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o f t h e c a l i f o r n i a d e n ta l a s s o c i at i o n NOVEMBER 2007

Role of RDHs, RDAs,

Office Staff

Influencing Change

Consensus Statement

f l u o r i d e to ot h pa s t e
( o n o cca s i o n )

s o da a d d i ct i o n
prefers fru it (!)

daily allergy
5 cav i t i e s medic atio n
last visit

ex p o sed
ro ots


reta i n e r

Caries risk
Douglas A. Young, DDS, MS, MBA;
pa rt 2 o f 2 John D.B. Featherstone, MSc, PhD;
and Jon R. Roth, MS, CAE
Journal CDA Journal
Volume 35, Number 11
n ov e m be r 2 0 0 7

d e pa rt m e n t s
761 The Associate Editor/Journalism and the Sanctity of Science
765 Impressions
770 Case Study/Wrongful Termination and Workers Compensation
822 Dr. Bob/Heavy Pondering on Light

f e at u r e s
777 Car i es M anag em ent by R is k As s e s s m e n t A P ract i t i o n e rs G u i d e
An introduction to the issue.
Douglas A. Young, DDS, MS, MBA; John D.B. Featherstone, MSc, PhD; and Jon R. Roth, MS, CAE

778 H o w to I nteg r ate CA M BRA in to P ri vat e P ract i c e

While there is compelling science to support CAMBRA, there are fewer articles with practical direction regarding how to
integrate CAMBRA diagnostics and treatment into clinical practice, which this article addresses.
V. Kim Kutsch, DMD; Graeme Milicich, BDS; William Domb, DMD; Max Anderson, DDS; and Ed Zinman DDS, JD

786 Th e R o le o f D ental H yg ieni st s , As s i sta n t s a n d O f f i c e Sta f f i n CA MBRA

The role of the dental team in Caries Management By Risk Assessment is critical to successful patient outcomes. This
article will evaluate the role of the clinical and administrative staff in maintaining a practice with a focus on disease
prevention and management.
Shirley Gutkowski, RDH, BSDH; Debi Gerger, RDH, MPH; Jean Creasey, RDH, DDS; Anna Nelson, CDA, RDA, MA;
and Douglas A. Young, DDS, MBA, MS

794 R is ky B u s ines s : I nflu enc ing P e o p l e to Ch a n ge

This paper described numerous theories and approaches that can be used to positively influence the behavior of patients
and dental health care workers so they actively engage the CAMBRA process.
Bruce Peltier, PhD, MBA; Philip Weinstein, PhD; and Richard Fredekind, DMD, MA

799 C o ns ens u s Statem ent Car i e s Ma n age m e n t by R i s k As s e s s m e n t: Imp l e m e n tat i o n

G u id eli nes to S u pp o rt O r al H e a lt h
This series concludes with a consensus document adopted by hundreds of dental experts, academic researchers,
practitioners, and dental organizations that summarizes the main principles and clinical application of CAMBRA.
Douglas A. Young, DDS, MS, MBA; John D.B. Featherstone, MSc, PhD; Jon R. Roth, MS, CAE; Max Anderson, DDS, MS,
Med; Jaana Autio-Gold, DDS, PhD; Gordon J. Christensen, DDS, MSD, PhD; Margherita Fontana, DDS, PhD; V. Kim
Kutsch, DMD; Mathilde (Tilly) C. Peters, DMD, PhD; Richard J. Simonsen, DDS, MS; and Mark S. Wolff, DDS, PhD
Assoc. Editor c da j o u r n a l , vo l 3 5 , n 1 1

Journalism and the Sanctity of Science

steven a. gold, dds

ine. That is the number of den-
tal publications that arrived on We rely on evidence that has withstood the
my desk the first two days of
this week. The variety of these rigors of the scientific process in order to
publications is as noteworthy
as the volume: three association journals, make clinical decisions.
including this one, and another with two
supplements; a popular publication fea-
turing a reprinting of online discussions
or threads, and a tabloid-style esthet- crisis. In response, the college conceived benefits this entity. It is disturbing when
ics journal so large that it served as a an organization known as the American we learn the author of the study has
convenient folder to carry all the others Association of Dental Editors. The year received some form of financial remu-
home to their final destination (either the was 1931. Seventy-six years later, many neration from the company in question.
shelf or the city of Santa Monica recycling in our profession feel we are still facing But what is even more disturbing is when
bin). The information contained therein a crisis with regard to commercialism in these connections are not clear to us. This
is beyond the assimilation of all but the dental journalism. link between science and selling in our
most freakishly gifted and bored readers. We are a profession grounded in sci- dental publications is often murky and
Now more than ever dentists must be ence; and, as such, we rely on evidence difficult to dissect. Yes, when we discover
selective in what they read. that has withstood the rigors of the this link it is disturbing. When we dont, it
The sheer existence of so many publi- scientific process in order to make clinical can be outright dangerous.
cations is a testament to the importance decisions. These decisions directly affect As this issue of the Journal goes to
of the printed word in the dissemination the health of our patients. When you press, the AADE is preparing for its an-
of information within our profession. connect the dots, the line between our nual meeting, which is held just prior to
If a publication arrives on our desk, be professions journals and the oral health the American Dental Association Annual
certain that someone somewhere is read- of the public is a short and direct one. Session. The current president of the
ing it, even if we are not. The popularity Thus, the importance of the reliability of AADE is John OKeefe, esteemed editor
of dental journalism is not new. Long the information they contain cannot be of the Journal of the Canadian Dental
before the days of dental mega-meet- overstated. Association. During his presidency, he
ings, multimedia presentations, the DVD We accept that there are professional has devoted his efforts to addressing the
educational series, and online continuing publications heavily tied to the dental issue of commercialism in dental journal-
education courses, scientific-based dental industry. These are often extremely ism. It is our hope that at their meeting
knowledge was primarily passed on valuable to clinicians and enjoyable to this year, the AADE will take concrete
through our journals. read. There are times, however, when we steps to curb the influence of commer-
It did not take long for manufactur- demand to know that our information is cialism in our scientific journals. Some
ers and others with a for-profit interest completely unbiased. have suggested a categorization of dental
to recognize the potential for marketing We are disappointed when we look to publications based on their relationship
their goods through our professions a published article for reliable, unbiased with commercial entities. This catego-
publications. The American College of scientific clinical information and we find rization would need to be clearly and
Dentists recognized the adverse influ- that the study has been funded by a for- prominently displayed to the readers in
ence commercial interests were having profit entity. We are not surprised when order for the publication to maintain
on our professional scientific publica- the study reaches a favorable conclusion AADE recognition status. The thought
tions and felt the situation had reached a about a product or technique that directly is that if the publication you are read-

n o v e m b e r 2 0 0 7 7 61
c da j o u r n a l , vo l 3 5 , n 1 1

ing carries the AADE logo on its inside

cover, you will be able to find a statement
identifying whether or not any of the
published studies contained within are
connected in any way to commercial in-
terests. Those interested in the proceed-
ings of this meeting or other activities
of our organization of dental editors are
welcome to visit
Science and commercialism do not
mix, and it is imperative the profession of
dentistry continues to challenge those who
seek to poison the sanctity of pure scien-
tific knowledge with pursuit of profit.

Address comments, letters, and questions

to the editor at

76 2 n o v e m b e r 2 0 0 7
Impressions c da j o u r n a l , vo l 3 5 , n 1 1

Butt Out!
by patty reyes
There are numerous reasons for people
to kick their tobacco habit, most impor-
tantly improved health, and multiple ways
to quit. And its never been easier. And
just in time for the annual Great American
Smokeout scheduled for Nov. 15.
The California Smokers Helpline,
which celebrates its 15th anniversary this
year and is funded by tobacco taxes, is a
confidential telephone program that helps
smokers quit. According to the Helplines
brochure, it has been scientifically proven,
in randomized trials, that a telephone
quitline works.1
In a research study of more than 3,000
smokers, it was found that people who
receive counseling are twice as likely to
Dan Hubig

quit for good compared with those who

embark on this daunting task alone, ac-
cording to Helpline.
Dental professionals are in a unique
con t i n ue s on 76 8

Office Trash May Compromise Dental Patients

Dentists are being encouraged to meet with their staffs to talk about whether
disposal of patient information is an issue in the office.
Prompted by recent news of sensitive patient data being stolen
from drug stores trash bins throughout the country, the Journal of
the Philadelphia County Dental Society published a warning in its
April-June issue.
Additionally, the attempted robbery of an individual whose
prescription information was discovered in the rubbish behind a
store, led some pharmacies, including large chain drugstores such as
Rite-Aid, Walgreens, and CVS to revisit, and sometimes even fortify,
their policies regarding patient information.
If trash receptacles contain any personal information, dental
offices may be compromised. Dentists should talk with their staffs to
discuss whether disposal of patient information is an issue in the office,
according to the unsigned piece in the Journal.

n o v e m b e r 2 0 0 7 7 65
november 07 impressions
c da j o u r n a l , vo l 3 5 , n 1 1

Study Follows Auto Accident Victims the study. In the year between the ex-
One-third of those exposed to whip- aminations, 7 percent of control subjects
lash trauma are at risk of developing developed symptoms in the TMJ versus
delayed TMJ symptoms that may 34 percent of study subjects.
require treatment. The TM joint is one of the most
According to research complex joints in the body. Any problem
published in the that prevents this system of muscles,
August issue of ligaments, discs and bones from working
the Journal of the together properly may result in a painful
American Dental TMJ disorder.
Association, re- When the patients reported having
searchers at Ume symptoms in the TMJ either before or
University, Sweden, after their accidents, or both, authors
studied short- and long- evaluated symptoms, including TMJ pain,
term temporomandibular locking, and clicking. They also asked
joint pain and dysfunction in 60 patients patients to rate their pain intensity and
in hospital emergency rooms directly report the degree that symptoms inter-
after they were involved in a rear-end car fered with their daily lives, including sleep
collisions. Those patients were evaluated disturbances, use of pain relievers, and
a year later. the need to take sick leave. Launches New Web Career The incidence of new symptoms of One in three people who are exposed
Resource TMJ pain, dysfunction or both between to whiplash trauma, which induces neck
A wealth of useful information on the initial examination and follow-up symptoms, is at risk of developing delayed
dental careers now awaits students at was five times higher in subjects than in TMJ pain and dysfunction during the year uninjured control subjects, according to after the accident, said the researchers.
The ADA recently
launched a new Web
resource with compre-
hensive career informa-
tion for those thinking Two New ADA Surveys
about becoming a dentist, An estimated 3,100 randomly chosen member dentists nationwide have been mailed
dental assistant, dental hygienist, or the 2007 Patient Education Materials Survey. Dentists who receive this survey are asked
dental lab tech. to provide information on the types of patient education materials they use and how they
At, educate their patients.
youll find resources such as 10 Great The ADA Survey Center also mailed the 2007 Survey of Critical Issues asking 4,200
Reasons to Be A Dentist, research
dentists questions about a number of issues facing the profession. Included in the survey
topics that make dentistry an exciting
are questions about business, clinical, legal, reimbursement, and professional issues.
career for the 21st century, the College
Freshman-Senior Timeline (pertain- Since both surveys have been
ing to the timing of applying to dental sent to small numbers of U.S.
school), information on diversifying the dentists, those who receive the
profession and financing dental educa- surveys are encouraged to fill
tion and more. A Day in the Life are them out as much as possible and
testimonials in which dental students, return them within three weeks
practicing dentists and dental school of receipt.
professors talk about what goes on dur- Dentists with questions about
ing a typical day. either survey should call the ADA
For more information on careers, con- Survey Center at 312-440-2568.
tact Beverly Skoog, coordinator, Career
Guidance, (800) 621-8099, ext. 2390.

76 6 n o v e m b e r 2 0 0 7
c da j o u r n a l , vo l 3 5 , n 1 1

upcoming meetings

Nov. 27-Dec. 1 american academy of oral and Maxillofacial radiology 58th annual session,


May 1-4 CDa spring scientific session, anaheim, 800-CDa-sMIle (232-7645),

June 22-26 Flying Dentists association annual Meeting, south lake Tahoe, (812) 923-2100,
evidence-based research Manual
sept. 12-14 CDa Fall scientific session, san Francisco, 800-CDa-sMIle (232-7645), available
Hoping to help people have a better
oct. 16-19 american Dental association 149th annual session, san antonio, Texas, grasp of the mechanics and fundamental
nature of evidence-based dentistry, Fran-
To have an event included on this list of nonprofit association continuing education meetings, please send the information
cesco Chiappelli, PhD, Division of Oral
to Upcoming Meetings, CDA Journal, 1201 K St., 16th Floor, Sacramento, CA 95814 or fax the information to 916-554-5962.
Biology and Medicine, University of Cali-
fornia, Los Angeles, School of Dentistry,
put together the Manual of Evidence-Based
Research for the Health Sciences.
The manual may be helpful to stu-
army Dental Corps First: repayment plan to dental officers. An oral dents, scientists, clinicians, policymakers,
Three Dentists serve as Major general pathologist, Webb was scheduled to retire and industry product developers enabling
In a first for the Army Dental Corps, Sept. 1. them to have access to all of the parts and
three dentists have recently served as Maj. Gen. Ronald Silverman, U.S. complexities associated with evaluating
major general at the same time. Army reservist who has a private prac- and applying information using the tools
The fact that the Army had three tice in civilian life, is the highest ranking and concepts that have become associated
dentists serving at the rank of major medical officer in Iraq and the first dentist with evidence-based dentistry, according
general is testimony to the distinct leader- to command all medical operations in a to a press release.
ship skills, character, and professionalism combat zone. Topics in the book range from the fun-
inherent in our soldier-clinician dentists, The best way to describe it is to say damentals, such as an overview, research
said Maj. Gen. Russell Czerw, current I run the worlds largest trauma center and ethical concerns; practicum; issues
dental corps chief. Todays Army dentist spread out over seven hospitals and about methodology; and research for
is ingrained with the Army values and thousands of miles, Silverman told the geriatric populations, just to name a few.
warrior ethos, those characteristics which ADA News. For more details, including the cost and
are critical to the success of the Army now All three are association members. purchasing the book, contact Dr. Chiap-
and in the future. pelli at
Maj. Gen. Joseph G.
Webb, Jr., his immediate
predecessor as dental corps
chief, was the first dental
officer to command an Army
medical center. He later
headed the dental corps for
nearly four years through
July 10, 2006, as the Army
mounted a dental fitness
initiative for first-term
soldiers and offered a loan

n o v e m b e r 2 0 0 7 7 67
november 07 impressions
c da j o u r n a l , vo l 3 5 , n 1 1

butts , c o n t inu ed from 765

position to intervene with patients, said pharmacotherapy is covered by Medi-

Walter Silverman, partner development care, and it also reimburses for provider
coordinator with the California Smokers counseling.
Helpline. Receiving dental care in the And you cant beat the cost: free to
clinic provides a teachable moment and California residents, whether they are cur-
often boosts motivation to quit smoking. rently smoking, have quit already, or want
Intervention is as simple as implementing information to help a relative or friend
a system to: Ask patients if they smoke; kick their habit. Since the Helplines
advise smokers it is in the best interest of creation in 1992, an estimated 430,000
their health to quit; and refer them to the people living in the Golden State have re-
Helpline at (800) NO BUTTS. ceived help via the telephone quitline. The
This fast and easy technique is pro- average daily call volume is 250, according
moted nationally by the Smoking Cessa- to the Helpline. At the moment, there are
tion Leadership Center, added Silverman. more ex-smokers than current users in
Once callers contact the Helpline, California.
they will be asked a series of questions Services include over-the-phone
to establish their needs. They are offered counseling and quitting materials, refer-
options for services such as materi- ral to local programs on tobacco cessa-
als and/or counseling. If they choose tion, and self-help materials. Clients
counseling, they may begin immediate who request counseling receive up to six
counseling or schedule an appointed sessions with a counselor on a proac-
time. The first counseling session is tive basis. Service hours are 7 a.m. to
approximately 40 minutes, according 9 p.m. Monday through Friday; and 9
Intervention is as to Helpline materials. The counselor a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday. For those who
will provide as many as five additional call after hours, or if lines are busy, the
simple as counseling sessions, set at a certain Helpline has a 24-hour voice mail service.
implementing time, following the first counseling They may leave a message or listen to
session. Out-of-state residents can also automated messages about the use of
a system to: access quitline services by calling (800) quitting aids and the benefits of tobacco
Ask patients if they QUIT-NOW. cessation, for example.
Helpline counselors, who have There are services available in English,
smoke; advise smokers bachelors and masters degrees, have Cantonese, Korean, Mandarin, Spanish,
it is in the best interest backgrounds in health-related fields, TDD/TTY, and Vietnamese. Additionally,
social work, or psychology. To become a there are specialized services available
of their health counselor, all have completed a 48-hour for teens, pregnant women, and tobacco
to quit; and refer them in-house training program, a one-month users.
apprenticeship at the Helpline center, Funded by tobacco taxes, through the
to the Helpline at and trained fully on empirically validated states Department of Health and First 5
(800) NO BUTTS. protocol. Overseeing all the clinical work California, Helpline operates out of the
is a licensed psychologist. Moores Cancer Center located at the Uni-
walter silverman While Helpline does not provide versity of California, San Diego.
nicotine replacement therapy or other The Web site for California Smokers
cessations medications that are FDA- Helpline is Free promo-
approved, the organization works with tional materials are available to providers
Medicare, Medi-Cal, and county health to distribute to their patients. Providers
enrollees to use their benefits. County simply call the outreach department at
health programs and Medi-Cal provide (858) 300-1010 or go to the Web site.
free pharmacotherapy for those enrollees
r e f e r e nce s
who participate in behavior-modification, 1. Zhu S-H, Anderson CM, et al, Evidence of real-world ef-
such as Helpline, and who also have a fectiveness of a telephone quitline for smokers. N Engl J Med
prescription from their physician. Some 347:1087-93, 2002.

