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A Glimpse of Pinoy Culture

By: Colleen Bea Perez

T he Pistang Pinoy 2009 was probably the best ICA ever had
even after last year’s grand celebration. Early morning that
28th of August, everyone could be seen already donned in their
Filipinianas and Barong Tagalogs. Everyone was assembled in
the field and the program started with the Philippine National
Anthem (led by the Banda ng Paranaque), the pledges and the
song, Pilipinas Kong Mahal. After all these, the students got the
chance to parade their beautiful costumes as they walked from
ICA out to Fourth Estate and then back again. Later, another
program was held in the gym where all students from Pre-
school up to 3rd year high school were able to showcase their
talents. Each batch presented a song and dance number while
others did a drama that told about Filipino culture. In addition
to all these, the “Banda ng Paranaque” presented a beautiful
Filipino medley for everyone to enjoy. After the program, true
to the ICA culture, the students had a small feast in each of their
classrooms where they patronized Filipino foods.

Now here is what made this Pistang Pinoy special from all the
others: after lunch, the 4th year batch gave all the students a treat. There were fun Filipino games
for all: Patintero, Agawan ng Buko, Sack Race, Agawan ng Banderita, Luksong Tinik, Putukang
Lobo and Kadang Kadang. Of course, the seniors will not permit these games to be played without
a twist. Almost everyone found themselves wet with watergun shooting but at the same time
having fun, smiling and even
laughing after these games.

It is, indeed, uplifting

to see that even in just a day,
the students were able to
see more about the Filipino
culture. In just one day, they
learned to love their culture
more. It was heartwarming
to have everyone participate.
Hopefully, even though it isn’t
the Pistang Pinoy anymore,
in the future, everyone would
still continue to cherish the
Filipino culture.
Beyond: 2009 Student ICA speaks in Asia; in the Philippines
Leadership Conference By: David Reyes and Faith Miguel
By: Jasmine Reyes
Last September 9-13 2009, debaters JD Luna, Bea
Last July 16, 2009, thirteen students and two Perez, David Reyes along with Teacher Krystal Mercado,
teachers were sent to the Word of Life Camp in Calauan, represented ICA in the first ever Asian debate competition
Laguna, for a three-day conference tackling a blend of for High school students. It was also the very first time that
Christian character and student leadership. Named ICA was invited to such a big event. It was called the Asian
“Beyond”, its aim was to encourage each individual to Schools Debate Championship (ASDC) and was held at De
have a passion for excellence, a craving for significant La Salle University. It was very significant since 80 teams
change, and a thirst for eternal impact – all for greater from all over Asia (Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Thailand, Qatar,
showcasing of His glory alone. Bangladesh and Korea) and the Philippines participated
in the elimination rounds.
Much was accomplished in a span of three days. The

present issues from today’s generation were addressed Two months later on November 4-7 2009, a
- from the general New Age Movement, fashion, music, second batch of debaters was sent out to face another
to the very personal understanding of each unique competition. David Reyes, Marielle Misalucha, Cris Akol,
personality; from the basic tips on time management, JiHyun Ko, Kamyl Pineda and JD Luna faced what is this
to the complex subject of Stem Cell Research. The time called the PSDC or the Philippine Schools Debate
presence of several other schools allowed not only Championship. Held at the Ateneo de Manila University,
stronger bonds among the fifteen representatives, but the debaters faced 124 teams or 32 schools. Ms. Krystal
newfound camaraderie with the other delegates as well. Mercado accompanied them for the first two days and Sir
Recent additions to the program, such as debates and Matthew Aleta for the last two.
team building activities, made use of all traits that form
a great leader. They may not have brought home the bacon in the
two events but what they did carry with them at the end
Throughout the event, the chosen high school of the day was the treasure of experience and exposure
students found not only understanding but enlightenment both in knowledge and in meeting people with different
in the sole purpose of the experience: that they should values and diverse backgrounds. They may have found
not only be leaders, but should also make leaders; that the motions really hard but still it was very evident that
they were prepared not only to lead, but also to serve; the Almighty was there helping them. Though different
and that God urges each one not to stop at mediocrity, in date and team, all went back to their alma matter as
but to aim high for perfection. better debaters for God’s ultimate glory.

Grade 7 Retreat '09 ICA-MJS Cultural Exchange

By: Nikki Santos By: Jem Guhit
It was a cloudy Wednesday morning. Nevertheless, Early in the morning of
the grade seven students were in ICA early full of September 16th, the ICAns
excitement and much anticipation as they went to were busy preparing for the
the retreat together as a batch for the first time. They Manila Japanese students
boarded the bus bound for Caliraya Recreation Center, to arrive. At long last when
Laguna without really knowing what was in store for the Japanese students
them. started to enter the gym,
all of the people started
When they arrived, it was very foggy and it was to stand and clap their
the rain that greeted them. Despite that, the grade 7 hands- the traditional ICA
welcome. All were excited,
students enjoyed their activity-based sessions and free both Filipino and Japanese, as there emerged different
time. cultures, techniques, knowledge, facts, jokes, games,
and personas as two nationalities mingled together.
Trouble arrived before the day was over. The
teachers told them that they were quite unruly and as The Japanese taught the Filipinos how to do
a punishment, their gadgets were confiscated. They Origami, the art of paper folding that creates many
thought at first that it was unfair but they did realize wonders and figures. The ICAns on the other hand
soon after that it helped them focus more. taught them how to play paper tops, the game of darts,
and how to use native guns. Both parties even had the
The next day was the same except for the night time to exchange facts about their country’s history
session. One of them said, “It was really special”. This that was focused on the heroes, kings, and emperors of
is because they finally realized that they were all just the country. They exchanged some games like Japanese
Badminton and Patintero and Tumbang Preso. They
listening to the sessions and not taking them to heart. also gained knowledge about the different kinds of food.
During that session when they were all praying, they Sushi, Rice balls and Seaweed were a big hit among the
could feel that the Holy Spirit moved among them. ICA students while bacon was the food most favored
Tears flowed for almost no reason, as they all took their by the Japanese students. There was an exchange of
time praying to the Lord. The teachers were giving a different products both parties used and are proud of.
physical representation of the Holy Spirit’s embrace as
the students cried. Then, they heard a whisper in their The most important thing that happened in
ears, “Jesus wants to tell you that He loves you.” All this activity is not only the exchange of cultures but
were extremely touched and thankful that they had that FRIENDSHIP. This will be nothing if both parties
experience. did not enjoy while learning new things. It was very
overwhelming to see both Filipino and Japanese students
The next day, they were like revived spirits. Their having fun with each other and seeing Filipinos sad to
see their fellow Japanese friends leave ICA. After all
souls were refreshed and after another session and the excitement, all returned to the gym for the closing
free time they finally went home. As they boarded the ceremony. It was a very exciting, enjoyable, and tiring
boat one last time, surely most of them looked back and day; but the friendship and bonding that was made
thought, would be a memory that would last for decades.
“This is a retreat I will never forget.”
The Of f i c i a l Pu b l i c a t i o n o f I n t e r n a t i o n a l C h r i s t i a n A c a d e m y
An Upsurge
By: Jasmine Reyes

With a mission set to “unite the entire student body despite the cultural differences and raise the
school pride, health awareness, academic affairs, student affairs, and community relations”, the Supreme
Student Government has planned and organized a number of activities to achieve exactly that; an increase
in character and potential to create an “upsurge”.

From the grandest to the simplest, the SSG has accomplished events that they believed were beneficial
to the school itself, and, of course, the entire student body. One such event was the Aloha, Ohana! that
opened the school year for the new students. Another one, the Freshman Day, welcomed the newest of the
high school department. The Korean Forum allowed open discussions for the Korean students, and the
Hallway Party was an end-of-the-quarter treat. Prayer Intercessions and Breakfast Fellowships are being
held every month, and this heartens each one to lead a matured and spiritual life. The weekly selling of
goods and the occasional Free Day are purposed to raise funds for the school, which, in turn, will benefit
the student body. Last but not the least was the Ondoy Donation Drive that exercised the officers’ passion

to help, through the simple act of giving.

