EY Enhanced Oil Recovery

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Enhanced oil

recovery (EOR)
methods in Russia:
time is of the
I. Introduction ..................................................................................1

II. EOR worldwide ..............................................................................2

III. EORs relevance and importance to Russian producers ..................7

IV. EOR potential in Russia .................................................................9

V. Economics of EOR projects: tax burden as a driving factor ...........11

VI. Other constraints to the EOR use in Russia ..................................15

VII. Most promising projects in Russia ...............................................16

VIII. Conclusions.................................................................................18

Contacts .............................................................................................20
I. Introduction
The replacement of conventional fuels (oil, The development and commercial In the Soviet times, Russia was among
gas, coal) with alternative ones has been deployment of modern enhanced oil the worlds pioneers in deploying EORs
under intense scrutiny for several decades. recovery methods (EORs) is today seen suffice it to mention reservoir pressure
Many experts believe that debates around as the global oil industrys core way to maintenance techniques that involve gas,
this matter are likely to continue in the improve the efficiency of initial recoverable air and water injections, hydrofracturing
foreseeable future. In particular, BP has reserves through an enhanced oil recovery and hydrochloric acid treatment. Over
revised its expectations downward as to the factor (ORF), a measure that represents the past decade, additional output gained
use of biofuels in its Annual Energy Outlook the percent of the in-place oil discovered by modern EORs remained unchanged at
2030. With the lack of significant scientific that is technically recoverable. best. Application of these methods had
advances on the alternative energy front, no significant impact on overall operating
With over a hundred various related
global oil demand is set to remain high. performance, with EOR-based output
technologies now available worldwide,
According to the consensus forecast, there accounting for only 3% of Russias total
the development of new solutions
will be no significant shift in oils share of output, compared with over 10% in the US.
continues to gather steam. Primary and
the global energy mix, which will make up The lack of government support is one of
secondary generations of EORs have
27% to 30%1 by 2030. Hence, considering the key reasons for EORs not being fully
made way for tertiary ones that are
that energy consumption is expected to rise deployed in Russia. However, persistent
explored in this report. Traditionally, these
at an estimated average rate of 1.6%, oil worrying trends observed in West Siberia,
methods have included modern enhanced
demand, exclusive of gas condensate, might the countrys oil heartland (daily oil
oil recovery technologies (primarily
grow in absolute terms from todays production dropped by around 7% from
thermal, gas, chemical and microbial)
88 million barrels per day (mbd) to more 2006 to 2012), and no new attractive
incorporating innovative solutions.
than 100 mbd by 2030. licensed sites available in the open acreage
While involving major expenditures at the indicate the continuing importance of
It is no secret that the age of easy oil
initial stage, EORs, when implemented, EORs. Without such methods, achieving
is coming to an end. Most of the worlds
make it possible to expand the companies sustainable production at the levels
largest producing fields are approaching
resource bases as the essential condition projected in the General Plan for Oil Industry
depletion, and their remaining reserves
for their capitalization. Some estimates Development 2020 will be a challenge.
are classified as hard to recover. The
suggest that the growth of the global
peak of new oil discoveries occurred in
ORF by just 1% would permit increasing
the 1970s; at the same time, it takes an
conventional oil reserves by around
average of about 25 years for an oil field
88 billion barrels, which is nearly three
to enter the fourth, and last, stage of
times the current annual output.
development. Therefore, exploring for
new reserves and improving oil recovery
factor are high on the agenda. However,
given constantly increasing geological
knowledge, discoveries are now becoming
more predictable. It is no wonder, then, that
almost all of the worlds leading vertically
integrated oil companies (VIOCs) invest
heavily in innovative solutions focusing
on reserves already explored and put into
development. According to our estimates,
international oil companies (IOCs) invested
about US$5b in new technologies in 2011.

International Energy Agency, ExxonMobil, Shell, BP,
Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries.

Enhanced oil recovery (EOR) methods in Russia: time is of the essence 1

II. EOR worldwide
To enhance the economic efficiency life cycle of an oil field. They comprise elastic energy, dissolved gas drive, edge
of hydrocarbon development, reduce three main stages (Figure 1). water drive, gas cap drive as well as
direct investments and optimize potential gravity. The natural drive of a
The first oil extraction stage will involve
capital reinvestment environment, field actually unlocks 5% to 10% of oil.
using, wherever possible, the fields natural
various oil recovery improvement
drive (reservoir pressure) that includes
methods are applied throughout the

Figure 1. Hydrocarbon recovery methods

Natural drive

Oil recovery
Flow production Artificial lift
5% to 15%

Secondary methods

Water flooding and Oil recovery

Water flooding
hydrodynamic methods 20% to 60%

Tertiary methods

Oil recovery
Thermal methods Physicochemical methods
35% to 75%

Steam injection Surfactant

Gas methods solutions
injection Polymers
Hydrocarbon gas
In-situ Foams
combustion 2
Thermal gas Nitrogen

Sources: VNIINeft; Oil and Gas Vertical, February 2012.