76 8 n o v e m b e r 2 0 0 7
c da j o u r n a l , vo l 3 5 , n 1 1

David lunt, DDS, of Northridge, School of Dentistry, received the
Calif., has been installed as secre- Special Care Dentistry Association
tary of the Flying Dentists Associa- 2007 Saul Kamen Award. Disaster response resources
tion. Founded in 1960 for dentists The award, the associations expanded by osHa
who also are pilots, members use highest, annually recognizes one The Occupational Safety and Health
their aircraft to bring dental care individual for demonstrating exem- Administrations disaster and storm
to remote areas that lack dentists. plary leadership and contributions resources include hurricane-specific
Additionally, the organization spon- to the advancement of oral health information for employers conducting
sors seminars to share technical in- care for persons with special needs. Paul Glassman, DDS, response and recovery operations.
formation related to aviation safety Glassman, former president of MA, MBA
A Web-based hurricane eMatrix at
as well as continuing education the Special Care Dentistry Associa- incorporates occupational
meetings for dentists and related tion, has been involved with the
hazards information, observations, recom-
health professionals. national organization for almost
Paul Glassman, DDS, Ma, 30 years.
mendations, and data OSHA has gathered
Mba, of Greenbrae, Calif., as- Gurminder Sidhu, DDS, MS, in responding to hurricanes Katrina, Rita,
sociate dean for education and of San Francisco, has been ap- and Wilma and offers as guidance on OSHA
information technology, and pointed to the position of assistant standards for future disaster response.
director of Advanced Education professor and director of radiol- For more information about preparing
in General Dentistry at University ogy services at Pacific School of for and recovering from disasters, see the
of the Pacific, Arthur A. Dugoni Dentistry. Disaster Planning and Recovery content

n o v e m b e r 2 0 0 7 7 69
case study
c da j o u r n a l , vo l 3 5 , n 1 1

wrongful Termination and

workers Compensation:
Firing an employee with
an open Claim

Once a quarter, the Authored by TDIC risk former employee fi led a her right foot when she tripped over
Journal features a management analysts,
lawsuit against a dentist al- boxes in the storage room doorway. A
TDIC risk manage- each article presents a
ment case study, which case overview and real-
leging wrongful termination staff person called the dentist and asked
provides analysis and life outcome, and reviews when the dentist fired her her to return to the office immediately.
practical advice on a learning points and tips after she opened a workers When she arrived, she instructed Ms.
variety of issues related that everyone can apply compensation claim. The dentist claimed Smith to go to the emergency room, but
to liability risks. to their practice.
she fired the employee due to poor per- Ms. Smith refused. Even though the
formance and excessive absenteeism. injury was bothering her, Ms. Smith did
A dentist hired Sally Smith as an office not seek medical care until one week
manager on Sept. 9, 2002. Over the next later. Radiographs indicated no fracture,
year, the dentist noted several job-related and her physician diagnosed bruising
issues including insurance billing mis- to the right foot but did not prescribe
takes and generally, poor job performance medication or therapy for her foot.
in Ms. Smiths personnel file. On May 12, Ms. Smith returned to her physician
2003, Ms. Smith hit her right knee against at the end of June for back, knee, and
a piece of wood underneath the counter- foot pain. She underwent physical therapy
top of her desk. The dentist and another for one month. At that time, Ms. Smith
employee saw the injury happen. Ms. determined the therapy was not helping
Smith did not seek medical attention un- and elected to stop treatment. During her
til May 16 when her knee became stiff and August performance review, Ms. Smith
painful. Her physician diagnosed trauma presented the dentist with a disability
to her right knee and prescribed Celebrex. note from her physician stating she would
Ms. Smith did not take any time off work. need extended time off for her nonwork
Two weeks later, on May 30, Ms. related injury. The note did not indicate
Smith told coworkers she fell while com- a return to work date. The employee
ing out of the offices storage area. Since manual stated, Employees must put
she fell during the lunch hour, there all requests for time off work in writing
were no witnesses. She said she injured indicating the start and end dates. Even

770 n o v e m b e r 2 0 0 7
c da j o u r n a l , vo l 3 5 , n 1 1

It is important to
realize a workers
compensation claim
though the dentist reminded her of the is separate from offered no timeline. She picked up her
policy, Ms. Smith refused to do this. check and returned her office key to the
Ms. Smith filed a workers compen- the wrongful dentist without an explanation on Aug.
sation claim during the third week of 25. The dentist terminated Ms. Smith, in
her leave of absence. She alleged she termination claim. writing, on Sept. 4 stating the termina-
hurt her right knee on May 12, 2003, tion was due to excessive absenteeism,
had back problems that started after poor job performance, and numer-
the May 30 fall, and cumulative trauma time off work. Additionally, Ms. Smith ous errors and omissions that affected
injuries to her neck, back, and shoulders sought treatment one week after her alleged the practice. The dentist attached Ms.
since she began working for the den- fall in the storage room when she claimed Smith final paycheck to the letter.
tist in 2002. After the fourth week, the she hurt her right foot on May 30. Even With the documentation the dentist
dentist terminated Ms. Smith for poor though she refused the dentists suggestion took during Ms. Smiths employment,
performance and excessive absences. to go to the emergency room that day, the TDIC argued the merits of the wrongful
Subsequently, Ms. Smith filed a wrongful dentist should have completed an incident termination allegation. Ms. Smiths lack of
termination claim alleging retaliation for report addressing this fall and the steps she performance and failure to fulfill her job
filing the workers compensation claim. took to offer medical care to Ms. Smith. requirements supported the dentists deci-
Ms. Smiths employee file noted that sion to terminate her employment. How-
During Discovery approximately one month after she start- ever, the timing of the termination did
It is important to realize a workers ing working for the dentist, Ms. Smith affect the case outcome. Since it occurred
compensation claim is separate from the requested four days off. She wrote a letter shortly after Ms. Smith filed the work-
wrongful termination claim. Each claim to the dentist saying she was getting ers compensation claim, it appeared the
has its own insurance coverage. How- migraine headaches due to stress at work dentist was retaliating against Ms. Smith.
ever, each insurance carrier has access and family issues. The letter also claimed The case ended up settling for a small
to the others investigation informa- that the dentist was not allowing her to amount due to the dentists consistent
tion and often share information while complete her duties as the office man- entries regarding Ms. Smiths poor
defending the same policyholder. Since ager by not permitting her to discipline performance.
the dentist had the Employment Prac- two employees. Furthermore, there were
tices Liability Insurance endorsement, several entries where the dentist noted Lessons Learned
TDIC initiated an investigation into Ms. Smith taking unapproved time off.
the wrongful termination allegation. Ms. Smiths employee file contained what can we learn from reviewing
The investigation revealed Ms. several entries including the August 2003 this case?
Smith had been in a car accident in performance evaluation, which noted:
1986, which injured her neck. Accord- n Her poor job performance, Workplace injuries and incident reports
ing to testimony given at the workers n Many patients had not received a bill Providing immediate access to a
compensation deposition, Ms. Smith since February, and physician provides the injured employee
reported complete recovery from that n An inquiry regarding the inconsistency needed care and lessens the possibil-
injury. She claimed that she first no- in the decrease in office earnings when the ity of further harm. It also provides
ticed problems with her neck, back and daily schedule was busier than ever. documentation as to the extent of the
shoulders after her May 30, 2003, fall. There is no record of Ms. Smiths injury. Delaying treatment may exacer-
The extent of her injuries was ques- response. The dentist placed Ms. bate the injury exposing the dentist to
tionable. Reports from several physicians Smith on probation pending an im- continued risk. Document and report
revealed differing diagnosis and treatment provement in her job performance. to your workers compensation car-
recommendations. Her actions also contra- Ms. Smith went to a doctors ap- rier all employee injuries whether or
dicted her allegations. While she claimed pointment mid-August. She returned not they sought medical attention.
her right knee continued to bother her after with a note from her physician stating Similar to the documentation in pa-
she hit it on May 12, she never requested she would have to take time off, but tient charts, proper documentation of an

n ov e m b e r 2 0 0 7 771
case study
c da j o u r n a l , vo l 3 5 , n 1 1

It is illegal to
terminate an
ca s e s t u dy, c o n t i n u e d f ro m 7 7 2 employee in
incident can be an excellent defense to a retaliation of or recognition awards she gave employ-
workers compensation or general liability ees who were doing their jobs well.
lawsuit. Complete a report when patients, to avoid a workers Among other things, Ms. Smiths file
staff, or visitors are involved in an inci- reflected the extent of her unexcused
dent that has caused injury, loss, or dam- compensation claim. absenteeism and tardiness, failure to
age to them or their personal property. produce satisfactory quantity and qual-
This includes incidents where no obvious ity work, attending to personal affairs
injury occurred. The person completing during office hours, and failure to follow
the report should be the individual who medical care should not be an option. office policies. This documentation sup-
witnessed or is the most familiar with Some employees may want to go to their ported Ms. Smiths termination and
the incident. The report should include: own physician. This may or may not be would have been sufficient justifica-
n The date, time and location of the acceptable to your workers compensation tion for her termination had she not
incident. Factually explain what happened carrier. Contact your carrier to discuss filed a workers compensation claim.
but do not include a judgment as to the or set an appointment for a medical
cause of the incident or the extent of any evaluation. This evaluation memorial- Workers Compensation
injuries. izes the injury and its extent, which The timing of Ms. Smiths termina-
n A brief description of the incident, discourages the employee from adding tion is the real issue in this case. The
including injuries. further injuries onto a future claim. dentist should have written a letter to
n Names of witnesses along with their Ms. Smith accepting her resignation when
contact information. Employee Manual she voluntarily turned in her office key.
n All action taken, including whether The dentist had a current employee Unfortunately, she terminated Ms. Smith
medical services were needed. If so, by manual that detailed the offices policies and after Ms. Smith opened a workers com-
whom. Also, note whether medical procedures. It emphasized that employ- pensation claim. It appears the dentist
services were offered and denied by the ment in the office was at-will and either retaliated against Ms. Smith because she
injured party. party may terminate employment at any opened the claim. It is illegal to termi-
n The signature of the injured party, if time. In the event the dentist terminates the nate an employee in retaliation of or to
possible. employee, the dentist must pay all wages avoid a workers compensation claim.
File the report in a readily accessible earned by the employee on the final day Workers compensation law allows
folder separate from the personnel file of employment. The manual also detailed employees to seek medical care when
and give a copy to the injured person. that employees were expected to arrive at injured while performing job duties.
Workers compensation insurance is the office at their scheduled time and gave They have a right to medical care and the
a federal requirement; however, some instructions about what to do in the event employer has an obligation to provide
states opt for requirements that are more the employee was sick or late to work. The it. Because of this obligation to provide
stringent. To find if your state follows dentists policy stated employees must sub- medical care, it stands to reason that
federal or state requirements, go to www. mit requests for leaves of absence in writing. employers will be diligent in providing for work- Except in the case of accident or illness, a safe working environment for their
ers compensation information or ask employees were to give two months notice if employees and avoid workplace injuries.
your workers compensation carrier. they required an extended leave of absence. Do not terminate an employee who
In this case, the dentist should have is out on a workers compensation claim.
filled out incident reports after Ms. Smith Personnel Records Contact your workers compensation
hit her knee and again after she claimed The dentist kept excellent person- carrier or an employment attorney for
to have fallen in the storage room. Both nel records on all of her employees. assistance with performance issues
reports would have documented the She regularly gave performance evalu- of employees who have open or ac-
dentists inquiry about medical care and ations and counseled employees who tive workers compensation claims.
Ms. Smiths refusal. Further, when an were not fulfilling their employment jaime davenport
employee suffers a work injury, seeking obligations. The files also reflected tdic risk management analyst

772 n o v e m b e r 2 0 0 7
november 07 introduction
c da j o u r n a l , vo l 3 5 , n 1 1

Caries Management
by Risk Assessment
a practitioners guide
douglas a. young, dds, ms, mba; john d.b. featherstone, msc, phd; and jon r. roth, ms, cae

guest editors ast month we reviewed the updated CAMBRA as- allocation, the inherent complexity of
Douglas a. young, dds, sessment tools for children age 0-5, children age the process, and the influence of third-
ms, mba, is associate 6 through adult, as well as the latest products in party payers on patient acceptance.
professor in the Depart- the marketplace that can assist practitioners with Dr. Young; John D.B. Featherstone,
ment of Dental Practice incorporating CAMBRA into their practices. MSc, PhD; Jon R. Roth, MS, CAE; Dr.
at the University of the
Pacific, Arthur A Dugoni
In Part 2 of this series, we will look through the lens of Anderson; Jaana Autio-Gold, DDS, PhD;
School of Dentistry, in practicing dentists who are using CAMBRA in their offices, Gordon J. Christensen, DDS, MSD, PhD;
San Francisco. how to establish financially viable models for CAMBRA adop- Margherita Fontana, DDS, PhD; Dr.
tion, as well as how to enlist the rest of the dental team and Kutsch; Mathilde (Tilly) C. Peters, DMD,
John D.b. Featherstone, patients into the benefits of the CAMBRA approach to care. PhD; Richard J. Simonsen, DDS, MS; and
msc, phd, is interim dean,
University of California,
V. Kim Kutsch, DMD; Graeme Milicich, BDS; Max Ander- Mark S. Wolff, DDS, PhD, complete this
San Francisco, School of son, DDS, MS, MEd; Edwin J. Zinman, DDS, JD; and William series with a consensus document adopted
Dentistry, and is a profes- C. Domb, DMD, begin with a discussion regarding the impor- by hundreds of dental experts, academic
sor in the Department of tance of the dentist owner/manager detailing the CAMBRA researchers, practitioners, and dental
Preventive and Restor- benefits to the dental office team and patients in order to organizations that summarizes the main
ative Dental Sciences at
facilitate a smooth transition. The authors examine the differ- principles and clinical application of
ent requirements of each member of the dental team to inte- CAMBRA.
Jon r. roth, ms, cae, is grate caries risk assessment into an existing dental practice.
executive director of the Shirley Gutkowski, RDH, BSDH; Debi Gerger, RDH,
California Dental Associa- CDA Foundation will host a
MPH; Jean Creasey, RDH, DDS; Anna Nelson, CDA,
tion Foundation. live Web cast featuring Drs. John D.B.
RDA, MA; and Douglas A. Young, DDS, MS, MBA, pres- Featherstone and Douglas A. Young,
ent information relating to the role of the dental team along with authors from last months
in CAMBRA as a critical component to successful pa- issue and this months Journal, from to
tient outcomes. Proper appointment scheduling, diag- p.m. Dec. . Participants will be able to
nostics, and data gathering, as well as implementation submit questions on the topics covered in
of noninvasive or minimally invasive procedures can be these issues for answers during the Web
the responsibility of all members of the dental team. cast. This course is sponsored by the CDA
Bruce Peltier, PhD, MBA; Philip Weinstein, PhD; and Rich- Foundation through its grant from First
ard Fredekind, DMD, MA, discuss managing the behavioral California, and is approved to confer two
components of prevention as crucial to creating buy-in by both C.E. credits. To register for the event, go to:
dental team members and patients. Challenges to successful or
implementation of CAMBRA include such issues as resource

n ov e m b e r 2 0 0 7 777
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How to Integrate
Private Practice
v. kim kutsch, dmd; graeme milicich, bds; william domb, dmd;
max anderson, dds; and ed zinman, dds, jd

a bstr actThe traditional dentistry approach treated the disease with a limited
surgical strategy aimed at removing carious lesions on teeth. Today, the dental
profession is refocusing its efforts to include risk assessment with evidence-based
diagnosis while also treating the biofilm component of the disease. While there is
compelling science to support CAMBRA, there are fewer articles with practical direction
regarding how to integrate CAMBRA diagnostics and treatment into clinical practice,
which this article addresses.


