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Running head: CREATING GRAPHICS - TDT1 - TASK 2 1

Creating Graphics - TDT1 - Task 2

Keven Rinaman

Student Mentor: Angela Rose

Assessment Code: TDT1 Task 1

June 1, 2017

Collection of Graphics

This collection of graphics is to be used by the Student Council at Calvert Catholic Schools for an event.

These graphics will be used for marketing materials to create awareness of the event. The desired audience

ages from 5 years of age to 60. The educational levels will vary greatly as well, as this event is geared towards

bring entire families together for an evening.


Image 1: Original.jpg is a photograph taken from an Opening School Mass at Calvert Catholic Schools in

August of 2016. This image was scaled down in resolution using Preview in MacOS Sierra 10.12.4. This was

accomplished by opening the file, select Tools from the menu bar, Adjust Size, and changing the

dimensions to 640 x 480 as requested. After adjusted the size, the file was saved again under the name


Image 2: Original Cropped.jpg was created by duplicated the original file and opening in Preview on MacOS

Sierra 10.2.4. Due to the small resolution, I had to zoom in using (CMD) + (+). The next step was to use the

cursor to select the preferred area of the picture. The selection chosen in this file was an attempt to remove as

much of the street in the background as possible. After selecting the area of the image, I clicked on the crop

button that appears. After cropping, the filename was changed to Original Cropped.jpg.

Image 3: Original Adapted.jpg was created by first duplicating the previous file, Original Cropped.jpg. The file

was opened in Preview on MacOS Sierra 10.12.4. Once opened, the Tools menu was selected and Adjust

Color opened. Using the menu that opens, the slider for Sepia was moved to the opposite side. That menu

was closed and the file was saved under the title Original Adapted.jpg.

Image 4: Movie Night Seating.JPG was created by scanning a drawing of the seating arrangement for the movie

night. The file was originally scanned in as a .pdf, so it was opened in Preview and exported as a .jpg. This file

is useful to the audience as it communicates expectations for seating for the night of the event.

Image 5: Movie Night Flyer.jpg was created using Adobe Photoshop. It is a combination of a two files, one of

an inflatable movie screen and one of a promotional picture from the movie for the night, Zootopia. First the

image of the movie screen was opened in Photoshop. Next, the Zootopia image was opened in another

Photoshop window. Using the rectangle selection tool, the Zootopia image was selected, copied, and then

pasted into the movie screen window as another layer. The Zootopia image was then resized to fit into the

screen. The final step was to use the eraser tool to remove parts of the Zootopia image to show the audience

viewing the movie and giving the perception of it all being one image file. This file is useful as a marketing

material to capture attention of students and bring interest to the event.

Image 6: Zootopia.jpg was downloaded from This website searches for images that

are tagged as Creative Commons, allowing teachers and students the ability to use images without the worry of

copyright infringement. The file downloads from the site with a citation at the bottom of the image to give

proper credit. This file is useful for this project as it depicts Zootopia, the film which is being viewed on the

night of the event.

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