 245: 457-473 (1948).
hang der Haloerscheinungen mit der Sonnenttigkeit." 25. JEFFREYS, H., "The Shape of the Sky." Meteor. Mag.,
Beitr. Geophys., 53: 395--475 (1938). 56: 173-177 (1921).
2. BRocKs, K., "Vertikaler Temperaturgradient und ter- 26. JENSEN, C., "Atmospharisch-Optische Messungen in 11-
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10. Consult articles by W. E. K. Middleton, Z. Sekera, 34. MEYER, R., "Die Haloerscheinungen." Probl. kosm. Phy-
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11. See H. and M. :'ifeuberger, "Color Memory in Cyanom- 35. - - "Der 'Gri.ine Strahl.'" Meteor. Z., 56:342-346 (1939).
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University of California, Los Angeles

Introduction question arises whether it is the secondary scattering

or the presence of larger particles (excluded by the
Since the discovery by Arago in 1809 that the light assumptions of Rayleigh's theory) which is responsible
of the clear sky is polarized, interest in the problems
for the observed deviations of the atmospheric polari-
of skylight polarization has varied greatly. At first, zation from expectations based on theory.
attention was concentrated more on the development After Ahlgrimm's successful attempt to compute the
of a suitable measuring technique to determine the effect of secondary scattering, in which he explained
magnitude of the polarization and its distribution over most of the facts better than he explained the observed
the sky. Arago first discovered a neutra! point, named variations, Milch in 1924 presented a theory in which
after him the Arago point, where the polarization dis- the secondary scattering was neglected and the effect
appears, about 20 above the antisolar point. The other of larger particles was considered responsible for the
neutra! points were discovered in 1840 about 20 above deviations from Rayleigh's theory. The close relation-
the sun by Babinet and below the sun by Brewster.
ship between Linke's turbidity factor and the degree
Because of the simplicity of the determination of neu- of polarization, predicted by Milch's theory, was dem-
tra! points, more attention was paid later on to their onstrated in 1934 by Blickhan from simultaneous ob-
study and soon a complete picture of diurnal, seasonal, servations of polarization and turbidity. But he ob-
and secular variations in the position of the Arago and tained much better agreement between the observed
Babinet points was obtained. and theoretical values of the maximum polarization
Arago's discovery of a point of maximum polariza- when he considered the effects of both secondary scat-
tion 90 from the sun in the sun's vertical was followed tering and the presence of larger particles.
during the next two or three decades by studies of the Even though Blickhan's results clearly pointed the
variability of the maximum polarization at this point way for further investigations, no appreciable increase
(Bernard, Rubenson, Crove, Cornu, etc.). of interest in this direction has followed. The reason
For severa! reasons, interest in atmospheric polariza-
for a recent slight increase of interest in problems of
tion culminated at the end of the last century. The skylight polarization is quite different. First, the intr~
photopolarimeter, constructed by Cornu in 1882, rep- duction of objective methods, such as the photoelectnc
resents the highest point in the development of the techniques in photometry, showed the possibility of
visual measurement of polarization. The accumulated more accurate and systematic measurements. Then,
results of polarization measurements gave rise to a after the first attempts to use optica! methods for the
series of attempts to explain the observed facts theo- exploration of the upper atmosphere, attention was
retically, culminating in Lord Rayleigh's theory of
brought to the polarization of the skylight during twi-
molecular scattering.
light and during the night. The great technical ?ifficu~
The famous eruption of Krakatao (1883) showed the ties in the measurement of the extremely low mtensi-
extraordinary sensitivity of skylight polarization to the
ties of the skylight during these hours led even to the
presence of volcanic dust in the upper atmosphere. For use of searchlight beams in the study of atmospheric
severa! decades thereafter, the investigation of polari- scattering. But since, during twilight, direct illumina-
zation was considered almost exclusively as a suitable tion from the sun is less and less intense, the secondary
tool for the study of perturbations of a similar kind. and multiple scattering become more and more impor-
But since the last eruption of Katmai in 1912 no anom- tant. And just at the present moment when there is a
alies of this type occurred, and the interest in problems need for computation of the effect of secondary and
of atmospheric polarization rapidly decreased. Smaller multiple scattering, recent research in theoretical astro-
fluctuations in the polarization were studied and the physics offers help. The scattering by free electrons
measurements were extended to rather narrow spectral produces polarization of stellar radiation, the theoreti-
ranges. Surprisingly, a great discrepancy was found cal study of which led Chandrasekhar to develop an
between the results of different authors, and the only excellent method for computing multiple scattering
possible explanationfor this is a large variability of the exactly, suitable for application to the pr~blems ~f
dispersion of pol?-rization (variation with the wave atmospheric polarization. Thus we are now m a posi-
length) with the S:ize and number of scattering par- tion to use a highly developed modern experimental
ticles. As these quantities vary greatly with local con- technique, together with excellent theoretical tools for
ditions (weather, season, etc.), the corresponding vari- solving many problems of skylight polarization i~ such
ations. in polarization follow. But if the presence of a manner that very useful information can be ob-
scattering particles of different size is admitted, the tained.

Measurement of Skylight Polarization characteristic curve for each exposure. For exact meas-
urement, a standard intensity scale must be simul-
In the measurement of skylight polarization, there
taneously exposed on the plate or film, and after de-
occur two different problems: measurement of the de-
velopment, the characteristic curve from the measur~d
gree of polarization and measurement of the position
intensities is determined by a visual or photoelectnc
of neutra! points. .
photometer. This procedure, unfortunately omitted by
The visual measurements of the degree of polanza-
severa! authors, makes photographic polarization meas-
tion were highly developed by Cornu in his photopo-
urement rather complicated without any gain in pre-
larimeter [17], and slightly improved by Marte~s [42].
cision over the visual method (the accuracy seldom
This photopolarimeter contains a W ollaston pnsm as
exceeds 5 or 10 per cent). However, if this procedure is
polarizer and a Nicol prism as analyzer. Both prisms
not followed, the results are quite unreliable. On the
can be rotated around the same axis and their mutual
other hand the photoelectric method seems to be more
position and the position of the0 polarizer c~n ?e read_ off.
convenient for an objective polarization measurement.
With the analyzer fixed 45 to the prmc1pal ax1s of
It offers not only the possibility of a fast and contin-
the W ollaston prism the plane of polarization is deter-
uous measurement but also of measurement at low
mined by the position of the Wollaston prism in which
intensities. The continuous measurement can easily be
both halves of the field in the eyepiece have the same
made by measuring the intensity of light passing
intensity. The plane of polarization is then i~clined
through a rotating ~icol prism or other analyzer [57].
45 o from the principal axis of the W ollaston pnsm. If
If the prism rotates around its axis with a constant
the W ollaston prism is now rotated by 45 o, one half of
angular speed w, then the intensity of the photoelec-
the W ollaston prism transmits the intensity normal to
tric current from the photoeell situated behind the
the plane of polarization, the other the intensity _in t~e
plane of polarization. While the W olla~ton pnsm IS
prism is proportional to >'2In + lp cos 2 wt, if the time
is counted from the moment when the principal plane
kept fixed the Xicol prism is rotated unt1l both halve~
of the prism (the plane of transmitted vibrations) is
of the field have the same intensity. The degree of
normal to the plane of polarization of the measured
polarization P is then equal to cos 2w, if w is the angle
partially polarized light, the polarized and unpolarized
between the principal plane of the W ollaston and of
components of which have intensities IP and In, re-
the Nicol prism, usually readable by means of a scale
spectively. For light of greater intensity the current
outside of the instrument.
can be recorded continuously, and the degree of polar-
The precision of this method was discussed by Smo-
ization determined from two intensities (maximum and
sarski [62] and found to be most accurate for large
minimum) if the period and the decrement of the galva-
values of P for small values of P this method requires
nometer or other recording system used is known. If
some modification. Errors due to incorrect settings of
the rotation of the prism is uniform and sufficiently
the polarizer or of the analyzer can b~ eli~inated b!
slow, the direction of the polarization plane can also
taking successive readings with the pnsm m the posi-
be determined by a very simple arrangement. By a
tion 90, 180, and 270 from the original positi?n. In
suitable choice of the recording system even very rapid
this way a precision of 1-2 per cent can eas1ly be
ftuctuations in the polarization can be studied in this
reached provided the illumination of the field in the
manner. The measurement of the polarization for low
eyepiec~ is sufficient to enable one t? distinguish. the intensities can also be made without any basic diffi-
unevenness of its halves. Another d1sadvantage IS a
culty if very sensitive photocells (photomultipliers) a~e
relatively long time interval (about six minutes) nec-
used or if the photoelectric current is properly amph-
essary for ali settings and readings. B_ecause of . the
fied. Since a-c amplification is more effective, it is
failure of this method in the case of rapid fiuctuatwns
desirable to produce photoelectric alternating current,
in polarization or of inadequate illumination (during
for which purpose fast rotation of the prism can con-
twilight or night), visual methods are being replaced
veniently be used.
more and more by objective methods.
Because the spectral sensitivity of the human eye
Because of the cumulative effect during longer ex-
differs from that of the photocell or the photographic
posures, photographic photometry is often used when
material, the results of the objective methods will in
the illumination is inadequate. By means of a W ollaston
general be different from that of the visual measure-
prism a double picture of the measured field is obtained,
ment. It can be shown [58] that, if there is no dispersion
and the degree of polarization is computed from the
of the polarization, that is, if P is constant for ali wave
ratio of the intensities of the separate pictures. The lengths, there -..vill be no difference in the results of
precision of this method is limited by the precision in these different methods. But if the dispersion occurs,
setting the principal section of the prism in or normal that is P is different for different wave lengths, the
to the plane of polarization and in keeping it in this differe~ce between P measured by different methods
direction during the exposure. Especially during the will be greater, the greater the dispersion of the polari-
night, when the illumination is very weak, this pro- zation. Since the dispersion depends upon the turbidity
cedure is very difficult. Another limitation of the photo- of the atmosphere, the difference between the resul~s
graphic method is the great variability of the pho- obtained by the different methods may vary appreci-
tographic material, which makes necessary a special ably from day to day.
sensitometric arrangement for the determination of a The measurement of the position of neutra! points is

much simpler. Their elevation above the horizon is served direction independent of the sun's elevation.
measured by standard procedures (usually by a pen- With the sun at the horizon, the zenith coincides with
dulum quadrant ora theodolite); for finding the neutra! the point of maximum polarization. With the sun above
point any type of polariscope can be used. The most the horizon, the polarization at the zenith decreases
convenient type is the Savart polariscope and its modi- rapidly as the point of maximum polarization descends
fications. The main part of the polariscope is Savart's
double plate (two plates of the same thickness cut
under 45 from the optieal axis of a quartz or any
uniaxial crystal; one of them turned through a right
angle from the other). If a polarized light passing
through the double plate is observed through an ana-
lyzer with the plane of polarization bisecting the angle z
between the principal planes of transmittance of the .....
plate, parallel color fringes appear. They have a dark <t
N 0.7
or bright central band, depending on whether the in- -
cident light is polarized at right angles or parallel to <t

the plane of transmittance of the double plate. The o

fringes disappear if the incident light is unpolarized.
The modifications of Savart's polariscope differ with
the type of analyzer used. In the original model a
tourmaline plate was used. Its great disadvantage was
a strong absorption resulting in a dark green color of
the tield. By using a 1'\ieol or similar prism this dis-
advantage can be removed, but the tield is then very FIG. 1.-Polarization at the point of maximum polarization
small. lVIuch larger fields and an extraordinary bright- (in the sun's vertical, 90 from the sun) for different sun's
ness of fringes ean be reached in Voss's modification [69] elevations h.,. Observed values (Dorno, Gockel, Tichanowski)
compared with theoretical values (secondary scattering ac-
\Yith a Wollaston prism as analyzer. By a suitable ad- cording to Ahl)!Timm).
justment of the thickness of the double plate and the
W ollaston prism, the deviat ion of the ordinary and 1.0
extraordinary rays emerging from the prism can be I
made exaetly equal to the angular distance of the in-
terference fringes. In this way the fringes in the ordi- rr
nary and extraordinary system of rays coincide and
their intensity is doubled. Because of its great lumi-
nosity the \'oss polariscope is Yery useful for measur-
ing neutra! points late after sunset. Its colorless tield z
makes it particularly useful for measurements within a o
narrow spectral zone. The advantage of a colorless tield ~ 0.5
can also be achieved by using a polaroid plate as ana- CI:
lyzer f4:J]. <t
If the polariscope is set up with fringes parallel to o
the sun's Yertical in the vicinity of a neutra! point, the
dark central hand above the point continues as a bright
one below with an interruption in the middle in the
exact position of the neutra! point. The elevation of
this point is then measured. The position of the inter-
ruption in the fringes can also be determined photo-
graphically [6]. 0~----------~------------~~-----
200 40
Distribution and Magnitude of the Polarization over
FIG. 2.-Polarization at zenith for diflerent sun 's elevati ou&
the Sky h,. Theore+,ical values (I-Rayleigh's theory of primary scat-
tering, II-secondary scattering according to Ahlgrimm) com-
As already mentioned, the degree of polarization of pared with observed values (Tichanowski, Gockel, Jensen,
skylight reaches its maximum in the sun's vertical, 90 Dorno).
from the sun. Mean values of a large number of meas-
urements of the polarization at this point taken in towards the horizon. The daily variation of the polari-
difl'erent years and at different places, agree relatively zation at the zenith bas thus the same character as
well, showing a decrease of the degree of polarization that of maximum polarization, but with a much larger
"ith inereasing elevation of the sun (Fig. 1). Measure- range of variation, as may be seen in Fig. 2. The meas-
ment of polarization at the zenith was introduced by urement of polarization at the zenith, extended for
.Jensen [311 and performed by severa! authors because negative sun's elevations hs, gives an interesting result:
of the simplicity of having a fixed position of the ob- the maximum polarization at the zenith is reached for

a sun's elevation hetween -2 and -4. The increase fore suggested hy Jensen [30] as reliahle indicators of
of polarization for h. < O was found to he more rapid, atmospheric turhidity. Comparing the mean values for
the lower the value of the polarization at h. = O. winter and summer from a period with a fairly normal
The distrihution of the polarization over the sky was condition, Jensen concluded that, with increasing tur-
studied extensively hy Dorno [22]. In a stereographic hidity, (1) the antisolar distances of the A-point in-
projection with the sun at its pole, the lines of equal crease, (2) the difference hetween the maximum and
polarization are nearly concentric circles around the the secondary minimum for the A-point increases, and
sun. For corresponding P, the circles on the sun's side (3) the position of the minimum in the A-point curve
are closer to the equator (the line of maximum polari- is shifted to the negative h . The variations in the dis-
zation) than on the antisolar side, showing a slight tances of the Ba-point do not follow such simple rules,
asymmetry of P in the sun's vertical, a fact studied heing more sensitive to the conditions at much higher
and proved hy Smosarski [62]. The distrihution-sur- levels which are unaffected hy the seasonal variations.
prisingly-varies very little with the elevation of the Neuherger [45] studied the interrelationship hetween
sun ahove the horizon. the extremes in the A-point curve and found a very
The position of the plane of polarization was also high correlation (+0.95 0.01) hetween the difference
measured and, at first, lines were drawn parallel to the in (2) and the distance of the A-point for h. = 10.5
direction of this plane. Later on they were replaced hy or 13.5, suggesting that a single measurement of the
the lines connecting points with the same inclination of A-point distance for these values of h. can he used as
the plane of polarization to the vertical (polarization an indicator of the turhidity. When he compared the
isoclines). Since the inclination 45 to the vertical, distance of the A-point at h. = 10.5 with the direct
called also a neutra! line or Busch lemniscate, can measurement of solar radiation, N euherger found an
easily he measured hy the interruption of the vertical increase of this distance with decreasing intensity of
fringes in a polariscope (similar to the neutra! points), solar radiation; this would agree with the statement in
it was studied extensively hy Dorno [22] and Mentzel. (1) ahove.
Mentzel's measurements were recently revised hy Dalh- As another indicator of turhidity, the difference he-


h, = 5.5 h, = 4.5 h, = 3.5 h, = 2.5 h, = 1.5 h, = 0.5 h, = -0.5

Hamburg, 1909-11 .................. 5.9 5.0 4.1 3.3 2.3 1.4 0.9
Arnsberg, 1909-11 .................. 6.3 5.6 4.6 3.8 2.9 2.1 1.6
Davos, winter 1911 ................. 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.5 0.1 -0.1 -0.2
Davos, spring 1912 ................. 0.9 0.0 1.0 0.6 0.1 - -

kamp and Kantus [20] and discussed with respect to tween the points of the A- and Ba-point curves for the
the possihility of using the shape or the area inside the same h. can he used. This difference increases with in-
Busch lemniscate as a measure of the turhidity. creasing turhidity, as is clearly shown in TableI, where
More attention has been devoted to the measurement the values of this difference, measured in a turhid at-
of the position of neutra! points than to the measure- mosphere (Hamhurg, Arnsherg), are compared with
ment of the degree of polarization. The reason for this, those measured in a much less turhid atmosphere
hesides the great simplicity of the measurement, is the (Davos).
great variahility of these positions, and their greater Quite distinct is the effect of ground reflection on the
sensitivity to the turhidity of the atmosphere. The curve of A-point distances. The maximum, which at a
measurements mostly relate to the Arago and Bahinet land station is usually very flat and is ohserved around
points; the position of the Brewster point has not heen h. = 12.5, shifts to smaller sun's elevations and de-
studied systematically hecause it is diffi.cult to measure creases in value in the vicinity of large water surfaces
(helow the sun, close to the horizon). The distance of [30]. If the reflection is strong, new neutra! points ap-
the Arago point from the antisolar point and of the pear, either helow the ordinary points (as ohserved hy
Bahinet point from the sun vary in a characteristic Ruhenson [54] helow the Ba-point, and hy Jensen [3]
way for small positive and negative elevations of the and Neuherger [44] helow the A-point) or on hoth sides
sun. If the distances of these points (A- and Ba-points) of the sun at the same elevation (Soret [63]). In a
are plotted against the sun's elevations, then the curve polariscope the fringes are visihle even over the water
for the A-point shows a minimum (ora secondary mini- surface, in the sun's vertical, with a dark central hand
mum) for small negative h., while-under normal con- (positive); in other directions they show a hright cen-
ditions-the Ba-point curve shows a secondary maxi- tral hand (negative). In a position closer and closer to
mum (cj. Fig. 3). These extremes in hoth curves are the ohserver as the direction approaches 90 from the
followed hy a rapid increase for larger negative h . The sun's vertical, the negative fringes change rapidly into
position and the values of those extremes (for the Ba- the positive, suggesting the existence of a series of neu-
point, even the whole character of the curve) change tra! points, or hetter, the existence of a transition zone
greatly with the turhidity; these quantities were there- (Umkehrzone, Jensen [3, 30]) hetween the negative po-

larization (the plane of polarization horizontal) on the 1871. He explained skylight polarization as the scatter-
horizon and the positive polarization (the plane of ing of sunlight on molecules and submicroscopic par-
polarization vertical) over the water surface around ticles with diameters much ~:malier than the wave
the observer. Similar phenomena over land were ob- length of the incident ray of light. If it is assumed that
served by Brewster as early as 1841. the scattering process takes place only once (primary
The biggest anomalies in the described distribution scattering) and if refraction is neglected, the degree of
of polarization were observed after the volcanic erup- polarization of partialiy polarized light in the direction
tions of 1883-1885, 1902-1903, and 1912-1914. The rp from the sun's rays,
effect of the volcanic dust present in the atmosphere
could be noticed in the extraordinarily low values of (1)
the degree of polarization. In 1884, Cornu [18] observed
is a function of rp only. The maximum polarization oc-
the rapid decrease of the maximum polarization from
curs in the direction 90 from the sun, where the light
0.75 to less than 0.48; Dorno's mean values for the
is totaliy polarized (P = 1). There are two neutra!
zenith and h. = 0 were P = 0.557 for 1913 and P =
points: one in the direction towards the sun, and one
0.739 for 1915. A very rapid increase of P during twi-
toward the antisolar point. Elsewhere the light is par-
light also appeared (Kimbali [38]). Much larger effects
tialiy polarized with the plane of polarization defined
could be observed in the positions of neutra! points.
by the sun, the observer, and the observed point in the
1911 1912 sky. The theory agrees quite weli with the observations
with respect to the position of the point of maximum
polarization and of the plane of polarization. But it
does not explain the partial polarization at the point
of maximum polarization and the existence of the ob-
served neutra! points. The assumptions of Rayleigh's
theory are apparently not satisfied exactly in the atmos-
phere. The scattering particles are not isotropic and
u the theory should be modified for anisotropy of mole-
<t cules (Cabannes [12]). The expression (1) then takes
(/) the form
P = (1 - a) (sin 2 rp)/(1 + cos 2 rp +a sin2 rp) (2)
in which a = 0.043 is the coefficient of depolarization.
Thus the maximum polarization at rp = 90 is P =
0.922, but the position of the neutra! points is not
affected by the anisotropy of molecules.
The effect of secondary scattering, omitted in Ray-
leigh's theory, was studied as early as 1880 by Soret
+3.5 -0.5 +2.5 -1.5 [64]. In the first approximation he considers only the
SUN'S ELEVATION light scattered by particles assumed uniformly dis-
FIG. 3.-Distance of the Babinet point (Ba) from the sun
and of the Arago print (A) from the antisolar point for different tributed in a ring around the horizon. In the center of
sun 's elevations h.. (Normal conditions-1911; after volcanic the ring, with the sun at the horizon, the intensity of
eruption of Katmai..L1912). the light scattered by ali particles in the ring has the
Besides the ordinary A- and Ba-points, Cornu [18] ob- components
served four neutra! points symmetricaliy situated at i,. = 7rb/4 = i,/8, i 11 = 37rb/4 = 3i,/8,
the same elevation on both sides of the sun and the (3)
antisolar point. The distances of the A-point and Ba- i, = 27rb, (b = const).
point increased; the largest increase, however, was ob-
served in 1902, and was more pronounced for the Ba- Since the vertical component is predominant, the scat-
point, as was also observed to be true in 1912. In Fig. 3 tered light is negatively polarized in ali directions along
the mean values are compared for years with and with- the horizon. In the direction 90 from the sun the com-
out this effect; with respect to the A -point, the effect ponent i,. is added to the primary scattered light, that
mentioned above, namely the increase of the distance, is, the light is partialiy polarized. The neutra! points
is clearly shown and the shift of minimum towards are displaced to the positions where the positive polari-
larger solar depressions also appears. The effect on the zation due to the primary scattering is compensated by
Ba-point curve is so great that its character is com- the negative polarization of particles in the ring around
pletely changed; the curve is shifted to the other side the horizon. The distances of neutra! points can be
of the A-point curve. computed from relation (2) (cf. van de Hulst [68]). If
P 1 and P denote the intensities of primary scattered
Theory of Skylight Polarization light normal or parallel to the plane of polarization,
The first correct step toward the explanation of sky- and S 1 and S the intensities of secondary scattered
light polarization was made by Lord Rayleigh [50] in light from the ring around the horizon, then a neutral

point appears in the sun's vertical at the elevation h, light, and led Milch to the idea of using the pr~sence
provided that in this direction of larger particles as an explanation of the dev1ation of
the observed values from those given by Hayleigh's
P1 + s~ = P + s. (4) theory. Neglecting the effect of secondary seattering,
For the sunat the horizon, P /P1 = cos 2 h. The intensi- Milch developed the following expression for the de-
ties 8 1 and S are normal to the direction h, and thus gree of polarization:
sl = iy, s = i" sin 2 h +
iz COS 2 h, and from (3)
P _ mop + JJ.ol/lj(h., T)_____ (7)
S/ S1 = (1 + 7 cos 2 h)/3. (5) - mo(p n) + + JJ.o(l/1 + l)f(hs, T)'
In (5) the intensities can be expressed by the total in- where m 0 and JJ.o denote the number of molecules and
tensities (P 1 +P, S 1 +
S), and then if the ratio R = large particles per unit volume at the ground; p and 1/;,
(S 1 f-- S)/(P 1+ P) is known, the elevati.on of the neu- the intensity of the polarized part of the light seattered
tml point is determined from the equatwn by molecules and by large partieles respeetively; p + n
and 1/; + v, the total intensity in both c:ases of scatter-
sin2 h/(1 + cos 2 h)
ing; and finally, f(h., T) is a function of the sun';, ele-
= R(7 cos2 h- 2)/(4 + 7 cos 2 h). (6) vation and the turbidity coefficient computed from the
extinction values for different turbidities. This expres-
The most probable value of R lies within the limits
sion can explain ali observed variation of the polariza-
R = 0.1 and R = 0.2, which gives h = 16.7 and h =
tion with turbidity, but its use for the computation of
22.4 o in good agreement with observation.
p is very limited by the lack of knowle.dge of the. func-
Ahlgrimm [7] extended Soret's computation for arbi-
tions 1/; and v. Assuming that at the pomt of maximum
trary solar elevation, neglecting the extinction and
polarization 1/; can be neglected with respect to p,
assuming only that the distribution of scattering p~r
Milch determined v from the measured value of P for
ticles is the same in ali azimuths. The unknown dis-
a given hs, and computed the variation of maximum
tribution of scattering particles with height appeared
polarization with hs. But the eomputed values showed
in the integrand of integrals which could be evaluated
a systematic deviation from the observed P. .
by means of the transmission coefficients. U sing the
In eontinuation of Milch's work, Blickhan [9] studied
measured values by Abney, 1 Ahlgrimm was able to
the correlation between the turbidity coeffieient and
compute the degree of polarization due to the primary
the maximum polarization measured simultaneously.
The values of P lie along a hyperbola P = A/ (B + Tk)
and secondary scattering in any arbitrary direction.
The values of maximum polarization as a function of
in a (P, Tk) -diagram (Tk is the turbidity coefficient f?r
solar elevation are reproduced in Fig. 1, values of the
short-wave radiation, and A and B are c:onstants), m
polarization in the zenith in Fig. 2. . .
good agreement with the sim?lified f?rmu~a (7). Ex-
Consideration of secondary scattenng thus bnngs a
trapolating P by means of th1s empmcal formula for
great improvement in the qualitative agreem.e?t of the an atmosphere without large particles (T = 1), he ob-
theory vvith observations under normal cond1twns, but tained a value of P for h., = 50, whic:h is larger than
a quantitative agreement still cannot be reach:d. Ticha-
that obtained for h., = 32.5, in agreement with Ahl-
nowski [66] extended Ahlgrimm's computatwns, con-
sidering the anisotropy of molecules and even ~he :e- grimm's computation. From the difference between the
extrapolated values and those eomputed by Ahlgrimm,
flection from the ground, but without any quantitatJve assuming further that the light reflected from the
improvement. The effect of atmospheric extinction and
ground is not polarized, Blickhan W3f able to comp1_1te
refraction "'as taken into account by Link [39]. In such the albedo a = 0.132, whieh is in good agrecment Wit?
a case the integration for secondary scattering cannot Dorno's values. For the eomputation of the daily van-
be performed in any analytic form and requires a te?i- ation of maximum polarization he used :\1ileh's pro-
ous quadruple numerica! or graphical quadrature. l n- eedure but with the differenee that in (7) he inserted
fortunately the computations were made for the de- for p ~nd n the values computed by Ahlgrimm. The
pressions of the sun for which no observations are
values obtained in this way agreed with the measured
available yet. . ones mueh better than if the effect of the secondary
Comparison of the theoretical curve of the Ba-pomt
scattering had been neglected. Other simultaneous
with that obtained during the period after volcanic
measurements of polarization and turbidity were made
eruption suggests the presence of another mechanism
which may be even much stronger than the effect of TABLE II. PoLARIZATION AT ZENITH (per cent of normal
secondary scattering. The appearance of Bishop's ring vaJue) AS A FUNCTION OF TURBIDITY
and other twilight phenomena proved the presence of
larger particles (according to Pernter [47] of a diameter --~--~ 2.0-2.~12.51-3.0 ~~~~~~3.51--4~: 4.01~~1_2_5_-ll_
from 3.2 A to 6 A) than assumed in Rayleigh's theory. p 1 114.4 1 112.0 1 104.0 1 102.8 _1_._9~1~~1 -6~:3_
The theoretical and experimental investigations of the
scattering by particles of such a size, by Schirmann
by Wi:irner [70]. The polarization was measured this
[55, 56] and !ater by Blumer [10], showed the possibil-
time at the zenith and was compared with the normal
ity of neutra! points already in the primary scattered
values computed by Jensen [2] (Fig. 2). The degree of
1. Abney's values are reproduced in [5]. polarization expressed in per cent of normal values

shows a close correlation with the turbidity factor, as and theory can be achieved when the original Rayleigh
may be seen from Table Il. Jensen's normal values theory is extended by a consideration of (1) the effects
correspond thus to the turbidity factor 3.9. of multiple (at least secondary) scattering, extinction,
In connection with Milch's and Blickhan's work the and reflection by the ground, and (2) the effect of the
recent investigation of Tousey and Hulburt [67] should presence of large scattering particles. The effects men-
be mentioned. The brightness and the polarization of tioned first can lower Rayleigh's theoretical values to
the daylight sky were measured at different altitudes the observed values and explain the existence of neu-
up to 10,000 ft. The curves of polarization with height tra] points in observed positions; but for the explana,
showed clearly a much slower rise after a rapid increase tion of the great variety and magnitude of diurnal, in-
within the first 2000 or 3000 ft, closely resembling the terdiurnal, seasonal, and secular variations the highly
distribution of the turbidity coefficient with height [41]. variable content of larger particles in the atmosphere
They compared the measured values with theoretical must be considered. This is more evident if the disper-
values obtained on the assumption that the secondary sion of polarization is taken into account. The presence
scattered light is unpolarized, but taking full account of larger particles can best be taken into account in
of the extinction defined by a mean value of the theo- the quantitative analysis, however, by separating and
retical extinction coefficient {3 = 0.0126 km- 1 They subtracting the effect of molecular scattering as a sim-
found that a somewhat better agreement for larger dis- pler and more nearly constant factor. For this purpose
tances from the sun can be obtained with {3 increased the recent theoretical investigations of similar problems
to 0.017, 0.018, or 0.021 km- 1 The systematic devia- in astrophysics offer excellent help. In a very elegant
tions in the vicinity of the sun, expected by the au- way, Chandrasekhar succeeded in reducing the exact
thors, are caused by the assumption above, eliminating solution of quite general multiple scattering to a solu-
the neutral points around the sun. The increase of {3 tion of two relatively simple integral equations of a.
proves without doubt the presence of larger particles, form suitable for successive iteration. Once the solu~
sufficient to increase the theoretical scattering by about tion of these equations is known, the exact problem i~
35 per cent. The increased values of {3 mentioned above solved. The great advantage of this method is not only
correspond to the turbidity coefficient T = 1.35, 1.43, that the extinction is very simply taken into aecount,
and 1.67, respectively. These values are in ver;; good but mainly that the effeet of ground reflection ean be
agreement with the measured values mentioned above included, as proposed by van de Hulst, and that the
[41], indicating the real presence of larger particles method can be extended for a more generallaw of scat-
rather than a systematic error in taking too wide a tering than in Rayleigh's theory [13, 14, 15].
spectral range, as suggested by van de Hulst [68]. In Chandrasekhar has recently accomplished the nu-
the theoretical computation the reflection by the ground merica] computation of the effect ofmultiple seattering
was taken into consideration and the variation of the and of the ground reflection in the skylight polarization
maximum and zenithal polarization due to the different for a special value of the optical thickness r = 0.15,
values of the albedo is given in Table III. corresponding to = 450 /J./J. under normal conditions
[16]. The reflection on the ground affects the position
TABLE III. EFFECT OF GROUND REFLECTION ON SKYLIGHT of neutral points very little, in agreement with obser-
-------~-~-~~-,-----------~ vation (Neuberger [46]). A much larger effect is notice-
_ _ _ _A_lb-ed_o_a_ _ _ ~- _o_.o___ o._l___o._z_[_o._4_l_o._6_ able in the degree of polarization at zenith or at 90
from the sun. It is evident from Table III that the
Tousey and Hulburt [67]
P (maximum): h. = 30 0.85 0.755 0.667 0.612
ground reflection is responsible for the daily variation
P (at zenith): h. = 30 0.527 0.482 0.439 0.408 of the maximum polarization, namely for the decrease
--------.,-----:--- - - - - - - - - - - - of P with the sun's elevation, in the sense of Fig. 1.
Chandrasekhar [16]
P (maximum): The theoretical values for P are stiU much higher than
h. = 0 0.918 0.903 0.885 the measured ones.
h. = 13.9 0.906 0.860 0.801 The observed distances of the neutral points are also
h. = 39.8 0.906 0.796 0.673
P (at zenith): much higher than the theoretical values obtained by
h. = 0 0.918 0.903 0.885 Chandrasekhar (for h, = 0: A-point, 19.4 o and Ba-
h. = 13.9 0.824 0.779 0.727
h. = 39.8 0.392 0.360 0.315 point, 19.4; for h, = 13.9: A-point, 20.9 and Ba-
point, 18.7). However a remarkable agreement was
found between the theoretical shape of the neutrallines
The mean value of the measured albedo, a = 0.20, and the shape of neutra] lines observed by Dorno [22].
was taken for the computation, and for this value the Larger scattering particles apparently affect primarily
theoretical degree of polarization at zenith, P = 0.482 the magnitude of the polarization, and the position of
for h. = 30, and P = 0.724 for h. = 15 may be com- the neutral points, but have only a slight effect on the
pared with the values of P computed by Ahlgrimm position of the plane of polarization. This fact is an
(0.469, 0.738); and for h, = 25 the observed value interesting aspect of the physics of scattering by larger
P = 0.58 may be compared with the theoretical value particles and as such should be studied more exten-
P = 0.572 (Ahlgrimm 0.558). sively.
From the discussion above it is quite evident that a Chandrasekhar's method of exact evaluation of the
better quantitative agreement between measurement molecular scattering makes possible a quantitative

study of the presence and the nature of larger scatter- The measurement of distances of neutral points in
ing particles. If the exact values of molecular scattering different colors was started by Jensen [1] in 1909. The
are subtracted from the observed values, the remaining results of his measurements were confirmed by Busch
part is the effect of larger particles, and it is quite evi- [11], who found that the distances of the A-point were
dent that, for such a purpose, observations should be larger the shorter the wave lengths. During the abnor-
used in which the deviation from the theory is most mal period 1912-14, just the opposite was found. This
pronounced. This seems to be the case in the dispersion result was recently confirmed by Neuberger [45, 46] in
of skylight polarization. his measurement of the A-point at h. = 10.5. Along
with the A-point distances, the intensity of solar radi-
Dispersion of Atmospheric Polarization ation, the blue color of the sky, etc., were measured
The discussion of polarization in the preceding sec- and the variations of A-point distances with the tur-
tion refers to "white" light, as it is observed directly bidity were proved to be as shown in Fig. 4.
by the human eye. The measurement of polarization The dispersion of polarization is thus very sensitive
in much shorter spectral ranges was started very early to the degree of turbidity and could be used as another
in skylight investigations. In 1884, Cornu [18] found indicator of turbidity. But it can also be used for
the degree of polarization to be different for different answering the question about the prevailing effect of
colors. During this period of volcanic anomalies the the molecular scattering, or of the presence of larger
polarization at shorter wave lengths was much larger particles in the atmosphere. It is evident that in Ray-
than for longer wave lengths. The dispersion of polari- leigh's theory of primary scattering there is no disper-
zation has been studied since that time by severa! au- sion, since the degree of polarization P is independent
of X. If it is assumed with Milch that the light scat-
tered by large particles is unpolarized, the component
of the total intensity due to the scattering on large par-
ticles can be expressed in the form Fu = ;x.-a Nf(<P),
where a decreases from 3.5 to 1 with increasing size of
particles, N denotes the number of such particles per
unit volume, and <P is the scattering angle. It can easily
be shown [59] that the sign of the difference P(X) -
P(Xo) is determined by the sign of the expression
[p/P(Xo) - 1](1- x 4) + (x 4 - xa- 4)Fu(Xo)/ lu(Xo), (8)
where p denotes the degree of polarization in Rayleigh's
theory of primary scattering, given in equation (1 ).
x = Xo/X, and Iu is the total intensity of the component
0.5 0.9 1.3 due to the primary scattering. If the turbidity is small,
Fu-+ O and P(X) > P(Xo) whenever A > Xo. With in-
creasing turbidity CFu > O), the second term in (8),
FIG. 4.-Distance of the Arago point from the antisolar having an opposite sign from the first one, reduces the
point for h, = 10.5, in different colors for different intensities
of solar radiation (according toN euberger). difference P(X) - P(Xo) and for a sufficiently large
turbidity reverses the sign of P(X) - P(X 0). The vari-
thors with one result confirmed by ali, namely, the great ation of the dispersion with increasing turbidity can
variability of the dispersion with the turbidity, and thus be explained in agreement with observation. But
thus with the weather, location, etc. Since the turbidity the discussion of the distance of the neutra! points for
was not actually measured (except in the latest studies), different wave lengths shows clearly that the assump-
the different results which have been attained are very tion made by Milch, that the light scattered by large
difficult to compare. If the relativity of the terms particles is unpolarized, is not justified. If the light
"pure" and "turbid" atmosphere is admitted, then the scattered by large particles is assumed to be unpolar-
contradictory results of different authors, even recently ized, the distance of neutra! points is given by equa-
considered inexplicable [3], can be ordered to show a tion (4) written in the form
definite trend, confirmed by theoretical considerations. P 1(X 0 ) sin2 ho = S(Xo, ho) - St(Ao, ho),
For very low turbidity (high altitude) the degree of
polarization at the point of maximum polarization in- and for A ~ Ao,
creases with the wave length [65]. With increasing tur- Pt(Ao) sin2 h = x 4 [S(Xc, h) - St(ft.o, h)].
bidity, the maximum is shifted to the central part of
Since S1 is actually independent of h, S can be ex-
the visible spectrum and the difference between polari-
pressed by S1 and the ratio St("Ao)/Pt(Ao) can be elim-
zation in the red part of the spectrum (P,) and in the
inated from these two equations. The resulting equa-
blue part (Pb) is decreased (for "pure air" in Gockel's
tion can be written in the form
definition the difference P, - Pb becomes smaller than
the errors of observation). With stiU larger turbidity sin2 h - sin2 ho
the maximum is shifted to the blue part, that is, _ ( 4 _ ) 2 h. 5 - 7 sin 2 ho
Pb > P, [22, 25, 34, 48, 65]. - X 1 sm 0 5 +
7 (x 4 - 1) sin2 ho

Since ho < 30, the numerator and the denominator in scattering, so that for solar depressions larger than 8,
(9) are always positive, and h > ho whenever Ao > A. the secondary scattering from the lower level has a
The distances in blue are larger than in the red part of greater intensity than that of the primary scattering
the spectrum, in agreement with the observation made from the upper levels still illuminated by direct rays
for very low turbidity. However, the computed differ- from the sun. Hulburt's estimate of this effect was
ence h - hc, for a given ho and given wave lengths based on the measured intensity of skylight near the
A, Ao, is about twice as large as observed. What is more western horizon; the presence of larger particles was
serious, the great variability of this difference with in- thus taken into consideration. This may explain the
creasing turbidity cannot be explained by (9). The ef- much larger values for the ratio of the intensity of the
fect of increasing turbidity can be taken into consid- secondary and primary scattering (!prim: lsec = 1:185,
eration only by increasing h0, but the right-hand side h. = -109') than computed by Link [39] (lprm:
of (9) increases with ho instead of the observed decrease lsec = 2: 1) under the assumption of molecular scat-
to negative values. This may serve as a proof of the tering only. For this reason it is quite difficult to ex-
incorrectness of the assumption made above. For a com- plain the high correlation of the polarization anomalies
plete discussion it is necessary to include the polarized (sudden or nonmonotonic decrease of P in the zenith
component due to the scattering by large particles also. for sun's depressions larger than 10) with the changes
This can be done only by using the Mie-Debye theory, in the ionization of the E- or F-layer, as observed by
as discussed in detail elsewhere [59]. By constructing a Khvostikov and a group of Russian scientists. The first
special model of the distribution, size, and optica! prop- attempt to explain the anomalies as being associated
erties (refractive index) of the large particles, the dis- directly with the increase of anisotropy of the ions as
persion of polarization can be computed and compared compared to neutra! particles [35, 36, 52] was found by
with the observed values through a procedure similar Ginsburg [23, 24] to be unacceptable because of the
to that used in the study of atmospheric haze [28, 51, predominant effect of the secondary scattering. The
60] and thus a model of the distribution which best fits polarization caused only by secondary scattering under
the observations can be found. such conditions was recently estimated by Rosenberg
[53] as being even larger than observed. The observed
Polarization Anomalies During Twilight rotation [49] of the plane of polarization from the direc-
The same information concerning the size, nature, tion given by the position of the sun cannot be ex-
and distribution of scattering particles in the atmos- plained simply by the asymmetry in the solar illumina-
phere can be obtained from any deviations of observed tion and should be studied more closely in relation to
values of skylight polarization from those to be ex- the problem of fluorescent luminescence or other types
pected from Rayleigh's theory. Particular emphasis has of emission of the night sky. For the study of the emis-
been placed on anomalies during twilight (because of sion layer the scattering of the emitted light is very
the easily determined changes in illumination along the important and can be used for the determination of the
vertical line to the zenith) with the hope that more in- height of the emission layer [8]. Since the secondary
formation can be obtained about the vertical distribu- scattered solar radiation may be superimposed upon
tion of scattering particles in this way. But the use of the light from the emission layer, the dispersion of
twilight anomalies is not as simple as it would seem. polarization of the twilight or night sky could be used
The first difficulty is the rapid decrease of the intensity for separating the phenomena of the lower atmosphere
of skylight, which causes serious difficulties in polari- from those of the upper levels. Because of experimental
zation measurement. Visual methods quickly become difficulties there is little hope for the effectiveness of
uncertain and are very seldom reliable for solar depres- this method in the near future. The only possible way
sions beyond h. = -5 or -6. The photographic of separating the intensity of the polarization produced
method requires longer exposures during which the in lower levels from the phenomena related to upper
eventual fiuctuations in the degree of polarization and levels is to compute these quantities using the extinc-
in the position of the plane of polarization may cause tion coefficient and other parameters of scattering in
large systematic errors. lower levels, obtained by independent measurements.
In theoretical investigations the atmosphere can no For this purpose the method of an artificiallight source
longer be considered as plane-parallel, and refraction seems tobe quite adaptable. The searchlight beam has
must be taken into consideration at least to the extent been used and information about the.type and the law
of estimating the limit of the earth's shadow. The of scattering has been derived mainly from the total
ground refiection, acting for low solar depressions only intensity measurement [28, 29, 33, 51, 60]. More infor-
on one side of the horizon, and the different extinction mation can be obtained, however, if the measurement
values in the solar and antisolar regions make the com- of the polarization is added, as has been done by
putation of the sky polarization rather complicated. Khvostikov [35]. But since the brightness of the search-
With respect to the effect of secondary scattering, it is light beam decreases with the distance from the source,
valid to offer the same criticism which was presented the secondary scattering in lower levels should be care-
against the use of the zenith intensity for optica! sound- fully taken into consideration before any conclusions
ing of the upper atmosphere. As Hulburt [27] pointed are made about scattering in higher levels.
out, the intensity of the secondary scattering increases The searchlight-beam method definitely offers quite
rapidly in comp.rison with the intensity of primary new possibilities and if properly used may contribute

largely to the solution of the problem of light scatter- tion tables, with ali the parameters necessary for such
ing in the atmosphere. a computation, are now available and can be con-
veniently used for this purpose [40).
Unsolved Problems and Future Research Hence, many problems quite accessible by modern
As was shown in the preceding sections, much valu- facilities are open to further investigations. In the re-
able information can be obtained from a comparison of view given above, the list of problems to be solved is
measured and theoretical values. Therefore future re- not exhaustive; new problems may easily arise as the
search depends primarily upon the development of study of skylight polarization progresses further. For
both experimental and theoretical methods. First, there this reason atmospheric polarization deserves more
is a definite need for better equipment for measuring attention than it has received up to now.
skylight polarization. Such equipment should permit
objective, fast, and precise measurements of the degree REFERENCES
of polarization and of the position of the plane of polar- A detailed discussion of problems of skylight polarization
ization, in comparatively narrow spectral ranges, in ali will be found in references [1] through [5]. Reference [6] gives a
directions over the sky, with special provision for meas- detailed description of instruments used in polarization meas-
urement of weak polarization, thus being adaptable also urements. Other references cited in the text follow.
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ferent places in the sky, but mainly for the possibility sik, Bd. 19. Berlin, Springer, 1928. (See pp. 70-152)
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tipliers and with a proper amplification, the sensitivity
2. Aufl. Wien-Leipzig, Braunmiiller, 1922. (See pp. 644-
of measurement can be increased beyond that of the 725)
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the twilight or used for optica! sounding by searchlight mosphiirischen Polarisationserscheinungen," in KLEIN-
beams. SCHMIDT, E., Handbuch der meteorologischen Instrumente.
From the theoretical standpoint, Chandrasekhar's Berlin, Springer, 1935. (See pp. 666-693)
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polarization due to multiple molecular scattering can sation." Jb. hamburg. wiss. Anst., 32:1-66 (1915).
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National Research Council, Canada

Introduction These particles are of many kinds, but from our

Thi~ discussi?n will be devoted to a brief study of
standpoint the most interesting of them are the liquid
those mterrelatwns between the optica! properties of droplets, generally aqueous solutions of hygroscopic
the atmosphere and the characteristics of human vision substances, which in various radii from about 10- 6 to
1~- 1 cm form the obscuring matter in haze, fog, and
which determine how far a given object can be seen at
such and such a moment. This important distance, miSt. The actual nature of the hygroscopic nuclei in-
when referred to the ordinary objects which lie around volved is one of the great unsolved problems of meteorol-
the horizon of a meteorologica! observer, is called by ogy, and has become the subject of a controversy, for
meteorologists "the visibility"; it is not with any hope the details of which the reader should consult Wright
of changing this terminology, but only in the interests [52, 53, 54, 55, 56], Simpson [43, 44] and Findeisen
of logical discussion, that the same quantity, applied [21]. Whatever their nature, they increase in size with
now to any object, will here be given the name visual increasing relative humidity, as more and more water
range. The term is self-explanatory. condenses on them. Up to a radius of about 0.5 micron
The theory of the visual range is by this time in a (5 X 10- 5 cm) they show selective scattering in visible
fairly _satisfactory condition, largely because of very light which makes them appear bluish by reflection,
extensive researches conducted during World W ar and we caii them haze. With further increase in size
II, especially in the United States. As in many other this selectivity practically disappears, and we hav~
divisions of meteorology, however the extreme com- fog, which is typically colorless. We must now consider
plexity of atmospheric conditions :Uakes it difficult to in a little more detail the scattering of light by such
~pply t~e available theory to actual instances, especially
spherical particles.
m the Important case of visual range along inclined For particles of radius a in the range O.L\ < a <
paths. Even the instrumentation necessary to measure 10\ (\ = wave length of light), which includes most
the appropriate optical constants of the atmosphere has kinds of haze and some fogs, the theory of Mie [38)1 has
not been developed to the point where it is in general been found entirely adequate. Starting with the electro-
use at meteorologica! stations. Theory is well in front magnetic theory, Mie was able to calculate the intensity
of practice. I (lumens per steradian per particle per lumen per m 2
We are unable to refer the reader to any very up-to- illuminance) in a direction making an angle cp with that
date summaries of the whole field; in fact to nothing of the incident light. This is a function of 21raj\ and of
Iater than 1941 [33, 35]. In view of our restrictions on m, the index of refraction of the particles (1.33 for
space we must assume that at least one of these two water). To show the large variation of the polar diagram
monographs is available to the reader. It is tobe hoped of the scattered light with the radius of the particle,
that before very long a more up-to-date general account Fig. 1 is presented, the limiting value as a ----7 O being
will be published. shown by a dotted curve (Rayleigh atmosphere).
By integrating I (c/J) over the sphere, the total amount
The Behavior of Light in the Atmosphere of light scattered may be calculated, and it is found that
this is generally greater than that incident on the
Light, by its in~eraction with the atmosphere, pro- droplet. For large droplets the ratio K of these quantities
duces many beautiful phenomena which are dealt with approaches 2, and the explanation is to be found in
elsewher~ in t?is _b~ok. Our concern here is only with
diffra?tion. Since K has been calculated [30, 47] as a
the w_ay m wh!ch It IS attenuated in its passage through
functwn of the parameter 21raj\, the coefficient of
the air and With the manner in which it is diffused by
scattering. attenuation by scattering for an atmosphere containing
N droplets per m 3 , each of radius a, is
As far as any practica] interest is concerned, we may
neglect th?se rare occasions when the air is nearly free (1)
f~om partiCles larger than the molecules of gases, in
VIew of the fact that the visual range in such a pure In such droplets, as has been shown by Zanotelli [57],
atmosphere would be several hundred kilometers at sea absorption is negligible, so that the extinction coefficient
(J is also given by equation (1).
level. The reader may be referred to Cabannes [10] for
a masterly discussion of such molecular scattering. On The correctness of these ideas is now acknowledged,
~Il occasions when the visual range is of any practica!
and they have been remarkably well verified in natural
1mportance, by far the greater part of the effect of the haze by Dessens [15, 16], who caught haze particles on
atmosphere on light is produced by particles much minute spiders' webs.
l~rger than molecules, which may be thought of as the
For the larger droplets of fog, Bricard [8, 9] has
disperse phase of an atmospheric colloid or aerosol. 1. Concisely set forth by Stratton [46, p. 563].

produced an adequate geometrica! theory of scattering, He further showed that an object which is not black,
serving as an extrapolation of the Mie theory. Many but has an intrinsic luminance Bo, will at a distance r
workers, notably Houghton and Radford [26] and Bri- have an apparent luminance
card [6, 7], have measured the size distribution in
natural fogs, obtaining unimodal curves with maxima
B = Boe-bor + Bh(1 - e-bor). (3)
in the region between 4 and 10 microns radius. Such We cannot calculate Bo without knowledge of the
fogs should be nearly nonselective. AII these researches distribution of light, even if we know the properties of
may be criticised on the basis of sampling, especially the object.
since Driving and his co-workers [18] have presented In these equations no mention is made of absorption,
indirect evidence for the presence of large numbers of and while it is customary to write similar equations
very small droplets. Such evidence is hard to obtain using u instead of b, it is not immediately obvious how
because, as Dessens [15] points out, the total optica! such an extension can be justified. Actually a more
effect of these small particles is not very important. detailed analysis, using the concept of the space light
The researches of Dessens should be repeated and an Ba, which is a function of the scattering properties of
attempt made to extend them to natural fogs in order the air and of its illumination, does lead to an equation
to decide this point. It is also possible that the use of
the electron microscope in such work might settle the
B = Boe-aor + B,.(l - e-uor). (4)
controversy about the nature of the nuclei. Another Such an analysis has been carried out by Duntley
line of research which might be undertaken in some [19], who also threw off the rest_!:iction of horizontal
sparsely inhabited region concerns the explanation of vision and introduced a quantity R which he called the
optical slant range, which "represents the horizontal
distance in a homogeneous atmosphere for which the
attenuation is the same as that actually encountered
aloil.g the true path of lengt h R" [19, p. 182]. The
equation for downward oblique vision becomes

B = Ba(O) (1 _ e- uoii) + Bo e-oif, (5)

in which Ba(O) and u 0 are the values of Ba and u cor-
responding to the air near the ground. In the horizontal
case it turns out that Bh is tobe identified with Ba(O) / uo.
A more useful statement of the law may be made in
terms of contrast. If B 0 and B~ are the inherent lumi-
nances of two objects adjacent in the field of view and
BR and B~ their apparent luminances, then defining
contrast in the usual way,
FIG. 1.-Polar diagram of scattering by water droplets, nor- C _ B0 - B~ BR - B_~ (6)
malized at 90. The radii are in log units. The numbers on the o - B~ CR B~
curves refer to val ues of 2>ra/ "A.
we may write two equations such as (5) and simplify
the surprisingly low selectivity shown by very clear to obtain
air such as occasionally permits a visual range of 150
or 200 km. Observations, chiefly in Europe, never (7)
seem to show anything like the inverse fourth power This is completely general. If we confine ourselves to
of the wave lengt h demanded by the theory for pure objects seen against the horizon sky, B'( = Bh) is inde-
gases. As a hypothesis, one may assume the effect of a pendent of distance, and (7) reduces to
comparatively small number of relatively large particles.
The Reduction of Contrast by the Atmosphere
We have not space to expound the theory further in its
The common observation that the more distant an
applications to oblique vision, but it should perhaps be
object, seen in daylight, the greater its luminance, was
pointed out that practica! situations generally require
first reduced to mathematical form in 1924 by Kosch-
information which, at best, has to be estimated.
mieder [29]. The simplest case is that of a black object
Equation (8) has been tested more or less thoroughly
of intrinsic luminance zero seen against a horizon sky
by many workers, and there is no longer any doubt
of luminance Bh. On the assumption of a uniform
about its adequacy. A matter about which there is some
atmosphere having a scattering coefficient bo, and illu-
disagreement, however, is the exact nature of the extinc-
mination by the sun and a uniform (overcast or cloud-
tion coefficient u. In deriving equations similar to (5),
less) sky, Koschmieder showed that such an object
Duntley [19] has made use of a theory originally de-
seen at a distance r will have an apparent luminance
veloped by Schuster [41] which dealt with the distribu-
(2) tion of diffuse radiation in stellar atmospheres. The

extinction coefficient used, which was introduced by it highly probable that these laboratory values will
Duntley, is that pertaining to diffused radiation. The also apply under field conditions, provided that the
present writer believes that this is incorrect. The only factors of attention and search do not enter. Other
portion of the light from an object which goes to form experiments [2, 11] indicate that vision through binocu-
an image of it is that which reaches the eye from the lars follows the same laws, provided that allowance is
direction of the object and it would seem logica! to use made for the reduction of contrast by the optica!
the extinction coefficient for directed light in such a system.
discussion. It seems proba bie that the choice of the other The factors of attention and search remain to be
quantity was conditioned by a desire to explain some investigated, as does the enormously complicated phe-
results of Douglas and Y oung [17] which suggested that nomenon of recognition, which also brings in the question
the value of u determined by the photometry of a of visual acuity, and is a matter worthy of the interest
projector is slightly less than that calculated from of any number of extremely able psychologists.
(8). The author has recently shown [37] that the dis- There ha ve been many investigations of the threshold
crepancy may arise from other causes. It would never- illuminance of lights and its dependence on field lumi-
theless bea comfort to ha ve a long series of simultaneous nance (see [45]). While satisfactory absolute values can
measurements of u by the two methods, especially in be derived from the Tiffany data, "practica!" values
fog. have been sought, with the general result of about 0.2
lumens km- 2 for fixed, achromatic sources on a moonless
The Relevant Properties of the Eye night. If the light is flashing, a somewhat greater
If we are to use equations such as (7) to determine illuminance is required for equal conspicuity, depending
the visual range of objects, it is obvious that we need to
know the least value of contrast that the eye can
appreciate. Similarly, if we are interested in the visual
range of light signals, we need data on the threshold ii)
illuminance E 1 at the eye. This can easily be trans- ~+2
formed into a contrast limen, so that one set of data is iz
really sufficient for both problems. ...
The eye can exist in two states of adaptation, known ..,<>
as the dark-adapted and light-adapted conditions, the o~ +1
transition taking place at a field luminance of about ~
2 X I0- 3 candles m- 2 The reader may be referred to ~
Stiles, Bennett, and Green [45] for a discussion of the ~ o
properties of the eye in the two states and we shall only 9
note here that color vision is restricted to the light-
adapted state.
It has been known for a long time that the threshold
of contrast increases at low values of luminance and for LOG E-
objects of small angular subtense. In meteorology it has FIG. 2.-Threshold of contrast of circular objects, from the
Tiffany data. Each curve refers to the background luminance
become a sort of convention to adopt a value E = marked.
0.02 for ordinary objects in the daytime; but there
is no doubt that this is frequently far from the truth. on the time of the flash; this has been investigated by
During W orld War II a very extensive investigation was various authors (see [45]). Threshold illuminance varies
made at the Louis Comfort Tiffany Foundation, and re- with the color of the point source, and there are some
ported by Blachvell [4]. This report covers 450,000 papers [24, 25, 34] dealing with the recognition of
observations of circular objects ranging from 0.6 to 360 colored lights. The general result of these investigations
minutes of arc in angular diameter, and over a very wide is to show that only red and blue-green are "safe" colors
range of background luminance (5 X IQ-4 to 4 X 102 near their threshold illuminance.
candles m- 2 ); Fig. 2 shows one set of curves interpolated
from some of the results. Note the straight portions of The Calculation of the Visual Range
the curves; over this range of visual angle the product
of the area and the luminance of a stimulus (i.e., its We are now in a position to combine the results of
candlepower) is a constant; this is the range in which the last three sections and calculate the visual range
the signal can be considered a "point source," and of objects or of lights. For either computation we must
values of threshold illuminance may easily be derived know the extinction coefficient u, and in the case of an
from the curves. inclined path of sight we must also know or estimate its
These curves refer to the contrast required for 50 variation in the vertical. W e must know the contrast
per cent probability of detection by an observer using threshold appropriate to the angular size (and probably
both eyes under natural conditions. For almost certain the shape) of the object and to the field luminance; or
detection the values of contrast should be multiplied the threshold illuminance for a light of the charac-
by 2 or at most by 3. teristics concerned, against the existing background.
A recent field investigation by Blackwell [5] makes There is really no fundamental difference between the

two cases, but it is simpler not to think of contrast when Turning now to oblique paths of sight, we have the
dealing with a point source of light. remarkably ingenious theory of Duntley [19] and the
Dealing first with the visual range of an object seen nomograms based on it [20]. The reader is asked to
against the horizon sky, the problem is simply to put consult the two papers concerned, especialiy the first,
the proper values of Co and ~in equation (8) and solve which is far too long to summarize here, and to make up
for r. For a given object, which looks smalier as it his own mind as to the practica! utility of the theory.
becomes more distant, ~ is unfortunately an empirica! It may be that some "operational" research is indi-
function of r. cated.
The standard procedure, used by ali writers until The visual range of lights at night presents a simpler
very recently, is to restrict the problem to "large" problem. The illuminance from a source of I candle-
objects in fuli daylight; that is, to the approximately power at a distance r in an atmosphere of extinction
vertical portions of the curves at the extreme left of coefficient u o is
Fig. 2, so that ~ may be considered constant. Meteoro-
logica! writers have adopted a quantity variously called (11)
the standard visibility [53], Luftlichtweite [32] and, more and the visual range is then given by introducing the
recently, the meteorological range [20], calculated on the threshold iliuminance E 1 :
assumption that ~ = 0.02. Let us call this V m, and
note that if it is referred to a black object (Co = -1) (12)
against the horizon sky, it is just a convenient sub-
stitute for <ro; because if we write (8) A suitable nomogram may easily be constructed for
the solution of (12). If oblique vision is involved, the
(9) problem of measuring or estimating u remains.
and take natural logarithms, we obtain
Instruments for the Measurement of the Visual Range
Vm = 3.912/uo. (10)
Before we can calculate the visual range of any
The "meteorologica! range" is defined as "that distance particular object or light signal, we must ha ve a knowl-
for which the contrast transmittance of the atmosphere edge of u or of V m A large number of different instru-
is two per cent" [20, p. 238]. ments ha ve been designed for the measurement of these
If now we break away from the restrictions of a quantities, some requiring photometric settings on the
"large object" and full daylight, we immediately run part of the observer, others completely objective or even
into the difficulty that equation (8) can be solved only automatic, but none of them seem to be in use at any
by a process of successive approximations. The awk- considerable number of meteorologica! stations.
Wardness of this led the workers at the Tiffany Founda- Nearly ali these instruments fall into four classes:
tion to devise a remarkable series of nomograms [20], (1) devices which measure the transmittance of a
prepared for various levels of field luminance from over- more-or-less extended sample of the atmosphere; (2)
cast starlight to full daylight, from which the visual instruments which measure the reduction of known
range of an object of any area may be read directly if contrasts; (3) instruments \vhich measure the light
its inherent contrast and the meteorologica! range are scattered from a small sample of air at one or many
known. These nomograms were based on the actual angles; and (4) empirica! meters of various types which
Tiffany data referred to previously, and therefore cor- do not measure u directly.
respond to a 50 per cent probability of detection. It Transmittance meters form a fairly numerous class,
is hoped that further nomograms will be forthcoming, which may be divided into two subclasses depending
based on a probability of detection much nearer unity, on whether they are usable only at night or at ali
though the existing ones may be used for many purposes times. Those for use only at night are generally visual
by dividing the inherent contrast of the object by 2 telephotometers and may make use of a distant light,
before entering the nomogram [20, p. 249]. as for instance that of Collier and Taylor [13], or of a
The estimation of the inherent contrast of the object beam of light projected from the instrument and re-
remains a stumbling block, except for the ideal black turned by a distant mirror, as that of Foitzik [22, 23].
object. If we had a grey object of luminance factor For a very excellent discussion of visual telephotom-
{3 standing verticaliy under a sky of uniform luminance eters and their limitations the reader may be referred
Bh, its inherent luminance would be B 0 = Bh{3/2 and to a paper by Collier [12].
its contrast C0 = {3/2 - 1. A white object, for example, A similar duality of optical systems is found in
would have a contrast of - Yz, and this quantity has photoelectric transmittance meters, which are often
been used in a great deal of theory under the mistaken usable throughout the day and night. Those with a
assumption that a densely overcast sky is uniform. distant mirror, represented by that of BEU"gmann [3],
Unfortunately its luminance is about three times as can easily make use of a modulated light beam and a
great at the zenith as at the horizon [39] and it has been tuned amplifier to make them insensitive to daylight,
shown [36] that, for a vertical white object, this results and a null method of measurement to reduce the effect
in values of Co between O and +1, depending on the of fluctuations in the supply voltage. They have the
reflectance of the ground. The complications naturaliy disadvantage of complexity and very high cost. Simple
increase when the sun is shining. photometry of a distant projector [17] is cheaper.

All telephotometers suffer from a serious contraction unfortunate that the framers of the code omitted to
of their scales as the visual range becomes greater. It provide instructions which would tell the unhappy
has also been shown by Middleton [37] that the beam observer how he is to distinguish between a visibility
must be made extremely narrow if very large errors are of 15.6 km and one of 15.8 km. Among the workers in
to be avoided in some kinds of weather. this field it would be difficult to find one optimist who
Telephotometers have been devised which measure would expect even the most elaborate instrument to
the ratio of the luminances of a distant object and the perform such a task.
horizon sky just above it, as for example that of Lohle In the absence of absurd requirements such as the
[31]. Difficulties of eliminating stray light, at least in above, the estimation of "visibility" in the daytime is a
any simple routine of observation, limit the precision fairly satisfactory procedure if a reasonable series of
of such instruments. Somewhat more practica!, particu- suitable marks is available-not necessarily one for
larly with modern photoelectric circuits, is the measure- every distance in the code. It is otherwise at night.
ment of the apparent luminance of a nearby deep black The central difficulty of night observations lies in the
box, specially constructed for the purpose. unknown and variable adaptation level of the observer's
Scattering meters are not numerous. The "polar eye, accentuated by the fact that the observer has
nephelometer" of W aldram [48, 49] which measures the recently come from a brightly lighted room. In the
light scattered by a sample of air in almost any direc- absence of an instrument the observation is often the
tion is an excellent example. The "Loofah" [1] measures merest guess, and a suitable objective meter is greatly
the scattering at 150, which has been found to approxi- to be desired for use at night.
mate a mean value under many conditions, especially W e shall close with a brief remark on the treatment
at sea. AII such meters fail under urban conditions of visibility observations as climatological data. The
because they take no account of absorption. usual procedure is to count the number of occurrences of
Finally there are any number of empirica} instruments each code number, but it has been pointed out by
(Jones [28], Wigand [51] and others) which operate Poulter [40] and by Wright [53] that this gives an
by the addition of "veiling glare" to the distant scene. undue prominence to the greater visual ranges. The
Of these, the type most sound in theory was devised expedients adopted by these two workers to improve
independently by Shallenberger and Little [42] in the the situation are very different. Poulter multiplied each
United States, and by Waldram [50] in England. It is frequency by the reciproca} of the range of distances
called the "disappearance range gauge" by W aldram, embraced by the corresponding code number; Wright
and presents the observer with two images of the hori- calculated what amounts to the mean extinction coeffi-
zon one above the other, Of which the fainter may be cient. Neither of these procedures involves much extra
made to disappear by turning a control. It is at least work and they should be given consideration by the
a valuable aid to visual estimation. climatologists.
In spite of the very large number of instrumentswhich
have been devised, the problem remains open for solu- Possibilities for Progress
tion; and perhaps it is largely an economic problem. It will be evident from what has been set down above
The writer hesitates to predict the advent of a useful that any further progress is likely to be made in the
instrument at such a cost that meteorologica} services direction of experiment rather than theory. Our most
will give it wide distribution. hampering uncertainty concerns the value, or range of
values, of the threshold of contrast actually entering
The Visual Range in Practice into meteorologica} observations of "visibility," and
In the absence of instruments, meteorologica} ob- some serious effort should be made to clear this mat-
servers estimate "the visibility" by observing whatever ter up. The questions of attention and search are also
objects (or lights atnight) maybe availablearound their in this domain of psychophysics, and could be the
stations. It is officially recommended [27] that dark- subjects of an immense amount of work. However, they
colored marks should be used in the daytime, and that are of military rather than meteorologica} interest.
they should be visible againt the horizon sky whenever On the physical side, the elegant researches of Des-
possible; also that they should be of reasonable angular sens should be extended, and the question of the origin
dimensions. The Conference of Directors at Washington of the nuclei needs further expert attention.
There is also a need for new instruments: a simple,
in 1947 also recommended a table [27, p. 118] which
inexpensive one for use at many stations mainly, or
relates the visibility of lights to the daytime visibility
even exclusively, at night; and a more elaborate tele-
code. This table was prepared on the hasis of equations photometer or other such "visibility meter" for impor-
(10) and (12), using three different and highly arbitrary tant stations like aircraft carriers and large airports.
values of Et , "pending the results of further investiga- In order to be of any use at ali, an instrument of the
tion." We shall return to this matter in a moment, but latter sort would have to be very accurate, sensitive,
first we wish to refer to resolution 169 of the same con- and stable.
ference [27, p. 220], which sets forth the "Table for Finally, the applause of all meteorologists and avia-
VV (Visibility)." This table proceeds in steps of 20 tors is certain to greet anyone who devises a really
meters from 20 to 200 m, which is probably useful; but practica} method of measuring the transparency of the
then it continues in steps of 200 m up to 16 km! It is atmosphere as a function of height for at least a few

thousand feet above the ground. This is certainly our 24. HILL, N. E. G., "The Recognition of Coloured Light Sig-
~ading practica! problem in this subject. nals Which Are Near the Limit of Visibility." Proc.
phys. Soc. Lond., 59:56G--574 (1947).
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rect Measurement of Atmospheric Scattering Coefficient. 26. HouaHTON, H. G., and RADFORD, W. H., "On the Measure-
A.R.L. Report A.R.L./R 1/K.904, London, March 1949. ment of Drop Size and Liquid Water Content in Fogs
-2. BARTLEY, S. H., and CRUTE, ELOISE, Final Report on the and Clouds." Pap. phys. Ocean. Meteor. Mass. Inst.
Effects of Binocular Magnification on the Visibility of Tech. Woods Hole ocean. lnstn., Voi. 6, No. 4 (1938).
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Proc. phys. Soc. Lond., 48:675-689 (1936). passagio attraverso alle nubi." Atti Accad. ital., Renrl
53. - - "Atmospheric Opacity: a Study of Visibility Observa- Cl. Sci. fis. mat. nat., 2:42-50 (1940).

Universal Aspects of Atmospheric Electricity by O. H. Gish. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101

Ions in the Atmosphere by G. R. Wait and W. D. Parkinson .... .................................. 120

Precipitation Electricity by Ross Gunn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128

The Lightning Discharge by ]. H. Hagenguth. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136

Instruments and Methods for the Measurement of Atmospheric Electricity

by H. Israel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144

Radioactivity of the Atmosphere by H. Israel .. .................................................. 155

By O. H. GISHl
Lincoln, Nebraska

One becomes aware of weather through sensibility to answer this question have been made since the prob-
to beat or cold, calm or storm, brightness or gloom, but lem was first recognized, about the beginning of this
one's unaided senses do not reveal the ever-present uni- century, but most of the answers have been definitely
versal aspects of atmospheric electricity. Of course one confuted. The chalienge presented by this problem
sees lightning and hears thunder, but these are heralds seemed to some to cali for radical measures. Severa!
of an impetuous, stormy aspect of atmospheric elec- eminent physicists thought that the answer might re-
tricity which is not universal. Lightning is seldom seen quire some modification of basic laws of physics or
in the polar regions and e\en in temperate latitudes it might depend on some physical entity or property that
is seen only a small fraction of the time. The study by had not yet been discovered [1]. These nonclassical sug-
Brooks [8] indicates that on one-fourth of the earth's gestions were made at a time when ali other proposals
surface thunder may be heard on less than one day in seemed inadmissible, but since then some evidence has
a hundred. been found which lends support to the suggestion that
But everywhere on the earth, electric forces in the thunderstorms supply negative electricity to the earth
open atmosphere are readily detec#ble with instru- at a rate which is adequate to maintain the negative
ments. Many measurements made in' most representa- electric charge of the earth and the electric field of the
tive regions of the earth show that (1) during fair atmosphere.
weather the average electric field strength or potential According to this view, each thunderstorm which
gradient is usually more than 100 volts per meter, (2) has developed sufficiently acts as a generator of elec-
the electric potential increases with elevation above the tricity and ali the thunderstorms of the earth, acting as
surface but the field strength, or the potential gradient, generators connected in paraliel between the earth and
decreases, and (3) the direction of the electric field in the high atmosphere, provide the supply current which
fair weather is such that positive ions in the air drift maintains the high atmosphere ata potential of several
towards the earth and negative ions drift away. One hundred kilovolts positive with respect to the earth.
must infer from these observations of the electric field The requirements which this supply current must
that the electric charge on the surface is always negative satisfy will be seen better after the review, which fol-
everywhere on the earth, except in the vicinity of lows, of the chief universal aspects of atmospheric
thunderstorms or where drifting dust or some other electricity, but from what has already been said it will
local charge-generating process temporarily disturbs the be evident that the more general requirements are (1)
normal aspect. the supply current generated in the thunderstorms must
Another fact of fundamental importance is that air, flow upward into the high atmosphere and then spread
in the open, is not a perfect insulator: Although the out and return to earth as a more or less uniformly dis-
electrica! conductivity of air is so small that for most tributed air-earth conduction current, (2) the magni-
practica! affairs it need not be considered, this property tude of the supply current must equal the total current
does play an important role in determining the electric from air to earth in ali fair-weather areas of the earth,
state of the atmosphere. For example, because of this and (3) the variations of the total supply current should
property and the existence of an electric field, an electric correspond to the variations in the total air-earth cur-
current flows from air to earth and the average magni- rent. Whether or not the net electric current which flows
tude of this current, based on numerous measurements, between the earth and thunderstorms meets these re-
is such that 90 per cent of the negative charge on the quirements has not been definitely ascertained because
earth would be neutralized in thirty minutes. Despite the electrica! circumstances under thunderstorms are
so complex that it has not been feasible to make the
this, the charge at the present time doubtless is about
measurements which are needed.
the same as it was one hundred years ago when Sir
The foregoing requirements are clearly indicated by
William Thomson (later Lord Kelvin) made the first extensive measurements of air-earth current density
reliable quantitative measurements of electric field which have been made in representative areas of the
strength. earth, and it is from these measurements that the
How is the negative charge of the earth or the corre- magnitude and characteristics of the supply current
sponding electric field maintained? or, in other words, may now be inferred.
How and where is negative electricity supplied to the Values of the air-earth electric current density i, al-
earth at the rate required to compensate, on the aver- though very smali, have been obtained satisfactorily
age, for the loss by electric conduction? Many attempts at severa! places for a number of years by automatic
registration. The value of i may be obtained either (1)
1. Retired from Department of Terrestrial Magnetism, by a "direct" method [19] in which the current is "col-
Carnegie Institution of Washington. lected" on an insulated plate set flush with the earth 's

surface, or (2) by an indirect method 2 which, involves and Geitel, in search for an answer to that question,
the measurement of three factors: (a) potential gradient discovered that the air over land generally contains
or electric field strength E, (b) the electrica! conductiv- radioactive matter, that most of the important con-
ity of the air attributable to the positive ions A1, and stituents of the earth's crust contain measurable
(c) the conductivity attributable to negative ions 2. amounts of radioactive matter and that the former is
The electric current density then is obtained from the doubtless derived from the latter. Since it had recently
relation been found that radiations from radioactive substances
form ions in the surrounding air, the conductivity of
the air over land, but not of that over the oceans,
The sum (A 1 + A2) = A will here be called the total seemed tobe largely accounted for.
conductivity, or simply conductivity when the latter en- The first clue of the ionizing agent which is active
tails no ambiguity. The technique for making automatic at sea appeared when Elster and Geitel and C. T. R.
registrations of these three factors is now more satis- Wilson in the first years of this century found that air
factory than that for registration by the direct method. from which radioactive matter had been carefully re-
This, and the advantage for analytical purposes of moved continued to be somewhat conductive. These
knowing how the several factors vary, is the reason that observations apparently stimulated a series of investi-
the indirect method has been used in most long series of gations by other physicists, which eventually led to the
registrations. discovery of what are now commonly called cosmic rays.
That these ionizing rays are of extraterrestrial origin
ELECTRICAL CONDUCTIVITY OF AIR was first clearly indicated by observations made by
V. Hess (1911) during ten balloon flights. These obser-
The conduction of electricity in air and other gases vations were verified and extended by W. Kolhorster
became a concrete conception in the last years of the in 1913.
nineteenth century. Coulomb found in 1785 that an Beginning in 1915 many measurements of the cosmic
electrically charged body when exposed in air loses radiation were made on ali oceans during cruises of the
charge ata rate given by the law which bears his name. Carnegie. These showed that the intensity is about the
However, his discovery received little attention until same at sea as at sea level on land. Furthermore, meas-
1887 when W. Linss made measurements, two times urements over the open seas showed that there the
each day for two years, of the proportional rate of radioactive content of air is not more than two per cent
dissipation, or the coefficient of dissipation a, of elec- of that found on the average over land. Other measure-
tricity from a charged body exposed in the open air. ments made ori these cruises showed that the amount of
The coefficient a is defined by Coulomb's law, namely, radium in sea water, far from land, is less than one per
dQ/dt = -aQ, where Q represents the quantity of cent of the amount found in the soil. The results of
electricity on the body and dQ/dt represents the rate these observations strongly corroborated those of Hess
at which charge is lost. These measurements showed and Kolhorster and showed that this radiation is doubt-
that, in present-day terminology, (1) the electrica! con- less of universal distribution and constitutes the pre-
ductivity of air, which is roughly proportional to a, ponderant ionizing agent over the oceans.
varies considerably from time to time, (2) it is greater Furthermore, balloon observations of the several fac-
in summer than in winter, and (3) during the year the tors involved indicate that everywhere in the tropo-
conductivity on the average varies inversely as the sphere and stratosphere, at altitudes greater than one
potential gradient. This inverse relationship is fre- or two kilometers, the air is ionized almost exclusively
quently found. It implies that the electric conduction- by the cosmic radiation. This radiation is, accordingly,
current in fair weather tends to vary less than at least an ali-important factor in determining the character of
one of the two component factors, namely, potential the universal aspects of atmospheric electricity.
gradient and conductivity. But at some places where But this statement does not apply in the region above
the air conductivity is small the air-earth current den- the stratosphere, namely, the ionosphere extending up-
sity is considerably less than normal. ward from an altitude of 60 km. There the electrica!
The conductivity of air was earlier thought to arise conductivity is much greater than would prevail if
from the presence of impurities, such as particles of cosmic radiation were the only ionizing agent. The in-
dust, smoke, fog, or water in its various forms, until J. tense ionization of the ionosphere is attributed to ultra-
Elster and H. Geitel, about 1895, from their numerous violet light and corpuscular radiation from the sun.
measurements of electrica! dissipation, showed the re- Perhaps the comparatively great electrica! conduc-
verse, namely, that air generally conducts electricity tivity in the lower part of the ionosphere plays a part
best when pure and relatively dry. These observations in promptly distributing the supply current from the
were clarified when the conception of gaseous ions was thunderstorms to remote areas over the earth, but this
introduced near the end of the nineteenth century. has not yet been proven. This distribution may occur
But how are ions formed in the open air? Elster at a lower level.
2. Methods of measuring the elements of atmospheric elec- Since, aside from the possibility just mentioned, the
tricity are described in the article in this Compendium by H. ionosphere is presumably not involved in the phe-
Israel entitled "Methods and Instruments for theMeasurement nomena which are usually regarded as belonging in the
of Atmospheric Electricity." category of atmospheric electricity, the interesting elec-

trical properties of that region will not be discussed an insignificant role in the conduction of electricity.
here. This subject is treated in references [1] and [5]. The result of this is that the conductivity is reduced be-
Without the conductivity of the troposphere and cause the terms lcn (equation (2)) which apply for small
stratosphere, which depends chiefly upon the cosmic ions are decreased more than the corresponding terms
radiation, atmospheric electrica! phenomena would un- for large ions are increased.
doubtedly be very different, and the universal distribu- The concentration of small ions n, when equilibrium
tion of the fair-weather electrica! phenomena that are is established between the rate of production and the
now observed would doubtless not occur. rate of destruction, is given approximately by the rela-
At sea level the cosmic radiation forms ions in pairs, tion
one positively the other negatively charged, at a rate,
depending upon magnetic latitude, of 1.5 to 2.0 ion-
q = an2 + {3nN, (3)

pairs per cubic centimeter per second. This is practically where q is the rate of production of small ions (ion-pairs
the complete rate of ion formation over much of the per cubic centimeter per second); n is the concentration
ocean area and doubtless also over land in the polar re- of small ions, either those positively charged or those
gions, but in the lower atmosphere over most land areas negatively charged; N is the concentration of the posi-
the birth rate of ions is several fold greater than this on tively charged, the negatively charged, and the elec-
account of the additional ionization there by radioactive trically neutra! large-ion constituents; a is the coef-
matter. The magnitude of the ionization rate near the ficient of combination for small ions, with a value, at
earth over land is not readily determined and estimates standard temperature and pressure, of about 1.6 X I0- 6 ;
vary between wide limits, but 10 ion-pairs per cubic {3 is a parameter whose value is of the same order as
centimeter per second may perhaps be taken as an ap- that for a, but this value apparently depends upon
proximate representative average value. some factors which are not yet identified. An average of
Despite the greater rate of production of ions, the values for {3 determined from the data of Cruise VII of
electrica! conductivity of the air over land generally the Carnegie is about 2 X I0- 6 [20].
does not exceed that at sea, and at some places, es- In deriving this form of the ionic equilibrium relation,
pecially near large cities, it is much less. For example, which is a simplification of more general relations [15], 3
in the outskirts of Washington, D. C., it is about one- assumptions have been made which restrict its applica-
seventh the value at sea. This apparent paradox was tion. But in many cases where the data used for N are
resolved when it was found that in air which contains the values measured with an Aitken nuclei counter,
certain impurities, the normal small ions are trans- and those for n are the measures of small ion concentra-
formed into large ions which drift more slowly in the tion, this equation seems to be satisfied. The term con-
electric field and thus contribute less to the conductiv- taining N in (3) usually is dominant in the lower at-
ity. These large ions are indeed so very sluggish that if mosphere over land and, especially in the vicinity of
all the small ions were transformed in this way the large cities, the term in n 2 is negligible, but at altitudes
conductivity would be reduced to a very small fraction greater than 1 or 2 km in the free atmosphere, the latter
of the normal value. term apparently is dominant during fair weather. These
The electrica! conductivity of a gas which contains two terms are of about equal importance for the average
ions of various types may be expressed as conditions which prevail in the air near the surface over
the oceans (N about 2000). Thus the equilibrium value
(2) of n is given by n = V q/ a for clean air and by n =
where e is the electronic charge, k is the ionic mobility, q/(f3N) for air that is polluted with many Aitken nuclei.
and n is the concentration of ions of each type. All The magnitude of air conductivity A not only varies
ions are here assumed to carry a single electronic charge. from place to place at sea level but it also varies from
The mobility varies as the inverse of the density of the time to time. The average value of A measured over the
gaseous medium and depends upon several factors in- oceans on Cruise VII of the Carnegie was 2 X I0-4
cluding the character of the ion species, the sign of the stat mho. Values over land are sometimes greater than
ionic charge, and the "size" of the ion. Values ranging those over the oceans, but smaller values are found at
from 0.0003 to 0.0007 cm 2 v-1 sec- 1 for the mobility of most places where measurements have been made.
large ions ha ve been reported, whereas an average value These values for land are so variable that an average
for the small ions in the atmosphere at sea level is has little significance. At Kew Observatory in the
about 1.4 cm 2 v- 1 sec- 1 , but the standard deviation of vicinity of London, A appears to be about one-twelfth
these values is rather large. Measurements made in the the value at sea and the variations are dependent to a
laboratory indicate that the mobility of the negative large extent upon the varying pollution of the air. At
ion in air is about 1.3 times that of the positive ion. the Huancayo Observatory near Huancayo, Peru, lo-
Since in the atmosphere the large ions appear to be cated at an alti tu de of 11,000 ft in a valley between
formed chiefly at the expense of small ions, the air ranges of the Andes mountains, the average A is large-
conductivity is reduced when air is polluted with sub- about three times the average for the oceans-but it is
stances such as some products of combustion, which less than should be expected for a station at that alti-
occur as molecular aggregates with a diameter of the
order of I0- 6 cm. These, upon capturing small ions, be- 3. Consult "lons in the Atmosphere" by G. R. Wait and
come large ions with such low mobility that they play W. D. Parkinson, pp. 120-127 in this Compendium.

tude even if cosmic radiation were the only ionizing The air conductivity near the earth is also affected by
agent. At Huancayo, X undergoes an 80 per cent de- the electric field. During normal weather the concen-
crease in about one hour between 6 and 8 A.M. during tration of negative ions near the surface decreases as
the dry season (Fig. 5). The low value continues during the field strength increases. This occurs because nega-
the daylight hours and is followed by a gradual increase tive ions drift away from the earth when the potential
which begins at about sunset. The abrupt decrease of X gradient is positive (field strength negative) and few,
is accompanied by a corresponding increase in the if any, such ions are supplied to the air from the earth.
count of Aitken nuclei. This effect of the electric field upon air conductivity
Apparently on the days when this occurs a shallow is very pronounced when, as during storms, the field
stratum of very stable air is established at night. The strength is large. Examples are given in Figs. 4 and 6.
nuclei, initially present in the air near the surface, In Fig. 6, beginning at about 14h the negative con-
coalesce and settle out during the night and any radio- ductivity (X2) is negligible during most of the follow-
active matter exhaled from the ground is entrapped. ing hour while the positive conductivity (X1 ) is about
Thus there are two factors which tend to gradually in- normal. But shortly after 15h15m, X2 abruptly returns
crease the conductivity at night. In the morning when to a normal value and at the same time X1 almost van-
the stable air layer breaks up and mixing sets in, nuclei ishes. This condition continues for about fifteen
presumably come down from the higher air and such minutes, then, at 15h30m, X2 again vanishes and X1 re-
radioactive matter as may have been entrapped is dis- turns to a normal value. Six other such alternations
persed throughout a greater depth of air. Measurements occur before the storm ends at about 17h2Qm.
indicate that the rate of ionization in daytime is about Most of the changes of the electric field, which cause
80 per cent of that for nighttime at this station. Ac- these marked changes in conductivity, are not clearly
cordingly, the greater part, about 80 per cent of the seen on the electrogram for potential gradient in Fig.
abrupt decrease of X in the morning, is attributable to a 6. That correspondence is better illustrated in Fig. 4
corresponding increase in the pollution of the air by during the interval Qh to 3h when the electric field, being
substances which can form ions which drift very slowly less intense, was clearly recorded most of the time.
in the earth's electric field. Many of the changes of air conductivity are not ac-
These are examples of the kind of information now companied by noticeable changes in air-earth current
available which seems to justify the statement that density. It is only when the change in conductivity ex-
most of the large changes of air conductivity, not only tends throughout a considerable range of altitude that a
changes with time but also with position, are asso- marked correlation is seen. These cases must be taken
ciated with changes in the purity of the air. into account when one is examining data for the broader
Temperature and pressure, although important fac- universal aspects of atmospheric electricity. For ex-
tors where change of altitude is involved, effect only ample, in estimating the magnitude and the character of
minor changes in air conductivity at sea level. The fact the variations of the supply current from measurements
that the conductivity is greater in summer than in of i, allowance must be made for abnormalities which
winter ata number of places may be attributable partly depend wholly upon local circumstances. The most sig-
to a temperature effect. Calculations indicate, however, nificant of these abnormalities, for areas of fair weather,
that for an annual temperature range of 30C, the cor- depend upon local modifications of the distribution of
responding range of conductivity for pure air would be air conductivity with altitude.
18 per cent of the mean, but the actual range is much Air conductivity depends upon altitude in a com-
greater than this-other factors apparently are in- plicated way. The value at an altitude of 18 km (60,000
volved. ft), during the notable ftight of the balloon Explorer II,
Some observations indicate that the content of radio- was 100 times the average for sea level. The chief factors
active matter in the air over land is greater in summer involved here are (1) the intensity of cosmic radiation
than in winter and the greater conductivity in summer increases with altitude, (2) the rate of ion formation for
is probably in part a consequence of this, but the in- a given ionizing radiation decreases directly as the air
formation about the annual variation of the radioactive density, (3) the mobility of the ions varies inversely
content of air, or about the rate of ion formation q, is at as the air density, (4) the rate of ion destruction in pure
present insufficient for making an appraisal of the quan- air of a given ion concentration decreases with altitude,
titative importance of this factor. One would expect an varying directly with the 7'3 power of pressure (ap-
effect of this kind only in regions where the exhalation proximately) and inversely as the }'3 power of absolute
of radioactive matter from the soil is hindered more temperature, (5) the concentration of radioactive mat-
during the winter season than during summer, owing ter exhaled from the earth over land decreases with
to the prevalence of such conditions as a snow cover, altitude, (6) the pollution of the atmosphere usually de-
frozen damp soil, or unfrozen waterlogged soil. The creases with altitude, and (7) the dependence of {3
chief part of this annual variation of X in the vicinity (equation (3)) upon temperature and pressure doubt-
of large cities is attributable to a corresponding varia- less plays a part of unknown magnitude in determining
tion in the pollution of the air and there is some evidence the variation of X with altitude in the lowest kilometer
that this factor plays a dominant part in effecting the or so.
annual variation of conductivity at most places on land The last three factors apparently are relatively in-
where observations have been made. significant at altitudes greater than one or two kil-

ometers during normal weather but, in the vicinity of calculated from measured values of cosmic radiation and
storms, effects which may be attibuted to these factors of temperature and pressure, the latter two observed
(particularly the last two) were observed by O. H. Gish during the flight. During this flight the conductivity in-
and G. H. Wait at considerably higher altitudes. creased from the surface up to an altitude of 18 km
The rate of ion formation q, when cosmic radiation is (60,000 ft) where it was about 100 times the value at the

the only ionizing agent, depends on factors (1) and (2). surface. In the altitude range 18-22 km, it varied ir-
Values for q as a function of altitude are shown in Fig. 1. regularly but in general decreased with altitude. This
These compu ted values are based on observations of
cosmic radiation reported by Bowen, Millikan, and
Neher and on average data for temperature and pres- 70 f-
-'~"'~ 1.,~ l
sure for each of the two latitudes. The value of q in- 1 "'' B 2 o
creases from a low value at sea level to a maximum at
an altitude of 12 to 13 km. The maximum for the higher 60
h.l ~
latitude is more than two times that for the lower lati- w
tude. ....

"'oz 50 15

28 "'
::r ...J
40 w

.(~ >
...J w
24 w ...J
OMAHA , U.S.A. >
(MAGNETIC LATITUOE 5l"Nl _ w 10 "'
~ w

"' 30


..J 20 w 1 w
~~ - eo"""
> w coocc"''"
w. 16

5 ~
CD 5 1o -t
"' 1
i= o
~ o
..J 8 o 20 40 60 80 100
"' ). IN UNIT S OF 10- 4 ESU
Fw. 2.-Air conductivity, flight of Explorer Il near Rapid
City, South Dakota, November 11 , 1935.

last feature may be attributed to the presence there of

substances (perhaps Aitken nuclei) which served for the
10 20 30 40 50 formation of large ions. This decrease of conductivity
RATE OF I ON FORMATION (ION - PAIRS CM- 3 SEC 1l is in the same region where ozone was simultaneously
FIG. 1.-Rate of ion formation by cosmic radiation for found to be especially abundant. Whether this feature
middle and low latitudes. (From data of Bowen, 11Ulikan, and is universal, whether it is generally associated with
Neher .)
ozone, and whether there are factors in the atmosphere
at yet higher levels which effect a similar diminution
An increase of conductivity with altitude was first of the conductivity are quest ions which ha ve important
shown by measurements of A made on twelve balloon bearing on other than electrica! aspects of the atmos-
flights during the period 1905- 20. Eleven of these phere. Therefore, further investigation of the con-
started in Germany and one in Russia. The maximum ductivity of the high atmosphere is called for. At
altitude at which measurements were made was less present, there is indirect evidence which indicates that
than 6 km except for one in which it was nearly 9 km. this diminution of conductivity at high levels is either
Continuous registration of A up to a maximum alti- not universal or else is rather limited in vertical extent.
tude of 22 km was made during the flight of the strato- The unexplored region to which this statement applies
sphere balloon Explorer II [14). The results for this extends from 22- to about 60-km altitude. Above 60
flight are shown in Fig. 2. The crosses on graph A km the concentration of ions has been determined ata
represent direct measurements of A1, and the circles number of places on t he earth by quantitative studies
represent values derived from direct measurements of of the "reflections" of radio waves. Such observations
A2 by multiplying the latter by 0.78. This factor is the demonstrate that the a ir above that level is extraordi-
ratio of the mobility of positive ions to the mobility of narily conductive.
negative ions. The smooth graph B represents values Other measurements of A up to an altitude of over 14

km (48,000 ft) were roade in 1948 by Gish and Wait limit, not exceeding by as much as 50 per cent the
during ascent or descent for electric sU:rveys over value up to an altitude of 18 km, seems to be indicated
thunderstorms (a joint project of the U. S. Air Force by the extent to which air pollution of local origin-
and the Department of Tetrestrial Magnetism of the say from a city like Washington, D. C.-diminishes the
Carnegie Institution of Washington). These unpub- air-earth conduction current through diminution of air
lished values are on the whole consistent with those conductivity in the lower atmospheric strata.
shown here except that they tend tobe smaller.4 The columnar resistance is apparently 15 to 20 per
The values of A versus altitude, shown in graph B cent greater near the equator than in middle latitudes,
(Fig. 2) were calculated for the case in which the air owing chiefly to a dependence of the vertical distribu-
contains no large ions and the cosmic radiation is the tion of cosmic-radiation intensity upon latitude (Fig. 1).
only ionizing agent. The agreement between these and This is of interest here because it provides an explana-
the measured values is one of the considerations which tion of the tendency, found by S. J. Mauchly, of the
leads to the conclusion that throughout much of the potential gradient measured at sea to be about 17 per
high atmosphere pollution is negligible and cosmic ra- cent less in the equatorial belt than in belts of higher
diation is the chief ion-producing agent. latitude, whereas the air conductivity at the surface was
The relatively large air conductivity at high alti- found to be practically independent of latitude. This
tudes and the increase with altitude are features upon variation of r with latitude is not, however, as large as
which severa! other aspects of atmospheric electricity the variation from place to place on land. Over an
depend. For example, (1) the suggestion that thunder- urban area the value of r may be several times that in
storms are the source of the supply current could not be the relatively pure air over open country.
seriously considered if A were not a rapidly increasing When ali these circumstances are considered, it' seems
function of altitude, and (2) the decrease of electric likely that an average value of ris about 1021 ohms and
field strength with altitude and the character of the that the effective resistance R over ali fair-weather
diurnal variation and that of some of the other varia- areas of the earth is not far from 200 ohms. Here R is
tions of field strength depend on these aspects of A. equivalent to r/S where Sis the area of the earth. It is
For cases in which the electric field strength or the air- assumed here that the total area over which electrica!
earth current, or both, depend upon the over-all effect storms are in progress at a given instant is negligible-
of the conductivity throughout a vertical column of the the data for thunderstorms of the earth collected by
atmosphere, it is convenient to use the concept of elec- C. E. P. Brooks indicate that the total storm area is
tric resistance, rather than electric conductance, of the usually less than 0.0088.
column. The electrical conductivity of air in the ionosphere is
The resistance of a vertical column of the atmosphere of apparently so great that electric fields there must be
1 cm2 cross section and extending from the earth's sur- very small and can be disregarded in this discussion.
face up to a certain height is obtained by integrating the No direct measurements of A have been roade in the
reciproca! of A from the surface up to that height. A ionosphere, but a reliable estima te of the order of magni-
value of "columnar resistance" r, obtained in this way tude is obtained by using the measurements, roade by
from the values of A shown in Fig. 2, is 1021 ohms for a "radio" methods, of the equivalent ion density, to-
column extending from sea level to an altitude of 18 gether with estimates of air density at the corresponding
km. If this is regarded as representative for the whole altitudes. The value for A, estimated in this way for an
earth, the total effective resistance R from the surface altitude of 70 km, near the lower boundary of the
to the 18-km level would be 200 ohms. Most of this ionosphere, is about 107 stat mho cm-1, or the resistiv-
resistance is offered by the lower part of the column~ ity, the reciproca! of conductivity, is less than 10 5 ohm
The highest eight kilometers contribute only five per cm. According to this estimate, the relaxation time,
cent of the total, whereas the lowest two kilometers con- namely 1/(47rA), at this altitude is less than 10-s sec.
tribute 50 per cent. This means that a local concentration of free electric
Estimates of r up to altitudes considerably greater charge cannot persist here for an appreciable time; it
than 18 km, based on observed values of cosmic-radia- would, indeed, be diminished to 0.01 per cent of the
tion intensity and the indicated trend of that radiation initial value in 0.1 f.I.Sec.
at altitudes not yet explored, indicate that the value of Similar circumstances occur in the earth: The re-
r for a column extending up to the ionosphere would not sistivity of most of the material near the earth's surface
exceed by more than 10 per cent that for 18 km, pro- is less than that for air in the lower ionosphere-that of
vided the small ions at those higher levels are not trans- ocean water is less than 100 ohm cm. Even for geologi-
formed into larger, less mobile types, in appreciable cal structures where the highest values of earth-re-
number. Such estimates may at least set a lower limit sistivity (10 6 to 107 ohm cm) have been measured, the
for r between the earth and the ionosphere. An upper relaxation time is of the order of microseconds. In con-
trast to this, the relaxation time for air near sea level is
4. Subsequent to the preparation of this article, results of
generally greater than 400 sec while for air at 18-km
the measurements described above have been published and altitude it is about 4 sec. Because of these circumstances
will be found in "Thunderstorms and the Earth's General it seems permissible to describe the world-wide aspects of
Electrification," by O. H. Gish and G. R. Wait, J. geophys. Res., atmospheric electricity with the aid of a spherical
55:473-484 (1950). condenser model as follows.

The earth and the ionosphere, or possibly the upper only immeasurable effects in R may be expected. Pe-
stratosphere, serve as the inner element and the outer riodic changes in r, such as diurnal variations, are also
element, respectively, of a spherical electrica! condenser. in evidence at some places, but these depend mainly
Because the air between the inner and outer elements is upon local circumstances and apparently do not affect
conductive this condenser has a "leakage" resistance R. R appreciably.
A difference of potential V between the elements is These statements about variations in r are based on
maintained by the supply current. The leakage current information obtained by an indirect method which de-
I is V /R, and for steady conditions this is also the pends upon the assumption that ir = V is the same
magnitude of the supply current. For I = 1800 amp everywhere on the earth at a given instant. If i is
and R = 200 ohms (values based on observations), V measured simultaneously at two places, then according
= 360,000 v. A somewhat lower value of Vis obtained to this condition the ratio of the value of r at one place
from measurements of potential gradient made on bal- to that at the other place is equal to the inverse ratio
loon flights at altitudes ranging from sea level to about of corresponding values of i. The efficacy of this method
10 km (see equation (4)). of analyzing such data also depends upon the circum-
Apparently I and V are the chief variables in this stance that at some places, notably over the oceans, r
relation and of these V is regarded as the independent seems to be much more nearly constant than at some
variable. No appreciable variation in Ris indicated by places on land. This device has been used chiefly for
the data now available. Although the average con- estimating the average diurnal variation of r [21, 22].
ductivity measured on Cruise VII of the Carnegie (mean The results are at least plausible.
epoch, 1929) was only 74 per cent of that for Cruise That the more prominent variations of Xoccur chiefly
VI (mean epoc'h, 1921), the average air-earth current in the lower part of the atmosphere is indicated by the
density did not differ significantly, that for Cruise VII reciproca! relation, frequently found, between X and E
being 107 per cent of the value for Cruise VI. This (electric field strength), namely, XE = i where i is
indicates that I, and consequently V /R, was essentially approximately constant. This indicates that in these
the same for these two epochs. This fact does not neces- cases r is not modified much by the changes in X, and
sarily exclude the possibility that V and R were related that accordingly the vertical extent of the changes in
as dependent and independent variables, respectively, Xand E is relatively small. The height of the air stratum
because if R had increased but the supply current had involved has been estimated in several ways. At Paris a
remained constant, V would have varied directly as R. height of 200 m or less was indicated by the observa-
But there are no grounds for thinking that R varies ap- tion that variations of E near the top of the Eiffel
preciably owing to variation throughout the atmosphere Tower were chiefly of the universal type, whereas at a
in the rate of ionization, the chief factor. The chief nearby ground station the variations were much more
ionizer, the cosmic radiation, seldom varies by more complex. Heights for the region of abnormal conductiv-
than a few per cent of the mean; variations in ampli- ity of the order of one to two kilometers have been
tude as great as 3 to 4 per cent occur infrequently, estimated for other situations, in which r is appreciably
usually during magnetic storms, and last only from a modified.
few hours to a day or two. On only four occasions in Of the features of air conductivity discussed here,
more than a decade have increases of more than 10 those of chief importance for the broader aspects of
per cent of normal (at sea level) been observed [12]. atmospheric electricity are (1) electrica! conductivity of
Perhaps on these occasions a detectible decrease in R air is a universal property, (2) this property increases
occurred. This should be revealed by a simultaneous with altitude and at some altitude, probably less than
increase of X at widely distributed stations and a cor- 60 km above sea level, is so great that at a given instant
responding decrease of E. N o such world-wide changes the electric potential at that level is essentially the same
of X and E have yet been definitely detected, but a everywhere over the earth, and (3) the electrical con-
special examination should be made of the four cases ductance between the earth and the high atmosphere,
just mentioned. or the reciproca! of this, the resistance R, probably is
Apparently the only possible source of world-wide not subject to appreciable variation.
changes in X, amounting to more than a few per cent
and continuing for long periods, is corresponding THE ELECTRIC FIELD OF THE ATMOS-
changes in the pollution of air with nuclei which serve
for the formation of large ions. Even if such extensive Many observations of the electric field in the atmos-
changes do occur near the earth's surface, there would phere have been made during the nearly two hundred
be no comparable change in R unless the change in X years since Franklin made his famous kite experiment
occurs throughout most of the troposphere. A decrease in 1752 and Lemonier, later in that year, first observed
of X from the surface to a considerable altitude appar- an electric field in the atmosphere during clear weather.
ently does occur over limited areas especially in the Before the end of the eighteenth century a number of
vicinity of cities or industrial centers where there is the characteristics of the electric field were correctly
notable pollution of the atmosphere. The extent of this inferred from qualitative observations made chiefly in
is such that the columnar resistance r appears to be Europe. Quantitative measurements of the electric field
increased severalfold but the total area involved is strength carne into vogue after Sir William Thomson
doubtless such a small part of the earth's surface that in 1S60 stressed the need of measurements which could

be compared even though roade by different observers density p does not vary with time and provided convec-
and at different places. tion plays a negligible part in the transport of electricity
During this latter period, measurements have been in the atmosphere. The latter conditions doubtless are
roade on most of the representative areas of the earth, satisfied during most fair weather. The drifting of snow,
including a number of series for the polar regions, many or of dust, however, is accompanied by the generation
widely distributed measurements on the oceans, and and convection of electric charge and although this is a
measurements roade during balloon flights (ali in source of conspicuous modifications of the electric field
Europe). Continuous registration has been used at most near the earth on some occasions, for average fair-
land stations since about 1910 and was also successfully weather conditions the magnitude of electric convec-
employed at sea during Cruise VII of the Carnegie. The tion-current density calculated on the hasis of available
features of the electric field which are clearly shown by data is negligibly small.
these data are as follows for fair-weather conditions. Measurements of both A and E were roade on only a
The electric jield strength Eisregattve; ofthe potential few balloon flights. For these the product AE was not
gradient is positive, wherever and whenever fair weather invariable with altitude, but this result is probably at-
prevails. The exceptions to this are rare and transitory. tributable to a variation of the air-earth conduction
For example, a positive field (negative gradient) is current with either, or both, time and position [10].
registered while a dust whirl passes near the station. The potential gradient of fair weather also decreases
An example of such an effect appears on Fig. 5 between with altitude in the lowermost few meters owing to a
14h40m and 14h50m. Since at the surface of a conductor depletion of the negative ions in this region, the so-
E = -aV jaZ = 47ru, where aV jaZ is the potential called electrode effect. Under the action, of the electric
gradient along the outwardly directed normal and u field, negative ions drift away from the earth and since
is the surface charge density, one concludes that the such ions are not emitted from the earth at an appreci-
charge of the earth in fair-weather areas is negative and able rate, the flux of negative ions, and accordingly the
that the potential of the air increases with altitude. concentration, must vanish at the surface. But for
The potential gradient (or - E) at the surface varies steady conditions, the flux of positive ions from air to
considerably from place to place. The average potential earth is nearly continuous in the lowermost few meters,
gradient at sea during Cruise VII of the Carnegie was and at the air-earth boundary is equal to the total elec-
130 v m-1 At some places on land an average consider- tric flux at higher levels. Two attending conditions are
ably less than 100 v m-1 has been reported, but values (1) positive ions predominate ora positive space charge
larger than that for the oceans are prevalent in densely prevails in air that is contiguous with the earth, and
populated areas: at the Kew Observatory near London (2) the potential gradient decreases with altitude. These
the average value exceeds 300 v m-1 In the polar re- general aspects of the electrode effect may be modified
gions and in open country, far from sources of atmos- or obscured when either or both the electric convection-
pheric pollution, the average is about the same as that current component and the displacement-current com-
for the oceans. Apparently a value of about 130 v m-1 ponent are appreciable, or when the vertical distributjon
is a fairly representative average for the preponderant of air conductivity near the surface is abnormal. The
part of the earth's surface. conclusion that the electrode effect is a universal char-
The potential gradient decreases with altitude. The acteristic of the electric field of the atmosphere depends
measurements of gradient roade on 57 balloon flights, chiefly on the observed fact that AdA2 is usually greater
mostly over central Europe, as summarized by Schweid- than unity in fair weather and that it increases as the
ler [17], satisfy the following empirica! equation: gradient increases.
The temporal variations of potential gradient are usually
av;az = 90 exp ( -3.5z) + 40 exp ( -0.23z), (4) of complex origin, however there are types which may
where aV/ az is expressed in volts per meter for z, the be classified on the hasis of origin, as follows. From the
altitude in kilometers. There is a sharp decrease from several equivalent expressions for air-earth current den-
the surface up to about 1-km altitude followed by a sity, namely +AE and - 1'/r, one obtains the relation
slower decrease. The value at z = 0.5 km is less than
E = -V /(Ar), (5)
half the value at the surface, and at z = 9 km it is less
than 4 per cent of the surface value. The data for alti- which is valid except for the rather unusual condition
tudes less than 1 km are scattered much more about that i is dependent upon altitude, or that the displace-
the general trend than are those for higher altitudes. ment current is appreciable. On this hasis the follow-
This may be due to variable pollution in the air near the ing four types of change in E may be adopted: type
earth, a circumstance that is indicated by other types of (a) in which E is independent of V, A, and r, but A de-
atmospheric electric observations such as the contrast pends upon E; type (b) in which E cx: 1/A, with V and
between measurements of E made on the Eiffel Tower r constant; type (c) for which E cx: 1/r, while both A
and of those made ata neighboring ground station. and V are constant; type (d) in which E cx: V, while A
A decrease of E with altitude, if widespread and of and r are constant. In this discussion E and Aare gener-
the magnitude and character indicated by these data, ally used to denote values observed in air practically
doubtless is attributable chiefly to a corresponding in- contiguous with the earth, V denotes the potential of
crease of air conductivity. For these conditions AE = i the ionosphere (or upper stratosphere) relative to the
is independent of altitude if the electric space-charge earth, and r denotes the columnar resistance-the elec-

trical resistance of a vertical column of air 1 cm2 cross concentration of these nuclei increases rapidly between
section extending from the observation point up to the 6h and 8h in winter (3h to 9h in summer) and as a conse-
ionosphere. quence A decreases; then as convection and turbulence
Variations of the first three types generally are increase during the day, the local contamination de-
marked by local characteristics; many occur at irregular creases somewhat, and A increases; but when the air
intervals but some follow a diurnal or other periodic becomes more stable in the evening, local contamina-
routine, which varies much from place to place. The tion increases and Xdecreases again until checked when,
only thing in common among these variations is that after 2Qh, both the rate of introduction of the nuclei and
usually factors of local origin tend to increase the gra- their concentration decrease. Throughout the daylight
dient during daylight hours more than at night, but hours the columnar resistance r increases to a maximum
the contrasts in the amplitude and character of these at about 19h. This doubtless indicates that the content
variations at different places are remarkable. An ex- of nuclei in the air column has been increasing during
ample of the contrast between periodic local variations this period. A decrease of r which occurs during the
of this sort may be seen by comparing an electrogram night is doubtless the combined effect of (1) decreased
for potential gradient (Fig. 3) obtained at the Watheroo rate of supply, and (2) scattering and other modes of
Magnetic Observatory, Western Australia, with a cor- dissipation of the nuclei.
responding electrogram (Fig. 5) made at the Huancayo Potential gradient variations of type (a) are most
Magnetic Observatory near Huancayo, Peru (observa- prominent during stormy weather. Examples of such
tories established and operated by the Department of effects are exhibited in Figs. 4 and 6. These figures are
Terrestrial Magnetism of the Carnegie Institution of reproductions of unretouched electrograms obtained at
Washington). In the latter electrogram, the gradient at the Watheroo Magnetic Observatory and at the Huan

8 20 o

------------- r----------

0 1 i ' j

VERTICAL SC~C IN UN!TS OF" 1()-.# ESli q f

1 1 f 1 2 1 f 1 'P


Fra. 3.-Electrograms, Watheroo Magnetic Observatory, "quiet" day.

8h3Qm (local time) is about five times the value regis- cayo Magnetic Observatory, respectively. Figures 3-6
tered two hours earlier. In the former, there is a rela- inclusive are samples selected from the thousands of
tively small and gradual increase of gradient, beginning such registrations roade during the years 1922-46 at
at about 8h local time and continuing throughout the Watheroo and 1925-46 at Huancayo. Points for zero
daylight hours. The universal diurnal variation, which gradient are recorded each hour. Ordinates above this
will be discussed !ater, is, of course, present in both line of "zeros" correspond to positive values of gradient.
these cases, but allowance for that would not change the During the 24-hr period of record shown in Fig. 4, three
order of contrast seen here. Analyses of such records periods of rainfall were indicated by the station rain
from these two stations indicate to the author that the gauge. These are indicated at the top of the figure. The
local aspect of the diurnal variation of potential gradi- corresponding storm effects in potential gradient are
ent at Watheroo is largely of type (c) while that for exhibited in the lowest electrogram. Most of these were
Huancayo is chiefly of type (b). of moderate intensity on that day, and varied from
At the Kew Observatory, where the influence of local positive to negative values of gradient.
air pollution is prominent, a semidiurnal variation of During the ten-minute period beginning at 18h1Qm the
gradient of local origin appears with maxima at about gradient was entirely negative and at its greatest in-
Sh and 21 h local time. These apparently are a combina- tensity exceeded 400 v m-1, the limit of registration.
tion of types (b) and (c) with type (b) dominant in the During the period Qh to Qh50m, severa! changes from
morning and type (c) coming into evidence later in the negative to positive gradient occurred. The trace of
day [22]. The latter is an interesting example of a local these may not appear in the reproduction-the changes
influence which may be explained as follows. were rapid and the extreme values exceeded the limits
The introduction into the air in the general vicinity of registration, namely, -400 and 700 v m- 1 But for-
of the observatory of substances which serve as nuclei tunately, in cases where the trace for potential gradient
for the formation of large ions proceeds at an enhanced is not clearly shown, the sign of the gradient can usually
rate during the period 4h to 2Qh. N ear the surface the be ascertained by an examination of the traces for con-

ductivity, because.of the electrode effect previously dis- charge-cloud does not necessarily coincide with a visi-
eussed. A characteristic of that effect is that a low ble cloud. Ten such charge-clouds are indicated by the
value of negative conductivity and a normal value of record for the latter storm. So many alternations of
positive conductivity should accompany a large posi- potential gradient in one series (barring changes which
tive potential gradient, while for a large negative gradi- accompany lightning discharges and which are of too
ent the roles of .positive and negative conductivity short duration to register with the apparatus used here)
should be interchanged. There is abundant evidence as is somewhat unusual. They appear more frequently in
well as a rational hasis for this rule, but such evidence records for the Huancayo station than in any other
is not clearly shown in Figs. 4 and 6 during periods of records .available to the author.
greater activity because the original gradient trace was The suggestion that such a series of changes in gradi-
very dim when rapid changes of gradient occurred and ent may be attributed to a number of charge-clouds
was "off scale" for considerable periods. However, the drifting by in tandem array may be an oversimplifica-
reader doubtless can see evidence of trends of this char- tion. The only model of this sort which could account
acter in these figures. for the abrupt change of sign-within about one minute


AUGUS r 6, I!JJtS AUGUST 7, 19.16

11 8



FIG. 4.-Eiectrograms, Watheroo Magnetic Observatory, with periods of light rain.

With the aid of this rule one can readily see that dur- - and the intense field, continuing for 10- 15 min or
ing the periods when intense electric fields prevail the more between reversals, is one in which the charge-
sign of the gradient varies. The record shown in Fig. 6 clouds are at an elevation which is small compared with
covers two storms in a 24-hr period: one in the interval their lateral dimension, and the array of clouds, charged
20h to 22\ approximately, on March 17, the other be- alternately positive and negative, is closely packed. It
ginning about 14h March 18 and lasting more than three is doubtful whether such a model is compatible with
hours. During the former period, a negative gradient severa! physical conditions which seem to be required
was recorded for more than one hour but an intense posi- to maintain the charge of such clouds. Any further dis-
tive gradient for only 10 min is indicated. During the cussion of phenomena of which t his case is representa-
latter storm an intense positive gradient prevailed dur-
tive should come under the category of the thunder-
ing the first 75 min. This was followed by an intense
negative gradient which continued about 15 min. In storm electric field, a topic which is discussed very
the next hour and three-quarters, eight abrupt reversals briefly in this article.
of sign occurred. Another example of a field change of type (a) is
Such characteristics of potential gradient must be shown on the trace for potential gradient in Fig. 5, just
a ttributed to considerabie masses of electric charge or before 14h50m. This is a characteristic " dust whirl" or
"charge-clouds" in the vicinity of the observatory- a "dust devii" effect. The sign of the field change indi~

J(JLY 6,1rJ.J7 JULY 11,/11.17



FIG. 5.-Electrograms, Huancayo Magnetic Observatory, "quiet" day during dry season.

RAtN!'ALI. IN 11./CH

fROM tflo

MARCH Il, /9.}1 ',4RCH f4 IVJ!

VCRTI~ SCAU IN INTS OI" f0-4 ESU _ w..,_s


~ . 1 1
'\..1-\; '


FIG. 6.-Electrograms, Huancayo Magnetic Observatory, rainy day. (Note: Clearing in morning after 10.5h; early afternoon
March 18, increasing cloudiness, distant rain, and thunder to southwest at 14h.)

cates that the electric charge of the dust in this whirl- Watheroo Magnetic Observatory, are illustrated in Fig.
wind is preponderantly negative. 3. This effect, apparently of type (a), is clearly cor-
The relatively small and rapid variations of electric related with wind strength and wind variability. Pre-
field, which are common during daytime at the sumably the fine sand, prevalent in this semiarid region

of Western Australia, is agitated enough by the wind in Fig. 7. Average values of potential gradient, in volts
to introduce puffs of electric charge into the air near per meter, are there plotted as ordinates against the
the surface. There is some evidence that small varia- hours of the Greenwich day, counting from midnight
tions of conductivity are associated with the field to midnight. The combined results for Cruises IV, V,
changes and the former are doubtless dependent on the and VI are shown separately from those for Cruise VII.
latter. The drifting of snow, like the drifting of sand or The latter, although generally of greater amplitude,
dust, also modifies the electric field, but during the vary in nearly the same manner as the former. lf at-
former, positive charge is introduced into the air. tention is fixed on either of the two lowest graphs, which
A description of field changes of types (a), (b), and represent hourly averages for the year, it is tobe seen
(c) is relevant here chiefly because these phenomena that the gradient is smallest about four hours after
must be recognized for what they are and must be dis- Greenwich midnight and greatest at about 19h. That
tinguished from the universal aspects of the electric this feature varies somewhat throughout the year is
field in order that the latter may be identified. shown by the other graphs which represent different
Changes of type (a), which are prominent during quarters of the year. When these same data are aver-
storms, have importance for the clues they provide aged for hours of the local day, no significant diurnal
variation is disclosed. Thus the change in gradient dur-
CRUISES IV, V , VI - - ing the day does not depend upon daylight and dark-
160 CRUISE VI I - - - - - - - - ness or other factors which vary in a manner directly
related to the elevation of the sun at a given place.
Another way of viewing this universal aspect is as
follows. The negative charge of the earth as a whole in
fair weather is greatest at about I9h GMT and least at
about 4h GMT, and the total air-earth current I varies
in a similar manner. The latter depends partly upon the
fact that over the oceans the diurnal variation of
X is negligible.
This universal variation in potential gradient is also
manifested in the diurnal variation of potential gradient
at most places on land. But factors of local origin there
often introduce component variations which may pre-
ponderate, especially in or near centers of population
where the conductivity of the air is affected by atmos-
pheric pollution. The concentration of these impurities
is, of course, dependent not only on the rate at which
they are supplied to the atmosphere buton the strength
and direction of the wind, on rain, or on other processes
which scatter these substances or carry them to or from
the place at which the electrica! features are considered.
3 ' 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 Variations of the content of radioactive matter in the
GM T air over land also result in variations of the concentra-
FIG. 7 .- Diurnal variation of potential gradient on the tion of the small ions, upon which the conductivity of
oceans, Carnegie Cruises IV, . V, and VI, 1915-21 and Cruise the air chiefly depends. Over land the air conductivity
VII, 1928- 29. and the gradient may, therefore, be expected to vary
during the day in a manner and to an extent which is
concerning the electrica! constitution of storms, but often dependent upon a complex and variable set of
changes of types (b) and (c) are of minor interest as local circumstances.
geophysical phenomena, especially when they depend The average potential gradient of fair weather, the
upon the activiti~s of man. universal diurnal variation of gradient, and doubtless
The discovery of the universal diurnal variation of some other temporal variations are of type (d), that is,
potential gradient was delayed because most of the at- they depend directly upon V, which, in turn, is pre-
mospheric electric observations, prior to about the year sumably dependent upon the supply cunent.
1915, were roade near cities or at other places where The universal aspects of the electric field of the atmos-
field changes of types (a), (b), and (c) are prevalent. phere which are of chief importance may be sum-
This feature, first noted by Mauchly in 1921 [6], has marized briefly as follows: (1) the electric potential
great importance for the subject. His analysis of the gradient in the atmosphere during fair weather is posi-
data for potential gradient over the oceans, obtained tive everywhere on the earth and the average value is
on Cruises IV, V, and VI of the magnetic survey yacht, about 130 v m- 1 ; (2) the value near the equator is about
Carnegie, showed that the diurnal variation of the gra- 80 per cent of the value at higher latitudes; (3) the
dient at sea proceeds according to universal time, not gradient decreases with altitude in free air, rapidly in
according to local time. the first kilometer, then more slowly, till at an altitude
This is illustrated by the results which are exhibited of 10 km it is about 5 per cent of its value at the sur-

face; (4) the gradient at the surface varies during the 1800 amp. The error in this estimate is probably not
day according to a universal routine with a minimum greater than 10 per cent. The diurnal and possible an-
at 4h GMT and a maximum at 19h GMT and a diurnal nual variation of 1 are of the same character and rela-
range equal to 35 per cent of the daily mean; (5) the tive magnitude as the corresponding characteristics of
character and amplitude of this universal diurnal varia- the average for i. This total current from air to earth
tion and also the daily mean apparently vary during the must have a counterpart which "completes the cir-
year. Exceptions to the last two statements are con- cuit." The term "supply current" is used here to denote
spicuous at some times and places, but on a world- this counterpart, an elemental universal feature of at-
wide view the exceptions are presumably insignificant. mospheric electricity. Where and how is the supply
current generated? The answer to that question has
THE AIR-EARTH CURRENT been sought during the last fifty years. The stattis of
The electric current which flows from air to earth in that search at the present time is discussed in the fol-
fair-weather areas is predominantly an electric con- lowing section.
duction current. Although it is conceivable that electric
convection, as in the case of charged rain falling to THE SUPPLY CURRENT AND THUNDERSTORMS
earth, or electric displacement which depends upon the Many proposals have been made to account for the
rate of change of electric field strength, may sometimes fair-weather aspects of atmospheric electricity. Most
play a part in determining the electric current density of these were soon found tobe untenable. The one sur-
between air and earth, yet estimates of the magnitude viving proposal which may give the answer as to where
of the effects of these factors indicate that in fair the supply current is generated is credited to C. T. R.
weather they are usually small and of such character Wilson. This is the suggestion that the supply current
that they need not be considered in this brief review of is generated in thunderstorms. If this is the case, the
the phenomena of atmospheric electricity. This is cor- answer as to how it is generated doubtless must await
roborated by severa! tests in which values of i deter- the development of an acceptable theory for the genera-
mined by the direct method were found to be about the tion of electric charge in thunderstorms. This section is
same as those determined at the same place and time by devoted to an appraisal of Wilson's suggestion.
the indirect method. The air-earth current density i is, The universal aspects of atmospheric electricity which
therefore, essentially equal to AE, and the description should be recalled in this connection are, expressed in
of it is implied in the foregoing discussions of A and E. terms of the more comprehensive element 1, as follows:
The average values of i derived from measurements (1) the yearly average of the total current 1 from air
over the oceans on cruises of the Carnegie are, in the to earth in fair-weather areas seems to be nearly con-
opinion of the author, fairly representative for the earth stant ata value of about 1800 amp; (2) the daily mean
as a whole. The bases for this opinion are largely as of 1 probably varies during the year, being greater in
follows: (1) the geographical distribution of these meas- the six months from N ovember to April than in the rest
urements is much more extensive than that for ali other of the year; (3) the diurnal variation of I is such that on
data, and (2) the data are much freer from large and the average during the year the maximum occurs at
persistent local effects than those for most land sta- about 19h GMT and the minimum at about 4h GMT;
tions. It should be noted, however, that for some land (4) the character and range of this diurnal variation
stations far from centers of human activity, and notably vary during the year.
for those in the polar regions, the data are relatively The magnitude of the supply current and the charac-
free from such local effects and have about the same ter of its annual and diurnal variations must be the
characteristics as those for the oceans. It is on this same as those listed here for 1. Near the earth the
hasis that the following statements rest. The average supply current must flow upward, from earth to air,
value of i derived from measurements of A and E at sea (opposite to that for I) but at some undetermined alti-
is about I0- 6 stat amp cm-2 There is no clear evidence tude, probably in the high stratosphere and below the
of any trend toward either a higher or a lower value in ionosphere, the vertical component vanishes and the
the 15-yr period, 1915-29, to which these data apply. current is dispersed laterally. Then it returns to earth
But there is an indication that near the equator i is as an air-earth conduction current which is nearly uni-
somewhat less than at higher latitudes [20]. formly distributed over the earth. The circuit is com-
The annual and the diurnal variation of i at sea have pleted through the earth to the source, or sources, of
about the same character and relative magnitude as the the supply current, which may be located in thunder-
potential gradient because only a small diurnal varia- storms. The fact that the air conductivity increases
tion of A is indicated by the observations and the latter with altitude and has relatively large values at high
is probably a local time effect. Also there is no definite altitudes seems to be of vital importance for the exist-
evidence of an annual variation of A at sea. ence of such an electric circuit.
The total electric current 1 from air to earth for ali The first evidence in fa vor of Wilson's suggestion that
fair-weather areas is i multiplied by the area of the the supply current is generated in thunderstorms was
earth. That the error incurred by neglecting here the obtained in an analysis, made by Whipple [22], of the
area of thunderstorms is less than one per cent may be thunderstorm data for the world, assembled by Brooks
inferred from the data assembled by Brooks [8]. [8]. That investigation indicates that thunderstorm ac-
The mean value of I obtained in this way is about tivity, for the earth as a whole, varies during the Green-

wich day in the same manner as does the air-earth cur- required measurements at Cambridge, England, which
rent of fair weather. This evidence is exhibited in Fig. 8, he used together with data obtained elsewhere by other
where the ordinates represent the area over which land observers to draw up a balance sheet of the quantity
thunderstorms are in progress at the time of the Green- of electricity lost and gained by 1 km 2 in a year.
wich day denoted by the abscissae. By comparing this Wormel's balance sheet is as follows:
graph with either of the lowest graphs for potential Xegative charge gained Coulombs km- 2 yc'
gradient in Fig. 7, a remarkable similarity will be noted. 1. By natural point discharge 100
Whipple also concludes that the character of the diurnal 2. By lightning discharge 20
Total negative charge gained 120
variation changes during the year in about the same Positive charge gained
manner for the two phenomena. This result indicates 3. By atmospheric conduction 60
4. B~ precipitation 20
that if the net current generated in the representative Total positive charge gained 80
thunderstorm is directed upward from the earth to the Xet gain, negative charge 40
high atmosphere, and if the total current from all
storms is great enough (average 1800 amp), the supply Although it is interesting to see what comes from an
current would satisfy the requirements listed above. It attempt to strike such a balance it may not have much
is surprising, in view of the character of the da ta and significance for the problem at hand. Item 3 is the best-
their scantiness for large areas of the earth, that this determined one, but W ormel uses the small value ob-
result could be obtained. Whipple apparently used tained at a few places in England whereas the electric
satisfactory methods in his analysis. Maybe this result surveys of the Department of Terrestrial Magnetism,
indicates that thunderstorms over the oceans and in Carnegie Institution of Washington, indicate a value
sparsely settled regions of the earth do not contribute almost twice this for representative areas of the earth.
much to the supply current. The interpretation of the data from which Item 1 was

obtained may be questioned and, furthermore, it cer-
"'~ 120
tainly is much too large for vast areas of the earth-
<t j--.._ r--- especially the oceans and the polar regions. In addition
Q, 100 to questioning whether Items 2 and 4 are representative
<! 80
/1i '\ it should be noted that uncertain elements enter into
0:: /
J.-.--'1 ~ their estimation. This approach to the problem seemed
<! 60 so difficult that another way was sought.
~ 40
~ t-- V Surveys of the electric current density over the tops
of thunderheads seemed to the author to be feasible
ffi 20
1 when in 1946 pressurized aircraft became available for
z use in scientific projects. Owing to the absence of pre-
:::> o cipitation and the rarity of lightning in the clear air
;:: o 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
GREENWICH MERIDIAN TIME above a thunderhead, electric circumstances there are
FIG. 8.-Diurnal variation in prevalence of thunderstorms. simpler than beneath the storm. This was the hasis for
The ordinate is the estimate of the average area of land- expecting that the transfer of electricity in the air above
thunderstorms in progress on the whole earth. (Ajter F. J. W.
Whipple and F. J. Scrase.) the storm occurs chiefly by electric conduction and that,
as a consequence, measurements of the vertical com-
Other methods should be used to check Whipple's ponent of the electric current density made at short
results. It seems that it may be practicable now by the intervals (2 sec) on a number of traverses over a
use of suitably designed atmospheric recorders ata com- storm would constitute an adequate hasis for estimating
paratively small number of well-distributed stations to the magnitude and direction of the total current from
make a complete "sweep" of the earth and with satis- a storm. Surveys of this sort were made in 1947 and
factory registration for one year to obtain the required 1948, as a joint project of the Department of Terrestrial
data. From such data one would hope to derive a Magnetism, Carnegie Institution, and the U. S. Air
record of lightning frequency as a function of Green- Force. A technical report is being prepared by O. H.
wich time which may be more suitable information for Gish and G. R. Wait. 5
this purpose than records of thunderstorm occurrence. Successful surveys of twenty-four storms were made.
Although Whipple's results seem to show that if In these storms the current was directed upward, that
thunderstorms are the seat of the supply current, the is, positive charge was transferred upward. This is
diurnal and annual variation of that current would each favorable to Wilson's suggestion. The magnitude of the
be of the right type, it is yet to be ascertained whether current ranged from zero to 6.5 amp. The average cur-
the thunderstorms do contribute a current of the right rent for all storms was 0.6 amp, and that for ali except
sign and magnitude to the circuit previously described. the one unusually large value, was 0.3 amp.
In principle this may be ascertained either by making Is an average current per thunderstorm cell of 0.3 to
measurements of the required elements at the earth's 0.6 amp adequate to satisfy the requirement that the
surface beneath storms or by making the proper survey total supply current be 1800 amp? It would be, if the
over the top. 5. See "Thunderstorms and the Earth's General Electrifica-
No adequate survey beneath a thunderstorm has ever tion," by O. H. Gish and G. R. Wait, J. geophys. Res. 55: 473-
been made. However, T. W. Wormel made part of the 484 (1950).

average number of thunderstorm cells or centers of cause of this circumstance the discussion which follows
electric activity in progress on the earth were between is limited to an outline of important aspects of the
3000 to 6000. This is severa! times Brooks' estimate of theories which have been proposed, the chief electrica!
1800. The latter estimate is, however, not applicable features which must be accounted for, and some other
here for the following reasons. The data used by Brooks conditions which must be satisfied.
consisted of reports of thunde~11;ys-days on which The electrica! cycle of a thunderstorm may be re-
thunder was heard-and there is no indication that he garded as consisting of the following parts: (1) an initial
took into account the fact that at some places two, and separation of charge, a small-scale phenomenon in which
occasionally more, visually distinct thunderstorms oc- some particles of precipitation become charged with
cur within hearing distance of a station on the same electricity of one sign and the adjacent air, or some of
day. Neither was it considered that in a given thunder- the smaller particles, becomes charged with the other
storm there are sometimes severa! well-separated cen- sign, (2) a large-scale separation of charge, possibly
ters of electrica! activity in progress simultaneously. occurring in severa! steps, by which large charge-clouds
These considerations indicate that a world population of severa! cubic kilometers in volume are formed at
of between 3000 and 6000 centers of electrica! activity more or less definite levels in the thundercloud, (3) the
may be admissible, and, that the answer to the fore- initiation of discharge from a cloud, namely, the mo-
going question is "Probably, yes." bilization of the charges residing on particles widely dis-
This provisional answer is, however, subject to an- tributed throughout the charge-cloud, thus preparing for
other condition, namely, that the values for total cur- the succeeding steps which constitute (4) the lightning
rent obtained from these surveys may be too large discharge.
because part of the current, represented by the measure- The last of these, the lightning discharge, has been
ments, may flow in a local circuit either to the lower comparatively well elucidated in recent years. It is the
pole of the cloud or to bound charge on the earth in the subject of a separate article in this Compendium6 and
vicinity of the storm. An adequate evaluation of this will not be discussed here.
effect has not yet been completed. Until this is done Knowledge regarding the other steps, however, is in
and until a more reliable estimate can be made of the an unsatisfactory state. More factual evidence is re-
world population of centers of electric activity, one can quired before theories of these aspects of the electric
say only that the available evidence is favorable for the cycle of the thunderstorm can be securely established.
view that the supply current is generated in the The initiation of a lightning discharge-the getting
thunderstorms, but much more investigation is re- together of the charges which are widely distributed on
quired in order to reach a definite and reliable conclu- ice particles or raindrops or both-although one of the
sion. This theory has at the present time no serious unexplained aspects of the thunderstorm has little rele-
rival. N o other theory known to the author has the vance to the development of the charge-cloud, and will
potentiality of accounting for the universal, diurnal, be dismissed with the statement that the glow dis-
and annual variation of l. charge, which starts at the surface of charged particles,
An interesting corollary of this theory is that if the is presumably involved. When the glow discharge
supply current originates in thunderstorms, the uni- spreads throughout a sufficient volume of the charge-
versal, diurnal, and other variations may be regarded cloud, the discrete charges on the particles are mobil-
as a measure of the thunderstorm activity of the whole ized for the lightning discharge. However, there is little
earth. It accordingly seems likely that the record of i direct evidence to support this surmise.
at a station where local disturbances are small would The electric structure of the thunderstorm is often so
constitute an approximate record of the thunderstorm complex that exact descriptions, such as could be made
activity of the earth, showing how it varies from day to with the aid of general harmonic analysis when ade-
day and perhaps even from hour to hour. Small local quate data are available, have not been undertaken.
effects are more likely to obscure the latter than the One might say, however, that in the classical work of
former. Such effects could, however, doubtless be largely C. T. R. Wilson a fair estimate of the principal moment
eliminated from the data if i were registered at a was obtained. An advance beyond this was realized in
moderate number of suitably selected stations. Such the work of Workman, Holzer, and associates [23]. The
records might be valuable in the study of some prob- results of these and other investiga tors are in fair agree-
lems of world meteorology. For example, they might ment on the gross aspects of the electric charge-clouds.
provide answers to questions such as, Does world These and some other features which bear on the later
thunderstorm activity vary from year to year and is it discussion are listed here.
correlated with sunspot activity? The data now avail- 1. There are two principal charge-clouds in the typi-
able for i apparently point toward a negative answer cal thunderstorm. The positive cloud is usually located
to these questions. at an altitude greater than that of the negative cloud.
How is the supply current generated? How are the An altitude of 6 to 7 km for the former and of 3 to 4
electric charge-clouds of thunderstorms developed? km for the latter has been estimated.
These are two questions which doubtless have a single 2. Charge-clouds tend tobe cumuliform rather than
answer, provided that the supply current is generated stratiform.
in thunderstorms. In the author's opinion, no adequate 6. Consult "The Lightning Discharge" by J. H. Hagenguth,
answer to these questions has yet been published. Be- pp. 136-143.

3. The size of a charge-cloud which has developed to tion of the principal charge-clouds. Although there are
the stage where lightning of average intensity may oc- reasons for thinking that pellets or crystals of ice may
cur is comparable to that of a sphere of at least 1-km also capture ions in this way, this requires more in-
diameter and probably is severa! times that dimension. vestigation if the ion-capture process is to be considered
For a cloud of smaller size, having a charge of 20 active in the region of sub-zero (centigrade) tempera-
coulombs, the dielectric strength would be exceeded in ture where the principal charge-clouds are found. This
air containing water drops, ice pellets, or crystals. ion-capture process requires that a relatively large con-
4. The region of primary electrica! activity (loca- centration of ions, preferably of low mobility, obtains
tion uncertain) where the initial charge separation and in the electrically active part of a storm cloud. Such a
the large-scale separation occur jointly, doubtless has a condition has not yet been observed, except as a local
cross section less than that of the charge-clouds. phenomenon of relatively rare occurrence, namely at
5. The average cloud charge developed between times when glow or brush discharge (St. Elmo's fire)
lightning flashes is 20 to 30 coulombs. occurs. Unless there is some potent source of such ions
6. The average rate of regeneration for charge-clouds, other than the glow or spark discharge, Wilson's ion-
after lightning discharges, is about 4 amp but values as ca pture process can act only in a secondary role after
great as 20 amp are sometimes indicated. In regenera- fields capable of initiating glow discharge have been
tion the charge approaches an equilibrium value in developed by another mechanism.
approximately an exponential manner. One may ac- The collision of ice particles has been suggested as a
cordingly speak of a relaxation time. An average value process for the initial charge separation. Charge de-
of the latter is about 5 sec. The relatively small depar- veloped by drifting snow (positive in the air) is more
ture of individual values from this average seems to conspicuous than that for splashing rain but it is doubt-
have some significance. ful whether this process is effective in the atmosphere
7. N o convincing evidence has been found of ab- remote from the earth's surface.
normally large electrica! conductivity of the air above Evaporation, condensation, and sublimation acting
thunderclouds or under thunderclouds at the earth's singly or in combination have been assumed as primary
surface. processes [11, 16]. Findeisen's experiments [11] indi-
These items will be referred to by number in later cated that these processes are much less effective than
paragraphs. is the process which is involved in the formation of sleet
The initial separation of charge has been attributed to (Vergraupelung). Dinger and Gunn [9] found an effect
various processes: The disruption of drops of pure water associated with the freezing of water and the melting of
will effect a separation of electric charge with positive ice. Gunn [16] also assumed that a raindrop is essen-
charge on the drops and negative charge in the air (a tially a concentration cell, and he indicated how it may
few thousandths of one per cent of some salts as an acquire a net negative charge during condensation and
impurity annuls this effect). G. C. Simpson developed a net positive charge during evaporation. Frenkel [13]
a theory which depended on this process. This theory developed a theory in which the electrokinetic potential
was in vogue for more than a decade, but it became of a raindrop, or cloud droplet, was proposed as the
untenable when it was found that the positive charge- hasis for the initial separation of charge. The funda-
cloud is usually above the negative cloud. mental element of this theory is similar to that of
Ion-capture is the fundamental process in a theory Gunn's theory.
developed by C. T. R. Wilson. This process may be A very active process of charge separation was dis-
illustrated as follows. A water drop located in the nor- covered by W orkman and Reynolds [24]. This occurs
mal electric field will have a positive charge induced on during orderly freezing of water in which very small
its lower surface and a negative charge on its upper quantities of certain salts are dissolved. The effective-
surface. If the atmosphere contains ions (large ions as- ness and the direction of the process depend upon the
sumed by Wilson), the positive ions will drift downward concentration and nature of the solute. In most solu-
and the negative ions upward both with a velocity tions for which a pronounced effect was reported, nega-
much less than that of the falling drop. The negative tive ions are captured by the ice. A prominent exception
ions will be attracted by the positive charge on the to this was found in solutions of the ammonium salts
bottom of the drop and those located in or near the for which the solid phase acquires a positive charge.
path of the drop will be captured. The positive ions, The charge developed by this process in the freezing
however, will be repelled by the charge on the bot tom of one cubic centimeter of water is extraordinarily large
of the drop and escape capture because when such an for a number of solutions which were examined. For
ion is in position to be attracted by the negative charge solutions of N aCl the greatest effect was for an 0.83
on the top of the drop, that attraction is not great X I0-4 normal concentration. This gave a charge of
enough to effect a capture. In this way larger drops may 9.2 X 104 stat coulombs from the freezing of one cubic
acquire a net negative charge. The larger drops with centimeter of solution. The solid phase acquired a nega-
their negative charge will accumulate in the lower part tive and the liquid phase a positive charge. The largest
of the thundercloud while positive charge, without in- value reported was for a CsF solution of 11.1 X 10-4
volving the ion-capture process, will accumulate at a normal concentration. This is 44 X 104 stat coulombs
higher level. This is a favorable aspect of Wilson's cm-3 These values are of a much greater order of mag-
theory, since it is in accord with the observed orienta- nitude than the largest value reported by Lenard and

associates for the violent disruption of a water drop, the or particles of precipitation, tend to have an electric
Jatter being about 2 stat coulombs for each cubic centi- charge of sign opposite to that of very small particles or
meter of water that is involved. Perhaps the results re- of air ions, and (2) that, principally under the action of
ported by Findeisen and by Dinger and Gunn are in gravity, large particles fali away from the small ones at
part attributable to the orderly freezing of wate:. a velocity v which is equal to the difference in the ter-
Other investigations of Workman and Reynolds indi- minal velocities.
cate that cloud droplets may contain solutes of the Although there are no obvious alternatives to these
right type and in suitable concentration for this process postulates, there seems tobe some ground for doubting
to occur in the atmosphere. Favorable results were also whether the second is acceptable. This is illustrated in
obtained in an experiment designed to imitate the the following paragraph.
growth of hai!. Let p denote the total net charge on the large par-
The advantage which derives from the relatively ticles in a cubic centimeter of air; v, the average velocity
large amount of electric charge separated in the orderly of these particles relative to the smaller ones; and A,
freezing of suitable solutions may be illustrated by the the cross-sectional area, normal to the direction of v, of
following simple calculation. If the amount of charge the region of charge separation. The total current I'
separated in the formation of one gram of hai! or sleet from large-scale separation then is I' = pvA. N ow in
is 104 stat coulombs (about 2 per cent of the largest order that the value of I' may be 4 amp, pvA must
value reported), then in order that the rate of charge equal 1.2 X 10 10 stat amp. The space charge p is
regeneration of a charge-cloud be 4 amp, or 1.2 X 10 10 limited by severa! circumstances. One which is amenable
stat amp (Item 6, of the foregoing list), it is necessary to simple treatment is that for no considerable propor-
that at least 1.2 X 106 g (about one short ton) of hai! be tion of the drops or particles shall the charge q of each
formed each second in the region of primary electrical drop of radius r be greater than 100r2 Larger values
activity. In contrast to this, the mass of water drops lead to electrica! discharge. If there are n drops in each
that would have tobe violently disrupted each second, cubic centimeter, ali of the same size and same charge,
if the breaking-drop process were the basic factor, the maximum admissible space charge is p.., ~ 100nr2
would be at least 6 X 109 g or more than 6500 short The mass of drops m in 1 cm 3 of air is also limited,
tons. This apparently shows that the breaking-drop and in terms of this m, the foregoing expression for the
process is not adequately active, but that generation of upper limit of p may be written Pm ~ 300m/ (47rr).
charge by orderly freezing may be sufficiently active Now vis an increasing function of r, but in such a way
provided that, among other conditions already indi- that PmV decreases with an increase of r if m is constant.
cated, hail is always a large constituent of the hydro- For a very large value of m, namely, 5 X IQ- 6 g cm-3 ,
meteors in a typical thunderstorm. PmV is 0.25 for hailstones having a diameter of 3 cm,
N one of the other primary processes so far proposed and is 1.1 for droplets of 0.4-mm diameter. If the inter-
has yet been shown to have the generating capacity re- mediate value 0.5 for PmV is used, one finds that A ;;;
quired. Acceptance or rejection of either Gunn's or 2.4 km 2 Such a value for A is of satisfactory magnitude,
Frenkel's theory depends on whether or not the re- but in view of the assumptions made here this estimate
laxation time of the process is adequate, that is whether is doubtless much smaller than is actually required. It
1/(47rX) in the region of primary activity, is, on the seems unlikely that in nature a large proportion of the
average, about 5 sec (Item 6). This is equivalent to precipitation particles are highly charged at a given
saying that these theories are not acceptable unless the time, and it is also doubtful whether such a Iarge con-
air conductivity in the region of primary activity is at centration of water, in either the liquid or the solid
least ten times that for normal air at an altitude of 5 phase, occurs in a typical thunderstorm. The effect of
km. At present it seems unlikely to the author that this the electric field, which tends to reduce v, especially if
condition is satisfied, but since this opinion is based the particles are small, is also not considered here. Be-
chiefty on indirect evidence, more direct exploration in cause of these and other considerations it seems evident
the future may bring forth evidence which contradicts that the value required for A is much larger than 2 or
this view. 3 km 2 But if this conclusion is correct, that would en-
The ion-capture process which is elemental in C. T. tail the difficulty of accounting for the size, structure,
R. Wilson's theory also postulates that a relatively high and orientation of the charge-clouds-features which
concentration of ions prevails in the region of primary are, at least roughly, indicated by measurements of the
activity, where the initial separation of charge occurs. electric field above thunderclouds, within them, and
Since these ions are assumed to have a very small mo- below them at the earth's surface.
bility, it seems likely that the air conductivity would be The object of the foregoing statement is to indicate
abnormally small in some parts of the cloud. This postu- how unsatisfactory is the present status of theories re-
late cannot be definitely refuted by evidence now avail- garding the large-scale separation of charge in thunder-
able. storms. N o theory is yet secure if settling under the
The large-scale separation of charge which follows action of gravity is assumed tobe essential in the large-
the initial step in charge generation must also proceed scale separation of charge. If observations eventually
at the rate of 4 amp for each typical center of electrica! show that the concentration of water in the typical
activity. In ali theories mentioned in this article it is thunderstorm is considerably greater than 5 g m-3, at
postulated (1) that after the initial step the larger drops, least in the region of primary electrica! activity, this

difficulty might be removed. But it may be that some the other storms to form a world-wide ocean of electric
force other than gravity effects the separation of the effiuvium. From this ocean a much more tenuous but
larger from the smaller charged particles. A combina- nearly uniform electric flux could be seen to proceed
tiau of centrifugal action and straight wind has been downward to the earth everywhere except in and about
suggested, but it is not yet evident that the wind struc- electric storms. The circuit continues through the earth
ture of the thundercloud is suitable for this. and back to the storm centers. The density of this
This discussion of selected electric features of universal flux from air to earth would be seen to vary
thunderstorms and of theories which have been pro- during the day, from day to day, and during the year,
posed to account for those features was designed to in about the same manner as does the corresponding
show that at the present time there are only a few clues count of storms. But apparently it varies little, if at ali,
as to how the charge-clouds are developed. One of these from year to year.
is the recent discovery that the orderly freezing of very This is an impressionistic sketch of the broad prospect
dilute solutions of certain salts is a very effective process of atmospheric electricity as it is seen by the author in
for the initial step in the generation of electric charge. the light of evidence now available.
The potency of this process is such that if conditions in
the thunderstorm are favorable, the charge on the pre- OUTSTANDING PROBLEMS
cipitation particles may be maintained at a value so In the broadest sense there are two main problems in
near the maximum, limited by electric breakdown, that the field of atmospheric electricity:
the prospects of accounting for the large-scale separa- 1. To locate the source of those universal aspects
tiau of charge will be improved. More observations of which are epitomized in the concept, supply current.
electrica! and other conditions, especially within 2. To elucidate the mechanism which generates the
thunderstorms, and more carefully controlled specula- supply current. If, as now seems likely, the supply cur-
tiau are required to find the answer to the question, How rent is generated in thunderstorms, the last-mentioned
are the charge-clouds in thunderstorms developed? problem and that posed by the electric aspects of the
Until the foregoing question is answered, the added thunderstorm have much in common.
question, How is the supply current generated? will It is of course necessary to have an adequate quanti-
probably also remain unanswered. This statement de- tative description of the phenomena before the rationale
pends upon the fact that with the evidence now at hand of the subject is developed. In this respect there are
one may entertain the view that the supply current is many minor and some major inadequacies. Some of the
generated in the thunderstorms of the earth. Before this more important observations required in order to fiii
view was advocated, the fair-weather aspects of atmos- this need are:
pheric electricity and thunderstorm electricity were 1. Measurements of air conductivity in the high at-
regarded as unrelated geophysical phenomena. N ow, mosphere, especially in the altitude range 18 km to 60
since it seems likely that the universal aspects of at- km. New techniques would be required to make the
mospheric electricity derive from thunderstorms, a more measurements in the upper part of this region.
unified exposition of the subject is feasible. 2. Measurements of air conductivity, and counts of
From a remote position in space an ideal observer, Aitken nuclei in thunderstorms. These items are sug-
whose acute vision could encompass the whole earth, gested, rather than measurements of small-ion and
might see in the broad prospect of atmospheric electric large-ion concentrations, because measurement of the
phenomena the following features: first, the numerous latter elements is more difficult. The technical difficul-
thunderstorms in progress on the earth-usually severa! ties of making reliable measurements of air conductivity
thousand of them. He would notice that they are very from aircraft, during flight through clouds, have not
scarce in the polar regions and especially abundant in yet been overcome.
the afternoon on laud areas in middle and low lati- 3. More extensive, or more comprehensive, informa-
tudes. If each hour throughout a year he should count tion about the population of the electric storm centers
the total number of electric storm centers, he would that are in progress on the earth. Until this information
probably note that, on the average, the count tends to is available, no reliable estimate can be made of the
be greatest for the hour when it is mid-afternoon at average current which a typical electrica! storm center
about longitude 75W and least for the hour when it is must contribute to the make-up of the supply current.
mid-afternoon at about longitude 150E. Other varia- It is desirable that data be collected to verify, or to
tions in the count would doubtless also be found. refute, the diurnal variation in storm population re-
If this observer had a special sense with which he ported by Whipple. Perhaps this could be done by radio
could "see" a flux of electricity, he would not only methods used for measuring atmospherics and "back-
notice the lightning flashes in and about the electric ground noise," with some modification to adapt them
storm centers, but would also see a complicated pattern for use in a world survey of electric storm activity.
of electric flux in, about, and beneath each electric Apparently it would be necessary to make such meas-
storm center. But the most alluring feature would bea urements at a relatively small number of well-distrib-
narrow stream of the electric effiuvium which emerges uted stations.
from the top of the upper charge-cloud, flows upward 4. More data for the air-earth current density i or
and along its course, widens and becomes less dense for the elements A. and E, in order to ascertain whether,
until it merges ata high level with similar streams from and in what manner, the supply current varies during

the year. The evidence now at hand is inadequate for a 3. IsRAEL, H., Das Gewitter. Leipzig, Akad. Verlagsges., 1950.
reliable determination of even the qualitative aspects of 4. MAURAIN, C., La Foudre. Paris, A. Colin, 1948.
this feature. Except for measurements roade on the 5. MITRA, S. K., The Upper Atmosphere. Calcutta, The Royal
cruises of the Carnegie, data for i ha ve been obtained at Asiatic Society of Bengal, 1948.
only a few places. III. Technical Papers and Reviews.
5. Information which will help better to ascertain 6. AuLT, J. P., and MAUCHLY, S. J., "Ocean Magnetic and
the electric structure of the thunderstorm. More meas- Electric Observations Obtained aboard the Carnegie,
urements of electric field in the vicinity of thunder- 1915-21." Res. Dept. Terr. Magn., Carneg. lnst. Wash.
storms (roade simultaneously at a number of stations) Publ. No. 175, 5: 197-286 (1926).
7. BRICARD, J., "L'Equilibre ionique de la basse atmosphere."
are required for more types of storms. More measure-
J. geophys. Res., 54:39-52 (1949).
ments, roade within storms, of the electric charge dis- 8. BROOKS, C. E. P., "The Distribution of Thunderstorms
tribution are desirable. over the Globe." Geophys. Mem., 3: 145-164 (1925).
6. More determinations of the rate of regeneration of 9. DrNGER J. E. and GuNN, R., "Electrica! Effects Asso-
charge, after a lightning discharge. Although the data ciated with a Change of State of Water. Terr. l'v!agn.
now at hand appear to be comparatively reliable, they atmos. Elect., 51:477--494 (1946).
should be checked because they set a requirement which 10. EvERLING, E., und W!GAND, A., "Spannungsgeflle und
may not be satisfied by any theory which depends upon vertikaler Leitungsstrom in der freien Atmosphre, nach
the force of gravity for the large-scale separation of Messungen bei Hochfahrten im Freiballon." Ann.
charge. Physik., 66: 261-282 (1921).
11. FINDEISEN, W., "Uber die Entstehung der Gewitterelek-
7. Determination of which of the various known trizitt." Meteor. Z., 57: 201-215 (1940).
processes of initial charge separation occur in a thunder- 12. FoRBUSH, S. E., STINCHCOMB, T. B., and ScHFIN, M., "The
storm. It will doubtless be difficult to find a definite Extraordinary Increase of Cosmic-Ray Intensity on
answer to this, but the answer should be sought. November 19, 1949." Phys. Rev., 79: 501-504 (1950).
8. Information on how the widely scattered discrete 13. FRENKEL, J., "A Theory of the Fundamental Phenomena
charges in a charge-cloud are mobilized for the lightning of Atmospheric Electricity." J. Phys. (U.S.S.R.), 8:
discharge. This is another question for which a more 285-304 (1944) .
definite answer is awaited. 14. GrsH, O. H., and SHERMAN, K. L., "Electrica! Conductiv-
These are some of the matters in atmospheric elec- ity of Air to an Altitude of 22 km." Nat. Geogr. Soc.
tricity which deserve attention. Others have been m- Contrib. Tech. Papers, Stratosphere Ser., No. 2, pp. 94-
116 (1936).
dicated in the body of this article. 15. - - Ionic Equilibrium in the Troposphere and Lower Stra-
REFERENCES tosphere. Internat. Assoc. Terr. Magn. Elect., Washing-
ton Assembly, Sept., 1939.
This brief list of treatises and papers is designed chiefly to 16. GuNN, R., "The Electricity of Rain and Thunderstorms."
serve as a guide for the reader or investigator who desires to Terr. Magn. atmos. Elect., 40:79-106 (1935).
read more comprehensive discussions of the subject. Technical 17. ScHwEIDLER, E., Lujtelektrizitat. Einjuhrung in die Geo-
articles which contain good bibliographies have been given physik, Bd. II. Berlin, J. Springer, 1929. (See pp. 291-
preference. These citations, however, should not be used as a 375)
basis for assigning priority of or credit for discovery. 18. - - Die Aujrechterhaltung der elektrischen Ladung der
I. Treatises. Erde. Hamburg, H. Grand, 1932.
1. FLEMING, J. A., ed., Terrestrial Magnetism and Electricity. 19. ScRASE, F. J., "The Air-Earth Current at Kew Observa-
New York, McGraw, 1939. Reprinted with corrections: tory." Geophys. Mem., Voi. 7, No. 58 (1933).
New York, Dover Publications, 1949. The following chap- 20. ToRRESON, O. W., and others, "Scientific Results of Cruise
ters bear on atmospheric electricity: VII of the Carnegie during 1928-1929. Oceanography, III,
GrsH, O. H., "Atmospheric Electricity," Chap. IV. Ocean Atmospheric-Electric Results." Carneg. Instn.
ToRRESON, O. W., "Instruments Used in Observations of Wash. Publ., No. 568 (1946).
Atmospheric Electricity," Chap. V. 21. WArT, G. R., "Atmospheric-Electric Results from Simul-
BERKNER, L. V., "Radio Exploration of the Earth's Outer taneous Observations over the Ocean and at Watheroo,
Atmosphere," Chap. IX. Western Australia." Trans. Amer. geophys. Un., 23:304-
ScHONLAND, B. F. J ., "Thunder-Clouds, Shower-Clouds 308 (1942).
and Their Electrica! Effects," Chap. XII. 22. WHIPPLE, F. J. W., "Modern Views on Atmospheric Elec-
HARRADON, H. D., "Bibliographical N otes and Selected tricity." Quart. J. R. meteor. Soc., 64:199-213 (1938).
References," Chap. XIII. This bibliography contains 23. WoRKMAN, E. J., HoLZER, R. E., and PELSOR, G. T., "The
references to other general treatises and to many techni- Electrica! Structure of Thunderstorms." Tech. N otes nat.
cal papers published prior to 1939. adv. Comm. Aero., Wash., No. 864 (1942).
II. Treatises Published since 1939. 24. WoRKMAN, E. J., and REYNOLDS, S. E., Thunderstorm
2. CHALMERS, J. A., Atmospheric Electricity. New York, Electricity. Final Rep., Signal Corps Res. Contract No.
Oxford, 1949. W -36-039sc-32286, Sept. 30, 1948. (See p. 26)

Carnegie Institution of Washington


Johns Hopkins University

In considering the subject of atmospheric ions, it bas which is continually associating with, and dissociating
been possible, because of space limitations, to consider from, one or more other molecules. The time a certain
only those conditions of the atmosphere which are type of molecule remains associated with an ion depends
regarded as normal and to include in the discussions, on its electrica! properties.
which are of necessity brief, only those items which are The average velocity with which an ion drifts through
most important. References to investigations have also a gas under the influence of an electric field is propor-
been restricted to those regarded as most pertinent to tional to the strength of the field. The ratio of the
the subject at hand. velocity to the field strength is called the mobility of the
It bas been known since late in the eighteenth cen- ion. The unit of measurement (referred to hereafter as
tury that an insulated charged body left in the air will centimeters) is centimeters per second per voit per
slowly Iose its charge by a process other than leakage centimeter.
across the supporting insulators. This process of gaseous N umerous mobility measurements on gaseous ions
conduction of electricity was interpreted by J. J. Thom- have been made in the laboratory [22]. The value of the
son [42] as due to the presence in the gas of charged mobility is found to depend upon both the ion and the
particles which, by analogy with the conduction in gas through which it moves. It also is affected by the
electrolytes, were called "ions." presence of very slight traces of water vapor and other
The concentration of ions in the atmosphere is meas- impurities. The ion can apparently become attached to,
ured by an instrument called an ion counter. In principle or Iose its charge to, an impurity molecule. Some molec-
the instrument is simply a charged cylindrical condenser ular impurities are known to associate readily with a
through which air is drawn at a known velocity. The positive ion, some with a negative ion, and some with
rate at which the charge on the central electrode changes either. In most laboratory measurements, an effort
provides a measure of the number of ions in the air is made to remove all traces of water vapor or other
stream and consequently the ion concentration of the impurities so the values may be representative of the
air. If the voltage between the electrodes is sufficiently gas. For freshly formed positive and negative ions in
high, all ions from the air stream will be collected. air, Erikson [5] obtained a value for the mobility of
N ormally this voltage difference is selected so as to 1.87 cm. In a few hundredths of a second the positive-
collect aU ions of a particular mobility group and as few ion mobility had decreased to 1.36 cm, due, he believed,
as possible of the less mobile ions. If a measure of the to the ion becoming attached to a neutra! air molecule.
concentration of a lower-mobility group is desired, Bradbury [3] obtained what he considered a more
interference from ions of higher mobility may be avoided representative value for each sign after taking extreme
by first passing the air through another cylindrical precautions to remove practically all traces of impur-
condenser operated with sufficient voltage to remove the ities. Values obtained by him were 2.21 and 1.60 cm
more mobile ions but only a small proportion of those as the negative and positive ion mobilities, respectively.
to be measured. The theory and operating details of This requirement for such a high degree of purity for
ion counters are discussed in special articles and texts the air in mobility determinations leads one to question
on the subject [6, pp. 252-258; 10, 28, 41]. the extent to which laboratory-determined values can
be accepted as the values of the small-ion mobilities in
Ionic Mobilities atmospheric electric work.
An electron is released in the formation of a pair of Mobility determinations of the small ions in the
small ions, but remains free for only a short time. The atmosphere have been made by various methods. Prob-
fact that no high-mobility group of negative ions is ably the method most frequently used is the ratio of air
found shows that very few free electrons are present in conductivity to small-ion content. This will not result
the lower atmosphere. Small ions of the atmosphere in high precision unless proper precautions are taken to
have an average life of the order of a minute, so they eliminate various errors which can easily enter and
are thoroughly aged during most of their lives, and are unless a correction is made for the lower-mobility ions
subject to the influences of many atmospheric constitu- caught by the ion counter.
ents existing in minute quantities. According to the The published values [14] of mobilities of small ions
picture recently given by Overhauser [34], an atmos- in the atmosphere, from measurements made many
pheric small ion can be imagined as a charged molecule years ago, show agreat deal of scatter. There are reasons

for believing that in many of these determinations the large, ions of the atmosphere. Ions of stilllower mobility
precision was not especially high, and in some cases it have been observed in some loealities [17].
seems probable that considerable error resulted from Polloek found that the mobility of the intermediate
the collection of lower-mobility ions by the ion counter ion was a funetion of the vapor pressure of the atmos-
(resulting in too low a value for the mobility). The phere, diminishing from around 0.1 to about 0.02 em
latter was probable because at one time it was custom- when the vapor pressure inereased to about 17 mm,
ary to apply to the ion counter a rather high potential, whereupon the ion was suddenly transformed into the
frequently as much as severa! times that required for large ion. Both Hogg [14] and Wait [47] examined this
small-ion saturation. A list of a few mobility values in matter and neither found any tendeney for the inter-
air, from measurements where it is known that precau- mediate ion tobe transformed into the large ion at any
tions were taken to avoid various possible errors, is vapor pressure. Wait, however, found that the mobility
given in Table I. The severa! values are in quite good of the intermediate ion was a function of the vapor
pressure. A t a pressure corresponding to O mm the
TABLE I. SoME 1\foBILITY V AL DES ~oR SMALL IoNs mobility was about 0.5 cm while at 30 mm pressure it
was only 0.05 cm.
Mobility in cm
Refer- Station Period
sec- 1/volt cm-t Yunker [56] found a continuous mobility distribution
in California. He presented a distribution in which the
k+ k-
-- -- --- number of ions per mobility interval increases with
[44] Carnegie, Cruise VII 1928-1929 1.30 1.39 increasing mobility. His results on artificially ionized
[39] College, Alaska 1932-1933 1.45 1.75 air indicate that the concentration of ions of mobility
[H] Canberm, Australia 19;{4 1.29 1.40
[29] Glencree, Ireland 1937 1.28 1.40 down to 7 X IQ- 4 cm varies inversely with the nuclei
concentration, which shows that the ions formed by
charging of condensation nuclei have a still lower mo-
agreement, especially in view of the very large differ- bility.
ence in meteorologica! conditions at the various stations
and the possibility that such conditions might affect N ature of Slow Ions
the mobility of the atmospheric ion. It is usually considered that a large ion is a charged
Since the mobility of an ion is affected by impurities condensation nucleus of the type discovered by Aitken
in the gas, it seems likely that atmospheric ions may be [1]. This ion is usually singly charged, but multiply
affected by impurities in the air. A sudden change in charged ions can exist [5, 15]. In general, nuclei appear
mobility, believed tobe due to such causes, was found to consist of some hygroscopic core around which a
by Parkinson [35] at Huancayo, Peru (altitude 3300 m, stable agglomeration of water molecules can form.
mean pressure 518 mm). From carefully controlled Landsberg [20] has presented a detailed discussion of
mobility determinations and from simultaneous meas- what is known of their properties. Sulphuric acid (a
urements of air conductivity and ion concentrations common product of combustion) and oxides of nitrogen
which were corrected for the lower-mobility ions caught probably play important parts in the formation of
by the ion counter, it was found that a sudden drop in nuclei. Wright [55] discusses the matter of salt spray
mobility took place each morning at about seven o'clock forming the core material for a nucleus which appears to
local time. This drop occurred at the precise time when be somewhat larger and is important in the atmosphere
there was a large influx of molecular impurities into the over the oceans and at some coasta! places, but less
atmosphere. The average values of k+ and k- for the important in most inland localities.
7-hr period before the influx of impurities were 2.40 Pollock [37], in his announcement of the existence of
and 3.46, respectively. The mean values for the 7-hr intermediate ions, considered them to consist of a
period immediately following the influx were 2.00 and "rigid nucleus enveloped by a dense atmosphere of
2.35, respectively. The change in negative-ion mobility water vapour." Since the .iD.term~di.ate ion appears to
was nearly twice as great as the change in positive-ion exist only in certain localities, its nature probably
mobility. Thus it appears that the molecular impurities varies greatly. If, as found by Wait [47], its mobility
at Huancayo associate more readily with the negative varies with water-vapor pressure in accordance with
than with the positive ion. Blanc's law, then the size of the ion is probably con-
Impurities in the atmosphere tend to be graded as to stant. This.~!@~ag::tint a hygroscopi9jqn . Hogg [16],
size, so that ions of a mobility lower than that of the working in London, detected intermediate ions the sizes
small ion are often, although not always, found within of which were multiples of an aggregate of some 2000
rather..Jillrrow .m.9_bjJjy_r_!;LP.g!l.. Pollock [37] in Sydney, molecules. He assumed them to be composed of sul-
Australia, observed a group (intermediate ion) with a phuric acid.
mobility between 0.1 and 0.02 cm. A similar mobility
group has been found in other localities [14, 16, 47]. Rate of Ionization
In some loealities, on the other hand, there appears to The term ionization as used here refers to the produc-
be no such group [52, 56]. A lower-mobility group tion of ions, and not to ion concentration (as is some-
(around I0- 4 cm) first detected by Langevin [21] has times the case). Small ions may be produced in air by a
sinee been observed in a number of localities, and the variety of methods, such as by chemical and mechanical
ions in this group are now called the "Langevin," or means, by ultraviolet light of sufficiently short wave

length, by breaking drops, and by drifting snow and shown in Fig. 1. The curves are of the type expected
dust. Under particular circumstances one or more of the when each is plotted on local time. Slightly different
above-mentioned processes may add appreciably to the methods were employed in measuring the ionization.
ion population of the air. N one of these, however, are
normally important as ionizers of the atmosphere. The u 50
chief ionizer in the lower stratosphere and the tropo-
w 1 1 1 1
o"' 40
sphere, except in the lower atmosphere over land, is t he ~
1 1 1
cosmic rays. In the lowest kilometer or so over land, "'~ 30
........~.. HUANCAYO, PERU
J ULY 1947
ionization of the air is due chiefly to radiations from il.' ~-- "'---
radioactive matter in the earth and in the air.
' ... 1 ~ ~
"..- --~-..... ~ --...... ..........
!? 20
--- ~-~-- -~-li---
# . ...

The average rate of ionization of the atmosphere q, z
1 -
; 10
over land and near the earth's surface, has been esti- 1
mated by Hess [10, pp. 167- 171] at about 10 pairs per "z
!? O 2 4 G 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
ce per sec. This value is based on the average amount of HOURS (LOCAL MEAN TIM()

radioactive matter in the earth and in the air and is FIG. 1.-Daily variation in ionization of t he lower atmosphere.
summarized in Table II. According to this estimate,
approximately half of the total ionization is due to
radioactive matter in the air, one third is due to radio- Hogg [13] measured the ionization of the air after it was
act ive matter in the soil, and one sixth due to cosmic drawn in~o a thick-walled sealed chamber. Wait (48)
rays. The ionization due to cosmic rays and radioactive and Parkmson [35] measured t he ionization in a t hin-
matter in the soil is probably more or less constant with walled ionization chamber (the stopping power of t he
time at a given station. That due to radioactive matter wall for alpha particles was equivalent to 1.5 cm of
in the air, however, is subject to variations, since the air). The values plot ted for Huancayo represent the
rate of ionization inside t he chamber and must be
TABLE Il. ION IZATION o~ THE AIR NEAR THE EARTH's mult iplied by about 1.6 to correspond to the ionization
SuRFACE OvER L AND IN PER CENT oF ToTAL of the atmosphere.
Ionizing ray
Small-Ion Balance
.. fJ -y
T ot al
The processes of ion formation just described are
-- -- -- balanced by the processes of small-ion destruction. One
RMI;um 30 1 1 such process is the recombination between small ions of
Thorium;m alf
18 1 - 32}51
Radium . .1 opposite signs. Ions of other mobility groups will also
Thorium m 801 - 1 32 33
be active in neutralizing small ions. This is particularly
Cosmic rays 16 16
--- - - --- -- - - - true of the large ions. A t hird process is one not of
Total . . ... . . . . . .. . . .. 48 3 33 16 100 neutralization but of the conversion of a small ion into
a large ion by coalition of a small ion and a neut ra!
condensation nucleus. The equation of ion balance for
quantity of radioactive matter in the air varies with positive small ions, taking into account the processes
time. The amount of radioactive matter in the air mentioned so far, is
depends upon two factors : (1) t he rate at which it is
dissipated in the atmosphere, and (2) the rate of exhala- q = an,n2 + 1/12N2n1 + 1/JoNon,. (1)
tion from the soil.
The rate of exhalation of radioactive gas from the soil !here is an analogous equation for t he negative small
is subj ect to considerable variation , being affected by wns. The symbols have the following meanings: q is t he
such factors as temperature of the soil, wind force rate of small-ion formation (expressed in ion-pairs per
dryness of so!l, _and covering on the ground (4, 57, 58/ ce per sec); a is the recombination coefficient for small
The rate of dissipation in the atmosphere depends upon ions; n1 and n2 are the concent rations of positive and
severa! factors, but particularly upon air turbulence. ~1egative small ions, respectively (in ions per ce); N 2
Zeilinger found a diurnal variation in the rate of exhala- Is t he concentration of negative large ions; and N 0 is
tion from the s?i~, a ma~imum occurring in the morning the concentration of neutra! condensation nuclei. T he
hours and a mm1mum m the evening. A diurnal varia- constants 1112 and 1J1o are known as combination coef-
tion curve with similar characteristics has also been ficients.
found for the radon content of the atmosphere [57]. In general the small-ion concentration is accounted
A syst.ematic diurnal variation in the rate of ioniza- for by such an equation. In some places it is necessary
ti?n of air ~ear the earth over land would be expected, to take into account the effect of intermediate ions
With a_maximum occurring in the morning and a mini- but their effect is always small compared to that of th~
mum m the evening. Continuous observations on the large ions and uncharged condensation nuclei. Over
rate of ionization have been reported at t hree stations land, the term due to recombination is generally small
Canberra, Australia [13], Washington, D. C. [48], and compared to the other terms, and equation (1) can be
Huancayo, Peru [35], in which diurnal variation curves written:
were obtained. A curve for each of t he three stations is (2)

Now the balance of large ions, shown later, requires No/Nr = 'Y/2r/112o,
that No/N2 = 'Y/rd'Y/ro,
(3) Nr/N2 = 'Y/r2nr/'Y/21n2.

and similarly for the negative ions: If we assume that N 1 = N 2 = N, we obtain the rela-
No/N = T/21/'Y/20 = 'Y/1d'Yf1o,
If one further assumes that (3) is equal to (4), then
nr/n2 = 'Y/2o/'Y/1o = 'Y/2r/'Y/12,
(2) can be rewritten as
which were assumed by N olan and de Sachy [26].
(5) Whipple [53] has deduced the following equations, which
so that, if changes in q are neglected, the value of nr are sometimes used as an auxiliary relation between
is approximately inversely proportional to N2. parameters:
Processes which cause the destruction of small ions 'Y!12 = 'Y11o + 47rekr, (6)
other than those involving combination with small or
large ions or condensation nuclei can play an important
'Y121 = 'Y12o + 41rek2,
part under some conditions. Large particles such as where k 1 and k 2 represent the mobility of the positive
smoke and dust can remove small ions [2, 48]. In the and negative small ion, respectively.
atmosphere over the oceans the most important process Almost every observer has used a different method
of destruction of small ions is recombination, but of determining these combination coefficients. Gish and
here the influence of nuclei is perceptible in the balance Sherman [9] gave a thorough discussion of these meth-
of small ions [44]. In this connection it is interesting to ods together with a table of values prior to 1940. More
mention the results of a long series of observations of recent values have been summarized by Parkinson
atmospheric conductivity over the oceans. A steady [36], and Table III shows representative values.
decrease has been noted since 1912, indicating that even TABLE III. CoMBINATION CoEFFICIENTS (in units of lO-G)
here there is a gradual accumulation of atmospheric
pollution, due apparently to the increasing industrializa- ~10 ~., ~12 ~21

tion over the world [48]. -- -- -- --

Least value. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... 0.4 0.6 2.2 2.5
Recombination of Small lons Greatest value. . . . . . . . . .. . .. 6.8 7.6 8.7 9.7
Median value. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.6 1.1 2.4 4.5
This subject has been extensively studied, both theo-
retically and experimentally. The reader is referred to It is not surprising that these values vary so widely
the exhaustive treatment given by Loeb [22], and by when it is remembered that various methods of deter-
Jaffe [18]. The subject cannot be pursued here; however, mination have been used. Also it is not reasonable to
a word about columnar recombination is in order. In the expect that the combination coefficients would be pre-
high ion-density track or column left by an alpha parti- cise universal constants since they depend upon the
ele there will be a high rate of columnar recombination. nature (i.e., the mobility) of slow ions, which will vary
Thus the effective rate of ion formation is less than with conditions and hence from place to place. Also,
that which actually occurs. Only those ions which escape no notice is usually taken of the distribution of mobil-
from the column have a life of any appreciable length. ities involved in the ions responsible for the destruction
The number escaping will be increased by winds and of small ions, nor is an allowance made for intermediata
eddy diffusion. In atmospheric electricity this matter ions as distinct from large ions.
has received but little consideration. It has been dis- Severa! investigators [32, 33] have found that the age
cussed by Nolan [31]. of the large ion has an influence on the value of the
The value of the effective recombination of small combination coefficient, the coefficient becoming higher
ions is usually taken as 1.6 X IQ- 6 ce per sec for air at the older the nuclei. This is probably due to an increase
atmospheric pressure [6, p. 178]. However, Luhr and in the size of the nuclei with age, owing to coagulation.
Bradbury [23] give a value of 1.23 X IQ- 6 , Sayers
[38] gives 2.4 X I0- 6 and Nolan [31] gives a value of Large-Ion Balance
1.4 X I0- 6 If we assume that a distinct group of large ions exists,
Combination of Small Ions with Condensation Nuclei
then we can speak of their balance just as we do in the
case of small ions. One method of formation of large
The theory of small-ion combination with condensa- ions is the process which has been mentioned above as
tion nuclei or large ions has received less attention than one which destroys small ions, namely the fusion of a
has the theory of recombination. If ali variables in the small ion with a neutra! condensation-nucleus. The
equations of small-ion balance were measured, it would other process of destruction is the neutralization of
be possible to determine the value of combination charge by a small ion of opposite sign. There will also
coefficients. Usually this is not done, but relations be- be a recombination term, similar to that for small ions,
tween parameters are assumed. If it is asumed that and a linear term N to account for diffusion [30]. We
equation (3) is equal to equation (4), it follows that: can write Q for the formation of large ions by other

methods; then the equation of positive large-ion balance The large-ion content over the oceans, as estimated on
becomes the basis of the number of small ions found during
dNddt = Q + r}lon1No - TJz1nzN1 Cruise VII, is around 180 of each sign [44], which is in
reasonably good agreement with the estimates above.
- 'YN1Nz - N1. (7)
N o diurnal variation was found in the condensation-
There will be a similar equation for the negative large nuclei content of the air over the oceans during Cruise
ions. In this case the value of Q will not necessarily be VII, from which one might surmise that the large-ion
equal for the positive and negative large ions, for the content would likewise be constant through the day.
situation is not as simple as for small ions where the Over land, Landsberg [20] estimated that the average
formation is principally due to a process wherein an ion condensation-nuclei content of the air in country dis-
pair is produced. tricts was around 10,000 per ce, in towns around 30,000,
Kennedy [19] and N olan [30] found values of 'Y of and in cities around 150,000. The corresponding large-
the order of 10- 9 Hogg [12] reported a value about ten ion content might accordingly be estimated at between
times this, but failed to take into account coalition of 1000 and 2000 for a country area, between 5000 and
neutra! nuclei and diffusion or falling out of larger 6000 for a town, and between 20,000 and 30,000 for a
nuclei as a means of dimunition of nuclei. W ait and city. These must be regarded as rough estimates only.
Torreson [51] found that the value of 'Y varies with the Most observations on the condensation and large-ion
age of the ion. In a !ater study, Wait [48] found that for content of the air over land have been taken in the
singly charged ions the value of 'Y could be expressed as vicinity of human habitations. Both the annual and
a function of the mobility k of the ion. A provisional diurnal variations as well as the absolute values are
value of this relationship is given by the equation greatly affected by human activities. 'Vhen observed
'Y = 1.25 X 10- 6 kli, sufficiently far from industrial activities of man, the
large-ion content, like the condensation-nuclei content
which appears to hold for ali mobilities between that of of the air, shows a maximum during the winter when
the large and that of the small ion. The measured value heating of homes is greatest, and a minimum in the
of 'Y for k = 3.2 X 10-4 was 3.1 X 10- 9 In the free summer. For a similar reason, the condensation-nuclei
atmosphere away from sources of large ions the terms content of the air generally shows a maximum during
Q, 'YN1Nz, and !;N1 are usually so small they can be the middle of the day [15, 20, 26, 46, 56]. The diurnal
neglected, and (7) reduces to variation in large-ion concentration obtained by Yunker
[56], on the other hand, was more or less opposite to
dN1/dt = TJ1on1No - TJ1znzN1,
this. The curve for large ions found at Washington [49]
and for large-ion equilibrium conditions, is likewise quite opposite and similar to Yunker's curve,
both being plotted on local time. Torreson [43] first
TJ10n1N o = mznzN1, pointed out the discrepancy between the condensation-
which is equation (3). Equation (4) represents the nuclei curves and the large-ion curves at Washington,
analogous equation in the case of the negative large and Wright [54] suggested an explanation based upon
IOnS. a variation in size of the condensation nuclei with
relative humidity. Sherman [40] could find no evidence
Ionic Concentrations in the Lower Atmosphere and of a diurnal variation in the ratio of uncharged to
Their Variations charged nuclei in the air, as required by Wright's
Both large- and small-ion concentrations vary con- hypothesis. This apparent paradox has not yet been
siderably from place to place and from time to time at a explained, but it raises the question whether condensa-
given place. Over land, the two usually vary systemati- tion-nuclei counts tend to include relatively large parti-
cally but in opposite directions, both during the day des while the large-ion counts include smaller particles.
and throughout the year. Additional experiments will be required to tind an
The large-ion content (in ions per ce) of the air over answer to the question as to why the two curves are of
the oceans averages only a few hundred 0f each sign. such different character and to ascertain if a similar
More extensive measurements have been made of the difference is to be found at other places.
condensation-nuclei content of the air over the oceans Over the oceans, even though the rate of small-ion
from which estimates may be made of the large-ion production is less than that over land (only 10 to 15
content. Landsberg [20], making use of ali available per cent as great), the small-ion concentration in the
measurements at the time, estimated that the average two areas usually differs but little. This is accounted
nuclei content of the air over the oceans was 940. Hess for by a smaller number of large ions over the oceans
[11] more recently found an average over the Atlantic, and consequently a slower destruction rate of the small
between America and Europe, of 527 on one leg of a ions. Over the oceans, the average small-ion content of
cruise and 659 on another leg. On Cruise VII of the the air was about 500 and 400, respectively, for the
Carnegie [44], the average nuclei concentration was positive and negative ions during Cruise VII of the
1370 over the Atlantic and 2350 over the Pacific. From Carnegie [44]. Over land the concentration of each sign
ali of these results one would estimate between 100 and varies from around 100 over polluted areas to about
200 large ions of each sign for the air over the Atlantic 1000 for areas unpolluted with industrial smokes and
and two to three times this number over the Pacific. gases.

The small-ion content of the lower atmosphere is Much more information is available concerning the
generally lowest during the winter months and highest value of the ratio n1/n2, how it varies and why, than
during the summer, just opposite to that found for the there is concerning the ratio NJ/N2. Moussiegt [25],
large-ion content. The values usually reach a maximum from observations in the Alps, found mean values of
during the morning hours and a minimum during the 2214 and 2335, respectively, for N 1 and N 2 , from which
afternoon. This type of variation, while largely con- one would deduce a value of 0.95 as the ratio of Nt/N 2
trolled by the variation in large-ion content of the air, Hogg [15], in Canberra, Australia, found a mean value
also depends to some extent upon the variations in the for this ratio of 1.22. In Washington, D. C., continuous
rate at which ions are produced, which, according to the records (unpublished results) of large, small, and inter-
curves of Fig. 1, is grea test during the early morning mediate ion concentration of air, alternating each week
hours. between the positive and negative ions, were made
during September and December, 1935. Since these
Variation in Ion Concentration of the Atmosphere with data are not strictly simultaneous, the ratios can be
Height above Ground regarded as only approximate. In view of the paucity of
The value of the large-ion concentration of the atmos- published data from which a comparison of positive-
phere at various heights above the ground can only be and negative-ion content can be made, a summary of
inferred from the values of condensation nuclei obtained these data seems worth while and is given in Table
at variom; altitudes. Wigand [20] made fourteen balloon IV. The large-ion concentrations in ions per I0- 2 ce are
flights on which condensation nuclei were measured. represented by N1 and N 2, while M 1, M 2, and n 1, n 2
A rapid decrease in concentration with altitude was represent the positive and negative intermediate-ion
found; at a height of 3 km the concentration was only and the positive and negative small-ion concentrations,
3 per cent of that at ground level. respectively, in ions per ce. The ratios M 1/1l1 2 and ndn2


Means of Month (1935)
Nt N, Mt .M, nt n, Nt/N, Mt!M, m/n2
5 largest .... 77.2 72.4 121 126 284 266 1.49 1.05 1.19
5 smallest. ... 35.8 27.3 94 91 180 145 1.00 0.95 1.01 September
AII values. 51.1 42.8 107 108 229 212 1.10 1.00 1.10

5 Iargest .. 79.3 74.0 167 195 169 159 1.27 1.01 1.22
5 smallest. ... .. . 46.8 38.5 139 139 128 108 0.98 0.90 1.01 December
AII values .. ... 60.8 48.8 153 170 188 173 1.12 0.96 1.12

The values of the small-ion concentration made on show no consistent diurnal variation, while the ratio
thirteen balloon ftights by various observers and that Nt!N2 varies more or less in a manner opposite to that
deduced from Explorer II air-conductivity measure- of the large-ion content [49].
ments have been summarized by Gish [6, p. 194]. He During fair weather the average concentration of
concludes that the concentration increases roughly by positive small ions exceeds that of the negative small
1000 ions per ce (one sign) for each 2-km increase in ions by 10 or 20 per cent. Particularly at certain sta-
altitude. This rate of increase is true up to an altitude tions, the ratio nt/n 2 varies in a manner similar to the
of about 6 km, after which it gradually diminishes, variation of the earth's field (electrode effect). This is
according to the Explorer II data, to less than half due to the repulsion of negative ions by the negatively
this value at 14-km altitude. charged ground. During a thunderstorm, because of the
intense electric field with frequent changes in sign, the
Ratio of Positive-Ion to Negative-Ion Concentration ratio undergoes frequent changes in value, say from a
very high to a very low value and vice versa, usually
A relationship between the ratios NJ/N 2 and nJ/n 2has
severa! times during a storm.
been deduced by Gish [G, p. 183] from the equilibrium
equations and is given by the equation Mean Life of an Ion
The mean life of an ion is the time interval between
formation and destruction of the average ion. For small
where a = ?Jto/1121 and b = 1J2o/?J12 If one assumes that ions the mean life Tn in seconds, for the case when large-
1Jto/1J2o = 1Jt2/1J21, then from the equation above it ion concentration is sufficiently small, is given by the
follows that equation
Cn1/n2) 2 = (?J2o/?Jto) 2Nt!N2, Tn = n/q, (8)
\\-hich is the relationship assumed by N olan and de in which n represents the small-ion concentration and
~ a<"hy r2nJ q, the rate of ionization (rate of small-ion formation).

When the Iarge ions are numerous, then in accordance bination coefficients, recombination coefficients, and the
with the assumptions made in deriving (5), mobility of ions. There is urgent need for careful experi-
ments designed to secure much-needed information
Tn = 2rmN~ . (9) along such lines.
Multiply charged large ions should be examined as to
Overthe oceans the value of Tn will generally be around regularity of, and conditions of, occurrence and as to
5 or 6 min. Over land, in areas where the large ions are their effect on large-ion mobility and on establishment
few, the mean life Tn may be expected to be only 10 or of small-ion equilibrium conditions.
20 per cent of the above. In localities where large ions
are numerous, the value of Tn will be still smaller, prob- REFERENCES
ably only 5 per cent or so of the ocean value.
The mean life TN of the Iarge ion is given approxi- 1. AITKEN, J., Collecied Scieniific Papers of John Aiiken,
mately by the equation: edited by C. G. KNOTT. Cambridge, University Press,
1 2. BoYLAN, R. K., "Atmospheric Dust and Condensation
TN = Nuclei." Proc. R. Irish Acad., (A) 37: 58-70 (1926).
3. BRADBURY, N. E., "The Absolute Values of the Mobility of
Over the oceans and over land where the large ions are Gaseous Ions in Pure Gases." Phys. Rev., 40: 508-523
not very numerous, the value of rN may be between 15 (1932).
and 20 min. In areas where the large ions are numerous, 4. CuLLEN, T. L., "On the Exhalation of Radon from the
the value of TN may easily exceed an hour. Earth." Terr. Magn. aimos. Eleei., 51: 37-44 (1946).
Because of the relatively short life of the small ion, 5. ERIKSON, H. A., "Mobility of lons." Phys. Rev., 17: 400
the small-ion concentration may be expected to follow (1921); 18: 100-101 (1921); 20: 117-126 (1922); 24: 502-
with little Iag those factors which tend to produce a 509 (1924); 26: 465-468 (1925); 28: 372-377 (1926); 29:
change in the concentration. Much greater lag may be 215-216 (1927); 33: 403-411 (1929); 34: 635-643 (1929).
6. FLEMING, J. A., ed., Physics of the Earth-VIII, Terrestrial
expected in the changes of large-ion concentrations.
Magnetisrn and Eleciriciiy. New York, McGraw, 1939.
Outstanding Problems in the Field of Atmospheric Ions 7. GAGGE, A. P., and MoRIYAMA, I. M., "The Annual and
Diurnal Variation of Ions in an Urban Community."
A number of investigations have been carried out for Terr. Magn. aimos. Eleei., 40: 295-306 (1935).
the purpose of evaluating the factors which control or 8. GrsH, O. H., and SHERMAN, K. L., "Electrica! Conductiv-
regulate the small-ion content of the lower atmosphere. ity of the Air to an Altitude of 22 Kilometers." Nat.
There is growing evidence that some of the factors, for Geogr. Soc. Con trib. Tech. Papers, Stratosphere Series, N o.
example the value of the combination coefficients be- 2, pp. 94-116 (1936).
tween the small ions and the charged and uncharged 9. - - Ionic Equilibrium in the Troposphere and Lower
Stratosphere. Trans. Wash. Meeting 1939, Un. geod.
condensation nuclei, may vary from place to place. This
geophys. int., Ass. Terr. Magn. Atmos. Elect., Bul!. 11,
is probably due to a difference in character of the nuclei pp. 474-491, 1940.
which results in a difference in nuclei size. A close 10. HEss, V. F., The Electrica! Conductiviiy of the Atmosphere
correlation would therefore probably be found between and Its Causes. Trans. by L. W. Cooo. London, Constable,
the values of the combination coefficients and the mobil- 1928.
ity of the large ion. In future work, a recognition of this 11. - - "On the Concentration of Condensation Nuclei in the
possibility may assist in harmonizing results which Air over the North Atlantic." Terr. Magn. atmos. Elect.,
otherwise might appear to be inconsistent. 53 : 399-403 (1948).
Another small-ion regulating factor which is difficult 12. HoGG, A. R., "Some Observations on the Average Life of
to evaluate is q, the rate of ionization of the atmosphere. Small Ions and Atmospheric lonization Equilibria."
Beitr. Geophys., 41: 32-55 (1934).
Probably the most promising method of evaluating this
13. - - "Continuous Observations of the Rate of Production
factor is through the use of a thin-walled ionization of Small Ions in the Atmosphere." Beitr. Geophys., 43:
chamber. This cannot be accomplished, however, with- 359-378 (1935).
out certain difficulties. Cognizance must be taken of 14. - - "The Mobility of Small Ions of the Atmosphere."
the low radioactive content of the air within the cham- Beitr. Geophys., 47: 31-59 (1936).
ber compared to that of the outside air and of the fact 15. - - "Atmospheric Electric Observations." Beitr. Geophys.,
that the ionization within the chamber will depend 41: 1-31 (1934).
upon the wall thickness and upon the particular voltage 16. - - "The Intermediate Ions of the Atmosphere." Proc.
applied to the central electrode. The latter arises from phys. Soc. London., 51: 1014-1027 (1939).
the fact that complete saturation is never achieved, due 17. IsRAEL, H., and ScHuLz, L., "The Mobility-Spectrum of
Atmospheric Ions-Principles of Measurements and Re-
probably to columnar ionization inside the chamber. sults." Terr. Magn. atmos. Elect., 38: 285-300 (1933).
A full discussion of this problem is not possible within 18. JAFFE, G., "Zur Theorie der Ionisation in Kolonnen."
the limits of this article. Ann. Physik, 42: 303-344 (1913); "Sur 1'ionisation des
It is quite probable that meteorologica! conditions dielectriques liquides par l'emanation du radium." Radi-
play an important role in altering the efficiency of some um, Paris., 10: 126-134 (1913); "Zur Theorie der Ionisation
or ali of the small-ion regulating factors. Temperature, in Kolonnen, II." Ann. Physik., 1: 977-1008 (1929).
humidity, and pressure of the atmosphere, for example, 19. KENNEDY, H., "The Large Ions in the Atmosphere."
are likely to exert an influence on such factors as corn- Proc. R. Irish Acad., (A) 32: 1-6 (1913).

20. LANDSBERG, H., "Atmospheric Condensation Nuclei." 40. - - "Total and Uncharged Nuclei at Washington, D. C."
Beitr. Geophys., Supp., 3: 155--252 (1938). Terr. Magn. atmos. Elect., 45: 191-204 (1940).
21. LANGEVIN, P. "Sur Ies ions de l'atmosphere." C. R. Acad. 41. SwANN, W. F. G., "On Certain New Atmospheric-Electric
Sci., Paris, 140: 232-234 (1905). Instrumenta and Methods.'' Terr. Magn. atmos. Elect.,
22. LoEB, L. B., Fundamental Processes of Electrica[ Discharges 19: 171-185 (1914).
in Gases. New York, Wiley, 1939. (See pp. 86-100) 42. THOMSON, J. J., Conduction of Electricity Through Gases,
23. LUHR, 0., and BRADBURY, N. E., "Corrected Values for the 3rd ed. Cambridge, University Press, 1933. (See p. 7)
Coefficient of Recombination of Gaseous Ions." Phys. 43. ToRRESON, O. W., "On the Value of the Ratio of the
Rev., 37: 998-1000 (1931). Number of Uncharged Nuclei (No) to the Number of
24. MAUCHLY, S. J., "Studies in Atmospheric Electricity Based Charged Nuclei of one Sign (N) at Washington, D. C."
on Observations Made on the Carnegie, 1915--1921." Terr. Magn. atmos. Elect., 39: 65--68 (1934).
Res. Dept. Terr. Magn., Carneg. Instn. Wash. Publ. 44. - - and others, "Scientific Results of Cruise VII of the
175, 5: 385--424 (1926). Carnegie. Oceanography III, Ocean Atmospheric Elec-
25. MoussrEGT, J., "Mesures de la conductibilite et de l'ionis- tric Results." Carneg. Instn. Wash. Publ. 568 (1946).
tion de l'air dans les Alpes." C. R. Acad. Sci., Paris, 45. ToRRESON, O. W., and WAIT, G. R., 'Measurements of
208: 216-217 (1939). Total Nuclei, of Uncharged Nuclei, and of Large Ions in
26. NoLAN, J. J., and DE SACHY, G. P., "Atmospheric Ionisa- the Free Atmosphere at Washington, D. C." Terr. Magn.
tion." Proc. R. Irish Acad., (A) 37: 71-94 (1927). atmos. Elect., 39:47-64 (1934).
27. NoLAN, J. J., and NoLAN, P. J., "Further Observations on 46. WAIT, G. R., "Diurnal Variation of Concentration of Con-
densation-Nuclei and of Certain Atmospheric-Electric
Atmospheric Ionisation at Glencree." Proc. R. Irish
Elements at Washington, D. C." Terr. Magn. atmos.
Acad., (A) 41: 111-128 (1933).
Elect., 36: 111-131 (1931).
28. - - "A New Method for Counting Atmospheric Ions and
47. - - "The Intermediate Ion of the Atmosphere." Phys.
Determining Their Mobilities." Proc. R. Irish Acad.,
Rev., 48: 383 (1935).
(A) 42: 15--19 (1935). 48. - - "Some Experimenta Relating to the Electrica! Con-
29. - - "Atmospheric Electrica! Conductivity and the Cur- ductivity of the Lower Atmosphere." J. Wash. Acad.
rent from Air to Earth." Proc. R. Irish Acad., (A) Sci., 36: 321-343 (1946).
43: 79-93 (1937). 49. - - and ToRRESON, O. W., "The Large-Ion and Small-Ion
30. NoLAN, P. J., "Experiments on Condensation Nuclei." Content of the Atmosphere at Washington, D. C."
Proc. R. Irish Acad., (A) 47: 25-38 (1941). Terr. Magn. atmos. Elect., 39: 111-119 (1934).
31. - - "The Recombination Law for Weak Ionisation." 50. - - "Diurnal Variation of Intermediate and Large Ions
Proc. R. Irish Acad., (A) 49: 67-90 (1943). of the Atmosphere at Washington, D. C.," Terr. Magn.
32. - - and GALT, R. I., "The Equilibrium of Small Ions and atmos. Elect., 40: 425--431 (1935).
Nuclei." Proc. R. Irish Acad., (A) 50: 51-68 (1944). 51. - - "Recombination of Ions from Gas Flames." Phys.
33. NoLAN, P. J., and FAHY, E. F., "Experimenta on the Con- Rev., 57: 1071 (1940). +
ductivity of Atmospheric Air." Proc. R. Irish Acad., 52. WErss, R., und STEINMAURER, R., "Messungen der Luf:
(A) 50: 233-256 (1945). fionen in Innsbruck." Beitr. Geophys., 50: 238-251
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Mobilities in Gaseous Mixtures." Phys. Rev., 76: 250- 53. WHIPPLE, F. J. W., "Relations Between the Combination
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37. PoLLOCK, J. A., "A New Type of Ion in the Air." Phil. Ions." Terr. Magn. atmos. Elect., 45: 127-132 (1940).
Mag., 29: 636-646 (1915). 57. ZEILINGER, P. R., "Ueber die Nachlieferung von Radium-
38. SAYERS, J., "Ionic Recombination in Air." Proc. roy. Soc., emanation aus dem Erdboden." Terr. Magn. atmos.
(A) 169:83-101 (1938). Elect., 40: 281-294 (1935).
39. SHERMAN, K. L., "Atmospheric Electricity at College- 58. ZuPANCic, P. R., "Messungen der Exhalation von Radium-
Fairbanks Polar Year Station." Terr. Magn. atmos. Elect., emanation aus dem Erdboden." Terr. Magn. atmos.
42: 371-390 (1937). Elect. , 39 : 33--46 (1934) .
Physical Research Division, U. S. Weather Bureau

Introduction will provide a suitable foundation for the solution of

the more practica! problems.
Although atmospheric electricity does not play an
Earth electrification processes that become manifest
important part in the control of world-wide weather
through easily obtainable measuremen ts are intimately
phenomena, it does have considerable bearing on spe-
related to a dual basic process consisting first of the
cial weather problems. Because of the basic electrica!
deposition of free charge on precipitation particles and
nature of all matter, most mechanical and thermody-
then of the subsequent mechanical separation of charges
namical energy transformati ons are accompanied by
having opposite signs. Mechanisms responsible for plac-
some type of electrica! phenomenon. It is not surprising,
ing a free electrica! charge of selected sign on the pre-
therefore, that the production of precipitation in the
cipitation particles are not well understood, but they
atmosphere frequently gives rise to interesting and im-
are basically related to atomic forces that are both
portant electrica! effects. These phenomena share many
physical and chemical in nature.
of the peculiarities of weather because of the extreme
The occurrence of electrification and of coexisting
complexity of charge production and transport proc-
available electrica! energy implies the expenditure of
esses in the atmosphere. One serious difficulty in the
mechanical work to establish the electrified state. In
proper evaluation of precipitation electric phenomena
the earth's atmosphere this systematic mechanical work
is that the data thus far collected have been limited to
comes principally from gravitationa l forces and acceler-
a relatively few geographical regions and with few
ations due to turbulent atmospheric motion, acting on
exceptions have covered only short periods of time.
precipitation particles. Large-scale separation of elec-
Many of the data are contradictor y.
trica! charges will occur only when the acting forces
In view of the complexity of the electrica! phenomena
operate on particles of one sign in a way quite different
accompanying precipitation , it might appear that the
from the way they operate on particles carrying the
most rapid progress on basic problems would be made
opposite electrica! charge. Because precipitation par-
if laboratory investigations were undertaken. However,
ticles normally fall in the earth's atmosphere, the
it is apparent that this would be extraordinar ily diffi-
cult for the same reason that investigations of weather observed separation of charges always implies that the
in the laboratory have met with considerable difficul- aerodynamic characteristics of carriers of the positive
ties. Electrification of the atmosphere and of precipi- charge are notably different from the characteristics of
tation is related to the characteristics and development carriers of the negative charge. This aerodynamic con-
of cloud structures, and these have not yet been suc- trast between the particles carrying opposite charges
cessfully reproduced under controlled conditions. The is of importance in the description of all large-scale
scientist is forced, therefore, to collect data wherever atmospheric electrifications.
and whenever available and to attempt to deduce from
them the main characteristics and important processes Observed Free Electrica! Charge on Precipitation
of nature. Early investigator s were of the opinion that the free
The principal practica! problems of precipitation electrica! charge carried to the earth by ra1'n was ade-
electricity that require intensive work are (1) to de-
scribe the detailed electrica! processes responsible for quate to replenish the normal discharge current ob-
the production of lightning, (2) to describe the mech- served in fair-weather areas throughout the earth.
anisms responsible for the maintenance of the observed Later work has recognized that other processes are also
negative free charge on the surface of the earth, and important, but the original ideas stimulated the first
(3) to describe those processes that transfer free elec- measuremen ts. The literature on the subject is contra-
trical charge to aircraft flying through natural precipi- dictory in many cases, and the actual values of free
tation and to devise a method for counteractin g such electrica! charge carried down by precipitation particles
processes. Solution of these practical problems requires differ so much from place to place and with different
a detailed understandi ng of other stiU more basic ques- meteorologica! situations that average values are of
tions: (1) How is a free electrica! charge placed on questionable significance. Better agreement between
precipitation ? (2) Why does charge of a selected sign various observers is secured if the electrica! character-
appear principally upon the larger precipitation ele- istics of precipitation are classified in accordance with
ments? (3) What are the mechanisms responsible for three distinct types of rainfall: (1) continuous or quiet
the separation of positive and negative charges? and rain (Landregen), (2) shower or squall rain (B6enregen),
(4) How large are the electric fields so produced? Quan- and (3) electrica! storm rain (Gewitter). This useful classifi-
titative understandi ng of these fundamenta l problems cation was adopted by Gschwend in his measuremen ts

of charge and mass of individual falling raindrops re- nearly twice as massive as the positively charged ones,
ported in 1920 [11]. and eacb carried about 25 per cent more cbarge.
Continuous or Quiet Rain. Quiet rain, usually asso- Tbe sign and magnitude of tbe integrated free charge
ciated with smaller droplets, carries relatively smaller transported to the earth by precipitation in electrica!
charges per drop than storm rain and is more likely to storms is uncertain. A number of measurements in
be predominantly of one sign. The majority of experi- tbunderstorms have shown that negative cbarge is usu-
menters have found that quiet rain is usually positive, ally transferred to tbe eartb by tbe acting mecbanisms.
although examples of continuous negative rain are For example, Banerji [1] bas estimated that tbe excess
known. The ratio of positive to negative charges re- negative charge convected to the ground by rain falling
ported generally varied from 1.1 to 1.5 wben adequate from an active tbunderstorm in India was 2 X 103
samples were taken. In spite of tbe excess observed coulombs.
positive charge, it was found that the negative charge Tbe electrica! state in an active storm is so compli-
per droplet in most cases was greater than the positive cated and confused tbat there is doubt as to the value
charge per droplet. This implies, and measurements of precipitation data as a guide to the interpretation of
show, tbat usually a larger number of positively basic electrica! processes. Tbis uncertainty in interpre-
charged droplets fali. A dependence upon the rate of tation has become serious as a result of a recent paper
rainfall bas usually been observed. A long series of by Simpson [25]. He has presented evidence suggesting
measurements by Cbalmers and Pasquill [4] in Eng- tbat the cbarge on falling rain is deposited by conduc-
Iand sbowed tbat the number of particles carrying posi- tion or cotona currents discbarged near tbe surface of
tive charges was some 70 per cent more than tbe num- tbe eartb by the electric fields usually present. Al-
ber carrying negative charges, and that the total tbougb a number of earlier experimenters Iooked in
positive free charge delivered at the earth was some 30 vain for such a correlation, Simpson now reports a good
per cent greater tban tbe negative. It is interesting to correlation between the sign of tbe free cbarge and the
note in this connection that, if data are collected over direction of the electric field. A careful check of the
a sufficiently long period, the net free transported facts in this matter by independent observers is badly
charge may be a small fraction of the total. For exam- needed. 1
ple, Scrase [23] measured the convected charge con- Measurements taken in an aircraft at various alti-
tinuously for a two-year period. Ris results showed tbat tudes up to 26,000 ft have been reported by Gunn [14].
positive charges predominated one year and negative These measurements were made in regions far above
the other, but for the entire interval the positive charge surface corona discharges and may be the only ones
exceeded the negative by 10 per cent. that give a clear-cut indication of the charge-producing
Showcr or Squall Rain. Squall-type showers share mechanisms in the earth's atmosphere. In a weak cold
the electrica! cbaracteristics both of quiet rain and of front exhibiting no thunderstorm activity, positive
rain falling in typical electrica! storms. Wide excursions charges averaging 0.033 esu per drop were observed
in the electrica! ebaracteristics are normally observed. from 10,000 to 26,000 ft. Negative charges averaging
Tbe analysis of rain falling from postthunderstorm 0.040 esu per drop were measured between 4000 and
showers and from those tbat bave not quite proceeded 20,000 ft. Positive particles were not observed below
to the point of active charge separation will be of the 10,000 ft and negative ones were not detected above
utmost value in determining tbe basic precipitation 20,000 ft. The freezing Ievel during these measure-
charging processes. ments was at 11,000 ft. Direct measurement in the
Electrica[ Storm Rain. Tbe rain falling in a typical vicinity of the plane showed that the electric field did
electrica! storm i:-; usually cbaracterized by large droplets not exceed 25 v cm- 1 , and tberefore tbunderstorm ac-
and large free charges that approximate a few hun- tivity was negligible. A coherent set of similar data [15]
dredtbs of an electrostatic unit per drop. Gschwend taken in an active thunderstorm gave notably greater
[11] pointed out the remarkable fact tbat sucb rain free charges on the precipitation and suggests that the
frequently changes its sign. It has been found in active interpretation of such collected data will he extraordi-
storms tbat after a very few consecutive droplets of narily difficult.
one sign had been measured the chance of capturing a Snow. Gschwend made a number of measurements
droplet baving anopposite sign was very Iarge. Tbe free of the charge carried by individual snowflakes. Positive
charge brougbt dmm by individual droplets falling charges, in general, exceeded negative charges, and. it is
from active thunderclouds bas been measured on the important to note that the charge on newly formed
ground by Gscbwend [11], Banerji and Lele [3], and snow is nearly one hundred times Iarger than the charge
Gunn [12]. Gschwend found tbat the largest charges on quietly falling, and presumably aged, snowflakes.
were associated \\itb positive droplets, while tbe other N akaya and Terada [20] found that snow carried a
experimenters found the Iargest cbarges associated witb preponderately negative charge unless the flakPs had
negative onPs. In very active electrica! storms, Gunn frozen water droplets attached. Recently, Pearce and
found a general trend connecting tbe cbarge on a drop- Currie [22] remarked on the Iarge number of essen-
let and its radius. Tbe electrification of tbese droplets 1. (K ote added in proof.) W. C. A. Hutchinson and J. A.
increased on the average until an electric field tbat Chalmers ha ve just published a paper, "The Electrica! Charges
approximated 2.5 esu cm- 1 was establisbed on the sur- and Masses of Single Raindrops," Quart. J. R. meteor. Soc.,
face of the droplets. N egatively charged droplets were 77:85-95 (1951), that provides needed data on this subject.

tially neutra! snowflakes. However, of the flakes meas- cloud elements carried a positive electrica! charge, but
ured, they found free positive charges on twice as many sometimes negative charges were measured. The mag-
flakes as carried negative charges. They also found that nitude of the charge varied from a few to a few hun-
snow drifting over the ground was strongly negative. dred elementary charges. Using a specially instru-
Chalmers and Pasquill [4] reported that snow is pre- mented aircraft [18], the author made a number of
dominantly negativ~. It seems apparent from the lit- measurements of the charges on cloud particles in small
erature and from other measurements that the sign swelling cumulus clouds and found that the charges
and magnitude of the charge on falling snow depends were usually negative. The average charge on each
critically upon its crystalline structure and mode of element was estimated to approximate 22 elementary
formation. As an illustration of this faet, this author charges. Scrase [24) found that cloud elements in heavy
found that snowflakes falling quietly with an average wet fogs frequently carried a negative charge approxi-
velocity of 48 cm sec- 1 carried average positive charges mating 35 elementary units. Accumulation of informa-
of 0.00067 esu, whereas simultaneously falling negative tion on the electrica! charges carried by cloud droplets
flakes of average charge 0.0010 esu fell with a velocity under various meteorologica! conditions is urgently
of 80 cm sec- 1 The difference in sign was definitely needed.
correlated with the rate of fall. It is probable that the
rate of fall is determined by the structure and density Processes Responsible for the Electrification of Pre-
of the flake, which, in turn, is determined by its mode cipitation
of formation. It is a fair inference from the data, there- Because all large-scale atmospheric electrifications
fore, that the opposite electrica! charges result from derive their energy originally from expenditure of me-
grossly different developmental histories. chanical or gravitational work and because this work
Average values of free charge carried by both posi- can be converted only when a free electrica! charge is
tive and negative individual droplets of various kinds attached to some physical entity like a raindrop, it is
of precipitation, as measured by Gschwend [11], of utmost importance to understand in detail the physi-
Banerji and Lele [3], Chalmers and Pasquill [4], and cal processes whereby free charge, of either sign, can
Gunn [12, 14, 15] are summarized in Table 1. be systematically deposited on droplets. One of the
outstanding characteristics of p'recipitation elements in
TABLE I. AvERAGE FREE ELECTRICAL CHARGE ON the atmosphere is the enormous surface area exposed
to the atmospheric ions and to the chemical activity of
Observer Altitude
(ft) igj, 1' Quiet
1 Shower
storm .~
~g ~ Jg
the air. It has been noted frequently that precipitation
elements in the air share many of the remarkable prop-
U 6 grn rain r.n

-,----------,-- erties of a colloidal suspension.

Gschwend 1 surface + 1 0.24 1.75 8.111 0.091 5.64 Droplet charging processes may be divided into two
(1921) - 0.53 5.43 5.88'1 0.06i 4.78 major categories: first, charging processes which are of
---------,--~--- --------- --~- a basic nature and dependent upon the physical and
Banerji and , surface 1 + 6.4 6.9
Lele (1932) 1 -
_ _ _ _ _ _ !_ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ _ _ , _ _
6. 7 7.3 chemical properties of water and air; and second, charg-
ing processes which are critically dependent upon spe-
Chalmers and surface 1 + 1 2.2 1.31 3.7* 10.5
Pasquill - 3.0 2.3 9.2* 5.7 cial environmental conditions.
(1938) Basic Processes. As a common example of electrifi-

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ !_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - -
cation by a basic process, one may mention the separa-
Gunn (1947) 4,000 1 ~ 24 tion of electricity produced by friction. The rubbing
12,000 1 ~ 166 together of materials having contrasting physical prop-
20,000 + 63 erties usually results in the selective transfer of elec-
- trons in the outer orbits from one material to the other.
Gunn (l-949J-I~~fuce -+--------~-lS-0.67 - - Dry ice crystals sliding along the metallic wing of an
aircraft communicate Iarge amounts of negative elec-
---~----~-------19_ _2~- tricity to the aircraft and positive electricity to the ice
Gunn (1950) 5,000 + 81 crystal. It is well known that snow blowing along the
- 63
10,000 + 148 ground acquires a strong negative charge which is very
- 112 likely of similar frictional origin.
15,000 + 123
- 76 One of the important basic processes that produce
20,000 + 52 electrica! effects in the atmosphere results from the
- 62 chemical adsorption of ions at the surfaces of precipi-
*Actual lightning activity doubtful. tation particles. Systematic polarization and orienta-
tion of surface molecules frequently result. This orien-
Cloud Elements. If raindrops are formed by the as- tation produces electrica! double layers that are
sociation of cloud elements, it is obvious that the free responsible for electrophoresis and a number of allied
electrica! charge collected on cloud particles is of fun- surface phenomena [9]. In pure water the polarization
damental importance. A number of measurements have of the surface molecules is such that the outer surface
been made on the charges carried by clouds and fog, is made up of negative charges, while some 10-s cm
notably by Wigand [27]. He found that in a dry fog the below this negative surface a positive distribution of

exactly the same amount of electricity exists. Inside aliy determine the charge captured by an initialiy un-
this double layer, a more or less random distribution of charged and insulated body.
both positive and negative free chargEs is re-estab- It has long been known that an insulated conductor
lished. The net result of the double layer on the surface supported in an ion stream becomes charged due to
of a spherical drop is that the potential inside the drop the selective capture of ions. Pauthenier and Moreau-
may be greater than that outside by a fraction of a Hanot [21] have formulated this process in a quantita-
voit. This does not mean that free electrification is pro- tive theory that appears to agree weli with experiment.
duced, since it must be remembered that exactly equal Wilson [28] has also pointed out that a droplet fali-
amounts of positive and negative electricity are en- ing in an electric field is polarized, and as it falis it
compassed by the double layer. However, if the double selectively captures, because of its motion, the more
layer is subsequently broken and mechanical work is mobile ions in the volume it sweeps out. Experimental
done on it or if ions are selectively captured, measurable results confirm the reality of this process [10]. Since
amounts of free electrification may result. this important charge-separating effect depends upon
One familiar charge-producing mechanism, inti- the existence of an initial electric field, its application
mately related to this double-layer process, is the so- to the description of the electrica! properties of the
calied waterfali effect first studied by Lenard [19]. atmosphere is obscure. The mechanism is useful in
Subsequent experimentation has shown that when a describing changes in the electrica! state subsequent to
droplet of pure water is broken up by mechanical the establishment of an electric field by some more
means, the residual droplets carry positive charges fundamental mechanism.
while the adjacent air acquires both positive and nega- Electrification occurring when rime is deposited on
tive ions. Electrifications produced by breakup, atomi- a conducting surface or on graupel is considered im-
zation, splashing, or bubbling are all intimately related portant by Findeisen [8], who has based a theory upon
to the double-layer characteristics; this subject has it. The effect is real, but its quantitative relation to
received much study [2, 5]. Although one widely quoted thunderstorms has not yet been completely worked
theory invokes such mechanisms to describe thunder- out. The application of this mechanism is attractive
storm electricity, quantitative agreement with obser- because it correlates the observed high electrification
vation is quite unsatisfactory. occurring near the freezing level with theory.
One aspect of double-layer electrification may be of An environmental process first investigated by Gunn
importance in the atmosphere when hail is produced. [13] depends on the differential migration of atmos-
Dinger and Gunn [6] discovered that when water freezes pheric positive and negative ions under the influence
in the atmosphere a large amount of air is entrapped in of a systematic transfer of water molecules. He showed
the ice in the form of tiny bubbles. Upon melting, that the transfer of water vapor towards a condensing
these bubbles are released, and upon breaking the sur- droplet results in a transfer of momentum to both the
face they transfer to the adjacent air a negative charge positive and negative ions in the vicinity and the es-
of 1.25 esu gram- 1 while the melted water droplet re- tablishment of a greater concentration of the most
tains an equal and opposite positive charge. The free mobile ion adjacent to and upon the condensing drop-
charge thus produced is appropriately distributed near let. The charge capable of being transferred to such a
the freezing level and is sufficiently large to explain the droplet is related to the vapor stream velocity and to
presence of active cloud electrification. These experi- the thermal kinetic energy of the molecules, and hence
menters also discovered that the freezing of relatively in the atmosphere is something less than 0.1 v. It
pure water is accompanied by transient changes in the should be clear that reversing the direction of the water-
contact electromotive force amounting to 6 or 10 v. vapor stream will reverse the sign of the charge on the
Because the charge distribution at the surface, respons- evaporating or condensing droplet.
ible for the contact electromotive force, is in the nature Association Processes. In attempting to understand
of a double layer, they did not believe it contributed to the basic mechanisms responsible for the surprisingly
a net electrification of a freezing droplet. Using special large electrica! charge sometimes carried by precipita-
dilute solutions, Workman and Reynolds [29] have re- tion, one process should be emphasized. Without dis-
examined this latter process and report that potential cussing the details of association, it seems certain that
differences exceeding even 100 v are produced under rain produced below the freezing level results from the
special circumstances. association of an extremely large number of cloud
It is important to note that the magnitudes of elec- particles. In typical cases, the number of cloud particles
trica! effects in ali double-layer phenomena depend associated to produce a single raindrop is surprisingly
critically upon the purity of the water. Banerji [2] has large, and if any process systematicaliy transfers even
remarked that impurities commonly existing in precipi- smali charges of a given sign to the cloud particles, then
tation in the atmosphere are usualiy sufficient to reduce the total charge may be large. Gunn [13] worked out a
the expected electrica! effects to smali values. complete "association theory" of electrica! storm activ-
Environmental Processes. It is an observed fact that ity based on this idea. He remarked that a number of
the atmosphere is pervaded by relatively large numbers physical and chemical forces could be expected to trans-
of ions of both signs. The smali negative ions move fer smali charges to the cloud particles. To illustrate
10-40 per cent faster than the positive ions when acted the theory, he adopted the notion that each cloud
on by the same force. Therefore, the negative ions usu- particle was an electrica! concentration celi and that

the mean potential between the droplet and the outside It is noted first that an electric field produced by
air approached 60 mv. By estimating the total charge the separation of charges always acts in such a direc-
resulting from the association of typical cloud elements, tion as to prevent the separation. Thus, if positively
relatively large free charges per droplet were calcu- charged droplets fali with respect to negatively charged
lated. It was found that precipitation electrica! phenom- droplets, the electric field thus produced acts to support
ena could be well described, both qualitatively and raindrops while simultaneously it drags the small nega-
quantitatively, by such an hypothesis. The theory is tive elements downward.
not considered complete but it does serve to emphasize It is clear that the electric field can never grow to
the probable importance of association mechanisms exceed a value greater than that of the field which will
in the production of highly charged precipitation. support the droplet. Thus, if Em is the electric field
when the droplets are completely supported by it, q is
Separation of Free Electrica! Charges and the Impor- the charge on the droplet and m is its mass, while g is
tance of Droplet Size the acceleration due to gravity, one may equate the
Although ali matter is composed of an enormous electrica! and gravitational forces and write
number of electrica! charges, it is a general rule that
every small volume of space contains as many positive Em= --. (1)
charges as negative charges. A short calculation will
show that this indeed must be the case, because any This electric field is an absolute maximum in the at-
systematic separation of charges of opposite sign im- mosphere for droplets of a given size and is large
m ~diately sets up surprisingly large electrica! forces enough in general to cause spark discharges.
that always act in such a direction as to restore elec- The equilibrium electric field Em, described above, is
trica! neutrality. never realized practically because of the conductivity
An important exception to the general rule of neu- of the earth's atmosphere, which always acts to dis-
trality occurs in the earth's atmosphere when free charge and reduce any electric field so produced. In
eharges of one sign become selectively attached to the order that one may formulate quantitatively the actual
iarger or smaller precipitation elements. As an example, equilibrium when the droplets are allowed to fall in an
suppose that, for some reason, all of the elementary electrically conducting atmosphere, a one-dimensional
cloud particles in a given volume selectively capture a solution will be obtained by considering the transfer of
positive (or negative) charge. When rain is formed, charge within a priHm one square centimeter in cross
these cloud particles associate to form a highly charged section and extending vertically through the cloud. The
raindrop. Suppose that, simultaneously, neutralizing electric current per unit area, i, due to the convected
negative (or positive) charges for each droplet are charges on the precipitation, is
immediately outside and are attached to air molecules
or other very small molecular aggregates. Gravity acts (2)
on both types of charged carrier, and they fali at a
velocity determined by the acting aerodynamic and where n is the number of charged particles per unit
electrica! forces. When the droplets are small, so that volume, q the charge on each partide, and v the veloc-
gravity doeH not give the particles high velocities, the ity of fali, and where the subscripts denote the sign of
neutralizing negative (or positive) charges are carried the transported charge. This downwardly transported
along with the falling positive (or negative) droplets net free charge per unit time, i, not only charges the
as a result of electric fields. Thus, after a preliminary conducting earth below but also supplies charge to re-
small separation, gross separations of the type ob- place that conducted upward as a result of the normal
served in thunderstorms do not result. ionic conductivity of the atmosphere and the generated
Unfortunately, the literature does not contain an electric field. If Q is the total free charge per unit area
adequate discussion of the important problem of charge deposited on the surface of the earth, then, equating
separation as influenced by the size of the droplet. the rate of supply to the rate of loss of charge, one has
Since the droplet size and the acting forces are of the
utmost importance in understanding charge separation
and lightning procesHes in the atmosphere, it has seemed
worth while to discuss this matter here. where () is the normal ionic conductivity of the earth's
Consider a cloud of infinite extent, lying parallel to atmosphere, and E is the electric field generated by
the earth's surface and composed of but two types of the charge separation. Under the assumed geometrica!
particles: (1) raindrops upon which positive charge, for conditions, the surface charge density Q is related to
example, is selectively deposited; (2) particles (as- the produced electric field E by the relation
sumed to be small) with a sufficient number of them
carrying a total charge just large enough to neutralize E = 41l"Q, (4)
the positive charge on the rain droplets. Assume, at from which one may write, for regions near the earth's
first, that the whole cloud system contains exactly as surface, that
much positive electricity as negative, each uniformly
distributed. It will therefore be neutral and no electric
fields will exist.

Before integration of this expression is possible, the enough to produce a discharge in air and thus initiate
distributions and the velocities of fall must be ex- lightning. Equation (8) is therefore consistent with
pressed as a function of the gravitational forces and observation.
electric field. Under most conditions, the velocity of Using balloons, Simpson and Robinson [26] roade
fall may be determined from the terminal velocity of measurements purporting to show that the electric
fall of a spherical body in the earth's gravitational fields inside active electrica! storm clouds are "of the
field together with known values for the electric field order of 100 volts/cm." This conclusion is seriously in
and the mobility of the particle. The terminal velocity error, for actual measurements in aircraft show that
of fall, V, for droplets of various sizes has been accu- fields of 1000 v cm-1 commonly occur in such clouds
rately determined and may be read from tables [6]. without producing a lightning stroke [16]. The electric
The mobility u is defined as the velocity of the particle field on the belly of a B-25 aircraft at the beginning of
in unit electric field, whence one may write approxi- an energetic lightning stroke has been measured as
mately 3400 v cm-1 [14].
Electric field to Maximum
Thus, droplets carrying charges of one sign move faster Droplet radius
(cm) support droplet, equilibrium electric
(v cm-1) field (v cm-1)
than their normal terminal velocity, while those of op-
posite sign move slower. Substituting this approxima- Fog ............... 5 X I0-4 1,500 0.5
tion in (5), assuming that the droplets are all the same, Drizzle ........... 1 X I0-2 24,000* 10.8
and integrating, one finds that the electric field in- Medium rain ...... 5 X I0-2 24,000* 1,930
Excessive rain .... 1 X I0-1 24,000* 24,300*
creases with the time t in accordance with the following
relation, * Because the effective dielectric strength for Iong discharge
paths in air approximates only 3000 v cm- 1 , active lightning

E =
n+q+V+ [1 + n_q_V_]
strokes would prevent such high values of electric field from
From equation (7) it can correctly be inferred that
u - n_q_u_[1 + n+q+u+]
an increase in the conductivity of the atmosphere will
reduce the generated electric field. It is not impossible
that sudden localized increases in the electrica! conduc-
tivity of the air, due to a lightning discharge or local-
whence, approximating, the maximum equilibri1lm field ized radioactivity, would so increase the conductivity
is given nearly enough by that the generated electric fields would be small even
with large droplets and big free charges. Thus, light-
E = n+q+(V+- V_) ( 8)
ning would be suppressed. This matter requires further
u + n_q_u_ '
investigation and may be of importance in the artificial
where all quantities are now expressed as positive num- suppression of lightning discharges by localized dissi-
bers. Attention is drawn to the fact that the selection pation of radioactive material into the atmosphere.
of signs given above is arbitrary, and that in nature a The analysis presented above properly emphasizes
negative instead of a positive charge frequently comes the dual and interrelated character of thunderstorm
down on rain. electricity as compared with charge production and
In interpreting equation (7), it is noted that when separation. Electric storm fields would not exist if
the positive carriers are small and have very low ter- charges were not actively separated. The analysis shows
minal velocities of fall, their actual velocities closely that separation cannot take place unless the forces
approximate the velocities of the carriers of negative acting on the positive charges are different from the
charges. Thus the difference in terminal velocities be- forces acting on the negative charges. This implies, in
comes small, and the electric field approaches zero. In turn, the necessity for a selective deposit of a charge of
nonprecipitating clouds, therefore, one would expect definite sign on rain particles and a deposit of a charge
that the measured electric fields would be very small; of opposite sign on lighter cloud particles or air mole-
this is in accordance with direct observation [16]. When cules.
the rain droplets become reasonably large, the electric
fields increase to large values. In fact, according to
Electrifi.cation of Aircraft Flying through Precipitation
equation (7), the electric field is proportional to the It was found du ring W orld W ar II that aircraft fly-
rainfall intensity and to the free electric charge carried ing in cold areas systematically lost all radio commu-
by the larger droplets. Since the negative carriers are nication and navigational facilities whenever they en-
very small compared to a raindrop, one may ignore countered dry ice-crystal clouds or snow. Pilots flying
their velocity and calculate Table II from equations through such precipitation in mountainous areas with-
(1) and (8), using the best available data [13, p. 94] to out usable radio navigational facilities continually faced
show how the equilibrium electric field increases with dangerous situations that adversely affected the deliv-
the size of the raindrop. It is interesting to note in ery of urgent war goods to Alaska.
Table II that, while cloud droplets produce a negligible Hundreds of flights roade by the Army-Navy Pre-
field, the equilibrium field for large droplets is great cipitation-Static Research Team near Minneapolis,

through all kinds of precipitation and under varying cruising at 165 mph, generated an average current of
meteorologica! conditions, established the basic mech- 750 p.a. This current transferred a negative charge to
anisms responsible for precipitation static. By using a the airplane and raised its potential to more than 450,
specially instrumented aircraft, it was found that the 000 v. The electrica! energy dissipated, therefore, was
two most important sources of electrification of the 330 w. It was not surprising that corona discharge
aircraft were (1) closely adjacent, highly electrified from the antenna was initiated causing such severe
cloud centers, and (2) friction of snow and ice crystals radio interference as to override urgently required com-
as they slid over the wings at low temperatures. Ordi- munications.
nary rain or shower clouds showing little vertical con- Precipitation static is stiH a serious operational haz-
vection were relatively inactive. ard because the present high operating speed of air-
The Research Team was able to demonstrate that craft has greatly increased the charging rates that
the interference with communications on the aircraft were already troublesome at low speed. The modern
resulted from St. Elmo's fire or corona discharges from trend toward stiU higher speeds will ultimately de-
the aircraft antenna or closely adjacent structures. mand housed antennas for communication purposes.
Because of the intermittent pulselike nature of the Such construction will greatly assist in meeting future
corona discharge, adjacent radio circuits were strongly requirements.
shock-excited and rendered insensitive to the ordinary
radio signals. REFERENCES
Normal thunderstorm activity produces large electric 1. BANERJI, S. K., "Does Thunderstorm Rain Play Any Part
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ity of these fields, corona currents frequently are pro- Quart. J. R. meteor. Soc., 64:293-299 (1938).
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especially severe) does not persist for long and there- 3. - - and LELE, S. R., "Electric Charges on Raindrops."
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Lond., 50:1-15 (1938).
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The second type of electrification is self-produced 6. DrNGER, J. E., and GuNN, R., "Electrica! Effects Associ-
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tive, while ftakes leaving the plane after sliding along 10. GoTT, J. P., "On the Electric Charge Collected by Water-
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near the freezing temperature and increasing as the 13. - - "The Electricity of Rain and Thunderstorms." Terr.
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It is impractical to review the detailed effects that 14. - - "The Electrica) Charge on Precipitation at Various
result from ftying through precipitation. Interested Altitudes and ItsRelation toThunderstorms." Phys. Rev.,
readers are urged to read the extensive technical re- 71:181-186 (1947).
ports of the Precipitation-Static Project [7, 18]. 15. - - "Free Electrica] Charge on Precipitation Inside an
As an illustration of the severity of precipitation Active Thunderstorm." J. geophys. Res., 55:171-178
static, it seems worth while to give some numerica!
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results obtained off Y akutat, Alaska, in a typical up- J. appl. Phys., 19:481-484 (1948).
slope storm. Cloud and charging conditions were singu- 17. - - and KrNZER, G. D., "The Terminal Velocity of Fall
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for more than three hours. A four-engine B-17 aircraft, 248 (1949).

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General Electric Company, Pittsfield, Massachusetts

