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SAT Vocab.

List #12

1. exigent (adj): needing immediate attention

a. Because the deadline for my college application is this Monday, the need
to fix the error on my transcript it EXIGENT.
2. polemic (n): a passionate argument in favor of something or someone (often
a. Despite the valid arguments contradicting his argument, Mitchs
POLEMIC has not changed; he still fervently argues his position to point
of even screaming!
3. acolyte (n): somebody, especially a young person, who assists and/or follows a
a. Sonja is always trailed by her little ACOLYTES; they copy nearly
everything she does and look up to her so much.
4. nullify (v): to make something invalid/void; to cancel something out
a. I hope the face that I forgot to properly fill out the paperwork does not
NULLIFY my win; I worked on to earn that medal, and I do not want it
taken away on a technicality!
5. vilify (v): to make abusive and extremely hurtful statements about somebody
a. The Pleasanton Weekly has stopped becoming a place for news; rather, it
is now only a forum to VILIFY teachers, as nearly every article about the
budget crisis includes insults to educators.
6. endemic (adj): having to do with a particular place or among a particular group
a. The disease appears to be ENDEMIC to the Northern area of town, as
only the people there are exhibiting symptoms.
7. celerity (n): quickness in movement
a. I was surprised to see my aging dog move with such CELERITY after
that cat; I didnt realize she could still move that fast!
8. caustic (adj): very sarcastic, in a way that is bitter and causes intensely bad
a. While some find his humor funny, I just find is CAUSTIC; his angry
bitterness outweighs any wit he tries to convey.
9. repository (n): a place in which something is stored
a. I thought it was just a house that nobody lived in, but it turned out to be a
REPOSITORY for weapons; there were over a thousand guns and rounds
of ammunition in the garage alone!
10. torpor (n): lack of mental or physical energy
a. This constant rain has brought me into a dull TORPOR that I just cant
pull out off; I am so sluggish and depressed from these wet, gray skies!

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