With only four months left until the end of the term, Upsurge is now, more than ever, committed to
fulfilling the mission and achieving the vision. Rest assured there will be more fun activities to add to the
list, better surprises, and stronger upsurges. ;)
A Colorful Start for hUenited!
By: David Reyes

As some people may have noticed, there have

been quite a few activities held by a certain club
called “hUenited!”. During the first quarter, they
have already done a number of things for the school
and its students. Alumni Attorneys
By: Angel Pastores
For the school year 2009-2010, last year's
members of hUenited chose their officers to lead Last September 2008, six thousand law
the club alongside Teacher Ronald Anog. They voted
Angel Pastores (IV-E) to lead the club as president; graduates took on one of the most challenging
Jhelsea Ansis (III-O) as Vice President; Abbi endeavors that they will have to face in their lives:
Gabato (IV-E) as Secretary; Emy Caparros (III-O) the much awaited, much feared Bar Exams.
as Treasurer; Alf Ciriaco (III-C) as Auditor and
Meg Parolan (III-O) as Public Information Officer The Bar Exams are professional licensure
(PIO). To help their officers, a board of consultants tests administered by the Supreme Court of the
consisting of senior students was chosen. This Philippines for aspiring lawyers. This test, consisting
board is made up of Faith Miguel, Jem Magbanua, of multiple essay questions and expecting profound
Biancci Bautista, Angela Carlos, Abbi Gabato, Jessie and perceptive answers with superior knowledge,
Gonzales, Marielle Misalucha and Cedric Yabyabin,
all part of the seniors batch. The adviser, the officers is considered to be the country’s toughest.
and the consultants worked hard to plan activities
to make this year a colorful one. With this, ICA is proud to have raised and
nurtured three alumni from the graduating batch of
One of the most recent events was their 2000: Atty. Paul Cornelius T. Castillo, Atty. Benjamin
Open HoUsE. Very lively music was played by the E. Aritao, Jr., and Atty. Stella Angela Pastores-
Generation of Light (GOL) to have a grand start and Esquivias.
to catch the students’ attention. The gazebo, where
the event took place, was filled with artworks made Waiting for the results of the licensure exams
from different materials and by different members
showing their talents and skills. Of course, if there is was easily the most distressing experience for many
an open house, then there is an opening in the house! as they have to wait for half a year more to await
Yes, hUenited is finally opening its doors to all the the results. Out of 6000 examinees, there was no
students! Many have already signed up during the assurance that one was secured of his position in
open house. (Students who are still interested may the list. Marathons of prayers, endless declarations,
feel free to approach any of the club’s officers for wholehearted dedication, and only trust and
more details!) confidence in God helped these lawyer hopefuls
make it through these times with an optimistic
Another thing that the club has done is the mindset that all hardwork will pay off.
painting of the canteen. Anyone can see that the
canteen looks better now with a touch of hUe!
hUenited is also selling V-neck sweaters for boys, To the newest batch of lawyers, you have
hoodies for girls and vests for both genders. The all endured law school. This is the moment of
design is simple yet very hUe. All of what they sold acknowledgment for all your hard work. Celebrate
was designed by hUenited!'s very own. now the work you've done. And congratulations on
completing that long journey!
Still, the club is not all about its artworks.
Yes, they imagine and create, but their greatest
commitment is to serve the greatest artist of all:
God. hUenited has had a colorful beginning in the
quarter. What more could be in store for the rest of
the year? It is certainly something both students and
teachers should watch out for!

The Of f i c i a l Pu b l i c a t i o n o f I n t e r n a t i o n a l C h r i s t i a n A c a d e m y
Blessed to be a Blessing with water that was waist-deep. But despite my
(SSG’s Donation Drive for Ondoy Victims) horror, I kept in mind that all this was for a greater
By: Jem Magbanua cause than getting my feet dirty for just a moment.
The men pushed our boat along the water as we
Last September handed the relief goods to the ones in the area.
twenty-six was a
catastrophic day for us Perspectives really change when you come to a
Filipinos. It was the day place like that. There, you meet people who have lost
charcoal clouds blocked everything. We see whole houses submerged in water.
out the sun and brought Memories lost. Livelihoods all drowned in the water.
in a ludicrous amount They only have their remaining family members and
of rain. Six hours of the their own lives to hold on to. Yes, one way or another,

storm brought in a whole we each experienced the wrath of Ondoy. But I am

month’s worth of rain, sure that it
and the results were just wasn’t to the
devastating. extent of what
these people
ICA answered to the in this area
urgent call of the victims experienced.
who were in dire need of I cannot
food, water, and clothing. Last 09 October 2009, Mrs. describe how
Marivic Jacinto, Sir Al Bandong, Ms. Baby, Sir Red, elating it is
Ms. Jenny Pre, along with a few students from the to be able to
SSG (Danielle de Leon, Jenny Aguilar, and me, Jiselle give. Just to
Magbanua) set out to Barangay Cupang, Muntinlupa see the smiles
City to give relief goods to those in need. and hear
their genuine
As we drove to the Barangay Hall, the water thank you’s
began to rise until thigh level. Sari-sari stores, are already
tricycles, vans, and houses sat in the murky water. satisfying.
People prodded through the dark water but still Through this
managed to wear smiles on their faces and wave at experience, I
the van as we drove through the place. learned that
nothing lasts.
We first entered a squatter area together with Anything
a few barangay personnel and our sacks of relief tangible
goods. In order to get to one house to the other, we shall be lost
had to cross these make-shift bridges made out of someday, and anyone who still has clothes to wear,
thin wood planks; I had to be extra careful and place food to eat, and a bed to sleep in is truly blessed. I
my feet properly or else I would lose my balance. believe that God has blessed us so that we can give to
After walking through the area and crossing those who are less fortunate. Go on and be a blessing
numerous bridges, we reached a portion of the area for we have been blessed by our Almighty God.

Manny Pacquiao: The Nation’s Champ Order Up!

By: Joshua Uy By: JD Luna

From his humble beginnings in General Santos As humans, our nutritional needs require us to
have at least three meals a day—breakfast, lunch, and
City, Manny Pacquiao has achieved something that dinner.
no one ever has before. His latest victory against As students, our schedule does not allow us to have lunch
Miguel Cotto erased all doubts that his name should in our respective homes. So students opt for another
place to eat—the school cafeteria.
be included in the list of all-time greats and earned
him a record-breaking seventh division title. With Just this school year, the ICA worked hand-in-hand
this latest win, people have been calling out Floyd with the school’s art club, hUenited, to redecorate our
beloved cafeteria. What used to be plain white walls are
Mayweather, Jr. for Pacquiao’s next opponent, which now walls decorated with the playful colors red, yellow,
is already being dubbed by many experts as the “Fight blue, and black. Other than changes with the façade and
of the Century”. As of now, there is no confirmation if the design of the cafeteria, it also provides a wide range
of choices for you.
this fight will materialize. Nevertheless, there is no
doubt that there are a lot of other fighters who will Of course, a cafeteria will not be called that if not
want a shot at the pound-for-pound king. for the food it provides. They have given the cafeteria
better, healthier choices for the average student. The
cafeteria’s new grill also gives a new meaning to roasted
It’s hard to believe, though. As a child, he would meat with the cafeteria’s grilled chicken, one of their
sell balut in the streets just to have enough money bestsellers. That is not all. Wait until the late afternoon
and they start serving delicious snacks such as tacos and
for food. Today, he is one of most recognizable faces French fries. If that does not make your mouth water,
in the world and one of the richest in the country. they also have fishballs and squidballs for you to enjoy.
Despite all the criticism he has faced in the past, With different flavors of waffles at hand, the cafeteria
can cater to your sweet cravings. Not enough for you?
Manny Pacquiao remains to be a symbol of hope for ICA has also introduced different kinds of drinks such
the many Filipinos who are struggling because of as the fun dalandan and the chocolate mood.
poverty and a cause of unity and celebration for the With all this and a school bookstore for your school
entire nation. supply needs, it’s no wonder students come flocking to
the canteen at recess or lunchtime.
The Of f i c i a l Pu b l i c a t i o n o f I n t e r n a t i o n a l C h r i s t i a n A c a d e m y
Juan Nation
By: Angel Pastores

