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- HERGE | Se a aot aN UL TIN Beta ae ON THE MOON | EXPLORERS ON THE MOON This is Earth calling Moon- Rocket... you receiving me? ...Earth Moon Recket.. ‘See Destination Mach od} Atomic Professor Suppose we've made a take in our calculations’ Earth calling ilaeh ; y Lucifer, ib's a bad blow for us Moon Rocket... 2, leur arch calling Moon- Rocket... é ceiving me... Earth callivig Moen-Rocket ’ Sic Are you rem WOCAH! WOOAH ! ~ The doo! tts their 5 deg anewering | Sncwy |... Dyou want bo Wy, what's happened towel Oh yes. the launching, and that Frightful eushing sensation...1 was well aud truly kwocked out, Earth calling Moon- Rockst... Are you re - ceiving me? Earth! Les I] Earth calling wag fag a | ++. This is Tintin here, [ve just come round. . 1'Nl go and sec how the || others are Tw very well, thane ! Gut you aren't seriously trying Fo wake mc believe we're on the way to the Moon, are [[ earths to Moon-Rocket You are now 2,500 the Earkh! || wiles Frow the Earth Two thousand Five hundred miles From Do you realise what an extraordinary adventure this is for us? +12 unbeliovable!...I makes one's Wall, my head's nat spin sing, anyway! Thi whale thing is nothing but | hhocus-pocus and jiagery- | pokery! You'ne just acting She... fmean... You're trying to pull my leg | $0 you doubt my word,ch? Well, youcowe up wit me. Golly |... Look over there ! Dh, so here you all are. | | Where in heavens name || | The time?... [Fe two o'clock Whatever happened? || | have you sprung from? || | inthe morning! IAaeared aiake’ | From the hold, We decided to imepect the rocket before it goes, What's the Good... and Ehelannch- ing is ot Por 1.342 5 we've plenty of Ptlenty of tiwe! poor] | Ha! bat hal That's a [ Eanch te moon- Rocket |) { Thic..this isa joke, ie i! ] Friends, the rocket left good one! Always ready |! |} ... You are now $,000 ao You're just trying ko Fright the Earth half an pour || | Feralaugh, Protecsort || Wiles fromthe Eares in wet The lavuching really ‘ago, Weare on our way || | _-——____}! ll vour velocity is 6-9 || was fixed for 1-34! be the Moon! X(t Rapricise Ha! {miles per second. Ny 2 L3tamt..Nor 134] fim’. Great Scoblamd Moon-Rocket to Earth. We so You hear that, you bronto- } have sensational news: the problem! We assessed our || [| saurus? All this because Yard! We thought it was|| | two Thompsons are on board.| || oxygen supplies for four | |] at your age you don't know Ladin the afternoon! || J They decided to spend thewiht I || people; now wehave six on | || the difference between intherscket, inking the lun- J || board, net counting Snowy. || || 13420. and 1.34 pan.! ching was at 34intheatternen.) |] Will our oxygen [ast out $ a is ‘ Oh es YON | Blistering barnacies! When I think that | was st forbidden to emake one single little pipe ow the ] eh Net ant pretext of saving oxygen Che very samme onygon , ss] Be | poup and take You two come here and gulp down'...Aud stop 9! Come and look! Snivelling like that: you're making. carbon me and look | dioxide... Thundering typhoons, goodness knows why I don't chuck you overboard, without any wore ado ing ssclves off... have one: Tua you'd Bibter w sagnin till Tall you 7] Kourage, Haddock! On to Ghapher Two! Blistering bar nnacles, what's thematten? Something'* Wap pened: Snomy docsn's usually walk upside down like that. Look what yeu've done, you idiot You've steppea the nuclear wotor. The constant acceleration of our rocket erated ‘sort of artificial gravity here inside... ‘Ws oS || This allowed us to move abcut That's why we're Floating Please, freFexsor, not m physics Wait.aoJIl try to get ro the as we do on the ground... When the motor lecture now!... We must start the tontrols.. stops, we no longer Feel the ePFecte of gravity | | motor again! Ein the cabin ike this IFT touch you, Showy, youre it! Vey-y-yom see, my dear wnenbisky! V.y-ye, | | Watch out !...1'm going to restart the youve Eturned yourself intoab-b-ball, but fm} |] nuclear metor!... Hang on! Apepretty little b-b-bird ! Tweot-Ewect!, .. Carry‘on... We're hold: ing tight alide on my back! Thoth - this is F- Fun! Earth to Meon-Rocket HH! Moon-Rocket te Earth... One of the two detectives accidentally} J To be onthe sate side I'm What's going ont T || closed tne motor throttle... But we've just starked her up again. | Yissuing overyone mith | magnetic-soled boots... thenucesr motor’ | TES funny, we weld on | Yes, but vey tes Wet ot Sy ooo 7 ee oe The Profescor's right. If the wuclear motor’ stops again for any reason , these soles will hold ué doww to the cabin Floor, Then we shan't Flort about [ike balloons, [bei ening hr Ad Who's Adonis? A Friend of yours liv- ing near here? The asteroid Adonis is a dwarf planet: There, that’s that... But how Ao which orbits between Mars and Jupiter, || || You account For one pair left over? It isa rock-like mass, avout a mile in || || ..Has someone nct put on his boots? diameter...Take my place aud watcls, while { put on my boots... but For goodness sake don't Eouck anything! H Hello, Snowy boy, sx f) Did vou get very j bumped about? 3p ere youare: Tintin! Fovly Tk Find the Captain... rere tne tap.) {Great enaxect ire | [{ Gooness! How lucky) RRRFIN, infuccdsHelle, what's that picce || |] fantastic!...He’s we put these boots on | Aber ‘Ss ‘of paper, there on the table? gone out of his mind! The motor's stopped aki IG Quick the Profesor | | again... What's must see this... the matbor trie Dy Miron cee, Tintin? It’s beoun again! | Here's the ansner!.. Read this mate f just Found onthe table, on the deck below. ‘Moon-Rocket to Earth Fer sowe unkwows reason the cuter door has just opened. The tnudear yactor stopped automaticaly. Cw going to see why, I |) wae he who. ‘Moon-Rocket to Earth...The Captain has suddenly taken it Tintin has gone out into his head to jump out of the rocket ag well, 19 try and help him Hello, Professor... Tintis calling Tecan see the Captain. He's Feat- |) ing about ten yards From the rocket, going ak the same speed a5 ourselves, I'll doall { possibly can to get him back on board. OF course Fe-e-can hear yon... Can you hear wim-me 1... Tweek-trert,. Tweet-tweet...Tou see: Y've turned into alittle cnatPinch Poor