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behaving bf
JohnTelfer offers advice on how to tackle bad leadership
behaviour that can have a detrimental impact on the bottom line

ritish organisations are facing a talent becomes even more important. A'lotivated
talent time homh. In the most part, and loyal employees are a company's best asset
this has been fuelled hy the state of during times of economic hardship and tlic cavlx
the economy hut it has also heen stages of recovery. Good leadership during bad
exacerbated hy issues times helps to increase loyalty; bad leadership,
with leadership. however, exacerbates feelings ot distrust and lack
of commitment, making employees increasingly
What do we mean by talent time bomb? During likely to begin to look elsewhere. Yet badlv behaved
times of economic strife and high unemployment
many employees decide to sit tight in their current because most comjianics have no way to measure
job even when they're unhappy - figuring that the impact of this behavicmr on employees and on
it's better to have any job even if it's not perfect. profitabilit}', they continue to display these traits
But the resultant impact of presentccism in terms unchecked by HR and the board.
of |ir<)tluc'tivity and cniployiricnt costs often goes Bad behaviour can defined as anything generally
unmeasured, sometimes unnoticed. considered inappropriate or unprofessional in the
As the economy improves and the number workplace. This could include, but isn't limited
of vacancies increases, organisations may see an to, bad language, lyi iu; (on- and ott-
exodus of good workers who, feeling dissatisfied
and disengaged, will seek a better work life unsupportive, not listening to the opinions of staff
elsewlicre. Losing good talent at a time when the or others, not taking into account team members'
company is focused on future business growth beliefs or limitations, and/or being rude or
could put potential expansion plans at risk. Recent offensive. Of course, behaviour is very subjectiv'e,
statistics from the Office of National Statistics, and what offends one employee may not dftend
dated Q3 2012, show that the number of unfilled another, but all companies should operate within
vacancies is up by 30,000 from the same period regulations set out in employment law and
last year, reflecting a trend towards a more vibrant also operate within boundaries of good sense
recruitment market . when it comes to behaviour.
As the economy begins to pick up and the ICM recently undertook a survey of <
number ot vacancies grows, retaining the best 1,000 people in Great Britain on my
company's behalf and found that
seven out often people had left ;
a job because of a bad boss.
Ineffective management Addressing leader behaviour is ^
an action that can be taken '
is costing UK businesses now to improve worker
engagement and retention
more than Eigbnper year of the best people
before they are likely
in lost working hours to leave.

'I.I March 2013

In fact, the Department of Business, Innovatio , eferences
and SkiUs estimates that ineffective management""' http://www.
Bad leadership isn't just bad for talent retention; it is costing UK businesses more than 19bn per
also has a direct impact on the bottom line. Fifty year in lost working hours . uk/ons/rel/
four per cent of employees we surveyed have had a The recession alone can't be blamed for the poor Ims/labour-
problem with their boss's leadership style at some behaviour of the UK's leaders. Our research found market-
point. These problems can lead to a disruptive that one British boss in every three doesn't behave
working culture, with increased Incidences of well, with many classed a.s merely adequate (24 per ber-2012/
individuals taking 'sickics', purposely doing less cent) and 11 per cent 'bad'or 'despicable'. Yet the statistical-
ftical jokes. responsibility' for these 'bad' behaviours may not lie bulletin.
on the shoulders of the bosses themselves. In the html#tab-
past some 'bad'behaviours may have had a positive
impact on employees and profitabiUty but recent
company changes may now result in that same
behaviour ha\inii a detrimental impact.
l ake the 'bulhing'boss for e.xample. In the past, uploads/
e head o sales may have used bullving tactics system/up
^ loads/at
in order to meet targets, often with great results.
Two years on, as the business has matured and
the sales director is now the Cl'.O, the bullied file/32327/
employees suffer from low morale, and decreased 12-923-lead
commitment and the company is haemorrha;ing
statt. The result is poor longer-term business
performance and increased staff recruitment costs ment-key
both of which outweigh any increase in sales -to-sustaina-
that the C E O has encouraged.
In this circumstance, the behaviour that was pdf March 2013 I'J