They call him Juan dela Cruz. The name itself indicates our Spanish heritage, understandably so
after more than three centuries of colonial rule. But however much we inherited from the Spaniards, over
time the Filipinos have developed our own brand of national identity and personality. The warmth and
hospitality of Filipinos are known throughout the world. Few things compare to the sight of smiling faces
opening their homes to virtual strangers, treating everyone as family as if it were the most natural thing
to do.

Let us not forget the bayanihan spirit inborn to Filipinos. While we have witnessed a lot of tears
and cries for help, we also witnessed the best in the Filipino. We all saw the heroic acts, the self-sacrifice,

and the generous hearts of Filipino heroes. Instead of just spending a week of break from school, others
went out of their way to volunteer in the handing out of relief goods to the places most wrecked by the
typhoons. That week, Facebook was also flooded with updates about it--encouraging everyone to donate
and help out, calling for volunteers, posting prayers, all the help you could possibly think of. Filipinos will
always be ready to help anyone who is in need with an open and caring heart.

Maybe that's why we are always so happy. Pinoys are and will always be the happiest people I
know. Even in the face of tragedy, Filipinos can still smile. We have a way of tolerating some of the worst
situations that would be totally unbearable for others. No amount of calamity, not even the wrath of
Typhoons Ondoy and Pepeng that devastated Metro Manila and Luzon a few months ago, can bring down
the Filipino spirit. One cannot help but wonder where these people even get the strength to smile.

Despite all of these, the Philippines still remains in poverty, for reasons I am pretty sure all of us
are aware of. One may blame the poor leadership of this country, corruption, the slow economy, or even
overpopulation. But it may be reasons as simple as the observance of “Filipino time”, the lack of discipline
in observing traffic rules, or the absence of national pride.

Young or old, in one way or another, we are all guilty of some of these reasons.

Regardless of all these, still, one must realize that all is not hopeless for this country. One of the most
important things we need today is a better way of looking at ourselves as Filipinos, to be able to change
our perspective that being called a Filipino is not just something we should take for granted. That being
Pinoy does not mean that we can be stepped on by just anyone. We need to see ourselves in a positive
image and definition of ourselves as a people. I know that we are a strong and faithful nation, a hopeful
and blessed people. That alone, is what makes me proud to be a Pinoy ;)

a High School S
Confessions of

Dear Diary, times than I’ve

ar d th e ph ra se “my future” more
hs, I’ve probably
he ever did I think
at wi th in th e past five mont my te et h in my whole lifetime. N
I reckon th to brus h “Where

oo dl es an d ca boodles of times wh at co ur se ar e you taking?”,
mind me o,
heard my Mom re questions like, “S me that
st ag e wh er e I would ask people ke ?” . At so me point, it just hits
h the ta
that I would reac e you planning to
y fo r co lle ge ?” , or “What job ar
are you going to gh school kid.
is is my last year as a hi
I’m a se ni or . Th ant fantasy.
ea r re al it y in st ead of some dist
Whoaaa. a cl at
llege is more of ndering about th
wn ed on me th at the idea of co te . C hy ea h, it ’s right to be po t
It just da the day I gradua nt, each hang ou
sh es by an d br ings me closer to e on e da y at a time. Each mome
Everyday swoo to liv go our
it ’s al so se ri ously important fe w mo nt hs fr om now, we shall
t I believe see them again. A
bright future, bu e la st time that I’ll ever
countd ow n to th
with friends is a a na me for ourselves. al l my farewells an
d see-you-
d hope fu lly ma ke ua te - to sa y
separate ways an he month we grad nts told me and
my brother
th at I on ly ha d until April -t gu st wh en my pa re
I once thought s the month of Au the news began

I on ly ha ve un ti l December. It wa te r a fe w we ek s, the weight of
. af
someday’s. But no ok it lightly, but
to S in ga po re in December. I to
that we’re moving out on the simp
d th at I fe el like I’ve missed
to take its toll. ee ant the world or
on such turbo sp
st ye ar , I’v e been living life ol da ys wh en having a crush me
For the pa high sc ho day at a

ch in g to go ba ck to my earlier tr yi ng to liv e everyday one
I am it weekend. Now, I
pleasures of life. gs th at occupied the ie s to hear, experiences
yet to
re the on ly th in gr ab , st or
when gimmicks we opportunities to nutes, and
s of po ss ib ili ties, cascades of a fe w mo nt hs , days, hours, mi
has he ap have
time. Each day be fixed. I only
to ga in , co nf lic ts that need to
nds ose impossible
be created, frie rms, taken all th
I le av e my ho me . ge ap pl ic at io n fo
seconds left ‘til d out all my colle re whose name
ow it , I wo ul d already have fille se lf liv in g in a city in Singapo
Before I’d kn nd my
. I would just fi
od by es and farewells
entrance exams,
bi d my go utter with ‘la’. nge for me and
ul d be en di ng every sentence I day. It’s a challe
pr on ou nc e. I wo . I st ill ha ve to
I cannot even her days to come
rrow and the ot ke it matter.
But th at ’s st ill to mo
th e on ly th in g we have. Let's ma Jem
w, it’s
ve fo r to da y. Because as of no
everyone. Li

The Of f i c i a l Pu b l i c a t i o n o f I n t e r n a t i o n a l C h r i s t i a n A c a d e m y
6 Ina ng Demokrasya
Ni Sarah Mae Reyes
Bilang isang Kristyano…

“Susunod sa aking mga magulang”

Noong nakaraang - Jessie Mendoza
Agosto ang mga ika-apat (Grade 4 – Excellence)
na antas sa sekundarya
ng International Christian “Mas mag-aaral nang mabuti”
Academy ay nabigyan ng
- Nina Ramos
pagkakataong bisitahin
ang puntod ng yumaong (Grade 5 – Truthfulness)
dating pangulo na si Gng.

Corazon Aquino. Tila’y “Mag – aawat sa mga nag-

paraiso ang paligid ng aaway at tutulong sa mga
nitso. Punong-puno ng nangangailanagan”
dilaw na mga bulaklak, - Loela Ralleta
halimuyak ay pumapalibot (Grade 6 – Righteousness)
sa paligid. Dinudumog ito
ng maraming tao, na galing
pa sa iba’t-ibang lugar, “Magbabahagi ng Salita ng Diyos”
masilayan lang kahit isang - Kat Uy
saglit ang huling himlayan (Grade 7 – Obedience)
ng nasabing pangulo.
“Mas magsisipag para makapagtapos
Malaki ang impluwensya ng mga Aquino sa bansang ito. Tanyag sila ng pag-aaral”
sapagkat marami na silang naiabot na tulong sa mga nangangailangan. Nang - Josaiah Jacinto
pumanaw ang dating senador na si Ninoy Aquino, naglakas loob ang kanyang
(I- Diligence)
maybahay na ipagpatuloy ang laban. Sa tulong ng mga malalapit na kaibigan
at ng masa, nabigyan siya ng pagkakataon maupong presidente noong 1986.
Siya ang kauna-unahang babaeng presidente ng bansa at ng Asya. Napasama “Handang humarap sa lahat ng
siya sa mapayapang rebolusyon at naibalik niya ang demokrasya sa bansa. pagsubok sa buhay”
Nagkamit rin siya ng mga parangal, at nang dahil doon nakilala pa nang lubos - Frances Anne Reyes
ang Pilipinas. (I – Diligence)