Captain'...Now Tse: he's being pulled into orbit by Adonis\... He's loet! But it ie!... He's getting further away From the rocket! “in fed up with your rotten rocket! I'm going home te Marlinspike.”” Signed : Haddock ~- Goodness gracious, then it Has he gone mad? Mad? No, f think he's just soaked hnimselF in whisky. Inany ease, we aust [ook for him. TF you agree, put on my space-suit and gout yseltees Hello Captain! Helio! you hear me Me b-b-back on b-b-board your bensely Flying cigar? N-n-never in my life! I'm off h-h-home to Marlin f oike Cu doy ® Se If fut crumbs, 6 s it can't be trac i Hello Professor Calculus...Tintin ‘alling...The Captain's eetting Furthor ‘and (urther away...attracted by Adonis. Net so Fast! I have a plan: you raise the vetnactable ladder at aa ance, so that I can anchor myself EF OF course...We must in- | securely. Then, start up Ele moto gently a first, bat getting Faster fell Chev Adonic has a and Faster... new satellite by thename || seer But what are — yeu hoping todo? Getting Further away? Real an That's owly to be ex: RON pected...He's become ES To get dose svough to the Captain to threw Its aheer madness ! Tintin here... I'm securely anchored. hima 5 But {admire you for want] | You can staré the motor... ing to try... 1'l naige the Fale aboard : retractable ladder as you sotot 9 said, and wait For your Allright..1... Tintin, 3 . Tintin calling...) got a terrific ite Eerribiy risky... ‘ jolt but | managed But, good luck, any- You are right on way Skeady now: Fn starking the motor... Yes, [ can sce the Cap- tain... |'ll close up to him. But For goodress’ sake be avick. As sn as Hhe motor ctops Adswic will I'll do my best. Steady now! Stand ty to cut the motor! Help! I've lost my own foothold! Lucky fm anchored ! Grambs!. What a jerk!... fonly the rope doesnt break! ‘And we have put a safe distance between ‘ourselves and Adonis! Now L'il stop the wotor again... We're just Floating Freely once more: Billions of blue blistering barnacloe! Will you let g0sk mel Hello, Tintin hen O.K. The rope held! Now then, don't let's waste Fie... Hurny upand get back en board! n Wew-w-ihat A'you think you re doing, cht nu quite old enough to d-d-do as Tike! I wewant bo ge home, 60 thert!| lve had enough of this cake-walk, Wit Whisky rolling upina ball. We'll all end up smacited in iste pieves! Bo quiet! Do you realise that all your tomfoolery has nearly cost us our lives... Now we've had eneugh!... Get back inside at once! see And try bo behave yoursel? preperly!... D'yeu understand ? Now, come along And if catch you Arinking again, tM lapyeu in irons for the restofthe Moon: wocest to Eartia, Tintin and the Captain are safe ard sound 5 they've just come back inside... Were re~ starting the wotor. Uma miserable wretch Thad a drink... ES unpardonable... berribly sorry. But there's na doubt about it this is hair! \ Yes, another attac ble they developed | attr eating tncee strange pile in the heabiam desert. =. They've Faken some medicine; we must wait bil Thay always have o make themselves conspicuons, selly- Fishes You poor Fallews!... Are you in much paint f Svowy, tet 90!... No?.. Then just you wait! Fetch a pair of scissors! you. But First let's yo below; easier down there Right... We're waiting for ‘your instructions. So mow we're going toturn round... What's Chis latest acrobatic! Why vot loop tihe-loop, or doa rol, or 90 into a spin, thundering typhoons 7! SAR £0108 a radar sig- WY nals warning that a large meteorite is heading Wai, 7 g 4 6 owrae us splint you. BEEP, BEEP bee, | Now we shall sce whether or not the automatic system I installed works | Oh, that’s simple. The automatic system is controlted by the radar. IF everything gees az | hope, then Be equipment rsponds fo the radars divoctiow signals, and prevents a properly. ‘vd Wow will you know iF it works ¢ But dow't worry! We'll soom know! Not only that! Far more serious!,..f ean tell you How : iF ry theories liadn't worked out, 1'4 have had te begin all my ealculations over again. And when anyone asks ie lazer o your job in the rocket #” I'll say, the hairdresser!" A wop like this docen't need ‘A pair of scissors to cat ~i weeds praning- shears, ten thousand ‘thundering typhoons, ora lawn- mower! Whew! There's one cropped! Next gentleman, Go onlaugh! Langh!...1F Bese Mia be Hi Highness Wo eatio- ied t you imagine you look more Friend, yeu've got another Ehink coming! dignified than your esteemed [And nome of this would have happened, thundering typhoons, if yow'd been able fo tell the blistering dif- as 1 can cut it, and .. Ssht... Earth's falling us faipooe ta Frefessor, we simply must do}! | Earth to Moon-Recket...You | I didw't get a chance to Feofesson! | something For the Thompsons || | wave three wsinutes bo 40 tell yeu about thi man - | «-. Their hair grows as fast || | before the tarming operation. | | ceavre...what do you think will happen i we 90 on heading for the Moon, with dur rocket pointing directly at it? We shall ond up by JDK arviving, Lsuppoce_| OF course, but like a missile, Travelling 45 we are, at such svervife epeed, we mula | Males! Toby able to reathe rash on the Moom, and that || | 2s ood ar, instead of air woud be the end of usa abr ob abi add be ool Te that really what you wane? |) |? Pings. That'al J want Good! Now, what do wedo to prevent ourselves crash- ig om the Meon?... Quite simply, we burs cur rocket completely round, nose to Fail, Todo this, First we cub out Ele main motor, and stant up an engine giv= ing divectional thrust... Ovee the racket has turvied round, the exhaust From Cur nadear motor will brake our descent. IF all gees well, his will allow us to land quite gently on the Moon... You Follow me? .. Iu Face. if Lunderctand you correctly, it tae same procedure as for launching, but exact Iy the other way rownde you want to start Flapping about” like a butterfly when the motor stops, hurey tog betore stop ping the main motor. Got ready, everyhody,..And Captain, unless) |[ Ob Columbue! And ym baots are down below !. Quick, THI put Baoan 6 Ten seconds to go 6h $6005 1 sy, Canta! Did you have ime te 900 your Just... 