2 Enhanced oil recovery (EOR) methods in Russia: time is of the essence

The second stage involves reservoir Where a field has high water cuts and However, secondary and tertiary recovery
pressure maintenance techniques, depletion level (Figure 2), the third stage methods largely complement each other,
namely water injection, that ensures will be needed to improve the development and there is no clear distinction between
20% to 60% oil recovery. efficiency using enhanced oil recovery them. Statistical sources provide different
methods that are the subject of our information on the use of modern
study. These methods raise reservoir EORs. Yet the professional community
recovery potential from 35% to 75%. generally refers to the following
well-varied methods as modern EORs:
Gas displacement: carbon dioxide
Figure 2. Key factors driving EOR investment considerations (2), nitrogen (air) or gas injection
Physicochemical methods:
100% chemicals injection (e.g., alkali,
surfactant or polymer)
Heat (thermal) methods: steam injection
Horizontal drilling with multistage
80% hydrofracturing that consists
of tubing-conveyed hydraulic
r EO jet perforating and further
fo hydrofracturing per operation
Depletion level

60% ne


0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Water cut level

Source: Estimates of Ernst & Youngs Moscow Oil & Gas Center.

Enhanced oil recovery (EOR) methods in Russia: time is of the essence 3

Global experience shows that gas, As for the relevance of EOR methods, The International Energy Agency3 provides
physicochemical and thermal methods there are multifactor models describing extended criteria for EOR use: depth,
raise the oil recovery factor by 5% to 10%, a fields reaction to a given method. current recovery ratio, temperature,
3% to 8%, and 15% to 20%, respectively.2 The applicability of EOR technologies gravity, permeability, rock type (Table 1).
depends, very broadly, on two factors:
According to our findings, thermal
the depth of the reservoirs and the
projects account for 50% of the
physicochemical properties of oil,
worlds EOR-based output, while
primarily gravity and viscosity.
nitrogen and 2 injection share
45%, and chemical methods hold
only 5% (Figure 3). Gas and thermal
EORs are in widest use in the US.

Figure 3. Structure of EORs global use Table 1. Criteria governing the use of an EOR method

Chemical methods

Expected extra ORF (%)

Remaining recoverable

recoverable reserves)
Density (kg/cubic m)

reserves (% of initial

Permeability (mD)

Temperature ( C)

Depth (m)
Rock type

Nitrogen injection >850 >40 Carbon >2,000 190 n/a

Hydrocarbon injection >904 >30 Carbon >1,350 20 40
CO2 injection >904 >20 Carbon >700 5 25
45% 50% Polymer injection >966 >70 Sand <3,000 >10 <95 5 30
Gas Thermal
drive methods Surfactant injection >946 >35 Sand <3,000 >10 <95 5 30
>1,000 >50 Sand >50 >50 >40 n/a
under rapid oxidation
Source: Estimates of Ernst & Youngs Moscow Oil & Thermal/steam injection >1,014 >40 Sand <1,500 >200 10 60
Gas Center.

Source: International Energy Agency.

Enhanced Oil Recovery: Experience and Prospects, Neftegazovaya Vertikal, May 2011.
World Energy Outlook, International Energy Agency.

4 Enhanced oil recovery (EOR) methods in Russia: time is of the essence

Figure 4 illustrates the criteria governing specific EOR method is required. Thus, As shown in Figure 4, certain areas allow
the use of an EOR method. The criteria rely chemical projects are feasible at a depth for various EOR methods. This is to say that
on mean Russian indices and are exclusive of 2,500 m, while steam projects can when regulating EOR use, the government
of ultra-heavy oil or bituminous oil. As oil be implemented as deep as 1,000 m. should create a level playing field for all
viscosity (density) and depth increase, a companies, regardless of method used.
Note that the largest oil and gas
companies, capable of investing huge
funds into research, use tertiary EORs
Figure 4. Criteria governing the use of an EOR method
with great efficiency. In implementing
its LaBarge Project, ExxonMobil, for
Oil viscosity (centipoise, cP) example, expanded its carbon dioxide
capture plants (about 7.5 billion tons).
0 10 100 1,000 10,000 100,000
Some of the captured gas is involved
in the enhanced oil recovery project.
2,000 Royal Dutch Shell, which operates in
Oman through a strategic alliance with
Petroleum Development Oman, also
successfully applies innovative EORs. In
4,000 particular, the company injects steam in
the Qarn Alam, Fahud and Amal fields,
dissolved gas in sites of subsurface
Reservoir depth (ft)