The thunderstorm process and the theories relating After the leader reaches the earth, the photographic
to the formation of charges in the clouds are explained film shows a much brighter illumination traveling up-
in another article. 1 This paper will contain information wards from the earth toward the cloud through the
on the lightning discharge only. channel established by the stepped leader. This is
The mechanism of the lightning discharge can be called the return stroke. The average velocity of propa-
divided into three regions of in te rest: (1) cloud -to-cloud gation is 5 X 109 cm sec- 1
discharges, (2) clo).ld-to-ground discharges, and (3) phe- Subsequent to this first discharge there may be other
nomena on the ground end of cloud-to-ground dis- discharges. These are also initiated by a leader, but of a
charges. From the practical point of view, the greatest different type, called dart leader or continuous leader,
effort has been devoted to understanding and interpret- with a velocity of 2 X 108 cm sec- 1 As in the case of
ing the phenomena associated with the lightning stroke the first discharge, return strokes result on contact of
when it contacts man-made installations [1, 2]. Quali- the continuous leader with the earth. Occasionally
tative data have been obtained to give confidence in leaders on discharges subsequent to the first have been
the principles of protection used to guard buildings and observed to have a few steps. Data on leader and re-
electrica! transmission systems against the effects of turn-stroke characteristics are given in Table I.
lightning. It becomes progressively more difficult to
determine the mechanism and physics of the lightning Branching
stroke as it occurs away from the earth. Frequently the first discharge shows branching pro-
duced by a stepped-leader process. Branching is always
in the direction of propagation of the leader. In general,
The study of the mechanism of strokes to ground has subsequent leaders do not show branching, choosing
been accomplished primarily by means of photography the path where ground previously has been reached,
[15, 16]. The lightning stroke starts at the cloud in the resulting in a return stroke. In many cases more than
form of a stepped leader, as illustrated in the upper one branch may reach ground simultaneously. In other
part of Fig. 1. The steps have an average length of 50 cases ground is reached at a different point on subse-
m. The time interval between successive steps is of the quent discharges, following and completing a branch
established on the first discharge. Upward branching
TABLE l. CHARACTERISTIC DATA FOR LEADERS has also been observed at the cloud end of the stroke.
Photographs show that branching is the result either of
Minimum Average Maximum discharges between portions of the cloud or of discharges
from a different charge center in the cloud through
Stepped leaders part of the previously established channel. There are
Length of steps, m. . . 10 50 200
Time interval between indications that branching is more profuse in hilly,
steps, p.sec. . . . . . . . 15 50 100 wooded country than in flat, bare country.
Velocity of propaga- Theories have been developed to explain the leader
tion of step, crn sec- 1 5 X 10 9
Velocity of propaga- j mechanism [8, 14]. These theories consider the presence
tion of pilot streamer,l of a pilot streamer which progresses more or less con-
~~~~~--_--~~~~ 1 X 107 1.5 X 10 7 5 X 107 tinuously, connecting the individual bright tips of the
Continuous leaders 1 1
original leader. As the pilot streamer progresses, the
Vel_ocity of ~~opaga- 8 ionization in the upper part of the streamer slows up
tron, cm sec . . . . . . . . - l 2 X 10
and recombination of ions occurs. The impedance of the
R~~l~~i~~ 0 ~f propaga-~,----~-----~- path therefore increases, and hence the potential dif-
tion, cm sec- 1 . . . . 2 X 109 5 X 109 1.5 X 1010
ference across the established channel is also increased.
As the potential is raised, reionization occurs down the
channel. The speed and intensity of ionization increase
order of 50 fJ.Sec. The average velocity of the individual as ionization reaches the tip of the pilot streamer. This
steps is of the order of 5 X 109 cm sec-r, while the increases the energy at the tip and results in greater
velocity of the total step mechanism is of the order of illumination. The pilot streamer then proceeds for an-
1.5 X 107 cm sec- 1 Thus, the total time required for other 50 m and the process is repeated.
the stepped leader to reach the earth may be greater The breakdown or ionization process begins in a part
than 0.01 sec. of the cloud characterized by a high field gradient. At
1. Consult "Precipitation Electricity" by R. Gunn, pp. atmospheric pressure, 30,000 v cm- 1 are required to
128-135 in this Compendium. begin ionization. At the reduced pressure in the clouds

and due to the presence of water droplets, it is esti- ten to severa! hundred feet. However, the evidence is
mated that a gradient of 10,000 v cm- 1 may be sufficient. insufficient to determine whether ground streamers oc-
The process is started by the acceleration of one or more cur on every lightning discharge.
free electrons in the air. By collision with air molecules, If light intensity is considered a measure of the
these elect.rons liberate more and more electrons as they current amplitude in the return stroke, then in the
advance in the field, the number increasing very rapidly majority of the cases photographed the first in a series
in the form of an avalanche. Large numbers of positive of multiple strokes appears to carry current of the
ions are left behind in the field. The resulting positive highest amplitude. This is not always the case. Oscillo-
space charge increases the field gradient sufficiently graphic evidence also indicates that the first current
for the attraction of photoelectrons. These in turn peak does not always have the highest amplitude.
produce greater ionization and rapidly complete the In many photographs taken in South Africa [9],
breakdown process. the light intensity of the channel decreases as the








FIG 1.-Schematic diagram showing the mechanism of the lightning discharge from cloud to ground.

Laboratory experiments on long sparks have con- return stroke progresses toward the cloud. Points of
firmed the stepped-leader process from negative point discontinuity are observed, particularly at the junctions
to plane, but not from positive point to plane. More of the main channel and the branches. There is a ques-
sensitive measuring methods are needed to record the tion of whether current surges proceed from the branch
complete development of the streamers or leaders. There to ground or from the ground to the branch. The veloc-
is considerable doubt as to the existence of the pilot ity in most cases exceeds 10 10 cm sec- 1, and therefore
streamer. The theory of the long discharge is not yet cannot be accurately measured from the photographs.
sufficiently developed, however, to provide a better Measurements in other parts of the world do not seem
answer to the formation of the lightning stroke by to indicate such drastic changes in intensity in the
means of the stepped leader. channel as the return stroke progresses toward the
cloud. This difl'erence may be due to ground conditions.
The Return Stroke In those cases where charges are readily available, the
As the leader approaches the ground, the charges current in the return stroke can be maintained up to
in the ground begin to move in the direction of the higher altitudes at higher amplitudes than in ground
approaching leader. As the leader touches the ground, with high resistivity.
the charges in the channel and the ground charges Data are not available on current amplitudes in the
can neutralize each other, resulting in the return stroke. leader strokes, the relation between currents and charges
Since the channel is partly ionized, further ionization in the leader stroke, the charges available in the ground,
can result ata more rapid rate. The current in the chan- and the wave shape and amplitude of the return stroke.
The mechanism involved in the wave shape of the
nel increases rapidly and the velocity of propagation
current in the return stroke is not too clear. It is thought
upward becomes of the order of ten times that of the by some that the front is formed shortly before the
continuous downward leader. leader touches the ground and completed on contact
There is some evidenee that streamers from the [12]. Other theories indicate that maximum peak cur-
ground start up toward the approaching leader, thus rent is reached at the ground end after the current
producing contact between leader and charges in the wave has traveled a short distance upwards in the
air [11] . The length of such streamers may vary from channel.

Stroke Mechanism for High Buildings are probably determined by the conditions in the atmos-
Observations at the Empire State Building in New phere surrounding the tips of the stepped leaders as
York [11] have shown that the starting mechanism of they progress downward. Space charges produced by
the stepped leader is quite different (bottom part of the leader mechanism, and perhaps charge distributions
Fig. 1). In most cases the stroke starts as a stepped involved in the thunderstorm process itself, may be
leader at the building rather than at the cloud. The largely responsible for the field distortion resulting in
length of the steps, the time interval between steps the irregular pattern of the lightning channel. The
and the velocity of propagation of the steps fall withi~ diameter of the channel is apparently a function of the
the range of leaders from cloud to ground. Another rate of rise of current flowing in the channel and the
significant difference is the absence of a return stroke amplitude of current flow. Experiments have shown
after the leader has reached the cloud. Instead a that the channel diameter experiences equilibrium when
contmuous flow of current of the order of magnitude' of the density of the current flowing reaches 1000 amp
a few hundred amperes is observed. Frequently the cm- 2 Much greater current densities, as high as 30,000
stroke current stops without any further manifesta- amp cm- 2, are reached when current flowing in the
tion. In many cases, however, the initial discharge is channel has a rate of rise of a few thousand amperes
followed by subsequent continuous downward leaders per J.LSec. As the result of such measurements, the
from the cloud to the building, followed by a return probable maximum diameter of the channel was
stroke upward from the building, as in the case of deduced as of the order of 5 cm. Other computations
strokes reaching the ground in open country. and experiments indicate diameters as high as 23 cm.
This sequence leads to the conclusion that charges The change in current density and consequent en-
in the cloud are not sufficiently concentrated to provide largement of the channel as a result of ionization, beat-
a return stroke. In spite of the large drainage of charges ing, and disassociation along the path of the lightning
(as much as 80 coulombs) in the preliminary continu- discharge, results in pressure effects. For continuous
ous-current period and a rather well-ionized channel discharges involving only low currents, the pressure
the cloud can precipitate a continuous leader to th~ effects are so negligible that thunder cannot be heard.
building. This may be due to a more rapid increase of Such observations permit the deduction that pressure
potential gradients within the cloud or to rapid inter- effects will be greater the higher the rate of rise of cur-
change of charges from other charge centers within the rent flowing in the channel and the greater the ampli-
cloud. The reason for establishing a continuous leader tude of the current. This is confirmed by laboratory
in a channel, quite well ionized by the preceding con- experiments where the pressure effects are associated
tinuing current, is not clear. Photographs and oscillo- with high surge currents, while low-current discharges
grams show that the return stroke, coupled with a produce negligible pressure.
heavy current discharge or peak current, is governed At times the path of the lightning channel is affected
principally by conditions in the ground. by wind. In such cases a stationarv camera film and
lens will record the multiplicity of the discharge. In
Continuous Current some such cases the stroke path changes its shape
Oscillographic and photographic evidence from the considerably, indicating perhaps the disruption of cur-
Empire State Building investigation seems to indicate rent flow. However, it is quite possible that differences
that successive discharges are always connected by in wind velocity at various heights are responsible for
continuing current flow. Other investigators have made distortion of the pre-established channel. In other cases
measurements which indicate that the current between the channel retains its precise form to the end of the
successive discharges may drop to zero. The fact that stroke.
successive lightning discharges in a stroke have the
The Multiple Stroke
same shape is an indication that sufficient ionization
remains in the channel for subsequent leaders to choose The formation of multiple strokes [6, 11] has been
the same path. In some cases the time interval between explained as the extension of the stroke channel to
such successive discharges is 0.5 sec. In the laboratory new charge centers in other portions of the cloud.
it was found that on establishing a long, sixty-cycle Alternatively, it has been suggested that new charge
arc, a series of multiple discharges take place within a centers develop toward the original channel by means
few hundreds of microseconds. The shape of these of the leader process. In some strokes the regularity
discharges differs greatly, indicating that ionization of the time interval between successive discharges has
has ceased. The currents available in this case are of been suggested to be due to repeated charging of the
the order of a few amperes. original stroke center. Statistica! data on the number
To solve this question it is necessary to greatly en- of multiple discharges in a stroke are given in Table II.
large our knowledge on deionization time of the air and
Potential Involved in the Stroke Formation
to determine more accurately whether current flow
exists during deionization. Based on potential gradients measured at the earth
and within clouds, it now appears that a lightning dis-
The Channel of the Lightning Stroke charge can be initiated and completed with average
The channel of the lightning stroke almost invariably gradients of the order of 100 v cn1 1 On this hasis the
follows an irregular path. This path and its branches total voltage required to initiate a stroke of 10,000-ft

length has been estimated at twenty to thirty million stroke or current peak of approximately 15,000 amp
volts. Considering the formation of the channel by in which the time to half value of the crest current
means of the stepped-leader process, it is reasonable to was roughly 40 f.ISec. A short period of continuing cur-
assume that the average gradient for the lightning rent was followed by a second current peak of 4000 amp.
stroke may be considerably less than that required to A total of four current peaks were measured in this
break down a gap in the laboratory (30,000 v cm-1, stroke, the third one having the highest amplitude,
uniform field; 5000 v cm-I, non uniform field-large 23,000 amp. The total duration of the stroke was ap-
gaps). proximately 0.46 sec.
It is not known what gradients exist at the point
where the leader is initiated in the cloud. The lower (INSERT SCALE- MICROSECONDS)
density of the air, and the presence of waterdrops o 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08
with their associated charges, may greatly alter the -1
gradient requirements initiating a discharge. -2
0.08 0.10 0.12 0.14 0.16
Cloud-to-Cloud Discharges ~
0:: _,
While the occurrence of cloud-to-cloud discharges ~ -2
is relatively much greater than that of cloud-to-ground <I 0.16 0.,18 0}0 O.F 0.~4
discharges--estimates range between 50: 1 and O. 7: 1- " - 1
(0.2515 ,0.2515+ /0.2618 ( 0.2618.,.
the mechanism involved is not as well known because ~ -
0.24 \o 2o"' ~e.:i 60 o.26to 20 p.4s~c. 0.28
these strokes are frequently obscured by the cloud
masses. However, the available photographs seem to
indicate that cloud-to-cloud discharges are initiated
~ =:r=J~.320\:?~
G o.28 -l 5 - o.3o
~o.o20+ o 20 1 o.34
by stepped leaders in the same manner as that of the o~ ' ' ' ~
~ -1

-1o-l _-
first discharge in a cloud-to-ground stroke. Return 1': -2 (0.3418 1' sec. {0.3418+ _ 20 _~
strokes are not known to occur. :r 0.34 j o 20 40 60 0.36 o. 38 0.40

Measurements of field changes associated with cloud-

~-~r~,, ---=-- ~
to-cloud strokes also indicate the absence of return 0.44 0.46 0.48
strokes. The measurement of the wave form of atmos-
of~- ' '

pherics, however, has disclosed that soll\e types of TOTAL DURATIQN: 0.4'1 SECONDS
cloud-to-cloud strokes result in wave forms similar to TOTAL CHARGE: - 84 COULOMBS

cloud-to-ground strokes, but of smaller amplitude and FIG 2.-Replot of low-speed cathode-ray oscillogram with
inserts of high-speed cathode-ray oscillograms showing cur-
separated by short, quiet intervals. These probably rent peaks, Empire State Building, New York City, 1940.
arise from multiple discharges within the clouds. Photo-
graphic evidence indicates that discharges within clouds In strokes to open country, the stroke starts at the
can take place from the tip to the bottom of the cloud, cloud rather than at the ground, and consequently a
as well as in a horizontal direction within clouds. current peak would be the first measurement made.
The importance of cloud strokes !ies in their effects The value of continuing current between current peaks
on radio reception and on the safety of airplanes. It is expected to vary greatly and may even be zero. Never-
has been suggested that airplanes may trigger off cloud- theless, this oscillogram shows all the principal com-
to-cloud discharges, and evidence is accumulating that ponents of a cloud-to-ground stroke and the relative
the susceptibility of planes to lightning strokes increases relations between amplitudes and wave shapes of the
as the size and speed of the planes become greater. two principal components-current peaks and continu-
ing currents-as well as the multiple character of the
Phenomena on Ground End of Cloud-to-Ground Dis- stroke.
charges From the available measurements, it has been pos-
To safeguard electrica! installations against damage sible to derive statistica! data which are shown in
from lightning strokes, a large number of measurements Table II. These statistics in all cases give the minimum
have been made to determine the characteristics of and maximum curves obtained from published data
lightning strokes at the ground end. Such measurements for 90, 50, and 10 per cent of the strokes, as well as
have involved the determination of voltages on trans- the maximum available values. The great spread in
mission lines (maximum measured-5,000,000 v), but some of the data is due to the various methods of
have dealt principally with the statistica! evaluation observations used.
of the current in the stroke, the charges involved in
the stroke, the wave shapes of currents, and other data Stroke Current
needed to provide reliable protective systems. Item 1 of Table II shows the amplitudes of current
Figure 2 shows a composite oscillogram of a lightning peaks measured in the path of the lightning stroke,
stroke current to the Empire State Building. In this with an average peak current of 7000 amp. A much
case an upward leader, followed by a long period of greater number of records, which show a surprising
continuing current flow, initiated the stroke and ter- agreement, ha ve been. obtained on transmission line
minated at 0.25 sec. At this moment a continuous towers (Item 2). Fifty per cent of the lower currents
downward leader to the building resulted in a return are in excess of 10,000 amp, while the maximum meas-

ured was 130,000 amp. By making various assumptions, The charges in the current peak are related by an
the lightning stroke currents responsible for tower cur- unknown factor to the charges laid down by the leader.
rents measured were deduced as shown in Item 3. The charges measured at the ground end of the stroke
The correctness of some of these assumptions is ques- are expected to be lower than those in the leader be-
tionable, and the values shown in the table are probably cause of losses during the formation of the leader. The
charges given in the table are based on the integrated
- - - - - - - - - - - --------------------- product of current in amperes and time in seconds,
Per cent of strokes with 1 using only the portion of the current peak between
1 values in excess of .
Item 1
~;:se sh~:: in ;a:;%1 ~~~- its start and its decrease to half value. In all cases but
one, the charges thus determined were less than one
coulomb and resulted from lowering a negative charge
1. ~urrentpeaksme~su~d~ Min. \2.2 ~ 2~.-- from the cloud. The maximum value of 5.6 coulombs
m stroke path, ktloam- l Max. : 5.0 8.6 27.5 !160 resulted from lowering a positive charge from the cloud.
peres 1 1

2. Current amplitudes in 1 Min. 1

11.0 8.8 28.4 1 -

The Composite Stroke
steel towers, kiloamperesl' Max .._ 5.3 112.2 35.8 130
3. Lightning stroke cur- Min. l 2.4113.3 The lightning stroke may consist of a number of
1 50.0
rents computed from 1 Max. 110.3 140.0 1101.0 220 current peaks and continuing current ftow. The total
Item 2, kiloamperes ' [ '1 1
duration of the stroke measured by different investi-
4. Rate of rise of stroke Min. ! 1.8 8.5 27.5 gators varies between 0.0006 sec and 0.35 sec for the
currents, kiloamperes per Max. 12.4 ,14.5 135.0 45
50 per cent level. The longest duration measured is
5. ~::e front of
currents, p,sec
stroke 1

~- 0.211.0
0.9 2..'i1
] 5.2
1 5.5 10
about 1.5 sec. Fifty per cent of the strokes have two
or more current peaks, while a maximum of 42 current
6. Wave tai! of current Mm. , 111.6 bo.3 78.0 peaks has been measured. The time interval between
peaks-time to half Max. 1
j26.0 45.5 80.0 120 successive current peaks at the 50 per cent level varies
value, p,sec
between 0.02 sec and 0.09 sec, with a maximum of 0.5
7. Charges in current ! Min. 1 - 1 sec between successive discharges.
peaks, coulombs Max. 1 0.04. 0.23 1.03 5.6
Of considerable interest is the total charge in the

8. Total stroke charges, ! Min. 2.3 10.4 86.0

coulombs Max.

, 4.2 22.2 100.0 165 lightning stroke. This is principally the charge conducted
.9. Total duration of 1 Min. 1 0.0006 0.2 - by the continuous currents. The average charge meas-
ured is approximately 18 coulombs, while a maximum of
1 -

strokes, sec 1 Max. 1 0.1 0.37 1' 0.68 1 1.6


10. Number of current peaks1 Min. 1.0 1.8 4.0 - 165 coulombs has been recorded. Many of these meas-
in lightning strokes i Max. 1.313.0 11.0 42 urements were obtained from strokes to tall buildings,
11. Time interval between 1 Min. - 0.02 0.1 - and in all cases they represent the charges at the ground
current peaks, sec [ Max. 0.031 0.088 0.18 0.5 end of the stroke. They represent the total charges
1 1

conducted in the channel through the point of measure-

too high. The statistica! evidence indicates, however, ment. There should be some differenee in the total
that only very few lightning strokes will have current charges conducted when the stroke is initiated. at the
peaks in excess of 60,000 amp. cloud and when it is initiated at a tall structure. In
the latter case, the total charge in the channel can be
Wave Shape of Current Peaks measured, while for strokes initiated at the cloud,
Of great importance for evaluating the effect of charges laid down from the eloud are not necessarily
lead length in lightning protective systems is the knowl- included in the measurement.
edge of the length of the front and the rate of rise of Measurement at the ground end of the stroke will
current of the current peaks. The number of records not necessarily record al! eharges involved in a light-
available is relatively small. However, the data taken ning stroke, particularly in the not-too-rare cases where
by different investigators with different means of re- the stroke changes its path at the ground end or at
cording are in sufficient agreement to allow confidence both ends. It is obvious that in such cases the total
in the results. The limits of wave fronts and rates of charges involved in the stroke mechanism can be con-
rise measured indicate that inductive drops are a serious siderably greater.
consideration. In 50 per cent of the cases the rate of Charge determination by means of electric field meas-
rise was 12,000 amp per tsec or greater, which would urements of thunderstorms has indicated a maximum
result in approximately a 6000-v drop per foot of charge of 200 coulombs, a value about 25 per cent
conductor. higher than at the Empire State Building. A further
The duration of the current peaks is of importance indication of total charges involved in lightning strokes
in estimating or determining the strength of insulation has been obtained from damage produeed by lightning
subjected to lightning strokes. For practica! reasons strokes on metal parts, particularly of airplanes. Com-
this is usually expressed in terms of microsecond dura- parison of such damage with ::;imilar effects prod.uced
tion of the current wave while it rises from zero to in the laboratory has indicated charges at least as high
crest and decays to half value. The statistica! evidence as 300 coulombs, and possibly in excess of 500 coulombs.
shows that 50 per cent of the waves have a time to In some of these high total charges, strokes to ground
half value of approximately 38 tsec or more. were also involved, but since the total stroke mecha-

nism is not known, it cannot be determined whether Forms of Lightning

all of the charges were conducted to ground or to what
extent they occurred within the cloud only. Names like streak, bead, ribbon, fork, heat, sheet, and
ball lightning have been used to describe various ob-
Polarity served forms of lightning discharges. Streak lightning
. ~he polarity of lightning strokes, in the great ma- is the normaUy observed type as described in the fore-
JOnty of cases measured, is negative; that is, negative going discussion. Bead, ribbon, fork, and heat lightning
charges are lowered from the cloud. The relation for probably have the same characteristics as streak light-
grounded structures is approximately 15:1 in fa vor of ning. Bead lightning is assumed to be a form of streak
negative charges. Since most measurements have been lightning. The appearance of the beads may be caused
made on transmission line towers and other rather by variations in the luminosity along the channel,
well-grounded structures, it has been pointed out that perhaps caused by brush discharges. Ribbon lightning
this would be conduci veto a higher number of negative is probably a streak lightning stroke with multiple
strokes on account of the possibility of guiding a nega- discharges where the channel is blown along by the
tive leader to the structure by means of streamers wind. Fork lightning is the term used for strokes with
produced at the positive grounded object. In the case severa! apparently simultaneous paths to ground. As
of a positive stroke, a negative streamer would not be as explained, these ground termini may be formed simul-
likely to occur. From this reasoning it is expected that taneously or during successive discharges of multiple
strokes to open ground may include a lower percentage strokes. Heat lightning is a form of streak lightning
with negative polarity. Measurements of field changes at a distance sufficiently far away so that thunder is
seem to favor this view because in many of these cases not heard. Sheet lightning usually occurs in clouds
the ratio of negative to positive polarity cloud-to- between the lower and upper atmosphere over a con-
ground strokes is of the order of 6: 1 or less. siderable area. This areal distribution of sheet lightning,
In cases where direct strokes to ground have been and its long persistence, constitute the principal differ-
measured by means of oscillographs or other devices ence between it and streak lightning.
which permit detailed examination of the stroke cur- Ball lightning is described as a luminous ball of
rent throughout its duration, it was found that the reddish color, with an average diameter of 20 cm. When
majority of the strokes were entirely of negative po- seen emerging from the cloud, its velocity has been
larity. In some cases, however, the polarity of the estimated as high as 100 m sec- 1 ; while on the ground
continuing current fiow changed, usually toward the it travels at 1 to 2 m sec- 1 UsuaUy the baU explodes
end of the stroke. In other cases one of the current after an average life of 3 to 5 sec. There is much con-
peaks was of positive polarity, while the remaining troversy regarding this form of lightning. It has been
current peaks resulted from a negative cloud charge. described as an optica! illusion caused by retention of
The polarity relations throughout the length of the vision of a heavy lightning discharge in the retina of
stroke are probably governed by the mechanism of the eye. However, the testimony of a few apparently
multiple discharges which was discussed previously. well-qualified observers seems to indicate that such
The process must be governed by the means of charge phenomena may exist. N o reliable explanation for the
exchange within the cloud during and foUowing the existence of ball lightning has been offered. However,
first leader stroke to ground, as well as by the rate of severa! theories exist explaining the phenomenon on the
production of charges within the original stroke center hasis of chemical and physical reactions. Some photo-
in the cloud. graphic evidence submitted as possibly caused by baU
The fact that charges of negative polarity are lowered lightning has been proved to have had an erroneous
to the ground in the majority of the cases seems to interpretation.
indicate that negative charges predominate in the bot- Measurements of Lightning Characteristics
tom of the cloud. The fact that some of the highest
current peaks measured were of positive polarity might The most exact measurements can be made at the
be accepted as proof that centers of positive polarity ground end of a stroke. For this purpose a variety of
can exist in the lower portions of some storm clouds. instruments have been developed.
The Lichtenberg figure on photographic film [7, 13]
Stroke Density placed between two electrodes is a corona discharge.
It is extremely difficult to obtain information on The size of the figure is a measure of the voltage applied
stroke density. Analysis has shown that the density and the polarity of the discharge. By suitable shunts,
per square mile is approximately one-half of the number currents can be measured. The accuracy of such devices
of storm days from the isokeraunic map. This was has been estimated at 25 to 50 per cent.
partially confirmed by a two-year count in a region A very simple method of measuring the peak value
with 27 storm days per year where the average stroke and polarity of surge or lightning currents is the mag-
density was approximately 15 strokes per square mile netic link [4]. It consists of a number of steel strips of
per year. Observed figures depend on the size of the high retentivity. The magnetic flux associated with a
area under observation and rapidly decrease with in- lightning stroke magnetizes the link. The magnetization
creased area. Accurate data would be of value to de- measured after exposure gives a very accurate indication
termine lightning risks. of current crest. Two links at different spacing from

the conductor carrying the lightning surge are used to the amplitude of current peaks and the charge con-
increase the accuracy, particularly where currents of ducted in the stroke. Damage produced on metal parts
opposite polarity may flow. These links will measure of airplanes is in many respects the only means by
only the maximum peak in a multiple stroke. which lightning currents occurring in the clouds can be
Fulchronographs [17], devices where a number of determined.
links are mounted on a rotating wheel, permit deter-
mination of the variation of current with time. The Lightning Protection
resolution for continuing currents is good. The high- The statistica! knowledge gained over the past fifteen
speed wheels used permit separation of amplitudes of to twenty years has largely confirmed the effectiveness
successive high current peaks, but the speed is insuffi- of a properly installed lightning-rod system (advocated
cient to determine the wave shapes of current peaks. by Benjamin Franklin more than 150 years ago) to
Magnetic links applied in circuits in which induct- protect ordinary buildings and houses against direct
ances or capacitances are used in combination with strokes. Such systems consist of interconnected air
resistance permit determination of the maximum rate terminals mounted on the highest points of the struc-
of current change of a current peak. ture, and connected to the ground at severa! points.
The photographic surge-current recorder [10] meas- The "Code for Protection Against Lightning" issued
ures the intensity of light produced by a surge current by the National Bureau of Standards and designated as
across a short spark gap. A range of 0.1 amp to 150,000 Handbook H40, and the British Code of Practice C. P.
amp is claimed for this device. 1:1943 published by the British Standard Institution,
The cathode-ray oscillograph [3] is the most versatile, contain the essential rules to follow for installation,
but also the most elaborate device for measuring surges. materials, size, and other factors essential for an ef-
Several types of oscillograph must be used to record fective durable installation.
the high-speed (current peaks) and slow-speed (con- For continuity of electrica! service to homes, farms,
tinuing currents) components of a complete lightning and factories, many practices have evolved, based di-
stroke. The development of the sealed-in cathode-ray rectly on the many lightning studies and their results.
tube has made this instrument simpler and subject to For protection of electrica! apparatus, the lightning
automatic operation. arrester is a commonly accepted device. Such arresters
Of considerable value for determining the mechanism have the property of conducting surge currents to
of the discharge are the so-called Boys cameras [5, 15]. ground at a reduced voltage. Any system power current
With high-speed rotating film, or high-speed rotating (follow current) which may flow through the arrester
lenses, the speed of propagation of the leaders and immediately following the lightning discharge is in-
retum strokes can be analyzed. The low-speed cameras terrupted, and the line is restored to its original con-
give valuable information on the time sequence of dition. Many different types of arresters are in use.
current peaks and the continuing-current flow between In some cases plain gaps are used for protection. These
multiple discharges. It has been possible to obtain fairly cannot limit the voltage applied to the apparatus to
good correlation between density of the film exposed to voltages as low as arresters. After sparkover of the gap
a stroke and the current flow causing the illumination, occurs, circuit power current usually follows and must
principally for the continuing components. A micro- be interrupted by opening a breaker.
photometer has been used to correlate these quantities. Transmission lines of higher voltage ratings can be
For accuracy it is necessary to avoid overexposure of effectively protected by the use of ground wires prop-
the film, as well as to have highest sensitivity for the erly suspended above the transmission wires to inter-
weaker illumination. For this purpose multiple-lens cept the direct strokes. The lightning currents contact-
cameras are used with apertures varied to cover the ing the ground wire and the towers to which they are
complete range of exposure expected in a straight-line connected will raise the tower potential by virtue of
relation. the resistance of the tower to ground and the current
Electric field measurements permit investigation of in the stroke. To this is added the inductive voltage
lightning-stroke phenomena from the point of view of drop caused by the inductance of wire and tower and
the charges involved. Some of the measurements made the rate of rise of current on the current front. By
differentiate the leader, the retum stroke, and the reducing the ground resistance to less than one ohm
continuing-discharge portions of strokes. The wave per 12 kv of circuit voltage, it has been possible to
shapes of atmospherics and correlation with various reduce outages on circuits of 66 kv and above to an
forms of lightning discharges have been investigated. extremely low value. Ground resistance can be reduced
Such measurements have been extended to cover dis- by the use of buried wires-counterpoise-or deeply
tances of hundreds of miles. By using two or more driven ground rods.
instruments, the distance of the source of atmospherics Lower voltage circuits have been made lightning-
can be determined with good accuracy. resistant in many cases by the use of wood as insulation
A rather useful means of determining lightning char- in addition to the normal porcelain or glass insulators.
acteristics is the examination of damage produced by. Reclosing circuit breakers are another tool for pre-
lightning. By reproducing similar effects in the labora- venting circuit outages. These breakers are able to open
tory it is possible to determine approximately the a circuit and reclose it in as little as one-fifth of a second
type of stroke responsible for the damage, as well as by means of suitable relaying. Proper balance between

circuit breaker duty and protective means for reducing 1. A.I.E.E. Lightning Reference Book, 1918-1935. New York,
the number of flashovers must be considered. American Institute of Electrica! Engineers, 1937.
2. A.I.E.E. Lightning Reference Bibliography, 1936-1949. New
Conclusions York, American Institute of Electrica! Engineers, 1950.
3. FLOWERS, J. W., "The Direct Measurement of Lightning
The physical phenomena of the lightning discharge Current." J. Franklin Inst., 232: 425-450 (1941).
are not entirely understood. Photographic evidence in- 4. FousT, C. M., and KuEHNI, H. P., "The Surge-Crest Am-
dicates a stepped-leader initiation of the stroke fol- meter." Gen. elect. Rev., 35: 644-648 (1932).
lowed by a return stroke from its ground terminal. 5. HAGENGUTH, J. H., "Lightning Recording Instruments."
Theoretical stipulation of a pilot streamer has not been Gen. elect. Rev., 43: 195-201, 248-255 (1940).
6. LARSEN, A., "Photographing Lightning with a Moving
proven. Camera." Rep. Smithson. Instn., pp. 119-127 (1905).
To complete the understanding of the physical phe- 7. LEE, E. S., and FousT, C. M., "The Measurement of Surge
nomena involved in lightning discharges, more informa- Voltages on Transmission Lines Due to Lightning."
tion is required on these principal questions: Trans. Amer. Inst. elect. Engrs., 46: 339-356 (1927).
1. The gradient at the point of origin of the stroke. 8. LoEB, L. B., and MEEK, J. M., "The Mechanism of Spark
2. Gradient distribution within clouds, as well as Discharge in Air at Atmospheric Pressure." J. appl.
beneath clouds. Phys., 11: 438-447, 459-474 (1940).
3. Gradients at the ground end of a stroke. 9. MALAN, D. J., and CoLLENs, H., "Progressive Lightning,
4. Existence and character of ground streamers prior III." Proc. roy. Soc., (A) 162: 175-203 (1937).
to stroke contact with the ground. 10. McCANN, G. D., "The Measurement of Lightning Currents
in Direct Strokes." Trans. Amer. Inst. elect. Engrs., 63:
5. Ionization processes within the stepped leader,
1157-1164 (1944).
continuous leader, and the return stroke. 11. McEACHRON, K. B., "Lightning to the Empire State Build-
6. Ionization and deionization of the stroke channel ing." J. Franklin Inst., 227: 149-217 (1939).
with special reference to continuing current discharges. 12. - - and McMoRRIS, W. A., "The Lightning Stroke:
7. Influence of ground conditions on the return-stroke Mechanism of Discharge." Gen. elect. Rev., 39: 487-496
process. (1936).
For further progress on the protection problem, statis- 13. PETERS, J. F., "The Klydonograph." Elect. World, N. Y.,
tica! evidence is desirable on: 83: 769-773 (1924).
1. The wave shape of lightning stroke currents of 14. ScHONLAND, B. F. J., "Progressive Lightning, IV." Proc.
both current peaks and continuing currents. roy. Soc., (A) 164: 132-150 (1938).
15. - - and CoLLENs, H., "Progressive Lightning." Proc. roy.
2. The distribution of such currents in the ground
Soc., (A) 143: 654-{)74 (1934).
network of protective installations, as well as in the 16. ScHONLAND, B. F. J., MALAN, D. J., and CoLLENs, H.,
earth. "Progressive Lightning, II." Proc. roy. Soc., (A) 152:
3. The lightning stroke density in various regions of 595-{325 (1935).
the earth. 17. WAGNER, C. F., and McCANN, G. D., "New Instruments
4. The incidence of lightning to various structures as for Recording Lightning Currents." Trans. Amer. Inst.
determined by height and physicallocation with regard elect. Engrs., 59: 1061-1068 (1940).
to other structures and natural terrain. Further articles containing comprehensive references are:
From the numerous investigations of lightning under- 18. BRuCE, C. E. R., and GoLDE, R. H., "The Lightning Dis-
taken during the last twenty-five years, it has been charge." J. Instn. elect. Engrs., 88: 487-505 (1941).
possible to devise protective systems and practices 19. McEACHRON, K. B., "Lightning and Lightning Protec-
which reduce damage due to lightning to a negligible tion" in Encyclopaedia Britannica, Voi. 14. Chicago, 1948.
factor on electrica! installations as well as on buildings. (See pp. 114-116)
20. - - and HAGENGUTH, J. H., "Lightning and the Protection
REFERENCES of Lines and Structures from Lightning" in Standard
Handbook for Electrica! Engineers, A. E. KNOWLTON, ed.
The sources of information are extensive. References to 750 New York, McGraw, 8th ed., 1949. (See pp. 2230-2254)
papers are found in [1] and [2] below. To keep the number of 21. MEEK, J. M., and PERRY, F. R., "The Lightning Dis-
references at a reasonable figure, only a few additional refer- charge" in Reports on Progress in Physics, 10: 314-357.
ences are listed. Phys. Soc., London, 1944-45.

Institute for Atmospheric Electric Research of Buchau a. F.

System of Units [37], particularly suited to photographic recording; the

Various systems of units are used in electricity. Each Dolezalek electrometer [30, 31] for high sensitivities; a
of these is an entity in itself and is built up on a special design by Schultze [119]; the "Binanten" elec-
definite fundamental physical relationship: trometer (49] and the "Duanten" electrometer of Hoff-
1. The "electrostatic cgs system" is based on Cou- mann (48, 50, 51]; the Benndorf electrometer [11, 12],
lomb's law of the force effects of interacting electrica! the familiar, Iow sensitivity quadrant electrometer for
charges and arbitrarily takes the proportionality factor mechanical recording of potential gradients.
to be nondimensional and equal to unity. Figures 2 and 3 are sectional drawings of the bifilHr
2. The "electromagnetic cgs system" is based on the electrometer without auxiliary potential and of the
Biot-Savart law of the forces between an electric cur- unifilar electrometer with auxiliary potential according
rent and a magnetic r;ole, and again the proportionality to Wulf's design [152]. More modern designs for attain-
factor is set equal to unity. ing the highest sensitivites include those of Lindemann
3. Giorgi's "natural m-sec-v-amp system" assumes and Keeley [85], Compton [26, 27], Shimizu [127], Swann
voltage and amperage as fundamental quantities, with [139] and Perucca [104, 105].
the second (sec) as the time unit and the meter (m) The development of the so-called electrometer tubes
as the length unit. with their characteristically high insulation of the con-
In the first two systems the electrica! quantities are trol grid and very Iow grid current (10- 13 amp and Iess)
reduced to the mechanical units, cm, g, and sec (cgs), has resulted in the substitution of vacuum-tube elec-
which appear in complicated, nonvisualizable com- trometers for the ordinary electrometers. Many types
binations. The third system of units is more suitable of electrometer tubes are now commercially available.
to the scope of physics in general; therefore, its adop- During continuous operation, maintenance of a con-
tion for consistent use in the field of atmospheric elec- stant zero point is sometimes difficult; some ameliora-
tricity is recommended. In this system, the interna- tion can be provided by using oversized filament bat-
tional standards for volt, ampere, etc., are employed. teries and by the use of selected pairs of tubes in a bridge
circuit (for further details see, for example, [22, 28, 36,
Auxiliary Equipment and Practica! Suggestions 46, 47, 69, 77, 82, 106, 109, 114]).
The atmospheric electrica! problems of measurement There are several types of circuits available for use
consist predominantly of the measurement of potential with quadrant and filament electrometers provided with
differences of medium magnitude and of minute elec- auxiliary potentials: In the idiostatic circuit the needle
trostatic charges. They belong, therefore, to the do- (lemniscate or electrometer filament) and one pair of
main of electrometry proper. Although increasing use quadrants (knife edge) are grounded; the unknown
is being made of "vacuum tube electrometers" (d-e voltage is applied to the other pair of quadrants (knife
current amplifiers or d-e voltage amplifiers), thorough edge). The deflection is proportional to the square of
familiarity with the electrometer is a prerequisite for the unknown voltage, thus making possible a-c meas-
work in atmospheric electricity. urement. In the quadrant circuit the needle is at a fixed
All electrometers are based on the principle of elec- high voltage; one pair of quadrants is grounded, and
trostatic attraction or repulsion. An exception is the the unknown voltage applied to the other. Deflection
capillary electrometer which utilizes the change in the is proportional to the unknown voltage. The hetero-
surface tension of mercury when traversed by an elec- static or needle circuit has both pairs of quadrants con-
tric current. Therefore, strictly speaking, the capillary nected to a fixed auxiliary voltage of opposite sign and
electrometer represents a type of galvanometer [103]. the unknown voltage applied to the needle. This is the
Quadrant electrometers have long oscillation periociR most frequently used and most sensitive circuit, and
and are therefore suited chiefty for the measurement of has the lowest capacitance. In the current circuit the
constant potential differences, whereas filament elec- voltage measurement is made at the terminals of a re-
trometers adjust themselves aperiodically and almost sistor which is usually of the high-ohmic type.
instantaneously at sensitivities that are not excessively Measurements of atmospheric electricity are almost
high. The highest sensitivities are attained with the exclusively electrostatic measurements and therefore
modern modifications of the quadrant electrometer. caii for high quality of the dielectric materials. The
Figure 1 shows schematically the well-known prin- best insulating materials are the natural products, am-
ciple of the quadrant electrometer. Special electrometer
ber and sulfur. Good substitutes include high quality
types are: the model developed by Elster and Geitel
plastic dielectric materials such as hard rubber (ebon-
* Translated from the original German. ite), plexiglass, and Trolitul. Meticulous surface treat-

ment is particularly important. Such treatment includes maintain good grounding of ali parts to be maintained
high polish, drying, dust removal, paraffin coating in at zero potential. In general, grounding to a water pipe
some cases, and protection against direct sunlight. is satisfactory. It is particularly important that ali
When working in the open air, careful maintenance of parts to be grounded are connected to the same ground
the dryness of the dielectric surfaces by drying with
hot air or by electrica! heating is essential. The relative
humidity on the insulator must not exceed approxi-

Fw. 3.-Wulf's unifil a r clccLromctcr.

Fw. 2.-Wulf's bitilar electrometer.

FIG. 4.-0pen-air insulator for large mechanical load

mately 80 per cent. Figure 4 gives one example of a (antennas and the like).
suitable form of open-air insulator which bas held up
weli in practice. connection. Ali other leads must be protected from
To combat insects and spiders it is helpful to paint induction by shielded cables.
the metal parts about the air gap with an adhesive With high electrometer sensitivities undesirable dis-
substance (fly-paper glue) and also with aromatic insect turbances may appear as a result of certain unforesee-
repeliants. To eliminate air-borne spider threads in able phenomena in the insulating dielectric material,
summer and fali, mechanical methods must be applied. such as the formation of deposits and polarization
In ali electrostatic measurements it is essential to phenomena. Direct creep of charges across an insulator

can be prevented by double insulation separated by a Radiation instru- (2)

grounded metal plate. In all cases, when working with ment in the ground
maxima} sensitivities, it is judicious to protect the in- (caves, tunnels, etc.)
sulators against either direct or indirect influence of
electric fields by shielding them. Radiation instru- (3)
On many occasions, especially when working with qearth (h) = qearth(O)</>(hJ.lair), ment at an altitude
movable parts such as rotary collectors, unwelcome h above the earth's
concomitant phenomena are possible as a result of the surface
Voita effect. The latter must be determined and cor-
rected for by check tests.
In electrostatic work, the almost universal contam-
ination of rooms by a-c fields produced by the electric
light network is a source of serious disturbance. Its
effect can, in general, be easily recognized and elim- Radiation instru- (4)
inated when working with electrometers. When am- ment on the surface
plifiers are used such a-c fields may easily lead to errors of the earth
of measurement and misinterpretation (apparent at-
mospheric electrica! potential gradient in rooms) be- For great altitudes (5)
cause of unintended and undetectable rectifier action.
Batteries are preferable to rectified a-c lines as sources Portable radiation devices, which are convenient to
of constant potential, especially in electrometric work. manipulate, have been described elsewhere [78, 79,
Portable high-voltage sources for counting-tube meas- 151], as have counting-tube instruments for field work
urements in open country are described elsewhere [133, 136).
[133, 136). Conductivity, Concentration of Ions, and Ion Mobility.
High ohmic resistors up to about 10 13 ohms are fab- If an electric potential is applied to two electrodes in
ricated commercially by evaporation of thin platinum an ionized gas, a weak current begins to flow. Corre-
films on quartz or amber. For homemade high ohmic sponding to the two oppositely flowing ionic currents,
fluid resistors, radioactive (Bronson) resistors, and other the current density is the combination of two terms:
possibilities, see von Angerer [3]. (6)
Ions and Other Atmospheric Suspensions where e is the charge of the ion and equal to 1.6 X
Ionizers of the Atmosphere. The ionization of the 10-19 amp sec, E is the field intensity, n 1 and n 2 denote
lower atmospheric layers, aside from occasional local the number of positive and negative ions, and k1 and
ionizers of subordinate significance (waterfall effect, k2 represent the mobility of the positive and negative
combustion gases), is caused by the a, (3, and ' radia- ions, respectively. The expression e(k1n 1 +
k 2n 2) = A
tion of radioactive substances and by cosmic radiation. is designated as the (total) conductivity of the gas.
The special methods for measuring radioactive sub- The terms
stances and cosmic radiation are treated elsewhere in ;\.1 = k1n1e and ;\.2 = k2n2e
this Compendium. 1
The ionization in a sealed chamber is due to radia- are the positive and negative polar conductivities of
tion from the chamber walls (mathematical determin- the ionic conductor.
ation according to von Schweidler [120), experimental
determination in mines [17)), radiation from the earth, 1
radiation from the atmosphere, and cosmic radiation. 1
The mathematical estimation of the radiation from the I- 1
earth and the atmosphere is made as follows: z 1
If Pearth and Pair are the concentrations of radium, or a: -------------------------~~
of its RaC-equivalent, in a cubic centimeter of earth ;:)
or of air, Learth and Lair the absorption coefficients of
the corresponding 'Y-radiation in earth or in air, and if
K is the "Eve number" (4.0 X 10 9 in the absence of
secondary radiation, approximately 5 to 6 X 10 9 in II m
thick-walled ionization chambers), the ion production FIG. 5.-Schematic curve of the current-potential relationship
(characteristic) in an ionized gas at rest.
q (i.e., number of ion pairs formed per cubic centimeter
per second) is given by
If the voltage is increased starting from zero, a
Radiation instru- (1) gradual decrease in ion content results; the current
qearth (O) = 27rPearthK/ .learth, ment directly on the does not rise in proportion to the voltage and remains
earth's surface constant after a given value of voltage has been at-
tained. Accordingly a distinction is made between ohmic
1. Consult "Radioactivity in the Atmosphere" by H. Israel,
pp. 155-161. 2. For a tabulation of this function, see [86].

current (I), semi-saturation current (II), and saturation Ion Spectrum (numerica! distribution on the hasis
current (III); see Fig. 5. of the individual mobilities): The number pertaining
To attain clearer experimental conditiona, it is now to a given mobility results from the magnitude of the
a general practice to employ the aspiration condenser change in slop~_o_f_l_l~ehar.actE)ristic; expressed in terms
in connection with the so-called method of perpfl{ii_r;y]qr of differentials, the ion spectrum is determined by the
veloci.ties as follows: When air containing ions flows second differential quotient of the characteristic.
through a condenser to which an electric field has Additional methodological details are given else-
been applied, the trajectory of an ion is found to be where (54, 56, 57]. With respect to "edge distmh~:tp.ces"
the resultant of the two mutually perpendicular forces, (effect of the inhomogen~ity_oUhe..Jield at the edge of
namely, that of the air current and that of the field. the condenser), see Itiwara [73], Israel [56], and others.
If M is the _,spira~_ffil::!l!tity __ <?f ~~" in cubic centi- For special designs, that homogenize the field of cylin-
meters per second, C._is.h_~ .Q.o~c!~l!S~}:__9.apJ_9itag_Q~ (C = drical condensers. refer to Becker (8], Swann (137], and
L/[2 ln (R/r)] for cylindrical condensers having radii Scholz [115].
R and r and length L), and Vis the pot~l!tia.l)!lvolts,_ Well-known instrumenta that are easy to manipulate
the expression include the Gerdien aspirator [39, 40] for measurements:
of conductivity; the Ebert ion counter [32, 33, 35] and
(7) the Weger aspirator [58, 142] for measurements of the
represents the limiting mobility of the condenser and concentration and mobility of small ions (see references
states that all ions whose mobility is greater than, or [6, 41, 42, 142] for errors of the Ebert instrument), and
the Israel ion counter [55] for counts of medium and
larger ions.
Mobility measurements by means of divided_ __c_QJl-
densers are described in the literature [18; 19; 29; 54,
pp. 179 ff.]; a differential method of very great resolving
power had been proposed by Benndorf (e.g., see [54,
56, 57]). Recording devices for conductivity measure-
ments are also described in the literature [82, 108, 115,
116, 138]; recording instrumenta for counting ions ha ve
been devised by N ordmann (94-96], Leckie [82], Lange-
vin [81], Hogg [52, 53], and others.
Schering's method [110, 111] for recording conduc-
tivity, which is stiH used occasionally, is somewhat
different. A wire from 10 to 20 m long is freely sus-
pended and surrounded by a cylindrical wire net having
a radius of approximately 1 m. The wire is charged at
certain time intervals and its voltage drop is recorded,
for instance, by a __~~!
Rates of Ion Formation and Recombination; Mean
Life of Ions. Under conditiona of equilibrium, the rat(Ol_
of ion _p_rociuction q and the numbers n, N, and N o of
Fw. 6.-Schematic diagram of the current-potential char-
acteristic in the aspiration condenser (a) in the presence of the small ions, large ions, and t!._nch~r~_Q__s~:Qe~siol}s,
one type of ion, (b) in the presence of severa! types of ions. respectively, have the following relationship:

at least equal to, this mobility are deposited. Of those q = an 2 + 111nN + 'Y/~nNo + 'Y/3NNo + 'Y/4N 2 (8)
ions, whose mobility k is smaller, only the percentage where
k/ku is deposited. a = recombination coefficient between small ion;;_,
It is evident that, in the foregoing, the characteristic 'Y/1 =~~~~~hinatioii- coefficient he_t_'~etm small and
relationship between current and potential in the con- large ions,
denser will be a broken linear curve. This curve will 11 2 = reeombination coefficient between small wns
resemble Fig. 6a when but one type of ion is present, and uncharged particles,
and assume the form of Fig. 6b when several types of 113 = recombination coefficient between large ions
ions occur. From the preceding statement, the following and uncharged particles,
conditiona are found for the measurement of ions: 114 = recombination coefficient between large ions.
Conductivity: M must be chosen so great or V so The last two terms of equation (8) are insignificant as
small that operations take place in the first segment compared to the others, because 113 and 'Y/4 are smaller
of the curve that rises from the origin of the coordinate than the other coefficients by severa! orders of magni-
system. tude.
Ion Counts: Determined from the saturation current. In order to determine the individual recombination
Ion Mobility: Each break in the curve yields, accord- coefficients, synchronous measurements of all partici-
ing to equation (7), the mobility of a corresponding pating constituents are necessary [92, 93]. Owing to
type of ion. the prerequisite of ionizati.Q!!__gm,Ii]p_rium, such meas-

urements are very difficult [60, 63]. However, according ference in potential of the reference points of both posi-
to von Schweidler [121-123], the following visualizable tions. (For the principle of the movable conductor see
approximation can be made: tT nder natural conditions [2; 7; 108; 137, p. 182]).
near the ground where moderate to high values of N b. If after temporary grounding the body remains
and N 0 prevail, we can write instead of equation (8) in position, its changes in electrostatic induction give
a measure of the variat ion of the field; by means of
q = an2 + {3n = {3'n, (9) hjgh_~Qhmic_leaks, the arrangement is converted into a
since the quadratic term becomes less important in field variometer [59).
comparison to the linear one, as the concentration o{ c. If a metal plate is mounted flush with the earth's
large ions in the air becomes greater. The coefficient surface, grounded and exposed to the field, and there-
{3', which has the unit of sec-t, is designated as the upon shielded against the latter in an insulated state,
vanishing constant. Its reciproca! theri is the mean life it furnishes the surface density of the electrostatic in-
of smalt ions, in analogy to radioactive phenomena. ductance charge and thus the field intensity at the
In practice, the air is introduced into an ionization ground level (Wilson test-plate [146-149]). Hhythmical
chamber (condenser, sealed on ali sides). By applying exposure to and shielding from the field produces an
a high voltage, the value of n present is determined, a-c current [87, 89-91, 124].
and then the characteristic current-potential relation- 2. If provisions are made for the removal of the
ship is recorded. The values for q and n are determined induction charge at a point P not situated on the neu-
by means of Method I (ohmic current), or q and {3 are tra! line of the conductor, a new neutra! line is pro-
found by Method II (semisaturationeurrent); for more duced to which a different equipotential surface V R
details, see the references previously cited.
Condensation Nuclei and Dust Partz"cles. Aside from
the hydrometeors (fog, clouds, and precipitation), the
atmospheric content of suspended particles is some-
what arbitrarily divided into condensation nuclei and
dust particles. Condensation nuclei, hygroscopic par-
ticles whose radius is approximately 10-5 cm or less,
are counted by producing condensation upon them in
supersaturated air and determining the number of re-
sulting droplets. Two types of such nuclei counters are
well known. One was developed by Aitken [1) and the
other by Scholz [117, 118). For details, see these papers t'
as well as others [23, 7:l, 80).
The measurement of dust particles is made by means
of the Owens counter [9) and the Konimeter. 3
The Electric Field of the Atmosphere FIG. 7.-Electric field conditions produced by an uncharged
If an uncharged conductor of any given shape is
introduced into the earth's field, a separation of electric orthogonally connects (see Fig. 8). A connected meas-
charges is found on this conductor, due to electrostatic uring instrument indicates the potential of the reference
induction. The conductor assumes the potential V L, point R with respect to the ground. Discharge of the
which is the potential of a given equipotential layer in electrostatic induction is attained by so-called collectors
the earth 's field. This layer intersects orthogonally the
as enumerated herewith:
electrically neutra! line nn of the conductor's surface. a. Point collector, based on the point discharge flow
It is the potential of the reference point B (see Fig. 7).
(no longer in use).
The following possibilities exist for measurements of b. Flame collector, utilizing the ionization of the
the electric field. gases of combustion to conduct the charge away; a
1. The body is temporarily grounded in the position
variant is the glow collector.
shown in Fig. 7. Under such conditions it assumes the c. Water-dropper collector, operating by capacitive
zerQ__potentialofth~ earth and takes on a charge Q =
charge separation and discharge.
-CV L (where C = capacitance) from which, when it d. Radioactive collector, which provides for discharge
is introduced into a field-free space ("shielding"), the
by ionization of its environment.
difference in potential of V L with respect to the ground The discharge proceeds according to an exponential
can be determined (electrostatic induction method).
Variations of the method illustrated in Fig. 7 include:
a. The body is grounded, then insulated, and trans- (10)
ferred to another point in the field. In this way its
electr_Q_~ie_i_!l~uction is changed. Measurement of this where Ut is the potential difference at the time t, Uo
"fre~l!etion charge" furnishes a measure of the dif- the potential difference at the time zero, C the capaci-
tance, and "the discharge constant. The discharge con-
3. Described in the Zeiss catalogue, Jena. stant " or its reciproca!, the "apparent" or "transition"

resistance, serves as an index of the efficiency of a col- for continuous recording are described by Scrase [125]
lector. The value of K ftuctuates from approximately (accumulation method, quadrant electrometer) as
shown in Fig. 10, and by Kasemir [77] (direct recording
by use of a d-e amplifier). Scrase compensates for the
effects of field ftuctuation by using a supplementary
field collector connected to alternate quadrants in the
quadrant electrometer, whereas Kasemir largely sup-

s A s

~~$&0??W~ K
FIG. 8.-Electric field conditions produced by a collector.

unity for glow collectors to 50-100 X 10- 12 for highly

radioactive collectors.
The "externa! resistance," in other words, the resis-
tance of the insulation of the collector from the ground,
must be great compared to the transition resistance of
the collector, as otherwise its readings become inaccu- ELM.
rate. Attempts to operate the collector "short-circuited"
were found to be subject to disturbances, for example, FIG. 9.-Diagram of the Wilson test-plate method (K is a
by the wind, and should therefore be avoided [77]. variable condenser and ELM is the electrometer).
Exact field measurements can only be performed by
means of the Wilson test-plate on completely level
terrain. Any other type of arrangement disturbs the
field and yields only more or less acceptable approxi-
mations. The so-called technique of reduction to the
free plane can only be used as an approximation [16].
For this reason a comparison of "absolute values" of
the field will always remain somewhat problematica!.
Therefore, consideration of the relative periodic and
aperiodic variabilities of the electric field is funda-
mentally more important.
With respect to the selection of "undisturbed days" FIG. 10. Schematic diagram of the vertical-current recorder
in the treatment of recorded data, see, among other after Scrase (Ris the radioactive collector, P is the test plate
sources, Israel and Lahmeyer [72]. and ELM is the quadrant electrometer). '

The Vertical Current presses these effects by increasing the capacitance. The
The difficulties involved in measuring and recording vertical current can also be computed from the poten-
the vertical electric current stern from the generally tial gradient and the conductivity, according to equa-
tion (6).
minute current density of about 10-12 amp m- 2 and the
disturbing effects of the electrostatic inductance of the The Space Charge
field or of its changes on the receiver system. Galvano-
metric methods are applicable only to measurements of Measurement or recording of the space charge is
vertical currents intensified by thunderstorms. There- made by means of the following methods: The cage
fore, accumulation methods (accumulation of inftow of method consisting of the measurement of the potential
charges over a given time) are used in most cases difference between the wall surface and the center of
(Ebert [34], Simpson [128], and Wilson [146-149]). The a wire cage whose volume ranges from approximately
disadvantage of these methods is that in the accumu- one to severa! cubic meters [75, 76]; the method of the
lation period the potential of the collecting body changes change of the potential gmdient with altitude according
somewhat. Simpson circumvents this disadvantage by to Poisson's equation [13, 97, 145]; Obolenski's filter
continuous draining of the charges by means of a water- method [102]; or the method of synchronous counts of
dropper collector, whereas Wilson obviates the diffi- positive and negative ions [53, 82]. The cage method is
culty by a compensation method (see Fig. 9). Methods disturbed in most cases by Voita effects [15].

Investigations of Thunderstorm Electricity free-flying or captive carriers of the measuring instru-

Field. Measurements of atmospheric electricity in ments, such as manned free balloons, gl~ders, motor-
conjunction with electrical storms require a very rapid driven aircraft, dirigibles and blimps, automatic re-
response of the equipment. This requirement elim- cording balloons, captive balloons, and kites. For a
inates collector measurements. The measurements are summary of older and more recent aerological methods
based on the application of electrostatic induction tech- of atmospheric electricity see Israel [65].
niques of field measurement (Wilson test-plate, Wilson
Problems of Present-Day Research in Atmospheric
elevated sphere, mechanical collectors, antennas) in Electricity
combination with high-speed recording instruments in-
cluding cathode-ray oscillographs. In concluding this discussion of equipment and
Current. The vertical current can be determined with methods, a few ideas may be presented on the most
the aid of the Wilson test-plate in connection with a urgent problems of modern research in atmospheric
galvanometer or a capillary electrometer [148] or by electricity.
recording the current through a point collector mounted Although measurements have been made for almost
in an exposed position [143, 150]. two hundred years, the phenomena of atmospheric
Precipitation Charge. Precipitation is collected in an electricity have been considered a discrete part of the
insulated vessel. Splashing of the drops is prevented by physics of the atmosphere; it is only recently that cer-
lining the bottom with velvet, brushes, etc. Records tain fundamental relationships to other atmospheric
are obtained either by the accumulation technique or phenomena have been uncovered. Through the gradual
by the "current-circuit method." For charge measure- detection of the inner relationships between atmos-
ments on individual drops see Chalmers and Pasquill pheric-electric and meteorologica! processes, new light
[25], Gschwend [43], and Gunn [44]. is being shed on many of the electric phenomena that
Investigations of Lightning Discharges. 4 The following hitherto have been unexplained. Moreover, the possi-
methods can be employed: The optica! method involves bility arises of immediate application of the knowledge
photography, using, for example, the Boys camera [20, gained in atmospheric electricity to meteorology and
21]. aerology.
In the electrica! method the Klydonograph is used As has recently been pointed out [68], the funda-
for the direct measurement of peak voltages in the mental concepts of atmospheric-electric phenomena
lightning discharge by means of Lichtenberg figures; have undergone a mutation in that the tendency for
the measuring range is approximately 2-18 kv [83]. segregation of electric from meteorologica! processes is
The magnetic method is based on the magnetization slowly disappearing and is giving way to a trend toward
of small steel rods by currents flowing through light- correlating them. The stimulus for this development
ning rods of various types [38] as, for example, the has been primarily the knowledge gained through the
Fulchronograph [140, 141], or on the measurement of ocean expeditions sponsored by the Carnegie Institu-
the magnetic field of the lightning discharge channel, tion. These cruises have revealed the world-wide syn-
and on numerous other special methods some of which chronous component of the electric field, the coupling
are used in combination with high-tension lines [84, of this field with the world-wide weather, and the in-
99, 100, 144]. creasingly clear relationships between the local varia-
Radio Interferences. The electromagnetic pulses (at- tions and the vertical mass exchange.
mospheric) originating from electric discharges in the This last correlation, in particular, may furnish the
atmosphere are investigated with respect to their num- key to the major portion of the relationship between
ber, direction of incidence, place of origin, and pattern. atmospheric-electric and meteorologica! phenomena and,
Excitation of an oscillating circuit coupled to a non- thus, simultaneously indicate the direction in which
directionat antenna gives the number; use of rotating further research should proceed.
loop antennas gives the directionat distribution; ranging A primary requirement is the extension of the meas-
with cathode-ray direction finders furnishes a bearing urements to more than a single atmospheric-electric
on the point of origin; finally, the pattern of the dis- element, because the prevalent practice of recording the
turbance is established by use of aperiodic d-e ampli- potential gradient alone permits only very limited con-
fiers. For literature of the foregoing see: Appleton and clusions. The three fundamental quantities of fiel!:ijl1-
collaborators [4, 5], Bureau [24], Lugeon [88], Norinder ~!l.ty (p()_E;_I!.!~l _gr_~c_lient) E, conductivity A, and ver-
[98, 101], Schindelhauer [112, 113], and numerous others. tical current density i, are interrelated in Ohm's law:
Measurements in the Free Atmosphere EA= i.
The methods used for determination of the individual Any statements regarding processes taking place in the
factors of electricity in the free atmosphere are funda- atmospheric-electric circuit under equilibrium condi-
mentally the same as those used at ground level. They tions require that two of these fundamental quantities
must, however, be properly modified to allow for the be known. If we are to include the nonstationary
special operational conditions obtaining in either the ("switching-on") processes, ali three quantities must
4. Consult "The Lightning Discharge" by J. H. Hagenguth, be measured. It would be most desirable if this prac-
pp. 136-143 in this Compendium. tice, now followed by the large atmospheric-electric

observatories, were introduced everywhere. (For de- Electricity (Physics of the Earth, VIII), J. A. FLEMING,
tails see [62, 72].) ed., pp. 231-269. New York, McGraw, 1939; Dover, 1949.
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Without doubt, the greatest problem of atmospheric fiir luftelektrische Messungen." Phys. Z., 7:98-101
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By H. ISR.A:t<;L
Buchau Observatory and University of Tubingen

Introduction The discovery of radioactive substances in the atmos-

The conductivity of the air is a characteristic of the phere was made by Elster and Geitel [19], who thus
entire atmosphere at all times. It is the result of the gave a physical explanation for the weak conductivity
most varied ionizing radiation of a corpuscular and of the air, already known to Coulomb in 1785.
electromagnetic nature. In the lower layers of the at-
mosphere the radiation of the radioactive substances Methods of Measurement
that are contained in the air and in the uppermost There are two possible methods of measuring the
strata of the earth's crust is the principal source of this radioactive elements of the atmosphere. One method
ion formation. consists of removing the emanations from the air by
Table I gives a summary of the three decay series of adsorption or condensation and measuring them in an
radioactive substances and the physical qualities of the ionization chamber (emanometry). In the second
respective types of atoms. As far as the atmosphere is method, the property of so-called "inductions" is uti-
concerned, our interest begins only with the gaseous lized, that is, the property of some radioactive decay
intermediate transformation products (i.e., the emana- products 'Of carrying a positive electrica! charge; these

Element Symbol Rays Half-life Disintegration constant


Radon ................. ............. Rn a 3.825 day 2.097 X IQ-6

Radium A ................. ......... RaA a 3.05 min 3.78 X IQ-1
Radium B ................. ......... RaB !3+'Y 26.8 min 4.31 X IQ-4
Radium C ................. ......... RaC a+f3+'Y 19.7 min 5.86 X IQ-4
Radium D ................. ......... RaD !3+'Y 22 yr 1.00 X IQ-9
Radium E ................. ......... RaE !3+'Y 5.0 day 1.61 X IQ-8
Radium F* ................. ........ RaF a(+l3)t 140 day 5.73 X IQ-8
Thoron ................. ............ Tn a 54.5 sec 1.71 X IQ-2
Thorium A ................. ........ ThA a 0.14sec 4.95
Thorium B ................. ........ ThB !3+'Y 10.6 hr 1.82 X IQ-6
Thorium C ................. ........ ThC a+f3+'Y 60.5 min 1.91 X IQ-4
Actinon ................. ........... An a 3.92 sec 0.177
Actinium A ................. ........ AcA a 2X w-a sec 347
Actinium B ................. ........ AcB !3+'Y 36.0 min 3.21 X IQ-4
Actinium C ................. ........ 1 AcC a+tJ+'Y 2.16 min 5.35 X IQ-8

* Polonium (Po) t uncertain

tions) and therefore a consideration of all preceding products are deposited on negatively charged collectors
elements has been omitted. where their ionizing effect can be examined. This tech-
The gaseous emanations radon (Rn), thoron (Tn), nique is termed the "induction method." The experi-
and actinon (An) are emitted from the rocks and the mental technique of the induction method is simpler
soil into the air entrapped in the ground capillaries or than that of emanometry, but quantitatively less relia-
directly into t.he air at the earth's surfaee and are ble. Therefore, emanometry is to be preferred for analy-
transported to higher levels by the apparent diffusion sis of the relatively long-lived Rn. However, direct
of the vertical atmospheric mass exchange (austausch). emanometry does not work for Th- and Ac-products
Because of the interaction between this exchange and because of the short life of Tn and An, and only the
the disintegration rate of the emanations and their by- indirect induction method is possible.
products, a certain characteristic vertical distribution Emanometry. The international unit of Rn is the
for each element can be expected which, in the mean, curie (C).
The curie is the quantity of radon which is
can be proven experimentally (see below). The contri-
in radioactive equilibrium with one gram of radium
bution made by these radioactive elements to the for-
mation of ions in the atmosphere deereases rapidly with and thus emits as many alpha particles per unit time
altitude and ceases approximately at the height of the as does one gram of radium. The current which 1 C
tropopause. can maintain at saturation and with complete utiliza-
tion of its radiation is 9.22 X 10- 4 amp. In the course
* Translated from the original German. of approximately 3 hr, equilibrium is reached between

Rn and its three short-lived decay products, RaA, for pure Rn or for radon in equilibrium with RaA,
RaB, and RaC. The current is thereby increased to RaB, and RaC; K and K ' are the corrected current
20.0 X I0-4 amp. 1 These two "current equivalents" are values; O is the surface, and V the volume of the ioni-
the hasis for emanometry. zation vessel.
A closed cylindrical vessel containing an insulated 3. It is difficult to attain saturation in ionization by
electrode is generally used as an ionization chamber. alpha radiation, because a very strong initial recombi-
Between the walls of the vessel and the electrode, a nation becomes effective in the closely packed ion
potential of a few hundred volts is applied which causes columns concomitant to their formation. In this case,
the ions produced to deposit before their number also, theoretical determination of a satisfactory correc-
changes appreciably by recombination (saturation cur- tion factor is impossible. A generally valid empirica!
rent). As the ion concentration in the air is small, the correction cannot be found either, sim:e the saturation
measurement is usually roade electrometrically by the deficit is a function of the shape and size of the vessel
charge or discharge method shown in Fig. 1. and of the total quantity of ionizing substances. There-
fore, this correction must be determined individually
for each type of emanometer for varying quantities of
radon. Suggestions for its practica! evaluation have
been roade by Israel [31].
4. The effect of the atmospheric pressure and tem-
perature on emanometrical measurements can be con-
sidered according to Lester [36]. In general, however,
it remains a minor error compared with the other errors
present [6].

1 S 1o 1 Sr
(min) (lo- amp) (min) (!o- amp)
- - - - - - - -- - - --

(a) (b) o 9022 60 17.25

2 11.03 80 18.24
FIG. 1.-Circuit diagram for emanometrical measurements 4 12021 100 18.91
by the charge method (a) and by the diRcharge method (b) o 6 12.97 150 190 78
8 13.48 200 19.98
Conversion of the measured data into radon units 10 13.80 250 20.00
?(1 14069 300 19o95
requires various corrections: 30 15.34 400 19 .80
1. The "time correction" considers the change of 4U 16.00 500 19.61
the current equivalent due to formation of RaA, RaB, * Values of Sr are for t minutes after the introduction of
and RaC. Formerly, measurements were not begun pure Rn into an ionization chamber, taking into account the
until radioactive equilibrium had been attained be- disintegr:~,tion of Rn.

tween Rn and RaA, RaB, and RaC, at the earliest

about 3 hr after pure Rn had been put into the measur- These corrections may be avoided if the measure-
ing vessel. This method can now be shortened by using ments are compared with those of known quant ities of
the intermediate values of the current equivalent radon. In order to obtain such Email, but well-defined
(Table II). Rn quantities, the so-called radium standards are used,
2. Because of the limitation of the ionization space, aqueous solutions of RaCl2 which can be produced
not ali alpha rays can become fully effective. Great easily [8] or which can be obtained commerciallyo The
difficulties are encountered in the numerica! computa- precautions to be taken when working with such test
tion of the correction factor [14, 21, 54]. Therefore, the solutions are discussed elsewhere [8, 29].
following empirica! corrections developed by Duane Various types of emanometers, especially useful for
and Laborde [16, 17] are used in most cases: atmospheric Rn measurements, have been developed,
for example, by Becker [7], Messerschmidt [42, 43],
J = K (1 - 0.517 0/V) Janitzky [33], and I srael [28, 31]. Moreover, such de-
J' = K' (1 - 0.572 0/V), vices for measurements in an air stream were devel-
where J and J' represent the measured current values oped by Israel [32] and Deij (see [16, 17]). Since the
Rn concentration in the air is extremely small, a method
1. In this case only 50 per cent of the ionization effect of t he of enriching it is often used to increase the accuracy.
alpha rays from RaA, RaB, and RaC is considered, since these This method utilizes the very great solubility of Rn in
inductions deposit on the walls. The beta and gamma radia- some organic substances, its ability to condense at the
tions from RaB and RaC constitute less than 1 per cent of the
temperature of liquid air, or, most conveniently, its
current and are usually not consideredo Furthermore, the con-
tribution of RaD, RaE, and RaF is far below t he ran ge of
property of being adsorbed by coconut-shell charcoal
accuracy of measurement and may be disregardedo The only or activated carbon. By heating the adsorbent to in-
manifestation of these substances is the slowly increasing candescence, the Rn will again be given off completely.
"pollution" of the measuring chamber which can usually be When large ionization chambers are used at high sensi-
eliminated mechanically. tivity, the "enrichment method" need not be used
(lower limit of measurement approximately 2 X I0- 17 give clear evidence that the radioactive admixtures
C cm-3 ). For further details see Israel [29]. get into the atmosphere exclusively from the eonti-
1nduction M ethod. If a charged body is exposed to nents.
air containing Rn, its surface acquires a certain activ- The right-hand column of Table III gives mean
ity, \vhich becomes greatest with a negative charge. Be- values of the Rn content after improved induction
cause of this, it is apparent that the resultant products, measurements (aspiration method); they probably are
principally RaA, must be positively charged. Accord- much too small, particularly over the continents.
ing to Eckmann [18], the RaA atoms are in fact posi-
tively charged immediately after their formation. TABLE III. AVERAGE VALUES RESULTING FROM
Hence, they would be useful for an indirect quantita-
tive Rn mea;;urement, if they did not soon Iose part of Activation Rn content after
Location induction measurement
their charge by interaction with the ions in the atmos- number (C cm-'' X 10-")
phere. Furthermore, the other by-products also carry,
at least in part, electric charges. Finally, it must be Oceans .................. . 1.9
Continents. 35
considered that these charged inductions move under High l\lountains
the inftuence of the electric field of the atmosphere. Alps. . ....... j approx. 100
Ali these possibilities of error greatly reduce the re- liigh Cordilleras .1 450-500
liability of the indirect method of measurement. This
method supplies only relative values which, when ob- Direct Rn measurements from various parts of the
tained under similar working conditions, are more or world are available in large number; a summary of
Iess comparable with one another. However, the rela- such measurements is presented in Table IV. It will
tive values can be correlated with the direct-emission be seen from Table IV that the mean Rn content of the
measurements only with very great uncertainty. Even atmosphere near the surface over continents amounts
the various attempts at applying corrections, made by to about 100-120 X I0- 18 C cm- 3 ( omitting the larger
Salpeter [49] and Curie [13] did not succeed in elimi- values for the high mountains (Innsbruck) and the
nating this uncertainty. Only Eve's and Aliverti's mod- smaller ones for high altitudes), and over oceans to
ification of the procedure (see below) leads to reliable about 1-2 X I0- 18 C cm-3 Accordingly, one liter of
quantitative results. air over the continent contains about 2000 atoms of Rn,
The oldest type of a practica! technique for carrying over the oceans about 30 atoms. Thus, there can no
out such measurements is that in which a wire is kept longer be any doubt that the atmospheric Rn content
at a high negative potential, exposed for severa! hours, is of purely continental origin; Bongards' assumption
and then wound on a spool and examined in an ioniza- [12] that the atmospheric Rn is of cosmic origin can
tion chamber. The resultant rate of discharge, expressed therefore be discarded. The same conclusion follows
in volts per hour divided by the length of the wire from the decrease of the Rn content with height (see
(in meters), is known as the "activation number." An below).
extensive improvement of this technique has been in- As far as the Th- and Ac-products of the atmosphere
trodueed by Swann [5()], who segregated the contribu- are concerned, data are more scarce. On the whole, it
tions of various types of induetions by observing the can be stated that (1) even over the continents, Tn,
decrease in wire activity with time. Gerdien [22] and together with its disintegration products, contributes
Bauer and Swann [4, 5] use an aspiration process for to the entire ionization probably Jess than, or at best
collection. Eve [20] exposes the collecting wire in a just as much as, Rn with its inductions [44], and (2)
large elosed vessel, 16 m 3 in volume, and compares the An with its derivatives contributes hardly more than
resultant activity with that obtained under otherwise 3 per cent towards the formation of atmospherie ions.
identica! conditions, but with a known quantity of The exhalation of Rn (Rn emission of the ground),
Rn in the vessel. In Aliverti's method [1, 2], ali induc- according to the results obtained so far, is of the order
tions contained in the atmosphere are deposited in a of approximately 40 X I0- 18 C cm- 2 sec- 1 (Table V).
manner similar to that of electrostatic precipitators. The exhalation seems to have a single diurnal period
The quantitative values for Rn and Tn ean be obtained with a maximum in the early forenoon [39], but its
from the discharge curves. variation is strongly modified by meteorologica! factors
[35, 61, 63]. The seasonal variation has a maximum in
Results late summer [61]. Precipitation reduces the exhalation
From the foregoing discussion, it is apparent that eonsiderably, and solar radiation and an increase in
the activation numbers can give only an approximate temperature raise it; falling atmospheric pressure causes
picture of actual conditions. The values given in Table an increase of exhalation, rising pressure a deerease.
III represent averages derived from a large number of Frost decreases it very sharply [63] and can stop it
individual tests. entirely [11].
If we disregard the uncertainties involved, it is ap- Variations of the Atmospheric Radon Content. Over
parent from the values given in Table III that the ftat country and valleys the diurnal curves show un-
lowest values are found over the oceans, inereasing equivoeally a single period with a maximum during
toward the shore, and the highest values in high moun- the night (toward morning) and a minimum during
tains with strongly emanating igneous rocks. They the afternoon [9, 39]. In mountainous country the

diurnal curves are much less pronounced and apparently the cold season the Rn content of the valley air may
decisively influenced by austausch phenomena [47], increase in spite of reduced exhalation because of very
inasmuch as for mountain stations well-developed regu- little vertical transport, whereas in summer the effect
lar diurnal variations appear only when there is a strong of the austausch exceeds that of strong exhalation.
convective exchange of air with lower layers. Annual variations on mountaintops have not been
The seasonal variation seems to run parallel to the measured as yet.
temperature curve, as is shown by the increase of the There is a close relationship with meteorologica!
influences: Falling pressure increases the Rn content,
TABLE IV. MEASUREMENTS OF THE RADON CoNTENT rising pressure decreases it [35, 39, 47], as is to be
expected from the atmospheric influence upon the ex-
1 Num- J\.f an Maxi- Mini- halation. The influence of the wind is twofold: With
Place and tlme of meas-~ Author ber of e mum mum
tests (C cm-' X 10-18) increasing wind velocity there appears first an increase
in Rn content (because of increased exhalation), then
Montreal 1907-8 Eve [20] 41 60 127 18 a decrease (because of predominance of upward trans-
Cambridge 1908-10 Satterly [50] 87 108 350 35
Chicago 1908 Ashman (3] 6 95 200 45 port over increased exhalation). The direction of the
Manila 1912-14 Wright and 50 71 154 14 wind is also important inasmuch as air masses of mari-
Smith [60] time origin show a smaller Rn content than those of
Mount Pauai 1913 Wright and 10 19 34 8
(2460 m msl) Smith [60] continental origin [9]. Precipitation, particularly that
Freiburg, Switzer- Olujic [45] 36 131 305 54 of long duration, decreases the Rn content; this can
land 1917 easily be explained by a decrease of cxhalation due
Innsbruck 1912-20 Schweidler [53]1 339 340 1220 o
Seeham-Salzburg Schweidler [53] 207 114 405 o to the clogging of the ground capillaries (c.g., [39]).
1914-18 Precipitation particles themselves show a measurable
Innsbruck 1919 Zlatarovic [62] 49 433 1140 40
Halle 1923-24 Wigand and 500 300 content of radioactive inductions [23] which they ap-
Wenk [59] parently acquire while falling; on the high seas they
Halle 1923-24 (0- Wigand and 5 170 are practically inactive, as is to be expected [48].
1000 m msl) Wenk [59]
(1000-2000 m msl) Wigand and 3 85
(> 2000 m msl) Wigand and 3 8
Wenk [59] Exhalation
1* Place Author (C cm-2 sec' X
N ovaya Zemlya 1927' Behounek [10] 10-18)
Graz 1928 Kosmath [34] 63 142 270 43
Halle 1931 Messerschmidt 704 300 900 140
[43] Dublin Smyth [55] 74
Turin 1932 Aliverti [1] 26 414 Manila Wright and Smith [60] 21
Innsbruck 1933 Illing [26] 201 436 2580 25 Liebenau/Graz Kosmath [35] 40
Patscherkofel near Israel [39] 9 103 610 30 Innsbruck Zupancic [63] 23
Innsbruck 1933 Innsbruck Zeilinger [61] 50
(1980 m msl) Mean: 40
Leiden, Holland
Land breeze Israel [30] 85
Sea breeze Israel [30] 21 The fact that temperature inversion layers with a
Frankfurt am Main Becker [9] 80 154 526 28 high aerosol content appear to be especially rich in Rn
Taunus Observa- Becker [9] 48 125 477 14 [9] would seem to indicate an austausch efiect. On the
tory 1933 other hand, this fact may also point to a causal rela-
lnnsbruck 1934 Macek [38] 29 432 1780 72
Bad ~auheim 1935 Schwalb [52] 90 585 9200 o tionship such that, because of selective adsorption by
Innsbruck 1935 Priebsch, Rad- 225 312 1560 10 the aerosol particles, the vertical distribution of Rn
inger and
Dymek [47] is essentially caused by the distribution of the aerosol
Hafelekar near Priebsch, Rad- 128 100 275 7 [27].
Innsbruck 1935-36'[ inger and
(2300 m msl) Dymek [47] Radon Balance of the Atmosphere. As has been men-
New York 1941-421 Hess [24] 27 97 481 10 tioned in the beginning, the gaseous emanations are
Oceans: the connecting links between the primary radioactivity
Pacific Ocean Bauer and 3.3
Swann [4] of the ground and that of the atmosphere. By diffusion
Subarctic 1 I3auer and 0.4 and the suction effect of the wind upon the ground
Swann [4]
Ali oceans, far Mauchly [41]
[1 1.2 capillaries, these emanations are brought into the at-
from continents mosphere where they are distributed to greater heights
~--------'--1- - - - - - - ' - - - - - - - - -
* Approximate. under the influence of vertical convection. Since, to-
gether with their disintegration products, they have
monthly mean from spring to summer [39, 42, 43, 47]; only a limited life-span, a height distribution, char-
however, in the valley at Innsbruck, the cold season acteristic for each of the radioactive substances, must
(January) shows the highest Rn values. This apparent develop.
contradiction can probably be explained by the fact The measurements undertaken so far (see Table IV)
that the temperature influence upon the exhalation is show the expected decrease with height, but are not
opposed by the effect of the temperature lapse rate on sufficient for the quantitative examination of this rela-
the vertical transport of Rn. In other words, during tionship. However, there is another possibility of de-

termining the balance (we restrict our examination enable us to reach important conclusions regarding air-
toRn). mass displacements. Therefore, if one considers the
In the mean, the supply from the ground has to question of a suitable continuation of research, the
maintain an equilibrium with the rate of disintegration use of radioactive air admixtures as tracers for special
of Rn in the entire atmosphere. Let us disregard the meteorologica! problems opens new possibilities. One
variations in a horizontal direction and consider a experiment in particular suggests itself: the use of
vertical column of air of one square centimeter cross radioactive emanations as an indicator of austausch
section reaching to the top of the atmosphere; the movements on the one hand, and for the determination
following equation must then be fulfilled: of the life history of air masses on the other hand.
Several of the above-mentioned investigations point
S'A= E, in this direction; only a few will be mentioned.
where S is the entire Rn content of the column, 'A is the 1. The vertical distribution of the individual radio-
disintegration constant of Rn, and E is the exhalation. active component can be considered as the result of
The total content S of the air column can be computed austausch [9, 25, 27, 37, 39, 46, 47, 51]; therefore, with
as proper measurements, it ought to yield, in turn, in-
formation about its efficacy and vertical extent on the
S = 1"" s(h) dh, average as well as in single cases.
2. Air that stagnates in the same climatic region for
where s(h) represents the vertical distribution of Rn. some time acquires, by contact with the ground, cer-
For this function s(h) we may write the following tain characteristics which allow us to define it as an
differential equation: air mass of a given type. One must expect that the air
mass also adopts different radioactive properties, ac-
d 2s dA ds
A dh 2 + dh dh - pAS = o,
cording to the exhalation of the ground beneath. Thus,
for instance, an air mass located over the ocean for a
long time, will show a considerably smaller Rn content
in which p expresses the density of the air and A the than air from the continent, as has been shown by
austausch coefficient. measurements of the author on the Dutch coast [30]
Integrations of this equation have been carried out (see Table IV). Furthermore, the pronounced activity
by Hess and Schmidt [25] for an austausch that is differences which Becker [9] has found above and below
constant with height (dA/dh = 0), and by Schmidt an inversion point to the effects of austausch or air-
[51] with corrections by Priebsch [46], and by Lettau mass characteristics.
[37] for various assumed values of an austausch coeffi- 3. The radioactivity of precipitation gives an in-
cient variable with height. Values for S and E as calcu- dication of the radioactive character of the air mass
lated by these various authors are presented in Table from which it falls. The pronounced increase in ioniza-
VI. The agreement between these values and the ob- tion near the ground during thundershowers [15, 57] is
probably due to an especially strong upward transport
TION OF A VERTICAL COLUMN OF UNIT CROSS 8ECTION AND of low-level (and therefore more strongly radioactive)
OF AT;\!OSPHERIC HEIGHT, AFTER VARIOUS AUTHORS air in the formation of a thunderstorm and the return
S E of the radioactive admixtures through precipitation.
Author (C X w- 1') (C sec-1 X J0-1) It is obvious that a more thorough investigation of
these relationships from a meteorologica! and thus at-
Hess and Schmidt [25]
A = 50 g cm- 1 sec-I .......... . 13 27 mospheric-electrical and bioclimatological point of view
A = 100 g cm- 1 sec-I ..... . 18 38 can become of great importance.
Schmidt [51]
(Priebsch [46]) ......... . 8 20
The methodological problems, for example, consist of
Lettau [37 J .............. . 27 57 the following:
1. The over-all substitution of measurement by auto-
served exhalation of 40 X 10-rs C cm- 2 sec-1 (Table V) matic recording.
can be considered entirely satisfactory. In summary it 2. A simultaneous survey of diurnal variations of the
can be said that the emanation content of the atmos- radioactive elements in the air at severa! stations at
phere over land and water can be completely understood various altitudes.
if one com;iders the solid earth's crust as the almost 3. Attempts at an air-mass classification according
exclusive source of emanation. to origin and age on the hasis of the Rn content and the
proportion ofRa- to Th-derivatives.
Problems 4. Vertical cross sections of the atmospheric radio-
Our knowledge of radioactive substances in the atmos- activity, perhaps by means of airplane measurements
phere is fairly complete as far as their identity, meas- or by testing the active deposits on the mooring cahle
urability, and origin are concerned. Less clear is the of a captive balloon when bringing it in (using Geiger
mechanism of the horizontal and vertical distribution counters).
of these substances in the atmosphere. As admixtures to 5. Determination of the radioactivity of precipita~
the air, they take part in its movement and thus tion.

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On the Physics of Clouds and Precipitation by Henry G. Houghton . .............................. . 165

Nuclei of Atmospheric Condensation by Christian ]unge ..... 182

The Physics of Ice Clouds and Mixed Clouds by F. H. 'Ludlam .......................... . 192

Thermodynamics of Clouds by Fritz Moller . ............. . 199

The Formation of Ice Crystals by Ukichiro Nakaya . ..... . 207

Snow and lts Relationship to Experimental Meteorology by Vincent ]. Schaefer . .............. . 221

Relation of Artificial Cloud-Modification to the Production of Precipitation

by Richard D. Coons and Ross Gunn .. . ............................................... 235

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

INTRODUCTION Once it was established that ali natural condensation

The entire science of meteorology is concerned with requires the presence of condensation nuclei, attention
the physics of the atmosphere, but the term physical was focused on their source, nature, and size and on their
meteorology has been accepted as the designation for distribution intime and space. Many of these questions
only one portion of the science. This division of the are still in debate. Aitken studied the subject both in
field includes topics such as atmospheric optics, at- the laboratory and in the open air. His insight into the
mospheric electricity, solar and long-wave radiation problem and his experimental techniques stand un-
and the physical processes of condensation and pre~ rivaled as monuments to his name in this field. He
cipitation. The latter is the subject of the present con- developed the expansion type of nucleus counter which
tribution. The discussion will start with a consideration has been used in one form or another by ali subsequent
of condensation nuclei and will then proceed in turn to workers in the field. The careful reading of Aitken's
treat the initiation of condensation, the growth of the many papers [2] is an absolute requirement for any
co~densation products, and the formation of precipi- serious student of condensation nuclei.
tatwn elements. A distinction must be made between Source and Nature of Nuclei. Aitken [2] always
condensation in the liquid phase and in the solid phase. referred to nuclei of condensation as "dust particles"
There are also differences between the formation of although he stated clearly that they were distinct from
solid and liquid precipitation elements. A brief dis- the type of dust raised, for example, by high winds.
cussion of the artificial dissipation of fog will also be in- He felt that there were two types of nuclei, those with
cluded. an affinity for water vapor on which condensation
Some of these topics are discussed by other contri- begins below saturation, and nonhygroscopic nuclei
butors to this volume. 1 The purpose of the present which require an appreciable degree of supersaturation
contribution is to review the entire subject. For this for the initiation of condensation. In his opinion the
reason no attempt will be made to avoid the topics first type is the truc fog-former while the second type
covered by the other authors. Such duplication is not usually produces only haze. Using an Aitken "dust
only essential to a complete discussion of the subject counter," Wigand [56] found that an artificial increase
but may also serve to emphasize more clearly some of in the dust content of air, such as was produced by
the different points of view held by various workers in beating a carpet in a room, had no effect on the nucleus
the field. Continuity does not require a discussion of the count. He concluded that such nonhygroscopic dust
artificial modification of clouds, and this topic has was inactive as condensation nuclei and proposed that
been omitted in view of the complete treatments in the Aitken dust counter be renamed the kern counter,
this volume by Coons and Gunn and by Schaefer. a suggestion that has been generally adopted. Wigand's
The subject of cloud physics has received much conclusions were apparently supported by kern counts
attention in recent years. This is due in large measure in the presence of sand and dust storms and by Boylan's
to the recent experimental work on the artificial modi- laboratory studies [5]. Boylan's results indicated that
fication of supercooled clouds. Other stimuli have been the introduction of dust such as coal dust and
the problems of aircraft icing, artificial fog dispersa!, carbon black slightly decreased the kern count. He
the propagation of microwave radio energy, and the suggested that this was due to the sweeping action
detection of precipitation areas by radar. In sharp of the dust particles on the kerns. Later Junge [26]
distinction to many other areas of meteorology, the experimentPd with a wide variety of dusts, includ-
problems of cloud physics are amenable to the tech- ing some which are not wetted by water, and found
niques of the experimental physicist both in the labora- that ali dusts with a large number of particles smaller
tory and in the free atmosphere. than about 10-,u radius increased the kern count. He
concluded that particles of any substance can act as
NUCLEI OF CONDENSATION nuclei of condensation. He argued that larger particles
would fali out in the chamber of the kern counter before
The discovery of nuclei of condensation is generaliy the expansion could be made. Junge felt that earlier
attributed to Coulier who reported on them in 1875. investigators did not produce dusts with a sufficient
The pioneer in this field was John Aitken [2] whose number of small particles to increase the kern count
work on nuclei of condensation extended from about significantly. As he pointed out, a dust cloud of severa!
1880 to 1916. C. T. R. Wilson's name is usualiy coupled hundred large particles in a cubic centimeter looks
with Aitken's, but his work has proven to be of more much denser than so-called "dust-free" air, which may
value to partide physicists than to meteorologists. contain severa! hundred thousand ultramicroscopie con-
densation nuclei per cubic centimeter. Junge's results
1. In particular, ref~rence should be made to the papers by are very convincing and it seems reasonable to accept
Coons and Gunn, Junge, Lud! am, Moller, N akaya, and Schaefer. his conclusions. On the other hand, the evidence still

supports Aitken's conclusion that the hygroscopic nuclei rain water. There are isolated observations that the
are the important cloud producers and that neutral evaporation of sea water (without visible spray) pro-
dust is of lesser importance. Boylan [5] found in Dublin duces kerns, and Aitken found that nuclei were formed
that the number of kerns determined with the Aitken by the action of the sun on the foreshore at ebb tide.
instrument averaged fifteen times the number of dust Attempts to identify the nucleus in an evaporating
particles determined with the Owens impact dust cloud drop under the microscope have failed. Dessens
counter. [8] has caught nuclei from the air on spider webs and
Aitken and many others have established that flames caused them to grow into drops or to form crystals by
and burning materials form tremendous numbers of varying the humidity. These are probably the relatively
nuclei and also that heat alone, as from a heated plat- large sea-salt particles referred to by Findeisen [12].
inum filament, will form nuclei in natural air. Aitken Wright [58] has shown that visibility near the seacoast
and also Coste and Wright [6] showed that nuclei could is a function of the relative humidity, which can be
be formed by spraying sea water. The latter authors explained by assuming that the nuclei are hygroscopic.
also found that fuming sulfuric acid was an active kern W right felt that he had shown in thi'> way that the nuclei
producer. Although flames produce a variety of products in question were sea salts but Simpson [49] argued that
it has been established that substances containing sulfur his procedure did not permit the identification of the
are the most effective fuels. This is significant because hygroscopic agent.
of the sulfur content of coal. When sulfur is burned the It is generally concluded that most active conden-
nonhygroscopic dioxide is formed. This does not easily sation nuclei are hygroscopic particles and that the
oxidize to the hygroscopic trioxide in air at normal nonhygroscopic nuclei are unimportant. More infor-
temperatures. Aitken found that both ozone and hydro- mation is required to explain this strong preference for
gen peroxide are effective oxidizers of sulfur dioxide. hygroscopic nuclei. The hygroscopic and nonhygro-
He also claimed that ultraviolet solar radiation oxidized scopic kerns are presumably of about the same size; if
the sulfur dioxide. Coste and Wright [6] suggested that anything, the hygroscopic nuclei are somewhat smaller.
at temperatures above 620C, and in the presence of It can be shown that the lowering of the vapor pressure
water vapor, hygroscopic nitrous acid is formed. This by the salt is not of major importance, since a slightly
would explain the production of nuclei by hot filaments. larger nonhygroscopic particle will support condensation
They also suggested that the nitrous acid is the oxi- at the same degree of supersaturation. It appears from
dizing agent for sulfur dioxide. Volmer's work [52] that the wettability of the substance
There is general agreement that sea salts are effective plays an important role. On a surface which is not
as condensation nuclei. Sea-salt crystals have been wetted by water, condensation occurs in the form of
observed in the atmosphere by Owens [43], Dessens small lens-shaped drops. The work required is greater
[8, 9], and W oodcock and Gifford [57]. Ki:ihler [27, 28] than when the surface is wetted and increases with the
and others have demonstrated the presence of chloride contact angle between the water and the surface.
ion and of other sea-salt anions in water from clouds, Greater work for the phase change implies a higher
fogs, and rain. If the amount of chloride ion, for supersaturation. Hygroscopic nuclei are liquid drops
example, as measured in a bulk sample is divided by before cloudy condensation occurs and are therefore
the number of drops, it yields a nucleus of reasonable perfectly wetted. AU other nonhygroscopic surfaces are
size. Any object which bas not been carefully cleaned less easily wetted and it may be that the nonhygro-
exhibits the ubiquitous sodium flame when it is heated. scopic atmospheric dust is largely hydrophobic. Junge's
On the other hand there is evidence which suggests finding [26] that paraffin spheres will serve as con-
that the sea is not the principal source of condensation densation nuclei does not contradict this explanation
nuclei. The number of nuclei is much smaller over the since Volmer shows only that hydrophobic nuclei re-
oceans than over the land. A minimum kern count of quire a greater supersaturation than hydrophilic nuclei.
nearly zero has been observed over the ocean and the Junge did not report on the supersattirations used, but
usual count is from several hundred to several thousand since he employed an Aitken instrument it may be
per cubic centimeter. Typical values over land range up assumed that they were from 200 to 300 per cent.
to 100,000 in rural, and a million or more in urban areas. An extension of Junge's work with provisions for vary-
Simpson [49] shows that if all active nuclei come from ing the supersaturation would probably shed some
the sea surface, the rate of nucleus production must be light on this problem.
about 1250 sec- 1 cm- 2 This appears tobe unreasonably The available evidence suggests that the hygroscopic
large if the nuclei are formed by the evaporation of the nuclei are formed of sea salts and nitrous and sulfuric
spray resulting from wave action. A large proportion acids. Other hygroscopic materials may also be im-
of the spray drops will be so large that they will fali portant but it has yet to be shown that other such
back to the surface. Findeisen [12] holds that the sea substances regularly exist in the atmosphere in suf-
salt indubitably .present in the atmosphere is in the ficient quantity and in finely divided form. If it be
form of say 10-20 large particles of about lQ- 10 grams assumed that sea-salt nuclei are formed only by the
mass per liter of air. Although these are probably all evaporation of spray, it must be conceded that the
active nuclei, their number is small compared to the source is insufficient to supply a major fraction of
total number of nuclei. Their presence would serve to atmospheric kerns. Further study on other possible
explain the observed chloride content of cloud and mechamsms for the formation of sea-salt nuclei is

desirable. Perhaps rapid evaporation of sea water in the Only the larger nuclei can be measured with the visual
absence of spray forms nuclei. Aitken's observation that microscope. The electron microscope opens the way for
nuclei are formed by the action of sunlight on salt- the measurement of smaller nuclei if a means can be
water beaches should be followed up. Dessens [9] found found for the collection of the nuclei on the stage of this
that salt droplets become supersaturated when the instrument. Most measurements of the size of nuclei
relative humidity is decreased and finally crystallize have been made by indirect means. The large or Lan-
explosively, occasionally resulting in rupture. He ten- gevin ions of the atmosphere are generally believed to
tatively offered this as a possible mechanism for the be condensation nuclei which have captured a small
production of small condensation nuclei from the rela- ion or an electron. Boylan [5] states that about 60
tively large crystals formed when sea spray evaporates, per cent of the nuclei carry a single electronic charge
but later expressed the opinion that the fracture and are identica! with the large ions. The mobility
mechanism is too rare tobe of major importance. (velocity in unit electric field) of such ions may be
The sulfuric acid in the atmosphere must come pri- measured and their size computed from Stokes' law.
marily from the sulfur in coal, although volcanic activity Such measurements yield diameters in the neighbor-
may contribute a small amount. Much of the research hood of 10-5 cm.
on nuclei has been done in industrial areas such as the As already mentioned, the size of the nucleus may be
British Isles and Germany, so that the importance of determined by assaying a bulk sample of cloud or fog
sulfuric acid nuclei may have been overemphasized. water for the assumed constituent and dividing by the
Although the high concentrations of nuclei in industrial number of drops represented in the sample. This was
areas is almost certainly due to the products of man- done first by Kohler [27], who collected rime at a
made combustion, no one believes that the cloud and mountain observatory and determined the chloride con-
precipitation regimes of the world have been greatly tent by titration. The mean drop size was measured
altered by industrialization. It appears that nitrous by the corona method. By assuming that the other
acid nuclei are also produced by combustion but here it anions of sea salt were present in the same proportion as
is the high temperature which acts as a catalyst to form in the sea, he computed the average mass of the nuclei
the nuclei from the natural constituents of the air. tobe 1.847 X 10-14 g, equivalent to a diameter of about
Forest fires are as effective for this as man's furnaces. 5 X 10-5 cm. This procedure is open to the criticism of
It is also known that nitrous acid is formed by the Findeisen [12] that the salt might be in the form of a
action of lightning discharges. It may be that nitrous few relatively large particles.
acid is the principal kern material and that the high Direct measurements of the size of nuclei have been
kern-concentrations in urban areas are due to the made by Dessens [9] and by Woodcock and Gifford
products of combustion and are of only local impor- [57]. Dessens caught the nuclei on spider threads and
tance. Adei [1] and Shaw and collaborators [48] have examined them with a visual microscope. He reported
obtained spectroscopic evidence of the presence of about radii of nuclei ranging from 0.3 to 0.5 J.t. The nuclei
1 cm of nitrous oxide at NTP in the atmosphere. were in the form of drops at a relative humidity of 60
There is no information on the vertical distribution of per cent. There were others too small to measure, and
the nitrous oxide but these observations suggest that it also some larger ones. W oodcock and Gifford collected
is a universal constituent of the atmosphere. There nuclei on glass slides 1 mm by 15 mm in size from an
may well be other substances, even nonhygroscopic airplane flying over the ocean. The counts were cor-
ones, obscured by the abundance of other nuclei in rected for the collection efficiency of the slides. They
industrial areas, which are the really important nuclei of identified the nuclei as sea salts by determining the
the free atmosphere. relative humidity at the transition between crystal and
Size and Size Distribution of Nuclei. The upper solution. They present their data inform of the mass
limit of nucleus size is set by the settling rate and also distribution of the nuclei. The largest nuclei had a mass
in some cases by the method of formation. As an of about 2 X 10-9 g and the smallest a mass of near
example, the largest sea-salt nucleus probably has a 5 X I0-14 g. These weights correspond to diameters of
diameter of the order of 5 X 10-3 cm. Because the work 24 and 0.7 J.t respectively at a relative humidity of
of subdivision of a solid or a liquid increases rapidly 80 per cent. When plotted on logarithmic paper, Wood-
with the amount of new surface formed, the diameter cock and Gifford's distribution curves of nucleus mass
of the smallest sea-spray nucleus or dust particle pro- versus number are nearly linear with negative slopes.
duced by erosion or grinding is of the order of 10-5 cm. Their method did not permit the collection of nuclei
Diameters of nuclei formed from gases such as sulfuric of mass less than 5 X I0-14 g. The total number of
and nitrous acids probably range from 10-5 to 10-6 cm. nuclei in a cubic centimeter of air was found to range
Such nuclei are not apt to be as large as sea-salt nuclei from less than one to about thirty and to decrease
because of the small concentration of the gases from rapidly with elevation in the first 300 m above sea
which they are formed. AII sizes within these rather level. Although no simultaneous measurements with an
wide limits are to be expected. (For completeness it may Aitken counter are reported, it is probable that the
be mentioned that small ions with dimensions of the Aitken count would be large compared with that of
order of I0-7 cm will serve as nuclei only at four to five W oodcock and Gifford. There is no evidence that these
fold supersaturations and cannot play any role in unmeasured nuclei are composed of sea salts.
natural atmospheric condensation.) The methods outlined above of determining the size

of nuclei yield the actual geometric diameter or mass. bility with humidity which seem to confirm the general
With the sole exception of the application of mobility shape of the curves of Fig. 1 below saturation.
measurements to large ion-nuclei, none of these methods The supersaturation corresponding to the maximum
can be used in the size range which includes the of the curves of Fig. 1 is a measure of the effective size
majority of the natural condensation nuclei of the of the nucleus. The geometric size can be determined
atmosphere. An indirect measure of the effective size only if the nature of the hygroscopic salt is known.
of condensation nuclei may be obtained by causing An adaptation of the Aitken nucleus counter can be
condensation to occur on them under controlled con- used to determine the effective size of the nuclei, as was
ditions. To discuss this procedure it is necessary to shown by Junge [25). He produced expansions of known
review briefly the theory of condensation on nuclei and increasing amounts in a chamber and determined
as first presented by Thomson [50) for neutra! nuclei the number of drops after each expansion. In this way
and Kohler [29] for hygroscopic nuclei. Thomson showed he obtained a nucleus spectrum. Earlier, Aitken [2)
that the vapor pressure in equilibrium with a curved performed a similar experiment with his apparatus.
surface is greater than the vapor pressure in equilibrium The principal difference in the two techniques was that
with a plane surface at the same temperature. The Junge used a large chamber and applied his successive
supersaturation required to initiate condensation on the expansions rapidly so that none of the previously acti-
surface of a smali sphere, which is wetted by water, is vated nuclei \Vould evaporate. Aitken first produced a
nearly inversely proportional to the radius. This effect small expansion and counted the number of drops which
is illustrated by the upper curve in Fig. 1. The vapor feli out in the usual manner. He then proceeded to an
increased expansion, waiting each time until the acti-
vated nuclei had fallen out of the air. Aitken's pro-
cedure is open to the objection that some of the drops
l40 might evaporate before falling out and thus leave
\ nuclei to be counted again in subsequent expansions.
\ Junge's method involves the errors of counting the
number of drops while they are suspended in the air.
1\ Most of Junge's experiments were carried out with
\ artificially produced nuclei, whereas Aitken used natural

1 ~~-, air. Qualitatively their results were very similar. The

l wa:9~'
~ ~- evidence is that a large number of nuclei are activated
~100 1-- g 1 -..;;;:: E;o...,. at the lowest expansion used, with smaller numbers
Q_ 90
lf requiring greater expansions or supersaturations. Aitken
found that ali of the ordinary nuclei in the samples of
natural air were activated by a relative humidity of
IO"Ig[ 150 per cent. Further increases in the expansion
10" 6 10" 5 10" 4 ratio had no effect until the supersaturation required to
RADIUS OF DROP IN CENTIMETERS produce condensation on smali ions was reached. Junge
Fw. 1.-Growth curves of sodium chloride nuclei of masses found that 110 per cent relative humidity was sufficient
as indicated at OC. The dashed line is for pure water drops. to activate ali of the nuclei in a sample of outdoor air.
Number and Distribution of Nuclei. Literally thou-
pressure over a solution of a hygroscopic salt is lower sands of measurements of the number of nuclei in the
than that over pure water. In the case of a hygroscopic air have been made with the aid of the Aitken instru-
nucleus, both effects are in evidence and act in op- ment. As ordinarily used, this instrument produces a
position. The net result is indicated by the lower curves supersaturation of from 200 to 300 per cent and there-
of Fig. 1. The effect of the dissolved salt is dependent fore activates ali natural nuclei but not smali ions.
upon its concentration and thus is a function of the As will be pointed out below, only a small fraction of the
mass of the hygroscopic material and of the radius of total number of nuclei are activated in natural con-
the droplet. The Thomson effect is a function only of densation processes. For this reason the total number
the radius of curvature. The three lower curves of of nuclei as determined by the Aitken counter is of
Fig. 1 are for nuclei of sodium chloride of different limited value since no information regarding the size
masses as indicated on the curves. It is readily apparent or the size distribution of the nuclei is obtained. A
that hygroscopic nuclei grow more slowly as the relative very complete summary of the measurements which
humidity increases toward saturation. In aii cases, the have been made has been given by Landsberg [33),
growth curves reach a maximum in excess of 100 per and no attempt will be made here to give any of the
cent relative humidity. This peak relative humidity detailed results. The maximum concentration was found
must be exceeded if the nucleus is to become a cloud in cities, with an average of 150,000 per cubic centi-
drop. The general behavior of these curves has been meter and a maximum of some four million. In the
verified experimentally by Junge [25] who determined country, the average is of the order of 50,000 and the
the size of hygroscopic nuclei at various relative hu- maximum near 400,000. Much lower concentrations
midities from the mobility of the nuclei as large ions. are found over the oceans with an average of about
Wright [58] has obtained data on the variation of visi- 1000 and a maximum of about 40,000. At a given

location, the concentration of nuclei has a diurnal and As the relative humidity exceeds 100 per cent, con-
annual variation, the nature of which is largely de- densation occurs first on the largest nuclei, that is, on
pendent upon the local conditions. Correlations have those requiring the smallest amount of supersaturation
been made of nuclei concentration with visibility, air to become active. Nuclei are said tobe active when they
mass, wind direction and force, and so forth. The im- have exceeded their critica! supersaturations and are
portant question of the variation of the concentration free to grow to cloud drop size. If the condensation is
of nuclei with elevation has not been thoroughly studied extremely slow, only the very largest nuclei will become
because of the difficulties in the way of such measure- active. As the rate of condensation is increased, the
ments. Most of these measurements have been made in rate of condensation on the larger nuclei will not be
mountainous regions at various elevations. These show sufficient to hold the supersaturation down and ad-
a rapid decrease in concentration with elevation. A few ditional nuclei will be activated. This shows that the
determinations have been made from free balloons. concentration of cloud drops is dependent primarily
These show a more rapid decrease of concentration of on the initial rate of condensation.
nuclei with increasing elevation than the mountain The process which has just been described quali-
observations. The average vertical distribution of nuclei tatively has been investigated theoretically and nu-
from the balloon ascents shows a count of 22,300 per merically by Kohler [29] and by Rowell [24]. Kohler
cubic centimeter in the layer from O to 500 m decreasing combined the radius of curvature effect and the effect
to 80 above 5000 m. Of necessity the balloon ftights were of the hygroscopic solute with the thermodynamic
made in anticyclonic weather, and the results cannot equations of the condensation process. Re did not
be considered typical of stormy conditions. In any introduce numerica! values and did not consider the
event, the rapid decrease in concentration with in- effect of a distribution of nuclear sizes. Rowell assumed
creased elevation indicates that the source of conden- a broad spectrum of nuclear sizes and several different
sation nuclei is at or near the surface. The nuclei are rates of condensation. Re was able to show that only a
presumably carried aloft by turbulence and convection. very small fraction of the nuclei were activated and that
This reasoning \Vould suggest that the decrease in under reasonable conditions the initial supersaturation
concentration with elevation would be smaller in cy- was less than one per cent. Re places the maximum
clonic than in anticyclonic conditions. N o information probable supersaturation at about three per cent. By
is available on the change in size of the nuclei with using different size distributions of the nuclei, Rowell
elevation. It would be highly desirable to obtain more found that the concentration of cloud drops was much
information regarding both the number and the size more dependent on the initial rate of condensation than
distribution of condensation nuclei in the free atmos- on the size distribution of the nuclei. As soon as the
phere. initial stages of condensation are over, the supersatu-
ration rapidly declines so that it is extremely unlikely
THE INITIAL PHASE OF CONDENSATION that any additional nuclei will be activated. Because
Reference has been made above to the factors which of the rapid decrease in supersaturation it is possible
control condensation on both hygroscopic and non- that a few of the smaller nuclei which were activated
hygroscopic condensation nuclei. Referring again to may evaporate. Rowell contends that although this
Fig. 1, it is evident that condensation nuclei will not presumably occurs, the number of drops which start
attain cloud drop size unless the supersaturation cor- to form and then evaporate is very small compared to
responding to the maximum of the curves for hygro- the total. It is reasonably safe to state that the con-
scopic particles is exceeded. The magnitude of the centration of cloud particles immediately after the
supersaturation required is dependent on the mass of initial condensation is very nearly equal to the con-
the hygroscopic material in the nucleus. The super- centration of activated nuclei and that there is little
saturation required in the case of nonhygroscopic nuclei likelihood of an increase in the concentration of the
is dependent on the radius of curvature of the nucleus cloud particles thereafter.
as indicated by the upper curve in Fig. 1. As was
pointed out earlier, the critical supersaturation is prob- GROWTH OF CLOUD DROPS
ably also dependent on how easily the surface of the When the initial phase of the condensation process is
nucleus is wetted. If the nucleus is composed of a completed, the dissolved hygroscopic material and the
microporous substance, condensation will occur at a radius of curvature have a relatively small effect on
lower relative humidity, the exact value depending on the further _growth of thfUU. The teady"s.tate dif-
the size of the pores. Even in this case the nucleus fusion e<JJ.lation for the growth of drops as given by
cannot grow to cloud drop size unless some initial Roughton [21] is
supersaturation occurs. It is therefore generally true
that cloudy condensation cannot occur without a small
.::l(a2) = Sk(pw - Pow) Llt, (1)
degree of supersaturation. Such data as are available where .::l(a2) is the increment of the square of the drop
on the size and size distribution of nuclei indicate that diameter in the time .::lt, Pw is the water vapor density
the supersaturation required is usually less than one at a distance from the drop, and Pow is the density of
per cent. This is confirmed by the observation that the water vapor in equilibrium with the drop. As pointed
cloud base corresponds to the saturation level within out by Rowell [24], this equation is not valid during
the precision of the measurements. the initial condensation phase nor for very small drops

but it may be used to determine the effects of con- final intimate mixing essential to the broadening of the
tinued condensation on the size and size distribution local drop-size distribution. It seems probable that
of the cloud drops. The latent beat of condensation is any observed drop-size distribution can be explained
released at the drop surface and transferred to the air on the hasis of a suitable variation in the rates of con-
by conduction. As a result the equilibrium temper- densation of separate air parcels and their subsequent
ature of the drop is greater than the air temperature mixing. N o data are available on the distribution of
and Pow is therefore greater than the saturation w,_ter vertical velocities at the condensation level, so that a
yapm:_ density. at the temperature of the air. Since quantitative verification of this theory is not possible.
(Pw- Pow) is always positive, supersaturation must Advective marine fogs also have broader drop-size
exist throughout the condensation process. Compu- distributions than might be expected from uniform
tations show that the supersaturation can hardly ex- cooling at the initiation of condensation. Such fog is
ceed a few tenths of one per cent for any reasonable formed ata much slower rate of cooling than any type
rate of lift. As a result of the parabolic relation between of cloud. One anticipated result is that the drop con-
the drop diameter and the time in equation (1) the centration in advective marine fogs is much smaller
drop diameters will become more uniform as the con- than in clouds. The cooling is produced at the under-
densation proceeds. This conclusion has been verified lying surface and even in the usual stable stratification
by Howell [24]. the mechanical turbulence is apparently sufficient to
Howell [24] attempted to find the conditions most produce a range of cooling rates at the initiation of
favorable to a broad distribution of cloud drop sizes condensation. Such data as are available suggest that
but was unable to delineate them in a clear-cut fashion. the drop-size distribution of radiation fog is quite
Slow cooling was expected to allow the initial effects narrow, presumably as a consequence of the more
of the salute and radius of curvature to exercise a stagnant conditions of formation.
maximum effect in broadening the size of the distri- The breadth of the drop-size distribution in clouds
bution. The small number of nuclei activated largely has an important bearing on the stability of the clouds
compensated for any such broadening. Rapid cooling and on the release of precipitation in clouds which do
had the opposite effect and it appears that some inter- not reach the freezing level. It is important that further
mediate rate of cooling will yield the broadest drop- studies of the factors which determine the breadth of
size distribution. The computed drop-size distributions the distribution be undertaken. It appears that knowl-
are of the same general form as those observed in edge of the growth of the drops from condensation
natural clouds, but are quite narrow, corresponding nuclei to large cloud drops is now well understood from
to the more homogeneous half of the clouds measured the physical point of view. The missing information is
at Mount Washington, New Hampshire. It does not concerned with those details of the air motion which
seem possible to explain the broader size distributions determine the initial rate of cooling and the mixing of
often observed by a uniform lift process of the type condensation products with diverse historieo.
treated by Howell. This conclusion appears to be Equation (1) shows that the time requirerl for a drop
definite, in spite of incomplete knowledge of the con- to grow by condensation increases with the square of
densation nucleus size spectrum, because of the con- the drop diameter if the supersaturation is constant.
trolling effect of the initial rate of condensation. This suggests that the maximum size of a condensation
Some other mechanism must be sought to explain drop can be estimated by selecting a maximum time and
broader size distributions than those which result from a suitable supersaturation. An analysis of the drop
uniform lift. Arenberg [3] suggested that turbulence growth process shows that the supersaturation reaches
would bring condensation products of different histories its maximum at the activation of the nucleus and
into the same region, thus resulting in a broad size thereafter rapidly declines, adjusting itself so that water
distribution. Arenberg also suggested that the alternate will be condenserl at the rate called for by the rate of
up and down excursions of the drops in a turbulent lift. It is thus impossible to select an appropriate
atmosphere might lead to a broadening of the size supersaturation for the computation of the maximum
distribution. However, excluding the evaporation dur- drop size. The factors that truly determine the maxi-
ing the descending branches of the motion, turbulence mum drop size are the drop concentration and the
tends to narrow the size distribution and its net effect amount of water vapor available for condensation.
is apt to be small. The former is dependent on the initial rate of conden-
In nature the uniform lift process adopted by Howell sation, the latter on the water-vapor content of the air
[24] for his computations is subject to important modi- and the total lift. It is now known that a considerable
fications. The rate of lift of different samples of the amount of unsaturated air from the environment is
air at the condensation level will not be the same. entrained by the rising column in cumulus convection.
Because of the controlling influence of the rate of lift on This desiccates the rising air and thus reduces the
the concentration and size of the cloud drops it is tobe maximum drop size. Large drops are favored by slow
expected that the mean drop sizes of the samples will initial lift, large water-vapor content, and large total
show a rather wide range. Subsequent mixing of these lift. These factors are not all mutually compatible, so
samples by turbulence will result in a size distribution that the actual maximum drop size is considerably
broader than that produced by a uniform lift. It is to smaller than that computed for optimum values of
be noted that fine-grain turbulence is required for the each of the separate factors. It is generally believed
that the practica! maximum diameter reached by con- immersed thus retarding evaporation and preserving
densation is about 100 to 200 J.l.. their spherical shape. On the smoked slides the drops
leave clear areas which are related to the drop size.
OBSERVATIONS OF DROP SIZE The drops on the hydrophobic surface are semiflattened
AND LIQUID WATER and are subject to evaporation. Because of the finite
Methods of Measurement. Although a complete dis- size of the slides there is discrimination against the
cussion of methods of measuring cloud drop size and smaller drops. In addition, large drops tend to fracture
liquid-water content is beyond the scope of this article, on impact at high air speeds. In spite of these difficulties
some understanding of the measuring techniques is this general method is the only one which permits the
essential to a proper evaluation of the data. The most nearly instantaneous determination of the drop-size
frequently used method of measuring cloud drop size distribution.
has been the corona method. The angular diameter of It is clear, even from this brief discussion, that none
the first- and higher-order diffraction rings observed of the present techniques is entirely satisfactory. It is
around a light source is a measure of the average drop not believed that improvements in any of the existing
size. The method is theoretically unsound for drop di- techniques will remedy this situation. A new approach
ameters less than about 10 J..L. Although the possibility to the measurement of drop size and size distribution is
of determining the drop-size distribution by the corona badly needed.
method exists, no satisfactory technique has been de- Drop-Size Measurements. Kohler [30] has reported
veloped. The method is most applicable to the meas- on the results of a large number of corona measurements
urement of the drop size in homogeneous clouds; the of drop size made at a mountain observatory in
coronas become diffuse and difficult to measure when northern Norway. Similar measurements have been
the drop-size distribution is broad. made by others but Kohler's work may be taken as
Mean drop size and some indication of drop-size representative. Kohler made severa] thousand indi-
distribution can be obtained from the rotating multi- vidual measurements in mountain fog, stratus, strato-
cylinder. This instrument consists of a series (often cumulus, and altocumulus. The absolute range of mean
five) of cylinders of different diameter arranged to be drop diameter was about 5 to 70 J..L. The most frequent
slowly rotated with the axes of the cylinders normal to diameter was found tobe about 17.6 J.l.. He found that
the wind. The collection efficiency of a cylinder is the range of the most frequent diameter waR smaller for
dependent on the air speed, the cylinder diameter, altocumulus and stratocumulus than for fog and stratus.
and the drop diameter. The numerica! relations between Kohler's measurements yield no information on the
these quantities and the collection efficiency have been size distribution, although he notes that some of the
determined by Langmuir and Blodgett [35]. From a coronas were sharper than others; the sharper coronas
comparison of the relative collections of the several corresponded to the narrower size distributions.
cylinders the mean drop size and a measure of the Ki:ihler has claimed that his data show what he caUs
drop-size distribution may be obtained. The liquid- a "mass grouping" such that the sizes in a group
water content (mass of liquid water in a unit volume of represented by d = d0 (2)nt 3 , n= 1, 2, 3, etc., are
air) also may be determined from the measurements. predominant. Here do is the constant modal diameter of
This technique has been used at Mount Washington, the group and d represents the diameters of the drops
New Hampshire (where it was developed by Arenberg), composing the group. Other investigators ha ve reported
and on aircraft. It was first used only in supercooled similar groupings. If this result were accepted, it would
clouds where the deposit is in the form of rime but imply that there is a rather fixed drop size resulting
absorbent cylinders are now used at temperatures above from condensation and that other sizes are formed by
freezing. In order to obtain measurable collections the the combination of drops of this initial size. This does
cylinders must be exposed to a few miles of cloud. For not seem reasonable on physical grounds. N o such
this reason the method yields only average values and grouping has been found in the multicylinder or micro-
cannot indicate rapid changes in drop size. In order scopic data. It seems that Kohler's results must be
to obtain a drop-size distribution it is necessary to due to some peculiarity of the corona technique and it is
assume the general form of the distribution curve. no longer believed that such a mass grouping exists.
The most direct means for the measurement of drop A large amount of data on drop size, size distribution,
size and drop-size distribution is the collection and and liquid-water content in clouds has been collected
photomicrography of a sample of the drops. Direct at Mount Washington, New Hampshire [51]. AII three
photography of the drops in the air has so many in- of the methods described above have been utilized but
herent difficulties that it cannot be considered to be a the bulk of the data has come from the rotating multi-
practicable method. The usual technique is to expose a cylinder. The mean drop diameter was found tobe 13
suitably coated slide to the windstream and take photo- J..L, which is somewhat smaller than Kohler's 17.6 J.l..
micrographs of the collected drops. Each drop image The observed range of median diameter was about 5
must be measured individually, and from one hundred to 40 J..L. It should be noted that the multicylinder mean
to severa! hundred drops must be so measured to secure diameter is a volume median such that one-half of the
a representative distribution curve. The slide surface is water is in smaller drops and one-half is in larger drops.
covered with a hydrophobic surface, with an oillayer, The diameter obtained from the corona method prob-
or it is smoked. If the oii film is used, the drops are ably corresnonds to the most frequent size. With the

usual type of size-distribution curve the volume-median peratures. There is a similar tendency for the drop size
diameter is larger than the most-frequent diameter. to increase with the temperature.
As already stated, an indication of the breadth of the An extensive series of in-flight measurements of the
drop-size distribution can be obtained from the multi- liquid-water content and drop size of supercooled clouds
cylinder data. The general form of the distribution has been made by the National Advisory Committee
curve must be assumed. The evidence available sug- for Aeronautics and reported by Lewis and collabo-
gests that the majority of drop-size-distribution curves rators [37, 38, 39). The principal instruments used were
are of the general form assumed although there are the rotating multicylinder, a rotating disc icing-rate
occasional curves with multiple maxima. For conven- meter, and a fixed cylinder which gives a measure of
ience, nine standard volume-distribution curves have the maximum drop size. The measurements were made
heen adopted, identified by the letters A through J during three winter seasons and in both the eastern
(I is omitted). The A distribution corresponds to com- and the western portions of the United States. Although
plete uniformity and the succeeding letters to dis- identification of the cloud type was made in each case
tributions of increasing breadth as shown in Table I. it was found that, in general, the data did not warrant
a more detailed classification than the distinction be-
tween cumuliform and stratiform clouds. For three
winter seasons the average volume-median drop di-
Per cent oi
liquid water
Ratio of diameter of group to volume-median diameter
for each distribution
ameter was found to be 20.5 f.t for cumuliform clouds
in each and 14.7 f.t for stratiform clouds. The range of volume-
_B_I_c_I~--J-~!_F_j_G_I~I-1_ median diameters was 3 to 56 f.t for cumulus clouds
5 1.0 and 3 to 50 f.t for stratiform clouds. N early 50 per cent
.56. .42 .311 .23 .18 .13, .10! .06
10 1.0 .72 1 .61 .52 .44 .371 .31 .27i . Hl of the size distributions as determined from the rotating
20 1.0 .841 .77 .71 .65 .59, .54 .50' .42 multicylinder were type A. Evidence is presented that
30 1.0 1.0011.00 1.00 1.0011.0011.00 1.00 1.00
20 1.0 1.17 1. 26 1. 37 1.48 l. 60 1. 73 1. 91 2. 22 the size-distribution data are unreliable and the authors
10 1.0 1.321 1.51 1.74 2.0012.301 2.64 3.04 -1.01 feel that this technique is not applicable to in-flight
5 1.0 1.491 1.81 2.22 2.71 3.301 4.02 4.93 7.34 measurements. By comparison of the simultaneous ob-
servations of volume-median diameter and maximum
As will be seen from Table I, each distribution is diameter they concluded that the clouds are more
made up of seven different drop diameters each repre- homogeneous than is indicated by the rotating multi-
senting the percentage of the total water indicated in the cylinder.
first column. The drop sizes are represented as the The liquid-water contents reported by Lewis and
ratios of the drop diameter to the volume-median collaborators [37, 38, 39] ranged from 0.02 to 2.0 g m- 3
diameter so that the distributions may be applied to for cumuliform clouds and from 0.01 to 0.7 g m- 3 for
any volume-median diameter. The frequency of oc- stratiform clouds. The average values for the three
currence of the nine drop-size-distribution types at winter seasons were found to be 0.51 g m- 3 for cumuli-
Mount Washington for the months November 1946 form clouds and 0.134 g m- 3 for stratiform clouds.
through May 1947 is indicated in Table II. In consider-ing these data it must be remembered
that they are winter values and that the temperatures
TABLE II. OccuRRENCE oF DROP-SizE-DISTRIBUTION CuRvEs were always below freezing and usually markedly below.
The data presented show that both the drop size and
Distribution curve 1 1
the liquid-water content tend to increase with the
_type._ .. _.. -..:__._
.. _.. _:.:.I_A_ _!_ __:;____ D E F G li 1
temperature. The mean drop diameter obtained from
Number of 1 these in-ftight measurements is significantly larger than
occurrences. . . . . 241 96 47 21 13 5 2 4 7 the Mount Washington mean. Again, this is probably
due to the prevalence on the mountain of cloud caps
The predominance of narrow size distributions is which are presumed to contain smaller drops as a result
striking. This is probably due in part to the high of the rapid lifting. There is no significant difference in
frequency of cloud-cap conditions which do not favor the liquid-water observations in flight and on Mount
the nonuniform rates of lift apparently required to Washington.
produce broad size distributions. For this reason Table Diem [10] has reported the most extensive set of
II cannot be taken as typical of the clouds of the free drop-size-distribution data from the free atmosphere.
atmosphere. It is also apparent from Table II that a His measurements were made from aircraft by exposing
significant number of broad distributions occur (E a small oil-covered slide to the air stream for about
through J) which certainly cannot be explained on the ~~o sec. The slides were photomicrographed within a
hasis of uniform lift. minute of collection. The slides undoubtedly discrimin-
Multicylinder observations were also used to compute ated against the smaller drops. Diem states that the
the liquid-water content. For the winter season 1945- collection was satisfactory down to a diameter of 3 f.t
46 the mean liquid-\vater content was 0.472 g m- 3 but there is reason to believe that the discriminatory
The most frequent value was 0.24 g m- 3 and the range effect started at a somewhat larger diameter. Diem
was O to 1.44 g m- 3 There is a tendency for the higher gives the most frequent drop diameters for six cloud
liquid-water contents tobe associated with higher tem- types (Table III). Fair weather cumulus, altostratus

and stratocumulus show the sharpest distributions. The fog in Germany using an adaptation of the oil-covered
other three cloud types exhibit broad size distributions. slide technique. He found that the most frequent size
It is interesting to note that, in general, the cloud types ranged from 9- to 34-f.l. diameter with an average of
15.6 f.l. As pointed out earlier, the volume-median
TABLE III. DATA FROM CoMPosrTE DRoP-SrzE-DrsTRIBUTION diameter is always greater than the most-frequent di-
(Ajter Diem [10])
ameter, so that Hagemann's data do not differ greatly
from those of Houghton and Radford [22]. Although
Cloud type Peak
diameter (p,)
Range of
curve (p,)
data are not available it is tobe expected that the drop
~---------- --- - - - - - - - - - - - 1 ---- ~---~~---
size in urban fogs would be smaller than in fogs formed
Dense cumulus .. 14.5 3-40 in relatively clean air.
Fair-weather cumulus. 8.5 2-20 Although more data on the drop-size distribution in
Stratocumulus. 7.9 2-24
Nimbostratus. 13.2 2--42 clouds of the free atmosphere are badly needed, the
Stratus 12.9 2-42 information at hand is sufficient to give a good general
Altostratus. 10.6 2-30 idea of the end results of natural condensation processes.
The most important conclusion is that most clouds of
associated with precipitation have broad distributions. the free atmosphere, especially those associated with
Very few of Diem's size distributions would fall in precipitation, ha ve drop-size distributions broader than
types A and B of Table I. The difference between is explicable by a uniform lifting process at the con-
Diem's data and the Mount Washington data in this densation level. As already indicated, the most promis-
respect is doubtless due in part to the different methods ing explanation for such a broad distribution is non-
of measurement, but the writer feels that much of the uniform rates of lift at the condensation level combined
difference is real. As pointed out above, there is good with !ater turbulent mixing.
reason to believe that the conditions of formation of the
Mount Washington cloud cap favor a narrow drop- THE ICE PHASE
size distribution. Until more data from the free atmos-
phere are available it seems reasonable to accept Diem's Supercooled Water. The regular existence of super-
data as typical rather than that from Mount Wash- cooled water clouds in the atmosphere is now a matter
ington. of common knowledge. W ater clouds are much more
Drop-size measurements were made in sea fog by common than ice clouds at temperatures down to
Houghton and Radford [22] on the northeast coast of -lOC and they have been observed down to -35C
the United States. The fog drops were collected on and possibly below. Dorsey [11] and others have shown
slides with a hydrophobic surface and then photomicro- that water in bulk may be supercooled from a few
graphed. Sampling errors occurred for drops smaller degrees to as much as 20 degrees. The temperature at
than about 20 f.1. but this did not greatly affect the which water freezes spontaneously is not known with
results in view of the relatively large drop size. The certainty, but theoretical considerations suggest that
volume-median drop diameters ranged from 25 to 75 it is in the neighborhood of -70C. Dorsey found that
f.1. with an average of 45 f.l.. The drop-size distributions sealed samples of water had characteristic and repro-
appear rather broad because of the large drop size but ducible freezing temperatures. The freezing temperature
most of them correspond to the C distribution of Table was found to be lower for the cleaner samples such as
I, while a few B and D distributions also occurred. conductivity water than for natural water from ponds
The largest drop measured was 120 f.1. in diameter. The and puddles. Prolonged ageing, or heating to 97C, was
mean liquid-water content was found tobe 0.13 g m- 3 found to lower the freezing temperature. Samples main-
with a range of from 0.01 to 0.30 g m- 3 tained a few degrees below their characteristic freezing
The most striking feature of these results is the large temperature remained unfrozen indefinitely. Dorsey
size of fog drops as compared to cloud drops and the concluded that his results were best explained by the
relatively small variation in the volume-median di- assumption that freezing is initiated by "motes" of
ameter and in the breadth of the size distribution. submicroscopic size.
Coupled with the large drop size the relatively low Rau [45] and Heverly [19] have investigated the
liquid-water content shows that the drop concentration freezing of supercooled water drops. Heverly reported
is very small. This suggests that the fogs observed that the freezing temperature was constant at -16C
formed on a few relatively large nuclei of condensation for drops larger than 400-f.l. diameter and decreased
which quite possibly were sea-salt particles. Chemical rapidly with the diameter for smaller drops with a
analyses of the fog water tended to confirm this con- suggestion of a minimum near -40C for very small
clusion. The chloride content of the water averaged drops. Rau repeatedly froze a group of 24 drops and
70 parts per million and ranged from 8 to 480 parts found a distribution of freezing temperatures which was
per million. In fog water there appeared to be more apparently independent of drop size. The first two or
sulfate ion in proportion to chloride than there was in three freezings lowered the average freezing temper-
sea water. This suggests the presence of some nuclei ature which thereafter remained constant. Other un-
of industrial origin but does not prove that such prod- published investigations have yielded results similar
ucts served as nuclei. to Rau's and it must be concluded that Heverly's
Hagemann [18] obtained drop-size distributions in findings were in some way influenced by the experi-

mental technique. Schaefer [46] has found that a super- ature. It is tobe noted that the latter two substances
cooled fog may be converted to an ice-crystal fog by form Qrystals with lattic~.~D.ta...imilar tQ.i<m.
cooling a portion of it to -39C. Hollstein, quoted by It was on this hasis that Vonnegut selected silver io-
Weickmann [55], studied the freezing of drops of sodium dide. On the other hand a water-drop cloud formed on
chloride solution of various concentrations. She found cadmium iodide and then evaporated leftnuclei on which
that the freezing point of the solution was equal to the ice formed at ice-saturation. This suggests that the
freezing point of the water solvent minus the computed nuclei of silver, caesium, and cadmium iodides used by
lowering of the freezing point due to the solute. There Fournier d'Albe may not have been in crystalline form.
was some suggestion that the lowest possible freezing Findeisen and Schulz [16] used a much larger ex-
point of a sodium chloride solution lies in the neigh- pansion chamber with a volume of 2 ro 3, which was
borhood of -35C at which point the salt may act as a arranged to permit expansions at rates comparable to
freezing nucleus. those in nature. Their results were similar to those of
Condensation and Sublimation Below OC. The ice Cwilong and Fournier d'Albe in that the clouds formed
phase may appear in the atmosphere either by the by steady expansions were invariably water or mixed
freezing of the liquid or by the direct sublimation of the water-ice clouds even at a temperature of -40C. On
vapor to the solid phase. Wegener [54] first suggested some occasions when the expansion was interrupted
that the atmosphere contained sublimation nuclei which just prior to the attainment of water-saturation, ice
would act in a fashion analogous to condensation nuclei crystals were formed in the absence of a water cloud.
to promote sublimation in the vicinity of ice saturation. At an expansion equivalent to a vertical velocity of
Findeisen [13] expanded on this concept and based his 5 ro sec-1 ice crystals were first observed at about
precipitation theories, in part, on the existence of such -7C and their number increased with decreasing tem-
nuclei. It was assumed that sublimation nuclei were perature. In the neighborhood of -35C a very large
small solid particles of a shape similar to an ice crystal. increase occurred. At more rapid expansions the first ice
Sublimation should occur on a nucleus truly isomorphic crystals appeared at lower temperatures but the sudden
with ice at ice-saturation. increase occurred at a temperature somewhat higher
The search for sublimation nuclei has been conducted than -35C. Ali of these experiments were performed
by two experimental techniques. The first of these in uncleaned surface air. Very similar results were ob-
employs the expansion chamber and the second the tained by Palmer [44], who observed the formation of a
dew-method in which the processes. are observed on a few ice crystals at -22C and at a relative humidity
chilled surface. Cwilong [7] used an expansion chamber of 97 per cent with respect to water. He also observed
of the Wilson-type which could be refrigerated. After a rapid increase in ice crystals at -32C in natural
the air was cleaned by repeated expansions, he found surface air. In airplane flights, with a smaller expansion
that a cloud of ice crystals was formed when the mini- chamber, Palmer found the -32C nuclei only below
mum temperature during the expansion fell below the haze inversion; at higher altitudes the first crystals
-41.2C. He felt that small ions were acting as sub- appeared at from -41C to -44C.
limation nuclei below this temperature since the ice The most extensive investigations of condensation,
cloud formed at smaller expansions than those used to free.zing, and sublimation on a chilled surface have been
clean the air. In uncleaned outdoor air the transition roade by Weickmann [55]. The advantages of this
temperature rose to -32.2C and to -27C when tobacco technique are that the individual particles may be
smoke was added. Cwilong also reported that at -70C viewed with a high-power microscope, that the tem-
there was a distinct change, in that a small shower of perature and rate of cooling may be controlled pre-
quite large grains of ice accompanied the cloud of cisely, and that the supersaturation with respect to ice
crystalline dust. Fournier d' Albe [17] repeated and ex- is known at all times. The disadvantage is that the
tended Cwilong's experiments with similar apparatus. condensation occurs on a surface rather than in the air.
He was unable to get the dense ice cloud in cleaned air Weickmann showed rather conclusively that the effect
below -41C reported by Cwilong but confirmed the of a properly cleaned surface was small. Weickmann
latter's conclusion that only liquid drops are formed worked mostly at or near -40C. He found that ice
above this temperature. Fournier d' Albe also found
crystals formed only when water-saturation was ap-
that no ice crystals were formed until water-saturation
proached. In one series of ten tests, using nuclei from
was reached or exceeded. He concluded that the ice
a heated room, ice crystals formed at an average water -~-~.s a.tajp!JQ .Yi~.Jhil. li9.ujd ..Qh~i. i.~.d~~~g@_e:<l
that the particles be called freezing nuclei rather than relative humidity of 97 per cent, the range being from
sublimation nuclei. He also investigated the action of 93 to 104 per cent. Using the residue from evaporated
several types of artificial nuclei, including silver io- drops as nuclei, a few crystals formed after 33 minutes
dide, which Vonnegut [53] had reported as causing at relative humidities of from 85 to 90 per cent with
the crystallization of supercooled clouds. Fournier respect to water or from 120 to 130 per cent with respect
d'Albe found that silver iodide nuclei caused ice crys- to ice. At or above 100 per cent water relative humidity
tals to appear at -7C, but only at water-saturation. thousands of ice crystals formed at once. A few sub-
Other artificial nuclei such as sodium chloride, sodium stances were found which favored the formation of ice
nitrate, caesium iodide, and cadmium iodide were found at higher temperatures or lower ice-supersaturations,
to have no effect on the water-ice transition temper- but in no case were crystals formed near ice-saturation.

N o ice formed on soluble nuclei even at low temper- pansion chambers may be attributed to their low con-
atures; it appeared that solid nuclei were required. centration. Such low concentrations are adequate and
Weickmann and others [55, 31, 32] also considered even requisite for the release of precipitation by the
the problem from the theoretical side and showed that ice-crystal mechanism. The evidence is that the large
the structure of the ice crystal is so unique that it is number of ice crystals found in surface air at -32C and
extremely unlikely that any substances exist in the in cleaned air at -41C are formed on freezing nuclei
atmosphere which are truly isomorphic with ice. Weick- rather than on sublimation nuclei. There may also be
man concluded that the atmospheric ice phase is formed freezing nuclei in the atmosphere which are active at
by the freezing of the liquid on solid freezing nuclei. much higher temperatures than -32C. In some cases
He felt that the freezing nuclei were often condensation these may be solid condensation nuclei, or they may be
nuclei with a microporous or fissured surface which pro- picked up by coUision after the drops are formed.
moted condensation. He conceded that sodium chloride
nuclei might act as freezing nuclei at temperatures PRECIPITATION PROCESSES
below -35C. Although he observed a few nuclei on It has been realized for some time that precipitation
which ice formed below water-saturation, he preferred elements cannot be formed by a continuation of the
to caU aU of the nuclei freezing nuclei rather than processes of cloudy condensation, but that other physi-
sublimation nuclei. cal processes are necessary. In general, cloudy condensa-
There are stiU many unanswered questions regarding tion leads to the formation of a high concentration of
the formation of ice crystals in the atmosphere, but small oarticles. The precipitation process must convert
some tentative conclusions can be formed. It seems this multitude of small particles into a smaller number
clear that at aU temperatures down to about -40C of much larger elements. Since the mass of a raindrop
liquid condensate is more common than ice. Almost aU of 1-mm diameter is one million times that of a cloud
investigators found a critica] or transition temperature drop of 10-tL diameter, any proposed precipitation mech-
near -40C although mixed water-ice clouds have been anism must be capable of causing the rapid combination
reported both in the free atmosphere and in the labora- of large numbers of cloud elements.
tory down to at least -50C. The latter measurements In a classic paper, Bergeron [4] reviewed the possible
may be in error and should be checked. It should not be precipitation mechanisms and concluded that the only
concluded without further information that -40C is a one of importance was the colloidal instability of a
spontaneous freezing temperature. Since all drops or mixed water-ice cloud at temperatures below OC. As is
crystals probably form on some type of nucleus this well known, the vapor pressure over water is greater
may be the temperature at which the small soluble than that over ice, at temperatures below freezing.
condensation nuclei act as freezing nuclei. The com- The introduction of a few ice crystals into a super-
puted spontaneous freezing temperature of -70C is cooled water cloud will result in the relatively rapid
based on physical constants, the values of which are not growth of the ice crystals at the expense of the super-
accurately known. cooled waterdrops. This idea was expanded and ex-
It is probably true that there are no atmospheric tended by others, particularly by Findeisen [13]. Vari-
nuclei on which sublimation occurs at or below ice- ous theories were offered to explain the appearance of
saturation. It has been concluded from this that there the necessary ice crystals in the supercooled cloud.
are no true sublimation nuclei in the atmosphere except Findeisen's proposal of sublimation nuclei was once
ice itself. On the other hand, ice crystals have been accepted as best explaining the observed phenomena
formed below water-saturation, although at consider- but is now questioned for the reasons already discussed.
able supersaturations with respect to ice. In the opinion The substitution of freezing nuclei would not alter
of the writer it is not proper to require that a subli- Findeisen's theory in any important respect.
mation nucleus be active at ice-saturation. Many solid The ice-crystal theory of precipitation was widely
condensation nuclei do not become active until a con- accepted, since it seemed to be in accord with observa-
siderablc water-supersaturation is attained but they tional evidence. The proponents of the theory cate-
are stiU classed as condensation nuclei. Until more in goricaUy stated that all moderate-to-heavy precipita-
formation is available it would seem preferable to tiau was initiated in this fashion and that, at most, only
caU aU nuclei on which ice forms below water-saturation drizzle-type precipitation could fall from clouds which
sublimation m1clei. It is conceded that the deposition did not contain ice crystals. This conclusion was based
of the first few molecular layers on such a nucleus may largely on the observations that the precipitating clouds
not be in the form of ice, but little is known about this. of middle latitudes extend above the freezing level and
There is certainly a clear physical difference between that much of the precipitation reaching the ground as
ice crystals formed in this way and those which are rain is melted snow. The most common and apparently
formed by the freezing of a liquid drop which has conclusive evidence is the glaciation of cumulonimbus
already attained cloud drop size. In the latter case it is prior to the release of precipitation.
evident that a freezing nucleus is involved. It has now been established that many low-latitude
On the hasis of the definitions given above, it appears clouds which release moderate to heavy precipitation
that a few sublimation nuclei which are active at are entirely below the freezing level. This shows that
temperatures as high as say -lOC exist in the atmos- there is another mechanism for the release of precipita-
phere. The failure to find these nuclei in the smaU ex- tion but does not invalidate the ice-crystal theory of

precipitation for those clouds which extend above the producing crystals of mass comparahle to drizzle ele-
freezing level. In the past the extension of a precipitat- ments in a few minutes but an excessive time is ap-
ing cloud above the freezing level has been taken as parently required to form erystals of mass comparahle
evidence for the operation of the ice-crystal process. to raindrops.
In view of the existence of nonsupercooled precipitating With the aid of Langmuir's computed eollection
clouds a more rigorous criterion must be adopted. It efficiencies of drops hy larger drops [34] it is a relatively
cannot be assumed that the ice-crystal process is operat- straightforward task to eompute the growth of drops
ing unless it ean he established that iee erystals and hy aeeretion in the gravitational field. Langmuir's paper
supereooled drops are eoexistent. is so recent that no such calculations have yet appeared
The only other preeipitation proeess worthy of serious in the literature. The writer has made a few preliminary
eonsideration is the eoaleseenee of drops in the gravita- ealculations which will haYe to :-;erve as the hasis for
tional field. If the drops are of nonuniform size, eolli- the present discussion. 2 The problem was simplified by
sions will result beeause of their different terminal considering the growth of an initially somewhat larger
veloeities of fali. The rate of growth by this process is drop falling through a homogeneous cloud. It will
dependent on the size and size distribution of the drops suffiee to consider one example in which the diameter of
and on their concentnition. Findeisen [14] studied this the homogeneous cloud drops was assumed to be 20 J.t,
process in a cloud chamber and found that the resultant the liquid-water content 1 g m-3, and the diameter of the
growth corresponded closely to what would be expected larger drop 30 J.t. The growth of the drop under these
if each drop coalesced with ali drops in its path. Fin- conditions is presented in Table IV. The relatively long
deisen's measurements were relatively crude and could
not reveal the collection efficiency of one drop for TABLE IV. GROWTH OF A DROP OF INITIAL DIAMETER 30 J.
slightly smaller drops. More recently, Langmuir [34] F ALLING THROl:GH A CLO{TD OF 20-.u DROI'ii
has computed the efficiency of collection of small drops
by larger drops. The details of these computations are Drop diameter (!') Time (cumulative)
Distance fallen
(cumulative) (meters)
not presented in the reference but it is believed that the
results are not completely reliable when the collecting 30 o ()
40 45 65
and collected drops are of nearly the same size. In 60 74 16:3
these computations it was assumed that the drops will 100 92 322
coalesce if brought into physical contact; the collection 200 105 650
500 116 1475
efficiency is determined by the aerodynamic forces 1000 123 2675
which tend to cause the smaller drops to follow the
air streamlines around the larger drop.
time required for the drop to grow to 100 J.t, compared
An intelligent appraisal of the two precipitation pro-
with the time required for it to grow from 100 to 200
cesses outlined above must be predicated on a quantita-
J.t, is striking. The larger the falling drop is in relation to
tive analysis. Unfortunately, few such analyses have
the smaller cloud drops, the more rapid the accretion
been made, and indeed many of the requisite data are
process. Thus, this process is favored by a hroad cloud
lacking. The ice-crystal theory involves a molecular
drop-size distribution. The data in Table IV should be
diffusion process. An expression similar to equation (1),
considered as examples and not as definitive numerica!
derived for the geometric shape of the ice crystal rather
values. More refined computations, based on a typical
than of a sphere, is required to permit a quantitative
drop-size distribution, should be made.
discussion of this process. The solution of the diffusion
The two precipitation mechanisms can now be com-
equation for geometric forms approximating ice crystals
pared on the hasis of the approximate numerica! results
has not been given. In an unpublished study, the writer
presented above. The ice-crystal effect is more rapid
has obtained a solution for a thin circular disc which
than the collision process in the initial stages and is
might be a useful approximation to some ice-crystal
independent of the drop-size distrihution. In the latter
forms. Under the rather severe limitations imposed by
stages of growth the collision mechanism is more rapid
the lack of a suitable equation, only approximate results
than the ice-crystal effect, and may also initiate pre-
can be ohtained. The time required for an ice crystal of
cipitation in clouds which do not contain ice crystals if
mass equivalent to a sphere of 20-.t diameter to grow
the drop-size distrihution is sufficiently hroad. The
to an equivalent sphere diameter of 200 M is of the
two precipitation mechanisms taken together appear
order of 5 to 10 minutes. It was assumed that the vapor
to he sufficient to explain the formation of precipita-
was saturated with respect to water at the optimum
tion. The writer's concept of the roles of the two
temperature of about -15C. To a fair degree of ap-
processes is as follows: In ali cases in which ice crystals
proximation the time required for the growth of the
are present, the ice-crystal process is dominant in the
crystal increases with the square of the equivalent
initiation of precipitation and in causing growth to an
sphere diameter. Thus the time required for a crystal
equivalent sphere diameter of the order of a few hun-
to grow to a mass equivalent to that of a raindrop of 1
mm diameter would he of the order of severa! hours. 2. Subsequent to the preparation of this article the writer
These numerica! values are only approximate and are has extended these calculations. They will be found in "A Pre-
for the most favorahle conditions of supersaturation liminary Quantitative Analysis of Precipitation Mechanisms,"
with respect to ice. The ice-crystal effect is capahle of by H. G. Houghton, J. Meteor., 7:363-369 (1950).

dred microns. In the absence of ice crystals, the collision this problem was made by Findeisen [15], who found
mechanism may initiate the precipitation process if the that the more delicate forms of crystals (stellar or
drop-size distribution is broad. Regardless of the process dendritic) shed tiny splinters of ice as they fall. These
of initiation, the further growth of the precipitation splinters would serve as sublimation nuclei for new
elements is primarily by collision. This includes colli- crystals at any temperature below freezing.
sions of the precipitation elements with themselves as Approximate computations of the rate of growth of
well as with cloud elements. In the case of snow, colli- ice crystals suggest that the vapor pressure must be
sions between crystals are common, as is evidenced by nearer saturation with respect to water than to ice if
even a casual examina ti ou of snowflakes. N o process the observed sizes are to be attained. In this respect
depending on the diffusion of water vapor seems to be the process is quite different from condensation on
capable of forming raindrops of 1-mm diameter and liquid drops, where the vapor is only very slightly
larger in the time available. Such precipitation elements supersaturated with respect to the condensed phase.
must be formed by a collision mechanism. In middle This difference is due to the much smaller number of
latitudes, it is probable that the collisions are primarily ice crystals. The supersaturation increases as required
between ice crystals, forming snowflakes which later to cause sublimation to proceed at the rate prescribed
melt into raindrops. In low latitudes, or in any situation by the lifting, saturation with respect to water setting
in which a water-drop cloud of large vertical extent the upper limit.
exists, once drops of, for example, 100-.t diameter Nakaya and collaborators in Japan [40, 41, 42] have
appear, collision with the cloud drops is sufficient to made outstanding contributions to our knowledge of
explain the growth of the precipitation elements. More the formation of snow crystals. In one pa per N akaya
quantitative information on collision processes is badly and Terada [42] have presented useful data on the
needed, particularly on collisions between ice crystals mass, physical dimensions, and velocity of fall of several
and between cloud drops of nearly the same size. types of natural snow crystals. In general, the maximum
The question naturally arises as to why all clouds do masses of the crystals are equivalent to a solid sphere
not ultimately release precipitation as a result of colli- of several hundred microns diameter while the velocities
sions between drops of unequal size. It is well known of fall are much smaller than those of solid spheres of
that many clouds produce precipitation which evapo- equivalent mass. N akaya and collaborators [40, 41]
rates before reaching the ground, but this is not the have succeeded in producing in the laboratory all of
complete answer. Langmuir's computations [34] show the types of crystals observed in nature. The two
that for each drop size there is a minimum size of the fundamental parameters determining the crystal type
larger drop below which no collisions will occur. For are temperature and degree of supersaturation. In gen-
example, no drop of less than 45-.t diameter will collide eral, the more compact crystal forms such as columns,
with drops of 12-JL diameter. As the smaller drop diam- prisms, and plates are formed at low supersaturations
eter increases, the minimum diameter of the larger and the more open types such as needles and stellar
drop approaches that of the smaller drop. These results or dendritic crystals are formed at the higher super-
unfortunately lie in the region where the computations saturations. The dependence on temperature was not
are least reliable. If correct, these results show that clearly established in the references, all of which were
clouds composed of small drops are stable even when published before World War II. Dr. Nakaya was able
the drop-size distribution is broad. Diem's data [10] to continue his researches during aud after the war,
show that clouds such as fair-weather cumulus and but these results have been published only in Japanese.
stratocumulus contain smaller drops than clouds such However, he has prepared all of his material in book
as nimbostratus and heavy cumulus. Stratus also con- form in English, aud early publication is anticipated.
tains large drops but is not deep enough to yield more Weickmann [55] collected and photographed ice crys-
than drizzle. Houghton [20] and others have also sug- tals in the free atmosphere. He summarized his ob-
gested that a unipolar electric charge on the cloud servations as follows: In the lower troposphere, the
drops might serve to inhibit collisions. nimbostratus region, there is slight ice supersaturation,
Snow. For the most part the discussion above has the temperature ranges from O to -15C, and the
assumed the initial presence of a water-drop cloud. crystals are in the form of thin plates and stars; in the
It may be that snow is often initiated in this way, but middle troposphere or the altocumulus and altostratus
it is probable that snow also occurs in the absence of a region, there is moderate ice supersaturation, the tem-
water cloud. Also, a water cloud will not ordinarily perature ranges from -15 to -30C, and the crystals
exist for more than a short time in the presence of are mainly thick plates and prisms; in the cirrus region
snow. It has been stated earlier that ice crystals do or the upper troposphere, the temperature ranges from
not form until saturation with respect to water is -30 to -60C, and the ice crystals are principally
approached. Apparently few freezing or sublimation hollow prisms often combined as twins or clusters.
nuclei are active at temperatures above -lOC, and Size of Raindrops. All of the published data on rain-
lower temperatures are generally required. On the other drop size were obtained at the surface. A considerable
hand, there is evidence that the top of a snow cloud number of such measurements have been published but
may be warmer than -lOC. This suggests that once it will suffice to refer to the rather recent measurements
snow is initiated, nuclei are produced which are active of Laws and Parsons [3G]. They used the flour-pellet
at higher temperatures. An important contribution to technique and found that the volume-median diameter

increased with rainfall intensity. For a rainfall rate of si pate fog, failure being due in most cases to .a lack of
0.05 in. hr-1 they give a volume-median diameter of 1.1 understanding of the problem. Some successful experi-
mm with a maximum diameter of 4 mm; for 0.5 in. hr-1 ments were not followed up because it was believed
the volume-median diameter was 1.9 mm and the maxi- that instrument-landing systems would make fog dissi-
mum diameter was 5.5 mm; for 4.0 in. hr- 1 the volume- pation unnecessary. With the advent of World War II
median diameter was 2.8 mm and the maximum di- the problem became acute, and the British developed
ameter was 6.7 mm. The size and size distribution of a thermal method now called "Fido." This system has
raindrops can be expected to change from the cloud been developed further, since the war, both in England
base to the ground because of evaporation, coalescence of and in the United States where an operational installa-
drops, the variation of time of fall with drop size, and tion has recently been made at a commercial air field.
the fracture of large drops. For studies of the precipita- In spite of continued advances in instrument-landing
tion process it would be necessary to measure the rain- systems, most operators still feei that a cleared region
drop size in and immediately below the cloud. for the final touchdown would greatly increase the
Hail. Hail is a special type of frozen precipitation safety of the landing. It seems evident that instrument-
associated with thunderstorms and characterized by landing techniques will eventually be developed to the
extreme sizes much in excess of those of any other point where fog dissipation is completely unnecessary,
precipitation elements. A typical hailstone exhibits an but the writer would not care to speculate as to when
onionlike structure when dissected, which has given this will come to pass.
rise to the belief that hailstones are formed by repeated In general, fog can be dispelled by the evaporation of
excursions above and below the freezing level whereby the drops or by the physical removal of the drops from
successive layers of water are frozen onto it. A natural the air. Most of the methods for accomplishing this
consequence of this theory was the inference that verti- have been discussed critically by Houghton and Rad-
cal velocities equalling the free-fall velocities of the fard [23]. Those methods which were considered reason-
hailstones exist in the atmosphere (over 100 mph in ably feasible were (1) the direct application of heat, (2)
some cases). the use of hygroscopic materials to "dry" the air, and
It is now generally accepted that the major growth (3) the dropping of electrically-charged particles
of the hailstone is by.the collection of supercooled water through the fog. The first method is exemplified by
as the stone falls. relative to the cloud. In the earlier "Fido," in which heat is released by the burning of oil
stages the stone may well tra vel in a very irregular in long lines of burners on either side of the runway.
fashion, up as well as down, but the largest hailstones The second method was used successfully by Houghton
can hardly be supported by updrafts. The growth of and Radford. The third method was experimented with
the hailstone is essentially the same as the accretion of by Warren, who dropped charged sand on clouds with
ice on aircraft. The layer structure is due to inhomo- occasional success.
geneities in the turbulent cloud. A similar layer struc- There is now no doubt that fog can be dispelled by
ture is commonly observed in ice deposits on aircraft. artificial means. Further experimentation with methods
Large hailstones are favored by high vertical velocities, already proved practicable is desirable and there is stiH
a large vertical extent of the supercooled portion of room for new ideas in both methods and equipment.
the cloud, and high liquid-water content. Schumann The basic problem lies in the economics of fog dispersal.
[47] has shown that the extreme values of these param- The mass of suspended water tobe dealt with in even a
eters associated with cumulonimbus can lead to hail- relatively small volume is large, and it is inevitable that
stones of the observed sizes. Hailstones large enough relatively large expenditures of energy will be required
to damage aircraft have been reported in the clear air to remove it. As an example, the mass of water over an
surrounding a thunderstorm, suggesting that stones for airport runway 6000 ft long and 300 ft wide to a height
example, of one or two centimeters diameter may be of 200 ft is about one to two tons, depending on the
discharged from the tops of thunderclouds. The termi- liquid-water content of the fog. In order to dissipate the
nal velocities of hailstones of 1 and 2 cm diameter are fog by evaporation it is necessary both to supply the
about 12 and 16 m sec-1 respectively. Extreme thunder- latent heat of vaporization and to lower the relative
storm updrafts may readily exceed these velocities. humidity of the air to cause the drops to evaporate
Regardless of their direction of travel with respect to rapidly. It is generally necessary to reduce the relative
the earth, the hailstones are moving downward through humidity to 90-95 per cent to meet the latter require-
the supercooled water drops at their terminal velocities. ment. The heat energy required to evaporate the water-
The thunderstorm updraft serves primarily to increase drops and to reduce the relative humidity to 90 per
the length of the hailstone's path through the cloud cent in a fog at lOC, containing 0.1 g m- 3 of liquid
and thereby to increase its collection of ice. water, is about 559 cal m- 3 Of this amount, nearly 500
cal m- 3 are required to reduce the relative humidity of
Although fog hampers all types of transportation, its If we use the figures above, a total of some 5.7 X 109
effects on air transportation are most serious. Much of cal would be required to clear the fog in the volume
the impetus for the development of methods for arti- assumed above. This rather impressive number of calo-
ficial dissipation of fog has come from aviation interests. ries can be supplied by burning the modest amount of
Many unsuccessful attempts have been made to dis- 250 gal of oil at a combustion efficiency of about 70

per cent. The computed energy requirement is for deficiencies in each phase of the subject during the
optimum conditions which cannot be realized in prac- detailed discussion. It is hoped that this will be of value
tice. Even a light wind steadily brings in more fog, to the reader, but it is felt that a more general ap-
so that the heating must be continuous. It is not praisal of the situation is in order. In particular, an
practicable to apply the heat uniformly, and in practice attempt will be made to present the writer's views as to
much of the heat is wasted in raising the temperature the relative importance of those phases of the subject
of some of the air much higher than is necessary. The which need further study. This requires a decision as to
concentrated heat sources produce convection currents the most important contribution to meteorology as a
which may carry the heat to unwanted heights and whole which can be expected from the study of cloud
suck in additional fog from the sides. For these reasons physics. The author feels that the complete explanation
the practica] energy requirements are many times the of precipitation should be the dominant aim of the
computed minimum. W orking installations are designed cloud physicist. Of the elements forecast, precipitation
to burn on the order of 100,000 gal of oii per hour. is probably the most important to the majority of
Methods utilizing hygroscopic materials to dissipate people. Further, the complete explanation of the pre-
fog are also evaporative processes and the basic energy cipitation process involves a knowledge of most of the
requirements are the same as for the heating methods. topics in cloud physics. In making this decision the
Experiments reported by Houghton and Radford [23] writer is acutely aware of the possibility that some new
indicate that operating systems require from five to ten discovery will necessitate a refocusing of the entire
times the theoretical minimum quantities of hygro- cloud physics program.
scopic material. Knowledge of condensation nuclei and of condensa-
Methods of physical removal of the fog drops, such tion in the liquid phase is incomplete in detail but is
as the charged-sand process, have smaller theoretical relatively satisfactory as compared to other parts of
energy requirements than the evaporation methods. the field. The most important problem in this area is
N o basic energy requirement compara bie to that given the investigation of the factors determining the breadth
for the evaporative methods can be set and no experi- of the drop-size distribution. Knowledge of the ice
mental values are available. phase in the atmosphere is inadequate. It is imperative
The two evaporative methods which have been sub- that the nature and mode of action of freezing nuclei
jected to full-scale tests, namely the burning oil and and sublimation nuclei be determined. This information
hygroscopic material methods, are demonstrably ca- is essential to an evaluation of and practica] utilization
pable of producing clearings of useful size. In both of the ice-crystal theory of precipitation. It is equally
cases the costs of operation are relatively high and imperative that a complete study be made of the
extensive installations are required. The use of hygro- growth of drops by collision in the gravitational field.
scopic materials involves the hazards of corrosion and It is the writer's opinion that these problems should
damage to electrical equipment, although these may be attacked experimentally both in the laboratory and
be nearly eliminated by proper design. The existence in the free atmosphere. The mechanisms of phase
of large oii burners along the sides of the runway is a changes can be studied only in the laboratory, and the
potential hazard which can also be minimized by proper collision process is also a proper subject for laboratory
design. Because of cost and other practica] considera- investigation. However, the most complete laboratory
tions only limited clearings are feasible, so that auxil- study will not tell us what is happening in the atmos-
iary instrumental methods must be available to guide phere. It is therefore essential that flight measurements
the aircraft into the clearing. N either method can deal be made to determine which precipitation process oper-
with other conditions of poor visibility, such as dense ates under various conditions and to obtain a quantita-
snow, smoke, and dust. It must be concluded that fog tive verification of the operation of the assumed proc-
dissipation by these methods is economically marginal esses. N o adequate instrumentation is available for
and that installations are justifiable only in locations of flight observations, and instrument development is
extreme fog frequency or for urgent military purposes. therefore an essential part of the program. Flight meas-
The fact that ali proved methods of fog dissipation urements are extremely costly and time-consuming and
require much more energy than the theoretical mini- should not be embarked on without careful planning
mum offers some hope that more efficient methods can and adequate instrumentation.
be found. There is certainly room for further work on
methods such as the electrified-sand technique where REFERENCES
there is reason to believe that the energy requirements
are more modest. The ever-recurrent hope that a 1. ADEL, A., "Note on the Atmospheric Oxides of Nitrogen."
method will be found which will clear large areas of Astrophys. J., 90: 627 (1939).
fog with the expenditure of small amounts of energy is 2. AITKEN, J., Collected Scientific Papers. Cambridge, Uni-
versity Press, 1923.
incompatible with physical reality.
3. ARENBERG, D. L., "Turbulence as the Major Factor in the
CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Growth of Cloud Drops." Bull. Amer. meteor. Soc., 20:
444-448 (1939).
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densation and precipitation is incomplete in many im- tion." P. V. Meteor. Un. geod. geophys. int., Pt. 2, pp.
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suchungen liber die atmosphrische Eisteilchenbildung cive to Aircraft lcing." Tech. N ales nat. adv. Comm. A era.,
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(1944). 39. LEWIS, W., and HoECKER, W. H., JR., "Observations of
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261-282 (1936). 41. NAKAYA, U., SATO, 1., anei SEKIDO, Y., "Preliminary Ex-
19. HEVERLY, J. IL, "Supercooling anei Crystallization." periments on the Artificial Production of Snow Crys-
Trans. Amer. geophys. Un., 30: 205-210 (1949). tals." J. Fac. Sci. Hokkaido Um"v., Ser. 2, 2:1-11 (1938).
20. HouGHTON, H. G., "Problems Connected with the Con- 42. NAKAYA, U., and TERADA, T., JR., "SimultaneousObserva-
densation anei Precipitation Processes in the Atmos- tions of the Mass, Falling Velocity and Form of Individ-
phere." Bull. Amer. meteor. Soc., 19: 152-159 (1938). ual Snow Crystals." J. Fac. Sci. Hokkaido Univ., Ser.
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Meteorological Institute for Northwestern Germany

The Condensation Effect of the Nuclei 1 J.l. and 20 J.l., rather independently of the presence of
According to Wall [38], the condensation effect of a dissolved substances. Heverly [13] found that this spon-
nucleus can be compared to that of a droplet of pure taneous freezing point rises to -16C for drops of 0.4
water on which, because of the surface curvature, con- mm diameter and then remains constant for drops up
densation will take place only when there is a definite to about one mm diameter, likewise largely independ-
amount of supersaturation (Thomson's equation). The ently of the source of the water. However, according to
following distinctions between different types of nuclei W eickmann, the presence of certain solid particles, so-
can then be made: called freezing nuclei, appears to modify these processes
1. Particles insoluble in water and unwettable. These by raising the freezing point. This modification depends
may serve, as tests have shown [20], as nuclei of con- on the size and nature of the freezing nuclei.
densation. They require (when spherical) a larger Size, Number of Nuclei, and Methods of Measurement
amount of supersaturation than do droplets of pure
water. Their importance for the natural aerosol is slight. If we disregard the small ions (radius r ~ IQ-7 cm),
2. Particles insoluble in water, but wettable. Accord- which are not of interest here, the size range of con-
ing to the existing humidity and to their degree of densation nuclei extends approximately from r = 4 X
wettability, these particles are surrounded by one or IQ-7 to IQ-4 cm (Fig. 1). Although all types of particles
more molecular layers [40] of adsorbed water. They may be active as condensation nuclei in a nuclei counter
begin to condense at, or somewhat below, the value (see next paragraph and [20]), only those nuclei which
given by Thomson's equation. If these particles are of require the lowest degree of supersaturation (i.e., haze
irregular or flaky structure, condensation begins before droplets and large nuclei droplets) are active in the
saturation, either in cavities (as capillary condensation) actual atmosphere. It is within this group of particles
or in porous nuclear substances (as absorption of water). -recently re-examined by Dessens [8, 9] and W oodcock
3. Droplets of solutions. These form an important and Gifford [43]--that we find the real meteorologica!
group of nuclei. Owing to the dissolved substance, the condensation nuclei. By what method, now, can we
degree of supersaturation necessary for condensation measure these particles which range in size over three
falls to as low a value as Ys of that indicated by Thom- orders of magnitude?
son's formula [25]. All nuclei, whether hygroscopic or even unwettable,
Between particles of types 2 and 3 there are many with radii ranging from about 4 X IQ-7 to 2 X IQ-5
intermediate types, because, as a result of coagulation, cm, are counted in nuclei counters, so called after Aitken
many nuclei will contain both soluble and insoluble [3, 23]. The lower limit of this range is determined by
matt~r (mixed nuclei). Figure 1 shows the relationship the ratio of expansion; however, it appears that the
between the radius of the nuclei and the amount of values of supersaturation computed from this ratio are
supersaturation necessary for condensation to occur. substantially too high [17]. The upper limit-which is
It is evident that, in the presence of condensation highly uncertain-can be established with a certain
nuclei, the range of supersaturation necessary for the degree of probability by assuming that larger nuclei
formation of clouds extends from O to about 20 per droplets grow so rapidly in the saturated air of the
cent. counting chamber that they are probably precipitated
The processes of condensation on nuclei at tempera- before the actual measurement (Fig. 3). This seems to
tures below OC, which have recently been the object of be corroborated by the photographs of condensation
thorough research, will be mentioned only briefly here, nuclei taken with an electron microscope, as described
because they represent a transition into the field of by Linke [26]. For these photographs, the nuclei were
cloud physics [27]. Weickmann [41] found that the precipitated on an object screen by condensation in the
nuclei act fundamentally as condensation nuclei for the nuclei counter and show an upper limit at r = IQ-5 cm,
liquid phase even at temperatures below freezing, that which corresponds to droplets of solution of r ~ 2 X
is, only at saturation with respect to water does con- I0- 5 cm (Fig. 1). However, the aerosol, which was taken
densation take place in the form of droplets, some of from a room, undoubtedly contained larger particles.
which may subsequently freeze. Sublimation nuclei, in It is possible that these limits are subject to nriations
the sense of Bergeron-Findeisen, which may form ice when different types of counters, or even different
particles already at supersaturation with respect to ice, instruments of the same type are used; this would
seem to exist only in negligible quantities, if at all. explain the discrepancies recently found by Israel and
According to Lafargue [22], the droplets initially Krestan [17] \Vhen they made comparative measure-
formed freeze at about -41C in the size range between ments with different nuclei counters.
While the nuclei counter gives only the number of
* Translated fr~ the original German. nuclei, the method developed mainly by Israel [18]

permits the measurement of the size distribution of counter is correctly computed from the expansion [17].
these particles. However, such an "ion spectrum" is Observations of the fall velocity of the nuclei [23] as
not equivalent to the "nuclei spectrum," because: well as of the optical properties of haze [35, 46, 48]
1. The proportion of nuclei with an electrica! charge establish only mean nuclei sizes. Photographs taken
depends upon their size. with the electron microscope appear to be most promis-
2. Ions have multiple charges when the number of ing. Here, however, it must be considered that during
nuclei is small and their size large (see pp. 187 f.). the exposure all the water and, to some extent, also the
It is therefore not permissible to infer the number of solid substances evaporate because of the high vacuum
particles from the number of electrica! unit charges. in the microscope and the heat generated by the elec-
Figure 1 gives examples of such ion spectra with the tron beam. For this reason, the residues that are photo-
terminology introduced by Israel. The infiuence of a graphed represent only minimal sizes.




6 4

27 44 3


Fw. 1.-A survey of the size r ange of atmospheric condensation nuclei.

1. N otation used in the text for the various types of nuclei.
2. Classification of ions according to Israel [18].
3. Distribution of the ions in per cent of the total as found in Bad Gastein [18] .
4. Distribution of the ions in per cent of the total as found in Fra nkfort-on-t he-Main [18] .
5. Size range of newly formed gas-flame ions [19].
6. Size range of t he Aitken-nuclei according to photographs taken with an electron microscope [26].
7. Size range of soot, crystals of cigarette smoke, etc ., according to photographs taken with an electron microscope [41].
8. P er cent distribution of haze droplets as found by Dessens [8].
9. Size distribution of atmospheric dust [10] .
10. Predominant sizes of the dust particles in winter (W) and summer (S) [33].
11. Size of haze droplets (H) a nd dust particles (D) of preferential optica! effectiveness, according to Siedentopf [35].
12. Supersaturation values necessa ry for the condensation on pure water droplets (above ) and droplets of solutions (below) in
per cent relative humidity.

large city is clearly shown by the high content of large The range of particles up to about r = 2 X I0-5 cm
ions. The upper limit of resolution of the ion spectra is may be designated here as Aitken-nuclei. For the time
at r ~ I0- 5 cm. being there is no method available for determining the
There have been other attempts to determine the proportion of nuclei droplets and solid nuclei in t his
size distribut ion of nuclei. For example, by measuring size range. However, from the growth of these particles
the supersaturation necessary for condensation [19], it with increasing humidity (see pp. 184 f.) we may infer
is possible to infer the "size spectrum of the nuclei" that t here is a preponderance of nuclei droplets.
from the "supersaturation spectrum," under the as- For reports on the results of nuclei counts we may
sumption that, as with droplets of solution, there is an refer to the excellent monographs by Landsberg [23]
unequivocal relationship between nuclei size and super- and Burckhardt and Flohn [3]. The nuclei concentra-
saturation and that the supersaturation in the nuclei tions vary within a wide range; absence of nuclei, how-

ever, has seldom been found. Tables I and II may serve Previous examinations of samples collected with dust
as a guide. counters have revealed a similar picture. These samples
The large nuclei (those with radii greater than about showed, in addition to various crystalline shapes (e.g.,
1 to 2 X 10~ 5 cm) are above the resolution limits of the cubic forms) and some organic substances, a preponder-
ance of irregular particles. However, according to recent
TABLE I. HoRrzoNTAL DrsTRIBUTION OF ArTKEN-NucLEI [23] investigations by the author, these dust particles, when
Number of N uel ei per ce deposited on suitable surfaces, consist to a considerable
extent of droplets. This is to be expected from Dessens'
Location Abso- observations. The proportion of droplets varies greatly

Mean Mean
local- obser-

Average mini- Absolute Iute

va- maxi-
ities tions mum mum maximum mini-
and increases with humidity. Many of these droplets
- -- - - - - - - - - contain both soluble and insoluble substances. It is
Large city. 28 2500 147,000 379 '000 49' 100 4,000,000 3,500 conceivable that the Aitken-nuclei have a similar com-
Town. 15 4700 34,300 114,000 5,9001 400,000 620
Open coun- position, since the mixed nuclei among them constitute
try ... ... 25 3500 9,500 66,500 1,050 336,000 180 an even larger portion owing to the greater coagulation,
Ocean ... 21 6001 940 4,680 8401 39,800 2 and ali intermediate types between pure water droplets

and solid particles covered with a hygroscopic film

optica! microscope. In this category only solid particles probably exist.
have been measured so far, in the well-known dust Important clues to the physical state of nuclei may
counters of Owens and Zeiss. It was only recently that be deduced from the study of their growth with in-
creasing humidity. Figure 2 shows a few typical results

Altitude (km) ..... ,1 0-0.511 0.5-1~1-2 2-3 3-4 4-5 5 y- ~

1~ 11,000 2~1780 340 rn So-
1 1

'i /
.N uel ei per ce .....

f r ;~
~ 80
Dessens, and W oodcock and Gifford succeeded in ob-
serving the haze droplets, thus closing a gap in our f-

methods of observation. Dessens [9] moved fine spider <::?

threads through the air, thus capturing the haze drop-
lets quantitatively. It is uncertain whether or not solid
J: t./ D

particles can be collected in this way. W oodcock and > 60
Gifford [43] deposited haze droplets on small glass plates <t
and showed that over the ocean practically all these ~ 50
droplets consist of N aCZ-solutions. Dust and haze-drop-
let counters enable us to determine both the total
number of suspensions and their size distribution (Fig. 40
1). o t.
The dust concentrations show-particularly in in-
3 p
dustrial areas-a clase correlation with the Aitken- 2
nuclei concentrations [44], which is not surprising since 3 4 5
both types of particle often have the same source. The
concentration of the dust particles and haze droplets tr----(::" (ACCORDING TO [16])
over land amounts to about 10-200 cm- 3 , that of the D---O ( ACCORDING TO [19] )
haze droplets over the ocean to about 1-10 cm-3 [43]. o---o ( ACCORDING TO [48])
From the foregoing discussion we can conclude that
Fra. 2.-Effect of the growth of nuclei with increasing rela-
it is not yet possible to measure the nuclei spectrum
tive humidity on the opacity (circles), on the visibility
in its entirety; so far there is only the substitute of total number of nuclei
counting nuclei, ions, dust, and haze droplets simul- (squares), and on the ratio P
total number of large ions
taneously. (triangles).

Form and Physical State of Nuclei of observations of various quantities related to natural
Photographs of Aitken-nuclei taken on the stage of aerosols. The dependence of visibility on relative hu-
an electron microscope show irregular clusters of mole- midity (see pp. 187 f.) refiects primarily the growth of
cules interspersed with a few hexagonal crystal outlines the large nuclei (r > 10-5 cm) with humidity, whereas
[26] that can be attributed to hexagonal or cubic crys- the dependence of P on humidity (see pp. 187 f.)
tals. Soot, for example, consists of loosely connected chiefiy illustrates the growth of nuclei in the size range
platelets; cigarette smoke, of small crystals [41]. It is below r = 10~5 cm. A few isolated, direct size measure-
likely, however, that these are essentially the boiled- ments lead to the same conclusions (Fig. 3, curve 1).
down residues of nuclei droplets. From these results we see that as a general rule, the

growth of the nuclei, regardless of their size and origin, tion to the observations with mixed nuclei, that is,
starts only a relative humidity of approximately droplets of solution with a more or less large content of
70 per cent has been attained, and that this growth insoluble substances. Figure 3 gives a few computed
accelerates as the humidity approaches saturation curves of growth \vith hatched markings indicating the
value. radii of the solid portions of the nuclei. Below a rela-
The interpretation of this principle of growth is not tive humidity of 70 per cent, the solid nucleus is covered
devoid of difficulties. A comparison of the curves of by only a thin solution film, with the radius remaining
growth of different-sized solution droplets, computed almost constant.
in the usual way [25], shows reasonably good agreement Wall [40] pointed out that insoluble but wettable

40 r-+-~~~+-------+--+~--~+-+-~~+-;-----+---+---~+-+-~~

3o r-+-~+-ll~+-------+-~-4---~+-+-~~+-+-----+---+---r-+-+-~44

4 5 6 7 8 910-6 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 I0 - 5 2 3. 4 5 6 7 8 9 I0-4

Fm. 3.-Curves relating the growth of various nuclei to humidity.

1. Measured values of the growth of newly formed gas-flame ions [19].
2, 5a, Sb. Calculated curves of the growth of pure droplets of solutions whose radii at 100 per cent relative humidity have
values of 2 X I0-6, I0- 5 , and I0- 4 cm, respectively.
3. Growth by adsorption of a solid nucleus with the surface properties of glass and r = I0- 6 cm [40].
4, 6, 7, 9 and 10. Curves for the growth of mixcd nuclei whose rad ii at 100 per cent relative humidity are successively 2 X
I0- 6, I0- 5 , and I0- 4 cm and whose solid portions ha ve the radii indicated by the hatched lines.
5b. Modification of the growth curve 5a in the presence of 250 X lQ-6 g m- 3 of HCl and a nuclear count of 104 cm- 3 HCl was
chosen, since we have precise physical-chemical data for it.
Sa . Crystallization (with decrcasing humidity) and solution (with increasing humidity) of a NaCl nucleus (schematic).
K. Point of condensation, boundary between the growth of the nucleus, and droplet condensation.

above a relative humidity of 70 per cent. Wright [48] surfaces may adsorb multimolecular layers of water at
attributes the deviation at humidities below this value relatively high humidities, a process that may become
to the crystallization of N aCl which he believes to be significant considering the original smallness of the
predominant. However, Simpson [37] and Wall [39] nuclei. An example of such a growth of a solid particle
correctly point out that in the case of crystallization the having r = w-s cm and the surface properties of
size of the droplets (Fig. 3, curve 8a) is bound to de- glass, is given by curve 3 in Fig. 3. Comparison with the
crease in a discontinuous manner until ali the water is solution droplets of curve 2 shows that growth by ad-
evaporated. Dessens [8] has been able to observe this sorption becomes decisive for sizes below that value.
process directly; he noted that the solution droplets Evidently at these dimensions the borderline between
may show a supersaturation which is greater the solutio.n and adsorption becomes confused [39]. This is
smaller the droplets, and that the ensuing violent con- in accord with the observation [19] that insoluble but
densation sometimes results cven in a shattering of the flaky nuclei require a higher degree of humidity for
crystal. The renewed dissolution of these crystals will their first condensation than for their second; thus they
then take place at higher degrees of humidity. There is, seem to disintegrate at the first condensation, and the
however, no evidence for such abrupt size changes of finely divided substance goes, so to speak, "into solu-
the nuclei at intermediate humidities. tion."
On the ot.her hand, there is a fairly close approxima- As yet, no attention has been paid to the influence of

stable compounds, such as HCl, HN0 3 , and H 2804, on concentration in a given mass of air would thus not
the growth of nuclei. In the presence of traces of such represent a constant quantity. It is, for example, not
compounds there is equilibrium between the phase dis- unlikely that nuclei whose substances are only faintly
solved in the nuclei and the gaseous phase. If gases, volatile (such as oils and tars as well as the acids HN0 3,
such as 802 and NHa, that form less stable solutions H2804, and HCZ) slowly evaporate if mixed with pure
are involved, the dissolved part is minute (because of air. In areas which are far removed from human settle-
the smallness of the nuclei) so that practically every- ments and industry (e.g., mountains, oceans), one may
thing goes into the gaseous phase. With increasing not expect to find aerosols other than those consisting
humidity a point will be reached (depending on the of solutions of nonvolatile salts or solid matter. In this
quantity and type of the substance) at which there is connection mention should be made of an observation
a sudden growth of nuclei. This growth will continue by Schlarb [34], according to which pressure changes in
until the vapor pressure of the gas traces decreases a climatic chamber between 7~ and u~ atmospheres
perceptibly (Fig. 3, curve 5b). This process is likely to were found to result in a fluctuation of the number of
be of importance in the formation of dry fogs in indus- nuclei in a proportion of a bou t 1 : 50!
trial areas. In the following paragraphs a few meteorologically
important gas reactions will be mentioned briefly [4,
Formation of Nuclei in Smoke and During Gas Re- 23, 29, 32].
actions Ozone, Oa, while not in itself nucleogenic, enters into
The formation of nuclei in smoke is engendered by reaction with many other traces of matter, such as
the growth of the smallest molecular particles by sub- nitric oxides or 802, thereby producing nuclei [31];
limation, and by condensation of matter having a very H202, which, however, according to Cauer [4], is found
high boiling point. Because of the high original nuclei only close to flames, shows a similar behavior.
concentrations, these particles continue to grow by Oxides of nitrogen, NO and N0 2, originate simultane-
coagulation, causing the formation of mixed nuclei. ously with 0 3 during electric discharges (thunderstorms)
Among the important examples of this type of nuclei and as a result of the ultraviolet solar radiation [29], as
are soot particles and the tarry and hygroscopic par- well as in ali incandescent processes and in flames, ac-
ticles present in most combustion effiuents. cording to Coste and Wright [7]. These oxides are very
Gas reactions are likewise significant as a source of effective in creating nuclei.
nuclei. Often they may become effective only at a 8ulfur dioxide, 802, which develops in all combustion
great distance from the point where the gas traces processes, forms nuclei in combination with 0 3 or,
originate, after mixing with other gas traces or through according to Aitken [2], through photochemical proces-
photochemical processes. According to Rothmund [32], ses in combination with gas traces (formation of dry
nuclei are always produced if the products of such fogs after sunrise). These nuclei are probably composed
reactions are water-soluble and if the humidity of the of H280a and H2804.
air is sufficiently high. During the most varied reac- Chlorine ions,cz-, according to Cauer [6], escape from
tions, he noted the formation of haze droplets of r ~ the surface of the sea as well as from droplets of ocean
5 X 10-5 cm. Details of the formation mechanism of spray, and form HCZ-nuclei photochemically. This ex-
these nuclei, particularly with reference to the sig- plains why a separate determination of the magnesium
nificance of humidity, as well as the establishment of and chlorine contents of the air gives mass proportions
an equilibrium between the gaseous participants in the which are entirely different from those found in sea
reaction and the reaction product (nuclei number, size), water. Part of the chlorine content cxists in the form of
are not yet known. salts.
The concept of such equilibriums between the gaseous Ammonium ions, NHt, result from all processes of
phase and the "nuclei phase" permits these two con- combustion and from the decomposition of organic
clusions: substances and, when reacting with the acids mentioned
1. Many traces of matter will be found in the gaseous above, lead to the formation of nuclei.
phase and also as condensation nuclei. This is corrobo- Iodine, !2, is dispersed into the air along the Atlantic
rated by the fact that in many instances the amount Coast of Europe mainly by industrial charring of sea-
of matter appears to be too high to be explained by weed for the extraction of iodine [4].
plausible numbers and sizes of nuclei. For example, Some typical values, indicated by Cauer [4], will
Cauer [5] was unable to establish a relationship between stress the significance of these traces (values are in
the concentration of Aitken-nuclei and traces of matter w-6 g m-3).
(NHt, N02, 804, and Ct-contents). It must be Ozone: Tatra 30, Jungfraujoch 10;
pointed out, however, that quantitatively the large nu- Nitrite: Tatra and Silesia 0.2;
clei, that is, the baze droplets and dust particles, may Sulfite: Berlin 200, Silesia occasionally 3, Tatra,
(in spite of their small number) prevail over the Aitken- faint traces, but very rarely;
nuclei, so that a more exact statement will have to wait Chloride: Brittany 7, on the sea near Kiel 149,
until the entire nuclei spectrum is known. Silesia 32, Tatra 70;
2. The change in externa! conditions (e.g., in the Ammonia.: Silesia 17, Brittany 21;
humidity or the concentration of the gaseous phase) Iodine: Average for Central Europe before No-
may cause the number of nuclei to change; the nuclei vember 1, 1933, 0.6; thereafter 0.05 (be-

cause of the crisis m the iodine Electrostatic Charges of Nuclei

industries). The electrica! state of an aerosol is conveniently
Mechanical Sources of Nuclei characterized by the ratio
In contrast to the particles treated in the foregoing p = total number of nuclei
section, which grow from molecular dimensions, the sum of positive and negative ions
dust particles and the droplets of sea spray are produced
by mechanical separation. Simpson [36] points out that, The combination of small ions and uncharged nuclei,
according to Gibbs, the limit of these separations is of which is, among other things, considered as proportional
the order of r = 5 X I0- 6 cm as a result of the action to the surface area of the nuclei, is increased in the case
of cohesion- and surface-forces; usually, however, the of charged nuclei as a result of the attraction of the
particles are found to be substantially greater. Thus electric charges which is independent of the size of the
Kohler [21] found in his spray experiments with sea nuclei. It follows that a greater percentage of the larger
water that the greatest number of droplets had dimen- nuclei must be charged. Wright [45] derived the values
sions ranging between r = 1.5 and 3.5 X I0-5 cm, that TABLE Il!. RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN p AND THE SIZE OF
is, the same size as the haze droplets obtained by Des- NucLEI (after Wright [45])
Radius of nucleus
As a result of the thorough investigations by Wood- (cm X lQ-6). ' ..... 0.0 1.0 2.0 4.0 6.0
- - - - - -- - - -
cock and Gifford [43] it appears certain that .over the
ocean the large nuclei largely consist of sea water P . .................. 10.0 3.3 2.0 1.7 1.5
sprayed by storms and surf and are transported by
austausch to great heights in maritime air masses. The given in Table III. The quantity P can be measured
chloride content of hoarfrost and precipitation [47], the by the following two methods:
observed cubic crystals sublimated from haze droplets 1. Through the determination of the total nuclei
over the continent [1, 8], and the observation by Cauer count and the nuclei count after the elimination of the
[4, 6] of considerable traces of M g and Cl ions during large ions (both found with a nuclei counter).
influx of maritime air masses into the Tatra mountains 2. Through the determination of the total nuclei
lead to the conclusion that, far into the continents, the count and of the number of elementary charges (with
haze droplets among the large nuclei represent a more an ion counter).
or less significant portion of maritime aerosol. Although From the difference of the two measurements [14, 15],
it is certain that these nuclei are often numerically we obtain the number of multiple charges on the nuclei
insignificant as compared to the nuclei concentrations
over densely populated continents, they nevertheless 20%
play a role in the analysis of traces of substances be-
cause of their size.
It is still uncertain to what extent the Aitken-nuclei
over the oceans consist also of seawater spray [11, 37,
46, 47, 48]; it is certain only that the oceans are not 15
very productive sources of nuclei in point of numbers
[3, 23] (Table I), so that the numerica! proportion of
N aCZ-Aitken-nuclei is probably small over \and.

One important source of nuclei is the particles that, N- 10
together with dust, are raised by storms over land.
Substantial amounts of matter can thus be carried
considerable distances, as is indicated by the Sahara-

dust falls occasionally observed in Europe [12]. 5
In conclusion of the discussion on the sources of at- ~
mospheric nuclei, the estimates of the relative contribu- -o-
tions by various sources to the total nuclei content of
the air, first given by Lettau [24], may be reproduced.
If the total production of the nuclei is set to equal unity, 2 3 4
the proportions indicated below are obtained, attribut- NUMBER OF NUCLEI CM-3
able as follows: FIG. 4.-Percentage of doubly charged ions as a function of the
number of nuclei [14, 15].
Steppe and forest fires ......................... 0.4
Detachment from the soil surface .............. 0.3
Combustion products from man-made fires ..... 0.2 (Fig. 4). With nuclei counts below 5000 cm- 3 a con-
Volcanic activity .............................. 0.1
Detachment from the sea surf ace and from extra- siderable proportion of nuclei are doubly charged.
terrestrial sources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . negligibh; From extensive observations by Israel [16] and others
amounts the following relationships involving P are obtained:
The indicated values can be taken only as very rough 1. There is an increase of P with increasing nuclei
approximations. count, varying locally; this increase becomes more pro-

nounced when the second method is used because of the their optical effects are dominant. The many small
multiple charges on the nuclei. Thus in a larger nuclei nuclei of combustion (Aitken-nuclei) have hardly any
count, a smaller fraction of the nuclei are charged, effect on visibility.
because only a limited number of small ions are avail- Dessens [8] found good proof for these conclusions.
able. As yet, there has been no quantitative explanation He measured the attenuation coefficients for various
of this. wave lengths and also calculated them from the simul-
2. There is a decrease of P with increasing humidity taneous determinations of the size distribution of the
(Fig. 2). The nuclei, whose growth with humidity has haze droplets, according to the formulas of Stratton and
amarked influence on P, have, according to Table III, Houghton. The agreement between observed and com-
radii of less than about 6 X 10-6 cm. Thus the be- puted values is good and at the same time shows that
havior of P reflects the growth of particles of this size. his method of measurement yields a quantitatively
The quantity P gives us a good example of how correct sample of the haze droplets.
careful we must be when we want to interpret statisti- Recently, and independently, Siedentopf [35] and
cally determined relationships between the properties of others have deduced the optica} effects of the aerosol
natural aerosols and meteorologica! quantities. If, for from Mie's theory on a much more inclusive and exact
example, we arrange measurements of the nuclei con- hasis. Siedentopf bases his calculations on an atmos-
centrations and P values according to visibility, as phere in which the visibility is 20 km, and attempts to
Israel did in Frankfort, we obtain an increase in P find the composition of the aerosol which would cor-
values and a decrease of nuclei count with an increase respond most closely to the dependence of the absorp-
of visibility. According to the relationship (1) described tion on the wave length, as well as to the scattering
above we would have expected a decrease in P. How- function (dependence of the scattered light on the angle
ever, it is probable that, on the average, with increasing of the incident ray). With pure dust aerosols (com-
visibility, both the number and size of the nuclei pletely opaque, index of refraction n = oo ) or with
decrease, and the size appears, according to Table III, pure droplet aerosols (n = %), no agreement could be
to have a dominant influence on P. reached. This was possible only with "mixed aerosol,"
Israel further points out that individual measure- composed of particles of both types in the proportion
ments of P show considerable fluctuations which are of 20 dust particles per cubic centimeter to 500 haze
especially large in the vicinity of cities, that is, of the droplets per cubic centimeter, with an average radius
sources of nuclei [16]. He attributes this phenomenon to from 2 to 3 X 10-5 cm. The addition of several thousand
the slow establishment of the ionization equilibrium. Aitken-nuclei with r = 5 X 10-6 cm has no effect on
From the preceding survey it is apparent that the the results. These findings are in good agreement with
study of the ionization equilibrium permits us to reach the results of both Dessens and Wright, a fact which
important conclusions concerning the aerosol. However, seems to indicate that these haze droplets, found far
this possibility will be most fully realized only when we inland, are essentially of maritime origin.
can take into account in the investigations the in- It is therefore clear why previous investigations
fluence on P of the size distribution in the nuclei yielded no definite relationship between the Aitken-
spectrum. nuclei count and visibility (according to [23]). The
situation is different, however, for dust particles, as was
The Optica! Effects of N uelei shown by Rotschke [33].
Primarily effective for the scattering of light, and The effect on visibility of the growth of haze droplets
consequently the turbidity of the atmosphere, are the with humidity has already been discussed. Wright [46,
particles of the order of magnitude of the wave lengths 47] has established a similar relationship between hu-
of light or larger, that is, those with radii of approxi- midity and visibility when the optical effect of the dust
mately r ~ 4 X 10-s cm. If the radius of the particle particles predominated. This can be explained by pos-
decreases, the optical effects diminish very rapidly. tulating either a considerable accumulation of such
Thus, according to our method of notation, only the particles during very humid weather conditions or a
large nuclei, and not the Aitken-nuclei, are significant coagulative effect of humidity.
for the turbidity, unless the Aitken-nuclei are particu-
larly numerous, or the atmosphere is extremely clear. Processes of N uelei Destruction
Wright [46] used these facts in order to reach con- Aside from condensation itself, the following processes
clusions concerning the composition of the aerosol, essentially diminish the number of nuclei:
through extensive investigation of the visibility con- 1. Sedimentation.
ditions at some English stations. He found that there 2. Diffusion (adhesion to surfaces of all kinds).
were approximately 1000 table-salt nuclei with a radius 3. Coagulation.
of 2 X 10-5 cm in a cubic centimeter. This nuclei In all these processes, the mobility of the particles plays
concentration varies relatively little with time and a role. The mobility of particles that are smaller than,
location and constitutes the maritime portion of the or comparable to, the length of the mean free path of
aerosol. Over land we have additional solid particles the air molecules (approximately 10-5 cm), is
(such as soot) which can be detected with a dust
counter. These can become so numerous, especially B _ 1 + Al/r
during wintertime and in densely populated areas, that - 67r7]T '

where B = mobility (sec g- 1), agulation, experimentally confirmed by Whytlaw-Gray,

l = free path length (cm), become more complicated in natural aerosols because
r = radius of partide (cm), of the broad distribution of sizes and occasional electro-
A = numerica! factor of 0.9, static charges. For example, if two particle sizes are
TJ = viscosity of air (g cm-1 sec- 1). present, the greater coagulation rate of the smaller
The viscosity TJ is practically independent of the at-
mospherie pressure, so that with decreasing pressure, TABLE IV. THE DECREASE IN THE NUMBER OF PARTICLES
1. The fali velocity of the particles is Radius (cm)
Nuclei number
(cm- 3)
V= BJ.1Jg, JQ-6 10-' to-

where M = mass of the particles (g), 10 3 6.86 X 10 1.66 X IQ-1 1.13 X IQ-1
10 4 6.86 X 102 1.66 X 1Q1 1.13 X 101
g = gravitational acceleration (cm sec-2 ). 10 5 6.86 X 10 4 1.66 X 10 3 1.13 X 10 3
Despite the small fali velocity, the sedimentation proc-
ess that takes place continuously and everywhere in
the immediate vicinity of the earth's surface is probably nuclei is further increased by adhesion to the larger
important for the nuelei balance [24]. The same holds nuclei. Therefore, aged aerosols contain only a small
truc for the charged particles settling in the electric percentage of small nuclei.
field of the earth. Since the large particles grow more rapidly with
2. The diffusion coefficient that is valid for the ad- increased humidity than do the small ones, a slight
hesion of particles to surfaces of aii kinds is increase in coagulation rate with humidity is to be
expected. This was confirmed by Landsberg [23] who
RT found a decrease in the number of nuclei in rooms when
D =N- B,
the humidity was increased. Effenberger [10] also found
by simultaneous nuclei and dust counts in the open air
where R = gas constant (erg deg- 1 mol- 1), that, with increasing humidity, the nuclei concentration
T = absolute temperature (deg), decreases while the dust content increases. However, in
N = Loschmidt number. this case it must be noted that there is a possible
The diffusion coefficient D greatly increases with de- selective effect of the synoptic situation. MoreoYer, the
creasing radius of the particle and has been used for sedimentation rate in the dust counters is greater with
the determination of the average particle size [28]. In higher humidity because of the growth of the dust
contrast to sedimentation, adhesion affects especially particles.
the small particles. In closed spaces or vessels, the
infiuence o diffusion increases with increasing ratio of Concluding Remarks
surface to volume [30].
Diffusion is effectual in forests and grassland with Because of lack of space it has been impossible to
their very large surface areas (filter effect) and in the include a compilation of the results of the many works
clouds, in which the decreased nuclei concentration [23] dealing with nuclei counts. However, such a compilation
is probably caused not so much by consumption during is not really necessary, since thc reader can refer to
condensation as by adhesion to the droplets. For this exhaustive monographs [3, 23], and no new information
reason, analyses of traces of substances in hoarfrost has been obtained on the subject. In the various sections
and other eondensation products in combination with we have touched upon those relationships, determined
measurements of droplet number and size do not permit by such investigations, of the nuclei count, etc., to.
any conclusions regarding the mass of the individual other meteorologica! elements that were of interest from
nuclei. the point of view of the physics of nuclei. In many cases
3. As regards coagulation, reference is made to these relationships have only a limited value in ex-
the exemplary investigations of Whytlaw-Gray and plaining physical processes, since the correlations gen-
Patterson [42]. The decrease in the number of particles erally overlap. For this reason, it has been suggested
n per unit time and volume in homogeneous aerosolB is by var:ous investigators that stress should be put on
additionallaboratory research work. A number of open
questions touched upon in the sections above could
thereby be clarified.
In conclusion some of the areas of study that seem
that is, the small particles coagulate more rapidly. The especially important to the author are summarized:
numerica! results given in Table IV clearly show that 1. The growth of nuclei, especially at humidities of
coagulation is much more effective for the originally less than 70 per cent, and the associated problem con-
very small combustion nuclei that are highly concen- cerning the physical structure of nuclei (mixed nuclei,
trated in city air, etc., than for the coarser and less supersaturation of solution, and crystallization).
concentrated dust and ocean spray aerosols. Mixed 2. The chemical composition of the aerosol. Parallel
nudei are, therefore, to be expected especially from measurements of the traces of substances and of the
industrial und similar nuclei sources. The laws of co- number of nuclei, dust particles, and hl)Ze droplets

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41. WEICKMANN, H., "Die Eisphase in der Atmosphiire." Ber. 45. - - "The Association Between Relative Humidity and the
dtsch. Wetterd. U. S.-Zone, Nr. 6, 54 SS. (1949). Ratio of the Number of Large Ions to the Total Number
42. WHYTLAW-GRAY, R., and PATTERSON, H. S., Smoke: A of Nuclei." Terr. Magn. atmos. Elect., 39:277-280 (1934).
Study of Aerial Disperse Systems. London, E. Arnold & 46. - - "Atmospheric Opacity: A Study of Visibility Observa-
Co., 1932. (See pp. 57-72) tions in the British Isles." Quart. J. R. meteor. Soc., 65:
43. WooncocK, A. H., and GIFFORD, M. M., "Sampling Atmos- 411-442 (1939).
pheric Sea-Salt Nuclei over the Ocean." J. mar. Res., 47. - - "Sea-Salt Nuclei." Quart. J. R. meteor. Soc., 66:3-11
8: 177-197 (1949). (1940); "The Origin of Sea-Salt Nuclei." lbid., 11-12
44. WRIGHT, H. L., "Observations of Smoke Particles and (1940).
Condensation Nuclei at Kew Observatory." Geophys. 48. - - "Atmospheric Opacity at Valentia." Quart. J. R.
Mem., Voi. 6, No. 57 (1932). meteor. Soc., 66 : 66-67 (1940) .

Imperial College of Science and Technology and Meteorological Office, London

THE APPEARANCE OF ICE CLOUDS into ice upon such solid nuclei as occur in the atmos-
It has long been recognised that clouds of ice particles phere is to be expected very rarely and only at tem-
have a characteristically fibrous appearance very differ- peratures approaching -70C. 1 He suggested that ice
ent from that of droplet clouds, which look "solid" and particles are usually produced secondarily bythe thermo-
have more sharply defined edges, even when dissipating. dynamically casier path through the freezing of droplets
Small, isolated trails of snow or soft hail, known as containing these nuclei, and claimed that such infected
Fallstreifen (fall-streaks) or virga, which fali from droplets exist because condensation can also proceed
medium-level clouds, also possess this fibrous structure, upon solid, insoluble (but "wettable") partielcs as well
and when they become separated from their parent as upon hygroscopic nuclei. Accordingly, it appeared that
clouds and are seen in a favourable light exactly re- crystals usually arise as a result of the freezing of r,;uper-
semble forms of true cirrus. A fibrous structure on a cooled drops (and perhaps also by the freezing of the
coarser scale can also be seen in rain beneath shower microscopic film of adsorbed water which grows on
clouds. solid "wettable" particles at vapour pressures approach-
It is therefore natural to interpret the fibrous appear- ing the saturated vapour pressure over liquid water,
ance as the result of the high falling-speed of unusually followed by direct condensation from the vapour). For
large particles falling in trails from small condensation- any such partide there are successively lower ranges of
regions, and to consider typical isolated cirrus clouds temperature in which it may act as a nueleus for a
as a form of precipitation. Wegener [21] regarded cirrus supercooled _drop, for a supercooled drop which freezes,
uncinus as Fallstreifen, and attributed their development and for an ICe crystal formed by direct condensation.
to the absence of efficient ice nuclei, those available Krastanow was concerned primarily with estimating
acting only at a high supersaturation so that the ice these ranges, but his work contained the important
par~icles then formed grow quickly and acquire a large
implication that atmospheric crystal nuclei would be-
fallmg-speed. There ha ve been other attempts to explain come active only at approximate saturation over liquid
the form of these clouds, but careful observation sup- water-formerly it was believed that they would allow
ports the Fallstreifen theory, and in recent years investi- direct condensation at small ice-supersaturations. At
gations concerning the properties of ice-particle nuclei the temperatures of the cirrus levels, however, water-
have completely explained why ice clouds so often saturation corresponds to relative humidities of 150 per
contain much larger particles than droplet clouds, and cent or more over ice.
have led to a better understanding of the processes Some support for this view was provided by the
attending the formation and decay of both pure ice- expansion-chamber experiments of Regener [16] in
clouds and mixed clouds (containing both ice and liquid which droplet fogs were formed at temperatures down
water). to at least - 50C, crystals also appearing when high
expansion ratios were used. Weickmann [22], observing
THE BERAVIOUR OF ICE NUCLEI the condensation products upon nuclei supported on a
metal face chilled to about -40C, gave a complete
For some time it has been thought that the nuclei confirmation, finding that no crystals could be produced
effective in producing ice crystals are probably solid at low ice-supersaturations, that a few formed under
water-insoluble particles, distinct from the hygroscopi~ prolonged high ice-supersaturations, and that relatively
nuclei which readily allow the formation of droplefs. abundant formation occurred in the neighbourhood of
Wegener [21] and Findeisen [5] suggested that quartz water-saturation. He also showed that particles of the
dusts, carried up from the ground, might be the atmos- common minerals (including quartz) are not especially
pheric ice nuclei. The prevalence of clouds of liquid active as ice nuclei, but concluded that atmospheric
water at temperatures down to about -lOC was as- ice nuclei are small insoluble solids about 1 fJ. or less in
scribed to the inefficiency of the ice nuclei or to their size, which, from their mode of action, he calls freezing
absence. The nuclei were called sublimation nuclei and
.It was generally believed that the ice crystals 'were nuclei.
It is interesting that by careful search particles have
formed by the direct transition of water vapour into now been found which appear to act as true sublimation
the solid state. nuclei (allowing the formation of ice crystals direct
This conception has been altered by recent researches. from the vapour at temperatures below -lOC and at
The first important contributions to the subject were
by Krastanow [10, 11], who outlined the theory of 1. A more detailed account of these references and some
condensation according to the principles of statistica! subsequent ones has already been given by the present writer
physics, and showed that the direct deposition of vapour [12].

small ice-supersaturations). Fournier d'Albe [9] pro- atures around -40C. Down to this temperature the
duced these particles by evaporating crystals which clouds formed in the chamber by uninterrupted ex-
had been grown at -41C in the presence of solution pansions were initially pure water-clouds or mixed
droplets of cadmium iodide. It seems likely that the clouds, but some pure ice-clouds were produced with
particles remaining consisted of cadmium iodide bearing great difficulty by ceasing the expansion just before
microfilms of water which retained an icelike structure droplet-formation was expected. The numbers of nuclei
such as cannot be imposed upon films adsorbed from the active at various temperatures composed an ice-nucleus
vapour, even by cooling to temperatures in the neigh- "spectrum," which changed somewhat from day to day
bourhood of -70C. This suggests that the only sublima- and with the rate of expansion, but which possessed
tion nuclei are in fact particles of ice, and raises the the general form shown in Fig. 1. With another ap-
possibility that after the evaporation of ice clouds at
low temperatures some freezing nuclei may be left in a
condition which enables them to act as sublimation
nuclei in a future cloud formation. However, nuclei
having the efficiency of those made by Fournier d'Albe "':::;;

cannot be expected to occur naturally in the atmos- "w 102

phere, where even the poor ice nuclei available are ...J

greatly outnumbered by nuclei capable of aiding the "z

formation of liquid droplets. This scarcity of ice nuclei, UJIO
which may be even more marked in the high troposphere (3
than near the ground, is an important factor which in UJ
association with the speed of atmospheric condensation UJ
processes results in the frequent appearance of droplets o
during cloud formation at temperatures down to - 50C a:

or even lower. If the humidity is increased very slowly "':::;;

~ 1()
some ice particles will form some time before water-
saturation is reached; their subsequent growth may then
remove enough vapour to prevent a further increase in I0 7 L-----'--____lL---'--_.l..--L._--L----1-~
-35 -30 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 o
humidity, or the process responsible for the rise of TEMPERATURE c
humidity may cease. In this way very thin pure ice Fw. 1.-Average ice-nucleus "spectrum" for samples of sur-
clouds may arise without any droplet formation. Their face air at Prague, showing the numbers of nuclei active at
various temperatures during the expansion of the air at rates
occurrence must be very infrequent in view of the great corresponding to vertical speeds in the atmosphere of 5 m sec-1
scarcity of ice nuclei which act before water-saturation and 20 m sec- 1 (After Findeisen and Schulz.)
is almost reached, and the slowness and duration of the
condensation mechanism which would be necessary, but paratus, in which the speed of the condensation process
the structureless veils of cirro-nebula and the "diamond- was much less, Schulz [17] has recorded results which
dust" ice-mists probably are such clouds. do not differ materially from those given in this figure.
Evidently, in experiments designed to discover the As the temperature falls below about -32C there is a
critical temperatures at which droplet formation is sudden great increase in the number of active nuclei,
entirely replaced by crystal formation in the presence which Findeisen and Schulz consider due to the intro-
of foreign nuclei, particular attention must be paid to duction of a second class of nuclei. These appear to be
the speed of the condensation process. It is clear that the nuclei responsible for the first appearance of crystals
the violent expansions commonly used in cloud cham- (in droolet fogs) in the smaller chamber used by
bers may produce predominantly droplet clouds at Fournier d'Albe [9], and which are now referred to as
temperatures down to -40C and even lower, and it is the 32-nuclei. Findeisen and Schulz apparently did not
also clear why different workers, using various rates of continue their experiments to temperatures below
expansion, have found different values for the critica! -40C, and so did not find a second critica! temperature
temperatures. of about -41C below which Fournier d'Albe observed
The expansion-chamber experiments which most relatively dense ice-fogs in which the presence of any
faithfully reproduced natural conditions are those of droplets could not certainly be established. Fournier
Findeisen and Schulz [8], who used an unusually large d'Albe, however, was able to confirm that these ice
chamber (volume 2 m 3) to increase the sensitivity to fogs formed only when the air was cooled near to, if not
the rare but still meteorologically important ice nuclei, below, the dew point (at saturation with respect to
and who controlled the rate of expansion to values liquid water). The reason for this critica! temperature
corresponding to vigorous atmospheric convection of -41C and the part it plays in more moderate ex-
processes. Their apparatus was not portable, and so only pansions remain unknown. More detailed examination
the surface air (at Prague) was examined for ice nuclei. may showthis critical temperatureto be no more sharply
The number of such nuclei in this polluted air may defined than the threshold temperature at which the
have been much larger than is usual in the air of the 32-nuclei become active.
upper troposphere, but even so in the chamber-clouds Very little is known about the number of ice nuclei
the droplets still outnumbered the crystals at temper- occurring in the upper troposphere. Palmer [14] has

used an expansion chamber in an aircraft on four mechanism of nucleation? and, What are the properties
occasions and found that the 32-nuclei were absent (or which determine the efficiency of an ice nucleus? Such
very scarce) above the lowest inversion or haze-top. questions may be answered by examining the behaviour
This suggests that these nuclei at least are derived of small numbers of artificial nuclei, or perhaps even a
from the earth's surface, and that at the cirrus levels single nucleus, under humidities increased at carefully
the ice-nuclei oount is likely to be far smaller than that controlled rates. Dew-plate techniques are likely to be
observed at the surface by Findeisen and Schulz [8]. more convenient than those using expansion chambers,
It is therefore to be expected that, in the atmosphere, in which the control of temperature and humidity is
clouds formed by the more vigorous ascending motions very difficult, but investigations must first be made to
will initially contain liquid water even at very low determine whether the presence of a supporting surface
temperatures, and indeed this has been observed in interferes with the behaviour of the nuclei. If it can be
several ways. For example, R.A.F. aircraft have re- established that certain unwettable surfaces are suffi-
ported serious icing at temperatures down to below ciently indifferent, this method could readily be used to
-400 [13], Weickmann [24] has photographed droplets examine the efficiency of particular nuclei when they
(with crystals) at -500 over the Alps in the lenticular are covered by films of adsorbed vapour, and when they
Moazagotl cloud, and aircraft wing-icing has been ob- are immersed in droplets of both pure water and salt
served at -580 in a condensation trail formed at the solutions. It should be possible to determine whether
airscrew [1]. The limit of supercooling, at which crystals solutions of salts or of gases (e.g., NO, S0 2 , and NH3 )
grow spontaneously in liquid water without the aid of are in any circumstances able to act as ice nuclei when
foreign nuclei, is not. known. It has been roughly esti- not contaminated with insoluble solid particles.
mated theoretically at about -700 or below, and Rau 2. Problems of a more meteorological nature: What
[15] appeared to have found it experimentally at -720, are the effective ice nuclei in the atmosphere? and,
but Owilong [4] has since thrown doubt on this result. What are their numbers at different levels in various
It would certainly seem that at all temperatures likely air masses? To observe the numbers of ice nuclei oc-
to occur in the troposphere ice crystals always require curring naturally a very sensitive counter is required,
special nuclei for their formation, and that these nuclei capable of indicating ice-nucleus concentrations as low
are always actively available at low enough temper- as 1 m- 3 The high-pressure expansion apparatus de-
atures, since stable supercooled clouds have apparently scribed by Schulz [17] was designed (but never used) as
not been observed at temperatures below about -350 a portable nucleus counter; in this apparatus the air
[24] and are rarely observed at temperatures below was first compressed to a pressure of about twelve
about -150. atmospheres so that, on controlled expansion to about
Before leaving the discussion of nuclei it may be said one atmosphere, low temperatures could be reached
that further information is needed on the behaviour of without the necessity of a preliminary cooling of the
hygroscopic nuclei at low temperatures, both when they expansion chamber, while the concentration of ice nuclei
are pure and when they are contaminated by freezing was not reduced below that occurring in the atmosphere.
nuclei. Wall [20] has considered the matter theoretically, However, elaborate precautions are needed to prevent
and some experimenta on the freezing of droplets of the introduction of artificial nuclei during the compres-
common-salt solutionare described by Weickmann [24]. sion process, and it is to be hoped that some much
From these latter experimenta it appears that salt crystals simpler counting apparatus may be practicable.
can act. as ice nuclei at temperatures below about -300,
but in spite of the decreasing solubility of salt with THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE ICE PHASE IN
falling temperature it is unlikely that solid salt crystals NATURAL CLOUDS
can occur at high humidities unless they arise in con- Cumulus and Cumulonimbus. Cumulus clouds are
taminated solution-nuclei. It also seems that freezing composed of air which has risen from near the ground,
nuclei may have their efficiency considerably reduced in and conditiona within them are likely to resemble
the presence of a concentrated salt. solution, so that closely those produced in the expansion chamber of
such nuclei might begin to act only when the solution Findeisen and Schulz [8]. Accordingly, ice-crystal forma-
becomes sufficiently diluted by condensation. Mason, at tion does not begin in these clouds until the temperature
the Imperial Oollege of Science and Technology (in has fallen several degrees below 00, depending to some
work unpublished), has attributed the critica] temper- extent on the rate of ascent of air into the cloud base
ature of -410 mentioned above to the freezing of (see Fig. 1). Since the crystals are in a considerable
solution droplets in which the ions formed by the disso- supersaturation they grow more rapidly than the drop-
ciation of the electrolyte act as nuclei. lets and after a period of perhaps a few minutes reach
Meteorologically, the most important features of the a size and falling-speed such that growth by coagulation
recent studies on ice nuclei are the recognition of the with droplets in their path begins to exceed that due to
rarity of ice nuclei and the establishment of the fact the condensation of vapour. Rough calculations show
that ordinarily they allow the formation of ice crystals that this stage is reached when the ice particles have
only near water-saturation, and therefore in the reached diameters of about 100 p. and falling-speeds of
presence of high ice-supersaturations. Present problems about 7i m sec- 1 and when (relative to the surrounding
concerning ice nuclei may be divided into two classes. air) they will have fallen rather less than 30 m. Beyond
1. Problems related to individual nuclei: What is the this stage growth by coagulation rapidly accelerates,
both the volume swept by a particle and its rate of fall an ice surface of area 50 cm 2 At temperatures down to
quickly increasing, and the particle becomes a precipi- about -30C the number of ice particles growing upon
tation element. However, it is important to note that it ice nuclei is not likely to exceed 10 3 m- 3 If one-tenth
takes an appreciable time for the growth to reach the of these have reached a radius of IQ- 1 cm, after about
critica! stage: if the cloud begins to dissolve in the twelve minutes they alone will have produced as many
meantime the ice particles will not develop into precipi- ice crystals by the splintering process as were formed on
tation elements, but will disappear with the droplets. the ice nuclei. During the growth of ice particles by
Observation shows that the summits of cumulus clouds coagulation with supercooled droplets, however, the
are constantly and rapidly replaced from below, fresh rate of splinter formation is increased perhaps a thou-
cloud masses rising only to diverge, sink, and evaporate, sand fold, and it therefore becomes clear that this proc-
so that the life of each particle near the cloud tops is ess is of dominating importance in the
very brief. It can therefore readily be imagined that omy of all mixed clouds. The large numbers of crystals of
cumulus, rising some distance above the level at which insignificant falling-speed, and therefore of small size,
the ice nuclei first act in significant numbers, have which compose the extensive anvils of mature cumu-
summits containing ice crystals which fail to reach the lonimbus are probably almost all produced without the
critica! size which would enable them to sink into the aid of special nuclei. The splinter formation may be
bulk of the cloud and continue their growth, thus essential to the development of cumulonimbus over the
eventually becoming hail or rain. The magnitude of oceans in polar air masses whose content of ice nuclei is
this effect is difficult to estimate, but it is likely to be likely to be extremely small.
most marked in clouds of low liquid-water content, in Here it may be remarked that as yet little attempt
which the rate of growth of the ice particles is least. In has been roade to work out in detail the growth con-
general the liquid-water content of cumulus varies ditions of cumuliform clouds and the modifications
directly with the temperature of the cloud base. This introduced by the appearance of the ice phase and the
may account for the failure of cold-weather cumulus, development of precipitation. Again it will be necessary
with summit temperatures as low as -20C, to pro- to consider the speed of the condensation and coagula-
duce showers. Such clouds may be wholly below the tion processes. The rate of ascent of air in vigorous
temperature at which the ice nuclei first act, and yet cumulus is of the order of 10 to 20 m sec-r, greatly in
show no externa! trace of the presence of ice particles. excess of the speeds assumed by recent writers (e.g.
Valuable data for this problem could easily be ob- Austin [2]), who have developed the concept of entrain-
tained by observing the base- and summit-level tem- ment of air from the environment into the rising cur-
peratures of convection clouds (noting those clouds rents. The present writer doubts whether this materially
which produce precipitation) and by attempting to de- affects the growth of large clouds, and believes that the
tect the presence of small ice particles during flight simple parcel method of representing convection may
through the supercooled tops of cumulus. stiU prove the most useful, but that it needs modifica-
When the critica! stage is passed and the ice particles tion in the light of important factors which have been
have begun their growth as precipitation elements, the ignored so far, such as (1) the short life of individual
cumulus becomes transformed into the cumulonimbus. clouds and the effect of their continuai dissipation on
If the cloud ceases to grow soon after the critica! stage the condition of the environment, (2) the effect of
is reached, the total number of ice particles formed re- evaporation and mixing at the edges of small clouds,
mains very small, and slowly dissipating patches of and (3) the effect of the rate of heating at the bottom of
water cloud may persist for a time near the summits, the convective layer. It is doubtful, in view of the pre-
all the ice particle::: having fallen out. Usually, however, dominant condensation of liquid water in rapidly as-
the top of the cumulonimbus becomes an ice cloud of cending air, whether the latent heat of fusion plays any
considerable density, and it seems that the number part in the development of cumulonimbus. The writer
of crystals finally formed must be substantially in- has shown (in work not yet published) that in dense
creased by a mechanism which Findeisen has begun to clouds the larger ice particles pick up supercooled water
investigate [6, 7]. During the growth or evaporation of at a rate which prevents its complete freezing, so that
an ice particle, air flowing past it carries away minute the precipitation elements have wet surfaces and a
charged fragments of ice (radius about 20 J.t). These ice temperature not much below OC. A proportion of the
"splinters" are produced only by particles which are latent heat of fusion is thus used in warming the precipi-
aggregates of small crystals, and are not formed at the tation and is lost to the cloud. On the other hand, the
surfaces of simple crystals or at glassy layers of ice. accumulation of precipitation elements in the upper part
Little is known about the manner in which these of the cloud leads to the mechanical destruction of the
splinters and their electrica! charges arise, but Findeisen updraught, and with the release of the precipitation a
regards this process as the predominant source of powerful downcurrent is initiated [3]. There is therefore
thunderstorm electricity, and it must be of great im- reason to believe that in aerological work the develop-
portance in all ice clouds and mixed clouds as a means ment of cumulonimbus may best be followed on thermo-
of ice-crystal reproduction without the aid of special ice dynamic diagrams constructed wholly with respect to
nuclei. According to Findeisen's experiments [7], the rate liquid water. Such diagrams are also appropriate in con-
of formation of ice splinters during the direct condensa- sidering the formation of high ice-clouds, but it is
tion of vat;>Our into ice amounts to about 5 sec- 1 from advisable also to include lines showing the saturation

mixing-ratios over ice when the subsequent growth of Clearly no fundamental distinction need be made
these clouds is to be examined. between ice clouds originating in this way and cirrus
Medium- and High-Level Clouds. Medium- and forming from a condensation region at lower temper-
high-level clouds are formed in air which has not re- atures with no trace at ali of a parent cloud containing
cently been near the ground and in which the ice nuclei liquid water. At temperatures below about -40C the
are likely to be especialiy rare. N evertheless it appears ice nuclei seem to be significantly more abundant;
that the number of active nuclei always increases as the water droplets have a very short life and are produced
temperature falls. In general, apparently stable super- only in clouds of convective or lenticular type in which
cooled clouds are encountered at temperatures between updraughts of the order of a few meters per second
OC and about -lOC. At somewhat lower temperatures occur. Nevertheless, the number of ice particles found
supercooled clouds commonly survive the appearance of in cirrus clouds by W eickmann [24] was on the a verage
ice particles, which quickly grow and fali out as Fall- only about 7{3 cm- 3 (droplet clouds usually contain
streifen, while at temperatures below about -30C Q[QJJ_~_ several hundreds of droplets per cubic centimetre), and
let cloud_s becorne increasingly rare. Usually they appear it is evident that the crystals are so few that most may
only fteetingly before becoming rapidly transformed reach a size at which they have an appreciable falling-
into pure ice-clouds. speed (about ~2 m sec- 1). Weickmann [23] photo-
Clouds of the altocumulus type are often very shallow graphed the particles of high clouds and obtained strik-
and have very small liquid-water contents, and since ing evidence of the large size of cirrus particles, which
the air in the cloudlets is constantly replaced, any ice typically consisted of radiating- tufts of long prisms
crystals pre~ent will grow slowly and may for some containing hollows and air-enclosures. This crystal form
time produce no effect which would reveal their exist- is an indication of rapid growth at high supersaturation,
ence to an observer on the ground. However, the ice although the cause of the grouping into tufts is un-
crystals will be slower to evaporate than the droplets, known. The crystals of cirrostratus were smaller and
and it is conceivable that in a shallow layer of con- had simpler "complete" shapes. For this reason cir-
vective circulations they may be drawn back into rostratus clouds produce halos much more readily than
cloudlets a number of times, increasing in size and cirrus, in which halo details are rather rare.
number ali the while (because of splinter formation). In the initial stages of their formation cirrus clouds
It may be in this way that parts of altocumulus sheets are not typically fibrous. Frequently the first details to
are transformed into thin ice clouds some time after appear have a patterned or granulated structure re-
their formation; the ice particles frequentlyJ;ill_Q.U.t of sembling that of cirrocumulus, which slowly coarsens
the damp layer in which the cloud had formed and and fuses while thin Fallstreifen develop, or they may
evaporate in the drier air beneath, _.Q__Q.~Lthfl fjgal_ contain waves and ripples. With steep lapse rates,
effect of. the act ion of tq.e ic_e_ nt!<;le!. i~ the dissiuatiop, shreds of clouds very much like fractocumulus occur;
of the cloud. This is the typical result of the introduction these sometimes develop into truc cumuliform clouds
of crystal nuclei into shaliow, slightly supercooled severa! thousands of feet deep, but more often~ they
clouds. On some occasions altocumulus appear to be- spread out and become less dense, gradualiy becoming
come infected with ice particles over a very limited transformed into patches of Fallstreifen. Bright, irides-
area, a hole developing in the cloud layer over a patch cent colours may be seen in such newly formed clouds
of Fallstrei.fen [18]. This may be due to the irregular when they are very near the sun, and there seems no
distribution of the ice nuclei, or may be the result of reason to doubt that initially they contain at least some
splinter formation following the action of a very few water droplets. On the other hand, the typical Fall-
ice nuclei in a particularly large cloudlet with lower streifen forms of cirrus, although they often occur with
summit-temperatures than are reached in the other shreds of cloud near their summits which are not truly
cloudlets. It is common for some cloudlets of a high fibrous and look like the vestiges of...a.J2<m~n.t cloud, do
altocumulus to produce Fallstreifen, and it is character- not always develop from such shallow initial forms. It
istically the larger cloudlets which are so affected, not is likely that these clouds often arise when especially
only because of the lower summit-temperatures at which suitable ice nuclei just forestall a more general con-
more ice nuclei act, but also because in the larger densation, so that a very few crystals are able to reach
cloudlets the growth of ice particles is favoured by the an unusual size and falling-speed. Weickmann [24] has
higher water content, the greater depth of cloud, and remarked on the extraordinarily small number of large
the strone;er upcurrent, which prevents early precipita- particles (diameter up to about 400 p,) which are found
tiau. in the trails of cirrus uncinus.
While falling through the ice-supersaturated layer The shape of Fallstreifen trails is determined by the
beneath the base of the parent cloud, Fallstreifen par- wind shear at their level and the faliing-speed of their
ticles continue their growth. In general, the depth of particles. At first the trails are usually almost vertical,
this layer and the degree of supersaturation in its upper but near their lower ends they become almost horizontal
part increase with fali of temperature. High, delicate as the falling-speed of the evaporating particles dwindles
altocumulus clouds may disappear in producing faint and a decrease of wind causes them to lag more and
short trails of ice particles, which then continue to grow more behind the condensation region. A simple hook-
while descending some thousands of feet, finally becom- shape (uncinus) can thus arise with only a gradual
ing dense ice clouds. wind-shear, but some cirrus trails indicate a very rapid

change of wind with height, suggesting that frontal (droplet cloud) or patches of granular and flocciform
surfaces at these heights may be more sharply defined cloudlets. Beautifully arranged delicateFallstre~{en forms
than is usually supposed. are also young ice clouds-as they age they degenerate
There is a noticeable tendency for the lowermost into diffuse streaks or fibres of lifeless appearance,
parts of Fallstreifen, even in the cirrus levels, to become usually described as cirrus filosus.
mammillated, presumably owing to the chilling of the As far as the writer knows, no methods of forecasting
air in the trai! by the evaporation of the ice particles. the extent and thickness of ice clouds are in use other
The Fallstreifen path probably marks a stream of de- than the making of estimates based on recent measure-
scending air whose motion is initiated by the drag of ments or the relating of the clouds to frontal systems
the particles and is sustained by this chilling. The down- in accordance with textbook models. It is unlikely
draughts in precipitation are very pronounced in that much more can be done at present, as forecasting
cumulonimbus and they play an important part in the high cloud formation is essentially a matter of forecast-
development of these clouds by spreading out near the ing the vertical displacement of air at high levels, about
ground and acting like scoops to help fresh cloud which very little is known. More accurate measurements
growth near the shower borders [3]. A similar process of humidity than are now made at these heights would
on a smaller scale, may occur near Fallstreifen trails and probably also be required. A further difficulty is that
lead to lines of cloud arranged along the direction of the abundant cirrus clouds often occur far from fronts and
wind shear. appear to have their origin in disturbances existing
entirely above the surface layers. Thus cirrus systems
THE RELATION OF ICE CLOUDS TO may be seen to move with shallow cold "pools" and
CONDENSATION MECHANISMS troughs which are clearly shown on 3CO-mb charts (but
High-level clouds are produced by the large-scale not on 500-mb charts). The occurrence of cirrm well
lifting of air masses, especially at frontal surfaces, but ahead of cold fronts is also unexplained, but its presence
it is unusual for the clouds to appear as uniform sheets. seems related to the movement of the front, and its
Thus the first clouds to appear ahead of a warm front disappearance is symptomatic of the retardation of the
are characteristically isolated cirrus containing uncinus front. However, there are few cirrus systems which are
forms, and the overcast of cirrostratus which follows not highly organised, perhaps containing great parallel
often contains Fallstreifen or is of very irregular density. bands of cloud or long sharply defined clearing-edges
Schwerdtfeger [19] attempted to show that isolated and with Fallstre~fen indicating systematically changing
cirrus are the result of cooling in the high troposphere wind shears, so that it is certain that the mechanisms
with the production of a convective layer, whereas producing the systems have coherent structures which
cirrostratus is produced by the lifting of stable air may be forecast once they are understood. It is un-
masses over frontal surfaces. It would be possible to fortunate that the sharpness of the boundaries of cirrus
examine this view more critically now that frequent systems is so often masked on synoptic charts by the
upper-air soundings are available. Isolated cirrus clouds reporting of clouds near the horizon which are at a
could arise in uniformly lifted air because of the irregular great distance--these reports might profitably be made
distribution of especially suitable ice nuclei or as the only by isolated stations.
result of small disturbance:-o in the general air flow. CONCLUSION
Waved or rippled detail and lenticular-like patches of
cloud are often seen in cirrus systems, and it is likely It is hoped that many important problems of cloud
that orographic disturbances frequently reach the cirrus physics will have been sufficiently indicated in the
levels and trigger the formation of clouds. Whereas paragraphs above. It may be remarked that one class
lenticular clouds consisting largely of droplets remain of problems concerns the microphysics of cloud par-
stationary at the crests of standing waves, similar ticles, and another the macrophysics of the occurrence
clouds containin!! many crystals could survive descent and growth of clouds, and that usually the two are very
in the troughs and continue their growth in ice-super- intimately related, especially at temperatures below
saturated layers. OC. Recently, substantial progress has been made with
The growth of individual ice clouds in deep super- the microphysics, but careful attention must now also
saturated layers may extend over a few hours before be directed to the study of the formation and growth of
general decay sets in, and during this time the clouds clouds in relation to air movements. Here valuable
may be carried hundreds of miles from their birthplace. information may be expected from the researches on
The air may remain supersaturated and the growth be atmospheric dynamics which are being pursued so vigor-
maintained even though the mechanism which lifted ously.
the air bas ceased. Thus, the mere presence of ice REFERENCES
clouds, whose decay is correspondingly protracted, by
1. AANENSEN, C. J. M., "Unusual Condensation Trails."
no means indicates an active condensation mechanism,
Meteor. Mag., 77: 17-18 (1948).
and in this respect they differ from droplet clouds,
2. AusTIN, J. M., "A Noteon Cumulus Growth in a Non-
which evaporate within a few minutes of the cessation saturated Environment." J. 111 eteor. 5: 103-107 (1948).
of the condensation mechanism. Only young ice clouds 3. BYERs, H. IL, and BRAHAM, R. R., JR., "Thunderstorm
accompany active condensation mechanisms; they may Structure and Cireulation." J.Meteor., 5:71-86 (1948).
always be recognised by the presence of cirrocumulus 4. CwrLONG, B. M., "Observations on the Incidence of Super-

cooled W ater in Expansion Chambers and on Cooled 15. RAu, W., "Gefriervorgnge des Wassers bei tiefen Temper-
Solid Surfaces." J. Glacial., 1:53-57 (1947). aturen." Schr. dtsch. Akad. Luftfahrtforsch., 8: 65--84
5. FrNDEISEN, W., "Die kolloidmeteorologischen Vorgnge (1944).
bei der Niederschlagsbildung." Meteor. Z., 55: 121-133 16. REGENER, E., "Versuche iiber die Kondensation und Subli-
(1938). mation des Wasserdampfes bei tiefen Temperaturen."
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splitterbildung an Reifschichten." Meteor. Z., 60: 145- in Prag." Ber. dtsch. Wetterd., U. S.-Zone, Nr. 1, SS. 3-12
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8. FINDEISEN, W., und ScHULZ, G., "Experimentelle Unter- 18. ScHUMACHER, C., "Beobachtungen an einer Altokumulus-
suchungen iiber die atmosphrische Eisteilchenbildung, decke." Z. angew. Meteor., 57: 214-220 (1940).
I." Forsch. ErfahrBer. Reichs. Wetterd., Reihe A, Nr. 27, 19. ScHWERDTFEGER, W., "t!ber die hohen Wolken." Wiss.
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densation of Water Vapour at Temperatures Below 0C." 20. W ALL, E., "Die Eiskeimbildung in Liisungskernen." Meteor.
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phre." Meteor. Z., 57: 357-371 (1940). 22. WEICKMANN, H., "Experimentelle Untersuchungen zur Bil-
11. - - "Beitrag zur Theorie der Tropfen- und Kristallbil- dung von Eis und W asser an Keimen bei tiefen Tempera-
dung in der Atmosphre." Meteor Z., 58: 37-45 (1941). turen." Zent. wiss. Ber. Luftfahrt.forsch., Forsch. Ber. Nr.
12. LuDLAM, F. H., "The Forms of lce-Clouds." Quart. J. R. 1730, Berlin-Adlershof (1942).
meteor. Soc., 74: 39-56 (1948). 23. - - "Formen und Bildung atmosphrische Eiskristalle."
13. METEOROLOGICAL 0FFICE, AIR MINISTRY, LONDON, "Air- Beitr. Phys. frei. Atmos., 28: 12-52 (1945).
frame Icing at Low Temperature." Mem. meteor. Off., 24. - - "Die Eisphase in der Atmosphre." Ber. dtsch. Wetterd.,
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R. meteor. Soc., 75: 15--22 (1949). 273. Ministry of Supply, Sept. 1948.)

Gutenberg University at Mainz

OBSERVATIONAL BASIS or penetrate an interesting cloud, taking along various

The radiosonde epoch, in which-from an aerological special instruments or even an entire laboratory; this
point of view--we are now living, is not favorable to a cannot be done with radiosondes except with tremen-
thermodynamical examination of clouds. The great age dous difficulty. For this reason, airplane ascents and
for thermodynamics and aerology was about twenty or weather reconnaissance flights with meteorologically
twenty-five years ago, when Shaw [37], Stiive [40] well-trained observers furnish invaluable observational
Robitzsch [31, 32], Rossby [33], and others after the~ material. Furthermore, such flights are of indirect value,
[47] computed and used their thermodynamic diagrams because, in the process of observing, striking new prob-
to make a careful examination of each sounding of the lems always occur which are much harder to detect
free atmosphere. Today it is still customary to plot each when one is merely working at one's desk. Observation
ascent on such diagrams, but only in rare cases is there flights will always be necessary for special problems;
a thorough analysis of the stability, the available en- soundings alone will never suffice.
ergy, etc. There are severa] reasons for this:
1. The observational data are incomparably more
numerous. Where formerly one had five ascents a day,
one now has one or two hundred. Therefore, each sound- The basic problem around which the thermodynamic
ing cannot be studied with as much att.ention and care. investigation of clouds must be centered is the moist-
The analysis is made for synoptic purposes in most. adiabatic process. This holds true for stratus as well
cases and is therefore exclusively dynamic in character. as for cumulus clouds. Besides this macrophysical prob-
In consequence of this: lem, there are microphysical processes whose effect is by
2. The information which is transmitted is arranged no means restricted to invisibly small elements. This
to permit a quick, dynamic-synoptic representation, in group of processes will be treated in a later section of
other words, the drawing of isobaric surfaces. In the this article. The classical theory of the moist-adiabatic
German weather service, thermodynamic measures of process has recently been supplemented by various
energy have been calculated and transmitted for every considerations which take into account the influence of
ascent for about ten years. These measures have not the environment of the vertically moving particle. In
been adopted internationally, but their use would fa- this connection the slice method and the concept of
cilitate synoptic-thermodynamic investigations. lateral entrainment may be mentioned here. Further
3. We have reason to assume that the instruments additions to the theory will be required in order to
now in use, the radiosondes as well as the instruments describe fully the basic process of the thermal reaction
designed for use with aircraft, do not represent the of a cloud. Nevertheless, the simpler method still fur-
temperature distribution properly. Twenty years ago, nishes some interesting viewpoints which are worthy
Lautner [19] used sensitive resistance thermometers and of consideration.
foun?, in flying through a subsidence inversion, a dis- The prerequisites for the ideal moist-adiabatic process
contmuous temperature increase upward, in other are (1) the heat of condensation is exchanged so rapidly
words, a really ideal inversion. It is very likely that between condensing water vapor or evaporating water
most inversions have the same form, but that, because and the air that no temperature differences will develop;
of the lag of the instruments, this can never be estab- (2) there is no transfer of heat between the parcel and
lished. In the writer's opinion, an examination of the the environment; and (3) there is no transfer of mass,
tropopause by a trained meteorologica! observer, who either water or air, between the parcel and the environ-
would test it with thermoelements or resistance ther- ment.
mometers, would yield many surprises. Heat Exchange between the Cloud Elements and the
4. The most important obstacle to the successful Air. Findeisen [10] has carried out a numerica! in-
development of cloud physics is related to this problem vestigation of the heat exchange between droplets and
of inadequate instrumentation: The radiosonde fur- the air. He has come to the conclusion that under
nishes only an inflexible, unmodifiable cross section of normal cloud conditions the temperature difference be-
the atmosphere; the observer in an airplane is much tween the air and the droplets is not much greater than
more efficacious for cloud investigations. He can supple- 0.2C. However, for clouds of low density, that is, those
ment the vertical pressure, temperature, and humidity with a very small number of droplets or crystals per
curves by what he sees: the form and character of the unit volume (as in the upper parts of altostratus or
clou?s, vertical stratification, horizontal extent, spatial cirrus), the distances along which heat is transferred
dens1ty, changes in the course of time, etc. He can circle through diffusion or conduction are so large that tem-
perature differences may reach severa! degrees. The
Translated from the original German. vertical movement of the air can then proceed almost

dry-adiabatically, or the parcel may even be cooled by fore become heated. Numerica! values for this process
radiational heat loss (see below, also p. 203). can be found in the article on long-wave radiation in
Heat Conduction in the Interior of the Cloud. Cloud this Compendium. 1 In any case, these processes do not
element~:~ can be heated either by conduction or by penetrate very deeply into the cloud mass; they influ-
radiation. Conduction inside a cloud can be neglected ence only a very thin surface layer, whose thickness can
entirely if the cloud has a homogeneous horizontal be estimated as about 10 m in the case of a cloud with
temperature distribution and a moist-adiabatic or at high water content. Although these processes are char-
least a uniform lapse rate of temperature. It is known acteristic of the surfaces of stratocumulus or cumulus
through the investigations of Peppler [27] that nimbo- clouds, the processes in thin altostratus or cirrus are
stratus clouds frequently have a "laminated" structure, entirely different. Here, the individual heat-radiating
in other words, they are characterized by numerous particles, the ice crystals or water droplets, are so far
small superimposed inversions and isothermal layers. apart from each other that radiation exchange with the
If this observation holds true for a closed nimbostratus environment can take place even through thick cloud
mass and not for the dissolving region to the rear of it layers. The heat loss upward and the heat gain from
(as seen from the ground these two conditions cannot be below therefore take place rather uniformly in the en-
distinguished), then the turbulent heat conduction in tire mass of thin, veil-like clouds. Here, a clear-cut,
the vertical can lead to deviations from the moist-adi- moist-adiabatic process that can be defined thermo-
abatic process in the interior of the cloud. However, dynamically is no longer possible, because the heat
no deviation from a smooth temperature distribution is balance of the cloud is considerably influenced by
to be expected in the interior of a cumulus cloud. radiation. In the lower layers of the troposphere, where
Evaporation and Heat Conduction in the Environ- the clouds have a relatively high water content, the
ment. The edge of the cloud is a mixing zone between rule holds true that the moist-adiabatic process is un-
the cloud itself and the environment, where, no doubt, disturbed by radiation into some distance from the
there are considerable deviations from the ideal moist- cloud's edge. In the same way, other surface processes
adiabatic process as a result of the turbulent heat con- (such as evaporation and "outer" heat conduction on
duction across the horizontal and vertical cloud bound- clouds) cannot have any effect within extensive cloud
aries. Evaporation of the droplets into the neighboring masses or in smaller clouds characterized by large verti-
dry air and the increased water-vapor content of the air cal velocities. Thin and scattered clouds depart even
lead to a loss of heat from the border zones of the cloud, further from the moist-adiabatic process. The effect of
which then become colder than the environment. This radiation upon various cloud types will be treated
process can be of importance on the edges of cumulus below.
clouds and on stratus cloud surfaces which lie under Mixing Processes. It seems to be obvious that an air
inversions. This fact was pointed out by von Bezold parcel which is lifted moist-adiabatically does not un-
[4] and later by Robitzsch. dergo any mixing with the surroundings, and one is
Radiation Processes. The heat transfer by radiation easily inclined to take this for granted. However, there
from and to the cloud is just as important as is heat is no proof of this. In cumulus, the entire cloud mass is
conduction. In general, the clouds absorb only a small not uniformly lifted; the parcels in the upper portion of
part of the sun's radiation. About 50 to 70 per cent of the cloud are retarded, whereas in the lower portion new
the incoming radiation is reflected from the upper cloud masses move up and penetrate the higher layer. It is not
surfaces [14]: most of the remaining 30 to 50 per cent is at all certain in this process that the subsequent parcels
transmitted and only a very small portion is absorbed. from below move along the same moist-adiabatics. Prob-
This absoq)tion is unimportant in comparison with the ably, their equivalent potential temperature is higher,
other thermal processes. However, it is the only process and the mixing of the masses disturbs the thermody-
which shows only a minor decrease from the edge to the namiCs.
interior of the cloud; although insignificant, the ab- Furthermore, it must be considered that the require-
sorption is rather uniformly distributed throughout the ment of the absence of mixing also concerns the liquid
entire cloud mass [1]. and the solid constituents of a cloud. In the normal
The long-wave radiation, however, acts in an en- pseudo-adiabatic process we assume that all liquid
tirely different way. The surface of a cloud can be con- water drops out as soon as it is produced. This, however,
sidered as a black body for the wave-length region from would mean a loss of mass; the ejected mass of liquid
4 to 100 f.L Even very thin layers of water vapor and water takes its part of the entropy with it, that is, the
carbon dioxide in the surrounding air absorb almost process is no longer isentropic. Similarly, one must also
totally at most of thes.e wave lengths; however, between consider that in a precipitating cloud the crystals and
8 and 13 f.L, even very thick air layers with an abundance the growing water droplets are falling relative to the
of water vapor and carbon dioxide have almost no ab- air in the cloud. Relatively speaking, they thus enter
sorption. Therefore, the clouds can produce strong the individual ascending parcels of moist air from
surface emissions in this spectral range and Iose much above, collect some cloud droplets, and then leave the
heat. On the undersurface of the cloud layer where the air parcel. AU in ali, the process is by no means isen-
radiation of droplets is opposed by that of the usually tropic.
warmer earth's surface acting as a black body, the 1. Consult "Long-Wave Radiation" by F. Miiller, pp. 34-
clouds receive more heat than they radiate and there- 44.

THE MOIST-ADIABATIC PROCESSES thermal equilibrium with the dry air underneath it;
Ascending Motions. Despite the influence of the it is therefore neither heavier nor lighter than the latter.
processes just mentioned, the classical theory of the Through a renewed swelling of neighboring cumulus
moist-adiabatic stiU represents the basic process upon tops, the anvil is quite often forced to descend, particu-
which all refinements must be made. The fundamental larly in the rear of the thunderstorm. The layers of dry
concept has been checked by Schnaidt [36] and Bleeker air below the anvil, and the cloud's air, are descending
[6] in careful theoretical investigations. Schnaidt no simultaneously, the former dry-adiabatically, the latter
longer distinguishes between the obsolete rain, snow, moist-adiabatically. Therefore, a temperature discon-
and hail stages. He defines, according to Dinkelacker's tinuity develops, with cold air above warm air, in other
suggestion [9], (1) the cloud-adiabatic, in which all words, a region of instability with an almost horizontal
condensed water is retained in the ascending mass and boundary surface. The mammatus pouches form either
is carried along, (2) the general pseudo-adiabatic, in through horizontal differences of temperature or water
which part of the water drops out, and part is carried content or through dynamic perturbations of the bound-
along, and (3) the special pseudo-adiabatic, in which ary surface. As they penetrate deeper into the dry air
all the water drops out. All three stages can take place underneath, they become increasingly colder than their
with condensation or sublimation. The first and third environment. l:nder certain conditions they can even
processes do not occur in nature. The normal process is detach themselves from the upper anvil clouds. Similar
the second one which, however, cannot be theoretically extended layers of altostratus mammatus are frequently
evaluated, since no numerical estimate can be made of observed on the north side of low-pressure areas (in
the amount of precipitation elements which drop out or central Europe, for instance, to the west of Vb-lows
are carried along. The temperature curve for the three which are moving from south to north), where the
cases is different. For the same pressure decrease, the warm air masses have ascended above the lower air
temperature decrease is smaller for the cloud-adiabatic and where divergence in the horizontal flow may cause
than for the pseudo-adiabatic. The case which can be a subsidence of the entire stratified mass of air.
handled most easily from a numerical standpoint does
not permit a physical interpretation: In the pertinent EXTENSION OF THE THEORY OF CONVECTIVE
equation, the specific heat of the mixture of air, water, CLOUDS
and water vapor contains a term cA1 (where c is the In the last decade, two fundamentallines of investiga-
specific heat of the water, and M is the entire content of tion have been followed with the purpose of widening
water plus water vapor); this term is set equal to zero. the theory of the dynamics of convective clouds. On the
The resulting equation can be integrated as a whole one hand, we have the theories of Bjerknes [5] and
and is the hasis for the diagrams of Rossby and Shaw; Petterssen [28] dealing with the descent and dynamic
however, the trend of the curve yields a stiU more rapid heating of the air masses surrounding cumulus clouds;
temperature decrease with decreasing pressure than do on the other hand, we have investigations into the en-
the cloud- and pseudo-adiabatics .. Dinkelacker has trainment of the surrounding air in the rising movement
called this the "main-adiabatic." Distinguishing these of cumulus, an approach developed particularly by
cases and their computation should not be considered Austin [2]. Both ideas may be based on the observation
mathematical sophistry; the selection of the proper that an indication of marked "moist-instability" from
adiabatic as the hasis for a graphical determination of the sounding is not always accompanied by a strong for-
instability criteria or for the precise computation of mation of convective clouds. On the contrary, even with
the lateral entrainment can become very important. large tempera ture lapse rates convection is often missing
Descending Motions. It must be noted that the or only very feebly developed. Both theories, therefore,
moist-adiabatic is also being followed by air parcels lead to a higher instability lapse rate than does the
that contain liquid water and ha ve a vertical, descend- parcel method.
ing motion [26]. One example of this process is the The Slice Method. The simple theory of moist-
descending motion which the falling precipitation es- adiabatic change does not take into account the fact
tablishes below a thundercloud. As the air descends that an ascending air parcel is surrounded by air which
moist-adiabatically to the ground, it loses part of its must descend in order to preserve continuity of mass.
charge of water droplets by evaporation; the tempera- This becomes quite clear when we consider that the
ture difference between this air and the dry-adiabati- exact theory does not describe the temperature change
cally stratified air surrounding the thunderstorm be- with respect to height, but with respect to pressure;
comes increasingly negative toward the ground. The in other words, it may also hold true for air in the
instability thus released is, to a large extent, responsible chamber of an air pump. Actually, the descending air
for the kinetic energy of the squall that is, so to speak, masses in the environment of a conveetive cloud are
squeezed out from the region of falling precipitation. warmed so that the temperature excess, which the as-
Suckstorff [41, 42] has studied these processes very cending air will take on because of the released heat of
thoroughly. condensation, becomes smaller. This decrease in tem-
Wagner [43], in a careful study, has recently drawn perature difference is insignificant because the tem-
attention to a second phenomenon, the formation of perature excess is so large when the ascending cloud
mammatus clouds. If the top of a thundercloud takes columns are small, and a slow descent takes place over
the form of an anvil, then this part of the cloud air is in the large spaces between the columns. However, the

temperature excess becomes considerably smaller with however, the consideration of a resultant upward com-
an increase in the downward displacement of air or an ponent (in other words, the prevalence of ascending
increase in the quotient M'/M where the ascending masses M' over the descending masses M) leads, in
and descending masses of air are M' and M, respec- turn, to an increase in the instability lapse rate, so that
tively. These ideas of Bjerknes and Petterssen have the parcel method yields a more accurate measure than
already been adopted in a number of textbooks, there- does the slice method.
fore a detailed derivation is unnecessary here. It ought A further point should be taken into account when
to be borne in mind, however, that the smaller the considering an isolated convective cloud. In the deriva-
quotient M' /M, the more valid are the instability tion of the slice method, the assumption must be made
criteria of the parcel method according to Shaw, Nor- that a cloud tower has already penetrated the whole
mand, or Stiive. Furthermore, in this case the "moist- layer, and that the ascent and descent of the air masses
instability" is much greater with the same lapse rates, take place uniformly throughout the entire layer. How-
and a much smaller lapse rate in the surrounding air can ever, a growing cumulus cloud pierces vertically into
still be considered as an unstable stratification. As the the layer, so that the downward displacement and beat-
ratio M'/M becomes larger, it becomes increasingly im- ing of the air around the intruding head are relatively
perative to take into account Petterssen's slice method, slight, while around the lower portions of the cloud
:~ince the energy associated with the instability, which these processes are intensified. The parcel method is
is decisive for the possible vertical velocities, becomes therefore more applicable to the conditions at the cloud
so much smaller, and a greater lapse rate corresponds to top than to the conditions in the cloud column beneath.
neutral equilibrium. Perhaps this effect is the explanation of the detachment
Petterssen and collaborators [29] have been able to frequently observed in rapidly developing castellatus
demonstrate the usefulness of the slice method by an towers which ascend without a supply of air from below
excellent statistica} investigation; according to this new -much in the manner of free balloons.
method the maximum possible height of convective The slice method makes the following particularly
clouds is much smaller than it is according to the parcel valuable contribution: When the ascending and de-
method. In fact, the heights attained by the tops of scending particles are subject to the same changes of
cumulus clouds have been found to be in good agree- state, it predicts a released energy of instability that
ment with the heights predicted by the slice method. is significantly larger than would be indicated by the
The parcel method yields no clues concerning the parcel method. This is the case in the dry convection
amount of cloudiness, whereas the slice method pro- below the condensation level, the violence of which can
vides some information which corresponds to the actual thus be explained. It is likewise true for the rapidly
cloudiness, although the correspondence displays con- ascending masses in the interior of a cumulonimbus
siderable scattering. Nevertheless, it should not be which give rise to vertical squalls. The theory of the
overlooked that in other respects the parcel method formation of waterspouts and tornadoes (for which
yields useful information. For instance, it answers ques- Koschmieder [17] considered the unstable spouting up
tions such as how high the condensation level is, and of cloud particles within the cumulonimbus to be neces-
whether or not cumulus clouds are to be expected at ali. sary) thus finds a welcome support. The difference be-
However, the degree of instability is less important tween the two types of instability can be seen directly
here than is the stability of the stratification which has from cloud observations. In time-lapse motion pictures,
to be overcome initially. taken by Miigge [24], one can recognize that the growth
Here, too, there seems to be a minor defect in the of cumulonimbus does not occur in the form of a sym-
slice method. In establishing the criteria, it is assumed metrical and uniform ascent. A cloud tower shoots up
that the mass of air ascending per unit time equals the quickly and calms down; immediately a second one
descending mass of air. This means that on the average shoots up by its side, partly piercing the old one which,
no vertical component of motion will result over a in turn, descends and may evaporate in its thinner por-
sufficiently large horizontal area. It has already been tions. The vertical motion of the new tower ceases only
proved, through the valuable investigations of Calwa- when it has reached the height of the top of the old
gen [7], that the most favorable condition for the oc- tower and finally comes to rest, whereupon another
currence of local summer showers is the existence of an tower builds up. This rapid ascent and quick succession
old front, believed dissipated, which sometimes will be of the individual protuberances (which has also been
steered back into the region under observation. Such demonstrated in the Thunderstorm Project) is caused
old fronts are simply minor convergence zones in the by moist-adiabatic ascent within an environment that
horizontal air flow; their presence requires the simul- descends moist-adiabatically. The slow lifting of the
taneous existence of weak vertical motion over the given top levels of the entire multiple cloud structure mani-
region according to the continuity of mass. Petterssen fests the restricted energy of moist-adiabatic ascents in
[29] implicitly comes to the same conclusion when he a dry environment.
shows that 50 per cent of the cases of weak convection The Lateral Entrainment of Air. A second and older
are coupled with cyclonic curvature or wind shear, assumption by Calwagen [7] would indicate that cumu-
whereas this holds true in 85-95 per cent of the cases of lus convection becomes more difficult when the air to be
stronger convection. This, however, means conver- penetrated is particularly dry. The synoptic investiga-
gence, although it may be only weakly developed. Then, tor who is familiar with this explains it as the result of

subsidence causing the dry air and the divergence of Furthermore, it depends on the viscosity and heat con-
the horizontal flow. The statistics of Petterssen and his ductivity of the air (thus on the austausch coefficient)
collaborators, mentioned above, also confirm this. It is, and, finally, on the horizontal dimensions of the vari-
therefore, surprising to note that, according to the most ous convection cells. The theoretical concepts of cellu-
recent investigations, this hindrance to convection is lar convection, which have been successfully applied to
explained by a lateral entrainment of dry air masses in the explanation of stratocumulus and altocumulus
the ascending cloud. This theory is already well de- structure [21, 44], must then also be valid for cumulus
veloped [2] and is treated in a separate article in this humilis [45]. A complicated picture would result: The
Compendium. 2 However, neither the ordinary observa- laws of cellular convection apply to the distribution of
tions of a cumulus cloud nor the processes visible in clouds, the parcel method is applicable to the con-
time-lapse motion pictures lead to the conclusion that a densation level, and the slice method applies to the
cumulus cloud is fed in any other way than by the en- vertical extent of the clouds. In fact, clouds of vertical
trance of air masses through its base. Indeed the cauli- development are formed in layers characterized by uni-
flower-like forms of cumulus have been considered as form convection, because Petterssen and his collabora-
proof that no mixing with the surrounding air takes tors [29] found that in a region of cumulus the vertical
place. At best, only the barrier layers that are pierced wind shear and shift are particularly small while di-
by cumulonimbus clouds and surround the cloud towers rectly above the summit of a cumulus cloud the wind
like collars as, for example, a wreath of stratocumulus shear is four times larger than at lower levels. This fact
cumulogenitus, can be considered as locations of sub- seems to justify the use of the cellular method. How-
stantial feeding of the cloud by lateral entrainment. ever, as is quite often the case in meteorology, it is
This takes place only at discrete heights, and not con- problematic whether the small wind shear is the cause
tinuously at all heights. of cumulus formation, or whether, inversely, the exist-
Theoretical computations based on observational ma- ence of strong convective mixing is responsible for the
terial show the lateral supply of mass and the liquid absence of a large variation of wind with height.
water content as a function of height. The second Radiational lnfl.uences on Certain Cloud Forms. The
quantity, which can be measured from an airplane, influence of long-wave radiation upon cloud surfaces
should serve as a criterion for testing this theory [39]. has already been mentioned above. This influence is
However, another point must also be considered: The most important for stratocumulus and altocumulus. As
theory has taken into account only the parcel method of a consequence of the heat supplied at the cloud base
the moist-adiabatic and has supplemented it by the and the heat lost at the top, parcels of air in the lower
consideration of the lateral entrainment. This leads to portion of the cloud are heated, evaporate their liquid
a temperature lapse rate within the cloud which is water, and rise, while particles near the top cool and
greater than the moist-adiabatic and which approaches descend. Thus the heating and cooling establishes an
the dry-adiabatic. We come to the result already pre- internally driven convection cell [22], which, according
sented above by the slice method of convection. Per- to Benard, operates in conjunction with the cellular
haps a combination of the two methods would lead to convection to break up the cloud layers into individual
different ideas about lateral entrainment in cumulus globules. This interna! convection transports heat from
clouds. However, a simultaneous test of the two theories the bottom to the top of the cloud; for this reason,
would require a very extensive observational program. Raethjen has called stratocumulus clouds "the ther-
Cellular Convection. Perhaps an entirely different modynamic singularity in the vertical flux of radia-
method of studying the instability conditions of cumu- tion" [30].
lus humilis may be necessary. The time-lapse motion In the tropics, the effect of radiation on high cloud
pictures by Mugge [24] mentioned above indicate that a layers (when there are no low or middle clouds below)
cumulus humilis is not a single swelling structure. The becomes so great that above approximately 14 km
individual parts of a cumulus are in constant motion. clouds can no longer exist. Even a broken cloud cover
In the vertical wind shear the cloud mass, which appears would receive so much energy from the warm surface
calm to the eye, is, in fact, rolling; condensing cloud of the earth that it would be subject to evaporation and
masses ascend continuously in the rear, pass the summit dissolution in a short time [23]. The fact that the upper
of the cumulus, and then dissolve while descending in limit of cirrus clouds in the tropics is found 3-4 km
front. The cumulus is not to be considered as the top below the tropopause can probably be explained by
cover of a chimney of ascending warm air, but rather as this process alone.
the upper portion of a rolling ball or cylinder. If this The effect of radiation on thunderclouds has not been
picture is correct, then the laws of cellular convection so clearly determined. The summit of a high-towered
[20] must control the formation of such convective cumulonimbus loses much heat by radiation. In day-
structures [38]. In this case, the existence of convection time this cooling is probably cancelled in part by radia-
currents or cells depends not only on the lapse rate's tion from the sun, but toward evening or during the
exceeding a certain value, but also on the vertical thick- night the emission from the cloud tops prevails. It is
ness of the layer in which the convection takes place. possible that because of this emission a kind of cold
convection from above will be initiated in the remnants
2. Consult "Cumulus Convection and Entrainment" by of thunderclouds, which might lead to a revival of
J. M. Austin, pp. 694-701. earlier thunderstorm activity in the late evening or

during the night. In addition to this process there may the relative humidity in the immediate vicinity of the
be still other causes for the formation of the nocturnal ascending cloud tower cannot be very low, and the
thunderstorm maximum. evaporation as well as the resultant cooling will there-
It is much more difficult to try to explain in this fore be insignificant.
manner the nocturnal shower maximum over the Stil! less significant is the evaporation over the dome
oceans. In this case, no thunderclouds that could be of an ascending cumulus cloud, for here the surround-
reactivated are left over from the daytime. On the ing air is strongly lifted, and its relative humidity is
contrary, synoptic investigations and weather-recon- increased. This can even lead to the well-known phe-
naissance f!ights made during W orld W ar II revealed nomenon of caps (pileus) which stay for a short while
that, during the day, there were no clouds over the over the swelling cumulus head separated from it by
ocean, whereas at night the region was densely covered a thin, cloud-free region, until fusion takes place. How-
with severe thunderstorms. This condition recurred for ever, there may be a positive temperature difference
severa! days in succession. The synoptic situation, that between the moist-adiabatically ascending cloud top
is, the presence of a cold air dome, was favorable for and the dry-adiabatically lifted air above it, a differ-
convective clouds in these cases, but the initiation of ence which favors evaporation. This, however, is op-
the cloud formation is hardly attributable to long- posed to the results of Petterssen and his collaborators
wave radiation. One is much more inclined to ascribe [29] concerning the heights of cumulus tops. These
it to a remnant of the diurnal temperature variation heights are given approximately by the height at which
which, over the thermally passive ocean surface, would the moist-adiabatic lapse rate becomes equal to the
produce a diurnal instability variation that is opposite vertical temperature gradient of the surrounding air.
to that observed over the thermally active surface of Therefore, no large tempera ture differences and, in turn,
the continent. no significant evaporation can be expected. On a non-
swelling cloud, these temperature differences would be
THERMAL PROCESSES ON CLOUD ELEMENTS equalized by austausch processes or even reversed by
The cloud elements are the actual vehicles of thermal radiation.
changes. As the droplets or crystals fall in the gravita- Condensation and Sublimation on Cloud Elements.
tional field or mix with neighboring air parcels contain- The opposite process, the condensation of water vapor
ing a different concentration of cloud elements, they on cloud elements that fall from their original air vol-
do not remain in the volume of air in which they ume, occurs everywhere in the cloud. However, until
formed. Thus, they are no longer in equilibrium with now, this process has been given little attention in
their environment; evaporation will occur if the new theoretical studies of the structure of clouds and the
environment is drier, condensation if the environment is lapse rate within them. According to the computation
supersaturated; likewise, freezing or melting of the by Findeisen [11], condensation contributes very little
cloud elements may take place. to the formation of precipitation, particularly in com-
Evaporation of Cloud Droplets. Evaporation of cloud parison with the essentially much more effective "chain
elements takes place on the surface of clouds. It has reaction" process of Langmuir's theory [18]; neverthe-
already been pointed out in the papers by von Bezold less, it cannot be neglected in the thermodynamics of
[4] and !ater by Robitzsch that the lower temperatures clouds. Condensation can only occur when the falling
which are frequently observed when flying into cumulus cloud elements are colder than their new environment.
clouds [16] may be caused by evaporation of cloud drop- This causes the saturated water vapor to become super-
lets into the drier environment. This process was studied saturated with respect to the cooler droplets. The
quantitatively by Findeisen [12], who found that cloud amount of this supersaturation and its dependence on
droplets in an environment of 90 per cent relative hu- the temperature difference has been given, for example,
midity have a lifetime of only 272 seconds before they by Harrison [15]. The temperature difference itself,
evaporate. The conditions for evaporation seem to be however, depends on the beat transfer between the air
especially favorable at the edges of cumulus clouds. In and the falling water droplets; this transfer is, in turn,
the strong wind shear that exists between the ascending inf!uenced by the condensation process. It is probably
cloud and the descending environment, violent turbu- for this reason that condensation is rather ineffective
lence and mixing of cloud air with the environment takes in the growth of cloud elements.
place. It has been observed quite frequently from gliders The sublimation of water vapor on ice crystals or
and airplanes that the turbulence is much stronger in small graupel pellets is much more intense, since cloud
the peripheral than in the interior parts of the cloud. air which is saturated with respect to water is con-
However, photographic measurements of the ascending siderably supersaturated with respect to the falling
velocity of cumulus clouds [35] seem to show that the solid partide, depending on the temperature. In this
ascending motion in the outer portions is only slightly case, the supersaturation is so great that the difference
retarded, and that the air directly adjacent to the cloud in temperature of the crystals with respect to their
is also lifted. The sinking occurs only some distance surroundings can be neglected. The thermal reactions
away from the cloud. The model proposed by Christians have been discussed by Harrison [15]. The downward
[8] concerning motion in cumulus clouds and compari- increase of the fali velocity and diameter of the droplets
son with the hydrodynamic jet stream according to and the increase in vapor content of the air cause more
Schmidt [34] support this assumption. Then, however, heat of condensation or sublimation tobe released in the

lower parts of the clouds than in the higher parts. For stability in each subsequent tower which enables it to
the numerica} computation of these processes on falling ascend higher than the preceding one. Also noteworthy
snow crystals it would be valuable to consider the in- is the interaction between the upper glaciated part of a
vestigations of W all [46] and the indices of crystal nimbostratus cloud, which effects the seeding, and the
growth introduced by him. The greater heat release in lower part, which contains a large supply of liquid
the lower cloud portions increases the vertical tempera- water [25]. A separation of the two cloud parts from
ture gradient and augments the instability in all clouds each other may, under certain conditions, occur at
which already contain falling particles of precipitation. mountain barriers when the lower current (and thus the
N ow, the slice method shows that when air ascends or cloud) is held back, while the upper current passes over
descends moist-adiabatically within the cloud, the re- the top of the mountain (Bergeron [3]). This can also
leased instabilities and vertical motions are considerably happen with warm fronts, where the rain areas will be
larger than would be expected according to the parcel either very narrow or very wide, depending on the vari-
method. Therefore, these comparatively minor amounts ation of wind with height.
of released heat have a certain importance for the ther- Melting Processes. Somewhat more complicated
modynamics and mechanics of the cumulonimbus as processes exist in or directly below the freezing level.
well as for the upgliding nimbostratus. A numerica! If the cloud reaches below this level, melting of the
calculation of all these processes would be very de- falling ice particles will not immediately occur, but
sirable. rather, intensified condensation and sublimation will
Droplet Accretion and Graupel Formation. A quanti- take place. Thus, the instability will spread below the
tative evaluation of the thermal effects of accretion of freezing level. Onlyatsome lower level will the melting of
small cloud droplets on falling ice crystals and hail the falling ice affect the thermal processes. This melting
grains has not been made. Only the accretion on falling will consume so much heat that the air is considerably
rain droplets has been computed in the theory of cooled and its temperature kept constant at OC. In this
"chain reaction" processes in convective clouds by layer an isothermallapse rate and thus marked stability
Langmuir [18]. We will not go into any further details will develop. This isothermalcy has nothing to do with
here. However, the thermal consequences will be the hail stage of the old classification of the moist-
stressed again. It is evident that the heat of condensa- adiabatic processes (rain, hail, and snow stages), for
tion does not play a role in this accretion. In the forma- here we do not deal with temperature changes of an
tion of precipitation, accretion on falling droplets is individual quantity of moist air moving either upward
more important than condensation, but it is of no sig- or downward vertically, but with air that can remain
nificance in the thermal processes. This is similarly true at rest while precipitation falls through it. A strong in-
of the accretion of supercooled droplets on ice crystals stability will develop below this stable layer if the lapse
(formation of graupel). In this process only the heat of rate was previously adiabatic or less. Findeisen [13] has
fusion is released, whereas the amount of heat released called attention to this instability and has shown that
in the sublimation of water vapor on ice crystals is 87-2 it frequently causes the formation of scud clouds below
times greater per unit mass. The accreted masses, how- the rain cloud proper. At this level, there are squalls
ever, are considerably larger in the process of graupel and strong vertical turbulence, which permit formation
formation than in sublimation or the formation of rime; only of fractocumulus clouds, but not of a closed cloud
therefore the quantities of heat involved may be com- layer [15].
parable. Here, too, the effects of the growth and the
increasing fali velocity of the droplets, etc., are such that PROBLEMS FOR FUTURE RESEARCH
larger amounts of the heat of fusion are released in the The discussion in this article has been presented with
lower portions of the cloud, thus causing an additional the principal idea that, fundamentally, we are con-
instability [15]. cerned with disturbances or modifications of the simple
This becomes particularly important for the inter- moist-adiabatic process. It should be the aim of further
mittent formation of a thundercloud. It has already scientific investigations to combine all the separate
been emphasized that a cumulonimbus does not form stones of our mosaic into a coherent picture of the heat
ali at once, but that only one cloud tower at a time balance of the clouds, in particular, (1) the heat bal-
builds upward, spreads to an anvil (incus), glaciates, ance of clouds in general, (2) the heat balance of the
and stops growing; immediately following and quite individual types of clouds, and (3) the role of the indi-
close to the old tower, a new one rises. At first this con- vidual cloud types in the heat balance of the entire
tains only supercooled droplets, but soon it mushrooms atmosphere.
into the existing anvil consisting of ice crystals, thus REFERENCES
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Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan

When pure liquid water suspended in the air is It is often observed on cold winter mornings after a
.)Ooled, it keeps the liquid state till about -35C. calin, clear night. Crystalline frosts are frequently ob-
Liquid water at temperatures below the freezing point served also on the walls of snow cavities. Cup crystals
is called supercooled water. The supercooled water is and feather-like forms are typical of these crystals.
transformed spontaneously into ice at about -35C. They are called depth hoar. Detailed descriptions of
The rate of freezing is determined by the rate at which these surface and depth hoars have been given by
the latent heat liberated by freezing is removed. In the Seligman [13, pp. 46-77].
case of freezing of the water supercooled to s degrees The crystalline frosts can be classified into five forms:
centigrade, s/80 parts of the volume are transformed (1) needle, (2) feather-like, (3) plate, (4) cup, and (5)
instantaneously into ice at the moment when freezing dendritic. From the crystallographic point of view,
starts, because the latent heat liberated is 80 cal g-1 each of these frost crystals has its corresponding type
The whole system, s/80 parts of ice plus (1- s/80) parts in the crystals of snow.
of water, is warmed up to OC, and the speed of later 1. N eedle form. This crystal often grows out from a
freezing is a function of the rate of removal of the wall of snow in the form of needles 0.2-0.5 mm in
latent heat liberated by the subsequent freezing. diameter and about 1 cm in length. Microscopic ex-
Altberg [1] studied the freezing of the rapids in Siberia, amination shows that it is an assemblage of parallel
and found that most of them are supercooled to the hexagonal columns. It corresponds to the columnar
order of -0.05C just before freezing commences. crystal of snow.
The freezing of still water in nature starts from the 2. Feather-like form. This type is frequently ob-
surface, as the maximum density of water is at 4C. served. Sometimes it develops to 5-6 cm in length.
X-ray studies show that the thin ice plate obtained at Under a microscope it is seen tobe composed of small
the surface of still water is a single crystal, the orienta- hexagonal columns, some columns being attached at
tion being such that the principal axis is perpendicular right angles to the sides of others. The corresponding
to the water surface. Under favorable conditions very snow crystal is also known.
large single crystals are obtained in lake ice. McConnel 3. Plate crystal. This type is sometimes observed
[10] observed single crystals as large as about one foot hanging down from the snow ceiling of a cavity and
in diameter at Lake Davos. also growing out in the air from an exposed object such
In the case of water in turbulent flow or in a re- as the wall of a wooden box. The form and structure
frigerated vessel, crystallization starts at numerous are quite similar to those of one branch of the snow
points in the water and the crystals develop in random crystal called sector form.
directions. The bulk ice thus obtained is composed of a 4. Cup crystal. When completely developed this type
mosaic of ice crystals oriented at random. Thus ordi- takes the shape of a whisky glass of hexagonal form.
nary ice has a microcrystalline structure and is not a But usually one side is not completed and appears to
crystal in the usual meaning of the word. be rolled up. This is the most common type of depth
Single crystals of ice are obtained in the most beauti- hoar. The corresponding snow crystal is very rarely
ful and complicated manner by the sublimation of observed.
water vapor. In nature they are observed as crystalline 5. Dendritic crystal. Dendritic crystals are often ob-
frost, window hoar, and snow crystals. In this article served, in addition to the surface hoar, among the
the descriptions are confined to the ice crystals obtained crystalline frosts developed on the branches of trees
by the sublimation of water vapor, with special empha- when the weather is calm and the tempera ture is low.
sis on the snow crystal. This type corresponds to the fern-like crystal of snow,
the only difference being that snow lacks the minute
THE FORMATION OF ICE CRYSTALS BY interna! structure resulting from sublimation. When
SUBLIMATION the temperature is very low, it is sometimes possible
Crystalline Frost. It is well known that frost has to observe a remarkable frost crystal that is very
two structural forms: amorphous and crystalline. similar both in form and in structure to one branch of
Amorphous frost is produced when the temperature is a hexagonal crystal of snow.
only slightly below OC, or by the deposition of super- The correspondence of the habits of snow and frost
cooled water droplets. Crystalline frost is formed at crystals makes it possible to infer the conditions for the
lower temperatures by the condensation of water vapor formation of various types of snow crystals. Before,the
by sublimation on a solid body. The solid body may be artificial production of snow crystals, this was the only
a particle of ground snow or other substance. The way to study the mechanism of snow-crystal formation.
crystalline frost produced on a new snow surface usually Window Frost. On crisp winter mornings, in northern
develops in a fern-like shape and is called surface hoar. countries, various crystals of ice are observed on the

window panes of houses. These ice flowers are of two numerous infinitesimal droplets condense on thesurface,
kinds: window frost and window ice. The former is a and the glass plate takes on a blurred appearance.
product of the sublimation or freezing of minute super- After a little while, many germs 1 of hoar crystals
cooled droplets; the latter results from the freezing of a appear at diverse points and begin to grow. As soon as
water film. Window ice is likely to be formed in a kitchen growth starts, the blurred surface around the crystal
or bathroom, where the moisture is abundant and the begins to clear, that is, the minute droplets in that
indoor temperature is just below freezing. The excessive region evaporate. The vapor pressure of supercooled
water vapor condenses on the pane as a thin water water is higher than that of ice at the same temperature,
film, and the mosaic of ice crystals obtained by the so the water is evaporated from the droplets and con-
freezing of this thin film gives window ice. denses on the hoar crystal,resulting in the growth of the
Window frost is quite different from window ice in latter at the expense of the former. The process is

Fw . 1-Detached hoar crystals and FIG. 2.-Growth of hoar crystals Fra . 3.-Relaying of freezing action in
sheet frost (X0.73). (X90). sheet frost (X210).


Fra. 4.-Hoar crystal formed on a glass Fra. 5.-Three stages of a hoar crystal developed on a glass plate covered
plate covered by an alcohol film (X30). with paraf!in film.

its appearance. The most familiar type is shown in shown remarkably well by slow-motion pictures, one
Fig. 1. It must be again classified into two kinds: the frame of which is reproduced in Fig. 2.
detached hoar crystal H and the sheet frost S in Fig. 1. When water droplets are frozen into iee granules
The hoar crystal is a product of sublimation, and is without evaporating, they form sheet frost . Supercooled
formed by a mechanism similar to that which produces water itself does not freeze easily, but once it touches
the snow crystals. The sheet frost, which always ex- ice, it becomes solid almost instantaneously. Thus, if
tends over some area of the glass pane, is a two-di- one of the series of droplets freezes for some reason or
mensional assemblage of minute ice granules that are other, the action is relayed to ali the rest of the droplets,
formed by the freezing of supercooled droplets scattered which also freeze. This relaying action ean be seen
over the pane. under a microscope of high magnification. From one
The mechanism responsible for the formation of hoar frozen droplet, a thin streamer of ice extends, and the
crystals can readily be studied by observing the initial moment it touches t.he next droplet, the one thus
stage of artificial hoar formation. Experiments have
been performed in a cold chamber laboratory. Several 1. The term "germ" is used in this article to designate the
minutes after exposing the plate to supersaturated air, primitive ice crystal.

touched freezes, while the streamer disappears; the varieties are also observable among the germs. The
behavior of this streamer which relays the freezing latter are usually very tiny, being a few hundredths of
action is beautifully demonstrated by slow-motion pic- a millimeter in dimension. The well-known experiments
tures, one frame of which is shown in Fig. 3. This on el oud modification by I. Langmuir and V. J. Schaefer
frame shows the instant when the droplet marked A are those of transforming the supercooled cloud drop-
becomes frozen by a streamer from the already frozen lets into the germs. The nature of germs and the condi-
droplet B. tions for their formation will be found in the article by
There are innumerable variations in the shape of Schaefer. 2 In this article the description is confined to
window hoars observable in nature, for example, spiral the snow crystal proper, which henceforth is simply
patterns, odd arabesque designs, snow-like forms, etc. called the snow crystal.
The ordinary glass plate is always covered with an in- Dobrowolski's book [5] is the most comprehensive
visible film of some organic substance. It is found that study of snow crystals thus far published. The book by
the combination of the effect of this invisible film and Bentley and Humphreys [3] is famous for the vast
the atomic nature of ice gives rise to the variation collection of over three thousand photomicrographs of
observed in the patterns. When the glass surface is snow crystals. The crystal appears quite different if
chemically clean, crystallization takes place very slowly. the mode of illumination is changed. Transmitted light
Even when the crystallization is almost complete, the is usually used. Photography using transmitted light
hoar crystal is very thin and greatly distorted. The is advantageous in obtaining a clear picture of the
effect of an adsorbed film is very well demonstrated by boundary and internal structure of the crystal. How-
exposing the glass plate to alcohol vapor for a short ever, ordinary transmitted light does not show clearly
time, so that the surface is covered with an invisible the topography of the surface. An illumination by
film of alcohol molecules. Alcohol has a strong affinity refiected light increases the beauty of the photograph,
with water, and the growth of the ice crystal may be outlining the white image clearly against the dark
expected to suffer a marked deformation. The results background, but the delicate structure inside the crystal
of such an experiment are as might be expected. One is not revealed. Recently M. Hanajima improved the
example is shown in Fig. 4. technique of photomicrography to a remarkable extent
The opposite effect can be observed on a glass plate by using oblique illumination. He succeeded in taking
covered with a thin, invisible film of paraffin wax. photomicrographs showing both the internal structure
Since the water is repelled by the paraffin film, crystal- and the slight ruggedness of the crystal surface. The
lization must be free from the effect of the surface. The method is shown in Fig. 6.
glass plate is well cleaned and desiccated, and then ex-

posed to paraffin vapor by being kept in a horizontal OF LARGE APERTURE PLATE
position 5 cm above the surface of molten (not boiling)
paraffin wax. Under favorable conditions hoar crystals
very much like snow crystals can be obtained on the
plate. The best example is seen in Fig. 5. The three
~~;::::;;~::-:-::+1~-l=}.*:-~-~-~--~M~-~ ~-~00~~~~
stages of development of a hoar crystal thus obtained HEAT RAY OBJECTIVE OF
are shown. It is apparent that the window hoar crystal FILTER LOW MAGNIFICATION

also develops hexagonal symmetry if the effect of the FrG. 6.-Method for taking photomicrographs of snow crystals
(after M. Hanajima).
base surface is eliminated.
Snow Crystals. The snow crystal is a solid product of Snow crystals of various types photographed by this
precipitation formed in the atmosphere by sublimation method of illumination are illustrated in Figs. 7-14.
of water vapor on minute solid nuclei. The symmetry of
a snow crystal is due to its free development in a sus- CLASSIFICATION OF SNOW CRYSTALS
pended state in air. The theory of crystal lattices can Principles of Classification of Snow Crystals. The
explain the symmetry of the angle between the faces, famous astronomer Kepler was reputedly the first to
but it cannot touch upon the question of the symmetry point out the hexagonal symmetry of snow crystals.
of the macroscopic form of a crystal. The extraordinarily Descartes [4, p. 298] left the first scientific record of
symmetrical pattern, sometimes observable in the snow crystals. He made observations of snow crystals
hexagonal plane crystals of snow, is favored by the in 1635 at Amsterdam. Hooke, the discoverer of plant
rotational motion around the vertical axis, while it is cells, gave the first sketches of snow and frost crystals
falling in a nearly horizontal position according to observed through a microscope in his ]}ficrographia.
hydrodynamic theory. Hellmann [9, p. 37] in Berlin and N ordenskjold [12] in
The formation of a snow crystal is best classified as Stockholm independently classified snow crystals into
taking place in two stages: ( 1) the formation of the germ three kinds: planar, columnar, and a combination of the
or initial stage of the crystal, and (2) its subsequent two. The basic idea of this system is retained in the
growth into a snow crystal proper. The snow crystal general classification of snow crystals today.
proper is that which we observe on the ground, being
severa! millimeters in dimension. The many varieties 2. Consult "Snow and Its Relationship to Experimental
in the shape of a crystal are usually discussed with Meteorology" by V. J. Schaefer, pp. 221-234 in this Com-
respP.ct to the snow crystal proper, although some pendium.

F IG. 7.-Part of a snow fiake (XlO). FIG. 8.-Plate with dendritic exten- FIG. 9.-Plate with simple extensions
sions (X23). (X28).

FIG. 10.- Plate and sector form (X28). FIG. 11.- Cryst al with twelve branches FIG. 12.-Combination of bullet s
(Xl5). (X23).

FIG. 13.-Capped column (XlO), FIG. 14.-Graupel-like snow of radi-

ating type (X9).


1 M N eedle crystal 1. Simple needle a. Elementary needle

b. Bundle of elementary needles

2. Combination
Il c Columnar crystal 1. Simple column a. Pyramid
b. Bullet type
c. Hexagonal column

2. Combination a. Combination of bullets

b. Combination of columns

III p Planar crystal 1. Regular crystal developed in a. Simple plate

one plane b. Branches in sector form
c. Plate with simple extensions
d. Broad branches
e. Simple stellar form
f. Ordinary dendritic form
g. Fern-like crystal
h. Stellar with plates at ends
i. Plate with dendritic extensions

2. Crystal with irregular num- a. Three-branched crystal

ber of branches b. Four-branched crystal
c. Others

3. Crystal with twelve branches a. Fern-like

b. Broad branches

4. Malformed crystal Many varieties

5. Spatial assemblage of plane a. Spatial hexagonal type

branches b. Radiating type

IV CP Combination of colum- 1. Capped column a. Column with plates

nar and planar crys- b. Column with dendritic crystals
tais c. Complicated capped column

2. Bullets with plane crystals a. Bullets with plates

b. Bullets with dendritic crystals

3. Irregular assemblage of col-

umns and plates

V s Columnar crystal with extended side planes

VI R Rimed crystal 1. Rimed crystal

2. Thick plate

3. Graupel-like snow a. Hexagonal type

b. Lump type

4. Graupel a. Hexagonal graupel

b. Lump graupel
c. Cone-like graupel

VII l Irregular snow parti ele 1. Ice parti ele

2. Rimed particle
3. Miscellaneous

The development of photomicrography gave rise to a Before the method of photomicrography was fully de-
tendency to attach particular importance to the regular veloped, crystals with spatial structure were often re-
hexagonal crystals of planar type, although in reality ported in the literature, but they have been more or
spatial and irregular types occur in greater quantity. less neglected by workers using photomicrography. In

this sense we could say after A. W egener that the various forms and structures are observed only slightly
development of photomicrography hindered the study less rarely than regular hexagonal ones. They are caused
of snow crystals. The author, therefore, has always by asymetrical growth of branches, malformation by
tried to attach equal importance to every type of attachment of nuclei, overlapping of severa! planes,
crystal actually observed in nature. V-shaped notch in the plate, etc.
General Classification for Scientific Purposes. The 5. Spatial hexagonal type, P5a. This is composed of
general classification presented in Table I is more or less a base crystal of dendritic form with many branches
similar to that of Hellmann and N ordenskjold, but the attached at various points of the base crystal and ex-

.. .. X
special feature is the addition of new types and the tending upwards .

~ ~ ,~ ,,.@ '"@~CJ ~ 't;o

'O))QS+: '* '*~ '*
,~ ~X '* ,- ~,~*~ ,~
~~~~~ ,~~ ~ "
R3o R3b R4o

FIG. 15.-Sketches of ali types of crystals in the general classification.

alteration in some items of the classification on the 6. Spatial assemblage of radiating type, P5b. This
hasis of crystalline structure. The graupel (snow pellet) type has dendritic branches radiating in spaee from the
is included, because it is an extreme case of the rimed center. The central part is a eombination of small

* 't
crystal of spatial structure. sectors or eolumns. The heavy snowfall in .Japan is
The sketches of all types of crystals in the general eomposed mostly of the spatial crystals, P5a and P5b.
classification are shown in Fig. 15. A brief explanation
will be given for some items in the general classification.
1. Needle crystals, N. Considering the results of the
4:: ~ X 4<i ),. -4:"
experiments on the artificial production of needle crys-
tals, this should be taken as a kind distinct from the
elongated column.
>?(' ~
~+ ~+ V+ ~/
'ff t 'Il
2. Crystals with an irregular number of branches, 2 3 4 5 6 7
P2. Crystals which look as if they had developed from FIG. 16.-Seven modes of separation of a twin cr:vstal.
two nuclei or in parallel growth are observed in fairly
large numbers. They have the appearance of a twin 7. Capped column, CPJ. This is a crystal composed
crystal. This twin crystal can easily be separated by a of a hexagonal column with plane crystals at both ends.
slight externa! force, giving the three-branched, four- We can find some examples of this crystal in the
branched, and other types. Seven pairs of components sketches by Descartes.
can be expected, as shown in Fig. 16. All of these com- 8. Irregular assemblage of columns and plates, CP3.
ponent crystals have been actually observed in ap- The "fiour snow" frequently observed in the Alpine
preciable quantities. regions is an agglomeration of minute crystals of this
3. Crystals with twelve branches, P3. This type is type.
composed of two overlapping component crystals, and 9. Columnar crystals with extended side planes, S.
cun be separated into ordinary hexagonal crystals. The structure of this type has not yet been eomplPtely
4. Malformed crystals, P 4. Malformed crystals of clarified, but experiments with artificial snow show that

the plane parts observable in this crystal are the ex- by different groups. In 1949, this Committee on Snow
tensions of the side planes of the columns, which form Classification proposed a tentative snow classification
the skeleton of this crystal. covering solid precipitation and the deposited snow.
10. Rimed crystal, R. Supercooled cloud droplets This tentative classification for solid precipitation is
are sometimes frozen to a snow crystal, and thus a considered to be more convenient and adequate for
rimed crystal is obtained. When many droplets become practical purposes than similar ones so far proposed.
attached to a plane crystal, it turns into a thick plate It is shown in Table Il.
(R2), sometimes half a millimeter in thickness. The In Table II, each elass and basic feature of snow is
graupel bearing a trace of hexagonal symmetry (R4a) designated by a code symbol with a view toward making
is composed of a spatial hexagonal crystal P5a with the classification international (i.e., independent of lan-
numerous droplets attached, the graupel-like snow of guage). The deseription is made very simple. For ex-
hexagonal type R3a being the intermediate stage. The ample, F1rD1.5 or O 1.5 means plate crystals with
lump graupel R4b is made in a similar manner from the water droplets attached, the average size being 1.5 mm.
spatial assemblage of radiating type P5b, through the F2jwDd or !:2 d means a cluster of stellar crystals


Cade Graphic symbol Term Remarks

1 o Plates Pla, Plb, Plc, PJ,..

Pld, Ple, Plj, Plg, Plh, Pli, P2a, P2b, P2c, P3a, P3b,

Stellar crystals
2 PJ,..
3 = Columns efa, Clb, Clc, C2a, C2b.
]..., 4 Needles N1a, Nlb, N2.
.... 5 Spatial dendrites P5a, P5b.
ol 6 1==1 Capped columns CP1a, CPJb, CP1c, CP2a, CP2b.
..... 7 Irregular crystals CP3, S, It, I2, I3.
o -.../'
<Il 8 Graupel (snow pellet) R4a, RJ,.b, RJ,.c.

~ United States Weather Bureau definition; frozen
E-; 9
6 Sleet (ice pellet)
raindrops, fairly small and transparent .
o Hail Solid precipitation formed by the successive freezing
of water layers.
---- - - -
ol '
.... m
* Broken Broken crystals of type 1, 2, etc.

~ ~ r Rimed R1, R2, R3.
""" d .~
'"O"'" f *) Flake Clusters of crystals of type 1, 2, etc.

...: "' w Wet Wet or partially melted crystals of type 1, 2, etc.

a o -0.49 mm Very small The size of particle means the greatest extension of a
o.S b 0.5-Q.99 Small particle (or average when many are considered) in
.....o <ll c l.Q-1. 99 Medium millimeters. For a cluster of crystals it refers to
~ d 2.Q-3.99 Large the average size of the crystals composing the
w. e 4.0 or larger Very large flake.

stage of graupel-like snow R3b. The cone-like form partially melted, the average size of the crystals com-
R4c is considered to be due to the rotational motion posing the flake being large, or between 2.0 and 3.9 mm.
around the vertical axis during its fall.
11. Irregular snow particles, I. Snow particles are ARTIFICIAL PRODUCTION OF SNOW CRYSTALS
sometimes observed which do not show any regular Method for Making Snow Crystals in the Laboratory
crystalline form. There are many varieties: one type [11]. The artificial production of snow crystals means
looks like an assemblage of pieces of ice (I1); another the production of frost crystals freely suspended in the
type has many water droplets attached (!2), etc. air in a cold chamber laboratory. It takes at least from
Practica! Classification of Snow Crystals. The general one-half to one hour for the complete development of a
classification described in the preceding paragraph is snow crystal. A thin filament was used to keep the
not adequate for practica! purposes. At the Oslo meet- crystal suspended in air for such a time.
ing of the International Commission on Snow and Ice In order to obtain nearly steady convection of water
in 1948, a committee was appointed to prepare a practi- vapor, the apparatus shown in Fig. 17 was designed.
ca! classifieation of snow, acceptable not only to scien- Two concentric glass cylinders are held vertically, so
tists but also to others interested in snow. The aim was that warm water vapor is driven upward inside the
to promote uniformity in the method of describing inner tube, while the cooled air comes down through
snow and to simplify the correlation of data obtained the space between the two cylinders. The water in the

reservoir R is warmed electrically. The cover C is a tween the crystal form and the external conditions has
metal sheet and Dis a plate of wood. After examining been studied. It was found that Ta and T w are the two
five kinds of filaments, a thin rabbit hair was chosen elements controlling the form of the crystals.
because it was the most suitable filament to which a few The mode of air convection in the apparatus was
studied by measuring the temperatur2 distribution un-
der operating conditions ; one example is shown in
Fig. 18. In this figure it is evident that the warm vapor

l 1l


FIG. 18.-Convection of air in the apparatus (temperatures in
degrees centigrade);T. = -23C, Tw = +15C.

rises through t he inner cylinder and is cooled gradually
as it ascends from the outlet . The accumulat ion of
warm air in the upper part of the apparatus is shown by
the existence of a high temperature region H.
Three values of Ta, T and T t were recorded during
W )

FIG. 17.-Apparatus for making artificial snow. the course of formation of a snow crystal. They were
plotted as a function of t ime and the resulting graph
isolated germs of snow crystals could be attached. The was taken to represent t he history of the condit ions
structure of rabbit hair was examined under a micro- leading to the production of the crystal in its final form.
scope of high magnification, and it was found that a The Relation between the Crystal Form and the
few knobs occur at suitable intervals. These knobs External Conditions. Inasmuch as Ta and T w are t he
seem to serve as the nuclei for snow formation. The factors controlling the crystal form, a given type must
whole apparatus is set in a thermostat placed in the be indicated by a point on the (Ta, Tw)-diagram. In
cold chamber which is kept below - 30C by a refrigerat- fact, it was proved experimentally that a certain type
ing machine. of crystal occupies a certain region in the (Ta, T w)-dia-
The temperature of the water in the reservoir (Tw) is gram. A crystal of complicated form which has been
measured. This is a measure of the degree of super- developed through successive stages of various condi-
saturation and can be controlled. The temperature of tions is represented by a succession of arrows in the
the air (T a) where the crystal is formed is a function of (T., Tw)-diagram.
T w and the temperature of the thermostat Tt. For a The relation between the crystal form and Ta and T w
given T w the air temperature Tais regulat ed by chang- has been examined for 700 crystals by Hanaj ima [7].
ing Tt. Snow crystals have been produced for various The results are plotted in the (Ta , Tw)-diagram shown in
combinations of Ta and T w, and the relationship be- Fig. 19. Crystals are classified into eight types: den-

dritic, sector, plate, spatial assemblage of plates, cup or -14C and -17C. Above a supersaturation of 140
scroll, needle, irregular needle, and column. Region I per cent the crystal is attached with numerous water
in Fig. 19 is the condition for dendritic growth. It droplets and becomes a rimed crystal.
means that the necessary condition for dendritic de-

c : X 1 li: OENORITIC
1 11
1 X 1
30 1
'-....._,, 1

\ o 1 ~ 130 <>
---,/ 1-


1 1
~ 120

:;;) 1
1- o


10 ,,
a. 1 o **
1 :;;)

1 IlO
~ ~

aJ ........... ,,'
1 1
5 al ,;" 'O'
m a::J
00 <tf>.ID :
--......... --
:mi ID ID

---------~_\,:~_ _,:-__:,/~------
1%1 .. ..-""

o -5 -10 -15 -20 c 100

FIG. 19.-Relation between the crystal form and Ta and T ,..

velopment is that Ta is between -14C and -17C and

the supersaturation is above a certain lower limit. o -5 -10 -15 -2oc
Contrary to what has hitherto been believed, the air Ta
temperature is an important factor controlling the crys- FIG. 20.-Relation between the crystal form and Ta and s.
tal form.
The degree of supersaturation 8 is taken as the ratio The Growth of Snow Crystals. The acquisition of a
of the amount of vapor and droplets per unit volume detailed technique made it possible to produce all
(measured) and the amount of saturated vapor at Ta types of snow crystals almost at will. In the case of
per unit volume (calculated). In other words 8 is a natural snow, the germ is first formed in the upper
relative humidity in the range of supersaturation, where atmosphere as a result of the sublimation of water
humidity is taken to mean the total water content in vapor on a nucleus or by the spontaneous transforma-
the atmosphere. The ratio 8 was measured by a gravi- tion of a supercooled droplet. While falling through the
metric method using P20 5 , and Fig. 19 was transformed atmospheric layers of various temperatures and degrees
into Fig. 20, which represents the crystal form as a of supersaturation, this germ gradually grows into a
function of Ta and 8 [8]. snow crystal of complicated structure and eventually
Figure 20 tells us more clearly that the chief factor reaches the ground. In the case of artificial snow, this
controlling the form of the crystal is the air temperature, development can be observed in the course of time
and that a given type of crystal can be obtained for a since the primitive crystal is recognized at a spot on the
wide range of supersaturation. It has generally been rabbit hair.
believed that the degree of supersaturation determines The course of formation is studied by taking photo-
the form of the crystal, but Fig. 20 shows that this is micrographs of the growing crystal from outside the
not the case, except within a certain range of tempera- apparatus at regular time intervals while keeping the
ture. The transition of the plate form into the dendritic crystal in the apparatus. In order to maintain the
form occurs when the supersaturation exceeds about crystal at rest against the convection current, the
110 per cent, provided the temperature lies between rabbit hair is stretched on a frame of thin glass rods.

Tw 25
u 10
o 15 ~
20 2.0 ~
o 2 3 4 5 6
15 1.5 ~ 1-
a: - 5
u 10 1.0 ~ w
Tw 0.. -10
b c d ef

<[ Q


' +H

w 5 0.5 w
~ 0 ~~-~~~o-~2~o~~3~0-~4~o-~s~o~s~o~~7~o~~a~o~~9to~~o
w -5 -25

a b c d e g
~ -10 Fw. 23.-Condit ion of formation of the crystal in Fig. 24.
~ ~ ~ ~
, .,..

FIG. 21.- Condit ion of formation of t he crystal in F ig. 22.

(o (b)
le ~-----------'


FIG. 22.- Course of formation of a stellar crystal wit h plates F ra. 24.-Successive stages in t he formation of a capped column
(X14). (X37).

Two examples showing the process of formation are through a less supersaturated layer, transforming the
illustrated, together with the condition of formation, in dendritic crystal into plate form. The next stratum of
Figs. 21-24. Figure 22 shows the mode of formation of a sufficient supersaturation will add other dendritic ap-
stellar crystal with plates at the ends of the branches pendages. When the crystal comes down through a
(Plh in the general classification). The conditions of subjacent layer of less supersaturation, it becomes a
formation are given in Fig. 21. The lettered arrows larger plate. By the repetition of processes similar to
on the Ta curve show the moments at which the photo- these, many variations occur in the form of the snow
micrographs of Fig. 22 were taken. During the stages crystals.
between a and d the air temperature Ta was kept at W egener's theory was examined in an artificial snow
nearly -15C and T w at about 12C; that is, the condi- experiment, and the transformation of a dendritic crys-
tion was within the region for dendritic development, tal into a plate in a less supersaturated atmosphere was
although the degree of supersaturation was compara- found not to be the actual case, as described in the ex-
tively low. The crystal became a broad-branched type periment of Fig. 22. However, the general idea of his
Pld, owing to the small amount of supersaturation. theory is correct. Our experiments show that a com-
After this stage had been reached, T w was gradually plicated form of snow crystal is made by adding the
lowered, while Ta was kept at -16C. This change in characteristic features, corresponding to variations in
condition made the rate of growth gradually smaller. the external conditions. The simplest example is a
The condition changed to that for plate development, as plate with dendritic extensions. It is produced when a
shown in Fig. 21. Accordingly, the tips of the branches plate is made in the upper atmosphere and the den-
began to widen (e), and finally the expected crystal dritic branches grow from the corners of the plate while
was obtained as shown in f. the crystal is falling through lower layers suitable for
Figures 23 and 24 show the course of formation of a dendritic development.
capped column. This crystal was obtained by first By examining the natural snow crystals from this
making a column under the condition of low tempera- point of view, we can infer to some extent the structure
ture and humidity, and then changing the condition of the upper atmosphere, because the external condi-
rapidly to that favorable for dendritic development. tions controlling the form of snow crystals are now made
In the initial stage the column was slender in form. clear.
This column thickened without marked longitudinal Comparison of Natural and Artificial Snow Crystals.
elongation. In this example it took nearly fi ve hours to By comparing natural and artificial snow crystals, the
attain the dimension observable in the central part of upper-air conditions can be estimated for each of various
the natural capped column (Fig. 24c). Then the tem- types of crystals, using the (Ta, Tw)-diagram. Four
perature of the water in the reservoir was raised rather examples will be described.
quickly in order to increase the degree of supersatura~ Fern-Like Hexagonal Crystal. Natural and artificial
tion. In this condition a plate began to develop at each crystals of fern-like type are reproduced in Fig. 25a-b.
end of the column (d). The crystal finally developed The form and structure of the branches are very similar
into a completed, capped column as shown inj, through in both cases, although the central part is somewhat
the stage e. different. The course of formation of this fern-like
These two examples show that any crystal belonging crystal is shown in Fig. 25c. During the primitive stage
to a certain type or a combination of several types can the temperature is lower and the supersaturation is less
easily be produced artificially. The method is simple, than the critical value for dendritic formation. Then
the only thing to do is to establish the required condi- the initial stage of this crystal is the irregular assem-
tions one after another. blage of small sec tors. From this stage both Ta and T w
are increased so that the condition is most favorable
METEOROLOGY for dendritic development. The crystal rapidly grows
in a fern-like form and reaches the stage shown in Fig.
Upper-Air Conditions and Snow Crystal Forms. As 25b in about 15 min. The rate of growth is very large
described in the preceding paragraph, a snow-crystal in this case. The rate of fall is about 1 km hr- 1 for
germ is born in the upper atmosphere and develops to a crystals of this type. Thus we can infer that there must
snow crystal of complicated shape as it is subjected to be an atmospheric layer with ample moisture and a
different conditions while falling through the various
temperature of about -15C near the earth's surface,
layers of the atmosphere. The final form of the snow
when the crystal of the type shown in Fig. 25a is ob-
crystal observed at the earth's surface is an accumula-
served at the earth's surface. The thickness of this
tion of the elements produced in the various strata.
Shedd [14], Wegener [15, p. 284], Findeisen [6], and layer wiil be about 7.4: km.
others inferred the mechanism of snow crysta,l forma- SteUar Crystal with Plates at the Ends of the Branches.
tion by comparing many photographs of snow crystals. The crystal shown in Fig. 26a is frequently observed in
Of these theories, W egener's will be chosen as repre- nature, and is designated as Plh in the general classifi-
sentatiive. According to Wegener, a primitive hexagonal cation. The artificially produced crystal shown in Fig.
crystal is first formed in a sufficiently supersaturated 26b certainly belongs in this group. The fine strips in
zone of the atmosphere and then the space between the the plate portion are less marked in the case of natural
branches is filled with ice while the crystal is falling snow, which is probably due to sublimation in the


20 II

(c l o
-5 -10 -15 -20

FIG. 25.-(a) Natural, and (b) artificial crystals of fern-like type; (c) physical conditiona during course of formation.





(el o -5 .:.,o -15 -20


FIG. 26.-(a) Natural, and (b) artificial crystals of stellar type with plates; (c) physical conditions during course of formation.





(el o -5 -10 -15 -20


Era. 27.-(a) Natural, and (b) artificial crystals of spatial radiating type ; (c) physical conditions during course of formation.




( c )1 o -5 - 10 - 15 - 20

FIG. 28.-(a) Natural, and (b) artificial crystals of dendrit ic t ype with small plat es attached; (c) physical conditions during
course of form ation.

atmospheric layer near the earth's surface. The course our argument, but the vertical component and the tur-
of formation is shown in Fig. 26c. In the early stage the bulence will have a strong effect.
condition is favorable for stellar development, then
both Ta and T w decrease to just outside Region I, and CONCLUDING REMARKS
the crystal is kept under this condition for a considerable In discussing the phenomenon of ice crystal forma-
time. In general, when a crystal is kept under a nearly tion in the atmosphere, the most important factor is the
constant condition at a point near the lower border of problem of supersaturation. As Bennett said in 1934
Region I, the ends of branches show the tendency to [2], "the evidence is merely negative as to whether
develop into plate or sector form. This can be explained supersaturation does or does not exist, and positive
as the result of a decrease in the vapor supplied per evidence is urgently required." This question is still
unit area to the crystal surface. The crystal of the form left unanswered. It is very unlikely that more water
shown in Fig. 26a seems to show that a slightly super- vapor than the critica! value of saturation exists in a
saturated, homogeneous layer exists near the earth's purely gaseous state in the natural atmosphere. Strictly
surface with a thin layer suitable for dendritic develop- speaking, the existence of ample supersaturation of
ment above it. water vapor in air cannot be expected, except in some
Spatial Assemblage of Radiating Type. The condi- special cases such as at the instant of adiabatic ex-
tions favorable to formations of this type are also clear. pansion in a Wilson cloud chamber. Furthermore, in
The early stage is obtained at lower Ta and Tw. In the this special case the duration of the supersaturation is
case of the crystal in Fig. 27b, Ta is approximately extremely short, say, w-s or 10-4 sec. Supersaturation
- 20C and T w is about + 12C. After the formation of observable in the natural atmosphere is considered to
this primitive stage, Ta and Tw are increased to the mean the existence of minute droplets in saturated air.
condition of dendritic development, that is, Ta= -16C In our artificial snow experiment, the supersaturation
and T w = + 15C. Dendritic branches grow rapidly in was defined as the excessive water content in the at-
space, giving the crystal of Fig. 27b in about twenty mosphere, including both water vapor and minute drop-
minutes. W e may interpret the natural crystal of Fig. lets. Values of supersaturation as high as 120 per cent or
27a as follows: In the upper atmosphere there exists a 130 per cent, referred to in this article, can thus be
layer, ata temperature of -20C or lower, in which the understood. W e learned that in a rising air current
crystal is horn; this minute crystal falls through a layer which appeared tobe transparent by ordinary illumina-
characterized by ample moisture and a temperature of tion, a strong beam of light showed a Tyndall phenome-
nearly -15C. The lower layer will be a few hundred non. If a glass plate covered with oii film is exposed to
meters in thickness. the ascending air current for a short time, and then
Dendritic Crystal with Small Plates Attached. The examined under a microscope of high magnification,
natural snow reproduced in Fig. 28a is a good example a great many minute droplets can be observed in the oii
of this type. Many small plates are attached in a spatial film, many of them about 2 fJ. in diameter, the smaller
manner to the base crystal of hexagonal type. An arti- ones about 1 f.J.. These minute droplets are not frozen
ficial crystal similar to this is shown in Fig. 28b. This to a snow crystal in the form of droplets, but appear to
crystal is produced by a condition just the opposite of spread on the crystal surface at the moment when they
that for the preceding case. The base crystal is formed are brought in contact with the crystal. In helping the
in Region I in about fifteen minutes. Then Tais gradu- growth of crystals, they act as if they were in a gaseous
ally decreased to - 24C in two hours. The supply of state. The larger droplets, 20-30 fJ. in diameter, behave
water vapor is also reduced. In this second step many in a manner quite different from that of the minute
small plates extend out in space from various points of ones. They freeze to the snow crystal as droplets, and
the base crystal. As the rate of growth of these small give rise to a rimed crystal. High values of supersatura-
plates is very small, the development takes nearly two tion can be expected in the natural atmosphere, if by
hours in this example. When this type of natural snow the supersaturation is meant an excessive water con-
is observed, we may expect a thick layer of tempera ture tent, including water vapor and minute droplets of the
inversion. The layer near the earth's surface must beat order of 1-2 fJ. in diameter. This is not unreasonable,
a temperature of nearly -20C and less supersaturated. since in the process of condensation these minute drop-
The thickness of this layer is estimated from the data lets act as if they were in a gaseous state. Larger droplets
of falling velocity to be about 2 km, and above this cold such as ordinary fog particles do not behave in the
layer there exists a warm, well-supersaturated layer same manner as do these minute droplets.
at a temperature of nearly -15C. The warm layer may Another point is the relation between the air tem-
not be as thick as the cold layer, say, only severa! perature and the crystal form. The apparently new
hundred meters. result described in this article may be interpreted as
The foregoing descriptions demonstrate the possi- follows: Ta is a factor controlling the rate of heat trans-
bility of inferring the structure of the lower atmosphere fer liberated by the formation of the crystal and this
by a synthesis of the examination of crystal forms and a rate of heat transfer determines the form of the crystal.
knowledge of artificial snow. In this article we did not Another explanation is that the vapor pressure dif-
consider the question of wind. The horizontal com- ference between ice and supercooled water at the same
ponent of wind velocity has no sensible influence upon temperature is a function of temperature, and that this

vapor pressure difference determines the mode of crys- 6. FrNDEISEN, W., "Flugmeteorologische Schneebeobach-
tal development, that is, the crystal form. Further tungen." Meieor. Z., 56:429-435 (1939).
studies along this line, which is an attempt to introduce 7. HANAJIMA, M., "On the Conditions for the Formation of
Snow Crystals" (in Japanese). Kisho shushi (Magazine
the methods of experimental physics into meteorology,
of the Meteorologica! Society of Japan), 20:238-251
may contribute something to this new field of (1942).
meteorology. 8. - - "Supplementary to 'On the Conditions for the Forma-
tion of Snow Crystals'" (in Japanese ). Kisho shushi (Mag-
REFERENCES azine of the Meteorologica! Society of Japan), 22:123-127
1. ALTBERG, V. J., Twenty Years of Work in the Domain of (1944 ).
Underwater !ce Formation (1915-1935). Un. geod. geophys. 9. HELLMANN, G., Schneekrystalle. Berlin, R. Miickenberger,
nt., Assoc. nt. hydro. sci., Bul!. 23, 16e assemblee gen. 1893.
a Edimbourg, septembre 1936. Trans. of the Meeting of 10. McCoNNEL, J. C., "The Crystallization of Lake Ice."
the Int. Commissions of Snow and of Glaciers, Riga, Nature, 39:367 (1889).
1938. (See pp. 373-407) 11. NAKAYA, U., "Artificial Snow." Quart. J. R. rneteor. Soc.,
2. BENNETT, M. G., "The Condensation of Water in the At- 64:619-624 (1938).
mosphere" in Sorne Problerns of Modern Meteorology, D. 12. NoRDENSKJOLD, G., "Schneeflocken-Formen." Meteor. Z.,
BRUNT, ed., pp. 114-125. London, The Royal Meteoro- 11 :346 ( 1894).
logica] Society, 1934. 13. SELIGMAN, G., SnowStructureandSki Fields. London,Mac-
3. BENTLEY, W. A., and HuMPHREYS, W. J., Snow Crystals, millan, 1930.
1st ed. New York, McGraw, 1931. 14. SHEDD, J. C., "The Evolution of the Snow Crystal." Mon.
4. DESCARTES, R., rEuvres, Tome VI. Paris, L. Cerf, 1902. Wea. Rev. Wash., 47:691-694 (1919).
5. DoBROWOLSKI, A. B., Historja Naturalna Lodu. Warzawa, 15. WEGENER, A., Thermodynarnik der Atmosphiire, 3. Aufl.
J. Mianowskiego, 1923. Leipzig, J. A. Barth, 1928.
General Electric Research Laboratory, Schenectady, New York

Snow in its many forms has been the subject of crystals may also be modified by an entirely different
observation, conjecture, and scientific discussion for mechanism-the blocking of the growth on certain
many centuries. It has long been recognized that a crystal faces by the adsorption of surface-active chemi-
better understanding of the formation of snow in the cais [27]. Figure 3 illustrates the effects which may be
atmosphere would eventually explain some of the little- induced by traces of an impurity in the air where
known but important meteorological processes related crystals grow. Further research to understand these
to the development of precipitation. effects better is under way in the General Electric
The occurrence of supercooled clouds in the free Research Laboratory.
atmosphere is one of the most common of meteoro-
logical phenomena, even in many parts of the tropics. GRAPHIC
The importance of such clouds as the source of much
heavy precipitation has been pointed out by Bergeron
[2]. The differential in vapor pressure between water
and ice at ali temperatures below OC permits the
rapid growth of snow particles at the expense of the STELLARS
liquid cloud droplets. This process is of basic im-
portance in the formation of snow and is a primary
mechanism in the science of experimental meteorology.


Types of Solid Precipitation

Over the years, many attempts [25] have been made IIIEEOLES
to devise a classification system for describing the
observed forms of solid precipitation. Most of these SPATIAL
have been either too elaborate for easy use or have OENORITES
failed to include important forms.
During the course of snowstorm studies in 1944, an CAP PEO
effort was made to devise a simple system which might COLUMNS
be used in the field under adverse weather conditions.
Revisions of this system were made as extensive field IRREGULAR
experience demonstrated the need. In the fali of 1949, CRYSTALS
an effort was made to pool t he experience of workers
concerned with this problem in Switzerland, Japan, GRAUPEL
Canada, and t he United States. The chart shown in
Fig. 1 illustrates the classification decided upon and
the cocie and types proposed for international use.
Although subject to further revision, it is believed that
the types shown on this chart include most of the basic
forms which occur in the atmosphere throughout the HA IL
As may be expected, there is an almost infinite
variation in the forms of the basic types of this solid
precipitation. These differences may be so minor as to
be visible only under high-power magnification or great The U se of Replica Techniques for Studying Snow. In
enough to be easily seen by the unaided eye. Typical 1941 a method was devised by the writer [18, 19] for
variations in structure and relative size of the plat e- making permanent replicas of snow crystals. The tech-
type crystal are illustrated in Fig. 2. nique encases a snow or frost crystal within a thin
Nakaya [16), in his ice-crystal experiments, showed plastic film which, as it forms, makes an exact t hree-
that the crystal habit of snow may be due entirely to dimensional impression of t he surface features of the
the temperature of the environment and the moisture crystal. The replica solution, consisting of one to three
supply available. It is quite likely that most crystals parts of the synthetic plastic polyvinyl formal dissolved
in the free atmosphere grow as they do because of these in 100 parts of ethylene dichloride, readily wets an ice
environmental conditions. surface. By capillarity and surface activity it rapidly
It should be pointed out, however, that the habit of covers any ice crystal which comes in contact with it.

The solvent evaporates in five to ten minutes, after spray would not work under normal conditions, since
which the slide (glass, cardboard, etc.) bearing the it would tend to dissolve the ice structure, its evapora-
samples may be warmed above freezing. Upon melting, tion is so rapid that satisfactory replicas are obtainable
the water molecules evaporate through the thin film, if brief applications are made. This technique works
leaving a hollow shell which refracts and scatters light best if the spray container is cooled below OC. How-
ever, if the spraying is c11,rried out in air at temperatures
below freezing, enough entrainment of cold air takes
place so that good replicas have been made at -lOC
with the dispenser temperature at 25C.
Solid Precipitation in the Free Atmosphere
Precipitation in the form of snow crystals, graupel,
sleet, or hail forms under varied conditions of tempera-
ture, humidity, and turbulence, and in the presence of
a variety of suitable nuclei to be described !ater. The

FIG. 2.-Variation in size and structure of hexagonal plates

(a) from low and middle type clouds, (b) from high cirrus type
clouds, and (c) from very low altitudes, forming in clear air.

in a manner quite similar to the optica! properties of

the original crystals. Figure 4 shows a typical replica
of a stellar crystal.
This technique is also very useful in making surveys
of snowstorms since it permits the accumulation during
the course of a storm of many samples of crystals for

~ ~


" ." ~
o " 1 '
FIG. 4.- Typical replica of a stellar snow crystal.
~ '
~ c~ moisture content of the air in which such precipitation
may form at temperatures below OC range from more

c 4
than 3 g m-3 in supercooled water-droplet clouds to such
small amounts that the air contains no visible cloud,
although it is supersaturated with respect to ice.
FIG. 3.- The effect of acetone vapor on the crystal habit of I ce Crystals in Cirrus Clouds. The highest clouds
snow. (a) Effect of 1 molecule of acetone to 10 molecules of commonly found throughout t he world are the cirrus
water. (b) Effect of 1 molecule of ace tone to 100 molecules of
water. (c) Effect of 1 molecule of acetone to 1000 molecules of types. Evidence is accumulating suggesting that most
water. clouds of this type form at temperatures below - 39C.
At this temperature, spontaneous nucleation occurs,
subsequent study. Samples have now been obtained by that is, foreign particles are not required to initiate the
this method in most parts of t he world as well as at formation of ice crystals.
high altitudes in the atmosphere during flight studies The simple 22 halo and t he more complex optica!
with Project Cirrus airplanes. Figure 5 shows some of phenomena of cirrus clouds are generally produced by
these replicas. snow crystals of special form fl.oating with a particular
A more recent t echnique for making replicas utilizes orientation in the air. Since the initial formation of such
a plastic spray. 1 Although the solvent used in this crystals may take place in clear air having a very low
1. Such as Krylon, made by Foster & Kester, Philadelphia, total water content, it is obvious that they must be
or Plastic Spray, made by the Bridgeport Brass Co., Bridge- very small and their growth quite slow. The crystal
port, Conn types common to these high-level clouds are the hex-

agonal plate and column and the irregular or asym- case of condensation trails, this temperature occurs
metric crystal. momentarily in the vortices streaming from the wings
The "false cirrus" streaming from the tops of very and propeller tips. When supercooled cloud droplets
high cumulonimbus clouds, the condensation trails of are present, they become frozen when contacted by the
innumerable crystals spontaneously generated in their
A snowstorm developing from cirrus clouds often
requires from two to six hours for the crystals to
reach the ground. A thin ice crystal haze producing a
22 halo thickens until the sun or moon finally appears
as though covered by a ground-glass screen. Before
reaching the ground, cirrus-type crystals may fall into
lower supercooled clouds and become coated with cloud
droplets. They sometimes serve as crystallization
centers for the formation of stellars, spatial dendrites,
or needles.
Solid Precipitation in Stratus Clouds. When air is
stabilized by the presence of an inversion, the clouds
which form contain considerably smaller quantities of
liquid water than do cumulus clouds. Supercooled
stratus clouds rarely have a liquid-water content higher
than 1 g m-3, while the average content ranges between
0.2 and 0.4 g m- 3 Ground fogs may be considered as
a special type of stratus cloud, since they have similar
Depending on the properties of supercooled clouds
previously mentioned, the precipitation types from
stratus clouds may vary from capped columns and
stellar crystals to sleet. A deficiency of ice nuclei in
stratus clouds is likely to produce a fairly heavy coating
of rime on the crystals. When a layer of warmer air
overruns a colder stratum, light rain may form in these
upper clouds, becoming supercooled as it falls into the
lower clouds and reaching t he earth as rain or sleet. As
sleet forms, an icy shell first coats the raindrop and
freezing proceeds toward the center. As the last of the
water freezes, the expansion causes the formation of
many . strange protuberances which modify t he sym-
metry of the icy sphere.
Precipitation in Solid Form from Cumulus Clouds.
High values of liquid water occur only in cumulus or
thick orographic type clouds. Highest values of con-
densed cloud water occur when the vertical t hickness
of the cumulus exceeds 10,000 ft and the base of the
clouds is in warm air, that is, warmer than OC. Moist
air forced upward by encounter with a mountain barrier
and generally aided by convection induced by insolation
often produces orographic clouds with features similar
~ ~..~
to cumulus. Such clouds may cover the upper slopes
F IG. 5.- Replicas of snow crystals from seeded clouds. of a mountain or may have t heir bases considerably
(a) Stellar forms from cloud seeded with silver iodide. (b) higher than the summit.
Stellar crystal from overseeded cloud after 51 min. (c) Plate
formed in supersaturated clear air after seeding with dry ice . Many precipitation types form within the cold part
(d) Plate formed in 6 min after d ry-ice seeding. (e) Plate of cumulus clouds. These include stellars, needles,
formed in 10 min after dry -ice seeding. (f) Stellar crystal in
overseeded area 45 min after dry -ice seeding. (g) Hexagonal spatial dendrites, and irregular crystals in addition to
column found in cirrus cloud at 27,000 ft . (h) H exagonal graupel and hail. The crystal forms may be expected found in cirrus cloud at 28,000 ft. (i) Pla t es found in when suitable ice nuclei occur in abundance, while
stratus cloud 15 sec after dry-ice seeding.
graupel and hail types are products of a deficiency of
such nuclei.
ice crystals from airplanes, and t he ice fogs occurring
in polar regions have features similar to cirrus clouds. Factors Controlling the Formation of Snow
Their formation is due, apparently, to the fact that the As suggested in previous sect ions, and demonstrated
air in which they form is colder than - 39C. In the in the laborat ory by the cbssic work of Nakaya [16],

solid precipitation types are a product of the variations particle size, no evidence is known which relates the
in the physical nature of their environment. Let us ordinary condensation nuclei to the formation of ice
consider the factors which initiate the formation of crystals.
such particles in the atmosphere. At least five different A three-year study of the concentration of sublima-
mechanisms are of importance. tion nuclei in air passing over the summit of Mount
1. Fteezing Nuclei. It has been shown experimentally
[35] that bulk water may be cooled to at least -38.5C. TEMPERATURE (C)
Under carefully controlled laboratory conditions, which -40 -30 -20 -10 (

avoid seeding of the water by contact with frosted CARBON DIOXIDE ~~TE:ACTIVITY DUE TO TEMPERATURE OF -78C; ANY-
surfaces, water nearly always supercools to at least
-5C to -lOC [4]. In streams and ponds, however, there
are always some freezing nuclei which initiate freezing

in water at a temperature of only a few hundredths of CLAY- GUILDERLAND, N.Y.
a degree below OC. However, the concentration of such LOESS- HANFORO, WASH.
particles seems to be relatively low, rarely exceeding
1 X 103 m- 3 The thin discs which form on such nuclei
LOAM- BRUEL ,W 1S, ==-
in flowing water are responsible for the formation of
frazil ice [33].
Little evidence has been found in our studies to SAND-AGATE, COLO.
suggest that freezing nuclei are important in the forma- LOAM-COEUR D'ALENE,I~O- ==-
tion of snow crystals in the atmosphere. The centers of ASH- CRATER LAKE ,OREG.
snow crystals rarely show them to be formed on a
frozen cloud droplet except when the crystals have
=== -
apparently formed at very low temperatures. The size
of cloud droplets, which on the average range between
8 and 25 p., makes such observations quite feasible.
However, the failure to find frozen droplets in the
::= ~

centers of snow crystals may be explained by some

recent studies in my laboratory which show that cloud
droplets condensed on silver iodide particles in warm OI ATOM~ f::::=-
air tend to assume the form of perfect hexagonal plates SPORE~

and columns as they freeze at a temperature of -4C. LOAM- OAKLEY, KANS.
2. Sublimation Nuclei. The most important mecha-
nism responsible for the initiation of snow-crystal forma-
tion in the lower portion of the free atmosphere involves
sublimation nuclei. These are very small air-borne parti- COMPLETE: ACTIVITY
des upon which ice forms by the condensation of water
molecules directly from the vapor phase. FIG. 6.-The temperature dependence of foreign-particle
ice nuclei.
Despite the claims of some workers [6, 40] who believe
sublimation nuclei are extremely rare, experiments show
Washington (elevation 6288 ft) using the cold-chamber
that small particles of silicates and minerals common to
method [29] showed that the variation in concentration
desert and volcanic sources readily serve as active
of such nuclei ranged from none observable to ten mil-
centers for snow-crystal formation. Figure 6 illustrates
lion per cubic meter [30]. Table I illustrates the range
the temperature dependence of the effectiveness of
in concentration observed in the 8137 observations
different types of such particles when they are placed
as an aerosol in cold air having sufficient moisture to
be supersaturated with respect to ice. MOUNT WASHINGTON
Sublimation nuclei should not be confused with con- JANUARY 1, 1948-JANUARY 1, 1950
densation nuclei. The latter are foreign particles, such
Approxima te number of nuclei Number of
as those produced by the evaporation of sea spray per cubic meter of air observations
[9, 41], the burning of combustible waste, the par-
ticulate efHuent from industrial processes, and the 1 X 10o_5 X 10 2 4062
5 X 10L5 X 10 6 3388
:smoke of forest fires. W ater molecules condense on 5 X 106....1 X 107 687
ISuch particles to form liquid droplets. Concentrations
llf condensation nuclei range from 2 X 10 8 salt particles
per cubic meter in the air over the sea to concentrations which were made up to January 1, 1951. Such studies
uf 1 X 10 12 particles per cubic meter in the vicinity of are continuing at Mount Washington and are being
industrial regions [11]. While the relative concentration supplemented by similar observations at Socorro, New
of condensation nuclei is important when related to Mexico. A study of the synoptic situation existing when
the stability and persistence of liquid-water clouds, the levels of nuclei were unusually high suggests that
since it is an important factor in determining the they might be dust particles from the Northwest and

the Great Plains which were carried aloft as the atr appear spontaneously. One of the easiest ways of dem-
passed over those regions. onstrating this effect is to use the cold-chamber method
The very important conclusion which may be in- previously mentioned [29]. Tiny dry-ice fragments
ferred from the Mount Washington studies is that for
extended periods the atmosphere contains very low
concentrations of suitable nuclei for the formation of
ice crystals. Thunderstorms, hail, heavy rain, and other
storms which have part of their structure above the
OC isotherm are basically related in their developmental
stage to the concentration of ice nuclei in the atmos-
phere where they form . It follows, therefore, that any
modification in the natural concentration of such par-
ticles in the atmosphere should exert profound effects
on the formation of such storms. This subject will be
discussed in greater detail later under the section on
experimental meteorology.
The most effective sublimation nucleus known at the
present time is silver iodide. This fact was discovered
during research activity in t he General Electric Re-
search Laboratory [37]. Since silver iodide does not
normally occur in the free atmosphere, and since it is
much more active than any known natural ice nucleus,
far-reaching and anomalous effects may be expected to FIG. 7.-Frost crystal struct ure produced by surface prop-
erty of a solid surface: (a) crystal forms on ele an glass, and
occur when large numbers of these particles are released (b) crystal forms on glass coated with a very thin layer of a
in regions where supercooled clouds occur. dichlorosilane.
As Vonnegut [39] has shown, silver iodide is a very
effective nucleus for ice formation because its atomic dropped into cold air supersaturated with respect to
and crystalline characteristics, including the size of the ice produce many millions of ice crystals, as shown in
unit cell, approach the structure of ice within 1 per Fig. 8. Photomicrographs of such crystals are shown in
While the temperature dependence of the effective-
ness of sublimation nuclei is probably related to a num-
ber of such parameters, the nature of the surface layers
of molecules seems to be of primary importance in de-
termining whether a surface will be kryophilic or kryo-
Typical effects illustrative of these properties are
shown in Fig. 7. The kryophilic surface (Fig. 7a) con-
sisting of clean glass, is coated with frost crystals whose
major, or c-axis, is perpendicular to the glass surface.
The kryophobic surface (Fig. 7b) is glass treated with
a molecular layer of a dichlorosilane. Over the relatively
small area contacted by frost crystals, the c-axis is
parallel or inclined away from the treated surface at
an acute angle. This surface is so strongly kryophobic
that less than 1 per cent of the glass is contacted by the
frost crystals.
It is my belief that such properties are inherently
related to the effectiveness of, for example, a clay par-
ticle (active as an ice nucleus at - 15C) and the spore
of Lycoperdon gemmatum (which does not act as a
crystal center until the temperature becomes -36C).
3. Spontaneous N uelei. At high levels in the atmos-
phere where cirrus clouds form, or at lower levels when
the temperature is below -39C, foreign particles are Fra. 8.- Snow crystals forming in a cold chamber with air
not required for the formation of ice crystals. When- supersaturated wit h respect to ice.
ever moist air supersaturated with respect to ice is
cooled below - 39C tremendous numbers of ice crystals Fig. 9. It can easily be shown that 1 g of dry ice may
2. These terms are suggested to designate the tendency of a generate 10 16 ice crystals under such conditions [26].
surface to permit or to prevent, respectively, the formation The critical temperature which produces this effect
of a frost layer. may be determined in a simple manner. By solidifying

a small drop of mercury with liquid air or dry ice and Although the mechanism is not yet clearly understood,
then passing it through saturated air at -15C, ice the effects may be produced experimentally [34]. They
crystals are generated while the mercury is in the solid involve the formation of tiny ice particles in the im-
state. The instant it melts (melting point of Hg is mediate vicinity of the larger crystal, each of which
-38.89C) ice crystals no longer are formed. Further subsequently grows to form new snow particles. It is
believed at present that fragile dendritic growths in

1 /00:<(

FIG. 9.- Typical hexagonal plates formed by dry-ice seeding

of a supercooled cloud.

evidence that the criticat transition temperature for the

spontaneous nucleation of ice crystals is clase to -38.9C
may be demonstrated by using a sealed cald chamber
with remote controls to add moisture to the air. As the
air in the chamber is warmed and cooled between -37C
and -41C, ice crystals suddenly appear at a tempera-
ture of -38.9C O.lC. If the air remains colder than
the criticat temperature, snow forms and falls to the
ftoor of the chamber continuously . This proves that
foreign particles cannot be a factor in this process, since
they would be quickly exhausted from the air by pre-
cipitation. A further interesting fact is that when the
temperature passesfrom - 38C t o - 39C many of the
supercooled waterdrops present become frozen and serve
as condensation centers for ice-crystal formation. Asym-
metric crystals grow on such particles in such a manner
as to suggest that the cirrus-type crystals shown in
Fig. 10 probably grow on cloud droplets which freeze
when they supercool to -39C and are seeded by sev-
era! very small ice crystals spontaneously generated in
(d) (e)
their vicinity.
Another effect related to this critica! transition tem-
perature has been demonstrated by Vonnegut [38]. By FIG. 10.- Compound columns from cirrus clouds probably
suddenly expanding a cubic centimeter of air so that growing on a froz en cloud droplet .
the rapid adiabatic expansion cools the air below -39C
it is possible to form 1012 ice crystals within a small the form of fine needles, and frostlike structures of the
fraction of a second. type shown in Fig. 11 are required for the development
Since it is unusual for ordinary air to contain more of fragmentation nuclei.
than 1 X 106 cm- 3 foreign particles of aU kinds it is Contact by liquid cloud droplets may produce ther-
obvious that spontaneous nucleation occurs under these mal strains leading to the fracture of the delicate por-
conditions. tions of such crystals. Collision with other particles
4. Fragmenlalion Nuclei. A snow crystal formed by could also lead to the formation of such fragments. In
any of the preceding processes produces some interest- many snowstorms, especially those having convective
ing effects when in the presence of a supercooled cloud. activity, high winds, and supercooled clouds, broken

and irregular crystals (the latter probably formed on Figure 12 illustrates the type of atmospheric electrici.ty
fragmentation nuclei) constitute the major portion of observed in snowstorms.
the snow reaching the ground. It is this chain reaction
mechanism which must be responsible for most exten- Electrica! Properties of Snow
sive snowstorms not seeded by high-level clouds. It is very likely that the chain reaction mechanisms
5. Electrification I ce Nuclei. That some type of elec- suggested by the operation of fragmentation processes
trification may be an important producer of ice nuclei at temperatures from -12C to - 20C and the interest-
is suggested by laboratory experiments and field obser- ing effects observed in electric fields are complementary
vation. If a field of severa! hundred volts per centimeter mechanisms. Since snow crystals reaching the ground
is established in a supercooled cloud, dendritic treelike are often electrically charged, it seems obvious that
growths may form if some ice crystals are present. These they are indicators of mechanisms operating in the
treelike forms seem to grow from a combination of atmosphere where they were formed. The electrification
crystals and supercooled cloud droplets. Subsequently may bea causative agent or an end result. The highest

O.lcno.,. ,

FIG. 11.-Types d snow crystals which are probably important in the formation of fragmentation nuclei.

they break and form many ice fragments, each of which amounts of atmospheric electricity observed occur at
becomes a potential ice crystal. temperatures not far below freezing and with broken
This effect has never been observed unless ice crystals stellars, needles, spatial dendrites, and sleet particles,
were already present, and it may be associated with the all of which could be associated with fragmentation and
Workman-Reynolds effect [42]. Although it has so far electrification processes. Typical air-to-ground currents
been impossible in the General Electric Research during a snowstorm are shown in Fig. 12.
Laboratory to show any freezing effect or production The fact that the fragmentation of snow crystals
of nuclei using either a-c or d-e fields up to 1 kv cm- 1 causes a large increase in the charging potential of
in a supercooled cloud, a temporary coexistence of snow crystals shows the close interrelation which must
cloud droplets and ice crystals shows electrification exist between these two effects [22]. Further studies in
phenomena which may be of great importance. These this field should produce important results.
effects may be of primary importance in the establish-
ment of the chain reaction which seems to be necessary Factors Controlling the Life Cycle of Supercooled
to produce the many crystals required to form an ex- Clouds
tensive snowstorm. Certainly high fields are present in The icing of aircraft, the formation of hail and
many snowstorms [22], particularly in those charac- graupel, and the electrica! phenomena of thunderstorms
terized by convective activity and supercooled clouds. are typical products of supercooled clouds. The growth,

persistence, or dissipation of such clouds is governed scattered snow particles. Initial growth develops from
chiefly by evaporation and nucleation. the vapor phase, but as soon as the crystals become
Evaporation may affect the life cycle of a supercooled sufficiently large to move fa'3ter than the surrounding
cloud in two ways: (1) the cloud droplets may evapo- supercooled cloud droplets, they sweep up cloud drop-
rate into air which is unsaturated with respect to water, lets which freeze as they touch the snow crystal. Grau-
or (2) they may evaporate and the water molecules pel, hail, some forms of ice needles, and all other rimed
condense on an ice nucleus. Either process is a very crystals depend on supercooled cloud droplets for their
rapid one and for most purposes may be considered to formation. The presence of such crystals in the atmos-
be instantaneous. N ucleation under special conditions phere is evidence of a low concentration of ice nuclei in
may cause a direct freezing of the supercooled cloud the air mass and the absence of a chain reaction.
droplets when the concentration of ice nuclei is very Most cumulus clouds supercool above the OC iso-
high. It is unlikely that this latter process occurs very therm and persist for unpredictable periods. If the
often in the atmosphere except at the spontaneous moist air forming them carries with it certain types of
nucleation temperature of -39C. The tops of large air-borne dust which have the proper structure to serve
cumulus clouds and the initial stages of some cirrus as potential ice nuclei, they may rise only three or four
clouds show abundant evidence of this process. It is thousand feet above the freezing level before shifting

FIG. 12.-Typical air-to-ground electric currents which often occur during convective type snow storms.

probably due to this mechanism that the optical proper- over to snow. At times, however, they may go nearly or
ties of clouds at the -39C level remain unchanged. all the way to the -39C level 'vithout enough snow
The freezing of cloud droplets does not alter the shape crystals forming to initiate a chain reaction effect. It
of the particle, and although high concentrations of is this type of cloud which may develop into a storm
small ice crystals probably form nearby they imme- producing lightning or hail, or both. At other times,
diately disappear by evaporation since their vapor the cloud may be completely dissipated into false cirrus
pressure is higher than that of the larger frozen cloud at high altitudes without producing any precipitation.
droplets. It is very likely that compound crystals like Orographic clouds also have a strong tendency to
those in Fig. 10 form on cloud droplets frozen by this become supercooled. Such places as the summit of
process. Mount Washington have extensive icing storms during
When supercooled clouds are warmer than -39C much of the year. Because of the very large vertical
and the air containing them is moist enough to prevent
component of the wind caused by the mountain barrier,
evaporation, several different processes control their
persistence. If the cloud is of a stratiform type with coexistence of supercooled cloud droplets and ice
few or no ice nuclei present, a freezing drizzle may crystals is more likely than in most clouds in the free
develop and fall from the base of the cloud. If a few air, since condensation occurs faster than the evapora-
ice nuclei are present in the cloud, snow crystals form tion-diffusion process can transport the moisture to the
on them, grow rapidly, and fall out of the cloud as ice crystals. It is likely that orographic clouds in which

the wind velocity is high have features in common with General Electric Research Laboratory at Schenectady,
the more turbulent portions of large cumulus clouds. New York.
The laboratory, field, and flight studies of this group
The Development of Experimental Meteorology have been described in more than a score of reports
Control of the Weather. For many years man has [15]. Flight studies up to July 1950 have included ex-
dreamed of the possibilities of exercising control over perimental investigations of clouds in the northeastern
the weather. To a limited degree he has accomplished United States, New Mexico, Puerto Rico, and Florida.
this by heating, air conditioning, and artificial illumina- In addition, detailed observations of natural clouds
tion of homes, workshops, and places of culture and have been undertaken in various parts of the country
amusement, as well as by the use of fiood-control and many field and laboratory projects have been
techniques, irrigation systems, and similar technical completed or are actively under way at the present
improvements in limited areas of his countryside. time.
One of the first suggestions that scientific research
would eventually lead to the modification of weather Cloud Modification Methods
systems is contained in an important paper by Findei- The Use of Dry Ice to Modify Clowls. As mentioned
sen [5]. Others, such as Gathman [7], had previously earlier, whenever any object with a temperature less
proposed the use of dry ice to produce clouds and rain, than -39C is introduced into air colder than OC and
a method subsequently tried by Veraart [36]. Their supersaturated with respect to ice, tremendous numbers
idea was to use dry ice to chill the air below its dew of ice crystals are generated. The simplest method for
point to produce clouds and rain. Unfortunately, count- achieving this effect is to introduce small fragments of
less tons of dry ice would be required to produce even dry ice (solid carbon dioxide) into the air. This may be
a small rainfall by this method. The insignificant results accomplished in the free atmosphere by using free
produced by this method and others, such as the forma- balloons, projectiles, or airplanes, or by placing the dry
tion of rain by dumping electrified sand into clouds ice or expanding liquid co2 in orographic clouds on
(tried by W arren and Bancroft), led in 1926 to the mountains or in supercooled ground fogs.
conclusion (Humphreys [8]) that none of the proposed Dry ice may be introduced into various parts of
methods were of any consequence and that they had no clouds with differing effects. The ice crystals it generates
scientific importance. will immediately disappear unless the air is below
Recent Advances. In 1941 Langmuir [12] and Schaefer freezing and supersaturated with respect to ice. Lang-
devised a method for producing an artificial fog which muir has summarized our general methods [14]. Briefly,
eventually was used to blanket sixty miles of the Rhine the judicious use of dry ice may (1) dissipate clouds,
Valley as well as other large areas during the latter part (2) precipitate clouds, or (3) make existing clouds more
of W orld W ar II. Subsequent research following the persistent.
production of artificial fog involved basic studies of Clouds may be dissipated by seeding their tops from
precipitation static on aircraft and of aircraft icing [20]. an airplane before they develop a deep supercooled
This latter study, which involved research with super- layer or by seeding along a line from the side, using
cooled clouds, led the writer to discover a method of liquid carbon dioxide. It is much easier to dissipate
changing a supercooled cloud to ice crystals in a simple clouds after they have passed their maximum vertical
but highly effective manner [21]. development than when they are actively growing, since
When this discovery was made, it was immediately seeding a growing cloud may trigger off a chain reaction.
apparent that the time had arrived to attempt the Since it requires considerable experience and judg-
modification of clouds on a large scale. Unlike all pre- ment to select a growing cumulus, experiments planned
vious attempts, the methods proposed would utilize dry to cause precipitation may fail because of improper
ice as a triggering device to release the energy stored selection of the area to be seeded. If the larger of the
within supercooled clouds by causing a change in phase towers in a cumulus system are selected for seeding
of the unstable supercooled cloud. By utilizing the while the airplane is in a position to see the general
inherent instability of such clouds it was planned to cloud system, the selected cloud will probably be in a
introduce ice crystals in such numbers that large effects subsiding state before seeding takes place. Under such
would be produced according to the Bergeron mecha- conditions, dissipation is likely to result. The life cycle
nism. of such clouds is so short [43] that an intimate knowl-
The first experiments designed to transform a super- edge of their dynamic properties is essential if effective
cooled cloud to snow crystals were carried out by seeding is to be achieved.
Schaefer in the fall of 1946 [24] and the early months of The effects are generally spectacular when the seeding
1947. In March 1947 cloud-seeding experiments using is done to release effectively the heat of sublimation
dry ice in supercooled clouds were undertaken on a stored in supercooled clouds. In unstable air, a tremen-
larger scale with government support. This activity, dous upheaval may occur if the seeded cloud is actively
called Project Cirrus, was sponsored by the Army Signal growing and well supercooled. This increase in convec-
Corps and the Office of Naval Research, using planes tion occurs because of the heat liberated by the shift
and crews supplied by the Air Forces, with technical from the water to the ice phase. In stratus clouds, this
consultation provided by Langmuir and Schaefer of the increase in temperature may amount to 0.5C, while in

large cumulus formations an increase in temperature of are very striking. Very beautiful halos, sun pillars, sun
severa! degrees within the cloud is quite possible. dogs, etc., of brilliant color and high intensity occur in
The U se of Silver I odide as a Seeding Agent. An overseeded clouds. Sometimes a peculiar bluish hue
entirely different process for seeding the atmosphere develops in an overseeded cloud because the particles
with ice nuclei involves the use of submicroscopic silver are small with respect to the wave length of visible
iodide particles produced with a smoke generator. Since light.
this substance is most effective at temperatures below As suggested by Bergeron [3] and Schaefer [31], over-
-lOC, techniques which are somewhat different from seeding may eventually be used to cause the transport
those used with dry ice are employed. Silver iodide of moisture from one region to another or may be
lends itself particularly well to the use of ground genera- utilized to form large reservoirs of ice nuclei. Such
tors and the modification of large cloud systems. By formations could affect clouds some distance from the
the use of the generators described by Vonnegut [39] it seeding point or any clouds in the infected region which
is possible to produce invisible smokes of silver iodide became large enough to form precipitation. It follows
particles in such high concentrations as to infect many therefore that overseeding of supercooled clouds may
thousands of cubic miles of the atmosphere. Not only become an effective method for preventing the forma-
is it possible to exceed the highest concentrations found tion of rain or snowstorms in specific areas.
in the free atmosphere, but the silver iodide partide is Figure 13 illustrates the active formation of an ice
a more effective ice-crystal nucleus than any which has crystal cloud by dry-ice seeding in clear air. The early
thus far been found in nature.
The Seeding of Clouds with Water. Under certain con-
ditions the precipitation cycle may be initiated in large
cumulus clouds by introducing large water drops into
actively convective portions of the cloud. This seeding
initiates a chain reaction [13] involving the growth and
breakup of water drops. Since this seeding mechanism
is not related to snow, it will not be discussed here.
Cloud Seeding
Ejfects of Seeding Operations. Laboratory experiments
show that a concentration of about 50 ice nuclei per
cubic centimeter will exhaust all the moisture in a
supercooled cloud in about 10 sec. Since supercooled
clouds are sometimes invaded by ice crystals falling
from cirrus clouds, it is interesting to determine their
effect on a supercooled cloud. Such crystals have a
falling velocity of about 1 m sec- 1 and a concentration
in the air of about 1 X 10 4 m- 3 Assuming typical Fra. 13.-The formation of an ice-crystal cloud by dry-ice
seeding of air supersaturated with respect to ice at a tempera-
atmospheric conditions with the invading crystals mov- ture of -18.5C.
ing through the supercooled cloud at a rate of 1 m
sec- 1, not more than 20 min would be required to use stage of a stratus-cloud seeding, producing removal of
up the supercooled cloud droplets in a specific region of cloud cover over a local region, is illustrated in Fig.
a cloud. This process may often be observed in the 14. Not enough moisture was contained in these clouds
free atmosphere. to produce substantial amounts of precipitation.
The Overseeding of Clouds. In most natural clouds the The Ejfective Seeding of Clouds. To achieve maximum
number of cloud droplets ranges from 100 to 500 cm-3 effectiveness in the form of energy release and precipi-
This is about one hundred times more than the number tation, it is necessary to seed young, actively growing
of potential ice nuclei thus far observed under natural cumulus clouds in a region of t he atmosphere which is
conditions. Supercooled droplets can be transformed to potentially unstable. The clouds should be seeded when
ice crystals without a decrease in the number of t he they have a vertical thickness above the freezing level
individual particles when they reach the spontaneous of 3000- 5000 ft. Care must be exercised that the dry-ice
nucleation temperature of -39C or when they are particles penetrate the entire supercooled region.
artificially seeded with dry ice or silver iodide. Concen- As mentioned earlier, the seeding of cumulus clouds
trations of ice nuclei exceeding 10,000 cm- 3 may be with dry ice to effect a sudden release of the heat of
induced in natural supercooled clouds by proper seeding sublimation should produce unusually intense eonvec-
methods. This fact is most easily demonstrated in a tion in growing cumulus clouds. Such effects have been
supercooled ground fog [23]. Since one gram of dry ice observed in experiments conducted in Australia [10],
may generate 1 X 1016 ice crystals, this minute quantity South Africa [1], Canada [17], and New Mexico [32].
effectively distributed could fill 1 X 107 m 3 of air (a Under optimum conditions, judicious seeding to produce
volume of fog 100 m thick, 100 m wide, and 1000 m this effect could lead to a local convergence by breaking
long) with a concentration of 1000 cm- 3 through a limiting inversion layer or other restrictive
The optica! efft;cts produced by overseeding of clovds atmospheric condition. At times it is conceivable that

this could develop into marked alterations of the general records show nothing within a hundred miles except
synoptic situation. Despite the skepticism of some mete- from seeded clouds. An adjacent mountain range, the
orologists, it seems reasonable to presume that such Sandia Mountains, to the northwest of the area used in
end results are quite likely, since this would be in these experiments, was employed as a control region.
Although cumulus clouds similar to those which were
seeded formed over the Sandias throughout the day, no

FIG. 14.-The effect produced in a supercooled stratus

cloud with >~ pound per mile of dry ice. The straight legs of FrG. 16.-Rain showers falling from cumulus cloud 90
the pattern are 18 miles long. min after seeding with one pound of dry ice.
accord with the physical processes which lead to the trace of precipitation occurred from them. A series of
formation of certain types of widespread natural storms. experimental studies in July 1950 produced similar re-
Figure 15 shows an area of cumulus clouds in New sults.
Mexico seeded with pellets of dry ice when the clouds The Effects of Silver Iodide S eeding. Anomalous cloud
were actively growing and had a vertical thickness above effects were anticipated and have been observed in
the supercooled layer of 5500 ft. The photograph illus- regions where experiments were conducted with silver
trates the appearance of the clouds 33 min after four iodide. Figure 17 shows a large precipitation area which

FIG. 15.- A view of the cloud area in New Mexico seeded FIG. 17.- A rainstorm which originated in a region containing
with dry ice. The towering cumulus to the right of center was silver iodide produced by a ground generator.
seeded with one pound of dry ice 15 rriin earlier.
began in air filled with silver iodide particles and formed
pounds of dry ice were placed in five local regions along rain severa! hours before any other clouds developed
the Monzano Mountains. Figure 16 shows the subse- in the region on July 21, 1949 near Albuquerque,
quent development of the rainstorm triggered off by New Mexico. Further information on this subj ect may
the dry-ice seeding. This cloud system produced its be obtained from Langmuir's and Vonnegut's papers
initial precipitation 15 min after dry-ice seeding was [13, 38].
completed. The development of this storm was followed
in minute detail by radar, two ground stations, and two Possibilities and Limitations in Seeding of Clouds
airplanes. No other precipitation could be detected by In any science it is possible to establish the possi-
the radar within sixty miles, and the precipitation bilities and limitations of certain physical phenomena.

In experimental meteorology, such factors as the sta- concentration of ice nuclei are two of the factors respon-
bilityof the atmosphere, the concentration of ice nuclei, sible for such occurrences.
the absolute humidity, the circulation of the air, and Proper seeding by artificial means may have economic
the heating by the sun are important. value in several ways. Besides forming precipitation in
The absence of clouds, the presence of strong the vicinity of such clouds, the process would prevent
temperature inversions, large variations in wind the formation of false cirrus streamers which sometimes
velocity with altitude, low absolute humidity, small reduce solar radiation to such an extent [30] that the
lapse rate, weak circulation, large quantities of cirrus formation of other convective clouds downwind is se-
clouds, and other similar atmospheric situations present riously affected. The formation of precipitation also may
serious, if not absolute, limitations to cloud-seeding lead to increased air circulation which, if accomplished
operations. Conversely, if large cumulus clouds occur on a large enough scale, could change the weather
without the formation of precipitation, if there is pattern.
abundant moisture, large lapse rates, low concentrations As suggested recently by Langmuir [14], the seeding
of ice nuclei, an absence of wind shear, and few inver- of a given portion of the atmosphere with a sufficient
sions, the possibilities of cloud modification are great concentration of ice nuclei to start a chain reaction
and some unquestionable effects may follow the use of serves primarily to increase the probability of precipita-
proper seeding techniques. However, even under ideal tion coming from any given synoptic situation. De-
conditions, it is stiU possible to have poor or inconclusive pending on the "triggering" nature of the seeding effect,
results unless intelligent seeding techniques are fol- the effectiveness of any particular seeding operation
lowed. will involve many complex physical relationships in the
With evidence now at hand it is possible to draw some atmosphere not yet understood in enough detail even to
fairly definite conclusions with regard to the possible consider at this time.
effects of seeding methods under the following general T he Prevention of W indstorms and Torrential Rains.
conditions. Local windstorms of the type characterized by high
Thunderstorms. Thunderstorms generally occur in gustiness and turbulence are often caused by down-
clouds of large vertical thickness containing large drafts induced by heavy precipitation. By preventing
amounts of supercooled droplets and some ice crystals. the formation of thick cumulus clouds through judicious
By dissipating or overseeding all clouds in a thunder- seeding techniques, this type of local storm damage
storm "breeding area" [28] shortly after they pass above may be prevented. Whether these techniques can be
the freezing level, it shoulcl be possible to prevent the expanded to affect larger storm systems must await
formation of a thunderstorm. This may be accomplishecl further experimental studies.
by local seecling with dry ice from an airplane or from The Elimination of Ground Fogs. Under special con-
projectiles from grouncl stations, but eventually it may ditions supercooled ground fogs may form by radiational
be accomplishecl most effectively ancl over a larger area cooling, contact of cold air with warm open water, or
by the proper use of silver iodide generators at the some similar condition. Seeding of such fogs may be
grouncl. Initial success may be expected from orographic effective in dispersa! if care is exercised that they are
type thunderstorms rather than from the much more not overseeded. An initial concentration not greater
complex storms associatecl with frontal systems. than 100 particles per cubic centimeter must be
Hailstorms. Since it is believed that clamaging hail- achievecl. If the concentration is much greater, the fog
storms are due primarily to the presence of a deep will be overseeded and the visibility will become reduced
supercoolecl layer and a relatively small number of ice from that existing in the supercooled fog.
nuclei, techniques similar to those employed in pre- N o methods are known at present which would lend
venting thunderstorm development should be effective themselves to the effective dissipation of warm fogs.
in preventing hail. Since such storms often possess The reduction of ice-crystal fogs which form at very
special characteristics in regions where they are com- low temperatures is also a difficult condition to over-
mon, a careful study will suggest the best method of come by seeding methods, since these fogs commonly
dealing with them. If certain features of the local form at temperatures below -39C. Under such con-
topography fa vor their development, it may be possible ditions, any surplus of moisture exceeding the frost
to locate silver iodide generators so that their effiuent point comes out in the form of ice crystals. In the
will be carried into the most active part of the cloud temperature range from OC to -39C, the air may
system. It is important to provide so many ice nuclei become supersaturated with respect to ice. Under such
that the competition for the available moisture is too conditions, it may be possible to put out an optimum
great for individual particles to grow large. It would be quantity of ice nuclei to precipitate the moisture as
more effective, however, to prevent the development snow.
of a deep supercooled layer and for this purpose a The Elimination of Supercooled Clouds in the Atmos-
program of early seeding should be more effective. phere. It is now feasible, using the mechanisms referred
lncreased Precipitation from Cumulus Clouds. As sug- to in the preceding sections, to limit the formation of
gested earlier, large cumulus clouds sometimes form supercooled clouds in the atmosphere. This control
without the development of a precipitation phase. High over supercooled clouds is not necessarily limited to
wind shear at upper levels in the atmosphere or a low local regions; if desired it could be achieved throughout

the world. By using silver iodide in relatively insignifi- Stimulation of Clouds To Produce Rain." Nature,
cant quantities, a situation could be developed under 159:489-494 (1947).
which ice crystals would immediately form in any cloud 11. LANDSBERG, H., "Atmospheric Condensation Nuclei."
which formed in air colder than -5C. Beitr. Geophys., (Supp.) 3:155-252 (1938).
12. LANGMUIR, I., "The Growth of Particles in Smokes and
The anomalous effects which would follow from such Clouds and the Production of Snow from Supercooled'
an atmospheric condition are not predictable at the Clouds." Proc. Amer. phil. Soc., 92:167-185 (1948).
present time. It is obvious that important changes in 13. - - "The Production of Rain by a Chain Reaction i:ti
storm pattems and climatic conditions could follow Cumulus Clouds at Temperatures above Freezing."
wherever these phenomena are govemed by supercooled J. Meteor., 5:175-192 (1948).
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The Use of Seeding Techniques for Studyin(J the At- by Various Seeding Techniques." Sence, 112:35-41
mosphere. By placing a known quantity of dry ice or (1950).
silver iodide in a supercooled cloud it is possible to 15. - - ScHAEFER, V. J., and others, (A Series of More Than
"mark" a cloud in such a way that subsequent changes 20 Occasional Reports on Cloud Physics and Experi-
mental Meteorology). Project Cirrus, Contract No.
in the physical nature of the cloud may be followed in W-36-039-sc-32427, General Electric Res. Lab., Sche-
great detail and with an accuracy hitherto impossible nectady, N. Y.
to achieve. By this method, the development of turbu- 16. NAKAYA, U., TonA, Y., and MARUYAMA, S., "Further
lence, the growth characteristics of snow crystals, the Experimenta on the Artificial Production of Snow Crys-
chain reaction mechanisms responsible for the develop- tals." J. Fac. Sci. Hokkaido Univ., Ser. II, Voi. 2, No. 1,
ment of widespread snowstorms, the change of insola- pp. 13-57 (1938).
tion from cloudy sky to clear sky, the formation of new 17. 0RR, J. L., FRASER, D., and PETTIT, K. G., "Canadian
clouds, the development of precipitation, the occurrence Experimenta on Artificially Inducing Precipitation."
of supersaturation, the properties of false cirrus, and Bull. Amer. meteor. Soc., 31:56-59 (1950).
many other atmospheric phenomena may be studied in 18. ScHAEFER, V. J., "A Method for Making Snowfiake
Replicas." Science, 93:239-240 (1941).
great detail. Since it is possible to initiate many of these 19. - - "Use of Snowfiake Replicas for Studying Winter
processes, it is possible for the first time to follow a Storms." Nature, 149:81 (1942).
particular meteorologica! process from beginning to end. 20. - - Final Report on Icing Research up to July 1, 1946.
As experience is gained in this field, it is likely that A.T.S.C. Contract No. W-33-038-ac-9151, General Elec-
these techniques will be most valuable in permitting us tric Res. Lab., Schenectady, N. Y., 1945.
to reach a better understanding of that very complex 21. - - "The Production of Ice Crystals in a Cloud of Super-
but fascinating subject which we call weather. A careful cooled Water Droplets." Science, 104:457-459 (1946).
scientific approach to these problems, using imagina- 22. - - "Properties of Particles of Snow and the Electrica!
tion, enthusiasm, and sound judgment, is of utmost Effects They Produce in Storms." Trans. Amer. geophys.
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Physical Research Division, U. S. Weather Bureau

lntroduction due either to the resulting spontaneous freezing of the

With the important discovery in 1946 that super- supercooled droplets or to the production of myriads
cooled cloud elements could be artificially converted to of ice-crystal germs from the water vapor in the cloud.
ice crystals by introducing pellets of carbon dioxide In any case, whatever t he effect of the dry ice, there is
snow [Il, 12), the possibility of human control of no question that it is ~apable of almost completely
weather seemed imminent. Claims and speculation con- converting seeded portions .of supercooled clouds into
cerning the degree of possible weather control and the ice particles. The optica! effects of such conversions
probable amount of artificially induced precipitation are startling. In Fig. 1 the reftection of the sunlight
were rife, and meteorologica! opinion ranged from the from the ice-crystal cloud produced by seeding is seen
one extreme "of academic value only" to the other "of tobe brilliant when compared to the light reflected from
great economic and military importance." The more the adjacent supercooled water-droplet clouds.
favorable claims were supported in part by a few in-
completely documented single experiments conducted
in 1946 and 1947. These claims excited the interest of
the public and stimulated demands for immediate
weather control, drought relief, and storm diversion
and dissipation, even though at t he time there was no
definite objective evidence that these were possible.
Alfred Wegener [15] was the first to suggest that the
coexistence of ice and water in supercooled clouds led to
colloidal instability resulting in rapid growth of ice
particles. The possibility of modifying and producing
rain from supercooled clouds by adding sublimation
nuclei was foreseen by Bergeron [1, 2] and Findeisen
[8). Until1946, however, no method was known of pro-
ducing the necessary ice-crystal nuclei artificially. Ear-
lier experiments by Veraart [13] in Holland in 1930
in which he dropped solid carbon dioxide, among other
things, into supercooled clouds must have produced FIG. 1.-Reflection of sunlight on aluminum aircraft wing,
such nuclei, although Veraart at that time did not ice-crystal cloud, and supercooled water-droplet cloud. Note
that the reflection from the ice-crystal cloud is nearly as bright
recognize this possibility. He was credited with produc- as that from the wing.
ing slight amounts of rain on several occasions. How-
ever, because of his sweeping claims, even his positive Bergeron [3) has fully discussed the suitability of
results were discredited. Not until Schaefer and Lang- the various types of rain-producing clouds for artificial
muir [12) demonstrated (1) that a single solid carbon release of precipitation. Briefly, the following conditions
dioxide pellet could produce prodigious numbers (of must be met in a cloud or cloud system in order for arti-
the order of 1016) of sublimation nuclei in its fall through ficiai nucleation to be effective in the modificat ion of
a supercooled cloud, and ~2) that, in actual field tests, clouds and the production of precipitation: (1) The
a number of co2 pellets dropped into a supercooled cloud must contain water droplets at a temperature be-
cloud converted it largely into ice crystals, was it pos- low freezing, while there are still no ice crystals present
sible to investigate the importance of artificial nuclea- in the immediate vicinity or falling through the cloud ;
tion in producing rain and modifying clouds as pre- (2) it must have some minimum thickness (arbitrarily
viously suggested by Bergeron and Findeisen. More about 1000 m) in order for the amount of moisture that
stable sources of sublimation nuclei have also been could be converted into precipitation tobe appreciable;
found suitable. Silver iodide in particular has been used (3) there probably should be some vertical instability
most successfully [14). It should be noted that Heverly in order to allow the growth, if any, of t he cloud to
[9) has demonstrated in the laboratory that spontaneous spread the ice crystals as a result of t he heat liberated
freezing of water droplets in supercooled clouds may by the freezing of the water (this would be accentuated
be a more important natural precipitation instrument in the presence of large-scale horizontal convergence
than the sublimation of water vapor onto suitable active that would provide a continuing source of moisture
nuclei. According to Heverly's results, the effect of dry into the seeded area) . Less important factors deter-
ice in producing colloidal instability could possibly be mining the possibility that precipitation will reach the

ground include (4) the height of the cloud base above garding the temperature, pressure, moisture, and winds
the terrain, and (5) the humidity of the air below the of the upper atmosphere.
cloud. In view of ali the specialized conditions and fac- A number of aircraft were used in most of the seeding
tors involved, one of the objectives of conclusive tests flights. A B-17 usually performed the seeding operation
of cloud-seeding potentialities must certainly be the de- in an area such that its effects would be noted and meas-
termination of the frequency of such conditions and the ured over the surface rain-gage network. Its seeding
importance of such factors. The question and impor- conveyor was carefully calibrated and indicators of the
tance of particular seeding rates, the one variable under rates and periods of seeding were photographed con-
control of the experimenter, are somewhat nebulous tinuously from remote-reading instruments installed in
and will be discussed later in the light of some experi- a photo panel along with indicators of other important
mental results. parameters, such as temperature, pressure, altitude,
and electric field. Also installed in the seeding aircraft
The Cloud Physics Project was a low-powered X-band radar which would indicate
In view of the divergent cla.ims made by both quali- the presence of light-precipitation areas. Photographs
fied and unqualified experimenters in the rain-making of the seeded cloud were taken from this aircraft both
field, the requirement for a long series of well-controlled before and after seeding. Other aircraft which partici-
objective tests became obvious. Such a program, the pated in the flights were high-altitude photo planes
Cloud Physics Project, was initiated by the U. S. which took vertical and oblique photos of the seeded
Weather Bureau, the U. S. Air Force, and the National area, and observation planes which flew above, within,
Advisory Committee for Aeronautics in 1947. Since and beneath both the seeded cloud and neighboring
the 170 tests of that project are the only well-docu- clouds to determine their characteristics. Paths of ali of
mented series yet reported [4, 5, 6, 7], the following dis- the aircraft participating in the missions were recorded
cussion of seeding results will be based upon them. on the photographs of the ground radarscopes. From
The first requirement for an evaluation program is these photos, it was possible to determine the exact
that it be able to separate results of seeding from natu- location of any of the planes at any instant, since each
ral effects. This is especially important in view of the of them was identified by its own radar-triggered beacon
fact that the necessary conditions for successful seeding code. AU oral descriptions of seeding operations and
operations approach those required for natural pre- results were recorded on continuous records, making it
cipitation processes. The Cloud Physics Project experi- possible to determine easily the exact time of any ob-
ments were designed to use the maximum number of servation. Since the position of the particular aircraft
controls and observational tools available for such an at the time of the observation was known from the
atmospheric investigation. Tests were first conducted radar data, the location of the observation was also
for a period of about one year in the vicinity of Wil- known.
mington, Ohio, where ideal facilities were available [4, In summary, observations of the results of the seeding
5]. Further tests were then conducted from Sacramento, operations were made from several points of vantage:
California [6] in the Sierra N evada Range, and from the radar, the aircraft flying above and below the seeded
Mobile, Alabama [7] along the Gulf Coast. At Wilming- cloud, and on the ground (by visual observers). The
ton, all of the project seeding operations \Vere controlled quantities measured were the height of the base and
from a central radar site. The high-powered 10-cm V- top of the seeded cloud, the relative humidity above and
beam radar was of utmost importance in these tests. below, the temperatures inside and outside the cloud,
N ot only was it capable of indicating and marking per- lapse rates, optica! characteristics, and the extent and
manently on film the paths of each of the aircraft in- character of resulting precipitation. In the Sacramento
volved in the investigation, but also it indicated the and Mobile operations, not ali of these quantities were
presence of precipitation areas, whether they were available. However, the basic observational plan was
formed naturally or as a result of seeding. This radar followed with a high-powered 10-cm radar installed in
then was an invaluable tool which indicated if the cloud a B-17 used to obtain the important radar information.
chosen visually for seeding, or for that matter other
clouds in the vicinity, had precipitation echo sources Experiments with Stratus Clouds
before seeding, while, on the other hand, it indicated The first results tobe discussed will be those obtained
if echoes resulted exclusively from seeding. This radar, by the Cloud Physics Project in stratus clouds. Alto-
of course, was also of great help in keeping the obser- gether 37 seedings in such clouds were conducted in the
vational aircraft properly positioned with respect to Wilmington area in 1948 and 15 seedings into orographic
the cloud area being investigated. clouds were made in the Sacramento area in 1949. The
Whenever possible, the project's operations were car- objectives of these tests, as set forth in 1948, were to
ried out over a 55-station surface network south of determine "the practica} limits and general utility of
Wilmington. The rain gages at these stations, along cloud modification processes in producing or suppress-
with recording gages of the hydrometeorological serv- ing precipitation and increasing thP visibility for flying
ice, were used to measure precipitation amounts. Also aircraft."
available in the Wilmington area were two rawinsonde On January 21, 1948, over one inch of snow fell in
stations which provided, as required, information re- the vicinity of Wilmington, Ohio, within eighteen hours

of the completion of a cloud-seeding mission [4]. Since served to move with the prevailing winds at the cloud
this snow fell in exactly the area where the seeding had altitude and, by the time it disappeared, it was some
been done and was somewhat local in character, it twenty miles to the east of the rain-gage-network area.
seemed that it had resulted from the artificial nuclea- At 1540, a new echo directly over the rain-gage area
tion processes. However, a detailed analysis of the in- was observed to form, completely independent of the
formation secured during the mission, especially the seeded echo. Snow continued to fali for some time from
radar pictures, indicated that this was definitely not the the unseeded cloud deck as it passed .over the network,
case. Actually, the measured winds carried the seeded but it was not until approximately 1800 that enough had
clouds outside the precipitating area within a couple fallen to affect the rain gages. A complete series of
of hours. A layer of altostratus clouds, based at 4000 photographs like Fig. 2 is given for this test in Weather
ft and extending to 8700 ft, where the temperature was Bureau Research Paper N o. 30 [4].
-13C, was seeded with dry-ice pellets at t he rate of In summary, to quote from this paper:
four pounds per mile. The first task in analyzing the A definite change in texture of the supercooled cloud deck
data was to determine the exact place of the seeding. was caused by the first seeding. Shortly thereafter, a radar
Since the seeding run was made from.1443:45 to 1445:15 echo was noted to be associated with the seeded area and
EST, its exact location could be found from the pictures snow was observed underneath it. However, at the same time
of the radarscope during that period. The seeding air- in the immediate vicinity, snow echoes were existing or were
craft's location was easily marked by its coded beacon forming. Within one hour after the seeding, the area could no
signal during the run. Before the seeding, it had been longer be distinguished by the observers fiying in the aircraft
determined that the cloud deck was composed wholly of above the cloud. The snow echo as indicated on the radar
supercooled water droplets, but ice crystals were ob- scope had disappeared also. At no time was there a definite
served to form immediately along the seeded line as the hole broken through the cloud as a result of the seeding, al-
though there were large breaks in the clouds nearby.
dry ice was dropped. Observers in an aircraft fl.ying
12,000 ft above t he cloud top reported that the seeding A study of the pictures presented in that report in-
aircraft looked like a snowplow moving across the cloud dicates that some few ice crystals remained in the
deck. A trough about 300 ft deep resulted as the con- seeded area and acted as an obstruction to visibility
version to ice crystals took place while, along t he perim- even when the snow was reported to be falling from
eter of the affected area, clouds built up an estimated beneath the seeded line. Whether or not t he seeding
100 ft. This trough, which widened to 2;!1 miles, was resulted in a hole in the cloud deck does not seem to be
easily recognizable for about 45 min, after which mixing a meaningful question in this case, since the same pic-
dissipated the lines of demarcation between the treated tures indicate very large natural breaks immediately
clouds and t he rest of the deck. The first radar echo bordering t he seeded area.
resulting from the seeding was observed about 30 min Another seeding conducted in the Wilmington area,
after the drop (see Fig. 2). The position of t his echo that of October 5, 1948, was also successful in produc-
ing a radar echo in the exact pattern of the seeding.
On this particular day, the cloud deck extended from
8000 ft to 11,600 ft, where the temperature was -5C.
Dry-ice pellets were dropped at the rate of five pounds
per mile in an L pattern. Immediately after the seeding
run, a texture change and t he horizontal diffusion of ice
crystals were observed. The area continued to spread
slowly and a slight boiling effect was observed along
the extremities of the pattern. At 1445, almost exactly
30 min after the dry ice was dropped, a small radar
echo was observed from the seeded area. Within 5
F IG. 2.- Radarscope photogra ph, January 21 , 1948 min this echo assumed the shape of the L pattern
(first seeding) . (Fig. 3) but within 5 min thereafter completely disap-
peared. Observers fl.ying underneath the seeded pat-
agreed exactly with the location of the seeded area as tern reported that light rain fel! at about the time of
indicated by the observing aircraft and also with its the maximum radar echo. They indicated that the
position computed from the winds aloft. This seeding rain was of short duration and possibly did not reach
echo was approximately three miles wide by about eight the ground.
miles long and never grew any larger. By 1540, about On this day, project pilots indicated that a visual
one hour after the seeding, it had almost completely descent would have been possible in the seeded area at
disappeared. It can be concluded, then, that the seeding about the time of maximum dissipation, which was
resulted in the production of a precipitation area from also the time of maximum radar echo. However, this
which a limited radar echo was observed for about 30 dissipation was not considered particularly significant
min. This echo, however, was not unique at the time of in view of the fact that much larger natural openings
seeding, since other echoes of similar size and natural existed within a few miles of the seeded area. (See
origin were also indicated. This seeded area was ob- Fig. 4, which shows the seeded L in the upper middle

of the picture with large natural openings in the fore- the Project's operations near Sacramento [6] indicates
ground.) These two examples illustrate that even the that its seeding results were no more successful than
most favorable seeding missions in the Ohio tests re- those in Ohio (4]. First of ali, it was found that non-
frontal orographic clouds existed only a fraction of the
time, and that the majority of cloud systems over the
sierra Nevada Range were of frontal origin and con-
tained natural ice-crystal clouds before lower super-
cooled decks were formed . On only three days during a
two-month operational period was it possible to find
nonfrontal clouds and, on each of these days, the lack
of large-scale horizontal convergence in the general
area resulted in somewhat broken cloud decks. A dis-
cussion of t he seeding of February 15, 1949, is in-
cluded here since on this particular day fairly large-
scale dissipation results were observed. An altocumulus
deck extending from 9800 ft to 10,650 ft where the
temperature was -7C was seeded in the shape of an
L along the base of the Sierras near Auburn, California.
Dry ice was used as the seeding agent and was dropped
at the rate of four pounds per mile. Immediately after
FIG. 3.- Radarscope photograph of seeding, October 5, 1948, seeding an ice-crystal pattern conforming to the dry-
showing L-shaped area of light rain.
ice pattern was observed and within some 20 min the
sulted in only slight precipitation amounts and in dis- ice-crystal area had spread about 1;!1 miles. Within one
sipation only when the clouds were breaking up due to hour after the seeding, definite holes through to the
natural conditions. A study of the data presented in ground, especially along the borders of the seeded pat-
the Ohio report indicates without exception that such tern, were observed and at t he apex of the L a large
opening some three to four miles across was observed.
However, the significance of this dissipation becomes
questionable in view of the natural dissipation occur-
ring simultaneously. The natural openings could easily
be seen, and within a half-hour after the observation
of the large seeded opening, the whole cloud deck be-
gan to break up rapidly and disappeared shortly there-
after. No precipitation of consequence could have fallen
as a result of seeding, since its effects did not spread
over a large area nor did it cause any large-scale con-
vection. The only amount of moisture that could have
fallen was that which could have been extracted from
the 800-ft t hick cloud.
Other experimenters in the field have indicated that
they believed that the Cloud Physics Project was not
successful in causing large-scale dissipation because of
its use of excessive amounts of dry ice, usually two to
five pounds per mile, and they recommended that
rates of one pound per mile or less be used. They felt
that overseeding had occurred in most of the cases
FIG. 4.- First seeded area as seen from 10,000 ft above cloud studied by t he Cloud Physics Project and that, as a re-
deck, photographed thirty minutes after seeding (October 5,
1948). Note natural breaks in clouds. suit, the ice crystals which formed did not grow large
enough to precipitate from t he cloud deck in sufficient
large-scale seeding effects, as illustrated above, were numbers actually to cause it to dissipate. As a matter
possible only when the cloud deck treated was under- of fact, they suggested the use of only one pellet of
going natural dissipative action. On the "unfavorable" dry ice to open relatively large areas. Four such single
days, seeding resulted in the production of narrow lines pellet drops by the Cloud Physics Project during its
of ice crystals which did not diffuse through the super- California tests gave no results on a scale large enough
cooled cloud deck. to be recognized. There is no doubt that there exists
The Sierra N evada tests were conducted for the some optimum ratio of the specific number of droplets
purpose of evaluating the importance of dry-ice seeding to ice nuclei for most favorable seeding results. Ber-
in orographic type stratus clouds. It was felt that the geron [3] has discussed this in some detail in his paper
clouds formed along the Sierra N evada Range by the and gives examples of the effects of the various ratios
mechanical lifting of moist Pacific air would offer the from underseeding to overseeding. It is readily appar-
most favorable conditions for seeding. The report for ent there is no one seeding rate which will give the

optimum ratio because of the variability of the water- configuration and often violent activity of cumuli make
droplet distribution in different stratus cloud systems it impossible to use any one of them as a control. It
and because of differing diffusion conditions. It is obvi- has been suggested that the cloud to be seeded be
ous, considering the tremendous number of nuclei cre- chosen randomly from among those possessing the re-
ated from the fall of one dry-ice pellet, that there will quired characteristics and that, for each cloud seeded,
be gross overseeding in the cloud segment through a similar one, also chosen randomly, be observed in
which such a pellet falls while at some distance away, its natural course. However, the results of the Cloud
depending upon diffusion conditions, there will be un- Physics Project in seeding cumulus clouds indicate that
derseeding. Somewhere, then, between where the pellet the control exercised through the use of the several
passes through the cloud segment and where its nu- observational aircraft and, especially, of a rain-sensi-
cleation effects are just felt, there must exist the opti- tive radar, made the scheme described above unneces-
mum ratio for the particular cloud. It is seen, then, that sary. Altogether the project conducted 79 seedings in
the problem of overseeding is nota consequence of ex- cumulus clouds in the Ohio area [5] and 44 in semi-
cessive amounts of dry ice thrown out along a path, but tropical cumulus along the Gulf Coast [7). A number
rather is due to the lack of uniform dispersion by the of clouds seeded in the Ohio tests were not supercooled
diffusion of the. tremendous numbers of nuclei pro- but were seeded with water droplets for the purpose of
duced by even one dry-ice pellet. To quote Langmuir investigating the reality of "chain reaction processes"
[12) "The conclusion is obvious, however, that with a within warm clouds as envisaged by Langmuir in 1948
reasonable number of pellets dropped along a flight [10]. The results of seedings in such warm clouds ap-
path into the top of a cloud, the limiting factor will peared to be unfavorable from the relatively few tests
not be the number of nuclei but the rate at which the conducted, and they were not continued in the Gulf
nuclei can be distributed throughout the cloud." In Coast tests, but rather the more favorable supercooled
cumulus clouds, the characteristic internal turbulence cumulus clouds were investigated there.
and mixing would spread the nuclei from even one As indicated in U. S. Weather Bureau Research
pellet throughout a large portion of the cloud within a Paper N o. 31 [5], only trivial amounts of precipitation
short period of time. However, in characteristically resulted from seeding the Ohio cumulus clouds and
stable stratus clouds, only horizontal divergence or even in cases where these amounts were observed,
mixing would tend to distribute the nuclei through a there were nearby natural showers of the same or
large cloud volume. These factors are of course the greater intensity. In none of the cases reported did the
same ones that result in natural dissipation of stratus seeded cloud build extensively as a result of the dry-
clouds. Thus, the results of the Cloud Physics Project ice drop and it is thus obvious that no large amounts
emphasize the importance of divergence and mixing of precipitation could have been expected to fall. On
by diffusion. In both the Ohio and California tests, the contrary, the most obvious effect of seeding dry
spread of artificially induced nuclei and subsequent ice into both supercooled and nonsupercooled cumulus
stratus dissipation were observed only when natural clouds was the resulting rapid dissipation. There were
dissipation was occurring. The effect of heats of fusion very few cases in which the cloud built up after seed-
and sublimation released as a result of seeding was ing, and in each of these the growth did not exceed a
never observed to be on a scale large enough to cause few thousand feet. On the other hand, dissipation was
any important local circulation and resulting spread usual and often almost complete in its effect. The fol-
of artificial nucleation. lowing is quoted from this report [5):
Experiments with Cumulus Clouds This dissipation appeared to be nearly independent of super-
cooling or of the particular agent employed. Its occurrence
It appears that the most suitable cloud for the arti- was consistent with the idea that convective clouds often
ficial production of precipitation would be a cumulus have lapse rates steeper than the moist adiabatic as a result
congestus whose top, having reached above the freez- of mixing and entrainment between such clouds and the en-
ing level, would contain supercooled water while stiU vironment. A downward movement initiated by dry ice, large
not containing ice crystals. If seeding resulted only in numbers of ice crystals, water or other means (aircraft flying
the conversion of the water in such a cloud into precipi- vertically upward through the cloud have been employed
tation, it is possible that a maximum of 0.2 in. of rain- successfully) might easily cause an appreciable mass of air to
fall might reach the ground under the most favorable become colder than the surrounding clouds, and thus induce
circumstances. In addition, it has been suggested that further downward motion. A similar explanation has been
the heat released in the conversion of the cloud top to advanced by Byers and Braham for the formation of the
thunderstorm downdraft.
ice crystals might be of sufficient value to set off addi-
tional convection within the treated cloud and thus to Regarding the general results in the Ohio area, the
result eventually in the production of a heavy rain following is also quoted from the same report:
shower or thunderstorm.
The experiments showed that the artificial modification of
The investigation of the results of seeding cumulus cumuliform clouds is of doubtful economic importance for
clouds is somewhat more difficult than the investiga- the production of rain. Dissipation rather than new develop-
tion of similar results in stratus clouds. In the latter, ment was the general rule. There is no indication that seeding
the untreated portion of the seeded deck can be used will initiate self-propagating storms, and therefore, the only
as a control or a standard, while the ever-changing precipitation that can be extracted from a cloud is that con-

tained within the cloud itself. The methods are certainly not possibly by increasing the number of nuclei available
promising for the relief of drought. within the cloud.
Three specific examples of the Mobile seeding opera-
In the Weather Bureau report are included detailed tion seem of interest. On June 5, 1949 the cloud under
examples of three different cases in which the radar, study had its base at around 5600 ft with the top at
in particular, and other operational tools available to 18,000 ft where the temperature was -6C . It was
the Cloud Physics Project proved invaluable in assess- seeded twice with dry ice at the rate of five pounds per
ing the results of seeding. One of the examples illus- mile. On the first run, only supercooled water was ob-
trates a case in which a small shower which resulted served to freeze on the aircraft. This seeding resulted
from the seeding was differentiated from other natural in the dissipation of the pinnacle traversed during the
showers occurring almost simultaneously within five run. On the second seeding run, 13 min !ater, both
miles. In the second example, there is discussed a case supercooled water and ice crystals were observed.
in which a small radar echo and accompanying shower Shortly after the dry-ice drop, a faint radar echo ap-
resulted from seeding when there were no other show- peared in the seeded area, while at the same time an-
ers indicated by the radar within fifty miles. In the last other echo formed in a cloud four miles away. This
example covered in the report, an untreated tower natural echo grew to a much larger size than that in
which was part of the seeded cloud showed an echo the seeded cloud. Figures 5 and 6 show the cloud before
previous to the dry-ice drop, indicating that precipita- and after the second seeding and illustrate its rapid
tion had already started in that portion. The tower dissipation into a small stratified cloud. The second
that was seeded did not give any precipitation. How- picture shows a rainbow from the light precipitation
ever observers underneath the cloud reported rain which fell from the cloud. It is interesting to note in
whi;h as a result of the detailed analysis procedure, Fig. 5 the concurrent thunderstorms in the near back-
was d~finitely attributed to the tower that showed an ground .
echo previous to the seeding. These cases show that
the use of ali available controls, such as radar, is most
important in properly evaluating the results. Without
a radar in the first example, the adjacent natural show-
ers might either have been overlooked or, on the other
hand, attributed to the seeding operation. In the last
example, the rain which was already falling from the
seeded cloud might easily have been attributed to the
effect of the dry ice. This third example illustrates a
real difficulty in the seeding of cumuliform clouds. In
the Ohio area many of these clouds reached the spon-
taneous freezing level soon after surpassing the OC iso-
therm, thus occasionally making it impossible to find
clouds extending above the freezing level which did not
have ice crystals in them before seeding. The following
results of the tests conducted at Mobile, Alabama,
indicate this to be a particularly important difficulty FIG . 5.-Second seeding , June 5, 1949 (before seeding).
in the seedings conducted in that area. Altitude, 18,000 ft; time , 1452; azimuth, 300 .
In clouds over the Gulf States [7], ice crystals would
usually form naturally just a few thousand feet above A very favorable situation for seeding is illustrated
the freezing level, often when the temperature at the in the third seeding of June 7, 1949. A cloud whose
tops of the clouds was not below -6C. Such clouds base was near 5000 ft and whose top was estimated to
would appear to be composed of only water droplets
when observed visually from outside, but the occur-
rence of radar echoes and subsequent visual observa-
tion of ice crystali: within these clouds proved externa!
visual observation to be unsatisfactory and somewhat
misleading. Thus, there was only a short period of time
during cloud development in which seeding was likely
to be effective; that is, between the time the cloud
reached the freezing level and the time it reached the
natural crystallization level, from 3000 to 6000 ft
higher. As in the Ohio tests, there was no appreciable
building as a result of seeding, but rather dissipation
of the cloud top was the rule. Occasionally, clouds con-
taining only ice crystals were seeded because of the
unavailability of strictly supercooled ones. The report
of the Cloud Physics Project indicates that even in FIG. 6.-Second seeding , June 5 , 1949 (a fter seeding) . Note
these cases seeding hastened the process of dissipation, rainbow under cloud. Altitude, 18,000 ft; time , 1503.

be at 24,000 ft where the temperature was - 25C was of ice crystals which subsequently choke off the necessary
seeded with dry ice at the rate of five pounds per mile. moisture inflow at lower altitudes and at lesser stages of
development than those decreed by nature.
This cloud contained only supercooled water at t he
20,000-ft seeding altitude and no radar echo was ob- The large number of independent experiments con-
served from it prior to the seeding. Within 10 min after ducted by the Cloud Physics Project have been gen-
the seeding, a small rain echo was observed from the erally disappointing in terms of the practica! and eco-
cloud and light virga was observed by the low obser- nomic results hoped for. However, the treatment of
vation aircraft. It was estimated that within about natural clouds by large numbers of artificially dispersed
one-half hour after the seeding t his cloud had dissi- sublimation nuclei has frequent ly induced weather per-
pated approximately 75 per cent. Figures 7 and 8 are turbations whose study has added notably to our sci-
entific understanding of precipitation processes. The
objective analysis of detailed changes occurring in the
tremendous spaces of t he atmosphere is extremely diffi-
cult even with all the instruments and facilit ies avail-
able. Future progress will depend, in no smali measure,
upon the invention and development of better air-
borne instruments suitable for making rapid determi-
nations of the detailed characteristics of each cloud to
be explored.
1. BERGERON, T. , "Uber die dreidimensional verkniipfende
Wetteranalyse." Geofys. Publ., Voi. 5, No . 6 (1928) .
(See Part 1)
2. - - "On the Physics of Cloud and Precipitation. " P. V.
Meteor. Un. geod. geophys. int., Pt. II, pp. 156- 178 (1935).
3. - - " The Problem of Artificial Control of Rainfall on the
Globe. Part 1, General E ffects of Ice Nuclei in Clouds ."
FIG. 7.-Third seeding, June 7, 1949 (before seeding) . Altitude, T ellus , Voi. 1, No. 1, pp. 32-43 (1949).
20,000 ft; time, 1430 ; azimuth, 360. 4. CooNs, R. D., GENTRY, R . C. , and GuNN, R , " First Par-
tial Report on the Artificial Production of Precipita-
pictures of the cloud immediately before and 14 min tion-Stratiform Clouds-Ohio, 1948." Bull . Amer . me-
after seeding. They show its rapid conversion into ice teor . Soc ., 29:266-269 (1948) . (U . S. Wea. Bu r. Res . Pap .
crystals. N o. 30, same t it le (1948) .)
5. CooNs, R . D., JoNEs, E . L., and GuNN, R ., "Second Par-
t ial Report of the Artificial P roduction of Precipitation
- Cumuliform Clouds-Ohio, 1948." Bull. Amer. meteor.
Soc ., 29:544-546 (1948) . (U. S . Wea . Bur. Res. Pap. No.
31, same title (1949) .)
6. - - "Third Partial Report of the Artificial Product ion of
Precipitation- Orographic Stratiform Clouds- Califor-
nia , 1949." Bull. Amer. meteor. Soc., 30:255-256 (1949).
(U . S . Wea . Bur . Res. Pap. No. 33, same title (1949).)
7. - - " F ourt h P artial Re port on the Artificial Production
of Precipitation- Cumulus Clouds- Gulf States , 1949."
Bull. A mer. meteor . Soc., 30 :289- 292 (1949). (U . S . Wea .
Bur. Res. Pap. No . 33, same t itle (1949) .)
8. FrNDEISEN, W., "Die kolloidmeteorologischen Vorga nge bei
der Niederschlagsbildung ." Meteor. Z., 55:121- 133 (1938) .
9. H EVERLY, J . R ., " Supercooling and Crystallization ."
Trans . Amer. geophys . Un ., 30 :205-210 (1949).
10. LANGMUIR, I., "The P roduction of Rain by a Chain Re-
action in Cumulus Clouds at T emperatures above F reez-
FIG. 8.- Third seeding, June 7, 1949 (after seeding) . Altit ude, ing." J . Meteor., 5 :175- 192 (1948) .
21,000 ft; time, 1444; azimuth, 360.
Il. ScHAEFER, V. J. , " The Production of Ice Crystals in a
Considering the result obtained in the Ohio tests, Cloud of Supercooled Water D roplets ." S cien ce , 104 :
and especially in t~e Gulf tests, the project report [7] 457-459 (1946) .
conclude:o in part that 12. - - LANGMUIR, I., a nd others , Fi rst Quarterly Progress
Report, M eteorological R esearch . General Electric Res .
. . . it seems a logica! ccmclusion that seeding, by usually Lab ., 15 July 1947.
stopping the development of cumulus soon a fter they reach 13. VERAART, A. W., Meer Zonneschijn in het N eveli g Noorden;
the freezing level, possibly interferes with the growth of some meer Regen in de Tropen. Seyffa rdt 's Boek en Muziek-
few of them to full-scale thund erstorm~ . All of our observa- ha ndel , Amsterdam, 1931.
tions seem consistent with this conclusion. Seeding then 14. VoNNEGUT, B ., "The Nucleat ion of Ice Formation by Sil-
might actually be a deterrent to t he production of precipita- ver Iodide." J . appl. Phys ., 18 :593- 595 (1947).
tion over any particular a rea . It apparently inhibits the 15. WEGENER, A., Thermodynami k der Atmosphre . Leipzig,
growth of cumulus clouds by initia t ing premature downdra fts J . A. Bart h, 1911 . (See pp. 94- 98)

General Aspects of U pper Atmospheric Physics by S. K. Mitra. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 4 5

Photochemical Processes in the Upper Atmosphere and Resultant Composition by Sydney Chapman. . . . 262

Ozone in the Atmosphere by F. W. Paul Gotz ..................................................... . 275

Radiative Temperature Changes in the Ozone Layer by Richard A. Craig. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 292

Temperatures and Pressures in the Upper Atmosphere by Homer E. Newen ]r.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303

W ater Vapour in the U pper Air by G. M. B. Dobson and A. W. Brewer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 11

Diffusion in the Upper Atmosphere by Heinz Lettau. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 320

The Ionosphere by S. L. Seaton .................................................... .............. 334

Night-Sky Radiations from the U pper Atmosphere by E. O. Hulburt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 341

Aurorae and Magnetic Storms by L. Harang .. .................................................... 347

Meteors as Probes of the Upper Atmosphere by Fred L. Whipple ...... ............................ 356

Sound Propagation in the Atmosphere by B. Gutenberg. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 366

University of Calcutta

INTRODUCTION regions at heights of 200 km and above, long distance

radio communication at night would be impossible.
The present article is intended as an introduction to Auroral displays which illuminate the long winter nights
the articles on the different aspects of the upper atmos- in the polar regions occur with greatest frequency near
phere which follow. The main topics of this contributi on
a height of 100 km, and auroral streamers sometimes
will be a discussion of the physical origin of the upper
extend up to heights of 1000 km and beyond. The com-
atmosphere, methods of investigation and a general mon phenomenon of shooting stars appears most fre-
survey of the contempo rary state of our knowledge of quently in the region 50 to 150 km. During W orld
th~ upp~r atmo~phere, and an account of the problems
Wars I and II the sound of cannon fire in France could
whwh stlll remam unsolved. There will, of necessity, be
be heard in England because the wave of explosion
references to many subjects which are dealt with in the
was bent downward by refraction at heights of about
articles that follow. These references will be included
35 km.
at the risk of a certain amount of repetition, as the aim Many upper atmospheric phenomena are also of
of the present article is to give a general idea of the
great scientific interest because they occur under con-
physical aspects of the upper atmosphere. The reader
ditions and on a scale which cannot be reproduced in
who desires detailed knowledge in any particular sub- laboratories. As a matter of fact the upper atmospheric
ject .should seek it in the specialised articles that follow.
regions may be regarded as constituting a vast physical
It should also be mentioned that the treatment of some laboratory where N ature carries out experiments on a
of the topics in the present article will follow closely
gigantic scale on such phenomena as bombardm ent of
that given in the author's recent book [72].
air masses by charged and uncharged particles, electric
The region of the earth's atmosphere denoted by the discharge, magnetic double refraction, ionization by
term upper atmosphere is not yet well defined. To the
collision, photochemical reaction, and recombination of
~eteo:ologist, upper atmosphere may mean the regions
ions and electrons. In laboratory experiments the ioniza-
mvest1gated by the conventional sounding balloons tion track of a charged particle in a Wilson cloud
to the geophysicist studying the aurora or the iono~
chamber may be only a few centimetres long; in the
sphere, upper atmosphere may mean the high regions upper atmosphere it may be hundreds of kilometres
near and above 100 km. In the present article, the long. In a laboratory, rarefied gas for study of discharge
words upper atmosphere will generally refer to the phenomena has of necessity to be confined within a
regions above the troposphere. However, for purposes glass vessel. The walls of the vessel are responsible for
of reference the whole atmosphere may sometimes be
the quick disappearance of electrons and ions and th(\1
divided into three regions: the lower atmosphere (tropo-
consequent extinction of the discharge glow. In the rare
sphere); the middle atmosphere (stratosphere); and fied upper atmosphere there are no glass walls. Un-
the upper atmosphere, extending above 100 km. The
hindered by the wall effect, the ions and the electrons
lo~er stratosphe re, as reached by sounding balloons,
and the luminescence persist for a long time.
will be generally left out of consideration in the present One further point of interest in connection with
upper atmospheric phenomena may be mentioned. Un-
In studying the upper atmospheric region it is help-
expected associations (some still unexplained) have
ful to bear in mind its high tenuity. At 15 km, near the
been found to exist between physical conditions in the
base of the stratosphere, the atmospheric density is
upper atmosphere, tens or hundreds of kilometres above
about one-eighth of that at sea level. Above this the
the surface of the earth, and weather conditions in the
d~n~ity falls off rapidly, and at 100 km it is only a
tropospheric regions.
mllhonth of that at sea level. The pressure is thus about Finally, accurate knowledge of the physical proper-
10-a mm, which is of the same order as in the so-called
ties of the high regions of the atmosphere is of utmost
"vacuum" of ordinary electric bulbs. At 300 km the
importance to those engaged in the development of the
pressure is of the order 10-a mm. This is the pressure
many new types of high-flying aircraft.
attained by only high quality modem vacuum pumps.
If we consider the mean free path of a molecule we note
that its value near sea level is IQ-5 cm, at 15,km it is THE UPPER ATMOSPHERE
10-4 cm, at 100 km it is 102 cm, and at 300 km it is We may now consider the origin of the observed
10 6 cm. structure of the upper atmosphere. If the earth's at-
It may seem surprising that regions of such extreme mosphere were at rest, undisturbe d by any extem~:~-1
tenuity in the upper atmosphere could be the seat of agency, conduction of heat from one part to another-
any phenomenon of geophysical importance or of in- slow as it is-would, after a sufficient length of time,
terest for any aspect of our daily life. N evertheless produce uniform temperature throughou t the mass.
such is the case. But for the presence of the ionospheric Further, if the atmosphere consisted of more gases than

one, the pressure and density of each gas would be lead to the conclusion that the isothermal layer above
distributed according to the well-known exponential the adiabatic layer, instead of being a few metres thick,
law of Dalton. Thus if, for a gas, m is the molecular extends to great heights.
mass, P the partial pressure at a height h, and P 0 that Assuming that the atmosphere consists of two layers,
at the ground, then the lower in adiabatic and the upper in isothermal
equilibrium, and working out the condition for radiative
P = P 0 exp ( - ::, h). equilibrium, it has been shown that for an atmosphere
of uniform constitution, the adiabatic state cannot
Such an atmosphere is said to be m isothermal extend to a height greater than that given by P =
equilibrium. P 0/2, where P 0 is the pressure at the surface of the
The terrestrial atmosphere is, however, subject to earth. For an atmosphere of nonuniform constitution,
turbulence due to heating and other causes and is the adiabatic layer may extend to greater heights.
characterized by convective motions. There is therefore Under certain assumptions concerning the amounts of
a tendency for adiabatic equilibrium tobe set up, since radiation absorbed by water vapour at different heights,
conduction in gases is very slow. In the ideal case of it has been shown that the height of the adiabatic layer
adiabatic equilibrium an element of gas transferred cannot exceed that given by P = P 0/4 which, for the
from one place to another does not Iose or gain any case of the terrestrial atmosphere, is 10.5 km. This, as
heat by conduction and takes up the requisite tem- indicated above, is roughly the height of the tropo-
perature and pressure in its new position. The density sphere.
(p) distribution with height in this case is given by Limit of the Outer Atmosphere. The outer atmos-
phere, being; more or less in isothermal equilibrium, has

[prl - J-1 ,
no naturallimit, though the point of minimum density
p = 'Y A-:, 1 gh resulting from the balance of the centrifugal and the
gravitational forces is sometimes spoken of as the
where A is equal to Po/Po"~ and 'Y is the ratio of the limit of the outer atmosphere. But long before this
specific heats of air at constant pressure and at constant height is attained (distance 6.6 earth-radii in the equa-
volume. torial plane) a limit of the outer atmosphere is reached
If the troposphere were in ideal adiabatic equilibrium, due to the rarity of collisions and the escape of molecules.
then the lapse rate-the fall of temperature with height We are thus led to enquire into the limit of the outer
-would have been 9.8C km-1 Also, theoretically, an atmosphere or, more popularly, to ask, Where does
atmosphere in ideal adiabatic equilibrium has a natural the atmosphere end? The question is of considerable
limit. From the expression for p it is easily seen that p importance, since it is closely related to the question of
is equal to zero at h == 'YPof[p0g('Y-1)]. For the ter- the escape of the atmospheric gases from the gravita-
restrial atmosphere in ideal adiabatic equilibrium, this tional field of the earth.
limit would be 27.5 km. However, owing to various A limit of the outer atmosphere may be understood
factors, the troposphere is not in perfect adiabatic from the following considerations. In any region above
equilibrium. The actual lapse rate is only 5C km-1 . the surface of the earth, the atmosphere in the ordinary
Also, the height of the troposphere varies between sense of the term can exist only if the molecules in the
8 km over polar regions to about 18 km over equatorial region are prevented from escaping by collisions with
regions, instead of averaging 27.5 km. The limit of the the molecules above. Now, as one goes up, the atmos-
adiabatic atmosphere, under actual conditions, cannot phere becomes increasingly rarefied and the frequency
be a surface separating a region of perfect vacuum above of collisions between the gas particles becomes smaller
from a region containing gas molecules below. Because and smaller. Ultimately a height is reached where the
of thermal agitation, molecules from the atmosphere collisions are so few and far between that a molecule
below will constantly be evaporating, as it were, across from the denser atmosphere below has little chance of
the separating surface in much the same manner as returning to earth by collision with molecules above.
molecules evaporate from the body of a liquid to the The height at which this state of affairs prevails may be
space above it. The region above the natural limit will said to be the limit of the atmosphere. There is, of
therefore contain molecules. The atmosphere in adi- course, a transition region of considerable thickness
abatic equilibrium may thus be considered to be capped from which a particle, projected upwards, may escape
by a region which we call the outer atmosphere. The without collisions. The mean height of this transition
outer atmosphere is necessarily in isothermal equi- region is variously estimated to lie between 500 and
librium. 1000 km [98].
Accordingto thesimple consideration given above, the Escape of Atmospheric Gases-The Problem of
outer atmosphere need be only a few metres thick. Helium. This leads to the question of atmospheric
However, account has to be taken of the fact that gases overcoming the gravitational field and escaping
radiation from the relatively hot gases below is con- from the earth. The process of escape may best be
tinually reaching and heating this isothermal layer understood as follows (after Miine [66] and Jones [51]).
and that in order for the atmospheric gases to be in Let us suppose that an observer ascends upwards from
equilibrium the radiation and the absorption of heat a layer where molecular density is small but appreciable.
by each element must balance. These considerations lf the molecules were opaque, the hemispherical sky

above the observer would appear to him absolutely place in the region about 2500 km above the surface of
opaque; a line drawn from the observer towards any the earth [73].
direction would pass through many molecules one be- If the atmospheric particles are ionized, the phenome-
hind another. If the observer continues his ascent, the non of escape becomes complicated. This is because the
molecules overhead will gradually thin away and he will
reach a level where the molecules overhead will just fill
thesky, that is, a line drawn vertically upwards will pass
through only one molecule, whereas a line drawn in any
other direction will pass through more than one mole-
cule. Mounting still higher, the observer will find his sky
overhead gradually dearing up and he will "see" a cone
with its axis vertical within which his sky will be dear.
It is obvious that this cone will open out with height
and the observer will finally "see" the whole sky dear.
This cone is called by Milne the cone of escape of the
molecules. A molecule moving within the solid angle
of this cone will ha ve some chance of escaping without a
collision. The escape velocity v is given by v2 > 2ga2/r,
FIG. 1.-Trajectories of a particle projected from 1000-km
where v is the velocity of the molecule, g is the accelera- level and moving freely without collision. Velocity 3.5 km
tion due to gravity at the level from which the mole- sec- 1 ; initial angle with the vertical-(a) 60, (b) 45, (c) 30.
cule escapes, a is the earth's radius, and r is the distance
of the level of escape from the centre of the earth. motion of an ionized partide is profoundly influenced
Since the mean velocity of the molecules depends by the terrestrial magnetic field. Thus, although for a
upon temperature it may be expected that a consider- neutral partide the critical velocity of escape is inde-
able quantity of gas, particularly of the light variety, pendent of latitude, it is not so for an ionized partide
will escape from the upper atmosphere if a high tem- [73].
perature is assumed [49]. The problem of helium in this According to Vegard l103], the topmost layer of the
connection is particularly interesting. Measurements atmosphere is an electric double layer formed by elec-
show that the atmosphere near the surface of the earth trons, ions, and neutral molecules, the sun being sup-
contains 5 X 10-4 per cent helium by volume. If, posed to emit radiation corresponding to soft X rays.
however, account is taken of the helium discharge from The partides in the double layer are disposed of by
the earth's crust during the geological ages, the amount the earth's magnetic field in a manner similar to that of
of the helium in the atmosphere should be very much matter in the solar corona, which is also known to be
more than this. The reason for the scarcity of helium is highly ionized. The terrestrial atmosphere is thus sup-
believed to be that it is continually diffusing upwards posed to be topped by a corona-a doud of partides-
and escaping. In order that the escape may be possible similar to the solar corona [103].
a temperature of the order of lOOOK has to be assumed According to Hulburt, the partides in the exosphere
near the limit of the atmosphere. We shall see later may be the scattering matter of the zodiacal pyramid
that considerations of a number of other atmospheric which is seen in the evening (or early morning) to rise
phenomena lead to a similar condusion. above the horizon as a faintly luminous cone after the
The Fringe Region or the Exosphere. Beyond the disappearance (or before the appearance) of twilight
limit of the atmosphere as discussed above, the mole- [48].
cules move freely with the velocity acquired at their last In connection with the above two hypotheses of
collision in the lower region and, being subject only to Vegard and of Hulburt it should be mentioned, how-
the force of gravity, describe elliptic, parabolic, or hy- ever, that according to some authors, the particles spend
perbolic paths according to the magnitude of their such short time in the transition layer or in the exosphere
velocities. Escaped molecules whose velocity is not that they have not much chance of being ionized [98].
enough to overcome the gravitational pull, will fall back SOLAR CONTROL OF THE UPPER ATMOSPHERE
to the atmosphere after describing elliptic paths. These
The upper atmospheric regions are under strong solar
high-flying partides constitute the fringe region or the
control due, firstly, to absorption of the whole of the
exosphere of the atmosphere. The exosphere obviously ultraviolet radiation below 2900 A and, secondly, to
commences at the level where the semivertical angle of bombardment by charged particles emitted by the sun.
the cone of escape approaches 90. In the exosphere the The ultraviolet absorption produces dissociation, al-
partides move without collision in enormous orbits. The lotropic modification, and ionization of the upper at-
heights to which these partides will rise depend on the mospheric gases. The bombardment by charged parti-
magnitude and direction of velocity acquired at the last cles-which is concentrated round the magnetic axis
collision and also on g at the point of collision. A few poles-produces auroral displays associated with optical
tracks of such partides are shown in Fig. 1. The merging excitation and ionization of the upper atmospheric
of the atmosphere with interstellar space (average den- gases. The effects of the different parts of the ultra-
sity of matter one partide per ce) is estimated to take violet solar spectrum are presented in Table 1.

It is to be noted that if the sun is assumed to be Illumination of the Upper Atmosphere by Solar Rays.
radiating like a black body, then the number of emitted In connection with the solar control of the upper at-
quanta decreases rapidly with the decrease of wave mosphere it is important to remember that the hours at
length. As such, the available number of quanta may which the sun's rays first strike in the morning or dis-
not be sufficient to produce the observed effects in the appear in the evening from the high atmospheric regions
region of extreme ultraviolet. It is therefore believed are quite different from those at the surface of the
that the sun must be sending out continuously (with earth. For example, the high atmosphere above 100
occasional outbursts) line radiations in the extreme km as far from polar regions as lat. 55, is illuminated
ultraviolet, for example, principal series of H, He and at midnight by solar rays during high summer. The
He+. Besides, there may also be ultraviolet radiation method of calculating the hours of sunrise and sunset at


Spectral region Reaction Remarks

3000-2100 A Oa + hv -> 02 + O* (excited) Very strong absorption by ozone (50-60

(Hartley absorption bands of Oa) km).

1\!25-1760 A
(Runge-Schumann absorption bands) 02 + hv-> 0 2 (excited) Comparatively weak absorption.
o: + 02 -> O + Oa Production of ozone.
(Note: The last reaction is a three-body col-
lision process, in which M is the so-called
third body which takes away the excess of
momentum and energy.)

1751-1200 A Very strong absorption.

(Runge-Schumann continuum) 02 + hv ---> O + O* (excited) Dissociation of 02 above 80 km.

1012-910 A 0 2 + hv ---> o; (normal) + e Weak absorption.

First ionization potential of 02.
Production of D-region (?) (50-80 km).

910-795 A o + hv ---> o+ + e Very strong absorption.

Ionization of O.
Production of F1- and F2-regions (?)
(200 km upwards).

795-755 A N2 + hv---> N~ (normal) +e Comparatively weak absorption.

First ionization potential of N2.
Production of E2-region (?)
(140-160 km).

744-661 A 02 + hv ---> o; (excited) +e Strong absorption.

Second ionization potential of 02.
Production of E1-region in the transition
region 02---> O+ O (90-120 km).

661-585 A N2 + hv---> N; (excited) +e Very strong absorption.

Second ionization potential of N 2

and soft X rays coming out of the corona which is different atmospheric levels and the results obtained for
regarded as having a very high temperature of the order a few typical cases are given below.
of some million degrees. The shadow cast by the earth in space is of cylindrical
The phenomenon of radio fade-out strikingly illus- shape. We have from Fig. 2,
trates the solar control of the upper atmosphere. During
an intense solar fiare, when bright spots of hydrogen
light appear on the sun, the magnetic disturbances and H = a(-1 - 1),
cos o
the ionization in the absorbing D-region of the iono-
sphere both show an abnormal and simultaneous in- where H is the height at which the cylinder cuts the
crease. This causes total stoppage of radio traffic over zenith, a is the radius of the earth, and O is the de-
the sunlit portion of the earth [64]. pression of the sun below the horizon.

The hour angle h of the sun at its rising at any height Useful curves depicting the hours of sunrise at dif-
H may be obtained as follows. We have ferent latitudes on the surface of the earth and also at
cos Z = sin cp sin o+ cos cf> cos ocos h, a given set of heights (e.g., 50 km, 180 km, 250 km, and
500 km) are also given by Bartels [10].
where Z = zenith distance of the sun, o = declination
of the sun, and cf> = latitude of the place of observation. (a)
From Fig. 2, Z = 90 + e. 400

e:.: 3oo
~ 200




FIG. 2.-The height H at which the cylindrical shadow cast

by the earth cuts the zenith is given by H =
1 - - 1).

The effect of refraction-which accelerates the time

of rising-has not been taken into account in the LOCAL MEAN TIME
equation above. The true zenith distance of the sun's FIG. 3.-Illustrating how the hour of sunrise at different
centre when it rises at height H above the ground is heights in the upper atmosphere changes in the course of the
year at the latitude of Calcutta. (Ajter Ghosh.)
given by
Z = 90 +O+ 50'.
Here 34' has been allowed for horizontal refraction
and 16' for the semidiameter of the sun.
Now, at actual noon the apparent time is 12h and
the mean time is 12h + , where is the equation of
time. Hence the mean time t of sunrise at height H
above the ground is given by
t = 12h + f - h.
Similarly, the hour of sunset at H is given by
t = 12h + + h.

The values of and omay be obtained from the N autical FIG. 4.-Illustrating the heights above which the atmos-
phere is illuminated at midnight in the course of the year at
Almanac. Hence the hours of sunrise and sunset at different latitudes. (Ajter Barlels.)
different atmospheric levels may be calculated with
the help of these equations. A PICTORIAL REPRESENTATION OF THE
Curves in Figs. 3a and 3b delineate (after Ghosh PHYSICAL FEATURES OF THE UPPER
[40]) the variation of the hour of sunrise with height ATMOSPHERE
for the whole year at intervals of about a fortnight for
the latitude of Calcutta (22 32' 48" N). Figure 4 In Fig. 5 an attempt has been made to depict the
depicts (after Bartels [lOJ) the height above which the physical features of the upper atmosphere and some of
atmosphere is illuminated by solar rays at midnight the phenomena occurring there.
du ring the course of the year in the latitudes 40 to 90. Starting from the tropopause we note that the region

from 20 km to 40 km is rich in atmospheric ozone. certainty of the temperature distribution and of the
The total quantity of ozone is small-only about 0.25 mean molecular mass, the density distribution is un-
cm thick if reduced to standard temperature and pres- certain. For example, if it is assumed that the region
above 100 km is in diffusive equilibrium, the higher
FRINGE REGION regions would consist almost entirely of oxygen atoms.
900 - 7.3x!0 5 But the spectrum of aurora} rays shows that, up to the
SUNLIT AURORAL STREAMERS highest limits, the intensity of the negative bands due
OCCASIONALLY EXTEND BEYOND THIS HEIGHT to ionized nitrogen molecules vies with that of the lines
800 REGION OF ESCAPE OF ATMOSPHERIC GASES 1.4 x10 6 of atomic oxygen.
700 3.4x l 0 6 CX:
(/) The methods of exploring the upper atmospheric
w regions may be classified under two heads-direct
8 . 5 X 10 6 u
~ 600
.-a: methods and indirect methods.
.-:X: <t Direct Methods. Under this caption we include those
2.6x l0 7 I.L
methods in which the physical agency employed for
w o exploration is under the control of the investigator.
;!; a:
A straightforward direct method is to send up craft
w . 1. 1x 10 8 ::;: carrying recording apparatus which may register tem-
z perature, pressure, humidity, wind, and any other
>- measurable physical quantities. A variation of this
(/) method is the so-called radiosonde method in which the
w craft carries a small radio transmitter which auto-
matically sends out signals of the recorded data. The
.. :. 2.2xi0 10 great advantage of radiosondes is that instantaneous

100 :~;._:+(i~.:~~J'i'::!\:L:~:: , ?;:,"~o'" ,:; ,'"'"

ti'/ ".:' .~ ... " ~ 1 TRANSITION 02 ... 0+0
knowledge of the data is gained and it is not necessary
to wait until the craft comes down and the registering
apparatus is collected .
~oz.oi{6~F>ii ~ifE~~
Until recently the craft used for this purpose were
-- ---- ----.,.~-Po~P"t< lf ------z --- , 2.5xi0 19 generally sounding balloons filled with hydrogen gas.
(Aircraft are also used for regions up to about 14
Fw . 5.-Illustrating some of t he physical features of the km.) The height reached by such balloons seldom ex-
u pper atmospheric regions. The ionospheric regions a re shown
by shading with dots, the depth of shading r oughly indicat- ceeds 30 km. But a new departure was made in 1946
ing the relative intensity of ionization . by utilising t he V-2 rockets devised during the war.
These reach enormous heights (up to 180 km) and even
sure-but it suffices to cut off all solar radiation in the the very first t rial ftights have yielded many important
near ultraviolet below 2800 A. In the region round results.
80 km noctilucent clouds occur. Meteors appear and A few words may be said here of the technique of this
disappear most frequently in the region from 50 to 150 latest method of sounding the upper atmosphere.
km. (General accounts of it are to be found in articles by
The regions above 70 km are ionized by the solar Krause [52] and by N ewell [80]; an excellent summary is
extreme-ultraviolet rays and are collectively called the also given by Sheppard [96].) The war head which
ionosphere. The region from 80 to 130 km is the region contains the recording instruments bursts towards the
of transition from an atmosphere consisting of N 2 and end of t he ftight and t he instruments are landed by
02 to one of N2 and O, due to the dissociative action of means of a parachute. The height and the velocity of
solar ultraviolet rays. The region from 80 to 120 km is the rocket are tracked by radar throughout its ftight.
the region of the most frequent occurrence of aurorae. For the ftight at White Sands, New Mexico, on March
But aurora! rays are sometimes known to extend up to 7, 1947, thehighest velocity, 1600 m sec- 1, was attained
a height of 1000 km and beyond. at the height of 127 km, 80 seconds after launching the
Atmospheric gas particles which are not ionized by rocket. The highest altit ude attained was nearly 180
solar ultraviolet rays escape from the region estimated km. Measurement of the velocity is important because
t o lie between 500 and 1000 km. Such particles as it is necessary for evaluation of the temperature. Much
escape from the atmosphere but are unable to overcome of the recorded data was also telemetered to the ground
the gravitational puii travel in closed orbits and form during the ftight. By various instruments and devices
the exosphere or the fringe region of the atmosphere. pressure down to I0- 5 mm was measured. The temper-
The physical features depicted in Fig. 5 are, of course, ature was derived from the pressure-height curve and/ or
only illustrative and should not be t aken too literally. from the ratio of the ram pressure (the preEsure at the
This remark is particularly applicable to the density stagnation point on the nose of the rocket) to the static
distribution above 100 km. Here, because of the un- pressure. The probable errors of measurement are still

rather large, averaging 20C. The recorded data will methods together with a brief survey of the contem-
be discussed in the next section. porary state of ourknowledge of the physical state of
Another agency for direct study is pressure waves the upper atmosphere will be given in the next section.
produced by explosion. These waves proceeding up-
wards may be bent down if they meet a region of high TABLE III. INDIRECT METHODS OF STUDYING THE
temperature where the phase velocity is greater. Rec-
ords of the downcoming wave yield information re- Phenomena Refcion Atmospheric conditions inferred from
studied exp ored the study
garding the density and temperature distribution.
An analogous method is to use radio waves instead of Meteoric 40-150 km Rise of temperature in the middle
sound waves. These waves penetrate beyond the high- phe- atmosphere and correspondingly
nomena greater densitv; drop in tem-
est limits attained by V-2 rockets and when they come perature at 80-km le vei; existence
down, "reflected" by the ionized regions of the upper of seasonal winds.
atmosphere, they carry with them indelible messages
Ultraviolet 20-60 km Contains o zone with maximum
regarding the physical conditions of such regions, which spectrum concentration at about 25-km
are no less useful than those recorded by instruments of direct le vei; thickness of the ozone
carried by sounding balloons or rockets. or scat- layer reduced to S.T.P. is only
tered about 0.25 mm.
Indirect Methods. These consist in studying criti- sunlight
cally such of the geophysical phenomena occurring near ------
N octilu- 70-90 km High-velocity wind and low tem-
the surface of the earth or in the upper atmosphere as cent perature (approx. 200K).
are known to have bearings on the physical state of the clouds
upper atmosphere. These phenomena include aurorae, ------
Barometric 50-400 km Tidal motions in the upper atmos-
lights from the night sky, meteoric flashes, noctilucent oscilla- phere; tempera ture rise in the mid-
clouds, oscillations of barometric pressure, terrestrial tions dle atmosphere with a cold top.
magnetic variations, and spectra of direct or scattered ------
Terrestrial 70-100 km High electrica! conductivity and
sunlight. magnetic world-wide electric current sys-
The various direct and indirect methods that have varia- tems.
been employed in the study of the upper atmospheric tions
regions and the main results obtained therefrom are Night-sky 60-500 km Sodium atoms in the middle at-
shown in Tables II and III. Short accounts of the lumi- mospherE; (60-80 km); atomic
nescence oxygen In the higher regions
above 100 km; nitrogen mole-
TABLE II. DIRECT METHODS OF STUDYING THE cules are ionized by solar rays.
Aurorae 80-lOOOkm Entry of high-speed charged par-
Method Region explored Atmospheric conditions inferred from the study ticles; atomic oxygen and atomic
nitrogen present.
Sounding Up to 30 Troposphere IS In quasi-adiabatic
balloon km equilibrium; in the stratosphere
the temperature distribution is
nearly constant with height; in A SURVEY OF THE CONTEMPORARY STATE
formation about composition an d OF OUR KNOWLEDGE OF THE
wind systems. UPPER ATMOSPHERE
Smoke shell Up to 30 Existence of seasonal Win d Composition. N ear the surface of the earth the at-
km systems.
--------------- mosphere consists of nearly 99 per cent by volume of
V-2 rocket Up to 120 Generally confirms results on tem the gases nitrogen and oxygen. N ext in importance are
km perature and density distributia n
as inferred from the indirec t argon 0.93, carbon dioxide 0.03, neon 1.8 X 10-a, and
methods of study; the chemi ca1 helium 0.5 X 10-a per cents by volume [26].
composition of the atmospher e Chemical analysis by laboratory methods of samples
at 70-km level is practically th e
same as that in the troposphere of air collected in stratosphere flights and by pilot
solar spectrum is extended be balloons has shown that this composition is maintained
yond the ozone absorption limit up to a height of about 29 km [84]. Contemporary
f!Ig+ doublet (2802 A) obtaine
m emission. experiments made with samples of air collected by V-2
rockets show that practically speaking the same com-
Sound ex- 35-60 km Rise of temperature in the middl e
pios ion atmosphere; existence of win d
position is maintained up to 70 km [23]. This is very
systems. satisfactory, because from various considerations the
---- same conclusion had been arrived at long before the
Radio- 70-500 km Atmospheric constituents from 7o
wave ex- km upwards are ionized observations with V-2 rockets. (Ozone is present in the
ploration measurements of scale height' middle atmosphere in appreciable quantities. This will
H, intensity of magnetic field be discussed later.)
recombination coefficient. Hig
tempera ture (approx. 1000K) in The atmosphere above 80 km begins to change in
the region 250 km. composition because of the dissociative action of solar
''Bursts'' of ionization are pro
duced along meteor trails.
ultraviolet rays on molecular oxygen (;\ < 1751 A).
The region 8G-130 km is the region of transition from

an atmosphere consisting of N2 and 02 below, to one of It will be seen that the trend of the rocket-observation
N2 and O above [25, 57, 88, 90, 108]. Since low pressure curve is the same as the general trend of the results
is conducive to diffusive separation, it might be ex- from indirect observations.
pected that atomic oxygen would predominate in the Some remarks about the origin of this peculiar tem-
highest regions of the atmosphere [75]. There is, how- perature distribution in the middle and in the upper
ever, no evidence of it. Spectra of aurora! streamers atmosphere and the indirect methods of investigation
extending up to 1000 km and beyond show lines due to by which it had been surmised long before may be made
atomic oxygen and bands due toN; with almost equal here. The rise of temperature in the middle atmospheric
intensity. Presence of atomic nitrogen has also been region (30-50 km) is due to absorption by ozone [43,
reported in low-latitude aurorae [32, 41], but whether 87]. The existence of any marked temperature vari-
atomic nitrogen is as generally distributed as atomic ation in the stratosphere was, however, not suspected
oxygen is not yet known (see section on aurorae below). until the famous work of Lindemann and Dobson on
Temperature Distribution. The temperature distri- meteors [54]. These authors developed a theory of the
bution in the troposphere and the lower stratospheric appearance and disappearance of meteors and applied
regions is now well known from direct observations it to determine the density distribution in the middle
with the help of sounding balloons and smoke shells atmosphere. Their findings could be reconciled with
[50]. There is a falling temperature (lapse rate about observed meteoric data only if it was assumed that an
5C km-1) in the troposphere, the depth of which varies isothermal region of high temperature (about 100C)
between 8 and 18 km. Above the troposphere the existed above 55 km.
temperature is nearly constant. For the higher regions A !ater interpretation of meteoric data by F. L.
up to 120 km, we now ha ve results of direct observation Whipple [106] based on a different theory of meteors
thanks to successful V-2 rocket flights. These obser- (first suggested by Sparrow [97] and subsequently de-
vations are now confined only to isolated places (in the veloped by Opik [83]) also confirms these results. The
United States) but it is hoped that in the near future meteoric data, according to Whipple, can best be recon-
reliable data based on rocket observations will also be ciled if it is assumed that there is a flat temperature
available for the different latitudes at different hours maximum of about 375K near the 60-km level (as in
of the day and night and in different seasons. A com- the case of the Lindemann-Dobson theory), a rapid
plete picture of the world distribution of temperature, drop to 250K near 80 km (as in the Taylor-Pekeris
at least up to Region E of the ionosphere, will thus be theory, see below), and a constant or slowly rising
available. In Fig. 6 the temperature distribution ob- temperature up to about 110 km. A seasonal variation
is also indicated. The upper atmosphere, under average
120 midsummer temperatures, is raised 5.3 1 km above
its height under average midwinter temperatures.
Existence of high temperature in the middle atmos-
100 phere, as indicated by the study of meteors, is also con-
firmed by the study of abnormal propagation of sound
waves. The sound of an explosion or the firing of a
80 r-
1 cannon can be heard not only in the neighbourhood of
the source of sound but also at a greater distance, in
1- an area separated from the audible zone by a silent
~ zone. The phenomenon is caused by refraction of the
w 1 ....
sound waves by the region of high temperature in the
:I: ,.1"'""
,...",.." ..... "".."
middle atmosphere. Since the trajectory followed by the
sound ray in the region of high temperature depends
HE IGHT CURVE upon the temperature gradient of the region, it is pos-
20 FROM RAM PRESSURE sible, from a systematic study of the abnormally prop-
agated waves (the source being an artificial explosion),
to deduce the gradient as well as the temperature. Such
studies have been made in Germany, in England, in the
United States, and recently in India [62].
Fw. 6.-Temperature distribution with height. The rocket In the region from 60 to 80 km there is no strong
data are from the flight on March 7, 1947 at White Sands New
Mexico. The sounding balloon data were obtained within an absorption of solar radiation. (Below 60 km there is
h~ur ?f the rocket flight. For comparison, temperature dis- absorption by ozone; above 80 km there are absorptions
tn~utwns as deduced from. abnormal sound propagation ex- leading to dissociation of molecular oxygen and ioniza-
penments and from meteonc data are also given after Shep-
pard [96]. tion of the atmospheric. gases.) Hence, a falling tem-
perature is to be expected in this region. The rocket
tained from the rocket flight at White Sands, New curve shows this clearly, the temperature dropping to
Mexico, on March 7, 1947 is depicted [15]. For com- about 180K near the 80-km level. A drop was also
parison, the distributions obtained from results of in- inferred from indirect evidence long before rocket ex-
direct observations (abnormal sound propagation, periments. For example, the so-called noctilucent clouds
meteoric flashes, and noctilucent clouds), are also given. which are observed in the region around 80 km are

believed to be composed of ice crystals. According to from measurements of the drift and distortion of long-
some authorities the presence of the ice crystals in- lived meteor trails [47, 82, 99]. 8tudy of meteors, in
dicates a temperature of 160K in this region [60]. fact, provides a valuable means of investigating the
Again, radio measurements show that the scale height physical charactei-istics of upper atmospheric regions.
(kT / mg) for this region has a value which corresponds to It is, therefore, very satisfactory that a new technique-
a temperature of about 200K [19]. Meteor observations the radar technique-has been adapted for this study,
by Whipple, however, indicate a drop to only 250K and developed in the research laboratories of different
near 80 km (see above). Work on atmospheric tides countries [46, 55, 58, 63]. N ot only is the ionization pro-
[104] also confirms the general trend of the drop in duced by meteoric impacts being systematically studied,
temperature in this region. but methods have also been developed for measuring
Above 80 km a rise in temperature would be expected the velocity [34] and other characteristics of meteors
because of strong absorption by 02 molecules (1751 A). (e.g., height, range, and radiant point). Accurate deter-
This is fully supported by the rocket observations. A mination of the meteor velocity is very important in
rise from 180K to 335K is found between the levels the application of the theory of meteors in deducing
80-120 km. various upper atmospheric data.
Beyond 120 km there are severa! indirect evidences Ozonosphere-Origin of High Temperature in the
indicating that the rising gradient is maintained and a Middle Atmosphere. The higb temperature of the mid-
temperature near 1000K to 1200K is attained at the dle atmospbere mentioned above is a consequence of
height of Region F2. These evidences are (1) increased absorption of solar radiation by atmospberic ozone.
scale height in Region F 2 as compared to that in Because of tbis absorption tbe solar spectrum ends
Region E [3], (2) escape of helium from the outer abruptly at about 2900 A. Tbe absorption bands re-
atmosphere, which demands a temperature of above sponsible for tbis are known as Hartley absorption
1000K [49, 98], and (3) large width of the green line of bands.
atomic oxygen in the spectrum of night-sky emission The ozone content of tbe atmospbere may be de-
[8]. (It should be mentioned, however, that in regard termined by tbe measurement of the variation of tbe
to the last-named evidence more recent measurements intensity of solar radiation near tbe ultraviolet end of
of the green oxygen line [102] show that the previous tbe spectrum as tbe zenitb distance of tbe sun changes
estimation of temperature was too large.) [20]. A more accurate metbod is spectropbotometric
It appears that there is considerable variation, both study of sunligbt scattered from tbe zenitb sky. Tbe
spatial and temporal, in the value of this high temper- intensities of two spectral regions near tbe absorption
ature within the ionospheric Regions E, F 1 , and F2, edge, one of whicb is ratber strongly and the otber
80 to 400 km [95]. In the F2-layer the temperature is weakly absorbed, are compared wben tbe sun is setting
found to vary (both spatially and temporally) from [41]. This makes possible, witb tbe belp of tbe so-called
100K to 1000K. In lower levels the range is smaller. Umkebr effect, an approximate estimate of tbe distri-
In the stratum from 200 to 300 km, in the noon merid- bution of ozone with beight. Contemporary improve-
ian, two centres of high tempera ture are found, one from ments in tbe tecbnique of ozone measurement, utilising
30N to 50N and the other at 358. The former is less photoelectric multiplier tubes sbould be mentioned. At
peaked than the latter. It should be mentioned that the 1948 Oslo meeting of tbe Union of Geodesy and
these temperatures have been derived by 8eaton [95] Geopbysics it was claimed that with the improved tecb-
from the values of the recombination coefficient com- nique, tbe scattered ligbt from the moon and tbe stars
puted from ionospheric data for January 1947, collected sufficed for making measurements of tbe ozone content
at eighteen stations situated between 71 N and 438. at night.
Existence of such thermal patterns implies the ex- It bas been found tbat tbe proportion of ozone to air
istence of quite strong wind systems in the ionospheric by volume is a maximum at a beigbt of about 35 km.
regions (see below). The atmospheric ozone near tbe region of 50 km acts
The existence of a high temperature in the upper- as an enormous reservoir of beat. This beight is much
most regions of the atmosphere can also be inferred on
above the centre of gravity of ozone because tbe solar
strong theoretical grounds. The primary effect of the
ultraviolet radiation responsible for beating is almost.
absorption of solar radiation might be dissociation,
ionization, or excitation of the constituent gases of the completely absorbed in the top layer [87].
atmosphere; but, like all other forms of energy, the Tbe ozone content sbows a diurnal variation, being
absorbed energy must ultimately degrade into thermal greater at night or at least never less tban that during
energy of molecular agitation, causing a rise of tem- tbe day. There is also a seasonal variation; the ma-xi-
perature. (The applicability of the concept of temper- mum occurs in spring and the minimum in autumn in
ature for the very high regions of the atmosphere has both hemispheres. This annual variation is greatest in
been discussed by the author [72, pp. 507-510].) the high latitudes and least near tbe equator.
Study of Meteors. It has already been mentioned It is to be noted that solar radiation is responsible
that the existence of a region of high temperature in the for both production and destruction of ozone. It is
middle atmosphere was first inferred from a study of the produced by absorption by molecular oxygen in the
heights of appearance and disappearance of meteors. range of the so-called Runge-8chumann absorption
Winds in the upper atmosphere have also been studied bands (1760-1925 A) when excited 02 molecules are

produced. It is destroyed by absorption in the near distances, are also made regularly by many ionosphere
ultraviolet in the Hartley bands (2100-3000 A). stations.
Observations show that the variation of the atmos- The other physical properties of the upper atmos-
pheric ozone content has little if any association with pheric regions which have been determined from the
the 11-year solar cycle. It appears, however, that there ionospheric studies are the following:
are 27- and 15.5-day periods of variati an with small 1. The absorption phenomena of radio waves enable
amplitudes. us to estima te the collisional frequencies and the molec-
Ionization in the Upper Atmosphere-Radio Explor- ular densities in the different regions. Thus, it is found
ation. Atmospheric constituents from 70 km upwards that for Region E, the pressure is of the order 10-3
are more or less ionized by the action of the extreme mm and for Region F 10-5 mm.
solar ultraviolet rays. Under certain ideal conditions 2. Analysis of the records of diurnal variations of the
each atmospheric constituent ionized may be supposed heights and the maximum ionization densities of the
to produce a distinct layer or region of ionization. Such Regions E and F 2 has confirmed the existence of tidal
a region of ionization is called a Chapman region [24]. motions in the high atmosphere. Observations on ab-
There are several ionized regions and these are known sorption in the lowermost ionospheric region-the D-re-
collectively as the ionosphere. The two main regions of gion-has revealed the existence of lunar tidal oscilla-
maximum ionization, Region E and Region F, are at tion effects in this region also [5].
average heights of 100 km and 275 km respectively. 3. The study of the magnetic splitting of the radio
The average maximum ionization densities of these two waves in the ionosphere affords a means of estimating
regions, in the epoch midway between the maximum the intensity of the earth's magnetic field at great
and minimum of solar activity, are of the orders 105 heights above the surface of the earth.
and 10 6 electrons cm- 3 , respectively. During daytime, It has now been established that the different iono-
Region F splits up into two regions, F1 and F2. A sub- spheric regions are produced by the ionization of the
sidiary Region E 2 (above E, which is sometimes called different atmospheric constituents at different levels.
E1) also appears during the daytime. The average According to one hypothesis [16], Region F 2 is produced
heights of the maximum ionization of F 1 and E2 are 200 by ionization of atomic oxygen, Region F1 by ioniza-
km and 140 km, respectively. The ionization below 80 tion of N2, Region E by ionization of 02 at second
km (Region D), present during the daytime, causes ionization potential, and Region D by the ionization of
absorption of radio waves of medium length. the same molecule at its first ionization potential [7 4].
As may be expected, the ionization densities of the According to another hypothesis, Region F 1 is produced
various regions vary with the hour of the day, the by ionization of atomic oxygen in the normal manner
season of the year, and also with the solar cycle. It and Region F 2 by splitting up of this region into two
should be noticed, however, tha t while Regions E and F 1 regions [78]. According to still another hypothesis, some
follow, in the main, the simple VcOsX law (i.e., intensity of the ionized regions may be produced by radiation
of ionization is proportional to V cos x, where x is the from the solar corona [107]. In regard to Region E it
zenith angle of the sun), Region F2 refuses to do so. may be noted that for a long time it had been difficult
Region F 2 is, in fact, notorious for its erratic behaviour. to explain theoretically the location of its height of
Besides the regions mentioned above, which are more maximum ionization, because the height at which it was
or less permanent features of the ionosphere, mention expected was much above the observed height. The diffi-
should also be made of what is known as sporadic E. culty has been reconciled by the hypothesis that the
Part, at least, of sporadic E is ascribed to ionization E-layer is located in the region (9o-110 km) where the
produced by meteoric impacts [55]. density of 02 molecules diminishes rapidly with height
The knowledge of upper atmospheric ionization sum- on account of the dissociative action of solar ultraviolet
marized above has been gained mainly through ex- rays [67]. Further, it is believed that in this region the
ploration by radio waves. The radio wave is now the 0 2 molecules are pre-ionized, rather than directly ion-
most powerful experimental tool for studying upper ized, by solar radiation of appropriate wave length [81].
atmospheric ionization. The most important method of Luminescence of Upper Atmospheric Regions. On
.radio exploration is as follows: Packets or "pulses" of dark moonless nights, the portions of the sky devoid of
radio waves are sent upwards. These are generally stars are found to emit a faint light. Part of this light
scattered if they meet a region of ionized atmosphere. is due to starlight scattered by the atmosphere and part
If the ionized region is extensive-of dimensions much due to other sources. But a certain proportion, about
lar~er than the wave length-then, depending upon the 40 per cent, has been found to be due to the self-
frequency, the wave packet may be totally or partially luminescence of the upper atmospheric gases. Spectro-
reflected. Or it may penetrate through, or be absorbed scopic study of the night-sky radiation shows the pres-
by, the ionized region. ence in the upper atmosphere, besides 02 and N 2, of O
The technique of the method has now been greatly and Na atoms and of H20 and OH.
perfected. Records of ionosphere characteristics are The most prominent lines and bands in the night-sky
now kept in many stations of the world as regularly as spectrum in the visible region are lines due to O atoms
weather and magnetic data. Predictions of ionospheric and bands due to N 2 molecules. The luminescent region
conditions, well in advance, for determining the maxi- emitting these lines and bands may possibly be identi-
mum usable frequencies for communication over given fied with Region F of the ionosphere (20o-400 km). It

has been found that the night-sky brightness due to tidal effects have been observed up to the highest
these lines and bands fluctuates erratically when the regions of the ionosphere-the F-region (25G-400 km).
ionospheric conditiona in Region F do so [69]. The reac- A direct effect of the tidal oscillations is seen in the
tion which excites these spectra is most pro bably due rhythmic variation of the barometric pressure. An in-
to the mutual neutralization of Nt and o- ions [67], direct effect is the rhythmic variation of the terrestrial
thus, magnetic elements on a magnetically quiet day. The
Nt: + o-~ N 2 (excited) + O (excited). amplitudes of these variations are small-only about a
few thousandths of the total value-but they are singu-
In the infrared region there are strong emissions due to larly persistent.
OH bands [65]. The region from which these are emitted The tide-raising force of the moon is about 2.5 times
is still uncertain. as strong as that of the sun. But, contrary to expecta-
There is a luminescent layer (60-80 km) emitting tion, it is found that the solar tidal effect is very much
sodium D lines [12] and also possibly one emitting 02 more prominent than the lunar one. The origin of this
bands at the height of Region E. anomaly is traced to a resonance effect. It was first
The intensity of the night-sky radiations varies with pointed out by Taylor and Pekeris that, because of the
the season of the year and with the solar cycle and peculiar temperature distribution in the middle atmos-
shows how upper atmospheric conditiona are controlled phere (a temperature rise in the neighbourhood of 50
by solar radiation and by the corpuscular emission km followed by a cold top), the atmosphere has a mode
from the sun. of oscillation with a 12-hour period [86, 100]. Hence
Winds in the Upper Atmosphere-Atmospheric Tides. the solar tidal effects are greatly enhanced by resonance.
There is evidence that up to the height of Region F the The ionized regions of the upper atmosphere are also
atmosphere is subject to winds, caused partly by tem- necessarily subject to the tidal oscillations. The oscilla-
perature gradient and partly by tidal effects. Tentative tions of the lowest of these regions are responsible for
curves depicting the variation of wind with height, for the quiet-day magnetic variations as follows: As the
summer and winter in the middle latitudes, are drawn conducting ionized region, in its horizontal tidal mo-
after Sheppard in Fig. 7 [96]. The data for the region tions, cuts the magnetic lines of the earth, emf's are
developed in these regions. These emf's produce world-
wide electric current systems in the upper atmosphere.
", ---
1 The magnetic field of these current systems produces

...--+-..., """""'
the quiet-day variations of the terrestrial magnetic ele-
ments. It is believed that the most probable location of
~ 100 ~
these current systems is the lower regions of the iono-
50 sphere (D- and E-regions) where the mean free paths of
J: 40 electrons and ions are small [64].

!::! 30
J: 20
Aurorae-Entry of Fast Charged Particles into the
Upper Atmospheric Regions. The luminescence of the
10 aurora is due to the excitation of air molecules by colii-
sion with the fast charged particles emanated from the
150 sun and incident on the upper atmosphere. Besides the
lines and bands observed in the night-sky light (with
different intensity distribution) a special feature of
FIG. 7.-Probable variation of wind (east and west
components) with height in middle latitudes for summer and the auroral spectrum is the great intensity of the so-
winter. The height is given in logarithmic scale as this enables called negative bands of nitrogen due toNt: ions. It also
one to infer directly the approximate mass flow. The merid- appears that nitrogen atoms are present in the aurora.
ional temperature gradient for quasi-geostrophic winds is
shown on the right. (After Sheppa.rd [96].) Identification of forbidden lines of atomic nitrogen in
the auroral spectrum has been reported by more than
around 30 km are from sounding-balloon [44] and smoke- one worker. Bernard [13] claims to have identified the
shell observations [50]. For higher regions, the evidence forbidden ultraviolet doublet of N, 2P ~ 48 (3466 A)
is from observations on noctilucent clouds and from while Dufay, Gauzit, and Tcheng Mao-lin [33] an-
meteor trails. For the latter (in the region of 120 km) nounce that they have observed the forbidden green
an optical technique has been developed for measure- doublet, 2D ~ 48 (5199 A) in low-latitude aurorae.
ment of wind from the drift and distortion of long- It should be mentioned that according to quantum-
lived meteor trails by Stormer in N orway [99], Olivier mechanical calculation by Pasternack [85], the lifetime
in the United States [82], and Hoffmeister in Germany of the excited state for 5199 A is 10 hours. According to
and Southwest Africa [47]. Radio observations on the Gotz [42], the strength of this radiation in the case of
movements of what are called ion clouds also confirm Iow-latitude aurorae (which generally lie at greater
the existence of winds in this and in stil! higher regions heights) may continue undiminished for hours after the
[14, 36, 77, 79]. aurora ends. From the intensity measurement made on
Regarding the tidal effect it is to be mentioned that a particular aurora, the coRcentration of excited N
there exist in the atmosphere, just as in the ocean, tidal atoms, at an altitude somewhat above 200 km, was
motions due to the pulls of the sun and the moon. These estimated to be of the order 10 6 cm-3

As is to be expected, auroral activity and magnetic that in spite of the many difficulties, a consideraule
disturbances are closely associated with solar phe- amount of information has already been gained. How-
nomena. For instance, both auroral and magnetic activ- ever, there are still gaps in our knowledge. This is due
ity show remarkable correlation with sunspot numbers not only to the inaccessibility of the regions concerned,
[28]. Also both have seasonal variation-maxima in but also to the lack of many fundamental laboratory
March and October and minima in June and January data of the atmospheric constituents. But perhaps the
[27]. greatest obstacle has been our imperfect knowledge
Weather and the Upper Atmosphere. It may seem regarding the nature of extreme ultraviolet radiation
surprising that weather conditions in the tropospheric from the sun. Let us hope that this gap will soon be
regions should have any association with the physical filled up by observations made with the help of V -2
conditions of the atmosphere tens or even hundreds of rockets.
kilometres above the surface of the earth. N evertheless, Let us attempt a survey of the upper atmospheric
evidence of such associations (some of them yet un- problems which need further investigation or are stiU
explained) has been obtained. awaiting solution. It is very satisfactory that direct
It has been found that the ozone content in the observations with V-2 rockets have confirmed the sur-
middle atmosphere is markedly related to weather con- mise made long ago that the main atmospheric con-
ditions in the troposphere [31, 32]. Almost without stituents up to about 70 km occur in the same propor-
exception the ozone value is found to be high with tion as near the ground [23]. It is very probable that
cyclonic systems (low pressure) and low with anti- not far above this level the dissociation of 02 molecules
cyclonic systems (high pressure). Periods of fine and begins. But the relative distributions of 02 and O with
settled weather have been observed to be associated height are not known with certainty. Several possible
with relatively low ozone value [101]. distributions have been obtained by different authors
Atmospheric densities at heights of 75 km (as deduced under different assumptions [25, 57, 88, 90, 108]. But the
from observations on meteors) show a marked seasonal distribution which best represents the actual state of
variation, and this variation is correlated with the mean affairs has still to be found. Accurate determination of
ground temperature [105], a maximum density being this distribution is very necessary because, according
indicated at the time of maximum ground temperature. to more than one author, the electron-density distribu-
Association between Region E ionization and thun- tion in Region E depends upon the distribution of
derstorms has been reported by some observers [6, 17, molecular oxygen in this transition layer [16, 67].
92, 93]. Evidence has also been obtained of association The question at what height above 70 km diffusive
of weather conditions in the tropospheric regions with separation becomes important is of considerable interest
variations of ionization densities in the ionospheric because on it will depend the relative abundance of N 2
regions [60]. For instance, it has been observed that the and O in the highest regions of the atmosphere [75].
variations of the minimum heights of Region F and of With diffusive separation the highest regions should
the Region E tend to follow the variations of the consist almost entirely of O atoms. But, as mentioned
barometric height. Again, day-to-day variations of noon earlier, the spectrum of auroral streamers up to 1000
ionization of Region E seem to correspond to the day- km contains atomic oxygen lines and molecular nitrogen
to-day variations of barometric height. Some remark- bands with comparable intensities. It is still not clear
able correlations of the variation of Region F 2 ioniza- how nitrogen molecules which are nearly twice as mas-
tion and cyclonic conditions near the ground have sive as oxygen atoms reach such great heights.
also been reported from Australia [9]. Other similar In the ozonosphere the modes of production and
correlations, scarcely less remarkable, have been re- destruction of ozone and the ozone equilibrium resulting
ported from Shanghai, China [38]. It has been found therefrom are in need of further elucidation. Interesting
that there is close relationship between the occurrences relations have been found between the ozone content
of the E, F1, and F2 echoes (when the ionosphere appa- of the atmosphere and weather conditions. But the
ratus is set to the fixed frequency, 6 mc sec-I, the mean ozone observations are still confined to a few stations.
E-critical frequency of the place) and the movements It is extremely desirable that a world-wide network of
of the three main air masses-polar, maritime, and stations be established for simultaneous and systematic
equatorial-which cause weather all over the world. It studies of atmospheric ozone, of temperature distribu-
is claimed that these observations can be very success- tion in the middle atmosphere (by abnormal sound
fully used for weather prediction. propagation method), and of meteors (by radar tech-
Extension of the Atmosphere to Great Heights. nique [34, 46]). Such studies will be helpful in under-
Streamers of aurorae of the ray type extend to great standing the correlations that have been observed
heights (800 to 1100 km) into the sunlit portion of the between weather conditions in the troposphere and
upper atmosphere. Spectroscopic study of the auroral temperature variations in the middle atmosphere and
light shows that even up to such heights the atmosphere may also be of help in long-range weather forecasting.
consists of atomic oxygen and molecular nitrogen. The temperature distribution in the region 70-90
km needs more accurate determination. Rocket ob-
SOME UNSOLVED PROBLEMS servations confirm the results of studies by various
The brief account of the contemporary state of our indirect methods indicating that there is a rapid drop in
knowledge of the upper atmosphere given above shows temperature in this region. But the magnitude of the

drop is still not known with any reasonable degree of plausible explanation of this has also been given [71]
certainty. but the phenomenon needs much fuller investigation
Thanks to the work of Taylor [100] and of Pekeris [53].
[86], the long-standing problem of semidiurnal baro- An attempt has also been made to explain some of the
metric oscillations and, along with it, the difficulty of the F2-region anomalies by action of atmospheric tidal
dynamo theory of quiet-day (solar) magnetic variations movements [59]. For example, the variations of h'
appears to have been solved. But the lunar semidiurnal (minimum height) and hmax (height of the region of
barometric oscillations and the corresponding magnetic maximum ionization) have been explained as due to
variations still have their puzzles. The barometric oscil- simple rising and falling of isobaric surfaces, caused by
lations have unaccounted-for variations both in regard ti des. Variation of N max (maximum electron density)
to amplitude and phase. cannot, however, be so simply explained. For this a
Our knowledge of upper atmospheric ionization has theory has been developed in which it is shown that
been extended remarkably by radio exploration utilis- horizontal tidal motion of ionized masses gives rise to
ing the powerful pulse technique. N otable additions to electrodynamic forces which produce a vertical com-
our knowledge have also been made by the adaptation ponent everywhere except near the magnetic equator.
of radar technique for this purpose. The ionosphere, Many of the observed anomalous behaviours of Region
however, is stiU full of mystery. Very plausible hy- F2 have been explained by this theory. However, a
potheses have been put forward regarding the produc- complete theory of the F 2-region is stiU lacking.
tion of the different ionospheric regions, but it is safe to An ionospheric region is by no means smooth in its
say that the last words on the subject have not yet ionization. Patches or clouds of more intense ionization,
been spoken. against a general background of uniform ionization,
Part, at least, of what is known as sporadic E is now have been detected by workers in different countries
known certainly to be due to meteoric ionization. The [91]. As a matter of fact, the existence of winds in the
sudden bursts of ionization that had been noticed by high regions of the ionosphere has been established by
many ionospheric workers have been traced to ioniza- systematic study of the movements of these clouds.
tion produced by individual meteor trails [55]. It may The clouds are generally believed to be produced by
be recalled, in this connection, that 450 kg of meteoric meteor ionization. But their exact nature and life his-
material burn up every day in the atmosphere near the tory are still little known. More observational data in
level of Region E. StiU, there is clear evidence that different latitudes are needed.
meteors cannot be assumed to be responsible for ali The coefficient of recombination of electrons and
sporadic E [91]. Also the increase of meteoric echo ions in the high ionized regions, as deduced from ob-
frequency, when the wave length is increased from 6 to servations, is found to be severa! orders higher than
8 m (the large background rate), is stiU not quite the theoretical value. This discrepancy appeared to
explained [55, 89, 105]. have been removed by the hypothesis of effective re-
An interesting observation on radio echoes from combination coefficient [7, 61]. Further, the identitica-
meteoric trails requires further claritication. Echoes of tion of the nocturnal Region F with the luminescent
long duration show, besides a regular decay, a periodic layer of the upper atmosphere emitting the O lines and
fluctuation in intensity. It has been suggested that N2 bands has helped to unify the effective recombina-
such a ftuctuation may be caused by variations of tion hypothesis with the emission process of these lines
wind with height [45]. These winds deform the straight and bands [39, 69]. Contemporary work, however, ques-
column left by the meteor. Further observations in tions the soundness of the effective recombination hy-
different latitudes are needed to test this suggestion pothesis. It has been pointed out by Martyn [59] that
and also to tind out how far the magnetic field of the if account is taken of the electrodynamic forces de-
earth inftuences the cross section of the ionized column. veloped as a result of the tidal motions, a term appears
But perhaps the central problem in the study of radio in the expression of the recombination equation which
echoes from meteors is to tind the mechanism by which becomes important in Region F. The computed result,
sufficient electron density, for periods of more than a taking into account the contribution of this term,
minute, could be maintained against the forces of diffu- agrees with the observed value of the recombination
sion [18, 45, 56]. coefficient. A closer comparative study of the effective
The reason for the bifurcation of the F-layer into F 1 recombination hypothesis and Martyn's hypothesis is
and F 2 du ring daytime is not yet understood. Associa- needed to estimate the relative importance of the two
tions between F 2 ionization and tropospheric condi- in bringing agreement between observed and theoreti-
tions have been observed. But what is the origin of cally computed values.
such association? Evidence of association between weather conditions
It is now suspected that many of the anomalous near the ground and ionization density in Region F 2 has
behaviours of Region F 2 may be traced to the effect of been obtained. N o theoretical explanation of such asso-
the terrestrial magnetic tield, because ions and electrons ciation has yet been given.
in Region F, unlike those in Region E, have long mean It is highly desirable that more systematic observa-
free paths. For example, a geomagnetic control of tions on ionospheric data, particularly in regard to
Region F, in the form of a belt of low ionization round ionospheric absorption and ionospheric tides, be roade
the geomagnetic equator, has been observed [4]. A in different parts of the world. With regard to the tidal

effect, it is very necessary to know how the phase of doubt that the light is due to scattering by some sort
the tide varies with latitude. It appears that there are of dust cloud in extraterrestrial space. But the location
more observational stations in the N orthern than in the of the cloud is stiH a matter of controversy; whether it
Southern Hemisphere. Consequent lack of data is a belongs to the earth or to the sun is not known defi-
great handicap in obtaining a complete world picture nitely. Many theories as to the origin of this cloud
of the ionosphere. More ionosphere stations, partic- have been put forward, but none of them can be con-
ularly in the southern latitudes, are therefore very sidered fuHy satisfactory [37, 48, 103].
necessary. It has been suggested that a sea expedition The problems of the aurorae and of the incidence of
be sent out to secure observations at different latitudes the magnetic disturbances, so closely related to each
and longitudes which are scientificaHy important but other, are only partially solved. There is little doubt
for which data are lacking. that the primary cause of these phenomena is emission
In the night-sky spectrum there are stiU lines and of fast charged particles from the sun. It may be noted
bands the origin of which is uncertain. Special interest that direct evidence has been obtained of the existence
lies in the identification of 3471 A. If this be due to of Ca+ ions and protons between the earth and the sun
atomic nitrogen, then photo-dissociation of N 2 like during magnetic storms [1, 25, 65a]. That these may be
that of 0 2 will have tobe assumed, though laboratory at least one of the kinds of charged particles emitted
experiments do not show any such dissociation effect. from the sun had long been suspected, but the mecha-
It is satisfactory to note that the strong radiationR nism of the emission of such particles is stiH only guess-
6580 A in the red and 10,444 A in the infrared, the work. Further, the fundamental dilemma stiU remains:
origins of which had long been matters of controversy, The charged particles, to produce the observed effects,
have now been identified as bands due to the radical must arrive in bundles, whereas they are bound to be
OH [65]. Bands of 0 2 are reported to have been identi- dispersed on their way by electrostatic repulsion. At-
fied in the night-sky spectrum. If this is confirmed, tempts at solving this problem by imagining that the
then there must be another luminescent layer-per- particles constitute a neutra! beam have met with
haps at the level of the E-layer. The presence of sodium only partial success [2, 29]. (See, however, [59a].)
D-lines has been established and the location of the The lines and bands of the aurora! spectrum may be
luminescent sodium layer has been studied. But the classified under two heads: first, spectra excited by
presence of sodium in the high atmosphere has raised direct bombardment of charged particles-first nega-
many questions which are still unanswered. The con- tive bands of Nt; and second, spectra excited as a
tinuous spectrum which forms the background of the result of reactions amongst neutra! and charged parti-
lines and bands of the night-sky light appears to have des produced by the bombardment (second positive,
received inadequate attention and awaits further study first positive, and the Vegard-Kaplan bands of N2, as
regarding its intensity variations and origin [30]. well as the forbidden lines of O [70]). Of these, the
The intensity variation of night-sky light has a excitation processes of the first positive and the Vegard-
regular part (diurnal and seasonal) and an irregular Kaplan bands may be the same as those of the night-
part. Some investigators have sought to associate the sky light spectrum. But there remains the problem
irregular part with the magnetic disturbances. Some that whilst the Vegard-Kaplan bands are strong in the
correlation bas been found, but the whole subject is night sky they are comparatively faint in the aurora!
still in a speculative state and requires more intensive spectrum. It has been suggested that this might be due
study. to the fayt that the aurora! spectrum originates at
A very plausible hypothesis regarding the excitation much lower heights than the night-sky luminescent
of the atomic oxygen lines and of the observed N 2 layer and as such the metastable N 2 (A) molecules
bands (first positive and Vegard-Kaplan bands) has from which these bands originate are de-excited by
been given [68], but the subject is stiH controversial [11]. collision. However, objection to this has been raised
Severa! attempts have been made to determine the on the ground that the strength of the Vegard-Kaplan
heights at which night-sky luminescence originates. bands does not increase with height in the spectra of
The values obtained vary from 60 km to a few hundred auroral streamers. The excitation of second positive
kilometres [21, 22, 35]. It is very likely that, like the bands has been suggested as due to radiative recom-
severa! ionospheric regions, there are severa! layers of bination of Nt ions and electrons. But here again it
maximum luminescence. It is highly desirable that the may be objected that the calculated intensity of such
many ionospheric stations which are being established radiation is very small compared to the observed in-
in different parts of the world have attached to them tensity.
observatories for study of night-sky luminescence. In regard to the insufficiency of laboratory data which
There are reasons to believe that some at least of the is still standing in the way of upper atmospheric study,
luminescent layers may be identified with some of the mention might be made of the electronic spectra and of
ionospheric layers [39, 69]. Close comparison of the the absorption coefficients of N 2, 02, and O in the
variations of the night-sky intensity with those of extreme ultraviolet region. More complete knowledge
ionized regions will help in the determination of the is very necessary because the ionization densities of the
existence of such association. ionospheric regions are controlled by the photo-ioniza-
Of the other lights from the night sky, the mystery of tion of these particles by absorption in the extreme
zodiacal light is still far from solved. There is little ultraviolet. A more detailed study by the quantum-

mechanical method of the collisional cross sections of 14. BEYNON, W. J. G., "Evidence of Horizontal Motion in
these molecules and atoms is also necessary. It may be Region F2 Ionization." N ature, Lond., 162: 887 (1948).
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46:107-115 (1934). 192; 80-99 (1947).
94. RAY, B. B., "Absorptions of Radio Waves in the Iono 105. WHIPPLE, F. L., "Meteor Astronomy." Observatory, 68:
226-232 (1948).
sphere." Sci. Cult., 3: 679-682 (1937-38).
106. - - "Meteors and the Earth's Upper Atmosphere."
95. SEATON, S. L., "State of the Upper Atmosphere." J.
Rev. mod. Phys., 15: 246-264 (1943).
Meteor., 5:204-219 (1948).
107. WooLEY, R. G. D., Report on Certain Aspects of Solar
96. SHEPPARD, P. A., "Meteorology: The Exploration of the Knowledge Relevant to Ionosphere. Proc. of the First
Upper Atmosphere." Sci. Progr., 37: 488-503 (1949). Meeting of the Mixed Commission on the Ionosphere,
97. SPARROW, C. M., "Physical Theory of Meteors." Astrophys. 1948. International Council of Scientific Unions, Brus-
J., 63: 90-110 (1926). sels, 1949. (See pp. 85-90)
98. SPITZER, L., "The Terrestrial Atmosphere above 300 km" 108. WuLF, O. R., and DEMING, L. S., "The Distribution of
in The Atmospheres of theEarthandPlanets, G. P. KUIPER, Atmospheric Ozone in Equilibrium with Solar Radiation
ed. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1949. (See pp. and the Rate of Maintenance of the Distribution."
213-249) Terr. Magn. atmos. Elect., 42: 195-202 (1937).