've only got bo do thom up... boots ont Earth t» Moon-Recket.., Stand Four... three... Ee... one. ZERO. Stand by Fostart sp the main motor | ...Ten seconde togo “Well, carry on, my Friends! Happy Meon- landing! Ha! ha! ha! don't understand. I say, boce, do you really think they'll land on the Moon = Sh! Top secret! You'll see later...Ai, there's their radio coming in Hal hat Tm hoping 0! ».- Bue whether they'll ever come ack, that's ansther story ! Moon- Rocket te Earth... Right ! We're just going to have a meal wow. Then we'll prepare for the Moon landing. Earth toMoon- Recket...You have only 31,000 miles te go... In 40 minutes’ tine you should set the automatic pilot to Land on Ehe ‘Moon at the selected place... Earth to Moon-Rocket... This is your pre~ sent situation...You have another $8,000 miles to go.» Youare on the estimated course. ware gradually slowing down. Yes, my Friends. If all goes well, iw half an hhont's. tine our rockst will come te rest ‘an the Moow, on the spot [ have chosen — Alinost beside Ehe Sea oF Nectar... Thank you, Tinti The seaside’... Why, that's wonderFul. ve TES ages since we went to the seaside, ien't it, Thompeon? TE jolly well ie. H there was a seaside resort on the \\|_ Woon... Did you know tha, Captain £ P oF court. Every bod vl even heard that Be he ey need two Sunch-and-ludy wen on the pier. You'd Fit the job perfectly. ARF “Lunar suas" was the ancient name for the dark patches astronomers | | caw on the Moon. We still use the names, like the Sea of Neckar and | the Ocean of Storms. Sut you won't Find a drop of water any- where there. knows! The Moon is covered with high-walled Ae- pressions called craters. About 90,000 have been counted. Some art onlyafew hundred yor auroesOthers ike Baily, measure SOviles.. voleances. We'll have to take the rocket doesn’e Fall into 90 miles across. Don't worrys most lunar caters aren'E live volcanoes. Just the name given to them Asa matter of fact, we are } doing Eo land inside the crater } Hipparchus, whieh ie about No! no! a thousand tivice wo! ... it's Tin wot letting that pass! What on earth's the matter No! yon great oaf ! You're back to Front! You mean... we've insulked this man and we owe him an apology? Yes, you sir! Did you r did you vor {29 Chat they weed two Panch-and Judy wen onthe pier, and ws'd de per- Feely tor tne Jebt.. Iow't that in- paltuguct Guite right l.Tils man hae apclogisd tous, and we dowand an aout al Penal ON Ae This... thie man hag in- [ ves, nat’ aurignt | | my friends! Cam down, please! cauite allright. ||) Are the First men to land on the They dow'é need two Punchand-sudy Win 2800 Allright: | take back what { said. They don't weed two Panch-and-Judy wen on Ele pier: 40 you canit have tne Job... Does that satis~ fy yout Tobe precise. we |p tertainly Some can't have the job. 1s simple, i Let we not forget that we are in mortal peril! Evaryove to his bunk?... But } | Your place is at the radio: you | We must keep our honds...Lctus be Friends... || | Professor, thereare six of us, | || must keep in touch with the || and restonin our tempers... Cue gentlemen, 4nd only four bunks. .Natar- J | Earth Foras long as possible. 11 twas TE up new... Then everyone must go ally Tcangive up wine toont | | lock after these two. to his bunk. ‘oar Friends here, but... SE Cartainly noe! Bi It's time 1 went tonelp WoIP® make Final prepare ations forthe Moon-landing.| Sleepy or not, Leay you're te lle down! That's an order, d'you hear ?. .. An order | spread them out on the Floor peel Aen. Stand by... You are EB only 3,250 vailes from Te's kind of you, bur wearen't sleepy. Moon- Rocket to Earth. .. Right += We ats making Final pre I]pérations... The Frofessor is Blistoring barnacles! You don't have to sleep, you prise purple jelly-Fishes! You were cold to ie down. That's all $0 juinp tole! | ‘Amather seven points East, ...No, that’ too much... One point West, Wolff. There, stk! The recket is now heading eight for the centre of the. crater Hipparchus. wing to lie down like to! ... Bue my colleague and | don't sleep in our clothes. [And arta move on, you dunder-headed Etvalradst a TF the Professor catches you still arcund hell probably maroon you ow an empty planet... }) || Tasks good. J Look, here he comes wow. B | You muct come seb towards the middle of the crater Hippnrchus, Were all ying on our bunks, waiting, (Moon -Rackek to Earth .The nuclear motor us just stopped, | and the auxiliary ‘rg hastaken ove. Maow-Rocket to Earth, ,,Tintin calling...We are begin= ting to Fsel the effects of slackewing speed. The ike ering Sakon by [Werte being crushea “my head. il. barse! slight vibrations... We are into oun bunks... by My eyes... tims Iyiny Plat on our banks..1ts an intolerable...weght Aneffort to make the least can't Move HOW... The Profescor.. blacked Out Ds. athinke-s ve T Ehink {_Woo wo wowow Something must be wrovg...We've been calling thom for more than half an howe, and still ne answer Try again. Moon: Rocket to Earth... Noon- Rocket to Earth... Receiving you loud and clear... G, is cuthbert Calelus speaking to you From the Moow!!...Succese!. Suc~ cess!!...We're all anfc and sound... We | Couldn't get through to you beFore: the radio was damaged. [t wust have been | the vibrations that shook the recket... | Helle Earth... Did you got that? Now we are geiug todisernvark from the pocket... The honour has fallen to the youngest amono us: we have chosen Tintin to be the First human Feing to set Foot on the Moon... He's just gone down Eo put on his equipment, He'll give you a direct account of his First: impressions, 20 1'll hand Tver... 186 aothing: dow} Meseage ceccived weery...You cau hear. .