Steam injection resources of the Al-Noor and Harvil

6,000 fields, and applies chemical methods for
Gas injection the Marmul, Nimr and Amin fields.*
Polymer injection Joint ventures of Royal Dutch Shell
and ExxonMobil deploy a number of
8,000 Surfactant injection
enhanced oil recovery projects that
Carbon and CO2 injection involve heat (thermal) methods. These
are well exemplified by the Aera Project
(California) and the Schoonebeek
10,000 Nitrogen injection Project (the Netherlands).*


Source: Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) Report, Royal Dutch Shell.

* Corporate data.

Enhanced oil recovery (EOR) methods in Russia: time is of the essence 5

Chevron, ConocoPhillips, Occidental In 1976, the USSR Council of Ministers Worldwide, EOR is estimated to produce
Petroleum, Anadarko, Petrobras, adopted the regulation on enhanced oil 120 million to 130 million tons annually.
Wintershall and TPAO actively employ recovery methods to specify additional In the US, such projects provide around
various EOR methods. Although most output volumes using tertiary recovery. 40 million tons,6 or approximately 30%
commonly used in North America, of the global EOR oil. This is more than
In the early 1990s, Russias annual output
these methods are also popular in many 10% of the US overall oil output.
grew from 6 million to 12 million tons4 as a
other countries, including Egypt, Brazil,
result of the use of the EORs of that time. According to forecasts by the International
Indonesia and the Netherlands.*
Global EOR-based production totaled about Energy Agency, projects involving
Russias role in the development of 100 million tons. By that time, Russia up-to-date EOR methods will unlock over
EORs changes constantly. The USSR was had been deploying over 20 methods 300 million tons of oil annually by 2030.
originally the powerhouse for many EOR (130 technologies) on over 330 target The US, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and China will
methods. Well before the 1950s, the Soviet formations (150 fields), containing in-place provide three-quarters of the said amount.
Union started using different well patterns, oil resources of around 5 billion tons, The involvement of Russian companies
adjusting injection pressure and selecting or 75% of the reserves developed using is essential to foster the development
target formations, as well as employing EORs in the former USSR. Contemporary of the national oil industry. Otherwise,
other methods to improve efficiency. Russias EOR deployment rate dropped in Russia risks falling behind the rest of the
Back in the 1960s, water drive efficiency absolute terms, while in relative terms it world in embracing the new opportunities
was improved, owing to the application tended to grow. Virtually no fundamental offered by innovative technologies.
of various additives such as surfactants, research was conducted. The Russian
hydrocarbon gas, alkali and acids. ORF was decreasing, with the share of
tight reserves continuously growing.
In the late 1980s/early 1990s, Russia
practiced thermal methods with The US made use of Soviet know-how
the Usinsk (Timan-Pechora) and and successfully commercialized it.
Gremykhinsk (Volga-Ural) formations
The International Energy Agency
and applied physicochemical methods
estimates that about 3% to 3.5% of
to the Romashkinskoye (Tatarstan)
global oil output5 is unlocked by tertiary
and Samotlor (West Siberia) fields. The
recovery projects (Figure 5).
latter underwent gas injection as well.

Figure 5. Structure of global hydrocarbon production output, mbd

Gas condensate liquid
100 Unconventional oil
Crude oil undeveloped elds
Crude oil EOR

60 Crude oil unexplored elds

40 Crude oil developed elds


1990 2000 2010 2020 2030

Source: International Energy Agency.

* Corporate data.

VNIINeft; Oil and Gas Vertical, May 2011.
World Energy Outlook, International Energy Agency.
Oil Recovery Improvement Methods in Russia and Abroad: Experience and Prospects, Bureniye i Neft, February 2011.

6 Enhanced oil recovery (EOR) methods in Russia: time is of the essence

III. EORs relevance and importance
to Russian producers
As noted above, the age of easy oil major stumbling blocks impeding the in extraction technologies did not deliver
is coming to an end. The share of development of the national oil sector. the required efficiencies in further
hard-to-recover reserves in Russias The document also lists challenges to unlocking such reserves. ORF is an
reserve balance is growing steadily (more pursue that include the improvement essential metric for reserves estimates
than half with water cuts over 80%). of oil extraction technologies and the an increase of just 1% is equivalent to the
implementation of modern EOR methods, discovery of new reservoirs in several
Russian ORF shows negative performance,
which are required to stimulate ORF midsize fields. For example, such an
ranging from 34% to 40% by different
and achieve the strategic goals. increase would add 42 million tons7 to
estimates (Figure 6). The Russian Energy
the reserves of the Romashkinskoye
Strategy to 2030 emphasizes that There is a subtle link between ORF
field that is currently 80% depleted.
inefficient subsurface use, in particular performance and changes in the share
low oil recovery factors, is one of the of hard-to-recover reserves. Advances

