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How will I make my programme stand out and

appeal to an audience?
In order to make my programme appealing to an audience it first of all must
comply with their needs and gratifications (Uses and Gratifications).
Information the programme will provide the audience with first-hand
accounts of the lives of Transgenders in the UK, it will inform them of the
prejudice some trans people face, how to recognise if you yourself are
transgender and the help and support that is available for them through the
LBGT community.
Entertainment obviously the programme does not want to be boring, it will
want to include a mix of happy and emotional scenes, therefore following
Todorovs narrative structure. Furthermore by having the mix feeling scenes it
will take the audiences emotions on a journey and keep them engaged in the
programme. (Altmans Active Audience Theory Emotional pleasure)
Social Interaction the show will have its own hashtag for Twitter and own
social media pages. Also the show will provide the audience with links to the
casts social media, allowing them to get in contact and ask any questions they
may have.
Personal Identity a sense of personal identity will be created if members of
the audience are as well transgender, it will help form a collective identity and
ensure them they are no alone and have all the support they could ever need.

In order to appeal both a young and old demographic, the show will include
young and old age ranges. (All cast must be 16 years + as one transgender show
was heavily criticised by the public, with the Mail on Sunday reporting that
people campaigned that exposing young minds to such controversial issues will
only confuse them).
Stereotypes of Transgender
We aim to change the stereotype of Transgenders. In Jamison Green
autobiography Becoming a visible man, he mentions that when he went to a
group of university students and told them that a transsexual will be speaking
to them, almost all of them immediately thought of a six foot plus, horse faced,
over made up man in a miniskirt, fishnets and heels. They said they were not
expecting a professional short guy with a beard and a tweedy elbow patched
jacket. (2004)
When asked a group of 40 year olds +, I said when I say transgender what
image pops into your head. I had responses like sexual, bold makeup and
fishnets. This proves how peoples thoughts on Transgenders are being based
upon stereotypes, especially in the older generations.
Traditionally Transgender stereotypes were shown through characters like Dr.
Frank N. Furter from the Rocky Horror Picture Show and Billy from Silence of
the Lambs. Transgender individuals in these films are portrayed as sex
obsessed, violently disturbed and murderous psychopaths. These characters
gravely dehumanise Transgenders and reinforce unrepresentative stereotypes.
Other programme which I dont believe has depicted Transgenders in a positive
light is Benidorm (2010). The character Lesely Conroy self-mocks
Transgenders and is used rather for a humorous purpose rather than making
people aware of what Transgender actually is.

In this episode Mateo (who is dressed up as the women in the floral dress) is
mistaken for a prostitute and arrested, but isnt this just putting wrong ideas into
peoples head for how transgender people actually look, many in fact look like
Jacqui Gavin
Anry Fuentes
Caitlyn Jenner
The stereotypes of Transgender also isnt helped by
celebs such as Caitlyn Jenner. Jenner came out as
Trans in an interview with Diane Sawyer in April
Since coming out, Caitlyn has posed for a variety of
photo shoots such as Vanity Fair. However I dont
believe her posing with a tight corset bodysuit for
millions to see is helping subvert the stereotype of a
transgender. In this particular photo she looks quite
sexual, with her hands behind her back suggesting she
has something to hide. If anything she is simply
reinforcing the traditional stereotype of a transgender.
Vanity Fair 2015 Furthermore when typed in google transgender the
first image that pops up is the Caitlyn Jenner one
shown above, so is this therefore implying as soon as
someone says transgender she is the first person they
think of? If so this needs to change, we want people to
immediately think of a real person, someone who is
a part of the LGBT community and doesnt live off
the fame and publicity her becoming trans has given
her. Through the use of my documentary it will help
subvert this unrepresentative stereotype

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