Queen's College, Oxford, England

INTRODUCTION though it is reduced in concentration over industrial

1. Chemistry and the Troposphere. The meteorology
areas and to windward of them by oxidation processes.
For a long time, however, little attention was paid to
of the lower atmosphere, the region of weather, is essen-
~he che~ical problems raised by the continued presence
tially a physical science, in which chemistry plays
practically no part; chemists may become good meteor- m the air of a somewhat unstable gas like ozone.
2. Atmospheric Chemistry. A more active interest
ologists, but meteorologists need not know much chem-
in the chemical processes of the atmosphere was aroused
istry. Their work is concerned with fluid dynamics
with heat interchanges by radiation and conductio~ ":hen it was found that the ozone density is less in the
and convection, with mixing and changes of state of air near the ground than in the air well up in the strato-
water vapor-evaporation, condensation, sublimation sphere-the height of maximum density being 20 to
and precipitation. 25 km, though early estimates were 40 to 50 km. Such
' a distribution differs from that of ali the other known
Chemists are indeed interested in the composition of
air,l but their work has generally been supposed to end constituents of the lower atmosphere which decrease
with the chemical analysis. This shows that air is a upwards in density, maintaining the s~me relative con-
mixture of severa! gases, merely coexisting and not
centrations at least up to 20-km height, except in the
reacting chemically with each other to any significant cases of radon, whose relative concentration decreases
degree in the lower atmosphere. 2 This is true for the upwards, and water vapor, whose distribution is ir-
main permanent constituents, nitrogen N 2 (78 per cent regular and variabie.
of dry air, by volume) and oxygen 0 2 (21 per cent) This peculiar height distribution of ozone may be
for the chief variable constituent, water vapor H 20 and explained by attributing the formation of ozone t~ the
~issociation of oxygen molecules into atoms O by sun-
also for carbon dioxide co2 and the rare gas con~titu
ents, helium, neon, argon, krypton, xenon, and radon. hght; the O atoms then combine with 0 2 molecules to
In the lower atmosphere the only changes in the form ozone (O + 02 ---t Oa), which is itself dissociated
composition of dry air are minor and local such as the by sunlight (Oa ---t 02 + 0). The consequent reactions
bet~een the three forms of oxygen (0, 0 2, 0 3 ), which
withdrawal of a ~mal.I amou~t of oxygen (a~d ozone) by
plants or by oxidatwn of Iron and organic matter or achieve a slowly changing equilibrium mixture are
the emis.sion of carbon dioxide by plants; of organic ~nd very complicated, and the relative importance of these
other gases by decaying matter and by factories and reactions varies with the height. Above about 80 km
chimneys, and of helium and radon from radioactive the ozone concentration sinks to insignificance and the
matter below ground. Among the few constituents of atomic oxygen concentration increases to importance
the lower atmosphere that undergo appreciable chemi- and ~t levels probably of 100 to 120 km O becomes pre~
cal change are ozone and radon; the latter disintegrates dommant over molecular oxygen. Its presence is indi-
radioactiv~ly? so that its concentration decreases up-
cated by the emission spectra of the atmosphere, namely
wards. This Is a process of nuclear chemistry outside those ~f the night sky and of the aurora. Similar spec-
the realm of ordinary chemistry, which is c~ncerned tral evidence reveals the presence of atomic sodium N a
with reactions affecting only the outer structures of and also of atoin:ic nitrogen N in the upper atmosphere,
atoms and molecules. The incidence of cosmic rays and the terrestnal part of the absorption spectrum of
su~ig~t indicates that some oxides of nitrogen also
must also produce nuclear chemical transformations
relatively very rare, but worthy of study. However' exist m the atmosphere. The presence of such cliemi-
the main fact of tropospheric chemistry is the uni~ cally active gases as atomic oxygen and sodium raises
formity of the composition of dry air ali over the globe, very interesting chemical problems, on which there is
near the ground, as shown by Paneth.I now a growing literature.
.Thus ozone is almost the only chemically active con- The chemical reactions and their energy mainly origi-
stituent of the tropospheric air, though it may be that nate from the absorption of light from the sun, so that
there are other very rare but chemically active gases meteorologica! chemistry is in the main a branch of
ph~tochemistry. It includes also some impact-chemistry,
present, whose changes have not yet been considered.
Ozone is always present in the air near the ground, a as It may be called, concerned with reactions initiated
by the entry of fast-moving particles into the atmos-
phere from outside-a process somewhat analogous to
1. Consult "The Composition of Atmospheric Air" by E.
Glueckauf, pp. 3-10 in this Compendium. the. chemistry ?f r~actions inside discharge tubes, in
2. Consult "Some Problems of Atmospheric Chemistry" by whwh fast-movmg Ions and electrons produce chemical
H. Cauer, pp. 1126-1136 in this Compendium. ch~nges in the gas. In the atmosphere th~ impacts are
3. Consult "Ozone in the Atmosphere" by F. W. P. Gotz, mamly those of the solar particles that cause aurorae
pp. 275-291 in this Compendium. and magnetic storms.

The chemistry of the atmosphere differs from labora- average atomic weight of oxygen (including all iso-
tory chemistry because the atmosphere is without any topes) differs very little from 16. The isotopic constitu-
material boundary except the ground, which exerts an tion of the chemical elements in the atmosphere forms
appreciable chemical influence only on the air at the an interesting subject of study, as yet little developed.
lowest levels. Above these levels, the wall-reactions, It will not be further mentioned here.
so important in laboratory chemistry of gases, play no Chemists call M grams of a substance whose molec-
part in meteorologica! chemistry. ular weight is M a gram-molecule or mole or gram
The chemistry of the upper atmosphere is a border- molecular weight (and, similarly, A grams of an ele-
line subject between the main fields of chemistry and ment whose atomic weight is A, a gram-atom). The
meteorology, and naturally involves many aspects and number Nof molecules (or atoms) in a gram-molecule
conceptions that may be unfamiliar to meteorologists. (or gram-atom) is M grams divided by the mass of one
The chief aim of this article is to assist them to read molecule, namely Mmo, that is, N = 1/mo if mo is
past and future papers on the subject by outlining its measured in grams; likewise for the number of atoms
principles and some of its technicalities. The present in a gram-atom. This number N is called Loschmidt's
primitive state of the subject is also briefly described, (or, less appropriately, Avogadro's) number:
and some of its main problems are indicated. In so
m0 = 1.660 X 10-24 gram; N = 6.023 X 1023 .
doing it is necessary to pay some attention to at-
mospheric spectroscopy and ionization. 4. Energy Levels. Atomic and molecular particles,
neutral or ionized-hereafter for brevity often referred
SOME GENERAL PRINCIPLES OF GAS to simply as particles-may exist in more than one
CHEMISTRY state, and each state has a definite amount of interna]
3. Atomic and Molecular Particles. Atomic particles energy (as distinguished from the kinetic energy of
consist of a positively charged nucleus surrounded by translatory motion). These staies form a discrete (not
(negative) electrons; molecular particles comprise more continuous) series.
than one such nucleus, with electrons around and be- In an atomic partide the internal energy is deter-
tween them. If the number of electrons is equal to the mined solely by the electronic configuration (including
number of positive electronic charges (each of magni- the electron spins). In a molecular partide it may also
tude ~) in the nucleus or nuclei, the partide is electri- include energy of interna] vibration and of rotation.
cally neutra!, and is called a (neutral) atom or molecule These latter energies mainly depend on the disposition
respectively; otherwise the parti ele is called an ion, and motion of the nuclei, because of their preponderant
atomic or molecular. In general, ions are positive, the share of the molecular mass. Each type of energy has a
number of electrons being less than that necessary for discrete series of values, associated with quantum num-
electrica! neutrality; but certain gases, notably (in the bers, electronic, vibrational, and rotational. There is
atmosphere) atomic and molecular oxygen (but not consequently a series of electronic energy levels, and in
nitrogen or the rare gases) form negative ions, taking the case of molecular particles these levels (for states
on an extra electron beyond their normal number in the without vibration and rotation) are supplemented by
neutral state. Negative ions are indicated thus: o-, 02. many neighbouring levels of higher energy, for states
Positive ions may be similarly indicated, for example, in which there is also vibration or rotation or both.
o+' Nt or, if doubly ionized, N+. Otherwise I, II, The state of lowest energy is called the ground state;
m, are added to the chemical symbol to signify respec- the others are called exted states. The energies of the
tively the neutra! state, the first positively ionized latter are reckoned as differences from the energy of the
state, the second, and so on: for example, N2 1, N2 II, ground state, and are called excitation, energies or exci-
N2 III instead of N2, Nt, Nt". tation potentials. The minimum energy needed to re-
The charge on an atomic nucleus is z~, where Z is an move an electron altogether from a partide in it~
integer, called the atomic number; it determines the gronnd state is called the ionization energy or ionizalion
chemical nature of the atomic partide. For hydrogen potential; in atmospheric chemistry one mostly considers
H, carbon C, nitrogen N, oxygen O, and sodium Na, only the first ionization potential, for the removal of
Zis 1, 6, 7, 8, and 11 respectively. only one electron from the neutral partide. The energy
The unit of atomic mass m 0 is one-sixteenth of the required to detach the excess electron from a negative
mass of the chief type of oxygen atom, the isotope 0 16 ; ion such as o- or 02 is called the attachment energy or
m 0 = 1823 me , where m. denotes the mass of an elec- electron affinity. The energy necessary to divide a molec-
tron [32]; hence the electrons make a very minor con- ular partide (neutra] or ionized) into two atomic (or
tribution to the masses of atoms. The mass of an atom molecular) particles is called the dissociation energy or
or molecule is expressed respectively as A mo or M mo; dissociation potential.
A or M is called the atomic or molecular weight. Atoms In a molecule the distances between its atomic nuclei
may ha ve the same Z (and therefore the same chemical are in general different in different electronic configura-
nature) but different atomic weights A; the different tions. A molecule may be raised to a state in which its
forms are called isotopes. They usually differ greatly in energy, including vibrational energy, is greater than
their relative abundance; for example, in the case of that required for dissociation, yet the internuclear dis-
oxygen the isotope for which A = 16 far predominates tances may not be such that the molecule will divide,
over the isotopes for wliich A (always nearly an in- without some rearrangement of the nuclei and electrons.
teger number) is approximately 15 or 17, so that the If the molecule is such that this redistribution can take

place, it is said to be, before the change occurs, in a This relation can also be expressed in other forms, in
state of pre-dissociation [12]; a similar definition applies terms of the wave length A of the light, or in terms of its
to pre-ionization. wave number n, which is the number of waves per
Symbols are assigned to the various states of parti- centimetre: so that if A is expressed in centimetres
cles; the details of the electronic configuration may be (denoted by Acm),
specified; for example, by (1s) 2 (2s) 2 (2p) 4 for the lowest
n = 1/Acm;
levels of the O atom [16, p. 45], but these symbols will
not be explained here. For this configuration there are v and Acm are connected by the relation
three main energy levels associated with the term sym- AcmV = C,
bols. 3P (ground term) and 1D 2 , 18 0, the two latter being
metastable terms ( 12). The ground term itself has three where c denotes the speed of light, which in vacuo is
closely spaced levels, 3P 2 , 3P 1, and 3P 0 , the first being c = 2.998 X 1010 cm sec-1
the lowest. Often the suffixes in these term symbols are Hence the relation W = hv can be expressed as Xcm W =
omitted. hc or W = hen; energies and energy differences can
For atomic sodium the ground state has the symbol therefore be expressed in terms of v.rave numbers, where
2S, and the first excited state has two closely spaced

levels 2P~ and 2P1t. The symbols for the states of mole- 1 wave number = hc ergs = 1.986 X 10-16 erg.
cules are, as might be expected, more complicated than Hence an energy expressed as V ev has a wave number
those for atoms. For example, the ground state and n given by
the next succeeding energy states for neutra! molecular n = 8068V, or V = 1.2395 X 10-4n.
nitrogen have the symbols X1~g, A 3~u, and B 3Ilg [12].
5. Energy Units. The cgs unit of energy is the erg, Wave lengths are generally expressed in angstrom
and a larger unit is the joule (1 joule = 107 ergs). units (A) or in microns (J.L):
Another unit much used by chemists is the calorie (or 1A 10-8 cm, 1
= J.L = 10-4 cm = 104 A.
gram-calorie-the terms have identica! meanings),
which is the energy required to raise the temperature of Thus A expressed in A is 108 Xcm. The relation XW
1 ce of water at 15C by 1C (1 calorie = 4.185 joules). hc, when W is expressed in electron volts V and A in
Chemists often quote energies in kilocalories (or large angstrom units, takes the form
calories); 1 kilocalorie = 1000 calories.
XV= 12395 (X in A).
Physicists often use another unit called the electron
volt (ev). An energy of V ev is equal to that acquired Similarly if W is expressed in calories per mole,
by an electron in traversing a fali of potential of V
volts; this is eV joules, if e (the electronic charge) is XW = 2.858 X 105 (X in A).
measured in coulombs: 7. Spectra Associated with Atomic and Molecular
Transitions. When an atomic or molecular particle
e = 4.802 X 10-10 electrostatic cgs units
undergoes a transition from a state of higher energy to
e = 1.602 X 10-20 electromagnetic units
one of lower energy, one way in which it can dispose of
e = 1.602 X 10-19 coulombs.
the energy difference W thus released is by radiation
Hence, as a volt is 108 electromagnetic units, in light of frequency v = W /h. The spectrum of the
1 electron volt = 1.602 X 10- 12 ergs. light emitted by a gas whose particles are undergoing
one or more such transitions is called an emission
Hence also for a change of energy of V ev per particle, spectrum.
the change expressed in gram-calories per mole (N
If, however, the particles are undergoing transitions
particles) is 1.602 X 10-12 NV/4.185 X 107 , so that
from lower to higher energy levels, one way in which
1 ev per particle is equivalent to 23,053 calories per
the necessary energy W may be acquired is by absorp-
tion of light, which must be of frequency W/h. The
Yet another form of energy-reckoning by physicists,
spectrum of the beam of light will be darkened at this
the wave number, is explained in the next section in
frequency, because of the absorption and the conse-
connection with the quantum relation.
quent reduction of the transmitted intensity. This dark-
6. Light Absorption and Emission; the Quantum
ening, at as many frequencies as are concerned in the
Relation. An atomic or molecular particle may gain
transitions taking place in the gas, gives what is called
energy of amount W ergs by absorption of light of fre-
an absorption spectrum.
quency v (the frequency is the number of light-vibra-
The spectrum of sunlight shows absorption of two
tions per second), or it may emit the energy W as light
kinds: one (the Fraunhofer spectrum) due to absorption
of this frequency; in either case W and v are connected
by gases of the sun's own atmosphere, and another due
by the quantum relation
to absorption in the terrestrial atmosphere (18).
W = hv, From our knowledge of spectra for various sub-
where h denotes Planck's constant: stances, either studied experimentally in the labora-
tory, or in simple cases obtained from theoretical calcu-
h = 6.624 X 10-27 erg sec, lation of the energy levels of particles, it is often (though
according to the latest estimate by R. T. Birge [5]. as yet not always) possible to infer the nature of the

emitting or absorbing particles responsible for given from 12 !1- to 120 J.1. in the "far" infrared. Light of a single
emission or absorption spectra, and also, from the wave length is called monochromatic.
intensity of the spectrum, to infer how many transitions N umerous bands are named after their discoverers or
of any such kind are taking place, per unit cross section interpreters, working either in the laboratory or with
of the beam of light per second. (See 18, 19.) natural light in emission or absorption. Examples are
8. Line, Band, and Continuous Spectra. Atomic par- the Hartley and Huggins bands of ozone, extending re-
ticles have definite configurations and energy levels, spectively from about 2000 to 3200 A and from 3200 to
and definite energy differences and associated frequen- 3500 A, and the Chappuis hand in the visible region
cies, corresponding to definite lines in their emission or (maximum absorption, in air, at about 6100 A); ozone
absorption spectrum. Their spectra are therefore called also has infrared bands. Oxygen (0 2) has Schumann-
line spectra. Runge and Herzberg bands with ranges from about 1750
Molecular particles have far more energy levels and to 1930 A and 3100 to 3800 A, respectively, and others
energy differences and associated frequencies than in the near infrared. Nitrogen (N 2) has the "first posi-
atomic particles ha ve, because of their additional energy tive" system (about 6000 to 6500 A) in the red, as well
of vibration and/ or rotation. Any "line" in their spec- as the Vegard-Kaplan system (3100 to 4500 A), and
trum, associated with a change purely of electron con- ionized nitrogen (Nt) has the "first negative" system
figuration, may be accompanied by many lines of rather (3800 to 4700 A). Hydroxyl (OH) has strong infrared
different frequencies, corresponding to the same elec- (Meinel) bands (;\ > 7200 A). The ranges of wave length
tronic change accompanied by any one of many possible here specified are somewhat rough and depend upon
changes of vihratory or rotational energy. In spectra conditions which may be different in the laboratory
of moderate dispersion some of these lines may be so from those in "natural" emission or absorption in the
crowded together as to appear like a continuous hand; atmosphere.
hence the name band spectra for molecular spectra. 10. Absorption Coefficients. When light of frequency
A definite minimum energy (see 4) is required to v passes through a gas which contains particles that can
ionize or dissociate a partide. Corresponding minimum absorb it, it is weakened proportionately to its own
frequencies are associated with these processes when intensity and to the number n of the absorbing particles
they are induced by light absorption; but light of any per cubic centimetre. This is expressed by
greater frequency may also induce the process, the
dl = -k.nldl,
excess energy going into the kinetic energy of separa-
tion of the resulting two particles. Hence the absorption where dl is the reduction of the intensitv I in travers-
spectrum can be continuous on the high frequency (or ing a path length dl; hence k. has the sa~e dimensions
short-wave) side of the frequency corresponding to the as 1/ndl, which is length squared or area. The factor
ionization or dissociation potential. Similarly for the k. is called the atomic (or molecular) absorption coeifi-
emission spectrum resulting from the recombination (with cient, or alternatively the absorption cross section. In
radiation) of ions and electrons or combining particles; the case of some processes in which light is absorbed
for example, in the combinations k. can be calculated theoretically; for example [30], for
the ionization of neutral atomic oxygen by radiation
o- + O+ ----> 02 , or O + 02 ----> Oa, whose quanta have energy between 13.55 and 16.86 ev,
the energy released may exceed the ionization or disso- k. is of the order 3 X 10-18 cm2 In other cases k. must
ciation energy, because of the kinetic energy of ap- be determined experimentally by observing the de-
proach of the combining particles. Such continuous crease of intensity in passing through a known amount
spectra are an indication of the occurrence of ionization of the gas.
or dissociation, or of their converse, recombination. If n = no, where n 0 is the number of molecules per
Certain bands in molecular spectra indicate pre-disso- cubic centimetre of gas at normal temperature and
ciation or pre-ionization (4) leading to dissociation or pressure, and a =, the absorption in a gas of uni-
ionization with certain probabilities. form density with this value of n is given by dl =
9. Atomic and Molecular Spectra: Different Ranges -aldl, where a is constant. This leads to the relation
of W ave Length. The range of the visible spectrum 1 = Io e-at = Io 1o--o.4a4aat.
extends from about 4000 A (violet) to 7600 A (red); for
A < 4000 A the spectrum is called ultraviolet, and for Here a is called the absorption coefficient; 0.4343a is
A > 7600 A, injrared. The energy differences between sometimes called the decimal absorption coefficient and
the lower electronic levels of atoms and molecules are denoted by a1o, the suffix bearing reference to the
often as much as 1 to 10 ev, corresponding to light of replacement of e by 10 in the formula above. For ozone
wave lengths from 12395 A to 1239 A, extending from at about A = 2500 A, a1o is of order 100, and it has
the infrared to the ultraviolet. The energy differences the same order of magnitude for molecular oxygen at
between different vibrational states of a molecule in the about 1500 A.
same electronic configuration are of order 0.1 ev to The value of k. or a depends greatly on the wave
1 ev, corresponding to wave lengths from 12395 A to length. For example, for ozone, a 10 sinks to 10-3 for A
123950 A (or from 1.2 J.l. to 12 JJ.) in the "near" infrared. somewhat greater than 3000 A.
Purely rotational transitions involve energy differences 11. Monochromatic Absorption in an Exponential At-
about one-tenth as great, corresponding to wave lengths mosphere. The term exponential atmosphere is used to

refer to an atmosphere in which the density p varies and q has the vaiue qmax given by
with height h above the ground according to the re-
lation qmax = Uoo cos x)/H exp 1,
.p-po - o
e-hiH , n - n e-h/H , where exp 1 = 2.718.
where H is a constant (called the scale height), and Po Let z = (h - hmax)/H, and q' = q/qmaxi then the
denotes the density at the ground (h = O). The alterna- reiations above Iead to
tive form n = n 0e-hiH refers to the number of particles
per cubic centimetre, n at height h, no at the ground. q' = ei--- .
Such formulas do not apply to the actual atmosphere
unless H is itself regarded as a function of h, but they A graph of this function is shown in Fig. 1. It repre-
are useful approximations over a range of height in sents the proportionate distribution of absorption per
which H does not vary greatly. The value of H is
k'l'/fiig, where k is Boltzmann's constant (1.380 X I0-16
ergs per degree C); T denotes the absolute temperature, 6
g the acceleration of gravity (981cm sec-2), and fii the
mean mass of the particles composing the atmosphere.
Also H = RT/ Mg, where M (= N fii) is the mean molec-
ular weight, and R ( = kN) is called the gas constant;
R = 8.314 X 107 ergs per degree C per mole.
It is of special interest to consider the absorption of
light in such an atmosphere, because of the simplicity
of the relations involved, and their approximation to
the actual conditiona in our atmosphere.
It will be supposed that outside the atmosphere the
intensity of the light considered is ! and that at
00 ,

height hit isI. The absorption will be supposed to take

place with a definite absorption coefficient k., so that 0.6 o. a 1.0
in effect the light must be monochromatic, of a definite q--
frequency 11 (or rather, within a narrow hand of fre-
quency 11 to 11 + d11). Instead of I and ! one might 00
FIG. 1.-The proportionate distribution of absorption of
monochromatic radiation per unit volume of gas in an expo-
therefore alternatively consider the flux of photons of nentially distributed atmosphere, given as a ratio (q') of the
this frequency, Q per square centimetre per second at absorpton at any level, to that at the level of maximum ab-
sorption; the level is indicated by z, reckoned from the height
height h, and Q"" at h = oo (outside the atmosphere): of maximum absorption, in units of the scale-height of the
Q cx: I or Q/Q"IJ= I/Ioo. atmosphere.
The absorption may be due to a particular atmos-
pheric constituent, and if so, n and p will refer not to unit volume as a function of height z, reckoned up-
the whole air but to this particular constituent only. wards or downwards from the Ievei of maximum, in
If the atmosphere is so static that the different con- terms of H as the unit of height. The form of the curve
stituents are each distributed in accordance with their is independent of the particular value of H and of the
molecular weight, each will have its own value of H; initial light-intensity ! as well as of the absorption
00 ,

for example, for 0 2 at 273 absolute (OC), H is about coefficient k.. Though the actual level of maximum
7.2 km, and for O it is twice as great; the only assump- absorption depends on k., n 0 , H, and x, the value of
tion here made, however, is that H can be regarded as the maximum absorption depends on 1 H, and x, 00 ,

independent of h. but not on k. or no.

Let x denote the zenith angle of the sun, which is Below the Ievei hmax the beam intensity and the
also the angle made by the beam of light with the absorption fali away very rapidiy, the beam being
vertical (the curvature of the level Iayers of the at- quickly attenuated by the increasingiy dense air. The
mosphere being neglected). The equation of absorption decrease of q' upwards is siower; at great heights q'
is dl = - sec x dh, of which the integral is varies approximateiy as e1- . The main part of the
I = I"' exp(-k.noHe-hiH sec x). absorption Iies in a Iayer of thickness about 3H
(from z = -1 to z = 2). Throughout the day, qmax
The rate of absorption q per cubic centimetre at height varies as cos x, and hmax is In sec x above ho . When
h is -dl cos x/dh, which has the value This has x = 60, sec x = 2, In sec x = 0.7, and so hmax =
its maximum at the level ho + 0.7H.
The height h0 ( = H In k.n 0H) may be negative for
hmax = H In (k.noH sec x) = ho + H In sec x, sufficiently small values of k. and n 0 , that is, if the
where In denotes the logarithm to the N apierian base absorption is weak; q then increases downwards to the
e ( = 2.718), and ho is thevalue of hmax for x = O (vertical ground, and much of the radiation penetrates to ground
sunlight); at this level n has the value nmax given by Ievel. For oxygen (02), for which no is of order 1019 ,
and H of order 106 cm (7.2 km), the minimum value
nmax = (1/k.H) cos x, of k. for which h 0 will not be below ground, nameiy

1/noll, is I0-26 cm2 For maximum absorption at about or forbidden. In the case of allowed transitions, T is
the height of the ozone layer (h = 3H, for example), generally very small (e.g., I0-8 sec).
k.noll = e3 = 20.1. These formulas for h0 and nmax or Among the various states of a particle there may be
qmax are very useful in the study of atmospheric dissocia- some from which there is no allowed transition to a
tion and ionization. lower level. Such states are called metastable states.
If the absorption of the light quanta produces dis- Even in such cases, however, there may be possible
sociation or ionization, this will partly exhaust the ab- transitions (not of the normal type to which the selec-
sorbing gas, which will not be distributed exponentially tion rules apply) with finite though small probability,
at great heights, where the separation products will be- and such states consequently have a finite lifetime, much
come predominant. (See 22.)
longer than that of ordinary excited states.
If the absorbing gas is not distributed exponentially
Neutral atomic oxygen is such a case, of great in-
(and the ozone layer is such a case) the above formulas
will not apply to it, but even so they may give some terest for upper-atmospheric chemistry. Its terms 1 D 2
help towards estimating the nature of the distribution and 1S 0 of its first electronic configuration (see 4) are
of absorption. If the light absorbed is not monochro- both metastable. Their energy levels (or excitation en-
matic, but includes radiation of widely differing atomic ergies) are approximately 1.96 and 4.17 ev above the
or molecular absorption coefficients, the resultant dis- ground term 3P. There is a finite probability 2.0 sec-1
tribution of the rate of absorption will be a superposition for the transition 1S 0 to 1D 2 , involving a change of
of layers of the type discussed above, With differing energy by 2.21 ev and giving rise to the light of the
values of hmax and qmax for each small interval of fre- famous "green auroral line" 5577 A. The transition
quency. In the case of the regions of absorption by probabilities for fali from 1D 2 to the ground levels 3P 2,
molecular oxygen or ozone, for which the values of k. 3P 1 , and 3P 0 are O, 2.5 X I0- 3 , and 7.5 X I0- 3 sec-I,

vary at least 105 fold, much of the radiation will be giving rise (in the last two cases) to the two "red
filtered out at levels far above those to which the less auroral" lines of atomic oxygen, 6364 A and 6300 A, of
absorbable frequencies penetrate. which the latter, because of its threefold greater prob-
The light considered here is unidirectional, but a ability, is three times the more intense. Thus the life-
parallel beam of sunlight will be scattered as well as times of the 1S 0 and 1D2 states are of the order Y2 sec
absorbed, and the scattered light, relatively more in- and 100 sec respectively.
tense for the higher frequencies v, will itself be scattered The first excited states of neutral atomic sodium are
and absorbed. The rate of absorption at any level will not metastable; transitions occur with probability 0.62
thus depend on contributions from light of all directions X 108 sec-1 from 2P and 2PPt to the ground state 2S,
-a complication to which little attention has yet been giving rise to the sodium yellow line 5893 A (really a
given in the field of atmospheric photochemistry. close doublet or pair of lines, with wave lengths 5890 A
If we knew k. and I oo for each frequency, and the dis- and 5896 A, of which the former is twice as intense as
tribution of each absorbing con~:~tituent, the distribu- the latter, because the number of atoms in the 2P11 state
tion and amount of the absorption would be calculable. is twice that in the 2Pi state). The lifetime of the 2P
In many cases, however, some of these data are un- state is 1.6 X I0-8 sec.
known, especially ! 00 at frequencies for which the radia- 13. Excitation and De-excitation by Collision. Atomic
tion is completely absorbed at high levels. But this gap and molecular particles can be excited by impact as
in our knowledge is now becoming partly closed by well as by absorption of radiation, and the process is
information concerning the spectra of sunlight ob- reversible, that is, such particles can be de-excited by
tained at different heights in the atmosphere by rocket- collision. In the first case the kinetic (and possibly
borne instruments. also other) energy of the impinging particle (which
12. Reversibility. De-excitation with Radiation. may be atomic, molec1.1lar, or an electron) is reduced by
Atomic and molecular processes are reversible. The the energy required for excitation; in the second, it is
converse of excitation by radiation is de-excitation (a increased bv this amount. Such collisions are called
fali from a higher to a lower energy level) with emission collisions of vthe second kind, or inelastic or superelastic,
of radiation. The fall need not, however, be roade in in contrast to the elastic collisions considered in the
one stage only; there may be two or more falls through kinetic theory of gases. In these, the speed of separation
intermediate states. The emission occurs spontaneously, of the particles after collision equals that of their ap-
and not at one definite interval after attaining the proach, so that the translatory kinetic energy of their
higher energy level. For each type of transition there motion relative to their mass-centre is unaltered. A col-
is a constant T, called the half-life (or more loosely the lision between two uncharged unexcited particles is
lijetime), such that the probability of the transition elastic if this kinetic energy is too small to raise either
occurring during any given short interval from time t to its first excited state. For such elastic collisions the
to time t + dt, after attaining the higher level, is particles, though without definite boundaries, have a
e-ttrdt. The transition probability is briefly expressed certain joint collisional cross section (which in the case
as 1/T. of rigid elastic spheres would be 1rR2 , where R denotes
There are certain selection rules concerning the per- the sum of the radii of the two particles). Similarly there
missible changes of the various quantum numbers, from is a collisional cross section for any given type of excita-
the initial to the final state of the particle; these deter- tion, depending on the nature of the particles and on
mine whether or not any particular transition is allowed their relative speed of approach; it is one mode of ex-

pressing the probability of such excitation occurring in NEr or (Yz)RT calories, if the gas constant R is ex-
such a collision. pressed in calories per degree per mole (its value then
The mean free path lr2 of a particle of type 1, between being 1.986); see 11.
collisions with particles of type 2, is of the order 1/n2S12, Table I gives the energy E rin ergs and electron volts,
where 8 12 is the cross section for the type of collision and also, in the last column, its value per mole (NEr)
(elastic or otherwise), and n2 is the number of particles
of type 2 per cubic centimetre of the gas. If V1 is the TABLE l. MEAN TRANSLATORY KINETIC ENERGY AT VARIOUS
mean speed of the particles of type 1, the corresponding
collision-interval tr2 is Z12/Vr, and the mean collision- T 1014 Er ergs Er ev NEreal
dg K per partide per partide per mole
frequency 1112 is 1/tr2 The number of the collisions per
cubic centimetre per second is nr1112, which equals 200 4.1 0.026 596
V 1n 1n2S12 or a12nrn2, where a12 = V1S12i a12 depends 300 6.2 0.039 894
on T, the absolute temperature, through V1 (both 400 8.3 0.052 1192
500 10.4 0.065 1490
directly and in 8 12), which is proportional to (T / m 1)72. 750 15.5 0.097 2235
Whether, in a gas containing excited particles, de- 1000 20.7 0.129 2980
excitation occurs mainly by collision. or by radiation 1500 31.1 0.194 4470

depends on whether the lifetime T of the excited state

is greater or less than the collision interval t12 . The expressed in .calories, for T from 200K to 1500K (the
greater the height in the atmosphere, and therefore the range which is of interest for the upper atmosphere).
smaller the values of n 1 and n2, the more likely are the For particles of mass m, the mean square V2 of the speed
excited particles to emit their excess energy spon- (2Er/m), and the mean speed ii, are given by
taneously, with radiation. For example, the collision
frequency of electrons in the D-layer of the ionosphere v2 = 3kTjm, v= (81J2/37r) 112 = 0.921w.
has lately been estimated to be 1.5 X 106 at 91.7 km The fraction of particles (of whatever mass) whose
height and 2.8 X 106 at 86.3 km (giving a scale height energy is jE r or more is
H 1, at this level, of 8.5 km). The collision frequency
of atomic particles in the same region is likely to be
smaller by perhaps two powers of ten, so that de-ex-
2 ( 0 -x~
yl?r x e + 1"'
xo e
-x 2 dx ) ,
citation by allowed transitions (such as those that give
where x~ = (Yz)f. This fraction is tabulated. For f = 5
the yellow lines of sodium) would be little reduced by
the fraction is 0.00182.
collisions, whereas atoms of oxygen in their metastable
Even at the highest temperature given in Table I,
states 1D and 18 would not radiate appreciably at this
Er is too small to produce appreciable excitation (and
level. still less dissociation or ionization) by impact; and the
14. Kinetic Energy of Particles of a Gas at Absolute
fraction of the particles that have an energy of 1 ev is
Temperature T. In a gas in thermal equilibrium at the
likewise very small, even at 1500K. It is not an entirely
absolute temperature T, the distribution of velocities
negligible fraction, however, and the few particles of
for each type of particle (mass m, number n per cubic
high energy may have some small influence in deter-
centimetre) is given by Maxwell's formula,
mining the state of the upper atmosphere. In particular,
m ) 312 e-m(u2 + v2 + w2Jf2kr dUdVdW they will excite rotation, 4 detectable in absorption spec-
n = n ( 21rkT ' tra, which if obtained from high rockets may give some
information concerning the temperature of the upper
dn is the number of these particles, per cubic centimetre, atmosphere.
whose velocity components U, V, and W (relative to the 15. Dissociation and Ionization in the Upper At-
mean motion, if any, of the gas) lie within the ranges mosphere. A particle can be divided into two (thus
U to U +dU, V toV+ dV, Wto W + dW. being dissociated or ionized) either by radiation or by
Hence in terms of the speed v of a particle (where v2 = impact. Each quantum of radiation absorbed, of appro-
U2 + V2 +W 2), and its translatory kinetic energy E priate frequency 11 and energy h11, divides one particle,
so that the rate of production of the separate compo-
( = Yzmv2),
nent particles per cubic centimetre per second is equal
dn -_ 4 1rn ( 1rkT
m ) -mv2f2kr 2d
e v v
to the rate of absorption q of quanta, and is a function
2 of the height, as illustrated for monochromatic absorp-

= - 2(-1
n yl?r kT
)3/2 e-E(kr El/2dE,
tion in an exponential atmosphere in 11. The process
of division by absorption of radiation is called photolysis.
The energy necessary for ionization from the neutra!
giving the number of particles dn per cubic centimetre state is rather high for most of the gases of the atmos-
with speed between v and v +
dv, or energy between E
and E + dE. The last formula does not contain m,
4. A molecular particle without rotational energy is not
set in gentle rotation by the impact of another particle, how-
whence it appears that the mean E for particles of any ever well directed, unless the transferable kinetic energy (allow-
mass is the same, and equal to (%JkT ergs, where k ing for conservation of momentum as well as of energy) at least
denotes Boltzmann's constant; the energy per mole is equal the minimum rotational excitation energy. (See 4)

phere (sodium is an exception), as shown in Table II; (Oa ---t 02 + 0), water vapor (H20 ---t OH + H), and
the electron detachment energies for and 02 are o- sodium oxide (NaO ---t Na + 0).
also given. Table III gives various dissociation poten- 16. Combination of Particles; Conservation of Energy
and Momentum; Two- and Three-Body Collisions. The
reverse of the division of one partide into two (dis-
sociation or ionization) is the combination of two into
Gas N o o- Na N, o. o-; N,o one. This is called recombination in the case of ions and
-- -- -- -- -- -- - --
Vev 14.5 13.6 2.2 5.1 15.5 12.2 1 12.7 electrons, and attachment in the case of a neutra! partide
and an electron (for example, O + e ---t O-). The act of
combination essentially involves juxtaposition, that is,
TABLE III. DrssocrATION PoTENTIALS V ev a collision. The mean interval after division, before the
N, two partides collide and may recombine, depends upon
Gas o, o, NaO H, OH
-- -- --- -- -- the density (see 13), and therefore mayhave anyvalue.
Vev 7.4, 9.8? 5.09 1.1 3? 4.5 4.3 Thus it differs essentially from the mean interval be-
tween an excitation and a subsequent de-excitation
with radiation, the lifetime, which depends solely on the
tials of interest in connection with the upper atmos- nature of the partide itself and on its spontaneous
phere. processes.
The fraction of particles with thermal kinetic energies The results of separation can consequently persist for
of the amounts shown in the two tables above is very hours or even days in air of sufficiently low density;
small in the upper atmosphere (see 14), and divi- during this period the energy of diss~ciation or ioniza-
sion by impact is produced mainly by fast-moving tion is stored up in the gas as a kind of potential energy.
partides coming in from outside-meteors, cosmic rays, In the upper atmosphere some of the energy absorbed
and (of most importance) the streams or douds of gas from the sunlight during the day hours, causing disso-
emitted by the sun, which produce aurorae and mag- ciation and ionization, remains in this potential form
netic storms-and by atmospheric partides to which after sunset, and during the night it is partly trans-
these externa! particles communicate sufficient of their formed slowly into radiation, which is observed as a
energy. They dissociate N2 and 0 2 , ionize them and the faint luminosity of the night sky-the airglow.
atoms N, O, and excite N2, N, 02, O, and their ions. The In general the two particles resulting from the divi-
infiuence of such transient (though frequent) impact sion of any one partide do not recombine with each
processes on the average composition of the air in aurora! other. The parent partide gives birth to its progeny
latitudes has received Iittle attention as yet. But there among a host of jostling neighbours, and the "new-horn
can be little doubt that over most of the earth the infants" at once Iose each other in the crowd. Each may
chemistry of the upper atmosphere is mainly determined combine in due course with some other partide of the
by the effect of sunlight. same kind as its lost brother, or it may enter into a new
Among the chief of these effects is the ionization of partnership of a different kind.
the various layers of the ionosphere-D, E, F 1 , and F 2 , The division of a partide can take place in either
in ascending order of height (respectively about 90, 120, of two ways: by absorption of light or by impact. The
220, and 300 km). Their detailed explanation stiU pre- process that is the reverse of division by absorption
sents difficulties [29]. It is uncertain whether the main of light is combination with emission of light, in a two-
ionized particles in the E- and F -layers are 0 2 and O body collision. The process that is the reverse of the
respectively, or O and N. The high degree of F-layer division of a parent partide AB into components A and
N2-dissociation implied in the latter case seems to con- B, by the impact of a particle X-a transformation
flict with the evidence of the sunlit aurora! spectrum symbolized by
indicating that there is undissociated nitrogen 200 km
and more above the F-layer. There seems tobe little N-t;
AB + X ---t A + B + X
in the F -layer. The D-layer has been ascribed to atomic -is the combination
sodium. The formation of these layers filters out ali or A + B + X ---t AB + X
most of the sunlight of highest frequency, whose quanta
exceed 12 ev. produced by the three-body or triple collision of A and
The light whose quanta have energy between about B and X, to form the two bodies AB and X. The two-
5 and 10 ev dissociates molecular oxygen, being ab- body radia tive combination is symbolized by
sorbed at levels between about 15 or 20 km and 120 km
height. It is stiU uncertain to what extent molecular A + B ---t AB + hv.
nitrogen is dissociated by part of this radiation, or In ali types of collision there is conservation of both
radiation of somewhat greater frequency; the nitrogen energy and momentum. In a radiative combination, by
molecule seems to be more readily ionized than disso- two-body collision, the initial velocities of the two
ciated by radiation. combining particles determine the initial total momen-
Other constituents of the upper atmosphere that are tum, which after the collision is divided between the
partly dissociated by absorption of sunlight are ozone single combined partide and the emitted photon; as

the momentum of the photon is insignificant, the initial does not occur unless the relative kinetic energy in the
momentum determines the velocity of the combined collision is above a certain limit EA called the activation
particle, and therefore also its kinetic energy. The energy. For endothermic reactions it must at least equal
energy released in the photon is the energy of the div- the difference between the internal energies of the ini-
ision of AB into A and B, that is, the dissociation or tial and final particles. For exothermic reactions, al-
ionization potential, less the change (a reduction) of though (by definition) they give out heat, the activation
the kinetic energy of translation resulting from the energy is not, in general, zero; its value, expressed in
combination; the amount of this change is not governed calories per N collisions [31], is generally as much as
by the intrinsic nature of A, B, and AB, but depends a few kilocalories for reactions of type (1), and some
on whatever particular velocities A and B may happen tens of kilocalories for reactions of type (2). It can
to have just before the collision. The chance that in the easily be seen that this means that at moderate tem-
process of combination it will be possible to emit a peratures the former are far more important than the
photon of just the right energy thus determined is in latter. Thus at room temperature the fraction of colli-
general small; if the circumstances permit its emission, sions of energy 5 kilocalories or above is about 10-4 ,
the combination occurs, otherwise the particles A and whereas the fraction of energy 50 kilocalories or above
B part again without combining, the collision being an is only 10-39
elastic one (see 13). The probability of a radiative Besides chemical transfer reactions there are reactions
combination is expressed by means of its effective in which what is transferred is energy of excitation,
collisional cross section. as in
In a combination by three-body collision, the exist- (3)
ence of two par;ticles after the collision permits the
ready fulfilment of the two conditions of conservation (where the primes denote excitation), or charge, as in
of momentum and of energy, and the chance that com- o-+ 0+-+0' +O", o++ XY -+0 + XY+. (4)
bination will result from the collision is consequently
The efficiency of transfer of excitation is not high unless
higher. But the chance of the occurrence of a triple
the change of kinetic energy of relative motion is small;
collision is much less, in a rare gas, than that for a two-
when this is so there is said to be resonance, and the
body collision; when particles are sparsely scattered,
effective cross section for the collision may exceed the
the simultaneous concourse of three particles in one gas-kinetic cross section. In contrast, transfer of charge
small vicinity is naturally much rarer than that of two
can occur most readily when the reaction is exothermic
particles. The number of two-body collisions of A and B
by a few tens of calories.
in a gas, per cubic centimetre per second, is anAnn
Y et another type of two-body reaction is dissociative
(see 13); the corresponding number of three-body
recombination, as in
collisions is a'nAnnnx; here the n's denote the numbers
of particles per cubic centimetre, of the three kinds. Ot + e -+ O' + O" , XY+ + e-+ X' + Y' , (5)
With increasing height all the n's will in general de- in which the ionization energy released is taken up in
crease, but the triple product will decrease faster than some form by the fragments of the original molecular
the double one. Hence the radiative combinations must ion. Quantal arguments have recently been advanced
increase upwards relative to the three-body combina- which indicate that the mechanism may be extremely
tions; at the confines of the atmosphere the combina- rapid. Bates and Massey [29j have indeed suggested
tions are predominantly radiative. that U>) may be responsible for the observed high (and
17. Reactions in General; Transference; Activation pressure-independent) coefficient of recombination a
Energy; Resonance. A combination of A and B to form for electrons in the E-layer of the ionosphere. The pres-
AB (whether by two-body or three-body collision) is a sure-independence of a in this layer implies that the
simple special case of chemical transformation or reac- recombination occurs by two-body collisions; if the rate
tion; another general type of reaction involves a transfer of combination or reaction between particles of types
of part of one of the colliding particles to the other (a) and (b) is expressed by ananb , and the process took
particle, breaking only one molecular bond, as in place predominantly by three-body collisions, a would
O+ OH-+ 02 + H, (1)
be proportional to the total number of particles per unit
volume, and therefore to the pressure (and inversely
or a division of both particles and subsequent inter- proportional to the temperature). If both two- and
changed unions, as in three-body collisions were of importance, a would have
a constant part and a part proportional to the pressure.
It may be noted that the theory of the rate of recom-
Both of these result from a two-body collision, and bination observed in discharge tubes, where the condi-
as there are two bodies also after the collision, energy tions are subject to control, still involves unexplained
and momentum can readily be conserved. It would be difficulties.
expected, therefore, that the efficiency of the processes
would be greater than that for radiative combination, CONSTITUENTS AND REACTIONS IN THE
provided of course that they are exothermic (i.e., give UPPER ATMOSPHERE
out heat) and not endothermic (t".e., absorb heat). While 18. Absorption-Spectral Evidence Regarding Atmos-
this is indeed generally true, it is found that transfer pheric Composition. The absorption spectrum of sun-

light has a part which is of terrestrial origin and includes tbe H atoms being produced by dissociation of water
bands due to N2, 02, 0 3 , C0 2, and H20. Except for vapor by sunligbt.
0 3 , the major part of ali these gases lies in the lowest Tbe excitation energies indicated for tbe oxygen green
and densest part of the atmosphere, but the absorption and red lines respectively are 4.2 ev and 2.0 ev, and 2.1
in the ultraviolet region by N2, 02, and 0 3 occurs at ev for tbe sodium yellow (or D) line.
higher levels. It is likely tbat tbe spectrum is mainly wbat is calied a
The amount of ozone present varies with the latitude, recombination spectrum, the energy being provided by
season and weather, but is of the order 3 atmo-milii- the recombination of atomic O to form 02 , and (less
metres. (It is convenient to express the amount of the probably) of atomic nitrogen to form N2. One argument
rarer gases of the atmosphere by tbe tbickness of the for the latter hypothesis is that the recombination of
layers they would form if ali of eacb such gas were sepa- oxygen provides no more than 5.09 ev, whereas that of
rated out from eacb vertical column of atmospbere, nitrogen can provide at least 7.38 and possibly 9.76 ev.
and collected at ground level at normal temperature (Tbe dissociation energy of N 2 is stiU doubtful.) The
(OC) and pressure (760 mm of mercury); tbe amount energy provided by tbe recombination of ions and elec-
may tben be named as being in atmo-centimetres or trons will also contribute to tbe nigbt-sky spectrum
atmo-millimetres.) to a smaller degree.
Tbere is also good evidence for tbe presence of about At twiligbt (dawn and sunset), part of tbe emission
1 atmo-cm of nitrous oxide (N20); it seems likely that spectrum is enhanced: cbiefly the red oxygen line and
it is mainly in the lower atmospbere. Tbis gas is very the sodium yeliow line. At tbese times there also appears
transparent for radiation of wave lengths greater than emission of ligbt in the hand spectrum of ionized
2000 A, and must tberefore be very stable pbotocbemi- nitrogen (Nt), in tbe region 3914 A, correlated witb the
caliy. Study of its ultraviolet spectrum indicates an enbanced emission of tbe red oxygen line. This betokens
ionization potential of 12.66 ev, but its dissociation bigber energy absorption from sunligbt in tbe high
potential and products are stili uncertain. Other oxides atmosphere tben irradiated, and consequent emission,
of nitrogen may also be present; it appears to be pos- some of whicb is visible from places on tbe ground wliere
sible to set upper limits of 0.1 atmo-mm for tbe amounts tbe sun bas already set or not yet risen.
of N02 and N03 ; there is some evidence for tbe pres- The aurora! spectrum sbows cbiefly the green and red
ence of less tban 1 atmo-mm of N 20 6 If formaldebyde lines of atomic oxygen, bands of N2 and Nt; it seems
(CH20) is present (presumably in tbe tropospbere and also to indicate the presence of atomic nitrogen, hy-
lower stratospbere), its amount must be less than 1 drogen, belium, and perhaps H e+ . Tbe energy of excita-
atmo-mm [26]. tion is mucb greater tban for the night-sky spectrum,
Tbe sun's absorption spectrum gives information and can reasonably be attributed to impacts caused by
concerning atmospberic composition by day; similar fast-moving particles coming from tbe sun and entering
information about the atmospbere at night could be tbe atmosphere from above; tbey will "knock on"
obtained from tbe spectrum of moonligbt or starligbt, many atmospberic particles, whicb will tbus be second-
but tbe practica! difficulties are mucb greater tban witb arily responsible for tbe impacts causing most of the
sunligbt, owing to tbe mucb lower intensity of such observed excitation effects. Aurora! emission caused by
ligbt. weak corpuscular streams impinging on tbe upper at-
19. Emission-Spectral Evidence Regarding Upper At- mosphere may at times be mingled with the true
mospheric Composition. Tbe spectrum of tbe nigbt sky nigbt-sky recombination spectrum, even when there ig
sbows prominently tbe green and red lines of atomic no obvious visual sign of tbe presence of an aurora.
oxygen and tbe yellow line of atomic sodium ( 12). Recently it bas been found that the atomic hydrogen
In tbe infrared tbere are strong bydroxyl (OH) bands lines in tbe aurora! spectrum, wben their light is received
[33] (probably including bands at 10,400 A originally at a small inclination to tbe aurora! rays, may sbow
ascribed to N~ by a process depending on recombination mucb broadening and large Doppler displacements to-
of N atoms) and also Kaplan-Meinel bands of 02 (1.7 wards tbe ultraviolet. Tbis indicates tbat tbe emitting
ev). Tbese are tbe parts of tbe spectrum as yet most cer- H atoms are traveliing downwards tbrougb tbe at-
tainly identified. Tbere is also a continuous background mospbere with speeds up to some thousands of kilo-
tbrougbout tbe visible region, fading in tbe ultraviolet metres per second.
at X 3900; somewhat lost in the blue and violet part of 20. The Heights of the Absorbing and Emitting
tbis continuum (X > 3900) there are very many lines Layers. By observing the intensit.y of absorption or
and bands, and there are otbers, very distinct, in the emission of any particular kind along paths of different
ultraviolet (X < 3900). Of tbe latter, tbe strongest have inclination to the vertical, or (by day) of different zenith
been ascribed to tbe Herzberg bands of 0 2 (excitation distances of the sun, it is possible to estimate the level
energy 4.7 ev), and others, weaker, as tbe Schumann- of absorptiQn or emission, and in some cases to infer
Runge bands of 0 2 (6.2 ev). In tbe visible region many also the height-distribution of tbe atmospheric con-
bands are ascribed to the Vegard-Kaplan bands of N 2 stituent concerned. In this way it bas been possible to
(> 7 .O ev). Barbier has ascribed some of tbe visible determine the height-distribution of atmospheric ozone,5
bands to CO. N ot all tbese ascriptions are certain.
Tbe OH emission may be due to tbe reaction
5. Consult "Ozone in the Atmosphere" by F. W. P. Giitz,
H + Oa ~ OH' + 02 ( +76 kilocalories), pp. 275-291 in this Compendium.

and the results have been substantially confirmed by is a three-body collision, in which the third body is the
more direct measurements, namely, by obtaining the oxygen atom \vhich is thereby excited so as to emit the
solar spectrum at different altitudes, in and above the green light.
maximum ozone level, using instruments carried in 22. Ozone and Atomic Oxygen [26]. The ozone layer
balloons or rockets. is produced by photolysis of Oz into atomic oxygen.
The height of the auroral emission has been mueh The 0 2 absorption of the dissociating radiation occurs
studied, chiefly by Stormer; and the spectrum has at different wave lengths and extends from more than
shown the presence of atomic oxygen and molecular 100 km down to 20 km or so. Let Q2 and Qa denote the
nitrogen (neutral and ionized) between heights of 100 respective numbers of Oz and 0 3 molecules dissociated
and 1000 km, the greater heights being associated with per cubic centimetre per second. Let n, n1, nz, n 3
sunlit aurorae. The determination of the levels of emis- denote the number per cubic centimetre of air mole-
sion of the various spectral components of night-sky cules in general, and of O, 0 2, and 0 3 respectively, per
light is much more difficult, because of the faintness cubic centimetre. The ozone is formed by attachment
of the light. The level of the sodium emission is esti- (in three-body collisions 02 + O + X~ 0 3 + X), and
mated as rnainly between 70 and 100 km, though part is destroyed by the reactions 203 ~ 302 (probably
of the emission has been acribed to greater heights. negligible in the atmosphere) and O + 0 3 ~ 202, as
The red oxygen light is ascribed to a level extending well as by photodissociation. The atomic oxygen is re-
upwards from 100 km. A. and E. Vassy conclude that moved by attachment and also by combination (20 +
there is a second layer of emission at 800 to 1000 km. X - 0 2 + X). These various processes lead to the
The green oxygen light is estimated to proceed partly equations
from 75 to 100 km, and partly from a much higher
level. These results must be considered as still provi- dnd dt = 2Q2 + Qa - k12n1n2n - k1an1na ,
sional. dna/ dt = k12n1n2 - Qa - k1an1na ,
21. The Amounts of the Absorbing and Emitting dnz/ dt = -Q2 - k12n1n2n + kunin +2k1an1na ,
Constituents. The amount of a gas which contributes where the k's denote coefficients of combination or
to the terrestrial part of the absorption spectrum of reaction. One difficulty in using these equations to de-
sunlight can be estimated therefrom in cases in which termine n 1 and n 3 as functions of height and time is that
the absorption coefficient is known through laboratory Q3 is known only when n 3 is known.
or other studies. It is in this way that the number of It is possible to explain the seasonal variation and
atmo-millimetres of ozone in the atmosphere is deter- latitudinal distribution of ozone on the hasis of these
mined daily at several places. formulas, using the known type of seasonal variation
In the case of ernission it is possible to infer from the and latitude distribution of Q2 and Q3 , depending merely
intensity the number of quanta received per second on the changing zenith distance of the sun. The con-
from within a vertical column of atmosphere of, say, stants k are not directly known, but may be chosen
an area of one square centimetre at the ground. This (with values reasonable from a photochemical stand-
was first done by Rayleigh for the light of the green point) consistent with the attempted explanation.
oxygen line in the night sky. He found that 2 X 108 The primary process in ozone formation is Oz dissocia-
photons of this light are radiated per square centimetre tion. with the formation of atomic oxygen. With in-
;per second, and later studies have confirmed this. The creasing height above the region of maximum ozone,
~orresponding number for the D line of Na is 8 X 107 the rate of attachment of O atoms to 02 molecules,
There is a very strong infrared emission band of OH at which will be mainly by three-body collisions, will
:a.bout 10,400 A, for which the number of photons may decrease upwards as e-2h!H (see 11). As the rate of
be 1010 or even more. Studies of this kind are still in ozone formation thus decreases rapidly upwards, the
their infancy: they do not indicate the total amount of life of the free oxygen atoms will increase upwards.
ihe emitting gas, but they give very valuable informa- By simple quantitative arguments it may be inferred
tion to be fitted into our total conception of the state that at about 100 or 120 km the value of na will have
and phenomena of the upper atmosphere [24]. decreased to less than 105 (from over 1012 at the maxi-
As an example of the type of argument that can be mum level, about 25 km), whereas n 1 will be of the
based on such data, consider the green oxygen emission; order 1012 , comparable with n 2 ; and that not far above
as it continues ali night long with no very great change this level n 1 will exceed n2, the ratio ndnz increasing
of intensity, the number of quanta emitted from a upwards.
column one centimetre square per night (about 40,000 Thus from the observed presence of the ozone layer,
sec) is of order 1013 . It is not difficult to show that this and from the theory of the associated reactions, the
exceeds the number that might be derived from ion- increasingly complete dissociation of oxygen as we as-
electron recombination in the ionized layers of the cend to high levels can be inferred independently of,
ionosphere, but that the number of the O + O ~ Oz though in accordance with, the spectral evidence for
recombinations is more than adequate. Hence this green the presence of atomic oxygen as a permanent con-
light may draw its energy from the daily dissociation stituent of the upper atmosphere.
of oxygen by sunlight during the daytime, a reservoir 23. 'Atmospheric Sodium. Our knowledge of the pres-
of energy steadily drawn upon without apparent serious ence of atomic sodium in the high atmosphere comes
depletion throughout the night. The process suggested solely from the emission spectra, night-sky, twilight-
sky, and auroral. Intensity m~asurement.s at different SUGGESTIONS FOR FUTURE WORK
altitudes have led to widely d1fferent estimates of the
On the observational side the study of the photo-
heights of emission of the sodium ~i?ht. Br~ca_rd and
chemical processes in the upper atmosphere has vast
Kastler have shown that for the tw1hght emission the
scape. A basic necessity is the determination of the
spectral line is very narrow, whereas it is much wider
composition of the upper atmosphere as well as the
in the night-sky emission.
height-distribution of temperature and density. Rocket
The problems connected with the so~iu~ l~ght con-
investigations may aid greatly in this field, particularly
cern not only the levels and processes of emisswn; they
with regard to the composition, which indicates the
concern also the amount of invisible sodium that may
extent to which diffusive separation occurs. Such investi-
be present in the upper atmosphere, that is, the amount
gations will also provide basic knowledge as to the
of sodium not in a state to emit the yellow (or other
solar radiation received at high levels in the atmosphere.
observable) light. Sodium is easily ionized by sunlight
Spectroscopic studies, from the ground and in situ
in the Hartley band, and must intercept some ~f this
(by means of balloons and rockets), have much to add
light though most of it is absorbed lower down, m the
concerning the nature and distribution of the con-
ozon~ layer. The presence of some ionized sodium stituents of the upper atmosphere, including water
atoms must be expected in the high atmosphere, though
vapor, carbon dioxide, ozone, atomic oxygen and nitro-
their presence is not likely to make an importa~t con-
gen, the oxides of nitrogen, hydroxyl (OH), and sodium.
tribution to any of the ionized layers except poss1bly to
The study of the absorption and emission by these and
the D-layer. Further, sodium forms oxides, NaO and
other gases in the high atmosphere, by night, at twilight,
N a0 2 , and these also would not be likely to give direct
and during the day will enhance our understanding of
spectral indication of their presence.
the nature and processes of chemical, electrica!, and
The proportions of N a, N a+, N aO, N a02 and any
energetic change there. For this work it is necessary to
other forms in which sodium may exist in the upper
develop instruments of enhanced light-gathering power,
atmosphere will differ with differing heig~t, and the
spectral range, and dispersion, in particular for the
distribu tion and reaction processes of the sodmm present aurora! and night-sky luminosity.
a fascinating problem of atmospheric photochemistry,
Radio investigations will greatly extend our knowl-
on which some speculation has been exercised, though
edge of the energy absorption, photoelectric processes,
as yet without any clear and definite conclusions being
and motions in the ionosphere, both at normal times
established. The oxides of nitrogen (as well as oxygen
and during magnetic disturbances, when corpuscular
itself) may play a significant par~ in the reac~ions energy as well as wave energy is operative.
associated with sodium. The discusswn of these ox1des,
Such observations need to be made not only at one or
as well as of the sodium itself, demands much knowledge
two places on the earth, but at a network of stations,
that is still lacking, concerning, for example,, energy
so that the world distribution of the phenomena may be
data and reaction coefficients. As an illustratwn, one
known-for its own interest, and also to aid in under-
process suggested for the excitation of ~odium at?ms ~o standing the processes occurring in any one place.
the state 2P 0 from which they can emit the D hght .lS
Continued observations to determine seasonal changes
Na +O+ X --t NaO +X, NaO +O --t Na' + 02; for aud changes throughout the sunspot cycle are desirable
the excited sodium atom N a' in the latter equation to in many cases.
be in the 2P 0 state, the energy 2.1 ev must be derivable
On the theoretical side the subject is stil! young.
from the oxvgen dissociation energy gained (5.1 ev)
Many additional purely chemical aud physical data
less the energy needed to dissociate N aO; this is about
are required as a basis for atmospheric theories, namely
3 ev but it is not yet certain that it is not slightly too
data on the rates of various types of atomic and mole-
great for this process to provide the excitation e~erg:y,
cular processes, and in some cases on the temperature
unless the colliding particles N aO and O ha ve kmetiC
dependence of these rates. These data must be obtained
energies substantially greater than their average ther-
partly by laboratory measurements, and partly by
mal energy (see 14). This suggested process is based
theoretical calculations in atomic and molecular physics.
on the dissociation energy of oxygen stored up in the
Such data are needed to elucidate the main processes of
daytime from absorbed sunlight. Another possible proc-
ess, involving only two-body collisions, is N a + Oa --t
photochemical and photoelectrical change in the upper
NaO + +
0 2 , NaO +O --t Na' 02; it involves the sanie
atmosphere, and to determine their height-distribution,
distinguishing, among the vast number of possible re-
doubt as to the latter reaction.
actions and processes, those whose rate and number
The photochemical problems briefly discussecl here
give them real significance.
have an intrinsic interest and also some practica] im-
portance in that their solution is likely to aid in a full
understancling of the phenomena of the ionosphere.
At present the forn1ation of the various ionized layers, I. Books on chemistry, particularly photochemistry.
themselves so vital to radio communication, is far from 1. BONHOEFFER, K. F., und HARTECK, P., Grundlagen der
Photochemie. Dresden & Leipzig, T. Steinkopff, 1944.
being properly understood, and every additional clue
2. HINSHELWOOD, C. N., The Kinetics of Chemical Change
or sidelight concerning the electrica! and chemical proc- in Gaseous Systems, 4th ed. Oxford, Clarendon Press,
esses in those regions is likely to prove valuable. 1938.

3. JosT, W., Explosion and Combustion Processes in Gases. III. General references.
New York, McGraw, 1946. 20. BARBIER, D., et CHALONGE, D., De la stratosphere a
4. KASSEL, L. S., Kinetics of Homogeneous Gas Reactions. l'ionosphere. Paris, Presses Universitaires de France,
New York, Reinhold, 1932. 1942. .
5. NoYES, W. A., JR., and LEIGHTON, P. A., The Photo- 21. FLEMING, J. A., ed., Terrestrial Magnetism and Elec-
chemistry of Gases. New York, Reinhold, 1941. trici.ty. New York, McGraw, 1939.
6. RoLLEFSON, G. K., and BuRTON, M., Photochemistry 22. KurPER, G. P., ed., The Atmospheres of the Earth and
and the Mechanism of Chemical Reactions. New York, Planets. Chicago, Chicago University Press, 1949.
Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1939. 23. MITRA, S. K., The Upper Atmosphere. Calcutta, Royal
7. SEMENOFF, N. N., Chemical Kinetics and Chain Reac- Asiatic Society of Bengal, 1948.
tions. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1935. IV. Summarizing reports and discussions, containing exten-
II. Books on atomic and molecular physics and spectra. sive detailed bibliographies.
8. ARNOT, F. L., Collision Processes in Gases. London, 24. BATES, D. R., "The Earth's Upper Atmosphere." Mon.
Methuen, 1933. Not. R. astr. Soc., 109: 215-245 (1949).
9. BACHER, R. F., and GouDSMIT, S. A., Atomic Energy 25. DEJARDIN, G., "The Light of the Night Sky." Rev. mod.
States as Derived from the Analysis of Optical Spectra. Phys., 8: 1-21 (1936).
New York, McGraw, 1932. 26. GASSIOT CoMMITTEE, Reports on Progress in Physics,
10. BRODE, W. R., Chemical Spectroscopy. New York, Wiley, 9: 1-100. Phys. Soc., London, 1943.
1943. 27. GAsSIOT COMMITTEE, The Emission Spectra of the Night
11. FooTE, P.D., and MoHLER, F. L., The Origin of Spectra. Sky and Aurora. Phys. Soc., London, 1948.
New York, Chemical Catalog Co., 1922. 28. PANETH, F. A., "The Chemical Composition of the
12. GAYDON, A. G., Dissociation Energies and Spectra of Atmosphere." Quart. J. R. meteor. Soc., 63: 433-438
Diatomic Molecules. London, Chapman, 1947. (1937).
13. JEANS, J. H., Dynamical Theory of Gases, 4th ed. Cam- V. Articles cited in text.
bridge, University Press, 1925. 29. BATEs, D. R., and MASSEY, H. S. W., "The Basic Re-
14. JEVONS, W. S., Report on Band-Spectra of Diatomic Mole- actions in the Upper Atmosphere. 11-The Theory
cules. Phys. Soc., London, 1932. of Recombination in the Ionized Layers." Proc. roy.
15. MASSEY, H. S. W., Negative Ions. Cambridge, Univer- Soc., (A) 192: 1-16 (1947).
sity Press, 1938. 30. BATES, D. R., and SEATON, M. J., "The Quantal Theory
16. MooRE, C. E., Atomic Energy Levels. Washington, U.S. of Continuous Absorption of Radiation by Various
Bureau of Standards, 1949. Atoms in Their Ground States, Il." Mon. Not. R.
17. MoTT, N. F., and MASSEY, H. S. W., The Theory of astr. Soc., 109:698--704 (1950).
Atomic Collisions. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1949. 31. HIRSCHFELDER, J. 0., "Semi-empirical Calculations of
18. PEARSE, R. W. B., and GAYDON, A. G., The lden- Activation Energies." J. Chem. Phys., 9:645-653 (1941).
tification of Molecular Spectra. London, Chapman, 32. LIVINGSTON, M. S., and BETHE, H. A., "Nuclear Phy-
1941. sics. C. Nuclear Dynamics, Experimental." Rev. mod.
19. SPONER, H., Molekulspektren und ihre Anwendung Phys., 9:245-390 (1937). (See p. 370, Table LXX)
auf chemische Probleme, 2 Bde. Berlin, Springer, 33. MEINEL, A. B., "OH Emission Bands in the Spectrum
1935-36. of the Night Sky." Astrophys. J., 111: 555-566 (1950).
Lichtklimatisches Observatorium Arosa and University of Ziirich


As early as 1845 the chemist Schi:inbein, discoverer Absorption Coefficients. Ozone has its principal ab-
of ozone, attempted to prove that traces of this gas sorption in the Hartley band [68] extending from 3200
are a constant constituent of the atmosphere. However to 2000 A. At X = 2553 A the decadic absorption co-
the ozone problem in its entire scope was revealed only efficient is 145, that is, a layer as thin as 7} 45 cm re-
when Fabry and Buisson [32] recognized by spectro- duces the intensity of radiation to one tenth. On the
graphic methods that the principal quantities of ozone short-wave side, in the region of the ozone-oxygen gap
are present in the upper strata of the atmosphere. Al- which is so important for the theory, Mme. A. Vassy
though the ozone amount, that is, the total quantity [96] satisfactorily verified the older measurements of
of ozone present when reduced to standard conditions, Edgar Meyer. The long-wave side of the Hartley band
amounts to but a few millimeters of the 8-km height connects with the Huggins bands which extend up to
to which the homogeneous ocean of air rises, this small 3690 A, and these bands are temperature dependent.
trace is nevertheless sufficient (because of the enormous However, new determinations [4] yielded the opposite
absorption in the ultraviolet) for intercepting the entire finding that the absorption maxima too are inftuenced
extraterrestrial radiation below 2900 A, for heating the by temperature. The Chappuis bands, although rela-
"warm layer" at a height of 50 km, and for protecting tively weak, coincide with the region of maximal solar
the biosphere against an excess of short-wave radiation. energy; because of the superposition of the vapor bands
Only during recent years has it been possible to pass in the solar spectrum, they are not suitable for ozone de-
through the high ozone layer with the aid of V-2 rockets, termination, according to Mme. Vassy. Absorption in
a feat which opened an entirely new spectral range of the long-wave region is important for the problem of
solar radiation to astrophysical investigations. But how beat balance; the absorption band between 9.0 and
is it possible for such a relatively heavy component of 9.7 f.L seems particularly significant because it lies in the
air to maintain itself high in the atmosphere? Only if otherwise very transparent atmospheric window be-
it is constantly being regenerated, if short-wave radi- tween 9 and 13.5 f.L According to Strong [92], and Adel
ation from the sun is capable of transforming oxygen and Lampland [1], absorption in the 9.6-J.L band exceeds
to ozone. The opposing effect of long-wave ultraviolet all previous assumptions by a factor of about ten and
which is again absorbed by ozone thereby destroying is very dependent on pressure, approximately propor-
it (E. Regener), produces a spontaneous chemical ozone tional to the fourth root of pressure, a fact which
equilibrium in the upper layers of the atmosphere; be- Strong uses for determining the average height of the
low 35 km, however, this latter process is so slow that ozone layer by simultaneous determination of the ozone
ozone which, by some meteorologica! processes, has absorption in the ultraviolet and the infrared.
been transported to these altitudes is largely "pro- Oxygen has absorption properties which form the basis
tected." In lower layers ozone becomes an important for the theory of the ozone layer. In this connection, the
conservative property of the air until the stream from region of maximal absorption between 1300 and 1750
the high altitude ozone source is finally destroyed near A [56] is of less interest than the wave lengths around
ground level due to photochemical, chemical, and cata- 2000 A [96] which overlap the ozone absorption. De-
lytic decomposition. In view of its intimate connection viations from Beer's law are signif.cant. I am indebted
with weather processes (Dobson), the study of ozone to W. Heilpern and E. Meyer [51] for information
provides methods of indirect aerology; there is an ever- regarding the current state of this question. If the
increasing tendency to supplement a mere observation absorption of light is given by J = J o X w-.t, where
of total ozone amount with a detailed measurement of ~ denotes the extinction coefficient for a pressure P in
its vertical distribution and changes thereof. Only by kilograms per square centimeter, and if the thickness
investigation of this latter type will it be possible to of the layer l = 1 cm, then ~ for pure oxygen is given by
understand the effect of ozone on the flux of radiation.
An intriguing aspect of the ozone problem is that (1)
the most diverse scientific fields converge at it. Two For an arbitrary mixture of 02 and N2, where c1 denotes
international conferences [16, 31] and severa! national the volume concentration of 0 2 and c2 that of N 2, E is
conferences [71] have so far been devoted to this prob- given by
lem. The Meteorologica! Association of the Inter-
national Union for Geodesy and Geophysics has a (2)
special commission on ozone. where P denotes the total pressure. The third term
represents the effect of the "extraneous gas." In the
* Translated from the original German. region investigated, the constants E1, E2, and Ea have

the following values: fali, in rapid alternation, upon a photoelect ric cell con-
nected to an amplifying device. By a measured atten-
)..(A) "X JOS ., x to- ., X w-s uation with an optica! wedge, I ' can be made equal to
I, a condition indicated by a zero amplifier output;
2100 12.82 10.50 4. 07 in t his manner, the ratio I / I' is measured. As calibra-
2144 6.17 9.30 4.01
2150 6.70 8.81 3.70 tion runs in Arosa and on the Jungfraujoch have in-
2200 5.49 7.21 3.25 dicated, the wave-length adjustment of the instrument
2250 4.10 5.73 2.86 depends not only on temperature but also on altit ude,
2300 2.63 4.31 2.57
2350 2.69 3.10 1. 87 since the refractive index of quartz with respect to air
2400 1.47 2. 10 1.37 changes with air pressure. Values obtained with the
- old photographic Dobson instrument [24] must be re-
The formulas given above agree surprisingly well with duced to 88 per cent of t he indicated value [40] . For
observed data and are valid in the large pressure in- t he purpose of increasing the sensitivity of the Dobson
terval between P = 0.20 and 130 kg cm-2 , in which E spectrophotometer, it has recently been t he practice
varies by four orders of magnitude. to replace the photoelectric cell by a photo-multiplier.
Determination of the Ozone Amount. At first, we are Figure 1 shows the latest model of the instrument ac-
interested in the total atmospheric ozone amount, which cording to t he catalog of its manufacturer, Beck of
is customarily expressed in terms of thE> thickness x of London [70].
a layer under standard conditions of temperature and
pressure. The decadic extinction coefficient of the total,
. pure atmosphere above the observer, according to Ray-
leigh, may be denoted by {3; the decadic extinction co-
efficient of the total turbid atmosphere may be denoted
by o, and that of ozone by ax; correspondingly, let the
total path of t he sun's rays, having a zenith distance z
be m according to Bemporad (for the turbid layer,
m = sec z because the turbid layer generally lies on
the ground), and let J.L = sec t for the ozone layer, with
sin z
sint = 1 + hj R' (3)

where h is t he height of the ozone layer and R t he

radius of the earth. For radiation of the extraterrestrial
intensity 10 subject to ozone absorpt~on in t he Hartley
hand, we obtain
log I = log I o - {3m - osec z - a XJ.Li (4)
for a neighboring wave length (X' > X) subject to lesser
absorption by ozone, we find
log I' = log ~~ - {3'm - 01 sec z - a 1Xj.L. (5) Fw. 1.- The Dobson Spectrophotometer.

From equations (4) and (5), we obtain the amount of The ozone near ground level is determined by essen-
ozone as tially the same method, employing in place of the sun ,
moon, or stars [13] an artificial light source [44] rich
log Io/I~ - log I jl' in ultraviolet and located at a distance of severa! kilo-
X =
(a- a')J.L meters. Improved chemical ozone determinations have
({3 - {3' )m (o - o') sec z recently gained extensive use [12, 20, 29, 73, 87, 91].
(a - a')J.L (a - a')J.L Determination of the Vertical Distribution. Two
methods are aYailable for determining t he vertical dis-
The quantity (o - o') may be neglected except in the tribution of ozone.
case of dense haze [42, 79]. The constant log (!o/ !~) 1. The Umkehr Effect. In the case of solar radiation,
is then obtained by plotting diurnal measurements of ozone absorption as well as scattering is responsible for
log (I / !') - ({3 - {3') m as ordin a te versus J.L as abscissa the fact that with increasing zenith distance z, the in-
and extrapolating to J.L = O. tensity I of a shorter wave length (for instance X = 3110
The experimental apparatus must be of such con- A) decreases more strongly than the intensity I ' of a
struction that scattering within the spectrograph is longer wave length (for instance X' = 3290 A); the
avoided since this would be a serious disturbance, composition of light I / I' which we may also designate
particularly in view of the pronounced intensity drop as light quality, decreases continuously as the zenith
at the end of t he spectrum. Dobson's spectrophotom- distance of the sun increases. For zenith radiation i,
eter [22] is particularly designed to avoid such errors. the ratio i/ i' shows a similar behavior at first, as long
By means of a rotating sector, I and l' are made to as the zenith distance of the sun is relatively small;

as z continues to increase, however, the function i/i' Thus the characterization of the vertical distribution
reaches a minimum at about z = 85, and shows an involves only two unknowns, x1 and x2 , which is de-
inversion (Umkehr) [36] at z > 85, that is, i/i' in- sirable in order that the numerica! solution of the equa-
creases again at very low elevations of the sun. This tions may not be too difficult. The unknowns x1 and x 2
experimental result (Fig. 2) is explained on the hasis of enter into the expression for the thickness l cm of an
ozone layer which is traversed by a sun ray incident
o 56.3 66.9
at a zenith distance z. The ray is scattered at point A
where the barometric pressure is b and reaches the
0.2 ....... instrument at the point B. The path length in each
ozone shell is determined trigonometrically; it suffices
to tabulate the distance s of Fig. 3 as a function of the

8 0.7

...1 1. 1

FIG. 3.-Subdivision of the atmosphere into layers.

2 3 4 6 quantity h - r (i.e., independently of r). Of significance

10 -7.z4 for the Rayleigh scattering is the air mass L traversed
FIG. 2.-Umkehr curves. by the ray, which is easily found to be

the distribution of ozone in the scattering atmosphere.

L = 1 + (b/760) (m - 1). (7)
Zenith light is the sum of the components scattered W e sum the light scattered by each kilometer A from
at various altitudes corresponding to the prevailing air the ground to an altitude of 65 km and find the intensity
density. Because of its smaller density, the atmosphere of zenith radiation i to be
above the ozone layer scatters to a lesser extent than (8)
the atmosphere below this layer. However, the short-
wave radiation scattered vertically downward traverses and similarly for i' and i/i' or i' /i. The corresponding
the attenuating ozone layer by the shortest path and, expression for i' /i is the same as the result of observa-
as the zenith distance increases, it attains ever more sig- tions (Fig. 2). It is to be noted that the undetermined
nificance in comparison with the radiation scattered constant in the observed curve may be determined by
below the ozone layer; in this case scattering power calculating i' /i for z = O, since the vertical distribution
would indeed be greater, but the sunlight which is to of ozone has no effect for z = O. The two unknowns
be scattered has been considerably weakened by tra- x1 and X2 require two equations, such as an equation
versing the ozone layer by the long, oblique path. The for z = 90 and one for z = 80. The solution is obtained
stronger the absorption, the greater the tendency for graphically by plotting x2 as a function of x1 for both
the sky radiation of the shortest wave length to find cases and determining the intersection of the two curves.
the shortest path directly from above through the ozone Choice of a third value of z, such as z = 86.5, provides
layer. The variation of the Umkehr function i/i' with a convenient check. The values of x1 and x 2 then char-
z depends on the type of stratification, that is, the acterize the vertical distribution stepwise.
vertical distribution of ozone. It thus provides a means In addition to this analytical method A, use has also
for measuring the vertical distribution. been made of a more synthetic method B, which con-
We divide the atmosphere into a number of shells sists of starting with an assumed vertical ozone dis-
within each of which we assume the ozone content tribution and varying it until calculated and measured
(expressed in centimeters of ozone per kilometer) to be Umkehr curves are in agreement. In both methods sec-
constant. We might assume the following shells [39, 45]: ondary scattering should be further considered.
Altitude Ozone amount In order to obtain a more detailed ozone distribution
65-50 km O, but scattering not zero curve it is, of course, desirable to choose our shells as
50-35 km thin as possible. It has been verified that essentially
35-20 km X2
20-- 5 km x - + x 2 + u) since x is known.
(x 1
no ozone is present above 50 km. Between 50 aud 35
.~-O km u, where u is assumed to he known . km the ozone may be assumed constant as will be seen

later. From the ground upwards, the region of known and the smaller the quantity of ozone traversed by the
ozone concentration could today easily be extended from solar radiation. In addition, the plate also bears a mer-
5 to 10 km above ground by modern aerological methods cury calibration spectrum. The entire device, including
(chemical measurements by airplane). A subdivision of a protective frame, weighs 2.7 kg. If An represents the
the region between 10 and 35 km into three shells would shortest wave length of the solar spectrum at an alti-
then remain for the Umkehr measurement. Day-to-day tude hn and zenith distance Zn, and if Xn represents
measurement of these three layers would be of the most the total quantity of ozone located above the instru-
important meteorologica! interest. ment, then, approximately,
2. Techniques U sing Recording Balloons, Stratospheric
Balloons, and V-2 Rockets. In addition to the rather (9)
indirect method involving the Umkehr effect, there is Further improvements are obtained with . an accurate
of course the challenge of sending spectrographs to ever intensity measurement at the end of the spectrum and
higher altitudes until finally the ozone layer is pene- elimination of diffuse sky light, for instance with the
trated. The first great success in this respect was aid of a magnetically oriented hemispherical stop [86].
achieved by E. and V. H. Regener on July 31, 1934 Coblentz and Stair [15] and Stranz [91] attempted to
when they sent a recording spectrograph to an altitude simplify the methods by replacing the spectrograph by
of 31 km by means of a balloon [85]. The lightweight a cadmium cel! and filter as was done in the first ozone
spectrograph was pointed downward against a horizon- measurements in 1921 at Arosa. The intensity values are
tal magnesium oxide disk exposed to sunlight; magne- transmitted radiotelegraphically as in the radiosondes.
sium oxide effectively reflects ultraviolet. The apparatus With the aid of a free balloon, A. Wigand as early as
is installed in a light wooden frame, the lower half of 1913 measured the ultraviolet end of the solar spectrum
which is covered with aluminum foii, the upper half up to a height of 9 km. Shortly after the Regener ex-
with cellophane, an arrangement which affords ex- periments, the stratosphere balloon, which is capable of
cellent protection against cold. The photographic plate carrying aloft high quality instruments, was employed
Fig. 4) is rotated through a small angle every ten for this purpose. Under the leadership of Stevens and
Anderson, Explorer II reached an altitude of 22 km
in November 1935; ozone at even higher altitudes was
determined indirectly from the sky radiation [39, 69].
Ozone determination by means of captured V-2 rockets
[95] represents the climax of this brilliant development.
It was the fulfillment of a dream when on October 10,
1946 in White Sands the ozone layer was penetrated
and a large unknown range of the solar spectrum be-
came accessible (Fig. 5).

FIG. 5.-Short-wave end of the solar spectrum taken from

V-2 rocket.
FIG. 4.-Regener-photographs of the ultraviolet spectrum
taken in the stratosphere. RESULTS OF OBSERVATIONS
minutes, being continuously exposed in the meantime. The Ozone Amount. The first ozone determinations
At the instant the plate is advanced, a small light bulb made in Marseille [32], as well as the measurements
is turned on by which the readings of two aneroid made at Arosa with filtered cadmium cells since 1921,
gauges (standanl barograph and low-pressure baro- revealed irregular ozone fluctuations from day to day.
graph) as well a.:; of a bimetallic strip to indicate the Dobson [24] discovered their connection with the gen-
temperature of the instrument are recorded. On the eral distribution of air pressure so that they may be
plate which has a diameter of 10 cm the step-shaped designated as meteorologica[ fluctuations. The interdiur-
interruptions of the long rays are the shadows of the nal variability of the ozone amount at Arosa was found
two indica tors connected to the aneroids; they represent tobe:
lower pressures the closer they approach the center. cm cm cm
The clear ultraviolet spectra are located diametrically January 0.017 May 0.011 Septemher 0.008
Fehrua.rv 0.017 June 0.010 October 0.009
opposite the pressure indications and they are seen to March 0.015 July 0 .010 November 0.010
extend to shorter wave lengths the greater the altitude April 0.015 August 0.009 Decemher 0.013

During the summer season there are no great meridional of ozone amount is revealed by an increase from 0.17 cm
differences in the interdiurnal variability. In July and at the equator to an "ozone belt" (Gotz) of 0.26 cm
August, in India it is 0.005 cm, at Tromso 0.010 cm, at latitude 60N; the ozone amount again decreases
at Spitsbergen 0.007 cm; in December it rises to 0.056 toward higher latitudes. In the Southern Hemisphere,
cm at Tromso. The ftuctuations frequently become the gradient is more pronounced, and here again it is
manifest even during a single measuring day, in the the maxima rather than the minima that are significant.
form of an "ozone cloud" [55]. In one case in which The variation is best described by an isoplethic repre-
ozone was determined by sighting on stars in various sentation (Fig. 7), in which the ozone belt is shown by
directions of the sky, it was possible to delineate such means of a dot-dash line.

.. ..
.. ..
..: ....... .....
1 ..

ti .

~.. ~ ~~
.... .:.,~

J\ ~ .... A

;~ ~ ~

~.. rJ; .. ~1
~~ :. ~
~ f
.: .:
~ ~ :t
"vi!. ii.~
w r
..:. \f~ :'
A ..\ .-:
...-..; TROMSO
FIG. 6.-Annual variation of the ozone amount at Arosa and Tromoo.

an ozone cloud in space [3] as a forerunner of a con- As regards the secular variation, that is, ozone vari-
siderable increase in ozone. A regular, slight daily vari- ation from year to year, Fowle's hypothesis concerning
ation of ozone has so far been reported only from Delhi the correlation with the relative sunspot number was
[53]; at Arosa, a change in the temperature correction
of the Dobson spectrophotometer simulated a diurnal UNIT: 10- 3 CM 0 3
variation for some time. Differences between day and
o o
night have not yet been confirmed. Frequently ozone
w +8o
o o
<D <D
b 6o o(X) ~ N~
N oo.

ftuctuations are of periodic nature [43] with periods up -:-~ -~-~ CD<D-
/ lL 1-\..

~ +6o ~~ ~L
to 36 days, as has been found for the barometric pressure
D r- -~
1 .
r-- ; - 1-
r- :'=::: -..L

- ---
at the ground.
Concerning the annual variation of ozone amount,
~ +40
260 -
......... :...--- .............. ~ V r-_. 1--- ~
240- c..-- 2oo
we are quite well informed by the extensive observa-
;;i +20 [;; ~ 220

tional network of Dobson [21]. The representation as

a yearly sine curve, with an amplitude which increases
o -160
18?- v ~ 180
with latitude from a value of zero at the equator, is a <1:
ffi -2o 19b
considerable simplification even at middle latitudes. o 200
Figure 6 represents the overlapping five-day averages ~ -40
-~- 200-
l-::::::: r--: ::"220

of the extensive measurements at Arosa (1926-1946)

/ .....
280- 300 --- --- -- 240
and Tromso (1939-1948). At Tromso an almost sud- JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN1JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC
den linear in crease in January and February is followed FIG. 7.-Isopleths of the average ozone amount. The ozone
by a gradual decrease terminating in an "ozone gap" belt is indicated by dot-dash lines.
at the end of December. It seems doubtful that ali
the peaks in the Arosa curve, such as those found at untenable. Figure 8 shows the secular variation for the
the end of April or the end of October, will be smoothed twenty-year series at Arosa, which reveals waves of
out by averaging more extensive observational ma- severa! years' length. For our further conclusions we
terial [431. might wish to have such figures back to ice ages! The
The latitudinal dependence of the annual averages mean monthly ftuctuation about the over-all monthly

average is given below: relation between ozone and solar activity, then the
cm cm cm double ftuctuatiom: of the Eurasian large-scale weather
January 0.014 May 0.008 September 0.007
February 0.014 .June 0.006 October 0.007 within the sunspot cycle according to Baur [7] would
March 0.012 July 0.005 November 0.005 be of interest. In the lower yearly average curve of
April 0.012 August 0.006 Dccember 0.008 Fig. 8, the vertical solid lines represent sunspot maxima,
It if' apparent that the ftuctuation is twice as great in the vertical broken lines represent sunspot minima.
winter as it is in summer and fall; in winter, as well as For the yearly averages the following correlation co-
in spring, it is considerably greater at Tromso than it effic:ents are obtained.
-AROSA TROMSO coefficient
0.220 Ozone and relative sunspot number........ +0.01
0.2 1o _.A. Ozone and air pressure ....................... -0.43
0.200 - "' 0.250 Ozone and solar constant..... . . . +O. 48
\ 0.230
As regards the analysis of other long series of observa-
tions, there exists only the attempt [11, 93] to determine
0.260 :2: ozone by means of the Chappuis band from the Smith-

0.240 sonian measurements. Even though wide scattering of
0.230 these values makes them seem rather unreliable, it is
nevertheless interesting to note the very slight ozone
0.240 amount during the year 1912 since it has been ascribed
0.230 to an effect of the eruption of the Katmai Volcano [37].
~~romo-N~~~w~romO-N~~mw~rom Such a possibility has also been discussed by E. Regener
~ ~ ~ ~ [84].
FIG. 8.-Secular fluctuation of the ozone amount. Vertical The Vertical Distribution of Ozone. The vertical dis-
broken li nes represent sunspot minima; vertical solid Ii nes, tribution of ozone, first of ali shows a high primary layer
sunspot maxima.
of maximum ozone content at an altitude of 20 to 25
is at Arosa; the series is thus subject to the same in- km. I ts stratified character is more pronounced the
ftuence which also causes the meteorologica! (inter- smaller the total ozone amount. The layer thickens as
diurnal) variability. If one were to seek a direct cor- the ozone amount increases, owing to meteorologica!


0.200 CM 0.260-0.270 CM 0.340 ANO 0.400 CM


- - - - STRATOSPHERE \ ----.V-2 WHITE SANDS - - 0.340 CM o3
- - - - 0.400 CM 03

' ' ......

30 ...........
----- ........__...,

---- ---
... _
...... -

0.004 o.oos 0.012 0.016 o 0.004 0.008 0.012 0.016 o 0.004 0.008 0.012 0.016
FIG. 9.-Vertical ozone distribution.

processes. It is not impossible that, on the one hand, the there appears to be a weak tertiary ozone layer at this
primary layer moves to slightly higher alti tu des; on the altitude. As shown by aircraft measurements by Ehmert
other hand, it is principally of meteorologica! signifi- [28] the altitude of this tertiary tropospheric layer may
cance that a lower secondary layer [39] appears which vary in individual cases, depending on meteorological
swells with increasing ozone amount, so that the original conditions (Fig. 10).
separation of the two layers becomes more and more
indefinite. Representation by the direct stepwise distri- THE THEORY OF ATMOSPHERIC OZONE
bution according to the Umkehr method may be most The Ozone in Undisturbed Photochemical Equilib-
instructive in this connection [39]. Figure 9 shows rium. The existence of a layer of a heavy gas in the
smoothed curves for severa! examples, including the upper atmosphere necessitates the assumption of con-
result of the first vertical ozone determination with tinuous regeneration and destruction with consequent
V-2 rockets in which the lower secondary layer was equilibrium. As early as 1906, E. Regener demonstrated
also found. 1 Table I summarizes in customary manner by means of laboratory experiments the photochemical
equilibrium of ozone under the influence of the short-
TABLE 1. ALTITUDE OF THE MAss CENTER OF OzoNE (in km) wave ultraviolet radiation which, when absorbed by
Ozone amount (cm Oa)
oxygen, generates ozone, and also under the influence
Station Lat. Method Ref. of a radiation that is then again absorbed by the ozone.
-- -- -
0.160 0.220 0.280 i 0.340 0.400 This clearly provides a hasis for a photochemical equi-
Poona ......... 18 B [54] 28.1 librium in the atmosphere under the action of solar
Delhi .......... 29 B [54] 26.2 25.1 radiation. N o other theory provides an equally adequate
White Sands ... 35 V-2 [66] 22.5 explanation even though it cannot be denied that oc-
Arosa .......... 47 A [45] 23.4 21.5 21.3
Arosa .......... 47 B [45] 22.6 21.4 casionally electrica! storms and cosmic radiation might
Troms5 ........ 70 B [62] 21 21 contribute some ozone. At the altitude of the equi-
Troms5 ........ 70 A [94] 26.7 25.7 24.7 23.0 20.8 librium layer, radiation in the wave length region be-
tween the Schumann-Runge and Herzberg bands pro-
the mass center of ozone; there A denotes the analyti- duces ozone, whereas the wave length of the Hartley
cal, B the synthetic evaluation of the Umkehr curve. hand particularly, but also those of the Chappuis hand,
The variation of the center of mass of ozone with lati- destroy ozone. The various wave lengths involved are
tude evidently requires additional measurements. absorbed very differently and therefore penetrate the
The lowest portion of the vertical ozone distribution atmosphere to different depths.
may be determined by direct measurement of the ozone We are indebted to S. Chapman for the first theory
content near ground level. Whereas in the lowlands of atmospheric ozone based on these considerations.
the ozone near ground level is subject to considerable Wulf and Deming, to whom more extensive data were
available [103], worked on the hasis of Chapman's
9 fundamental reactions. There are two primary photo-
24-AUG-42 21-AUG-42
1 1
chemical reactions, namely,
8 q 11 02 + hv('A. < 2420) ~ O + O,
\ 1
,. t
involving the number Q2 of oxygen-dissociating quanta
' hv, and
::IES ') \
\. Oa + hv('A. < 11540) ~ 02 + O, (11)
' ..... .....

__ ,. . ~
1-5 1
J: 1 involving the corresponding number Q3 of ozone-des-
troying quanta. The quantities Q2 and Q3 are the num-
~4 1 " bers of quanta absorbed by oxygen and ozone, respec-
~ tively, in a given unit volume of air. For example, Q2
3 is given by
2 .,. ... .JJ
/, where a2>. is the absorption coefficient of oxygen, I >. is
-2 3 4 4 the number of quanta incident on the volume, and the
brackets about 0 2 indicate (here and in subsequent dis-
cussion) the concentration of oxygen. In addition to
FIG. 10.-Tropospheric ozone distribution. (10) and (11) there are the secondary reactions.
fluctuation [2], it shows considerable constancy at 02 +O+M ~ 03 + M, (12)
Arosa which is situated at an altitude of 2 km; thus
which requires a triple collision with an arbitrary colii-
1. The reality of this lower-altitude maximum has been
sion partner M for conserving energy and momentum,
questioned in a recent. pa per: "Upper Air Research by Rock- and for which k2 represents the coefficient of the reaction
ets," by H. E. Newell, Jr., in Trans. Amer. geophys. Un., 31: rate, and finally,
25-34 (1950). (See p. 31) Os+ o~ 2or, (13)

with k3 as the constant of the rate of reaction (O~ is an with the solution
excited molecule). The constanta k2 and ka enter only
in the form of the ratio k2/k3 = k; the data for k are as [Oal = [02] - /2 + V n~ 12 fa !2 [02]k (22)
yet somewhat variable. If the concentration [ ] is re-
ferred to the number of molecules per cubic centimeter, and, with the justified approximation /2 12 f 3/2[02]k,
the extrapolated measurements by Eucken and Patat
[30] yield the values of k shown in Table II. [Oa] = [02]v3kf2[02]/fa. (23)

TABLE Il. VALUES OF k This equation does not differ much from the form
deg C k deg C k (24)
100 1.95 X I0-21 o 4.00 X IQ-20 which served as basis for Mecke's theory [60] as early
80 3.16 X I0-21 -20 9.95 X I0-20 as 1931. Mecke replaced the numerica! integrala f 2 and
60 5.27 X I0-21 -40 2. 79 X I0-19 fa by ad2 and a 313 , thus taking not only average radia-
40 9.51 X I0-21 -60 9.85 X I0-19
20 1.88 X I0-20 -80 4.35 X I0-18 tion intensities but also average constant mean values for
a2 and a 3 This enabled him to integrate over limited
From the equations (10) to (13) and the reaction intervals, resulting in the following ozone distribution:
constanta we obtain the changes in concentration per
second: [Oa] = [Oalmax (....1!..._ e1-(PiPTDJJ.x>)2 (25)
d[Oal In this equation, according to recent analyses, the
dt = k2 [O~ [O] [M] - ka [Oa] [O] - Q3 (14)
power 2 is to be replaced by the power % which
and furnishes a somewhat broader maximum (Fig. 11). The
d[O] symbol Pmax denotes the pressure p at the altitude of
dt = lQ2 + Qa - k2 [02l [O] [M] - ka [Oal [O]. (15) maximum ozone concentration [03]max When Mecke
introduced the total amount x of ozone (instead of the
If we calculate [O] from the condition of equilibrium maximum ozone content) he obtained for an altitude
d[O] H of the homogeneous atmosphere the ozone content
dt = O, we obtain
d[Oa] = 2Q2 k2 [02J [M] - 2Q2 ka [Oa] - 2Qa ka [Oa], (16)
d0-5 = -X- ( - p i-(p/Pmaxl
1.85H Pmax
(26) )2
dt k2 [02] [M] + ka [Oa] We might mention one conclusion [39] derived from
d[Oa] Mecke's theory. If we start with the altitude of maxi-
whence, under equilibrium conditiona, dt = O, it mum oxygen absorption Q2 (which, incidentally, is stiH
follows that dependent upon the zenith distance z of the incident
solar radiation), then we find the altitude of maximum
[Oa] = ~: /~] ~~2 = k [02] [M] 1 + ~a/Q 2 (17) ozone content to be lower by the constant amount
H ln 3 7 km, independently of z. Figure 11 gives
Wulf and Deming base their numerica! calculations of
the vertical ozone distribution upon this equation, in - - - MECKE
which Qa itself is a function of [03], so that one can \ - - - - MECKE REVI-5ED
only proceed by a method of successive approxima- \
\ - - - WULF
In addition to oxygen, the third collision partner M
is primarily nitrogen which, however, is only about one-
half as effective as oxygen so that
(18) i3o~-L-----f~~~--~--------r-------_,

We may replace Q3 , the number of quanta absorbed per 1-

second per cubic centimeter (which is also proportional C)

to [Oa]), by w2or--------+--------~-.~~~~------~
Qa = [Oa]fa, (19)
where fa is the number of quanta absorbed per molecule,
and correspondingly
Diitsch [27], using this resolved form (which facilitatea
subsequent treatment of nonequilibrium conditiona), 0~----~~~--~~~ --~~~--~~
o 0.005 0.010 0.015 0.020
obtains a quadratic equation for [03]: E
(21) FIG. 11.-Theoretical ozone distribution.

Mecke's result, for which the total ozone amount and Schroer, too, emphasizes the conclusion that (in middle
altitude of the maximum content are given, according latitudes) photoequilibrium occurs only down to about
to the original and to the revised formula, as well as 33 km, and that the ozone distribution below this alti-
according to Wulf and Deming's result, valid only for tude is determined by transport processes (turbulence).
the sun at the zenith. Below 10 km the ozone content The Effect of Air Motion on Ozone. Dtitsch lets the
approaches zero because at lower altitudes the de- subscript s denote the effect of disturbances, R repre-
ozonizing effect of light becomes prevalent. Above 50 sent the absolute gas constant, takes the molecular
km the ozone content again approaches zero because weight of air as 28.9, and finds the effect of air currents
the frequency of ozone-forming collisions decreases on ozone concentration to be
much more rapidly with altitude than does the oxygen
concentration. The highly gratifying results from the (a~al)s = _ vz (2~-:g [Oa] + a~al)
analytic integration should not lead us to forget that
Mecke's theory cannot be developed further in view of
its inherent simplifications. - (v X
Wulf's treatments ha ve been independently expanded
by Schroer [89] and Dutsch on the hasis of more modern This derivation is based on the simplifying assumptions
theories. These make allowance first of all for the sun's that the air density varies only with altitude and that
elevation, that is, the effect of season and latitude. The the vertical temperature gradient is zero, an assumption
ozone calculation is again performed layerwise, from the that is justified only as applied to the lower stratosphere.
top downward with the aid of equation (23). New data Reed [80] therefore took the vertical temperature gra-
are used for the seasonal and zonal vertical temperature dient into account and obtained the expression
variation in the stratosphere, for the ozone absorption
coeffi.cients in the vicinity of 2100 A, for the deviations e~al). = _ Vz { [Oa] e~:g + a!~T) + a~a]}. (28)
of oxygen absorption from Beer's law, and for extra-
terrestrial solar radiation. Whereas the results concern- He uses this equation primarily in treating the diurnal
ing vertical ozone distribution and total ozone amount meteorologica! ozone fluctuations and in establishing
are satisfactory, one finds a decrease of ozone from a theory concerning seasonal and zonal ozone fluctu-
equator to pole and from summer to winter. Even if the ations. Dutsch, moreover, finds the effect of turbulent
effect of the daily variation of the sun's position as well exchange (austausch) tobe
as of Rayleigh scattering is considered, it is not pos-
sible to reverse this erroneous trend completely. It
follows that the observed ozone distribution cannot be ( a[O_al) = [Od
at a p
{A az~ [Oal}
[02] '
explained by assuming pure radiation equilibrium at
every point of the atmosphere. Recently, Craig [17] where the subscript a denotes the effect of the austausch
has reached the same conclusion. and A represents the austausch coefficient. Diffusion
An explanation for the seasonal variation of ozone may be neglected. Because of the long time required
solely on the hasis of temperature variation [49, 98] for establishment of photochemical equilibrium at lower
is not convincing. altitudes, changes in the concentration owing to flow
Ozone under Conditions of Disequilibrium. The and turbulence play an essential role. If B is the change
period of time required for photochemical equilibrium in ozone concentration per second caused only by air ,
to be established was investigated quantitatively by motion (flow and austausch) then equation (23) be-
Wulf [104]. Diitsch [27] gives the temporal trend of comes
ozone concentration in the case of a disturbance; during
the time tR = t (fd3 /k[M])-~, the ozone concentration !2 + _!!_ (30)
is reduced to approximately 1/e of its original value, [Oal = [02l / fa 2[02] k [M],
corresponding to the "time of half restoration" used
by Wulf. Within high altitude layers ( ~ 35 km) cor- and the equation for disequilibrium becomes

[Oa](t) (31)

rection of the disturbed equilibrium takes place almost Thus, equilibrium can be established only if f 2 >
immediately; between 30 and 25 km from severa! days B/(2[02]); equation (31) is always valid.
to severa! months are required; at low altitudes ("pro- Dtitsch used this expression to recompute the seasonal
tected regions") equilibrium is practically never re- variation of ozone at various latitudes. For the layers
gained. At high elevation of the sun, equilibrium is es- above 16 km, the austausch coeffi.cient is calculated
tablished more rapidly than in the ~asP of low sun. on the hasis of experimental results of Paneth and

E. Regener concerning separation in the atmosphere; the surface weather map and fronts have supported
for the equatorial zone it is assumed that the turbulence this observation [23, 94] and have shown that the
extends to higher altitudes corresponding to the greater center of high ozone amount on the rear side of a
altitude of the tropopause. The result of this calculation cyclone is particularly the property of a newly develop-
indicates a constant downward stream of ozone caused ing depression (Fig. 12). Sin ce its axis is inclined back-
by turbulence. It follows that ozone must constantly
be destroyed in the layers near ground level. The mean ----- ISOBARS
ozone distribution in the lowermost 15 to 20 km is de-
termined essentially by the austausch. The small
--OZONE '\
amount of total ozone in the tropical zone (03 = 0.185 '
' 1
/ 1
cm) is due to high-reaching turbulence combined with 1
/ \
a rapid destruction of the downward transported ozone 1
1 /
in the layers near the ground level, which seems plau- 1
1 1 1
J 1
eible for tropical conditions. Disregarding the possibility 1
1 1
of achieving a better agreement between theory (as 1
1 1
1 1

indicated in Table III) and observation by making 1 1 1

1 1
1 1
1 1
(mm O,) 1
--- - - - - - - - - - - - -
45 2.02 2.05 2.09 2.11 2.07 2.00 1.97 1. 96 1. 96 1.99 2.01 2.00
60 2.16 2.17 2.20 2.22 2.22 2.16 2.14 2.15 2.15 2.17 2.18 2.16
80 1.73 1.73 1. 77 1.85 1.88 1.91 1.86 1.89 1. 76 1. 75 1. 73 1. 72
Corresponding values, assuming a hypothetical circulation:

60 12.2812.5312.6912.6812.5312.1sjl .8sii. 75jl .6*.6*. 7312.02

different assumptions concerning several as yet un-

certain quantities entering the calculations, it is possi- Fra. 12.-Depression with warm sector.
ble to improve agreement by assuming a meridional
circulation. The last line of Table III is calculated under wards, Palmen [72] was able to point out that the region
the assumption of an ascending flow in the higher lati- of maximum ozone coincides with the tropopause vortex,
tudes of the summer hemisphere, and a descending that is, the trough at the tropopause, and that the
flow in the higher latitudes of the winter hemisphere, ozone amount is symmetrical to the pressure distribu-
the seasonal variations occurring primarily in the lower tion at that height. Tropopause topography as well as
layers. ozone is explained as a common consequence of the
Another circulation hypothesis by Craig [17] has not three-dimensional air flow within a deepening cyclone.
yet been calculated. Reed [80], on the other hand, sug- Thus, at the time at which one was still dependent upon
gests an explanation of the seasonal and zonal ozone statistica! studies between ozone amount and the other
fluctuations based on the variable large-scale atmos- atmospheric elements, Meetham [61] found the best
pheric turbulence with a maximum in winter and at a correlations when referring all elements (variables) to
latitude of 60. Between fall and spring, this is supposed a "pseudo-center" 300 to 350 km to the southwest of
to cause more ozone to be transported down into the the center of the surface pressure system; this pseudo-
protected regions than can be destroyed at ground center corresponds to the tropopause vortex. According
level. During this period an increase in the total amount to Meetham, a 0.01-cm increase in the amount of ozone
of ozone would consequently occur since the ozone is accompanied by a 3C rise of the potential temperature
transported to low altitudes is replaced at high altitudes. at an altitude of 18 km and by a lowering of the tropo-
Between spring and fall, on the other hand, decomposi- pause by 1 km. The correlation coefficient between the
tion at ground level presumably predominates so that ozone amount and potential temperature at an altitude
there is a drop in the total ozone content. The discussion of 18 km has the high value of 0.8, a fact which however
by Schroer and Moser [71] will be dealt with in the fol- should not induce us to seek the seat of ozone fluctu-
lowing section. ations at this altitude. Johansen [52], who conveniently
groups the ozone measurements according to rise and
fali regions of atmospheric presmre at ground level,
Ozone in the Stratosphere. According to Dobson, the also finds high ozone amounts with a low tropopause
amount of ozone varies with the atmospheric pressure over Tromso.
distribution, that is, the synoptic situation. In western According to the preceding section, these conditions
Europe a maximum in the ozone amount is found on the must be explained by the fact that meteorologica!
rear side of a cyclone, a minimum of ozoneis found above transport processes displace the ozone from its source.
the southwest side of a high [25]. More recent studies Two main possibilities exist; the decision between them
concerning the connections between ozone amount and requires modern upper-air weather maps on the one

hand, and continuous measurements of the vertical by us (Fig. 7). But how is this secondary source of low-
ozone distribution on the other hand. altitude ozone supplied? Moser and Schroer suggest
As a first possibility, one considers the meteorologica! that the great temperature gradient at the shadow
ozone distribution as a result of horizontal advection. boundary between polar night and the sun-illuminated
Every veteran observer of ozone has long been familiar
with the fact that invasions of arctic air extending to
high altitudes are accompanied by an increase in ozone POLAR
amount, whereas the ozone amount is slight in the case TERRITORY
of European anticyclones composed of air of southern
origin. The increased ozone amount accompanying in-
vasions of cold air has been particularly noted by
various expeditions [5, 97] . Lejay [58] points out that
in the Siberian anticyclone in which the ozone amount
is high, cold northern air masses advance so that the LABRAOOR-
"transportation theory" removes the apparent contra- GREENLAND
diction with European findings. Penndorf [76] finds
the 96-mb surface as suitable for indicating the fl.ow
condit ions. Moser [65], in examining drawings of t he 0.28
t rajectories at 5, 11, and 16 km, finds the best cor- AZORES
relation between the trajectories at 11-km height and
the ozone amount; he therefore assumes the main loca- 12 13 14 15 16 1.7
tion of ozone ftuctuations tobe in the stratosphere near APRIL 1942
the tropopause where the maximum in wind velocity FIG. 14.-0zone amount and origin of air at 11 km.
is located. This ozone maximum coincides with t he
lower secondary ozone layer which was first suggested, atmosphere leads to increased shear-turbulence between
at least intermittently, by t he investigations at Arosa the layer of photochemical equilibrium and t he lower
[39]. This lower secondary layer is generally separated ozone layer at an alt itude of 23 km. They also suggest
from the very constant high-altitude layer of ozone that a further connection with the lower stratosphere
by a minimum in wind velocity between 15 and 22 km. is provided by high-reaching cold-core lows within which
The trajectories of Moser (Fig. 13) illustrate well the the barrier by the minimum in wind velocity is lacking.
This theory needs corroboration by additional measure-
ments. Flohn [33] sees a possible source of t he winter
singularities in the 30.5-day oscillations of the winter
circumpolar vortex of the warm layer [43]. Craig also
suggests continuous subsidence of ozone in t he polar
1 cap during the cold months.
1. This leads us to t he second possibility for ozone dis-
\ .s tribution, that of transport by vertical fl.ow. A sinking
',,"-~, column of air, such as exists in low-pressure regions at
' ',.J-
o 11 least at t he height of the tropopause, is lengthened
(stretched) in its upper ozone-containing portion and
this is accompanied by a horizontal convergence or
contraction. This is equivalent to an increase in ozone
amount. An ascending current has the opposite effect.
Thus, t he explanation of t he day-to-day changes does
not even require the assumption that sinking air comes
directly from the layer of photochemical equilibrium
and is there replenished with ozone. Dobson [25]
TRAJECTORIES ENDING OVER : pointed out long ago "that t he air immediately in the
1 = TROMSO (0.315 CM 0 3l ~ = POTSDAM (0.339 CM 0 3l rear of a cyclone often has a higher ozone value than
2=AARHUS(0.258 CM 0 3 ) 4=AROSA (0.357 CM 03l in the same general air stream further to the north or
FIG . 13.-Air trajectories at 11 km. northwest." Haurwitz [50] emphasizes that horizontal
advection cannot explain closed lines of equal ozone
temporal contotancy of ozone amount at various points deviation such as those in F ig. 12. Moreover, t he ozone
situated in the same air current, indicating t hat ozone content at the rear of a cyclone is sometimes higher
is a conservative property of the air and may t hus serve than it is during the same season in the northern ozone
as an important indicator for air-mass determinations. source. Reed [81] emphasizes:
On the other hand, in F ig. 14, Moser shows that at Particularly noteworthy is the fact that closed isopleths of
Arosa the ozone amount is higher the more northerly positive and negative ozone deviations bear the same relation-
the latitudes from which the air current comes. The ship to surface cyclone centers as the closed isotherms which
source of ozone, in this case, is the ozone belt located are invariably observed on the 200 mb chart (approximately

12 km), the warm pocket at this level coinciding with the pos- maximum downward displacement of 1.4 km and shows
itive deviations, the cold with the negative. Since these warm an ozone increase of 0.025 cm. A corresponding ex-
and cold areas are unquestionably due to subsidence and lift- ample for lifting motion would yield a decrease of 0.017
ing respectively, it seems reasonable to suspect that the vert- cm. According to this new estimate, the contribution
ical displacements also in some fashion affect the ozone con- of the vertical motion in the interplay between ad-
vection and vertical motion is less significant than in
Reed, moreover, recently calculated the change in ozone previous assumptions, for instance that of Nicolet [67].
content during vertical displacements on the hasis of According to Reed, vertical motions account for, at
the fact, already emphasized by Regener, that in strong most, about >~ of the total range. In summer and in
vertical mixing the ozone mixing ratio (grams of ozone fali, when the ozone content of the lower stratosphere
per gram of air) is independent of altitude. To begin is considerably less and vertical motion much weaker,
with, the curve of ozone content versus altitude is the vertical motion effect will be almost negligible.
transformed into a curve of ozone mixing ratio versus According to the upper-level weather maps, on which
altitude. The curve is thereupon raised or lowered and isobars generally have sinusoidal shape, advection and
finally reconverted back to an ozone content curve. vertical motion always affect ozone changes in the same
In Fig. 15 it is assumed, at first, that the vertical dis- sense. In an influx of air from a ridge to a trough, the
air comes predominantly from northern latitudes, and
the consequent higher ozone amount is further in-
TROMSO creased by subsidence. In the example studied by Reed,
CURVE !TROMSO 0.340 CM) the higher ozone content of 0.320 cm in an advectively
transported air mass increases to 0.345 cm owing to


:::;;: subsidence; by contrast, the ozone content of 0.260 cm
30 .... is decreased to 0.243 cm in an air mass that is lifted in
1- 25
1 the northeast quadrant of a surface cyclone.
~ 20 ",- -"'' Ozone Conditions in the Troposphere. Ozone condi-
..... "' tions in the troposphere are evidently quite variable
J: 15
1 (Fig. 10), depending on the interplay of advection,
10 -~ ..... 'AFTER which makes ozone suitable for air-mass analysis, with
_,....-- SUBSIDENCE the turbulent ozone supply from the secondary tropo-
pause layer ("flux d'ozone" according to Jaumotte,
.002 .004 .006 .008 .010 .012 .014 "Ozonstrom" according toV. H. Regener [86]). Whereas
CM 03 PER KM mixing produces an increase of ozone content at lower
FIG. 15.-The effect of subsidence on the ozone distribution. altitudes, it may happen in layers near ground level, in
which ozone is consumed at a rapid rate by dust and
placement extends through the entire column of air oxidizable organic substances, that the ozone flow com-
[80]. More recently [81] the assumption was made that, pletely disappears in the case of stagnant air [83]. As
in the closed region of high ozone amount to the west a result, a weak tertiary layer of ozone develops at an
and southwest of an intense surface cyclone, the air altitude of several kilometers which is of climatic signif-
subsides most markedly near the tropopause and that icance in high mountain regions. Starting from ozone
the sinking motion becomes unnoticeable above the near ground level, the significance of turbulence bas
tropopause between 16 and 18 km and below it at 7 to been successfully demonstrated by E. Regener [82, 83]
8 km. Thus, the vertical displacements take place only and his collaborators. The ozone stream treated theo-
within the secondary advection layer. Figure 16 is retically by Lettau [59] has only on the average a down-
ward direction in the troposphere because of advective
superposition of air masses and shows relatively pro-
nounced irregularities in space and time. Glueckauf [35]
explains the region of diminished ground-level ozone
-= 15
- ........
ahead of a warm front on the basis of an interruption
of the turbulent air exchange by the barrier layer of
', the front.
l!) 10 c:::::::~:::-~:=~:::':::;:::::;::2+
---- ----A"F'T"ER" _____ ,
.025 CM} Ozone and Radiation Flux. A direct physical in-
..... fluence of ozone on meteorologica! processes through
(COMPUTED) the medium of radiation flux has not been ascertained.
As Lord Cherwell (Lindemann) suggested as early as
1919, ozone is as important for radiation balance in the
.002 .004 .oo6 .ooa .010 .012 .014 .016 lower stratosphere as are water vapor and carbon di-
oxide. However, any temperature rise due to increased
FIG. 16.-The effect of subsidence on the ozone distribution. ozone evidently takes place so slowly that it cannot
be detected in meteorologica! circulation processes.
based onan Arosa curve for an ozone amount of 0.131 However, in the case of a prolonged influence, the
cm between altitudes of 5 and 20 km and an assumed effect of ozone on incident and emitted radiation can

hardly be denied. Moller [64] explains the stratospheric direct conclusions concerning the vertical temperature
temperature differences between tropics and temperate distribution have recently been verified [66] quite satis-
latitudes on the hasis of the variable protective action factorily by means of V-2 rockets. 2
of the ozone located above the emitting carbon dioxide; Pekeris [74] has shown that on the hasis of the warm
Dobson [23] arrives at an identica! result even more layer it is possible to calculate a free oscillation of the
directly. For the lower stratosphere he estimates the atmosphere with a period of very nearly 12 hours, such
temperature of radiative equilibrium of H 20 tobe 200C, as is necessary for the resonance theory of the migratory
that of C02 tobe 200C, and that of 0 3 to be 260C, which, pressure wave of a half day's duration. As a heat
for equal portions of these three absorbers, would lead source at high altitudes, the warm layer is capable of
to the plausible mean value of 220C. In comparison damping the circulation currents in the troposphere
with higher latitudes, the lower secondary advection and is thus of climatic significance [8]. Many years ago,
layer is absent in the vicinity of the equator, and ozone Wegener [100] deduced the existence of a high altitude
has correspondingly less effect on temperature. But troposphere (Hochtroposphare) above 60 km from the
even considering only the indirect action due to ad- existence of noctilucent clouds at an altitude of 82 km;
vection of air masses of different temperature, ozone we now know that the heat source for this phenomenon
has a significant effect on our weather. is the warm layer caused by ozone.
The Screening E.ffect of the Ozone Layer. The atmos-
ADDITIONAL REMARKS CONCERNING THE phere of the earth forms an opaque screen for short-
SIGNIFICANCE OF ATMOSPHERIC wave ultraviolet, so that the shadow cone for this
OZONE radiation is not tangent to the earth's surface but rather
Ozone and the Constitution of the Upper Atmosphere. to a sphere of enlarged radius. Gotz [37] has therefore
The W arm Layer. Absorption of the short-wave radi- suggested that the upper boundary of the ozone layer
ation from the sun at the upper boundary of the ozone be determined from ultraviolet observations during
layer results in a temperature of +50 to +SOC at an lunar eclipses. Barbier, Chalonge, and Vigroux [6] have
altitude of 55 km. This region is known as the warm accomplished this up to an altitude of 16 km [7la].
layer [34]. This warm layer was first encountered in According to Gotz this screening effect is of particular
1922 by Lindemann and Dobson in connection with significance if the altitude of atmospheric dissociation,
the determination of the altitude at which meteors be- excitation, and ionization processes is to be calculated
come incandescent. The anomalous propagation of from the time of onset of these processes at dawn or the
sound, which results when sound encounters the warm time at which they cease in the evening. When the
layer and is refracted back to the earth [101], leads altitude of sodium luminescence was given as 60 km
to good temperature data for this high layer; taking on the hasis of the dawn effect, it was pointed out [39]
an average of the values given by Duckert [26], Guten- that the altitude of the ozone layer would have to be
berg [48], and Whipple [26], the temperature in summer added to this figure if photoluminescence were assumed.
is -50C at an altitude of 30 km, +28C at 40 km, and And indeed, Vegard and TS}nsberg [99], by simultaneous
+ 70C at 50 km. If a gas, such as ozone at its upper measurement of the intensity drop of the sodium line
boundary, absorbs mainly in the ultraviolet part of the at the zenith and at the horizon, found the upper sodium
spectrum but emits according to the laws of temper- boundary tobe at 116 km and the altitude of the screen-
ature radiation, then its temperature must rise to a ing layer at 56 km. Penndorf [75], rigorously defining
rather high value before incident and emitted radiation the ozone shadow boundary, has carefully calculated
will attain equilibrium. This is even more applicable, the conditions in an effort to determine accurately the
incidentally, to the case of oxygen absorption in the upper boundary of the ozone layer from such observa-
ionosphere [38]. On the other hand, water vapor with tions. The ozone shadow boundary seems also to be
its absorption in the infrared tends to lower the equilib- significant in connection with certain delay proresses
rium temperature. Considering the fact that the sun's observed in the E-layer by Lugeon and Mitra [39].
temperature is lower in the short-wave continuum, Stormer [90] found that noctilucent clouds always ap-
Gowan [46] finds that his calculations show satisfactory pear only when the sunlight striking them is no closer
agreement between ozonosphere temperature and the to the earth's surface than 30 to 45 km. It does not
data on record. According to his calculations [47], the follow, of course, that it is the ozone shadow which is
warm layer persists even during the night. Barbier and significant in ali similar cases. In the case of the photo-
Chalonge, E. Vassy and Dejardin (for references see luminescent effect of the red twilight line at 6300 A,
[19]) attempted to calculate the mean temperature of it is the shadow of the oxygen sphere which is opaque
the ozone layer on the hasis of the temperature de- up to an altitude of about 100 km [41].
pendence of absorption in the Huggins bands by Ozone and Bioclimatology. The biologica! significance
methods of indirect aerology; they also attempted to of the ozone layer can be touched upon but briefly
calculate the mean temperature of ozone above 30 km within the scope of the present article. The ozone layer
on the hasis of the temperature distribution up to 30 is of the greatest importance in controlling the ultra-
km. In order to analyze the warm layer proper, Gotz
suggests that, instead of measuring the ozone bands 2. Consult Fig. 8 in "Temperatures and Pressures in the
in sunlight as customary, the Umkehr effect should be Upper Atmosphere" by H. E. Newell, Jr., pp. 303 to 310 in
used in zenith light at low elevation of the sun. In- this Compendium.

violet radiation climate [10, 37, 57, 84] in a spectral that the observation network be extended to the polar
range distinguished by a number of biologica! effects regions proper, such as Spitsbergen, for example. 3
such as the formation of erythema, the formation of Since the ozone problem is fundamentally a flow
vitamin D, and bactericidal effects. Radiation inten- problem, ozone amount must also be observed con-
sities in the ultraviolet range of the solar spectrum tinuously in the third dimension. Information now
are highly variable from wave length to wave length; available concerning the vertical distribution of ozone
however, the ozone measurements can entirely account is far from adequate and, above all, much too dis-
for these variations in intensity. Our present-day knowl- connected. Vertical ozone distribution, together with
edge concerning ozone amount is sufficient to allow information concerning water vapor, could be exploited
us to estimate the incidence of ultraviolet over the directly in connection with forecasting and would pro-
entire earth. Without the ozone layer, sunburn would vide the material necessary for approaching the problem
easily be fifty times as effective as it is during the of radiation flow. Perhaps it is a desire for more simple
highest sun's elevation during summer in high moun- and less expensive apparatus which is discouraging
tains. On the other hand, an increase in the ozone screen meteorologists from attempting large-scale experiments?
would completely eliminate the stimulating radiation, Stratosphere flights and V-2 rockets are rare opportuni-
that, in proper dosage, is essential to life, and would ties. The Umkehr-effect method could be refined con-
leave us in biologica! darkness. Therefore it is probably siderably if it were supplemented by ozone determina-
significant if, as Fig. 8 would indicate, the ozone tions in the lower ten kilometers by fiight measurements
amount increases over a period of years while the ultra- -if one does not expect to measure the Umkehr effect
violet radiation decreases. The zoologist Rowan [88] has continuously from meteorologica! aircraft at cloud-free
recently raised the question as to whether such fluc- altitudes. Perfection of the radiosonde should meet with
tuations may not provide an explanation for the ten- no further fundamental difficulties.
year cycle in the abundanc e of certain species among It is fascinating to observe how ozone pulsates
the Canadian fauna. Equally stimulating from the bio- through the atmosphere like blood circulating in an
climatological viewpoint are speculations as to whether organism. Ozone is created by radiation in high-altitude
the protective effect of the ozone layer has undergone layers. Primarily at the shadow boundary of the polar
changes during the development of the earth. For a night, and at the altitude of the warm layer, it pro-
mature oxygen planet such as Mars, the photochemical duces the temperature contrasts and resulting polar
equilibrium layer must rest on the ground, a fact which vortices which enable it to sink as a secondary layer
would substantiate the explanation of the red discolor- down to the theater of meteorologica! activity. And
ation of extended portions of the surface of Mars [102]. finally, diffusing to the vicinity of ground level, the
This oxidizing effect leads us, finally, to the ground- ozone re-enters the oxygen metabolism. Much work
level ozone of the earth's biosphere. Gotz and Laden- remains to be done before this sketchy picture is com-
burg [44] have emphasized the desirability of investigat- pleted and verified by observation.
ing any possible direct influences of ozone on the human This task requires ever-increasing international co-
body. As E. Regener has pointed out, ozone bioclima- operation. It would be appropriate to pool all available
tologically plays the important role of an air purifier tools (apparatus as well as observers, including other
[82]. It may even be said that it is ozone which char- aerological methods) during international ozone weeks
acterizes "living air." The physician Cur~y [18] draws and to distribute them over suitable regions. Inter-
very extensive conclusions concerning the effect of national cooperation has indeed always been exemplary
ozone, and in general, of active forms of atmospheric in the ozone field. Typical single cases could then be
oxygen on the human body. Even though these asser- treated in a united effort which would help us in a deci-
tions have aroused much interest in this problem, they sive manner to push forward to the last meteorologica!
have not yet been substantiated by the use of rigorous consequences.
statistica! methods.
1. AnEL, A., and LAMPLAND, C. 0., "Atmospheric Absorp-
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concerning ozone amount appear the most reliable. Of 2. AuER, R., "Ueber den tglichen Gang des Ozongehalts
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course, the observation network is still not sufficiently
dense, particularly in the region of large vortices. It has 3. BARBIER, D., et CHALONGE, D., "Recherches sur l'ozone
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tic meteorology would leave much to be desired if it
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3. (Added in press.) In the ozone network of the Inter-
the entire earth! The continuous series of observations national Ozone Commission arrangements have been made for
which were started at severallocations must be carried daily measurements at Tromsii or Spitsbergen, N orfolk, Corn-
on for prolonged periods of time because secular fluctu- wall, Oxford, Uppsala, Oslo, Trappes, Arosa, and in the Shet-
ations reflect long-term changes in atmospheric circula- land Islands, Northern Ireland, the Azores, lceland, and
tion. The most interesting annual curve of ozone amount outside Europe in Canada, the United States, India, and New
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Quart. J. R. meteor. Soc., 63:289-307 (1937). Sonnenspektrums in der Stratosphre und die vertikale
62. - - and DoBSON, G. M. B., "The Vertical Distribution of Ozonverteilung." Phys. Z., 35: 788-793 (1934).
Atmospheric Ozone in High Latitudes." Proc. roy. Soc., 86. REGENER, V. H., "Neue Messungen der vertikalen Ver-
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63. MEYER, E., "Ueber die Durchlssigkeit der Erdatmos- 642-670 (1938).
phre fiir Sonnenstrahlung der Wellenlnge A = 2144 87. - - "Messungen der Ozongehaltes der Luft in Boden-
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tur." Naturwissenschaften, 31: 148 (1943). servation. Penguin Books, in press.
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Harvard College Observatory

THE OZONE LAYER as shown by Dobson [12], Lejay [37], and T~nsberg
and Olsen [55].
The term "ozone layer" as used here refers to that The vertical distribution of ozone has been most gen-
part of the atmosphere that lies above the tropopause erally studied by means of the Umkehr effect. This ef-
and bel?w _abou~ 60 ~m. The bulk of the atmospheric fect, first noted by Gotz at Arosa and applied by Gotz,
ozone hes m this regwn. The physical characteristics Meetham, and Dobson [22], refers to the observations
of the ozone layer have been studied, principally from of scattered zenith light when the sun is near the hori-
the surface of the earth, by various indirect methods. zon. The ratio of the intensities of two wave lengths,
Some of the conclusions reached by these methods both absorbed by ozone but to different degrees, de-
however, have been verified by a few direct measure~ creases as the sun nears the horizon, reaches a mini-
ments obtained by means of manned and unma:imed mum, and then increases. This phenomenon results
sounding balloons and rockets. ~rom the fact that the effective height of scattering
The present state of knowledge with regard to the mcreases as the sun nears the horizon and finally lies
ozone layer is outlined elsewhere in this volume by above the ozone layer. The shape of the Umkehr curve
Gotz.1 Gotz has also presented a very complete sum- may be used to deduce the vertical distribution of
mary of ozone work as of the year 1938 [20] and in a ozone, as has been shown by Gotz, Meetham, and Dob-
more recent paper has brought this summary up to the son [22] for Arosa observations. Meetham and Dobson
year 1944 [21]. Even more recently Craig [10] has given at Tromso ~40], T~nsberg and Olsen at Troms6 [55],
a so~ewhat less comprehensive summary. Neverthe- and Karandikar and Ramanathan at Delhi and Poona
less, m order that this contribution may be more or less [33] have also applied the method. The Umkehr method
self-contained, certain basic facts about the ozone layer is only approximate, but its results have been verified
particularly those that are necessary to an understand~ by various direct measurements [8, 9, 43, 47, 51]. The
mg of the remainder of this paper are outlined briefly measurements show that the maximum density of ozone
in this section. '
occurs between 20 and 30 km and that it decreases
Ozone Distribution. The total amount of ozone in a
rapidly above the level of maximum. The density of
vertical column above the earth's surface is small com- ozone below the maximum level is quite variable. In
pared to that of other atmospheric constituents namely ~act, the observations show that most of the variability
about 0.3 cm at NTP. 2 Nevertheless, becau'se of it~ m the total amount of ozone (latitudinal, seasonal, and
absor?ing qualities, ozone is an extremely important day-to-day) reflects variability between the tropopause
constituent of the atmosphere. and the level of maximum ozone.
A large number of measurements at the earth's sur- Temperature Distribution. The temperature distribu-
face have determined the variations with season and tion in the ozone layer, at least above 30 km, is less
geographical position of this total amount of ozone a well known. In the vertical, the temperature between
At a given place on the earth, the ozone amount is ~ the tropopause and about 30 km is nearly isothermal.
maximum in the early spring and a minimum in the late This region has been studied directly by radiosonde.
fall. The _total ozone amount is a minimum at the equa- Above 30 km, mainly indirect evidence points to a
tor and mcreases toward higher latitudes. At least in rapi~ increase of temperature with height, reaching a
the N orthern Hemisphere, it apparently reaches a max-
maximum at 50-60 km. This evidence is based on
imum near 60N and decreases poleward from there. observations of the anomalous propagation of sound
A further interesting feature of ozone distribution in
[58] and of the characteristics of meteor trails [38, 59,
middle and high latitudes is that the total amount of 60]. Recently, measurements from a V-2 rocket have
ozone above a given place may vary markedly from verified this qualitative picture [31].
day to. day. T?e amplitude of this variation of daily In the lower, isothermal region, where direct meas-
values m any glVen month may be as large as the ampli-
urements are available, seasonal and latitudinal vari-
tude of the annual variation of the monthly means.
ations of temperature are known. In the summer, the
Moreover, the day -to-day o zone variations reveal marked
temperature 1s lowest over the equator and increases
correspondence to weather conditions at the surface toward the poles. In the winter, the poleward increase
of t~mperature also occurs in lower latitudes, but a
1. See "Ozone in the Atmosphere" pp. 275--291 of this maximum of temperature occurs in middle latitudes
Compendium. and the temperature is again lower at higher latitudes
2. Ozone amounts are generally expressed in terms of the
[29]. Ata given point in middle latitudes the maximum
height of the resulting volume of ozone if ali the ozone in the
column were brought to normal temperature and pressure at ~emperature in the lower part of the ozone layer occurs
the earth's surface. Just before the summer solstice, the minimum just be-
3. For references to published series of ozone observations fore the winter solstice. This contrasts with the behavior
see [10]. ' of the upper troposphere, where the maximum and

mmrmum follow the solstices. Dobson, Brewer, and where v is the frequency of the incident light and h is
Cwilong [11] and Goody [19] explain this behavior as Planck's constant. Ozone is then formed by the collision
a balance between two confticting factors. They point of an oxygen atom, an oxygen molecule, and any third
out that the temperature of the lower stratosphere is body:
primarily controlled by radiative processes, and is
heated at least in part by ozone absorption of infrared 02 +O+M ---* Oa + M. (2)
radiation from the troposphere. The flux of this radia- Ozone in turn can be dissociated by absorption of solar
tion reaches a maximum (or minimum) after the sol- energy or by collision with an oxygen atom:
stices. On the other hand, the amount of ozone reaches
a maximum (or minimum) much earlier, just after the Oa + hv (A < 11,000 A) ---* 02 + O, (3)
equinoxes. Therefore the temperature extremes occur
at intermediate times.
Oa + O---* 202. (4)
The temperature variations in the upper, warm, From these four reactions, the rates of change of the
region of the ozone layer are not known. Direct meas- amounts of ozone and atomic oxygen per unit volume
urements on a routine hasis are not as yet obtainable are
there. 4 Indirect evidence, however, indicates that the
seasonal variations, at least, may be very large. Whipple,
Jacchia, and Kopal [60] have shown from their meteor dna/dt = (6)
studies that the density of the atmosphere at 70 km is
approximately 2-3 times greater in summer than in The symbols n1, n2, and na represent the numbers of
winter in middle latitudes. This astonishing fact can molecules per unit volume of atomic oxygen, molecular
be explained only in terms of a summertime expansion oxygen, and ozone, respectively; nm represents the total
of the ozone layer above 30 km, corresponding to a number of molecules per unit volume in the air. The
mean temperature some 50C higher than in winter. numbers of quanta absorbed from the solar beam per
Furthermore, Gowan's calculations of radiative equilib- unit volume and unit time are given by Q2 (for 02) and
rium temperature at 50N [26], discussed more fully be- Qa (for 0 3). The rate of production or destruction of
low, indicate a summer-winter temperature difference molecules from collisions is proportional to the num-
of the same magnitude. bers of colliding molecules in the unit volume, the
Ozone Absorption. The explanation for the warming photochemical reaction factors k12 and k 13 being the
of the upper part of the ozone layer !ies in the absorb- constants of proportionality for the collisions repre-
ing qualities of ozone. Laboratory measurements of sented by (2) and (4), respectively.
ozone absorption reveal intense absorption bands in Under equilibrium conditions, dnrfdt = dna/dt = O.
the ultraviolet and less intense bands in the visible. From (5) and (G), then,

(Q ~ Q).
The Hartley bands of ozone, the most intense of all,
lie between 2000 and 3200 A, with a strong maximum na = (:::) n2nm 2 (7)
near 2500 A. The Huggins bands occur in the 3200-
3600 A region. In the visible are the Chappuis bands This equation was derived and numerically inte-
at 4800-7800 A. The most detailed and homogeneous grated by Wulf and Deming [61, 62, 63]. More recently
set of laboratory-derived absorption coefficients stern Diitsch [13], Nicolet [44], and Craig [10] have repeated
from the work of Ny Tsi-ze and Choong Shin-piaw the calculations, making use of more recent and detailed
[45, 46] and of Vassy [56]. Many other investigators information about the parameters entering into the
[16, 34, 36, 41] have obtained results in agreement with calculation. Ali these computations give the equilibrium
theirs. amounts of ozone to be expected at various levels in
Photochemistry of Ozone. The existence of ozone in the atmosphere. Despite some uncertainties in the com-
the upper atmosphere may be explained on the hasis putations, the results are generally compatible with
of photochemical principles. The photochemistry of observation.
atmospheric oxygen has been discussed by many in- Among the most interesting information derived from
vestigators, for example, Chapman [7], Bamford [1], computations of equilibr um ozone amounts is that
and Wulf [61]. concerning the degree to which actual ozone amounts
The primary reaction leading to the formation of may be expected to correspond to equilibrium amounts.
ozone is the dissociation of the oxygen molecule by At and above the level of maximum ozone, any devia-
solar energy at wave lengths less than 2400 A: 5 tions from equilibrium conditions could last only a few
hours. However, below the level of maximum ozone den-
02 + hv (A < 2400 A) ---* O + O, . (1) sity this time interval rapidly increases until, in the
lower part of the layer, it is extremely large. Thus,
4. Recent work at the Evans Signal Laboratory [3] gives below perhaps 25 km, the ozone is never necessarily in
hope that observations from improved radiosondes may soon equilibrium with the sun. It is in just this region that the
become available up to 40-50 km. large variations in ozone amount are observed to occur.
5. N ot all absorption below this wave length produces Possible Solar Effects on the Ozone Layer. One inter-
direct dissociation, but it all at least excites the molecule to esting aspect of the question of radiative changes in
the point where it is easily dissociated. the ozone layer is the suggestion, made most recently

by Haurwitz [28], that solar variability may affect the vertical distance dz, the solar intensity in d'A is decreased
ozone layer directly and our weather indirectly. Solar by the amount
variability in the visible is at best very small, while in
the ultraviolet it appears, from various phenomena in dfx = Ixaxn sec Z dz, (8)
the upper atmosphere, to be large. The ozone layer is a where n is the amount of ozone per unit volume and
strong absorber of solar ultraviolet radiation and is lx is the intensity at the level z. The sign in (8) is
situated at a level in the atmosphere where there is still positive because z is taken positive upward. Equation
appreciable mass. This interesting question, then, lends (8) can be integrated to give
added importance to the whole problem of the size and
distribution of radiative changes in the ozone layer. lx = Iox exp ( -l" axn sec Z dz). (9)
HEATING OF THE OZONE LAYER The energy absorbed per unit volume in the spectral
interval d is
Severa! different radiative processes serve to heat
the ozone layer. Most of these processes involve the (10)
absorption, by some constituent of the atmosphere, of
energy from the direct solar beam. The lower part of
the ozone layer, however, is also heated by absorption where
of infrared radiation from the earth's surface and from
the troposphere and by ozone absorption of solar energy
reftected and scattered from the troposphere.
N = l" n sec Z dz (11)

The next section, on cooling of the ozone layer, deals is the total amount of ozone the solar energy has tra-
with the absorption characteristics of atmospheric gases versed in its oblique path above the level z. The total
in the infrared. The general information pertinent to energy absorbed per unit volume at the level z is
the question of heating due to infrared absorption is
available there. In this section, only general considera- E. = 1""o secdlxZ dz d'A
tions relative to the question of absorption in the ultra- (12)
violet and visible are included. In a later section some
numerica! results from computations will be presented.
= n 1"" Ioxax exp (-axN) d'A.
Ozone Absorption. Ozone is the most important con- In practice, the integration in (12) needs to be taken
stituent of the ozone layer from the point of view of only over the spectral interval of appreciable ozone
absorption of solar energy. Particularly, the Hartley absorption; namely, the Hartley bands (2000-3200 A),
bands (2000-3200 A) absorb strongly and are respon- the Huggins bands (3200-3600 A), and the Chappuis
sible for the sharp cut-off of the solar spectrum near bands (4500-6500 A). The spectrum can be divided
3000 A. into severa! finite intervals characterized by appro-
priate mean values of l 0x and ax. Then (12) is a func-
SOLAR BEAM tion only of N. Later in this section (Fig. 2) E./n is
d shown graphically as a function of N for specific spectral
Iz distributions of I ox and ax.
The rate of heating of the unit volume is then
aT E.
-=-, (13)
at cpp

where Cp is the specific heat of air at constant pressure,

which has the value 0.239 cal g-1 deg-I, and p is the air
density, which of course varies with elevation.
In the Huggins and Chappuis bands, a large part of
the extraterrestrial solar radiation penetrates the ozone
layer and is later scattered and reftected back from the
troposphere to be absorbed by the ozone. The treat-
FIG. 1.-Solar beam passing through the ozone layer when
ment of this phase of the problem is quite similar to
the sun is at the zenith angle Z. the discussion above, except that the radiation is dif-
fuse rather than parallel. The equation corresponding
In Fig. 1, let a parallel beam of radiation from the to (12) is
sun be incident at the top of the ozone layer at an
angle Z from the vertical. In the spectral interval d'A 2wn j ltxaxEiz(axN) d'A
let the intensity of the incident solar radiation be I ox, E~ (14)
and caii the ozone absorption coefficient ax. Consider 3 sec Z
a column of air that is parallel to the solar beam and where Itx is the intensity reaching the troposphere in
that has unit cross section. While passing through a the spectral interval dX. The exponential transmission

funct.ion in (12) gives way to the function 21rEi2 (a.,_N), At the present stage of this type of study, the figure of
where Ei2(a.,_N) is an exponential integral, be- 10 per cent is considerably less than the uncertainties
cause the returning radiation is diffuse. The path length introduced by other doubtful factors.
N is, of course, now measured vertically upward from Solar Energy in the Ultraviolet. Until recent V-2
the tropopause. The factor 3 in the denominator indi- rocket ftights were consummated, the spectral distribu-
cates that only about one-third of the incident radia- tion of solar energy to the violet of 3000 A was unknown.
tion is reftected upward from the troposphere, while the This factor is, of course, necessary for the calculation
factor sec Z takes care of the fact that the radiation is of heating in the ozone layer. Nearly all calculations of
incident at the angle Z from the vertical. this heating have been based on the a~sumption that
Oxygen Absorption. The absorption spectrum of oxy- the sun radiates as a black body at a temperature of
gen in the ultraviolet includes the weak Herzberg bands 6000K. The rocket measurement has shown that the
which converge near 2400 A; the much stronger Schu- radiation is actually considerably less intense.
mann hand system which begins near 2000 A, converges The first source of information about the solar spec-
at about 1750 A, and reaches its maximum intensity at trum in the region under consideration (1800-3500 A) is
about 1450 A; and, finally, the Hopfield bands between that of measurements made at the earth's surface and
1000 and 600 A. Absorption by oxygen in the infrared corrected for absorption in the atmosphere. Such in-
and visible regions of the spectrum is very weak. formation can, of course, extend down to only about
The absorption coefficients of air in the Hopfield 3000 A, but even this shows that the radiated energy
bands have been estimated by Schneider [53]. These is considerably less than would be expected from the
results are only approximate, but leave no doubt that black-body assumption mentioned above. Severa! series
the solar energy in this spectral interval is already ab- of such measurements have been summarized by Moon
sorbed far above the ozone layer. Between 1000 and [42]. Below 4000 A, the measurements indicate a steady
1300 A the atmosphere has some strong bands and some decrease of emission relative to black-body emission at
transparent regions. Particularly, near the wave length 6000K until at 3000 A the ratio is only about 40 per
of the Lyman-a emission line of hydrogen (1216 A), cent.
the atmosphere seems to be relatively transparent. The rocket ftight of October 10, 1946 obtained a
Here, however, Preston [49) has made careful measure- spectrum at 55 km (already above ali but about one
ments of absorption coefficients of air and its con- per cent of the ozone) extending down to 2200 A [31].
stituents and finds that solar radiation could hardly The ratio of observed intensity to black-body intensity
penetrate below 60 km in important amounts. Simi- for a temperature of 6000K was observed to decrease
larly Ladenburg and Van Voorhis [35) have measured irregularly from about 70 per cent at 330Q-3400 A to
oxygen absorption in the Schumann region (1300-1750 about 6 per cent at 2200 A. The agreement with surface
A) and their results show that the solar energy here observations in the overlapping region (300Q-3400 A)
also is depleted above the ozone layer. is satisfactory. An approximate spectrum based on these
The only solar radiation, then, that can heat the two types of information has been given by Craig [10,
ozone layer lies above 1800 A. Above about 2200 A, Fig. 10). The graph of Ez/n against N in Fig. 2 is based
on the other hand, oxygen is comparatively unimpor- on this distribution.
tant as a heating agent because ozone absorbs the bulk Ozone Distribution. The vertical distribution of ozone
of the available energy. For the intermediate region, is, of course, an important parameter in the determina-
1800-2200 A, Granath [27] has measured the oxygen tion of rate of heating of the ozone layer at various
absorption in the 190Q-2100 A region. The absorption levels. Unfortunately, Umkehr measurements give little
of air has been determined by Buisson, Jausseran, and more than the order of magn:tude of the amount of
Rouard [6] in the interval 1855-2653 A. Because the ozone present above 30 km. Neither do these measure-
measurements were made in surface air relatively free ments give any reliable information about the seasonal
from ozone, one can determine the absorption of oxy- and latitudinal variations of ozone amount above 30
gen from these measurements with some degree of pre- km.
cision. The absorption coefficients so derived agree well In this connection, the calculations of equilibrium
with Granath's measurements in the region where they ozone amounts may be useful. There are many uncer-
overlap. tainties in the calculations that make them only ap-
The oxygen absorption spectrum is complicated by proximate. However, particularly above 30 km, they
a pressure dependence of the absorption in the Herz- agree as to order of magnitude with the Umkehr results.
berg region. Heilpern [30] discussed oxygen absorption The calculations have the advantage over the observa-
at2144 A forpressuresvaryingbetween 148 and 663mm tions that they are capable of showing, at least approxi-
Hg at a temperature of 18C and found a rather strong mately, the variations of ozone amount with zenith
pressure dependence. angle. The photochemical theory also indicates a sub-
In any case, heating caused by oxygen absorption is stantial variation of equilibrium ozone amount with
generally negligible compared to that caused by ozone temperature, because the photochemical factor k12/k 13
absorption in the ozone layer. Only in the upper part in (7) varies markedly with temperature [15]. Thus cal-
of the layer (above 40 km), where it may approach 10 culations of the photochemical-equilibrium amounts of
per cent of the ozone absorption, does oxygen absorp- ozone above 35 km, applied to the problem of computing
tion need to be considered by the careful investigator. the rates of radiative heating of the ozone layer, give

the same order of accuracy as the Umkehr observations sponsible for this cooling are water vapor, carbon diox-
and can show, at least qualitatively, the variations of ide, and ozone. Severa! factors make calculations of the
rate of heating with latitude and season. rate of cooling inherently more complex than calcula-
Calculation of Heating of the Ozone Layer. To calcu- tions of the rate of heating. In the first place, the infra-
late the heating of the ozone layer resulting from ozone red radiation that affects a given level originates at ali
absorption of direct solar radiation, one needs to know other levels of the atmosphere and is diffuse radiation.
(1) the absorption spectrum of ozone, (2) the spectral In the second place, the absorption bands in the infra-
distribution of solar energy, 2000-3500 A and 4500- red consist of sharp lines with little continuous back-
6500 A, and (3) the vertical ozone distribution. ground absorption, so that the absorption coefficient
With regard to the absorption spectrum of ozone and varies rapidly with wave length. In the third place, the
the solar spectrum, Craig [10] has given estimates based absolute amounts of the gases in the ozone layer are
on the most recent and reliable data. Figure 2 gives very small, smaller than those used heretofore in most
laboratory experiments. Finally, the range of variation
10.-.-~~~--,-~-r~--,-~-r~ of pressure in the region under consideration is two to
three orders of magnitude, and pressure effects on the
4 infrared absorption are marked and not completely un-
Infrared Spectra of Water Vapor, Carbon Dioxide,
and O zone. W ater vapor contains two principal ab-
sorption bands in the infrared. The most intense, the
4 rotational hand, is located at the long-wave end of the
spectrum, beyond about 20 JJ., and has been studied
spectroscopically by Randall, Dennison, Ginsburg, and
10- 2
Weber [50]. The hand at 6 Jl. has not been studied as
exhaustively, but Fowle [17, 18] has made absorption
z 4 measurements.
u Carbon dioxide has three bands in the infrared, in-
z tense ones at about 4 JJ. and 15 JJ. and a weak hand near
10-3 10 Jl. The hand at 4 JJ., while intense, is located in a re-
gion of comparatively small radiation for black bodies
4 at atmospheric temperatures. However, the 15-JJ. hand
2 is exceedingly important in the radiative processes of
the atmosphere, lying as it does near the peak of the
104 black-body radiation at atmospheric temperatures.
Martin and Barker [39] have studied this hand spec-
Ozone has two bands, one near 10 Jl. and a second that
nearly overlaps the 15-JJ. carbon dioxide hand. Strong
[54] has studied the absorption of the former band.
Methods of Calculating Cooling. To compute the
Ezln (cal sec-t cni2 cm NTP-t)
flux of infrared radiation arriving at a given level in
FIG. 2.-Variation of E z/n as a function of N. the atmosphere, one needs to consider the radiation
originating at ali other levels and also the absorption
E,jn as a function of N, from (12), for these estimates. of radiation during its passage from its origin to the
For very small values of N the exponent in (12) is small, reference level. In Fig. 3, let the unit area P, through
so the exponential term is clase to unity; hence E,jn is which the downward flux is to be computed, Iie on the
nearly independent of N. The curve then shows a strong horizontal plane u = O, where the symbol u represents
variation of E,jn with N in the range of path lengths the mass of the radiating substance in a vertical column
that includes most of the Hartley absorption. When the of unit area. Consider an infinitesimal volume element
solar energy in the Hartley region is exhausted, the in the plane u = u, with vertical thickness du. The
integration in (12) effectively extends only over the line from this element to P makes an angle e with the
Huggins and Chappuis bands. Here the absorption vertical and an angle IP with an arbitrary reference
coefficients are small and, for values of N encountered direction in the horizontal. The emission of mono-
in the atmosphere, the exponential term in (12) again chromatic radiation from this element is
approaches unity. From this graph the reader can easily
find E,, and hence the heating from (13) at any desired dl dA. = kh sec e du sin e de diP dA., (15)
level in the ozone layer and for any assumed solar
zenith angle and vertical ozone distribution. where k is the absorption coefficient and Ib is the black-
body radiation of the element at the wave length A. in
COOLING OF THE OZONE LAYER question. The vertical flux reaching P from this element
Cooling of the ozone layer results from radiative is cos e dl dA. exp ( -ku sec 8). The total monochromatic
transfer in the infrared. The atmospheric gases re- flux reaching P from the plane u = u is obtained by

integrating this expression over the plane, Thus for exponential absorption of a beam of mono-
chromatic radiation, n = e-ku and Tf = 2Ei 3 (ku).
j(u, X) = du dX ["dep [' 2 klb e-ku sece sin 8 dO In these more general terms, (17) may be written in the
(16) form
= 21rkhEMku) du d'A,

where Ei2 (ku) is an exponential integral.

F = - 1" lu
d'A 0
fb du T 1 [lu] du, (19)

The total vertical flux reaching P from all points where fb is the black-body flux, given by 1rh and l is
aboveisthus the generalized absorption coefficient.

F = [' 1u 21rkhEi2(ku) du dX. (17)

The transmission functions given by Elsasser [14]
and Schnaidt [52] apply strictly only to spectral in-
tervals that contain equal and equidistant lines, each
The integration of (17) solves the computational line broadened by pressure effects only. Experiment,
problem. In practice, however, this integration is very however, has shown that the formulas apply to a good
difficult. In the first place, the black-body radiation approximation to the actual behavior of the infrared
Ib depends on the temperature, which in turn depends absorption bands of the atmospheric gases. With the
on the path length u in an irregular manner that varies aid of these developments one can integrate (19) over
from time to time in the atmosphere. Secondly, the wave length. The integration over path length must be
absorption coefficient k depends on the wave length accomplished numerically or graphically in a separate
Xin a rapid and irregular manner. Indeed, this variation calculation for each atmosphere that has a distinctive
in the infrared bands is so rapid as to prevent the direct relationship between path length and temperature. The
application of methods of numerica! integration. cooling at any level in the atmosphere is then propor-
tional to the vertical divergence of the net flux at that
A more direct method of computing cooling in the
atmosphere has been given by Bruinenberg [5] and
Brooks [4]. It gives the divergence of the flux, and hence
the cooling, directly. This method is tobe preferred for
the ozone layer where the fluxes are small in any case.



FIG. 3.-Radiation to P from a volume element above P.

Elsasser [14] and Schnaidt [52] have introduced a

simplification that makes the integration over wave
length practicable. They divide the spectrum into small
intervals, each interval containing a number of absorp- TEMPERATURE-
tion lines. Under the assumptions that these lines are
broadened by pressure effects and that the lines in any FIG. 4.-Schematic representation of temperature-height
sounding of the atmosphere. The path length of absorbent, u,
one spectral interval are all equal in intensity and equi- between A and A' is the same as that between B and B'.
distant, they derive expressions for the average ab-
sorption in the spectral interval. The absorption coef- Figure 4 gives a schematic representation of the vari-
ficient, which may vary greatly in the interval, can ation of temperature with height. Let the total amount
then be replaced by a "generalized" absorption coeffi- of absorbent above A be uA, and that above B be uB,
cient which is constant in the interval. where uA - uB = u. Define the flux from an isothermal
The transmission function n (u) is defined as the column as
ratio I/ Io of the radiation penetrating a layer of thick- ~ (u, T) = e1 (u, T) uT 4 (20)
ness u to the radiation incident at the top of the layer.
For diffuse radiation, the transmission function TJ (u) The total emissivity of the isothermal column, Ef> is
is similarly defined in terms of fluxes rather than inten- defined as the ratio of the flux emitted from the column
sities. The relation between TJ and n is to the black-body flux at the temperature of the column.
T 1 (u) = 11
n(u sec 8) d sin2 8. (18) Ef = 14
uT 1"' .MI -
0 TJ) dX. (21)

The downward fluxes at A and B can be written as The emissivity e1 can be determined either from labora-
tory measurements or from the theoretical transmis-
sion functions according to (21).
Elsasser [14] has summarized measured values of the

UB a~ emissivities of water vapor and carbon dioxide. Sum-
FB = -du. merfield6 has given data on the 10-.u band of ozone.
o au Unfortunately, in none of these cases do the measure-
Equations (20) and (22) are consistent with (19). There- ments extend to values of u as small as those met in the
fore, ozone layer. Some radiation computations have made
use of extrapolations of these emissivity curves.
FA - FB = l"B (a~A - a~B) du+ j"A a~A du. (23) An alternative procedure is to make use of the trans-
0 au au UB au mission functions for the infrared bands. The functions
Consider a level A' at a path length u above A and can first be tested against and fitted to the observation
a level B' at the same path length u above B. (The in the range of u where measurements are available.
linear distances A - A_' and B - B' are not neces- In general, it is possible to get a good agreement
sarily the same.) The flux from B' through B and the between theory and observations. The transmission
flux from A' through A would be identica! except that functions can then be used to extrapolate the available
A' and B' may be at different temperatures. information to small values of u. Even this type of ex-
One can write trapolation, however, is risky. The transmission func-
tions, as stated above, were derived on the basis of
au rrom"
= a2~ (dT)u
au aT
= a2~ dT u.
au aT du
(24) idealized bands. That they describe the behavior of the
actual infrared bands in a certain range is no guarantee
that they will serve equally well in another range. A
The second integral in (23) represents the additional further difficulty stems from the overlapping of the ozone
flux at A because uA > uB so that and carbon dioxide bands at 15 ,u. Very little is known

J"~ (a;:) du =
about the former hand. How much its presence may
(:;;) t .:lu, (25) affect the carbon dioxide emissivities as measured in the
laboratory is not known.
where (a~;au)t is the value of (a~;au) at the top of Pressure Effects on Infrared Absorption. Still another
the atmosphere. With these values inserted (23) be- difficult and unsolved problem is the question of pres-
comes sure effects on absorption in the infrared. It is certain

F = o l auaaT~) (dT)
"B (
du u u U du + (a~)
au t U. (26)
that the half-width of the absorption lines in the infra-
red varies with pressure. Elsasser [14] gives a rather
complete discussion of the experimental facts about
The cooling is proportional to the divergence of the this dependence.
flux. Divide both sides of (26) by .:lz and let both sides For water vapor, the half-widths of the absorption
approach the limit Z = O. Then lines seem to vary as the square root of the pressure.
Strong [54] has shown a similar square-root dependence
~~ = :: [1"B (a~2;:r) dT + (:~)J. (27)
for the 10-JL ozone band. In the case of carbon dioxide
evidence is conflicting, and various investigators have
The divergence of the upward flux can be derived in assumed that the half-width varies as the pressure
the same manner. However, because the ground acts according to laws ranging from square-root dependence
as a black body, the expression for the upward flux has to direct dependence. This is a question, particularly in
no term comparable to the second termin (27). Thus, the case of carbon dioxide, that should be cleared up
finally, before accurate calculations can be made.


at pCp az az Despite the difficulties discussed above, some investi-

1 au [1"
gators have made calculations based on the available
+-- i~l)
-- 8
dT (28) knowledge. These calculations correspond qualitatively
az o
pCp au aT u,T
to the observational information available about the

+ ( a~~) 1"' (i~i)

au t- o auaT u,r dT
J. temperature distribution in the ozone layer. It is the
purpose of this section to outline the results so far
Data for Calculating Cooling. According to (28), the Gowan's Calculations of Equilibrium Temperature.
cooling at any level in the ozone layer can be deter- E. H. Gowan has pioneered the work in this field. In a
mined by numerica! or graphical integration if ~ is pair of early papers [23, 24], he made some prelim-
known as a function of u and T. From (20) inary calculations which showed that the suspected
a2 ~
4uT3 __!!
a + uT ___!_!_____.
i 4
(29) 6. In an unpublished doctoral dissertation at the California
auaT - au auaT Institute of Technology in 1941.

temperature maximum near 55 km was reasonable. 50N in summer or winter according to various com-
In 1936 [25], he revised these calculations on the hasis binations of the assumptions listed above. Table I gives
of !ater determinations of the vertical distribution of the results.
ozone. Finally, in 1947 [26] he published revised results These results show reasonable agreement with obser-
based on further information about absorption in the vations. The temperature increases with height to the
infrared. Only the last results are included here. top of the ozone layer, although the maximum is not
Gowan gives his results in the form of radiative- usually reached in these calculations. The temperatures
equilibrium temperatures at various levels in the ozone are consideraLly higher than those that actually occur
layer. These are the temperatures that would exist in the ozone layer; this is due in part to the assumption
according to his calculations if the radiative gains of of solar black-body radiation at 6000K. Recent rocket
the layer were just balanced by the radiative losses, measurements show much less energy.
with no effects of atmospheric circulations. The assump- Penndorf's Calculations of Rate of Heating and Cool-
tions made by Gowan are: ing because of Ozone Alone. Penndorf [48] has com-
1. Solar Energy. For aii calculations except one, puted the rates of heating and cooling of the ozone layer
Gowan assumes that the sun radiates as a black body that would result from the effects of ozone alone. He
at 6000K in the ultraviolet. In this one case, the emis- takes the solar emission curve in the ultraviolet as that
sion is taken as that of a black body at 4000K. of a black body at 5910K and assumes the vertical
2. Vertical Distr-ibution of Absorbing Gases. Ozone distribution of ozone tobe that measured by the Um-
is assumed to vary vertically according to the Umkehr kehr effect at Arosa. He integrates the temperature
measurements of Gotz, Meetham, and Dobson at Arosa changes over the period of a day.
for a total amount of ozone of either 0.20 cm NTP or Penndorf's results show maximum heating resulting
0.28 cm NTP. W ater vapor is assumed tobe either 10 per from ozone absorption of solar ultraviolet radiation to
cent or 40 per cent saturated at the tropopause with lie between 45 and 50 km. The cooling effect of long-
constant mixing ratio in the ozone layer. Carbon dioxide wave radiation is a maximum at 50 km. The absolute
is assumed to be present throughout the ozone layer in value of the rate of heating is 10-50 times greater than
a concentration of 0.03 per cent by volume (corre- that of the rate of cooling, at least from 30 to 50 km.
sponding to tropospheric conditions). This discrepancy is probably at least partially due to
two factors: (1) smaller solar emission in the ultraviolet
TABLE l. RADIATIVE-EQUILIBRIUM TEMPERATURES AT 50N than the assumed amount; and (2) the cooling effects
(After Gowan [26])*
of carbon dioxide and water vapor are not included.
Summer Winter Karandikar's Calculation of Heating of the Ozone
Amount o, Layer. Karandikar [32] has given a rather complete dis-
(cmNTP) .280 .280 .280 .200 .280 .280 cussion of the rate of heating of the ozone layer. He
Amount EJ,O (%) o 1 10 40 10 10 10
Solar temperature considers not only heating caused by ozone absorption
('K) 6000 6000 6000 6000 4000 6000
1 of ultraviolet solar radiation, but also the heating caused
Height (km) Temperature ('K) by absorption of solar radiation in the infrared bands
of ozone, carbon dioxide, and water vapor. He assumes
50-55 452 415 448 344 441 410 H5 323 347 406 439 the sun to radiate as a black body at 6000K. The ver-
45-50 429 410 424 361 421 409 422 321 333 364 375
40-41\ 399 385 397 350 394 382 390 311 319 305 314 tical distribution of ozone is based on available Umkehr
35-40 335 324 332 295 327 320 330 291 301 278 285 measurements, that of carbon dioxide on a constant
30-35 296 285 295 262 291 281 292 272 282 262 273
25-30 275 258 272 244 265 257 269 252 266 246 256 proportion by volume (0.03 per cent) throughout the
20-25 254 241 249 240 239 239 247 236 245 230 238 ozone layer. Severa! alternative assumptions are made
15-20 239 232 232 232 221 229 225 229 229 221 221 about the total amount of water vapor present, the
11-15 228 218 217 211 209 215 208 217 215 208 209
vertical distribution of the water vapor being taken to
* The two columns under each group of assumptions repre- follow Dalton's law.
sent the alternative results if water vapor absorption is (right The results show a maximum of absorbed energy
column) or is not (left column) corrected for a pressure de-
pendence. between 40 and 50 km. For a solar zenith angle of 0,
the maximum absorption occurs at 40-45 km. For a
3. Absorption Spectra In the ultraviolet, absorption solar zenith angle of 75, the maximum absorption
coefficients of oxygen are taken from the measurements occurs at 45-50 km and is only about half as intense
of Granath [27], those of ozone from the measurements as for the smaller zenith angle. Karandikar's computa-
of various investigators [16, 36]. In the infrared, the tions show that the heating produced by infrared ab-
emissivity of carbon dioxide is taken from laboratory sorption of solar energy can be safely neglected above
measurements, as summarized by Elsasser [14], and 30 km in comparison with the heating produced by
extrapolated on log-log paper to smaller values of path ultraviolet absorption of ozone. Below 30 km, on the
length. Similarly the absorption coefficients of Fowle other hand, the former process becomes predominant,
and Hettner [17] for water vapor are extrapolated on water vapor playing the most important role.
log-log paper. Summerfield's measurements at the 10-,u Craig's Calculations of Heating and Cooling. The
hand of ozone are utilized. The water vapor coefficients writer has carried through some unpublished calcula-
are corrected according to the square-root pressure law tions of heating and cooling of the ozone layer. They
in some cases. The calculations apply to a latitude of are mentioned here to show the results that have been

obtained with somewhat different assumptions than the check the accuracy of the information now available
ones on which the published calculations are based. and to show whether there are any significant variations
The assumptions that differ markedly from those out- of the spectrum with time.
lined above are: Vertical Distribution of Absorbing Gases. The verti-
1. Solar Energy. The solar emission curve in the ultra- cal distributions of ali of the absorbing gases in the
violet corresponds to the results of the rocket measure- ozone layer are in doubt. In the case of ozone, the
ments. As mentioned previously, these show consider- vertical distributions above 30 km at various latitudes
ably less solar energy than a black body at 6000K and times of year are urgently needed. For carbon
would radiate. dioxide, some direct measurements should attempt to
2. Vertical Distribution of Absorbing Gases. The ver- test the usual assumption that the concentration in the
tical distribution of ozone above 35 km is computed ozone layer is the same as in the troposphere. Particu-
from photochemical-equilibrium theory [10]. This gives larly above 30 km this is desirable. W ater vapor is
the same magnitude as Umkehr measurements and probably not important to the present problem at
shows to a first approximation variations with solar levels above 30 km (unless it is present in much greater
zenith ang)e and temperature. concentration than now assumed). However, in the
3. Absorption Spectra. The emissivities of carbon di- lower isothermal part of the layer its concentration
oxide and ozone for small path lengths are obtained should be measured carefully under a variety of condi-
from the theoretical transmission functions rather than tions. Recent developments in England [11] and the
from straight extrapolation of existing measurements. United States [2] give encouragement in this direction.
Cooling is evaluated directly by graphical integration Absorption Spectra. The absorption spectra of oxy-
of (28). gen and ozone in the pertinent part of the ultraviolet
For the temperatures generally assumed to occur in seem to be satisfactorily known. For the problem of
the ozone layer [57], the calculated rates of heating and calculation of photochemical-equilibrium amounts of
cooling are of the same order of magnitude at alllevels. ozone, however, further study of the pressure depend-
This contrasts with Gowan's results; since his equi- ence of oxygen absorption should be made in the
librium temperatures are considerably higher than those laboratory. The spectral region where information is
that actually occur, his assumptions .would give greater vitally needed is 1800-2200 A and the pressures range
heating than cooling at the. lower temperatures. It from 10 to 0.1 mb.
also contrasts with Penndorf's results. In both cases, Absorption data in the infrared are urgently needed.
the difference in assumed solar energy is the principal Perhaps the most practica! type of laboratory measure-
reason for the discrepancy. The level of maximum ments for the present problem would give the iso-
heating is at 40-45 km, lower than that found by Karan- thermal emissivities of carbon dioxide and ozone as a
dikar. This difference is probably also a result of the function of path length, pressure, and temperature, par-
different assumed-energy curves. The ratio of the meas- ticularly the first two. The range of path lengths of
ured solar intensity to the black-body intensity is carbon dioxide that needs further study is from 0.01 to 1
relatively smaller near the maximum of the Hartley cm NTP at pressures ranging from 0.1 to 10 mb. Ozone
bands of ozone, which heat the upper part of the ozone path lengths from 10- 4 to 10-2 cm NTP at pressures of
layer, than at longer wave lengths. 1 to 10 mb need further study. Furthermore, emis-
The infrared cooling due to the carbon dioxide band sivity measurements should be made on various mix-
at 15 J.l is more intense than that due to ozone or water tures of ozone and carbon dioxide within these limits
vapor, at least above 35 km. This result must be con- to determine the effect of the former on the latter at
sidered somewhat doubtful until further light is shed 15 J.l.
on the problems of pressure effects on this band, and Calculations with Existing Data. Further calculations
of the overlapping of the 15-J.L ozone band. The ab- with existing data are possible, and indeed desirable,
solute values of the rates of heating and cooling are unless some of the above experimental information is
relatively low, of the order of magnitude of 0.1C per forthcoming in the immediate future. The calculations
three hours below 30 km and of 1C per three hours made up to now show that useful results can be ob-
at 35-50 km. These are no larger than might be ex- tained. Particularly, calculations for various latitudes
pected from normal atmospheric circulation processes. and seasons may begin to show the extent of tempera-
ture variations in the ozone layer, a matter about which
SUBJECTS FOR FURTHER RESEARCH we now have no information.
It has become evident throughout this discussion REFERENCES
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ultravioletten Sonnenspektrums in der Stratosphare und
the Density of the Upper Atmosphere," Chap. V of The
die vertikale Ozonverteilung." Phys. Z., 35: 788-793
Atmospheres of the Earth and Planets. Chicago, University
of Chicago Press, 1949.
52. ScHN AIDT, F., "Uber die Absorption von W asserdampf 61. WuLF, O. R., and DEMING, L. S., "The Theoretical Calcu-
und Kohlensaure mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der lation of the Distribution of Photochemically-formed
Druck- und Temperaturabhangigkeit." Beitr. Geophys., Ozonein theAtmosphere." Terr. Magn. atmos. Elect., 41:
54: 203-234 (1939). 299-310 (1936).
53. ScHNEIDER, E. G., "An Estima te of the Absorption of Air 62. - - "The Effect of Visible Solar Radiation on the Calcu-
in the Extreme Ultraviolet." J. opt. Soc. Amer., 30: lated Distribution of Atmospheric Ozone." Terr. Magn.
128-132 (1940). atmos. Elect., 41: 375-378 (1936).
54. STRONG, J., "On a New Method of Measuring the Mean 63. - - "The Distribution of Atmospheric Ozone in Equi-
Height of the Ozone in the Atmosphere." J. Franklin librium with Solar Radiation and the Rate of Mainte-
Inst., 231: 121-155 (1941). nance of the Distribution." Terr. Magn. atmos. Elect.,
55. T!i}NSBERG, E., and 0LSEN, K. L., "Investigations on At- 42: 195-202 (1937).
Naval Research Laboratory

Introduction balloon flights indicated a small but definite rise in the

The stratosphere was discovered in the pioneering temperature near the top of the stratosphere. Such a
days of high-altitude balloon research. Between 1899 rise appeared consistent with temperatures deduced
aud 1902 experiments performed by Assmann aud Teis- from studies of the anomalous propagation of sound,
serenc de Bort revealed a cold isothermallayer extend- which suggested a sharp rise above 30 km, but which
ing upwards from the top of the troposphere. The furnished only an indirect determination of temper-
initial height of the layer appeared to vary from about ature. N ow, with improved balloons, it is possible to
6 km in the polar regions to 18 km above the equator. trace out by direct measurement an additional 10 km
As a result of such balloon measurements, it was long or more of the temperature curve.
supposed that beyond the troposphere the temperature The graph of Fig. 1 shows a curve of temperature
ceased to change with altitude. In the presence of the variation from the ground up to 43 km. The measure-
earth's gravitational field such an isothermal region
would, of course, be characterized by a diffusive sepa- 50 100
ration of its various constituents, with the heavier gases
settling out aud the lighter ones predominating at the
higher altitudes. The name stratosphere aptly describes
such an atmosphere.
In the course of time, however, evidence began to <
accumulate to show that the temperature of the atmos-
phere is not the same at all heights above the tropo-
pause. On the hasis of data now available from sound
aud meteor studies, from rocket measurements, aud -9
from a number of other sources, it is plain that atmos-
pheric temperatures vary markedly with altitude. In
higher latitudes aud the polar regions an isothermal
region does exist above the troposphere; but as one
moves southward the purely isothermal stratosphere
disappears tobe supplanted by a rather flat temperature ~---94

minimum somewhere between 10 aud 20 km above the

surface of the earth [16]. Above the (improperly named) ~42
stratosphere, in the region now referred to simply as the )
upper atmosphere, the air is definitely not isothermal. ~13
On the other hand, the total pressure difference between
ground aud 110 km is nearly that to be expected in an 220 240 260 280
isothermal atmosphere of about 240K. 1 In this sense TEMPERATURE(K)

one may regard 240K as an average temperature for the FIG. 1.-Results obtained from balloon flight at Evans
entire region below 110 km. Above 110 km there are Signal Laboratory, Belmar, New Jersey, on September 28, 1948,
1:20 P.M. The length of the wind vector is proportional to the
some indications of very high temperatures. wind speed (mph). The tail of the wind vector indicates the
There are now numerous sources of data on which to direction from which the wind was blowing. Thus, near the
base conclusions about temperatures aud pressures in ground, the wind was northeasterly; at 15,000 feet, northerly;
at 40,000 feet, westerly; and at 50,000 feet northwesterly (taken
the upper atmosphere. Some of these are discussed in from [4] Brasefield: Sci. Mon., 68:398 (1949), by permission
the sections below. No attempt is made, however, of the publishers).
either to exhaust the literature or to furnish complete
details of the temperature aud pressure studies which ments were made at Belmar, New Jersey, on September
are discussed. 28, 1948 at 1:20 P.M., using a new type of balloon
especially developed for the Signal Corps [4]. It will be
Balloon Studies in the Upper Atmosp~ere noted that a positive temperature gradient is observed
Until recently the highest-flying balloons could rise from 15 km to the peak of the flight. The measured
not much higher than 30 km. Measurements on such temperatures indicate an abrupt inversion in the neigh-
borhood of 15 km, aud show no isothermal region. They
1. This statement is based on the pressure curve of Fig. 7 do not even appear consistent with any flat temperature
below. minimum in the stratosphere. The measurements are

in keeping with both balloon and rocket measurements tive temperature gradient in the upper atmosphere [19].
at White Sands, New Mexico, which likewise fail to Since then Whipple, Gutenberg, Duckert, and numerous
show any genuinely isothermallayer [9]. other authors have written extensively on the subject
[5, 6, 8]. Whipple's explanation is the one now generally
Propagation of Sound Through the Upper Atmosphere accepted, and leads directly to a method for determin-
Occasionally sound generated by an explosion can be ing upper-air temperatures.
heard distinctly at remote points, but not at all at . Referring to Fig. 2, suppose that within a zone of
points nearer to the source. The total region of audi- abnormal audibility P 1 and P 2 are neighboring points
bility consists of a primary zone containing the source
itself, plus one or more surrounding rings separated
from each other and from the primary zone by regions
of silence. Throughout the primary zone the sound is
propagated at normal speeds. Within the secondary
zones, however, the sound arrives much later than
would be expected of waves propagated along the
earth's surface. --ds-
Anomalous sound propagation was first noted in
connection with gunfire at Queen Victoria's funeral. FIG. 2.
It was soon concluded that waves reaching the annuli
of abnormal audibility had traveled into and through in line with the sound source. At the moment the wave
the upper atmosphere before returning to earth. An front reaches P1, it stiU has a distance RP 2 to travel
early explanation was that high-altitude winds caused before reaching P2. If dt is the time interval between the
the waves to bend back to the ground. The observed arrival of the sound at P 1 and its arrival at P 2 , and if
omnidirectionality of anomalous sound propagation, vo is the speed of sound in the neighborhood of P 1 and
however, was not compatible with the wind theory. P2, then RP 2 is equal to v0 dt. Letting dS = P 1P 2, one
Von dem Borne proposed an explanation based on has:
refraction of sound waves [3]. If atmospheric properties dS cos eo = Vo dt;
vary only with height, the refraction law is
or, using equation (1):
-=V (1)
cos e ' dS Vo
=V. (3)
dt cos eo
where for a given path V is constant. The quantities v
and e are respectively the local speed of sound and the
The quantity dS/dt is the apparent speed of sound
angle between the ray path and the horizontal plane.
along the earth between P 1 and P 2, and can be measured
The ray paths are straight, curve upward, or bend
quite easily. Moreover, as shown by (3), the measured
downward according as v is constant, decreasing, or
value of dS/dt is precisely the speed of sound V at the
increasing with altitude. Assuming refraction as the
apex of its path through the upper atmosphere. The
cause of anomalous propagation, one concludes that
value of V can also be obtained by measuring the angle
sound returning to earth from the upper atmosphere of arrival e of the wave
0 front.
passed through a region in which its speed increased Once determined, V can be used in equation (2) to
with altitude. Moreover, at the apex of its path, the
compute the tempera ture at the apex of the sound path.
wave front was moving horizontally at the speed V.
To associate the temperature so calculated with a
The speed of sound through a gas is given by
specific height, the ray path must be traced out in order
to determine the altitude of the apex. This can be done
v=l~!r, (2) quite accurately at lower altitudes, using data from
balloon observations. Assuming a positive temperature
where ~ is the ratio of the specific heat at constant gradient, the remainder of the path in the upper atmos-
pressure to that at constant volume, Ris the universal phere is then constructed so as to fit the observed
gas constant, M the average molecular weight of the transit times for the sound and so as to join smoothly
gas, and T its absolute temperature. To explain anoma- onto the lower segments.
lous sound propagation, von dem Borne postulated a Temperatures determined by Gutenberg, and more
decreasing value of M with height caused by increasing recently by Cox, are shown in Figs. 3 and 4 [8, 5].
proportions of the lighter gases above the troposphere Between 40 and 60 km the temperatures quoted by
[3]. Data available at present, however, show far too Cox are conside:r:ably below those obtained by Guten-
small a change in composition to vary either M or ~ berg. Cox's results are more in conformity with rocket
sufficiently to account for the observed refraction, which findings at White Sands. A tempera ture maximum, such
must accordingly be due to changes in the only remain- as that shown by Cox near 55 km, has always been
ing variable, namely temperature. observed in rocket fiights.
In 1923 F. J. W. Whipple first suggested an explana- Winds may have a large effect upon temperatures
tion of anomalous sound propagation based on a posi- deduced from sound observations. With this in mind

Weekes and Wilkes have analyzed sound data obtained The lower values are more in keeping with Cox's results
from more accurate controlled experiments carried out and those obtained from rockets.
by the British Meteorologica! Oftice. They found that
Ozone Heating in the Upper Atmosphere
The high-temperature region deduced from sound-
propagation experiments coincides with the upper por-
tion of the ozonosphere, which lies between 15 and 55
km. The total amount of ozone in the atmosphere is at
most a few millimeters at standard conditions. N ever-
theless ozone absorption in the ultraviolet is strong, and
the ozone content appears to be sufficient to account
::;: 30
for observed atmospheric heating immediately above
"'w the stratosphere.
Gowan [7] and Penndorf [15] have made extensive
calculations to show how much heating can be expected
~ 20 from atmospheric ozone. Gowan assumes the ozono-
sphere to be essentially nonconvective and in radiative

60.----.----.- ---.----.-----. ----,


. ~


298 323

FIG. 3.-Temperatures derived from velocity of sound

waves in Southern California, with results for N orthern
Germany plotted for comparison (taken from [8, p. 200]).

at night "the temperature starts to rise at about 35 km /

and rises at a rate of about 5C km- 1 to at least 50 km,
at which height the temperature lies between 290 and
350K, with the lower value more likely." [18, p. 87].



.100 200 300 400 500
t: 80 FIG. 5.-Atmospheric temperatures based on calculations
....1 of ultraviolet absorption in the ozonosphere (taken from
[7] Gowan: Proc. roy. Soc., (A) 190: 223 (1947), by permission
60 of The Royal Society).

40 equilibrium. The validity of these assumptions, how-

ever, is open to question. Water vapor, ozone, and
20 carbon dioxide are taken to be the principal gases in-
volved, and the calculations are made for a number of
different humidities. The assumed solar temperature is
160 400 6000K. Ozone content is taken from experiments of
Gotz, Meetham, and Dobson and applies to the atmos-
FIG. 4.-Comparison of measured upper-atmosphere temp- phere above Switzerland. A temperature-distribu tion
eratures (Helgoland blast), V-2 rocket results, and N.A.C.A.
tentative standards (taken from [5] Cox: Amer. J. Phys., 16: curve is obtained by dividing the ozonosphere into nine
473 (1948), by permission of the publishers). Rough rocket layers and calculating the equilibrium temperatures for
data appearing on Cox's published figure have been replaced the various layers. Some of the results are set forth in
by an average curve of temperatures calculated from Naval
Research Laboratory rocket flights. Fig. 5. It will be noted that the temperature begins to

rise at somewhat below 30 km, and at 50 km is still the speed, size, and material of the meteor, the heating
rising. Above 42 km, however, the rate of rise falls off. causes incandescence along some portion of the meteor
The temperatures are very much higher than those path. The altitudes at which incandescence begins and
given by Cox and by rocket soundings at White Sands. ends depend also upon the density of the atmosphere.
Penndorf [15] does not assume radiative equilibrium In a pioneering work on meteor studies, Lindemann
and considers only ozone heating and cooling. He con- and Dobson [12] developed a theory which enabled
siders the effect of water vapor in the ozonosphere to them to calculate atmospheric densities at the heights
be negligible. Above 3000 A the solar radiation is taken of appearance and disappearance of a meteor from its
from Abbot's table; from 3000 A to 2000 A the radiation speed, size, and composition. The theory applies to an
is assumed tobe that of a black body at 5910K. Rates isothermal atmosphere, whereas it now appears that
of heating and cooling in the ozonosphere are computed the region in which meteors are observed visually is
for different temperature distributions. Penndorf's re- definitely not isothermal. N evertheless, the theory can
sults on daytime heating and nighttime cooling corre- provide a curve of densities from which an average
spond to rather high equilibrium temperatures during temperature can be estimated. The densities obtained
the day. with little change during the night. According by Lindemann and Dobson were not consistent with
to Penndorf the maximum rate of heating and most of an average tempera ture of 220K in the neighborhood of
the ultraviolet absorption both occur near 50 km. stratospheric values, but were consistent with a much
Gowan's and Penndorf's calculations agree quali- higher temperature, about 300K.
tatively with sound propagation and rocket results in More recently F. L. Whipple [20] presented a theory
showing a temperature rise in the upper ozonosphere. relating the mass, shape, composition, speed, decelera-
The computed ozone heating, however, is much greater tion, and luminosity of a meteor to atmospheric
than Cox's measurements and rocket findings would densities. From a study of available photographic
indicate. meteor data he obtained a curve of log-density versus
At present, calculations of ozone heating involve so altitude, with which a number of temperature dis-
many uncertainties that conclusions based upon them tributions can reasonably be associated. In his paper
must be regarded with considerable caution. It appears Whipple states:
highly desirable to perform a number of rocket experi- The best solution appears to be one in which the height-log
ments to measure the total energy absorbed at various p curve corresponds to a flat tempera ture maximum of about
atmospheric levels from the solar and terrestrial radia- 375K near the 60-km level, a rapid drop to 250K near 80
tions. Such data would provide afirmer foundation for km, and a constant or slowly rising temperature at greater
temperature calculations than is now available. heights to about 110 km.
Free Oscillations in the Atmosphere Rocket Measurements in the Upper Atmosphere
Observed amplitudes of solar tides produced in the Since the spring of 1946 rockets have been employed
earth's atmosphere are about one hundred times as at White Sands, New Mexico, for measuring pressures
great as one normally would expect. Kelvin suggested and temperatures in the upper atmosphere [1, 2, 10].
that this might be a resonance phenomenon, due to a Initially the German V-2 was the only large rocket
free atmospheric oscillation period of 12 hr. Evidence available, but at present the V-2 and the Navy's Aero-
also is available to show the existence of a second free bee and Viking are ali being used. So far, pressure
period in the atmosphere. The speed of large explosion measurements extend only to 130 km, although some of
waves, such as those generated by the Krakatau erup- the rockets ha ve exceeded 100 miles in altitude. Instead
tion and the Great Siberian Meteor, corresponds to a of being measured directly, atmospheric temperatures
period of 10.5 hr. are computed from the pressure data.
It is to be expected that the natural periods of the On each rocket there is an area, usually just ahead of
atmosphere are directly associated with its tempera- the tail fins, where ambient pressures exist during
tures. Pekeris has, in fact, shown that an atmosphere flight. Gages are mounte in this area to measure
with the temperature distribution set forth in curve 7 atmospheric pressures directly. As a check on the ac-
of Fig. 8 possesses both the 10.5- and the 12-hr periods curacy of readings from gages so mounted, it is cus-
[14]. His results are further substantiated and clarified tomary to compare measurements at low altitudes with
by !ater work of Weekes and Wilkes [18]. The 10.5-hr balloon data acquired just before and just after the
period is a property of the lower atmosphere with the rocket flight. In the past there has been excellent '1gree-
temperature distribution revealed by balloon measure- ment between rocket and balloon measurements.
ments. The 12-hr period, on the other hand, is asso- Gages are also mounted at various points on the
ciated with the upper atmosphere, and requires the nose of the rocket. Measurements from such gages
indicated temperature drop above the hot ozonosphere. must be converted to ambient pressures by some method
Pekeris' conclusions, based upon analysis of a number such as application of the Taylor-Maccoll theory. Stag-
of special cases, were that the atmosphere must become nation pressures, recorded with gages at the nose tip,
cold again at or above 80 km. provide essentially a measure of density.
Temperatures are computed from the pressure versus
Meteors and Atmospheric Temperatures altitude curve using the relation
A meteor striking the earth's atmosphere is heated 1 dp Mg
by impact with the molecules of air. Depending upon p dh RT'

where M is the average molecular weight of the air, R because of the behavior of the rocket. At altitudes
is the universal gas constant, g the acceleration of above 80 km the rocket pressure measurements were
gravity, T the absolute temperature of the air, h the influenced to varying extents by motions of the missile
altitude, and p the measured pressure. Temperatures and by emission of gas from the interior and surface of
can also be calculated from the stagnation pressure at the rocket. Because of differences in missile behavior, it
the nose, using the following simplificati an of Rayleigh's was necessary to make separate estimates for each
formula for supersonic speeds: rocket of the errors introduced by pitching and yawing.
In many cases emission of gas placed an upper limit on
stagnation pressure the altitude to which pressures could be measured.
ambient pressure Recently a new type gage invented by R. J. Havens
[11] bas been introduced into the rocket work. With
= .. . + .46 + 1. 29 (speed of rocket)2 , this gage it should be possible in the future to cover
speed of sound the entire pressure range up to 150 km or more.
and using the known speed of the rocket to obtain the Pressure and temperature data accumulated by R.
local speed of sound. Once the speed of sound is known, J. Havens and his colleagues at White Sands during
the temperature is quickly deduced. the past severa! years are shown in Figs. 6, 7, and 8.

0 .8

0 .6

0 .4

;:; (!)
J: 0.2 J:

~ ~
~ ~
w (2)--- w 10-l
a:: a::
(/) 0.1 (3)------ :::::>
(/) (4 ) ..-------- (/)
(5)v---- w
~ 0.08 a::
Q. (6) - - - Q.

0 .06 (1)
(2) o
163 (3)
0.04 (4)v


45 50 55 60 70 75

FIG. 6.-Prcssures obtained from rocket flights above White ALTITUDE (KM)
Sands Proving Ground, New Mexico. Exccpt for the point at Fw. 7.-Pressures obtained from rocket flights above White
61.3 km which is 0.17 0.03 mm of Hg , the data are probably Sands Proving Ground, New Mexico. The point at 82.4 km is
cor rect to within 10 per cent of ambient. The flights are: 0.007 0.002mm of Hg and that at 61.3 km is 0.17 0.03 mm of
(1) 10 October 1946, 1102 MST; (2) 7 March 1947, 1123 MST; H g . These were taken at the top of the rocket flight and
(3) 22 January 1948, 1313 MST; (4) 5 August 1948, 1837 MST; pressure was t herefore ambient within the error of the measure-
(5) 28 January 1949, 1020 MST; (6) 3 May 1949, 0914 MST ment. Ali other data up to 80 km are probably within 10 per
(taken from [10]). cent of ambient. Data obtained above 90 km are not ambient
due to the yaw of the rocket and the location of the gages.
Three types of gages were employed in making It is estimated that they are within a factor of two from am-
bient. (1) 7 March 1947, 1123 MST; (2) 22 January 1948, 1313
rocket pressure measurements. For pressures down to MST; (3) 3 May 1949, 0914 MST; (4) 28 Janua ry 1949, 1020
50 mm of Hg, bellows gages were used. Pirani-type MST (taken from [10]).
gages measured pressures in the interval from 2 mm
to 7 X I0- 3 mm of Hg. Philips gages were employed for The temperatures are based on the assumption of sea-
the range from I0- 3 down to w-s mm of Hg. Un- level composition throughout. .
fortunately there is a gap between the ranges covered Some of the differences in the pressure curves of Fig.
by the bellows and Pirani gages, and this gap exists 6 could be due to seasonal and diurnal changes, and
in the data obtained so far. Moreover, the Philips gage possibly to variations in solar conditions. The same is
measurements were not too accurate in their range, true of the temperature curves of Fig. 8. In the latter
partly beeause of peculiarities of the gage, and partly case, however, the differences are harder to pin down

because of inaccuracies introduced in differentiating temperature above the mm1mum near 80 km. The
the pressure curves to obtain temperatures. Havens former measurements extend to about 130 km, and the
estimates that the pressure measurements permit the latter to about 172 km , although Cox states that he
determination of an average temperature for a layer 20 places little faith in the highest point on his curve.
km thick correct to within lOR. The error for a 10- According to Whipple a positive temperature gradient
km layer would be on the order of 20K. The curves above 80 km is consistent with data from meteor
of actual temperature variation with altitude must, studies. From the energy distribution in the nitrogen
therefore, be regarded as only indicative. bands of the aurora! spectrum Rosseland and Steens-
The double hump on curve (5), Fig. 8, appears to be holt [17] report a temperature of 347K (at 110 km
real. Its presence was suspected in the reduction of approximately), correcting a much lower value obtained
data on other flights, and strongly suggests two distinct earlier by Vegard.
heating processes. The lower hump is due to ozone It appears reasonable to assume a general tempera-
absorption in the ultraviolet above 2000 A. The upper ture increase to great heights, with a corresponding
hump may be due to oxygen absorption in the ult ra- lessening in the rate of decrease in pressure. For one
violet below 2000 A. thing, if the temperature were essentially constant
above 100 km, the atmosphere at 400 km would be
practically nonexistent, as a simple calculation will
show, whereas observations of aurorae indicate appre-
ciable densities at these heights. Secondly, helium ap-
pears to be escaping from the earth's atmosphere at a
rate which requires temperatures on the order of 1000K
between 600 and 800 km [13, pp. 21-24]. Thirdly,
:::;: .. . Babcock 's measurements of the width of the night-sky
"' 75 line 5577 A indicate temperatures on the order of 1200K
o at severa! hundred km [13, p. 509].
1- In comparison with information available on t he at-
5<t 50
mosphere below 100 km, data on temperatures and
pressures at higher altitudes are meagre indeed. To be
sure there is an appreciable amount of spectroscopic
data; and ionospheric studies also indicate high tem-
25 peratures in t he ionospheric layers. N evertheless, at
present, conditions in the outer reaches of the earth's
atmosphere are largely a matter of speculation.
- ~ ............ , [6)
- ~------~--~ Conclusion
150 200 250 300 350
TEMPERATURE [K) Even a casual survey of the literature shows wide
FIG. 8.-Temperatures calculated from pressures measured differences in the temperatures and pressures ascribed
on rocket flights above White Sands Proving Ground, to the upper atmosphere. This is apparent in the limited
New Mexico. The points indicated by x with their probable selection of material presented above. Some of the
errors are temperatures calculated from the ratio of stagna-
tion pressure at the nose of the rocket to ambient pressure. differences can be traced to diurnal and seasonal effects
Sea-level composition is assumed throughout. The curves in and to geographical differences. Also atmospheric con-
the drawing are: (1) 7March 1947, 1123MST; (2) 22 January ditions are closely associated with conditions in the sun,
1948, 1313 MST; (3) 5 August 19-18, 1837 MST; (4) 28 Janua ry
1949, 1020 MST; and (5) 3 May 1949, 0914 MST (taken from which fluctuate cont inually. On the other hand, most
[10]). Also shown are: (6) Balloon flight shown in Fig. 1 ; and of the methods of determining atmospheric tempera-
(7) Temperature distribution assumed by Pekeris for calcula-
tion of atmospheric oscillations (taken from [14] Pekeris: Proc. tures and pressures cannot be proved free of systematic
roy . Soc.,(A) 158: 653 (1937), by permission of The Royal errors. The rather involved ozone calculations of Gowan
Society). and Penndorf, for example, and Whipple's meteor
theory, contain many uncertainties which cannot be
The increase above 80 km indicated by the dotted resolved without additional information. The most
extension of curve (1), Fig. 8, was drawn so as to have direct measurements are those made by balloons and
the average value of about 260K between 80 and 120 rockets.
km. This average value, indicated at the 100-km level, It would be worth while to compare critically the
is the sole calculated point on which the dotted portion various methods of determining pressures and tempera-
of the curve is based. The heating of this atmospheric tures in the upper atmosphere, at least to point up
level is possibly due to absorption of solar X-radiation systematic differences in the results. At present, accom-
such as that recently discovered in V-2 flights by T. R. plishment of such a comparison is hindered by lack of
Burnight. any single standard. To provide such a standard, data
should be available from a single credible method cover-
Temperatures and Pressures at Extreme Altitudes
ing different times and seasons and a wide range of
Rocket measurements [1, 2, 10] and Cox's sound geographical and solar condit ions.
propagation studies [5] indicate a continually increasing Because of t heir on-the-spot character, rocket meas-

urements appear to hold the greatest promise for de- mixing upon composition of the air should influence
termining conditions in the upper atmosphere. Recent atmospheric temperature-pressure relationships appre-
improvements in technique and the lessons of past ciably, although at present it appears that mixing below
experience indicate that good results should be forth- 80 km is adequate to prevent any significant diffusive
coming in the next few years. With the mobility afforded separation of atmospheric constituents. Heating in the
by the Navy's Norton Sound, the measurements now E-layer of the ionosphere may be caused by an influx
being made at White Sands can be extended to widely of X-radiation from the sun.
separated parts of the world. The three branches of the Even a brief consideration of the complexity of the
Armed Forces are devoting considerable attention to atmosphere serves to emphasize the need for an abun-
this phase of rocket research in the upper atmosphere. dance of accurate data before a truly complete under-
Their efforts should aid materially in solving the tem- standing of the atmosphere can be had. Specifically:
perature-pressure problem, at least for altitudes below 1.) Further flights with balloons to maximum attain-
150 km. A critically comparative survey of the field is able altitudes are highly desirable. Such flights
probably best left in abeyance until more work has should be made over as wide a range of time and
been done both with rockets and with other methods. geographical position as is possible.
A summary of current knowledge about atmospheric 2.) Extensive sound propagation studies in various
temperatures may be found from the N.A.C.A. Tenta- parts of the world, with especial care to eliminate
tive Standard Atmosphere, drawn up in 1947. This errors due to winds, should be made to obtain
curve was shown in Fig. 4 for comparison with Cox's further temperature data.
sound propagation results. At the time it was con- 3.) Rocket pressure-temperature measurements
structed, the tentative standard was intended to be a should be extended to reach different latitudes
rough average of data then available. The wide varia- and to cover the various times of day and year.
tion in temperature data was reflected in the upper and 4.) Whenever possible, the experiments listed above
lower limits provided with the standard curve. Rocket should be conducted at the same time and place,
results and Cox's sound propagation measurements, and the results from the three methods carefully
obtained since issuance of the standard, indicate that compared.
the temperatures should be lowered in the neighborhood 5.) Absorption of terrestrial and solar radiations at
of 55 km to less than 300K. The rocket measurements the various altitudes should be measured in rocket
also reveal quite low temperatures near 80 km, perhaps flights to provide a basis for calculations of at-
as low as 180K. This is in keeping with temperatures mospheric heating. These measurements also
required for formation of noctilucent clouds seen near should cover a wide temporal and geographical
80 km in the higher latitudes. At present, however, the range.
quantity of rocket data is too small, and the question 6.) Rocket and balloon measurements of wind struc-
of temporal, solar, and geographic influences too un- ture in the upper atmosphere are essential.
settled, to warrant changing the standard curve now. 7.) Before the pressure-temperature problem in the
Evidences of high temperatures, on the order of upper atmosphere can be completely solved, at-
IOOOK or more, at severa! hundred kilometers and mospheric composition at the various altitudes
above, were presented in the preceding section. must be determined. It is to be hoped that rocket
The best curves of pressure variation with altitude soundings can aid in this.
are probably those of Figs. 6 and 7, obtained from 8.) Eventually a careful, critica! comparison of the
rocket soundings. various methods of determining atmospheric pres-
The rough sketch in the preceding paragraphs over- sures, temperatures, and densities should be made
simplifies the true picture, as plainly it must, consider- to point up systematic differences, and to "cali-
ing the large number of variables involved. N one of the brate" the different methods, so to speak. With
measurements to date are adequate to pin down small the Norton Sound the Armed Forces may be able
local phenomena which may exist. Mother-of-pearl within the next severa! years to provide enough
clouds, for example, appearing at 22 to 30 km, indicate rocket data to form a standard for comparison.
a region of cooling at the top of the stratosphere. It is N eedless to say, not only the methods discussed
not unlikely that such local temperature variations above, but also others, such as ionospheric and
come and go with time. The double hump shown in the spectroscopic studies, should be included in the
Viking temperature curve of Fig. 8 appears real. Hints comparison.
of such a phenomenon were seen in the reduction of
other rocket data. As pointed out above, the presence of REFERENCES
the two maxima suggests the possibility of two types of
atmospheric heating. Possibly the lower altitude maxi- 1. BEsT, N. R., DuRAND, E., GALE, D. I., and HAVENS, R.
J., "Pressure and Temperature Measurements in the
mum was due to ozone heating primarily, and the upper
Upper Atmosphere." Phys. Rev., 70:985 (1946).
one to oxygen absorption of ultraviolet radiation below 2. BEsT, N. R., HAVENs, R., and LAGow, H., "Pressure and
2000 A. Then again, the phenomenon may be due Temperature of the Atmosphere to 120 km." Phys. Rev.,
simply to mass motions in the air. Certainly wind 71: 915-916 (1947).
structure and tempera ture of the atmosphere are closely 3. BoRNE, G. v. D., "Uber die Schallverbreitung bei Explo-
associated. In particular, the effect of mixing or lack of sionskatastrophen." Phys. Z., 11: 483-488 (1910).

4. BRASEFIELD, C. J., "Exploring the Ozonosphere." Sci. Atmosphere to Which It Leads." Proc. roy. Soc., (A)
Mon., 68: 395-399 (1949). 102:411-437 (1923).
5. Cox, E. F., "Upper Atmosphere Temperatures from Re- 13. MITRA, S. K., The Upper Atmosphere. Calcutta, Royal
mote Sound Measurements." Amer. J. Phys., 16: 465-- Asiatic Society of Bengal, 1948. (See pp. 21-24, 509)
474 (1948). 14. PEKERIS, C. L., "Atmospheric Oscillations." Proc. roy.
6. DucKERT, P., "iJber die Ausbreitung von Explosionswellen Soc., (A) 158: 650-671 (1937).
in der Erdatmosphare." Beitr. Geophys., (Supp.) 1: 236- 15. PENNDORF, R., "Beitriige zum Ozonproblem, Die Rolle des
290 (1931). Ozons im Wiirmehaushalt der" Veroff. geo-
7. GowAN, E. H., "Ozonosphere Temperatures Under Radia- phys. Inst. Univ. Lpz. (2nd ser.), 8: 181-285 (1936).
tion Equilibrium." Proc. roy. Soc., (A) 190: 219-226 16. RATNER, B., Temperature, Pressure, and Relative Humidity
(1947). over the United States and Alaska. Washington, U. S.
8. GuTENBERG, B., "The Velocity of Sound Waves and the Dept. of Commerce, 42 pp., 1945.
17. RossELAND, S., and STEENSHOLT, G., "On the Relative
Temperature in the Stratosphere in Southern Cali-
Intensity of Bands in a Sequence and the Temperature
fornia." Bull. Amer. meteor. Soc., 20: 192-201 (1939).
of the Upper Atmosphere." Univ. Obs., Oslo, Pub. No. 7,
9. --"New Data on the Lower Stratosphere." Bull. Amer.
17 pp. (1933).
meteor. Soc., 30: 62-64 (1949). 18. WEEKES, K., and WrLKEs, M. V., "Atmospheric Oscilla-
10. HAVENS, R. J., KoLL, R. T., and LAGow, H., Pressures and tions and the Resonance Theory." Proc. roy. Soc., (A)
Temperatures in the Earth's Upper Atmosphere. Nav. Res. 192: 80-99 (1947).
Lab. Rep., Washington, D. C., March, 1950. 19. WHIPPLE, F. J. W., "The High Temperature of the Upper
11. --"A New Vacuum Gage." Rev. sci. Instrum., 21: 596-598 Atmosphere as an Explanation of Zones of Audibility."
(1950). N ature, Lond., 111: 187 (1923).
12. LrNDEMANN, F. A., and DoBsoN, G. M. B., "A Theory of 20. WHIPPLE, F. L., "Meteors and the Earth's Upper Atmos-
Meteors, and the Density and Temperature of the Outer phere." Rev. mod. Phys., 15: 246-264 (1943).


The Clarendon Laboratory, Oxford


W ater vapour in the upper air plays an important THE UPPER ATMOSPHERE
part in the dynamics of the atmosphere because (1) it The difficulty of measuring the water-vapour content
is a source of atmospheric energy, (2) its presence af- of the upper air lies in the extremely small amount of
fects the release of energy, (3) it is the origin of all hy- water vapour present, and sometim~s even at moderate
drometeors, and (4) it is the main constituent of the levels the air is too dry to permit measurement of its
lower atmosphere to absorb infrared radiation. In ad- water content with ordinary hygrometers (see Fig. 9).
dition the water-vapour content of the air can be used One cubic metre of saturated air contains only 26 mg
in meteorologica! studies as a natural "tracer" element. of water at a temperature of 220K, 1.6 mg at 200K,
The importance of water vapour as a source of atmos- and 0.3 mg at 190K. Water-vapour densities of the
pheric energy has been discussed by Normand [12], but order of 1 mg m- 3 are found in the stratosphere over
generally when the tempera ture is below about - 20C southern England. Since it is possible to deal with only
the water vapour is not thermodynamically significant. a small fraction of a cubic metre of air, it will be real-
All hydrometeors originate from the condensation of ized how very small an amount of water or ice has to
water vapour in the upper air, but the production of to be measured, and it is for this reason that most of
large amounts of rain or snow requires the larger va- the usual methods of measuring humidity fail when
pour pressures, which occur only at temperatures above used in the upper air.
about -20C. Condensation at lower temperatures than Glueckauf [8] showed that a very thin film of poly-
this may be of importance in inaugurating the colloidal vinyl acetate containing a hygroscopic salt could be
instability of a cloud whereby the liquid cloud droplets used as a very rapid hygrometer. The thickness of his
can fall as snow, but the quantities of water contributed films was about 0.1 JJ.; the films changed their thickness
by the regions of low temperatures will not usually be rapidly with changing relative humidity (with respect
significant. to water). If illuminated by monochromatic light, the
Measurements of the humidity of the free air have thickness of the film could be estimated from the reflec-
been made for many years using, for example, hair or tion coefficient. Unfortunately these films are very del-
goldbeater's skin hygrometers, or wet- and dry-bulb icate, and the method has not come into general use
psychrometers, but these are useful only when the Glueckauf [9] has also obtained humidity measurements
amount of water vapour in the air is large. W e do not at high levels by correcting the hair hygrometer of a
propose to discuss these phenomena, which are already Dines meteorograph for its lag.
well known. Another possible hygrometer involves the use of a
For the remaining processes listed in the first para- Wilson cloud chamber. Air with suitable nuclei is sup-
graph, water vapour is important even if present in plied to the chamber and expansions of increasing ratio
very small amounts, but since there has been no hy- are made until a fog is just formed. The first formation
grometer capable of measuring very small water-vapour of a fog can be detected by the scattering from a strong
pressures, this field of study has received little atten- beam of light passing through the cloud chamber. This
tion. Since 1943 it has been possible, by a simple devel- method has not yet been fully developed, but tests
opment of the well-known dew-point hygrometer, to made by Palmer [13] show that it should be effective
obtain reliable measurements of the water content of down to a frost point of about 210K, below which the
the upper air at all levels which multiseated aircraft fog formed is too thin for convenient observation.
can reach, and a large number of measurements up to A method of measuring the water content of the high
12 or 13 km have been made by the Meteorologica! atmosphere which has some unique advantages is to
Research Flight of the British Meteorologica! Oftice. measure the absorption of the sun's infrared energy by
N o entirely reliable measurements of the distribution water vapour. Because of the very small amount of
of water vapour at levels above about 13 km have yet water vapour in the upper atmosphere it is necessary
been made, but the values obtained by Regener [14] to use the 6.3-JJ. absorption hand of water vapour since,
appear to be very high. 1 The rare mother-of-pearl clouds except for the absorption hand at 2.7 JJ., the bands of
which have been described by Stormer [17] are usually shorter wave lengths have absorptions which are too
formed at about 25 km and appear to be very tenuous small. The 2.7-JJ. hand is confused with a C02 absorp-
water clouds, which would indicate that at times the tion band and cannot be used.
air may be saturated at these levels. The absorption gives information about the total
amount of water vapour above the height of observa-
1. This was written before the results of Barrett, Herndon, tion, and the vapour pressure at various levels must be
and Carter [1] were available. Their results are discussed below. obtained by differences. If these differences can be com-

pared with frost-point hygrometer measurements made polished so that little light is scattered by it. If the de-
at the same time, they should provide a useful check posit is detected by a photoelectric cell, the light scat-
on the infrared absorption data. The method is being tered into the cell by the clean thimble must be kept
developed by G. B. B. M. Sutherland and R. M. Goody as small as possible, so that the additional light scat-
at Cambridge, England. tered by a faint deposit is as large a fraction as possi-
Simon [16] has suggested that enough air to allow ble of the totallight entering the photocell.
accurate analysis could be condensed in a small con- 3. Temperature Control of the Thimble. For the hand-
tainer cooled in liquid hydrogen and carried by a bal- operated hygrometer the thimble has been cooled by
loon to the height at which the sample is to be col- cold petrol (cooled in a surrounding bath of petrol and
lected. This method is now being developed by F. E. solid C02), or by liquid air, forced as a jet against the
Simon and A. J. Peckover at Oxford. hollow underside of the thimble. With suitable design
The dew- or frost-point hygrometer has been found it is easy to control the temperature of the thimble by
satisfactory even at low temperatures. It has the great varying the rate of pumping. An alternative-which is
practica! advantage that it needs only a very simple always used in the automatic hygrometer-is to cool
calibration, since all that is required is the temperature the thimble by conduction to liquid air and to warm it
of the thimble when a thin deposit of hoarfrost is neither by an adjustable heating current.
increasing nor decreasing. At -80C it is necessary to
detect deposit changes of the order of I0-8 grams of
ice, corresponding to a uniform deposit on the thimble
surface of the order of thickness of one atomic diam-
eter. This is not impossible because the ice is deposited
as a large number of small crystals which scatter light
very efficiently, so that changes in the deposit can be
detected by changes in the light which it scatters. This
will be understood, since only I0-10 grams is equivalent
to 1000 crystals each 0.4 J.l. across. With proper instru-
ment design the change in the deposit can be detected
by eye, though the observations are difficult when the
frost points to be measured are below about 200 to
210K. A photoelectric method of estimating the amount
of light scattered by the deposit, though more compli-
cated, is usually preferable.
Three types of instruments have been employed in
Great Britain: (1) an instrument in which the deposit
is observed visually, and the cooling of the thimble
performed manually, (2) an instrument in which the
amount of deposit is indicated photoelectrically, and
FIG. 1.-The frost-point hygrometer. A deposit of dew or
the cooling operated by hand, and (3) an automatic hoarfrost on the top surface of the thimble is illuminated ob-
instrument in which the thimble is held constant at the liquely and observed by eye t hrough a X7 magnification. The
frost point. thimble temperature is controlled by operation of t he pump
and measured by a platinum resista nce wire wound on the
If the instrument is to measure the frost point of thimble skirt. (Reproduced by courtesy of the Royal Society,
very dry air accurately (e.g., frost points down to 190K) , London.)
there are certain conditions which must be observed:
1. Air Supply. A constant source of trouble, when In the automatic hygrometer the scattered light from
measuring very dry air, is the possibility that the air the thimble is received by a photocell or photomulti-
might :r;ick up water vapour from the walls of piping plier. A second photocell or multiplier receives a con-
leading to the hygrometer. In aircraft observations this stant smalllight from the same source which illuminates
error is guarded against by passing a large and rapid the deposit, and the difference of the photocurrents for
current of air through the tubing leading to the hy- the two multipliers is amplified. To avoid hunting, a
grometer. Most of this air passes out of the aircraft differentiating circuit is usually necessary so that the
again and only a small fraction is used in the hygrom- final control of the heating current depends both on
eter. The branch pipe actually leading to the thimble the amount of the deposit and on its rate of growth
is kept very short. (or evaporation).
2. Determination of the Amount of Depogit. As stated One of the difficulties with which an automatic hy-
above, the only way in which it has been found possi- grometer must contend is the very extended range of
ble to observe the very small deposit which is obtained the absolute humidity of the air which it must measure.
with very dry air is to illuminate the surface of the Also, the rate of growth of ice crystals decreases pro-
thimble strongly and measure the light scattered by gressively at temperatures below about 218K, and for
the deposit. The surface of the thimble must be highly practica! purposes crystals do not grow at temperatures

lower than 180K. Thus if the thimble should be cooled at an air temperature of 266K and a frost point of
below this temperature, the ice will form as a glassy 219K. It is characteristic of the frost-point hygrometer
layer which scatters no light. that even low humidities of this kind can be measured
In using the eye-observation hygrometer it is essen- precisely. If the relative humidity were, i:iay, 0.75 per
tial that two thimble temperatures be found, one at cent, this would correspond to an increase in the frost
which the deposit is slowly evaporating and the other point by one degree centigrade to 220K, which could
at which it is growing equally slowly. The mean of the be measured quite readily. A similar relative humidity,
temperatures will be the frost point. Since a deposit 0.65 per cent, has also been observed in the stratosphere
will usually not form on a clean thimble until it is with an air temperature of 225K and a frost point of
cooled to near the dew point, large errors will be made 189K, but this could not be measured so precisely.
if the temperature at which the deposit is first seen is Supersaturation with respect to ice is a relatively fre-
used. The temperature at which the deposit finally quent occurrence, but supersaturation with respect to
evaporates is also of no significance. With photoelectric supercooled water has not been observed.
indication of the amount of deposit, one can adjust Comparison with Radiosonde Measurements. The
the thimble temperature until the deposit indicator is comparison of radiosonde humidity measurements with
steady and then read the thimble temperature, which humidity measurements made by a dew-point hygrom-
gives the frost point directly. eter is difficult because the air is often patchy and any
Figures 1 and 2 show the general design of the types differences may not be instrumental unless the ascents
of hygrometer used in Great Britain [4, 6]. are made at the same time and place. Two ascents have
been made by Brewer and Harrison [5] in which the
aircraft from which the dew-point measurements were
roade circled the ascending radiosonde which had a gold-
beater's-skin hygrometer. The two ascents are shown
plotted as relative humidity against height in Fig. 3.
..... ~'
NO.I '

~ 4r-~~~-------t--~~rl-------1

;~---- -::_::--:>
o 25 50 75 100

FIG. 3.-Comparison of humidities as measured by frost-

point hygrometer (broken curve) and Kew pattern radiosonde
(solid curve). The aircraft from which the frost -point hygrom-
eter measurements were made circled the balloon , which
was operated at reduced lift. (Reproduced by courtesy of the
Physical Society, London.)

FIG. 2.-The frost-point hygrometer with photoelectric de- It will be seen that the radiosonde very greatly smooths
posit indication. A deposit on the top surface of the thimble the curves and in ascent N o. 1 does not show the dry
scatters light which is received by the phototube. The thimble
is at frost point when a small deposit is neither growing nor layer at 2 km where the lowest humidity is 1.0 per cent.
evaporating . (Reproduced by courtesy of the Royal Society, Below 1 km the difference between the radiosonde and
London.) the aircraft hygrometer is due to the presence of broken
cloud layers. The aircraft was flown through the dry
THE RESULTS OF AIRCRAFT ASCENTS air between the clouds, but a balloon tends to become
The measurements which have so far been made entrained in clouds.
show that wide variations of relative humidity occur The Lower Stratosphere. In the ascents which have
in the atmosphere, and any relative humidity between so far been made into the stratosphere (about seventy,
30 and 90 per cent, with respect to ice, is about equally aU in southern England), the frost point generally falls
common. Relative humidities of about 5 per cent are with height in the region of the tropopause, but imme-
relatively frequent, and the lowest which has yet been diately above the tropopause there is an increase in the
observed is 0.65 per cent. This humidity was observed rate of fali, and one or two kilometres above the tropo-

pause the air normally has a frost point of about 190- where it sinks into the troposphere. These processes
200K and a humidity with respect to ice of 2 or 3 per may, of course, occur together in any proportion. What-
cent. The effect is normally striking and consistent. An ever the process, it must be considered in conjunction
ascent is shown in Fig. 5, and a mean curve (due to with the work of Glueckauf and Paneth [10], who found
Shellard [15]) of the results so far available (southern that up to 20 km the proportion of helium in the at-
England) is shown in Fig. 4. mosphere was constant to within 72 per cent (the accu-
racy of their measurements). This suggests that turbu-
lent mixing in the stratosphere is enough to maintain
-75 the composition of stratospheric air constant, at least
up to 20 km, as otherwise the helium concentration
would increase rapidly at high levels. The water-vapour
-25 results, on the other hand, suggest intense stratification.
It seems unlikely that the water-vapour distribution
190" 200" is maintained by the advection of dry air from the
+ 25 equator without the assistance of large-scale but slow
zonal overturning, for it should be noted that the flow
+50 would ha ve to be parallel to the tropopause, and there
+75 seems no obvious reason for this. Also, in the absence
of large-scale vertical motions, turbulence is required
ti OO to maintain the constancy of the helium content, and
on these, and other grounds, the value of K (the diffu-
Fw. 4.-Mean variation of temperature and frost point with sion coefficient) in the lower stratosphere would be ex-
height above and below the tropopause, for southern England. pected to be at least 103 In this case, to maintain the
AU data so far available. (Curve due to H. C. Shellard [15].)
shape of the observed vapour pressure versus height
This effect had been predicted by Jaumotte [11], but profile, it would be necessary for the air to be redried
other workers on the radiation balance of the lower at the equator every twenty or thirty days. Since the
stratosphere had assumed that the stratospheric air potential tempera ture of the air at the equatorial tropo-
would beat or near saturation. The relative importance pause is at least 20C higher than at the tropopause
of water vapour in the radiation balance of the strato- over England, it would be necessary for the air to be
sphere is therefore much less than has usually been cooled by radiation at a rate of one or two degrees
supposed. Dobson [6] has, for example, suggested that centigrade per day during its journey from the equa-
as a result of the small amount of water vapour pres- tor; this rate seems improbably high.
ent, the carbon dioxide and the ozone, which also take A mean zonal overturning in which air entered the
part in the radiation processes, may be equally impor- stratosphere via the equatorial tropopause in a slow
tant and that the radiative equilibrium may be deter- but roughly continuous motion would simultaneously
mined by the relative amounts of these gases present. maintain the dryness of the stratosphere and would
If we consider the water vapour as a "tracer," it is prevent gravitational settling out of the helium. An
difficult to give a satisfactory explanation of the pres- extremely slow circulation would suffice to account for
ence and origin of the extremely dry air of the strato- the observed distribution of helium, and the "water-
sphere. Since the dry air is consistently found with vapour-height" curves would be maintained against
upper winds from all directions, it seems certain that the effects of diffusion (K = 103 ), with a circulation
the effect occurs in all temperate latitudes, and prob- rate such that the mean time taken for the journey
ably in polar regions also. Photolysis of the water from the equator is about six months, and with a mean
vapour at these relatively low levels seems unlikely, for subsidence rate in the stratosphere over England of
if it occurred, the reaction would be well known. If the about 30 m per day. This would require radiative cool-
photolysis occurs at high levels, it is difficult to see why ing of the air in temperate and polar latitudes of 0.3C
the transition to dry air should be as low as 10 or 12 km. per day. On the other hand, zonal overturning does not
The temperature at the equatorial tropopause, which enjoy current favour and on dynamical grounds it is
is the lowest temperature found in the atmosphere, is generally believed to be impossible, except in regions
about 190K and ali the results so far obtained might of zero or negative absolute vorticity. Thus the water-
be explained by assuming that the air is dried there, content observations raise the whole problem of the
the excess water being condensed out at the low tem- origin of the stratosphere, first because radiation con-
peratures. Cwilong [6] has stated that at very low tem- ditions are drastically changed by reducing the avail-
peratures condensation occurs in the form of large ice able radiating water vapour, and second because it
crystals which would fall out easily. seems unlikely that the dryness of the air can be main-
Air which has been dried to a frost point of about tained without significant dynamic movements. If these
190K at the equatorial tropopause can then be brought dynamic movements occur, they will affect the tem-
to the polar or temperate stratosphere either (1) by perature by adiabatic compression or expansion and
ordinary advection parallel to the tropopause, or (2) by the basic assumption of a stratosphere in radiative
a zonal circulation in which air rises at the equator, equilibrium may have to be abandoned. These points
enters the stratosphere, and moves to higher latitudes have been discussed by Brewer [2].
Results of a balloon ascent to 30 km, which included been made, to indicate the usefulness of dew-point ob-
dew- or frost-point measurements, have been given by servations as a technique for dynamic investigation,
Barrett and others [1] and other successful ascents have and to show how the dew-point curve shows features
since been made. They have observed an increase of which are otherwise difficult to identify. At present
humidity mixing ratio with height in the stratosphere only isolated ascents have been made, and no analysis
in the summer and a decrease in the winter. A moist on a synoptic hasis is possible.
layer has also been observed, but only a single layer Subsiding Polar Air, May 3, 1944 (Figs. 5a and 5b).
and not a double layer as reported in their note. This This ascent shows strongly subsiding polar air behind
work will be watched with great interest. a vigorous depression. The surface synoptic situation
On thermodynamic grounds, kinetic energy cannot is shown in Fig. 5b. The convective friction layer of
be released in the atmosphere, except where low tem- moist air extends to about 820 mb, but at 800 mb the
perature is associated with low pressure. In the strato- relative humidity is 5 per cent and cloud development
sphere, therefore, the complex dynamic movements is suppressed by the dryness of the air. The upper air
which occur in the troposphere would not be expected is so dry that there is only about 0.2 mm of precipita-
as the energy for them is not available. The explana- bie water in the whole atmosphere above 800 mb.
tion of the shallow moist layer which Barrett found at
16 km will therefore be of special interest. The differ-
ence between summer and winter rather suggests that
the low temperatures now known to occur in the strato-
sphere over the poles in winter may be a factor in main-
taining the dryness of the stratosphere.
The Tropopause. It was first suggested by Gold that
the air at and immediately below the tropopause would
be substantially saturated. Observations now show that
the actual humidity is highly variable. Its average value
is about 50 per cent. The lowest relative humidity ob-
served at the tropopause is 3 per cent. When high hu-
midities, including supersaturation with respect to ice,
occur, the temperature is usually low enough for dens-
ar persistent condensation trails to be formed by aire
craft. A simple account of the relation between aircraft
condensation trails and the humidity and temperature
of the air has been given by Brewer [3]. When humid-
ity observations are being made, the condensation trails
formed by the aircraft.should always be noted, as they
are a most useful check on the observations. FIG. 5a.-Typical frost-point hygrometer ascent in strongly
subsiding polar air (1600 GMT, May 3, 1944). Ascent made ovei
Low relative humidities at or just below the tropo- northeast England, at approximately 54 N 0W.
pause could be due to a recent sinking movement of
the tropopause, in which the air at the tropopause, and SURFACE CHARTS
possibly in the stratosphere as well, moved downward. Q0-2/10 CLOUD03-5/IO CLOUDqi)6-7/IO CLOUD 4]]) 89IO CLOUD@ 10/10 CLOUD
This process has often been suggested to explain the
low tropopause heights which are found to the rear of
depressions. The low humidities could also be caused
by the incorporation of a substantial volume of strato-
spheric air into the upper troposphere.
It may be mentioned that the reverse process, the
incorporation of moist tropospheric air into the strato-
sphere, must be quite rare over southem England. The
stratosphere air is so very dry that a small admixture
of air from the troposphere would raise its frost point
The Troposphere. In the troposphere the water-
vapour distribution is extraordinarily complex. The
atmosphere can be very moist, very dry, or very vari-
able with intense stratification. The structure of the
water-vapour distribution presumably arises from the
complex dynamic movements which occur in the atmos-
phere, and these are toopoorly understood at present
to permit a clear explanation of any particular observed
distribution. The purpose of this section will be to pre- FIG. 5b.-Sea-level synoptic chart at about 0600 GMT, May
sent a small selection of the ascents which have so far 3, 1944.

Except for the shallow layer at 345 mb ali the air

above 600 mb has a lower humidity mixing ratia than
would correspond to saturation at the tropopause, while
the observations at 345, 700, and 800 mb show that at
these levels the air is only slightly more humid.
If we assume that all the air was saturated and has
muved continuously downward during any recent dy-
namic movements, during which entropy and humidity
mixing ratia have been conserved, we may compute,
for each observation, the level from which the air has
subsided. This is shown in Fig. 5a in which the
temperature-pressure levels from which the air has sub-
sided are shown joined to the corresponding observed
temperatures by isentropic lines. It will be seen that FIG. 6a.-Ascent in an anticyclone, March 18, 1945. Ascent
made over southeastern England at approximately 51 N
there is a sharp discontinuity in the nature of the source 2W.
air mass between 345 and 400 mb, the air above 345
mb presumably being warm air and the air below 345
mb polar air, most of which has subsided strongly. It
should be noted that the demonstration of this feature
depends entirely upon the water-vapour measurements.
The temperature-height curve does not indicate any
significant change in the layer between 345 and 400 mb
or in any other layer.
The thermal stability of the polar air mass from
which the present air mass is derived is to be noted.
This stability may be due to the cooling by radiation
of the lower parts of the subsided polar air, and radia-
tive adjustments of temperature may be the cause of
the smoothness of the temperature-height curve. Al-
ternatively, the air now found at the level of 600 to
800 mb may have originated from relatively farther
north, so that the coldest air has been selected for the
greatest subsidence. On thermodynamic grounds it is
to be expected that the coldest air would subside most
strongly. There is little doubt that all the processes of FIG. 6b.-Sea-level chart a t about OliOO GMT, Mareh 18, 1945.
the atmosphere are not adiabatic, as may be seen from
the observations in the stratosphere. The apparent
source from which the stratospheric air could have been
obtained (by adiabatic compression from saturated air)
is shown in Fig. 5a, but this is a temperature-pressure
relation which is not known to occur in the atmosphere.
The W ater-V apour Structure of an A nticyclone. Dur-
ing March 1945 an anticyclone persisted over Europe,
its central position varying between the limits of south-
ern England and southern France. Several ascents were
made in the northern sector of this anticyclone. All the
ascents showed a very sharp temperature inversion, t he
level of which varied from 900 to 800 mb, though it was
most frequently found near 800 mb, higher than in most
anticyclones. In the region of the inversion, and imme-
diately above it, there was always a relatively dry
layer, but this was usually only about 500 to 1000 m
deep, with moister air above. The depth and dryness of
this shallow layer varied considerably from day to day. '
One ascent (March 21, 1945) which showed this dry WEST
layer very strongly has already been published [6]. As
further examples, two additional ascents (March 18 FIG. 6c.- Contour chart from 500 mb at 0600 GMT, March
and March 20, 1945) are shown in Figs. 6 and 7 to- 18, 1945. Contour heights are given in feet and tcmperatures
in degrees Fahrenheit. Figures in circles are wind speed in
gether with the corresponding sea-level and 500-mb knots. Broken curves show isopleths of thickness of the layer
charts. On M arch 18th the dry layer at the inversion 750-500 mb .

was shallow and weak and the air above was quite dry,
particularly at 550 to 600 mb, where the frost-point
depression was 32C. On March 20th, the dry layer at
the inversion was well marked and it was accentuated
by the moistness of the air above. If the surface synop-
tic charts are compared, the ascent of the 18th is seen
to have been made in a weak warm sector with falling
barometer, while the ascent of the 20th was made in a
ridge. This would seem to contradict the relative dry-
ness of t he upper air on the 18th. On the 500-mb
charts, however, the position is reversed. The dry air
observed on the 18th between 700 and 500 mb is seen
to be in an upper-air ridge, while the moister air of the
FIG. 7a.-Ascentinananticyclone, March20, 1945. Ascent made
over southern England at approximately 51 N 2W. 20th is in an upper-air trough.
Figures lOa and lOb give another example of an as-
cent in an anticyclone.
Intrusion of Moist Air Tongues into Dry The
ascent of June 7, 1943 (Fig. 8a with the surface synop-
tic chart Fig. 8b) was made in a ridge in advance of a
weak frontal system which is shown on the charts as
having a double structure. The nature of the frost-point

FIG. 7b.-Sea -level chart at about 0600 GMT, March 20, 1945. FIG. Sa.-Ascent showing moist air tongue intruding into
dry a ir, 1200 GMT, June 7, 1943. Ascent made over southern
England at approximately 51 N 2W.

FIG. 7c.- Contour chart for.500 mb at about 0600 GMT,

March 20, 1945. Contour heights are given in feet and tempera-
ture in degrees Fahrenheit. Figures in circles are wind speed
in knots. Broken curves show isopleths of thickness of the FIG. Sb.- Sea-level synoptic chart for approximately 0600
layer 75(}-500 mb. GMT, June 7, 1943.

curve is to be noted. At 600 mb, within one or two The dry air could have originated from saturated air
kilometres of the leading edge of a sheet of frontal by adiabatic compression from a level of 350 mb at
altocumulus, the air was supersaturated with respect 212K. If water vapour had diffused into the layer then
to ice, the observed supersaturation being confirmed its origin would be higher and colder. It is possible that
by the formation of persistent condensation trails by the air had originated from within the stratosphere and
the aircraft. At the same level, but 10 or 20 km from that the additional water vapour required, 18 mg m-3 ,
the cloud sheet, the air was dry with a frost-point de- had diffused into it. It would then be necessary for the
pression of about 22C and a relative humidity of about air to have cooled by radiation to its present potential
13 per cent, substantially on the smooth curve of the temperature.
environment. The supersaturation with respect to ice Small-Scale Temperature and Humidity Patterns in
at 450 mb is also to be noted. Free A ir. Frith [7], using a frost-point hygrometer, has
V ery Low Relative Humidities. Air of relative humid- made careful investigations of the detailed temperature
ity as low as 1 per cent is occasionally found over south- and humidity structure in the free air both in a hori-
ern England in ordinary subsiding polar maritime air, zontal and in a vertical plane. In a horizontal plane he
but the lowest relative humidity we have observed, finds evidence for the existence of closed temperature
0.65 per cent, was at 800 mb on January 17, 1946, in and humidity patterns on a scale of tens of miles and
air which was an outfiow from a strong continental some similarity between the temperature and humidity
winter anticyclone (Figs. 9a and 9b). On that day the isopleths; low frost points tend to be associated with
general structure of the overrunning moist air was high air temperature and vice versa. While the temper-
shown by ali the radiosonde ascents in southern Eng- ature variations are normally only of the order of one
land, though the details vary. The moist air is of Med- degree centigrade, the frost-point variations may be up
iterranean origin. to 15C.
Similarly, in the vertical plane, when strong strati-

FIG. 9a.- Very dry air in a continental winter anticyclone,

1400 GMT, January 17, 1946. Ascent made over southern
England at approximately 51 N zow. FIG. lOa.-Variation of observed conditions with position.
Observations during ascent and descent showing changes,
1400 GMT, July 30, 1947. Ascent over southern England at
approximat ely 51 N 1W. (By R. Frith.)

FIG. 9b.- Sea-level synoptic chart for approximately 0600 GMT, FIG. 10b.- Sea-level synoptic chart for approximately 0600
January 17, 1946. GMT, July 30, 1947.
fication of the water content is observed, the tempera- permission of the Physical Society, London. The synop-
ture variations from a smooth temperature-height curve tic charts are reproduced from the appropriate British
are only about Ho or Ho of the variations shown in Daily Weather Reports by permission of the Controller
the frost-point-height curve. As in the horizontal plane, of His Britannic Majesty's Stationery Office and the
low frost points tend to be associated with relatively Director of the Meteorologica! Office. British Crown
high air temperatures. Copyright is reserved.
It is the writers' experience that the atmosphere is
extremely variable in this respect; the structure is REFERENCES
sometimes relatively simple but sometimes very com- 1. BARRETT, E. W., HERNDON, L. R., JR., and CARTER, H. J.,
plex. Figure 10, for July 30, 1947, shows measurements "A Prelirninary Note on the Measurernent of Water-
on both ascent and descent through a dry layer. As Vapor Content in the Middle Stratosphere." J. Meteor.,
might be expected, the height and detailed structures 6: 367-368 (1949).
change between ascent and descent, there being a dif- 2. BREWER, A. W., "Evidence for a World Circulation Pro-
ference in both the time and place. vided by the Measurernents of Heliurn and Water Vapour
Distribution in the Stratosphere." Quart. J. R. meteor.
Soc., 75:351-363 (1949).
FUTURE WORK 3. - - "Condensation Trails." Weather, 1:34-40 (1946).
4. - - CwiLONG, B., and DoBsoN, G. M. B., "Measurernent
Only data collected by the Meteorologica! Research
of Absolute Hurnidity in Extrernely Dry Air." Proc.
Flight and by Barrett and collaborators are at present phys. Soc. Lond., 60: 52-70 (1948).
available, and only a very few ascents with accurate 5. BREWER, A. W., and HARRISON, D. N., Direct Comparison
humidity measurements have yet been published. of Aircraft and Radiosonde Temperature and Humidity
Experience in England has shown that almost every Measurements. Meteor. Res. Corn. Paper No. 205, Air
ascent is of great interest, and features are frequently Ministry, London, 1944.
observed which ani difficult to explain. There is an ur- 6. DoBsoN, G. M. B., BREWER, A. W., and CwrLONG, B.,
gent need for more observations in every part of the "Meteorology of the Lower Stratosphere." Proc. roy.
world in all types of weather and particularly on a Soc., (A) 185: 144-175 (1946).
synoptic hasis, mainly to permit a systematic study of 7. FRITH, R., Small Scale Temperature and Humidity Patterns
the widespread and fundamental phenomena of subsi- in the Free Air. Meteor. Res. Corn. Paper No. 402,
Air Ministry, London, 1948.
dence. The structure of anticyclones, both warm anti-
8. GLUECKAUF, E., "Investigations on Absorption Hygrorn-
cyclones and also winter continental anticyclones such eters at Low Ternperatures." Proc. phys. Soc. Lond.,
as the Siberian High, will prove of interest. The higher 59: 344-365 (1947).
tropopauses which occur in warm anticyclones have not 9. - - "Notes on Upper Air Hygrornetry. Part Il: On the
yet been investigated in England because they are be- Hurnidity in the Stratosphere." Quart. J. R. meteor. Soc.,
yond the ceiling of the Mosquito aircraft used. The 71: 110-114 (1945).
scope for the useful collection of observational data is 10. - - and PANETH, F. A., "The Heliurn Content of Atrnos-
believed tobe world wide. Meteorologists will also have pheric Air." Proc. roy. Soc., (A) 185: 89-98 (1946).
to learn to use and appreciate the data. 11. JAUMOTTE, J., "Transforrnations therrnodynarniques de la
On the instrumental side the eye instrument is very stratosphere et nuages nacres." Inst. R. meteor. Belg.,
Mem., Vol. 5 (1936).
satisfactory as a reliable instrument which will get re-
12. NoRMAND, C., "Energy in the Atrnosphere." Quart. J. R.
sults, but the observational skill required will inevita- meteor. Soc., 72: 145-167 (1946). (See articles by sarne
bly restrict its use. A fully automatic hygrometer for author in earlier papers)
widespread use is urgently needed, but the develop- 13. PALMER, H. P., The Wilson Cloud Chamber as a Hygrometer.
ment of such an instrument is a difficult problem and Meteor. Res. Corn. Paper No. 499, Air Ministry, London,
will not easily be solved. It is also hoped that alterna- 1949.
tive methods, such as the spectroscopic method, or the 14. REGENER, E., "Aufbau und Zusarnrnensetzung der Strato-
method of Simon and Peckover, will be pursued. sphare." Dtsch. Akad. Luftfahrtforsch., SS. 7-48 (1940).
15. SHELLARD, H. C., Humidity of the Lower Stratosphere-The
We are greatly indebted to the Director of the Results of High Level Ascents by Aircraft of the Meteor-
ologica! Research Flight. Meteor. Res. Corn. Paper No.
British Meteorologica! Office for permission to repro-
486, Air Ministry, London, 1949.
duce unpublished data obtained by the Meteorologica! 16. SrMoN, F. E., "A New Method of Sarnpling the Upper
Research Flight of the Office. Figures 1 and 2 are re- Atrnosphere." Nature, 164: 179 (1949).
produced from the Proceedings of the Royal Society by 17. STRMER, C., "Mother-of-Pearl Clouds." Weather, 3: 13-18
permission of the Council. Figure 3 is reproduced by (1948).
Geophysics Research Division of the Air Force Cambridge Research Center

FUNDAMENTALS OF THE THEORY OF The symbols in equation (1) are explained in Table I.
1. General Remarks. The kinetic theory of gases de-
fines diffusion as the average motion of selected mole- The subscript s denotes one constituent of the mixture
for a binary mixture, s = 1 and 2. The rectangular coordinate~
cules relative to other molecules. The physical units of x, y, and zare oriented so that zis positive towards the zenith.
diffusion are number per square centimeter per second, The unit vectors i, j, and k are in the directions x, y, and z.
that is, diffusion velocity times number of selected
Constituent gases
molecules per cubic centimeter. Diffusion depends on
the composition of the gaseous mixture. A classical c, = c,xi + c.,yj + c"k = vector of mean molecular motion
n, = number of molecules per cma
model considers two sets of molecules of different mass, m, = mass of the molecule
effective diameter, and velocity distribution. The theory p, = hydrostatic partial pressure
F, = externa! acceleration acting on the molecules
of diffusion results in complicated equations, even in dT = coefficient of thermal diffusion
the simple case of binary mixtures in a closed system d,. = coefficien t of self-diffusion
when the physical state is well defined.
Pure, dry air is more complex than a binary mixture. Gaseous mixture
Water (vapor, liquid, solid) and particulate matter d 12 = d21 = coefficient of mutual diffusion
(nuclei, smoke, dust) complicate the composition of the n = ~n, = total number of molecules per cm 3
atmosphere. The atmosphere is nota closed system and (Loschmidt's number)
= 2.705 X 10 19 at NTP
the physical state beyond the scope of soundings is NTP = normal temperature and pressure
uncertain in many respects [35]. Sources 1 and sinks 2 of p = hydrostatic pressure; normal pressure = 1013 mb
1' = absolute tempera ture; normal tempera ture = 273K
constituents must be considered. Large- and small-scale v, = n . /n = number concentration
atmospheric motions produce eddy diffusion. m = fv,m, = mass of a fictitious average molecule
Diffusion equilibrium results when molecular and p = nm = density of the mixture
eddy diffusion balance the effects of forces acting on p., = (m . - m)/m = relative weight factor
the molecules or the effects of sources and sinks so that k = 1.372 X 10-16 ergs per degree = Boltzmann's constant
the composition is a steady function of height or of
height and the horizontal coordinates. Time variations Fundamental equations are Dalton's law:
of composition result from variations of the physical
state-especially of motion and turbulence-and from P = Ls
Ps' (2)
intensity variations of sources and sinks of certain
constituents. and the equation of state:
Because of the scarcity of direct observations, the Ps = n,kT or p = nkT. (3)
problems of diffusion in the upper atmosphere were
developed theoretically and on the hasis of conjecture. Equation (1) shows that the vector of diffusion veloc-
In this article, the author has tried to point out the ity c1 - c2 has four constituents,
inadequacies of the field by thoroughly outlining the
assumptions necessary for a mathematical analysis of C1 - C2 = Ca + Cp + CF + CT ,
atmospheric diffusion. In general, applications of the where ca is ordinary diffusion velocity,
theory must be confined to the lowest 200 km. Future Cp is pressure diffusion velocity,
work will be more promising when theoretical research cF is forced diffusion velocity,
can be supported by more and better observations cT is thermal diffusion velocity.
from the stratosphere and ionosphere.
2. Molecular Diffusion. The study of nonuniform Experiments are usually based on ordinary diffusion
gases by Chapman and Cowling [4] resulted in the due to initial nonuniform composition in a closed sys-
following general equation of diffusion velocity in a tem, V'v, ~ O, when Cp , cF , and cT are neglected. In
binary gas mixture: the atmosphere, pressure diffusion (an indirect effect
of gravity since the direct effect of gravitational acceler-
c1- c2 = -dtz {\7111 - C.u1 - .u2)V' In p
ation on all molecules is the same) must be considered;
1/j 112 Cp is due to the gradient of In p set up by gravity and/or

+ mlm2 (Fl- F2)} -dT V' In r. rotation in compressible media. The most important
example of forced diffusion is the effect of electric
mkT v1v2

1. Gas and particle production of the lithosphere and hydro-

fields on the motion of ionized gases. Thermal diffusion
sphere, volcanic activity, photochemical reactions, industrial results when different parts of the mixture are main-
oroces;;es, etc. tained at different temperatures; however, the degree
2. Outflow oflight gases into space, condensation, sedimen- of separation produced by cT is small; experience has
tation, coagulation, recombination. etc. proven that dT/d 12 ~ 0.1 and decreases when ndn1

decreases. Thus, cT can be disregarded in the atmosphere quantity v. is a small variable number, O < v. << 1;
in view of the smallness of V ln T. f.l.s is a constant for each gas, and d.N, is defined by
Table II shows experimental d12 -values when one gas equation (4). Table III lists the molecular properties of
diffuses into pure air. Observations of d12 are difficult N2 and other gases of the atmosphere. The relatively
and are liable to experimental errors; this fact explains small differences between corresponding values of Tables
the discrepancies between the findings by different II and III justify the foregoing assumptions at NTP.
authors. However, they must become dubious at levels above
approximately 200 km.
TABLE Il. 0BSERVED DIFFUSION COEFFICIENTS 3. Eddy Diffusion. In consequence of the assumptions
(According to Chaprnan and Cowling [4]) referred to in Section 2, the diffusion velocity of a gas
Gaseous Mixture d" atNTP in the atmosphere equals Cs - CN, when diffusion itself
(cm' sec 1) = n.(c. - CN,) = n.c. - nscN, . In order to measure
H 2-air 0.616
diffusion onan absolute scale, the term nscN, = v.nN,cN,
o,-air 0.178 or the mean motion of the medium of diffusion must be
CO,-air 0.138 investigated. For convenience, we express cN, by the
instantaneous wind vector V 1 which is a function of
Theoretically, dr2 does not vary with the proportions space and time.
of a binary mixture. There exist only approximate The motion of the atmosphere is turbulent; irregu-
expressions for dr 2 , the degree of approximation being lar, random movements are superposed on the regular
determined by the assumptions of the nature of molecu- or representative flow V such that
lar encounters. For atmospheric diffusion, it is sufficient
to study the model of rigid, elastic, spherical molecules
Vt =V+ V. (5)
of effective diameter u . Then, the kinetic theory results The vector V is an average with respect to time as
ln denoted by the bar:

(4) V= Vt, v =o. (6)

When Vv. ~ Oin an eddying medium, turbulent fiuctua-
where 1r = 3.14159 .... Equation (4) fails when air is tions of v. are created such that
one constituent of the binary mixture under considera-
tion, since air itself is a mixture. It is a favorable
(vs) t = Ps + Vs ; v. o. (7)
circumstance that nitrogen dominates in the atmos- If turbulent fluctuations of nN, are neglected,
phere, and that molecular nitrogen, N 2 , abounds ap-
proximately up to 200 km above sea level. For the
sake of clarity, atmospheric diffusion is defined as the
motion of relatively small numbers of different gas
molecules in the medium of an N 2-atmosphere. Only Let the eddy diffusion-velocity be defined by
then can the laws of mutual diffusion be applied to the
atmosphere, that is, the diffusion of different gases can
be studied separately.
C. = -
v.v. (9)

Consequently, v. ~ n./nN, = concentration by vol-

In order to separate the properties of the wind from the
ume, f.l.s ~ (m, - mN,)/mN, , and d12 = dsN, . The
properties of the v.-distribution, a radius vector i is
TABLE III. MOLECULAR PROPERTIES A:\'D DIFFUSION introduced which is assumed to be independent of the

d,N, at NTP
(cm 2 seci)
v8 = - I Vv 8 , (10)
(relative) 1
Ils l (f 8 X lO~cm
d,N 2/d Then,


(4) Observed 1
-:-----;: 1 -:-----;:

1 = VlVv., or C. = -- VlVv., (11)

H, 1 2.015 1 -0.93 2.5 0.67 0.67 3.7 Ps
He 4.00 -0.86 2.0 0.59 - 3.3
N 14.0 -0.50 1.4 0.45 - 2.5

o 1 l(.()
-0.43 1.2 0.47 - 2.6 where is the coefficient of eddy diffusion. Its com-
H,O 18.0 1
-0.36 3.5 0.21 0.20 1.2 ponents are
Ne 20.2 1 -0.28 2.6 0.26 - 1.4
N, 28.02 0.000 3.5 0.18 - 1
o, 32.0
0.14 3.3 0.19 0.18 1.1 CVi) (Ii) == Dx, (12)
A 3U.D ! 0.42 3.2 0.18 - 1.0
ca, 44.o i 0.57 4.0 0.14 0.14 0.8 == Dy, (13)

CVj) (Ij)
o" -l~s.o O. 71 4.0 1
0.14 - 0.8
Kr 82.\J
1.96 3.4 0.15 - 0.8
Xe 130.2 1
3.61 3.8 1
0.13 - 0.7 (Vk) (Ik) == D, == D. (14)
*Mass of the molecules = m, X 1.66 X w- 24 g; u, and ob- The units of Dx, Du, and D are cm 2 sec- 1 = length
served dsNz values were averaged from tables in [4] and [15].
It is assumed that uo 3 = uco,. The coefficient of self-dif-
times velocity, the same as d.,Nz and d.
fusion dN ,N 2 = 0.18 is taken as the atmospheric standard co- Let "A and be lengths and velocities such that the
"fficient d in the ratio il., = dsN/d. product "J-.. equals a given diffusion coefficient. In mol~c-

ular diffusion, Xd and Sd correspond to the mean free interval required for the definition of representative
path and the average velocity of molecular motions. values of wind and concent.ration " .
ln eddy diffusion, Xn is a length fixing the scale of 4. The Equation of Atmospheric Diffusion. Let us
turbulent displacements (mixing length), and !n is a define an atmospheric gas as "permanent" when there
velocity fixing the speed of turbulent mot.ions. are no sources or sinks, as "neutra!" when gravity is
The differences bet.ween molecular and eddy diffusion the only force acting on the molecules, and "at rest"
are more obvious in terms of X and t.han in terms of when the vertical pressure distribution follows from
d and D. The quantity ~ corresponds to the interna! the hydrostatic equation, ap,j az = -n,m,g. Let molecu-
energy or beat of a gas, while the energy for maintaining lar nitrogen, as the medium of atmospheric diffusion,
rt will be taken from externa) sources, such as the be a permanent, neutra! gas at rest. Then, in equation
potential energy of the horizontal pressure distribution. (1),FN 2 = -gk and cN.-k = kV = O. However,
The term Xd is a unique function of the density of the kY~O.
atmosphere when Xn depends on geometrica! conditions Other gases may be nonpermanent and ionized. The
like distances from bounding surfaces; the vertical mix- most important assumption is " 1. Then, the density
ing length is also affected by the vertical thermal distribution in the N2-atmosphere is not. affected by
stratification. the processes of diffusion and turbulence: "N 2 ~ 1,
The value of D can equal that of d when Xd/ Xn = nN 2 ~ n, mN 2 ~ m, J.I.N 2 ~ O. Since diffusion equals
sn/sd ; however. this ratio is never unity. Differences diffusion-velocity times the number of diffusing mole-
between the mechanisms of diffusion are emphasized cules per cubic centimeter, the equation of atmospheric
when time terms (X/) and acceleration terms (2/X) are diffusion follows from (1), (8), and (9),
studied. Reasonable conditions-suc h as Xd,n < z, Xn/ sn
< 1 day, and r;; xD < g When g = gravity-narrOW a n,c, = n,(cd + Cp + c,. + C, + V)
priori the variability of D-values. The diffusion dia- (15)
gram, Fig. 1, summarizes our present knowledge of = ai + ~j + 'Yk,
when Cr is neglected and
Cd = -d,N 2 (''Vv,)/v,, (16)

Cp d,N 2 JJ.,"V1np, (17)

c, = -d,N2 m,(F,- gk) j kT - -d,N 2 m,f,j kT, (18)

c. = -Vl(vv.)/ v,. (19)

Let us define as an auxiliary parameter

Q. = (20)
(d,N. + Vl)
- 1-10 KM FOR ORDINARY T URBULENCE 0-1 KM With the aid of (15)-(20), the fundamental equation
0 0 1- 10 KM FOR CUM ULUS CO NVECTION +++ 25 - 35 KM of atmospheric diffusion becomes
. 10 - 25 , 35-45 ANO BO - 100 K M

FIG. 1.-Diffusion diagram. Each point of the X, 1 plane

determines a diffusion coefficient (cm 2 sec- 1 ). In molecular
diffusion, X = free path and 1 = mean molecular speed; d = +nv,V.
XI is fixed by the density and temperature of the atmos-
phere ; consequently, the height variat ion of d is marked by a
curve . In eddy diffusion, X = mixing length and 1 = mixing The equation of continuity is
velocity; owing to the variability of these elements, D = XI

_V. (n,C,) = _ (aa

and its variation with height are denoted by characteristic
areas when the possible variability of D is narrowed by the
consideration of limiting values of eddy accelerations (1 2/ X)
an. = + a~ + d'Y). (22)
at ax ay az
and time terms (A/1).
Steady states or diffusion equilibriums are defined by
molecular and vertical eddy-diffusion coefficients in the an./ at = O, unsteady states by an./ at ~ O.
atmosphere. Values of D above 1.5 km and values of d In the upper atmosphere, diffusion acts mainly in the
above 100 km are not very reliable. Inasmuch as
vertical. Under the assumption that n,c, = 'Yk, av,/ ax =
temperature and density are known, d,N' 2 is a unique
av,jay = O, f, = j,k, a In pj az = -mg/ kT,and kV =
function of height. However, D will vary with height,
weather, season, and . Iatitude. Inasmuch as D is a O, when V k ~ O, equation (21) yields a differential
statistica! parameter, it will depend on the averaging equation for v. where height is the independent variable
process when Xn/ sn is a measure of the minimum time and the coefficients of the equation are fixed by molecu-

Iar and eddy diffusion and the forces acting on the s- 10-5 < a; < 10-2 cm attain a rate of descent
c; = -ga~(p; - p)/9JL, (28)
v,Q.(JL,gm + m.J,) + Qy =0 (23) according to Stokes' law, where p; = density of the
kT ndsN 2 ' partiele and IL = dynamic viscosity of the atmosphere =
0.00017 g cm-1 sec-1 at T = 273K.
when The equation of particle diffusion in a turbulent
atmosphere becomes
n;c; = -n;c;k + n;C; + n;V, (29)
and equation (22) is reduced to where C; is defined by (11) when v, = 11; = n;/nN, =
Permanent gases are characterized by 'Yo = O in both 6. The General Solution. One of the possible causes
steady and unsteady states; unsteady states are caused of forced diffusion is electromagnetic fields. The heat
by time variations of T, Q., and/or j . Sources and transfer in gases-which is very similar to the process
sinks of nonpermanent gases can be external when of diffusion-is perceptibly affected at NTP by electric
matter enters one and leaves the other boundary of the fields greater than 104 v cm-r, as was shown experi-
atmosphere (or of the layer under consideration), and mentally by Senftleben and Gladisch [34); the effect
internal when production and destruction of matter becomes less intense when pressure decreases. The mag-
(as measured by q<+> and q\-J) are height functions in nitude of electric fields in the upper atmosphere nor-
the layer under consideration. In steady states of non- mally is smaller than the value given above when
permanent gases with externa! sources and sinks, ionospheric layers are electrically neutra!. The possible
influence of the earth's magnetic field on the diffusion
'Y = 'Yo = const ~ O, (26) of ions was found to be dubious by Ferraro [10). Thus,
we assume j. = O in the following computations, based
where 'Yo measures the strength of the continuous on equation (23).
externa! source which equals the negative sti'ength of The linear differential equation
the corresponding sink. In steady states of nonper-
manent gases with interna! sources and sinks, which ~~ + yfj>(x) + if;(x) = O (30)
are independent of x and y,
has the solution
- O'Y
+ q<+> + q<-> = O,

or diffusion balances the effects of internat production when Yo = const.

and destruction. Unsteady states of nonpermanent gases W e define the scale height (height of the homogene-
result, mainly, from time variations of 'Yo , q<+>, and ous atmosphere) as
q\-J. Complications arise when the production of matter H = kTo/mgo. (32)
influences the physical state of the atmosphere (temper-
When N 2 is the medium of atmospheric diffusion, m =
ature, motion, turbulence), and when the ejection from
mN, = 28.02 X 1.66 X 10-24 g. Normally, the scale
sources causes an initial movement of matter, as in case
height is expressed in terms of mo , the average molecu-
of eruptions or explosions. Further details will be dis-
lar weight of pure dry air (mo/mN, = 1.033). In the
cussed in Section 12.
following computations, the value of H = 8 km is
Atmospheric diffusion can also be studied in connec-
tion with the motion and distribution of particles (dust, used.
When 'Y = 'Yo , that is, when interna! sources and
nuclei, droplets, etc.). Let a; be the diameter and n; the
sinks do not exist between O and z, the solution of (23)
number of particles per cubic centimeter. The kinetic
with the aid of (31) and (32) is
theory represented by equation (4) fails in defining a
coefficient of particle diffusion when a; is large in com-
parison with flN, ~ 10-8 cm. There will bea Brownian 11, = llso exp ( -jj [ ~~ Q. dz)
movement of such particles, which becomes less intense
as the size of the particles increases. When a; is large in
comparison with the free path of nitrogen molecules
[ 1 - ')'o
Q, exp (11-'
sN 2
-T Q. dz ) dz .

(10- 5 cm at NTP), the integrated effect of the continu-

If T = To and g = IJo throughout the layer under
ous action of numerous collisions with the molecules of
the atmosphere is called the viscosity. If gravity is the
consideration,a then f/>N = const in equation (30), and
only force acting on the particles, the motion reduces to 3. Some investigators may prefer to omit the assumption
a simple fali in a hypothetical atmosphere without wind g = g0 by measuring the vertical scale in dynamic meters rather
and turbulence. For instance, spherical particles with than in geometric meters.

equation (33) becomes pressure distribution can readily be found. In case (i)

v. = v, 0 1f exp ( -H
J.t" 1" Q. dz) -
H 'Yod sN 2
P = Po exp ( - _!
[" gTo dz)
O goT

or, if T = To and g = go
P = Po exp ( -z/H). (39)

In steady states, the height variation of the number If av./ az = o, the vertical diffusion velocity as defined
concentration of a gas without interna! sources in a by equations (15)-(19) becomes
nitrogen atmosphere depends on the ground concentra-
a In P
tion v, 0 , the relative weight factor J.ts , the scale height
H, the molecular diffusion coefficient d,N 2 , the eddy
C8 = C,k = J.ts dsN 2 ----az (40)
diffusion (in the ratio Q,), and the intensity of con-
tinuous externa! sources and sinks 'Yo Height varia- or, if T = To and g = go,
tions of temperature and gravity are of secondary J.l,s n dsv 2 z/H
importance. The general solutions given above can read- c, =-- ~~e (41)
ily be specialized, as was shown by Lettau [21].
H ne '
6. The Border Cases of Maximum Mixture and Maxi- when C, is undetermined.
mum Separation. A permanent gas constituent is de-
Sin ce ndsN ,/n 0 = (dsN 2 ) 0 = const, c, is inversely pro-
fined by 'Yo = O. Then, two extreme cases of equation portional to P / Po . Values are given in Table IV in
(33) exist: which the height variation of c, is expressed by the
(i) The state of maximum mixture, varying velocity units. These motions must be thought
(35) of as compensated by an unlimited degree of vertical
Q, = O or D = oo; v. = Pso = const.
turbulence such that v, = v,o .
(ii) The state of maximum separation or the Dalton
atmosphere, OF MAXIMUM MrxTURE (H = 8 km, g = go, T = T 0 )

Q, = 1 or D =O; z
H, He o o, A Velocity units

1" gTo
goT d)
(36) - - ---- - - - - - ~~-

Ps = Pso exp ( J.ts

-li o z ' o 25 20 8 -1 -3 cm yr- 1
40 99 81 32 -4 -12 cm day- 1
80 10 8 3 -0.4 -1.2 ' cm min- 1
120 25 20 8 -1 -3 cm sec- 1
200 6 5 2 -0.2 -0.7 km scc- 1
if T = To and g = go. * Positive when directed upward

Different investigators have described these cases by The magnitude of c, in Table IV shows that, at and
different terms. For instance, case (i) was called "turbu- above 200 km, the state of maximum mixture will not be
lent mixture" by Bartels [2], "state of convection" by realized.
Gtz [12], and "adiabatic equilibrium" by Mitra [26];
In a Dalton atmosphere, that is, case (ii), the pres-
case (ii) was called "gravity equilibrium" by Maris sure distribution is readily expressed by P as defined by
(40) and (41):
[24], "separation" by Penndorf [28], "atmosphere at
rest" by Hegener [31], and "isothermal equilibrium" by Ps = Pso (P/Po)l+l's, (42)
Mitra [26].
Normally, case (i) was attributed to the lower at- P = L Ps = P L Pso (P/Po)"'. (43)
mosphere. Chapman and Miine [5] introduced the hy-
pothetical "datum level" as the height below which The number concentration of the light constituents
(i) and above which (ii) should be verified. Gi:itz [12] (J.t, < O) must increase, the heavy constituents (J.t, > O)
and Haunvitz [17] remarked that eddy mixing can must decrease with elevation; inasmuch as m mN 2 ,
hardly stop completely at a certain level; there should
be a gradual change from pronounced to slight mixing v.o(P /Po)"'
in the vertical direction. Lettau [21] pointed out that
L Vso(P/Po)"' (44)
molecular diffusion acts everywhere when the effects 8

of eddy diffusion vary with elevation, being nowhere Hann [16] first verified this concept in 1903. Since then,
infinite; in reality O < D < oo or O < Q, < 1; (cf. equa- computations of the composition of the upper atmos-
tion (24)). phere have been carried out repeatedly. Obviously,
Consea_uently, Q. is termed the separation factor. In (44) is deficient with regard to eddy diffusion and the
reality, Q., and aQ,j az will vary with elevation. In the case where 'Yo or a'Y / az diff ers from zero.
border cases (i) and (ii) aQ./az = O; then, the vertical 7. Partial Separation. If 'Yo = O, O < D < oo,

equations (33) and (34) yield the equations of "partial WhenD ~ 108 cm2sec-1 and (39) isusedforcomputing d,
separation" for permanent constituents:
1 > Q > 0.5 if z ~ 160 km. (50)
v, = Vso exp ( -jj { :~ Q, dz) (45) 1 > Q > 0.99 if z ~ 200 km (51)
or, if T = To and g = go, If Q ~ 0.99, there should result, practically, a Dalton

v, = Vso exp ( -jj f Q, dz). (46)

atmosphere. From this point of view, the datum levels
110- 4 PERCENT
For convenience, a general separation factor Q, which BY VOLUME)
5 7.5 10 12.5
is independent of the special gas, is defined as
Q= d + D' (47)

in which d = 0.18(p0/p)(T/T0) 1 is the standard coeffi-

cient of the N2-atmosphere (see Table III). We may
also write (cf. equation (24))

Q= Q.
Os + Q, (1 - Os) '
and Q.
1 - Q(1 - o,)" o 0.1 0.2 0.7 0.8 0.9
The factor Q depends on pressure, temperature, and ( 0/ 0 BY VOLUME)

turbulence as functions of height. With reference to .Fw. 2.-:-~he infiuence of .the separation factor Q on the
[38], 0.78 < T /T0 < 1.25 for O ~ z ~ 100 km; the hmght vanatwn of concentratwn of heavy and light permanent
ga~es. Regener's and Paneth's observations of " 0 , and "H
average T/Tois rather close to unity. If T/To = 1, the (h1ghest levels of analyses are 29 and 25 km, respectively) are
logarithm of d increases proportionally to z. Crude values marked by dots. Helium is nota permanent gas and therefore
of D were estimated from the intensity of the atmos- "H = const when condition (52) is satisfied. The absolute
values and the height variations of the eddy diffusion coef-
pheric circulation and vertical thermal stratification for fici~mt D will be valid f~r teml?erate latitudes since they were
O ~ z ~ 100 km (see Fig. 2). Equation (46) was est1mated from assumptwns w1th regard to the representative
applied for molecular oxygen, argon, and helium. The zonal circulation in temperate latitudes and the sign of ar ;az
(-,O, and + denote lapse, isothermal, and inversional stratifi-
theoretical v.,-variation, as shown in Fig. 2, reflects the cation, respectively) such that strong zonal motion and/or
Q-variation with height. lapse conditions cause large D-values when weak zonal motion
Inasmuch as Q ~ O, the tendency towards separation and/or inversional stratification cause small D-values. Other
facts giving support to the existence of layers of an;az < o
begins at sea level. However, when Q ~ 10- 4 and above approximately 15 and 70 km are discussed in Sections 9
(z2 - z1) ~ 10 km, ali permanentconstitue nt gases show and 14.
that 1 v.1 - v.2 1 /v,1 ~ 0.01 per cent. Therefore, the
concentration of permanent gases is practically constant of 12-50, 100, and 150 km as assumed by Chapman and
throughout the entire troposphere where Q ~ 10-5 , as Miine [5], Mitra [26], and Maris [24], respectively,
follows from Fig. 1. appear to be too low, except possibly for the last one.
Regener [30] showed that v 02 decreases slightly in the Interna! sources and sinks due to photochemical proc-
stratosphere from 15 to 29 km. Lettau [21] and Diitsch esses-which also affect nitrogen above 200 km-
[8] used this fact for computing A = pD between 15 and impair the computation of diffusion effects in the iono-
30 km. Because of the term o..t./[1 - Q(I - <'l,)], the sphere, even though D might be neglected in compari-
percentage separation of helium should be approxi- son with d.
mately 20 times that of molecular oxygen. However, 8. Effects of Sources and Sinks. If 'Y = 'Yo ~ O and
helium is not a permanent constituent. The observed O ~ Q ~ 1, equation (34) describes steady height varia-
helium distribution will be explained in Section 8. When tions of nonpermanent gases with externa! sources and
no helium source and sink would exist, the height sinks. A basic flow enters one boundary of the layer
variation of VHe should follow the dotted line in Fig. 2. under consideration and leaves the other. A highly
The coefficient d increases monotonically with height; interesting special case exists when
increasing temperature can only slightly modify this
trend. Regions above 100 km are subject to turbulence (52)
caused by diurnal heating and cooling and by tidal
effects. However, in contrast to d, the value of D is
Then (34) reduces to
limited. An estimated maximum D-value is approxi-
mately 108 cm2 sec- 1 since sv
and v are unlikely to v, = v.o = const. (53)
exceed 103-10 4 cm sec-1 and 105-10 4 cm, respectively
(see Fig. 1). Thus The concentration is constant when 'Yo/n, 0 equals the
negative velocity of pressure diffusion at sea level (see
Iim Q = 1. (49)
..... 00 equations (17) and (40). P~tersen J29J discussed this

result for a Dalton atmosphere; Lettau [21], for the In a similar manner, the average downward-directed
general case O :;;?; Q :;;?; 1. diffusion of ozone through the troposphere was found
Paneth and Glueckauf [27] showed that vne between tobe approximately 10-9 cm3 03 cm- 2 sec-1 = 4 X 109
15 and 25 km is slightly larger than at the ground. In molecules cm- 2 sec- l ; Diitsch [8] estimated ('Yo) oa as
contrast to the oxygen deficit measured by Regener, the 7.1 X 1010 , 2.6 X 10 9 and 0.4 X 10 9 molecules cm-2
helium surplus is not a systematic height function. It is sec- 1 at latitudes oo, 45, and 80N, respectively.
relatively small, so that on the scales of Fig. 2, vn.- The problem of diffusion equilibrium becomes more
averages for layers of 2.5 km are practically constant. complex when a'Y j az ~ O at certain regions of the lay~r
The ground concentration is (vn.)o = 5.2 X 10-6 The under consideration (cj. equation (27)). Then the mam
assumption that (52) is satisfied yields difficulties arise from the mathematical analysis of the
rate of production q<+! and extinction qH as functi?ns
('Yo/n)n, = - (vne)OIJ.He dneN 2 /H of height. These processes will depend on the physiCal
(54) state of the atmosphere and on solar radiation.
With regard to equations (23) and (27), the classical
or, integrated over the entire earth's surface (5.1 X model of such investigations will be the distribution of
1018 cm 2), ozone. The processes of production and extinction are
3 -1
fairly well known and localized in the lower stratosphere
('Yo/n)n. = 17 m He sec . (55) and at ground level. The requirements that N2. can be
considered the medium of diffusion and that v, JS small
By multiplying (54) with Loschmidt's number (Table are satisfied. Diitsch [8] studied the subject compre-
I), the units of 'Yo are number of molecules per square hensively and found the effects of molecular diffusion
centimeter per second. Helium is discharged from rocks small in comparison with those of eddy diffusion. H_o_w-
which contain uranium or thorium. Gutenberg [14] ever the vertical ozone distribution is not in eqmhb-
discussed the total lithospheric helium production and riu~ that is the main problem is the explanation of
estimated its order of magnitude as 10 m 3 sec-\ which is time 'variatio~s at different heights and latitudes due to
sufficiently close to (55) in order to justify the assump- .
meridional and seasonal d1fferences of q\+! an d q(-) ,
tion that 'Yo ~ "ferit. Consequently, helium cannot eddy diffusion, and general circulation. Consequ_ently,
increase with height, even in the Dalton atmosphere Diitsch 's results will be dealt with in a discusswn of
above 200 km. This would correspond to the absence
three-dimensional diffusion.
of helium lines in the spectra of the aurora and of the
Layers above the stratos?here ~re characteriz~d _by
night sky. Similar conditions will exist for hydrog~n.
the production and destructwn of wns due to ra~1a~10n
The departure into space at the same steady rate w1th and recombination. According to the theory of wmza-
which these lightest gases leave the ground appears
tion, q<+> is a complicated fu<~ft~on of hei~ht and the
consistent with Jeans' theory of escape.
sun's zenith distance when q 1s proportwnal to the
When 'Yo ~ 'Ycrit , equations (33) and (34) must be
square of the number density of io~s. It ~ust be men-
studied. Lettau [21] considered a small avn./az between tioned that the assumptions made m Sectwn 4 do not
15 and 25 km and corrected the result (55) slightly.
hold, especially when N 2 is also ionized; the number
When 'Yo differs considerably from "ferit, the concentra- density of ions can become of the same order as that of
tion will vary, even in layers where Q is very small.
the m~lecules. Therefore, equation (1) rath_er tha_n eq~~)
Examples of such nonpermanent gases are carbon diox-
tion (15) must be considered in connectwn w1th q
ide (produced at the surface over land), ozone (pro- and q<-J and the diffusion coefficient of ionized matter
duced in the lower stratosphere), and atomic oxygen must b~ properly defined. Ferraro [10] found that the
(produced in the upper stratosphere), when the regions effect of molecular diffusion is negligible in the E- and
of production are left outside the layer under considera- F 1-layers, and small and possibly negligible also in the
tion. The concentration decreases with increasing dis- F 2-layer. Similarly, Bagge [ll showed that molecular
tance from the region of production. The intensity of
diffusion may influence the number density of ions above
continuous sources can be computed when av./az is
200 km. The effect of eddy diffusion was not considered;
steady and Q is known. As an example, the G02-observa-
when reference is made to Section 7, it follows that eddy
tions of Glueckauf [11] in Great Britain, v.o = 3.4 X
10- 4 and v. ~ 2.5 X 10- 4 at z ~ 7 km, yield diffusion should be considered in the E-layer and for the
distribution of atomic oxygen around 100 km.
('Yo/n)co 2 ~ - (v, - v,o)D/z Since the diffusion problems of dissociated and ion-
(56) ized gases are highly complex and decisi_ve~y determin~d
~ 5 X 10-6 cm 3 COz cm-2 sec-\ by forced oscillations due to solar radiat1on, they will
for D = 5 X 10 4 cm2 sec-1 and dco 2N 2 D. In all not be studied in this article.
probability, this rate of G02 -diffusion holds for in- 9. Diffusion of Particulate Matter. Let Vi be the
dustrialized areas only. For central Europe, Lettau number concentration of particles and let us consider
[21] derived 10-6 cm3 C02 cm-2 sec- 1 from Wigand's horizontal uniform Vi-distributions. Then diffusion is
observations. A compensating negative flux of carbon in the vertical and in (29)
dioxide will exist in the troposphere over the oceans. niCi = rk. (57)

ln steady states without sources or sinks, r = O; thus, DIFFUSION IN THE VERTICAL-UNSTEADY

C;k = O; when k V = O, CONDITIONS
1 av; 10. The General Equation. In unsteady states,
o= -C;- D- - ,
11; az
V' (n. c.) -;C O in equation (15). For non permanent
gases the equation of continuity yields
11; = 11;0 exp ( - [ TI dz) . (59)
at -__ V'. (n. c. )
an. + q.<+J + q.<-J . (63)
By definition, 11; = n;/nN 2 = n;/n, when
For the solution of (15) with regard to (63), we assume
(60) the gas to be permanent (q~+J = O, q~-J = O), and
(a) the N2-atmosphere tobe steady and at rest when
if T = To and g = go . The number of particles per cubic Ils<< 1,
centimeter therefore is
= anN 2 =o an. av.
n; = n;o exp ( - H1 lz -n-
De+ D dz ) , (61)
at at '
at at '
kV =O, (64)

(b) T = To, and g = go ,

a ln p 1
De== c;H. (62) ----az = - H' n = noe-z/H , (65)

Equation (58) shows that the vertical concentration (c) diffusion tobe vertical,
gradient is everywhere negative. The term ln v; de-
creases in the ratio of De/ D per 8 km. In layers of high n. c. = "(k, V' (n. c.) - az'
a'Y (66)
turbulence, 11; will be practically constant when n;
decreases proportionally to the density of the atmos- (d) gravity to be the only external acceleration,
phere. When aD / az < O, v,
must decrease rapidly
f. = o. (67)
with height. Such effects might be the cause of "dust
horizons." With regard to Fig. 2, one would expect When equations (64)-(67) are considered, the differ-
"dust horizons" at approximately 15 and 70 km, pro- entiation of (23) with respect to z yields
vided dust particles exist in the stratosphere. The
optical phenomena due to scattering of solar radiation
prove the presence of dust in the stratosphere. With
= dsN 2 [ ills
Qs az 2
+ a11, (J.ts Q,
az H
_ a ln
Q)] ' (68)
reference to Gutenberg [14], the duration of civil and
astronomical twilight leads to the assumption of dust or
boundaries at approximately 15 and 60-80 km.
Difficulties arise with regard to the rate of descent of
atmospheric dust particles. Stokes' law, equation (28),
is true for small spheres when Reynolds' number-
defined as Re = a;c,p/ J,t-is smaller than a fixed value. + dsN2 Haz.
av.J,ts (69)
In air at NTP, J.t!P = 0.2 cm2 sec- 1 ; therefore a; must
be smaller than 10-2 cm. More accurate is the formula Let Q. be constant throughout the layer under con-
of Oseen, which is valid also for a; > 10-2 cm. Both of sideration, Q. = Q. Then D is proportional to dsN.,
these aerodynamic formulas fail for nonspherical parti- or D varies with height in the same way as does 1/ p.
des and for values of a; of the order of the free path of Consequently, the product pD (usually called the aus-
air molecules (10- 4 cm at z = 20 km and 10-2 cm at tausch coefficient A) is independent of elevation. We
z = 60 km). Humphreys [18] considered Cunning- introduce a new variable Z,
ham's corrections of Stokes' law as applied to the strato-
spheric conditions. Z _ -z/2H (70)
= e '
As an example, we assume c; = 0.063 cm sec-I ;:::::; such that
50 m day- 1 ;:::::; 20 km yr-I corresponding to a; = 10- 4 cm
when, in equation (28), p; = 2. Such a;- and Pi-values dsN 2 = (dsN 2)oe 1H == (dsN 2)oZ-2 (71)
correspond to volcanic dust particles which can exist
in varying amounts in the stratosphere (see 14). Equa- For steady cases, equation (46) yields
tion (62) then yields De = 5 X 10 4 cm 2 sec-\ which
equals normal D-values in the troposphere when, in the (72)
stratosphere, D is alternately larger and smaller than With the aid of equations (68)-(71),
5 X 10 4 . The study of optical phenomena appears tobe
useful for the discussion of turbulence in the strato-

2 2-
= Hn,oo{1- exp [-(1
(1/;,); p.,Q;)z/H]}. (86)+
a = 4H Qj (d,N 2)o = const, (74) When diffusion (initially characterized by Qi) is Q;;
b = 2p.,Q = const. (75) at t ~ t0 , it follows from (86) that the difference of the
number integrals is a height function:
Equations (68), (69), and (73) prove that the form
(1/;.)i - (1/l.)ii = .t:J.if;,
ov,j at= K*o 2 v,j ai-usually called Fick's equation of
vertical diffusion when K* defines the "diffusion power" = Hn, 00e- 1H[exp ( -p.,Q;z/H) - exp ( -p.,Q;;z/H)].
of the medium-is an inadequate expression of atmos- (87)
pheric diffusion. The differential equation (73) is solved The term .t:J.if;, is zero at z = O and at z = oo; conse-
by Bessel functions, and the solution expresses the quently, .t:J.if;, must have an extreme value at a finite
concentration as a function of z and (t - to) when level, z = z*. The level z* is defined by of:J.if;,/ oz = O.
allowance is roade for the appropriate boundary condi- The differentiation of (87) with respect to z yields
tions of the problem. For example, let Q = Q; at t < to ,
and Q = Q;; at t ~ t0 ; then, according to (72), z* = H + p.,Q;; ,
-) ln 11 + (88)
p."(Q;; - Q; p.,Q;
at t < to, (76) and
when H
l IID (Vso ) iiz21', Q;; , (77) Iim z* = Iim z* = - ln (1 + p.,), (89)
lis = (Q;;-Q;)--+1 c~;;--+1) P.s
( t - to)-+oo Qi -.o
such that the total amount of s-molecules in vertical Iim z* = H. (90)
columns remains constant. (Q;;-Q;)--+0
11. The Time Required for Establishing Equilibrium. By definition, n, = oif;,/oz; therefore, z* is the level
The "transition period" is the time needed to transform where (n,); = (n,);; or (v,); = (v,);; ; that is, where the
state (76) into (77). The special tran~ormation, where initial v,-curve intersects the final v,-curve (compare
Q; = O (maximum mixture) and Q;; = 1 (Dalton equations (76) and (77) and, as an illustration, Fig. 3).
atmosphere), was studied by Epstein [9] in terms of
Bessel functions, and by Maris [24] and Mitra and 10 o
Raksit [26] with the aid of numerica! and graphical ns -
nsoo =(l+fLsO)e
integrations. Lettau [21] derived (68) and (73) in the
forms given above, which allow us to discuss more 1
fLs =- 0.86
40 1
general cases where (HELIUM) 'i ARGON
(78) o .:: 30

Since the gas is permanent, the total amount of s-

f- >-
molecules in vertical columns of infinite height must be ~ 4o ~

constant, I =1 I

'lr, = 1"' n, dz = const. (79) 2o

~~ns 10
W e define the number integral of s-molecules as H -+
o ~ o ~~
1/;. = 1" n, dz, Iim if;,
= 'lr,. (80)
o 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8

1.0 o 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8

1.0 1.2 1.4

Fra. 3.-The height variation of density (relative to the

Since n, = v,n, it follows from (65) and (72) that ground density) of a ligpt and a heavy gas for the border. cases
n, = n,o exp[- (1 + p.,Q)z/H], (81) of maximum mixture (Q = O), and of maximum separatwn or
Da! ton atmosphere (Q = 1). It is assumed that the gases
and have no sources and sinks.
(n,o - n,)H Our result, equation (90), corresponds to the fact that
n,oH (82)
1/;. = 1 + p.,Q 'lr, =
1 + p.,Q
= const.
z = H represents the isopycnic level which was dis-
covered by Wagner and explained by Linke (see Hum-
Equation (82) relates n,o to Q. Therefore, a general
value of the ground concentration is defined: phreys [18] and Doporto and Morgan [7]).
The transition period has no finite value since (v,);;
(83) will be approached asymptotically even if Q; changes
Then, suddenly into Q;; at t = t0 The transition period can
be studied only in relative terms. Epstein and Maris
n.o = n.oo(1 + p.,Q); measured the transition period by the time necessary
for accomplishing a certain fraction of the whole trans-
n, n.oo exp [-(1 + p.,Q)z/H], (84)
1 + p.,Q formation. Lettau [21] considered the final time interval

1 ~:.Q; exp (-p.,Q;z/H),

(v,); = (85) f:J.t, (91)
= (
ns ) i ( Cs ) ii
i '

where (n.); refers to the initial state when (c.) ~; is the a 10 per cent variation of austausch of the order given
vertical diffusion velocity as fixed by the final diffusion above are accomplished in not less than 5 days.
conditions (Q;;) and the initial concentration-distribu- In case (a) the transition period above 200 km is less
tion (v.);. The changes of both v. and c. with the prog- than one hour whereas it is measured by years below
ress of the transition are not considered; therefore, 100 km. Evidently, very slight turbulence will prevent
t::.t. in equation (91) represents a minimum value of the
transition period.
Expressions more accurate than equation (91) could SECONDS HOURS YEARS
0.1 1000 100,000
be obtained; however, the gain in accuracy does not 1 10 1001 1 10 1 10 100 1 10 100 110,000 1
justify the added complexity of computation in view 2.00 ........
l"'- 1'----- ..........
1ARGfN,fLs 0.42
of the crude assumptions that Q is independent of 150
" "
"" ""'
height and changes its value suddenly and simulta-
1 1 1 1

~ 1'---.
neously throughout the entire atmosphere.
With the aid of (87) and (91),
" ~-,;;.,-

"" ""'\
H - -
"' 50
!::.t, = -(c.-.)~-;[1-+ J.lsQ;] {exp [-;;- Qi)z/H] - 1j. (92) \ 1 1 '\

1\ {o, 1}-{o n16 \

r -l r -J
N 6
11 }
Let us investigate the three special transformations: l-
\A 1o A(61 \
0;3.310 .... 0;;3.010 1
(a) complete mixture (Q; = O)~ I
10 A;65 A;;72. 1
- - 1z*= 6.7KM-
Dalton atmosphere (Qii = 1) 5

(b) Dalton atmosphere (Qi = 1) ~ f (93)

l 1.0 1/ J 1
(c) partial separation (Qi = E1) ~
partial separation (Qii = E1)

j o. 1
0.0 1 /
VV /
0.00 1
partial separation (Qii = E2), 00 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Il 12 13
LOG 6t 5 /SEC
when O < E2 < E1 < < 1. The diffusion velocity follows
from (15)-(19) and from the special assumptions above, FIG. 4.-The height variation of the minimum values of the

transition period tlt, in three different cases of initial and final
diffusion conditions. The computation was carried out for
argon; other gases will ha ve different values for tlt, and for
(a) ( c. ) :
i = - H (d sN 2 ) oe zi H = Ca z*, the height of maximum transition period (see Fig. 3), but
the order of tlt., will not differ from the above. The height scale
(94) is proportional to z 1ls.
(b) (cs) ii ~ Ca/ E1

(c) (cs)ii ~ Ca El/ E2. the establishment of a Dalton atmosphere below 100 km
when the effects of occasionally enlarged turbulence

As an abbreviation, we define !::.Ts = H 2 /J.Is (d.N 2 ) 0 ; will be extinguished after less than one minute above
then equation (92) yields 200 km. This result supports the findings concerning
(a) !::.t, = !::.Ts e-z/H[1 - exp ( -.~.z/H)] the height of the datum level (see 7).
When similar computations are based on more accu-
rate assumptions (aQjaz ~ O), the results might be
(b) !::.t. ~ !::.T 8 - E1--e-z/H[exp (J.IsZ/H) - 1]
1 + J (95) interesting with regard to seasonal and long-time varia-
tions of turbulence, or with regard to the intensity
"f "-'
( c) .:..> s "'
E2(E1 - E2) Z -z/H
-H e . of the general circulation and its effect on the composi-
El tion of the upper atmosphere. Time variations due to
variable rates of production of gases should also be
The transition period is zero at the lower and upper investigated with the aid of equations (63) and (73).
boundary of the atmosphere, thus attaining a maximum However, the effect of natural or artificial externa)
value at the level defined above, that is, at z = z*. sources on the composition of the atmosphere will be
Figure 4 illustrates the conditions for argon when in very small and measured only within geological epochs.
(b), E1 = Ys X 10-5 ; that is, Do = 0.54 X 105 cm2 sec-1
orA= 65 g cm- 1 sec- 1 ; and in (c), E1 remains as before, THREE-DIMENSIONAL DIFFUSION
E2 = 0.30 X 10- 5 ; that is, Do = 0.60 X 105 cm2 sec- 1 or
A = 72 g cm- 1 sec-1 12. The General Causes of Three-Dimensional Dif-
For argon, z* = 6.7 km in (a) and (b). At this level, fusion. As a result of the earth's shape, the use of
the transformation of a complete argon-nitrogen mix- spherical coordinates (longitude, latitude, height) is
ture into a Dalton atmosphere takes at least 34,000 natural. Atmospheric diffusion is a three-dimensional
years. The reverse transformation of a Dalton atmos- problem when the physical state of the atmosphere
phere into a steady state of partial separation charac- and/ or the strength of sources and sinks depends on
terized by a constant austausch coefficient of 65 g cm-I height, latitude, and longitude. As indicated by equa-
sec-I takes at least 1.5 months. The changes owing to tion (4), the coefficient of molecular diffusion is a func-

tion of density and temperature; the coefficients of the general zonal motions. The most general equation
eddy diffusion depend on horizontal and vertical gra- of three-dimensional diffusion is equation (63) or
dients of pressure and temperature. These elements
will vary at surfaces of constant height in the upper an, -V'[n,(c" + c11 + c, + C, +V)]
atmosphere while diurnal, interdiurnal, and seasonal at (96)
variations will be different at different latitudes. How- + +
q~+) q~-)'
ever, apart from the troposphere and substratosphere, which can be expressed by the individual time variation
data are scanty and the effects of meridional variations
of d and D on the composition of the upper atmosphere dn, = an,+ VV'n. = -V'[n.(cd + Cp + c, + c.)]
are hypothetical. dt at
In the discussion of diffusion in the vertical, under
steady conditions, large-scale externa! area sources and - n,V'V + q~+l + q~->, (97)
sinks were considered which covered the entire earth's where q~+l and qr> and the velocity terms as defined
surface (e.g., helium) or considerable parts thereof (e.g., earlier (see 2-4) are functions of space and time.
carbon dioxide). Externa! and interna! point or line Lettau [23] found that the term V' (n,C,) depends on
sources can exist (e.g., meteor trails); production and the wind shear and that the effects of local wind deriva-
destruction of matter may be instantaneous, continu- tives increase with time and with the geometrica! dimen-
ous, or periodica! as exemplified by volcanic eruptions, sions of the air mass under consideration. This explains
lithospheric helium production, or photosynthesis. As why Fick's simple equation of diffusion
demonstrated by the first and second versus the third
of these examples, the process can or cannot be inde- dn, = V'. (KV'n,) (98)
pendent of the state of the atmosphere. It must be dt
concluded from the above that diffusion in general is
not only a three-dimensional, but a time-varying proc- or
ess. Solutions of equations (15), (22), and (63) must be dn, _ K*".,..
found which satisfy appropriate initial and boundary -- vvn, (99)
13. The Horizontal Coefficients of Eddy Diffusion results in a "diffusion power" K or K* which must
and the Effect of the Representative Wind Field on depend on arbitrary physical parameters, such as time
Diffusion Processes. In contrast to molecular diffusion, of the diffusion process and the geometrica! dimensions
the coefficients of eddy diffusion at a fixed point may be of the distances under consideration: Richardson [32]
different in horizontal and vertical directions; with re- and Stommel [36] maintain the point of view that the
gard to equations (12)-(14), D.,, 11 ~ D. Another impor- diffusion coefficient is a function of distance.
tant factor is that the eddy-diffusion coefficients depend Observations of moisture variations along isentropic
on the averaging process. surfaces in large-scale tropospheric currents to the north
Defant [6] considered the traveling cyclones and anti- or to the south led Rossby [33] and Grimminger [13] to
cyclones of middle latitudes as individual turbulent the concept of lateral diffusion processes where the
elements in an intensive meridional mixing process effective coefficients D~!' ~ 109 cm2 sec-1 are such that
where iJ>l ~ 103 cm sec-1 and >..1Dl > 108 cm are hori- D~~l ~ 102 D~!' ~ 104 D.,, 11 Lettau [23] considered, as
zontal values7 thus 7 n<n>
= ~r<DJ
= 1011 cm2 sec- 1 a criterion of real coefficients of eddy diffusion, that
(cf. Fig. 1). The magnitude of the virtual time-terms, D = vXn when v and Xn can be statistically related
X1n' /r1n' > 105 sec, manifests the differences of D~~l with observable properties of irregular motions and
in comparison with D.,, 11 due to normal turbulence, depend on physical parameters dealing with the energy
since Xv/tv = 10 to 102 sec. Representative with regard and the heat transfer of the flow. The term D~!' does
to D~~l are monthly means; with regard to D, hourly not satisfy the requirements of a real diffusion coeffi-
means. The coefficient D~~l effectively equalizes the cient. Consequently, Lettau [23] termed it an "appar-
meridional differences of physical properties and com- ent" coefficient which may be caused by steady de-
position; however, very little is known about D~~l in formation fields superimposed on the mean current.
the upper atmosphere. This explanation appears to be supported by the find-
Even in normal turbulence, D., or D11 may differ from ings of Miller [25] that a strong positive correlation
D, denoting nonisotropic turbulence caused by thermal exists between the vertical wind velocity and the mean
stratification [22]. In the surface layer, the isotropy speed of the south-to-north components of the air flow,
coefficient deviates only slightly from unity and it can and the finding of Grimminger [13] tha t there is a definite
be expected that throughout the entire atmosphere indication that the coefficients of lateral mixing increase
D., and D 11 have the same order of magnitude as D. downstream.
Another important consequence results when the me- 14. Examples of Three-Dimensional Diffusion. AH
dium of atmospheric turbulence is not "at rest" (cf. terms of equation (96) were accounted for in Diitsch's
4). In reality, k V equals zero for the atmosphere as study of ozone; the only simplification of (96) was that
a whole. The term k V and the components of V' V c, = O. Diitsch [8] systematically investigated the
and V are functions of height, latitude, and longitude, v03 -equilibrium in vertical columns. Direct radiation
since hemispheric circulation cells are superimposed on and also direct plus diffuse radiation explained only

the basic facts of the vertical distribution of ozone, Other studies based on ali the terms of equations (96)
when incorrect meridional distributions of the total and (97) do not exist. The main reason is the lack of
ozone (vertical number integral, as defined by equation appropriate observations of gas concentration, including
(79)) were obtained. Molecular diffusion proved to be moisture, in the upper atmosphere. Particulate matter
negligible; the addition of vertical eddy diffusion im- and its diffusion appear to be more easily observable.
proved the results with regard to the meridional dis- As an example of dust transportation, a paper by
tribution. However, the annual variation was still in- Brandtner [3] may be mentioned. On March 29, 1947,
correct. Finally, the addition of vertical and horizontal dust from North Africa (latitude 32-35N, longitude
advection due to the average general circulation in the 0-3E), which was brought into the upper troposphere
lower stratosphere yielded fairly satisfactory theoretical by the passage of two cold fronts, was transported with
values. Tables V and VI condense the findings of Diitsch south-southwesterly winds and arrived approximately
TABLE V. MERIDIONAL VARIATIONS OF ToTAL OzONE* (in cm) 15 hours ]ater at latitude 50 in western and central
(After Diitsch [8]) Europe. Brandtner's study of the upper-air weather
La ti tude Nor th maps proved that the rising of the dust was due to
horizontal convergence, the settling to divergence of
Hasis of computation Midsummer Midwinter
the wind.
25 45 70 25 45 600 Another example is the eruption of Krakatoa on
-- -- ------ --
August 26-27, 1883. The extremely violent catastrophe
Direct radiation 0.52 0.33 0.28 0.31 0.17 0.07
Direct + diffuse ra- and the attendant optica] phenomena commanded gen-
diation 0.39 0.27 0.20 0.26 0.17 0.14 eral attention in ali parts of the world. Reports like
Direct + diffuse ra-
diation + vertical those of Kiessling [19] and Symons [37] offer excellent
eddy diffusion 0.19 0.20 0.21 0.19 0.20 0.22 bases for future studies of atmospheric diffusion.
Observation 0.20 0.24 0.26 0.19 0.23 0.26
* Under the assumption of equilibrium in vertical columns. Great masses of fine volcanic dust were ejected to levels
of more than 30 km. Floating with the currents in the strato-
and may be regarded as proving the influence of terms sphere, the haze caused extraordinary twilight glows and
like n.C. k and the horizontal components of V' V in Bishop's ring around the sun. From this, the diameter of the
equation (96). average particle was deduced to be 0.1 X 10-<-0.4 X 10-


(After Dutsch [8])

Basis of computation
-- -- -- -- -- ---- -- -- -- --
Direct + diffuse radiation + vertical eddy
diffusion (under the assumption of equi-
librium in vertical columns) ... 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.21 0.21 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.22
- -- - --- - - --- --- - - --- --- --- - - - -
Direct + diffuse radiation + vertical eddy
diffusion + average horizontal and vertical
circulation in the lower stratosphere .. ... 0.23 0.25 0.27 0.25 0.22 0.19 0.18 0.17 0.17 0.17 0.18 0.20
--- --- --- - - - - --- - - - - --- - -
Observation .... ... . . . . 0.27 0.30 0.31 0.30 0.29 ~~;;-~~~~ 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.25

Systematic differences between the last two lines of cm. The mean height of the glow stratum decreased 15 km
Table VI can be disregarded; they may be caused by fairly continuously during 5 months which is approximately
unreliable values of physical constants in the term q(+>. 0.1 cm/sec [c.j. 9]. The glow stratum travelled severa! times
Annual averages of the vertical ozone distribution around the globe completing one circuit in approximately 13
show a slow increase of Oa-concentration in the tropo- days. On the first circuit the band of twilight glows was cen-
tered at the latitude of Krakatoa, 68., and the mean exten-
sphere and lower stratosphere when a rapid increase sion north and south was 15. During the second circuit the
occurs a few kilometers above the tropopause. This limits were not so determinate. Up to Oct. 5th the rate of
appears to be due to rapidly decreasing D-values in lateral expansion was maintained, but after this epoch a
these layers. Thus, another proof for the shape of the distinct retardation in the latitudinal spread of the main
D-curve about 15 km above sea level, as shown in Fig. 2, body of haze occurred. In November, a sudden rush took
is obtained [21]. In this connection, the observed cor- place, which by the end of this month, caused the phe-
relation between total amount of ozone and pressure nomenon to be seen on the major parts of North America
at sea level appears to be explained by vertical oscilla- and Europe up to latitude 60. While the material was cross-
tions of the tropopause and layers of aD / az < O when ing 30N it was simply spreading north and south, and after-
the layers of q<+> remain unehanged. wards turned around to move from SW to NE [19].

The Krakatoa eruption and the subsequent phe- 8. DtiTSCH, H.-U., Photochemische Theoriedes atmosphrischen
nomena show that three-dimensional diffusion problems Ozons unter Berucksichtigung van Nichtgleichgewichts-
in the upper atmosphere cannot be solved without con- zustnden und Luftbewegungen. Ziirich, Leemann, 1946.

sidering the average horizontal and vertical motions 9. EPSTEIN, P. S., "Uber Gasentmischung in der Atmos-
phre." Beitr. Geophys., 35:153-165 (1932).
and the pertinent steady or unsteady deformation fields
10. FERRARO, V. C. A., "Diffusion of Ions in the Ionosphere."
of representative motion.
Terr. Magn. atmos. Elect., 50: 215-222 (1945).
PROSPECTS FOR FUTURE WORK 11. GLUECKAUF, E., "Carbon Dioxide Content of Atmospheric
Air." Nature, 153:620-621 (1944).
The present-day inadequacies of the field require ex- 12. GTz, F. W. P., "Die Atmosphre, Beschaffenheit, Schich-
perimental as well as theoretical investigations. tung, Erstreckung," Lehrbuch der Meteorologie, J. v.
More plentiful and improved observations of the HANN und R. StiRING, Hsgbr., 5 Aufi. Leipzig, Keller,
composition and the geophysical conditions of the upper 1939. (See pp. 3-24)
atmosphere with the aid of high-altitude balloons and 13. GRIMMINGER, G., "The Intensity of Lateral Mixing in the
rockets will stimulate considerably the interest in dif- A tmosphere as Determined from Isen tropic Charts."
Bull. Amer. meteor. Soc., 22:227-228 (1941).
fusion problems. Tobe certain of the representativeness
14. GuTENBERG, B., "Der Aufbau der Atmosphre," Handbuch
of the dat'1, it is imperative that upper-level soundings der Geophysik, Bd. IX. Berlin, Gebr. Borntrger, 1932.
should be distributed more uniformly than before with (See pp. 1-89)
regard to season and geographic latitude. 15. Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 30th ed. Cleveland,
The deficiencies of our knowledge are fairly well illus- Chemical Rubber Publ. Co., 1947.
trated by Fig. 2. The purpose of this graph was to 16. HANN, J. v., "Die Zusammensetzung der Atmosphre."
demonstrate how an assumed D(z)-function affects the Meteor Z., 20: 122-126 (1903).
height variation of gas concentration in the strato- 17. HAURWITZ, B., "The Physical State of the Upper Atmos-
sphere. Only when D(z) can be verified more soundly phere." J. R. astr. Soc. Can., 30: 315-330, 349-366, 397-
than by arbitrary assumptions can the composition of 415 (1936); 31: 19-42, 76-92 (1937). Also reprinted with
additions in monograph form by the University of To-
the stratosphere be computed.
ronto Press, 1937.
The most promising method of direct attack requires 18. HUMPHREYS, W. J., Physics of the Air, 3rd ed. New York,
chemical analyses of the air at levels above 15 km, McGraw, 1940.
especially from the layers of presumably small turbu- 19. KIESSLING, J., Die Dmmerungserscheinungen im Jahre
lence at 20-30 and 80-100 km approximately. Because 1883 und ihre physikalische Erklrung. Hamburg und
of certain facts discussed in Section 4, permanent gases Leipzig, L. Voss, 1885,1888.
like argon are preferable in such an analysis; nonper- 20. LETTAU, H., Atmosphrische Turbulenz. Leipzig, Akad.
manent gases like helium, ozone, water vapor, etc., Verlagsges., 1939; Ann Arbor, Michigan, J. W. Edwards,
must be compared to permanent gases in order to ascer- 1944.
tain the location and characteristics of sources and 21. - - "Zur Theorie der partiellen Gasentmischung in der
Atmosphre." Meteor. Rdsch., 1:5-10,65-74 (1947).
22. - - "lsotropic and N on-isotropic Turbulence in the
Difficulties encountered in the mathematical analysis Atmospheric Surface Layer." Geophys. Res. Pop. No. 1,
of time-varying one- or three-dimensional diffusion must, Air Force Cambridge Res. Lab., Cambridge, Mass. (1949).
of necessity, confine the discussion to simplified models 23. - - A Theory of Eddy Dijfusion. Unpublished manuscript,
of the processes. More thorough and critica! considera- 1949.
tions than before appear necessary in order to avoid 24. MARIS, H. B., "The Upper Atmosphere." Terr. Magn.
misleading results owing to oversimplification of the atmos. Elect., 33:233-255 (1928); 34:45-53 (1929).
models used. 25. MILLER, J. E., "Studies of Large Scale Vertical Motions
of the Atmosphere." Meteor. Pap. N. Y. Univ., Voi. 1,
REFERENCES No. 1 (1948).
l. BAGGE, E., "Die Bedeutung der Ionendiffusion fiir den 26. MITRA, S. K., The Upper Atmosphere. Calcutta, Royal
Aufbau der Ionosphre." Phys. Z., 44:163-167 (1943). Asiatic Society of Bengal, 1948.
:~. BARTELS, J., "Uberblick iiber die Physik der hohen Atmo- 27. P ANETH, F. A., and GLUECKA UF, E., "The Helium Content
sphre." Elekt. Nachr.-Tech., Bd. 10 (Sonderheft), 40 SS. of Atmospheric Air." Proc. roy. Soc., (A) 185: 89-98
(1933). (1946).
3. BRANDTNER, E., "Der Staubfall in West Europa am 29. 28. PENNDORF, R., "Die Zusammensetzung der Luft in der
Mrz 1947." Meteor. Rdsch., 1:222-223 (1948). hohen Atmosphre." Meteor. Z., 55:28-31 (1938).
4. CHAPMAN, S., and CowLING, T. G., The Mathematical 29. PETERSEN, H., "On the lnftuence on the Composition of
Theory of Non-uniform Gases. Cambridge, University the Air of a Possible High Temperature in the Highest
Press, 1939. Strata." Publ. danske meteor. Inst., .1\'o. 6 (1928).
5. CHAPMAN, S., andMrLNE, E. A., "The Composition, Ionisa- 30. REGENER, E., "Oxygen Content of the Stratosphere."
tion and Viscosity of the Atmosphere at Great Heights." Nature, 138:544 (1938).
Quart. J. R. meteor. Soc., 46:357-396 (1920). 31. - - "Ozonschicht und atmosphrische Turbulenz." M e-
6. DEFANT, A., "Die Zirkulation der Atmosphre in den teor. Z., 60:253-269 (1943).
gemssigten Breiten der Erde." Geogr. Ann., Stockh., 32. RrcHARDSON, L. F., and STOMMEL, H., "Note on Eddy
3: 209-265 (1921). Diffusion in the Sea." J. Meteor., 5:238-240 (1948).
7. DoPORTO, M., and MoRGAN, W. A., "The Significance of 33. RossBY, C.-G., and CoLLABORATORS, "Aerological Evi-
the Isopycnic Level." Quart. J. R. meteor. Soc., 73: dence of Large-Scale Mixing in the Atmosphere." Trans.
384-390 (1947). Amer. geophys. Un., 18: 130-136 (1937).
34. SENFTLEBEN, H., und GLADISCH, H., "Zur Frage der Ein- Hole Oceanographic Institution, Tech. Rep. No. 17,
wirkung elektrischer Felder auf den Warmeiibergang in WoodsHole,Mass. (1949).
Gasen." Naturwissenschajten, 34:187-188 (1947). 37. SYMONS, G. J., and CoLLABORATORS, The Eruption of
35. SPITZER, L., JR., "The Terrestrial Atmosphere Above 300 Krakatoa and Subsequent Phenornena. Krakatoa Com-
Km" in The Atmospheres of the Earth and Planets, G. P. mittee, Royal Society. London, Triibner and Co., 1888.
KurPER, ed., pp. 213-249. Chicago, University of Chicago 38. WARFIELD, C. N., "Tentative Tables for the Properties of
Press, 1949. the Upper Atmosphere." Tech. Notes nat. adv. Cornm.
36. STOMMEL, H., Diffusion Due to Oceanic Turbulence. Woods Aero., Wash., No. 1200 (1947).
Geophysical Institute, University of Alaska

Introduction More recent investigations point towards a continuous

The ionosphere is that portion of the earth's atmos- region with maxima and minima.
I~ using the term free-electron density, it must be
phere containing a sufficient free-electron population
to noticeably affect propagation of electromagnetic reahzed that a free electron is one which has become
waves in the radio-frequency spectrum. It might be separated from its original environment as part of a
described also as that region of our atmosphere in negative ion, a positive ion, or a neutra! partide. This
which the refractive index has a value perceptibly less free electron is likely to be captured soon by another
than unity. similar environment, there to remain until set free
The free-electron concentration is brought into being again. Electrons per se, perhaps arriving from space,
through detachment of electrons from negative ions are usually neglected in considerations of the iono-
and by ionization of neutral molecules and atoms. Con- spheric electron density, since the origin of specific
temporary thought indicates that the principal elec- electrons cannot be determined at present. Thus the
tron-liberating agent is ultraviolet light from the sun, free-electron concentration is made up of the average
but other factors are probably active, for example, number of free electrons per cubic centimeter measured
bombardment by particles, freeing of electrons through over convenient lengths of time, usually of the order
molecular recombination processes, and so on. of a fraction of a second or more. The contribution made
There is a tendency towards horizontal stratifica- by electrons other than those supposed to belong natur-
~lly to the environment has not been investigated, and
tion of electron distribution. Important concentrations
of free electrons exist from about 90 km to over 400 mdeed the means for such an investigation does not
km above sea level. In a broad sense, greatest electron seem to be at hand. The same thing is true in regard to
densities are tobe found at the subsolar point. Because the flux of energy through the region.
of the high probability of collision and the estimated Neglecting philosophical utterances, which may have
~aximum energy falling on the atmosphere, it is be-
struck home by chance, the mathematician Gauss
heved that large free-electron populations cannot exist followed by the physicists Balfour Stewart and Si;
continuously at altitudes less than about 10 km. Bal- Arthur Schuster, showed from studies of terrestrial
loon-carried detectors indicate no large concentrations magnetic-field variations that there should be a region
of electrons to 30 km, and radio measurements point of high electrica! conductivity in the upper atmosphere.
to no continuous free-electron populations below about Their works were known to only a few, and when Mar-
60 km. coni succeeded in sending electromagnetic waves over
There seems to be no reason to restrict the upper long distances in 1900 it was not understood how these
limit of the ionosphere, although above about 600 km waves could bend round the earth. Unaware of the
the atmospheric density is so low that the free-electron earlier suggestions, Professor A. E. Kennelly of Harvard
concentration is probably limited. Thus the upper and _IJniversity, and the British engineer, O. Heaviside,
lower limits of the ionosphere are not well-defined. mdependently proposed that an electrically conducting
region must exist high in the atmosphere which would
Historical bend electromagnetic waves back to earth at a distance.
Of these two approaches, that is, inference from ter-
As early as 1880 those studying terrestrial magnetism restrial magnetic variations, and propagation of elec-
and its variations postulated an electrically conducting tromagnetic waves, only the latter has given direct.
region high in the atmosphere in which electric currents evidence of the ionosphere. The former may have un-
flowed, inducing at the earth's surface a small magnetic expected possibilities. The latter gives information
field. This postulate seems to have been stimulated by about the former.
speculation upon the causes of the aurora polaris. How-
ever, it was not until 1925 that direct evidence was ob- Methods for Studying the Ionosphere
tair:ed by Appleton and Barnett in England, and by In addition to the tools already mi=mtioned, the in-
Breit and Tuve in America, proving the existence of a strument-carrying rocket and examination of energy
conducting region in the earth's upper atmosphere. arriving at the earth from space promise useful infor-
These investigators identified electromagnetic waves mation. Other means of exploring the ionosphere, for
returned from a reflecting region above their energy ~xample, study of compressional wave propagation,
source and determined grossly the height of this re- hght scattered from modulated searchlight beams, me-
flecting region. At first only one layer was detected teorologica! variations, and cosmic ray changes, are
but subsequently echoes were found tobe returned from worthy of serious consideration. Further seemingly more
other heights, giving rise to the idea of separated strata. remote possibilities exist.

Since 1925 only electromagnetic-wave propagation radie E-region phenomena are not understood but the
has given adequate information about the ionosphere. ionization appears to be patchy and does not follow
In 1925 there were two laboratories, one near London, solar altitude control. Figure 1 is drawn to a distorted
England, and one near Washington, D. C., at which scale in order to permit visualization of the principal
direct measurements of the ionosphere were being made. ionospheric regions.
In 1949 the reasonable hope of direct measurement by
instrument-carrying rockets presented itself. In 1949 NORTH POLE
over sixty ionospheric measuring stations scattered
throughout the populated regions were in operation.
Despite these advances an adequate number of ob-
serving stations does not yet exist. There is a serious
lack of knowledge over a twelve-degree-wide belt in
equatorial regions, and both north and south polar
areas are virtually unexplored from an ionospheric SUN

standpoint. Regions of especial interest are where geo-

magnetic and geographical equators cross, where they
are farthest apart, and polar regions, particularly in
the zones of greatest auroral activity. Intermediate SPORAD IC E . \,
locations are also necessary. REGION
Because the electromagnetic wave has so far been
of greatest usefulness in exploring the ionosphere, theo-
retical developments have occurred allowing the alter- SOUTH POLE

ations suffered by the wave in its passage through an FIG. 1.-Principal ionospheric regions.
ionized atmosphere to be interpreted. In 1912 Eccles
laid the foundation for determining the effect of charged In addition to diurnal variations dependent upon
particles upon the propagation of radio waves. The solar altitude there is a pronounced change related to
theory was incomplete and in 1924 Larmor supplied solar activity as measured by sunspot numbers. Argu-
improvements. The Eccles-Larmor theory forms the ments in favor of some ionization being caused by
foundation for understanding electromagnetic-wave charged particles bombarding the atmosphere are called
propagation in the ionosphere, if the effect of the earth's up by behavior of the F 2-region. Because the earth's
magnetic field is neglected. The problem becomes much magnetic field extends far into space, charged particles
more complicated with inclusion of the effect of col- entering the upper atmosphere from space will be de-
lisional friction and of the earth's magnetic field tra- flected by this field. Average maximum F2-region ioniza-
versing the ionosphere. The magneto-ionic theory de- tion, studied with respect to the geomagnetic coordi-
veloped by Appleton, Nichols and Schelleng, Hartree, nates, shows values in accordance with action of charged
Goldstein, and others, together with the theories of particles under the influence of the magnetic field.
Lorentz, Booker, and contemporaries, give the broad However, the origin of the particles, their charge, mass,
foundations for interpretation of information collected and velocity, are not known. It has not been definitely
experimentally. There are stiU uncertainties, and with- shown, either, that the observed behavior is surely
out doubt additional elegant theoretical work and ex- caused by charged particles. If particles do influence
perimentation must be done before our knowledge ap- the ionospheric layers, it is not known whether they
proaches completeness. But notable progress has been come from space or whether they are parts of our own
made since 1880. atmosphere thrown high up by thermal agitation and
returning under gravitational influence.
Elementary Concepts
Typical Data
Originally the ionized region of the upper atmosphere In exploring the ionosphere by means of the elec-
was called the Kennelly-Heaviside layer. Later, when tromagnetic wave at radio frequency, it is usual to
stratification was indicated, each investigator named emit short wave-trains approximately 10-4 sec long
his "layer." The ensuing arguments over names be- of known radio frequency and polarization. The time
came so troublesome that by mutual consent the whole of departure of each wave packet is noted. One or more
structure was designated the ionosphere, with letters wave packets may be expected to return from the iono-
and subscripts to indicate the principal regions within sphere when the radio frequency emitted lies below a
it. There are three principal maxima of free-electron value limited by the number of free electrons and de-
concentration: the E-region at about 100 km, the F 1- scribed approximately by
region at about 225 km, and the F 2-region at about
350 km. The normal E- and Frregions develop maxi- N = 1.24 (10)4j 2, (1)
mum electron density with greatest solar altitude and where N is the number of electrons per cu bie centimeter
exist only by day. Behavior of the F 2-region is more and f is the radio frequency in megacycles per second.
complicated. With low solar altitude F 1- and F 2-regions The returning wave packets are altered during their
merge to forma general F -region which persists through- flight. The elapsed time between transmission and re-
out the night. In the E-region sporadic ionization oc- ception, magnitude of returned energy, polarization of
curs with quite large free-electron concentrations. Spo- the returned wave, splitting of the original wave packet

into two or more returned components, and the angle to and from the ionosphere did not measure the
of arrival give information concerning the medium re- height of the region returning the wave energy. It was
sponsible for return of the wave energy. not until about 1940, however, that the heights and
In terms of the penetration frequency f o and the reasonably sure distributions of ionization were possi-
wave frequency j, the index of refraction for elementary ble. The theoretical investigations of Booker and Seaton,
purposes is given by and especially of Rydbeck, now permit distributions to
2 be determined from data in the form of Fig. 2. Briefly,
2 -
J.L -
1 - ff2o o
(2) the Booker-Seaton relationship is as follows.
Define a function
Clearly the index of refraction is a function of frequency
and therefore the ionosphere is a dispersive medium. r,o(x) = X2 ln 111 +X
_ x 1 - 1, (3)
Usually, also, each successive wave packet emitted is
of a radio frequency differing incrementally from that and write
preceding. When this process is carried out over a large
frequency range, the results can be recorded on a graph h' = hM + T " rp(f/fo), (4)
as in Fig. 2. where h' is the virtual (or apparent) height at a wave
frequency j, and fo is the penetration frequency. If
heights at two convenient values of f are taken, T (the
semithickness of the parabolic distribution) and hM
(the height of maximum electron density) may readily
be determined.
Because of the discontinuities evident in Fig. 2 it
was believed at first that the ionosphere was divided
into discrete layers. Application of Rydbeck's equations
gives a different viewpoint and indicates a general
region wherein maxima and minima of ionization oc-
tt cur, but probably no sharp separation into strata.
The difference between penetration frequencies in a
region is a measure of the strength of the earth's mag-
netic field at that height. The reason for this is given
in the complicated magneto-ionic theory.
Probable Distribution of lonization
Consider Fig. 3, in which the heavy curves represent
WAVE FREOUENGY--- oft-measured quantities, heavy broken lines infrequent

FIG. 2.-Typical data obtained by radio sounding of the


This is the usual form taken by data embracing_ti._me ............ ..............

oLflight versus frequency in temperate latitudes during G
daylight. Splitting of the original wave packet into two ./,)

-- ------- ------
or more components is caused by the effect of the earth's - ::--c.:-- --
magnetic field. Transmission and reception are at verti-
cal incidence. This technique is t he most widely used
and is an elegant development of the original Breit-
Tuve experiment. Study of the ionosphere at vertical
incidence immensely simplifies the general theory for a
special case and, although involving some approxima-
tions, has given the bulk of useful information about
the ionosphere. This procedure fails at low frequencies
:I: ====::~ ~
-- ~
- - ---- E
and is usually replaced by the Appleton-Barnett phase-
interference method. Polarization and ang]e-of-a.rrjya] quite important but have been little
used systematically because of inherent interpretative - N
and instrumental difficulties. More attention should be FIG. 3.- Contemporary ideas of free-electron distribut ion in the
given to them because some uncertainties in the theory ionosphere.
cannot be resolved otherwise.
The amount of information to be derived from data determinations, and dashed lines estimates based upon
represented in Fig. 2 has not been fully realized. For what seem at present to be reasonable assumptions.
years it was known that the tirne .oLflight of a wave Parabolic distributions are shown, but may be replaced

by other distributions as analysis may indicate. Ap- Sporadic E-Region

pleton has detected tidal effects in the E-region heights, In addition to the normal E-region, there occurs an
and J ones has recently found a lunar tide in F -region E-region ionization sporadic in occurrence and density.
thickness of some 10 km for a station in high latitudes. Some of this sporadic ionization is brought about by
It is to be noted that additional regions are indicated meteors encountering the earth's atmosphere. However,
beyond and between those shown in Figs. 1 and 2. at present it is believed that meteors are not the only
The distribution in Fig. 3 represents the most likely source but that some other mechanism is present. There
ionospheric situation according to contemporary is a s~mblance of system in occurrences of sporadic
thought. (There is a considerable variation in heights E-region ionization such that the phenomenon appears
from this typical situation.) The penetration frequen- most frequently in the arctic regions at night, particu-
cies of Fig. 2 occur whenever the ionization gradient larly near zones of maximum aurora! activity.
along the direction of wave travel becomes zero in Maximum electron concentrations reach values for
Fig. 3. the sporadic E-region of over 3 X 106 electrons per
The D-Region ce. Heights appear to be about the same as those of the
normal E-region. Duration of sporadic E-region ioniza-
Starting at the bottom in Fig. 3, the D-region is not tion may be from a few seconds to severa! hours. There
well-defined. There is some evidence that very low is some indication that the sporadic E-region may be
radio frequencies arereflected at oblique il!.Q.lQ!lll.C!lJrom of patchy form and at times may move or propagate
heights in the vicinity of 60 km. It is also known that rapidly. The recomhination coefficient hetween elec-
medium-to-high frequencies are absorbed at times in a tu>ns a.ud positiye jon is of the order of 1 X 10-s ce
region below 100 km. The latter information gives no sec- 1 for the E-region generally.
evidence of the height of the absorbing area except that
it must be where the mean free path of the eleotr.on is The E2-Region
small. Wulf and Deming believe that formation of the Until recent times it was thought that E- and Fl-
D-region is the result of photo-ionization of ozone by regions were virtually separate entities with essentially
ultraviolet light. Maximum electrQn QPU~~l!.mti.9:t!. is no intermediate free-electron density. However, enough
probably of the order of 2 X 105 electrons per ce. Re- experimental evidence is now available to indicate the
combination of electrons with positive ions near the probability of an E 2 distribution centering near 150
60-km height is very rapid so that within a few seconds km in height. This distribution is not always seen be-
after the ionizing agent ceases to operate any existing cause the maximum concentration is normally less than
free-electron population will disappear. It is in some that of the E-region. Little is known of the E2-region,
zone below 100 km that the direct relationship between but it may be existent by virtue of photo-ionization of
solar chromospheric eruptions and absorption of radio- atomic oxygen. It appears to occur most frequently in
wave energy appears. At such times some evidence is the daytime.
available pointing to enhancement of low-frequency
_gf>Ji<JIJ.~;!:!~!!~e ra~~q~~Y.!J.Ve propagation ~y __v:i!t.!J._e of The F1-Region
reflectlons from a height of about 60 km. Height varia- The F 1-region exists in identifiable form in the day-
tions and details of the distribution are unknown. Elec- time with large solar altitudes. In general behavior the
tron density varies diurnally, seasonally, and with solar F 1-region resembles the E-region. Maximum densities
activity. occur a little after local noon and attain values of the
order of 4 X 105 electrons per ce. With low solar altitu des
The Normal E-Region F 1- and F 2-regions merge to form the general F-region
Above the D-region there is to be found a zone in which persists throughout the night at all latitudes
which changes in electron density follow solar altitude where measurements have been made. Maximum elec-
quite closely. In the E-region maximum free-electron tron density varies diurnally, seasonally, and with sun-
concentration occurs shortly after local noon; reaching spot activity. There is at present no conclusive evidence
values of the order of 3 X 105 electrons per ce. For the that ionization is caused by other than ultraviolet
normal E-region, ionization disappears within a few light. Wulf and Deming favor one of the nitrogen-
minutes after ultraviolet light from the sun is cut off molecule absorptions as responsible for formation of
by the earth. Heights display some variation with geo- the F 1-region. Mohler has pointed out that, because
graphic location and vary diurnally, seasonally, and the recombination coefficient between electrons and posi-
with the sunspot cycle. Lowest E-region heights are tive ions is a function of pressure, the height at which
near 90 km, with maxima near 130 km. Electron distri- maximum production of ionization takes place is prob-
bution within the E-region is not known accurately but ably below the height at which maximum concentra-
probably follows either a Chapman distribution or a tion occurs. Heights of the Frregion vary over wider
parabolic law. The lower boundary is usually well- limits than do those of the E-region. The range in height
defined. The half-thickness is of the order of 5 to 20 is roughly from 160 to 280 km. There is a diurnal varia-
km. It is in this region that the transition from pre- tion with lowest heights around midday. This region
dominantly molecular oxygen to predominantly atomic rises slightly to merge with the F 2-region near sunrise
oxygen occurs. It is thought that electrons are freed and sunset.,_iq_ns i:Q
in the E-region by photo-ionization of oxygen molecules. height occur and there is a variation with latitude.

The half-thickness of the F 1-region ranges roughly be- the use of concentration alone may lead to false con-
tween about 10 and 30 km, depending largely upon cepts especially when rates of electron production, re-
time of day, season, and solar activity. Very occasionally combination processes, and other factors are sought.
during disturbance a well-formed Frregion appears at Early unexplained asymmetry of the F 2-region has
night. This latter phenomenon is not understood. The to some extent been clarified through consideration of
recombination coefficient between electrons and posi- data in terms of geomagnetic coordinates. It is in this
tive ions is of the order of 1 X 10-9 ce sec- 1 for the layer that strongest evidence exists pointing towards
F1-region. ionizing agents other than ultraviolet light from the
sun. All characteristics of the F 2-region display wide
The F2-Region variations when compared with those of the lower layers.
The F 2-region of the ionosphere has been extensively One of the important methods for study of the iono-
studied because its variations present peculiarities not sphere is examination of electron-concentration varia-
immediately evident in the lower regions. When the tions during eclipse of the sun. The E- and Frregions
F 2-region is mentioned it is customary to think of the show behaviors in good agreement with theory, but
general F-region at night and the F 2-region in the day- eclipse effects in the F 2-region have been difficult to
time as being of the same character. During intervals detect. One reason for difficulty in isolating such effects
when the F 2- and F 1-regions are not separately identi- in the F 2-region is of course the small recombination
fiable the region unresolved is thought of as the general coefficient between electrons and positive ions, which
F-region and as having F 2-region characteristics pre- is of the order of 1 X 10- 10 to 1 X 10- 11 ce sec- 1 at
dominantly. these great heights. Another reason for difficulty is the
An outstanding oddity of the F2-region (or the gen- immense variability which is always evident in the
eral F -region) is that maximum electron density occurs electron density of the F 2-region. Some investigators
everywhere in the N orthern Hemisphere in midwinter have pointed out that if an important part of the F 2-
when the solar altitude at noon is much lower than in region ionization is caused by corpuscular bombard-
midsummer. From this behavior it is evident that ment, eclipse of the ultraviolet light would not coin-
F 2-region maximum electron concentration does not cide wit.,h ~g!ipse of the. particle stream. Corpuscular
follow solar altitude changes in the same manner as do eclipse has been sought without success. There is some
the E- and F 1-regions. Berkner and Wells, and later evidence, although not wholly satisfactory, of ultra-
Seaton and Berkner, demonstrated the existence of a violet light eclipse in the F 2-region. The semithickness
nonseasonal component in the F 2-region electron con- of this region ranges between about 30 and 100 km.
centration which is.~mn~and may Free-electron densities in the F 2-region range between
be caused by the annual change in distance between about 2 X 104 electrons per ce for winter night and
earth and sun. Maximum free-electron density in the 3 X 106 electrons per ce for daytime during maximum
F 2-region is quite sensitive to solar activity, varying solar activity. Tbe free-e]ectron population in the F 2-
some 300 per cent during the sunspot cycle, but this region is probably the result of photo-ionization by
nonseasonal variation persists throughout. ultraviolet light of the nitrogen molecules. Ionization
Frequently, depending upon location, season, and of atomic nitrogen and atomic oxygen may also con-
solar activity, the maximum concentration of electrons tribute during the middle of the day.
does not occur near noon. While there is always an after-
noon maximum, the time of its occurrence varies from The G-Region
about an hour to several hours after midday and there The highest ionospheric region for which any evi-
frequently is a pre-noon maximum. The effect of such dence exists is the G-region (see Fig. 3). This region may
variations is often to create a minimum at noon. This be present in reality. Occasionally data of the type
noon decrease in F 2-region electron population was orig- shown in Fig. 2 develop an additional retardation be-
inally thought to be caused by heating and consequent yond the F2-region penetration frequency. In some rec-
expansion of the region. Later it was suggested that such ords where additional reflections appear, the character
a proposal was untenable when N orthern and Southern of the data suggests Rayleigh scattering from patches
Hemisphere data were examined over the same time of ionization of the order of a wave length or less in
interval. In more recent years a different approach to
diameter. On other occasions, however, the data are
the description of the ionosphere has arisen in which
so suggestive of another higher region that credence
electron concentration is replaced by total electron
content in the region. This concept is particularly im- must be given this possibility. There is certainly no
portant for the F 2-region. When F 2-region behavior is a priori reason why such a G-region should not be
examined by this newer measure, much if not all of the present. It may always be present but, because of rarity
peculiar bimodal behavior is removed, leaving a single of the atmosphere in the vicinity of 400 km, may only
maximum occurring after noon. It has been demon- develop free-electron concentrations greater than those
strated that the F 2-region may grow thinner over an in the F 2-region during unusual conditions. So little
interval of time, leaving the electron concentration un- is known of the G-region that it can only be said of the
changed but reducing the total electron content. In free-electron concentration there that it is almost always
other words, maximum concentration is not necessarily less than that of the F 2-region. Height of maximum con-
a correct indication of the behavior of this region, and centration is probably of the order of 400 to 500 km.

Relations between the Ionosphere and Surface Me- ern Hemisphere, temperatures of the order of 2000K
teorology were proposed for this region.
When it is remembered that postulates concerning Several approaches have been employed in trying to
the existence of the ionosphere originated with mathe- determine ionospheric temperatures. The N orwegians,
maticians and magneticians and that proof of the reality remembering that the aurora polaris occurs in the same
of the ionosphere was given by engineers and physicists, space as does the ionosphere, have estimated (from
it is not astonishing to observe that many years passed spectroscopic measurements) nighttime temperatures
before the ionosphericists and the meteorologists found of 228K in the vicinity of 100 km and have argued on
a common interest in the ionosphere from a meteoro- the hasis of similar measurements that this temperature
logica} point of view. The meteorologist with his nose increases as soon as the sun's rays impinge on atmos-
to the ground and the ionosphericist with his head above pheric gases at these heights. Penndorf, using scale
the clouds have, since about 1946, permitted themselves height of the ionosphere, gives values for the E-region
to recognize the possibility of mutually profitable ca- temperature near 350K and for the F 2-region near
operative studies of the high atmosphere. 700K. Other students give values for the E-region rang-
Oliver Wulf investigated F-region variations in con- ing from lOOK to lOOOK, and for the F -region between
nection with upper-air meteorologica} soundings. The 120K and 4000K. Many of the results have been highly
Australians studied ionospheric phenomena together speculative and based upon other than conservative
with movement of fronts across the continent of Aus- estimates.
tralia. Appleton searched for and found a small tidal One of the most promising methods to emerge in
effect in the E-region, and other investigators sought recent years is deduction of ionospheric temperatures
connections between the behavior of upper and lower on the hasis of hour-to-hour changes in data of the
portions of the earth's atmosphere. One of the greatest form of Fig. 2. By means of such data, application of
hindrances to appreciation of important variations in the Booker-Seaton method of reduction to true heights,
pressure, temperature, and state of the upper atmos- use of Appleton's arguments, and the invoking of Thom-
phere has been the concept of an isothermal upper son's relationship between recombination coefficient and
atmosphere in diffusive equilibrium. Serious suspicion absolute temperature, it has been possible to make an
was first cast upon this concept by the Norwegian stu- objective approach to this problem. The time rate of
dents of the aurora polaris and by Whipple and his change of electron density is given by
colleagues in study of meteor trails. Contemporary
thought has all but discarded the idea of such a quies- '!_N_ = q - aN2 (5)
dt '
cent upper atmosphere.
Available evidence points towards an ionosphere in where q is the rate of production, and a the recombina-
which thorough mixing of atmospheric gases is the tion coefficient between electrons and positive ions.
rule. Proportions of nitrogen, oxygen, hydrogen, and The relationship between the recombination coefficient
so on, appear to be about the same in the ionosphere as and the absolute temperature is given by
at sea level with the exception that the atomic states (6)
may prevail in the ionosphere at higher levels. The
amount of water vapor in the ionosphere is thought to where a o, P o, and T 0 are reference values of recombina-
be negligible. tion coefficient, pressure, and temperature respectively,
From the meteorologica} standpoint the ionosphere and 'Y probably has a value near H. N either of the fore-
appears to have immense possibilities. It is clear that going expressions is exact, but in this simplified form
energy entering the environment of the earth from they serve to illustrate the central line of reasoning.
space first strikes the high atmosphere and at least While the results cannot be considered entirely satis-
some of this energy causes large changes in the iono- factory, the method has been tested for some twenty
sphere. Ionospheric behavior is quite sensitive to varia- geographic locations over a range of conditions. In
tions in energy in the ultraviolet light portion of the most instances results are reasonable and self-consistent.
spectrum. The ionosphere probably is influenced to One of the unexpected concepts to come from this
a noticeable extent also by corpuscular streams of method has been that of a cellular arrangement of
energy. Jones has recently isolated variations in thick- temperature isopleths, indicating the probability of
ness of the general F -region which correlate inversely systematic wind systems in the ionosphere. While by
with ground barometric pressures. While this work is no means conclusive, application of this objective
incomplete, tentatively it appears that variations in method at the same location and time as soundings by
ground barometric pressures lag severa} hours behind rockets gives excellent correspondence at E-region
changes in F -region thickness in some latitudes. heights.
It is clear from the foregoing discussion that it is no
Ionospheric Temperatures longer acceptable to consider the ionospheric temper-
Many attempts have been made to deduce, by var- ature as a simple function of height. Rather it appears
ious means, temperatures in the ionosphere. The first to be necessary to examine the data from many stations
speculations favored an isothermal condition with tem- over the world throughout the seasons and, from the
peratures near 230K. Later when the noon decrease in derived information, to construct isopleths descriptive
F2-region electron concentration wasnoted in the N orth- of the arrangement of ionospheric temperatures.

By this method, temperatures for January 1947 taken adoption of the more recent temperature postulates
on a world-wide hasis range between 100K and 500K will improve the results of Wulf and Deming, giving
for the E-region; between 50K and 1500K for the F 1- better agreement between their deductions and the
region; and between 100K and 1000K for the F 2-region. experimental information about the location of the
The ranges indicated are a function of latitude and of regions.
local time; and probably of season, solar activity, and
other factors. Thus there seems to be a strong possi- N eed for Additional Studies
bility of being able, in the near future, to calculate While many observations of the ionosphere as de-
from the dynamics of the situation the probable wind duced from electromagnetic-wave propagation have
systems in the ionosphere and to investigate possible been made, agreat portion of this information is poorly
connections between the ionosphere and lower-atmos- controlled from the standpoint of accuracy. Much of
phere meteorology. the available information is in the form of short series
Aside from electromagnetic-wave propagation, the of measurements over restricted frequency ranges.
study of propagation of sound waves from large ex- There is a great need for accurate, long-continued
plosions throws some light upon E-region temperatures. observations over ali geographic locations. Only in this
Preliminary results indicate E-region temperatures of way can sufficient data be accumulated to permit satis-
the order of 400K for temperate latitudes. factory study of the ionosphere and its relationship to
the lower atmosphere. In addition, the various theories
Probable Formation Mechanisms need to be re-examined and extended to remove un-
Wulf and Deming have given what appears to be certainties now present. The region of ten to twelve
the most acceptable discussion of causes of the iono- degrees above and below the equator at ali longitudes
spheric structure. Their work, taken with that of is in great need of exploration. Both north and south
Mohler, constitutes a good hasis for further study as polar areas are virtualiy unexplored. In ali but polar
knowledge of the ionosphere develops. Only the D-, E-, regions it is entirely feasible for the governments of
and F-regions are examined by these authors. Knowl- countries considered civilized to establish permanent
edge of the probable existence of the G-region carne at a observatories for study of the ionosphere. Such pro-
time after these original papers had been presented. grams must lead to results of importance from many
Wulf and Deming have shown that above about 100 viewpoints.
km oxygen atoms predominate and that below about It is quite difficult, on the other hand, to establish
100 km oxygen molecules predominate (other con- stations within about 25 degrees of either pole. It is
stituents being the same) and have assumed a temper- suggested that with modern high-speed ionof:lpheric re-
ature of 219K up to 100 km, with a temperature of corders it is entirely within the realm of possibility to
700K above 100 km, and have consequently decided make systematic ionospheric measurements from long-
that the F 2- and Fr-regions are caused by two distinct range aircraft. Such a program, idealiy, should be a
nitrogen-molecule absorptions and that the E-region is cooperative one engaged in jointly by ali nations, and
the result of oxygen-molecule absorption. According to particularly by those bordering upon the polar areas.
these authors, the D-region is the result of a broad
absorption by ozone. By inference, using arguments of REFERENCES
Wulf and Deming not elaborated upon by them in Examination of the following basic books containing bibli-
terms of !ater experimental evidence, it may be that ographies will permit all references in the text tobe identified,
the E 2 -region is formed by oxygen-atom absorption and and will permit location of a large body of additional material.
that the G-region is developed through nitrogen-atom CHAPMAN, S., and BARTELs, J., Geomagnetism. Cambridge,
absorption. University Press, 1940.
It appears in light of !ater work on ionospheric FLEMING, J. A., ed., Physics of the Earth-VIII, Terrestrial
Magnetism and Electricity. New York, McGraw, 1939.
temperatures that the temperatures assumed by Wulf
MANNING, L. A., Final Engineering Report on High Altitude
and Deming may not be correct. However, alteration of Radio Frequency Propagation. Palo Alto, Electronics Re-
the temperature arrangement to what seem to be more search Laboratory, Stanford University, 1947.
appropriate values will only change somewhat the MITRA, S. K., The Upper Atmosphere. Calcutta, The Royal
heights where maximum absorptions occur. In fact, the Asiatic Society of Bengal, 1948.
Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, D. C.

Introduction 115 and 500 A mm-1 at 3200 and 5000 A, the length of
In places remote from artificial illumination at night, the spectrum from 3200 to 5000 A was about 10 mm,
with no moon, the luminosity of t.he sky is due to severa! and exposures of 9 hours were used. These were prism
sources of light, ali of which are at a considerable dis- spectro_graphs and therefore had low dispersion for the
tance. The sources are (1) radiations from the gases of longer wave lengths. To obtain better data for wave
the upper atmosphere, (2) polar aurorae, (3) zodiacal lengths longer than 6000 A, Meinel built a spectrograph
light, (4) comets and possibly scattered sunlight m with an f/ 1 camera and a 7500 line per inch transmission
interplanetary space (if there is something there to grating with a dispersion of 250 A mm-1 in the first
scatter the sunlight), and (5) stars and nebulae m order; exposures of 30 hours were used. N ight-sky
interstellar space. spectra are shown in Fig. 1, in which A is a spectrum
If we omit polar aurorae from consideration, the photographed by Barbier [18], B by Elvey, Swings, and
radiations from the high atmospheric gases are the Linke [12], and C by Meinel [19] . In Fig. lC t he narrow
strongest source of night illumination, being four or
fi ve times as intense as all of the other sources combined.
In more detail, the intensity of the night-sky light VaQord-Koplan syslem
averaged over the sky is divided as follows: For the
photographic spectrum [5] region from 3500 to 4500 A IT11 ~ 1
about 76' is due to the stars, % t 0 the high atmos-
pheric emissionsJ and possibly 76 to emissions from
interplanetary space (the amount attributed to sources A
in interplanetary space has decreased as the measure-
ments have improved; it is now down to about 76' of
the whole and may eventually become a few hundredths
or even less); for the visible spectrum [17] seen with
the dark-adapted eye, about 7t is due t o the stars and
% due to the high atmosphere; for the entire spectrum
from about 3000 to 10440 A, because of its strong
infrared nitrogen emissions, the high atmosphere con-
tributes more than ~l 0 of the nocturnal radiation and
the stars less than Xo These fractions are average
values; for areas in the sky such as the Milky Way
where there are many stars the fractions of the sky
luminosity due to the stars are greater than the average B
values, and for areas in the sky where there are few
stars the fractions are less.

