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The purpose of texts written by Gabriel Garcia Marquez is to mix the fantastic
with the real in such an eloquent and realistic manner that everything becomes
believable and every trace of the distinction between them is erased in the
literature. We see plenty of examples of this throughout La Santa and can also
see some of the defining characteristics of magical realism. The story takes place
in a real-world setting and has a mixture of the natural and supernatural. In La
Santa Margarito Duarte upholds himself as a saint while carrying the
miraculously undecomposed body of his daughter and overcomes human
instincts in a way that sets him on par with his daughter. In these ways, magical
happenings can share our life to embrace magical realism. The most prominent
example of magical realism being the uncorrupted body of the 11-year-old
corpse itself. It is impossible, yet the characters only exhibit mild shock once
they know what it is. In real life, it would be thought to be a trick. He uses other
literary styles, such as hyperbole and it is, in fact, the combination of the perfect
mlange of fantasy and hyperbole exhibited in a framework of reality that makes
the magic seem so real. The particulars of magical realism give rise to several
features: the amalgamation of fantasy and reality, complicated narratives and
plots, skilful time shifts, ingredients of surprise or abrupt shock, and various uses
of dreams. We also see elements of political critique in how he talks about the
nonchalance of the Vatican and the various popes throughout the novella. The
story is quite absurd, yet says a great deal about Latin American boundlessness
in a bounded Europe, about bureaucracy and about sanctity.

The first trait of magical realism, the irreducible element is what the readers
cannot explicate according to the laws of the universe: by logic, familiar
knowledge, or reconceived belief. These irreducible elements are well
incorporated into the realistic
textual environment of The Saint, as the protagonist Margaritos seven-year-old
daughter dies of fever but her body ceases to decompose. When the girl is
disinterred, she is still intact after eleven years with the same smell of the
fresh-cut roses with which she had been buried and most amazingly her body
had no weight (Marquez 61). People believe the prodigy to such extent that the
curiosity seekers and even the bishop of the diocese agree to submit the body to
the Vatican for canonization.
The next feature of magical realism is having a strong presence of the
phenomenal world - the realism in magical realism, which distinguishes it from
fantasy. The realistic descriptions of La Santa create a fictional world that
resembles the one people live in, often by extensive use of details. Almost all the
events described in the stories are historically true. We see that here in how
some of the characters are real people throughout history, such as Maria Caniglia
and some of the places do, in fact, exist such as Trastevere. Real people that
strange things happen to. La Santa realistically depicts Margaritos life in Rome-
comical sex episodes, street-prostitutes, the summer heat, and the procession of
five popes from 1950s onwards. Marquez does not miss the opportunity to insert
material from his own days in Rome as a late twentyish enrolee at the Centro
Sperimentale di Cinema and his teacher Cesare Zavattini.
A third quality of magical realism is that the readers hesitate between two
contradictory understandings of events, and for this reason experience some
unsettling doubts. They create the illusion of the unreal, which unsettles the
readers with its strangeness. The unsettlement or hesitation is between the
actual where an event is explainable according to the laws of the natural
universe, and the marvellous, which requires some alteration in those laws. The
question of belief is vital here. In this story, the narrator comes across Margarito
whose daughters corpse remains incorruptible eleven years after the funeral.
The readers hesitate mainly on three grounds: whether the account the narrator
describes are possible and therefore be true. This initiates the intensity of two
others, more practical, speculations about whether the narrator actually
witnesses the incident, and whether the description is fact or fiction. In magical
realism, the readers experience the near-merging of two realms. In La Santa,
except the incorruptibility of the corpse, everything happens as part of reality
and that episode of miraculous incorruptibility is merged with the everyday
happenings of Margaritos twenty-two-year stay at Rome.
Apart from merging the two worlds, magical realist texts disturb the received
ideas about time, space, and identity. It reorients not only peoples habits of time
and space but their sense of identity as well. With regard to time, special
consideration may be given to La Santa which, as the readers sense from the
first page, begins with the narrators accidental meeting with Margarito and then
a very, very long flashback reveals the particulars of the protagonists ventures.
Time does not march forward from that meeting until the readers come across
the last three paragraphs which describe the present. In La Santa, Marquezs
great shifts in the narratives time sequence reflect a reality that is almost
outside of time and he successfully does it to bind the incidents to form a unified
whole. As per the reorientation of identity, Margaritos new found Roman identity
from an Andean one is worth mentioning. When he first sees Margarito, the
narrator had trouble recognizing him, because he spoke halting Spanish and
had the appearance of an old Roman and there was nothing left of the Andean
intellectuals solemn manner (Marquez 59) with which he first arrives at Rome.
Similarly, a great number of characters experience dislocation and relocated