€t But it sounds as if the vibrations haven't shopped yok: we can hear strange rambling weises Captain Haddock Tes a solemn moment ...The speaking... Pressure |] || outside door is swinging zero.. Retractable lad-\| || slowly on its hinges ANA «+ der in pesiton.. This is Tintin speaking. I've Just put on my space-suit and ‘am now standing in the air- Teck. They're just going tore duce’ the pressure to avacuum Inside here, Captain Haddock ig ih charge. Um waiting for his Final instructions. Its. a nightmare Inud) a place of death, Horrifying ix ibs desolation vs Not a tree, Hot a Flower, not a blade of grass. .. Notabird, nota sound, not adoud. In the inky black sky there are thousands of stars. . «but they are motionless, Frozen; they don't twinkle in the way that tna them lok so alive tous on Now Lim descending the ladder which Ont Fe mare rams 1 rans down the side of the rocket. y nee...Now '}) = areas - But already I'm not alone... There's the Captain coming te join me Hat ha! ha! You see, Captain! On the Moon] [| There! Loolcat the Earth!... Our good old gravity is actually six times less than Earth. TE looks four times bigger than the on the Earth. Moon docs, when we seeit at home Let's hope we'll be able to got back there one day! Hello Tintin... Here's Anyway, Um not sorry to have a Swowy coming to join E chance to streteh my lege! you, I'll Follow him WOORAAK ! Just imagine, walk) ly along on the Moon! lus isan incredible Fell What happened... Was Goent énakes!...Look there! ‘A meteoritel Look, a meteor that an garthquake = ite! Ith just fallenon the Tandering tpi } exact spat where we were ‘A Mocon-quake, more ee eal ard exploded! likely, but... Exploded? But [ didn't ene « eound | Anyray, if those tycoons on ‘Ait, belle my Friends !onoThis & in the lunar development corpor. | | credibie!... It's fantastic!... We're ation imagine that baie cort | | ontke Moon! D'you reatice that? the Earth, the Friction of the atmosphere of welcome will attract tour- would have made it white hot. Sait would ff ists to the Noon, tiney'll have | have disintegrated betore reaching the bo think again. ground, making what we generally call A"shooting star Exactly, blistering barnaclee! But this few't my occupation! Thandering typhoons, T'ima calor! And on boend ship, at east you J don't run therisk of bits of oly Paling down all over the place, every time you bak an cyelia! Dust take a look there!... A little | | On, s0 you think that's marvel- Bit closer, aud you'd have been — | lous, do you! When wed have able totirowamay our return tickets! | | boon as Flat as pancalcce! What do you expect ® [k's an occupational Z Maybe!... Buk just try coming to the Moon by boat! Z j Stil that's ot the point. We must F But 1 wonder what he's waiting Br] 1 Good weavens, what's hap-| et towork, Cowie along and snloed Hello, Wolff... thie ie Calculus cal-| W pening *---The tedder...THe the cargo. We must start at onci (Z| ling. Can you hoar me,Wotkf?... Hello? | | door... captain, look! Wolff har already ot everything prepared, rae, The ladder's roteacted!...The door ie shut |... What in the world does this Welle, WoIPF, hello? Blatering | [ Hello? Hallo ?,..Ah, barnaces, what are you play- | i there's the lad ing at up there? Hello, hello! | again. And the door s-:Hello Walf2 Thundering hus been reopened. typhoons, are you going to sarewer we wean i + Just a mis= certainly gave us a fright, Wolf] ink Wasn't Kainking sn We thought fora moment that the | racket was suddenly going to talce || oPF and return to Earth, leaving us stuck here in this delightful place! Tm terribly sore: take... Se stupid Newer mind, forget about it |... Now WIFE, we're going to discharge the cary. The Captain's coming upte elp You get the crates out of the holds. Tintin and 1 will stay down here Le quite a simple job. Eack Moon: Rochat to conte is bound with steel wires Fatty, « Calcilus cennacted to. central ring. You | calling.-We've jisé J only have to slip the ring over bean discharging the hook om the pulley-block. thecargo, Everything | f iegeing very smocthy. Young wan, would you Bekivd enough ) toexplain the meaning of Chis ridicue | lous prank? [Fits oF pve victorin var: wacles! J'd thank Tintin if T ‘The wires have parted. Just look there s iy Ve beow worn through by friction . Tt must have been caused by the vibrations to the rocker towards the end of the journey. And how! [ll make doubly sure ! Wecertainly had a Bit of luck! Shall Wwe carry on, Cap= ain? But bhis ime be sure to check the wires. Don't worry, Wolf; | Bobbi nly tine, And perhars | Fy : oon Rocket to Waals aistet ce | Earth. Wevejust and lie down, In ome back on board Fact, welll all follow ff f2r4 bit of a rest. ait, Meanwhile the twe detectives have gone out ko havea buen atexploring. Imagine! Here we are, strolling on Ehe surface of the Moon, where the hand oF ‘man as hever set Foot! thought L was going be faint. Perhaps it's my heart... [ sefBtl go: { eal better laiready For goodness” sake be careful! Ti garseetar TTP amar fat heorting jong too! [lve Wad an iden. Hold wy } hand. We're going to dance a little ballet! up A baler’... Alright, | 2 iP you want fo. | Dal eat ae ig a 5 i a] x aS | eee ' posing people saw us! Fea . aay og You talk asif we were ina busy streec... BME there arch't any people on the Moon, my poor friend! Aud how do they know. there's ne one here if no one's ever been? Well? Foatsteps!,.. There's someone else besides us on the Moon! Footsteps? But great cunspots, Buyire obviously Footsteps [aa ade by one oF us. Great Scotland Yara! Hove we been ing found in circles, Following our wn Eracks—As in the desert? Deinitely wot! Because there are two sets of tracks, and wilte alone! You ste? ... What did J tell you claseby yourselves, you Bashi- ‘et a wove on! You've only enough onyatn for another half-hour, anyway. is Thomp- | son. with a 'p'azin Percival -Cilealus speaking. Weare receiving yow.|p They cant be made by ONE of us: Footsteps! -Youke alone all riaht...ina |) | a Thompson calling...We've made a al, a'you hear? Liston te are people on the Moon | Then they're Footsteps made by two ofus, nitwit!... Lespece yen've gone hack en your tracks, ind those are yonr own Foot marke tz ight, all right, we're coming... ce you despise aur scientific con- tributions... Those | fotsteps they sam... What if there are | other micn on tt Moow ? "you think Hable absslately ivmpossible ? [ Perhaps it sily, but I wonder F Impossible ¢... Theoretically, no. If wwe were able to get here, then others could too, But as Far as U'm concerned, Tin certain weare the first and the only people~ te land ow the Moon They otn say what they Wika in there, We'll see who's right in the end Vee, yes. f Patience! oT fue mipuled lar, Gentlemen, eur plan was bo stay on the Moon Fer awhele lunar day- that’s equivalent to Fourteen terrestrial days. But our oxygen eupplies were intended For Four