V. Kim Kutsch, dmd, is in William C. Domb, dmd, clinicians ability to success- Caries risk assessment, or the man-
clinical practice in Albany, is in clinical practice in fully integrate any new meth- agement of caries by risk assessment,
Ore. Upland, Calif.
odology or technology into an represents an evidence-based approach
Graeme Milicich, bds, is in Max Anderson, dds, ms,
existing dental practice may to managing dental caries. A challenge
clinical practice, Anglesea med, is with Anderson require a change in some, if for dental practitioners integrating new
Clinic Dental Care, in Dental Consulting in not all, of the existing systems. The den- scientific implications into clinical practice
Hamilton, New Zealand. Sequim, Wash. tist-owner/manager who explains CAM- is identifying the practical and strategic
BRA benefits (through education) to the steps necessary to accomplish that task.
Edwin J. Zinman, dds, jd,
is with the Law Offices of
dental office team will gain their support Key tools that help the dentist and the
Edwin J. Zinman, in San and facilitate a smooth transition. The dental team integrate CAMBRA into their
Francisco. authors examine the different require- existing practices are recommended.
ments of each member of the dental team Traditional dentistry has not always
to successfully integrate caries risk as- adequately controlled caries by its predomi-
sessment into an existing dental practice. nantly surgical approach. Only treating
There is ample scientific research existing caries restoratively may not
to support caries risk assessment as prevent a lifelong continuation of a chronic
a prudent approach to treating, and disease state that ultimately contributes to
more importantly, preventing den- recurrent caries necessitating additional
tal caries. Successful implementation surgical interventions.1 Consequently, a
requires education and support of the working group has re-examined our
dental team and subsequent education professions approach to preventing and
of patients about CAMBRA benefits. managing caries.2 CAMBRA, caries

778 n o v e m b e r 2 0 0 7
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management by risk assessment, is a teeth, it is critical to address correct- need restorative procedures. CAMBRA
rationale that examines caries concentra- ing the biofilm imbalance and other does not eliminate the need for lesion or
tion in a particular patient, then plans a predisposing factors to be successful in tooth repair. However, other tactics may
measured treatment based on the indi- treating the source of carious lesions. be introduced that reduce the number of
vidual needs of the patient.3 When restoring new cavities, we should restorative interventions when patients
In health, the oral biofilm is a diverse be asking ourselves, What am I do- can be empowered to rebalance their own
and complex community of about 400 dif- ing to help the patient prevent more oral equilibrium and remineralize tooth
ferent bacterial species in any individual cavities from forming? Appropriately, damage. Then, depending on assessed
patient. When desirable bacteria domi- then, CAMBRA has been continually risk factors, patients should be re-exam-
nate the oral biofilm, there is a healthy gaining ground in scientific research, ined at reasonable frequencies to review
equilibrium. This biofilm serves many dental education, and private practice. potential changes in their risk factors.
positive functions, including balancing This can involve saliva testing, diet review,
the demineralization-remineralization quantification of acidogenic bacterial
cycles of enamel, and standing as the caries management levels, buffering capacity and the like.
first line of defense against pathogens.4 CAMBRA, in this sense, is a formalization
Cariogenic bacteria are known to be infec- by risk assessment of many techniques of caries control used
tious and transmittable.5 Most children represents a significant by dentists for considerable time (refer to
acquire these bacteria during the first Ramos-Gomez et al., Featherstone et al.,
few months of life from their primary change in mindset: how and Jenson et al., in last months issue for
caregiver. Typically these cariogenic we examine and prioritize details of the recommended procedures).
bacteria represent less than 1 percent of
the oral biofilm. However, under certain treating caries disease. being the leader
conditions, a healthy biofilm can be trans- First, the team leader is determined
formed into a diseased state. Cariogenic and this person must be very clear and re-
bacteria then thrive and proliferate into a alistic about the goals. The authors recom-
much higher percentage of the biofilm.6 Implementation strategies mend the CAMBRA team leader provide
Caries risk factors which include While there are a number of valid written CAMBRA goals and methodology,
cariogenic biofilm, poor diet, saliva scientific reasons to implement CAMBRA and share them with the team. Goals
production, medications, absence of into private practice, including ethical, should be concise, concrete, and easy for
fluorides, and inadequate homecare are legal and standard of care issues, the team members to understand and imple-
summarized in Featherstone et al. in last most important reason is patient benefit, ment. Some goals may require the acquisi-
months issue.7 Metabolism of carbohy- which is our primary obligation. CAM- tion of new skills, knowledge, or materi-
drates by cariogenic bacteria results in BRA conversion in private practice does als. In the case of CAMBRA, it requires an
acid production. This lowers the pH of the not happen overnight. Caries manage- understanding of the cariogenic biofilm,
biofilm, which inhibits many commen- ment by risk assessment represents a how to properly diagnose, treat, monitor,
sal organisms. When compounded with significant change in mindset: how we and measure treatment outcomes, i.e.,
other risk factors, the acidic pH becomes examine and prioritize treating caries CAMBRA courses for the dental team
the selection pressure that results in an disease. Implementing CAMBRA af- should be considered along with train-
overabundance of acidogenic organisms.8 fects all systems in the practice, from ing videos and manuals. Standardized
Demineralization sufficient to cause cavi- scheduling and fees to diagnostics, caries risk assessment forms are useful,
tation is a sign of the underlying disease. treatment, and patient education. along with some metric to gauge bacterial
CAMBRA examines the carious biofilm CAMBRAs goal is to educate and load. What antibacterials and/or remin-
and its potential for releasing its variety motivate patients to improve their eralization products are available? What
of bio-acids that, unless neutralized, can behaviors and give them strategies to patient education materials are on hand?
eventually destroy tooth structure. attain and maintain a healthy bio-balance Once the practice appreciates CAM-
While it is important to restore in their mouth. Many patients will still BRA goals and benefits, it can design

n ov e m b e r 2 0 0 7 779
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the pathway from the present position this methodology. Like any other change also an excellent resource for articles
to accomplish the future goal. As with in the dental practice, CAMBRA will on caries risk assessment. Additional
any planning process, it is a good idea to not succeed without the support of the information can be gathered by attending
establish a timeline with intermediate entire dental team. Peltier, Weinstein, local or state C.E. programs focused on
milestones. Deciding which team member and Fredekind discuss behavioral change CAMBRA. Taking the entire dental team
is responsible for each step is important. in more detail in this issue. Communi- to these programs is an excellent oppor-
Do not arbitrarily designate a person to cation and education are vital keys to tunity to update the CAMBRA team.
do a step without education. Also, identify success. The dentist should spend time Once the team understands and
who will monitor and measure the prog- with their team studying the scientific supports the goal, each member can
ress on a timely basis. Consider imple- basis of dental caries and then focusing contribute to the road map design by
menting a reward system for both the on the patient benefits of CAMBRA. identifying how CAMBRA will impact
intermediate process as well as final steps. their responsibilities and what changes
Identifying the challenges and are needed. This will create some new
barriers to accomplishing each cambra can only challenges, as team members evaluate
milestone is also of great use: how they can incorporate more services
n How much will it cost?
be successfully
into a limited amount of time. In many
n What space will be necessary? integrated into a offices, the majority of the CAMBRA
n What materials will we use? education, risk assessment, bacte-
n How long before we are able to
practice if the entire
rial testing, and treatment monitoring
implement CAMBRA for all patients? dental team occurs in the hygiene operatory. This
n How will this affect all of the may place new demands on the duties
understands and supports
office systems already in place? and scheduling of both the hygienist
n Who will be doing the ini- this methodology. and dental assistants. Every practice
tial caries risk assessment? will solve these changes as appropri-
Implementing CAMBRA is an op- ate for the individual practice. Many of
portunity for benefiting patients and Staff meetings can be used to discuss the these issues are discussed by Gutkowski
our profession. Probably the greatest evidence and the approach to CAMBRA et al. in this issue of the Journal.
challenge is the paradigm shift in the as the standard of care. One measure It is important during the imple-
dentists mindset. Dentists were trained of success in this education process of mentation to have frequent feedback
to drill first and ask questions later. They your team is to end the session with and evaluate successes or delays. Hav-
were instructed in the first week of dental a show of hands to How many would ing the entire team solve these issues is
school that dental caries is an infectious like their own children or loved ones critical for success. It is also important to
bacterial disease and then, instantly, a treated in this fashion? If everyone share patient success stories as a group.
dental drill was placed in their hands. raises their hand, then your next ques- Nothing takes the fear and dread out of
The practice of CAMBRA changes this tion should be Why then shouldnt we changes like hearing about the differences
approach to: Ask questions first; follow up treat all our patients the way we would we are making in patients lives. Address
with more questions; find out why you are treat our own loved ones? Isnt this the and solve issues, but success comes from
drilling; figure out how to avoid drilling type of practice you want to develop? keeping the team focused on the goal.
in the future; and then drill only what There are many resources for CAM- Since our goal is to ultimately improve
is minimally necessary. Finally, monitor BRAs scientific foundation. Previous the dental health of our patients, we need
and measure your treatment outcomes. issues of the Journal of the California new benchmarks to measure our success.
Dental Association focused on this topic The dental profession has always used
The role of the Dental Team in February and March 2003, and are the no cavities as a gold standard for
CAMBRA can only be successfully permanently archived in their entirety on the measurement of health. But a patient
integrated into a practice if the entire the CDA Foundation Web site at www. with high risk factors and no cavities
dental team understands and supports PubMed is is in reality a patient with a disease that

78 0 n o v e m b e r 2 0 0 7
c da j o u r n a l , vo l 3 5 , n 1 1

hasnt manifested caries signs or symp- quently asked questions as follows: ing organizations that currently practice
toms yet. In addition, a patient that cur- n Why do I get cavities? CAMBRA provides valuable information
rently has no cavities doesnt necessarily n I brush and floss, doesnt that on what ideas helped the process and
mean they are at low risk for future caries. prevent any cavities? what hurdles the dental team overcame.
n How do you determine my caries Use established networks and resources
enlightening experience risk? Is the treatment expensive? such as the World Congress of Minimally
There is no substitute for a first-hand n If I have the caries disease, should Invasive Dentistry for support and advice.
experience. The dentist should follow other members of my household be tested n
through the CAMBRA process as a patient too? n
in the office. Then, each team member n Why hasnt anybody explained this n
should go through the process as well. to me before? default.htm
This may be an enlightening experience n
for the individual team members, as n
they may personally discover unknown the patients who n
risk factors or risky bacterial loads. In n
are at risk with no
a delicate bio-balance of dental health
equilibrium, it may take only tiny changes apparent signs of the educating the Patients
to create serious issues in what other- Once the entire team understands and
disease are the ones
wise appeared to be a healthy mouth. is ready to implement CAMBRA, it is time
Every dentist has had experience with CAMBRA helps to identify to educate your patients. A personal letter
the high-risk patient, young or old, with explaining the CAMBRA benefits is a great
and benefit with caries
serious decay issues. And every practice way to break the news to everybody at the
has patients who have been decay-free risk reduction. same time. Put it in your newsletter or on
for years. Its the group in between that your Web site and advise your patients to
represents the greatest diagnostic chal- look and learn. Experience reported from a
lenge. Patients who come along with little Because CAMBRA is pretty straightfor- number of offices has shown that this is a
evidence of disease for long periods may ward and logical, the most frequently asked very effective way to deliver detailed infor-
suddenly develop multiple new cavities. question seems to be Why hasnt anybody mation because most patients do read your
These patients potentially benefit the told me this before? The staff can give newsletters. Some practices have developed
most from CAMBRA. It is easy to identify each other immediate feedback during the brochures explaining CAMBRA. These are
the high-risk, high caries active patients, process. How did the experience feel? Was mailed with a cover letter to the patient
and also the low-risk, low caries active there enough information? Did it make base. Also provide patients with a brochure
patients. However, the patients who are at sense? Was it comfortable? This scenario at the front desk when they arrive for their
risk with no apparent signs of the disease gives everybody a first-hand experience appointment. Explain the evolving change
are the ones CAMBRA helps to identify as a patient. It also gives everybody a in the practices progressive improvements
and benefit with caries risk reduction. chance to practice in a safe and comfort- with the latest scientific technology and
At a staff meeting, the dental team able environment the new language and caries studies. Let them know what to ex-
should practice filling out the caries communication skills that the changes will pect on their next visit. The more informed
risk assessment forms and doing the require. They will be more confident and basic information you can provide in these
bacterial testing. Each can practice how the program will be more successful as a formats, the less chairtime you will need
they will explain CAMBRA benefits to result of taking the time to practice. to spend explaining CAMBRA to them.
patients. Communicating new ideas There are numerous offices that have Also, the information you advise in
comfortably and competently gener- already successfully integrated CAM- the operatory will reinforce what they
ally requires some practice and role BRA into their daily practices. You dont read earlier. A simple one-page descrip-
play. It also presents an opportunity to have to necessarily reinvent the wheel. tion of the caries process designed for
practice answering the patients fre- Contacting a CAMBRA colleague or join- children and adults is included at the end