Figure 6. Share of Russias hard-to-recover reserves vs. ORF

60% 0.5


30% 0.4

10% Initial recoverable reserves

0% 0.3 ORF
1961 1971 1981 1991 2001 2011

Source: The use of enhanced oil recovery in Russia and abroad: experience and prospects, Drilling and Oil, http://burneft.ru/archive/issues/2011-02/8, February 2011.

According to the Russian Ministry of The use of EORs in such fields seems most Russian output decreased from 70% to
Energy, around 10.7 billion tons out of practical, provided that due consideration 61%. The share of mature fields (excluding
22 billion tons of recoverable reserves8 is given to technical and economic factors. major assets of Yuganskneftegaz and
are uneconomic to produce (Figure 8). Salym Petroluem Development N.V.)
For example, deployment of tertiary
that had been on track for steady growth
A significant number of Russias producing recovery techniques in West Siberia, which
before 2012 dropped from 58% to 47%
fields, though constantly depleting, have accounts for over a half of Russias oil
over the above period (Figure 7).
stranded reserves that can be unlocked output, is crucial. Recent developments
using cutting-edge EOR techniques. in the region have not been encouraging,
with daily production declining by 7% over
the past seven years, from 2006 to 2012.
West Siberias contribution to the total

Tatneft data.
Report on the General Plan for Oil Industry Development 2020, dated 28 October 2010.

Enhanced oil recovery (EOR) methods in Russia: time is of the essence 7

Figure 7. West Siberias daily production

7.0 75%

65% West Siberia

60% West Siberia, excluding the output


5.0 of RN Yuganskneftegaz and Salym

55% Petroleum Development N.V.
West Siberias share in Russias
4.0 50%
45% West Siberias share, excluding
the output of RN Yuganskneftegaz
3.0 40% and Salym Petroleum Development N.V.
2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

Sources: Corporate data, estimates of Ernst & Youngs Moscow Oil & Gas Center.

This downward trend can be reversed if Delays in EOR technology upgrades Increased production of stranded
modern EOR methods are introduced; may substantially reduce budget oil in mature regions
otherwise, the objectives set in the revenues, which would otherwise
Gains in recoverable reserves
General Plan for Oil Industry Development be available, owing to:
with no exploration costs
2020, namely replacement of
Multiplicative effects on allied
reserves and efficient use of mineral Tertiary EORs could add 2.7 billion to
industries such as machine
resources, may not be achieved. 4 billion tons of recoverable reserves,
building, chemical and microbial
or 16% to 23%, to the CIS resource
Developing local high base, estimates by the International
technologies and services Energy Agency suggest.9

World Energy Outlook, International Energy Agency.

8 Enhanced oil recovery (EOR) methods in Russia: time is of the essence

IV. EOR potential in Russia
According to the Russian Ministry of Figure 8. International vs. domestic classification of Russias oil reserves
Energy, with the existing commercial
reserves of 22 billion tons (1, 2 22 billion tons
by Russian classification), Russia can
continue production at the current 4.4
20 10.7 billion tons
level for another 40 years. Note, (20%) New elds
Billion tons

however, that based on the international Uneconomic

15 to produce under
classification of reserves this figure is the current tax

11.7 Developed

Fields under
almost half, since account is taken only regime
10 (53%) reserves
of those reserves that are economically
extractable under the current tax regime.
5 10.2
Figure 8 shows that 80% of commercial 5.9 Undeveloped
(27%) reserves
reserves originate from developed fields 0
with extended production infrastructure,
while new fields account for only 20% of Russias reserves Russias reserves
according to international according to domestic
the total reserves. Major investments
classication classication (1, 2)
in exploration, development and new
infrastructure will be required to start Source: General Plan for Oil Industry Development 2020.
production from these new fields.
The Russian structure of reserves has seen
the share of hard-to-recover reserves rise Figure 9. Changes in the Russian Figure 10. Changes in the Russian
significantly over the past decade. Despite structure of recoverable oil reserves oil production structure
their growing share in total reserves
(Figures 9 and 10), such hydrocarbons
exhibit a slower production rate. From 100% 100%
14% 9% 6% 7%
2000 to 2011, the share of hard-to-recover
oil reserves in Russia increased from 56%
80% 80% 32%
to 62%, while production grew only from 36% 35%
3% to 8%. This trend, resulting in shrinkage 35%
and deterioration of the resource base, 60% 60% 3%
is most evident in mature oil regions. 8%
7% 16%
40% 40%
59% 50%
20% 44% 38% 20%

0% 0%
2000 2011 2000 2011

Easily recoverable reserves Tight reservoirs

Heavy and viscous oils Deposits below the gas cap

Source: Nefteservice analytical magazine, Issue 4 (20), winter 2012.