Marso 2008, nabalitaang ang dating pangulo ay may malubhang sakit, “Magiging mabuting halimbawa, lalo
ito’y colon cancer, ang nakamamatay na sakit sa bituka. Ngunit sa pag-aaruga
na sa mga nakakabata”
ng kanyang mga anak, unti-unting napagaan ang kanyang karamdaman.
- Ched Soriano
Sa mahigit isang taong pakikipaglaban sa kanser, kinuha na rin siya ng (II – Patience)
Maykapal. Agosto 01, 2009, namayapa na si Gng. Cory Aquino sa piling ng
Diyos Ama. Masakit mang isiping marami siyang naiwan ditong nagmamahal “Tutulong para mapaganda at
at taga-supporta niya, maganda na’t magkasama na sila ng kanyang kabiyak. mapaayos lalo ang paaralan”
- Vince Ko
(II – Gracious)

“Gagawa ng mabuti sa kapwa”

- Meg Parolan
(III – Orderliness)

“Gagawin ang lahat para maging

mabuting mamamayan”
- Jemimah Tiburcio
(III – Compassion)

Hindi Ka Niya Iiwanan...

Ni Frances Anne R. Reyes

Sa buhay na Kanyang nilikha ay maraming pwedeng mangyari. Ang Diyos ay may mga plano para
sa Kanyang mga anak. Kahit ano pang pagsubok ang dumating, laging iisipin na ang Diyos Ama ay may
inihanda at ito ay mga plano na hindi ikapapahamak o ikahihirap nang sino man. Kungdi, para maging
leksyon at nang sa ganun, matama ang mga pagkukulang o mga maling nagawa. Kailanman, hindi ka Niya
iiwan. Siya ay laging nandiyan upang maging iyong sandigan, tutulungan ka Niya nang hindi maligaw sa
tamang landas.

The Of f i c i a l Pu b l i c a t i o n o f I n t e r n a t i o n a l C h r i s t i a n A c a d e m y
Salamism :
Paggugunita sa mga Nagdaang Taon
Ni Jenny Aguilar na aking gugustuhing palitan sa mga panahong
nagkaroon ako kasama sila. At kahit na kami’y
Sa tuwing may maglalakad na lalaki papunta sa magtatapos na sa hayskul, ang istorya namin ay
kaniyang kinauupuan ay susundan ito ng mga tingin patuloy pa rin. Hindi man kami ang pinakamagaling
ng kababaihan kasabay na ng mga puna sa mga o pinakamaganda sa lahat ng nagdaan at daraan na
nagbagong itsura nito. Kay ganda nga naman nilang pangkat, lahat naman ng mahirap na pinagdaanan
tingnan sa puting uniporme kaysa sa asul katulad at mga masasayang pinagsamahan ay lubos na di
noong nakaraang taon. Mas nagmumukha silang ko malilimutan.
matino at husto na sa gulang. Hindi maiiwasang marinig

sa mga kababaihan ang punang may tumangkad,
lumaki ang katawan at siyempre gumuwapo sa mga
Taglish: Ang bagong wika?
kalalakihan nilang kamag-aral. Gayundin naman
Ni Sarah Mae Reyes
ang mga kababaihan, may mga pinagbago. Ngunit
wala kang maririnig na komentaryo mula sa mga
“Muzta nah u?!!!! Me auz lng. . .” “Wer na u?
lalaki ukol dito. Mayroong mga humaba at umikli
D2 na me!” Natatawa ka ba? Naiinis? Pamilyar,
ang buhok, umitim at pumuti, tumangkad at mga
hindi ba? Sa panahon ngayon, karamihan ay ganito
nagdinalaga nang tingnan. Mayroon din namang tila
gumamit ng isang wika. Ni Bata man o matanda,
walang pinagbago sa panlabas na anyo. At tulad ng
hubog ang kanilang utak dito.
nakagawian, magyayakapan at magbabatian dahil
nga naman sa dalawang buwan na hindi pagkikita.
Marahil, hindi mo lamang napapansin na
Ito ang unang araw nila sa hayskul, at dito nagsimula
mismong ikaw ay nakapagsalita na rin ng ganoon.
ang lahat.
Tag-lish nga kung tawagin. Tagalog + Ingles. Bakit
pag nagsalita hindi pwedeng diretsong Tagalog?
Ang unang taon sa mataas na paaralan o
O diretsong Ingles? Sabi nga nila, sa henerasyon
hayskul ay tila nakayanig sa mga munti at inosente
ngayon, ganun na talaga. Hawaan din, kumbaga.
nilang pag-iisip. “Nakakashock”, kung sabihin. Iyan
Hindi naman masamang gamitin ang ganyan
marahil ang pinakamaliwanag na paglalarawan
subalit, ano na lamang ang magiging reaksyon ng
ng isang freshman sa kanyang unang taon. Kung
iba? Lalo na ang mga dayuhan? Hindi ito magandang
papaano ba naman ay nakakataranta ang lahat;
pakinggan, at isa pa, isa rin yun sa nagpapapangit
mga mabibigat na proyekto, mga matitinding aralin
sa itsura ng ating lipunan.
na ibinibigay, ang pagkaistrikto ng mga guro, ang
mahahaba at pagkahirap hirap na pagsusulit, at ang
Hindi nga masamang gumamit ng ibang
hindi malilimutan ng lahat, ang walang patawad na
lengguwahe. Ngunit, sa ano nga bang paraan natin
pag-aaral sa Biology ni Gng. Giselle. Ang taon na ito
maipapakita ang pagtangkilik sa sariling wika?
ay nakawiwindang nga kung sasabihin, ngunit ito ang
Marami na ngayon ang natuto ng iba’t ibang salita
taon kung kailan nagsimula ang pagkakaisa bilang
ng ibang lahi. Sapagkat, ang iba’y naninirahan sa
isang buong pangkat. Nagdaan ang pangalawang taon
ibang bansa at dapat nga lang nilang matutunan ang
at kung ipagmumuni muni ang mga pangyayari ay
salita doon. Ngunit, bakit may mga ibang Pilipino
masasabing ito ang pinakamagulo at medyo walang
na kung tutuusin dadalawang buwan pa lamang sa
kaayusan. Ito nga raw ang taon na “nakakarelax” sa
labas ng bansa, pero kung umasta’y, parang hindi
buhay hayskul. Dito nga ay hindi masyadong mahirap
sila galing dito at hindi na rin makapagsalita ng
ang mga aralin at di gaanong nakawiwindang tulad
ng nakaraang taon. Ngunit kahit nakakapahinga nga
sa mga aralin ay hindi parin nagpapahinga ang mga
Maganda bang gawain iyon? Hindi, hindi ba?
pagsubok na dumaraan. Ang pangatlong taon naman
Bilang Kristiyanong Pilipino, dapat gampanan mo
daw ay ang pinakamahirap batay sa pag aaral.
ang tungkulin sa iyong bayan. Pagtatangkilik sa
Dito karamihan ang pinakamaraming pinagagawa.
sariling wika’y, malaking tulong na sa pagpapa-
“Nakakapressure”, ika nga ng iba. Ito marahil ang
unlad ng iyong bansa.
may pinakamaraming gabing hindi na makatulog

sa gabi para lamang matapos ang kailangang gawin.
Handa ka bang tumayo at maging mabuting
Babangag bangag man kinabukasan, iisipin na
halimbawa sa paggamit ng sariling wika? O mas
lamang na para naman ito sa kapakinabangan.
pabor ka sa wikang Ingles o anumang ibang
lengguwahe? Ati’y bigyang halaga, mahalin at
Kay bilis nga naman ng panahon. Ngayon ay
ipagmalaki ang wikang Filipino. Ayon nga kay Rizal,
nasa panghuling taon na. Masasabi kong ako’y puno
ang hindi marunong magmahal sa sariling wika, ay
ng kagalakan na bahagi ako ng pangkat na ito at
masahol pa sa malansang isda.
hinding hindi ko iyon maipagpapalit sa kung ano man.
Kahit na kakaunting panahon na lamang ang natitira
upang kami’y magsama-sama, walang panahon