n o v e m b e r 2 0 0 7 7 81
i n t e g r at i n g c a m b r a

of the description of caries risk assess- the significant sentences you want to Undertreatment occurs when a clinician
ment by Featherstone et al. in this issue. make sure they read and understand. The systematically provides nontreatment or
Thus, chairtime can be effectively devoted documents can be printed in Word format less-than-optimal treatment of existing
to answering questions rather than begin- and given to the patient to take home. pathology. This would include failure to
ning CAMBRA education at ground zero. Your patients can forward CAMBRA diagnose the patients caries risk status.
Provide the extra time for education from your Web site to other friends and The consequence of undertreatment is
and communication with the patients. family, which is a proven practice builder. recurring caries and potential loss of more
Try to schedule and allow for the few Internet-savvy patients may be inter- tooth structure and /or teeth. Previously,
more minutes it will require to explain ested in accessing PubMed directly. The the rate of progression of dental car-
CAMBRA to them, and always answer more understanding and valid informa- ies made conservative decisions highly
their questions. The benefit of having the questionable. Today with the lower caries
entire team supporting the philosophy incidence and reduction in caries progres-
change is they will hear it from more sion, surgical interventions need to be
than one person and tend to require less a logical goal minimal in all but the most aggressive
of the dentists direct time in education. in the CAMBRA dental caries situations, the cavitation.
However, the most effective message still In the CAMBRA paradigm, even a small
has to originate from the dentist. This conversation with the cavitation is a very serious sign of caries
is how we are changing and here is why patient is for them to imbalance. As part of their risk assess-
is the doctors obligation. A logical goal ment protocol, dentists need to evaluate
in the CAMBRA conversation with the understand that just treating the frequency of recall for each patient. If
patient is for them to understand that their cavities will not the dental team has evaluated the patient
just treating their cavities will not prevent as a high caries probability patient, then
future disease. Also, cavities are only prevent future disease. prophylactic preventive therapies and
underlying signs and symptoms of the other principles identified in this journal
caries bacterial infection process. Patients should be implemented (Jenson et al.
need to understand that this biofilm tion a patient has, the better is their and Spolsky et al., previous issue). This
infection must be diagnosed and treated capability to choose wise health care deci- reduces the possibility of undertreatment.
as a disease process. They also need to sions for themselves. CAMBRA informed Overtreatment occurs when interven-
learn and understand the concept of the patients are great CAMBRA ambassadors tions are unjustified or too aggressive for
balance between health and disease and who advise others of your improved and the clinical situation. The goal of mini-
the pathologic factors versus the protec- modern approach to caries control and mally invasive dentistry is to preserve
tive factors. With proper educational prevention. the maximum amount of healthy dental
background, patients should be able to tissues. An example of this conservative
help identify any changes in their risk undertreatment and MID philosophy is the use of air abra-
reduction factors during future visits. overtreatment Issues sion, hard tissue lasers, or ultra-small
If the patients desire additional Incipient lesions that do not penetrate burs to very conservatively clean or open
information, direct them to the CDA through the tooths enamel and into a questionable fissure to see whats in
Foundation Web site at www.cdafounda- dentin are candidates for conservative, there based on the ICDAS codes and, or other cariology Web sites on noninvasive therapy like remineraliza- the protocols outlined by Jenson et al.
the Internet. A couple of abstracts from tion, dental sealants, and other preven- in last months issue rather than blindly
PubMed are helpful to support particular tive measures. Restoring teeth without restoring the tooth with amalgam or
ideas about caries risk assessment. Select regard to caries risk and omission of the composite. The consequences of over-
the abstracts that convey the key points chemo-reparative and preventative phases treatment are well characterized as the
you want your patients to understand. of therapy is sometimes called undertreat- restoration/rerestoration cycle. Any
Download these abstracts as document ment because patients are only getting cutting of tooth structure weakens the
files, and then boldface and underline the restorative phase of treatment. tooth and should be avoided if possible.

78 2 n o v e m b e r 2 0 0 7
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Proper Documentation age 6 and older Featherstone et al. in the While sealants and fluoride treatments
All five California dental schools previous issue are the most scientifically were sometimes covered, the focus has too
practice and teach caries risk assessment validated to date. The choice of forms is often disregarded preventive treatments.
or CAMBRA as a standard of care on not as important as having a form. This Insurance companies (and employers
patients treated in their clinics. Argu- decision might best be made with your who negotiate the plans) and patients are
ably, CAMBRA is the current standard of team, getting their input on which form willing to pay for a filling, but not the full
care. Standard of care debates are popular would work best. It is best to separate chemotherapeutic therapy necessary to
among dentists with everybody weigh- the special situation for children age deal with the bacterial infection and/or
ing in with opinions. The purpose of this 0-5 from children age 6 through adult. to remineralize/repair white spot lesions
paper is not to resolve those issues but and most importantly to prevent the next
rather to address current knowledge and carious lesion from developing. Amidst
science. When examining the risks and this environment, the ADA Current Dental
the benefits of practicing CAMBRA, im- Terminology book for 2007/2008 contains
plementing this philosophy into the den- focusing on a new CDT code for fluoride varnish as a
tal practice reduces the caries risk for the caries damage when therapeutic treatment for the moderate- to
patient and the legal risk for the dentist. high-risk caries patient. While in the past
Practicing CAMBRA requires proper CAMBRA the dental profession was in a situation
documentation. In the patients chart, does not intervene where there is little or no apparent value
the dentist should have a standardized placed on many preventive procedures,
caries risk assessment form (Ramos-Go- stops short of there is promising progress with new fee
mez et al., Featherstone et al., previous reversing codes being added by third-party payers.
issue), and then routinely include di- Why wont my insurance pay for
agnosis, any bacterial testing or moni- the carious process. this? can be a common complaint from
toring, treatment recommendations, patients. And, if insurance wont pay
treatment outcomes and recare plans. It for preventive efforts, some patients
is important to record accurately, simply, The economics of Prevention reason that perhaps suggested preven-
and routinely to make sure all chart The dental profession has been a role tive procedures are unnecessary.
entries are consistent. If the patient model by promoting prevention via regu-
declines caries treatment in addition lar care and recare exams. One of the is- CaMbra From an economic
to any restorations, it is important to sues surrounding prevention has been the standpoint
record that patient declination in the economics. Most insurance contracts have CAMBRA has a number of proce-
chart notes as well. The patients should coverage for preventive care designed for dures associated with it that have direct
be making their treatment decisions those who are at minimal or moderate related fees and fee codes already in place.
with a fully informed consent. Conse- risk. Some patients are reluctant to spend In the CDT 7, in addition to the normal
quently, education about the benefits their own money on preventive services. prevention codes for prophylaxis and
of CAMBRA is now required for an Consequently, the majority of traditional fluoride applications there are codes for:
adequate informed consent, explain- dentistry has been focused on restorative n D 0425: Caries Susceptibility Testing
ing CAMBRA ABCs, which include rather than chemo-reparative and preven- n D 0415: Bacteriology Studies
alternatives, benefits and consequences tive care. Focusing on caries damage n D 0145: Oral Evaluation Patient <3
of non-CAMBRA implementation. when CAMBRA does not intervene stops years, Counseling Primary Caregiver
There are numerous forms available short of reversing the carious process. n D 1206: Topical Fluoride Applica-
to record your assessment results as Historically, the third-party systems tion for Therapeutic Measures Mod-
previously noted. The authors suggest and our own patients developed a prior- erate to High-risk Caries Patient
keeping things as simple as possible. The ity on restorative procedures because Medical insurance might cov-
forms presented for children age 0-5 years dental caries was pandemic and validated er some of the diagnostic tests
by Ramos-Gomez et al. and those for risk assessment tools were not available. such as salivary flow and buffer-

n o v e m b e r 2 0 0 7 7 83
c da j o u r n a l , vo l 3 5 , n 1 1

ing capacity measurements.

Some practices include the caries risk
assessment as part of the normal oral
exam, but additional procedures repre-
sent new and separate fees. The medical
approach to treating dental caries usually
involves behavioral counseling directed
at risk factors, followed by a protocol of
antimicrobial oral care products and some
remineralization strategies and materi-
als. The monitoring of ongoing treat-
ment and outcomes requires additional
bacteriology testing. These separate fees
will supplement restorative care fees.
While the income generated with the
CAMBRA procedures and materials is low
in comparison to high-end cosmetic pro-
cedures, nonetheless practicing CAMBRA
does generate sufficient revenue to justify
it from a business model. What is most
important is that every single person
in the office is absolutely committed to
helping their patients become healthy
and stay decay-free. What value does
that represent to the patients? Every-
body must be comfortable with charging
patients a fee commensurate with the
service provided. Your office must ap-
preciate how important your counsel is to
your patients. Patients can be comfortable
with your CAMBRA-related fees once you
help them understand what value they are
receiving. So what if a patients insurance
contract will not reimburse for specific
important services? Many will not cover
implants, veneers and other cosmetic
procedures. Do we avoid presenting these
procedures? Do patients decline having
them done? Perhaps another analogy
helps connect with your patients. Advise
that you dont have tire insurance, but
when your tires wear out, do you replace
them for the safety of your entire family?
CAMBRA fees may result in significant
monthly revenue as the process is integrat-
ed completely into the practice. And much

78 4 n o v e m b e r 2 0 0 7
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of CAMBRA does not require the presence Conclusion a purely economic standpoint, CAMBRA is
of the dentist for data collection. Patients Many private practices began practic- dentistrys best kept secret. But, finances
who finally manage to stabilize themselves ing CAMBRA a few years ago, when there aside, the most important reason to
with CAMBRA interventions often then de- was a wealth of scientific information implement CAMBRA is for the patients
cide to undertake more complex and finan- and not much practical implementation best interest. There is no greater reward
cially productive restorative procedures, in- tips or advice. There were no validated than making a significant difference in a
cluding elective procedures once necessary forms; there were no validated treatment patients life through improved dental
restorative treatment is reduced or elimi- regimens for treating the bacterial biofilm health that lasts a lifetime. We owe this to
nated. What experienced CAMBRA prac- disease. This was uncomfortable terri- our patients and our profession.
tices are discovering is that the real reason tory for CAMBRA initiating dentists. For
behind why patients dont have expensive a century we have had a one-size-fits-all r e f e r e nce s
1. Fejerskov O, Kidd E, Dental Caries: The disease and its clini-
tooth replacement treatment done is be- approach to disease: Surgically remove cal management. Blackwell Munksgaard, Oxford UK, 2003.
cause they dont feel confident in it lasting. the cavity, regardless of location, size, or 2. Featherstone JD, Adair SM, et al, Caries management by
They have had a lifetime of chronic misery nature, and replace it with an amalgam risk assessment: consensus statement April 2002. J Calif Dent
Assoc 31(3):257-69, March 2003.
with dental caries, and the whole process restoration. Now, every patient must have 3. Young DA, New caries detection technologies and modern
seems a mystery. Most of these CAMBRA their risk assessment evaluated individu- caries management: merging the strategies. Gen Dent
practices report an unanticipated increase ally. Every patient is unique. Treatment 50(4):320-31 July-August 2002.
4. Marsh PD, Host defenses and microbial homeostasis: role
in revenue from previously declined will need to be custom-designed for that of microbial interactions. J Dent Res 68:1567-75, 1989.
treatment knowing treatment will last. individual patient at the present time. 5. Florio FM, Klein MI, et al, Time of initial acquisition of mu-
Another consideration in the econom- Then, we must continue to monitor each tans streptococci by human infants. J Clin Pediatr 28(4):303-8,
Summer 2004.
ics of practicing CAMBRA: direct refer- patient to prevent even a low-risk patient 6. Marsh PD, Dental plaque as a biofilm and a microbial com-
rals from the practices existing patients. becoming a high-risk patient tomorrow. munity implications for health and disease. BMC Oral Health
For many patients, CAMBRA is a life- Rome wasnt built in a day. Integrat- 6(Suppl 1):S14, 2006.
7. Fontana M, ZeroDT, Assessing patients caries risk. J Am
changing experience. They change from ing a significant methodology change in Dent Assoc 137(9):1231-9, September 2006.
continuous cavities and problems to being a dental practice requires some time and 8. Bradshaw DJ, McKee AS, Marsh PD, Effects of carbohydrate
decay-free for the first time in their lives. effort. The key is to keep the changes pulses and pH on population shifts within oral microbial com-
munities in vitro. J Dent Res 68:1298-1302, 1989.
When patients appreciate and understand as simple as possible, break it down to
the biofilm component of dental caries small logical sequential steps, and keep
and experience first hand how to finally the dental team involved in the process. to request a printed copy of this article, please contact
V. Kim Kutsch, DMD, 2200 14th St., SE, Albany, Ore., 97322.
control the disease, they want everybody The CAMBRA approach, philosophy, and
they know to experience the same ben- treatment will continue to evolve and
efits. Word-of-mouth referrals have led change as more data is gathered over
to patients traveling hours just to locate time, but certainly this represents the
a dental office that practices CAMBRA. best standard of care today. Weighing the
The last economic consideration is risks versus the benefits of CAMBRA for
often the unspoken fear that dentists your patients, it is virtually all benefit. It
are putting themselves out of business. all boils down to doing the right thing for
What if your patients really didnt develop your patient. How would you want to be
new cavities, what would you do? On the treated based on what you now know?
other hand, what if every patient in your Between the direct economic benefit
practice stopped developing new single and the new patient referrals, CAMBRA
surface lesions and you could focus on more than supports itself from a business
complete restorative care? If your patients model. The additional revenue from the
decided to have ideal restorative dentistry increased restorative and elective treat-
done, would you have enough time left ments gained by caries reduction adds
in your career even to accomplish that? significantly to the average practice. From

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The Role of Dental

Hygienists, Assistants,and
Office Staff in CAMBRA
shirley gutkowski, rdh, bsdh; debi gerger, rdh, mph; jean creasey, rdh, dds;
anna nelson, cda, rda, ma; and douglas a. young, dds, mba, ms

a bstr actThe role of the dental team in caries management by risk assessment
is critical to successful patient outcomes. Positive patient interactions and
communication, proper appointment scheduling, diagnostics and data gathering, as
well as implementation of noninvasive or minimally invasive procedures can be the
responsibility of all members of the dental team. This article will evaluate the role of
the clinical and administrative staff in maintaining a practice with a focus on disease
prevention and management..


Shirley Gutkowski, rdh, Jean Creasey, rdh, dds, is he role of the dental hygienist corresponding treatment modalities.
bsdh, is an author and in private practice, and a in implementation of caries Several initial meetings will be neces-
speaker, Cross Link California Dental Policy
management by risk assess- sary and may include role-play exercises
Presentations and Development Counsel
Exploring Transitions, in member, in Nevada City,
ment will vary by the dental for the staff to become comfortable with
Sun Prairie, Wis. Calif. practice philosophy and the information and protocols (see
will vary according to the state Dental Kutsch et al., this issue). The entire team
Debi Gerger, rdh, mph, is a Anna Nelson, cda, rda, Practice Act. Hygienists are knowledge- must support the CAMBRA protocol
speaker, author, clinician ma, is an educator with the
able and prepared to contribute to risk for successful patient outcomes.1
and educator, Riverside Dental Assisting Program,
Community College and City College of San
assessment through the development of The role of the dental hygienist may
West Los Angeles College, Francisco.
office protocols, the creation of patient include medical history review, risk as-
in Corona, Calif. literature, and the expansion of treat- sessment, necessary radiographs, intraoral
Douglas A. Young, dds, ment recommendations. Many of the photos, saliva assessment and bacterial
ms, mba, is an associate disease prevention and management testing, patient education about methods
professor, Department of
procedures fall within the purview of to decrease the risk of dental disease, and
Dental Practice, University
of the Pacific, Arthur A.
the dental hygienist; however, only fluoride varnish and sealant application.
Dugoni School of a synergistic relationship with other The dental hygienist, as an example of
Dentistry. members of the staff will establish a assessment, may use a laser fluorescence
comprehensive approach to CAMBRA. carious lesion detection device such as the
The role of the dental hygienist may DIAGNOdent by KaVo. This device when
be the initiation of CAMBRA protocols properly used may assist in the evalua-
in the office. One aspect of CAMBRA tion of occlusal surfaces of the teeth and
incorporation will include staff meet- has been reported to be more reliable
ings about the philosophy and imple- when these surfaces are free of biofilm.2
mentation of risk assessment and the One method for removing the organic