people ave one dog, and not for six people, which is eur present’ number. So we shail have o restrict eur stay to six days ‘Moow to Earth... Calculus calling ical ingtraments and cameras arc cendy for se, Weare beginning our observational work. We must Hacrefere hasten ourwork, While WelfP and I set upour obser- ational inctrumente, Tintin and the Captain will unload the components of our recemnaissance tank and assemble it. [s that agreed? Right then, gentlemen, let's get towork! EXTRACT FROM THE L0G BOOK 4Y PROFESSOR CALCULUS Tel fuk ~ DS he FMT), delat ofp mei Dib and S base ir fo ital te Gade, sth ab 1200 fs Maddock cu re hr hopin acting (he wink, debe frre 2930 bt, Guaralions ‘onbinod at 460 be (2 7) Coben Ge 1. Wawdkrile re wo one, “ (Observe away, my weit, | [friends You do tha! ‘EXTRACT FROM THE LOG 800K BY PROFESSOR CALCULUS Your discoveries will be vastly interesting TOUS! Ha! hal Moon to Earth... Calculus calling...The tank is ready. We're going to make” the First Erials Tintin will bein charge, He's just enter- ing the turret He has just secured the hatch: Now they are Filling the insulated cabin with sir, When this is done they can remove thelr space- suite then Tintin will Fake the controts and the Captain will act as look: swili every Pt, there's Tintin's head showing trough Ye multiplex cockpit cover, He's ng at me and signalling that thing's in order. Bed thence the Captains Tike Tine oy he's signalling to us that all's well Hels wearing his head-phones and ..- Hello, Haddock calling...Ready For departure... Helle there, Tintin, weigh the anchor! Billions of blue blistering bar- "but don’t you think B've learnt a lot H nacles, Tintin! Couldn't sou cast already ¢ oF mone sooty! Tim sorry, [e's the First time Sve driven this sort of mackine... Mey, Tint This ea tank you's driving Wick a thundering motor- scooter onthe Moon, you know, wat ima Fun- I Fain! Tm doing my best, but. sake! Sc0p!".. This ie ghastly! My microphone's bust... Tintin can't hear me t J You wow’ catch me bring a regular pas- enger in your bistering taxi! ahi Fcrambs' That wasa near thing! A few more inches ¥ [ Blistering barnacles, it's a were oeiantisee dnd weld have plunged into that chacinat I | detail that I cracked my hone ‘gninst that cover again!... But weve had enough! We're gaing howe! We | know How that the Eank goes well... Aud that crash helmets are indis poneablo! Tagroe. 1 re- verse, and we'll go Gy back to Base. 0h, fast 1840 bart (5 ML.I.) Dia a ay dat soll go awn, tn ee ameadl of Seine. Me tawe suscses tbe dae of chs toe Si sot Mca ad fring rasthy de dinid of the otae apelin to. the ule tiatee. de doweago, at 1235 , Mel, dhe Caplain, Jenkin dnd Guay set off on a reennacsiome dp ty Ge leak, ee) pot! Tin positively melting! | exraacr Faom tHe Lee BooK | sr pkoressox caccucus [ Whew! {t's hot under tis lower ] Teay!... What's that T _|san see over there? ‘Ah... 1e' much better without the helmet and wierophone,and | It look like the en- trance to acave a ae It remains to be seen where it lends to. Come on. I'liswitca on vay lamp. Stalagmites and stalactites Thie proves that at some pe there was water en the Moon. Hello, Wol7E,..You're quite right. Its That's just what J Ehowsht, i Wold better have aclocer ook || | definitely theentrance te a cave. ight. I'll goncross Are. you coming too, ug barmacles! I've done goed many things in my time...bat never Innar spelacotogy t Snowy, Snowy, don't go far ahead. Be Careful, and stay close tous, He docen't seem to realise that {'m grown up! Howestiy! What docs ho kake me for? Granny little lap-dog? Great TA crevacee He must have fallen in! Us, —— ———— The crevasse vende cnartly Quickly, Captain! Undo your rope [ caw ste far. Snowy and secure it koa rock. Yes, yes. wo must do all we cau to try and save poor Snow). Hurey! Tie mean abso utely Firm kuot. There... But it's sheer madness... But you aren't really going to. | For heavew's sake, Tintin, be } careful ! You kwow what itl mean it__you smash your ‘oxygen pipe. Tintin, be sensible: come back! ‘Tts quite useless, You don't really imagine hhe could have euevived afall like that? You muet come back! No, I'm going on, Perhaps hesonty hurt. Al! I'm ctanding en a sort Gf ledge... Snowy! Snowy! ‘Oh! The rope is too short ive come to the oud 1 can't godown any further. You see, you donkey! Blistorvg Captain... Captain...t brink || You're ermay! Tintin, Birnacles: comionay! = T baw sowuthing move.lm | | don't do that! letting 98 othe rope. cant fu far bo Fhe bottom You're right. Pl come up. Showy... Snowy! in. You seo? What , Cap | Snowy! He's safe and sound. did £ tell But his radio's smashed. Hello, Captain...\ntie the rope ‘and letit down as Par 4s possible... when | manage Fo reach it {'ll bic Snowy on, and you can pull him up. ve Then I'll follow. Hello Tintin...[ve se Tin almost at. ‘cared a heavy stone to the end. Can theend of the rope. Tia letting it down alle Tintin, ..Thate it... Smowy is saFe now, All right, oi ay ning to act difficult Eo breathe, sowmehow aot sherter | Jer than te was just wow. Font T can't feck the weight of the stone any long- off, or else it's wedged somewhere. Quick, start Te must have come | [Wott here... tit no sign. [F's more than halPan hour since they went into thecave. fw beginning to wonder if Al, there they are Heavens! Tintin's stag- 4ering he looks pretty arogay. The Captain's almost carrying him Hello, Gartain, i¢ he Maré? Tank calling Base, The Captain ‘and Tiutin are back on board The Captain's taken over com mand as Tintin is completely Tank calling Base. We're leaving now. Goodbye! |) No. But he's just about reached the oud of hie Fetker, peor 1a. Saved | My Friends, they're saved | The tank (s back, but 1s going OFF at ONCE: Hl This time the Captain, Thomson and Thompson, and myself will be on board. ur trip will last about forty-eight haurs. Cur aiut is te do a more carePul survey of the caves discovered by Contin they may canta rich deposits of uranium, or radian. Moon-focket calling... Tintin Were. Goed fuck ‘And good hunting! .. And dow't leave us alone for too tong! Calewlus here We'll be back iw forty-eight hours, | but something cells me it would fe wiser to tuen back! Anal E have a feal- ing Uk