The Of f i c i a l Pu b l i c a t i o n o f I n t e r n a t i o n a l C h r i s t i a n A c a d e m y
8 Secret Security
By Cedric Yabyabin
Are You Happy Now?
By: Jason Hernandez

“Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man who
“He shall give His
angels charge takes refuge in him.”
over you, to keep
you in all your -Psalm 34:8, NIV
Dissatisfaction—it’s human nature. I know
-Psalm 91:11, numerous people who, as soon as they get what they want,
NIV find themselves desiring something better –something
more. They give their whole lives to pursue and chase after
Feeling secure worldly things, trying to achieve [temporary] satisfaction
is a high priority and joy, hoping to feel “complete.”
especially in
this unsafe, Most people think, “Oh, if only I were rich or powerful,
volatile world. In handsome or popular, then I will be contented with my life.”

whatever we do, So they venture off into the world, searching for satisfaction
and wherever we and happiness in the wrong places. Sadly, these people are
go, it pays to have misled; in the long run, it all profits nothing. All is “vanity
the assurance and grasping for the wind.” (Eccl. 2:11)
to know you are
safe and highly We, as sons and daughters of God, ought not to settle
guarded. for anything less. We must not get caught up in such things.
I tell you the truth: until we have an intimate relationship
In the 91st with God, only then can one find true satisfaction and joy.
chapter of the It is only Jesus who can fill in that insatiable void in our
book of Psalms, hearts; only He can satisfy us. Once we understand that
the Psalmist found a “secret place” where he felt safe and we need Jesus in our lives, everything else doesn’t seem to
secure. He had described it with these phrases: matter anymore.

Under the shadow of the Almighty (v.1). Shadows provide Once you get
protection from the direct heat from the sun, right? If the to know and
heat is severe, the shade reduces what we feel. When we’re experience God
under God’s shadow, we do not face the full heat of our personally, you
difficulties. will understand
just how
A refuge and a fortress (v.2). God is the strongest protector awesome life
we could ever have, and we can always run to Him for help. really is. In John
Nothing can penetrate Him to get to us unless it is part of 10:10 (Amplified
His loving plan for our ultimate good. version), Jesus
says, “I came
Under His wings (v.3). God is soft and tender like a caring that they may
father. When troubles rage, He draws us close. We don’t have and enjoy
need to feel that He will cast us out – we are His. life, and have it
in abundance
A dwelling place (v.9). Our Father will be our home, our (to the full, till it
abiding place – now and forever. He’s always open and overflows).” Jesus
welcomes everyone to be His. is all we will ever
need in this life.
True security can be found only in our Lord, who Riches, power,
promises to save us and be near us. No one is more secure fame, good
than those who are in the hands of God. looks, and even
material things
cannot –and will
Jesus Generation never—compare.
By: Pauline Mata
"Let no one despise or think less of you because of your youth, but be an example (pattern) for the believers in speech, in
conduct, in love, in faith, and in purity… Do not neglect the gift which is in you, which was directly imparted to you [by the
Holy Spirit]."
-I Timothy 4:12 & 14, Amplified
It’s so sad to see people nowadays straying from moral values and biblical principles. The world at present is
just so full of evil. Everywhere you look: television shows, movies, the internet, radio stations, magazines, books, are all
filled with worldly trash –plain nonsense and idiocy—that has rapidly affected the minds of society today. Songs with
disgraceful lyrics, using profane language, topping the charts; best-seller novels written about vampires, witches, sorcery,
and magic; blockbuster films and television shows promoting the normalization of pre-marital sex, homosexuality, and
even disrespectful attitudes toward parents –it is completely and utterly repulsive. The sad thing about it is even Christians
are giving in to it.
The world is just drowning in folly and perversity. People have become more and more engrossed in worldly
practices, and are drifting further away from God.
Fellow students, we, as Christians, play a vital role in this generation –as young as we are. God is calling us to
be a walking, talking, breathing advertisement of Jesus on the earth. Yes, God is calling each and every one of us to be a
testimony of His greatness to the world. God is looking for Josephs, Davids, and Joshuas –mighty men and women who will
live differently from the world, in order to be used by Him to alter the entire course of this generation.
However, in order for this to happen, we must first build ourselves spiritually and fill our spirit with His Word rather
than worldly trash. We must make a quality decision to live our lives for God. “And do not be conformed to this world, but
be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.”
(Rom. 12:2, NKJV)
God will use anyone who is willing, regardless of age. So be a light to this generation. Set an example –to your friends,
your siblings, and even to your parents and teachers, and watch God move mightily through you!
The Of f i c i a l Pu b l i c a t i o n o f I n t e r n a t i o n a l C h r i s t i a n A c a d e m y
Decisions, Decisions
By: Arrah Balucating
A million years ago, God created the heavens and the earth and
everything living in it. Also, a million years ago, God created human
beings out of His own image. He created them in a beautiful manner with
such perfect structure that only He could imagine. Also, He gave these
humans the freedom to decide—but wait, hold on right there. Didn’t God
also command His people to follow Him? Why didn’t he just put humans
in some sort of a mind control trance? If He knows that people could be
stubborn, why the free will? Well, the answer is rather simple. It’s because
He is a just and loving God. He couldn’t bear to use His Almighty power
over us because He loves us that much, He doesn’t want His people to be
forced to come to Him; He wants them to choose. Fast forward million
years after the creation of the world, and we land on the 21st century. A

lot of things have changed since then but the gift of free will that God so
mercifully gave us is still there. Most people underestimate the power
of decision-making. They think that everything in their lives happen
because they are supposed to happen. I wouldn’t argue with that, our
lives have been laid out for us to live long before we were born but not
everyone knows that the decisions we make could greatly affect the life
that God wants us to have.

Let’s put it this way, let’s say a student doesn’t study for an exam
and fails, is it the teacher’s fault? No. A teenage girl got pregnant at 16
and she’s having a hard time balancing being a mom and a highschooler
at the same time, is God to blame because He planned for her to be pregnant that early? No.

The way you make decisions will determine the kind of life you lead. Consistently make bad decisions
and have a consistently hard life. Consistently make wise decisions, and you’ll end up fulfilling the life
God planned for you. Our lives depend on our choices. Every day, we are faced with such things and it’s a
life-long struggle. It’s really hard to have a plate full of these because if we make one wrong turn, it will
have a huge impact. Think domino effect. Push one domino and the others will surely fall down. Spend all
your money unwisely, you’ll go broke. Don’t take care of your body, you’ll go ill. Don’t study well, expect a
failing mark on your report card.

Bottom line is having free will is a great privilege. It’s awesome that even though God is powerful
enough to turn us into mind controlled freaks, He didn’t do so. He gave us this amazing power to decide.
So, do yourself a favor and don’t ruin your life by making the wrong choices. Start living life one wise
decision at a time.