Enhanced oil recovery (EOR) methods in Russia: time is of the essence 9

The calculations of the International Figure 11. Forecast of EOR-based oil production
Energy Agency given in Figure 11 indicate Russias rank among other countries
that Russias EOR-based output will
amount to some 3 million tons in 2015 Oman
2015 2030
and about 20 million tons in 2030,10 which Algeria
is broadly in line with our estimates. Qatar
However, creating an economically
conducive environment for operators
applying modern EOR techniques is vital Russia
for their effective deployment in Russia. Canada
Russian companies with the largest
proven reserves have developed them to China
a lower extent, compared with that of the Saudi Arabia
worlds major public oil and gas companies US
(Figure 12). The estimated life of liquid
hydrocarbon reserves of selected domestic 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
and international companies is some 19 Million tons
and 12 years on average, respectively.
Source: International Energy Agency.
We believe that the use of modern
enhanced oil recovery methods is a
key to unlocking additional reserves.
The optimization of the tax regime Figure 12. Reserves of major global and domestic oil
for conventional fields (discussed in and gas companies estimated life in years
the following section of this report)
is important in this context. Tatneft
Gazprom Neft

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Hydrocarbons, total Oil

Sources: Corporate data, estimates of Ernst & Youngs Moscow Oil & Gas Center.

International Energy Agency, World Energy Outlook.

10 Enhanced oil recovery (EOR) methods in Russia: time is of the essence

V. Economics of EOR projects: tax burden
as a driving factor
The application of EOR technologies globally has allowed some statistics on production costs in the
upstream segment for different categories of projects to be gathered. According to the International
Energy Agency,11 these costs range from US$20/bbl to US$80/bbl (Figure 13).

Figure 13. Oil production costs

140 Other Arctic Heavy Oil

conventional oil oil bitumen shales
Already Conventional
100 EORs
produced MENA* oil




20 EOR/CO2 All deepwater

0 2,000 4,000 6,000

Available oil in millions of barrels

*MENA: Middle East and North Africa

Source: International Energy Agency.

The current Russian tax regime focuses in revenues (around 60%) and growing with the oil price at US$110/bbl, the net
primarily on high-producing fields where transport tariffs that oil companies cannot income of Russian VIOCs operating in the
the mining rent accounts for a large control are the main barriers to effective upstream segment would be only at the
share of the oil price. A high tax share cash flow management (Figure 14). Even lower side of the range estimated by IEA.

Figure 14. Net income structure in the Russian upstream segment

Oil price, US$/bbl

Export duty
20 Transport costs
0 Net income

Source: Estimates of Ernst & Youngs Moscow Oil & Gas Center.
Resources to Reserves, International Energy Agency, 2010.

Enhanced oil recovery (EOR) methods in Russia: time is of the essence 11

The fiscal policy adopted by the and export duties, are rather narrow and oils and certain types of reserves that
government generally lacks flexibility, targeted only at greenfield projects, except are hard to recover (not yet adopted),
with no consideration given to objective for some special circumstances. Not all coupled with the reduction of export
factors such as growing production costs incentives stimulate the use of modern duties under the 60-66 tax regime, will
due to slower flow rates and higher water EOR techniques in Russia. In our view, the encourage wider deployment of EOR.
cut, which make the share of the mining introduction of preferential tax treatment
rent in the oil price shrink drastically. The for depleted fields, projects involving
current tax incentives, including MET the production of heavy and extra heavy

Table 2. List of current and future tax benefits available to domestic oil producers (Urals price of US$110/bbl)

Grounds for In effect Eligibility Tax benefit Reduction of tax Positive effect
tax benefit from criteria period, years burden, US$/bbl* for EOR

Mineral Extraction Tax (MET)

