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SUMMER EDITIONJune and July, 2017

First Presbyterian Church

Street: 10612 Dayton Pike, Soddy Daisy, TN 37379
Mail: P. O. Box 9, Soddy Daisy, TN 37384 Phone 423-332-2327

Knitted Together

SUMMER EDITIONJune and July, 2017

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SUMMER EDITIONJune and July, 2017

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SUMMER EDITIONJune and July, 2017

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SUMMER EDITIONJune and July, 2017

June 2017
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 2 3
Judy Ellis

4 SS 10:00 5 Knit 6:30 6 7 8 Morgan 9 10

Worship 11:00

11 SS 10:00 12 Knit 6:30 13 Presleigh 14 15 16 Aurora 17

Worship 11:00 Kurzenberger Williams
Judy Stephenson Dena Hopkins
18 SS 10:00 19 Knit 6:30 20 21 22 23 24
Worship 11:00

25 SS 10:00 26 Knit 6:30 27 28 29 30

Worship 11:00
Gene Curvin

July 2017
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

2 SS 10:00 3 4 5 6 7 8
Worship 11:00

9 SS 10:00 10 Knit 6:30 11 12 13 14 15VBS kick off

Worship 11:00

16 SS 10:00 17 Knit 6:30 18 19 20 Parents 21 22

Worship 11:00 Invited
VBS 6:30 VBS 6:30 VBS 6:30 VBS 6:30
VBS 6:30

23 SS 10:00 24 Knit 6:30 25 Adrienne 26 Art 5:00 27 28 29 Jan & Gary

Worship 11:00 Hargrove Dinner 6:30 Newman
Bible Study 7:00

30 SS 10:00 31 Knit 6:30

Worship 11:00
Knitted Together will be published monthly near the 1st of the month. Please send items to publish to Effie Heiss
or Judy Stephenson, by the 20th of the previous month. Thank you.
Our newsletter staff is: Effie Heiss (editor); Judy Stephenson (production manager); Jim Hargrove (distribution manager)
Newsletter can also be found on Facebook.
Please give Jim Hargrove (423-760-8787; the names, mailing addresses or email addresses of family and
friends, and possible new members, so that we can send them our monthly newsletter. Please let Jim know if you prefer your news-
letter via email. Church email is
SUMMER EDITIONJune and July, 2017

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