Operation Ulysses is entering adecisive phase. ‘We're going Fo have some Fun! Don't worry, Tintin. soon. Tm going to 0h our space suits Goodbye! Goodbye... See you start mending the radios Goodbye, Tintin!... Goodbye, WolFF! ri ioww to the stores boFind cowe- Tt dc thing For > time for a meal All we weed. = hart. 16 Found If only it were a Bl | tin oF bones! ee Certainly wot. Th wy turn bo go. Oh, al right. shank you. 1 very kind ba) oF you. 4 You'll see the box right in Front of you as you 40 in. DO) Good. He's going down! 16s too late fo do.any- thing!... Now he's at the tottom... He's going inte the hold. AW Aha, my young Friend, You never lexpected that one Ay olowel Jorgen would omens far fs the Moon for his revenge, dit you? ra | WoIFF! Hi, Wolff! Ive done it, You eau come.. Good heavens... haven't. after all ara? No, no, don't worry, I've jut. ut him to sleep! Ad nob, Wolf, lack we go to Earth. ree Without waiting For te others - of course! Tell me: how soon canthe at be ready Far take-off Tut -tut! Cut owt the Fine words, my dear Wolff! And cut aut the woble sentiments, Eco! Were leaving, and that's that! What?.. What do you meant Without waiting for the others? No, we can't do that... Marooning them on Ee Meon will condemn the to a hideous deat. tt would be au atrocious crime! No! Urefise toda it! T won't be a party to such a monstrous a | My dear Wo, listen tome! Supposing we wait for the others to cowe back, and overpower them one by one as they leave Ehe airlock. Right... Then, we sek off For the Larch with our prisowers. .. But the oxygen =. What about the oxygen, ch | wore? Helle, Tintin. Tank, calling... What's all tuat ff) «er hullabaloo ? Supplies were provided for four people: we are seven. Sot It's too essy : we'll all be dead be fore the end of the journey, Te that what you want... Well! Answerme! .. Good. Now yeu're seeing sense!... | Gomme with me, We ligoupand | prepare for departure. | Hello, WoIFF here... 1 Tintin went below ‘and Suemy, you see Snowy wanted to low him. But i's It's wothing, | Why... What are you doing? How 4H that poor animal do you any arm £ Yeunever can us later on. This wretched mongrel could make trouble for tell, Wet So thakS that! Aud now, my Friend, You're going to cook we auice hob weal, For elaht days I've bean living om dry caudwickee, and Wve had enough oP them! get moving... And don't waste any time Then we set of f For the Ear Ha! ha! Wal Sa lke to see their Faces when Ehey Find the rodt’s gone... Ina minute, Nok long now. Fmas huvgry lion! We've had a breakdown. The wotor bacteries are Flat, A chort-circu necting tie swall emergency ES ] Hello! Tank calling Base! batteries, se that we can J) 9 back to Base. By Lucifer! They're coming back! We must take oF? immediately! Leave your pots and pas, Wel, Were \ fe L/D yA I | At once? It's inmpossible, The wotor has to be prepared For at least half an hour. Fool | Couldn't yon have remem bred that Sooner? Well, hurry ! What are yon waiting for ? Crumbs, what am | doing here?...And Oooh my head!... But what... we tied ces What's happened to me? ee I don't understand at all Tae Why, whats that hun ming noise? Good veavens | 18s the motor... But then. hen... the cocket's going | to take off... But where are the others? Prigonere like myself? Gut some to think oF it... foor devils! They went off in the tank... Are they going bo be eft cn the Moon? WolFF! Wolff! HELPE Tank calling Base... We've returning at reduced J] s#eed. We can 22¢ the rocket...Can you hear me... Auswor pleas Another quarter of ay hour, This is Tank calling RR Moon Rocket... Art Fe] you receiving mot How odd. The ladder has retracted. Aud the door jf is closed. What cay be | rhe meaning of that! Well WoiFF? Can we go? Te will take tev minutes. If [ press ftom, we shan't. Exke off. You have to wait till the red light goes ow in the contre of the pandl. Tawk calling Mogn-Rocket. Welre early howe. Let down the ladder and open the doors. Hella, Moon Rocket... [T teliyeu, theres come thing Fishy going on in- side that thundering rocket ! Nearly... only another three winukes. Moan-Racket! What are att Answer No, thank goodness Irs still upright! += Buk what lunatic: suddeuly decided to set off the launch ing mechanism? NZ] id it! We're back on Fhe ground. What's hap- pened, Wolff = eg \ ihe \ Great sanspors! The rockets} JoPF balance... Tt's cway- ing -+. 18's going bo Fall on fits siaes Where's the prize wincompeop who pulled this half-witted stunt! Blistering barnacles, Ive opt athing or Ewo Eo say to G rige normally ... ba simply stopped. Ther ail the engine 2's norensen at Mh, it just occurs to me, WolfP... You and your conscientious cerwples..» TF geet, | swear you'll pay Me Acarly for it! gyi 701968 the launching ‘Me? Sabotages How could { have dong? W-what are you doing? ND! Listen to me, Wolff. ['ll count up toten, IP we're not safely on our way by the time get to ten, I'l put « bullet rough your brains! H ditt up | Hello, Tintin... WOIFE Come on, why don't yeu answer 4 Thundering Eyphoons, epen Four five... ele... Ana ten! The rocket’s not woved . You asked For it, WolfF! {Ul Fire... AAAAHHE TINTIN ! Yes, wel...Did |] 1e'sa.small world, isnt ic, colonel knocked before £ came in. Now get tip, beth oF you, and pitup your hands! Sinserry the culpr By the way, you Histure you! {do || } Boris?... Youhavew't changed much since |} || accused poor Wolf? | bea yur pardon, 1 |) | the days when yau platted against your | | of having sotaged really chould have waster, the King oF Syldavia . the launching dear. illusion you: 1 was ts dis it Billions of bine blis- tering barvacles! Where 4id thie jack pudding came From? OFF tte Moon? I to the treachery of our} || wan is so anxious tov friend WolFf, Will you acquaintance get busy tying them up, I| While we're waiting For |) |) Who are you, cir? And the others * whet are yeu doing here? No,ont of the hold, where || }| Al, there yew are at last, Professor |] So you prevented me ine was hiding-Enanks || || Calculus. Po come in, Thisgentle~ || From smoking my poor ke your litble pipe, WOIFF, just to let this Ehundering Bashi-Bazouk have his ration of oxygen ? You way 45 well krow at once that it's awacte of tine || questioning me. lm not tatking! You'd better inter= rogate WlfF; he'll be enly too happy tospill the beans, | the weod--louse! | this? What's going on alla misunderstarding, isn elles, Hela sau I cant make it ont. In heave nama, Wolfe, whake Khe caning of eit... Come along, WOIFF, es Owick quick! Tthink Swowy's Jeg is brok - Iw afraid you're right. 