78 6 n o v e m b e r 2 0 0 7
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material is with the use of an air powder necessary dental inventory for the dis- role of the administrative staff
polisher. The removal of organic mate- ease prevention management protocols. The administrative staff is pivotal in
rial is important in gathering quality This new model creates a shift in the supporting a CAMBRA prevention-fo-
information from laser or fiberoptic responsibilities of the dental assistant cused practice. Acting as practice ambas-
detection instruments. After the hy- such that he or she would contribute sadors, the administrative staff is often
gienist debrides the teeth, the surfaces to the overall office revenue, as well as the first to be approached when patients
are assessed and readings are recorded. become a critical and valued member of have questions about treatment, pro-
The dental assistant may be involved in the CAMBRA team. With proper educa- tocols, or office philosophy. Staff may
recording the data. This type of syn- tion and training, and within the rules of be involved with the development and
ergy between team members creates an the state Dental Practice Act, the dental production of patient brochures and
environment of excellent patient care. newsletters. Drafts can be discussed at
staff meetings or written communica-
role of the Dental assistant tions can be distributed to the various
The current dental practice model of the administrative office departments for feedback. The
the dental hygienist as an income genera- staff is pivotal administrative staff may also be respon-
tor/producer and the dental assistant as sible for maintenance of the practice
a support staff member can change with in supporting Web site. This is an excellent method to
additional CAMBRA direct patient care a CAMBRA disseminate knowledge about preven-
duties for the dental assistant. Educa- tion and to stimulate patient referrals.
tion and licensure can support the dental prevention-focused The administrative staff is crucial in
assistant with new responsibilities for practice. the third-party payer process. Narrative
an additional commitment to his or her letters for benefit coding are important
career. The current workforce situation and necessary to ensure that patients
finds support staff available for practicing receive optimal reimbursement for the
disease prevention and management.3 assistant can administer portions of the treatment received. Additionally, the
The dental assistant that is knowl- risk assessment to include saliva and administrative staff is in a position to
edgeable and experienced in CAMBRA bacterial testing and advising the patient process financial transactions or respond
can interview the patient, take diag- of the results with an explanation of diet, if insurance benefits are denied. As dental
nostic radiographs and photos, and nutrition, and oral hygiene modifications. codes struggle to keep up with science,
perform saliva and bacterial testing.4 Use of a dental assistant in this new diagnostic codes may need to be
Once a patients risk status has been practice model helps to control the cost developed. In some instances, medical
evaluated, the dental assistant can of CAMBRA and will be reflected in codes could be employed to bill medical
explain the results and offer preven- reasonable patient fees while providing insurance for certain procedures. Educa-
tive counseling to the patient. Standing an increase in production for the office. tion on billing codes is continuous.
orders can be relied on to provide for The ADA Current Dental Terminology Administrators may support the office
oral hygiene instruction, diet counseling, book for 2007/2008 contains billing codes protocols with reminder phone calls or
and instructions in the use of chlorhexi- for risk assessment, bacterial culturing, post cards reinforcing CAMBRA informa-
dine, fluoride, and xylitol.5 Chemical caries risk tests, saliva testing, nutritional tion and specific patient instructions. One
treatments such as chlorhexidine, counseling, fluoride varnish, and oral of the challenges patients face is remem-
fluoride, or xylitol must be communi- hygiene instructions6 (table 1 ). Strictly bering the steps they are to take each
cated to the patient with an emphasis traditional dental practices not practic- day to decrease the risk for caries disease
on the need to use the product exactly ing CAMBRA may find themselves at an infection/transmission and carious lesion
as prescribed. Reminder phone calls are economic disadvantage to their contem- progression and conversely increase the
recommended as a measure to encour- porary colleagues who grasp the CAM- chance of prevention and lesion repair.
age patient compliance. Additionally, BRA model and see the benefit for their A word on dispensing products from the
the dental assistant can maintain the patients (see Kutsch et al., this issue). dental office is worthwhile. The complex

n o v e m b e r 2 0 0 7 7 87
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table 1

CAMBRA-associated ADA Procedure Descriptions and Codes With Corresponding Provider

Procedure Description CDT Code* Denti-Cal Code Provider

Oral eval under 3 years old D 0145 010 Dentist
Comprehensive exam new or established patient D 0150 Dentist
Exams: Periodic/limited/detailed and extensive problem-focused/limited problem- D 0120/D 0140/ Dentist
focused D 0160/D 0170
Radiographs: Complete series/horizontal bitewings/vertical bitewings D 0210 / DA with CA X-ray
D 0274 / D 0277 LICENSE, RDH
Oral/facial photographic images D 0350 DA, RDH
Collection of microorganisms for culture D 0415 160 DA, RDH
Caries susceptibility test D 0425 160 DA, RDH
Diagnostic casts D 0470 DA
Laser light florescence RDH
Prophylaxis adult D 1110 050 RDH
Prophylaxis child D 1120 049 RDH
Toothbrush prophy (to age 5) including fluoride D 1120 061 RDA, RDH
Prophylaxis with fluoride (age 6 to 17) D 1120 062 RDH
Fluoride application child (prophy not included) D 1203 RDA, RDH
Fluoride application adult (prophy not included) D 1204 RDA, RDH
Fluoride varnish for moderate to high caries risk patients D 1206 061 or 062 RDH
age dependent
Nutritional counseling for control of dental disease D 1310 DA, RDH
Oral hygiene instructions D1330 DA, RDH
Sealant application 1st perm molar D 1351 045 to age 21 RDA with sealant
sticker, RDH
Sealant application 2nd perm molar D 1351 046 to age 21 RDA with sealant
sticker, RDH
Glass ionomer 1 surface anterior D 2330 Dentist
Glass ionomer 2 surface anterior D 2331 646 Dentist
Glass ionomer 1 surface posterior D 2391 600 Primary Dentist
611 Permanent
Glass ionomer 2 surface posterior D 2392 601 Primary Dentist
612 Permanent
Sedative filling D 2940 RDA, RDH
Case presentation, detailed and extensive treatment planning D 9450 Dentist
Other drugs and/or medicaments dispensed in office: i.e., chlorhexidine, topical fluoride D 9630 998 or 999 DA, RDH
Xylitol gum DA, RDH
Fluoride lozenges (Rx) DA, RDH
Application of desensitizing medicament per visit D 9910 080 with emer- DA, RDH
gency justification
Application of desensitizing resin per tooth D 9911 DA, RDH
Enamel microabrasion D 9970 Dentist
*Procedure codes from the ADA book of Current Dental Terminology 2007-2008

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pathogenic biofilm responsible for caries takes time to tell them what they can status of the patient, the dental hygien-
is not easy to modify without proper do to prevent more disease from occur- ist will follow the appropriate CAMBRA
mechanical, chemical, and dietary aids. ring. After this interview and a thorough protocol. Patients who are found to be
The importance of having products clinical evaluation, including information moderate or high risk for caries will then
available from the office cannot be over gathered earlier by the team such as caries be referred to the dental assistant for a
stressed. Private practices and dental risk assessment data, radiographs, digital subsequent appointment where ad-
school clinics experienced with CAMBRA photographs, ICDAS coding, and DIAG- ditional saliva assessment or bacterial
have reported that writing prescriptions NOdent readings, along with periodontal, testing and prevention counseling can
or telling patients to shop for products oral cancer, and occlusal discrepancies, the occur. The hygienist can continue the
does not work well. Patients leave with dentist will be able to assess the patients process of CAMBRA through chairside
good intentions then become discour- risk status and make treatment plan education and helping the patient to
aged at the complexity of locating several establish a commitment to oral health.
specialty items. Patients are best served The dental hygienist or assistant can
if support materials and supplies are provide oral hygiene instructions with a
offered immediately at the office. for new patients, focus on brushing techniques and fluoride
the dentist should toothpastes or gels. The office protocol for
Typical appointment fluoride will be explained and dispensed,
The risk assessment appointment personally review the as will the protocol for xylitol products
can vary slightly depending on the health history and all (see Jenson et al., previous issue). This is
patients dental knowledge. The first also a time for intraoral photographs that
step in the clinical examination is the risk assessment forms document current conditions. Detailed
completion of the caries risk assess- with the patient. instructions on the use of each product
ment form that has been adopted by the should be reviewed orally and supported
dentist and staff (see Featherstone et by written material (see Featherstone
al. in last months issue; Kutsch et al., et al., previous issue for sample letters
this issue). For new patients, the dentist recommendations based on this assess- to patients). An involvement calendar,
should personally review the health ment. If a patient is assessed as low risk, especially for chlorhexidine use, is a
history and all risk assessment forms the next step may be a prophylaxis ap- very helpful tool to ensure that pa-
with the patient. During this interview, pointment with another risk assessment tients keep current with the regimen.
the dentist establishes a relationship of examination in a years time. If a patient With the new patient, the dentist will
trust and forms a partnership of preven- is assessed as moderate or high risk, then have already completed a comprehen-
tion with the patient. This partnership the next appointment should be with the sive hard and soft tissue examination
reflects the philosophy where cavities dental assistant for saliva assessment and with a treatment plan for restorative
are treated as an infectious disease. The bacterial testing and CAMBRA counseling. needs and sealant recommendations.
dental hygienist or assistant will use Once the CAMBRA protocols are The dental team will have discussed the
information obtained during the risk established (see Ramos-Gomez et al. results of the caries risk assessment
assessment to then follow the CAMBRA and Jenson et al., previous issue), the with the patient. The laser fluores-
recommendations for disease preven- dental hygienist can provide reinforce- cence carious lesion examination and
tion and management (table 2 ). For ment and continue to assess the process ICDAS coding will be charted and the
instance if the patient is determined as well as report progress to the patient. frequency of recall examinations will
to be high risk, a bacterial test would Introducing existing patients to be established. In California, registered
be administered followed by patient CAMBRA for the first time can be done at dental assistants who have completed
education and the recommendations for the recare appointment when the caries a board-approved course are allowed to
and dispensing of antibacterial agents. risk assessment form will be completed. place sealants. The type of sealant to
The dental team and patient will work The dental hygienist will then evaluate be used, resin-based or glass ionomer,
together to treat the current condition. the forms as part of the patients recare will be discussed with the dentist and
Patients appreciate a dental team that appointment. Depending on the risk cont i n ue s on 79 2

n o v e m b e r 2 0 0 7 7 89
t h e d e n ta l t e a m

table 2

CAMBRA-related Therapy Recommendations Based on Caries Risk Assessment

New Overwhelming Poor Diet Poor Saliva Therapy
Patient Bacterial
X X X X Oral eval under 3 years old
X Comprehensive exam new or established patient
X X Exams: Periodic/limited/detailed and extensive problem-focused/limited
X X X Radiographs: Complete series/horizontal bitewings/vertical bitewings
X X X X Oral/facial photographic images
X X Collection of microorganisms for culture
X X X X Caries susceptibility test
X Diagnostic casts
X X X X Laser light florescence
X X X Prophylaxis adult
X X X Prophylaxis child
X Toothbrush prophy (to age 5) including fluoride
X X X Prophylaxis with fluoride (age 6 to 17)
X X X Fluoride application child (prophy not included)
X X X X Fluoride application adult (prophy not included)
X X X Fluoride varnish for moderate to high caries risk patients
X X X Nutritional counseling for control of dental disease
X X Oral hygiene instructions
X X X Sealant application 1st perm molar
X X Sealant application 2nd perm molar
X Sedative filling
X X X X Other drugs and/or medicaments dispensed in office: i.e., chlorhexidine, topical
X X X X Xylitol gum
X X X Fluoride lozenges (Rx)

t he d e n ta l t e a m , c o n t i n ued f ro m 7 8 9

patient. Sealants can be delivered at the during the subsequent hard tissue examina- ing pits and fissures will surely make up
risk assessment appointment as outlined tion unless numerous lesions are evident. for a loss in production for that time. The
previously. The dental hygienist in some Office protocol may include stopping at planned prophylaxis should be rescheduled.
states may take over at this point. If the health history stage of the treatment
radiographs are indicated, then the dental sequence to do a risk assessment for car- Tips for Success
assistant will take them as prescribed ies. The patient is often engaged at this The CAMBRA approach to patient
by standing orders or prescription. point and will follow the discussion and care can be readily incorporated into the
Often, the dental hygienist will find treatment recommendations. A saliva or practice by collecting and evaluating data
that the patient is taking a new medication bacterial test, fluoride varnish, dispensing as it relates to the patients risk for caries
during the first part of the recare appoint- fluoride, calcium-phosphate paste, apply- development. There are several steps to
ment. This red flag is often overlooked ing glass ionomer sealants to any remain- consider for successful implementation

79 2 n o v e m b e r 2 0 0 7
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of CAMBRA for the first time. First, the Conclusion

office must have meetings to discuss, The team approach to CAMBRA is
study, and role-play with CAMBRA so integral to the decrease in the incidence
that the dental team is comfortable with and prevalence of dental caries among
the information. Concurrently, the office various populations. Together, the dental
may need to order supplies such as risk team can assist the patient in the preven-
assessment forms, saliva or bacterial tion or control of dental disease. Carious
tests, fluoride varnish, advanced cari- lesions can and do affect the lives of people.
ostatic materials, and antibacterial rinses. Understanding and treating caries as a
The office will need time to develop a curable and preventable infectious, biofilm
brochure and if applicable place CAMBRA disease is the single most important step a
information on the office Web page. dental practice can take to improve the

The office can begin by incorporating lives of its patients and the quality of the
CAMBRA into all new patient examina- practice. Through the process of assessment
tions and all known high-risk patients. and corresponding protocols, the dental
Soon after, the dental team can initi- team can work with patients to motivate

ate risk assessment and prevention or and inspire behavior changes that will have
treatment protocols with all patients. To a lasting impact.
aid the patient in the implementation of
home regimes, the dental team may want re f e re n c e s
1. Axelsson P, The effect of a needs-related caries preventive
to consider the use of involvement calen- program in children and young adults results after 20 years.
dars and diagnostic casts and disclosing BMC Oral Health 6 Suppl 1:S7, June 15, 2006.
tablets to demonstrate the patients pat- 2. Lussi A, Hellwig E, Risk assessment and preventive mea-
sures. Monogr Oral Sci 20:190-9, 2006.
tern of biofilm. Additionally, rewards such 3. Brown TT, Finlayson TL, Scheffler RM, How do we measure
as a gift certificate for children who return shortages of dental hygienists and dental assistants? Evi-
with a completed involvement calendar dence from California: 1997-2005. J Am Dent Assoc 138(1):94-
100, January 2007.
and good oral hygiene are also useful. 4. Holst A, Braune K, Dental assistants ability to select caries
One example of a population that risk-children and to prevent caries. Swed Dent J 18(6):243-9,
is in need of disease prevention and 1994.
5. Burt B, The use of sorbitol and xylitol-sweetened chewing
management are pregnant women. They gum in caries control J Am Dent Assoc 137(2):190-6, February
are usually very open to behavior change 2006.
with the goal of a healthy pregnancy 6. Gutkowski S, Harper M, The art of submitting medical claim
forms contemporary. Oral Hyg 1(1), January 2007.
and baby. Emphasis on the contagious
nature of caries can be stressed and to request a printed copy of this article, please con-
expectant moms can be informed of tact Shirley Gutkowski, RDH, BSDH, Cross Link Presentations
and Exploring Transitions, 2775 Shadow Trail, Sun Prairie, Wis.,
how reducing levels of cariogenic patho- 53590.
gens in their own mouths can positively
affect their childs future oral health.
Other examples of patient populations
in great need of disease prevention and
management are the patients with lower
socioeconomic status, the elderly, and spe-
cial needs patients. Often these patients
do not have good access to care or do not
have the ability to obtain or apply current
treatment interventions or products.

n o v e m b e r 2 0 0 7 7 93
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Risky Business:
Influencing People
to Change
bruce peltier, phd, mba; philip weinstein, phd; and richard fredekind, dmd, ma

a bstr actThe evolution of prevention methods represents a positive development

of significant value. Managing the behavioral components of prevention is crucial
to create buy-in by staff and patients. Numerous recommendations for successful
implementation of CAMBRA are cited. It is important for dentists to establish which
option works best with each employee, and for the dental care team to do the same with
each patient in the practice.