La pelcula Truman es, para m, una pelcula sobre los vnculos de amistad que se
estn probando. A lo largo de la pelcula podemos ver la relacin entre Tomas y
Julian, y cmo ha durado la prueba del tiempo. Nos enteramos de que vivieron
juntos aos atrs cuando eran ms jvenes y han mantenido la amistad a travs
de los aos. Lo que ms destaca es que Tomas viaj todo el camino desde
Canad a Espaa para verlo por slo cuatro das. En mi opinin, ese es el
compromiso serio con cualquier amistad. Algo que hace con bastante frecuencia
durante esta visita es pagar por cosas innecesarias para Julian. Bsicamente
financia el viaje de cuatro das y esto, para m, habla mucho del carcter de
Toms. Creo que est tratando de cuidar a su amigo durante lo que ve como
posiblemente la ltima vez que lo vea. l sugiere que l (aclarar a quen te
referis) y Julian visitar a su hijo y sigue a travs, incluso despus de que
descubre que Nico vive en Amsterdam. Sin embargo, para m el mayor acto de
amistad es cuando l se compromete a llevar Truman de vuelta con l a Canad.
Es un gran compromiso asumir la responsabilidad de un animal, especialmente
uno que es tan querido por su mejor amigo. Realmente resume el significado de
la pelcula. La amistad es para siempre.
La pelcula Truman es, para m, una pelcula sobre los vnculos de amistad que se
estn probando. A lo largo de la pelcula podemos ver la relacin entre Tomas y
Julian y cmo ha durado la prueba del tiempo. Nos enteramos de que vivieron
juntos aos atrs cuando eran ms jvenes y han mantenido la amistad a travs
de los aos. Lo que ms destaca es que Tomas viaj todo el camino desde
Canad a Espaa para verlo por slo cuatro das. En mi opinin, ese es el
compromiso serio con cualquier amistad. Algo que hace con bastante frecuencia
durante esta visita es pagar por cosas innecesarias para Julian. Bsicamente
financia el viaje de cuatro das y esto, para m, habla mucho del carcter de
Toms. Creo que est tratando de cuidar a su amigo durante lo que ve como
posiblemente la ltima vez que lo vea. l sugiere que l y Julian visitar a su hijo y
sigue a travs, incluso despus de que descubre que Nico vive en Amsterdam.
Sin embargo, para m el mayor acto de amistad es cuando l se compromete a
llevar Truman de vuelta con l a Canad. Es un gran compromiso asumir la
responsabilidad de un animal, especialmente uno que es tan querido por su
mejor amigo. Realmente resume el significado de la pelcula - la amistad es para
The film Truman is, for me, a film about the bonds of friendship being tested.
Throughout the film we get to witness the relationship between Tomas and Julian
and how it has lasted the test of time. We learn that they lived together years
ago when they were younger and have maintained the friendship over the years.
The thing that stands out the most is that Tomas travelled all the way from
Canada to Spain to see him for just four days. In my opinion, that is serious
commitment to any friendship. Something that he does quite frequently
throughout this visit is pay for unnecessary things for Julian. He basically funds
the entire four-day trip and this, for me, speaks volumes about Tomas' character.
I think he's trying to take care of his friend during what he sees as possibly the
last time he may ever see him. He suggests that he and Julian visit his son and
follows through even after he discovers that Nico lives in Amsterdam. However,
for me the biggest act of friendship is when he agrees to take Truman back with
him to Canada. It's a big commitment to take responsibility for an animal,
especially one that is so beloved by your best friend. It really sums up the
meaning of the movie - friendship is forever.
El deporte ms importante en Espaa es, sin duda, el ftbol, pero hay otros
deportes que se consideran muy populares all tambin. Algunos otros deportes
que son populares son el baloncesto, tenis, ciclismo, vela, golf, motorsports y
balonmano. Parece, sin embargo, que solo son en su mayora popularizados por
los atletas que son ms famosos.
El tenis se dice que es muy popular debido al hecho de que Rafael Nadal es muy
famoso y que ha impulsado su posicin de manera significativa. Ha ganado
muchos ttulos, entre ellos Wimbleton Champion y el de medallista de oro en los
Juegos Olmpicos de Beijing. La reciente victoria de Garbie Maguruza en el
Abierto de Francia en 2016 tambin muestra su importancia. Motorsports
tambin tienen un gran seguimiento debido a que Fernando Alonso ha ganado la
Frmula 1 dos veces en dos aos consecutivos. Espaa tambin ha sido anfitrin
del Gran Premio dos veces.
En cuanto a los Juegos Olmpicos, la vela es el deporte en el que Espaa tiene
ms medallas de oro, pero no parece tener tanta cobertura normalmente. De
hecho, al parecer algunos gimnastas de los juegos se consideran ms famosos
que los marineros. Algunas gimnastas parecen tener ms estatus. Gervasio
Deferr, una gimnasta artstica, gan una medalla de oro en la bveda en los
Juegos Olmpicos de 2000 y 2004 y una medalla de plata en el piso en 2008. Se
convirti en la atleta nmero uno del pas en ese deporte. La gimnasia rtmica
tambin tiene cierto mrito, pero ya ha pasado un tiempo desde la ltima vez
que ocurri algo importante.
The most important sport in Spain is undoubtedly football but there are other
sports that are considered to be quite popular there too. Some other sports that
are popular are basketball, tennis, cycling, sailing, golf, motorsports and
handball. It seems however, that they are mostly only popularised by the
athletes who are famous because of them.
Tennis is said to be quite popular due to the fact that Rafael Nadal is so famous
and he has boosted its status quite significantly. He has won many titles,
including Wimbleton Champion and the gold medallist at the Olympic Games in
Beijing. The recent win by Garbie Maguruza at the French Open in 2016 also
signifies its importance. Motorsports also have quite a large following due to
Fernando Alonso having won Formula twice in two consecutive years. Spain has
also hosted the Grand Prix twice.
With regard to the Olympic Games, sailing is the sport in which Spain has the
most gold medals but doesn't seem to have all that much coverage normally. In
fact, apparently some gymnasts from the games are considered more famous
than the sailors. Quite a few gymnasts seem to have more status. Gervasio
Deferr, an artistic gymnast, won a gold medal on vault in the 2000 and 2004
Olympics and a silver medal on floor in 2008. He became the number one athlete
in the country for the sport. Rhythmic gymnastics also has some merit but it has
been awhile since anything major happened.
EL deporte est cada vez ms politizado. Por su parte, el nacionalismo trata de
sacar partido del deporte en general y del ftbol en particular. Cuando los
deportistas representan a ciudades o pases, esta capacidad de identificacin
adquiere relevancia poltica. No hay duda de que los estados han usado el
deporte desde siempre para aumentar su prestigio, demostrar su poder y
cohesionar a sus sociedades alimentando el nacionalismo.