My Life Changing Story

By: JR Dy

My story begins back in elementary, when I was still deciding where to attend my first year of high
school: De La Salle Zobel (DLSZ), De La Salle Canlubang, and International Christian Academy. Out of the
three, I chose to go to DLSZ.
The results of the DLSZ entrance exams were finally out. I was shocked; out of all my friends who
took the exam, I was the only one who did not make it in. I was filled with disappointment. I constantly
asked God the reason of my failure, why I was the only one who did not make it in.
Fortunately, though, I did pass the other two exams –De La Salle Canlubang and ICA’s. My mom and I
chose ICA instead, mainly because it was a Christian environment.
A couple of days went by. I experienced a lot of new things in my new school such as the morning
devotion and praise and worship. I got used to the whole “Christian” routine in ICA –these ‘morning
rituals’ I thought Christians in this school did merely because it was a Christian school. However, after
months of being in this school, I finally understood that there is more to being a Christian than just having
praise and worship. It was about actually doing His Word, displaying it through our actions and words,
and totally surrendering our way of life for His. This was true Christianity. Being a true Christian is what
I learned during the last few months of my freshman year in high school, and still continue to learn here.
Yes, there are many more things I have yet to learn, but when I look back to see what has happened in the
past few years, I see growth.
“I know what I'm doing. I have it all planned out—plans to take care of you, not abandon you, plans
to give you the future you hope for.” –Jeremiah 29:11, the Message
Again, I remembered the DLSZ entrance exam results and finally saw God’s purpose for all this; He
wanted me here in ICA. And indeed, I am blessed just being in this school. I am blessed because of the
people in ICA. As it turns out, sadly, many of my batch mates from my former school have not found the
right company in their schools. Many of them have given in to worldly practices. For this reason, I am
really thankful that God has placed me here in this school. I am thankful because here, I learned the true
meaning of praise and worship, and being a true Christian. I am thankful for the many good experiences,
for my beyond-extraordinary batch, for the new set of friends, and especially for my best friend.
God has a plan for our lives, and it always turns out good. All these, I had never expected –and I love it.
Never doubt God –that’s the lesson I learned. This is how God changed my life. I hope this story changes
yours, too.

The Of f i c i a l Pu b l i c a t i o n o f I n t e r n a t i o n a l C h r i s t i a n A c a d e m y
10 Tunay na Kaibigan
Ni Hannah Joy Maderazo
A Star of My Own
Broken Toy By Mitchel Espaldon
Ako’y may kilala, isang tapat
Taglay ang pambihira at dakilan
na kaibigan.
ez g pangalan.
By Isa Romuald Lumikha ng daigdig at buong san
I gaze up at the sky each night Siya rin ang nag-sabing “Ako
ang simula at ang katapu san”.
t its mind is
Its body is there bu and find the brightest star.
Simula nang ako’y likhain at hub
mislaid elsewhere It’s always waiting there for me Sa tiyan ng aking ina’y unti-un
it has no clue
Empty days go by, so close, but yet so far Kanyang kadakilaa’y hindi kay
ting palakihin,
what to do ang sukatin
lie, It doesn’t know Pagkat sangnilikha ay hindi niy
“I’m fine,” It would The star winks in the evening sky a ipinagkait sa akin .
where to run to

eds to be mended and reaches out to me. Anong bagay pa ba ang hindi kay
This broken toy ne It magically appears each night Kung maging ang buhay Niya ay
ang ibigay?
Kanya ngang inalay.
days, jaded and for all the world to see Maligtas lang ako sa tiyak na
You go on with your Upang aking kamtan ang buhay
exhausted inside na walang hanggan.
th smiles, and I’ve wished upon this special star
But programmed wi Nais mo bang makilala kung sino
laughter my whole life through, it seems. ng talaga,
, when no one’s Ang ipinagmamalaki ko kahit saa
As the day finishes I’ve closed my eyes and made my Simple lang kaibigan, tanggapin
ng lugar pa?
watching wish mo lang siya
, and stop At sa buong buhay mo pagtiw
You weep in secret of hopes, and plans, and dreams alaan Siya.
erything’s fine
pretending that ev Kristo Hesus ang tunay at hay
ag Niyang pangalan,
e confused And then, one day I got my wish At sa kalangitan doon Siya nan
You are lost, you ar I finally met you. Kahit anong oras pwede mo Siy
u are weary
You are broken, yo ang tawagan
g down your neck You are that special someone Pagkat Siya ay totoo at tun
Insecurity is creepin ay na kaibigan.
allow that lump of who’s made all my dreams come
And you try to sw
despair true

Opposite Day
You are a broken to So now whenever we’re apart
r th is illu sion of bliss
Looking fo I find that same bright star. By Bernard Sicat
found an answer,
Until one day, you It makes me feel so close to you
can call Father She’s my black and I’m her white
A Savior that you no matter how far you are
e a broken toy I’m her day and she’s my night
Who mended you, lik
She’s the walk and I’m the run
I’m her moon and she’s my sun
We’re so close, but still worlds apar
We hold each oth er’s hea rt
We’re a match, what a catch
You don’t do anything but I’m att
A Bad Name So dysfunctional, it’s perfect
By Jiselle Magbanua So many x’s that it’s a check
It’s wrong to think that it’s like
all its str aigh tne ss, the re’s a twist
Days fly by like centuries I try to block all the bad friction out and over That in
Time seems to bask in my misery Just to keep your hand resting on my shoulder
I’m dawdling in ‘n I’m dawdling out I’m dawdling in n’ I’m dawdling out But I can’t help but think that way
Think about it everyday
Caught between the real world and a faded Plastic smiles and plastic hearts tower
Think that we are meant to be
dream I for you, and you for me
Bridges swallowed up by flames behind me
Many times I’ve told myself, “I told you so” I’m jealous of the ones who fly freely It’s like I asked for the perfect
All this hindsight, a continuous flow I’m dawdling in, I’m dawdling out And instead I get to hurl
I’m dawdling in n’ I’m dawdling out Live and let live and let me be When she makes me ride that roll
A never ending beep before the dial tone In a moment I’d love to see in a poster
I dream of sitting on this carousel ride
Passing through unconscious episodes You and me, riding side by side Darn you, for making me go craz
Waiting for the day we both could finally go I wish for no more dawdling in n’ dawdling out w if I’m just stu nne d or lazy
I don’t kno
I wanted
home Bring me to the day when everything shall work out right You are the exact opposite of who I want it
gs just the way
But I’m dawdling in n’ I’m dawdling out But yet you say thin
Crowds and crowds of people hover and stay me
put like stones I’m in love with a girl nothing like
who see med like a nob ody
A girl I met
heart is saying
A girl who understands what my
cha nge my entire being
A girl who managed to

Her Chloe-Like Smile Hesitation Within These Walls

By: Joshua Uy By: Marielle M isalucha
By: Joshua Uy Contained in these fo
These days everything seems so bright Where from the world ur walls I lay
With restless th I am away
I can’t stop thinking about it, even for awhile a crowded place And feelings thatouIgh ts, preoccupied
You see her across But there's no inttry to hide
Even when the day has fallen to night angelic face
A girl with the mo st This pain and agpo to hide th
ony somehow em now
My mind is filled with her Chloe-like smile ur heart beats fast
Time stops and yo t Will no more be on
found the one at las Or mocked inside anceiro
nter stage
-- It seems you have n cage
My heart skips a beat when she enters the room This freedom of expre
rds to say to her
For when I wake, she’s the first person I want to see You think of the wo ays remember And struggle of tryingssing [me]
to be
ll alw
Words that she wi d soul The person who I’m
And wearing someonno
Her face as beautiful as a flower’s bloom
me th ing th at wi ll take her heart an whole t within
e else's skin
So pa rt s a Is keeping me fr be
But it’s still her Chloe-like smile that has taken me ke two broken A torment achinom
Words that will ma ing whole
g from the soul
ht time to come But within these walls
Her laughter is sweet music to my ears You wait for the rig art to become numb where no on
A single tear from her breaks my heart st
Your hands and feet e words to say
I’m bound with ha
A liberty from heppi ness and bliss e is
She’s the one I’ve been looking for all these years Sudd en ly yo u fo rg ot th And from insan ftany chains
would lik e to continue anyway That stir me upity d pains
But it has always been her Chloe-like smile from the But you And heavy more un along the road
ur hand wanted load
start eath and steady yo These bags of burde ns on my ba
You take a deep br shake lik e yo ur standing on sand They overflow an d break the racck
-- st ar t to k
But yo ur leg s op and hesitate
but suddenly you st But there's nothing I
Now I look ahead for what is in store You begin to walk it’s too late ca n do tonight
ow she is gone and That will make
But stay withinme
For she is worth every minute, every mile Next thing you kn th
feel alright
es e
The break of da ; th walls until
There is nothing else I need to look for The sky with enwn e sun refi
dless light of dallsy
Because nothing compares to her Chloe-like smile Supposed to make
But nothing's ma me feel okay
Than stay withinde me feel so fine
these walls of mine