The night-sky light is feeble, and even with spectro-
graphs of the highest light-gatherin.g power, relatively
low dispersion and long exposures are necessary to c
obtain spectra. W e need to refer only to recent work and
mention that the best spectra at present available were
those obtained by Cabannes and Dufay [8] in 1933- 34
in France; by Elvey, Swings, and Linke [12] in 1939 at FIG. 1.-Spectra of the night sky, A by Barbier [18)
the McDonald Observatory, University of Texas; by (reproduced by permission of The U niversity of Chicago P ress);
B by Elvey, Swings, and Linke [12]; and C by
Barbier [4] in 1942-44 at the Observatory of Haute Meinel [19).
Provence, France ; and by Meinel [19] in 1948 at the
Lick Observatory, University of California. upper strip was the original spectrum from which the
The dispersion of the spectro~rraoh of Barbier was lower strip was obtained by spreading; Meinel re-
150 and 630 A mm- 1 at 3200 and 5000 A, and the length marked that many of the features of t he lower strip
of the spectrum from 3200 to 5000 A was about 7 mm; were spurious and were caused by grains of the photo-
exposures from 100 to 200 hours were used. The Mc- graphic plate.
Donald spectrograph had slightly higher dispersion and The night-sky spectrum is very complex and is com-
much greater light-gathering power; the dispersion was posed of many lines and bands, for the most part in-

comoletely resolved. In Table I are listed the wave Iar origin. The line at 10440 A of the first positive
lengths of the night-sky emissions and their identifica- system of N 2 is by far the strongest emission thus far
tions which are probably agreed to at present; "h" observed, being about thirty times as intense as the
green line 5577, the next most intense emission. It was
discovered in 1940 by Stebbins, Whitford, and Swings
In- In-
[25], by means of a photoelectric cell and filters, and its
~ ten- Source ~ ten- Source ~
sity sity sity wave length was determined within 25 A. It was also
-- ~ ~
-- ~

- --
discovered independently by Herman, Herman, and
10440 A N, 4837 4 N,,vk 3982 1 N,,vk
8829 3 4824 2 o,,h 3960 2 Gauzit [15]. A group of lines 6580, 6530, and 6470 A,
8770 4 4810 3949 3 N,,vk also due to the first positive system of N'h were men-
8694 1 4798 3914 4 tioned by Dejardin, but were not listed by Meinel; they
8659 6 4772 2 N,,vk
8628 6 4739 o N,,vk 3901 2 cannot be seen in Fig. 1C, and have not been included
8515 1 4715 1 N,,vk 3888 2 N 2 ,vk in Table J.l About 35 bands, which include the strongest
8496 3 3873 2 blue-violet bands, were identified with the Vegard-
8466 5 4693 3854 1 N,,vk
8431 8 4682 1 o,,h 3848 o,,h Kaplan system of N 2 , and about 33 bands, which include
4670 3 o,,h 3833 3 o,,h the strongest ultraviolet bands, were identified with the
8398 6 4650 1 N,,vk 3818 2
8379 2 4632 1 3778 2 Herzberg system of 02.
8346 12 4615 1 N,,vk 3752 2 N,,vk In addition, in Table I, there are a number of un-
8311 4 4604 N,,vk 3740 4 o,,h identified lines or bands due to unknown systems. A
8287 3 4581
8102 1 4569 3704 2 weak continuous background with a trace of Fraunhofer
8066 2 4552 o,,h 3673 1 absorptions, which was mentioned in earlier work, was
8026 4 3661 2 N,,vk not observed in the better, more recent spectrograms.
7992 7 4535 5 N,,vk 3637 3 o,,h
7965 6 4520 2 3623 1 It was this background which was attributed to sun-
4488 N,,vk 3597 1 N,,vk light scattered by material in interplanetary space. But
7916 10 4478 3 N,,vk 3584 1 N,,vk since its existence is now uncertain one may be doubtful
7885 5 4469 3571
7856 7 4461 35.54 .5 o,,h of inferences based on it. The Shumann-Runge system
7821 6 4442 2 o,,h 3545 4 o,,h of 0 2 and the Lyman-Birge system of N 2 have been
7789 4 4421 5 N,,vk
7752 6 4408 4 o,,h 3512 1 looked for, but no certain identifications have been
7717 8 4396 3497 1 N,,vk made; the same is true for CO and C02, H2, Oa, N02,
7405 1 3483 3 o,,h N20 4 , N20, N203 , NH2, NH3 , CH, CN, H20, and
7336 3 4378 N 2 ,vk 3469 2
7283 2 4360 2 N,,vk 3460 1 o,,h compounds of Na, Si, and S.
4348 3452 2 o,,h The spectral intensity distribution received at the
7249 1 4327 2 3433 1 surface of the earth [6] is given approximately in
7148 1 4316 N,,vk 3424 1 N 2 ,vk
7093 1 4286 1 o,,h 3393 1 Table II.
6364 2 o 4278 o,,h 3385 1 o,,h
5896 Na 4257 2 3373 4 o,,h
5890 Na 4239 1 3319 2 o,,h Wave length Emitter
5775 3296 3 o,,h (A) (erg cm- sec)
5675 4219 o N 2 ,vk 3284 1 o,,h
5577 o 4203 3264 2 10440 N, 190 x 10-
4188 3230 1 o,,h 6300, 6363 o 5 x 10-
5460 4180 3220 2 5890, 5896 Na o.7 x 10-
5320 4169 4 N,,vk 3212 3 o,,h 5577 o 7 x 10-
5250 4158 o,,h 3201 1 N,,vk Main band systems N,, O, lUX
5160 4140 2 N,,vk 3191 1
5130 o,,h 4131 1
5090 2 N,,vk 4117 1 3164 1 o,,h The only reported spectral energv distribution of the
5040 2 4111 3157 1
5002 1 o,,h 3144 3 o,,h night-sky light is that of Babcock and Johnson [3]
4960 1 N,,vk 4088 3 3133 1 o,,h derived from measurements of a small photographic
4931 3 "1071 5 N,,vk 3103 1 spectrum of dispersior 1100 A mm-1 at H"f. Their curve
4063 o,,h 3095 1
4904 N,,vk 4048 3 N,,vk 3084 1 o,,h is given in Fig. 2; it rises with increasing wave length
4889 4018 3 3029 2 o,,h throughout the extent of the spectrum from 3800 to
4869 1 N,,vk 4004 6500 A, with bumps at the various lines and bands A
color temperature of 3450K was ascribed to it. Thus
indicates the Herzberg system of molecular oxygen, and the night-sky light may be said to be yellowish in
"vk" the Vegard-Kaplan system of molecular nitrogen. color.
Wave lengths 8829 to 6300 A in TableI were from the
list of Meinel [19], and wave lengths 5896 to 3029 A Variations
from the lists of Dejardin [9]. The sources of the emis- If we exclude polar aurorae, the variations in the
sions whose identification seemed certain are given in total intensity of night-sky emission are relatively
Table I. The only atomic lines are the green line 5577
and the red pair 6364, 6300, which are forbidden transi- 1. In a private communication Dr. Meinel stated that
tions of oxygen, and the yellow pair 5896, 5890 of photometric traces of his spectra showed a faint feature
sodium. Ali the remaining lines and bands are of molecu- centered at 6562 A.

small rarely as much as a factor of 2. During the full of about 2.5 and 5, respectively; they seem indifferent
nighttime hours there appear to be many small irregular to solar phenomena [2, 10, 12].
and complex intensity fluctuations which vary with the Latitude V ariations. A survey [17] of the visual bright-
ness of the night sky in various latitudes was carried
out with standardized visual photometers which had a
o field of view about 11 o in diameter. Visual measurements
of the night-sky luminosity refer mainly to the strong
atomic oxygen line 5577. This is because, by multiplying
the night-sky spectral energy curve of Fig. 2 by the
sensitivity curve of the dark-adapted eye, one finds
that 5577 has the main effect (8/10) with only minor
influence from the oxygen red lines 6300, 6363, the
sodium yellow lines 5896, 5890, and the molecular

bands in the blue and green.

Observations were made at stations in Bocaiuva
(Brazii), Bikini, Maryland, Whiteface Mountain (Ne;,v
York State), and Greenland, at latitudes -17, +12,
+39, +45, and +63, respectively. The results are
plotted in Fig. 3, in which the ordinates are the night-

B o o
3000 4000 5000 6000 o

FIG. 2.-Spectral energy distribut.ions of night-sky light. o
(After Babcock and Johnson [3].)

~ A

place in the sky and which are different for the various X
wave lengths. There are strong intensity changes during A WHITEFAGE MT
t\vilight. 0 BOGAIUVA O BIKINI
Diurnal V ariations. In France, Dufay and Tcheng X MARYLAND, HAZY

Mao-lin [10] obtained 588 spectrograms during 189 o 1o 2o 3o 4o 5o Go 1o eo .go

nights from October 1940 to January 1944. From these ZENITH Z HORIZON

spectrograms systematic measurements were made of Fw. 3.-Average night-sky brightness at severa!
the intensity variations of the oxygen lines 5577 and localities [17].
6300 A and of the sodium pair 5893. The oxygen line
sky brightness B in millimicrolamberts (m,uL; 1
5577 A usually showed a weak maximum around mid- m,uL = IQ- 9 lambert = 2.96 X 10-7 candle ft- 2 ) and
night (not more than 40 per cent) often obscured by
the abscissas are the zenith angle Z of the place in the
fluctuations; 6300 and 5893 A merely weakened slowly
sky. Each point of Fig. 3 was the average of values
during the night, the enfeeblement for 6300 being
observed in severa! directions for severa! nights when
greater than that for 5893 A, which amounted only to
no polar aurorae were visible [17]. 2 From the data of
10 or 15 per cent. In Russia [23] photocell measurements
Fig. 3 it was concluded that there were no chan~es
of radiation in the infrared region 850 to 11000 A indi-
with latitude in the visual night-sky brightness whiCh
cated that the intensity was at a maximum around
could not be attributed to variations in haze.
midnight, being about twice as great then as at 10
P.M. and 2 A.M.
In connection with the geographical distribution of
night-sky intensitv, Farnsworth and Elv~y [13]_ con-
Twilight EjJects. The green line 5577 was observed to
cluded that thmr photographic observatwns w1th a
exhibit no twilight enhancement. On the other hand,
glass-prism spectrograph indicated no major differences
the sodium yellow emission 5893 dropped suddenly in
at Bosque Alegre, Argentina (328), Portrerillos, Chi~e
intensity to one per cent of its former value at about ten
(278) and in the southern New England states; the1r
minutes after sunset [7] with a corresponding recrudes-
data '~ere too meagre for much generalization. Rayleigh
cence near dawn. Likewise the red oxygen lines 6300
[21] concluded from his visual observations that the
showed a similar but slower change during twilight
average intensities of the blue, green, and red spect~al
[13]. The strong Ni flash at twilight discovered by
regions at Terling, England (51 N), Capetown, Afnca
8lipher is intense in aurorae but absent from the
night sky. (348), and Canberra, Australia (35~) were of c~m
parable magnitude, but tended to be h1ghest at Terhng
Annual Variations. In temperate latitudes 5577 has
slight maxima in October and February, and a 27-day 2. Data for latitude +63 were observed in February and
variation in intensity, hence a faint correlation with March, 1949, by personnel ata United States Air Force we~ther
solar phenomena; 6300 and 5893 have maxima near station in Greenland using a Naval Research Laboratory VIsual
midwinter and minima in summer of amplitude factors low brightness photometer.

and lowest at Capetown. Visual measurements of the 1948 Roach and Barbier [22] carried out surveys of the
sky near Polaris, reported by Fessenkoff [14), indicated night-skv intensity in California with recording photo-
that the brightness increased by a factor of 4 from cell equipment and interference filters for isolating
latitudes +44 to +80, but the result may have been narrow regions of the spectrum. By using average
influenced by polar aurorae; it is not in accord with the values, with correction for scattered starlight and esti-
observaticns of Fig. 3. mation of atmospheric attenuation, they obtained an
V ariation with Zenith Angle. The variation of the altitude of 100 km for 5577 A and about 300 km for
visual brightness of the night sky with zenith angle is 5892 A. Plans are under way to carry out direct photo-
also shown by the data of Fig. 3, which as has been cell measurements from rockets to determine whether
pointed out refer mainly to the oxygen green line 5577 A. the nocturnal radiations arise in regions accessible to
It is seen that the variation of the brightness with the rockets.
zenith angle Z was about the same for latitudes from The altitude of the yellow sodium line 5892 A in
-17 to +63, and that the brightness increased from twilight was determined in another way based on the
about 130 IDJ.LL at the zenith to a maximum of about fact that these radiations decreased suddenly in in-
230 mJ.LL at about 15 above the horizon for a clear tensity at twilight when the region in which they
atmosphere; with slight haze the maximum near the originated was shielded by atmospheric ozone from the
horizon became less pronounced, and with more haze it direct ultraviolet rays of the sun. Calculations made by
disappeared [17]. The variation was observed at the Penndorf [20] from the observations of Vegard and
Pic du Micii Observatory, France, tobe somewhat dif- Tpnsberg [27] in February and March 1939, at Tromso
ferent for red and green wave lengths [1], the sky inten- and Oslo, indicated definitely that the altitude of the
sity observed through a red filter being about 2.2 times sodium emission at twilight in those places was in the
as bright at Z = 80 as at the zenith, and through a region from 80 to 116 km.
green filter being about 1.7 times as bright at Z = 80 At present one should keep in mind the probability
as at the zenith. The difference was probably due to the that the various night-sky radiations may arise at differ-
greater s~attering of the lower atmosphere for green ent levels, and that the levels may change in the course
wave lengths than for red wave lengths. of the night and may vary with the latitude and season.
Further, it seems reasonable to think that the nig_l!_:-ky
Altitude emissions originate mainly in the atmospheric levels of
The altitudes of the regions in which the high atmos- the aurorae and the ionosphere, that is, from about 80
pheric emissions originate are not known with certainty. to 300 km, for it is in this region that strong photo-
The method which has been used has been well de- chemical effects occur.
scribed [17] and need not be detailed here. It is based on
the observed variation of the night-sky intensity with
zenith angle, and when applied to the night-sky ob- The spectral identifications show that most of the
servations led to erratic and discrepant values from night~sky emissions come from the two most abundant
fifty to severa! hundred kilometers. The uncertainties of the atmosphere, oxygen and nitrogen; a small
were due to nonuniformity of the emissions and to in- portion comes from sodium. N o one has questioned the
completely worked-out corrections for atmospheric at- general notion that the nocturnal emissions derive their
tenuations. But even with better correction formulas no energy from the sun, but no processes or quantitative
improved or more trustworthy values of the altitudes details have been agreed upon because information is
were determined [17]; and in no case was the _a,tmos- lacking about radiation transitions and atmospheric
pheric attenuation measured at the same time that the composition. In fact, without exception, all theoretical
sky intensity was observed. Swings [26] stated the processes, qualitative or quantitative, thus far proposed,
situation thus: have been weighted down with a wealth of criticism [6].
The excitation energy of the line systems 5577 O I,
There are great irregularities in the distribution of the emis- 6300 OI, 5893 Na Iare 4.2, 2.0, and 2.1 ev, respectively;
sion over the sky. These irregularities appear consiPtently and of the hand systems Vegard-Kaplan N 2 , Herzberg
when simultaneous exposures in different azimuths at the
02, Schumann-Runge 02, and Lyman N 2 are 7.0, 4.7,
same zenith distance are compared. No layer of uniform
brightness exists, but rather a set of bright clouds, which move 6.2, and 8.7 ev, respectively. Three theoretical sugges-
around and change brightness. The only remaining hope is tions for the source of the energy in the high atmosphere
that, by taking a sufficiently large number of observations, the are that it arises from (1) the association energies of
erratic fluctuations will average out. atomic oxygen and nitrogen which are 5.09 and 7.38
ev, respectively; (2) the energiesof ionization, which are
From 1941 to 1944 Dufay and Tcheng Mao-Lin [11] about 13.5 and 14.5 ev for the first ionization potentials
in France made several series of measurements with of atomic oxygen and nitrogen, respectively; (3) parti-
their spectrograph of the ratios of the intensities of des of solar origin or particles swept up from the dust of
various wave lengths at the zenith to the intensities near interplanetary space. It appeared that (1) was sufficient
the horizon. From averages of the observations with for the line systems but for none of the hand systems
approximate corrections for estimated atmospheric at- except that of Herzberg (perhaps the Shumann-Runge
tenuation, they obtained an altitude of 103 km for and the Lyman hand systems need no longer be con-
5577 A, 80 km for 5892 A, and 181 km for 6300 A. In sidered because, as has been said, they are not listed in

the more recent night-sky spectral identifications); (2) interesting phenomenon of the upper atmosphere. Some
seemed energetically satisfactory, but not completely in further experiments may be suggested which may in-
accord 'vith the Fnmk-Condon probabilities; (3) is crease understanding of the nature and origin of the
speculative and has not been put in quantitative terms. light. However, the experiments are not easy and re-
The relatively small amount of sodium in the upper quire the best of modern equipment. This is true, of
atmosphere necessary to account for the 5890, 5896 course, of most experimental sciences, for in any field
emissions may come either from the surface of the earth, the easy experiments are done so quickly by the pioneers
as the sea, or from interplanetary space. Both views that !ater experimenters almost always find themselves
have been suggested and the correct one is not known. in the stage where further progress is difficult.
There have been no explanations of the remarkable Improved spectra of high dispersion of the night-sky
winter enhancement of the sodium emissions observed light should be obtained. For such a purpose powerful
in temperate latitudes. It would be of interest to observe spectrographs and the facilities of a first-class ob-
the emissions in low latitudes. Whether the sodium servatory are required. The spectra would provide
emissions are merely a minor geophysical phenomenon needed additional information about the types of emit-
or have wider astronomical interest is not yet clear. ting atoms and molecules, and perhaps might answer the
important question whether any of the night-sky light
Zodiacal Light is sunlight scattered by material sufficiently distant
The zodiacal light is a well-known luminous ohe- from the earth to be in sunshine. Spectra should also
nomenon of the night sky which adds appreciably to the be taken of the zodiacal light in order to discover
brightness of certain regions of the sky near the ecliotic. whether it is a luminous apparition which originates in
At present the facts available are not adequate to allow the outer reaches of the terrestrial atmosphere or in
us to say whether the zodiacal light arises in the ter- some more distant place. Spectra of the aurorae should
restrial atmosphere or at a greater distance, and there- be included.
fore space will not be taken here to describe it. There The distribution of energy in the spectrum of the
are two theories to explain the zodiacal light. An older night-sky light should be redetermined with improved
theory [24] attributes it to sunlight scattered from a equipment; this has been done only by means of spectro-
lens-shaped disk of dust particles in the plane of the graphs of very low dispersion. Detailed measurements
ecliptic extending well beyond the orbit of the earth; of the intensities of the lines and bands of the spectrum
a more recent theory [16] attributes it to sunlight ab- should yield information about the excitation phe-
sorbed and re-emitted by a band of atmospheric ions nomena of the radiations and the physical state of the
surrounding the earth in the outer fringes of the upper regions of the atmosphere in which they occur.
atmosphere. Each theory has points in its favor but Surveys should be made over the entire sky in the
further investigations of the zodiacallight with modern several wave-length bands in order to determine the
spectrographic and photocell techniques and better nature and behavior of the variations of the luminosity.
determinations of its parallax are necessary to reach a Sensitive photocells and filters which pass narrow bands
correct explanation. qf wave lengths could be used for this purpose. Such
surveys should be carried out at several stations for a
Aurora period of time to bring out geographical and temporal
We have attempted to exclude the aurora from the variations and to establish relations, if any, with other
foregoing survey of the night-sky light knowing that phenomena, such as season of the year, solar activity,
this cannot be done, and in the end should not be done. and ionospheric variations. From the variation of the
It is probable that a complete understanding of the intensity with zenith angle the data might yield better
night sky cannot be reached without at the same time determinations of the altitude of the luminosity. The
having a complete understanding of the aurora. Both, strong infrared radiations should be included in the
it is believed, derive their prima! energy from the sun. survey.
The aurora emissions are mainly from the same familiar The survey of the night-sky brightness in several
gases of our atmosphere, oxygen and nitrogen, as are wave lengths with carefully standardized and calibrated
those of the night sky, but with different spectral photometric apparatus should be extended to high
distributions, with enormously greater intensities and latitudes and regions near the magnetic pole in order to
in quite different geometrica! patterns. The auroral determine the geographical distribution of the lumi-
energy is believed to be received in concentrated form nosity. Such observations might throw further light on
from explosions or outbursts on the sun, in contrast the differences between the night-sky light and aurorae.
to the relatively gentle and steady solar-energy stream Measurements with photocells should be made from
which supports the normal night-sky light. The kinship rockets fired at night to heights of 130 km and above
between the aurora and the night-sky light may be in order to discover whether the rocket enters or trav-
analogous to that between a hurricane and a gentle erses the regions of the nocturnal luminosity.
Suggested Experiments
1. ABADIE,P., VAssY, A., et VAssY,E.,"Altitudedel'emis-
At the present time enough is known about the light sion lumineuse du ciel nocturne." Ann. Geophys., 1: 189-
of the night sky to indicate that it is an important and 223 (1944).

2. BABCOCK, H. W., "Radiations of the Night Sky Photo- 15. HERMAN, R., HERMAN, L., and GAUZIT, J., "Infra-red
graphed with a Grating." Publ. astr. Soc. Pacif., 51: 47- Spectrum of the Night Sky." Nature, Lond., 156: 114-
50 (1939). 115 (1945).
3. - - and JoHNSON, J. J., "A Spectrophotom etric Study of 16. HuLBURT, E. 0., "The Zodiacal Light and the Gegenschein
the Light of the Night Sky." Astrophys. J., 94: 271-275 as Phenomena of the Earth's Atmosphere." Phys. Rev.,
(1941). 35: 1098-1118 (1930).
4. BARBIER, D., "Le spectre du ciel nocturne dans la region 17. - - "Night Sky Brightness Measurement s in Latitudes
des longueurs d'onde inferieures a 5000 A." Ann. Geo- below 45." J. opt. Soc. Arner., 39:211-215 (1949).
phys., 1: 224-232 (1945). 18. KuiPER, G. P., ed., The Atrnospheres of the Earth and
5. - - "Mesures spectrophotom etriques sur le spectre du Planets. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1949.
ciel nocturne (XX 4600-3100)." C. R. Acad. Sci., Paris, (See Fig. 56, p. 161)
224: 635-636 (1947). 19. MEINEL, A. B., "The Near Infrared Spectrum of the Night
6. BATES, D. R., "Theoretical Consideration s Regarding the Sky and the Aurora." Publ. astr. Soc. Pacij., 60:373-377
Night Sky Emission," in Ernission Spectra of Night Sky (1948).
and Aurora. Gassiot Comm. Rep., Phys. Soc., London, 20. PENNDORF, R., "Effects of the Ozone Shadow." J. Meteor.,
1948. (pp. 21-33); "The Origin of the Night Sky Light." 5:152-160 (1948).
Mon. Not. R. astr. Soc., 106:509-514 (1946). 21. RAYLEIGH, LoRn, and JoNEs, H. S., "The Light of the
7. BERNARD, R., "Das Vorhandensei n von Natrium in der Night-Sky; Analysisof the Intensity Variations at Three
Atmosphre auf Grund von interferometri schen Unter- Stations." Proc. roy. Soc., (A) 151:22-55 (1935).
suchungen der D-Linie im Abend- und Nachthimmel- 22. RoAcH, F. E., and BARBIER, D., "The Height of Upper
licht." Z. Phys., 110:291-302 (1938). Atmospheric Emissions." Publ. astr. Soc. Pacif., 61: 89-
8. CABANNES, J., et DuFAY, J., "Le spectre du ciel nocturne 91 (1949); "The Height of the Emission Layers in the
dans les regions bleue et violette." Ann. Geophys., 1:1- Upper Atmosphere." Trans. Arner. geophys. Un., 31:
17 (1944). 7-12 (1950).
9. DEJARDIN, G., "Le rayonnement du ciel nocturne; descrip- 23. RoniONov, S. F., and PAVLOVA, E. N., "Ob infrakrasnom
tion du spectre et identification des radiations obser- izluchenii nochnogo ne ba." Doklady Akad. N auk, SSSR,
vees." Gassiot Comm. Rep., Phys. Soc., London, 1938.
65: 831-834 (1949).
(pp. 3-8). 24. RussELL, H. N., DuGAN, R. S., and STEWART, J. Q., As-
tronomy, revised ed. Boston, Ginn, 1945. (See Voi. 1, p.
10. DuFAY, .J., et TcHENG MAO-LIN, "Recherches spectro-
358); for recent references see WHIPPLE, F. L., and Goss-
photometriqu es sur la lumiere du ciel nocturne dans la
NER, J. L., "An U pper Li mit to the Electron Density near
region visible." Ann. Geophys., 2: 189-230 (1946). the Earth's Orbit." Astrophys. J., 109:380-390 (1949).
11. - - "Tentative determination de l'altitude des couche 8 25. STEBBINS, J., WHITFORD, A. E., and SwiNGs, P., "A Strong
lumineuses de l'atmosphere pendant la nuit." Gassiot Infrared Radiation from Molecular Nitrogen in the Night
Comm. Rep., Phys. Soc., London, 1948. (pp. 62-69) Sky." Astrophys. J., 101: 39-46 (1945).
12. ELVEY, C. T., SwiNGs, P., and LINKE, W., "The Spectrum 26. SwiNGS, P., "The Spectra of the Night Sky and the
of the Night Sky." Astrophys. J., 93:337-348 (1941). Aurora" in The Atrnospheres of the Earth and Planets,
13. ELVEY, C. T., and FARNSWORTH, A. H., "Spectrophoto - G. P. KuiPER, ed. Chicago, University of Chicago Press,
metric Observations of the Light of the Night Sky." 1919. (See p. 178)
Astrophys. J., 96: 451-467 (1942). 27. VEGAHD, L., and TS'}NSBERG, E., "Investigation s on the
14. FESSENKOFF, B., "On the Luminosity of Nocturnal Sky in Aurora! and Twilight Luminescence Including Tempera-
Different Latitudes." C. R. (Doklady) Acad. Sci. URSS, ture Measurement s of the Ionosphere." Geofys. Publ.,
32 : 320-322 (1941) . Vol. 13, No. 1 (1940).


Norwegian Dejense Research Establishment

lntroduction The arc or parts of an arc show more or less regular

In this survey of our present knowledge of aurorae, pulsations in luminosity. The period of pulsation ranges
the first two sections which follow will be concerned from about twenty seconds down to a few seconds.
mainly with the appearance, or morphology, of the In some cases PA may disappear almost completely
aurora! forms. The first section contains material ob- and then reappear, at approximately the same place
tained for the most part from observations at a single at regular time intervals. '
station, while in the second section the material (mainly 4. Diff~~e_ Luminous Surfaces (DS). These appear
height determinations) was obtained from two or more in the form of a diffuse veil over parts of the sky. They
stations. The principal instrument used was the aurora! have no distinct limitations. These surfaces often ap-
camera. The third section gives a survey of spectral pear gjtr intense displays of rays and curtains. The
investigations, and the fourth section outlines the cor- appearance of DS is therefore usually restricted to the
puscular theory of aurorae and magnetic storms. Al- later hours of the night 1 _~.fte_Jrilliant aurora! displays.
though this theory must be regarded as only a first 5. Pulsating Surfaces (PS). These appear in the form
approximation to the real conditions, it is of the grea test of diffuse patches which come and go rythmically at the
value in discussing observations and in developing new same place, retaining the same irregular form. They
points of view for further research. Two sections are usually appear after a display of fia,ming aurorae.
devoted to a discussion of the connection between 6. Feeble Glow (G). This form resembles the dawn.
aurorae and magnetic storms, and a new field of re- It often appears as the upper part of an arc whose lower
search-the scattering of radio waves in the VHF- border is below the horizon.
band from aurorae--is briefiy mentioned. We can as- II. Forms with Ray-Structure.
sume that new and important knowledge of the details
of the aurora! processes will emanate from the fields These consist of short or long rays which can be
of research mentioned in these two sections. The final arranged in various ways.
section lists some promising lines for further research. 1. Bands with Ray-Structure (RE). These resemble
H B, but consist of a series of rays close to one another
Appearance of the Aurorae along the hand. When a hand is near the magnetic
Forms. The variety of aurora! forms and the gradual zenith it may have the form of a corona.
shift from one form to another have roade necessary a 2. Draperies (D). If the rays along a hand become
general classification, involving international coopera- longer, the form resembles a curtain or drapery, the
tion. The atlas of aurora! forms [10] published under lower border of which is often very luminous. With the
the auspices of the International Union of Geodesy exception of the homogeneous arc, the drapery is the
and Geophysics (Prague, 1927), is based mainly on the most common aurora! form. When it appears near the
photographs and descriptions presented by Stormer. magnetic zenith, perspective may give Da fanlike form.
In this atlas the forms are divided into two main 3. Rays (R). These forms may be isolated, or parallel
classes: forms without ray-structure and forms with in bundles. In the latter case they often resemble D.
ray-structure. An additional class, fiaming aurorae, can !he vertical extension may vary considerably, rang-
be added. mg from short rays to the very long, sunlit rays.
4. Corona (C). When rays or draperies approach
I. Forms without Ray-Structure. the magnetic zenith they appear to converge, because
1. Homogeneous Quiet Arc (HA). This form may of the perspective, and a corona is formed. This corona
appear near the horizon, usually in the northern sky. is often incomplete, and only one-half of it may be
It is ilif'fuse along the upper border, sharp along the developed. It can also be formed by bands which con-
lower. This is the most stable of ali aurora! forms and verge towards the magnetic zenith.
may maintain its shape for a period of time ranging'
from severalminutes to half an hour. A double arc III. Flaming Aurorae (F).
often appears, or severa! arcs may simultaneously be This is a form consisting of strong waves of light
seen in the sky. which characteristically move rapidly one after the
2. Homogeneous Bands (HB). These forms are ir- other in the direction of the magnetic zenith. The waves
regular in shape and often move rapidly. As with HA, may take the form of detached arcs which move up-
the upper border is diffg_Sf:l while the lower is sharp. wards towards the magnetic zenith. Flaming aurorae
The homogeneous bands often change into bands with appear frequently ll,fter strong displays of rays and
ray-structure. curtains and are often followed by the formation of a
3. Pulsating Arc (PA). This form is seldom visible. corona.

PLATE I.-Typical auroralforms: (a) Homogeneous Arc; (b) Band; (c) Arc with Ray-Structure; (d) Corona; (e) Drapery; (f) Rays.
(Ajter C. Stormer.)

Y ariations in Latitude. The most remarkable fact and Geddes [19] have drawn up a similar zone of maxi-
about the geographical distribution of the aurorae is mum frequency for the antarctic region (Fig. 1). How-
that the greatest frequency, in both arctic and antarctic ever, the records are too few for a complete construction

FIG. 1.-The geographical distribution and zone of maximum aurora! frequencies in the north and south polar regions. (After
Fritz [4], and White and Geddes [19]. )

regions, occurs along a zone lying about 20-25 from of the lines of equal frequencies over the antarctic
the earth's magnetic axis point. For the arctic region region, and additional observations from conveniently
this was stated as early as 1881 by Fritz [4]; White distributed points would be of great interest.
Y ariations in Time. The mean diurnal appearance
of the aurorae seems to be correlated with local magnetic
- CORONA BOSSEKOP time. The maxima apparently occur about 1.3 hours
-- AADIANT 4> =70N J. 23E GA. before magnetic midnight (Fig. 2). (Magnetic mid-
night is here defined as the time at which the plane
through the point of observation and the magnetic
axis passes the sun.)

Position in Space of the Aurorae

-CORONA CAP THOAOSEN The M ethod of H eight Determination. Reliable height
--- DAAPERIES </> 78.5N l. I6E GA . determinations can be made only by means of paral-
lactic photography. If objectives of high light-power
(about f 1:1.5 and less) and sensitive plates are used,
the time of exposure for aurorae of medium intensity
is even less than a second. Graphical methods, chiefly
developed by Stormer [12],! are used for reduction of
GR . the plates. The base line should not be less than 20-30
Direction of the Arcs and Position of the Radiation
Point. The position and the direction of the arcs are
closely connected with the direction of the earth's
-CORONA magnetic field at the place of observation. The position
1 </> 67N A' 67W GA.
- -- RAY S of the radiation points of coronae is similarly dependent

.---t-'- on the inclination and declination of the earth's mag-
netic field at the place of observation.
H eight Statistics of A urorae. The positions in space
of the aurora! forms are usually characterized by t he
--- DAAPEAIES AII6W GR. lower and upper limits of the luminosity . In the photo-
graphs of such forms as arcs, bands, and draperies, the
lower limit is usually easy to determine, since a sudden
decrease in the luminosity is apparent. The determina-
tion is more difficult with such forms as rays and pulsat-
LOCAL T IME ing surfaces. It is always difficult to det ermine the upper
FIG. 2.- Diurnal variation of the aurorae, observed during the 1. Methods for the reduction of a pair of parallactic photo-
Polar Yea r 1882-83 . (After Vegard [15].) graphs are described in detail in [5] . (See also [16].)

limit precisely for all forms. In Fig. 3 the lower limits are always situated in the sunlit atmosphere and, at
of all forms of polar aurorae are shown. The measure- these low latitudes, appear only during great magnetic
ments are the result of three series of observations. storms. Figure 4 shows how the lower limits concen-
trate along the shadow line between thc dark and
150 the sunlit atmosphere. Spectrographic observations by
ANO Stormer ha ve shown that the nitrogen hand in sun-

_l ~~~MEIR \ ~EG~RO ANO
lit aurorae is strongly enhanced relative to the green
~ KROGNESS - aurora! line.
(1913) ' ( 19131 14)
b. ~"'---r--. r-- Spectrum of the Aurorae
~ r-
. .c--e
;<:100 / The intensity of the aurora! luminosity is low, and

- LI..--"
k::': if spectrographs are to be used, they must be of con-
siderable light-gathering power. The spectrum con-
o 50 100 200 o 50 100 200 o 50 100 150 sists of a number of lines and bands ; more than one
FIG. 3.-Height statistics. Lower limits of polar aurorae, ali hundred are listed in the wave-length tables. They
forms. (The number of points appearing in 2-km height inter- extend from 8100 A (infrared) to 3100 A (ultraviolet)
vals are used as abscissae.) where ozone absorption cuts off the spectrum.
Wave Lengths and Average Intensities of Spectral Lines.
The lower limits lie between 80 and 140 km, with a By exposing a spectrum over a number of nights, an
pronounced maximum at about 106 km. Stormer has average spectrum with intensities approximating the
made an extensive study of the lower limits of different values given in Table I is obtained. Here only the
forms and has also compared the lower limits of the stronger of the aurora! lines, together with their identifi-
polar aurorae and aurorae appearing at more southerly cations, are listed. The spectrum is dominated by the
latitudes. There appear to be only small systematic nitrogen hand systems, the negative group (N G) and
changes in the lower limits for the various types and the first and second positive groups (1 P G and 2 P G),
latitudes. which are all well known from the study of gas dis-
There is a wide range of variation in the vertical charges. The visible color of the aurorae, however, is
extent of the luminosity. In polar regions the rays produced by the atomic oxygen lines 5577 A in the
extend to heights up to 200-250 km. In lower latitudes green (Fig. 5) and the doublet 6363, 6300 A in the
the vertical extent may increase to as much as 800- red. In addition to the stronger lines a considerable
1000 km . Aurorae appear only at these latitudes during number of weak lines and bands have been listed, some
very intense magnetic storms, and radio-echo measure- of which seem tobe atomic lines of O and N. Of special
ments indicate that there is a considerable increase in interest is the appearance of the forbidden nitrogen
the reflection heights of the ionosphere during the line NI (48 - 2P) at 3466 A.
storm phase. The increases in vertical extent of the
aurorae at lower latitudes may therefore be due partly
to the special conditions of the ionosphere during strong
magnetic storms .
Sunlit A urorae. Height measurements in arctic re-
gions near the aurora! zone have shown that the rays
and draperies in the darle atmosphere very seldom
attain heights over 250-300 km. Stormer has shown,
however, that faint rays, often of a grayish color, appear-
. ....... ..... ; .......
FIG. 5.-Spectrum of aurorae. (Ajter Vegard [15].)

Intensity Effects. The study of intensity variations

within the aurora! spectrum is of great importance,
but because of the rapid movements and low intensity
it is difficult to carry through. Here one has to use
small spectrographs of the highest light-power, per-
mitting short exposures, and the measurements are
therefore limited to the stronger lines. The following
FIG. 4.-Aurorae situated in the border region between the intensity measurements have been made: (1) intensity
dark and sunlit atmosphere. The horizontalline indicates the
shadow line . (After Stormer [13] .) variations within a single aurora! form from the lower
edge to the upper limit; (2) intensity variations from
ing over southern Scandinavia at a considerable dis- one aurora! form to another; and (3) latitudinal varia-
tance from the aurora! zone, may attain heights up to tions between polar aurorae and aurorae at lower lati-
800-1000 km. Aurorae appearing at such great heights tudes.

1. Altitude Effects. In all auroral forms there is a 3. Latitudinal Effects. These effects were summarized
distinct increase in the intensity of violet nitrogen by Vegard in a comparison between 70N (Tromso)
bands relative to the green auroral line as one goes and 60N (Oslo), as follows: (1) The intensity of 6300 A
relative to the green line increases towards lower lati-
TABLE l. AURORAL LINES AND BANDS tudes. This relation is even more pronounced when the
(After V egard [15]) green line is compared with the negative bands. (2)
A Intensity Identification The intensity of the green line relative to the negative
bands increases towards the lower latitudes.
1PG 7-6* Appearance of Hydrogen and Sodium Lines. Among
the fainter lines in the aurora! spectrum are the two
6605 40 1PG 6-3 Balmer lines, Ha (6563 A) and H{3 (4816 A), which
6592 1PG 13-11 may appear with varying intensities. Furthermore, the
6363 Or (ID2 - P1)
3 N a-line (5891 A) also appears. This line is strongly
6300.30 28 Or (ID2 - 3P2) enhanced in the sunlit part of the night-sky spec-
5990.8 15 1P G 15-12 trum.
5891 13 1P G 9-5 (N a: D1D2)
5577.35 100 Or (!So - 1D2) Determination of Temperature from the N itrogen
Bands. According to the quantum theory, the width
5238 6 1PG 16-11 of the nitrogen bands depends on the temperature of
4709 8 NG D-2
4652 5 NG 1-3 the gas. By measuring the intensity distribution within
4596 3 NG 2-4 the R-branch of a band, the apparent temperature of
4551 2 NG 3-5
the gas can be calculated. In laboratory experiments
4278 24 NG D-1 these measurements are based on spectra taken with
4236 6 NG 1-2 great dispersion. In aurora! spectroscopy, the disper-
4059 3 2P G D-3
399tl 4 2 P G 1-4 sion is limited, and the accuracy is accordingly limited.
3942 2 2 P G 2-5 Quantitative measurements by Vegard based on the
3914 47 NG o-o photometry of the nitrogen band 4278 A give a tem-
3805 5 2PG D-2 perature of about -45C.
3755 4 2 P G 1-3
3578 10 2PG D-1 The Corpuscular Theory of the Aurorae
3537 5 2P G 1-2
The coincidence between the appearance of mag-
3466 Nr ('S - 2P)
3371 9 2 P G 0-0 netic storms, aurorae, and sunspot activity leads natu-
3159 6 2 P G 1-0 rally to the assumption that the primary cause of
3126 4 2PG 2-1 both magnetic storms and aurorae must bea corpuscu-
* Vibra t ion al quanta numbers for the transition. lar radiation emitted by the sun. The fact that aurorae
appear on the night side of the globe may be explained
by the effect of the earth's magnetic field on an elec-
from the lower edge to the upper limit of the aurorae.
trically charged stream of corpuscles. Different views
There is also a distinct increase in the relative in-
have been expressed as to the nature of the particles
tensity of the red doublet at 6300 A compared to the
emitted by the sun, and at the present time we have
green line 5577 A. At the same time the red nitrogen
no definite evidence as to whether they are electrons,
bands 1 P G at 6500 A are relatively stronger at the
positive rays, or a mixture of both held together by
lower part of the border than at the upper limit, when electrostatic action.
compared "ith the green line. Stormer [14] has treated extensively the case of the
2. Typc Effects. Forms such as diffuse and pulsat- movement of an electrically charged particle approach-
ing surfaces, compared with strong and radiant forms ing the earth's magnetic dipole field. The theory can
such as draperies, bands, and arcs, show violet nitro- be applied to both negative and positive charges, but
gen bands of considerably greater intensity than the it has been especially worked out for the assumption
green line. In the sunlit aurorae, where the upper limits that corpuscles are fast electrons. Chapman [3] and
may attain heights of 800-1000 km, the violet region later Alfven [1] developed a corpuscular theory in
is also strongly enhanced relative to the green line,
which a cloud of negatively and positively charged
and the color may appear to be gray-violet.
particles leaves the sun at a comparatively moderate
The red coloring of aurorae is due either to an en- velocity. This ion cloud is polarized in the earth's mag-
hancement of the red oxygen line 6300 A or to the red netic field, and electrostatic fields are set up. The de-
nitrogen bands at 6500 A. The former effect occurs tailed analysis of the orbits of the particles is difficult
especially at lower latitudes; the red coloring at the because of the complexity of the problem.
lower edge of strong aurorae is usually due to the en- The Model Experiments of Birkeland. A first approach
hancement of the nitrogen bands. When the aurorae to a corpuscular theory of aurorae and magnetic storms
appear in uniform red-colored forms, especially at low was made through the model experiments of Birkeland.
latitudes, the coloring is due to the oxygen line. How- A small uniformly magnetized sphere, the "Terrella,"
ever, the red color of the lower edge of strong aurorae was placed in a vacuum and a stream of electrons was
is due to the nitrogen bands. directed against the sphere. At low pressures the paths

of the electron stream can be made visible, and these In nature we have to consider the movement of a
model experiments gave a striking picture of the possible stream or cloud of charged particles, perhaps of both
orbits for an incoming electron stream approaching the signs and of different masses and charges, leaving the
earth. These model experiments were later extended sun and approaching the earth. During the passage,
by Brtiche and Malmfors (see [1]). the cloud will induce changes due to electrostatic attrac-
The M ovement of a Charged Corpuscle in the Earth's tion or repulsion. In addition, upon entering the earth's
Magnetic Field-Stormer's Calculations. The movement magnetic field, the positive and negative charges will
of an electron with a certain initial velocity is well be displaced relative to each other and polarization
known for a number of simple types of magnetic fields, effects will occur. Chapman [3] and, !ater, Alfven [1]
such as movement in a homogeneous field parallel or have extensively treated the passage of an ion cloud
transverse to the direction of the field. In a radial field emitted by the sun and approaching the earth. Chap-
which is produced by a single magnetic pole the orbits man has paid especial attention to the terrestrial effects
of the electrons will be like geodetic lines on a cone. It appearing as magnetic storms, while Alfven has dis-
has not been possible to solve completely the more cussed the aurora! effects.
general case represented by the field of a dipole such
as that of the earth. The differential equations for the The Aurorae and Magnetic Storms
movement of a particle in the dipole field are easily Physically, one must regard the aurorae and the
set down, but a general integration of these equations polar magnetic storms as two effects with the same
has not been possible. Stormer has discussed the equa- primary cause-an ionizing corpuscular radiation pene-
tions in severa! papers and given many numerica! solu- trating the atmosphere to a level of 80-100 km. Mag-
tions which he has applied to aurora! problems. It netic storms have been studied thoroughly and differ-
may be added that the same problem appears in the ent types and phases within a storm ha ve been classified.
theory of cosmic rays, where fast electrons from space The appearance of the polar magnetic storm is of the
enter the earth's magnetic field. Stormer's calculations greatest interest for aurora! studies. This type of storm
explain severa! of the effects associated with the appear- appears regularly and is mainly confined to the belt
ance of the aurorae. According to theory, the electrically of the aurora! zones. Physically it can be explained as
charged particles will impinge on the earth along two the effect of a current sheet ftowing along or parallel
zones, symmetrical with respect to the magnetic axis to the aurora! zone at a height of 100-150 km. Birke-
points, which represent the aurora! zones. Further fam- land [2] studied this storm type extensively, using
ilies of trajectories of the particles will end on the synoptic charts. The records from the Polar Year
earth's night side, thus making the appearance of the 1932-33 gave a unique opportunity of studying this
aurorae on the night side possible. storm type in more detail than ever before. McNish
Different views have been expressed concerning the [9], Vestine [11], Chapman [18], and others have made
motion of the electrically charged particles in an aurora! synoptic and statistica! studies of the polar magnetic
form. In the case of a fine aurora! ray it may be as- storm. Most interesting in this connection is the study
sumed that the earth's magnetic field can be regarded, by Vestine. He showed that the mean position of the
to a first approximation, as equivalent to the field of current sheet coincided almost exactly with the posi-
a single pole. The motion should be along a geodetic tion of the aurora! zone, both lying at a distance of
line. When approaching the earth, the electrically about 23 from the earth's magnetic axis point.
charged particle will reach a certain minimum height, A most remarkable effect is the increase of the angu-
where the motion will be in a circle lying at right angles lar diameter of the aurora! zone which coincides with
to the field. The radius p of this circle is a measure for increasing strength of magnetic storms. During great
the stiffness (Hp) of the rays, g1ven by the formula, storms the aurorae are displaced towards the south;
at places along the aurora! zone the aurorae are then
Hp usually seen towards the south. Stormer has explained
this widening of the aurora! zone as due to the effect
where H is the magnetic field intensity, and m and e of a ring current appearing in the equatorial plane of
are, respectively, the mass and the charge of a ray- the earth, but lying far outside the atmosphere.
corpuscle. Measurements of the width of fine aurora!
rays show that the stiffness (Hp) may attain values of The Aurorae and the lonosphere
105 This corresponds to stiffness of the order of J-rays The normal polar aurorae appear at heights ranging
or of fast positive rays in gas discharges. The measure- from 80 to 300 km above the surface of the earth. At
ments of Hp therefore do not give any definite informa- lower latitudes and during great storms aurora! forms
tion on the nature of the corpuscles producing the may appear at much greater heights. The ionosphere
aurorae. But if, after entering the earth's atmosphere, consists mainly of two regions of ionization, the E-layer
the primary rays are spiraling down along the lines of at 120 km above the earth, and the F 2 -layer at about
the earth's magnetic field, the velocity must be con- 230 km. The normal ionosphere is produced by the
siderable, and slow electrons or positive ions seem to ionizing effect of the sun's ultraviolet spectrum. Owing
be excluded. Stormer's mathematical theory treats only to the stratification in the air's composition at differ-
the highly idealized case, that is, the movement of a ent levels, ionization maxima are produced when the
single electrically charged particle in the earth's field. sun's rays pass through the atmosphere, giving rise to
the normal stratification of the ionosphere -the E-, plays. At the same time there may be a complete break-
F 1-, and F2-layers. In addition to the ultraviolet rays down of medium- and short-wave commercial radio
from the sun, corpuscular rays emitted by the sun may transmission . The explanation of these two effects-
also have an ionizing effect when they penetrate the the increase in electron density in the E-region during
earth's atmosphere. The penetration of these corpuscu- small storms and faint aurorae, and the complete cessa-
lar rays is made visible by the appearance of aurorae. tion of radio echoes during strong magnetic storms-is
A marked increase in the ionization of the layers during the following: Du ring small storms the impact of the
auroral displays might therefore be expected, and this electrically charged particles increases the ionization
is what actually happens. The effects of aurorae on the of the E-layer down to a height of 100-110 km. This
ionosphere are treated below. increase in ionization is measured by the increase in
The Appearance of the Abnormal E-Layer during Au- critica} penetration frequencies of the layer. During
roral Displays. We must here distinguish between the strong magnetic storms and aurorae, this increase
effects of faint and strong auroral displays. During a ionization is displaced farther down in the atmosphere,
faint auroral display the electrically charged corpuscles to a height of about 80 km. Here the density of
the air
will emit light visible as aurorae, and in addition they will be considerably greater than in the E-layer, and
will produce ionization by impact which will increase this will increase the collision frequency between the
the electron density of the layers, especially the E-layer. free electrons and the surrounding gas molecules.
In polar regions there is a very close connection between increase in collision frequency will cause a strong ab-
the appearance of faint or medium aurorae, small mag- sorption of radio waves in the medium- and short-wave
netic storms, and a simultaneou s increase in the elec- bands. The irregular disturbances in radio communi-
tron density of the E-layer. This increase of the electron cations show very close connections with the appearance
density of the layers can be followed by radio-echo of magnetic storms and aurorae, and it is
observations which measure the critica! penetration to a certain degree, to forecast the disturbances
frequencies of the layers. From the critica! penetration carefully observing magnetic storms and aurorae.
frequencies one can easily calculate the maximum The propagation of long and very long radio waves
electron densities of the layers. Figure 6 shows how is only slightly influenced by irregular changes
in the
the maximum electron densities of the F2- and E-layers ionosphere. The long waves are propagated mainly
change at a polar station during a small magnetic ground waves over short distances. Over longer dis-
storm accompanied by a faint aurora overhead. tances there will be a fraction-ab out 10-20 per cent
of the field strength at the receiving station-whi ch
is propagated as a reflected wave. For such long waves
~ the ionosphere acts almost as a reflecting mirror. An
increase in the electron density in the lowest part of the
DECEMSER 5-6, 1935 E-layer only increases the reflective power of the layer
r for these waves, and receiving conditions for very long
"'::;: E
radio waves are therefore usually more favorable during

0:: 8 disturbed periods than during quiet peri6ds.


X 6


o F2
~ 4

2 1

~ ~1/

sh 12h 15h 2oh 24h 4h sh

12h 16h
I W 1 11\/--'-----",L--- \
TIME (MET) uro
FIG. 6.-Appearanc e of abnormal E-layer during a small ~~
1- z
magnetic storm accompanied by faint aurorae (observed in w
Tromsii). Magnetic declination (D), horizontal intensity (H), z
and vertical intensity (V) of the magnetic field are shown ~::;: 2~----~-- --~------~----~----~----~
APRIL 1936 MAY 1936
above. (MET = Middle European Time.)
FIG. 7.-Critical frequencies of the F2-layer and magnetic
character numbers (observed in Tromsii). During periods of
During stronger magnetic storms and aurorae the great magnetic activity the critica! frequencies decrease.
conditions are more complex, and the effect of ab-
sorption is of the greatest importance. During strong The Effects on the F2-Layer. The effect of magnetic
auroral displays, the radio echoes reflected from the storms and aurorae on the F2-layer is more complex,
ionosphere are usually weak, and there may be a com- since disturbances at this height (about 250 km) are
plete cessation of radio echoes during the greatest dis- accompanied by changes in the structure of the layer.

There is an inverse correlation between magnetic ac- the radio waves in the usual high-frequency band
tivity and critica} penetration frequency, that is, the 1-15 mc sec-1 , which is usually in operation for iono-
maximum electron density of the layer. During dis- spheric radio-echo recording. During strong aurora}
turbed periods the maximum electron density decreases. displays this absorbing region usually screens off the
This effect is commonly explained by assuming a verti- higher part of the ionosphere, and the echo records
cal expansion of the ionosphere during disturbed peri- give no information about the conditions of the iono-
ods. Figure 7 shows the inverse correlation between sphere and aurora} region during the phases of strong
the critica} frequencies of the F 2-layer and the magnetic absorption.
character numbers, as recorded at a polar station. The amount of absorption will, however, decrease
with increasing frequency, and it thus becomes possible
to use waves in the VHF-band for studying scattering
effects from the dense ionization in the aurorae. Scatter

--------------- ~
o from aurorae has been obtained by Harang and Stoffre-
H gen [6], using 41 mc sec-1 waves. Lovell, Clegg, and
v------ ~ Ellyett [8] used frequencies of 72 and 46 mc sec-1
o)x 1/~2
and obtained scattering effects. The use of VHF -waves
for the study of scattering in the ionosphere must be
40 o

40 o
F'1Gf regarded as a new and promising field of research for
obtaining information during the phases of strong ab-
(/)20 o
~h37mMET 20 o
1 JJ IShoom MET
a:: Concluding Remarks
.... ....w

::;; w
Aurora} phenomena are the visual results of an ac-
_J o_J tion of a stream of solar particles on the upper layers
"' "'
40 o
IJ of the earth's atmosphere. Magnetic storms and changes

400 in the structure of the ionosphere occur simultaneously
20 o - )..------' 16hosm
20 o
16h osm
with the aurorae.
A quantitative theory of the aurorae, magnetic
storms, and the irregular changes within the ionosphere
3 5
would presuppose a knowledge of the nature of the
solar particles and a detailed knowledge of the physi-
cal condition of the upper atmosphere.
'' In the preceding sections it has been pointed out that
' -- ' ',
__ )
' aurora} phenomena give no definite indication of the
nature of the solar particles producing the aurorae.
,-- FI
--.., .->
... ---'
Furthermore, the physical conditions of the upper at-
mosphere-density, pressure, temperature, chemi cal
composition, vertical and horizontal displacement of the
2 4 6 2 4 6 air masses, and the variations of these quantities during
ELECTRONS x 105 PER CM3 the day and the year-have mainly been deduced in
Fra. 8.-Changes in the structure of the ionosphere in the indirect ways. The picture of the physical condition
aurora! zone from a quiet day to the following disturbed day of the upper atmosphere has therefore been put together
(from records in Tromso). The magnetic records are shown
above. The echo curves and the structure of the ionosphere are like a mosaic, with information supplied by the various
given below. branches of geophysics. If one of these questions-either
the nature of the solar corpuscles or the physical state
The changes in the structure of the ionosphere during of the upper atmosphere-could be solved independ-
intense magnetic storms are evident from the echo ently, an important step forward would have been
records. A typical example indicating the conditions taken in the theory of the aurora. Through V-2 rocket
of the ionosphere on a quiet day and a following dis- experiments, reliable values for densities and pressures
turbed day at a polar station is given in Fig. 8. The up to heights of 90 km have now been obtained (7].
structure of the ionosphere can be deduced from the Further measurements will remove many uncertain-
character of the echo curves (virtual heights of echoes ties concerning the physical properties of the upper
versus frequency). The expansion of the F 2-layer, and atmosphere. A direct experimental investigation of the
the more pronounced stratification between the F 2 - nature of the solar particles should be possible by
and F1-layers, are evident. means of V-2 rocket ftights through aurorae in polar
Scattered Rejlections from Aurorae in the VHF-Band. regwns.
It has already been mentioned that strong aurorae and The position of the aurora} zone and the distribu
magnetic activity are accompanied by an increase of tion of the aurora! frequency with the latitude has
ionization in the lower edge of the E-layer. This in- hitherto been based on Fritz' chart, published in 1881
crease in ionization at a level at which the density is [4]. In the last few decades a vast amount of statisti-
comparatively high produces a strong absorption of ca!. information has been gathered which 1should pro-

vide possibilities for more reliable determinations of 4. FRITZ, H., Das Polarlicht. Leipzig, Brockhaus, 1881.
the auroral frequency curve's. 5. HARANG, L., The Aurorae. London, Chapman (in press).
A detailed morphological study of auroral phenomena 6. - - und STOFFREGEN, W., "Echoversuche auf Ultra-
bas hitherto been carried on mainly over Scandinavia. kurzwellen." Hochfrequenztech. u. Elektroakust., 55:105-
108 (1940).
It would be of the greatest interest to extend this de-
7. HAVENS, R., KoLL, R. T., and LAGOW, H., Pressures and
tailed study of types of aurorae and their position in Temperatures in the Earth's Upper Atmosphere. Naval
space to other places along the auroral zone. In this Res. Lab. Rep., Washington, D. C., March, 1950.
connection it would be of great interest to study the 8. LovELL, A. C. B., CLEGG, J. A., and ELLYETT, C. D.,
horizontal extension of a single quiet auroral form, such "Radio Echoes from the Aurora Borealis." N ature,
as a homogeneous arc or hand, along the auroral zone. 160: 372 (1947).
From a single station one can determine the extension 9. McNisH, A. G., "Heights of Electric Currents near the
of such a form up to 600-700 km, but it is still an un- Aurora! Zone." Terr. Magn. atmos. Elect., 43: 67-75
solved question whether or not such a form may have (1938).
even greater extension, or may even cover a greater 10. Photographic Atlas of Auroral Forms, 24 pp. Oslo, Inter-
national Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, 1930.
part of the auroral zone. The question could perhaps
Il. SILSBEE, H. B., and VESTINE, E. H., "Geomagnetic Bays,
be solved most conveniently by using a series of air- Their Frequency and Current-Systems." Terr. Magn.
planes flying at fixed distances from each other along atmos. Elect., 47: 195-208 (1942). (See also VESTINE, E.
the auroral zone. H., "On the Analysis of Surface Magnetic Fields by
The spectrum of the aurorae shows an increasing Integrals." lbid., 46: 27-41 (1941).)
number of lines with each new improvement in the 12. STORMER, C., "Resultats des mesures photogrammetriques
spectrographic equipment used [17]. The most impor- des aurores boreales observees dans la N orvege meri-
tant new features of the spectra are the number of dionale de 1911 a 1922." Geofys. Publ., Voi. 4, No. 7
faint atomic lines from N and O which seem to be (1926).
present. Further, the hydrogen lines Ha and H(3 show 13. - - "Sonnenbelichtete Nordlichtstrahlen." Z. Geophys.,
5: 177-194 (1929).
great changes in intensity together with a strong broad-
14. - - "Uber die Probleme des Polarlichtes." Beitr. Geophys.,
ening of the line width, which indicate Doppler move- Supp. 1: 1-84 (1931).
ments of the emitting atoms. 15. VEGARD, L., "Die Deutung der Nordlichterscheinungen
A new and promising field of research on ionization und die Struktur der Ionosphare." Ergebn. exakt. Naturw.,
processes within the aurorae is the study of the scat- 17: 229-281 (1939).
tering of radio waves from aurorae in the VHF-region. 16. - - "The Aurora Polaris and the Upper Atmosphere,"
In this case, the ion clouds within an auroral display Chap. XI, in Terrestrial Magnetism and Electricity,
would act as scattering centers, and a detailed study J. A. FLEMING, ed. New York, McGraw, 1939.
would give information about the dimensions of these 17. --New Important Facts Relating to the Composition and
centers. State of the lonosphere Derived from Auroral Studies.
Report to the Sec. Meeting of the Mixed Commission
on the Ionosphere, URSF, Zurich, 1950.
1. ALFVEN, H., Cosmica[ Electrodynamics. Oxford, Clarendon 18. VEsTINE, E. H., and CHAPMAN, S., "The Electric Current
Press, 1950. System of Geomagnetic Disturbance." Terr. Magn.
2. BIRKELAND, Kr., Norwegian Aurora Polaris Expedition, atmos. Elect., 43: 351-382 (1938).
1902-03. Christiania, Voi. 1, Part 1, 1908; Part 2, 1913. 19. WHITE, F. W. G., and GEDDES, M., "lhe Antarctic Zone
3. CHAPMAN, S., and BARTELS, J., Geomagnetism, Voi. II. of Maximum Aurora! Frequency." Terr. 21Iagn. atmos.
Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1940. (See pp. 85D-890) Elect., 44: 367-377 (1939).
Harvard College Observatory

INTRODUCTION AND ASTRONOMICAL from directions including specifically the apex of the
BACKGROUND earth's motion. N one of these studies yield a statisti-
cally decisive excess of velocities above the solar-system
In this s~ort discussion of the use of meteors in upper-
limit within the visual magnitude range from -4 to
atmosphenc research no attempt is made to achieve
possibly +7 or +8.
historical completeness. For an interesting historical
To clarify terminology, the term meteor will be used
accoun~ of meteors and the basic theory of the earth's
here to indicate the meteoric phenomenon and the
attractwn, the reader is referred to Olivier's book on
term meteoroid to indicate the material body producing
the su~ject [6_1]. Watson's Between the Planets [85]
a meteor. Meteors sufficiently bright to cast shadows
covers m sem1popular style the related subjects of
are called fireballs, while detonating fireballs are bolides.
comets, meteors, meteorites, and minor planets. Pio-
neering work on meteoric and atmospheric theory such
!n case a meteoric body is sufficiently large for part of
It to reach the earth 's surface as a solid the resultant
as that by_ Sc~iapar~lli [76] in 1871 is discussed by
body Is. a meteorite. These distinctions ' are necessary
Kopff [37] m hiS sectwn on meteors in the H andbuch
because of the rapidly accumulating evidence that the
der Astrophysik. Hoffmeister [30] has summarized much
meteoroids producing the common meteors observed
of the other material in his book on the subject. A
visually, photographically, and by radio techniques
recen~ account, concentrating mostly on the early work
?Y ~mdemann and Dobson, is given by Mitra [59]
ha ve a different origin than the meteorites. Hence there
is no justification for assuming that the chemic~l and
m h1s valuable volume Th' Upper Atmosphere.
physical structures of the meteoroids commonly seen as
The reality of stones falling from space was not gen-
meteors are exemplified by the meteorites.
erally recognized in the scientific world until the first
A large percentage of meteors are observed in showers
decade of the nineteenth century. Previously, the
repeated with variable intensity at the same date~
French Academy had remained particularly obdurate
from year to year. Since the meteoroids in a shower
in denying the phenomenon, even though Halley had
strike the earth in parallel paths relative to the observer,
been convinced of the general idea in 1686 and the con-
the resultant meteors appear to radiate from a radiant
cept was very commonly accepted in ancient times.
on the sky. The various meteoric streams or showers
Once the fact is accepted that meteors arise from an
are usually named for the constellations in which the
interaction between the atmosphere and bodies fali-
radiants are located. Schiaparelli first showed that the
ing from space, certain limits on the phenomenon can
Perseid shower, observa bie for more than half the month
be set imn:ediately. The lower limit of the velocity
of August, is associated with Cornet 1862 III. Since
near an alt1tude of 100 km is about 11.1 km sec~ 1 the
velocity of fali from rest at infinity. The earth itself then a number of the major meteor showers have been
is moving in a nearly circular orbit about the sun with associated \Vith comets [85] and there is every reason
a mean velocity of 29.7 km sec~ 1 , while the velocity of to believe that essentially all shower meteors arise from
escape from the sun at the earth's distance is about comets.
42.1 km Eec- 1 Hence, the maximum velocity of en-
The remaining meteors not associated with known
counter is nearly 73 km sec~ 1 , representing the head-on showers are called sporadic meteors. The Harvard pho-
tographic meteor studies show that the major percent-
case and allowing for the earth's attraction [61].
The ave rage velocity rises statistically from 6:00 P.M. age of the bright sporadic meteors move in very elon-
gated and randomly oriented cometlike orbits about
to 6:00 A.M. as the observer is turned from the following
the sun before striking the earth. The remainder move
hem1Sphere of the earth to the leading hemisphere.
in orbits of low eccentricity, small major axis, and low
Meteors of maximum velocity cannot be observed before
midnight. inclination to the fundamental plane of the planets.
These orbits are similar to those of the few minor planets
There is still no proof from photographic or radio
or asteroids that approach the sun within the earth's
n:eteor studies that any meteoric bodies originate out-
distance, but also similar to the orbits of short-period
side t~e solar. system. The Harvard two-station photo-
graphiC stud1es of some sixty brighter meteors give comets. Wylie [95] has shown that severa! fireballs
followed similar orbits. It is not possible to state defi-
vectorial velocities with a precision of about one per
nitely whether these sporadic meteors are of cometary,
cent. The radio-doppler studies of some 3000 meteors
by McKinley [52] provide scalar velocities of somewhat of asteroidal, or of other origin.
The recent studies of meteorites by Brown and
less accuracy, but to a brightness limit well below the
capacity of the naked eye. LovelP bas observed scalar Patterson [9] and Bauer [6], on the other hand, indicate
velocities of more than eighty radio meteors coming strongly that meteorites represent debris from a broken
planet or planets. The writer doubts seriously that
1. Private communication. comets can have such an origin. Hence, the commonly

observed meteoroids are probably of a different struc- [59] has recently reproduced in extenso the theoretical
ture than meteorites. developments by Lindemann and Dobson, only a few
The studies of meteor spectra, largely by Miliman remarks concerning their work will be made in this
[55, 56, 57], indicate predominance of low-excitation article. Briefly, Lindemann and Dobson recognized and
Fer lines, with Ferr lines [85] possibly showing in one stated clearly the fundamental meteoric processes,
case, probably for a very high-velocity meteor. Present namely, surface heating by impact with air molecules,
also are lines of the atoms Nar, Car, Mgr, Mnr, Crr, stressing the importance of effective mean free path,
Sir, Nir, Alr, Carr, Mgrr, Sin, and possibly Feo. No vaporization of the meteoroid, luminosity produced by
atmospheric constituents have been observed. The rela- encounter of the vaporized material with the air, and
tively low states of excitation correspond to tempera- the relatively slow deceleration of the nucleus remain-
tures of only a few thousand degrees, in spite of the high mg.
energies of the impinging atoms; for example, a nitro- Although their thermodynamic, rather than kinetic,
gen atom at a velocity of 70 km sec-1 carries an energy approach to the problem of heat transfer through the
of 410 ev. gas cap led to erroneously high values of the calculated
The average meteoroid is probably an irregularly air densities at great altitudes, as pointed out by
shaped stone or stony iron. There is no reason to believe Sparrow [81] and later workers, nevertheless the basic
that it is structuraliy strong or homogeneous in physi- processes as visualized by Lindemann and Dobson are
cal or chemical structure. Roughly 3 per cent of the in other respects fundamental. Progress towards a com-
meteors photographed by Harvard split into two or pletely satisfactory theory is stili surprisingly slow.
more pieces in the upper atmosphere, while nearly 10 Lindemann and Dobson showed clearly that the
per cent showed fiares in brightness. Jacchia [35] has previous concept of a constant stratospheric tempera-
shown definitely that flares arise from quick losses of ture in the upper atmosphere must be replaced by the
material, probably by crumbling or breakage of the recognition of higher temperatures at great altitudes.
meteoroid. Direct evidence as to the nature of meteor- They noted further that from Denning's observations
oids may sometime be obtained from micrometeorites the end heights of meteors were markedly less frequent
[38, 92], those meteoroids that are sufficiently smali to in the region from 50 to GO km than immediately above
be stopped by the atmosphere without vaporizing. or below. From this fact they concluded that the at-
Until then we can only postulate the structure of mospheric temperature must rise abruptly at a height
meteoroids and check our postulates indirectly by var- of about 60 km so that "As the meteor passes into colder
ious observations and deductions. An acceptable theory air the temperature of the air cap will fali so that the
as to the nature and origin of comets would also be of heating wili be reduced." This latter argument and
value in the study of meteors. consequent conclusion must be revised slightly. It is
more accurate to conclude that a region of maximum
ATMOSPHERIC RESEARCH BASED ON temperature must be present between 50 and 60 km
VISUAL OBSERVATIONS because the existence of a smalier logarithmic density
Visual Observations of Meteors. As early as 1798 gradient prolongs the lifetime of a meteoroid reaching
Brandis and Benzenberg set out to determine the this height; the meteoroid has, therefore, a smaller
heights of meteors by simultaneous observations from chance of disappearing in the critica! range of altitude.
two separated stations. In ali they observed 402 The air temperature, per se, is not the dominating fac-
meteors, of which 22 appeared to be identica!. Newton tor; it is the consequent reduced density gradient which
[GO], a major contributor to early meteor studies, ana- is important.
lyzed 21 of these "pairs" and calculated heights, rang- Related effects of a variable logarithmic gradient in
ing from 12 to 245 km, with a mean of about 100 km. atmospheric density show markedly in meteor trails
The mean is in good agreement with modern measures photographed at Harvard and account largely for the
but the range is far too great. Average visual meteors phenomenon observed by Hoffieit [29] (see also [23])
become observable at a height of about 100-110 km that the point of maximum brightness moves systemati-
with a large scatter, and persist to 90 km or lower, de- cally forward in meteor trails with increasing velocity
pending upon their brightness. High-speed photo- (for discussion see [87]).
graphic meteors first show at greater heights, about 120 Lindemann and Dobson also pointed out the fact
km, while the chief activity observed by electronic that meteor heights are systematically greater during
techniques is generaliy near the E-layer. The slowest the summer than during the winter. They could not
and brightest photographic meteors observed at Har- conclude positively, however, that the height of a point
vard disappear in the neighborhood of 40 km. of given density in the atmosphere is greater in summer
Lindemann and Dobson [41, 43] made the pioneer than in winter. It is possible that there are systematic
application of meteoric theory and observation to a differences in velocity between the seasons and that
study of the density and temperature of the upper the heights of meteors are very dependent upon velocity.
atmosphere. They developed the first comprehensive These general problems concerning visually observed
theory of the meteoric process and then utilized the ex- meteors stiU constitute a source of considerable dis-
tensive visual observations of meteor heights that had cussion or disagreement [44, 51, 72, 73].
been made by that most assiduous of meteor observers, The Arizona Expedition for the Study of Meteors
W. F. Denning, and by his co-workers. Since Mitra was planned by Shapley, Opik, and Boothroyd [77].

The goal of the expedition was to obtain measures of increase with altitude, that is, from daylight to night
meteor velocities, heights, radiants, and statistica! data trains. It is clear, from both photographs and drawings,
visually by the use of the "rocking mirror" technique. that "layers of the atmosphere, lying quite close to-
In applying this technique the observer determines the gether, have winds blowing in different directions and
angular velocity of a meteor by looking at its refiection at quite different velocities." In very brief intervals of
in a plane mirror, the mirror being made to oscillate time after the appearance of trains "the photographs
in such a fashion that a normal to its surface describes show that the trains have become zigzag in shape ....
a conical surface of small apex angle, with the apex There seem to be inescapable proofs, in certain cases,
near the center of the mirror. Trajectories and heights of vertical components."
were measured by simultaneous visual observations As for the directions of the train motions, Olivier
from two stations separated by 36 km. finds that for America the greater number drift north
The active direction of the expedition and the anal- with strong east-west components. See Fig. 1. For all
ysis of the results were conducted by Opik. From Octo-
ber 1931 to the end ofJuly 1933, some 22,000 individual N
meteors were observed, and heights were determined
for 3540. Most of the latter were sporadic meteors
(about 80 per cent) and only 7 per cent carne from the
major showers. In analyzing the heights, Opik [65, 66]
made statistica! corrections for all effects that he
thought might possibly introduce systematic errors into
a seasonal phenomenon, if present. He found that an
average meteor corrected to standard conditions of
brightness, velocity (actually elongation of radiant from
apex of earth's motion) etc., appears at a greater alti-
tude in summer than in winter. From this he concluded
that the data "suggest an annual fiuctuation of the
height of the atmosphere, more or less corresponding E
to the annual temperature curve, of an (total) ampli-
tude of 3.7 0.7 km," applying at a mean altitude of
about 88 km ahove sea level.
From his theory [67, 69] of the meteoric process he
concluded that an atmospheric tempera ture of 1000 +
at an altitude of 90 km and a mean molecular weight
as at sea level would be consistent with the meteor
observations by the Arizona Expedition. - - BEFORE MIDNIGHT
Opik's further conclusions as to a "night effect," in -----AFTER MIDNIGHT
which the height of the "normal" meteor decreases FIG. 1.-Frequency of night wind vectors over America.
during the course of the night, has not yet been con-
firmed or disproved. His conclusion [68] as to the Europe an eastern tendency is strong, while other
appreciable percentage of "hyperbolic" velocities among areas of the earth show various preferential drifts. Un-
visual meteors appears not to be consistent with the fortunately, Olivier has not searched for seasonal effects
radio observations of meteors mentioned earlier. -a search that almost certainly must lead to important
Long-Enduring Meteor Trains and Winds in the conclusions concerning upper-atmospheric circulation.
Upper Atmosphere. The most comprehensive study of The results given by Fedynsky include a number of
atmospheric \Vinds and turbulence as refiected in the unusually high velocities, of the order of 1000 km hr-1,
motions of long-enduring meteor trains has been made and it is difficult to appraise the accuracy of the ob-
by Olivier [62, 63], who gives data for nearly 1500 servations. Ris average deduced velocity is 391 km hr-1
trains. Of great importance also is the work by Fedyn- Additional confirmation would be desirable before ac-
sky [20], who reports on 41 night trains observed sys- cepting completely his separation of the winds into two
tematically for the purpose. groups of low and high velocity.
Olivier finds from more than fifty cases that the
average beginning height of night trains is 104 km, PHOTOGRAPHIC METEOR STUDIES
with average end heights of 80 km, while the corre- Methodology. Sin ce photographic meteors ha ve been
sponding data for twilight trains are 77 and 45 km used as a tool for research on the upper atmosphere
respectively (twenty-six cases) and for daylight trains, almost solely at the Harvard Observatory, the discus-
45 and 27 km (nine and fourteen cases). He calculates sion of this section will be confined largely to a short
from the observed motions that the average wind resume of that work.
velocity is 203 km hr-1 for the fifty best-observed night Systematic photography of meteors by the use of
trains, 182 km hr-1 for night trains whose heights have two cameras equipped with rotating shutters was begun
been assumed, and 173 km hr-1 for day or twilight by Elkin [16, 17] at the Yale Observatory in 1893 and
trains. A more detailed analysis suggests that the winds continued until 1909. The astronomical results of this

work were analyzed by Olivier [64]. Unfortunately, the The writer [88, 90] has used physical data and concepts
base line used (approx. 3.5 km) was inadequate for based largely on Opik's work but has combined them
precision results, and in addition the original photo- in a mathematical framework modeled on that of J.
graphs have been destroyed. Lindemann and Dobson Hoppe. The present account will present a very ab-
[42] used this method to a limited extent. Whitney [94] breviated version of this composite theory, influenced
experimented successfully with electronically synchro- by the simplifications introduced by Jacchia [34] for the
nized shutters for paired meteor cameras, but obtained case where the meteor trail is completely observed. A
few observational results. Fedynsky and Stanjukovitsch criticism of the basic assumptions follows the formal
[21] measured the deceleration of a meteor photo- presentation of the theory.
graphically. In its passage through air of density p at a velocity
In the Harvard two-station photography of meteors V, a meteoroid of mass m and effective cross section
the base line has been 37.9 km, between the Cambridge Am 213 will, in time dt, encounter an air mass
and Oak Ridge stations in Massachusetts [88, 90]. The
two Ross Xpress lenses of aperture 1.5 inches, focal dma = Am 213 p V dt. (1)
ratio F /4, were occulted 20 times per second by single- We may assume from the kinetic viewpoint, at the
bladed shutters powered with synchronous motors from high velocities involved, that in large measure the
commercial power lines. Meteor trails show 5 to 80 atmospheric molecules in the direct path of the
breaks spaced uniformly in time. Exposure times were meteoroid are trapped by the meteoroid or the gases
normally 1h or 2\ the cameras being driven on polar escaping from its surface, momentarily carried along,
axes to follow the stars. The camera settings were so and then swept backward at a relatively low velocity
chosen as to produce an overlap in areas at meteor with respect to the meteoroid. It can be shown that for
altitudes. the photographic meteors the effective mean free paths
Analysis of the photographic meteor trails is sim-
of the air molecules (reduced, as shown by Lindemann
plified because the trails are amazingly straight [3, 22,
and Dobson [41], by the ratio of the temperature
78, 89], that is, great circles; a change in direction of 20' velocity to the meteoric velocity) are generally smaller
along a trail is rare indeed, occurring probably in less
than the dimension of the meteoroid, except at ex-
than one per cent of the (1700) trails in the Harvard
tremely high velocities or faint magnitudes. Hence, in
plate collection, except in a few cases, very near the end.
most cases there is a concentration of air (and meteoric
Hence the measurement and reduction of two-station
gas) in front of the meteoroid in excess of that which
trails are straightforward though tedious. The general
might be expected from the relatively slow escape
method has been described by the writer [88] although velocity of the molecules. Some sort of shock wave
the detailed formulas have not been published. In the must form, but the significance of the shock-wave
most common case the data consist of the trajectory concept has not yet been useful in the theory.
referred to sea level, the velocity V and deceleration The acceleration of the meteoroid may be written in
-V' at a known altitude, and the light curve. Longer the form:
and brighter trails often provide deceleration measures
at severa! points, although the deceleration is barely V' = dV = _'Y !':" dma = -'Am-11a pV2 (2 )
measurable in most cases. The precision of the trajectory dt m dt '
is extremely high (within a few meters) when the instant
of the meteor is observed; the velocity is determinate where 'Y is one-half the usual drag coefficient. Equation
to better than one per cent on the average; the decelera- (2) expresses the conservation of momentum if 'Y = 1
tion may be well or poorly determined, while the un- and if the trapped air molecules are assumed to escape
certainty in the brightness ranges perhaps from 20 to with negligible relative velocity.
40 per cent. The rate of mass lost by the meteoroid is undoubtedly
Because the available wide-angle lenses can photo- a complex function of p, V, m, A and the physical and
graph only very bright meteors ( -1 to -2 visual chemical structure of the body. Opik [67] has shown
magnitude or brighter) the rate of photography is slow, that a meteoroid of pure iron would probably Iose a
one meteor in perhaps 50 to 100 hours of total exposure considerable fraction of its mass as liquid because of
[86]. Hence, in ten years of continuous photography its high thermal conductivity. On the other hand, the
during clear moonless nights, only about sixty meteors writer questions (as did Opik) that a large fraction of
were doubly photographed in the Harvard program. the photographic or visual meteors arise from iron
However, a program sponsored by the U. S. Naval meteoroids. More likely the mass is a heterogeneous or
Ordnance Department is under way to photograph conglomerate solid of low physical strength. Hence its
fainter and more frequent meteors [91]. thermal conductivity is probably low. In this case the
The Theory of Photographic Meteors. Theories of mass loss would be directly proportional to the heat
the meteoric process ha ve been presented by Lindemann transferred to the surface and inversely proportional to
and Dobson [41], Hoffmeister [31, 32], Sparrow [81], the latent heat of vaporization .1 at approximately room
Maris [50], Opik [67, 69], Hoppe [33], Levin [39, 40], tempera ture.
and others. Of these investigators Opik has delved We may expect that the heat available for vaporizing
most deeply into the detailed physical processes in- the meteoroid will be roughly proportional to the energy
volved, particularly that of the production of li!!'ht.. released by the trapped air mass, dma. If the efficiency

of the heat transfer to the surface is given by A, then a little improvement in the results can be obtained if
the rate of mass loss will be: the exponent of V in the denominator is reduced by
0.5 to 0.8.
dm V 2 ~ dma = _ ~ Am2t3 pV3. (3 ) We must conclude generally from Jacchia's work
dt=-2dt 2
that the largest systematic error (excepting a constant
The problem stiU remains to determine the mass m of multiplying factor) in atmospheric densities as calcu-
the meteoroid. Equation (2) willlead to such a solution lated from meteoric decelerations from equation (7)
when velocity, deceleration, density shape-factor (A) rests in the assumed constancy of 'Y with respect to
and air density are known. But to determine the air both velocity and density. At extremely great heights
density from meteor observations, we must evaluate m (> 100 km) where we deal with fast, small meteoroids
independently. This can be done by equation (3) if we the value of the drag coefficient may possibly in some
assume that the luminosity of the meteor is propor- cases exceed 2 (i.e., 'Y > 1). Where mean free paths are
tional to the kinetic energy of the mass lost and if we relatively large the re-emitted air material will increase
can evaluate the proportionality factor. The greatest the drag, as shown by Tsien [82] and Heineman [24].
success in this evaluation has been attained by ()pik. Furthermore, the vaporized meteoric material will cause
For photographic meteors of velocity greater than about an even greater increase by a similar process. As the
20 km sec-1 ; ()pik's calculations [69] are reasonably height decreases, meteors of similar luminosity repre-
well approximated by the relation: sent larger masses moving at lower velocities in air of
greater density. Hence one should expect the drag co-
1 2 dm) efficient to decrease. Consequently, the calculated
I =ToV ( 2 V dt , (4)
values of air density from equation (7) may be some-
what overestimated at great heights if correctly evalu-
where I is the intensity of the visual radiation and To V ated at lesser heights. This drag problem is under
is the luminous efficiency, To being a constant. investiga ti on.
The rate of mass loss, from equation (4), becomes: Less precise measures of atmospheric density can be
dm 21 determined from the luminosities early in the trails,
(5) while atmospheric pressure can be determined at the
dt - ToP
end points. Jacchia [36] finds, as did the writer [90],
The mass at any instant t0 is then obtained from the that the results obtained by these other methods are
integral: consistent with the more accurate results from the
deceleration data when analyzed by the simple theory.
(6) Also, the light curves are accurately predicted except
for flares. From the theoretical viewpoint it is interest-
ing to note that the other methods involve Aj, and
From a completely observed meteor trail in which the
that the ratio A/ ('YO can be found by intercomparison
velocity V 0 and deceleration -V~ are well determined
of results. Jacchia [35] shows that this ratio requires no
at time to the air density p0 can be determined by equa-
correction in the velocity exponent, suggesting that A,
tions (6) and (2) in the form:
3 ]1~
the heat transfer coefficient, and 'Y, the drag coefficient,
Po = -
t~~: j
--u [100 CI/V) dt (7)
are truly constants or else show a similar velocity
'YATo V to
dependence. This conclusion is not surprising, at least
from a qualitative point of view, but complete theoreti-
This form of the solution for p has been used by cal determinations of A and 'Y are essential to an en-
Jacchia [34], [in equation (10), his K = 2 11 3/('YAT~/ 3 )] tirely satisfactory theory of the meteoric process.
in recent Harvard results in the Naval Bureau of Atmospheric Density Distribution and Seasonal Vari-
Ordnance program, as contrasted to the writer's direct ations. As shown in the preceding section, the major
use [90] of equations (3) with (5) and (2) for the less uncertainty in the determination of atmospheric densi-
numerous earlier meteor observations. In practice the ties by photographic meteor observations rests in a
numerica! constants 'Y, A and To of equation (7) may be constant multiplying factor. The density curve for
evaluated separately from theoretical considerations, or meteors is, therefore, anchored to that obtained by
as a single constant by comparison with atmospheric other means in the 50- to 60-km zone. It is found that
densities at the 50- to 60-km level where the densities the gradient follows closely the gradient of the Tenta-
are fairly well known. The agreement of the two tive Standard Atmosphere of the National Advisory
methods is surprisingly good when ()pik's luminosity Committee for Aeronautics [84]. This result is not sur-
factor is used, 'Y is taken as near unity, and a reasonable prising in view of the fact that the N.A.C.A. atmosphere
value of A is chosen. at great heights was based, to a considerable extent,
Jacchia [35] confirms ()pik's calculation of a decrease upon results obtained by meteor photography.
in To for velocities below about 20 km sec-1 by studies The atmospheric densities found from the decelera-
of bright slow meteors in the 40- to 50-km zone. At tions of thirty-five well-observed photographic meteors
greater altitudes an attempt [34] to minimize the rela- were compared by Whipple, Jacchia, and Kopal [93]
tive residuals in log p for the various meteors by varying with the densities of the N.A.C.A. atmosphere. The
the exponent of velocity in equation (7) indicates that residuals show a strong correlation with season. In

Fig. 2 these residuals 11 log10 p are plotted against the meteoric data without reference to other methods except
mean average ground temperature at Boston (lat. for the zero point in log10 p. The simple theory has been
42.SON) at the date of each meteor. Three velocity used, the power of the velocity having been varied to


H log p <l. log p (Derived T

(km) -N.A.C.A.) (deg K)

70 -6.801 0.000 281

72 -6.883 0.001 266
74 -6.971 0.001 252
76 -7.067 -0.001 240
78 -7.173 -0.004 231
80 -7.287 -0.006 224
82 -7.412 -0.009 221
84 -7.543 -0.012 221
86 -7.679 -0.022 224
X v < 25 km/sec 88 -7.816 -0.033 229
25<v<40 km/sec 90 -7.951 -0.044 235
92 -8.083 -0.057 241
A v > 40 km/sec 94 -8.211 -0.070 246
-0.6 ' - - - - - ' - - - - ' - - - - - - ' - - - . L - - ' - - - - - - - - ' 96 -8.334 -0.080 250
98 -8.453 -0.090 253
Fw. 2.-Seasonal density variations from photographic 100 -8.569 -0.099 255
meteors. 102 -8.683 -0.107 256
104 -8.795 -0.115 256
groups among the meteors exhibit the same correlation. 106 -8.908 -0.124 256
108 -9.019 -0.132 256
A least-square solution shows that log10 p increases 110 -9.131 -0.141 256
0.019 0.0013 (P.E.) per degree centigrade of ground
tempera ture. This result applies at a mean height of 78
km. The total seasonal range would be 0.46 in log10 p, produce the best interval agreement among the meteoric
corresponding to a height variation of 8.6 km. data.
The seasonal correlation is less marked when the The determination of atmospheric densities and
solar declination is used in place of the ground temper- seasonal effects from the photographic observations of
ature. The correlation is not improved by comparison HEIGHT ( km)
with the actual ground temperature at the date rather 5r0~~6r0-~7r0-~8r0~~9O~~IOO~~IIO~~I20
than the general average; hence, the correlation is
truly a seasonal one which does not measure local
variations. N o effects associated with synoptic weather
. .
fronts, deviant temperatures in the lower stratosphere,
sunspot numbers, lunar-hour angle or solar-hour angle
:t1re conspicuous. From further meteor investigations,
including also atmospheric data from the beginning and
end points of photographic meteors, Jacchia [36] finds


evidence that the seasonal effect decreases with increas-

ing height, becoming small and uncertain around the -7.5 .."..
100-km level.
Combining the photographic meteor data from de-
celerations and beginning-point data, Jacchia f36] has "--'
8 o

derived the upper-atmospheric density distribution

given in Table I. Heights are given in kilometers above
sea level and density in grams per cubic centimeter. -s.5
The deviations of log10 p from the N.A.C.A. Tentative
Atmosphere are given in the third column; the N.A.C.A.
values have been adjusted slightly to avoid discontinu- -9.0
ities in the temperature gradient, which are awkward o BEGINNING POINTS
physically. The values of atmospheric temperature in -TABLE I
TableI are calculated with a constant molecular weight -9.5
but include the decrease of gravity with height. The
temperatures may be varied greatly within the range
of solution, particularly the minimum values near 83 -10.0 ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - '
km and the values above 100 km. Fw. 3.-Atmospheric densities from photographic meteors.
The observational hasis of TableI is shown in Fig. 3.
The deceleration data are considerably more reliable meteors can be improved by at least four methods of
than the beginning-point data. The results given in approach:
Fig. 3 and Table I have been derived purely from 1. More numerous and accurate observations of me-

teors, by photographic techniques and by combin- survey articles, such as those by Hey [26], Lovell [45],
ing photographic and radio techniques. and Herlofson [25], or to the original papers. Even the
2. Improved theoretical evaluations of the drag co- present short account will show, however, that the
efficient -y, the heat-transfer coefficient , and the future possibilities of these electronic techniques are
luminous efficiency factor r0 truly enormous for the study of the upper atmosphere
3. Experimental determinations of -y, , and ro by to a height of at least 130 km via meteoric phenomena.
wind-tunnel, ballistic-range, or rocket procedures. The basic principle in the radio observation of me-
4. Studies of the physical and chemical nature of teors involves the "reflection" of high-frequency radio
meteoroids through the study of micrometeorites. waves from the ion column produced. by a meteoroid.
The U. S. Naval Bureau of Ordnance has made Pierce [70] suggested that the column should produce
possible the continued analysis of Harvard meteor data maximum "reflection" for normal incidence of the radio
at the Center of Analysis at the Massachusetts Institute beam. The ion columns tend to be more intense in the
of Technology, carried out by Dr. L. Jacchia under the neighborhood of the E-layer; hence the geometrica!
general direction of Dr. Z. Kopal and with advice relations limit the radar observation of a given meteor.
from the writer. Meanwhile the Bureau of Ordnance, It is found that there is by no means a one-to-one
via the Harvard Meteor Ballistic Project, has made coincidence between the visual and radio meteors unless
possible the establishment of meteor-observing stations the geometrica! conditions are well satisfied.
in New Mexico under the direction of the writer [91]. Two basic electronic techniques are used for observing
This program includes the procurement of Super- meteors by radio. The first involves the transmission of
Schmidt Meteor Cameras being made by the Perkin- radio pulses a number of times per second, the range
Elmer Corporation from optical designs by Dr. J. G. (distance) being measured by the time lag of the re-
Baker and with critica! glass produced by the U. S. flected pulse packets-the standard radar technique.
Bureau of Standards. These cameras, of focal length 8 The second depends upon continuous-wave transmis-
inches, aperture 12 inches (optically F/0.66), and field sion, the Doppler principle providing a modulation at
of diameter 52, should satisfy requirement (1) above, the receiver by the beating between the ground wave
particularly if radio equipment can be operated simul- and the reflected wave.
taneously nearby. Requirement (4), the study of micro- The pulse-packet technique, first used for ionospheric
meteorites, will also be undertaken by the Harvard- research by Breit and Tuve [8], has been the chief tool
Bureau of Ordnance program. for radio meteor work until recently. The research
The cooperation of the Naval Ordnance Laboratory previous to 1945 was mostly exploratory, finally estab-
at White Oak, Maryland, has been obtained toward lishing the reality and general character of transient
the fulfillment of requirement (3), particularly the echoes from meteor ion columns. The chief workers in
determination of the heat-transfer and drag coefficients this period were Skellett [79, 80], Schafer and Goodall
for a model meteoroid made from a substance of low [74, 75], Appleton, Naismith, and Ingram [1], Pidding-
melting point, such as C0 2 , in a high-velocity wind- ton [2], Pierce [70], Eckersley [14], and Farmer [15]. In
tunnel. 1945 Hey and Stewart [28] began their observations
It is hoped that the interest of other scientists and with modified radar equipment operating at a wave
research groups may be roused with respect to the length of 4-5 m and established the existence of ex-
various problems mentioned in requirements (2), (3), tensive daytime meteor activity. They recorded range
and (4). The writer is of the opinion that the poten- versus time to measure the velocity of the 1946 Gi-
tialities of the photographic-meteor approach to upper- acobinids by the fast-moving echo preceding the main,
atmospheric research have by no means been exploited more persistant, echo.
fully and that rich returns lie ahead. Besides the in- Lovell [45] and his colleagues at Manchester have
creased precision possible in density determinations to since made more extensive meteor observations with
an altitude of 120 km or more, there are the correlations similar basic equipment, operating for the most part
with latitude and season, as well as conceivable synoptic near a wave length of 4 m but also near 6 and 8 m. As
air-mass and other correlations. A start is just being a part of this research project Clegg [11, 12] developed
made on the determination of winds in the region from a novel and effective method for measuring the radiants
50-100 km by photographic meteors. Close cooperations of meteor showers by a single radar. A narrow beam
with radio techniques (next section) should produce antenna is used to record the frequency and ranges of
extremely important results concerning dissociation, meteors at various orientations of the radiant (time)
ionization, recombination, absorption of quanta, compo- and the antenna. The spacial direction of the radiant
sition, turbulence, and other processes in and near the can then be deduced on the assumption, proven by
E-layer of the ionosphere. Lovell, Banwell, and Clegg [47], that an ion column
gives the strongest echo when the radar beam is directed
RADIO METEORS perpendicularly to it. By this technique, Clegg, Hughes,
The progress in radar techniques for observing the and Lovell [13] observed a number of daylight radiants
ion columns produced by meteors has been so active from May to August 1947 and, with Aspinall [4], con-
since Skellett's suggestion [79, 80] in 1932 that this firmed their reoccurrence in 1948.
review can touch on only a few points of major interest. In close coordination with Clegg's work, Ellyett and
The reader, for detailed enlightenment, must refer to Davies [19] developed an ingenious method for measur-

ing the velocities of meteor streams. The strengths of column of diameter small compared to the wave length,
individual pulses are recorded on a rapid time base as suggested by Blackett and Lovell [7] and investigated
triggered by early echoes from the meteoric ion trai!. At more fully by Lovell [45] and Lovell and Clegg [46]. At
nearly perpendicular incidence the echoes from the shorter wave lengths this theory appears tobe in better
lengthening ion column vary in strength according to agreement with the observations than Pierce's theory
the Fresnel pattern presented from instant to instant. involving a column diameter finite compared to the
The time rate of the variations measures the angular wave length. Added confidence in the former theory is
velocity, which, combined with range data, gives the provided by Herlofson [25], who has semiquantitatively
meteoric velocity. The method was proven on the determined the fraction of the meteoroid energy de-
Geminid shower of 1947 and has been used by Ellyett voted to electron production as about 10-4
[18] to demonstrate the heliocentric character of a The marked increase in the number of meteors ob-
number of the daylight radiants. The radar technique served at wave length 8 m as compared to 4 m is
is being used for radio meteors by Bateman, McNish, partially explained. The lower limit of wave length
and Pineo [5] at the U. S. Bureau of Standards. useful for observing meteors, at roughly 3 m, is set by
The study of meteors by the continuous-wave, the high electron densities required and by the in-
Doppler, or "whistling meteor" method was initiated frequency of meteors with sufficient energy. The facts
by Chamanlal and Venkatamaran [10] in 1941. Hey, of an upper usefullimit in wave length, around 100 m,
Parson, and Stewart [27] showed that the rapid changes and the time delay (severa! seconds) in the formation
in pitch must arise from changing range rather than of the observed echoes indicate, however, that an ion
deceleration of the meteoroid. A number of investigators column of finite width is required at longer wave
listened to the whistles during the Giacobinid shower in lengths. The upper limit is also dependent upon the
1946. Manning and Villard, heading a group at Stanford effects of other atmospheric ionization and the lack of
University, developed, with Peterson [49], the tech- resolving power.
nique of recording "whistle" oscillations in 1948, a Evidence that the electron diffusion in the ion trail is
technique that was proven by excellent velocities de- influenced by the earth's magnetic field has been pre-
rived for the 1948 Perseid shower. An important mete- sented by Lovell [45], following a suggestion by Herlof-
orologica! development by Manning and Villard [48] is son. The detailed processes of dissociation, ionization,
that of determining wind velocities and directions in the detachment, diffusion, turbulence, recombination, and
upper atmosphere by the "body doppler" motion of attachment of electrons in meteor ion columns, how-
the meteor ion columns. In eighteen observations from ever, require much more theoretical elaboration, since
May to September 1949 wind velocities have varied only a modest advance has been made beyond Opik's
from 47 to 210 km hr- 1 (mean = 105) with a predomi- meteor theory. Even so, the present theory [45] shows
nant direction towards SSE, but with a number of clearly that an important fraction of sporadic-E ioniza-
motions oppositely directed. This method of observing tion must arise from some source other than meteors as
high-altitude winds shows exceptional promise. we now understand them and that the ionization nor-
The electronic group of the Canadian Research Coun- mally produced by meteors is trivial compared to the
cil, under the direction of McKinley and cooperating normal daytime E-layer ionization. During the 1946
with Millman of the Dominion Observatory, have done Giacobinid Shower, however, meteors produced an ap-
some excellent work on meteors, combining radar tech- preciable E-layer; Pierce [71] calculated an energy flow
niques [53, 54] with visual and photographic techniques of 3 watts km- 2 over a 4-hour period.
(Millman, McKinley, and Burland [58]) and ha ve made Also, there still is needed a detailedtheoretical mecha-
most remarkable progress in measuring meteoric veloci- nism for the formation of the ion cap of short duration
ties by the Doppler method. McKinley [52] has re- that follows the motion of the meteoroid. It is difficult
ported on some 3000 meteor velocities measured by to choose among the hypotheses of electron production
this method; the data show no indication of extra-solar- (1) ultraviolet radiation from the meteoroid, (2) en-
system bodies. The group have succeeded in measuring counters arising from excessive mean free paths of the
the deceleration of a meteor by radio techniques alone, 2 high-velocity atoms from the meteoroid, or (3) en-
a significant step forward in meteoric and upper-atmos- counters arising from crumbling or spraying effects from
pheric research. Since the Canadian-group plan to finite particles of the meteoroid.
combine radio techniques with visual and photographic N evertheless, these present uncertainties only serve
meteor observations, using Super-Schmidt cameras to stress the enormous technological progress that has
when available, their further activities should be scruti- been made in the field of radio meteors. The future
nized frequently by those interested in the upper possibilities of upper-atmospheric research by radio
atmosphere. meteors appear brilliant.
Theoretical progress in the radio meteor field is still
somewhat behind the technological progress; severa! REFERENCES
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California Institute of Technology

THEORY OF SOUND WAVES IN GASES than the value calculated from equation (7). At -100C
Velocity of Sound. The velocity C with which a the difference is about 2 m sec- 1 , at + 1000C about
change in volume is propagated in a material with 10 m sec-I. Quigley [25] suggested the following em-
Lame's constants A and p. and with the density p is pirica! equation from observations at low tempera-
given by tures:

(]2 = (A + 2p.)fp. (1) (]2 = 387.62T +

- 20364000T-2 + 806 + 0.03007T 2, ( 8)
In gases, the rigidity 11 is practically zero, and the
constant A is equal to the bulk modulus k. Therefore which gives C = 330.6 m sec-1 for T = 273.1K.
equation (1) reduces to In humid air the sound velocity is higher than in
dry air by an amount H given approximately [8] by
Q2 = kjp where k = - (dpjdv)v, (2)
H = 0.14Ch/p, (9)
and p = pressure, v = volume. Newton assumed that
the propagation of sound is an isothermal process, but where h = partial pressure (or tension) of the water
disagreement between observations and calculations vapor. For warm, humid air near the ground H may
under this assumption led Laplace to suppose that it is be as high as 5 m sec-I.
an adiabatic process. Except for instances where the Sound Rays in Quiet Air. The ray equation for sound
change in pressure is large as compared with the pres- waves in stiH air follows from Snell's law and equa-
sure itself, results calculated under this assumption agree tion (7):
with the observations.
If v = volume and p = pressure, K = cp/c., where (10)
Cp = specific heat at constant pressure, c. = specific
heat at constant volume, the condition for an adiabatic in which i = angle of incidence (between the ray and
process is a vertical line) at the points 1 and 2, where the wave
pvK = const or dp/dv = -Kpfv. (3) velocities are C1 and C2; C and Tare supposed tobe a
function of height z only.
Introducing this in equation (2), we obtain
k = Kp and C2 = Kpfp. (4)
It has been assumed in equation (3) that K does not
depend on the pressure. In general, this approximation
is sufficient; for a better approximation, see Hardy
and others [15]. If T is the absolute temperature and R
the gas constant of the specific gas,
R = poa/po = p/ pT, (5)
where a = 1/273.18 and po = density of the gas at
OC and a pressure of 1 atmosphere; if C0 is the corre-
sponding sound velocity, equation (4) can be written
C2 = KRT = Co2 aT where Co2 = KR/a. (6)
For dry air K = 1.403, R = 2.87 X 106 cm2 sec-2
deg--1 which gives Co = 331.6 m sec- 1 From a critica! L_~~======~======~--~x
discussion of observations, Hardy and others [15] found FIG. 1.-Path of sound waves, angles of inP-idence i, and radius
of curva ture r.
331.46 0.05 m sec- 1 With this value equation (6)
The radius of curvature r of the ray can be found
C = 20.06VT (m sec-I). (7) from Fig. 1 and eqnation (10):
Experiments did not disclose any appreciable differ- r = ds/di = dz/(cos i) di = dz/d(sin i),
ence in the sound velocity for frequencies between
103 and over 10 6 cycles. However, at very low and 1 d(sin i) sini dC dT sini
very high temperatures the observed velocity is smaller r dz Cdz dz 2T

In a layer with a constant value of = C*, in equation (10), we find sini = C/C*; equation
(17) then gives V = C*). The corresponding height
'Y = - dT/dz, (12) z = H can be found from
r = (13)
'Y sini H = ~~ q dx where cosh q
Sin ~Il.

sin ix'
Since the lapse rate 'Y is usually severa! degrees per
kilometer, the radius of curvature of sound rays is in This equation is based on a solution by Herglotz [17]
most mstances of the order of 100 km. In the tropo- which, in simplified form, can be found in any book
sphere, positive values of 'Y (i.e., negative values of on theoretical seismology. The quantities V a and ia
dT jdz) prevail, and the sound rays are turning up- are the apparent velocity and angle of incidence re-
ward; in layers of inversions and in the lower strato- spectively at a given level for the ray which arrives
sphere 'Y is negative, and the sound rays are turning at the distance x = Il and has its highest point at
towards the earth's surface in still air. z = H; V x and ix are the corresponding values for ali
The ray equation in Cartesian coordinates follows points between x = O and x = Il. Equation (18) can
from Fig. 1 and equation (10): be used only if the travel-time curve is continuous in

J J[ (c ~~ ioy - J~ dz
this interval. In this case it permits the calculation of
x = (tan i) dz = 1 H as a function of the distance x, while the velocities
at the height El (and from them T) are given by the
= ![ To
T . ". -
sm- 1o
value of V at the corresponding distances x. Since in
most practica! cases the temperature T and the velocity
C decrease with height in the troposphere, the method
Even in the simple case of a constant lapse rate the can not be applied there. In this case a reference height
solution becomes rather complicated: (the tropopause or a higher surface) must be selected
above which the temperature increases with height,
x = (AY- P)~~ +!A sin- 1 [(2AY/ A) - 1], (15)
and the horizontal component for the path and the
where corresponding travel time t for the parts of the ray
-To below the reference height must be calculated from
A = 'Y sin2 io ' Y = z- Toh. equations (14) and (16) and deducted from the total
distance and travel time. Then equation (18) can be
For this reason, the radius of curvature is frequently applied to the part of the ray which is above the
used to find approximately the form of the ray, or tan i reference height.
is calculated from equation (10) and graphically Sound Rays in Moving Air. Equations for the paths
integrated to find the horizontal distance x correspond- of sound waves, in the case where the wind direction
ing to a certain part of the ray (using the first part of forms an angle with the horizontal component of the
equation (14)). The corresponding travel time t follows sound path, are too complicated to be useful [6] (even
from if it is assumed that the wind has no vertical com-
or t = Jc____!!!_
ponent and that its direction does not change with
height) since the sound path is no longer a plane curve.
Usually the wind component in the plane of the sound
The angle of incidence i at a given level, especially wave is considered and the component perpendicular
at the ground, can be found from Fig. 2, to it is neglected.
If W = wind component in the direction of the
sini = dwjdx = C (dtjdx) = C/V, (17)
sound wave, and C = sound velocity given by equation
where V is the "apparent velocity" of the sound ob- (7), then the ray equation is
served in the horizontal direction (along x) and given
(C/sin i) +W = const,
sini = C/(Co/sin io) + Wo - W.

Neglecting squares and higher terms in W /C, the radius

of curvature r of the ray is now given [8] by

C + 3W sin i (20)
FIG. 2.-Sound waves arriving at the surface of the earth and
angle of incidence i.
10 (
sin i -
c cos 2i )dT ( W )dW'
dz + 1 + c sin i dz 3

by the "travel-time curve" (time of arrival of a given

impulse plotted against the distance x). where C and W are measured in meters per second and
The apparent velocity V is equal to the true velocity i is given by equation (19). If -dT /dz = 'Y = lapse
C* at the highest point of the ray (if i2 = 90 and C2 rate, and the change of wind velocity with height,

dW jdz = a, the condition for a curvature of the ray to- which for 'Y = 6C km- 1 and T = 289K gives .1* =
wards the ground is given by 14h~2

a [1 + (W /C) sin 3i] >

All preceding results are based on the assumption
that the change in pressure during the process is small
10'YT-J6 [sin i - (W/C) cos2 i]. (21)
compared with the pressure itself. For larger changes in
Equation (21) shows that for our problem the lapse pressure, the sound velocity is greater than given by
rate 'Y and the change a of wind velocity with elevation the preceding equations. Since the theory is very com-
are more important than the ratio of the wind velocity plicated and has rarely been needed in problems of
to the sound velocity (W /C). sound propagation in the atmosphere, it is not con-
For very flat rays (inear 90) equation (21) leads to sidered here.
Another assumption is that the wave length is small
a > 10')'T-J6, (22) as compared with the height A of the homogeneous
from which it follows that under average conditions atmosphere, since otherwise dispersion results as an
effect of gravity. Assuming that the gravitational con-
in the lower troposphere ('Y about 6C km-1, T = 290K)
the wind must increase with elevation by more than stant g does not change with altitude (which does not
about 3,72 m sec-1 km-1 in the direction of the sound hold for the higher parts of the stratosphere), Schri:idin-
ger [26] found that the velocity v of sound waves moving
propagation to bring the sound rays, which leave the
vertically upward is given approximaely by
source nearly horizontally, back to the surface. In the
opposite direction the sound rays are curved upward v/C = 1 + (1/321T 2) (L/ A) 2 = 1 + 0.003166 (L/ A)
(24) 2,

more strongly than in still air (r is smaller). where L = wave length, C = sound velocity in quiet
The following are a few critica! values of a for straight air and for waves moving horizontally; C is given by
rays under the same assumptions for 'Y and T and sup- equation (7). For waves with periods of less than 1
posing that W /C is 0.1: sec, the last term in equation (24) is smaller than w- 6,
i ........................................ 80 45 5.7 0 and the effect of the dispersion (long waves travel
a= dW/dz (m sec-1 km- 1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.1 2.5 O -0.4 faster) is negligible. In addition, in most practica!
cases the sound waves travel much closer to the hori-
If a exceeds these critical values, the ray curves down- zontal than the vertical direction, which decreases the
ward in the wind direction; if a is smaller, the rays effect of dispersion. The group velocity for waves travel-
turn upward. It is noteworthy that in general the wave ling upward is given by an equation similar to (24)
front is no longer perpendicular to the rays if sound except that the last term is negative.
is propagated in air in which the wind velocity changes For long waves, equation (24) cannot be used. In
with elevation. addition to the effect of decrease in gravity with eleva-
If the paths of the rays are close to a part of a circle, tion, free vibrations of the atmosphere affect the wave
use of trigonometry shows that the maximum height propagation. The theory for various models represent-
H* which is reached by a ray at the distance is given ing the atmosphere has been developed by Pekeris
approximately by [23]. In addition to the body waves discussed above,
= rj1 - [1 - (.1/2r) 2]~2 } = .12/8r. (23)
H* waves corresponding to free oscillations may be ex-
cited within certain ranges of frequencies, depending on
If, for example, a = 5 m sec-1 km-I, 'Y = 6C km-1, the assumed model.
T = 300K, W 0 = 5 m sec-1 (which gives C = 348 m Energy of Sound W aves in the Atmosphere. The
sec-I, r = 235 km), the following values result: energy and amplitudes of sound waves in the atmos-
phere with periods not exceeding a few seconds depend
~ .............. 1 km 10 km 100km
i ....... 89.9 88.8 77.6 on two major effects: (1) absorption, and (2) changes
ll* ............. -~~ m 54 m 5~~ km due to the increase (or occasionally decrease) in the
distance between rays (which controls the energy flux).
The values in the last column would normally be use- The absorption of the energy is usually introduced
less, since the assumption of circular rays is not ful- by a factor e-kv, where k is the coefficient of absorption,
filled between the ground and an elevation of 5,72 km. supposed tobe constant over the distance D along the
On the other hand, the results show that conditions ray. If k changes along the ray, kD has tobe replaced
favorable to good audibility of sound waves to dis- by fk dD.
tances of many kilometers at the ground need not The propagation of sound is a molecular process.
extend to great heights. The velocity C of sound and the molecular velocity c
The preceding equations can also be used to answer are connected by the equation (see, for example, Schri:i-
the question, How close must a sound source at an dinger [261) :
elevation h be in order that the sound can be heard at
the ground? If, for example, the lapse rate is 'Y and the (C/c) 2 = K/3; (25)
wind is negligible, the maximum horizontal distance for air K = Cp/ Cv = 1.403, and
.1* at which direct rays arrive at the ground is given
C = 0.6840c.
approximately (assuming circular rays) by
As long as the molecules are relatively close together,
.1* = a (Thh)~', absorption of sound remains small. It increases rapidly

if the wave length L approaches the mean free path l wave length at OC about% m) the criticallevel is about
of the molecules. Schrodinger [26] writes 25 km; for the lowest audible tones (16 cps, L near
20 m) the criticallevel is below 80 km; and for waves
k = Fl/V, (26) with periods of 0.3 sec it is about 100 km.
F = 12 1r2 VJ[(K - 1) AK-~ 2 + 4 BK-~2]. 0.01
T (SECAT ocl____..
0.1 10
K = c"/Cv; A and B are constants depending on the
heat conduction q of the gas, its coefficient of interna!
friction u, the molecular velocity c, and the mean free
120 -

path l of the molecules:
q = Ac, u/c = Bel. (27) 1 60
Schrodinger calculated from laboratory experiments F "'
:c 60

= 30.1; Kolzer [18] later used F = 33.0. Consequently, 40

loss of energy E from absorption between two points
close enough to each other so that the absorption can 20
be assumed to be constant is given by
o.z Q.5 5 10 20 50 100 200 500
ln (EdE1) = - 0.4343 FZD/V = -0.0013 eh 18/V. (28) L (METERSl-

The factor eh 18 is based on the assumption of constant FIG. 3.-Fractions of sound energy which lost by absorp-
temperature throughout the atmosphere, but the re- tion when the sound waves travel a distance of 1 km (assuming
a temperature of OC throughout the atmosphere) based on the
sulting mean free paths are within the limits given by research of Schrodinger [26]; h = height in km, L = wave
the N.A.C.A. tables for the stratosphere (see TableI). length in meters, T = period in seconds.

TABLEI. MEAN FREE PATH (1 X 10- 5 cm) OF MOLECULES AT The preceding equations give only the order of mag-
DIFFERENT LEVELS nitude of the absorption. Fog, smoke, water droplets,
Height above sea level (h km) etc., affect the absorption, and the equations do not
hold for waves with very short wave lengths (less than
o 20 40 60 80 100 120
one meter), for which the absorption increases faster
-- - - -- ---
(a) 1.0 12 150 1,800 22,000 270,000 3,300,000 than given by the equations, nor for waves with lengths
(b) 0.6 15 580 14,000 200,000 6,160,000 66,000,000 over a few hundred meters, for which the wave length
(c) 0.7 10 259 2,600 20,000 260,000 1,700,000 is an appreciable fraction of the height of the homo-
(d) 0.8 8 120 830 4,400 36,000 140,000
geneous atmosphere.
(a) 1 = 10-s ehis. The amplitudes of recorded sound waves through
(b) N.A.C.A. [21] tentative minimum temperatures.
(c) N .A.C.A. tentative standard temperatures. the troposphere and the lower part of the stratosphere
(d) N .A.C.A. tentative maximum temperatures (for h = 100 depend less on absorption than on the change in energy
and 120 km during the day). flux due to the change in size of the wave front. To
find these effects [8] we suppose that there is no wind,
If it is assumed that the distance D is 1 km, that the
free path of the molecules decreases exponentially with
altitude h (in km) from w-s cm at sea level, that the

height of the homogeneous atmosphere is 8.0 km, and
that the wave length Lis measured in meters,
ln L = 0.27h - 1.443 - Mnl- ln(EdE1)]. (29) A !!. 8 B
Equation (29) enables the calculation of L as a FIG. 4. FIG. 5.
function of h for a given absorption. Results are plotted
in Fig. 3, which can be used to find the height h above
which waves of a given length L Iose their energy
by absorption too quickly to be observed. Figure 14
shows that sound waves travel relatively long dis-
tances near the top level of their path. If it is assumed A
~,., B

that a loss of 10 per cent of the energy per kilometer FIG. 6.

over a distance of 100 km (which results in a reduc-
tiau of the energy to less than 10-4 aud of the amplitude and that sound waves produced at A in Fig. 4 start
to less than 0.01) corresponds to the normal limit for with the same energy in ali directions. The energy
the observation of such waves, it follows from Fig. 3 flux Eo through a zone z between two cones formed by
that, even in the lower stratosphere, tones with fre- rays with angles of incidence i and i + e respectively is
quencies above that of a soprano cannot travel very far given (see Figs. 4 and 5) by
d C03 i
E 0 = A [cosi-cos (i + e)] = -BO
without being absorbed almost completely. For waves
db. , (30)
with a frequency near that of the middle a (435 cps,

where A and B depend on the energy at the source. magnetic systems which record by means of galva-
Neglecting the absorption along the path D (Fig. 5) nometers. Even rather simple devices, such as a wire
the energy arrives on a zone of area Z perpendicular attached to the center of a windowpane and '''ound
to the rays, under tension around a thin needle carrying a mirror,
have been used successfully for the recording of sound
z = 1rw - (~ - o) 2l cosi = 21rM cos i. (31) waves from distant explosions. The magnification of
these types of instruments for long-period movements
The energy flux E at the distance ~ is then given by
equals their magnification for a constant continuous

E = Eo z =
C/l (d d~cosi) = ___
C(tan i)
pressure; it decreases in the case of high damping to
about 25 per cent for waves with half the free period of
Z M cosi ~ . the vibrating system and exponentially toward zero
for waves with still higher frequencies. If the damping
C is a constant depending on the energy at the source. ratio is less than 23: 1, resonance increases the magni-
The factor tan i is partly a consequence of the fact that fication near the free period of the instrument [9] and
near the source less energy passes through the zone a produces a maximum there of about twice the static
(Fig. 4) than through the larger zone b (see also Fig. magnification for a damping ratio of about 2Y2: 1.
6a). The greatest changes are produced by di/d~. If i Many types of microbarographs with galvanometric
changes slowly with distance (Fig. 6c), the energy flux recording have been developed in recent years. In
near B is relatively small. Benioff's microbarograph [13] a permanent-magnet
To simplify the picture, we assume that rays are moving-conductor type loud-speaker mounted in one
parts of circles (r = radius). Then cos i = ~/2r, and of the sides of a sealed container is used as the re-
equation (32) becomes in this special case [8] sponding element. Output currents are recorded on
standard seismograph galvanometric recorders. With a
E* = (C/~2 ) [1 - (~/r) (dr/d~)], (33) 1.2 sec galvanometer the maximum sensitivity is ap-
proximately 1 mm deflection for 0.001 mb. In the
which shows the expected decrease in energy with the microbarograph of Baird and Banwell [2] a diaphragm
square of the distance. It is evident that in general the of "dulalium," 0.005 mm thick, separates the body of
energy at a given point is especially large if the (mean) the microphone into two compartments, one of which
radius of curvature r decreases rapidly with distance ~ is closed to short-period pressure changes. Parallel to
(or with the maximum height reached by the ray). the diaphragm at a distance of about 0.015 mm is a
According to equation (20), this requires that either brass disk which toget.her with the diaphragm acts as
the wind or the temperature or both increase rapidly a condenser whose capacity changes are magnified by
with increasing height in the region of the highest point electronic means and recorded by a galvanometer. The
reached by the sound wave. Focal points (caustics) will maximum sensitivity is about 1-mm deflection for less
result if di/d~ becomes infinite; this would correspond than 0.0001 mb. In the instruments designed and built
to Fig. 6b, if two rays with small differences in i arrive at the Naval Ordnance Laboratory, Washington, D. C.
at the same point B. On the other hand, the energy [1] to record the subsonic waves from the Helgoland
decreases considerably with distance if the highest explosion in 1947, the flexing of a diaphragm in a
parts of the rays enter a region where the radius of microphone alters one of two matched inductive cir-
curvature increases rapidly, until the limit for straight cuits; the unbalance produces a signal voltage. This
rays is reached (equation (21)) and no energy arrives signal, the low-frequency modulation of an audiofre-
at the ground. For rays through the stratosphere, the quency carrier, is amplified and used to drive a modified
absorption must be considered, and Esterline-Angus graphic recorder for which a response
curve has been given by Cox [4]. The maximum sensi-
E = C fkdo (tan i) di (34)
e -~-a~ tivity is about 0.8-mm deflection for 0.001 rob. Other
microbarographs, such as Macelwane's, have their maxi-
mum response for longer waves.
Unfortunately, ali these instruments respond not
SOUND WAVES only to pressure waves, but also to pressure changes
Most instruments used in recording sound waves caused by air currents. If three instruments, forming a
through the atmosphere react to the change in pressure triangle with sides of somewhat less than one half the
produced by the sound. In addition, records of distant wave length of the sound waves, are used, the time
explosions are sometimes obtained through seismo- differences between the instruments indicate whether
graphs; in such instances the vibrations of the atmos- the disturbance has travelled with the velocity of sound
phere are transmitted by buildings or otherwise to the or with the much smaller velocity of air currents [3].
ground near the instrument. For sound-recording in- Simultaneously, the time differences between the pass-
struments, membranes or pistons which form a part of ing of a given point of the same wave at two pairs of
an airtight container of a given volume of air are stations makes it possible to calculate the direction
frequently used; their movements are magnified either from which the waves arrive and their angle of inci-
by levers which operate a recording pen, by the mirror dence [19]; the sound velocity must be calculated from
of an optical recording system, or through electro- the temperature.

OBSERVATIONS AND THEIR INTERPRETATION dence with high ocean waves at the coast, and the lack
of other unusual phenomena make it likely that they
Natural Sound. Microbarographs of sufficient sensi- are "sound" from surf. The causes of longer pressure
tivity record a background which consists of the effect waves which were recorded occasionally (Fig. 7c) could
of air currents and of natural pressure waves which are not be found due to the scarcity of the observations.
sometimes especially clear on calm winter days. There Sound Waves through the Troposphere. When un-
are severa! types of natural sound waves. At Pasadena, usually strong sound waves from distant explosions
California, the most frequent are sinusoidal waves with were first heard, attempts were roade to explain the
variable arnplitudes and periods of about Yz to 5 sec observed zones of audibility and of silence by com-
[3, 13] (Fig. 7), corresponding to wave lengths of about binations of temperature, lapse rates, and change of
wind with elevation [20]. This possibility was dis-
proved by the occasional occurrence of instances in
which the abnorrnal zone formed a full ring around the
source of sound, separated from the normal zone of
sound by a zone of silence. However, there are instances,
a not infrequent, of strong sound in relatively small
areas, which are due to meteorologica! conditions in
;;:;~::;;;~~;~;:;~;;::-;.;_:::::;;;:~_;_:::;;~::::::::::;~ the t roposphere. It follows from equations (20) to (22)
b 10 SI:C:
that either a temperature inversion, or a certain in-
crease of wind with elevation (depending on t he lapse
rate), or both jointly, may produce zones of strong
sound. It is of interest to note that in the attempted
explanations mentioned above an increase of wind with
c lloiiN. elevation by 4 or 5 m sec- 1 km-1 was usually assumed
together with t he typical temperature lapse rate, after
Fw. 7.- Pressure waves recorded by Benioff microbaro- considering a variety of conditions; such requirements
graphs at Pasadena. (a) January 6, 1939; these coincided with
the largest surf waves in severa! years near Scripps Institute follow now from equation (22). Figure 11a shows rec-
of Oceanography at La Jolla; no meteorologica! element had ords with clear dispersion. Schulze [27] explained this
unusually great values within severa! hundred mi les; the two dispersion as a consequence of the fact that the velocity
records correspond to two instruments about 30 m apart. (b)
Pressure waves recorded on December 27, 1940, with three changes with elevation, and because the energy of
microbarog ruphs forming a triangle with sides of 290, 320, and longer waves is propagated in a thicker layer than that
264 m, respcctively ; these waves are frequent during the winter
and arrive usually from the SW. (c) Pressure waves with longer of shorter waver;.
periods, recordcd on January 8, 1939, by two instruments 120 Strong audibility of certain sounds (e.g., of trains) is
m apart. (After B enioff and Gutenberg [3].) occasionally used by laymen for short-range weather
forecasting. This possibility is based on the fact t hat
100 m to 1500 rn. In general, they are largest in winter. the repeated occurrence of a certain unusually strong
During the three winter months of 1940/ 41, three micro- sound from the same source will frequently be a con-
barographs were operating (Fig. 7b) which permitted sequence of similar meteorologica! conditions ata given
the calculat.ion of the direction from which the waves place.
arrived; all carne from southwest to west (azimuths Sound Waves Through the Stratosphere and Ah-
between west and 40 south of west). In al! instances normal Audibility Zones. In 1903 an accidental ex-
of large arnplitudes a low-pressure area was situated off plosion of dynarnite in Westphalia resulted in sound
the coast of southern California; as soon as the low- waves which were heard far away, beyond a zone of
pressure area passed the coast, the amplitudes decreased silence. The observations were investigated by von dem
rather rapidly. The waves arrived almost horizontally, Borne who believed that an increase in the percentage
but this is to be expected (even if the source is rather of light gases with elevation in the atmosphere causes
high in the atmosphere) due to the curvature of the an increase in sound velocity. (For historical data and
rays. N o connection with microseisms could be found. bibliographies see [28, 10].) The details of these abnor-
Similar air-pressure oscillations have been recorded in mal zones were studicd in instances of artificial ex-
Christchurch, New Zealand [2]. Their periods were be- plosions, especially in Germany [16], of gun fire, and of
tween 4 and 10 sec, and they showed similarity to accidental explosions, using ear observations (Fig. 8) '
microseisms, but a time lag of pressure oscillations, up as well as instrumental records. There are instances
to 200 sec, was suspected. Baird and Banwell believed where the abnormal zone forms a complete ring around
that the two types of waves are independent phenomena the source, and others in which only .parts of a ring
but possibly have the same cause. Polii (1949) found with audible sound were developed. Frequently, parts
similar results in Trieste. Observations of these pressure of a second or third ring of abnormal audibility were
waves at other locations are very desirable. found (Figs. 8 and 9) .
Occasionally, ::lhort groups of pressure oscillations In Europe and in Japan, the radius of t he ring as
were recorded at Pasadena with periods of about Yz to well as the distance of the largest sound intensity
1 sec and occurring at intervals of about 20 sec (Fig. shows a yearly period (Fig. 10) with a minimum dis-
7a). Their direction (from SW), their regular coinci- tance of about 100 km late in winter or early in spring,

and a maximum (about 200 km) late in summer [28; usually larger than 0.98. If the temperature at the point
29, pp. 184-187]. In central Europe, the ring is much of observati ou is more than about lOC higher than at the
better developed to the east of the source during winter, source (continent in summer, ocean in winter), it be-
comes increasingly probable that this difference makes
the return of the ray to the ground impossible; the
rays turn upward again at a level with a temperature
given by equation (10). Similar effects can be produced
by prevailing winds (equation (19)).
Records show relatively small differences in travel
time of rays to the abnormal zone between day and
night [19], although details of the records change grad-
ually (Fig. llb) . Wide variations in the amount of
explosive do not result in different travel times. This
proves that the return of the rays to the ground is not
affected by an increase in the ratio of the pressure
change to the pressure itself and that, even at the
highest levels reached by the rays, equation (7) holds.
- SOUNO NOT HEARO This conclusion has been confirmed by the agreement
2.00 K.Y. 400
between the temperatures calculated from equation (7)
and those found from records made with V-2 experi-
FIG. 8.-0bservations of sound waves through the strato- ments (Fig. 12). Finally, records taken at equidistant
sphere after explosion of 5000 kg of ammunition, December points in opposite directions from the source did not
18, 1925. (After H ergesell and Duckert [16].)
give appreciably different travel times. Therefore, the
to the west during summer. This is due to the fact that conclusion can be drawn that relatively high tempera-
the rays have rather large angles of incidence (normally tures in the stratosphere account for the sound in the
between 75 and 90) so that at the source sin i is outer zones, as suggested by Whipple [301.


7 4-6 2-4 1-2
o1 1IIJ1 1fO1 1 fO1 1101 1fiJtlkm

-- .......

______ _..,.

FIG. 9.- Sound intensities observed after an explosion near Vergiate, Italy. (After Oddone.)

Annual changes in the travel-time curves (Fig. 12), the angles of incidence corresponding to the travel-time
and the annual period of the radius of the zone of curve (b in Fig. 12); usually they change little with
abnormal audibility, are caused by (1) annual changes distance. Equation (14) g1ves the horizontal distance

250 (b)
:..- ~
....... ...... MIAXI~UM 1
~ INTENSITY t.e ) POIHT ra--ct.--;----::----;~~--;-----;-----
t--ss.:~- 1 :~

200 l 1 .; .,
~ 1\. ~=...
t ~ !'-...
1 : 1 1 : : .
Vo o
r'--- f.- ~
"'-... f--
'b- f-' ~ f'I NNER BOUNOARY (O)
1 ~. -~# 1
2 1 ~~ ....~ 1

50 19~ 41"'

FIG. 10.-Yearly period of the distance from the source at 1

which the first ring of audibility begins (ci reles and thin curve)
and of the distance of the maximum number of reported obser-
vations (dots and thick curve) based on data collected by 3
Wegener [28, 29] .

in the speed and direction of the wind, or (2) an increase

in temperature above the value near the ground at ele- 2

vations varying, in central Europe, between about 30 3

km in late winter and 40 km in late summer. Either (1)
(al 1

98, 43 km Fra. llb.-Records of sound waves at a distance of about
200 km from the source at three points (distances from each
other about 450, 910, and 845 m, respectively) at different times
between July 21, 1927, 6:46 P.M. and July 22, 1:26 A.M.; source
near Juterbog, recorded near Wurzbach, Thuringen, in Ger-
many. (After Meisser [19] .)

corresponding to the ray section between the ground

and the level for which the sound velocity bas been
Fra. lla.-Direct sound waves, recorded by Kuhl's undograph,
showing dispersion. (After Schulze [27].) calculated, and equation (16) the corresponding travel
time. Twice these distances and times are subtracted
or (2) or both operating jointly may produce this effect.
Since the ttavel times for the rays arriving in the second
abnormal zone were always close to twice the travel DECEMBER 19. 1929
2ooo~~~-~~~~~-rY.r~ ~~-~-,_~~
time at half the distance in the first zone (Fig._12) it /.
was concluded that the second ring is produced by
rays reflected at the surface of the earth [11, 29].
Similarly, the following zone (travel-time curve c in
Fig. 12) is probably due to twice-reflected waves. Still
later phases may be due to waves which left the ground
under too small an angle of incidence to be turned back
in the warm layer near 55 km, passed upward into the -t-
colder layer above, and finally were turned back (Fig.
14) in the layers at an elevation about 100 km [5],
where the temperature increases beyond that near 55
Calculations of the temperature in the part of the 200 400
stratosphere in which the sound waves are turned down li (~Ml -

to produce the first abnormal zone can be made as Fra. 12.-Travel-time curves from explosions near Jiiterbog,
follows [10, 11]. First, equation (7) is used to calculate Germany, in summer (July 17, 1928) and in winter (December
19, 1929). Curves a, b, c, and d apply to the first, second, third,
the sound velocity in the troposphere, and possibly in and fourth zones of abnormal audibility, respectively. (Ajter
the lower part of the stratosphere. Equation (17) gives Gutenberg [10].)

frorn selected observed values of the travel-tirne curve (Fig. 10) and of the travel tirnes (Fig. 12) is affected by
considering the calculated angles of incidence at the the yearly period of the wind, but it is caused rnainly
ground. This results in a travel-tirne curve for rays by the annual period of the ternperature (and thus by
the similar period of the ozone content) at elevations
between about 25 and 60 km. Annual changes in the
direction of the wind near and above t he tropopause
shift the whole zone in the direction of the prevailing
wind, but cannot explain the annual expansion and
contraction of the zones which has been observed.
Observations of the amplitudes of sound waves
through t he stratosphere are very scarce. The maximum
near the inner boundary of the abnormal zone results
i frorn t he concentration of energy connected with the
~o cusp of the travel-time curve at the minimum distance
(Fig. 14) reached by the rays [11], where the very
...""> large values of dijdt:J. produce a focal point according

"' to equation (32). The intensi.ty of the sound waves

there rnay be so large that windowpanes are broken
[14]. The records of the Helgoland explosion [4] showed
good agreernent between the observed sound-intensity
and the energy calculated frorn equation (32). How-
ever, Cox [4] has pointed out that the decrease in short
waves relative to the long waves with increasing dis-
tance (to be expected frorn the increase in absorption,
see Fig. 3) is not confirmed by these records. The
FIG. 13.-Temperature and sound velocity in t he atmosphere
differences in recorded periods are relatively small and
from various sources . may be a consequence of local effects.
In very large explosions, another group of waves is
at the level where the ternperature observations end. recorded. The best exarnple is furnished by barograph
Equation (18) t hen perrnits t he calculation of the high- records following the explosion of Krakatao in 1883;
est point H* above the level of reference reached by a the pressure waves circled the earth severa! tirnes, with


-:;,...,.. __

"-.. . "-.....- t ABSORPT ION INCR EA SIN G



given ray; the wave velocity at this point is equal to the a rnean velocity [24] of 314.1 rn sec- 1 (measured along
apparent velocity at the distance where the ray arrives. the surface of the earth); the rnean value frorn recorded
In this way the velocity (and consequently the tern- sound waves travelling three tirnes around the earth
perature) for a nurnber of points in the stratosphere eastward was about 320 m sec-I, westward about 304
can be found as far as the ternperature increases with rn sec- 1 The velocity of 314 rn sec- 1 corresponds to a
height. If necessary and possible, corrections for the temperature of - 28C. Similar waves with a velocity
wind should be rnade. The upper lirnit of height for of 301 rn sec- 1 (not corrected for wind effect) were
which results can be found is given either by the in- recorded at Tucson, Arizona, in southern California,
creasing absorption or by a decrease in wave velocity and in Nevada [12] after the explosion of t he atomic
with height (usually as a consequence of a decrease in bomb in New Mexico in 1945. This group of waves
temperature); both rnay be involved. Figure 13 gives a followed, after rnany minutes, the waves discussed
few results. The ternperatures, calculated frorn the previously, and carried the largest amplitudes. At
sound observations, agree with t he observations frorn Pasadena, it was strong enough to record on the strain
V-2 data [22] within the lirnits of error. seisrnograph as a single wave having a period of about
The yearly period of the radius of the abnorrnal zone 12 sec; apparently, the arriving pressure wave corn-

pressed the hill on >vhich the Seismological Laboratory mission." Geol. Soc. Amer., Mem. No. 27 (1948). (See p.
is located. The waves are probably of the type dis- 19)
cussed theoretically by Pekeris [23]. 8. GuTENBERG, B., "Propagation of Sound Waves in the At-
lf the source of the sound is not at the surface of the mosphere." .J. acoust. Soc. Amer., 14: 151-155 (1942).
9. - - "Die dynamische Vergriisserung von Schallregis-
earth, sound paths can easily be constructed by using
trierinstrumenten fiir andauernde Sinuswellen." Beitr.
equations (10) to (17). For a source in the tropopause, Geophys., 26:34-36 (1930).
the rays follow patterns similar to those constructed by 10. - - "Die Schallausbreitung in der Atmosphare," Hand-
Ewing [7] for the "tropopause" in the ocean. buch der Geophysik, Bd. 9, SS. 89-145. Berlin, G. Born-
trager, 1932.
PROBLEMS FOR FURTHER RESEARCH 11. - - "Die Schallgeschwindigkeit in den untersten Schich-
Results concerning the following problems would aid ten der Atmosphiire." Z. Geophys., 2: 101-106 (1926).
12. - - "Interpretation of Records Obtained from the New
most in the interpretation and use of recorded sound
Mexico Atomic Bomb Test, July 16, 1945." Bull. seism.
waves passing through the atmosphere: Soc. Amer., 36: 327-330 (1946).
1. Determination of the velocity and absorption of 13. - - and BENIOFF, H., "Atmospheric-Pressure Waves
sound waves in rarified air at pressures down to 0.01 mb. near Pasadena." Trans. Amer. geophys. Un., 22:424-426
2. Effect of wind at various levels up to 100 km on (1941).
sound propagation. (Some authors probably overesti- 14. GuTENBERG, B., and RicHTER, C., "Pseudoseisms Caused
mate such effects, others underestimate them.) by Abnormal Audibility of Gunfire in California."
3. Effects of the wind component perpendicular to Beitr. Geophys., 31: 155-157 (1931).
the direction of the sound propagation. 15. HARDY, H. C., TELFAIR, D., and PIELEMEIER, W. H., "The
4. Determination of additional travel-time curves Velocity of Sound in Air." J. acoust. Soc. Amer., 13:
226-233 (1942).
for sound waves refracted in the stratosphere (a) in
16. HERGESELL, H., und DucKERT, P., "Die Ergebnisse der
various latitudes, (b) their annual period, (c) their Sprengungen zu Forschungszwecken in Deutschland
diurnal period (no clear period has been found), (d) vom 1. April 1923 bis zum 30. September 1926." Arb.
correlation of results under (a) to (c) with periodicities preuss. aero. Obs., Wiss. Abh., Bd. 16 (B), 55 SS. (1927).
of ozone content in the "ozonosphere." 17. HERGLOTz, G., "Uber das Benndorfsche Problem der Fort-
5. Change in frequencies prevailing in sound waves pfianzungsgeschwindigkeit der Erdbebenstrahlen." Phys.
with distance from the source; effects of selective ab- Z., 8: 145-147 (1907).
sorption. 18. Ki:iLZER, J., "Die Schallausbreitung in der Atmosphare
6. Indications of dispersion of sound waves under und die aussere Hiirbarkeitszone." Meteor. Z., 42: 457-
various coriditions. (Present experiments do not indi- 463 (1925).
19. MEISSER, 0., "Der Einfallswinkel des anormalen Luft-
cate dispersion.)
schalls." Z. Geophys., 3:285-292 (1927).
7. Theory of free pressure waves in the atmosphere; 20. MoRF, H., "Ueber den Einfluss der meteorologischen
extension of the theory of Pekeris [23] to other models, Zustande der Troposphare auf die Ausbildung der anor-
considering the most recent data on temperature in > malen Schallzone." Ann. schweiz. meteor. Zent-Anst.,
the stratosphere and in the ionosphere. Anhang, 36 SS. (1918). (With bibliography)
8. Properties of sound waves refracted at levels near 21. NATIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR AERONAUTICS, Tenta-
100 km [4] and of free pressure waves [12, p. 329]. tive Tables for the Properties of the Upper Atmosphere,
9. Natural pressure waves in the atmosphere in vari- prepared by C. N. WARFIELD, Washington, D. C., 1946.
ous latitudes, on islands, near coasts, and far inland 22. NAVAL RESEARCH LABORATORY, ROCKET-SONDE RESEARCH
(including use of tripartite stations with base lengths SECTION, Curves of Temperaturc vs. Altitude over White
Sands, New Mexico. 1948.
of about 7i of the wave length of the waves tobe studied,
23. PEKERIS, C. L., "The Propagation of a Pulse in the Atmos-
see Fig. 7); causes of such waves [13] and their possible phere. PartII." Phys. Rev., 73: 145-154 (1948).
use in weather forecasting. 24. PERNTER, J. M., "Der Krakatau-Ausbruch und seine
Folge-Erscheinungen." Meteor. Z., 6: 329-339, 409-418,
447-466 (1889).
1. ATANASOFF, J. V., SNAVELY, B. L., and BROWN, J., "A 25. QurGLEY, T. H., "An Experimental Determination of the
New Instrument for Subsonic Frequency Measurements" Velocity of Sound in Dry C0 2 -Free Air and Methane at
(abstract) . .J. acoust. Soc. Amer., 20: 222-223 (1948). Temperatures below the Ice Point." Phys. Rev., 67:298-
2. BAIRD, H. F., andBANWELL, C. J., "Recordingof Air-Pres- 303 (1945).
sure Oscillations Associated with Microseisms at Christ- 26. ScHRODINGER, E., "Zur Akustik der Atmosphare." Phys.
church." N. Z. J. Sci. Tech., 21: 314B-329B (1940). Z., 18:445-453 (1917).
3. BENIOFF, H., and GuTENBERG, B., "Waves and Currents 27. ScHULZE, G.-A., "Luftseismik" in Naturforschung und
Recorded by Electromagnetic Barographs." Bull. Amer. M edizin in Deutschland 1939-1946 (FI A T Rev.). Wies-
meteor. Soc., 20: 421-426 (1939). baden, Dieterich, 1948. (Sec Vol. 18, Pt. 2, pp. 66-71)
4. Cox, E. F., "Abnormal Audibility Zones in Long Distance 28. WEGENER, A., "Akustik der Atmosphare" in Muller-
Propagation through the Atmosphere." J. acoust. Soc. Pouillet's Lehrbuch der Physik, Bd. 11. Braunschweig,
Amer., 21:6-16 (1949). Correction, ibid., p. 501. Vieweg, 1928. (See pp. 171-198)
5. - - and others, "Upper-Atmosphere Temperatures from 29.-- "Dieaussere Horbarkeit.szone." Z. Geophys., 1:297-
Helgoland Big Bang." J. Meteor., 6: 30(}-311 (1949). 314 (1925).
6. EMDEN, R., "Beitrage zur Thermodynamik der Atmos- 30. WHIPPLE, F. J. W., "The High Temperature of the Upper
phare." Meteor. Z., 35: 13-29, 74-81, 114-123 (1918). Atmosphere as an Explanation of Zones of Audibility."
7. EwiNG, M., and WoRZEL, J. L., "Long Range Sound Trans- N ature, 111: 187 (1923).

Solar Energy Variations as a Possible Cause of Anomalous Weather Changes by Richard A. Craig and
H. C. Willett. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 79

The Atmospheres of the Other Planets by S. L. Hess and H. A. Panojsky .............................. 391

Harvard College Observatory

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

INTRODUCTION effects in the higher atmosphere of irregularly variable

This article is concerned only with the possible rela- solar activity, which presumably is causally related to
tionships existing between anomalous changes of anomalous weather ftuctuations.
weather and the variations, in one form or another, of 2. The periodic character and geographical pattern
the output of solar energy. There can be no question of anomalous weather ftuctuations, which are presuma-
that the sequence of weather change which is repre- bly related to variable solar activity.
sented by the normal diurnal and seasonal sequences of 3. The applicability of variable solar activity as the
weather over the globe is to be explained entirely by the primary explanation of anomalous weather ftuctuations.
corresponding diurnal and seasonal variation of the
sun's distance and position in the sky, whether or not THE NATURE AND PERIODIC CHARACTER OF
the quantitative explanation of this normal variation is VARIABLE SOLAR ACTIVITY
entirely satisfactory. There is no suggestion of any Systematic studies of the sun have revealed severa!
normal diurnal or seasonal variation of the output of characteristic features that vary semicyclically. It is
solar energy which would account for any part of the the purpose of this section to discuss briefty these
normal variation of global weather. This is entirely a features, their variations, and the observed effects of
question of the regularly variable distribution of the the variations on terrestrial phenomena. The only book
solar energy. devoted exclusively to a technical discussion of the sun
As soon as a comparison is made between the irregu- is that of Abetti [1]. A more recent semipopular book is
lar, anomalous ftuctuations of world weather patterns that of Menzel [15]. Various astronomical texts, for
and the irregular variability of the output of solar example [2] and [19], give brief discussions of the sun.
energy, the evidence of definite relationship between The sun's visible surface, or photosphere, presents a
the highly complex variations of these two patterns mottled appearance on telescopic inspection. Many
of change becomes at many points contradictory, in- small brilliant granules can be detected against a darker
decisive, and highly controversial. In our present state background. Sunspots and jaculae are much larger and
of ignorance as to (1) the specific nature and amount more stable features of the solar surface. The sunspots
of the solar energy changes, (2) the specific effects are relatively dark areas, roughly circular in form.
which this irregular solar activity produces in the higher They usually occur in groups, dominated by two large
atmosphere, and (3) the mechanism of interaction be- spots. The individual spots vary in diameter from a few
tween the higher aud the lower atmosphere, it is quite hundred miles to tens of thousands of miles. Faculae,
impossible conclusively to prove or disprove the effec- on the other hand, are relatively bright areas, usually
tive inftuence of irregular solar energy variations on the occurring in the vicinity of sunspot groups.
anomalous ftuctuations of the global weather patterns. The spectroheliograph photographs the sun in the
The evidence for this inftuence must inevitably depend selective radiation of one element, and hence enables
to a large extent on inference and on the elimination of us to study the sun at levels above the photosphere. In
possible alternative explanations of observed effects. both calcium and hydrogen light, large bright (relatively
Such evidence is of necessity somewhat subjective in hot) or dark (relatively cool) patches are observed,
character, and liable to some stretch or strain in its especially in the vicinity of the sunspots. These are
interpretation. In the following discussion an effort called fiocculi. When the hydrogen ftocculi are carried
will be made to maintain objectivity in the presentation by the sun's rotation to the solar limb, they appear as
and judgment of the evidence, but the interpretation is bright prominences, or projections of gas from the sun.
intended to be sympathetic to the view that irregular At times very intense outhnrsts, called fiares, occur.
solar activity is the primary factor in the control of These ftares are accompanied by hydrogen emissions
anomalous weather ftuctuations. detectable at the wave length of the Ha line in the
To facilitate the presentation of irregular solar ac- visible part of the solar spectrum. Another solar phe-
tivity as , the predominant factor in controlling the nomenon, recently noted by Roberts, is the occurrence
anomalous ftuctuations of weather and climate, the of spicules. These are relatively small and relatively
following discussion is divided into three sections, as short-lived extensions of gas from the chromosphere,
follows: and are most noticeable at high solar latitudes.
1. The nature, periodic character, and observed Even farther out from the photosphere is a very

tenuous envelope of gas called the corona. Recent evi- violet of about 2900 A, which is completely absorbed in
dence shows that the corona is extremely hot, having a the earth's upper atmosphere. This energy is estimated
temperature of about 1,000,000K compared with the and included in the solar constant.
photospheric temperature of about 6000K. The cause The value of the solar constant is near 1.94 cal cm-2
of this high temperature is stiU a mystery. min- 1 C. G. Abbot, who has supervised most of the
All of the solar phenomena described above vary measurements, claims that the solar constant varies
with time in intensity or character. The variations of all from time to time by a few per cent of the mean value.
the features seem to be in phase. Only the sunspots This claim has been disputed by many other scientists,
have been observed for a long enough period of time to who feel that the uncertainties involved in the measure-
include a large number of cycles of variation. Accord- ments are at least as great as the suspected range of
ingly, sunspot variation is discussed here as an indicator variation. In any case, Abbot's work gives an upper
of solar variation. limit to the amount of solar variability during the past
The relative sunspot number is an index of the number forty years in the part of the spectrum available for
of spots and groups of spots visible on the solar surface. routine measurement. The measuring program of the
Reasonably reliable records of sunspot numbers extend Smithsonian Institution is described fully in the Annals
back to 1749, al though the earlier years of this record of the Smithsonian Institution and in numerous papers
are much less reliable than the later ones. These records of the Smithsonian M iscellaneous Collections.
show that the sunspot number has alternately increased Abbot has claimed that the variations in the solar
and decreased with a period that has averaged about constant primarily reflect large variations in the violet
eleven years. The length of this period, however, has and ultraviolet part of the spectrum. This claim seems
varied from seven to seventeen years and the sunspot to be verified by some measurements of Pettit [16].
number has also varied from maximum to maximum. Pettit measured the ratio of solar radiation at 3200 A
The beginning of a solar cycle is characterized by the to that at 5000 A. Over a period of years from 1924 to
appearance of a few spots near 30N and S heliographic 1931, this measured ratio varied by about 40 per cent
latitudes. As the cycle progresses, the number of spots of its mean value, presumably reflecting variability in
increases and the latitudes of most frequent occurrence the ultraviolet. Unfortunately, observing conditions
move toward the solar equator. The largest number of were not ideal and atmospheric factors were suspected
spots occurs when the spot zones are near 16N or S. tobe the cause of at least part of this variation. On the
After sunspot maximum, the spot zones proceed equa- other hand, none of the specific tests applied by Pettit
torward and at sunspot minimum there are only a few showed instrumental or atmospheric effects of this mag-
spots near the equator and a few spots in higher nitude. To some extent, at least, the ratio varied in a
latitudes marking the beginning of a new cycle. manner similar to that of the sunspot number.
Sunspots possess intense magnetic fields. The po- Farther into the ultraviolet, below about 2900 A,
larities of these fields vary characteristically, with a solar energy is absorbed in the upper atmosphere and
period twice that of the ordinary sunspot cycle. The cannot be observed at the earth's surface. In the ultra-
two large spots in a group, which are called the leader violet, however, there is abundant indirect evidence of
and follower spots, ha ve opposite polarities. The leader solar variability because of effects on the upper atmos-
spots in the N orthern and Southern Hemispheres also phere. The frequency of occurrence of magnetic storms
have opposite polarities. Moreover, spots in the same and of aurorae, as well as the ionization of the upper
relative position in their groups and in the same hemi- atmosphere, clearly varies over the solar cycle. The
sphere have opposite polarities from one sunspot cycle correlation between upper-atmospheric phenomena and
to the next. sunspot number becomes progressively poorer as the
Along with sunspot variations, other solar phenomena parameters involved are averaged over shorter and
show characteristic changes. Faculae, flocculi, flares, shorter periods of time. Thus, there is little or no corre-
and prominences are more numerous and intense at lation between daily sunspot numbers and daily values
sunspot maximum, although they are by no means of the various indices of upper-atmospheric conditions.
absent at sunspot minimum. The _corona is approxi- This would make it appear that all spots do not affect
mately circular at the time of sunspot maximum, but is the earth directly but rather are correlated with the
flattened at the poles near sunspot minimum. The occurrence of the solar phenomena that do affect the
intensity of the coronal emission lines is also greater at atmosphere. Effects in the upper atmosphere indicate
sunspot maximum than at minimum, according to clearly solar variations only in the short wave lengths
recent observations. of hydrogen and helium emission (A < 1216 A) and vari-
The energy output of the sun is difficult to measure ations in partide emission of the sun. For the wave-
at the earth's surface, because of absorption and scatter- length interval 1216-3200 A, there is apparently no
ing of sunlight by the earth's atmosphere. Nevertheless, evidence to indicate whether the sun's energy is or is
the Smithsonian Institution has for the past forty years not variable.
undertaken the routine measurement of the solar con- The present state of knowledge of solar variability,
stant. This is the amount of solar energy incident at the then, reveals little or no variability in the infrared and
outer edge of the earth's atmosphere per unit area and visible spectrum, perhaps some moderate variability in
time reduced to mean solar distance. These measure- the violet and near ultraviolet, and almost certainly
ments, of course,. do not include solar energy to the rather large variability in the far ultraviolet. The solar

variability that exists is related to the sunspot number, have occurred approximately at quarter-billion-year
at least in a general way. The record of sunspot number intervals, but no over-all climatic trend towards more
in the past 200 years, therefore, gives some idea of the mild or more severe conditions is indicated. Each of
character of solar fluctuations. A study of the record these glacial epochs (with the exception of the Pleisto-
shows great irregularity. Although the average time cene, which is not yet terminated) continued for many,
from maximum to maximum has been eleven years, the perhaps as much as 50 million years, being separated
interval between maxima has been exactly eleven years by approximately 200 million years of relatively mild
only three times in eighteen cycles and has varied from interglacial climate. The geological evidence indicates
seven to seventeen years. The annual mean sunspot that each major glacial epoch was by no means con-
number at maximum has varied from 46 (1816) to 152 tinuous, but consisted of an extended sequence of per-
(1947). The maxima appear to have run in cycles of iods of maximum glaciation (ice-sheet development)
four large values and three small values. This longer- separated by periods of ice-free interglacial conditions.
period variation can also be expressed in terms of an These glacial-interglacial sequences apparently run in
80-year cycle, that is, in successive forty-year periods cycles of from one hundred thousand to five hundred
the average number of sunspots has been alternately thousand years duration.
large and small. The present Pleistocene Epoch, which apparently
There is some evidence that during the historical has not lasted more than one or two million years, has
past solar activity has varied considerably more than experienced four such glacial maxima, separated by
during the past 200 years. Fragmentary observations three interglacial periods, of which the middle and
and records indicate that during parts of the 13th and longest one lasted for at least two hundred thousand
14th centuries (a period of considerable climatic stress years [7]. Since the Pleistocene sequence of glacial and
in Europe and Asia) solar activity as evidenced by very interglacial climates is known in much greater com-
large and numerous sunspots was probably greater pleteness and detail than that of the earlier glacial
than it has been since, although observations were so epochs, and since it occurred under essentially the
few and primitive that no real comparison can be made. present condition of topography (land and water dis-
On the other hand, between 1672 and 1704 (the 17th and tribution) which determines our climatic patterns to-
18th centuries were notably lacking in climatic stress) day, only this epoch is referred to in the following dis-
not a single sunspot was observed on the solar northern cussion of glacial and interglacial climates. It is assumed
hemisphere, so that in 1705 when the observation of that any deviation of the earlier glacial-interglacial
such a spot was announced it was considered a sur- patterns from those of the Pleistocene period are to be
prising fact of extreme scientific interest. explained by the extensively different terrestrial to-
pography of the earlier periods.
THE PERIODIC CHARACTER AND GEOGRAPHI- The climatic conditions of a period of maximum
CALPATTERN OFTHEANOMALOUS glaciation may be characterized essentially as follows:
WEATHER FLUCTUATIONS 1. Ice sheets covering up to 30 per cent of the con-
tinental area of the N orthern Hemisphere, with prin-
The flow pattern of the general circulation of the cipal ice sheet centers between latitudes 60 and 65
earth's atmosphere, by which the world weather pat- over northeastern America and. over Scandinavia, ex-
tern is determined, is in a perpetua! state of anomalous tending southward over favorably located continental
fluctuation comparable in amplitude to and much more areas to the 40th parallel of latitude.
rapid than the normal slow seasonal fluctuation. The 2. Greatly expanded anticyclonic polar-cap circu-
periodic character of these anomalous fluctuations of lations, with a corresponding equatorward displace-
the general circulation has been the subject of extensive ment of the climatic belts and zonal wind systems,
statistica! analysis. Components of periods ranging from notably of the prevailing storm tracks of middle lati-
a few days to millenia or geological epochs in length tudes.
can be detected, but it has not been possible to demon- 3. Increased poleward temperature gradient in middle
strate any regular periodicity of real statistica! signi- latitudes, with a correspondingly marked intensifica-
ficance in these fluctuations. To ali practica! purposes, tion of the general circulation, notably of storminess
there are no established periods of anomalous fluctua- in middle latitudes and of the effective operation of the
tion of the general circulation. evaporation-precipitation cycle.
The fluctuations occur in an almost continuous spec- 4. Predominance of excessively cool and wet condi-
trum of periods from the very short to the very long. tions in the middle and lower middle latitudes of max-
For purposes of discussion it is convenient to group imum storminess; of excessive rainfall in the inter-
the anomalous fluctuations of the general circulation tropical convergence zones, and probably of hot dry
(i.e., of the world weather pattern) by length of period conditions in a narrow intense subtropical high pressure
of the fluctuation concerned, in five general classes. belt on either side of the equator.
A discussion of each of these classes follows. In contrast the climatic conditions of a typical inter-
Geological Fluctuations. These refer to the major glacial period may be characterized essentially as
glacial and interglacial periods during geological time. follows:
According to the best geological evidence [7], major 1. Complete disappearance of permanent ice from
glacial epochs, at least during the last billion years, the face of the globe on land and sea, with only tempo-

rary freezing of shallow portions of the polar seas during Africa, and in the western United States reached their
the winter season. lowest levels of postglacial time, many of them drying
2. Complete disappearance of the anticyclonic polar- up entirely, while most glaciers in middle latitudes
cap circulations with a corresponding poleward dis- completely disappeared. Most of these glaciers today
placement of the climatic belts and zonal wind systems, represent new formations, not remnants preserved from
notably with the contraction of the circumpolar storm the last glacial maximum. If this condition had per-
tracks of either hemisphere into permanent cyclonic sisted for fifty thousand instead of only two thousand
centers over the poles. years, it proba._Ply would have constituted a true inter-
3. Great warming of the polar regions, with a cor- glacial period.
respondingly weakened poleward temperature gradient, At the start of the sub-Atlantic period, which was well
decreased circulation, and absence of storminess in established from about 1000 B.c. to A.D. 300, world
middle latitudes. climate took a strong turn towards the glacial type.
4. Expansion of the subtropical high-pressure belts Storminess and cold in Europe became extreme, the
with relatively storm-free, dry, and mild conditions extensive forests of the preceding Climatic Optimum
prevailing through most of the middle latitudes. Pre- were replaced by peatbogs, while glaciers in all parts of
cipitation restricted to the local convective rather than the world advanced well beyond preceding limits. The
cyclonic type, with a marked weakening of the inter- Caspian Sea, the nonoutlet lakes of the western United
tropical convergence, hence with relatively dry condi- States, and the lakes of northern and equatorial Africa
tions in the tropics as well as in the middle latitudes. reached their highest postglacial levels, while rela-
This contrast between the typical glacial and inter- tively cool, moist conditions in the lower middle lati-
glacial climate is summarized here in its essential detail tudes permitted the development of extensive civili-
because it is quite characteristic of, though somewhat zations in the Mediterranean and on the steppes of
more extreme in degree than, the shorter-period cli- central and western Asia in regions which suhsequently
matic, secular, and anomalous fluctuations of the gen- became too arid for agricultura! pursuits. During the
eral circulation. period, severe arctic conditions were re-established in
Climatic Fluctuations. These include the consider- the polar regions.
able fluctuations of climate during postglacial time. From approximately A.D. 400-1000 the world climate
The last glacial maximum of the Pleistocene Epoch returned to a minor and abbreviated edition of the
terminated officially some 8000 years ago, at approxi- Climatic Optimum, mild extremes being reached in the
mately 6500 B.c. Geological evidence indicates that higher latitudes during the eighth and tenth centuries.
at that date the recession of both the Scandinavian This period marked the peak of the Viking explorations
and the N orth American ice sheets, and the correspond- and colonization in Iceland and Greenland. In their
ing amelioration of climate, had reached the point at small boats the Vikings regularly traversed seas which
which conditions stand today. However, during these today would be impassable for them by reason of ice
8000 years there have occurred very substantial fluc- and storms, and their colonies throve by agricultura!
tuations of climate [4, 7, 12, 27], running in irregular pursuits in areas of Greenland which are now covered
cycles of from three to five thousand years. In ampli- by glaciers. Dryness in the Mediterranean and central
tude these fluctuations probably have amounted to at Asia led to mass migrations and to the crumbling of
least half of a glacial-interglacial cycle, and according many civilizations. The degree of dryness was attested
to all evidence they have followed almost identically to by tree-ring records and by the lowest lake levels
the glacial-interglacial pattern of climatic change. The in Asia, Africa, and the western United States since
evidence is quite clear that during the preceding twenty the Climatic Optimum. Relative dryness in tropical
thousand years of the recession of the last ice sheet, regions which at present have heavy rainfall was evi-
and also during the preceding glacial maxima of the denced by the development of the Mayan civilization
Pleistocene Epoch, a similar considerable secondary of Central America and the great city of Angkor in
fluctuation of climate was superposed on the primary French Cambodia. The sites of both of these civiliza-
glacial-interglacial cycle, to such a degree that each tions were reclaimed by the jungle during subsequent
glacial stage was marked by temporary peaks and re- centuries of wet climate.
cessions. The eleventh and twelfth centuries saw a return of
During postglacial time, in the period of the Climatic the glacial type of climate, which during the 13th
Optimum, which lasted from approximately 4000 to and 14th centuries reached a peak of great storminess
2000 B. c., the world climate very closely approximated and climatic stress in Europe and other regions in higher
the interglacial type. W arm, dry, storm-free conditions middle latitudes. This period repeated all of the char-
prevailed in middle latitudes so that hardwood forests acteristics of the sub-Atlantic period to a moderate
flourished in Scandinavia, in the British Isles, and in degree. Since the 14th century there has been some
much of N orth America in regions where the climate amelioration of conditions, particularly during the first
is far too severe (cold and stormy) for such growth to- half of the 17th and last half of the 18th centuries. This
day. The polar regions were warm and stormy, the was followed by increased severity of climate during the
polar seas free of permanent ice, and the Greenland and early nineteenth century, and a turn for the better from
antarctic icecaps probably several hundred feet lower 1880 to the present. Although the climatic fluctuations
than today. Lake levels in Asia, in northern and central of the past 500 years have been relatively slight, the

prevailing type of climate has been that of postglacial of the longercperiod ftuctuations of the general circu-
severity rather than mildness. The important fact about lation [17, 23].
the postglacial period is that in the relatively short Originally the single parameter by which the high-
time of 8000 years the world climate has swung through and low-index patterns of the general circulation were
two cycles of change which in amplitude are a sub- defined was that of the strength of the sea-level zonal
stantial part of the much longer typical glacial-inter- westerly winds between latitudes 35 and 55, but much
glacial cycle of the Pleistocene Epoch. statistica! and synoptic analysis [18, 28] has indicated
Secular Fluctuations. These refer to cycles of change that there are other parameters which are probably
or trends of weather and climate which are completed of more significance.
within a single century. Examples are the so-called In the light of these statistica! studies the change
Brilckner Cycle, the single or double (Hale) sunspot from a high- to a low-index pattern (the reverse of a
cycle, and the world-wide trend since 1880 towards change from low to high index) is best expressed by the
higher temperatures which has progressed poleward significant parameters of the state of the general cir-
and reached a crest in the higher latitudes during the culation, other than by a weakening of the sea-level
past two decades. Many investigations of these secular zonal westerlies, in the following terms:
fluctuations of the world weather pattern have been 1. An intensification and expansion of the polar anti-
undertaken. Here it need only be mentioned that these cyclonic circulations, with a corresponding equator-
fluctuations are small in amplitude compared with ward displacement of the zonal wind systems and the
both the climatic and the geological fluctuations, but related climatic zones, notably of the zonal westerlies
they do show notably similar characteristics as to and the prevailing storm tracks.
latitudinal displacement of the zonal wind systems and 2. An intensification of the cellular (as opposed to the
prevailing storm tracks, and as to the corresponding zonal) pressure and wind pattern. At sea level this
severity of cyclonic storm activity in middle latitudes. trend is indicated by a splitting of the major cyclonic
This latitudinal shift of storm tracks and belt of maxi- and anticyclonic centers of action, with a north-south
mum cyclonic precipitation is shown quite clearly by rather than east-west orientation of the major axes.
the last, and statistically best-established, of Bruckner's At upper levels the trend is indicated by an increased
rainfall cycles (1855-1885), by a number of Tannehill's amplitude and shortened wave length of the trough-
secular trend graphs of pressure, temperature, and rain- ridge pattern, with a tendency toward the formation of
fall [24], by the trend since 1880 towards warmer and closed anticyclonic centers in the higher latitudes and
drier conditions in progressively higher latitudes, and closed cyclonic centers in the lower. The result is an
by many of the double sunspot-cycle phase-change increase of the latitudinal exchange of air masses, and
patterns of pressure, temperature, and rainfall [27, 28]. of storminess and extreme air mass contrasts in lower
The basic similarity of the geographical patterns of middle latitudes.
secular changes and trends of weather anomalies to the 3. Initially an increased poleward temperature grad-
patterns of climatic and geological changes is consid- ient in the lower troposphere in middle latitudes, hence,
ered to be highly significant for any physical interpreta- with the increased austausch, a marked increase of
tion of these fluctuations. poleward transport of beat and energy.
Anomalous Fluctuations. This class is made up of It is immediately apparent, from the above summary
the anomalous irregularly cyclical fluctuations of the of the high-low index contrast, how strikingly this
general circulation from week to week, from month contrast of the general circulation pattern resembles
to month, or from season to season within the year. the interglacial-glacial, and less extreme climatic and
In recent years considerable synoptic and statistica! secular, contrasting world weather patterns.
analysis has been directed toward the determinat'on Daily Fluctuations. These are essentially the day-to-
of the essential character and the most significant param- day progression of pressure centers, with related air
eters for the diagnosis and prognosis of these fluc- mass and frontal phenomena, as observed on the daily
tuating patterns of the general circulation. As a result weather maps. Essentially the daily ftuctuations of the
of these studies there was developed the concept of the weather pattern are local rather than global in char-
high- as opposed to the low-index pattern of the general acter, for only relatively small-scale circulation phenom-
ena can run through a cycle of change in a day or two.
circulation as an expression of the essential character
However, it must be recognized that the sum total of
of the opposite extremes between which the pattern
these small-scale ftuctuations integrated over a period
typically ftuctuates. These ftuctuations usually run in of days or weeks constitute the world-wide patterns
cycles of from three to seven or eight weeks. During of weather change discussed above as the anomalous
some periods the opposite type patterns reach more changes. When the anomalous changes are progressing
extreme development than during others, and during rapidly, the trend of this progression, and the contribu-
some seasons or years or even longer periods (secular, tion to it of the daily local changes, becomes quite evi-
climatic, and geological) one type or the other is largely dent. In particular, the progressive effects of any sud-
predominant. The most noteworthy feature of these den impulses (solar) to the anomalous ftuctuations of
two contrasting type patterns is that they are world- the world weather pattern must be traced in daily
wide in character, so that they appear to express the pattern changes. Such effects are noted below in the
operation of a mechanism of basic significance in all reference to Duell and Duell's study [6] of the effects

of sudden solar outbursts on the large-scale pressure Irregular weather changes also seem to be world-
changes. wide in extent. Certainly the glacial epochs and prob-
ably the glacial stages have been essentially simul-
HYPOTHESES OTHER THAN SOLAR VARIABIL- taneous throughout the N orthern Hemisphere. This
ITY AS PRIMARY FACTORS CONTROLLING also applies to the climatic fluctuations. For the secular
THE ENTIRE SPECTRUM OF ANOMA and week-to-week changes, we cannot be so certain,
LOUS WEATHER CHANGES but even there evidence indicates the same tendency.
The irregular weather changes described above have The difficulties of calibrating the geological time-scale
many characteristics that seem to indicate solar vari- in the Southern Hemisphere with that in the N orthern
ability as a primary causative factor. These arguments Hemisphere are great; however, the evidence now avail-
cannot be considered as definite proof of the existence able indicates the coincidence of the gross weather
of an atmospheric reaction to solar variability. At variations in the two hemispheres.
least, however, they point out the importance of fur- If the two premises are accepted that irregular
ther studies of the question. weather variations of all periods have a common cause
Perhaps the most striking feature of these changes is and tend to be world-wide in extent, it is natural to
the fact that the entire spectrum of weather variations look to solar variability as the controlling factor. All
reveals a similar oscillation between two definite types that we know about solar variability indicates a strik-
of weather pattern. The severe, stormy weather of the ing similarity between the patterns of solar changes
glacial epochs, glacial stages, glacial substages, peat- and of weather changes. The sun is capable of short-
bog period, and stormy centuries could be satisfactorily term changes in emission of ultraviolet light and charged
explained in terms of the predominance over varying particles. It also shows a secular change in these emis-
periods of time of the low-index patterns that are ap- sions that is only roughly periodic. The meagre evidence
parent in our weather today. Thus, all these weather available from sunspot observations indicates also
patterns indicate an expansion of the circumpolar vor- changes extending over centuries that might correspond
tex, with extension into middle latitudes of polar condi- to climatic weather changes. Quite probably the sun
tions, a retreat southward of the zone of westerlies and has varied even more in the geological past than in the
the storm tracks, a contraction and equatorward move- immediate past where records are available.
ment of the subtropical high-pressure systems, and In spite of these considerations, many previous in-
probably a contraction and intensification of the inter- vestigators have suggested other causes for various
tropical convergence zone. On the other hand, the rela- types of weather changes. Each of these suggestions
tively mild and dry weather which has predominated has encountered serious objections. N one, except solar
at various times in the earth's history is similar in nature variability, is capable of explaining all irregular weather
to our mild seasons characterized by high-index pat- variations. N evertheless it is of interest to consider the
terns. various weather changes in turn and to discuss the
This similarity of pattern is strongly indicative of alternative suggestions that have been offered.
similarity of the disturbing impulses for all fluctuations. Geological Weather Changes. The cause of the ice
The necessity of some universal disturbing impulse ages has been and still is a subject of lively debate. Of
which varies irregularly in long as well as short cycles the many theories that have been propounded, three
is indicated by the fact that the amplitude of the fluc- have seemed particularly attractive and have received
tuations increases with the period. No random com- the most attention. These are (1) the theory of distri-
bination of localized centers of disturbance of the cel- bution of insolational heating, (2) the theory of mountain
lular patterns of the circulation could be expected to or continent building, and (3) the theory of solar vari-
produce such globally consistent and integrated patterns ability.
of change. 1. The theory of distribution of insolational heating
Unfortunately, the physical hasis for present-day holds that variations in the earth's orbital elements
changes between high-index and low-index weather pat- (eccentricity, inclination of the earth's axis, and preces-
terns is not understood. Rossby [17] has shown that sion) affect the distribution of solar radiation over the
relatively high pressure near the poles (anticyclonic earth and thus cause cycles of weather. The cyclic
polar vortex) is dynamically unstable and that cold variation of these elements is such as to predict the
anticyclonic domes tend to move southward with a pattern of Pleistocene glaciation (four glacial stages
resulting increase in the meridional austausch. and three interglacial stages), and at one time was used
Starr [23) considers the latitudinal transport of mo- to establish a Pleistocene chronology. The arguments
mentum and heat and arrives at the conclusion that against this theory are:
relatively high pressure in higher latitudes is a neces- a. These same cyclic changes carried back beyond
sary condition for, but does not require, poleward the Pleistocene Epoch predict similar patterns of
transport of heat and kinetic energy. Thus Rossby's glaciation, whereas pre-Pleistocene time was rela-
interpretation is essentially dynamic and Starr's is tively free of glaciation for some 250 million years.
thermodynamic. Correlation studies based on Starr's b. These solar effects require that changes in the
hypothesis ha ve yielded coefficients considerably higher N orthern and Southern Hemisphere be out of phase,
than those based on any other hypothesis of the me- contrary to present opinion and available evidence.
chanics of the general circulation. c. This solar variation does not affect the total

amount of radiation received in either hemisphere in they fail to yield any consistently significant lag correla-
a year, and scarcely affects the total annual insolation tions.
at a given latitude. The implication of this result is that the causes of
d. The effects are extremely small according to re- large-scale weather changes are not to be found in the
cent calculations by Simpson [22]. pre-existing state of the general circulation. Possible
2. The theory of mountain or continent building is explanations are that:
based on the idea that glaciation is caused by periods 1. The changes are purely chance fluctuations.
of continental uplift and mountain building. Conti- 2. The crudeness of the statistica} techniques has
nentality presumably leads to cold winters, and moun- masked some real relationships.
tains focus the precipitation orographically and give 3. The control mechanism is in the earth's atmos-
cool summers. Even today, evidence is abundant that phere, but is outside the region thus far studied-the
these factors are favorable for glaciation. However, N orthern Hemisphere between the surface and 3 km.
it seems likely that these factors, while they probably 4. The control mechanism is outside the earth's
determine the patterns of glaciation and perhaps are atmosphere, presumably in solar variability.
necessary conditions for glaciation, are not in themselves The first explanation, that of chance fluctuations,
suffi.cient. Simpson [22] has very neatly pointed out is not only unlikely in view of the world-wide and per-
that the Southern Hemisphere, with only about one- sistent character of the fluctuations, but also represents
half as much land as the Northern Hemisphere, actu- an extremely undesirable conclusion which could not be
ally averages 2C colder in its annual mean, a maximum accepted until ali other possibilities were definitely
effect of 3C being reached at latitude 60 where the ruled out. With regard to (2), the statistica! methods,
N orthern Hemisphere is 60 per cent land, the Southern while undoubtedly crude, have served to show up cer-
O per cent. Moreover, geological evidence indicates that tain contemporaneous relationships and could hardly
periods of continental uplift have occurred in some fail at least to indicate the existence of significant lag
cases without subsequent glaciation, and that in other relationships. Explanation (3) cannot be investigated
cases the associated glaciation has followed only after further at the present time because of lack of data.
millions of years. Furthermore, the glacial and inter- The externa! control mechanism, here, as in the cases
glacial stages and substages of the Pleistocene ice age of other types of irregular fluctuations, remains as a
have no associated geological changes. distinct possibility, in that adequate causes of any
Climatic Weather Changes. Climatic changes, with other nature have not been established.
their smaller amplitudes, have received less attention
than geological changes. Of the theories discussed above THE SOLAR HYPOTHESIS AS THE PRIMARY
for the geological changes, only the theory of solar FACTOR CONTROLLING THE ENTIRE SPEC-
variability could carry over to explain clim'atic changes. TRUM OF ANOMALOUS WEATHER CHANGES
For example, C. E. P. Brooks, a proponent of the theory The discussion of the preceding pages indicates in
of continental uplift as a cause of geological variations, certain respects the general over-all aptness of the
has turned to solar variability as a cause of climatic solar explanation for the entire range of irregular
changes [4]. As was pointed out above, climatic oscilla- weather fluctuations, and certain objections to possible
tions have been similar in character and intermediate alternative explanations of the individual categories
in degree to geological variations, on the one hand, and of climatic change. It remains only to present any
to secular or week-to-week changes on the other. The available evidence favoring the solar explanation of the
inability of a given theory to explain ali the changes is specific categories of the fluctuation of world weather
therefore a weakness in that theory. or climate.
Secular Weather Changes. No cause of the secular Geological (Glacial-Interglacial) Fluctuations. As in-
weather changes, other than possible solar effects, has dicated above, the work of Simpson and others renders
been seriously offered. Some of the statistica} studies relatively untenable both continentality (terrestrial to-
attempting to relate secular weather changes to the pography) and the long-period geometrica} variation
sunspot cycle are reviewed below (see pp. 386-387). of the distribution of insolation as the primary cause
Week-to-Week Weather Changes. In recent years of the fluctuations of climate during geological time.
week-to-week changes in the general circulation have Of the current widely accepted hypotheses by which
been studied extensively by many meteorologists. In to account for the glacial-interglacial climatic cycles,
particular the Weather Bureau-M.I.T. Extended Fore- only the variable output of solar energy remains.
casting Project under Willett's direction has conducted There are two schools of thought as to the probable
an exhaustive statistica! study of the week-to-week solar energy change required to produce an ice age,
pressure changes. Using a linear-correlational technique, that of most geologists, as formulated by Flint [7],
Willett [26] has compared the zonal index with param- which calls for a substantial decrease of the solar con-
eters that describe other segments of the general cir- stant, and that of Simpson [20, 21, 22], which requires
culation, such as the zonal easterlies, the subtropical a substantial increase of the solar constant. N either
easterlies, and the intensity of meridional interchange. hypothesis visualizes any important selective varia-
These studies yield a number of consistent and statisti- tion of the energy distribution in the solar spectrum.
cally significant contemporaneous correlations between It is inevitable that a suffi.cient decrease of the solar
the various parts of the general circulation. However, constant would lead to a corresponding lowering of the

mean temperature of the earth's surface by 11C, the cial low-index pattern manifests the necessity of an
approximate difference of mean temperature which most increased poleward transport of heat, hence presum-
geologists accept as differentiating between a glacial ably also the occurrence of increased solar heating.
and an interglacial climate. However, this temperature 3. Two advantages for Simpson's Ice Age theory,
differential is computed on the assumption that total including a partial removal of the primary objection
precipitation remains unchanged during the tempera- to it, ensue from the assumption that the necessary
ture cycle, a totally unjustified assumption. variation of the solar constant occurs primarily in the
Simpson [20, 21] pointed out that a generallowering ultraviolet, increasing with an increase of the other
of the earth's mean temperature by a decrease of the solar phenomena discussed above (see pp. 379-381).
solar constant would inevitably decrease both the mois- These advantages are:
ture content of the air and, by reducing the latitudinal a. Contrary to the lack of any observational evidence
temperature contrast, the intensity of the general cir- of significant variation in the visible spectrum, there is
culation. These two effects would cause a drastic world- much direct and indirect evidence of highly erratic
wide reduction of precipitation, which precludes the fluctuation in the ultraviolet roughly paralleling the
possibility of an ice age, rather than favoring it. N o sunspot cycle. This erratic sunspot fluctuation appar-
adequate answer to this objection has been offered by ently runs in irregular cycles which increase in ampli-
the proponents of a reduction of the solar constant as tude with the time range and which to some extent
the primary cause of an ice age. parallel the correspondingly irregular weather cycles
Simpson's conception of glaciation by increased solar (see below).
heating rests on the assumption that the effect of this b. The increase of solar ultraviolet does not entail
heating is reflected primarily by an intensification of the same increased heating of the earth's surface and
atmospheric circulation, cloudiness, and precipitation. entire atmosphere as must a significant increase in the
The mean temperature of the entire earth's surface is entire visible spectrum. The total absorption of the
not decreased, but heating in certain regions (sub- increased ultraviolet in the higher atmosphere may alter
tropical high-pressure belts) and cooling in others (zones and intensify the pattern of the general circulation
of convergence, storm tracks) is a necessary part of the without sufficient heating of the troposphere to inter-
intensification of the general circulation. Glaciation fere with glaciation as Simpson conceives its occur-
occurs in regions of increased storminess and localized rence.
cooling. Simpson recognizes that if the increased solar Climatic (Postglacial) Fluctuations. There has been
heating proceeds far enough, the temperature of the little effort made to explain the very considerable post-
entire atmosphere must rise enough to reverse the glacial fluctuations of climate. Of the currently ac-
trend towards glaciation abruptly, with a quick reaction cepted explanations of the glacial-interglacial fluctua-
to a warm, very wet (pluvial) interglacial period. He tions, only irregular solar variability can conceivably
considers that the Pleistocene Epoch consisted of two be applied to the similar postglacial fluctuations of
solar maxima, each of which corresponded to a double relatively short period. Furthermore, there are a few
glacial maximum interrupted in the middle by a short scattered observations since the twelfth century which
pluvial interglacial. The long second interglacial pre- indicate that solar disturbances (sunspots) have been
sumably represented a dry period of reduced solar exceptionally active during periods of exceptional cli-
constant. matic stress (13th and 14th centuries), and exceptionally
The principal objection to Simpson's hypothesis of inactive during the period of minimum climatic stress
glaciation lies in the paradox of warmer sun and cooler (later 16th and earlier 17th centuries). However, in
earth, at least locally. Most geologists find it very general, solar observations previous to 1750 were en-
difficult to accept the possibility of an ice age without tirely inadequate to make possible any satisfactory
a substantiallowering of the earth's mean temperature correlation with climatic conditions. On the other hand,
such as that caused by a decreased solar constant. the marked similarity of the postglacial to the geological
However, there are several considerations that defi- climatic fluctuations suggests the operation of the same
nitely favor Simpson's hypothesis over the opposite factor of climatic control (probably variation of solar
point of view, in particular the following: ultraviolet radiation), and there is no alternative ex-
1. The increased intensity of the general circulation, planation which has been suggested.
with the great increase of precipitation not only in Secular (Intra-Century) Fluctuations. Only the secu-
glaciated areas, but also in the lower middle latitudes lar fluctuations of the clima tic changes are short enough
and in the tropics, which is noted to characterize a in period so that extensive comparison with observa-
glacial (in contrast to an interglacial) climate, certainly tions of variable solar activity is possible. Many studies
fits Simpson's conception of the effect of an increased of the secular variations and trends of clima te have been
(as opposed to a decreased) solar constant. undertaken, but only solar activity survives as a plau-
2. The statistica! verification of Starr's concept [23] sible primary factor of control, and that control is far
of the low-index pattern (relatively high pressure in the from proved. Certainly it can be said that the secular
polar latitudes) as a necessary condition for increased fluctuations of the general circulation unmistakably
poleward heat transport definitely conforms to the low- show the influence of the sunspot cycle, but it is equally
index character of the glacial as opposed to the inter- certain that there exists no demonstrable strict cor-
glacial weather pattern. By Starr's hypothesis the gla- respondence between solar variability (sunspots) and

the secular weather cycles. The connection between this type have been found by a number of investiga-
sunspots and weather is so complex and indirect that tors for specific localities, but they contribute Iittle to
it remains completely unexplained physically, but un- any improved understanding of the physical control
fortunately sunspots are the only index of irregular of the secular weather fluctuations. However, it cer-
solar activity for which the record of reliable observa- tainly can be stated that the solar factor is the one
tion is sufficiently long to be useful for extended correla- which is usually implicated in most of the secular
tion. Among the many studies of this kind which have fluctuations of climate.
been made, the following might be mentioned briefly Anomalous (Weekly, Monthly, or Seasonal) Fluctua
as among the more significant: tions of the World Weather Pattern. The week-to-
1. Koppen [13], W alker [25], and others have demon- week and month-to-month anomalous fluctuations of
strated beyond question the reality of an eleven-year the general circulation pattern manifest quite clearly
sunspot cycle of temperature in many regions, pri- essentially the same type of high- versus low-index
marily in the tropics, such that lower temperature contrast that is evidenced by the secular, postglacial,
occurs with the sunspot maximum. and glacial-interglacial fluctuations. In fact, it is pri-
2. Helland-Hansen [11), and others, have indicated marily from these relatively short-period fluctuations
that at least across the N orth Atlantic Ocean prevailing that the index types were recognized, and their essential
storm tracks tend to be displaced equatorward during characteristics identified. The recognition of essentially
periods of high sunspots. Some of Tannehill's graphs identica! characteristics in the longer-period anomalous
[24) indicate a similar latitudinal displacement of storm fluctuations of the general circulation followed. Con-
tracks on the west coast of the United States. sequently the question naturally arises as to the extent
3. Hanzlik [8, 9] finds quite impressive changes of to which variable solar activity, for which there is so
the world-wide distribution of pressure, particularly much evidence as the controlling factor in the longer
during the winter season, from the three years centered period fluctuations, also exerts primary control on the
at sunspot minimum to the three years at the following anomalous fluctuations. This question is particularly
sunspot maximum. The most striking feature of pertinent because the major single or double sunspot
Hanzlik's pattern studies is that, in high latitudes, cycle is very long in comparison to the weekly, monthly,
the pressure changes in effect give a decreasing zonal and seasonal anomalous fluctuations. There are a num-
index as a maJor sunspot maximum commences, and ber of observational and deduced facts which have a
an increasing zonal index as a minor sunspot maxi- direct bearing on the probability of such solar control,
mum commences. This double sunspot cycle of pressure notably as follows:
rise in the higher latitudes is confirmed by Clayton 1. Besides the longer periods of variable solar activity
[5], and by Wexler (unpublished manuscript) from the as evidenced by the so-called eleven-year sunspot cycle
W eather Bureau N orthern Hemisphere historical maps. and multiples thereof, the sun is almost continuously
Both of these investigations indicate, on alternating undergoing a great variety of short-period sudden dis-
successive minor and major sunspot maxima, anomalous turbances and almost eruptive outbursts, as evidenced
zonal pressure rises which reach their peaks at about by faculae, flocculi, flares, prominences, etc., and by a
50N and north of 60N, respectively. Willett [28) has two or three fold or larger variation of sunspot numbers
confirmed Hanzlik's alternating high- and low-index from week to week and month to month (see pp. 379-
patterns of pressure anomaly on successive sunspot 381). Hence there occur outbursts of solar activity of
maxima, and has found further that the anomaly pat- variable frequency and intensity corresponding to the
terns of temperature and precipitation manifest cor- large-scale variable weather activity. Maris [14], Haur-
responding characteristics. In fact the contrasting witz [10], and others have indicated that the sudden
anomaly trends of pressure, temperature, and rainfall emission of short-wave radiation which apparently ac-
going into successive sunspot maxima correspond in a companies this eruptive activity of the sun is capable
small degree over both N orth America and northern of producing considerable heating of the higher atmos-
Europe to the contrast between the Pleistocene glacial phere in only a few hours, and thus leads indirectly
and the interglacial pattern of climate. The occurrence to substantial poleward displacement of atmosphere in
of the high- versus low-index pattern contrast in con- the higher levels, that is, to a rise of sea-level pressure
nection with the double sunspot cycle is particularly poleward from the latitudinal zone of maximum beat-
suggestive of a primary solar role in this basic change ing. This reasoning suggests one possibility of a mech-
of the general circulation pattern. anism by which sudden solar outbursts can change the
4. Baur [3) has produced some impressive statistica! index character (zonal pressure distribution) of the
evidence, from temperature records of 160 years in the general circulation.
northeastern United States and of 180 years in north- 2. As mentioned earlier, Willett's results [26, 27, 28)
central Europe, that the occurrence of severe winters in may be interpreted as an indication of the existence of
both localities shows a marked preference for certain some primary externa! control of the anomalous fluctua-
phases of the sunspot cycle, notably just preceding and tions of the general circulation, for example, variable
shortly following the sunspot maximum. According to solar activity. To test this hypothesis statistically,
Baur the years of sunspot minimum and maximum are Willett [28] correlated daily and five-day mean values
times of the least probable occurrence of a severe winter of a number of indices of solar activity with correspond-
in these localities. Other miscellaneous relationships of ing indices of the general circulation, but no significant

correlation was found. This negative result constitutes related with the variations at the same location and
statistica! (but by no means conclusive) evidence during the same period of time after quiet days. How-
against an important role of variable solar activity in ever, the patterns of change after disturbed days are
the anomalous fluctuations of the general circulation. not always the same and seem to depend markedly on
Our qualitative and quantitative knowledge of the initial conditions in the atmosphere.l
physical characteristics of the variable solar emissions, A less extensive investigation of the pressure changes
of their direct effects in the higher atmosphere, and of following days of strong solar flares (presumably repre-
their possible indirect effects in the lower atmosphere, senting strong outbursts of solar ultraviolet radiation)
is utterly inadequate either for the certain designation gives indications of a reverse trend of the pressure
of suitable indices of solar activity, or for any estimate pattern, towards a higher index condition. This trend is
of the probable manifestation of their complex and in- noted irrespective of season and sunspot number.
direct effects on the circulation of the earth's tropo- Duell and Duell's results need extension and further
sphere. One rather surprising bit of evidence for a direct verification. Taken at their face value, their results
solar influence on the zonal distribution of pressure on appear to be highly significant, in the first place as a
both hemispheres is furnished by highly consistent, but clear indication of direct solar influence on the day-to-
not significantly high, negative correlation between day weather changes of the basic index type, and in the
monthly mean zonal pressure anomalies in the lower second place as a possible physical clue to the opposite
latitudes, and the contemporary monthly mean solar effects of major and of minor sunspot-maxima on the
pyrheliometric values as determined by all recording world weather patterns as first determined by Hanzlik.
stations in Europe and N orth America [28]. In the polar
latitudes of the N orthern Hemisphere there is a seasonal SUGGESTIONS FOR FUTURE RESEARCH
reversal of the sign of this correlation from summer to As long as there remains a reasonable possibility
winter, a reversal which cannot be checked on the that irregular weather changes may be linked with
Southern Hemisphere for lack of pressure data. solar variations, the subject deserves expanded and
3. Without comparison the highest correlations which careful study. The possibility of long-range weather
have been found between basic parameters of the gen- forecasting as a result of such studies holds the promise
eral circulation pattern are those based on Starr's of great returns for the efforts involved. The suggestions
concept [23] of the thermodynamics of the general cir- for future research that follow are based on the convic-
culation. By this concept the index character of the tion that such a reasonable possibility exists.
circulation pattern limits the effective poleward trans- First of all, an attempt should be made to investi-
port of heat. The fact that these correlations pertain gate, independently of the Smithsonian Institution,
to the anomalous fluctuations of the general circula- the variations of the solar constant. It seems rather
tion, with specific implications for the tropical-polar incongruous to discuss the effects of solar variability,
beat balance, is cited as further possible evidence for when variations in solar energy over the entire spectral
the direct role of variable solar energy in the anomalous range above 3000 A are not definitely established.
fluctuations. Despite the fine efforts of the Smithsonian investiga-
4. One final item in evidence of direct solar influence tors, probably the present controversy can best be re-
on the general circulation pattern must be mentioned solved by an independent study. In particular, there
as of particular interest in that it indicates a clear day- should be additional direct determinations of solar
to-day progression of the disturbing effect. Duell and variability in the ultraviolet, from the earth's surface
Duell [6] show that during the winter months (N ovem- in the case of the 3000-3500 A spectral region and from
ber-February) of years of low sunspot activity (relative rockets or balloons at shorter wave lengths.
sunspot number less than 40), following geomagnetically Secondly, the theoretical and physical meteorologist
disturbed days (presumably days of strong particle must give attention to the question of how impulses
emission by the sun), pressure falls on the average by received in the upper atmosphere can affect the tropo-
about 2 mb at European stations within two to three sphere. Duell and Duell's results have no explanation
days, while at stations in the Greenland-Iceland area the at present. lf they stand up under future investigation,
pressure rises by an equal or larger amount. Hence by they become an important clue to the whole problem
the second day following the disturbance, the pressure of solar-weather relationships.
gradient from Greenland to northwestern Europe is Thirdly, if the effects of ultraviolet solar variability
increased by 5 mb on the average, representing defi- on the weather become established, there is room for
nitely a trend towards a low-index or glacial weather much synoptic and statistica! study of interrelationships
pattern. On the other hand, Duell and Duell found that between the troposphere and the stratosphere. The
during the same period of time the pressure variation in question is of great interest, in any case, as a strictly
northwest Europe after quiet geomagnetic days is in the meteorologica! problem.
opposite direction, that is, toward higher pressure a few Finally, and most obviously, the statistica! study of
days after the quiet conditions. Craig has carried out day-to-day, week-to-week, and secular weather varia-
similar investigations for many other geographical
points in the N orthern Hemisphere. He has found that 1. (Added in press.) Consult R. A. Craig, "Atmospheric
the pressure variations after disturbed geomagnetic Pressure Changes and Solar Activity." Trans. N. Y. Acad. Sci.,
days are, to a highly significant degree, negatively cor- Ser. 2, Vol. 13, No. 7 (1951).
tions as related to solar variability should continue. tion in the latter case and by observation if possible,
Certainly, this type of approach is the least economica! or by astrophysical reasoning, in the former case. The
in that much time has been and will be wasted in cor- meteorologists themselves have many problems to in-
relations of parameters that are actually not related. vestigate of a theoretical, synoptic, and statistica!
From such work, however, may come occasional im- nature.
portant dues to the understanding and explanation Intensified research should at least settle the ques-
of solar effects. In any case, it is the most direct method tions of the extent of solar variability and whether it
of investigation and, in the absence of basic physical significantly affects the weather. Even definite informa-
understanding of the sun and of our atmosphere, may tion that no such relationships exist would be extremely
turn out to yield the most important information. valuable in planning the direction and emphasis of
future meteorologica! research.
The discussion and description of known irregular REFERENCES
weather changes leads to some important conclusions:
1. Changes ranging in time scale from weeks to epochs 1. ABETTI, G., The Sun, trans. by A. ZIMMERMAN and F.
apparently involve oscillations between two extreme BoRGHOUTS. New York, Van Nostrand, 1938.
2. BAKER, R. H., Astronomy, 3rd ed. New York, Van
types of weather pattern that are observed today.
Nostrand, 1938.
2. The changes tend tobe world-wide in extent. 3. BAuR, F., "Zuriickfiihrung des Grosswetters auf Solare
3. The amplitude of the changes does not decrease Erscheinungen." Arch. Meteor. Geophys. Biokl., (A) 1:
as the time scale increases. 358-374 (1949).
4. The variability of the world weather pattern seems 4. BROOKs, C. E. P., Climate Through the Ages. London, Benn,
to be similar in its quasi-periodic character and variable 1926.
period to the known variability of the sun. 5. CLAYTON, H. H., "World Weather and Solar Activity."
The specific investigations of solar-weather relation- Smithson. misc. Coll., Voi. 89, No. 15 (1934).
ships outlined herein are only a small fraction of those 6. DuELL, B., and DuELL, G., "The Behavior of Barometric
that have been accomplished. Perhaps others equally Pressure during and after Solar Particle Invasions and
Solar Ultraviolet lnvasions." Smithson. misc. Coll., Voi.
significant are in existence, but the ones cited are il-
110, N o. 8, 34 pp. (1948).
lustrative of techniques and results. W alker's studies 7. FLINT, R. F., Glacial Geology and the Pleistocene Epoch.
[25] show that no significant results can be expected New York, Wiley, 1947.
from a simple correlation of annual means of sunspot 8. HANZLIK, S., "Der Luftdruckeffekt der Sonnenflecken-
numbers and weather elements. The work of Hanzlik periode. 1. Mitteilung: Jahresmittel." Beitr. Geophys.,
shows further that atmospheric changes may vary sig- 28: 114-125 (1930).
nificantly from season to season and even from one 9. - - "Der Luftdruckeffekt der Sonnenfleckenperiode filr
sunspot maximum to the next. Tannehill has furnished die Monate Dezember, Januar, Februar und Juni, Juli,
some striking examples of weather changes that parallel August. Il. Mitteilung: 1. Dezember, Januar, und Feb-
the sunspot curve. Duell and Duell have given the ruar." Beitr. Geophys., 29: 138-155 (1931).
first suggestion of relationships between day-to-day 10. HAURWITZ, B., "Relations between Solar Activity and the
Lower Atmosphere." Trans. Amer. geophys. Un., 27:
weather changes and specific solar anomalies. Their 161-163 (1946).
work also suggests the possibility that more than one 11. HELLAND-HANSEN, B., and NANSEN, F., "Temperature
solar phenomenon (partide emission versus ultraviolet Variations in the N orth Atlantic Ocean and in the Atmos-
emission) may affect the atmosphere. phere." Smithson. misc. Coll., Voi. 70, No. 4 (1920).
These considerations suggest that glacial epochs, 12. HuNTINGTON, E., and VrsHER, S. S., Climatic Changes. New
stages, and substages, periods of dimatic stress such as Haven, Yale University Press, 1922.
the sub-Atlantic period, and stormy centuries, probably 13. KoPPEN, W., "tlber mehrjahrige Perioden der Witterung,
result from the predominance over various periods of insbesondere iiber die 11-jahrige Periode der Tempera-
time of low-index conditions such as are apparent in the tur." Z. ost. Ges. Meteor., 8: 241-248 (1873).
14. MARIS, H. B., and HuLBURT, E. 0., "A Theory of Auroras
weather at the present time. Further, these conditions
and Magnetic Storms." Phys. Rev., 33:412-431 (1929).
may result from comparatively great solar activity, 15. MENZEL, D. H., Our Sun. Philadelphia, Blakiston, 1949.
particularly with relation to partide emission that af- 16. PETTIT, E., "Measurements of Ultra-Violet Solar Radi-
fects the upper atmosphere. These tentative suggestions ation." Astrophys. J., 75: 185-221 (1932).
are the best that can be made on the hasis of present 17. RossBY, C.-G., "On a Mechanism for the Release of Po-
knowledge, but, unfortunately, they are vague and un- tential Energy in the Atmosphere." J. Meteor., 6: 163-180
certain. They merely suggest the direction of future (1949).
research. 18. - - and WrLLETT, H. C., "The Circulation of the Upper
The writers feel that the present state of the problem Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere." Science, 108:
justifies much additional research of observational, theo- 643-652 (1948).
retical, synoptic, and statistica! nature. At present, there 19. RussELL, H. N., DuGAN, R. S., and STEWART, J. Q.,
Astronomy, 2 Vols. Boston, Ginn, 1926-27.
is no definite agreement as to the extent of solar ultra- 20. SrMPSON, G. C., "Further Studies in Terrestrial Radi-
violet variability or even as to the existence of variabil- ation." Mem. R. meteor. Soc., 3: 1-26 (1928).
ity in the visible part of the spectrum. These questions 21. - - "World Climate during the Quaternary Period."
should be deared up as soon as possible, by observa- Quart. J. R. meteor. Soc., 60: 42H78 (1934).

22. "Possible Causes of Change of Climate and Their Sunspots and Temperature." Mem. Indian meteor. Dept.,
Limitations." Proc. Linn. Soc. Lond., 152: 19G-219 (1940). 21: 61-90 (1915).
23. STARR, V. P., A Physical Characterization of the General 26. WILLETT, H. C., Final Report of the Weather Bureau-
Circulation. Dept. of Meteorology, Mass. Inst. of Tech., M.I.T. Extended Forecasting Project for the Fiscal Year
Report No. 1, General Circulation Project No. AF 19- July 1, 1946-July 1, 1947. 110 pp., Cambridge, Mass.,
122-153. Geophys. Res. Lab., Cambridge, Mass., 1949. 1947.
24. TANNEHILL, I. R., Draft Notes on Weather of Future Years, 27. - - "Long-Period Fluctuations of the General Circulation
Part II. Magnitude of Weather Changes Associated with of the Atmosphere." J. Meteor., 6:34-50 (1949).
Solar Variations. U. S. Weather Bureau, Washington, 28. --Final Report of the Weather Bureau-M.I.T. Extended
1945. Forecasting Project for the Fiscal Year July 1, 1948-
25. WALKER, G. T., "Correlation in Seasonal Weather. V, June 30, 1949. 109 pp., Cambridge, Mass, 1949.
Lowell Observatory and Florida State University

New York University

Introduction light, which leads one to believe that we may be seeing

The study of planetary atmospheres is a relatively not the actual solid surface but a continuous cloud sheet.
new field of meteorology. It.s main impetus comes from This is consistent with the planet's high albedo (0.59).
the likelihood that the behavior of the several planetary The lack of surface markings prevents a direct deter-
mination of the rotation period. Spectroscopic investi-
envelopes, with their varying masses, rotations , con-
gations of the rotation indicate that the day on Venus
st1tuents, and other physical parameters, may yield im-
portant evidence bearing on the general laws which is probably more than three of our weeks [9, p. 317].
govern our own atmosphere. Much of the information It may even be that Venus always presents the same
sought through a study of the other planets cannot be face to the sun, in which case her day would be equal
obtained by investigation of the terrestrial atmosphere to her year (225 terrestrial days). In any event, we may
simply because its various parameters of interest are be certain that the rotation is so slow that atmospheric
fixed and the effects of their variation cannot be de- motions are not subject to significant Coriolis deflec-
termined. tions.
Beyond the possibility of gaining information that There is no question that Venus possesses an atmos-
may add to our understanding of Earth's atmosphere phere. This is demonstrated by various physical phe-
lies the hitherto somewhat neglected fact that the nomena [9, p. 318] and by the positive, spectroscopic
behavior of planetary atmospheres, per se, is a proper identification of carbon dioxide as one of its constitu-
field of study for meteorologists. One really needs no ents. The amount of C0 2 is estimated to be some 500
further justification than the knowledge that there exist times that contained above a unit area on Earth [3,
several atmospheres, besides Earth's, whose behavior p. 351]. No appreciable amounts of oxygen or water
may be observed and interpreted. vapor are present. Consequently the basic cloud layer
In Table 1 various meteorologica! parameters are cannot be aqueous; it may be dust. When Venus is
listed for all the planets known to possess atmospheres. photographed in ultraviolet light, large dark and light
They are divisible into two distinct groups. The first bands may appear. The nature of these markings is
three planets listed are relatively small and have at- unknown, except that they are undoubtedly manifesta-
mospheric constituents of moderately high molecular tions of some sort of cloud because they vary in shape
weight. The last four are much larger and have pre- and size from day to day.
dominantly light-weight constituents. This difference in Despite our lack of observational knowledge ~f the
composition is a natural consequence of the greater ~irc~lation of Venus' atmosphere we may be confident,
~asses and far lower temperatures of the outer planets, m VIew of the long period of rotation, that the major
smce these two fact.ors enable them to retain the light feature of the circulation is a rapid exchange of air be-
gases which the smaller, warmer planets have lost to twe~n the warm, sunlit hemisphere and the cool, dark
space. hem1sphere. This would be a direct circulation, and the
The most interesting planets in this list are Mars and direction of motion ought to be close to the direction of
Jupit~r. This is because both planets present, at times, the pressure-gradient force. This circulation apparently
suffiCiently large discs to enable us to examine and succeeds in transferring considerable quantities of heat
photograph the atmospheric phenomena which are pres- to the dark si de of Venus because infrared radiation can
ent. Venus, too, has a large enough disc for this purpose be detected from the night side. Also important in
but it is characteristic of her that little visible atmos- keeping the dark side warm is the large greenhouse ef-
pheric or surface detail exists. Thus our knowledge of fect supplied by such an enormous quantity of co2.
Venus' atmosphere is rather small. Saturn, Uranus , and On occasion the far infrared radiation (10 p,) emitted
Neptune have successively smaller discs and , in. addi- by the warm C02 fails to appear [4]. This is certainly
twn, probably have progressively less detail. not due to a failure of the gas to emit such radiation,
but must be due to a transient layer of high cloud which
Venus prevents the energy from escaping. The nature of this
The planet Venus is the closest in size and mass to high cloud layer (as distinct from the lower cloud sur-
Earth; she is also our nearest planetary neighbor. De- face) is unknown, but it may well be condensed carbon
spite this we know relatively little about her atmosphere dioxide itself. Even on such a warm planet as Venus the
and surface. Little detail can be discerned in visible saturation vapor pressure of C0 2 can be reached in the

vicinity of only 20 km above the surface if an adiabatic amount present is usually too small for spectroscopic
lapse rate is established. This suggests that these clouds detection [1]. The presence of clouds and polar caps
and their movements could be detected if one could points to the presence of water, and the similarity of


Mean Length of Coriolis Inclination Surface

distance year parameter Mean radius of equator Albedo gravity
Planet from sun at pole (Eil = 1)
(Eil = 1) to orbit (Eil = 1)
(Eil = 1) (sec- X 10')

Venus ............................ 0.72 0.6152 <0.07 0.97 ? 0.59 0.86

Earth ............................ 1.00 1.0000 1.46 1.00 23 27' 0.39 1.00
Mars ............................. 1.52 1.8808 1.42 0.53 25 12' 0.15 0.37
Jupiter ............................ 5.20 11.862 3.5 11.0 3 07' 0.44 2.64
Saturn ............................ 9.54 29.457 3.3 9.0 26 45' 0.42 1.17
Uranus ............................ 19.19 84.013 3.3 4.0 98 0.45 0.91
Neptune .......................... 30.07 164.783 2.2 3.9 29 0.52 1.12

Approximate Approxima te
Most important probable Probable value of pressu 1e a t "visible" tempera ture at
Planet atmospheric constituents in adiabatic lapse rate surface "visible" surface
order of abundance ("C km-) (mb) in sunlight

Venus .............................. N2?, co2 10.0* >160 50-100

Earth .............................. N2, 02, H20, A, C02 9.8 1000 10
Mars ............................... N2?, A?, C02, H20 3.7t 50-100 o
Jupiter .............................. H2, He, CH4, NHa 4.4 >50t -120
Saturn .............................. H2, He, CH4, NHa 2.0 >50t -150
Uranus .............................. H2, He, CH4 1.5 >170
Neptune ............................ H2, He, CH4 1.9 >350

*For a pure C02 atmosphere; in a predominantly N2 atmosphere the value is 8.0.

t For a predominantly N 2 atmosphere.
Assuming a mixture of six molecules of H2 to one molecule of CH4. In such a mixture the amount of He affects neither the
adiabatic lapse rate nor the molecular weight.

examine the planet's image in the far infrared. The re- the reflection spectrum of the caps to that of snow
lationship between these clouds and the ultraviolet makes the conclusion inescapable. Little can be said
markings should also be investigated. about other constituents, except that considerable quan-
tities of nitrogen are to be expected because of this
Mars element's universal abundance, its resistance to chemi-
The planet Mars is the one which, in meteorologica! cal combination with the planet's crust, and the suffi.-
mattel's, most closely resembles Earth. The Martian ciency of Martian gravity to prevent its escape.
day is almost the same length as ours, and the inclina- Radiometric measurements permit estimation of the
tion of the polar axis to the plane of rotation about the surface temperature over areas as small as 200 miles
sun is approximately the same (thus his seasons are in radius. This allows delineation of the general tem-
much like ours), but the year is almost two of Earth's. perature field [2]. The analysis of an extensive sequence
Mars is distinguished from Venus and the major planets of measurements made during 1926 is presented in Fig.
by the fact that his solid surface is usually clearly 1. The salient features are a belt of high temperature
visible. Indeed, so little does the atmosphere interfere at about lat. 20 in the summer hemisphere, markedly
(except in blue light where a high haze layer is evident) lower temperatures and larger gradients in the winter
that we suffer from a relative lack of data on such fac- hemisphere, and an anomalously warm region near lat.
tors as cloud motions, upon which to base a discussion 308, long. 350. The first two features are in qualitative
agreement with the situation on Earth, while the last
of Martian meteorology.
feature, which is probably real, is associated with an
That Mars possesses an atmosphere has been known anomaly in the circulation.
for many years, mainly because the polar caps, which The vertical shear of the zonal winds computed from
wax and wane with the seasons, must have a vapor these data and the thermal wind equation are given in
phase. Various optica! scattering phenomena support Table IL The rates of increase of west wind with eleva-
this conclusion. Recently the first definitely identified tion are somewhat smaller than corresponding values on
constituent of the Martian atmosphere, carbon dioxide, Earth. Since the wind velocity next to the ground must
was found by Kuiper [3, p. 335]. The planet has about be quite small due to friction, the magnitude of the
twice as much C02 per unit area as Earth. Water vapor wind U at some elevation z must be roughly a[!_ z. On
has not been definitely identified, but this is because the az

this hasis the data of Table II indicate somewhat lower part to force the pattern into a familiar shape. An
wind velocities than on Earth. This is consistent with examination of the winds will show that the broader as-
the results of observation of the motion of clouds on pects of this map could not be altered very much by
Mars, which also indicate relatively low wind-speeds. another independent analysis. The existence of a more
or less broad belt of westerlies in both hemispheres is
TABLE II. MEAN VALUES OF THE VERTICAL WIND-SHEAR ON clearly indicated, and there are observations to support
MARS CoMPUTED FROM THE DATA oF FIG. 1 the drawing of a pair of subtropical high-pressure belts
Latitude which are broken up into individual cells. The pairs of
winds which form the hasis of the two cyclonic storms
l5N-50N 4.0 indicated in the Southern Hemisphere are synchronous
l5S-47S 0.8
47 S-78 S 1.6 in one case, and in the other case were observed on
successive nights. Thus there is no way of avoiding an
analysis which involves sharp cyclonic shears, that is,
The last value in Table II, however, is appreciably fronts, without ignoring the data.
larger than the corresponding value on Earth. N ever- The cyclonic circulation at lat. 358, long. 345 is
theless, this does not mean higher wind-speeds than on indicated by an easterly cloud drift in a latitude where
Earth, because this value is from the most poleward one would expect to find west winds. But this is the same
zone considered in the summer hemisphere, and the region in which the temperature distribution indicated

temperature at the southernmost boundary (lat. 788) an abnormally warm spot. It is probable that we have
......._ o

50 ~ F':= 1.2-1? -I?Q
1.1- r---1.3 -lfQ- ~1 o
---f-';2 rrl.r1f~.~9"
40 .........._

30 \39 w ' - 2o

E2o 2.8- [2:'1-~4 -2.1-~1 2:'1 1!~~5-~0"~6Q "'3) 2.1- 2.8-


10 w 19
o ~ r-... ;----_ 2 o

-- -
10 :::j---=
_;....-- p?.:c:::
:---- ~
-r---1. Q

. /
b=;p ~;! l-1_1-~!47""" )....::=..1 o
'-..... t...-........-
r-- -
V -
40 -20
f-' -30
~ -~5 - - 4 0 ~ ...__
:::::::::""._ -1.7 ~ ~---~3- ""-
~5 r:;:o_::: -~3;:_ -~~ -40

!;-- c
r--;; r---. -;;:;--- c 1--"

30 60 90 120 150 1so N 210 240 270 300 330 360 30

FIG. 1.-The distribution of temperature (C) on Mars in Northern Hemisphere winter. This is the normal telescopic
view with south at the top. To obtain the usual meteorologica! view, merely invert the page. The observations marked "Q"
are questionable either because they are interpolated values or because of the presence of clouds. A fifth row of data
at 78S was available for the analysis but does not appear on this projection. Taken from [2].

is probably influenced by the proximity of Mars' polar here an example of a "heat low." This is aU the more
icecap. This depresses the temperature at the surface remarkable because the two pieces of evidence are a
and makes the gradient seem quite high. If one could cloud-drift direction observed in 1894 and a temperature
measure the temperature at, let us say, one kilometer field determined in 1926. This persistence points to a
above the surface, the effect of the polar ice would be local peculiarity of the surface which is conducive to
diminished and the north-south temperature gradient high summer temperatures and the formation of a heat
reduced. This is to say that more stable lapse rates pre- low. Examination of a map of the normal surface mark-
dominate near the icecap than elsewhere, a common ings of Mars reveals no visible feature that can explain
situation on Earth. this phenomenon, but there is a large dark area which
Figure 2 is a streamline map for Mars drawn in a forms seasonally in this region. It is present in Southern
fashion as consistent as possible with the temperature Hemisphere summer (when these measurements were
distribution of Fig. 1, eighteen wind directions deduced made) and disappears in winter. It would be valuable
from the observed drift of clouds, and general mete- to obtain radiometric measures of this area at other
orologica! principles. While these did not suffice to Martian seasons to see if the high temperatures vanish
detine the flow pattern uniquely, the amount of imagi- with the dark coloration.
nation required was quite small. Despite these similarities the circulation on Mars
The most striking aspect of Fig. 2 is its marked re- differs in important respects from that on Earth. Fac-
semblance to terrestrial weather maps. Mars has an tors contributing to such differentiation are: (1) the
atmospheric circulation very similar to Earth's. This is by absence of oceans and sharp mountain ranges, (2) the
no means due solely to a tendency on the analyst's lesser water-vapor content, and (3) the longer year on

Mars. The greater uniformity of the Martian surface larly, helium almost certainly is abundant [3, p. 316].
should lead to more pronounced regularities in weather; Unfortunately, neither hydrogen nor helium show
thus one may be justified in combining observations strong spectral lines in the accessible regions of the
from different years and in accepting a very short spectrum at the temperatures of the visible surfaces
climatological record with more confidence than would of these planets (below 155K) and therefore estimates
be possible for Earth. The severe Martian aridity, as of the amounts of these molecules in the atmospheres
manifested by the scarcity of clouds, should also con- of the outer planets must be extremely crude. Hydrogen
tribute to this greater uniformity of weather from year and helium differ greatly from most other gases in some
to year and day to day, since insolation and outgoing of their physical constants such as specific heat and, of
radiation are not subject to the erratic and complex course, molecular weight, so that, for example, the
interference experienced on Earth. adiabatic lapse rate and the relation between pressure,
The fact that the Martian year is almost twice ours temperature, and density are not weli known.
means that the temperature contrast between the sum- Methane and ammonia are the only constituents of
mer and winter hemispheres ought to be larger on the major planets which have been identified spectro-
Mars. Here on Earth one can deal with the circulation scopically. In the atmospheres of ali four planets,
qualitatively by assuming it to be driven by the tem- methane is more abundant than ammonia; but the rela-
perature difference between equator and poles. While tive abundance of the two gases is not constant. The
this would not be completely invalid on Mars it would absorption of light by methane becomes more pro-
seem that the temperature contrast between the hemi- nounced in the spectra of the more distant planets,
spheres should also be an important factor. That is, whereas the ammonia absorption almost disappears.

lY /
~ ~ ~ ~~
L L/

~ \_H\_! ,f{/ / ~ /

- ~ !-'\\ H ........... f-'1' ~

- - ---
~~ '-.. .I'S\ H ) L \ L/

30 L

( H ............ '(L' /. / H ) J VI ( H
'-- _.!!/ J { l ,/ -..._
E o !--

10 \
H ' V/'
'-.. ~
'J J
\ /
./ 1..

30 -......


,y> ~ ............. /jl
"' v- ,_.

60 ~4
( H Il
( o/1~

f-/ \.._.../
o 30 60
90 120 150
N 210.
240 270
-~ "
300 330
\ __/
360 30

FIG. 2.-A schematic streamline map for Mars in Northern Hemisphere winter. This is the normal telescopic view with
south at the top. To obtain the usual meteorologica! view, merely invert the page. The arrows represent observed cloud-
drift directions. Taken from [2].

the long Martian seasons would seem to promote an The surfaces of all these planets are sufficiently cold so
exchange of air between hemispheres as a major feature that ammonia can exist in its frozen state. The vapor
of the circulation. One can check this conclusion by pressure of the gas in equilibrium with this frozen am-
computing the magnitude of the interhemispheric ex- mania becomes smaller for the more distant planets, so
change from the known rate of transfer of water vapor that hardly any gaseous ammonia can exist in the at-
from the dissipating icecap to the forming one [2]. mosphere of N eptune. Ammonia is practicaliy "frozen
This calculation indicates the necessity for a wind of out" on this planet.
the order of 10-15 m sec-1 blowing from the warm to the The spectrograph not only indicates the presence of
cold hemisphere ali around the equator, at low levels. ammonia, but also permits an estimate of the total
This constitutes an appreciable interhemispheric flow. amount of ammonia in the line of sight between us and
the visible "surface." If we then assume that the at-
The Characteristics of the Atmospheres of the Major mosphere is thoroughly mixed, and if we know the ap-
Planets proximate mean molecular weight of the other gases,
The four major planets are, in order of distance from we can calculate the partial pressure of ammonia at the
the sun, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. Jupi- "surface," the level of the visible markings. Since the
ter's linear dimensions are 11 times larger than those vapor is presumably saturated or nearly saturated
of the Earth; Neptune's, 3.9 times larger. The other with respect to frozen ammonia, measurements of the
two planets are intermediate. AU four planets are mas- strength of absorption by ammonia can be used to
sive enough to retain hydrogen and, because of the determine the planet's temperature. Such considera-
cosmic preponderance of hydrogen, it is very likely the tions lead to a temperature of 150K for Jupiter, about
most important constituent of the major planets. Simi- 45 degrees warmer than the temperature expected if

Jupiter were heated by the sun only and his atmosphere belts and zones. N orth of 45N and south of 45S, one
were transparent to radiation of all wave lengths. There- finds generally greyish regions, which, due to the fore-
fore two possibilities suggest themselves: either Jupiter shortening, have been called the "polar" regions. The
is heated from the inside as well as from the outside, or aspect of these zones and belts, in color and width, may
Jupiter has an appreciable greenhouse effect which is change considerably from year to year. At irregular
relatively much more pronounced than the Earth's. intervals a belt disappears altogether, apparently cov-
The other giant planets also are considerably warmer ered by a white haze. Other zones and belts change their
than would be expected from their distances from the latitudinal boundaries and get narrower or wider as
sun. This can be seen from the tremendous absorption time progresses.
by methane. If Uranus and Neptune were black bodies Superimposed on these general markings is a wealth
heated by solar radiation only with no greenhouse ef- of detailed structure. White and dark spots may form
fect, their temperatures would be 70K and 50K re- almost anywhere, lasting normally from a week to
spectively, low enough to "freeze out" methane. Since several months; rifts appear in the belts, or wavelike
methane is not frozen out the actual surface tempera- patterns form along the boundaries between belts and
tures must be considerably higher [8, p. 89]. zones. These patterns may have the peaked appearance
In summary, the outer atmosphere of all the major of unstable waves yet persist for months. Only the
planets consists mostly of hydrogen and helium, with Great Red Spot, an oval 22,000 miles long zonally and
methane being the next most common gas, at least on 7000 miles wide meridionally, seems to show a high
Jupiter and Saturn. In the atmospheres of Uranus and degree of permanence, having been observed in the
Neptune, inert gases, such as neon, which have lower south tropical zone of Jupiter with substantially the
boiling points, may be more abundant than methane. same shape for at least seventy years, possibly for
The relative brightness of Jupiter's limb as compared several centuries. But even the aspect of the Red Spot
to the central portion, the rate of disappearance of a changes from year to year; for a few years it may be
satellite behind the planet's disc, and other optical very red, then turn grey or white and be almost in-
phenomena indicate that comparatively little atmos- visible. Its shape, also, undergoes changes; one or the
phere can exist above the "visible" surface of Jupiter, other extremity may develop a peak, or the whole
at least near the equator. The pressures at the surfaces spot may become a little smaller or larger. There is no
of the major planets can be estimated from the amount indication, however, that the Red Spot shows any
of methane observed spectroscopically and an added systematic increase in its dimensions, which would be
amount of hydrogen [7]. observed if it were composed of volcanic dust, a hy-
The largest portion of the atmospheres of Jupiter pothesis accepted by many. Another marking, the South
and Saturn must lie below the visible surface. The varia- Tropical Disturbance, which has persisted since 1901,
bie speed of the "surface" features on these planets spread almost all around the planet and disappeared
shows that the surface is not part of any solid core. entirely in 1949. This marking was apparently de-
The exact thickness of the gaseous portion of the at- stroyed by diffusion.
mospheres is difficult to estimate because both the Spots on Saturn are relatively rare occurrences. Sev-
lapse rate and the exact composition are unknown. eral times, large white spots have been observed for a
It is possible to show from the oblateness, the moment number of weeks. N o details of this type ha ve been seen
of inertia, and the mean density of these planets that directly on the discs of U ranus or N eptune; however,
the density of their outer 10 per cent must be consid- Uranus occasionally shows small changes in brightness
erably less than 0.50 g cm-3 [10]. Even gaseous hy- of the same period as the period of rotation. These
drogen will reach densities greater than that at depths changes are of rather an ephemeral nature and soon
of the order of 1000 km [8]. For this reason, the gaseous disappear, making it likely that they are due to fairly
portion of the atmospheres is estimated to extend down short-lived spots.
to a depth of several hundred kilometers. Apparently, The inclination of Jupiter's orbit to its equator is
then, the visible features in the atmospheres of Jupiter only three degrees, so that seasonal effects, if any,
and Saturn are high-level phenomena; in contrast to should be small. Jupiter's "year" is 12 Earth-years,
conditions on Mars, little is known from observations and color changes in the belts with that period have
concerning the solid core of these planets. been reported [11]. However, this result seems to be
The appearance of Jupiter and Saturn in the tele- based on a good deal of uncertain interpretation.
scape is characterized by a system of belts (dark or Saturn's seasonal effects should be considerable be-
reddish color) and zones (light color), parallel to the cause of the 27 -degree inclination between its orbit
latitude circles. Belts have also occasionally been seen and equator; however, as seen from Saturn, an ob-
on Uranus. Neptune is too far from us for any such server on Earth is always in nearly the same direction
detail to be recognized. Jupiter and Saturn differ from as the sun; hence only the summer hemisphere of Sat-
each other in that Jupiter's belts are more pronounced urn can be studied in detail. The same is true to an
even larger extent for Uranus, the equator of which is
near the equator, whereas Saturn's are distributed more
almost at right angles to its orbit.
uniformly. Jupiter shows a "zone" centered at the
equator (equatorial zone), generally bordered by the Circulation of the Atmospheres of the Major Planets
two equatorial belts. These are followed by the "tropi- All four major planets rotate about their axes rap-
cal" zones and further by a series of "temperate" idly, with periods between 9 and 15 hours. The super-

ficial axial symmetry and the oblateness are related to It is interesting to make an attempt to estimate the
this fact. The periods can be measured by two inde- period of the core of Jupiter from the given distribution
pendent methods: of the spot periods with latitude. One might assume, for
1. Extremely accurate average periods have been example, that the net torque of the currents about the
obtained from definite markings,l these averages ex- planet should vanish. In that case, the period of the
tending over weeks or months. The probable error of planet would be near 9 hr 52 min, with westerlies near
some such determinations is only a fraction of a second. the equator and easterlies between latitudes 20 and
This corresponds to errors of speed of rotation of a few 60 in both hemispheres. Such speculation, however, is
tenths of a meter per second. Related to this method is misleading. After all, we are looking at a high level in
the use of the periodic light variation of the more dis- Jupiter's atmosphere. If we observed only high levels
tant planets. of Earth's atmosphere, we would find westerlies at
2. When the spectroscope slit is set parallel to a almost alllatitudes. If, as is likely, the meridional tem-
latitude circle of a planet, the planet's rotation causes perature gradient on Jupiter is in the same direction as
the spectral lines to be inclined to the vertical. The that on Earth, the high-level winds on Jupiter should
tangent of the angle of inclination is proportional to also nearly all be westerlies. In that case the period of
the speed of rotation. This method gives the instan- the core may be longer than that of any of the spots,
taneous speed of the layers of the atmosphere which re- that is, about 10 hours.
flect the light. The probable error of this type of meas- A wealth of information is available concerning de-
urement is of the order of 100 m sec-\ a quantity which tails in the spot periods of Jupiter. Occasionally, spots
is small from an astronomical point of view, but large near the boundaries of the currents are found, with
in comparison with normal meteorologica! experience. periods differing from those of the main currents by
For Jupiter, the spectral speed of rotation agrees as much as 5 min (100 m sec- 1). These spots are indi-
with the speeds of the spots. In view of the large error cated by light circles in Fig. 3. Again, one might expect
of spectral velocities, this does not exclude the pos- them to be located at levels different from those used
sibility that the spots may move with speeds differing in the determination of the periods of the principal
from those of the general current by 50 m sec-1 or more. currents, yet these unusual spots often move around
On Saturn, the period of rotation determined by spots the normal spots. An analysis of these unusual spots
near the equator is about 10 hr 14 min. A very careful was made under the assumption that they were situated
spectral investigation resulted in a period of 10 hr 2 at approximately the same level as the normal markings.
min [5]. These values differ from each other by three This analysis indicated systematically that the bright
times more than the probable error of the spectroscopic zones are regions of anticyclonic shear, and the dark
value. If real, the discrepancy probably means that the belts are regions of cyclonic shear (see the line in Fig.
general currents on Saturn move faster than the mark- 3). This idea is substantiated by the behavior of the
ings. This interpretation is tenable if, for example, the
markings were of the nature of storms (which usually
do not move with the wind speeds).
Even though the nature of the "spots" is not known-
they appear to be large cloud systems-the spot periods
are usually interpreted to approximate the period of 9HR.55MIN.

the "air" in the neighborhood of the spots. The heavy

crosses in Fig. 3 show the normal distribution of the
periods of spots and markings on Jupiter as function of
J ovicentric latitude. The same figure, with the sign 9HR.50MIN.

reversed, would also show the relative velocity dis-

tribution. In the bright equatorial zone the periods are
Rhort, corresponding to fast westerly winds. A transi-
tion from short to long periods takes place in the dark
equatorial belts. Spots of nearly the same relatively -5o -40 -30 -20 -10 o 10 20 30 40 50
long period occur in the tropical zones, temperate belts,
Fra. 3.-Distribution of spot periods on Jupiter with lati-
temperate zones, and even the so-called polar regions tude. Heavy crosses indicate average periods for the latitude
near latitude 45. hand; light circles indicate occasional periods. The hypothet-
ical current distribution is represented by a line. Hatched areas
The short periods in the equatorial zone might lead are dark belts; clear areas are light zones.
to the interpretation that the equatorial spots are situ-
ated at a higher level than the markings in the other "reversing spots." These spots are some of the few mark-
zones and belts. However, spots on Jupiter occasionally ings on Jupiter which show meridional movement in
move around each other but never cover each other up addition to zonal motion; they actually describe an
as might be expected if they were at different levels. anticyclonic orbit relative to the bright tropical zone
in the Southern Hemisphere. First they move more
1. Jupiter data are collected in various Memoirs of the slowly than the main current, at its northern edge, then
British Astronomical Association, Jupiter Section. For Saturn, they traverse the main current, and finally they move
see [10] for example. faster than the main current at its southern edge.

If the cyclonic shear in the dark belts and the anti- circulation of the other major planets. The few spots
cyclonic shear in the light zones are permanent features, observed on Saturn indicate the shortest periods near
it is possible to speculate further. In that case, the the equator with a gradual increase toward higher
bright zones would be high-pressure regions; further- latitudes. The distribution of rotational velocities deter-
more, due to lateral friction, they would be regions of mined spectroscopically agrees with this picture [5].
horizontal divergence. Since we are looking at a high
level in the atmosphere, regions of divergence would be Suggestions for Future W ork
regions of upward vertical motion. It is then possible For Venus the outstanding meteorologica! problems
to explain the light color of these zones by the ammonia are (1) determination of the nature of the variable light
crystals formed in rising currents. and dark bands observed in the ultraviolet, and (2)
Jupiter is observable for about eight out of every determination of the cause of the variability of the
thirteen months. In the remaining five months it is emission from the planet's C02 at 10 f.l These two phe-
too near the sun. For each of these eight-month periods, nomena may well be related, and a concerted attack
average speeds of the different currents are available. should be planned, involving simultaneous observations
Usually, the periods in these different observing "sea- with the spectrograph, the ultraviolet camera, and the
sons" are based on different markings, and represent radiometer. Once such basic data have been gathered,
averages over a number of spots; variations from year further interpretation may prove possible.
to year may not be due to real variations of the cur- For Mars one would most like to see a verification
rents but to more or less random variation between and extension of the work on the temperature field and
spots, since the difference of the periods of individual general circulation. This could best be done at the good
spots in given cmrents is usually much larger than the oppositions coming in 1954, 1956, and 1958. It would
change of the average speed from "season" to "season." require a coordinated program of radiometric observa-
Occasionally variations in speed of as much as 10 m tions of the temperature distribution combined with
sec-1 occur from one season to the next, especially in careful visual and photographic determination of the
the south equatorial current. These jumps affect all drift of clouds. This is an observing program of con-
visible spots and are certainly not statistica! accidents. siderable magnitude, but is worth while in view of the
Also, gradual changes which are real occur over periods basic nature of the result to be derived. W e also need
of the order of 40 years. further observations of such fundamental quantities
Whatever the physical nature of the Red Spot, the as the atmospheric pressure, the amount of water vapor,
variations of its speed of rotation from year to year are the height and composition of the blue haze layer, and
certainly real. The period of rotation has varied from the value of the nocturnal temperatures.
9 hr 55 min 33 sec to 9 hr 55 min 42 sec, with changes Additional information concerning Jupiter can be
from year to year never exceeding 3 sec (1 m sec- 1). obtained from a study of the latitudinal variation of
Two different, but not independent, methods showed ammonia and methane absorption. lf ammonia is satu-
correlations of 0.61 and 0.62, respectively, between the rated near the cloud surfaces, such a study should
speed of the Red Spot and the speed of the surface indicate the latitudinal variation of temperature and of
westerlies on Earth at moderate north latitudes, based cloud level. Studies of limb darkening in the zones and
on 37 pairs of observations [6). Little is known concern- belts have so far been carried out without consideration
ing the significance of correlation coefficients between of the extremely important selective absorption of meth-
time series. Perhaps a correlation of this type might be ane and ammonia. Careful investigations of this type
accounted for if variations in the radiation from the are necessary to determine the relative optica! depths
sun would affect the intensities of circulation both on of light and dark areas. Finally, the correlation between
Jupiter and on Earth. Severa! objections may be raised the motion of the Red Spot and the zonal index on the
against such a hypothesis. The distance of Jupiter from Earth should be verified on observations since 1939,
the sun varies by 10 per cent during its orbital period since standard tests of significance of correlation coef-
of 12 years. Yet there is no correlation between the ficients do not apply here.
period of the Red Spot and the distance of Jupiter from For Saturn, similar investigations might be suggest~d,
the sun. This means that changes of total radiation of especially as far as the evaluation of the limb darkenmg
20 per cent have no effect on the general circulation of is concerned.
Jupiter. The possibility remains that the ultraviolet
radiation of the sun may vary by 100 per cent or more, REFERENCES
and this large change may produce variations of the
speed of air currents both on Jupiter and on Earth. 1. HEss, S. L., "A Meteorologica! Approach to the Question
Another objection against the reality of the correla- of W ater Vapor on Mars and the Mass of the Martian At-
mosphere." Publ. astr. Soc. Pacif., 60: 289-302 (1948).
tion is the fact that there is a negligible correlation
2. - - "Some Aspects of the Meteorology of Mars." J.
between Red-Spot period and easterly index on Earth. Meteor., 7:1-13 (1950).
It is hard to see why the Red Spot, which is located in 3. KurPER, G.P.,ed., The Atmospheres of the Earth and Plan-
the south tropical regions of Jupiter, should exhibit ets. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1949.
variations in motion similar to those in moderate ter- 4. LAMPLAND, C. 0., "On the Observa.ble Radiation from the
restrial latitudes in the N orthern Hemisphere. Carbon Dioxide in the Atmosphere of Venus." Astrophys.
Little information is available concerning the general J., 93:401-402 (1941).

5. MooRE, J. H., "Spectroscopic Observations on the Rota- 9, - - DuGAN, R. S., and STEWART, J. Q., Astronomy; A
tion of Saturn." Publ. astr. Soc. Pacif., 51: 274 (1939). Revision of Young's Manual of Astronomy, The Solar
6. PANOFSKY, H. A., and HEss, S, L., "Zonal Index and the System, Voi. 1, 2nd rev. ed. Boston, Ginn, 1945,
Motion of the Great Red Spot on Jupiter." Bull. Amer. 10. WILDT, R., "ti"ber den inneren Aufbau der grossen Pla-
meteor. Soc., 29: 426-428 (1948). neten." Veroff. UnivSternw. Gottingen, Bd. 3, Nr. 40,
7. PEEK, B. M., "The Physical State of Jupiter's Atmos- s. 225 (1934).
phere." Mon. Not. R. astr. Soc., 97:574-582 (1937). 11. WILLIA.Ms, A. S., "On the Periodic Variation in the Colours
It RussELL, H. N., The Solar System and Its Origin, New of the Two Equatorial Belts of Jupiter." Mon. Not. R.
York, Macmillan, 1935. astr. Soc., 97: 105-108 (1936-1937).

The Perturbation Equations in Meteorology by B. Haurwitz ...... 401

The Solution of Nonlinear Meteorologica! Problems by the Method of Characteristics by ]ohn C. Freeman 421

Hydrodynamic Instability by Jacques M. Van Mieghem. 434

Stability Properties of Large-Scale Atmospheric Disturbances by R. Fjrjlrtojt. 454

The Quantitative Theory of Cyclone Developmnt by E. T. Eady . .. 464

Dynamic Forecasting by Numerica! Process by ]. G. Charney . ...................................... . 470

Energy Equations by ]ames E. Miller. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 483

Atmospheric Turbulence and Diffusion by O. G. Sutton. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 492

Atmospheric Tides and Oscillations by Sydney Chapman. 510

Application of the Thermodynamics of Open Systems to Meteorology by Jacques M. Van Mieghem. . . . . . 5 31



New York University

INTRODUCTION elevation, but rather it presents formidable obstacles

Before entering into a discussion of the systems of to the air motion. It would be easy to continue this
hydrodynamic equations suitable for the investigation account of the complications which the atmosphere
of atmospheric dynamics, it is appropriate to make presents to the meteorologists, and to dwell on such
some general remarks on the typical difficulties of mat ters as the fact that one of the gases (oxygen)
investigations in theoretical meteorology and on the appears in one layer in the triatomic state, in another
general principles on which the formulation of the in the monatomic state, with importantly different
perturbation equations is based. Such a discussion nat- absorptive properties, or to discuss the electromag-
urally includes an enumeration of the types of prob- netic effects in the high atmosphere. However, it may
lems where the application of perturbation methods suffice here to state that finally this complex fluid
is particularly suitable. system, bounded by an inhomogeneous surface and
The Problem of Dynamic Meteorology. Meteorology subjected to unequal influx of energy, is surrounding a
concerns itself with the exploration and the study of rotating globe.
~he gas~ous envelope of the earth. Dynamic meteorology
At that it must be admitted that the problems of
m part1cular aims at a quantitative explanation of the astrophysics are presumably more complicated. Such
observed variations and motions of the atmosphere phenomena as sunspots or chromospheric eruptions
on the hasis of physical "laws." If a complete quanti- are subject to additional influences, for instance, to a
t~tive explanation has been accomplished, a quantita-
strong electromagnetic field, or to radiation pressure,
tlve weather forecast will bea by-product. Conversely influences which the meteorologist can mercifully neg-
quantitative forecasts of the future state of the at~ lect, at least in the lower atmosphere. However, the
mosphere from a given set of initial conditions may solar physicist has the advantage of a really detached
be regarded as the ultima te goal of dynamic meteorology viewpoint. He is not concerned with the detailed be-
because such forecasts require a thorough understand- havior of the individual sunspot or the individual
ing of the laws governing the atmosphere. chromospheric eruption and their detailed structures.
The peculiar difficulties in meteorology, as in the The meteorologist, on the other hand, attempts to
other earth sciences, in comparison to physics, are explain the detailed structure of a cyclone or the mo-
that very many different factors act simultaneously on tion of an individual hurricane. It is likely that meteor-
each phenomenon and that it is impossible to perform ology would appear tobe in a much more satisfactory
controlled experiments. In order to study the atmos- state if we could apply our knowledge to observations
phere the meteorologist has to consider a fluid shell of the earth's atmosphere as viewed from Mars.
surrounding a sphere. This fluid is neither homogeneous As stated before, for the solution of its rather for-
nor incompressible, a circumstance which complicates midable problem, dynamic meteorology uses the laws
the purely hydrodynamical problem. Moreover, one of physics which in the case of the lower atmosphere
of the constituents which make up the fluid may change means mainly the theorems of thermodynamics and
from the gaseous to the liquid or solid state at tem- hydrodynamics. Because of the complexity of the prob-
peratures and pressures regularly occurring in the at- lems it is always necessary to make restrictive simplify-
mosphere. This versatility of water vapor would be ing assumptions, in other words to consider models
bad enough by itself, but the complications increase which include only some of the features of the real
~urther because the fluid shell receives radiant energy
atmosphere. Even with these assumptions the neces-
m amounts which vary with time and location on the sary mathematical analysis offers as a rule considerable
sphere and with the state of the water in the atmos- difficulties. One of the most frequently recurring diffi-
phere. Also, the properties of the lower boundary of culties arises out of the fact that the hydrodynamic
the fluid shell are by no means uniform, the greatest equations which describe the motion of any fluid are
differences being those between water and land which nonlinear. Very little is known about the solution of
react differently to the incoming solar radiation and nonlinear differential equations. Progress in this direc-
which have a different frictional effect on the motions tion may presumably be expected eventually from work
of the gaseous layer. Further, the properties of the with high-speed computers because the study of in-
earth's surface are by no means independent of the dividual nonlinear problems will point the direction
atmosphere, but depend rather strongly on its state; in which a theory of nonlinear differential equations
the ocean surface, for instance, may be made rougher should be developed. In the absence of such a general
by wind-generated waves, and the radiative properties theory it has long been the practice in hydrodynamics
of the land surface may be modified drastically by a to linearize the basically nonlinear equations of fluid
snow cover. Nor is the land surface itself of uniform motion. In some types of problems of classical hydro-

dynamics the linearization is achieved directly as a hydrodynamic equations, that is, the three equations
result of the far-reaching simplifying assumptions. For of motion, the equation of continuity, physical equa-
instance, the two-dimensional irrotational motion of a tions, and such initial and boundary conditions as are
homogeneous and incompressible fluid can be dealt appropriate for the specific problem under considera-
with by the methods of the theory of complex functions. tion. That the undisturbed motion by itself must satisfy
In other cases it is necessary to adopt different pro- the hydrodynamic equations is evident frorn the fact
cedures. In tidal theory, for instance, it is customary that it can exist without a superimposed perturbation.
to assume that the motion is sufficiently small so that It is possible to select for any specific problem a suffi-
terms which consist of products of the velocities and ciently simple fluid state as the undisturbed motion
their derivatives can be neglected in comparison with so that little or no difficulty is encountered in satisfy-
terms which are of the first order with regard to the ing the hydrodynamic equations. For instance, in the
derivatives of the velocity components. In consequence two cases mentioned above, the undisturbed state would
of this assumption the convective terms in the equa- appropriately be one of rest or geostrophic wind motion,
tions of motion can be neglected, and the system of respectively.
hydrodynamic equations becomes linear, at least as For the subsequent discussion, the variables express-
long as an incompressible fluid is considered. The char- ing the actual disturbed plus undisturbed state will be
acteristic feature of this approach is that the tidal denoted by letters with an asterisk, the undisturbed
motion is considered as a small perturbation of an state will be denoted by capital letters, and the effect
original undisturbed state. This method has been used of the perturbation by the corresponding lower-case
frequently in hydrodynamics, but V. Bjerknes was letters. Thus we have the following relations:
the first to systematize this procedure and to apply
it to atmospheric problems when the earth's rotation for the position vector r* = R + r, (1)
and the compressibility and the inhomogeneity of the for the velocity v* =V+ v, (2)
fluid system ha veto be taken into account. The system
of hydrodynamic equations obtained by him is referred for the pressure p* = p + p, (3)
to as the atmospheric perturbation equations. The for the density q* = Q + q. (4)
present article deals with their derivation and shows
how they can be applied to various geophysical prob- It is now assumed that the deviation from the un-
lems. It is not the purpose of this article to deal with disturbed state produced by the perturbation is so
the mathematical rnethods of solving the resulting sys- small that those terms in the equations which contain
tems of differential equations; that is a problem in products of the perturbation quantities and their deriv-
mathematical physics and is treated in the appropriate atives can be neglected as being small of higher order
textbooks. N either is it the aim of this article to discuss compared to those terms which are of the first order
some special meteorologica! problems. It is solely the in the perturbation quantities. It is immediately ap-
method of approach which is being stressed here; for parent that with this assumption the hydrodynamic
the solution of specific problems the reader is referred equations become linear with regard to the variables
to the literature. Only some very simple examples are expressing the effects of the perturbation.
given as illustrations in later sections. This basic assumption about the smallness of the
Basic Assumptions of the Atmospheric Perturbation perturbation does not, of course, represent an equally
Theory. As stated in the preceding section the pertur- satisfactory approximation to the actual state of affairs
bation equations are derived under the assumption in every case. It is particularly appropriate in cases
that the state of the fluid motion can be regarded as where the stability of a certain state is to be investi-
made up of two parts, namely an undisturbed motion gated. This state will then be regarded as the undis-
on which is superimposed a perturbation, the sum of the turbed state and the stability investigation becomes
two representing the total motion. Such a division of the problem of determining whether or not a super-
an actual state of motion is often directly suggested imposed small perturbation will grow with time. In
by observations. The capillary ripples on the free sur- such a case the initial perturbation of the undisturbed
face of a pond can be regarded as a perturbation pro- motion may be regarded as infinitely small since a
duced by a slight gust on a fluid otherwise at rest. On deviation from this motion must start gradually. lf the
a much larger scale the nascent cyclones have been perturbation increases with time the motion is unstable,
regarded in the wa ve theory of cyclones as disturbances otherwise it is stable. The limitations of this statement
in an undisturbed flow which consists of two currents will be discussed later. The wave theory of cyclones and
of different densities, flowing side by side. It was, in many other types of atrnospheric and oceanic motions
fact, the wave theory of cyclones which led V. Bjerknes pose such stability problems. In other instances where
[2, 3] to the formulation of the perturbation equations the perturbation equations are applied it will depend on
as the tools by means of which the stability of such a the particular circumstances how well the resulting
system could be investigated. solution represents reality, and it is impossible to make
Since the total motion thus consists of an undisturbed general statements about the success or failure of the
motion on which a perturbation is superimposed, it method. However, it can at least be said that in many
follows that not only the total motion, but also the cases the linearized perturbation equations give a satis-
undisturbed motion alone must satisfy the system of factory approximation to the observed fluid motions.

The results of hydrodynamic wave theory give numer- dq*

ous examples to support this statement. r = dp*. (6)
It may be remarked here in passing that there are
certain problems in fluid motion which reduce to linear In an atmosphere obeying the ideal-gas law with a
equations without the introduction of the assumptions constant vertical temperature gradient E, for instance,
of the perturbation theory. Consider, for instance, the
frictionless horizontal motion of an incompressible and r = (1 - !!:. E) __!_
g RT'
homogeneous fluid. Then the continuity equation can
be satisfied by assuming a stream function 1/;(x, y, t), where Ris the gas constant for this atmosphere, g the
and the pressure can be eliminated from the two equa- acceleration of gravity, assumed to be constant, and
tions of motion by cross differentiation resulting in the T the temperature.
so-called vorticity equation which is in this case a It is possible to generalize this terminology of baro-
nonlinear differential equation for 1/;. However, if clinity and barotropy to apply to the distribution of
other variables besides pressure and specific volume
t/y; = const if;, [4, p. 3].
the two quadratic terms cancel each other (more gen- The Physical Equation. Since in meteorologica! and
erally if t/y; = f(if;), but this relation is no longer oceanographic investigations the fluid medium can
generally linear). The foregoing equation for 1/; com- rarely be considered as homogeneous and incompress-
prises a great number of equations arising in mathe- ible, the density has to be regarded as one of the un-
matical physics. In the meteorologica! literature, ex- known variables. In this case the four equations used
amples for this type of motion will be found, among mainly in classical hydrodynamics, namely, the three
others, in pa pers by Craig [7], N eamtan [15], and equations of motion and the equation of continuity,
Rombakis [17]. are not sufficient to describe the fluid motion because
the density has been added as a fifth variable to the
SYSTEMS OF HYDRODYNAMIC EQUATIONS three velocity components and the pressure. It is there-
Only a very short review of the equations of motion fore necessary to have an additional equation describ-
and of continuity in the Eulerian and the Lagrangian ing the behavior of the fluid. Such an equation, in the
systems will be given here since these equations can be case of the atmosphere, can be derived from thermo-
found in all treatises on hydrodynamics. But since dynamic considerations. In the first place for the varia-
in classical hydrodynamics the fluid is as a rule regarded bles of state, pressure p*, density q*, and temperature
as incompressible and homogeneous, some more de- T*, an equation of state holds of the form
tailed remarks are in order concerning the modifica- F(p*, q*, T*, A, B, C, ) = O, (8)
tions which are necessary when such inhomogeneous
and compressible fluids as the atmosphere are con- where A, B, C, indicate additional parameterschar-
sidered. acterizing the state of the fluid. In the case of the
Barotropic and Baroclinic Fluids. In fluids which atmosphere the parameters A, B, etc., refer to the
are inhomogeneous and compressible the surfaces of differences in the composition of the atmosphere. For
equal density and of equal pressure do not as a rule many problems it is sufficient to use the equation of
coincide; the stratification of the fluid is baroclinic. state for ideal gases:
In special cases, however, the density distribution may p* - Rq*T* = O, (9)
be given completely by the pressure distribution; then
the stratification of the fluid is called barotropic. A where Ris the gas constant for air, which depends on
barotropic stratification exists, for instance, in an ideal the composition of the atmosphere. In the lower atmos-
gas whose temperature is the same everywhere or in phere, R is mainly affected by the variable amount of
a fluid where pressure and density are functions only water vapor; at higher levels it depends on the separa-
of the elevation. An incompressible and homogeneous tion of the various atmospheric constituents and dis-
fluid is evidently barotropic and will always remain sociation of some of the molecules. Consequently R
barotropic. A fluid whose stratification always remains may vary from parcel to parcel in the atmosphere.
barotropic is called autobarotropic. In general, a baro- While equation (8) or (9) adds an additional equation
tropic state will be destroyed by the motion of the to the system of hydrodynamic equations it is not
fluid; the fluid will become baroclinic. sufficient to complete the system since it involves also
The significance of the distinction between barotropy an additional variable, namely, the temperature T*.
and baroclinity for the variation of the circulation of a In order to obtain a more complete system of equa-
fluid need not be discussed here since it is explained in tions the first law of thermodynamics may be added:
the texts on dynamic meteorology.
It is often convenient to introduce a "coefficient of
dh = de + p*d(1/q*), (10)
barotropy" when the stratification is barotropic, where dh denotes the amount of heat added to the unit
mass during an infinitely small change of state, de
q* = q*(p*). (5)
the change of internal energy per unit mass, and where
The coefficient of barotropy r is then defined as fol- p*d(1/q*) represents the amount of work done because
lows. of the expansion of the unit mass. The amouut of heat

is not a variable of state. If this quantity is also to be piezotropy, and a fluid whose every particle is follow-
considered as unknown, further additional equations ing an equation of this type is called piezotropic. More
have tobe introduced for the transfer of heat by con- generally, a piezotropic fluid satisfies an equation of
duction and radiation. In many instances in meteoro- the form
logica! problems it may be assumed that the changes
of state are adiabatic, so that dh = O. A slight gen- f(p*, q*, A, B, ) = O, (14)
eralization of this procedure is to assume polytropic where the parameters A, B, will in general not be
changes where the same as in (8). Equation (14) may also be written
in the form
dh = c dT*. (Il)
Here c is a constant of the character of a specific heat. q* = g(p*, A, B, ). (14a)
In most meteorologica! problems it can further be It is often convenient to introduce the coefficient of
assumed that piezotropy,
de = c. dT*, dq*
'Y = dp*. (15)
where c. is the specific heat at constant density, an
assumption which holds for an ideal gas and is con- In the case of adiabatic changes, for instance,
sequently as a rule a satisfactory assumption for the
atmosphere. Then with the aid of (9), 1
'Y = ART*. (15a)
c dT* = c dT* - - dp*
p p* ' It should be clearly understood that this coefficient of
piezotropy describes the physical changes which a parti-
since the specific heat at constant pressure for ideal
ele undergoes, while the coefficient of barotropy depends
on the distribution of the fields of pressure and specific
Cp = c. + R. volume.
When an equation of piezotropy exists for the fluid,
By integration of the preceding differential relation
the system of hydrodynamic equations is complete
under the assumption that the specific heats are con-
because it consists now of five equations with five
stant, which applies to ideal gases,
dependent variables.
T* _ (p*)K The properties of barotropy and piezotropy are en-
T *- Po* '
tirely unconnected. The former refers to the stratifica-
tion of a fluid, the latter to its changes of state. A fluid
where K = (cp - c.)/(cp - c). The relation between whose stratification is barotropic at a given instant
pressure and specific volume consequently becomes will in general not remain so if in motion. However,
if the appropriate state of piezotropy prevails, barotropy
may be maintained. Such a fluid is called autobaro-
where X = (cp - c)/(c. - c), the modulus of the poly- tropic, as mentioned before. The condition for auto-
tropic curve. We shall confine ourselves in the follow- barotropy is that the coefficients of barotropy and of
ing discussions to the special case of adiabatic changes piezotropy are identica!, provided, of course, that the
when fluid was barotropic at a fixed instant. Examples of
autobarotropic fluids are a homogeneous and incom-
Cp pressible fluid, or an atmosphere with adiabatic changes
X= A
of tempera ture and an adiabatic lapse rate of tempera-
ture. In such a fluid a displaced particle has always
the same density as its environment so that indifferent
(13a) equilibrium is maintained. Consequently, autobaro-
tropic fluids are only a minor generalization of the
Equation (13) or (13a) gives the variation of the specific homogeneous and incompressible fluids considered in
volume of a fluid particle as a function of the pressure classical hydrodynamics.
variation. The original pressure and density, pri and The Hydrodynamic Equations. Any fluid, whether
qri will, of course, in general vary from one particle compressible or not, is subject to the laws of dynamics.
to another. Compared to the more general equation For continua, the equations expressing these laws are
(8), equations (13) and (13a) have one variable less more complicated than for the mass points of particle
since the temperature is eliminated by the additional dynamics, because the direct effects of neighboring
assumptions about the physical process by which the fluid particles on each other have to be taken into
particle changes its density. Thus, the number of de- account. This interrelationship leads to the appearance
pendent variables is reduced by one. Such an equation of the terms for the viscous stresses and for the pres-
for the change of state of a particle which, in addition sure-gradient forces in the hydrodynamic equations of
to the pressure, contains only one more variable of motion. In many instances in classical hydrodynamics
state has been called by V. Bjerknes an equation of and in geophysical applications, howp,ver. the effects

of viscosity and friction are disregarded, and an "ideal," the fluid must equal the mass convergence there. In
nonviscous fluid is considered. In particular, the at- order to complete the system the physical equation
mospheric perturbation equations have so far almost has to be added as explained in the preceding section.
exclusively been developed for and applied to such We shall assume that the fluid is piezotropic so that
ideal fluids. Very often, far-reaching agreement has an equation of the form (14) holds. Most investiga-
been obtained between theoretical models dealing with tions so far have been dealing with piezotropic fluids,
ideal fluids and observed atmospheric motions, so that although in some cases it has been assumed that a
there is considerable justification for making use of certain amount of heat energy, given as a function of
the substantial simplifications which arise when the space and time, is added to the system (for instance,
effects of viscosity on fluid motion are neglected. [14]) or that heat is conducted from the earth's sur-
In the case of the atmosphere it is customary to face into the atmosphere (for instance, [12]). In the
describe the motions relative to the rotating earth latter case the effects of eddy viscosity are taken into
since the observing meteorologist participates in the account in order to have a consistent fluid model.
earth's rotation. According to the laws of Newtonian Equation (14) does not fit into the Eulerian system
mechanics we may then write that because it refers to an individual particle, but upon
dt 2 + 20 X dt
= -
( 1)
q* Vp* - V<I>. (16)
individual differentiation with respect to time and with
(15) and (17) it follows that

Here r* is the radius vector of a fluid particle, O the a_!j_* + v* Vq*

at = 'Y (aat* +
..1!__ v* Vp* ) . (20)
vector of the earth's rotation, q* the density, p* the
fluid pressure. It is assumed that the external forces It should be noted that in general 'Y will vary in space.
acting on the fluid have a potential <I>, because in the Equations (18), (19), and (20) represent a complete
case of the atmosphere this external force is, as a rule, system of equations which together with the boundary
only gravity-composed of the gravitational attraction conditions (to be discussed in the next section) and
of the earth and the centrifugal acceleration due to initial conditions, determine the motion of the fluid.
the earth's rotation-which has a potential. In some In order to apply the Lagrangian method to the
cases, of course, this gravity potential may have tobe study of the fluid motion it is necessary to identify
replaced or augmented by additional forces, for instance, each particle individually. This can be done by the
in the study of tides. use of three suitable parameters, a, b, and c, so that
In order to apply equation (16) to problems of fluid the state of the fluid and each of its individual parti-
dynamics one can either focus one's attention on each cles is described by expressing r*, p*, and q* as func-
individual particle and describe its future position, tions of t, a, b, and c. The choice of these parameters
pressure, density, etc., or describe the distribution of is free provided that they permit one to characterize
velocity, pressure, density, etc., throughout the space and identify each particle uniquely. It has, for instance,
occupied by the fluid, as functions of the time. The been suggested that under certain conditions potential
first method leads to the so-called Lagrangian equa- temperature, specific humidity, and potential vorticity
tions, the latter to the Eulerian equations, although would be suitable parameters [21]. As a rule the co-
both systems of equations were originally derived by ordinates at a given time t0 are chosen as the three
Euler. The Eulerian system is used much more widely identification parameters, and this practice will be used
in hydrodynamics and will be described first. We intro- here.
duce in (16) the velocity In order to write the Lagrangian equations in vector
* =(it"
dr* form we shall make use of the operation VB A. The
V meaning of this expression is that after the scalar
product B A has been formed the vector operator
The operator d/dt represents the time differentiation of V operates only on the first vector. Thus
an individual particle. In order to ha ve only quantities
referring to a fixed point in the coordinate system in the
equation, this operator may be written
.(VBA)x =Ax (aa~x) +Au (a!u) +A. (aa~).
= ~
+ v* V. (17) It may be noted that
VrA = A. (21)
Thus the Eulerian equation of motion becomes In the case of the Lagrangian equations the operator
V has the components a/ aa, a/ ab, and a/ ac. When
+ v*. vv* + 20 X v* = - (_!_)
Vp* - V<I>. (18) the operator with the components ajax, ajay, and
a/ az is used in the remainder of this section it will be
In addition the fluid must satisfy the equation of con- denoted by Vr . It should be noted that instead of the
tinuity, total derivatives with respect to time in (16) we may
aq* now write the partial derivatives since a, b, and c are
at + div (q* v*) = O, (19)
independent of time. Furthermore, according to (21),
according to which the density change anywhere in Vr* VrP = Vp,

and an analogous relation holds for <P. Hence, the which states that the fluid velocity at the boundary
operation V'r* applied to (16) results in the Lagrangian must be parallel to the boundary.
equation of motion In the case of an internal boundary between two
different fluid layers a condition similar to (26) must
V'r*. [ a;;2* + 20 X ( a:t*) J = - c~) V'p* - V'<P. (22) hold on the other si de of the boundary, in the second
fluid layer, where the velocity is v*',
The equation of continuity may be written in the
following form: aj* + v*'. vj* = o. (27)
q* ( ~:*) X(~b*). (aarc*) = qri, (23) In addition to the kinematic boundary conditions
the dynamic boundary condition has to be satisfied,
where qt represents the density of the fluid particle that is, the pressure across the boundary must be
at the time t0 when a, b, and c were the coordinates of continuous,
the particle. It is easily verified that in a rectangular p*(r, t) - p*'(r, t) = O, (28)
Cartesian coordinate system (23) is identica! with
where the prime refers again to the second fluid. At a
* D(x*, y*, z*) _ * (24)
free surface
q D(aT,C) - qo,
p*(r, t) = const. (28a)
where the Jacobian is used to express the volume change This constant may be zero, for instance if the fluid
of the fluid particle. is bounded by empty space. In some cases the constant
To complete the Lagrangian system of equations may have to be replaced by a function of space and
the physical equation has to be added. While for the time, for instance when the effect of variations in
Eulerian method this equation had tobe differentiated atmospheric pressure on the ocean surface is to be
in order to obtain quantities referring to fixed points studied. Equation (28) or, in the case of a free surface,
no such differentiation is required in the present case (28a) represents the boundary given by (25). In many
since both the physical equation and the equations of problems the function appearing in (25) will, in fact,
motion refer to individual fluid particles. Of course, have to be determined by (28) or (28a). Therefore,
the parameters A, B, in (14) may differ from parti- the pressure difference at the boundary, or in the case
ele to particle so that they may have to be considered of a free surface the pressure there, may be introduced
as functions of a, b, and c, but they will not change into equations (26) and (27). Thus, the following bound-
with time. ary conditions, which represent a mixture of kinematic
The Boundary Conditions. At rigid or interna! bound- and dynamic conditions [19], are obtained:
aries and at free surfaces the fluid has to obey certain
conditions which exert considerable influence on the a
_ (p* - p*') + v* . V'(p* - p*') = O,
possible motions. W e shall again first consider the at
form of these boundary conditions in the Eulerian (29)
system. The boundary of the fluid is given by an equa- ~ (p* - p*')
+ v*'. Y'(p* - p*') = O.
tion of the form,
f*(r, t) = O. (25) It is only ata rigid boundary that the dynamic condi-
tion need not be satisfied, and the geometric form of the
The kinematic boundary condition expresses the fact boundary must here be known from other sources.
that a fluid particle which forms part of the boundary Then equations (26) and (27) have tobe used.
must remain on this surface and that a particle which In the Lagrangian system the form of the boundary
is not at a given time part of the boundary can never conditions corresponding to those just given for the
become part of it. This condition is expressed by the Eulerian system is considerably more complicated be-
following relation, cause attention is now focused no longer on points in
ar* space but on individual particles on both sides at the
+ v*V'f* = O. (26) boundary which may have been neighboring at the
time t = O, but will in general be at a finite distance
As is known from hydrodynamics this relation can from each other ata later time. A complete discussion
also be interpreted as the condition that a fluid particle of these conditions is given by V. Bjerknes and col-
at the boundary has a velocity component normal to laborators [4, pp. 63-64, 103-104]. We shall here discuss
the boundary which must equal the velocity of the only some simpler forms, also given by V. Bjerknes
surface itself. [3], which are adequate for many problems of fluid
If the boundary is a rigid surface, as for instance motion.
the surface of the earth, f* is independent of the time At the time t = O fluid particles which. are at the
(neglecting such unpleasant geophysical phenomena as boundary must satisfy one of the following two equa-
earthquakes) and (26) becomes tions,
v*V'f* = O, (26a) fri(a, b, c) = O, fri(a', b', c') =O, (30)

where the primes refer to one fluid layer, the coordinates preceding equations the quantities with asterisks by
without primes to the other layer and where, as indi- the corresponding capital letters. Thus the equation
cated, the same function applies on both sides of the of motion is obtained frorn (18), the equation of con-
boundary. When the components of the radius vector tinuity from (19), the physical equation frorn (20)
r*, or r*' in the other fluid layer have been determined, (with the previously stated restriction that only piezo-
a, b, cor a', b', c' have tobe expressed by these com- tropic fluids are considered), the boundary equation
ponents and t. The results are two equations, from (25), the kinematic boundary condition from (26)
(from (27) if an internal boundary exists), the dynarnic
j*(r*, t) = O, f*'(r*', t) = O, (31)
boundary condition from (28), and the mixed boundary
where the functions will now be different for the condition from (29) which may be used instead of
different fluid layers. The kinematic boundary con- the kinematic boundary conditions. Thus the equa-
ditions require that both equations (31) represent tions of the undisturbed state are
the same surface at all times t, a requirement which V.
Bjerknes writes symbolically ~~ + VVV + 20 X V= -(~) VP- V'<l>, (34)
[j*(r*, t) = O] = [f*'(r*', t) = 0]. (32)
The functions r* and r*' of a, b, c, t and a', b', c', t, ~~ + div (QV) = O, (35)
respectively, will contain certain arbitrary integration
constants which have to be chosen so that (32) holds.
At a free surface or a rigid lower boundary only one
+ VVQ- 'Y (aP
+ VvP) =O
of the two equations in (30) and (31) exists, and this
equation has then to be adjusted in such a manner F(r, t) = O, (37)
that any prescribed condition concerning the motion
at this boundary is satisfied. For instance at a rigid aF
+ VVF =O
+ V'VF =O
boundary, r* must be such that displacements are
parallel to it. P(r, t) - P'(r, t) = O, (39)
In addition the dynamic boundary condition has to
be satisfied, namely, that the pressure at an internal i!__
(P - P') + V V(P - P') = O,
boundary is continuous. The pressure in both layers (40)
is given by p*(a, b, c, t) and p*'(a', b', c', t). Then,
after r* and r*' have been determined as functions of i!__
(P - P') + V' V(P - P') = O.
a, b, c, t and a', b', c', t, respectively, p* can be ex-
pressed as a function of t and r*, or rather of the com- It is understood that in the boundary conditions the
ponents of the radius vector, and after obtaining the coordinates have to satisfy (37). If any particular mo-
analogous expression for p*' one has to satisfy the tion whose perturbations are to be investigated is se-
condition that lected, one has to make sure first that this undisturbed
p*(r*, t) = p*' (r*', t) for r* = r*'. (33) motion satisfies equations (34)-(40).
In order to derive the perturbation equations one
At a free surface the right-hand side of this equation has now to substitute in the equations previously men-
has to be put equal to zero or to the given external tioned, namely, (18)-(20) and (25)-(29), for the quan-
pressure. tities with asterisks the sums (2)-(4). Furtherrnore
f* has to be replaced by F + j, where F refers to the
THE PERTURBATION EQUATIONS boundary in the undisturbed position while f denotes
The two systems of hydrodynamic equations derived the variation of the boundary due to disturbance. The
in the preceding sections can be linearized by the resulting equations can be simplified, as explained on
assumptions set forth on page 402. This linearization page 402, because
will now be performed, first on the Eulerian system, 1. The undisturbed quantities must satisfy (34)-( 40),
then on the Lagrangian system. From the perturbation and
equations in vector form it is more or less easy to ob- 2. Terms of second or higher order in the perturba-
tain the equations in the coordinate form which is tion quantities can be neglected.
most sui table for any particular problem. As an example Consider, for instance, equation (18) which may
which is important for the study of large-scale motions now be written
on the earth, the perturbation equations for spherical av av .
polar coordinates in the Eulerian system are derived 7Ji + at + VV'V + VV'v + vVV + vV'v + 20 XV
rather explicitly in a later section.

~ q) V(P + p)
The Eulerian System of Perturbation Equations.
The undisturbed rnotion will be denoted by capital + 20 X v = - (Q - V'<l>:
letters as stated earlier. In order to write the complete
system of equations for the undisturbed motion it is The first term on the right-hand side may be expanded
therefore rnerely necessary to replace in the relevant as follows,

(Q ~ q) V (P + p) r ~r the disturbed position where ~r must be small
of the same order as the other perturbation quantities.

Q 1 -
Q +Q
2 -
V(P + p)
p(r + M, t) = p(r, t) + (M) Vp(r, t),
1 q q2 1 where the second term on the right-hand side is smaller
= QVP - (} VP + (} VP - . . . + QVp than the preceding by one order of magnitude.
V. Bjerknes has pointed out that the perturbation
- Q2 Vp + equations (41)-(47) can be obtained from the equa-
tions of the undisturbed motion (34)-(40) by forming
the variation of these equations and substituting the
Here the singly underlined terms vanish because they
perturbation quantities wherever variations of the un-
form together the undisturbed equation. The doubly
disturbed quantities appear.
underlined terms can be omitted because they are
The Lagrangian System of Perturbation Equations.
small of higher order. In a similar manner the other
In the formulation of the perturbation equations in
perturbation equations can be obtained so that the
the Lagrangian form it will be assumed that at the
complete system becomes time t = to the position and the parameters of state
av for the undisturbed particle are the same as in the
at + V Vv + v VV + 20 X v undisturbed case. This assumption implies that the
(41) perturbation is induced suddenly at the time to . It
_ Vp + qVP has the advantage that the three parameters a, b,
Q Q2' and c, which identify each particle, are not only the
components of the radius vector Ro for the undisturbed
~ + div (qV) + div (Qv) = O, (42) motion at the time t0 , but also for the disturbed mo-
tion since r 0 , the deviation of the disturbed from the
aq undisturbed position at to, vanishes. The equations
at + VVq + vVQ for the undisturbed motion in the Lagrangian system
(43) are now obtained by substituting for the appropriate
- 'Y(:i + VVp + v-vP) =o, quantities with asterisks in (22), (23), (14), (30), (32),
and (33) the corresponding quantities characterizing
the undisturbed motion which are denoted by capital
F(r, t) + j(r, t) = O, (44) letters. Thus,
at + VVf + vVF =o, afR
VR [a
+ 20 X (aR) at J=- QvP - V<I>, (48)
at + V'Vf + v'VF =O,
QG:) X(~~) o(~~)= Qo, (49)
P(r, t) - P'(r, t) + p(r, t) - p'(r, t) = O, (46) Q =Q(a, b, c, P), (50)
at (p- p') + VV(p- p') Fo(a, b, c) o, Fo(a', b', c') =o, (51)
[F(R, t) O] [F' (R', t)=O], (52)

+ vV(P- P') = O,
(47) P(R, t) =P'(R, t) for R =R'. (53)
- (p
at - p') + V' V(p - p') The physical equation (50) has here been written some-
what differently from (14) by making use of the fact
+ v'V(P- P') =O. that the parameters A, B, and C, may vary from
particle to particle and are therefore functions of a,
In equations (44) and (46) the undisturbed terms alone b, and c.
are no longer zero in spite of (37) and (39), because The perturbation equations are now obtained by
these equations hold only if the values at the un- making in these same six previously mentioned equa-
disturbed boundary are substituted for r, while in (44) tions the substitutions indicated by (1), (3), and (4)
and (46) the values at the disturbed boundary have to and taking into account also that the surface of dis-
be inserted into F, P, and P'. On the other hand, it continuity will in general change its position because
is permissible to replace in the perturbation quantities of the perturbation motion. The resulting equations
contained in the equations (44)-(47) the values at the can be simplified by the same two considerations as
disturbed position of the boundary by the values at stated on page 407 for the Eulerian equations. It is
the undisturbed position because this substitution pro- to be noted that the force potential <I> depends on the
duces only an error of higher order. Consider, for position in space. Hence, while in the undisturbed mo-
instance, the perturbation pressure p. For the moment tion it is given by <I>(R), it will be given by <I>(R r) +
let r be the undisturbed position of the boundary, for the same parti ele after the beginning of the perturba-

tion. According to Taylor's theorem, Eulerian system and in the Lagrangian system, shows
<I>(R + r) = <I>(R) + rV'n<I> + higher-order terms.
that the equation of motion is of the first order in the
Eulerian form (41) while it is of the second order in
Here, the operator V'n denotes space differentiation with the Lagrangian form (54). The equation of continuity
respect to the undisturbed position vector R. Similarly, in the Eulerian form (42) as well as in the Lagrangian
for the vector of the earth's rotation, form (55) is of the first order. But the physical equation
is a first-order differential equation in the Eulerian
O(R + r) = O(R) + (rV'n)O. system (43) while in the Lagrangian system it has
The boundary condition (51) given above for the un- the simple form (56) so that the perturbation density
disturbed state remains the same for the disturbed q can, with the aid of these equations, be eliminated
state since the condition refers to the time t0 when the directly from the equations of motion and continuity.
particles were in their undisturbed position. The func- In the Eulerian system, on the other hand, additional
tions F(R, t) and F'(R', t) in (52) are modified in the diff(;lrentiations will in general be necessary in order
perturbed motion because the particles at the boundary to eliminate the perturbation density, so that for a
whose position vectors in the undisturbed motion were compressible fluid the Eulerian equations are not
R and R' are now R + r and R' + r', respectively. simpler than the Lagrangian equations. The Eulerian
According to Taylor's theorem, system is simpler than the Lagrangian system only
for an incompressible and homogeneous fluid, the case
F(R + r, t) = F(R, t) + rV'nF + higher-order terms, mostly considered in classical hydrodynamics.
and an analogous relation holds for F'(R' + r', t). From a physical viewpoint it may be remarked that
Thus, because of (52) the kinematic boundary condi- meteorologica! observations are made ata given local-
tion for the disturbed motion becomes as written below ity and not following individual air particles so that
in (58). In deriving the dynamic boundary condition the Eulerian rather than the Lagrangian method is used
(59), use is made of the facts that the same particles in this case. However, when trajectories or the motion
are considered in the undisturbed and the disturbed of air masses are studied the Lagrangian method offers
case and that in the perturbation quantities the dis- a more direct approach than the Eulerian method. It is,
turbed position may be replaced by the undisturbed of course, always possible to make the transition from
position. Thus the system of perturbation equations the results in the one system to those in the other.
in Lagrangian form becomes When the Lagrangian system has been used the posi-
tions of the particles and their pressures and densities
V'R {~2~ +20 X (it)+ [<rV'n)o] X (aa~)} are given. By a differentiation the particle velocities
can be obtained, and the distribution in space of the
velocity, pressure, and density can then be found be-
+ V'r [ aat2R + 20 X (aR)] V'P
= -Q (54) cause the position of the particles in space is known.
When the Eulerian system is used the partide trajec-
q(V'P) tories can be found from the known velocity distribu-
+ (/" - V'(r Y'n<I>), tion.
In some instances a certain simplification may be
[ (aR) X (aR) . (aR) achieved in the work leading to the mathematical solu-
Q aa ab ac tion depending on whether the problem is formulated
in the Eulerian or Lagrangian system. But no general
+ (~) X (::) . (~~) statements about the relative difficulty of the one or
the other approach can be made, and it has tobe seen

+(::)X(~).(~~) (55)
by direct comparison whether the Lagrangian or the
Eulerian method is more advantageous.
Perturbation Equations for Special Coordinate Sys-

+ (::) X (!:) (::) =

tems. From the general equations given in the two
O, preceding sections the special forms suitable for a spe-
cific problem can be derived. It will depend on the
q = "(p, (56) particular fluid model to be considered, in particular
Fo(a, b, c) = O, F~(a', b', c') = 0,~ (57) on the boundary conditions, what simplifications can
be made in the system of perturbation equations, and
R = R', (58) which type of coordinates is most suitable. As long as
p(R, t) = p'(R', t), R = R'. the earth can be considered as flat, a rectangular
Cartesian coordinate system is the best choice, unless
As in the case of the Eulerian system the perturbation the motion has a circular symmetry. In the latter
equations (54) to (59) can be obtained from the equa- case, cylindrical polar coordinates are most appropriate.
tions (48) to (53) by forming the variation of these For large-scale disturbances on the earth its curvature
equations. has tobe taken into account, and in this case spherical
A comparison of the three basic equations, namely, polar coordinates represent the most suitable frame
of motion, of continuity, and physical changes in the of reference.

Some simple typical examples of problems to be ordinate system a role similar to that of i, j, k in the
treated by the perturbation method will be considered Cartesian system except that they are not unit vec-
later. Here we shall discuss the transition from the tors, a shortcoming which is immaterial here. By ap-
vector form of the equations to the coordinate form. propriate differentiations of (60) the followingrelations
This transition presents little or no difficulty in the are obtained:
case of straight-line coordinates, such as the Cartesian
rectangular coordinate system, but it is somewhat more
awkward if curvilinear coordinates, such as spherical
aiJ - ir cos iJ cos A + jr cos iJ sin A - kr sin iJ,
or cylindrical polar coordinates, are to be used. The ar
reason for this difficulty is that in the case of curvi- iJA - - ir sin iJ sin A + jr sin iJ cos A, (62)
linear coordinates the change in direction along the
coordinate curves has to be taken into consideration. ar
The problem of writing the perturbation equations ar
i sin iJ cos A + j sin iJ sin A + k cos iJ.
in arbitrary curvilinear coordinates has been solved
by V. Bjerknes [3, 4], with the use of Lagrange's equa- From these three equations it is found that
tions of the second kind, but the resulting equations
will not be reproduced here since the vector equations
given previously permit also the derivation of the equa-
ir sin iJ = (araiJ- cos iJ +ar-il"' r sm. iJ) sm. iJ cos "

tions in any particular coordinate system. In order to ar .

show by an example how the equations for the un- - - SlllA
iJA '
disturbed and the disturbed motion can be derived
for a curvilinear coordinate system from the vector
equations given above, spherical polar coordinates will
. .
Jr sin iJ = (ar-cos
v + ar
. )
- r sm u . .o
sm v sm
. " 1\ (63)
be chosen, and the equations will be written in the
Eulerian system. ar
Depending on the amount of vector and tensor anal-
+ iJA cos A,
ysis assumed to be known this derivation naturally
ar .
becomes shorter or longer. Here only the more ele- kr = - --:-. sm iJ
+ -ar
r cos iJ.
mentary theorems of vector analysis will be used.
Consider a right-hand rectangular Cartesian coordinate In the following we shall for the moment consider
system whose z-axis, for convenience, is parallel to only the undisturbed motion. The extension to the
the earth's axis. Let iJ, A, and r be the colatitude, disturbed motion will be recognized easily. From (61)
longitude, and distance, respectively, from the earth's it follows by individual differentiation with respect to
center. 1 Further, let i, j, and k be the unit vectors in time that
the x, 'y, and z directions, respectively. Then the radius
V = dR = (aR) e + (aR) + (aR) R. (64)
r = ix + jy + kz dt aiJ iJA ar
(60) Here the dots indicate individual differentiation with
= ir sin iJ cos A + jr sin iJ sin A + kr cos iJ. respect to time. The following relations exist between
Further, since the radius vector ris also a function of the linear and angular velocity components,
A, iJ, and r
re= v", k =V,. (65)

dr = (!~) diJ + (!~)dA + (!~) dr. (61) For the present the notation in (64) will be retained.
With the foregoing relations the Coriolis term O X V
can be evaluated. Since O is in the direction of z,
Here arj aiJ is evidently a vector tangential to the curve O = nk. Further, V may be expressed by its compo-
of intersection between the coordinate surfaces nents in the directions of x, y, and z with the aid of
A = const and r = const,
(64) and (63) and the vector product of O and V may be
evaluated. In the resulting expression the unit vec-
or as it may be called briefly a "direction vector" tors i, j, and k can be replaced again by the direction
in the direction iJ. Similarly arjaA and arjar are direc- vectors aRjaiJ, aRjaA, and aRjar so that
tion vectors in the directions A and r, respectively.
These three direction vectors play in the polar co- 20 X V=

1. It is also possible to use elliptic coordinates if the flat-
tening of the earth is tobe taken into account [20]. For most
meteorologica! considerations, however, this factor can be ne-
-2Q {sin iJ [(::)cos iJ + (:~) r sin iJ (66)
glected, and the sum of gravity and centrifugal force due to
the earth's rotation can be assumed in the direction to the
center of the earth. + [ e cot iJ + ~] [:~]}

The operator The equation of continuity is

\7 = ~ (:!) (aa~) + r si~2 ~(:~)(:A) 2 aQ + VVQ + Q div V= O,

+ (~~) (:r)
div V = a(sin~ V~) + aVA + _! a(r2V.) (76)
This relation can for instance be verified directly from rsin~a~ rsin~iJA r 2 ar
the form of \7 in Cartesian rectangular coordinates with and the physical equation as well as the boundary
the aid of (63). Further, conditions have the same form as that given for the

e (a~)+ A (:J + R (:r)

Eulerian system of perturbation equations on page 407
VV = (68) except that the operator V \7 is now of the form given
by (71).
In order to obtain the expression V VV which appears As explained before, the perturbation equations can
in the equations of motion the direction vectors have be written down directly by forming the variation
also to be differentiated with respect to t'f, A, and r. o of the equations of the undisturbed motion and re-
This differentiation can be carried out with the aid placing the quantities oV~ , oVA, oVr , oP, and oQ by
of (62), and the resulting expressions can again be the corresponding perturbation quantities. This pro-
written as direction vectors according to (63). It will cedure which is more rapid than the one used in the
be found that two preceding sections leads to the following equa-
V VV = (aR) [(V V) 8 + 28 Rr - A sin cos J
M 2 ~ ~

av~ + VVv~ + VVV~ + v,V~ + v.v~

+ (aR)
aA [(VV)A+28AcottJ+2Ar
. RJ (.69) ~ r r

2VA VA cot t'f 2,... _0

+ (:~) [(V V)R - G r - r 2 sin t'f].
- - o. COS u VA (77)
2 2 r

The expression for the divergence in polar coordinates = - ~C:) + J 2 (::;),

is sufficiently well known so that it need only be quoted
+ +- - + V,vA
here: aVA+ V vVA
'1'7 "V A
Vv v,VA --
ae aA aR
div V = - + - + - + (cot ~)8 + - .
. 2R (70)
~ r r
a~ iJA ar r
+ v~ V Acot t'f + V~ vA cot t'f
With these foregoing transformations the equations r r (78)
(34) to (40) can now be written in polar coordinates.
The three component equations of (34) can be obtained + 2fl(v~ cos t'} + v, sin t'f)
if, after the necessary substitutions are roade from
(64) and (66)-(69), the factors of each of the direction = _ _! ( ap ) + _g_ ( aP ) ,
Q r sin t'f iJA Q2 r sin~ aA
vectors are equated separately. In writing down these
equations the linear velocities have been substituted
according to (65). Then
+ VVv r
+ VVV,- 2V~v~- 2VAvA
r r
V\7 = V~ c:~) + VA (r sinat'f aA) + V,(~)' (71) - 2n sin ~ vA = - !_ (ap) + J_2 (aP)
Q ar Q ar '
and the equations of motion assume thefollowingform:
iiV~ + VVV~ +V, V~_ V~ (cot t'f)
at + V Vq + v VQ + Q div v + q div V = O. (80)
~ r r
(72) The expressions v\7 and div v are analogous to (71)
- 2n cos~ v, = _ _! (aP) and (76), respectively. The physical equation and the
A Q ra~ ' boundary conditions have again the same form as the
analogous equations in the Eulerian system of perturba-
iiVA + VVVA + V, VA+ v~ VA (cot t'}) tion equations.
at r r (73)
+ 2Q(V~ cos~+ V. sin~) = -~ Csi:~ aA), PERTURBATION METHOD
The present article deals with a method of handling
-at + V \7 V
oV. r -
2Q sm ~
theoretical problems rather than with a theory and
(74) interpretation of atmospheric phenomena. Therefore,
= -0 (~~) - ~~. the discussion of the following examples stresses this
method rather than the application of the results to

specific meteorologica! problems. Even the method is the internal surface P - P' = O, it follows that both
discussed only to the extent to which it illustrates the these surfaces must be horizontal in the undisturbed
application of the perturbation equations. The addi- case.
tional procedures of mathematical physics which lead The perturbation equations of motion and of con-
to a solution of the problem are mentioned only very tinuity follow from (54) and (55), namely,
Only a few fairly simple examples of the use of the a2x 1 ap a
at2 - -Q aa - aa (gz), (87)
perturbation method are given here which illustrate
the various types of problems that can be handled in 1 ap a
this manner. -Q ac - ac (gz), (88)
Perturbations in Two Incompressible Fluid Currents,
in the Lagrangian System. As a first example of the
application of perturbation equations to fluid motions,
ax+ i}! = 0 (89)
aa ac '
a very simple case will be considered. This case has
been discussed in the textbooks on hydrodynamics, and analogous equations follow for the upper layer.
although as a rule only with the aid of the Eulerian From this system of three equations the three unknown
system. Here the Lagrangian equations will be used. variables x, z, and p can be determined as functions
Assume that we have two incompressible homogeneous of the coordinates at the time t = t0 , namely a and
fluid layers, both in constant horizontal motion. Let c, and of the time t. Since the system is not only linear,
the density of the lower fluid be Q, its velocity U, but also has constant coefficients, exponential or trig-
while the density and velocity for the upper fluid onometric functions will represent solutions. It may
are Q' and U', respectively. The earth's rotation will be assumed that the functional dependence on a, c,
be neglected. The effects of capillary forces which are and t can be expressed in the form
important for short water waves will also be disre-
garded. Further, let the lower boundary be horizontal
x, z, p = A, C, D exp {ia(X - ut)+ ,8Z}
and rigid at Z = c = O, let the interna! discontinuity be = A, C, D exp {ia[a- (u- U)t] + ,Bc},
at the level h, and the free surface be at H, while the
thickness of the upper layer may be denoted by h'. where A, C, and D are constants. The complex form
The last two statements imply that both the interna! for the periodicity term is more convenient than the
and the free surface are horizontal in the undisturbed trigonometric form and is therefore used here. For
case. This is physically obvious and will be corrob- the subsequent physical interpretation either the real
orated by the equations for the undisturbed motion. or the imaginary part of the solution or a linear com-
It is sufficient to consider the motion in a vertical bination of both can be used. The form of the solution
X Z plane only. It is given above represents a wave in the a direction of
the length 27r/a and moving with the speed u. Special
X = a + Ut, Z = c. (81) attention should be called to the appearance of U
The equations of motion and of continuity reduce, (and U' for the upper layer) in the exponent since
according to (47) and (49) to the perturbation quantities remain small only with
regard to the undisturbed position of the particle, but
aP not with respect to its initial position.
O - aa, (82)
The expressions (90) do not satisfy the condition
that the perturbation quantities vanish at the time
o= -Q ac- g,
1 aP
(83) t = to but it can be shown by transition to the cor-
responding Eulerian equations that the expressions de-
Q = Qo = const. (84) veloped here represent solutions of the problem.
Substitution of (90) into equations (87)-(89) leads
The subscript zero for the density can, of course, be to a system of linear homogeneous equations for A,
omitted. Equations analogous to (81)-(84) hold for C, and D. The system has nontrivial solutions only if
the upper layer. Since, according to (82) and (83), its determinant vanishes. It follows that ,8 = a.
the pressure is a function of the vertical coordinate c Two of the three constants A, C, and D may now be
only, it follows from the boundary condition (53) that expressed by the third, and in view of the condition
the interna! and free surfaces must both be horizontal. tobe satisfied at the horizontallower boundary, A and
If (83) is integrated and if the outside pressure at the D may be expressed by C. Thus
free surface vanishes,
P' = gQ'(H - c), (85) A= i ~ C, D = - Q g,8 - a2~u - U)2 C, (91)

P = gQ'h' + gQ(h - c). (86)

and analogous expressions hold for the upper layer.
The integration constants have been chosen so that Because of the two values for ,8 there are two different
the two equations satisfy also the condition that the solutions, and a linear combination of the two solu-
pressure be continuous at the internal surface. Since tions represents also a solution of the system of differ-
according to (53) at the free surface P' = O, and at ential equations. When the two arbitrary constants

are denoted by C and C* it follows that An equation of this type is referred to as a secular or
z = [Ce"c + C*e-ac] exp {ia[a - (cr - U)t]).
frequency equation. It permits the determination of
the wave velocity, and thus the frequency, as a func-
Since, according to (58), z must vanish at the rigid tion of the wa ve length 27r/ a and of the physical
lower boundary (c = 0), it follows that parameters of the system. It is hardly necessary to
discuss this equation in any detail because the wave
C = - C* = 2 , say. motion in a fluid system such as is being considered
here is too well known. In order to illustrate stability
Consequently, investigations one special example may be considered,
x = [iK cosh ac] exp {ia[a- (cr- U)t]), however, namely that both layers are so deep corn,
pared to the wave length that
z = [K sinh ac] exp {ia[a - (cr - U)t]},
(92) coth ah' = coth ah = 1.
p -QK[g sinh az - a(cr - U) 2 cosh az]
In this case we may write
X exp {ia[a- (cr- U)t]).
Q[g - a(cr - U) 2 ][g - a(cr - U') 2]
In the upper layer the pressure is given by
= Q'[g + a( cr- U') 2][g - a(cr - U') 2]. 95 )
+ C*'e-"c)
p' = -Q'{g(C'e"c
A first solution of this equation is given by the follow
- a(cr - U') 2 (C'e"c - C*'e-"c)) ing expression,
X exp {ia[a - (cr - U')t]).
This expression must vanish at the free upper surface
CT = U' + (~Y'2. (96)

(c = H) according to (59), so that

This value of cr gives the wave velocity of surface waves
[g - a(cr - U') 2 ]C'e"H in deep water. It is physically plausible that such waves
can exist in an infinitely deep layer with a free upper
= - [g +a ( cr- U') 2]C* , e- "H = K'r 2 2
2 g -a (cr- U') 4), surface, even if the lower boundary is an interna} dis-
continuity rather than a rigid plane, because the ampli-
where K' is a new constant introduced for convenience. tude of the surface waves decreases to zero at the
Consequently, boundary. If this type of wave is disregarded, we ob-
x' = iK'[g cosh a(c - H) tain from (95) a quadratic equation for cr whose roots
+ a(cr - U') 2 sinh a(c - H)]
UQ + U'Q'
Q + Q'
X exp {ia[a- (u- U')t]),
z' = K'[g sinh a(c - H) q_ Q _ Q' _ QQ'(U _ U')2)u2
(93) (
a(cr - U') 2 cosh a(c - H)] aQ + Q' (Q + Q')2 .
X exp {ia[a - (cr - U')t]), This familiar expression shows that the wave velocity
p' -Q'K'[l - a (cr - 2 U') sinh a(c - H)
consists of two terms, the "convective" term which
represents a weighted mean of the velocities in both
X exp {ia[a - (cr - U')t]}. layers and the "dynamic" term which depends on the
density and the wind discontinuity. The latter term
At the internal boundary the two conditions (58) anc;l can evidently become imaginary for sufficiently small
(59) become density differences and wave lengths or for sufficiently
for X = X' and Z = Z' = h. large wind discontinuities. Then we may write

Strictly speaking, these two conditions as well as the

condition at the free upper surface are to be satisfied and the periodicity terms of the perturbation equa-
at the disturbed position of the boundary, but only tions become
an error of higher order is incurred as explained pre- exp {ia[a- (cr1 - U)t] =F acr2t).
viously (p. 408) if the condition is made to hold at the
undisturbed position. The two conditions at the interna} Thus the perturbation quantities depend exponentially
boundary give two homogeneous linear equations for on the time and, since one of the two exponentials has
K and K', and again the determinant must vanish if a positive exponent, a solution exists which increases
nontrivial solutions are to exist. Thus the following exponentially with time, indicating that the motion
equation is obtained: is unstable. The particular type of instability arising
Q[g - a(cr - U) 2 coth ah][g - a(cr - U') 2 coth ah'] here is referred to as shearing instability since it is due
to the wind shear.
= Q'[l - a 2 (cr - U') 4]. (94) Once the solutions (90) with the various relations

between the different constants have been found it is, The second of these equations may also be written in
of course, possible to satisfy any required initial con- the form
ditions by suitable linear combinations of expressions
of the form (90). a2z + !.._ (PQ_) + !.._ (gz) - g(r - 'Y) (p_Q) = O.
Wave Motions in a Compressible Atmosphere. As at2 ac ac
an example of motion in a compressible medium, the In general the system (99) has coefficients which de-
case of an atmosphere may be considered where the pend on the elevation c. Only if the atmosphere is
temperature decreases linearly with the elevation at isothermal, E = O, 'Y and r are constants, and in this
the rate E. In the undisturbed state the atmosphere case the coefficients are constant if pjQ rather than p
may beat rest. The lower boundary of this atmosphere is considered as an unknown variable. The case of an
may be at c = - h1 ; there may be an internal dis- isothermal atmosphere is therefore particularly easy
continuity at c = O where the temperature, and con- to deal with.
sequently the density, changes abruptly. The upper In the more general case of a nonisothermal atmos-
surface is free. Its height is determined by the fact that phere the functional dependence of the unknown vari-
temperature, pressure, and density all vanish here if ables x, z, and p on the height must be left open, and
the temperature decreases linearly with altitude. The it may be assumed that
earth's rotation will again be neglected; this is per-
missible for small-scale phenomena such as microbaro- x, z, p = A(c), C(z), D(c) exp [ia(a - ut)]. (100)
metric oscillations or billow clouds. If these expressions are substituted in (99), the system
It follows from these assumptions that in the un- may be transformed into a second-order ordinary dif-
disturbed state the hydrostatic equation must be satis- ferential equation for one of the three functions A,
fied: C, and D of c. For instance, the differential equation
1 aP for the pressure amplitude D becomes
and that pressure, temperature, and density are func- d2D
( g
+ R- E
) (
1) dD dz (lOl)
tions of c only, specifically,
p = ('!_)g/ R, +{- a2 + RIT [ a:u2 + (e - E) ~fj J} = O.
Po To '
Q = ('!_)(g/R<)-1 When D is known, the vertical amplitude C can be
obtained from the following expression,
Qo To
Further we shall assume that changes of state are u2dz + gD (102)
adiabatic. Then, according to (15a), the coefficient of QC = 2 4
au - g

1 Similarly, the horizontal amplitude A can be expressed
'Y = A.RT by D but this function need not be known to satisfy the
boundary conditions.
and, according to- (10), the coefficient of barotropy The differential equation (101) can with the aid of
1 - RE/g the substitutions D = eac X (c) and y = - 2aT/ E be
r = RT . transformed into the confluent hypergeometric equa-
Both coefficients become equal if
ix [ _ jj_ ] dX
(k) A ~ 1' (98) y dy 2 + y RE +1 dy

E = E= (103)
2 + (e - E)g] X = O.
the adiabatic lapse rate. 2ER 2aEU 2
Since the motion may again be assumed as two-
dimensional the perturbation equations are given ac- The case of one atmospheric layer has been discussed
cording to (54) and (55), if the perturbation density by Lamb [13] and V. Bjerknes and collaborators [4].
is replaced by the perturbation pressure according to In the case of an internal discontinuity surface where
(56), such phenonema as billow clouds arise it may be as-

-ix + -1 (ap) -a(gz)

- + aa _
- O,
sumed that the wave motion does not extend far up-
ward or downward from the interface. An approximate
at2 Q aa solution may then be obtained in the following manner.

::: + ~ (:~) + :c (gz) + {!'Y (~)

= O, (99)
T = To (1- ; ) ,
p _ ~ (ax + az) . permits one to
Q 'Y aa ac multiplication of (101) by 1 - ~r:ITo

write (101) in the form with the introduction of a new integration constant K',
D~ = K' e-~<'< 12 sinh N' (c - h'), (111)
L(D) = ~ (d2D - 2D)
To dc 2 a ' and consequently,
where L stands for the operator acting on D on the
' K' -~<'c/2 [ - (uV/2 - g) sinh N' (c - h')
left-hand side of (101) when T is replaced by T 0 If Co = e Q'(u4ai _ g2)
we put (112)

D =Do+(;) D1 + (;) +.. , 2

+ u N' cosh N' (c -

Q' (u4a2 _ g2)

h') J
comparison of the coefficients of t/To shows that At the interface (c = O) the perturbation pressures
and the vertical displacements must be continuous.
L(Do) =O, (104) Thus

L(DJ = c(d;~o - a2Do), etc. (105)

D 0 (0) = D~(O) and Co(O) = C~(O).
These conditions represent two linear and homogeneous
equations for K and K', and a nontrivial solution
The differential equation (104) for the zero approxima- exists only if the determinant of the foregoing system
tion can readily be solved since it is homogeneous and vanishes. This condition leads to the equation of fre-
has constant coefficients. It is, of course, the equation quency
obtained from (101) if for the variable coefficient T
in this equation its constant value To at the interface Q u 2N coth Nh + u J.4/2
- g
is blithely substituted. The correction terms D 1 , etc., 0 [u2(N - 1-4/2) + g][u (N + 1-4/2)
2 - g]
can also be computed by elementary means since they
involve the solution of a second-order linear and in-
homogeneous equation with constant coefficients. It
u 21-4' /2 - g + u N' coth N'h''

can be shown that the series for D converges, and for which gives the relation between wave velocity, wave
practica! purposes when relatively short waves such length, and the parameters of the fluid system. Since
as billow clouds are studied the zero approximation is u is contained in the abbreviations N and N', the equa-
sufficiently accurate. According to (104), tion is transcendental. An approximation which is satis-
factory for small-scale oscillations can be obtained by
Do = e-~c 12 (Kl eNc + K2 e-Ne)' (106)
putting the hyperbolic cotangents equal to one which
where K1 and K2 are integration constants and is strictly correct only for infinitely deep fluid layers.
Then (113) changes into an algebraic equation which
g/R- E can be evaluated [9]. After an approximation has been
J-4= (107)
obtained it can be used to substitute more accurate
values for the hyperbolic cotangents and a new value
N2 = (1!:) +
a2 _ a 2ci/'A + (- e)Rg/u 2
(108) for u can be computed if necessary. Furthermore, the
2 RTo . correction terms D1, etc., can be computed, although it
In order to distinguish the upper and lower layer, is found that the zero approximation gives a sufficiently
primes will be added to the appropriate letters to good quantitative result, for instance in the theory of
indicate that these quantities refer to the upper layer. billow clouds.
After Do has been determined for the lower layer, Long Waves on a Rotating Plane. As an example
Co is found from (102). Since the vertical displace- of the application of perturbation equations when the
ment must vanish at the lower rigid boundary where earth's rotation is taken into account, the so-called
c = - h, it follows that a relation must exist between trough formula given by Rossby [18] may be derived.
the two constants K 1 and K 2 With the introduction The earth will be regarded as a flat, horizontal plane
of a suitable new constant and the atmosphere as incompressible and homogene-
ous. The motion, disturbed as well as undisturbed, will
be assumed as horizontal. If the atmosphere has a
horizontal velocity U in the x-direction,
and X = a + Ut, Y = b, Z = c.
Do = Ke-~<c/2 [u 2N cosh N(c + h) It follows from (48) that for the undisturbed motion,
a2()(1 + g) ()(z - g) (110)
0 = _!. aP
+ (u J.4/2- g) sinh N(c + h)J
Q aa'
u 2 ()(1'"-t g) ()(2 - g) '
1 aP
2n.u = - Qab,
where )(1 = u 2(N - !-4/2) and )( 2 = u 2(N + 1-4/2).
At the tap of the upper layer (h' _ = T~/ E') the per- 1 aP
turbation pressure must vanish (D~(h') = 0), so that -g = - Q ac

The equation of continuity is satisfied for this type where A is an arbitrary constant, provided that
of motion since the density Q is constant. In the third
equation above, the term with ny has been omitted CT - ij = - a2 ~ 02 (119)
since it is small compared to g. In the following per-
turbation equations nx and nu will be set equal to zero The last relation is the trough formula which relates
as is customary when motion on a rotating plane is the speed of long waves in a zonal current to their wave
considered. Further, only the variation of n. in the length and width and to the parameters of the system.
y-direction will be taken into account, a restriction The formula has been discussed and applied widely in
which is justified if the undisturbed motion is pre- meteorologica! work.
dominantly zonal. Then, according to (54) and (55), Long Waves on a Rotating Globe. As an example
the perturbation equations become of the application of the perturbation equations to
motion on a sphere the same problem as in the previous
ix - 2n ay
at2 z at
+ 2nz U ay + !_ ap
aa Q aa
= o
(114) section will be considered for a spherical fluid layer
[11]. It will be assumed that the angular velocity of
the undisturbed current, K, is constant and that it is
ix + 2n ax + 2n U ay + a(2n.) in the direction of the geographic longitude "A, so that
at2 ' at ' ab Y ab
(115) the linear zonal velocity
1 Vx = KE sin iJ, (120)
+ Qab =o,
where E is the earth's radius, and iJ is the colatitude.
ax+ ay =o. Since vertical motion is neglected, we may substitute
(116) in the equations for polar coordinates on page 411
aa ab
the earth's radius E instead of r because the vertical
In the last equation the variation of the height of the dimensions of the fluid layer are small compared to E.
undisturbed fluid in the y-direction has not been taken The following relations are thus obtained for the un-
into account. This height variati an provides the meridi- disturbed motion. From (72)

+ 2n) cos iJ Vx = -~ (;:iJ).

onal pressure gradient required by the undisturbed
zonal current. It is equal to the small inclination of the - (K (121)
isobaric surfaces and therefore presumably of little
effect on the perturbation motion. From (73) it follows that the undisturbed pressure
It may be assumed that field is independent of "A. The two terms on the left-
hand side of (74) are so much smaller than the accelera-
a(2n,) tion of gravity that hydrostatic equilibrium may be
TJ = ab = const.
assumed, as in the preceding example. The equation
The foregoing system of equations has coefficientswhich of continuity is evidently satisfied by the assumed
depend on b. It can therefore be satisfied if the unknown undisturbed motion.
variables x, y, and pare assumed tobe unknown func- As in the plane case the perturbation motion may
tions of b and have the periodicity factor be purely horizontal. Then the two equations for the
horizontal motion are, according to (77) and (78), if
exp l ia[ a - (CT - U)t]}. (120) is noted,
Instead of adopting this procedure we may directly
eliminate all unknown variables but one by differentia-
av,J + K av,J - 2(K + n) cos iJ vx = _ _! ( ap) (122)
at a"A Q EM '
tions, a method which could also have been used in
the preceding examples. The continuityequation (116)
can be satisfied by a function 1/;(a, b, t) analogous to
-a~ + K -
+ 2 ( + n) COS iJ
K V.?
at a"A (123)

-~ (E si?iJ a"A)
the stream function such that
aif; al/;
X=- y=
ab' aa Since static equilibrium is assumed, the third equation
of motion need not be considered.
By cross differentiation of (114) and (115) the vorticity In analogy to (116) the small effects of the meridional
equation is obtained, variation of the height of the free surface may be
+ TJ ata (a"') _' disregarded so that the equation of continuity becomes,
i (V2') 0 (117) according to (80) and (76),
at2 aa -

where [ ~
E sm iJ
[a(sin iJ v.:J)
+ avxJ
= O. ( 124)
2 a2 i
V = aa2 + ab2 Equation (124) may be satisfied by a stream function
x so that
Equation (117) is satisfied by the following expression
V,J (125)
1/; = A exp {ia[a - (CT - U)t] + iob}, (118)
E sin iJ a"A'

By cross differentiation of equations (122) and (124) introduced in the theory of tides. It is also successfully
it follows that used more generally in the theory of "long" waves, that
is of waves whose length is large compared to the depth
of the fluid layer. The notation "quasi-static," which
characterizes the special dynamic nature of the fluid
motion more clearly than the expressions "tidal" or
+ 2(Q + K) :~ = 0. "long" waves, was introduced by V. Bjerknes [1] when
he generalized the quasi-static treatment from incom-
If it is assumed that the perturbations are waves of pressible and homogeneous fluid layers to autobaro-
the frequency fJ and the wave number m, tropic layers.
In order to illustrate the method, consider a fluid
x= Cj(-o) exp [i({Jt + mX)], (127) layer which is at rest in the undisturbed case. It will
where j(-o) must satisfy the equation, also be supposed that the coordinate system is non-
rotating and that ali motions take place in a vertical
1 d (o
sin -o d-o sm -o d-o
df) a, c plane. The undisturbed pressure and density de-
pend then only on the c coordinate and satisfy the
(128) hydrostatic equation
.m:u.o] f
+ [ 2(11 + K)({J + Km) - Sin = O
gQ = (130)
It is known that this equation has solutions which ac
are regular at the poles only if The horizontal equation of motion may be written,
2(11 + K)(fJ + Km) = n(n + 1), (129)
according to (54),

where n is an integer. The last relation represents the

frequency equation, and j(-o) is then an associated
~; + :a (gz + ~) = O. (131)
Legendre function, P';:(cos -o). From (129) the period Because the vertical acceleration of motion may be
of the oscillation can be obtained as a function of neglected and because of (56) and of (130), the equa-
the earth's rotation, zonal wind velocity (expressed tion for the vertical component becomes
by the angular velocity K), wave number m, and
the integer n. This last number determines the merid- ~ ( + 1?) =
ional extent of the oscillation since ac gz Q g(r - 'Y)P
Q '

where r and 'Y are the coefficients of barotropy and

f( u.Q) -_ C o
m u.Q dm(Pn
COS -o) _ pm(
d(cos -o)m
n COS u . piezotropy, respectivelyo In the last equation the un-
disturbed pressure P may be introduced for the height
Thus j(-o) vanishes at the poles and at n - m circles coordinate c with the aid of (130). Then
of latitude which are symmetrical to the equator. The
equator itself is a nodal parallel if n - m is odd. j_
(gz + QE) = (r - 'Y)P
Quasi-static and Quasi-geostrophic Approximations.
In a discussion of the simplifications made to obtain The equation of continuity
tractable models of atmospheric motions it is appropri-
ate to consider the hypothesis of "quasi-static" mo- g+ax+~=O
tion. This hypothesis is based on the assumption that, Q aa ac
in each vertical, equilibrium exists not only before
the start of the motion, but also during motion, al- may be written with the aid of the physical equation
though the equilibrium may change with time and and of the hydrostatic equation (130),
from one vertical to another. This assumption is, of
course, the hasis of ali the evaluations of upper-air ~ ax - g~ + '"!_p_ = O (134)
soundings and oceanographic soundings which are per- Q aa aP Q2

formed with the aid of integrals of the hydrostatic By combination of (133) and (134) it follows that
equation. The quasi-static hypothesis implies that the
vertical accelerations of the motion can be neglected ax + ap = o. (135)
compared to the acceleration of gravity. Since the aa aP
latter is in general much larger than the former, the This equation relates the perturbation pressure to the
quasi-static hypothesis appears quite plausible, but it horizontal divergenceo It expresses the pressure as an
is impossible to give an a priori justification for it as effect of mass transport. If (131) is differentiated with
Solberg [20], especially, has emphasized. Its most satis- respect to P and equation (134) is used, one obtains
factory justification is to be found in the fact that it the relation:
gives results which in many instances are in agree-
ment with the observations.
Historically, the quasi-static assumption was first
!_ (ax) _(r Q-
at2 aP 2
'Y) ap = o.

The last equation becomes particularly simple if the zontal divergence by the geostrophic wind would not
fluid is autobarotropic. In this case the horizontal dis- bea satisfactory approximation. By the elimination of
placement is independent of the vertical coordinate. the horizontal divergence in the manner indicated
It is this property of the system of equations for quasi- above, a consistent system of approximate equations
static motion which permits the most important simpli- for large-scale motions is obtained.
fications of which use is roade, for instance, in the theory A linearization of this quasi-geostrophic system of
of ocean tides where as a rule only incompressible, equations has been used by Charney and Eliassen
homogeneous fluids are considered. For fluids which [6] as the hasis for a numerica! method to predict the
are not autobarotropic this simplificat-ion no longer fu ture pressure distribution. This method and its exten-
holds, but it is in some instances possible to comider sion to nonlinear mathematical models is discussed
a fluid model which consists of a number of auto- elsewhere in this Compendium. 2 But it is relevant to
barotropic layers where the approach to more realistic the topic of the present article to state that even the
baroclinic models is effected by assuming autobarotropic linear models based on the assumption of small per-
relations which differ from layer to layer. A rather turbations have given satisfactory forecasts in a num-
comprehensive discussion of quasi-static motions has ber of cases.
been given by Eliassen [8].
The limitations of the quasi-static hypothesis espe- CONCLUSION
cially in its applications on the tidal theory have been The atmospheric perturbation equations are a tool
discussed by Solberg [20]. The differential equation of theoretical meteorology which is to be used in the
remains of the same type under the quasi-static assump- investigation of problems of atmospheric dynamics.
tion regardless of whether the oscillations are longer In considering future work in this field we shall there-
or shorter than half a sidereal day; but when the fore concern ourselves with a general survey of types
vertical acceleration is taken into account it changes of problems and lines of attack in which the perturba-
from the elliptical through the parabolic to the hyper- tion method may appropriately be used.
bolic type as the period increases to more than twelve As was pointed out in the discussion of the basic
sidereal hours. Under these conditions it appears pos- assumptions of the perturbation theory, one of the
sible that oscillations with periods longer than half a important problems which is appropriately treated by
sidereal day are not reproduced very accurately by the perturbation method is that of the stability or
the quasi-static hypothesis, or that additional types instability of a given atmospheric flow pattern. It was
of oscillations are possible which are not given by the explained there that the method consists in super-
quasi-static method. imposing a small perturbation on the basic flow pat-
Another way in which the hydrodynamic equations tern and investigating whether such a perturbation
might successfully be simplified for investigations in would increase with time or not. In the first case the
theoretical meteorology and oceanography is indicated basic flow pattern would be unstable, in the second
by the empirically known fact that the large-scale case stable.
motions of the free atmosphere are nearly geostrophic. It is immediately apparent that such an instability
It thus appears possible when attention is tobe focused investigation is not necessarily complete. When it has
on these large-scale motions to achieve substantial been found that an originally small perturbation in-
simplifications by assuming that the wind field is very creases with time it can be concluded that the perturba-
nearly geostrophic. Such a "geostrophic" approxima- tion equations do not describe satisfactorily the de-
tion has been developed by Charney [5] in systematic velopment of the perturbation beyond a certain state
form from considerations of the orders of magnitude because sooner or !ater the perturbation will have
of the various meteorologica! variables. The most im- grown to such a magnitude that the terms of higher
portant step in this "quasi-geostrophic method" is the than the first order in the equations can no longer be
elimination of the horizontal divergence of motion from neglected. Thus, after the perturbation has grown to
the system of hydrodynamic equations before the intro- certain dimensions its future behavior can no longer
duction of the geostrophic approximation. This elimi- be predicted by the original perturbation equations.
nation can be effected conveniently by means of the It is possible that the growth of the perturbation ceases
equation of continuity together with an equation ex- when this state is reached and, in fact, it is generally
pressing the conservativeness of a quantity such as observed that atmospheric perturbations do not exceed
the potential tempera ture. While for the vertical vortic- certain limits. The foregoing remarks are not meant
ity component, for instance, it is permissible to use the to imply that the study of stability and instability
geostrophic approximation directly, the same is not based on the perturbation method is unsatisfactory.
true for the horizontal divergence. From a considera- The point is that, by means of the perturbation method,
tion of the orders of magnitude of aujax and avjay we can make statements about the development of
it follows that for the large-scale motions, these terms the perturbation only for a limited time interval. It
are one order of magnitude larger than their sum, the would evidently be highly desirable to extend these
horizontal divergence. Since the geostrophic deviation, investigations in such a manner that they permit us
that is the difference between actual and geostrophic
wind, is also one order of magnitude smaller than the 2. Consult "Dynamic Forecasting by Numerica! Process'!
wind itself it follows that a computation of the hori- by J. G. Charney, pp. 47G--482.

to follow the future life history of an unstable per- pressibility, and horizontally and vertically variable
turbation. In order to do so one has to find solutions temperature distributions are taken into account, it is
of the complete hydrodynamic equations in their non- not likely that ali fruitful problems which can be
linear forms, a mathematical problem which is much treated by the theory of linear perturbations will find
more complicated than the solution of linear problems an early solution.
because no general mathematical procedures exist for It is necessary to make simplifying assumptions such
its solution. It is conceivably possible that solutions as those discussed in the last section, namely, that
of the nonlinear problem of the later development of the motion is quasi-static or quasi-geostrophic. These
unstable perturbations can be obtained by successive assumptions are physically plausible and permit the
approximations, starting out with the perturbation as omission of certain terms in the equations. In view
described by the linear perturbation equations and of the complexity of the equations such procedures are
obtaining the next approximation as a perturbation indispensable. In these simplifications, terms are neg-
of the first approximation. However, it is doubtful if lected which are of smalier orders of magnitude than
such a method would be simpler than a more direct others. This may give rise to errors in the subsequent
approach which starts immediately with a considera- analysis because in the reduction of the system of
tion of the nonlinearized hydrodynamic equations. N o differential equations to one equation it is necessary to
matter which method of approach will be found feasi- carry out differentiations in order to eliminate ali un-
ble, a quantitative study of developing perturbations known variables but one. It is conceivable that while
beyond their nascent linear stages appears indispen- of two quantities one may be considerably larger than
sable for the future development of the perturbation the other their derivatives may be of the same order
theory. of magnitude. Consequently, the omission of terms in
Such a study may also be expected to shed additional the original system of equations may lead to erroneous
light on another question connected with the perturba- equations when the necessary eliminations are carried
tion theory, namely, the problem of how an unstable out. This possibility has been discussed by Queney
flow pattern can develop. If it is found that a given [16] who pointed to this as a possible explanation of
state of fluid motion is unstable, the implication is some contradictory results which have been obtained
that any small disturbance will increase indefinitely in by different authors. It is not proposed to discuss this
amplitude and lead to a breakdown of the original, question here but at any rate this controversy shows
undisturbed state. Since in a fluid system such as the as stated before that a great number of problems re-
atmosphere or the ocean such small disturbances are main to be settled with the aid of the perturbation
always present, it is difficult to see offhand how an equations.
unstable state could develop and exist for any appre- The problems tobe studied by means of the perturba-
ciable length of time unless during a certain state of its tion method should include questions not only of the
development the factors which built up this state are stability and instability of given fluid states, but also
more effective than those which contribute to its even- of the fluid motions caused by these perturbations.
tual breakdown due to its inherent instability. Perhaps The solution of the linearized equations of fluid motion
tlie effect of friction is responsible for delaying the has led to many satisfactory descriptions of fluid mo-
breakdown. In the stability investigations it is always tions as, for instance, the theory of tidal and surface
assumed that the undisturbed state whose instability waves, of sound waves, and of atmospheric waves
one wishes to investigate is given a priori. Supplemen- both where a smaller scale is involved, for instance,
tary investigations of the mechanism leading to its in the theory of mountain waves and of billow clouds,
development are evidently in order. Again, as in the and where motions of a much larger scale are con-
case of the nonlinear perturbations, it is doubtful sidered.
whether the linear perturbation equations are the ap- It may finally be repeated that very little work has
propriate mathematical tool for such a study. been done so far to extend the perturbation theory
Even though the foregoing remarks indicate that to viscous fluids. Even though friction plays presum-
for a future development of instability studies the ably only a minor role in the free atmosphere its effect
investigation of nonlinear problems, either by approxi- is quite important near the ground and at very high
mation methods or by direct means, will be an im- levels, in the ionosphere, where the kinematic viscosity
portant step forward, a continuation of studies along must reach large values. Along the same lines, pre-
the lines conducted so far will deserve an important sumably more attention will have to be given to the
place in theoretical meteorology. For a first investiga- problem of heat conduction in perturbation motions.
tion whether a given state of motion is unstable, the Such problems as the land and sea breeze, or the
linearized perturbation equations are evidently the monsoon circulations, require that the conduction from
appropriate system of equations. Since the model the earth's surface into the atmosphere and the eddy
atmospheres whose stability conditions have been in- conduction within the atmosphere be taken into ac-
vestigated so far are all only more or less close ap- count. Among other nonadiabatic processes which have
proximations to reality, it is evident that much work received little attention in connection with the per-
remains to be done in the study of progressively more turbation theory is radiation. Studies of perturbation
realistic models. In view of the rapidly mounting diffi- motions when radiative transfer of heat occurs can
culties of such analyses, as baroclinic wind fields, corn- presumably shed additionallight on atmospheric circu-

lations. It would be easy to extend this list of new prob- Pressure as Independent Variable." Geofys. Publ., Voi.
lems considerably. But it may suffice to say that the 17, No. 3 (1949).
perturbation method almost invariably will have to 9. HAURWITZ, B., "Uber Wellenbewegungen an der Grenz-
fliiche zweier Luftschichten mit linearem Temperaturge-
be used to get a first insight into these problems because
fiille," Beitr. Phys. frei. Atmos., 19:47-54 (1932).
in all branches of mathematical physics linear differen- 10. - - "Uber die Wellenliinge von Luftwogen," 2. Mitt.
tial equations are the only ones which can in general Beitr. Geophys., 37:16-24 (1932).
be dealt with successfully. Even in those deplorably 11. - - "The Motion of Atmospheric Disturbances on the
rare instances when nonlinear problems can be handled, Spherical Earth." J. mar. Res., 3:254-267 (1940).
the linearized problem and its solution gives a valuable 12. JEFFREYS, H., "On the Dynamics of Wind." Quart. J. R.
and helpful guidance in the solution of the nonlinear rneteor. Soc., 48:29-47 (1922).
problem. 13. LAMB, H., "On Atmospheric Oscillations." Proc. roy. Soc.,
(A) 84:551-572 (1910).
14. LANGWELL, P. A., "Forced Convection Cell Circulation in
Clear Air." Trans. Amer. geophys. Un., 32:7-14 (1951).
1. BJERKNES, V., "On Quasi Static Wavemotion in Barotropic 15. NEAMTAN, S. M., "The Motion of Harmonic Waves in the
Fluid Strata." Geofys. Publ., Vol. 3, No. 3 (1923). Atmosphere." J. Meteor., 3:53-56 (1946).
2. - - "Die atmosphiirischen Storungsgleichungen." Beitr. 16. QuENEY, P., "Adiabatic Perturbation Equations for a
Phys.frei. Atmos., 13:1-14 (1927). Zonal Atmospheric Current." 'l'ellus, 2:35-51 (1950).
3. - - "Uber die hydrodynamischen Gleichungen in La- 17. RoMBAKis, S., "Uber ein Integral der nichtlinearen hydro-
grangescher und Eulerscher Form und ihre Linearisie- dynamischen Gleichungen und seine Anwendung in der
rung fur das Studium kleiner Storungen." Geofys. Publ., Meteorologie." Z. Meteor., 2:241-244 (1948).
Vol. 5, No. 11 (1929). 18. RossBY, C.-G., and CoLLABORATORs, "Relation between
4. - - and others, Physikalische Hydrodynamik. Berlin, J. Variations in the Intensity of the Zonal Circulation of
Springer, 1933. the Atmosphere and the Displacements of the Semi-
5. CHARNEY, J. G., "On the Scale of Atmospheric Motions." permanent Centers of Action." J. mar. Res., 2:38-55
Geofys. Publ., Vol. 17, No. 2 (1948). (1939).
6. - - and ELIASSEN, A., "A Numerica! Method for Pre- 19. SoLBERG, H., "Integrationen der atmosphiirischen Sto-
dicting the Perturbations of the Middle Latitude Wester- rungsgleichungen." Geofys. Publ., Vol. 5, No. 9 (1928).
lies." 'l'ellus, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 38-54 (1949). 20. - - "Uber die freien Schwingungen einer homogenen
7. CRAIG, R. A., "A Solution of the Nonlinear Vorticity Fliissigkeitsschicht auf der rotierenden Erde. 1." Astro-
Equation for Atmospheric Motion." J. Meteor., 2:175- phys. norveg., 1:237-340 (1936).
178 (1945)o 21. STARR, V. P., and NEIBURGER, M., "Potential Vorticity as
8. ELIASSEN, A., "The Quasi-static Equations of Motion with a Conservative Property." J. mar. Res., 3:202-210 (1940).
The Institute for Advanced Study

INTRODUCTION Gurrin [14] of the San Bruno Weather Bureau Forecast

The Method of Characteristics. The method of char- Center. He recognized that the jump the cause
acteristics is only one means of solving hyperbolic of several weather phenomena and gave a rather com-
differential equations or systems of differential equa- plete discussion of the equations for a steady-state jump
tions with real characteristics. Problems of this kind in an inversion. His work has not been published. Mr.
are also solved by related methods, such as simple McGurrin has addressed local meetings of the American
wave theory, the Riemann method of integration, and Meteorologica! Society in California, and probably be-
the marching method. In addition, in a nonlinear sys- cause of his work the concept of a jump in an inversion
tem, shocks or jumps occur which cannot be studied is not new to many meteorologists. It should be empha-
by means of systems of equations with real characteris- sized here that McGurrin's paper [14] shows that he
tics, but must be studied by other methods. Loosely was completely aware that the steady-state jump could
speaking, all methods mentioned above can be grouped occur in the atmosphere on many scales and in many
under the single heading-the method of characteristics. synoptic situations. He describes a stationary jump in
If this definition is used, the method of characteristics the height of a fog bank. The winds blow through this
is not new to meteorology. Richardson used the march- jump as they blow into the San Bruno valley in Cali-
ing method correctly in the initial example in his fornia.
monumental work on numerica! weather prediction The method of characteristics is the application of
[15, pp. 6-10]. Rossby [16] used the Riemann method methods related to those employed by Richardson [15]
of integration to discuss the effect of a line source of and Rossby [16] to problems related to those considered
planetary waves in a barotropic atmosphere. In all of by McGurrin. Rossby [16] predicted that a study of
its phases, however, the method of characteristics has the internal waves in the atmosphere would show that
been applied most often and most thoroughly to prob- they develop sharp forward boundaries because of their
lems in gas dynamics and the flow of a shallow layer of dispersive character and the existence of a maximum
fluid with a free surface. Riemann devised his method value of energy propagation. The waves onan inversion
of integration to solve the problem of one-dimensional are a limiting case of internal waves and have the
unsteady flow of a gas in a pipe, and most other methods properties which he predicted.
have been developed with such problems in mind. Cour-
ant and Friedrichs [5] give a bibliography of this work.
Early Work on Hydraulic Jumps in the Atmosphere. Quasi-linear Differential Equations. We can use the
Mathematically speaking, the theory of flow of a shal- method of characteristics, under certain conditions, on
low fluid with a free surface is, to a certain degree of equations of the following type:
approximation, the same as the theory of flow of air au + B1-
au + C1-
aw + D1-
aw = E1,
under a shallow (lOOD-10,000 ft) inversion in the atmos- A1-- (1)
phere [7]. A very striking phenomenon in the flow of at ax at ax
shallow water with a free surface is the bore or jump. ou ou ow aw
A model of the jump is the breaker on a gently sloping k-+&-+~-+~-=&.
at ax at ax 00
beach. A breaker moving over a surface, whose hori-
zontal dimensions are about ten times the height of the In these equations (for the moment) the independent
breaker, may be viewed as a line along which the height variables x and t are Cartesian coordinates in the x, t
and speed of water change abruptly. In fact, in some plane. The dependent variables u and w are unknown
cases there is a very shallow outgoing flow near the functions of x and t. The coefficients A1 , B1, etc., are
shore, and the jump or breaker is a transition to a very known functions of x, t, u, and w. Any of them can be
deep incoming flow. When such a jump is stationary in constant or zero. These equations are nonlinear if any of
a channel, it is called a hydraulic jump. If the force of the coefficients, A 1 , B 1 , etc-., are functions of u or w.
gravity is modified by a buoyancy factor (which is unity They are called quasi-linear because they are linear in
in the case of flow in water, and depends on the ratio the derivatives of u and w and the method of solution
of the densities above and below an inversion in the does not depend strongly on their nonlinearity. This
atmosphere), the laws governing flow under an inver- type of equation has been studied by many authors,
sion are the same as those governing flow of shallow and bibliographies concerning such studies appear in
water. Thus, jumps can occur in the atmosphere. Courant and Friedrichs [5} and Isenberg [12]. The dis-
A jump in the atmosphere was first recognized as such cussion here is very much like that of Isenberg.
(to the writer's knowledge) and discussed by M. Mc- Definition and Determination of Characteristics. The

characteristics of the system of equations (1) and (2) are These equations define the two characteristics (e+, e_)
defined as lines along which the partial derivatives of equations (1) and (2). Note that the characteristics
aujat, aujax, awjat, and awjax cannot be determined are functions of u, w, x, and t and not of their deriva-
directly from the equations. These lines are very useful. tives.
It can be shown that these are lines along which dis- The Equations of Compatibility. The numerator of
continuities in the partial derivatives occur. For in- equation (6) must be zero where the denominator is
stance, in the rapid steady-state flow of water along a zero. This condition is expressed by writing out the
curb, a small notch in the curb causes small discontinui- determinant in the numerator to obtain
ties in the derivative of the height of the water and a
line of disturbed water slants out and downstream from
the notch. Such lines and similar ones in steady-state
gas flows are called Mach lines. Thus, in a steady-state
flow, disturbances along the characteristics can actually
be seen.
In order to find the characteristics of equations (1)
and (2) a well-known equation from elementary calculus
must be used. If u and w are functions of x and t, then
Since this is to be true along the characteristics, the ap-
au au
du = 7ii dt + ax dx, (3) propriate values of dx/ dt are substituted in the equation.
Then two equations of compatibility, one for each of
and the two roots dxjdt of equation (7), are obtained,
dw = - dt
+ -aw
dx. (4)
( B~~~- E1a+)(C2a+- D2)
Equations (1)-(4) are now looked upon as a system of
linear algebraic equations for the unknown functions ( B2 ~~ - E2 a+ )<ela+ - D1) (9)
aujat, aujax, awjat, and aw/ax. They have the matrix
A1 B1 e1 D1 E1 dw
dt a+(e1D1 - D1e2) = O
A2 B2 e2 D2 E2
(5) dx
dt dx O o du along dt = a+, and
o o dt dx dw
From this it is seen that the value of auj at at any point ( B1~~t - E1 a_) (C2a- - D2)
(x, t) is expressed in terms of u, w, x, and t by the
equation (B2 ~~ - E2 a_ )<el a_- D1) (10)
E1 B1 e1 D1 A1 B1 e1 D1
au E2 B2 e2 D2 A2 B2 e2 D2 dt a_(elDl - e2D1) = O
at du dx o o dt dx o o dx
dw o dt dx o o dt dx along dt = a_.

The condition that ou/ at be indeterminate is that the Numerica! Integration by the Method of Charac-
denominator and numerator of the right-hand side of teristics. The conditions (9) and (10) form the hasis
equation (6) be zero. This can be expressed for the for the method of numerica! integration which is called
denominator as follows: the method of characteristics. The approximation is
(A1e2 - A2e1 ) dx 2 made that if two points (t;, x;) and (t;, x;) are very
- (A1D2 - A2D1 + B1e2 - B2e1) dxdt (7) close together on a curve, then the slope of the curve is
+ (B1D2 - B2D1) dt 2 = O. dx X j - X;
This equation is solved (by using the quadratic for- dt - ti - t;
mula) for dx/dt or dt/dx, whichever is desired. This is
best done in specific cases where usually many of the Similar approximations are made concerning du/dt and
coefficients, A 1 , B 1 , etc., are zero, but the symbolic dwjdt. The values of u and w are given at two points
solutions will be useful: (t1 , x1) and (t2 , x2) not connected by a characteristic
dx and it is required to find u and w at some other point
e+: =a+, (t 3 , x3) (not given) where it is unknown. W e define
(8) t3 and X3 as the intersection of the characteristic line
dx with slope a+ through (t1 , x 1) and the characteristic
e_: =a_.
dt line with slope a_ through (t2, x2). Therefore, i3 and

Xa can be found by solving the two simultaneous equa- where in general the constants K+ are different for
tions each C+ characteristic and similarly for K_ and C_.
Xa- X1
Courant and Friedrichs have :;;hown that a region of
= a+; =a_. constant u and w, say u 0 and w0 , is separated from a
ta - t1 ta - t2 region of varying u and w by a characteristic. Assume
These values of ta can be substituted in the equations that this is aC+ characteristic. Since C_ characteristics
(9) and (10): intersect c+ characteristics, some of the c_ characteris-
tics are common to regions in which u and w are con-
stant (uo and wo) and to regions in which they vary.
Along such c_ characteristics we can say
L(u, w) = L(uo , wo) along c_.
This is true along every C_ characteristic extending into
Wa- W1
- t t a+ (C1D2 - D1C2) =o, the region of constant u and w. Thus along such C_
a - 1 characteristics u is a function of w only. Since these C_
characteristics cover ali of a certain region, we need
- E1a- )(C2a- - D2) only have the assurance that we are considering motion
inside that region to know that u is a function of w
only. lnside such a region, if w remains constant along
a line, u remains constant and vice versa.
We now focus our attention on the C+ characteristics
in this region where w is a function of u only. W e can
say w = k(u); we then have
and these two equations can be solved for ua and wa H(u, k(u)) = M(u) = K+ along c+.
because ta and xa are known. By proceeding in this
manner from a line (such as the boundary of a flow, or This shows that u is constant along C+. From equation
an initial state) in the x, t plane, along which u and w (6) the slope of c+ is given by
are known, values of u and w over a portion of the dx
(x, t) plane can be found. For instance, in Fig. 1 the dt =a+
Now we have assumed (for simple waves) that a+ is a
function of u and w. Since u has been shown to be
constant along C+ , and therefore w is constant along
c+, this means that a+ is constant along c+ or that c+
has a constant slope and is then a straight line. When a
flow has a family of straight characteristics it is called
a simple wave. Much of Courant and Friedrichs's book
Supersonic Flow and 8hoclc W aves is concerned with
simple waves and the reader is referred to it for a com-
prehensive discussion of them.
The two basic types of simple waves are the expansion
wave and the compression wave. The names are derived
FIG. 1.-The region in which u and w can be computed from gas dynamics, but apply equally well to the expan-
from values given on L.
sion or compression of the distance between two
data between A and Bon L allow a computation of the straight characteristic lines in the general case pre-
values of u and w in the hatched region R. For a full sented above. If the given values of one of the depend-
discussion of such "domains of dependence" and the ent variables u and w, say u, along a line L are such
related "regions of infiuence" the reader is referred to that the straight characteristics in a simple wave diverge
Courant and Friedrichs [5]. This method of integrating as they move away from L, then there is an expansion
even the most complicated of such equations is easy wave in that region (see Fig. 4). Note that, since u is
to derive but is difficult to carry out in practice. Some constant along these lines, as we move away from L
simpler problems are easier to discuss. along a characteristic, the distance to the nearest point
Simple Waves. If, in equations (1) and (2), E 1 = E 2 where u differs by a fixed amount is increasing. Thus
= O and A1 , A2 , B1 , B2 , etc., are not functions of
gradients of u are decreasing. A more concrete example
x or t but only functions of u and w, then the factor of such an expansion wave is given in the next section.
1/dt can be removed from equations (9) and (10). If the given values of u are such that the straight
These equations then define two functions of u and w characteristics converge, there is a compression wave
(in implicit form, to be sure): in the region (see Fig. 2) and the gradients of u are
H(u,w) = K+ along c+' Envelope of the Characteristics. Figure 2 shows that
L(u,w) = K_ along c_, a family of converging straight lines defines a double

envelope which encloses aii points in the x, t plane cov- where h is the height of the fluid with density p, and h' is
ered by two or more characteristics. The meaning of the much greater height of the surface of the fluid with
such an envelope depends almost entirely on the physi- density p' (p' < p); zis the height of the point at which
t the pressure is measured, and g is the acceleration of
gravity. If this is substituted in the two-dimensional
equations of motion (neglecting the earth's rotation),
we obtain the foiiowing results:

dt =
_ !aP =
-g( i) 1 _

dv _ ! aP = _ 1 _ i)
g( ah. (12)
dt P ay P ay
If the flow under the interface at h does not depend on z,
the equation of continuity is
Fw. 2.-The characteristics of a compression wave.
ah + ahu + ahv = o. (13)
cal nature of the problem and of the quantity u. The at ax ay
envelope has meaning if it is possible to ha ve two values
of u at a point. Usuaiiy the assumptions involved in Equations (11), (12), and (13) are the equations of
deriving equations (1) and (2) are violated before the motion and continuity for two-dimensional unsteady
envelope is formed by the characteristics. If the region flow of a shaiiow layer of liquid under a deep liquid of
in which equations (1) and (2) cannot be used is very smaller density. These equations are difficult to inte-
smaii and motion inside it is not important, it is assumed grate as they stand, and very likely high-speed com-
to be so thin that it can be drawn as a line in the x, t puting machines would be required to solve even the
plane and it is caiied a Jump. It is so caiied because simplest problems involving aii three variables x, y, and
there are jumps in values of u and w on going across t. If the dimensions are restricted, however, results
such a line. Such an assumption can be made in gas can be found numericaiiy or graphicaiiy with com-
dynamics where the jump is caiied a shock, in hydraulics parative ease.
where it is caiied a hydraulic Jump, in flow under an Time-Dependent Flow under an Inversion. If there
inversion where it is caiied a pressure Jump, and to a is no variation in the y direction during the time a flow
certain extent in flow in a planetary jet stream where is studied, it can be investigated as a one-dimensional
the jump is caiied a block. unsteady flow. If v is zero initially and remains zero,
equation (12) need not be considered and equations
FLOW UNDER AN INVERSION (11) and (13) become
Statement of the Problem. The changes in height
of an inversion and the flow beneath an inversion are of
great interest to synoptic meteorologists. The frontal
+ u ax
au + (1
- i) ~
p ax
= o (14)

contour charts of the Canadian Weather Service [6] and

bring home the fact that motions of the frontal surface
are important even far behind its intersection with the ah + uah + hau = 0 (15)
ground. The behavior of low-level winds during and at ax ax '
just after the passage of a surface cold front in the
W estern Plains is usually a topic of discussion among respectively. This is a system of quasi-linear partial
forecasters. Finally, the forecasters in tropical areas are differential equations of the type discussed in the pre-
interested in the variation of the winds below the trade vious section. If, in equations (1) and (2), the conditions
wind inversion. It is the writer's opinion that a mathe- At = 1, B 1 = u,
matical theory of flow under an inversion will help to A2 =O, B2 = h,
describe these phenomena and perhaps will eventually
lead to quantitative forecasting techniques. Severa!
phenomena have been described by means of the sim-
Dt = g(1- ~), (16)

plest such theory (see Freeman [7], Abduiiah [1], and Et =O, u = u,
Tepper [19]). Flow under a widespread inversion in the E2 =O, w = h,
atmosphere can be approximated, at least somewhat
better than qualitatively, by the flow of a shallow layer are substituted, equations (14) and (15) result. If the
of liquid under a deep layer of almost the same density. values (16) are substituted in equation (7), the char-
The details of the validity of this approximation can be acteristics of (14) and (15) become
found elsewhere [7, 8, 18]. The pressure in a shallow
layer of fluid flowing under a deep layer of fluid at rest
is given by the formula
~: = u 1 gh( 1 - ~)
P = (h' - h)p'g + (h - z)pg, = u c.

The values from equation (16), substituted in equations the example of this paragraph is used for its definiteness
(9) and (10), give the results and simplicity. Expansion waves in the atmosphere
need not occur between mountain ranges and need not
u + 2c = const along dt u+c (18)

u- 2c = const along dt = u - c. (19)

Thus the numerica! or graphical computing scheme

described for equations (1) and (2) can be performed
using equations (18) and (19).
Simple Waves. 1 Since A1 , etc., are not explicit func-
tions of x and t and E 1 = E2 = O, with proper initial
conditions there can be simple waves in the model
described by equations (14) and (15). This is a powerful
method of investigating the results of certain initial
conditions under an inversion. In addition, these equa-
tions are a suita bie set to make the idea of a simple wave
clear. A simple wave results when u and h are constant
along the straight characteristic lines
dt = u + c. (20)
A t4
Since these straight lines can be determined from the FIG. 3.-Motion of an expansion wave shown in successive
initial conditions, or conditions along any line in the cross sections.
x, t plane, u and h can be found throughout a region of
the x, t plane by drawing the characteristic lines cover- be associated with air initially at rest. The whole sys-
ing that region. tem of flow (in particular, the zone of still air) can have
Expansion Waves. An expansion wave under an in- a constant velocity of any direction superimposed on
version is best demonstrated by the following example.
The air under an inversion is at rest in a channel formed CHARACTERISTIC
by two mountain ranges which restrict motion normal t LI NES
to them. It is held at rest by meteorologica! conditions
at the termination of the mountain ranges. If these
conditions change so that the air under the inversion
begins to flow out from between the ranges, an expan-
sion wave results. Figure 3 shows the height of the inver-
sion and the wind speed along a cross section through
the center of the channel under these conditions. The
flow described qualitatively in Fig. 3 can be described
quantitatively in the x, t plane (see Fig. 4). The obser-
vation of u at A and the initial height of the inversion
at rest form the boundary conditions that determine the
flow to the right of A. These values of u determine c "
FIG. 4.-The characteristics of an expansion wave.
and therefore u + c. Since u is constant along the lines
dxjdt = u + c, we can compute it throughout the it. The rigid boundary is not necessary. Any flow which
region between the mountains. This example empha- is essentially one-dimensional can be studied by the
sizes the ease with which the flow can be discussed if it means presented here.
is made up of simple waves. Note from formula (19), Compression Waves. If the flow at the mouth of the
which applies in this case, that under these conditions valley changes from zero velocity to a flow into the
the inversion height decreases as the speed of flow out- valley, a compression wave results. A cross section of
ward from between the mountains increases, that is, an such a compression wave for successive times is given
increasing speed of east wind is a decreasing wind in this in Fig. 5. The x, t diagram for such a flow is given in
coordinate system. An example of an expansion wave Fig. 6. Again the values of u and the inversion height at
that has synoptic importance will be given in the dis- A are the boundary conditions that determine the flow.
cussion of squall lines. It should be emphasized that We have seen that a compression wave leads to an
1. The word "wave" is used here in its general sense, envelope of the characteristic lines. In this case the
familiar to meteorologists in "cold wave," "frontal wave," envelope cannot persist for any great length of time
etc. N o periodicity or sinusoidal properties are implied. that a pressure jump forms.

Pressure Jumps. The envelope of the characteristics pressure jump. It is assumed to be a very narrow region
illustrated in Fig. 2 has a definite physical meaning in in the x, t plane in which the transition from a low
the case of flow under an inversion. It means that the inversion height with still air (in this case) to a high
inversion height and moving air is accomplished. The

FIG. 7.-The shape an inversion would have after an en-
velope of the characteristics had formed if the pressure jump
did not occur first.

best indication that this is a narrow region is given by

synoptic data which will be discussed later. The fact
that the hydraulic jump is confined to a narrow zone in
the ftow in a channel is an indication that this intimately
related phenomenon will also be narrow. A barograph
placed at station A (Fig. 5) will have a trace similar to
trace A in Fig. 8, but an observer at station B will see
a trace with a marked jump in the pressure (see trace
B in Fig. 8). This effect of the jump in the inversion

A t5
. ' =-=
FIG. 5.-Motion of a compression wave shown in successive
cross sections. The slope of the wave increases until it "breaks"
and a pressure jump is formed.

higher values of inversion height have overtaken the A o t

lower and are covering the same values of x. This
hypothetical situation is illustrated in Fig. 7. This is a

'Jt----------....._____1. - ,
B 4 2 o t
FIG. 8.-Barograph traces recorded during the history of a
compression wave.

height on the pressure record at the station led Tepper

[19] to adopt the name "pressure jump" for this phe-
nomenon. The pressure surge (after it breaks) of Ab-
FIG. 6.-The characteristics of a compression wave in an
inversion. The pressure jump is represented as a line in the dullah [1], the squall line (not the pressure pulse) of
x, t plane. Brunk [4], and the jump of Freeman [7] are aii pressure
jumps. If a flow under an inversion is essentially one-
very unstable situation from a mechanical standpoint. dimensional and if for any reason there is acceleration
The density p is greater than the density p' so that the of the air into a region covered by the inversion at a
overhanging air with density p will fali down into the constant height, a pressure jump will form (if the
rest of the fluid. This will usually occur before such an Coriolis force is neglected). This is just a general de-
advanced unstable state as the one illustrated in Fig. 7 scription in words of the phenomenon illustrated in
will occur. The zone in which this air is falling down is Fig. 5. The jump forms because if there is a region of
usually a rather narrow zone of the ftow and is marked constant inversion height, the ftow is a simple wave. If
by chaotic motion of the air. Such a zone is illustrated the air is accelerating into this region, it is a compression
in the cross section for t6 in Fig. 5, and the x, t diagram wave and the straight characteristics converge to form
is shown in Fig. 6. The heavy line in Fig. 6 is called a the pressure jump.