La pelcula retrata a la gente vasca como un poco distante - parece difcil

conocer gente nueva. Vemos esto en la relacin de Amaia con su padre y en
cmo le dice a Rafa que no debe ser demasiado carioso. Otra cosa que parece
ser tpicamente vasca es vestirse de una manera cmoda y un poco
desarreglada - esto se muestra en cmo Amaia cambia la apariencia de Rafa
para convencer a la gente de que es vasco. Naturalmente, hablar euskera es una
cosa tpica vasca pero tambin vemos cmo se supone que el pueblo vasco tiene
por lo menos ocho apellidos vascos.
The film portrays the Basque people as being typically quite distant - they don't
seem to get close to people very easily. We see this in Amaia's relationship with
her father but also in how she tells Rafa that he must not be too affectionate.
Another thing that seems to be typically Basque is to dress in a quite relaxed yet
cool way - this is shown in how Amaia changes Rafa's appearance to convince
people he is Basque. Naturally, speaking Euskera is a typical Basque thing but
we also see how Basque people are supposed to have at least eight Basque

Tengo algunos ejemplos de palabras vascas que aprend de la pelcula. El ms

prominente es 'aita', que significa padre, ya que esta palabra se utiliza varias
veces a lo largo de la pelcula. 'Ama' significa madre, pero no se usa realmente
tanto en la pelcula ya que la madre de Amaia no est presente. Las palabras
'aupa' y 'agur' significan hi-bye respectivamente, las cuales tambin se utilizan
frecuentemente. Tambin aprend que un kalimotxo es una bebida tpica que se
toma en el Pas Vasco.
I have a few examples of Basque words I learned from the film. The most
prominent one is 'aita', which means father, as this word is used quite a few
times throughout the film. 'Ama' means mother but is not really used that much
in the film as Amaia's mother is not present. The words 'aupa' and and 'agur'
meaning hi and bye respectively, also used quite frequently too. I also learned
that a 'kalimotxo' is a specific type of drink they drink in the Basque country.

End of semester + 2 weeks. Decide on topic with teacher + 4 weeks


Differences between own & target culture
Teach potential differences or areas of potential differences between cultures
Gestures, body language, eye contact, greetings, turn-taking

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