Reference Profitability was that British workers are less keen on having
3 IBP's As this example shows, bad or inappropriate visionary bosses who behave we, like Richard
Leadership behaviour does have a direct impact on the Branson, wanting instead those that are good at
Employee profitability and success of a company. When we team buding. The survey asked respondents to rank
Index al- analysed the results of the ICM survey against our the foowing statements in importance to them:
lows organi-
benchmarked Leadership Employee Index'', we someone who respects my views and beliefs as a
sations to
quantifiably found that the average British boss is lagging 16 person and works hard on buding relationships
measure per cent behind our good leadership practice score. that will help me succeed in my job - 34 per cent
leadership Organisations that have used the LEI to measure someone that gives me lots of guidance and
and man- leadership behaviour and have taken action to advice and ensures I develop the skills I need to
agement change it have directly achieved an average profit succeed in my job - 24 per cent
behaviours, improvement of 5 per cent. someone who encourages and nurtures my
than just This quantifiable improvement on the bottom development within the organisation -
outputs. line is a compelling reason for British businesses 20 per cent
Employees to look at measuring their leaders' behaviour and someone with lots of influence and vision who
answer its impact on their workforces. inspires me to succeed in my job - 16 per cent
a series none of these 5 per cent.
of short
Impact on the eeonomy
It's not just internally that bad leadership Behaviour versus skill
ly and the behaviour is having an impact. A poU of insolvency So how do we want our leaders to behave? We
responses experts carried out by insolvency trade body R3 asked our respondents to identify what traits they
are mapped found that incompetence or bad management by look for in an ideal boss. Surprisingly, visionary
against company directors causes 56 per cent of corporate and influential bosses were the least popular type
proven data failures, and that poor management and leadership with those surveyed - only 16 per cent felt driven
models to
is holding back the UK's economic growth'. by an inspirational leader with vision. The most
help under-
stand the If the average UK business leader is lagging 16 per commonly sought leader was the team relationship
business cent behind our good leadership practice score, that's builder who respects employees' views and beliefs
impact of not just bad for business, it's bad for the economy. (34 per cent). This means being valued at work is
leaders' and According to the research undertaken by ICM on important to employees and a key behaviour to
managers' behalf of IBP, British workplaces are rife with bad develop in staff.
leader stereotypes like Mr Burns and David Brent Companies, however, would be skewing training
but good ones too, like Karren Brady, Alan Sugar and development budgets if they focused solely on
and David Cameron. What was surprising, however. ensuring their management were strong relationship

Leadership Employee Index Frame^vork

Leaders lead, influence
Leaders enable employees
and inspire employees to
to achieve the desired
achieve the desired results
results expected of them
expected of them (trust;
(right equipment; clarity
shared vision; support
of expectations
individual opinions;
and accountabilities).
coach, address problems;
team buy-in).

Leaders build constructive

relationships with
Leaders create and support
employees to create a
a developmental culture
working environment
(Personal Development
which supports high
Plans; career management;
performance (accessible
guidance & advice;
leaders; ethical behaviours;
opportunities to
listen to employees; united
improve skills).
teams and
no discrimination).

46 TJ March 2013

IBP's Bosses Behaving Badly survey
builders at the expense of other bebaviours. Analyse your workforce by age Our survey found that age also
Twenty four per cent of respondents cited the alters how bosses' behaviour makes people think and act.Young
ability to provide employees with guidance, advice people are the most likely to have a problem with it while the
and develop skills needed to do a job weU, and 20 older generations are more to le rant. Thirty two per cent of 18- to
per cent also stated that nurturing and encouraging 24-year-olds gossip compared to just 13 per cent of 55- to 64-year-
their development were ideal traits in a boss. olds. Eighteen- to twenty-four-year-olds are also far more likely to
disrupt other colleagues, do less work or take sick days as a result.
Wbat these statistics highlight is a growing need
But 55- to 64-year-olds are most likely to raise concerns directly
to measure leadership behaviour to identify which
and the over 65s are most likely to seek another job
ones are frequently or inherently displayed by
individual managers and then determine the impact Analyse your workforce by gender Our survey found that men
these have on employees and on the bottom Une. more often had a lower opinion of management than women,
By focusing on behaviours rather than skills, despite male employees generally earning more and being seen
we are able to determine a leader's natural as having more opportunity in the workplace. Men are also more
likely to raise issues directly with the boss and play the disruptive
Strengtbs and weaknesses. By asking employees
office prankster than their female colleagues, who seem to be
to rate bosses' conduct and style, you're more
more accepting.
likely to get an honest outcome than if you ask
the leaders themselves or their peers to rate their Source: IBP's British Bosses' Behaviour surevy was conducted
behaviours. Beware, however, of skewed results among a representative sample of more than 1,000 working people
due to disengaged employees or even those who in Great Britain in September 2012. Elements of the data were
have been in the role a long time and are jaded. then analysed by IBP using its Peformax Leadership Employee
An employee who is disengaged is less likely to Index software to measure general worker views of their bosses'
view change positively and a survey is the ideal performance against benchmarked good practice data.
opportunity for them to vent. Make sure that > March 2013 TJ