Weather Associated with a Pressure Jump. Tepper front. However, the importance of the barograph trace
[19] has described the surface weather phenomena that and the pressure pattern in locating squalllines has not
accompany the passage of a pressure jump. He refers been fully recognized. The careful and accurate analysis
to a larger-scale pressure jump than the one described of the Daily Weather Map of the U. S. Weather Bureau
between the mountains. The origin of the jump will be since 1946 has made it increasingly evident that the
discussed in the next section, but the scale is one of a squallline is a real phenomenon. In fact the squalllines
change from an inversion height of 2000-3000 ft to one and fronts on these maps move in a manner so similar
of 5000-10,000 ft with temperature differences across to that of a shock wave and piston in theoretical dis-
the inversion of 1-5C. The jump in height is moving cussions of gas flow in a tube that a connection only
faster than the conditionally unstable air above. If this waited for someone who had sufficient knowledge of
air were dry, the phenomena associated with precipi- both motions. This connection was established by Tep-
tation would not occur. The data over a network of 55 per [19] in his detailed synoptic study of the squall
stations in a rectangle 8 mi by 20 mi were averaged. line of May 16-17, 1949. He established that this
Severa! outstanding phenomena accompanied the pres- particular squallline was a pressure jump and proposed
sure jump of May 16-17, 1948: the wind shift, the that most persistent, well-developed, squall lines are
temperature break, the rain gush, the wind-speed maxi- pressure jumps.
mum, aud the maximum pressure difference. 2 These The Prefrontal Squall Line. Tepper [19] has proposed
terms are almost self-explanatory aud a complete de- that the prefrontal squall line is a line of showers and
scription may be obtained from Tepper's original paper. thunderstorms that is started by a pressure-jump line.
The magnitudes of some of these quantities are given A study of Fig. 5 shows that if the pressure jump repre-
below. sents a large jump in the height of the inversion, it will
have the same effect as a rapidly moving cold front on
Average total rise in pressure .............. 2.3 mb
Average maximum precipitation intensity .. 0.02 in. min- 1 the air above the inversion. In fact, since the slope of the
Average maximum surface wind speed. 27 mph advancing surface is usually much greater in a pressure
Average maximum rate of temperature fall. lC min- 1 jump, the release of whatever moisture is in the upper
Ave rage total wind shift ................... 75
air should be more rapid and therefore more spectacular.
The foregoing tabulation gives the conditions averaged It is believed that the lifting of the air above the inver-
over all 55 stations, but the pressure jumps are better sion by the advancing surface of the inversion causes
known and most respected for the more extreme weather most of the precipitation in squall lines. (It is also
phenomena. These are described in some detail by possible that the sudden lifting of the air under the
D. T. Williams [23] and are summarized here. inversion will cause saturation and that the resultant
Pressure: The pressure would rise 2-6 mb during change in the lapse rate will allow the air to break
time intervals of the order of 5 min. Gradients were as through the inversion and thus the origin of the storms
steep as 1-2 mb mi- 1 Following the abrupt rise in will be in the lower air mass. This possibility is disre-
pressure there was a leveling off or a slow fall. garded in this discussion because such a break-through
Wind: Winds ahead of the line were usually southerly would violate the theoretical model for which equations
aud an almost instantaneous shift to westerly or north- (14) and (15) are true. Of course, this does not mean
westerly accompanied its passage. The peak gust over that it cannot or does not occur.) Tepper [19] empha-
the whole network was of the order of 50 mph. In many sizes that the storms that make up the squall line are
cases the winds blew at right angles to the isobars. caused by the mechanicallifting along a pressure jump
Precipitation: Rain in the first mile behind the pres- and that the jump can occur with no resulting storms or
sure jump was usually light, becoming heavy farther precipitation of any type if the air above the inversion
back. is dry enough. Tepper's study of prefrontal pressure
Temperature: Temperatures fell sharply upon the jumps developed from an attempt to discover some
passage of a pressure jump. Maximum drops occurred theoretical explanation for the intense pressure gradi-
while heavy rain was falling and usually the decrease ents that occurred during the seven squall lines that
was proportional to the rate of rainfall. With the ending were studied by Williams [23]. Williams' work was a
of the period of heavy rain, temperatures rose slowly, synoptic study of the dense network of stations that the
frequently returning to near their originallevels. Cloud Physics Project maintained near Wilmington,
Such phenomena are naturally of interest to meter- Ohio. This study made it clear that there was a very
ologists who have expressed their interest throughout narrow region in which the pressure changed very
the years by marking such pressure jumps and their rapidly. This region also moved rapidly and was asso-
accompanying precipitation as prefrontal squall lines ciated with the thunderstorms that made up the squall
on weather maps. Harrison and Orendorff [11] describe lines which he was studying. An idea of the width of the
the synoptic aspects of the squall line in great detail. zone of rising pressure can be obtained from the ac-
They show that it is certainly not the result of an upper companying map (Fig. 9). Tepper established that the
surface phenomena discussed by Williams occurred in
2. H. R. Byers maintains that these properties (the pres-
sure trace in particular) are common in varying degrees to
a sequence and moved in such a way that a jump in
any line of thunderstorms. (Statement from the floor of the the height of an inversion (or a stable layer) was the
108th meeting of the American Meteorologica! Society, at most likely cause of the phenomena. He proposed a
Tallahassee, Florida, December 1950.) model of a squall line based on the work of Freeman

[7]. Naturally the line in the x, t plane along which data The continuity of mass is expressed by the similar equa-
are known need not be a vertical line corresponding to tion:
a fixed value of x. As in the more general case of the
previous section, it can be any line in the x, t plane
If the value of (u 2 - V) from equation (23) is substi-
tuted in equation (22), the resulting equation can be
solved for the following faur possible values of V:

vl = u1 [ ( r;p') ihh2 h2 + hl]Y:

g 1- 2 , (24)

h h2 + h1 JY:
V2 = U2 [ g( 1 - ; ') 2h: '

where vl+ = v2+ and vl- = v2-

If the jump is from a low value of h1 to a higher value
of h2 , it can be seen immediately that if we set
V=u+a (26)
to correspond to the slope of the characteri stics
FIG. 9.-A "squall line" magnified in the same ratio as
the scale of miles on a micromap showing the position of a
pressure jump.
= u + c, (27)

which is not a characteristic line. Accordingly, Tepper where

assumes that he knows the motion of a steep cold front
on the weather map. This cold front is adjacent to a
region in which there is an inversion and the air under
the inversion is in some equilibrium state with equal that
inversion height and equal west-wind components (28)
throughout. (The north-south wind components and
the Coriolis parameter are neglected entirely in this and
particular study.) The cold front then begins to accele-
rate and this pushes the inversion up in its vicinity.
This compression wave ultimately develops into a pres- This is a quantitative statement of the following rule
sure jump. In the meantime the front decelerates to its expressed for gas dynamics by Courant and Friedrichs
previous speed, or a lower speed, to the west and an [5]: Each member of a sequence made up of alternate
expansion wave moves out behind the pressure jump. expansion waves and jumps in the same family of
Some successive cross sections describing this phenome- characteristics will move to overtake the member pre-
non appear in Fig. 10. ceding it. This is true because the expansion waves
Interaction of an Expansion Wave and a Pressure move at the speed u + c and the jumps move at the
Jump. The whole area in which the characteristic lines
in Fig. 4 are diverging is called an expansion wave. Such
a wave has two speeds: it approaches from the left with
a speed given by the slope of the first diverging charac-
teristic and leaves to the right with a speed given by
the slope of the last diverging characteristic. The ap-
proximate speed of a pressure jump can be computed by
a method demonstrated to the writer by C.-G. Rossby.
If the jump is assumed to have an unchanging shape
and tobe moving with constant speed V, the law that
the difference in pressure force is equal to the loss in
momentum can be expressed as
(u1 - V)pu1h1 - (u2 - V)pu2h2
= 1h P2 dz - lh' P1 dz.
FIG. 10.-A series of simple waves and pressure jumps
Equation (21) reduces to showing how they overtake and modify each other.
p(u1 - V)u1h1 - p(u2 - V)u2h2
speed u + a. This rule is illustrated in Fig. 10 where
(22) it can be seen that the left-hand side of expansion wave
~ (p - p')(h~ - h).
I moving at u 1 + c1 is being overtaken by jump II

moving at u 1 + a 1 because a 1 > c1 and that jump II, made, and that the pressure jump be analyzed as a dis-
in its turn moving at u 2 + a2 , is being overtaken by continuity in the field of pressure. This method of analy-
the right-hand side of expansion wave III moving at sis would have the following advantages: (1) more of
u2 + c2 because a2 < c2 . This phenomenon was first the winds would blow nearly paraliel to the isobars,
demonstrated synopticaliy by Tepper [19], who showed (2) the analysis would fit more of the pressures than is
that on May 16, 1948 the pressure maximum which usualiy possible with conventional methods (as can be
coincides with point A in Fig. 10 had an average speed seen from Fig. 11), and (3) the analysis would corres-
of 54 mph over the network stations at Wilmington, pond more closely to the proposed mathematical theory
Ohio, while the jump had a speed of 45 mph. This phe- of pressure jumps. This type of analysis has the dis-
nomenon of overtaking leads to a modification of the advantage that the isobaric field is not correct in the
expansion waves and jumps involved. The exact nature immediate vicinity of the pressure jump, but Fig. 9
of this modification in ali cases and the results of ali shows that the area that is not accurately represented is
"interactions" as they are calied are not known. In almost covered by the line marking the pressure jump.
some simple cases an approximation to the actual Pressure jumps can be located rather accurately on a
conditions can be made that has some validity. For- weli-plotted synoptic map by this method. An example
tunately, one of these simple cases is important in the of such an analysis is given in Fig. 11. Pressure jumps
study of squali lines. One manner of dissipation of a could be located very accurately indeed if the sugges-
pressure jump is for it to be modified by a foliowing tion were foliowed of sending a special report on the
expansion wave (Fig. 10). hourly network when a pressure jump passed the sta-
Map Analysis with a Pressure Jump. The smali tion.
amount of space and time occupied by a pressure jump Transmission of Energy by Means of Finite Disturb-
has been discussed previously. The smali dimensions in ances in Inversion Height. Abduliah [1], working inde-
space of the pressure jump are emphasized in Fig. 9, pendently, established the existence of a pressure jump
where the line marking a squali line from the Daily on the inversion behind a cold front. He advanced the
Weather Map of the U. S. Weather Bureau is magnified hypothesis that the pressure jump in cool air was the
in the same proportion as the scale of miles. These lines medium that carried the energy of distant cold air to
the vicinity of a cyclone and that this energy was then
1008 1008 available to aid the formation or deepening of a cyclone
Jr on the front separating the cool air from the warm air.

( Abdullah also suggested that pressure jumps of finite
lateral extent could be one of the "disturbances" needed
~ 095
to start the formation of a wave on a front in the frontal
6sl 1 076 ~ theory of cyclones. By means of an energy computation

1 ~097, V~ ~2
that can be found in his paper, he showed that for the
usual dimensions of waves on a front a pressure jump
~96 ~ 096 of ordinary dimensions wili supply more than ten times
the amount of energy that is found in the frontal wave.
)' t1
112 /


Abdullah used the Riemann method of integration. The
method is particularly weli adapted for the study of a
J~1o/ o6o/( ) ~ situation in which the boundary conditions appear in
~65 / ' __ j/66 096<? closed form. Assuming that the coldest air begins moving
at t =O, x = Owith a constant accelerationa, he showed
~ q j
}/J065 J 1 that a compression wave moving into air with a constant
height h 0 of the inversion will break into a pressure
,, 119
~02 o jump (i.e., the envelope of characteristics will form)
ata point
102 102
o-) (30)

o 100
Xo =
-2 gho ( 1 - -
. (31)

FIG. 11.-Proposed method of drawing isobars in the vi- Using these formulas, he constructed a table showing
cinity of a pressure jump. The map is for 2230 EST May
16, 1948 and the squall line is through northwestern Pennsyl- computed and observed distances (x) from the front
vania and southeastern Ohio. at which breaking into a pressure jump occurred. The
essential information from his table is presented in
are four miles wide and it can be seen that this one Table I in which T is the mean temperature of the cool
covers most of the zone of rising pressure. With this air, and !1T is the difference in temperature between
chart in mind it has been proposed [9] that the same the cool and the warm air. The best synoptic example
approximation used in the mathematical analysis be of a pressure jump on a large scale to appear in the

literature is provided by Abdullah who showed how the above, or a good estimate of the conditions between A
energies of motion and the rise in inversion height are and B, is used initially and then new characteristics
transmitted to the leading edge of the cool air. are found from information at A and B only. This pro-

Initial time of 12-hr T t>.T x corn- x ob-

h puted served
period (m) cKl cq (mi) (mi) t
-- - - -- - - --
0400Z Jan. 19, 1947 1700 253 5.0 490 410
1600Z Mar. 23, 1947 2000 259 3.5 670 550
1600Z Mar. 4, 1947 1800 274 4.0 436 390

Time-Dependent Flow as a Forecast Tool. The use-

fulness of the method of characteristics in making fore-
casts has been emphasized before [7, 21]. The success
of Abdullah [1] in predicting the time of breaking and
of Freeman [7] in predicting the height of the tropical
inversion emphasizes this feature. Of course, the solu- A c o B X
tion of any equation with time as an independent vari- FIG. 13.-Area for which continuing predictions can be
able gives a method of prediction. In most sciences the made from a series of weather observations (data along the
problem is to predict the behavior of a system with a t-axis) at two discrete points.
given set of initial conditions which will be applied
repeatedly. In weather forecasting the prediction is cedure could be used to great advantage to predict
usually made from a set of initial conditions that is conditions between two islands in the easterlies. Of
never repeated. The method of characteristics is par- course, to be used to best advantage, A and B should
ticularly suited for such a system because any set of be a reasonable distance to the east and west of the
initial conditions can be fitted to any accuracy desired, region for which forecasts are desired. Forecasts for
and regularity of the functions involved is not required. C and D can be made for appreciable periods. The
In any region in which the flow under an inversion usefulness of this method as a forecast tool for anything
can be considered one-dimensional and the effects of the other than the qualitative aspects of flow under an
Coriolis force are not important there are two pro- inversion in the middle latitudes awaits the incorpora-
cedures for making forecasts that might be found use- tion of the effects of the Coriolis force into the method.
ful. The most straightforward procedure is that of High-speed computing machines will undoubtedly be
forecasting the weather along part of the x-axis from a needed to forecast two-dimensional time-dependent flow
given set of initial conditions on a larger part of that under an inversion. The extension to two dimensions
axis. The x-axis is a line in the x, t plane and the char- will eliminate many of the restrictive assumptions in-
acteristics can be built up from it as in Fig. 12. Such a volved in making a one-dimensional problem out of one
that has such inherent two-dimensional aspects as the
t Coriolis force.
Equations for Steady-State Flow under an Inversion.
If we assume that there is steady-state flow under an
inversion, that is, that there are no changes in the flow
with time, then equations (11)-(13) become

uau au -g ( 1 - '!_')ah
ax + v-
ay = p
ax (32)

-g (1- ~) :~. (33)

A c o B X
FIG. 12.-Area for which a prediction can be made from
initial data on the x-axis.
This is a system of equations similar to equations (1)
method should be useful over large land areas in the and (2). It is complicated slightly by the presence of a
tropics, such as Africa and South America, and prob- third unknown h, but the same method of analysis is
ably in island-studded oceans like the northern part of used on this set of equations. Three families of charac-
the South Pacific Ocean. This method could also be teristics exist and the determinants used in equation
developed into a method of making forecasts from data (6) are of order six rather than four. In this case this
gathered from aircraft flights, particularly those which third characteristic is a streamline and the vorticity
make periodic observations of the inversion height. The av - ay
ax au 1s constant a1ong 1t.
If we assume t he fl ow 1s

most useful method between stations (in the tropics
particularly) is outlined in Fig. 13. The procedure irrotational, this characteristic is not used. The flow

can then be studied in the x, y plane like equations (1) factor causing these winds, but it must certainly be an
and (2). This equation is complicated by the fact that important one, since the data fit the theoretical model
real characteristics exist only under certain conditions, so well.
that is, if

u2 + v > gh ( 1 - ~).
2 (35)

The study of steady-state flows has not been applied

in synoptic meteorology to date. The only published
discussions of a steady two-dimensional flow are the
climatological example in the next paragraph and the
conjecture of Tepper discussed below [19]. SOUTH
An Example of a Two-Dimensional Steady Flow. An AMERICA
example of the type of flow described in the previous
section has been given by Freeman [9]. The chart from
the Climatic Charts of the Oceans [22] showing mean
resultant winds off the west coast of South America in

October is reproduced in Fig. 14. This is to be compared

10N !----------- ---

3'' 2os~~----~~----~~--~-~
10ow gow aow 7ow
\ f\
1 FIG. 15.-The computed wind field if the air under an
inversion undergoes a Prandtl-Meyer expansion around the
o ' bend in the west coast of South America.

AMERICA Interaction of Two Pressure-Jump Lines. It has been
proposed by Tepper [20] that the intersection of two

pressure-jump lines should be a region of preferred
' ' ..... occurrence of tornadoes. He cited the discussion of

. . .-----lf--''\--'1,.-----j
Josl-------1-~""'7 interactions by Courant and Friedrichs [5] to lend
support to this conjecture. When two shock waves
-- ........\ intersect in the two-dimensional flow of a compressible
'\ fluid a vortex sheet is formed. This vortex sheet has
1 been found experimentally in gas flows and in flow of
water in a channel. Such a vertical vortex sheet should
2osL__ _ _ _ __ L_ _ _ _ _ _3~~---~~
form behind the intersection of two pressure jumps. If
tr>ow gow Row the circular properties of a tornado are similar to those
FIG. 14.-The resultant wind field east of South America of the dust devils studied by N. R. Williams [24], then
in October from the Climatic Charts of the Oceans. The dashed such a region of strong shear is a very likely zone for
lines are isopleths of Beaufort force. tornado formation.
Tepper [20] found that, in five out of the seven tornado
to the Prandtl-Meyer type of expansion wave in Fig. situations he studied, the tornadoes formed within fifty
15. This expansion wave is computed from the following miles of the intersection of two pressure jumps.
initial data: Winds of 5 m sec- 1 (force 3) under an in-
version of 1C at 0.65 km are blowing parallel to the CURRENT PROBLEMS AND SUGGESTIONS
coast of South America and pass the bend in the coast FOR RESEARCH
line. The wind speed is assumed to be somewhat higher The application of the method of characteristics to
than the observed surface wind to allow for slowing by meteorologica! problems is an active field of research
surface friction. The height and strength of the inver- with many topics of interest. Most of the problems
sion is that found by Alpert [2]. Points of similarity of under consideration at the present time are concerned
these flows are that the change in wind direction occurs with flow under an inversion. The path to follow in the
farther north as the longitude increases and that the solution of many of these problems is clearly marked.
winds increase their speed as they turn around the Other problems are being attacked with success by
corner. The slowing down of the resultant winds north Tepper. The success of Abdullah [1] in explaining the
of 5 N is to be expected because the expansion wave "secondary cold front" or "postfrontal squallline" and
does not always extend to that latitude and when it of Tepper in explaining the occurrence of the "squall
does it is more likely to be modified by the N orthern line" indicates that many phenomena on the same and
Hemisphere wind systems. This may not be the only smaller scales can be studied with this theory in mind.

The usefulness of the method of characteristics is not investigation. From synoptic experience we can say
confined to the study of flow under an inversion. Any that if the vortex sheet persists it is very likely to bring
problem in which certain elements are described by about frontogenesis. A wind-shear line usually develops
equations such as (1) and (2), with real characteristics, into a front because there usually are horizontal tem-
can be studied by these methods. It is hoped that this perature gradients in an air mass. This problem is not
article will be useful to every meteorologist with such being studied at the time of this writing.
problems and that some may even be encouraged to The "Expansion-Wave Storm." Brunk [4] has made a
study some of the problems mentioned below. complete and very interesting study of a wind storm in
The Effect of the Coriolis Force on Flow under an 1944. The winds over the northem part of the United
Inversion. In all of the discussions of nonlinear flow States were from the east under a quasi-stationary
under an inversion that have appeared in the literature front. A small wave moved from west to east along this
the Coriolis parameter is neglected. The Coriolis force front (rather rapidly) and, as it moved, the winds to
works to turn the winds parallel to the isobars, but it the north of it became very strong from the east. This
takes time for this force to act. If a parcel of air is under storm is now being studied as an expansion wave moving
the influence of a pressure gradient for only a short time, from the west followed by a compression wave and a
it will follow the path dictated by the equations without subsequent pressure jump on the inversion north of the
Coriolis force so there is some justification in neglecting quasi-stationary front. The effect of the Coriolis force
this parameter in the pioneering stages of such a study. is being included in this investigation. The problems of
If the value of the theory of flow under an inversion to ftow under an inversion are very well suited for com-
middle-latitude forecasting is to increase, however, the plementary work by theoreticians and synoptic mete-
Coriolis parameter must be included in the equations. orologists.
Some of the physical effects of this force can be seen Blocking Waves in a Planetary Jet Stream. Rossby
immediately. Suppose that a cold front is holding an [17] has shown that an analogue to the stationary
inversion of constant height at rest at point Xo and time hydraulic jump can occur in a planetary jet stream. The
t 0 At t0 the front begins to recede, moving westward jet stream he uses is defined as a symmetric stream of
from the inversion. An expansion wave will be formed fast-flowing air moving through stationary surround-
and the slope in the inversion height will be such that ings. He showed that if the variation of the Coriolis
pressure will increase to the east. If the front continues parameter is considered and the momentum transport
to recede, the air parcels near it and beneath the inver- for a given volume transport is expressed as a function
sion will be under the influence of such a pressure gradi- of velocity, the momentum transport has a minimum
ent for a long period of time and will therefore move value. This means that for any other value of the mo-
northward, giving south winds in the now lower-pres- transport there are two possible flows wit.h
sure zone to the east of the front. If, on the other hand, this volume transport. Thus, a necessary condition for
the front pushes slowly into the inversion, the new the sudden change from one state of flow to another
pressure gradients will cause north winds. The equations is satisfied. This is exactly what happens in a hydraulic
that tell how much south or north wind is tobe expected jump. Rossby advances the theory that this analogue
and how long it will blow are being studied at the to the hydraulic jump appears on the weather map as a
present time. blockingwaveofthe type discussed by Berggren, Bolin,
The Characteristics of a Circular Vortex and the and Rossby [3]. Rossby's paper naturally suggested
"Rings" of a Hurricane. The rings or spirals of violent that a system of equations of a nonstationary flow of
convective activity in hurricanes have been observed this type might be developed and that possibly they
by many authors [13, 25]. We have seen in earlier would be similar to equations (1) and (2). If the velocity
sections that the Mach lines and the envelopes of Mach profile of the jet stream is such that the vorticity in the
lines are at least approximately the lines along which jet is fo (i.e., u = u 0 + (3y 2/2), the jet stream has width
physical disturbances move in a flow. The Mach lines a, the acceleration in the y direction can be neglected,
of a circular vortex in a fluid with a free surface are and the geostrophic approximation can be made out-
spirals almost tangent to the streamlines near the center side the jet stream, then the equations describing the
of the vortex, making a larger angle with them as the flow of the stream are
distance from the center increases. If the presence of a
stability retarding the vertical motion of air involved aUo + (Uo _ {3a 2
) auo = O
in a hurricane can be established, the theory of flow at 2 ax '
under an inversion can be applied and might lead to an
explanation of these spirals. To the writer's knowledge aa + (Uo + (3a 2
) aa + a aUo = 0 .
no one is working on this problem at the present time. at 2 ax ax
Interactions and Frontogenesis. The discussion at These are equations of the type (1) and (2). Simple
the end of the previous section indicates that a vortex waves are possible, and the compression waves lead to
sheet (or wind shear line) is formed when two strong envelopes of the characteristics. N eedle8s to say, this
pressure jumps are involved in an interaction. If these probleni is being studied actively and in detail. The
vortex sheets can bring about frontogenesis, and this success of the method of characteristics in the study of
occurrence is frequent enough tobe important to syn- this problem emphasizes the fact that the usefulness of
optic meteorologists, this should be a fruitful field of this method to meteorologists is not confined to the

study of flow under an inversion. It is sincerely hoped pressible Flow, PartI. Tech. Rep. No. F-TR-1173A-ND,
that all meteorologists will keep this method in mind as Hdqtrs. Air Materiei Command, Wright Field, Dayton,
a possible means of obtaining quantitative results in Ohio, 1947.
13. MAYNARD, R. H., "Radar and Weather." J. Meteor.,
a problem.
2:214-226 (1945).
14. McGuRRIN, M., The Principle of Open Channel Flow Ap-
plied ta the Formation of 'Tornadoes. Unpublished, avail-
1. ABDULLAH, A. J., "Cyclogenesis by a Purely Mechanical able at the Library of the U. S. Weather Bureau, Wash-
Process." J. Meteor., 6:86-97 (1949). ington, D. C., 1942.
2. ALPERT, L., "Notes on the Weather and Climate of Sey- 15. RrcHARDSON, L. F., Weather Prediction by N umerical
mour Island, Galapagos Archipelago." Bull. Amer. me- Process. Cambridge, University Press, 1922.
teor. Soc., 27:200-209 (1946). 16. RossBY, C.-G., "On the Propagation of Frequencies and
3. BERGGREN, R., BoLIN, B., and RossBY, C.-G., "An Aero- Energy in Certain Types of Oceanic and Atmospheric
logical Study of Zonal Motion, Its Perturbations and Waves." J. Meteor., 2:187-204 (1945).
Break-Down." 'Tellus, Voi. 1, No. 2, pp. 14-37 (1949). 17. - - "On the Dynamics of Certain Types of Blocking
4. BRUNK, 1. W., "The Pressure Pulsation of 11 April 1944." Waves." J. Chinese geophys. Soc., 2:1-13 (1950).
J. Meteor., 6:181-187 (1949). 18. SHERMAN, L., "The Neglect of Compressibility in the
5. CouRANT, R., and FRIEDRICHS, K. 0., Supersonic Flow Flow of Gas at Low Speeds." J. Meteor., 6:286-287 (1949).
and Shock Waves. New York, Interscience, 1948. 19. TEPPER, M., "A Proposed Mechanism of Squall Lines-
6. CROCKER, A. M., GonsoN, W. L., and PENNER, C. M., The Pressure Jump Line." J. Meteor., 7:21-29 (1950).
"Frontal Contour Charts." J. Meteor., 4:95--99 (1947). 20. - - "On the Origin of Tornadoes." Bull. Amer. meteor.
7. FREEMAN, J. C., "An Analogy between the Equatorial Soc., 31:311-314 (1950).
Easterlies and Supersonic Gas Flows." J. Meteor., 21. - - and FREEMAN, J. C., "Analogy between Equatorial
5:138-146 (1948). [Easterlies] and Supersonic Flows." J. Meteor., 6:226
8. - - "Reply: The U sefulness of lncompressible Models." (1949).
J. Meteor., 6:287 (1949). 22. U. S. WEATHER BuREAU, Atlas of Climatic Charts of the
9. - - "Map Analysis in the Vicinity of a Pressure Jump." Oceans. W. B. Publ. No. 1247, Washington, D. C., 1938.
Bull. Amer. meleor. Soc., 31:324-325 (1950). 23. WrLLIAMS, D. T., "A Surface Micro-Study of Squall-
10. - - "The Wind Field of the Equatorial East Pacific as a Line Thunderstorms." Mon. Wea. Rev. Wash., 76:239-
Prandtl-Meyer Expansion." Bull. Amer. meteor. Soc., 246 (1948).
31 :303-304 (1950)
o 24. WrLLIAMS, N. R., "Development of Dust Whirls and
11. HARRISON, H. T., and 0RENDORFF, W. K., "Pre-cold- Similar Small-Scale Vortices." Bull. Amer. meteor. Soc.,
frontal Squall Lines." United Air Lines Meteor. Dept. 29:106-117 (1948).
C1:rc. No. 16 (1941). 25. WEXLER, H., "Structure of Hurricanes as Determined by
12. lsENBERG, J. S., 'The Method of Characteristics in Com- Radar." Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci., 48:821-844 (1947).


University of Brussels

Introduction This dynamic instability of selective character has

been studied extensively since the first work of V .
.The co~c.ei?t of dynamic instability appeared along
Bjerknes and H. Solberg, notably by B. Haurwitz,
w1th the Initial developments in the theory of atmos-
pheric disturbances [2]. In the method of perturba- C. L. Godske.' Z. Sekera, J. G. Charney, P. Queney,
E. T. Ea~y, and others. On the other hand, the stability
tions, which V. Bjerknes introduced into meteorology
of the simple motion, upon which the nascent per-
a "small motion" is superimposed on a state of "simpl~
turbation is superimposed, was not considered until
motion" of the air. This "simple motion" is always a
very much later, although logically it should have been
permanent motion characterized, at every point of the
studied in the very beginning. It is evident, without
medium, by equilibrium of the forces perpendicular
furth~r amplification, that the stability or instability
to the direction of. the f!ow. These forces are gravity,
con~t1tutes an essential characteristic of the simple
the. p:essure grad1ent (hydrostatic equilibrium), the
motw~ and must appear as such in the dispersion
Conohs force (state of geostrophic motion), and the
centrifugal force (circular vortex). The "simple motion " equat10n.
Kleinschmidt [17, 18] was the first to show that
t?erefore, is evidently a state of hydrodynamic equilib-
along with the hydrostatic instability of masses at rest
in the gravity field, there exists a hydrodyn~mic in-
The "small motion" is simply a nascent perturbation
stability of air masses whose motion obeys the law of
defined by quantities small enough that the values of
geostrophic f!ow. Although the hydrostatic equation
the products and squares of the quantities as well as
amounts to an excellent approximation to the equation
of their derivatives are negligible. Furthermore, it is
of atmospheric dynamics in a vertical direction the
assumed to begin with that the perturbation is restricted
classical criteria of stability and instability fo; the
to a train of plane sinusoidal waves, propagated with distribution of the air are strictly applicable
constant velocity c in the same sense as the simple
only m an atmosphere without wind, in which there
Il_lOtion. ~his perturbation must satisfy linearized equa-
are only vertical displacements and where only vertical
tiOns denved from Euler's dynamical equations and
f~rces, such .as gravity and the vertical pressure gra-
from the equations of continuity and of the adiabatic
dient, come mto play. In reality, on a synoptic scale,
process; from these the amplitude relations are ob-
we must take account of the horizontal pressure gra-
~ained. In addition it is necessary to satisfy restrictions
dient, the Coriolis force, and the centrifugal force, as
1mposed by externa! boundaries (surface of the globe,
well as of the vertical forces. In this case the criteria
free surface) and, eventually, by interna! boundaries
of stability and instability of hydrostatic equilibrium
(fronta:I surface, tropopause). There generally results
Iose their validity, and it is expedient to substitute
a relat10n between the quantities describing the physi-
for them criteria of stability and instability of hydro-
cal and dynamical state of the "simple motion," the
dynamic equilibrium.
wave length L, and the velocity of propagation c. When
In general, the atmosphere is said to be stable (or
this "dispersion equation" admits only real roots for
~nstable) at any point O at any instant t for any direc-
c, the perturbation is said to be stable regardless of the
tiOn r when a partide displaced from this point at this
value of the wave length L; on the other hand when
the equation admits only imaginary roots for' c the i~stant and in the direction r, acquires a relativ~ motion
With respect to the environment at O returning it
P?-otion is .referred to as unstable. In general this ~qua
toward (or carrying it away from) the equilibrium
tiOn adm1ts real roots, for certain values of L and
position O.
ima~i?ary roots for others, that is, the stability or in-
stabihty of a perturbation depends on its wave length.
The condition for which the dispersion equation has The Stability of Geostrophic Motion
only imaginary roots for c expresses the dynamic in- L~t us consider a mass of air in a state of geostrophic
stability criterion in the sense of V. Bjerknes and H. motwn (hydrodynamic equilibrium in the sense of
Solberg [2]. This criterion, which depends not only on Kleinschmidt [17, 18]). In this case the isobaric surfaces
the state of simple motion, but also, and more signifi- P = const and the isentropic surfaces 8 = const of the
cantly, on the wave length L, is thus a selective criterion air are cylindrical surfaces with horizontal generatrices
that can be applied only to a f!ow pattern consisting parallel to the geostrophic current; the equipotential
of a perturbatwn of the type "plane sinusoidal waves" surfaces, <I> = const, of the gravity field are assumed
pro~agated uniformly in the direction of the simple t? be pl~nes ~arallel to the horizontal plane at any
mot10n. giVen pomt O m the interior of the air mass. W e refer
the m?tion of the air to a right-handed, rectangular,
* Translated from the original French. Cartes1an coordinate system Oxyz, at rest with respect

to the earth and ha ving the axis Ox directed parallel instant t > to its pressure is equal to that at the point
to the geostrophic current u and the axis Oz directed A which it is occupying at that instant. The motion
toward the zenith above point O. In this system we of the perturbed partide A(x, y, z) relative to the
thus have Ux = u(y, x) > O, Uy = u. = O, P = P(y, z), earth is then determined by the vector equation
8 = 8(y, z), <P= <P(z), and the components of the
earth's rotation w are given by w", = w cos rjJ sin a, ~ + 2w X V + 8o VII+ V<P = O (4)
Wy = w cos rjJ cos a, and w. = w sin r/J, where rjJ is the
latitude of point O and a is the angle between the vector and by the initial conditions
u and the west-to-east direction. Let us now introduce
Exner's function II = cp(P /100)Ricp (in which P is X= y = Z = 0, t = to, V", = Uo = u(O, 0),
expressed in centibars), where Cp stands for the specific o (5)
heat at constant pressure and R for the specific ideal v. = v.'
gas constant for air. Finally, to facilitate the presenta- where v~ and v~ are the transverse components of the
tion, any orientation parallel to the current u will be initial velocity communicated at O. By eliminating
called longitudinal and any orientation perpendicular V<P between (4) and (1), we obtain
to this current will be called transverse.
The law of geostrophic motion expresses the equi- ~ + 2w X V = (8 - 8o)VII. (6)
librium of the transverse forces -V<P,-8VII, and
- 2w X u, that is, We observe that if, at the initial instant to, we
apply the same impulse to all the particles which occupy
2w X u + 8VII + V<P = O. (1) the points of the Ox axis at this instant, all these par-
By taking the curl of equation (1) of hydrodynamic ticles will perform the same adiabatic, inertial motion
equilibrium, we find the equilibrium condition of Mar- (4) or (6). Consequently, the quantities which describe
gules, this motion will be independent of the longitudinal
coordinate x, like all those which define geostrophic
2w Vu = [V8 X VII]x = N, (2)
motion. It is thus natural to separate the motion (6)
which expresses the integrability of equation (1) with of point A into transverse and longitudinal parts.
respect to II. In the equilibrium condition, therefore, In order to obtain the equation of longitudinal mo-
the gradient of the air speed is proportional to the tion at A, it suffices to project equation (6) on the
number N of isobaric-isosteric solenoids per unit of axis Ox; if we use (3), we obtain the equation of motion
transverse area. of the projection A" (x, O, O) of A on the longitudinal
We shall now consider a certain partide, in the in- axis through O:
terior of the air mass which is in hydrodynamic equi-
librium, carried along by the current u and occupying
dV" + 2wy dz - 2w, dy = O. (7)
at any instant t0 the position of an arbitrarily chosen This equation gives the change dV",, relative to the
point O; at the instant to we apply to it a transverse earth, which takes place in the longitudinal velocity
impulse; then at the same instant we take away the of the perturbed partide when it undergoes transverse
impulse. Let A(x, y, z) be the position occupied by the displacement (dy, dz). It is integrable at once; by virtue
perturbed partide at instant t > to ; let v(v", , Vy , v.) of (5) and of the relation u = uo + (aujay)oy +
be the velocity of this partide relative to current u at (iJujiJz)oZ, we obtain
A at the instant t, and let V(V",, Vv, V.) be the velocity
of this same particle relative to the earth at the same
instant; we then have
Vx = (2wz- :~)0 Y- (2wy + ::)/, (8)

where the subscript zero serves as a reminder that the

quantities in parentheses must be replaced by their
(3) values at point O. We see, therefore, that the longitu-
dz dinal motion of point A is fixed, as soon as we know its
v. = dt = v., transverse motion. The latter is governed by the equa-
tions obtained by projecting relation (6) on the trans-
where the operator dj dt stands for the substantial de- verse axes Oy and Oz; following (3), the equations of
rivative with respect to time t in the reference system motion of the projection A'(O, y, z) of A on the trans-
Oxyz, at rest with respect to the earth. verse plane through O are
We now propose to study the motion of the per-
turbed partide A around its equilibrium position O. (9)
This relative motion will be assumed to be a small
motion; furthermore, we shall neglect the effects of where 1/lv and 1/1. are the components of the transverse
friction, conduction, and radiation on the displaced force
partide, and we shall assume that its displacement in-
~ = (8 - 8o)VII - 2w X v", (10)
volves no perturbation of the pressure field. Conse-
quently the perturbed partide retains the potential which the surrounding medium exerts on the unit mass
temperature 8 0 which it had at point O, and at any of the displaced partide. This transverse force con-

sists of two parts: the first, perpendicular to the isobaric are the components of the curl of the absolute geo-
surfaces, reduces to the hydrostatic buoyant force of strophic velocity U = u + w X R, in which R is the
Archimedes, in the absence of the geostrophic current radius of rotation of the point relative to the earth's
u; the second, perpendicular to both the geostrophic axis. As a special case, in an adiabatic atmosphere where
current and the earth's axis, is an inertia force due to no Archimedean buoyant force is possible, there is said
the earth's rotation. We observe that in an adiabatic to be inertial stabil1:ty or inertial instability [32], de-
atmosphere (8 == 8o == const), where differences be- pending on whether
tween the density of the displaced particle and that
of its environment disappear, only the second of the 2(r X w)x (r X curl U)x > or < O. (16)
two forces remains. If in (10) we replace 8 - 8o by Next we multiply equations (9) respectively by dy/dt
(a8jay)oY + (a8jaz)oz and vx by its value in (8), we and dz/dt. By adding them we obtain, after integrating,
tind, whatever the orientation of transverse axes y and the relation thus found and taking account of initial
z, provided always that the coordinate system xyz is conditions (5),
rectangular and right-handed,
Y2[(vy)2 + (v.)2] - Y2[(vZ)2 + (v~)2]
1/lu == - a~uY - a~zZ, 1/lz == -a~uY - a~.z, (11) (17)
with = - Y2[a~y y 2 + 2a~. yz + a~. i].
2 (2
Wz Wz
_ au) _ aii a8
ay ay ay ,
1 Consequently, depending upon whether the hydrody-
namic equilibrium at O is stable or unstable for dis-
placement (y, z), the kinetic energy per unit mass of
au) aii a8
ayz == - 2w,( 2wy + az - ay az ' the particle displaced transversely from (y, z) decreases
or increases. The work Eo which is performed in the
(12) course of a displacement (y, z) by the transverse force
azy == au)
-2wy ( 2w. - ay -
aii a8
ay' az per unit mass, applied by the surroundings to the dis-
placed particle, will be referred to as energy of instab1"lity
azz =o
Wy ( Wy
2 + az az az ' )
au)_ aiia8 per unit mass, latent at point O. It follows that
Eo == - Y2[aZyY 2 + 2a~zYZ + a~zi]. (18)
and the symmetry relation au == a,u resulting from the
equilibrium condition (2). In the case of stability this work is negative; the sur-
Making use of equations (11) and (12), which give rounding medium opposes displacement (y, z); in fact
the components of the force '*' that acts on perturbed this displacement ceases as soon as the kinetic energy
particle A as functions of the physical and dynamical of the initial impulse is dissipated. Under conditions
state of the atmosphere at the equilibrium position of instability, on the other hand, this work is positive:
O of A, and of the transverse components of displace- the surroundings further the displacement (y, z); to
---> the kinetic energy of the initial impulse is added the
ment OA, it is easy to determine the nature of the energy of instability Eo set free in the course of the
hydrodynamic equilibrium at point O. Depending on displacement [35, 37]. This gives an interpretation on
whether the applied force (if;y , if;.) and the displace- an energy hasis of the quadratic form (13).
ment (y, z) are of opposite or of the same sense, this We return now to equation (4). By multiplying
force tends to return the displaced particle A toward scalarly with V, we obtain a differential expression
its equilibrium position O or to carry it away from this which can be integrated directly. This furnishes the
position, that is, depending on whether -1/luY - if;.z > first integral of the equation of motion of the perturbed
O or <O, the hydrodynamic equilibrium at O is stable parti ele,
or unstable.
We thus rederive E. Kleinschmidt's criterion: the Y2[(Vx) 2 + (vu) 2 + (v.) 2] + 8oii + <I> = const. (19)
state of geostrophic motion at any point, for any transverse We set S(y, z) == Y2(Vx) 2 + 8oii + <I>, where Vx isgiven
direction rY , r z at this point, is stable or unstable depend- as a function of y and z by (3) and (8). After substitut-
ing on whether [17, 18, 33, 37] ing initial conditions (5) and equation (17), equation
Q(ry, r.) == ayy r; + 2ayzryrz + a,.r! > or < O, (13) (19) assumes the form [18]
or again, S(y, z) - S(O, O) = Y2[a~y y2 + 2aZ. yz + a~. i]. (20)
Q(ry, r.) == 2(r X w)x(r X curl U)x However, we have assumed that the perturbation of
(14) the particle considered is small, so that the right-hand
- (rV'8)(rY'II) > or < O,
side of (20) constitutes in reality only the first term of
the expansion of the difference S(y, z) - S(O, O) in a
curl" U == 2wx , Taylor series; therefore, (aSjay)o = (aSjaz)o = O and
au 1 (a 2Sjay 2) 0 == a~y, (a 2Sjayaz)o == a~.== a~u, (a 2S/ai)o ==
a~. . W e conclude that a particle A, in the interior of an
air mass in geostrophic motion, occupies an equilibrium
:::::: : : : ;: : Jt position O when the sum of its longitudinal kinetic energy
'l.{. per unit mass Y2(Y,i, its specific enthalpy 8oii, and its

potential energy per unit mass <I> is an extremum; depend- where the operator
ing upon whether this extremum is a minimum or a
maximum, the equilibrium at O between gravity, the pres- o_ (:8/Y) (23)
sure gradient, and the Coriolis force is slable or unstable oY = aY - a8/aZ az
[38]. represents the isentropic derivative in the direction of
the transverse axis Y. Following (21),
The Quadratic Form of E. Kleinschmidt
Let us now consider the case of vertical displacement 2 2
_ 1" ( * *) =
72Q Ty, Tz - KW (8) oY _ 2Kw ) (\7r8 ) 2
az, (ou (
(ry = O, rz ~ O), the equilibrium being hydrostatic
(u = 0). In this case the earth's rotation can be It turns out that geostrophic motion at any point, for
neglected; by referring back to (12), we obtain ayy = a transverse isentropic displacement from this point,
auz = azy = =
o and azz (g/8)(a8jaz), consideration is stable or unstaJ?le depending on whether
having been taken of the hydrostatic equation in the
vertical (z) direction. W e thus rederive the classical ou
criterion: the vertical distribution of air in the field oY < or > 2Kw. (25)
of gravity g is stable or unstable depending upon Furthermore we note that the right side of (24) gives
whether a8jaz > or < O. We observe that the energy the energy of instability released per unit mass during
of instability released per unit mass in the course of an isentropic displacement.
vertical displacement rz of a partide in hydrostatic Finally, we come to the general case. Study of the
equilibrium is given by - ~2(g/8)(a8jaz)r;. sign of the quadratic form Q is accomplished with the
In the case of a geostrophic current (u ~ O), the help of its discriminant [18, 37]
vertical equilibrium is stable or unstable depending
upon whether a = a;, - ayy a,. = 2(w V'II) (Y'8 curl U) (26)

a = 2wy(2wy + az
au) - an a8 >
or < O. and of the coefficient of one of the squared terms. First
we observe that, (1),
In the atmosphere, however, the second term is always 28(wY'II) = -2w-Y'<I> = -fg (27)
at least one hundred times larger than the first and
therefore determines the sign of azz . where g represents gravity and f the Coriolis parameter
W e consider next the case of transverse isentropic 2w. = 2w sin cf>. After substituting (22) and (27) into
displacement, which is defined at any point by = r; (26), we obtain
ra8/az * _ ra8jay .
IWT' r. = -lWI' The value of the quadratiC = f.!!. a8 (ou _ 2 )
a- 8 az oY KW . (28)
form (14) at this point for this displacement can be writ-
ten ipdependently of the chosen system of coordinates as We next find by reference to equations (12) that the co-
follows [37] efficient of the termin (rz) 2 can be written
_ ii 8 1 a8 a<I> g sin cf> a8
Q(r;, r:) = 2(w-V'8)(V'8curl U)r 2/(V'8) 2 (21) azz = - az az = e az az = ~ az. (29 )
In order to give (21) a convenient analytical form, it
is useful to adopt Kleinschmidt's rectangular, right- Since the sign of quadratic form Q depends upon the
handed reference system XYZ [18], where axis X co- signs of a and azz, we see in the final analysis that this
incides with the longitudinal axis x and the transverse sign depends upon the sign of iJ8/aZ and the sign of
axis Y is perpendicular to the earth's axis and points ou/oY -2Kw; whence we can construct Table II [18, 37].
toward the earth's interior. The direction cosines be- TABLE II. GENERAL CoNDITIONs FOR THE STABILITY OF
tween the new axes X, Y, Z and the former axes x, y, z GEOSTROPHIC MOTION

are as given in Table I. W e can set K sin {3 = sin cf> ae;az 8u/8Y
K cos {3 = cos cf> cos a, and K = sm cf> + cos cf> cos a.
2 2 2 2' Case - 2KW
a N a ture of the hydrodynamic equilibrium
-- - - --- -
1 + - - Stable whatever the transverse dis
--- ---- --
X y z Il + + + Unstable for transverse displace
ments el ose to the isentropi c
1 o o surf ace. Stable for transvers e
displace!llents close to the z

y o sin~ cos~
--- ------

z o -cos~ sin~ III - + - Unstable whatever the transversedisplacement.

--- ----
In this coordinate system we have wx = w cos cf> sin a, IV - - + Unstable for transverse displace
Wy =o 0, Wz =o KW and ments close to the Z direction
Stable for transverse displace
ae ( 2Kw - ou)
V'8curl U ,:= az oY , (22)
ments close to the isentropic sur

When a > O, that is, when the quadratic form Q at approximation, we can thus eliminate the terms con-
the point considered is positive for certain displace- taining components w" and wy of the earth's rotation
menta and negative for others, it becomes zero for two from all equations in the preceding sections. In par-
transverse directions d' and d". For these directions ticular we have, (12), [20, 37]
the hydrodynamic equilibrium at the point is neutral
(- Q == if;yry + if!zrz = O). It is simple to show that the
angle between these two directions is given by
ayy == f [1- 8 a~(~) J~ f V-:~)~ w-s sec- 2

tan (d'd'') = ~V2(wV'II)(V'8curl U) = 10-2. ( 30) a (u)

ayz == - !8 1iz 8 =~ - f az
au 10-7 t o 10-6 sec '
2(wcurl U) - (V'IIV'8)
Since the sign of Q at any point is that of a8jaZ for a g a8 ~ 10-7 t 10-6
azy - 8 ay ~
= -2
displacement parallel to Z and is that of 2Kw - ou/oY o sec '
for a transverse isentropic displacement, and since these
signs are different because of the inequality a > O, the _ g a8 ~ 10-4 sec-2'
azz = - - ~
directions d' and d" separate the transverse tangent 8 az
to the isentropic surface at this point from the line account having been taken of the simplified equation
parallel to the Z axis. The directions d' and d" separate (1), and we have from (28),

e az (ouoy - f )'
the transverse plane at this point into four regions,
opposite to one another in pairs across the vertex. The _ 2 _ fg a8 (33)
a = ayz - ayy a =
two regions containing the displacements for which
Q > O (<O) constitute the stable (unstable) sector as well as from (2),
of the transverse plane at the point considered. More- f au = 8 arr _ a8 arr
over, the isentropic surface passing through this point az ay az az ay
lies in the unstable sector in Case II and in the stable (34)
sector in Case IV [8, 9, 14, 15, 17, 18]. ~ g a8 ~ 10-7 t o 10-6 sec.
- N ----~ - 2
When a = O, the directions d' and d" both coincide - 8ay
with direction The operator
rz ayz azy
= i_- (8/y) !__ (35)
Ty azz azz oy - ay a8/az az
that is, with the transverse tangent d to the isentropic gives the transverse isentropic derivative in the direc-
surface at the point considered. When a becomes posi- tion of the horizontal y-axis. The sign of form Q for
tive, in passing from Cases I and III to Cases II and a transverse isentropic displacement (r: , r:) is that
IV, directions d' and d" separate from this tangent
and include between them an angle defined by (30). of the difference f - ~;, and for a vertical displacement
This angle is very small, averaging at the most on the r. is that of a , that is, that of a8jaz. Thus we see
order of a few tenths of a degree, and the isentropic that at any point the hydrodynamic equilibrium for a
surface at the point considered lies in the acute angle vertical displacement from this point is stable or un-
between directions d' and d" from this point [37]. stable depending on whether the hydrostatic equi-
In the atmosphere we generally have a8jaZ > O, librium in the field of gravity is stable or unstable.
so that only Cases I and II are ordinarily possible, Therefore, to the approximation agreed upon here, the
Case I being the most common. Therefore, in general, vertical gradient a8jaz of the potential temperature
at any point in the atmosphere the state of geostrophic 8 reassumes its classical significance. W e can also say
motion is stable whatever may be the transverse dis- that
placements from this point, with the exception of isen- g a8 'Ya - 'Y 10-4
v. == - - == g - - - ~
tropic and quasi-isentropic displacements, when [37] sec-2 (36)
8 az T
ou defines the static stability in middle and high latitudes.
oY > 2Kw or V'8curl u < O. (31)
In (36), T represents the absolute air temperature;
-y, the vertical lapse rate of temperature; and 'Ya, the
Hydrodynamic lnstability as a Function of Latitude adiabatic lapse rate. However, in the general case con-
Middle and High Latitudes. Let us return to the co- sidered in the preceding section, a8jaz must be re-
ordinate system Ox-y2 introduced earlier. In the placed by a8jaZ tobe rigorous.
Northern Hemisphere, wehavein this system arrjay < This having been established, we can adopt without
O and a8jay < O. At the pole q, == 90, so that w" == change the reasoning of the previous section and sub-
wy == O. In the polar regions cp is close to 90 and the stitute a8jaz and ou/oy - f for a8jaZ and ou/oY -
two horizontal components of w are practically zero. 2Kw in Table II. Since we generally have a8jaz > o
Furthermore, we know that in middle latitudes we can above the convective level, geostrophic motion in middle
neglect all the terms of the dynamic equations which and high latitudes is stable for any transverse displace-
contain w cos cp; when thus simplified the equations are ment, except in the neighborl:lS)od of the isentropic
exact, at least to the nearest hundredth. As a first surfaces when ou/oy > f fl7. 18. 37]. In the extra-

tropical troposphere, aujay is on the average negative for hydrodynamic instability. After a8jay in (38) is
and of the order of 10-6 sec-r, auj az is positive and of replaced by its value taken from (34), this criterion
assumes the form
the order of 10-3 to 10-2 sec-\ while the slope - a8 ;/ay

quently, under these conditions, oujoy is positive and

a8 az
of isentropic surfaces can attain the value 10-2 ; conse- [8 a8] [ (
g az f f - au)]
ay ""' v.2 v;2 < N2
[f !~J ~ [~ :~J,
of the order of 10-5 to 10-4 sec-r. Then the vertical
component -ou/oy of the vorticity which the velocity =
field u produces in the isentropic surfaces is anticyclonic,
and when it exceeds in absolute value the limit f ~ 10-4 if we assume that static stability is in fact realized
sec-r, the geostrophic motion becomes unstable within (v; > 0), which is usually the case. Inequality (39)
the isentropic surfaces and in their neighborhood. In shows that, whatever the magnitude of the inertial
this case the transverse tangent d to the isentropic stability v1 and the static stability v; , the hydrody-
surface at any point is, to a first approximation, the namic instability can appear as soon as the baroclinity
bisector of the angle between directions d' and d" which exceeds the critica! value N * = v.v; . Instability of geo-
limit the sector of unstable displacements on either strophic motion is thus essentially dependent upon the
side of this surface at the point considered [37]. The baroclinic character of the atmosphere and can develop
energy of instability released per unit mass in the d only in regions where this character is sufficiently pro-
direction is satisfactorily given by the approximation nounced, that is, in frontal zones and in the tropical
(j/2)(ou/oy -f)r2 deduced from (24). air immediately above and in the polar air immediately
In the atmosphere we usually have O < oujoy < f below these zones.
and a8jaz > O, and consequently the state of geo- Inequality (39) suggests the introduction of the hydro-
strophic motion is usually stable for any transverse dynamic stability
displacement. In this case a < O and azz > O. If we 2
admit that the state of hydrodynamic equilibrium can 2
Vd E f ( f - ou)
oy ~V;- N
v! ' (40)
be altered gradually, it may be asked which of the two
quantities a and azz will be the first to change its sign. which is always less than the inertial stability. We see
In reply it is enough to observe that if azz = O, we have at once that inertial instability (v~ < O or au; ay > f)
a > O. Then a vanishes before azz , since for a and a.z implies ipso facto hydrodynamic instability (vJ < O);
to vanish simultaneously it would be necessary that this is, what takes place in a region, generally of small
a ""' azy ""' o, that is, a8jay ""' a8jaz ""' o, a condition extent, of the tropical troposphere south of the "jet
which does not occur in the atmosphere. From this stream" [22-24]. For a given static stability (g/8)
follows the proposition [18]: When the state of hydro- a8jaz and baroclinity - (g/8) a8jay, the hydrody-
dynamic equilibrium is altered, the threshold of hydro- namic stability is greater when the inertial stability
dynamic instability in an isentropic surface is reached is large, that is, when the vorticity -au; ay' which
before that of hydrostatic instability in the field of gravity. current u produces in horizontal surfaces, is strongly
In other words, in the atmosphere, hydrodynamic in- cyclonic (auj ay < < O); it is weaker when the inertial
stability in an isentropic surface will develop before stability is small, that is, when the vorticity - auj ay
hydrostatic instability in the vertical direction. is weakly cyclonic or anticyclonic (aujay > O). This
In summary, in order for hydrodynamic instability latter condition occurs in the tropical troposphere south
to appear in a region-it will first appear in the isen- of the "jet stream." In that case hydrodynamic in-
tropic surfaces-the vertical component of vorticity, stability can appear for a sufficiently large positive
produced by the geostrophic velocity field in the isen- value of aujay.
tropic surfaces, must increase in absolute value and The critica! slope tan at of the isentropic surfaces,
exceed the critical value f. defined by liu/oy - f = O, can be expressed as
In the absence of Archimedean buoyant forces, form
Q reduces to f(j - aujay)r~. Then there is inertial (41)
stability or instability depending on whether aujay <
The actual slope of these surfaces is given by
or > j. In the atmosphere we generally have auj ay < O
in the lower troposphere, as well as in the middle and aejay
N /v.
high troposphere north of the "jet stream"; but south tan ae = ---- = (42)
a8jaz '
of the "jet stream" O < aujay < f [32]. The condition
of inertial stability is thus generally attained in the so that criterion (39) can also be written ae > at.
atmosphere. We shall say that Thus hydrodynamic instability occurs whenever the
slope of the isentropic surfaces exceeds its critica! value
v~ ""'f(j- aujay) ~ 10- 8 sec-2 (37) (41).
defines the inertial stability. Let us consider the isentropic surfaces 8 = const,
Let us now examine more closely the criterion drawn at constant intervals of, for example, ~8 = 5.
To a first approximation, the baroclinity at any point
ou ""' au - (aejay) au> f (38) depends on the horizontal distance between two neigh-
oy ay ae;az az boring isentropic surfaces; the static stability depends

on their vertical separation. These two quantities in- Since l2w(aulaz) cos a 1 ~ 10- 6 sec-2 , we observe that
crease or decrease depending on whether those distances the threshold of hydrostatic instability in equatorial regions
decrease or increase. When the isentropic surfaces ap- practically coincides with the threshold of hydrostatic in-
proach one another while maintaining constant slope, stability in the vertical direction [18].
the baroclinity N and the static stability v; both in-
crease in such a way that N 1vi remains constant, so Inertial Oscillations of the Geostrophic Current
that by virtue of (40) or (41), packing of the isentropic The orbita! motion of perturbed partide A (x, y, z) is
surfaces can involve instability when a sufficient baro- the motion of this particle relative to the geostrophic
clinity is attained. On the other hand, when the slope
current u. R.eferring to the coordinate system Oxyz
of the isentropic surfaces increases while their hori-
considered earlier, in which the origin O is the equi-
zontal separation remains constant, the static stability librium position of A, the orbita! velocity V - u of A
decreases while the baroclinity remains constant; this
is defined by its coordinate components (3)
baroclinity can become critica! for a sufficiently small
value of the static stability. It follows that in a frontal dx
zone where the static stability and the baroclinity are X = Vx = Vx - U = dl - U,
relatively large, instability can occur only if the baro-
clinity is particularly pronounced, that is, when the
isentropic surfaces are not only very close to one another iJ = Vy (45)
but also markedly inclined to the horizontal (case of
active frontogenesis). On the other hand, in the tropical
air immediately above the frontal surface and the polar
i = v. = v. - dt .
air immediately below, where the static stability is
The dot indicates the substantial derivative with re-
much less pronounced, a much smaller baroclinity is
spect to time t in a reference system embedded in the
enough for the threshold of hydrodynamic instability
geostrophic motion. Deriving (45) for time t in the
to be attained.
In the stratosphere, where the static stability is large reference system Oxyz, at rest with respect to the earth,
(5 X 10-4 sec- 2 ), but where the baroclinity is relatively we obtain
weak (quasi-horizontal isentropic surfaces), the state dVx .. + au . + au .
of geostrophic motion is stable [8, 9]. dt = x ay Y az z, 1

In summary, strong baroclinity and weak static

stability favor hydrodynamic instability (see (40)).
The Lower Latitudes. At the equator, cf> == O, and
= fi, J (46)
therefore wx == w sin a, wy == w cos a, and wz == O. By
virtue of (1) arr1ay = aPiay =O; furthermorewe have dV. dv.
(TableI) a1az = -alaY and a1ay = a1az. It follows
dt dt z,
that in (12), if (1) is taken into account, ayy == ayz == account having been taken of the fact that Vx, Vy, and v.
azy == azz == ayz == azy == O and are independent of the longitudinal coordinate x. By
referring to equations (8) and (9) and to (11), (12),
and (15), we obtain the equation of longitudinal orbita!
+ 8 -aza (u)
(43) motion for the perturbed partide A,
- 2w cos a + - - .
g a8
8 8 az
x = y cur!~ U - z curl~ U, (47)
All these formulas hold in the neighborhood of the and the differential system of transverse orbital motion

equator, providing we assume that, as we approach the 18
equator, aP 1ay approaches zero as does sin cf>.
In equatorial latitudes the quadratic form Q reduces y.. - 2WxZ. = -ayyy-
o ayzZ,
to the degenerate form azzr; ' which is thus independent (48)
of ry ; consequently, at the equator, out of ali the pos- z + 2wxiJ = -a~yy- a~zz.
sible transverse displacements only the vertical ones
permit an energy exchange between the displaced par- This system defines the motion of A', the projection
ticle and its environment. At lower latitudes the force of A on the transverse plane through O. We see at once
acting on a displaced particle is vertical. that the transverse orbital motion is independent of
Finally, the hydrodynamic equilibrium in equatorial the longitudinal motion and that the latter follows from
regions is stable or unstable depending on whether the former. It is therefore sufficient to determine the
a.. > or < O, that is, whether motion defined by (48).
The problem of integrating a system with constant
v,2 -
g -a8
- > or < g 2w cos a(2w
__ +
a __aulaz) coefficients (48) is dassical; we know that its general
8 az 2wu cos a - g
integral is a linear combination of circular and hyper-
(44) bolic functions of time t. The form of this general in-
,..._, au tegral depends on the nature of the roots of the char-
= -2w- cos a.
az acteristic equation of the system (48); this latter is

simply Solberg's equation of pulsations or orbital cir- isentropic surface passing through O, which in general
cular frequencies vo of inertial oscillation [31], that is, is very slightly inclined to the horizontal plane. In the
latter case the straight line is a little more or a little
v~ - bv5 - a = O, (49) less steeply inclined to the horizontal plane than the
where a is the discriminant (26) of Kleinschmidt's isentropic surface, depending on whether the inertial
quadratic form Q (13) and b == aZY + a~z + 4w; . oscillation v1 is stable or unstable (v1 < O) [31].
We recall that to a positive root v& of (49) there When the current u deviates from the west-to-east
corresponds a periodic motion with an elliptical tra- direction, the longitudinal component wx of w introduces
jectory centered at O, and circular frequency v0 , and an inertial influence which tends to substitute a trans-
to a negative root v5 there corresponds a motion with verse elliptical oscillation for the rectilinear meridional
a hyperbolic trajectory about the same center, and of oscillation. The major axis of this very flattened ellipse
parameter v-v5. In the first case (v5 >O), the inertial is close to the vertical or to the isentropic surface de-
pending on whether we are considering the oscillation
oscillation of A' around O is said to be stable, in the
second case (v5 < O), unstable. of circular frequency v s or vv . In the case of instability
The sign of the roots v5 of (49) depends on the signs these ellipses become hyperbolas elongated in the direc
of a and b. But since the term azz in b is 104 times as tion of the conjugate axis, which is quasi-vertical or
large as either of the others, the sign of roots v5 of (49) quasi-isentropic depending on whether the motion is
depends in the final analysis on the signs of a and azz , characterized by parameter ~~~ or v=-~1 v- .
that is, on the sign of the quadratic form Q. Conse- Finally, the longitudinal motion (47) is superimposed
quently, the inertial oscillations of A around O are stable on these transverse motions in such a way that the
or unstable depending on whether the hydrodynamic equi- resultant orbital motion is on an elliptical or hyperbolic
librium at O is stable or unstable for transverse displace- trajectory whose plane, to the approximation wx =
---+ wy = O, is parallel to the current u and quasi-vertical
ments OA' of the perturbed particle A. or nearly tangent to the isentropic surface through O
Let v~ and v1 be the roots of (49); we ha ve depending on whether one considers root ~~~ or v1 of
equation (49) [31, 36, 37].
v~ = ~ (1 + V1 + 4a/b 2 ), It is easy to see that b"' -V'8V'II ~ 10-4 sec- 2
(50) and a ~ 10-12 sec- 4 The circular frequencies of the
inertial oscillations are then approximated by the follow-
v~ = ~ (1 - V1 + 4a/b 2 );
ing values [31]:

the first root is the larger when they are both real. Four
Vs ,...._, Vb ~ 10- 2 sec-I and VD ,...._,V -alb~ 10- 4 sec-I,
cases can be distinguished, and they correspond to the and the corresponding periods approach the values
four cases of Table II [31, 36, 37]: rs == 211"/vs ~ 10 min and rv == 27r/vv ~ 20 hours
Case l. When v~ > O and vb > O, the transverse (1r = 3.14 ... ). From this there results the proposition
orbita! motion (48) is the resultant of two oscillations [31]: every geostrophic current allows two inertial oscilla-
of circular frequencies v8 and vv around elliptical tra- tions, one of short, the other of long period.
jectories with a common center O. W e shall now show that the inertial oscillation of
Case II. When v~ > O and vb < O, the motion is short period is associated with the stability of hydro-
the resultant of a periodic motion on an elliptical tra- static equilibrium in the vertical direction z, and that
jectory of circular frequency v sanda motion on a hyper-
bolic trajectory of parameter
center O.
----=-~r, , with a common
the long-period oscillation is associated with the stabil-
ity of hydrodynamic equilibrium in the isentropic sur-
faces [34, 37].
Case III. When v~ < O and v1 < O, the motion is To the approximation wx = wy = O, we have vs "'
the resultant of two motions on hyperbolic trajectories
wit~ common center O and parameters
- 1- llv.
v~ and Vb "'~~~: == v., (critica! circular frequency of
V Visl-Brunt). When hydrostatic stability prevails
Case IV. When v~ < O and v1 > O, the motion is (aejaz >
0), v 8 is real, the corresponding displacement
the resultant of a periodic motion on an elliptical tra- is a periodic function of time, and the short-period
jectory of circular frequency vv and a motion on a inertial oscillation is stable; on the other hand, when
hyperbolic trajectory of parameter v=-~~, about the this equilibrium is unstable (aejaz < O), v 8 is a pure
common center O. imaginary, the corresponding displacement grows ex-
As a special case when wx == O, that is, when the ponentially with time, and the oscillation is unstable.
current u is zonal (a == 0), these ellipses and hyperbolas Similarly we have

1-L ,. ._, Il -} :~
degenerate into straight lines passing through O in the
meridian plane from this point. The same situation
holds under the approximation (wx = wy = O) agreed VD ,...._, f == Vd

to on page 438, but in this case the straight lines are

(critica! circular frequency of V. Bjerknes) and
transverse and no longer meridional. The straight lines
which correspond to v~
those related to v~ ;z
O are quasi-vertical, while
O lie in the neighborhood of the TD ,...._, To
[1 - 1 O~

where ro = 21r/f represents the Foucault pendulum O, rz rf O). In this case the earth's rotation can be
half-day and the direction y is horizontal and perpen- neglected (j""' O); therefore iflv ""' O and if;. ""' - v; r.
dicular to current u, pointing toward the left of this Since the vertical distribution of mass is assumed to be
current (low-pressure region). stable, the vertical force if;. is a restoring force which
When the hydrodynamic equilibrium in the isentropic tends to bring the displaced particle back to its point
surfaces is stable (ou/oy < f), vv is real, the correspond- of departure, so that after severa! oscillations of short
ing transverse displacement is a periodic function of period (approximately 10 min) and of an amplitude
time, and the inertial oscillation of long period is stable; which is smaller the greater the stability, the particle
on the other hand, when that equilibrium is unstable returns to its equilibrium position in the geostrophic
(ou/oy > f), vv is a pure imaginary, the corresponding current [39, 40]. Therefore, in an atmosphere possessing
displacement increases exponentially with time, and the vertical hydrostatic equilibrium in which the air under-
oscillation is unstable. W e also observe that the period goes adiabatic transformations only, we can assume as
rv is greater or less than the Foucault pendulum half- a first approximation that on a synoptic scale the air
day depending on whether ou/oy > O or < O. In the particles are displaced along isentropic surfaces. The
first case, which is the one usually encountered in the existence of these isentropic displacements, favored by
atmosphere, the period rv is of the same order of magni- vertical stability, led Rossby [29] to the concept of
tude as. the period of cyclonic waves. When, through lateral mixing and Raethjen [27] to the similar idea of
an increase in the baroclinity, ou/oy finally exceeds the Gleitaustausch of the air.
threshold value f (O < f < ou/oy) the quasi-isentropic To the approximation adopted above, the inertial
inertial oscillations of period greater than the Foucault oscillations of long period take place in the isentropic
pendulum half-day and the hydrodynamic equilibrium surfaces, and we are led to consider isentropic displace-
for corresponding transverse displacements become un- ments. In this case we have (aejay)rv +
(ae;az)r. = O,
stable simultaneously. It is worth nating that the inertial and consequently the transverse force 1lf which the sur-
oscillation which may become unstable in the atmosphere roundings apply to the displaced particle is horizontal
is a quasi-isentropic oscillation whose period is precisely to a first approximation; this gives iflv ""' - vJ rv and
of the order of the period of atmospheric disturbances if;. ""' O. The horizontal orbital motion of the displaced
[31), and that this instability can appear only where these particle is then defined by the differential system
disturbances would normally occur [34, 37].
In summary, there exists a unique and reciproca! rx - (v~/f)rv = O, Ty + v~ry = O, (53)
correspondence between the stability and instability and the initial conditions rx = rv = O and rx = O,
of inertial oscillations in the atmosphere on one hand, rv = Vo, fort = to = O. Two cases can be distinguished
and the stability and instability of hydrostatic and depending on whether the meridional force is a restoring
hydrodynamic equilibrium on the other [34, 37]. force (1/lvrv < O, stability) or a force which carries the
displaced particle always farther from its point of de-
Hydrodynamic Instability and Cyclogenesis in Extra- parture (1/lvrv > O, instability) [39, 40].
tropical Latitudes First case: v~ = f (f - oujoy) > O. In this case the
Far from any perturbation, the vertical component integral of (53) is an ellipse with parametric equations
of the velocity and the horizontal and vertical com-
ponents of the acceleration of the air are practically rv = Vo
- .
sm Pd t. (
zero. W e can then reasonably assume that the state
of geostrophic motion in these regions is that which Having received at the initial instant a transverse im-
precedes the initial stage of cyclogenesis. If we suppose pulse in the isentropic surface that contains it, the
that the geostrophic current u is zonal (a = O, wx =
O), particle oscillates in this surface around an ellipse for
which the longitudinal semiaxis is vo/f and the hori-
any particle displaced in the interior of this current
from point (x, y, z) to point (x +
rx, y + rv, z +r.) zontal projection of the transverse semiaxis is v0/va.
The center of the ellipse lies on the longitudinal axis
acquires an orbital motion according to equations (47)
and (48) through the initial position, located with respect to that
initial position in the same sense as current u or in the
opposite sense depending on whether the particle rises
r.:z; =
( f - au)
ay ry - au
az z)
r-. = y;. (51) (vo > O) or descends (v 0 < O) along the isentropic sur-
face. The major axis of the ellipse is longitudinal or
Here iflv and if;. are the meridional and vertical com- transverse depending on whether the vorticity, pro-
ponents of the force 1lf which acts on the displaced par- duced by the geostrophic current in the isentropic sur-
ticle because of the nonuniformity of the field of flow face, is cyclonic (oujoy < O, great stability) or weakly
u and of the field of potential temperature 8 associated anticyclonic (O < ou/oy < f, slight stability). The
with it [20]. These components are given by ellipse reduces to an inertial circle when ou/oy = O.
The elliptical motion of the perturbed particle has a
period 21r/vd ;;;;; 20 hours. Since rx > or < O as rv > or
where v;, v~, and N have been defined in (36), (37), and < O, the motion takes place in the anticyclonic sense.
(34). The surrounding medium, however, opposes this anti-
Let us first envisage a vertical displacement (rv = cyclonic circulation, since in the stable case the dis-

placed particles do negative work at the expense of the This being established, it follows directly from the
energy of the neighboring air; displacement along the definition of the isentropic meridional gradient oujoy
arc of the ellipse ceases as soon as the kinetic energy of of a westerly geostrophic current u and from the cri-
the initial impulse is dissipated. Because of our original terion for hydrodynamic instability that this instability
hypotheses, the displaced particles cannot describe their can appear only when the surfaces 8 = const and u =
entire inertial trajectory, for they Iose their individual- const are closely packed and intersect one another at
ity in a time less than 21r /va . The particles descending a large angle. By referring to the vertical meridional
the slope of an isentropic surface, following an elliptical cross sections of Palmen [22-24], we can verify that
arc, acquire a zonal velocity u + rx, less than that of these conditions are established in only two regions
the current u; those climbing the slope acquire a zonal [40]: (1) in the upper troposphere between 200 and
velocity u + rx, greater than u. This transverse isen- 500 mb south of the belt of maximum westerlies, where
tropic exchange, if it can be maintained, thus involves ou/oy - f is positive and of the order 10-5 sec-\ and
a weakening of the cyclonic vorticity (- ou/oy > O) (2) in the lower troposphere between 600 and 900 mb
or an intensification of the anticyclonic vorticity in the zone of the polar front and immediately north
(O > -ou/oy > -j), that is, a decrease of the of it. W e observe that in the latter region the isopleths
hydrodynamic stability in the isentropic surfaces or of 8 should be replaced by isopleths of the wet-bulb
even the appearance of hydrodynamic instability. potential temperature, whose slopes are necessarily
Second case: vJ = j (f - ou/oy) < O. In this case larger; actually therefore, the hydrodynamic instability
the integral of (53) is a hyperbola with the parametric in this portion of the lower troposphere is greater than
equations Palmen's cross sections make it appear. In these two

rx = y
(1 - coshlvd 1 t), ry = ~~ sinhlvd 1 t.
regions, hydrodynamic instability may occur.
On the other hand, (1) in the higher troposphere
north of the belt of maximum westerlies the isopleths
Once the particle receives its velocity v0 , its distances u = const and 8 = const are practically parallel, and
rx and ry from initial position (rx = ry = O) increase (2) in the lower troposphere south of the belt of maxi-
exponentially with time. Moving in the isentropic sur- mum westerlies the isopleths 8 = const are nearly
face which passes through its point of departure, the horizontal. Hence these two regions are normally char-
particle traces a branch of a hyperbola, for which the acterized by pronounced hydrodynamic stability [40].
longitudinal semiaxis is vo/f and the horizontal projec- In the higher troposphere, consequently, meridional
tion of the transverse semiaxis is v0/ lvd 1. The center isentropic displacements of air particles bring about the
of the hyperbola lies on the longitudinal axis through formation of cyclonic circulation at low latitudes in the
the initial position, located with respect to that initial temperate zone and anticyclonic circulation at higher
position in the same or in an opposite sense as the latitudes [40]. The existence of these two circulations
current u, depending on whether the particle rises has been demonstrated by Rossby, Palmen, and their
(vo > O) or descends (vo < O) along the isentropic sur- collaborators [32]. On the other hand, in the lower
face. The longitudinal axis is the transverse 1 axis of the troposphere, meridional isentropic displacements of air
hyperbola and is the major or minor axis depending on particles bring about the formation of cyclonic circula-
whether oujoy > or < 2j. The hyperbola is equilateral tion at high latitudes in the temperate zone and anti-
when ou/oy = 2j. We observe that the curvature of the cyclonic circulation at low latitudes in this zone. The
branch of the hyperbola increases with the hydrody- existence of this latter circulation was shown by W exler
namic instability. However, here rx is > or < O as and Namias [45]. The cyclonic circulations at middle
ry < or > O and consequently the unstable isentropic latitudes in the lower troposphere are simply thos('
inertial oscillation generates cyclonic circulation. Once characterizing the normal activity of the polar front.
set in motion, this circulation is maintained by the In summary, when the geostrophic motion becomes
energy of instability released in the course of the isen- unstable for isentropic and quasi-isentropic transverse
tropic displacement of the air particles. As before, it displacements in a baroclinic region of the atmosphere,
could be shown that the transverse isentropic exchange the surrounding medium favors these displacements;
of air involves in this case a weakening of anticyclonic the displaced particles set free energy of instability
vorticity (O > - j > -oujoy), that is, a diminution which augments the kinetic energy of the initial im-
of the hydrodynamic instability. The cyclonic circula- pulse [35-37]. Moreover, they acquire cyclonic circula-
tion which results from transverse isentropic displacement tion relative to the geostrophic current along branches
of the air in an unstable geostrophic flow tends to re- of hyperbolas whose conjugate axes are perpendicular
establish a state of slable dynamic equilibrium in the to the geostrophic flow [39].
isentropic surfaces. The result of this stabilizing action Thus we perceive that an isentropic inertial oscillation
is that isentropic hydrodynamic instability is only a of period greater than the Foucault pendulum half-day
transitory state of short duration, which, according to (27r/f), which becomes unstable in a region of large baro-
what we have seen earlier, can develop only in regions clinity, may give risc to a cyclonic circulation. A nascent
of pronounced baroclinity. cyclonic circulation hence seems to be no more than
an unstable inertial oscillation of the atmosphere [31,
l.As used here, the term "transverse" refers to the axis 37]. But such a circulation inevitably involves major
which passes through the vertices of the hyperbola. displacements of air and consequently a perturbation

of the pressure field. The motion then set up loses its

inertial character. In short a theory of cyclogenesis
cannot be established without consideration of a pres- (63)
sure perturbation [31, 42]. aw au saP ae
= axi axi - 8 axi axi = a;;
Hydrodynamic Instability and the Theory of Atmos- are simply the coefficients (12) of Kleinschmidt's quad-
pheric Perturbations ratic form Q (13).
In order to simplify the equations, we will designate We next eliminate v" and 8 between the equation
by x1 the horizontal meridional coordinate y and by (58) of zonal perturbation motion and the equations
x 2 the vertical coordinate z; hence the Eulerian variables of continuity (60) and the adiabatic process (61),
x, y, z, and t will here be written x, x\ x2, and t. In this
system of notation we have: w" O, 2wy =2w cos cp =
= aw;ax 2 and 2w. f = =
2w sin cp = -aw;ax\ (64)
where W = (,) X R represents the linear velocity due to
the earth's rotation. Equation (1) of zonal "simple
motion" then assumes the form [42] System (62) and (64) of three equations containing
S\lP = 8\lii = u\lW - \!<1>, (56) partial derivatives of three unknown functions v\ v2 ,
and p with respect to the independent variables x, x\
while the equilibrium condition (2) can be written x2, and t, must be integrated under the following condi-
\luX \lW = \lUX \lW = \le X \!II= \lS X \lP, (57) tiona at the externa! boundaries:
where u = u(x\ x2) represents the intensity of the (a) at the surface of the globe: 1
westerly current, U = U (x1, x2) = W + u the absolute x2 =z = O; v2 - v - O 1
zonal current, and S = S(x\ x2 ) the specific volume
(b) at the free surface: = - ' (65)
of air.
This being the case, the equations of adiabatic "small
motions" [2] which can be superimposed on simple
P(x\ x2) + p(x, x\ x 2
, t) ~ ~onst; J
zonal motion (56) can be written [42] Dp +(aPjax')v' =o.
We observe that setting p = O in the differential
Dv" + au_ vi+ Sap =O
ax ax '
(58) system (62) reduces it to the differential system (48)
for inertial oscillations of a zonal geostrophic current
; aw
Dv - - . v"
+ S -. + aP
8 -. = O, (59)
(w" = O) and that the characteristic determinant
ax ax ax D 4 + (an + a22)D 2 + ana22 - (a12) 2
of (62) is formally identica! with the left side (49) of
D8 + as_ v; - S av" - S a< = O
ax '
Solberg's equation of circular frequencies. This cir-
ax ax
cumstance demonstrates the infiuence of the nature of
+ CS + 8saei
the inertial o8cillation8 or, what amount8 to the 8ame
D8 2 Dp ax; v = 0, (61)
thing, the infiuence of the nature of the hydrodynamic
equilibrium upon the 8olution of the differential 8y8tem
where i = 1, 2; p designates the perturbation pressure;
8, the corresponding perturbation of specific vol-
(62) and (64) for transver8e perturbation motion.
Mter having thus stated in all its generality the
ume; C, Laplace's speed of sound,
problem in mathematical analysis posed by the theory
C2 = (cpjc.)PS = (cpjc.)RT ~ 10 5 m 2 sec-2 [2]; of perturbations, we make the customary restriction
to a sinusoidal disturbance which is propagated by
Cv, the specific heat at constant volume; T, the absolute
plane waves with constant velocity c paralle to the
air temperature; v", the zonal component; Vy = v\ the zonal axis x. In this case the quantities v" , v', 8, and
meridional component; and v. = v2, the vertical com-
ponent of the perturbation velocity v relative to the
p are proportional to exp [ v=-1 ,u(x - ct)], with ,u =

earth. We have also substituted D =

ajat + uajax.
2n-/L, where L is the wave length. We designate by ~'
~', u, and w the amplitudes of these quantities, which are
The operator D represents the local derivative with functions of the transverse coordinates x1 and x2 The
respect to time t in a reference system embedded in differential system (62) gives the amplitudes ~; directly
the zonal current u. By eliminating v" and 8 among the as functions of w; we find [42]
Eulerian equations (58), (59), and the equation of the
adiabatic process (61), we obtain the equations of
transverse perturbation motion (v\ v2) as a function
~; = -vi=l." ,u(u- c) SA;; (aw_-
K;w), (66)
of perturbation pressure p; these are (i, j = 1, 2)
DV + a vi = C:.. ax;
aP D -
aw s ap - SD ap (62)
ax; ax ax;'
where A ii is the normalized algebraic minor of the
'1 2
element Aii= -,u2 (u- c) 2 'Y;; +a;; of thedeterminant
where, (57), A = 11 A;; 11, with 'Yii =
1 when i j and = O when =

i ~ j. In (66) the K;'s are the components of the It is probable (1) that the existence of a solution w of
transverse vector (69) satisfying (70) implies a dispersion equation among
K = SVP - VW the quantities v~, v~, and N, characteristic of the
C2 u- c simple motion, on one hand, and the wave length L
= _ VW ( 1 _ u(u-
u-c C2
C2 '
c)) _
(67) and the speed of propagation c of the perturbation on
the other hand; and (2) that the condition as to
whether the dispersion equation has imaginary roots
Equation (66) has meaning only if A ~ O, that is, c depends on the sign of v~ v~ - N 2 , that is, the hydro-
when the orbital circular frequency vo = p,(c - u) of dynamic stability. However, hydrodynamic instability
the perturbation is different from the circular fre- is only a sufficient condition for dynamic instability
quencies vs and vn for inertial oscillations. When v0 = of the perturbation, since selective instability of a
perturbation is possible even in the case of a stable
vs (or vn), and this may occur at certain points of the
transverse plane, the amplitude relations deduced from "simple motion."
(62) are compatible only if Clearly the problem of these perturbations is so

(!: .K1w) 1(::2 -

difficult that drastic assumptions are inevitable if one
1- K2w) = An/A12 = A21/A22 really wishes to undertake its solution. Generally the
discussion is confined to homogeneous (S = constant),
at the above-mentioned points. incompressible (C = oo ), or isothermal (C = con-
Continuing the analysis, we substitute( 66) into (58) stant) media; vertical accelerations are neglected
and (61) and obtain the amplitudes ~ and u as func- (quasi-static hypothesis); the basic flow u is assumed
tions of w, that is, tobe constant or at most tobe linearly dependent on
altitude z [3], or it is assumed that the current u con-
~ = SAii:~ (!:i -K;w)- u ~ c' J)
sists of two constant, parallel, adjacent flows; some-
times the meridional component of the perturbation

= S 2 A ii ae
(aw _K.,w)
axi axi
_ S 2w
C2 .
(68) velocity is even assumed to be geostrophic [3]. The
effect of these simplifications is to make the partial
differential equation (69) degenerate into an ordinary
Finally we replace ~\ ~, and u in (60) by their values in differential equation, integrable by means of simple
(66) and (68); there results an equation in the partial functions.
derivatives of amplitude w of the perturbation pres- Four fundamental factors are involved in the general
sure p [31, 42], equations (62) and (64): (1) gravity g (gravity waves),
(2) compressibility {2 (sound waves), (3) the earth's
!_s ~.
(sA ii aw.) -
[!_s ~.
(SA 'iK;) rotation (inertial waves) and the variation of the
(69) Coriolis parameter with latitude (planetary waves [28])
ii 1 ( (u - c) 2 ) ] and (4) the zonal current u and its vertical and merid-
+AK;K;-( u-c) 2 1- C2 w=O. ional gradients (shear waves). Examination, employ-
ing simple media, of each of these factors separately
We observe at once that equation (69) is of elliptic
(the others being assumed to be zero) demonstrates
or hyperbolic type depending on whether A > or < O.
that the atmospheric perturbations (c "" 10 m sec-1,
The determinant A =
11 A;; 11 =
v6 -(an + a22)v6 + L "" 10 6 m) can be compared to inertial waves whose
an a22 - (a12) 2 is identica! with the first member of the
instability results from the gradient of u [2, 31].
equation for circular frequencies of inertial oscillation;
On the whole, the qualitative results of the perturba-
therefore, we have 11 A;; 11 =
(v5 - v1)(v5- vj), Since tion theory have been obtained under assumptions
lvo 1 < lvn 1 lvs 1and vj > O in the atmosphere, which are never even approximately realized in the
A > or < O as v1 > or < O; there follows the proposi-
atmosphere. To be convinced of this it is sufficient to
tion [42]: the partial differential equation in the perturba-
refer to recently published vertical cross sections of
tion pressure is of elliptic or hyperbolic type depending
the "jet stream" [22-24, 32]. The perturbations which
on whether the geostrophic motion is stable or unstable.
interest us are those of a zonal baroclinic (N ~ O)
The amplitude w which solves the present problem current whose intensity u depends not only on altitude
is that solution of the second order equation (69)
z but also on latitude y. The problem of atmospheric
which satisfies the boundary conditions [42]
perturbations is thus one in partial dijferential equaMons
A2;(!:; -K;w) =O
and not a problem of an ordinary differential equation.
The synoptic weather charts show that the propaga-
tion velocity c and the wave length L are such that
for x 2 = O (orz = 0), and products and squares of the ratios u/C, c/C, and
SA ii oF_
ax ax1
(aw. - K w) - w = O
(u - c)/C, as well as the square of the ratio
[21r(u - c)/L]/f, are negligible compared to unity
[3, 4]. One is then justified in making these approxi-
for P(x1, x2) + w(x\ x 2) exp [ v -1 p,(x - ct)] mations, but they must be introduced not into the
initial equations (58) to (61), which must retain all
= const. their generality, but rather into the final equation (69).

To this end we must calculate expressions for A ii first derivatives, the integration of equation (71) is a
and K;, substitute them into equations (69) and (70), problem of the classic "mixed" type. This integration
carry out the derivations involving y and z, and finally can be achieved only with computing machines.
estimate the order of magnitude of the terms in these It should be observed that in the case considered
equations, taking into account the above-mentioned here the "simple motion" is a weakly baroclinic zonal
approximations. By neglecting terms of order 10n-2 current u (N ;:::::: 10- 7) in which the isentropic surfaces
compared with those of order 10n, we would obtain have a slope of the order of 10-3 Under these condi-
the approximate differential system of atmospheric per- tions equation (71) is always of elliptic type; for this
turbations, which would then have to be integrated. reason any hydrodynamic instability is excluded and
Unfortunately, it is impossible at present to make only the selective instability is possible. The constant
this choice of terms, for we have not drawn up tables c is then complex (c = Cr + y"=lc;), as is the function
giving the orders of magnitude of the meteorologica! Gj (that is, Gj = Gj' + y"=1 Gj"), so that the perturbation

elements and their first and second derivatives with pressure assumes the form
respect to space and time as functions of altitude and
latitude. It seems urgent to us to prepare such tables p = ecutt[Gj'(y, z) COS J.L(X - Crt)
with the help of the sufficiently extensive aerological (74)
data which is already at our disposal. - Gj (y, z) sin J.L(X - Crt) ].

Meanwhile, using Charney's theory of meteorologi-

ca! approximations [4], we can deduce from general Here the real functions Gj 1 and Gj" satisfy a system of
equation (69) the approximate partial differential equa- partial differential equations of elliptic type which is
tion of the perturbation pressure associated with quasi- easy to deduce from (71). In this case the form of the
static, quasi-geostrophic long waves. There is obtained perturbation pressure p demonstrates the phase lag,
[43] both in altitude and latitude, which the troughs and

Jl; iGj
j2 ay 2
+ a Gj +

az 2
[2Sazas _ RT
g _ _l_ a(TP!)] aGj
Tv! ------az- az
ridges of unstable perturbations undergo. The merid-
ional tilt of the axes of troughs and ridges is an es-
sential characteristic of atmospheric perturbations.
Their tilt relative to the meridians assures the trans-
-{P!J.L2 ( 1 _ ~) + -.-1-[~iu2 + iu2 (71)
port of zonal momentum and kinetic energy along
f2 u- c u - c :f ay az them.

_(JL + _1 a(TP!)) au] +.!._as _1 a(TP!)}

RT TP; az az s az TP'; az
Gj = o, The Stability of Permanent, Horizontal, Isobaric
where T designates the absolute air temperature and When the air is in permanent, horizontal, isobaric
where Uc = (ajjay)/J.L 2 is the critica! speed introduced motion, the atmosphere is said to be in a state of
by Bjerknes and Holmboe [1], that is, the intensity of hydrodynamic equilibrium. The dynamic method which
zonal flow which corresponds to stationary, planetary we employed (pp. 434-437) for the case of rectilinear
waves of wave length L = 27r/J.L (Rossby [28]). Equa- isobars can be applied to the case of curvilinear isobars,
tions (66) and (68) reduce to provided we use a system of orthogonal curvilinear
coordinates u\ o- 2, o- 3, fixed relative to the earth and
having one (u1) of the three families of coordinate
lines coincident with the lines of intersection between
(72) the isobaric surfaces and the equipotential surfaces of
the gravity field. Let Oxyz be a right-handed, rec-
tangular Cartesian coordinate system of origin O, in
which the axes are tangent to the coordinate lines
u= (73) passing through O; axis Ox points in the direction of
the isobaric motion. We designate by u = u(u\ o-2) the
velocity of air along the isobars obtained by varying
Equation (71) is identica! with that of Charney [4] u1 (gradient wind), by Ry the radius of geodesic curva-
when T depends linearly on z (that is, a(TP;)jaz =
O, ture, and by R. the radius of normal curvature at O of
see eq. (36)) and u is a function of z only. Dividing isobar u1 considered as a line in the surface u3 = u~
the first term of (71) by P; , and letting P; approach passing through O. By then adopting without change
infinity, one obtains Kuo's equation [19]. the reasoning presented on pages 434-437, we find
Equation (71) is to be integrated with suitable that the equilibrium between gravity, the pressure
boundary conditions. The boundary conditions other gradient, the centrifugal force, and the Coriolis force
than those referring to the earth's surface ( = O at point O, for a transverse displacement (ry, r.) from
for z = O) must be carefully chosen, for on them depend this point, is stable or unstable depending on whether
the form of the dispersion equation and the expression [41]
!or the criterion of selective instability. The boundary
conditions being linear in the unknown function and its

where where 5uj5y has been defined by (35). This formula

shows that the threshold value f + u/Ris of the in-
auv - 2(w. + ;)(2w,- :~ + ;) - :~:~, stability of isobaric motion is higher or lower than
the threshold value f of the instability of geostrophic

== - 2( + ;)( + :: - ;) - :~ :: ,
motion (R;s = oo) depending pn whether the curva-
ay, Wz 2wy ture of the isahar is positive or negative. Anticyclonic
(76) circulation thus favors hydrodynamic instability [41].

a,u == -2(wy- ;)(2w,- :~ + ;) - ~~:~,

When the isobar at O coincides with the parallel
through this point, Ris == r ctn cp, where cp is the latitude

a.. == 2 ( wy - ; ) (2wv + :: - ;) - :~ :: , given by the approximate expression [22,

of O; here the limit of hydrodynamic instability is
_......, .
2wsmcp + u tan cp . (78)
with ay. == a,v . W e note that in the differential quo- oy r
tients on the right-hand sides of (76), dy and dz repre-
sent elements of arc along the coordinate lines u 2 and By virtue of the instability criterion (77) for a per-
u3 and that these elements of arc are not in general manent, isobaric, horizontal current, cyclonic currents
exact differentials [41]. as a whole are more stable than anticyclonic currents.
There is an obvious analogy between the quadratic Let us assign an arbitrary value (oujoy) to the trans-
form (75) and equation (13) which holds in the case verse isentropic gradient oujoy of the isobaric current
of geostrophic motion. In the case of isobaric motion, u. Let us suppose that it satisfies the condition most
this form retains the dynamical significance and the generally encountered, that is, oujoy < f. The domain
interpretation on an energy basis of Kleinschmidt's of stable currents will then be separated from the
form (see pp. 434-437). Moreover, we can apply the domain of unstable currents by an anticyclonic current
discussion of Kleinschmidt's quadratic form to the of the curvature 1/R~s = (1/u)[(oujoy) - j] < O. In
sign of this form. If we assume the vertical distribu- this case, the geostrophic current (Ris = oo ), the
tion of mass to be stable in the field of gravity, the limit between the domains of cyclonic and anticyclonic
state of isobaric motion is then stable at any point, currents, will be located within the domain of stable
whatever the transverse displacements from the point, currents composed of all cyclonic currents and of
with the exception of displacements close to the isen- weakly anticyclonic currents ( 1 Ris 1 > 1 Ris 1 ) . The
tropic surface when domain of unstable flow contains only anticyclonic
currents with a radius of curvature less than 1 R~s 1 .
V'8 curl U == ay
- curlv U
+ a- curl, U < O,
Let us now admit, following Wippermann [46], the
z existence of a transverse isentropic exchange of air par-
where ticles. When the current u is stable, this exchange can
au u maintain itself only at the expense of the surrounding
curlx u == 2wx , curly U == 2wv + -az - R ,
medium, and the displaced particles acquire an anti-
cyclonic circulation with respect to the current u (see
au u p. 442), thereby attenuating the curvature of the cur-
curl. U == 2wz - -
+ R- ;
rent u when it is cyclonic or reinforcing it when it is
weakly anticyclonic ( 1 Ris 1 > 1 R":s 1 ). In this case,
U == W + u being the absolute velocity of the air. the current u, whether cyclonic (Ris > O) or weakly
When the coordinate surfaces u3 = const are equipo- anticyclonic (R;. < O with 1 Ri. 1 > 1 R~. 1 ) will be
tential surfaces in the field of gravity, the z-axis coin- transformed progressively into an anticyclonic current
cides with the zenith direction at the origin. If we whose radius of curvature will approach the limit
assume that the equigeopotential surfaces are spherical 1 R":. 1 ~ 10 6 m. On the other hand, if the current u
and concentric with the earth, R. = -r, where r were unstable (R;. < O and 1 Ris 1 < 1 R":. 1 ), the trans-
stands for the distance from the earth's center to the versely displaced particles in the isentropic surfaces
point under consideration. In this case, Rv represents would acquire a cyclonic circulation (see p. 443) with
the radius of curvature at O of the horizontal projec- respect to the current u, releasing energy of instability.
tion of the isobar obtained by varying u1 ; in synoptic The anticyclonic curvature of the unstable current u
meteorology RY is "the radius of curvature Ris of the would thereupon diminish, that is, the current u would
isobar" at this point, (Rv == Ris). We note that Ris > spontaneously become a current within the domain of
O or < O, depending on whether the circulation along stability. Summarizing, we may say that an anti-
the isobar is cyclonic or anticyclonic at the point con- cyclonic current whose radius of curvature 1 R;, 1 >
sidered. Since 2wy + ujr is negligible compared to 1 R~. 1 approaches the limit 1 R";. 1 would thus appear
auj az, it is evident that the isobaric motion is un- to be a current of some persistence [46].
stable m the neighborhood of the isentropic surfaces Inasmuch as hydrodynamic instability is a transi-
when tory state of ephemeral duration, it will not manifest
5u u itself unless its cause is of even less duration (i.e.,
5y > f R.,' + (77)
produced instantaneously); according to Kleinschmidt

[18], large-scale condensation is such a cause. The eter increases with latitude, it is evident from (78)
gradient ~uj~y in a cloud layer should be determined that the zonal circulation in tropical regions can reach
in surfaces of equal wet-bulb potential temperature the threshold of instability more easily than that of
rather than in surfaces of equal dry-bulb potential temperate regions. However, inasmuch as the isentropic
temperature. Inasmuch as the slope of the former is surfaces in tropical latitudes are nearly horizontal,
much more marked than that of the latter, it follows stabilization of the zonal circulation is favored there.
that ~uj~y undergoes, at the moment of condensation, Finally it is easy to show, using criteria (81), that
a sudden increase which is capable of bringing about the permanent circular vortex is stable or unstable
hydrodynamic instability (~uj~y > f). We then have depending on whether its absolute angular momentum
R~. > O and, as a result, the current u will spontane- mL = R(u + Rw) increases (~ml.j~R > O) or decreases
ously become a cyclonic current of the stable domain (~ml./~R < O) toward the exterior of the vortex in the
(O < R;. :( R~.) (cyclogenesis according to Wipper- isentropic surfaces [2].
mann [46]). The state of neutral equilibrium (~ml/5R = O),
characterized by the invariance of absolute angular
The Permanent Circular Vortex. Application to Trop- momentum mL in the isentropic surfaces, would be
ical Cyclones the state of exchange equilibrium (Austauschgleichge-
The problem of the stability of this state of motion wicht) according to Raethjen [27] and Kleinschmidt
has been treated in several different ways [2, 5, 6, 8, 9, [18]. In other words it is that equilibrium condition
13-18, 21, 31]; we will consider it here as a special case toward which atmospheric air would tend if subjected
of permanent, horizontal, isobaric motion. To this end to isentropic lateral mixing, Raethjen's Gleitaustausch,
we compare the atmosphere to a circular vortex around or Rossby's lateral mixing. If this condition prevailed,
the polar axis and at some point O we adopt Klein- the lateral Reynolds stress 1'~ due to isentropic turbu-
schmidt's coordinate system OXYZ, having axis OX lence would be proportional to ~uj~y - f (neglecting
tangent to the parallel through O and directed east- the curvature term in (78)), where x represents the
ward, and axis OY perpendicular to the vortex axis eastward tangent to the parallel and y the northward
and directed toward the earth's interior. Under these tangent to the meridian. However, this is true only if
conditions, dY = -dR, RY = R, R. = ao; where R is the isentropic turbulence is purely transverse. In reality
the radius of rotation from O; there follows from (76), the turbulent particles move in the isentropic surfaces
parallel to the mean flow as well as perpendicular to it.
ayy = 2(w + R'1!_)(2w- aY
au + "!_)- anael
R aYaY'
Priebsch [25] has been able to show that the stress
1'~ is actually proportional to ~uj~y and not to
~u/~y - j. As a result, the absolute angular momentum
ayz = - 2(w + "!_) au - an ae l (79) relative to the earth's axis of rotation is not an in-
R az aYaZ' variant property of isentropic exchange of air [44].
an ae W e observe that the permanent circular vortex satis-
an ae fies an extremum principle [38] identica! to that stated
J on page 436.
where ayz = azy , and u = u(R, Z) represents the Moreover, the method we followed in studying the
zonal velocity of the air. The discriminant a reduces inertial oscillations of a geostrophic current (pp. 032-
here to 040) will naturally extend itself to cover the case of a
stationary circular vortex [31]. We thus obtain the
results which we had established earlier for the case
(80) of zonal geostrophic motion (w"' = O or a = O, '11').
Similarly, the equations of adiabatic perturbations of
= 2(w + i)~z:~[~~- 2w- ~]. a permanent circular vortex can be derived in the
same way as those for a zonal geostrophic current
where Yz is the absolute value of the component of (pp. 444-446) provided cylindrical or spherical coordi-
gravity parallel to the earth's axis. nates are used. This problem has recently been treated
Since the inequality aejaZ > O generally holds in in terms of cylindrical coordinates, in a slightly differ-
the atmosphere, the permanent circular vortex is stable ent fashion, by Queney [26], who has in addition pro-
or unstable depending on whether posed a method for the simplification of the equations
u which differs from Charney's [4].
< or > 2w + R'
~y (81) Let us further note that Fj~rtoft [10] has recently
taken up the study of the stability of stationary circu-
The circulation along the parallels being cyclonic or lar vortices with the aid of a new method based on the
anticyclonic as u > or < O, we observe that anti- primary integral of the equations of motion (integral
cyclonic circulation favors the instability of the vortex. of the equation of mechanical energy) and utilizing
Consequently an easterly zonal circulation will become the calculus of variations.
unstable more easily than a westerly one. Since the Finally, we consider a permanent circular vortex
zonal circulation is easterly in tropical latitudes and whose vertical axis z is located at latitude f/J. If we
westerly in temperate latitudes, and the Coriolis param- designate by u the linear velocity of the vortex, u > O

or < O depending on whether the vortex is cyclonic considered here, S, 8, P 1 II are functions of x; and of t,
or anticyclonic relative to the earth. We shall assume and <P is a function of x'. As in the case of geostrophic
that the vertical distribution of mass is stable. Then motion (see p. 435), let us associate to the equilibrium
the vortex is unstable at any point for a transverse position O(x~, x~, xg) which a partide occupies at time
isentropic displacement from this point when, (80) t0 , the perturbed position
and (81),
A (x 1 + llx 1, x2 + llx 2, x3 + llx 3)

ou+ 'Il,_+!< o (82) which this partide occupies at the !ater instant
oR R ' t > t0 after receiving an impulse at O at time t0
since the vorticity in the atmosphere is always cydonic The unperturbed partide will occupy position P(x1, x 2, x 3)
in a fixed, geocentric reference system (u/R + f/2 > O, at time t.
see equation (80) where f/2 must be substituted for w). The coordinate components !lxi of the displacement
This being the case, to an isentropic displacement of r = PA should satisfy the variation equations de-
radial component llR there corresponds an azimuthal duced from (83), that is,
motion of the displaced partide, whose velocity is
given by, (7),
d Llx'
+2 k
. dl1x = _ 118 an _ 8 11 an _ 11 a<P (84)
dt 2 Wk, dt ax' ax ax' 1

V z = u - (; + :~ + fl) 11R. with

Here Vz denotes the particle's velocity along the par-

allel associated with the vortex. Consequently the cy-
clonic circulation, relative to the earth, of air particles Let us recall that djdt represents the individual total
subjected to a radial isentropic displacement toward derivative following the motion of air with respect to
the exterior of the vortex (llR > O), decreases or the earth. The variation Il applied to any scalar
increases depending on whether the vortex is stable quantity can be broken down into a local variation
or unstable. It follows that when the air particles in a
!l 1 at P and a convective variation !lx ax along PA;
a ~
vertically oriented, unstable, circular vortex undergo an
outward radial, isentropic displacement, they release in-
stability energy which reinjorces their cyclonic circula-
tion around the vertical axis of the vortex. According to
we thus ha ve Il = llz + !lx a:. Assuming the per-
turbation to be adiabatic (ll8 = O) and assuming an
Sawyer [30], this mechanism plays an important role absence of local variation in the geopotential <P, equation
in the formation of tropical cyclones. The probable (84) reduces to
truth of this opinion is enhanced by the fact that at
low latitudes the Coriolis parameter f is relatively
small (10-5 sec-!) so that condition (82) is more easily
fulfilled there than in middle latitudes.
provided we set
Inertial Oscillations of an Arbitrary Flow
Ertel [7] has given the equation of circular frequencies
of the inertial oscillations of an air parcel in arbitrary
motion. This more general problem has recently been in which 'Y ik (=O or 1 depending on whether i ~ k or
taken up by W. L. Godson [11]. i = k) are the coefficients of the metric form in rectan-
If the atmosphere is referred to a right-handed gular coordinates x\ x 2 , x 3 and
Cartesian system, x 1x 2x 3 , chosen at random but at
rest with respect to the earth, the equation of motion
and the equation of continuity are, respectively,
d2Xi + 2Wk' ~Xk = - 8 an - a<J>.
dt 2 ' dt ax ax' (83)

s are the components of Ertel's stability tensor [7]. If we

= - aP - a<P. (i, k 1, 2, 3)
ax ax consider the perturbation to be small, we may consider
the coefficients of the differential system (85) as being
and constants whose numerica! values are those which these
coefficients take at the point P at the instant t.
with o't = o, In general, we will designate by a;j the elements of
the determinant of the third order a = 11 a;i Il and
in which Wki =
-w;k, are the antisymmetrical com- by aii the algebraic minor of a relative to the element
ponents of the rotation w of the earth [41], and the aii ; we will then have aiiaik = O or a depending on
repeated index k should be considered as a summation whether j ~ k or j = k. With this in mind, Jet us now
index (dummy index convention). In the general case multiply the two terms of (85) by Lik and perform the

summation with respect to the index i; we then have negligible. Substituting (89) and (90) into the O";; ex-
the normal differential system pression, we obtain

L(xk) = -Lik ( 8 a~~). g a8

(86) f8 ~ (Uu)
ax 8
-f8 i (Ux)
ax 8 8 ax
The general integral of the nonhomogeneous linear g a8
system (86) is composed additively of a particular
q=: Il O";k Il = i (~)
f8 ay 8 -f8 ~ (Ux)
ay 8 8 ay
integral of this system and the general integral of the
g a8
homogeneous differential system f8 i (Uy) -f8 i (Ux)
az 8 az 8 8 az
L(t.xk) = O, (k = 1, 2, 3) (87)
with the symmetry relations
in which
_i_ (Ux)
ax 8
+ _i_
ay 8
(Uy) = O
f8 _i (Ux)
az 8
+ 8fZ_ ay
a8 =0

(i, j = 1, 2, 3)
with jk = 2w;;, the index series (k, i, j) being derived
from the series (1, 2, 3) by a rotating permutation. oux + oUy =O (91)
The fk terms are nothing but the Coriolis parameters ox oy '
associated with the coordinate system x 1x2x3 Let us in which we have set, (35),
note that the elongations t.xi of an inertial oscillation
(t.1n = O) of the air partide under consideration satisfy o a (a8jax) a o_ a (a8jay) a
the differential system (87). The characteristic equation X = ax - a8 1az az ' oy = ay - a8 1az az
v~ - {3v~ + fV~ - q = O (88) From the relation (91) we are able to deduce the exist-
ence of a stream function for geostrophic flow within
of this system is obtained in the same way that the the isentropic surfaces (8 = const).
characteristic equation (49) is obtained from the differ- It is easy to show that, (36),
ential system (48). In equation (88) we have set
{3 = 'Yiiqii + "'f;;jiji and E = 'YiiO"ii + (J;ijiji. (J = l v! (oUx oUu _ oUx oUy)
ox oy oy ox
Since equation (88) is cubic with respect to vg , it
follows that in the atmosphere a particle set into any - -lv! [(~~)2 + oux ouy] ~ 10-22 to 10-21 sec-s
type of motion can undergo, in general, three inertial ox oy ox
oscillations of di.fferent periods [7]. and
Let us now attempt to determine the three roots,
_ 2 2 + f2 82a(ux/8, Uy/8)""
= v. vd ,...., 10-12 sec
v~ , of equation (88). In order to do this let us sub- 2 2"" -4
stitute for the coordinate system x 1x 2x 3 the system E = v, vd a(x, y)
xyz whose z-axis coincides with the zenith direction at
the point P; let us then adopt the approximation with
allowed (p. 438) and, finally, let us introduce the
geostrophic flow u(ux, Uy , O) associated with the arbi- vd2 =_ f [f + (OUyox
- - -oUx)J ""
,...., l0-8 sec -2
trary motion (83); then, by definition, we ha ve
an in which ouyjox - oux/oy represents the vertical corn-
u =-
- Uy = - -
8 an = O. (89) ponent of vorticity determined in the isentropic sur-
x- jay' fax'
faces (8 const) by the geostrophic current
W e will admit moreover that u(ux, Uy, 0). Finally, we obtain

an 2 + V;2 - S
f (a8 a8 ) "" 2
+ g =o. (90) {3 =: Vs ax Uy - ay Ux = V ~ 10
8 SeC

In (89) and (90) we have set x x\ y = x 2, z =

x3, = in which
and l = f = 2w sin ljJ and l = l "' O. To the approxi-
mation to which we have just consented, the equation v~ = f [f + (~~- ~~x) J~ 10- 8
sec- 2
of motion (83, i =
3) in the vertical, z x3 , has been =
replaced by the equation of hydrostatic balance (90). The expressions v~ and vj defined above generalize the
This simplification is amply justified in the atmosphere. corresponding expressions (37) and (40), respectively,
Let us note that in the system xyz, it is possible to which are valid in the case of a partide in geostrophic
consider the second derivatives of the geopotential <I> as motion.

In the general case, as in the geostrophic case, we In general, equation (92) admits of two real roots
also have (4C < vj), whose approximate values are v:i and C/v:i.
There are four cases to be considered:
1. v:i > O, C > 0: hydrodynamic stability regard-
less of the particular isentropic displacement at point P.
in which Il. vj < O, C > 0: hydrodynamic instability re-
gardless of the particular displacement at point P.
with III.
< o, c < o} : hydrodynamic instability atP.
lv~ > O, C < O
N =fau.,~_q__ae
"- az - e ay' It should be noted that C can be poEitive only if
(ouxfoy)(ou 11 /ox) < O. In this case, a transversally
isentropic, cyclonic shear (anticyclonic shear) of the
geostrophic wind will necessarily correspond to a cy-
together define the baroclinity at point P. clonic (anticyclonic) curvature of the streamlines of
In order to enable us to interpret the formulas geostrophic motion within the isentropic surface at P.
conveniently, let us orient the horizontal axis x of the The case of cyclonic geostrophic wind shear invariably
xyz system along the tangent to the isobar at P in the
direction of the geostrophic flow
have [11]:
u 11 , O); we then
corresponds to the stable type 1 (marked stability) ;
the case of anticyclonic geostrophic wind shear corre-
sponds to the unstable type II or to the stable type 1
oux . geostroph"rc wm . d sh ear, (weak stability), but only if the absolute value of the
-- , t h e transverse1y rsentroprc
oy anticyclonic vorticity ou11 /ox - ou,joy < O is smaller
(perpendicular to the streamlines of geostrophic than the Coriolis parameter f.
fl.ow within the isentropic surfaces); this wind Furthermore, C is necessarily negative if
shear is cyclonic or anticyclonic depending on
whether ou"joy < O or > O; (oux/oy)(oUyjox) > O.
ou11 > or < O depending on whether the curvature of In this case, a transversally isentropic, anticyclonic
ox (cyclonic) shear of the geostrophic wind will correspond
streamlines of geostrophic motion in the isentropic to a cyclonic (anticyclonic) curvature of the streamlines
surfaces is cyclonic or anticyclonic; and of geostrophic motion in the isentropic surface at P.
> or < O depending on whether these stream- The sign of the transversally isentropic geostrophic
wind shear and the sign of the curvature of streamlines
lines are converging or diverging. of geostrophic motion in isentropic surfaces both play
It follows from the order of magnitude and approxi- preponderant roles; the divergence or convergence of
mate values of the coefficients {3, e, and u of equation these lines of motion, on the other hand, are with-
(88), as well as from their classical expression as func- out influence over the conditions leading to hydrody-
tions of the roots, that the largest root of this equation namic stability or instability-only the absolute
has a value in the neighborhood of Dividing the v; . value 1 ouxfox 1 = 1 ou11 /oy 1 is decisive.
first member of equation (88) by v5 - v; , we obtain The biquadratic equation (92) admits of two con-
Godson's approximate equation [11] jugate imaginary roots when:
~~~ - ~~~ ~~~ +c = o (92) IV. 4C - ~~~ > 0: hydrodynamic instability regard-
less of the isentropic displacement which takes place
in which at point P. This case can arise only when vl is of an
order of magnitude less than 10-8 sec-2 , that is, when
C = u/v! =
-l [ Co:"'Y +~:"' 0o~] the vorticity ouy/ox - ouxfoy is anticyclonic, and when
its absolute value is of the same order of magnitude as
:::::::: 10-18 to 10-17 sec- 4 the Coriolis parameter j. The existence in the general
case of a second type of total instability in the isen-
If we refer to the equations of the inertial oscilla-
tropic surfaces is thus not excluded. Let us note that
tions, derived from (85), it is apparent that the inertial the first type (case II) is none other than the one we
oscillation corresponding to the root ~~~ is quasi-vertical met previously in our discussion of geostrophic motion
(static stability) and that those corresponding to the (case II of Table Il) and as a consequence the results
two roots v3 of (92) are quasi-isentropic [11]. obtained in the geostrophic case can be extended to
The nature of the roots of the biquadratic equation
the general case of any given motion.
(92) depends on the sign of the discriminant Thus, the condition vJ < O is a sufficient condition
~~~ - 4C = l [t + (oUy + oux)2
for instability, but is no longer (as in the geostrophic
case) a necessary and sufficient condition. On the other
hand, the condition vl > O is a necessary condition of
+ 4 (ou")
+ 21 (ouox112
_ ou")]
. stability but is no longer (as in the geostrophic case) a
necessary and sufficient condition [11]. Nevertheless, it

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1S. - - "On the Stability of the Circular Vortex." Avh. norske Meteor., pp. 9-33 (1946).
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16. HoLMBOE, J ., "On Dynamic Stability of Zonal Currents." etats de mouvement de l'air atmospherique." .1rch.
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41. - - "La stabilite du mouvement permanent, horizontal Vl. Acad. Belgie, XII, N o. 14, 16 pp. (1950).
et isobare de l'air atmospherique." Inst. R. meteor. Belg., 45. WEXLER, H., and NAMIAS, J., "Mean Monthly Isentropic
llfem., 28:38-60 (1948). Charts and Their Relation to Departures of Summer
42. - - "Perturbations d'un courant atmospherique perma- Rainfall." Trans. Amer. geophys. Un., 19:164-170 (1938).
nent zonal." Inst. R. meteor. Belg., Mem., 18:1-23 (1944). 46. WIPPERMANN, F ., "tl'ber die Rolle der dynamischen Labili-
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perturbation associee aux ondulations de grande Ion- Zone, Nr. 12, SS. 18o-182 (1950).

The Institute for Advanced Study*

Introduction the mean along zonal circles. The degree of irregularity

The large-scale motion of the earth's atmosphere is may, however, vary widely. In this article it is assumed
to the first approximation a solid rotation from west to that all irregularities considerably smaller than the
east. Upon this are superimposed a more or less orderly smallest-scale cyclones have already been smoothed
zonal flow in the relative motion and the large-scale out in some way. The corresponding turbulent stresses
disturbances familiar in meteorology. In this article will be entirely neglected throughout this article.
causes for the creation and maintenance of these dis- As already pointed out above, the sum of the two
turbances will be discussed, excluding, however, the components of flow must obey the hydrodynamic equa-
more or less permanent disturbances forced upon the tions of motion. There must therefore exist a coupling
atmosphere because of the earth's topographic inho- between these two components. Actually, in many
mogeneity. cases this coupling is so strong that a full understand-
By the use of the phrase "disturbances in a zonal ing of what happens with one component cannot be
flow," a separation is implied between two components achieved without taking into account simultaneous
of the flow. This may seem artificial since the hydro- changes of the other.
dynamic equations are directly applicable to the total It is an established procedure to separate the hydro-
component of the flow. There are, however, several dynamic equations into one set valid for the orderly
reasons for doing this: The immediate impression ob- motion and one for the irregular flow. To implement
tained by studying hemispherical weather maps is one this process the equations will first be simplified by
of a more or less orderly zonal flow upon which are suppressing certain terms of minor importance. With
superimposed disturbances that behave to some degree the conventional simplification in the Cori olis accelera-
as physical entities themselves. Further, the zonal flow tion, the equation of motion is

and the disturbances undergo somewhat systematic
changes, seemingly of great importance to weather. p[ ~: + fk Xv - g = - \lp,
Therefore, by a separation of the atmospheric flow into
some kind of orderly zonal flow and disturbances super- where p is the density, f is the Coriolis parameter,
imposed thereupon, one isolates at the outset certain g is the acceleration of gravity, v is the velocity, and
phenomena which appear to be related to actual p is the pressure. The coordinate system has been
weather. Besides, this separation will enable one to selected so that the x-axis is directed east, the y-axis
deal satisfactorily with problems in which a detailed north, and the z-axis upward; i, j, and k are unit
knowledge of the motion is unnecessary, as exemplified vectors in the x, y, and z directions, respectively. By
by the stability investigations carried out in the dis- elimination of \lp and substitution of x = ln {} (where
cussion of barotropic disturbances (pp. 460-463). {} is the potential temperature) by means of the rela-
Granted that such a separation of the atmospheric tionship "p - rvp = - p\lx, one obtains
flow may prove useful, it becomes important for quanti-
tative treatment to express this separation in mathe-
matical terms. How this should be done is to some \1 X[~: +Jk X v] = -\1 X xg. (1)
extent arbitrary because there may be several ways
of defining the orderly flow, and thereby the disturb- The neglected term -\lx X [Dv/dt + fk X v] is small
ances. In this article, the orderly flow will be character- compared with the others. Equation (1) is equivalent
ized, for an arbitrary hydrodynamic element a, by the to
mean value of a ata fixed time along latitude circles:
112.- a dl/;, dt - - \!')' - fk X V - xg, (2)
= -
27r o
where \l'Y is a certain laminar vector. It is easily under-
while the corresponding element in the flow of dis- stood that by introducing the simplification above,
turbances will be defined by the effects from solenoids in horizontal planes have
a ' = a - a. - been neglected. N ow let Q(z) represent some standard
distribution of density with height. The following ap-
The flow therefore is composed of an orderly, axially proximate equation will then constitute the continuity
symmetric motion and an irregular flow vanishing in
* This article is to some extent based upon work performed
under contract N6-ori-139, Task Order I between the Oftice
of Naval Research and The Institute for Advanced Study.
\lQv = Q\lh vh + --=O.


In this article only adiabatic processes will be con- The expression for au/ at is obtained from the zonal
sidered. The physical equation is therefore component of (5a):
- = -vY'x. (4) au =
iJt -Vm- ("<"7
vU- - f J") - v' "<"7u'.
v (9)
From the foregoing equations one obtains by separa- Substituting this expression for aujat in (8) and like-
wise for aH.; at from (5c), one gets

f dt
tion into the mean and irregular flows:

+ v vv = -v.y - fk x v - xg - v' vv', (5a) d
dt Dvm or = f- Vm vUJ - j2 JJ
[j"<"7-" + "<"7- ~
vxg] ur

v-Qv =o, (5b) + fv'vx'gor + fv'vu'jor.
-v V'x - v'. vx', (5c) A study of the first integral on the right-hand side of
this equation leads to the conditions which must exist
and if in a pure, axially symmetric motion the meridional
circulations should accelerate or decelerate, in other
+ v'Vv' = -V''Y' - fk X v' words to the now well-known stability criteria for a
(6a) circular vortex for vortex-ring perturbations. It will
be assumed in this article that all orderly flows which
- x' g - v V'v' - v' V'v + v' vv', are treated are stable in this sense. Most likely this is
usually the case in the atmosphere.
Y'Qv' = O, (6b) The remaining terms on the right-hand side of (10)
represent the effects upon the acceleration of the meridi-
ax' -v V'x' - v' V'.ii: + v' V'x'. (6c) onal circulations which are due to the disturbances
at The character of the resulting forced circulations will
These equations reveal the coupling which must exist now also depend essentially upon the stability prop-
erties of the circular vortex for vortex-ring perturba-
between the two components of the flow, as both com-
ponents occur in each set of equations. tions. Briefly, one may say that the presence of effects
changing the fields of mass and velocity in the orderly
The Circular Vortex zonal flow, other than effects of the meridional circu-
lations themselves, will generally tend steadily to de-
Accoi:ding to the definitions above, the orderly flow stroy the balance in the meridional motions. Because
may be considered as a pure zonal flow with velocity of the stability of the circular vortex the resulting
component ui, and a meridional flow with velocity added meridional circulations will act to restore the
Vm = iij + wk, which is identically the same in all equilibrium, an equilibrium which will, however, be
meridional planes. The meridional component of (5) different from the original one. If the stability is large
may be written enough, the whole development may be thought of as
one which goes through different equilibrium stages
~~m = -V'.Y - xg - jk X ui. by smoothing out over sufficiently large periods the
relatively high frequency oscillations superimposed
The approximate balance existing in the large-scale upon this trend. The simplifications following from
relative motion in the atmosphere gives, when V'.Y is such a procedure are essentially the same as those
eliminated from this equation: introduced by the systematic use of the condition of
quasi-geostrophic motion [7, 12]. With the simplifica-
au= _ g ax tions above, A. Eliassen [11] has studied the forced
J ay. (7) meridional circulations produced by given sources of
heat and angular momentum.
This is the so-called thermal wind equation applied To see in a qualitative fashion how the irregular flow
to the mean flow. affects the mean meridional circulations one may use
One may study the axially symmetric meridional the simplifications mentioned above in connection with
motions in a qualitative way by the method of veloc- the circulation integrals in (10). One then obtains
ity circulation used primarily by V. Bjerknes [4] and
H,jiland [16]. If V'.Y is eliminated from the foregoing
equation by taking the circulation along some arbi-
f vm [fV'uj - j 2jj + V'xg] or
f f
trary closed curve in a meridional plane, and the result-
ing equation differentiated once with respe~t to time, = - v'vx'gor - fv'vu'jor.
one gets

f dt
- or = - f aiiat
- g or - f f -atau . or
J (8)
It will now be assumed that V'u and aJi:jay are small
enough to be neglected where they occur in (9) and
(11). It is further assumed that aX./az ~ O, which is

necessary to insure the stability of the circular vortex states the well-known continuity principle that the
in the present case. Equations (9) and (11) now reduce ratio between the magnitude of the vertical and hori-
to zontal velocities is proportional to the ratio between
the vertical and horizontal scale of the motion. By a
au --
ai" = fv - v'. vu', (12) suitable choice of the integration curve in the circula-

f f voy - f gaz
tion integrals given above, one could therefore also
apply (16) to cellular motions of a much more general
- 2 aii_
w oz character than the one determined from (15). In view
(13) of (16), (14) may now be written
= fv'vx'goz- f fv'vu'oy.
f(va - v1) (l + g a- HB 2) a: 2

Let it now be assumed that the path of integration (17)

consists of the sides of a "rectangle" bounded below = !:g (v-,--,
\jX2 -
-,--,) H
V \jX4 B
+ j2(-,--,
V \lUa -
V \lUl
by the earth's surface and with the top at about
tropopause height (Fig. 1). The direction of integra- Taking likewise an average of (12) along the horizontal
sides of the rectangle, one obtains by subtraction
a (-
- -
-) =
f(-Va - V1 (-, -, - ,-,)
at Ua U1 - V \lUa - V \lU!

Substituting here for f( va - fJ1) from (17), one obtains

H 2 4
~ (ua - il1) [
ax H
az Ifi
l [~i - ~]
j J
= g
at H 2 ax H 2 H
f + g az B 2 (18)

8 +[
f2 + g-
lax H2] [~/v' vxf - v' vxD J.
FIG. 1.-Idealized meridional circulation.
az -
B 2

tion is indicated by arrows. With subscripts from 1 to This formula now determines, as a function of two
4 denoting average values along the sides of the rec- terms, the time rate of change in the vertical wind
tangle correspondingly labelled, (13) may be written shear of the mean zonal flow: The first term involves
the wind shear that would directly result from the
lCva - v1)B + g az
ax (w2 - w4)H dynamic effects of the irregular motion; the second,
(14) the mean meridional temperature gradient resulting
= g(v' vx~ - v' vxDH + f(v' vu~ - v' vuDB. directly from the thermal effects of the disturbances.
However, it is seen that only fractions of these quanti-
Here, B and H are the lengths of the sides of the rec- ties are effective in building up the resulting shear
tangle. Suppose further that the rectangular-shaped since they are multiplied by factors smaller than unity.
boundary is a streamline in a corresponding simple This is clearly a result of the interference with the
cellular meridional motion, in which v and w are effects resulting from the forced meridional circula-
derived from a stream function tions, and could have been obtained by more direct
considerations. The formula given above, however, may
' . 1rY . 7rZ
'l'a""' sm B sm H. (15) serve as a rough indicator of how this interference
depends upon the stability of the circular vortex and
This implies that for the present the atmosphere is the horizontal and vertical scales of the motion. In
treated as incompressible. It may be anticipated, how- the present discussion it will only be pointed out how
ever, that the results to be obtained will also roughly the dynamically conditioned increase in the wind shear
apply to cellular motions whose kinematics are essen- becomes more and more compensated when the verti-
tially the same as in this most simple cellular motion. cal stability goes to zero, or when H / B becomes smaller,
By deriving v and w from (15) and forming the while at the same time the thermally conditioned in-
averages ii1 , va , w2 , and W4 , one obtains crease in wind shear becomes correspondingly more
important. The relative importance, in regard to the
general circulation, of the dynamic effects of the dis-
If one does not think of the velocities in this formula turbances on the one hand, and the thermal effects on
as a verages along the si des of the rectangular boundary, the other, naturally depends also upon the relative
but rather as averages over the whole region of the magnitudes of the terms T "Vu 1 and V' vx' and their
velocities in the ascending and descending motions, distribution. This is intimately connected with the
and in the north and south motions, the formula simply problems to be treated in the following sections.

Baroclinic Disturbances to compensate the horizontal transport. The latter,

One way of classifying atmospheric disturbances is however, has to be the dominating effect, so that ap-
with respect to the sources of energy which are at their proximately V 1 V'x = v1 axjay.
disposal. The energy equation, when integrated over For reasons of continuity it is to be expected that
an isolated volume r of the atmosphere, is obtained for decreasing horizontal dimensions of the disturb-
from (2) and (3) and becomes ances the magnitude of the vertical velocities will in-
crease relative to the horizontal velocities. It would
therefore not be surprising if, for sufficiently small
J Qtv2 dr = J Qxgz dr + const. horizontal dimensions of the disturbances, w.' /v 1 would
exceed the values for which a conversion of potential
Substituting here v = ui + Vm + V one
1, arnves at energy into kinetic energy of the disturbances could
take place. This effect will now be studied in more
J Qtv 12 dr = J Qxgz dr - J Qtu2 dr + const, detail. To obtain results comparable with others which
will be referred to at the end of this section, an in-
having neglected the relatively much smaller kinetic compressible atmosphere will be considered, bounded
energy contained in the mean meridional circulations. by two horizontal rigid planes at distance h apart.
Applying the same approximation, the time rate of Also it will be assumed that
change of this equation becomes, in view of (5) and (6),
au _ av _ d f _ 0 .
ay - ay- dy- '
1t J Q!v12 dr = J Qx 1W 1g dr
(19) By eliminating V'h'Y from the horizontal component of
dT JQ au dT. (2), one now obtains
- J Q -au U 1V 1 - -
U 1W 1
( iJ_ + u __()__) av = _ 1 au = f aw. (20)
Consequently, one may classify disturbances into three at ax ax ax az
categories according to whether the main source of
energy is potential, kinetic, or both. In this section Let it be assumed that instantaneously v and its de-
the first one will be considered. rivatives may be obtained from the identity
Clearly, it is the correlation between the fluctua-
tions in temperature and vertical velocity which will v = constsin ~[ x - uG)tJ,
be decisive in determining whether potential energy
shall be a source or sink for the disturbances. It is in representing instantaneously a simple wave propagat-
accordance with synoptic experience that in most cases ing with a speed given by the value of u halfway be-
cold air masses sink relative to the warmer ones. It is tween the boundaries. By substituting into (20), one
therefore to be expected that potential energy is, at obtains
least partly, an important factor in creating and main-
taining the large-scale disturbances. In order to under-
_ 41!"2 du
U dz
(z _2~) V = j aw
stand how a positive correlation between the fluctua-
tions of temperature and vertical velocity may be Applying the boundary condition w = O for z = O,
brought about, one may write one obtains by integration between z = O and the
height h/2 where w reaches its maximum value:
x1 = -1V'x = -Kv1 V'x, (K > O).
Here, 1 is a kind of mixing length, and a positive cor-
relation has been assumed between 1 and V 1 Conse- V

quently, one has Applying now the condition (ii) above to Wz=hi2/V,
one obtains
J Qx 1w 1 gdr = -K J Q(v1 V'x)w1gdr axjay
= ax
-K J Qv1W 1 -gdr-K J Qw 12 ax
ay az or, by substitution from the thermal wind relationship
du/dz = - (g/f)(axjay):
Having assumed vertical stability, it is therefore seen
that as requirements for potential energy to be fed
into the disturbances (i) horizontal temperature gradi-
> 2f2
( ax)
ents must exist, and (ii) the slope of the streamlines in
the meridional planes, w' jv', must be of the same sign This now constitutes approximately the restriction on
as the slope ( -axjay)j(axjaz) of the isentropic sur- the horizontal scale of the disturbances if potential
faces of the mean flow, but have a smaller magnitude. energy is to be converted into kinetic energy of the
This last requirement may also be stated as saying disturbances.
that in the identity v' V'x = v' axj ay +
w' axj az there It will now be shown how one may express the con-
must bea tendency for the vertical transport of entropy ditions for a positive correlation between x 1 and w'

in terms of the horizontal fields of velocity and tem- of vt , and the second approximately true because of
perature only. The conclusions arrived at are very the identity (24).
much like those of Bjerknes and Holmboe [3]. The It may be inferred from (22) that, under the fore-
line of argument followed below is in some respects going assumptions, vorticity in the vertical-mean mo-
similar to that of Sutcliffe [26, 27]. (See also [8] and the tion can vary individually only as a result of an ad-
article by J. G. Charney in this Compendium. 1 ) vection of the vorticity of the thermal wind by the
From (2) one finds the vorticity equation in the thermal wind vT. It is also apparent that if in the
vertical component to be thermal wind field there is a transport of cyclonic
thermal wind vorticity into regions of high vorticities
ar + VhVr + (3v + j'V'hV =
at 0, in the actual motion, these vorticities will intensify.
This corresponds to one of the rules developed by
when the presumably small terms Sutcliffe for the sea-level motion [26, p. 205]. Applied
to troughs which are symmetrical with respect to meri-
w(ajaz) + rvhv + Vhw X (avjaz)k dians, this leads, as Fig. 2 illustrates, to the synopti-
are neglected. In this equation r is the vorticity and
(3 is the variation of the Coriolis parameter with lati-
tude. Let a* be defined from a* [" Q dz = 1"' Qa dz,
where Q is now supposed to be the standard density
in some isothermal atmosphere. 2 The term a* will
represent the mean, in the vertical, of a with respect
to mass. Taking this mean of the vorticity equation, ______ .. ,,"
one obtains, by virtue of the continuity equation (3)
and the boundary conditions Qw = Ofor z = O, z = oo, ... ______ . ,. ,-

FIG. 2.-Flow pattern (solid lines) and temperature pattern

a%t* + v:. V!;* + (3v* (22)
(dashed lines) in an intensifying trough.

cally well-known rule that troughs in the upper-air

+ [(vh- vi)V(r- r*)]* =O. flow pattern intensify if troughs in the temperature
In this equation the last term depends upon the exist- patterns lag behind the troughs in the streamline pat-
ence of vertical wind shears, or in consequence of the terns. A similar rule applies to ridges. It should be
thermal wind equation, upon the horizontal tempera- noted that these intensifications cannot be a result of
ture gradients. It must therefore be this term that the solenoids in horizontal planes, since these were
provides for the effects responsible for conversion of neglected in the derivation of (2). The corresponding
potential into kinetic energy. For a rough estimate of increase in the kinetic energy must have resulted from
this term one may assume d 2vh/di = O. From the a conversion of potential energy. With reference to
thermal wind equation this implies that Vhx = Vhx*. the discussion earlier in this section, it may therefore
Equation (22) now takes the form be concluded that, under the conditions mentioned
above, the cold air must be subsiding relative to the
ar* __ warmer air, and further that the temperature changes
at -V:. '\7!;* - (3v* - VT '\l!;T, (23)
due to the vertical motions can only partly compensate
where the advective changes. This rather definite knowledge
of the three-dimensional flow structure based only upon
a knowledge of the structure of the horizontal tem-
- 'V'x * X k
perature and flow patterns is noteworthy. Clearly, noth-
VT = H -dvh = -gH (24) ing could in principle prevent a horizontal flow as
dz f '
illustrated in Fig. 2 from having any distribution of
and H = height of the homogeneous atmosphere. By vertical velocities initially. This seeming discrepancy
taking the mean in the vertical of the physical equa- is due to the specific use which has been roade of the
tion (4), one further obtains conditions for quasi-geostrophic motion, which actu-
~: )*.
ally may be interpreted as effecting a smoothing similar
a~* = -vi- Vx* - (w (25) to the one mentioned under the study of the mean
meridional motions. As there, the success of such a
To these equations one may add smoothing, and therefore of the specific use of the
'V'Vi = 0, 'V'VT = 0, (26) conditions for quasi-geostrophic motion, depends upon
of which the first is exactly true owing to the definition the stability of the noise motion which is superimposed
upon the "geostrophically" conditioned trend.
1. "Dynamic Forecasting by Numerica! Process" by J. G. The question may now be raised as to what are the
Charney, pp. 47G-482. different mechanisms leading to the conditions men-
2. The assumption of isothermalcy is not necessary, but tioned above, under which potential energy can be
convenient. converted into kinetic energy of the disturbances. Ad-

mitting that several such mechanisms may exist, the to be solutions of (28). By substitution into (28) one
discussion here will be confined to the self-exciting gets as the condition that v* and VT do not vanish
one, by means of which small disturbances may amplify identically,
because of an instability of the underlying basic zonal
flow. A theoretical attack on the problem of waves in
a baroclinic atmosphere was first undertaken in the
w = -J.&u*+ :JL /(:J.!y- JL2u~.
N orwegian polar front school of meteorology, princi- When tha square root becomes imaginary, and the
pally by H. Solberg [25] (in addition, see [2, 5]). Waves negative sign is taken, v* and VT will increase exponen-
were examined on an inclined surface of discontinuity tially. When the substitution for uT is made from (24),
separating two barotropic layers. Thus, all the baro- the criterion for stability and instability therefore be-
clinity was considered as concentrated in a surface of comes
discontinuity. In principle, however, with regard to the
possibility of converting potential into kinetic energy,
there is no difference between such a basic flow and
_ JL 2H 2 (du)
2 (unstable)
one with continuously distributed baroclinity. In con-
Formula (29) reveals the high degree of instability of
trast to the pure, polar front waves, which may possibly
feed also upon the kinetic energy of the basic current, a horizontally uniform current in a baroclinic atmos-
phere. This result is common to all the different studies
are the baroclinic waves for a horizontally uniform
of baroclinic waves, which otherwise differ widely both
basic flow, first examined by Charney [6]. The essential
with respect to the manner of formulating the problem
stability properties of these waves may be found easily
of instability, and with respect to some of the con-
by means of equations (23)-(26), if one neglects the
vertical transport of potential temperature. As re- clusions obtained [1; 6; 10; 14, pp. 35-51]. Below is a
marked in an earlier connection, and confirmed by the summary of some of the assumptions and conclusions.
more rigorous solutions [10; 14, pp. 46-51], this approxi- CHARNEY
mation will be justified for the relatively large wave
lengths. The adiabatic equation (3) may then be written Assumptions:

(ata+ * axa)
U- x * + ax*
- V * -_
Geostrophic approximation.
Infinite atmosphere.
or, by differentiation with respect to x and use of (24), 4. Vertical stability.

(-ata+ U* -axa) VT - UT av*

+ -avT
V* + au*
-ax VT = 0.
All waves, at least down to about 1200 km, are un-
Let it now be assumed by way of example that stable for a sufficiently large meridional tempera-
ture gradient.
av* = avT = 0 EADY
ay ay '
so that the results arrived at may be said to apply
approximately to disturbances whose scale in the y-di- 1. Geostrophic assumption.
rection is large compared with the scale in the x-direc- 2. Incompressibility.
tion. Itfollows then from (26) that au* jax = auTjax =O. 3. Vertical stability.
With the assumption of no horizontal shear for the 4. Inertia effects of inhomogeneity neglected:

(~: + jk X v) (~: + fk X v).

zonal flow, u* and uT will now ha veto be independent
of x and y. It is also easily understood that neither Q = const
can they depend upon time. Equations (23) and (25)
now reduce to 5. Constant Coriolis parameter: djjdy =O.
6. (a) Finite atmosphere bounded by two rigid walls
[(at~ + tt* .!__)
ax ax
.!__ + ~J v* at distance h apart.
(b) Infinite atmosphere.

Conclusions from assumption (6) are:

(a) Ali waves are unstable 3 if and only if

UT -a V* -
(aat- + U* -axa) VT = 0. (hL) 2
( ax)
Suppose (b) No waves are unstable unless a layer of smaller
v* "' exp [i(J.&X + wt)] vertical stability is underlying one of greater sta-
VT "' exp [i(JLX + wt)] 3. Compare with the result obtained on p. 457.

the linearized equations, particularly when there is

Assumptions: a variable zonal current [18]. It is, however, possible
1. Incompressibility. and also useful to obtain an understanding of several
2. Vertical stability zero. of the most important barotropic phenomena by direct
3. Constant Coriolis parameter: df/ dy = O. physical considerations [14, pp. 15-35]. In the follow-
4. Finite atmosphere bounded by horizontal walls ing discussion this kind of argument will be used. W e
at distance h apart. w:Il make the purely formal simplification of assuming
that the horizontal motion takes place as if on a circu-
Conclusion: lar disk; however, f will be kept a variable parameter.
One of the physical principles which may be used
All waves are unstable if and only if
for a general discussion of some barotropic phenomena
(hL) 2

7r 2 (du) 2 is the conservation of total angular momentum:
2j2 dz
It may be remarked that Eady's second conclusion
J uR dF = const. (31)
will no longer hold if the simplification mentioned in
Here R is the distance from the pole, and dF a surface
his fourth assumption is not made, in other words,
element in the plane of motion. By introducing the
even the infinite atmosphere with uniform vertical
stability will be unstable if account is taken of the
fact that density diminishes to zero for increasing
velocity circulation c = 1
uR dif; along zonal circles,

heights. The appearance of a stabilizing influence from (31) becomes equivalent to

the vertical shear for short wave lengths in Fjjjrtoft's
conclusion is due to effects to be discussed at the end Jc dF = const. (32)
of the following section. This stabilizing effect could
not possibly appear in the other studies because there Another equivalent expression can easily be shown to
(w + 27ru/L) 2 was neglected compared with l [14, pp. be [14, p. 21]

Barotropic Disturbances
G = J?:abs(Ro, if;o)R 2 dF = const. (33)

In the case of barotropy there can be no vertical Here, .1abs is represented as a function of Lagrangian
wind shear in the state of quasi-balance which charac- coordinates, and is therefore independent of time be-
terizes the motions with which this article is concerned. cause the absolute vorticity is conserved, and R repre-
Equations (18) and (21) therefore reduce to sents the generally time-variable radial positions of
the fluid particles. Equation (33) is now a condition
D~abs = O (30) which restricts all future radial positions. In Fig. 3
\7V = 0,
dt '
with the asterisks now dropped as superfluous. These
equations represent the classical equations for con-
servation of vorticity in a two-dimensional nondivergent
flow of a nonviscous fluid. The fundamental investiga-
tion of wave motions in such flows was carried out by
Rayleigh [22]. Although in the studies of polar front
waves the destabilizing effects of a gliding discontinuity
were considered to be important, it has not been until
recently that barotropic phenomena in their full and
complex generality have been taken up for systematic
investigations, primarily by the Chicago school of mete-
orology. Starting with Rossby's work on planetary
waves [24], in which the specific importance of the
variability of the Coriolis parameter was discovered, a
series of papers have followed in which different baro-
tropic phenomena have been discussed. Briefly, one
may say that while some of them, apart from the
modifications following from the spherical shape of
the earth, are analogous to the classical works by Ray- FIG. 3.-Isolines for the vertical component of absolute
leigh, others represent original investigations as exem- vorticity.
plified by those treating stationary solutions of the
nonlinear vorticity equation [9, 13, 17, 20]. The mathe- the irregular lines are curves of equal absolute vorticity
matical solution of (30) involves, of course, all the for the case that ?:abs varies monotonically from one
difficulties connected with the solution of nonlinear isoline to the other. Clearly, a necessary and sufficient
equations. The difficulties may even be very great for condition for having a pure zonal flow is that the lines

of equal vorticity ha ve a zonal distribution. The motion simply the reversal of the one stating that it was not
corresponding to the vorticity distribution in Fig. 3 possible to come arbitrarily near to a zonal distribu-
is therefore certainly not zonal. It may now be inferred tion. The corresponding zonal flow is, therefore, stable
from (33) that neither can it be so at any later time. in this case. Let fo + f and ~ be the initial vorticities
The reason for this is that by varying the positions of in the mean zonal flow and in the disturbances. An
the fluid particles, G assumes an extreme value if and expression and criterion for the present stability is
only if the lines of equal vorticity are zonal. In the
present case this extremum would be either an absolute
minimum or maximum. Therefore, the isolines of abs
M ~ f( 2 dF ~ m, (m > 0), (36a)

could not possibly become zonal unless at the same

time G varied in contradiction to (33). Thus, at all
times one must have
M ~O when J~2 dF ~O, (36b)

(m > O), (34)
fo + f varies monotonically with latitude. (36c)
where a prime again has been used to indicate devia- It should be mentioned that the result which has
tions from zonal means. With possible exceptions for been found that polar anticyclones are always unstable
some singular cases, it can be shown that (34) must be in a barotropic atmosphere [23] cannot be true if (36)
true for a quite general distribution of vorticities. is true. That is because anticyclones may exist for
A problem of considerable interest is involved in which condition (36c) still may be true.
the question as to what will happen in a barotropic Suppose now again that the absolute vorticity for
atmosphere left with a certain distribution of vortic- the mean zonal flow varies monotonically with latitude
ities that do not correspond to a motion which is sta- and consider the possible changes in the mean zonal
tionary, either absolutely or with respect to a co- flow which will result from the meridional exchange
ordinate system rotating at a constant speed. Will of air. It may be assumed, in accordance with the
the structure of the subsequent motion tend to approach most frequent conditions, that d(fo + f)jdy > O. One
a more or less definite limit, or will different structures has
be repeated more or less periodically? Synoptic experi-
ence is probably most in favor of the first point of
u =
c 1
27!"R = 27!"R
F dF,
view, though there have been attempts to interpret
some cycles in the general circulation on a strictly where Fis the area north of the latitude circle which is
barotropic hasis. In favor of the first point of view one being considered. Since equal areas of fluid are going
can at least say with certainty that theoretically no in and out of a latitude circle, il will have to decrease
oscillations in the strict sense are possible. This is or increase according as the vorticities leaving the circle
because in a purely oscillatory motion the fluid particles are replaced by vorticities of lower or higher magni-
would simultaneously have to reassume earlier posi- tudes, respectively. N ow, each fluid particle is assigned
tions, but with different velocities. However, this is a certain absolute vorticity fo + f + ~ which is moving
impossible because, according to the conservation of with the particle. The effect of this transport may be
vorticity, the positions of the fluid particles determine considered as a separate effect from those of the trans-
uniquely the vorticity distribution which in turn de- port of fo + f and of ~ . As to the first effect it is
termines the velocities. easily understood that because fo + f is increasing
From the condition ' 2 dF + fa~s dF = const,
northwards, air streaming out of a zonal circle will
have to be replaced by air with lower value of the

there is also an upper limit to J( 2 dF, so that (34)

absolute vorticity. This effect, when considered alone,
will therefore amount to a decrease incat alllatitudes.
This is in conflict with the principle of the conservation
may be extended to of total angular momentum, equation (32). It can,

M ~ f '2 dF ~ m, (m > 0). (35)

therefore, immediately be inferred that the effect from
the transport of the initial irregular vorticities must
be to compensate exactly this loss in angular momen-
Returning now to the kind of vorticity distributions tum, that is, to create in the mean a compensating
which are illustrated in Fig. 3, it will be assumed as a westerly flow [14, p. 28]. In consequence of this it
particular case that the vorticity distribution deviates may be concluded that, in the mean at least, the air
only slightly from a zonal one. The corresponding flow with positive ~ has to be transported to the north,
is a zonal flow upon which there are superimposed and that with negative ~ to the south. In the special
small disturbances. The time-invariant value of G will case of a stationary flow pattern, as for instance for
now be but slightly different from a maximum or the Rossby waves, the two effects compensate each
minimum value, which implies that no change in the other exactly at each latitude. In other cases, however,
vorticity pattern from the nearly zonal one to one one can only expect that the compensation is accom-
characterized as in Fig. 3 can take place without neces- plished after integration over alllatitudes. It has been
sarily changing the value of G. The proof for this is assumed by Kuo [19] that the effect of the transport

of the irregular vorticities will be the dominating one

at middle latitudes, resulting there in an increase of
the westerlies. However, the arguments used are not
! (fo + f) > O where ~ is large,
convincing, and without carrying out numerica! calcu-
lations nothing certain can be said with respect to
d~ (fo + f) < O where ~ is small.
the resulting changes in the mean zonal flow. Pre-
liminary calculations [15] seem to indicate that rather The trivial case with solid rotation in the mean flow,
than increasing the westerlies at middle latitudes, the u0/ R = const, implies, of course, according to (38)

tendency under certain conditions may as well be to

decrease the westerlies at middle latitudes and increase
them in belts to the north and south, particularly to
and (39), that J!v' 2 dF at most can remain constant

the north. in time, but will decrease if some changes in u result.

In a barotropic atmosphere the energy equation re- Hitherto, the most complete mathematical treat-
duces to ment of barotropic waves in a basic flow which is
unstable in the above sense has been undertaken by
J!v' dF 2
= - J!u dF + const.
2 Kuo [18]. This instability is fundamentally the same
as the one occurring when a gliding discontinuity exists.
Consequently, there is an upper bound to the kinetic However, by treating the realistic case with a con-
energy of the disturbances. In the case where .1abs varied tinuous shear and including the variation of the Cori-
monotonically from one isoline of vorticity to the next olis parameter, two important modifications result:
it was found that there must be a lower bound to 1. As results of an assumed continuous shear under
average atmospheric conditions:
J.1' 2 dF which is different from zero. The same must, a. Ali waves below approximately 300 km are stable.
b. An intermediate wave length of maximum in-
stability exists.
therefore, be the case for the kinetic energy of the 2. As a result of the inclusion of df/ dy ~ O, the
irregular flow. Thus, in this case longest waves become stable.
It is important to notice that the most unstahle
(a> O). (37) waves of the type discussed above are relatively long
waves compared with the most unstable baroclinic
The stability under condition (36c) therefore does not waves [10; 14, p. 50].
imply that the disturbances are entirely damped out. How can the stability occurring for short waves
Whether the total kinetic energy of the disturbances mentioned above be understood? It was previously
will increase or decrease is usually difficult to ascertain seen that provided conditions (40) were fulfilled the
and will depend upon the character of the changes in kinetic energy of the disturbances would necessarily
u. Writing increase as a result of a transport of fo +
f. Therefore,
when the shortest waves become stable this can only
! J (v' 2
- v~ 2 ) dF = -! J (u 2 - u~) dF
be a result of the transport of the initial irregular
vorticities, ~ , which furthermore must tend to be the
(38) dominating effect for the shortest wave lengths. An
= - j ~ (uR - V.OR) dF - ! f (u - iJ.o) dF,
2 understanding of the stabilizing influence arising from
the transport of irregular vorticities may be obtained
in the following way: Suppose a wavelike disturbance
one finds easily [14, p. 23] by using condition (31) in with untilted troughs and ridges to exist initially in a
the form nonuniform zonal current. The instantaneous transport
f (uR - uoR) dF = O (39)
of the irregular vorticities is accomplished by a com-
ponent uoi of the mean flow and a component v~ of
the irregular flow. When small disturbances are con-
that u has to decrease where iio/ R is large and in crease sidered, or disturbances in which v~ is essentially parallel
where uo/R is small, if the kinetic energy of the dis- to the lines .1~ = const, only the transport by the first
turbances is to increase. Particularly if one has to do component has to be considered. It is now obvious
with small disturbances in a zonal flow, the upper that if the angular velocity u0 /R varies with latitude,
bound to the changes in ii which can be caused by a the lengths of the lines .1' = const ha ve to in crease
transport of the initial irregular vorticities is also a as a result of this transport. On the other hand, the
small quantity. In order to find necessary conditions areas enclosed by these lines are conserved as are
for real instability one has therefore to investigate also the values of .1' because the effects of the transverse
the effect from the transport of fo f. It was found + displacements of the vorticities fo + .f are disregarded
earlier that u would decrease if d(fo f)/dy > O. + in this connection. Consequently, it follows from Stokes'
By similar arguments one will find that u on the other theorem that the velocity circulation for the disturb-
hand has to increase where d(fo f)/dy < O. So, the + ances taken along the closed curves v' = const, which
necessary conditions for real instability will be that approximately are also streamlines for v', must remain

constant. But since the lengths of the streamlines for 3. BJERKNES, J., and HoLMBOE, J., "On the Theory of Cy-
v' increase, the average intensity of v' 1must decrease
1 clones." J. Meteor., 1:1-22 (1944).
correspondingly. When this stabilizing influence domi- 4. BJERKNES, V., "Application of Line Integral Theorems to
nates the destabilizing influence from the transverse the Hydrodynamics of Terrestrial and Cosmic Vortices."
Astrophys. norveg., 2:263-339 (1937).
transport of vorticities of the basic flow, which can be
5. - - and others, Hydrodynamique physique. Paris, Presses
shown to be the case for the shortest waves [14, p. 31], Universitaires de France, 1934.
kinetic energy must flow from the disturbances to the 6. CHARNEY, J. G., "The Dynamics of Long Waves in a Baro-
mean flow so that in accordance with what was said clinic Westerly Current." J. Meteor., 4:135-162 (1947).
above, u will have to increase where u/R is large and 7. - "On the Scale of Atmospheric Motions." Geofys.
de crease where u/ R is small. Publ., Voi. 17, No. 2, 17 pp. (1948).
8. - - F,T~RTOFT, R., and NEUMANN, J. v., "Numerica!
Combined Baroclinic and Barotropic Disturbances Integration of the Barotropic Vorticity Equation."
Tellus, 2:237-254 (1950).
While there is enough evidence for the importance 9. CRAIG, R. A., "A Solution of the Nonlinear Vorticity
both of baroclinic and barotropic effects, there must Equation for Atmospheric Motion.'' J. Meteor., 2:175-
be a limit to the extent to which phenomena can be 178 (1945).
explained purely barotropically or baroclinically. In 10. EAnY, E. T., "Long Waves and Cyclone Waves." Tellus,
general, one must expect that barotropic and baroclinic Voi. 1, No. 3, pp. 33-52 (1949).
11. ELIASSEN, A., "Slow Thermally or Frictionally Controlled
effects either add together in a more or less simple
Meridional Circulation in a Circular Vortex." Unpub-
fashion, or they may be coupled to such a degree lished manuscript (1951).
that the consideration of both effects simultaneously 12. - - "The Quasi-static Equations of Motion with Pressure
may give rise to entirely new types of phenomena. as Independent Variable." Geofys. Publ., Voi. 17, No. 3,
The only studies until now on waves for which both 44 pp. (1949).
potential and kinetic energy are possible sources for 13. ERTEL, H., "Die Westwindgebiete der Troposphare als
the growth of the disturbance are those on polar front Instabilitatszonen." Meteor. Z., 60:397-400 (1943).
waves. Because of the complexity in the solutions for 14. FJ~RTOFT, R., "Application of Integral Theorems in
these waves one does not know whether the one or the Deriving Criteria of Stability for Laminar Flows and
other of these two possible sources is the more im- for the Baroclinic Circular Vortex." Geofys. Publ., Vol.
17, No. 6 (1950).
portant, although the shearing instability has been
15. - - Unpublished manuscript, 1950.
interpreted as the decisive one, seemingly, however, 16. H~ILAND, E., "On the Interpretation and Application of
without anyconvincing justificatian. The unstable bara- the Circulation Theorems of V. Bjerknes." Arch.
clinic waves treated in this article have accordingly Math. Naturv., Voi. 42, No. 5, pp. 25-57 (1939).
been looked upon as physically entirely different waves. 17. - - "On Horizontal Motion in a Rotating Fluid." Geofys.
It is the writer's opinion that this probably is not Publ., Vol. 17, No. 10 (1950).
true. Further investigations on this subject can be 18. Kuo, H.-L., "Dynamic Instability of Two-Dimensional
Nondivergent Flow in a Barotropic Atmosphere." J.
carried out with relative ease when the quasi-geo-
Meteor., 6:105-122 (1949).
strophic approximation is made. Relatively simple equa- 19. - - "The Motion of Atmospheric Vortices and the Gen-
tions appropriate for the most simple polar front model eral Circulation." J. Meteor., 7:247-258 (1950).
have been worked out by Phillips [21]. 20. NEAMTAN, S. M., "The Motion of Harmonic Waves in the
It is not unlikely that the study of an atmosphere Atmosphere." J. Meteor., 3:53-56 (1946).
where typical barotropic and baroclinic effects are op- 21. PHILLIPS, N. A., Unpublished manuscript, 1950.
erating in full generality may contribute considerably 22. RAYLEIGH, LORD, Scientific Papers, 6 Vols. Cambridge,
University Press, 1899-1920. (See Vol. I, pp. 474-490;
to a further understanding of the behavior of the at-
Vol. III, pp. 17-23, 575-584; Voi. VI, pp. 197-204.)
mosphere. For this purpose equations (23) and (25), 23. RossBY, C.-G., "On a Mechanism for the Release of Po-
or essentially similar equations, may prove useful, at tential Energy in the Atmosphere." J. Meteor., 6:163-
least for theoretical investigations, because of their 180 (1949).
great simplicity and generality. 24. - - and CoLLABORATORs, "Relation between Variations
in the Intensity of the Zonal Circulation of the Atmos-
REFERENCES phere and the Displacements of the Semi-permanent
Centers of Action." J. mar. Res., 2:38-55 (1939).
1. BERSON, F. A., "Summary of a Theoretical lnvestigation 25. SoLBERG, H., "Das Zyklonenproblem." Verh. III intern.
into the Factors Controlling the Instability of Long Kongress fiir techn. Mechanik (1930).
Waves in Zonal Currents." Tellus, Vol. 1, No. 4, pp. 26. SuTCLIFFE, R. C., "A Contribution to the Problem of De-
44-52 (1949). velopment." Quart. J. R. meteor. Soc., 73:37Q-383 (1947).
2. BJERKNEs, J., and GonsKE, C. L., "On the Theory of 27. - - and FoRSDYKE, A. G., "The Theory and Use of Upper
Cyclone Formation at Extra-tropical Fronts." Astro- Air Thickness Patterns in Forecasting." Quart. J. R.
phys. norveg., Vol.1, No. 6 (1936). meteor. Soc., 76:189-217 (1950).

Imperial College of Science and Technology

Introduction analysis that instability (to a greater or less degree)

is a normal feature of atmospheric motion.
The title of this article indicates its principal theme It is important to be quite clear as to the meaning
but not its full scope, for although we shall explain of the term "unstable" when applied to a system of
the method of formulating and solving certain theoreti- fluid motion. If we suppose the initial field of motion
cal problems and shall interpret the answers in terms to be given, the final field of motion, after a given
of the initial stages of development of extratropical interval of time, is determined precisely by the equa-
cyclones and anticyclones, our analysis has also a wider tions of motion, continuity, radiation, etc., together
significance. N ot only does a fundamentally similar with the appropriate boundary conditions. If we con-
theoretical analysis apply to a wide variety of develop- sider a slightly different (perturbed) initial state, the
ment problems (including, for example, the develop- new final state, after the same interval of time, will be
ment of "long" waves as well as the shorter "frontal" determined in a similar manner. The stability or in-
waves and even phenomena due primarily to ordinary stability of the motion depends on the behaviour of
convective instability) so that a comprehensive analy- the resulting change (perturbation) in the final state
sis is desirable, but this analysis gives results of primary as the time interval is increased. If the final perturba-
importance in the theory of development in general, tion remains small for all time for all possible initial
that is, from the point of view of the general forecast- perturbations, the motion is stable. If, on the other
ing problem. W e shall infer from our results that there hand the perturbation in some or all regions grows
exist, in general, certain ultimate limitations to the (initi~lly) at an exponential rate for any possible initial
possibilities of weather forecasting. Certain apparently perturbation, the motion is unstable. There is an i~~er
sensible questions, such as the question of weather mediate case, conveniently described as neutral stab1hty,
conditions at a given time in the comparatively distant when the perturbations grow linearly or according to a
fu ture, say several days ahead, are in prin~iple un- low-degree power law, but this need not concern us here.
answerable and the most we can hope to do IS to de- The practical significance of a demonstration that
termine the relative probabilities of different outcomes. the motion is unstable is clear, for in practice, however
The full significance of our theoretical problems becomes good our network of observations may be, the initial
apparent only when it is clear what kind of question state of motion is never given precisely and we never
we should attempt to answer. know what small perturbations may exist below a
The science of meteorology is a branch of mathemati- certain margin of error. Since the perturbation may
cal physics; it can be fully understood only in a quanti- grow at an exponential rate, the margin of error in the
tative manner. Moreover, all the practical questions forecast (final) state will grow exponentially as the
we should like to answer are of a quantitative charac- period of the forecast is increased, and this possible
ter. Having discovered the relevant equations of mo- error is unavoidable whatever our method of forecast-
tion, we ought to aim at obtaining significant integrals ing. After a limited time interval, which, as we shall
(more precisely, solutions of significant boundary-value see, can be roughly estimated, the possible error will
problems) which may be applied directly to practical become so large as to make the forecast valueless. In
problems. In order to obtain tractable problems, and other words, the set of all possible future developments
at the same time to see clearly what we are doing (i.e., consistent with our initial data is a divergent set and
"to see the wood for the trees"), we may, for a first any direct computation will simply pick out, arbitrar-
analysis, simplify the equations by omitting all factors ily, one member of the set. Clearly, if we are to glean
not vitally affecting the nature of the answer. Later any information at all about developments beyond the
we may refine our solutions by taking into account limited time interval, we must extend our analysis and
factors previously omitted (e.g., by the method of suc- consider the properties of the set or "ensemble" (cor-
cessive approximations), thereby testing whether we responding to the Gibbs-ensemble of statistica! mechan-
have in fact included all the vital factors. This is a ies) of all possible developments. Thus long-range fore-
procedure with which we are familiar and, however casting is necessarily a branch of statistica! physics in
laborious it may be in practice, it introduces no new its widest sense: both our questions and answers must
difficulty in principle. The really serious difficulty is be expressed in terms of probabilities.
to discover what kind of problem ought to be solved, There are two important connections between these
for this difficulty arises as soon as we consider the general considerations and subsequent analysis. Firstly,
question of the stability of atmospheric motion. Ob- this analysis will show the existence of at least one type
servation suggests that the motion may, at least some- of large-scale unstable disturbance in a simplified but
times, be unstable, and we shall infer from subsequent typical system, and we shall infer that instability is a

normal feature of atmospheric motion. Although the tional or convective origin are small-scale phenomena.
unstable disturbances are continually tending to estab- The epithet "ordinary" is appropriate in each case
lish a new stable state, radiative processes are continu- because the disturbances whose nascent form we are
ously tending to restore the initial system, which there- studying may be regarded as elements of a large-scale
fore remains permanently unstable. Secondly, for such convective process and this process, regarded statisti-
a system the study of the ensemble of all possible cally, is a kind of large-scale turbulence. From our
perturbations is relatively simple. In each system there point of view the significance of small-scale turbulence,
exists a disturbance of maximum growth-rate (so that including ordinary convection, lies in its statistica!
we can determine the growth of the margin of error properties, such as ability to transport heat, momen-
and estimate the limited time interval referred to above) tum, etc. N ow frictionally induced turbulence is most
which eventually becomes dominant in subsequent de- effective near the earth's surface, and rough calcula-
velopments by a process analogous to Darwinian natu- tions (which we have not space to describe) using
ral selection. Almost any initial disturbance tends event- empirica! estimates of skin friction indicate that fric-
ually to resemble the dominant, which is therefore tional dissipation of energy usually has a relatively
the most probable development. The "ensemble" pos- small effect on the development of large-scale disturb-
sesses at least some strongly marked statistica! proper- ances (especially over a sea surface) in their nascent
ties which may be utilised to extend the range of stage, provided the unstabilising factors are not too
forecasts. In spite of inaccuracies due to oversimplifi- weak. Since we are most interested in those regions
cation this result is practically significant. The dis- where the unstabilising factors are relatively strong,
turbances referred to are approximations to nascent we may obtain a useful first approximation during the
cyclones, long waves, etc.; were it not that "natural nascent stage if we neglect the frictional terms in the
selection" is a very real process, weather systems would equations of motion. It is not possible to neglect fric-
be much more variable in size, structure, and beha- tional terms throughout the whole life-history of a
viour. disturbance because in the long run the kinetic energy
destroyed by friction must equal that generated as a
The Basic Equations result of instability.
We shall regard as basic equations the three dynami- Surface friction transports heat vertically through
cal equations, the thermal equation, and the equation a shallow layer, but since we are interested in the be-
of continuity; others, such as the gas laws and the haviour of deep layers this effect will be neglected.
laws of radiation, will be regarded as subsidiary. The Moreover, surface turbulence is partly convective in
number of dependent variables we need, or that we find it origin, and we may regard shallow convection as in-
convenient to use, depends on the nature of the prob- cluded in this argument. But sometimes (e.g., in strong
lem and the degree of accuracy aimed at. In the prob- polar outbreaks) deep and widespread convection trans-
lems with which we shall be concerned it is possible to ports heat to great heights at a great rate. We shall
express the basic equations in terms of the three com- ignore this possible complication and concentrate our
ponents of velocity, pressure, and entropy (or density) attention on systems in middle and high latitudes
alone so that the five basic equations, together with which are statically stable in their initial stages.
appropriate boundary conditions, form a complete set. Just as, in the long run, we cannot ignore skin fric-
Clearly these equations can be appropriate only for a tion so, in the long run, we cannot ignore radiative
limited range of problems when certain approximations processes. Large-scale turbulence (the statistica! aspect
are justified; we shall in fact make further approxima- of our disturbances) appears to be a major factor in
tions, our aim being to retain only those terms which transporting heat poleward to compensate the unbal-
are of prime importance in the range in which we are anced radiation flux. But during the nascent stage,
interested. development (measured by the time for growth of
A completely realistic theory of the stability of at- the disturbance by a given factor) is relatively rapid
mospheric motion should deal with nonsteady initial and it is precisely for this reason that we are able to
conditions, but for simplicity we shall contine our at- neglect frictional terms. Hence it is reasonable to sup-
tention to the case in which the initial motion is pose that in the nascent stage we may, for a first ap-
steady, and in fact we shall be concerned mainly with proximation, neglect the change in the radiation bal-
rectilinear horizontal motion. Our analysis will be ap- ance caused by the disturbance and use for our thermal
proximately true even when the very-large-scale distri- equation the adiabatic equation.
bution is slowly changing. Consider first the case of unsaturated air. To a close
The relative importance of the terms in our equa- enough approximation the entropy of dry air is meas-
tions depends partly on the scale of the phenomena =
ured, in suitable units, by <I> (1/y) ln p- ln p, where
with which we are concerned. Here we are interested p = pressure, p = density, 'Y = specific heat ratio, and
in disturbances of the order of magnitude of nascent <I> is conserved during the motion. In this case we shall
cyclones, say 1000 km in horizontal extent and occupy- define the static stability, which measures the restor-
ing a large part (or the whole depth) of the troposphere. ing force due to gravity on a particle displaced verti-
From our point of view ordinary or gravitational con- cally, as a<I>jaz (z = vertical coordinate). Now con-
vection, originating from static instability (i.e., super- sider the case of saturated air in contact with a cloud.
adiabatic lapse rate), and ordinary turbulence of fric- The static stability is now measured by the difference

between the actual entropy lapse and that of the ap- rotation of the earth, is intimately concerned with the
propriate wet-adiabatic. Thus there is a sharp, and development of tropical cyclones.
usually a large, reduction in static stability when air Instability of type lb has been the subject of much
becomes saturated. The effective horizontal entropy recent investigation, usualiy under the heading "dy-
gradients are also modified as a result of saturation, namic instability," but despite its theoretical impor-
but to a much smalier extent. N ormaliy a cloud mass tance it is probably rare for large-scale motion. The
behaves, to a sufficiently close approximation, as if name "centrifugal" has been preferred to "dynamic"
the air were unsaturated except for the appropriate because it is more descriptive and less confusing-other
modification in static stability. types of instability may reasonably be calied "dy-
Our equations are complicated by the fact that air namic."
is a compressible fluid, but it is clear that this feature Instability of type 2a is probably the most important,
is not, for our purposes, a significant one. We are on a large scale, in middle and high latitudes. It is to
concerned essentialiy with a particular type of "vibra- this type that our earlier remarks regarding the normal-
tion" problem though our disturbances have mathe- ity of instability and the existence of "natural selec-
maticaliy complex wave velocities. The moduli of these tion" directly apply.
wave velocities are in ali cases, as our calculations Instability of type 2b was investigated by Helmholtz
verify, smali compared with the velocity of sound. It and Rayleigh for nonrotating barotropic fluids. The
is not surprising therefore that the forces associated N orwegian wave theory of cyclones was a partialiy
with compressibility are negligible, that is, that the successful attempt to extend the theory to rotating
air behaves dynamically as if it were incompressible. barotropic fluids.
The static effect of compressibility, involving a large Although we shali choose our initial systems so that
change of density with height, is a complication which only one type of instability is in question, the same
prevents atmospheric motion from being quite the same general method of analysis applies in every case. Using
as that of an incompressible fluid. N evertheless, even the method of smali perturbations, we obtain a set of
for deep disturbances, the behaviour differs little from simultaneous, linear, partial differential equations in-
that of an incompressible fluid of similar mean density: volving the perturbations as dependent variables. By
the modifications are essentialiy of the nature of distor- elimination we obtain a partial differential equation
tions of wave structure without much change in more with only one dependent variable and look for simple
significant features like growth rate. We shali therefore solutions satisfying appropriate boundary conditiona.
confine our attention to "equivalent" incompressible Usualiy these solutions involve only circular or expo-
fluid systems. Our results are, of course, more directly nential functions in the horizontal (x and y directions)
applicable to analogous oceanographic problems. and ali contain the factor e81 1 where t represents time
Lack of space prevents a discussion of these points and 81 is a constant called the growth rate. For 81 to
in mathematical terms. It has been shown elsewhere be real we usually have to use a moving coordinate
[3] that the basic equations may be further simplified system. Fortunately these solutions for unstable waves
by the elimination of the pressure field, so that we are, practically, the most important ones and the dis-
have finally four equations connecting the four de- turbance of maximum growth rate, when it exists, is
pendent variables V., , V11 , V. (velocity componenta), probably dominant relative to one of arbitrary initial
and ci> (entropy). But our present concern is the physical structure. In any case a study of these particular solu-
interpretation and practica! significance of certain calcu- tions enables us to understand the process of breakdown
lations rather than the calculations themselves. of the initial system and to estimate the relative im-
portance of various factors.
The General Theory of the lnstability of Fluid Motion The method of analysis outlined above is necessary
if we require precise results and is the only one which
The various types of instability occurring in dynami- is completely unequivocal. But it is mathematical in
cal meteorology merge into one another so that most form and usually rather involved so that significant
systems encountered in practice are, to a greater or physical principles, which give us insight into our prob-
less degree, hybrid. Nevertheless it is not only simpler lems and immediately suggest generalisations, tend to
but theoretically more instructive to consider certain be obscured. Now, except that our interest is centred
ideal limiting cases where one or another unstabilising in the unstable region, we are concerned with what are
factor acts alone. Four simple types of instability will essentially vibration problema and we may expect to
interest us: find that energy considerations are of paramount im-
la. Gravitational instability (ordinary convection or portance. For, by the law of conservation of energy,
static instability). the kinetic energy associated with any perturbation
lb. Centrifugal instability (dynamic instability). must be equal to the decrease in "potential" energy of
2a. Baroclinic instability (with thermal wind). the system, and a necessary condition for instability
2b. Helmholtz instability (at a velocity discontinu- is that it should be possible to find displacements which
ity). will decrease "potential" energy; the condition will be
Instability of type lais, in middle and high latitudes, sufficient only if these displacements are consistent
nearly always a small-scale phewmenon, but in low with ali the equations of motion and boundary condi-
latitudes a modified form, taking into account the tiona. More precisely, using Rayleigh's method, we

may express separately the changes in kinetic and slowly interchanged. Then since potential density would
"potential" energy in terms of arbitrary displacements depend only on entropy, we should obtain, if B were
of the form ox = e611 ox 0 (x, y, z), etc. The kinetic energy negative, a net release of energy for any two parcels
change contains the factor Oi , while the "potential" at different levels, while if B were positive no inter-
energy change does not, so that the law of conserva- change could release potential energy. Clearly the con-
tion of energy gives an expression for oi in terms of the straints associated with the continuity equation cannot
displacements. The possible simultaneous values of the alter this result-the overturning process is equivalent
displacements are restricted (or constrained) by the to a set of such interchanges of different amplitudes.
equations of motion and we can to some extent delimit Since horizontal motion does not affect potential en-
possible values of Oi by considering only some of the ergy we need consider only vertical overturning; calcu-
constraints, as in somewhat analogous problems in lations by the energy method give Oi :::; -gB, where
dynamics. In the present instance we consider only g = gravitational acceleration. Of course in this simple
the equation of continuity and one momentum equa- case it is easy to obtain complete solutions, represent-
tion (and suitable boundary conditions) and then ap- ing the nascent stage of Benard cells, and calculations
ply algebraic inequality theory to our undetermined show that oi (maximum) is nearly attained for narrow
displacements. W e thereby obtain an upper bound to deep cells, where little energy is wasted in horizontal
the possible value of Oi (corresponding to negative square motion. W e shall postpone the extension to large-scale
of frequency) just as in dynamics we obtain a lower convection, where the rotation of the earth is con-
bound to frequency (squared) by considering a less sidered, since this is really a combination of types
constrained system. la and lb.
The value of the foregoing, described in more de- lb. Centrijugal Instability. We shall suppose the mo-
tail elsewhere [3], derives partly from the fact that tion to be barotropic and horizontal with the initial
we can treat a wider variety of problems than we can velocity Vx a function of y only. For simplicity we
by complete solution, while the value of oi (maximum) take dVx/dy constant and, to begin with, we put B = O
thereby obtained is usually not much greater than the (isentropic conditions). Then "potential" energy exists
true value of Oi . But its greatest usefulness is that it only in the "kinetic" form. Let us,consider the change
makes the process of breakdown of unstable systems due to overturning in the (vertical) y, z plane. Fila-
immediately intelligible. If we take into account only ments of air in the x-direction move as a whole and we
our limited set of constraints, it is immediately evident easily derive from the equations of motion that, during
what kind of displacement field is necessary for a re- displacement, oV = foy, wheref is the Coriolis parame-

lease of "potential" energy. It is of course essential ter. If the x-axis is directed toward the east, this cor-
that the term "potential" energy be correctly inter- responds to constancy of absolute angular momentum.
preted. For our purpose it comprises all forms of energy But for our purposes, where a mean value of f is used,
other than the kinetic energy of the perturbation and the orientation of the x-axis is arbitrary. A simple calcu-
therefore includes, besides gravitational potential en- lation shows that potential energy is released only if
ergy, the organised kinetic energy of the mean flow dVx/dy > j, corresponding to negative absolute vor-
(smoothed of harmonic variation). This distinction be- ticity, and the energy method gives oi :::; f(dVx/dy - f).
tween two kinds of kinetic energy change is justified Although values of dVx/dy near the critica! value are
by their different roles in the turbulent motion which sometimes observed in narrow bands, it is doubtful
is the ultimate state in practice: turbulent energy may whether centrifugal instability ever occurs on a large
arise either from a decrease in gravitational potential scale except perhaps in low latitudes. The rotation of
energy or from a decrease in kinetic energy of the mean the earth, normally at least, has a stabilising effect so
motion. We may classify our systems according to far as vertical overturning is concerned.
whether the "potential" energy source is (a) static Similar results are obtained if, instead of rectilinear
(gravitational) or (b) dynamic (kinetic). Now the dis- motion, we consider a barotropic circular vortex (with
placement field is merely the nascent form of a process no motion relative to the earth as a special case).
of overturning and we shall need to consider only two The condition for instability is again negative absolute
possibilities: (1) overturning in a vertical plane; (2) vorticity.
overturning in a quasi-horizontal plane. Thus we may W e may note that in both the foregoing cases maxi-
also classify our systems according to the kind of over- mum instability occurs for shallow, flat, cells since
turning associated with instability. In our list of four "potential" energy changes depend only on horizontal
simple types of instability we anticipated their classi- motion (no energy is wasted in vertical motion).
fication from both points of view. Let us consider the lab. Gravitational-Centrijugal Instability. It is easy
characteristics of these systems. to combine the results of the previous sections for a
la. Gravitational Instability. We consider barotropic system in which neither B nor dVxfdy vanishes. There
conditions, so that initially there is no wind change is instability if either B or (f - dV,jdy) is negative,
with height, and for simplicity we suppose that d<t> / dz = for the cells may be either so deep that centrifugal
B, where B is constant. If, to begin with, we neglect the stability is negligible or so shallow that static stability
rotation of the earth, then "potential" energy exists is negligible. The important practica! case is that of no
only in gravitational potential form. Suppose that two motion (special case of circular vortex) with B < O.
small parcels of air of equal potential volume were Instability occurs for disturb~nces which are sufficiently

deep relative to their breadth, the condition being that in the optimum s-direction: for one particular wave
there should be a net release of "potential" energy. length (more precisely, for one ratio of horizontal to
In low latitudes not only is - B sometimes (temporar- vertical "wave length"), the displacements are as near
ily) relatively large but the stabilising effect of the optimum as possible and it is to this dominant wave
earth's rotation is small, so that convection cells of that the coefficient 0.31 applies. Longer waves grow
relatively enormous diameter (nascent hurricanes) can more slowly while very short waves are stable. Thus
develop. there is "natural selection" for one particular wave
In general, maximum growth rate corresponds either structure. It has been shown elsewhere how, by con-
to very deep or to very shallow cells but this result is sidering compound systems containing a region where
not of great significance because practical systems are h2 is a minimum, realistic models of both nascent wave
very inhomogeneous. cyclones and long waves may be constructed. Briefly,
2a. Baroclinic Instability. We suppose the initial mo- the smaller disturbances develop in frontal regions,
tion to be rectilinear and take the initial velocity Vx where cloud masses reduce the effective static stability
to be a function of z only. For equilibrium this implies and therefore also h2 The long waves occupy the whole
a horizontal gradient of entropy A = a<P/ ay, where, troposphere, and secondary modifications, caused by
approximately (A not too small), dVx/dz = -gA/f. constraints associated with the variability of the Cori-
For simplicity we suppose A to be constant. Pure olis parameter, are then significant.
baroclinic instability should correspond to B = O, but lab. Generalised Vertical-Overturning Instability. We
it will be convenient to consider directly the more may consider from the point of view of vertical over-
general case B ~ O. In practice we usually have (at turning an initial system similar to that of subsection
least in the mean) B > O, and this is the only case we 2a, but it will be convenient to generalise by supposing
need examine, for when B < O the system is obviously Vx to vary with y as well as with z. Then using the
unstable. The isentropic surfaces have an angle of same general method as before, we obtain
slope a(< 1r /2) given by tan a = 1 A/B 1 and in prac-
tice we normally have tan a 1.
Consider first the change in gravitational potential
energy resulting from interchange of parcels of air in
the manner of subsection la. The result is no longer
independent of the y-displacement. If the direction of
displacement lies outside the acute angle a, there is
an increase of energy, but if it lies inside, energy is re-
leased. There is zero change for displacement either
along the isentropic surfaces or horizontally, and calcu- where the surd has always to be taken as positive.
lation shows that maximum release of energy occurs This is the general formula for vertical overturning,
(approximately, assuming a 7r/4) for displacement including the examples previously given as special cases.
in the direction of the bisector of a (in the y, z plane), If either B < O or dV x! dy > j, the system is certainly
which we shall call the s-axis. N ow consider the change unstable. If neither condition is satisfied, we require
in kinetic "potential" energy. If the overturning were for instability (gA) 2 > gBJ(f- dVx/dy), which is
in the vertical plane, this would occur in the manner equivalent to l/h 2 > [1 - (1/f)(dVx/dy)]. In the im-
of subsection lb, with increase of energy. But if over- portant special case when dVx/dy vanishes, this con-
turning occurs in thex, s plane (i.e., quasi-horizontally), dition becomes simply h2 < 1, equivalent to the well-
with the perturbations varying harmonically in the known condition of negative absolute vorticity in the
x-direction, there is no change in the mean motion and isentropic surfaces.
no change of energy (correct to the appropriate order 2b. Helmholtz Instability. Consider the system of two
of small quantities). Hence our energy method gives barotropic air masses with uniform horizontal motion
instability in all cases and on calculation: Vx = U1 in one, and Vx = U2 in the other, separated
. ll by a vertical "front" at the x, z plane. If the earth
oi : : ; -g.B. ~ 4 h2 (h 2 > > 1), were not rotating, we could apply the well-known
results of Helmholtz (complete solutions) which show
where g. and B. are the components of gravity and this system to be unstable for all perturbation wave
entropy gradient, respectively, along the s-axis (note lengths, growth-rate being inversely proportional to
analogy to la) and h2 is the Richardson number defined wave length, but it is instructive to apply the energy
by h2 = gB/(dVx/dz) 2 method. Helmholtz's solutions involve only horizontal
This result is of course provisional but, as in other motion, associated with corrugation of the "front,"
cases, is verified by complete solution. With artificial so we need consider only horizontal overturning. The
(but physically possible) boundary conditions we can "potential" energy is entirely "kinetic" and the manner
obtain nearly the maximum value of 81 , but a more of its release is clear from the flow pattern, obtained
realistic model gives 81 = 0.31 f/h. The reduction in by considerations of continuity and boundary condi-
the coefficient from 0.5 to 0.31 is due to the additional tions alone. Outside the y-limits to which the corruga-
constraints imposed by the boundary conditions, as a tions of the "front" extend, the mean motion is un-
result of which displacements cannot everywhere be altered, but inside these limits there is a change in the

mean flow of each air mass (in opposite directions) Future Developments
resulting in a decrease in organised kinetic energy (see The discussion above is merely an outline of ele-
Fig. 1). mentary principles. Although our analysis shows that
the equations of dynamical meteorology are by no
means intractable from the point of view of computing
future developments, the results so far obtained are

.. t
only of limited applicability. Our calculations give only
the initial form of the most probable (dominant) new
development and we need to compute the further de-
velopment when the perturbations are no longer small.
As the period of the forecast is extended, analytical
methods become increasingly involved and clumsy and
sooner. or later we have to resort, at least partly, to
numencal methods. An adequate degree of accuracy
t + is practically attainable only with the use of computing
machines, and electronic large-memory computers will
play an important part in extending and generalising
the elementary theory.
The development of numerica! methods, even to the
. FIG. 1.-Helmholtz waves. Arrows with a single head and a extent of a direct attack using observed data, does not
smgle shaft denote perturbation velocities; those with a single
hl!ad and double shaft, perturbation mean velocities; those absolve us from the necessity of understanding the
w1th a double head and a double shaft, initial velocities. precise significance of our solutions. N ot only do we
have to know how and where to approximate, but the
N ow, as we ha ve seen, the earth's rotation has a reliability of our solutions varies with time place and
stabilising effect only when there is vertical overturning. forecast period. In fact for long forecast p~riods ~hat
Hence we should expect results similar to those men- is significant is not the detail, which is usually partially,
tioned above when the earth's rotation is taken into perhaps entirely, accidental (i.e., dependent on minu-
account. Complete solution of the problem confirms tiae below the margin of error), but the general nature
this, and IJ = ( 2/4)(U 1 - U 2) 2 , where 2n/ is the (e.g., persistently settled or unsettled) of the majority
wave length for a rotating, as well as for a nonrotating, of possible solutions. We need to develop the statistica!
system. theory referred to earlier. N ot ali the questions about
In practice, B is usually strongly positive so that future weather we should like to answer are in fact
any vertical motion would decrease the net release answerable, but it may well be that the growth of un-
of "potential" energy. Moreover, frontal surfaces are certainty in some directions is compensated by statisti-
not usually vertical and in general the boundary ca! regularity in others.
conditions cannot be satisfied by purely horizontal REFERENCES
motion. Hence a sloping front is less unstable than a
vertical one. Since the unstabilising effect of a velocity 1. BJERKNES, V., and others, Hydrodynamique physique. Paris,
Presses Universitaires de France, 1934.
discontinuity is inverselyproportional to the wave length, 2. CHARNEY, J. G., "The Dynamics of Long Waves in a Baro-
whereas the stabilising effect of static stability is in- clinic Westerly Current." J. Meteor., 4:135-162 (1947).
dependent of the scale of motion, it follows that only 3. EADY, E. T., "Long Waves and Cyclone Waves." Tellus,
waves shorter than a critica! wave length are unstable. Voi. 1, No. 3, pp. 33-52 (1949).
Very short waves are always unstable because static 4. LAMB, H., Hydrodynamics, 6th ed. Cambridge, University
stability may be neglected. Press, 1932.


The Institute for Advanced Study*

Introduction a recognizable resemblance to the actual motions. For-

As meteorologists have long known, the atmosphere tunately, the science of meteorology has progressed to
exhibits no periodicities of the kind that enable one to the point where one feels that at least the main factors
predict the weather in the same way one predicts the governing the large-scale atmospheric motion are
tides. N o simple set of causal relationships can be found known. Thus integrations of even the linearized baro-
which relate the state of the atmosphere at one instant tropic and thermally inactive baroclinic equations have
of time to its state at another. It was this realization yielded solutions bearing a marked resemblance to
that led V. Bjerknes in 1904 [1] to define the problem reality. At any rate, it seems clear that the models
of prognosis as nothing less than the integration of the embodying in mathematical form the collective experi-
equations of motion of the atmosphere. But it remained ence and the positive skill of the forecaster cannot fail
for Richardson [12] to suggest in 1922 the practica! utterly. This conviction has served as the guiding
means for the solution of this problem. He proposed to principle in the work of the meteorology project at
integrate the equations of motion numerically and The Institute for Advanced Study with which the
showed exactly how this might be done. That the writer has been connected.
actual forecast used to test his method was unsuccessful
The Geostrophic Approximation
was in no sense a measure of the value of his work.
In retrospect, it becomes obvious that the inadequacies In the selection of a suitable first approximation,
of observation alone would have doomed any attempt Richardson's discovery that the horizontal divergence
however well conceived, a circumstance of which Rich- was an unmeasurable quantity had to be taken into
ardson was aware. The real value of his work lay in the account. Here a consideration of forecasting practice
fact that it crystallized once and for all the essential gave rise to the belief that this difficulty could be
problems that would ha veto be faced by future workers surmounted: forecasts were made by means of geo-
in the field and that it laid down a thorough ground- strophic reasoning from the pressure field alone-fore-
work for their solution. casts in which the concept of horizontal divergence
For a long time no one ventured to follow in Richard- played no part. And indeed, this belief was substan-
son's footsteps. The paucity of the observational net- tiated when it was shown by Charney [2] and Eliassen
work and the enormity of the computational task [7] that the geostrophic approximation could be used
stood as apparently unsurmountable barriers to the to reduce the equations of motion to a single dy-
realization of his dream that one day it might be namically consistent equation in which pressure appears
possible to advance the computation faster than the as the sole dependent variable.
weather. But with the increase in the density and If, in addition to the geostrophic approximation, one
extent of the surface and upper-air observational net- makes the assumptions that frictional and nonadiabatic
work on the one hand, and the development of large- effects may be ignored, the equations of motion are
capacity high-speed computing machines on the other, found to be contained in the statement that the po-
interest has revived in Richardson's problem and at- tential temperature and the potential vorticity, as de-
tempts have been made to attack it anew. fined by Rossby [13], are conserved, and that both the
These efforts have been characterized by a devotion quasi-hydrostatic and the geostrophic approximations
to objectives more limited than Richardson's. lnstead may be used for evaluating the terms involving density
of attempting to deal with the atmosphere in all its and horizontal velocity in the conservation equations.
complexity, one tries to be satisfied with simplified A partial justification for this procedure was given by
models approximating the actual motions to a greater the author [2], but the ultimate test must depend upon
or lesser degree. By starting with models incorporating comparison of theory with observation.
only what are thought tobe the most important of the The potential vorticity is defined as specific volume
atmospheric influences, and by gradually bringing in times the scalar product of the absolute vorticity and
others, one is able to proceed inductively and thereby the entropy gradient. For the large-scale atmospheric
to avoid the pitfalls inevitably encountered when a motions the isentropic surfaces are quasi-horizontal,
great many poorly understood factors are introduced and we may to a first approximation replace the ab-
all at once. solute vorticity and entropy gradient by their vertical
A necessary condition for the success of this stepwise components. The pressure equation then becomes [3]
method is, of course, that the first approximations bear
[ ax i f( u + J> ( i a )] ap
* Most of the work described in this article was performed 2 + ay 2 + galn ejaz az 2 + a az + {3 at = 'Y (l)
under contract N6-ori-139, Task Order 1, between the Oftice of
Naval Research and The Institute for Advanced Study. m a rectangular coordinate system with x pointing

east, y north, and z upwards. The quantity f is the used with a degree of success in present-day synoptic
Coriolis parameter 2!2 sin cp, with n the angular speed practice. Hence, in accordance with the plan of utiiizing
of the earth's rotation and cf> the latitude; p is the the results of synoptic experience in the construction
pressure; a, {3, and 'Y are functions of p and its space of models, we shall investigate the form taken by the
derivatives; 8 is the potential temperature, and is ro equations of motion under this hypothesis.
the geostrophic vorticity: First, by way of further justification, we shall show
by means of scale considerations that the term
,_,_, _!_
g "'-'
(ifl_p + aay2p) -
pf axz
= ~
h p, (2) u a In 8/ ax +
va ln 8/ ay is usually Iarger in order of
magnitude than wa In 8/az in the adiabatic equation,
where V'h is the horizontal operator, p the density, and
the symbol "::::::;" denotes approximate equality. For d In 8 = a In 8 + u a ln 8 + v a ln 8 + w a In 8 = O (3)
dt at ax ay az '
simplicity of presentation, the curvature of the earth
is here ignored. in which u, v, and w are the x, y, and z veiocity com-
Equation (1) is elliptic or hyperbolic in the pressure ponents, respectively.
tendency according as the factor multiplying the z-de- From the geostrophic and thermal wind equations
rivative terms is positive or negative. Since this factor we have
has the same sign as the approximate potential vorticity,
p- l ( 0 f)a In 8j az, we may infer that the elliptic or u a ln 8 + V a In 8 ::::::; t
ax ay g
(u azav - V au)
az '
hyperbolic character of (1) is preserved at a material
point. Thus we are assured that if (1) is everywhere and from the vertical vorticity and continuity equa-
elliptic initially it will remain so. On the other hand, if tions
(1) is elliptic at some points and hyperboiic at others
it will retain this property. In the Iatter case the
+1 j al + U axa+ V aya) ( + j)
integration problem becomes exceedingly compiicated. (4)
Moreover, it is not known if, or to what extent, the ::::::; _ (au + av) ::::::; ~ a(pw) ,...., aw.
geostrophic approximation applies when the potential ax ay p az az
vorticity is negative. Fortunately, however, negative
potential vorticities occur rareiy, and then only locally, The symbol ",-..," denotes equality in order of magnitude
and we may therefore be justified in assuming at the only.
start that equation (1) is elliptic everywhere and for Assuminga sinusoidal dependency, with wave lengths
ali time. (In the more general case, where the isentropic lx , 111 , and Z, ,
surfaces are not assumed quasi-horizontal, it can also u = U exp [21ri(x/lx + y/1 + z/l.)]
be proved that the pressure-tendency equation is and
remains a second order elliptic differential equation if v = V exp [2r.i(x/lx + y/1 + z/Z.)]

the potential vorticity is initially positive everywhere.) w = W exp [21ri(x/lx + yjl + z/l.)],
We may envisage a solution of equation (1) by the
following procedure. Assuming that p is known at where U"'"' V and lx "'"' 111 , and noting that each term
time t, we evaluate its coefficients and nonhomogeneous on the left-hand side of (4) has the same order of
terms at time t and sol ve for ap1at by a relaxat ion magnitude, we obtain
method (Southwell [14]). The boundary conditions are w aIn 81 az z; "~
"'"[! ;r
that there shall be no influx or effiux of mass through
the bottom or top of the atmosppere, translated into
ua In 8jax + va In 8jay
equivalent conditions on the pressure tendency. Hav- where P; = f is the frequency of a horizontal inertial
ing obtained apjat we calculate the pressure at time oscillation and "~ = ga ln 8jaz is the frequency of a
t+ t::..t from buoyancy oscillation. For the large-scale motions in
p(t + t::..t) = p(t) + t::..t apjat. middle latitudes lx, l 11 = 2 X 10 6 to 6 X 10 6 m; = z.
104 m to 2 X 104 m; P;::::::; 10-4 sec- 1 ; and Pb ::::::; 10-2
The sequence of steps is then iterated to give p(t 2t::..t), + sec-1 Hence the above ratio varies between 0.03 and 1.
p(t + 3t::..t), etc. For a typical large-scale system (lx, 111 = 4 X 106 m;
As computing machinery for caicuiations of such z. = 1.5 X 104 m) its value is about 0.14. We note,
great compiexity have not yet been available, more however, that the advective hypothesis is less valid
simplified atmospheric modeis have been devised to in the stratosphere where the buoyancy frequency "b is
test the validity of some of the basic assumptions. several times greater than 10-2 sec-1
These will now be described. ' The following derivation of the geostrophic-advective
equations is due substantially to Fjprtoft [5], although
Advective Models
it is much in the spirit of Sutcliffe's work [15].
The General Case. A first simpiification is obtained If the thermal wind equation
by ignoring the effect of vertical motion on the change
in potential temperature. Aithough this assumption is avu g- k X V'h 1n8,
-::::=:; 1 (5)
more questionable than those already made, one cannot az
ignore the fact that the advective hypothesis has been in which Vp is the ~eostrophic wind and k is the vertical

unit vector, is integrated from the ground to the level with p 0 the surface pressure. W e now introduce the
z, fixed with respect to time, we obtain advective hypothesis,

Vg = Voo + f~ 1'o
k X "h In e dz (6) a-In-e ~
-Vo V'p In e, (16)

and, by differentiating with respect to t and taking the so that

1 JPO Vo V'p In e-
o=ar ar
oO + {/_ V'21z a ln 0 dz (7) A ~-
g p p
at at f o at ' (17)
(aip )

since the variability of f may be ignored in the differ-

~ Jg p J p ap , <I> dp ,
entiation. To eliminate at 0o/at we proceed as follows:
If we define with the result that all quantities in (13) are expressed

__ o 1 _P~f
a dz
in terms of il> and its derivatives.
The numerica! integration of (13) is simpler than

1 ~P~dz
a= oo ' that of the general quasi-geostrophic equation. One
solves the two-dimensional Poisson's equation
o +f fo
equation (7) becomes, by integration with respect to z, v;s = Jp (18)
and determines the field of a<P1at from
atu= atoo _ [j__V'2A (9)
at at f h ' a<I> -
-=S-A+ A. (19)
where at
A = -1' a at edz.
In (10) There are a number of methods, both analytic and
numerica!, by which (18) can be solved. The best for
hand calculation is probably the relaxation method of
Utilizing the relationship [2, eq. 68] Southwell [14] as it is rapid and can be used with any
type of boundary. However this method is not always
= -voV'~t(fo + j), (11) suitable for automatic machine computation as it makes
large memory demands. It has been found best for a
which may also be derived directly by vertical integra- machine with a small internal and large external mem-
tion of (4), we eliminate aroo!at between (7) and (9) to ory to use the analytic solution expressed in terms of a
obtain Green's function G:

= -voV'h(to + f) + ~ (V'~A
- V'~A). (12) S = JJ G(x, y, x', y')J dx'dy', (20)

It now becomes convenient to replace z by p as the where the integral extends over the forecast area and
vertical coordinate. The geopotential <P = gz may then J is regarded as a function of x' and y'. The function G
be introduced as a dependent variable in place of p, is a solution of the homogeneous equation V'!G = O,
and, with slight approximation, the local and horizontal satisfying the same condition as S on the boundary.
derivatives may be replaced by derivatives in an iso- Finally we mention that one may also use an "analogy:'
baric surface. The latter are denoted by the subscript p. device, consisting of a physical system whose eqm-
For the large-scale systems in which we are primarily librium state is governed by an equation having the
interested (since only for these is the geostrophic ap- same form as (18). The physical magnitude J appearing
proximation valid), f is usually several times greater in (18) is varied at will and the magnitude S deter-
than fo, and the mean defined by (8) may be replaced mined by measurement from the resulting equilibrium
by the simple average with respect to pressure. Then, configura tion.
sin ce A Simplified Version. While (13) is already a consid-
ro~ 1 V'!<I>, r erable simplification of the quasi-geostrophic equation,
equation (12) becomes it still presents appreciable difficulties for numerica!

G il> +
integration. Further simplifications will therefore be
V'! ( ~~ + A - ) = Jp V'! j, il>) , (13) considered. The first is based on the observation that
the isolines of temperature and potential temperature
where J P is the Jacobian operator defined by in large-scale systems are approximately parallel at
ali levels, that is,
aa a{3 aa a{3
Jp(a, /3) =ax ay- ay ax' (14) 1 7r(p) -
- V'p In O = -_- V'p In O (21)
and p p

A _ _! JPo a In e dp (15) where the bar refers to a fixed isobaric surface p. If

g p at P v0 , p, T, and Oare the velocity, density, temperature,

and potential temperature respectively at this level, in which form it is seen to be practically identica! with
the so-called "equivalent-barotropic" equation derived
Vg =
- + fp -avu dp
V0 =
- + uV,
(22) by the author [3, p. 384]. The quantity 1 v' /V 0 1 ~
p ap R V'PT/V'pil> has been found to have the average value
1 1

where 1.25 and consequently K = 1 (1.25)\0.14) = 1.22,

which agrees well with the value K = 1.25 given in
and the author's paper just mentioned. Defining p* by

(J = [,u(p) - ,u(p)]/p; ,u(p) = J PO

7r(p) dp. (24)
v 0 (p*) = Kv 0 and multiplying (29) by K, we obtain
at + Vg* V'p"g* + V * dy
df ~ ( dtd) p* (?; 0* + j)
0 = 0, (30)
Similarly we find
A (gp)- 1,u(p)v0V' P ln O, where the asterisks denote quantities at the level p*.
Hence from (4) we see that p* is the level of nondiver-
A (gp)- jiV0 V'p ln O,
gence and that the vertical component of absolute
where ii is the pressure a verage of ,u (p). If the level p vorticity ?:o +
f is conserved at this level. The value
is chosen so that ,u(p) = jl, it is easily found that (13) of p* is about 100 mb less than that of p, or about
becomes 500 mb.
The foregoing remarks reveal clearly the exact sense
V'2p aci>
= J (
p f V'2pil>
_!_ + f ' il>) in which the barotropic atmosphere may be considered
(25) an approximation to the real atmosphere.
+ (RT) 2 u2Jp ( } V'! ln e, ln e) Kibel's Method. In 1940, I. A. Kibel [9] proposed a
numerica! method for forecasting surface pressure and
temperature changes on the hasis of the geostrophic
at this level. The variations in ln e are determined from hypothesis 1 by assuming that the lapse rate of tem-
perature is everywhere constant, that is,
T(x, y, z) = To(x, y) - 'Z, (31)
The two equations above are sufficient to determine and that the temperature TH at a fixed upper level is
the motion. Their advantage lies in the fact that the advected with the wind:
problem has been reduced to a purely two-dimensional
one: no vertical integrations are required and the initial -aTH
+ vV'TH = 0. (32)
data need consist only of the height and temperature
distribution in the surface p. The latter approximation holds at the tropopause where
An empirica! study of the function ,u(p) gave for ;;:2 it is considered to be a consequence of the property that
the approximate mean value 0.14, and the value 600 mb the tropopause is a discontinuity surface of the second
for p in winter. In a specific situation U2 and p seemed kind at which the lapse rate of temperature is approxi-
to be somewhat influenced by the height of the tropo- mately zero. With v = V 0 +
v', where v' is the geo-
pause, indicating that the position of the tropopause strophic deviation, the adiabatic equation at the ground
exerts an influence at least on the kinematics of the becomes
atmospheric motion.
The Barotropic Model. The barotropic model results aTo - J ( To,po )
- - RTo
at fpo
+ VoV'hTo
from a further simplification of (25). If one assumes (33)
that the thermal wind uv' in (22) is proportional to _ RTo (apo + v~V'hpo) =O,
Vu , implying that the isobars are parallel at all heights, Cppo at
where Cp is the specific heat of dry air at constant pres-
(27) sure. Similarly, equation (32) becomes

and equation (25) becomes aTo

- - -RTH
1PH J To, PH
) + VHV'hTo
' = O. (34)

v; ~~ = Jp (} v!cll + J, cil) Noting that

+ ~: 12 ~Jp (} V'!cll, cp)
p = po exp ( - ~[ T0 ~ 'Z) , (35)

we obtain the thermal wind equation

at the level p. This equation may also be written
V'hp _ RTH ..., + gz ..., T (36)
aru df - - - VhPD - Vh o
at + Kv0 V'p0 + V0 dy =O, (29) P Po To
1. A somewhat simplified account of Kibel's method by
where B. I. Isvekov has been translated into English. See "Professor
I. A. Kibel's Theoretical Method of Weather Forecasting."
Bull. Amer. meteor. Soc., 27:488-497 (1946).

and the relationship The geostrophic deviation

1 ap _ RTH apu + gz aTo (37) ul ~ - ! (av + u av + v ay
piJt - Po at To Tt ' f at ax
from which it follows that (34) may be written vi ~ ! (au + u au + v au)
f at ax ay
aTo RTH )
7Jt - fpo J(To, Po + VH'ih To
=O. (38) is further approximated by substituting the geostrophic
wind components u0 -p- 1r\apjay), v0
lf the winds are assumed geostrophic, (33) and (38) p-1r 1 (apjax) for u and v. lgnoring small terms and
combine to give using (36) and (37), one obtains, when ap0 jax
apo/ ay = O,
~o = -aJ(To, po)}' (39)
1 1 R(TH - To) a2po gH a2 To
UH - Uo = - f2Po axat - f2To axat
Tt = {3J ( To , po)

g2 H 2
- j 3 T~ J
To, ax - gHRTH
aT 0 ) ( apo)
lpoTo J To, ax '
. (42)
1 1 R(TH - To) a2po gH iTo
{3 = RTH. VH - Vo = - f2Po ayat - f2T o ayat
( apo)
These are Kibel's equations for the first approxi-
mation. Their integration becomes especially simple
g2H 2
- tT~ J
To, ay - gHRTH
lpoTo J To, ay
if it is observed that in virtue of (39) Evalua ting a2p0/ axat and ipo/ ayat from (39) and sub-
stituting in (33) and (38) we obtain, by elimination of
ata (aTo + [3pu) = O, aTo/ at,

so that apo = B [aTo J

at ax
(r, ao)
o' ax
+ aTo
J (r, ayao)] ' (43)
8 = aTo + {3po (40)
is independent of time, and O= iiTo + {3pu
apo = J(pu '8) } . (44)
aTo = J(T, O)
at o' B = To _ 1)
Cppoa ( 2 'Ya +
RTof 'Y
These equations imply that the fields Po and To are and 'Ya is the dry-adiabatic lapse rate. Making the ap-
propagated along lines of constant 8 with a velocity proximation O ~ 8, it is possible to deduce the con-
numerically equal to 1 \hOl . They may also be in- sequence that the surface pressure decreases when the
terpreted to state that the surface pressure and tem- 8 contours at the steering level Z diverge over the
perature are steered along the contour lines of the center in the direction of the wind. Conversely, if the
isobaric surface located at approximately the height contours converge, the surface pressure increases.
Z = aTo/ (a-y + g{3p0 ) and with a velocity given by the In view of the nature of the assumptions made,
wind at this level multiplied by (a-y + g{3po)Jjg. In Kibel's first and second approximations cannot serve
practice, the constants a and {3 are determined em- as a substitute for the general advective geostrophic
pirically rather than from their formulas. equations. There have been references to higher ap-
In 1948 Lettau [10] observed that Kibel's equations proximations, but the articles unfortunately were not
of first approximation are very similar to a set derived available to the writer.
by Exner in 1906 [8] under similar assumptions. In
place of Kibel's tropopause condition, Exner assumed The Linearized Barotropic Model
that there exists a level H at which the pressures do
not change. If H is identified with Z, Exner's equations The nonlinearity of the quasi-geostrophic equations
become nearly identica! with Kibel's. makes it difficult to study their properties. However,
Equations (39) give zero pressure tendency at a many of the essential properties of the nonlinear mo-
pressure center, where ap0 jax = ap0 jay = O. For an tions are preserved in the linearization. Thus, for ex-
estimate of the tendency at a center Kibel proceeds ample, boundary conditions will often be qualitatively
to a second approximation. As the derivation is omitted the same for both and the numerica] technique of
in both Kibel's and Isvekov's papers. it will be supplied integration used for the one can be used for the other.
here. In this manner it is often possible to obtain semi-

quantitative estimates of the convergence criteria for aE a a

the nonlinear difference equations-estimates that at + ax (cuxE) + ay (c 011 E) = O, (49)
would be difficult if not impossible to obtain by any
other means. Also, the study of linearized counterparts which states that the energy of the disturbance asso-
may be undertaken for the physical insight they give ciated with a given area in the x, y plane will not
into the nature of the dynamical processes at work in change with time when each point of the area moves
the atmosphere-without which insight, numerica] fore- with the local group velocity given by (48). Since an
casting is at best a haphazard affair. arbitrary initial disturbance may be regarded as a sum
One problem to which at least a partial answer is of point disturbances, we may state that no infiuence
required is the determination of the speeds at which is propagated faster than the maximum group velocity.
infiuences propagate in the atmosphere. The elliptic An inspection of (48) shows that for increasing lx and
character of (1) demands that the boundary conditions l11 the group velocities as well as the phase velocities
be known as functions of time along vertical surfaces become arbitrarily large. However, the magnitudes of
surrounding the forecast region, as well as at the ground l:, and Z11 are limited by the finiteness of the earth's
and at the "top" of the atmosphere. Since such con- surface, and even this limitation is scarcely realistic,
ditions cannot be known, there appears to be a basic for the extent of the motions with which we are con-
indeterminacy in the problem of forecasting for cerned is far less than world-wide. To obtain a better
a limited region. The reason for this indeterminacy is estimate of the maximum group velocities, we first
that the introduction of the geostrophic approxima- provide for the finiteness of the earth by assuming x
tion effectively filters out the sound and gravity waves to have a period equal to the circumference of the 45
whose finite speeds place an upper limit on the rate latitude circle. If the unit of distance is taken as the
of propagation of a disturbance. Thus disturbances radius of this circle and the unit of time as one day, k
propagate instantaneously in quasi-geostrophic mo- becomes an integer representing the number of waves
tion, and effects from the boundaries are felt immedi- encircling the earth and 11 = 21r.
ately at every point in the region they enclose. One A typical spectrum determined by Fourier analysis
feels that since sound and gravity motions interact of the v component of the velocity at 45N for 0300Z
negligibly with the large-scale systems, the solution on January 11-13, 1946 at 500 mb is shown in Fig. 1,
to the difficulty must be found in the quasi-geostrophic
equations themselves. Let us, therefore, examine these
equations in their linearized form.
As we shall be concerned primarily with horizontal
propagation it will be permissible to treat the motion
barotropically, for it has already been shown that the
horizontal motion of a barotropic atmosphere approxi-
mates the actual motion ata certain mean level.
For small perturbations on a constant zonal current
U, the barotropic equation (30) becomes

V~ ( ~~ + U :=) + 11 := =

O. (45)

The quantity 11 = df/dy will be given the constant

value corresponding to the mean latitude 45. Equa-
tion (45) admits of the plane wave solution
<P = exp [i(kx + JJ.Y - vt)] (46)
in which the frequency v is related to the wave num-
2 3 4 7
bers k = 27r/Zx and J1. = 21rjl11 by 5 6 8 10

11k Fra. 1.-Mean spectral distribution of the kinetic energy

v = kU--- (47)
k2 + J1.2" of the north-south motion at 500 mb and 45 N for 0300Z,
January 11, 12, and 13, 1946.

The group velocity components Cox

in which the square of the amplitude, A 2, measuring
and c011 are
. the kinetic energy of the north-south motion, is plotted
Cux = :~
= U + 11 (~:;
:2;2} against k. One energy maximum occurs at k = 2.5,
(48) corresponding to a wave length of 144 long. at 45
av 211kJJ. lat., and the other at k = 7.5, corresponding to a wave
Cqy = a}J. = (k2 + JJ.2)2 length of 48 long. The first maximum is associated
with the very long wave quasi-stationary disturbances
Now it may be shown that the kinetic energy E of a which, as Charney and Eliassen [4] have shown, are
point disturbance obeys approximately the law produced mainly by topographical action. As we are

not here concerned with these disturbances, we may for m2 = 18 and t = 1. This function is seen to become
assume a cutoff in the wave number at k = 4. The very small as the absolute value of x is increased. Let
maximum value of c0 x then occurs at J.l. = O and is us assume that it is negligible for x > x1 and x < -x2
equal to U + {3/k 2 or (U +
22.5) deg Iong. day-\ and Then the upper and lower limits of integration may be
the minimum value occurs at J.1. 2 = 3k 2 and is equal to replaced by x - Ut - x 1 and x - Ut + x 2 , respec-
U - {3/8e = (U - 2.8) deg long. day-1 . Since it is tively. This means that with respect to the mean
also unrealistic to take J.l. = O, we shall suppose that zonal current, influences propagate eastward with a
J.l. ~ 4 also, in which case max Cux and min Cax are equal speed less than X1 degrees per day and westward with
to U {3/8e = (U 2.8) deg long. day- 1 The corre- a speed less than x 2 degrees per day. From the figure,
sponding values of max and min C0 y occur at J.l. = k one may estima te x1 ~ 25 and X2 ~ 40. These esti-
and are equal to 11.2 deg long. day- 1 for k, J.l. ~ 4. mates for the influence velocities are greater than those
These group velocity estimates can be regarded only obtained for the group velocities because no restric-
as approximations in the asymptotic sense; they are tions have been placed on the energy spectrum of the
accurate only for large values of time. Moreover, the initial disturbance if>(x, 0). Influences from only very
derivation of the energy propagation equation (49) long wave disturbances propagate rapidly, and it is
presupposes a continuous variation of frequency, where- likely that a disturbance with most of its energy lying
as the frequencies are here restricted to discrete values in the middle and short wa ve length region of the
by the finiteness of the earth. The following alterna- spectrum would again be found to ha ve influence veloci-
tive approach to the problem avoids these difficulties. ties more in conformity with those given by the ex-
If we assume a sine dependency on the y-coordinate treme group velocities.
(il<t>j()y 2 = -m2if>), equation (45) becomes In summary, one may say that influences have a
maximum rate of propagation not much in excess of
!___ (a<t> + U a<t>) - m2 a<t> + ({3 - Um2 ) a<t> = O. (50) U (the partide speed) and a minimum rate not much
a:x 2 at ax at ax less than U, so that the propagation relative to the
Its solution may be written [3]: ground is eastward. These conclusions have been borne
out by severa] recent integrations of the nonlinear
if>(x, t) = if>(x - Ut, O) barotropic equations.

+ 1 +..
-.. lm(x - Ut - a, t)if>(a, O) da,
(51) The solution for the linearized barotropic equations
given by (51) has a certain value in itself. It has been
used with some success for forecasting the actual wave-
where like perturbations of the westerlies [4]. The initial
1 ~ ( -ivt
I m 2_- 21!'~ distribution of if> along a fixed latitude was determined
- 1
e (52)
from the 500-mb map, and the integral in (51) was
and evaluated by means of Simpson's rule. It was shown
that the topographical motions become quasi-station-
(53) ary when m2 = 18, so that the relative variation in
the height of an isobaric surface at a fixed Iatitude
The "influence function" I m(x, t) is shown in Fig. 2 could be predicted for a 24-hr period without taking
these motions into account. Frictional effects were like-
2 wise found to be negligible in forecasts for so short a
period. These results have been taken to justify the
neglect of topography and friction in first attempts
at the integration of the nonlinear barotropic equations.
It has also been shown [3] that influences are propa-
gated at an effectively finite speed in the vertical direc-
tion. The maximum vertical group velocity for small
-IB0"-150"-120"-9o" -sa -30" o 30" so 90" 120 1so 1eo-x plane wave disturbances in a baroclinic atmosphere
with fronts perpendicular to the x, z plane has been
calculated at approximately 4.5 km day- 1 at 45 lat.
Thus in principle it is unnecessary to know the entire
vertical structure of the atmosphere initially in order
to predict the motion of the lower layers for short
-2 periods. This result is perhaps of no great practica!
importance for numerica! computation, since the low
energy of the very high level motions renders their
-3 influence negligible in any case. It does, however, have
a theoretical significance in stating a property of the
atmospheric motion that has not generally been recog-
-4 nized. It is this property which may constitute the
most serious criticism of the advective model. Accord-
Fw. 2.-Influence function for m 2 = 18, t = 1. ing to equation (19) the calculation of the geopotential

tendency S - A at a point on the ground requires a are complex, the square of their common absolute
knowledge of the potential temperature advection value is given by their product, which by (56) is equal
throughout the entire vertical column above the point, to unity. If the roots are real, one of them must exceed
in contradiction of what has just been stated; and here unity in absolute value. Hence the condition for com-
there is no compensation mechanism that effectively putational stability is that the roots be complex, that
limits the spread of influences as in the case of the is, that the discriminant of (56) be negative. This
geostrophic approximation. It is thus possible that leads to the condition
the advective assumption imposes a physically un-
.6.x > . k.6.x
tenable constraint on the atmosphere. - csm-
!1t - 2 '
Computational Stability or, since k must be presumed to have any value,
Once the physical problem of determining the equa- .6.x >
tions of motion and the boundary conditions has been .6.t - c. (57)
solved, there arises the purely mathematical problem
of approximating the solution of the continuous equa- Thus, no matter how small !1x and !1t are chosen in-
tions by finite-difference methods. Here it may come dependently, the solution of the finite-difference equa-
as a surprising fact that no matter how small one tion will not approximate the continuous solution un-
chooses the space and time increments for the finite- less (57) is satisfied. A geometrica] interpretation of
difference equations, one has no guarantee that the this criterion has been given by the author in a previous
finite-difference solution will approximate the contin- article [3].
uous solution. This phenomenon, first discovered in N ow it may be shown that whenever equations of
1928 by Courant, Friedrichs, and Lewy [6] will be il- motion permitting physical propagations are used, the
lustrated for the one-dimensional wave equation condition (57) must be satisfied for c, the greatest
propagation speed. Although Richardson [12] effectively
a2<P =
2 i<P
c -2 (54) excluded sound waves with the hydrostatic approxi-
at 2 ax ' mation, he did not exclude externa! gravity waves
whose finite-difference analogue for centered differences whose speeds are nearly as great as those of sound,
may be written about 300 m sec- 1 He chose .6.x to be about 200 km;
consequently his !1t should have been smaller than
ip(X, t + f1t) + ip(X, f - f1t) - 2ip(X, t) 200,000/300 sec or 20 min. In point of fact he chose
(.6.t) 2 6 hr. Hence, a direct application of his method would
(55) inevitably have led to computational instability.
2 cp(x + .6.x, t) + <P(x - .6.x, t) - 2cp(x, t) By employing the quasi-geostrophic equations one
= c . (.1x)2 avoids the difficulty of having to choose time incre-
Becausc of the linearity of (55) we may suppose that ments so small as to be meaningless in relation to the
meteorologically significant motions. Nevertheless, the
the solution is represented by a Fourier series. The
space and time increments cannot be chosen arbi-
long wave length components will be accurately ex-
pressed by the solution of (55), but there will inevit- trarily. To show this, let us again consider equation
ably be a distortion of the components whose wave
If we use centered differences, its finite-difference ana-
lengths are of the order of !1x. This distortion will be
logue may be written
harmless if .6.x is small compared with the wa ve lengths
of the physically relevant components and if the small D2 [<I>(x, y, t + .6.t) - <I>(x, y, t - t,.t)
wave length components do not amplify. However, 2.1t
when such an amplification occurs, it does so with
exponential rapidity and quickly makes nonsense of + U <I>(x + .6.s, y, t) - <I>(x - .6.s, y, t)] (58)
the entire solution. 2.1s
Let us, therefore, consider a Fourier component of
the form exp [i(kx - vt)]. Substitution m (55) gives
= j3(.6.s)2 <I>(x + .6.s, y, t) - <I>(x - .6.s, y, t)
2.1s '
where .6.s is the space increment and the finite-differ-
ence operator D 2 is defined by
D 2if; = 1/;(x + .6.s, y, t) + 1/;(x, y + !1s, t)
+ 1/;(x - .6.s, y, t)
and, if we set w = e-ivtJ.t, (59)
+ 1/;(x, y - .6.s, t) - 41/;(x, y, t).
w2 - 2 (1 - 2c 2 (:~Y sin k~x) w + 1 =O.
2 (56) Consider a Fourier component of the form exp
[i(kx + p,y - vt] =
w exp [i(kx + p,y)]. Substitution in
The small error will cause no difficulties if it does not (58) gives
amplify, that is, if 1 w 1 ::; 1. If the two .roots of (56) w2 + 2aiw - 1 = O,

where has the advantage that it is the map on which hemi-

_ [U
a- +

2 klls + sm
llt . k"... s.
J.!ilS Ils
spheric data are usually plotted and analyzed and that,
in comparison with the Mercator projection, it has
much less distortion at high latitudes so that a square
sm 2 2 lattice represents more nearly equal areas on the earth.
The condition for stability, 1 w 1 ~ 1, is then found to If fjJ is the latitude, a the radius of the earth, and the
be a ~ 1, and we obtain radius of the equator on the map is chosen as the unit
of distance, the scale factor for the stereographic pro-
- > U sm
Ils . k"
..,.s + (}4)f'(lls) sin (klls) . 2 jection is m = 2a-1 (1 + sin f/l)- 1
llt - . klls + . J.!llS
2 2
Boundary Conditions. Since data are lacking for the
sm sm2 2 entire earth and as the geostrophic approximation does
not hold in the vicinity of the equator, the integration
An upper bound for the first term on the right-hand must be performed for a restricted area. The problem
side is U. The second term increases with decreasing then arises of determining the boundary conditions.
k and J.!, and we may evaluate it by assuming klls and It is not a serious difficulty that these conditions are
J.!ilS to be small, thus obtaining the upper bound not actually known as functions of time, since we
{Jilsk(k 2 J-!2)-1 Let us now assume that (58) is to be already know that influences from the boundary will
solved for a rectangular region with sides L~ and Ly not propagate inwards at a rate much greater than the
parallel to the x- and y-axes, respectively. Then k and particle velocity. One has only to choose the boundary
J.! must be greater than 27r/Lx and 21rjLy, respectively, sufficiently far from the area for which the forecast
and the stability -condition becomes is desired. However, it is still important to assign
artificial boundary conditions that are dynamically cor-
Ils > U + {Jils L 2
( 60) rect, for experience has shown that if the conditions
llf - 47r Lx'
assigned are not physically possible, computational in-
where L is the square harmonic mean, stabilities arise which propagate faster than the
physical disturbances.
[Yz(L; 2 + L; )r\ 2
If one wishes to solve (61) for the initial tendencies
of Lx and Ly. only, it is sufficient to prescribe a<I>/at on the bound-
If Ils is small compared to the dimensions of the aries. This may be done by first making a crude fore-
rectangular area, the second right-hand term will be cast of W>/ at, say by extrapolation from the observed
small, and we obtain the result that the ratio of the 12-hr height change, or, more roughly, by setting a<I>jat
space to the time increment must be greater than the equal to O. But in forecasting for a finite time interval,
particle velocity. It is shown in reference [5] tha,t a it is not sufficient to specify a<I> / at, and therefore <1>,
stabilty condition closely analogous to (60) holds for for all time. For this case one may show [5] that if
the general nonlinear barotropic equation. fluid is flowing into the forecast region both the flux
of vorticity and <1> must be specified, whereas if fluid
Integration of the N onlinear Barotropic Equation is flowing out of the region, only ci> need be prescribed.
In the following section a description will be given Since the specification of ci> determines the normal
of a method that has been used to integrate the baro- velocity at the boundary, one has only to specify the
tropic equation (30). vorticity in addition to <1> where fluid is entering.
Equation of M otion. The nondivergence level p* M ethod of Solution. The method to be followed in
is taken to be 500 mb. If the spherical surface of the the solution of (61) will depend on the types of com-
earth is mapped conformally onto a plane and the geo- puting instruments available. It may be of some in-
potential <1> of the 500-mb surface is used as dependent terest to describe briefly the integration procedure used
variable, the correct form of (30) for a spherical earth by the writer in collaboration with R. Fjprtoft and
becomes J. von Neumann [5].
With the notation ~ = \7~<1> the basic equation (61)
may be replaced by the system

'17 = mY- 1/; + f, (62)
al;/at = Jp('ll, <I>), (63)
\7; ~~ = Jp ( ~ 2 \7; <1> + j, <1>) ' (61)
\7~( aci>1at) = au at, (64)
where \7~ and J P are to be interpreted as opera tors in with the boundary conditions
the plane, and m is the scale factor of the mapping.
Except for the factor m2/f, the left-hand side of (61) aci>jat = O; (65)
is the change in absolute vorticity and the right-hand a~;;at = o, if d<I>/ds < o, (66)
side is the negative of the absolute vorticity advection.
The equation therefore asserts that the vertical com- where s is the tangential coordinate along the bound-
ponent of absolute vorticity is individually conserved. ary, directed so as to keep the interior domain always
The Conformal Map. The stereographic projection on the right.

For simplicity in computation, a rectangular area terval lls was chosen to be eight degrees of longitude
with sides p. and v is chosen, and a rectangular lattice at 45 on the map and the time intervals 1, 2, and 3 hr
is defined by the coordinates were used on different occasions. The results indicated
X = (, (i = o, 1, ... , p), that the space interval was too large-about one-half
its value seems to be recommended for future work-
y = (v/q)j (j = o, 1, ... , q), whereas even three hours was not too long for the time
in which the boundary lines are i = O, i = p, andj =O, interval.
j = q. If ci>;;, ;;, 'T/i;, J;;, (aci>/ot);;, (ajat);; Figure 3 shows the results of one such integration.
denote the finite-difference approximations toci>, , 71, A strip two grid intervals in width at the top and side
Jp, aci>jat, ajat at the points (i, j), the procedure borders and one grid interval in width at the lower
is as follows: From the initial values of ci>;; one de- border of each diagram has been excluded to eliminate
termines first ;; , then 7J;; , and finally J ;; . The spurious boundary influences from the forecast. The
values of (ajat);; are then immediately found from forecast is seen to be fairly good in regions where ade-
(63): quate data were available. The major discrepancy oc-
(ajat);i = J;;(TJ;;, ci>;;). curred south of Greenland. In order to ascertain
whether the discrepancy was due to the effect of baro-
To obtain (aci>/ot);; one has to solve the finite-difference dinicity, the 500-mb tendencies were calculated by
analogue of (64), that is, means of the general advective equations (18) and
D 2 (aci>jat);; = (11s) 2 (ojat);;, (67) (19), and to obtain a comparison with observation the
computed tendency field was translated in the direction
where D 2 is defined by (59) and lls = v/q is of the mean current for 24 hr with the speed of the
the grid interval. On the assumption that ci> does not trough to give a 24-hr change. The results are shown in
vary on the boundary (aci>/ot = O) the solution is found Fig. 4.
aci>) (11s)2 p-1 q-1 p-1 q-1 Objective Analysis
at ij = - pq ~ ~ ~ ~ After the initial data were assembled and put on
2 1rl + . 2
( sm-
1rm)- punch cards, the time required for the Eniac to pro-
(68) duce a 24-hr forecast using 2-hr time intervals was
2q approximately 24 hr of continuous operating time.
. 1rlr . 1rms . 1rli . 1rmj Howeve,r, this time is likely tobe considerably reduced
J ,. sin- sm- sm- sm - . by machines with a greater memory capacity. It has
p q p q
been estimated that the time required for the electronic
In the actual computation, the functiona S,. = computer at The Institute for Advanced Study, with a
sin (1rujp) and Tv = sin (1rvjq) need only tobe tabu- memory capacity for 1024 forty-digit binary numbers,
lated for integral values of u from O to p/2 and for v will be about _% hr. It is thus not entirely quixotic to
from O to q/2, the functiona for other values of the contemplate the preparation of numerica] forecasts for
argumenta being given by practica! use in the near future. It then becomes obvi-
ous that if the high speed and high capacity of the
s_,. = Su+p = - s. . ; T -v = T v+q = - T V machines are to be used to greatest advantage, there
This is a decided advantage in a machine with a must be an equally rapid method of preparing the data
limited storage capacity for numbers. Rad an arbi- received by teletype, radio, and telegraph in a form
trary area rather than a rectangular one been selected, accessible to the machine. Under present conditions
the solution would be given by the finite-difference the data must first be plotted and subjectively ana-
form of (20). Instead of storing the Cf + q)/2 sines, lyzed, both of which operations are now painfully
one would then ha ve to store the p 2q. /2 independent slow. J. von Neumann and H. A. Panofsky have there-
values of a symmetric Green's function. fore suggested that weather reports be translated into
Having determined the quantities (ajat);;, (aci>/ot);; initial data by purely objective methods. As Panofsky
the time extrapolation is performed by means of the [11] has shown, the pressure field may be approximated
formulas by an nth order polynomial of the form
n~~ = ~i~~ + 211t(afat)~;, p(x, y) = .2: a;;xV (i +j ~ n)
ci>~j~~ = ci>~i~~ + 211t(aci>jat)~;, i, i

by the method of least squares, provided the number

and the entire process is repeated a required number
of coefficients a;; is less than the number of points at
of times. In the first step, uncentered time differences
which p is known. The degree of the polynomial is
must, of course, be used. determined by the amount of smoothing desired. For
A number of 24-hr integrations have been carried
relatively small areas a third-degree polynomial is held
out by this method on the Eniac 2 [5]. The space in-
to be adequate.
2. The Electronic Numerica! Integrator and Computer of One can easily envisage a process whereby the ma-
the Ballistic Research Laboratories, U. 8. Army Proving chine is instructed in advance to take note of the data
Ground, Aberdeen, Maryland. at a set of fixed observation points, to perform the

polynomial interpolation, and to calculate the initial applies only indifferently, if at all, to many of the small-
data at the points of a predetermined grid. Given t he scale but meteorologically significant motions. We have
mechanical means for the accomplishment of this pro- merely indicated two obstacles that stand in the way

(o) (b)

FIG . 3.- Forecast of J anuary 30, 1949,0300 GMT: (a) observed z (heavy Iines) and 1 + f (light Iines) at t =O ; (b) observed
z and r + fat t = 24 hr; (c) observed (continuous Iines) a nd computed (broken Iines) 24-hr height change; (d) computed z
and r +fat t = 24 hr. The height unit is 100 ft and t he unit of vorticity is! X w- sec- 1

gram, there would, of course, remain other problems of the application of the primitive equations: First,
to be solved, not the least of which would be the de- there is the difficulty raised by Richardson that the
vising of an objective technique for the location and horizontal divergence cannot be measured with suffi-
elimination of errors in the raw data. cient accuracy; moreover, the horizontal divergence is
U se of the Primitive Equations only one of a class of meteorologica! unobservables
which also includes the horizontal acceleration. And
The discussion so far has dealt exclusively with the second, if the primitive Eulerian equations are em-
quasi-geostrophic equations as the hasis for numerica!
ployed, a stringent and seemingly artificial bound is
forecasting. Y et there has been no intention to exclude
the possibility that the primitive Eulerian equations imposed on the size of the t ime interval for the finite-
can also be used for this purpose. The outlook for difference equations. The first obstacle is the more
numerica! forecasting would indeed be dismal if t he formidable, for the second only means that the in-
quasi-geostrophic approximation represented the upper tegration must proceed in steps of the order of fifteen
limit of attainable accuracy, for it is known that it minutes rather than two hours. Yet the first does not

seem insurmountable, as the following considerations done at the boundaries or by advection of kinetic
will indicate. energy at the boundary. But in view of what is known
It is very probable that the state of the motion at about influence velocities one can say that it cannot
any given time will depend continuously upon the possibly increase by more than the kinetic energy con-
tained in that region, lying outside the forecast area,
from which influences can reach the boundary in the
forecast time. Hence, if the kinetic energy within this
region is not many times larger than the kinetic energy
within the forecast region, the above conclusions stiU
apply. If the difference motion is unstable, the question
of the utility of the primitive equations is not easily
decided. It is certainly not obvious that dynamic in-
stability necessarily implies their inutility. If, for ex-
ample, the original motion is a small perturbation on an
unstable steady flow with u, v, w, and u', v', w' "'
e' 1 (v a positive number), the error I will increase ex-
ponentially; but the kinetic energy of the actual mo-
tion will also increase exponentially in the same pro-
portion so that the relative error will remain constant.
J. C. Freeman and the writer 3 have carried out a
numerica! integration of the Eulerian equations for
small perturbations in a barotropic atmosphere, taking
care to satisfy the Courant-Friedrichs- Lewy stability
FIG. 4.-The broken lines represent the 24-hr height change criterion. Rad the quasi-geostrophic equation been
computed by translating the baroclinicalJy computed tend- used, the motion would have consisted only of gener-
ency field for 0300 GMT, January 30, 1949 in the direction of alized Rossby waves; instead, the computed motion
the mean current and with the speed of the trough. The solid
lines represent the observed 24-hr height change. was found to consist of two superimposed parts, the
first nearly identica! to the Rossby motion and the
initial motion; if the initial conditions are varied second a gravitational wave motion of much smaller
slightly, the motion at a subsequent time will vary amplitude. Because of the necessarily erroneous values
slightly. Thus if the initial distribution of pressure, used for the acceleration and divergence (these were
temperature, and horizontal wind is known to a rela- assumed to be identically zero initially) , the changes
tively high degree of accuracy, the final distribution in the velocity occurring after the first few time steps
of these quantities will also be accurately determined were quite incorrect. But there soon took place an
and this will be true for whatever initial values are adjustment of a kind that the motion at no time was
assigned to the unobservables. found to deviate appreciably from the quasi-geo-
To elaborate, let us consider two motions whose strophic. The function of the acceleration and di-
velocity components u, v, w and u', v', w' result from vergence fields lay apparently in the mechanism by
the slightly differing initial velocities Uo , v0 , w 0 and which the quasi-geostrophic balance was maintained.
u~ , v~ , w~ . If dm is the element of mass, the integral In a manner of speaking, the gravity waves created by
the slight unbalance served the telegraphic function of
l = 1ff 3-~[(u - u') 2 + (v - v') 2 + (w - w') 2] dm informing one part of the atmosphere what the other
over the forecast region is a measure of error in the part was doing, without themselves influencing the
motion when uo , Vo , w0 are regarded as correct. W e motion to any appreciable extent. Thus it mattered
shall assume that u~ , v~ , w~ are measured with such little that the initial error in the unobservables changed
accuracy that Io, the initial value of I, is small in the character of the gravitational waves; only their
comparison with the initial kinetic energy existence was important.
The question arises whether the unobservables in the
III ~~(u~ + v5 + w~) dm. baroclinic atmosphere play an analogous role. This
N ow let us assume that the differences u - u' v - v' question is again not easily answered: in the case of
w - w' remain fairly small in comparison to' u, v, ~ barotropic motion, gravity waves are of the externa)
but allow for the possibility of a relative increase. The type which move with the Newtonian velocity of sound;
differences will then satisfy the linearized perturba- whereas in the baroclinic atmosphere they may be of
tion equations for the mean flow u, v, w and reduce to the internat type-for which the speeds and frequencies
Uo - u~ , Vo - v~ , wo - w~ for t = O. If this perturba-
are smaller-and might conceivably interfere with the
tion motion is stable so that the kinetic energy does large-scale motions.
not increase with time, the error I will also not increase In the last analysis, the feasibility of using the
and the motion u', v', w' will continue to be a good primitive equations will be decided only when numeri-
approximation. In practice, when forecasting for a cal integrations have been carried out. For this purpose
limited region, the kinetic energy of the difference 3. Unpublished report, Meteorology Project, The Institute
motion might conceivably increase as a result of work for Advanced Study, Princeton, New Jersey.

it is more convenient to use pressure as an independent particularly if the forecast period is to be extended to
variable in place of height. The complete equations of three or more days.
motion in this variable are given by Eliassen [7]. Under Condensation phenomena appear to be the simplest
the hydrostatic and adiabatic assumptions they become to introduce: one has only to add the equation of con-
tinuity for water vapor and to replace the dry by the
- = -
+ vVpV + wap
- moist-adiabatic equation. Long-wave radiational ef-
fects can also be provided for, since our knowledge of
= -Vp<l> - 20 sin cJ>k X v, (67) the absorptive properties of water vapor and carbon
dioxide has progressed to a point where quantitative
a<t> 1
(68) estimates of radiational cooling can be made, although
ap p'
the presence of clouds will complicate the problem
+- = 0 (69)
ap ' The most difficult phenomena to incorporate have
to do with the turbulent transfer of momentum and
a ln O+ vVp ln O+ w a In O= O (70) heat. Agreat deal of research remains tobe done before
at ap ' enough is known about these effects to permit the
where v is the horizontal velocity and w = dpldt. assigning of even rough values to the eddy coefficients
The boundary conditions at the ground and at the of viscosity and heat conduction. Owing to their sta-
upper limit of the atmosphere are, respectively, tistically indeterminate nature, the turbulent proper-
ties of the atmosphere place an upper limit on the
+ vVp<l>- w
P '
(71) accuracy obtainable by dynamical methods of fore-
casting, beyond which we shall have to rely upon
and statistica! methods. But it seems certain that much
dp = w =o . progress can be made before these limits are reached.
In the process of numerica! computation, the time 1. BJERKNES, V., "Das Problem von der Wettervorhersage,
increment in v is determined from (67) and w is betrachtet vom Standpunkt der Mechanik und der
found by integrating (69) and taking account of (72): Physik." Meteor. Z., 21:1-7 (1904).

w = - f VpV dp. (73)

2. CHARNEY, J. G., "On the Scale of Atmospheric Motions."
Geofys. Publ., Voi. 17, No. 2 (1948).
3. - - "On a Physical Basis for Numerica! Prediction of
The time increment in In O is obtained from (70) and Large-Scale Motions in the Atmosphere." J. Meteor.,
that of <1> is obtained as follows: Combining (73) with 6:371-385 (1949).
4. - - and ELIASSEN, A., "A Numerica! Method for Predict-
(71), we find for the surface height tendency
ing the Perturbations of the Middle Latitude Wester-
lies." Tellus, Voi. 1, No. 2, pp. 38-54 (1949).
( a<l>) = - Vo (Vp<l>)o - _!: 1Po Vp V dp, (7 4) 5. CHARNEY, J. G., FJpRTOFT, R., and NEUMANN, J. v.,
at o Po o
"Numeri cal Integration of the Barotropic Vorticity
and from the relation Equation." Tellus, Voi. 2, No. 4, pp. 237-254 (1950).
a In o a a<t> 6. CouRANT, R., FRIEDRICHS, K., und LEwY, H., "tlber die
partiellen Differenzengleichungen der mathematischen
at P ap at'
Physik." Math. Ann., 100:32-74 (1928).
we derive by integration 7. ELIASSEN, A., "The Quasi-static Equations of Motion with

= (a<~>) +
at O Po
(vVp In o+ w a In
dp. (75)
) Pressure as Independent Variable." Geofys. Publ., Voi.
17, No. 3 (1949).
8. EXNER, F. M., "Grundziige einer Theorie der synoptischen
As (a<t>1at)o is known from (7 4), a<I>1at is then immedi- Luftdruckveranderungen." S. B. Akad. Wiss. Wien,
Abt. IIa, 115:1171-1246 (1906).
ately determined.
9. KIBEL, I. A., "Prilozhenie k meteorologii uravnenii mek-
Since w is very nearly equal to w, one would begin haniki baroklinnoi zhidkosti." Izvestiia Akad. Nauk
by assurning dvldt, VpV, and w tobe O and then trust (SSSR), Ser. geogr. i geofiz., No. 5 (1940).
the cornpensation mechanism to yield a correct fore- 10. LETTAU, H., "On Kibel's Method of Forecasting in Rela-
cast. In six hours, the time interval used by Richard- tion to Exner's Theory." Bull. Amer. meteor. Soc., 29:201-
son, twenty-four time extrapolations of fifteen minutes 202 (1948).
each will have been performed, during which time 11. PANOFSKY, H. A., "Objective Weather-Map Analysis."
there would presumably be ample opportunity for this J. M eteor., 6 :386-392 (1949) .
mechanism to operate. 12. RrcHARDSON, L. F., Weather Prediction by Numerical
Process. Cambridge, University Press, 1922.
Nonadiabatic and Frictional Effects 13. RossBY, C.-G., "Planetary Flow Patterns in the Atmos-
phere." Quart. J. R. meteor. Soc., 66 (Supp.) :68-87 (1940).
Nonadiabatic and frictional effects have been ignored 14. SouTHWELL, R. V., Relaxation Methods in Theoretical
in the body of the discussion only because it was Physics. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1946.
thought that one should first seek to determine how 15. SuTCLIFFE, R. C., "A Contribution to the Problem of
much of the rnotion could be explained without them. Development." Quart. J. R. meteor. Soc., 73 :37(}-383
Ultimately they will have to be taken into account, (1947).
New York University

The concept of energy has two applications in mete- ''work.'' There is one additional characteristic of energy
orologica! problems: it facilitatea the analysis of many that gives the concept its real importance. N o excep-
atmospheric processes, and it makes possible a treat- tion has ever been found to the rule that energy changes
ment of temperatura changes associated with air mo- can be expressed in terms of changes of the state pa-
tion. While many analyses that are facilitated by the rameters of a system, such as temperatura, velocity,
energy concept can be accomplished without it, the and position, regardless of how those changes take
relation between characteristics of the air motion and place. Thus, a change of thermal energy can be ex-
temperature changes following the motion is essentialiy pressed in terms of the temperature change, and has
an energy transformation and should be so treated. the same value regardless of the intermediata states of
The following discussion of atmospheric-energy equa- the system. A similar statement cannot, in general, be
tions is based primarily upon the work of Reynolds [11], made about work.
with extensions and interpretations suggested by the How, then, can the change of energy, as defined, be
work of many others, especially Margules [6, 7, 8], independent of intermediata states whereas work is
Richardson [12], and Ertel [4]. The mathematical anal- not? It is true that, for an insulated system, both energy
ysis, which is presented in outline form here, can be change and total work are completely determined by
found more fuliy developed, though with a few slight the initial and final states of the system. But for a
differences in approach, in a recent paper [9]. system that can interact with its environment in other
ways besides the performance of work, part of the
The Concept of Energy energy change may be associated with a flow of energy
When discussing energy one must define the system into or out of the system. A gas that is being heated
with which the energy is identified. A system may be while it is expanding against externa! pressure will
the gas in a cylinder; it may be a certain interconnected experience a change of thermal energy determined by
series of rods, wheels, and gears in a mechanical device; its initial and final temperatures, while the work and
it may be an electronic circuit; and it may be a part of the energy added through the boundary may have
a fluid. In the most general sense, a system is a portion many different values, so long as their sum equals the
of space with prescribed boundaries. energy change in the system.
When a body moves through a distance d, opposite N ow if a system is restrained from the performance
to the direction of a force F that is acting on the body, of work, but is not restrained from other externa! ac-
it is said to have done work equal in amount to the tions, a certain form of energy may flow through the
product F X d. An insulated system is one that can do boundary into the system. The increase in the amount
work or have work done on it, but is restrained from of that energy form present in the system can be de-
any other interaction with its environment. Energy, tected from changes of the parameters that enter into
then, is that property of an insulated system which the corresponding energy function. Such changes, asso-
decreases when the system does work and increases ciated with energy flux alone, can be correlated with
when work is done on the system, the amount of in- measurable properties on the boundary surface in a
crease or decrease being equivalent to the work done. series of controlled experimenta and expressed as math-
Different kinds of work are associated with changes ematical functions of the boundary properties. It is
of different forms of energy: When a gas system ex- assumed that these functions can be used to compute
pands, its thermal energy decreases; when the gas is energy flux in ali circumstances.
lifted in a gravitational field, its potential energy in- The preceding definitions of work, energy, and energy
creases. The change of any form of energy in an insu- flux, and the empirica! evidence that they can always
lated system can be identified from the work that ac- be applied consistently to natural processes, lead to a
companies the change. The change can be correlated generallaw of energy, which is expressed here in terms
with measurable properties of the system in a series of of changes with time:
suitably controlled experiments and expressed as a [Rate at which] [Rate at which]
Rate of in-]
mathematical function of those properties. It is assumed [ crease of en- _ energy is add- _ work is done (l)
ergy in the - ed through the by the system
that the functions for various forms of energy, though system boundary
established by a necessarily limited number of experi-
menta, can be used to calculate energy changes in ali The First Law of Thermodynamics
circumstances-in noninsulated systems of any con- The special form of the energy Iaw that is most com-
figuration and in complex processes where many dif- monly used in meteorologica! analysis is the "first law
ferent energy forms are changing simultaneously. of thermodynamics":
If the concept of energy went no further than the
preceding discussion, it would have no value whatso- d
ever; "energy change" would simply bea synonym for
dt (cvT + L) = QI
+ QL + apki iJx~c.
dVi (2)


Written in tbis way, tbe law can be applied to a very Botb i and k are repeated in tbe last term of (2),
small system containing moist air and moving at tbe and bence
velocity of tbe air. Tbe air is subject to viscous forces,
but its tbermal-energy function is assumed to be tbe
same as tbat for a perfect gas. Tbe operator d/ dt is tbe
rate of cbange following tbe motion of tbe system or
tbe air; c" is tbe specific beat of tbe mixture at constant When tbis term is summed, expanded, and rearranged,
volume; T is tbe absolute temperature; and d(cvT)jdt tbere is obtained:
is tbe rate of cbange of tbermal energy per unit mass.
a a [Sum of squares of terms]
Tbe rate of cbange of latent-heat energy, per unit mass, apk; ~ = - ap --'!!..!. + J.l. involving derivatives
of water witbin tbe system is dLjdt. It is not necessary axk axi of velocity components
to establisb a zero point for eitber tbermal energy or
latent-beat energy, because only tbeir rates of cbange wbere av il ax j ' the velocity divergence, is equivalent to
appear in (2). ' o;k av;jaxk. According to tbe equation of continuity,
Tbe term Q1 on tbe right-band side of equation (2) avj 1 da
represents the rate at wbicb tbermal energy, per unit (4)
axi = ;. dt
mass, is added by radiation or molecular conduction
tbrougb tbe boundary of tbe system; and QL represents Tberefore,
tbe rate at wbicb latent-beat energy, per unit mass, is
added by tbe net flux of water tbrougb the boundary. avi
= - pda
+ 1-' [Sum of squares.] (5)
Tbe last term represents the rate of work, per unit
mass, done on tbe system by relative motion against Tbe first term on tbe rigbt, - p da/ dt, is tbe rate of
tbe molecular stresses. It is written with tbe aid of work by expansion, and tbe second term is tbe rate of
tensor notation wbicb, despite its convenience in a term work by relative motion against viscous stresses. Tbe
of tbis nature, is not widely used in meteorology. Tbe latter term, Stokes' "dissipation function," is always
indices i and k may bave tbe values 1, 2, or 3, corre- positive because botb J.l. and tbe sum of squares are
sponding to tbe tbree directions of a Cartesian coord- positive.
ina te system; tbus, x; or xk may be x1 , x2, or xa. Tbe Tbe first law of tbermodynamics bas been establisbed
velocity components v; or vk may be v1 , v2 , or Vs, corre- by many experiments, controlled and interpreted with
sponding to tbe directions of tbe x1 , x 2, or xa axes, re- a pbilosopby of tbe energy concept similar to tbat pre-
spectively. Tbe general derivative av;jaxk stands for sented in tbe first part of tbis paper. Tbe earliest state-
any one of nine different derivatives: ment of an energy law, by Leibnitz in 1693, dealt not
witb tbermal energy but witb kinetic and potential
avi av! avl avl av2 av2 av2 ava ava ava
-= -,-,-, -,-,-,-, -,-. energies (tbe "live" and "dead forces"). Tbis energy
axk ax! ax2 axa ax! ax2 axg ax! ax2 axa law can be establisbed by a matbematical transforma-
The specific volume of tbe mixture in tbe system is a, tion of Newton's second law of motion, and its validity
and Pki is tbe molecular stress tensor. rests upon tbe validity of tbe law of motion.
Tbe components of Pki are given by tbe expression
The Law of Kinetic Energy
( avj) (avi avk) ( )
Pki = Pik = - o;k \p + 2
3 1-' axi + 1-' axk +ax; ' 3
Newton's second law, for a compressible viscous fluid
on tbe rotating eartb, can be expressed as follows:
wbere p is tbe pressure; o;k is a unit tensor of value 1
wben i = k and of value O wben i :F- k; 1-' is tbe coeffi- -dt + (2w
dv1 COS cp )Va -
(2w SID
. cf> ) V2 = a
cient of molecular viscosity; and j is an index witb tbe
value 1, 2, or 3. In tbe tensor notation, repetition of
an index witbin a term means tbat the term is summed (6)
over all values of tbe index. Tbus,
dva apka
av j = 2: av j = av1
+ av2 + ava - (2w cos cf> ) v1 = a - - - g,
dt axk
axj j~l axi ax! ax2 axa'
wbere w is tbe angular velocity of tbe eartb's rotation;
wbicb is tbe tbree-dimensional velocity divergence. Any tbe latitude; and g, gravity. Tbe x1-axis is directed
component of Pki is a force per unit area, acting in tbe toward east; the x2-axis toward nortb; and tbe Xa-axis
plane perpendicular to tbe xk-axis. If it is regarded as toward tbe zenith. Wben tbe first equation is multiplied
acting on tbe fluid lying to tbe negative side of tbat by v1 , tbe second by v2 , tbe tbird by va , and tbe result-
plane, tben tbe force is positive in tbe Xi-direction. If ing equations are added, tbe Coriolis terms disappear,
the velocity gradients are vanisbingly small, or if tbe and tbe result is
fluid is nonviscous (f..' = O), Pki reduces to tbe negative
of tbe pressure, p: ~ (vi2\ = av apk; - vag
dt 2J 'axk '
P12 = P21 = P1a = Pa1 = P23 = Pa2 = O,
Pn = P22 = Paa = -p. m wbich v; 2 = v1 + v2 + v3 . Tbe first term on the
2 2 2

right is recognized as the rate of work, per unit mass, tions (9) and (10) by purely mathematical methods,
done on a small volume of the fluid as a result of its with the aid of certain simplifying assumptions about
motion in the direction of the net molecular stress act- the physical properties of the moist air. Before this
ing on the volume. It can be transformed to analysis is begun, a few remarks about the basic equa-
tions are in order.
av a
-apki -a' +a -a (v;pk;),
Xk Xk Remarks on the Basic Energy Laws
and the Iast term, -v3g, can be written -d(gx3)/dt, Equations (6), upon which (10) is based, express
neglecting the variations of gravity. The equation then Newton's second law of motion in a coordinate system
becomes that rotates with the earth. The rotational terms, such
as (2w cos rp )v 3 , vanish during the derivation of the
:t (v~2 + gx3) = - apk; :~: + a a~k (v;pk;). (7) energy equation, so that the velocity v; and the rate
of change d/dt in equation (10) may be measured in
Note that, because of the summation convention, each any Cartesian system, whether fixed, rotating, or mov-
term on the right is summed over the three values of ing at constant speed. It is customary to refer both (9)
i and k. and (10) to a Cartesian coordinate system which is in-
This equation, though established by a mathematical stantaneously fixed in the rotating earth, but which
transformation of the equations of motion, is inter- also follows the small air system so that two axes always
preted as a special form of the general energy law, equa- lie in a plane tangent to the earth's surface. The mag-
tion (1). It will be applied to the same system to which nitudes of terms in (10) may be different in other
the first law of thermodynamics is applied: a very small coordinate systems. For example, if a 1-g air particle,
volume containing a mixture of air and water vapor. moving from east to west at 20 m sec- 1 on the earth's
The term v ;2/2 is known as the kinetic energy and gx3 equator, is brought to rest, it loses 2 X 106 ergs of
as the potential energy, both per unit mass. Such inter- kinetic energy in the commonly used coordinate system;
pretation is consistent with the energy concept, for but it gains 90 X 106 ergs in a nonrotating coordinate
these functions are determined by the system's state system. There is a compensating difference in the work
and not by its history, and their total increase is equiva- in the two coordinate systems. In the former, the air
lent to work done on the system. parti ele performs work in the amount 2 X 106 ergs; in
For simplicity the following symbols will be used in the latter, work is done on it in the amount 90 X 106
writing the energy equations: ergs.
The terms a apk;jaxk in (6) are supposed to repre-
I = cvT, the thermal energy 1 seilt all body forces, per unit mass, on a small fluid
element, with the exception of gravity. Whether they
K = v; 2/2, the kinetic energy ~per unit mass do or not depends upon the accuracy of the expressions
P = gx3, the potential energy J (8) for the stress tensor in (3). These expressions are pre-
sumed tobe correct, but they have been verified experi-
av; mentally for only a few special cases.
M = apk;-.
axk There is a further uncertainty about the equations
that is of particular concern to the meteorologist. It is
Equations (2) and (7) then become
well known that the observed velocity of air motion
it (I + L) = [Ql + QLJA - [ -M]w, (9)
varies with the type of instrument used. Fluctuations
of the velocity in space and time cause a large, sluggish
anemometer to react differently from a small, sensitive
~ (K + P) = - [M-a a~k (v;pk;) Jw. (10)
one. The same sort of scale effect is certainly present
in measurements of temperature, pressure, and other
properties. This situati an poses a problem: How shall
The subscripts A and W indicate that the preceding the properties be measured in order that the equations
terms in brackets represent energy added to the system will be satisfied?
or work done by the system, respectively. Since P is It can be shown logically that the equations (6),
understood to mean g times a distance along a line with the stress represented by (3), if correct at all, are
directed opposite to gravity, there is no required orien- strictly correct only in a certain scale domain with time
tation of the axes in equations (9) and (10). and space periods greater than the molecular periods
The rate of work represented by M contributes to but smaller than the periods of the smallest turbulent
an increase of the sum of thermal and latent-beat ener- fluctuations [11]. This conclusion presuppo~es that there
gies, and simultaneously takes the same amount from is a lower limit to the periods of turbulent fluctuations
the sum of kinetic and potential energies. It represents of the various properties. If the conclusion is correct
an energy transformation through the mechanism of for the equations of motion, it is also correct for equa-
molecular stress, and hence it will be called the molecu- tion (10) ahd presumably for equation (9).
lar transformation function. The latter equation, the first law of thermodynamics,
Energy equations that may be useful in meteoro- is generally applied only to a stationary, homogeneous
logica! problems will be derived from the basic equa- fluid whose changes of state take place very slowly. The

equation, which has been limited here to a system small tions are added; each term in tbe sum now refers to a
enough to be considered homogeneous, willlater be in- unit volume. Wben tbis equation is integrated over the
tegrated for large, nonhomogeneous systems. Wbetber volume of the large system, tbere results

- [1 Vnp(K + P)du1
tbe fluid is stationary does not seem to make any dif-
ference. If it moves, so that the system contains kinetic ~ (K* + P*)
energy, tbe cbanges of this energy formare completely at
accounted for in equation (10); and transformations of
kinetic into tbermal energy are accounted for by the - [ M* - V;pn;du Jw.
transformation function M, common to botb equations.
Here an asterisk indicates tbat a term bas been multi-
Equation (9) contains some terms tbat are not always
plied by p and integrated over the volume; tbus, K* =
found in expressions of the first law of tbermodynamics.
In tbe first place, tbe beat released in phase cbanges is
frequently included in a general Q term, implying tbat
ipK dV. Two volume integrals on tbe rigbt-band side

tbe latent beat is supplied by some source outside the of tbe equation bave been transformed to surface in-
system. In equation (9) tbe latent-beat energy L and tegrals by tbe divergence theorem. An element of tbe
its net flux QL are written specifically, in order to make boundary surface is du; tbe component of air motion
a clear distinction between energy transformations normal to tbe boundary and directed outward from tbe
within the system and flux of energy across tbe system is Vn ; and tbe three components of tbe stress
boundary. 1 tensor acting in a plane tangent to tbe boundary sur-
In the second place, equation (9) includes, witbin face are Pni .
the function M, not only tbe expansional work but also Finally, the net flux of the energy K + P into tbe
Stokes' dissipation function, wbicb represents work system tbrougb tbe boundary surface, associated with
done in relative motion against viscous forces. Since tbe normal, outwardly directed velocity V n of tbe sur-
tbis function usually bas a magnitude much smaller face, is written as a surface integral. Tbe rate of cbange
tban tbat of expansional work, its neglect is of no con- following tbe system is, tben, tbe local cbange plus tbe
sequence in most meteorologica! problems. But if it is net flux due to tbe motion of the system's boundary
omitted from a discussion of energy transformations, surface:
tbere can be no explanation of tbe frictional conversion
of kinetic energy into thermal energy [14]. !!_
(K* + P*) ~ (K*
at + P*)
The General System
+ Vnp(K + P)du,
Tbe basic energy equations can be integrated for a
large, nonbomogeneous system, wbose boundary sur- and (11) becomes

[1 up(K + P)du1
face bas any sbape and moves and cbanges sbape in
any prescribed manner, by tbe following procedure. D (K*
+ P*)
Eacb equation is transformed to apply to a unit volume - (13)
instead of a unit mass and is integrated over tbe vol-
ume of the large system, yielding an equation for tbe
local rate of cbange of tbe energy. A term representing
- [ M* -1 ViPn;duJw'

energy flux tbrougb the boundary surface, associated wbere u is equal to Vn - Vn , or tbe velocity of the
witb tbe arbitrary and variable motion of tbe surface, boundary relative to tbe velocity of tbe air.
is added to botb sides of eacb equation. Tbe equations Similarly, equation (9) becomes
then give tbe rate of cbange of energy following tbe
large, irregularly shaped, irregularly moving system,
tbe sbape of wbose boundary may also be cbanging.
~t (I* + L*) = [1 [up(l + L) - q~ - q~]du 1 (14)
Tbis procedure will be illustrated by tbe transforma-
tion of equation (10).
Tbe equation of continuity (4) in tbe form
where q{. and q~ are the components of tbe fluxes qk
ap + _!___ (pvk) = O and q/( of thermal energy and latent-beat energy at the
at axk ' boundary surface, and are directed normal to tbe sur-
wbere p is tbe density of tbe small volume of moist air, face out. of the system. Tbe fluxes qk and q/( , wbose
is multiplied througb by K + P. Equation (10) is units are energy per unit area and time, are defined in
multiplied througb by p and the resulting two equa- terms of Q1 and QL :

1. The term L can be expanded into h.,w. + h 1,w1, where

h and h1, are the latent heats of sublimation and freezing,
aud w. aud W! are the mass proportious of water vapor aud
liquid water to the total mass of moist air. This method of For example, the part of qi associated with molecular
represeutatiou is uot completely satisfactory because the conduction is - c aT1axk , wbere c is a constant, and
system, stipulated to cousist of moist air ouly, may also cou- the net inward flux per unit volume is c a2 T1axk 2 , a
tain some liquid water aud ice. summation over tbe tbree values of k.

Addition of (13) and (14) gives a total-energy equa- essentially identica! in period and amplitude. The veloc-
tion: ities indicated by these anemometers are the velocities
that are supposed to satisfy the equations of motion
(1* + L* + K* + P*) and energy. Experimental studies suggest that the ane-

mometers should be at least smaller than one centi-
[1 [up(l + L + K + P) - q~ - q~]dO" (16)
meter in diameter and should react to velocity changes
within at least one second [3].

-[-1 V;PnidO" ]w
Because the terms in the basic energy equations can-
not be correctly evaluated by ordinary meteorologica!
observations, it is no great exaggeration to say that the
The important effect of adding the equations is the equations are not very useful for meteorologica! pur-
elimination of M*, the only term on the right-hand poses. The equations can be rendered more useful by
side of the equations that depends upon processes an analysis that will now be demonstrated; but, as will
within the system. By means of equation (16), it is be seen, the analysis introduces new terms whose eval-
possible to comput.e the change of total energy from uation has long been a subject for speculation, postula-
measurements on the boundary, without any knowledge tion, and experimentation.
of processes within the system. If there is no work or A property 8 will be separated into a mean value s
energy flux at the boundary, the right side of (16) is and a deviation 8 1 from the mean:
zero, and the equation then expresses a law of conser-
vation of energy. 8 = s+ 8 1
The energy equations are sometimes derived in an The mean value is defined by a space-time integral:
order different from that followed here. The principle
of conservation of energy is accepted as the basic law, [ ~ 8 dtdV
and a total-energy equation in a form similar to (16) 8= (18)
is written immediately. The law of kinetic energy is Vt
derived from the equations of motion, as is done here, where V is the volume of the space occupied by the
and then the first law of thermodynamics follows upon instrument, and t is the period for which the instru-
subtraction of the kinetic-energy law from the total- ment, because of its inertia, automatically averages the
energy law [15]. In contrast, the procedure used here reading. If the mean value is defined arbitrarily for a
is, first, the formulation of the law of kinetic energy selected volume and a selected period, the averaging
and the first law of thermodynamics; and second, a can be carried out by numerica! methods. Thus, any
statement of the total-energy law derived by combin- set of observations of 8, at different points and different
ing the two. This procedure is considered more logical times, may be converted into a mean value over a
because one cannot write the necessary energy and selected volume and period by calculation of the inte-
work functiom: in the total-energy law without recourse gral in (18). Whether the averaging is done automat-
to the experimental evidence embodied in the two iMlly by the instrument, or by numerica! methods, or
special laws. by both, s refers to a central point and time in V and
t, and it is a continuous function of space and time.
Effects of Averaging Processes The values of s at nearby points and times are deter-
The scale domain of nonturbulent variations, the mined in overlapping volumes and periods.
domain for which the energy equations are presumably The various properties 8 are replaced in the equa-
valid, may be defined as follows: If instrumental meas- tions by s + 8 1 and the individual terms of the equa-
urements of a property are not appreciably affected by tions are averaged by an integral of the form (18). It
decrease in size and increase in response of the instru- is assumed that Si, the average value of 8 1 for the same
ment, the property is being measured in a scale domain space-time as s, is negligible; and that, therefore, s,
below the scale of the smallest turbulent fluctuations of which represents the average of the continuously vary-
that property. ing sin the same space-time, is equivalent to the value
Meteorologica! measurements of the various physical of s at the center of the space-time. 2 Further, for the
properties are made with instruments whose size and sake of simplification, it is assumed that p = p, or that
period of response are certainly greater than the size the density fluctuations are negligible; but this does not
and period of the smallest turbulent fluctuations. Sup- necessarily mean that the fluid is incompressible. The
pose several anemometers of varying size and response consequences of the assumptions are, for example,
were mounted near each other in the atmosphere. The -, ,... o,
largest, most insensitive anemometer would indicate a
V; = o, pV; = o, Pki = ii; = ii; '
fluctuation of velocity with time; the next more refined
instrument would indicate more rapid fluctuations su- a o,
pli; = pii;' (pii; v~) = etc.
perimposed on those detected by the first instrument; axk
and so on, down the scale. According to the postulate 2. Note that Si is not the average value of deviations from
of a scale domain smaller than the smallest fluctua- a fixed mean, because 8 also varies from point to point; thus,
tions, all anemometers smaller and more sensitive than 8' = O does not follow from the definitions but must be stated
a certain anemometer would give indications that were as an assumption.

Hesselberg [5] has defined the mean velocity by the thermal and latent-beat energies at the velocity of the
formula: boundary relative to the averaged air velocity. The
flux pv~(I + L), averaged locally before integration
U; = _v_ _
pV; dt dV over the surface, is associated with the "eddy" velocity
of the air, v~, normal to the surface; it can be called
t ____ ,
the eddy flux of thermal and latent-beat energies. The
p dt dV
terms q~ and q~ are averaged values of the fiuxes that
as a consequence of which pu; is automatically zero
appear in the thermal-energy equation (14); q~, for
whether p' is negligible or not. Energy equations written example, consists in part of molecular conduction pro-
portional to the gradient of the mean temperature:
for this density-weighted mean velocity are similar in
form to the ones that follow, but many of the terms
have different meanings and values. The choice of the qn
-1 = ar+ fi ux of ra d'mnt energy,
- c ;---
averaging formula for the velocity should be deter-
mined finally by the instrumental technique that is where Xn is a coordinate normal to the surface and
used in measuring V; If the instrument responds di- directed outward. The last terms, M! and M:, are the
rectly to the momentum pvi, then it measures the u; volume integral of the molecular transformation func-
of Hesselberg's formula. If it responds directly to the tion: M! for averaged stresses and velocity, M: for
velocity v; , then it measures V; and formula (18) deviations of stresses and velocity from their averaged
should be used. If p' is truly negligible or is not corre- values.
lated with velocity components, the two formulas are There are two alternate ways of deriving an energy
identica!. equation for averaged properties from the equations of
motion: The equations may be averaged first and then
Energy Equations for Averaged Properties converted into an equation for the kinetic energy of
The process of analysis for averaged properties is averaged motion alone; or they may be converted into
applied to he first law of thermodynamics as follows. an energy equation and then averaged, yielding an
By combination with the equation of continuity, equa- equation for kinetic energies of both averaged and eddy
tion (9) is transformed to apply to a unit volume: motions. The difference between these two equations is
the equation for the kinetic energy of eddy motions
-;- (pl -a (vkpl + VkpL)
+ pL) + axk alone.
ut (19) In the first method, the equations (6) are converted
to the momentum form by combining each of them
= pQI + pQL + pM. with the equation of continuity. The velocities and
Then vk is replaced by vk + v~ , and the terms are stresses are replaced with their averaged values and
averaged by formula (18) over the space and time per- deviations, and the terms of the equations are averaged
taining to vk : by formula (18). These three equations are multiplied
by Vr, V2, and ila, respectively; the averaged form of
a - - a - - the equation of continuity is multiplied by - vN2; and
+ + + VkpL + pvd + pvkL)
-~- -~
at (pl pL) axk (vkpl ali four equations are added together. The final result is
+ +
VkP i + Vkpgxa
= p(/ pQL pM, (20) a ( p 2v;2 +
a (
+ axk v2 -)

- _ av; + av~ ---a;;;

+ apki ;av;- + afh; = v; aTk; + V; apk; . (23 )
M = apk; ; -
apk; ; -
;- , (21) axk axk
The symbol Tki stands for the "eddy stress" tensor:
in which the last two terms are assumed to be neg-
ligible. The first two terms on the right will be indi- (24)
cated by Mm and Me, respectively. The energy equation
This term, though it arises from the averaging of the
is integrated over the total volume of the arbitrary
accelerational term, is customarily regarded as a stress
system and becomes finally
against the mean motion, acting in the x;-direction in
a plane normal to the Xk-axis, on the fluid lying to the
D (1*
+ L*) negative side of the plane.

= [i [up(l + L) - pv~(I + L) - q~ - q~] drr1 Equation (23) is transformed into an equation valid
for a general system by the method already described,
and it becomes
- [ -M!- M:Jw, (22)
where u is the normal velocity of the boundary surface (25)
relative to Vn , or V n - Vn .
The term up(l + I) is the fi~ of the averaged

where Km = fJ; 2/2, the kinetic energy, per unit mass,

of the averaged motion; P = gx3, which, incidentally,
1 ..,-,
v gp V3 dV. (28)
is equivalent to the unaveraged gx~ or P; and E is the
"eddy-transformation function": Richardson's number is the ratio

E = aTk;-.
(26) . [ gp'v~ dV
R"' = E*
The other terms and their superimposed symbols have
the same meanings as in the preceding analyses. According to the assumptions that are usually made in
In the second method of deriving a kinetic-energy applications of Richardson's criterion, the ratio reduces
equation for averaged properties, the starting point is to the stability divided by the square of the vertical
the basic equation of kinetic energy (10), transformed shear; when this ratio is less than a critica} value Ricrit,
for a unit volume. Again, v; and Pki are replaced with turbulence is supposed to increase. Richardson assumed
V;+ v: and Pk> + p~;, and the terms are averaged. that Ricrit = 1.
The resulting equation contains the kinetic energy of It will not be argued that the terms involving p' are
eddy motions as well as averaged motion. When equa- negligibly small, for they very well may not be. They
tion (23) is subtracted from this equation, there is ob- have been omitted from the equations developed here
tained, after transformation to the general system, solely to permit a discussion of the general aspects of

the equations without too much involvement with de-
75t = q (upK. - pv~K.) dCT J
tails. But the fact that this omission eliminates the
possibility of deriving Richardson's criterion from the

(27) equations may not be a serious fault. The criterion de-
- [ Me* - E* + u V;Pni dCT J
pends upon the term gp'v~ being positive and different
from zero; in other words, upon a positive correlation
between density and vertical velocity. There is no ex-
where K. = 2/2 and K. = v~ 2 /2. The function E* ap- perimental evidence that such correlation is to be ex-
pears with opposite signs in (25) and (27). This explains pected. The occasional examples cited in support of
why E hafl been called the eddy-transformation func- the criterion are more qualitative than quantitative;
tion; when positive, it decreases the energy of the mean according to Sutton [16], "some support can be found
motion and increases the energy of the eddy motion. for almost any value of Ricrit between 0.04 and 1."
It is analogous to the molecular transformation func- Richardson's criterion appears to be qualitatively
tion M. correct, because observations show that turbulence
tends to be suppressed in a stable layer and to be in-
Applications of the General Energy Equations creased when the vertical wind shear is great. The
Equations (22), (25), and (27) constitute an array of qualitative success may be explained without consider-
general energy equations for atmospheric processes. ing the term g{/v~. Suppose (27) is applied to a ho-
Many different special equations can be obtained from mogeneous system, and ali terms are dropped except
them. For example, if turbulent fluctuations are non- the following:
existent (vi = v~ = p' = p~, = O), if the system's
boundary everywhere moves with the air, and if the
system is homogeneous, equation (27) vanishes, and
D!! = -M! + E*. (29)
(22) and (25) can be reduced to the basic equations (9)
and (10). The first term on the right represents the dissipation of
If one wishes to establish a criterion for the increase eddy energy into thermal energy; it is probably nega-
of eddying motion, one starts with equation (27) and tive most of the time so that it consistently acts to
modifies it according to whatever conditions may be decrease the eddy energy by converting it into thermal
assumed. Richardson's criterion [12], however, cannot energy. The second term E*, for the frictionallayer, is
be derived from that equation because of the omission essentially the volume integral of
of terms involving density fluctuations. One such term
-,; iJfJ1 -,-, iJvz
omitted from (27) is - [ gp'v~ dV. If this term 3 is in- pE = - PV1V3-- PV2V3-,
iJx3 iJx3

cluded and if, following Richardson, one assumes that

the boundary work and flux terms and the term M: where the X3-axis is vertical. According to empirica! evi-
dence, the eddy-transformation function E is predom-
are negligible, then (27) becomes inantly positive, so it consistently acts to increase the
eddy energy at the expense of the energy of mean mo-
3. Calder [2] derives the kinetic-energy equations for mean
aud eddy motion by a procedure similar to that followed here, tion. The magnitude of E increases with increasing
but he retains this one term involving p'. His arguments for vertical wind shear, iJfJ 1/ iJx 3 and iJvz/ iJx 3 ; thus, the eddy
retaining it appear logical, but it would seem that the argu- energy tends to increase with increasing shear. Its
ments apply equally to some of the terms that he does not magnitude increases also with increasing v~ ; but this
retain. !!uctuation of the vertical velocity tends to be damped

out when the stability is great. Hence, with smaller comes, for a steady pressure distribution,
stability v~ is greater on the average, E is greater, and
+ i + gxa + pa
V .2
the eddy energy tends to increase with decreasing sta- c~ T = const, (34)
The array of general energy equations may be com- along a trajectory.
bined in four ways: any two or all three may be added The eddy flux of thermal and latent-beat energies is
together. When all three are combined, a total-energy the first of the following three eddy terms from the
equation is obtained: right. side of (31):

~ (1* + L* + K.! + P* + K.:) -pv~(l + L) - pv~K. + v~p~i.

It differs from the expression for the vertical eddy flux
= [L [up(l + L + Km + P + K.) (31)
of heat derived by Montgomery [10], partly because
he defined the mean velocity by Hesselberg's formula,

- pv~(I + L + K.)] du 1 and partly because he combined the pressure part of

the work term v~p~i with the flux term. The first dif-
ference is unimportant if p = p. As for the second --,dif-

ference, the term ViPni becomes either - v,.p' or

[vi(Pni + T,.i) + v~p~;] du Jw. - v~p (since v~p = O) if the viscous stresses are ignored;
and this, combined with the flux, gives Montgomery's
If no energy flux or work occurs at the boundary sur- expression for the x3-direction:
face, the total energy within the system remains un-
changed. This is the law of conservation of energy. - pv~(l +L+ pa) = - pv~ht ,
Margules' models of energy transformations in the where ht = I + L +pa. For dry air, ht = h =
atmosphere were based upon an equation which can be c.T + pa, the enthalpy.
obtained from (31) by neglecting turbulent fluctuations The preceding examples are only a small sample of
and boundary activity: the numerous studies of a.,tmospheric energy. Many
others can be found without diffi.culty in the literature.
~ (I* + L* + K* + P*) = O. (32) Since no general approach to the philosophy of atmos-
pheric energy has been adopted by meteorologists, the
Margules computed the changes of latent-beat, poten- problems discussed in the literature may sometimes
tial, and thermal energies for closed, stationary systems seem to have very little to do with the energy laws dis-
which progressed, in certain special ways, from a state cussed here. It is unfortunate that the experimentally
of instability to a state of stability. He was then able determined facts are not always kept distinct from the
to compute the associated change of kinetic energy by definitions, assumptions, and speculations. lf this dis-
means of (32). Ris masterful analysis of the models has tinction were preserved, the work of different investi-
deeply influenced meteorologica! thought on atmos- gators could be more readily fitted into a single phi-
pheric-energy transformations. Margules, however, was losophy.
apparently well aware that his models were far from The general energy equations permit the use of aver-
realistic and that, at best, they provided nothing more aged values of velocity and stresses, but tbey require
than general suggestions of the source of atmospheric also a knowledge of eddy terms tbat are not measured
motions. Furthermore, Spar [13] has investigated the directly. These terms bave been tbe subject of many
energy changes in two deepening cyclones and has investigations during tbe past forty years. Tbe most
stated that the results "lend no support to Margules' common approacb to tbeir evaluation seems to be
energy theory of cyclones." guided by tbeir analogy to terms associated witb mo-
To reduce the total-energy equation to Bjerknes' lecular motions. Tbe molecular stress Pki is a function
generalization of Bernoulli's equation [1], one must of tbe pressure p, viscosity p., and velocity gradients.
omit a number of terms and undo most of the analysis By analogy, one migbt wisb to express tbe eddy stress
that produced the total-energy equation. Turbulent T~c; by a similar formula in terms of an "eddy pres-
fluctuations, viscous stresses, and latent-beat energy sure" [12], "eddy viscosity," and gradients of tbe aver-
are omitted; and the equation is applied to a system aged velocity. The molecular flux of beat is a function
consisting of a small volume of air moving at the air of a coeffi.cient of beat conduction and tbe temperature
velocity, instead of a large volume moving arbitrarily. gradient; and by analogy, tbe eddy flux of tbermal
With these conditions, equation (30) reduces to energy may be expressed in terms of a coefficient of
eddy conduction and tbe gradient of mean temperature:
a ( ap
at [p 1 + K + P + pa)] - at -,-
= - C --,
(33) axle
--a [pv~c(I + K + P +pa)]. Tbe trouble witb tbe analogy is tbat tbe coeffi.cients of
eddy viscosity and tbermal conductivity are too varia-
After application of the equation of continuity this be- bie and unpredictable, and are not positive at all times;
while the corresponding coefficients on the molecular tell the whole story. Some additional guiding principles
scale are established physical properties, varying in a are required to permit a complete solution to problems
predictable manner when otherproperties vary. of this kind. Classical thermodynamics has such guiding
It is apparent, then, that the general energy equa- principles-for example, the second law. There should
tions cannot be a.pplied successfully to the real atmos- be more attempts to formulate the necessary principles
phere until more is known about the eddy terms. The in studies of atmospheric energy.
problem of these terms can be formulated more effec-
tively if their mutual relationship, as shown by general REFERENCES
equations, is taken into consideration. For example,
1. BJERKNES, V., "Theoretisch-meteorologische Mitteilun-
whether eddy flux of thermal energy, -pv~cvT, or eddy gen. 4. Die hydrodynamisch-thermodynamische Ener-
flux of enthalpy, -pv~(c.T +pa), should be called the giegleichung." Meteor. Z., 34:166-176 (1917).
eddy flux of heat does not appear to be an important 2. CALDER, K. L., "The Criterion of Turbulence in a Fluid of
question. The latter, however, combines the flux of a Variable Density with Particular Reference to Con-
property recognized as energy with an eddy term rec- ditions in the Atmosphere." Quart. J. R. meteor. Soc.,
ognized as work, and there may be some point in main- 75:71-88 (1949).
taining the distinction between energy and work. 3. DRYDEN, H. L., "A Review of the Statistica! Theory of
It is well known from observations that changes of Turbulence." Quart. appl. Math., 1:7-42 (1943).
4. ER1'EL, H., "Die hydrothermodynamischen Grundgleich-
potential and thermal energies, and sometimes latent-
ungen turbulenter Luftstriimungen." M eteor. Z., 60:
heat energies, are ten to a hundred times greater than 289-295 (1943).
changes of kinetic energy in the atmosphere. This dif- 5. HESSELBERG, T., "Die Gesetze der ausgeglichenen at-
ference in magnitudes evidently is caused by some mosphrischen Bewegungen." Beitr. Phys. frei. Atmos.,
property of the atmosphere, but the energy equations 12:141-160 (1926).
give no clue to the nature of the property. Neither do 6. MARGULES, M., "tfuer den Arbeitswert einer Luftdruck-
the equations give any clue as to which factors are vertheilung und liber die Erhaltung der Druckunter-
most important in determining changes of kinetic en- schiede." Denkschr. Akad. Wiss. Wien, 73:329-345 (1901).
ergy. The equations, being in differential form, repre- (English translation by CLEVELAND ABBE in "The
sent relationships between instantaneous rates, but they Mechanics of the Earth's Atmosphere," Third Collec-
tion. Smithson. misc. Coll., 51:501-532 (1910) .)
tell nothing about the relative magnitudes of the vari-
7. - - "tfuer die Energie der Stiirme." Jb. ZentAnst. Meteor.
ous rates of work, flux, and changes of energy. The Wien (1903). (Translation by CLEVELAND ABBE in "The
solution to the problem lies in conditions that are not Mechanics of the Earth's Atmosphere," Third Col-
reflected in the equations; specifically, it lies in the lection. Smithson. misc. Coll., 51:533-595 (1910) .)
initial and boundary conditions. 8. - - "Zur Sturmtheorie." Meteor. Z., 23:481-497 (1906).
For example, increasing kinetic energy of the mean 9. MrLLER, J. E., "Energy Transformation Functions." J.
motion in the air near the surface of the earth may M eteor., 7 :152-159 (1950).
lead, because of perturbations set up by the roughness 10. MoNTGOMERY, R. B., "Vertical Eddy Flux of Heat in the
of the surface, to an increasing value of the eddy trans- Atmosphere." J. Meteor., 5:265-274 (1948).
formation function E. This effect, as can be seen from 11. REYNOLDS, 0., "On the Dynamical Theory of Incompressi-
ble Viscous Fluids and the Determination of the Cri-
the energy equations, results in a more rapid trans-
terion." Phil. Trans. roy. Soc. London, (A) 186:123-164
formation of the mean kinetic energy into eddy kinetic (1895).
energy, so that the mean energy may approach a limit- 12. RrcHARDSON, L. F., "The Supply of Energy from and to
ing value. But the increasing eddy energy implies Atmospheric Eddies." Proc. roy. Soc., (A) 97:354-373
greater turbulent fluctuations, hence stronger gradients (1920).
of the unaveraged motion, and hence an increasing 13. SPAR, J., "Synoptic Studies of the Potential Energy in
value of the molecular transformation function M . As Cyclones." J. Meteor., 7:48-53 (1950).
this function increases, the eddy energy is more rapidly 14. STEWART, H. J., "The Energy Equation for a Viscous
transformed into thermal energy. The net results are Compressible Fluid." Proc. nat. Acad. Sci., Wash., 28:161-
that the mean and eddy kinetic energies may approach 164 (1942).
limiting values where energy is supplied by some source 15. - - "Kinematics and Dynamics of Fluid Flow" in Hand-
book of Meteorology, F. A. BERRY, JR., E. BoLLAY, and
to the mean motion and degraded finally to thermal N. R. BEERS, ed. New York, McGraw, 1945. (See p. 429)
energy. 16. SuTTON, O. G., Atmospheric Turbulence. London, Methuen,
The energy equations, however, quite clearly do not 1949. (See p. 92)
Military College of Science, Shrivenham, England

THE AERODYNAMICAL BACKGROUND (laminar flow) in which the thread of dye remains intact
The Nature of Turbulent Flow. A particle in a stream from inlet to outlet, to a disorderly or turbulent flow
of fluid can never follow a perfectly smooth path evinced by the rapid disintegration of the filament of
because of minute random disturbances arising from dye, takes place when the Reynolds number ud/ v (u =
the molecular structure of the fluid (Brownian motion), mean speed, d = tube diameter, v = kinematic viscos-
but observation shows that, in certain circumstances ity) exceeds a certain value. At the same time other
oscillations appear in the path which are much too larg~ properties of the flow are changed, in particular the
to be ascribed to molecular agitation. Such irregular- distribution of mean velocity across the pipe. In the
ities must imply the existence of rapid and apparently laminar state the velocity profile is parabolic from the
random fluctuations in the velocity of the stream con- wall to th: centre, but in turbulent flow the velocity is
stituting a permanent and characteristic feature ;f this almo~t umform ov:r a central.core, declining sharply to
type of flow. Turbulence can hardly be defined in a zero m a very thm layer adJacent to the wall itself.
strict mathematical sense, but is generally understood Such a change is easily accounted for in general terms.
to imply a motion characterized by a continuous suc- In laminar flow the only intermingling of adjacent
cession of such finite disturbances and in this sense ~ayers of fluid is that due to molecular agitation (viscos-
nearly all natural motion, whether of water or of air Ity, conduction, diffusion), but in turbulent motion the
is turbulent. Only exceptionally is there found in natur~ fluid elements, because they follow extremely tortuous
a truly nonturbulent or laminar flow, in which the paths, transfer momentum, heat and matter freely
only random disturbances are the infinitesimal fluctua- from one layer to another and thus tend to smooth out
tions due to molecular agitation. local differences in velocity, temperature and concentra-
Anemometer records show that in general, and especi- tion of suspended matter. In other words, the principal
a~ly in the lower layers of the atmosphere, the wind is effec~ ~f th.e turbulence is to cause enhanced mixing,
h1ghly turbulent, the velocity being a complex of oscilla- ~nd It IS th1s aspect which is of paramount importance
tions of duration varying from a fraction of a second m meteorology. Very similar features are found in flow
to many minutes and of an amplitude which is often near solid surfaces. When a uniform stream of air meets
a substantial fraction of the average speed. Similar a so~id body, the influence of viscosity is felt only in
irregular oscillations are shown by direction indicators, the Immediate vicinity of the surface, in the so-called
so that the speed of the wind changes not only from boundary layer, a very shallow region characterized by
instant to instant but also from point to point of space. large velocity gradients. Flow in such layers may be
A complete specification of the velocity field over even laminar, partly laminar and partly turbulent, or wholly
a limited portion of the atmosphere is in practice unat- turbulent. In a laminar boundary layer the velocity
tainable and, to make progress, attention must be increases fairly regularly from the wall to the free
concentrated upon mean values and other statistica! stream, but in a turbulent boundary layer the velocity
functions of the velocity. The study of atmospheric profile is much more uniform over the greater part of
turbulence is chiefly concerned with the analysis of the the layer, decreasing sharply to zero on approaching the
mean distribution of momentum, heat and suspended wall itself. The effect of the turbulence is to bring down
matter in, and as a result of, this highly complex and elements of fast-moving air from the free stream to the
rapidly changing field. wall and, conversely, to remove the retarded air at the
~ir flow near the surface of the earth, the region in wall into the free stream so that, except in the immedi-
whiCh atmospheric turbulence is of grea test importance a te vicinity of the surface, the velocity gradient is
resembles in many respects turbulent motion in Ion~ much reduced compared with that found in laminar
straight pipes or near solid boundaries, as in wind flow.
tunnels, and aerodynamics thus affords a natural and These observations ha ve their counterparts in natural
convenient starting point for the meteorologica! prob- flow near the ground, but here the problem is much
lem. The earliest recognition of two distinct types of complicated by two extremely important differences.
flow-laminar and turbulent-seems to ha ve been made Laboratory investigations at low speeds deal almost
by Hagen about 1839, but the detailed and systematic exclusively with fluids in which marked density differ-
study of turbulence undoubtedly opens in 1883 with ences do not exist and for which the effects of gravity on
the famous experiments of Osborne Reynolds [49] on the flow are negligible. The maintenance of the turbu-
the flow of water through long straight glass tubes. lent state calls for a continuous supply of energy to be
used in moving elements of the fluid from one level to
Reynolds, by the simple device of making the flow anot h er. If the lower layers of the fluid considerably
visible by a thin stream of dye, was able to demonstrate exceed in density those above, the work which has to be
that the transition from an orderly rectilinear motion done against the gravitational field in Iifting masses of

fluid from lower to higher levels must reduce the inten- If the interval of time T is sufficiently long, it may be
sity of the turbulence and may ultimately cause a transi- asserted that
tion to laminar flow. On the other hand, a fluid in which
density increases with height is favourable to the forma- u' = v' = w' = o.
tion of upward currents and therefore to the mainte- The effect of viscosity is to set up in the fluid a system
nance and the growth of turbulence. The atmosphere is of stresses, namely three normal stresses Pxx , pyy
a fluid whose lower boundary is subjected to strong and Pzz defined by
heating and cooling, especially in clear weather, so that
au av
near the ground the turbulence of the wind tends to
rise to a maximum in the mid-hours of a sunny day,
Pxx = - p + 2f.l. ax ' pyy -p + 2f.J.-
when there is usually a pronounced superadiabatic
lapse rate in the lowest layers, and to diminish or even Pzz = -p + 2f.l. az '
die away completely during a clear night, when the
radiative cooling of the ground creates a marked in- and three tangential stresses, Pxy , pyz , Pzx defined by
version of temperature gradient in the lowest layers.
The gradient of temperature in the vertical is thus to be ( av aw)
regarded as a factor exerting a powerful control on the pyz = f.J. az + ay '
turbulence of the wind. A second difficulty peculiar to
meteorology arises from the variable nature of the
surface over which the air flows. Provided that the
Pzx = f.1. ( : : + :~)
obstacles which cover a surface are not too large and are Introducing these stresses into the equations of motion,
evenly distributed, aerodynamic investigations have we have three equations of the type
indicated a rational method of allowing for their effects,
au a
and the same concepts ha ve been applied with consider-
able success in many problems of atmospheric motion,
= -
(pxx - pU ) -a
+ ay (pxy - pUV)
but in meteorology cases frequently arise in which the (1)
surface irregularities are too large or too unevenly + -az (Pzx- puw) + pX.
distributed tobe treated in this way. This is especially
the case, for example, in considering the diffusion of Putting u = ii + u', etc., and taking means, we have
atmospheric pollution in built-up areas.
Mathematical Treatment. It is generally accepted au a (fJxx - pU 2 - pU'
p- = - 2)
that in any fluid motion the component velocities at ax
u, v and w, along axes of x, y and z respectively, satisfy
the N avier-Stokes equations, that is, three relations of + _!!__
(pxy - piiii - pu'v') (2)
the type
au+ u -
p (-
at ax
- + wau)
au+ v au
+ az~ (fJzx - puw - pu'w') + pX,

+ f.J. (aaxu + iu + az
a u) + X
_ _ ap 2 2 and analogous equations for the y- and z-components.
- ax ay 2 p ' 2 2 The only formal change which has occurred is that in
equations (2) certain additional terms, depending upon
where p is the density, p is the pressure, f.J. is the dynamic the eddy velocities, have been added to the original
viscosity aud X the x-component of any external force. viscous stresses. These additional terms, called the
To these must be added the equation of continuity, Reynolds stresses, are the mathematical expression of the
which expresses the conservation of mass. Exact solu- effect of the velocity fluctuations in transporting
tions of this set of nonlinear equations are known only momentum across a surface in the fluid, just as the
for certain special cases which ha ve little or no interest original stresses represent the effect of the molecular
for meteorology. agitation in transporting momentum by viscosity. In
The mean velocities which appear so prominently in general, the Reynolds stresses are considerably greater
studies of turbulence are usually averages over an than the corresponding viscous stresses, and it is usually
interval of time (T), that is, they are defined by the possible to ignore the latter in problems of atmospheric
relations turbulence.
1 t+iT 11t+!T N o general method has yet been evolved for express-
ii= -T 1 u dt, ii= -T v dt, ing the Reynolds stresses in terms of the velocity
t-jT t-jT
components and their spatial derivatives by exact analy-
1 1t+iT sis, and this constitutes the principal difficulty in pro-
w= -T
w dt,
ceeding further along these lines. The study of a special
in which case the fluctuations or eddy velocities u', case, however, suggests semi-empirical methods by
v' and w' are defined by which progress can be made despite the formidable
difficulties of the complete problem.
u = ii + u', v = ii + v', w w + w'. Flow Near a Boundary. Consider a steady flow in

which the mean motion has the same direction at all The quantity A, called an interchange coefficient
points and in which the turbulence, specified by the (A ustauschkoejfizient), corresponds to the dynamic vis-
mean squares of the oscillations, is uniform in all cosity J..t, and the quantity K, called the eddy viscosity,
directions. Such conditions are approached fairly closely corresponds to the kinematic viscosity v. It is obvious
in motion very near a plane solid boundary, such as the that the same concept can be applied equally well to
surface of the earth. In the notation of the previous the transport by turbulence of heat or suspended
section, if x be in the direction of mean flow and z matter, by defining in a similar fashion the eddy con-
distance normal to the surface (z = O), ductivity and the eddy diffusivity. This simple but
powerful concept has had a much greater influence ou
u = u(z), v= w= O. dynamical meteorology than on other branches of fluid
motion. As an initial assumption it is natural to suppose
If we introduce the eddy shearing-stress r - pu' w',
that A and K behave exactly like their molecular coun-
the equations of motion reduce to the single equation
terparts, that is, are true constants and thus independ-
ent of position in the field. If this were strictly true,
turbulent motion would be simply an enlarged copy of
laminar flow, which is far from being the case. This
in which molecular terms have been neglected. If the hypothesis is now abandoned, but it should be recog-
pressure gradient apj ax is invariable throughout the nized that in meteorology it has played an invaluable
shallow layer concerned, part in bringing to prominence the enormous difference
in magnitude between molecular and turbulent trans-
ap port. The magnitudes usually quoted in meteorologica!
r =ro+ z - literature for K are 103 , 104 or 106 cm 2 sec-r, which
should be contrasted with the kinematic viscosity of
where ro is the value of r as z ----t O. air, which is of the order of I0- 1 cm 2 sec- 1
In many aerodynamical problems the pressure gradi- The Mixing-Length Hypothesis. It was soon recog-
ent is effectively zero, and in micrometeorological appli- nized, especially by workers in aerodynamics, that the
cations apjax is usually small compared with r 0/z. eddy viscosity itself was likely to prove too complicated
For moderate values of z the shearing stress r may thus as a starting point for the analysis of turbulent flow.
be considered invariable with height and equal to the An attempt to improve the treatment without entirely
value at the surface, r 0 This assumption is almost abandoning the analogy with molecular theory was
always made in problems of turbulence near the ground. made by Prandtl [44] in 1925. This has proved extremely
For a more detailed examination of the meteorologi- fruitful although, like many other theories of turbulence,
ca! problem the reader should consult papers by Ertel it is semi-empirical, and intuitive rather than analytical.
[17] and Calder [6], who conclude that in the atmos- Measurements of turbulent flow indicate that the
phere the constancy of r with height may usually virtual stresses set up by the turbulence are approxi-
be safely assumed for values of z not exceeding about mately proportional to the square of the mean velocity.
25 m. In this special case the transport of momentum It is convenient to define an auxiliary reference velocity
across any horizontal plane is effectively measured by u* , known as the friction velocity (Schubspannungs-
the eddy shearing-stress - pu'w', that is, by a quantity geschwindigkeit) for which this relation is exact, that is,
involving the correlation between the eddy velocities
u' and w'. The existence of this correlation expresses the
fact that gusts or positive values of u' are more fre- Thus u* is a quantity of the same order of magnitude
quently ass"ociated with downward-moving air, and as the eddy velocities (that is, in most meteorologica!
lulls (negative u') with upward-moving air, than vice applications u* is about Ylo of the mean speed, the
versa. exact value depending on the nature of the terrain).
The form of the profile of mean flow, however, cannot A list of typical values of u* has been given by Sutton
be deduced unless some further hypothesis is introduced. [63]. Prandtl then introduces a characteristic quantity
The earliest attempt to frame such a hypothesis appears l, called the mixing length (Mischungsweg), defined by
to have been that of Boussinesq [3] in 1877. There is an
u* = l aujaz,
obvious analogy between the action of the velocity
fluctuations in a turbulent fluid and the motion of the so that
molecules in a gas, which suggests that the effects pro-
K = u*l = Z2 aujaz.
duced by the turbulence may be ascribed to the move-
ments of discrete masses of fluid, called eddies, from Thus l is a length which resembles, but is very much
one level to another. In the corresponding problem in greater than, the free path of the kinetic theory of
purely laminar flow the shearing stress is J..taujaz, which gases. 1 It may be interpreted in a general way as the
suggests that, on this analogy, the Reynolds stress may distance which an eddy moves from its point of depar-
be expressed as the product of the gradient of mean ture from the mean motion until it mixes again with the
velocity and a virtual viscosity, that is,
1. Compare v = ~cX, where c = molecular velocity, X =
r = -pu'w' = A aujaz = Kp aujaz. (3) free path.
main body of the fluid. A mass of fluid leaving a layer Smooth Surface. We consider again motion in a shallow
z in which it has acquired the mean motion u(z), and layer in which r (and hence u*) is invariable with
moving a vertical distance l while conserving its momen- height and in which the mean velocity (u) is a function
tum, will give rise to the fluctuation of z only. If the velocity profile be assumed to depend
only upon l, v, u* and the independent variable z,
u(z + l) - u(z) ~ l aujaz
it follows that the dimensionless ratio uju* must be
at the new level. Thus l au/ az may be regarded as expressible as a function of l/z and u*z/v, since these
representing either an eddy velocity or the friction are the only nondimensional ratios which can be formed
velocity. from these variables. If, in addition, the scale of the
A somewhat different method [22] of introducing a mixing is assumed to be proportional to distance from
characteristic length is as follows: Suppose that E(z) the boundary, that is, l = kz, where k is a pure number
is any transfera bie property, such as momentum, temp- (Karman's constant), the definitions of u* and of r lead
erature or concentration of suspended matter, whose to the first-order differential equation,
mean value is constant over any (x, y) plane and which
is supposed to be conserved during a transfer from the
plane z = z1 to z = z2 The mean rate at which E(z)
is transported across a unit area of an (x, y) plane is whence
q = -w'[E(z2) E(zi)] ~ -w'(zz - iJE/iJz.
u = ! ln (u*z) + const,
- Z1)
If a length l be defined such that u* k "
ZVUJ'2 = w'(zz - z1), where the "constant" is tobe determined by a suitable
1 boundary condition. The usual requirement that u = O
the rate of transfer is on z = O cannot be satisfied, but Nikuradse has shown
q = -lvw'2 a:E;az. that equation (4) agrees closely with observations made
on flow in smooth pipes in the form,
Applying this to the transfer of momentum, in which
E = pu and q = -r, we have u = _!__ ln (u*z) + 5.5 ~ 2.5 ln ( 9
~ OA " "
u*z) , (5)
T = plyw'2 iJUjiJz,
that is, k = 0.4 and the velocity vanishes on the plane
and so
z = v/9u* , the equation having no meaning for smaller
K =lvw'2 values of z.
Rough Surface. It is a well-established experimental
The advantages to be gained by such dissections are fact that in the case of an aerodynamically rough sur-
not immediately obvious, since the analysis gives no face, the influence of viscosity is negligible, in which
clue to possible variations of l with any of the variables. case the solution of equation (3) may be written
In practice, the introduction of the mixing length has
proved very useful, since it has been found that only u
1 z (6)
very simple assumptions regarding l are required to u* k zo'
obtain a satisfactory mathematical representation of
many complex phenomena. It is doubtful if it is possible where zo is another constant of integration. This form
to assign a definite physical meaning to the mixing of the equation implies that u = O on z = zo (the equa-
length, but broadly it is clear that l is a measure of the tion having no meaning for smaller values of z), so
average "size" of the eddies responsible for the mixing, that zo , usually termed the roughness length, is a quan-
or equally, a rough indication of the average depth of tity which may be regarded as specifying, .in some
the layers over which mixing takes place. manner, the effect of the irregularity of the surface on
Velocity Profile Near a Boundary. When a turbulent the mean flow. This is borne out by the fact that, for
stream flows over a smooth surface, three regions of pipes whose interior surface is uniformly roughened with
motion can be distinguished: fine grains of sand, it has been found that a definite
1. A shallow zone of laminar flow immediately adja- relation exists between the roughness length and the
cent to the wall in which the shearing stress is chiefly size of the irregularities (z 0 ~ ~o of the average
due to viscosity ("laminar sub-layer"). diameter of the grains). Schlichting [56] has gone further
2. The turbulent boundary layer proper, lying above and has shown that a surface may be regarded as
the laminar sub-layer, in which the Reynolds stress smooth if u*z 0 /v < 0.13 and fully rough if u.zo/v > 2.5.
is at least as important as the viscous stress. The analysis above appears to be adequate if the
3. The main body of the turbulent fluid, lying above layer concerned is very shallow, but since it implies
the boundary layers, in which viscosity plays a that the effect of the irregularities is equally felt at all
negligible part. distances above the surface it cannot be applied, without
A surface whose irregularities are large enough to pre- care, to the deeper layers met with in most meteoro-
vent the formation of a laminar sub-layer is said to be logica! applications. An alternative treatment of the
''aerodynamically rollgh." rough-surface problem, due to Rossby and Mont-

gomery [55], appears to be more appropriate for such and for this reason the Prandtl treatment is often
cases. Rossby and Montgomery assume that referred to as the "momentum-transport theory." From
the aspect of exact hydrodynamical theory this hypoth-
l = k(z + zo), esis is questionable, since it involves the assumption
which expresses the intuitive conception that the effects that the pressure fluctuations do not affect the transfer
of the irregularities are most strongly felt in the immedi- of momentum. An alternative hypothesis, in many ways
ate vicinity of the surface and hardly at all at the more attractive, is that vorticity is conserved and this
greater heights. Equation (3), with this form for l, forms the basis of Taylor's treatment of the problem
yields [72]. Space does not allow an adequate discussion of
the matter here, nor, in the present state of develop-
u =!_ln(z+zo), (7) ment of the theory of atmospheric turbulence, are the
u* k zo differences between the two theories of major impor-
tance for meteorology, except perhaps in one respect.
using the boundary condition u = O on z O. Thus
theoretically, the profile of mean velocity over a rough According to the momentum transport theory, the
rate at which momentum is communicated to unit
surface is fully determined provided both u* and z 0
are known (k being regarded as a universal constant). volume of the fluid by turbulence is
These may be combined to form the quantity termed
by Sutton [63, 65] the macroviscosity, defined by N = ~
= P !!_ {K(z) au}'
az az
u*zo . The introduction of this quantity enables a single
profile, applicable to both smooth and rough surfaces, whereas on the vorticity transport theory,
to be obtained, thus overcoming the difficulty felt in ar iu
the free use of equations (6) and (7), that neither of - = pK(z)-.
az az2
these tends to the smooth-surface form (5) as z 0 ----> O.
The generalized profile is These two forms are equivalent if, and only if, K(z)
constant. For further details the reader is referred to
~=~In (N ~zv/9)' Taylor's original papers, or to the accounts given by
Brunt [4] and Goldstein [22]; the latter gives consider-
corresponding to l = kz, or able detail as regards tests on the laboratory scale.
An illuminating discussion, chiefly from the standpoint
u = ! ln (u*z + N) of the experimental worker, of the validity of the
u* k N + v/9 various hypotheses which have been advanced in the
last two or three decades in order to develop further the
if l = k(z + zo). As zo (and hence N) tends to zero these Reynolds theory of stresses has been given by Dryden
equations tend to the smooth-surface form, but in [14]. When the predictions of the various theories are
most meteorologica! applications N is of the order of compared with the results of accurate measurements
10 to 103 cm 2 sec-1 and is thus much greater than v. made in turbulent boundary layers, the disquieting con-
Schlichting's criteria may be written clusion is reached that all such theories fail at some
smooth flow: N < 0.13v ~ 0.02 cm 2 sec-I, point or other. Considerable doubt is now thrown on
the validity of the mixing-length idea and even on the
rough flow: N > 2.5v ~ 0.4 cm2 sec-1 fundamental hypothesis that the eddy velocities and
the turbulent shear-stresses are directly related to the
Power-Law Profiles. A somewhat less satisfactory mean velocity and its derivatives ata point (equations
representation of the flow near a boundary is obtained
(3) above). These considerations may perhaps indicate
by the use of power laws, but this type of profile is
that one fruitful period of development in the theory
often much easier to handle mathematically than the
of turbulence is drawing to its close, and that the time
logarithmic profile. The usual form of the profile near a
is now ripe for advances along quite different lines.
smooth surface is
Statistica! Theories of Turbulence. One such funda-
(8) mentally different approach to the general problem
is that of the so-called "statistica!" theory of turbu-
where u1 is the mean wind speed at height z1 and p lence, initiated by Taylor [73] in 1920 and later ex-
is a positive number whose value for moderate Reynolds panded by him in a remarkable series of papers in
numbers is about ~7. If r/ p = K auj az is invariable 1935 [74]. Subsequent developments were made by
with height, it follows that Karman and Howarth [32] and an account of the posi-
K = K1(z/z1) 1-P, (9) tion reached by 1943 has been given by Dryden [15].
All theories of turbulence are necessarily statistica!
where K1 is the value of K at z = z1 . Equations (8) in some sense or other, but whereas the theories de-
and (9) constitute the so-called "conjugate power- scribed in the first part of this article start with a
laws" of Schmidt. measured distribution of mean velocity and mean pres-
The Vorticity-Transport Hypothesis. The preceding sure and relate these to the virtual stresses, the methods
analysis is based essentially upon the hypothesis that about to be described originate in the statistica! prop-
momentum is conserved during the motion of an eddy, erties of the fluctuations and seek to establish exact

relations between these properties and the mean motion. related to the curvature of the R(y) curve at the
The two approaches have their counterparts in molecu- origin.
lar theory, one being analogous to the kinetic theory of Later Developments; Kolmogoroff's Theory. The
the elastic sphere models while the other has certain most striking advances in the statistica! theory of
affinities to the statistica! mechanics of an assembly of turbulence since 1941 are due to Kolmogoroff [34],
molecules. Onsager [37], W eizscker [79], and Heisenberg [25].
In his initial (1920) contribution Taylor considered These theories have many points of resemblance, and
what statistica! properties of a fluctuating field of flow the most promising appears to be that advanced by
are required to determine the diffusion of a group of Kolmogoroff, whose work has been well summarized
particles suspended in the medium. If the turbulence in English by Batchelor [1].
is statistically uniform and steady (u' 2 independent of Kolmogoroff's basic conception is that, at very high
locality and time), the spread of a cluster of particles Reynolds numbers, all turbulent motion has the same
over a plane is given by sort of small-scale structure, although the mean flow

1 lt
may differ widely from situation to situation, and that
T the motion caused by the small eddies is isotropic and
x2 = 2u' 2 0
R(l;) dl; dt,
statistically uniform. A turbulent flow may be thought
of as giving rise to a spectrum of oscillations whose
where X is the distance travelled by a particle in time wave-lengths vary in scale from those characteristic
T and R(l;) is the correlation coefficient between the of the mean flow to a lower limit below which the
fluctuating velocities which affect a particle at times motion is entirely laminar. Within this spectrum, energy
t and t + 1;. Taylor's theorem means, in effect, that a is continually being transferred from one length scale
knowledge of the mean eddying energy and of the to another by the generation, from any given hand of
correlation R(l;) specifies completely the diffusion in oscillations, of a set of smaller oscillations, and so on,
such a field. The application of this result to meteoro- until it is no longer possible to form smaller eddies.
logica! problems is considered later. The analysis also Thus the process may be thought of as one in which
indicates a length l1 , analogous to the mixing length energy from the mean motion is fed into the long-wave
but independent of any model, defined by end of the spectrum by the largest eddies and passed
down the spectrum in the direction of decreasing wave
l 1 = y';t2 1"' R(l;) dl;, length, until ultimately it is absorbed into the random
heat motion of the molecules by viscosity. Kolmo-
goroff then puts forward two similarity hypotheses:
which is finite if R(l;) tends to zero in a suitable manner (1) that the statistica! characteristics can depend only
asi;~ oo.
on the mean energy dissipation per unit mass of fluid
Another way of representing such a field utilises the (E) and on viscosity; (2) that the statistica! charac-
'correlation R(y) between velocities at points separated teristics of the motion due to the larger eddies are
by a variable distance y. The length L defined by independent of viscosity and depend only upon the

L = 1"' R(y) dy
energy dissipation E. From these plausible hypotheses
it is possible, by arguments chiefly of a dimensional
character, to make certain definite predictions about
is called the "scale of the turbulence" and may be the properties of the mean flow, and in particular, to
regarded as a measure of the a ve rage size of the eddies show that as the Reynolds number increases without
which constitute the pattern of flow. Evidence pre- limit, the coefficient of correlation between fluctua-
sented later suggests that in meteorologica! problems L tions at points distance y apart tends to the form 1 -
has no effective upper bound or, in other words, that in Ay213 (A = constant), provided that y is small compared
atmospheric diffusion, account must be taken of eddies with the scale of the turbulence. Wind-tunnel measure-
ranging from the minute convectional whorl to full-size ments so far have provided excellent confirmation of
disturbances which affect the general circulation of the deductions made from Kolmogoroff's hypotheses and
atmosphere. there is little doubt that the theory constitutes a
In later development of this theory attention has powerful tool for the resolution of many complex prob-
been particularly concentrated upon the problem of the lems, and one which should especially appeal to
decay of disturbances (e.g., downstream of a grid in a meteorologists because of the emphasis laid upon the
pipe), especially in isotropic turbulence, for which passage of energy from disturbances of one size to
Taylor has introduced another important length ;\. called another. An account of this and other theories, together
the "microscale of turbulence" and defined by with some promising new developments, has recently
been given by Karman [31], who considers that the
principal aim of the present period is to find the laws
l/;\. 2 = Iim { 1 - -~(y)} . which govern the shapes of either the correlation or the
y-+0 y
spectrum functions.
The microscale of turbulence indicates the average We now pass from these theoretical and laboratory
size of the small eddies which are responsible for the studies to detailed consideration of the meteorologica!
greater part of the dissipation of energy, and is also problem.

PHYSICAL FEATURES OF ATMOSPHERIC isolated result and a complete picture of the variation
TURBULENCE with height does not existat present. During the inver-
Experimental investigations into atmospheric turbu- sion period the gradient shows large long-period fluctua-
lence may be conveniently divided into: (1) those tions unlike those met with in daytime.
dealing with localized effects, usually in shallow layers There is much less information concerning tempera-
near the ground, in which the consequences of the ture gradients over the ocean, but. data have been
earth's rotation may be disregarded; (2) those relati"ng given by Wust [80], Johnson [29], Montgomery [35],
to larg~r-scale processes, usually in the so-called "fric- Craig [10], Emmons [16], and Sverdrup [71]. Because of
tion layer" or "planetary boundary-layer" (Lettau), the relatively small effects of insolation and long-wave
extending from the surface to the level at which the radiation on the sea, the gradients are much less than
geostrophic velocity is attained (c. 500 m); and (3) those found over land and diurnal effects are hardly
those concerned with the atmosphere as a whole. noticeable, except in shallow landlocked waters.
The Temperature Field. The most direct manifesta- The exploration of the mean temperature field near
tion of atmospheric turbulence is the presence of fluctua- the ground is thus virtually complete except in one
tions in the wind, but in view of the controlling influence important respect. It has now become clear that radia-
of temperature gradient, it is convenient to begin by tion, especially in the longer wave lengths, is quite as
discussing the temperature field near the ground. Ac- important as convection in the problem of heat transfer,
curate continuous observations of temperature differ- and systematic simultaneous records of both tempera-
ences between various heights extending from 2.5 cm ture gradient and radia ti ve flux are needed to complete
to 87.7 m ha ve been tabulated and analysed for southern the picture of the thermal structure of the lower
England by Johnson [28], Best [2], Johnson and Hey- atmosphere.
wood [30], and by Flower [19] for Ismailia, Egypt, The Velocity Field. Following the lead given by the
while Ramdas [48] has given mean values of air tem- theory of the turbulent boundary layer in aerodynam-
perature at various levels from 2.5 cm to 10.6 m at ics, it has now been shown conclusively by many workers
maximum- and minimum-tempera ture epochs at Poona, that the profile of mean velocity near the ground in
India. From these investigations there emerges the conditions of small temperature gradient is adequately
now familiar picture of the temperature field in the represented by a logarithmic law (e.g., of the type
lowest 100 m. In clear weather there is a well-marked proposed by Rossby and Montgomery, equation (7)),
diurnal variation of temperature gradient, with super- provided that the vegetation cover is not too high. For
adiabatic lapse rates during the hours of daylight and profiles measured above long grass it is necessary to use
pronounced inversions at night. With overcast skies, an empirica! modification of the equation, namely
and especially with strong winds, the gradient remains
close to the adiabatic lapse rate both day and night. u = ! ln
u* k
(z -zo d) (z ;;::; zo + d),
The gradient of temperature near the ground is
subject to such large variations with locality and season, where d is a zero-plane displacement, of the order of the
time of day and height above the surface that it would depth of the layer of air trapped among the plants.
be misleading to attempt to give representative values Model has used the same equation for the wind profile
here. Very large gradients, as high as thousands of over the sea.
times the adiabatic lapse rate, are a persistent feature The most significant feature of the work referred to
of the temperature field in the first few centimetres above is that which emerges from the detailed investi-
above the ground, especially in summer, but the sharp gations of Sheppard [61], Paeschke [38], Deacon [12]
curvature in the temperature-height curve is confined and others. In conditions of small temperature gradi-
to the first few metres. Sheppard [60] states that on the ent, air flow near the ground is identica! with that
average the daytime fall of -temperature is roughly observed in the turbulent boundary layer of a fully
proportional to the logarithm of the height, but more rough surface in the laboratory, despite the great dif-
detailed investigations by Deacon [12] indicate that, ferences in scale. Sheppard has shown that the Karman
in general, the gradient of temperature is inversely constant k ha;s much the same value as in wind-tunnel
proportional to a power of the height over the first work, while Deacon has provided good evidence that
17 m, the index being greater than unity during lapse the aerodynamical theory of the roughness length is
9onditions and less than unity in inversions. equally appropriate for natural surfaces.
In warm weather the temperature of the air near the The real difficulties and complexities of the meteoro-
ground shows rapid fluctuations of considerable ampli- logica! problem begin to appear when the temperature
tude, as much as several degrees centigrade. Schmidt gradient differs from the adiabatic lapse rate. The
[58] gives observations by Robitzsch which show that general high level of turbulence during the superadia-
these oscillations have a well-marked diurnal variation batic lapse-rate period promotes a free exchange of
in phase with the temperature gradient, the fluctua- momentum between higher and lower levels, while the
tions tending to die away as the lapse rate approaches reverse holds during inversions. Thus, in general, the
the adiabatic value. Sutton [64], from an examination velocity gradient exhibits a diurnal variation, being
of records obtained in clear warm weather, has found small in daytime and large at night, but this is not all.
that in these conditions the oscillations decrease as Thornthwaite and Kaser [78] and, more recently, Dea-
z-o.4 over the range 7 m ~ z ~ 45 m, but this is an Clon [121 have shown that for nonadiabatic gradients

the u, ln? plots are no longer linear, but are convex to Maxwell law of frequency distribution, and Best has
the u-axis in the lapse period and concave to the same given the precise formula. Best also examined the
axis in the inversion period. Deacon concludes that, in variation of the fluctuations with height and found that
all conditions, both the lateral and vertical components increase slowly
from 25 cm to 5 m and presumably begin to decrease at
(z ~ 13 m) higher levels. For winds blowing over the sea there is
(a independent of z), with {3 > 1 for superadiabatic stillless information, but all three components of gusti-
gradients, {3 = 1 for the adiabatic lapse rate and (3 < 1 ness are much reduced compared with those over land,
for inversions. Thus the logarithmic profile is valid only probably to about one half.
for adiabatic gradients, and for other conditions Deacon At the present time, much remains to be learnt
proposes the profile concerning the structure of turbulence near the ground.

k(1 - {3)
- 1
J (z ~ zo),
While it is known that the amplitude of the oscillations
shows a continuous decrease as the tempera ture gradient
changes from lapse to inversion, it is impossible to
quote reliable laws, even empirica!, which express this
where zo , as usual, is the roughness length.
fact quantitatively. There is very little information on
For many applications, and particularly those dealing
the distribution of energy among the fluctuations;
with diffusion, the logarithmic profile makes the rele-
Brunt [4] has deduced from the work of Scrase that
vant differential equations difficult to handle, and in
near the ground and in conditions of small lapse rate
such problems a simple power law, u = u1(z/z 1)P, is
most of the eddying energy is associated with oscilla-
usually employed as an approximation. This is fairly
tions of periods less than five seconds, but a complete
satisfactory except near a rough surface, where a modi-
picture of the eddy spectrum is not yet available.
fication has tobe introduced to allow for the effect of the
The Humidity Field. Investigations into the propaga-
irregularities (v. Calder [7] and Sutton [65]). When a
tion of high-frequency electromagnetic waves over the
law of this type is adopted the effect of temperature
surface of the earth have directed attention to the
gradient is shown by variations in the index p. Values
study of water-vapour gradient in the atmosphere, and
of p ranging from 0.01 (large lapse rate) to 0.77 (large
fairly detailed accounts have been given by Sheppard
inversion) have been given (Brunt [4], Frost [20]), and
[60] and Burrows and Attwood [5]. In the daytime,
it is generally accepted that the value p = 7'7 is
vapour pressure in the lower layers decreases with
appropriate for small gradients, except very near the
height even over ground which appears dry, but during
ground or over very high vegetation. For conditions
the inversion period the gradient may change sign
very near the ground (z < 2 m), the evidence shows
(vapour pressure increasing with height), often with
that the logarithmic profile can be assumed without
the formation of dew. Sheppard concludes that in the
serious error for all except the largest gradients by
main the vapour-pressure profile conforms fairly closely
allowing the roughness length and the Karman constant
to a logarithmic law up to 100 m at least, and that
to vary with temperature gradient, but if deeper layers
there is no marked diurnal variation. Information con-
are involved, the departure of the velocity profile from
cerning the distribution of water vapour over the sea
the logarithmic form must be taken into account.
is to be found in the papers by Craig, Emmons and
The profile of mean velocity near the surface has
Sverdrup cited above.
now been thoroughly explored, but the same cannot be
The Transference of Momentum, Heat and W ater-
said about the eddy velocities. One of the great diffi-
Vapour in the Vertical. In Reynolds theory the transport
culties in dealing with atmospheric turbulence com-
of momentum by turbulence across a horizontal plane
pared with that found in wind tunnels is that the
is expressed by the eddy shearing stress r = - pu' w',
natural wind is made up of fluctuations of widely
if the molecular term is disregarded. In the surface
different periods, and the interval of measurement and
layers, it is customary to assume that r is virtually
the response characteristics of the anemometer must
independent of height and therefore equal to its value
always be taken into account, particularly in problems
at the surface, ro . The frictional effect of the ground
of diffusion. The most reliable data on the velocity
may also be expressed by means of the skin-friction
fluctuations relate to what Scrase [59] has called "inter-
coefficient Cn by writing
mediate-scale turbulence," mean values over intervals
of the order of a few minutes. It was early demonstrated
by Taylor and later confirmed by Scrase [59] and
Best [2] that such turbulence is anisotropic nar the where u is the mean velocity at some fixed height.
ground, with the cross-wind component about 50 per Laboratory investigations show that the skin-friction
cent greater than either the downwind or vertical com- coefficient of a fully rough surface is virtually inde-
ponent at about 2 m over downland in conditions of pendent of the viscosity of the fluid, and in these
small lapse rate. Best [2] has given a reasonably com- small-scale experiments Cn usually varies between I0-3
plete picture of the behaviour of the three components and I0-2 Taylor [75], by measuring the approach to
near the ground by making use of the bi-directional the gradient wind in the friction layer from pilot-
vane, and he concludes that the anisotropy is likely to balloon observations, found Cn for downland to be
be negligible at heights greater than about 25 m. about 5 X I0-3, and very similar values were found
As would be expected, the eddy velocities obey the ];)y Sutcliffe [62], using a somewhat different method;

Hence there is no essential difference between labora- been made by Priestley and Swinbank [47] from dif-
tory and open-air results as regards the magnitude of ferent data, and the figure is also supported by Pas-
the skin friction. quill's measurements [39], while Sutton [64] has pointed
Direct observations of the eddy shearing stress are out that the estimate agrees with laboratory data on
few. Sheppard [61] measure:l To by observing the deflec- the loss of heat by natural convection from a small
tion of a small plate floating on oil in a streamlined horizontal plate maintained at a constant temperature.
wooden surround placed at the centre of a large con- The upward flux of water vapour is the rate of evapo-
crete surface. For this unusually smooth terrain he ration from the surface, and will be dealt with at greater
found Cn to be about 2 X I0- 3 in conditions of small length in the discussion of small-scale diffusion
lapse rate. A table of values of C n , based chiefly on processes.
data given by Sheppard and Deacon, has been pub- To summarize generally what has been achieved in
lished by Sutton [63]. The range is from Cn = 2 X I0-3 the determination of the physical features of atmos-
for a very :omooth surface to C n = 4 X I0- 2 for a pheric turbulence, it may be said that as regards mean
neld of fully grown root crops. properties, the picture is reasonably complete. The
Scrase [59] determined the Reynolds stress at two outstanding need at present is for a systematic investi-
levels by the direct evaluation of - pu' w' from cine gation of the fluctuations themselves, and especially
records of the motions of light vanes over downland the distribution of energy among the various wave
and found, disconcertingly, a fourfold increase of T lengths, and the correlations between fluctuations in
with height over the interval1.5 m-19 m in conditions different planes or of different entities. Recent develop-
of small temperature gradient. Thus the only direct ments in electronic methods should enable many of
observation yet made of the Reynolds stress in the these problems to be solved.
atmosphere does not support the theoretical deduction
of invariability with height, and the discrepancy has ANALYSIS OF LARGE-SCALE PROCESSES
stiU to be explained. The initial successes of the theory of atmospheric
Some data relating to superadiabatic lapse rate and turbulence carne in the pioneer work of Taylor, Ekman,
inversion conditions have been given by Sheppard [61], Schmidt and Richardson on large-scale phenomena such
who shows that if the Karman constant k in the loga- as the approach of the wind in the friction layer to the
rithmic profile be allowed to vary with temperature geostrophic velocity, thL propagation of the diurnal
gradient, C n may be regarded as approximately con- wave of temperature from the surface, and the large-
stant for any given terrain. Since it is now clear that scale diffusion of water vapour and pollution. These
the logarithmic law can hold only for gradients near are the "classical" problems of atmospheric turbulence;
the adiabatic lapse rate, this conclusion loses some of they are usually dealt with at length in textbooks of
its force. A complete investigation of the drag of the dynamical meteorology and for this reason only a brief
surface or of the transfer of momentum in large tem- account will be given here.
perature gradients has not yet been made. If we consider first the slowing down of the free-
In the analogous problem of heat flux, the situation stream (geostrophic) velocity by the friction of the
is complicated by influences not directly due to turbu- earth, the effect of turbulence on the transport of
lence. The balance of heat exchange near the ground momentum may be expressed quite generally by the
involves short-wave radiation (direct, diffuse and re- introduction of virtual stresses Tzz and Tyz If il and v
flected), long-wave radiation from the ground and the are the components of the mean velocity, assumed hori-
atmosphere, heat absorbed by the soil and vegetation zontal, along axes pointing east and north respectively,
and by evaporation from the ground or released by the equations (2), neglecting any change of pressure gradi-
formation of dew, and finally the flux associated with ent with height, become
turbulence, that is, by convection, either natural or
forced. It is not yet possible to give representative au - 2wv- smcjJ
- . = - _1 ap + _1 ar xz '
values for all these components, but a recent contribu- at p ax p az
tion by Pasquill [39], giving very complete data for a
few selected occasions, makes it clear that the flow of - + 2wu_sm
av cp = - 1-ap 1 aryZ
- + - -- .
at p ay p az
heat caused by outgoing long-wave radiation can be as
large as, or even greater than, the turbulent flux. The terms involving w sin cjJ (w = angular velocity of
In conditionsof calm warm weatherSutton [64], using earth, cjJ = latitude) are the Coriolis accelerations.
data for southern England, has shown that in the hours The component eddy stresses Tzz and Tyz must vanish
around noon the net upward flux of heat (q) in the or become small at the top of the friction layer, but
lowest 100 m is expressed by apart from this there is no a priori knowledge of their
q = 3 X I0-3 - 5.4 X w-sz (g cal cm- sec-
2 1),
behaviour, and the equations can be solved only when
some additional information is deduced or postulated
where the height z is measured in centimetres. This concerning these stresses. An obvious first step is to
means that near the ground the heat flux, like the eddy adopt the analogy with molecular theory by expressing
shear-stress, is invariable with height during the hot- the shear stresses as the product of a constant virtual
test part of the day, the average value being about viscosity and the velocity gradient. The solution ob-
3 X I0- 3 g cal cm- 2 sec- 1 A very similar estimate has tained in this way is usually displayed as the familiar

"Ekman spiral," a graph of u against v with the geo- rapidly with height, especially in clear summer weather.
strophic velocity as the limit point. The solution (10) indicates that the phase of the diurnal
Although the assumption of a constant eddy vis- wave should change linearly with height, whereas Best
cosity (K) or exchange coefficient (A = Kp) can be no found that in reality the change of phase with height
more than a crude first approximation, the Ekman is relatively slow, being approximately as the one-fifth
spiral undoubtedly gives a picture of the approach to root of the height. Cowling and White [9] made a
the geostrophic wind which is easily grasped and which, searching analysis of the Leafield temperature results
except near the surface, does not depart too far from and concluded that the eddy conductivity must vary
the truth. The most striking feature of this early work with height and have a diurnal variation, and they
is that the concept of eddy viscosity implies values of found additional support for a conclusion reached by
K at least ten-thousand or a hundred-thousand times Chapman in 1925 that the temperature field near the
greater than the kinematic viscosity of air. surface cannot be explained on the basis of eddy con-
In the corresponding problem of the transport of duction alone, and that some other factor (possibly
heat by eddies, the assumption of a constant eddy con- radiation) must play an important part. Richardson
ductivity leads to the familiar equation [52] obtained equally striking results in a series of
notable researches on the large-scale diffusion of matter.
aT = K a2 T If the eddy diffusivity were truly constant, the scatter
at az 2 '
of matter originally concentrated at a point would
where T is absolute temperature (Brunt [4]). If the follow the law deduced by Einstein for Brownian mo-
diurnal variation of surface temperature be given by tion, namely

T = T0 + B sin qt, u 2 = 2Kt,

the solution which expresses the progress of the diurnal where u is the standard deviation of the distances
wave upwards is travelled by the particles in time t. By applying this
equation to processes ranging from the drift of thistle-
T = T0 + Be-bz sin (qt - bz), (10) down over a few metres to the scatter of free balloons
where b = v q/2K. This solution has been used by
and volcanic dust over many kilometres, Richardson
demonstrated that K in this equation must increase
Schmidt and Taylor for the analysis of the Eiffel Tower
indefinitely with the distance travelled, values as high
observations and by Johnson [28], Best [2], and John-
as 108 cm 2 sec- 1 being found for the longer distances.
son and Heywood [30) in a very detailed examination
of the temperature field up to 100 m above the surface. The recognition of the fact that the mixing processes
These early researches indicated values of K, the eddy of the atmosphere cannot be regarded as a kind of en-
larged version of molecular diffusion marks the begin-
conductivity, of the same order of magnitude as those
ning of the modern phase of the theory of atmospheric
found for the eddy viscosity.
turbulence. Obviously, if the concepts of eddy viscosity,
Finally, if X represents the mean concentration or
conductivity and diffusivity are to be retained, it is
mass per unit volume of some easily identified constitu-
no longer possible to regard these coefficients as inde-
ent of the atmosphere, such as water vapour, smoke or
pendent of position in the field, but the next step in
dust, the assumption of a constant eddy diffusivity
the development of the theory is by no means obvious.
leads to Fick's equation
To fix ideas, consider the relatively simple problem of
= K'il2-
the diffusion of smoke from a continuous source at
ground level, a matter of importance in the military
problem of the screening of targets and for which the
where D denotes "differentiation following the motion" experimental results are known to a high degree of
and 'il 2 is the Laplace operator. For moderate distances accuracy for conditions of small temperature gradient
of travel, say not exceeding a few hundred metres, the and moderate distances of travel (Sutton [67]). The
values obtained for the eddy diffusivity are of the solution of Fick's equation for a steady continuous
same order of magnitude as those found for the turbu- point source is
lent transport of momentum and heat.
The picture of eddy diffusion given by this early
work is consistent and convincing-the atmosphere be-
-( ) Q { - (y2
X x, y, z = 47rKr exp -u 4Kr
+ i)} '
haves like a gas of greatly enhanced viscosity, conduc-
tivity and diffusivity, and the analogy is reinforced by where r = v x 2 + y 2 + z2 is the distance from the
the fact that all three coefficients appear to ha ve much source Q; x, y and z are measured downwind, across
the same order of magnitude. Detailed examination of wind and vertically; and u is the constant mean wind
the results, however, reveal discrepancies which are (Roberts [54]). Thus the concentration of smoke on
far too serious to be ignored or ascribed to errors of the axis of the cloud (y = z = O) should decrease
measurement. Best [2) and Johnson and Heywood [30], inversely as 1/x, but the measurements show that the
by applying the solution (10) to a succession of shallow actual decrease is as ljxL7 6 in conditions of small tem-
layers, showed that to explain the observations the perature gradient. Hence K must be made to increase
"constant" eddy conductivity must be made to increase with distance from the source if the measured concen-

trations are tobe made to agree with the mathematical Turbulence in the General Circulation. In 1921,
solution. There are obvious difficulties in ascribing Defant [13] introduced a picture of the depressions and
physical reality to a quantity whose value depends on anticyclones of the synoptic meteorologist as "eddies"
the distance of the sampling point from an arbitrary in the general circulation, a theory which leads to the
point in space and any variation in K must be regarded, concept of Grossturbulenz (Lettau), the transport of
more rationally, as an expression of the fact that (as heat, momentum and water vapour on a planetary
Richardson puts it) in a turbulent fluid the average scale. A clear account of this work is to be found in
rate of separation of a pair of marked particles is a Chapter XII of Lettau's Atmosphrische Turbulenz.
function of their distance apart, a type of diffusion Lettau adopts the ordinary interchange coefficient the-
quite unlike that contemplated in the kinetic theory of ory of turbulent transport and by consideration of the
gases. In particular, it does not seem possible to assign deviations from the geostrophic wind finds, for exam-
any upper limit to the "size" of eddy which can take ple, that the meridional component of the Grossaus-
part in atmospheric diffusion, and there is no definite tausch is of the order of 108 g cm- 1 sec- 1, with a "mixing
"scale" of atmospheric turbulence. length" of the order of several degrees of longitude.
The most natural and acceptable form of variation A very different approach, not involving mixing-
of K is to allow the coefficient to increase with the length concepts is that given by Priestley [46] in a
depth of the layer under consideration. The mathe- recent paper in which he develops a method whereby
matical technique required for the solution of diffusion the meridional flux of heat, water vapour and momen-
problems is considerably simplified if the interchange tum can be evaluated from upper-air soundings. From
coefficients are assumed to vary as a simple power of a preliminary survey Priestley concludes that the at-
the height. The problem of the approach of the wind mospheric eddy flux of heat is of the magnitude re-
in the friction layer to the geostrophic velocity has been quired to equalize the heat losses and gains in adjacent
dealt with very thoroughly by Kohler [33] for the case zones of the earth and atmosphere as a whole, and
K a: zm, m ~ O. The solution involves Bessel functions that the zonal stresses arising from deep meridional
and the results show a fair measure of agreement with currents can maintain wide zonal circulations against
observation. Rossby and Montgomery have also dis- the effects of surface friction.
cussed the same problem by making the reasonable Richardson's investigations into large-scale diffusion
assumption that the mixing length (and hence the eddy ha ve already been mentioned; in 1932 Sut ton [66], by
viscosity) first increases linearly with height in a rela- means of a semi-empirical theory, showed that in a
tively shallow surface layer (thickness about 100 m) turbulent medium the Einstein law of molecular diffu-
and then decreases slowly so as to allow a small "re- sion (Brownian motion) should be replaced by the
sidual turbulence" at the top of the friction layer. equation
In the problem of heat transfer Brunt [4], following
the lines of Taylor's early work, has shown that if T
be the absolute temperature of the air at height z, the Here C is a generalized coefficient of diffusion and m
equation of eddy conduction is is a constant whose value is about 1.75. This equation
P arat = iaz {Kp (aT
+ r)} ' is certainly satisfied for diffusion over distances of the
order of a few hundred metres, and Richardson's data,
re-analysed on the hasis of this equation, indicate a
where r is the adiabatic lapse rate. This implies that strong probability that the law is valid also for dis-
the net turbulent flux of heat across a horizontal sur- tances of the order of hundreds of kilometres. In assess-
face is proportional to the difference between the exist- ing the value of this conclusion it should be borne in
ing lapse rate and the dry-adiabatic lapse rate, so that mind that the data on which it is based are extremely
in a stable atmosphere, the flow of heat due to eddy crude for the greater distances, but the evidence avail-
motion is downwards, and the uitimate effect of mixing able so far is that a law of the type (11) is capable of
is to produce an atmosphere with constant lapse rate representing atmospheric diffusion, to a first approxi-
equal to the adiabatic value. This equation and the mation at least, over a very wide range.
conclusions drawn from it have been the subject of It will be evident from the discussion above that al-
much discussion in recent years, but this aspect will be though the broad features of many large-scale atmos-
dealt with at greater length in the section dealing with pheric processes can be explained reasonably well by
convection. the simpler forms of turbulence theory, as yet little has
From the purely mathematical aspect the equation been attempted in the way of detailed analysis. Many
of conduction with K variable has been well explored; opportunities present themselves here. The recent bril-
Haurwitz [24] has given the solution for p = constant, liant American work 2 on the structure of thunder-
T = To + B sin qt on z = O, K = a 0 + a1z (ao, a1 storms has directed the attention of meteorologists to
constant) in terms of ker and kei functions, and Kohler the problems of free jets and of the general mechanism
[33] has published a very thorough treatment of the of the entrainment of air by turbulent mixing on the
case in which K a: zm, m ~ O, the solution in this case boundary of a thermal current. Much remains to be-
being expressed in terms of Bessel functions of imagi-
nary argument. The implications of this work are con- 2. Described in The Thunderstorm by H. R. Byers and
sidered later. others, Supt. of Documents, Washington, D. C., 1949.

explained concerning the details of large cellular con- tinuous source, and the maximum concentrations at
vective motion, first studied in the laboratory by x = 100 mina mean wind of 5 m sec-I are
Benard and investigated mathematically by Rayleigh,
Jeffreys and others. The whole problem of turbulence point-source of 1 g sec-I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 mg m-3
in the upper atmosphere has recently arisen in an acute infinite line-source of 1 g sec-I m-I .... 35 mg m-3.
form in relation to the design of large aircraft. Finally,
the applicability of the Reynolds process of averaging The fundamental problem for the mathematical
in dealing with major atmospheric motions is still un- physicist is to find means whereby these properties can
certain and it is here, perhaps more than anywhere else, be derived from measurements of the relevant meteoro-
that the statistica! theories are Iikely to make the most logica! factors, such as the profile of mean velocity,
decisive contributions. gustiness and temperature gradient.
Theoretical Aspects. The general equation of dif-
SMALL-SCALE DIFFUSION PROCESSES fusion in a turbulent medium is

- +u
ax. _ax.- + v-
_ax. + w-
_ ax.
Because of their importance in military operations
and in studies of atmospheric pollution, specialized at ax ay az
problems relating to the spread of suspended matter (12)
(smoke and gas) over distances of the order of a few
kilometres have been the subject of intensive research,
= -~ (Kx ax.) + !!_ (Ky ax.) + !!_
ax ax ay ay az
(K. ax.)
az '
both practica! and theoretical. In experimental investi-
where X. is the mean concentration of smoke, the density
gations a measure of control is possible, and the data
of the air being supposed constant. It is convenient to
on diffusion thus obtained are among the most reliable
take axes in which x is measured in the direction of the
and accurate in micrometeorology. A summary of the
mean wind, y across wind and z vertically, so that
properties of continuously generated smoke clouds,
i.i = w = O. For these localized problems the mean
based on extensive trials conducted at Porton, Eng-
wind may be supposed to vary only with height.
land, has been given by Sut ton [67]; these refer exclu-
Two-Dimensional Problems. In the case of a long line
sively to conditions of small temperature gradient and,
source across wind, or an area source in which lateral
as yet, no corresponding set has been published for in-
edge effects -are negligible, equation (12), neglecting
versions or for conditions of a superadiabatic lapse rate.
downwind diffusion in comparison with vertical dif-
Concurrently with the experimental work, there has
fusion, reduces to
been a great deal of activity on the theoretical side,
with the result that a workable but semi-empirical
theory of turbulent diffusion has been built up and
a- = -a ( K.~
u(z) ~
ax az
verified for conditions of neutra! equilibrium (adiabatic
lapse rate). This work will now be summarized briefly. for the steady state. To deal further with this equation
Properties of Continuously Generated Clouds in Con- means that u(z) and K. must be known explicitly. We
ditions of Small Temperature Gradient. The smoke shall consider here only power-law formulations; so
cloud from a continuous point-source stretches down- far no solutions have been published in which u is
wind in a long cone, and measurements of concentration expressed in terms of ln z. Most investigations assume
taken at fixed points are to some extent dependent the Schmidt "conjugate power-law" relation, that is,
upon the period of sampling. This is because the natural if u = ui(z/zi)P, then K = KI(z/zi)I-p, but since this
wind is roade up of fluctuations of ali periods, and the is equivalent to the assumption that the eddy shearing-
"instantaneous" aspect of the cloud, being mainly influ- stress r = Kp du/dz is invariable with height, the
enced by the small-scale eddies, differs considerably resulting equation can hold only in a relatively shallow
from the "time-mean" aspect. The narrow "instanta- layer (z ~ 25 m) near the surface. This limitation is
neous cone" swings slowly over a wider front and is of importance in questions dealing with the variation
contained within an enveloping "time-mean cone." The of humidity profile in air passing from sea to land
properties which have been measured almost invariably (v. Booker), and results obtained in investigations which
refer to the "time-mean" aspect, that is, the concentra- assume the conjugate power-law relation to hold in
tions at fixed points are averages over periods of time deeper layers must be regarded with considerable doubt,
of not less than three minutes. and any close agreement with observation to be a
For a continuously generated cloud, the concentra- matter of chance r:1ther than of sound reasoning.
tion of smoke at any point is directly proportional to With the conjugate power-law relation, the two-
the strength of the source and approximately inversely dimensional steady-state equation becomes
proportional to the mean wind speed, while the cross-
wind and vertical distributions of concentrations are ui I-2p
ax =
a ( ZI-p -
approximately of the "normallaw of error" type. From
the point of view of the mathematician, the results of By a suitable change of variables this equation may be
greatest importance are: The central or peak concen- converted to the form
tration in the cloud from a continuous point-source
decays as 1/xr.76 (x = distance downwind) and as ax 1 - 2p' ax + ix . p' = p/(2p + 1),
1/x0 9 in the cloud from an infinite cross-wind con- ax z az az2 '

(W. G. L. Sutton [70]), which wili be recognized as a easily as that for Kz , since there is no resultant shear-
generalization of the classical equation for the conduc- stress across wind and hence no counterpart of the
tion of heat in a solid. This is probably the most useful "conjugate power-law" theorem. It is hardly possible
way of regarding the equation, for the boundary condi- to consider KY as a function of y, that is, dependent
tions which occur in problems of atmospheric diffusion upon distance from an arbitrary axis, and KY must
are entirely analogous to those familiar in the theory of therefore be made a function of height (z). This, how-
heat flow. Solutions of this equation for various types ever, introduces considerable mathematical difficulties.
of boundary conditions (chiefly those which arise in It is known, for example, that a solution satisfying the
the problem of evaporation) have been discussed in boundary conditions for a continuous point-source can
considerable detail by W. G. L. Sutton [70], who based easily be found (in the usual exponential form) if both
his analysis on Goursat's treatment of the equation of Ky and u are constant or if Ku and u are proportional
conduction of heat. Jaeger [27] has recently given an to the same power of z, but these solutions do not agree
elegant and concise discussion of the diffusion equation with the experimental data. In the problem of evapora-
by the method of the Laplace transform. tion, a formal solution for Kv , Kz and u constant,
The boundary conditions for the problem of the applicable to a rectangular area, can be found in terms
steady continuous infinite cross-wind line-source of of Mathieu functions, and Davies [ll] has investigated
smoke are easily specified; the concentration tends to the case in which Ku and u are proportional to the
zero at infinity and increases without limit as the line same power of z for an area of parabolic shape, but the
of emission is approached, while the effect of the earth's solution for Ku proportional to an arbitrary power of z,
surface is represented by the condition that there is no applicable to a closed area, has not been found. There
net flow across the plane z = O. The solution is then is need for a detailed pure mathematical examination
easily obtained as of this type of equation, and progress in this branch of
atmospheric diffusion is bound to be slow until such
const an investigation has been made.
x(x, z) -1/(1+2p) (p+l)/(2p+l)
u1 x Formulas for K., Statistica! Theory. In applying the
-const u1 z
-2p/(l+p) (l+2p)} analysis described above to specific problems, it is
exp { , usualiy assumed that the velocity profile is known to a
X .
high degree of accuracy, and that from this, the value
in which the various "constants" are easily determined of the friction velocity u* can be found for any given
by the "continuity" condition. mean velocity. Since
In the problem of evaporation from a free-liquid or
K _ r/p _ u~
saturated area on the plane z = O, of infinite extent
z - du/dz - du/dz'
across wind and of finite length downwind, the bound-
ary conditions are not as obvious. In his treatment of it foliows that Kz is also known explicitly at ali points
the problem O. G. Sutton [68] introduced the condition in the layer in which the shearing stress is constant.
that the vapour concentration attains the saturation Thus the two-dimensional problem of diffusion depends
value (x.) at ali points on the wetted area, so that the essentialiy on the accurate determination of the velocity
problem of evaporation becomes that of finding the profile near the surface, the underlying assumption
strength of the area source which will maintain this being that the diffusion of mass by eddy motion is
constant concentration on the surface despite the re- identica! with that of the diffusion of momentum.
moval of vapour by the turbulent air stream above. This method, initiated by Sutton, has been foliowed
The solution of the problem constituted by equation by Calder [7] in a very exact study of two-dimensional
(12a) and the boundary conditions can then be obtained diffusion over surfaces covered by both short and long
as an incomplete gamma function, namely, grass. Calder uses the logarithmic profile to determine
the roughness length, friction velocity and zero-plane
x(x, z) = x.[ 1 - const displacement (for the long-grass case), but in the equa-
tion (12a) he replaces the logarithmic profile by an
(14) approximate power-law profile and uses solutions (13)
. r ( const u1
2p ~ 1)],
-2p/(l+p) l+2p
z and (14) above. The theoretical results are in very good
X '
agreement with the observational data. The method
from which the total rate of evaporation can be found cannot be used for three-dimensional problems, and
by integrating the local rate of evaporation [Kz ax]
az z={)
for such problems recourse must be had to the statistica!
approach devised by Sutton [67].
over the area (see W. G. L. Sutton [70], Jaeger [27], This theory is based upon Taylor's "Diffusion by
Frost [21], Pasquili [40]). Continuous Movements" [73], using as the starting point
Three-Dimensional Problems. For problems involving the correlation coefficient R(~) between eddy velocities
point or short line sources, or areas finite across wind, at different times. For flow over a smooth surface,

the term - a(Ku ~aya-) must be retained. So far very

dimensional arguments indicate that R(~) may be repre-
sented by
little progress has been made with these problems. In R(~) (15)
the first place, the form for Ku cannot be settled as

where v is the kinematic viscosity of the air and n is a examination by Pasquill [41], who concludes that the
parameter expressing the degree of turbulence in the Thornthwaite-Holzman formula
fluid. The value of n is found from observations of the
velocity profile. Using mixing-length concepts, an ex- E = pk 2(ql - q2) Cu2 - u1)
plicit power-law form for Kz can then be found, which (In zdz1) 2
when inserted in the equation of diffusion leads to (E = rate of evaporation, q1 , q2 and u1 , ~ = specific
results in excellent agreement with observation from humidities and mean velocities at heights z1 and z2 ,
a smooth saturated surface (Sutton [68], Pasquill [40]). p = air density, k = Karman's constant = 0.4) is valid
For diffusion over rough surfaces, the kinematic vis- for conditions of neutral equilibrium and may be used
cosity in (15) must be replaced by the macroviscosity in other conditions if errors up to about 20 per cent in
N = u*z0 ; the resulting expressions are then in good the rate of evaporation can be tolerated.
agreement with observation (Sutton [65]). Space does not permit more than a brief mention
For three-dimensional problems Sutton abandons the here of the large amount of work which has been done
mixing length cum differential equation approach and on evaporation from the ocean, but some reference
proceeds by finding expressions which satisfy Taylor's should be made to the "evaporation coefficient" of
equation Montgomery [35], defined as

r= __1_ ~
e. - Ca d(ln z)'
the boundary conditions and the equation of continuity. where c. = vapour pressure at the surface and Ca
For this purpose it is necessary to introduce generalized vapour pressure at a standard height. The rate of
diffusion coefficients Cy and Cz, which are found as evaporation from the sea surface is then
explicit functions of the mean gustiness, the parameter
n occurring in the velocity profile, and either the kine-
matic viscosity or the macroviscosity, according as the where k is Karman's constant, 'Ya = u*/Wa, where
underlying surface is smooth or rough. The expression Wa = velocity at height a, and q. and qb are the specific
for the concentration from a line-source obtained in humidities at heights a and b. Sverdrup [71] has shown
this way is not quite as accurate as that derived from
the differential equation, but is adequate for many
that with certain assumptions r = 1/ln (b ~ zo),
purposes, and the method has the advantage of pro- where z0 is the roughness length, and has made a critical
viding a simple solution for the point-source problem examination of the validity of Montgomery's concept.
where, as yet, the mixing length cum differential equa- Richardson's Diffusion Theory and lts Relation to
tion approach has failed. Recently, Sutton [69] has Recent Developments. W e conclude this short summary
extended this work to cover the case of an elevated of the diffusion problem by mention of some work by
source such as a factory chimney. Richardson which may prove to be of considerable sig-
Detailed Study of Evaporation. The work described nificance. In 1926, Richardson [50], showed in his
above has shown that the rate of evaporation from a "Distance-Neighbour Graph" theory, that if l is the
small saturated or free-liquid area can be calculated projection of the separation of a pair of marked par-
with considerable accuracy, at least in conditions of ticles on a fixed direction, and q is the "number of

neutral vertical equilibrium and provided that edge neighbours per unit of l,"
losses can be disregarded. Since the mean rate of evapo-
ration decreases with the length of the area downwind, q(l) = x(x)x(x + l) dx,
and also because it is uncertain if a small area can
reflect adequately the effect of changing stability (Sut- where x is the concentration. The equation of diffusion
ton [67]), it is extremely doubtful if the conventional then becomes
"evaporimeter" or "evaporation tank" is of any real
use in assessing the rate of evaporation from areas of aq = ~ {F(l) aq}
moderate size, such as reservoirs or small lakes. at az az '
For the estimation of evaporation from natural sur-
faces without the aid of evaporimeters, two methods where F(l) is a kind of diffusion coefficient. If Zo is the
are possible. One, initiated by ngstrom for lakes and initial value of l, and Z1 its value t seconds later,
later applied by Penman [42] to land, depends upon an F(lo) = (:mean of Cl1 - lo) 2 for all pairs)
accurate evaluation of the remaining terms in the equa- 2t o

tion for heat balance. N o knowledge of the process of

turbulent transport is required. The second method, Observations by Richardson and Stommel [53] on small
used by Sverdrup and others for evaporation from the objects floating in water indicate that
sea and by Thornthwaite and Holzman [77] for land, F(l) = 0.07l1.4.
uses the theory of eddy diffusion to evaluate the flux
of water vapour from the wind and water-vapour pro- This is a result of considerable importance, because the
files. This procedure has been subjected to a critical recent statistica! theories of Weizscker and Heisen-

berg (page 497) predict a similar law of diffusion. It is that is, the critica! value (Ricrit) of the Richardson
possible that here is the first indication of developments number is unity.
of considerable importance for meteorology. In his derivation of this criterion Richardson limited
Further progress in the study of small-scale processes, its application to a system possessing a very small
so important for many aspects of civilized life, depends amount of turbulence ("just-no-turbulence"). The mat-
on a number of factors. Micrometeorology demands ter has since been the subject of intensive investiga-
measurements whose accuracy approaches that attained tions, chiefly theoretical. Taylor [76] and Goldstein [23]
in the laboratory, and for which the development of showed that in the case of an inviscid incompressible
specialized instruments, highly sensitive and yet suffi- fluid with a linear velocity profile and a continuous
ciently robust to be used in the open, is imperative. density distribution, Ricrit = 0.25, but the most de-
On the mathematical side it must be admitted that tailed and realistic investigation is that of Schlichting
present theories, although often astonishingly success- [57] on the decay of turbulence in the boundary layer
ful for limited classes of problems, are unsatisfactory of a smooth flat plate. Schlichting found that Ricrit
in that they involve a large element of empiricism, and varied between 0.041 and 0.029, depending on the
rigour has often been sacrificed for simplicity of treat- inertia effects of the density distribution, a result which
ment. There is, in particular, a need to examine both was later confirmed by Reichardt in the Gottingen
practically and theoretically the basic assumptions of "hot-cold" wind tunnel. Recently, a detailed investiga-
the various theories, such as the form of the various tion of the mathematical aspects of Richardson's deriva-
correlation functions and of the eddy spectrum over a tion has been made by Calder [8], who finds that the
wider range of conditions. The characteristic meteoro- inclusion of certain terms, neglected by Richardson
logical problem, that of diffusion in large density gra- because of his assumption of "just-no-turbulence,"
dients, is stiH unsolved and is likely to remain so until changes the form of the criterion to Ricrit = 1 - 5,
further progress has been made in the dynamics of 5 > O, but he was unable to give a definite value for 5,
stratified fluids. Some of the attempts to solve this, except that 5 must be small if the initial degree of
perhaps the most difficult problem in turbulence, are turbulence is small.
discussed in the next section. There have been several attempts to ascertain the
value of Ricrit in the atmosphere [63]. Durst agrees
PROBLEMS ARISING FROM CHANGES IN THE with Richardson in finding Ricrit = 1, but Paeschke
DENSITY GRADIENT [38] concludes that the Schlichting value, Ricrit = 0.04,
Much, if not most, of the preceding work could be is appropriate. Some of the best evidence is that assem-
fairly described as a straightforward application of the bled by Deacon [12] who proposes Ricrit = 0.15 for
aerodynamical theory of the turbulent boundary layer conditions near the ground, while for the free atmos-
to meteorology. The feature which sharply differen- phere Petterssen and Swinbank [43] suggest Ricrit =
tiates the meteorologica! problem from those of normal 0.65. It is evident from these results that at the present
aerodynamics is undoubtedly the influence of the den- time the question of the exact value of the critica!
sity gradient on the nature of the flow. In other words, Richardson number (if indeed it exists) is one of the
the meteorologist must take into account the effects of most open in meteorology.
the gravitational field, and there is very little in the The Heat Flux Equation and the Problem of Con-
way of wind-tunnel investigation to guide him here. vection. It has been known for some time that the
The Richardson Criterion. The basic result in the early assumption of the identity of the coefficients of
theory of turbulence in a gravitational field is that of eddy viscosity (KM) and eddy conductivity (Kn) is
Richardson [51], who enunciated the criterion that the open to considera bie doubt; thus although in the lower
kinetic energy of the eddying motion will increase or layers of the atmosphere the transfer of momentum
decrease if the rate at which energy is extracted by the can be explained by taking KM a: zm, where O ~ m ~ 1,
Reynolds stresses exceeds or falls below that at which the propagation of the diurnal temperature wave in
work has tobe done against gravity by the turbulence. warm weather seems to require Kn a: zm', where
From this, it is easy to show that turbulence will in- 1 ~ m' ~ 2. These conclusions are based upon the
crease or die away according as the Richardson number assumption that the eddy flux of heat is proportional
to the gradient of potential temperature (Taylor) or to

g( az +
aT r) the difference between the observed gradient and the
adiabatic lapse rate (Brunt). Ertel [18], in a series of
Ri papers, questions this assumption because it neglects
buoyancy effects, and concludes that the flux is more
likely to be proportional to the gradient of temperature
(T = absolute temperature of the environment) is less itself, a result which in turn has been criticized by
or greater than the ratio of the eddy viscosity to the Prandtl [45] on the grounds that the analysis can only
eddy conductivity. If these two coefficients are sup- be valid for occasions of calm or light winds and large
posed identica!, we have lapse rates.
Ertel's main conclusion is supported by the later
turbulence increases if Ri < 1, work of Priestley and Swinbank [47], who consider that
turbulence decreases if Ri > 1, the flux of heat has the form

q = pcp{ -w'l (~~ + r) + w'T''}, tween the rate of transport of heat and momentum
near the ground, even when radiation is taken into
account (Pasquill), but a complete explanation of the
where w' is the vertical component of the eddy velocity temperature field in both unstable and stable conditions
and T" is the temperature anomaly of the eddy at the is stiU to seek. When buoyancy effects are small com-
beginning of its upward motion. The first term in the pared with purely frictional effects, that is, in the prob-
brackets is that derived in the classical theory, but the lem of forced convection, it seems that there is little
second term is independent of the gradient of potential difference in the transport of heat and momentum by
temperature and depends essentially on the existence eddy motion.
of a correlation between the vertical velocity and the The Diffusion of Matter and Other Studies in Non-
initial temperature of the eddy, which need not be that adiabatic Gradients. Among the early attempts to
of the layer from which it carne. The second term is extend the theory of diffusion to nonadiabatic gradients
therefore due entirely to buoyancy, whereas the first is that of Rossby and Montgomery [55], who, in effect,
term could arise if the air were forced upwards by take the mixing length to be given by
purely dynamical means. Unfortunately, the term w'T"
cannot be isolated from the general heat flux and meas- l = kz/ v1 + uRi,
ured separately, and its magnitude can only be inferred
from arguments of a general nature, but the theory does where u is a "constant." This expression was used by
give a fairly satisfactory explanation of certain large- Sverdrup in a study of turbulence over a snow field;
scale phenomena, such as the superadiabatic lapse rates his observations indicate that the value of u is about 11.
of the higher regions of the troposphere in clear non- In a later contribution Sverdrup examined Best's ve-
subsiding air. The same problem has recently been locity profiles in the light of this relation and found a
considered by Montgomery [36]. large increase in u as conditions changed from insta-
The problem of natural convection, that is, of heat bility to stability. This work was later extended by
transport due to the upward motion of the air in calm Holzman [26], who suggested that
or very light wind conditions has been considered by l = kzy1 - u 1Ri,
Sutton [64], who, starting from the assumption that the
vertical flux of heat is proportional to the difference where u1 is another constant so that l = O when Ri =
between the observed temperature gradient and the 1/u1 , when turbulence should be extinguished.
adiabatic lapse rate, shows that the observations then The Rossby-Montgomery and Holzman formulations
necessarily imply a very rapid increase of KH with ha ve been subjected to a critica! examination by Deacon
height (as zL 76 ) in hot, clear weather. On the assump- [12], who finds that the Holzman expression agrees well
tion that the intensity of the turbulent upward currents with observations, u1 being independent of both rough-
is determined by the balance between their dissipation ness and stability, with a mean value about 7. This
into smaller eddies and their rate of loss of potential implies that the turbulent mixing-length becomes negli-
energy, Sutton shows that certain simple relations must gibly small if Ri is about 0.14.
exist between the eddy velocity, the mixing length for Deacon [12] has applied these studies to an examina-
heat transfer, the temperature gradient, the tempera- tion of two-dimensional diffusion in nonadiabatic gra-
ture oscillations and the eddy conductivity, provided dients (chiefly superadiabatic lapse rates), using data
that the upward flux of heat does not vary with height. on the travel of gas obtained at the Experimental Sta-
These relations are in harmony with Johnson and Hey- tion, Alberta, Canada. The results show a certain meas-
wood's observations of the temperature field during ure of agreement with the theory, except in very large
the mid-hours of a clear summer day. Sutton also lapse rates, in which the experimental data are rathe1
showed that a model of convection in which the ground irregular.
is assumed to act as a plane instantaneous source of To sum up, it is clear that a satisfactory theory of
heat at intervals of the order of half-a-minute or so diffusion in large inversions and large lapse rates has
could provide an explanation of the temperature field yet to emerge, and this is particularly true for three-
found near the ground in warm weather. This implies dimensional problems. It is unfortunate that the theory
that the typical convectional eddy behaves like a is most deficient where the need is greatest, that is, in
"bubble" which rises because of its buoyancy and conditions of large inversions, when even small sources
grows by entraining cold air by turbulent mixing as of pollution can produce high concentrations, and the
it moves. problem is one which should receive urgent attention
From this brief survey it will be seen that the solu- from meteorologists if only because of its importance
tion of the problem of the transfer of heat from the in the life of highly industrialized communities.
ground to the air, or vice versa, is still far from com-
plete. At the present time the main need is for accurate
observations of elements such as the temperature and 1. BATCHELOR, G. K., "Kolmogoroff's Theory of Locally
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Queen's College, Oxford, England

The oscillations considered in this article are those of tional to 3 GM/r13 , where M and r1 denote the moon's
WQrld:ir:~~sii.B.:.iacter, on a scale greater than that of J!laSS and distance (from C); M 1s and rl/ro areboth
the ordinary local or regional weather distributions. It very small, but it turns out that the lunar tidal action
is convenient to call them "tides" even when their origin is 2.4 times as great as the solar, and on this account
is therm!]J and not graYitation~l. the moon chiefiy governs the sea tides, though the sun
Most of our information concerning these tides comes at different epochs in the month adds to or reduces the
from the barometer, which shows an excess or deficit of lunar 'tides.
pressure as the m..otiQ!LB~J12S up the air or draws it In the eighteenth century Newton's successors ex-
~.t ~bove a locality. tended his planetary theory to explain the motions in
the solar system in almost every detail. They began also
GRAVITATIONAL TIDES to develop the theory of the tides. Laplace [74a] recog-
nized the powerful infiuence of the earth's rotation on
The sea jqes, with their twice-dail.j: ..rise .and fali,
the tides, which are a dynamical, not statical, phe-
have been known since the dawn of history. The time
nomenon. The "equilibrium tide" is only a theoretical
of hlghJAd.e~dy~nces from day to day in evident asso- conception providing a convenient standard of com-
ciation with the moon's mo-xt_on. Our understanding of
parison for the real tides.
this goes back to Newton [85cr], who showed how, on
Laplace developed his tidal theory in a series of re-
the hasis of his laws of mechanics, a universal inverse-
markable memoirs, later summarized in his M ecanique
square "gravitational" attraction between all material
celeste. He restricted his analysis for the most part to
particles would explain the weight that makes bodies
the idealized case of an ocean of uniform depth cover-
near the earth fall towards it, explain the planetary
ing the whole earth. Hence his results have only a
motions, and also, less simply, the sea tides.
limited application to the actual sea tides, which are
The gravitational attraction exerted by the sun on a
complicated by the irregular outlines and interconnec-
particle of the earth is GS/r per unit mass, where .G.
tions of the oceans, and by their nonuniform depth.
denotes the gravitational constant, _S the sun's mass,
These complications present problems with which tidal
and r the distance from the sun's centre O to the ter-
theorists still wrestle arduously.
restrial particle. On the average this force provides the
Laplace showed that his ideal ocean tides might be
orbital Qentripetal acceler.ation w r towards the sun,
greater or less than the equilibrium tides, according to
where ~ denotes the orbital angular velocity of the
the depth of the ocean; and also that they might not
earth (21r per year). Theaverage values of these accel- be "direct," with high tide "under" the tide-producing
erations are those at the earth's centre C, for which
body, and also on the other hemisphere: they might be
r = ro, where ro = OC. Hence GS/r 0 2 = w2r 0 or w2 =
"reversed," with low tides at points on the earth near-
GS/ro 3
est to and farthest from the j.Qe-producingbody, and
But the gravitational attraction is greater, and the
high tides intermediate between them.
centripetal acceleratio!lless, over the hemisphere nearer
the sun, than at the earth's centre, leaving a distribu- THE ATMOSPHERIC TIDES Sn, Ln
tion of unbalanced force over this hemisphere, directed
sunwards (at most places obliquely upwards, partly Newton realized that the tidal forces must act on
acting against the earth's puii). Over the opposite hemi- the atmosphere as well as on the seas. The lack of lateral
sphere the gravitational acceleration is too weak to boundaries renders the atmosphere a better subject for
supply the whole centripetal acceleration, and there is Laplace's idealized theory. This theory treated the
a distribution of l!llh::tl:~nced acceleration away from sea water as incompressible, but he showed that the
the sun, here also obliquely upward, partly against the theory could be adapted surprisingly well to the com-
earth's pull. Partieles free to move, like those of the pressible air if its temperature were assumed uniform,
sea water or air, will do so under the action of these un- and unchanged throughout the compressions and rare-
balanced forces; the water surface will tend to beeome factions accompanying the air tides-that is, if the
spheroidal, with its long axis along the line OC joining changes of air density were supposed to take place iso-
the centres of the sun and earth. thermally. On this hasis he calculated the ~_r:_tjgg_ for
If the earth did not rotate relative to this line, such an atmosphere agreeing in total mass and average tem-
a steady distribution of level would actually be attained. perature with the actual atmosphere, and showed that
It is called the eJLuilibrium solar tide. This is proportional the tides would be direct, that is, the air would be
to the gradient along OC, at C, of the unbalanced accel- heaped up with high pressure under the tide-producing
eration w2r - GS/r 2, that is, to w2 + 2GS/r 03 or 3GS/r 03 body, and on the opposite side of the earth.
The moon exerts a similar tidal infiuence, propor- Thus the tide should produce a bricecdaily variation

9( atmospheric pressure as recorded by the barometer, as the moon is nearer to or farther from the earth.
invented by Torricelli at about the time of N ewton's There is also a term for which n is nearly equal to unity,
birth. Already in the seventeenth century [21] the value but this depends on the moon's declination (namely, its
of this instrument in the study of weather began to be angular "distance" from the equatorial plane) and is
realized, and in N ewton's lifetime it became known reversed in sign twice monthly as the moon moves
that the barometric changes in the tropics are quite northward or southward across the equator. This oscil-
different from those in temperate latitudes. Instead of lation L 1 has not been detected in the barometric
the mercurial height varying through severa! centi- records [30].
metres, as it does in temperate latitudes because of the
irregular weather changes, the tropical barometer is THE SEARCH FOR THE LUNAR ATMOSPHERIC
almost steady except when hurricanes sweep the region. TIDE L2
It shows, however, a small rise and fali twice daily, The Tide at Paris. Laplace's theory [74a] indicated a
with a range of about 2 mm, almost as simple and "direct" lunar tidal variation of the barometer with a
regular as the tidal changes of sea level; but unlike range in the tropics of half a millimetre. He considered
these, the times of high pressure show no perceptible that such a change, though small, should be determina-
change throughout the month; they recur daily at bie from a considerable series of tropical readings; but
nearly the same local SQ.~I1L!im~, about 10:00 A.M. and no such series was available to him in 1823, when he
10:00 P.M. This is illustrated in Fig. 1, which shows the
developed an active interest in the air tide, an interest
barometric changes at Batavia and Potsdam (on differ- which he maintained for the rest of his life. Instead, he
ent scales) for the same few days [14]. was able to obtain from Bouvard, of the Paris observa-
tory,t an eight-year series (October 1, 1815 to October 1,
5 6 7 8 9
1823) of barometric readings made daily at 9, 12, 15,
1 and 21 hours. He used only part of the three daytime
760mm readings, 4752 in ali, and from these, by a well-designed
,..,. r. Il\/ 1 / j\ r
~ rv j 1" V IV
method, he sought to compute the lunar semidiurnal
BATA VIA tide L 2 He calculated its range as 0.054 mm, and the
lunar times of maximum pressure as 3h19m after upper
""' or lower transit. He attached limited significance to
"" POTSDAM_.... ./
this result, after calculating the probability [74c] that
it was not merely due to chance, that is, to the continuai
"" /
740 irregular "weather" variations of the barometer. He
' / asserted that to determine so small a variation from
such data with adequate certainty would require at
FIG. 1.-Burometric variations (on different scales) at Batavia least 40,000 observations.
and Potsdam, November 5-9, 1927. Bouvard [74f] in 1827 repeated Laplace's calculation
with four more years' data (in ali, twelve years, Jan-
This regular twice-daily barometric change is clearly uary 1, 1815 to January 1, 1827), and from 8940 read-
due to the sun, so the "tidal" regime of the atmosphere ings found a lunar tidal range of 0.0176 mm, with max-
differs greatly from that of the oceans, where the moon ima at 2h8m and 14h8m. The great difference from La-
is the controlling agent. The moon's effect on the barom- place's result confirmed the inference that the data used
eter is very small, though it can be determined with were stiU far too few.
much labor from sufficient data. In 1843 Eisenlohr [60] renewed the attempt with
The solar semidiurnal barometric variation is our twenty-two years' data (1819-1840), using ali the four
chief indication of the greatest world-wide oscillation daily readings. U nfortunately he departed from La-
of the atmosphere. For brevity, this oscillation, with place's excellent method of computation, which in-
its associated barometric and wind changes, will be de- volved only differences between readings on the same
noted by th~ symbol 82, in which S signifies solar, and day, thus eliminating the influence of the large changes
the suffix 2 indicates the number of its cycles or swings of pressure from day to day. Eisenlohr rearranged his
p~r day. Similarly, Sn will denote an oscillation whose data according to the nearest lunar hour (O to 23) at the
barometric and other changes at each place are re- time of each reading; with unlimited data this method
peated n times each mean solar day, and Ln one with n would be satisfactory, showing the complete average
repetitions in each mean lunar day. change of the barometer according to lunar time. But
The moon's capacity to exert any appreciable dy- with his limited data, the number of readings per lunar
namical influence on the atmosphere lies solely in its hour ranged from 1302 to 1377, and the hourly means
tidal force, so potent on the oceans. The harmonic de-
velopment of the lunar tidal potential [58] clearly in- 1. In references [28, 29] the source of Laplace's data for the
dicates the values of n tobe expected, and their relative air tide was wrongly given as Brest, through confusion with
importance in the lunar tidal force; for the chief term n his use of Brest sea-level data for comparison with his theory
equals 2, as in the sea tides, and there are two other of sea tides. It may also be added that in the translation of
terms for which n differs only slightly from 2; these in- (Vols. 1-4 only, of) Laplace's great work, by N. Bowditch,
crease or decrease the main semidiurnal tide according ref. [74a] is tobe found on pp. 793-801 of Vol. 2 (Boston, 1832).

were unequally affected by the great weather variations and Hamburg; for Keitum (lat 55) he used ten years'
of pressure. They showed a quite irregular variation hourly data (1878 to 1887), but found "no trace of a
from hour to hour. Thus his laborious effort, in many semidiurnal variation such as a lunar tide would pro-
ways well planned, was fruitless. He concluded that his duce"; he thought, however, he had found a definite
data were insufficient to determine L2, and hence that lunar diurnal variation (not, like L1, reversed fort-
the attempts by Laplace and Bouvard were still less nightly; see p. 511). Bartels [12] in 1927 showed that
adequate. He urged that hourly readings of the barom- these conclusicins completely misinterpreted the actual
eter should be taken, so that intime, from a long series, results that Bornstein had obtained, and that his sup-
L2 might be determined. 2 posed lunar diurnal variation was a purely chance ef-
The Tropica1 Lunar Air Tide. When Eisenlohr wrote fect, whereas L 2 was contained in his curves, though
(1843), L2 had already been determined from tropical it was ill-determined. The misinterpretation sprang
pressure data, though the result was not published directly from the neglect of Laplace's advice to con-
until 1847 [91]. Around 1840, severa! British colonial sider the probable accuracy of the results.
observatories, magnetic and meteorologica!, were set up Morano [83] in 1899 used four years' data (1891 to
under Sabine's leadership. In 1842 the director (Lefroy) 1894) for Rome (lat 42N), although Neumayer [84] had
of the St. Helena observatory successfully used his failed, by the same method applied to five years' data
seventeen months' (August 1840 to December 1841) for Melbourne, in a rather lower latitude, to obtain a
bihourly week-day barometric readings to determine L 2 reliable result. The validity of Morano's result, which is
Ris successor Smythe, with Sabine, confirmed the deter- probably near the true value of Lz at Rome, remained
mination from three more years' data, October 1842 to uncertain.
September 1845. Sabine even attempted to find how the ro' 1918 a new attempt [28] succeeded in determining
air tide varies with the lunar distance [91]. L 2 from the Greenwich hourly data, by then available
In 1852 the director (Elliot) of the Singapore obser- for sixty-four years. Two-thirds of the material was re-
vatory determined L 2 there [61] from five years' data, jected; the only days used were those on which the
1841 to 1845. barometric range did not exceed 0.1 in. This was the
Later, when the Batavia observatory was established first certainly valid nontropical determination of Lz.
in 1866, these results stimulated its directors [22, 23, This investigation was planned and undertaken with
96-99] to determine L2 from their hourly barometric guidance [27], in a very simple way, from the theory of
data, recorded photographically. Bergsma published random errors. According to this theory, if a single ob-
the first results, for 1866 to 1868, in 1871. By 1905, L 2 servation is subject to an accidental error e, the prob-
at Batavia was really well determined from 350,000 ob- able random error of the sum of N such (independent)
servations covering forty years. observations is e y N, and that of their mean is e/ VN.
The Lunar Air Tide Outside the Tropics. Laplace The moon produces a systematic (though very small)
[74a, el stressed the need, in deriving results from ob- semidiurnal variation of the barometer; if this is com-
servations, to determine the probability that the error bined from N lunar days' observations (each in the
lies within narrow known limits; without so doing, he form of a sequence of lunar hourly values), by forming
said, one risks presenting the effects of irregular causes the sum of the values for each lunar hour, the sequence
as laws of nature, "as has often happened in meteorol- of sums will contain N times the lunar daily variation.
ogy." This need has been overlooked or neglected by a It will, however, be affected also by the other causes of
multitude of those who, before and since his time, have variation, particularly, outside the tropics, by the suc-
vainly sought for lunar monthly meteorologica! varia- cession of cyclones and anticyclones. If these produce
tions. Eisenlohr, from 1833, was among these; but only an average random departure e of any hourly value
a few of them have, like him, engaged in the more from the long-term barometric mean, they will con-
hopeful but still perilous search for lunar daily meteor- tribute to each lunar hourly sum of N hourly values a
ologica! variations, in particular for L 2 Of these few, r~tndom contribution of the order e yN. As N is in-
some, like Kreil in 1841, or later Bouquet de la Grye, creased, the regular lunar daily variation in the lunar
used quite inadequate data3-for one year only, or even hourly sequence of sums will increase proportionately
for five years, like Neumayer [84], who in 1867 failed to N, and the random contributions will increase, but
to obtain consistent results from five years' hourly data proportionately only to yN. Thus, although e greatly
(1858 to 1863) for Melbourne (lat 388). Even Airy [1], exceeds the :r:_~,tpge of the lunar air tide at Greenwich,
who used 180,000 hourly values for Greenwich (for
the systematic tidal effect will altogether overpower
twenty years, 1854 to 1873) unwisely concluded in
1877 that "we can assert positively that there is no the random contribution if N is taken large enough. In
trace of lunar tide in the atmosphere." Bornstein [24] 4 the sequence of lunar hourly means, L 2 is independent
in 1891 used only four years' data for Berlin and Vienna of N, whereas the random errors are of the order
As the Greenwich data were used only for days of
2. Not untill945 was a further an(! successf.ul atempt made
barometric range 0.1 in. or less, the average random
to determine L, at Paris. The results are not yet published.
3. The method of computation is also important, as well as departures e from each day's mean might be estimated
the amount of data, for the success of a determination. as 0.01 in. Since N was 6457, e/vN would be about
4. See also [12, pp. 39, 40]. 0.00012 in.