The Of f i c i a l Pu b l i c a t i o n o f I n t e r n a t i o n a l C h r i s t i a n A c a d e m y
The ICA Table Tennis Team:
Yes, We Have One!
By: Joshua Uy
For years, the table tennis varsity team has been
overshadowed by the more popular sports, like basketball
and volleyball; even though, just two years ago, the team
won gold in the men’s doubles and silver in the women’s
singles during the PSAP Palaro. This year, the team gained
an increased number of joining students from all years of
the high school department. They have also purchased a
new table. With great support from ICA, they hope to win
multiple medals for the school.
This reporter only asked two questions to the team’s captain,
Hans Manela:
And the Run for Victory Again!
By: Kamyl Pineda For the first (1) question, “What can you say about this year’s

team?” he only uttered one word, UNITY. And for the second
The athletics competition was held at the Olivarez (2) question, “What is/are your goal/s for this year?” Hans
College where more than 15 schools participated. The said “To glorify God.” Based on his answers, the team looks
to be in the right track. Only time will tell if their training
runners for this year are composed of high school students will pay off when they compete in this year’s tournament.
namely: Mikee Misalucha, Camille Vidamo and Eric Quirino
(First Year); Hannah Khatibi (Second Year); JJ Quirino and The ICA Table Tennis Varsity Team includes Hans
Nathan Khatibi (Third Year); Sarah Mae Reyes, Rachel Manela, Mitchel Espaldon, Isabelle Romualdez, Diane
Magbuhos, Patricia Ramirez, Angel Pastores, Kamyl Pineda, Aguilloso, David Reyes, Isabel Francisco, JV Andrada and
Marielle Misalucha, Kevin Batungbacal, Biancci Bautista, Jr Andrea Aguinalde.
Dy (Fourth Year); the training is every Tuesdays and Fridays
from 4:30-6:30 led by Coach David Kairuz.

These runners have been incessantly training, placing

all their time, effort and strength in this. Knowing that
the comfort of being in an air-conditioned classroom is
completely effaced from their minds, it did not stop them
from continuing what they have started – to run, to win
and to finish the race with much determination. It takes a
lot of strength to be part of this, not just merely running. It
requires commitment to be able to finish the course. It takes
determination and courage to face each competitor.

Basketball Varsity:
Getting Ready For Battle
By: Joshua Uy
For years, the ICA Basketball Varsity Team finished the
Volleyball Varsity: PSAP Palaro with a losing record. This year, the team hopes
Goal for this Year to break the streak and go all the way. With the leadership of
By: Anna Santiago Coach Jones and team captain, Raymond Ramos, the squad is
training hard and focusing themselves on the task at hand.
The ICA volleyball team has been incessantly training
all throughout summer and the beginning of this school “We hope to do well this year and plan to make it, at
year for the upcoming “PSAP Palaro 2009”. With their coach, least, to the semi-finals. ” Ramos said. With veteran, like
Jason Hernandez and Nathan Khatibi, and some newcomers,
Coach Alex Hernandez, they train 3 times in a week for two like Cris Akol and Russell Alimon, the team looks to have a
to three hours. fighting chance in the up-and-coming PSAP tournament.

The players expected to be seen playing this year are For this year, Coach Jones gave the Basketball team a
Team Captain - Joanna Orola, with Camila Benipayo, Stephanie new motto, “All for one and one for all”. With this, he makes
his message clear. He wants the team to train, play, and work
Patuto, Dainz de Leon, Marielle Misalucha (Fourth Year); together. “We must have teamwork” is what Coach Jones
Jhelsea Ansis (Third Year); Bela Nuñez, Hannah Khatibi, Ruth always says to his players when he gives his usual talk after
Espino, Sarah Caparaz, Yayoi Tsumura, Kat Gonzales, Anna every practice. It’s just a matter of time until we figure out
Santiago (Second Year); Jem Guhit and Mikee Misalucha if the team will put these words to heart and apply it. No
(First Year). matter what the outcome is, we can be sure that the team
will try its best to bring glory to God and ICA.
The team has been practicing very hard for the The Basketball Varsity Team includes Raymond Ramos,
upcoming league. With God's grace and all of their training Russell Alimon, Joshua Uy, Cris Akol, Ehrl Dahan, Jason
and support from their coach, they hope to once again reach Hernandez, Jonald Allado, Andy Lee (Fourth Year); Joshua
the finals and this time, go all the way to first place. Capili, Christian Staples, Nathan Khatibi, Kevin Hernandez,
Kaiser Camaongay (Third Year) and Kevin Park (Second Year).
The Of f i c i a l Pu b l i c a t i o n o f I n t e r n a t i o n a l C h r i s t i a n A c a d e m y
A Note to ICA Parents, Faculty & Staff. . .

Parents, it is ICA’s prayer that our partnership

covenant will be strengthened as you read through this
material from Ollie E. Gibbs, Ed.D.


Someone has said that Christians believe that the heart

of education is education for the heart. Those are
good words. True education is more than academics
and athletics. It also includes the spiritual development

of every student. It is this heritage of the faith that

must become a part of every school’s vision.

In most cases, children are not led to the Lord in

the Christian school. Instead, Christian schools
are charged with the responsibility to perpetuate
and protect spiritual heritage begun by parents,
grandparents and Sunday School teachers. If we
preserve and advance an academic and intellectual
climate at the expense and sacrifice of the spiritual
heritage, we have failed as Christian educators.