authors revention of dental disease has Technical advances in prevention have
Bruce Peltier, phd, mba,
a long, but sketchy history, typi- evolved over the years to include im-
is a professor, Psychol- fied by behavioral ambivalence provements in toothpastes and brushes,
ogy and Ethics, at the on the part of patients and prac- enhancements in brushing techniques,
University of the Pacific, titioners alike. A case could be radically different floss technology, ex-
Arthur A. Dugoni School of made that of all the relevant stakehold- panded techniques in fluoride application
Dentistry, in San Francisco.
ers, manufacturers of toothpaste have (both systemic and topical), instrumenta-
Philip Weinstein, phd, taken the most consistent stance toward tion using rubber tips and toothpicks, ad-
is a professor, Dental effective preventive dental care. In the ditional mouthwash formulations, dietary
Public Health Sciences, 1940s and 1950s, practitioners searched recommendations that are supported
at Warren G. Magnuson for recipes to induce appropriate patient by empirical data, advances in adhesive
Health Sciences Center,
University of Washington,
behavior. In the 1950s and 1960s, the U. dental materials (e.g., resins and glass
in Seattle. S. Public Health Service studied fluorida- ionomers), increased awareness of the
tion and promoted its implementation as negative effect of tobacco and substance
Richard Fredekind, dmd, part of preventive services. Some dental abuse, and management of systemic
ma, is associate dean for schools hired behavior scientists to diseases likely to have a negative impact
Clinical Services, at the
University of the Pacific,
develop community prevention proto- on oral health (e.g., diabetes and cancer).
Arthur A. Dugoni School of cols. The 1980s saw increased attention to Recent developments in caries risk assess-
Dentistry, in San Francisco. health promotion and disease prevention ment, while helpful in managing dental
in both research and practical arenas. In disease, have added a level of complex-
the 1990s, goals and timelines were de- ity for patients and practitioners alike.
veloped to reduce dental disease, and in Successful prevention requires an un-
the 2000s, significant research on caries derstanding of all of the options available
risk assessment and its implementation for maintaining oral health along with pa-
within dental education was completed.1,2 tient participation and cooperation, and

79 4 n o v e m b e r 2 0 0 7
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a practitioner who can facilitate participa- n CAMBRA is a new and different form capacity to conduct reliable follow
tion and cooperation.3 In other words, of dental health care. It requires that sig- through with patients over extended
technology has advanced to a stage where nificant resources be spent on nonsurgical periods of time.
real prevention can take place, but it re- methods, many of which are not currently a n Efficacy is not yet well established in
quires a significant change in the behavior part of the culture of the profession. the literature. There are many studies with
of dentists, hygienists, and patients. n CAMBRA is a complex process promising results; however, numerous
Such a situation is not unique to involving numerous treatments that must faculty members and practitioners believe
dentistry or novel in the human experi- first be learned by the dental health care there is not yet a rich, comprehensive
ence. Most people know french fries worker then effectively passed on to the literature on the efficacy of CAMBRA.9
are not good for them. We know we patient and accommodated into their
should exercise regularly. We should daily schedule. Taking behavior seriously
start working on our taxes late in Janu- If CAMBRA is to have any realistic
ary. We should moderate alcohol intake, chance of succeeding as a paradigm shift
eat more broccoli, and floss our teeth. if dentists in dental care, the behavioral side of the
Yet, we often do not do those things that equation must be taken seriously. Lip ser-
are clearly in our own best interest. do not believe vice will simply not suffice. First, it must
For example, prevention in dentistry in the efficacy and be said, dentists themselves have to truly
includes educational techniques for ef- get on board. If dentists do not believe
fective plaque removal. Unfortunately, value of prevention in the efficacy and value of prevention
studies have shown that while patient methods, patients methods, patients are unlikely to succeed.
education may increase knowledge, it Dentists must be willing to take the time
often provides only temporary improve- are unlikely and make the effort to demonstrate that
ments in plaque control.4,5 The 2003 to succeed. they are serious about CAMBRA and its
American Dental Association Public implementation. To do this, change is
Opinion Survey determined that while required and change is a complex process.
more than 86 percent of women met n Patient training is perceived as more
the ADA recommendation of brush- time consuming than traditional preven- stages of Change Theory
ing at least twice daily, less than 70 tive techniques. According to transtheoretical models
percent of men met this standard.6 n Significant recordkeeping is an of change, that is, models that involve
As the complexity of prevention essential component of the CAMBRA stages, people pass through a predict-
increases the disparity between what we approach. able process as they move from accep-
know and what we do is likely to widen. n There are costs to both patient and tance to maintenance.10 The Stages of
If prevention in dental care is to really practitioner. Third-party payers typically Change perspective has been useful to
take hold, an understanding of short and do not provide compensation or reim- explain how individuals change a wide
long-term behavior change process seems bursement for these procedures and range of problem behaviors, from smok-
essential. It is clear we cannot simply tell materials. A fair and comprehensive fee ing cessation to exercise acquisition to
patients (and dentists) to do what we structure for these procedures has not yet condom use.11,12 There are five stages of
know is good for them. That is not likely been determined by practitioners, nor are change: precontemplation (uninterested
to result in actual behavior change. CDT codes fully established.8 in change); contemplation (consider-
n The vast majority of dental practices, ing change); preparation (committed to
Challenges even those enthusiastic about prevention, change); action (implementing change);
It helps to know the enemy if you have not established an efficient, work- and maintenance (preserving change).
are to engage in a serious fight. What able method to manage the process in a The importance of this model lies in
follows is a listing of some of the real real-life private practice. the fact that strategies and activities to
and perceived challenges that CAMBRA n Dental health care workers have not promote change differ significantly across
and disease prevention currently face.7 generally demonstrated the ability or stages. Individuals in different stages

n o v e m b e r 2 0 0 7 7 95
m ot i vat i n g pat i e n t s
c da j o u r n a l , vo l 3 5 , n 1 1

utilize different processes of change.13 questioned, admitted to putting the child to leagues who know what they are do-
Stage status is also useful in predicting bed with the bottle. At what stage is she? ing is not working. Such colleagues
how close a person is to behavior change If Mrs. Lee tells you it is inevitable frequently report that insurance does
and how much effort is required of them her kids will have dental problems, she not pay for effective prevention or
and the intervention to move them to is likely to be in the precontemplative that effect prevention takes too much
action. Such a perspective is useful in stage. On the other hand, she may tell time to be practical. These colleagues
structuring tailored interventions to you that while she does not want her are at the contemplative stage.
target at-risk populations.14 Measures baby to have the dental problems her Dental school faculty and administra-
of readiness to change dental behaviors older child has, she nonetheless feels she tors may also be at different stages. Most
have been developed and validated.15,16 cannot follow the recommendation to dental schools are focused on training
Patients at the initial precontempla- their students to develop surgical skills.
tive stage do not see their behavior as a The vast majority of clinical instruction
problem and have no intention of chang- is dedicated to basic surgical proficiency.
ing their behavior. They are unknowing, the importance Many faculty and administrators see
unable, or unwilling to acknowledge that of this model lies time away from the development of
a problem exists. There is no reason to act. these skills to be counterproductive.
This same observation can be made about in the fact that They are at the precontemplative stage.
dentists who do not take prevention strategies and activities On the other hand, there are those who
seriously in their practice. Those at the are aware that students who graduate
contemplative stage are aware a problem to promote change from their dental schools do not have the
exists but are ambivalent. They value the differ significantly basic behavioral competencies needed
change but perceive obstacles to action. to control caries in high-risk popula-
When properly motivated, patients will across stages. tions. While students may have taken a
prepare to change by deciding how to short course in communications skills
make it happen. Once this is determined, and cultural competency as a freshman,
the patient moves into action by actually wean that child at 1 year, nor does she there is awareness of the inadequacies of
implementing the change. After action, think she can put the baby to bed without dental education. Given the obstacles in
there is concern over maintaining the a bottle. Inability to tolerate child upset altering the curriculum, such individu-
new behaviors and avoiding relapse.3 and inconvenience are alluded to. She is als are at the contemplative stage.
Strategies to move from the precontem- likely to be at the contemplative stage.
plative to the contemplative stage involve The Stages of Change theory applies Motivational Interviewing
helping the patient, parent, or guardian feel to practitioners and educators as well as While the Stages of Change theory
the need for healthy dentition or avoid the patients. The theory is useful in under- provides understanding of the process of
consequences of dental pathology pain, standing how individuals respond to or change and overall strategies, motiva-
embarrassment, tooth loss, etc. Strategies ignore innovations and change. Many tional interviewing, a brief counseling
to move from contemplation to action in- dentists in practice behave as if traditional approach that focuses on skills needed to
volve identifying and overcoming obstacles. restorative treatment stops the caries pro- motivate others, provides tactics to move
For example, Mrs. Lee has a 6-year-old son cess. Moreover, preventive activities are patients from inaction to action.17 This
with a history of rampant caries and an limited, brief, and carried out in a robotic approach has been successful in elimi-
18-month-old baby. She said she felt terrible fashion, resembling the reading of rights nating addictive behaviors and has been
when she brought her child in for emer- to a suspect before arresting him. Some used to establish positive health-related
gency care and learned that her son, then dentists are overcome with skepticism, behaviors.18 Weinstein, Harrison, and
3 years old, had serious dental problems reporting that prevention just does not Benton reported a study of 240 high-risk
requiring oral rehabilitation under general work. Been there; done that. These col- infants aged 6- to 18-months-old and
anesthesia. In the dental office, her baby leagues are at the precontemplative stage. their parents.19,20 They were randomly
has a bottle with milk in it. Mrs. Lee, when Contrast those dentists to our col- assigned to motivational interviewing or

79 6 n o v e m b e r 2 0 0 7
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traditional health education groups. Lay from the contemplative to the prepara- recommendations for dentists and their
women were trained to conduct the inter- tion/action stage. The person is asked auxiliaries interested in CAMBRA success:
vention, which consisted of a counseling to weigh the pros and cons of chang- 1. Take time to listen to patients. Let
session and follow-up telephone calls. ing. What are the costs, the benefits them tell their story and explain what
After two years there was a 50 percent of changing? What happens if you do they think of their teeth and their role
reduction in the incidence of caries in nothing? Choice is emphasized and in the maintenance of their oral health.
the motivational interviewing group. there is brief discussion of the potential Make sure you understand their point of
The motivational interviewing ap- obstacles to action for each action option. view before you try to influence them.
proach allows exploration of a problem in Working with the person focuses mainly 2. Find out whether patients have
a supportive environment that expresses on identifying a plan to act. Menus of distorted, incorrect, or irrational views
acceptance and provides affirmations of of dentistry and oral health. Gently
the persons strengths. It involves asking correct those views, beginning with
questions before providing information the normalizing comment that many
and advice. Individuals are encouraged to the approach is people feel the way that you do.
talk and there is an attempt to understand directive, advice is given, 3. Provide reasons for the prevention
their frame of reference. These techniques activities that you recommend. Patients
are borrowed from nondirective patient- with the persons are more likely to follow through with
centered therapy. However, the approach permission, and is home care if they understand why they
is directive, advice is given, with the are doing what they are asked to do.
persons permission, and is accompanied accompanied with 4. Teach and demonstrate what
with encouragement to make choices. encouragement to you want patients to do. Actively teach
There are two phases to motivational hygiene methods and get patients to
interviewing; the patient is active in both. make choices. demonstrate how to brush and floss
First, there is an attempt to establish while they are in the dentists office. Show
rapport and trust and to help identify the pictures and videos of the techniques
problem of concern. During this phase the potential changes are used in even briefer you recommend. Many patients prefer
patient moves from the precontemplative versions of motivational interviewing. to have good hygiene habits and skills,
to the contemplative stage. The goals are Such menus are appropriate with multi- but they simply do not know correct
achieved primarily by asking open-ended factorial diseases like caries. A motiva- techniques or worse, the techniques
questions and demonstrating the listener tional interviewing training manual for they apply are inadequate or harmful.
has heard the person by paraphrasing dental health care workers is available.21 5. Conduct a functional analysis
or summarizing (active listening). For to determine what factors in a patients
example, in the protocol with the parents additional approaches life are likely to increase likelihood of
of 6- to 18-month-old high-risk children, There are additional theories that ex- enhanced prevention activities and
parents were asked to report What is plain behavior change and interpersonal which factors might get in the way.
it like to be Timmys mom? The next influence in psychology including behav- 6. Explore your patients reinforce-
question focused on oral health. Tell me ioral models of reinforcement, social psy- ment structure. Behavior is a function
about your dental health and the health chologys experimental findings, emphasis of its consequences. A desired behavior
of your family? This was followed by on acceptance and listening skills, family followed by something pleasant is likely
What do you want for Timmys den- system views on group homeostasis, cog- to be repeated. Analyze the contingen-
tal health, or If I could grant you one nitive methods to change thinking, and cies of reinforcement to ensure that
wish for Timmys teeth, what would it hypnotic influence. These may be used in desired prevention behaviors are ap-
be? The last question sets the hook; conjunction with or independent of moti- propriately rewarded. This, of course,
the parent is now telling us what she vational interviewing. A distillation of the means that dentists must note positive
desires for the oral health of her child. best and most appropriate lessons from changes, even small ones, and comment
The second phase involves moving those theories would include the following on them (you are doing a good job in

n o v e m b e r 2 0 0 7 7 97
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the front on the left side). Dentists they actively engage the CAMBRA process. 19. Weinstein P, Harrison R, Benton T, Motivating parents
to prevent caries in their young children. J Am Dent Assoc
can help patients set up explicit reward It is important for dentists to establish 135(6):731-8, June 2004.
structures to reinforce the behavior which option works best with each of the 20. Weinstein P, Harrison R, Benton T, Motivating mothers to
they want to increase at home. employees in his/her office, and for the prevent caries: confirming the beneficial effect of counseling. J
Am Dent Assoc 137(6):789-93, June 2006.
7. Explore the involvement of the dental care team to do the same with each 21. Weinstein P, Motivate your dental patients: a workbook.
patients entire family in the CAM- patient in the practice. University of Washington Press. Seattle, Wash., 2002.
BRA process. It is more likely that a 22. Peltier B, Hypnosis in Dentistry. (In) Mostofsky D, Behav-
re f e re n c e s ioral Dentistry. Ames, Iowa, Blackwell-Munksgaard Publishing
patient will make a behavior change Company, 2006.
1. Psychology and dentistry: mental health aspects of patient
if the whole family participates. care. WA Ayer (ed). The Hawthorne Press, N.Y., 2005.
8. Use hypnotic language and 2. Cohen LK, History and outlook of social science research in
indirect suggestion to influence pa- dentistry. Paper presented at meeting, Dentistry and social to request a printed copy of this article, please con-
change, Munich FRG, July 1985. tact Bruce Peltier, PhD, MBA, University of the Pacific, Arthur
tients. Tell stories about successful 3. Koerber A, Health behavior and helping patients change. (In) A. Dugoni School of Dentistry, 2155 Webster St., San Francisco,
cases and patients. Employ vivid im- Behavioral dentistry. Mostofsky DI, Forgione AG, Giddon DB, Calif., 94115.
ages of healthy and unhealthy situa- (eds). Blackwell Publishing, Ames, Iowa, p149-60, 2006.
4. Brown LF, Research in dental health education and health
tions to make your points (pus versus promotion: a review of the literature. Health Educ Q 21(1):83-
nice fresh teeth and breath).22 102, Spring 1994, review.
9. Help patients set small, reason- 5. Kay E, Locker D, A systematic review of the effectiveness of
health promotion aimed at improving oral health. Community
able goals. Meet those goals, reinforce Dent Health 15(3):132-44, September 1998.
the progress, and set new ones. Engage 6. American Dental Association 2003 Public Opinion Survey,
patients often. Twice-a-year appoint- Oral Health of the U.S. Population, 2003.
7. Proceedings of the World Congress on Minimally Invasive
ments are unlikely to be very influential. Dentistry annual meeting, Seattle Wash., August 2006.
10. Consider making appropriate 8. CDT: current dental terminology, 2007-08. Council on Dental
treatment deals with patients. Agree to Benefit Programs. American Dental Association, 2007.
9. Bird WF, Caries protocol compliance issues. J Calif Dent
provide services they desire in alignment Assoc 31(3):252-6, March 2003.
with a set schedule of oral health improve- 10. Prochaska JO, DiClemente CC, The transtheoretical
ment. We can put those veneers on as approach: crossing traditional boundaries of change. Dorsey
Press, Homewood Ill., 1984.
soon as you bring your decay-causing bac- 11. Prochaska JO, DiClementa CC, Stages of change in the
teria level down to a 2. or Reduce those modification of problem behaviors. In Progress in behavior
pockets to 4 millimeters and Ill start the modification. Herson, Eisler, Miller (eds). Sage, Newbury Park
Calif., p184-218, 1992.
preparation for the crown you need. 12. Prochaska JO, Velicer WF, et al, Stages of change and
11. Above all, dentists and their aux- decisional balance for 12 problem behaviors. Health Psychol
iliaries must truly care about prevention 13(1):39-46, January 1994.
13. DiClemente CC, Motivational interviewing and the stages
and the hygiene behaviors of patients. of change. In Motivational interviewing: preparing people to
Their interest in prevention of disease change addictive behavior. Miller and Rollnick (eds). Guilford,
must be obvious to staff and patients if N.Y. p191-202, 1991.
14. Lawrence T, Aveyard P, et al, A cluster randomized con-
they hope to positively influence them. trolled trial in pregnant women comparing interventions based
This is a wonderful role for hygienists on the transtheoretical (stages of change) model to standard
and assistants as well as the dentist. care. Tobacco Contr 12:168-77, 2003.
15. Weinstein P, Riedy CA, The reliability and validity of the
RAPIDD Scale: readiness assessment of parents concerning
Conclusion infant dental caries. ASDC J Dent Child 68 (2):129-35, March-
Different people have different April 2001.
16. Benton T, Harrison R, Weinstein P, Mothers readiness
motivations that determine their behavior. predicts infant feeding practices: predictive validity of the
This paper described numerous theories RAPIDD in a Sikh population. J Dent Res 82:A-84, 2003.
and approaches that can be used to 17. Miller WR, Rollnick S, Motivational interviewing (first ed.),
Guilford Press, N.Y., 1991.
positively influence the behavior of 18. Miller WR, Rollnick S, Motivational interviewing (second
patients and dental health care workers so ed.), Guilford Press, N.Y., 2002.