Figure 2 (fullline) shows the mean lunar daily vari- convenient to reckon t from local mean midnight, and
ation of Greenwich pressure obtained [28] from these r from local lower mean lunar transit. It is also con-
N days, by a method of rearrangement of solar hourly venient to denote the nth harmonic (Sn or Ln) by the
values according to lunar time. Happily, this method distinctive notations:
avoided a pitfall, then unsuspected but afterwards dis-
closed by Bartels [12], associated with the use of selected Sn sin (nt + Un) (2)
barometrically "quiet" days [41]. for Sn, and for Ln,
The total range of pressure in Fig. 2 is less than 0.001
in., and the change from one lunar hour to the next ln sin (nr + An). (3)
averages about 0.00015 in. This exceeds the average The only harmonics yet detected in the lunar air tide
random error in Fig. 2, namely, 0.00010 in., and the (see p. 511) are the second (n = 2) and the two for
systematic nature of the lunar daily variation is clearly which n differs only slightly from 2; the other har-
manifest. Apart from its meteorologica] and dynamical monics obtainable by analysis of the full-line curve in
interest, this determination has great statistica[ interest Fig. 2 represent only residual accidental error.
as a remarkable illustration of the "law of combination
of randomerrors"-an example confirmed by many LOCAL MEAN
later air-tide determinations, most notably by that of o 6 24
the tidal variation of air temperature at Batavia [36].
(See p. 519.)



<( -0.01 ~
u f-- f-- <( 90 (a)
0.. z ~ ~ g
0.. <( 0.. <(

~ ,_

FIG. 2.-The average lunar daily variation (full line) of

barometric pressure at Greenwich, computed from 6457 daz:
hourly data, 1854-1917; the broken line shows the lunar semi-
diurnal component of the variation.

Hannonic Analysis and the Harmonic Dial: Units.

In Fig. 2 the broken curve represents the lunar semi-
diurnal harmonic (or Fourier) component obtained by
harmonic analysis of the calculated variation (fullline).
This component curve represents the type of variation
due to the moon, and the difference between the two
curves must be ascribed to random variation due to
Any variation which is periodic in an interval T can
be harmonically analyzed and represented as a sum of
harmonic terms, 270
FIG. 3.-The solar semidiurnal component (S2l of the daily
~ Cn sin (niJ + 'Yn), (1) barometric variation at Washington, D. C., represented (Fig.
3a, above) by a graph, specified (Fig. 3b, below) by a harmonic
where n = 1, 2, ... and 6 denotes t.ime reckoned in dial.
angle at the rate 360 per interval T. The integer n is
the order of the harmonic, Cn and 'Yn are its amplitude In this article l2, for the lunar tidal variation of
and phase. This harmonic has maxima at the time barometric pressure, will be expressed either in micro-
6 = (90 - 'Yn)/n and at intervals T /n thereafter metres (J..Lm) of mercury (1 J..Lm = I0- 6m = 0.001 mm)
throughout the period T. or in microbars (1 microbar = 0.001 mb or 1 dyne cm- 2 ,
In the case of a solar or lunar daily variation, T or 0.00075 mm of mercury). The unit of speed used for
signifies a (mean) solar or lunar day, and 6 signifies l2, the amplitude of the lunar tidal wind variation asso-
solar time t at the rate 15 per mean solar hour, or ciated with L 2 , will be 1 cm sec-1 ( = 0.036 km hr-1).
lunar time r at the rate 15 per mean lunar hour. It is In graphical illustrations showing both S2 and L 2, the

scale values for the pressure and speed variations asso- weight, r = 0.939d, where d denotes the mean value
ciated withS 2 will beten timesgreaterthanfor Lz. of d.
A harmonic variation such as the nth term of (1) can The probability that any individual dial point will
be graphicaliy represented by a curve, for example, the fali within a distance d from C is 1 - e-cx!r), where
broken line for L 2 in Fig. 2 or the curve for Sz in Fig. 3a;5 x = 0.833d. When d = r, this probability is 7:2, sig-
or it may be specified by a diagram which indicates the nifying that half the points are likely to fali within the
amplitude c" and phase 'Yn, as in Fig. 3b [16]. This probable error circle. This chance is reasonably well
shows an origin O, a phase-reference line OX, and a exemplified in Fig. 4, where nineteen of the forty points
line OC whose length, on the amplitude scale marked lie within the circle.
along OX, represents Cn (in this case sz), and whose
direction indicates, by the angle XOC, reckoned anti-
clockwise, the phase 'n (in this case uz). A circ le may be
drawn with O as centre, and graduated, as in Fig. 3b,
to show the phase angle.
A perpendicular axis OY may also be added, and the ./.
circle may also be graduated (clockwise from OY) in 0.05
time measure rp = nO, at the rate ..;360 per interval T /n.
For Fig. 3b, n = 2, so that T /n is half a solar day or
twelve solar hours, and the time measure is therefore
30 per solar hour (or in a similar diagram for L 2 , 30
per mean lunar bour, reckoned as 24 per lunar day). On
this graduation, OC points to the time given by n(J =
90 - 'Yn, at which the harmonic variation has its first
maximum in the interval T. When n = 2, the diagram
corresponds to an ordinary clock face, on which each o
hour corresponds to 30; OC points to the times of FIG.4.-Harmonic dial showing the forty dial points for
maxima, morning and afternoon. When n = 1, the dia- determinations of L2, the lunar semidiurnal air tide in Batavia
gram may be likened to a 24-hour dial. When n = 3 or barometric pressure, for each of the years 1866-1905. Their
centroid is the point C, specifying the forty-year mean of L .
n = 4, the diagram wili show only eight or six hours on The circle with C as centre is the probable-error circle for any
its face or rim, at intervals of 45 or 60 respectively. of the forty yearly dial points.
Because of this alternative interpretation of the dia-
gram, as a clock face indicating the amplitude and The circle indicates the probable error r of each of
time(s) of maximum, the diagram is appropriately calied the forty yearly determinations of Lz; that of the 40-
a harmonic dial [30]. year mean is r/v4o, as might be indicated on a sep-
Any part of a harmonic dial not needed in a particular arate dial showing only C and its own probable error
case may be omitted; so also can the line OC if its end circle.
C is shown. This is useful when, as in Fig. 4, several A determination may be considered reasonably good
determinations of a harmonic are to be shown on one if the length of its dial vector is at least three times its
dial. Figure 4 shows forty dial points [12], each repre- probable error. For L 2 at Batavia, each yearly deter-
senting the determination of L 2 in Batavia pressure for mination satisfies this criterion, as there r is 0.011 mm,
one of the forty years 1866 to 1905. and l 2 ranges from about 0.045 to 0.078; for the 40-
The Probable Error. More than a century after La- year mean value, l 2 = 0.062 and r = 0.0016, so that
place's pioneer attempt to assess the reliability of his l2/r = 39.
determination of L 2 [74c, d], Bartels [11, 12] in 1926 The uncertainty in the amplitude of a harmonic vari-
applied the theory of errors in a plane to assess the ation may be regarded as corresponding, in the sense
uncertainty of the mean of a number of independent explained above, to its r, and that of the phase to the
determinations of a periodic variation such as L 2, con- angle sin-1 (r /l) subtended at O by half the probable
veniently represented by dial points as in Fig. 4. He error circle. Thus the phase uncertainty will be greater,
showed how to determine the probable error ellipse cen- for a given value of r, the smaller the amplitude l; for
tred on the dial point C for the mean determination. the "yearly" probable error circle shown in Fig. 4, the
When, as in Fig. 4, the individual dial points are sym- phase uncertainty is 10, or 20 minutes of (lunar)
metricaliy distributed around C, the eliipse becomes the time; for the 40-year mean it is only three minutes of
probable error circle, as there shown. Its radius r is cal- time.
culated, according to the theory of errors, from the Methods of Computation of Lz. Severa! different
distances d of the individual dial points from C. When, methods have been used to determine L 2 from baro-
as in Fig. 4, the individual dial points are of equal metric records at various stations. In a few cases lunar
hourly readings were taken, or measured from baro-
5. For the solar semidiurnal component variation of baro- graphs, or interpolated between the solar hourly meas-
metric pressure at Washington, D. C.; Fig. 3a is the graph of ures. This is quite unnecessary; the solar hourly values
s. sin (2t + u2). fuliy suffi.ce if properly used. Wh~re only a few readings

per day are available, a method depending on the dif- determinations made for Russian stations may have
ferences between them, thus eliminating their absolute been omitted because the literature is not accessible. It
values, is desirable. Laplace [74], and in recent years is to be hoped that these gaps will gradually be filled,
also Bartels [17], used such a method. Almost ali deter- and the limits of our knowledge pushed polewards, us-
minations other than those on the early Paris data ing the improved computing methods [54, 103] men-
have been based on hourly values, or (better, as Bartels tioned in the foregoing section.
urged [17]) on bihourly values, which give almost equal If the lunar air tide were in phase with the tidal force,
accuracy with much less labour [53]. ali the arrows in Fig. 5 would be upright; actually most
In most of the determinations up to about 1935 the of them point to the right, implying a lag of high atmos-
lunar day was taken as the hasis, and the observations pheric tide (by about half an hour on the average) after
were rearranged according to lunar time (actual, not lunar transit; but some well-determined arrows point
mean). Usually, though not always, the solar daily vari- leftward, as at Mauritius and Kimberley, and at the
ation was removed before or after the retabulation. It five north European stations, where high tide definitely
is very important to remove, or allow for, any non- precedes the lunar transit. Later diagrams (e.g., Figs. 8,
periodic change of pressure in the course of each day. 10) indicate the uncertainties of amplitude and phase
This was only gradually realized [29, 32, 51, 54]. at severa! stations.
In 1917 reasonably certain determinations of L2 had The L2 component of lunar tidal force decreases
been made at only three stations [22, 23, 61, 91, 96-99]; steadily polewards from the equator, and on the whole
it is now known at over sixty-five stations [12, 17, 28- so do the arrow-lengths representing l2 in Fig. 5; but
46, 48-57, 88, 89]. More than half of these determina- there are severa! departures from this regularity, defi-
tions have been made by the method [54] that now nitely not due to errors in the determinations. The ab-
seems most suitable where hourly or bihourly data are normalities in the distribution of L2 are illustrated
available. The method is based on solar daily sequences (rather tentatively, so far as the data will allow) in
of twenty-five hourly or (better) thirteen bihourly val- Fig. 6, which shows lines of equal amplitude l2; where
ues, the last value for each day, which is also the first the lines are ill-determined they are drawn "broken."
for the next day, being added so that the aperiodic There is a belt of specially high tidal amplitude across
change in the day can be removed. The daily sequences the South Indian Ocean; and along the west coast of
are separated in twelve lunar-phase groups, using tables North and South America l 2 is abnormally low. Also at
[19, 20] constructed by Bartels and Fanselau for this Buenos Aires, on the east coast, l2 is much less than at
purpose. The grouping is facilitated if each daily se- Melbourne, in nearly the same latitude.
quence of twenty-five or thirteen (three-figure) values, The remarkable anomaly of the small lunar air tide
with its identifying and lunar-classification data, is near the northwestern American coast is illustrated in
entered on a punched card, using Hollerith sorting and Fig. 7 [46, 47, 57], which gives the distribution of L2
adding machines in the Iater work; but these devices over N orth America as in Fig. 5, but on a larger scale
are not necessary for the application of the method. A and with additional details (cf. the next section).
practica! description of the method, with examples, in- The Annual Variation of L 2 The lunar tidal force
cluding the probable-error computation, is available undergoes no regular annual variation, though it in-
[103]. The solar daily component variations Sn are com- cludes a semimonthly change of L2 inseparable [30] from
puted in the course of the work, and are thus available a semiannual change of S2. N evertheless, L2, unlike the
for comparison with L2 from the same material. sea ti des, varies notably in the course of each year.
The determination of these variations, and especially This must be due to a large-scale annual change in our
of L 2 , from the records of air pressure, wind, and tem- atmosphere, the system on which the lunar tidal force
perature, may be likened to the extraction of a rare acts.
constituent from a great mass of crude ore-or of a W orld meteorologica! charts of isotherms and isobars
needle from a haystack! It is an example of the unex- show marked seasonal changes of distribution-seasonal
hausted value of the long series of meteorologica! (as in the sense that on the whole, as the sun crosses the
also of magnetic) data garnered at many observatories equator northward or southward, these changes alter-
decade after decade. There is great need and scope for nate, the summer state of one hemisphere being approx-
such work on many series of data not yet dealt with. imately reproduced in the other hemisphere in its sum-
mer. The lunar air tide is not seasonal in this sense; its
THE LUNAR ATMOSPHERIC TIDE L2 main changes of l 2 and 2 occur simultaneously in both
Geographical Distribution: Annual Mean. Figure 5 hemispheres.
indicates the annual mean value of L 2 so far as results Figure 8 (a, b) illustrates this in one way, 8a (above)
are now available [47, 57]. The world map shows arrows showing l 2, and 8b (below) showing 2, for the D (De-
which in direction and length (on the scales given) rep- cember solstitial) group of four months November to
resent the dial vector for L 2 at the point corresponding February. The black dots indicate l 2 and 2 for about
to the centre of the arrow shaft. AII the stations lie be- fifty stations, in the latitudes to be read on the scales of
tween 60N and 408; there are large areas in this belt, the abscissaf:; the lines centred on these dots indicate
however, where L2 is not known-notably Central Asia, the uncertainty of l 2 and .h 2, in the manner described in
the western Pacific, and parts of South America. Some the foregoing sections. The curved lines indicate the

160 120 80 40 o 40 80 120 160

80 '>:Y. r. q, .;,
< f-J'
b:~~ ~( . ~
V"' rJ_ ~~
D. ti
~ ..
.t :t:b~ ~1:) ::
lM 1\,
~ r-v:~
<r- ~ ~ ~P'~yC), ~
i' 1~
\\i J ~~
/ ~ .~
f) \i
~~ ~ ARCTIC C~ !--...

;Ji .
~D "\

. ..... "' t:l < -c~-

jl~ ~ ]':3.!"$. 40

\~ ~)~~~ 1
)FI( 'V~~ u
"----", tJ//

y~r ~ JJ]
20 20

\__!/) c-JIJ~ ~ ~
"1-pf i! .. \\(
~' .. \-
1-- o
~........ ~ l . -;:n_V\'
20 - ' i w~ ~

11 \ )_

40 ~
~ 1) ), 40

~ !..
t;r " (Il
160 WEST 120 80 40 o 40 80 120 f.AS T 160

FIG. 5.-Geographical distribution of the annual mean lunar semidiurnal air tide L, in barometric pressure, indicat ed by dial
vectors, each referring to the place at the mid-point of the arrow, whose length gives the amplitude l 2 on the scale shown, and
whose direction gives the time of high air tide, as shown on a local mean lunar clock.


160 WEST 120 80 40 o 60 120 EAS T 160

FIG. 6- Tentative lines (broken where only wea kly determined) of equal amplitude l, (in microbars ) of the annual mean
lunar semidiurnal air tide L 2 in baromet ric pressure . The numbers (other than t hose, 10, 20, . . . , 80, followed by the word " mi-
crobar," which show the value of Z. for each line) s how local values of l 2

o 10 20 30 40 50 60
120 WEST IlO 100

FIG. 7.-The distribution of L., the lunar semidiurnal air tide in barometric pressure, over North America, as shown by arrows,
each of which specifies the annual mean L2 at the point at its centre. The lines diverging from the centres of the arrows are the
forward halves of corresponding arrows specifying the mean L2 for groups of four months, J (May to August), D (November to
February), and E (March, April, September, October).

::E N 0.060 E
0.06 o ----
~ UJ ~ 0.045 MEA N - - -

Ul g::i:
0.04 ~ 0 .030
~z a..
l:::o 0.02
N. 50 40 30 20 ro o 10 20 30 s.
N. s. (a)
U1 2h LATE
o U1
~.= 40 0: 60
zZ UJ<.!)
N::i: 80 <tO 80
...: J:

120 i
o a..~
100 14
a. 160>L-~--~~~--~~~~~~--7=~~~ 120 N. 50 40 30 20 10 0 10 20 30 s.
N. 50 40 30 20 10 0 10 20 30 S.
( b)
FIG. 8.- The dots indicate the latitude and the values of Fw. 9.- Curves showing the average dependence on lat itude
the amplitude (Fig. Sa, above) and phase >..2 (Fig. Sb, below) of the amplit ude l2 (Fig. 9a, above) and phase X2 (Fig. 9b,
of the lunar semidiurnal ai r tide in barometric pressure in the below) of the lunar semidiurnal air tide in barometric pressure,
mean of the D months (November to February), at various for the mean of the year and for groups of mont hs J (May to
stations. The vertical lines indicate the probable range of August) , D (November to February), a nd E (March, April ,
uncertainty of the determinations. The curves are drawn September, October). The curves are drawn through (or near
through points giving the mean l 2 or >..2 for groups of stations to) points (X) each giving the mean l 2 or >..2 for a group of sta-
within narrow ranges of latitude . tions (the number of stations is indicated beside each point)
within a moderate range of latitude.

average l2 or A2 as a function of latitude. They are ob- plitude is on the whole greatest in the J group of
tained by forming means of l 2 or ft- 2 for groups of sta- months.
tions within fairly small ranges of latitude. For severa! Both these features of L2 are illustrated in Fig. 7, for
stations the black dot is "off" the mean curve by more the region of N orth America. Besides the annual mean
than the length of its uncertainty line. Some such de- dial arrow for severa! United States and Canadian sta-
partures are to be expected from the laws of chance, tions, Fig. 7 gives the forward halves of the dial arrows
but some certainly indicate that L 2 does not depend on for the J, E, D groups of months. N ot every station


(a) ( b)




o 10 20


FIG. 10.-Harmonic dials (with probable error circles) indicating the annual change of the lunar semidiurnal air tide in baro-
metric pressure. (a) Annual (Y) and J, E, D four-monthly determinations for Taihoku, Formosa (1897-1932). Also sets of twelve
monthly mean dia! points for (b) Taihoku (1897-1932), (c) Batavia (1866-1895), (d, inset) mean of Potsdam (1893-1922) and Ham-
burg (1884-1920), (e) Hong Kong (1885-1912), and (f, in centre) the mean of Coimbra, Lis bon, and San Fernando.

latitude only, as was pointed out in the preceding shows the two features just described, but this may be
section. partly due to the accidental errors affecting ali these
Similar mean curves of l2 and ft- 2 as functions of lati-
tude are given in Fig. 9 for the annual mean of L 2, and
determinations-errors about v3 times as great as for
the annual means.
for the group means for the D group of months (as in Figure lOa shows this annual change of L 2 in another
Fig. 8), the J (June solstitial) group May to August, way for a single station, Taihoku, Formosa [43]. It
and the E (equinoctial) group March, April, Septem- shows the dial points and their probable error circles
ber, October. The individual values of l;. and ft- 2 with for the annual mean L 2 (marked Y for year) and for
their uncertainty lines are not shown. the three groups of months J, E, D.
The outstanding feature of the annual change is the The annual change is, however, not fully shown by
increased lag of high tide, by about an hour, in the D such means for four-monthly groups. It is better, where
group as compared with the J and E groups. The am- adequate data are available, to determine L 2 for each

of the twelve calendar months (for many years). Fig- sea. Bartels has suggested tbat it might prove advan-
ures lOb, c, d, e, f show sets of twelve dia! points, one tageous, in sucb a study, to use only the night varia-
for each month, for (b) Taihoku [43], (c) Batavia [22, tions of air tempera ture, if these were less variable from
23, 96-99], (d, inset in c) Potsdam and Hamburg 112] day to day than the daytime values.
combined, (e) Hong Kong [29], and (j) the three lberian-
peninsular stations Coimbra, Lisbon, and San Fernando 90
combined (using 112 years' data in all) [57]. Similar dia-
grams have been drawn for severa! other stations. Their
most remarkable feature is the large lag of high tide, by
nearly two hours, in January and February as compared
with some of the J and E months. This is shown as well
by the southern station Batavia as by the other (north-
ern) stations.
The Lunar Tidal Variation of Temperature. The beat-
ing of the atmosphere by moonlight is quite negligible,
but the moon nevertbeless does produce a lunar semi-
diurnal variation of tbe air tempera ture, as a secondary
consequence of its mecbanical tidal action. Tbe changes BATA VIA
of air density accompanying tbe tidal variation of pres- ( 1866- 1928)
sure will be different according as tbey take place iso-
tbermally or adiabatically, or in some intermediate way
between tbese extremes. A similar question arises in tbe
tbeory of sound waves. Newton [85b], wbo first calcu- o.oosc
lated tbe speed of sound, assumed tbat tbe density Fw. 11.-Harmonic dial specifying (with probable-error
variations are isotbermal, and obtained a result tbat circle) the lunar semidiurnal tidal variation of air temperature
disagreed witb bis measurements. Laplace [74f] realized at Batavia. The point C represents the variation calculated
from the lunar semidiurnal variation of barometric pressure at
that the density variations are too rapid to allow tbe Batavia, on the assumption that the density variations are
beat of compression to be conducted away during tbe adiabatic.
brief period of eacb oscillation, and tbe assumption that
the variations are adiabatic led bim to tbe correct for- The Lunar Tidal Wind Currents. The tidal variations
mula for tbe speed of sound. of sea level are accompanied by tidal currents (super-
The lunar atmospberic tKle is a double tidal wave posed on any other motions present, such as those in
travelling round tbe eartb eacb lunar day; tbe period is the Gulf Stream). Similarly in the atmosphere the L 2
long-half a lunar day-but the distance between tbe pressure variation must be accompanied by tidal wind
places of bigb and low pressure, or condensation and variations. These are best determined from bihourly
rarefaction, is also great (except near the poles). Cal- values of the east-west and north-south component
culation sbows tbat the density cbanges must be adia- wind speeds. Only a few observatories, such as Mauri-
batic as regards beat flow (eitber borizontal or vertical) tius and Bombay, bave published such data, calculated
in the atmosphere (except at very great beights-of tbe from the usual wind records of direction and total
order 120 km-wbere the tbermal conductivity of air is speed. For tbis reason but little work has been done on
mucb increased owing to tbe long molecular free patbs). the daily wind variations, whether solar or lunar. The
Tbe only possibility of tbe tidal oscillation being nearly only available lunar results are illustrated in Fig. 12a
isothermal is by interchange of heat with the liquid [47], which shows the L 2 dial vectors, with probable
under surface (tbe solid earth does not conduct suffi- error circles, for the eastward and northward wind
ciently to modify the tidal adiabatic temperature vari- speeds at Mauritius, from sixteen years' observations
ations near ground level). (1916, 1917, 1920-33). The ratio l/r (see p. 514) is less
The adiabatic nature of tbe tidal air wave bas been than three, so tbat the determinations should be
tested by determining tbe lunar semidiurnal variation strengthened by using more data (which are available
of air temperature at Batavia, from sixty-two years' for Mauritius); similar investigations should be made
bibourly observations. Figure 11 sbows tbe resulting also for other stations.
dia! vector with its probable error circle, within wbicb Figure 12b [47] shows in a similar way tbe dial vectors
!ies tbe point C that corresponds to the adiabatic tem- for the 82 (solar semidiurnal) variations of east and
perature variation, calculated from the known pressure north wind speed at Mauritius, derived from the same
variation L2. Thus the determined and calculated tem- data, the amplitude scale being ten times less open tban
perature variations agree within tbe margin of accuracy in Fig. 12a.
of tbe determination [36]. The ratios of the solar to the lunar amplitudes are of
It would be of interest to compute the lunar semi- the order 20, rather greater than for the 8 2 and L 2 pres-
diurnal variation of air temperature from a long series sure variations, for which at Mauritius the ratio is 17.
of records from tbe windward side of some small fiat Tbe amplitude of the L 2 wind variations, about 1 cm
tropical island in agreat ocean. Tbis would tbrow ligbt sec-\ is of the right order of magnitude according to
on the degree of interchange of heat between air and the mathematical theory of these oscillations.

Figures 13a, b [47] show the actual wind-speed vec- Mauritius, owing to these oscillations, is about 23 km
tors due to the S 2 and L 2 wind variations at each hour for S2 and about 1 km for L 2
of either half of the solar or lunar day (this diagram, of The Lunar Tidal Rise and Fall of the Ionospheric
course, is not a dial diagram like Fig. 12). These wind Layers. It has long been inferred from the evidence of
velocities are superposed on any other local winds pres- the geomagnetic variations that there are horizontal
lunar tidal currents in the ionosphere, the ionized elec-
go trically conducting region of the high atmosphere, con-
taining at least two distinct layers, the E-layer at about
100 km height, and the F -layer at about 250 km. The
first direct determination of the lunar tidal rise and fali
of the high atmosphere was roade in 1939 by Appleton


w E

(a) 9
270 {O)

sot. 4.oj>


FIG. 13.-Diagrams based on Fig. 12, showing in plan the

MAURITIUS WIND wind velocities at each lunar or solar hour (morning and
SOLAR TIOE afternoon) associated with the lunar and solar semidiurnal
variations of wind at Mauritius. The velocity at each hour is
10 20 represented (on the scale shown at the right) by the line (not
o drawn) from the center of the diagram to the numbered point
for that hour. The diagrams also illustrate the corresponding
{ b) paths of an air particle at Mauritius due to these wind var-
iations, if the hour-numbers are increased by three; the dis-
FIG. 12.-(a) Harmonic dial (with probable-error circles) tance scales are shown on the left of each diagram. Note the
for the annual mean lunar semidiurnal variations in the north- tenfold scale difference between the two diagrams.
ward and eastward components of wind velocity at Mauritius,
from about 16 years' bihourly data. (b) Harmonic dial for the
corresponding annual mean solar semidiurnal variations. Note and W eekes [6], who found from hourly radio measure-
the tenfold scale difference between the two diagrams. ments of the height of the E-layer above Cambridge,
England, throughout severa! weeks, a lunar semidiurnal
ent. The speed scale in Fig. 13a (lunar) is ten times (L 2) variation of height of the E-layer amounting to
more open than that for Fig. 13b (solar). The diagram 1 km above and below the mean level. This remarkable
Fig. 13a is, of course, not weli determined. result is illustrated in Fig. 14, which shows eleven dial
The corresponding semidiurnal paths of Mauritius points each representing a determination from a period
air particles due to these oscillations are similar in form of twelve to fourteen days, between August 1937 and
and orientation to the ellipses of Fig. 13, which will rep- July 1938. The cross shows the mean dial point, and
resent these paths if ali the time marks are advanced the probable error circle indicates the uncertainty of
by three hours, and if the speed-scale is changed to a any one of the eleven points. The radius r for the mean
length-scale T /27r times as great, where T denotes the point is 1/Vll times less than this uncertainty, so
duration in seconds of the (solar or lunar) half day. that the determination is a good one.
This factor is 6876 for the solar diagram 13b, and 7114 Martyn [76-79] has lately examined the lunar tidal
for the lunar diagram Fig. 13a. The distance scales are variations in the heights of the E- and F-regions, using
indicated on the left of each diagram. The extreme de- the less accurate data available from routine recording
parture of any air particle from its mean position, at at various ionospheric observatories throughout the

world. 6 Martyn finds at latitudes 358 and 278 a lunar height is considerably magnified (about tenfold as com-
variation in the height of the E-region which is opposite pared with the equilibrium tide), though much less than
in phase to that found by Appleton and Weekes in the in the ionospheric E-layer.
higher latitude of England. Martyn also finds lunar The Geomagnetic Lunar Tide. N early a century ago
variations in both the heights and electron densities of a small lunar daily variation was detected in the rec-
the F-region. Near the magnetic equator these varia- ords of the componenta (or "elements") of the earth's
tions are very much larger than the already large vari- magnetic field. This variation is produced (like the cor-
ations found in the E-region. At Huancayo (Peru) the responding solar daily geomagnetic variation) mainly
total tidal variation at certain hours and seasons above the earth's surface, though these varying "pri-
amounts to some 60 km in height and 20 per cent in mary" magnetic fields of externa! origin induce electric
electron density. These variations concern the layers of currents in the conducting body of the earth-mainly
electrons and ions interspersed among the neutral mole- deep down, but also, to a lesser degree, near the surface,
cules of the high atmosphere. Their relation to the tidal where they can be measured and recorded. The analysis
oscillations of the main body of air requires considera- of these earth-current records reveals solar and lunar
tion of electrodynamic as well as of hydrodynamic daily variations, which form yet another curious by-
forces. There is no doubt that when the theory of these product, as in the cosmic rays, of the high-level solar
variations is fully understood the observational results and lunar tidal atmospheric oscillations.
will provide important and interesting information The externa! source of these solar and lunar daily
about the lunar atmospheric tide at high levels. geomagnetic variations consists of systems -of electric
currents flowing in some layei' or layers (not yet clearly
identified) in the ionosphere, and these currents are in-
duced by mainly horizontal oscillatory large-scale mo-
tions of the ionospheric air. The process is similar to
that in a dynamo, as first suggested by Balfour 8tewart
[42, 49]. The moving air corresponds to the armature,
the conducting ionospheric layers to the armature wind-
ings, and the earth's main magnetic field to the field of
the dynamo pole pieces.
From the determinations of 8n and Ln in the mag-
netic records of many stations it is possible to determine
the distribution and intensity of these solar and lunar
KM daily-varying electric current systems in the ionosphere,
Fw. 14.-Harmonic dia! [6] for the lunar tide in the E-region and also the type of the inducing atmospheric motions
of the ionosphere. The circle shows the probable error for any at those levels. To infer the intensity of these motions
one of the eleven separate dia! points, each determined from requires a knowledge of the electric conductivity of the
12-14 days' data.
layers in which the known electric currents flow. Until
the precise situation of the currents is ascertained, and
Lunar Tidal Variations of Cosmic Rays. Cosmic ray their electric conductivity, the intensity of the solar
observations provide, in a surprising and most interest- daily and lunar daily oscillations in the ionosphere can-
ing way, information as to the lunar air tide at a level not be precisely inferred from the geomagnetic data.
of eighteen or twenty kilometres above the ground, The present indication is that the lunar tidal horizontal
though a precise interpretation of the data awaits fur- movements, like the lunar tidal rise and fali of the E-
ther study. Among the cosmic rays received at the layer, are very greatly magnified as compared with what
ground are mesons, supposed to be generated (by the the barometric L 2 data would suggest. It is, however,
primary rays) at this level; being unstable, a propor- of interest to note that the ratia of 82 to L2 in the mag-
tion of them are transformed on their way to the ground. netic records is about the same as that in the barometric
If the lunar tide raises or lowers the level of the mean variations. There is much scope for further investiga-
air pressure at which the mesons are generated, their tion, both by observation and theory, of the bearing
path to the ground will be lengthened or shortened, and of the geomagnetic data on the solar and lunar daily
the number of survivors at ground level will be reduced atmospheric oscillations.
or increased. Duperier [59] has made a reliable deter-
mination of L 2 in his recorded amounts of cosmic ray THE SOLAR SEMIDIURNAL OSCILLATION S2
reception (mainly of mesons) at London, and has in- The Components Sn of the Solar Daily Barometric
ferred therefrom that the lunar tide at about 18 km Variations. In middle and high latitudes the barometric
variations are large, and malnly connected with weather
6. For other lunar ionospheric tidal determinations see
[4, 5, 26, 81], and a forthcoming report by D. F. Martyn in the
changes. By averaging over many days selected in any
Zurich (1950) Proceedings of the International Union for Scien- way-days of a given season or calendar month, or
tific Radio (U .R.S.I.). The lunar diurnal variation in the days of high barometer or of rain-characteristic daily
thickness of the F,-layer in Alaska, reported by M. W. and barometric variations can be determined. In the tropics,
J. G. Jones, in J. Meteor, 7: 14-20 (1950), is not real. where large irregular barometric changes are rare, 82

can be perceived (as also often at some European sta- wherein t denotes local solar time and t - cp, Greenwich
tions and others in moderate latitudes) even in the time. From 190 stations divided into eight latitude
records for individual days. groups, from 108 to 85N, he determined b, B, c, C
By harmonic analysis the components Sn of the solar for each group, as given in Table I.
daily variation (n = 1, 2, ... ) can be determined and
The diurnal component S 1 [68, 69] differs remark-
ably from S2, being (unlike S2) much affected by local Group Travelling wave Symmetrical wave
weather (cloud or sunshine) and topography. At the
No. of B c
bottom of deep valleys it is greatly magnified. Its Mean lat. stations b(=) c(=)

amplitude s1 is much greater in summer than in winter;

its phase (J"I is about 90, the maximum of sl thus oc-
o 17 0.920 156.8 0.068 -4.0
18 15 0.835 155.3 0.082 -23.2
curring near local noon. It is not a world-wide oscilla- 30 12 0.628 149.1 0.059 10.4
tion, but a thermal effect [68, 71] sensitive to local 40 46 0.387 153.9 0.043 91.1
50 60 0.240 153.0 0.041 104.4
influences. It will not be further considered here. 60 18 0.096 158.0 0.062 108.4
The components S3 and S 4 , with periods of eight and
six hours, are also thermal effects (the sun's tidal action
8 } 0.022 152.9 { 0.072
Mean 154.1
has no appreciable components with these periods).
They result from the corresponding components Ts and
T 4 of the daily variation of air temperature, which they The phase B of the travelling wave has a remarkably
resemble in their geographical distribution and sea- small range (9 or 9 minutes of time) in the eight
sonal changes. For example, S 3 and T 3 have opposite zones. The amplitude b, decreasing steadily polewards
phases in opposite hemispheres, and these phases are from the equator, is well represented by the formula
reversed from summer to winter. The S3 barometric (l = latitude):
variation manifests a world-wide atmospheric oscilla- b = 0.937 cos3 l.
tion [93], less simple and regular than the s2 oscillation;
the S4 oscillation is stillless regular [87]. These S 3 and S4 Up to about 60 latitude the other wave is of minor
oscillations should be further studied to fill in the frame- importance. Wilkes [111] has represented it by the
work of the whole subject of atmospheric oscillations_ formula:
[12-16, 18, 55, 102, 111]. [0.07 - 0.11 sin li] sin 2(t - cp)
The Solar Semidiumal Oscillation S 2 In modern + 0.0751 sin ZI cos 2(t - cp),
times Hann [63-67], Angot [3], Schmidt [92, 94], and
where sin ZI denotes the positive magnitude of sin l.
Simpson [95] have taken a leading part in collecting and Figure 15 shows dial vectors for S2 (in barometric
discussing the data for S2. The literature is too vast to pressure) which relate to the points at their thick ends
be cited here, but further references may be found in (not their centres, as inFigs. 5 and 7 for L 2). It illustrates
the papers quoted, particularly those of Hann.
Simpson's study was based on data from 214 stations.
He illustrated the regularity of phase of S2 in low lati-
tudes by showing that at seventeen stations between
latitudes 10' the local time of maximum of s2 lay
between 9.5h and lQh (A.M. and P.M.) at aU but one,
at which it was 10.3h.
In the polar regions this uniformity of local time of
maximum gives place to a different uniformity, that of
absolute (e.g., Greenwich) time of maximum [2, 9, 62].
At ten out of fifteen stations north of latitude 70, this
Greenwich time lay between 11.5h and 12.5h. As Schmidt
[92] indicated, this shows that s2 is a combination of a . ',',.

regular double wave travelling westward round the 0 0.5 MM.

earth like the sun, and a semidiurnal oscillation of the 120 WEST 60
air, symmetrical about the earth's axis, between the
FIG. 15.-The distribution of the annual mean solar semi-
poles and the equator. diurnal barometric variation (S 2) over North America. Each
Simpson expressed S 2 at each station (in longitude cp dial vector refers to S 2 at the point at its thick end (cf. with
east of Greenwich, expressed intime units, 15 per hour) the lunar Figs. 5, 7, where each vector refers toL, at its centre).
as the sum of two terms corresponding to two such
oscillations: the regularity of s2 in phase and amplitude (decreasing
northward) over North America; but it shows also
s2 sin (2t + u2) = b sin (2t + B) + c sin (2t - 2cp + C), that S 2 like L 2 (Fig. 7), though to a much less extent,

is reduced near the Pacific Coast [16]. This was noted by ~2 has a mean value of 311 ofrom oo to 408 latitude,
Hann, who also found that 82 is less on the east Adriatic and 299 from oo to 40N. The corresponding means of
Coast than in Italy, and in the West Indies as compared ll(l and ~1 are 0.020, 0.078 and 134, 94. He discussed
with the East Indies, where indeed 8 2, like l2, is abnor- in much detail the regional irregularities in the distribu-
mally large. tion of a1 and fh.
The Annual Variation of S2. The solar semidiurnal As regards u2, Hann concluded that from 14os to
barometric variation also shows, as Hann indicated 50N it has its maximum in January, and south of 148,
[67], considerable regularity in its change throughout in July. Figure 16 does not altogether confirm this. The
the calendar year. This is illustratcd in Fig. 16 by dial many other details of Hann's discussion of 82 cannot be
diagrams for four widely spaced stations in temperate summarized here. The data now available for S2 and
latitudes (Nor S), namely, (a) Washington, D. C. [16]; L2 caii for a more comprehensiva comparative discussion
(b) Kumamoto (33N, 131E) [43]; (c) the mean of than has yet been attempted.


180 o L-L-~--~---L--~--~0
FIG. 16.-Harmonic dials indicating the annual change in the solar semidiurnal barometric variation (S.) at four widely spaced
points in middle latitudes, (a) Washington, D. C., (b) Kumamoto (33N, 131 E), (c) mean of Coimbra, Lisbon, and San Fernando,
(d) Montevideo, Uruguay.

Coimbra, Lisbon, and San Fernando [57] (as in Fig. THE THEORY OF THE ATMOSPHERIC
lOf for L2); and (d) Montevideo, Uruguay [67]. OSCILLATIONS
The annual paths of the S 2 monthly dial points are Newton to Kelvin. Newton, in his de M undi Sy8temate
much better determined than the L 2 paths in Fig. 10, (the third part of his Principia) remarked that universal
yet they seem to differ more from one another, suggest- gravitation implies a tidal ebb and flow in the atmos-
ing greater regularity of annual variation for L 2 than
phere as well as in the oceans. He rightly considered that
for S2, which if established would be very remarkable. it would be inappreciable-though it has been seen
Hann [67] considered separately the annual variations (on p. 519) that this flux and reflux can be determined
of 82 and <12, though it would certainly be bet.ter to by extensive computation from sufficient wind data.
treat them together, that is, to discuss the annual move-
Laplace in his dynamical theory of tides laid the
ment of theS2 dial point. Heexpressed the yearly varia-
tion of 82 as the sum of a twelve-monthly and semian- foundation for ali subsequent work on the subject. He
nual term: first determined the tides of a liquid ocean completely
covering a spherical rotating earth. In most of his work
82 = ao + a1 sin (x + /31) +
sin (2x + ~2),
a2 he took the ocean to be of uniform depth. Later he
reckoning x from mid-January at the rate 360 per showed that he could associate the theory for such an
year. He found that a2 decreases polewards from the ocean with the tidal oscillation of the (compressible)
equator rather regularly, from 0.075 mm at the equator atmosphere, provided that the vertical accelerations are
to 0.035 at 30 and 0.026 at 60 latitude, and that neglected (which we now know is permissible), that the

atmosphere is isothermal and of constant composition, that 8 2 is due mainly to the sun's thermal action, the
and that the density variations accompanying the tidal tidal contribution being insignificant. Re seems also
motion occur isothermally. to have thought that there was little hope of construct-
Let p, p, T denote the pressure, density, and absolute ing a theory of the oscillations produced in the atmos-
temperature of the air at height Z above the ground, phere by its daily heating and cooling.
and let the suffix zero added to these and other symbols In 1882 Kelvin gave his attention to the subject, and
distinguish the values for Z = O, that is, the ground in a presidential address to the Royal Society of Edin-
values. The equation of static equilibrium of the air is burgh [102] he quoted a table showing the 24-, 12-, and
8-hour periodic components (81 , 82, and 8 3 ) of the solar
d(ln p)/dZ = -1/H, daily barometric variation for thirty different stations.
where H = pjgp and the logarithm is to the natural Re pointed out that the 12-hour component exceeds
base e. Clearly H is the height of the column of air of the 24-hour component, especially in the higher lati-
uniform density p required to give the pressure p (if tudes, although in the daily variation of air tempera ture
the variation of g with height is ignored, though g is the 24-hour component is the larger. He suggested that
teduced by 3 per cent at 100 km). Rence Ho is called the cause lies in the existence of an atmospheric free
the height of the homogeneous atmosphere; H isealled oscillation, of period nearer to 12 than to 24 hours, so
the scale height of the atmosphere at the height Z, and that the 12-hourly thermal infiuence is magnified by
is in general a function of Z. resonance. Ris words were as follows:
In a perfect gas
The cause of the semi-diurnal variation of barometric
p = knT = kpT/m = RT/M, pressure cannot be the gravitational tide-generating influence
of the sun, because if it were there would be a much larger
where lunar influence of the same kind, while in reality the lunar
k denotes Boltzmann's constant (1.380 X 10-16 ergs barometric tide is insensible, or nearly so. It seems, there-
per degree C), fore, certain that the semi-diurnal variation of the barometer
n the number of molecules per cubic centimetre, is due to temperature. Now, the diurnal term, in the harmonic
m the mean molecular mass, analysis of the variation of temperature, is undoubtedly much
R = kN, where N is Loschmidt's (less appropriately, larger in all, or nearly all, places than the semi-diurnal. It is
Avogadro's) number (6.023 X 1023 ) = 8.313 X 107 then very remarkable that the semi-diurnal term of the baro-
M is the mean (chemical) molecular weight of the metric effect of the variation of temperature should be greater,
anei so much greater as it is, than the diurnal. The explana-
air (about 29); M = Nm. Hence
tion probably is to be found by considering the oscillations
H = kT/mg = RT/Mg. of the atmosphere, as a whole, in the light of the very formulas
which Laplace gave in his Mecanique celeste for the ocean,
In the atmosphera considered by Laplace, H had the and which he showed to be also applicable to the atmosphere.
constant value H o, because T and m are the same at all When thermal influence is substituted for gravitational, in
heights. Rence the tide-generating force reckoned for, and when the modes
of oscillation corresponding respectively to the diurnal and
PIPo = P/Po = e-z/H. semi-diurnal terms of the thermal influence are investigated,
Laplace that the tidal oscillations in such an it will probably be found that the period of free oscillation
of the former agrees much less nearly with 24 hours than
atmosphere could be inferred from those for a liquid does that of the latter with 12 hours; and that, therefore,
ocean of uniform depth H o, which is therefore in this with comparatively small magnitude of the tide-generating
case called the (tidally) equivalent depth of the atmos- force, the resulting tide is greater in the semi-diurnal term
phere. Ris theory, however, is not applicable to the than in the diurnal.
actual atmosphere, in which T is not the same at all
heights. Moreover, hiscondition that thedensity changes The Development of the Resonance Theory. The
occur isothermally was doubtful. Newton had made periods of free atmospheric oscillation, on a plane or
the same assumption in his theory of sound waves, lead- spherical earth, were investigated by Lord Rayleigh
ing to an erroneous value for the speed c of sound, [90], in 1890, with conclusions somewhat in favour of
namely, c2 = p / p = gH. Laplace had corrected this to c2 the resonance theory; but they could not be relied
= 'YgH, where 'Y denotes the ratio of the specific heat at upon, partly because he did not take the earth's rota-
constant pressure to that at constant volume, to allow tion into account.
for the adiabatic character of such rapid density chan- Margules [75], with the explicit object of testing the
ges. It might well seem that for such slow oscillations resonance theory, investigated in much detail the free
as 82 and L2 the density changes would be isothermal, and forced oscillations of the atmosphere on the hasis of
but calculation [34; 36; 111, p. 36] shows that they too Laplace's theory, and concluded that Kelvin's expecta-
must be adiabatic, because of the long wave length; and tion was closely fulfilled. But Margules' conclusions
this is confirmed by the determination of the lunar tidal cannot be relied upon either, partly because he did not
variation of air temperature at Batavia (p. 519). take account of the true distribution of temperature
It was to test his tidal theory that Laplace attempted, with height in the atmosphere, which, indeed, at the
without success, to compute the lunar atmospheric time he wrote, was quite inadequately known. Re also
tide L2 for Paris. Re realised that the magnitude of L 2 attempted to calculate the forced oscillations due to the
was very small, and as 8 2 is so much la.rger he concluded daily variation of air tempera ture, on various hypotheses

as to its distribution with height, the most realistic theory of oceanic tides indicate that in order that this ampli-
being that its amplitude decreases exponentially up- tude should be increased by dynamical action some seventy-
wards, as it would do if the heat were supplied at the fold, the free period must differ from the imposed period of
ground and transmitted upwards by uniform conduc- 12 solar hours by not more than 2 or 3 minutes. Since the
tivity; but he did not take into account the linear re- difference between the lunar and solar semi-diurnal periods
tardation of phase with height, which in this case should amounts to 26 minutes, it is quite conceivable that the solar
influence might in this way be rendered much more effective
accompany the decrease of amplitude. than the lunar. The real difficulty, so far as this point is
In 1910 Lamb [72] made a most important extension concerned, is the a priori improbability of so very close an
of Laplace's theory. Ris work related to an atmosphere agreement between the two periods. The most decisive evi-
on a plane base, thus abstracting from the problem the dence, however, appears tobe furnished by the phase of the
sphericity and rotation of the earth; but later [73] he observed semi-diurnal inequality, which is accelerated in-
removed these last two restrictions, though only for an stead of retarded (as it would be by tidal friction) relatively
atmosphere in convective equilibrium. Ris main dis- to the sun's transit.
cussion referred to an atmosphere in which H varies
In 1924 Chapman [31] stressed the argument for
uniformly with the height (H = H 0 being a special
strong resonance of S2, based on the regularity of its
case). Re showed that the propagation of long waves in
such an atmosphere is similar to that of long waves in a geographical distribution, as compared with the con-
siderable nonuniformity of the solar semidiurnal varia-
liquid ocean of depth H o in two special cases, namely, (1)
tion of air temperature (especially as between land and
Laplace's case, in which H = H 0 (or T/m = T 0 jm 0 )
sea areas), which according to Lamb's last-quoted re-
at ali heights, and the density variations occur iso-
mark must beat least an important part of the cause of
thermally; and (2) for an atmosphere in adiabatic
equilibrium (so that its height is 'YHo/('y - 1), the
S 2 This argument he strengthened by contrasting the
regularity of the geographical distribution of s2, due
temperature T decreasing uniformly upwards to zero
partly to an irregular cause, with the degree of irregu-
at the rate ('Y - 1) Toh H 0 ), and in which the density
larity shown by L 2, whose cause is certainly distributed
variations occur adiabatically (Laplace's case can be
very regularly.
considered as corresponding to 'Y = 1).
Chapman also extended Margules' calculation of the
The atmosphere is not in adiabatic equilibrium, so
oscillations produced by the semidiurnal component of
that it cannot be supposed, at least without further
the daily variation of air temperature (T2, see p. 522)
proof, that the tidally equivalent (liquid ocean) depth
taking account of the variation of phase (later dis-
for the atmosphere is H 0 Lamb in fact showed that
cussed, in this connection, by Bjerknes [23a]), as well as
when H varies linearly with height, but not adiabatic-
of amplitude, with height. Re concluded that the phase
ally, there is an infinite series of speeds for long waves,
with the implication that there is a similar series of of the part of 82 which is of thermal origin must be about
values of the equivalent depth h. Rowever, the impres- 135 in advance of the phase of T 2 , which he tried to
sion persisted for over twenty years that for any type estimate from the temperature data collected by Rann
and others, using Taylor's estimate of the thermal con-
of atmosphere there is just one value of h.
Lamb briefly discussed the resonance hypothesis of ductivity due to eddy motion.
s2 in his 1910 paper and in subsequent editions of his Re also compared the magnitudes of the thermal and
tidal contributions to 8 2, which is possible because
Hydrodynamics. Re estimated from the improved form
(substantially) both are affected by the same resonance
of Laplace's theory given by Rough [70], in terms of
spherical harmonic functions, that if the atmosphere is magnification. Re was able to show that they were of
roughly equal order of magnitude (the inadequacy of
resonant with a free oscillation similar to S 2 in its geo-
graphical distribution, h must be about 8 km, whereas the data regarding T 2 precludes a more accurate state-
for the actual atmosphere H 0 varies from about 7.3 km ment as yet), and on this basis he was able to explain
at the poles to 8.7 km at the equator. Re continued: the observed phase of 8 2 from the phase of the thermal
part, inferred from T 2, and on the assumption that the
Without pressing too far conclusions based on the hypoth- tidal part is in phase with the sun. This further enabled
esis of an atmosphere uniform over the earth, and approx- him to estimate the factor of resonance magnification
imately in convective equilibrium, we may, I think, at least as about 100. Re was unable to prove that the atmos-
assert the existence of a free oscillation of the earth's atmos- phere has a free period of oscillation (of the right
phere, of "semi-diurnal" type, with a period not very differ- geographical distribution) which would give this mag-
ent from, but probably somewhat less than, 12 mean solar nification. As the resonance magnification (when con-
siderable) would be proportional to 1/(t; - tr), where
Re continued further: t; denotes the imposed period and t1 the free period,
he concluded that despite the a priori improbability,
At the same time, the reason for rejecting the explanation t; - t1 cannot exceed 2 or 3 minutes, and is positive.
of the semi-diurnal barometric variation as due to a gravi- Whipple in 1918 [109], and also in 1924 in the discus-
tational solar tide seems to caii for a little further examination. sion on [31], found great difficulty in accepting the
The amplitude of this variation at places on the equator is
given by Kelvin as 0.032 inch. The amplitude given by the resonance theory, on account of the possibility that such
"equilibrium" theory of the tides is about 0.00047 inch. Some accurate "tuning" of the forced to the free oscillation
numerica! results given by Hough in illustration of the kinetic might be upset by the large changes in air pressure and

temperature associated with weather and annual varia- upwards to a low value. This was in agreement with the
tions, and also on account of the difficulty the S 2 wave temperature distribution proposed by Martyn and Pul-
would have in twice daily surmounting the heights of ley [80] in 1936.
Central Asia and the Rocky Mountains without losing a An important conclusion reached by Pekeris on this
material fraction of its energy. These irregularities, hasis was that at high levels the pressure variation may
however, are on a relatively small scale. The possibility be reversed in phase and highly magnified. This fitted
that the variations of mean temperature from year to well with the dynamo theory of the solar and lunar
year might affect the tuning was examined by Bartels daily geomagnetic variations, the phases of which dis-
[12], but no such effect was found. agree with those of S 2 and L 2 at the ground, and the
Taylor also was led to doubt the validity of the amplitudes of which, in the light of present knowledge
resonance hypothesis, despite the strength of the general of the electrica! conductivity of the ionosphere, must be
arguments in its favour. Lamb had assumed, on the much greater than those of S 2 and L 2 at the ground.
hasis of the work already mentioned, that free oscilla- The magnified amplitude of L 2 there is confirmed by
tions of the atmosphere can exist which are identica!, in the determination [6] of the lunar tide in the E-layer,
distribution and period, with those of an ocean of such though the phase in the E-layer (over England) does
depth that long waves are propagated in it with the not show the predicted reversal.
speed that he calculated for plane atmospheric waves. Pekeris [86] in 1939 re-examined the barometric traces
This assumption was used by Taylor [100] to estimate for the Krakatoa waves and found evidence of a minor
the period of the oscillation of s2 type tobe expected in component wave propagated with the speed of 280 m
an atmosphere in which the speed of propagation of long sec-I, corresponding to an equivalent depth of 7.9 km,
waves was that of the waves produced by the Krakatoa accordant with a free oscillation (of 82 type) with a
volcanic eruption of 1883. This great atmospheric pulse period nearly equal to 12 hours. He showed that as the
was propagated more than once round the entire earth, explosion occurred at a low level most of the energy of
with a speed of 319 m sec-r, which corresponds to an the pulse should go into the faster-travelling wave. (He
equivalent depth h = 10.4 km, a value markedly too estimated this energy as about 1024 ergs, roughly 1000
great to give a free period (for an oscillation of s2 type) times that of the waves set up by the Nagasaki atomic
nearly equal to 12 hours. bomb explosion.) The waves set up by the 1908 Si-
Lamb's assumption may be regarded as an extension berian meteorite have been similarly examined [110] by
of Laplace's theory of waves in an isothermal atmos- Whipple.
phere. As realised later by Taylor, it involves the The discussion by Pekeris has been extended by
possibility that the atmosphere may ha ve many equiva- Weekes and Wilkes [107, 111], who have shown that
lent depths, a contingency not possible in the atmos- according to theory the height distribution of the ampli-
pheres of the special type considered by Laplace and tude and phase of L 2 may differ materially in the iono-
Lamb, for which h = Ho. Lamb's assumption is not sphere from that of s~, if there is an upward rise of
obviously true, but in 1936 Taylor [101] proved its temperature in the E-layer followed by an upward
validity, and further developed Lamb's investigation of decrease above some height in that layer, where the
oscillations that are distributed in a similar way geo- temperature has another maximum (with a further rise
graphically (that is, as functions of longitude cp and of temperature in the F-layer). The observational stud-
colatitude 0), but have different height distributions of ies of the tidal motions and tidal changes of electron
motion. In this work he was the first to take account of density in the different ionospheric layers, now being
the cessation, at the tropopause, of the upward decrease actively pursued [4, 5, 26, 76-81], will throw light on this
of temperature. possibility. Reliable measurements of ionospheric tem-
The following year Pekeris [86] applied Taylor's meth- peratures by rocket-borne instruments naturally pro-
ods to determine the free periods of an atmosphere in vide a valuable additional hasis for a detailed theory of
which the stratospheric temperature increases upwards the oscillations.
above a certain height. This temperature distribution In the free oscillations of a liquid ocean of uniform
had been inferred from studies of the abnormal propa- depth h, the velocity components u, v, and w, and the
gation of sound to great distances (beyond a zone of departure Llp of the pressure from its mean value p (at
silence surrounding the source of sound) , as well as from each depth), have a relative geographical distribution
the heights of occurrence of meteors. Pekeris showed (or variation with 8 and cp) that is independent of depth.
that, subject to a certain condition, the atmosphere These dependent variables u, v, w, and Llp are taken
could oscillate in ways corresponding to two equivalent tobe proportional to (the real part of) exp i(scp + at),
oceanic depths. One of these was about 10 km, associ- where 2n/a is the free period t1 . Laplace obtained a
ated with a speed of propagation equal to that of the "tidal" equation which, for given values of s and h,
Krakatoa wave; the other gave a period (for a geo- determines a series of values of a, and a corresponding
graphical distribution of s2 type) of very nearly 12 series of functions representing the variation of u, v,
hours, though the uncertainty of the upper atmospheric w, and Llp with the colatitude 8.
data precluded an exact calculation of the free period. The same equation is applicable to the forced oscilla-
The condition referred to was that the atmospheric tions of an atmosphere, whatever its temperature-height
temperature, after increasing upward above the strato- distribution (supposed uniform over the globe); in this
sphere, should reach a maximum and thereafter decrease case a (as well as s) is known (2n/a is the imposed

period t;), and the equation determines a series of depends on tbe mode and period of the oscillation under
values of h and a corresponding series of functions consideration.
representing the latitudinal variation. The boundary conditions in the equation for y are
The height distribution of u, v, w, t::.p, and t::.p (the that at high levels the energy flow is upwards, and that
departure of the density at any height from its mean at the ground (Z = O and x = O) the vertical velocity
at that height) is determined by a separate equation, is zero-unless tbe influence of the tidal motions of the
conveniently expressed in terms of the pressure at under surface of tbe atmospbere (tbe tides in tbe oceans
each height, as an independent variable, by taking x and in the solid earth) is being taken into account
= - In (p/po). If we write [12, 55], in which case at Z = O the vertical velocity w
must have tbe corresponding distribution of values.
div v = - DIn (p + t::.p)/Dt = (p 0 /p)ty, Wulf and Nicholson [112] have made a bold and
where v denotes tbe vector velocity, and D/ Dt the imaginative attempt to explain the main irregularities
"mobile operator" [73], the equation is of the geographical distribution of L 2, and its remarkable
annual changes, stressing in particular the much greater
d2 y
dx 2
+ [ _!4 + !h ('Y -'Y 1H + dH)]
dx Y
= O
and more widespread surface irregularities over tbe
earth's N ortbern Hemisphere than over tbe Southern
Hemispbere. Their suggestions need to be formulated
in which the heigbt-distribution of the atmosphere and analysed mathematically, and tested also by ref-
(depending on the temperature T and tbe mean molecu- erence to 82, with its somewhat different geograpbical
lar mass m), is involved througb H. In so far as y can pattern and annual cbange.
be considered as of fairly constant order of magnitude The part of 8 2 that is symmetrical about tbe earth's
(and tbis is a matter for examination by means of this axis must be due to some inequality in longitude in the
equation), the expression for div v above indicates an distribution of the semidiurnal component of the daily
upward increase of div v inversely proportional to pi, variation of air temperature, but no detailed study of
that is, by 1000-fold at about the heigbt of the E-layer. this bas yet been made.
W eekes and Wilkes have given an interesting inter-
pretation of this equation by analogy witb the propaga- SUGGESTIONS FOR FUTURE WORK
tion of electromagnetic waves in a medium having a
Tbere is stiU great scope for useful extensions of our
variable refractive index. In the atmospberic case the
knowledge of tbe jacts of tbe atmospberic oscillations,
expression for the analogous "equivalent" refractive
botb solar daily and lunar daily. Tbe new est and richest
index is
field of such observational and computational study is
offered by the ionospbere witb its severallayers, each of
p.2 = _! + ! ('Y - 1H + dH).
which needs separate examination as regards the solar
4 h 'Y dx
and lunar daily cbanges in its beight, electron density,
If tbe height-distribution of H, for any value of h, and other properties. Another new and almost untilled
makes p. 2 negative at a certain level, upward propaga- field of study is offered by tbe continuous records of
tion of the energy, mainly put into the atmosphere by cosmic radiation, wbose components with different pene-
tidal or thermal causes in the lower layers, is effectively trati ve powers likewise deserve independent treatment.
blocked. The air at tbat height acts as a barrier, total An older but far from exhausted field is tbat of the daily
or partial, trapping the energy, and building up the am- magnetic variations, wbich are causally due to tbe at-
plitude in the whole spberical shell between the ground mospberic cscillations in the ionosphere. Meteoric data
and the barrier, giving rise to resonance. If p. 2 is nega- may also add to our knowledge of the oscillations, though
tive, not for all heights above the level Z at which it their more sporadic nature renders them less convenient
first becomes zero, but only for an interval of height, for statistica! treatment; this disadvantage may pos-
the barrier is partially transparent, and some of the sibly be mitigated in the future if practica! methods of
oscillatory energy passes through it, either to a second radio observation of meteors, continuous tbrougbout
(or third) barrier where there is a height interval of the day and nigbt, are developed.
negative p.2 , or to the high levels at which thermal Even as regards the manifestation of the oscillations
conductivity and dissipation of the energy into heat by at ground level, where they have been studied for over
viscosity become important. At these high levels the a century, there remains much useful work tobe done;
condition tbat t::.pjp or t::.pjp is small, as assumed in tbe tbe daily variations of pressure stiU need furtber study,
equation, ceases to bold, and tbe modified differential and an improved treatment of tbe solar daily variation
equations will become nonlinear. of air temperature is required to elucidate the thermal
The conditions favouring negative p.2 are that H part of tbe solar half-daily tide. The lunar tide in air
should be small and tbat dHjdx should be either posi- temperature found at Batavia might usefully be con-
tive and small, or negative, corresponding to an upward firmed by a similar reduction for some continental
decrease of temperature, because x increases upwards. station, and a reduction for some station on a small iso-
The number of barriers to energy flow depends on the lated island in mid-ocean would throw light on the
number of such regions of upward-decreasing tempera- systematic heat interchange between the air and the
ture, but they alone are not sufficient to give a barrier, ocean.
unless the value of h is appropriate, which in turn The study of tbe lunar tidal winds has barely been

begun, and there is much scape for study of the periodic 17. - - "Berechnung der lunaren atmosphrischen Gezeiten
winds associated with both the solar and the lunar daily aus Terminablesungen am Barometer." Beitr. Geophys.,
atmospheric oscillations. 54:56-75 (1939).
18. - - "Sonnen- und mondentgige Luftdruckschwankung-
In ali these fields it is desirable to extend the search
en," Lehrbuch der Meteorologie. HANN-StiRING, 5. Aufl.,
ta the minor periodic components, such as the lunar Bd. I, Leipzig, W. Keller, 1938. (See pp. 276-306)
diurnal tide, and the components associated with the 19. - - und FANSELAU, G., "Geophysikalischer Mond-Al-
changing distance of the moon. 7 manach." z. Geophys., 13: 311-328 (1937).
On the theoretical side also there is much scape for 20. - - "Geophysikalische Mondtafeln 1850-1975." Geophys.
further work; the existing theory will need to be revised Inst. Potsdam, Abh. Nr. 2, 44 SS. (1938). Also "Geophys-
as our knowledge of the temperature-height distribu- ical Lunar Almanac." Terr. M agn. atmos. Elect., 43:
tion in the upper atmosphere advances through rocket 155-158 (1938).
investigations and in other ways; it will also need 21. BEALE, J., "An Account of Some Mercurial Observations
to be extended to take account of the nonuniform geo- Made with a Barometer, and Their Results." (A letter
graphical distribution of temperature and of its height to H. Oldenburg.) Phil. Trans. roy. Soc. London, 1:
153-159, 163-166 (1665-66).
distribution in different regions. Moreover, the regional 22. BERGSMA, P. A., "Lunar Atmospheric Tide." Obsns.
anomalies in the distribution of the lunar tide, as shown magn. meteor. Obs. Batavia, 1: 19-25 (1871). (Contains
by the barometric variations, require quantitative ex- meteorologica! observations for 1866 to 1868.) Calcula-
planation, including calculations of the effects of land tions of this type, for individual years, carried out in
and sea distribution as suggested by Wulf and Nichol- routine fashion, have been published for the 40 years
son. 1866-1905. See also summary for these years in Voi. 28
(for 1905), pp. 102 ff., published in 1907.
REFERENCES 23. --"Lunar Atmospheric Tide," "Influence of the Moon's
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tion des Barometers." Denkschr. Akad. Wiss. Wien, 194: 429-444 (1948).
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80. - - and PuLLEY, O. 0., "The Temperatures and Con- 98. - - "On the Influence of the Moon upon the Cloudiness
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(A) 154: 455-486 (1936). magn. meteor. Obs. Batavia, 9: (1)-(8) (for 1886), Appen.
81. McNrsH, A. G., and GAUTIER, T. N., "Theory of Lunar 1 (1887) o

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Huancayo, Peru." J. geophys. Res., 54: 181-185 (1949). on Rainfall" in Rainfall in the East Indian Archipelago.
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tion of Probable Errors." Mon. Not. R. astr. Soc., 94: Obs. Batavia, 50: 20 (1927)).
860-866 (1934)
100. TAYLOR, G. I., "Waves and Tides in the Atmosphere."
83. MoRANO, F., "Marea atmosferica." R. C. Accad. Lincei, Proc. roy. Soc., (A) 126: 169-183, 728 (1929-30).
8 (v): 521-528 (1899). 101. - - "The Oscillations of the Atmosphere." Proc. roy.
8!. NEUMAYER, G., "On the Lunar Atmospheric Tide at Soc., (A) 156: 318-326 (1936).
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85. NEWTON, I., Philosophiae Naturalis Principiu Mathe- namic Acceleration of the Earth's Rotation." Proc. roy.
matica. London, 1687. (a) Bk. 1, Prop. 66, Cor. 19, 20; Soc. Edinb., 11: 396-405 (1882).
Bk. 3. Prop. 24, 36, 37 (also de Mundi Systemate, Lon- 103. TscHu, K. K., "On the Practica! Determination of Lunar
don, 1727, Sections 38-47, 49-54). (b) Bk. 2, Prop. 48-50. and Luni-Solar Daily Variations in Certain Geophysical
86. PEKERIS, C. L., "Atmospheric Oscillations." Proc. roy. Data." Aust. J. sci. Res., (A) 2:1-24 (1949). (Some errors
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Pulse in the Atmosphere." Proc. roy. Soc., (A) 171: press.)
434-449 (1939)o
104. WAGNER, G., "Die Anderung des Luftdruckes im
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88. - - "The Lunar Atmospheric Tide at Bombay (1873- Geophys., 12: 277-328, 528-587 (1913). Corrects (p. 552)
1922)." Mem. Indian meteor. Dept., 25: 279-289 (1931).
an error in reference [104]; contains a copious bibliog-
89. - - CHATTER.TEE, S. C., and JosHI, P. P., "The Lunar
raphy (pp. 578-587) of many (but not all) of the early
Atmospheric Ti de at Kodaikanal and Periyakulam."
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Sci. Notes meteor. Dept. India., Vol. 4, No. 31, pp. 1-5
(1931). by Bouvard, Kreil. Danckwortt, Bouquet de la Grye.
90. RAYLEIGH, LoRD (STRUTT, J. W.), "On the Vibrations of 106. - - "Zusammenstellung der Barometer-Beobachtun gen
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92. SCHMIDT, A., "Uber die doppelte tagliche Oscillation des 192:80-99 (1947).
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a letter to von Hann.) Meteor. Z., 36: 29 (1919). 109. WHIPPLE, F. J. W., "A Note on the Propagation of the
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Semi-Diurnal Pressure Wave." Quart. J. R. meteor. Soc.,
a review of Hann's paper [68].) Meteor. Z., 38: 303-304 44: 20-22 (1918)

110. - - "The Great Siberian Meteor and the Waves, Seismic


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University of Brussels

HOMOGENEOUS SYSTEMS of the first law stiH applies when the system under
lntroduction. The systems which are generally con- consideration is open, provided that we assume the
sidered in thermodynamics exchange energy (e.g., heat) heat dq added to a unit mass includes, in addition to
with their environment; however, they neither give the heat received by radiation and conduction (the
up nor receive mass. It is for this reason that they are case of closed systems), the heat received by convec-
called closed systems. An open system, on the other hand, tion (an exchange of matter with the surrounding
is a system which exchanges not only energy but also medium). Upon multiplying the two sides of (1) by
matter with the surrounding medium [4]. A cloud from m, we obtain the extensive form
which precipitation is falling is thus an open system. dQ + hdm = dE + pdV = dH - V dp (2)
It will be assumed in this first section that the sys-
tem is homogeneous, that is to say that its physical of the first law for the case of an open system [7, 9, 14].
variables (pressure p and absolute temperature T) are The sum of the quantity dQ of heat received by the open
uniform throughout the volume V under consideration. system plus the enthalpy increase hdm of the system,
This will always be the case in the atmosphere, pro- resulting from exchange of matter with the surroundings,
vided one takes a volume of air which is not too ex- is equal to the increase dE in internal energy E of the
tensive. system plus the term pdV.
Uniformity of the quantities p and T involves an If the masses mi of the constituents of the system
important consequence: The system cannot be the site are introduced, it is clear that m = L mJ. It should be
of irreversible transformations which bring about the noted that the total increase dmi of mass mi of con-
equalization of temperature or pressure between dif- stituent j arises from an increase d,mi due to internal
ferent points of the system. Therefore it is natural to mass modifications and from an external contribution
suppose that physical transformations of the system, d.m i (~O) du ring the same time interval dt. Therefore
involving no internal modifications of mass, are re- dmi=d;mJ + with the condition d,m==I: d,mf =
versible; only transformations involving changes of the }

masses mi of certain of its constituents j may be irre- O and as a result dm

' = d.m =Ldemi ;;e O. Further-
versible. more the differential of any function of state whatever,
At the foundation of any thermodynamic investi-
gation lie two functions of state: the internal energy E
for example H, assumes the form dH = d;H d.H. +
and the entropy S of the system. With these are gen-
erally associated the enthalpy H = E + p V and the
Gibbs thermodynamic potential G = H - TS. Any
d;H = -T dT
a +-
aH dp + ""
ap ~ hJd;mf>
one X of these functions depends on p and T, and on
the masses mt, mz, of the constituents. According
to Gibbs, the functions of state of a system are homo- d.H = L hidemJ,
geneous functions of the first degree in variables m1, mz,
; therefore one has X = L:mJXf> where the specific where hi is the specific enthalpy of constituent j. It
then turns out, as a consequence of (2), that dQ can be
functions of state XJ ( where XJ = :~i) of the constit- written dQ = d;Q + d.Q, with
uents j are homogeneous functions of zero degree in d,-Q = d;H - Vdp, d.Q = L(hJ - h)d.mi> (3)
the variables mi (j = 1, 2, 3, ). j

The First Law. The specific interna! energy (per where the quantity d,-Q of heat received by the system
unit mass) of the system will be designated by e, its is associated with interna!, physico-chemical changes
specific enthalpy by h, its specific volume by v, the of state which it undergoes during the time interval
heat added to the system from time t to time t + dt dt, while the quantity d.Q of heat received is associated
(dt > O) by dQ, and the heat added to the unit mass with exchanges of mass with the surroundings during
during the same time interval by dq. If we let m repre- the same lapse of time. However, the separation of
sent the total mass of the system, the following rela- dQ into d;Q and d.Q was not accomplished as a result of
tions then hold: H = mh, V= mv, dQ = mdq. the different mechanisms of heat exchange (radiation,
The intensive (or local) form conduction, or convection) between the system and the
surroundings, but rather as a result of the effects pro-
dq = de + pdv = dh - vdp (1)
duced by the added heat on the physico-chemical vari-
* Translated from the original French. ables T, p, m1, 1n2, of the system [14]. We observe

moreover that d.Q =O when the open system contains additive terms, one of which d. V depends essentially
only a single constituent. on the arbitrary addition of mass from the outside.
The Second Law. Gibbs' fundamental relation [2, 3, 5] Furthermore, when the boundary of a system is opened
dH = TdS + Vdp + LP.;dm;,
to an exchange of matter with the environment (dm ~
O), the increase dX of any function of state X of the
system is deprived of all physical sense. Mathemati-
where P.; == aG
am. =
h; -. Ts; stands for the chemical cally,oneobviouslyhasdX = mdx + xdm = L.m;dx; +
potential of constituent j, is valid whatever the changes L.x;dm;. However, since the specific state functions x
dT, dp, dm; in state variables T, p, m; of the system; j
consequently it is applicable to open systems. By sub- and x; are determined only up to an arbitrary additive
stituting (2) into (4) it follows [7, 9, 14] that constant [14], the terms xdm and x; dm; of dX ha ve
indeterminate values. On the other hand the expression
dS - sdm = dQ/T + dQ /T, 1
(5) dX - xdm = mdx has a perfectly well-defined value,
where the uncompensated heat of Clausius dQ 1 is de- and consequently this is the case with expressions (2)
fined by dQ 1 = diQ 1 + d.Q 1 , in which and (5) for the two laws. Moreover, since the arbitrary
constant which may be added to functions x and x; is
diQ 1 = - LP.;d.m; 2': O, the same for all these functions [14], the differences
(6) x - x; and x; - Xk, (j, k = 1, 2, 3), have well-defined
d.Q 1
= L(P.
- p.;)d.m; ~ O, values, and this is the case with expressions (3) and
(6) for diQ, d.Q, diQ 1 , and d.Q 1
and p. = h - Ts. The specific entropy of the system is In the case of a closed system, the second law can
denoted by s, and S = ms. The increase dS which the be written TdS- dQ = dQ 1 = - LP.;dm; :2: O, where
entropy S of an open system undergoes from time t to j
time t + dt (dt > O) includes [7, 14]: dQ 1 = O corresponds to reversible transformations and
1. The entropy change due to exchange of matter and dQ 1 > O corresponds to irreversible transformations.
energy during the time interval dt, The physical meaning of the uncompensated heat of
Clausius dQ 1 appears in the simplest fashion when a
dQ/T + d.Q /T + sdm
1 ~ O. closed isothermal cycle is considered. During such a
2. The entropy production in the interior of the sys- change of state, the uncompensated heat of Clausius
tem during the same time interval, received by the system is equal to the excess of the
heat effectively given up over that effectively received
diQ 1/T 2': O. by 1t~e system. In the case of an open system, however,
The second la w states tha t the entropy production d,-Q 11T dQ IS composed of two terms: the first depends on
due to the internal mass transformation is real, that is to arbitrary addition or removal of mass and consequently
say tha.t the irreversibility of this transformation never may sometimes be positive and sometimes negative;
entails destruction of entropy. By deduction from (3), the second depends on the interna! physico-chemical
(6), and (4), transformation and is always positive. It is this latter
term which actually generalizes, in the more realistic
(7) case of an open system, the classical concept of the un-
Attention should be drawn to the fact that mass ex- compensated heat of Clausius.
changes d.m; between the system and the surroundings In order to make clearly evident the differences in
must take place at the temperature T and the pressure the significances of dQ and dQ 1 , first for a closed and
p of the system. This condition is usually satisfied in then for an open system, it is en.ough to set down the
the case of a system which loses mass; when, on the. two laws for the case of a closed system consisting of
other hand, mass enters the system the condition is no two phases (a liquid and its vapor, for example) which
longer necessarily fulfilled. In the latter case it is well undergoes only isobaric and isothermal transformations
to make sure that this restriction is fully satisfied be- (vaporization and condensation at constant p and T),
fore applying the two laws which we have just formu- then to regard this system as being composed of two
lated. open systems (the gaseous phase and the liquid phase)
Fundamental Differences Between Open and Closed and to see how the relations (2), (3), (5), and (6) reduce
System.s. In the case of a closed system, the analytical in this case [7].
expresswn dQ = dE + pdV for the first law consists Pseudoadiabatic Transformations. When the heat
of three terms for each of which there is an exact well- received by an open system does not alter the interna!
known physical meaning. We have already seen' what transformation of which the open system is the site,
meaning is assumed by the term dQ in the case of an the system is said to undergo a pseudoadiabatic trans-
open system. It should be noted that in this more formation [14]. In this case diQ = O, and as a result of
gener~l case the other two terms no longer have physical (3) and (7),
meanmgs. For example, the term pdV is no longer "the diH = dH- L h;d.m; = Vdp,
mechanical work done by the system during time in- j

terval dt," as a hasty generalization might lead one to (8)

believe [14]. Indeed, dV can be broken down into two

Let us now consider a system containing mass ma of all phases, and by the masses of the constituents of the
dry air, mass m. of water vapor, and mass mw of water phase. The thermodynamics of polythermic systems,
(aqueous cloud), and furtber let us suppose tbat tbe therefore, is only a special case of the thermodynamics
system receives water or gives it up (rain). In tbis case of open systems [7, 14].
dma = d;ma = = O, dm. = d;m., In order to establish our ideas, let us treat a closed
polythermic system consisting of two phases: a gaseous
d.m. ==O, dmw = d;mw + demw, phase (first phase) and a liquid phase (second phase).
The gaseous phase comprises a mass ma of dry air and
d;m. + d;mw = O, dm = d.m = "?"= O. (9) a mass m. of water vapor at tempera ture T'; the liquid
Tbe equation for pseudoadiabatic transformations of pbase, a mass mw of water at tempera ture T"; the
tbis system can be deduced at once from (8); it follows two phases are assumed to be at atmospheric pressure
tbat p. In this case we bave d,ma = d,m. = d;mw = O, = O, d.m. + = O, dma = O, dm. =
d;S = dS - Sw demw = ~ dmv 2:': O, (10) dmw = Application of the first law (2) to each
of the two phases [7, 14]leads to the relation
wbere A.= J.l.w - J.l.v is tbe affinity of vaporization [2]. [(d'Q)" + h'dm.] + [(d"Q)' + h"dmw] = O, (14)
If Sin (10) is replaced by its value S = ma Sa (T, Pa) +
which shows that the beat (d'Q)" received by the first
m. s. (T, p.) + mw Sw (T), wbere Pa and Pv represent
tbe partial pressures of dry air and water vapor, we phase (gas) from the second phase (liquid) is not equal
obtain, after using tbe relation T (s. - sw) = L. + A.
and opposite in sign to the heat (d"Q)' given up by the
from [14], tbe differential equation of pseudoadiabatic first phase to the second phase. Furthermore, by a
similar application [7, 14] of the second law (5) we
transformations of moist air,
d(,masa+ m.L.) ( ) dT
--;y- + m.+mwcwT dS = (d'Q)* + (d"Q)* + (___!_ - __!_\ (d"Q)'
(11) T' T" T" T'}
+ m.d (~) = O. + [") _', Pv) (15)
T" T'

~~) hw(T") Jdm.,

Here L. stands for tbe beat of vaporization and Cw
for tbe specific beat of water [14]. We suppose tbat tbe - (;" -
water vapor is at saturation value (A. = 0), and we
assume tbat tbe water tbat is brougbt in evaporates where (d'Q)* and (d"Q)* represent the heats added to
as soon as it is introduced or tbat tbe water formed in the first and second phases by the surroundings of the
tbe interior of tbe system leaves as soon as it is formed system. It is clear that d'Q = (d'Q)* + (d'Q)" and
(mw =O, d;mw = = -d;m.). Under tbese con-
ditions tbe pseudoadiabatic transformation of tbe air
d"Q = (d"Q)* + (d"Q) ', where d'Q and d"Q are the
quantities of heat received by each of the two phases.
is said tobe reversible and dry [9, 14]; following (11) Equation (15) shows that the increase dS in the entropy
d(Sa+ Tr.L.) + rvCw TdT =o, (12)
S of the system consisting of two phases includes:
1. The change of entropy due to influx of heats
(d'Q)* and (d"Q)* from the surroundings, and
wbere r. = m./ma represents tbe mixing ratio of tbe 2. Tbe production of entropy resulting from ex-
water vapor. Tbis equation is immediately integrable; changes of heat (d"Q)' and matter dm. between the
employing tbe tbeorem of tbe mean, we find [9, 14] phases. Tbe second law states tbat there definitely is
production and never destruction of entropy in the
(Cpa + r: Cw) ln T - Ra ln Pa + rv::v = const, (13) interior of the system.
Finally, the first law applied to tbe closed system
wbere is a mean value of r.,
Cpa is tbe specific beat of consisting of the two pbases provides the relation
dry air at constant pressure, and Ra is tbe specific per- dQ = dH.,.... Vdp, (16)
fect gas constant for dry air.
Tbe finite equation (13) of reversible, pseudoadia- where dQ = (d'Q)* + (d"Q)*, and where the enthalpy
batic transformations of air saturated witb water vapor H depends among other things on the temperatures
is one of tbe fundamental equations of atmospberic T' and T" of the first (gas) phase and the second
tbermodynamics; we have just derived it rigorously. (liquid) phase, respectively.
Polythermic Systems. A polythermic system is one The fundamental equations (14), (15), and (16) allow
in which all the phases do not have the same tempera- studies to be made of the "horizontal mixing" of two
ture. Since, by hypothesis, the temperature is a quan- air masses of different temperature and of the evapora-
tity which is constant throughout the interior of each tion of rain in the free atmosphere [14].
phase, we can treat each one of them as an open sys- The Temperature of the Wet-Bulb Thermometer
tem whose state is defined by the temperature of the and the Equivalent Temperature. Let us consider a
phase, by the pressure p which is assumed the same for closed system consisting of a mass ma of dry air, a mass

m. of water vapor at temperature T', and a mass mw of system of rectangular Cartesian coordinates (x 1 , x2 , x 3 ),
water at temperature T". Both phases are presumed to fixed with respect to the earth. 1 Scalars p and p and
beat atmospheric pressure p. We will assume that the vector v are functions of x 1 , x2 , x 3 and of time t.
system undergoes only adiabatic (dQ = O) and isobaric By hypothesis, a mass element 2 pox 1ox 2ox 3, moving
(dp = O) transformations; in this case we have, (16), at velocity vk, exchanges no mass with the surroundings
(absence of molecular diffusion). Therefore the system
m. + mw = m: + m~, satisfies the equation of continuity in p and vk; its
and movement is governed by gravity, the Coriolis force,
and the pressure gradient force. The equations of bal-
H(T', T", ma, m., mw) = H(T~, T;, m:, m:, m!), ance of momentum pV defined by the components
where (T', T", ma, m., mw) and (T~, r:,
m:, m:, m~)
represent two states of the system at the same pressure
pvk, and of kinetic energy k =
!vivi, can easily be de-
duced from the Eulerian equations of motion [11].
p. It turns out [14] that We designate by X the Reynolds mean of the function
X and by X = P:,Y jp the corresponding weighted mean.
(ma Cpa + m. Cpv)(T' - T~)
It should be reealled that X' = O and pX" = pX" = O,
= (m: - m.) [L.(T~) + hw(T~) - hw(T")] (17) where X'- X- X and X"= X- X.
+ m! [hw(T;) - hw(T")], The mean state of the fluid is defined by p and p, and
its mean motion by 0, (k = 1, 2, 3). Since pv';" = O
where L.(T~) = h.(T~) - hw(T~) i.'3 the heat of vapori- there is no diffusion at the scale of the mean state and
zation of water and Cpa and Cpv are the specific heats at of the mean motion, and as a result the mass element
constant pressure of dry air and water vapor.
pox 1ox 2ox 3 , moving at the mean velocity 0, does not
Let us first consider a mass (ma + m.) of moist air exchange matter with its environment. Therefore the
at temperature T = T'. At pressure p, assumed con- mean system satisfies the equation of continuity in p
stant, we evaporate into this system a mass of water
mw such that the vapor becomes saturated at tempera- and 0. We know that the movement is governed by
ture T~. This temperature, which is represented by gravity, the Coriolis force (velocity 0), the force due
Tw, is by definition the temperature of the wet-bulb to the gradient of mean pressure p, and the resultant
thermometer if the evaporating water assumes the force due to the Reynolds stresses R~ = R{ = - pv"kv'' i
tempera ture T w of the saturated gaseous phase. Thus (j, k = 1, 2, 3). The equations of balance of the mo-
we are led to put T' = T, T~ = T" = Tw, and m! =O mentum components {10 and of the corresponding ki-
in (17) from which is obtained the psychrometric for- netic energy km = t;J-;;1 of the mean motion can easily
mula be deduced from the equations of motion [11]. We
observe that the absence of diffusion of mass (pv" k =
T = T _ [rt.(Tw) - r.(T)]L.(Tw) ( 1S)
O) at the scale of the mean state does not imply the
w Cpa +
Cpvrv(T) '
absence, at this scale, of diffusion of the properties of
where r.(T) stands for the mixing ratio of water vapor the fluid. In fact, if f represents the specific magnitude
at temperature T. of any propertywhatever, we have in general pfv'iJ ~ O.
Now let us consider a mass m: m:
+ of moist air at For example, by substituting f - vk we would obtain
temperature T = T~. We will assume that at constant pvkv" i = pv"kv" i = - R;.Thus it appears that the
pressure p one can condense the mass m:
of water vapor Reynolds stresses R;result from turbulent diffusion of
contained in the mixture. The temperature T' which momentum pvk. By contrast, a mass element pox 1ox2ox 3
the system then reaches is the equivalent temperature moving with mean velocity 'J diffuses mass and for this
T. of the moist air under consideration, provided it is reason constitutes an open system, which does not
assumed that the vapor can be condensed at tempera- admit an equation of continuity.
ture T~ of the gaseous phase. Thus we are led to put Fin~ly, by subtracting the equations of kinetic en-
T~ = T" = T, T' = T., and m! = m. =O in (17), ergies k and km, we find the equation of balance of tur-
from which results von Bezold's formula bulent kinetic energy k 1 = tv"iv"i [1, 11],
T. = T+ r.(T)L.(T).
0t (pke) + 0x .(p'f;';;l + pk
1 v"i) = p(,:lt + Ll;) = pK, (20)

We note that this isobaric condensation is a fictitious where

transformation, since it can never be realized physi- .,...-......
cally. ". = dvk "k ,
.ut-- V
dt (21)
General Remarks. The open nonhomogeneous sys- (j, k = 1, 2, 3).
tem of greatest interest to meteorologists consists of a 1. In order to simplify the discussion we have neglected
turbulent fluid. The physical state of the fluid is defined molecular viscosity. Extension of the results of this section to
by the specific mass p and the pressure p, its state of the case of a viscous fluid does not present any difficulty [11].
motion by the components (v\ v2, v3) of velocity vin a 2. By hypothesis, ot =O.

Here, Llt represents the fraction of kinetic energy of This equation shows that the apparent diffusion due to
mean motion dissipated by turbulence per unit mass turbulence causes a flux of convective heat, described
and time, and Ll; the work per unit mass and time done by its components [6, 11]
in the course of eddying motion v"i by the resultant of
all the effective forces (excluding Reynolds' apparent w~ = ph"v"". (26)
force aRUaxi) applied to the unit of mass considered. ......_
Finally, if the equation of continuity in p and v" is
W ork Ll; can be regarded as being energy released by
substituted in (25), it follows [11] that
instability, per unit mass and time, in the course of the
eddying motion v"k [11]. When Ll; < O, the turbulent
motion is stable; when Ll;> O, it is unstable [11]. In
de+ _d
dt . p dt
(1) +
11 _ dqm
- dt'
(27 )
the first case Ll; represents the fraction of turbulent
kinetic energy transformed into heat per unit mass where dJdt represents the rate of variation of any
and per unit time; in the second, it represents the quantity following the mean motion and where
quantity of heat transformed into turbulent kinetic
energy [13]. (28)
Finally we observe that turbulence can maintain
itself only if K > O (generalization of the criterion of
represents the heat received per unit volume and per
L. F. Richardson).
unit time. This quantity of heat includes the heat
The First Law. The unit mass of the fluid (p, p, vk) produced in a unit volume and the heat added by
being a closed system, we can apply to it the principle radiation, conduction, and convection (in the sense of
of conservation of energy, from which we obtain [10] the physicists).
a dq 1 apl Equation (27) states that the quantity of heat re-
dt (e + k + tp) = dt - p axk ' (k = 1, 2, 3). (22) ceived, per unit time and per unit mass of fluid, is equal
to the sum of the increase in infernal energy of the unit
This equation states that, per unit mass and time, the
mass considered during this time interval, the mechanical
increase in the sum of infernal energy e, kinetic energy k,
work of expansion performed by this unit mass during
and potential energy tp, is equal to the quantity of heat
the same time, and the energy of instabiliiy which it
received dqj dt, plus the surface work done by the sur-
releases in this time interval.
roundings on the unit of mass under consideralion during
the same time interval.
The Second Law. The second law states that the
degradation of "noble" energy (in this case, kinetic
Because of the equation of kinetic energy k and the
energy) into interna! energy or into heat is always
equation of continuity in p and vk, equation (22) takes
the form (1), the enthalpy h being defined by ph accompanied by an increase in entropy. The evolution
of the system is determined in this way.
pe+ p.
By setting In the case of a turbulent fluid there occurs simul-
taneously with this degradation the transformation of a
dq _ awk fraction of the kinetic energy of mean motion into
p dt = pa - axk ' (23) kinetic energy of turbulence, and also, more generally,
where a represents the rate of production of heat per a transformation of the kinetic energy at one scale of
unit mass and W" the components of heat flux (con- turbulence into energy at the scale of turbulence im-
ductivity and radiation), equation (22) assumes (taking mediately smaller. Thus in a turbulent fluid, kinetic
account of the equation of continuity) the form of an energy of motion is degraded not only into heat (the
equation of balance [1, 11]: case of viscous fluid [11)), but also into kinetic energy
of "inferior quality." The second law requires that the
ata p(e + k + tp) entropy of the system is always increasing in the course
of these transformations of energy.
(24) In order to account for this degradation, let us
+ a~k[p(e + k + tp)l + pvk + wk J= pa. suppose that the mean physical state of a turbulent
fluid has a corresponding mean specific entropy, which
The existence of an equation of continuity for the is a function of the mean interna! energy and of the
system (p, p, ;,;) justifies application of the Reynolds mean specific mass,
mean operation to the two sides of (24). By simplifying s". = sm (e, {>). (29)
the equation thus obtained, with the help of the equa- This satisfies the Gibbs relation (4),
tion of kinetic energy km and of equation (20), we
finally obtain the equation of balance of mean interna! dsm 1 de fJ dii (30)
energy [11], dt = Tm dt - (p) 2 Tm dt 1

+ _i_
[pevk' + ph"v"k + wk] where T m is the "temperature" which characterizes the
mean thermal state of the fluid and where
a'Jk - d a --- a
r:::: -p ax"- p!1, +pa. dt = at + vk ax'<'

(k = 1, 2, 3). Upon substituting (27) and (28) into As for the heat flux Wt resulting from the adia-
(30) we find, after taking account of the equation of batic eddying motion in the vertical direction, it is
continuity of mean motion [11], given by (26):

Wt = CvaPT 11 v; = -A eva (r - ')') + CpapT;v;. (35)
The first term of the last member of (35) represents the
flux 0f Schmidt and the second, the thermo-convective
where flux (Ertel, Priestley, and Swinbank) due to differences
between the temperatures of parcels from the same
=- w + k k
Wt aTm + - a+
Llt - K
o (32) level. These differences are initiated and maintained
IY- (Tm)2 axk p Tm >
by sources of heat whose distribution is determined by
pa. Because of this fact, parcels which are displaced
represents the rate of production of entropy. The second vertically experience an additional hydrostatic buoyant
law states that the entropy production is real (u> O).
We recall that Llt - K = -Lli from (20). force per unit mass equal to gT:!r. According to
Equation (31) shows that the flux of mean entropy whether r; < or > O, that is to say according to
includes a convective flux and a thermal flux due to whether the particle is more or less dense than its
radiation, conduction, and turbulence. The production surroundings, we have v; < or > O and consequently
of entropy results from the nonuniformity of the tempera- r; v; > O. This inequality brings out the manner of
ty,reJjrom the production of heat, from the dissipation of organization of thermal convection. It turns out that
kinetic energy of mean motion by turbulence, and from the energy of instability due to the excess r;
of the
the destruction of turbulent kinetic energy [11]. parcel's temperature above the mean temperature of
Finally, it should be noted that in the case of a its starting level is always positive and therefore cor-
viscous fluid the expression ~i which appears in (25), responds to a positive production of turbulent kinetic
(27), and (32) must be replaced by Lli - Llv where energy. This production can result only from a trans-
Llv(>O) represents Rayleigh's dissipation function, that formation of heat into kinetic energy, and consequently
is, the fraction of kinetic energy of mean motion which
is dissipated by viscosity (interna! friction on the molec- (36)
ular scale) into heat per unit mass and per unit time.
The Heat Flux Due to Atmospheric Turbulence in the
Vertical Direction. If it is assumed that the mean Moreover we observe that the thermal-convective flux
motion of the air is horizontal, the adiabatic eddying of heat is always upward.
motion in the vertical direction is governed by the Finally, by returning to equation (32), it can be
differential equation [11] shown that the intensity of the entropy source as-
sociated with heat flux (35) is given by
dv; = - rcpa [(r - -y)r. - r;], (33)
at r IY = Acpa(r - 1/
( T)2
Cpa 'Y -T~~11
CT)2 p * Vz
where v~ =the eddying velocity in the vertical z direc-
tion, +T 1 [-
pa -
Cpa r -T-,,-,,-J
T p * Vz > O,
rz = the mixing length,
T = the mean temperature of the dry air,
provided that T m - T. From (36) and the inequality
'Y = the vertical lapse rate -aTjaz, 'Y > O, the inequality of (37) is always verified. The
r = the adiabatic lapse rate (gjcpa wheregrepre- flux Wt is therefore compatible with the second law of
sents gravity),
thermodynamics without the necessity of assuming a
T~ = the excess of the temperature of the parcel
priori that it is upward (as Ertel claims). It should be
above the mean temperature of the level
from which it originated. noted 3 that the heat flux of Schmidt involves an effec-
After multiplying (33) by pv~ we obtain the expression tive production of entropy represented by the perfect
for the energy of instability Lli released during the square in the first term of the expression for u.
eddying motion, (21), Application to the General Circulation of the Atmos-
phere. The equations which we have considered above
---11 can be of use in the study of the general atmospheric
pLl; = 11
- r;::a [A (r - 'Y) - pT; v;J, (34) circulation. The "mean motion" is then a zonal current
T (westerly or easterly), and the "eddying motion" cor-

where A =
przv; > O is the exchange coefficient 3. Bibliographical information and further details can be
(Schmidt's austausch) in the vertical direction. found in [11].

responds to perturbations embedded in this current. scale of the individual elementary eddy (the scale of
In this case it is clearly a question of turbulence on a the molecule, if one envisions diffusion and molecular
very large scale (synoptic scale), essentially different viscosity), then the macroscopic scale, that is, t.he scale
from the small-scale turbulence which is usually studied. of the mean motion. It must be observed that the
At the scale of the general circulation it becomes latter scale cannot be adopted arbitrarily, for there
difficult indeed, if not impossible, to admit the con- must be no diffusion of mass at this scale ({J'u''" = 0).
servation of potential temperature and of momentum If this were not true, there would be no equation of
or angular momentum of the large eddies along their continuity on the macroscopic scale, and it would be
trajectories. impossible to define and study the mean motion. There-
On the other hand nothing allows us to state a fore the extension of the laws of thermodynamics for
priori that a fraction of the kinetic energy of the zonal nonhomogeneous systems, to which mass can be added
current is really transformed into kinetic energy of or removed arbitrarily, encounters difficulty in the
large-scale turbulence (macroturbulence); in this case, very beginning unless it is possible to satisfy the con-
the opposite might very well occur and probably does dition pv"" = O. We shall assume this condition to be
occur. In short, a thermomechanical theory of macro- met; then for an observer who is carried along with
turbulence ( Grossturbulenz of A. Defant) remains to be the mean motion and follows the evolution of the
worked out. system on a microscopic scale, the flux of the d1ffusion
The equations of balance of momentum and kinetic of mass is expressed by means of pv"k ~ O and the
energy can be used to obtain qualitative indications of apv"k
intensity of diffusion by means of - -axk- ~ O (k =
the production and transport of these quantities in the
atmosphere [8, 12]. Unfortunately, in the case of large- 1, 2, 3). However, as we have said before, the absence
scale turbulence we do not ha ve the exact values of of diffusion at the scale of mean conditions (pv"k =
the Reynolds stresses R;, the fraction Llt ( > or < O) apv"k
of the kinetic energy of mean motion dissipated by -a:ik = O) does not imply the absence at this scale of
turbulence, and the energy of instability Ll; released diffusion of any arbitrary property f (intensive quan-
in the course of the eddying motion. It is therefore tity) of the fluid, within the flow of which the mean
impossible to make a quantitative theoretical study of flux of f is given by pfv"k ~ O. Thus it is possible to
the distribution of sources of zonal momentum, of carry out a study of the turbulent diffusion (eddy
kinetic energy, of interna! energy, and of entropy, as diffusion) in the atmosphere of water vapor (f = the
well as of their manner of redistribution in the atmos- specific humidity e) or of any other substance in sus-
phere. pension in the air, of sensible heat (f = CpaT), of
Knowledge of the tensor of large-scale turbulence latent heat ( f - eL), of internal energy (f = e), of
would permit us to achieve a better comprehension of entropy (f = s), of kinetic energy (f = k), of mo-
the processes and the evolution of the gene.ral circulation mentum (f
of the atmosphere. New investigations, both theoretical
= v), etc.
One final remark: The necessary condition pv"" =
and synoptic, into the sources and the flux of mo- O shows that v"k is the fluctuation relative to a weighted
mentum, of energy in its various forms [13], and of mean, and consequently the components of the mean
entropy appear desirable.
flow are necessarily the weighted means f of the com-
Final Remarks. When the system under considera-
ponents vk of the velocity of the elementary eddies.
tion is homogeneous, the fundamental equations of The weighted mean has the unique property of de-
thermodynamics can be written for the case of arbi- composing, in an additive fashion, the average of the
trary addition of mass (dm :Z O) to the system. These total kinetic energy k into kinetic energy of mean
equations have manifold applications not only in
and mean kinetic energy of turbulence (k =
meteorology (clouds with precipitation, evaporation of motion
precipitation, mixing of air masses of different tempera- km +kt). N o other mean possesses this same property.
tures, psychrometry), but also in chemistry, in biology, Therefore, it is impossible to avoid the necessity of
and in industry. introducing the weighted mean into the study of tur-
The situation is not quite the same when the system bulence of fluids.
is nonhomogeneous (gradients of T and p), for in this REFERENCES
case the material points of the system are necessarily 1. CowLING, T. G., "The Stability of Gaseous Stars." Mon.
in motion. N ow the notion of movement can be defined Not. R. astr. Soc., 96:42-60 (1935).
and studied only if the moving element retains its 2. DE DoNDER, T., "L'affinite." Paris, Gauthier-Villars, 1927.
identity in the process of its displacement; in other 3. - - and VAN RYSSELBERGHE, P., Thermodynamic Theory
of Ajfinity. Palo Alto, Calif., Stanford University Press,
words, a system of dynamical equations can give a
true representation of motion only if it includes the 4. DEFAY, R., "lntroduction a la thermodynamique des
equation of continuity of mass, expressing the in- systemes ouverts." Bull. Acad. Belg. Cl. Sci., 5 ser.,
variance of the mass of an element along its trajectory. 15: 678-688 (1929).
Furthermore, in the case of a nonhomogeneous system, 5. GIBBs, J. W., "Equilibrium of Heterogeneous Substances"
it is necessary to adopt in succession two scales of in Collected Works, Voi. I: Thermodynamics. New York,
observatian: first the microscopic scale, that is, the Longmans, 1928.

6. MoNTGOMERY, R. B., "Vertical Eddy Flux of Heat in the 11. - - "Les equations generales de la mecanique et de
Atmosphere." J. Meteor., 5:265-274 (1948). l'energetiqu~ des milieux turbulents en vue des applica-
7. PRIGOGINE, I., Etude thermodynamique des phtmom(mes tions a la meteorologie." Inst. R. meteor. Belg., Mem.,
irreversibles. Li~ge, Desoer, 1947. 34: 1-60 (1949).
12. - - "Production et redistribution de la quantite de
8. STARR, V. P., "On the Production of Kinetic Energy in
mouvement et de !'energie cinetique dans l'atmosphere.
the Atmosphere." J. Meteor., 5: 193-196 (1948).
Application a la circulation atmospherique generale."
9. VAN LERBERGHE, G., et GLANSDORFF, P., "Contribution J. sci. Meteor., 1: 53-67 (1949).
a la thermodynamique des systemes ouverts." Bull. 13. - - "Comment on the Global Energy Balance of the At-
Acad. Belg. Cl. Sci., 5 ser., 22:484-497 (1936). mosphere." Cent. Proc. R. meteor. Soc., pp.173-175 (1950).
10. VAN MrEGHEM, J., "Thermodynamique des systemes non 14. - - et DuFOUR, L., Thermodynamique de l'atmosphere.
uniformes en vue des applications a la meteorologie." Bruxelles, Office International de Librairie, 1949. (See
Geofys. Publ., Voi. 10, No. 14, 18 pp. (1935). pp. 107-133)

The Physical Basis for the General Circulation by Victor P. Starr. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 541

Observational Studies of General Circulation Patterns by ]erome Namias and Philip F. Clapp. . . . . . . . . . . . 5 51

Applications of Energy Principles to the General Circulation by Victor P. Starr. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 568

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Since time immemorial man has inescapably observed the avenue to sound progress is wide open and, at
the atmosphere in which he lives and has his being. least as far as the writer is concerned, quite inviting.
It would therefore seem reasonable to expect that at It is therefore in the spirit of appraising our knowl-
the present date the science of meteorology should be edge from the larger point of view that this commentary
one of the most advanced fields of human endeavor. is written. Admittedly and intentionally the treatment
Yet, if a distinction is made between the mere collec- reflects the writer's viewpoint gained through a number
tion of descriptive facts of observation on the one hand of years of concentration on the subject under con-
aud interpretative work which aims to give a rational sideration. As a candid personal sidelight it should be
intellectual understanding of phenomena on the other, mentioned, however, that much of the material is in
it must be confessed that our knowledge concerning a sense a relatively recent culmination of the writer's
the large-scale motions of the atmosphere is restricted striving toward a more unified and coherent conception
mostly to the former category of informati ou. Thus, of the global circulation. Nor is there currently any
for example, no one has as yet given a satisfactory sign that this process has reached a state of final crys-
rational explanation for one of the most outstanding tallization. This paper is therefore in the nature of an
features of the general circulation, namely the large individualistic progress report designed to portray and
belts of westerly winds in the temperate latitudes of to share with others a certain outlook and approach
each hemisphere. However, it must be recognized that in the hope that really substantial and enduring prag-
it is only in the last few decades that anything ap- ress may eventually be attained thereby. Within the
proaching sufficiently complete global observations for space of these pages we cannot hope to give anything
the checking of hypotheses regarding the general circu- approaching an exhaustive exposition of various topics.
lation has become available, so that progress at a For this reason only certain basically important high-
more accelerated pace should now be forthcoming. lights will be elaborated, and we shall rely upon the
The physiognomy of present-day meteorology bears reader's competence to interpolate various items of
much of the imprint imparted to it by the (so to speak) information which are generally available in the litera-
accidental way in which synoptic reporting networks ture. Furthermore, the selection of the subjects touched
developed and grew. In fairly recent times it was quite upon is not one dictated by an aim at logica! corn-
an achievement for a meteorologist to have at his pleteness, but rather is limited to those aspects which
command a network of reports large enough to depict in the writer's mind are most likely to be conducive to
an entire cyclone. The immediate temptation was then further results at the present stage of development of
to treat this feature as an independent entity and to the science.
separate it artificially from its meteorologica! environ- As an outstanding problem of paramount importance
ment in seeking a rational explanation for it. The for human activities, it is rather astonishing that the
cyclone thus became a phenomenon that existed inde- global circulation of the atmosphere has not up to the
pendently. More extensive observations now available present time received more consideration from physical
point to the inadequacy of this tacit assumption. The scientists generally. This situation is probably due in
cyclone constitutes a cogwheel in a larger mechanism part to the lack of proper observational information so
and probably can be understood only in relation to necessary for the successful prosecution of research
and not independent of its atmospheric context. concerning the subject. The gaps in at least our gross
A criticism which is the same in principle can be factual information are currently being removed rather
leveled against many other efforts to explain synoptic rapidly, with the consequence that questions regarding
structures. Indeed meteorology is replete with attempts the proper interpretation of the data begin to be the
to formulate ad hoc explanations for individual details major issues. We might, with benefit in this connection,
of the general circulation without due cognizance of digress for a moment and compare the development of
their role as functioning parts of a global scheme. meteorology with that of another physical science,
In the more recent litera ture there are signs that we namely astronomy. N o one can dispute the claims that
are outgrowing this restricted point of view; there are Galilea and Newton created a new and orderly con-
indications which emphasize the essential oneness of ception of the solar system. This achievement was
the atmosphere which must be studied as an internally necessarily preceded not only by the laborious accumu-
integrated and coordinated unit. The general circula- lation of observational knowledge by Tycho Brahe and
tion presents a puzzle to be solved. We must learn others but also by the proper interpretation of these
how the various parts fit together into a whole if we are data by Kepler who, it might be said, defined in pre-
ta understand it. With the hemispherical data now be- cise terms the dynamic puzzle to be resolved. In me-
coming available and the clues already at our disposal teorology we find ourselves in what might be called

the Keplerian era. It behooves us to marshal and cor- drain can be compensated only by an equivalent flow
relate our observations into as precise and consistent of angular momentum into the westerly belts. Likewise
a scheme as possible in order that we may know in the surface frictional effect in the regions of the easter-
sufficient detail what is to be explained. lies may be interpreted as a flow of angular momentum
From what has been said it might seem to the reader from the earth into the atmosphere. In order that the
that meteorology must still undergo a rather protracted angular momentum so transferred into the easterly
period of development before results can be expected at regions should not progressively accumulate and de-
the final fruition of this process. Although there is stroy these wind systems, it is necessary that an equiva-
reason to expect this pattern of events in the philo- lent flow out of these regions should exist.
sophical aspects of the subject, it should not be for- The inescapable conclusion is that the accounts are
gotten that the main practica! use of meteorologica! balanced by a flow of angular momentum from the
knowledge, the preparation of weather forecasts, is at easterlies in the more tropical regions poleward to the
present largely an empirica! procedure. As such, every westerly belts (the polar easterlies are of relatively
improvement in our empirica! information about the small importance in this connection). Such a flow of
atmosphere enhances in some degree the possibility of angular momentum, let us say northward at the north-
improved forecasts, even though satisfactory under- ern border of the tropical easterlies, can be measured
standing still remains to be achieved. Here only the in terms of an equivalent tangential stress acting across
intellectual aspects of problems are touched upon, leav- a vertical surface parallel to the latitude circle. A crude
ing any possible practica! applications for treatment estimate of the value of this stress may be made from
elsewhere. existing information concerning the surface frictional
Following the general plan implied in what has been forces on the easterlies to the south. 1 The result is of
said, let us begin by examining how the general cir- the order of 50 to 100 dynes cm- 2 Molecular and
culation, as we observe it, achieves interna[ dynamic small-scale eddy viscosity cannot transmit stresses of
consistency in severa[ important respects. As will be seen, this magnitude under the existing conditions, so that
this is merely the extraction from data and interpre- very large-scale nonzonal components of motion must
tation of certain information, and does not in any sense furnish the necessary eddy-transfer of angular momen-
constitute an explanation of why the facts are as they tum. W e thus come to the very pertinent observation
are found. In order to concentrate attention on the due to Jeffreys [5], namely that the large nonzonal
most basic processes, let us first consider the mean components of motion in the atmosphere are necessary
state, leaving the temporal fluctuations in the general for the maintenance of the average zonal components.
circulation as a problem of much greater difficulty to Most classical models for the general circulation as
be touched upon !ater. well as some more recent ones (see for example Rossby
If a,n observer equipped with suitable instruments [9]) have followed along lines originally proposed by
were to measure the motions of the atmosphere from Hadley [4] in that they assume the existence of large,
some extraterrestrial vantage point, in the same manner slow, convectively driven closed circulations in meridi-
as we measure the motions in the sun, he would proba- onal planes. The development of the mean zonal mo-
bly be impressed by the irregularities of the details, tions is then ascribed to the effect of the earth's rotation
but at the same time he would discern that there is a on these primary circulations. According to this view
pronounced general drift of the air from west to east the necessary transport of angular momentum could
relative to the earth in middle latitudes, extending be achieved if, for example, the poleward branches of
from the surface to the stratosphere and even beyond. the meridional circulations carry more angular momen-
On the other hand, in the more equatorial regions (and tum than the returning ones at other levels.
at times near the poles, at least the N orth Pole) he For severa! reasons many modern meteorologists have
would discern a drift from east to west from the sur- come to view models of the Hadley type with skepti-
face to great heights. This situation immediately poses cism. In the first place, the warmest regions of the
perhaps the most important problem concerning the atmosphere are not usually found in the tropics as
general circulation. The specific question involved here most schemes of this kind visualize, but rather some
is how the belts of westerlies can maintain their high distance away from the equator. Also, at best it is
rate of rotation in the face of the retarding effect of difficult to account for the great extent of the westerlies
surface friction, flanked as they are by oppositely di- in the atmosphere on any such basis. Finally, there is
rected vvinds on at least their equatorial sides. N o a suggestion in the climatological distribution of pre-
really satisfactory rational theory for this state of cipitation and in the poleward flow of air in the friction
affairs has yet been given, although some deductions layer for the existence of a slow meridional circulation
can easily be made concerning the nature of certain with an upward branch in middle latitudes and a
aspects of the mechanism which is necessary to main- downward branch toward the subtropics, as originally
tain these existing motions. suggested by Bergeron [2]. Such a "reverse" cell with
The retarding effect of the surface frictional forces equatorward flow aloft would, due to the action of
on the middle-latitude westerlies may be looked upon Coriolis forces, tend to establish east winds in the
as a continuous abstraction of absolute angular mo-
mentum from the atmosphere in these regions. Accord- 1. It is here assumed that the main transfer of momentum
ing to simple principles of Newtonian mechanics, this takes place in the troposphere.

region where the strongest westerlies are actually en- years (Widger [17], Mintz, 2 Starr and White [12]) both
countered. The writer rather inclines to the view that from isobaric charts making use of the geostrophic ap-
although very small mean meridional circulations do proximation, and directly from a circumpolar network
perhaps exist, their role in the horizontal transport of of actual wind observations. The survey of the angular
angular momentum, at least in the middle latitudes, momentum balance made by Widger covers the month
is overshadowed by the characteristics of other hori- of January 1946 and the results give the total geo-
zontal motions. This is not in conflict with the views strophic transfer by latitudes for various layers during
expressed by Jeffreys [5] and is reinforced by analysis this period up to the 7.5 km level. In this study estimates
of data tobe quoted presently. were made of the surface frictional torques. The investi-
If emphasis is placed upon the horizontal circulations gation by Mintz covers the month of January 1949 and
in transporting angular momentum poleward, by and his results give the geostrophic flux of angular momen-
large the zonal and meridional components of velocity tum at various levels up to 100 mb. Starr and White
should be correlated at each level where such transport made use of a circumpolar network of actual wind ob-
occurs. Evidences of this correlation are then to be servations at a mean latitude of 31 N for a period of
expected in the detailed structure of the instantaneous six months from February 1949 to August 1949 up to
horizontal streamline patterns observed, as pointed out an elevation of 50,000 ft. For various details of these
by the writer elsewhere [10]. Qualitatively these ex- investigations reference must be made to the original
pectations are amply borne out even by casual inspec- papers.
tion of weather maps. Except at high latitudes, closed The computations give results which are entirely
horizontal circulations usually exhibit a northeast- reasonable, being quite in accord with what would be
southwest elongation (Northern Hemisphere) and the expected on the hasis of the foregoing discussion. Thus
troughs, ridges, and shear lines show a tendency to the total northward transport increases in magnitude
tilt in this same sense. All these characteristics are from low latitudes to about 30N as the surface easterlies
recognized almost instinctively by the meteorologist as are passed, then decreases progressively northward as
typical of atmospheric flow patterns. From our view- angular momentum is removed by surface frictional
point they are telltale indications of a poleward flow torques acting in the westerly belt. N earer to the pole
of angular momentum. One may nevertheless ask the transport is reversed, indicating a flow southward
whether an objective quantitative evaluation of the from the polar easterly zone, although the magnitudes
transport by this mechanism can be made from actual involved here are small as is to be expected from the
hemispheric data. For it is not sufficient to advance fact that the torque arm associated with the surface
merely a qualitative substitute for the classical hy- frictional forces is small in the polar regions.
pothesis without investigating the potency of the new The main transfer across 30N increases in intensity
alternative to produce the needed effect. A question with elevation, reaching a pronounced maximum at
involved here is whether the observations we possess about the level of the jet stream. On the hasis of esti-
are extensive enough and of sufficient accuracy. It is mates of the surface torques during these periods it
a simple matter to set up an integral expression for appears that sufficient angular momentum is trans-
this (say) northward flow of absolute angular momen- ported into the belt of westerlies to maintain them
tum across the vertical surface ata given latitude after against friction. Let it be noted, however, that the gen-
the manner of Jeffreys, or to derive it from the atmos- eral results appear to be in harmony with the thesis
pheric equations of motion as has been done by Widger that practically all the necessary horizontal transfer of
[17]. The latter author proceeded to evaluate this flow angular momentum could be accomplished without recourse
of angular momentum by finite difference methods, as to the agency of mean meridional circulations. On the
follows. hasis of what has been said, however, we cannot make
During the last severa! years sufficient observations any statement concerning other possible functions of
of the free atmosphere have been made to allow the meridional circulations such as, for example, the vertical
construction of daily isobaric charts through most of transport of angular momentum.
the troposphere. In addition it is becoming possible to At this point let us pause in order to take stock of
obtain fairly complete direct radiowind observations what has been described and to see more clearly how it
extending to great heights on a circumpolar hasis within fits into the plan for research advanced in the intro-
restricted latitude belts. The global wind distributions ductory paragraphs. Rave we by this study of angular-
may be approximated from isobaric charts according to momentum considerations provided a theory for or
the geostrophic wind formula or may be taken directly achieved a rational solution for the problem of the
from actual wind observations. The use of the geo- distribution of zonal westerlies and easterlies in the
strophic estimates may introduce certain errors for the atmosphere? Not by a long way. We did not solve the
present purpose. On the other hand this use of the equations of motion3 nor did we deal with radiative
geostrophic winds automatically excludes the contri-
butions to the angular momentum transport due to 2. "The Geostrophic Meridional Flux of Angular Momen-
tum for the Month of January 1949." Presented at the 109th
mean meridional circulations of the Hadley type, so
national meeting of the American Meteorologica! Society,
that an advantage is gained if it is desired to study other Jan. 29-Feb. 1, 1951, New York.
modes of such transport. Severa! surveys of the angular 3. Actually only one equation of motion, namely the one for
momentum balance have been made in the past few the zonal direction, is needed to treat the balance of absolute

processes, which must ultimately be responsible for all this spirit that the writer would recommend the further
air motions and are a determining factor for the form exploration of the essential properties of the global
of the general circulation. What we have done is simply circulation as we know it from observations with regard
make a systematic analysis of data to portray as clearly to such dynamic quantities as angular momentum,
as possible one important, but not patently apparent, vorticity, kinetic energy, heat energy, geopotential en-
attribute of the general circulation-namely, the angu- ergy, and latent heat, so that we may find ourselves
lar-momentum balance. This study attempts to show in a more advantageous position in formulating rational
how the actual atmosphere attains an interna} consist- hypotheses.
ency in one important respect. For the purpose of exemplifying further the sugges-
What purpose can such information as this serve in tions previously made, let us consider in a general way
the future of meteorologica! theory? The answer to their application to questions concerning energy in the
this query is obvious. Once the announcement was made atmosphere. Much of what has been written concerning
by Kepler that planets move in ellipses, any proposed this subject has been deficient in two respects. In the
dynamic theory of mechanics which would require them first place investigators have been prone to lump to-
to move in significantly different paths was immediately gether various diverse forms of energy indiscriminately,
pushed into the limbo. Likewise for the atmosphere thereby losing the advantages to be gained from the
any proposed rational theory for the general circulation fact that each form of energy is produced from and
which significantly contradicts the general outlines of converted to other forms in its own characteristic
the needed angular-momentum balance at once finds fashion, permitting individual study. Likewise for each
itself affiicted with a serious and perhaps even crucial form there exist specific modes of transfer and redis-
drawback. On the other hand, the uses of such informa- tribution. Unless these specific characteristics arc sub-
tion need not be purely negative. The facts might well ject to scrutiny in detail, only very broad generalizations
serve as one guide (among many others) for the for- can be reached, which lack a keen enough resolving
mulation of satisfactory rational schemes. power to yield much that is new concerning the mecha-
What has been described is nota very profound con- nism of the atmosphere.
cept, but merely a rather simple consequence of New- In the second place, as will be discussed presently,
ton's laws of motion applied to the atmosphere. The the modes of energy transfer within the atmosphere
gist of the idea was presented many years ago, by are so effective that no feature such as a cyclone can
Jeffreys in 1926. How is it then that it was permitted be treated independently without due allowance for
to lie fallow for so long a time? Aside from the lack of exchanges of energy between it and the remaining
proper data, a contributing factor has doubtless been atmosphere. It is therefore inappropriate to treat such
the preoccupation of research meteorologists with phe- a feature as in any sense a closed system. Modern trends
nomena on a relatively local scale, this in turn being in the literature are beginning to give proper cognizance
due to the limitation of our mental horizons to a scale to this circumstance, although much of the too-
commensurate with the daily weather map. restricted point of view is stiU prevalent. Probably the
One might well venture the guess that at present we only system which can be treated as a closed one
have not attained even a measure of the tasks which (mechanically) is the atmosphere as a whole and even
confront us. And this statement is in no way intended then it cannot be treated as closed from a thermody-
as a repetition of a common platitude. We have not namic viewpoint because of radiative exchanges of
fathomed the profundity of our subject, Jet alone solved energy with the cosmic environment and otherwise.
the fundamental problems. In the years to come, when Proceeding now to a discussion of the kinetic energy
our knowledge will have increased, we may in retro- balance of the atmosphere, it is worthy of note in the
spect wonder why we were so inappreciative of various first place to observe that whereas angular momentum
gross and essential attributes of the general circulation. is a quantity which is conserved in the sense that no
It would therefore be wrong and dangerous to post a real sources of it can exist, kinetic energy on the other
sign along any plausible path of research which states hand may appear or disappear because of transforma-
"Thou shalt not enter here," seeking thereby to channel tion processes involving other forms of energy. In other
activity along certain predetermined lines. True science words, the flow and redistribution processes for kinetic
tolerates no prohibitions, and in principle no servile energy are not source-free as is the case with absolute
adherence to tradition. Rather we must open up and angular momentum. W e may therefore say a priori
exploit ali possible new channels that appear reasonable that there is no reason to suppose that there may not
in order that we do not miss important facts. 4 It is in exist in the atmosphere preferred source-regions for
angular momentum about the earth's polar axis. In effect this pression that there is less of the orderly progressive accumula-
equation takes on the form of a continuity equation for ab- tion of knowledge. This phenomenon is doubtless due to the
solute angular momentum. fact that meteorology is in a far different stage of development
4. When one compares the general nature of the results of as a science. In the better sense of the word we are alchemists
research in meteorology as reported in our journals with the stil! in the process of groping for a common denominator of
nature of research communications in let us say chemistry, unifying principles. We must not relax but rather continue to
there is a fundamental contrast to be noted. In our field there stumble and grope with more determination. The writer has
is a great diversity of views expressed on individual topics. the immutable belief that a proper foundation does exist and
Orten these views are in direct conflict. Also one gains the im- will be found.
atmospheric kinetic energy as well as preferred regions fairs in the atmosphere there are vast amounts of
for its disappearance by conversion into other forms of kinetic energy generated in the more tropical regions
energy through friction or otherwise. and vast amounts consumed in the polar caps. The
With the aid of the examination and interpretation existing kinetic energy is merely a small difference due
of the fundamental dynamical principles relating to to the fact that the positive generation process in the
kinetic energy given elsewhere in this volume5 we shall more tropical regions is slightly larger than the losses
now attempt to discuss this phase of the energy prob- in regions of negative generation in the polar caps.
lem. In the reference mentioned there is presented a It is a matter of interest to examine the import of
discussion of the process whereby kinetic energy is the views expressed above for the nature of the secon-
produced in the atmosphere. According to the views dary circulations of the middle latitudes. It would thus
expressed there, kinetic energy of large-scale motions be suggested that the kinetic energy supply for the main
can be generated only through the work of expansion cyclone belt of each hemisphere is perhaps provided by
by pressure forces. Furthermore, kinetic energy asso- the poleward flow of such energy from more tropical
ciated with horizontal motions can be generated only regions. Furthermore this flow is measured by (but
through work done by horizontal pressure forces. It is exists in addition to) the poleward flow of internal
thus pointed out that the rate at which horizontal heat energy. Although this flux of energy has some
kinetic energy is generated at a given point in the average mean value, there can be no doubt that in its
atmosphere is equal to the product of the pressure into details the process is a sporadic one with irregularities
the horizontal divergence of velocity. This carries the both in time and in longitude. Each cyclone may thus
implication that regions of horizontal convergence are be considered as producing a spurt or poleward surge
hydrodynamic sinks for kinetic energy which act in- in this transport locally during its period of develop-
dependently of friction. ment.
Speaking next of the transport of horizontal kinetic According to the classical view, the kinetic energy for
energy, it has been shown that this process is ac- a developing cyclone is obtained from the sinking of
complished either through the work done by the pres- dense masses of cold air in the immediate vicinity, so
sure forces in virtue of the horizontal velocities across that by and large the decrease in potential and interna!
the boundary or by the advection of sensible kinetic energy represents a corresponding increase in kinetic
energy. Since the latter (meridional) transport is small, energy. From the present viewpoint the kinetic energy
it follows that the significant (meridional) transport of increase could equally well be derived from a pro-
kinetic energy is accomplished through the work done nounced local poleward flow from the more tropical
by the pressure forces, which in turn is proportion;,l to regions, since a developing cyclone is accompanied by a
the advection of internal heat energy and occurs in ad- marked increase in the net local poleward transfer of
dition to it. Applying these ideas to the transfer of interna! heat energy.
kinetic energy across the vertical boundaries of an As a matter of fact it is not too difficult to visualize
equatorial strip between two fixed middle latitudes the general outlines of a certain type of instability
+ct> and -ct>, our general information would lead us to associated with a developing cyclone when viewed in
suppose that there exists a net transport of interna! this way. For if it is granted that there exists a supply
heat energy and therefore of kinetic energy poleward of warm and cold air in the vicinity, it may be that the
across these boundaries. Estimates from data tend to pronounced local surge of kinetic energy once started
confirm this supposition, and indeed it also appears serves to increase the intensity of the cyclone which in
reasonable from common synoptic experience. W e are turn further increases the flow of kinetic energy and
therefore confronted by the very important conclusion the intensity of the cyclone. The intensification finally
that regardless of the nature of other details of the ceases when complete occlusion takes place and the
atmospheric circulations the more tropical regions ap- net heat transport disappears.
pear to be preferred regions for kinetic-energy genera- In a recent discussion the writer [11] has made an
tion in that they not only produce sufficient kinetic endeavor to elaborate further this picture of the kinetic
energy to overcome frictional losses within these energy balance of the atmosphere, making use of the
regions, but also provide an excess which is transferred assumption that mean meridional circulations do not
to the polar caps. play a significant role in these processes. The plausi-
Apparently we may also conclude that in the long bility of this supposition is supported by the study of
run the more polar regions must serve as preferred the angular momentum balance outlined earlier. Under
regions for the disappearance of kinetic energy, since such circumstances, since data show that near the sur-
here the losses must be sufficiently great not only to face poleward-moving individual air masses possess a
offset whatever amounts of kinetic energy are generated higher specific volume than the equatorward-moving
locally but also to absorb the kinetic energy which is ones, it follows that there should exist a mean horizontal
supplied from the more tropical regions. It is therefore velocity divergence in the more tropical regions and a
reasonable to suppose that in the normal state of af- mean horizontal velocity convergence in the polar caps.
This situation should thus contribute to a net pro-
5. Consult "Applications of Energy Principles to the Gen- duction of kinetic energy, in view of the normal mean
eral Circulation" by Victor P. Starr, pp. 568-574. meridional distribution of pressure along horizontal

surfaces. 6 Such estimates as can be made indicate that Since we have been speaking of the meridional trans-
this gross average action may be of very great effec- fer of interna! heat energy, it is desirable to mention
tiveness. also the effects of the meridional transfer of latent heat.
In view of the fact that the correlation of density Crude estimates made by the writer using such data
with meridional motion is most marked near the sur- as are available indicate that very considerable amounts
face, it follows that the mean meridional distribution of energy are transferred poleward by this means. How-
of this divergence and convergence shows greatest con- ever, whereas the transport of interna! heat energy
trasts at low levels. This at once suggests that the mean cannot take place without a proportional transport of
meridional distribution of net external heating and cool- kinetic energy, the meridional transfer of latent heat
ing of the atmosphere is linked with the process, since energy is not related to the kinetic energy in the same
the heating of the atmosphere is most intense near the way. It is thus possible to transfer large amounts of
surface and much of the cooling is accomplished through energy in the form of latent heat without a proportional
surface effects also. Thus it would be logical to suppose kinetic energy fl.ow being present. Whereas the fl.ow of
that the net externa! heating in the more equatorial kinetic energy and therefore of interna! heat energy
latitudes causes a net horizontal expansion, while the may be regulated by the distribution of pressure and
net cooling in the polar caps brings about a net hori- of divergence and convergence, this particular limita-
zontal contraction, accounts then being balanced, as tion does not enter as far as latent heat is concerned.
far as mass continuity is concerned, by differential One could therefore find arguments to support the view
advection across middle latitudes. that the transport of latent heat furnishes a means for
If one agrees to argue on this hasis, a far-reaching balancing the radiation requirements of the general
observation may be made, subject of course to the circulation which bypasses the kinetic energy balance.
correctness of the premises involved. Earlier in the For if the portion of the total meridional energy fl.ow
discourse it was pointed out that one of the most represented by the transfer of latent heat energy had
fundamental questions in meteorology relates to the instead to be transported as additional interna! heat
presence of broad belts of westerlies in the middle energy, a far more intense fl.ow of kinetic energy would
latitudes of each hemisphere. Speaking now only of the also be necessary. Whether this would imply a more
lower levels we see that the presence of the westerlies "vigorous" general circulation is, however, a question
coincides with the requirement that the regions of net which cannot be readily dealt with.
external heating and divergence should coincide with The meridional transport of geopotential energy is
regions of higher pressure along horizontal surfaces. of course immediately ruled out in the average con-
Unless this situation exists a net production of kinetic dition discussed here, because of the assumption that
energy to overcome friction would be impossible. Thus, mean meridional circulations are not significant.
if for a moment we were to visualize a hypothetical In the discussion mentioned above [11], an endeavor
situation with mean easterlies in middle latitudes, the was made to study the fl.uctuations in the kinetic energy
net heating and consequent divergence would take balance of the N orthern Hemisphere with the aid of
place at a relatively low pressure in the more tropical 5-day mean data such as are used by the U. S. Weather
regions, while the convergence and cooling in the polar Bureau in extended-period forecasting. Only data for
caps would take place at a relatively high pressure. the colder half of each of seven successive years were
Such a hypothetical situation would then be rapidly used, so that essentially winter conditions were studied.
destroyed, since more kinetic energy would necessarily By approximate methods a measure was secured of the
disappear in the polar caps through convergence than intensity of differential advection of air with varying
could be generated in the more tropical regions by density across 45N. This quantity r is therefore a
heating and divergence. measure of the net volume transport northward across
Although the net heating and cooling of the earth is 45N and hence also a measure of the mean convergence
ultimately caused by radiational exchanges with space, in the polar cap and to some degree probably a measure
when one isolates the atmosphere and considers the of the mean divergence in the more tropical zones of
circumstances in the winter season especially, due re- the N orthern Hemisphere. A mean for the layer be-
gard has to be given to the strong heating of the atmos- tween sea level and 10,000 ft was used.
phere by the oceans when cold air masses fl.ow out over It became immediately apparent that the quantity
relatively warm water surfaces. As has been pointed r undergoes large fluctuations, being high during those
out by Sverdrup and others [13], the oceans serve in a periods which are commonly designated as "low-index"
manner of speaking as a hot-water heating system. It periods and low during "high-index" conditions. The
should thus be expected that during winter the regions praetical question involved here concerns itself with
of net heating for the atmosphere extend much farther the cause of these vagaries in the behavior of the general
into middle latitudes than might otherwise be supposed. circulation, for if this were known a better insight into
6. Since variations of pressure along horizontal surfaces are
the long-range forecasting problem might result.
necessary for the generation of a net amount of kinetic energy In view of the fact that r is also a rough measure of
to overcome friction, it is indeed reasonable on general grounds the rate of kinetic energy transport into the polar cap,
to suppose that the atmosphere behaves in such a way as to it is interesting to note its relationship to the general
take advantage of the large systematic pressure differences pressure distribution there. If these pressures are low
between the polar and tropical regions. compared to the pressures farther south, a relatively

large fraction of the kinetic energy so transferred should as the more southerly regions are concerned. It would
remain without being destroyed by the mean conver- appear, however, that progressive cooling should now
gence, while if these pressures are high practically ali take place in the arctic regions since the abnormally
the kinetic energy fed into the cap should disappear low heat input would appear to be insufficient to main-
because of the mean convergence. For this purpose it tain the status quo.
was decided to examine r with reference to the area- On the whole there may be good and sufficient physi-
mean pressure deficit north of 45N as compared to the cal reasons, such as those mentioned above, why the
pressure at 45N. This pressure deficit was denoted by general circulation does not persist indefinitely in one
1r and was computed from sea-level pressures. It be- or the other abnormal conditions but rather tends to
came apparent that abnormally large values of r are, shift about a general average state. There is neverthe-
generally speaking, encountered only when the pressure less the important question why the average state does
deficit is small or negative, in other words when the not persist without such pronounced departures as
capacity of the polar cap to destroy kinetic energy is those just described. The writer's conjecture on the
abnormally great. matter is that the average state can too easily be dis-
From these general observations it would appear that rupted by the effects of the nonzonal continentality
large meridional transports of interna! heat energy and found especially in the N orthern Hemisphere. Such
of kinetic energy take place during those periods when effects may be partly due to the fact that the continents
the mean meridional pressure distribution at lower provide avenues for the southward penetration of in-
levels is relatively flat north of the subtropics with no tensely cold air masses which can thus arrive at rela-
marked polar low present. How can a situation such as tively low latitudes without undue modification. The
this maintain itself over appreciable intervals of time, occasional outpourings of such cold masses over ad-
as is known to be the case? Is it a quasi-steady state or jacent water areas at fairly low latitudes could easily
is it a dislocation which becomes progressively more result in abnormal heating of the atmosphere-sufficient
difficult to maintain? We can only speculate about the to disrupt the average regime.
answers, but it is rather interesting to do so. Also it should not be forgotten that large mountain
First let us consider the fact that it is during these ranges extending over an appreciable spread of latitude
low-index conditions that very cold air masses are in- can exert powerful mechanical effects upon the atmos-
jected into southerly latitudes. This in turn means a phere, as pointed out by White [16]. By way of example
very strong heating of the atmosphere in middle lati- large pressure differences across the Rockies in N orth
tudes and the subtropics, especially over ocean areas, America could perhaps disrupt the angular momentum
so that a rapid replenishment of heat and also a rapid balance in the belt of the prevailing westerlies.
generation of kinetic energy would be a normal ac- Finally the suggestion made by Willett [18] that the
companiment of this state of affairs. This consideration seat of the variation could perhaps be found in the
would argue for the possibility of quasi-steady state. variations in solar output, and hence the heating of
On the other hand in order to maintain a quasi-steady the atmosphere, deserves study. For it may be that the
condition, means would have to be present to dispose final answer is bound up in a combination of effects,
of large quantities of heat in the polar cap. It is unlikely especially if long-term aberrations of the general circu-
that the net heat loss through radiation could be lation during historic and geological periods are also
stepped up enough to meet this requirement. Progres- considered.
sive melting of ice in the polar regions could absorb From what has been said in the severa! preceding
large quantities of heat, but probably exactly the op- paragraphs it might appear that too little emphasis has
posite is actually the case, since very low temperatures been placed upon the infiuence of the conditions in the
are apt to prevail at low levels in the arctic and sub- upper troposphere and in the stratosphere. In the final
arctic regions under these circumstances. analysis it is obvious that the entire atmosphere must
Observationally there is some qualitative evidence form an integrated system. It would seem, however,
that during prolonged low-index conditions there is apt that the lower layers furnish the seat of thermodynamic
to be present in polar regions an accumulation of ab- activity and provide the motive force for the general
normally warm air a little distance above the surface circulation. The writer's colleague, Dr. H. L. Kuo, is
in the troposphere and in the stratosphere. Also there currently engaged in a theoretical study of the effects
is some evidence that there is actually a progressive which might result at the level of the jet stream from
depletion of heat energy from middle latitudes (in spite forced disturbances originating in the lower levels. From
of the strong surface heating) with a consequent pro- his preliminary work it would appear that the genera-
gressive southward shift of the latitude of the maximum tion and maintenance of the jet stream itself are a
westerlies at higher levels. What ultimately puts a stop necessary consequence of such impulses received from
to the trend of developments is not obvious. below. Likewise the characteristics of the angular mo-
Contrasted with the low-index regime, during periods mentum balance as outlined previously, including such
of a strong polar vortex at low levels the heat and features as the tilted (and properly curved) trough and
kinetic energy transport is weak. Relatively warm air ridge lines, as well as the development of regions of
streams across the continents and oceans in a more sharp shear to the north and to the south of the jet
zonal manner so that no very vigorous heating takes follow as consequences of the analysis.
place. So far no difficulties seem to be present as far Having made an excursion into some of the ramifi-

cations involved in the study of the balance of angular own inclinations and tastes, for there is no sbortage of
momentum and of kinetic energy in the atmosphere, diverse problems wbicb are wortb wbile. Tbe inclina-
let us now consider the general circulation from the tions of tbe writer, as one of these investigators, are
standpoint of a rational theory for atmospheric motions. probably quite apparent from wbat bas already been
By this term we mean essentially a solution of the said. Tbe underlying and oft-recurring motif of tbis
equations of motion which purports to give a picture of essay is tbe need for a more complete and systematic
the circulation or some portion of it. This is sharply empirica! description of tbe basic pbysical processes
contrasted with the study of the balance of various involved in the general circulation. We are now begin-
quantities, because the latter involves hydrodynamical ning to have sufficient observational material at least
principles only to the extent of formulating severa! in the N orthern Hemisphere.
integral requirements for the atmosphere. The investi- Before making concrete proposals, let us take a glance
gation of how the atmosphere actually fulfills these at what is being done which may serve as a beginning
requirements is then necessarily an empirica! and ob- toward this aim. In the enumeration of activities which
servational problem. follows, any omission of important work is inadvertent
Logically, then, the empirica! picture obtained from and is due simply to the writer's lack of information.
the study of the balance of various quantities and from At the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Willett
other observational studies should give us the funda- [18] has for a period of years gathered statistica! in-
mental physical characterization of the atmosphere formation concerning the general circulation in the
which is then to be explained in terms of some rational N orthern Hemisphere in the form of 5-day averages.
theory. But, in a larger sense, the proper physical More recently he has begun gathering similar data for
characterization of the general circulation is a subject the Southern Hemisphere. The writer bas found this
which up to the present has hardly been (mtered upon. material invaluable for the study of tbe general circu-
We need quantitative estimates of the flow of heat, of lation. The Department of Meteorology of tbe Univer-
kinetic energy, of momentum, etc., for the mean state sity of California at Los Angeles has undertaken a study
and also when consideration is given to synoptic and of the angular momentum balance of tbe atmospbere
seasonal variations. The labor involved in order to sup- by means of finite difference integration procedures.
ply this information is bound to be tremendous, involv- This project will probably also include a similar study
ing the cooperation of meteorologica! services over the of the energy balance later.
entire globe. Nevertheless progress is being roade and Priestley [7] of Australia has proposed a program for
there is reason for optimism. the observational study of the momentum and energy
In view of this state of affairs it is not surprising balance of tbe atmospbere, utilizing radiosonde and
that the development of a rational theory for the radio-wind observations directly. Samples of his analy-
general circulation has not roade very much headway ses already prepared by him bave proven tobe of great
up to the present time. Thus the scope of the more interest, but require elaboration.
successful efforts toward the solution of the hydro- Van Miegbem [15] of Belgium has proposed the study
dynamic equations has necessarily been severely limited of the balance of various forms of energy, entropy, and
to certain portions of the atmospheric circulation where momentum, emphasizing the importance of sucb studies
the introduction of drastic simplifications still leads to for the progress of research concerning the general
results of interest. As an example we might cite the circulation.
several solutions of the two-dimensional barotropic vor- The Extended Forecast Division of the U. S. Weather
ticity equation given by Rossby [8] and recently elabo- Bureau has for some years been amassing observational
rated by Charney and Eliassen [3] and others. For material in the form of 5-day averages for the Northern
short-period extrapolation it appears that these results Hemisphere. The Weather Bureau [14] has recently
may prove to be of more and more value in forecasting, also been preparing in published form very complete
even though these solutions leave unanswered some of daily N orthern Hemisphere maps for the surface and
the fundamental questions concerning the energy bal- 500 millibars. Tbese charts are most excellent and
ance when long-term effects are contemplated. should prove to be invaluable for research purposes.
As a general comment it can be said that really Finally mention may again be roade of the studies
adequate solutions which link the mechanics of the of the angular momentum and energy balance initiated
atmospheric circulation to the source of energy from by the writer at tbe Massachusetts Institute of Tech-
solar radiation are a desideratum for future research, nology.
although the situation does not warrant undue pessi- The items listed above do not purport to cover ali
mism. In this connection reference may be roade to a important research on tbe general circulation conducted
recent publication by Lorenz [6] which is concerned currently, but ratber only such activities as are apt to
with tbe solution of tbe two-dimensional equations of furnish statistica! information concerning the gross
motion for tbe region near tbe pole, taking into account character of tbe general circulation. Tbus various other
friction and externa! beating and cooling. synoptic and theoretical activities are not included
Leaving now tbe discussion of illustrative topics, even though tbey may in tbe end furnish indispensable
wbat are tbe avenues for future progress wbicb are insigbt as to tbe interpretation of the empirica! picture
indicated as of today? Tbis is necessarily a subjective given by tbe statistics.
matter in wbich various investigators must follow tbeir Tbe general trend to be discerned is tbat the em-

pirical study of the general circulation is becoming a thing of the spirit of daring which prompted Newton
matter involving vast amounts of data properly and to propose the theory of universal gravitation and
purposefully organized in order to be useful for the Einstein to suggest anew the quantum character of
systematic evaluation of various specific and well-de- radiation.
fined processes over long periods of time. It is being Much of what has been said in the last two para-
undertaken piecemeal by various institutions to an graphs has a direct bearing upon the use of mathematics
extent determined by their financial resources and fa- in meteorologica! research. To regard the fundamental
cilities. In the initial stages of such exploratory problems of meteorology as purely mathematical ones
activities it is probably most desirable that there should is hardly warranted. It is true that many of the hydro-
exist diversified direction of individual small-scale proj- dynamical and physical principles involved are capable
ects of this nature. However, once the best general of mathematical statement, but it is only through the
patterns for such research have become apparent, a leaven of some purely physical hypothesis that we are
number of considerations point to the desirability of guided to the appropriate mathematical use of these
more consolidated effort. Thus some central organiza- principles.
tion could perhaps offer the advantages of a long-term As stated previously, present-day meteorology may
program, more economica! operation, better facilities be thought of as being in the Keplerian era. It finds
such as high-speed computing equipment and better itself, however, side by side with very much more ad-
availability of computed results. Such an institute could vanced physical sciences in which research is carried
even be of an international character under the aus- on with the aid of very sophisticated mathematical
pices of the United Nations, since the purpose would and theoretical tools designed for the purpose through
indeed be of global importance in a very literal sense. the laborious efforts of past generations. Although much
Beyond the broad recommendations just set forth, may be gained by borrowing certain of these techniques
the writer wishes to state his belief that periodic re- where proper analogies have been established, still there
views of progress such as the ones contained in this
are certain philosophical pitfalls which arise when this
volume should be planned by appropriate organiza-
is done merely in slavish effort at imitation without
tions in an effort to stimulate comparison of differing
opinions and to bring forth suggestions. Another matter proper caution. Such superficial efforts are sometimes
of somewhat similar nature is the periodic publication entered upon in order to gloss over the prerequisite of
of selected reprinted papers, adjudged to be of funda- clear physical thinking. W e cannot telescope the evo-
mental importance, in the form of collections similar lution of a new science by omitting essential phases of
to those edited by Cleveland Abbe [1] severa! decades its natural development. W e cannot hope for a magic
ago. A practica! problem here would be the selection of carpet which would carry us directly from Kepler to
a capable (and so to speak disinterested) editor. Einstein, eliminating the growing pains of Newtonian
Finally a word about certain philosophical and theo- mechanics.
retical aspects. In a science such as meteorology in
which the rational explanation of the most gross fea- REFERENCES
tures is still to be found, much attention must be given 1. ABBE, C., "The Mechanics of the Earth's Atmosphere.
to questions regarding the general techniques for in- A Collection of Translations by Cleveland Abbe." Third
terpretive research in order to ascertain if possible the Collection. Smithson. misc. Coll., Voi. 51, Ko. 4 (1910).
ones which are suitable. In any well-developed science, 2. BERGERON, T., "Uber die dreidimensional verkntipfende
as for instance physics, it is often possible to arrive at Wetteranalyse. l." Geofys. Publ., Voi. 5, No. 6 (1928).
new results by purely deductive means. However, it 3. CHARNEY, J., and ELIASSEN, A.," A Numerica! Method for
must be granted that the more fundamental scientific Predicting the Perturbations of the Middle Latitude
achievements of an interpretative nature have usually Westerlies." Tellus, Voi. 1, No. 2, pp. 38-54 (1949).
stemmed from the deliberate introduction of new physical 4. HADLEY, G., "Concerning the Cause of the General Trade
Winds." Phil. Trans. roy. Soc. London, 39:58 (1735-36).
hypotheses. Such hypotheses are usually the direct prod-
(Reprinted in [1, pp. 5-7].)
uct of creative minds who through sufficient insight 5. JEFFREYs, H., "On the Dynamics of Geostrophic Winds."
are able to recast a given problem into a new form. Quart. J. R. meteor. Soc., 52: 85-104 (1926).
Although such formulation of novel hypotheses is per- 6. LORENZ, E. N., "Dynamic Models Illustrating the Energy
haps the most difficult task confronting a scientist, we Balance of the Atmosphere." J. Meteor., 7: 3D-38 (1950).
cannot afford to dispense with it in any attempt at 7. PRIESTLEY, C. H. B., "Heat Transport aud Zonal Stress
understanding the motions of the atmosphere at the between Latitudes." Quart. J. R. rneteor. Soc., 75: 28-40
present time. (1949).
Without the use of creative imagination to give it 8. RossBY, C.-G., aud CoLLABORATORS, "Relation between
form, our science could easily become a repetitious Variations in the Intensity of the Zonal Circulation of
the Atmosphere and the Displacements of the Semi-
accumulation of bits of petty dogma, a jargon of catch-
permanent Centers of Action." J. mar. Res., 2: 38-55
words and sophistries, a species of scholasticism lacking (1939).
a firm hasis or unifying principles. We need men with 9. RossBY, C.-G., "The Scientific Basis of Modern Meteorol-
vision and courage who would not be content in oc- ogy" in Clirnate and Man: Yearbook of Agriculture. Wash-
cupying themselves with odd bits of research, but would ington, D. C., U. S. Govt. Printing Oftice, 1941. (See pp.
tackle the fundamental problems. Men who have some- 599-655.)

10. STARR, V. P., "An Essay on the General Circulation of the Charts with Synoptic Data Tabulations. Washington,
Earth's Atmosphere." J. Meteor., 5: 39-43 (1948). D. C., U. S. Department of Commerce.
11. --A Physical Characterization of the General Circulation. 15. VAN MIEGHEM, J., "Production et redistribution de la
Dept. of Meteorology, Mass. Inst. Tech., Rep. No. 1, quantite de mouvement et de 1'energie cinetique dans
General Circulation Project No. AF 19-122-153, Geo- l'atmosphere. Application a la circulation atmospheri-
phys. Res. Lab., Cambridge, Mass., 1949. que generale." J. sci. Meteor., 1:53-67 (1949).
12. - - and WHITE, R. M., "A Hemispherical Study of the 16. WHITE, R. M., "The Role of Mountains in the Angular
Atmospheric Angular-Moment um Balance." Quart. J. R. Momentum Balance of the Atmosphere." J. Meteor.,
meteor. Soc., 77: 215-225 (1951). 6:353-355 (1949).
13. SvERDRUP, H. U., JOHNSON, M. W., and FLEMING, R. H., 17. WIDGER, W. K., "A Study of the Flow of Angular Momen-
The Oceans. New York, Prentice-Hall, Inc. 1942. tum in the Atmosphere." J. Meteor., 6: 291-299 (1949).
14. U. S. WEATHER BuREAU, Daily Synoptic Series Weather 18. WILLETT, H. C., "Patterns of World Weather Changes.''
Maps, Northern Hemisphere, Sea Level and 500 Millibar Trans. Amer. geophys. Un., 29: 803--809 (1948).


U. S. Weather Bureau, Washington, D. C.

Any reasonably brief treatment of a subject so vast decades. At the present writing this ideal state of affairs
as "Observational Studies of General Circulation Pat- is far from being realized. For the N orthem Hemisphere
terns" is bound to be biased in its selection of material. the longest series of analyzed charts at sea level em-
To be sure, any and all real information derived from brace a period of about fifty years and at upper levels
the atmosphere constitutes an integral part of the ma- about fifteen years. Such a short period is woefully
terial upon which students of the general circulation inadequate for studies of large-scale weather phenom-
must draw. Inasmuch as our knowledge of the general ena, particularly when one considers time intervals of
circulation is very far from complete, it is difficult at a month or more. Furthermore, many of these charts
this time to decide what statistically or observationally are incomplete or inaccurate, and the upper-air charts
determined facts are especially pertinent. In selecting are mainly for one level only (either 700 or 500 mb).
these data the authors confess to a bias in the direction In the Southern Hemisphere the situation is materially
of hemispheric or world-wide phenomena and also to worse, although it will be partly remedied in a few years
those facts which have emerged from a fifteen-year-old after several units, including the Department of Me-
experiment in the anatomy and physiology of the gen- teorology at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
eral circulation with which the authors have had the have completed files of Southern Hemisphere sea-level
pleasure to be affiliated [33). charts. The M.I.T. series began with January 1949.
Figures 1 and 2 give some idea of the amount and
NORMAL STATE OF THE GENERAL extent of data currently available for the construction
Sources of Data-Historical and Current. Ideally,
the data upon which studies of general circulation pat-

FIG. 2.-T ypical data coverage at 500 mb. Small solid

circles represent radiosonde data; large open circles, wind
data; and large solid circles, both radiosonde and wind data
actually received at 0300Z June 24, 1949. Winds are by pilot
balloon, radar, or direction finder. The three observations near
F IG. 1.-Typical data coverage at sea level for the Northern the pole and the fi ve in the southwest Pacific centered at 20N,
Hemisphere. Solid circles represent data actually received at 147E are aircraft reconnaissance data.
1200Z June 25, 1949. Some data have been omitted over the
United States and parts of Europe because of space limita- of Northern Hemisphere charts at the Central Office of
the U. S. Weather Bureau. This represents a vast im-
terns are based should consist of a series of complete provement over condit.ions existing ten years ago,
and well-analyzed sea-level and upper-level charts cov- largely as a result of the increasing need for data during
ering the globe or at least a hemisphere for a period of W orld War Il.

While the coverage shown in these figures is reason- have been constructed partly by extrapolation from sea
ably adequate in heavily populated land areas and in level for the period 1932 to 1939.1
the much-traveled North Atlantic, there are stiH many Reasons for the Use of Mean Charts. Mean charts,
important gaps, notably in the southern portions of the showing the average state of the general circulation for
N orth Atlantic and N orth Pacific Oceans and in many specified periods of time, have been used extensively by
parts of Asia. This situation is due in part to commu- many investigators, including the authors, for studying
nication difficulties and to the fact that it is more ex- the observed behavior of the general circulation. Here
pensive and difficult (or even dangerous) to establish are some of the advantages of mean charts over daily
stations in unfrequented and less habitable areas. Nev- synoptic charts:
ertheless, politica! and economic forces are also partly Because of the unreliable nature of portions of hemi-
responsible for the tendency of the density of observa- sphere-wide analysis, the use of means leads to a
tions to be proportional to the number of inhabitants. smoothing which tends to eliminate experimental errors.
Since there is mounting evidence (some of which will Furthermore, such smoothing also eliminates irregulari-
be presented in this paper) that weather in any given ties in the flow pattern, such as small eddies or minor
area of the globe may be importantly influenced by atmospheric waves. These irregularities, while real
conditions in other areas, no matter how remote, it enough, tend to confuse the large-scale features of the
would appear preferable to reduce the amount of data circulation which are of most importance in long-range
in populated areas and use the money thus saved to forecasting. To a lesser degree this second type of
increase the number of reports, particularly upper-air smoothing may be attained by the use of synoptic charts
reports, from remote areas. Certainly it is a mistake to from higher tropospheric layers or by mathematical
reduce the amount of hemispheric data on the grounds devices, such as Charney's geostrophic wind approxi-
that it is no longer necessary for military purposes. mation [10].
For the past two or three years there has been a strong Perhaps the most important justification for the use
tendency in this direction. The International Meteoro- of means is that they reveallarge-scale features having
logica! Organization, the International Civil Aviation a long period. Indeed the speed with which a given
Organization, the Pacific Science Association, and simi- pattern changes appears to vary inversely as the num-
lar organizations should be commended for and en- ber of days over which the averaging is done. The
couraged in their present efforts to improve the data authors feei that slow evolution of this character holds
coverage of the world. out the hope for successful long-range weather fore-
A brief list of published hemisphere charts is given casting.
in the references [1, 9, 17, 28, 29, 30, 46, 50, 51]. The Granting the correctness of the arguments given
Air Weather Service and U. S. Weather Bureau North- above, the question has often been raised as to how
mean charts are to be interpreted from a physical point
ern Hemisphere sea-level and 500-mb analyses contain,
of view. In particular, it has been argued that the equa-
in addition to analyzed charts, a valuable listing of all
tions of motion cannot be applied to a mean flow pat-
data received. To date the Air Weather Service charts tern, for, since these equations are nonlinear, the
have been published only from October 1945 to Sep- average value of acceleration will not equal the sum
tember 1946. The U. S. Weather Bureau commenced of the corresponding average values of the other terms.
analysis and publication of this series beginning with The answer to this question cannot yet be given. How-
January 1949. Charts for January through November ever, this problem seems to be closely connected with
1949 are currently available. Efforts should be made to the statistica! theory of turbulence [3]. Briefly, this
close the gap in the historical map series from 1939 to theory states that if a given fluid consists of an average
1945. This includes the years 1944 and 1945 when hemi- flow upon which are superimposed random eddies, then
spheric data, particularly in the South Pacific, were the equations of motion for laminar flow can be applied,
more complete than at any other time. provided certain frictional stress terms are added which
Many of the investigations to be discussed in this express the cross-flow eddy transfer of momentum.
article were made using unpublished operational analy- There seems to be no obvious reason why it should be
ses. These include twice-daily sea-level and 10,000-ft necessary to place any arbitrary time limit to the aver-
(or 700-mb) charts over the Northern Hemisphere from age flow, so that the equations of motion ought to be
1940 to date as analyzed at the Extended Forecast just as applicable to mean charts of a month's duration
Section of the U. S. Weather Bureau. Not until mid- as they are to mean charts of a few minutes (synoptic
1943 do these charts cover half a hemisphere or more. charts )-provided the proper frictional terms are added
From them, twice-weekly five-day mean maps and [20]. This type of reasoning has been used by Defant
twice-monthly thirty-day charts have been constructed. [10], Lettau [32], and more recently by Elliott and
Five-day mean twice-weekly sea-level and 3-km charts Smith [21] to measure the frictional stress exerted by
for the cold season October through March 1933 to 1940 traveling cyclones and anticyclones. The omission of
have been prepared by the Department of Meteorology frictional terms in applying the equations of motion to
at M.I.T. The 40-yr daily historical map series [28] 1. Ali of these charts have been microfilmed and copies may
has led to the construction of monthly mean sea-level be purchased by writing to the Librarian, U. S. Weather
charts. Corresponding 10,000-ft monthly mean charts Bureau, Washington, D. C.

mean charts may be no more serious than on daily taken with some reservation, and one cannot scale off
charts. In the following pages it will be seen that mean from them numerica! values upon which to draw re-
circulations behave as though they were true physical fined conclusions. Besides, they represent only the zonal
Normal Circulation of the Troposphere and Lower
Stratosphere. The prevailing motion of the greatest
mass of the earth's atmosphere is in general eastward.
The most recent normal maps prepared by the U. S.
Weather Bureau [30, 50] and by the British Meteor-
ologica! Office [9] effectively bring to light the existence
of a vast circumpolar whirl which, while somewhat
obscured at the earth's surface, becomes stronger with
elevation until near the base of the stratosphere it
assumes the characteristics of a sharp maximum in
speed. This narrow band of high speed, called the jet
stream, and illustrated by Willett [56] and Hess [24]
in north-south mean wintertime sections (not repro-
duced) , seems tobe found at most meridians around the
N orthern Hen'lisphere. What meager data are available
in the Southern Hemisphere (worked up by Flohn [22])
also suggest a jet stream there. A series of unpublished
vertical cross sections for each 20 of longitude around
the Northern Hemisphere have been prepared at the
U. S. Weather Bureau as part of the work in construct-
ing normal monthly maps at various levels up to 19 km FIG. 4.-Average position a nd strength of the jet stream for
[30]. From these cro~s sections, showing the geostrophic July . (See Fig. 3 for legend. )
zonal wind component as a function of elevation, the
latitude, strength, and horizontal shear across the jet component of flow; but this is by far t he largest com-
stream have been entered and analyzed around the ponent, and an analysis of the total flow (not shown)
Northern Hemisphere as shown in Figs. 3 and 4 [38]. gives a quite similar picture of the normal character of
the jet stream.
The characteristic features of the normal jet stream
seem tobe:
1. Its nature is essentially circumpolar in both sum-
mer and winter.
2. It is considerably farther north and weaker in
summer than in winter-from a surprisingly low lati-
tude of about 20N to 35N in winter, to perhaps 35N
t o 45N in summer, and with roughly double t he speed
in winter.
3. The location of the jet stream appears to coincide
with the strongest meridional temperature gradient
just below it in the mid-t roposphere.
4. The jet stream is found where the tropopause has
its greatest change in elevation.
5. The ideal circumpolar appearance of the jet stream
is marred by appreciable longitudinal differences in
strength. Thus in winter (Fig. 3) the jet stream reaches
its maximum strength along and just off t he east coasts
of Asia and N orth America and decays in t he eastern
parts of the oceans. Another maximum appears over
FIG. 3.- Average position and strengt h of t he jet stream
for J anuary, prepared from eighteen hemispheric me ridional 6. T he distribution of wind speed across the jet
cross sections . H eavy solid lines indi cate geostro phic wind stream shows very strong lateral shear bot h to the north
speed in mi les pe r hour at the level of m aximum speed. H eavy
arrows represen t axis of the jet. (After N ami as and Cla pp and to the sout h ; the vertical component of t he total ab-
[38].) solute vorticity north of the jet stream (not illustrated
here) suggests approximate constancy wit h lat itude.
The elevation of the jet, not shown on these figures, is To a considerable extent charts constructed in mid-
everywhere in the range between 11 and 14 km. The t roposphere (Figs. 5 and 6) bear a striking resemblance
material presented in these figures must, of course, be to those at the level of the jet stream. This might be

inferred from the classical work of Dines [18] in which the emergence of easterly winds north of the Aubpolar
was pointed out the good correlations between tem- lows and in the subtropics. The easterlies of the polar
perature and pressure in mid-troposphere and at the regions are for the most part shallow phenomena gen-
tropopause. The strength of the circumpolar whirl is erally below 3 km, but in low latitudes, particularly in
diminished with decreasing elevation. Below the level summer, easterly winds are very deep and extend well
of 700 rob the circumpolar vortex begins tobe somewhat into the stratosphere.
obscured by the appearance of a more cellular character The circumpolar voi'tex in the upper troposphere and
of the general circulation, and by the time we reach lower stratosphere, while primarily zonal in character,
maps at sea level (Figs. 5 and 6) the "centers of action" undergoes gentle north-south undulations so that the
take on considerable cellular character. Noteworthy is isobars have a roughly sinusoidal character. The ridges
and troughs aloft have their reflections at the surface

FIG . 5.- Normal pressure distribution at sea level (below)

and normal contours at 700 mh (above) for Janua ry . Profiles FIG . 6.-l'\ormal pressure distribution at sea level (below)
inserted. D ashed lines at 700 mb are isotherms for every five and normal contours at 700 mb (above) for July . Profiles
centigrade degrees. ins".ted.

in the centers of action. Even at 300 mb the Icelandic the general circulation, for the area covered by this
and Aleutian lows of winter have not lost their iden- wind system is far greater than that embraced by other
tity although they are displaced considerably north- branches of the zonal circulation.
westward. The Siberian wintertime anticyclone appar- A comparable table for upper-level circulations for
ently gives way to westerlies aloft. both hemispheres is impossible to present at this time.
The contrast between winter and summer shows up From the British upper-level normals [9], however, it
chiefly in diminished gradients and northward migra- appears that the contrast of zonal wind speeds, so
tion. With the approach of summer the sea-level sub- evident at sea level, is much less pronounced or perhaps
polar lows Iose much of their strength, the subtropical even lacking at mid- and high-tropospheric levels. For
oceanic highs become much stronger, and over Eurasia example, the geostrophic zonal wind speed computed
the well-known monsoonal reversal of pressure sets in. between latitudes 20 and 40 from the British 300-mb
The comparison of circulations between the Northern charts for both hemispheres during winter (December-
and Southern Hemispheres is much more difficult in February in the Northern Hemisphere, and June-Au-
view of the relatively scant supply of data in the South- gust in the Southern Hemisphere) gives 29.5 m sec-1
ern Hemisphere-particularly at upper levels. 2 Certain for the Northern Hemisphere as compared with 29.7
attempts have recently been made to improve on m sec- 1 for the Southern Hemisphere.
Shaw's Southern Hemisphere charts [47] notably by 2. The undulations in the circumpolar vortex of the
the British Meteorologica! Office [9] for upper levels Southern Hemisphere appear to be much less pro-
and by Willett [60] for sea level using Serra's world nounced (i.e., have much less amplitude) than in the
charts [46]. From these data a few seemingly reliable N orthern Hemisphere. In fact, according to the British
statements appear to be possible: charts at 300 mb, it seems questionable even to talk of
1. The zonal circulation at sea level appears to be troughs and ridges in the Southern Hemisphere.
stronger in the Southern Hemisphere than in the N orth- 3. The cellular character at sea level is correspond-
ern Hemisphere. This is strongly indicated in a table of ingly less pronounced in the Southern Hemisphere than
average circumpolar zonal wind speeds computed by in the Northern Hemisphere, although "centers of ac-
Willett [60] who made use of Serra's monthly mean tion" are plainly present.
maps [46] for the months of January, April, July, and Various attempts have been made to characterize the
October from 1879 through 1934. (See Table 1.) state of the general circulation by numerica! values.
Thus certain circulation indices have come into use.
TABLE l. 8ELECTED NORMAL CIRCULATION lNDICES Among the most prominently used are the geostrophic
zonal wind speed, the "maximum" index, the meridional
Maximum zonal Maximum index, and zonal wind-speed profile. Definitions follow:
westerlies easterlies 1. The geostrophic zonal wind speed within different
latitudinal bands is computed either regionally or for
Wind Wind
speed Lat.
the entire hemisphere. Such quantities as the "zonal
(m (rn
sec-') sec-') index" express numerically the zonal wind speed aver-
-- -- -- -- aged between two latitudes (generally 35N and 55N)
N orthern Hemisphere (Jan.) .... 2.25 54N 5.60 20N and characterize the temperate-latitude westerlies. The
Southern Hemisphere (July) ... 7.10 508 8.15 138 polar easterlies (55N to 70N) and subtropical easter-
- -- - - - lies (35N to 20N) are similarly computed. These
N orthern Hemisphere (J uly) .. 1.10 53N 1.25 25N indices may also be evaluated for upper levels of the
Southern Hemisphere (Jan.) .. o o 5.60 508 3.10 228 atmosphere.
2. The "maximum index" expresses the peak strength
* Determined by choosing the 20 latitude band of greatest of some particular branch of the zonal circulation, as
meridional pressure change, converting to geostrophic
speeds, and noting the central latitude of the 20 band. well as the latitude at which it appears.
3. Meridional indices express numerically the total
Clearly, the Southern Hemisphere zonal wind system north-south flow across a particular latitude circle.
at sea level is relatively stronger, displaced farther 4. In the last few years another effective form of rep-
equatorward, and shows a smaller percentual seasonal resenting important characteristics of the general cir-
variation than that of the N orthern Hemisphere. culation has come into use. This is the zonal wind-speed
Willett also points out the surprisingly large seasonal profile, on which the mean zonal speed within 5 lati-
fluctuation of the subtropical easterlies and their great tude zones is plotted against latitude.
strength as compared even to the zonal westerlies. This The seasonal behavior of Northern Hemisphere zonal
is indeed a fact which must be of importance in treating indices computed for monthly periods is shown in Fig.
7. Recent work [35] with hemisphere-wide upper-air
2. Subsequent to the preparation of this article two papers
maps suggests that, at least at certain times of the year,
dealing with conditions at upper levels in the Southern Hemi-
sphere ha ve been published: "A Meridional Aerological
normals computed for periods as long as a month con-
Cross Section in the Southwest Pacific" by F. Loewe and tain smoothing sufficient to obscure certain important
U. Radok, J. Meteor., 7:58-65 (1950); and "A Meridional shorter period variations. Most important of these is
Atmospheric Cross Section for an Oceanic Region" by J. W. the primary decline and subsequent rise of the mid-
Hutchings, J. Meteor., 7:94-100 (1950).-Ed. troposphere zonal westerlies which usually takes place

in February and March, the zonal index reaching a such a truly international observation year would not
minimum around the beginning of March. Clearly such appear to be prohibitive. A more modest though much
a minimum could not show up in monthly mean values less effective proposal would be to establish at least
such as are represented in Fig. 7. But averages corn- one meridional cross section from the Arctic to the
NORMAL INDICES There is also certain additional work which can be
(COMPLETE NORTHERN HEMISPHERE) accomplished with our present material which could
1 1 1 assist in a better definition of the character of the
general circulation. It must be remembered that the
1 1
POLAR EASTERLIES normal state of the general circulation is not something
> 6
which can be determined once and for all. It is some-
...J 4
1 1 thing toward which successive approximations must
1 1
be made. In the N orthern Hemisphere the rate of in-

o ZONAL WESTERLIES crease in aerological data over the past ten years has
been large. A stock-taking of our present rate of accu-

1 1 1 --!.. mulation of this material indicates that new monthly
1 1 1 1
SUB TROPICAL EASTERLIES 1 normal charts for upper levels should again be prepared.
This might be especially worth while in polar and sub-

tropical regions. It would appear that the present rate
of accumulation of aerological information would make
(/) o POLAR necessary the routine preparation of upper-level nor-
...J 12
mals at least every five years.
-r- r- r--
...._ ...._ ->-- ~
Physical Climatology of the General Circulation. The
large-scale pressure patterns and other features revealed
IJJ 6 by a study of the normal or average conditions of the
~ 4
aJ 2 general circulation are generally assumed to have defi-
o TEMPERATE nite physical significance in the sense that they repre-

o sent a stable stationary state of the circulation rather

1'- 10 -r-
t-.. than a haphazard combination of daily highs and lows.
r-- 1-
1 To the extent that this is true it is desirable to find
' ~ V logica! physical-mathematical definitions and explana-
SUB TROPICAL tions of these normal features, since they represent
J F M A M J J A S O N D J relatively simple states of the circulation which up to
FIG. 7.-Normal Northern Hemisphere monthly indices. the present have been easier to depict than individual
daily circulations.
puted from five-day mean charts worked up for ten- A striking feature of the normal charts for the North-
day intervals during the six years 1944-49 (when reliable ern Hemisphere [30] are the very long waves of finite
upper-air data were available) strongly suggest the amplitude at upper levels which are superimposed on
reality of this "global singularity." Another period of the circumpolar westerly current. While their amplitude
similar data (1932-39) worked up in part with the help increases with latitude and decreases with altitude in
of extrapolation techniques [59] also suggests the real- the troposphere, their wave lengths do not change
ity of this sharp dip in the normal zonal index. More markedly with either of these coordinates.
concerning this topic will be said in a following section. These waves have dimensions greater than those of
As pointed out earlier, the state of our knowledge of any other atmospheric wave systems. The smallest of
the observed normal state of the general circulation is them has a length of about 4000 mi and an amplitude
still quite inadequate. Our deficiencies lie particularly of about 550 mi, compared to a dimension of about
in the absence of a long period of record of upper-air 1000 mi for waves associated with extratropical cy-
data over large areas of the N orthern Hemisphere and clones. Other interesting features are the consistently
over most of the Southern Hemisphere. N ot much can larger wave lengths and amplitudes found over Asia as
be done for many years to remedy the "long-period" compared to those found over N orth America, and the
part of this deficiency. But it would appear well worth marked seasonal variations.
while to obtain, if only for one year, a reasonably com-
Some of these features appear to be explained at least
plete series of daily soundings well into the stratosphere
covering the entire world. From this material many of qualitatively by the simple theory of conservation of
our blind spots would be cleared up. It might even be vorticity as applied to planetary waves. Thus Hossby
possible to link up interactions between the circulations in 1939 [44] was the first to explain on a theoretical
of the hemispheres. Also, secrets of behavior of atmos- hasis how a system of waves could be superimposed on
pheric circulation might conceivably be easier to find the circumpolar band of westerlies, with troughs and
in the Southern Hemisphere where topographically pro- ridges located in fixed geographical regions. He ex-
duced distortions are comparatively lacking. In terms plained the anchoring of certain wa ves on the basis of
of modern ex:penditures for scientific work the cost of distortions of the westerly flow due to north-south ori-

ented solenoidal fields at coast lines. More recently a a system of free stationary waves of constant wave
similar role has been ascribed to mountain barriers. length in such a current is to have a distribution of
By the use of Rossby's now classical formula, 3 plus divergence such that in the lower layers there is mass
the normal strength of the westerly flow, theoretical convergence east of the trough lines and mass diver-
stationary wave lengths may be computed for each gence to the west. At high levels they postulate the
season for N orth America and Asia. The smallest of reverse distribution of divergence. Now the average
these bas a length of 2500 mi, considerably larger than level of nondivergence bas been estimated to be at
the dimensions of the average cyclone. Also, the seasonal roughly 16,000 fl. Thus, the assumption of nondiver-
variation of theoretical and observed stationary wave gence at the 10,000-ft level, roade in deriving the classi-
lengths is similar over North America. However, the cal wave formula, is not valid. The distribution of
observed waves are considerably longer than the theo- divergence postulated above bas the effcct of increasing
retical waves. In view of the fact that average zonal the stationary wave length.
wind speeds over the Eastern Hemisphere are somewhat Charney and Eliassen [11, 12] have shown that the
lower than those over the Western, it becomes difficult effects of topography, surface friction, and baroclinity
to explain the larger observed wave lengths over Asia. can ali be expressed in terros of divergence at upper
Among the many factors responsible for these dis- levels. It is therefore desirable to obtain an estiroate
crepancies perhaps the roost obvious is that the conti- of the normal fields of divergence. An atteropt along
nents, in contrast to the oceans, interpose not merely this line bas been roade for the 10,000-ft level by the
one narrow obstacle in the path of the westerly flow but authors [37] and a sample of the results for February is
a whole series of more or less continuous obstacles of shown in Fig. 8.

Fw. 8.- Normttl field of divergence at 10,000 ft for Februa ry. Thin cu rved lines are isoba rs for 5-mb intervals; heavy curves,
divergence for intervals of 5 X 10-7 sec- 1 (Fmm N amias and Clapp [37].)

varying importance ali the way around the globe. Thus, The large-scale features within the belt of strongest
at best, we must regard the observed flow pattern as a westerlies indicated in Fig. 8 show regions of maximum
heterogeneous combination of wayes set up by each of divergence to the west and convergence to the east of
the numerous obstructions. Precisely this line of attack the trough lines, in partial confirmation of the Bjerknes-
has been taken by Charney and Eliassen [12]. Holmboe theory [4] mentioned above. Another note-
Perhaps the most important reason for the discrep- worthy finding (not illust rated here) is the increasing
ancies is t hat the atmosphere is baroclinic so that the strength of t he divergence fields from winter to summer
westerly winds increase with height. As shown by accompanying subtropical highs while the fields asso-
Bjerknes and Holroboe [4], the only way to maintain ciated with the circumpolar westerlies are weakening.
The effect of topography is also apparent from Fig. 8.
3. L , = 2".yU /{3, where U is the zonal wind speed (index), As air is lifted over t he Rocky Mountain chain from
L, the stat.ionary wave length, and {3 the northward rat e of Alaska to Mexico, it is subjected to vertical shrinking
change of the Coriolis parameter. (horizontal divergence), and as it sinks down the eastern

slopes it is subjected to vertical stretching (horizontal study, Winston and Aubert, 4 estimating the effects of
convergence). A similar phenomenon is observed in vertical mot ion, find that W exler's method appears to
August but is interrupted at lower latitudes by the give good estimates of total heating in regions where this
upper-level anticyclone over the United States. Similar heating or cooling is large. Thus, while part of the heat
charts, prepared for other levels, might throw consider- gain shown over eastern North America in Fig. 9 may be
able light on many problems of the dynamics of the attributed to adiabatic warming through subsidence,
general circulation. it is not possible to explain in this manner the centers
If the normal fields of divergence at 10,000 ft are of strong heating appearing off the coasts of the con-
fairly representative of the average divergence in lower tinents. Apparently these represent heat sources in-
atmospheric levels where there are no mountains, it is strumental in driving the circulation of the N orthern
possible to obtain some idea of the normal fields of Hemisphere. Similar reasoning applied to other areas
vertical motion. Thus there is probably a region of suggests that the regions of cooling over the north-
gradual subsidence over the eastern United States and eastern parts of oceans are heat sinks, while subsidence
a region of gradual ascent over most of the Atlantic. accounts for the apparent heat sources over the south-
Similar regions are indicated over the Pacific. The charts eastern Atlantic and Pacific.
also indicate subsidence in eastern portions of the sub- The studies discussed above do not consider individ-
tropical highs and ascent in western portions, conclu- ual heating processes affecting the circulation, for
sions which are in good agreement with the Bjerknes example, radiation, condensation, sensible heat ex-
subtropical models [5] and with observed precipitation change with the earth's surface, and mixing. Contri-
regimes. butions to these aspects of the problem have been roade
by Jacobs [25, 26] who calculated for the air overlying
It is recognized that in order .to obtain a complete
oceanic regions the normal seasonal heating due to
explanation of the normal state of the general circula-
condensation and to sensible heat exchange with the
tion it is necessary to locate and determine the magni- surface. Jacobs found that the air was being heated
tude of the sources of heat and moisture in the entire from below in both the western and the northeastern
world's atmosphere, for it is these sources which supply portions of the oceans. The amounts of heating he found
the necessary energy to drive the atmospheric heat are in general agreement with the total heating as given
engine. Some of the most recent work on this topic has by Wexler only in the western portions, but in the
been done by Wexler [54] and by Jacobs [25, 26]. northeastern portions W exler's values (showing net

+200 "

.. r-

""< ..

1( ..o )<
,.,;il' 120 LOSS
+ +
FIG. 9.-Regions of normal heat gain and loss for the layer from sea level to 10,000 ft for February. (Ajter Wex ler [54].)

Using data for the Northern Hemisphere, Wexler cooling) must be accounted for in some other manner,
estimated the normal regions of heating and cooling of perhaps by radiation or mixing. Indeed the importance
the air in the layer between sea level and 10,000 ft for of horizontal mixing in cooling northward-moving air
the months of February (Fig. 9) and August. As Wex-
4. Part of the work of this continuing project at the Ex-
ler points out, more exact values of the total heat gain
tended Forecast Section of the U. S. Weather Bureau will be
or loss would be possible if the effects of vertical motion published short ly. A furt her study is being made of normal
were considered. But the quantitative evaluation of this and anomalous sources and sinks for other monthf' and other
t.erm is difficult. In an attempt to extend W exler's levels.

masses in the northeastern oceans is strongly suggested the normal map computed from a long series of data
by the work of Elliott and Smith [21]. achieves a certain character.
In studying the sources and transformations of atmos- The variations of the circulation about its normal,
pheric moisture Jacobs showed that the greatest evapo- considering weekly or monthly mean charts, is far
ration in winter takes place over western oceans. Ac- greater than that which one would obtain if the cir-
cording to him this latent heat appears to be released culation types followed each other in purely random
to the atmosphere largely in the eastern portions of the sequence. This fact is reflected in the amazingly large
oceans where condensation reaches its maximum. variability of means for a month, year, or decade and
Another method of investigating the availability of probably for stiU longer periods up to the ice ages, as
moisture for atmospheric processes resulted from the stressed by Willett [58] and Tannehill [49].
technique of isentropic analysis. By this means Namias The observed sequence of types in any particular
and Wexler [55] were able to construct monthly mean month or season more often than not takes the form of
isentropic charts for summer over the United States an alternation between two or more mid-tropospheric
and thereby indicate the normal upper-level sources of flow patterns, one of which persistently recurs and
moisture. Unfortunately, due more to the discontinu- dominates the mean over longer periods. It is presum-
ance of the isentropic technique than to the lack of ably this persistent recurrence which led the Mul-
upper-air data, such charts for other areas and seasons tanovsky School of long-range forecasting [39] to draw
have not been constructed. conclusions with regard to "natural synoptic periods,"
The transport of various meteorologica! quantities to the opposition of types between natural periods, and
by methods other than isentropic analysis has received to the relative constancy of length of the natural period
considerable attention in recent years. Thus, Priestley during one "synoptic season."5
[41] has suggested a systematic study of the transport Some idea of the weekly variations of the strength
of heat, moisture, and momentum through the use of of the zonal circulation at sea level may be obtained
radiosonde and radiowind measurements at a large from Fig. 10. The absolute variations at higher eleva-




29 13 21 1024 1 21 1 21 4 a 2 16 30 13 21 11 25 8 22 5 19 3 11 31 14 2a12 26 9 23 s 20 6 2o 3 11 1 15
BEGINNING 1936 1937 1938
Fw. 10.-Weekly averages of zonal westerlies index, November 1936-May 1938.

network of individual stations. The importance of the tions appear to increase up to the level of the jet stream,
transport and convergence of momentum and heat in but the percentage variation of normal strength is
producing local wind accelerations has been stressed by probably quite similar at alllevels. If the average zonal
Namias and Clapp [38] and by Starr [48]. More study wind speed for the hemisphere is considered as a whole
can profitably be made of the significance of thermal and for weekly periods, this variation is of the order of
convergence in producing local transformations of en- 50-150 per cent of the normal speed. Regional and
ergy. shorter-period variations may, of course, exceed these
values, and localized jet streams reaching three times
NONSEASONAL (IRREGULAR) VARIATIONS their normal value have been recorded. There is some
IN THE GENERAL CIRCULATION suggestion in the distribution of zonal indices of mid-
Qualitative Synoptic Studies. The "normal" state of troposphere that the irequency curve of index values
the general circulation, as shown by normal hemisphere is skewed in a direction such that high values (relative
maps, is one which is never strictly encountered in any to normal) are less frequent than low. Perhaps this is
given daily map nor, for that matter, in any weekly suggestive of an atmospheric braking mechanism
mean or monthly mean. Indeed, the normal map is whereby some form of stability permits very low zonal
composed of the averages of circulations which appear wind speeds to persist but kills off unusually fast
remarkably different from week to week and even be- currents.
tween corresponding months of different years. In any
given region, however, there appears to be a preferred 5. Consult "General Aspects of Extended-Range Fore-
circulation type for a given month or season, so that casting" by J. Namias, pp. 802-813 in this Compendium.

The variation in speed of the zonal circulation may changes go on somewhat as follows: In the initial stage
also be treated from the standpoint of the maximum (illustrated schematically in Fig. 11) there are extensive
index, or the values of zonal wind speed taken at what- zones of confluence where deep cold polar and warm
ever latitude the maximum speed is reached. While the
nature of the speed variations thus treated is similar
to those taken between fixed latitudes, this form of
treatment brings out some important additional in-
formation indicating that some of the highest speeds
are reached when the jet is found at low latitudes. It
also brings to light latitudinal variations in the position
of the jet stream about the normal which are amazingly
large. Even if averaged over the hemisphere for periods
as long as a month, this variation can be as large as 20
of latitude during one season. For shorter periods, and
particularly for selected regions, the latitudinal varia-
tion of the jet stream can be much greater. Regional
jet streams have been apparently observed in areas
ranging from the pole almost to the equator.
To the extent that we may speak of the maximum
high-level zonal current averaged over the hemisphere
as a jet stream, we may summarize the foregoing re-
FIG. IL-Schematic representation of successive circula-
marks by saying that there are large day-to-day, week- tion patterns of the index cycle. The time interval from
to-week, and month-to-month variations in the strength Stage 1 to Stage 4 is about two weeks.
and latitude of the jet stream. The latitudinal variations
may be looked upon fundamentally as an expansion tropical air masses a:~;e forced to flow side by side, asso-
and contraction of the circumpolar vortex toward or ciated with filaments of regional jet streams to the east
away from the pole. of the zones of confluence. In Stage 2 the waves, per-
The regional variations in the latitude and perhaps haps through some form of relative motion associated
in the strength of the jet stream are associated with the with a nonstationary wave length, have combined into
wave patterns in the circumpolar vortex which were, deep fulllatitude troughs and ridges. This combination
to some extent, treated in a foregoing section. Ideally permits vast meridional transports of deep polar and
these long waves are generally looked upon as a simple tropical air. Stage 3 results from a refracture of the
wave pattern in the upper troposphere and lower strato- troughs at high and low latitudes, again perhaps in an
sphere with from four to six meridionally extensive attempt to readjust wave lengths to equilibrium values.
ridges and troughs around the hemisphere. The ob- The cold polar air masses brought equatorward and the
served wave patterns are rarely if ever so ideal, and a warm currents which were delivered to polar regions by
more accurate description would be that there are the in-phase troughs and ridges now have no return
generally two (sometimes more) different families of passage to their source regions-that is, the evolution
waves in different latitude bands. These two wave of the flow patterns is now in the direction of trapping
trains may, and usually do, possess different wave both the equatorial air in the north and polar air in the
lengths (in degrees of longitude) and hen ce around the south. Finally, in Stage 4 the cold pools (Kaltlufttropfen)
hemisphere there may be a different number of waves in the subtropics and the warm pools in the subpolar
in higher latitude bands than in lower latitude bands. regions take on characteristic cyclonic and anticyclonic
For this reason, too, the waves in the two bands are cellular circulations. In these schematic models it will
frequently out of phase. These remarks pertain equally be noted that certain asymmetry and tilt of the troughs
well to daily, weekly, or monthly mean maps. and ridges are introduced where necessary to bring
When the jet stream of the circumpolar vortex is well about the advection of momentum required to maintain
to the north of its normal position, the ridges and the westerlies in the manner postulated. Jeffreys [27]
troughs are generally strongly tilted in a northeast- and lately Starr [48] have emphasized the importance
southwest direction or even fractured as indicated in of such asymmetry as related to the transfer of mo-
Fig. 11, Stage 1. When the waves get into phase (i.e., mentum.
when the troughs and ridges are more or less merid- This idealized sequence of events generally does not
ionally extensive) the latitude of the jet stream usually take place simultaneously in all parts of the hemisphere.
lowers but does not reach its lowest value. This posi- However, when such a development on a large scale
tion is reached only after the entire character of the takes place in one region, it is often followed by similar
hemispheric upper-tropospheric circulation is radically reactions in other regions. This transition of the cir-
altered to a cellular rather than a wavelike structure. culation wherein deep cold cyclones are ultimately
The explanation of this fundamental change in charac- formed at low latitudes and deep warm anticyclones
ter, in spite of its enormous importance to meteorology, are formed at high latitudes is referred to as blocking.
is not yet known. However, in following the develop- The most commonly observed behavior of blocking
ment of such transitions it often appears that the action is a progressively westward development of re-

gionally low-index circulation patterns at a variable ture contrasts; and (d) development of strong troughs and
speed which synoptic experience suggests may be of ridges in the circumpolar vortex and jet stream, with cutting
the order of 60 of longitude per week. At the surface off of warm highs in the higher latitudes and cold cyclones in
in the area of blocking, pronounced anticyclogenesis the lower latitudes.
(or cyclolysis) is observed in higher latitudes, while (4) Initial increase of sea-level index pattern, character-
ized by (a) a gradual increase of the sea-level zonal westerlies
wave cyclones are forced to skirt the perimeter of the with an open wave pattern aloft in the higher latitudes; (b)
developing high-latitude anticyclone, either northward a gradual dissipation of the low-latitude cyclones, and a
west of the developing upper-level ridge at high lati- merging of the higher-latitude anticyclones into the sub-
tude,-:, or southeastward into the cold developing vortex tropical high-pressure belt; (c) a gradual cooling in the polar
of southern latitudes. A good description of the evolu- regions and heating of the cold air masses at low latitudes to
tion of the day-to-day westerly waves in the mid-tropo- re-establish a normal poleward temperature gradient in the
sphere westerlies [2] during blocking is that they appear higher latitudes; and (d) dissipation of the high-level cyclonic
to become progressively shorter and increase in ampli- and anticyclonic cells, with a gradual re-establishment of the
tude as the scene of the blocking action is approached. circumpolar vortex jet stream in the higher latitudes.
In this respect they may be likened to waves advancing While the index cycle described above appears to
on to a beach, or to the pleats in an accordion. be recognized in its essential character during most
W estward progression of characteristic circulation winters, its precise form of operation, time of onset,
features, while by no means rare, does not appear to and even its length and intensity are subject to ap-
be as common as eastward progression. Thus a sudden preciable variations. Extensive studies directed along
increase in amplitude of a wave system in N orth these specific lines appear to be long overdue. A begin-
America may be shortly followed by a similar increase ning on this problem [35] was made with the help of
over the Atlantic and Europe. The speed at which this hemisphere-wide upper-air coverage obtained during
readjustment occurs often exceeds that of the zonal the six-year period 1944-49. These data suggested the
speed of the air particles-a fact which of late has re- following conclusions:
ceived considerable attention from theoreticians [43, 1. There is a strong preference for the winter's pri-
61] following its discovery in synoptic practice [36]. mary index cycle to occur in February and March, the
The transition in temperate latitudes from strong minimum index occurring around the beginning of
to weak zonal circulation and back again has been March, and the beginning and end points being re-
referred to as the index cycle. On the hasis of a careful moved by about three weeks from the minimum.
synoptic and statistica! study of seven years of North- 2. The total momentum of the mid-troposphere west-
ern Hemisphere data, Willett [45] has given a descrip- erlies around the hemisphere tends to reach a certain
tion of the index cycle which can hardly be improved value characteristic of the season, and it is only the
upon. His statements follow: distribution of this momentum with latitude that varies.
Hence the low index of temperate latitudes really con-
.. .four principal states of the index cycle are recognized, sists of a displacement of the "high-index" strong
each of which can be briefly characterized essentially as westerlies (farther southward).
(1) Initial high index (strong sea-level zonal westerlies), 3. Each primary index cycle is usually associated at
characterized by (a) sea-level westerlies strong and north of its onset with a strong wave of Atlantic blocking, with
their normal position, long wavelength pattern aloft; (b) a tendency to form warm anticyclones in high lati-
pressure systems oriented east-west, with strong cyclonic tudes and cold cyclones in low latitudes. However, the
activity only in higher latitudes; (c) maximum latitudinal blocking appears to be only a necessary and not a
temperature gradient in the higher middle latitudes, little sufficient condition for a primary index cycle.
air mass exchange; and (d) the circumpolar vortex and jet 4. The intensity of long index cycles appears to be
stream expanding and increasing in strength, but still north largely determined by the reservoir of cold air in polar
of the normal seasonallatitude. regions preceding their onset.
(2) Initiallowering of sea-level high-index pattern, charac-
These four statements appear to be sufficiently
terized by (a) diminishing sea-level westerlies moving to lower
latitudes, shortening wave-length pattern aloft; (b) appear- backed by empirica! evidence to be considered in any
ance of cold continental polar anticyclones in high latitudes, theoretical treatment of the problem of the evolution
strong and frequent cyclonic activity in middle latitudes; of the radically different states of the general circula-
(c) maximum latitudinal temperature gradient becoming tion. A qualitative treatment along these lines has been
!!oncentrated in the lower middle latitudes, strong air mass given [35]. The reader is referred to this paper since the
exchange in the lower troposphere in middle latitudes; and presentation of theories lies outside the scope of this
(d) maximum strength of the circumpolar vortex and jet article. Other earlier attempts to explain the index
stream reached near or south of the normal seasonallatitude. cycle have been given by Rossby and Willett [45].
(3) Lowest sea-level index pattern, characterized by (a) The index cycle, consuming about six weeks, is natu-
complete breakup of the sea-level zonal westerlies in the low
rally not the only important period of evolution of
latitudes into closed cellular centers, with corresponding
breakdown of the wave pattern aloft; (b) maximum dynamic radically different circulation patterns. Indeed for many
anticyclogenesis of polar anticyclones and deep occlusion of years thc problem of monthly mean, seasonal, and even
stationary cyclones in middle latitudes, and north-south secular large-scale circulation anomalies has been of
orientation of pressure cells and frontal systems; (c) maxi- paramount eoncern to meteorologists. While such evo-
mum east-west rather than north-south air mass and tempera- lutions undoubtedly lie in the province of "Observed

~tudies of General Circulation Pattems," it would ap- certainly not expected from theory. While no satis-
pear that the principal treatment of this vast subject factory explanation for this discrepancy has yet been
belongs elsewhere in this Compendium. 6 found, it may be due in part to a possible interdepend-
Before we leave the subject, however, a few pertinent ence of wave length and zonal index [13] or, as Cressman
remarks are in order. First, it appears from actual stud- [14] indicates, to the small variability of the zonal index
ies that the choice of the length of period does not essen- which cannot produce changes in displacement larger
tially change the character of the problem of than the errors of measurement.
fundamental oscillations of circulations from high- to Because of this finding, empirica! formulas were de-
low-index states. In fact, there is evidence to suggest rived by considering that displacement is a simple linear
(Willett [57], Tannehill [49]) that the longer the period, function of wave length. This is equivalent to substi-
the correspondingly greater the interperiod variability tuting the average or normal value for zonal wind speed
compared with what might be expected if the variations in the theoretical displacement formula and then as-
were random in character. Secondly, experience with suming that the range in wave length is small in com-
monthly mean charts over the past eight years suggests parison to its average magnitude.
an evolution which is not entirely chaotic and which The latest unpublished studies of this kind show that
indeed appears capable of kinematic and possibly physi- the stationary wave lengths (the wave lengths observed
cal rationalization [31, 34]. The kinematic aspects were when trough displacement is zero) for North America
pointed out as early as 1926 by Brooks [8]. are roughly the same as the normal wave lengths ob-
In short, the problem of the index cycle and its evo- tained from normal upper-level charts. This means that
lution would appear to be an integral part of any theory when the wave lengths found on individual five-day
of secular, climatic, and geological (i.e., ice-age) varia- mean charts exceed the normal value, the waves will
tions of world weather-a fact repeatedly stressed by tend to retrograde (move westward) while they will
Willett [58]. be progressive (move eastward) if the observed wave
Quantitative Empirica! Studies. The qualitative be- lengths are smaller.
havior of large-scale circulation pattems described It was previously suggested that seasonal variations
above is obviously of sufficient interest to justify more of the normal wave lengths could be accounted for by
objective quantitative studies. Such studies have two seasonal changes in the zonal index. But there are also
basic purposes: to provide empirical formulas for pre- pronounced geographical variations. Thus the station-
dicting the motion and development of large-scale cir- ary wave lengths for the Atlantic are found to be shorter
culation features, and to fumish the theoretical meteor- than those for North America, suggesting that for the
ologist with quantitative evidence for supporting or same wave length, displacements in an easterly direc-
extending his theories. Since the forecasting aspects of tion are slower over the Atlantic. This better agreement
these studies are treated elsewhere,D we shall treat here with the theoretical wave formula indicates that waves
only the theoretical implications. over fiat ocean areas more closely approximate free
One investigation of this sort, involving the motion perturbations.
of long waves at different latitudes, was roade by the The empirical studies also show a systematic decrease
authors with the aid of two-and-a-half years of five-day of wave speed with time. This may be a purely statis-
mean 700-mb charts [36]. This study was an attempt to tic,al result, but a possible physical explanation may lie
verify and make use of the simple theory of planetary in the Rossby wave formula in which a decrease in wave
wave motion based on the principle of conservation speed may result from a systematically increasing wave
of absolute vorticity [44]. length. It has been suggested [36] that such an increase
From this material it was found that while there is in wave length as troughs move eastward may be due
positive (but far from perfect) correlation between ob- to the tendency for certain troughs and ridges to be
served and theoretically computed displacements of fixed because of topographical or solenoidal effects.
selected trough systems, observed waves usually travel For example, the length between a trough moving
much faster than the speed given by the vorticity the- eastward over the Mississippi Valley and a ridge fixed
ory, thereby making necessary large empirica! correc- to the Rocky Mountain area must continually increase,
tions. The reason for this discrepancy seems to lie in resulting in a deceleration.
part in the fields of divergence accompanying observed Perhaps a more universal explanation for systematic
waves, whereas the theoretical formula is based on the changes in wave length has been offered by Cressman
assumption of no divergence. This problem, as it affects [15], who has adapted the theory of group velocity to
the stationary wave length, was discussed in the section changes in wave length of individual systems. Synoptic
of this article dealing with physical climatology. evidence, on both daily and five-day mean charts, ap-
Of considerable importance is the empirica! finding pears to support his conclusion that if the wave length
that when wave length and zonal wind speed are con- increases in an upstream direction the eastemmost wave
sidered separately there appears no significant relation- will slow down, while the opposite distribution of wave
ship between wind speed and displacement. This was length willlead to acceleration.
In investigating other parameters besides wave length
6. See, for example, the discussion in "Solar Energy Vari- which might be related to displacement, it was found
ations as a Possible Cause of Anomalous Weather Changes" that the shape of the wave was often quite important
by R. A. Craig aud H. C. Willett, pp. 379-390. [13]. Thus, if the wave amplitude to the west of a given

trough is greater than that to the east, the trough will of a similar nature should be made for other levels aud
tend to move faster than expected from the empirica] areas besides N orth America, to which the above study
wave formula. The opposite result is often obtained applies.
if the amplitude to the east is greater.
Studies of trough motion similar to those above have
been made with the aid of constant absolute vorticity 1- J
1_ 1 1
14 M SEC 1 1
trajectories [42]. The theory, which gives an estimate ~ 85
...--. \ \

of the paths of individual air parcels, is based on the w 80 \

conservation of absolute vorticity just as in the wave (!)

~ 75
1~ \ ~
......, ~~ M SEC-I _ -
theory, but avoids many of the latter's assumptions.
For example, local wind speeds are used in place of a
:5 70 10
j--...., / 1 ~4
fictitious uniform zonal wind, aud the assumption of l/ (
~ 65
small perturbations is avoided, so that estimates of wave
1 1 "....
\ MIN.

amplitude may be obtained. However, a new assump- w

g 5~ 1 11/ 1
tion that the speeds of individual air parcels remain 1-.
~ 50
1 11 1 MAX. \
constant is introduced.
Using this theory, Bortman [6] obtained empirica]
{, 1~ 1~
15 14
-10 o 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120130
corrections (for each season aud several geographical 1/2 WAVE LENGTH ( LONGITUOE)
areas) to the "first characteristic points." These are the
first trough or ridge points following the infiection point
of the vorticity path at which the computation is made.
~ s~c- J. 1. ~ l _1_ 1 ~1 .1
;: 90 16
The results were quite similar to those using the wave 1~
~j2\ 226;2f-?/2j7~/ 40

formula in that large eastward empirica! corrections

z ~F"
1 '/J/;
85 1-14-~---- ......_
were found for the theoretical trough points over east- w
(!) 80 - 1 2 r----. ' ~"'\ 1

em N orth America, indicating that the theoretical o

ii: 75 -1--10 ""\\ 11
III/ /;V 1 /
trough speeds are too low. Also, there is a positive corre- .... ""'" f'\.\\\ 1 1 r/~11 /
6 "'"' '\ \\
lation between theoretical aud observed wave speeds. o 70
Corrections are generally less over ocean than over laud
~ 65
8 1
'/11/F !/
areas. Of special interest are the corrections in the
w 60 "'\
""""' \ \ IJ~!I!J 'ijj 1
westem Rocky Mountain area, where both trough aud
ridge points give evidence of strong divergence as a
~ 55
\\ rl/k lj 1

\ 1
vm VI/fi
result of lifting. The study thereby emphasizes the
:::i '/ /
~ 50
importance of geographical aud climatological features <[ ,t 1 1//1 11111 60 M sEc-
on the behavior of long waves. -10 o 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130
Another unpublished empirica! study of wave motion (bl
on five-day mean 700-mb charts [7] over N orth America FIG. 12.-(a) Observed relationship between wave length,
amplitude, and wind speed for waves whose minimum latitude
attempts to make use both of the theory of planetary is 45N, from five-day mean 700-mb charts for the years
waves and that of constant vorticity trajectories. Thus, 1941-47. (b) Theoretical relationship between wave length,
amplitude, and wind speed for waves whose minimum latitude
following a suggestion by Cressman [14], the wave is 45N, using the Bellamy vorticity slide rule. (From Bortman
length aud wind speed of observed waves were measured [7].)
along the streamlines (or isobars) rather than along
fixed latitude circles. Amplitudes were measured in the One of the basic difficulties of all studies treated so
same manner. These three parameters were then re- far is that they require the identification from map to
lated by graphical correlation methods to the observed map of various characteristic points or lines (highs,
trough displacements at 45N. Such a procedure is an lows, troughs, or ridges). Because of the complexity of
empirica! attempt to take cognizance of the jet stream, atmospheric behavior this is not always easy. This
which tends to follow the streamline fiow. The results suggests that a more profitable empirica] (or theoreti-
show not only the expected relationship between wave cal) approach is to study local changes in various
length and displacement, but indicate that amplitude meteorologica! quantities, since this does not involve
and to a certain extent wind speed are also significant the troublesome problem of continuity. To a certain
parameters. The most interesting result was the signifi- extent the vorticity paths are designed to do this, aud
cant positive correlations found among all three in- such use has been made of them by Dorsey aud Brier
dependent parameters. The relationships among wave [19] aud by Fultz [23].
length, amplitude, and wind speed for small aud inter- Dorsey and Brier, using selected trajectories made on
mediate values of wave length were found to be quali- daily synoptic 10,000-ft charts, compared the theoreti-
tatively the same as those to be expected from the cally computed wind speeds aud directions with those
theory of constant vorticity tra.jectories, while for larger observed at the same points at intervals of 24 hr up to
wave lengths the agreement was poor (Fig. 12). The seven days in advance. Among their interesting results
explanation for this discrepancy has not yet been found is the finding that trajectories are likely to be more
but when found it should aid in seeking an understand- successful when made in a well-defined fast fiow. It was
ing of the observed behavior of planetary waves. Studies also found that if the trajectory verified well for the

first 24 hr it was more likely to be good for subsequent teorology has always been a fertile field for statistics.
time intervals. In spite of the obvious advantage of It contains numbers of observations perhaps equal to or
avoiding the necessity for determining continuity, it is in excess of those in any science. The number of com-
felt that this method, unlike that used by Bortman [6] binations of elements making use of different places and
places too heavy requirements on the theory, and makes different time intervals is well nigh infinite. Partly for
the determination of empirical corrections difficult. this reason, meteorology has encouraged the use of the
A similar study has been made by Fultz [23] who correlation technique for discovering significant rela-
also used trajectories computed on daily 10,000-ft tionships between meteorologica! elements or between
charts, and in addition estimated the true trajectory of one and the same element in space or intime. While this
the air parcels. Such a method could obviously lead to statistica! procedure has its secure place in meteor-
quantitative empirical corrections to the vorticity paths ologica! research, it has probably been the cause of
in many different geographical areas. However, the more heated controversy among meteorologists than
number of cases studied by Fultz was small (largely any other research tool. Owing to the amazingly large
because of the length of time necessary to compute true mass of correlations to be found in the literature and
paths) and the corrections were apparently so complex the lack of general agreement as to tests of significance
that the author confined his practical results to a to apply to such statistics, it becomes exceedingly dif-
number of valuable qualitative rules. ficult at this time to portray or evaluate the role of sta-
Among recent studies designed to avoid the problems tistica! studies of the general circulation. Perhaps the
of determining continuity perhaps the most important most indefatigable worker along these lines has been
is the work of Charney and Eliassen [11, 12] mentioned Sir Gilbert Walker, whose statistica! studies of con-
previously. This represents a considerable refinement temporaneous and lag correlations form the hasis of
of the simple planetary wave formula particularly as it many interesting and informative papers [52]. For the
applies to the determination of local pressure (or height) most part these papers have been reviewed at length
changes. Several empirica! studies are currently under- elsewhere [40] and thus the present brief survey will
way to test and expand this theory. not attempt to treat this work but instead will con-
Before concluding this brief review of quantitative centrate on the work of Willett [57, 59] who, perhaps
studies of circulation patterns it is necessary to say a next to Walker, has given the atmosphere its most
few words about the accuracy that has been attained. vigorous statistica! workout. Besides, Willett had the
It must be confessed that in spite of the fact that they distinct advantage of having hemisphere-wide maps
seem to fit into a logica! pattern which can be explained at the surface and aloft and could thereby obtain inte-
on physical grounds, these empirica! results represent grated indices of the general circulation \Vhich W alker
only the average behavior of circulation features. For had to estima te by values of elements chosen at selected
example, the largest correlation coefficient found be- points. Moreover, Willett's work is of particular in-
tween theoretical and observed wave displacement rep- terest inasmuch as it ties in with, and indeed, forms
resents a degree of success accounting for perhaps only some of the hasis of, the material discussed in earlier
50 per cent of the variability of observed motions. These portions of this article.
meager results are probably due in part to the great The principal meteorologica! material upon which
complexity of the atmosphere which makes it impossible this work was based consists of daily analyzed charts
for any single factor, such as a wave length, a vorticity at sea level and at 10,000 ft over the entire N orthern
path, or a region of confiuence to be responsible for Hemisphere for the cold months of the year from Oc-
more than a small part of the subsequent circulation tober through March for the seven years 1932-39.
changes. Only by integrating in some way all the many From these charts, five-day mean maps were prepared
processes taking place throughout the whole atmosphere twice a week (so that there was one or two days overlap
can one hope to approximate a complete solution. Such between five-day periods) as well as a host of statistica!
a desirable goal can be obtained only through con- derivatives. A list of the complete number of these
tinued close collaboration between theoretical and syn- "indices" of the general circulation would in itself
optic meteorologists. occupy considerable space, even without the addition
Another contributing factor lies in the limits of ob- of the vast number of correlations computed between
servational accuracy. Because of instrumental errors, pairs of indices. The principal indices considered on a
sparseness of upper-air reports, and analytical diffi- hemisphere-wide scale can be relegated to three types:
culties it is not generally possible to define a trough or zonal, meridional, and solenoidal. The zonal indices
ridge at 45N any closer than about four degrees of have been defined on page 555.
longitude. Because of this one source of error (even The meridional indices used by Willett express the
supposing that a perfect linear relationship exists be- mean (over space and time) of the north-south com-
tween wave length and trough speed), the highest corre- ponent of geostrophic fiow averaged for each of the
lation that could be attained is -0.85. This result latitudes 30N, 45N, and 60N. This quantity was
suggests that in meteorology, as in other sciences, it is necessarily obtained from values taken from daily syn-
highly desirable to include in any quantitative compari- optic charts and, as in the case of the zonal indicef:>,
son of theoretical and empirica! findings a careful analy- was obtained for both sea-level and 10,000 ft.
sis of errors. The solenoidal index measures the poleward gradient
Statistica! Studies of the General Circulation. Me- of mean virtual temperature between sea level and

10,000 ft in the 20 latitude hand of greatest northward crease to relatively strong aloft, with a tendency to be dis-
rate of change. placed equatorward, that is, an intensified and expanded
With these indices (and many more) Willett pro- circumpolar vortex in the upper troposphere.
ceeded to look for contemporary and lag correlations, 3. Strong polar easterlies as a result of a relatively strong
after removing the seasonal trend. Ordinary linear sea-level polar anticyclone, which in turn is produced pri-
(Pearsonian) coefficients of correlation were computed marily from a weakening of the sub-tropical high pressure
from fifty-two overlapping five-day mean periods for
4. In middle latitudes a relatively strong meridional circu-
each six-month period (October-March) during each lation at sea-level which tends to weaken with hei~~:ht as the
of the seven years and for the seven years as a whole. zonal westerlies become relatively stronger.
The terms "significant" and "highly significant" were
applied to those correlations which had leRs than five The step from contemporaneous to lag correlations
per cent and less than one per cent probability, respec- involving features of the general circulation appears
tively, of occurring by chance. to be of a high order of difficulty. In earlier decades,
Of the contemporary correlations one of the most particularly the 1920's, a popular form of research
significant was the negative one ( -0.54) found with aimed at long-range forecasting consisted of correlat-
fair year-to-year consistency between the average pres- ing, with different lags, weather or circulation elements
sure along latitudes 70N and 35N. This negative at various points over one or both hemispheres. One
correlation is, on a global scale, the same phenomenon such ambitious program, undertaken at the U. S.
that Sir Gilbert W alker stressed in his N orth Atlantic Weather Bureau under Weightman [53], involved cor-
and N orth Pacific oscillations, when he pointed out relations between pressure, temperature, and rainfall
the opposing reactions of Aleutian and Icelandic lows for lags of three, six, and nine months. It was hoped
to North Pacific and Azores subtropical anticyclones, that these supposedly fact-finding and purely statistica!
respectively. These results stress the important fact studies would lead to a better understanding of the
that the polar-cap anticyclone grows at the expense (){ general circulation and provide a hasis for long-range
the subtropical highs, the shifts in mass being asso- weather forecasting. But the technique was apparently
ciated with an expanded circumpolar vortex of low too crude to bring to light any very revealing secrets
index described above on page 561. of the behavior and evolution of atmospheric circula-
Largely as a result of this negative correlation the sea- tion and concomitant weather. Similarly, in their vast
level polar easterlies correlate insignificantly with sea- undertaking Willett and his associates, working with
level zonal westerlies in spite of the fact that these two data described previously, were unable to detect any
indices possess the latitude 55N in common. But the reliable predictors of the general circulation in its zonal
sea-level polar easterlies correlate significantly and con- or meridional branches or in regional divisions, aside
sistently from year to year in a positive sense with the from a small degree of persistence. From these negative
zonal westerlies at the 10,000-ft level, indicating that results Willett [57] concluded that the general circu-
when the sea-level polar easterlies are strong, the pole- lation possessed no interna! mechanism of operation
ward temperature gradient in the 10,000-ft layer above and that there was apparently no one way that a sub-
the surface is also strong. This is also borne out by sig- sequent state could dynamically and thermodynami-
nificant negative correlation betweensolenoid index and cally evolve from an initial state. From this conclusion
zonal westerlies and positive correlation between sole- it was apparently not a difficult step for Willett to join
noid index and 10,000-ft westerlies. The correlation that"group of meteorologists who maintain that controls
between the strength of the maximum 3-km westerlies of nonseasonal variations in the general circulation lie
and their latitude, while not significant, is consistently in the sun. One can, of course, question the fundamental
negative from year to year, suggesting the observed premise upon which this latter conclusion was based.
fact that the jet stream at times intensifies as it expands Indeed, Willett himself is quite aware of the possibility
equatorward. that the correlation technique, applied as he has ap-
The meridional index computed for 45N shows a plied it, is too crude to unveil the secrets of a highly
tendency (though not quite significant) for strong merid- complex organism like the atmosphere. The restrictions
ional circulations to be associated with weak zonal placed upon correlation techniques by fixed time and
components. The meridional exchange at 45N also space intervals, in the opinion of the present authors,
appears to be related to the latitude of the maximum are much too severe to fasten upon an evasive atmos-
3-km westerlies, since a significant negative correla- phere notoriously resistant to strait jackets.
tion exists between these two quantities. Again this In this semiphilosophical question seems to lie one
reftects the meridional (e.g., cellular) character of the of the principal deficiencies of research in the problem
low-index pattern as compared with the high-index of general circulation. Admittedly, ali meteorologists
pattern. aim for objectivity. But in the quest for objectivity it is
From these correlations Willett [57] concludes that sometimes forgotten that adequate statistica! tools may
. . .the low index circulation pattern, in contrast to the high not yet be developed to treat many complex problems .
index pattern, is characterized by: The problems of time series, so common yet so annoy-
1. A relatively strong poleward temperature gradient, at ing to meteorology, serve as an example. It thus be-
least between sea-level and the 3-km level. hooves the meteorologist to encourage the development
2. Relatively weak zonal westerlies at sea-level which in- of statistica! tools which are by definition objective

and are at the same time not overly restrictive. Perhaps moisture, should be taken from high atmospheric levels.
the way out of this dilemma is offered by new electronic The idea of the "polar year" or "aerological days"
high-speed computing equipment. should be extended so that a global supply of data at
alllevels will be available for at least one year.
In the brief summary of recent work on the general REFERENCES
circulation presented above, three basic aspects have 1. Am WEATHER SERVICE, Northern Hemisphere Historical
been stressed. The first deals with what is known of the Weather Maps, Sea Level and 500 Millibar. October
observed fields of atmospheric mass and motion, both 1945 to September 1946 (to be completed through De-
in their normal state and in their week-to-week or cember 1948). Washington, D. C.
month-to-month variations. While there is a fair de- 2. BERGGREN, R., BoLIN, B., and RossBY, C.-G., "An Aero-
lineation of the pressure field in the N orthern Hemi- logical Study of Zonal Motion, Its Perturbations and
sphere and in the lower troposphere for a short period Break-Down." Tellus, Voi. 1, No. 2, pp. 14-37 (1949).
of years, there are considerably less systematic analyses 3. BERRY, F. A., JR., BoLLAY, E., and BEERS, N. R., ed.,
of wind and moisture on a hemispheric scale. The second Handbook of Meteorology. New York, McGraw, 1945.
(See pp. 451-453)
aspect concerns certain quantities such as divergence, 4. BJERKNES, J., and HoLMBOE, J., "On the Theory of Cy-
vertical motion, heat sources and sinks, transport of clones." J. Meteor., 1:1-22 (1944).
mass and momentum, and other factors which can be 5. BJERKNES, V., and others, Physikalische Hydrodynamik.
derived from the fundamental fields of wind and pres- Berlin, J. Springer, 1933. (See pp. 668-702)
sure. Finally, there has been some discussion of the 6. BoRTMAN, R. S., "Empirica! Corrections to Constant
physical interpretation of this great mass of observa- Absolute Vorticity Trajectories." Trans. Amer. geophys.
tions. It is this interpretation which provides a hasis Un., 29:324-330 (1948).
for long-range forecasting. 7. - - The Interrelationship of Wavelength, Amplitude, and
Much work remains to be done in all three aspects of Wind Speed in Upper-Air Flow Patterns. Unpubl. Rep.,
the problem, especially in the last. At present there is Extended Forecast ~ect., U. S. Weather Bureau, Wash-
ington, D. C., 1949.
no completely quantitative utilization of theoretical 8. BROOKS, C. E. P., "The Variation of Pressure fromMonth
findings in forecasting. Perhaps the closest approach to Month in the Region of the British Isles." Quart. J. R.
to this is confined to certain relatively simple applica- meteor. Soc., 52:263-276 (1926).
tions of the classical hydrodynamical concept of con- 9. - - and others, "Upper Winds over the World." Geophys.
servation of vorticity. This meager result is due largely Mem., No. 85, 149 pp. (1950).
to the fact that, just as in other sciences, advances in 10. CHARNEY, J. G., "On the Scale of Atmospheric Motions."
theoretical meteorology must go hand-in-hand with Geofys. Publ., Voi. 17, No. 2 (1948).
advances in observation. For example, there appears to 11. - - "On a Physical Basis for Numerica! Prediction of
be much promise in the application of electronic ma- Large-Scale Motions in the Atmosphere." J. Meteor.,
6:371-385 (1949).
chines and numerica! integration methods to the prob-
12. - - and ELIASSEN, A., "A Numerica! Method for Pre-
lem of short- and long-range forecasting. However, even dicting the Perturbations of the Middle Latitude West-
this will be of little avail unless it is accompanied by a erlies." Tellus, Voi. 1, No. 2, pp. 38-54 (1949).
better understanding of atmospheric processes through 13. CLAPP, P. F., Further Ernpirical Studies of Wave Motion in
more intensive studies of existing data and improvement the Westerlies. Unpubl. Rep., Extended Forecast Sect.,
in observational techniques. U. S. Weather Bureau, Washington, D. C., 1948.
In various places throughout the text the authors 14. CRESSMAN, G. P., "On the Forecasting of Long Waves in
have suggested several ways in which further progress the Upper Westerlies." J. Meteor., 5:44-57 (1948).
in observational studies can be roade. Perhaps the most 15. - - "Some Effects of W ave-Length Variations of the
important of these are the completion of the historical Long Waves in the Upper Westerlies." J. Meteor., 6:56-
60 (1949).
Northern Hemisphere map project for the war years
16. DEFANT, A., "DieZirkulationder Atmosphiire in den gems
1939 through 1945. With a complete and improved sigtenBreiten der Erde." Geogr. Ann., Stockh., 3:209-266
supply of historical data, further attempts can be roade (1921).
to obtain a more accurate picture than we now have of 17. DEUTSCHER WETTERDIENST, Current Da-ily Sea-Level an
the normal state of the circulation at many levels, and 500-Mb Analyses. Bad Kissingen, 1949 et seq.
to study such things as the characteristics of atmos- 18. DINES, W. H., "The Characteristics of the Free Atmos-
pheric waves and circulation indices. Clearly many phere." Geophys. Mern., 2:45--76 (1919).
other projects in addition to those mentioned can be 19. DoRSEY, H. G., JR., and BRIER, G. W., "An Investigation
suggested which will lead to better utilization of our of a Trajectory Method for Forecasting Flow Patterns
existing supply of data. at the Ten-Thousand-Foot Level." Res. Paper FR-08 in
A Collection of Reports on Extended Forecasting Research.
In addition to utilizing existing data more effectively,
U. S. Weather Bureau, Washington, D. C., 1944.
meteorologists have the responsibility of seeing that 20. DRYDEN, H. L., "A Review of the Statistica! Theory of
future supplies of hemispheric data are improved. This Turbulence." Quart. appl. Math., 1:7-42 (1943). (See p. 9)
improvement appears to be more necessary in quality 21. ELLIOTT, R. D., and SMITH, T. B., "A Study of the Effects
rather than in quantity. Thus, observational networks of Large Blocking Highs on the General Circulation of the
should be chosen so that. there is a more even distribu- Northern-Hemisphere Westerlies." J. Meteor., 6:67-85
tion over the globe. Observations, including winds and (1949).

22. FLOHN, H., "Grundztige der allgemeinen atmospharischen phere." Quart. J. R. meteor. Soc., 66 (Supp.) :68-87
Zirkulation auf der Siidhalbkugel." Arch. Meteor. (1940) o

Geophys. Biokl., (A) 2:17-64 (1950). 43. - - "On the Propagation of Frequencies and Energy in
23. FuLTZ, D., "Upper-Air Trajectories and Weather Fore- Certain Types of Oceanic and Atmospheric Waves."
casting." Dept. Meteor. Univ. Chicago, Misc. Rep., No. J. Meteor., 2:187-204 (1945).
19 (1945). 44. - - and CoLLABORATORS, "Relation between Variations in
24. HEss, S. L., "Some New Mean Meridional Cross Sections the Intensity of the Zonal Circulation of the Atmos-
through the Atmosphere." J. Meteor., 5:293-300 (1948). phere and the Displacements of the Semi-permanent
25. JACOBs, W. C., "Sources of Atmospheric Heat and Moisture Centers of Action." J. mar. Res., 2:38-55 (1939).
over the North Pacific and North Atlantic Oceans." 45. RossBY, C.-G., and WILLETT, H. C., "The Circulation of
Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci., 44:19-40 (1943). the Upper Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere."
26. - - "The Energy Acquired by the Atmosphere over the Science, 108:643-652 (1948).
Oceans through Condensation and through Heating 46. SERRA. A. B., Atlas de Meteorologia, 1873-1909. Rio de
from the Sea Surface." J. Meteor., 6:266-272 (1949). J anei ro, Servi~o de Meteorologia e Conselho N acional
27. JEFFREYS, H., "On the Dynamics of Geostrophic Winds." de Geografia, 1948.
Quart. J. R. meteor. Soc., 52:85-104 (1926). 47. SHAW, N., Manual of Meteorology. Vol. Il-Comparative
28. JoiNT METEOROLOGICAL CoMMITTEE, Daily Synoptic Series, Meteorology, 2nd ed. Cambridge, University Press, 1936.
Historical Weather M aps, N orthern H emisphere, Sea Level, 48. STARR, V. P ., "An Essay on the General Circulation of the
1899-1939. Washington, D. C. Earth's Atmosphere." J. Meteor., 5:39-43 (1948).
29. - - Daily Synoptic Series, Historical Weather Maps, 49. TANNEHILL, I. R., Draft Notes on Weather of Future Years.
Northern Hemisphere, 3,000 Dynamic Meters, 1933-1940. Mimeogr. Rep. U. S. Dept. of Commerce, Weather
Washington, D. C. Bureau, Washington, D. C., Part I, September 1944;
30. --Normal Weather. Maps, Northern Hemisphere, Upper Part II, May 1945.
Level. Washington, D. C., 1944. 50. U. S. WEATHER BuREAU, Normal Weather Maps, Northern
31. KLEIN, W. H., "The Unusual Weather and Circulation of Hemisphere, Sea-Level Pressure. Washington, D. C.,
the 1948-49 Winter." Mon. Wea. Rev. Wash., 7:99-113 1946.
51. - - Daily Series, Synoptic Weather Maps, Northern Hemi-
sphere, Sea-Level and 500-Millibar Charts with Synoptic
32. LETTAU, H., "Luftmassen und Energieaustausch zwischen
Data Tabulations. Washington, D. C., January 1949
niederen und hohen Breiten der Norhalbkugel wiihrend
et seq.
des Polarjahres 1932-1933." Beitr. Phys. frei. Atmos.,
52. WALKER, G. T., and Br.rss, E. W., "World Weather, IV-
23:45-84 (1936)
Some Applications to Seasonal Foreshadowing." Mem.

33. NAMIAs, J., Extended Forecasting by Mean Circulation

R. meteor. Soc., 3:81-95 (1930).
Methods. U. S. Weather Bureau, Washington, D. C., 1947.
53. WEIGHTMAN, R. H., "Preliminary Studies in Seasonal
34. - - "Evolution of Monthly Mean Circulation and Weather Weather Forecasting." Mon. Wea. Rev. Wash., Supp. 45
Patterns." Trans. Amer. geophys. Un., 29:777-788 (1948). (1941)

35. - - "The Index Cycle and Its Role in the General Circula- 54. WEXLER, H., "Determination of the Normal Regions of
tion." J. Meteor., 7:130-139 (1950). Heating and Cooling in the Atmosphere by Means of
36. - - and CLAPP, P. F., "Studies of the Motion and De- Data." J. Meteor., 1:23-28 (1944).
velopment of Long Waves in the Westerlies." J. Meteor., 55. - - and NAMIAS, J., "Mean Monthly Isentropic Charts
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Stream." J. Meteor., 6:330-336 (1949). 57. - - "Patterns of World Weather Changes." Trans. Amer.
39. PAGAVA, S. T., Basic Principles of the Synoptic Method of geophys. Un., 29:803-809 (1948).
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by Weather Information Service, Headquarters, Army 59. - - and others, Final Report of the W eather Bureau-
Air Forces.) M. I. T. Extended Forecasting Project for the Fiscal Year
40. PAGE, L. F., and others, "Reports on Critica! Studies of July 1, 1946-July 1, 1947. Mimeogr., Cambridge, Mass.,
Methods of Long-Range Weather Forecasting." Mon. 1947.
Wea. Rev. Wash., Supp. 39 (1939). 60. --Final Report of the Weather Bureau-M. I. T. Extended
41. PRIESTLEY, C. H. B., "Heat Transport and Zonal Stress Forecasting Project for the Fiscal Year July 1, 1948-June
between Latitudes." Quart. J. R. meteor. Soc., 75:28-40 30, 1949. Mimeogr., Cambridge, Mass., 1949.
(1949). 61. YEH, T.-c., "On Energy Dispersion in the Atmosphere."
42. RossBY, C.-G., "Planetary Flow Patterns in the Atmos- J. Meteor., 6:1-16 (1949).