Bad or inappropriate leaders to adapt behaviour. What's key is to ensure

that the outcome of the behaviour is qualified and
quantified. Sounds simple doesn't it? And it is
behaviour does have with the right tools and understanding of what the
company as a whole needs to achieve.
a direct impact on the This approach can be distilled into a simple
four-step process:
profitability and success identify what skills are required for the business
to meet its current objectives and those that will
of a company be needed in the next two, three and five years
identify where behaviour gaps exist
identify where potential talent already exists -
Reference your metrics are able to measure, or be analysed increase employee engagement
4 https:// according to, variants such as age, length of develop plan to address gaps: employment, seniority and so on. match employees to managers to
uk/gov Companies can take this behavioural analysis a increase performance
ernment/ stage fiirther and map these behaviours against a consider horizontal moves around company
uploads/ benchmark of traits recommended for their industry where managers may perform better in other
sector, such as ethics, trust and ability to influence. areas. Think laterally. If a manager displays a
ment_data/ The results wiU highlight where potential gaps are propensity to offer advice and help develop
file/3232 and determine whether these traits are likely to have skOls, look to newer departments who would
7/12- a detrimental or positive effect on the bottom line. benefit from this wisdom
923-leader Behavioural analysis can also help to support develop targeted training and development
ship-man future business growth. By identifying the types plans. This could be as simple as a training
age of behaviours required to successfully deliver course or using internal or external mentoring
ment-key- forthcoming company objectives or performance, programmes to refine existing skills.
L&cD can then create solid training and
growth- development plans to fill leadership gaps. Both Of the above steps, it's important to remember
evidence. actions wiU help steer an organisation's leadership that training and development is not a 'one size fits
pdf and management to produce far better all' process. Each leader who has responsibility for
business outcomes. delivering company objectives needs to be measured,
For example, a sales director who displays strong their behaviour mapped, and then a plan developed
relationship building traits may have been promoted to fit them specifically, otherwise you run the risk of
into the position while the company was in its merely raising awareness of detrimental behavioural
start-up phase. However, analysing his behavioural traits rather than actually changing them. Of course,
traits may show that he lacks the tenacity required more generic training courses may be appropriate
to meet future aggressive sales targets. He may be in certain circumstances but, on the whole, tailored
more productive and successful heading up customer programmes wiU bring the most benefits.
service teams that thrive on building and developing
long-term, strong relationships - perhaps with those The next generation
customers they initially developed relationships with. This exercise isn't a one-off, however. To ensure
that positive behaviour is demonstrated from
Training and development the top down, leaders should be measured on a
Poor performance by leaders is usually caused by regular and ongoing basis. Consider it an annual
lack of experience. We often come across bosses M O T that ensures that your leaders arefitto
John who were promoted into leadership roles simply perform for another year. With analytics in place
Telfer because they were good at their job. Being good that are constantly revisited and reassessed, and
is MD of at their job doesn't necessarily mean that they will training and development programmes adapted
Inspiring be great leaders - certainly not without formal and refined, companies can ensure that employees
Business management training. remain engaged and productive and that will go a
Performance. Problematic leadership can be overcome simply long way towards preventing the talent time bomb
He can be from exploding.
by identifying the behaviours that are having a
contacted via
detrimental effect, and comparing them against By ensuring that the analytics are applied down
business the behaviours necessary to deliver company through the organisation, you are also able to create
performance. objectives. Once the gap is analysed and measured, and develop the next generation of leaders who wiU HR can develop actionable plans to work with be driving your company on its road to success. TJ

TJ March 2013

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