Mature fields 2007 Depletion over 80% Unlimited 723 Yes
Heavy oil 2007 No production Unlimited 23 Yes
Oil extracted under 2003 No production Unlimited 23 No
PSA projects constraints
Yakutia, Irkutsk Region, 2009 Production up to 10* 23 No
Krasnoyarsk Territory 25 million tons**
Continental shelf above 2009 Production up to 10 23 No
the Arctic Circle 35 million tons**
Azov and Caspian Seas 2009 Production up to 7 23 No
10 million tons**
Yamal Peninsula, 2009 Production up to 7 23 No
Yamal-Nenetsky 15 million tons**
Autonomous Region
Black Sea 2012 Production up to 10 23 No
20 million tons**
Okhotsk Sea 2012 Production up to 10 23 No
30 million tons**
Regions north of 2012 Production up to 10 23 No
65N (exclusive of the 25 million tons**
Yamal Peninsula)
Reserve size (for projects 2005 Reserves less than Unlimited 0.110 No
depleted by less than 5%) 5 million tons
Government Decree No. TBD Reduced MET for Unlimited 0.123 Yes
700- of 3 May 2012 hard-to-recover
Government Decree No. TBD Continental shelf, N/A 23 No
443P of 12 April 2012 ad valorem tax rate
from 5% to 30%

12 Enhanced oil recovery (EOR) methods in Russia: time is of the essence

Grounds for In effect Eligibility Tax benefit Reduction of tax Positive effect
tax benefit from criteria period, years burden, US$/bbl* for EOR

Mineral Extraction Tax (MET)

Export duties
60-66*** 2011 Exported crude Unlimited 4 Yes
is taxed at 60%
Benefits for certain 2013 Yakutia, Irkutsk Until IRR reaches 28 No
regions (West Siberia, Region, Krasnoyarsk 16.3%
Caspian Sea, Yamal) Territory, Nenets
Autonomous District,
Yamal, Caspian Sea,
continental shelf
Heavy oil 2012 N/A Unlimited 49.5 Yes
Regulation No. 443P TBD Continental shelf N/A 55 No
of 12 April 2012

* At the oil price of US$110/bbl.

** Whichever is earlier.
*** 60 means 60% of crude export revenue levied in addition to US$4/bbl where the oil price is above US$25/bbl. Prior to the introduction of the new
tax regime, this rate was 65%.
Source: Estimates of Ernst & Youngs Moscow Oil & Gas Center.

The introduction of the 60-66 tax regime equivalent to additional gains from the US$4.4/bbl at the Urals price of
in October 2011 was the first step in Brent price rising by of almost US$110/bbl) were largely negated by a
encouraging greater investment in West US$25/bbl. The new system can extend higher MET. With the basic rate growing
Siberian brownfields. Suffice it to mention the life of a midsize field by at least five from RUB419 to RUB470 per ton, oil
that the around US$4/bbl gained by oil years. However, the advantages of the producers lose around US$2.5/bbl
producers in the new tax environment is new tax regime for oil producers (namely, at the oil price of US$110/bbl.

Enhanced oil recovery (EOR) methods in Russia: time is of the essence 13

Despite the introduction of the 60-66 compared with 13 cents before the new The specific tax burden on the oil sector,
regime, the overall tax burden on the regime was introduced. Depending on particularly on upstream brownfield
oil sector remains high. According to the sales structure, VIOCs with balanced projects in West Siberia, is considerably
our estimates, oil producers now earn operations may earn similar returns, higher than that borne by the worlds oil
18 cents on every dollar gained from benefiting from improved refining and gas majors. Taxation is therefore a
the oil price rising above US$25/bbl, margins, higher sales and gas business. barrier to investing in innovative EORs.

Figure 14. Price structure of a barrel of EOR oil


Break-even well Break-even well Unit EOR Transportation Income acceptable Potential
head price (prior to the head price costs to investor government take
60-66 regime) (the 60-66 regime)

Unit costs Transport costs Investor Government

Source: Estimates of Ernst & Youngs Moscow Oil & Gas Center.

The expected EOR-based production oil price of US$110/bbl and US$25/bbl fiscal framework that guarantees an
costs are estimated at US$50/bbl, at the oil price of US$90/bbl (based on acceptable level of return on investment
compared with around US$15/bbl for oil the forward curve as it stands today, this and promotes a wider use of EOR
produced using conventional techniques. price is essential to the assessment of technologies. Russia may follow suit
To guarantee an acceptable level of income EOR projects sensitivity). These levels by introducing a windfall tax payable
for investors, the tax take should not exceed of tax take will allow for large-scale on net income. Why not try it on pilot
US$45/bbl (about 80% of the export duty deployment of EOR in Russia. projects where EOR methods are used?
rate, or 0.48 against the current 0.60
Note that the US, Canada, UK and other
used in the calculation formula) at the
countries already benefit from a favorable