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Caries Management
by Risk Assessment:
Implementation Guidelines
douglas a. young, dds, ms, mba; john d.b. featherstone, msc, phd;
jon r. roth, ms, cae; max anderson, dds, ms, med; jaana autio-gold, dds, phd;
gordon j. christensen, dds, msd, phd; margherita fontana, dds, phd;
v. kim kutsch, dmd; mathilde (tilly) c. peters, dmd, phd;
richard j. simonsen, dds, ms; and mark s. wolff, dds, phd

a bstractThis consensus statement supports implementation of

caries management by risk assessment in clinical practice by using the
following principles: modification of the oral flora, patient education,
remineralization, and minimal operative intervention. The statement
includes a list of supporters.


Douglas A. Young, dds, Max Anderson, dds, ms, Margherita Fontana, dds, Richard J. Simonsen, dds, dopted by the authors of
ms, mba, is an associate med, is with Anderson phd, is an associate ms, is dean at the College this issue of the Journal of
professor, Department of Dental Consulting in professor and director, of Dental Medicine,
the California Dental Associa-
Dental Practice, University Sequim, Wash. Microbial Caries Facility, Midwestern University,
of the Pacific, Arthur A. Oral Health Research Insti- in Glendale, Ariz.
tion and the general assem-
Dugoni School of Dentistry Jaana Autio-Gold, dds, tute, and director, bly of the World Congress
in San Francisco. phd, is an assistant Predoctoral Education for Mark S. Wolff, dds, phd, of Minimally Invasive Dentistry.
professor and director of the Department of Preven- is professor and chair, Members of the Western, Central, and
John D.B. Featherstone, cariology, Department of tive and Community Department of Cariology
Eastern CAMBRA Coalitions, ADEA Cari-
MSc, PhD, is interim dean, Operative Dentistry, and Dentistry at Indiana and Comprehensive Care
University of California, coordinator of preventive University School of New York University
ology Special Interest Group, WCMID, and
San Francisco, School of dentistry at the University Dentistry in Indianapolis. College of Dentistry, in others listed in table 1 recognize the 2002
Dentistry, and is a profes- of Florida College of Den- New York. FDI Policy Statement, Minimal Interven-
sor in the Department of tistry in Gainesville, Fla. V. Kim Kutsch, dmd, is in tion in the Management of Dental Caries
Preventive and Restor- clinical practice in Albany,
as the current clinical standard for caries
ative Dental Sciences at Gordon J. Christensen, Ore.
UCSF. dds, msd, phd, is dean
management and further support imple-
at Scottsdale Center for Mathilde (Tilly) C. Peters, mentation of the following principles:
Jon R. Roth, ms, cae, is Dentistry, director for dmd, phd, is a professor, Main principles for CAMBRA imple-
executive director of the Practical Clinical Courses, Department of Cariology, mentation
California Dental Associa- and senior consultant, Restorative Sciences and n Modification of the oral flora to
tion Foundation. CRA Foundation, in Provo, Endodontics, at the
Utah. University of Michigan
favor health.
School of Dentistry in n Patient education and informed
Ann Arbor. participation.
n Remineralization of non-cavitated
lesions of enamel and dentin/cementum,
con t i n ue s on 8 0 2

n o v e m b e r 2 0 0 7 7 99
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table 1

The following organizations/individuals support the main principles of this consensus paper. The purpose of this table is to illustrate
interorganizational collaboration across our profession in support of developing an improved standard for caries management. Time
constraints did not allow all institutions to be included, and we encourage interested parties to contact the authors of this consensus paper.

western cambra Larry Jenson University of Auvergne, Norman Feigenbaum

coalition Brent Lin Clermont-Ferrand, France Phyllis Filker
Howard Pollick Sophie Domejean-Orliaguet Audrey Galka
Arizona School of Dentistry Francisco Ramos-Gomez Franklin Garcia-Godoy
and Oral Health Margaret M. Walsh California Dental Association
Evren Kilinc
Richard J. Simonsen Joel M. White CDA Board of Trustees*
Jodi Kodish
(currently at Midwestern CDA Foundation
Lawrence Levin
University; see below) University of Nevada,
California Society of Marianna Pasciuta
Las Vegas
City College of San Francisco Steven Hackmyer Pediatric Dentistry
Ohio State University College
Anna Nelson Raymond Tozzi Melvin Rowan
of Dentistry
Wendy Woodall Richard Udin
Loma Linda University Joseph J. Morriello
A. Jeffrey Wood
Charles J. Goodacre (dean) D. Stanley Sharples
University of the Pacific,
Brian Black Private Practice Robert G. Rashid
San Francisco
Bonnie Nelson Patrick Ferrillo (dean) Jean Creasey
South Illinois University School
Wesley Okumura Arthur A. Dugoni (dean emeritus) William Domb
of Dental Medicine
Doug Roberts Phil Buchanan Nathan Kaufman
Poonam Jain
Dan Tan Alan Budenz V. Kim Kutsch
Fred Fendler Graeme Milicich Temple University Kornberg
Midwestern University Edwin J. Zinman
Elly Francisco School of Dentistry
College of Dental Medicine Frank R. Recker
Richard Fredekind Juan E. Arocho
Richard J. Simonsen (dean)
Paul Glassman Jack Hollingsworth
Governmental/State Programs
Oregon Health and Science Deborah Horlak David Noel University of Alabama at
University Richard Lubman Reed Snow Birmingham School of Dentistry
Michael Carlascio William Lundergan Ariane Terlet Huw F. Thomas (dean)
Juliana B. da Costa Cindy Lyon
Jack Ferracane Christine Miller Research Institutes University of Connecticut
Prashant Gagneja Nader A. Nadershahi Rella Christensen, Clinical School of Dental Medicine
Robert Johnson Warden Noble Research Associates Jonathan C. Meiers
Bruce Peltier
Riverside Community College
Paul Subar
central cambra University of Detroit Mercy
Debi Gerger
Paula Watson
coalition School of Dentistry
Michelle Hurlbutt Suzana M. Gjekaj
Craig S. Yarborough Creighton University Medical
Jackson B. Linger
Scottsdale Center for Dentistry Douglas A. Young Center School of Dentistry
Gordon J. Christensen (dean) Steven Friedrichsen (dean) University of Florida College
University of Southern California
Frank Ayers of Dentistry
University of California Office Harold Slavkin (dean)
James Howard Teresa Dolan (dean)
of the President Loris Abedi
Nicole Kimmes Kenneth Anusavice
Wyatt R. Hume Saj Jivraj
Mark Latta Jaana Autio-Gold
Mike Mulvehill
University of California, Luke Matranga Paul K. Blaser
Richard Udin
Los Angeles R. Scott Shaddy Mark E. Davis
No-Hee Park (dean) University of Washington John Shaner Valeria V. Gordan
James J. Crall Martha Somerman (dean) Ivar Mjr
Indiana University School
Edmond R. Hewlett Sami Dogan Eduardo Mondragon
of Dentistry
Vladimir W. Spolsky Werner Geurtsen Marc E. Ottenga
Hafsteinn Eggertsson
Richard Stevenson Gabriela Ibarra Chiayi Shen
Margherita Fontana
Larry Wolinsky Rebecca L. Slayton Karl-Johan Sderholm
Carlos Gonzalez-Cabezas
Wenyuan Shi Philip Weinstein K. David Stillwell
Jeffrey A. Platt
Scott L. Tomar
University of California, West Los Angeles College Boyd Welsch
Louisiana State University
San Francisco Debi Gerger
Health Sciences Center School
John D.B. Featherstone (interim University of Illinois at Chicago
Hebrew University of Jerusalem, of Dentistry
Dean) School of Dentistry
Israel Eric Hovland (dean)
William F. Bird Ana Bedran-Russo
Osnat Feuerstein Alan H. Ripps
Sheila Brear G. William Knight
Beatrice Shahal Robert S. Sergent
Pamela K. DenBesten Frank Perry
Ervin I. Weiss Adriana Semprum-Clavier
Spomenka Djordjevic Nova Southeastern University
W. Stephan Eakle University of Adelaide, Australia College of Dental Medicine Steven Steinberg
Stuart Gansky John McIntyre Donald Antonson
Robert P. Ho Graham Mount Sibel Antonson
Samuel T. Huang Hien Ngo

800n ov e m b e r 2 0 0 7
c da j o u r n a l , vo l 3 5 , n 1 1

University of Iowa College of University of North Carolina University of Medicine and industry
Dentistry School of Dentistry, Chapel Hill Dentistry of New Jersey
David Johnsen (dean) Luiz Andre Pimenta Kenneth Joel Markowitz Anderson Dental Consulting
Steve Armstrong Allen Samuelson Max Anderson
Murray Bouschlicher Thomas L. Ziemiecki New York University School of
Jane Chalmers Dentistry, New York, N.Y. BIOLASE Technology, Inc.
Deborah Cobb University of Oklahoma College Charles Bertolami (dean) Jeffrey W. Jones
Gerald Denehy of Dentistry John R. Calamia William E. Brown, Jr.
Sandra Guzman-Armstrong Sharukh S. Khajotia David Glotzer Cross Link Presentations
Marcela Hernandez Terry J. Fruits Benjamin Godder Shirley Gutkowski
Mike Kanellis James Kaim
University of Puerto Rico School James LoPresti Discus Dental
Satish Khera of Dentistry
Justine L. Kolker Ken Magid Julia Fann
Yilda Rivera (dean) Mitchell S. Pines Mark Gersh
Erin Lacey Juan A. Agosto Colon
Steve Levy Andrew Schenkel Marla Mattinson
Augusto Elias Van Thompson
Michelle McQuistan Arnaldo J. Guzman GC America
Thomas Schulein Richard Vogel
Jose R. Matos Mark Heiss
John Warren Mark Wolff
Lorna A. Rodriguez Tadahiko Kumaki
James Wefel William Myers
Stony Brook University
University of Texas Dental Douglas Foerth
University of Louisville School Branch at Houston Johnson & Johnson
of Dentistry Ann Nasti
Catherine M. Flaitz (dean) Consumer & Personal
Jennifer B. McCants Products Worldwide
Peggy ONeill Tufts University School of
University of Michigan School of William H. Tate Dental Medicine Elizabeth Roberts
Dentistry Gardner Bassett Kurt Schilling
University of Texas Health Harish Gulati Ben Wiegand
Peter Polverini (dean) Science Center at San Antonio
Juliana A. Barros Margaret J. Howard
Bennett T. Amaechi KaVo Dental
Stephen Bayne Jeff Thibadeau
Kevin M. Gureckis Virginia Commonwealth
James R. Boynton Carl W. Haveman University School of Dentistry
Mark Fitzgerald Barry W. Holleron OMNI Preventive Care, A 3M
Peter Moon
Joan McGowan Barbara A. MacNeill ESPE Company
Amid I. Ismail J. D. Overton West Virginia University School Steve Pardue
Preetha P. Kanjirath Rita Parma of Dentistry Aaron Pfarrer
Wendy Kerschbaum H. Ralph Rawls K. Birgitta Brown
Mary Ellen McLean Oral BioTech, LLC
Wally McMin
James B. Summitt other universities Robert J. Bowers
Edward F. Wright Bob Cantrell
Gisele F. Neiva Academic Center for Dentistry
Mathilde C. Peters Full-time Faculty Amsterdam the Netherlands 3M ESPE Dental Products
Susan Pritzel Kevin Frazier, Augusta, Ga. JM ten Cate Sumita Mitra
Domenica G. Sweier Ros Randall
George W. Taylor eastern cambra Laval University Faculty of
Jose Vivas coalition Dental Medicine Quebec Procter & Gamble
Canada Steven Boss (retired)
University of Minnesota School University at Buffalo, School of
Sylvie Morin Robert Faller
of Dentistry Dental Medicine
Karla Girts
Ignatius Lee Davis Garlapo University of Saskatchewan Mike Sudzina
Jorge Perdigao Frank A. Scannapieco College of Dentistry Paul Warren
Craig Phair Othman Shibly Saskatoon Canada
Jill Stoltenberg Gerry Uswak (dean) UltraDent
Columbia University College of
Omar Zidan Alan Kilistoff Vicki Drent
Dental Medicine
Dan Fisher
University of Missouri-Kansas Richard M. Lichtenthal University of Melbourne
City School of Dentistry Medical College of Georgia Melbourne, Australia *Due to timing of this publication,
Pam Overman School of Dentistry Michael Burrow this policy is pending approval of
John Purk Steven M. Adair Martin John Tyas the CDA House of Delegates, Nov.
John Thurmond 2-4, 2007.
Howard University College of Educational Organizations
University of Nebraska Medical Dentistry ADEA Cariology Special Interest
Center College of Dentistry Tadasha E. Culbreath Group
John Reinhardt (dean) Cheryl E. S. Fryer
N. Blaine Cook Andrea D. Jackson ADEA Council of Students
Larry D. Haisch Janis Mercer
Michael P. Molvar Advisory Committee of the
Henry A. St. Germain Howard University Consortium of Operative
Cheryl Fryer Dentistry Educators (CODE)
Janis Mercer

n o v e m b e r 2 0 0 7 801
c o n s e n s u s s tat e m e n t
c da j o u r n a l , vo l 3 5 , n 1 1

cons e ns u s s tat e m e n t, c on tin ued f ro m 7 9 9

n Minimal operative intervention of defined by the American Dental Asso- ling caries as a multifactorial disease.
cavitated lesions and defective restorations. ciation Council on Scientific Affairs in n Diagnosing the disease of dental
2006, is an approach to oral health care caries is much more involved than simply
Implementation guidelines for that requires the judicious integration detecting the signs of the disease pro-
Clinical Practice of systematic assessments of clinically cess (the physical changes on teeth).
The following statements are sug- relevant scientific evidence relating to the n The contemporary definition of
gested ways to implement caries manage- patients oral and medical condition and prevention is the art and science of man-
ment by risk assessment principles into history, with the dentists clinical exper- aging the risk factors of each individual
clinical practice: tise and the patients treatment needs patient to promote optimum oral health.
and preferences ( n Elevating the standard for caries
1. treating the disease of caries management requires global collabora-
Successful clinical use of CAMBRA tion among the entire dental profes-
requires the dental team to understand: sion, industry, and government.
n Caries is defined as an infectious,
caries, the most
transmissible disease process where a common chronic 2. pediatric risK assessment for the
complex cariogenic biofilm, in the pres- child from birth to age 5
disease of our children,
ence of an oral environmental status that n Assessment of the caries risk status
is more pathological than protective, and virtually universal of the young child is essential before a
leads to the demineralization and even- treatment plan can be designed.
among adults,
tual cavitation of dental hard tissues. n Children should be under the care of
n Caries, the most common chronic is both curable a dental professional by age 1.
disease of our children, and virtually n Caries risk assessment for the young
and preventable
universal among adults, is both curable child starts with a parent or caregiver
and preventable, and therefore should be interview and education.
given top priority and the full resources of n A clinical examination of the child
our profession. sources/pubs/jada/reports/index.asp). completes the assessment.
n The conventional restorative ap- n CAMBRA, which includes mini- n The risk assessment drives the
proach alone will not eliminate the mally invasive restorative procedures, decisions about preventive, therapeutic,
disease of caries. Preventing caries and is a way to clinically implement the behavioral, and restorative approaches
remineralizing early lesions are cost-effec- principles outlined in the 2002 FDI and determines which of the risk factors
tive treatment options and will enhance Policy Statement, Minimal Intervention involved needs modification to correct the
success of all aspects of dentistry. in the Management of Dental Caries. imbalance.
n CAMBRA uses evidence-based CAMBRA, Minimal Intervention, and n The overall aim is to determine
treatment decisions based on the car- Minimally Invasive Dentistry are all whether the child has active dental caries,
ies risk status of the individual as terms that support these principles. or is likely to have dental caries in the
determined by the balance or imbal- n Minimally invasive dentistry is future, and to intervene with patient/
ance between the pathological factors a concept involving early to advanced caregiver education and a combination of
and protective factors of each patient. carious lesions and their treatment by approaches designed to arrest or reverse
Pathological factors include cariogenic minimal intervention. It includes the the disease and markedly improve the
bacteria, frequent ingestion of ferment- principles of remineralization techniques future oral health status of the child.
able carbohydrates, and salivary dysfunc- for early and advanced lesions, treatment
tion. Protective factors include, but are of cariogenic plaque to reduce and pre- 3. risK assessment for age 6
not limited to, adequate saliva and its vent future carious lesions, use of mini- through adult
caries preventive components, fluoride mal intervention for cavitated lesions, n Assessment of the caries risk status
therapy, and antibacterial therapy. repair rather than replacing defective of children and adults is essential before
n Evidence-based dentistry, as restorations when possible and control- a treatment plan can be designed.