1 saw hin lying unconscious 4 few minutes ago. Bat there wasother ursent work tobedone, I'll earry [snes rorhe cabin, You hear that, you unfeeling monsters?... | Vivisectioniste!..Torturers!.anntais! Anyway, who says that his leg'e broken? Wait a min- tute; Tim going to have a look at it For myself. Now then, Snowy bey. Captain Haddeck'e going to examine you... There... let's see your paw Does that hurt? No, wot ‘Ab ily ch? Ihave | fay with animals Ite owe of may There we are, Snowy. ‘strong points. But 1 || |] Few days rest, and you! wonder if it weulda't || || be Fine. pi be better... rd Now then, back to these gentlemen. We're waiting for ‘your explanation, Wolff Three years ago [ was working in occured Bling. Gaid le knew my situation, aud WAS America at the rocket proving ground ‘at White Sands. Nove of this wowld have 'd nok had a passion for gam got into debt..Then one day, in New York, a man appronched we. He ready to settle my debts inexchange for AlitEle harmless information ae ¢ hes © “a abeWe the nuclear research [was engaged on. Gut litle by little he put pressure on we to reveal veal secrets, Ar First, I refused . But my creditors. were hounding we. I mas trapped .. finaly I gave ins: Rany that what Thad become, But one day J rebelled. 1 wanted to become an honest man again, and I fled to Europe... In the end { came to Syldavia, where U heard they were building an atomic centro. 1 got « job there. or) ASTOR When yewarrived in Spredj | was happy, and hid forgetton the whole business. Then ove day | received a tmsceage, They had picked up my trails they ordered me to Furnish them with complete details of the experimental rocket we were just Finishing. Other wise my past would be revealed. Heart- it was you who betrayed All the plans, and all the radiow control data! Then it was you Whonearly stove my head in, too, when Lwas lying in wait iw the covnidor at the Centres Wel, you'll pay for that all right! One moment, Captain. We too havea que toask the prisoner. ae \] Abe WN Wolt?? Was that you? (Yes, skeleton, were you the WOIFF Come on, answer up ! What about the skeleton, a] Blistering barnacles, this ic a |] || Well, thanks toTintin, yourenewies didn’t suce SERIOUS interrogation! Tn other |] |) ceed in captaring the trial rocket: you blew it up words, anacoluthous, yeu keep out in ligne, But they believed tnt it was [ who be- oF i trayed them, and they threatened bo killwe. Then they learned that this rocket was under construc: tion, and they gave me Fresh orders... One of the crates coming from Oberkdchen would I | seeatesann eeautaipen uataiee Sy MWSel en ‘AM right, WolFF. My part would be simply to facilitate hie Goon. task. | And you believed a Fai like that You tw traitor UA cockcand-bull story! Te would make a cat laugh! Er... they said he'd rewal his presence once the rocket reache the Moon. Then, sa0n after our arrival here, { took ad- |! | Two more points, Wolff... The ladder vantage of your absence to let him ont of 1] || bring retracted s..and the crate his hiding place. Te was Jorgen. Hedivalged || || that wearly squncled us: was that || his reat objectives to capture the rocket you? and take it back, not to Sprodj, Dut to Od beg |] the ceuntey For’ which he works And when you were id me pretending to have 4m attack of dizziness, you meant Fo push we cut iabo Space, ch, gangster? ‘And I trusted you ipl lyse Oh! Wo !.. Yes, ont with a it, Judas! Er. ytesun | stayed here, and it was We who knocked out Tintin: Te was anly afterwards that he told me of his plan toabandon you onthe Moon. tried to stop hiv... | 1 swear T did Today, when Tintin was alone on bonrd and the rest of you had departed for Forty -cight hous, the Colonel decided bo act. AE the given moment, Tintin went down into the hold... That's to say, you'd beow First, to eet Your accomplice Free. Then you managed toarrange that 14 90 down wy self. believe you. This ie what Map ened then...When {came round [ wwasin the bold, trvesed up like a ‘chicken... heard the hamming oF the motor, and realised what was going on... Luckily for us, these two worthy charace tets were hever Bey Scouts! T mean that they don's Know how fo tie a Knot ! Sof managed to gtk rid of my ropes without teo much difficulty. And vone E00 soon! The ‘engine was just starking. As Ene rocket was rising, 1 severed all theleads. The motor stopped immediately, and che rocket Fell back to the ground. Saved... Al, my poor Friends, Tonly hope Ehat yon are not rejoicing too eon! Undoubtedly by cutting the wads Tintin averted disaster. ..for the time being. Alas, Ii only too Hikely shat fling, the racket af fered serious damage. And this wil probably take time to repair. | Meanwhile, there's sill Bhe grave problem af Ete oxygen... But lets Irae the rect of your story, Tintin Where was 1 Oh ys Once teres] [This th accued WalF of axttaging te ct grounded, f opened the deor of healr-lock and lowered the retractable Indden, $0 that you could get in. Then, having arened myselP with a pistol and spanner, [ came quietly up to the tabi... 1 found inyselt the middle of a Family squabble. . gear, avd was going tochoot him. My spaunar knocked his gun out of his hand. Just in bivme, wasn't ib, my dear it seems Haat you dre no longer Colonet Boris Why, do you know this piehecan threpus? hein |] Oh yes, we met in Syldavia, over that business oF Kiny Ottokar’s Sueytre, Mnder the name of Boris, he was aide. de-camp to King Muskar XI, whom he shamefully betrayed. 