14 Enhanced oil recovery (EOR) methods in Russia: time is of the essence

VI. Other constraints to the EOR
use in Russia
The measurement of additional will maintain a specified production level The longer the revision process and
production resulting from EOR (e.g., a few percent above the natural the waiting time to obtain permits, the
programs is a challenging task. This is decline rate of the base production) and stronger the impact on the project
because such programs rely heavily negotiate with them a number of mutual economics. While modifying development
on simulation techniques, and exact obligations (including tax preferences plans post factum is also possible, this
numbers required by tax authorities granted upon achieving the target creates more legal risks for license holders.
cannot be accurately calculated. levels of production). While this solution
Human capital is another vital factor to the
will obviously have to be thoroughly
Given that the core principles of the efficient deployment of EOR in Russia
reviewed by lawyers, strategically it will
Russian fiscal system will remain innovative growth of the entire industry
enable the government to effectively
unchanged, with tax to be assessed is impossible without a comprehensive
manage Russias oil production levels
on revenues, rather than on the approach to the training of technical and
and control the amount of tax receipts
financial results, an industry-specific engineering staff. Moreover, it is crucial
generated by such projects.
methodology will be required to to realize that such projects will require
estimate extra output of EOR oil. Such Besides, there is the possibility of innovative thinking and the revision of
methodology should be approved by full windfall tax implementation certain corporate governance practices.
the Federal Tax Service. Otherwise, for pilot projects. Critical decisions are not always well
a direct accounting for an additional informed and are usually surrounded
The use of EOR is also hindered by
output may require not only drilling by multiple risks. EOR projects require
cumbersome and time-consuming
more wells but allocating EOR products a different approach, namely investing
procedures involving the approval of a
to individual transport streams, which in accurate data to minimize risks when
field development plan. More importantly,
may, in some cases, require construction making the final investment decision.
countries that stimulate development
of integrated oil processing facilities.
of unconventional hydrocarbon
This will significantly increase EOR costs reserves and deployment of EOR tend
that currently stand at US$50/bbl. It to amend their national legislation to
means that the government will either provide industry players with more
have to offer better tax benefits or include flexibility and agility in managing their
indirect accounting into the equation. businesses. To reach the required return
What are the possible solutions? If the on investment, companies often have
government feels strongly against any to revise the initial development plan as
calculation methodologies that would new geological data becomes available.
allow for an accurate assessment of extra
EOR-based output, introducing a windfall
tax would be the perfect solution. Before
such a tax is introduced, the government
may agree with license holders that they

Enhanced oil recovery (EOR) methods in Russia: time is of the essence 15

VII. Most promising projects in Russia
Despite persisting challenges, many Complex carbonate reservoirs So far, EOR methods have seen
Russian VIOCs realize the importance limited deployment in Russia.
Unconventional reserves of West Siberia
of EOR for their long-term growth and
(Bazhenov, Tyumen, Achimov and Information on EOR projects of domestic
are considering involvement in modern
other formations), Volga-Ural province oil companies is summarized in Table 3.
EOR projects to target the following:
(Domanik formations) and the south
Tight light oil plays of Russia (Khadum formations).
Heavy oil and natural oil bitumen

Table 3. Pilot EOR projects in Russia

Operator Field Region Narrative EOR method

LUKOIL Yareg Timan-Pechora Heavy oil and Thermal methods (two types)
natural bitumen

LUKOIL Usinsk Timan-Pechora Heavy oil and Compound (thermal

(Permo-Carboniferous) natural bitumen and chemical)

LUKOIL Tevlinsk-Russkinsk West Siberia Multistage hydrofracturing

LUKOIL-RITEK Sredne-Nazymskoye, West Siberia Unconventional reserves Thermal and hydraulic

Galyanovskoye in the oil source rock of methods
the Bazhenov formation

TNK-BP Talinskoye West Siberia Tight light oil plays Gas methods

TNK-BP Koshilskoye, North West Siberia Multistage hydrofracturing


Surgutneftegaz Aj-Pimskoye West Siberia Unconventional reserves Thermal and hydraulic

of the Bazhenov formation methods

Gazprom Neft Muravlenkovskoye West Siberia Depleted high-yield Integrated

field (over 80%)

Gazprom Neft and Rosneft Priobskoye West Siberia Tight light oil plays Gas methods
Thermal and gas methods

16 Enhanced oil recovery (EOR) methods in Russia: time is of the essence

Operator Field Region Narrative EOR method

Salym Petroleum West Salym, Upper West Siberia Chemical methods

Development N.V. (Gazprom Salym and Vadelyp
Neft and Royal Dutch Shell)

Tatneft Romashkinskoye Volga-Ural Depleted high-yield Chemical methods

field (over 80%) Gas methods

Tatneft Alshalchinskoye Volga-Ural Heavy oil and Thermal (steam and

natural bitumen thermal gas methods)

Zarubezhneft Visovoye Timan-Pechora Complex carbonate Thermal and gas methods


Source: Ernst & Youngs Moscow Oil & Gas Center.