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

INTRODUCTION of the study of one individual form of energy. In the

Theoretical hydrodynamics and thermodynamics last section the total energy balance is re-examined. It
furnish the basic equations of energy which in the end is of course true, as has already been stated, that it is
must describe the energy transformations which take also possible to study the global balance of other in-
place in the atmosphere. These equations in themselves dividual forms of energy such as geopotential and in-
are not capable of furnishing a sufficient rational ex- terna! heat energy. A beginning in this direction has
planation of the causes of atmospheric processes, but been made by Van Mieghem [10].
nevertheless provide a guide to systematic exploration
for purposes of finding empirically important facts con-
cerning the behavior of the atmosphere. Thus their General Considerations. One of the basic problems
utility is much enhanced if consideration is given to in the science of meteorology relates to the manner in
observational data. which thermal energy received by the atmosphere
The most important problem which confronts us in through short-wave solar radiation becomes in part
such an effort is therefore not one of merely stating the transformed into kinetic energy of motion relative to
several pertinent equations in a formally complete man- the rotating earth. Plausible estimates show that the
ner, but rather one of discussing atmospheric processes fraction of the total energy so transformed is very
as given by observations in terms of these relationships. small, but must nevertheless be sufficient to account
To this end the principles involved must be moulded for all air motions, in the absence of any other signifi-
and recast in such a form as to permit the desired appli- cant energy sources. Since the kinetic energy of orga-
cations tobe made. In this procedure the failure to give nized motions is continually degraded and ultimately
proper cognizance to the special circumstances charac- dissipated by turbulence and viscosity, the process of
teristic of the atmospheric processes dealt with can kinetic energy production must be a continuous one
only lead to endless complications and needless con- with, probably, certain fiuctuations about a mean rate
fusion. when the whole atmosphere is considered. The purpose
Much of what has been written concerning this sub- of this discussion is to examine this production process
ject has been deficient in two respects. In the first place, from a hydrodynamical point of view.
investigators have been prone to lump together various Changes in the kinetic energy of a particle or system
diverse forffif:l of energy, thereby losing the advantages of particles can result only from the action of mechani-
to be gained from the fact that each form of energy is cal forces, and hence the rate of kinetic-energy produc-
produced from and converted to other forms in its own tion can be discussed in terms of the joint action of
characteristic fashion, permitting individual study. such forces and the kinematics of existing motions. In
Likewise for each form there exist specific modes of this light it is not essential to inquire how systems of
transfer and redistribution. Unless these specific char- such forces and such motions in the atmosphere are re-
acteristics are subject to scrutiny in detail, only very lated to the thermodynamical processes which are ulti-
broad generalizations can be reached. Even here, how- mately responsible for their existence. In order to dem-
ever, the implications of the balance of total energy for onstrate the particular point in question as simply as
the globe have not yet been studied in sufficient detail possible we shall first consider an example of fluid mo-
as will be discussed later. tion under circumstances which are somewhat artificial,
In the second place, the modes of energy transfer but which still have theoretical interest. In view of the
within the atmosphere are so effective that no feature fact that the kinetic energy of vertical motions in the
such as a cyclone can be treated independently without atmosphere is very small compared with the kinetic
due allowance for exchanges of energy between it and energy of the large-scale horizontal motions we shall
the remaining atmosphere. It is therefore inappropriate consider only the latter.
to treat such a feature as in any sense a closed system. The approach used is one suggested by the beautiful
Modern trends are beginning to give proper cognizance classic paper of Osborne Reynolds [6] entitled "On the
to this circumstance, although much of the too Dynamical Theory of Incompressible Viscous Fluids
restricted point of view permeates meteorologica! and the Determination of the Criterion." Since Reyn-
thought. olds was concerned only with the dissipation of kinetic
In the present discourse only certain phases of the energy, his treatment must be modified in order to
subject are discussed by way of illustrating a general envisage also the process which creates kinetic energy.
approach. Thus the discussion which follows treats For this reason his assumption of incompressibility will
only the global balance of kinetic energy as an example be abandoned. Also, our restriction to the study of the
kinetic energy of horizontal motions introducea certain left-hand aide of (3) is the divergence of the (three-
changes, although these changes are not actually in the dimensional) kinetic energy transport vector EV. The
nature of approximations. quantity in the first parenthesia on the right is the di-
Study of a Simple System. Let it be supposed that a vergence of the horizontal vector pVh. If equation (3)
mass of gas is confined in a chamber with a plane bot- is integrated over an arbitrary volume, both of theae
tom and vertical walls, under the action of gravity quantities may be represented as surface integrala with
which we assume to be acting vertically downward. If the aid of the divergence theorem. Thua, if the limits
the chamber is of sufficiently great height, it is not are fixed, we may write
necessary that it have a top. Likewise, the gas need
not be an ideal one, since for the time being no use
will be made of an equation of state. Coriolis forces
~~~~ Edxdydz
will, for the present, be omitted. Let it be supposed
further that the gas is in some state of motion induced
by differential heating and cooling.
= JEVn dS- Jf p(v dx- u dy) dz
+ JJJ p (:: + :;) dx dydz
If we take x, y, and z to be a Cartesian coordinate
system with the positive z-axis vertical, we may write
the equations of motion for the horizontal directions in
the form
- !!! d dx dy dz,
du _ ~ ap +F
dt = p ax .,, where Vn is taken tobe the inward component of veloc-
(1) ity at the boundary, and dS ia a surface element.
dv _! ap + F 11
Equation (5) may now be given the following
dt = P ay pretation. The total horizontal kinetic energy (T) in a
Here u and v are the velocity componenta in the direc- fixed region may be changing in consequence of:
tiona x and y; p is the density; p the pressure; t time; 1. An advection of new fluid having kinetic energy
and F., and F11 are the componenta of the viscous forces acrosa the boundary. This is represented by the term
in the x and y directions. Generally speaking, the mo-
tions in the chamber might be turbulent. lf we wish to
A = j EVn dS. This is then one mode of redistribution
regard the dependent variablea in equations (1) as rep- of kinetic energy.
resenting mean valuea free of the turbulence compo- 2. The performance of work by preasure forcea at
nenta, we shall aasume that the only change necessary is the boundary in virtue of the displacementa due to the
to include eddy-stress effects in the quantitiea F.,, F11 horizontal velocity componenta. Thia is represented by
after the manner of Reynolds. More will be said con-
cerning this point later.
the term W = - JJ p(v dx - u dy) dz. This is a sec-
The kinetic-energy equation corresponding to the ond mode of redistribution of kinetic energy.
aystem (1) ia 3. A production of kinetic energy within the volume
itaelf. This is represented by the term
a v~ a v~ a v~
at 2 + pu ax 2 +... pV ay 2
(2) S = JJJ p(:: + :;) dx dy dz,
+ pw iaz V~2 = - (u axap + v ap) - d.
ay which contains the primary source of kinetic energy.
4. The action of frictional forces. This effect would
We use the symbol d to represent the rate at which ordinarily consist of a dissipation and is represented by
the turbulence and viacosity are decreasing the kinetic
energy per unit volume, and Vl = u 2 + v2 It is possi- the term D = JJJ d dx dy dz.
, bie to rewrite (2) in the following form: If the limita of integration include ali of the fluid in
aE + aEu + aEv + aEw the fixed chamber, it is clear that the surface integrala
must vanish, so that in a mechanically closed system (5)
at ax ay az
(3) reduces to
= _ (apu
+ apv)
+ (au + ay
av) _ d
aK = S- D. (6)
P ax '
where use has been made of the continuity equation
Since for such a system the frictional effect would ordi-
ap + apu + apV + apw = 0 (4) narily lead to dissipation, it follows that S must be
poaitive if the total horizontal kinetic energy K is to
at ax ay az '
remain constant or increaae. lf a more or less constant
which in any case must be true, and where E = 72'
ia the horizontal kinetic energy per unit volume. The
v: amount of kinetic energy ia to be present, the disaipa-
tion must be balanced by a corresponding positive
quantity represented by the last three terms on the average rate of production.

The production S may be looked upon as the integral If we make use of the observational fact that the last
of the contributions from the various horizontal layers two terms on the left-hand side of (9) are of a very
of fluid present and written as small order of magnitude, these terms will be dropped. 1

The manipulation of the remaining term on the left
S = P(:; + :~) dx dy Jdz. (7) side may now be carried out with the aid of the con-
tinuity equation much as before, since this operation is
In view of the fact that the surface integral independent of the specific coordinate system used, so
that we may write
JJ (:~ + :~) dx dy aE +diva EV = -div2 pVh + p div2 Vh - d. (10)
must vanish if the horizontal velocity is zero across at
the fixed walls, it follows that a given horizontal stratum A volume integral of (10) may now be taken and written
of fluid cannot give a positive contribution to S unless in the form
larger values of the pressure p are associated with areas
of horizontal divergence than are associated with areas
of convergence. Thus areas of horizontal divergence
;t f E dr = f EV n ds - ff p(v dx - u dy) dr
represent primary kinetic energy sources, while areas
of convergence represent sinks for kinetic energy. + J p div2 vh dr - J d dr,
Furthermore, in a mechanically closed system of the
kind here considered it is impossible to have source where dr is a volume and ds a surface element. Equa-
regions for kinetic energy without at the same time tion (11) is physically identica! with (5) and has, there-
having sinks of a hydrodynamic nature, entirely inde- fore, the same interpretation. In symbolic form we
pendent of frictional effects. may write
Equations for the Atmosphere. Before embarking
upon a discussion of the meteorologica! implications of aK =A+ W
+ S- D' (12)
the material presented above, it is desirable to develop
the concepts involved in more general terms, so as to which states that the rate of increase of horizontal
render it possible to perform integrations over the entire kinetic energy for a fixed volume is equal to the net
mass of the atmosphere. rate of advection of such kinetic energy into the region,
To a sufficiently close degree of approximation the plus the rate at which work is being done by the sur-
shape of the geopotential surfaces may be considered roundings on the fluid in the region through horizontal
as spherical so that we may make use of spherical polar motions, plus the production of kinetic energy in the
coordinates in which r is the radius, cp is latitude, and volume, minus the frictional dissipation. For a system
X is longitude. By analogy with the Cartesian case we which is mechanically closed, A and W again vanish.
may then write the equations of motion for the hori- This is therefore true when the entire atmosphere is
zontal directions (see Brunt [2]) in the form considered. In this case the surface integral of the hori-
zontal divergence over each closed geopotential surface
du uv tan
-d - - cp +uw
- + 2Q(w cos cp - . cp)
v sm 1 must vanish as in the case of the chamber previously
t r r

Although it is possible to form other energy integrals
= -!p ap
+ F '" for fluid motion, as pointed out in standard texts on
(8) hydrodynamics (e.g., [1]), the particular merit of the
dv u
dt+ 7 tan~+,-+2Uusm.; _lap+P
. J procedure followed above is that the expression for
production of kinetic energy assumes a form which is
of interest in meteorologica! problems. The implica-
P ay y,
tions of equation (12) may be stated in brief as follows:
1. The intensity of the primary source of horizontal
where u, v, and w are the linear velocity components kinetic energy at a given point in the atmosphere is
in the eastward, northward, and upward directions, given by the product of the pressure and the divergence
respectively; x and y are measures of linear distance of the horizontal velocity.
eastward and northward, respectively; and Q is the 2. Positive primary sources must always occur in
angular velocity of the earth. The analogous energy combination with negative sources or sinks independ-
equation in this case may be written as
1. In reality these terms represent a conversion of kinetic
p dt
d V~
2 + p rw+
2pfJ.uw cos cp energy of horizontal motions into kinetic energy of vertical
motions, and as such do not involve a production of kinetic
- (apu + apv - pv tan cp) (9) energy. Indeed, by methods similar to those used in this pa per
one can investigate separately the kinetic energy of motions
ax ay r
in each of the three directions, namely, zonal, meridional, and
+ P (au + av - ~ tan cp) - d. vertical. In that case other conversion terms of a similar nature
ax ay r arise.

ent of frictional effects, when the entire atmosphere is tude than the contribution of the term pv except pos-
considered. sibly at very high levels. The final form depends also
3. In addition to the action of the sources and upon the feasibility of applying the ideal equation of
frictional effects, the horizontal kinetic energy in a state to the atmosphere. If these simplifications are
fixed region not embracing the entire atmosphere may accepted, the following observations may be made.
change due to advection of kinetic energy across the The last integral is proportional to the advection
boundary and due to the redistribution of kinetic energy of interna! heat energy northward, and hence is in ali
through the boundary by work done by pressure forces probability positive. This would indicate that there is
and horizontal velocity components at the boundary. normally a poleward flow of kinetic energy across middle
From the standpoint of the general circulation it latitudes from the tropics and subtropics which ap-
would appear that the sources of kinetic energy are to parently serve as important source regions for such
be found in the regions of horizontal divergence. The energy. Since this flow must cease as the polar regions
net contribution from a given level results from the are approached, it follows that the cyclone belts in
fact that areas of divergence generally occur at a middle and polar latitudes serve as dissipative mecha-
different pressure than do the areas of convergence. nisms for this kinetic energy through friction and
Thus at lower levels it is common for horizontal di- through the horizontal convergence present in them.
vergence to be present in anticyclonic areas while con- It is a matter of common synoptic experience that
vergence takes place in cyclonic areas, the net result an extratropical cyclone is more apt to intensify if
being positive. We do not as yet have sufficient obser- there is a relatively large contrast in the heat advection
vational material the distribution of di- on its eastern and western sides. According to the
vergence at higher levels, but the fact that the pressure present discussion, it is not essential that the increase
decreases with elevation would seem to indicate that of kinetic energy in such cases be produced in situ
the importance of the higher levels rapidly diminishes. through conversion from other forms of energy. The
Generally speaking, it would thus appear that the intensification may be brought about through the in-
energy sources for the general circulation are to be creased local poleward transport of kinetic energy
found principally in the subtropical high-pressure cells, from the general source region in lower latitudes, as
the migratory polar anticyclones, and the subsiding measured by the large net local heat transport pole-
cap of cold air over the polar regions. From these ward.
primary centers the kinetic energy is continually trans- We have made the tacit assumption in the develop-
ferred to the cyclonic areas with convergence which ment given above that the "frictional" term D leads
act as sinks in addition to the action of friction. to a dissipation of kinetic energy. If only molecular
One might ask why it is that if the diverging anti- viscosity and small-scale turbulent viscosity are in-
cyclones act as primary sources of kinetic energy, they cluded in this term, the assumption is undoubtedly
are not the scenes of major activity. Actually, however, valid. However, if relatively large-scale eddies and
the generation process cannot be present in such systems other large features of the atmospheric motions are
without the simultaneous operation of the transfer pro- included in the form of a gross turbulence as distin-
cesses. If divergence exists in an anticyclone, the periph- guished from the remaining mean motion, it is apparent
eral outward motion results in a rapid outward flow of that the quantity D may then embrace energy-produc-
kinetic energy through work done by pressure forces ing systems and it is possible that it may change sign.
and through advection. Thus, for example, if only the average zonal circulation
It was pointed out that a transfer of kinetic energy of the atmosphere be considered as the true mean mo-
of horizontal motions across the boundary of a region tion so that the cyclones, anticyclones, and other non-
which is not mechanically closed may be brought about zonal motions appear as turbulence, there is no clear
by advection of existing kinetic energy and through a priori reason for assuming that the term D represents
the work done by pressure forces in virtue of the com- a dissipation.
ponents of horizontal velocity across the boundary. Finally, it is interesting to compare the results ob-
Thus, if one considers a symmetrical polar cap extend- tained here with those of Margules [5] in his classic
ing from the north pole to some middle latitude cp and paper, "On the Energy of Storms." Very broadly speak-
embracing the entire vertical extent of the atmosphere, ing, the two approaches deal with essentially the same
the expression for the transfer of kinetic energy across process. We have simply enlarged the "chamber" con-
the vertical southern boundary at the latitude cp is taining the gas used by Margules so as to include the

J(72'pViv + pv) ds:::::::; J pv ds = ~ J pTv ds, (13)

whole atmosphere. Furthermore, whereas Margules con-
sidered a discrete process, we have replaced it by a
continuous one and restricted our attention to the
where ds is an element of area, R/m is the gas constant production, redistribution, and dissipation of kinetic
for air, and T is the absolute temperature, while the energy of horizontal motions only. Also, we ha ve recog-
other symbols have the same significance as previously. nized that under these circumstances the pressure multi-
The approximate equality of the first two integrals plied by the horizontal divergence is the measure of the
is based upon the fact that the advection of kinetic rate at which other forms of energy such as potential
energy in the atmosphere is of a smaller order of magni- and interna! energy are being converted into kinetic

energy. 2 When the divergence is negative the sense of yields the corresponding equation of energy which may
this conversion process is reversed. It should be noted be written after slight rearrangement as
that this particular result is independent of the physical
d c2
nature of the "working substance," which might indeed Pdt 2 = pV' c - V' pc - V' pCJ!c + CJ!V' pc - d. (18)
be partly liquid (or even solid), with the gaseous and
liquid components undergoing changes of phase. The In (18), c is the magnitude of c, and d = cF is the rate
result therefore automatically embraces the conse- at which work is done by the fluid against frictional
quence of all condensation phenomena insofar as they forces per unit volume. Assuming that the geopotential
contribute to the horizontal kinetic energy. CJ! is constant with time at a fixed point with respect to
the earth (this is true except for such things as the
GLOBAL BALANCE OF TOTAL ENERGY small tide-producing disturbauces), we may write, with
Basic Equations. Thus far we have found it con- the aid of the continuity equation in the form
venient to deal with the kinetic energy probl~m alone,
since this quantity can be changed only by mechanical -atap + V'pC = 0
forces, and hence may be studied separately in terms
of the systems of such forces considered as given by that
observational data. However the problems connected
with the total global energy balance must in the end CJ!V'. pC = - ~ (pCJ! ). (20)
be of significance in the further understanding of at- at
mospheric and oceanic circulations. For this reason Using (18) and (20), we can now rewrite (16) in the
we shall now attempt to formulate certain relationships form
involved in this more general subject.
Proceeding along more dassical lines, let us consider
the statement of the general physical energy equation
P dq
+ 1/1 - d = P '!_
(u + ~) 2
written in the form (21)
+ ~at (pCJ!) + V'. (p + pif!)c.
P dq + if; = P dU + PP da = P dU _ !! ~. (14)
dt dt dt dt p dt Since with the aid of (19) it follows that
Here p dq/dt is the rate of externa! heat addition per
unit volume, U is the total internal energy per unit
!!__( )
P dt
= ~+
at '<'7,
v P
( )
mass, a = 1/p is the specific volume, if; is the rate of
generation of heat by friction per unit volume, while we finally have the equation
the other symbols have already been defined. With the
+ if; - d = -a ( pU + P -c2 + pCJ!
aid of the continuity equation p dq
- )
dt at
dp (22)
+ V' (Pu + P ~ + pif! + p)c.
where c is the total vector partide velocity, we may
write that The various considerations which have entered into
the formulation of equatiou (22) are true for any fluid
dq dU medium without siguificaut approximation. W e may
P dt + if; = P di + pV'c. (16)
therefore apply the equation to the entire fluid enve-
lope of the earth or portion of it, making no distinctiou
We next proceed to evaluate the last termin (16) from between the atmosphere aud the hydrosphere. We can
the dynamical equation of motion written in vectorial thus integrate it over an equatorial belt between lati-
form as follows: tudes -cp and +cfJ and include all bodies of water such
de as the oceaus, rivers, lakes, etc. Considering agaiu the
p dt = -V'p- pV'CJ!- 2p0 X c- F, (17) average conditious so that local time variations disap-
pear we have, with the aid of the divergence theorem,
where CJ! is geopotential energy per unit mass, O is the that
constant angular velocity of the earth's rotation, and F
is the vectorial retarding force per unit volume due to
H = J(P ~i + if; - d) dr
The scalar product of (17) with the partide velocity

2. It is worthy of note that the present treatment gives no

information as to whether the bulk of the kinetic energy gen- where dr is a volume element. Equation (23) has of
erated in the atmosphere represents a conversion from geo- course a very simple interpretatiou aud could have
potential energy or whether it represents a conversion directly indeed been written directly from general considera-
from interna! heat energy. tions. If we include under friction only the effects of
molecular viscosity or of small-scale disturbances which directed toward the poles. A reasonable estima te of this
can produce no significant tangential stresses at the contribution would appear to be about ten per cent of
boundaries -4> and +4>, the contribution of the term H. Denoting this fraction by h, let us next turn our
din the integral on the left-hand side may be assumed attention to the state of affairs within the atmosphere.
to represent the mean rate of dissipation of kinetic It has been previously pointed out that -the advection
energy into heat within the equatorial belt and there- of existing kinetic energy pc 2 /2 meridionally is very
fore cancels the contribution of the term '1/;. It follows small, relatively speaking. W e are therefore again justi-
therefore that Il is the total net rate of heating of the fied in omitting it. The interna! energy U may be
air in the belt. Equation (23) simply states that this considered as being the sum of the interna! heat energy
net incoming energy is transferred meridionally in the and the latent heat of water vapor. Since there is
form of (1) interna! energy pU per unit volume, (2) assumed to be practically no net meridional mass trans-
kinetic energy of existing motions pc 2/2, and (3) poten- port in the atmosphere, it will suffice to assume that
tial energy p<l>, as well as (4) through work done by the interna! heat energy is given by c.T, c. being the
pressure forces p. W e shall refer to these four items as mean specific heat at constant volume. It thus follows
advective modes of energy transfer. that U ~ Cv T + eL, where e is the specific humidity and
It is here assumed that there is no advection of energy L is the latent heat of condensation, assumed to be
through the surface of the lithosphere. This is essen- constant. 3 The term involving the work done by pres-
tially correct except for processes such as volcanism sure forces may again be transformed according to the
and seismological phenomena, but these are deemed to ideal equation of state, and finally combined with the
be too unimportant for the present considerations. interna! heat-energy term using the relation between
Also it is assumed that there is no advection of energy the specific heats of a gas. In the end (23) may be
through the top of the atmosphere, which therefore written in the form
neglects the effect of interchange of molecules with
astronomical space and of the mass accretions of me-
teoric origin. The quantity H, representing the net
H = h + J(cp T + eL + <I>)pvn ds, (24)
heat gain within the equatorial belt by processes other
than advection, may be very closely identified with where cp, the specific heat at constant pressure, is
the net heat received through exchange of radiation assumed to have a constant mean value.
with the extraterrestrial environment. This identifica- The contribution of the term involving the latent
tion neglects such processes as conduction of heat from heat may be estimated from the mean excess of evapora-
the interior of the earth, which is of appreciable im- tion over precipitation in the equatorial belt. Using
portance only locally in connection with volcanism, and data of this kind given by Conrad [3], the writer has
it also neglects heat liberated (or consumed) by net estimated that the magnitude of this effect is about
progressive chemical changes such as oxidation or pho- one-half of H for an equatorial belt extending to 40
tosynthesis processes. Net heat gain through exchange latitude. Let us denote this quantity by l.
of radiation with other portions of the earth is likewise The remaining terms may be examined as follows.
neglected AII the various corrections mentioned are If we write
however in all probability insignificant.
If we take H to be the net gain of heat through ex- PVn = pv,.. + lPVn}, (25)
change of radiation with space, various necessarily
crude estimates of this quantity have been prepared. where PVn is the average of pVn along the entire length
A convenient arrangement of one set of such estimates of a closed latitude circle and l pVn l is the deviation from
has been presented by Bjerknes [1]. As is well known, this average, it is clear that the identica! vanishing of
the estimates give positive values of H for ali choices PVn implies absence of closed mean meridional circula-
of 4> between the equator and the poles with a maxi- tions, while its presence is required for the existence of
mum for about .p = 45 latitude. It therefore follows such circulations. Here we neglect ali topographic in-
that there must be an advective transport of energy equalities of the earth's surface. In view of the fact that
poleward by the combination of terms indicated in (23), <I> is constant along a latitude circle at any given eleva-
with a maximum at 4> = 45 latitude in the mean. tion and that {pv,.. l is zero, it follows that (24) may be
It is apparent that the important problem posed by rewritten in the form
the global energy balance concerns itself with the par-
tition of the poleward energy transport among the
severa! terms in the integrand of the right-hand member
H =h+l+ J CpT {pvn} ds

+ J(cpT+<I>)pvnds,
of equation (23).
Discussion. Unfortunately our observational infor-
mation concerning the problem posed by the global
energy balan ce is very sketchy and incomplete. W e 3. The latent heat as ordinarily discussed is the sum of the
shall nevertheless endeavor to discuss such aspects of change in specific interna! energy plus the work done in the
it as are possible with existing knowledge. In the first expansion during evaporation. Strictly speaking, we are here
place, the contribution of the hydrosphere to the trans- concerned only with the first quantity, although the difference
fer integral is probably small (see Sverdrup [9]), but is not great enough to be of much significance.

where the last integral now represents the contribution amount of corroboration by the observational studies
of mean meridional circulations of the Hadley type to of Widger [11].
the poleward energy flux. The general views expressed in the present paper
It should be remarked that, in a stable atmosphere, a indicate that atmospheric meridional circulations like-
meridional cell of the so-called direct type produces a wise may not be essential for the global energy balance.
poleward flow of energy, while one of the indirect type Much more could be said if a more satisfactory ap-
produces a flow in the opposite sense. This can easily praisal were available for the magnitudes of the terms
be shown from the form of the last integral in (26). appearing in equation (26), since the values given are
Very preliminary estimates by the writer of the value useful only for purposes of orientation. Further work
of the third term on the right-hand side, made from in this direction is currently in progress at the Mas-
geostrophic wind data for individual N orthern Hemi- sachusetts Institute of Technology.
sphere maps for various levels seem to suggest that this
contribution is somewhere in the vicinity of one-half of REFERENCES
H at 40N latitude. All in all it would thus appear that 1. BJERKNES, V., and others, Physikalische Hydrodynamik.
the contribution of the mean meridional circulations Berlin, J. Springer, 1933.
is small or even negative in middle latitudes, although 2. BRUNT, D., Physical and Dynamical Meteorology, 2nd ed.
very little reliance can be placed on the figures given Cambridge, University Press, 1939.
3. CoNRAD, V., "Die klimatologischen Elemente und ihre
or on the value of H obtained from the data given by
Abhngigkei t von terrestrischen Einfltissen." H andbuch
Bjerknes. Suffice it to say that in all cases reasonable der Klimatolouie, W. KoPPEN und R. GEIGER, Hsgbr.,
orders of magnitude are obtained, which in itself is Bd. I, Teil B. Berlin, Gebr. Borntrger, 1936. (See pp.
somewhat encouraging. 360-362)
Concluding Remarks. Most classical models for the 4. HADLEY, G., "Concerning the Cause of the General Trade-
general circulation of the atmosphere have followed Winds." Phil. Trans. roy. Soc. London, 39:58 (1735-36).
along the lines originally proposed by Hadley [4] in that Reprinted in "The Mechanics of the Earth's Atmosphere.
they assume the existence of large convectively driven A Collection of Translations by Cleveland Abbe,"
closed circulations in meridional planes, at least in the 3rd Collection. Smithson. misc. Coll., Voi. 51, No. 4
average conditions. The development of the mean zonal (1910).
5. MARGULES, M., "Dber die Energie der Stiirme." Jb.
motions is then ascribed to the effect of the earth's
ZentAnst. Meteor. Wien, Anh. (1903). Reprinted in
rotation on these primary circulations. In such a scheme "The Mechanics of the Earth's Atmosphere. A Collection
the meridional circulations are a necessary mechanism of Translations by Cleveland Abbe," 3rd Collection.
in the production of kinetic energy. Also, according to Smithson. misc. Coll., Voi. 51, No. 4 (1910).
this model the necessary meridional transport of angular 6. REYNOLDS, 0., "On the Dynamical Theory of Incompres-
momentum could be achieved if the poleward branches sible Viscous Fluids and the Determination of the
of the circulations carry more angular momentum than Criterion." Phil. Trans. roy. Soc. London, (A) 186:123-
the returning ones at other levels. 164 (1895). Reprinted in O. REYNOLDS, Papers on Me-
For a number of reasons modern meteorologists have chanical and Physical Subjects, Vol. II. Cambridge,
come to view models of the Hadley type with skepti- University Press, 1901. (See pp. 535-577)
7. RossBY, C.-G., "On the Nature of the General Circulation
cism. A discussion of the hasis for this current skepti- of the Lower Atmosphere" in The Atmospheres of the
cism has been recently given by Rossby [7]. The writer Earth and Planets, G. P. KurPER, ed., pp.16-48. Chicago,
rather inclines to the view that, although some mean University of Chicago Press, 1949.
meridional circulations in all probability do exist, their 8. STARR, V. P., "An Essay on the General Circulation of the
role in the energy balance and in the horizontal trans- Earth's Atmosphere." J. Meteor., 5:39-43 (1948).
port of angular momentum, at least in middle latitudes, 9. SvERDRUP, H. U., JoHNSON, M. W., and FLEMING, R. H.,
may be overshadowed by the characteristics of other The Oceans. New York, Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1942.
types of motion. Thus, following an original suggestion 10. VAN MrEGHEM, J ., "Production et redistribution de la
quantite de mouvement et de !'energie cinetique dans
by Jeffreys, the writer has pointed out elsewhere [8] l'atmosphere. Application a la circulation atmospherique
that the transport of angular momentum could be generale." J. sci. Meteor., 1:53-67 (1949).
achieved through the observed properties of horizontal 11. WrnGER, W. K., JR., "A Study of the Flow of Angular Mo-
motions. This contention has since received a certain mentum in the Atmosphere." J. Meteor., 6:291-299 (1949)

Extratropical Cyclones by ]. Bjerknes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 7 7

The Aerology of Extratropical Disturbances by E. Palmen. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 599

Anticyclones by H. Wexler . .................................................... ................ 621

Mechanism of Pressure Change by James M. Austin . .............................................. 630

Large-Scale Vertical V elocity and Divergence by H. A. Panofsky. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 639

The Instability Line by ]. R. Fulks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 7


University of California, Los Angeles

With the consent of the editor the present article everywhere zero and no vertical motion occurs, so that
has been written as a summary of the research on the tendency equation must indicate zero local pres-
extratropical cyclones in which the author himself has sure change at all points. With friction against the
been directly involved. References to the work of others ground, the flow in the lowest part of the atmosphere
are therefore few, and the reader will not get a com- would be given a component of indraft towards the
plete survey of the title subject. vortex center, and this horizontal convergence of mass
This article is composed of two parts. In the first, would make the pressure rise in the central portion of
extratropical cyclones are treated as simplified models the pressure minimum, thus decreasing the zonal air
for the sake of clarifying the theoretical principles. motion. N o steady state would be reached until the
In the second, these principles are applied to a real flow at the ground and the horizontal pressure gradient
storm over N orth America whose development may be at the ground have reached zero. If the central core
considered as the prototype of a simple life history of of the vortex is colder than its environment, there would
extratropical cyclones. The modifications of that life stiU be a pressure gradient towards the pole in the
history, caused by the varying initial conditions and free atmosphere, and there the air may continue its
the influence of neighboring systems in the general west to east circulation without horizontal divergence.
circulation, are treated by Dr. E. Palmen in his con- This picture corresponds rather well to reality as repre-
tribution to the Compendium. sented hy the time-averaged motion in the arctic region:
almost zero meridional pressure gradient and zero zonal
DYNAMICS OF SIMPLIFIED CYCLONE motion at the ground, and increasing poleward pressure
MODELS gradient with height, accompanied by increasing
Theory of Pressure Changes and Thermal Structure westerlies with height. The initial assumption of a
of Extratropical Cyclones. The fully developed extra- cyclone at the pole, and the additional assumption of
tropical cyclone consists of a counterclockwise 1 vortex friction at the ground, thus lead to the dynamical
which extends upward into a wave trough in the WJp~r prediction that the cyclone at the ground should even-
'Y..~s,tg,rlies. The dynamics of the extratropical cyclone tually disappear, while in the free atmosphere it should
is therefore a composite one, combining the dynamic be conserved. This behavior of the circular cyclonic
phenomena of the vortex and the wave. We will here vortex can be generalized to apply also at other lati-
state separately the essential features of the atmos- tudes; the simple circular vortex is liable to die out
pheric vortex and the atmospheric wave and then gradually at the ground hecause of friction.
proceed to describe the composite dynamics of the The circular cyclonic vortex centered in middle lati-
extratropical cyclone. tudes does not represent a steady-state dynamic sys-
In analyzing the displacement, intensification, and tem even in the absence of friction at the ground.
weakening of vortices and waves it is useful to con- Although the horizontal pressure gradient may every-
sider the accompanying pressure changes, which obey where he directed towards the center and its intensity
the "tendei1cY. eqyaiQn," may he a function only of the distance from the center,

the motion around the center cannot he a simple
(at~p) " = h
g divH (pv)dz + (gpv.)h. (1) circular one, because the Coriolis parameter varies
from the northern to the southern part of the vortex.
As a result of the variation of the Coriolis parameter
Expressed in words, the rate of pressure change with the wind will be stronger in the southern than in the
time ata fixed point at the level h is determined partly northern part of the vortex, and the net air transport
by the net horizontal inflow into the vertical unit air across a north-south median wall will he from the
column from h to the top of the atmosphere and partly western to the eastern half of the vortex. Consequently
hy the vertical inflow of air through the base of that the pressure will rise in the eastern half because of
column. horizontal convergence and fali in the western half of
A circular cyclonic vortex with vertical axis centered the low pressure system hecause of horizontal diver-
at the pole of a planet without mountains represents gence, so that the pressure minimum and the accom-
the simplest case of atmospheric vortex dynamics. In panying vortex will drift westward. Eccentricity of
the case of frictionless motion in such a polar vortex
the pressure field of such a sense as to involve a stronger
the particles could be kept in steady-state zonal motion
pressure gradient in the southern than in the northern
from west to east. The horizontal divergence is then
part of the vortex may reduce, neutralize, or even
1. AII references to the sense of rotation in this article reverse that drift. The dynamic theory for the ec-
apply to the N orthern Hemisphere. centric vortex bas been developed in approximate form

by Holmboe [3]. He defined a "critical eccentricity" zontal oscillation upon the fundamental current of
which would balance the exchange of air between the straight westerlies. This is accompanied by a periodic
two halves of the vortex. Values of the quantity 1 v 1 - distribution of horizontal mass divergence, which in
1 v'l - 2c = 4~au~ cos c/>, evaluated in a narrow iso- first approximation depends on the relative strength
baric channel of critical eccentricity, are given in Table of the "curvature and latitude effects" upon the wind
I (v and v' are the wind velocities at southernmost and speed. The curvature effect makes the air move super-
northernmost points, respectively, of the isobaric chan- geostrophically while overtaking the wave crest and
nel, c is the eastward speed of displacement of the subgeostrophically while overtaking the wave troughs.
vortex, Q the angular speed of the earth, a the earth's The latitude effect upon the wind speed comes from
radius, uv the angular radius of the isobaric channel, the fact that each flow channel is in a higher latitude
and cjJ the geographicallatitude). In the case of the sta- at the anticyclonic bend than it is at the cyclonic
tionary vortex, the exchange of air between the eastern bend, so that, the horizontal pressure gradients being
and western halves of the vortex is balanced if the equal, the geostrophic wind would be stronger at the
wind velocity in the southernmost point of the isobaric cyclonic than at the anticyclonic bend. The result of
ring exceeds that in the northernmost point by the
tabulated amount. N ear the center the flow can be
almost constant all around the isobaric ring, but the UPPER LEVEL
greater the radius the more will the west wind in the ISOBARS

south have to exceed the east wind in the north, par- SURF ACE
ticularly in low latitudes. ISOBARS

TABLE l. VALUES OF [v[- [v'[- 2c = 4Qau~ COS cf>

FOR CRITICAL EccENTRICITY (in m sec- 1 ) "':::E
Angular radius of isobaric channel a:
</> 31:
t s to 20 o
90o o o o o z
60 0.3 7.1 28.4 114 0..
50 0.4 9.1 36.6 146 0..
40 0.4 10.9 43.6 175
30 0.5 12.3 49.4 198 c
In applying the table to a moving vortex, twice the :::E

speed of displacement of the vortex must be added to -~~~~~~~~n7~~~~~~~
the tabulated speed to give 1 v 1 - 1 v' 1 . For the east- 8 CENTER A ::;,
ward moving vortex the critica! eccentricity is thus PROPAGATION
stronger than for the stationary one. Even slightly
greater eccentricity would be needed to bring about FIG. 1.-Schematic model of cyclone with lower-vortex and
upper-wave part. West-to-east vertical profile shows location
accumulation of air in the western half of the pressure of horizontal divergence and convergence of mass.
minimum and depletion of air in the eastern half, a
condition which would seem necessary to make the these two opposite effects on horizontal divergence is
system move eastward. A check with measured ec- in favor of the curvature effect when wave lengths
centricities shows, however, only "subcritical" cases; are short and the fundamental current is strong. In
in other words all observed cyclonic vortices accumulate this case the wave crests are preceded by horizontal
air in their front parts at the expense of the rear parts. convergence and the wave troughs by horizontal diver-
The pressure change in such a moving vortex can gence. In the case of long waves and/or a weak funda-
therefore be explained only if other flow patterns prevail mental current, the opposite distribution of horizontal
above the vortex. This conclusion is corroborated by divergence is established. The same conditions are
the experience of synoptic aerology, and the typical found in air layers which move eastward more slowly
upper flow pattern above moving vortices is that of than the wave.
the atmospheric wave. In the composite extratropical
In the usual baroclinic westerly current of middle
cyclone, the vortex part resists the eastward motion
by piling up air in the front half; this resistance in- latitudes a wave extending from the slow-moving lower
creases the faster the vortex is forced to move. layers to the fast-moving upper layers would have
The atmospheric wave 2 superimposes a quasi-hori- opposite patterns of horizontal divergence in the upper
and lower part (see Fig. 1). At the level of transition
2. The fundamental properties of the atmospheric waves between the upper and lower pattern a wave motion
of synoptic meteorology were first sketched by J. Bjerknes
[2] and !ater developed mathematically by Rossby [26, 27]
with zero horizontal divergence will exist. This "level
of nondivergence" will be found at the height where
and Haurwitz [10]. In this article we follow the more recent
treatment by J. Bjerknes and Holmboe [3]. the speed of the undisturbed current, v: ,
is given by

The waves in the westerlies associated with the

(2) moving extratropical cyclones are by necessity of short
wave lengths, say thirty degrees longitude. According
In this equation c is the eastward speed of propagation to (3) and Table II, such waves move with a speed c,
of the wave, !2 is the angular velocity of the earth, a is
the earth's radius, c/J is the geographical latitude, and
only slightly smaller than v: , the speed of the wester-
lies at the level of nondivergence.
n is the wave number per circumference of the earth. Figure 1 shows the position of the pressure minimum
Numerica] values of (2Qa cos 3 c/J)/n 2 are given in at sea level relative to that of the upper trough. The
Table II. This table, in conjunction with equation axis of minimum pressure of the closed low tilts towards
(2), shows that in short waves, such as are found to the coldest side, which is usually to the west or north-
accompany the individual traveling cyclone, the level west of the location of the surface center. The tropo
of nondivergence lies at an elevation where the un- spheric part of the upper trough is also displaced west-
disturbed current moves only a little faster than the ward with height, but not as far per unit height as the
wave. In long waves the air at the level of nondiver- subjacent center of low pressure.
gence moves eastward much faster than the wave The friction layer of the closed vortex (up to about
itself, particularly in low latitudes. 1-km height) has horizontal convergence. Above the
TABLE II. VALUES OF (2!Ja cos 3 q,)jn 2 (in m sec- 1 ) infiuence of surface friction the eastern half of the
- vortex has horizontal convergence of mass and the
Wave length (deg. long.) western half, horizontal divergence. This holds true
"' tsoo 120 600 36 18 also for the upper trough up to the level of nondiver-
gence, beyond which divergence and convergence ex-
70 9.3 4.1 1.0 0.4 0.1 change positions. The tendency equation (1) applied to
60 29.0 12.9 3.2 1.2 0.3
500 61.6 27.4 6.8 2.5 0.6 the schematic cyclone cross section of Fig. 1 gives
40 104.3 46.3 11.6 4.2 1.0 an answer to the two questions: How can the cyclone
30 150.7 67.0 16.8 6.0 1.5
move eastward as most middle latitude cyclones do?
and, How can it deepen despite the frictional conver-
The level of nondivergence may be determined from gence?
sets of aerological maps, with the aid of Table II. Its The eastward displacement of the cyclone is assured
height differs from case to case, but according to if the vertical integral of horizontal mass divergence
Charney [4) and Cressman [5] it averages around 600 in the tendency equation is determined as to sign by
mb for both long and short waves. Hence, with a
given model of baroclinic westerlies, the speed of v: the atmosphere above the level of nondivergence. The
deepening of the pressure minimum likewise depends
the undisturbed westerlies at the level of nondivergence on the infiuence from above the level of nondivergence.
is approximately the same parameter for long and Because of the westward tilt of the axis of the cyclone
short waves. The speed of all such waves, which are a vertical air column located at the surface center will
superimposed on the same westerly current, therefore show horizontal convergence in its lower portion, where
varies with wave length according to the formula, it passes through the forward part of the vortex, and
horizontal divergence where it traverses the upper wave
c = v.,* - ---;;---'-
2!1a cos 3 c/J
(3) pattern east of the wave trough. Deepening of the
surface center will occur only if this upper-air diver-
Short waves (large n) move almost with the speed of gence overcompensates the low-level convergence.
the air at the level of nondivergence. Long waves move In ali parts of the cyclone the surface pressure tend-
eastward more slowly than short ones, and may also ency represents a small change in the weight of the
retrograde. Table II, applied to the case c = O, gives local vertical column, resulting from the difference
us a survey of the wind at the level of nondivergence between accumulation and depletion of air, each of
in stationary waves. At 70 latitude the west wind which represents much greater weight changes. The
must be quite light for waves tobe stationary, and the natural adjustment of the pressure tendencies to the
180 wave length seems to be the most likely one for observed moderate values can be visualized as follows.
standing waves. Proceeding to lower latitudes, we find In the low-level vortex, the convergence in the front
that the 180 stationary wave requires stronger wester- and the divergence in the rear are more strongly de-
lies than are ever known to occur. Assuming that v: veloped the faster the vortex is forced to move. We
would never be greater than 30 m sec- 1 , we see that have also seen from Table II that the level of non-
below 60 latitude the 180 stationary waves would divergence in the upper wave rises to a higher eleva-
never occur, below 50 the 120 stationary waves also tion, and the divergence values above that level de-
become impossible, and so on. This dependence of the crease, when the wave speed increases. Therefore, a
long-wave pattern on geographical latitude usually supposed increase in speed without a change in the
leads to the establishment of only two or three stand- structure of the cyclone would lead to a weakening of
ing waves per earth's circumference near the pole and the high-level contribution and a strengthening of the
stationary patterns with higher wave numbers in lower low-level contribution to the change in weight of air
latitudes. In the latitudes of pattern transitions, com- columns. This would be tantamount to a decrease in
plicated cases of wave interference occur. pressure tendencies. Quite analogously, it can be shown

that a supposed slowing down of the cyclone without has corroborated these findings. A summary of the
change in its structure would lead to increasing surface careful and extensive work in that field was published
pressure tendencies. From this it can be concluded in 1948 by Miller [20). From that report we also know
that the speed of a given cyclone is stable as long as that the vertical motion of extensive air masses usually
its total three-dimensional structure remains the same. is less than 3 cm sec-1 even at the level of nondiver-
The pressure tendencies are then also stable although gence, where the maximum upward and dowmvard
they are made up as small differences of large opposite values of momentum occur. Higher values of vertical
contributions of horizontal divergence and convergence. motion up to 10 cm sec-1 should occur over narrow
A real increase in the divergence effects of the upper zones near fronts, while the occurrences of updrafts
wave would come from a lowering of the level of non- and downdrafts of several meters per second are re-
divergence and an inherent increase of that part of stricted to small parts of individual convective clouds.
the atmosphere in which the air current is supercritical. Typical patterns of temperature distribution in the
According to (3), this may take place through one of extratropical cyclone can be seen from the sample
the following changes of parameters in the upper wave: cyclones described !ater in this article. The most fre-
(1) an increase of the speed v" of the upper westerlies, quent development of the temperature pattern in the
(2) a decrease of angular wave length 21rjn, and (3) lower tropospheric part of the vortex can be repre-
travel towards higher latitudes. In all these cases the sented schematically by the maps and profiles in Fig.
compensating mass-divergence effects from low levels 2. The incipient cyclone (Fig. 2a) coincides with the
automatically become greater as the speed of the cy- apex of a warm tongue formed on a "front" across

FIG . 2.-Successive stages of development of a frontal wave to an occluded vortex.

clone incrcases. The occurrence of excessive values of which the horizontal temperature gradient reaches a
barometric tendencies is thus automatically avoided. maximum. The frontal surface rises towards the cold
The slowing down which is normally observed in side at an angle of inclinat ion averaging around one in
deep and extensive cyclones is associated with the a hundred. It conserves its identity from day to day
great depth of atmosphere moving in a closed cyclonic and moves along at a speed determinable from the
flow pattern. If that pattern has a subcritical eccen- winds through the kinematic boundary condition. The
tricity, which is the more frequent case, it will maintain wave amplitude increases as the cyclone matures (Fig.
mass convergence in the eastern half and mass diver- 2b) and the central pressure decreases. N ext follows
gence in the western half. The influence of an upper the "occlusion" process (Fig. 2, c and d) during which
wave pattern can then only barely overcompensate the warm tongue is lifted from the ground, first near
the divergence effects below, and the resulting pressure the center, ]ater also farther out. The oc;cluded front
tendencies will be small. A final reversal of tendencies, formed at the junction of the two cold wedges tends
and a retrograding of the cyclone, will result if the low- to wrap around the cyclone center as part of a spiral,
level mass-divergence effects overcompensate those and the same shape is found for the warm tongue in
from the upper wave pattern. all levels of closed cyclonic circulation. In the profile
The distribution of horizontal divergence also deter- in Fig. 2c, which is placed at a short distance south of
mines the vertical motion, which in the "smoothed" the cyclone center, the occluded front is a warm-front
cyclone model always goes upward in the front half type, t hat is, the cold wedge behind the occlusion is
and downward in the rear (Fig. 1). This model feature less cold than the one in front . This is also true of
agrees with the observed distribution of cloudiness and Fig. 2d, but it can usually be assumed that farther
precipitation in the cyclones. Modern aerological analy- south the occlusion is a cold-front type. Where the
sis of the field of vertical motion carried on by t he transition from one occlusion model to another takes
Department of Meteorology at New York University place the occluded front on the map must show a little

gap. The lifting of a tongue of warm air relative to a cold tongues grow in amplitude and move forward
colder environment, illustrated in Fig. 2, can be as- relative to the pressure wave, because the eastward
sumed to furnish a great part of the increase in kinetic motion of the air exceeds that of the wave. If the
energy during the cyclonic development from wave to wave motion were entirely horizontal, a thermal pat-
vortex. tern of permanent structure relative to the moving wave
The tropopause is also shown in the profiles. It has would be reached when the isotherms have adapted to
a crest over the warm-front surface and a trough over the shape of the relative streamlines. For the idealized
the cold-front surface, and the amplitude of the tropo- case of Vx = constant in each level of the sinusoidal
pause oscillation increases with the growth of the cy-
clone. In Fig. 2d the tropopause has a deep depression
almost coinciding with the cyclone center, which is at
that stage surrounded by air of cold origin up through
the whole troposphere. Details of tropopause structure,
such as the frequent subdivision into multiple tropo-
pauses, have been left out in Fig. 2.
Hatched areas in Fig. 2 indicate the location of the
main precipitation areas of the cyclone. The largest
area is covered by the warm-front rain, where the
air from the warm tongue climbs the receding wedge of
cold air and condenses much of its moisture. A more
narrow zone of precipitation accompanies the cold
front where some air from the lower part of the warm
tongue is lifted by the advancing cold wedge. Higher
portions of the warm tongue move faster than the
cold-front wedge and are not lifted by it. The described Fw. 3.-Advective formation of the thermal upper wave by
upward motion of the warm air next to the frontal the winds blowing relative to the moving pressure wave.
surfaces should be visualized as being superimposed on
the general pattern of vertical motion, upward in the wave pattern, the ratio of the amplitude AR of the
front half and downward in the rear half of the cy- relative streamline to that of the streamline As would
clone (Fig. 1). This general, upward motion is some- be
times sufficient to cause rain where it is not called for
as a consequence of upgliding on frontal surfaces. Some
extensive warm-sector rains and also the rain in the As V,.- c
front half of a cold trough or a cold vortex are prob-
ably to be explained by the general upward motion Hence, close to the level where Vx is equal to the wave
shown in Fig. 1. speed c, the relative streamlines, and with them the
To complete the precipitation picture of the cyclone advectively transported isotherms, would acquire a
the air-mass precipitation should also be added, that much greater amplitude than that of the streamline.
is, the drizzle in the warm moist parts, caused by con- The ratio AR/ As will decrease from that level upward
densation from low clouds formed by the cooling of the to the tropopause, where Vx has its maximum.
warm air over cold surfaces (mainly ocean surfaces), Under the inftuence of the upward motion ahead of
and the convective showery precipitation formed the pressure trough and downward motion behind it,
through the heating from the ground, or through lift- the ratio in (4) would be reduced, as shown by Miller
ing of convectively unstable air at fronts. [20]. Synoptic experience shows that AR/ As stays posi-
While the thermal pattern of the cyclone near the tive in all tropospheric levels where Vx > c, also under
ground is the result mainly of horizontal advection the joint inftuence of vertical motion and horizontal
and nonadiabatic gain or loss of heat exchanged with advection. In other words, after a period of thermal
the ground, the pattern in the free atmosphere is also transformation of the type shown in Fig. 3, the waves
inftuenced by the slow but systematic vertical dis- in the upper troposphere tend to become thermally
placement of the air shown in Fig. 1 and by the heat symmetric, with warm tongues coinciding with pres-
transfer of penetrative convection. However, the dom- sure crests and cold tongues with pressure troughs.
inant process for the shaping of the upper-tropospheric With the reversal of the meridional temperature
temperature field is horizontal advection. The develop- gradient from troposphere to stratosphere, the advec-
ment of the thermal pattern of the waves in the upper tive effects on temperature in the upper waves are
westerlies follows roughly the advective scheme shown also reversed. Hence the stratospheric pressure crests
in Fig. 3. A warm tongue forms in the part of the wave are cold and the pressure troughs warm. It then fol-
with advection from the south, and a cold tongue in lows indirectly that the wave pattern of pressure crests
the part with advection from the north. In this early and troughs rapidly loses amplitude with height in
stage of the wave the pressure crests and troughs must the stratosphere. In the stably stratified stratosphere
tilt westward, as shown for the pressure trough in the local warming and cooling through vertical motion
Fig. 1. In the further development, both warm and are stronger than in the troposphere, and are quite

often stronger than the temperature change by ad- the terms (2Q cos cp)av.jay and - (2Q cos cp)vyja. Fur-
vection. thermore, the term in av.jay represents the effect of
Vorticity Analysis of the Extratropical Cyclone. An rotating the air in the yz-plane so that the vorticity
analysis of the vorticity distribution and the history about the y-axis, avx/az, acquires a vertical component
of vorticity change of individual parcels in the vortex at the rate (av./ay)(avxfaz) per unit time. Analogously,
and wave will reveal more of the dynamics of the cy- the last term in (6) represents the rate of change of
clone. The vertical component of the vorticity may vorticity about the z-axis resulting from a rotation of
be identified on the horizontalstrimmline maps as a the air in the xz-plane. Usually the terms in av./ay
particle rotation about a vertical axis, partly due to and av./ ax are considered to be insignificant in relation
curvature, v/r., where r. is the radius of curvature of to the divergence term and the meridional advection
the streamline, and partly due to shear, -avjan: term, but possible exceptions will be mentioned below.
In the frontal wave of the lower troposphere, the
= !:.__ - av = avy - avx. (5) cold air enters the moving cyclone along the warm front
r, a!b ax ay (Fig. 4). Near the front it has initial cyclonic shear
The rules for determining the algebraic sign can
always be decided upon by referring to the Cartesian
component form of vorticity, added as an alternate
expression in (5). The convention used here is to let
the positive direction of the coordinate n point to the
left of the wind, to consider v and r. always positive,
and to use the positive sign in front of v/r. for cyclonic
and the negative sign for anticyclonic curvature of the
The vorticity change of the individual traveling par-
ticle [11, 13, 16, 26, 27] is given by the equation,
FIG. 4.-Motion of warm and cold air relative to the moving
d = ap aa - ap aa - ( + 2Q sin cp) diVH V frontal wave.
dt ax ay ay ax
+ -av. (zn COS cp + avx)
which had been acquired during the period of fronto-
(2Q cos cp)
- ' - - - - - - Vy - (6) genesis (see p. 590). The increase of the cyclonic vortic-
a ay az ity in the cold air on its way toward the wave apex is
- av, avy due to the horizontal convergence, which extends all
over the front half of the cyclone (see Fig. 1). This
ax az
creation of relative cyclonic vorticity is somewhat re-
The first two terms on the right represent in component duced by the effect of the poleward component of air
form the effect of isobaric-isosteric solenoids on the travel. Behind the wave apex the air returns southward
change of vertical vorticity. These terms are always and as a result its relative cyclonic vorticity should in-
found to be insignificant compared to the following crease. At the same time, however, the air enters the
ones. The divergence term shows how horizontal ex- region of horizontal divergence, which has the opposite
pansion (divergence) creates negative (anticyclonic) effect upon vorticity change. The result is that the air
vorticity, and horizontal contraction creates positive which had acquired maximum cyclonic shear along the
(cyclonic) vorticity. The next term shows the effect warm front maintains cyclonic vorticity after passing
on relative vorticity of the displacement of the air, the wave apex, but with a simultaneous shift from
either towards the polar regions where the vertical shear to curvature vorticity. The cold air passing at
COil!ponent of the earth's vorticity 2Q sin cp is great, or greater distance from the center changes from moderate
towards the equator where 2Q sin cp is zero. In the cyclonic to anticyclonic vorticity. During the growth
absence of t.he other factors, poleward movement would of the cyclone more and more of the cold air is able to
entail a decrease of relative cyclonic vorticity or an maintain its cyclonic vorticity after passing the wave
increase of relative anticyclonic vorticity, and move- apex.
ment away from the pole would entail an increase of The warm air in the frontal wave enters the cyclone
relative cyclonic vorticity or a decrease of relative from the southwest. Its speed in lower levels just barely
anticyclonic vorticity. The last two terms on the right- exceeds that of the cyclone in its eastward motion.
hand side describe the influence of the vertical motion Upon arrival at the warm front the warm air climbs the
in changing the vorticity about the vertical. The term receding cold wedge. Again, one branch of anticyclonic
involving avzfay represents, in part, the fact that the and another of cyclonic vorticity may be discerned.
infinitesimal disk of air, whose rotation decides the Farthest away from the center, where the horizontal
value of , arrives ata horizontal position from earlier convergence is moderate or nonexistent, the warm air
positions with meridional tilt. In terms of relative- gains anticyclonic relative vorticity through the pole-
vorticity change, this is equivalent to a change in ward component of movement. Closer to the center,
latitude in addition to that by horizontal meridional where the horizontal convergence is stronger, the warm
advection, as can be seen from the analogy between air acquires cyclonic relative vorticity despite its dis-

placement polewards. This latter development, which The deepening of the upper wave trough is associated
does not start until the cyclone is past the nascent with the depening of the cyclonic vortex underneath,
stage, gains in magnitude with the growth of the and usually also entails a southward component added
cyclone. to the normal eastward displacement of the cyclone.
In the westerly wave of the upper troposphere, as In all cases of such deepening the initial upper dis-
represented in Fig. 1, the air enters the cyclone from turbance must start through the build-up of excessive
the northwest and leaves it toward the east, across the anticyclonic curvature on the wave crest to the west
wave crest ahead of the surface cyclone. As long as of the cyclone. Above the level of nondivergence, the
the upper wave does not degenerate, the relative vortic- divergence term and the meridional advection term in
ity changes sign at the longitude of the inflection points, (6) are of the same phase, so that the additional terms
thus ehanging from anticyclonic to cyclonic relative in av./ ay and av./ ax are not likely to affect the general
vorticity in the middle of the upper zone of convergence, pattern of d / dt very much. The two levels where their
and from cyclonic to anticyclonic in the middle of the influence may be expected to count are (1) close to the
upper zone of divergence. This vorticity change by level of nondivergence, and (2) at the localities where
divergence is supported by the effect of meridional
The factor ( + 2Q sin ljJ) in the divergence term of
(6) is equal to the absolute vorticity a of the air rela-
tive to a nonrotating coordinate system. When is
positive (cyclonic), a is large and the individual vortic-
ity change with time becomes quite sensitive to hori-
zontal convergence or divergence. If the air is subject
to a sustained process of horizontal convergence, its
cyclonic vorticity will increase without any theoretical
upper limit. The cyclonic bends of an upper sinusoidal FIG. 5.-Successive (1---> 3) degeneration of sinusoidal wave-
pattern caused by excessive anticyclonic vorticity on wave
westerly are therefore frequently seen to become crest.
strongly curved. On the other hand, when acquires
large negative (anticyclonic) values, the absolute vortic- - 2Q sin ljJ is near zero. In both cases the competition
ity may go to zero or even become negative. This with the divergence term is almost eliminated. Further-
happens almost exclusively in the upper troposphere more, v. and its horizontal derivatives reach their maxi-
and lower stratosphere where the wind velocities are mum in the upper troposphere (about two kilometers
very strong. On wave crests where a reaches values above the level of nondivergence where 1 pv. \ has its
close to zero, the vorticity change is only feebly in- maximum).
fluenced by horizontal divergence, and obeys mainly The most compelling reason for admitting a per-
the term of meridional advection in (6). This would be ceptible influence of the terms in av./ ay and av./ ax on
equivalent to motion under approximately constant the variations of lies in the fact that neither the di-
absolute vorticity a ~O or ~ -2Q sin lj>. If a wave vergence term, nor the meridional advection term, nor
crest in the upper atmosphere has developed to that their sum, can account through equation (6) for the
extreme stage, the particles overtaking the crest would occurrence of negative absolute vorticity. Analyses of
maintain their anticyclonic vorticity (in the form of observational data do show areas of negative absolute
curvature and/or shear) for a long period thereafter. vorticity on pronounced upper wave crests and/or south
Figure 5 illustrates that case schematically. From an of pronounced "jet streams" (see Fig. 7). A vertical
initial flow pattern of sinusoidal westerlies (streamline motion effect of the right sign to explain the growth of
1) a "meandering" westerly current develops through - beyond 2Q sin ljJ would be found north of the maxi-
the growth of the wa ve crest and the deepening of the mum of upward velocity in the cyclone (av./ay < O,
next downwind wave trough (streamlines 2 and 3). av:c/az > O). The result in terms of a large anticyclonic
This development towards meandering flow is not de- vorticity, and occasionally a negative absolute vorticity,
pendent on the absolute vorticity's actually having can then be expected to accrue on the upper wave crest
reached zero. With absolute vorticities still positive, to the east of the cyclone.
but numerically small, the vorticity change begins to The above reasoning about the vertical motion terms
react sluggishly to horizontal convergence with the re- in equation (6) has been developed by L. Sherman and
suit that the sinusoidal perturbation of the westerlies will appear under his authorship.
begins to degenerate. The meandering development Inertial Motion in lsentropic Surfaces. In slow-
may also start from an initially straight current with moving long waves of the upper westerlies, the stream-
11:_~ieygl_oni(u>h:::l!:r close to the value - 2n sin l/J. Any lines relative to the waves almost coincide with the
small wave impulse may then develop into meandering streamlines relative to the earth, and the isotherms will
wave patterns. be moved advectively so as to coincide more or less
It is obvious that the meandering phenomenon, once with the isobars. Around the inflection points of such
started in regions of excessive anticyclonic vorticity long waves we find the best approximation to the
in the upper atmosphere, will also have a profound in- relatively simple conditions of straight baroclinic flow.
fluence on the total cyclone picture down to the ground. Frontogenesis and frontal cyclogenesis are frequent

under the straight southwesterly currents of long waves, sufficiently small extent tobe treated as a sloping plane
and for a study of these phenomena we will here con- (Fig. 6), on which the horizontal direction will be called
sider the theory of adiabatic, inertial motion in tilting, the x-direction (due eastward) and the direction of
stationary isentropic surfaces. Adiabatic (or pseudo- steepest slope (due northward) will be called the rJ-
adiabatic) changes of state of partides in the free direction. The rJ-axis is supposed to form an angle with
atmosphere can justifiably be assumed, because non- the horizontal y-axis of the order of one in a hundred or
adiabatic temperature changes are so slow and uni- less. The undisturbed air motion is supposed to be
formly distributed that they do not appreciably affect zonal, geostrophic, and horizontal, which allows the
a relatively rapid phenomenon such as cydogenesis. isentropic surface to stay fixed in space. Furthermore
the fundamental motion is constant along each stream-
line, av,jax = o, and represents a steady state, avx!at =
O. Later application to the long wave, where the quasi-
straight fiow is not exactly zonal, will be done without
any strict mathematical treatment. The disturbed
motion of the sample partide is supposed to be con-
tained in the isentropic surface and to have an initial
upslope component v~ superimposed on the general
horizontal motion characteristic of the environment.
The x-component of acceleration of the disturbed
+x partide amounts to

dvx _ 2n
dt - zVy "=' 2V~,

and makes the partide speed up in the positive x-

direction while it climbs the isentropic slope. The wind
of the environment v0 , which is geostrophic and directed
along the x-axis in the whole field, changes in value
along the path of climb. An observer following the
disturbed partide would see the environmental geo-
strophic wind, relative to the earth, change by
dv. av.
- =v- (8)
dt ~ arJ

The x-component of the speed of the disturbed partide

was assumed to be equal to the geostrophic wind v0 at
+~-------------------------------J the initial time. Depending on whether dvx/dt > dv 0 /dt
Fm. 6.-Profile of sloping isentropic X1J-plane and sample dis-
tribution of the isovels of v0 in X17-coordinates. or dvx/dt < dv 0 /dt, the disturbed partide will move
eastwards faster or slower than its new environment
The following simplified analysis has been inspired after a time differential of dimbing. In the first case,
by the theoretical studies on "dynamic instability," the y-component of acceleration of the disturbed par-
which go back to the classical paper of Helmholtz, ticle dv11 /dt = -2Q(vx - v0 ) will be directed down the
"Uber atmosphrische Bewegungen," published in 1888 isentropic slope opposite to the initial disturbance.
[12]. Several recent contributions by theoretical meteor- A stable inertia type of oscillation will then result. In
ologists to the same field have been induded in the list the second case, the y-component of acceleration will
of literature references [6-9, 14, 15, 17-19, 21, 31, 32]. point in the same direction as the initial disturbance
The synoptic applications of equation (11) in this velocity v~ , so that an exponential growth of the dis-
article to the problems of frontogenesis and cyclogenesis turbance will follow. The instability case is thus
have, to my knowledge, not been attempted before. dvx/dt < dv 0 /dt. In order to make the instability cri-
The adiabatic movement of a partide parallel to an terion applicable also for the downward directed dis-
isentropic surface (sloping or horizontal) is not opposed
by buoyancy forces and is left to the stable or unstable
turbance, it should be written 1 ~tx 1 < 1~ 1
control of the horizontal pressure gradient and the Now, provided that the substitution of v~ for v11 in
Coriolis force. The same is true for partides of entire (7) is justified by a sufficiently small inclination of the
isentropic sheets moving in unison, when they are far isentropic surface, the instability criterion derived from
enough from the ground to be independent of boundary (7) and (8) takes the simple form,
effects. For the purpose of this artide we shall consider
the environmental field of pressure and potential tem- av. > 2Q (9)
perature constant while the sample partide (or sample
isentropic sheet) moves isentropically through the field. The observed increase of westerly geostrophic wind
We shall consider part of an isentropic surface of from the lower to the higher portion of an isentropic

surface sometimes satisfies this instability criterion, of a stable oscillatory nature until the anticyclonic isen-
as will be shown later. tropic shear reaches the critica} value of - 2n. In the
If we drop the initial conditiona of av,jax = O and latter cases there is a sustained stable departure from
av,jat = O, no exact treatment can be offered, because the geostrophic wind, represented by Vq , which has
then the fundamental current is nota steady-state one. finite values also when 2n. - av 0 / a11 > O. In addition
The following reasoning should however be valid, pro- there may be inertial perturbations superimposed on
vided that the long-wave deformations of the funda- the current representing the vector sum of geostrophic
mental current are much slower than the short-wave motion Vu and isentropic motion Vq ; such perturbations
developments on the isentropic surface. This condition will be stable as long as 2n. - avu! a11 > O.
is usually fulfilled. The demonstration of the occurrence of anticyclonic
In Fig. 6 an element of the isentropic surface is shear in the upper atmosphere, which approaches or
shown in x71-coordinates. Isobars on that surface are even surpasses the criticallimit of dynamic instability,
parallel to the x-direction, while the distribution of the is due to recent research work at the University of
speed of the geostrophic wind Vu is shown by slanting Chicago. The first profile of the westerlies showing such
scalar curves. Thus vu has a gradient in the x-direction conditions was analyzed by Palmen [23] in 1948. In
in addition to the much stronger gradient in the 'Il- the same paper it is also shown how we must treat zonal
direction. The disturbed path of a sample particle along flow as curved flow (radius of curvature r = a cotan <P)
the isentropic surface is supposed to go from A to B in order to arrive at a satisfactory accuracy of an
during the time differential. The x-component of the isovel profile which is to correspond to an observed
acceleration (parallel to the isobars) of the sample par- meridional pressure profile. In the following discussion
ticle is again, to a first approximation, dv,jdt = 2n.v~, we shall use the model of straight baroclinic westerlies
while the change of geostrophic wind encountered along with a stationary polar front published by Palmen and
the path is Newton [24] and reprinted here as the left part of Fig.
7. It represents an isotherm-isovel profile based on an
= avu
V~ a11
+ avu + avu (10) averaging of twelve eastem N orth American meridional
Vx ax at profiles roade during December 1946. In the right-hand
The acceleration of the particle in the 71-direction is part of Fig. 7 we have added a diagram of the com-
supposed tobe zero at the initial point of the trajectory puted quantity 2n. - avgfa'll, with '11 interpreted as the
A. The acceleration in the 71-direction will also be zero curvilinear isentropic coordinate (positive direction
at the end of the trajectory B if dv"jdt = dvu/dt, or northwards). In most of the field 2n. is greater than
avufa'll, indicating inertial stability; but in a narrow zone
avu avu + avu south of the maximum upper westerlies, 2n. - av 0 ja71
flzV~ = V~ ihl + V" ax at' is negative, indicating inertial instability. Furthermore,
in the frontal zone below 600 mb, where avol a'll has been
that is,
measured along saturation isentropes, the values of
2n. - avu! a11 indicate only a slight amount of inertial
Vz ax
avu+ avu
stability. We shall focus our attention first on that
V~= part of the profile.
20 - avg The small positive (or in some individual cases nega-
tive) values of 2n. - avufa'll are located in a narrow
Specializing now for the condition 2n. - avu! a11 > O frontal zone, while in the adjacent parts of the warm
and for v"av 0 jax + av 0 jat > O, we find that the and cold air masses, 2n. - avu! a11 is positive and far
particle given an initial speed component Vq greater from zero. Since in (11) the component of stable up-
than the value found in (11) will have an acceleration gliding or downgliding is inversely proportional to
component dv~fdt opposite to Vq. Given a smaller posi- 2n. - avufa'll , it follows that the air in the narrow frontal
tive initial Vq , ora negative initial Vq , the particle would zone has a much greater possibility for isentropic up-
accelerate towards the value for Vq given in (11). This or down-displacements than the air masses on either
value of v~ therefore represents the 71-component of a side.
stable upgliding motion in which ali the particles of the The quantity v"'avufax + avufat, representing the
isentropic surface may join. The 71-component of the numerator in the expression for Vq in (11), cannot be
stable upgliding motion approaches infinity when judged from the data of one profile alone. It will be
2n. - av0 / a11 goes to zero. In other words, in the case large and positive (1) where the isobars of the hori-
of inertial indifference any finite initial Vq would in- zontal pressure distribution converge, and (2) where
crease exponentially. the gradient wind increases locally with time. The first
Quite analogous reasoning in the case 2n. condition is fulfilled, for example, along the axis of
avufa'll > O and v"avufax +
av 0 jat < O reveals the kinematic dilatation extending eastward from a col of
existence of stable downgliding motion in which the the pressure field. Thi3 synoptic situation is known to
71-component is also given by (11). be frequently associated with frontogenesis and sub-
The difference between the cases v:cav 0 jax + sequent maintenance of a sharp front. The second condi-
avufat = O and ~ O is thus the following: In the former tion, local increase of gradient wind parallel to the
case the departures from the geostrophic wind remain frontal zone, frequently occurs during frontogenesis,

but t.he cause of such an increase of gradient wind .is the line of maximum 1 v~ 1 . In the stratosphere the
not necessarily attributable to the frontal mechanism. terms downgliding and upgliding must be interchanged,
Whenever vxavgjax +avgjat has the same sign in because of the opposite tilt of isentropic surfaces, but
each of the two air masses, v~ will also have the same the statement about the isentropic divergence remains
sign in the whole field; but its maximum numerica! identica! for stratosphere and troposphere. At the line

..... __ 300





FIG. 7 .-Meridional profiles through a model of straight westerlies with quasi-stationary polar front (Palmen and Newton
[24]). Left: Dashed lines show isotherms (degrees centigrade), and solid lines isovels (m sec- 1) of zonal geostrophic wind. Right:
Dashed lines show the field of dry-isentropes (degrees absolute), and the saturation-isentrope of 281 o in the frontal zone. Solid
lines represent the quantity 2!J, - iJv 0 /iJ11 in units of w- sec- 1

values, as far as the lower troposphere is concerned, of maximum 1 v~ 1 values the isentropic divergence
will be found in the frontal zone where 2!1, - av.l a7J is av~! a7J changes sign, as shown by the hatching in Fig. 8.
at a minimum. In figuring out the effect of the isentropic divergence
As shown in Fig. 7, the warm air over the lower and in changing the pressure field we may think of the dis-
intermediate portion of the polar-front surface has tribution of av~! a7J as representing in the first approxi-
anticyclonic isentropic shear, increasing to great values mation a field of avu/ay, where Vy is the nongeostrophic
in the upper troposphere, whereas the air above the
upper part of the frontal surface has cyclonic shear, o
likewise increasing. to high values in the upper tropo-
sphere. The dividing line between anticyclonic and
cyclonic shear runs almost vertically through the maxi-
mum of west-wind velocity, which in the average con-
dition represented by Fig. 7 is located above the place
where the frontal surface intersects the 500-mb level.
Isentropic upgliding or downgliding as defined by equa-
tion (11) will reach larger values south of the velocity
maximum than north of it. It is likely that this differ-
ence in v~ values north and south of the velocity maxi-
mum does give rise to important horizontal divergence
effects because the 71-component represents a nongeo-
strophic part of the total wind. The v~-divergence effect
in the jet-stream region should work out as shown sche- FIG. 8.-Isentropic convergence (hatched) and divergence
matically in Fig. 8. Where there is "conftuence" of the (unhatched) in the regions of jet-stream confiuence and delta.
winds into the western beginning of a "jet stream," equa-
tion (11) indicates a superimposed isentropic upgliding y-component.of motion. Assuming that the distribution
v~ > O and "isentropic convergence" av~!arJ < O north of apvyjay can also be qualitatively represented by the
of the line of maximum 1 v~ 1 . Where the wind velocity hatched and unhatched areas in Fig. 8, we have in that
decreases along the streamlines in the "delta" of a jet diagram an outline of the contribution of isentropic
stream, equation (11) indicates isentropic downgliding divergence to the total horizontal divergence. The isen-
V~ < 0 and isentropic divergence av~j a7J > 0, north of tropic divergence, acting in the same sense through

the strat.osphere and the upper half of the troposphere, sphere will be illustrated by a sequence of ground-level
may be an important effect to consider together with and 850-mb maps as well as selected profiles, and finally
the divergence effects represented in Fig. 1. A cyclonic the three-dimensional structure of the frontal wave
storm traveling along the jet-stream zone would come cyclone will be shown by a synoptic set of maps from
under the influence of superimposed upper mass diver- the ground to 300 mb.
gence from the time when it passes the place of great- Synoptic Evolution of the Upper Layers. The six
est constriction of the upper streamlines. A complete 300-mb maps at 12-hr intervals in Fig. 9 all show the
theoretical treatment of this case, which calls for a semipermanent Hudson Bay cyclone. Through the
combination of the divergence effects of Fig. 1 and whole troposphere this cyclone is a cold-core vortex
Fig. 8, is not available; but there seems tobe consider- and therefore shows up as a deep center on the 300-mb
able empirica! evidence for strong cyclonic deepening maps. Equally permanent is the crest of high pressure
under the described circumstances. Such synoptic evi- extending northwards from a warm anticyclone over
dence has mainly been gathered by Scherhag [30]. the eastern North Pacific. Both the Hudson Bay low
Scherhag points to Ryd [28, 29] as the originator of and the eastern Pacific high are typical features of the
the idea that mass divergence of importance for cyclone general circulation but they have more than average
deepening should occur in upper delta patterns. Ryd's strength during November 7-10. The westerly current
theoretical contributions appeared in 1923 and 1927 meandering through between them is quite strong over
when there were as yet no upper-air maps. a narrow zone, while the pressure gradients in the high
Returning to Fig. 7, we see that complete inertial and the low are quite weak. The trough located over
instability avu! aTJ > 2!1. may at times extend from 150 the western United States on November 7 moves slowly
mb down towards the 500-mb surface. It may also to the central states and deepens gradually from
extend over a thousand kilometers' length of current, November 7 to November 9. This upper-air process
but the width of the zone of such unstable shear is plays an important role in the formation of the frontal
hardly more than three hundred kilometers at any one cyclone which takes place under the pre-trough south-
point. Inside that volume of current the geostrophic westerly current (without producing any separate low-
wind, with its superimposed component of isentropic pressure center at 300 mb).
upgliding or downgliding, does not represent a stable The deepening of the upper trough may be caused
fiow. However, with stable neighboring fiow on either in two ways (see equation (1)): either through a sinking
side, no very large unstable deviations from geostrophic component of motion at the 300-mb level, or through
flow will be able to develop. The most likely system of horizontal mass divergence in the column above 300 mb.
perturbations in the unstable part of the current will In the former case the temperature in the trough at 300
be helical cellular circulations, as indicated in Fig. 7. mb ought to be rising with time. This is not borne out
Such circulations would serve the purpose of exchanging by the observations during November 7-9, so that we
momentum across the zone of unstable shear and thus are left with the horizontal mass divergence as the
lessen that shear. The height of each cell would have probable cause of the deepening of the trough. The
to be small, probably less than one kilometer, so that mass divergence must be operated through the feeding
the solenoid field set up by the cellular circulation should of air into the trough with such a high velocity that the
not grow strong enough to reverse the initial circulation.
Coriolis force and centrifugal force overcompensate the
An indirect indication of the existence of the helical
cellular circulations is seen in the observed "multiple initial pressure gradient. The mechanism for producing
tropopauses," each one probably representing a cell such a strong jet in the northerly current behind the
wall between superjacent circulation rolls. According trough must be sought on the anticyclonic bend to the
to Palmen [22], these multiple tropopauses are quasi- west.
isentropic as would be expected if they are formed as The maximum curvature of the 28,400-ft contour
circulation-cell boundaries. of the 300-mb surface is represented on the N ovember
7th map by an arc of a circle with radius ri. At the
SYNOPTIC EXAMPLE OF AN EXTRA- same place in western Canada the maximum possible
TROPICAL CYCLONE curvature of a steady-state anticyclonic current, flow-
The weather situation over N orth America during ing under the influence of the observed pressure-gradient
November 7-10, 1948, has been selected to illustrate force, is represented by another arc of a circle with
the principles of this article. A large occluded cyclone radius Tmin 3 The curvature analysis on the 300-mb
which was located over the Hudson Bay region during
this period can serve as a model of the most frequent 3. The value of Tmin is obtained from the equation of anti-
structure of old cyclones, while over the central United cyclonic circular motion
States the atmosphere displays all the successive stages -!?/r = -2Q,v - oiP/or = -2Q,(v - Vg), (12)
of frontogenesis and the early life history of a growing
in which iP stands for the geopotential in the pressure topogra-
frontal wave cyclone. Our description will begin with
phy, r and v are positive, -oiP/or is the outward-directed
the evolution of the long-wave background pattern of pressure gradient, -2Q,v is the inward-directed Coriolis force,
the upper layers, represented by a set of 300-mb maps, and -!?/r is the centripetal acceleration. When equation (12)
then the advective frontogenesis in the lower tropo- is applied to a selected point on the map, n, and oiP/or are

FIG. 9.- Twelve-hourly sequence of :300-mb maps during N ovember 7- 10, 1948 (r ; = radius of isobaric curva ture, Tmin = - :/!J~
= 2v.; n,). Asterisk marks position of apex of frontal wave on sea-level map. Half barb 5 m sec- 1 , fui! barb lO m sec-t. triangular
barb 50 m sec- t.

anticyclonic bend over western Canada on N ovember 7 where c is the speed of the wave. N o measured wind
and the following days shows that instances of r; < velocities are available at 300 mb in western Canada
rmin are quite frequent, in other words, that with the during the days under consideration. Theoretical es-
given pressure gradient and contour curva ture the paths timates of v must lie between v9 and 2v 9 , and are most
of particles often cannot have as small a radius of curva- likely closer to the lower than the upper limit, as will
ture as that of the isobaric contours. If that applies to be shown later. Assuming tentatively for the moving
a quasi-stationary pressure ridge like the orographic pressure crest at the Canadian-United States border
one over the Canadian Rockies, where the radius r. on November 8, 0300Z, v = 9 = 49 m sec- 1 , we
of streamline curvature is equal to the radius r of path would have from (13)
curvature, the air would have to cross the isobars
towards low pressure while making the anticyclonic 49 2
turn. This must imply a forward acceleration of the r = 1.08 X 10-4 ( 49 - 44.5) = 4900 km,
particle leading up to maximum speed at the end of the
and would arrive at the following estimate of r. :
anticyclonic sweep. If such fast-moving air is fed
directly into a pressure trough downstream, in which 5 49 - 35
the pressure gradients were adapted to smaller wind r. = 49 X 10 49 m = 1400 km,
speeds, an intensification of the trough should follow.
The deepening of the large pressure trough over western which is much longer than the measured radius of
and central United States during November 7-9, 1948, contours r; = 440 km. These estimates and measure-
should probably be interpreted this way. Measured ments are of course subject to great errors, but even
winds are unfortunately not available for a complete so, the conclusion seems to be that also on the moving
check of these ideas. The only part of the phenomenon pressure crests the streamlines will fail to adapt to the
that can be well demonstrated is the general occurrence strong curvature of the isobars. It then also follows
of wind components towards high pressure, resulting that the moving pressure crests at the 300-mb level
from the supergeostrophic velocity of the air that is are preceded by a velocity maximum. When the air
leaving the anticyclonic bend (see winds over the from that velocity maximum enters the slow-moving
western United States on the 300-mb map of November low-pressure trough, a pulse of deepening by centri-
8, 1500Z). fugal action would result. The rapidly moving upper
The flow around the quasi-stationary anticyclonic wave cannot be seen to continue its propagation on the
bend over western Canada cannot be a steady-state front side of the deep slow-moving trough. Hence all
one, although the major features of that part of the its wave energy must have been absorbed in the large
map do remain unchanged. The 300-mb maps show trough.
how one moving wave perturbation after the other With the above estimate of v = 49 m sec- 1 and r. =
appears on top of the large stationary crest of high 1400 km, the anticyclonic vorticity due to curvature
pressure in the west. The first of these traveled about -v/r. amounts to -3.5 X 10-5 sec-1 This is numer-
1500 km during twelve hours (35 m sec-1 ) and is found ically much less than 2Q sin 50 = 1.1 X 10-4 sec-I, so
on the second map with its wave crest in the northerly it does not seem likely that the complete anticyclonic
current at the Canadian-United States border. The vorticity -v/r. - avjan reaches the critical value of
300-mb contour curvature at that time and place de- -2rlz anywhere in the rapid wave at 300 mb. The
fines an r; which is much smaller than Tmin . described manifestation of instability through cross-
The radii of curvature of streamlines, r. , and of air isobaric flow on the anticyclonic bend thus takes place
trajectories, r, in a moving sinusoidal wave, are related independently of the fulfillment of the criterion
to each other by the formula -v/r. - avjan + 2rl, < O.
V- C
On November 8, 1500Z, when the most unstable part
r. = r -v-' (16) of the anticyclonic flow was found far north (again
marked by r; < Tmin), a growing crest and a downwind,
deepening trough formed simultaneously. When that
constants. Solving (12) for perturbation caught up with the slow-moving trough
ahead, another deepening occurred (see N ovember 9,
r =----- (13) 1500Z), this time in the north-central United States
2n,v +
o<J>jor 2n,(v - v.)'
while the southern end -of the trough was losing depth.
and seeking the value of v for which ris a minimum, we obtain These fast-moving unstable waves on the 300-mb
o<J> maps are, of course, at times connected with disturb-
ar ances in the lower atmosphere. The first of the upper
v = - - = 2v. (14) waves was formed on November 7, 1500Z, as an oc-
cluded front was approaching from the west; it is likely
The corresponding values of Tmin and v are thus that the excessive anticyclonic curvature resulted from
a superposition of the upper wave crest (associated
with the occluded cyclone) upon the semipermanent
ar 2v.
(15) anticyclonic bend produced orographically by the
Tmin = - 2 = --'-,
n, n. northern Rocky Mountains. Once formed, the unstable

upper wave separates from the frontal disturbance by would thus, in the levels of strongest westerlies, show
virtue of its superior speed (35 m sec-1). The second the divergence extending forward beyond the ridge of
unstable upper wave had no clear connection with any highest pressure. The implications of this divergence on
frontal disturbance. the pressure ridges of the upper atmosphere for the
During the selected period, the flow of air east of the storm development in the lower atmosphere will be
big slow-moving trough turned gradually from west- considered on p. 597.
southwest towards south-southwest while increasing a Frontogenesis. Figure 10 illustrates three stages of
little in strength. On November 8, 1500Z, after the frontogenesis, 24 hours apart, represented by simul-
cold trough of the Hudson Bay cyclone had moved off taneous sea-level and 850-mb maps. At the first map
to the northeast, the upper current over the eastern time the Hudson Bay cyclone is also shown. Its thermal
half of the United States and Canada became almost structure is that of an old cyclone with the occluded
straight. On November 9, 0300Z, when the growing front beginning to wrap around the center. The upper
frontal cyclone (marked by an asterisk on the 300-mb warm tongue, extending east and north of the Hudson
maps) began to exert influence high up, the upper cur- Bay center from the warm-air reservoir over the Atlan-
rent became slightly S-shaped. The newly formed upper tic, is shown clearly in the 850-mb isotherms. The
wave moved along with the cyclone center below at a pressure trough pointing southwards from the Hudson
speed of only 9 m sec- 1 The best estimate of the wind Bay cyclone is not of frontal nature, as can be seen
speed on the anticyclonic bend is probably 80 m sec- 1 from the weak temperature gradient at 850 mb in that
(see below) and hence r. = r(80 - 9)/80 = 0.9r. region. The same nonfrontal trough continues up to
Even with r = rmin = 1950 km, r. would be 0.9 X 1950 the 300-mb level (Fig. 9), where its orientation ap-
km = 1760 km, which is greater than the measured proaches northwest-southeast, and in those upper layers
ri = 1350 km. The streamlines will consequently not it actually extends out over the Atlantic, producing a
be able to adapt to pressure contours around the anti- bend in the warm sector current. Such troughs always
cyclonic bend. move more slowly than the air, and it is kinematically
The tentative assumption of r = rmin given above is impossible for fronts to develop in them.
really predicated on the further assumption that the Historical continuity made it obvious that the cold
wind maintains a speed of 2vu around the anticyclonic front from the Hudson Bay cyclone had reached Florida
bend. We can in this case show convincingly that the by November 7, 1500Z, but the 850-mb map shows how
wind does not reach such a speed and therefore that the the cold air, after arriving over the Gulf States, must
air trajectory must have a radius of curvature con- have subsided and thereby effaced most of the frontal
siderably longer than rmin . temperature contrast. The bundle of isotherms running
The geostrophic wind in the strongest part of the along the northern part of the cold front bends west-
straight southwesterly current on November 8, 1500Z ward over the Carolinas and northern Georgia and
amounted to about 70 m sec-I, and on the chart for there marks the intersection of the 850-mb map with
November 9, 0300Z a measurement of the geostrophic the tilting surface of subsidence. The 850-mb winds in
wind in the Great Lakes region gives nearly the same that region blow across the isotherm bundle from cold
value. Even at the geostrophic speed of 70 m sec- 1 , to warm, but fail to produce any local fall in temper-
which gives a speed of 70 - 9 = 61 m sec- 1 relative ature because of the simultaneous sinking. The de-
to the wave, it would take only 4H hours for each air viations from geostrophic flow are quite striking in
parcel to cover the 1000-km distance along which there that sinking air mass. While descending from the levels
is anticyclonic curvature. Suppose a particle passes of strong west winds the air particles must be retarded
the inflection point at 70 m sec- 1 and from then on ex- and, in order to do so, they must move with a com-
periences a forward tangential acceleration (dv/dt)e = ponent towards high pressure, as shown on the 850-mb
2n.vr on the anticyclonic bend. If Vr , the wind com- map of November 7, 1500Z. The same type of geo-
ponent directed outward normal to the isobars, reaches strophic departure is found on that day over the south-
the high average value of 10 m sec- 1 on the anticyclonic eastern United States all the way up to 300 mb (Fig. 9).
bend, the speed of the particles would increase at a On the following day (November 8), the geostrophic
rate of 10 m sec- 1 per three hours, and at most by 15 departures characteristic of the front side of moving
m sec-1 during the whole travel from inflection point to anticyclones can be seen on the 850-mb map over New
inflection point. This increase in speed would thus go England. In the rear of the moving anticyclone the
only one-fifth of the way from Vu to 2 Vu This reasoning opposite geostrophic deviation is observed. In that part
justifies the earlier assumption of the moderately super- the air is ascending and accelerating and must have a
geostrophic wind of 70 + 10 = 80 m sec- 1 on the horizontal component towards low pressure. This phe-
middle of the anticyclonic bend. nomenon is actually part of the process of frontogenesis
Another effect of the transisobaric wind component over the central United States which will be considered
on the anticyclonic bend is also worth considering. A next.
flow component across anticyclonic contours towards Frontogenesis by horizontal advection operates when
low pressure is usually synonymous with horizontal a field of deformation is maintained in a baroclinic air
divergence of mass, and offers in that way a contribution mass. Optimum efficiency in this process is achieved
to pressure fall (see equation (1)). The basic pattern when the axis of dilatation of the field of deformation
in Fig. 1 of horizontal divergence in westerly waves coincides with the direction of the isotherms. The


FIG. 10.-Twenty-four-hourly sequence of sea-level and 850-mb maps, showing advective frontogenesis and incipient cyclogenesis. Upper winds: Half barb .....
5 m sec-1 , full barb 10 m sec-1

streamlines in the col over the central United States the foehn air over Dodge City. The foehn on the warm
on November 7, 1500Z, fulfill that condition fairly side of the col gives the frontogenesis a good start in
well. The mentioned geostrophic departure towards low the layers below the level of the continental divide, but
pressure on the warm side of the col also favors the the process also takes place higher up, as shown by the
transportation of the isotherms towards the axis of isothermalcy between 600 and 560 mb at Rapid City.
dilatation. As a result of these processes a surface front The thermodynamics of upgliding in the sloping
has formed on November 8, 1500Z, over the region frontal zone can be tested through an inspection of the
previously occupied by the col, while frontogenesis is 293 dry-isentrope which has been inserted in Fig. 11.
in progress over the Great Lakes region where the col It shows that a particle could be brought dry-adia-
has now arrived. A frontal wave has already formed batically along the profile from near the ground in
over the state of Missouri and is represented in the Oklahoma to the tropopause at 350 mb over Montana
pressure field by a small elongated low. During the without being subject to stabilizing gravity effects. If


-20 .,.~--~~~~~~~~~~--~~~--~ 700


NOV. 7, 1948 , 1500 i!

FIG. 11.-Profile of early frontogenesis, November 7, 1948, 1500Z, and part of the 500-mb map for the same time. Sample eval-
uations of 20, - iJv 0 /iJTJ below diagram. Upper winds: Half barb 5 m sec-1 , full barb 10 m sec- 1, triangular barb 50 m sec- 1

following twenty-four hours the new cyclone deepens we take into account that condensation would begin
and moves along the front northeastward. A new field in such a particle at 700 mb, the ascent from there on
of deformation is active on November 9 along the cold would follow the saturation isentrope of 282, which
front of that cyclone and helps maintain the frontal climbs more steeply than the dry-isentrope and like-
temperature contrast. wise reaches the tropopause. Actually no single particle
The described frontogenetical development near the undergoes such far-reaching isentropic displacements
ground conforms with the advective rules set forth by inside the profile; but the isentropes can stiH be used as
Bergeron [1] and Petterssen [25]. We shall here add a indicators of the direction of the component of stable
study of the dynamical conditions for isentropic up- upgliding (see p. 585), which the particles may have in
gliding in the free atmosphere, which is an important addition to their much stronger geostrophic component
part of the process of frontogenesis. of motion normal to the profile.
The rate of frontogenesis near the ground is increased A study of the values of the isentropic upgliding
considerably if the air of the lower part of the frontal (equation (11)),
zone is removed by upgliding. The dynamical possibili-
ties for that process are considered in Fig. 11, which V dVg + dVg
contains a profile across the zone of frontogenesis dur-
"'ax at
ing its early stage on November 7, 1500Z. At that time 2Q _ dVg '
no clear-cut front was yet discernible on the surface dTJ
map, but on the 850-mb map there is great crowding of along the different sections of the inserted isentropes,
isotherms between the cold air over N orth Platte and will reveal the dynamical possibilities for frontogenesis.

The denominator in the expression above can be de- vxav 0 jax + av 0 jat is also small at that place (see Fig. 9)
termined uniquely from the data contained in the pro- so that no great v~-component results. Farther east
file, whereas the numerator depends on derivatives of the near the Atlantic, where the anticyclonic isentropic
geostrophic wind normal to the profile and derivatives shear is equally great and Vxav 0 jax has a large negative
in time. Let us consider the denominator first. value, v~ is observed to have a large negative value
Along the lower part of the 293 isentrope the geo- (directed towards high pressure) at all reporting upper-
strophic shear avu! a'YJ is negative, and hence 2Qz - wind stations. This is an example of the systematic
avu/ a'YJ is large. Between the points of intersection of nongeostrophic wind components at the "delta" of an
the 293 isentrope with the isovels of 20 m sec- 1 and upper jet stream derived in Fig. 8. The horizontal con-
10 m sec- 1 the value of 2Qz - avufa'YJ can be computed vergence resulting in the southem half of the delta is
to be 1.6 X 10-4 sec-1 , as indicated at the bot tom of the instrumental in providing the pressure rise ahead of the
profile. Farther up along the 293 isentrope, avufaTJ moving high in the southeastem United States (Fig.
changes sign and 2Qz - avu! a'YJ decreases despite the 10).
northward increase of 2Q. In the baroclinic field be- Figure 12 shows a profile through the zone of fronto-
tween Rapid City and Glasgow 2Q. - avu/ a'YJ has de- genesis twenty-four hours later. The frontal slope has
creased to 0.8 X 10-4 sec- 1 StiH smaller values are become steeper (~~o in the lowest portion) and the
found along the 282 saturation isentrope, and a nega- frontal shear - avxfaY is now characterized by a sharp
tive 2Qz - avu/ a'YJ results in the section near Rapid 180 wind shift. Negative Vu values (northeast wind)
City. The latter value indicates dynamic instability or, stronger than 10 m sec- 1 now occur in the lower part
in other words, the condition of upgliding without dy- of the cold wedge near the front. Applying the v~
namic brake action. Actually only small volumes of formula to particles in the northeast current, we find
saturated air (altostratus and cirrus) occur in the region conditions set for isentropic downgliding because the
under consideration during the early stage of fronto- numerator vxav 0 jax + avufat is now negative. A nu-
genesis, and friction of such air against the dry en- merica! estima te of the downgliding along the 281 o
vironment probably exerts enough of a brake action isentrope near the cold edge of the frontal zone at 850
to preclude violent developments. The dry-adiabatic mb follows:
upgliding thus still applies to the greater part of the
baroclinic upper-tropospheric air. V av~ + av 0
Xax at
The numerator in the expression for v~ can be judged V~=
from an inspection of the 500-mb map (in Fig. 11). 2Q - avu
If vxavufax is measured on the map just north of Rapid aTJ
City, it amounts to 20 X 2.6 X 10-5 m sec- 2 = 5.2 X -10 X 1.4 X 10-5 - 10- 4
10-4 m sec-2 The large value of the term comes from
28 -1
0.96 X I0-4 - 0.1 X I0-4 -- msec .
the convergence of the 500-mb contours and that
feature, in turn, is inherent in the structure of the large The resulting dry-isentropic descent traverses the
pressure trough to the west with its central area of weak frontal zone with a component from the cold to the
pressure gradient bordering on strong pressure gradients warm side. This nongeostrophic component towards
to the south. The large value of avu/ax is, of course, the frontal trough, together with the frictional flow
also corroborated by measured wind velocities, which component in the same direction, accounts for the sub-
increase from 10 m sec- 1 to 50 m sec-1 along the stream- geostrophic displacement of warm fronts in general.
line from northem Wyoming to Green Bay, Wisconsin. In some cases the nongeostrophic component normal to
In addition, the 300-mb map (Fig. 9) shows the same the front may permit the cold wedge to advance against
convergence of contours a little farther north. a moderate geostrophic component from warm to cold.
An evaluation of v~ at the 500-mb level just north In the upper part of the frontal zone, isentropic up-
of Rapid City gives gliding continues onNovember 8 just as on November
5.2 X 10-4 7, as can be seen from the convergence of contours be-
= 0 _8 X 10_4 = 6.5 msec
v~ tween Omaha and Bismarck on the 500-mb map (Fig.
12). The same contour convergence is found right over
Here av 0 jat has been neglected as insignificant in com- Omaha on the 700-mb map (not reproduced). In the
parison with vxavufax. The corresponding Vz would be profile the 284 o saturation isentrope approximately fol-
about one-hundredth of v~ , hence 6.5 cm sec- 1 Cor- lows the warm edge of the frontal zone; av 0 / a'YJ measured
responding determinations of v~ lower down on the along that isentrope gives values greater than 2Q.
frontal slope result in smaller values, and consequently from the condensation level up to 700 mb. This lower
av~!aTJ is positive. With av~faTJ and avx/ax both positive portion of the frontal zone is thus dynamically unstable;
in the frontal zone, there is stretching in both the while higher up, where the 284 o isentrope tums parallel
TJ-direction and the x-direction, so that frontogenesis to the v0 -isovels, finite speeds of upgliding can be de-
progresses under optimum conditions. termined. An estima te of the upgliding on the saturation
In the upper troposphere south of the maximum isentrope of 284 o at the 500-mb level gives
westerlies av 0 / a'YJ assumes large values approaching those
of 2Q. In Fig. 11, 2Qz - av 0 /a'YJ measured at 300 mb 23 X 1.4 X 10-5 -t
v~ = (1.0 _ )
O. 1 X 10 4
= 3.6 m sec .
over Oklahoma City is only 0.1 X 10-4 sec- 1 However,

Exploring the whole frontal zone for nongeostrophic zone is about Yso in the upper portion, and it is quasi-
isentropic motion, we find the conditions for down- vertical near the ground, while an intermediate portion
gliding limited upwards by the zero isovel, while up- around 70Q-800 mb tilts only by Y!ao. The general




r-----~~~~~~~~~~--+-- 700
-20 t-


NOV. 8, 1948 1500 Z
FIG. 12.-Profile of the warm front of the incipient wave on November 8, 1948, 1500Z, and part of the 500-mb map for the same
time. Sample evaluations of 20. - av.!art below diagram. Upper winds: Half barb 5 m sec-1 , full barb 10 m sec- 1.

gliding begins above that line. Moreover, we find that shape of the profile can be understood as the result of
the dry-isentropes indicate a downgliding with a hori- the bulging forward of the lower portion of the cold
zontal component across the front from cold to warm, wedge after the passage of the frontal wave apex. The
while the upgliding along saturation isentropes remains
almost parallel to the frontal slope. The frontal profile LITTLE MAXWELL
therefore must begin to bulge forward from cold to warm ROCK FIELD
in the lower layers while remaining rather unchanged
higher up. That is what happens when the apex of the
frontal wave goes by, as will be discussed in connection
with the maps in Fig. 14.
The anticyclonic shear south of the westwind maxi-
mum has grown to the state of dyhamic instability as
shown in Fig. 12 by means of the differentiation of Vu
along the 333 isentrope. Shears rather close to the in-
stability limit also extend down to the 500-mb level
and make possible the rather large and systematic wind
component towards low pressure observed on the 500-
mb map southeast of the jet stream.
Figure 13 shows a profile across the cold front from ''/'7-7~7,7,~~~~~~7-n~~~~~-'000
Dodge City (Kansas) to Maxwell Field (Alabama) on 'o':liQ-4 SEc-I
November 9, 1500Z. The corresponding sea-level and 35 33
"' 37
850-mb maps are to be found in Fig. 10. The profile !IJOV. 9,1948, 1500 Z
shows that strong horizontal temperature gradients FIG. 13.-Profile of the cold front on November 9, 1948, 1500Z.
have formed all the way to the top of the diagram. The Sample evaluations of 20. - av.!art below diagram.
frontogenetical process by horizontal advection has
actually been operating through the whole troposphere nongeostrophic downgliding responsible for that process
(in Fig. 14 the resulting frontal zone shows up well even was found to be dynamically justified from the study
at the 300-mb level). The inclination of the frontal of the frontal profile 24 hours earlier, Vxav 0 /aX +

dV 0 / iJt being negative in the lower portion of the cold mass of the cold front would, of course, go well beyond
wedge. The sea-level map for November 9, 1500Z (Fig. 500 mb, but such phenomena of "vertical instability"
10) shows a positive iJv 0 /dx along the whole cold front were not reported in the case under consideration.
(the geostrophic wind component parallel to the front Intermittent, light prefrontal rain, which was reported
in the cold air is increasingly negative as we pass as far as 300 km ahead of the cold front, can be ac-
towards the negative x-direction), but the actual wind counted for quite well by the saturation-isentropic
component Vx, parallel to the front, is about zero in upgliding. In the warm season such upgliding in the
the forward part of the cold wedge; iJvu/dl also is tropical air current may be sufficient to trigger thunder-
small. Hence it follows that the isentropic downgliding storm formation, which in turn may develop prefrontal
v~ should be insignificant except where 2fl, - iJv 0 /dTJ squall lines.
is zero or negative. The profile in Fig. 13 shows an al- Structure of the Maturing Frontal Cyclone. Figure
most perfect parallelism of v0 -isovels and dry-isentropes 14 presents the sea-level, 700-mb, 500-mb, and 300-mb
in the cold wedge, so that iJv 0 /iJTJ = O. Therefore, no maps for N ovember 10, 0300Z, depicting the structure
dynamic instability occurs inside the cold air, not even of the maturing frontal cyclone. The amplitude of the
in the upper part where the frontal zone is quite steep. frontal wave on the surface map has now increased con-
The only place for dynamic instability to occur inside siderably, and the cold air from the rear begins to en
the cold air is right at the quasi-vertical part of the circle the cyclone center. It is clearly seen how this
frontal surface near the ground, where a real temper- occlusion process has had its inception only at the
ature discontinuity exists. However, the air volume in- ground, while the isotherm patterns of the upper maps
volved is too small to appear on a profile of the scale stiU indicate an open wave of small amplitude. This
used in Fig. 13. The release of the dynamic instability shows that while the wave travels along the front the
at the cold front is responsible for maintaining the frontal slope increases to a maximum at the wave apex.
downdraft, which is always observed in a strip of a At that point the smooth wave "breaks" and a rela-
few kilometers' width following the frontal passage. tively shallow cold outbreak fans out along the ground.
This cold-air downdraft is instrumental in giving the The mechanism of this breaking of the smooth wave
cold front a greater speed of displacement than would probably lies in the dynamic instability of the lower
have been indicated by the geostrophic wind determined part of the frontal zone, described in its stage of in-
from the sea-level pressure distribution. In Fig. 10 ception in Fig. 12 and continuing in the form of the
the computed twelve-hour geostrophic displacement of frontal downdraft in Fig. 13. During the process, the
the cold front is represented by a short arrow of 80-km cold front part near the cyclone center undergoes fron-
length, while at the same place the preceding twelve- tolysis through cold-air downgliding. This is always
hour displacement was 210 km and the subsequent one noticeable in the surface-map analysis, and, on Novem-
460 km. The geostrophic wind component normal to ber 10, 0300Z, it also shows up in a weakening of the
the front computed from the 850-mb map is large frontal temperature gradient on the 700-mb map.
enough to account for the frontal displacement, and Farther south, where the cold front passes through the
we must assume that air from this level enters the frontogenetical field of deformation, the frontal tem-
frontal downdraft and carries westerly momentum to perature gradient remains rather strong. The strongest
the surface layer. In the layers above 850 mb the cold- frontal temperature gradient, however, is found at the
air current is cyclonically curved and hence subgeo- 500-mb level where the breaking of the frontal wave
strophic. With increasing height, the wind in the frontal has not yet started. The 300-mb map also shows fairly
zone also becomes more and more parallel to the frontal strong tempera ture gradients across the pressure trough,
boundary, so that the frontal displacement is less there which may justify the use of the term "front" even at
than at the ground. that level. Particularly striking is the crowding of iso-
The prefrontal air in the profile in Fig. 13 has a therms in the southwestern corner of the map, probably
lapse rate slightly less than the saturation adiabatic, an effect of. frontogenesis in a 300-mb col in the un-
but with the existing horizontal temperature gradient mapped area west of Mexico. The 300-mb map under
a saturation-adiabatic ascent is possible at the rather consideration is just tangent to a tropopause depression
steep angle of Yso, as shown by the sample saturation over the cold tongue of tropospheric air in the west.
isentropes of 289 and 292. The measured values of The map intersects the tropopause along the zone of
2n. - avu! dTJ show a close approach to dynamic in- lowest temperature across Labrador and northern
difference and even some dynamic instability. A satu- Ontario. The temperature maximum east of the Hudson
ration-isentropic upgliding is in order at 850 mb, as Bay cyclone is stratospheric. The cold air to its north
can be seen from the convergence of contours (vxiJvufiJx is tropospheric and has been brought from lower lati-
> O) in the warm current intersected by the profile tudes as part of the warm sector shown in Fig. 9. On
(Fig. 10). The same is true for the 700-mb map (not the 500-mb map, which is entirely tropospheric, the
reproduced) but not for the 500-mb and 300-mb maps Hudson Bay center has a cold core with warmer sur-
(Fig. 9). The frontal upgliding should therefore be con- roundings both to the north and to the south.
fined to the layers under 500 mb. This is also verified The pressure minimum of the frontal wave at the
by the Little Rock sounding, which goes up through the Great Lakes continues up to 700 mb with some west-
cold-front but shows a 35 per cent relative humidity ward tilt, but at that level it has already shrunk so as
at 500 mb. Thunderheads growing up from the cloud tobe a minor feature in the pressure field compared to

Fw. 14.-St ructure of maturing frontal cyclone at sea level, 700 mb, 500 mb, and 300 mb, on November 10, 1948, 0300Z. Upper
winds: Half barb 5 m sec- 1 , full barb 10 m sec- 1 , triangular barb 50 m sec- 1

the old stationary Hudson Bay minimum. But the per current, and that an upper divergence pattern in
young cyclone over the Great Lakes has all the poten- the style of Fig. 8 would be superimpose(i. This upper
tialities of development inherent in the solenoid field pattern would tend to produce pressure falls in the
concentrated along the frontal wave all through the northern half and pressure rises in the southern half of
troposphere. As a hydrostatic consequence of the wave- the delta. It may be counted in favor of this reasoning
shaped pattern of isotherms, the upper current above that the Great Lakes cyclone proceeded northeastward
the closed center is likewise wave-shaped with an anti- to northern Labrador and not along the 300-mb con-
cyclonic bend over the warm-front area of upgliding. tours ahead of the storm which would have meant east-
The frontal cyclone deepened at the rapid rate of 14 northeastward propagation.
mb per twelve hours during N ovember 10, and ended The sample cyclone described above had its early
up as a storm center of 975 mb over northern Labrador development near the ground, where the frontal up-
on N ovember 12. We shall briefly consider the applica- gliding of the warm air and the downgliding of the cold
tion of the various theories of upper-air divergence were a direct consequence of the preceding fronto-
which may claim to explain the deepening. Considering genesis. Such wave cyclogenesis is typical for all the
first the formation of the upper pressure crest which frontogenetical areas of the middle and high latitudes.
precedes the surface cyclone, we shall see the nature Another type of cyclogenesis occurs at times inde-
of the interplay between lower and upper layers. The pendently of any pre-existing low-level front. The cyclo-
fact that the upper pressure crest moves at a speed of genetic mechanism in that case seems to lie in the
only 9 m sec-1 in a current of 70-80 m sec-1 shows that dynamic instability of the upper tropospheric wester-
the upper wavecannot bea free one. The time and place lies, which leads to the meandering of the current and
of the first appearance of the pressure crest on the 300- the subsequent formation of an upper cold low. Cyclo-
mb map (N ovember 9, 0300Z) make it likely that the up- genesis of this kind is described by means of two
per crest was formed by the upward motion connected synoptic examples in the following article by E. Palmen.
with the beginning frontal upgliding in the nascent In one example, that of November 4, 1946, the upper
frontal wave. Once the upper wave is established, upper low did not reach a frontogenetical area, and did not
divergence will be located in the area between the pre- extend down to the surface. In the other case, that of
existing upper pressure trough and the new upper pres- November 17-18, 1948, a frontal wave action can be
sure crest ahead of it. With the trough in north- discerned but, in contrast to the case of N ovember 7-10,
northeast-south-southwest orientation and the pres- 1948, the wave motion started first in the upper tropo-
sure crest in northwest-southeast orientation, the half sphere and later extended to low levels.
wave length between them shortens northward and
makes the upper divergence particularly strong in that CONCLUSION
region. This is also the region where the rapid deep- Summing up our state of knowledge of extratropical
ening of the frontal cyclone takes place. So far, the cyclones, we may classify their formation as being due
dynamics involved in the deepening process conform either to unstable frontal wave action or to unstable
with the principles of Fig. 1. With that basic pattern growth of an upper wave trough. A subsequent com-
accepted, we must also admit the existence of the fol- bination of both processes is quite frequent, and all the
lowing modifying processes. strongest cyclones on record seem to have that double
The upper pressure crest is continually being fed from origin. This article has dealt mainly with the unstable
below by the rising motion in the front half of the frontal wave action, which is in itself a large subject.
cyclone and therefore is forced to maintain the same The descriptive study of cyclogenesis and cyclone
slow speed of propagation as the surface vortex. When growth is carried out daily by all the weather forecasters
the curvature of the anticyclonic bend of upper isobars of middle latitudes, and an adequate report on their
becomes sufficiently strong, the fast upper current is experiences would have exceeded by far the scope of
unable to follow the isobars in gradient wind fashion, this article. The theoretical study of the model of frontal
and horizontal divergence must result on both sides cyclogenesis has been the work of a small number of
of the upper crest line (see p. 590). This component of scholars of dynamical meteorology. Viewed in retro-
upper divergence modifies the model in Fig. 1 in the spect, the contribution of H. von Helmholtz to this
sense of extending the pressure fall farther ahead of field of research appears to be of outstanding im-
the surface center. portance and to represent the foundation upon which
The upper-air divergence of the Ryd-Scherhag contemporary and future theories should build. The
theories (p. 586) is also superimposed on the divergence Helmholtzian concept of dynamic instability of the
and convergence inherent in the wave pattern. It can inertial motion in isentropic surfaces points out which
best be judged by comparing the geostrophic wind properties of the atmospheric fields of mass and motion
at two successive inflection points. The average geo- on a rotating earth are conducive to the growth of
strophic wind between the 30,000-ft and 29,000-ft con- perturbations from infinitesimal to finite amplitudes;
tours at the inflection point southwest of the Great and it seems obvious that such a fundamental theoreti-
Lakes was 60 m sec-1 , and between the same contours cal principle must have its applications to the early
at the inflection point over Labrador it was 42 m phases of the life cycle of cyclones. However, there is
sec-1 . Therefore it can be concluded that the Great still a wide gap to be bridged between the existing
Lakes cyclone was situated under a "delta" of the up- theory of dynamic instability and the applications called

for in daily synoptic practice. Helmholtz considered 12. HELMHOLTZ, H. v., "Uber atmospharische Bewegungen."
only the background pattern of an atmosphere mov- Meteor. Z., 5:329-340 (1888).
ing zonally at all longitudes. What synopticians need 13. HESSELBERG, T., und FRIEDMANN, A., "Griissenordnung
are the criteria of dynamic instability for large-scale der meteorologischen Elemente." Veroff. geophys. Inst.
Univ. Lpz., 1: 147-173 (1914).
atmospheric currents which are nonzonal and non-
14. HiiiLAND, E., "On .the Interpretation and Application of
permanent, because they are part of a slowly moving, the Circulation Theorems of V. Bjerknes." Arch. Math.
long-wave pattern, but stiH offer the propitious environ- Naturv., 42: 25--57 (1939).
ment for the quick growth of perturbations of cyclone 15. - - "On the Stability of the Circular Vortex." Avh.
SIZe. norske VidenskAkad., No. 11 (1941).
Once the frontal wave has occluded, dynamic in- 16. HoLMBOE, J., and others, Dynamic Meteorology. New York,
stability in the Helmholtz sense is eliminated, because Wiley, 1945. (See pp. 324-325)
of the accomplished spread of cyclonic vorticity to the 17. HoLMBOE, J., "On Dynamic Stability of Zonal Currents."
whole cyclonic area. Indirect effects of dynamic in- J. mar. Res., 7: 163-174 (1948).
stability may, however, be brought to the cyclone 18. KLEINSCHMIDT, E., "Stabilitatstheorie des geostrophischen
Windfeldes." Ann. Hydrogr., Berl., 69: 305-325 (1941).
from the neighboring upwind anticyclonic part of the
19. - - "Zur Theorie der labilen Anordnung." Meteor. Z.,
upper-tropospheric westerlies. In the absence of such a 58: 157-163 (1941).
rejuvenating influence, the cyclone is left to decay by 20. MILLER, J. E., "Studies of Large-Scale Vertical Motions
frictional inflow at the surface unopposed by deepening of the Atmosphere." Meteor. Pap. N. Y. Univ., Voi. 1,
effects in the upper troposphere. This sketch of the No. 1, 49 pp. (1948).
last part of the life cycle of cyclones is even less inti- 21. MoLTSCHANOW, P., "Bedingungen des Gleichgewichts
mately related to exact dynamic theories than is the und der Stabilitat der Luftmassen nach der Horizontalen
existing theory of frontal cyclogenesis. The most hope- und der Vertikalen." Petermann.s Mitt., Erg. 47, Heft
ful approach to a solution of the problems of the old 216, ss. 62-67 (1933).
cyclone is most likely to be through the study of the 22. PALMEN, E., "Aerologische Untersuchungen der atmos-
pharischen Stiirungen." Acta Soc. Sci. fenn., Phys.
energy transformations in the cyclone and its farther
Math., Vol. 7, No. 6 (1933).
environment. The major old cyclones occupy such big 23. - - "On the Distribution of Tempera ture and Wind in the
fractions of the volume and weight of the atmosphere Upper Westerlies." J. Meteor., 5:20-27 (1948).
that the "farther environment" must be taken to mean 24. - - and NEWTON, C. W., "A Study of the Mean Wind
the whole hemispherical circulation. and Temperature Distribution in the Vicinity of the
Polar Front in Winter." J. Meteor., 5: 22D-226 (1948).
REFERENCES 25. PETTERSSEN, S., Weather Analysis and Forecasting. New
1. BERGERON, T., "Uber die dreidimensional verkniipfende York, McGraw, 1940. (See pp. 238-248)
Wetteranalyse." Geofys. Publ., Voi. 5, No. 6 (1928). 26. RossBY, C.-G., and CoLLABORATORS, "Relation between
2. BJERKNEs, J., "Theorie der aussertropischen Zyklonen- Variations in the Intensity of the Zonal Circulation
bildung." Meteor. Z., 54: 462-466 (1937). of the Atmosphere and the Displacements of the Semi-
3. - - and HoLMBOE, J., "On the Theory of Cyclones." permanent Centers of Action." J. mar. Res., 2: 38-55
J. Meteor., 1: 1-22 (1944). (1939).
4. CHARNEY, J. G., "The Dynamics of Long Waves in a 27. RossBY, C.-G., "Kinematic and Hydrostatic Properties of
Baroclinic Westerly Current." J. Meteor., 4: 135--162 Certain Long Waves in the Westerlies." Dept. Meteor.
(1947). Univ. Chicago, Misc. Rep. No. 5 (1942).
5. CRESSMAN, G. P., "On the Forecasting of Long Waves in 28. RYn, V. H., "Meteorologica! Problems, II-Travelling
the Upper Westerlies." J. Meteor., 5: 44-57 (1948). Cyclones." Medd. danske meteor. Inst., No. 5, 124 pp.
6. ELIASSEN, A., "The Quasi-static Equations of Motion (1923).
with Pressure as Independent Variable." Geofys. Publ., 29. - - "The Energy of the Winds." Medd. danske meteor.
Voi. 17, No. 3, pp. 3G-34 (1949). Inst., No. 7 (1927).
7. ERTEL, H., JAw, J.-J., und Lr, S.-z., "Tensorielle Theorie 30. ScHERHAG, R., Neue Methoden der Wetteranalyse und Wet-
der Stabilitat." Meteor. Z., 58: 389-392 (1941). terprognose. Berlin, Springer, 1948. (See pp. 184-187)
8. FJji)RTOFT, R., "On the Deepening of a Polar Front Cy- 31. SoLBERG, H., "Le mouvement d'inertie de l'atmosphere
clone." Meteor. Ann., 1: 1-44 (1942). stable et son role dans la theorie des cyclones." P. V.
9. - - "On the Frontogenesis and Cyclogenesis in the At- Meteor. Un. geod. geophys. int., Edimbourg, 1936. II,
mosphere. Part I-On the Stability of the Stationary pp. 66-82 (1939).
Circular Vortex." Geofys. Publ., Voi. 16, No. 5 (1946). 32. VAN MIEGHEM, J., "Forme intrinseque du eri tere d'in-
10. HAURWITZ, B., "The Motion of Atmospheric Disturb- stabilite dynamique de E. Kleinschmidt." Bull. Acad.
ances." J. mar. Res., 3: 35--50 (1940). Belg. Cl. Sci., 5 ser., 30: 19-34 (1944). (For severa!
11. - - Dynamic Meteorology. New York, McGraw, 1941. subsequent papers see references in "Hydrodynamic
(See p. 234) Instability" by J. Van Mieghem in this Compendium.)


Academy of Finland

The present article deals mainly with the role of polar and tropical air at a given latitude could not be
extratropical disturbances as links in the general at- maintained for a long time without advection, the only
mospheric circulation and as cells for meridional ex- possible explanation for the above-mentioned fact seems
change of air masses. Because of limited space we can- to be the existence of a systematic meridional circula-
not discuss the subject in detail. Since there already tion of the type outlined here.
exists a large amount of literature on the structure and It is necessary to emphasize that the meridional cir-
behavior of cyclones in the surface layers, most em- culation appears as a statistica] fact. The average
phasis has been placed in this article on the structure meridional circulation is naturally not the same at all
of disturbances in the free atmosphere. Most of the longitudes nor at ali times during a certain season. The
ideas and viewpoints expressed here can be found in circulation has a tendency to break up into several cells
the extensive writings dealing with extratropical cy- with quasi-vertical axes, depending upon the geographi-
clones. However, it has not been possible to refer cal distribution of continents and oceans and the forma-
directly to more than a portion of this material. tion of disturbances [11]. Thus the paths of individual
This article was prepared in final form while the air parcels are extremely complicated and the different
writer was under appointment as visiting professor at air parcels carry out various kinds of complicated os-
the University of Chicago. The writer is indebted to cillating movements before they have performed a com-
Mr. C. W. Newton for his valuable help in preparing plete meridional circulation.
many of the figures in the article and especially for his If there is a statistically opposite meridional move-
analysis of the cyclone of November 17-19, 1948. ment in the lower and upper troposphere, obviously
there must also be a surface of zero average meridional
CHARACTERISTIC TEMPERATURE AND WIND movement, separating the northward flow in the upper
DISTRlliUTION IN THE WEST-WIND troposphere from the southward flow in the lower
ZONE troposphere. This surface has a tendency to become a
The formation of extratropical cyclones is connected frontogenetical surface. Since the meridional move-
with fronts separating air masses of different origin.l ments discussed here are average displacements for
The most important front is that which separates air longer periods, the separating surface naturally cannot
masses of polar origin from those of tropical origin. have the character of a real front. However, synoptic
This "polar front" can, at least during the colder season, experience shows that in nature there is a strong tend-
be followed relatively easily around half or more of the ency to concentrate the contrasts between the air masses
N orthern Hemisphere on daily synoptic surface maps. of tropical origin and those of polar origin in a rela-
The breaks in the polar front are of great importance. tively thin layer of transition. This transitional layer
In their classical paper on the polar-front theory, J. must have a certain inclination toward the horizontal
Bjerknes and H. Solberg [7) pointed out that these surfaces because of the earth's rotation. On a nonrotat-
breaks in the polar front are necessary in order to per- ing earth, frontal surfaces of the type observed in the
mit an exchange of air masses between the polar and atmosphere, with an inclination of the order of
tropical source regions. 7-5o-7'2oo, could never form.
From studies of synoptic charts for different levels It is obvious that there must be a transformation of
one can eonclude that the outflow of polar air from the polar air into tropical air at low latitudes and that the
polar source region occurs particularly in the regions opposite must be true at high latitudes. The outftow
between two polar fronts separated by a cold anti- of polar air into the subtropics takes place in the lower
cyclone. The polar outflow here appears in the southern troposphere and the inflow of tropical air into the
parts as a relatively shallow layer of subsiding air polar regions takes place in the middle and upper
masses. On the other hand, the inflow of tropical air troposphere, and perhaps partly in the lower stratos-
into the polar region at higher latitudes usually appears phere. Therefore there cannot be any continuous frontal
as currents of warm air in the upper atmosphere. This surface around the whole hemisphere in the vicinity
can be seen from statistica] studies of the frequency of of the earth's surface or in the upper atmosphere.
the two principal air masses at different levels [35). However, in other parts of the troposphere there is
Frontal analyses of upper-air charts indicate that the nothing in principle against the idea of having a con-
area occupied by tropical air increases with height at tinuous polar front around the entire hemisphere. 2
alllatitudes. Since the characteristic difference between

1. If taken in the broadest meaning of the word, cyclones 2. The concept of a front is here used in the broad sense; it is
or depressions of different types can form without any pre- obvious that a distinct upper polar front can be expected only
existing fronts or frontal zones. These types of irregular, in special situations favoring an extreme concentration of
generally weak depressions will not be discussed here. the air-mass distinctions.

Another point of importance should be noted here. straight flow without horizontal shear (relative vor-
The source region of polar air is smaller in area than ticity = O) we obtain
the source region of tropical air. Therefore any outflow
of polar air into lower latitudes must have a tendency
to break up into "streams" embedded in tropical air.
1 dD
J5 di = av ctn cp. (3)

These streams of polar air often select "preferred re- This equation determines the shrinking of a polar air
gions" determined by geographical factors. Several such column moving with the north-south velocity v along
preferred regions for polar outflow can be found in the a trajectory of zero relative vorticity.
N orthem Hemisphere. It is through these regions of If we use either equation (1) or (3) for = O, it is
preferred polar-air outflow that the principal fronto- possible to compute the depth of a polar air mass at
genetical regions on the earth's surface are determined, different latitudes as a function of its original depth at
as Bergeron pointed out in his outline of dynamic a given latitude. If we assume a depth of 8 km at lati-
climatology [3]. tude 60N, we obtain the following values for D at
Analyses of synoptic charts for different levels indi- lower latitudes:
cate that in the region between two cyclone families,
where no surface polar front exists, pronounced frontal Latitude N (deg) 60 50 40 30 20 10
Depth (km) 8.0 7.1 5.9 4.6 3.1 1.6
zones appear on the charts for the middle troposphere
(e.g., at the 700- and 500-mb surfaces). In such cases The foregoing values are very approximate. If we
the polar front appears to be interrupted only in the permit an increase in relative vorticity, higher values
surface layers and not at higher levels in the atmos- of the final depth of the polar air result. On the other
phere (compare Figs. 5 and 6). Since this difference hand, however, air which descends from the level of
between the polar front on the surface and in the free 8 km to, for example, 5 km will undergo a temperature
atmosphere is essential for an understanding of the increase of about 30C. In other words, the air will no
three-dimensional air movement in cyclones, it is neces- longer be very cold at that lower level. Thus there must
sary to discuss the problem of meridional movement of be some limit, determined by the original temperature,
air masses before we go further in our description of the for the sinking of the polar air.
characteristic structure of the atmosphere. From the very simplified reasoning above, it follows
If denotes the vertical component of the relative that there must be some southem limit for the exten-
vorticity, cp the latitude, Q the angular velocity of the sion of characteristic polar air in the upper-air charts.
earth's rotation, and D the depth of a given air mass This southem limit for the 500-mb level is somewhere
(here regarded as incompressible), the principle of con- around latitude 30N. Systematic analyses of circum-
servation of potential vorticity, according to Rossby polar 500-mb charts indicate that air masses with the
[52], can be expressed by the equation characteristic polar air temperature very seldom reach
latitude 30N, and that 20-25N represents the south-
~ ( + 2!:2 sin c/J) = O. (1) emmost limit for real polar air at the 700-mb level. 3
dt D
It is now easier to understand the structure of the
From (1) it follows that the individual change of vortic- atmosphere in the area between two cyclone families or
ity is surface polar fronts. The breaks in the surface polar
front which permit outflow of polar air into the tropics
d - - 2!J cos cp v + ] dD ( + 2!J sin cp), (2) are not necessary at upper levels where the polar air
dt - a D dt flows southward as a subsiding current. At the 500-mb
level, for example, a southem boundary for the polar air
where v is the meridional wind component and a the can be maintained around the hemisphere, at least in
radius of the earth. principle.
The first term on the right in (2) gives the change of Many meteorologists who regularly use fronts on
vorticity due to the meridional motion; the second surface maps are inclined to reject the idea of upper
term, the effect resulting from the change in depth of fronts existing around the hemisphere. Their opinion is
the air column. If we assume that the air moves without founded on the idea that surface friction is necessary
change in depth, the vorticity increases for movement for the formation of distinct fronts. It is obvious that
toward the south. If, in order to simplify the discussion, surface friction contributes to the sharpening of fronts.
we assume that the increase in vorticity appears as in- In the free atmosphere, however, other frontogenetical
creasing curvature, the air parcel continuously curves factors can be as effective as those in the surface layer,
to the left if v is negative (north wind). It is then easy or sometimes even more effective (cf. Bergeron [2] and
to show that any air column moving without shrinking Petterssen [46]). On the other hand it is evident that
must ultimatelv bend back after reaching a lowest lati- the great dynamic significance of fronts, confirmed in
tude. According to equation (1), this latitude is deter-
mined by the initial latitude, meridional wind com- 3. In this reasoning the nonadiabatic processes have been
ponent, and vorticity of the air parcel. completely disregarded. A southward-moving polar air mass
The change in depth of an air column moving south- naturally undergoes a gradual change and eventually com-
ward can be computed from equation (2) if the vorticity pletely loses its polar character because of the heat transfer
along the trajectory is known. In the special case of a from below.

daily synoptic work, could hardly be explained if fronts The very valuable daily synoptic weather maps pub-
were phenomena restricted to the surface layer. Sys- lished by the United States Weather Bureau in co-
tematic use of the frontal method of analysis of upper- operation with the Army, N avy, and Air Force confirm

(100011.) (k m. _n f1 22moh 45 67 /89moh 40MPS 30MPS mb
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24 7 300 400
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6 00
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-- - - - o/
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2 270 n '270-;- - - 2so- -290
o o
70"N 65 . 60" 55 ' 50 45 40 .
35 30' zs~N

Fra. 1.-Mean cross section for 0300 GMT, November 30, 1946, showing average distribution of geostrophic westerly wind and
of temperature over N orth America from latitude 25 to 75N in a case of approximately straight westerly flow. Heavy lines indi-
cate boundaries of the principal frontallayer (polar front) and tropopauses_ Thin solid lines indicate velocity of westerly wind
component (meters per second and miles per hour), and dashed lines tempera ture (degrees centi grade) in top picture and potential
temperature (degrees absolute) in lower picture.

air charts, at least up to 500 mb, has shown that the existence of a hand of strong isotherm concentration
fronts are not only surface phenomena. 4 at the 500-mb level. Over large parts of the N orthern
4. The method of drawing frontal contour charts, first used
Hemisphere this band shows ali the characteristics of a
in the analysis of selected European cyclones [9, 10] and !ater real frontal zone; in other parts, however, it is more
extended to daily weather charts in Canada [18], is very useful diffuse. Since this band of crowded isotherms undergoes
for a simple description of actual atmospheric conditions. strong meridional displacements from day to day, it

cannot show up very clearly in mean cross sections and be written

Numerous vertical cross sections normal to the aver- au g 1 (ar) (4)
age air flow in the free atmosphere have provided de-
tailed information concerning the structure of tem-
az -2 ( n sin cJ> + ~ tan cJ>) T ay p.

perature and wind fields in different synoptic situations.

Figure 1 presents a situation with almost zonal flow Here g is the acceleration of gravity, T the absolute
over N orth America. The geostrophic wind computed temperature at the level z, and (aTjay)P the meridional
from the height of the standard isobaric surfaces shows temperature gradient measured in an isobaric surface p
the strong concentration in a wind maximum over 80 m at the same level. The west wind increases up to the
sec-1 between the 300- and 200-mb levels. The maxi- level where the meridional temperature gradient
mum wind (center of the "jet stream") seems to be changes its sign (generally at the tropopause level). If
associated with a typical break in the tropopause as can Umax denotes the zonal wind at that level, one can write

f (aT)
be seen in Fig. 1. In this special case there seem to be
three different tropopauses: a tropical one around 100 zt

mb, a subtropical one between 200 and 250 mb, and a Umax = Uo - f!_ ay P dz (5)
polar one (with multiple structure) over the northern
part of the section.
2 T ( n sin cf> + ~ tan cf>) ,
In Fig. 2 one other situation is represented. In this
case the vertical cross section is computed along a line where uo is the surface wind and z1 the height of the
from southwest to northeast in Europe. The principal tropopause. Since in most cases the gradient wind at
air flow here is from the northwest and the polar front the surface is relatively weak, the wind at the tropo-
extends from northwest to southeast. In this special case pause must be especially strong over the frontal zone
the geostrophic northwest wind shows an even stronger and relatively weak outside this zone. Thus any pro-
concentration into a jet than in Fig. 1. Isotherms, isen- nounced front with an inclination not too small must
tropes, frontal boundaries, and tropopause discontin- be accompanied by a strong upper-level wind concen-
uities show almost the same characteristics as in the trated into a relatively narrow hand.
previous figure. The foregoing equations, which are an expression for
If the polar front zone at the 500-mb surface is used the assumed balance between gravity, pressure force,
as a reference for coordinates upon which the mean and the resultant of Coriolis and centrifugal forces, do
data are computed, it is possible to maintain some of not explain the formation of the strong west-wind belt
the essential features of the meridional temperature and at upper levels, but only establish the fact that the
wind field found in individual situations. Such a com- phenomena appear to be parallel. In cases of strong
putation has been roade by Palmen and Newton [43] concentration of the meridional temperature gradient
for the meridian 80W. The average temperature and in the frontal zone, the wind concentration in the upper
wind were correlated with the polar front at the 500-mb troposphere and lower stratosphere is also strong. In
surface. The cross section can be regarded as repre- such cases it is justifiable to use the name "jet" or "jet
sentative of cases with predominant zonal air flow.s stream" for the phenomenon.
However, if the cross section is to be used on a hemi- The concentration of the pre-existing meridional temper-
spherical hasis, it must be noted that the average con- ature contrasts into a real frontal zone or layer (fronto-
centration of both meridional temperature gradient genesis) and the concentration of the zonal wind in a jet
and west wind is generally more pronounced in the stream run parallel. Thus any theory for frontogenesis
~hould also be a theory for the formation of an upper
meridian used for this cross section than along most
other meridians. Jet stream.
Characteristic of the temperature distribution in the The frontal layer in Fig. 2 is separated from the two
vicinity of the polar front is the sloping layer of maxi- principal air masses by surfaces of discontinuity for
mum horizontal temperature gradient and pronounced temperature gradient and wind shear, not for tempera-
vertical stability, and also the rather strong slope of the ture and wind as in the classical case treated by Mar-
isotherms (strong baroclinity) both above and below gules [34]. If the angle of inclination of the surface
the frontal surface. This pronounced concentration of separating the warm air from the air in the frontallayer
the meridional temperature gradient in the polar front is denoted by 1/t, the change in horizontal wind shear
itself and in the layers above and below the sloping aujay is given [41] by
frontal surface must be associated with a strong con-
centration of the zonal wind in the upper troposphere au
ay =
au' g tan 1/t
ay - 2flT sin cf>
) p -
ay p
J (6)
and the lower stratosphere as can be seen from Fig. 1.
The equation for the vertical increase of the west In this equation au'jay and (aT'jay)p represent the
wind u (approximately equal to the gradient wind) can wind shear and temperature gradient in the warm air
respectively, and aujay and (aTjay)p represent th~
5. This average cross section is reproduced in Fig. 7 in "Ex- same quantities in the frontal zone.
tratropical Cyclones" by J. Bjerknes in this Compendium (see The horizontal wind shear in the frontal zone becomes
p. 586). positive (anticyclonic) if the expression on the right
{1000 F T ) ( K M ) - - - - - - - ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - : - - - - - _ - ; : ; 6 0 ; : ; - , - . . - - - - - 90
-----------------------------~~~~--------~------- 100

15 ' '
' '--6o





o o

50 15





---- __


o o

FIG. 2.--Mean cross section through northwesterlv flow over Europe. Constructed from alt European observations on morning
of November 29, 1942 (observations from W etterber. Dtsch. Seewarte). Legend as in Fig. 1 (winds in meters per second). Dash-dotted
lines indicate intermediate isovels.

side of equation (6) is greater than zero. Thus, the in- pressed in the. following way: If there is strong anti-
equalities cyclonic shear in the upper warm air, and this anti-
g tan 1/;
2!2T sin cp
[(aT') _(aT) J~ au' (anticyclonic)
ay p ay p
~ ay
cyclonic shear is greater than the negative value of the
second term on the right in (6), the west wind increases
toward the north in the frontal zone.
express the condition for cyclonic or anticyclonic shear This result concerning the horizontal wind shear in a
in a frontal zone. Hence, the result above can be ex- frontal zone is of considerable importance for the cy-

clone theory. As long as fronts were regarded as sur- be determined along a corresponding isentropic surface
faces of discontinuity of the order zero (Margules' type) or, in cases of condensation, along a surface of constant
every front was characterized by cyclonic shear. Since wet-bulb potential temperature. In cases where the
real fronts always have a certain width, the principle slope of these surfaces is not too great the formulas for
of cyclonic shear can no longer be sustained in its the critic al shear given above can be used; in cases where
original form. Analyses of charts for different levels the slope is greater there should be a corresponding
show that although most fronts are characterized by correction. If the shear exceeds the critica! value, the
cyclonic shear, fronts with anticyclonic wind shear are air flow is dynamically unstable because in such a case
not uncommon at the level around 700 mb, whereas the stabilizing influence of the inertial force vanishes.
practically all fronts in the vicinity of the earth's sur- The importance of this type of instability will not be
face and in the middle and upper troposphere (above discussed further here since the problem is treated by
600-500 mb) are characterized by cyclonic shear. J. Bjerknes in his contribution to the Compendium.
Another characteristic of the westerlies is that there It might, however, be pointed out that the critica!
seems to be an upper limit for the anticyclonic shear of shear represents an interesting analogy to the adiabatic
the west wind. This limit is determined by the rule lapse rate of temperature as the upper limit for the
that the absolute angular momentum about the earth's vertical temperature gradient in the atmosphere.
axis should not increase northward along a horizontal The foregoing rule c0ncerning the upper limit for the
surface. This rule of "dynamic stability," first formu- anticyclonic shear south of the zone of maximum wind
lated by Helmholtz [26], has been further developed should be modified if applied to disturbances, since the
and used by Solberg [58], Hpiland [28], Kleinschmidt curvature of the air flow then becomes of major im-
[31], Van Mieghem [61, 62], and others, and has been portance.
combined with the hydrostatic stability. Since the existence of a well-marked jet stream in the
The upper limit for the meridional shear in the case upper troposphere is associated with the existence of a
of a dynamically stable zonal motion is given by strong concentration of the meridional solenoid field,
a real jet appears on hemispheric upper-tropospheric
- =
~' sm rjJ
+ u- tan r/J. (8) charts only in regions where the polar front in the
ay a middle_.t_ropo!1JH~re is relatively well marked. This
means that the jet in actual cases should not be con-
The second term on the right depends upon the hori- sidered as a hemispheric phenomenon without inter-
zontal component of the radius of curvature for zonal ruptions. A distinct jet stream, as well as a distinct
flow. Since the absolute vorticity a about a vertical polar front, must be the result of a certain type of dis-
axis is expressed by turbance acting frontogenetically. If we use the con-
cept of a hemispheric polar front or hemispheric jet, we
a = 2Q sin rjJ + a~ tan r/J, (9) do not intend to emphasize that both phenomena should
necessarily be fully established around the whole hemi-
equation (8) also expresses the rule that the absolute sphere.
vorticity is negative for a dynamically unstable zonal In mean upper charts and meridional cross sections a
motion. relatively well-marked jet stream appears, especially
In the use of upper-air charts the real wind is com- in winter, at latitudes around 20-40N according to
monly identified as the geostrophic wind. In many cases Namias and Clapp [39]. Also, in mean meridional cross
the geostrophic wind gives a sufficiently good approxi- sections studied by Willett [63], Hess [27], and Chaud-
mation to the real wind. However, one must be careful hury [15], and for the Southern Hemisphere by Loewe
in using the geostrophic approximation in determining and Radok [32], a similarly low latitude for the maxi-
the upper limit for the anticyclonic wind shear. If mum westerlies was found. Since the average position
equation (8) is expressed by the geostrophic wind Uu , of the polar front at the 500-mb level appears to be
the following equation for the upper limit of the shear around latitude 45-50N, one should expect to find the
of the geostrophic wind [41] should be used: maximum west wind near this higher latitude. The belt
of maximum west wind associated with the upper polar
front, however, undergoes such strong meridional dis-
- = 2Q sm
rjJ + 3ug
-a tan r/J. (10)
placements and other changes that it could barely be
recognized in mean cross sections. Therefore the south-
The difference is considerable. If, for example, at lati- ern jeton mean cross sections or charts is in some meas-
tude 45N the geostrophic wind at the tropopause level ure another phenomenon probably associated with the
is 80 m sec-1 (not an unusually large value), the critica! northern boundary of the subtropical cell of meridional
shear for the geostrophic wind is 1.41 X IQ-4 sec-1 circulation. Only in cases of very strong southward dis-
The corresponding gradient wind (radius of curvature placement of the polar-front jet stream are both phe-
of the trajectory equals a/tan r/J) is only 73 m sec-1 and nomena combined in one very pronounced belt of maxi-
the critica! shear for the gradient wind is 1.14 X mum west wind. This combination of two upper west-
10-4 sec-1 wind maxima appears to be rather common at some
The foregoing results are valid only if the isentropic longitudes, especially in the vicinity of the meridians
surfaces are horizontal. In other cases the shear should 80W and 120K

UPPER LONG WAVES AND CYCLONES i~ not as great in the Southern Hemisphere, the con-
As has been pointed out, the idealized picture of a tments of Africa, Australia, and especiaHy South
zonal flow is strongly disturbed in aH actual situations. America, and in addition the whole Antarctic, have a
Therefore the real pattern of air flow can be regarded considerable disturbing influence upon the zonal air
as the superposition of different wind disturbances flow.
upon the zonal flow pattern. The third type of disturbance, that caused by the
There is stiH no satisfactory theory for the formation supposed instability of the zonal current, has been the
of the disturbances of the upper westerlies. However, subject of a large number of theoretical studies in the
three general sources for large disturbances must be last twenty-five years. The instability of "infinitely
considered. The first depends upon the topography of smaH" disturbances superimposed upon the westerly
the earth's surface, the second is thermodynamical and current has been the usual starting point in these in-
depends upon the distribution of secondary heat and vestigations. A study of these attempts to solve the
cold sources connected with the geographical distribu- cyclone problem, however, gives the impression that
tion of continents and oceans, and the third is connected there stiH does not exist any theoretical solution fuHy
with a possible instability of the zonal baroclinic applicable to the cyclone problem. Therefore the ques-
current. tion arises whether it is, in principle, permissible to
The orographic disturbances are not limited to the start from infinitely smaH perturbations in discussing
regions of mountains. Once formed in such a region a the cyclone problem. If such an infinitely smaH per-
disturbance has a tendency to influence other regi~ns turbation could cause the development of strong cy-
around the entire hemisphere, as has been pointed out clones, it would indicate that the atmosphere is ex-
by Rossby [53], Yeh [64], and Charney and Eliassen tremely unstable. How such an instability associated
[14]. The thermodynamical disturbances depend upon with storing of useful potential energy could develop in
the fact that the continents act as secondary cold an atmosphere where rather strong perturbations of aH
sources in the winter season and as secondary heat kinds are always present seems difficult to understand.
sources in the summer season. The opposite can be said If we consider this, it seems more likely that extra-
about the oceans. In the cold season the continents are tropical cyclones are induced by rather large migrating
regions of surface outflow or divergence and the oceans disturbances which were already in existence. These
are regions of surface inflow or convergence. Corre- large disturbances must always be present. Since cy-
spondingly, there must be upper convergence over con- clones and anticyclones are probably cells for trans-
tinents and upper divergence over oceans. Because of forming potential energy into kinetic energy, the pre-
the westerly flow in the middle and upper atmosphere existence of a large amount of useful potential energy
there must be a tendency for the formation of upper is necessary for a strong cyclonic development. How-
troughs over the eastern part of continents, and ridges ever, thepre-existing situationmust correspond to some
over the eastern part of oceans. During the summer kind of potential instability that can be released only
season the opposite must be true. 6 by the influence of finite perturbations.7
The combined effect of the "orographic" and "ther- The available potential energy of the atmosphere is
modynamic" disturbances presents a very complicated concentrated primarily in the solenoid field of the
problem. The location of the hemispheric disturbances polar front. It is also a well-known fact that the polar-
dependent on both of these effects is also influenced front region is the principal birthplace of extratropical
by the strength of the west wind and the location of cyclones. The question then arises whether a migrating
the belt of the wind maximum. And because an disturbance would induce an irreversible process of the
"orographic" or "thermodynamic" disturbance, once type observed in the development of cyclonic disturb-
formed, must influence other regions outside its source ances. The cyclone problem then would become more
region, there are a great number of possible combina- of a problem of the instability of certain large disturb-
tions for perturbations around the entire hemisphere. ances always observed on synoptic charts, whereas the
Since the influence of these geographical factors can ultimate cause of these large perturbations could be
never be eliminated, it is difficult to get any idea of neglected. Similar ideas have been expressed earlier by
what kind of atmospheric disturbances would form in an manymeteorologists (see, for example, von Ficker [23]).
atmosphere without any geographical factors influenc- The 500-mb level has certain advantages for a study
ing the atmospheric processes. of such large disturbances because at that level the
A comparison with the Southern Hemisphere could upper zonal wind is well developed and the polar-front
give some clues for the solution of this p:r;:oblem. How- zone is still not too diffuse.
ever, the upper-air data from the Southern Hemisphere On circumpolar charts for the 500-mb surface, the
are stiH so sparse that no satisfactory hemispheric belt of the strongest westerlies has the appearance of a
upper-level analyses can be made. Although the influ- "meandering river" situated, on the average, just to
ence of mountain barriers and other orographic effects the south of, or in the zone of, the strongest horizontal
temperature gradient. This zone has already been de-
6. The northeastern part of the N orth American continent
(the Hudson Bay region) acts as a cold source in summer also; 7. In his contribution to the Compendium, J. Bjerknes dis-
in this respect there is a remarkable difference between this cusses in some detail the interaction between migrating upper
region and eastern Siberia. disturbances and polar-front cyclones.

fined as the intersection between the sloping polar-front than at higher latitudes. Thus the scheme in Fig. 3,
layer (surface) and the 500-mb surface. The polar front with four long waves at all latitudes, cannot be main-
at the 500-mb level thus shows latitudinal displace- tained; at lower latitudes the waves must show a
ments of the same extent as the belt of strongest west tendency to be split into a greater number.
wind. The air movement is not strictly horizontal. A com-
These considerations lead to the assumption that plicated vertical movement is superposed upon the
there must be a very close connection between the horizontal movement expressed approximately by the
formation and further development of the long waves contour lines in Fig. 3. This vertical movement deter-
and the latitudinal displacement of the tropical and mines a vertical circulation pattern which is essential
polar air masses in the free atmosphere. The upper for the understanding of the process of development.
troughs are regions for the maximum southward dis- As a consequence the polar front at the 500-mb surface
placement of polar air, and the upper ridges are regions undergoes continuous changes. These processes will be
for the maximum northward displacement of tropical diRcussed more in detail in a later section.
air. The existence of a really well-marked polar-front
surface in cross sections drawn through formations of
this type has been shown by a large number of detailed
studies of characteristic situations.
The horizontal dimensions of upper long waves are
usually considerably larger than the dimensions of po-
lar-front cyclones on surface maps. Upper long waves,
as defined by Rossby [55], correspond more to the
individual cyclone families first described by J. Bjerknes
and H. Solberg [7] in their original paper on the polar-
front theory. The individual members of a cyclone
family appear at the 500-mb level as "minor" wavelike
perturbations superposed upon the pattern of the long
waves. The scheme is presented in Fig. 3, which con-
tains four similar upper long waves at the 500-mb
surface, the 500-mb polar front (here considered as a
continuous line around the hemisphere), and the four
polar fronts at the ground, with their minor cyclonic
disturbances. The minor irregularities in the upper
polar front and in the contour lines at the 500-mb sur-
face correspond to cyclonic disturbances at the surface.
The surface fronts are placed approximately in the same
regions as in Fig. 124 in Petterssen's textbook [47,
p. 269]. FIG. 3.-Schematic circumpolar chart for the 500-mb level
Figure 3 represents a combination of the original showing four long waves. Heavy line is the polar front at
500 mb and t hin lines are contours of 500-mb surf ace . Fronts at
polar-front scheme of Bjerknes and Solberg with the the earth's surface are indicated by the usual symbols .
scheme for the long waves in the upper westerlies.
Both the long waves and the polar fronts on the sur- The changes of the upper polar front and the
face move, on the average, slowly in a west-east direc- ftow pattern can be attributed to some kind of in-
tion. The motion of the air at the 500-mb level is faster stability of the perturbations in the westerlies. The
than the movement of the individual cyclone waves, instability appears, for example, in a rapid increase of
and the movement of the latter is faster than the east- the amplitude of the polar-front contour and of the
ward displacement of the long waves. streamlines. At the 500-mb surface, the hand of strong-
It might be pointed out that the number of four long est isotherm concentration, which during the coldest
waves in Fig. 3 is an arbitrary one. Actually the wave season is normally situated in the vicinity of latitude
number varies from time to time. Also the eastward 50N, may be pushed southward to latitudes 40-30N.
speed of the waves varies considerably; st atistica! stud- In the lower troposphere (between about 1000 and
ies by Cressman [16] indicate that on the average the 800 mb) this process is connected with a pronounced
speed is in fair agreement with Rossby's formula, anticyclonic outftow of polar air masses. The surface
3 polar air thus forms a cold anticyclone, whereas the
c = U _ 2Qa cos cf> ( 11 )
upper polar air forms an intensified upper trough or, in
n2 '
extreme cases, a closed upper cyclone. The process can
for long waves in a barotropic atmosphere (n is the be regarded as a combined consequence of increase of
number of hemispheric waves), if U is determined as cyclonic vorticity due to latitudinal displacement and
the mean velocity of the west wind at the level of 600 to convergence in the upper parts of the subsiding
rob (average level of nondivergence) . From equation cold air.
(11) it can also be concluded that there must be a An opposite process takes place during the formation
tendency for a larger wave number n at lower latitudes and strengthening of upper ridges. These ridges are
characterized by cyclonic inflow of tropical air in the the 500-mb surface, corresponding to the smallest dis-
surface layers; the upper tropical air forms an intensi- tance between the contour lines, can be observed chiefly
fied upper ridge or, in extreme cases, a closed upper in the vicinity of the upper polar front or just to the
anticyclone, as a result of the latitudinal effect and the south of it. Exceptions to this rule, however, can be
divergence in the northward ascending air. seen in connection with the strong northward displace-
On daily 500-mb charts the formation, intensifica- ment of the polar front from its average position.
tion, and final degeneration of the upper troughs and
ridges can be studied. The disturbances, superficially
studied, give the impression of being large waves, and
the air flow gives the impression of being a horizontal
movement along sinusoidal trajectories. A careful anal-
ysis of the real movement of selected air parcels, how-
ever, emphasizes the importance of the vertical com-
ponents of the three-dimensional air flow and the ir-
reversibility of the processe~. In the most extreme form
the irreversibility of the process appears in cases in --,
which an upper trough develops into a closed "high- / '\
/ 2
1 1
level" cyclone to the south of the strongest westerlies, 1
X 1
or in which an upper ridge ends up in a closed "high- 1
1 1

level" anticyclone to the north of the strongest wester- 1


lies. Thus the life history of the upper disturbances

shows an irreversibility similar to that which is char-
acteristic of the polar-front cyclones.
Figure 4 presents some of the principal types of
upper-air disturbances associated with the deforma-
tions of the polar front at the 500-mb level. This figure
is a further development of Fig. 3. The polar-front dis-
turbances on the corresponding surface map are indi-
cated by the common symbols for warm, cold, and
occluded fronts. Because of technical difficulties in FIG. 4.-Schematic circumpolar chart for the 500-mb level
presenting the smaller upper disturbances corresponding showing severa! types of disturbances . Heavy line is polar front
to the polar-front waves and cyclones, they have been at 500 mb; thin Iines are contours of 500-mb surface. Fronts at
earth's surface indicated by usual symbols. Area covered by
omitted in drawing the boundary of the polar air and polar air at 500-mb level is indicated by stippling.
the 500-'mb contour lines. The shaded regions indicate
the area occupied by polar air at the 500-mb surface. Our schematic figure does not intend to give more
The scheme presented here consists essentially of four than a rather general idea of the development and
irregular long upper waves as in Fig. 3. The wave structure of different types of disturbances. A more
troughs are situated on the east coast of Asia, over the detailed description of some of them will be presented
Gulf of Alaska, on the east coast of N orth America, in the subsequent sections. There the following special
and over eastcrn and southern Europe. The schematic types will be discussed: (1) the cyclone families of the
chart does not intend to present any climatological regular type (Fig. 3, or over the Pacific Ocean in Fig. 4);
distribution of the disturbances in question. However, (2) the occluded surface cyclone (represented, for ex-.
the different types of disturbances are to some extent ample, by the cyclone over the central parts of the
placed in regions of the N orthern Hemisphere where United States); (3) the practically symmetric upper
they can frequently be observed on daily synoptic low (east of the Azores); and (4) the warm upper anti-
charts. It might, however, be pointed out that not all cyclone (over northwestern Europe) with its series of
of the disturbances in Fig. 4 would necessarily appear cyclonic perturbations.
at the same time over the N orthern Hemisphere. The In the schemes presented in Figs. 3 and 4 there is a
chart corresponds to typical winter situations. For general difference in scale between the polar-front dis-
other seasons the intensity of the disturbances is usually turbances connected with individual surface cyclones
weaker, but in principle of tho same type. and those associated with the long upper waves. How-
In addition to the four large upper troughs of differ- ever there are also cases where one upper long wave is
ent shape, the chart also contains three cold cyclones connected with only one large surface cyclone. This type
on the south side of the polar front. These cyclonic dis- is illustrated in Fig. 4 by the cyclone over the United
turbancos are formed from previous cold troughs of the States.
same type as the four large troughs in Fig. 3. The forma- It seems difficult to maintain the idea of a complete
tion is associated with a gradual "cutting-off" of the difference in nature between the "long upper waves"
polar air from its original source region in the north and the cyclonic perturbations. Every cyclone natu-
and will be described !ater. rally influences the upper-air flow and appears as a dis-
The average latitude of the polar front at the 500-mb turbance on the upper polar front. During the develop-
surface is about 48N in :Fig. 4. The strongest wind at ment and deepening of a surface cyclone there is also a

development and intensification of the upper disturb- anticyclone over the North American continent, to-
ance. However, it is not possible to conch1de anything gether represent a synoptic situation very common to
about the causal connection between these phenomena this part of the Northern Hemisphere. Three frontal
without a detailed analysis. perturbations representing different stages of develop-
In a recent paper by Berggren, Bolin, and Rossby
[4], the conclusion was drawn that extratropical cy-
clones comprise a heterogeneous collection of different
types of disturbances, including typical frontal waves
as well as dynamically quite dissimilar major storms
associated with the deepening of planetary wave-
troughs in the upper west-wind belt. Our schematic
picture is intended to include some of these types.
The surface polar front and the associated perturba-
tions are, in our schematic figures, marked only on the
southeastern sides of the large, upper, cold troughs.
However, synoptic experience both in N orth America
and in Europe indicates that cyclonic disturbances can
often develop also along the southwestern sides of a
cold trough. Especially over western Europe during
the cold season such disturbances can develop into
strong cyclones, though they are usually weaker than
the cyclones formed on the southeastern side of a FIG. 5.-Schematic surface map showing cyclone families
trough. It was not possible to include that type of commonly observed with fa irly symmetricallong waves. Heavy
disturbance in our scheme. lines are 500- and 700-mb contours of polar front, and surface
It is not quite clear why there is a preference for the fronts; thin lines, isobars . Precipitation shown by stippled
southeastern side for the development of large cyclones.
The preference could be associated with the availability ment are marked on both surface fronts. In Fig. 6 the
of moisture and also with the meridional variation of corresponding 500-mb chart with schematic fronts and
the Coriolis parameter. contour lines is presented. In order to emphasize the
Thr.o.ugh.__the _'~cutting-o(f"__p_rp~e_ il!'?sociated with connection between both figures, the positions of the
the fon;nation of "bigh:leyel'' cyclones on the south surface fronts as well as the contours of the fronts at
side of the strongest westerlies, a previous large upper
trough is gradually eliminated and must ultimately
disappear. The number of large upper waves then de-
creases. Because this process of deformation and ulti-
mate elimination of upper troughs always goes on
there must also be an opposite process, namely, the
formation of new major troughs. Sometimes this process
is a rapid one, an intensifying smaller disturbance de-
veloping into a major disturbance. In other cases the
process ismore gradual, and thenewlarge waveis formed
in a region where there is always a general tendency for
such a formation, for example, on the east coasts of N orth
America and Asia.
The general scheme presented in Fig. 3 can be con-
sidered the "normal" pattern for the relationship be-
tween the surface polar fronts and the long upper waves. FIG. 6.-Schematic 500-mb map corresponding to Fig . 5.
Frunta! contours as in Fig. 5; thin lines are contours of 500-mb
Some phenomena associated with this normal pattern surf ace. Arrows starting at A, B, and C indicate approximate
for disturbances in the westerlies will be discussed in the 48-hour trajectories of air particles in polar air and in tropical
air, respectively. On trajectory A are indicated pressure levels
following paragraphs. For that purpose a part of the reached by particle in frontal layer at approximate 12-hourly
scheme containing two surface fronts with their cy- intervals.
clonic perturbations and the cold anticyclone separat-
ing them is reproduced on a larger scale in Fig. 5. In 700 mb and 500 mb are marked on both the surface
this figure the distance between the two large troughs chart and the 500-mb chart.
has been somewhat increased and other small changes Analyses of a great number of upper-air charts indi-
have been made. cate, as has already been mentioned, that the polar-
In Fig. 5 the surface fronts, one over the Atlantic and front zone, interrupted in the surface layers, appears
the other over the Pacific Ocean, with the separating as a rather well-marked zone of transition between the

polar and tropical air higher up in the troposphere. indicate that there is on the average an outfiow of cold
Many times the front is especially well marked only on air from the surface anticyclone and consequently also
the southwestern side of the large upper trough. The a general subsidence in the cold air, extending very far
slope of the front over the western parts of an upper up into the upper cold trough. The cold surface anti-
trough is smaller than over the eastern parts. Especially cyclone and the cold part of the upper trough represent
weak is the slope in the region above southwestern regions where cold polar air fiows to lower latitudes.
parts of the cold surface high, where the cold air ap- In order to maintain continuity the same amount of
pears as a shallow mass. A typical case has been studied warmer air must fiow into the polar regions. The out-
in detail by Palmen and Nagler [44]. fiow of cold air on the average must represent a de-
It might be pointed out that in the region of the scending current; the infiow of warm air, an ascending
surface anticyclone there is often a tendency toward the current. A vertical circulation therefore is superposed
formation of a new surface front between the colder upon the general picture of the horizontal air movement.
polar air (continental air or "arctic air") in the north- This circulation is energy producing and serves to
east and the somewhat warmer polar air (maritime air) maintain the kinetic energy of the westerlies.
in the southwest. This phenomenon is especially com- In order to obtain a general picture of the three-
mon over the United States, where the mountains dimensional movement in synoptic situations of the
prevent the cold surface air from penetrating to the type discussed here, it would be necessary to follow the
western coastal regions. Thus the continental anti- three-dimensional air trajectories for air parcels in
cyclone is ordinarily not as symmetrical as it has been different parts of our picture. That could to some extent
drawn in Fig. 5; on the contrary, the anticyclone i~ very be done by methods developed in the above-mentioned
often split into two parts separated by a secondary investigation at New York University. However, in
front, making possible the formation of disturbances order to give results applicable to a general cyclone
similar in character, but weaker than those on the theory, the method should be combined with a careful
polar front. This secondary front has been disregarded three-dimensional frontal analysis and applied to synop-
in our schematic figures in order to avoid complications. 8 tic situations of well-defined types.
The general fiow pattern at the surface and at 500 mb Since no such investigations have yet been made, we
presented in Figs. 5 and 6 cannot be fully understood must restrict the discussion to some rather general
if the vertical components of the air motion are not qualitative results concerning the three-dimensional tra-
introduced into the picture. In Fig. 6 the upper warm jectories of air parcels in selected parts of our sche-
and cold air masses have an almost parallel geostrophic matic Figs. 5 and 6.
fiow. Upon this geostrophic fiow is superposed a com- An air parcel initially situated at point A in Fig. 6
plicated pattern of nongeostrophic motions. The pattern is a polar air parcel. It moves with a descending com-
of vertical movement in upper troughs and associated ponent relative to a warm air parcel at point C of the
cyclones has been subjected to a careful study at New same 500-mb chart. Both parcels are descending as
York University by Miller [36, 37] and Fleagle [24]. long as they are on the west side of the trough line.
According to their results, there is, on the average, de- The cold air moves along a path of the type marked in
scending motion on the west side of the upper trough Fig. 6, where the successive positions and pressures are
and ascending motion on the east side. This vertical indicated by small circles. The trajectory starts out with
motion is accompanied by low-level divergence and a slight cyclonic curvature, corresponding to the cy-
upper-level convergence on the west side, and low-level clonic curvature observed in the upper trough, but the
convergence and upper-level divergence on the east curvature changes gradually to an anticyclonic one
side. On the average, the vertical components reach when the air parcel reaches levels where awjaz < O.
their maximum values at the level of nondivergence At the end of the trajectory the polar air moves anti-
(which is not necessarily horizontal). In the divergence cyclonically as a shallow layer of air which rapidly
field the vorticity of the air parcels moving from west loses the propertie of a cold air mass because of heating
to east undergoes systematic changes; the absolute from below and adiabatic heating due to subsidence.
vorticity has its highest value at the trough line and The warm air parcel at point C at first descends on
its lowest value at the ridge line. the west side of the trough, but gradually overtakes the
This relatively simple pattern for vertical motion trough line and then starts ascending. At the time when
and divergence, however, does not describe very well the cold air fiows out in the subtropics as an anticy-
the real movement in a disturbance which necessarily clonic surface current the warm air parcel has moved
must contain a component of an irreversible process, as very far to the northeast and has eventually left the
has been pointed out earlier. Studies of synoptic charts upper trough in which it started. There is no possibility
of giving the exact position of the air, but it follows the
8. This secondary front is usually called the "arctic front" general geostrophic fiow in the upper troposphere with
in the United States because the cold Canadian continent is an average tendency to deviate a little to the left,
regarded as belonging to the arctic source region in winter. In because of the average southward displacement of the
Europe a similar front often separates the maritime polar air
polar air underneath.
masses from the continental polar air masses over the eastern
parts of the continent. Since the source region of the latter air
If we assume that after thirty-six hours the cold air
masses in Europe is in the east, not in the north, the corre- parcel is at the point marked by 800 mb in Fig. 6, the
sponding front is not identified with the arctic front. mean velocity since it started from point A is about

21 m sec-1 The corresponding vertical velocity is then produced by a solenoidal circulation connected with
about -2.8 cm sec-1 This is the order of magnitude of sinking of cold air and the ascent of warm air during the
the vertical wind components in the vicinity of the occlusion process. The occlusion process in lower layers
polar front. is associated with convergence and an increase of cy-
Air particles (B in Fig. 6) situated at greater dis- clonic circulation (vorticity). The ascending warm air
tances from the principal front probably move almost must form a diverging current in the upper troposphere.
horizontally and thus follow approximately the contour The convergence at lower levels and the divergence at
lines on the corresponding chart. Since the air at the upper levels associated with a general ascending move-
500-mb level usually moves faster than the upper dis- ment represent one branch of the solenoidal circulation,
turbances, a given particle leaves one trough and moves the other branch being the combined lower divergence
into the next trough. Thus the idea of a quasi-horizontal and upper convergence associated with descending
large-scale wave motion is much more applicable to the movement in the surrounding cold anticyclonic areas.
air masses far away from the polar front. It is a well-known fact that during the occlusion
The three-dimensional movement outlined here has process the cyclonic circulation gradually spreads to
some resemblance to the helical circulation proposed by deeper layers of the atmosphere. In a fully developed
Mintz [38]. In our scheme, however, there is no com- occluded cyclone, which in the lower troposphere is cold
plete left-handed helix, since the transformation of polar compared with the surrounding air, a strong cyclonic
air into tropical air, and vice versa, is a much more circulation occupies the whole troposphere and the
complicated process than that assumed in the simple lower stratosphere. However, increasing cyclonic circu-
model for helical motion. lation presupposes convergence, according toV. Bjerk-
The movement of a tropical air parcel can be studied nes' circulation theorem, and the ascending warm air
in the same way. In this case it is more practica! to start in an occluding system must be subjected to upper
from the surface map and discuss the three-dimensional divergence.
trajectory of a tropical air parcel situated at the be- This dilemma has been discussed by Brunt [12] in an
ginning in the vicinity of the polar front. A study of the article on cyclones. In his article, Brunt points out that
large areas of condensation and precipitation around the the upper-level divergence necessary to produce the
principal front shows that the warm air in that vicinity pressure fall in the central parts of a deepening cyclone
must be subjected to vertical movements of an order of must result in increasing anticyclonic circulation in the
magnitude varying between 1 and 20 cm sec-1 Thus upper troposphere. The dilemma can be solved, accord-
the ascending warm air can rise from the surface layers ing to Brunt, only if the three-dimensional structure of
to the level around 60Q--500 mb in one day or less. In the cyclone is such that the upper current can remove
many cases this rapid ascending motion stops before the air accumulating in the region of lower convergence.
the air reaches this level, but a careful study of 500-mb This removal is not possible if the extratropical cy-
charts indicates that moist, almost saturated air, with clones are symmetrical and, at the same time, the
a potential wet-bulb temperature characteristic of the cyclonic circulation is increasing in depth. Here we find
surface tropical air farther to the south, can be observed one of the principal differences between extratropical
in the region above the polar-front surface. The princi- and tropical cyclones.9 In order to find a model which
pal area of extended precipitation on the eastem side of combines the increase in cyclonic circulation with the
the upper trough and in the region of the upper ridge divergence necessary for removal of the air from the
indicates where the principal ascent of the tropical air deepening cyclone, we apply J. Bjerknes' tendency
takes place. equation [6] to a vertical air column situated over the
Synoptic experience thus gives some clues conceming momentary surface center of the cyclone. The pressure
the nature of the vertical circulation necessary to main- change at a level h is then given by
tain the kinetic energy of the atmosphere. The vertical
circulation is mainly associated with cyclones and anti-
cyclones. The principal regions of descending polar air (ap)
at h
= -g (' divn (pv)
dz + (gpwh. (12)
are the cold anticyclones separating cyclone families
(or individual cyclones) and their counterparts in the At the surface, where the vertical component w is zero,
free atmosphere, the cold troughs. The tropical air the pressure tendency is given by the integrated mass
ascends in the regions where condensation and precipi- divergence over the whole air column. Since the pres-
tation are observed. sure in a deepening cyclone is falling, the integral of the
The scheme presented in Figs. 5 and 6 is not a steady- mass divergence must be positive; since there is low-
state situation. It represents a certain stage in the level convergence during the occlusion process, the
development which gradually leads to a degeneration upper-level mass divergence must be somewhat stronger
and ultimate elimination of the upper trough. Before than the low-level convergence.
we go on to a discussion of that process, however, we
must study the development of the typical frontal 9. The central parts of tropical cyclones are warm compared
cyclones. with the outer parts [51]. The cyclonic circulation therefore
According to the generally accepted theory for the decreases upward in tropical cyclones whereas it increases up-
development of individual cyclones, kinetic energy is ward in fully developed occluded extratropical cyclones.
Equation (12) can be written where r is the radius of curvature of a streamline. If we

(atiJp) h
= -g 1
p divn V dz
neglect the shear, the cyclonic curvature must decrease
in the direction of a streamline. If the air flow has a
southerly component, the effect of latitude is negative
{~ ( u := + v :;) dz + (gpwh.
and the decrease of curvature is greater than in cases
- g with a northerly component.
If we could follow the development over an individua
In the first approximation we can neglect the second cyclone, the decrease of vorticity along upper stream-
term on the right which represents the contribution of lines should intensify when the upper divergence field
advection to the pressure change. A pressure tendency intensifies. Since the latitude effect, which is propor-
at the surface of -1 mb hr1 corresponds to an average tional to the meridional wind component v and to the
divergence of -0.3 X 10-6 sec-1 Direct measurements change of the Coriolis parameter withlatitude, 2n cos cf>,
from wind observation by Houghton and Austin [29] can easily be computed, the shape of the upper con-
and further by Sheppard [1] give values for the diver- tour lines over a deepening cyclone can be used for an
gence of the order of magnitude of 10-5 sec-1 or even estimate of the upper divergence. Scherhag [56] has
more for specific levels. The disagreement between the strongly emphasized the connection between the move-
average divergence in a whole vertical air column deter- ment and the deepening of cyclones and the shape of the
mined from pressure changes and the values for the isobars or contour lines in the upper troposphere. 10
divergence in different levels computed from actual Figure 7 shows the characteristic pressure distribu-
wind observations shows that vertical circulations are tion in the lower and upper troposphere for a wave
essential for an understanding of the atmospheric proc- cyclone and for a mature cyclone. The increased num-
esses. Therefore we can state that the surface pressure ber of closed isobars in the surface layer is an expression
change is the relatively small sum of two large terms of the increased cyclonic circulation due to low-level
with different signs and that the influence of the upper convergence. The deformation of the upper isobars indi-
divergence must be somewhat greater than the influ- cates the influence of the upper-level divergence field
ence of the lower convergence if (iJp/iJt)o < O. Further- upon the air moving through the system. In the surface
more, we can conclude that there must be a certain layer the convergence field has a much longer time to
level of nondivergence approximately coinciding with influence the air flow than is the case in the upper
the level of maximum vertical wind velocity 1w 1 troposphere where the air moves relatively quickly
We can now use the vorticity equation through the system. The warm-sector air, subjected to
strong convergence in the lower and inner parts of a
~a = - ( + 2!2 sin cp) divn V (14) cyclone, leaves this region as a current with decreasing
vorticity because of the upper-level divergence field.
in order to investigate the influence of the divergence The principal ascent of the warm air masses takes place
field on the upper-air flow above the center of the cy- in the precipitation region marked in Fig. 7; the ex-
clone. The individual absolute vorticity of the air par- tension of the area of precipitation to the west along the
cels moving above the cyclonic center decreases under occluded front is therefore not primarily the result of
the influence of the field of divergence. If we expand the the ascent of less cold air moving in from the west or
expression in equation (14), we obtain southwest.
In the final stage of occlusion the low at the upper
da = iJa + Vs iJa + W iJa (15) level nearly coincides with the surface low, whereas in
dt at as (Jz' the beginning the axis of lowest pressure slopes to the
west. Single-station analysis gives a phase displacement
where v. is the horizontal velocity component along with height which gradually diminishes during the oc-
the momentary streamline. The local change iJafiJt clusion process. The importance of this vertical struc-
is, on the average, positive above the surface center of ture of cyclones was originally emphasized by von
the cyclone, since the upper trough is approaching. The
Ficker [21, 22]. The deepening of a cyclone due to the
term wiJafiJz is small in the upper troposphere where
lwl is small. Since the cyclone and the upper trough occlusion process can formally be considered as the
west of the surface center are moving slowly compared result of an interaction between two pressure waves, an
with the upper wind one can put upper and a lower one, according to Defant [19]; if the
upper wave moves at a higher speed, it. reaches the
iJa a d'lVnV. (16) lower wave at the time of maximum depth.
v. The divergent flow of the upper air above the frontal
Thus the absolute vorticity must decrease .along stream- system has been verified by numerous studies of Euro-
lines of the upper flow. pean cyclones [8, 9, 10, 40]. The characteristic upper-air
The absolute vorticity can be written in the form flow outlined here is also in agreement with well-known

= 2n sm el> + -rv. + !>
(17) 10. We refer to the very extlmsive list of references concern-
ing this problem in Scherhag's textbook [56].

facts concerning the movement of cirrus clouds as, for is from the west and every individual migrating upj:>er
example, shown by Pick and Bowering [49] in 1929. dist!J.rhance is associated with a surface cyclone~-
Sawyer [1] has shown in an interesting study that the In the following paragraphs some typica1 cases de-
change of the vorticity field at different levels during scribed in the schematic chart in Fig. 4 will be dis-
the deepening of a cyclone can be used for computation cussed in more detail. As an example of the develop-
of the vertical movement of the air. Instead of the real ment of a .f>tro.f.lg upper-level low from a pre-existing
vorticity field, which is difficult to determine, Sawyer trough we select the case of N ovember 17-19, 1948
used the vorticity field computed from the pressure over North America. This situation also illustrates the
characteristic structure of an occluded cyclone pre-
--- ~---------~
viously discussed. The sequence of weather maps shows
that the structure characteristic of the occluded frontal
cyclone can be the result of processes other than the
occlusion of wave-shaped frontal perturbations of the
type shown in Fig. 7.
Figure 8 presents five charts for the 500-mb surface.
The contour lines and the schematic front show the
rapid development of a deep !illP.~L9Yclone from a rela-
tively weak trough. On the chart for November 17,
1945 the upper flow is predominantly westerly with a
cold trough aloft over the western part of the United
States. The cold air mass grows gradually out to the
south and at the same time a closed upper circulation
-----=-- -- -- develops. During the process, which can be followed. on
------- -~
the five charts with a time interval of 12 hours, the cold
air mass at the 500-mb level is gradually cut off from
its polar source region, and on the chart for N ovember
19, 1500 GMT there is left a cold "drop" separated from
the cold masses in the north.
The thermal structure of the air masses can be studied
in the vertical cross section (Fig. 9) along the broken
line marked on the chart for N ovember 18, 1500 GMT.
Especially along the west side of t he upper t rough , the
sloping front is very well marked. The wind component
normal to t he cross sections shows the characteristic
concentration of the maximum wind velocity in a pro-
nounced jet. Figure 9 thus shows that the upper trough
consists of a central part filled with cold air masses of
polar origin surrounded by warmer air masses. The low
tropopause and high stratospheric temperature and the
multiple tropopause are very characteristic of all similar
situations. The fast-moving upper air in the region of
FIG. 7.- Schematic diagrams of young wave cyclone and the lower stratosphere is subj ected to a strong subsi-
mature occluded cyclone. Solid thin lines a re sea-level isobars, dence on the west side of the trough and to a strong
dashed lines a re 500-mb streamlines. Precipita tion indicated by ascent on the east side (see, for example, [24]).
In Fig. 10 the contours of t he principal front at the
surface and on the 850-, 700-, and 500-mb surfaccs are
field. Since the pressure field gives an approximate value
presented for N ovember 18 and 19, 0300 and 1500
of the wind field, the change of vorticity can be com-
GMT. At t he beginning of the period there are two
puted from the pressure changes on consecutive maps.
surface fronts, one western front connected with the
The method is essentially the same as that used here in
developing disturbance and one eastern front corre-
order to describe the formation of the characteristic
sponding to the northern boundary of the moist warm
upper contour lines in an occluded cyclone.
Gulf air. On the chart for N ovember 18, 1500 GMT the
surface fronts have already been brought so near each
AND ANTICYCLONES .. . other that a separation is impossible. At that t ime a
structure corresponding to the classical picture of an
It was pointed out earlier that the cold upper troughs occluded cyclone has already started to develop. On the
undergo continuous changes and that they have a life next day the structure of a regularly occluded cyclone
history of growth and ultimate degeneration as have is complete, as can be seen from the surface map in
the surface cyclones. In some cases the l}pper troughs Fig. 11.
seem to be disturbances of larger scale than cyclones; In Fig. 8d the principal precipitation areas are
in other cases, however, the dominating upper-air flow marked . From the figure it can be seen that the areas of

FIG. 8.- Idealized 500-rnb charts at 12-hourly intervals frorn

1500 GMT Novernber 17, 1948 to 1500 GMT Novernber 19, 1948.
Heavy lines, 500-rnb fronts; thin lines, contours of 500-rnb
surface (labelled in hundreds of feet ). Precipitation areas indi-
cated by stippling in Fig. 8d.

(1000FT)(KM) ____60 ____ ~~---------------------------------------------------------- ~g
_ __ _____~------------~6~

----- -. . .....
__ _
70 - '

20 -65----- --.., ~~ . . . . . ' ',..._ ........ .....

J -55

-!8 / / ",-70
67 / " /

60 -70-- _.. ~- ..... ; 57 / /---55- : :) 1

/ /
07 1
1 ' 100









(1000 FT) (KM)


_.~30 M SEC' MB
~----- ~4~0~--- 100
10 M SEC" 1
~o 15
1 ,/

1 150

10 200

- - - - - - - - -- - 250
10 40 M SEC- 1
30 - - 300

/ ~-- 400


f -- -- - - - BOO

o 500

FIG. 9.--Vertical cross section through cold dome at 1500 GMT November 18, 1948, along dash-dotted line in Fig. Se. In top
figure, heavy li nes are frontal boundaries and tropopauses, t hin lines isotherms (degrees centigrade ) . Lower figures show isovels
of actual wind velocity (solid thin lines, meters per second) supplemented by computed gradient wind velocities (dash-dotted

precipitation appro:ximately coincide with the areas cut off from the cold air in the north. This cutting-off
where aal as < O. These areas can, according to equa- process starts in the upper troposphere and gradually
tion (16), be found where the ascending warm air is penetrates downward. The process of cutting off is not
diverging. In Fig. lOc the arrows indicate the ftow of completely finished at the level of the 700-mb surface,
warm air along the frontal surface in some parts of the as can be seen from Fig. 10.
disturbance. Since the frontal contours also move, one The case history of November 17-19 represents a
cannot immediately determine the vertical component common development in the United States, as was


19 NOV. 1948 1._-...J--_.,
0300 GMT


FIG. 10.-Idealized frontal contour charts, November 18- 19, 194R, correspondin g to charts of Fig. Sb-e . On F ig. lOc, corre -
sponding to Fig. Sd, thin a r rows indicate at warm-air boundarv of frontal surfaces. On F ig. lOd
fronta l contours are dashed where front is md1stinct.

of the air flow from the map; however, the relatively pointed out in the previous discussion of the schematie
slow movement of the system and the large component chart in Fig. 4. The fully developed surface cyclone of
of the warm air flow normal to the frontal contours in November 19 has ali the characteristics of an occluded
the inner parts of the cyclone indicate that here the polar-front cyclone in spite of the fact that it did not
ascending. eomponent w must be large. develop from a wave cyclone. The three-dimensional
The charts for November 19, 1500 GMT present the fields of temperature, pressure, and wind presented in
fully developed upper cyclone which at that time very Figs. 8- 10 are, however, characteristic of every "oc-
nearly coincides with the smface center of the "oe- cluded" cyclone whether it bas passed through a regular
cluded" cyclone. The charts also present a situation in process of occlusion or not. Essential for the whole de-
which the cold air at the 500-mb surfaee is completely velopment of a mature cyclone is the formation of the

upper disturbance associated with the deformation of isolated from the main body of cold air in the north.
the upper front which can be followed on the charts in Since the boundary layer separating the warmer air
Fig. 8. This deformation of the upper front is associated masses in the south from the polar air masses in the
with the formation of an upper cyclone or a very deep north also marks the zone of strongest west wind, the
trough. During the process a large part of the cold air whole process of forming upper cyclones is associated
is separated from its original source region and flows with a meandering of the "jet stream." This meander-
as a diverging lower current very far to the south. This ing very often goes so far that it results in the forma-
iiverging lower cold current can be seen on the surface tion of an almost symmetrical upper cold low at very
nap for November 19 (Fig. 11) in the regions west of low latitudes, whereas the strong west wind becomes
the surface cold front. re-established to the north of the newly formed upper
There is no doubt that many "occluded" cyclones on cyclone. Figure 12 shows, according to Hsieh [30), the
3urface maps have never gone through a real process of
occlusion although they show the same characteristic
structure as really occluded polar-front perturbations.
Obviously a well-marked surface front is not so essen-
tial for the development as was generally assumed
o b c
FIG. 12.- Schematic diagrams showing various stages in
formation of cut-off cyclone. Solid lines are contours of 500-mb
surface, dashed lines are isotherms. (After Hsieh [30].)

characteristic change of the pattern of isotherms and air

flow in the middle troposphere during the development
of a closed cold cyclonic vortex. This formation of
"drops of cold air" (Kaltlujttropfen) has been well
known since aerological observations have been ex-
tended over large areas. 12 Figure 13 shows a schematic
picture of the frontal contours in such a cut-off low.

FIG. 11.-Surface map , 0630 GMT November 19, 1948, t hree

hours !ater than charts of Figs. 8d and lOc.

One more point should be emphasized. By comparison

of the consecutive 500-mb charts in Fig. 8 it can be
seen that the area of polar air at that level decreases
during the process of cyclogenesis and the development
of the deep "occluded" surface cyclone. T.he proc.ess of
FrG. 13.-Schematic diagram showing frontal contours in
seclusion of the polar air at the 500-mb level thus corre- cut-off low. Hatching indicates area of heavier precipitation,
sponds to the occlusion process in lower layers. In the stippling area of lighter precipitation. (After Hsieh [30].)
upper atmosphere the warm air gains arca, in the lower
atmosphere the cold air gains arca. This process corre- A beautiful example of this type of high-level cyclone
sponds to the scheme for release of energy of storms is the case of November 1-7, 1946 over the southwest-
proposed by Margules [33] in his classical studies. 11 ern part of the United States. This case has been studied
As a result of the process described here, the upper in some detail by Crocker [17) and Palmen [42]. Figures
cold air (for example, at the level of 500 mb) has been 14, 15, and 16 are reproduccd from the latter study.
Figure 16, in particular, represents an almost ideal pic-
11. The energetics of a similar process of cyclogenesis has
recently been studied by Phillips [48] . The main difficulty in
ture of a cold symmetrical upper cyclone with its warm,
applying Margules' ideas on the development of real cyclones low stratosphere. It should perhaps be mentioned that
depends upon the well-known fact, already emphasized by the tropopause marked as a continuous surface in Figs.
Schroder [57], that cyclones cannot be regarded as closed sys-
t ems . Because of this and other difficulties many meteorologists 12. See Scherhag's textbook on weather analysis and fore-
are critica! of Margules' theory (see for example [59]). It seems casting [56] for a detailed discussion of the structure and forma-
to the author, however, that the theory is essentially sound if tion of such drops of cold air in Europe. Among other references
a pplied correctly and with consideration for ali complications. Nyberg [40], and Raethjen [50! might be mentioned.

15 and 16 could probably be split into severa! surfaces, tion (increasing cyclonic vorticity in the central upper
as in Fig. 9, by a more detailed analysis. parts of the cold drop) similar to the vertical circula-
Raethjen [50] has recently tried to explain the for- tion outlined here. Quite different points of view have
mation of the high-level cyclones associated with drops been expressed by Rossby [54] in his paper on the
meridional movement of sinking cold domes. It seems
obvious that the problem of the extreme meandering of
the west-wind belt resulting in the formation of cold
upper lows must be subjected to further investigations
before the nature of the process can be regarded as
completely clarified.
The meandering of the belt of upper westerlies and
the deformation of the upper polar front also result ii
an increase of the amplitude of the warm upper ridges.
In extreme cases a warm ridge can be completely sepa-

4 NOV. 1946
0:300 GCT

FIG. 14.-500-mb chart over North America, 0300 GMT,

November 4, 1946. Solid lines are contours of 500-mb surface,
dashed li nes are isotherms (degrees centigrade) .

of cold air as a result of isentropic exchange of air par-

cels conserving their absolute angular momentum. This
process would obviously result in a change in circula-


386 (!)314'} 353
(1869') (1304'}

FIG. 16.- Vertical west-east cross section through center of

high-level cyclone of Fig. 14. Legend as in Fig. 15.

rated from its warm source region in the south. The

meandering then results in the formation of closed
warm upper anticyclones and the belt of strong wester-
lies can be re-established south of it. These types of
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- 700 warm upper anticyclones consist mostly of cold polar
air masses in the lower layers and therefore appear, in a
.. 900 superficial analysis, as cold polar anticyclones. The
IQ!li!--J.-::-::--,---+-----,-,:-1--- -+---::--+-- -- 1000
GRANO true nature of these anticyclones has been elucidated
JUNCTION 270 through a number of synoptic investigations. The struc-
476 (3916')
(4602'} ture of such a warm upper anticyclone has been sub-
LANOER ALBUOUERQUE jected to a detailed analysis by Berggren, Bolin, and
576 365
(5352') (!)314'}
Rossby [4]. The case they studied has been used as a
model for the upper anticyclone over northern Europe
FIG. 15.- Ve rtical north-south cross section through center shown in Fig. 4. The pronounced anticyclonic vorticity
of high-level cyclone of Fig. 14. H eavy line indicates tropo- in these warm upper highs can partly be explained as a
pause, solid thin lines isentropes (degrees absolute) and dashed
li nes isotherms (degrees centigrade). result of advective transport of low absolute vorticity

from the south. However, the influence of the upper of the west-wind belt into an upper wind maximum, the
divergence field on the development of the relative anti- jet stream. Frontogenesis hence means at the same time
cyclonic vorticity should also be considered. an increase of both solenoidal and kinetic energy in the
Both the cold upper lows and the warm upper highs polar-front zone.
can be considered a further development of the upper On the other hand, the vertical circulation character-
trough and ridge described here earlier. The cold air in istic of cyclone development also seems to be a "direct"
the upper cyclones represents the uppermost part of a one resulting in an increase of kinetic energy. According
sinking cold dome. The warm high-level anticyclones to Starr [60], a system is able to produce horizontal
consist essentially of a body of lifted tropical air. These kinetic energy if horizontal divergence is associated with
processes are closely related to the processes connected relatively high pressure and convergence with relatively
with the formation of cyclones of different types. low pressure. In the previous discussion of the life
history of a cyclone, it was pointed out that the de-
SOME GENERAL REMARKS ON THE velopment of a cyclone is characterized by low-level
CYCLONE PROBLEM convergence and upper-level divergence. But if we con-
There is no question that our knowledge of the struc- sider not only the cyclone but the total region of an
ture and life history of extratropical cyclones has greatly atmospheric disturbance-cyclon e + anticyclone-the
improved as a result of the increased network of aero- horizontal divergence (in the lower parts of the anti-
logical stations which has been established during the cyclone and the upper parts of the cyclone) actually
last 10-15 years and especially as a result of the general occurs with higher pressure than does the convergence
introduction of radiosonde observations into the daily (in the lower parts of a surface cyclone and the upper
weather service. The extension of upper-air observa- parts of a surface anticyclone)." This circulation there-
tions on a hemispheric scale has undoubtedly shown fore means a transformation of pre-existing potential
that there exists, not only in the surface layers but also energy into kinetic energy.
in the middle troposphere, a more or less distinct The combined process of frontogenesis and cyclo-
boundary layer separating air masses of polar origin genesis can probably be described in the following man-
from those of tropical or subtropical origin. This bound- ner. During the time of frontogenesis the "available"
ary has the character of a true front only over limited potential energy 13 of the atmosphere is gmdually in-
regions; in other regions it appears as a belt of strong creased by nonadiabatic processes, primarily radiation,
meridional solenoid field. Careful analyses of different and through a process of concentration of the horizontal
types of synoptic situations also indicate that this temperature contrasts into a relatively narrow zone.
boundary layer of the free atmosphere can be con- During this process, however, the kinetic energy also
sidered a direct continuation of the surface polar fronts. increases (the surface wind speed remaining relatively
The polar front thus appears as a sloping boundary layer constant). The stage of frontogenesis is therefore also a
which extends from the surface to the upper part of the stage with increase of zonal index, especially at upper
troposphere. This is in agreement with the ideas intro- levels. During the time of cyclogenesis the strong zonal
duced for the first time in clear form by the N orwegian flow has a tendency to break down; "available" po-
school of meteorologists. tential energy is now transformed into kinetic energy.
Although the existence of a more .or less distinct The mechanism of the breakdown of the zonal current
polar-front surface ifJ thus an empirica! fact, the ex- into a more irregular form of movement could be at-
planation of the formation of this boundary layer is tributed to some kind of instability of the zonal move-
not quite clear. It is obvious that the formation and ment which is not known in detail.1 4 The fundamental
maintenance of a polar front must be connected with cyclone problem would be solved in principle if one
the general atmospheric circulation. However, there could find the causes and mechanism of this instability.
stiH is no complete theory of frontogenesis which con- Any theoretical solution of the cyclone problem is still
siders the entire dynamics of the general circulation. very far from a solution of the cyclone problem pre-
On the other hand, it is undeniable that extratropical sented by nature. Meteorologists are still in disagree-
cyclones frequently and predominantly form at the ment about many fundamental aspects of the cyclone
polar front although there are other birthplaces for problem. While some meteorologists assume that the
cyclonic depressions. The question of the role of extra- kinetic energy of extratropical disturbances represents
tropical cyclones in the complex problem of the general only a concentration of the pre-existing kinetic energy
circulation is therefore of primary importance not only of the west-wind belt, others regard the disturbances
in the cyclone theory but also for a deeper understand- as active cells in the production of kinetic energy. The
ing of the problem of the general atmospheric circula- vertical circulation associated with the growth of the
tion. disturbances in the westerlies and particularly with the
In an earlier section it was pointed out that the polar- occlusion process indicates, as already pointed out,
front zone in the middle latitudes is not only the zone that the latter viewpoint is in better agreement with
of strongest solenoid concentration but also the zone of 13. The "available" potential energy is meant to include
strongest concentration of kinetic energy. Thus the only the energy available from a redistribution of the mass of
frontogenetic processes operating in the atmosphere on the system such that the center of gravity is lowered.
a hemispheric scale form not only the fronts or frontal 14. Compare, for example, Charney [13], Eady [20], and
layers but also the characteristic, strong concentration Godske [25].

our experience. On the other hand, there is probably no concerning the nonbalanced parts of the movement
doubt that the period of cyclogenesis must be preceded can be achieved. The time difference between consecu-
by a building-up of the kinetic energy of the upper tive upper-air observations, especially between radio-
west-wind belt and that thus certain types of disturb- sonde observations (now twelve hours in most regions),
ances also appear as concentrations of already existing is too large to permit a satisfactory determination of the
kinetic energy. time derivatives. Special synoptic investigations with
The principle of dynamic instability may perhaps several stations operating on time intervals of 2-3 hours
result in new efforts to solve the problem of the in- would therefore be extremely valuable.
stability of the west-wind belt. A considerable amount
of literature on that problem already exists [62]. The REFERENCES
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43. - - and NEWTON, C. W., "A Study of the Mean Wind and J. Meteor., 6: 1-16 (1949).


U. S. Weather Bureau, Washington, D. C.

It is the purpose of this article to summarize briefly layer), a high (11.5 km), cold ( -65C) tropopause, and
what is known of the origin, structure, and trans- a cold stratosphere.
formation of anticyclones and to describe their role In 1908, Hanzlik [15] demonstrated the existence of
in the general circulation and some aspects of their two types of European anticyclones, the shallow cold
control of weather and climate. (polar) anticyclone moving rapidly, usually in the rear
It is natural for the division of subject matter for this of a cyclone, and the deep warm anticyclone moving
Compendium to be made in terms of cyclones, anti- very slowly or not at all. Quite often the shallow cold
cyclones, general circulation, and so on. However, this anticyclone changes into a deep warm anticyclone, and
breakdown, while very convenient for the editor and in so doing slows down and sometimes becomes station-
the reader, imposes certain difficulties on the author azy.
since it is quite impossible to discuss the anticyclone as So far as is known there is no statistica! study avail-
a separate entity, with respect to either its origin or its able on the vertical temperature structure of the polar
role in the general circulation. For that reason, although and warm type of anticyclones although it is likely that
much of the discussion here will deal directly with anti- Palmen's statistics on anticyclones refer mostly to the
cyclones, there will be occasional and unavoidable di- warm type of anticyclone, since the true polar anti-
gressions into broader problems. cyclone is rare in England. As a rough generalization
The writing of this article was made much easier by it may be said that in N orth America the polar anti-
reference to the excellent review of anticyclones by C. cyclone is characterized by a troposphere colder than
E. P. Brooks [4] in Some Problems of Modern Meteor- its environment, especially in the lower portion, and a
ology, the famous British progenitor of this Compen- low (5 to 8 km), warm ( -50C to -65C) tropopause
dium. and warm, lower stratosphere, while the warm anti-
cyclone may have a thin, cold layer at the surface, a
warm troposphere, a high (12 to 17 km), cold ( -65C
to -80C) tropopause, and a cold, lower stratosphere.
An anticyclone is a large atmospheric eddy which Quite often, however, anticyclones exist which have
rotates clockwise in the N orthern Hemisphere about a the deep surface layer of cold air characteristic of
center at which barometric pressure is higher than that polar anticyclones and the high cold tropopause of
of the surrounding air. Sin ce barometric pressure is a warm anticyclones. Such anticyclones, combining the
very close measure of the mass of overlying air, an high-pressure producing qualities of both anticyclonic
anticyclone is characterized by an excess of air aloft. types, are usually extremely intense and would prob-
Thus, over an anticyclone either the effective height ably never be observed at low latitudes because of
of the atmosphere is greater or the air is on the average absence of cold tropospheric air. For example, in the
denser over the same height. Since there exists no nineteen unusually intense anticyclones in the N orth
evidence to indicate a greater height of the atmosphere, Atlantic and Eurasian regions listed by Scherhag [30],
it was once thought that the air over an anticyclone where central pressures ranged from 1047 to 1079 mb,
must be colder and denser at all levels than the air the lowest latitude of location was 50N.
over a cyclone. However, from a study of mountain
observations in Europe and western United States, ORIGIN OF ANTICYCLONES AND THEIR ROLE
Hann in 1876 [14] showed that up to the height of the IN THE GENERAL CIRCULATION
mountains (3 to 4 km) anticyclones averaged warmer Polar Anticyclone. The polar anticyclone is created
than cyclones except in a shallow surface layer. Fur- by cooling of the surface layer of air, which loses its
thermore, Hann stated the abnormal warmth and dry- heat to an underlying cold surface by radiation [35]
ness was caused by subsidence. From recent aerological or by eddy conductivity. The lower temperature of the
data more has been learned of the general thermal surface itself is caused by the nocturnal radiational
structure of anticyclones as distinguished from that of cooling of snow and ice fields, such as those in polar
cyclones. For example, values compiled by W. H. regions, or by hodies of large thermal inertia (heat
Dines [7] and Palmen [22], based on soundings in capacity), such as oceans and large lakes. The cooling
England, showed that cyclones are characterized by a and vertical shrinking of the surface layer of air de-
cold troposphere, a low (8.5 km), 1 warm ( -50C) tro- presses the isobaric surfaces aloft, creating an intensi-
popause, and a warm stratosphere, while anticyclones fying "polar cyclone" which causes an inflow of air
have a warm troposphere (over a cold, shallow surface across the isobars, thus creating a larger barometric
1. Values are taken from Palmen. pressure at the surface. This process was studied by

Wexler [36], using the Brunt-Douglas isallobaric con- postulated seldom if ever occurs, but that the full
cept, and !ater by Schmidt [31]. depth of the westerlies usually partakes in its meander-
Warm Anticyclone. A satisfactory explanation of the ings (as would be expected in a barotropic atmosphere).
warm, deep anticyclone has not yet been given. The Thus, for example, if the southerly advection from
attempted explanations are usually along three lines: 10N to 50N took place above the top of a shallow
radiative, advective, and dynamic. The reasoning based (2-km) inert layer of surface air, the increase in pres-
on radiation goes something Iike this: Since the tropo- sure would only be 5 rob in summer and 11 mb in
sphere over the warm-type anticyclone is warmer than winter, amounts which are not sufficient to account for
the surroundings, the increased pressure must be caused many cases of anticyclogenesis.
by colder, denser air in the upper troposphere and The advective transport of warm and cold air is
lower stratosphere. The argument is then roade that intimately connected with the dynamics of the westerly
this cooling is caused by favorable radiative conditions flow pattern. If the westerlies are zonal in character,
over a restricted area. Those arguing advectively believe there would be no north-south advection across the belt
that the cold air results from northward advection of of westerlies. True enough, there may be advective
the cold equatorial upper troposphere and lower strato- transport of a shallow (2-km) surface layer of polar air
sphere. Various dynamic reasons for warm anticyclo- southward underneath the westerlies; this is associated
genesis have been proposed, based on wave mechanics with a certain type of dynamic anticyclogenesis dis-
of the westerlies, lateral frictional drag, motion of cussed by Simmers [33] and Wexler [37]. But it is
polar domes, etc. Each of these proposed explanations when the zonal westerlies break down into large-scale
will be discussed in turn. waves of great amplitude (meandering) that the most
Radiative Theory. The explanation of anticyclogenesis pronounced cases of warm anticyclones are found. The
based on radiative cooling of the stratospheric air amplitude of these waves may become so large that the
[18] appears to be the least convincing. Gowan [13] ridges break down into large-scale anticyclonic vortices
in his investigation of nocturnal cooling of the ozono- to the north and the troughs change into cyclonic
sphere (where water vapor, ozone, and carbon dioxide vortices to the south. Southerly advection accompanies
are assumed to be the principal emitting and absorbing this process, bringing northward over a shallow surface
gases) finds the temperature decrease in eight hours layer of polar air the warm, lower tropospteric air, and
from sunset varies from less than 0.10 at 15 km to 10 the cold upper tropospheric and lower stratospheric air
at 30 km, and thus concludes, "It seems certain that characteristic of tropical latitudes. However, advection
the cooling of the lower stratosphere, perhaps up to is not the primary cause of the anticyclogenetic process,
30 km, is not governed by radiation." If one Iooks but rather both it and the initiation of the anticyclo-
above 30 km (30-mb pressure), it is difficult to ascribe genesis are the result of a major change in the character
any significant anticyclogenetic effects to possible hori- of the jlow pattern in the westerlies. It follows that the
zontal differences in the rates of radiative cooling of primary problem becomes one of dynamics although it
air in a layer whose contribution to sea-level pressure is acknowledged that once initiated, the secondary
is so small. advective effects may contribute materially to the anti-
Advective Theory. The advective theory of strato- cyclogenesis.
spheric cooling and anticyclogenesis appears super- Dynamic Theory. The dynamical explanations of
ficially to be very attractive. As Brunt [5] states, the warm anticyclones may be divided into two main types:
close apparent analogy between the polar and cyclonic First, an explanation based on the large-scale changes
stratospheres on the one hand and the equatorial and in the westerly flow pattern, as discussed briefly above;
warm anticyclonic stratospheres on the other, tempts and second, once the "background" flow pattern has
one to explain the anticyclogenesis as a consequence of become established, an explanation based on cross-
solid currents moving from south to north. But if the isobaric flow of air resulting from nongradient winds.
entire atmospheric column at 50 Iatitude should be Let us discuss briefly each of the proposed explanations.
replaced by that at 10 latitude, then it can be shown In the past two decades intensive research has been
from Wagner's aerological averages [34] that the net performed on what might be called the "wave mechan-
change of sea-level pressure would be practically zero. ics" of the westerlies. The pioneering work of V. Bjerk-
If, however, differential advection were established such nes and collaborators [3] and J. Bjerknes [2], was given
that the mass of the column at 50N between the further impetus by Rossby and collaborators [28] and
surface and 8 km remained unchanged, say by the was aided by greatly improved aerological coverage
presence of westerly winds, while the air above 9 km over most of the Northern Hemisphere. At the present
carne from 10 Iatitude with southerly winds, then the time the recognition and explanation of the complex
sea-level pressure would increase by 25 mb, an amount behavior of the westerlies have come to be accepted as
more than sufficient to account for most cases of anti- the central problem of meteorology. Numerous articles
cyclogenesis. Thus it is theoretically possible for anti- in this Oompendium deal with various phases of this
cyclogenesis to be explained by high-level advection problem in a much broader manner than can be given
over a long trajectory from the south. But the problem here. But in any discussion of anticyclonic origin, de-
is more complicated than the simple arithmetic exercise velopment, movement, dissipation, etc., it is necessary
would indicate. Aerological experience indicates that at first to depart from the narrow confines of the area
the extreme type of vertical shear in the flow pattern usually covered by an anticyclone and obtain a broader

view of the behavior of the westerlies and their in- into the large-scale anticyclonic and cyclonic eddies.
fluence on anticyclones both of the polar and warm The exact manner under which this remarkable change
types. in flow pattern occurs is unknown, nor is the process
Most of this paragraph is based on Rossby and known whereby the blocking, once formed, proceeds
Willett's discussion of the circulation changes accom- upstream for considerable distances-in many cases as
panying a complete index cycle [29]. If the westerlies a recognizable pressure rise at high latitudes capable
are zonal over the hemisphere, corresponding to "high of being followed westward for more than 180 of
index," then the anticyclones are located to the south longitude. The importance of blocking in forecasting
and are large in area, but not abnormally intense, with was first pointed out by Garriott [12] and has received
axes oriented west-east. As the index decreases, the further attention recently by long-range forecasters
westerlies move southward and become less zonal, per- [9, 21].
mitting the formation of stronger polar anticyclones to The immediate origin of kinetic energy of atmospheric
the north. With further decrease of the zonal index to large-scale motions is a knotty problem that has not
its minimum value, the westerlies develop strong ridges been fully solved. Rossby and Willett, in their descrip-
and troughs, with cutting-off of warm anticyclones in tion of the index cycle cited above, explain that the
the higher latitudes and cold cyclones in the lower return of the high index, or speed-up of the westerlies,
latitudes. This is the period of maximum dynamic is caused by the re-establishment of the normal, north-
anticyclogenesis of polar anticyclones to the north. south thermal gradient caused by radiative cooling in
When the index begins to increase again, the westerly higher latitudes and radiative heating in lower latitudes.
waves decrease their amplitude and become longer, But it is not clear how the new sources of atmospheric
the higher-latitude anticyclones dissipate, and the energy, in the form of interna! heat energy or potential
"cycle" is ready to begin over again. energy, are "tapped" to provide the increased kinetic
This simplified account of the relationship of the energy.
westerlies and anticyclones is one of association only, Let us turn now to the second type of dynamical
and does not pretend to isolate causes and effects. explanation of warm anticyclones, based on horizontal
What is quite clear and outstanding, however, is that mass convergence arising from cross-isobaric flow as-
the phenomena must be considered on a hemisphere- sociated with supergradient winds. Many ingenious
wide scale and not as a local development closed off solutions have been proposed to explain supergradient
from the rest of the atmosphere. It is true that there winds. One popular explanation is that based on the
are important local influences pertaining primarily to removal of an air parcel from its high momentum
the character of the earth's surface, some of which will environment to an environment of lower momentum
be discussed !ater, but these must be considered as where the winds are gradient. The foreign parcel, main-
secondary effects superimposed on the primary pattern taining its higher momentum at least momentarily,
of the general circulation. will, by virtue of the greater Coriolis force acting on it,
There is definite evidence that the beginning of the be flung across isobars towards higher pressure. This
mechanism that transforms a high-index, essentially explanation was first proposed by Helmholtz [16] in
zonal flow pattern into a low-index, essentially merid- studying the stability of the circular vortex.
ional flow pattern is the appearance of a "blocking Recently many investigators, while agreeing in their
action" in some portion of the westerlies which effec- use of this basic reasoninginexplaining pressure changes,
tively obstructs the normally eastward motion of waves have differed widely in their explanations as to how
in the upper westerlies, or their sea-level counterpart the air parcels are removed from an environment of
in the form of anticyclones and cyclones. In the ex- high momentum to one of low momentum. Rossby
cellent aerological study of a case of the breakdown of [26] proposed that current systems possessing curved
zonal westerlies, Berggren, Bolin, and Rossby [1] showed lateral velocity profiles would create frictionally driven
how a nearly zonal flow pattern in the 500-mb wester- eddies in isentropic surfaces, and that these eddies
lies, in which were imbedded wave cyclones, moving would transport momentum laterally thus producing
with uniform speed across the N orth Atlantic, encoun- unbalanced flow. In the free atmosphere the lateral
tered "blocking" in the eastern Atlantic which caused frictional stresses within isentropic surfaces would be
the westerly waves to fold up like an accordion as their of greater importance than the vertical frictional stresses
wave length decreased and amplitudes increased. The arising as a result of vertical wind shear since, in the
increase in amplitudes finally resulted in the appearance latter case, the normal thermal stability of the atmos-
of "cut-off" cold lows in the south and warm highs in phere would resist vertical motions. Rossby found from
the north. The authors showed that the appearance of a simplified model that the percentual increase in total
blocking is somewhat similar to the "hydraulic jump" pressure drop across the current, resulting from the
which develops in open-channel flow when the depth diffusion of momentum, would amount to 8 per cent.
of the water current drops below a critica! depth, and The significance of reasoning <)f this type is enhanced
where a certain amount of the initial energy of flow by the recent discovery of the narrow, fast, westerly
is transformed into turbulent or eddy energy. If the "jet-stream" flanked by exceedingly strong shears and
analogy with atmospheric "blocking" is accepted, then curvatures of the lateral velocity profile (e.g., see Pal-
perhaps a certain supercritical speed of the westerly men and Nagler [23]).
jet results in the sudden breakdown of a zonal flow Another explanation based on changes in environ-

ment has been proposed by Priestley [24] as an out- anticyclones which appeals most to the writer. It is
growth of earlier work by Durst and Sutcliffe [8] on based on the combined effects of wave mechanics of
the role of vertical currents in producing nongradient the westerlies, lateral mixing, radiative cooling of the
winds. Given an increase of wind with height, an up- free atmosphere, thermal stability of the atmosphere
ward current will create subgradient winds and a down- (especially that of the surface layer), and the character
ward current, supergradient winds. Priestley used this of the underlying earth's surface. Lateral frictional
rule to explain anticyclogenesis where the downward stresses will cause supergradient winds south of the
vertical motions were initiated by (1) frictional outflow axis of the westerlies. This will create a northerly
from the surface anticyclone or (2) radiative cooling component of flow which will vanish far to the south.
of the tropospheric air over a large area. But, as The convergence of air to the south of the zonal wester-
Priestley showed, neither (1) because of lack of suffi- lies will result in the formation of an anticyclonic
ciently large vertical wind shear in warm anticyclones, ridge. Waves in the westerlies will fracturethe ridge into
nor (2) because of lack of strong enough radiative cool- anticyclonic cells. Lateral frictional stresses which con-
ing over a sufficiently large area, are by themselves tinue to operate on the sinusoidal westerlies will further
adequate to explain anticyclogenesis as observed. Priest- increase the convergence into the anticyclonic cells.
ley believes that the two proces;,es must operate simul- Factors which block the downward flow of the con-
taneously to produce the observed pressure rises. How- verging air in the cells and its return to the westerlies
ever, a severe restriction on Priestley's model is that in the surface frictionallayer will fa vor anticyclogenesis.
an anticyclone with surface frictional outflow must These optimum factors are (1) greater thermal stability
already be in existence before the nonradiatively caused of the free air combined with low rates of radiative
descent can occur. According to Priestley's reasoning, cooling of the air (as in dry air) to hinder the non-
then, it follows that surface features, such as topography adiabatic descent of the air, (2) presence of a very
or thermal stability of the air, which diminish the stable surface layer of air, or "shielding layer," which
surface frictional outflow of the anticyclone, weaken will prevent the descending air from coming under
the downward currents, thus causing a lack of super- influence of the surface frictional stresses, and thus
gradient winds and retarding anticyclogenesis. This inhibit air transport north and south across isobars,
result is not in agreement with the high frequency of and (3) presence of a large physiographic depression
anticyclones observed over physiographic depressions, such as the Great Basin of the western mountains in
such as the Great Basin in the western United States or the United States which "traps" the descending air
over cold water, such as the Great Lakes area in sum- and interferes with its motion away from the area.
mer [32, p. 172]. Regarding the radiatively caused Of all these auxiliary conditions, the presence of a
descent, Priestley showed that for a reasonable model, shielding layer seems tobe most significant. The forma-
a cooling of the free air of 2C per day over an area 2500 tion of such a shielding layer is favored by local cooling
krn in diameter is necessary to maintain the anticyclone of air over large areas such as cold water surfaces,
against normal surface frictional outflow. This cooling the undercutting of the atmosphere by a subsiding and
value seems too high since Priestley quoted Elsasser increasingly stable wedge of polar continental air, and
[10] with respect only to the emissive cooling of the free by radiative cooling and air drainage in large physio-
atmosphere by long->vave radiation, and did not men- graphic depressions.
tion the heating by absorption of solar radiation, which An important dynamic consequence of the horizontal
amounts to YzC per day. Also, according to Elsasser convergence of the air responsible for anticyclogenesis
[10, p. 95], since water vapor is the principal emitter, would be an increasing cyclonic circulation if one ap-
the emissive cooling itself decreases very rapidly with plied the conservation of absolute angular momentum
moisture content, and this would mean that the dry to the contraction of rings of air in the absence of
air above an anticyclone would cool even less than external forces. Thus, if convergence is an important
Priestley's assumed value. factor, one might expect to observe a cyclonic core
In a search for the presence of available energy in the embedded in the center of an anticyclone aloft. This
atmosphere which might be used to create unbalanced has actually been observed by Simmers [33, p. 88],
currents, a sudden cyclogenesis upstream and the re- but appears to be observed rarely both because of lack
sulting acceleration and "banking" of the westerlies to of a sufficient density of upper-wind observations and
the south has been suggested [21, p. 63]; but this the tendency of the peripheral anticyclonic circulation
explanation is merely substituting the unknown solu- to obliterate by friction the weak cyclonic circulation at
tion of the cyclogenetic problem for that of the anti- the core.
cyclogenetic problem. A more promising and not un- It should be emphasized that, given the proper condi-
related lead is that of the propagation of energy with tions, the lateral frictional stresses south of the axis
the group velocity of a train of waves in the westerlies of the westerlies are exerted on all the air flowing
where air parcels move with constant absolute vorticity. through the region in question. The supergradient winds
This concept, removed from the restraints of sinusoidal thus created cause a northerly component of flow,
wave motion first assurned by Rossby, forms the hasis probably too small to be observed directly. The result-
of the Charney-Eliassen numerica! prediction technique ing horizontal convergence will be relieved by vertical
of westerly waves [6]. motions downward in lower levels and upward in the
The following is a summary of the dynamic causes of upper troposphere. These latter motions will create a

higher, colder upper troposphere and tropopause. The be accompanied by a flattening of the dome and a con-
presence of this "cold cap" above surface anticyclones version of the loss in potential and in rotational kinetic
was pointed out by Miigge [18], who showed that energy into kinetic energy of translation of the dome.
advection from the south was not the sole cause. An Some of this translational energy is imparted to the
excellent analysis of a case of anticyclogenesis, showing environment which thus acquires motion. Rossby
the vertical structure, vertical motions, and the cold showed that, as the anticyclonic vortex moves south-
cap, has been given by Fleagle [11]. Fleagle stresses the ward (in the Northern Hemisphere) and sets the en-
fact that as one follows the motion of the anticyclone, vironment into motion, the anticyclonic center (center
the upper cold cap is not composed of the same air of the streamlines) is displaced westward and increas-
particles, which is a further indication of the existence ingly so with increased speed southward of the vortex.
of dynamic processes in anticyclogenesis. This process represents a dynamic movement of the
center of the original polar anticyclone westward from
MOTION AND TRANSFORMATION its original position under the highest point of the
OF ANTICYCLONES polar dome. This conclusion is in excellent agreement
The polar anticyclone in its source region is character- with the fact long noted by synoptic meteorologists
ized by a large surface inversion and a nearly isothermal that the top of a southward moving polar dome is
layer above, extending usually to no more than 3 km found about midway between the surface cyclone cen-
above the surface which marks the top of the true ter and the anticyc one center to the west. It is not
polar continental air [35]. When the anticyclone moves known whether this type of "dynamic anticyclone"
away from its source region and travels over a warm leads to higher pressure than that originally found in
surface, both the heating from below and the onset of the center of the polar anticyclone. At the time the
mechanically induced turbulence wipe out the surface center of the anticyclone is shifted westward, a crescent
inversion, and may, in fact, create a steep and even "moon-shaped" cyclonic center appears on the eastern
superadiabatic lapse rate in the surface layer. Above edge of the polar dome. Considering the circular bound-
this layer of steep lapse rate is usually found an inver- ary of the original polar dome as the "front," Rossby
sion which increases in thickness and magnitude as the showed that the southward displacement of the dome
air in the isothermal layer subsides. The top of the is accompanied by frontolysis and a spreading out of
inversion marks the top of the true polar continental the cold air along the western edge, and frontogenesis
air, while the air above, despite its subsidence, main- and steepening of the front along the eastern edge of
tains a greater lapse rate. The spectacular nature of the the cold dome. Both of these latter conclusions are in
"subsidence inversion," separating as it does the cool, excellent agreement with observations.
moist, cloudy air below from the warm, clear, dry air In applying Rossby's results to the problem of release
aloft, has been studied intensively by Namias [19] of polar anticyclones initially located away from the
and Hewson [17]. The more pronounced cases of sub- geographical pole, it must be remembered that the
sidence are believed to accompany the transformation thermally produced anticyclone should theoretically be
of the polar anticyclone into the warm or dynamic accompanied by a polar cyclone aloft at the source
anticyclone, and may indeed be considered as one of region [36], thus indicating the baroclinicity of the polar
the by-products of such a transformation. atmosphere. But if one assumes that Rossby's results,
Forecasting the motion of polar anticyclones away derived for a barotropic atmosphere, hold for this
from their source regions is a problem of considerable case, there would be a tendency for the surface anti-
interest to meteorologists. Often one polar anticyclone cyclone to move equatorward and the upper cyclone to
follows another in a regular procession from the source move poleward. This "splitting-off" of the surface anti-
region and at other times intense large anticyclones cyclone from its upper cyclone is again quite reasonable
remain stationary for many days. From observations it in the light of aerological experience. However, as
has been noted that a strong belt of zonal westerlies Rossby points out, if the concomitant sinking of the
equatorward of the source region tends to act as a polar dome occurs in an actual atmosphere of normal
"barrier" preventing appreciable motion southward of stability, the resulting convergence aloft should create
polar anticyclonic offshoots. But if waves develop in a cyclonic vortex at upper levels. This dynamically
the westerlies, the troughs act as "spillways" for the created cyclonic vortex may accompany the cold air
release of polar anticyclones. dome equatorward, but sooner or later it will have to
Another approach to the problem was recently pre- turn poleward in accordance with the increased pole-
sented by Rossby [27] who studied the conditions neces- ward force acting on it. Thus, it is likely that, both
sary for the motion, away from the geographical pole, at the source region and later on in the trajectory of
of barotropic vortices embedded in a motionless baro- the polar anticyclone, forces operate in such a way as
tropic atmosphere of great depth. Taking into account to remove cyclones aloft, and pave the way for upper-
the variation of the Coriolis force with latitude, he level anticyclogenesis.
found that if vortices are located, or are displaced, The likelihood of transformation of a polar anti-
away from the geographic pole, the cyclonic vortices cyclone into a dynamic anticyclone appears to be a
will move poleward while the anticyclonic vortices will function primarily of its position relative to the wave
move equatorward with increasing speed (friction neg- pattern of the westerlies. If the polar anticyclone is
lected). The motion of the polar anticyclonic vortex will associated closely with the motion of a pronounced

trough aloft, it will probably not change into a dynamic These preferential locations indicate that something
anticyclone until the trough fills in response to a change more thari purely dynamic effects of the westerlies are
in the wave pattern; this may involve consideration of involved in the maintenance of these eddies. The "an-
forces acting over the entire belt of westerlies. When choring" of the summer anticyclonic eddies in the
the upper trough fills, leaving the polar anticyclone well United States is believed to be the result of the very
to the south of the westerlies, surface conditions become strong horizontal solenoidal field created by the cold
important insofar as they maintain or strengthen the air above the eastern Pacific Ocean and the heated air
shielding layer which, as explained previously, will above the elevated plateau region of the western United
permit the accumulation of the subsiding air aloft, States, acting in such a manner as to form a pronounced
leading to anticyclogenesis. trough in the westerlies located in a mean position off
There remain problems not explained by Rossby's the W est Coast. This thermally produced trough creates
theory. For example, a deep combined polar and dy- a "resonance" trough in the Mississippi Valley, the
namic anticyclone at the source region might be ex- exact position changing according to the varying
pected to move more rapidly equatorward than a shal- strength of the westerlies and the position of the West
low polar anticyclone possessing its "thermal" cyclone Coast trough. Other troughs are .found farther down-
aloft. This is not in accord with synoptic experience stream, but in the absence of a long series of aerological
and, in fact, the deep anticyclone may remain stationary observations their average locations must be deduced
for such long periods that it appears on a mean monthly from other evidence. Between the troughs of the west-
map. Such a situation occurred in February 1947 over erlies are the anticyclonic cells composed of two main
nortliern Greenland, as described in the mean by currents spiraling clockwise-one a dry current from
Namias [20]. In this case the deep anticyclonic vortex the north and the other a moist current from the south.
appeared to be bounded on the south by cyclonic Summer showers occur more frequently under the deep
vortices. Applying Rossby's theory we might interpret moist tongues. The preferential average locations of the
the stagnancy of the vortex pattern as an equilibrium positions of the anticyclonic eddies and their moist and
between forces tending to drive the anticyclone vortex dry tongues have profound effects on the summer eli-
southward and the cyclonic vortices northward. roate in the United States. For example, the dry tongue
The ultimate fate of anticyclones which survive as curving around the W est Coast trough accounts for
individual entities in their progress to south and east the dry summers in southern California and western
seems to be absorption in and strengthening of the sub- Arizona, the moist tongue curving anticyclonically from
tropic anticyclones. The subtropic anticyclones them- the Gulf of Mexico around the western anticyclone
selves are examples of dynamically caused anticyclones accounts for the summer maximum in shower activity
located south of the westerlies over areas where both in eastern Arizona, New Mexico, and portions of Colo-
shielding layers (trade inversion) and low, surface fric- rada. The dry tongue of this same eddy curving anti-
tional outflow favor location of the anticyclones [37]. cyclonically down the Mississippi Valley into the W est
Gulf and eastern Texas accounts for the fact that this
region has less than 50 per cent of the summer precipita-
Too often, in the minds of the meteorologist interested tion enjoyed by the eastern Gulf states which are under
in weather forecasting, the anticyclone is considered the influence of the moist tongue of the eastern anti-
merely as something that occupies the space on the cyclone. Similar anticyclonic control of summer shower
weather maps between one front and the next. To be activity must exist in other regions south of the wester-
sure there is always the problem of forecasting the lies, and perhaps enough data now exist to permit
minimum temperature and the formation and dissipa- location of the mean position of the centers of the
tion of stratus and fog, but on the whole, anticyclonic eddies for the rest of the N orthern Hemisphere. The
weather is a period of relaxation for the forecaster. eddy positions and sizes vary from year to year; this
This apparent lack of association of spectacular weather has a pronounced effect on the summer rainfall dis-
with anticyclones probably accounts for the far greater tribution.
emphasis on study of cyclones. However, under certain The "Indian Summer" Anticyclones in the Eastem
conditions the anticyclone does exert a strong, though United States. During the autumn, and especially in
perhaps subtle, control on weather phenomena, and October, stagnant anticyclones appear frequently over
it is the purpose of this section to describe a few exam- the eastern United States and account for calm, mild,
ples. hazy days and cool nights. The haze results from the
Summer Showers in the United States. The anti- inability of the atmosphere to disperse combustion
cyclonic control of summer shower distribution in the products and other surface material. The large thermal
United States has been demonstrated by Reed [25] and stability of the atmosphere and the strong solar heating
Wexler and Namias [38]. In the warm season the result in large ranges of diurnal tempera ture; insola-
westerlies are displaced northward near the United tion, however, in many cases does not succeed in
States-Canadian border thus allowing frictionally "burning-off" entirely the inversion created by sub-
driven anticyclonic eddies to cover much of the United sidence within the anticyclone. In some extreme cases
States. These eddies have preferential average positions where pockets of cold air form in hilly country or river
-one center located over the central Great Plains valleys, not even the shallow nocturnal inversion may
and the other off the southeastern Atlantic Coast [37]. be completely destroyed by solar heating. This is par-

ticularly true if a thick fog reflects much of the incident troposphere; at the same time, an older polar anti-
solar radiation. In industrial areas located in river or cyclone, which had previously pushed southward to
valley locations, pollution products help to create the southwestern United States, proceeded to move
dense, peristent fogs which not only protect the in- northeastward with an initial sea-level pressure of 1028
version from "burning-off" but serve as a carrier for mb. The anticyclones were steered by their respective
pollution products confined to the surface layer by currents at 500 mb and approached each other on a
the inversion. This in essence is the meteorologica! collision course, intensifying slightly as they did so,
background of the disastrous Donora, Pennsylvania, and finally amalgamating with an explosively sudden
"smog" of October 25-31, 1948 [32] and the similar case increase of pressure of 17 mb in 24 hours from the
in Liege, Belgium, in 1930. Two earlier cases of Donora 24th to the 25th, the maximum pressure of 1054 mb
smog occurred in 1923 and 1938, each time in October. being reached in northern Maine. In Fig. 1 it is seen
A suspeGted case occurred in April 1945. Wexler [32] that the sounding at Fort Smith, N.W.T., (665 ft
analyzed the necessary conditions for a deep persistent elevation), taken at 0300Z on December 23 when the
anticyclone to occur over the eastern United States, polar anticyclone of 1033 mb was nearly centered at
and found that autumn (in particular October) fulfilled the station, exhibits the strong surface inversion and
these conditions best, with winter next. isothermal layer above, chara<;teristic of polar con-
"Back-Door" Cold Fronts. In late spring and summer tinental air, but possesses a high (8.7 km), moderately
along the North Atlantic Coast of the United States cold (- 60C) tropopause; above the tropopause inver-
some of the most outstanding forecast failures occur sion a steep lapse rate is found to the top of the sound-
when a seemingly persistent heat wave is broken un- ing, apparently indicating the probable presence of
expectedly by a sudden push of a shallow layer of polar another higher, and perhaps colder, tropopause above.
Atlantic air southwestward along the coast. It is no In Fig. 1 is also shown a sounding taken sixty hours
exaggeration to say that this type of weather process
brings the greatest relief to the heat-harassed populace
and the bitterest self-recrimination to the forecasters - - - F i . SMITH, CANADA
involved. Overnight drops in temperature from 98F to 12-23-1949 03 z 1033 MB. 50
65F and in dew-point temperature from 82F to 62F CARIBOlJ, 'MAINE
1225-1949 15 z 1054 MB.
are by no means uncommon in Washington, D. C.; it IB
would seem offhand that such spectacular weather 1225-1949 15 z 1052 MB.
100 16
changes must be accompanied by equally spectacular --WASHINGTON, O. C.
and well-marked patterns on the weather map, but z
12-251949 15 1046 MB.
such unfortunately is not the case. The preceding con-
ditions are usually those in which a cold front has
pushed into northeastern United States from Canada, 200
stalled in the vicinity of Boston or New York and then, 11

showing every sign of retreating northeastward as a 10

warm front, gathers sufficient energy to push south- 300 9
ward along the coast in a narrow tongue. The cause is 8
usually a sudden but slight anticyclogenesis in the cold b 400 7
air north of the front, which "energizes" the surface '
cold air into motion. The anticyclogenesis itself seems 500
to have its origin in the warm air above the front and 5
not in any sudden accumulation of cold air below. 600 4
This tantalizing and important problem has not had
700 3
the study it deserves.
800 2
In the first section some "typical" values of the ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1000 o
principal lipper-air thermal features of anticyclones
were presented. It is altogether probable, however, FIG. 1.-Soundings taken near the center of the anticyclone
that other more bizarre combinations of upper-air struc- of December 23-26, 1949. Tabulated pressures are reduced to
ture may contribute to the excess of pressure at the sea level.
surface, known as the anticyclone. For example, the
writer, in attempting to find illustrations of "typical" later at Caribou, Maine (628 ft elevation), when the
soundings of polar and warm anticyclones, studied the center of the amalgamated anticyclone of central pres-
anticyclone of December 23-26, 1949, which established sure of 1054 mb was close to the station. This sounding
some record high pressures in New England. In this shows a typically modified polar continental air mass
case a polar anticyclone left its source region in the in low levels; that is, a steep lapse rate in a thin surface
Canadian N orthwest on December 23 with a sea-level layer and above this, to 2.5 km, marked stability and
pressure 0f 1&33 mb and typically cold air in the dryness characteristic of subsidence. Above, a steep

lapse rate is found which terminates at a tropopause SOME UNSOLVED PROBLEMS

at 11.2 km, and, in view of the high surface pressure, a The central problem concerning anticyclones is the
surprisingly warm tropopause ( -58C). This sounding explanation of the warm, deep "dynamic" anticyclone.
unfortunately ends at 13.0 km (-52C). In order to The "piling-up" of air which is associated with this
obtain an indication of temperatures above the top of type of anticyclone is of course the counterpart to the
the Caribou sounding, recourse was made to the closest removal of air which characterizes the cyclone. Com-
sounding which penetrated significantly above 13 km, plete explanations of both of these fundamental phe-
and was stiU under the anticyclonic influence. This nomena are still lacking. The deep anticyclone may be
turned out to be the sounding for Portland, Maine created out of transformation of a shallow polar anti-
(225 miles south-southwest of Caribou), taken at 1500 cyclone or it may arise in its own right. Although some
Z, December 25; this station has a sea-level pressure of promisi~g clues have been uncovered involving con-
1052 mb. The Portland sounding shows the presence of figuration of the westerlies and surface conditions, their
two well-marked tropopauses, the lower at 11.1 km, influence on the cause and location of deep anticyclones
temperature -59C; this is undoubtedly the same tropo- is not fully known. That dynamic factors are important
pause as found over Caribou since the potential tem- is indicated by semipermanent anticyclones located in
peratures at the bases of the inversions are nearly the the subtropics. That surface conditions are important
same, 330K and 332K, respectively. The base of the is indicated by certain preferential locations of deep
upper tropopause at Portland is found at 15.1 km, anticyclones. The role of advection in the upper tropo-
-64C, and 387K potential temperature. It therefore sphere in instituting or strengthening anticyclogenesis
appears reasonable that the Caribou sounding taken requires clarification. Whether changes in the height and
near the center of the 1054-mb anticyclone would also temperature of the tropopause precede, accompany, or
have possessed an upper, high (15 km), cold ( -65C) follow anticyclogenesis deserves further study. The
tropopause characteristic of warm anticyclones. existence and Iocation of the high-level anticyclones
The presence of the relatively high, cold tropopause south of the westerlies should be examined, especially in
of the polar anticyclone at its source region, although relation to tropical rainfall patterns.
unusual, is not so surprising, but the presence of a
double tropopause in the warm anticyclone was un- REFERENCES
expected. 1. BERGGREN, R., BoLIN, B., and RossBY, C.-G., "An Aero-
The high potential temperature (387K) of the upper logical Study of Zonal Motion, Its Perturbations and
tropopause is worthy of special note since it is even Break-Down." Tellus, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 14-37 (1949).
higher than the potential temperature of the equatorial 2. BJERKNEs, J., "Theorie der aussertropischen Zyklonen-
tropopause, 380K, as given in Physikalische Hydro- bildung." Meteor. Z., 54:462-466 (1937).
dynamik, [3, p. 671]. The Swan Island (17.4N, 83.9W) 3. BJERKNES, V., and others, Physikalische Hydrodynamik.
sounding for 1500Z, December 25, has a well-marked Berlin, J. Springer, 1933. (See pp. 739-797)
4. BRooKs, C. E. P., "Some Problems of Modern Meteor-
tropopause inversionat 17 km, a tempera ture of -78.2C,
ology. No. 9-The Origin of Anticyclones." Quart. J. R.
and a potential temperature of 388K. In the Wash- meteor. Soc., 58: 379-387 (1932). (Later published by the
ington, D. C., soundings made at twelve hours before Royal Meteorologica! Society in Some Problems of Mod-
and twelve hours after 1500Z of December 25, the ern Meteorulogy. London, 1934.)
potential temperatures at the bases of the exceedingly 5. BRUNT, D., Physical and Dynamical Meteorology, 2nd ed.
well-marked upper tropopause inversions are even Cambridge, University Press, 1944. (See p. 378)
higher, 395K, 403K, and 408K, respectively. The _Wash- 6. CHARNEY, J. G., and ELIASSEN, A., "A Numerica! Method
ington sounding for 1500Z, December 25, IS also for Predicting the Perturbations of the Middle Latitude
shown in Fig. 1. The remarkably high value of the Westerlies." Tellus, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 38-54 (1949).
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ington, D. C., and Portland, Maine, could not ~~ve 8. DuRsT, C. 8., and SuT<CLIFFE, R. C., "The lmportance of
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ltropopause at middle latitudes whose potential tem- volving Storms." Quart. J. R. meteor. Soc., 64:75-84
peratures of 320K to 360K [3] are so much lower than (1938).
those observed in the case under discussion. Nor does 9. ELLIOTT, R. D., and SMITH, T. B., "A Stud_y ~f the ~f
there appear to be present any radiative process which fects of Large Blocking Highs on the General Cuculatwn
would cause the formation of an upper inversion over in the Northern Hemisphere." ./. Meteor., 6:67-85
such a large area. It appears certain that in this situa- (1949).
tion there must have been advection northward of the 10. ELSASSER, W. M., "Heat Transfer by Infrared Radiation in
tropopause from equatorial latitudes to at least the the Atmosphere." Harv. meteor. Studies, No. 6 (1942).
11. FLEAGLE, R. G., "The Fields of Temperature, Pressure,
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and Three-Dimensional Motion in Selected Weather
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cyclogenesis is outside the scope of this article, but it 12. GARRIOTT, E. B., Long-Range Weather Forecasts. W. B.
should certainly be studied in detail to see how each Bull. No. 35, U. S. Weather Bureau, Washington, D. C.,
of the large-scale factors-mechanics of the westerly 1904. (See pp. 61--62)
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tributed to the anticyclogenesis. Proc. roy. Soc., (A) 190: 227-231 (1947).

14. HANN, J. v., "Uber das Luftdruck-Maximum vom 23. 26. RossBY, C.-G., "On the Mutual Adjustment of Pressure
Janner bis 3. Februar 1876 nebst Bemerkungen ii.ber die and Velocity Distributions in Certain Simple Current
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11: 129-135 (1876). 263 (1938).
15. HANZLIK, S., "Die riiumliche Verteilung der meteorologi- 27. - - "On a Mechanism for the Rele ase of Potential Energy
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!." S. B. preuss. Akad. Wiss., SS. 647-666 (1888). (Trans. phere and the Displacements of the Semi-permanent
by C. ABBE in "The Mechanics of the Earth's Atmos- Centers of Action." J. mar. Res., 2: 38-55 (1939).
phere." Smithson. misc. Coll., No. 843 (1891). (See pp. 29. RossBY, C.-G., and WILLETT, H. C., "The Circulation of
78-93)) the Upper Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere." Sci-
17. HEwsoN, E. W., "The Application of Wet-Bulb Potential ence, 108: 643-652 (1948).
Tempera ture to Air Mass Analysis." Quart. J. R. meteor. 30. ScHERHAG, R., Neue Methoden der Wetteranalyse und
Soc., 62' 387-420 (1936). II, "Ascent of Air at Warm Wetterprognose. Berlin, J. Springer, 1948. (See p. 126)
Fronts." lbid., 63:7-30 (1937). III, "Rainfall in Depres- 31. ScHMIDT, F. H., "On the Causes of Pressure Variations at
sions." lbid., 63: 323-337 (1937). IV. lbid., 64: 407-418 the Ground." Meded. ned. meteor. Inst., Ser. B, Deel 1,
(1938). Nr. 4 (1946).
18. MuGGE, R., "Uber warme Hochdruckgebiete und ihre 32. ScHRENK, H. H., and others, "Air Pollution in Donora,
Rolle in atmospharischen Warmehaushalt." Veroff. geo- Pa." Publ. Hlth. Bull. Wash., No. 306 (1949).
phys. Inst. Univ. Lpz., (2) 3: 239-266 (1927).
33. SrMMERS, R. G., "Isentropic Analysis of a Case of Anti-
19. NAMIAS, J., "Subsidence Within the Atmosphere." Harv.
cyclogenesis." Pap. phys. Ocean. Meteor. Mass. Inst.
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"Fluid Mechanics Applied to the Study of Atmospheric
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Circulations. Part. I-A Study of Flow Patterns with
1946-47." Mon. Wea. Rev. Wash., 75: 145-152 (1947).
the Aid of Isentropic Analysis." lbid., pp. 72-125.
21. - - and CLAPP, P. F., "Studies of the Motion and Devel-
34. WAGNER, A., "Klimatologie der freien Atmosphiire," Bd.
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cyclone." Mon. Wea. Rev. Wash., 61: 321-325 (1933). I: 164-170 (1938).

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

The problem of weather forecasting has been in- as a primary cause are frequently referred to as dy-
timately related to the problem of the prediction of the namic explanations. An early example is given by
pressure field and, therefore, to the mechanism of pres- Hann [14] who postulated that cyclones originate as a
sure change. For this reason meteorologists ha ve sought consequence of the damming and acceleration of the
an explanation of pressure change. However, despite high-level air currents. A defect of many such dy-
the efforts of research workers during the past century namic theories is the failure of the authors to give
it appears that there is not yet a completely satisfactory specific details of the mechanism.
explanation of this phenomenon. In view of the uncer- Before proceeding further with other theories it is
tain state of knowledge it is the intention of the author important to investigate to what extent the ernpirical
to review briefly the more prominent theories of the evidence on pressures and temperatures violates the
pressure-change mechanism. thermal theory. The temperature data which were used
It is important to note that this discussion refers to to discredit Ferrel's hypothesis were obtained in the
pressure changes and not to pressure systems. A pres- vicinity of the centers of mature slow-moving pressure
sure system and its associated wind and temperature systems. With such systems the temperature field has
fields may be considered to be the result of a complex been greatly modified by vertical motion. Consequently
series of events following pressure changes. It is diffi- these data on the temperature distribution in one layer
cult, therefore, to investigate pressure changes through of the atmosphere do not invalidate an argument that
a study of the characteristics of pressure centers. For pressure falis and rises as a result of localized warming
example, a center of a migratory pressure system is and cooling, respectively.
intermediate between a pressure rise and fali. This dis- A survey of the early literature then suggests the
tinction between pressure change and pressure distribu- foliowing conclusions:
tion is emphasized because it is believed that too much 1. A thermal explanation of pressure change was un-
attention has been focused on meteorologica! data above justly criticized by reference to temperature observa-
the centers of pressure systems. tions taken above the centers of mature pressure
Historical Note 2. If the thermal theory is valid there must be a
During the latter part of the nineteenth century Fer- more adequate explanation of the localized heating.
rei [8] developed a comprehensive theory of atmospheric 3. The observations which were believed to contra-
processes based upon his own conclusions and the ideas dict. a thermal theory greatly stimulated research on
of the earlier meteorologists. Ferrel explained the devel- the so-calied "dynamic" theories.
opment of a cyclone as a consequence of localized heat- Pressure-Change Theories
ing which causes an outflow at high levels and, there-
fore, a surface pressure fali. The importance of low-level Insofar as the pressure at a point is the weight of
convergent;e, high-level divergence, and the earth's rota- the air column above that point, it is convenient to
tion in the development of the wind field around the discuss pressure changes by means of the hydrostatic
pressure fali was weli recognized. The heating was equation
attributed principaliy to the release of latent heat with
the condensation of water vapor in conditionaliy un- Ph = {" pgdz. (1)
stable air.
Several objections against this thermal theory were It foliows from this equation that, if the variations of
raised by Hann [14] and others. One group of objections gravity g with height are ignored, the pressure Ph changes
which was directed against the latent heat as the cause whenever there is a net change in the mass of air
of the warming could be met by aliowing for other above h. This change of mass may be accomplished by
processes which would produce localized heating. How- the heating or cooling of the air without a change in
ever, the more serious objections were based upon the height of the free surface or by a change in the
temperature observations at mountain stations which height of the free surface without the heating or cooling.
frequently showed high temperatures over surface anti- Consider the simple analogy of a tank of water. If the
cyclones and low temperatures over surface cyclones. water is cooled everywhere to the same extent there is
These observations were considered to contradict a a drop in the height of every pressure surface above
heating or cooling hypothesis and, therefore, there was the base of the tank. N ow consider the case where
a search for a more acceptable explanation of pressure one-half of the tank is cooled. Water flows into the
change. The group of theories which attempt to explain cooled region in response to the horizontal pressure
pressuni changes without localized heating or cooling gradients created between the two sections by the cool-

ing and it follows that the pressure at the base of the west winds below through turbulence and that air is
cooled region rises, in view of the additional mass, flung outwards and creates anticyclonic belts. Whipple
while the pressure at the base of the other section falls, points out that the details of the mechanism are not
as a result of a lowering of the free surface. In a similar clear.
manner, it is necessary to heat or cool the atmosphere There have also been a number of explanations of
in one region relative to the remainder of the atmos- pressure changes which have been based upon the prin-
phere in order to proquce pressure changes. The pres- ciple that the wind field changes and, therefore, the
sure change depends upon the space variation of the pressure field changes as a consequence of the mutual
heating or cooling and not on the magnitude and sign adjustment of pressure and wind distributions. The
of the local temperature change. For example, pressure use of constant absolute vorticity trajectories [12) to
can fali in a region of cooling provided that the cooling predict a 10,000-ft pressure pattern is an example of
is stronger els~where. This mechanism of pressure this principle. In this case the question may be raised
change may be referred to as a thermal theory. Various as to the applicability of the simplified vorticity equa-
explanations have been offered for the source o local tion. The final wind field is deduced on the basis of
heating and cooling, such as the release of latent heat, many assumptions concerning the behavior of individ-
the advection of warm or cold air, and the nonadiabatic ual air particles. There appears to be no sound reason
processes. More information on the thermal theory why the pressure distribution should change so that
will be presented in a later section. the air particles can follow the assumed trajectories.
An alternate method of producing a change in pres- Other explanations of pressure changes as a consequence
sure, which involves no consideration of thermal proc- of wind changes are tobe found in meteorologicalliter-
esses, requires some outside agency to exert a force on ature. The statements are frequently vague without an
the air. For example, a pressure drop may be produced explanation of how the pressure changes so that it is
in the center of a container of water by causing the difficult to discuss the arguments. However, these ex-
container to rotate so that the drag at the walls sets planations usually suffer from a defect like the assump-
the fluid in motion. Another illustration of this process tion of a simplified air trajectory or an unexplained
is the pressure rise created at the bank of a stream where change in wind speed. This group of pressure-change
the water piles up at a bend. The question now arises theories is often referred to as a dynamic explanation
as to whether pressure changes can occur in the atmos- of pressure changes.
phere by an analogous mechanical process. The for- A comprehensive discussion of dynamic and other
mation of high pressure on the windward side and of theories of cyclogenesis has been presented by Raeth-
low pressure on the leeward side of a mountain range jen [24]. The discussion is pertinent to the problem of
may be considered a mechanical process. However, the mechanism of pressure change since it considers the
there appear to be no other agencies which can produce formation of a pressure minimum. Raethjen emphasizes
significant pressure changes in the atmosphere by me- the problem of the development of cyclonic and anti-
chanical means. cyclonic vorticity and includes an analysis of such
The role of lateral mixing processes in the develop- dynamic theories of pressure change as the concept
ment of pressure changes has been the object of various that the pressure field of a cyclone forms from its wind
studies. Rossby [26) analyzed the pressure changes field. The significance of lateral mixing and friction as
which accompany the lateral diffusion of momentum processes which influence the vorticity distribution is
in a straight current. It was concluded that the diffu- discussed in some detail by Raethjen.
sion process could give rise to the formation of a low- The various approaches to the pressure-change mech-
pressure trough to the left and a high-pressure ridge to anism may now be reviewed. The thermal theory
the right of the current. The pressure changes arise appeals in view of its simple physical picture but pre-
from a change in the height of the free surface. This sents the problem of how the local tempera ture changes
study of the mutual adjustment of pressure and velocity are produced. The dynamic theories which consider that
distributions evidently was undertaken in connection the pressure-change field is a result of a changed wind
with the interpretation of the so-called dynamic pres- field are not altogether consistent with the fact that
sure systems, that is, the warm highs and cold lows. wind changes arise from the accelerations which accom-
Such an explanation of pressure changes is open to pany local pressure changes. Of course, it is possible to
criticism insofar as it leaves unexplained the manner determine the average pressure force acting on a partide
in which the strong current was created in view of the if the velocity of the partide is known at two different
continuai operation of diffusion processes. Lateral mix- times. However, it does not follow that the change in
ing may be an adequate explanation of some pressure wind velocity can be considered the cause of pressure
changes but to complete the picture it is necessary to changes. Rather it appears more logica! to view the
explain the development of the situation which precedes changes in the wind field as a consequence of pressure
the operation of the lateral mixing process. In his dis- changes. N evertheless the wind field, in particular the
cussion of Jeffreys' theory [19] of atmospheric circula- vorticity distribution, is a vital feature of a pressure
tion, Whipple [30] offers a somewhat similar argument system. Consequently any theory of pressure change,
to explain the pressure distribution. The suggestion is such as a thermal theory, must include an explanation
made that the strong west winds aloft induce strong of the observed changes in the wind field.

Pressure Tendency Equations

In recent years the problem of pressure changes has
-1"' ! at?!!
o P
dp. (5)

often been approached from the standpoint of analyzing Fleagle has also presented values of the horizontal mass
the components of various equations for the pressure divergence.
variation apjat. Bjerknes [2] discussed the development The observational evidence of Fleagle and others in-
of pressure changes by use of the following equation dicates that ali the components.of the tendency equa-
for the pressure change at a level h. tion are important, that all layers of the atmosphere

= - 1
g ( u ap
ap) dz
+ v-
contribute to the various integrals, and that the net
value of an integral is often the small difference between
large values of opposite signs. For this reason it is not

1 (auax + ayav) dz +
(2) possible to compute the pressure tendency accurately

- h gp g(pwh' from the components of a tendency equation.

The utility of these tendency equations will now be
considered. A relationship as expressed by equations
where u, v, and w are the x-, y-, and z-components of
(2)-(5) gives an insight into the mechanism of pressure
the wind. Equation (2) states that the pressure change
changes only as long as there is a clear understanding
is determined by the horizontal advection and diver-
of how the components of the equations change. AU
gence above the level h and by the vertical advection
the tendency equations involve the three-dimensional
at h. Sufficient evidence has been accumulated with the
field of motion and it can readily be shown that, for
advective integral [15] to show that it is of the same
the computation of the pressure variation, the velocity
order of magnitude as the pressure tendency. On the
must be known to an accuracy of the order of 1 cm
other hand the divergence integral and the vertical
sec-1 Consequently a tendency equation is helpful in
motion term are usually one order of magnitude greater
than the pressure tendency. It follows then that the understanding pressure changes provided that the
mechanism of wind change is known. This involves a
contribution of the last two terms of equation (2) is
the small difference between two large quantities. This knowledge of the manner in which accelerational fields
develop in the atmosphere, and undoubtedly the local
difference is expressed analytically when the tendency
equation is written in the form given by Houghton pressure changes themselves are of major importance
and Austin [18]: in producing accelerations. From such considerations as
the above it would appear that the tendency equations

=- 1 u-+v-

g( dz
do not contribute significantly to an understanding of
the mechanism of pressure changes. Computations of
(3) the magnitudes of the various terms do indicate, how-
+1 (dp dp)
00 ever, the importance of the various processes which
gw - - - dz. accompany pressure changes. These computations show
h dz az
what is happening in the atmosphere while the pressure
This tendency equation shows that the field of hori- changes. For this reason it is necessary that the em-
zontal divergence and vertical motion gives rise to a pirica! work be extended as it is probable that the
pressure change depending upon the manner in which vertical distribution of such quantities as the horizontal
the motion changes the density distribution above the divergence differs from one part of an isallobaric system
level h. to another. Finally it might be noted that these tend-
Alternate forms of the tendency equation have been ency equations have no prognostic value insofar as it
derived in various ways. The reader is referred to a re- is not possible to predict the values of the various inte-
view given by Godson [13]. Another example of a of the tendency equations.
tendency equation which does not involve the integra- A number of theoretical attempts have been made to
tion to infinity is given by Matthewman [20]. In recent analyze the pressure-change mechanism by means of a
years, with the availability of upper-air data, there tendency equation and an assumed wind field. For ex-
have been attempts to compute the values of the factors ample, Bjerknes and Holmboe [3] discuss the distribu-
which give rise to pressure changes. For example, tion of horizontal convergence and divergence at various
Fleagle [11] has given values of the components of levels in the atmosphere when it is assumed that the
equation (4) at various levels in the atmosphere. wind is gradient at trough lines and wedge lines. Priest-
ley [22] also analyzes pressure changes on the a-;sump-
tion of gradient flow and stresses the importance of the
path curvature on the control of atmospheric pressure.
K = RjcP, R i-; the gas constant for dry air, Cp is the Schmidt [27] discusses the components of a tendency
specific heat at constant pressure, 8 is the potential equation through the introduction of an approximation
temperature, vh is the horizontal velocity vector, and concerning the acceleration of the wind. These ap-
'Vh 8 is the horizontal gradient of potential temperature. proaches are subject to criticism on account of the
The significance of these terms is apparent when it is assumptions concerning the wind field. Houghton and
noted that Austin [18] and Priestley [23] discuss aspects of the
effect of the deviations from the gradient wind upon accompanied by adiabatic temperature changes insofar
the surface pressure field. It seems evident that only as there is no change in pressure on individual air par-
limited conclusions concerning the pressure-change ticles. The heating then creates a pressure gradient to
process can be drawn from an analysis which specifies accelerate air out of the column above BC. The vertical
a particular type of wind field. Nevertheless this type displacement of each pressure surface is given by
of approach gives valuable information on the impor-
oZ oT
tance of the various parts of the wind field and, there-
fore, aids in establishing an internally consistent picture z--r, (7)
of the field of motion with a field of pressure change.
where Z is height of the surface and T is the mean
Vorticity Studies temperature from the earth's surface to the level Z. It
follows that oZ increases from O for the 1000-mb surface
The density changes which lead to a change in mass
to a maximum at 600 mb and that all pressure surfaces
in an atmospheric column invariably involve the wind
above 600 mb are raised by the same amount as the
field as illustrated by equation (2). A transformation
600-mb surface. The new horizontal pressure field then
of the horizontal equations of motion leads, with a few
creates a maximum mass outfl.ow about 600 mb. In
simplifying assumptions, to a vorticity equation
response to this outfl.ow the pressure falls near the base
of the column BC and upward accelerations are created
+ Xdt ( +X) '
1 - !!_
div2V = - - (6)

where V, , and A are the horizontal velocity vector, M N
the vertical component of vorticity, and the Coriolis -600 -- _M,._
parameter, respectively. Although equation (6) does not
directly refer to pressure change, it plays an important ID
role in pressure-change research because it expresses :lE
certain relationships which must be satisfied by the
wind field. For example, if a hypothesis specifies hori- "'0::.:::>
zontal divergence in the upper troposphere, then vor- "'"'
ticity changes consistent with equation (6) should occur "'a..0::
in this region.
Consequently, such a vorticity equation and the pres-
sure tendency equations together provide a means for
B c
- f---

- f--
(a) (b)
testing the validity of a theory of pressure change. Fra. 1.-Two atmospheric models with (a) heating and (b)
However, like the pressure tendency equations, equa- cooling in the region BCMN. The arrows indicate the fields
tion (6) does not lead directly to an explanation of the of horizontal divergence and vertical motion.
mechanism of pressure change.
An ever-present difficulty in all wind studies is the within BCNM. As a consequence of these pressure falls
lack of a dense network of reliable wind observations, there are inward horizontal accelerations near the base
particularly above 10,000 ft. Consequently, most studies of the column. Even though thiB analysis has treated
of vorticity change have been based upon some assumed the problem in a stepwise manner, it is recognized that
wind field such as a geostrophic wind field [28]. In all the process is a continuous one.
likelihood, the vorticity of the geostrophic wind differs The heating then produces a pressure fall at BC and
from the vorticity of the actual wind and this difference a pressure rise in the environment. One modifying in-
may well be large in a region of active pressure change. fluence is the adiabatic temperature changes which
Since equation (6) is a powerful tool for testing pressure accompany the vertical displacements after the estab-
change theories it seems desirable that additional re- lishment of the accelerational field. These adiabatic
search be conducted on the vorticity field and its changes modify the original temperature difference be-
changes. tween the heated column and its environment, and the
pressure difference at any given time depends upon the
Thermal Theory of Pressure Change net contribution of the heating and cooling processes
Several aspects of a thermal explanation of pressure to the establishment of a temperature difference be-
change will now be considered. This elaboration of a tween the column BC and its environment. The wind
thermal approach is undertaken because the theory has field at the same time may be determined from the
the advantage of a simple physical picture and because accelerational field created by the heating, from the
it appears to be as well developed as other theories of Coriolis acceleration, and from the effect of friction.
pressure change. The well-known low-level convergence and high-level
N onadiabatic Temperature Changes. The significant divergence in the vicinity of centers of pressure fall are
aspects of the thermal theory of pressure change may readily deduced.
oe demonstrated by means of a simple model. Consider Similar reasoning could be applied to the converse
a mass of air above the earth's surface, BCNM in Fig. problem of the effect of local cooling. It is apparent
la, and let the air be heated uniformly from 1000 mb from the previous discussion that cooling gives a pres-
to 600 mb. As a consequence of the heating all the pres- sure rise at BC, a pressure fall in the environment, and
sure surfaces above BC are raised. This expansion is not a divergence field like that of Fig. 1b.

It is now necessary to investigate the magnitudes of 4. Perhaps the most striking pressure changes are
the changes produced by heating and cooling. If the those which occur in middle latitudes between land
air column BCNM were heated 5C relative to the en- and water areas from summer to winter. In winter, air
vironment, the magnitude of the sea-level pressure is being cooled over the land and air from the land is
change would be somewhat less than the change which being heated over the water. The con verse holds during
would arise if the height of the 600-mb surface should the summer season. This distribution of heating and
remain invariant and the air column below 600 mb were cooling requires a pressure rise over the land from
replaced by a 5C-warmer column, that is, less than summer to winter and a pressure fall over the ocean.
9 mb. The reasons for the smaller change are the From mean pressure and temperature charts it has
raising of the 600-mb surface and the distribution of been possible to determine approximately the pressure
the outflowing air over a finite region. The extent of and temperature differences. The data in Table 1 clearly
the surroundings also determines the sea-level pressure indicate that substantial pressure changes accompany
rise in the surroundings. It does appear, therefore, that the heating and cooling.
heating and cooling can produce significant pressure
changes and that nonadiabatic processes may be im- TABLE l. SEASONAL VARIATION IN AVERAGE 8UR~'ACE-AIR
portant for the development of pressure fields.
A brief survey of various types of nonadiabatic proc- Lat. 40N Lat. 50N
esses will now be presented. The atmosphere is con-
Land Ocean Land Ocean
tinually gaining and losing heat by radiation. However, --- ---
radiation studies indicate that the net loss of heat by January
the tropospheric air is small and that the space varia- Pressure (rnb). .......... 1023 1015 1022 1006
Tempera ture (F) ..... .. 36 48 10 37
tion of this loss is slight. It appears that the cooling is
greater in regions of high specific humidity and conse- July
quently direct radiative processes in the troposphere Pressure (rnb) .......... 1011 1020 1011 1016
Tempera ture (F) ...... 82 67 69 55
may produce weak pressure fields. The space variation
of radiation absorption in the stratosphere, such as in
the ozone region, should give rise to high-level accelera- 5. Wexler [29] has explained the development of a
tional and pressure-change fields (see Haurwitz [16]) polar anticyclone through cooling and its associated
However, it is not obvious that these fields have a pro- isallobaric convergence. The analysis of the pressure
nounced effect on the sea-level circulation. A significant change which accompanies the heating or cooling has
difference between low- and high-level heating is the been extended by Schmidt [27]. Schmidt assumes a cer-
absence of a fixed boundary at the base of the heated tain distribution of the heating and computes the pres-
layer in the case of the high-level heating. Before it sure changes from a consideration of radiative density
may be concluded that such heating can produce sub- variations, isallobaric divergence, and the vertical
stantial sea-level changes it is necessary to investigate motion of the air. The theoretical formula is tested by
the possible significance of adiabatic processes in the a study of the seasonal pressure variations over the
troposphere below the level of heating. Adiabatic cool- vast continents. The theoretical estimates are in good
ing can account for a definite pressure fall at high levels agreement with the observed pressure changes from
and an insignificant sea-level change. Hence the answer summer to winter.
to the question of the effect of radiation absorption in 6. Estimates [4] have been made of the rate of addi-
the stratosphere upon low-level changes must await the tion of heat to cold polar air as it leaves the mid-Atlan-
results of further theoretical and empirica! studies. tic coast and moves out over the ocean. This heating
N onadiabatic temperature changes also arise from can be very pronounced and it would appear that this
the flux of heat between the atmosphere and the earth's process alone could produce substantial pressure
surface. Because this heating or cooling is not uniform changes since there is a space variation in the heating.
over the entire globe it should be expected that this It should be noted, however, that it is difficult to check
thermal process would be accompanied by accelera- the importance of the heating directly since a strong
tional fields and pressure changes. The significance of advection of cold air is usually associated with a pres-
this factor may be illustrated by a few simple examples. sure rise (see below). This type of strong heating occurs
1. The development of low pressure in a region of near the Atlantic coast of N orth America and the Pacific
strong heating is often observed on weather charts. coast of Asia.
These cyclones are usually referred to as thermal lows. The survey suggests that nonadiabatic heating or
2. The sea- and land-breeze circulations are good ex- cooling of air, through contact with the earth's surface,
amples of the creation of a small-scale pressure-change may produce significant pressure changes. The horizon-
field through surface heating and cooling. tal mixing of different air masses and the cooling or
3. The mean pressure maps of the Northern Hemi- heating of air by falling precipitation are other examples
~:>phere demonstrate that the average sea-level pressure of nonadiabatic processes which could give rise to pres-
over the hemisphere is approximately 4 mb lower in sure changes.
July than in January. This appreciable pressure change The conclusion which is drawn from this review of
between summer and winter is consistent with the heat- the effect of nonadiabatic processes is that they are of
ing of one hemisphere relative to the other. a sufficient magnitude to influence the daily pressure

patterns and to be detected in the field of pressure tropic state. The advective process requires a particular
changes. For the day-to-day pressure variations, except field of motion relative to the temperature field.
for the diurnal change, it would appear that the space 2. The nonadiabatic heat source is stationary whereas
variation of the transport of air over colder and warmer the advective heating is a moving source. This distinc-
surfaces is the most important of the nonadiabatic proc- tion is important in problems concerning the pattern of
esses. A satisfactory explanation of the development, horizontal divergence and vertical motion with moving
intensification, and motion of the fields of acceleration pressure-change systems.
and pressure change must be based, in part, upon the At this stage it is desirable to consider those aspects
effect of nonadiabatic temperature changes. of atmospheric pressure change which can be attributed
Horizontal Advection. Local changes in temperature to the differential advection of temperature at low
in one region relative to another may arise through the levelR.
horizontal advection of warm or cold air. The concept The major part of a pressure fali or rise in a concen-
of thermal advection as a cause of pressure changes has trated region of large pressure changes at sea level can
been discussed by many meteorologists since Ferrel [8] be explained by the advection of warm or cold air in the
advanced a thermal theory of pressure changes. For lower atmosphere. Also many features of the propaga-
example, Exner [7], Henry [17], Defant [5], and Mc- tiau of pressure-change centers may be attributed to
Donald [21] have illustrated relationships between tem- this advection process. For example, consider a simple
perature advection at the surface and the simultaneous model, as in Fig. 2. It will be assumed that the essential
pressure change. Austin [1] has shown that regions of
maximum advection of warm air near the earth's sur-
face are accompanied by pressure falls at sea level while
pressure rises occur in regions of maximum advection
of cold air. It was further demonstrated that advection
at high levels did not appear to be associated with sig-
nificant pressure changes at sea level.
Even though prominent relationships have been es-
tablished between the advection of cold and warm air
in the lower troposphere and the occurrence of pressure
rises and falls, it is stiU necessary to explain the mecha-
nism of the pressure change. Perhaps the process may WARM
be visualized as the horizontal motion of warm air into FIG. 2.-A katallobaric system. The dashed lines are
katallobars and the solid lines are isotherms.
a region of cold air giving an outflow at high levels and,
therefore, a pressure fall just as the direct heating in features of the horizontal advection can be judged from
Fig. 1 gives rise to a pressure fall. The converse is the the geostrophic flow even though it is recognized that
transport of cold air into a warm region with high-level the motion cannot be geostrophic. The katallobaric sys-
inflow and a pressure rise at sea level. Such an explana- tem is associated with a strong advection of warm air
tion replaces the direct heating or cooling of the thermal and consequently it should be expected to move in the
model in Fig. 1 with the localized heating and cooling direction of the flow, that is, in the direction of the
which arises from horizontal transport. The process has geostrophic wind. However, the isallobars show that the
been described by Douglas [6] as "a convectional over- geostrophic field is changing so as to intensify the warm-
turning between afucent coJduiJ,IJ<lJ~rm masses.'; The air advection at B and to produce cold-air advection at
slmilarities between the nonadiabatic and advection A. This changing field of horizontal motion itself gives
hypotheses may be summarized as follows: rise to a motion of the katallobaric center in the direc-
1. Both types of heating and cooling give rise to sea- tion AB. Hence it should follow that the actual motion
level pressure changes when the temperature change of the pressure-change center is in a direction somewhere
extends upward from the earth's surface. between the direction AB and the existing geostrophic
2. High-level temperature changes produced by non- direction at F. Synoptic studies appear to confirm this
adiabatic processes or indicated by geostrophic advec- conclusion. On the other hand this differential advec-
tion are not necessarily associated with prominent sea- tion, as judged by geostrophic flow, cannot account for
level pressure changes. the development of new isallobaric systems or for the
3. The accelerational fields which arise from nonadia- intensification or weakening of existing isallobaric
batic processes appear to be similar to those which centers.
accompany the differential advection of warm or cold One aspect of the motion which requires further in-
a1r. connection with the development of pres-
4. Both types of heating or cooling give rise to pres- sure changes at sea level is the role played by ground
sure-change fields only as long as there is a space varia- friction. It seems probable that the retarding effect of
tion in the heating and cooling. friction influences the low-level inflow and outflow
Two important differences may be stated briefly as which follow the creation of isallobaric fields. This re-
follows: tarding force may affect the ultimate pressure change,
1. The nonadiabatic process gives rise to the pressure and consequently surface friction requires further con-
change and accelerational field from an initially bara- sideration.

High-Level Processes atmosphere whose over-all behavior is reftected by the

sea-level chart.
A European school of meteorologists proposed a
So far the discussion has concentrated mainly upon
modified thermal theory [9] of pressure change in which
the problem of the pressure change at sea level. This
the primary cause is thought to be temperature advec-
approach is justified on the basis of the presence of a
tion in the stratosphere with secondary thermal effects
fixed b?undary which should simplify the problem.
in the troposphere. There is no doubt that there are
When h1gh-level pressure changes are considered it has
strong advective fields about the tropopause and there-
to be recognized that air can move vertically through
fore, it seems logical to pay attention to the influence
the level at which the pressure variation is being ana-
of stratospheric advection on pressure changes. A com-
lyzed. One method of viewing a high-level pressure
prehensive analysis of the large changes which take
place near the tropopause has been presented by Fleagle change i~ t? explain the change on the basis of the pres-
sure vanatwn at the earth's surface and the change in
[10]. However, as Fleagle mentions, these changes are
the temperature or density of the air column from the
not sufficient evidence to conclude that the "seat" of
~urface to th: lev.el in question. This type of approach
the pressure change resides in the stratosphere. The evi-
1s adequate m v1ew of the status of pressure-change
dence which has been presented on the relationships
between sea-level pressure change and high-level advec-
tion do not support a conclusion that the cause of the Empirical Evidence
sea-level change is tobe found in advection in the strato-
sphere. Because of the questionable status of the theories of
The strong changes which occur in the upper atmos- pressure change it is desirable to investigate those em-
phere may be considered as arising from vertical mo- pirica! facts which have to be explained by a pressure-
tion fields which accompany the sea-level pressure change theory. Figure 3 presents a schematic cross
changes and which arise from such low-level processes section through an area of pressure rise and fall and
as heating or cooling. A nonuniform field of vertical includes some pertinent information on the changes in
the temperature field, the vertical velocities and the
accelerations which accompany the' pressure
motion creates strong advective fields in the lower .
stratosphere as a result of the abrupt change in the vertical
vertical temperature gradient near the tropopause. changes. The idealized picture is based upon observa-
Hence it may be argued that the high-level advective tional evidence obtained by the pressure-change project
fields are the result rather than the cause of sea-level at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and upon
pressure changes. Similar explanations have been pre- the empirica} data presented by Fleagle [10, 11].
sented by many meteorologists such as the discussion Whether Fig. 3 is a good approximation to a cross sec-
given by Douglas [6] on "Some Facts and Theories
about the Upper Atmosphere." It should also be noted
in connection with the high-level processes that Reed
[25] has been successful in relating the prominent ozone
variations to the fields of vertical motion which are
known to accompany the sea-level pressure system. .,
It would appear then that there is no definite evidence ;!;

to support a hypothesis that stratospheric advection ~

may be considered a cause of sea-level pressure change. "'0:

However the evidence does not contradict hypotheses "'
that other high-level processes may produce low-level "'

pressure changes. For example, the observed variations

of the temperature field across the tropopause may lead 1 ....-?
one to suspect that instability in this general region COLO AIR

may give rise to significant low-level changes. It would ~ .
IOOo,L------:-:-:,.,.--".JL---__::::" _ _ _..___ _
1 t
then appear desirable to investigate, analytically and PRESSURE RISE PRESSURE FALL
empirically, processes other than advection which might FIG. 3.-A vertical cross section through an idealized pres-
take place in the vicinity of the tropopause and contri- sure trough. The solid and broken lines indicate the directions
bute to sea-level changes. As in the case of the high-level of the vertical vel?cit.ies. and vertical. accelerations, respec-
hvely. The dotted hne mdiCates the regwn of strong horizontal
heating discussed previously, it will be necessary to temperature gradient.
consider the effect of tropospheric processes upon the
net sea-level change which arises from some high-level tion through an actual weather system is open to ques-
tion. Since upper-air observations are usually taken at
twelve-hour intervals, much of the empirica! informa-
High-Level Pressure Changes
tion on the instantaneous field of vertical velocities has
The motion and changes in intensity of the weather tobe deduced from twelve-hour changes. For this reason
systems are accompanied by pressure changes at all it is to be expected that a computed field may give a
levels in the atmosphere. The various constant-level somewhat erroneous impression of the magnitude and
charts present a series of horizontal slices through the space variation of the true field of vertical velocities.

The vertical accelerations are the most questionable 1. Theoretical analyses of the development of diver-
of the observational data. However, it is believed that gence and vertical-rnotion fields with pressure changes
the comparatively slow displacement of the high-level appear to be inadequate.
field of vertical velocities as compared with the large 2. The empirica! picture of divergence and vertical
horizontal velocities makes it possible to estimate the motion is well established for stationary heat sources;
magnitude of the vertical accelerations in the upper however, it is evident that there are gaps in our knowl-
atmosphere. The vertical accelerations in Fig. 3 were edge concerning the manner in which divergence and
estimated from such considerations. This idealized vertical-motion fields develop and move with migratory
model serves to illustrate those features of pressure pressure systems. Much of the empirica! information
changes which have been discussed earlier. Two other is based upon twelve-hour changes and it is possible
features of this diagram deserve attention. that such data give an incorrect impression of the mo-
1. The pressure trough and the zone of maximum tion in areas of pressure change.
temperature contrast are approximately coincident in 3. The direct influence of nonadiabatic temperature
the lower atmosphere, consistent with the general con- changes on pressure changes requires further considera-
cept of a frontal surface. However, above the middle tion.
troposphere this coincidence is no longer present. The 4. The details of horizontal advection require more
pressure troughs and ridges in the higher atmosphere investigation in order to ascertain whether advection
are near regions of maxima and minima in the tempera- should be considered a cause or an effect of pressure
ture field. The pressure systems move along with the change.
low-level temperature field at a speed which is not 5. The complexity of the temperature field in the
vastly different from the horizontal wind speeds. Above vicinity of the tropopause warrants further considera-
the lower troposphere, however, the prominent features tion of the stability of this field.
of the temperature and pressure field move much slower 6. The influence of surface friction must be further
than the horizontal wind speeds at the respective levels. investigated.
This behavior of: the higher atmosphere may suggest 7. It is necessary to develop a thermal model which
that the primary cause of pressure changes is to be gives a pressure change in a quiescent region, followed
found in the lower troposphere. However, before such by a moving pressure-change field with its associated
a conclusion can be reached it is necessary to explain changes at various levels, and then the end stage of a
the origin of the vertical accelerations at high levels. cold cyclone or warm anticyclone.
2. A developing pressure system is usually associated Finally, it is important to note that the empirica!
with an intensification of the high-level pressure trough data indicate that the explanation of pressure changes
and the associated temperature maximum in the strato- cannot be localized to processes taking place over a
sphere. Figure 3 shows that this maximum arises from small area. This concept of the extent of the field of
descending motion upstream from the point of maxi- influence applies to ali analyses of the problem of pres-
mum temperature. Consequently a developing pressure sure change. For this reason there is some advantage
system must be accompanied by downward accelera- in specifying a certain unbalanced condition as an initial
tions many hundreds of miles upstream from the strato- state in a region where the pressure is changing and
spheric temperature maximum. This evidence on the !ater investigating how such a particular initial state
high-level accelerational field indicates that the devel- might have originated. Such a procedure, which has
opment of a pressure system is accompanied by signifi- been followed in some dynamic approaches, might well
cant changes over a wide area. be adopted in a thermal or convectional approach.
Hence it appears that the problem of pressure changes Even though the pressure-tendency equations do not
cannot be localized to processes within the immediate appear to lead to fundamental explanations, they play
vicinity of an isallobaric system. an important role in research on pressure chaage. A
preliminary step toward an explanation of pressure
Conclusions change is an accurate description of all features of the
It has been shown that there have been various ap- wind, pressure, and temperature fields in the vicinity
proaches to the problem of the mechanism of pressure of pressure changes. The pressure tendency equations
change. At present the physical picture is incomplete make it possible to check the interna! consistency of
and, therefore, no definite conclusion can be reached as such pictures. In connection with this important aspect
to the most desirable line of approach. It is evident that of pressure-change research the author would like to
a theory must explain an increase or decrease of mass suggest the desirability of utilizing to a greater degree
in an air column. In this review the emphasis has been other relationships which may be derived from the
placed upon the thermal explanation of pressure equations of motion. For example, vorticity-divergence
changes since it appears to satisfy many of the observed relationships should also be helpful in determining the
facts concerning the temperature field. Moreover, a reality of an empirica! model of a stationary or moving
thermal approach is in accord with the general concept pressure-change system.
that heating and cooling are the primary causes of at- This breakdown of approaches to the pressure-change
mospheric motion. However, it is apparent that the mechanism into the two categories of thermal and dy-
thermal theory has not been fully developed. Many prob- namic is perhaps artificial. The classification is consistent
lems rernain: with the conventional use of the adjectives thermal and

dynamic. However, it is apparent that thermal hy- casting." Dept. Meteor. Univ. Chicago, Misc. Rep. No.
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14. HANN, J. v., Lehrbuch der Meteorologie. Leipzig, Tauchnitz,
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clusions of one approach should aid the extension of a of Pressure Changes." J. Meteor., 3:57-77 (1946).
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New York University

lnfiuence of Scale on Divergence and Vertical Velocity scale. Thus the order of magnitude of the divergence
The vertical velocity is the only component of the is 1/L sec-1 if L is measured in meters.
On the scale involved in the thunderstorm studies1
air velocity vector not generally recorded. Yet it pro-
duces important effects of turbulence and is basic to Lis of the order of 3000 m, so that actually div V should
the formation of precipitation. On a small horizontal be near 3 X 10-4 sec-1. The observed values are usually
somewhat higher because thunderstorms occur at times
scale it has been measured directly in thunderstorm
and turbulence research, but the average vertical veloc- of unusual vertical motion. On this scale, 3 X 10-4
sec-1 might be regarded as a "normal" order of magni-
ity overlargeareas (10 14 cm2 or more) must be estimated
indirectly. tude of divergence.
The horizontal velocity divergence, div V (called y
simply divergence in this article), is related to the verti-
cal velocity by the equation of continuity. According
to this equation, vertical divergence awjaz is almost 4
exactly equal in magnitude and opposite in sign to hori-
zontal divergence, provided that the fractional change
of density is small. The distribution of horizontal di-
vergence therefore prescribes the distribution of awjaz.
If the vertical velocity w is known at any one level,
the distribution of horizontal divergence determines .___ _ _ __"__\---!~X
the distribution of the vertical velocity itself. Gener- 2
ally, the vertical velocity can be assumed to be known FIG. 1.-Illustration for definition of mean divergence in
at the ground. Because of this close relationship between square area.
vertical velocity and horizontal divergence, the two
quantities are treated together in this article. On the "weather-map scale" (10 5 m < L < 106 m)
The magnitudes of divergence and vertical velocities the divergence is between 10-5 sec-1 and 10-6 sec-1.
are influenced to an extreme degree by the size of the The remainder of this article will be particularly con-
areas over which they are averaged. This can be seen cerned with divergence of this order of magnitude.
most easily for the divergence. Let x and y be two On this weather-map scale we may express the equa-
horizontal Cartesian coordinates and u and v the veloc- tion of continuity in the form (assuming the surface
ity components in the x and y directions, respectively. horizontal):
Then the divergence is given by p --
Wh = - - h div V , (3)
. =-
au + -.
av (1)
ax ay where w is vertical velocity, h is an arbitrary level, and
lf this quantity IS averaged over a square of length p and div V represent density and divergence, respec-
L, the result is tively, averaged over height. lf h is 3000 m and if
there is no noticeable difference between the magnitudes
div V = (ua - u1) + (ii4 - iiz) (2) of div V and div V, the vertical velocity at weather-map
L ' scale should be between 0.3 cm sec-1 and 3 cm sec-1.
Again, vertical velocities much larger than these values
where Ua is the mean value of u on side 3 of the square,
appear with smaller scales. Byers finds vertical veloc-
and the other velocity terms have corresponding in-
ities averaging about 10 m sec-1 in thunderstorms.
terpretations (see Fig. 1).
The magnitudes of u and ii are almost independent Direct Measurement of Divergence
of scale, and are of the order of 10 m sec-1. Even dif-
f~rences of the horizontal velocities depend relatively Since the divergence is defined in terms of horizontal
httle on scale; horizontal velocity differences of the winds, and since winds can be measured with reasonable
order of 10 m sec-1 appear over 100 m as well as over accuracy, it is possible in principle to determine the
1000 km. divergence directly from equation (2). Generally, the
On all scales there is a tendency for ua _ u1 to be pseudo-Cartesian coordinates of meteorology are em-
opposite in sign and almost equal in magnitude to ployed in this procedure with x toward the east and Y
ii4 - Vz (cf. [5)). It turns out that the numerator of 1. Consult "Thunderstorms" by H. R. Byers, pp. 681-693
equation (2) is of the order of 1 m sec-I, regardless of in this Compendium.

toward the north. In that case equation (1) has to Determination of Vertical Velocities
be modified to Direct M easurements of Vertical Velocities. Vertical
velocities can be measured directly when they are
dlV V
au + -av -
= -
-R tan cf>, (4) larger than 10 cm sec-1. Some of these methods of meas-
ax ay urement are described in Byers' article on thunder-
storms.1 In addition, instantaneous vertical velocities
where R is the radius of the earth and cf> is the latitude. near the ground have been measured by many investi-
Usually, separate maps of u and v are constructed gators of turbulence.
and analyzed, and the partial derivatives are. approxi- Large-scale vertical velocities (horizontal area . >
mated by ratios of finite differences. The d1fferences 1014 cm2) must be determined indirectly. The two prin-
of velocity components are taken over distances of the cipal methods which have been suggested for estimating
order of 100 miles. This method frequently leads to these small vertical velocities involve computations
small, irregular patterns [13], the reality of which is (1) from horizontal velocities and the equation of con-
doubtful. tinuity (kinematic method), and (2) from the effect
A superior technique is based on equation (2). Here of vertical velocities on temperature, potential tempera-
it is necessary to find averaged wind components along ture, or wet-bulb potential temperature (adiabatic
each side of a square. If the square is so small that method).
only about one wind observation falls along each side The K inematic M ethod of Determining Vertical V eloc-
of the square, the average wind along each side wil_l be ities. On the scale under discussion here, the vertical
but poorly determined, particularly since the wmds velocity at level h c~;tn be found from the equation of
are strongly affected by local eddies. In practice, values continuity in the form
of divergence can be trusted only if they have been de-
termined from squares with sides 500 km long or longer.
Even then the measurements lead to doubtful results
Wh = --1 fh p d" IV V dZ + Ws -p,.
' .
unless the wind coverage is complete m an area some-
Ph Ph

what larger than the square. Here s stands for surface. The integral can be approxi-
Another technique of measuring horizontal di- mated by a sum, and w. can be estimated from the
vergence is based on the e~pression of _mean div~rgence horizontal wind field and the slope of the terrain.
in "natural" coordinates mstead of m Cartes1an co- A more elegant form of this method is obtained if
ordinates: equation (5) is transformed to
wh = _!!_ div
fh V dz. (6)
Ph s

The vector f~ V dz is the "resultant vector" which is

where 8 1 and 8 2 are the distances between two stream- equal to the horizontal distance from the observer
lines, measured along orthogonals to the streamlines; to the position of the pilot balloon at level h, multiplied
T 2 and i\ are the average velocities of outflow and by the speed of ascent of the balloon. This distance is
inflow across 8 1 and 82; and A is the area enclosed by available directly from the original pilot-balloon runs.
the two bounding streamlines, 81 and 82 (Fig. 2). The divergence of the resultant vector is computed by
one of the techniques described above. The kinematic
method yields instantaneous values of vertical veloc-
ities, usually averaged over considerable areas. A dense
network of actual wind observations is needed, so
vertical velocities have been computed by this method
only up to 10,000 ft and in regions of good weather.
Radar and radio direction-finder pilot balloons should
increase the range and applicability of the method.
FIG. 2.-Illustration for definition of mean divergence in
natural coordinates. The Adiabatic M ethod of Computing Vertical Veloc-
ities. The adiabatic method, which is completely in-
Mantis (see [16]) showed that both the "component dependent of the kinematic method, is based on the
technique" (Cartesian coordinates) and the streamline assumption that rising and sinking air will cool or warm
technique (natural coordinates) are about equally in- ata known rate. Then a measured temperature change
accurate; even for large areas and good wind coverage will permit computation of the vertical velocity.
the sign of the divergence can be trusted only for rela- W e start from the mathematical identity
tively large observed magnitudes, for example, greater dT aT aT
than 5 X I0- 6 sec- 1 Recently, an objective method -
at + V'ilHT + w-'
proposed by Bellamy [2] has been used extensively.
This procedure is based on a determination of diver- where T is tempera ture and 'il H is the vector differential
gence from observations at the corners of a triangle.
(For another, much more tedious, objective method 2. Equation (3) is essentially the same as equation (5),
see [21].) but applies only for horizontal ground.

operator applied in the horizontal direction. If tempera- than 10 cm sec- 1 This large order of magnitude is
ture changes are adiabatic, dT/dt is given by -W'Yad probably due to the effect of turbulence, or possibly to
where 'Yaa is the adiabatic lapse rate. Then a somewhat smaller horizontal scale.
Another method of computing vertical velocities is
oT based on determination of divergence from the vorticity
ot equation and integration of the divergence. This tech-
w= (7)
'Yad - 'Y 'Yad - 'Y ' nique has been applied by Sawyer [25] to a limited
degree. Ris results agree qualitatively with those ob-
where oT/oi is the change of temperature along a hori- tained by the other methods.
zontal trajectory and 'Y is the existing lapse rate.
Air trajectories constructed from observations of VERTICAL -VELOCil'Y
either geostrophic Or observed winds are not very ac- CM. SEC.- 1

curate due to the large time lapse between observations, LEGE:ND +4

and the eddy fluctuations of the wind. The inaccuracy ----LAPSE RATE <SC KM- 1
o----LAPSE RATE > 8C KM -l

of the air trajectories presumably causes errors in the

vertical velocities determined by the adiabatic method. +2
Therefore the results could be greatly improved if
constant-level balloons [26] were in regular use. Other
~ /~r
: ....... : :
errors arise from nonadiabatic temperature changes >--~-~--'...!...-~. SE~.-!
.. .. .. ::::.:,o,
... ...:1 .:
-5 -4 -3 -2.. -1 ... +lo 07
which cannot readily be evaluated. The adiabatic method
-. . . ... ...
: ... -:,
~:, ~

can be applied in many different forms [10, 11, 14,

o ..:

20, 23]. Basically, however, all these procedures are

subject to similar assumptions and similar errors. . -2

Vertical velocities computed by the adiabatic method -3

are average values over a considerable length of time -4

(usually twelve hours) and over a considerable distance Fw. 3.-Vertical velocity by adiabatic method plotted as
(the length of the trajectory). They are relatively function of vertical velocity by kinematic method.
inaccurate at low levels due to nonadiabatic tempera-
ture changes there. Furthermore, when the atmospheric Distribution of Large-Scale Vertical Motion and Di-
stability is nearly neutral, the method does not lead to vergence
dependable results. Considerable information is available regarding the
Unlike the kinematic method, the adiabatic method distribution of vertical motion in the United States east
is not restricted to observed winds; geostrophic winds of the Rocky Mountains at 10,000 ft (700 mb) and to a
may be used instead. Since geostrophic winds can be somewhat smaller extent at 5000 ft [15, 16, 17]. In
computed even in areas of bad weather, and at high three selected weather situations, computations were
levels, the adiabatic method is useful for drawing daily carried out up to 16 km [7]. Similar studies of more
charts of vertical velocities covering a given region. limited vertical extent were made in Europe by Hewson
Moreover, the method has been applied successfully [11] and Petterssen [23].
to levels as high as 16 km. Figure 4 shows a schematic picture of the distribu-
Figure 3, taken from the paper by Panofsky [20] tion of divergence and vertical velocity in relation to
shows a comparison between vertical velocities obtained the pressure distribution. Generally, ab-:we 5000 ft the
by the two methods. Both methods yield values of the wedge and trough lines coincide with the lines of zero
order of 1 cm sec-1 The figure shows considerable vertical motion, with downward motion east of the
scattering which might be ascribed to inaccuracy of wedge line and upward motion east of the trough lines.
trajectories, small eddies in the wind field, nonadia- In other words, above 5000 ft upward vertical motion
batic temperature changes, etc. is associated with geostrophic winds (and observed
Several other methods have been suggested for the winds) which have components from the south, and
determination of vertical velocities. For example, the downward vertical motions with winds which ha ve com-
rainfall intensity is proportional to the mean vertical ponents from the north. Moreover, since pressure sys-
velocity in a saturated layer [1, 12, 17]. Hence rain- tems normally move from west to east, local pressure
fall intensities could be converted into average vertical changes are negatively correlated with vertical veloci-
velocities. Such vertical velocities, however, have some ties. The degree of correlation between vertical velocity
essentially different properties from those computed on the one hand and meridional velocity and pressure
by the other two methods. For example, if convection tendency on the other varies from level to level. From
produces equal amounts of upward and downward 10,000 ft to the tropopause the correlation coefficients
motion, considerable precipitation may fall. Yet the vary in magnitude in the range from 0.58 to 0.72.
kinematic method would yield a value of zero for the In the stratosphere, the vertical velocities are gen-
mean vertical motion. This example is important, since erally smaller than they are in the troposphere and
occurrence of moderate rainfall without considerable are of 'the same sign, resulting in strong vertical con-
convective activity is not common. Bannon [1] applied vergence (horizontal divergence) near the tropopause
this technique and obtained vertical velocities greater in regions of upward motion. Also, in regions of upward

motion, the equation of continuity requires horizontal duces convergence in the northward flow, and (2) the
convergence at the surface (Fig. 4). Quantitative com- curvature term in the gradient wind equation produces
putations [8] show that divergence in and above the faster motions at the wedge than at the trough lines,
tropopause almost exactly compensates the surface con- hence, for sinusoidal isobars, there is convergence with
vergence. The same is true for surface divergence and flow from the north. The curvature term depends on
stratospheric convergence. The observations are too the square of the wind speed, the latitude term on the
crude to permit the exact location of a level of "non- first power. Thus the curvature term is relatively more
divergence" in the upper troposphere. important at high than at low levels. Quantitative
For several months, synoptic vertical velocity charts computations show that near the surface the latitude
were constructed at New York University at 10,000 term determines the distribution of divergence, and
ft or 700 mb along with the regular analysis of standard that above a critical level the curvature term takes the
maps. Aside from the correlation between vertical veloc- upper hand. This theory, again, leads to qualitative
ities and meridional flow at the same levels, the follow- agreement with Fig. 4. Quantitatively, however, the
height km

f\ ! l ! ! l !l\ t f f t t ~~
1 1 1

\ 111111! llllll\
!.................................................................... ! -level of nondivergence
5 1

',Jlllll J 11111
1~ ~~
pressure. pressure pressure
center center center
FIG. 4.--Schematic distribution of divergence and vertical velocity in an east-west cross section. Fui! drawn verticallines are
lines of zero vertical velocity and divergence.

ing qualitative relations between the features of the Bjerknes-Holmboe theory predicts smaller divergence
surface charts and the vertical velocity charts were and vertical motion than are actually observed. Part
noted: of the discrepancy may be due to the fact that the
1. Upward motion in cloud and precipitation areas. Bjerknes-Holmboe theory applies to a slightly larger
2. Upward motion above low-pressure centers and scale than the observations.
fronts. Charney [4] arrived ata similar distribution of verti-
3. Downward motion above polar high-pressure re- cal velocity and divergence from the complete mete-
gions. orologica! equations; his work, however, was done by
4. Upward motion to the west of wedge lines in strong the perturbation method, so it does not permit a quan-
southerly flow. titative comparison between theoretical and observed
In agreement with these results, Petterssen [23] found vertical velocity and divergence.
anticyclonic curvature of surface isobars generally asso-
Surface friction, which is neglected in these studies,
ciated with subsidence.
may account for the discrepancy between theory and
Theoretical Explanations of the Distribution of Vertical observations. A simplified treatment based on constant
Velocity and Divergence eddy viscosity [16] shows a relationship between "il2p,
Bjerknes and Holmboe [3] arrived at a distribution surface divergence, and vertical velocity above the
of divergence for finite motions under the assumption friction layer; pressure minima are associated with
of the gradient-wind equation. Essentially, there are convergence and upward vertical motion.
two contributions to the divergence of the gradient A simple derivation with no assumption regarding
wind: (1) the variation of the Coriolis parameter pro- the distribution of eddy viscosity with height shows
that wa, the vertical velocity at the top of the friction divergence term, and in (9) the low-level divergence
layer, is given by almost exactly compensates high-level divergence.
Therefore neither equation can be applied to determine
Wn = pf CUrlv "Co, pressure changes from measured divergence. Moreover,
most theories of divergence are not suffi.ciently accurate
where 1:0 is the surface stress acting on the boundary to permit estimates of pressure changes from these
between air and ground in the direction of the wind, equations.
p the density, subscript v denotes the vertical com- Divergence and Change of V orticity. Another reason
ponent, and fis the Coriolis parameter. It is diffi.cult for interest in divergence is the effect it has on the
to evaluate the surface stress quantitatively over land; individual change of absolute vorticity. The vorticity
but since the surface stress is in the direction of the equation may be written (if we neglect solenoidal fields,
wind and the wind blows counterclockwise about low- friction, and terms depending on the horizontal varia-
pressure centers, this formula also indicates upward tion of vertical velocity)
motion above pressure minima. Since nonfrictional the-
_1_ d = - v af d. v (10)
ories predict upward motion in the southerly flow above
low-pressure centers, friction has the effect of increas-
r + f dt R(t + f) aq, - Iv '

ing the absolute magnitudes predicted by these the- where is the vertical component of vorticity and v
ories. Possibly a combination of the Bjerknes-Holmboe is the meridional velocity component.
theory and the theory of friction would account for Rossby's trajectory method was derived from the
the observed distribution of divergence and vertical vorticity equation on the hasis of negligible divergence.
velocity in the troposphere. Some investigators attribute the systematic errors of
The relation between meridional and vertical motion the method in certain regions to the omission of diver-
has been observed so far only in the United States gence [18]. Studies at New York University seem to
and England, where the isotherms run essentially from indicate that the divergence term is at least of the
east to west. It may be asked whether a similar relation- same order of magnitude as the term containing the
ship would hold when the isotherms run in some other variation of the Coriolis parameter with latitude, even
direction. for very large scales (areas of the order of 1016 cm2).
Charney's theory is based on the assumption that the The omission of the divergence term is justified only
isotherms run from east to west. According to the near the level of nondivergence or when equation (10)
Bjerknes-Holmboe theory the distribution of diver- is integrated vertically through the whole atmosphere.
gence depends on sinusoidal air motion superimposed Divergence and Change of Stability. Local changes of
on an east-west channel; upper-level streamlines be- stability can be brought about by three factors [6]:
have in this way only when the isotherms run from (1) vertical divergence, (2) different horizontal tem-
east to west. Consequently both these theories show a perature advection at different levels, and (3) vertical
relation between vertical and meridional velocities only advection of lapse rate. Since vertical divergence almost
if the isotherms are parallel to the latitude circles. equals the negative horizontal divergence, the latter
In general, both theories would predict a relation be- may be considered as a factor producing stability
tween vertical motion and the horizontal wind com- changes. Fleagle [6] found that the effect of horizontal
ponent at right angles to the isotherms, or between divergence on stability changes is of the same order of
vertical motion and horizontal temperature advection. magnitude as that of differential advection; he also
Only when the isotherms run from east to west is a noted that accurate forecasts of local stability changes
relation expected between vertical and meridional mo- based on measured divergence and differential advec-
tion. tion are inaccurate, probably due to the large errors
in measurements of divergence.
Effects of Divergence
Effects of Vertical Velocity
Divergence and Pressure Change. One of the reasons
why meteorologists have been interested in divergence Vertical Advection of Velocity. Many of the mete-
is that it is related to pressure change through the orological equations contain vertical advection terms
Bjerknes pressure-tendency equation: which have frequently been neglected. For example,
the acceleration of the horizontal wind vector may
at h = (gpw)h- g 1"' diVVpdz-g
h . 1"'h VVapdz, (8)
be written
= -+VVaV+w-.
or dt at az

(atap) = - g 1"' div Vp dz - g 1"' V Va p dz, (9)

Charney [5] indicated that the term containing w should
be one order of magnitude smaller than the other terms
in the expression. This conclusion, based on a dimen-
where s stands for the surface which is assumed hori- sional argument, is at variance with results obtained
zontal. Fleagle [8] showed that the vertical velocity at New York University. Vertical velocities average
term in equation (8) almost exactly compensates the about 1 cm sec- 1 ; the vertical shear of horizontal wind

is near 5 X IQ-3 sec-1 Hence, the term averages around where g is the acceleration of gravity, h1 and h2 are
5 X 10-3 cm sec- 2 in magnitude, about half as large arbitrary levels, k is the ratio of the gas constant to
as the other acceleration terms. N eglecting the vertical the specific heat at constant pressure, and E is the
advection terms may lead to considerable errors. stability ('Yaa - -y)/T. This equation avoids the low-
Vertical Advection of Temperature and Potential Tem- level, high-level compensation of the Margules-Bjerknes
tendency equation. However, the vertical velocity is
perature. Vertical advection of temperature and po-
not known sufficiently well to permit forecasts of pres-
tential temperature is also important, as was shown
sure tendencies from (11) or a modification of it; on
by the fact that reasonable values of w have been ob-
the contrary, Panofsky [19] used this equation to corn-
tained by the effect of vertical motion on the tempera-
pute the vertical velocity from the pressure tendency.
ture field. Again, the effect of vertical motion on local
Later Fleagle [8] discussed the relative importance of
temperature changes averages about half the effect
vertical and horizontal motion on pressure changes in
of horizontal advection [7, 19].
selected situations, and Godson [9] considered the con-
Vertical M otion and Pressure Changes. Since the verti-
ditions favorable for cyclogenesis, on the hasis of a
cal velocity has an important effect on the tempera-
similar equation. These studies indicated that vertical
ture field, and since changes in the temperature field
motion has effects on local pressure changes of the same
are associated with pressure changes, Raethjen [24]
order of magnitude as horizontal motion.
first suggested a pressure-tendency equation in which
Vertical Velocities and Changes in Cloudiness. Large-
the pressure tendency is expressed in terms of an inte-
scale vertical velocities have their most conspicuous
gral with respect to height of local density changes.
effect in the production of cloudiness. Since air cools
The density changes in turn are computed from hori-
when it rises, increasing cloudiness should be associated
zontal advection and the effect of vertical motion.
with positive vertical velocities. Panofsky and Dickey
The equation can be written
[22] and Miller and others [17] showed that middle

(-atap) (ap)
a-t g1 dz
h, V"ilnp
cloudiness tends to increase along the trajectories of
rising air and decrease along the trajectories of sinking
air. However, vertical velocities do not seem to discrimi-
+ 1 wpE dz + 1
h, h, a nate between overcast with or without precipitation.
g g (1 - k) ~ _E dz,
h, h, p at Figure 5, taken from Miller [15], Ghows this effect

@to @to
w EB to P to

o EE) p o EE) p
cmtsec o EE) p o EE) p

o o -2- o
o o o o o
o 00 o
oo'bo o

oo 88 o ~
8o 00
o8o efo
o o
o -1- 00
o gg~
000 o o
00 000

0000 00 o888o 000
o o o o
o o 00 o
00 oo o o
00 oo
o 00
00 OOfO o o
o 00 o 8 o
o o o
0000 o
00000 o o 00
oooo --1-
00&?0 00 o
00 o
oggo o o
00 oo o
00 o
o o ~2-
o o


ha~ges of ~e~ther following 24-hr isobari? trajectory at 700 mb as function of vertical velocity. The circled D means
1 Fra ..5hC1
c ear ~~t ref at1le .humidit:y ~O per cent or less, the cJrcl~d.M ?lear with relative humidity greater than 30 per cent 0 clear ir-
respedc. Ivet o thre at1vteh humh1d1ty, Ej:l oyercast, and P precipitatwn. The slanting lines connect mean vertical velo~ities corre-
spon mg o e wea er c anges mdiCated at the heads of the columns.

graphically. According to this figure, clear weather at weather and of the vertical and meridional components
the end of the trajectory was usually preceded by of velocity. In certain regions of these charts clear sky
slightly negative vertical velocities, and cloudy weather (cloudiness O.4 or less) was predominant; in other re-
or precipitation by vertical velocities averaging about gions overcast and precipitation predominated. A line
+1 cm sec- 1 These values reflect average conditions was drawn which separated the sections of predomi-
only; the figure shows instances where the final weather nantly clear sky from sections of sky mainly overcast.
was clear with upward vertical velocities between 1 It was quite difficult to find dividing lines between
and 2 cm sec-I, and a few cases of final precipitation overcast and precipitation on these charts. Such lines
with slightly negative vertical velocities. Apparently, were drawn, however, under the assumption that pre-
the relation is not perfect, largely due to errors in cipitation should occur with large upward vertical veloc-
constructing trajectories, and errors in the vertical ities along the trajectories.
velocities. Forecasts were made from these charts for the last
half of December 1945. The total percentage of correct
Vertical Velocities as a Forecast Tool forecasts was 69.9 per cent. The chance score was 57.3
The relation between vertical velocities and changes per cent.
in cloudiness suggests the possibility of applying meas- A more severe test is the comparison of the per-
ured vertical velocities to forecasting weather changes centage of successful forecasts with those obtained
objectively. If the air has an upward component of from "low skill" forecasts. For example, if "clear" had
motion, we might expect bad weather soon. One diffi- been forecast all the time, the score would have been
culty suggests itself immediately. If vertical velocities 69.2 per cent; if no change of local weather had been
are computed by the adiabatic method, observations forecast, the percentage of hits would have been 59.7
at the end of a 12-hr period are needed in order to per cent. The same forecasts were repeated by two
compute average vertical velocities for that period. graduate students who had considerable forecasting
These vertical velocities are centered in the middle of experience. These forecasters had no knowledge of the
the period and are therefore already 6 hr old at the vertical velocities at the time. The two forecasters
time the analysis is started. A further lag is caused by scored 63.4 per cent and 69.8 per cent correct, respec-
transmission time, analysis and computation, so that tively.
the vertical velocities are at least 8 hr late when they Altogether, the objective method of forecasting verti-
are ready for application to "forecasting." cal velocity did not perform badly, in spite of the many
As Fig. 5 indicates, cloud changes are related to the sources of error. Later studies [16] showed the method
average vertical motion along the air trajectory. If a considerably less successful. Moreover, Miller showed
24-hr forecast is desired, a 24-hr air trajectory must be that equally good forecasts could be made by a very
forecast and the average vertical velocity along the similar method, if the initial vertical velocities were
trajectory must be estimated from quantities at the not known at all, but the forecasts were based solely
beginning of the trajectory. on the initial weather and meridional velocity compo-
Since the forecasting method was to be objective, it nent. Therefore the laborious computation of vertical
was necessary to devise a method of forecasting trajec- velocities for forecasting purposes is possibly unneces-
tories objectively. It would require too much space sary. Apparently, the meridional velocity component
here to describe the method finally applied; but it is is a sufficiently good indicator of the direction of the
clear that errors in the forecast trajectory will lead to vertical air motion. The relation between meridional
inaccurate future positions of the air and hence to motion aloft and weather is known to many meteorol-
additional errors in the forecast. ogists, and has been incorporated, indirectly, into
Experiments with different variables indicated that other objective forecasting methods.
an estimate of the mean vertical velocity along the Some attempts were made to use vertical velocity
trajectory could be made from the initial vertical veloc- patterns qualitatively. On daily vertical velocity charts
ity and the initial meridional velocity. The multiple the "unusual" features that did not conform to the
correlation coefficient of mean vertical velocity on ini- simultaneous weather were noted. For example, an
tial vertical velocity and meridional wind components area of upward motion over an east coast wedge was
was 0.64 [15]. Clearly, an estimate of the mean vertical judged significant. Such unusual features were fol-
velocity based on these two variables is subject to lowed sometimes, but not always, by unusual develop-
considerable error. ments; for example, unusual centers of upward motion
In practice it was possible to side-step the computa- were associated with cyclogenesis. Severa! forecast rules
tion of the average vertical velocity along the trajec- based on unusual vertical velocity patterns were sug-
tory. Since the average vertical velocity is a function gested, but none of them proved reliable. Whether
of initial vertical and meridional velocity components, this was due to errors of the vertical velocities cannot
and the change of weather is a function of the average yet be decided.
vertical velocity along the trajectory, weather changes
should be directly related to the initial meridional and Suggestions for Future Research
"ertical velocity components. Charts were constructed Since most of the studies of vertical velocity were
:ior we first half of December 1945, which showed the completed the network of radio and radar wind ob-
final weather and cloudiness as a function of initial servations has been greatly extended. As a result, de-

termination of divergence and vertical velocity by the 9. GonsoN, W. L., "A New Tendency Equation and lts Ap-
kinematic method would seem possible in forecasting plication to the Analysis of Surface Pressure Changes."
J. Meteor., 5: 227-235 (1948).
techniques. The advantage of the kinematic method
10. GRAHAM, R. C., "The Estimation of Vertical Motion in
is the possibility of computing vertical velocities within
the Atmosphere." Quart. J. R. meteor. Soc., 73: 407-417
only a few hours after the time to which they apply. (1947).
This and the rather indecisive results of the earlier 11. HEwsoN, E. W., "The Application of Wet-Bulb Potential
forecast studies might make it desirable in the future Temperature to Air Mass Analysis." Quart. J. R. meteor.
to study forecasting techniques based on vertical Soc., 62: 387-420 (1936); 63: 7-29 (1937); 64: 407-418
velocities. (1938).
Another possibility, which has been only partially 12. HoLMBOE, J., FORSYTHE, G. E., and GusTIN, W., Dynamic
tested thus far, is the application of the vorticity Meteorology. New York, Wiley, 1945. (See p. 143)
equation (10) to the forecast of changes of vorticity 13. HouGHTON, H. G., and AusTIN, J. M., "A Study of Non-
from observed divergence. geostrophic Flow with Applications to the Mechanism
So far, systematic work on vertical velocities has of Pressure Changes." J. Meteor., 3: 57-77 (1946).
been restricted to middle latitudes in the N orthern 14. LONGLEY, R. W., "Subsidence and Ascent of Air as Deter-
Hemisphere. It is quite possible that the observed mined by Means of the Wet-Bulb Potential Tempera-
relation between vertical and meridional velocities, for ture." Quart. J. R. meteor. Soc., 68: 263-276 (1942).
15. MILLER, J. E., Application of Vertical Velocities to Ob-
example, is not valid everywhere. Studies in other
jective Weather Forecasting. Prog. Rep., Mimeogr., Col-
parts of the world are desirable in order to determine lege of Engineering, New York University, 1946.
whether there exists a general relation between vertical 16. - - "Studies of Large Scale Vertical Motions of the At-
and meridional motion or vertical velocity and advec- mosphere." Meteor. Pap., N. Y. Univ., No. 1, 48 pp.
tion. Moreover, a study of the relation between verti- (1948).
cal velocities, divergence, and weather is desirable in 17. - - and others, A Study of Vertical Motion in the Atmos-
other sections of the globe. phere. Prog. Rep., Miemogr., College of Engineering,
In general, a better understanding of vertical mo- New York University, 1946.
tion will presumably arise out of the work which Dr. 18. NAMIAS, J., and CLAPP, P. F., "Normal Fields of Con-
Jule Charney and his collaborators are doing at The vergence and Divergence at the 10,000-Foot Level."
Institute for Advanced Study on numerica! forecasting J. Meteor., 3: 14-22 (1946).
based on the physical equations. 19. PANOFSKY, H. A., "The Effect of Vertical Motion on Local
Tempera ture and Presstire Tendencies." Bull. Amer.
REFERENCES meteor. Soc., 25: 271-275 (1944).
1. BANNON, J. K., "The Estimation of Large Scale Vertical 20. - - "Methods of Computing Vertical Motion in the At-
Currents from the Rate of Rainfall." Qnart. J. R. mosphere." J. Meteor., 3: 45-49 (1946).
meteor. Soc., 74: 57-66 (1948). 21. -- "Objective Weather-Map Analysis." J. Meteor., 6:
2. BELLAMY, J. C., "Objective Calculations of Divergence, 386-392 (1949).
Vertical Velocity and Vorticity." Bull. Amer. meteor. 22. - - and DICKEY, W. W., "Vertical Motion and Changes
Soc., 30: 45-49 (1949). in Cloudiness." Bull. Amer. meteor. Soc., 27: 312-313
3. BJERKNEs, J., and HoLMBOE, J., "On the Theory of Cy- (1946).
clones." J. Meteor., 1: 1-22 (1944). 23. PETTERSSEN, S., and others, "An Investigation of Sub-
4. CHARNEY, J. G., "The Dynamics of Long Waves in a sidence in the Free Atmosphere." Qnart. J. R. meteor.
Baroclinic Westerly Current." J. Meteor., 4: 135-162 Soc., 73:43-64 (1947).
24. RAETHJEN, P., "Advektive und konvektive, stationare
5. - - "On the Scale of Atmospheric Motions." Geofys.
Publ., Voi. 17, No. 2 (1948). und gegenlaufige Drucknderungen." Meteor. Z., 56:
133-142 (1939).
6. FLEAGLE, R. G., "A Study of the Effects of Divergence
and Advection on Lapse Rate." J. Meteor., 3: 9-13 25. SAWYER, J. S., "Recent Research at Central Forecasting
(1946). Office, Dunstable," in a discussion, "Large Scale Verti-
7. - - "The Fields of Temperature, Pressure, and Three- cal Motion in the Atmosphere." Quart. J. R. meteor.
Dimensional Motion in Selected Weather Situations." Soc., 75: 185-188 (1949).
J. Meteor., 4: 165-185 (1947). 26. SPILHAUS, A. F., ScHNEIDER, C. S., and MoaRE, C. B.,
8. - - "Quantitative Analysis of Factors Influencing Pres- "Controlled-Altitude Free Balloons." J. Meteor., 5:
'"'r" t:hnnrrt> "J Mt>t"m !\ ?Rl-'Xl?. (1!l4R) 1:ID-1~7 (l!l4R).
U. S. Weather Bureau, Washington, D. C.

lntroduction and General Features in character, usually developing to maximum intensity

The synoptic meteorologist frequently encounters within a period of twelve hours or less and then dissi-
nonfrontal squalllines, particularly in the warm sectors pating within about the same period of time. Although
of certain types of extratropical cyclones. These non- by definition it is nonfrontal in character, it may cross
frontal squalllines, now designated by the International a front. Often the line extends from the warm sector
Meteorologica! Organization as instability lines, are reia- of a low northward across the warm front and is asso-
tively frequent in the United States east of the Rockies ciated with a line of squalls in the northeastern quadrant
and may be severe in character. Some are accompanied of the low.
by tornadoes and presumably extreme vertical insta- Harrison and Orendorff [5] in 1941 studied the "pre-
bility through a relatively deep layer of the atmosphere. coldfrontal squallline," especially from the standpoint
A well-developed instability line is marked by squalls of airline operations. In addition to describing the squall
or thunderstorms along a line that is usually several line and associated conditions, they examined physical
hundred miles in length, and in the typical case fifty to factors possibly contributing toward its development.
three hundred miles ahead of a surface cold front. Or, Without attempting to reach definite conclusions they
where scattered showers or general rains are already presented data which suggested a pseudo-cold front of
occurring, the instability line represents a sharp inten- rain-cooled air moving against a rainless zone in the
sification of squall conditions and rainfall, Iasting usu- same air mass, and convergence within a potentially
ally for about an hour at any one location. Since these unstable air mass, as being at least possible causative
conditions may occur, for the most part, between regu- factors in most of the cases studied. One of the signifi-
lar synoptic reports, the best evidence is often in the cant facts they reported was that activity along the
reported time, character, and amount of rainfall or in cold front decreases during the active stage of thesquall
frequent intermediate reports. The pattern of re~orted line but regenerates as the squallline dissipates. Their
thunderstorms is usually also an indication of the exist- study was confined to the Cheyenne-New York airway
e~ce and location of an instability line, but in some (between April1939 and May 1940) and probably was
s1tuations scattered thunderstorms occur before and not fully representative of squall-line conditions else-
after its passage. By convention the line is taken to be where; for example, they reported no sustained tem-
th~ le~din~ edge of the band, usually thirty to fifty perature change through the squall line aloft. The
m1les m w1dth, of greatest convective activity. In more heights of upper levels considered were not fully speci-
complicated cases, there may be several bands of fied; presumably they were flight levels and thus of ten
squalls. Aircraft encounter marked and sometimes dan- below heights at which cooling is frequently observed
gerous turbulence in flying through an instability line. in the general region of the instability line.
The term instability line is also applied to the in- Lloyd [6], in his studies of tornadoes, attributed at
cipient condition, when synoptic factors indicate that a least the tornado-producing squall-line condition to an
nonfrontal squall line is forming, and may be applied upper cald front. Advection of colder air aloft and the
to the line of instability in the dissipating stage when resulting decrease of temperature, as would be required
squalls have ceased. by existence of an upper cold front, is observed in many
Alternately, the term instability line is defined as a cases. But cooling aloft also takes place, in some in-
pseudo-cald front for which the cold air is presumably stances, ahead of the squall condition, indicating that
produced by precipitation falling from a line of ac- the degree of instability near the leading edge of the
companying showers. While the pseudo-cold front mark- cooling aloft is not always sufficient for convective
ing the leading edge of the outflowing rain-cooled air activity. Back from the leading edge, temperatures aloft
from instability showers is observed in most nonfrontal may be lower, and surface temperatures higher, so
squall lines, it appears to be normally a secondary that at some point the criticallapse rate necessary for
effect, other factors probably being more important convection may be realized. The exact distance between
in forming and maintaining the line of squalls. However, the squall condition and the leading edge of the colder
there are some cases where thundershowers develop over air aloft is difficult to determine by observation, but
a localized region of, say, 10,000 or 20,000 square miles appears to vary from a few miles (possibly less) to hun-
forming a surface layer of cool air which flows outward dreds of miles. Where the leading edge of advection of
in ali directions, new thundershowers then tending to colder air aloft is very close to the squall condition,
develop along the resulting pseudo-cold front where the and there is evidence of a discontinuity in density as
wind direction in the warm air is favorable to lifting over required for a front aloft, the condition is not properly
the co?ler surface air. classified as "nonfrontal." In many instances, however,
Unhke a true front, the instability line is transitory the existence of a discontinuity aloft along or near the

squall condition is difficult or impossible to determine potential temperature. The line CD is the center of a
from synoptic data and the only practica! recourse for warm tongue which extends roughly at right angles to
the synoptic meteorologist is to follow the instability the given vertical section. Thus, any constant level or
line. constant pressure surface cutting the vertical section
will have a warm tongue, the axis of which intersects
Synoptic Aspects and Some Associated Physical Factors the line CD. Generally the horizontal temperature gradi-
Figure 1 represents diagrammatically a typical well- ent to the right of CD is less than to the left of CD. As
marked instability line in the warm sector of an extra- the system moves from left to right (normally eastward)
cooling aloft over any fixed point will begin as the line
CD passes, and since the cooling takes place first at
the higher levels, there will be a progressive decrease
in vertical stability until the arrival of the instability
line. Often, at least in the central and eastern United
States, there is a stable layer or inversion at approxi-
mately 1.Yz km above the surface and to the east of the
instability line ; this inversion disappears with the ar-
rival of the instability line. It is probable that this
stable layer, when it exists, plays an important part in
the mechanism of the instability line, because it pro-
vides a "cap" under which the temperature and mois-
ture content may increase until, combined with any
cooling aloft, the vertical instability is sufficient for
vertical convection. This effect is made possible by
slower eastward movement of the surface air as com-
pared to the system as a whole, and is enhanced by
conditions usually favorable for low-level advection
northward of moisture and warmer air, a:: pointed out
by Means [7]. Apparent warm advection is in some
--- - - -- - - - 1000 MI LES-- - - - -- --, however, indicative of lifting rather than low-
FIG. 1.-Model of cyclone with instability line in warm level warming.
sector. Shading indicates areas of active squalls, and hatching
shows warm-front precipitation. The cooling aloft, as illustrated in Fig. 2, is in part
the result of horizontal advection, as may readily be
tropical cyclone. Squalls and thunderstorms (shaded verified by inspection of constant-level or constant-
area) are shown as a nearly solid hand along the insta- pressure charts. The typical condition is one of cooling
bility line and at scattered points elsewhere in the warm by advection aloft over a region where there is warming
sector and within the area of warm-front precipitation by advection at lower levels. The warming by advection
(hatched). In this type of low, and at this stage of at low levels is generally greater in magnitude than the
development, precipitation is rarely observed behind cooling aloft, but cooling aloft is significant in that it
the portion of the cold front following the instability permits vertical convection to extend to higher levels
line. than would otherwise be possible, thus becoming an
Figure 2 is a vertical cross section through the line important factor in the intensity of resulting convective
AB of Fig. 1. Thin solid lines represent isotherms of activity. It seems certain, however, that factors other
than advection are also important in the cooling which
takes place aloft over the warm sectors of many lows.
325" - - - - An early example of cooling aloft ahead of a surface
320--- 16000FT cold front , accompanied by warm-sector precipitation
315 - - - 12000FT was presented by J. Bjerknes [1] in 1930. This study
3100 was based on a detailed examination of frequent sound-
ings at U cele, Belgium, during t he period December
4000 FT 26- 28, 1928.
The cold front as shown in Fig. 2 does not extend far
8 above the surface. When the instability line is well de-
FIG. 2.- Vertical cross section through cyclone with warm veloped, there is usually little or no evidence of the
sector instability line. The section is t aken along the line existence of the associated cold front at more than two
A B of Fig. 1 and is on the same horizontal scale; the vertical
scale is indicated roughly in feet on the right-hand side. or three thousand feet above the ground. The position
Thin quasi-horizontallines are potential temperature, labeled of the cold front at the ground is usually quite well
in oK on the left. The dashed line CD is the axis of warm air, marked by a wind shift, pressure trough, and change
temperatures decreasing or changing but little horizontally
to the right, and decreasing to the left of CD (except near the of moisture content (dryer on the cold air side). Usually
ground where temperature decreases sharply with onset of there is little, if any, temperature change immediately
instability line squalls) . Shading indicates cloud masses, and
hatched lines show active precipitation; the double horizontal across the front, but there is a horizontal temperature
line indicates a stable layer. gradient toward colder air to the rear, suggesting that,

in many cases at least, there is no true discontinuity of the weather along the line tends to vary from station
of density but rather a discontinuity in the gradient of to station, and there are corresponding irregularities
density. In synoptic practice it is customary, however, in the reported tendencies. The tendencies are, how-
to continue to carry and designate this line as a cold ever, a useful guide if viewed with caution and if
front, because at a later stage in the history of the low allowances are made for known squall activity at in-
the instability line tends to dissipate and the "front" dividual stations. Their use as a guide to location of the
again takes on the characteristics of a true cold front. instability line should be looked upon as subordinate
Along the instability line, when it is weli developed, to the more direct location of the pressure trough or line
there is marked cyclonic wind shear at low levels, asso- of wind shear, or the observed onset of squalls at in-
ciated with a pressure trough. At higher levels, as in dividual stations.
extratropical cyclones generaliy, there is a pressure Upper winds, when available, are useful in locating
trough which roughly paraliels the surface cold front. the line of wind shear at the gradient level if reports are
In many cases of well-marked instability lines, the pres- not too far apart. Surface winds are similarly helpful
sure trough aloft coincides with the instability line. In if allowance is made for local topographical effects and
some cases it is back of the surface cold front, as is nor- . for the fact that isolated squalis may occur ahead of or
mal in lows which do not have an instability line. behind the instability line.
As with shower conditions generaliy, surface tempera- There is no clear guide to the speed of movement of
tures usually fali with the arrival of the instability line, the instability line other than its past history and the
and this fact, combined with the cyclonic wind shear, known speed of movement of a low with which it may
suggests a surface frontal structure. However, the tem- be associated. The pre-coldfrontal squall line moves
perature often rises after passage of the instability line slightly faster than the cold front which it precedes.
and remains high until after passage of the cold front; The movement of the instability line is at about the
moisture content also remains high until after passage same speed as the axis of the warm tongue aloft, which
of the cold front. is normally along or ahead of the instability line and
The fact that cyclonic wind shear is observed at the moves with a speed somewhat less than that of the
surface along a well-developed instability line provides wind speed aloft normal to the axis. The movement
one clue to its location on the surface synoptic chart. of the axis of warm air aloft is not particularly useful
Or, when a line of squalls is not yet in existence, the for forecasting the movement of the instability line once
appearance of a line of cyclonic wind shear within a the line is in existence, but for longer-period fore-
warm moist air mass, particularly in the warm sector casting its movement is some guide to the time and
of a low, may indicate the existence of an incipient location of possible future squall-line developments.
instability line. The instability line is either in a pres- Over the western Great Plains and the Mississippi
sure trough, or if paraliel to the isobars, is along a dis- Valley, a cold front aloft or the advection of colder
continuity in pressure gradient. The wind shear in the air aloft often has its inception as a surface cold front
horizontal is similar to that along a front, but unlike a over the western mountain region. The surface front,
front, the wind discontinuity is more nearly vertical marking the arrival of fresh maritime polar (mP) air
except along the outrush of cooler air at very low levels from the Pacific, moves across the Plateau region. The
ahead of individual squalls. shallower portion of the cold air, near the leading edge,
With the density of reporting stations in the United becomes heated by the warmer ground over which it
States, the position of the line of shear can ordinarily moves, and also by compression as it ftows downward
be located on the synoptic chart only within a range of along the east slope. The heating effect is less within
fifty or one hundred miles, using only reported pressures the deeper portion of the cold air so that a horizontal
and winds. A more exact location of the instability line temperature gradient is established within the cold
requires detailed examination of individual reports, air. The leading edge of the cold air while over the
particularly for the time of onset of squalls associated Plateau region remains colder than the surface air
with the line and for the time of the wind shift. ahead of the front, but as the front moves down the
Since the instability line is associated with a hori- east slope of the Plateau it encounters maritime tropical
zontal discontinuity in pressure gradient moving with (mT) air which overlies the western plains region and
the line, it might be expected to exhibit a tendency which may intersect the east slope at an elevation of
field similar to any pressure trough, that is, falling from three to five thousand feet above sea level. Typi-
pressure ahead and rising pressure behind, or falling cally, under these conditions, there is a stable layer near
ahead and faliing less rapidly behind, etc. When there the top of the mT air, and the mT air below this stable
is a sharp pressure trough, a tendency field of this type layer has a potential temperature lower than that of
can be detected, but in general the three-hour tenden-
the leading edge of the cold air, so that the leading
cies represent a confused pattern that may be mislead-
ing if not considered with caution. When the line is ac- edge of the cold air seeks out a level within the moist
companied by severe squalls, there may be rapidly fali- mT air or above it where the potential density is the
ing pressure ahead of the line, a sharp rise with the same as at the base of the cold air. Thus the leading
onset of squalls, then a rapid fali within an hour or so, edge of the mP air overrides the surface mT air. Oc-
aU of which may take place within the three-hour period casionally there is sufficient instability and moisture
for whieh the tendencies are reported. Also, the severity in the overriding mP air for the development. of high-

level showers or thunderstorms entirely within the rain-cooled air in the proper location appears to be
polar air aloft. the result of showers already occurring. The same
Somewhere within the mP air mass, usually between authors suggested that convergence within a potentially
fifty and three hundred miles from its leading edge aloft, unstable air mass might act together with the formation
the potential density is equal to the potential density of of the pseudo-cold front as a pair of factors to produce
the mT air at theground overthe Great Plains region. The the squallline. This might be taken as a suggestion that
mP air at that point begins to displace the mT air at convergence first produces the line of squalls and that
the ground. The line thus formed between surface mP the resulting pseudo-cold front then assists in maintain-
and surface mT air has in general the characteristics of ing the squalls and perhaps in keeping them along a
an occlusion of the warm-front type, though tempera- line rather than allowing them to disperse in a disor-
tures at the ground are usually the same immediately ganized manner. Low-level convergence is of course a
on either side of the line. There is usually a marked necessity along the instability line and needs, itself,
temperature gradient toward colder air on the mP to be explained in terms of other factors. Are there
side, and a sharp difference in moisture content between other factors which first act to produce low-level hori-
the moist mT and the dryer mP air. This "front" is zontal convergence and upper-level divergence, or is
not a,ccompanied by precipitation but may mark the vertical motion merely the result of vertical instability
end of showers in the mT air mass. As the system and thus the full cause of the convergence-divergence
moves eastward or northeastward across the western pattern?
Plains and Mississippi Valley a more important surface The Olivers [9], in discussing forecasting of frontal
cold front normally becomes evident in the system weather from winds aloft, stated that if the wind
between the mP air and a colder cP air mass to the component perpendicular to a cold front increases with
north. height through the frontal surface, no weather is pro-
The conditions thus produced as a result of the east- duced by the front, but that convergence in the frontal
ward flow of cold air off the Plateau become somewhat trough may produce weather in the warm sector which
similar to those pictured in Figs. 1 and 2, and a well- ceases abruptly on passage of the surface cold front.
marked instability line tends to develop. The height They extended this argument further as an explanation
at which the cold air aloft advances farthest ahead is, of the pre-coldfrontal squallline, that is, the air flowing
however, considerably lower than is shown in Fig. 2. downslope over the frontal surface may extend to near
Above that level the boundary of cold air slopes up- the ground for some distance ahead of the front and,
ward to the left as with a conventional cold front. being dry as a result of subsidence, would prevent
The existence in the United States of an extensive shower conditions from forming along or immediately
area of low elevation open on the south to a plentiful ahead of the cold front, while convergence in the
supply of warm moist air and bounded on the west by trough would continue to produce showers in the mT
a plateau, combine to make the United States east of air. This explanation, as far as it goes, seems to agree
the Rockies a favorable region for the production of well with observation, and if some of the rain falls
well-marked instability lines. This is not only because through the dry subsiding air the condition would be
of the tendency for cold air off the Plateau to override favorable for formation of a pseudo-cold front in the
mT air, but apparently also because the Rockies pro- warm sector as envisioned by Harrison and Orendorff.
vide a north-south barrier to lower-level air masses, A difficulty is that air at the ground back of the squall
favoring southward flow of cold air and northward line is indistinguishable from the mT air at the ground
flow of warm air, the zone of interaction between the ahead of the line, except for cooling which can be
pure mT air and the cold air being most often within accounted for by rain. However, this difficulty is not
the latitude of the United States. serious if the dry air does not extend all the way to
Unique geographical and topographical conditions the ground, or if its moisture content is increased suffi-
are, however, by no means necessary to the formation ciently by the rain falling through it.
of the instability line. It may be found anywhere in It has also been suggested by various persons that,
middle or subtropical latitudes and perhaps in other from vorticity considerations, the stronger flow of air
regions. But tornadoes in the United States appear to above the frontal surface will tend to form a pressure
develop most often with the type of instability line that trough as it flows into the warm sector, the argument
results when cold air from the Plateau overrides mT air being that subsidence will be greater at low than at
over the Great Plains. high levels, resulting in vertical stretching and therefore
increased cyclonic vorticity along and immediately
Further Discussion of Physical Processes ahead of the surface cold front. This argument is
The pseudo-cold front, suggested by Harrison and strengthened by its analogy to the explanation of the
Orendorff [5] as important in formation of the pre-cold- pressure trough which normally forms in the lee of
frontal squall line, is observed in nearly ali cases. Un- extensive mountain ranges.
questionably its relation to other factors involved must H. B. Wobus (U. S. Weather Bureau, Washington,
be considered in any complete explanation of the mech- D. C.) suggested to the author some years ago that the
anism. However, it seems equally certain that this existence of a warm tongue in the mean temperature
factor must be secondary to other initial causative through a deep layer is favorable for the production of
factors, because the existence of the shallow layer of instability along a line near the axis of the tongue, if

it is assumed that the wind at ali levels is instan- of vertical instability, or that other factors are absent
taneously adjusted to the gradient value. Instability in one case and not the other. Showalter [11] suggested
lines normally occur near the axis of a warm tongue as that precipitation carried aloft and falling ahead of
represented in the horizontal distribution of mean vir- the squalls, cooling the air at higher levels, might be
tual temperature through a layer, say, 20,000 ft in a means of producing a high degree of instability more
depth. The curvature of the component of gradient or less spontaneously. In any case some nearly spon-
wind flow perpendicular to the axis of the warm tongue taneous local release of energy seems necessary. An-
must, because of this temperature distribution, become other possible means of creating a vertically unstable
more anticyclonic (or less cyclonic) with height. The lapse rate is for the convectively unstable air mass
component of gradient flow across the axis must there- ahead of the squall line to be lifted bodily. This would
fore tend to increase with elevation, and to carry the itself require some source of energy and seems less likely
upper colder air over the lower-level position of the than the cooling by precipitation aloft for which con,
axis of warm air, thus decreasing the vertical stability. vective instability is also important in producing a.
Also, in a manner pointed out by Rossby [10], a decrease steep vertical lapse rate. An important possible source
of mean virtual temperature northward along the axis, of energy other than vertical instability, which cannot
as is generally observed, must cause an increase of be ruled out without further study, is that of the al-
geostrophic wind from the west and thus normally act ready existing wind circulation in the vicinity of tor-
in the same direction as the effect of curvature to pro- nado formation. Existing kinetic energy fed into the
duce greater eastward advection of colder air aloft whirl would appear to be at least a contributing facto1
as compared to lower levels. These considerations do once the tornado is formed.
not, of course, take account of important nongradient 2. Source of rotation. It seems necessary that the
components of flow that must exist. rotation of the tornado results from low-level hori-
Conditions near the center of a warm tongue are also zontal convergence within an already existing field of
favorable for upward vertical motion if the energy of cyclonic (or occasionally anticyclonic) vorticity. The
the solenoidal field can be realized, and these same convergence appears to take place first in the upper
conditions provide a means for eviction of air aloft portion of the warm moist air, roughly 2000-5000 ft
because of nongeostrophic components of flow as above the ground (above surface frictional effects),
pointed out by Durst and Sutcliffe [2]. Release of latent and the whirl appears to extend rapidly upward and
heat of condensation tends to maintain the solenoidal to hore downward to the ground. Tornadoes normally
field. Some low-leyel convergence into the warm axis occur along or near a line of cyclonic shear, but this
can be accounted for by frictional effect in the pressure shear line is usually between the warm air moving
trough. Further low-level convergence is a possibility rapidly northward and the wedge of rain-cooled air
in the layer above surface frictional effects in the pres- moving eastward. Since the required vorticity, to be
ence of dynamic instability as pointed out by Solberg effective, must be entirely within the warm air because
[12]. However, it is not known from observation that the any injection of cooler air at lower levels would tend
horizontal component of dynamic instability (as first to damp out convection, it is unlikely that the line
discussed in this country by Fulks [4]) is of general of cyclonic shear is a direct source of the vorticity. A
importance in the case of instability lines, the require- more likely source of vorticity is in the interaction
ment being that there is appreciable anticyclonic vor- between the warm and cool air, especially in warm
ticity in the horizontal wind field. Probably this factor tongues that must break off from the northward-mov-
is important in the immediate vicinity of the squalls ing warm air mass and flow into individual convective
but, in general, instability in the vertical appears to cells. This turning from northward to westward would
be predominant. produce cyclonic curvature in the warm air as well as
some shear, cyclonic on the southern side of the tongue
Some Remarks on Tomadoes and anticyclonic on the northern side, the latter being a
Tornadoes occur normally along instability lines and possible factor in producing the rarely observed anti-
must therefore involve some of the same dynamic cyclonic rotation. In this connection it is also necessary
factors, though not ali instability lines are accompanied to consider the irregular nature of outflowing tongues
by tornadoes. Studies or discussions of the mechanics of cold air as described by Williams [15] and their
of tornadoes by Bigelow, Humphreys, Jakl, Showalter, possible effect on warm air flow. Another source of
and others in this country, Wegener in Germany, some rotation that has long been considered is that of the
Russian investigators, and others have given some hint roll cloud of the thunderstorm, the roll being presumed
of the factors involved, but much more work remains to extend down to the ground, resulting in a cyclonic
to be done. Basically, there are two main factors to whirl on one end, or an anticyclonic whirl if the other
be explained: end should reach the ground; this theory has not been
1. Source of energy. This has usually been assumed to fully .refuted or confirmed, but appears unlikely in the
be vertical instability, such as is known to exist in the light 'of descriptive reports.
vicinity of instability lines. This explanation is, how-
ever, not sufficient unless it can be shown that the Some Recent Studies
difference between instability lines which produce tor- Tepper [13] recently proposed that a "pressure-jump
nadoes and those which do not is a matter of degree line" is an important part of the mechanism of squall

lines. A sudden rise of pressure is normally observed better forecasting methods based only on the use of
upon arrival of the wedge of rain-cooled air. However, data which are available synoptically. Synoptic data are
Tepper further theorizes that the "pressure jump" is at best very incomplete, so that he must interpolate to
associated with a gravitational wave aloft (following a agreat extent; better basic knowledge of the phenom-
suggestion by Freeman [3]), and he suggests that the enon would aid in this interpolation. There is a large
wave originates from an acceleration of the cold front. and relatively untouched field for synoptic studies, par-
N o convincing evidence has been presented in support ticularly from a statistica! standpoint, in which only
of this theory. It seems extremely unlikely that there synoptically available data are used. There are im-
can be any close association between the leading edge portant geographical differences involved so that similar
of outfiowing cold air at low levels and a gravitational types of studies need tobe made for different geograph-
wave aloft, as would be required. ical areas. While forecasting development of the line is
The most substantial work to date is that based on the main synoptic problem, it is also important to
observations of the recent Thunderstorm Project. Wil- develop criteria for determining the individual char-
liams [15] made a microanalysis of selected squall lines acteristics of each instability line (turbulence, intensity
passing through the Wilmington net. The official report of rainfall, surface winds, icing, likelihood of tornadoes,
of the Thunderstorm Project [14] further discusses etc.) and means of forecasting the dissipation of the
some of the factors observed in connection with squall line.
lines, and a still more recent pa per by Newton [8]
attempts to give a more detailed picture of their physi- REFERENCES
cal structure and mechanics, based on Thunderstorm 1. BJERKNES, J., "Exploration de quelques perturbations
Project data. The latter two studies are too recent to atmospheriques a l'aide de sondages rapprocMs dans le
have been taken into account in the preceding discus- temps." Geofys. Publ., Voi. 9, No. 9 (1930).
sion. N ewton's examples probably do not embody the 2. DuRST, C. S., and SuTCLIFFE, R. C., "The Importance of
Vertical Motion in the Development of Tropical Re-
salient characteristics of ali types of squall lines but
volving Storms." Quart. J. R. meteor. Soc., 64:75--84
shed light on the type included in his studies. He (1938).
suggests that squalllines in some c31ses appear to form 3. FREEMAN, J. C., JR., "An Analogy between the Equatorial
first over the cold-front surface and subsequently to Easterlies and Supersonic Gas Flows." J. Meteor., 5:138-
move into the warm sector, and he confirms by obser- 146 (1948).
vation the existence of a pseudo-cold front along the 4. FuLKs, J. R., Some Aspects of Non-gradient Wind Flow,
warm-sector squalls. He further suggests that squall- unpublished. Paper presented before Joint Meeting of
line activity can be accounted for partly as a result of Amer. Meteor. Soc. and Amer. Inst. of Aero. Sciences,
this "front" and partly by the continuous generation New York, January, 1946.
of new thunderstorms as a result of convergence-di- 5. HARRISON, H. T., and 0RENDORFF, W. K., "Pre-coldfrontal
Squall Lines." United Air Lines Meteor. Dept. Circ.
vergence patterns produced by the vertical transfer
No. 16 (1941).
of horizontal momentum in pre-existent thunderstorms 6. LLOYD, J. R., "The Development and Trajectories of
and augmented by solenoidal circulations. He sug- Tornadoes." Mon. Wea. Rev. Wash., 70:65--75 (1942).
gests that kinetic energy brought down from higher 7. MEANS, L. L., "The Nocturnal Maximum Occurrence of
levels is an essential source of energy for maintaining Thunderstorms in the Midwestern States." Dept. M eteor.
squall-line activity. Univ. Chicago Misc. Rep., No. 16 (1944).
8. NEWTON, C. W., "Structure and Mechanism of the Pre-
Future Research frontal Squall Line." J. Meteor., 7:210-222 (1950).
9. 0LIVER, V. J., and 0LIVER, M. B., "Forecasting the
Future progress toward a better understanding of the Weather with the Aid of Upper-Air Data" in Handbook
physical structure and mechanics of the instability line of Meteorology, F. A. BERRY, JR., E. BoLLAY, and N. R.
will require both the collection of more adequate de- BEERS, ed., pp. 813-857. New York, McGraw, 1945.
tailed observational data and the analysis of existing (See pp. 815--817)
and future data. Undoubtedly there is much to be 10. RossBY, C.-G., "Kinematic and Hydrostatic Properties of
gained by further analysis of the Thunderstorm Project Cert ain Long Waves in the Westerlies." Dept. M eteor.
Univ. Chicago Misc. Rep., N o. 5 (1942). (See pp. 32-37)
data, though this project was not aimed so much at the 11. SHOWALTER, A. K., and FULKS, J. R., Preliminary Report
specific problems of the instability line as of the thunder- on Tornadoes. U. S. Weather Bureau, Washington, D. C.,
storm. More observational data for upper levels in the 1943. (See pp. 2Q-28)
immediate vicinity of tornadoes is especially needed; 12. SoLBERG, H., "Le mouvement d'inertie de l'atmosphere
this is difficult to obtain but will be very important stable et son role dans la theorie des cyclones." P. V.
because of the frequent association of tornado condi- Meteor. Un. geod. geophys. int., Edimbourg, 1936. II,
tions with the instability line. A more adequate theory pp. 66-82 (1939).
of the mechanics of the tornado would be an important 13. TEPPER, M., "A Proposed Mechanism of Squall Lines:
The Pressure Jump Line." J. Meteor., 7:21-29 (1950).
step toward understanding the instability line.
14. U. S. WEATHER BuREAU, The Thunderstorm, 287 pp.
From the practical standpoint of the synoptic meteor- Washington, D. C., U. S. Govt. Printing Office, 1949.
ologist, whose primary problem is to forecast develop- (See pp. 122-130)
ment of the instability line before it occurs, much 15. WILLIAMS, D. T., "A Surface Micro-study of Squall-Line
remains tobe done. His problem is somewhat different Thunderstorms." Mon. Wea. Rev. Wash., 76:239-246
from that of basic research in that he must develop (1948).

Local Winds by Friedrich Defant . ..................................................... ......... 655

Tornadoes and Related Phenomena by Edwat'd M. Brooks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 673

Thunderstorms by Hora ce R. Byers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 681

Cumulus Convection and Entrainment by James M. Austin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 694

University of Innsbruck

INTRODUCTION AND DEFINITION coa_stal area proper and which extends only in tropical
regwns over a 100-km range, must be attributed to the
T?e terms of th~ complete equation of atmospheric
difference in heat response between land and water. On
motwn are determmed by a number of forces which
warm, _clear, summer days, the horizontal tempera~
through their interplay, cause the movements of th~
ture d1fference between land and water provides the
atmosphere. These effective forces are gravity, hydro-
static pressure, friction, and the Coriolis force. energy that leads to the development of vertical and
If the Coriolis and friction terms are negligibly small
horizontal air currents of strictly circulatory charac-
ter. To the ground observer, only the horizontal parts of
we deal with Eulerian wind equations in which th~
the circulation are noticeable; the vertical branches can
acceleration can be measured by the pressure gradient.
be o?served only indirectly, for example, through the for-
However, if the Coriolis term is large as compared to
matiOn of clouds over the land. The daytime sea breeze
the acceleration and friction terms, so that the pres-
considerably surpasses in intensity the nocturnal Iand
sure gradient is balanced only by the deflective force
breeze. This is understandable because of the greater
of the earth's rotation, we speak of geostrophic winds.
daytime arc of the sun during summer and the increased
As a third possibility, the friction terms may be so
instability and consequently increased vertical austausch
large that they are of the same order of magnitude as
in daytime. The nocturnal cooling, on the other hand,
the pressure gradient term, and the Coriolis and ac-
produces an immediate stabilization of the air layers
celeration terms may be neglected. In that case the
near the ground.
wind blows approximately in the direction of the pres-
It is noteworthy that the direction of the sea breeze
sure gradient and it is called an antitriptic wind [42].
The antitriptic wind introduces the field of winds does not remain constant in the course of the day, and
that this breeze often sets in with considerable gustiness
restricted to relatively small areas. Their range is of
sometimes in the form of a protrusion similar to a cold
the order of 100 km or less. In this category belong the
land_ and sea breezes, the mountain and valley winds,
It is logica! that the gradient wind, as determined
the Jet-effect (Duseneffekt) winds, and, at least in so far
by the over-all weather situation, should be superim-
as their characteristics are determined by the orog-
posed on this local wind system and should at times
raphy of the ground, the foehn and hora winds. These
winds of locally restricted influence are classed under obscure or even conceal it completely.
As an example of a typical day with land and sea
the general name local winds. They are an elementary
breezes, the wind, temperatura, and humidity record-
yet meteorologically very interesting part of the move-
ings of the Danzig airfield, 3.35 km inland from the
ment of the atmosphere and a phenomenon which
Baltic Sea coast, from June 3 to June 5, 1932, are re-
always attracts the attention of the layman.
In the following sections the basic principles of these produced in Fig. 1. This diagram clearly shows the
onset of the sea breeze from the northeast and north-
I_oeal winds will be discussed. These winds very closely
fulfill almost all conditions of the antitriptic wind since northeast, respectively, at 1420 on June 3, and at 1430 on
they blow roughly at right angles to the isotherms and June 5, while on June 4 a gradient wind from west-
isobars and are limited in the vertical to a relatively southwest-west-northwest completely conceals the sea
low altitude. breeze. Mter a calm from 1930 to 2245 on June 3, and
from 2100 to 2220 on June 5, the land breeze sets in
LAND AND SEA BREEZES from southwest and west, respectively, and continues as
a mild breeze until 0600 the following day. During the
Description of the Phenomenon. In coasta! areas night of June 4-5, a calm from 0030 to 0130 and a
especially on tropical coasts and on the shores of reia~ shift in wind direction to the southeast are the only
tively large lakes, we can observe in the course of a day indications of the onset of the land breeze but here
the reversal of onshore and offshore winds, called land also a gradient wind that subsequently appears ' hinders
and sea breezes. The phenomenon takes the following its development until 0600 in the morning. The tem-
perature and humidity curves of Fig. 1 show char-
A few hours after sunrise, depending on location and acteristic irregularities in their normal trend at the
season, a sea breeze develops, particularly on calm onset and cessation of the sea breeze.
summer days. This sea breeze usually has a noticeable Figure 2 gives an example of the above-mentioned
cooling effect, particularly in the tropics; it continues change in velocity of land and sea breezes in the course
throughout the daylight hours and dies down around of the day, as observed at Hoek van Holland on July
sunset. After that the seaward-blowing land breeze 31, 1938. We can see from this figure the increase in
appears. This phenomenon, which is restricted to the the speed of the sea breeze up to the daily maximum
* Translated from the original German. between 1300 and 1400 and a concurrent steady shift

to the right, which wiH be explained !ater. The dying sought in the different behavior of land and water under
down and continued shifting to the right takes place the influence of an equal externa! heat supply. Water,
in similar fashion. as compared to soi!, has a larger thermal capacity and



G c G S C L

0600 0130
1 2109
' 1
: 1

:li: 60
?: 40
a: 20
FrG. 1.-Registrations of wind speed and direction, temperature, and relative humidity during the characteristic la nd- and
sea-breeze days from June 3 to June 5, 1932, at D anzig (L = land breeze, S = sea breeze, G = gradient wind, C = calm).
(After Koschmieder [54].)

As an example of the tropical form of the land and its specific heat per unit volume reaches a value 40
sea breezes the diagram of velocity isopleths by van per cent larger than that of soil. Although water should
Bemmelen of the land and sea breezes at Batavia is have a smaller temperature variation for the first reason,
reproduced in Fig. 3. It is also an example of the vertical the amplitude of these periodic variations would be
velocity distribution during the course of a day. 1.414 that of the land for t he second reason. This dif-
Explanation of the Land and Sea Breezes. The cause ference is equalized through the much smaller heat
of the land and sea breezes must undoubtedly be conductivity of water, and measurements reveal that
the surfaces of water and sandy or rocky ground have
temperature variations of comparable order. The depth
to which radiation penetrates can also not be considered
responsible for large temperature differences since the
infrared radiation is immediately absorbed in the upper
water layers.
However, if we direct our attention to the turbulent
mixing of the water by wind and waves, which effects
a continuous downward transport of surface heat
through large masses of water, we recognize that this
mixing is the cause of the relatively small temperature
variations. It is now clear that the complete absorption
of radiant heat in the surface layers of the ground and
the weaker influence of this form of energy on the
deeper layers result in an entirely different thermal
behavior of land and of water. Thus the temperature
FIG. 2.-Hourly variation of relative wind velocity on a
land- and sea-breeze day at Hoek van Holland as recorded on conditions of the ground are determined almost ex-
July 31, 1938. (After Bleeker and Schmidt [67].) clusively by its physical properties, whereas those of

At the beginning of the day, the air pressure at higher

o -=~Er : ~aa altitudes over the land rises, while there is only a negli-
gible increase over the water. As a consequence a
.... ---- 1 MSEC- 1
'' drainage of the upper air from the land toward the sea
'\ takes place, and during forenoon the pressure close to
the surface of the sea begins to rise, while it starts to
fali over the land. This developing sea-land pressure
gradient is accompanied by an air current in the same
direction, that is, the sea breeze. A countercurrent,
blowing toward land, is established at upper levels
above the surface sea breeze. The circulation in day-
UJ time is completed by cumulus-forming convection over
land and cloud-dissolving subsidence over water. In
the evening the land and the overlying air cool faster
than the sea and its overlying air, and a reverse noe-
turna! circulation develops. This circulation must be
of smaller intensity and vertical extent because of the
lack of instability and convection.
The land-sea pressure gradient near the surface at
night and toward morning, as compared to a sea-land
FIG. 3.-Velocity isopleths for the land and sea breeze in gradient during the day, is clearly discernible in Fig. 4.
Batavia. (After van Bemmelen [70].)
the water are governed also by apparent conduction or LOCAL MEAN TI ME
0000 0600 1200 1800 2400
turbulent mixing. In contrast with the strong heating 764
of the air over the coastal region, the air over the strip
of water offshore is only mildly warmed, and, as a
result, a temperature difference between land and water
V V,. .... f- -~ '.::::. -l -
' ''-l .....
develops. This difference diminishes toward sunset and w
1 / .....

a: .....
reverses during the night. - 1 -c" "r--- .......
Temperature Differences, Pressure Differences, and w 762 /
IJ) / 1
' , ._
Pressure Distribution during Land and Sea Breezes. a:
The maximum temperature differences (.1.t) are given
in the literat ure as follows: Kaiser [46] gives a range of 761 1
.1.t from 1.6C to 10.9C over a distance of 130 km be- LANO BREEZE SEA BREEZE
tween Wiistrow and Adlergrund Lightship (anchored FIG. 4.-Average daily period of the air pressure on twenty
in the middle of the Baltic Sea, about 100 km out of sea-breeze days at the Baltic Sea. The solid line refers to
Swinemi.inde; t he dashed line, to Adlergrund Lightship.
Swinemiinde) as averages of a period of twenty summer (After Kaiser [46].)
days. Grenander [31] found differences in temperature
between 3.6C and 7.6C at 1400, and between 1.4C and It is to be expected that the air current, according to
3.1C at 0700 and 2100. These measurements, taken the pressure distribution, is, at first, nearly at right
on the Swedish east coast, involved a distance between angles to t he coast line; only later, during the after-
land and sea stations of 115 km. However, maximum noon, a gradual change in the direction of the sea breeze
values were as high as lOC or more; on the other hand, appears because of the effect of the Coriolis force. How-
very small temperature differences occurred on some ever, the influence of the Coriolis force remains slight
sea-breeze days. Measurements of .1.t at lakes, as for because of the short distances that these winds travel.
instance at the Lake of Constance, likewise show a large Conditions are somewhat complicated by the addition
range of temperature differences, namely values be- of a gradient wind associated with the over-all weat her
tween 0.9C and 4C at 1400. We may conclude from situation. A gradient wind blowing parallel to the coast
these few measurements that .1.t covers a wide range of line has no particular influence, since the pressure
gradient causing it also acts normal to the coast line and
values, and it is certain that a temperature gradient
thus only weakens or strengthens the pressure gradient
from sea to land exists in the morning hours. During associated with the land or sea breeze. However, a
forenoon a reversal takes place, and in the afternoon an pressure gradient parallel to the coast line with, for
increasing land-sea temperature gradient develops example, an offshore gradient wind causes a mass trans-
which is the driving force in the formation of the sea fer of air seaward. In t hat case a kink appears in the
breeze. Over inland lakes, where opposite shores show isobars where they protrude over t he sea. Then the
this same behavior, the center of the lake must be a condition of gradient force plus Coriolis force equal
neutral zone. In general it may be assumed that the to zero, which was valid in the previously discussed
heating over land during daytime can reach a value case, is no longer fulfilled, and unbalanced shoreward
five times that over water. Such temperature differences components of the gradient wind create a possibility
force the development of a pressure gradient and cir- for the development of a strengthened sea breeze. In
culation system. simple schematic cases these conditions can also be

demonstrated numerically by superimposing the pres- stance the Mediterranean climate) spring has land and
sure fields of land and sea breezes and gradient wind sea breezes on 31 per cent of the total number of days,
[54]. the first half of June on 82 per cent, July on 91 per cent,
Development of Land and Sea Breezes as a Function and autumn on only 35 per cent of the days.
of Geographical Location, Season, and Time of Day. Finally, the phenomenon is in almost ali regions a
On tropical coasts, the land and sea breezes appear with function of the time of day, since its periodic course is
great regularity [9, 11, 53, 70], because the clear sky a consequence of the diurnal temperature variation.
there causes large variations in temperature over the Usually, the sea breeze starts between 1000 and 1100,
land in the course of the day. Also the usually weak reaches its maximum velocity around 1300 to 1400, and
general air motion does not interfere with the develop- subsides toward 1400 to 2000, whence it is replaced by
ment of local winds. It is only in India that the land the nocturnal land breeze. These approximate times
breeze is completely obscured from May to September naturally vary with the season and with climatic and
by the strong monsoon, which acts as a steady sea local differences.
breeze during that season. Partial superimposition of Intensity, Vertical Extent, and Range of Land and
mountain and valley winds on land and sea breezes may Sea Breezes. The height of the sea-breeze layer varies
also cause peculiar wind conditions, as for instance on with climatic and local conditions. Its altitude ranges
the coast of Samoa. In higher latitudes these local winds from 150 m at medium-sized lakes to 200-500 m at
appear almost exclusively, or at least preferably, during large lakes and the seacoast. Extending to 1000 m in
the warmer seasons, since only then can sufficiently moderately warm climates, the sea breeze reaches al-
large temperature or pressure differences develop. In titudes of 1300-1400 m in tropical coastal regions, as
the cooler climates of higher latitudes, as for instance can be clearly seen in Fig. 3. In India, maximum alti-
at the shores of the Baltic Sea [46], we can expect tudes of 2 km ha ve been observed. In these areas, the
land and sea breezes, even in summer, on not more nocturnal land-breeze layer is rather shallow by com-
than about 20 per cent of the days. The role of solar parison. In Batavia, for instance, it reaches only to
radiation becomes apparent in a brief summary (Table about 200-300 m. The difference in height between
I) of the probability of a sea-breeze day for different land and sea breezes is smaller in the temperate zones.
The intensities of the sea breeze cover the entire
TABLE l. RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN CLOUDINESS AND SEA- Beaufort scale. This breeze is of small force at lake and
sea shores in the temperate zone (O to 3 Beaufort);
Cloudiness (per cent) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0--50 60--80 90--100
only at the seacoast do some peak values reach 4 to
----------------------------------------- 5 Beaufort at noon. In the tropics, however, the wind
Probability of a sea-breeze day (per may rise to storm intensity with the onset of the sea
cent) .......................... . 90 39 27 breeze. A particularly strong increase occurs on coasts
with cold ocean currents offshore. While the horizontal
amounts of cloudiness at the Black Sea. Little cloudiness speeds are of the order of meters per second, the vertical
and strong sunshine are decisive in promoting the components are only of the order of centimeters per
occurrence of land and sea breezes. In polar regions second.
the phenomenon disappears almost completely and oc- The landward range of the sea breeze is estimated by
curs only once in a while on particularly clear summer many observers at 15-50 km in the temperate zones.
days. Some values, for instance, are 16-32 km in New Eng-
In the tropics (Batavia) [70] we find about 40-50 land, 20-30 km at the Baltic Sea, 30-40 km in Holland,
per cent of land-breeze occurrences and 70-80 per cent up to 50 km in Jutland, 15 km on the Flemish coast,
of sea-breeze occurrences to be fairly reliable values 40 km in Albania, more than 50 km on the northern
for the dry season. During the rainy season both fre- coast of Java, and 40-50 km in Sweden. However,
quencies increase; the land-breeze probability rises to land and sea breezes are often augmented by mountain-
between 60 and 80 per cent, that of the sea breeze to and valley-wind effects which are difficult to separate
more than 80 per cent. Ramdas [63] gives frequencies from them. In tropical countries the sea breeze reaches
for extratropicalland and sea breezcs in Karachi, India, 50-65 km, sometimes even 124-145 km into the in-
(25N) for every month of the year (Table II). We can terior. The seaward range of the much weaker land
breeze appears tobe everywhere much smaller. At the
Baltic Sea, for instance, it extends only to 9 km.
FREQUENCY AT KARACHI, INDIA Regarding the vertical temperature distribution in
(Ajter Ramdas [63]) the temperate zone where condensation is relatively
rare, nearly adiabatic or slightly superadiabatic gradi-
Mon~ _J_I___::__ M A M J J A S O N D ents are tobe expected. In the tropics, however, super-
Per cent. 29 39 31 27 100 100 100 100 100 26 30 42
adiabatic gradients are the rule, but probably reach
only to the upper boundary of the sea breeze and
decrease rapidly above it.
see from this table a 100 per cent occurrence during Conrad's Minor Sea Breeze, or Sea Breeze of the
the summer months in contrast with the low percentage First Kind. The wind designated by Conrad [13] as
in the winter. Similarly, in etesian climates (as for in- "minor sea breeze" does not progress from the sea

toward the coast, but is formed on the boundary line Theory of Land and Sea Breezes. A complete theory
between sea and land and progresses seaward. It is of the land and sea breezes must necessarily consider
caused by the different heating processes on the flat, (in addition to the gradient force caused by land-water
sandy beach. This minor sea breeze precedes the major temperature difference) (1) the influence of the vertical
sea breeze, the beginning of which is somewhat re- turbulent heat exchange, (2) the turbulent friction of
tarded by it until the air over the land has become the air motion, and (3) the influence of the earth's
considerably warmer than that over the water. The rotation. In ali existing theories these contributory
border line between warm land air and cool sea air, factors receive only partially satisfactory consideration.
which has been displaced sea ward by the minor sea Usually, the land and sea breezes are treated as simple,
breeze, is eventually overrun, and the cool sea air antitriptic currents caused by the unequal heating of
reaches the coast with an impact. This minor sea land and water.
breeze, designated as a sea breeze of the first kind, An older treatment of a stationary circulation is that
will occur wherever strong pressure gradients connected by Jeffreys [42], who applied it primarily to the sea
with the large-scale weather situation do not hinder breeze and to monsoon winds. He considers friction,
its development. pressure, and Coriolis force and reaches a solution in
The Cold Front-Like Sea Breeze, or Sea Breeze of which the daily wind change is in phase with the daily
the Second Kind. The character of the sea breeze temperature oscillation. This result does not conform to
having a normal, front-free, and steady development is reality. The application of this theory to the extended
modified if a wind determined by the general wea ther monsoon currents allows the calculation of the height of
situation hinders its regular course. This sea breeze, the monsoon reversal as well as of the amplitude of the
which develops in opposition to the gradient wind, is surface pressure variations connected with the circu-
characterized by its retarded beginning (usually as late lation. The agreement of these calculations with ob-
as 1500 to 1600), by its formation at sea and its slow servation proves tobe satisfactory.
progress toward the coast, and finally by a pronounced V. Bjerknes and his collaborators [8) consider the
break-through of a cold front-like character (distinct land- and sea-breeze circulation a periodic current
gust with wind shift of 180 degrees). The development around isobaric-isosteric solenoids in which the wind is
of this cold-air invasion can be considered to take place ninety degrees out of phase with the change in density.
in the following way: Accordingly, the sea breeze would start at the time of
In the morning, the offshore gradient wind carries the greatest heating and would reach its greatest in-
warmed air from the land out to sea and thus displaces tensity at the time of the smallest temperature dif-
seaward and weakens the pressure gradient between ference between land and sea in the evening. This is
land and sea. An air-mass boundary is thus formed at not in accordance with observation.
sea against the cool sea air. The warmed land air, Kobayasi and Sasaki [52) as well as Arakawa and
which accumulates in a nearly adiabatic layer, is highly Utsugi [2] base their theories on Lord Rayleigh's con-
turbulent and is able to carry along some of the stably vection theory [64). They consider vertical and horizon-
stratified, cold sea air and is forced to rise with it. tal heat transfer in addition to turbulent friction of
For a while, a stationary equilibrium between the two the air motion, whereby their hasis for calculation
air masses may be maintained by an increasingly steep- becomes more complete than that of Jeffreys. Their
ening frontal surface as is depicted in Fig. 5. However, solutions of the problem allow a comparison between
theory and observation, although in order to reach
complete agreement a heat conductivity one hundred
times greater than that derived by Taylor from ob-
servations must be assumed. A further shortcoming of
the theory is that the height to which the circulation
(including the countercurrent) extends must be known,
whereas it actually should result from the boundary
conditions of the theory. This theory still neglects fric-
tion, which, as had already been pointed out by Godske
[30), is responsible for the phase shift between density
and wind-velocity variations.
Fro. 5.-Stationary condition before outbreak of the sea
breeze. The dash-dotted line is the boundary layer between A simple elementary theory of land and sea breezes
currents of opposite direction in the cool air mass. (After is due to F. H. Schmidt [67]. In this theory he is less
Koschmieder [54].) concerned with giving a complete explanation of the
with further heating this equilibrium breaks down, the circulatory movement than with clarifying character-
system becomes unstable, and the sea air now breaks istic phenomena of the land and sea breezes, such as
through toward the land in the form of a front. This the phase shift between wind and temperature or the
sufficiently explains the gusty onset and the cold-air influence of the earth's rotation. A definite temperature
character. If we consider that the largest vertical tem- distribution in accordance with observations is assumed,
perature gradients are not reached until 1200 to 1400, and the entire system of currents is calculated, taking
the retarded onset of the sea breeze is also under- the compressibility of the air into account. The Coriolis
standable. force is also introduced into the calculations, and thus

Schmidt succeeds in explaining quantitatively ali facts the equation of continuity is unnecessary here. A com-
of this atmospheric phenomenon in a satisfactory man- parison of the theoretical results with observations
ner. Most certainly, his theory has greatly contributed made at Boston (42N), Madras (13.4N), and Bata-
to a better understanding of local winds. via (68) shows good agreement.
Schmidt's assumption concerning temperature is Recently, Haurwitz [37] made an interesting and im-
characterized by the fact that the entire horizontal portant contribution to the theory of the land- and
and vertical tempera ture distribution is given. He super- sea-breeze circulation. In contrast to previous investi-
imposes on the normal vertical temperature decrease gators, he chooses Bjerknes' circulation theorem as his
the daily radiation temperature wave which is assumed point of departure. With it he proves that the intensity
to reach its maximum amplitude near the coast at a increases, not only as long as the land-water temper-
distance inland amounting to half the wa ve length of the ature difference increases, but that it keeps growing
temperature oscillation. This amplitude is supposed to until this difference disappears. Thus, the phase shift
decrease exponentially with altitude. However, for between temperature difference and wind maximum
reasons of simplicity, he neglects the fact that the would be a quarter of the period, that is, six hours.
maximum amplitude is a function of time which, after Haurwitz shows that the introduction of frictional in-
ali, should be of some importance to the theory. The fluences causes a considerable decrease of this phase
variation in air density caused by the radiation temper- shift which leads to a better agreement with obser-
ature wave can be calculated; its amplitude also de- vation. The daily shifting of the sea breeze, which was
creases exponentially with altitude. Part of the pressure clearly observed in severa! locations, can be explained
variation is ascribed to the resulting density variation, without difficulty as an effect of the Coriolis force.
and the remainder is caused by divergence and con- Haurwitz' work excels in its logica!, ali-inclusive con-
vergence of the compressible air. This infiuence of diver- sideration of all factors that are of importance for the
gence is also assumed by Schmidt to decrease ex- development of land and sea breezes. However, as in
ponentially with altitude. If the pressure gradient is the work by F. H. Schmidt, the theory of the land-
known, the horizontal velocity component can be calcu- and sea-breeze circulation is incomplete. In all these
lated by application of the Guldberg-Mohn friction investigations the temperature contrast between land
formula. Finally, t.l:te friction constant is assumed tobe and water at the surface and at ali levels above it is
a quantity that decreases with altitude according to assumed. A complete theory should furnish the temper-
the expression e-rz, where ris a constant representing the ature distribution with altitude as well as the circu-
decrease of friction with height and z is the height. lation from a given temperature contrast at the surface.
This is necessary in order to obtain sufficient variation The temperature distribution with altitude depends
with altitude of the sea breeze's starting time. We shall not only on the vertical turbulent heat exchange, but
not discuss here how far such assumptions are justi- also on the circulation itself. For this reason, with a
fied; moreover, it would be preferable if the theory given boundary condition of temperature at the sur-
itself would yield the variations with altitude of all face, the equation of heat conduction (as in the theory
these quantities. N evertheless, the theoretical deter- of the slope winds, see p. 666) must be incorporated in
mination of the deviation of the wind direction from the theory.
the perpendicular to the coast and of the shift of the If we approach the land and sea breeze as a single
wind in the course of a day gives a satisfactory result. circulation celi in the sense of Lord Rayleigh's con-
The most recent work on the theory and observation vection theory [64], we come considerably closer to
of land and sea breezes has been published by Pierson the problem of these local winds. Furthermore, with
[61]. In this work the theoretical considerations of this method we can take vertical as well as horizontal
F. H. Schmidt are considerably improved. Pierson heat transfer and turbulent friction into account. The
makes assumptions regarding the temperature contrast solution must yield not only the entire temporal de-
between land and water that closely approximate reality velopment of the periodic current system, but also its
and he takes into consideration not only the Coriolis dimensions as a function of heat supply or of the land-
force but also that type of friction which is used in the water temperature difference, respectively. I have re-
derivation of the Ekman spiral. A solution is given cently attempted such a solution [18], which actually
of the Navier-Stokes equations for laminar fiow with furnishes the required results in full conformity with
consideration of the apparent eddy viscosity. Theoreti- observations. For the land-water temperature difference
cal hodographs illustrate the variations of land and sea near the surface, which we have assumed as given, I
breezes under the infiuence of this type of friction, the used the simple harmonic function iJ = M e i!l 1 sin lx,
Coriolis force, and the variable pressure-gradient force where x is the normal to the coast, iJ the potential
at all altitudes. The temperature contrast between temperature, M the amplitude of the temperature vari-
land and water and its periodic variation during the ation, Q = 211/(sidereal day) = 7.292 X IQ-5 sec-I,
course of a day as well as its variation with altitude and the length of the circulation cell is fixed as L/2 =
are assumed, with due consideration for eddy diffusion 1rjl. This solution permits the utilization of any desired
(W. Schmidt, see [61, p. 9]), in a manner similarto that form of the land-water temperature difference, pro-
employed by F. H. Schmidt. From this the density vided it is expressed by a Fourier series; the solution
and pressure distribution can be computed, and the given above then holds for every one of its terms.
wind field can be obtained from the equations of motion; This solution, based on the assumption that iJ is

proportional to sin lx, naturally yields a continuous fixed whereas a and b are determined by the day fre-
chain of circulations. lf a number of such circulations quency and the other values given above.
with variable l resulting from the Fourier series are The solutions for w and fJ are:
superimposed on one another, we obtain a single cir-
culation of definite horizontal extent. Thus, this extent
becomes solely a function of the form of the land-water
u = (a2
b2)l ae
+ be-bz] e illt
cos x,
temperature difference. When the influence of friction
(Guldberg-Mohn's friction equation, where IT is the w =- rM [e+az - e-bz] eillt s1n
coefficient of friction) and the Coriolis parameter (b2 - a2)
(f = 2Q sin cJ>) are taken into consideration, the equations
v= _ _f _ u
of motion become irl+IT'
au = 1 ac;;
jv- ITU---
p ax' {} -_ M [ e-bz + bb 2
2 _
a82 / e+az _
e-bzl J l
eillt sm x.
-ju- ITV, (1) The factors r and 8 can also be expressed by the con-
stants given above. It should be noted that ali these
1 aw quantities, including a and b, are complex numbers and
-ITW - - -
p az
+ "ffJ. that with emt a separation of the real and imaginary
terms would require extensive calculations.
In addition to these equations we have the continuity When the solution (7) is worked out for latitude
equation in the form: cJ> = 45 and various values of the friction coefficient
IT, it yields circulation systems of the land and sea
au+ aw =0 (2) breezes that are in full agreement with observations.
ax az ,
Table III lists the basic factors of the circulations for
and the heat transfer equation which, with the omission different values of IT with and without consideration of
of negligible factors, assumes the form: the Coriolis parameter. As is usually the case, the

+ {3w = K (it'J + a2{}) .
ax 2 az 2
phases are referred to a maximum land-water temper-
ature difference at 1200. It can be seen from Table III
that the height of the land or sea breeze lies at roughly
In these equations the y-axis is parallel to the coast, 400 m and rises with increasing friction from 320 m
and the x-axis perpendicular to it, with the positive to 500 m. It is interesting to note that this altitude is
direction toward land. The letter fJ stands for the somewhat reduced under the effect of the Coriolis
potential tempera ture; 'Y = ga, where a is the coefficient force. Naturally, friction diminishes the velocity of the
of heat expansion; {3 is the vertical gradient of the land and sea breezes to a considerable extent, namely
potential temperature; K is the coefficient of turbulent from about 5.5 m sec- 1 to 2 m sec- 1 for every centigrade
heat conduction; and, as before, Q = 7.292 X 10-5 degree of temperature difference. For average friction
sec- 1 expresses the day frequency. According to Ray- conditions and a maximum land-water tempera ture dif-
leigh [64], w is a quantity that fixes the perturbation ference of 5C over the distance L/2, we arrive at a
pressure. maximum sea-breeze intensity of about 10 m sec-\
The solution may be assumed in the form: which agrees quite well with observations. Under these
conditions the vertical velocities reach maximum values
u = u(z)ei!lt cos lx, w = w(z)eillt sin lx, of about 2 cm sec- 1 per centigrade degree of temper-
v = v(z)ei!lt cos lx,
ature difference, which is also a reasonable value.
fJ = t'J(z)eillt sin lx. (4)
Of special interest is the phase of the land and sea
w = w(z)eillt sin lx, breezes. If friction and the Coriolis force are neglected,
the phase shift between the maximum temperature
Then, by substitution in (1), (2), and (3), differential difference and the maximum intensity of the sea breeze
equations are obtained for u, v, w, w, and {} which are is 4.7 hr. This shift decreases rapidly to 1.4 hr with
functions of z only and can be solved by exponential increasing friction. In the case of IT = 2.5 X 10-4 sec- 1
functions: the maximum intensity of the sea bree~e follows the
W = Ae+az + Be-b, maximum temperature difference closely, as is borne
(5) out by most observations. The influence of the Coriolis
fJ = Ce +az + De-bz, force on the component perpendicular to the coast is
small, as is tobe expected. Naturally, a cross velocity v
and similar expressions for u, v, and w. appears instead, whose phase shift with the velocity
The boundary conditions are
perpendicular to the coast is 10.9 hr, or nearly 12 hr.
z =o, w =o, and t'J = M, (6) This phase shift stays constant up to the height of the
zero layer and then changes sign. Figure 6 is a vector
and for large values of z the circulation becomes negli- diagram for the case IT = 2.5 X 10- 4 sec- 1 and f =
gibly small; then, the constants A, B, C, and D are 1.031 X 10- 4 sec-1 (el> = 45). The figure shows clearly

the oblique position of the flow ellipse relative to the weak maximum that barely reaches a quarter of the
perpendicular to the coast, in good agreement with intensity of the land and sea breezes near the surface.
observations (sae Fig. 2). Theoretically, further circulations exist above this circu-

" u w

u f Upper countercurrent
x to x to Amp. near Amp. near Alt. of Max. Alt. of
(sec-I) (sec-I) Phase surface Phase surface zero layer Phase
(hr) (hr) Alt. of (hr) amp. aloft max. wind
(mseci) (mseC1) (m) Max. amp. max. wind (cm sec1) (m)
(mseC1) (m)
0.0 o 12 M 16.7 5.43M 320 1.64M 650 16.6 4.21M 320
0.5 o 12 M 15.1 4.46M 340 l.llM 670 15.1 3.45M 340
1.0 o 12 M 14.1 3.68M 365 0.80M 700 14.1 2.86M 365
2.5 o 12 M 13.4 1.70M 500 0.26M 920 13.6 1.37M 500
2.5 1.031 12 M 13.1 1.84M 500* 0.25M 920* 13.1 1.76M 500*

2.5 1.031 12 M 2.2 0.72M 500* O.llM 920*

1 1 1 1


Above the zero layer there is a countercurrent whose lation cell of land and sea breezes and its countercur-
vertical extent exceeds that of the land- and sea-breeze rent. However, their intensities are so low as to be
layer by a factor of 4 to 5. This countercurrent has a negligible for all practica! purposes. Thus, in contrast
to others, this theory fixes a definite upper boundary
u to the land- and sea-breeze circulation. This upper
boundary is, according to the theory, independent of
1310= MAXIMUM u the intensity of the land-water temperature contrast
/1 1400
and a function only of the structure of the atmosphere,
the Coriolis force, and the turbulent heat transfer.
1 Friction tends to raise this boundary, while the Coriolis
w 1 force tends to lower it.
1330 1

103;1']~:.::: 1
1 The Mountain-Wind Circulation and 1ts Components.
0830 1
As in the case of coasta! areas, local temperature and

0730 ~l/la30080?
1 wind conditions occur in the vicinity of large mountain
1 ranges that are often so strong in their effect that,
locally, they modify or even obscure the general weather
conditions. Here, thermal differences create a circula-
1 tion system which, in daytime, consists of a lower cur-
1 rent toward the mountains and an upper current in the
o .2 .4
.s .a 1.0 1

opposite direction. In the region of the European Alps,
Burger and Ekhart [12] have actually shown that this
upper compensation current flows away radially from
1 the mountains toward the neighboring plains in day-
1 time. A corresponding flow system was found on the
1 east slope of the Rocky Mountains by Wagner [71]
1 and Ekhart [23]. This upper compensation flow is natu-
,2200 rally less pronounced (speeds of the order of 15 cm
/ o .2 .4 .6 .8 1.0 sec-I) than the lower current, since it is more strongly
1 1
1 M SEC -l affected by the wind system determined by the general
0200 j '2400 pressure distribution, the influence of which is difficult
to separate from the local effect. Figure 7 shows these
FIG. 6.-Theoretically calculated flow ellipse of the land conditions schematically.
and sea breeze under the influence of friction (o- = 2.5 X w-
sec-1) and the Coriolis force (f = 2fl sin q, = 1.03 X w- sec- 1 ; The Thermal Slope Wind. The difference in tem-
q, = 45) when the maximum temperature difference between perature between the air heated over the inclined
land and sea is at 1200 LMT. The vector diagram at the left mountain slopes and the air at the same altitude
shows the mean winds during the sea-breeze period (0730-1830
EST) at Logan Airport, Boston, Mass. (based on 40 cases). over the center of the valley causes the phenomenon
(After Defant [18].) of air rising in daytime along the slopes of moun-

tains, well known to every mountain climber. These temporary shading of the slopes will cause an im-
winds start one fourth to three fourths of an hour mediate response by the wind. Also the difference in the
after sunrise, and blow uphill in daytime. They starting time of the current is determined by the vary-
ing time at which insolation begins on slopes of different
COMPENSATION exposure. Thus, the phenomenon is often weakened at
the time of the maximum temperature because of shad-
ows cast on the slopes by extensive cloud formations.
Little is known about the thermal structure of the
affected layer, because temperature measurements nor-
mal to the slope would be necessary for its actual
- MOUNTAIN WIND SYSTEM determination. Such measurements have been made
=:>GENERAL WIND SYSTEM only up to about 20 m above the slope, since greater
heights are difficult to reach. It is known that the layer
FIG. 7.-Schematic illustration of the air circulation dur-
ing daytime in a cross section through the Alps. (After Burger of air adjacent to the slope shows strong superadiabatic
and Ekhart [12] .) gradients. During the cool downdraft at night, on the
other hand, a strong increase of potential temperature
reach their greatest intensity at the time of maximum (inversion) is often noticeable. The time span during
insolation and reverse their direction in the evening the reversal of the wind is characterized by an iso-
(about one fourth to three fourths of an hour after sun- thermal air layer near the ground. At present, we have
set). Because of the stronger insolation, they are es- only a theoretical picture of the structure of the entire
pecially well developed on the southern slopes and are slope-wind layer, which, however, is probably very
weaker or almost nonexistent on the northern slopes. close to reality (see Figs. 11 and 12).
This wind prefers the ra vines and gullies of the usually A variant of the thermal slope wind is the glacier
eroded slopes and is hardly noticeable on the projecting wind. This wind, a shallow downdraft along the icy
ridges. Numerous pilot-balloon observations in the up- surface of the glacier, continues all day regardless of
and-down drafts on the slopes of the mountains north insolation. Its thermal cause is the continuously present
of the Inn valley near Innsbruck [43-45, 65] have temperature difference between the glacier surface and
clearly demonstrated the existence of such currents. the free air at the same altitude. For this reason, the
Here the thickness of the slope wind layer, as meas- glacier wind has no diurnal period as does the slope
ured perpendicular to the slope, varies periodically with wind. Since the wind is a function of this temperature
the wind intensity. Maximum values up to 260 m have difference, it reaches its maximum intensity and grea test
been measured. However, as a rule, the thickness of the vertical extent (between 50 m and 400 m) in the early
layer lies between 100 and 200 m. The thickness is less afternoon, according to measurements by Tollner [69]
for the nocturnal downslope wind. The uphill wind and Ekhart [21]. The glacier wind always appears, even
continuously entrains, along its path, air from the on cloudy days. In daytime, it fades out soon after
space over the valley, so that the thickness of the leaving the glacier because its kinetic energy is dis-
affected layer is steadily increased in the direction of persed by the ground friction. The glacier wind often
the uphill flow, and the layer becomes wedge-shaped. collides with the upvalley wind and then slides under
Naturally, the intensity of these slope winds varies it. At night, after leaving the glacier, it blends into the
greatly with the local differences in the slope and its mountain wind which has the same direction. A char-
exposure. Also, these winds can seldom be observed in acteristic of the glacier wind is its strongly turbulent
their pure form and are often weakened or strengthened flow which, in a more moderate form, is also a feature
by extraneous wind conditions. On the average, the of the nocturnal slope wind.
slope-wind speeds in the direction of the slope a'llount The Mountain and Valley Winds. The phenomenon
to about 2-4 m sec-\ according to measurements. of the daily wind change along the axis of large valleys
Projecting parts of the slope cause a detachment of this is known in aii mountainous countries. In daytime,
current from the slope and thereby an increased vertical from about 0900 to 1000 until sunset, an upvalley, or
movement which can be utilized by soaring pilots to so-called valley wind blows. At night an opposite down-
gain altitude. In fact, the entire phenomenon of thermal valley or so-called mountain wind appears which con-
slope winds is of greatest importance in soaring. The tinues into the early morning hours after sunrise. Nu-
existence of thermal slope winds is often indicated by merous investigations of this phenomenon, including
isolated cumulus clouds over summits or chainlike cu- soundings of its vertical structure, have been made in
mulus formations along ridges. Velocities of 13 m sec- l many mountainous countries [19]. Mountain and valley
have been measured in these updrafts. The nocturnal winds are best developed in the wide and deep valleys
downslope wind shows a lesser vertical extent and of the Alps. The shape of the valley's cross section and
lower velocities. the inclination of the valley bottom are of little in-
The highest velocity of these slope winds does not fluence on these winds. As a matter of fact, in fairly
occur close to the slope surface, but at a definite dis- level valleys, such as the valley of the Inn River in
tance from it. Higher up, it rapidly decreases again or is Tirol, these winds are particularly well developed. They
supplanted by other wind conditions. The current is occur most frequently during persistent high-pressure
extremely sensitive to changes in the insolation, and a situations in summer and are thus a typical fair-weather

phenomenon of summer. Nevertheless, mountain and of the valley and thus to the size of the mass of air
valley winds may also occur on cloudy days and in involved. This starting time changes with the season,
winter when they become manifest mostly in a modifica- that is, with the magnitude of the diurnal temperature
tion of the general wind. The vector diagram of the variations.
winds in the Inn river valley near Innsbruck in Fig. The height of the valley wind usually reaches to, or
8 shows a good example of mountain and valley winds. somewhat above, the flanking mountain ridges. The
more stably stratified mountain wind, on the other
hand, is confined to lower levels. The upper boundary
of the mountain and valley wind system usually arches
several hundred meters over the mountain crests.
There, the transition into the general wind system
usually takes the form of an abrupt wind shift or a
The Maloja Wind. The Maloja wind, named after
the windshed between Engadine and Bergell, Switzer-
o 2 3 4 5 land, where it appears particularly well developed, is a
variation of the mountain and valley wind [4, 6, 7, 10,
. Fw. 8.-Vector diagram of the mountain and valley winds
m the Inn valley (Innsbruck) on June 19, 1929, 100 m above the 35, 36, 39, 50, 58, 59, 72, 74]. It is a mountain wind
valley bottom. The dash-dotted lines indicate the axes of the which blows downvalley both day and night. The phe-
Inn valley; upstream is to the Jeft. Numbers indicate local nomenon must be attributed to the fact that the valley
mean time. (Ajter Ekhart [19).)
wind of one valley reaches over a pass into another
valley. In the mountain and valley wind system there,
This diagram of the wind conditions in the course of a
it acts as a disturbance, or, more specifically, as an
clear day, June 19, 1929, shows that the maximum of
the valley wind with speeds of 5-6 m sec- l occurs abnormal development of the valley wind. The de-
velopment of this anomaly is decisively determined by
shortly after 1500. The maximum of the mountain wind
with speeds of 3-4 m sec-r in the opposite direction which one of the valleys involved has the larger diurnal
temperature amplitude and thus effectively extends its
occurs at around 0700. In general, the winds blow in
the longitudinal direction of the valley's axis. circulation into the other valley across the pass. The
As an example of the height and intensity of the question has not been satisfactorily answered whether
mountain and valley winds at Innsbruck, an isopleth this phenomenon can be entirely explained by the
further increase of the diurnal temperature variation
diagram by Ekhart is reproduced in Fig. 9. The wind
beyond the pass, or whether it is a purely inertial ex-
tension of that valley wind which is the more strongly
developed. Sometimes, as was shown at the Arlberg
2 Pass in Tirol [22], a strong upslope wind in one valley
can, after crossing a pass, augment a valley wind in
another valley .
::t:l Even in the absence of a pass, the interplay between

w thermal slope winds and typical mountain and valley

::r::: winds sometimes produces considerable anomalies of
the latter. Veering or backing of the valley wind on
o ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ respective orographic slopes and cross circulation in
0000 0600 1200 1800 2400
LOCAL MEAN TIME narrow valleys, owing to strong insolation on one slope,
Fra. 9.-Mean velocity isopleths of the mountain and valley have been observed. Cyclic wind shifts in the course of
winds at Innsbruck (numbers are wind speed components a day are caused by the fact that the upslope wind
(m sec- 1 ) in the direction of the valley; + upvalley, - down- starts before the valley wind, and the downslope wind
valley). (After Ekhart in Hann-Suring, Lehrbuch der Meteor-
ologie, 5. Aujl., p. 552.) before the mountain wind.
The Theory of Mountain and Valley Winds. The
velocity distribution shows the characteristic transition development of the theory through many decades [15,
from mountain to valley wind. The values are averages 27, 33, 34, 50, 66, 74] finally culminated in the work by
of several fair summer days in 1929 and 1931. Accord- Wagner [71-73], who made an intensive study of the
ing to the diagram, the wind maximum is tobe found at daily pressure and temperature variations in the free
an altitude of about 20Q-400 m, while the velocities atmosphere within the valleys of the Alps. These in-
near the ground are reduced because of the influence of vestigations led to the result that at a certain altitude
friction. This increase of the valley wind with altitude above the valley, usually at about the height of the
is characteristic of all valley winds, as is the fact that surrounding ridges, the otherwise different diurnal pres-
their average velocities are higher than those of the sure variations are completely equalized. This level of
nocturnal mountain wind. Furthermore, the diagram equalization was designated by Wagner as the "effective
shows that the valley wind starts almost simultaneously ridge altitude." A further important result of these
in alllayers up to relatively high altitudes. The starting investigations was establishment of the fact that the
time of the valley wind is closely related to the width diurnal temperature variations in the valleys up to the

height of the ridge were more than twice as Iarge as extended these considerations to the nonstationary
the variations within a similar layer over the plain. case [17].
As a consequence, a pressure gradient from the plain Prandtl's theory has particular significance, because
to the valley must exist during the day, whereas the a deeper insight into the mechanism of the thermal
reverse gradient must appear at night. The equalization
of pressure differences at the effective ridge altitude
requires that the pressure differences be largest close to
the valley bottom and that they decrease with height
so as to disappear completely at the effective ridge
From these deductions an adequate theoretical ex-
planation of the mountain and valley winds can be (o) (b)

derived. In full accord with observations, the unequal

rates of decrease in the amplitude of the temperature
variations over the plain and the valley bottom create
a pressure gradient of the observed magnitude whose
direction is toward the valley during the day and away
from it at night. The air current thus generated fills
the entire valley and decreases with altitude in accord (c) (d)

with observations. Thus, there is a thermal cause for the

pressure differences, and the air current is theoretically
established as a circulation with a reversal of direction
at night. This theory also includes the observed circula-
tion between the plains and the mountains and the
necessary existence of the upper compensation current.
Furthermore, the pressure gradient, according to Wag-
(e) (f)
ner, is the result of the combined effects of the inclina-
tions of valley bottom and ridge line. A nonparallel
course of these inclinations, such as a downslope of the
valley bottom and simultaneous upslope .of the ridge
line, would cause an extension of the existing gradient.
In other words, if the ridge line rises beyond the pass
altitude toward the neighboring valley, the gradient ( h)
existing in the first valley would run in the same direc-
tion also in that neighboring valley beyond the pass. FIG. 10.-Schematic illustration of the normal diurnal
variations of the air currents in a valley. (After F. D efant [17].)
In this case the wind would reach over the pass as a (a) Sunrise ; onset of upslope winds (white arrows), con-
Maloja wind. Thus, this abnormal phenomenon of the tinuation of mountain wind (black arrows). Valley cold,
mountain winds also fits into Wagner's theory. plains warm.
(b) Forenoon (about 0900); strong slope winds, transition
This theory furthermore requires two wind systems from mountain wind to valley wind. Valley temperature same
to preserve the stationary condition in the valley. One as plains.
(c) Noon and early afternoon; diminishing slope winds,
of them consists of the horizontal inflow of the valley fully developed valley wind. Valley warmer than plains.
wind, produced by the static conditions; the other one (d) Late afternoon; slope winds have ceased, valley wind
is the thermal slope wind system which takes care of continues. Valley continues warmer than plains .
(e) Evening; onset of downslope winds, diminishing valley
the outflow over the flanking ridges. The combined wind. Valley only slightly warmer than plains.
wind systems have an additional effective source of (f) Early night; well-developed downslope winds, transi-
energy in the heat given off by the heated slopes. The tion from valley wind to mountain wind. Valley and plains at
same temperature.
slope winds have a further important function in that (g) Middle of night; downslope winds continue, mountain
they continuously add heated slope air to the air over wind fully developed. Valley colder than plains .
(h) Late night to morning; downslope winds have ceased,
the valley through that branch of the slope-wind cir- mountain wind fills valley. Valley colder than plains.
culation which descends over the valley center. Thus,
the temperature in the center of the valley cross section slope-wind current was gained through the introduction
is continuously increased during the day and decreased of turbulent heat conduction and turbulent friction. A
at night, when the heating conditions are reversed. disturbance of the temperature field, as well as static
The mechanism interlocking the upslope and down- instability, always appears in t he air layer above a
slope winds with the mountain and valley winds in the heated surface and thus tends to establish turbulence.
course of a day, described in great detail by Wagner Let us assume the spatial distribution of the potential
[73], is shown in Fig. 10. The great importance of the temperature t'J, together with the temperature disturb-
thermal slope winds as integral members of the larger ance which stems from the heat transfer along the
circulation between plains and mountains is obvious. heated slope, in the form:
On the hasis of a theoretical treatment of the stationary
slope wind by Prandtl [62], the present author recently t'J = A + Bz + t'J'(n), (8)

where A is a constant at z O, B is the lapse rate of during upslope and downslope winds, respectively, for
potential temperature, zis the vertical, n is the normal which no observations are available. The characteristics
to the slope, and t'J-' is the disturbance in potential tem- of the stratification become very apparent.
perature caused by heat conduction in the direction n.
We can then expect the velocity w of the stationary
current along the slope to be a function of n only.
The interplay of heat transfer and heat conduction
furnishes the differential equation,
, . vK a4t'f'
g{3t'J- sm E + B~ -a
Sln E n
4 = O, (9)

where {3 is the coefficient of expansion, g{3t'J-' sin E is the

acceleration in the upslope direction, E is the angle of o.s +----~
the slope, v is the coefficient of turbulent friction, and <b 0.4..___ _
" is the coefficient of turbulent heat conduction.
The usual solutions of equation (9) are

t'J-' = Ce_". 11 cos~

l 0.1
, jg(3K -nil n
w = C 11 Bv e sm l' (10) ( o)

l = .4/ 4Kv
g{3B sinE'
and C is the temperature disturbance at the surface of
0.71------ -----....
the slope. The actual form of the solution is shown
schematically in Fig. 11. 0.61------ --... ...
'1> 0.41-----.

0.31--- --

FIG. 12.-Theoretical distribution of the potential tempera-

ture over a mountain slope during (a) upslope wind and (b)
downslope wind . (After F . Defant [17].)

The theory can be extended to include the oscillatory

nature of the slope wind by simply multiplying, as a
first approximation, the solutions (10) of the stationary
case by the factor cos nt. Because of the fourth root in
FIG. 11 .-Schematic profiles (normal to the slope) of the wind the expression for l, variations in the values of v and
speed w and temperature t'J' . (After Prandtl [62].) K [17, pp. 441-444) are of little influence on the solution.
The average air transport by the slope winds can be
1 ha ve checked the correctness of these theoretical roughly computed from the calculated and the observed
results by a detailed comparison with actually meas- average profiles of the slope wind. We can then estimate
ured average values of t'J-' and w and have found a how long it would take until the rising heated slope air
splendid agreement, except for the disturbing gradient has replaced the air masses over the valley bottom.
influences in the upper layers. Furthermore, it is note- The interest of this question becomes apparent if we
worthy that the resulting values of the austausch due consider that this process of warming the air in the
to impulse transport (virtual friction) and of that due valley center has an effect on the pressure gradient and
to transport of the heat content (virtual heat conduc- thus on the generation of the mountain and valley
tion) are of a plausible magnitude. Figure 12 presents winds. Calculations show that a slab of air 1 m thick,
the theoretical distribution of the potential tempera ture 1500 m long (the width of the valley), and 1750 m

high (the height of the valley) is completely replaced bruck. It was there that the investigation of this phe-
in a closed circulation by heated slope air in 4Yz hr. nomenon was most intensively pursued (see, for exam-
Thus, if we assume the heating to begin at 0830, the ple, the work by Trabert, v. Ficker, A. Defant, Ekhart,
maximum pressure gradient between plains and valley and Pernter [14, 20, 24, 26, 60]).
would occur at about 1300. This time would be the During the winter, the great increase in temperature
beginning of the main phase of the valley-wind de- causes a rapid melting of the snow. However, ftoods
velopment. A comparison with the time of the valley- seldom occur because the melting is very localized and
wind maximum at Innsbruck (between 1500 and 1600) decreases rapidly with altitude. Also, during a foehn,
proves satisfactory if we consider the distance traveled evaporation is very rapid because of the low relative
by the air from the valley entrance to Innsbruck. humidity, and precipitation is confined to the passes,
These results confirm the importance of the return of the peaks, and the windward side of the mountains.
the upslope wind to the valley center for the theory of This distribution of precipitation is the chief character-
the mountain and valley winds, as postulated by Wag- istic of the foehn and has decisive climatic consequences
ner. for the areas on both sides of the range.
The thermodynamic explanation of the foehn is es-
DISTURBANCES OF THE WIND THROUGH sentially due to Hann [32]. Since the theory belongs to
OROGRAPHIC INFLUENCES the basic principles of theoretical meteorology, the
The Foehn. In almost all mountain areas, con- reader is referred to pertinent textbooks. In general,
spicuous local winds can be observed which blow from it can be said that observations are in good agreement
the ridges down into the leeward lowlands. At times with Hann's theory: On the windward side, cloud
these winds can assume gale intensity. Their chief formation (particularly the stationary foehn wall) and
characteristics, after reaching the plains, are abnormal precipitation must occur at a certain altitude as a
temperature rise and dryness, which are of climatic result of the condensation. This removal of moisture
significance over a more or less wide belt in the lee of together with the compression of the air during its
the mountains. These local winds have become known descent on the lee must cause dissolution of clouds,
under various names; however, today the general term warmth, and dryness there.
foehn is used. When air ftows across a mountain range it is sub-
Although particularly well developed in the European jected to the above-mentioned foehn processes, as ex-
Alps, especially in Switzerland and Tirol, such foehn plained by Hann, and exhibits foehn characteristics on
winds blow also in Greenland from the inland ice over the lee side of the mountain. Such an air ftow normal
the mountain ranges down to the coast. In N orth to the mountain ridge can be maintained only by a
America the foehn, known as the chinook, has a clima tic pressure gradient that is parallel to the ridge. Accord-
inftuence on a very wide belt east of the Rocky Moun- ingly, such an air ftow exists only when the general
tains. In Argentina, this wind is known as the zonda weather situation has a very definite pressure pattern,
and blows down from the Andes. Local winds with as shown schematically in Fig. 13. The sinusoidal de-
foehn characteristics are also well known in Japan, formation of the isobars, characteristically produced
New Zealand, and in eastern and central Asia. There by the thermal pressure effect, forms a bulge of the
is hardly a mountain range where the foehn is com- isobars toward the high pressure on the lee side of the
pletely lacking. After all, the foehn will appear wherever mountains and toward the low pressure on the wind-
prevailing winds must pass over a mountain barrier. ward side (often called the "foehn nose").
Such barriers thereby become great divides of weather Depending on the orientation of the mountains, the
and climate. air currents, after passing through the thermodynamic
The foehn is also noted for characteristic weather process, show the foehn phenomena to a greater or
elements other than high temperature and low hu- lesser extent. In the case of mountain ranges oriented
midity. There is always extraordinarily good visibility; from west to east (e.g., the European Alps or the
the mountains appear unnaturally close and clear and Pyrenees) a south wind will blow across the mountains
assume steel-blue to purplish hues. The clouds as- if the low pressure is to the west and the high pressure