1 won the First ound, but for awhile he seemed to be winning the second... down iv the to cutter themsolyer, And new we'll dup these two al What ?... While we risk ran sing eu 9 oxygen, we're ging these pirates £ They wore ging ts abandon we on the Moon well, that's the Fate they deserve We must be more chivalrous Ehan they were, Captain... Now, you're the expert, s0 take them below and tie therm up securely ha the plac up with [yf A you ike! But youl live to regret yourmsble gesture. Mark my worts: you'll regret it! by thunder! Anyway, my little lambs, Tin going £0 knit you lovely little rope waistcoats to Keep yeu nice and war! Hand-madé, by thunder! Gaaranteed absolutely perfect! Do what youlike with me. But please be kind enough to stop spluttoring in my face~it's wer | Calm down, Captain, calm down! Calm down + Calm down?... But you heard fing, thi little black-bectle! Daring to || make out that I'm wet! Cal down! T like that, From you! Yer, Til orcs tt Come now, Captain, the incident i¢ closed. Goo dovunto ene hold with the two prisowers. J] that's right. tw the meantiwe 11 ge in touch with the Earth and cell che] whats been happening WolP? was i / ‘, WoIFF!.. Today Ehey went into ackion and | tried to seize contrel of te rocket. fortunately we have wemnared to overpower thom, and pal a Maon- Rocket calling Earth. There have boon extremely serious developments here... A traitor, in the service aF same unkown Power, war secretely smuggled aboard the rocket. ‘top to their miscnieh ».- Meanurddle Wve just wade a “There! 1f you succeed ingetting yourselves undone, blistering barnaces, [Il sian Eke pledge ‘avd drink nothing but water For theses of f That's dove! Our two chump chops are now Superficial inspection of the damage bo the rocket .My prelim- mary estimate is Hak it will bale us at least. a hundred Ihoure to effect the necessary repairs, eX h Bx Sean Ls To that must be added the time far our return journey, We have oxygen supplies fora hundred hours at the most, which means thak having used our last resources fo re-launch the rocket, we shall run therisk of arriving on Earth as corpses. { Come om, come on, cry-babies! Towork! And tone oF those gloomy Ehoughts. We're going to have some vnusic. Thunder ing typhoons, there's wothing likea by Schubert. bit of music to cheer you up! Terhaps! But yeavwhile we're still very much alive, And wall start work at ence. Ab all costs wemust get everything Finished a the shortest possible time ! 7] Moon-Recket to Earth. we're going 0 begin the repai wen Give ue some mus it will keep up our worale, Earth to Moon- Rocket, Well ewiteh on Radio- Kiow for you, Keep ‘your spirits up! This is Radio- Klow. Our programme continues with "The Gravediggen’, Moon Rocket E> Earth well ahead, Barring accidents, we shall have Finiched by midday... However, we are having be abandon the tank and the optical instruments ‘on the Moom. To dicmantle thew and then reload them would take too Ehelitéle oxsgen remaining. of course, the oxygen cylinders from the tank . They constitute ‘cur Final reserves. Tintin and the Captain have gone to callece them. Um ewitehing over now, as 1 want to keep in Couch with | J Hello Tintin, . calewlus Af Mere. ow ara you i getting on? completely vanished. Only the moun- tops are still gloning onthe horizon But: ibs wot praevevting us From dezing, as there's a fon fom fow J? And they danced J wonderful light From the Earch ysthe ght oF the Earth We have left a message sealed inside the tank for those who may one day Folew in our steps. LF wenrelost with all bande, thisweseage will be a reminder of the fantastic J adventures oF the First men On the MooK, Now We aré com Good, Well, ve Finished all the repairs. Earth have just given tne the result of their reckon fing. Take-oFF showld be at 1652 hours. Sowe have about two L advise you to liedown, to save oxygens. But beFore doing that,'captain, would you go to the bold and wake the prisoners We down as well, 0 that they won't suffer too much. What? ? And would you like me botake them breakfast in bed? Keeping them iz crazy enough! But to coddle them ike babes in arns .. blistering barnacler, Tatience! I've wat struck imy last blow yet! But ssh! Thirty seconds to 90... Twenty secauds bo go... Ten seconds fo 90... mine... eight. s6V0N... ix... Five... Four oe HHe6,«. WO... ONE. T press the button...and pray that every- ling marks propery Oteermtse, wee) condemned to death! Success!... Wonderful! ... Marvellous! We're of! just fora chawye, blistering bar- acles, we're going to pass out! Aad oti aey neat le week oe fist EXPLORERS ON THE MOON. Theyre on their way! The omy thing that matters now is that they should have ewoush osygen... But whatever ha ens, everything mast by prepared orlaning. Is that the landing sitet Giovanni? Baxter here..[Fall goes well, the rocket will kehere later today. Make sure everything's ready For their arcival; fire enginee, ambulances. And get some electric saws ready, too, in case they haven't the strength to open the doors thcmslies. That's all For the wo men T4ay, Mr Baxter, Ehere's something wreng! Look: the, rocket is deviating From tho correct line of Flight. T wonder what's happening «.- by the Fall... Or ese their order correct thelr course... (all them, Walter! By Jupiter! You're right ! Perhaps the steering doar mas damaged gyroscopes have been put out oF [t's imperative that they No roply!.. And they'te } getting Farther and Fars ther away ! The poor devil Theyre going te Haein death! ‘This is Earth calling Moon-Rockee... Earth ‘alling Moon -Recket ses Are you receiving mot... Eareh calling Myon-Racket...Are Earth calling Moo Rocket... Are you re aiving we?,.Earth calling Moon-Rockec.. ‘Oh, the poor devils! sor 50 much oxygen, simply being wasted Quickly, frofessor! Hurry: Come tothe con trol cabiu. We are off course! sas Heaven knows, R=) onrushing of? [ e ‘Moen: Rocket bo Canth...This ie Tintin calling... have just regained consciousnese. (sag! Where ace Earth te Moon- Rocket ..Welldone! J You're doing Fine now! Good. We can 90 below, That was a eur thing | Hi! Wait For me! Y'm coming! What's happening ? Goodness gracious! Thie is disastrous! We're heading tawards Jupiter! steering is ont of alignwvont y gear A Ah! That's dowe it, BEF thant tons Noon-Racket to Earths. The steering gar was jammed .« We are getting back on the right course. And new that traitor WelEP isn't here to be such a Kill-joy, we'll just cheer curselves up. Let's have o drink all round... Tintin?.... Professor? By the way, where have the two detectives gone ? om just i time bo bring You riews of them!

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