Trace the history of America’s early colleges and

universities. Although established as institutions of
higher learning, their primary mission was to train
pastors and defend their faith. Today, these same PSAP RESULTS
institutions have abandoned the faith while embracing
those who spoil you “through philosophy and empty
deceit, according to the tradition of men, according to Jesus Joaquin Quirino (III-O) 4x100m Silver
the basic principles of the world..” (Colossians 2:8). Eric Quirino (I-P) 4x100m Silver, 4x400m Bronze
Kevin Batungbacal (IV-H) 200m Bronze, 4x100m Silver, 4x200m Gold
Never forget that the “erosion” principle is ever- JR Dy (IV-E) 4x100m Silver, 4x400m Bronze
present in our society: evil is getting increasingly worse Nathan Khatibi (III-C) 800m Gold, 4x200m Gold, 4x400m Bronze
while becoming more cleverly disguised. As God’s Word Biancci Bautista (IV-H) 4x200m Gold, 4x400m Bronze
continues to be ridiculed to pass a heritage of faith Kim Eduvane (I-P) 4x200m Gold
along to the next generation of students. Rachelle Magbuhos (IV-H) 800m Bronze
Jephta Cederstam (6-R) Gold 100m, Gold 800m, Bronze 4x100m
Christian schools and Christian families are in Eigan Santiago (6-H) Silver 800m, Silver 400m
perpetual relay of the faith. At home the principles of Keane Jaro (5-T) Bronze 4x100m
godly living are taught in a daily basis. As the children Juansen Dizon (7-W) Bronze 4x100m
go off to school, the baton of faith is handed off to Jireh Rodriguez (5-T) Bronze 4x100m
the teacher. Throughout the day, the spiritual race Kirsten Jaro (6-R) Gold 100m
is continued. At the end of the school day, the baton Chamique Lopez (5-T) Gold 800m
is passed back to the parents. Day after day and year Micah Caparros (6-H) Gold 400m, Bronze 4x100m
after year, the spiritual race is run. The heritage of Julianne Cederstam (3-G) Silver 800m
faith passes from one generation to the next. Listen to Nicole Estrella (6-R) Bronze 4x100m
the words of Moses: Denise Estrella (4-J) Bronze 4x100m
Kiara Jaro (4-J) Bronze 4x100m
“You shall teach them diligently to your children,
and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, Badminton
when you walk by the way, when you lie down,
and when you rise up. Jonathan Velasco (4-E) Gold- Singles A Div.
Jed Cedric Yabyabin (IV-E) Bronze- Singles B Div.
You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, Claudine Gabrielle Mendoza (III-C) 4th place- Singles B Div.
and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. Table Tennis
You shall write them upon the doorposts of your
house and on your gates” (Deuteronomy 6:7-9) Sherwin Mitchel Espaldon (III-C) Gold- Singles B Div.
Gilbert Hans Manela (IV-E) Silver- Singles A Div.
That’s God plan! Relay your faith – faithfully and Anna Isabel Francisco (II-P) Silver- Singles A. Div
without compromise –from one generation to the next. Diane Aguilloso (III-C) 4th place- Doubles B
Isabelle Romualdez (III-C) 4th place- Doubles B
PARENTS, we commit to be your partner in such
relay. God bless! Chess
Russel Factor (5-T) Bronze
William Bermejo (6-H) Bronze
Fought the good fight, finished the race,
kept the faith...
David Gabato (5-R) 1 Silver, 1 Bronze
CJ Paz (7-W) 3 Golds, 3 Silver, 1 Bronze
During the month of September, we witnessed ICA’s
Daniel Gabato (II-P) 3 Silver, 2 Bronze
greatest athletes who participated in the Private Schools
Anne Bernadette Gabato (IV-E) 6 Golds, 1 Silver
Associations Paranaque (PSAP) 2009 competition. It
is on that week numerous sports events took place, NCR QUALIFIERS
bringing home with them the 3rd runner up title with
medals and trophies in hand. Truly, ICA is blessed with Jonathan Velasco Badminton
Nathan Khatibi 1500m Gold, 4x400m Gold
abundant athletes that could be an incipient of change
Jephta Cederstam 100m Gold
for our school!

The Of f i c i a l Pu b l i c a t i o n o f I n t e r n a t i o n a l C h r i s t i a n A c a d e m y

Papyrus 2009


The Of f i c i a l Pu b l i c a t i o n o f I n t e r n a t i o n a l C h r i s t i a n A c a d e m y
rom the
A Note f
Inspired as chose
Filipino b ration w
9 c e le o
y 200 or us t
ang Pino lighted events f
The Pist ’s h ig h in oy cultu
f ICA own P ason,
as one o e ciate o u r v e r y
d . For t h is r e
r a p p r g r a n t e
bette en for rus
ften tak of Papy
that is o t h e f ir st issue t a g e design
o mak e ch of v in
I chose t h a t o u n e w look ;]
emed wit ada! A

in o - t h .. .… T
Filip e it is
. And her
to match
apyrus? Cultural
ext for P ion Day, 2009 aAga ang
What’s n Found a t
ollibee M 0r’s
’s 2 6 t h b a c k !, J
ICA A’s Sen1
, REPLIC nims Concert, A
Pageant in D e o r e !
usic nd m
Pasko, M nior Papyrus, a
u t e , J u

IQ challenge
An airplane, flying from the Philippines to Hong Kong crashed
right on the border between the two countries. Where would
they bury the survivors – in Hong Kong or in the Philippines?
Answer right away.
If you are in a dark room with a candle, a wood stove and a gas
lamp. You only have one match, so what do you light first?
Can you guess what I am?
I have my share in the cares of life and yet I am always in luck.
Without me, physics, chemistry, mathematics, and in fact, all the
exact sciences would be a meaningless jumble. While I am an
absolute necessity to princess, the commoner too could not cope
without me.
I have my share of all practical accomplishments, yet in cooking
I have made a mere beginning. In sweeping, dusting, and
washing I am absolutely nowhere.
Now, if you cannot guess what I am, look carefully at your
dictionary, though you can also find me in any current
How smart are you?
What flies without wings, propellers, or jets?
What word if pronounced right is wrong, but if pronounced
wrong is right?
What can you hold without your hands?
Where is the ocean deepest?

The Advanced I.Q. Challenger 2004 Edition: Philippine Copyright by Cristina Santos Canonigo

Excerpts fromI AM FILIPINO

a poem by Ale
xander Lacso
I am Filipino. I
Creator of all am a child of the One G
that is in our o
world and thdewho is the
I am Filipino. M universe.
spot on eart y C re a to r planted m on
archipelago oh, where the sun alwayse sh a specific
f 7,107 wonde in
whole world c rf l islands, wes, in an
alls the “Peau rl of the Oriheich the
Pilipinas the nt.”
people. It is is country God
the birthplace gave to me an
of my race. It d my
of the Filipino is the home
People Behind the Paper… I am Jose Riza
Aquino and al, Andres Bonifacio, Juan
ll those Luna,
Editor-in-Chief: Angelissa Pastores become a natiwho fought for our landNinoy
Advisers: Ma. Teresa Zabala, Matthew Aleta on of free peo to
Layout Editor: Marielle Misalucha I am the grand ple.
Boracay, the seeur of Banaue, the enc
renity of Man ha tment of
ila Bay, and nth
Pool of Writers:
Section Editors:
and breadth of Tubbatah e depth
Jenny Aguilar a Reef.
I am who I am
News: Faith Miguel Arrah Balucating today because
Feature: Jiselle Ann Magbanua JR Dy me to play. the role God wants
Editorial: Angel Pastores Mitch Espaldon I am born to su
Gospel: Pauline Mata Jem Guhit cceed. I am d
born of freed estine
Literature: Camila Benipayo Jason Hernandez om, in a freedcto be great. I am
Filipino: Sarah Mae Reyes JD Luna I am born to h ountry.
Sports: Cedric Yabyabin Jem Magbanua in the eyes of e lp the Filip
Miscellaneous: Angel Pastores, Pauline Mata the world buint,o become great not only
Marielle Misalucha Faith Miguel our Lord. re so, in the eyes of
Marielle Misalucha I am Filipino. I
Credits for Pictures: Angel Pastores my life to do G am a faithful
Bea Perez od’s work once hild of God. I
Kamyl Pineda
beautiful cou
ntry for my Fil arth, to help sh
all live
Biancci Bautista ip in u ild a
Pauline Mata David Reyes world for all h o family, and a better
Frances Anne Reyes
Camille Vidamo And soon the
Eunice Ciriaco Jasmine Reyes greatness of Fworld shall see the full m
Angel Pastores Sarah Mae Reyes see what God ilipino, for truly the wo easure of the
can d to and rl
Ms. Faith Alcala Isabelle Romualdez
Filipino, whoo is through a cdhilhas yet to
Anna Santiago faithful to th d, like the
Publisher: Nikki Santos e Lord.
Bernard Sicat I am Filipino.
Cover & Pages Corporation Joshua Uy
Cedric Yabyabin

The Of f i c i a l Pu b l i c a t i o n o f I n t e r n a t i o n a l C h r i s t i a n A c a d e m y

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