802n ov e m b e r 2 0 0 7
c da j o u r n a l , vo l 3 5 , n 1 1

n Caries risk assessment for the child n Topical antibacterial therapy should mulation. Unfortunately, restorative work
and adult combines an assessment of be used whenever a high cariogenic bacte- alone does not deal with the bacterial
disease indicators and risk factors. rial challenge is identified and patients infection in the remainder of the mouth.
n A small number of key disease indi- should be informed it could require re- n Caries recall appointments at
cators and risk factors determine whether peated treatments. In addition to bringing appropriate intervals are essential to
the individual is at low, moderate, high, or down the bacterial challenge, intensive monitor, renew, and reinforce the pro-
an additional category called extreme risk. remineralizing actions must be taken. posed caries management and preven-
Extreme risk is designated when a patient n Elements of a successful remineral- tion plan for the individual patient.
at high risk from other factors also has se- ization therapy include thorough caries n Reassessment of the caries risk sta-
vere hyposalivation or other special needs. disease diagnosis, early lesion detection, tus is necessary at each caries recall visit.
n Risk factors are biological, behav- n The overall aim of the clinical
ioral, or socioeconomic contributors to protocol is to reduce the acidogenic
the caries disease process that can be bacterial challenge, to reduce or eliminate
modified as part of the treatment plan.
extreme risK is other risk factors, to enhance salivary
n If the disease is currently active, or designated when a function where needed, to enhance the
if there is the future risk of progression of repair process by remineralization, and
dental caries, intervention appropriate to
patient at high risk to employ a minimally invasive approach
the risk status is required to correct the from other factors when restorative treatment is needed.
caries imbalance before cavitation occurs. n All patients should be informed
also has severe of preventive choices and appropriate
4. clinical protocols hyposalivation minimally invasive restorative options, if
needed, based on the location (site), depth
The clinical management of dental caries is
or other special needs. (severity), and activity of the problem as
based upon the caries risk assessment. well as their current caries risk status.
n Following a caries risk assessment, n Adhesive dental materials such
an evidence-based treatment plan is and determination of proper treatment as composite resin and glass ionomer
developed based upon the level of risk, interventions based on location, activ- products should be considered for
namely low, moderate, high, or extreme. ity, and severity of the carious lesions, conservative treatment of caries. Glass
n The objective clinical judgment of the including the development of a treat- ionomer because of its chemical, rather
dentist, i.e., the ability to combine and use ment plan to minimize surgical treat- than micromechanical, interaction (seal)
the identified risk factors based on the ment based on the individual risk level. to tooth mineral may have additional
patients clinical situation, has been shown n Chemical therapy is employed to ad- caries protective effects, especially on
to be one of the most powerful ways to just the imbalance between the pathological dentin or cementum (root surfaces).
determine an individuals caries risk. factors and the protective factors in order to
n High- and extreme-risk individuals reverse or halt the progression of early cari- 5. products
require antibacterial therapy, reduction ous lesion progression toward cavitation. n The evidence base for current
of identified risk factors, remineraliza- n Minimally invasive restorative products used to treat and prevent
tion therapy. Extreme risk individu- work is included in the treatment plan dental caries should be evaluated and
als with severe salivary dysfunction as needed to restore the function and considered prior to use in practice.
require additional therapy, such as the esthetics of the tooth. Proper mate- n Antibacterials (e.g., chlorhexidine,
use of buffering agents and calcium rial selection should be based on the iodine, xylitol, combinations of essen-
and phosphate supplementation. individual risk assessment to reduce tials oils, chlorine-based products) can
n Moderate-risk individuals require future failures in restored teeth. be used to reduce levels of pathogenic
improved remineralization therapy and n Restoration may be needed to organisms. Bacterial assessment may
reduction of other risk factors, which restore the function of the tooth and help in monitoring the process and
may include antibacterial therapy. eliminate retentive sites for plaque accu- motivating patient involvement.

n o v e m b e r 2 0 0 7 803
c o n s e n s u s s tat e m e n t
c da j o u r n a l , vo l 3 5 , n 1 1

n Buffering products are needed visions in a concise, concrete, and easy- sufficient revenue to justify its economic
to neutralize acid attacks when to-understand manner, as well as provide existence. The entire dental team must
there is a lack of healthy saliva. the resources required for the acquisition be comfortable with charging patients
n Topical fluoride from numerous of new skills, knowledge, or materials. a fee commensurate with the service
sources (office and home) should be used n Successfully integrating CAM- provided. Patients may be comfortable
to enhance remineralization. (e.g., 5 per- BRA into a practice requires that the with CAMBRA-related fees once the
cent sodium fluoride varnish, 1,000-5,000 entire dental team understands and dental professional helps them under-
ppm fluoride toothpastes, .05 percent supports the philosophical change. stand what value they are receiving.
sodium fluoride rinses). Patients not ad- Once an implementation strategy is
hering to home-care fluoride recommen- set, deciding which team members are 7. the team approach
dations should receive more individual responsible for each step is crucial. n The team approach is essential
office-based professional topical applica- n Use established networks for the successful caries management
tions of fluoride, such as fluoride varnish. and evidence-based resources to program in the dental office, and the role
n The evidence-based clinical recommen- find information and colleagues of the dental auxiliary is critical in the
dations for professionally applied topical for support and advice such as: overall management of the program. The
fluoride, as endorsed by the ADA Council on l dental auxiliary will prepare and maintain
Scientific Affairs in 2006, can serve as a l the CAMBRA dental practice by provid-
chairside reference for patient care and can l ing the caries risk assessment, thorough
be found at sigcariology/sigcariology.html patient education and necessary supplies.
pubs/jada/reports/index.asp. l n A CAMBRA-trained dental auxiliary
n To increase patient cooperation, l (dental hygienist or dental assistant) can
products can be dispensed directly by l be the designated prevention special-
the clinician, rather than prescribed. l ist overseeing all CAMBRA activities
n Calcium and phosphate products n Supplement patient education in the practice (where permissible by
can be used to replace those minerals sessions using mu ltiple approaches the Dental Practice Act). This preven-
missing in patients with reduced salivary (e.g., newsletters, Web sites, pamphlets, tion specialist will ensure the CAMBRA
function. Other patients with observed handouts, and literature search engines protocol is being implemented with
surface demineralization (e.g., white such as PubMed or DVDs). Fully inform each patient encounter to develop and
spots) may benefit from this therapy patients of all options available to them, implement preventive patient care
in addition to fluoride treatments. including recommended, as well as elec- based on the patients risk assessment.
n New products and treatment strate- tive procedures, and let them choose. n The practice administrative staff
gies are emerging that are expected to be n It is important to follow the prin- plays an important role as practice
even more useful to effectively modify the ciples and rules of high-quality practice. ambassadors. The administrative staff
oral environment and should be evalu- l Use proper documentation and will take the lead role in CAMBRA
ated and considered when appropriate. record clinical and radiographic patient communication and third-party
findings. payer reimbursement opportunities.
6. implementation into practice l Include location, activity, and n The dental team, led by the den-
n There are many reasons to imple- severity of lesions (e.g., use of ICDAS tist, is a practical way to make CAM-
ment CAMBRA into practice, including codes, laser fluorescence readings, BRA work. The dentist will support
ethical, legal, and standard of care issues, photographs before, during, and after the CAMBRA process financially and
but the most important reason is the treatment, etc.) philosophically to provide a success-
benefit to the patient. CAMBRA provides l Record accurately the agreed- ful environment for implementation.
strategies to attain and maintain a healthy upon treatment plan and include n New and existing patients ben-
environment in a patients mouth. detailed progress note entries. efit from the CAMBRA protocol by
n The dentist must communicate pas- n Establish a sound business model having the disease addressed before
sionately to the dental team the goals and for CAMBRA procedures that generates expensive restorative procedures are

8 0 4 n o v e m b e r 2 0 0 7
implemented. All patients will be in-
formed about the CAMBRA protocol
with the goal of disease management
through risk assessment procedures.
n New and existing patients are likely
to refer more people to the CAMBRA
office as they see the benefits of prac-
ticing this philosophy has for them.

8. behavioral change
As the complexity of prevention
increases, the disparity between what we
know and what we do is likely to widen.
The following are suggestions for positive
behavioral change in the active implemen-
tation of the CAMBRA initiative.
n Do not simply tell patients to do
what is good for them. Use motivational
interviewing, active listening, func-
tional analysis, goal setting, and dem-
onstrations of appropriate behaviors.
n It is important for dentists to
establish which option works best with
each of the employees in their office,
and for the dental care team to do the
same with each patient in the practice.

Current standards in caries manage-
ment emphasize risk assessment and
appropriate therapeutic interventions,
detection of early noncavitated lesions,
diagnosis of severity and activity of
lesions, and minimally invasive surgical
intervention only when needed using the
optimum dental materials based on the
patients problems. Collaboration among
research, education, industry, dental
health care workers, and patients, along
with the use of evidence-based treatment
recommendations, dental caries infections
can be prevented and controlled.

to request a printed copy of this article, please

contact Douglas A. Young, DDS, MS, MBA, University of the
Pacific, Arthur A. Dugoni School of Dentistry, 2155 Webster St.,
Room 400, San Francisco, Calif., 94115.

n o v e m b e r 2 0 0 7 805
Dr. Bob c da j o u r n a l , vo l 3 5 , n 1 1

Heavy Pondering on Light

Some 70 years later,

Im getting along in years now and, ing me for a long time, ever since the fifth
I still wonder about the with more time on my hands, Im starting grade when I first learned that light travels
to think more about The End than The at a speed of 186,282 miles a second.
mysteries of light. The Beginning. The concept of light traveling is un-
When I used to go to Sunday school clear to me. I think light just is. Or it isnt.
smallest unit of light is with a dime tied in the corner of my Thats what switches are for. Click! Light
called a photon. I thought handkerchief for the offering, I recall on. Click! Light off. I remember myself
being told that, assuming we got there, clearly at 10 years of age as a sort of
that was a Japanese bed. heaven would be a place where all our prepubescent detective Columbo bracing
questions would be answered, where per- my teacher.
fect understanding would at last be ours, Maam, could I ask you just one ques-
and presumably there would be no pop tion here? Im a little confused, Im sorry,
, Robert E. quizzes to spoil the lessons. That pleases thats the way I am, I get mixed up easily. I
Horseman, me no end, because I have some questions wont take a minute of your time, I know
DDS that need answering. youre busy. I apologize for bothering you,
These people who regularly report to but maybe you could just help me out
illustration the National Enquirer about their out-of- here. Just for a minute, I wont keep you.
by charlie o. body experiences all seem to agree on Then I would try to find out how we
one point they are all drawn, as if by a know that it takes light 32 light years to
celestial magnet, toward a beautiful white travel from a certain star to the Earth.
light. So one of the first things I do when I Who threw that switch? Is this written
get there is ask some questions about light down someplace? What makes light go?
and its properties. This has been bother- con t i n ue s on 8 2 1

822n ov e m b e r 2 0 0 7
november 07 dr. bob
c da j o u r n a l , vo l 3 5 , n 1 1

d r. b o b , c o n t i n u e d f r o m 8 22

Why doesnt it just stay where it is? Does even with fresh alkaline cells. was shortened to LASER because by and
it go in a straight line just to our planet From a practical viewpoint, our light of are prepositions and thus forbidden
like a flashlight beam, or does it go to all would take as long to get to them as theirs to appear in the middle of acronyms by
the other planets as well and at the same to us, so what they are looking at even as the Joint Emergency Reserve Kibitzer
time? My teacher aged visibly during the we speak is probably primordial ooze and Service (JERKS).
fifth grade, developed a tic and seemed not even worth sending down a saucer to Lasers big feature is that its coherent
genuinely relieved when we got off astron- check out. light. What might render you incoherent
omy and into the American Revolution. With dentistry edging into lasers at is the price. My question: What do I get
But now, some 70 years later, I still slightly less than the speed of light, could for my $40,000 dental laser besides some
wonder about the mysteries of light. The I bother to ask one little question here? very fancy light that can cut, coagulate,
smallest unit of light is called a photon. I Theres something I dont understand. Im and vaporize?
thought that was a Japanese bed. Did you sorry, its not your fault, its mine. I know Could I achieve the same degree of
know that? I dont mean to bother you, you told me all this before, but could we one-upmanship on the cutting edge of
but theres just one more thing. Like, if I just go over it once more? Just take a min- my ever-shortening life with a $40,000
point a flashlight with a couple of C cells ute. I remember the acronym stands for BMW? Im just asking. I know it will only
into the dark, the beam will penetrate, light amplification by stimulated emis- go about 120 mph, but at least its the
say, a hundred feet or so, and then what? sion of radiation, or LABSEOR, which kind of traveling I understand.
Does the light go, Well, thats it! Im
pooped, I cant go any farther, Im not
gonna make it! and just stops in midair
or describes a gentle trajectory towards
the ground? At 186,282 miles a second,
it doesnt have much time to decide on a
course of action.
It must be the same with these distant
stars. Suppose some folks on Alpha
Centauri want to dazzle us with a little
light show, some colored strobes and
dancing fountains; anybody in charge
there would veto this idea as impractical
because it would take 157 gazillion years

for the display to reach us and by that
time most of us would have tired of wait-
ing and gone home. These Earth people
have no patience, the Alpha Centaurians
would complain. They wont even wait for
Christmas; start decorating in October,
for crying out loud!
And since the Earth turns on its axis
(another leap of faith), suppose the light
did finally reach us and we were on the
opposite side? By the time we found a
parking space and located a good view-
ing angle WHOOM! at 11,176,920
miles an hour, the show would be over
and we would have missed the whole
thing. Then would the light have just
gone on forever? My flashlight wont,

n o v e m b e r 2 0 0 7 821

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