sociated with the foehn are lens-shaped (lenticularis) at to the east (see Fig. 13a). Because of its original warmth,
medium altitudes, and elongated banks often suggest the air from the south is well suited to the development
wave formation. The peaks of the mountains and the of very marked foehn phenomena. For this reason, the
upper part of the windward slope are shrouded in south foehn is the most striking type of foehn from the
rather ftat, cumuliform clouds. These clouds, the so- viewpoint of the meteorologist as well as of the layman
called "foehn wall," are in a continuous process of (see v. Ficker [28, pp. 25-37]). If low pressure lies to
forming and dissolving, because they remain stationary the east and high pressure to the west, air from the
in spite of strong winds. north is transported across a mountain range oriented
The foehn is a gusty wind, and temperature and west-east (see Fig. 13b). The cold air piles up to the top
humidity curves therefore always show irregularities to of the mountains and then descends on the lee side
a varying degree during a foehn. In the Alps the foehn while undergoing the thermodynamic process. This air,
is always strongest where north-south valleys open however, exhibits foehn properties only when the foehn
into the plains or into large east-west cross valleys. process changes its cold-air character to such an extent
This latter form is characteristic, for instance, at Inns- that, upon arriving on the lee side of the mountains, it

is markedly warmer and drier than the air that was lies in the valleys and in most cases shows up as a
there before. This type of foehn, called north foehn sharp inversion and decrease in humidity. The descend-
[25; 40; 29, pp. 48-53], is relatively rare. ing motion is very slow and must be ascribed to a

(o} (b} (c}

FIG. 13.-Windward and leeward effects of mountains on the isobaric pattern at sea level (schematic): (a) souih foehn in the
European Alps, (b) north foehn in the European Alps, and (c) southeast current over the Scandinavian mountains.

In the case of a north-south orientation of a moun- divergent flow at the surface, directed away from the
tain range, the development of a foehn requires low mountains. This phenomenon is called high f oehn Qf
pressure to the north and high pressure to the south, or free foehn in the literature [28, pp. 53-58]. Since an
vice versa. Then, a west-east current passes across the anticyclonic situation usually precedes the south foehn,
mountains (e.g., the Rocky Mountains, the Andes, the free foehn over the mountains often forebodes the
or those of Greenland, New Zealand, and Scandinavia) subsequent development of a foehn current.
(see Fig. 13c). On the !ee side, considerable tempera- The warm foehn current on the lee of the mountains
ture differences in the meridional direction occur; for descends into the lowlands rather than ascends as one
example, in western Canada the broad warm foehn would expect. The cause of t his descent into the valleys
current, after passing the Rocky Mountains, meets the is a meteorologica! problem. Following older concepts,
extraordinarily cold Canadian polar air. The result is v. Ficker [28, pp. 34-37] has answered this question by
increased cyclogenesis or rapid deepening of existing resolving the foehn development into severa! phases
cyclones, which must be considered a consequence of (preliminary phase, anticyclonic phase, stationary foehn
the foehn process. This phenomenon, which is to a phase). A period of foehn is generally preceded by an
much lesser extent associated with the south or north anticyclonic weather situat ion as the preliminary phase,
foehn, has perhaps an analogy in the formation of the with very stable vertical tempera ture distribution. Cold
Genoa cyclone south of the Alps and the Apennines. air lies in the valleys, with dry warm air above it and
The thermal pressure effects during foehn cause in separated from it by an anticyclonic subsidence inver-
ali cases a great increase of the horizontal pressure sion. Before the onset of t he foehn, the cold air moves
gradient in the direction of the mountains (as much as out of the valleys and a'way from the mountains under
9 mb per 100 km at sea level or at the level of t he the influence of the pressure distribution. The upper
valleys). The mountain barrier prevents the transfor- boundary of the cold air is t hereby lowered, and warm
mation of such gradients into air motion; or, in reverse, air from aloft supplants it . When t his warm air reaches
the establishment of such gradients is made possible a station , the anticyclonic phase sets in for this station.
only by the mountain barrier. Although this gradient The temperature rise and humidity drop connected
is less strong at the level of the mountain ridges, it with very little air motion indicate the anticyclonic
cannot be explained by the thermal contrast alone. foehn. Thus, t he warm air does not actually break
The factors determining the various types of foehn through t he cold air to the valley floor, but follows the
are the general synoptic situation, the orientation of cold air which must first flow out of the valley into
the mountain ranges, and the type of air masses passing the plains while its upper boundary subsides. Only
over the mountains. In turn, the thermodynamic foehn when the foehn wall forms on the windward side of the
process causes changes in the pressure field and in the mountains and the horizontal pressure gradient is in-
properties of the air masses involved, which affect the creased in the direction of the mountains, does the
general weather situation. stationary foehn phase set in. In this phase, t he foehn
The warming and drying of air, observed in anti- proceeds as explained by Hann.
cyclones, bear great similarity to the foehn and are The foehn does not always reach t he valley floor
caused by the dynamic heating during the descent of as a warm current . If a remnant of shallow cold air
air from aloft . As with foehn, clouds dissolve and fair remains in the lowlands, the foehn current moves over
weather without precipitation sets in. In these cases, it. Occasionally, some cold air remains in certain parts
warm air is always present aloft as is evident from of the valley, and the warm air reaches the valley floor
observations at mountain stations or from aerological only a t certain foehn islands which are of great climatic
soundings. This warm air rests on the cold air t hat significance. Also at night, when the intensity of the

foehn current diminishes and the cold air remnants in l5a shows the theoretically computed streamline pat-
the valleys are augmented, these remnants may again tern over a mountain barrier. Such foehn waves with
combine into a shallow cold-air layer covering the their attendant cloud systems have been observed over
entire valley floor. The foehn current then lifts from numerous mountains. The waves caused by the Rocky
the valley floor, a fact that shows up in meteorologica! Mountains in the northwestern United States have
recordings as marked temperature and relative humid- been in.v estigated in detail by Hess and Wagner [38].
ity jumps called foehn pauses. Figure 14 shows a partic- A particularly interesting case, in which the waves on
ularly good example of the temperature and humidity the lee side reach an altitude of 40,000 ft, is shown in
records during the foehn period from February 2-5, Fig. 15b.
1904, at four alpine (Inn valley) stations at different
altitudes. In this figure ali features of the individual z
foehn phases, foehn pauses, and the characteristic re-
sponse of the stations to the south foehn are evident. -- 8 KM------~

~ FEB. 2 FEB. 3 FEB. 4 FEB . 5 -- 6 KM -------

- 2400 1200 2400 1200 2400 1200 2400 1200
11.1 ..
d ,...___
:::l (.--..........
~ 10
a:: 1~ ~ ~ -1 "--
it? - ,_ > \
11.1 5 ....... . __
......... ~/
- - - 2KM------
Q. ~ .)..

1 .- ~ -:.:-"'

~ o _.,.-V
r- -~~-- !..-
\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \
1- Ll5J:. 1 !./"!- -J_ 1 A' \../~9
/'~ ./i III r ff/7-n
'- -'__). !;kM
't ' lr\ 1f (1 1
1 50,000
~ j J~A1 1 -' ~~
J 360
~ 60 r- 1-
u. 40,000 340
: ~_ ...J __ (~ __,..j~~-'01
1- 320
~ 40
H-- '
' /-""
1- _:_ 1'-' 1 1 1-
J: 30,000
a:: (!) 3 10
11.1 20,000
FIG. 14.-T ypical south foehn registrations from the Inns- J: 300
bruck foehn area from February 2 to 5, 1904. Thin solid line- 10,000 290
Innsbruck (573 m); dashed line-Igls (876 m); dotted line- 280
Heiligwasser (1240 m); thick solid line-Patscherkofel (1970 o
m). (After v. Ficker [24] .)
According to A. Defant, remnants of cold air in FIG. 15.-Stationary waves in the free atmosphere on the
!ee side of mountains. (a) Streamlines across a mountain
valieys form closed systems and may be excited into range with Moazagotl clouds on the !ee side. (After Lyra [55].)
oscillations (similar to waves on lakes) by the passage (b) Cross section from Tatoosh Island, Wash., (PTA) to
of a foehn current over them. These oscillations show Minneapolis, Minn., (MP) for 0300Z, January 14, 1945; isolines
of potential temperature in degrees absolute. Vertical scale :
up as temperature fluctuations that are not to be units of pressure-altitude (ft) of U . S. standard at mosphere.
confused with the short, periodic pressure fluctuations (After H ess and Wagner [38].)
that occur during foehn.
Of special interest is the wave form of the air flow During well-developed foehn currents, marked phys-
in the free atmosphere on the lee side of hill chains, iological disturbances in men and animals occur on
mountain ridges, or other extended elevations of t he the lee side of mountains. These disturbances are as-
ground. When the wave crests of this leeward current cribed to t he short-period pressure fluctuations during
reach above the condensation level, the stationary wave foehn [28, pp. 65- 105), but their causes ha ve not been
becomes visible as a fixed "Moazagotl cloud" on the completely explained as yet.
lee side of the mountains. The Moazagotl cloud con- The Bora. Hann's theory, which includes ali fall-
sists of one or more cloud banks parallel to the moun- wind phenomena in the mountains, must also explain
tain barrier; it forms continuously on the windward the cold fall-wind phenomenon. lf a very cold air mass
side of the wave and dissipates on the lee side. Sailplanes passes over a mountain barrier, or if it blows from the
may reach great altitudes in the Moazagotl updraft. interior of a cold land mass over a plateau, the dynamic
Prandtl, Kiittner, and recently Lyra [55] have con- temperature rise during its descent on the lee side may
ducted theoretical investigations of these Moazagotl not suffice to turn this fali wind into a warm foehn.
or foehn waves in the lee of mountains. In the develop- Rather, this wind wili be cold upon its arrival in the
ment of the theory an increasing number of factors plain and is called bora, after t he best-known of these
have been taken into consideration ; Lyra's recent ex- local winds, which occurs on the coast of Dalmatia
tension of the theory to include any polytropic stratifica- [48, 49, 57]. There, the cold, continental outbreaks of
tion brought the theory of sinusoidal air currents on the winter a ir from Russia find t heir way through Hungary
lee side of barriers to a preliminary conclusion. Figure and over the mountains of Dalmatia to drop over a

low, but relatively steep, slope to the otherwise warm and the current assumes an unstable and turbulent
coast of the Adriatic Sea. character. A ground slope of 1:100 seems to be the
The outstanding characteristic of the hora is its critica! value, fully confirmed by observation. An ex-
extraordinary violence, which often causes heavy dam- ample of a stable current is the orderly, nocturnal
age. The cause of these stormlike fall winds is the outflow of the mountain wind through slightly inclined
liberation of potential energy when the cold air begins valleys; one of unstable flow is the extremely turbulent
to drop to the ~ea. There are calms between violent hora in Dalmatia.
gusts of 50-60 m sec- l called reffoli, and barometric The Mistral and Jet-Effect Winds. The bora-like
fluctuations of 4 mm Hg are not rare in these cases. local wind of Provence and the French coast of the
The hora does not extend far over the sea. However, it Mediterranean up to Perpignan [5, 29, 51] is called the
induces a heavy sea and atomizes the wave crests to mistral. It is a combination of a hora and a wind that
such an extent that a cloud of mist (fumarea) is is increased through the so-called jet effect. The mistral
formed over the ocean. The hora of the Adriatic Sea is due to the drainage of cold air initiated by a high-
has a pronounced diurnal period of intensity and fre- pressure ridge which frequently extends from the Azores
quency of occurrence. The maximum intensity occurs to France, and by a permanent low-pressure area over
between 0700 and 0800, the minimum around 2400. It the warm Gulf of the Lion. Its intensity is increased
occurs most frequently about 0600 to 0700, most rarely and its duration prolonged through the constriction of
about 1400. the geographic gate between the Pyrenees and the
We may distinguish between cyclonic and anticy- western Alps. If fresh polar or arctic air enters the
clonic hora, according to the origin. The cyclonic hora Mediterranean basin in the rear of a cyclone that
is dependent on the existence of a low-pressure area moves off to the east, the hora and the jet effect build
over southern Adria, with an especially warm sirocco up the mistral to a destructive intensity. It should be
blowing from the south over the front portion of this noted that it is not the shallow cold surface air of the
low and aloft over the hora. Consequently, the sky is plateau of central France, but the deep break-through
usually cloudy, and there is precipitation. The hora of polar air into the western Mediterranean basin that
then blows more steadily and covers the entire Adriatic favors the development of the mistral. Similar fall
Sea. For an anticyclonic hora to develop, a strong high- winds and jet-effect winds are caused on the Pacific
pressure area must exist over central Europe with an coast of North America by the break-through of polar
extension of high pressure over Dalmatia which need continental air; they are known as northers [41].
not be opposed by a cyclone with closed isobars in The jet effect, that is, a purely local increase in wind
the south. In that case the hora exhibits a violent intensity because of certain orographic configurations,
character, but does not extend far out to sea (about 10 is observed in many localities. The convergence of
nautical miles). The sky remains clear, with the excep- streamlines in a constricted path necessitates a sub-
tion of a foehn wall over the mountains. stantial increase in wind speed. The pressure gradients
Under favorable conditions, well-developed local responsible for the jet-effect wind extend only over
winds of hora character occur in many areas in the very short horizontal distances and can be detected
world. These conditions are (1) a short topographic only by special investigations. A very detailed study
drop, and (2) a sharp climatic division between a cold of such conditions in the Vienna basin was made by
plateau and a warm plain so that, under suitable pres- Margules [56]. In that area, the air masses that stream
sure conditions, cascading of the deeply chilled con- through the gate between the Kahlenberg and the
tinental air can take place. Especially well known are Bisamberg during a west wind display all the phe-
the hora winds of N ovorossiisk on the northern Cau- nomena of the jet effect, and the corresponding pressure
casian shore of the Black Sea [1, 3] and those of Novaya disturbances are clearly revealed by barograms.
Zemlya [75].
A. Defant [16] has dealt theoretically with the ques- SURVEY OF DESIRABLE STUDIES OF
tion of the drainage of cold air along a slope. His method LOCAL WINDS
of attack, in which he bases a somewhat schematic Land and Sea Breezes. Further intensive investiga-
model on the equations of motion and continuity in a tion of the vertical structure of land and sea breezes
doubly stratified atmosphere, allows a very good esti- on especially suitable coasts by means of continuous
mate of the influences of gravity and pressure gradient aerological measurements over land and water at vari-
on this drainage of cold air masses. It is interesting to ous distances from the shore would be most desirable.
note that these two influences are of almost the same As regards the theoretical aspects, the problem appears
order; in other words, not only gravity, but also the adequately solved.
pressure gradient, has an influence on the drainage of Mountain and Valley Winds. Accurate aerological
the cold air. If the steady current is disturbed, it may cross sections along favorably situated slopes up to the
remain stable up to a critica! slope angle, in which case ridge are still needed. Likewise, systematic upper-air
small initial disturbances propagate as waves with a soundings should be carried out in a particularly favor-
definite period and eventually fade out under the in- able valley location from its deepest recesses out into
fluence of friction. If the critica! angle is exceeded, the plains. Special attention should be given here to
small initial disturbances grow exponentially with time, the interrelation between the slope wind and the valley

wind. Such investigations should cover the entire cross 13. CoNRAD, V., "Beobachtungen iiber den Seewind an
section of the valley up to the ridges of the flanking einem flachen Sandstrand." Ann. Hydrogr., Berl.,
mountain chains. 56:1-3 (1928).
The cell circulation for an inclined slope and the 14. DEFANT, A., "Periodische Temperaturschwankungen
bei Fiihn und ihr Zusammenhang mit stehenden Luft-
connection of the slope-wind circulation with the sys-
wellen." lnnsbrucker Fiihnstudien Il. Denkschr.
tem of the mountain and valley winds stiU constitute Akad. Wiss. Wien., 80:107-130 (1907).
a theoretical problem. 15. - - "Zur Theorie der Berg- und Talwinde." Meteor.
Foehn Winds. As an extension of the work of W. z.' 27 :161-168 (1910).
Schmidt [68], a comprehensive monograph on the oc- 16. - - "Der Abfluss schwerer Luftmassen auf geneigtem
currence of the foehn in all areas of the world, with Boden, nebst einigen Bemerkungen zu der Theorie
special emphasis on its climatic importance, is needed. stationrer Luftstriime." S. B. preuss. Akad. Wiss.,
As far as the foehn theory is concerned, its thermo- 18:624-635 (1933).
dynamic aspects appear to be completely explained. 17. DEFANT, F., "Zur Theorie der Hangwinde, nebst
The dynamic side of the problem, which is a purely Bemerkungen zur Theorie der Berg- und Talwinde."
hydrodynamic problem, can be advanced only by spe- Arch. Meteor. Geophys. Biokl., 1(A) :421-450 (1949).
18. - - "Theorie der Land- und Seewinde." Arch. Meteor.
cial aerological investigations in the different mountain Geophys. Biokl., 2(A) :404-425 (1950).
ranges of the world. Special attention should be paid 19. EKHART, E., "Zur Aerologie des Berg- und Talwindes."
to the problem of wave formation in the lee of the Beitr. Phys. frei. Atmos., 18:1-26 (1931).
range. 20. - - "Einiges zur Statistik des lnnsbrucker Fiihns."
Meteor. Z., 49:452-459 (1932).
REFERENCES 21. - - "Neuere Untersuchungen zur Aerologie der Tal-
I. General references on the subject of local winds. winde, die periodischen Tageswinde in einem Quer-
CoN RAD, V., "Die klimatologischen Elemente und tale der Alpen." Beitr. Phys. jre1. Atmos., 21:245-
ihre Abhngigkeit von terrestrischen Einfliissen " 268 (1934).
Handbuch der Klimatologie, W. KPPEN und R. 22. - - "Die Windverhltnisse des Arlbergs." I und II.
Beitr. Geophys., 48:313-324 (1936); 49:7-25 (1937).
GEIGER, Hsgbr., Bd. 1, Teil B. Berlin, Gebr. Born-
trger, 1936. (See "Land- und Seewind," pp. B226- 23. - - "Zum Klima der freien Atmosphre iiber USA."
252; "Die Beeinflussung der Luftstriimungen durch I, II, und III. Beitr. Phys. frei. A.tmos., 26:50-66,
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HANN, J. v., und SuRING, R., Hsgbr., Lehrbuch der 173 (1910).
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Saint Louis University

Introduction 1002 mb located in the central or northern part of the

Definition. The word "tornado" comes from the country, usually with a curved trough extending gen-
Spanish tronada (thunderstorm). In western and north erally southeastward from it and having a large wind
central Africa, "tornado" refers to a thunderstorm. shift across it. The most likely place for tornadoes is
But elsewhere it means an intense spiral motion around within the portion of the trough generally 100-600 mi
a vertical or inclined axis, averaging about 250 yards southeast of the center of the parent low. Tornadoes
across, with its lower part [17] often characterized by a rarely occur within 50 mi of the primary, or parent,
narrow pendant cloud [12] extending from a cumulo- low center, but when they do they are usually very
nimbus cloud base to or nearly to the ground. violent.
Frequency. A tabulation of tornadoes which have The following extratropical frontal conditions are
occurred over a long period of years is needed to de- associated with many tornadoes. Along the trough there
termine frequencies. Unfortunately, many severe wind- is usually a cold front aloft, or a surface cold front
storms are difficult to classify correctly. The number of where a maritime tropical air mass is being displaced
tornadoes is erroneously decreased by unreported tor- by a modified continental polar or maritime polar air
nadoes and by tornadoes classified as other storms and mass in 90 per cent of the cold front cases and by a
it is erroneously increased by nontornadic storm's re- fresh continental polar air mass in 10 per cent. Some-
ported as tornadoes [20]. times the trough contains an occluded front or a warm
Tornadoes occur on ali continents, but are rare except front instead.
in Australia and the United States. The numbers of Other tornadoes occurring with a deep parent cyclone
tornadoes reported in these two countries [1] average are not located on a front. Tornadoes occasionally occur
about.140 and 145 per year, respectively, and the fre- in the maritime tropical air warm sector southeast of
quenCies per unit area are similar. Australian tornadoes the parent low center. These tornadoes might be located
however, do not become as severe. In the United State~ on a squall line, or at the points of intersection of two
the highest annual frequencies per ten thousand square or more squalllines [21], or on several closely associated
miles are found in northeastern Kansas (3.2), central squalllines separated by relatively quiet areas. Some-
Arkansas (3.0), and throughout Iowa (2.5 to 2.3). times tornadoes occur on the north or west side of the
However, some of these differences between states may parent low center in the polar air cold sector which
be due to their different methods of classifying wind- may have maritime tropical air over it. Occasionally
storms. Because the area swept by a tornado averages the parent cyclone is a tropical hurricane, in which
only about two-thirds of a square mile, the probability tornadoes occur in maritime tropical air usually north
of a tornado's hitting a given square mile of the Midwest rather than southeast of the center. About four-fifths
is generally less than 1 per cent per century. of the tornadoes in the United States are "cvclonic"
The number of tornadoes in any one year may vary and the rest "convective." By definition, "cyclonic"
considerably from the annual average. The seasons tornadoes occur with a well-developed parent low,
listed in order of tornado frequency for the United whereas "convective" tornadoes are either frontal or
States, are spring, summer, fali, and winter. May has nonfrontal and occur in a weak parent low, in a weak
the greatest number; December, the least. For an indi- pressure trough, or even in a high-pressure area. Tor-
:'"idual state, the month of maximum tornado frequency nadoes are known to occur along a tropical or inter-
IS usually one month before the maximum hailstorm tropical front [9].
frequency and two months before the maximum thun- Typical aerological soundings [19] of the maritime
derstorm frequency. Tornadoes appear most frequently air in which tornadoes develop show that it has high
in the following months: in the southern states in relative humidity usually only up to about 1-3 km.
March; in the central states in April or May; and in the A thin stable layer, which may be an inversion, sepa-
northern states in Juneor July [12]. Multiple tornadoes rates the maritime air from the dry superior air aloft,
within a general cyclone are most likely in April or which is characterized by a steep lapse rate. The thin
May [12]. layer is convectively unstable because of the rapid
Over 80 per cent of reported tornadoes occur between decrease of humidity with height.
noon and 9 P.M. This preponderance of afternoon storms Nearby Weather Conditions and Preliminary Signs.
seems to be least pronounced in winter. Tornadoes are not to be expected unless there are some
preliminary signs of cumulonimbus activity, since the
W eather Conditions Associated with Tomadoes pendant cloud, sometimes not visible, extends down-
Synoptic Situations. The usual United States weather ward from a cumulonimbus cloud base. The under side
map, favorable for tornadoes, shows a deep extra- of the cumulonimbus frequently exhibits a mammatus
tropical cyclone with central sea-level pressure below appearance before the tornado [9]. Along the path of a

single tornado, repeated reports of two cumulonimbus thunderstorm squalls, and (4) small local whirlwinds
clouds or thunderstorms coming together just before are often present. Any one of these effects alone or in
the tornado appears indicate that the junctions are a combination with the others may account for a zone a
result rather than a cause of the tornado circulation [11]. few miles wide with scattered damage to buildings and
In the absence of much light coming through the thick trees.
clouds from above, reflections from the ground pre-
sumably cause the green- and yellow-tinted clouds near Properties of Tomadoes
tornadoes. The cumulonimbus clouds are often very Central Pressure and Wind Speed. The pressures and
dark because of their great vertical extent. winds within a tornado must be determined largely by
Often a tornado is preceded by a violent thunder- indirect methods since there are very few instrumental
storm (northeast of the tornado) [11]. More often a measurements. These methods include a detailed analy-
tornado is followed by a thunderstorm (southwest of sis of the tornado damage and a theoretical study of the
the tornado), often a severe one. Or a thunderstorm relationship between wind and atmospheric pressures.
center may follow a path parallel to the path of the Two fundamental causes of damage are (1) the terrific
tornado (usually northwest of the tornado). Green- winds, exerting pressures and suctions, and carrying
colored lightning and even baii lightning have been missiles, and (2) the sudden changes of the prevailing
reported. On the other hand, sometimes a tornado atmospheric pressure: Since both are related to pres-
occurs even though no thunderstorm is reported. sure, the combined pressure effects observed on struc-
Rain almost always accompanies a tornado [17], but tures cannot be attributed either to atmospheric
heavy rain is not likely within the tornado itself. pressures or to wind pressures alone without the intro-
Heavy showers are common, especially following a duction of errors. Cracks in the ground [12] and com-
tornado, and frequently yield the greatest precipitation pletely smashed objects cannot be used in estimating
just northwest of the tornado path. Hail is also common wind pressures when the true causes of thc damage
[17], sometimes occurring as much as two hours before are unknown.
and/ or after a tornado, of ten northwest and sometimes Although Hazen [11] thought that tornadoes were
southeast of the tornado track. Its duration is shorter local high-pressure areas, barographs in tornadoes show
than that of rain, but it may cause more damage than a pressure drops usually up to 25 mb. In one case an
minor tornado. Very large hailstones [6], ranging up to aneroid barometer fell 200 mb (Minnesota, Aug. 20,
discs 7 in. in diameter (weighing 3 lb), and hail accu- 1904). The actual atmospheric pressure drops are prob-
mulating to a depth of several inches have been reported ably greater because the pressure changes inside build-
near or even along tornado paths. ings are sluggish and because the buildings may not be
The air preceding a tornado is usually warm and in the exact center of the tornado path. Espy's experi-
humid, whereas the air following it is usually cool and ments [4] showed that low pressure was not the cause
dry. Research at Parks College of Aeronautical Tech- of the forced removal of feathers from chickens. Neither
nology showed that 111 out of 142 tornadoes occurred this denudation nor the breaking and peeling of bark
on the line of highest surface dew point. The drop in from tree trunks can be used as an argument for such
temperature with the arrival of the first thundersquall pressure. Explosions of windows, doors, walls, and roofs
usually exceeds the difference between the temperatures not under the direct influence of tornadic winds (when
of the preceding and following air masses. the vortex is just off the earth's surface) are clear indi-
Within a few miles outside the tornado path it is cations of the sudden arrival of a very low atmospheric
not unusual for pressure drops of over 3 mb to occur, pressure and a very large horizontal pressure gradient.
and in extreme cases the change amounts to about For a frictionless vortex with inflow, the gradient would
10 mb. This indicates that the tornado is surrounded be inversely proportional to the cube of the distance
by a low-pressure area which, with its attendant winds, from the center (except very near the center).
bas a radius of about 5-10 mi [2], which is intermediate Determinations of maximum wind speeds in torna-
in size between the parent low and the tornado. In does are rough approximations. Calculations of wind
this respect, the tornado is similar to an ordinary thun- based on structural failures and impacts of flying ob-
derstorm, which bas an inflow current coming from as jects yield values ranging from less than 100 mph to
far as about 5 mi away from the edge of the active one case of more than 300 mph, enough to demolish the
cloud [22]. strongest buildings.
A tornado is usually preceded by a general southerly Ferrel [6] gives the following theoretical relationships
wind and followed by a general westerly wind. Research between wind and atmospheric pressure in a frictionless
at Parks College showed that 92 out of 132 tornadoes vortex surrounded by a windless environment: The total
occurred on the line of highest surface wind speed. kinetic energy of the wind is equal to the work that
Winds in the vicinity of the tornado are likely to be would be done by the pressure gradient in bringing the
strong and variable, sometimes reaching full hurricane air into the vortex from the environment. The wind
force outside the tornado proper. The reasons for these speed is the same as the free-fall velocity of an object
strong winds are that (1) the parent cyclone causing dropped in a vacuum from the height having the
the prevailing winds is more intense than is usual for a same pressure in the environment as that at the ground
cyclone, (2) the secondary low surrounding the tornado in the vortex. For example, a pressure of 900 mb, or a
has steep pressure gradients, (3) there may be heavy decrease of 100 mb, would give a wind of about 300

mph. This depression is also equal to the theoretical outward. The latter motion was once observed [17].
wind pressure of the corresponding wind. Hence, the Whirling air coming down at 1800 feet per minute has
wind pressure and atmospheric pressure effects on closed actually been encountered by a glider pilot in a desert
structures should be of the same order of magnitude. dust whirl; and hot puffs of air about 20F warmer
Flow Pattern. Although the rotation of air in a tor- (because of adiabatic compression) than the prevailing
nado is generally accepted as a fact today, there was air have been felt at the ground near some tornadoes.
no such agreement one hundred years ago [4, 17, 18]. The turbulence in tornadoes is extremely large be-
With a few doubtful exceptions [12] the rotation in cause of strong surface and interna! frictional effects.
tornadoes is believed to be always cyclonic. The evi- Mechanical eddies may contain destructive gusts of
dence for this is found in a wide belt of damage usually wind. In the central region of rapid convergence and
on the southeast side of a tornado path in the N orthern upflow, speeds of secondary whirls increase as their
Hemisphere. In this belt the tornado wind must be radii decrease. The presence of such miniature torna-
increased because of the prevailing wind (in approxi- does may be indicated by short pendant clouds overhead
mately the same direction) which in some cases may be close to the main pendant cloud (for a photograph of
responsible for even more damage than the rotation. this, see [7]).
Theoretically, the tangential velocity should be in- Appearance and Visibility of a Tornado. A tornado
versely proportional to the distance from the center for may appear as two columns: (1) a pendant cloud ex-
frictionless inflow, according to the principle of the tending downward from the general cumulonimbus
conservation of angular momentum. Actually, the pres- cloud base, and (2) an ill-defined mass of dust and
ence of a frictional torque acting against the wind debris extending a short distance upward from the
makes the velocity profile somewhat less steep. Conse- ground. The air within the pendant cloud has expanded
quently, the vortex is not irrotational as it would be adiabatically to pressures and temperatures lower than
for zero friction, but has a cyclonic vorticity. The direc- the condensation pressure and temperature of the air
tion in which a house is twisted on its foundation is mass, which is assumed to have nearly uniform specific
not a reliable indication of the sense of the tornado's humidity before condensation. The freezing level [6]
rotation nor of its vorticity, as the twisting is dependent as well as the condensation level is lowered by adiabatic
on variations (along the windward wall) in the struc- cooling. The core of a tornado felt ice-cold to one ah-
tural resistance and in wind speed, which may be in- server. Ata central pressure of 900 rob the temperature
fluenced by trees or by a strictly local whirl. could be as much as lOC or 18F cooler (rather than
The radial motion in a tornado is inward near the warmer [4]) than the surroundings.
ground. The winds in different tornadoes or even within The shape of the pendant cloud is determined by the
one tornado probably blow inward at different angles slope of the condensation-pressure isobaric surface. The
to the radius, depending on the ratio of inflow and slope is usually steepest near the axis of rotation, but
tangential speeds. Along many tornado tracks, evi- sometimes excessive friction greatly reduces the inner-
dence for the inflow is much clearer than evidence for most slope, prevents the cloud from reaching the ground,
the rotation, which suggests that, in these cases, inflow and changes it from a funnel shape to a basket or balloon
speeds may be greater than tangential speeds except shape. If the air is dry enough or the central depression
near the center. The inflow winds are often strong is weak enough for the central pressure tobe juo_t slightly
enough to cause damage by suction over lee roofs or below the condensation pressure, the pendant cloud is
around lee walls, that is, on the side facing the tornado narrow, resembling an elephant trunk, a rope, or a
center [11]. This suction, added to the atmospheric serpent. After the waterdrops condense in the pendant
pressure reduction, builds up an intolerable pressure cloud they tend to whirl outward from the center owing
deficit outside. On the other hand, the windward roofs to their centrifugal force. This leaves a very small
and walls are damaged by excess pressure due to the "eye" at the center [13], characterized by cloudless air
wind (counteracted somewhat by the atmospheric pres- and relatively light wind, as has actually been observed.
sure deficit) and by battering from missiles. The dust column is usually wider than the pendant
Continuity demands a strong vertical motion upward cloud and surrounds its base, because the wind normally
within the vortex. A remarkably strong upflow was reaches a speed great enough to raise dust before the
once witnessed (Abilene, Texas, June 1938) when a pressure drops as low as the condensation pressure.
tornado got ahead of its cumulonimbus cloud and Exceptions occur where the soil is too wet for dust or
immediately created a new cumulonimbus cloud which where the air is so moist that the pendant cloud is very
shot up to an elevation of 35,000 ft in one minute. The broad, extending outward beyond the edge of the high
rapid vertical acceleration of the air requires a vertical winds. The black dust column may be mistaken for
pressure-gradient force upward much stronger than smoke rising from a fire. As it rises, most of the debris
gravity. The central depression of the tornado must be is thrown outward in ali directions by centrifugal force,
much more pronounced just above the ground than at sometimes giving the appearance of a dark fountain.
the ground. Buildings in the path of a tornado receive The condition for the occurrence of damage is not
greatest damage in their upper floors. whether the pendant cloud strikes, but whether the
Redfield visualized a double spiral, the air from out- usually dusty column of high winds strikes.
side the vortex spiralling first downward and inward As many as nine pendant clouds have been seen from
toward the center, then within the vortex upward and one place during a tornado situation [1, 12]. In many

cases, vortices ha ve occurred about a mile apart [12]; may be found where the parent cyclone, if present, is
and in extreme cases, only 150 or 100 ft apart. On the not northwest of the tornado. Sometimes tornadoes
other hand, in some of the most destructive tornadoes, within a single system move in widely different di-
no funnel clouds were recognized. Either the pendants rections [12, 16].
were much wider than their vertical extent or they were The translation speed of a given tornado is not uni-
obscured by darkness at night or even during the day form [17]. Also the average translation speeds of dif-
because of heavy precipitation or dust, a very low ferent tornadoes vary, ranging from nearly zero to
general cloud base, hills, or buildings. A higher per- nearly 150 mph, with a mean close to 35 mph. The
centage of funnel clouds are seen in the Great Plains average tornado durations are computed tobe ~ min
than in the eastern part of the United States [12]. at a single point and 8 min on a path along the ground.
The axis of a tornado initially may be nearly vertical, An extreme duration of over 7 hr along the ground has
but since the top and bottom usually progress at been observed (Illinois, May 26, 1917).
different velocities, the axis becomes tilted away from The tornado path is often nearly straight when it
the vertical in the direction of the vertical shear until extends for a considerable distance over ftat country.
it may be nearly horizontal. The base usually drags For example, it may not deviate more than a mile or
behind, because the translatory wind is reduced by two in over 150 mi. Y et such a deviation would make
friction at the surface. Finally, it may become sepa- the most common path (lYz mi long) appear to be
rated entirely from the cumulonimbus cloud originally strongly curved. There is no preferred direction of
over it. curvature as the vortex zigzags along. Rowever, ex-
A udibility and Scent. A tornado reaching the ground perimental research indicates that a vortex rotating in a
produces a roaring or buzzing sound which has been cyclonic sense is forced to the left of a horizontal current
heard as long as one hour before it arrived [11] and as (looking downwind). Possibly the path curves to the
far as 25 mi away; this distance is comparable to that left if the tornado is moving faster than the accompany-
at which thunder can be heard, but is much greater ing secondary low, or to the right if moving slower.
than the Yz mi at which the sound of heavy hail can Rills and even buildings make tornado paths more
be heard. As this noise still occurs when a whirl is crooked. Like a dust devii [14], a tornado on the slope
aloft (though to a lesser extent), it is not due entirely of a hill or ridge tends to be deftected upslope. When
to the destruction being caused by the wind, but is ridges and valleys are oriented at right angles to the
due also to vibrations created by frictional effects in direction of translation, the tornado tends to skip,
the strong wind shear of the whirl. Such sounds are but skipping can also occur over water or ftat land [17].
augmented by long rolls of thunder, which may overlap It appears that leeward slopes of ridges are more often
to make a nearly continuous background of rumble. severely hit than windward slopes, and that valley
During one tornado, the air seemed to have a suffo- bottoms [18] are no safer than hilltops. Rowever, some
cating and burning tendency. Odors during a tornado meteorologists do not agree with these effects of topog-
are rarely noticed. They have been reported as re- raphy on tornadoes [8]. Rough terrain destroys many
sembling the smell of ozone or burning sulphur. These tornadoes, but it sometimes creates whirlwinds by oro-
odors are more likely to be due to the effects of lightning graphic convergence.
discharges [17] than to the effects of the tornado. Many cases are reported of two or more whirls com-
Paths. The diameter of a tornado, or width of a bining into a single whirl [11], or of one whirl breaking
tornado path, which averages close to 250 yards, varies up into several whirls. Under these conditions there is
from zero up to about 1 or 2 mi. The length of a tornado usually only one major whirl.
path averages about 4Yz mi, and ranges from only
about 100 ft up to 300 mi. "Cyclonic" tornadoes usually Theories on the Generation and Maintenance of
have much longer tracks than "convective" tornadoes, Tomadoes
because they move faster and last longer. The most Energy for Vertical Motion. A major problem in
common path length is only 1Yz mi, probably because explaining the formation of a tornado is to find the
the vortex frequently rises and skips over a stretch of source of the potential energy and the manner in which
land before starting a new path. Repeated lifting of the it is converted into kinetic energy.
funnel may even occur while the vortex is stationary In the nineteenth century, Rare [10] theorized that
(Miami, April 5, 1925). the chief source was electrica! because of lightning in
About 90 per cent of all Northern Remisphere tor- and around the funnel, the fiery appearance [4] of the
nadoes move in a direction from between south and funnel, the smoky appearance [11] of the dust column,
west because they are embedded in and consequently and the scorched appearance [4] of vegetation (owing to
move with the warm moist air [16], which usually the effects of the sun on broken plants) along the path.
blows from this quadrant. In hurricanes, tornadoes Rare [10] supposed that the surface air was electrically
usually move from the east because of their location charged and, being attracted upward by an oppositely
north of the center. Tornadoes sometimes move from charged thundercloud, started a rapid upward motion.
the northwest, especially in Texas, where they may be Such a ftow would tend to wipe out the vertical gradient
steered by an upper wind blowing around the high of electric potential, as lightning does in a thunder-
aloft, characteristic of the southwestern United States storm. Electrica! phenomena are usually considered a
in summer. A translation from unusual directions [12] result [17] of severe convective activity rather than a
cause of it. Jones [15] finds that lightning in tornadic very intense that they reach from the cloud base to the
thunderstorms gives more intense radio static (sferics) ground.
than lightning in ordinary thunderstorms. W egener [23] introduced the theory that a tornado is
Espy [4] theorized that heat and latent heat of the same as the rotating thunderstorm squall cloud, one
vaporization supplied the energy for the strong con- end of which reaches down to the earth. Aside from
vection in a tornado. To supply thermal energy fast insufficient observations to substantiate this theory,
enough, a violent updraft of warm moist air would be one objection is that the numbers of tornadoes rotating
required. Since the process cannot get started by itself, clockwise and counterclockwise are far from being equal,
the heat of vaporization is a maintaining factor rather as would be required if there were no preference as to
than the initial cause, which must be an externa! source which end of the squall cloud would dip to the earth.
of energy. In other words, the pendant cloud formation Cause of the Low Pressure in a Tornado. The biggest
aids the tornado, but does not cause it. A California oii difficulty in explaining the maintenance of a tornado
fire (1923) heated the surface air sufficiently to generate is to account for the failure of the low pressure at its
hundreds of whirlwinds, one of which was violent center to disappear in the face of strong surface inflow.
enough to kill two people and wreck a house. A common explanation for the low pressure is that
Hai! has been regarded by some meteorologists as the pressure reduction is caused by the outward cen-
being the result of vortex motion [17], and a tornado trifugal force of the whirl. If the low pressure is caused
as being an unusually severe hailstorm cloud. On the by the whirl, the latter must exist first, probably
other hand, Showalter [19] recently suggested that hai! developing between two strong countercurrents. For
might be the initial mechanism that causes a tornado. the low to develop there must be a slight outflow
Hail falling from the overhanging top of a cumulo- which, by the approximate conservation of angular
nimbus cloud would cool the layer of dry air below it momentum, would lead to a reduction in wind speeds
by conduction and evaporation until the original dry to values less than those of the original countercurrents.
inversion (or stable zone) would reach unstable equi- The fatal objection to this explanation is that wind
librium. As this instability would not extend above the speeds in a tornado far exceed the speeds of the winds
cooled layer, the available convective energy would be prevailing on either side of it.
concentrated in the lower atmosphere. If inflow rather than a slight outflow is assumed, the
Horizontal Motion as a Source of Energy. Showalter centrifugal force of the inflowing air is greatly increased
[19] points out the necessity of lifting or horizontal (approximately inversely as the cube of the radial
convergence for the establishment of free convection. distance). Some have argued that such a terrific in-
In either case, horizontal inflow is required. Concerning crease in centripetal acceleration requires a great
frontal lifting, Humphreys [13] states that vortex mo- strengthening of the pressure gradient and, of course,
tion cannot usually be generated within the warm air a very low pressure at the center. Actually the mass
mass being lifted, regardless of how much windshift inflow would have exactly the opposite effect on the
there is at the front. For vortex motion to develop in central pressure, namely, the filling of the low. Mter
the warm air it is necessary for the warm air itself to a slight inflow, the increase in winds would make the
have angular momentum about the center of convec- centrifugal force larger than the pressure gradient force,
tion. This requirement may be fulfilled in the trough of making the inflow zero or even reversing it. The fallacy
a squall line. Horizontal convergence at a front is is in the original assumption of unlimited inflow.
effective in producing vortex motion if both air masses The foregoing discussion shows that a tornado cannot
rise, for in this case the frontal windshift supplies the be generated by either inflow or outflow at the surface.
necessary angular momentum. Humphreys [13] says Rare [10] proposed that the volume of the uprushing
this condition is best fulfilled at an upper cold front, air exceeds that of the inflowing air, thereby leaving
which Willett [24] qualifies as having a small horizontal relatively low pressure. Redfield disagreed, saying there
temperature contrast. is no such thing as "suction." A surface low-pressure
Taylor [20] regards a tornado as the extreme develop- area can be produced by excessive removal of air up-
ment of a small intense secondary low formed on a ward only if the pressure gradient force acting upward
front. There is much evidence in favor of the existence exceeds gravity before as well as during the tornado.
of a secondary low ("tornado cyclone") around a tor- This requires the formation of a low aloft, the genera.tion
nado [2]. Before the tornado forms, there is ample of which still needs to be explained.
angular momentum about the center of the tornado Divergence aloft is necessary [3] not only to generate
cyclone. To generate and maintain a tornado, a certain and maintain the low aloft, but also to prevent inflow
minimum rate of inflow is required to create an acceler- from filling the low at the surface. Since it is known
that there is inflow at the surface and vertical ascent in
ation of the wind sufficient to outweigh by far the
the core, continuity demands outflow aloft. Such out-
frictionallosses. flow may have been witnessed once before a tornado
Garbell [9] mentioned that a tornado may follow a formed [17]. Espy thought there was enough eviction
combination of (1) strong vertical motion indicated by a of air aloft to build up a ring of higher pressure in the
rapidly growing cumulonimbus cloud, and (2) cyclonic surroundings. For deepening the surface low, the out-
circulation. Incipient vortices are present in most thun- flow aloft must exceed the inflow at the surface. This
derstorms; it is only when the gyratory motion becomes is possible due to the dragging away (entrainment) of

some of the environment by an upward current [3, 22]. etc.) so that a conflagration will not occur and burn to
It can also occur if the inflow is reduced, which would death someone trapped by heavy debris. The next step
be the case with the development of a strong centrifugal is to seek shelter quickly in a tornado cellar, or in the
force, as described above. Because of the smaller hori- southwest corner of the basement of a frame house, or
zontal pressure gradient aloft, the centrifugal force of beside an inside partition on a lower floor of a rein-
the whirl overbalances it, producing the outflow needed forced concrete or modern steel building, but not in a
to maintain the tornado. This is an argument in favor house with brick walls. In a city, it is generally danger-
of accepting rotation in addition to sorne inflow as a ous to try to get in a car and drive away from an ap-
necessary feature of tornadoes. An analogy can be proaching tornado because excessively high winds, often
found in the case of water running down a drain, high with flying debris and hail, could wreck the car and even
horizontal water speeds being obtained only when there kill the occupants. If a person is caught in the open
is a whirl. Redfield and Ferrel [6] in the nineteenth without available shelter, to avoid injury or death he
century realized that gyratory motion as well as an should lie flat in a ditch or culvert, hold on to a fixed
unstable condition was necessary for the formation of a object to keep from being blown away, and cover him-
tornado. self, especially his head, to protect himself frorn mis-
Protection of Life and Property Property Damage, Building Sajety, and Insurance.
Forecasting and Tracking. Unlike the ordinary daily The average annual United States property loss from
weather forecast, reliable specific tornado forecasts can- tornadoes is over $11,000,000 [1]. The yearly damage is
not be made at the present time [8]. At best, conditions extremely variable, depending on the size of population
rnay be found which are favorable for the development centers hit. Also, the total amount of property and the
of tornadoes over a wide area. Ever since Finley [7] value of the dollar undergo considerable changes over
first attempted to limit this area to a quarter of a state, a long period of years. The greatest damage on a single
others have been trying to limit the area or time of day, with 57 tornadoes, was about $35,000,000 (Feb.
occurrence by taking into account variations in surface 19, 1884); however, that much damage has been caused
and upper-air conditions. 1 For more than fifty years the by only two tornadoes in St. Louis (1896, 1927). In-
U. S. Weather Bureau has been issuing warnings of direct property losses are from fires and looting after
severe local storms within the next 24 hr without men- the storm.
tioning tornadoes specifically. The Western Society of Engineers in 1925 recom-
Although the exact place and time a tornado will mended that a building be designed for wind pressures
strike are not known, Lloyd [16] and others realized of 65 lb ft- 2 with a factor of safety of 4, which would
that, once a tomado had forrned, its future course probably sa ve it in a minor tomado or on the outer edge
could be predicted with reasonable accuracy from a of a major tornado. A building, especially a public
knowledge of winds aloft in the warm air mass. In meeting place, should be better protected by being
some midwestern cities, the U. S. Weather Bureau has bonded together, being anchored to a basement, having
considered plans for the detection and tracking of sufficient openings or automatic vents to relieve pres-
tornadoes by telephone, by short-wave radio sets with sure, and having a grove of large trees (preferably oak)
independent power Eupplies, and on radarscopes. ldenti- on its southwest side to diminish the wind speed.
fication and tracking should be improved by the use of Finley, on the other hand, thought buildings should
sferics, a rnethod now being tested experimentally [15]. be constructed as if there were no tornadoes, and then
InJuries, Loss of Life, and Public Sajety l'vfeasures. be covered by insurance. Most tornado insurance is
The average annual death toll from tornadoes in the lumped together with all other windstorm insurance to
United States is about 245 [1]. Since the population of avoid arguments about whether a windstorm was or
the United States exceeds 100,000,000, the average was not a tornado. The highest risks in the United
chance in the United States of being killed by a tornado States are along the South Atlantic and Gulf Coasts
in any given year is less than 1 in 400,000. Much of the because hurricanes there cause about seven and one-
loss of life and many injuries are caused by objects half times as much damage as do tornadoes in the
striking people's heads, and by fires starting after the Middle W est.
tornado. The greatest loss of life in a single tornado was Factors usually taken into account in writing wind-
689 (March 18, 1925) and the greatest on a single day storm insurance policies are (1) the location of the
was about 1200 (Feb. 19, 1884). building, (2) the construction of the building, and (3)
People can protect themselves better by learning to the susceptibility of the contents of the building to
recognize local signs of a tornado and to watch the sky damage.
when public forecasts call for severe local storms. If a
tornado cloud appears, it is advisable (if tirne perrnits) Other Whirlwinds
to shut off immediately the electric power and gas Since whirlwinds in general have received less atten-
supplies and to extinguish all fires (in fireplace, furnace, tion than tornadoes, they are not well understood.
The information given below is based on only a few
1. For an account of some recent work of this nature see p. good sources.
792 in "A Procedure of Short-Range Weather Forecasting" by Both dust devils and waterspouts are, on the aver-
R. C. Bundgaard in this Compendium. age, less violent and have higher central pressures

than an average tomado. Yet, in special cases, they have compilations of such statistics as the distribution and
been known to change into tomadoes. frequency of occurrence and description of resulting
Dust Devils. The dust devii [14, 25], ranging from damage. What is lacking is the application of satis-
less than 10 ft to more than 100 ft in diameter, is about factory hydrodynamical theories to the frictional vor-
Yloo to Ylo as large as a tomado. It has no pendant tices of tomadoes, dust devils, and waterspouts. For
cloud, but a whirling column of dust or sand, in which example, the horizontal velocity profile could be found
the size of the particles increases with the distance from by an approximate solution of the differential equation
the center. Dust devils occur most frequently on very expressing the rate of change of angular momentum of
hot days over dry terrain, and are caused by strong a fluid partide in terms of the net torque from surface
surface convection in a slightly irregular wind field. and interna! friction, as has been done for gaseous spray
Since the direction of rotation is accidental, it may be nozzles.
clockwise as often as counterclockwise. The horizontal Suggested items for study are (1) the outflow aloft
rotation and upflow within a dust devii usually exceed (method of removal and destination of removed air),
20 mph. The dust devii is reported to have an average (2) the formation by action of hail, and (3) the sense
height of 600 ft and to last approximately the same of rotation, as examples of explaining facts, checking
number of hours as it is thousands of feet high. If the proposed theories, and verifying accepted ideas, re-
prevailing wind is less than 3 mph, a dust devii tends spectively. For this work, many more surface and upper-
to seek higher terrain rather than to travel with the air observations are needed.
wind. Since the tomado is a local circulation, the meteor-
W aterspouts. W aterspouts [13] fall into two classes: ologica! data ought to be gathered over micronetworks
tomadoes over water, and fair-weather waterspouts. which could detect the development of a small second-
Most waterspouts are tomadoes, with cyclonic rota- ary cyclone and would accurately locate squalls, thun-
tion and the characteristic pendant from a cumulonim- derstorms, and hail showers with respect to the tomado.
bus cloud. The spout may appear more transparent After a tomado occurs, careful surveys should be
through its center than through its edges, because of the made of the damage to determine winds and atmos-
presence of a small eye, as in a tomado. Sometimes a pheric pressure drops. A standardized questionnaire
waterspout appears to be double, the pendant of con- [11] should be used in personal interviews and should
densed water vapor being inside a spreading column, be published in local newspapers with a request for
which appears to be a fountain of spray from the replies. Copies of local photographs should be obtained
surface. W aterspouts frequently appear in groups, as for analysis, the best photographs being those which
many as thirty having been visible from a ship in one include the top of the cumulonimbus cloud formation
day. Owing to the small amount of friction over a water above the pendant cloud rather than the pendant alone.
surface, the motion in a waterspout is more nearly A more complete knowledge of the small-scale cir-
tangential, with less inflow and upflow than in a tor- cumstances attending tomadoes is needed for the under-
nado. The reduced friction and larger moisture supply standing of the nature and causes of tornadoes. Such
over a water surface are not the chief factors deter- knowledge will put tornado forecasting and tracking on
mining intensity, for, if they were, waterspouts would afirmer hasis.
be stronger than tomadoes.
The fair-weather waterspout, like the dust devii, is a REFERENCES
low-level whirl, rotating in either sense. It is caused by
irregular air flow and pronounced surface instability, A valuable bibliography, which was published after this
list of references was prepared, is that by Miss H. P. Kramer,
more the resnlt of high humidity than of high tem-
"Selective Annotated Bibliography on Tornadoes." Meteor.
perature. Abstr. & Bibliogr. (publ. by Amer. Meteor. Soc.) 1:307-332
The water surface under a waterspout is either raised (1950).
or lowered depending on whether it is affected more by
1. BALDWIN, J. L., "Preliminary Report on Tornadoes in the
the atmospheric pressure reduction [17] or by the wind
United States during 1943 and Totals and Averages,
force. The waterspout does not lift any significant 1916-42, by States." Mon. Wea. Rev. Wash., 71:195-197
amount of water from the surface, as shown by the (1943).
precipitation of mostly fresh water on a ship passing 2. BROOKS, E. M., "The Tornado Cyclone." Weatherwise,
through a waterspout on the ocean. It often dissipates 2:32-33 (1949).
on reaching a shore line because of the absence of suffi- 3. BRUNT, D., Physical and Dynamical Meteorology, 2nd ed.
cient inward acceleration to compensate for frictional Cambridge, University Press, 1939. (See pp. 303-306)
losses. 4. EsPY, J. P., The Philosophy of Storms. Boston, Little
Brown, 1841. (See pp. 304-373)
Concluding Outlook 5. EvERDINGEN, E. VAN, "The Cyclone-Like Whirlwinds of
August 10, 1925." Verh. Akad. Wet., Amst., 28:871-889
The subject of tomadoes is very old-the ancient (1925).
savants Pliny the Elder, Seneca, and Lucretius wrote 6. FERREL, W., A Popular Treatise on the Winds, 2nd ed.
about them. Since then, progress in the study of tor- New York, Wiley, 1893. (See pp. 347-449)
nadoes has been slow. Everdingen [5] noted that the 7. FrNLEY, J. P., Tornadoes. New York, C. C. Hine, 1887.
literature on tornadoes in the United States in the last 8. FLORA, S. D., "Tornadoes in Kansas." Mon. Wea. Rev.,
half century has for the most part, been confined to Wash., 57:97-98 (1929).

9. GARBELL, M. A., Tropical and Equatorial Meteorology. Which Visited New Brunswick in the State of New
New York, Pitman, 1947. Jersey, June 19, 1835, with a Plan and Schedule of the
10. HARE, R., "Notices of Tornadoes." Amer. J. Sci. Arts, Prostrations Observed on a Section of lts Track."
38:73-86 (1840)o J. Franklin I nst., 32:40-49 (1841).
11. HAZEN, H. A., "Tornado Losses and Insurance." Science, 19. SHOWALTER, A. K., "The Tornado-An Analysis of Ante-
16:15--19, 22-23 (1890). (See pp. 15-16) cedent Meteorologica! Conditions" in Preliminary Re-
12. HENRY, A. J., Tornadoes, 1889-1896. Report of the Chief port on Tornadoes, 139 pp. U. S. Weather Bureau, Wash-
of the Weather Bureau for 1895-1896, U. S. Dept. of ington, D. C., 1943.
Agric., pp. xxiii-xl (1896). 20. TAYLOR, G. F., Aeronautical Meteorology. New York, Pit-
13. HuMPHREYS, W. J., Physics of the Air, 2nd ed. New York, man, 1938. (See p. 249)
McGraw, 1929. (See pp. 208-214) 21. TEPPER, M., "On the Origin of Tornadoes." Bull. Amer.
14. lvEs, R. L., "Behavior of Dust Devils." Bull. Amer. meteor. Soc., 31:311-314 (1950).
meteor. Soc., 28:168-174 (1947). 22. U. S. WEATHER BuREAU, The Thunderstorm, 287 pp. Wash-
15. JoNES, H. L., The Identijioation and Tracking of Tornadoes. ington, D. C., U. S. Govt. Printing Oftice, 1949. (See
Commission Four of the International Scientific Radio Chap. l)
Union Meeting, Washington, D. C., April 1950 (un- 23. WEGENER, A., "Beitrge zur Mechanik der Tromben und
published). Tornados." Meteor. Z., 45:201-214 (1928).
16. LLOYD, J. R., "The Development and Trajectories of 24. WILLETT, H. C., Descriptive Meteorology. New York,
Tornadoes." Mon. Wea. Rev. Wash., 70:65--75 (1942). Academic Press, 1944. (See pp. 279-281)
17. 0ERSTED, H. C., "On Water-Spouts." Amer. J. Sci. Arts, 25. WILLIAMS, N. R., "Development of Dust Whirls and
37:250-267 (1839) o Similar Small-Scale Vortices." Bull. Amer. meteor. Soc.,
18. REDFIELD, W. C., "Remarks Relating to the Tornado 29:106-117 (1948).
University of Chicago

Introduction found in overrunning unstable tropical air in connection

Thunderstorms are shower clouds or aggregations of with warm fronts of extratropical cyclones. They are
shower clouds in which electrica! discharges can be seen most common in spring. Sometimes thunder and light-
as lightning and heard as thunder by a person on the ning will be observed with the passage of a cold front
ground. Discharges observed on airplanes flying in or the center of a depression on a dark, stormy day in
clouds do not constitute conclusive evidence of thunder- winter, even when it is snowing, but most commonly
storms unless lightning is observed illuminating t he only with rain. In maritime climates winter thunder-
cloud from another source, since most discharges on storms are not unusual, occurring with fronts and
airplanes are believed tci be autogenous in origin, that depressions or with the characteristic showers of un-
is, to result from an intensification of the electric field stable polar-maritime air.
around the airplane brought about by the innumerable
collisions with precipitation particles. 1 Since thunder-
storms are showers that have reached a stage of
producing lightning, it has been recognized for centuries
that they represent an intense form of shower or an
advanced stage in the development of convection in
moist air. Modern observations indicate that thunder-
storms will develop when large accumulations of con-
densed water, presumably liquid and solid, are being
carried upward at heights where the ambient tempera-
ture is less than about - 20C. It is only under conditions
of moderate to high temperature and moisture that
large accumulations of water can occur in the
atmosphere below the -20C isotherm. Therefore thun-
derstorms are seldom observed without the occurrence
of above-freezing temperatures through a considerable
portion of the lower atmosphere. They are most likely
in tropical air masses warmed from below in areas
favorable for ascending motion, such as over mountains
or in large-scale synoptic disturbances.
In summer, thunderstorms in the belt of the westerlies
form two different distribution patterns easily recog-
nized on long-range radarscopes. One consists of an Fw. 1.- Thunderstorm radar echoes at 1436 EST July 16
irregular spacing of individual storms or masses of 1947 of PPI scope at Jamestown, Ohio. Range circles are fo;
storms, and the other appears as a line of thunder- each 50 miles; white area in center is local ground return.
storms, usually running more or less parallel to the
low-level wind flow. In low Iatitudes and in the tropics, The most thorough study of the nature of individual
the first type seems to predominate. In middle latitudes thunderstorms was that accomplished by the large
lines of thunderstorms are favored, as shown by the U. S. Weather Bureau-Air Force-Navy-N.A.C.A. Thun-
existence in Ohio of thunderstorm lines on thirty-two derstorm Project from 1946 to 1949, reported in the
out of fifty-six days on which thunderstorms were government publication The Thunderstorm [43]. Most
observed by long-range radar. On only six of these days of the factual material given in t he following pages is
were the lines directly associated with fronts. Figure 1 taken from that report, but some speculations, leading
is a photograph of the radarscope at Jamcstown, Ohio, questions, theory, and new results are added.
on July 12, 1947, at 3:25 P.M., showing both types of Thunderstorm Structure and Circulation
distribution. Thunderstorm echoes appear in irregularly
arrangcd masses to the north and in a distinct line to Numerous investigators have noted that the thunder-
the south and southeast. storm consists of severa! cells, each having a distinctive
The tendency for thunderstorms to form in lines, convective circulation. Originally the cells have been
even in the absence of fronts, is not well understood. separated but !ater they come together. After they ha ve
Thunderstorms are sometimes observed imbedded formed a single thundercloud mass the cells can be
within a general nimbostratus cloud cover. These are distinguished by the patterns of vertical motion meas-
ured on airplanes flying through them. The cel! bound-
1. Consult " P recipitation Electricity" by R. Gunn , pp. aries are identified as narrow zones of inactive or
128-135 in this Compendium. nonturbulent cloudv air.

The life cycle of the thunderstorm cell [7] naturally the stage, these condensation products appear to be
divides itself into three stages determined by the magni- suspended by the updraft, since no precipitation is
tude and direction of the predominating vertical observed at the ground. As a matter of practice, it is
motions. These stages are: found that the end of the cumulus stage and beginning
1. The cumulus stage-characterized by an updraft of the mature stage can be signalized by the occurrence
throughout the cell. of precipitation at the ground. In the cumulus stage
2. The mature stage-characterized by the existence there appears to be a considerable concentration of
of both updrafts and downdrafts, at least in the lower hydrometeors at or slightly above the freezing level in
half of the cell. the form of liquid or solid or a mixture of the two. The
3. The dissipating stage-characterized by weak stronger the updraft the greater is the vertical thickness
downdrafts throughout. of the transition zone between water and ice.
Cumulus Stage. Throughout the cell there is an up-
draft which is strongest at the higher altitudes and FEET
increases in magnitude toward the end of this stage
(Fig. 2). Converging air feeds the updraft not only from
the surface but also from the unsaturated environment
at all levels penetrated by the cloud. Thus, air is en-
trained into the cloud and is accommodated by t he
evaporation of some of the liquid water carried in the
updraft. This entraining continues throughout all of
the stages.



25.000_ _/----, T"=-FtJF+'--::::r::\-.i;:-;\\-'"
1 ~--'6 c
:- ;.~-~ ~~J-(\ \~; ~\-.;__:__
. -ee

_,..--.-- :-- ... - --
- -----------=~=---~-o c
". , , t r r t 1 \ , ,..
10,000_~..... ::...::::...=._-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-...:-::..;:-- _ _ +8C_

5,000_ _ ~ ---- -- - ------- - -~-.J--+1 7C

FIG. 3.-Vertical cross section in mature stage showing ver-
tical motions, inftow, hydrometeors, and temperature distribu-
tion .
o ltz 1
Mature Stage. The mature stage begins when rain
first falls distinctly out of the bottom of the cloud.
FIG. 2.- Vertical cross section in cumulus stage showing ver- Except under arid conditions, the rain reaches the
tical motions, inftow, hydrometeors, and temperature distribu- ground. The size and concentration of the drops or iee
tion. particles have now become so great that t hey cannot be
stipported by the updraft and they begin to fali relative
In-cloud temperatures in a strongly developing cell t o the earth. The frictional drag exerted by the precipi-
are higher than those of the environment at correspond- tation helps to change the updraft into a downdraft
ing altitudes. The greatest differences between cloud which, once started, can continue without this frictional
and environment temperatures are in the regions of drive, as will be demonstrated !ater in the discussion of
strongest updrafts, which are in the upper parts of the the thermodynamic process. The beginning of the rain
cloud and which are especially well developed at the at the surface and the initial appearance of the down-
end of the stage. draft are nearly simultaneous. The downdraft appears
Although pilots ftying through the clouds in this to start in the vicinity of the freezing level, !ater growing
stage report rain or snow, particularly near the end of in vertical as well as in horizontal extent (Fig. 3).
The updraft also continues and often reaches its well-known pseudo-cold front advancing against the
greatest strength in the early mature stage in the upper warmer surrounding surface air.
parts of the cloud. Updraft speeds may locally exceed The mature stage represents the most intense period
80 ft sec-1 The downdraft is u:;ually not as strong as of the thunderstorm in ali its aspects. At the ground
the updraft and is most pronounced in the lower part of heavy rain and strong winds are observed while in the
the cloud, although weakening near the ground. The clouds the airplanes encounter at this stage the most
descending air is forced to spread laterally at the surface severe turbulence, including in addition to the drafts
of the earth. Thus areas of rain, downdraft, and hori- the short, intense accelerations known in aeronautics
zontal divergence are found together at the ground. as "gusts." Hai!, if present, is most often found in this
stage. From a study of radar echoes it has been con-
cluded that parts of the cloud containing appreciable
quantities of water in crystalline form extend to heights
of 60,000 ft on some occasions. With very strong up-
drafts it is possible for liquid water to be carried well
above the freezing level. On the Thunderstorm Project
in Ohio one case of heavy rain at 26,000 ft, nearly
10,000 ft above the environmental freezing line, was
Dissipating Stage. When the updraft disappears and
the downdraft has spread over the entire area of the
25,000 -->t-~---1 6C
cell, the dissipating stage begins (Fig. 4). Dissipation
results from the fact that there is now no longer the
.. ... ... .. .. ~ 1 ... ..
updraft source of condensing water. As the updraft is
2o,ooo -v----~~.;..___~-- _ __ -s e cut off, the mass of water available to accelerate the

- 15,000 ___ __
...."' ...... \

______ _____ _ ___ _

. . . .
\ .\ .. J ' 1 1 ! # #

-;;,_~ -

- -- oc
descending air diminishes, so the downdraft also dimin-
ishes. The entire cell is colder t han the environment as
.. . ... \ ~ \ . \ ~ ./ 1 , 1 ' :
long as the downdraft and the rain persist. As the down-
10,000 _ ____ .:_ . . .: _ _ __ ~~- - - - +SC drafts give out, the temperature within the cell rises to a
-- --- -~----~--- ;-- . - value approximately equal to that of the surroundings.
Then complete dissipation occurs or only stratified
clouds remain. Ali surface signs of the thunderstorm and
its downdraft disappear.
Thermodynamics of Entraining and the Downdraft
Computed and observed inflow rates in American
thunderstorms show that the cumulus cloud which
FIG. 4.-Vertical cross section in dissipating stage showing
vertical motions, infiow, hydrometeors, and temperature dis- develops into a thunderstorm entrains environmental
tribution. air at a rate of approximately 100 per cent per 500 rob
of ascent, that is, it doubles its mass as it rises t hrough
Temperatures are low in the downdraft, compared a pressure decrease of 500 mb. This is a relatively low
with the environment, and contrast especially with the rate of entrainment.2 With very much higher rates of
updraft temperatures. The greatest negative tempera- entrainment, the updraft would be theoretically colder
ture anomalies are found in the lower levels. As might than the environment, but this is not found to be the
be expected, there is a close association between strong case except in isolated or transitory conditions. Entrain-
updraft and high temperature and between strong ing rates greater than 100 per cent per 250 mb would
downdraft and low t emperature. prevent the growth of cumulus clouds to heights great
In the updraft, mixing of entrained air causes evap- enough to produce thunderstorms in American maritime
oration of some of the liquid water thus removing some tropical air. In less favorable air masses the critica!
of the heat gained from condensation. Instead of t he entraining rate would have tobe lower.
simple wet-adiabatic rate, the updraft air cools at a At the present stage of theory and observation of
somewhat greater "entraining-wet-adiabatic" rate. This entraining, the updraft seems to follow the required
does not permit the updraft air to become very much thermodynamic pattern. The downdraft is a special
warmer than the environmental air. The downdraft case, however. In Fig. 5 the updraft entraining-wet-
seems to be characterized by reversible wet-adiabatic adiabatic rate in a typical, well-developed growing
temperature increases in which evaporation counteracts cumulus eloud is represen ted by line A' B' and a typical
to some extent the compressional effects. Since the environmental lapse rate for American tropical air is
downdraft starts out at a temperature very near that of given by line AB. A saturated parcel displaced down-
the environment, its wet-adiabatic descent assures that ward from C would follow the wet-adiabatic CD, if no
it will be colder than the environment which has a lapse
rate greater than the wet adiabatic. The cold downdraft 2. Consult "Cumulus Convection and Entrainment" by
spreads out at the surface as a cold air mass to form the J. M . Austin , pp. 694- 701 in this Compendium.

environmental air is entrained into it. With entraining If the rainfall is considered with respect to the
it would warm at some other, less rapid rate, such as moving cell, it is found that the duration of moderate
CE. If the parcel is dragged downward beyond Dor E, or heavy rain from a single cell may vary from a few
it will become colder than the environment and sink. minutes in the case of a weak, short-lived cell to almost
The frictional drag of the mass of liquid water provides an hour in a large, active one. At a fixed point on the
the means whereby a parcel in a thunderstorm can thus ground the duration of the rain depends upon such
be forced below point Dor E, whence it continues as the factors as the number, size, and longevity of the cells
thunderstorm downdraft. With a large quantity of passing over the point, the position of the point with
liquid water available for evaporation, saturation can respect to each passing cell, and the rate of translation
be maintained in spite of the increasing temperatures of the cell. In the eastern and southern United States
during descent and the parcels will reach the ground, the average duration of thunderstorm rain at a given
arriving there with a temperature several degrees lower station is about twenty-five minutes, although it is
than the surface environmental wet-bulb temperature. highly variable from case to case.
The most intense rain occurs under the core of the
cell within two or three minutes after the first measur-
B' ~ able rain from that cell reaches the ground and the

rain usually remains heavy for a period of five to fifteen
minutes. The rainfall rate then decreases, but much
\\ more slowly than it first increased. Around the edges

\ ~' c of the cell, lesser rainfall rates occur.

Wind Field. Early in the cumulus stage there is a
gentle inward turning of the surface wind, forming an
\' :\. area of weak lateral convergence under the updraft. As

~ ~\\
w the cell grows and a downdraft develops, the surface
:::> winds become strong and gusty as they flow outward
~ \ from the downdraft region. The outward-flowing cold
w air underruns the warmer air which it displaces and a

0: E
discontinuity in the wind and temperature fields is
\ \ established. The discontinuity moves outward, pushed
by the downdraft, resulting in strong horizontal diver-
\ ~\ \
gence. Divergence values as high as 8 X I0- 3 sec-1 or
about 1000 times the values observed in intense cy-
\A' clones, have been evaluated over a small area of the
~ surface micronetworks of the Thunderstorm Project.
1\A The outflow is radial in the slowest-moving storms
but in most cases the wind field is asymmetrical with
TEMPERA TURE considerably more movement on the downwind side.
FIG. 5.-Diagram of temperature vs. logarithm of pressure, The prevailing air movement of the lower layers nul-
illustrating thermodynamic process in downdraft. lifies the radial flow on the upwind side. With respect
to the moving cell the outflow may stiH be radial in
Thunderstorm Weather near the Surface character, although not with respect to the ground.
Rainfall. The rainfall pattern follows closely the Thus the wind discontinuity in most cases is easily
arrangement of the cells and reflects to a considerable detected only in the forward portions of the storm,
extent their stages of development. In some regions, where it" appears as a micro-cold front.
such as the New Mexico area studied by W orkman and The cold dome of outflowing downdraft air has a
co-workers [48], single, isolated thunderstorm cells are form illustrated in Fig. 6. In this sketch the thunder-
common. In more humid areas such as the eastern and storm cell is considered to be in the mature stage and
southern United States, a single-celled thunderstorm is is moving from left to right. The cold air is represented
comparatively rare, and when it does occur, it is gener- as having spread out considerably farther on the down-
ally weak and not representative of the average thun- wind side of the cell than on the upwind side, as would
derstorm. Usually a group of three or more cells join be expected in a moving system.
together to form a thunderstorm and each cell manifests In 15 to 20 min after the outflowing starts, the dis-
itself in the rainfall pattern. Along with the downdraft continuity zone has traveled about five or six miles
and area of horizontal divergence, the rain from a newly from the cell center. The surface winds near the dis-
developed cell first covers a very small area and then continuity are stiH strong and gusty but, well within
gradually spreads. However, the cold air of the down- the cold-air dome, the surface wind speeds have de-
draft is able to spread laterally from the cell while the creased so that the strongest winds are no longer under-
rain falls directly to the ground, so that an expanding neath the cell itself. A continued settling of the outflow
outer area of cold air without rain develops. In the air, transporting momentum downward, causes the wind
dissipating stage this cold-air area continues to expand speed to increase as one approaches the discontinuity
while the rain area contracts. zone from within the cold air.

The most interesting of all surface weather features change is, of course, most marked in the rain core
associated with the thunderstorm is the discontinuity (downdraft center). Cooling may be detected as much
zone, which everywhere marks the limit of the cold as fifteen to twenty miles downstream. N ear the center
downdraft air. At a station passed by the cell core in of a mature celi the temperature reaches a minimum
the early mature stage, there is a sharp increase in the ten to fifteen minutes after the temperature break;
wind speed, occasionaliy to destructive force, and a farther from the celi the temperature drop is much
marked reduction in temperature, occurring with the slower. The amount of the temperature decrease ob-
passage of the discontinuity zone. The sharp increase served in any given storm varies inversely with the
in wind has been termed the "first gust," since it often distance of the observation point from a celi core. The
appears as the first major gust of a period of strong, temperature discontinuity is sharp and weli defined
gusty winds. After the cold air has spread outward under the core but is less pronounced farther away.
from the celi core in the middle and late mature stage, Since the downdraft is only a few miles in diameter,
the wind speeds near the boundary of this air decrease. the area over which the first and most rapid tempera ture
It is often found that the discontinuity zone is displaced fall occurs is relatively smali. As a result, strong hori-
faster than the normal component of the winds im- zontal temperature gradients are created after the
mediately behind it. The rapid downflow of cold air downdraft first reaches the ground. Gradients exceed-
toward the ground along the boundary zone thrusts ing 20F per mile have been observed. As the storm
the discontinuity surface forward with a momentum ages, the cold air spreads out and the magnitude of the
transported from above. horizontal temperature gradient decreases. Regardless
of the spread of the cold air, the area of minimum
j:? temperature remains in the generallocation where the
10 cold downdraft made its first appearance at the surface,
o except in cases where a new celi with its own downdraft
o and rain core develops over another part of the cold
z 8 dome.
::;) 7 ( Pressure. Early in the cumulus stage a fall in surface
pressure almost invariably occurs. This fali is observed
before the radar echo forms, and it is recorded over an
z 5
,) area several times the maximum horizontal extent of
4 ('
the echo. When the radar echo appears, the pressure
1- ~ trace levels off in the region directly underneath it, but
continues to fali, and frequently at a more rapid rate, in
the surrounding areas. The pressure drops in the
cumulus stage are usualiy small in magnitude-less
<.!) 24 26 than 0.02 in. (0.67 mb) below the diurnal trend-and
J:. HORIZONTAL OISTANCE (THOUSANDS OF FT.) take place over a period of 5 to 15 min. Foliowing the
fali, the pressure trace remains steady for as long as
FIG. 6.-Schematic cross section showing formation of cold 30 min.
dome from downdraft. Stippling represents falling rain. Cold-air
boundary outlined below the cloud. The pressure falis appear to be caused by the com-
bined effects of verticaliy accelerated air motions, the
With the discontinuity, the wind shows clockwise expansion of the air due to the release of the latent heat
shifts in most cases. This is especialiy true in American of condensation, and the failure of the convergence near
tropical air currents in middle latitudes where the the surface to compensate fully the expansion or diver-
winds usualiy are from southwest or south and shift to gence aloft. Wind patterns in the vicinity of thunder-
west or northwest at the discontinuity. storms showed velocity convergence in the developing
Temperature. The "first gust" and the "temperature stages with divergence above 20,000 ft, suggesting a
break," i.e., the point on the thermogram where the mass balance.
temperature suddenly starts its drop, are two of the In the mature stage, two features of the pressure
most pronounced features observed at the surface, and trace-the "dome" and the "nose"-are recognized.
they occur essentialiy together. At the time of formation The dome is registered at ali stations to which the cold
of summer afternoon thunderstorms in the U nited outflow air penetrates. The pressure nose, the abrupt,
States the temperature is usualiy above 85F, often in sensatiortal rise that some meteorologists regard as
the 90's. As a result of the rain and the downdraft, the typical of the thunderstorm, realiy occurs only at sta-
temperature may reach a value as low as 65F without tions that happen to be passed by the main rain and
change in air mass. As the thunderstorm activity dies downdraft just after they have first reached the earth
down after sunset, the temperature usualiy has recov- in the beginning of the mature stage. It is superimposed
ered to an intermediate value representing a mixture of upon or may mark the start of the pressure dome.
strongly cooled and less cooled or uncooled portions of The displacement of the warmer air by the cold
the air mass. outflowing air from the downdraft results in the pres-
The area affected by the cooling is many times greater sure rise, initiating the pressure dome. A study of 206
than that over which rain falls, but the temperature thunderstorm pressure records from the surface micro-

network showed that in 182 of the traces there was a cold-air advection or the passage of a wave in the
pressure rise associated with the arrival of the cold pressure and wind fields.
outflowing air. Since the rate and total amount of Humidity. An extraordinary phenomenon is noted in
pressure rise depend on the slope of the cold-air mass, the hygrograph traces from the surface micronetworks
the temperature difference between the cold air and in the form of a sharp decrease in the relative humidity
the displaced warm air, the depth of the cold air itself, in the midst of the heaviest downpour of rain. With the
and the speed with which the system travels, the most onset of rain, the relative humidity rapidly approaches
marked pressure changes are found near the cell core but usually does not quite reach 100 per cent, then, in
and decrease with distance from it. The areal extent of many cases, drops suddenly to values as low as 60 or
the pressure dome is similar to t hat covered by the 70 per cent, returning to near saturation again in a
cold air. Therefore the pressure remains high for a few minutes. Such a fluctuation, termed the humidity
period of from one-half hour to several hours, depending dip, and illustrated in Fig. 7, is associated with the rain
on the amount of cold air involved. area. In practically all cases t he humidity dip occurred
The distinction between the pressure nose and the in a region of divergence in the surface wind, therefore
pressure dome can be made only with difficulty on the in the outflowing downdraft. The temperature was
conventional week-long barograph traces, but on the usually decreasing, but if it had already reached its
twelve-hour recording drums used on the Thunderstorm lowest point, as was sometimes the case, a rise in
Project the distinction is clear. temperature of 2 or 3F would sometimes accompany
At any given time the pressure nose was usually t he humidity dip.
detected by but one station per cell in Ohio, indicating
that the maximum diameter of the area in which it
occurred was less than five miles It is thus apparent
that it is caused by a transitory process which exists
for only a brief period, namely the time of commence-
ment of t he mature stage when rain and~ downdraft
reach the ground. Two effects which are thought to be
important in creating the pressure nose are the weight
of the suspended and falling water, and a lack of balance
between convergence and divergence. Both of these
effects are ata maximum at this time. An accumulation
of an average of one gram of liquid water per cubic FIG. 7.-Example of humidity "dip" as shown on hygro-
gram during heavy rain under thunderstorm of August 14,
meter from the cloud base to 35,000 ft, a conservative 1947 near Wilmington, Ohio. Time divisions are for 5-min
value, would increase the surface pressure by about intervals.
1 mb, other factors being equal. When the downdraft
becomes established, it reverses at least part of the The failure of surface air to become saturated during
vertical circulation pattern and reduces the divergence the heavy rain, together with the frequently observed
above 20,000 ft, or perhaps even reverses it to con- relative-humidity dip, suggests that the downdraft air
vergence. Should this happen before the divergence fails to maintain saturation as it descends, even in the
(outflow) in the surface layers becomes well established, presence of large concentrations of liquid water. Two
a net increase in mass convergence could result in a processes are suggested : first, desiccation of the air by
substantial surface pressure rise. For example, an un- condensation on cold precipitation particles; second, a
compensated .convergence of 1 hr- 1 (a conservative time lag in the evaporation of the waterdrops so that
value for thunderstorm convergence) within a layer there is insufficient accommodation to the increase in
only 1000 ft thick at 20,000 ft would increase the the saturation mixing ratio as the air descends to lower
surface pressure at a rate exceedin~J; 1 mb in 3 min. levels.
Relationships of pressure changes to vertical motions Measurements of raindrop temperatures at three feet
in thunderstorms, which have been a favorite subject above the ground show that in afternoon thunderstorms
for theoretical treatment by meteorologists, could not the rain temperature in the first few minutes of the rain
be confirmed by data of the Thunderstorm Project. period is severa] degrees lower than that of t he ambient
One of the difficulties is that a downdraft at the lower air. This would be sufficient to keep the relative humid-
levels is under an updraft at a higher level, so that the ity from reaching 100 per cent. If the second process
vertical accelerations are opposed and tend toward mentioned above is taking place, one would expect that
compensating each other. the air of the thunderstorm downdraft would be heated
After the brief pressure nose, t he pressure remains at a rate between the moist- and dry-adiabatic and
at the value of t he pressure dome which prevails for the would reach the ground in an unsaturated state.
particular thunderstorm. The dome persists through Development of New Cells. From a study of numerous
the dissipating stage of the cell, after which the pressure cases of new cell development, the action of the cold
returns to the trend prevailing before the passage of the outflowing air appears unmistakably as camng or con-
storm. In the case of a thunderstorm associated with a tributing to the new growth. When two cells in the
cold front or a fast-moving squall line, the pressure mature stage are within a few miles of each other, the
remains high or even continues to rise as a result of cold outflows collide. The greatest frequency of new
cell development is in the area between two existing across the interface to the ice, leaving the water positive
cells whose edges are three or less miles apart. A three- and the ice negatively charged. Ammonium compounds
mile hand downwind is next in importance, then the and acids or substances with high pH produce the
lateral edges, and least frequently the upwind or rear opposite polarity, that is, with the water negative and
side. the ice positive. W orkman suggests that in the cloud
In some cases the time interval between the begin- some of the water freezing around an ice pellet is torn
ning of the outflow and the appearance of the new cell off and carried upward as small droplets in the cloud
on the radarscope is too short to permit explanation of while the frozen core, being larger and heavier, falls.
the new development as a result of the underrunning If the cloud particles contain a contaminant, such as
cold air or similar time-consuming process. There are calcium hydrocarbonate, which produces positive water
cases, as indicated by the radar echoes, in which one or and negative ice in the freezing process, the carrying
a cluster of new cells comes into existence almost upward of the positively charged portion and the de-
simultaneously with the initial or parent cell, which scent of the negative ice would produce the observed
suggests that a preferred region of convergence and polarity of thunderstorms at these levels.
ascent favors the development. Observations by Weickmann [44] and Kuettner [19)
on the Zugspitze in the Bavarian Alps, where the
Cloud Structure in Relation to Thunderstorm observatory was at or near the freezing level in most
Electricity thunderstorms, indicate that a predominant form of
Atmospheric electricity and its phenomenal aberra- solid precipitation other than ordinary snow is a graupel
tions in thunderstorms are treated in other articles in made up of an agglomeration of tiny supercooled drop-
this Compendium.l 3 A few observations might be made lets to form rime clusters. An ice core with a film of
at this point relating the meteorologica} thunderstorm liquid around it, as might be expected in a hailstone,
structure and dynamics to the electrica! structure and would be required for W orkman's hypothesis. Further
electrodynamics. observations of the exact nature of precipitation par-
In recent years abundant information has been pre- ticles in the freezing regions of thunderstorms are
sented indicating that thunderstorm electrification is needed in order to clarify the discussion. The precise
somehow associated with the ice phase in the cloud or, recognition of these precipitation forms is next to im-
more probably, with a heterogeneous mixture of Iiquid possible from an airplane.
and solid condensates. For example, recent studies by Kuettner also found that the region of greatest light-
Workman and Reynolds [48] and by the U. S. Thunder- ning activity coincided with the downdraft and heavy
storm Project [43] show that lightning does not occur rain core. Furthermore in this center of activity there
until the visible cloud top has ascended to where the was frequently a small center of positive charge em-
temperature is less than about - 28C or the top of the bedded within the main lower negative charge region
echo seen on a 3-cm height-finding radar at a range of and centered on the OC isotherm. This corresponds to
twenty miles has surpassed the isotherm of -20C. some extent with the picture given by Simpson and
A number of studies indicate that the upper positive- Robinson [32] of an isolated lower positive-charge
charge center is located where the temperature is near center. Observations of what appeared to have been a
-20C and the lower negative center is ata temperature lower positive charge in an area of heavy rain and down-
of O to -lOC (roughly). Between these two centers is draft were obtained in a series of traverses through the
the lightning hearth region, that is, the region where the lower part of a thunderstorm on one of the Thunder-
first lightning develops. In these temperature ranges storm Project flights. This is another phenomenon that
mixtures of liquid and solid precipitation particles are needs further investigation.
commonly observed in growing and established thun- In seeking to explain the electrification of thunder-
derstorms. storms, most scientists have looked to aspects of the
Workman and Reynolds [49] discovered an effect, updraft. However, the Thunderstorm Project data indi-
earlier indicated indirectly by Dinger and Gunn [11), cate that the greatest lightning activity is in the region
involving the freezing of water, which offers a clue as of downdraft and heaviest rain, as noted by Kuettner.
to the processes which might produce electrification in It is not entirely logical to conclude from this, however,
the freezing parts of thunderstorms. They found that that the charge-generating mechanism occurs in the
water containing contaminants which are likely to be downdraft, because the boundary separating updraft
found in the atmosphere could produce, as it freezes, from downdraft in the mature stage is not vertical and
potentials of more than 150 volts across the ice-water a region of updraft may be found over a downdraft.
interface. Extremely dilute solutions of the order of On the Thunderstorm Project a study was made
10-6 to 10-3 normal, constituting very pure water by using recording point collectors located on the ground
industrial standards, produce the desired effect. Calcium and a height-finding radar scanning the thunderclouds
hydrocarbonate, CaH(C0 3)2, formed from calcium car- from a point about twenty miles away. The following
bonate in the presence of carbon dioxide, both found in conclusions concerning lightning were indicated by the
the atmosphere, is observed to transfer negative ions data:
1. The cloud tops (echo tops) reach a height where
3. Consult "Universal Aspects of Atmospheric Electricity" the environmental temperature is around - 20C before
by O. H. Gish, pp. 101-119. the first lightning occurs.

2. The maximum lightning frequency occurs at the vertical growth rate was about 18 ft sec-1 and the
same time as the cell reaches its maximum height. subsidence rate about 12 ft sec- 1
3. As the height of the cell top decreases, the The mean of the maximum heights reached by 199
frequency of lightning also decreases. Ohio storms as indicated from the radar was 37,500 ft.
4. It appears that a greater cell height (or lower There was no significant difference in this respect be-
temperature of the cloud top) is necessary to initiate tween different types of thunderstorms, such as air-
lightning than is required to maintain it once it has mass, squall-line, or frontal.
started. The boundaries of the radar cloud echoes were found
5. In the life cycle of a thunderstorm the maximum to agree closely with the visible cloud limits except in
frequency of lightning precedes the time of its maxi- the levels near the cloud base where non-echo-produc-
mum 5-min rainfall. ing "outrider" clouds were common. Also the anvils and
This last conclusion may have some meaning in con- other layer-type lateral extensions usually did not re-
nection with the possibility of the suspension of the turn a radar echo. A positive correlation was found
raindrops by the electric field. between the horizontal and vertical extents of thunder-
storms; that is, the taller the cloud, the broader it was.
The Thunderstorm as Disclosed by Radar The greatest areal coverage was at an altitude around
A number of studies of thunderstorms have been 10,000 ft. The cross-sectional area was slightly less at
made by radar. A large amount of useful data was the lower level and tapered at the top, forming a total
obtained from the radars of the Thunderstorm Project. cloud echo shaped like a rosebud.
From the photographic records of the range-height- From radar scans covering an area of over 55,000
indicating (RHI) radarscope it was possible to obtain square miles, it was found that on average thunder-
data on the altitude of first formation of 66 radar storm days in Ohio 10 per cent of the area would be
echoes from convective clouds. A graph was made of covered by cloud echo, and on a day of maximum
the frequency distribution of the differences between thunderstorm activity, 40 per cent of the area would be
altitudes of the tops of the initial echoes and the con- covered. It is found from indirect comparison that at
current heights of the freezing level. The distribution 20,000 ft the in-cloud areas would average 5 per cent
showed a pronounced mode at 1000 ft above the freezing and have a maximum of 22 per cent, indicating the
level but the mean was at +2200 ft. In convective better chance of avoiding thunderstorms by flying high.
clouds the echoes appear abruptly after the cloud has (Other measurements showed that these high levels are
been visible to field observers for some time, suggesting the worst choices for flights within thunderstorms.)
a sudden release of great quantities of large waterdrops
after penetration above the freezing level, in accordance Effect of Environmental Wind Field
with the Bergeron theory. The causes and effects of vertical shear, including
It was found that the rate of vertical growth of the effects of entrainment and momentum transfer in the
top of a radar cloud echo agrees closely with the updraft drafts, have been investigated by Byers and Battan
velocity measured in that portion of the cloud if a [6] and Malkus [20].
correction factor of about 3 ft sec- 1 is added to the radar With the aid of long-range radar and abundant upper-
growth rate to account for the relative free fall of the air wind data, the movements of thunderstorms in
attenuating snowflakes or other particles. The use of Florida and Ohio were studied in relation to the wind
radar in this manner for measuring updrafts appeared fields in which they were embedded. A method was
to have a practica! application in detecting hail pos- devised whereby the translational component of the
sibilities, since all observed cases of hail accompanied motion could be separated from the growth or
strong updrafts. dissipative component.
It was noted that the thunderstorm tops ascended in It was found that the motion of the storm corre-
a series of steps, appearing as the growth of new protub- sponded most closely to the mean vector wind between
erances or "turrets," during their growth and, as a the gradient level and 20,000 ft. The correlations were
matter of fact, in 32 cases studied, the maximum height better in Ohio than in Florida owing to a stronger, more
reached was correlated with the number of turrets thus consistent wind flow in the former region. In direction,
formed by a coefficient of+ 0.67 0.10. Each succes- the correlations were 0.95 or better in both regions. It
sive turret was higher than the preceding one, and was found that the speed of the cloud was less than that
the mean lapse of time between successive turret of the vector mean wind from gradient to 20,000 ft.
When the two speeds are plotted, a nearly straight line
peaks was 17.8 min. It is believed that each turret
is formed, but the relationship is better represented as
makes it easier for the following ones by increasing the
moisture content in the cloud-top environmental air Uw = 1.9 + 0.65Uc + 0.020Uc 2,
which must be entrained in further growth. Less where Uw is the vector mean wind speed and Ucis the
beat of condensation is robbed from the new turret by cloud speed.
entraining than would be the case if it were standing
alone in a dry environment. Each turret underwent a Preferred Areas of Thunderstorm Development
growth period followed by an interval of subsidence. The movement of thunderstorm cells is closely related
The growth period averaged about 16 min. The average to the question of preferred areas for their new develop-

ment, for movement is in part comprised of propagation days were ahead of surface cold fronts, and on the re-
which in turn results from new growths or extensions. maining 7 days apparently had no connection with the
In the preceding section, measurements were described surface fronts. As is usual throughout the eastern United
in which the propagation and dissipation components States, the pre-cold-front squall line was the predom-
were removed from the thunderstorm motions. When inating scene of thunderstorm activity.
this is not done erratic motions are indicated. At the It was found that the pre-cold-front squallline is not
end of the section on thunderstorm weather near the quite parallel to the cold front but has an orientation
surface it was shown how certain areas immediately averaging 13 degrees clockwise from that of the front.
surrounding existing cells are favorable for the forma- Its orientation is somewhat counterclockwise from the
tion of new ones. These frequently become attached to orientation of the overlying 700-mb contour lines. The
forma larger thunderstorm mass. In mountainous areas movement of the squallline, as distinct from the move-
the propagation components in the motion usually out- ment of the individual storms composing the line, is
weigh the wind components. Thus thunderstorms are not very closely related to the speed of the following
seen to propagate along a mountain range even though cold front; in many cases it moves faster than the
the wind is blowing across the range at all levels, and front. The individual elements of the line, or storms,
sometimes there will be few or no cells drifting into move with the prevailing upper winds as described in
the valley so that the wind component in the motion a preceding section.
is relatively ineffective. The pre-cold-front squallline on the synoptic chart is
Certain features of the earth's surface provide an frequently observed to last for periods as long as twenty-
ideal location for new thunderstorm development. four hours, during which it may travel several hundred
Mountains and, in fact, rugged relief of any kind as miles. When viewed on the radar, it was found that
contrasted with smooth terrain will be favorable. there is usually a zone of convective activity comprising
Islands, peninsulas, and other pronounced heat sources several lines and, although the zone may persist for a
are favorable for the formation of afternoon storms. considerable period of time, the lines within it are
In Florida it is found that the convergence of the sea constantly undergoing change-new lines are forming
air over the peninsula from both sides in the afternoon and older ones are dissipating.
is favorable for thunderstorm formation [10]. Locally The elements in a line range from a single isolated
on the peninsula the dry land areas as contrasted with echo one to two miles in diameter to a large aggregate
the numerous swamps and lakes are most favorable for of storms appearing on the scope as a single, more or
new formation. less homogeneous echo having a maximum dimension
In Ohio, a study of the initial appearance of 584 of over thirty miles. The number of separate elements
radar clouds on 21 days showed a larger number of in a line varied from 4 or 5 small echoes in the early
echoes from day to day over the rougher parts of the stages to as many as 40 or 50 at the time of maximum
terrain. However, plenty of new echoes formed over echo intensity. For the most part, elements were found
the flattest, smoothest areas. N either in Ohio nor in to form and dissipate on a given squallline, suggesting
Florida was it possible to find a well-marked region the existence of a preferred line formation.
from which the first thunderstorm of a series would The squall line or, more properly, the squall-line
develop. The thunderstorm hearth (Gewitterherde) de- zone was found to be at an average distance of 170
scribed by von Ficker [13] was not apparent. miles ahead of the cold front, with extreme values of
In many parts of the world popular notions have 80 and 325 miles. Generally there was an area of
developed concerning an apparent tendency for thun- relative inactivity between the cold front and the trail-
derstorms to follow rivers. The idea is often expressed ing edge of the squall zone; buton one or two occasions
that the moisture provided by the river favors propaga- the convective activity finally extended back to the
tion along the watercourse. Scientific studies indicate front itself.
that, where thunderstorms propagate along rivers, con- Generally, the thunderstorms associated with the
ditions of the terrain rather than the presence of the squall lines were little different from any others except
water are the factors which are favorable for new for a tendency to be more severe, especially in producing
growth. Many rivers have bluffs along their flanks and effects at the surface, such as strong, gusty winds. Since
the immediately surrounding terrain is roughly dis- the storms come in a line, there is a more or less con-
sected by tributary streams. In Ohio the maximum nected discontinuity line from the cold outflowing down-
number of new formations occurred over the sharply draft which is often mistaken for a true front. The
dissected plains. The area studied is predominantly a return to tropical air-mass conditions afterward shows
peneplain at about 1000 ft through which streams cut the local character of the discontinuity. The pressure
down to the Ohio River (about 500 ft at Cincinnati). "dome" of the combined storms often results in the
creation of a long pressure ridge along the squall line.
Squall Lines Sometimes a squall line of this character may after a
During the 127-day period from May 17 to September time produce a true frontal discontinuity involving more
21, 1947, there were in Ohio 56 thunderstorm days on cold air than can be accounted for by the downdraft.
which extensive radar data were obtained. On 32 of Of the seven squall lines that were not associated
these days lines of thunderstorms were observed. The with fronts, three were related to some type of large-
lines on 6 days occurred along surface fronts, on 19 scale cyclonic disturbance, two were on the west side

of a warm anticyclone and the other two were in rather There is evidence to indicate that the two main sum-
flat, uniform pressure fields. These lines were usually mer moist tongues of the United States are caused by
short compared with the prefrontal types and seemed convergence and ascent over (1) the Mexican Plateau
to be less well defined. [45] and (2) the Florida Peninsula [10]. Some meteor-
ologists conclude that thermal instability may be a
Remarks on Thunderstorm Forecasting necessary condition for thunderstorms but is not a
It is not practica! in this article to discuss all of the sufficient one. A dynamic process, inducing ascent, is
important points related to the forecasting of thunder- also considered to be required. If remote convergence
storms. The problem is intimately connected with the and ascent which supplies the extensive moist tongues
general subject of forecasting treated elsewhere in this is included in this dynamic process, the conclusion
Compendium. probably is correct. Direct studies of the wind field dis-
Historically, thunderstorm forecasting has been of close local areas of low-level convergence if their size
unique interest because it seemed to be the one atmos- is in the proper relationship to the density of the
pheric disturbance that could be treated quantitatively observation network.
from a thermodynamic consideration of the buoyancy
forces in an atmosphere in labile equilibrium. A series The Thunderstorm and the Airplane
of rival thermodynamic diagrams was developed by Besides the usual difficulties of flight in clouds, the
different meteorologists, largely stimulated by the pos- thunderstorm presents the additional, unique hazards
sibilities of forecasting convection through thermo- of lightning, hail, and heavy turbulence. Flight records
dynamic analysis of upper-air soundings. Refinements show that turbulence is the most predominant danger
of the parcel method and finally the introduction of the in thunderstorms and may be the principal cause of
slice method and variations of it were aimed at this thunderstorm accidents. The difficulties of maintaining
problem. 24 proper flight attitudes or air speeds within highly tur-
Some meteorologists drew attention away from the bulent clouds may lead to loss of control or structural
analysis of individual soundings to studies of upper-air damage. It is believed that hail damage is second in
charts which they believed would hold the key to importance as a hazard, and that lightning is third.
thunderstorm forecasting. Namias [21, 22] introduced Since hail and lightning are covered in other articles
the isentropic chart as a means of forecasting thunder- in this Compendium, thunderstorm turbulence effects
storms, showing that the occurrence of summer thun- will be emphasized here.
derstorms depended on the presence of a moist tongue It is convenient to recognize two classes of turbulence
on isentropic surfaces in the vicinity of a potential ~gusts and drafts, corresponding to two fairly dis-
temperature of 315K, usually found at an altitude tinct types of response experienced on an airplane and
around 3 to 4 km in the eastern United States measured by two different techniques. In a draft, the
in summer. The moist tongues, with dry "tongues" or airplane is displaced in altitude in one direction over
areas between them, occur over tropical air masses that severa! seconds of time because of the mean upward
are more or less homogeneous horizontally in the low or downward motions of the air. Gusts subject the
levels. Thus the upper-air humidities appear to be airplane to a series of sharp accelerations without a
eri ti cal. N amias' work implied a mechanism similar to systematic change in altitude. These accelerations are
what is now known as entrainment in order to account caused by abrupt changes in velocity of the drafts and
for the arrested growth of convection in a dry upper- by small vortices or whirling masses of air. The larger
air environment. gusts are invariably associated with strong drafts. If
The picture seems to be somewhat as follows. While the airplane is flown at constant power setting, attitude,
on the lower isentropic surfaces there seem to be only and air speed, the draft velocities can be measured by
slight gradients of water-vapor content within the trop- rates of vertical displacement shown on a recording
ical air masses, there is great variabilit.y of moisture on altimeter. The gusts can be obtained from an acceler-
the surfaces around 315K. These variations can be ometer trace. The techniques of both measurements
tracked from one isentropic chart to the next in the form have been developed to a high degree of reliability by
of moving moist and dry tongues. Analyses of separate the Gust Loads Section of the National Advisory Com-
soundings in terms of stability may lead to error because mittee for Aeronautics and are described in N.A.C.A.
a dry tongue may replace a moist tongue or vice versa publications [12].
In order to provide a gust measure that is applicable
in the forecast period at a station.
to studies of the gust loads imposed on airplanes, aero-
If a strong dynamic cause for ascent exists in the nautical engineers determine the "effective gust ve-
tropical air mass, water vapor will be carried aloft to locity." In simplest terms, this may be defined as the
isentropic surfaces where it existed only in small quanti- vertical corriponent of the actual velocity of a "sharp-
ties before. Thus, in addition to a chart of the moist edged gust" that would produce the acceleration in
tongues existing aloft some study of the possibilities question on a particular airplane flown in level flight
of strong low-level convergence with accompanying at a known air speed and a given air density. The
ascent should be included in the forecast preparations. effective gust formula is of the form

4. Consult "Thermodynamics of Clouds" by F. Moller, pp. a -1

199-206 in this Compendium. U. = K V( / )! ft sec ,
Po P Po

where K combines a number of factors relating to the of heaviest turbulence. This supports the idea that
airplane used, a is the acceleration increment in g radar can be useful for avoiding areas of excessive
units, p and p0 are air density at flight level and sea turbulence. In flights below the cloud base, the heaviest
level, respectively (slugs ft- 3 ), and V is the true air turbulence will be found where the darkest rain columns
speed (ft sec- 1) are seen.
The relationship shows that a given effective gust
velocity will produce a greater acceleration the higher Unsolved Problems and Future Research N eeds
the speed of the flight. Through substitution of the Although the research in the three years from 1946
values of airplane characteristics contained in K, the to 1949 added more details to our knowledge of thunder-
accelerations produced on one airplane can be trans- storms than had been accumulated in many decades
lated into the accelerations on another of different previously, it also focused attention on a number of
characteristics. unsolved problems.
From 1362 traverses through thunderstorms on the Some of the questions can be settled by further de-
Thunderstorm Project it was determined that if on tailed observations or measurements. One question of
any one of these traverses the mean maximum V. per detail having fundamental importance for the whole
3000 ft of fl;ght exceeded 8 ft sec- 1 and four gusts per circulation and energy problem is brought up by a
3000 ft, the aircrews reported the turbulence as heavy. finding of the Thunderstorm Project that the strongest
The flights were made by crews highly experienced in downdrafts as well as updrafts are frequently found in
bad-weather flying. This information proved useful in the upper parts of the cells. N o rational picture of a
convincing pilots and meteorologists that data collected thunderstorm cell with the downdraft decreasing down-
by N.A.C.A. in which gust velocities rarely exceeded ward has been devised. Additional data should be
25 or 30 ft sec- 1 , really represented violent thunder- gathered, since the number of measurements of down-
storms. The highest gust velocity recorded on any of drafts is small at the high altitudes. Because of difficulty
these flights was 43 ft sec- 1 which, incidentally, exceeds in maintaining the attitude of the airplane, more than
the maximum gust load that many airplanes are built 30 per cent of the drafts could not be evaluated. An-
to withstand at cruising speeds, free of maneuver other detail that could be studied concerns entrain-
loads. By contrast, sustained drafts of greater than 30 ment. It is not known to what extent entrainment
ft sec- 1 were not uncommon and on a few occasions the involves lateral mixing. This could be solved by ob-
values were in the vicinity of 90 ft sec- 1 taining the horizontal gradient of water vapor from
A significant difference among the different levels some distance outside the cloud up to its very edge by
flown was noted in the magnitudes of gusts and drafts means of an airplane carrying a sensitive dew-point
and in the frequency of high values. The lowest values hygrometer. Further measurements are also needed
of both gusts and drafts were, in the mean, found at concerning the tendency toward desiccation of the
the lowest standard flight levels of the project-6000 downdraft air, as indicated by the "humidity dip" at
ft above ground in Florida and 4000 ft above ground in the ground in the rain core.
Ohio. A statistica! treatment of the data shows a ten- Additional observations should be made on thunder-
dency toward increasing turbulence with height up to storms in arid regions, especially in those cases where
the highest levels flown (25,000 or 26,000 ft), but the the condensation level is very high and the rain may
differences between the various levels from 10,000 ft sometimes evaporate before reaching the ground. The
upward in this respect is slight. The draft velocities water and energy budgets of such cclls must be radi-
showed a distinct maximum at the highest levels. In cally different from those of humid regions. The prob-
general, the values of both types of turbulence were lem of hail has not been solved in relation to thunder-
greater in Ohio than in Florida, possibly due to a more storms. Hail, unless in the form of stones more-than a
successful effort to get the airplanes into the thunder- centimeter in diameter, is hard to detect in a fast-flying
storm before the very intense early-mature stage had airplane, since heavy rain itself makes a great deal of
passed. The mean of the maximum effective gust ve- noise. The Thunderstorm Project did not obtain data
locity above 4 ft sec- 1 in 3000 ft of traverse in Ohio from the region of maximum hail occurrence of the
was 9.4 ft sec- 1 and in Florida 8.9 ft sec- 1 . Great Plains and Rocky Mountain states. The problem
By the use of a range-height-indicating radar, meas- of hail in the generation of thunderstorm electricity
urements have been made on the rate of growth of is a critica! one. In spite of the nearly 200 years that
thundercloud tops, some of which have been observed have elapsed since Benjamin Franklin discovered that
to extend above 55,000 ft. These measurements show lightning was a form of electricity, we still are not sure
that the mean rate of growth, up to an altitude about what causes it.
10,000 ft below the top of the individual storm, in- The squallline and tornadoes in relation to thunder-
creases with height. The rate of growth of these cloud storms are a wide-open field for investigation. Tepper
tops is also a measure of updraft velocities. Therefore [37] and Newton [23] have attacked these problems
one might assume that the updrafts and, with them, the from novel viewpoints. The dynamics of the pre-cold-
gust velocities, increase with height, at least during the front squall line-whether it is a hydraulic jump phe-
growing stages, up to a level about 10,000 ft less than nomenon as emphasized by Tepper or has other special
the maximum height reached by the storm cell. characteristics-need further investigation. In this con-
Finally, it has been shown that areas of highest nection it is interesting to note that, from radar photo-
water concentration in a thunderstorm are the areas graphs, it appears that squall lines crossing the isobars

at a slight angle and therefore having a spiral appear- 4. BRUNK, I. W., "Pressure Pulsations of Aprii 11, 1944."
ance, also occur in hurricanes and typhoons. Is there J. Meteor., 6: 171-178 (1949).
some predisposition for extreme convection in the at- 5. BYERS, H. R., "Nonfrontal Thunderstorms." Dept. Meteor.
Univ. Chicago, Misc. Rep., No. 3 (1942).
mosphere to occur in lines? If so, why?
6. - - and BATTAN, L. J., "Some Effects of Vertical Wind
At this writing, computations of the water budget Shear on Thunderstorm Structure." Bull. Amer. meteor.
and the energy budget reveal problems of a funda- Soc., 30:168-175 (1949).
mental nature. One finding is that under average con- 7. BYERS, H. R., and BRAHAM, R. R., JR., "Thunderstorm
ditions only 10 per cent of the total water involved in a Structure and Circulation." J. Meteor., 5: 71-86 (1948).
thunderstorm reaches the ground as rain. This is not 8. BYERS, H. R., and HuLL, E. C., "Infiow Patterns of Thun-
only of significance to hydrologic studies but also places derstorms as Shown by Winds Aloft." Bull. Amer. meteor.
limitations on computations of the amount of precipita- Soc., 30: 90-96 (1949).
tion producible by artificial nucleation. Computations 9. BYERS, H. R., MosEs, H., and HARNEY, P. J., "Measure-
of the energy budget of the thunderstorm show that ment of Rain Temperature." J. Meteor., 6:51-55 (1949).
10. BYERS, H. R., and RonEBUSH, H. R., "Causes of Thunder-
ideas about thermal instability and its prognostic value
storms of the Florida Peninsula." J. Meteor., 6: 275-280
not only need tobe revised but may have tobe aban- (1948).
doned altogether. 11. DrNGER, J. E., and GuNN, R., "Electrica! Effects As-
Two factors having no very direct connection with sociated With a Change of State of Water." Terr. Magn.
the thermal stability of the atmosphere appear to be atmos. Elect., 51:477-494 (1946).
important for the formation of thunderstorms: (1) the 12. DoNELY, P., "Summary of Information Relating to Gust
occurrence of local regions of convergence, often too Loads on Airplanes." Tech. Notes nat. adv. Comm. Aero.,
small in area to be detected by the existing network of Wash., No. 1976, 145 pp. (1949).
upper-wind stations, and (2) the absence of low mois- 13. FrcKER, H. v., "Dber die Entstehung lokaler Wii.rmege-
ture in the vicinity of the 315K potential-temperature witter, 1. Mitteil." S. B. preuss. Akad. Wiss., Phys.-Math.
Kl., SS. 28-39 (1931).
surface. Why other potential-temperature surfaces are
14. GuNN, R., "Electric Field Intensity Inside Natural
not very critica! in American summer conditions is not Clouds." J. appl. Phys., 19: 481 (1948).
understood. Perhaps the question is related to the fact 15. HARRISON, H. T., and 0RENDORFF, W. K., Pre-coldfrontal
that 315K is about the potential temperature of the Squall Lines. United Air Lines Meteor. Dept. Circ. No.
dry-adiabatic midafternoon lower troposphere over the 16, 1941.
western plateaus. The importance of the Mexico-Ari- 16. HARRISON, L. P., "Lightning Discharges to Aircraft and
zona-New Mexico moist tongue is well known. It should Associated Meteorologica! Conditions." Tech. Notes nat.
again be pointed out, also, that convergence and high- adv. Comm. Aero., Wash., No. 1001 (1946).
level moisture are related. 17. HELFAND, B. B., "Meteorologica! Conditions Associated
The studies point to the desirability of undertaking with Flight Measurements of Atmospheric Turbulence."
further investigations of isentropic or similar charts and Tech. Notes nat. adv. Comm. Aero., Wash., No. 1273
of using a net of upper-wind stations with a 50-mile 18. KoscHMIEDER, H., "Dber Boen." Meteor. Z., 61: 244-247
or, at most, 100-mile mesh to obtain usable divergence- (1944).
convergence charts. 19. KuETTNER, J., "The Electrica! and Meteorologica! Con-
Finally, one is not sure why thunderstorms should ditions Inside Thunderstorms." J. Meteor., 7: 322-332
ever occur. The atmosphere seems to be able to take (1950).
care of the vertical heat exchange without such violent 20. MALKUS, J. S., "Effects of Wind Shear on Some Aspects of
manifestations. Since thermal instability seems to be Convection." Trans. Amer. geophys. Un., 30: 19-25
a necessary but not a sufficient condition for thunder- (1949).
21. NAMIAS, J., "Thunderstorm Forecasting with the Aid of
storms, ordinary cumulus convection appears to be
Isentropic Charts." Bull. Amer. meteor. Soc., 19: 1-14
capable of taking care of the situation. As the thermal (1938).
instability increases, why can't the necessary over- 22. --An Introduction to the Study of Air Mass and Isentropic
turning be accomplished by a great number of fast- Analysis. Amer. Meteor. Soc., Milton, Mass., 1940.
circulating cumulus of small diameter rather than a 23. NEWTON, C. W., "Structure and Mechanism of the Pre-
few big thunderstorms which never seem to cover more frontal Squall Line." J. Meteor., 7:210-222 (1950).
24. NoRMAND, SIR CHARLES, "Energy in the Atmosphere."
than about 50 per cent of an area of about 55,000 Quart. J. R. meteor. Soc., 72: 145-167 (1946).
square miles such as shown on radar at ranges between 25. PRESS, H., "A Statistica! Analysis of Gust-Velocity Meas-
20 and 50 miles? The occurrence of convergent wind urements as Affected by Pilots and Airplanes." Tech.
fl.ow and forced ascent seems to be the answer. Notes nat. adv. Comm. Aero., Wash., No. 1645 (1948).
26. - - "An Application of the Statistica! Theory of Extreme
REFERENCES Values to Gust-Load Problems." Tech. Notes nat. adv.
1. ANDRE, M. J., "Distribution of Instability Weather Types Comm. Aero., Wash., No. 1926 (1949).
with Respect to Summer Cold Fronts in the United 27. - - and BrNCKLEY, E. T., "A Preliminary Evaluation of
States." Bull. Amer. meteor. Soc., 30:228-230 (1949). the Use of Ground Radar for the Avoidance of Turbulent
2. AusTIN, J. M., "A Note on Cumulus Growth in a Non- Clouds." Tech. Notes nat. adv. Comm. A.ero., Wash., No.
saturated Environment." J. Meteor., 5: 103-107 (1948). 1684 (1948).
3. BROOKS, C. F., "The Local, or Heat, Thunderstorm." 28. PREss, H., and THOMPSON, J. K., "An Analysis of the Rela-
Mon. Wea. Rev. Wash., 50:281-287 (1922). tion Between Horizontal Temperature Variations and
Maximum Effective Gust Velocities in Thunderstorms." Tech. Notes nat. adv. Comm. Aero., Wash., No. 1233
Tech. Notes nat. adv. Comm. Aero., Wash., No. 1917 (1949). (1947)

29. RHODE, R. V., "Gust Loads on Airplanes." J. Soc. automot. 40. U. S. Am WEATHER SERVICE, Further Studies of Thunder-
Engrs., N. Y., 40:81-88 (1947). storm Conditions Affecting Flight Operations: Turbulence.
30. ScHAFFER, W., "The Thunderstorm High." Bull. Amer. Air Weather Service Tech. Rep. No. 105-39, Washington,
meteor. Soc., 28: 351-355 (1947). D. C., 1949.
31. ScHMIDT, F. H., "Some Speculations on the Resistance to 41. U. S. WEATHER BuREAU, "Thunderstorm Rainfall." Hy~
the Motion of Cumuliform Clouds." Meded. ned. meteor. drometeor. Rep., No. 5 (1947).
lnst., (B) Deel 1, Nr. 8 (1947). 42. - - "A Report on Thunderstorm Conditions Affecting
32. SIMPSON, G. C., and RoBINSON, G. D., "The Distribution Flight Operations." Tech. Pap., No. 7, Washington,
of Electricity in Thunderclouds, II." Proc. roy. Soc., (A) D. C. (1948).
177:281-329 (1941). 43. - - The Thunderstorm, 287 pp. Washington, D. C., U. S.
33. SIMPSON, G. C., and ScRASE, F. J., "Distribution ofElec- Govt. Printing Oftice, 1949.
tricity in Thunderclouds." Proc. roy. Soc., (A) 161: 309- 44. WEICKMANN, H., "Die Eisphase in der Atmosphre." Ber.
352 (1937)o dtsch. Wetterd. U. S.-Zone, Nr. 6 (1949).
34. STOMMEL, H., "Entrainment of Air into a Cumulus Cloud." 45. WEXLER, H., and NAMIAS, J., "Mean Monthly Isentropic
J. Meteor., 4:91-94 (1947). Charts and Their Relation to Departures of Summer
35. SucKsTORFF, G. A., "Kaltlufterzeugung durch Nieder- Rainfall." Trans. Amer. geophys. Un., 19:164-170 (1938).
schlag," Meteor. Z., 55:287-292 (1938). 46. WICHMANN, H., "Grundprobleme der Physik des Gewit-
36. - - "Die Ergebnisse der Untersuchungen an tropischen ters." Phys. Forschung, P. JoRDAN, Hsgbr., Nr. 1. 118
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scheinungen." Beitr. Geophys., 55: 138-185 (1939). 47. WoRKMAN, E. J., HoLZER, R. E., and PEL'30R, G. T., "The
37. TEPPER, M., "A Proposed Mechanism of Squall Lines: The Electrica! Structure of Thunderstorms.'' Tech. Notes nat.
Pressure Jump Line." J. Meteor., 7: 21-29 (1950). adv. Comm. Aero., H'ash., No. 864 (1942).
38. THOMPSON, J. K., and LIPSCOMB, V. W., "An Evaluation of 48. WoRKMAN, E. J., and REYNOLDS, S. E., "Electrica! Activity
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Associated with Thunderstorms." Tech. Notes nat. adv. meteor. Soc., 30: 142-144 (1949).
Comm. Aero., Wash., No. 1960 (1949). 49. - - "Electrica! Phenomena Occurring during the Freez-
39. ToLEFSON, H. B., "Preliminary Analysis of N .A.C.A. Meas- ing of Dilute Aqueous Solutions and Their Possible Rela-
urements of Atmospheric Turbulence Within a Thunder- tionship to Thunderstorm Electricity." Phys. Rev., (2)
storm-U. S. Weather Bureau Thunderstorm Project." 78: 254-259 (1950) o
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Introduction Parcel and Slice Methods

Cumulus clouds are the visual evidence of the over- Convective currents develop in an atmospheric layer
turning of the atmosphere which follows the establish- which is in an unstable state of equilibrium because a
ment of an unstable state of equilibrium. The unstable perturbation then gives rise to an acceleration of air
state may be created by such :rxocesses as the follow- particles away from their original positions. The sim-
ing: plest approach to the convection problem is to consider
1. The heating of the lower atmosphere through its that a parcel of air can be displaced adiabatically with-
contact with a warm surface gives rise to the cumulus out any density change taking place in the environment.
clouds which appear on a summer afternoon and to the The stability of an atmospheric layer is then tested by
cumulus clouds which often develop when a cold air comparing the density of a parcel which is displaced
mass flows over a warmer surface. from its position of equilibrium with the density of the
2. The cooling of the middle troposphere may pro- environment. This technique, which is referred to as the
duce an unstable condition in the lower atmosphere. parcel method, is reviewed in many meteorologica! texts.
The nighttime cumulus which forms over oceans may The parcel method states that convective cells appear
be attributed, in part, to this process. in nonsaturated air whenever the actual lapse rate of
3. The saturation of a layer of convectively unstable temperature is in excess of the dry-adiabatic rate, and
air results in the development of convective cells. A in saturated air whenever the actuallapse rate of tem-
good example of this process is the cellular pattern perature is greater than the moist-adiabatic rate.
of the precipitation in convectively unstable air of
tropical maritime origin.
Following the establishment of the unstable condi-
tion the atmosphere overturns and thereby transports
heat upward. The manner in which an unstable layer of
fluid overturns has been the subject of experimental and
theoretical investigations.
Benard has described the convection cells which
appear in a horizontal layer of fluid which is heated
from below. The experimental work of Benard, Idrac,
Terada, Mal, Walker and Phillipps, and others is re-
viewed by Brunt [5]. These experiments involved only
very thin layers of fluid. The evidence of the existence
of convective cells in the atmosphere, other than cumu-
lus clouds, includes the observational work of Durst [8]
and Woodcock and Wyman [16], and the measure- TEMPERATURE-
ments by radar and aircraft as reported by Wexler [15]
and Byers and Braham [6]. Fw. 1.-An idealized atmospheric sounding.
The theoretical problem of the development of con-
vective cells in an unstable medium of small thickness Cumulus clouds represent the condition where the
has been analyzed by Rayleigh and others. The theory rising air is saturated while the environment is non-
is reviewed by Stommel [14]. However, a theoretical saturated. The parcel-method analysis then gives cumu-
analysis of the development of cells of the dimensions lus growth provided that (1) the surface layer AC in
of cumulus clouds is lacking. Some of the disturbing Fig. 1 is heated so that the convective currents in this
problems are the applicability of the linearized equa- layer give condensation at C (that is, C is the convective
tions, the variability of the coefficient of eddy diffusion, condensation level), and (2) the lapse rate of tempera-
the compressibility of the atmosphere, and the hori- ture above C is greater than the moist-adiabatic lapse
zontal wind shear in the vertical plane. Also, the libera- rate.
tion of the latent heat of condensation in the cloud One of the principal defects of the parcel method is
provides a heat source other than the ground. It would the assumption of an undisturbed environment. The
appear that the problem of cumulus convection should slice method eliminates the assumption of an undisturbed
be analyzed from the standpoint of the development of environment by assuming that there are compensating
cellular circulations. In the absence of a complete solu- downward currents which are accompanied by adiabatic
tion of this problem it has been necessary to make heating. This method gives the same stability criteria
various assumptions as to the important aspects of the as the parcel method for the cases of a nonsaturated
process. layer and an entirely saturated layer. However, for the

case of saturated rising air in a nonsaturated environ- the rising air decreases with height and is determined
ment the two methods differ. The details of the slice by the variation of the virtual temperature 1'' and by
method \Yill not be treated here (see the discussion in the pressure of the environment. For any appreciable
Pettertisen [11]). The principal difficulty in applying the value of T' - T the density decrease is less than the
tilice rriethod to the cumulus problem resides in the fact velocity increase. If the outer boundaries of the column
that the slice method considers slices of infinitesimal of rising air form a cylinder, it follows that more mass
thicknetiti whereas cumulus clouds are of finite extent. is leaving the top portion of any section of the cylinder
When it is assumed that the rising air cools moist- than is entering the base of the section. Thi8 state is
adiabatically there is generally some tempera ture differ- impossible because it violates the condition of con-
ence between the cloud top and its surroundings and, tinuity. Continuity of mass requires that air be brought
therefore, the slice-method analysis cannot be applied in through the sides of the cylinder, but this is not
beyond the initial stage at the cloud base. possible in view of the assumption that the pressure
One of the major defects of these two methods is the inside the cylinder is equal to the pressure outside.
assumption that the vertically moving currents are Alternatively, continuity may be satisfied by allowing
isolated from their surroundings and that only adiabatic the horizontal dimensions of the rising stream to de-
temperature changes occur within the cloud and its crease with height. This case does not appear phy8ically
environment. The questionable nature of this assump- real as a model for a cumulus cloud, since it leads to a
tion is well illustrated by the temperature observations very narrow current moving with a large velocity.
within cumulus clouds. For example, the observations Hence, when it is considered that the jet develops
analyzed by Stommel [13] and Byers and Braham [G] through the ccelerations produced by the moist-adi-
failed to reveal moist-adiabatic lapse rates of tempera- abatic ascent of cloud air, it must be recognized that
ture within the cloud. Instead it was observed that the there bas to be a horizontal inftow of air into the rising
cloud temperature was only slightly different from that saturated current in order to maintain continuity of
of the environment. Also measurements indicate that mass within the ascending stream.
the liquid-water contents are only a fraction of those Up to the present time a common approach to the
which would be expected from the assumption of the entrainment problem has been to consider the extent
moist-adiabatic ascent of air. The empirica! data then to which the mixing changes the lapse rate of tempera-
demonstrate that there must he continuai mixing be- ture within the cloud from the moist-adiabatic rate.
tween the rising eurrent and the environment. This With this approach three different aspects of mixing
mixing of environmental air into the rising current of between the cloud and its environment should bc con-
cloud air is referred to as entrainment. sidered, namely,
1. The horizontal inflow of environmental air into a
Concept of Entrainment and Mixing
cloud column which is assumed to grow upward in a
The concept of entrainment as the turbulent mixihg number of adiabatic steps.
of fluid from an environment into a jet stream has been 2. The hydrodynamical entrainment of environ-
analyzed by hydrodynamicists. Its application to the mental air.
cumulus problem is discussed by Schmidt [12] and 3. The cddy diffusion of elomi particles into the
Stommel [13]. The difficulty of applying hydrodynami- environment. This aspect of mixing is present even
cal jet-stream theories to the cumulus problem resides when there is no general rising motion within the cloud.
in the concept of the jet. In the atmosphere there is no The analysis has been restricted so far to a vertically
mechanism to eject air into its surroundings and there- moving stream in a stationary environment. In an
fore the moving air column, or the jet, must originate actual weather situation the horizontal wind spced
from the vertical accelerations which are produced varies with elcvation and it is now neccssary to con-
within the air itself. Such accelerations can be deduced sider the effect of the vertical wind shear on the entrain-
from an assu~ption that the rising cloud air cools ment. This aspect of cumulus convection has been
adiabatically. However, such an assumption is not very discussed by Malkus [9]. It is shown that the horizontal
realistic. If air commences to risc so that its tempera- translation of an ascending cloud column relative to its
ture decreases at the moist-adiabatic rate in an environ- surroundings affects the growth and motion of the
ment where the lapse rate of temperature exceeds the cloud. For the usual case of an increase in the hori-
moist-adiabatic lapse rate, the virtual temperature 1'' zontal wind with elevation, the entrainment is greatest
of the rising air is higher than the virtual temperature T on the upwind side of the cloud while on the downwind
of the environment. As a consequence of the assumption side the liquid cloud is detrained from the field of rising
that the pressure on the rising particle is equal to the motion. Thus the entrainment of outside air is asym-
pre8sure of the environment, the rising particle is ac- metrical. A further consideration is the horizontal varia-
celerated upward and the acceleration is given by tion through a cloud section of the mixing of environ-
dvz _ T' - T ( 1) mental air with cloud air even in the absence of a vertical
dt - T g, wind shear. This problem has been analyzed for the hy-
drodynamical jet stream, but it has not been solved
where g is the acceleration of gravity. Since the accelera- for the other aspects of mixing which have been dis-
tion is positive the upward velocity of the rising air cussed here.
increases with height. At the same time the density of Finally, it is recognized that, as a conscquence of the

downward motion, the environment is continually that the condition of the cloud is probably changing
changing while the cloud grows upward and, thereforc, continually as a result of the influence of the descending
it might be expected that the entrainment and mixing currents upon the temperature and humidity of the
at a particular cloud level are changing with time. When environment.
thil:l factor is added to the other aspects of mixing; it is The graphical procedure for the determination of
apparent that entrainment is a complex problem. At the lapse rate of temperature within the cloud is illus-
this point the question may be raised as to whether the trated in Fig. 2. Suppose that at some point in its ascent
problem of cumulus convection could be more readily along the moist-adiabatic a cloud parcel (A in Fig. 2)
solved by an approach which recognized the cloud is permitted to mix with its environment. If the mixing
and its surroundings as a cell rather than one which takes place at conl:ltant prel:ll:lure and if some value K
attempted to treat the cloud and environment sepa- is asl:ligned for the proportion of the environment en-
rately. trained by the cloud, the temperature Tu and the mix-
ing ratio Wu of the cloud air are given by
Effect of Mixing on the Cloud Properties
Tu = (T* + K'l'e)/(1 + K),
Even though it is not yet possible to determine the
precise details of the mixing of environmental air with
Wu = (w* + Kve)/(1 + K), (2)

the ascending cumulus cloud, an insight into the growth where (T*, w*) and (Te, 1flc) arc, respcetively, the
of cumulus cells may be obtained by a theoretical cloud and environmental variables before the mixing
analysis of the effect of the mixing on such aspects of occurs. As a result of the mixing, the elomi point on the
the cloud as its temperature and liquid-\vater content. thermodynamic diagram has moved from A (T*, w*)
A graphical technique for the determination of the
lapse rate of temperaturc \Yithin the cloud is clescribed mb
below aml 1rill bc followed by a thermodynamic analysis 70\ ''
of mixing. '\

600 1--- ---- -~

:::> 700 f---~- - - 70 -- -
0: 800
90 1'--.


I00_020 -10 O 10 20 30 40 I00~2~0__j-IO;:---!;O-c-';;I0,.--:;2f;;:0--:;3::;0'--:;'4.0

cr: mb mb
::> 500 500
70\ \ 10\ \
IJ) . \ \
w . \ \

cr: --

600 600
Il. w

:::> .\
500 70 700
B o c A
"'"'w 30~.. ,
a. 800 t - - - -
(Te ,wel (T,w) (T*,w*l 0: -- 800
90 90
r-- - -
~ t---
900 f---- -~

1000 100 o
-20 -!O O 10 20 30 40 -20 -tO O tO 20 30 40
FIG. 2.-Graphical computation of the effect of mixing on Fw. 3.-Cloud lapse ratcs of tcrnperature which could arise
the lapse rate of tempcrature. AF is a rnoist-adiabatic, BH is through mixing. The solid lincs, dashed lines, and dottcd lines
the environmental lapse rate, and DE is the lapse rate which are rcspectively t.he cnvironrnental, moist.-adiabatic, and cloud
arises frorn rnixing. lapse rates of tcrnperature. Thc nurnbers rcprescnt the humid-
itv of the environrnent in per cent. In the two upper diagrarns
t!rec parts of cloud air mix with one part of cnvironmental air
Graphical Procedure. In the graphieal procedure the at evcry 50-rnb stcp; in the two lowcr diagrams fi ve parts of
following assumptionl:l are made: cloud alr mix with one part of cnvironmental air at cvery 50-
1. The clouds are formed as the result of heating at mb step.
the ground.
2. Vertically moving columns of air are subjected to to C(Tu, Wu), where the cloud parcel is no longer
adiabatic temperature changes. saturated. Let the parcel become saturated at constant
3. The rising air mixes with the air of the environ- pressure by the evaporation of the liquicl water of the
ment. The physical properties of the environmental air cloud. The final state of the cloud parcel is then given
can be obtained from the radiosonde data. by the wet-bulb temperature T and the saturation
4. When mixing oceurs, the nonsaturated air of the mixing ratia at this temperature w.
environment becomes saturat2d at constant pressure by Permit the cloud to continue its ascent hnt now
the evaporation of some of the liquid water of the eloud. along the moist-adiabatic through D, and at a pressure
This is saturation hy the \Yet-bulb process. p' repcat the process of mixing and evnporntion. The
5. The lapse rate of temperature within the cloud is condition of the air in the cloud at a pressure of p' is
obtained from the computed values of the temperature then given by the point E(T', w') on the thermo-
of the cloud top as the cloud grows upward from the dynamic diagram. The lapse rate of temperature within
condensntion level. This asi"umption ignores the fact the cloud, between p and v', is given by thc line DE.

Under the assumption of the parcel method the lapse where 'Yd = gjcp, the dry-adiahatic lapse rate of tem-
rate of temperature within the cloud would be given perature. Consider the usual situation where 'Yd ;::: 'Yc
by AF. Since dmjdz ;::: O, then d(mwz)/dz ;::: O as long as
This graphical procedure has been followed for two T. ~ T, and the cloud does not dry through mixing.
different moisture distributions and mixing regimes Therefore, whenever the lapse rate of temperature of
(Fig. 3). The computed values of the lapse rate of the environment is less than the dry-adiabatic lapse
temperature within the cloud provide an insight into rate, the cloud temperature becomes less than the
the effect of mixing upon the growth of the cloud. environmental temperatura before the liquid-water con-
'l'hermodynamic Analysis. As a saturated cloud mass tont reaches zero. It can be concluded that the factor
m rises a vertical distance dz, through a prassure change which controls the tarmination of the cloud growth is
dp, let it mix with a mass dm of its environment. The tha temperature of the cloud.
ascent and mixing may ba considered to consist of the Cloud Properties. Because there is little information
following processes: an adiabatic temperature decrease on the mixing process, equations (3)-(G) are of limited
of tha cloud mass m; an isobaric cooling of the mass m practica! use. Howevar it is possible to gain an insight
and isobaric heating of dm; and evaporation of a portion into some of the cloud characteristics by considering
of tha liquid water of m in order to saturate dm so that the orders of magnitude of the various terms of these
the final mixture is saturated and has a uniform hori- equations. The observations analyzed by Barrett and
zontal distribution of temperature, water vapor, and Riehl [3] and Stommel [13] show that the temperature
liquid water. The lapse rate of temperature in the differenee batween the inside and outside of a cumulus
cloud, 'Yc, may be derivad by considering the heat cloud is very small. Figure 4 is reproducad from the
changes occurring in the rising mass. Austin and Fleishar
[2] have shown that
m(cp dT - RT d ln p) = - Cp(T - Te)dm
(3) 25,000'
- L(w- We) dm- mLdw,
and that

(4) 15,000'

where Cp is the specific beat at constant prassure, L the

latent haat of evaporation of water, w the saturation
mixing ratio at the tamperature T, Wc the actual mixing
mtio of tha environment, and R tha constant of the gas
aquation for dry air. If there is no mixing, dm/dz = O o .5 1 MILE O 15 30 FT 1 SEC.
and the lapse rate of temperature in the cumulus eloud HORIZONTAL SCALE ORAFT VECTOR SCALE
is the same as the moist-adiabatic lapse rate of tam-
parature 'Ym Since Te < T and 10" < w, 'Yc > 'Yrn, that FIG. 4.-Circulation within a typical ccll in cumulus stage.
is, the lapse rate of temparature within a cloud which is Inflow and vertical motion bencath thc cloud are light and
mixing with its environment is graater than the moist- are not shown. (After Byers and Braham [6].)
adiahatic lapse rate.
The cumulus cloud ceases to grow aither when the work of Byers and Braham [G] who arrived at this
liquid-water content is zero or when the cloud becomes typical picture from the analysis of extensive obser-
sufficiently colder than the environment so that the vational data. If the variation with height of the
vertical velocity is zero. The variation of the liquid- average vertical velocity is considered and if allowance
water content wz can he ascertained hy equating the is made for the force required to set the entrained air
total water content before and after mixing: in motion, it follows that a virtual temperature dif-
ference of less than 1C is ample to axplain the develop-
dwz = -dw + ~ (wc- w- wz). (5) ment of the cloud. Even when friction is considered it
m is prohable that an average virtual temperature dif-
With the substitution of (5) in (3) an expression is ob- ference of 1C or less is snfficient to acconnt for the
tained for the variation of the total mass of liquid upward force which causes the vertical davelopment of
water, most cumulus clouds. From this empirica! information

--- [ ("/d - 'Yc) + ---
d (mwz ) = mcp
1 dm (T - Te)
m dz
it may be concluded that the lapse rate of temperature
(G) within the cloud differs only slightly from the lapse
rate of temperatura within the environrnent.

With T- T. < IC, it follows that Cp

[._ (w - w.) is large thus,
as compared with T- T. except for a rare situation of a cpr iz
practically saturated environment. Hence the assump-
wz = Lm zo mdz. (10)

tion of T = T. appears a reasonable one for the dis- The variation of wz is illustrated in Fig. 6. The liquid-
cussion of such factors as liquid-water content and the water content and cloud mass vary with r and Il in a
variation of cloud mass with height. With T = T. manner summarized in Table I. It is sugge:sted that
and 'Yc = 'Ye, equation (3) becomes these general conclusion:s on the variation of m and w 1
L dm L dw also hold for the case where the cloud air is :,;light(y
'Ye- 'Ya = - -
Cpm dz
(w- w.) +- -.
Cp dz
(7) warmer than t.he environment; that is, thc situation
where thcre is a force to accelerate the cloud air upward.
Let w,jw = H, the relative humidity of the environ-
ment, and 'Ya - 'Ye = r. If r and H are considered as
constants between elevations Z 0 and Z, the integration
of equation (7) yields
m _
exp -
Cp r iz dz]
- (8)
mo w L(I - H) z0 w

The variation of the cloud mass with different lapse I-

rates and relative humidities is illustrated in Fig. 5. I-

12 Ye ~ 9 x 10
H ~O. 50

FIG. 6.-Variation of the liquid-water content with elevation
for the same conditions as in .Fig. 5.
For the application of the above results to the an-
alysis of an actual cloud, consideration must be given
to the horizontal variation of the amount of environ-
ment mixed with the rising column, the change with
OL-_ _ L_ _L __ __ L_ _ _ _L __ __ L_ _

2 3 4 5

time of the lap:se rate and the relative humidity of the

FIG. 5.-Dilution of cloud mass with elevation. m/mo is the

ratio of the actual cloud mass m, at the level Z, to the fractional
mass mo which originated at the cloud base Zo, 'Y is the lapse
rate of temperature, and H is the relative humidity. The
cloud base is at 900 mb and 20C. r incteasing 1 H increasing
1 --------~-

m decreases mcrease~
The mass increases more rapidly when the environment Wz increases [ decreases
has a steep lapse rate of temperature and a high relative
humidity. AII these curves pass through a maximum,
the location of which depends on r. These maxima environment, the change with time of the degrec of
occur at that height where the moist-adiabatic lapse mixing, and the significance of the interna! circulation
rate becomes equal to ')'., as can be seen from equation cells within the cloud. Also it has been assumed that
(4) if dm/dz is set equal to zero. the entire liquid-water content is carried upward, there-
With the same assumptions equation (6) becomes fore the analysis cannot be applied to cases where
precipitation occurs.
d(mwl)/dz = mcp rjL, (9) The graphs in Fig. 5 may suggest a peculiar cloud

shape since they indicate that the cloud mass continues layer. The prediction of this phenomenon requires first,
to incrcase with height. These graphs should be in- a determination of the convective state of the air
terpreted as representing, at any elevation, the fraction bcfore it is subjected to some rising motion which pro-
of the cloucl air which has originated at a lower eleva- duces the saturation; and second, an estimate of whether
tion. For example, in the case 'Ye = 9 X 1Q-5C cm- 1 rising motion will occur. The convective state is de-
and H = 0.50 in Fig. 5, the air at 2 km above the termined from the distribution of the wet-bulb potential
cloud base contains one part of air which originated at temperature. If a deep layer of the air is convectively
the base and five parts of air which have come from the unstable the forecaster must estimate the likelihood
environment. However, this may not necessarily mean of the air being lifted to saturation. Rising motion may
that the mass of the cloud at 2 km is six times as great be expected in the vicinity of fronts, along mountain
as the mass at the base. In fact, it is probable that not ranges, and in general regions of horizontal convergence
all of the air which reaches a particular level continues near the earth's surface. The best example of the latter
to ascend. process is the horizontal convergence in the vicinity of
isallobaric minima.
Data on Convective Showers The principal defect of the forecast procedure is the
In view of the eddy diffusion to which a cloud is vague qualitative approach. More information is needed
subject, it seems probable that the ideal conditions for on the manner in which a deep layer of air overturns
the persistence of a cumulus cloud are a high liquid- and on the distribution of rising velocities. Radar ob-
water content and large horizontal extent. For the servations [10] of precipitation areas have shown that
development of the vertical accelerations to force the the vertical extent of rain cells, and presumably that
cloud upward it seems desirablc that there be a steep of convection cells, varies directly with the degree of
lapse rate of temperature. The analysis, as summarized convective instability. Hence it should be expected that
in Table I, indicates that it is not possible to satisfy highly convectively unstable air will give rise to taU
all three conditions; for example, a condition which cumulus cells of thunderstorm dimensions.
gives rise to a high liquid-water content does not appear 2. Surface Heating. Surface heating may arise from
to favor the development of vertical accelerations. the transport of cool air over a warmer surface or from
Therefore, it should not be expected that a steep lapse direct radiational heating. A method for the prediction
rate of temperature in the environment is nccessarily of cumulus development may be applied to either type
the most favorable condition for cumulus growth. Con- of heating.
sequently, attempts have been made to obtain some The parcel-method analysis of the equilibrium state
empirica! data on cumulus clouds which would give an leads to a forecast method which involves the so-called
insight into the mixing process. positive and negative areas, as illustrated in Fig. 7.
Austin [1] studied the occurrence of convective
showers in the vicinity of three radiosonde stations in
the eastern United States. It was found that the relative
humidity of the environment was as important a con-
sideration for the development of showers as the vertical
stability of the air. Chalker [7] confirmed this con-
clusion and showed that showers occur most frequently
in regions where the lapse rate is about 6C km- 1, that
is, only slightly steeper than the moist-adiabatic lapse \
rate. These studics were restricted to the occurrence +'\
or nonoccurrence of shower-type clouds. It would be
desirable to have extensive empirica! information on M
cumulus humilis and cumulus congestus clouds in order \
to determine more precisely the effect of the humidity \ p
of the environment on the cloud growth. However, at
present, such information is not readily obtainable. \

Prediction of Cumulus Development

Sirice the unstable state may be created in various ..
e\ -
ways, as pointed out in the introduction, the problem A
of forecasting cumulus development can conveniently TEMPERATURE-
be divided into two sections. Fra. 7.-The positive and negative area analysis for cum-
1. Convectively Unstable Air. Petterssen [11] has pro- ulus convection. The dashed line is a moist adiabatic and the
vided an analysis of cumulus development in con- dotted line is a dry adiabatic.
vectively unstable air. In brief, if a layer of air is
characterized by a decrease of the wet-bulb potential ABP D is the path on an adiabatic chart followed by an
temperature with height and if this layer becomes air parcel which is lifted through an atmosphere
saturated, an unstable state will exist. As a consequence ALPMD. The forecast method states that cumulus
of the instability, cumulus cells develop in the saturated clouds will develop to shower dimensions provided that

the positive area is greater than the negative area, determines the convective condensation level. The beat-
that the positive arca extends beyond the OC isotherm, ing necessary to initiate cumulu::; growth ean be de-
and that the surfaee heating is sufficient to initiate the termined by drawing a dry-adiabatic from the con-
conveetion. This method is open to serious critiei::;m vective condensation level to the ground. If it is ex-
since the cloud air does not follow the path ABP D pected that this heating will occur during the forecast
and hence the positive and negative areas have no period, some cumulus development may he expccted.
significance as regards the cumulus development. Fur- Since these temperature estimates are bascd on widcly
thermore, the negative area is zero when the cloud scattered observations, the forecaster should tcnd to
commences to develop. overestimate the dew-point and maximum temper-
A more appropriate application of the parcel-method atures. This overestimation is justified as there are
technique is to determine the convective condensation probably locations nearby which are more favorable
level, C in Fig. 8, and to estimate the heating necessary for cumulus development than directly over the isolatcd
to initia te convection, T H - TA. If this heating is ex- reporting stations.
pected, then cumulus clouds should develop to the level 2. If thc lapse rate of temperaturc above the con-
D. This method may be criticized on the same vective condensation level is less than the moist-adia-
theoretical grounds that make the parcel-method an- batic lapse rate, no cumulus development is to be ex-
pected. If the lapse rate of temperature is in excess of
the moist-adiabatic rate, the degree of cumulus develop-
ment should be basecl upon the relative humiclity clis-
tribution above the convective condensation level. Thc
forecaster may be aided by the statistics given by Austin
[1] and Chalker [7].
\ 3. A laycr with low relative humidity, ora laycr with
\ a lapse rate less than the moist-adiabatic rate above the
\ convcctive condensation levcl, definitely disfavors cu-

\ mulus development.
\ 4. Thcse estimations may be made from radiosonde
'\ \ observations taken prior to the forecast period, but here
consideration must be given to the probable change in
\ the lapse rate of temperature ancl relative humidity
c during the forecast interval. It is suggested that this
..L estimate be based on thc trend as illustratecl by a
stability chart which depicts the lapse rate of temper-
. .... ature from 850 mb to 500 mb ancl the relative humidity
within the same layer (see Chalker [7]).
Suggestions for Research
FIG. 8.-The parcel-method analysis of cumulus convection.
The dashed line is a moist adiabatic and the dotted line is a The introduction of the concept of cntrainment and
dry adiabatic. mixing may be consiclered an advance in the analysis
of cumulus convection. It recognizes that a cumulus
alysis untenable. Furthermore, observations show that cloud cloes not grow upwarcl as an isolated column of
this technique overestimates cumulus development. saturated air which cools at the moist-adiabatic rate.
Also this method offers no satisfactory explanation for However, many theoretical problems remain to be
the failure of cumulus clouds to develop whenever solvecl. N o satisfactory procedure has been offerecl
there is dry air in the middle troposphere. whereby the clegree of entrainment and mixing may be
Beers [4] has proposed a forecast technique which estimated ancl recent analyses of entrainment have
is based upon the slice method. The method treats failed to take into consideration the disturbed state of
layers of finite thickness and, therefore, is an attempt the environment. As a consequence of this de::;cending
to apply the slice-method technique to a deep layer environment the cloud is continually in a ::;tate of
of air. This method assumes that the cloud air rises change which presents serious theoretical problems if it
adiabatically and hence it is open to question. However is desired to know the physical properties of the clowl
it may be possible to modify the method so as to allow at a given time. More theoretical research is clearly
for the mixing. The desira bie feature of Beers' technique inclicated.
is the treatment of the cloud growth as the development One feature of cumulus growth which requires more
of a circulation cel!. consideration is the significance of the surface heating.
The concept of the entrainment of outside air suggests In the past the tendency has been to concentrate at-
an alternate procedure for the prediction of cumulus tention on the cloud after it starts to develop and to
convection through heating which may be summarized consider that the surface heating is only important in-
as follows: sofar as it initiates the cloud development. However,
1. The surface dew-point temperature tobe expected it appears logical to expect that t.he degrcc of the surfaec
about the time of cloud formation is estimated. This heating, beyond that necessary to start cloud growth.

should affect the development of the cloud. The ground 5. BRUl'iT, D., Physical and Dynamical Meteorolorm, 2nd ed.
may he as significant a heat source as the latent heat Cambridge, University Press, 1939. (See pp. 219-223)
released in the cloud. When this rourface heating is con- 6. BYERS, H. H., and BRAHAM, R R., JR., "Thunderstorm
sidered it again appears that an approach like that Structure and Circulation." J. Meteor., 5: il-86 (1948).
7. CnALKER, W. R., "Vertical Stability in Regions of Air
applied to the Benard cells may be more fruitful than
Mass Showers." Bull. Amer. meteor. Soc., 30: 145-147
recent attempts to handle entrainment and mixing. (1949).
The author recognizes that there are serious theoretical 8. DuRsT, C. S., "Notes on the Variations in the Structure
problems in the cell approach. In many respects the of Wind over Different Surfaces." Quart . ./. R. rneteor.
question of convection is perhaps as complicated as the Soc., 59: 361-3il (1933).
cyclone problem. 9. MALKUS, J. S., "Effects of Wind Shear on Some Aspects of
In conclusion, it appears likely that no major progress Convection." Trans. Arner. geophys. Un., 30:19-25 (1949).
will be made with the forecast problem of cumulus 10 . .MATHER, J. R., "An Investigation of the Dimensions of
convection until more knowledge is gained of the Prccipitation Echoes by Radar." Bull. Amer. rneteor.
mechanics of cloud growth. Soc., 30: 2il-27i (1949).
11. PETTERSSEN, S., Weather Analy.~is md Forecasting. New
York, McGraw, 1940.
12. ScHMIDT, F. H., "Some Speculations on the Resistance to
1. AusTIN, J. M., "A Note on Cumulus Growth in a Non- the Mot ion of Cumuliform Clouds." il! eded. ned. meteor.
saturated Environment." J. Meteor., 5: 103-107 (1948). Inst., (B) Deci 1, Xr. 8 (1947).
2. - - and Fr.EISHER, A., "A Thermodynamic Analysis 13. STOMMEL, H., "Entrainment of Air into a Cumulus Cloud."
of Cumulus Convection." J. Meteor., 5: 24{}--243 (1948). .!. 2vleteor., 4: 91-94 (1947).
3. BARRETT, E. W., and RIEHL, H., "Experimental Verifica- 14. - - "A Summary of thc Theory of Convection Cells.''
tion of Entrainmcnt of Air into Cumulus." J. Meteor., Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci., 48: 715-726 (1947).
5: 304-307 (1948)o 15. WEXLER, R., "Cellular Structurc of Intermittent Rain."
4. llEERs, 1'\. R., "Atmospheric Stability and Instability'' Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci., 48: 777-782 (19-H).
in Handbook of Meteorology, F. A. BERRY, JR., F. BoL LA Y, 16. WooncocK, A. H., and WYMAN, J., "Convectivc Motion in
amiN. R. llEERS, ed. New York, McGraw, 1945. (See Air ovcr the Sea." Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci., 48: 749-776
pp. 693-711) (1947).
World Weather Network by Athelstan F. Spilhaus .................................................. 705

Models and Techniques of Synoptic Representation by john C. Bellamy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 711

Meteorologica! Analysis in the Middle Latitudes by V.]. Oliver and M. B. Oliver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 715
University of Minnesota

Introduction The Gaps

To solve the prohlem of covering the earth with a To localize the worst spots of meteorologica! terra
meteorologica! network, international cooperation incognita, so as to form the hasis of the very long range
must he presupposed even though the present time planning which is needed in estahlishing the world
seems inauspicious. However, meteorology has an weather network, certain assumptions can he made.
enviahle record of international cooperation which has Apart from the antarctic continent, it is comparatively
withstood two major wars and has heen maintained, simple, from Ilo technical standpoint, to provide the
alheit in a somewhat restricted manner, in times of requisite density of land stations, although the present
severe international stress. Cooperation started as a closeness on land-particularly in equatorial areas north
means of exchanging ohservations hetween nations. of 108-is very far from the 100-150-km spacing
The actual planning of networks has hitherto taken recommended in Resolution 109 [6]. Thegreaterprohlem
place on the hasis of individual national needs. Con- lies with the other two-thirds of the earth's surface
sequently, an extremely uneven coverage is afforded which is covered hy the oceans. Here the assumption is
the meteorologist who desires to study world-scale made that, for convenience and economy, suitahly se-
prohlems rather than regional synoptic meteorology. lected islands and reefs should he fully utilized hefore
Air navigation, which now encompasses the earth, has the further step is taken of arranging ohservations
given a new impetus to the international organization from the surface of the deep ocean.
of weather networks. However, even here the planning The ideal situation, in which all strategically placed
is directed to the practica! needs of air operations and islands are suitahly used for meteorologica! stations, is
seldom results in a network satisfactory for the study far from a reality. Because stations are estahlished
of the general circulation. primarily for national regional synoptic needs, a numher
That the need for such studies is well recognized is of islands which are highly important from a world-
network point of view are not fully manned and
indicated, for example, hy the Southern Hemisphere
equipped, meteorologically, since they are far removed
map analysis project heing conducted at the Massa-
from the sovereign nation which is, therefore, little
chusetts Institute of Technology hy Willett [8]. Evi-
concerned with their weather ohservations. Examples
dence of extensive consideration of the prohlem is are St. Helena in the Atlantic which has no upper-air
indicated hy numerous resolutions of the Conference station and Clipperton in the east equatorial Pacific.
of Directors at the meeting of the International Meteor- N evertheless, the meteorologica! occupation of some
ologica! Organization in Washington, D. C., in 1947. very important remote islands has heen encouraging
Resolutions 21, 36, 109, and 210 [6], dealing respectively in the years sin ce W orld W ar II (Marion and Amster-
with meteorologica! reconnaissance in areas with in- dam Islands being two recent examples).
adequate coverage hy other means, with various ways To illustrate graphically the areas remaining after
of amplifying the information from oceans, with the continents, islands, and reefs are properly turned to
density of land stations, and with the proper utilization account, Fig. 1 shows a chorometric chart of the world
of suitahle islands, point out the necessary steps in the ocean with isochors representing lines of equal distance
direction of estahlishing a suitahle world weather net- from land of any kind at three hundred nautical mile
work. spacing (five degrees of latitude). The base map used
Studies such as those heing conducted in connection for this figure is that devised by the author in 1942
with the Southern Hemisphere project will reveal in [11]. The data were revised by F. E. Lukermann, Jr.,
detail the deficiencies in the world network. However, it Geography Department, University of Minnesota, from
the first choro-
is the purpose of this paper to look at the prohlem from a study of the islands missing both from
metric chart published in 1898 [2, 7] and also from the
a comprehensive point of view.
later ones for the Atlantic, Indian, and Pacific Oceans
In general, the world weather network is deficient
[9, 10]. Because it is feasihle to huild structures for
in the two polar areas and in the equatorial zone. meteorologica! purposes on reefs which are either awash
Latitude for latitude, it is more lacking in the Southern or covered by water less than five fathoms deep, these
Hemisphere than in the N orthern; for a given latitude, have heen regarded in the same sense as islands in
it is always more inadequate in ocean regions than in Fig. 1. Included in this category are reefs such as the
land areas. Because of the general distrihution of land Virginia Roeks (three or four fathoms) in the Atlantic
and sea on the earth, the Southern Hemisphere at Ocean; Saya de Malha (about two fathoms) in the
higher latitudes presents a tremendous and very diffi- Indian Ocean; and, in the Pacific Ocean, the Maria
cult prohlem of weather coverage. Theresa Reef (awash), the Ernest Legouve Reef

(awash), Harans Reef (with a ship aground), and in the Pacific more than a thousand nautical miles
Filippo Reef (about two fathoms). Islands apparently from land or reef of any kind. It is interesting to note
missing from Schott's charts, which have been added, that the North Atlantic, where the most extensive
are, in the Atlantic Ocean, Rockall and Annob6n; weather-ship program is being operated, has less area
in the Indian Ocean, Scott's Reef, Rowley's Shoals, distant from land of any kind than the other major
oceanic divisions.
Ships' Reports
To cover the areas of the open ocean, there has for
many years been a well-directed program enlisting the
cooperation of vessels plying the oceans for other
purposes. At least for regions traversed by the well-
established sea lanes of commerce, ships' reports of
this kind are of tremendous value even though their
quality is sometimes questionable, and elementary ob-
servations, such as those of rainfall, are not taken. An
idea of the coverage afforded by this means may be
obtained by analysis of the grand total of observations
for all months of the period of more than fifty years
analyzed in the U. S. Weather Bureau's Atlas of Cli-
matic Charts of the Oceans and summarized in Chart 1
of that atlas [14]. This chart shows the observations
for all months distributed by five-degree unit areas
over the oceans. Figure 2 shows the outlines of the
areas in which there were less than five hundred ob-
servations in the 50-yr period ending in 1933 (average
of less than ten observations per year). The steady
increase of shipping of all kinds tends to increase the
number of ships' reports. On the other hand, the effect
of modern developments (canals, for example) for short-
cutting sea routes and the increasing use of aircraft
militate against the possibility of there being sufficient
ships in these remote areas to provide regular observa-
tions. Even the increase in the general amount of ship-
ping in the world occurs along established sea lanes
and will not cover the untravelled areas of the ocean.
Figure 2, therefore, may be accepted as a fair general
indication of the areas which cannot be covered by
normal ship-observation techniques. If Figs. 1 and 2
are superimposed, lines can be drawn delimiting parts
which are more than 600 mi from land of any kind and
which, in the 50-yr period mentioned, had less than
ten observations a year. This chart, Fig. 3, gives a good
idea of the regions (principally in the Southern Hemi-
sphere) which need tobe covered (from a world weather
network point of view) with fl.oating stations of some
kind, whether they be weather ships or specially de-
r.7:0"1600 - 900
signed fl.oating stations, automatic or manned. In these
infrequent!y travelled regions which are far from land,
0 900-1200
NAUTICAL AIL ES some of the attempts ata solution may be [6, Resolut ion
~OVER 1200
~ NAUTICAL MILES 36] the use of (1) fishing vessels, (2) aircraft recon-
naissance, (3) stationary weather ships, or (4) automatic
FIG. 1- Lines of equal distance from land at spacings of
300 nautical miles. (Aitoff equal-area projection centered at stations on buoys. To these should be added t he lm:s
708, l5E.) desirable, but also less costly, indirect methods of
coverage afforded by sferics, radar networks, and ocean-
Bassas da India and Europa Island; in the P acific wave analysis as applied to the location of storms [1].
Ocean, Palmyra, Kingman's Reef, and Beveridge Reef. One example of the gaps that could be fil!ed by the use
Some islands, seemingly included in Schott's maps, but of fi'shing vessels is in the Southern Hemisphere where
now established as nonexistent, have been eliminated. an arrangement for the use of whalers for meteorologica!
Figure 1 shows clearly the regions of the great world purposes might be made. It is t'l be hoped that co-
oceans which are farthest from land- with two areas operation with the International Whaling Association

can be achieved along these lines before the whale uring winds and. other conditions below the aircraft
becomes extinct. Aircraft reconnaissance has proved down to the surface gives promise that such techniques
exceedingly valuable, particularly for special atmos- will be in routine use fairly soon. The occupation of
pheric phenomena such as hurricanes and typhoons, surface stations, however, still remains essential. In
and also in its contribution to the knowledge of meteoro- regions very far from land in the Southern Hemisphere,

FIG. 2-0cean areas (shaded) having less than 500 ships' FIG. 3-0cean areas (shaded) more than 600 nautical miles
observations in the 50-yr period ending in 1933. from land and having less than 500 ships' observations in
fifty years.

logical conditions in areas which cannot yet be covered

by ordinary observational means. An example of this is aircraft reconnaissance would not be an economica!
the regular weather flight from Alaska to the N orth way of obtaining the information. Stationary weather
Pole. It is important, however, to remember that to ships are a most satisfactory solution, except for the ex-
be fully effective aircraft reconnaissance of this latter cessive cost of their maintenance if ordinary vessels are
type needs to be coordinated more closely with surface used for this purpose. The requirement, therefore, is for a
observations. Therefore, as is well illustrated by the specially designed floating vessel, manned or unmanned,
N orth Pole flights, there is still a need for sea-level which can be suitably anchored even in great depths of
observations. The development of techniques of meas- water. Work along these lines has proceeded as far as

the introduction of a bill into the Senate of the United of establishing and occupying semipermanent observ-
States 1 to authorize the Coast Guard to construct an ing stations in the Arctic. For such stations, saucer-
experimental nonpropelled seadrome ocean station. Al- shaped vessels, which would ride up over the ice in
though there are many questions concerning economy, much the same manner as did the Fram, have been
logistics, and human factors involved in the floating suggested. A more logical approach, however, is to
weather station, it is feasible from an engineering point use the ice itself as the floating platform. There is
of view. The foregoing analysis shows that the develop- evidence [3] of the existence of ice floes which are many
ment of a platform for meteorologica! purposes of this miles across and of the order of a hundred feet or more
kind is necessary and must be encouraged. Continued thick. Such floes would be able to withstand crushing
development of fully automatic weather stations for by the general sea ice in the Arctic, which is only 6-12
use not only on such floating buoys (which could then ft thick, and would be most suitable bases upon which
be of far smaller size) but also on reefs and uninhabited to establish runways and stations. The use of ice as a
islands is an important parallel endeavor. floating platform would be a start in the direction of
using materials in the Arctic itself for the establishment
Arctic and Antarctic Stations of stations there. It has been remarked that in the
As with the great oceans, so with the Arctic and excellent stations which the U. S. Weather Bureau has
Antarctic-the principal problems of filling out the established in cooperation with the Danish and
network are not strictly meteorologica! ones. The prime Canadian governments (two above 80N in the El-
difficulties in the Arctic and Antarctic are means of lesmere Islands and four at or above 75N) the supply
ingress and egress and methods of safe and suitable problem could perhaps be eased if more attention were
living in extremes of cold. Even if automatic stations paid to the utilization of local resources, such as situat-
are developed for polar regions (and this in itself pre- ing the stations on coal deposits which are not far
sents far greater problems than the corresponding ones from the existing locations. Coal is not presently em-
for temperate zones), the access problem in con- ployed as a fuel in these operations. Ice, once its engi-
nection with the maintenance of the stations remains. neering properties are known, might be used for build-
In the oceanic Arctic, the problems are somewhat differ- ing, insulating, water supply, and fire fighting, as well
ent from those in the continental Antarctic. The fact as for many other purposes [5].
that the Arctic Ocean is predominantly covered with Evidence of an intensified attack on the antarctic
sea ice also presents problems different from those of occupation lies in the N orwegian-Swedish-British Ex-
temperate and tropical oceanic areas. Surface vessels pedition in progress at the present time and in the plans
such as ice breakers can penetrate only a limited dis- of the Argentine government to establish two more
tance into the ice fields and only at certain seasons of meteorologica! stations on the antarctic continent [4].
the year.
Interim Measures
The most promising methods of getting to and from
stations in the Arctic Ocean are by aircraft or sub- It is evident that the solutions proposed above to
marine. Whether transportation is by aircraft over the the ultimate establishment of a world network present
ice or by submarine underneath it, methods must be immense engineering problems and manifold questions
available to surface on the ice. Studies of arctic sea of international cooperation which will clearly take
ice will permit this. The submarine may come up be- many years to accomplish. The understanding of the
tween ice floes in open water or, by the use of some kirid mechanics of the general circulation of the earth's
of boring device, afford access to its occupants through atmosphere is the "primary problem of meteorology
the ice. In the Antarctic, although aircraft are essential, on which scarcely a beginning has been made." It is
especially designed surface vehicles are also necessary. on the solution of this "that ali basic improvement of
Caterpillar tractors, designed to operate at extremely weather forecasting is now waiting," as Dr. H. C.
low temperatures, together with wanigans, such as are Willett2 has said. It is evident that work along these
used in Alaska north of the Brooks Range, are of lines cannot await the completion of the world network
obvious utility. The various transportation methods as envisaged here. Several interim measures have been
for the Arctic and Antarctic (aircraft, submarine, and suggested and have, to a limited extent, already been
surface vehicles) have one thing in common and that implemented. For general circulation studies based on
is that none of them have been developed especially for extensive synoptic observations, one of the most im-
polar operations. Even aircraft operation under the portant things is the use of synoptic aerological data
climatic conditions of arctic and antarctic regions is and, as Willett has pointed out:
unsatisfactory. With the present intense interest in
polar matters in all fields of science, it seems most The observational basis of ali study of the mechanics of the
general circulation as a whole has been restricted to the
opportune to stress the development of special vehicles troposphere of the N orthern Hemisphere north of 20N.
and methods of operation. This is particularly unfortunate when it is realized that
With the solution of the transportation problem, or probably this is the least important third of the atmosphere
concurrently with its solution, the next problem is one
2. Private communication: "The N eeds in Synoptic Aero-
1. U. S. Senate Bill S. 1009, February 17, 1949 (subsequently logical Observations for the Study of the General Circulation,"
withdrawn). 1947.

dynamically and thermodynamically. The Southern Hem- 4. The establishment of upper-air stations on selected
isphere circumpolar vortex is evidently a more intense dy- islands and reefs. These would be manned, but, at the
namic phenomenon than that of the Northern Hemisphere same time, it would be desirable to initiate research on
and consequently might be expected to be the more im- indirect methods of atmospheric soundingwithout flight
portant of the two as the seat of disturbances or changes equipment, which would lend themselves ultimately
of the general circulation as a whole.
to automatic operation.
He emphasizes also: 5. The development of buoys, which could be
anchored in deep water, to carry manned stations
The tropics must contain the principal heat source of the or automatic stations for remote oceanic points.
general circulation and also constitute the zone of inter- 6. The development of methods of getting in and
action of the two great hemispherical cyclonic vortices.
out of arctic and antarctic areas and of maintaining
Y et it is in the tropics and in the Southern Hemisphere manned stations and automatic stations in those
as a whole that our principal lack of aerological data regions.
lies and, pending the establishment of a good over-all These are tremendous engineering problems which
world network, the distribution of upper-air stations the humility of the meteorologist may give him pause
along two or three selected meridians would be most to urge or to undertake. It will be recalled, however,
helpful. Two sections which have been suggested by the that the pioneering work on rockets in this country was
author and which are largely in effect are (1) a maritime undertaken with the meteorologica! sounding of the
one, from the N orth Pole through Alaska, the Pacific upper air as its primary objective. Furthermore, all
Islands and New Zealand, to Antarctica; and (2) a such developments contribute directly to problems com-
continental sect~on from the N orth Pole through Can- mon to other geophysical fields and the support of these
ada, the United States, Central and South America, to fields should be enlisted to justify the effort. The other
Antarctica [12]. aspect of the world network problem (that of inter-
Another measure which would be of great help to national cooperation) is no less difficult of solution
the basic theoretical studies of the general circulation than the technical developments involved. It is, how-
is the provision for the right kind of measurements ever, merely an extension and growth of the coopera-
from ships and island stations for treating the heat
tion which is going forward in the International Meteor-
budget of the atmosphere-ocean complex as a whole.
ologica! Organization, the International Civil Aviation
To put it very simply, this budget necessitates knowing
the ingoing and outgoing water at the ocean surface Organization, and in the North Atlantic (and other)
(rainfall and evaporation) and the ingoing and put- weather ship programs. Only by beginning an attack
going radiation at the same surface. While evaporation on this immense problem of the world network will
can be estimated from sea and air temperatures com- suitable data ultimately become available both for
bined with wind speeds which are currently part of ship synoptic studies of the general circulation and for
measurements, rainfall for the oceans is derived exclu- the kind of information which is needed in the objective
sively from the records of island stations. Consideration weather-forecasting approach promised by the use of
should be given to the measurement of rainfall on mov- electronic computers.
ing ships at sea. Even though the interpretation of the
catch of rainfall from a moving vessel presents certain REFERENCES
difficulties, it is probable that such measurements would 1. DEACON, G. E. R., "Waves and Swell." Quart. J. R. meteor.
prove far more satisfactory than the present practice of Soc., 75:227-238 (1949).
estimating ocean rainfall from island stations. Small is- 2. DEWINDT, J., "Sur les distances moyennes a la c6te dans
lands in extensive oceanic regions usually exert a pro- les oceans," M emoires couronnes et memoires des savants
found and a very local orographical influence and, there- etrangers, Tome LVII. L'Academie Royale des Sciences,
fore, properly interpreted rainfall data from ships in des Lettres, et des Beaux-Arts de Belgique, 1898.
transit may prove far more representative. 3. FLETCHER, J. 0., Floating Islands in the Arctic. Paper
The establishment of radiation-measuring stations presented at the Alaskan Science Conference of the
National Academy of Sciences-National Research Coun-
on properly dispersed islands in the oceans and on cil, Washington, D. C., November 9-11, 1950.
a few selected ships seems also to be a desirable meas- 4. GARCIA, R., "Discussion on International Co-operation in
ure [13]. Obtaining Radio Soundings in the Antarctic with a
View to Representing the Desirability of Such Obser-
Summary vations to the 1. M. 0." P. V. Meteor. Un. geod. geophys.
The principal lines along which further work should int., Oslo, 1948. Uccle (1948). (See p. 113)
proceed in order to fill out the world network may be 5. HAYNES, B. C., The Weather Bureau's Arctic Observation
summarized as follows: Program outside of Alaska. Paper presented at the
1. The development of automatic stations for land Alaskan Science Conference of the National Academy
of Sciences-N ational Research Council, Washington,
and ocean, tropical and polar use. D. C., November 9-11, 1950.
2. The filling out of the land station network in 6. INTERNATIONAL METEOROLOGICAL 0RGANIZATION, List of
tropical areas. Resolutions. Conference of Directors, Washington, D. C.,
3. The establishment of manned or automatic surface Sept. 22-0ct. 11, 1947. Secretariat, 1. M. 0., Lausanne,
stations on suitable islands and reefs. 1948.

7. RoHRBACH, C. E. M., "Uber mittlere Grenzabstande." 12. "Stations and Networks." Specific Recommendation No.
Petermanns Mitt., 36:76-84, 89-93 (1890). 1, p. 10 in Recommendations for Research in the Pacific
8. RuBIN, M. J., and WILLETT, H. C., Southern Hemisphere Area. Seventh Pacific Science Congress, Div. of Meteor.,
Map Analysis Project. Rep., Mass. Inst. Tech., Cam- New Zealand, February 22, 1949.
bridge, Mass., July 1, 1950. 13. - - Specific Recommendations Nos. 2 and 3 in Recom-
9. ScHOTT, G., Geographie des Atlantischen Ozeans. Hamburg, mendations for Research in the Pacific Area. Seventh
C. Boysen, 1926. Pacific Science Congress, Div. of Meteor., New Zealand,
10. - - Geographie des Indischen und Stillen Ozeans. Hamburg, February 22, 1949.
C. Boysen, 1935. 14. U. S. WEATHER BuREAU, Atlas of Climatic Charts of thc
11. SPILHAUS, A. F., "Maps of the Whole World Ocean." Oceans. U. S. Wea. Bur. Publ. No. 1247, Washington,
Geogr. Rev., 32:431-435 (1942). D. C., 1938.

Cook Research Laboratories, Chicago, Illinois

Introduction av~ilable to the analyst. The discarded data are very

An ideal station model can be said to be one in des1rable for the accurate correlation of wind or cloud
~hich the synoptic observations are rapidly and effi- observations, which are made with respect to height
Ciently plotted in such a way that (1) the analyst or a~d radiosonde or aircraft observations, which are mad~
forecaster can ascertain, with a minimum of thought w1th respect to pressure. These continuous data are
or effort, the complete three-dimensional distribution also required for accurate aircraft altimetry.
of atmospheric conditions, and the time changes of 2. Present hydrostatic computations are sufficiently
that distribution, and (2) all meteorologica! observa- complex that usually they are carried out quantita-
~ions made in a given region during a given time
tively only at the radiosonde observation stations.
mterval are readily available to the analyst or fore- This complexity limits the efficient correlation of repre-
caster. sentations of temperatures and heights to special cases
The latter condition is predicated on the fact that and requires excessive experience and memory on the
the basic station model is determined largely by the part of the analyst.
characteristics of thecommunicationsystem which must 3. Present sea-level pressure values cannot be cor-
serve the varied interests and requirements of all users related directly with upper-air conditions since in
of the meteorologica! observations. It seems improbable general the particular values used for the reduction to
that there will be developed in the near future suf- sea level are unknown to the analvst.
ficiently general and accurate thermodynamic models The Gradient-Wind Equation. Th.e gradient (or geo-
that the number of observations desired by all users strophic) wind equation, in conjunction with the hydro-
will be reduced. static equation, can be considered as being a dynamic
model for correlating the wind, pressure, and tempera-
Analysis of Present Techniques ture fields. Present station models are not completely
satisfactory for this dynamic model because of their
If we use the characteristics of this ideal station
inadequacies with respect to the hydrostatic equation.
mod~l for purposes of comparison, the following inade-
For example, at present the gradient-wind model can
quaCies of present station models are apparent:
be applied easily only to a few standard constant-
1. The manual transcription of all data from teletype
pressure surfaces and can be applied only indirectly
rep~rts t_o the. present station models at all receiving
to vertical representations. These limitations place seri-
statwns 1s obvwusly neither rapid nor efficient. This is
ous restrictions on possible operational use of pressure-
e~pecially obvious when such charts as thermodynamic
pattern navigational techniques and precise aircraft
dmgrams, hodographs, cross sections, and nonstandard
altimetry, and seriously hinder the assimilation of the
constant pressure charts are considered. Such charts
three-dimensional distribution of wind, pressure, and
are not now used extensively because of the excessive
manpower required for their plotting and analysis. temperature conditions.
A ir-llf ass and Frontal Analysis. Present station mod-
2. It is difficult for the analyst to ascertain the com-
els have been designed largely for convenient air-mass
p~e~e three-dimensional distribution of atmospheric con-
and frontal analysis, and are quite adequate for that
d~twns. A~parently, this is a result of the use of many
purpose. However, the efficiency of ascertaining the
d~fferent kmds of charts, or station models, on many
three-dimensional configuration and detailed charac-
p1eces of paper. This difficulty is most serious when one
teristics of the air masses and fronts can probably be
parameter is considered alone. It is still present, how-
increased with improved station models.
ever, even when dynamic or thermodynamic models
Only a small fraction of meteorologica! observations
are used to correlate two or more individual parameters.
are made available in convenient form for the analysts.
Follo:ving is ~ discussion of the shortcomings of present
Of the upper-air wind observations onlv the winds at a
techmques With respect to the three major dynamic or
few predetermined levels and perhaps a. few hodographs
thermodynamic models now in common use.
The Hydrostatic Equation. The hydrostatic equation are plotted. Of the radiosonde observations usually
can be c?nsidered as a dynamic model for correlating only the observations at a few predetermined pressures
observatwns of pressure, temperature, and height. The and a few complete thermodynamic diagrams are
com~on t~chniques now in use ha ve the following short- plotted. Of the surface observations usually only the
commgs w1th respect to this model: values at 6-hr intervals are plotted. The teletype reports
1. Only a small portion of the continuous pressure- of hourly surface observations are sometimes available,
height relationship in the vertical which can be obtained but their form is hardly conducive to efficient assimila-
from radiosonde observations is used since usually tion by the analyst. The observations of pressure,
the heights of but a few standard-press~re surfaces are temperature, humidity, wind, ceiling, etc., which are

measured continuously in time at the surface, are not tions can be obtained with graphs arranged according
even transmitted over the present communication sys- to isometric drawing principles. For example, the height
tem. scales of aii graphs can be drawn paraiiel to each other
with their origins at points on a map corresponding to
lmproved Techniques the positions of the observing stations. They can then
Some new techniques and station models which were be viewed as, say, telephone poles sticking up into the
designed to eliminate most of the shortcomings listed air. The values of observations at any givtm height
above have been described [1, 2, 3]. Foiiowing is a can be represented by lines drawn from the graphs of
discussion of the basic concepts of these new techniques the observations to the height scale. A three-dimen-
as they are related to the previous considerations. sional illusion is thEm obtained by considering the lines
It is apparent that some means of automaticaiiy to be crossbars on the telephone poles, with lengths
plotting the observations in final form is required to proportional to the values of the observations.
eliminate large plotting staffs. From an equipment- This isometric technique can also be used to provide
design point of view it is in general more convenient to useful representations of the continuous time variations
represent the observations by plotting graphs auto- of surface observations throughout the region con-
matically, rather than by printing numbers, on the sidered. Parallel time scales, with one particular time
appropriate maps or charts. at the geographical positions of the stations, can be
Facsimile communication equipment is already in visualized as lying along the ground.
use for automaticaiiy plotting .some of the observations By placing both the time and height graphs on the
(a few thermodynamic diagrams) in graphical form. same map, all the observations of a particular param-
However, some serious limitations to the transmission eter or group of parameters made in a given region
of observations by facsimile are: and time interval can be plotted on one piece of paper.
1. High carrier frequencies are required, thus limit- Examples of this technique [3] indicate that it can
ing the usable types of transmission lines and compli- materially aid an analyst in ascertaining the three-
cating or eliminating the processes of storing, editing, dimensional distribution of conditions as well as the
and routing in the communication system. surface time variations of these conditions. These ex-
2. AII observations must be collected, probably by amples also indicate that much analysis in the form of
means other than facsimile, plotted in a standardized the drawing of isopleths can be eliminated when only a
form, and retransmitted. general concept of the spatial distribution of a given
3. AII automatic plotting is limited to a standardized parameter is desired.
form for transmission so that the individual analyst Graphs drawn according to these isometric principles
has little or no possibility of selecting those charts, have the useful property that the relative geographical
parameters, or particular values which are best suited positions of the observations are precisely maintained.
for his individual purposes. This is seen from the fact that a given value of an
A direct-writer type of communication system seems observation at a given time or height is represented by a
to be ideally suited to the transmission of synoptic point which is displaced from the origin by the same
observations. In this system, signals representing the amount at each station. This property permits con-
coordinates of any desired graph are transmitted. These venient analysis of almost any desired conditions. For
signals cause a pen to draw the graph, or, if desired, example, the height of and conditions on any desired
digital numbers corresponding to the desired observa- constant-pressure surface, isentropic surface, inversion,
tion at discrete points can be printed. Such a system front, etc., are readily available. Similarly, the condi-
has none of the limitations listed for the facsimile system, tions in any desired vertical cross section are repre-
and it could also be used at least as efficiently as fac- sented on the isometric maps.
simile for the transmission of analysis of weather condi- Additional advantages can be obtained by using
tions. N o such direct-writer system is as yet sufficiently special parameters for describing the observations in
developed for universal use, but there are no apparent terms of dynamic models. Some parameters of this
serious technical difficulties to be overcome in its de- type are described below.
velopment. The Hydrostatic Equation. Useful continuous repre-
In order to reduce the number of sheets of paper sentations of the pressure-height relationship in the
required for complete representations, station models vertical can be obtained by using parameters defined
which use the least space should be adopted. In this in terms of deviations from arbitrary standard condi-
respect it is advantageous to use graphs, rather than tions [1]. These definitions amount to defining a stand-
digital numbers, since in a graph but one point is re- ard column of air for use as a barometer. The parameter
quired to represent a given observation. This economy for describing the intensity of pressure then becomes
of space is best realized by choosing parameters for the the height Zp at which that pressur.e occurs in the
description of the observations so that a minimum of standard atmosphere. Heights at which given pressures
grid, or reference, lines are required for their interpre-
occur in the actual atmosphere can then be described
tation. This elimination of grid lines prevents confusion
either by the mean sea-level height z, or by the devia-
because of their overlapping when graphs for different
stations or times are plotted close together. tion from the standard height D, defined by
Three-dimensional representations of the observa- D = z- Zp. (1)

The use of D eliminates most of the variation of or height. Another more satisfactory method of repre-
pressure with height and very accurate pressure- senting such wind observations [2, 3] consists of drawing
height curves (D plotted as functions of zp) require graphs of the east-west and north-south components
relatively small space. These curves permit rapid, easy, of the wind as functions of height or time.
and accurate correlatioQs between observations meas- Air-Mass and Frontal Analysis. The techniques of
ured and plotted with respect to pressure Zp, and ob- isometric graphical representations can probably be
servations measured and plotted with respect to height z. applied with advantage to air-mass and frontal analysis.
It is convenient to choose the standard atmosphere This is especially true of maps which contain all the
with which to define Zp to be that which is also used for temperature and humidity observations [3]. Such maps,
the calibration of aircraft altimeters. The quantity D together with similar maps of pressure, wind, and cloud
then becomes merely the additive conversion factor to conditions, should provide convenient means of in-
be applied to pressure values Zp, as measured with alti- creasing the ease and accuracy of both detailed and
meters, to obtain heights z. This choice of definition of general analysis of air-mass and frontal distributions
the standard atmosphere provides an integration of and characteristics. At present the major inadequacy of
meteorologica! and flight techniques which should be the isometric maps for this purpose appears to be the
advantageous for all concerned. difficulty of plotting the cloud and state-of-weather
In terms of the parameters D and Zp, the hydrostatic observations from present teletype reports.
equation [1] is linearized to the form: It is apparent that the efficient transmission of all
observations can most conveniently be accomplished
(2) in terms of the continuous variations of the various
parameters. For example, upper-air winds should be
transmitted as continuous functions of height; radio-
where S* is the virtual specific temperature anomaly
sonde temperature and humidity observations and cal-
defined by
culated heights should be transmitted as continuous
functions of pressure; and surface observations should
S * = T*- Tp (3)
Tp . be transmitted as continuous functions of time. Of
present observations, those of clouds and the state of
Here T* is the virtual temperature at any given pres- the weather offer the most difficulty for this type of
sure, and T P is the temperature at that pressure in the transmission, primarily because of the tremendous
standard atmosphere. amount of such information available. Some techmques
If temperatures are represented by the parameter ha ve been proposed [3] for the continuous representation
S, they are readily expressed as change of height D of clouds, etc., which, though not yet completely satis-
per unit change of pressure Zp. Accurate correlations factory, do indicate that very useful results can be
between any temperature conditions and the corre- expected from this method of approach.
sponding pressure-height relationship are then immedi- The use of a direct-writer communication system
ately obvious. This change from the usual exponential seems to be necessary for the transmission of all the
form of the hydrostatic equation to a linear form ap- observations since automatic segregation of particular
pears to be even more advantageous than the compa- observations from the great mass of data would un-
rable use of decibels in sound, light, or electrica! meas- doubtedly be required. This segregated plotting would
urements. be feasible with direct-writer systems either in terms
It appears that the use of D, rather than "sea-level" of graphs, proportional lines, or digital numbers, as
pressures, for expressing the values of surface pressure desired by each individual analyst.
observations [1, 2] has severa! advantages. Chief among
these are more accurate representations of horizontal Conclusion
pressure gradients near the surface of the earth and The inadequacy of present techniques of represent-
convenient exact correlations with upper-air pressure- ing synoptic observations can be traced to three sources:
height relationships. the use of inadequate parameters with which to de-
The Gradient-Wind Equation. The use of parameters scribe the observations, the use of inadequate methods
such as Zp, D, and S permits the continuous representa- of plotting these parameters on maps or charts, and
tion in the vertical of the wind, pressure, and tempera- the use of inadequate communication systems. It ap-
ture fields as related in the gradient-wind model. This pears that most of these shortcomings can be eliminated
possibility facilitates the assimilation of the three-di- with the following techniques: the use of parameters
mensional atmospheric conditions. It also permits the defined in terms of deviations from standard atmos-
convenient analysis of the contours of any desired pheric conditions, the use of isometric graphical repre-
constant-pressure surface so that the extensive use of sentations of the observations, and the use of a direct-
pressure-pattern navigational techniques becomes fea- writer type of communication system.
sible. Such representations would also be very useful These new techniques are independent of each other,
for precise aircraft altimetry. and could be adopted individually as opportunity or
The present barbed-arrow type of representation of desire permits. For example, all radiosonde observa-
the winds does not seem to be suitable for exhibiting tions could be reported and plotted with present tech-
the continuous variations of wind with respect to time niques in terms of z11, D, and S. In fact. the parameters

D and Zp are now used for aircraft observations and REFERENCES

reports. Similarly, thermodynamic diagrams are now
being transmitted by facsimile. This transmission could 1. BELLAMY, J. C., "The Use of Pressure Altitude and Al-
timeter Corrections in Meteorology." J. Meteor., 2:1-79
probably be improved by altering its form to that of an (1945).
isometric map. It might also be advisable to transmit 2. - - Graphical Representations' of M eteorological Observa-
all upper-air wind observations in a similar fashion tions: Preliminary Report. Dept. Meteor. Univ. Chicago,
with the present facsimile facilities. Finally, in view of Mimeogr. Rep., 1947.
the flexibility of direct-writer equipment in COJllparison 3. CooK REsEARCH LABORATORIES, CHICAGO. Graphical Repre-
to facsimile equipment, the former should be developed sentation of U. S. Weather Observations. Red Bank, N. J.,
for the communication of weather information. Watson Laboratories Contract No. W28-099-ac-394, 1949.
U. S. Weather Bureau, Washington, D. C.

and M. B. OLIVER
Washington, D. C.

Introduction air soundings, the second major change in analytical

Fundamentally there are two diverse analytical ap- procedure evolved: upper-air analysis, as an adjunct to
proaches to the treatment of data representing synoptic N orwegian frontal technique, augmented the scope of
meteo~olog_ical situations. One is the research approach. meteorology by rendering the analysis systematically
Here time IS of no great consequence in the selection of three dimensional.
the processing techniques to be considered in the anal- Today the application of electronics to meteorology,
ysis. ~he other approach is that of the synoptic mete- including such adaptations as radar and sferics, portends
orologist constrained by the exigent demands of time a third progressive development in the field of analysis.
to select that part of the vast array of existent raw data The implicati'ons of a portion of these studies will be
and ?harts which may be assimilated expeditiously. The examined subsequently. But here it will suffice to say
particular ele~ents chosen must combine to give, with that the changes induced by electronics are far from
the greatest dispatch, the most accurate delineation of reaching their full fruition, although exceptional ad-
the meteorologica! complex. Limited time is, in effect, vances have been made along these lines in the few
the cr~x of the problems present in daily synoptic short years since the use of electronics became wide-
analysis. spread.
The analytical techniques selected for daily synoptic Paralleling the advances in the technical phases of
practice stern in reality from the methods formulated analytical procedures, there has been a trend toward a
in the course of meteorologica! research, although it is new type of organization for meteorologica! analysis, an
frequently necessary to modify these methods to attain organization which permits of the more productive use
a maximum economy of the time and effort of synoptic of time in the field stations by eliminating duplication of
analysts. S~lection of analytical procedures must always effort. This trend has culminated in the rise of analysis
be made With an eye toward comprehensiveness com- centers and the transmission of charts by facsimile
bined with operational simplicity. With these criteria as reproduction. It seems likely that the future will see an
a _b_asis the authors will attempt to present here a even greater specialization of meteorologica! personnel
cntiqu~ of the principal synoptic analytical practices. and a concomitant concentration of analytical work.
In ~Ie:v ?f the significance of the whole problem of Eventually we may even see in concrete form the now
analys~s It IS well not only to review the techniques of visionary picture of a fully automatic analysis center,
analysis used at present and in the past, but also to in which the observational data are fed directly into a
attempt to appraise the meteorologica! research cur- machine which will sort and evaluate them, with the
rently being pursued, estimating the measure to which resultant analysis proceeding without an intermediary
each relevant scientific disclosure fulfills the funda- into a vast electronic and mechanical "forecaster." The
mental requirements of daily synoptic analysis. Al- first rudimentary approaches to this type of analysis are
though an attempt will be made here to review the being made by Panofsky [15] at New York University.
present and past analytical techniques in some detail But the distance to the ultimate goal is so great that
it is f~asible to consider but a few examples of mete~ in this paper we shall contine our discussion to mete-
orol~giC~l research with the purpose of evaluating the orologica! centers operated by human beings. Granted
apphc~twns of such research to daily synoptic practice. even this limitation, we find that the importance of
. Durmg _the past twenty years, weather map analysis analysis centers cannot be fully actualized until there
~n the U~uted States has undergone two major changes are improvements not only in the field of meteorology,
m tec~mque. The first was the result of the adoption but also in the field of weather communication.
by Umted _State~ meteorologists of the frontal technique U p to the present time the facsimile method of
of s~paratmg aJr masses of different properties. This transmitting analyses has been the only technique of
classiCal system of analytical procedure, first suggested communication that has been put into operation which
by the Norwegians [4], has been covered elsewhere in obviates the need for personnel to plot the incoming
papers by Bergeron and Bjerknes. Their methods now information at the receiving station. Such a method is
utilized by most meteorologists, satisfactorily deli~eate commendably in line with the trend toward centraliza-
a l~rge portion of the meteorologically significant tion and economy of human effort, but the particular
motwns of the atmosphere and ascribe, at least tacitly, facsimile method in use at this time has various draw-
the related weather phenomena to these causative backs. In particular, it is too slow, and it cannot be
motions. With the establishment of a network of upper- used to transmit color. Moreover, the data as repro-

duced by the receiving mechanisms are so blurred as to analyst had moved too slowly, or a weak cold front
preclude the transmission of meteorologica! reports from previously dropped, which, if it had been retained and
each of the stations of our present-day observational moved along with the speed indicatedby the baric field,
network. Since such methods of communication as would be at the present location of the squall line.
automatic writing and electronic scanning and trans- During the past few years the independent reality of
missions already exist and have been brought to a high prefrontal squall lines has become generally accepted.
level of efficiency and refinement in some of their appli- Airline meteorologists [9] and others have brought this
cations, it seems likely that meteorologists will in the phenomenon to the attent.ion of meteorologists as a
near future have available some improved communica- whole and ha ve ascertained rather conclusively that the
tion system adaptable to detailed transmission work. prefrontal squall line does not represent a misplaced
Bellamy [3] has been working on this problem and his cold front, as had previously been thought. At most
suggestions regarding it are discussed in an adjoining analysis centers an attempt has been made to include
article. 1 The whole problem of the transmission and these squall lines in the analysis and to use for the
physical representation of meteorologica! data is detection of these lines the criterion of persistence in
pressing and should be an object of concentrated mete- time and space of a line of showers. Such a standard for
orologica! research. detection may be depriving the forecasters of most of the
Given an adequate method of transmission, with prognostic value of the concept of prefrontal squalllines
analysis centers located in strategic communication in that it fails to provide a means for the recognition of
centers, even more specialized functions can be per- the precursors of the squalls. Because of the lack of
formed by the analysis centers. In addition to analyses, knowledge of the mechanics of the formation and struc-
elaborate prognostic charts including information con- ture of these phenomena and the want of adequate
cerning precipitation and cloudiness along with isobars observational techniques for their detection, there is
and isotherms could be sent out to the individual field much to be desired in the analyses. Recent investiga-
stations to be reproduced there automatically. Local tions, however, give promise of an imminent improve-
meteorologists at the field stations could apply objective ment in this part of the analysis program.
techniques of forecasting to the various charts and data These investigations have followed two avenues of
received, with the purpose of prognosticating the approach. On the one hand, Fulks2 and Williams [24]
weather in detail for their respective limited areas. have constructed detailed descriptive models of the
In the past, one of the difficulties which has arisen in actually observed distributions of temperature, mois-
connection with almost all analysis centers is a lack of ture, and atmospheric pressures associated with squall
confidence on the part of the men in the field in the lines. On the other hand, a new theory of squall lines
analyses and prognostic charts sent out from the centers. has been formulated, made possible by the introduction
The best way to correct this is, of course, to see that into meteorology by Freeman [8] of the concept of
the central analysts are drawn from the ranks of the pressure jumps, the atmospheric analogy to the "hy-
very ablest meteorologists, and that they work without draulic jump." Tepper [22], combining data of the types
the undue haste necessitated by meeting ill-advised presented by Williams and the concept of pressure
transmission deadlines. Needless to say, these expert jumps in the atmosphere, has developed the theory that
meteorologists would make use of all the latest refine- squall lines are caused by pressure jumps. He has
ments in the techniques of applied meteorology. demonstrated how squall lines and their concomitant
W e shall now consider some of these techniques more weather can be initiated and propagated by pressure
specifically. As has been pointed out, our present anal- jumps and has further proposed that the intersection of
ysis is based largely on the concept of fronts originated two pressure-jump lines has properties which favor the
by the Norwegian meteorologists. There are, however, formation of tornadoes. Currently, Tepper is testing
certain types of weather which seem to lie somewhat this hypothesis by means of empirica! data. The results
beyond the scope of the classical frontal models. The of this work should make possible rapid improvement
sort of phenomenon we have in mind is the prefrontal of our understanding of, and ability to forecast, squall
squall line (or instability line as it is now generally lines and tornadoes.
known). An article by Freeman3 describing in detail the results
of this type of inquiry into the nature of prefrontal
The Prefrontal Squall Line squall lines is included elsewhere in this Compendium.
The prefrontal squall line is a line of showers or Here we shall restrict our discussion to only a portion
thunderstorms, which often appears in the warm sector of the new results emerging from this research, that is,
of a cyclone, extending in a line roughly parallel to the to those properties of the pressure jump which are
cold front. It is usually not more than five hundred miles pertinent to the problem of analytical procedure.
ahead of the front and is most often noticed between Although still in a very early stage of development,
one hundred and three hundred miles ahead of the cold
front. Meteorologists at first believed this squallline to 2. Consult "The Instability Line" by J. IL Fulks, pp. 647-
be either the principal cold front which some previous 652 in this Compendium.
3. Consult "The Solution of N onlinear Meteorologica!
1. "Models and Techniques of Synoptic Representations" Problems by the Method of Characteristics" by J. C. Free-
by J. C. Bellamy, pp. 711-714. man, pp. 421-433.

the investigations of pressure-jump phenomena show cumulonimbus centers themselves, as well as the breaks
such promise that it seems timely to consider the steps in the clouds, organized in space in a series of rows,
which would have to be taken to revise our present roughly parallel to each other and nearly parallel to
procedures of atmospheric analysis with the purpose of the atmospheric flow above the frontal surface. Simi-
taking full advantage of what we already know about larly, the disclosure that there are, as a rule, parallel
this phenomenon. The first revision of synoptic practice bands of precipitation associated with warm fronts
that is indicated by this work would beat the observing constitutes a marked departure from the accepted
level, namely, the development of the necessary instru- model. Bellamy's cloud graph, with height above the
mental and observational techniques for detecting the surface as the ordinate and time as the abscissa, permits
passage of a pressure jump at each meteorologica! inferences concerning the horizontal distribution of
station. Secondly, we would be obliged to codify and frontal clouds.
transmit the data pertinent to pressure-jump passages The same sort of graph has been used to represent
from the observation point to the forecast and analysis the data obtained by turning a radarscope upwards to
centers. In all probability it would be necessary to make investigate the distribution in the vertical of clouds
use of the code for special observations to report the associated with fronts. At the time the radar studies
position of the pressure jump when it is initially noted. were made, pilots and most meteorologists connected
Subsequently its position could be included in our three- with airplane operations had already come to disagree
and six-hourly coded reports. with the model of the clouds associated with an ap-
Finally, it would be essential that we decide upon proaching frontal system which is found in most text-
conventions for detecting pressure-jump lines on our books: the familiar picture of cirrus gradually thickening
synoptic charts. This would entail, first, a symbol for and lowering, merging into altostratus, and finally
entry on our synoptic charts to represent the pressure stratus, with a solid cloud deck extending from the
changes associated with pressure jumps and, secondly, cirrus level down to the lowest cloud base. Radar
a set of rules for enabling analysts to locate, uniquely, studies have confirmed the findings of those who have
pressure-jump lines on our synoptic charts. The method maintained that the cloud pattern over a warm front
of graphical representation of pressure, temperature, consists of several distinct layers of clouds, generally
wind, and moisture data, suggested by Bellamy [3], not merging except over limited areas. Radar photo-
appears to be well suited for showing the data pertinent graphs of the vertical structure of clouds are now being
to the detection of pressure jumps, while at the same made at the Signal Corps Laboratories in Belmar, New
time it lends supplementary emphasis to the other Jersey, under the able direction of Dr. Michael J.
portions of the data used in the type of air-mass analysis Ference. One of these pictures, illustrating the cloud
customarily performed. deck in advance of a warm front from a coastal storm
Bellamy's method for the graphical representation of in the eastern United States, is reproduced as Fig. 9
data warrants the attention of all meteorologists since (p. 1220) in the article by Dr. Ference in this Com-
it constitutes, in point of fact, a convenient and practi- pendium.
cable means for applying to analytical procedure the In view of these findings, a systematic investigation
disclosures of many divergent investigations in the of our classical model of cloud structure should be under-
field of modern meteorologica! research. We have taken to determine details concerning the apparent
already touched upon the usefulness of Bellamy's wave pattern and layer structure. Certainly these
method apropos of pressure jumps. Turning our at- changes should be brought to the attention of pilots
tention now to an entirely different topic, namely, the and all those who are responsible for the meteorologica!
meteorologica! significance of the results of recent radar training of pilots. W e need, too, to perfect and put into
studies, we find that again Bellamy's graphical plotting operation the instruments needed to make observations
method may profitably be applied. of both horizontal and vertical cloud patterns so that
such data can be transmitted in our regular synoptic
Use of Radar as an Analytical Tool weather codes. Once these data have been received in a
The advent of radar had sudden dramatic repercus- weather station, Bellamy's method or some other
sions throughout the field of physical science. In mete- method of graphic representation can furnish a practi-
orology A. Bent and R. Wexler [23] were among the first cable hasis for the analysis of clouds.
to apply this new scientific tool, utilizing radar in the
investigation of the structure of precipitation clouds. Upper-Air Analysis
Subsequently others have conducted further research Since the structure of clouds is intimately connected
along these lines. with the configuration of upper-flow patterns, the re-
Recent radarscope movies, produced by A. C. Bemis vision of our model of cloud structure implies consonant
at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where changes in the technique of eva.luating the data on
this work has been carried on for several years, virtually upper-level charts to include the analysis of vertical
compel us to adopt some new type of cloud analysis. motions. Although research meteorologists ha ve already
These radarscope pictures refute the classical model of tackled this problem, unreliable data have forestalled
an active cold front attended by a rather solid line of its solution. For this reason we shall restrict ourselves
cumulonimbus with occasional holes between the cells, to the consideration of the methods of analysis of upper
frequently replacing this model with the picture of the level charts in general use today.

Several diverse techniques of analysis exist, differing the translucent tissue paper allows the analyst to see
primarily in their method of attaining a verisimilar the lines on the two charts beneath it. Finally, the
upper-level baric pattern over regions of sparse reports. 700-mb chart is covered by a transparent plastic sheet
In such areas upper-level contours are not uniquely on which the thickness lines for the current map are to
determined by the wind and height data now available. be drawn.
Thus some sort of systematic extrapolation is necessary. Before the analysis begins, the following data are
One such system is the technique of differential plotted on the 700-mb chart:
analysis. Approximately ten years ago the basic princi- 1. At all radiosonde stations-the 700-mb temper-
ples underlying this analytical method were formulated ature, wind, and height, and the thickness from 1000 to
in the United States by Rossby and Starr and put into 700 mb;
practice in analysis by Willett and Namias in extended- 2. All available winds at 700 mb (lower levels if
range forecasting. During W orld War II Petterssen [16] none are available for 700 mb);
and the meteorologists of the United Nations who 3. At ships located in a region where the meteorologi-
collaborated with him in England fully developed this ca! situation permits an accurate estimation of the
technique into a powerful analytical tool in conjunction lapse rate--the estimated thickness between 1000 and
with forecasting high-level winds for bombing oper- 700 mb;
ations. Another form of differential analysis had previ- 4. In regions of sparse data-the thermal winds be-
ously evolved in Germany under the leadership of tween gradient level and 700 mb.
Scherhag [20]. With these data available, the analysis begins. First,
The German method of differential analysis differs the analyst draws lines of constant thickness in the
from the others in that it is based upon the partition of regions where data are scanty. (Such regions now
the atmosphere into layers chosen in such a way that include the greater part of the oceanic areas of the
the thickness of any one layer is approximately equal N orthern Hemisphere, Siberia, and most of southern
to that of adjacent strata. Below 500 mb, Scherhag's Asia.) This is done by distorting the normal thickness
technique is virtually identica! with N amias' method, lines to fit all the upper-air data, the thermal winds, and
which will be treated in detail below. For the very high the circulation patterns of the surface chart, with due
atmosphere, Scherhag has compiled statistica! table.s regard to the continuity of the mean temperature field.
relating the thickness of each of his selected strata with An example of an observed thickness pattern and the
the height above sea level of the lower limit of the associated surface frontal and pressure fields is pre-
layer. By noting the difference between the statistica! sented in Fig. 1. After the thickness lines are completed,
values for the thickness of the various layers and the the height of the 700-mb surface is determined by
observed thicknesses, where radiosondes are operated, adding the thickness to the 1000-mb height. The latter
Scherhag is able to extend the application of differential is obtained by converting the sea-level pressure to the
analysis up to the high stratosphere. Herein lies the 1000-mb height. In actual practice the analyst computes
significance of Scherhag's development. In this age of the height of the 700-mb surface at the intersections of
stratospheric aviation with its concomitant demands latitude and longitude lines, using a ten-degree spacing
for wind forecasts at very high levels, Scherhag's method of both longitude and latitude. Thus a grid of 700-mb
constitutes a systematic technique for extrapolating heights is obtained.
data throughout the stratosphere to obtain a logica!, With this grid in the regions of infrequent reports,
internally consistent, baric pattern. and with the radiosonde data elsewhere, the analyst
For mid-tropospheric levels the best method devised can, with assurance, draw in the contours on the 700-mb
for extrapolation of upper-air data is a combination of chart. This method has the advantage of insuring
vertical extrapolation from individual reports, plus a horizontal as well as vertical consistency and combines
horizontal distortion of normal thickness lines. This expedition of analysis with maximum accuracy over
distortion must conform with all available reports at land as well as over oceanic areas.
the level in question, the surface frontal configuration, At present, however, this method has one serious
the previously observed thickness pattern, the thermal shortcoming: lack of sufficient data precludes the con-
winds, and the major atmospheric circulations at sea struction of normal thickness charts in the upper layers
level and aloft. Such a method of differential analysis, of the troposphere and in the stratosphere. There is thus
described by Namias [12], is now used by the Weather an empirica! ceiling on the efficacious use of this method.
Bureau for drawing the N orthern Hemisphere daily Above 500 mb, Scherhag's system of extrapolating data
charts for 700 mb and appears equally applicable to all for the construction of baric charts still is applicable,
levels below the tropopause. This technique makes use as is another method, based upon a study conducted by
of monthly normal thickness maps, drawn at biweekly Riehl and LaSeur [19] of high tropospheric lapse rates.
intervals on a transparent plastic material, which depict The general technique is little different from the long-
the normal thickness between the 1000- and 700-mb standing practice of assuming a lapse rate at a point and
levels. thereby determining the pressures aloft at that point.
The actual procedure as developed by N amias is to For instance, the height of the 700-mb surface can be
superimpose upon the completed surface map the ap- attained with reasonable accuracy by assuming a moist-
propriate normal thickness chart. On top of both is laid adiabatic lapse rate up to 700 mb above a ship reporting
the 700-mb chart, plotted on a tissue paper base, since a shower, but the choice of an appropriate lapse rate

in more complicated synoptic situations and at high tion, the direction in which that pressure system is
tropospheric levels is not so easy. What Riehl and La- moving. N otwithstanding the very definite limits of the
Seur Jiu, essentially, was to determine an appropriate spatial range throughout which the deductions drawn
lapse rate between 700 and 300 mb for each typical by this method can be validly applied, an analysis,
synoptic fiow pattern. Then using the 700-mb chart as which for practica! purposes is unique, can be obtained
a guide and the proper, calculated, lapse rates, Riehl and for a considerable region about each point where the
LaSeur were enabled to obtain reasonable estimations extrapolation with respect to time is carried out. This
of upper-atmospheric pressures up to 300 mb. One area for which the extrapolation is valid varies with t he
decided advantage of their technique is that the lapse synoptic situation. Details of the interpretations of the
ratcs, being statistically determined, are obtained inde- changes of various data with time are found in the
pendently of the mean temperatures in the layer from studies of single-station analysis made at the lJni-
700 to 300 mb. Since, however, these two quantities are versity of Chicago in the early 1940's [14]. More recent
so closely related, mean temperatures may be used as applications of this sort of extrapolation for daily anal-
a check on the accuracy of the extrapolated hypsometri- ysis have been made in such diverse regions as the

Frr.. 1.-Example of ohserved thickness patterns in the vicinity of severa! different systcms. Red lincs are 1000- 700-mb
thickness; black lines, sea-level isobars.

cal values of the 300-mb surface, contributing in no Aleutians, where time eross sections were used to aid in
small way to the value of the subsequent analysis. analyzing the vast unpeopled expanses of the Pacific
There is still another approach to the problem of the Oeean, and in the tropics. Riehl [18) recently published
analysis of regions of exiguous data, based not on a paper elucidating the use of extrapolation with respect
horizontal nor vertical extrapolation, but rather on to time in the solution of problems of tropical analysis.
extrapolation with respect to time. When the surface In the field of analytical research, time cross sections
data are particularly scant, vertical extrapolation is are tools which have shed light on countless perplexing
possible only at widely separated points and is therefore questions. In research, one particular class of time cross
ineapable of providing sufficient data to insure a unique section has enjoyed widespread and manifold uses rwJ.
analysis. Likewise, under these particular circumstances This consists of a graphical representation of some
the technique of extrapolation based on the horizontal element (e.g., pressure) plotted on a diagram in which
distortion of thickness lines is of but meager produc- time is used as an ordinate and a spatial unit (e.g. , longi-
tivity. When these are the circumstances, reliance upon tude) is the abscissa. In this hypothetical case, lines
extrapolation at a point with respect to t ime produces could be drawn on the graph portraying the position of
the optimum analytical results. troughs and ridges wit h respect to time. The divergent
The quintessence of t he information derived from uses to which this sort of analysis has been put attest
the technique of time extrapolation is the structure of to its value in clarifying significant meteorologica! re-
the pressure system passing a single point and, in addi- lationships.

Coordinated Use of Sea-Level and Upper-Air Analysis 1000-mb contours; the observational stations could re-
Having once arrived ata satisfactory analysis of both port the height of the 1000-mb surface as weli as the sea-
sea-level and upper-level charts, we come to what is level pressure.
perhaps the greatest problem facing the forecaster At present, in our attempts at vertical synthesis of
today: the coordination of the sea-level data with the atmospheric elements, we labor under a difficulty other
upper-air data. Most meteorologists are now familiar than that occasioned by a multiplicity of units; we
with both the sea-level and the upper-level charts and refer to the unfortunate time interval which elapses
routinely take both into account before rendering judg- between surface and upper-air observations. As a result
ments upon the development and motion of storm of this lack of synchronization, many of the fundamental
centers and their associated manifestations of weather. charts upon which analyses and forecasts are based are
~espite this fact there stili appears to be an appreciable
in effect, invalid. Rectification of the observational
d1fference between the scope of the synoptic meteor- program must inevitably precede sound coordination of
ologist's general knowledge of weather processes and upper-level charts with surface data.
the part of this information which he actualiy applies in A further argument in favor of using uniform map
analysis or forecasting. It appears that many forecasts scales and .units plus transparent or semitransparent
miss their mark not because of our over-all lack of map bases IS that they make possible the construction
~nderstanding of the factors which control the changes
of a chart which we believe to be most effective in
m the weather, but because the coordination of ali the bringing out the relationship bet\veen surface and upper-
various pertinent details at alilevels of the atmosphere air circulations. This is simply the sea-level chart with
in a relatively short time interval is a task too difficult upper-level contours traced on it, preferably using for
to accomplish satisfactorily with our present system of the upper-level contours some color differing from that
map display and data representation. of the sea-level isobars. This method seems to be the
If we try to picture what is needed in order to co- most sa.tisfactory for relating the patterns at uppcr
ordinate with facility the meteorologically significant levels w1th the weather and pressure chang;es oecurring;
features of the higher strata of the atmosphere with at sea level [13]. Such a chart can be used to espeeial
those at the surface, we shali arrive at something like advantage by those who must issue forecasts or eom-
the following: plete an analysis of the synoptic situation in a verv
First and most important, ali the various charts de- limit.ed time: When time is pressing, analytieal compr~
picting conditions at the surface and at upper levels hensiveness IS ali too frequently sacrificed as long as the
surface and upper-level charts are kept separate, for
s~oul~ be the same size. This proviso, though simple, is
vital 1f the forecaster is to be able to compare one level even when both are carefuliy studied independently
with another quickly and accurately. the possible inferences tobe drawn from the changes of
Second, the charts for ali levels should be drawn on fiow with height can be assimilated only by a careful
~emitransparent paper in order that one may be super-
comparison which consumes more time than is now
Imposed upon that for an adjacent level to facilitate available to most operational meteorologists.
examination of the changes of meteorologica! features If this general concept for the coordination of surface
with height and to insure interna! consistency in anal- and upper-air data is accepted up to this point the
ysis. Furthermore, it is obvious that we should use the problem then arises as to the selection of the upper:level
same units for data at alllevcls if the maximum ease in chart most productive from the standpoint of the num-
vertical synthesis is to be obtained. Consider, for in- ber of utile inferences deducible from the combined
stance, the disordered array of units in current use: analysis. This set of upper-level contours depends to
centigrade and Fahrenheit temperatures; Beaufort some extent on the primary purpose to which the charts
scale, knots, miles per hour, and meters per second wili be put. If we consider that forecasting the appear-
denoting wind velocities; altitudes measured in feet ance of the sea-level and upper-level pressure charts
meters, or dynamic meters; and pressure analysi~ 24-48 hours in the future is the primary problem, then
hampere~ by the use of isobars on sea-level maps and
we should choose for analysis the upper-level chart
contour hnes on upper-level charts. The system of units considered to be most significant for the investigation of
proposed by Beliamy [2] is of a unitary type. As has steering, cyclogenesis, and anticyclogenesis. At present
been mentioned, he has also proposed a system for the many meteorologists prefer the 500-mb chart over ali
other~ for this purpose. It would therefore be proper to
graphical representation of data, which obviates the
need. for converting numerica! values from one system supenmpose on the surface map the 500-mb contours at
of umts to another. By means of simple transparent over- analysis centers whenever pressure-pattern prognoses
la~s, the numerica! values of the data in any desired constitute the chief forecast problem.
umts may be read directly from the graphs. On the other hand, if the primary problem is to fore-
Although complete standardization of ali units is not cast the cloudiness and precipitation for the coming
fe~sible at this time, we may even now progress towards twenty-four to forty-eight hours, then the upper-level
th1s goal by adopting a single system of units for pres- chart chosen should be the one best suited for the detec-
~ure. In particular, the unfortunate duality of units with tion of advection and the motion of the moisture layers
Jsobars drawn on the surface map and contour lines on which are most intimately associated with the observed
the upper-level charts can be abolished without com- cloudiness and precipitation.
plexity by replacing the sea-level isobars with the The problem of such short-range precipitation fore-

casting bas becn under considcration by many investi- ali three of these charts the relation between the two
gators dming the past few years [.5, 17]. The three sets of isopleths and the weather and cloud data throws
factors \Yhich havc heen found to he most. important into full relief the following information: the principal
for precipitation forecasts are the orientation and curva- activating mechanisms of precipitation and cloudiness,
ture of the flow patterns at the altostratus level (about the areal extention of warm and cold air advection, the
700 mb), the location of areas of pressurc fali at sea movcment and spatial distribution of pressure-fall areas
level, and the cxtcnsion of \varm-air advcdion near the on the surface map with respect to the steering flow
850-mb levcl. Since thc detection of ad,ection between aloft, the relationship between moisture sourccs and the
700 mb and the surface can be accomplished at a glance orientation of the upper flow, the likelihood of vertical

0630Z OCTOBER 24,1949

-........... WARM FRONT

Fw. 2.- Combined sea-level and 700-mh analysis for the United States at 0630Z, Octoher 24, 194!l.

whcn thc charts of these two levels are superimposed, displacement of an air mass above a front, and the
and since the 700-mb eontours represent the air flow at areas along fronts " here the meteorologica! properties
the level where most of the altostratus rain clouds are of the atmosphere are most conducive to wave for-
centered, the 700-mb ehart superimposed on the sea- mation.
lcvcl chart is considered the most useful combination in The most striking feature on the first of these ex-
giving a comprehensive view of the weather prospects amples (Fig. 2), is the large area of rain in the southern
in stations where issuance of 24- and 48-hr forecasts to Great Plains States. The strong easterly flow indicated
the general public is the prime function. The authors by the sea-level isobars in this area leads to the tentative
feei that this is such an important subject that some assumption that the rain is caused by topographic up-
examples of the combined analysis of surface and upper- slope motion of the cold air mass as it moves toward the
level charts are presented here in detail. higher land areas of Colorado, western Texas, and
These examples include threc consecutive sea-level \vestern Kansas. In view of the configuration of the
charts with the corresponding 700-mb contours super- upper flow, however, it seems quite evident that the
imposed upon them, constructed for 24-hr intervals. On warm moist tropical air from the Gulf of Mexico is

moving northward and then northwestward over the portion of the surface front and therefore little or no
advancing and deepening cold air mass. The explanation frontal weather; (2) that east of the Appalachian Moun-
of the precipitation then, clearly brought out by the two tains, the portion of the front which is moving slowly
combined charts, must be the enforced elevation of the southward is parallel .to the upper winds and should
tropical air, rather than orographic lifting of the cold therefore produce lifting of the air above the frontal
air mass. surface. In the area to the rear of this portion of the
Other than that in the southern Great Plains, the only front some cloudiness and precipitation are in evidence.
area of precipitation of any large extent is that indicated This is the only area where the combined analysis sug-
in the vicinity of Lake Superior. Here the obvious gests the possibility of frontal precipitation directly
causative factor is the well-known heating effect of the behind the front.


............. WARM FRONT

Fra. 3.-Combined sea-level and 700-mb analysis for the United States at 0630Z, October 25, 1949.

Lakes. The important point here is the concurrence of The front in the southeastern United States, with a
cyclonic curvature of the sea-level isobars and the wave along the coast of South Carolina, is in a position
700-mb contours with the area of shower activity. The which often causes the weather along the coast to
intimate connection between the curvature of the ftow deteriorate suddenly. In this example, however, the
pattern and the occurrence of such instability phe- presence of a closed high-pressure cell aloft near South
nomena as the "Lake effect" stands out pellucidly by Carolina clearly indicates that the front is lifeless and
virtue of this particular method of superimposition of that the forecaster need have no worry lest it develop
charts. in the future.
Turning next to the portion of the cold front extend- Looking at the analysis again for the purpose of
ing from Tennessee northeastward to Massachusetts, detecting the areas of warm- or cold-air advection, we
we note two things: (1) that the ftow from the west is come upon striking evidence that strong cold-air ad-
stronger aloft than it is at the surface, indicating no vection is occurring through Iowa, Illinois, Indiana,
lifting of the upper air mass by the eastward-advancing Ohio, and most of the area north of these states. Strong
advection of warm air is indicated only in eastern a portion of the anticyclonic flow we find on the surface
Montana. The sea-level pressure tendencies are rising map a wave on the front in South Carolina. Since the
throughout most of the area of cold-air advection and formation or perpetuance of a wave is unlikely beneath
falling over the area of warm-air advection, as is usual such a flow aloft, this wave should not be of much
[1]. Thus the distribution of advection may be appraised synoptic significance unless the upper-level contours
by only a cursory investigation of the combined sea- above it change their characteristics of curvature,
levcl and 700-mb charts. orientation, or both.
This combination likewise promotes the ease with Over West Virginia the weak cyclonic curva ture of
which thc principle of stecring may be applied to a the upper contours in conjunction with a certain amount
specific meteorologica! situation. Examining Fig. 2 from of warm-air advection, seems adequate to have caused
the standpoint of steering, we can infer swiftly and precipitation in that region. Again the surface and the
with moderate assurance that the northern portion of upper-air analyses considered separately fail to give a
the high-pressure arca located in the northern Great lucid explanation for the distribution of cloudiness and
Plains States should move southeastward and then precipitation; with both charts examined in combina-
eastward to near New York, while the portion of the tion, the causative factors stand out.
cold-air dome which has moved south of thc strong Let us continue our examination of the combined
belt of westerly winds, into Texas and Oklahoma, will analysis in Fig. 3 with a view toward determining areas
have to remain trapped in that region. The isolated low of temperature advection in the layer between the
aloft over Texas is moving slowly eastward as is indi- surface and 700 mb. The salient features of the field of
cated by the sea-level pressure falls east of it and sea- advection are the strong warm-air advection from Iowa
level pressure rises west of it, but it seems clear that northeastward, the strong cold-air advection in N orth
since it is now out of the westerlies it should not move Dakota and Montana, and the cold-air advection in
far in the next 24 hr, and that any wave activity it southeastern Texas, ali so plainly revealed as to obviate
might induce on the cold front could not move along further comment. Similarly the significant features of
the front to the northeast until after the passage of the the steering pattern are apparent. The contours at the
rapidly moving high-pressure center in the northern upper level indicate hat the frontal system in the north-
Great Plains States. ern Great Plains States will continue to move rapidly
The intimate connection between the upper-level eastward and that the trough associated with this sys-
circulation and the attendant weather is again dra- tem will in ali probability overtake the slowly moving
maticaliy illustrated in Fig. 3, the combined analysis trough in Oklahoma. The wave located south of Louisi-
for 24 hr !ater. Here in the South Central States we see ana is being steered to the northeast by the increasingly
that the precipitation and cloudiness from the weak strong southwesterly winds over it. At the same time
wave in the Gulf of Mexico extends only as far north the combined analysis reveals the interesting proba-
and west as central Missouri, while northern Missouri bility of the development of this wave. Severa! circum-
remains perfectly clear. Likewise the circulation around stances fa vor this development: the wave on the surface
the upper-level center over Oklahoma shows that the is close to the upper-level center, with the flow above it
moisture from the south is carried only to the same cyclonically curved; there is air-mass contrast across
region in Missouri but no farther. The reason for the the front; and the solenoidal field is being intensified by
distribution of cloudiness and precipitation is not at ali increasing cold-air advection to the rear of the wave
apparent from the surface map alone, while from looking with pronounced warm-air advection in advance of it.
at the upper-level map alone one would remain unaware The combined analysis illustrated here successfully
of the actual distribution of weather. It is the combina- expedites the analysis by making it easy to evaluate ali
tion of the two sets of data that presents the complete, these factors with the use of but one chart.
pellucid picture of the synoptic situation. Figure 4 affords an even more vivid illustration of the
If we examine the combined analysis over the south- use of combined analysis for bringing out the well-
eastern states to elicit the explanation of the widespread established but ali too frequently unnoticed relation-
cloudiness to the north of the stationary front, we find ships between the upper-level flow and the concomitant
that the orientation and curvature of the upper-level sea-level patterns and weather phenomena. In Fig. 4
contours with respect to the surface pattern is again the difference between the two cold fronts in the central
rewarding. Considering first the orientation of the and southeastern portion of the country with respect to
upper-level contours in this region, we note that the
the extent of postfrontal middle cloudiness again cor-
upper-level flow is essentially parallel to the surface
relates nicely with the characteristics of the upper flow
front. This indicates that there is no downslope flow
over the frontal surface, a circumstance which greatly over the frontal surface: Where the upper flow is parallel
enhances the likelihood of postfrontal middle clouds. In to the front and has cyclonic vorticity, there is rain;
this particular instance, the existence of clouds in the where the upper flow, increasing as it is with height, is
area to the rear of the front becomes a certainty, since nearly perpendicular to the surface, front the skies are
the upper-level flow emanates from a region of ample clear. Along the Divide in Montana where the front is
'loisture supply. being overrun by westerly and northwesterly winds
Let us consider next the curvature of the upper-level aloft, there is no precipitation. In this area the sharp
contours over the South Atlantic coast. Directly under anticyclonic turning of the upper-level flow suggests

that the front should remain inactive as far as cloudiness required to make two- or three-day forecasts need maps
anei precipitation are concerned. covering considerably more area of the earth's surfaee
A glance at Fig. 4 shows that the cold high has moved than is needed for shorter-period forecasts. If this addi-
from northwestern Montana to northeastern Kansas, tional area is achieved by increasing the size of the map,
in accordance with the steering indicated by the upper- the map soon becomes so large that it is difficult tu
level flow. perceive the relationship between changes on opposite
It is the ease with which a truly comprehensive sides of the world. Such concepts as the spread of energy
picture of the synoptic situation may be gained which downstream from a newly formed storm or the creation
commends the method of combined analysis presented of new troughs whose location is indicated by constant
here. With other methods the same results may, of vortieity currents remain inaccessible to the synoptic


- - 1017

..........._. WARM FRO NT
...,.......... STATIONARY FRONT
.........._. OCCLUOEO FRONT
t.....t...l:JJ COLO FRONT ALO FT

FIG. 4.-Combined sea-level and 700-mb analysis for the United States at 0630Z, October 26, l!l40.

course, be obtained intime. But the authors feei that the meteorologist unless his working charts are small enough
saving of time and energy effected by this method is of so that he can study a large area simultaneously.
sufficient significance to warrant its inclusion in the Although small-size, large-area maps are needed by
standard operational procedure used for analysis. the forecaster for predictions of two to three days or
Before leaving the problem of how best to facilitate longer, the analyst who is responsible for a detailed
the comprehensive, three-dimensional visualization of a analysis of a limited portion of the earth's surface, or
synoptic situation, one further point should be con- the forecaster concerned with a local forecast, usually
sidered: the total area of the meteorologica! map base needs a 'different map hase . This la ttcr basc must ha ve
being used must be so restricted in extent as tu insure a scale large enough so that the data from ali the ob-
ease in superimposition together with ease in compre- servational stations in the region may be conveniently
hension. A map whose areal dimensions are greater than represented on the map, since detailed data are neces-
about three feet square is difficult to handle and is too sary for the analyst tobe able to locate pressure jumps,
large in scope to see ali at once. M-eteorologists who are nascent waves on fronts, and poorly marked fronts.

Detailed analysis and study is likewise a requisite for air. This, of course, makes various invalid inferences
short-period local forecasts. This whole question of the very tempting. But even with the assumption of quasi-
selection of a meteorologica! base map is not one which horizontal motion, this method for the analysis of
can be solved theoretically once and for ali time; it is a atmospheric moisture is far from being completely satis-
recurrent practica! problem, whose solution is con- factory. Its value is impaired by the fact that the
tingent upon the specific conditions under which the patterns produced by the dew-point isopleths tend to be
map will be used. This specificity, which is characteristic indistinct and fragmentary on both the 850- and 700-mb
of so many meteorologica! perplexities, renders the charts. Through the study, however, of these particular
problem by no means unimportant. isopleths, considerable valuable information may be
Moisture Charts There is evidence that it is in the plateau and moun-
Another equally specific, equally significant, difficulty tain regions of western N orth America that the most
is that of devising a chart, or charts, which will portray fruitful application of this procedure for moisture anal-
graphically those factors which are conducive to showers ysis can be made, a somewhat surprising disclosure
other than those associated with fronts or pressure since most analytical methods give their best results
jumps. Such a chart (or charts) would be the sine qua over oceans or over plains of low elevation. In the areas
non of local forecasting, particularly in regions of high of these western plateaus and mountains we find that
summertime precipitation. In an attempt to solve this the 700-mb configuration of isopleths of dew point seem
problem, sundry types of energy diagrams have been closely correlated to shower precipitation ali during the
developed along with techniques for computing the like- warm season. In fact, many meteorologists feei that the
lihood of showers. Empirica! results have been disap- wind and moisture patterns at 700 mb may be used
pointing to such an extent that it appears probable that alone to give satisfactory forecasts for showers in these
our present methods for evaluating the energy due to mountain areas. Over relatively flat areas where the
thermal instability fail to take into account all the trigger action of mountains is lacking, more information
factors involved in the release of energy as shower is needed for the prediction of showers. In particular, it
activity. This is corroborated by the recent studies on would be of benefit to know the location of areas where
entrainment of air into the sides of increscent cumuli- upslope or downslope motion of moist parcels of air is
form clouds. The findings of these investigations suggest occurring.
that the occurrence of showers is not often due to pure
thermal instability, pure air-mass showers being very Isentropic Analysis
rare. Indeed, evidence has been disclosed that a wide- This need for a more inclusive chart, designed to
spread convergent wind flow, a pressure jump, a moun- depict not only the distribution of atmospheric motion
tain range, or some other type of trigger action is but also proximity of each air parcel to saturation, the
necessary to give weli-developed shower activity. The location of areas where there are upslope or downslope
recent studies of the thundershower activity in Florida movements, and the major flow patterns of the air, is
and its relation to the convergent effect of the sea met by the isentropic chart [11]. Besides its important
breezes from two edges of the peninsula afford a good property of inclusiveness, the isentropic chart is the
illustration of how important such effects are on air- chart best suited for foliowing the motion of air particles
mass shower activity [7]. Certainly, this is a subject on since the particles of an isentropic surface are conserva-
which more research is sorely needed. tive for ali adiabatic changes. The patterns formed by
Although our knowledge of the relationship between lines of equal condensation height, or pressure, on an
the vertical energy distribution and subsequent shower isentropic chart are therefore less fragmentary and
activity is imperfect at present, there appears to be a more persistent than the configurations formed by the
more readily applicable relationship between the hori- isopleths of dew point on a surface of constant pressure.
zontal moisture distribution and the resultant showers. In short, on an isentropic chart the distribution of
In the days before there were reliable upper-air sound- moisture is simply and vividly apparent and the analyst
ings, an analysis of clouds and precipitation was the can, in general, validly follow a particular air particle
main clue to the distribution of moisture. But after the in its day-to-day convolutions. Thus the isentropic
establishment of the network of suitably accurate chart is a potent addition to our tools for preparing
radiosondes, many experiments were made to determine optimum analyses.
the type of chart (or charts) which would be best Shortly after the upper-air network had become well
suited for portraying the horizontal distribution of established, the isentropic chart was introduced and
moisture in the atmosphere and for foliowing its succes- tried out in ali the meteorologica! centers of the United
sive variations. States. At that time it was the practice to transmit to
At the present time the horizontal distribution of the field stations, along with the other upper-air data,
atmospheric moisture is usualiy studied by means of the data for three different constant potential temper-
isopleths of dew point on either the 850-mb or 700-mb ature surfaces. The purpose of transmitting the data for
chart, or on both. The basic disadvantage of this pro- three isentropic surfaces was to allow the local mete-
cedure is that air particles frequently undergo vertical orologist to select for analysis the one isentropic surface
motions rendering it impossible to be sure that one is most useful to his own locale.
following from moment to moment the same parcels of During this period of experimentation the most im-

portant application of the isentropic chart proved to Relative-motion charts are easily prepared, given the
be its use in forecasting cloudiness and precipitation, isentropic data. They could be drawn and transmitted
including the evasive summertime showers. The chart from analysis centers as an additional tool for the use of
was also found to be of especial value in predicting the the local forecaster. Such arrangements would benefit
occurrence of precipitation along the West Coast [6], not only the synoptic meteorologist, but the research
where frontal analysis taken by itself is inadequate for man as well, an important consideration since in the
this purpose. field of research, isentropic analysis is acknowledgedly
Unfortunately the years of experimentation drew to of significant value.
a close with only a small portion of the meteorologists
in the United States familiar with the applications of Conclusion
the isentropic chart. Subsequently the isentropic chart In various specific contexts in this discussion of
was abandoned by the Weather Bureau and the data analytical techniques we have mentioned the value of
for its construction were no longer transmitted over the the use of color in augmenting the clarity of analyses.
teletype network. This was due in part to certain Despite the habitual use of color on meteorologica!
difficulties in communication, but to a larger extent it charts, its utilization has tended to be haphazard and
was due to the time factor inherent in the analysis accidental rather than systematized. To a surprising
itself. The isentropic chart is more difficult to draw extent even simple uses of color have been neglected in
correctly than are most of our other upper-level charts. the United States. The psychological effect of color and
For inexperienced men the analytical time consumption its use as an aid to analysis should in the future
proved tobe an unsurmountable obstacle to the realiza- receive the attention it warrants.
tion of the usefulness of the chart. Experienced fore- Another neglected problem is that of the ideal ar-
casters and analysts, however, who had become familiar rangement for an analysis center or forecast station. As
with the isentropic chart generally felt, and stil! feei, far as the authors can diseover, the results of compre-
that a long step backwards was taken when the isen- hensive studies of this subject have not been incorpo-
tropic analysis was abandoned. rated into actual practice. The optimum height of
With the present trend towards the concentration of working surfaces, lighting, best seleetion of furniture,
analysis in large centers, with the increased accuracy of and the arrangements of furnishings and eharts are
radiosondes, and with the advent of improved com- considerations which lie outside the field of meteorology
munication facilities, the time seems ripe for the re- proper. But seemingly minor faetors ;;ueh as these (or
inauguration of the isentropic chart. It would be entirely such as the use of color mentioned above) may eon-
possible for the analysis center to transmit to field tribute appreeiably toward better analysis. In order to
forecast centers three complete isentropic charts, based improve forecasts, these problems must be solved along
on the same data that were previously transmitted from with those of a more strictly meteorologica! nature.
the observational network. With the advent of a means But beneath these specific analytical problems, and
for transmitting colors, these isentropic charts ~ould precluding their solutions, lie the broader barriers to
include not only streamlines, some sort of contour lines, rapid advancement in the field of meteorology as a
and condensation height or pressure lines, but they whole. One of these fundamental obstaeles is the eon-
could include, as well, moist tongues shaded in red, dry fusion occasioned by the plethora of theories aml oper-
tongues in blue, and saturated areas in green in con- ational practice;;, attending the ;;udden multiplication of
formance with the conventions observed previously in reliable meteorologica! instruments, which has pre-
the construction of isentropic charts. Thus the forecaster sented for the scrutiny of the forecaster an entirely new
would be provided with a simple efficacious tool for and unprecedented multiplicity of data. The other
studying the moisture distribution of the atmosphere. basic obstacle is the enigma of thc proecsses involved in
Moreover, instead of having one "homemade" isen- the general cireulation of the atmosphcrc. Once a valid
tropic chart, plus the raw data for two other constant theory of this general circulation hai:i erystallized, ordcr
potential temperature surfaces, he would be equipped should begin to appear in the present chaos of our
with carefully executed analyses for ali three surfaces, secondary meteorologica! theories. However, until such
enabling him to investigate the changes with respect to time as this is accomplished, it behooves those of us
height of ali the data on the isentropic chart. concerned with analysis to follow up whatever lines of
Such an investigation may be facilely accomplished research seem promising, searching through meteoro-
through the use of another form of isentropic analysis logica! theory for effective applications to analysis and
devised by Starr [21]: the relative-motion chart. The seeking to hetter our analytical teehniques through ex-
aim of such a chart is to supplement the information perimentation and critica! diseussions participatcd in
given by streamlines at a single isentropic level. The by meteorologists ali over the world. But dcspite our
relation between streamlines and contour patterns indi- concern with the details of analysis, we must never Iose
cates whether there is upslope or downslope motion on sight of their dependent relationship to the larger and
the isentropic surfaces provided the wind near the more fundamental eoncepts of meteorology.
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10. HovMOLLER, E., "The Trough-and-Ridge Diagram." Tel-
22. TEPPER, M., "A Proposed Mechanism for Squall Lines:
lus, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 62-66 (1949).
11. NAMIAS, J., An Introduction to the Study of Air Mass Analy- The Pressure Jump Line." J. Meteor., 7:21-29 (1950).
sis, lst ed. Milton, Mass., Amer. Meteor. Soc., 1935. 23. WEXLER, R., "Radar Detection of a Frontal Storm 18
12. - - Extended Forecasting by Mean Circulation Methods. June 1946." J. Meteor., 4:38-44 (1947).
U. S. Weather Bureau, Washington, D. C., 1947. 24. WILLIAMS, D. T., "A Surface Micro-study of Squall-Line
13. 0LJVER, V. J., and 0LIVER, M. B., "Forecasting the Thunderstorms." Mon. Wea. Rev. Wash., 76:239-246
Weather with the Aid of Upper-Air Data" in Handbook (1948).
The Forecast Problem by H. C. Willett ............................................................ 731

Short-Range Weather Forecasting by Gordon E. Dunn .............................................. 747

A Procedure of Short-Range Weather Forecasting by Robert C. Bundgaard ................... ......... 766

Objective W eather Forecasting by R. A. Allen and E. M. Vernon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 796

General Aspects of Extended-Range Forecasting by Jerome Namias . ................................. 802

Extended-Range Weather Forecasting by Franz Baur. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 814

Extended-Range Forecasting by Weather Types by Robert D. Elliott .................................. 834

Verification of W eather Forecasts by Glenn W. Brier and Roger A. Allen. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 841

Application of Statistica! Methods to W eather Forecasting by George P. Wadsworth. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 849

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

INTRODUCTORY REMARKS years of training, and many of them unqualified by

interest or temperament for this work. One further
The Unsatisfactory Progress of Weather Forecasting circumstance which has been most unfavorable to the
as a Science. Probably there is no other field of applied improvement of forecasting is .tha~ by ,a~d la~ge there
science in which so much money has been spent to has been in operation no obJective venficatwn pro-
effect so little real progress as in weather forecasting. cedure by which the forecasting ability of these ma_ny
Today the nations of the world spend many times what inexperienced forecasters could be comp~red one ":Ith
they did forty years ago to obtain the necessary observa- another or against any standard, as a bas1s for the ehm-
tional data and to prepare weather forecasts. But the ination of the Iess competent forecaster.
advance in weather-forecasting skill has not kept pace As recently as twenty years ago in the Unite? States
with the increased effort and attention devoted to the few official government forecasters were ass1gned to
forecasting. The variety of weather forecasts, as to this duty only after many years of practice fore?asting
time range and detail, as to the elements forecast, and in objectively verified competition with the offiCial and
as to the elevations and geographical areas for which other practice forecasters. After assignment to fore?ast
forecasts are prepared, has been greatly increased in duty their records as official forecasters .were contmu-
proportion to the increase in the observational synoptic ously checked in the same manner. It IS a sad c~m
data, to meet more exacting demands. Much has been mentary on the scientific status of weather forecastmg
done to meet these demands by the development of that even today the methods remain so empirica! and
special types of forecasts, frequently forecasts of ele- so dependent upon experience and subjective interpret~
ments which were not even observed forty years ago. tion that the development of the best forecasters stlll
But in spite of ali this great expansion of forecasting requires years of experience and the right temperament
activity there has been little or no real progress made and interest. The primary problem of weather fo~ecast
during the past forty years in the verification skill of ing remains that of removing the science f~om ~hiS ~ub
the original basic type of regional forecast, of rain or jectively empirica! category and of makmg It sCien-
shine and of warmer or colder on the morrow, the kind tifically objective. .
of forecasting which first received attention. 2. Multiplicity of forecasting tools and techmques.
The question naturally arises, Why has this great The availability of rapidly increasing amounts of .ob-
expansion of forecasting activity contributed so little servational synoptic data, particularly of aerologi?al
to the basic advance of the science? There are a number data has led to agreat amount of experimentation w1th
of factors to which this lack of progress may be at- the ~se of various charts and coordinate systems for
tributed. These factors vary somewhat in relative im- the synoptic presentation and analysis of the new
portance from country to country, but probably observational material as an aid to the forecaster.
conditions in the United States (which has experienced Unfortunately this has led to the introduction i~to
perhaps the greatest multiplication of forecasting tools forecasting practice of a multiplicity of charts and dia-
and techniques) may be taken as essentially typical of grams which are largely redundant in that they present
the entire field. On this assumption the principal reasons the same basic information in a variety of forms, the
for the failure of forecast skill to keep pace with forecast relative merits of which remain completely untested,
practice are: and the variety of which leads only to a confusion of
1. The expanding demand for trained forecasters. forecasting techniques and principles that interferes
Since W orid W ar I, but increasingly during the thirties with the clear-cut formulation of any simple set of prog-
and with the outbreak of W orld War II, there has been nostic rules or criteria, such as is gained from long
a vast expansion in the number, the variety of service, familiarity and practice with one minimum standard
and the trained-personnel requirements of weather- set of synoptic charts. At the present time routine fore-
forecast centers. This greatly increased demand for cast practice can undoubtedly be greatly benefited by
forecasters has come from government weather bureaus, the universal acceptance of a minimum standard set of
from commercial aviation, and from the military. Since simple synoptic charts, even though the selection of the
the vastly increased demand for trained forecasters was standard aerological charts might not be the most
not anticipated, the proper training of large numbers effective that could be made. This selection of standard
of forecasters was not provided for. Neither has suffi- charts should be based on some real attempt at objective
cient salary incentive been provided (in proportion to verification of their relative prognostic merits, a pro-
the exacting nature of the work) to attract into this cedure which is equally necessary for forecasting tech-
field or to hold the best-qualified men. As a result, niques and for forecasters.
thodsands of m~teorologists have been pressed into 3. Failure to assess the essential forecast problem
forecasting service, many of them after only one or two correctly. Probably the primary reason that more prog-

ress has not been made in recent years towards the both of what the weather is and why the weather is.
improvement of basic weather forecasting lies in the It has been the attempt to bypass the second question,
failure to assess the essential nature of the problem in the hope of finding short-cut empirica! synoptic or
correctly, with the consequent misdirection of much statistica! means of determining the future weather
money and effort. Practica! weather forecasting has been directly from the present weather, without understand-
until very recently so exclusively a matter of extrapqla- ing either, that has militated against progress in solving
tion into the near future of current weather and weather the basic forecast problem.
trend, on the hasis of synoptic experience, empirica!
rules, and statistica! probabilities, that most thinking THE PRESENT PRACTICE AND PERFORM-
about weather forecasting is patterned in the same ANCE OF FORECASTING TECHNIQUES
mold. Great amounts of money and effort have been Types of W eather Forecasts-Time Range, Content,
expended in increasing the number and content of and Performance. Since most weather-forecasting prac-
synoptic observations, in experimenting with new forms tice consists essentially of the rather crude extrapolation
of synoptic representation, and in statistica! or synoptic of current weather patterns and tendencies into the
analysis of the data. But most of this effort has been future, it is axiomatic that the accuracy and justifiable
expended without any planned attack on the basic detail of the forecasts decrease rapidly with increasing
problems of meteorology in the vain hope of finding range. Consequently weather forecasts are prepared in
short-cut empirica! or synoptic forecast rules or statisti- a great variety of form and detail, depending upon the
ca! relationships which might radically improve weather degree of detail and accuracy which is required by the
forecasting. Forecasting progress has not been realized specific purpose of the forecast. The forecasting tech-
in proportion to this misdirected effort, and possibly niques which are used vary greatly with the type (time
it has even been hampered to some extent by a surplus range and detail) of the forecast. Therefore to discuss
of information which is poorly planned and inefficiently the practice and performance of forecasting techniques,
utilized. it is really necessary to consider briefly the require-
The Scope and Essential N ature of the Forecast ments and expected accuracy of the different types of
Problem. The ultimate practica! goal of most meteoro- forecasts. It must be emphasized, however, that the
logica! research is to improve present knowledge and complete lack of any uniform objective verification of
understanding of atmospheric processes to the point weather forecasts precludes the possibility of any reli-
where accurate scientific weather forecasting becomes able evaluation or comparison of the performance of
possible. The all-inclusive scope of the problem is evi- the different forecast types and the respective fore-
dent from its essential character, comprising as it does casting techniques. All estimates of forecasting skill
primarily three questions, each of which must be an- in the following discussion are expressed on a hasis of
swered in turn. They may be stated, in their simplest 50 per cent verification by chance as representing pure
terms, as follows: guess work or zero skill. For the most part the figures
1. What is the weather? This question requires a represent rough comparative estimates of forecasting
knowledge of the distribution of the meteorologica! skill and are not based on actual extended series of
elements which constitute the weather and whose numerica! verification of forecasts.
changes reflect the weather processes. Such knowledge is Weather forecasts are most conveniently classified
required both as the starting point or base from which according to time range and basic character of the
to forecast the future weather, and as a means of verify- forecast in the following four categories:
ing or evaluating past weather forecasts and forecasting 1. Short-range forecasts, for periods up to eighteen
techniques. All research bearing on the measurement hours from the issue of the forecast. Forecasts of this
and recording of the weather elements throughout the type have been developed almost entirely during the
atmosphere is directed toward answering this question. past twenty-five years, primarily in response to the
It is in this technical field that meteorologica! research demands of aviation, both civil and military, although
has been advanced out of all proportion to the utiliza- short-range forecasts of local conditions of frost, snow
tion of the data which are obtained. accumulation, and icing of roads have also received
2. Why is the weather? This question requires the increasing attention. Short-range airways forecasts re-
quantitative physical explanation, in scientific terms, quire a high degree of accuracy, both in timing and in
of all weather phenomena and their causative or forma- local detail of all elements affecting flight. operations,
tive processes. This is the basic part of the forecast particularly of terminal conditions. These elements in-
problem which weather-forecasting research has tended clude wind direction and speed up to an elevation of
to neglect in the past, in comparison to the money and from ten to fifteen thousand feet, the state of turbulence
effort which have been expended upon the unsystematic of the atmosphere, ceiling heights, horizontal visibility,
accumulation and the routine synoptic or statistica! and the occurrence of condensation forms (notably when
analysis of observational data. It is, however, primarily the danger of icing, fog, or thunderstorms is present).
on progress in seeking an answer to this question that Because this is a relatively new type of forecasting,
the fu ture improvement of weather forecasting depends. frequently of elements which previously were not fore-
3. What will the weather be? The right answer to this cast at all, because the usual extrapolation techniques
question constitutes correct weather forecasting. A satis- are particularly suited to short-range forecasting, and
factory answer requires a comprehensive understanding because great effort has been expended in meeting the

sudden demand for accurate forecasts of this type, the 55-50 per cent range. It can be stated categorically
this is the one field of forecasting in which great that no claim to significant skill in forecasting the
improvement in forecasting skill has been demonstrated day-to-day sequence of weather more than five days in
in the past twenty years. Although no verification advance has been acceptably demonstrated, nor is it
figures for this type of forecasting are available, it is likely to be in the near future. The mean anomaly
probable that the best forecasting organizations in this features of the more reliable extended weather fore-
field perform in the 90-95 per cent range on a 50 per casts today verify in the 70-75 per cent range for
cent probability hasis of verification. This performance temperature, but little better than 60 per cent for
does not represent any basic advance in weather fore- precipitation. Precipitation, relative to temperature,
casting, but merely the happy results of a sudden con- becomes increasingly difficult to forecast as the time
centration of effort on the application of extrapolation range is extended.
techniques to very short-range developments. 4. Long-range forecasts, for all periods extending
2. Forecasts of the ordinary daily range, for periods of beyond one week in advance. Forecasts of this type can
from twelve to forty-eight hours in advance. Forecasts deal justifiably only with mean conditions or period
of this type usually express in some detail, for specific anomalies, usually of pressure, temperature, or precipi-
geographical areas, the expected day-to-day sequence tation. There is no legitimate hasis whatsoever for
of all the aspects of weather which materially affect extending forecasts of the day-to-day weather sequence
human activity and well-being. The forecasts are dis- more than one week in advance, frequent unverified
seminated by press, radio, wire, and special warning claims to the contrary notwithstanding. Forecasts of
systems to the public and to many special interests, the longer-period anomalies of temperature and pre-
both civil and military, including aviation, agriculture, cipitation, whether for weeks, months, seasons, or whole
shipping, manufacturing, merchandising, and utilities. years, can be of very considerable va:Iue, insofar as they
It is this type of forecasting on which the greatest have real merit, for a wide range of interests, notably
effort has been concentrated since synoptic forecast for planning effective agricultura! production or mer-
methods were first introduced nearly a century ago and chandising campaigns, for the effective utilization of
in which, paradoxically, basic progress has been almost irrigation, hydroelectric and flood control facilities, and
nonexistent in recent years. Forecasting activity has for long-range military planning. Unfortunately, how-
been vastly expanded, but the quality of the forecasts ever, no forecasts of this type have demonstrated any
has not been basically improved. The accuracy and skill clearly significant degree of skill in verification ..Prob-
of this type of forecast as practiced by the best fore- ably under most favorable conditions the verification
casters must diminish with increasing time range during lies in the 55-60 per cent range.
the 12- to 48-hr period. The skill verification may be Forecasting Techniques or Aids-Their Merits and
estimated to decrease through the range 90-70 per Limitations. The following definition and evaluation of
cent during the period. weather-forecasting techniques as they are practiced
3. Extended daily forecasts, for periods including today can be only approximate at best, because of the
from the second to the sixth or seventh day in advance. multiplicity of techniques which are in use, the infinite
Forecasts of this type at the present time tend to variety of combinations in which they are applied by
assume a dual character, a combination of the ordinary different forecasters for different and even for the same
daily forecasts on the one hand, and of the long-range type of forecast, and the lack of any real effort towards
forecasts on the other. In the first role they strive to the objective evaluation of these numerous forecasting
extend to five or seven days in advance the same aids. In the following discussion an effort is made to
detailed forecast of the day-to-day sequence of weather classify the individual forecasting techniques or aids,
that is offered by the ordinary daily forecasts up to two insofar as they are distinctive, as to their essential
days in advance, while in the second role they specify character; to indicate something as to their usual appli-
the mean or average character of the 5- or 7-day period cation in the four principal types of forecasts (time
ahead in terms of the expected anomalies of tempera- range); and to comment qualitatively on their merits
ture, precipitation, and possibly other elements, such and limitations.
as sunshine. In the first role these forecasts are expected Since the following classification of forecasting tech-
to serve the day-to-day planning of the entire life of the niques is based on the essential character of the tech-
community in the samemanner as, onlymore in advance nique, rather than on the forecast type (time range)
than, the daily forecasts, while in the second role they to which it is applied, and since the practice of any
are useful primarily to agriculture, irrigation, flood type of forecasting frequently involves the combination
control and power interests, and to the fuel industry. of a variety of techniques, the grouping by this classifi-
Forecasts of the extended daily variety have been cation is suited primarily to an evaluation of the tech-
issued for many years, but the principal recent advances niques individually rather than in combination. It is
in extended weather forecasting have come in the de- quite impossible in a general discussion of this kind
velopment of statistical-synoptic techniques for the even to enumerate the many combinations in which
forecasting of large-scale weather patterns and mean these forecasting techniques are applied, much less to
weather conditions. The forecasting of the day-to-day evaluate these combinations. But in general the skill
weather sequence shows negligible skill beyond the verification that is obtained by combining forecasting
fourth day in advance, probably decreasing slightly in techniques is of the same general order as that of the

hest single technique. If the techniques are essentially to stand him in far hetter stead in estimating its
different, then when their prognostic indications are prohable development than are the statistica! proba-
inconsistent, the forecaster's judgment must enter into bilities. Consequently, purely statistica! methods can
any selection hetween them. That judgment is likely to make at best only a very dubious contribution to fore-
he prejudiced in favor of the one or two techniques casting of the short-range or daily type, particularly in
which are helieved hest on the hasis of past perform- middle and higher latitudes where the weather is so
ance. erraticaliy variable from day to day. Although cli-
In the following classification of forecasting tech- matology and the statistica! probahility of both time
niques ali of those classified as extrapolation in type and space sequences of weather change may weli he
employ exclusively the current and past weather pat~ developed further for the guidance of the forecaster, it
terns, including usualiy trend and in a few cases acceler- can be assumed with reasonahle certainty that no
ation patterns (first- and second-order time derivatives amount of effort expended in this direction wililead to
of the weather elements). Since most of these extrapola- any radical improvement of the shorter-range types of
tion techniques are employed for forecasts of more than forecast.
one type (time range) they are classified hy their For the extended and long-range types of weather
essential nature, rather than hy the type of forecast for forecasting the statistica! extrapolation techniques as-
which they are used, as statistica[ (dealing with the time sume greater relative importance with increasing range,
sequences of weather in limited areas), synoptic (dealing as their applicahility and performance are relatively
with geographical weather patterns), or mathematical independent of the time interval to which they are
(dealing with the fundamental equations of motion, applied, whereas the usual short-range synoptic extra-
continuity, and st~te). polation techniques rapidly hecome ineffective as the
In contrast to the extrapolation techniques of fore- time range is extended. The statistica! extrapolation
casting, those techniques classified as physical are con- techniques which are applied to the longer-range fore-
cerned primarily with conditions which are expected to casting of mean pressure, temperature, and precipita-
impose modifying influences on the future development tion anomalies at selected points are quite simple in
of the current weather pattern, influences which are not principle, heing hased essentialiy on persistence and
in evidence in the past development, hence cannot he trend, linear lag-correlation (regression), and periodic
considered in any procedure involving extrapolation analysis. It is quite obvious that none of those statistica!
only. These physical processes are further suhdivided extrapolation techniques can he expected to forecast the
hetween those whose effects are specifically related only exceptional or unusual weather occurrences that are of
to the current weather pattern, hence are of significance grea test practica! importance, hecause they are ali keyed
only to the short-range or daily type of forecast, and to the most prohahle occurrence.
those which are more permanent in their influence, Pure statistica! extrapolation techniques are identica!,
affecting any weather pattern for some time to come, whether the length of theunit period involvedis the day,
and which are therefore of primary significance for the the week, the month, the season, or the year. Linear
extended or long-range type of forecast. regression equations, based on linear correlation, may
1. Extrapolation Techniques-hased on the existing be computed from past records to give the most proh-
state and trend of the weather, exclusive of modifying ahle numerica! anomaly of any meteorologica! element
physical factors. for any selected station or district, on the hasis of the
a. Statistica! techniques of extrapolation-hased on values of the preceding one, two, or any arhitrarily
the time sequence of change and association of the selected number of periods. The simplest example of
weather elements individualiy in restricted localities. this technique is to compute the probability of simple
The purely statistica!, as opposed to synoptic, forecast persistence or reversal of the sign of an anomaly from
aids are usually applied to the long-range forecasting of one calendar month to the next. Usualiy such lag
the roean weekly, monthly, seasonal, or even annual correlations are low, but occasionally in restricted areas
anomalies of pressure, temperature, or precipitation. and for certain seasons the correlation is high enough to
Statistica! methods are occasionaliy applied to daily have real forecasting significance. This method of sta-
forecasts, usually to supplement the empirica! climato- tistica! extrapolation is assisted hy the fact that in
logical information of a forecaster faced with the proh many regions there exists high contemporary seasonal
lem of forecasting for a region with which he has had correlation hetween pressure, temperature, and rainfali,
relatively little experierice. For this purpose statistics so that the forecast anomalies of these elements must be
can he prepared, on the hasis of past records, to indicate mutualiy interdependent in a meteorologicaliy con-
the prohahility of any meteorologica! occurrence, or sistent manner.
comhination of occurrences, to assist the forecaster in An elahoration of the lag-correlation technique of
choosing hetween alternative possihilities, or to decide statistica! extrapolation is furnished hy the use of lag
the degree of severity which an anticipated condition correlation hetween current or past weather anomalies
is likely to attain. However, hy virtue of long experi- in one region, or in one hranch of the general circulation,
ence in forecasting for a given region the forecaster and subsequent anomalies in another region or another
usualiy develops a strong sense of the prohahility of any hranch. This technique, which is capahle of almost
weather occurrence in his district, and his judgment of unlimited experimental application, has been used by
the potentialities of a given synoptic situation is likely many investigators, but it is only occasionally that

really significant correlations are found. It has been sunspot period, notably by Abbot and Clayton. Another
used widely by Baur [1] in Europe, by Wadsworth [16] purported feature of the long-period pressure records at
to check contemporary and lag relationships between certain stations, first pointed out by W eickmann, is the
the positions and intensities of a number of the semi- occurrence at irregular intervals of so-called symmetry
per,manent "centers of action" of the monthly mean points, on either side of which the time graph of pressure
N orthern Hemisphere pressure maps, and most notably varies in reverse sequence.
by W alker 1 in his classical study of weather relationships There is considerable doubt as to the physical reality
over the globe and in particular of the forecasting of the or statistica! significance of most of these periodic or
seasonal monsoon rainfall in India. symmetry characteristics which are supposedly estab-
It is doubtful whether the highest degree of skill lished in time series of meteorologica! data. It has been
attained at the present time by forecasts based on the shown that in some cases smoothing techniques impose
use of statistica! extrapolation by correlation (as illus- on the data periodicities which do not exist in reality.
trated perhaps by some of W alker's seasonal forecasting Forecasts based on the periodicity and symmetry tech-
by multiple regression equations derived from the niques of statistica! extrapolation have proved sig-
Southern Oscillation) exceeds 60 per cent. This figure nificantly even less successful than those based on the
probably represents the best that is attainable by correlation techniques discussed above. There is no
purely statistica! extrapolation techniques in the ab- evidence to indicate that a skill verification of even as
sence of any physical understanding of the underlying much as 55 per cent has been attained by the periodicity
cause and effect relationships. techniques. Baur [2] has made an extensive statistica!
Experience shows that without some real physical study of the periodicity and symmetry techniques of
hasis, the prognostic regression equations derived by extrapolating pressure and other weather data for ex-
random correlation almost invariably deteriorate sig- tended forecasting purposes. He carne to the conclusion
nificantly in their performance when applied to the that these techniques do not merit the expenditure of
forecasting of data other than that from which they additional effort. He produces statistica! evidence that
were derived. This deterioration is doubtless caused in the great variety of periodicity and symmetry patterns
part by the fact that the few significant correlation which are derived statistically from time series of
coefficients which are used in the regression equations weather data probably are merely an incident::tl re-
are usually selected from a relatively large number of suit of serial correlation in the data, and as such are
predominantly insignificant coefficients computed on a presumably of no greater prognostic significance than
random "trial and error" hasis. Hence the selected the persistence itself. Certainly it can be concluded that
coefficients do not possess the normal probability of no important improvement of weather forecasting is to
significance. The deterioration is also partly caused by be expected from further development of this technique
the fact, which is observed both statistically and synop- of statistica! extrapolation.
tically, that not only the general circulation pattern b. Synoptic techniques of extrapolation-base d essen-
itself, but also its pattern of variation, is subject to tially on the extrapolation of synoptic weather patterns.
considerable change over a long period of years. The great bulk of weather-forecasting practice, both
It is undoubtedly true that the area in which this past and present, is of the daily, and more recently also
technique of forecasting by statistica! extrapolation of the short-range type. This common forecasting prac-
may be applied can be extended by further statistica! tice is usually based on a combination of techniques,
research, but it is doubtful if the present top level of rarely on one exclusively. During the earlier years the
performance will be exceeded appreciably. In other forecasting procedures were almost exclusively those of
words, there is at present no reason to hope for any synoptic extrapolation. Sin ce W orld W ar I the physical
basic improvement of long-range weather forecasts by techniques discussed below (p. 739) have come into ex-
the routine statistica! extrapolation technique under tensive use, and in recent years the techniques of
discussion. mathematical extrapolation, discussed under c below,
A second technique of long-range forecastlng by sta- ha ve also been utilized to a very limited extent to supple-
tistica! extrapolation is based on the statistica! analysis ment other methods. But by and large it remains true
of long-term homogeneous records of pressure, and today that common forecast practice is based primarily
less frequently of temperature or precipitation, at sel- on methods of synoptic extrapolation, secondarily on
ected stations, in the effort to establish some type of physical considerations, and only slightly on purely
periodicity or repetition in the variation that can be statistica! or mathematical extrapolation. It is this
used for extrapolation. A large amount of harmonic combination of synoptic-extrapolati on techniques sup-
analysis or other techniques of smoothing of such plemented by certain physical considerations which
records has been done in order to resolve the variation currently effect a top skill verification of 90-95 per cent
into simple component periods. A great variety of such on short-range forecasting, for which extrapolation tech-
periods, ranging in length from a few days to at least niques are ideally suited, and of 70-90 per cent on the
forty-six years, have been rather dubiously established. daily type of forecasting up to forty-eight hours in
In particular the longer periods have been tentatively advance.
established as fractional or integral multiples of the Except for the occasional use of statistica! probabil-
ities to compensate a forecaster's lack of practica!
1. See Mon. Wea. Rev. Wash., Supp. No. 39, pp. 1-26, 1940. experience, as mentioned previously, the entire short-

range and daily forecasting routine as commonly prac- pressure may be anticipated by the deepening or filling
ticed today depends upon the effective synoptic presen- of isallobaric centers, and by the proper use of 3-hr
tation of current and past weather patterns, which serve pressure tendencies corrected for the normal diurnal
as a basis of either synoptic or mathematical extrapola- trend of pressure.
tion, and of any physical forecasting techniques. These Since the upper-level pressure patterns are uniquely
synoptic weather patterns usually present the two- related to the sea-level pattern and the temperature
dimensional distribution of the weather elements in distribution, and since the upper-level charts present
selected planes. The primary patterns are those of the the large-scale dynamic state of the atmosphere more
geographical distribution of the weather elements in clearly than does the surface chart, there has been a
horizontal or quasi-horizontal planes. Agreat variety of strong tendency in recent years, with the increase of
such weather charts may be plotted, starting usually aerological data, to treat the 700- or 500-mb charts as
with the sea-level or surface map. The upper-level charts the primary forecasting tools and the surface charts as
may be plotted for selected heights, for selected iso- secondary. The same type of extrapolation procedure
baric surfaces, for selected isentropic surfaces, or for the as outlined above for the sea-level map can be applied
thickness between selected isobaric or isentropic sur- effectively to the simpler upper-level pressure patterns
faces. Several upper-level charts are usually prepared, to obtain prognostic upper-level charts, which then
the highest one frequently being located near the top serve as a basis for the prognostic sea-level chart.
of the troposphere or the base of the stratosphere. Particularly useful for this type of upper-level synoptic
The synoptic charts for the selected levels are fre- extrapolation, although not as widely used in practice
quently supplemented by vertical cross sections through as they deserve to be, are certain kinematical principles
the atmosphere, which follow a line of upper-level ob- formulated by Rossby [10] relating the deepening and
servation stations, or at times by the use of individual filling, and the movement of upper-level troughs and
point soundings through the troposphere. The essential ridges of the isobaric pattern, to the phase relation of the
purpose of the entire assemblage of synoptic charts, corresponding isothermal pattern. In addition to these
which, particularly at upper levels, may vary greatly as synoptic techniques some of the more recent mathe-
to number, form, elevation, weather data plotted, and matical extrapolation techniques discussed below are
geographical extent of the area covered, is to present as properly. applicable only to the upper-level flow pat-
completely and effectively as practicable, in the area terns.
which is deemed necessary, the distribution of the Vertical cross sections through the atmosphere, no-
weather elements in the form of two-dimensional pat- tably meridional cross sections, also present synoptic
terns. It is the regular time sequence of a complete set information that should be most useful to physical
of such synoptic charts, particularly the sequence of diagnosis and prognosis of the weather, but up to the
pressure and pressure-change patterns, to which are present time their incorporation into daily forecast
applied the various techniques of synoptic and mathe- practice has been limited primarily to the current and
matical extrapolation, and physical reasoning, by means prognostic description of ftight weather conditions along
of which the future, or prognostic, weather pattern is selected air routes.
derived. The synoptic extrapolation technique of forecasting
It is possible to enumerate here only the more fre- has been placed on a relatively routine basis by the
quently applied synoptic techniques of extrapolation, method of kinematical extrapolation which was de-
and to comment briefly on their potential effectiveness. veloped by Petterssen [7]. This method consists essen-
This type of forecasting has been practiced on surface tially of a quantitative determination of the in-
weather maps since the beginning of synoptic weather stantaneous speed of displacement, in any selected
forecasting nearly a century ago, while its application direction, and the tendency toward deepening or filling,
to upper-level charts is a development almost exclu- of characteristic features of the current horizontal pres-
sively of the past quarter-century, except that upper- sure field which are being effected by the current pres-
level wind observations have been used to some extent sure-tendency field. The calculated trend of movement,
to supplement surface reports since the early 1900's. or of deepening, is assumed to continue unchanged. The
The simplest extrapolation procedure consists of the method can be applied equally well to sea-level or to
linear extrapolation, or continued displacement at the upper-level pressure patterns. In their complete form
same speed as that in the preceding period or periods, Petterssen's formulas do include acceleration terms
of the various features of the sea-level weather map, which quantitatively evaluate the effect of the current
such as isobaric or isallobaric centers, isobaric trough or change of trend of development. Unfortunately, how-
ridge lines, or frontal discontinuities with the attendant ever, these complete formulas are both time consuming
frontal phenomena and air-mass weather characteristics. and difficult to apply because the synoptic data inevi-
The linear extrapolation technique is applied also to tably are inadequate for their objective evaluation;
change or acceleration tendencies such as the deepening hence so much is left to the judgment of the individual
or filling of pressure centers and troughs or ridges, forecaster that tb.e method loses its principal advantage
changes in the direction or speed of movement of pres- -that of being objectively and routinely applicable
sure patterns, fronts and air masses, and. frontogenesis by the inexperienced forecaster. Consequently, Petter-
or frontolysis. The approximate effect on the pressure ssen's forecast method as it is usually applied is a
field of even the second-order time derivatives of the quantitative method of routine extrapolation, which

is based on the expectation of a continued uniform trend U. S. Weather Bureau [6], of the 5- and 10-day and
of development of the synoptic weather pattern. In this longer-range forecasts of Baur [1] in Germany, of the
character it is particularly susceptible to the basic composite-chart technique of the Multanovski-Pagava
weakness of all of the extrapolation techniques of fore- school in Russia, and of many others.
casting-gross inaccuracy if extended beyond a very The statistica! and synoptic extrapolation techniques
limited time range under rapidly or erratically changing as applied to extended and long-range forecasting are
conditions. definitely limitecl in their potentialities. These tech-
All of these synoptic extrapolation techniques, which niques perform best for short-range forecasting, show-
in the past have constituted almost the sole hasis of ing decreasing skill with increasing range. However,
short-range and daily forecasting practice, and which their performance in extended and long-range forecast-
even today are supplanted only occasionally and to a ing of mean weather conditions over extended periocls
minor degree by techniques of mathematical extrapola- goes far beyond anything that is attainable by the
tion or physical reasoning, are limited by a ceiling of extrapolation of daily weather patterns. Probably 75
potential performance, which probably is reflected very per cent for temperature and 65 per cent for rainfall
closely by the best current forecasting. This ceiling is nipresent approximately the top skill performance
imposed by the failure, and presumable inability of this which can be hoped for as an average in the forecasting
synoptic extrapolation procedure, even when supple- of mean conditions by these methods for one week in
mented by the best synoptic experience, to anticipate aclvance on the hasis of our present limited under-
systematically or evaluate reliably the indecisively er- stancling of the general circulation. Doubtless the skill
ratic or exceptionally abnormal changes of the synoptic margin of these potential ceiling performances should be
weather patterns. The question may legitimately be cut in half for monthly forecasts, and possibly to one-
raised, To what extent and over what periods of time third for seasonal forecasts.
is the succeeding weather pattern determined by the Frequently the extended forecasts of the mean weath-
preceding pattern? or To what extent may factors er patterns are used as a guide by which, and frame-
quite external to the lower atmosphere play a determin- work within which, to extend the prognosis of the
ing role? But it appears certain that if either synoptic day-to-day sequence of weather patterns beyond the
or mathematical extrapolation techniques are to lead two- or three-day limit which is justifiable by the daily
to any basically substantial improvement of weather forecasting techniques. There is certainly some justifica-
forecasting, it will be only on the hasis of a much better tion for making such an extension, possibly to five or
physical understanding of the mechanics of the atmos- six days beyond the current date, but beyond that, even
pheric circulation processes than is represented by the though mean conditions can be forecast with some
present-day models. degree of skill, no detectable skill in forecasting the
In recent years there has rapidly developed an exten- clay-to-day sequence of change has been demonstrated,
sive application of synoptic extrapolation techniques to nor does it seem likely to be in the absence of some
extended and long-range forecasting, for periods of five radical advance in the science of weather forecasting.
or ten days, a month, or even a season in advance. This advance can come only from an increased physical
Instead of applying the extrapolation techniques to the unclerstanding of the mechanics of the general circula-
weather patterns on a sequence of daily synoptic charts, tion, not from aclclitional statistica! or synoptic manipu-
making use of 24- or 12-hr changes and the 3-hr tend- lation.
encies, five-day, weekly, or monthly mean charts pre- The use of analogues represents a routine method of
sent the weather patterns which are extrapolated by forecasting by synoptic extrapolation which has been
means of 'veekly or half-weekly and monthly or half- rather extensively employed and which can be, but is
monthly changes, and 24-hr tendencies. The techniques not necessarily, applied quite independently of other
of extrapolation are not essentially different; basically techniques. This methocl consists essentially of classify-
only the time scale is changed. The maps which are ing the large-scale synoptic weather patterns by their
used must be geographically extensive, covering at significant features in some manner such that past maps
least half (meridionally) and preferably the whole of the or conditions which are essentially similar to the current
Northern Hemisphere, thus making possible the analy- pattern may be extracted readily from files. The weather
sis and characterization by circulation indices, such as sequences which followecl in the past under similar
the zonal westerly index, of the state of the general conclitions, at the same season of the year, are then used
circulation as an integrated whole [14]. The synoptic as a guide to the prognostication of the current
extrapolation techniques are more effectively supple- sequence. This extrapolation can be made by applying
mented by statistica! aids in this extended type of fore-
the statistica! analysis of a number of similar synoptic
casting than in the daily forecasting, notably by lag-cor-
patterns in the past (Baur's method), or by selecting
relation statistics and by the comparison of prevailing
with normal tracks of cyclones and anticyclones. from past patterns the single closest fit to the current
This type of extended synoptic extrapolation (by pattern, ancl following in detail the weather sequence
use of mean charts), supplemented by statistica! and in which resulted in that case (Krick's methocl). Usually
some cases by physical considerations, forms the hasis analogue classification and selection is based primarily
of the five-day and the experimental monthly forecasts on sea-level maps, but upper-level charts may be given
disseminatecl by the Extendecl Forecast Section of the any desired weight. The method has been extensively

applied to daily forecasting, and to extended or long- high-speed computing devices, which places the feasi-
range forecasting based on mean maps. bility of lengthy numerica! reckoning on an entirely
Analogue forecasting has not proved to be notably new hasis. In spite of initial optimism, however, as to
successful. It is better suited to daily than to extended the potentialities of these computing techniques, it is
forecasting, but even in the daily range the extensive generally recognized at present by those who have been
effort in the United States to supply analogue informa- working on these methods that no radical advance in
tion to all forecasters during the war years does not practica! weather forecasting in the near future is prob-
appear to have won many supporters for their use. For able. One difficulty lies in the great mass of observa-
the more extended forecast ranges the method suffers tional data that must be treated in order to provide in
the inevitable disadvantage of any routine technique of time and space a sufficiently extensive and dense net-
synoptic extrapolation-that of complete inelasticity work of observations to compute the future state of the
in meeting rapidly and erratically fluctuating conditions. atmosphere a day or more in advance. However, that is
Essentially the method fails at two points: a technical problem that doubtless can be overcome. A
(1) Our knowledge of the mechanics of the general second difficulty lies in the magnitude of random local
circulation is completely inadequate to the task of variations of the weather elements, variations which are
establishing any analogue classification of the large- large compared with the permissible tolerance of observ-
scale circulation patterns which is of basic prognostic ational errors. Possibly this difficulty also can largely be
significance. In the absence of such knowledge the overcome by smoothing techniques. But the principal
establishment of sufficient analogy between two synop- difficulty lies in the fact that computing devices are not
tic weather patterns to justify the use of the subsequent brains. They must be told what do to. At present our
weather sequence in one case to forecast that of the understanding of the mechanics of the general circula-
second case in detail requires a basic similarity not only tion is quite unequal to this task; there exists no practi-
of the large-scale sea-level synoptic patterns, but also ca! conception of how the large-scale circulation
of the upper-level patterns and of the preceding se- processes work, to serve as a physical or theoretical
quence of development by which the analogous patterns hasis of computation. Furthermore, as pointed out
come into existence. N eedless to say such strict specifi- above, it is not even known to what extent the future
cations can only rarely be satisfied in the selection of state of motion of the atmosphere is determined by the
an analogue. preceding state, or to what extent interna! or externa!
(2) In the absence of a prognostically determinative energy sources need be taken into consideration. Hence
analogue classification, the selection of an analogue is of the mathematical extrapolation techniques run up
little or no assistance to the experienced forecaster. As against the same obstacle as do the less rigorous extra-
with the use of statistica! aids in short-range forecasting, polation techniques-need of a better understanding of
the experienced forecaster will usually do better by the mechanics of the general circulation. At present,
judging the synoptic indications of each individual case high-speed computing machines may be very useful to
in the light of his past experience. In extended or long- test the applicability of physical or theoretical models to
range forecasting, the case for analogues is even weaker. the large-scale atmospheric processes in nature, but
In other words, the use of analogues has even less to certainly they do not in themselves offer any particular
offer towards any real improvement of weather fore- hope of solving the basic problem of weather forecasting,
casting in the present state of our physical knowledge which is to acquire a better understanding of the irregu-
of the problem than do the other techniques of synoptic larly fluctuating circulation patterns. Their practicat
extrapolation. usefulness will probably increase as this knowledge is
c. Mathematical techniques of extrapolation-based gained.
on various manipulations of the equations of motion A number of computational extrapolation techniques
and continuity. Accurate weather forecasting by mathe- have been applied to practica! weather forecasting,
matical computation is an ultimate objective for the techniques which are based on various manipulations
attainment of which nearly every meteorologist hopes, of the equations of motion and the equation of con-
but as a practica! reality it appears today to be quite as tinuity in which certain simplifying assumptions are
distant as when Richardson [8] made his classical con- made in their practica! application to the atmosphere.
tribution to the problem in 1922. Richardson failed The most promising of these forecast aids are those
completely to derive, from the theoretical equations, based essentially on the tendency equation of Bjerknes
satisfactory forecasts even of the short-range (6-hr) [3], and on Rossby's use of the vorticity principle [9]
changes of the meteorologica! elements. This failure was to compute upper-level wave motions and air-particle
doubtless caused in part by his efforts to deal with all trajectories.
of the variables at once, which complicated his calcula- Numerous efforts, involving the tendency equation,
tions to a point where he was unable to identify the have been made to compute the fields of horizontal
sources of his errors, but also by the further fact, since convergence and vertical motion in the middle tropo-
proved by Charney [4], that his unit time interval (6 sphere from the observed wind field and to compare the
hr) was far too large, relative to his space grid, to permit thermal advective effects on the observed temperature
a, reasonable (convergent) solution of the equations. field with the dynamic effects. Synoptic patterns com-
Interest in the numerica! prediction of weather has puted in this manner are correlated with observed pres-
been greatly stimulated by the recent development of sure changes, that is, cyclogenesis and anticyclogenesis,
and with the hydrometeors, in an attempt to find a are physically modifying influences which are normally
numerica! hasis of extrapolation for forecasting of the considered in routine short-range forecast practice.
short-range or daily types. The success of all such Likewise the physical concepts of frontogenesis and
attempts has been notably indifferent, to the extent the accumulation of available potential energy supplied
that none of them has found general quantitative appli- by air-mass convergence, of cyclogenesis by the develop-
cation in practica! daily forecasting. This lack of practi- ment and occlusion of wave disturbances with all of the
ca! application is caused partly by the large amount of attendant weather cycle and sequences of hydrometeors,
work involved and partly by the lack of encouraging of the modification of frontal structure and condensation
results thus far obtained. This failure to obtain good forms by orographic barriers and coast lines, all of these
results doubtless stems from the same difficulties which are physically modifying influences, the consideration
cause the failure of the more elaborate computational of which has added much to short-range and daily
techniques: notably insufficient quantity and accuracy forecasting.
of synoptic observations, difficulty in smoothing out However, the prognostic potentialities of air-mass
local disturbances, and insufficient physical understand- and frontal analysis and related physical techniques of
ing of the atmospheric processes. For these same rea- forecasting appear to have been largely realized. Prob-
sons, equally little can be hoped from these efforts at ably some further refinement of forecasting detail may
present towards the solution of the forecast problem. be effected along these lines, but no radical advance can
Rossby's vorticity technique has been applied to both be hoped for from this quarter. In fact, it can be asserted
the daily and the extended forecasting of flow patterns that the contribution of frontal and air-mass analysis
in the middle troposphere with enough demonstrable to scientific weather forecasting has fallen far short of
success so that it has received some routine application, that which was hoped for in the early days of the
notably by the Extended Forecasting Section of the development of this new school. The reason for the
U. S. Weather Bureau [6]. It has proved useful as an failure of frontal and air-mass concepts to solve more
auxiliary forecasting tool under certain conditions, but weather problems probably lies to a considerable extent
the limitations which are imposed upon it, in part by in the following observational or hypothetical facts:
the restriction of its use to clearly defined wave-patterns a. The utter complexity of atmospheric conditions
aloft, and probably more fundamentally by the neces- which are not even approximately represented by such
sary assumption of horizontal (nondivergent) air flow, concepts as homogeneous air masses and frontal dis-
are in themselves sufficient guarantee that this method continuities.
cannot contribute significantly to the solution of the b. The fact that cyclogenesis as a process probably
basic forecast problem. rarely if ever closely approximates the ideal Bjerknes
2. Physical Techniques of Forecasting the Weather- wave-cyclone model.
based on a consideration of the physical factors which c. The fact that the primary impulse or drive of large-
may actively modify the existing state and trend of the scale cyclogenesis and anticyclogenesis frequently origi-
weather as it progresses. It was mentioned above under nates far outside of the developing center, hence cannot
the discussion of synoptic extrapolation techniques that be identified or anticipated by local conditions.
the usual short-range and daily forecasting procedure The physical factors which have been assumed to
entails the use of a few physical considerations at least exert either modifying or controlling influence over the
as a supplement to the purely synoptic extrapolation. extended or long-period anomalous fluctuations of the
In the same manner, certain physical factors frequently large-scale weather patterns, and hence to require either
form the hasis of some of the statistica! extrapolation secondary or primary consideration in extended or
techniques in extended or long-range forecasting. long-range forecasting, may be classified as follows:
In short-range and daily forecasting the most effective a. Continental (orographic barriers, coast lines, and
use of physical considerations to supplement or modify extensive snow cover).
the synoptic extrapolation techniques has developed b. Oceanographic (anomalous surface current flow,
from the N orwegian polar front theory, or as more temperature, and polar ice conditions).
commonly designated now, from air-mass and frontal c. Extraterrestrial (sun, moon, and planets).
analysis. The study of the physical properties of air Of the continental factors mentioned, obviously the
masses, in particular the vertical distribution of moist- topographic features vary only during geological time,
ure and the vertical stability, together with the physical hence their influence is expressed in the seasonal nor-
factors which modify them, has proved most useful for mal patterns. It is only as the circulation pattern is
markedly anomalous by reason of some primary dis-
the type of detailed local forecasting which is so impor-
turbing factor that topographic influences find expres-
tant to aviation. The use of energy diagrams such as the
sion as secondary anomalous characteristics of the
adiabatic diagram, the tephigram, or the aerogram to circulation pattern, notably in the windward and lee
indicate the physical probability of local convection, and effects of a major orographic barrier on an abnormally
the consideration of topographic influences, such as strong cross-wind system. Likewise an extensively
upslope or downslope motion, surface heating or cooling anomalous condition of continental snow cover doubt-
from land and water surfaces to change the air-mass less contributes to a minor degree to the persistence or
properties, and the turbulence and mixing character- intensity of an anomalous weather pattern, but much
istics produced by wind and rough terrain-all of these statistica! analysis has failed to establish any signifi-

cant correlation between snow cover and subsequent expended on this problem it remains unproved today
anomalous conditions of the large-scale weather pat- whether solar activity plays a primary, secondary, or
terns. Hence these continental factors are at best only insignificant role in the irregular fluctuations of the
of minor secondary importance in extended or long- atmospheric conditions of the troposphere (world
range forecasting. weather patterns). There is no question whatsoever
A great amount of statistica! work has been per- about the occurrence of numerous direct effects of sudden
formed by Helland-Hansen, Walker, C. E. P. Brooks, solar disturbances in the higher atmosphere, but any
and many other investigators 2 in the effort to correlate such effects in the lower troposphere, if they exist, are
anomalous conditions of sea-surface temperature and so indirect, masked, and complex that they have not
polar ice with contemporary, preceding, and subsequent been statistically confirmed. There is an imposing
anomalies of pressure (atmospheric circulation), air amount of statistica! evidence for long-term fluctua-
temperature, and rainfall. The upshot of most of this tions of the world weather patterns, particularly in the
work can be summarized essentially as follows: tropics, but also in the higher latitudes, that roughly
a. Anomalous conditions of sea-surface temperature parallel the single or double sunspot cycle. Since the
and polar ice are explained in general by present and parallelism is either not uniformly close or not consist-
past anomalies of atmospheric wind and temperature. ent in phase over long periods of time, the evidence in-
b. Sea-surface temperature anomalies and cooling by dicates that sunspots themselves are not a satisfactory
melting ice are small in amplitude compared to air- index of the disturbing solar influences. It can be stated
temperature anomalies and show little tendency to without qualification that up to the present no attempt
persistence or displacement except as they are main- to base extended or long-range weather forecasts di-
tained by anomalies of the atmospheric circulation. rectly on any solar index, usually sunspots or solar
They cannot conceivably, from any quantitative con- constant, has attained any significant success. Prob-
sideration, be the primary cause of contemporary or ably no primarily statistica! attack on this problem can
subsequent air-temperature anomalies. be expected to accomplish more at present.
c. Some significant correlation has been found be- Assuming that there is an ultimate control or direc-
tween spring ice conditions in the Greenland Sea and tion of the major anomalous fluctuations of the general
Barents Sea regions and subsequent summer, autumn, circulation by solar activity, then our failure to estab-
and winter weather in northern and central Europe. lish the reality or nature of this control is readily ex-
Since the sea-surface anomalies are utterly inadequate plained by our almost complete ignorance in the fol-
to account for the subsequent weather anomalies, it lowing three areas:
appears that both must be related to some primary a. The physical nature and intensity of the disturb-
factor of \Veather control which is best expressed in the ing solar influences which enter the outer atmosphere.
highly anomalous state of the general circulation by b. The qualitative and quantitative effects which
which extreme ice conditions are initially produced. these influences produce in the higher atmosphere.
Certainly it is reasonable to conclude, granted the c. The essential mechanics of the general circulation,
correctness of the above statements, that a further including any possible mechanism of interaction be-
study of oceanographic influences is not a promising tween the troposphere and the higher atmosphere.
or direct line of attack on the basic problem of ex- Probably the most representative opinion of meteor-
tended or long-range weather forecasting. ologists who have recently dealt with the broader as-
Solar control, either direct or indirect, of the normal pects of the anomalous solar-weather relationships [1, 2,
seasonal features of the world weather patterns is axio- 17] can be expressed approximately as follows: Solar
matic, but the question as to the extent to which the activity undoubtedly exerts some guiding influence,
anomalous ftuctuations of the general circulation are possibly even directing control, on the extended and
influenced or controlled by irregular solar activity is a long-range anomalous fluctuations of the general circu-
highly controversial one. Literally scores of investiga- lation. This influence or control is so indirect and so
tions, statistica!, synoptic, and theoretical, have been complex in the sum total of its manifestations that little
directed toward one or another aspect of this problem. progress is to be expected from any further primarily
Relationships of world weather patterns to sunspots or statistica! attack on the problem. This problem caUs
solar constant have been investigated by Abbot, Baur, for a major program of research in solar and atmospheric
Clayton, B. and G. Duell, Hanzlik, Helland-Hansen, physics, a program which must be an integral part of
Koppen, Kullmer, Schell, Simpson, Tannehill, Walker, any major attack on the basic problem of weather fore-
Willett, and many others. Direct solar effects on the casting. Such a program must be directed at ali three
higher atmosphere, notably on temperature, circulation, of the basic areas of ignorance noted above.
distribution of ozone, and ionization, have been ob-
served or theorized about by equally many investiga- RECOMMENDATIONS FOR THE IMPROVEMENT
tors, including among others Craig, Dellinger, Dobson, OF WEATHER FORECASTING
Gotz, Haurwitz, Hulburt, Maris, Mimi, Shapley, Stet- Possible Immediate Technical lmprovements. The
son, and Wulfe. general problem of the improvement of weather fore-
In spite of the great amount of effort which has been casting must be considered from two rather distinct
angles. On the one hand there is the question of possible
2. See Mon. Wea. Rev. Wash., Supp. No. 39, pp. 27-f57, 1940. accomplishment in the immediate present or near fu ture

within the framework of our present basic knowledge of forms. Insofar as it appears advisable, detailed study
atmospheric circulations and with our present fore- of local forecast problems and problems of atmospheric
casting techniques. On the other hand there is the ques- physics can be set up with full equipment in selected
tion of the ultimate approach to true scientific weather limited areas, but at the present time it is unlikely that
forecasting by means of extended research in the basic such studies will contribute as much to the solution of
problems of dynamic meteorology and the development the basic problem of general weather forecasting as
of new objective forecasting techniques. will adequate observations to eliminate the great gaps
It is emphasized in the preceding discussion that im- in available synoptic information in many parts of the
portant progress in the basic problem of weather fore- world. The primary inadequacy of our present fore-
casting is not tobe achieved by mere extension, elabora- casting knowledge lies in the field of the dynamics of
tion, or refinement of any of the present great variety the general circulation rather than in the field of at-
of forecasting techniques. On the other hand, it is quite mospheric physics.
certain that some improvement of accuracy and uni- The proper implementation of an adequate world-
formity of forecasting performance beyond that now wide network of synoptic weather observations is com-
attained can be achieved on the hasis of our present pletely dependent upon the existence of a strong inter-
basic knowledge and forecasting techniques. The pos- national meteorologica! organization which can specify
sibility of the technical improvement of present fore- uniformity in instrumentation, observational tech-
casting procedures may be considered at three points: niques, hours of observation, and the coding and trans-
1. Weather Observations. Ourknowledgeof presentand mission of synoptic data, even to the distribution of
past weather conditions, on which are based both the international funds to support such a program. There
forecast of the future weather and the verification of is no possibility of realizing the necessary world-wide
past forecasts, depends almost entirely upon the analy- network of synoptic weather observations except as it
sis of synoptic weather observations. Obviously it is is internationally financed according to the ability of
important that these observations be adequate for the the different nations to support it.
uses to which they are to be applied. By and large it 2. Standardization of Forecasting Techniques. It is
may be stated that observational techniques are far evident from the discussion of forecasting techniques
more advanced than forecasting techniques in mete- (see p. 733) that there is practiced today agreat variety
orology, hence primary emphasis in meteorologica! re- of such techniques, many of which are overlapping,
search for forecasting purposes should definitely be essentially redundant, or of very limited applicability,
shifted from the former to the latter. However, meteor- and for which little or nothing in the way of rigorous
ologica! observa tions are far from being all that they objective evaluation has been attempted. It was noted
should be. In this connection it can be stated that at- that the essential hasis of almost all short-range or daily
tention should be devoted primarily to the reliability forecasting consists of the empirica! extrapolation, in
and distribution of weather observations, rather than the form of two-dimensional prognostic charts, of the
to increased accuracy, elaborateness, or density of ob- current two-dimensional synoptic weather patterns, in-
servations in favored local areas. The greatest need, for fluenced by certain physical factors such as topography
the improvement of general or extended forecasting as and the modification of air-mass properties or of frontal
well as for forecasting research, is for simple reliable structure, and occasionally aided by the use of some
observational techniques which can be applied uni- climatological statistics. The three-dimensional distri-
formly to large areas of the earth's surface and to the bution of the weather elements, both current and prog-
upper atmosphere, to fill in the extensive global gaps nostic, is expressed by the selection of suitable two-
which stiU exist in available synoptic information. This dimensional sections for analysis and prognosis. With
calls for instruments which are as foolproof and free of increasing range of weather forecasts to the extended
calibration difficulties as possible, and the further de- and long-range categories, the forecasting techniques
velopment of automatically recording and transmitting are based increasingly on the extrapolation of mean
weather-station equipment for use in relatively inac- synoptic rather than instantaneous synoptic patterns
cessible areas. Any possible simplification of raob and and on the use of statistica! aids.
rawind techniques is highly desirable. The greatest improvement of weather forecasting
More elaborate or exact weather-measuring devices which can be expected within the framework of our
are not justified for general use because the small-scale present basic knowledge almost certainly is to be ef-
random variability of weather conditions renders exact
fected by the standardization and simplification of the
measurement of no significance. For example, useful
multiplicity of techniques which are employed for the
as it would be to observe the field of vertical motion in
the atmosphere, exact measurements of this quantity, prognostic extrapolation of synoptic weather pattern,
even if they could be made, would be of little value be- particularly in the short-range and daily forecast cate-
cause the local variations are very large relative to the gories. This applies both to the techniques of extrapola-
prevailing motion. tion and to the preliminary presentation and analysis
It is only for short-range forecasting of local condi- of the synoptic data. It is possible to present synoptic
tions for special purposes that it is possible to justify weather data in an infinite variety of forms, as regards
a dense network of special observations, such as the the two-dimensional sections which are selected for
radar technique for the measurement of condensation analysis, the combinations of weather elements which

are selected for presentation, and the units or quantities dependent as it remains today upon the forecaster's
in which the selected elements are plotted or combined. experience and his mental awareness of similarities and
Most of the infinite possible variations of presentation dissimilarities of synoptic patterns, this confusion and
and analysis of synoptic weather data appear to have lack of precision and clarity in his mind with respect
been introduced into weather-forecasting practice at to comparative significant details of the synoptic pat-
one point or another. The horizontal or quasi-horizontal terns can be very demoralizing. This one factor, coupled
distribution of the weather elements is on occasion with the relatively short forecasting experience of many
represented in constant-level charts, isobaric, isen- forecasters today, probably accounts largely for the
tropic, or tropopause contour charts, isobaric or isen- widespread failure of practica! forecast performance in
tropic thickness charts, isopycnic contour charts, etc. recent years even to begin to keep pace with the in crease
Most of these charts, together with corresponding of available synoptic information.
change charts, are prepared at more or less arbitrarily The remedy for the present confusion of techniques
selected levels, contain varying combinations of the for the presentation, analysis, and extrapolation (prog-
weather elements, and are subjected to variable analy- nosis) of synoptic weather patterns obviously lies in
tical techniques. Similarly the vertical cross-section elimination, simplification, and standardization. This
charts are plotted along selected meridians, selected is an immediate problem which should be faced on the
latitude parallels, selected airways, or selected lines of basis of our present knowledge. The long-range problem
raob stations; they are prepared alternately only for of increasing our basic understanding of atmospheric
the lower flight-levels or through the tropopause, and circulations and of developing correspondingly scien-
they are analyzed for a great variety of combinations tific forecast techniques must be considered quite apart
of the meteorologica! elements and quasi-horizontal from the immediate problem of simplifying and stand-
surface intersections. Likewise the vertical structure of ardizing present routine forecast practice.
the atmosphere as obtained from raob soundings at The mere accomplishment of such simplification and
selected points is represented by a great variety of standardization will doubtless be of far greater sig-
energy diagrams, notably by the adiabatic diagram nificance to the performance of short-range and daily
(Neuhoff or Stuve), the, tephigram, the aerogram (ema- weather forecasting than will the selection of one parti-
gram), the equivalent-potential temperature diagram cular system of analysis and prognosis rather than
(Rossby) and a number of other less frequently used another. However, any such program calls for a real
permutations of the basic thermodynamic diagram. effort to devise an objective system of verification by
What have been the consequences of this great pro- which forecasting skill can be rated and synoptic tools
fusion of synoptic-analytical tools? They have been evaluated. The principal emphasis must be placed on
essentially disadvantageous, for the following reasons: simplification, to select from the great variety of synop-
a. There is extremely little gained, in proportion to tic charts and analytical techniques now in use a mini-
the effort expended, by the preparation of a large num- mum number of charts and a technique of analysis
ber or great variety of presentations of the same synop- which will present as clearly and comprehensively as
tic data. It is true that specific requirements for dif- possible the essential features of the changing synoptic
ferent types of .forecasts may best be met by some pattern. This presentation must vary somewhat with
variation in the presentation of synoptic data, but this the type of forecast desired and with the broad cli-
desirable variation is comparatively small and has little matological zones, but such necessary variation should
bearing on the great variety of synoptic tools which be kept to a minimum, and standardized at least to the
have been developed, and which are largely redundant, extent that forecasters performing similar work in similar
merely slicing the same information in different ways. climatic zones can speak the same language to one
b. A great amount of time and effort, which might another, which is far from being the case today. This
better be turned to more constructive use is consumed standardization should not at ali discourage practicing
in the nonproductive manipulation of the elements, forecasters from doing forecasting research, particu-
units, and coordinates used in the synoptic presenta- larly on local or regional problems, but it does mean that
tion and analysis of meteorologica! data. The same the performance and practica! application of such re-
criticism of waste of time can be made of much of the search should always be supplementary to, and not a
effort to base weather forecasting on the statistically substitute for, the standard prognostic procedure, at
most probable or normal sequence of change or move- least not until it has been officially tested and approved
ment of the weather pattern. as part of that procedure.
c. The principal positive harm which this multi- Obviously, to be really effective, such a program of
plicity of synoptic tools causes is that of confusing the standardization of synoptic analysis and prognosis must
forecaster. It is quite impossible to assimilate and in- be developed and applied on an international scale, by
tegrate mentally a synoptic picture which is presented a strongly centralized international meteorologica! or-
in too great complexity and on too many charts. Fur- ganization, and it should be coordinated, by this same
thermore, synoptic and forecasting techniques vary so organization, with the similar program for weather ob-
greatly from one forecast center to another that any servations which is outlined above.
forecaster is likely to be confused as soon as he leaves Probably less is to be gained in extended and long-
his own bailiwick or the system to which he has become range forecasting by standardization and simplification
11ccustomed Where forecasting is ag empirica! and as of the synoptic techniques of analysis and prognosis

than in the shorter-range categories, but a very real similate a maximum amount of practica! specific in-
need also exists in those fields for the evaluation of formation of significance to the prognostic judgment of
synoptic techniques and the simplification of prognosis synoptic weather patterns. This can be accomplished
by the elimination of the less effective synoptic tools. only if he concentrates his attention on a minimum
It is highly probable, however, that relatively more is number of basically significant synoptic charts and
to be gained in these longer-range forecast categories prognostic techniques, rather than by dispersing his
by further statistica! studies of the behavior and opera- attention over an elaborate array of synoptic and prog-
tion of the general circulation than in the shorter- nostic tools. This is the problem of the simplification
range categories where statistics now contribute rela- and standardization of forecasting techniques which
tively little. On the other hand it is quite clear that was discussed above.
statistics alone cannot contribute fundamentally to the c. Weather forecasting is the exacting work of a spe-
basic solution of the problem of long-range weather cialist; it should bea full-time, long-term job. It may
forecasting. It is exactly in this field that basic research very well be combined with or alternated with related
in the thermodynamics and mechanics of the general research in cases where the forecaster is properly
circulation, guided by synoptic observational statistics, qualified, and in any case ample opportunity must be
is most necessary at the present time. given the forecaster for complete relaxation from the
3. The Selection and Training of Weather Forecasters. pressure of prolonged forecasting responsibility. In no
It must be recognized that weather forecasting as prac- case should responsible forecasting duty be combined
ticed at present and probably for many years to come is with or alternated with any unrelated exacting job such
essentially empirica! and esoteric in nature. As a conse- as administrative or directive work, nor should an im-
quence of this fact, the practicing weather forecaster, portant forecasting assignment ever be made a tem-
whose primary occupation is the routine preparation of porary duty to which a man is assigned for a limited
weather forecasts of the usual types, must draw ex- period, perhaps for two or three years, after which he is
tensively on a fund of highly esoteric knowledge which transferred to something entirely different. In this re-
has been gained by long first-hand experience with spect the military services are frequently particularly
weather forecasting of the type and in the region with rem1ss.
which he must be concerned. Scientific theory plays d. The incentive to hold the good forecaster in his
little part in practica! weather forecasting at the pres- job should always be present. Specifically, in civilian
ent time. Consequently, any forecast service which is (civil service) forecasting agencies the rating of fore-
concerned primarily with the regular issuance of or- casting positions should be at least as high as, if not
dinary types of weather forecasts of maximum accuracy higher than, that of comparable administrative or other
will benefit notably by adhering rather strictly to cer- positions which might be open to the forecaster. Ob-
tain principles with regard to the selection of profes- viously, forecast accuracy should be the first concern
sional forecasting personnel, in particular as follows: of any weather bureau. Furthermore, the forecaster
a. The empirica! and esoteric nature of most weather should be subjected continually to an objective skill
forecasting today places a high premium on the natural verification of his performance in competition with other
aptitude of the individual forecaster. This natural apti- official and practice forecasters, and there should not be
tude is invariably indicated by a strong liking for and any obstacle to the demotion of a forecaster to other
sustained interest in weather forecasting for its own work in case of a poor showing in competition over a
sake over a long period of time, and can be verified only long period of time (at least one year as a minimum).
by the routine objective verification of competing prac- In the military weather services it should never be to
tice weather forecasters over a considerable period of the disadvantage of a successful forecaster to continue
time. It is a mistake to assume that merely because a in his work. In other words, the meteorologist and
man has passed a good professional course in mete- responsible forecaster should always be a civilian
orology creditably and has learned a certain amount of technical expert, not a commissioned officer. Officers
theory and practice he will be interested in forecasting must take the responsibility for decisions based on the
or successful as a weather forecaster. In many cases he weather forecast, but in no case should the respon-
will not compare as a practica! forecaster with a rela- sible weather forecaster be a commissioned officer
tively-untrained meteorologist who is absorbingly in- whose chance of promotion is impaired by his becom-
terested in practica! weather forecasting. Under the ing or permanently remaining a weather expert.
pressure of wartime demand many meteorologists who The remarks outlined above indicate a few measures
were by aptitude and interest entirely unsuited for which should contribute to the standardization and
forecasting duty were pressed into it. Quite the con- moderate improvement of present forecasting perform-
trary is true of the meteorologist whose primary con- ance. However, the fundamental problem of achieving
cern is to do forecasting research. In that case the a reasonably scientific hasis for weather forecasting
primary requisite is an extensive scientific background, will not be solved by any such routine elaboration of
including both theoretical training and an interest in present techniques as that just outlined. If this funda-
and some first-hand experience with techniques of mental problem is to be solved, that solution will be
synoptic analysis and prognosis. achieved only by basic research into the unsolved prob-
b. It is highly important that the forecaster's train- lems of dynamic meteorology, particularly into the
ing and synoptic experience be such that he can as- thermodynamics of atmospheric circulations, and the

application of the knowledge thus gained to the de- The opposite line of approach to the basic forecast
velopment of entirely new scientific forecasting tech- problem is to study the general circulation extensively,
hiques. Obviously, it is quite impossible at this time preferably over all of the globe from which even an
even to suggest how such a solution is to be achieved, approximate picture of the circulation pattern can be
but the following remarks are offered as one mete- obtained. The time scale is likewise extended to deal
orologist's opinion as to the direction from which the with charts at 24-hr intervals or with mean charts
problem should be approached. for even more extended periods of time, to obtain a
Approach to the Problem of Scientific Weather Fore- comprehensive picture of the large-scale ftuctuations of
casting. It is evident from the preceding discussion of the general circulation in its entirety over relatively
the essentiallimitations of the present forecasting tech- long periods. The essential purpose of such an ex-
niques that the primary inadequacy which they share tended investigation is primarily to determine the me-
stems from the fact that they are all essentially extra- chanics of operation of the dynamic and thermodynamic
polation techniques which, by one method or another, processes by which the entire general circulation is
statistica! or synoptic, qualitative or quantitative, at- maintained in its continuously and irregularly ftuctu-
tempt to derive the future or prognostic weather pat- ating pattern of intensity and form. Investigations on
tern from the current and past patterns. N one of them this scale tend to be avoided because of the relative
is based on adequate thermodynamic concepts either inadequacy of observational data over large parts of
of the operation of the basic drive of the general circula- the earth's surface, and the large amount of work in-
tion, or of the energy sources or transformations which volved in obtaining and processing the data for analy-
are involved in sudden accelerations or changes of sis. It is more or less tacitly assumed in such studies
trend in the development of the weather pattern. They that the general circulation in its larger features, at
all fail at the point of anticipating such frequent ac- least on either hemisphere, operates essentially as an
celerational developments before the process is well integrated unified system which is functionally inter-
in progress, when it is too late for anything but a very related in all its parts.
short-range forecast. The basic problem of forecasting If this second line of approach to the basic forecast
research is to derive some quantitative physical model problem is selected, the choice implies that scientific
of the general circulation which fits the statistica! and forecasting must be based primarily on a better phys-
synoptic facts of weather observation. ical understanding of the operation of the general circu-
There are two rather opposite points of view from lation as a whole, and that the development and move-
which this primary forecast problem is most frequently ment even of the secondary cellular circulations, and
approached. They represent two quite distinct philoso- of all the attendant weather phenomena, the primary
phies of the basic character of the longer-period anom- concern of the short-range forecaster, depends prima-
alous ftuctuations of the world weather patterns. One rily upon the dynamics or thermodynamics of the
method is to make an intensive study, by means of a hemispheric ftow pattern and cannot be explained or
dense network of complete and frequent synoptic ob- anticipated on the hasis of only the regional conditions
servations within the area of the investigation, of the in the sector of the development. This point of view
detailed structure and of the dynamic and thermo- indicates that the greatest improvement in weather
dynamic activity of the atmosphere within a limited forecasting is to be expected in the extended or long-
region from which complete data can be obtained. The range rather than in the short-range categories.
purpose of such an investigation is primarily to deter- There are a number of indications, based on a great
mine the mechanics of operation of the dynamic and number of statistica!, synoptic, and theoretical inves-
thermodynamic processes by which limited cellular cir- tigations in meteorology and in related fields, that this
culations of the atmosphere are locally generated, trans- second approach to the basic forecast problem is es-
ported, and dissipated. Intensive, relatively localized sentially the correct one. This fact does not at all imply
synoptic studies of this type tend tobe favored because that nothing is to be gained from synoptic or theoretical
of the comparative ease of obtaining adequate observa- studies of the secondary or tertiary atmospheric circu-
tional data for restricted areas. It is more or less tacitly lations, but it does imply that if this type of study is
assumed in such studies that the entire developmental restricted to a limited sector of the earth's surface, fac-
process of the local circulation is sufficiently self-con- tors of primary importance to the weather development
tained so that it can be essentially explained by condi- probably will be overlooked. The primary evidence for
tions within the limited field of observation [5]. If this the essential correctness of the global rather than the
line of approach to the basic forecast problem is se- regional line of approach to the forecast problem may be
lected, the choice implies that scientific forecasting can summarized briefty as follows:
be realized at best only as a short-range accomplish- 1. The failure of many years of intensive study of
ment, that the general circulation in its entirety exists regional weather patterns to evolve either a physical
only as the integration of a number of individual cells model or a theory of cyclogenesis and anticyclogenesis
or centers of action which operate independently and (pressure changes) of any real practica! value in fore-
more or less at random such that the entire system lacks casting regional changes of the synoptic weather pat-
any unifying principle or control which makes its char- terns. Gross inadequacy of world-wide observational
acter or behavior over extended periods of time either synoptic data has prohibited any corresponding study
distinctive or predictable. of the general circulation in its entirety.

2. The global extent of the persistent and systemati- of the energy transformations and transportation from
cally changing anomalous characteristics of the general source to sink; the establishment of the entire dynamics
circulation patterns, notably in their high-index (zonal, and thermodynamics of the operation of the general
poleward displacement) versus low-index (cellular, equa- circulation as a whole between energy source and energy
torward displacement) features. The global, or at least sink, and an understanding of the mechanics of inter-
hemisphere-wide, character of these basic index fluctua- action between the zonal and cellular branches of the
tions is shown by significantly higher contemporary general circulation. Particular attention should be di-
correlation between circulation indices for the entire rected to the determination of the physical nature of
N orthern Hemisphere than between indices for the the irregularly variable solar activity, to its direct
individual continental or maritime meridional quad- effects in the higher atmosphere, and to the transmis-
rants of the hemisphere. The statistica! improbability sion of all such direct or indirect effects to the lower
of this fact of observation makes it strong evidence atmosphere, notably to the troposphere in the tropics,
against the primary independence of the individual where the influence of the irregular solar activity on
regional cellular developments of the general circula- the weather is most directly in evidence.
tion, but it is entirely consistent with recent studies of AU investigations of this general character, tobe prac-
energy propagation in the atmosphere [11]. tically effective for the physical interpretation of the
3. The occurrence of markedly similar anomalous existing states and observed changes of the state of the
fluctuations of the general circulation pattern between general circulation, must be guided and verified by the
high- and low-index characteristics, fluctuations which synoptic and statistica! analysis of reliable global ob-
are in phase in the N orthern and Southern Hemis- servational weather data, and tested over as long a
pheres, and which increase in amplitude with the length period as possible by extended series of past climatic
of the period of oscillation. This fluctuating index char- data. Obviously, the efficient organization of a program
acter of the general circulation has paralleled the secular such as that suggested above can be accomplished ef-
trends of climate during observational time, the greater fectively only by a strong international meteorologica!
changes of climate during historical time, and the ex- organization, for its effective prosecution in all of its
treme fluctuations between glacial and interglacial cli- ramifications more or less of necessity entails the fol-
mates during geological time. The only single physical lowing procedures:
factor of climatic control which can possibly be made 1. The establishment of a well-integrated world-wide
to account for this entire spectrum of synoptically system of uniformly distributed synoptically reporting
similar patterns of climatic change is that of variable stations, operating under the direct control and support
solar activity, presumably in the ultraviolet, and parti- of a strong international meteorologica! organization,
ele emissions which parallel the sunspot activity that as discussed above. Since the entire research program
is observed to be as erratically variable as the anomalous should be conducted by the same central organization,
fluctuations of terrestrial climate [17]. the details of the density, character, and distribution
4. The extensive evidence for the world-wide reac- of the synoptic network of observing stations must
tion of weather patterns to irregular solar disturbances, be planned, and occasionally modified, with an eye to
as shown by the anomalous fluctuations of monthly, research requirements quite as much as to practica!
seasonal, annual, and longer-period distributions of current forecasting requirements.
pressure, temperature, and rainfall in response to major 2. The development of more effective synoptic tools
phase changes of the sunspot cycle, and of the monthly or techniques for the presentation and analysis of synop-
mean distribution of pressure in response to anomalies tic weather observations on a world-wide scale. Em-
of the monthly mean solar pyrheliometric values [1; 2; phatically this development and standardization of syn-
18, pp. 31-86]. optic techniques can be effectively implemented only by
5. The fact that the theoretical investigations which a strong central meteorologica! organization, as discussed
have been most successful in the physical interpreta- above. However, the development contemplated as a
tion of the observed characteristics of the general circu- necessary part of any program of basic research in
lation have without exception been based on some weather forecasting goes far beyond the mere selection
global or hemispheric mechanism of operation of the and standardization of synoptic techniques which al-
general circulation [9, 11, 12, 13, 15]. ready are in practice, as previously considered. This
If it is accepted that the best line of approach to the development should contemplate the evolution of
basic problem of weather forecasting is by the study of basically new and improved synoptic techniques as an
the general circulation of the earth's atmosphere in its integral part of, and guided by the needs of, the basic
entirety, then the general direction that this approach research program.
must take is rather obvious. The first concern must be 3. The establishment of one central international
to establish the closest possible cooperation of the meteorologica! research center, under competent direc-
theoretical and the synoptic-statistical meteorologists tion, where leading meteorologists of all nationalities
such that all theory and hypotheses may be influenced would be enabled to work under conditions of complete
and rigidly checked by the observational facts. The pri- cooperation and exchange of ideas, with a maximum of
mary objectives towards which investigation should be readily available synoptic data and the necessary
directed include the determination of the primary amount of clerical assistance. In this manner it should
energy sources and sinks in the atmosphere, as well as be made possible for the meteorologists with the most to

offer to forecasting research to make the greatest pos- 8. RICHARDSON, L. F., Weather Prediction by Numerical Proc-
sible contribution irrespective of nationality or local ess. Cambridge, University Press, 1922.
resources, and to concentrate all available talent with 9. RossBY, C.-G., and CoLLABORATORS, "Relation between
Variations in the Intensity of the Zonal Circulation of
the greatest efficiency on the primary objectives to be the Atmosphere and the Displacements of the Semi-
attained. Much of the efficiency of operation of such a permanent Centers of Action." J. mar. Res., 2: 38--55
research center would stern from the fact that the ob- (1939).
servational synoptic-statistical, and theoretical phases 10. RossBY, C.-G., "Kinematic and Hydrostatic Properties of
of the research program could be integrated and co- Certain Long Waves in the Westerlies." Dept. Meteor.,
ordinated to the greatest advantage of the necessary Univ. Chicago, Misc. Rep. No. 5, 37 pp. (1942).
basic forecasting research. A complete long-range pro- 11. - - "On the Propagation of Frequencies and Energy in
gram could be formulated and prosecuted under the Certain Types of Oceanic and Atmospheric Waves."
combined effort of the best minds in meteorology and J. Meteor., 2:187-204 (1945).
in the related fields. If eventually the problem of sci- 12. - - "On the Distribution of Angular Velocity in Gaseous
entific weather forecasting is tobe solved to some degree Envelopes under the Influence of Large-Scale Horizontal
Mixing Processes." Bull. Amer. meteor. Soc., 28: 53-68
of satisfaction, the solution will be greatly hastened by (1947).
a program such as that outlined above. 13. - - "On a Mechanism for the Release of Potential Energy
in the Atmosphere." J. Meteor., 6: 163-180 (1949).
14. STARR, V. P., Basic Principles of Weather Forecasting. New
1. BAUR, F., Einfuhrung in die Grosswetterkunde. Wiesba- York, Harper, 1942.
den, Dieterich, 1948. 15. --A Physical Characterization of the General Circulation.
2. - - "Zuriickfiihrung des Grosswetters auf Solare Er- Dept. Meteor., Mass Inst. Tech., Rep. Ko. 1, General
scheinungen." Arch. Meteor. Geophys. Biokl., (A) 1: Circulation Project N o. AF 19-122-153, Geophys. Res.
358--374 (1949). Lab., Cambridge, Mass., 1949.
3. BJERKNES, J., and HoLMBOE, J., "On the Theory of Cy- 16. WADSWORTH, G. P., Further Analysis of Dynamics of Major
clones." J. Meteor., 1: 1-22 (1944). Pressure Cells, Geophysical Research Directorate Rep.
4. CHARNEY, J. G., "On a Physical Basis for Numerica! Pre- No. 5; and Position of Major Pressure Cells in Relation to
diction of Large-Scale Motions in the Atmosphere." Rainfall, Geophysical Research Directorate Rep. No.
J. Meteor., 6:371-385 (1949). 6. Contract No. W28-099-ac-398, Mass. Inst. Tech., Div.
5. MILLER, J. E., "Cyclogenesis in the Atlantic Coasta! Re- of Industrial Cooperation, Cambridge, Mass., 1949.
gion of the United States." J. Meteor., 3:31-44 (1946). 17. WILLETT, H. C., "Long-Period Fluctuations of the General
6. NAMIAs, J., Extended Forecasting by Mean Circulation Circulation of the Atmosphere." J. Meteor., 6: 34-50
Methods, 89 pp. U. S. Weather Bureau, Washington, (1949).
D. C., 1947. 18. - - and others, Final Re port of the W eather Bureau-M .I. T.
7. PETTERSSEN, S., Weather Analysis and Forecasting. New Extended Forecasting Project for the Fiscal Year 1948-
York, McGraw, 1940. 191,9, 109 pp. Cambridge, Mass., 1949.
U. S. W eather Bureau, Chicago, Illinois

INTRODUCTION facsimile is already satisfactory in the limited areas

. Literature. Literary productivity in meteorology dur- where this facility is in use.
mg the past two decades has reached the highest rate The preparation of prognostic surface-pressure charts
i~ meteorologica!. hist?ry. Much of it has been descrip- with indicated frontal positions, and prognostic con~
tlve and theoretwal m nature, some of it with fore- stant-pressure charts comprises the second phase of the
casting implications, but remarkably little has been di- forecast problem. These charts are derived by more or
rectly c?ncerned with or has contributed significantly less mechanical means and are subjectively evaluated
to the 1mprovement of forecasting. Indeed, the few and modified at the analysis central and then trans-
moder~ textbooks supposedly directed primarilytoward mitted to forecast centers. Duplication of the same proc-
analysis and forecasting devote comparatively little ess of analysis at individual forecast centers represents
space t? the practica! problems of forecasting. A tend- a~ excessive waste of time and a group of specialists,
ency ex1sts for the theoretical meteorologist, and even ~1th an adequate staff for plotting the necessary addi-
the analyst, to remain aloof from the vicissitudes and twnal maps and diagrams, should provide forecasters
discouragements of the practica! forecaster. Research with better analyses than are obtainable by any other
workers apparently believe their obligations have been method. Prognostic surface charts for periods up to 30
fulfilled when their results and suggestions have been hr now maintain a very high standard of accuracy and
passed along to the forecaster while the Jatter as a rule satisfactory progress is being made toward 54-hr sur-
bas neither he time nor the' facilities to test the sug~ face prognostics. The preparation of the 700-mb prog-
gested practica! applications of current research. Thus, nostic chart has, apparently, not met, so far, with the
unfortunately, thegap between thetheoretical meteorol- success which might be expected from acquired ex-
ogist and the forecaster remains unbridged. perience and available techniques. The preparation of
. The Forecasting Problem. The problem of forecast- both surface and upper-air prognostic charts has not
mg may be divided into three separate but closely re- improved to the point where the district forecaster is
lated phases: (1) analysis, (2) prognostication of pres- relieved of the duty of checking and recomputing pre-
sure patterns, and (3) forecasting the weather. Air- dicted frontal and pressure system positions for his own
mass analysis may be defined as the study of preceding district on the hasis of additional and !ater reports and
and current meteorologica! conditions over a prescribed his greater experience in his own area.
are~ for the purpose of deriving a satisfactory and The third, and most difficult and important, phase
logwal explanation of the physical processes and of the forecast problem is the prediction of the weather.
weather actually observed. The analysis should include Because of the local nature of many forecast problems
a determination of the structure, location, direction and and the extreme variability and complexity of weather
rat~ of ~ovement of fronts, the characteristics of the over any large area such as the United States, some
vanous a1r m~sses with particular reference to temper- decentralization of forecasting is required. This article and mmsture, and an explanation of any precipi- will deal primarily with the preparation of prognostic
tatwn areas. Analysis of the area required for forecast- charts and the prediction of weather, with particular
ing at the district level has become too great a burden reference to the middle latitudes, and will be concerned
for fore~asters and the desirability of central analysis only casually with analysis. However, it should be
centers IS now generally accepted. emphasized that there is no distinct demarcation be-
In addition to the more normal functions, analysis tween these three phases of weather forecasting.
ce.nters (or extended-forecast units) should provide dis- Present State of Short-Range Weather Forecasting.
tnct forecast centers with analyses of broad or large- Douglas [19] stated in 1931 that, because of the stag-
scale features of the general circulation as determined gering complexity of the atmosphere, forecasting was
by the "centers of action" or "weather controls," which largely a matter of experience and judgment and thus
often lie some distance off the normal forecasting chart. almost wholly on an empirica! hasis. Byers [11] in his
Thes.e a:~ml~ses would include hemispheric wave Jengths chapter on forecasting techniques remarks: "The ability
and mdwatwns of blocking, since these often influence to forecast weather accurately comes as much from ex-
weather developments far away within very short perience as from study. The rules for prediction cannot
periods of time. be stated simply and it is extremely difficult to attain
Complete utilization of analysis centers must await success in forecasting through formal study or instruc-
furth~r development of facsimile since the coding and tion." In an earlier edition, he further said: "In general,
decodmg of analyses is time consuming and, more im- it may be stated that ... forecasting is the application
portant, the consequent smoothing results in a serious of all the forecaster's knowledge of meteorology, aug-
loss of chara.cter in the analysis. However, transmission mented by thermodynamic calculation to the problem
of prognostw charts and many types of analyses by at hand." Willett [58] in a similar chapter and in like

vein declares: "The ordinary forecasting procedure tempt of Richardson [44] to forecast the weather math-
makes no use of any mathematical or quantitative ematically. There is, apparently, good reason for op-
physical methods of diagnosis and prognosis." He had timism that some practicable forecast aids may be
pointed out earlier that "the successful introduction of forthcoming from this source. At the moment, however,
such quantitative physical methods into practical daily the possibility of forecasting the weather wholly on an
and longer range weather forecasting constitutes the objective basis seems very remote.
ultimate goal of a large part of present meteorologica! The great amount of work completed and under way
research. But, up to the present time, the mathematical on the upper air encourages the belief that the develop-
computation of local changes of weather elements on ment of practica! applications of dynamics and thermo-
the basis of physical principles, as distinct from quanti- dynamics, useful in forecasting, will continue. But for
tative kinematical extrapolation, has been effectively some time to come it seems likely that, in the words of
applied to only a few cases of short-range forecasts at A. H. R. Goldie, "forecasting will continue to be a
the expense of much time and effort. Really scientific combination of physical reasoning with the practica!
weather forecasting is far from being an accomplish- experience of the synoptic charts."
ment of the present."
Although efforts to apply dynamic and thermody- PROCESSING THE OBSERVATIONAL DATA
namic principles to weather forecasting continue at an Observations. In accordancewith international agree-
accelerating pace and some progress is being made, it ment, a basic surface observational network consists of
must be admitted that forecasting is stilllargely an art stations spaced approximately 140 mi apart and denser
and only in a relatively small part a science. It is diffi- national and secondary networks. Observations from
cult at times to explain past and present weather satis- the international network are taken over large sections
factorily in terms of physical principles and almost im- of the world at approximately 00, 06, 12, and 18Z and
possible in terms of mathematical formulas. Indeed, distributed to weather centrals and to district and local
only two such formulas are in general use in forecasting forecast offices by means of teletype, radio, and other
offices at the present time. communication facilities. Observations from the na-
The principal change in forecasting techniques during tional network are distributed to the analysis centrals
the past three decades has been the ele va tion of air- and the district and local forecast centers and from the
mass characteristics to an importance equal to that of secondary networks to adjacent centers and to such
pressure distribution. That is, with the vast increase in other forecasting offices and centrals as may be re-
upper-air observational data, the forecaster now has a quired. In most areas, reports are transmitted, dis-
greatly improved three-dimensional synoptic weather tributed, and plotted as rapidly as possible. The spac-
picture. However, it should be noted that in the second ing of pilot-balloon and radiosonde observations
phase of the forecast problem-the preparation of the depends largelyupon the budget of the various weather
surface and upper-air prognostic charts-the emphasis services.
remains on the pressure distribution, although a suc- Charts and Graphs. The composition of the several
cessful forecast of this characteristic of the weather map types of weather observations as well as the station
far from guarantees a successful weather forecast. As model for plotting data on the basic surface weather
emphasized by Houghton [29] and others, there is no chart may be found in publications of the national
unique correspondence, but only a statistica! relation- weather services. The basic surface chart usually rep-
ship between the pressure field and the weather. While resents a compromise between the desire for both as
Houghton advocates further studies of this relation- large a scale and as large an area as possible. If possible,
ship, he points out the greater importance of the field of it should include all areas whence weather in one form
motion. or another can reach the forecast district within 48-60
The principal progress in forecasting in the past two hr. A Lambert conformal conic projection (standard
decades has been evidenced by a significant improve- parallels at 30 and 60, and scale 1:7,500,000) is rec-
ment in the accuracy of forecasts up to 8-12 hr, in the ommended for middle latitudes. Larger-scale charts
development of certain specialized types of forecasting, may be required for local, airway, and other specialized
and in the detail currently attempted with some suc- forecasting.
cess. For periods from 12 to 48 hr, forecast accuracy has Pilot-Balloon Charts. These charts contain observa-
improved no more than 3 per cent. In regions of rapid tions of wind velocity and direction for specific levels
and frequent weather changes, such as in most of the from stations spaced about 150-175 mi apart in ac-
United States, the accuracy of weather forecasts di- cessible areas. The levels normally include surface,
minishes 3 to 4 per cent for every additional 6 hr of the 2000, 4000, 6000, 8000, 10,000, 12,000, 15,000, 20,000,
forecast period. In view of our better knowledge of at- and 25,000 ft above sea level. The charts are prepared
mospheric dynamics and thermodynamics and the at six-hourly intervals. Some stations attempt a stream-
vastly increased observational data, it must be admitted line and trough-and-ridge-line analysis at the 0900Z
that the accuracy of short-term forecasting has not and 2100Z observational periods behveen the regular
increased proportiona tely. radiosonde observations.
With the development of new electronic computing Thermodynamic Diagrams. Radiosonde observations
devices and recent work by Charney and Eliassen [14], are taken at 0300Z and 1500Z at stations 300-500 mi
there is currently renewed interest in the classical at- apart although this spacing is insufficient for detailed

upper-air analysis. Radiosonde observations provide Cook [16] has collected some hundred empirica! rules
pressure, temperature, and moisture data and values for use of the pressure-change chart, many, however,
of these elements at significant points on the ascent of only regional value. The 12-hr pressure change rep-
curve are plotted on various thermodynamic diagrams. resents the net change in surface pressure in that period
In the United States, the pseudoadiabatic diagram is of time resulting from all the physical processes which
commonly used. affect the weight of a column of air extending from the
Constant-Pressure Charts. To provide a horizontal surface to the top of the atmosphere. The direction and
picture over a given area, the same information is rate of movement and changes in the intensity of the
plotted for certain standard isobaric surfaces. At most allobars can be forecast with the same accuracy as the
district forecast centers, these usually include the 850-, highs and lows themselves and the relationship is ob-
700-, 500-, and occasionally the 300- and/or 200-mb vwus.
surfaces. Weather centrals will usually also prepare the Whether the various areas of cyclogenesis and anti-
1000- and 100-mb charts, differential analysis charts or cyclogenesis are undergoing intensification or weakening
chart and a maximum potential-temperature chart. can be deduced rather quickly and accurately from the
Pressure Charts. Pressure and the 3-hr pressure pressure-change chart by comparing the last 3- and 12-
change and characteristic are entered on the pressure hr pressure changes with the same allobaric values 6 and
chart directly from the coded observation, and the 12- 12 hr before and for other time intervals. The explosive
hr pressure change, corrected for the diurnal variation effect as a surface pressure fali reaches an area under a
in pressure, is computed and plotted. Three and 12-hr cold upper-air low or when the leading edge of a new
isallobars are dra wn and maxima and minima are pressure fall reaches a moist stationary front is well
tracked. known to all forecasters. Miller [35] has noted that
Temperature Charts. Charts containing current and cyclogenesis can be recognized on the Atlantic Coast by
maximum or minimum temperatures are usually plotted 12-hr pressure changes when 3-hr changes are indistinct.
at 1200Z and 2400Z and the 24-hr change from maxi- Cyclogenesis on the east slope of the Rockies can be
mum to maximum, or minimum to minimum as the handled much better on the hasis of 3- and 12-hr katallo-
case may be, is computed. Departures from the normal bars than by actually following pressure systems as they
temperature are usually entered. move out of the Gulf of Alaska.
Other Charts. Graphs of the zonal index and mis- A snow-on-the-ground chart is necessary for fore-
cellaneous charts, such as snow-on-the-ground and the casting the rate of modification of air masses as they
24-hr precipitation, are prepared for various purposes. move from snow cover to bare ground or vice versa and
for the forecasting of maximum and minimum temper-
USE OF SURFACE DATA atures and drifting snow.
Basic Surface Chart. When entry of data on the sur- Some forecast centers maintain a graph of the zonal
face chart has been completed, the analyst locates and index, plotting daily values or using mean values pro-
defines the fronts, draws the isobars, and determines vided by the extended-forecast section. The zonal in-
the air masses. Procedures in general use are described dices provide a good indication of the broad-scale fea-
by Petterssen [42, Chaps. I and XI]. The current rate tures of the general circulation and assist in forecasting
of movement, and the acceleration and deceleration changes in intensity or position of the centers of ac-
tendencies of fronts and pressure systems are deter- tion. Attempts to correlate variations of the zonal index
mined, and the previous paths of high and low centers with the formation of arctic air masses have, so far,
are plotted. Local and district forecast offices use been unsuccessful and attempts such as that of Weiss
weather-central analyses but district offices make such [57] to determine the relationship, suggested by Rossby
modifications as their denser network of observations, [47], between a large-scale flow of warm air northward
special reports, and pilot reports may indicate. Areas in the eastern Pacific Ocean toward Alaska and marked
of hydrometeors are indicated in accordance with uni- anticyclogenesis over the Mackenzie Basin have gen-
form national custom or regulation. Conclusions on the erally failed. In this particular situation, anticyclo-
causes of current and past weather, drawn from sur- genesis appears to take place at more southern lati-
face maps, are integrated and reconciled with those tudes. Namias [36] has described a case where a general
derived from the upper-air and auxiliary charts. fall in index over Asia was followed by the progressive
Pressure-Change and Other Auxiliary Charts. The establishment of low-index conditions from west to east
necessity for the pressure-change chart arises from the
resulting in strong polar anticyclogenesis. It has been
large amount of data, particularly in bad weather, en-
known for some time that an analogous condition may
tered on the surface chart for each individual station.
The severe deadlines imposed on analysts and fore- be initiated in Europe, developing westward into N orth
casters in many weather services preclude close in- America and resulting in the condition generally re-
spection and analysis of these data at each station. The ferred to as "blocking." Indeed, exceptionally strong
pressure chart presents in clearly defined form 3- and and persistent arctic anticyclogenesis seems to form
12-hr pressure trends. In summer, the true 3-hr pressure more often in the latter than in the former manner.
change is masked by the greater diurnal change, and These important trends are not often available to the
the 12-hr change, corrected for the diurnal variation in district forecaster but fairly short-term forecast effects
pressure, is more representative. arise from them since it is not unusual for an arctic

front to accelerate from an almost stationary condition was expanded and refined by the Meteorology Depart-
to 40-60 mph within 12-18 hr. ment at the California Institute of Technology under
Temperature-change charts have relatively little fore- the leadership of I. P. Krick.
cast value but are required for weather bulletins for The C. I. T. typing method is based on the location
press and radio, for preparation of shippers' forecasts of the "center of action," here the semipermanent
and other information for commercial and agricultura! eastern Pacific high. Krick, Elliott, and colleagues [12]
interests, and for the general public. ha ve classified N orth American weather into five main
Analogues. The system of locating a number of pre- types, with a considerable number of subtypes, de-
vious weather charts which are most nearly analogous pending upon the location of the Pacific high. It was
to the current chart, and then determining the prog- found that a type tended to persist for six days (five
nostic chart by analogy, bas been used successfully by to seven days) and then to repeat or change to another
a number of forecasters, particularly J. J. George. The type. Composite charts, by seasons, were derived for
past maps are known as "analogues." Weather charts each of the six days of each type. As indicated by
for severa! decades are catalogued on the hasis of their Elliott [20], changes in index and in the various arrange-
dominant characteristics, for example, Colorado lows ments of the large upper-level waves (meridional flow
or Alberta highs. If, for example, on some particular patterns) and different degrees of expansion of the ring
December day those are the two principal character- of strongest westerlies (zonal flow patterns) are regu-
istics of the current weather chart, the December, and larly associated with the shift and change in intensity
also the January and November, file of past situa- of the Pacific high .. While typing of this kind is most
tions is inspected and the five to ten charts with greatest helpful in extended forecasting, it bas also been found
similarity to the current chart are selected and studied. of value in 24-72-hr forecasting as far east as central
A choice of two or three is finally made, primarily on United States. It is understood that further investiga-
the hasis of history and secondarily on the hasis of de- tions are under way to develop composite upper-air
tail. "Good" analogues should provide reasonably good maps analogous to the composite surface charts and to
prognostic charts since the numerous hydrodynamic determine the limits of variation of upper-air situations
and thermodynamic parameters that describe the cur- with individual surface types. The principallimitations
rent weather situation are conveniently integrated in of the type technique are (1) the frequent and extensive
the analogue. Where selection of the analogue is made variations of a single type, and (2) the difficulty in
mechanically (i.e., by machine) the system has been recognizing some types in complex situations. Typing
a complete failure, since historical sequence is much on a somewhat more circumscribed scale, such as that
more important than actuallocation and intensities of of Saucier [49] in connection with Texas-West Gulf cy-
pressure systems. Manual selection, which permits con- clones, can provide the district forecaster with a valu-
sideration of both surface and upper-air patterns, does able tool.
provide better results but time and patience are re-
quired. Because of the persistence of weather types, the USE OF UPPER-AIR DATA
best analogue may often be found from the charts Radiosonde Diagrams. For a number of reasons, in-
within the three or four weeks previous to the current cluding the requirements for the preparation of certain
chart. The purpose of the analogue procedure is to specialized and detailed forecasts for very short-term
provide the inexperienced forecaster with assistance, periods as well as thorough analysis of local weather
but, in practice, he does not have the experience re- conditions, it is desirable and necessary to make a de-
quired for the selection of the best analogues and for tailed analysis of individual radiosonde observations
the recognition of the significant differences which are within and adjacent to the forecast district. The anal-
always present between the analogue and the current ysis enables the forecaster to locate cloud layers and
chart. The use of analogues will never prove satisfac- their thicknesses as well as areas of freezing rain and
tory until the upper-air patterns and historical se- snow (when present) and also to ascertain stability con-
quences are included in the parameters upon which ditions in order to forecast the probability of cloud,
their selection is based. cloud heights, and convectional shower activity. For
Types. Attempts have been made to type weather convenience, the forecaster may wish to classify the
maps and situations since the beginning of forecasting. lower troposphere according to the customary degrees
Many of these attempts have met with limited or no of stability, namely, stable, conditionally unstable, and
success because of the infinite variations of weather absolutely unstable. During certain periods and seasons,
situations and the superficiality of some methods of the forecaster will wish, as a matter of course, to de-
typing. termine the lifting condensation level, the convection
Studies of storm types, frequencies, and normal storm condensation level, and the energy available. For a full
tracks, such as those of Bowie and Weightman [7) in discussion of stability and instability see any standard
the United States and of Van Bebber [54] and Braak textbook, particularly Petterssen [42, Chap. II].
[8] in Europe, are widely used by forecasters. The San Two methods exist for determining the stability of the
Francisco forecasters were moderately successful for atmosphere: the parcel and the slice methods. The
many years in forecasting for the Pacific Coast by di- parcel method is less exact in that as a parcel of air
viding their weather into three main steering types: rises, other air is entrained from the outside and when
northwesterly, westerly, and southwesterly. This typing the air is conditionally unstable (when the exact degree

of stability is most important to the forecaster) the V. J. and M. B. Oliver [40] have summarized a large
parcel method underestimates the resistance against number of rules obtained from many sources for the
lifting and overestimates the available energy. The use of the upper-air charts. Most of these rules have
slice method, first suggested by J. Bjerknes, does take not been objectively tested but some of the more im-
into consideration changes in environment of the as- portant of them, applicable to the 700-mb chart, are:
cending air, but the method is too complicated for prac- 1. Surface cyclones move in the direction of the 700-
ticat use. and/or 500-mb flow.
Constant-Pressure Charts. At district forecast cen- 2. Surface cyclones move in the direction of the 70Q-
ters, constant-pressure charts are normally prepared 500-mb mean isotherms, inclining slightly toward the
for the 850-, 700-, 500-, and occasionally for the 200-mb colder air.
surfaces. Fulks [22] has described procedures for the 3. If an upper isallobaric maximum (24 hr) is found
preparation of these charts which normally include in the direction in which the surface cyclone will move,
entry of dry-bulb and dew-point temperatures, height the cyclone will move into the region, or just to the
of the pressure surface, and 12- or 24-hr height changes. west of it, in 24 hr.
Contours (isohypses) and isotherms are then drawn. At 4. Surface cyclones will move along a line from the
many centers, isolines of equal height changes are drawn center of the isallobaric minimum (24 hr) in the rear to
and areas of certain moisture values, based on the dew the center of the isallobaric maximum in front.
points, are shaded. At weather centrals, other pressure 5. The smaller the angle between the upper isobars
surfaces may be useful, particularly the 1000-mb chart, and the mean isotherms of the low troposphere, the
as well as tropopause and density charts. closer the speed of the cyclone approaches the speed
The 850-, 700-, and 500-mb charts are among the of the upper flow. But perhaps the most important and
finest tools available to the forecaster. A large number widely accepted rule in current use states: The surface
of techniques and rules, mostly subjective, have been low or surface katallobar moves with approximately
developed or formulated during the past few years for half the speed of the 500-mb wind over it.
use in forecasting.
Constant-pressure charts, and the 850-mb chart in MOVEMENT OF CYCLONES FROM THE 0RIENTATION OF
particular, can provide the forecaster with much of the THE UPPER-LEVEL CONTOURS AND ISOTHERMS
information yielded by the isentropic chart. Since the Comparison A Comparison B
isotherms are lines of potential temperature, they rep- Upper-level pattern
resent the intersections of isentropic surfaces with con- Average
of cases
of cases
stant-pressure surfaces. Means [33] has found the warm ---
air advection in the lower layers of the atmosphere Contours, 850-700 mb ..... 31 o 212 24
21 o
Contours, 7Q0-500 mb ..... 28 216 92
(2000-8000 ft and above m.s.l.) useful in forecasting Isotherms, 850-700 mb .... 31 215 23 92
thunderstorms. Isotherms, 7()(}-500 mb .... 33 218 23 92
By far the greatest amount of work has been done Contours, 200 mb ......... 26 159 21 o 92
on the 700-mb chart. During the past few years, how-
ever, the 500-mb chart has been finding greater favor The forecasting value of rule 1, if valid, is obvious.
with forecasters, since the field of motion is more con- Austin [1] has tested this rule by comparing the direc-
servative at this level, and for other reasons. The most tion of movement of the cyclone on the surface with
important use of the 700- and 500-mb charts is the the orientation of contours and isotherms at various
"steering" of surface highs and lows or pressure rises levels. This direction of movement was assumed tobe
and falls indicated by the field 'of motion at these levels.
"Steering" appeared prominently in the publications of TABLE II. FREQUENCY DISTRIBUTION OF THE DEVIATIONS IN
German meteorologists in the 1930's particularly in the
work of Baur [3], who found that the direction of mo- Upper-level pattern
tion of regions of rise and fall of pressure was controlled -46" -16 +15" +45 +180
by the steering at 5 km. The mean duration of a broad- ---- -- -
Contours, 85(}-700 mb ...... 1 5 48 27 11
weather situation (Grosswetterlage) was 5 to 572 days Contours, 7()(}-500 mb ...... 2 7 60 12 11
which, with the allowance of one transitional day, Isotherms, 850-700 mb ..... 4 13 51 18 6
corresponds to the C.I.T. six-day type. Steering was Isotherms, 70(}-500 mb ...... 3 7 49 22 11
Contours, 200 mb .......... 3 14 50 17 8
broken down into four divisions:
1. Westerly steering (high index)-about 18 per cent
of the cases. given by the direction from the position of the center 12
2. N orthwest and southwest steering (moderately hr before to the position 12 hr after the time for which
low index and moderate troughs and ridges)-about 17 the comparison was made. Austin's conclusions are
per cent each. summarized in Table 1. Comparison A includea all ob-
3. N ortherly and southerly trough and ridge steering servations, while Comparison B includea only those
(very low index)-smaller percentages. cases in which the speed of the cyclonic center exceeded
4. Easterly steering (very low index)-observed very 20mph.
infrequently. Presumably a number of cases could not The frequency distribution (Table II) shows the
be classified. spread of the deviations for the 92 cases in Comparison

B. A positive deviation means that the cyclone moved to the tendency of a cyclone to continue to be steered
to the right of the upper-level contour or isotherm. The if following the upper-air flow but agreed that the wind
mean deviation was reduced to 19 by averaging the velocity at the 700-mb surface was not a good indica-
direction of contours in the layer from 700 rob to 500 tion of rate of movement of the surface cyclonr.
mb with the direction at the 200-mb surface. Austin Palmer [41] obtained as good or better results on di-
also found that a cyclone which was being steered rection of movement by a simple graphical device em-
tended to continue being steered, that the deviation ploying the following parameters:
appeared to be independent of intensity, that approxi- 1. Normal 24-hr direction of movement based on
mately 65 per cent of the cyclones moved to the right data published by Bowie and W eightman [7];
of the upper-level isotherms and contours, that the 2. The direction in which the cyclone moved during
difference between filling and deepening cyclones was the past 6 hr;
negligible, and that the average deviation was greater 3. The orientation of the major trough in the sea-
for the Rocky Mountain plateau than for the eastern level pressure pattern; and
United States. Forecasters will agree with Austin's con- 4. The direction from the 3-hr anallobaric center be-
clusions that the forecasting principle of steering com- hind the cyclone to the 3-hr katallobaric center ahead
pares favorably with other prognostic procedures for of the cyclone.
determining the direction of movement of a cyclone Tests indicated that this tool would be correct within
and, indeed, is the best, although definitely not a pre- 15 about 75 per cent of the time. Palmer considered
cise tool, for this purpose. In this most useful study it only winter storms; summer lows might not yield as
did not appear that the speed of a cyclone could be de- good results.
termined from the geostrophic wind speed at any partic- The procedures employed by both Austin and Long-
ular level, and it is believed that the poor correlation ley perhaps do not provide a wholly fair test of the
obtained carne as a surprise to most forecasters. validity of the steering principle, but tests should be
In a somewhat similar study of cyclones and anti- made of all forecasting techniques and rules which are
cyclones, Longley [32] found the deviations given in held in high regard by all forecasters. In general, fore-
Table III. casters simply do not know the accuracy of many of the
rules and techniques in use or the range of the possible
TABLE III. MEA:'-! VALUEs FOR CLAssEs GRoUPED AccoRDING deviation of nearly ali of them.
In applying the results of Austin's study, the fore-
Mean Mean caster is faced with the determination of the probable
Number Mean 24-hr devi-
Class of devi- move- ation direction of deviation from the steering indicated by the
cases ation ment distance
(mi) (mi) 700- and 500-mb charts.
-- -- -- -- The deeper the low, the less applicable the steering
Cyclones principle. Surface lows which have closed centers at
Closed centers aloft ... . . . . . . . . 87 44 468 332 700 mb and higher tend to move with the upper center .
Troughs and ridges aloft ........ 36 20 537 310
Straight contours aloft ......... 47 17 628 295 The best indication of the direction of movement of
Anticyclones closed lows at the 700-mb surface and higher is the 12-
Closed centers aloft ........... 46 65 311 295
Troughs and ridges aloft. ..... 30 37 515 400 hr pressure change around the center; another method
Straight contours aloft .... 33 27 587 328 is the determinati 0 n of the resultant of the wind cir-
culation around the upper-levellow. The calculation of
the distance such a low will move in a given time is
The frequency distribution of the deviation angle even more difficult and should be determined by the
derived in Longley's study, which, for cyclones, is in broad-scale weather processes going on.
good agreement with Austin's, appears in Table IV. Little bas been written on the practica! applications
of the 200-mb chart to forecasting. Wulf and Obloy
ANGLE [59] ha ve emphasized the importance of the compensat-
ing effects between the stratorophere and the lower
1 +180 to +45 to +15 to -20 to -50 to
+50 +20 -15 -45 -180 troposphere and have suggested that stratospheric con-
--- --- --- --- ditions may exert considerable influence upon fronto-
Anticyclones. ... 14 13 38 20 24 genesis and that advection and other processes in the
Cyclones. ..... 22 35 82 22 9
lower stratosphere should receive consideration in prog-
nosticating surface and tropospheric pressure patterns.
Longley found that, of 47 anticyclones with a deviation Austin [1] found that the 200-mb chart is almost as
of 45 or more, 33 were located over the Atlantic along effective a steering level as any other. Some forecasters
a. line approximately from 45N and 30W northeast- have found the 200-mb chart helpful in determining
ward to 55N and 20W, and that a greater concen- displacement of shallow migratory troughs at the
tration of cyclones with large deviations existed in a 700-mb level.
rectangle bounded by the 40N and 50N parallels Under the tropopause, at approximately the 300-mb
and the 50W and 70W meridians, or as the pressure level, an extremely fast and narrow current has been
systems approached the Atlantic high and the Iceland- noted which is called the "jet stream" by the University
Greenland low. Longley differed with Austin in regard of Chicago group [53]. Large-scale mixing, interrupted

ata critical zone in middle latitudes, has been suggested valuable aids in air-mass analysis aud forecasting."
by the Chicago group, and the "confiuence" theory by Thus, as indirect aerology, clouds provide the local
N amias and Clapp [38], as possible explanations of the forecaster particularly, and the district forecaster and
mechanism of this current. Which are the causes and analyst as well, with valuable information regarding
which are the effects have not been definitely estab- the stability and moisture trends of the lower atmos-
lished. Riehl [45] bas suggested that the ascent of tropo- phere. A close watch on the clouds as shown on the
spheric air below and slightly to the north of the jet hourly sequences and interim charts will provide the
might affect the distribution of precipitation. Starrett forecaster with valuable clues on the rate of moistening
[52], investigating this relationship, found a significant of a previously dry trough.
concentration of precipitation activity under the jet
stream, subject to the normal variations of local dynam- PREPARATION OF PROGNOSTIC CHARTS
ical fields of convergence and divergence associated It is desirable to prepare, in a formal fashion, prog-
with the short baroclinic waves within the westerlies. nostic charts for 24-hr intervals. These charts should
It seems probable that the jet stream and George's include isobars, frontal positions, high and low centers,
"isotherm ribbon" [26] are all manifestations of the and precipitation areas. The positions of fronts aud
same phenomenon, namely, the frontal zone, and that pressure systems can be indicated informally on the
they are usually located along the same latitude at regular six-hourly synoptic chart for six or twelve
any one time and that this zone is favorable for cyclo- hours or for any other time interval. Upper-air prog-
genesis. nostic charts should include contours and ridge aud
Pilot-Balloon and Other Upper-Air Charts. The prin- trough lines.
cipal use of the 6-hr pilot-balloon charts is obviously Preparation of the 700-mb Prognostic Chart. Because
the forecasting of upper-air winds and, to a much lesser of their complexity and the time involved, the prepa-
extent, surface winds. The interim charts between the ration of upper-air prognostic charts is logically a func-
regular constant-pressure charts are useful in checking tion of weather centrals aud not of forecast centers.
the movement of troughs and ridges and the latest Techniques have been suggested by Starr [51] but a
trends. description of those in use by American meteorologists
Isentropic analysis was introduced around 1937 by has not, as yet, been published for general distribution.
Rossby and collaborators [48]. Isentropic charts were However, the principal procedure appears to be extra-
prepared generally by forecast centers for a number of polation with a check for consistency by drawing the
years in accordance with procedures outlined by N amias implied mean virtual temperature between the 1000-
(see Petterssen [42, Chap. VIII]), but were eventually and 700-mb surfaces. The forecasting of mean virtual
abandoned when forecasters failed to find in them the temperature and mean density patterns should provide
hoped-for precise tool for precipitation forecasting. The a better indication of future height changes than pure
poor results ha ve been blamed on the nonadiabatic proc- extrapolation of changes at one level. Other techniques
esses common in the atmosphere, which tend to destroy which might be used include:
the conservatism of isentropic surfaces, principally (1) 1. Extrapolation of trough aud ridge lines. The pat-
radiational cooling and heating, (2) evaporation aud tern at 700-mb is more conservative than at the sur-
condensation, and (3) convection. Also one thin, and face aud conservatism increases further with height.
often wavy, isentropic surface, arbitrarily selected, may 2. Extrapolation of isallobaric centers, applying cor-
be unrepresentative of the principal upslope area. In rections for indicated intensification or diminution.
the Middle West, determination of the motion of air 3. Application of the formula for the movement of
particles, some distance away from but in line of fiow long waves in the westerlies, developed by Rossby [47].
toward a station, relative to the contour lines of the This formula is c = U - {JV/471"2 , in which c is the
isentropic surface over the station, was frequently very speed of the wave, U is the zonal wind speed (best
difficult. Contours might move in the same direction results are apparently obtained at approximately 600
and at the same rate as the air particles and the ex- mb), Lis the wave length, and (3 is the rate of change
pected upslope movement would not occur, with resul- of the Coriolis parameter northward with latitude.
tant failure in the precipitation forecast. There is some Recent studies by Cressman [17, 18] indicate that good
question whether isentropic analysis has been given a to excellent results may be obtained if adequate daily
fair trial by forecasters, since (1) time was rarely avail- 700-mb charts are available on a three-quarters or full
able for careful construction and analysis, and (2) many hemispheric scale. Use of this formula is not practicable
forecasters never fully understood the meaning and for an area as small as N orth America.
significance of all the information on the isentropic 4. Isotherm-isobar relationship. Another principle
chart. based on the kinematics of wave motion provides some
Clouds. With the considerable increase in the amount indication of the rate of movement of minor waves in
of upper-air information now available to the fore- the westerlies. Assuming that there is no convergence
caster, the importance of cloud data has decreased or divergence and that temperature is a conservative
somewhat. However, as Brooks [10] states: "Clouds element, Rossby [46] derived the equation U / ( U - c)
are indications of humidity, lapse-rate, (and temper- = Ar/ AP in which U and c have the same significance
ature), direction and velocity (including shear and as before, Ar is the amplitude of the isotherms, and
turbulence) in the free air. As such, they are, of course, AP is the amplitude of the isobars. It can readily be

seen that when the isobars and isotherms are in phase California and usually dissipate or remain stationary
but the isotherms possess the larger amplitude, the for around 48 hr awaiting the arrival of a new fali in
wave will move with moderate velocity. In the same pressure from the north. Somewhat similarly, warm
case but with isobars of an amplitude larger than the highs may be cut off. Closed lows may develop in almost
isotherms, the perturbations will move slowly or even any section, usually building upward from the surface,
retrograde. When the isobars and isotherms are 180 and their prognostication is very important because of
out of phase, the wave will move very rapidly. When the extensive bad weather associated with them. This
cold air moves into the system, the wave will tend to development may be detected 12-24 hr in advance
deepen; when warm air moves into the system, the when a slowly moving isallobaric minimum is located
wave will usually weaken. south of a weak westerly gradient.
5. Minor waves tend to intensify as they move into For the most part, the 700-mb prognostic chart
a major trough although maximum intensity is usually sliould be prepared independently of the surface
found as they reach the midway point between the prognostic chart since one of its principal uses is as a
major trough and the major ridge downstream. Sim- check on the latter. However, there may be a few ele-
ilarly, a pressure fali intensifies as it moves into a major mentE' of the surface prognostic chart which will be
trough and a pressure rise intensifies as it reaches a subject to little or no question and the 700-mb chart
major ridge. However, care should be exercised if the should be consistent with respect to these elements.
pattern is changing. The usual order of operations followed by the analyst
6. Use of pressure tendencies at upper levels. Miller making the 700-mb prognosis in the Weather Bureau-
and Thompson [34] devised a method for the calcula- Air Force-Navy Analysis Center 1 is as follows:
tion of 3-hr pressure changes from pilot-balloon obser- The prognosticator makes a 700-mb analysis. and then
vations. It was hoped that these pressure tendencies draws a thickness chart (1000-700 mb) which also includes
might permit the use of Petterssen's extrapolation for- the 850-mb flow. While the thickness chart is being made, an
mula, but this has not become standard practice largely assistant makes the 24-hr height change chart. A tentative
because of the work involved and because only advec- prognosis is then made by application of the various tech-
tion is considered, while convergence and vertical niques discussed in the following paragraphs. Then, in consul-
motion (and any nongradient winds) are omitted from tation with the surface prognostic analyst, a series of checks
consideration. and adjustments of the two prognoses is made to make them
7. Rossby's trajectory method. Rossby has devel- mutually consistent, with special attention given to surface
oped a trajectory technique which is essentially the patterns and to trends determined from closer examination of
old data or from a check of new three-hourly data. This in-
determination of the future path of a system of particles formal discussion of the general situation is followed by a
based on the change in vorticity with change of latitude discussion of the points of difference or of inconsistency be-
while the absolute vorticity is conserved. Fultz [24] has tween the 700-mb and the surface charts and is participated
described the technique and the attempts which have in by the two prognostic analysts and the supervising analyst.
been made to apply it to forecasting the 10,000-ft chart. This leads to the final version of the prognosis.
Tests have shown that the 10,000-ft trajectories can No one procedure or set of procedures is used regularly in
be computed by this method for winds in major flow making the 700-mb prognosis. Of the wide variety available,
patterns with a significant degree of accuracy up to 72 the choice depends upon the analyst and the occasion. Good
hr. Convergence and divergence are neglected in the judgment is of paramount importance in making a prognosis.
The analyst relies on it in determining rather quickly to what
equation and subjectivity is required in the selection
extent pure extrapolation and persistence can be used with
or rejection of the computed winds. In certain situations better results than a time-consuming physical forecast. At-
wave computations are difficult and the constant ab- tempts to explain the physical hasis for the processes going
solute vorticity trajectory methods give better results. on in the atmosphere lead to ihvolved discussions and argu-
Use of this technique in extended-range forecasting is ments so that such attempts are limited to those features
described by Namias [37]. which are worth the valuable time required for them. Those
8. Supergradient wind velocities. It has been noted features which, from the analysis, provide indications that
that supergradient wind velocities in the eastern Pacific extrapolation is a good prognosis, plus those features which
have often been attended or followed by an increase in show definite indications of persistence, frequently make up
pressure over the far western United States. The super- a large portion of the chart.
The semipermanent and characteristic points and lines
gradient condition results in a net unbalanced force on serve as a starting point for the prognosis. Persistence is usu-
each unbalanced particle directed toward the right and ally the best forecast in regard to the semipermanent sys-
thus in a piling up of air on that side. This has been tems: the Aleutian low, the oceanic highs, etc. However there
observed in other regions and has become known as is always the question of whether to move them or to fill or
"anticyclogenesis upstream." deepen them. A deep cold low, dominating a large area of the
9. "Cutoffs." Occasionally a rise of pressure will map, and the accompanying peripheral flow determine not
appear behind a trough, move eastward in the maxi- only the features of the area of the low but also the course
mum westerlies and cut off the southern portion of the of any perturbations coming into the belt dominated by the
trough resulting in a closed circulation in that area. 1. The author is greatly indebted to Mr. Charles M. Len-
This tends to happen in preferred locations, for example, nahan and Mr. J. R. Fulks of the Analysis Center for the out-
in the far southwestern United States. The closed low line and description of the procedures used there for the prep-
will either move southwestward off the coast of southern aration of the 700-mb prognostic charts.
peripheral flow. The speed of these perturbations may also The clase connection between the sea-level pressure pat-
be inferred so that the pattern of the region in the vicinity tern and the 700-mb surface makes many studies of sea-level
of their prognosticated locations may be deduced. In this way systems applicable indirectly in the prognostication of 700-mb
persistence not only controls its own area but extends its in- contours. Thus Bowie and Weightman normals, C.I.T. types,
fluence and prognostic value to adjoining regions and, with Palmer's method, analogues, etc., all contribute to the
diminishing influence, to more distant regions. The dominant 700-mb prognosis. However, here again good judgment is
warm highs have a similar role in the prognosis since they the prime factor; there is always the question of how much
persist and tend to be blocking highs. Any cald trough which such objective measures should be modified or ignored. They
is strong enough to move a semipermanent warm high is cannot be used blindly. Considerable qualitative use is made
usually so obviously strong that at least a slight movement of the characteristic behavior of storms in a typical sequence.
of the high will be included in the prognosis. The path and speed of the storms, the isobar and contour
As in all forecasting, the first step in pure extrapolation is patterns, all contribute to the final version of the prognosis.
to find some element that is conservative enough on the Any deepening of the surface systems will usually cause a
particular occasion to be used as a starting point. This ele- corresponding deepening of the 700-mb systems. Therefore,
ment may very well be different from the one used on the any kineroatic or dynamic.. eff_e~t.tJ_ wblQh_!J,rg..k..n9_w.nlr_().ffi. ex-
previous day and may even be different each day for a week perience or from theory to fa vor deepening of surface systems
or more. Thus the speed of the front, the speed of the low, will haveto be considered in making a 700-mb prognosis. Con-
the speed of the isallobaric trough, etc., may be different from sideration must be given to such kinematic processes as the
the corresponding points and lines of a high or ridge, and one corurerging ..oLtwo. htallobaric systems. or nLthe_mQY.ein~ut
may be conservative when the others are not. of a low in such a direction as to take it under progressively
With a sequence of good analyses as a hasis, the prognos- lower contours at 200 mb, and to such dynamic processes as
ticator extrapolates the conservative characteristic points the converging of fresh cA and mT air masses.
and lines, at uniform speed if they have been moving uni- Sometimes an inactive front (the most pronounced cases
formly-with positive or negative acceleration if they have are on the Texas and Louisiana coasts) will become very ac-
shown signs of accelerating. Trends ha veto be checked closely tive and rapid cyclogenesis will take place on it because of
so that the beginning of transition periods between high- the approach of a cald trough at 700 mb or higher and the
and low-index conditions can be detected and the prognosis subsequent coupling of the cold trough with the sea-level cald
adjusted to conform to the increase or decrease in displace- front. This coupling has the effect of steepening the slope of
ment. A blocking high, whether one of the warm oceanic the cald front and of increasing its vertical extent. As a result,
highs or a cold high over the continent, has to be considered the total mass of air involved and the total tempera ture differ-
in its effect on the flow. ence are much greater than those involved in the original
The complex interrelations between sea-level isobars and front. The deepening storm quickly affects the 700-mb con-
700-mb contours make any feature on the sea-level chart tours and a very important feature of the chart is created.
important insofar as it affects the 700-mb contours. Con- These storms usually move fast since they are generated in
versely, since one of the forecaster's main interests in the well-developed upper troughs.
700-mb prognosis is its value as an aid in forecasting surface A frequently recurring feature is the movement of sea-
wind, weather, and temperature changes, any important fea- levellows and highs into the region of the mean trough. This
ture on either the surface or the 700-mb chart is usually an process usually causes a mutual deepening of the sea-level
important feature on the other. It should not, however, be and of the 700-mb troughs; similarly it causes weakening of
implied that the 700-mb prognosis is strictly dependent on the sea-level high and a corresponding weakening of the
the surface prognosis; often the reverse is true because some 700-mb ridge.
features aloft can be prognosticated with greater certainty, Frequent use is made of the 200-mb contours in forecasting
and in such cases the upper-air prognosis will influence the the deepening of surface lows. Often the high-level contours
surface prognosis. will be only slightly influenced by the- surface system, and if
Because of the close coordination required between the the future position of a surface low is known, it is found from
surface and the 700-mb prognoses, it is difficult to separate experience that when the low moves into a region of lower
completely the factors used in making the one from those 200-mb height, it will deepen by approximately 60 per cent
used in making the other. One of the best aids that the person of the amount which would result from projection onto the
responsible for the 700-mb prognosis can have is a competent ground of the change in height of the 200-mb level above the
surface prognosticator working with him. A good surface surface low. This effect causes a corresponding change in the
prognosis is the best way to point up the inconsistencies in 700-mb surface.
the 700-mb prognosis. Contrary to the general rule that a fast-moving low will
The 700-mb prognosticator must be familiar with the sea- not deepen, lows in well-established troughs with a strong
level analysis and this familiarity influences him not only in gradient on the warm side will move rapidly and if the move-
the movement of systems at 700 mb but also in the deepening ment has a good component northward, the storm will deepen.
and filling of the systems. The 700-mb and sea-level analyses This feature of movement or steering with the upper winds
and prognoses require parallel and coordinated treatment. is generally known but it has many modifying factors.
It is inherent in the whole prognostic procedure that the sur- Cald air moving into the region to the rear of an upper-
face chart tends to be the dominant one, because the surface level trough will tend to cause the trough to retrograde. The
network of stations is much denser and provides more fre- timing of the action of the mechanism is of the utmost im-
quent reports than the upper-air network. Therefore, there is portance. If the initial trough is in a position where it will
a tendency to start from the surface when making a 700-mb move (i.e., where topographic and kinematic reasons favor
prognosis, and final r'evisions are usually made on the hasis its continued movement), the cald air will tend only to make
of the la test three-hourly map. Any system which is important the flow more westerly and cause the trough to move faster.
enough to be included in the 30-hr surface prognosis is of Ordinarily, however, the cald air will cause the trough to
sufficient magnitude to affect, even though slightly, the 700- move more slowly or even to retrograde.
mb contours. Frequently supergradient winds are noticed, or strong windB

in a field where the contour pattern is expected to move slowly prognostic charts, and the higher-level chart is some-
with respect to the winds, so that the strong winds will soon what more conservative, most forecasters
believe that
reach that part of the field where the gradient is much weaker
the 700-mb prognostic charts are not as satisfactory;
than would be necessary to balance the velocity of the wind.
In these cases the winds will tend to turn to the right because however, this belief is difficult to substantiate. The
the Coriolis force exceeds the pressure-gradient force, and air principal weaknesses are the forecasting of the develop-
will cross the contours toward higher values with a conse- ment of closed lows and their future movement, the
quent decrease in speed. Usually the speed decreases more movement and changes in intensity of minor troughs,
than enough to balance the gradient because the momentum and the emergence of major troughs from mean troughs.
of the parcel carries it beyond the point of equilibrium so The reasons for these inadequacies may be (1) non-
that the parcel is turned to fiow toward lower heights with utilization of all techniques, (2) lack of experience, (3)
an increase in speed. This cyclonic trajectory has the effect preoccupation with surface prognostic charts and with
of forming a new trough or of deepening an already existing mean troughs and ridges, and
(4) lack of satisfactory
trough and intensifying the adjoining ridge; it also causes
techniques for dealing with closed circulations. There
stationary or even retrograde conditions to prevail in that
area of the map. is also considerable evidence of confusion in defining
The use of the jet stream in the prognosis is very quali- major, mean, and minor troughs. When does a minor
tative. Although the jet is at a much higher level, its effects trough beccme a major trough? The consideration of
are apparent in the stronger fiow induced at 700 mb. Thus major troughs and ridges as synonymous with mean
from a consideration of the confiuence theory of jet-stream troughs and ridges by many forecasters and prognosti-
formation, it is apparent that any system moving into the cators is believed to be erroneous. There appear to be
vicinity of the strong fiow will accelerate and usually will not certain large-scale controls, not very well understood,
deepen. Thus the effects of these storms on the 700-mb con- which during the persistence of any given regime tend
tours are limited to their contributions to the confiuence and to result in trough (ridge) formation
or intensification
the speed of the jet. Also any storm moving in the vicinity
(weakening) repeatedly at some one geographicalloca-
of the jet will not cross it but will tend to move with it.
The 24-hr height changes at 700 mb are used in much the tion. So long as the regime persists-and it may change
same way as sea-level pressure changes. Here again, however, suddenly-pressure falls (rises) intensify (vveaken) as
the interrelation between the 700-mb and the sea-level they approach the region of the mean trough (ridge).
charts must be studied in order to determine some criterion The result is a mean trough or ridge in the favorable
for using the height changes rationally. Any conservative location, but troughs or ridges may move out of the
feature common to both charts, whether of movement or of mean positions and, apparently depending upon the
configuration, is helpful in deciding how much and where to wave length, become migratory major troughs or ridges.
apply the changes. The crux of the forecasting problem in such cases is
Along with the dominant role played by the surface anal- whether troughs and ridges emerging
from the mean
ysis and the surface prognosis in the making of the 700-mb
analysis and prognosis, it is important to note that the thick-
positions will attain major intensity or remain minor
ness chart constitutes an important check on the consistency waves.
of the prognoses. (The 1000-mb prognosis is quickly made by Recent work by Charney [13, 14] and collaborators
direct extrapolation from the sea-level prognosis.) Thus in gives some promise that the new electronic computing
the absence of strong vertical motions over the prognosticated devices will eventually provide assistance in prognosti-
area, the temperature field should change in the direction and cating constant-pressure surfaces.
with the speed of the flow in the "thickness" layer. The thick- Preparation of the Surface Prognostic Chart. In the
ness lines are usually more conservative than the contours preparation of the surface prognostic chart, the pressure
or than the sea-level isobars. field is given primary consideration since an accurate
pressure prognosis is the synthesis of all computations
Lennahan concludes that it would certainly be pleas- by, and experience
of, the forecaster. The customary
ing to all if some good theoretical or objective method procedures
used in the preparation of this chart include:
could be developed for preparation of the prognoses. 1. Determination of the movement of fronts and
However, for the present at least, it seems that we must pressure systems. The
six-hourly positions of significant
be satisfied with our "cut and try" methods for short- fronts and
highs and lows are plotted for the past 12 to
term forecasts. In a review of Scherhag's new book, 2 24 hr or
more, and changes in direction and rate of
E. Hovmoller remarks: "A theoretical meteorologist movement are carefully
noted. As a starting point,
would probably, after reading this section [G of first highs and
lows might be typed in accordance with,
part], feei discouraged once more by the contrast be- and the
24-hr average direction and rate of movement
tween the magnificent building of theory itself and the
ascertained from, some previous statistica! study such
modest, almost crippled part of it which is thought to as that
of Bowie and Weightman [7] for the United
be applicable in the weather service." It is unfortunate
States. From the previous history of the system, an
that this is also equally true of so much of the recently immediate
deduction can be made whether it is opera-
developed meteorologica! theory.
ting under the average steering indicated by the study.
Although, quantitatively, the 700-mb techniques ap- A
second position may be obtained by modified extra-
pear to be equal to those available for the surface
polation, sometimes called the "path" method. The
2. Scherhag, R., Neue Methoden der Wetteranalyse und Wet- six-hourly projected positions should be further modi-
terprognose. Berlin, Springer, 1948. Reviewed in Tellus, Y ol. 1, fied in accordance with changes indicated by the general
No. 4, pp. 70-74 (1949). synoptic situation. Another predicted frontal position

can be obtained by the geostrophic wind method, which flow, and availability of moisture is obvious. According
usually yields good results with cold fronts but must to Petterssen, the rate of deepening remains constant
be used with caution with warm fronts. Petterssen as long as a warm sector remains on the ground and
states that warm fronts will move with 60-80 per cent for 6-12 hr after occlusion sets in. Changes in the three-
of the geostrophic wind, while Byers in the N orth Paci- and twelve-hourly pressure tendencies should be
fic observed warm fronts moving with 50 per cent or watched carefully since they provide a basis for esti-
less of the normal component of the gradient wind. mating the rate of deepening and filling.
Further determination of the movement of fronts Intensification or weakening of pressure systems can
and pressure centers should be obtained by the Petters- be detected by inspection of central pressures in the
sen extrapolation formulas [42, Chap. IX]. These for- systems on the last severa! regular and interim synoptic
mulas give excellent results over oceanic areas, good charts, and by the position of the maximum isallobar
results over homogeneous land areas, but rather poor relative to the center, correcting for the diurnal varia-
results over mountainous sections. Since the movement tion in pressure.
of fronts and pressure systems is almost always chang- Some significant rules for determining filling or deep-
ing with time, the formulas rarely bold good longer ening have been summarized by V. J. and M. B. Oliver
than 24 hr. After that time, the forecaster must rely on [40] as follows:
the normal evolution of pressure systems and the large- a. A wave will deepen or a front become more pro-
scale factors indicative of acceleration or deceleration. nounced if the 10,000-ft wind field possesses cyclonic
The direction and rate of movement of pressure systems vorticity and the wave has a temperature contrast
as indicated by the steering shown by the upper-air through it.
charts-current and prognostic-should be determined. b. A wave will weaken and a front will undergo
In computing the displacement of pressure systems, the frontolysis if the 10,000-ft wind field possesses anticy-
forecaster should be careful that the estimated dis- clonic vorticity.
placement of each individual system agrees logically c. If there are severa! waves along a front, the one
with the simultaneous displacement of adjacent with the most intense cyclonic vorticity aloft will de-
systems. In the United States, errors occur most fre- velop at the expense of the others. This is usually the
quently when (1) rapidly moving occlusions, in a period one nearest the axis of the trough aloft (at 10,000 ft).
of high index, cross the Pacific coastline with at least d. Waves at the surface will deepen if the 700-mb
moderate intensity but become damped out by the contours diverge ahead of them.
time they should have reached central North America, e. Waves at the surface will weaken if the 700-mb
and (2) a storm with a marked allobaric minimum contours converge ahead of the wave.
reaches the N orth Pacific Coast during a period of Austin [1] found no definite relationship between the
moderate or high index simultaneously with the devel- lapse rate of temperature above the center of cyclones
opment of a rather strong but poorly organized depres- and their future change in intensity. In the same study
sion in the Great Plains and the Mississippi Valley. In he tested changes in cyclone intensity with the spacing
the latter case, marked anticyclogenesis sets in of isotherms at 10,000 ft and for the layer between 700
immediately over the eastern Rockies and the Great and 500 mb. That cyclones are observed in regions of
Plains and the low frequently moves off more rapidly strong temperature contrast was confirmed; otherwise
than expected. no definite correlation was established. In this study,
A forecast rule in general use states that wave cy- cyclones apparently were not classified according to
clones will move parallel to the warm-sector isobars the stage of development.
when the latter are parallel to the isotherms and this 3. Determination of cyclogenesis, anticyclogenesis,
movement is not inconsistent with the pressure tend- frontogenesis, and frontolysis. Cyclogenesis, or the for-
encies. As a rule, in a family of lows, each low will mation of wave cyclones on stationary or slow-moving
develop a course farther south than its predecessor but, cold fronts, is one of the more difficult problems facing
in strong northwest steering, successive lows usually the forecaster. There are certain preferred areas for
trend toward a more northerly course. wave development, such as the southern portion
Thus, a number of approximations of prognostic of mountain ranges where deformation of the cold front
positions of fronts and pressure systems can be ob- is induced. Under certain conditions, flat waves emerge
tained. The results should be compared and a final from this region every 24 hr or so and move rapidly in
approximation derived which, largely on the hasis of a general easterly or northeasterly direction. These
experience, appears most logica! from the physical proc- cannot be forecast in detail more than 12 hr in advance,
esses evidenced by the most recent observations. and for longer periods precipitation should be forecast
2. Forecast of changes in intensity of pressure sys- without attempting to define times of beginning and
tems. The forecaster will, of course, keep in mind the ending.
normal deepening and subsequent filling of the typical Waves form most frequently on stationary fronts or
cyclone as it passes through its life cycle. Cyclones slowly moving cold fronts. The formation of a wave
developing in middle latitudes will be attended by may be indicated by a new surge of pressure rises in
maximum deepening when the northward component the cold air, from the general pressure field, deforma-
in direction of movement is greatest. The relationship tion of the front as it passes overmountain ranges, and
between direction of movement, intensity of meridional cyclonic circulation such as may frequently be observed

on the Texas coast. Further deductions can be made subjective evaluation of advection in forecasting pres-
from the distribution of clouds and precipitation. sure change is not a helpful procedure. More recent re-
The solenoidal field on the east coast of continents, search by Houghton and Austin [30), while furthering
in the N orthern Hemisphere, is favorable for wave our knowledge of the mechanism of pressure changes,
development in connection with stationary fronts. Tech- has failed, so far, to provide new tools for forecasting
niques for handling cyclogenesis of this type have been pressure changes.
described by Miller [35]. Byers postulates that no really N o purely objective techniques are available for the
primary cyclone forms entirely independently of other preparation of prognostic charts and thus procedures
nearby disturbances and this appears to be correct for remain generally subjective.
extratropical regions. The arrival of even a weak fali in Vederman [55] has listed the techniques used in the
pressure over a stationary front will almost always preparation of prognostic charts and includes (1) verti-
result in strong cyclogenesis. cal extent of highs and lows, and (2) temperature and
Cyclogenesis tends to occur where there is a concen- height changes at various constant-pressure surfaces in
tration of isotherms aloft (5000-15,000 ft) which pro- addition to those discussed in this section. Some other
vides considerable potential energy, and the wind field procedures developed by American meteorologists have
is favorable (i.e., the wind blows across the isobars). been described by Fulks and collaborators [23].
Cyclogenesis (anticyclogenesis) tends to occur on the
warm (cold) side of an area where isotherms are packed. STEPS IN FORECASTING THE WEATHER
Baum [2) has described the Scherhag divergence Preforecast Study. The organization of forecasting at
theorem and states, on the hasis of some informal ex- a district forecast center should provide for at least
perimentation with it, that it merits a trial by fore- two days' study of past maps each month. There are
casters in the United States. important month-to-month and seasonal variations in
Anticyclogenesis can be detected by the pressure weather sequences, frequency of certain weather types,
tendencies. For the forecasting of anticyclogenesis up- depth of surface heating, effect of nearby water areas,
stream, the transition from a cold to a warm high with and many other similar inftuences which the forecaster
resultant blocking should be carefully watched. must keep in mind. The forecaster can best integrate
Frontogenesis and frontolysis are not, as a rule, them in his mind by, for example, at the end of the
particularly troublesome although there is, perhaps, a month, running through severa! past years' charts for
tendency to expect frontolysis too quickly. Over land the following month and preparing practice forecasts
areas, the forecaster must frequently deal with warm for one or two areas or cities in his district.
frontogenesis dynamically induced in the lee of mountain Preliminary Steps in Forecasting. A certain amount
ranges and, less frequently, developing between two of preparatory work is required for a forecaster when
highs. The latter usually has some previous history. coming on duty. This may include:
Important cold frontogenesis will occur in polar re- 1. Inspection of weather charts prepared since he
gions with the development and initial southward surge was last on duty, or if he has been absent for an extensive
of arctic air masses. period, for the last four to seven days, in order that he
The prognosticator finally completes the approxi- may bring himself up to date on the prevailing type of
mations of the future positions of fronts and the posi- weather.
tions and intensities of the pressure centers. He then 2. Briefing by the forecaster going off duty, who
tests the consistency of these approximations with the describes and explains the weather now in progress, the
upper-air synoptic and prognostic charts and the indi- forecasts in effect and the hasis for them.
cated extrapolation of mean isotherms between the 1000- 3. Analysis of radiosonde observations from stations
and 700-mb surfaces. If inconsistencies appear, one or in the forecast district and in adjacent areas from which
more of the factors used in the preparation of the weather is approaching, for the purpose of ascertaining
surface charts has been incorrectly calculated or inter- stability, cloud decks, freezing level, temperature and
preted. Inconsistencies must be resolved by further moisture changes, structure of moist layers, and indi-
checking or by according the greatest weight to the cated maximum temperature.
factors of greatest certainty. 4. Inspection of the 850-mb chart for moist tongues,
In an effort to derive an objective method of fore- the general moisture pattern, advection of warm and
casting the surface pressure pattern, Haurwitz and col- cold air, and upslope areas.
laborators [28) investigated a number of procedures 5. Analysis of the 700-mb chart for depth of moisture,
based on advection. Isopycnic lines were drawn for five trends toward increased zonal or meridional ftow, in-
levels between sea level and 14 km and forecasts of the tensification of troughs and ridges, possible develop-
density changes at these levels were prepared on the ment of closed circulations, advection of colder and
hypothesis that air moves with the geostrophic wind warmer air, pools of warm and cold air, and steering;
velocity, preserving its density. After allowance had checking the 700-mb prognostic chart from the weather
been made for the thickness of each layer, the density central and modifying it as indicated.
changes were added together to obtain the sea-level 6. Checking of the 500-mb and 200-mb charts, par-
pressure change. Vertical motions were not considered ticularly the 500-mb, for the same features as given
in the study. Correlation coefficients of significance were above for the 700-mb chart, except for moisture, which
not obtained. This does not imply, however, that the is not especially significant at the higher elevations. A

study of wave lengths with reference to the speed of the computer, the analyst, or the forecaster but, in
movement of contour systems is especially important most calculations and chartwork, the error should he
at the 500-mh level since this level is nearest the level fairly ohvious from the large amount of reasonahly
of nondivergence. Also, when vorticity-trajectory com- accurate information availahle. The forecaster should
putations are not made, some suhjective study of the make the strongest possihle effort to harmonize the
500-mh chart with respect to constant vorticity tra- prognostic information derived from a fairly large num-
jectories is possihle and helpful in forecasting move- her of sources rather than to reject entirely a portion
ments and other developments. of it. Recomputation and re-evaluation may be neces-
7. Inspection of the latest pilot-halloon charts for sary but, usually, the time required is well worth
trends and changes during the preceding six hours and while. Most often a forecast error arises in the sub-
for computation of the 6-hr trough and ridge move- jective weighting of the severa! factors from which the
ments. The forecaster should he familiar with the diur- forecast is derived.
nal variation of winds under 8000 ft. Steps Recommended by Petterssen. The following
8. Checking the analysis of the last six- and three- steps ha ve been listed hy Petterssen [42, Chap. XI]:
hourly surface charts with the latest hourly sequences, 1. Displacement of pressure systems, fronts, etc.
noting recent frontal passages and movement of pre- 2. Forecasting deepening and filling.
cipitation areas. 3. Determination of whether new systems will form.
9. Reading the latest district forecasts from all avail- 4. Readjustment of displacements.
ahle forecast centers, noting areas where precipitation 5. Determination of the position and properties of
and any unusual weather are forecast as well as any air masses-detailed analyses of clouds, hydrometeors,
weather that does not seem warranted hy the prognostic adiabatic charts, moisture patterns aloft. Constant-
charts, and attempting to rationalize the hasis for the pressure charts will reveal physical and kinematic con-
differing forecasts. ditions of the air masses in question.
10. Reading the synopses and forecasts from the 6. Determination of changes in air masses as they
various airway forecast centers, noting rate of movement reach the forecast district. Possibilities of cooling, beat-
given for fronts and pressure centers in the area where ing, depletion or addition of moisture, suhsidence, etc.
the forecast is made and also noting forecasts of un- 7. Modification of local influences, mountain ranges,
usual weather. Forecast centers in mountainous and valleys, lakes, land and sea hreezes, and other coasta!
distant areas are usually in a hetter position to deter- effects.
mine these facts accurately than are remote centrals or 8. Last re-examination: What can upset the forecast?
forecast centers. 9. Wording of the forecast-clear and unamhiguous
11. Inspecting the surface prognostic chart from the -degree of certainty.
weather central and noting deviations from it hy the Influence of Main Centers of Action. By following
preceding district forecaster and prohahle deviations the steps outlined above, the forecaster can, with the
from it hy district forecasters in other forecast districts primitive tools at his disposal, complete the pressure
as indicated hy the district forecasts. This check should prognosis for the first 24 hr of the forecast period.
he repeated when the new six-hourly synoptic chart is Because of acceleration and deceleration factors which
completed and aualyzed. are constantly operating, extrapolation hecomes a pro-
lntermediate Steps in the Preparation of the Fore- gressively poorer tool with time. For periods in excess
cast. These may include: of 24 hr, the forecaster must expand his horizon in
1. Analysis of the new six-hourly synoptic chart, space and time. Data descrihing the instantaneous
using weather-central analysis, modifying it in accord- state of the atmosphere are inadequate to define, in any
ance with more detailed ohservational data which the detail, the evolution of developments which may sig-
forecast center may have in and near its own district. nificantly affect the weather heyond 24 hr. Large-scale
2. Analysis of the pressure-change chart, forecasting circulation changes cannot be ignored and important
future positions of each isalloharic center. developments in one portion of the hemisphere may he
3. Using the 24-hr prognostic chart from the weather compensated for in another far away. The forecaster
central as a hasis, checking the positions and intensities must not hecome preoccupied with the latest hourly
of fronts and pressure centers, making such revisions sequences or even the last six-hourly weather map.
as are indicated by the latest surface and upper-air The influence of centers of action was pointed out as
charts, using techniques described earlier (pp. 750- early as 1881 hy Teisserenc de Bort. The forecaster
758). must keep close watch on deviations from the normal
4. Final check based on subjective evaluation of positions of the semipermanent areas of high and
broad-scale influences of centers of action, zonal indices low pressure and the resultant position of the mean
and blocking highs. troughs and ridges and carefully consider their prob-
5. Final reconciliation of all conflicting indications, ahle effects on migratory depressions and the preferred
objective, subjective, dynamical, and empirical. areas of cyclogenesis and anticyclogenesis under the
Weather processes are logica!, and conflicting indica- prevailing type.
tions are evidence of an error in computation, in inter- The centers of action are a conservative factor in the
pretation of the data and charts, or in reasoning. The prevailing weather, that is, there is a tendency for a
original error may have been made by the observer, prevailing weather type to continue. An example of the

persistency of wet and dry weather has been given by charts and techniques only "occasionally useful" are
N ewnham [39] for Kew Observatory in England and not regularly used in the preparation of forecasts. The
Aberdeen in Scotland, as shown in Table V. question may be asked, Are forecasters using all the
The forecaster should prepare a skeleton prognostic most valuable available techniques? If not, is it because
chart for each 24-hr period after the first 24-hr period, of lack of clerical assistance, lack of time or lack of
knowledge of how to use them, or do the few simple
TABLE V. PROBABILITY OF A RAIN DAY extrapolation and stability estimation techniques pro-
Number of preceding successive fine days vide the same accuracy as additional checks using more
Station complicated techniques?
4 5 6

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