Enhanced oil recovery (EOR) methods in Russia: time is of the essence 17

VIII. Conclusions
Given the high risks and significant capital Since EOR projects are more of a Such a collaborative approach will help
investments involved, implementation of venture whose success is contingent on secure government buy-in and shape
EOR projects in Russia is not economically many variables, management decisions tax incentives for future EOR projects.
justified under the existing tax regime, cannot be predetermined and involve However important the Arctic, East
which tends to focus on gross production, significant risk. It is therefore necessary Siberia and other new provinces may be,
rather than the profitability of the project. to remove bureaucratic roadblocks the monetization of existing oil reserves,
This keeps the tax burden growing hindering the development of the which cannot be achieved without EOR
regardless of the operating conditions national oil and gas sector. To generate technologies, is key to the long-term
of the site, affecting the investment maximum added value for themselves sustainable development of the oil and
capabilities of mineral rights holders and for the government, market players gas sector and securing stable revenue
and deterring them from participating in must be relieved of time-consuming streams for the government. Pilot projects
innovative projects such as EOR. In other efforts to obtain required approvals. with windfall tax implementations should
words, the fiscal function is the dominant be selected in mature regions where most
One of the ways to lay the groundwork for
element of the Russian tax system, which domestic producers are present and where
a commercial rollout of EOR technologies
serves to provide the government with a production is sliding into terminal decline.
would be to set up joint operations
stable revenue stream and has no effective For example, the Volga-Ural region, which
under full government control and to
instruments to stimulate innovation in contributes 20% of Russias oil production,
compensate operators for the portion
the oil sector. With the age of easy oil would be a good fit for a pilot project. Major
of capex/opex to be subtracted from tax
coming to an end, such an approach domestic VIOCs operating in this region
payments in the amount commensurate
could be detrimental to the long-term include Tatneft (26 million tons), TNK-BP
with incremental production.
future of the domestic oil sector. (about 20 million tons), Rosneft (17 million
Alternatively, to avoid potential tons), Bashneft (15 million tons), LUKOIL
According to estimates by Ernst & Youngs
controversies around the calculation of (15 million tons) and Gazprom Neft (1
Moscow Oil & Gas Center, the deployment
EOR oil, the government may agree with million tons). Other companies produce
of EOR technologies on a commercial
the mineral rights holder on a certain around 20 million tons in this region.
scale is not possible under the current
target production level to be achieved
tax regime. International experience Overall, there is a wide range of companies
and maintained for a specified period of
offers proof, with EOR projects being featuring various corporate cultures.
time. The entire amount of incremental
implemented primarily in countries
oil in excess of the established levels may Transitioning from revenue-based to
with a cost-sensitive tax system.
be subject to preferential tax treatment. profits-based taxation of mining income
(a windfall tax) would create long-term
There is an opportunity to transfer
economic incentives and enable the
pilot projects to be based on
full-scale deployment of advanced
windfall tax on net income.
oil extraction technologies. We are
confident that this will help Russia to
bridge the technology gap and catch
up with other oil-producing nations.

18 Enhanced oil recovery (EOR) methods in Russia: time is of the essence

Dale Nijoka Igor Boldyrev Oleg Svetleuschhyi
Global Oil & Gas Leader Partner, CIS Advisory Leader Partner, Ukraine Oil & Gas Leader
+1 713 750 1551 +7 495 705 9742 +380 44 490 3031
dale.nijoka@ey.com igor.boldyrev@ru.ey.com oleg.svetleuschyi@ua.ey.com

Alexey Loza Victor Borodin Ksenia Babushkina

Partner, CIS Oil & Gas Leader Partner, CIS Oil & Gas Tax Leader Director, Advisory Services Leader
+7 495 641 2945 +7 495 755 9760 for Kazakhstan and Central Asia, Oil
& Gas Group Leader in Central Asia
alexey.loza@ru.ey.com victor.borodin@ru.ey.com
Tel.: +7 727 258 5960
Alexey Konsrashov Grigory Arutunyan
Partner, Moscow Oil & Gas Center Leader Partner, Oil & Gas Advisory
Denis Borisov
+7 495 662 9394 +7 495 641 2941
Analytics Director,
alexey.kondrashov@ru.ey.com grigory.s.arutunyan@ru.ey.com
Moscow Oil & Gas Center
+7 495 664 7848

20 Enhanced oil recovery (EOR) methods in Russia: time is of the essence

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